#he hates his ruffle-y clothes
petitfarron · 7 months
Does your OC have a sense of occasion?  Or do they tend to dress and behave the same regardless of where they are or who they are with?  Does this make it more or less likely that they will be seen positively by others?  If they have a partner then what are their views on this?
This one's a little tricky, honestly. Pre-Dusk, Farron was all about dressing however he wanted, whenever he wanted, and he didn't tend to change his attitude for anyone. For him, it was simple if someone didn't like him... they could just move on!
For the most part, he's still like that, but seeing as both sets of Dusk's grandparents are fancy Ishgardian's, he does his best to act and dress a little more proper when he's going to be around them.
That means he wears ruffle-y, restrictive clothes that make his skin itch, and he tries his best to talk in a more polite manner.
Overall, I think people tend to see Farron in a fairly positive light as he is naturally friendly and outgoing. If they don't see him in a positive light, then he's fine with it, but he probably would've been giving those people a lot of space in the first place, regardless.
As for Dusk's views on it? He probably gets a kick out of watching Farron squirm on the yearly occasion he does dress up.
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klemen-tine · 7 months
Blowing Raspberries
Batfam x Male!Reader Platonic
@jaythes1mp Sorry this took so long and is not all in one part! But here is the first half.
Part 2
TW: Break in, Child Abuse (not the Batfam), and neglect
Publicly, Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson is the oldest Wayne sibling. Taken in by Bruce Wayne at 8-years-old, he is the first child and the oldest. In the eyes of the law and adoption papers. In the eyes of the Wayne family however, the oldest sibling title belongs to Y/N L/N. Similar to the Drakes, the L/N’s live on the other side of the Waynes, and similar to Tim, Y/N had been left home alone… a lot. 
Which meant he was over, a lot. So much so, he had his own room, Alfred made him a plate for every meal, and he was aware of their little nightly activities. Y/N L/N was a needed normalcy within the Manor, reminding them that there is more to life outside of crime fighting. 
“Did you see that new cafe?” Y/N asked, looking into Dick’s exhausted eyes while resting his chest against Jason’s head. Dick shook his head, “No. Why?” Y/N pouted, “Because you guys literally broke their windows last night.” Jason winced, remembering the shattering of glass and wide-eyed stares as he handled some thugs. 
“Please tell me that isn’t the cafe you wanted to go to today.” Dick buried his head in his hands and begged every deity that it was not that cafe. Y/N has been talking about it for weeks and finally found a time where all their schedules aligned so they could do it. 
“It was.” Jason and Dick groaned while Y/N stared at them with an annoyed expression. His arms that were wrapped around Jason tightened in a mocking chokehold, knowing that if Jason wanted to he could easily get out and have Y/N pinned. Dick groaned again, “Is… is there somewhere else you want to try?” 
“Not really.” ‘Fuck!’ Jason and Dick stared at one another, trying to figure out a way to still have this day with Y/N. If they don’t hurry, the vultures will swoop in and suggest something that will catch Y/N’s attention and– 
“Y/N, how about we got to the petting zoo.” 
“Buzz off short stack!” Y/N thumped Jason’s head with his chin, “Don’t talk to Dami like that.” The youngest Wayne smiled victoriously while his two older brothers glared at him. Dick looked offended and Jason was actually ready to strangle him. Y/N shook his head, “Dami, aren’t we going on Friday? I’m picking you up from school to go.” Damian scrunched his nose, “We can go twice.” 
Y/N couldn’t help but to chuckle, “Hmmm, those rabbits are cute.” Jason’s grip tightened, “The new bookstore in downtown! There’s a new bookstore that is supposed to have a cafe attached to it.” Damian scowled at Dick perked up, “Yeah, I forgot about that.” Y/N hummed, staring at Jason in concern, “Jay, you hate downtown.” It’s full of rich snobs and people who have nothing better to do than walk the streets in designer clothing. 
Jason made a face, “It’s our day with you, I’m fine with it as long as you’re there.” Dick gagged and Damian looked ready to chuck a knife at him. Y/N blinked at the younger man in shock before laughing, “That’s cute, okay. Let’s go there then.” He released Jason from his hold, unwrapping his arms from Jason’s neck and standing tall. Dick smiled at Y/N, who was talking to a pouting Damian and ruffling slicked back hair. 
“Alright, Y/N, I'm assuming you’re ready.” Unlike the Wayne brothers who had a father that did not care why they landed on the NEWS or magazine as long as they didn’t kill anyone, Y/N’s father was different. For someone who was always gone, he had a firm hold and opinions on Y/N’s life. 
Bruce may not care that his kids go out looking like they haven’t showered in three days, but Y/N’s dad has ordered the maids to get rid of all the ripped jeans Y/N had because the paparazzi made an opinion on them when Y/N wore them. Jason remembers listening in on that call, and numerous other calls from Mr. L/N, as he hollered at his child he did not care about. 
“You are a L/N! If you still want that last name then you will dress like a L/N!”
Unlike Dick and Jason who are dressed in jeans, Y/N is dressed in slacks and a nice polo shirt. His hair was clean and styled and the shoes he wore still shined. The aesthetic is called ‘old money’ and boy did Y/N have that. He and the Wayne siblings have become the newest trend setters in Gotham. 
Whenever the paparazzi caught them together it was always Old Gotham vs New Gotham. Slacks vs Jeans. Hair combed vs natural. Clean vs Rugged. L/N vs Wayne. 
They were the topic whenever they were out together, which was a lot. The only reason Mr. L/N hasn’t said anything is probably because Bruce is keeping his mouth shut about the child-neglect and abandonment. Point is, seeing the Wayne kids and L/N son together wasn’t odd, in fact there were jokes of Bruce Wayne adopting him, but they still always turned heads. 
“Y/N, I am telling you that is a horrible choice and you’re not gonna like it.” Said young man raised an eyebrow at Jason and tutted disappointedly, “Jay, you haven’t even read it.” The guy motioned at the cover, “Look at it! Dick! Come ‘ere and look at it!” The other made only a side glance at it and sighed, “Y/N… this is only going to lead to problems.” 
“It is literally a book about romance.” Jason screwed up his face, like someone had shoved a lemon down his throat, “But like… young adult romance. Read the classics.” 
“I have read the classics. You have read me the classics. I read them in class and if I have to read how Ms. Elizabeth Barnett falls in love with Mr. Darcy one more time I’m actually going to throw myself in traffic.” Dick agreed with Y/N on that, remembering all the time he had to read the damn book. 
“It's Elizabeth Bennett.” 
“Jay, I swear to God.” 
“Are you sure you read them because there’s no way someone who’s read them would get that name wrong.” 
“Little wing–” 
“–Dickie, maybe. But not anybody else.” 
“–Excuse you.” Y/N snorted at the now bickering brothers, watching in amusement as Dick pulled Jason’s ear and Jason to Dick’s hair. Sighing, Y/N stepped between the two. Y/N L/N is possibly the only person, other than Alfred, who would dare do such a thing. Fear was absent on his face as he calmly walked into the dog fight, and helped release their bites with gentle tugs and stern words. 
“Enough. The line is picking up at the cafe, so let's checkout and head over.” Y/N is the person who quells the fights and mends the bonds. The only person in the Manor that knew how to communicate their feelings and help others realize and communicate theirs. 
He is the kind, patient, and understanding older brother of the Batfam. Always paying attention to other’s needs and always willing to listen to someone vent their frustrations and offer sound advice. Y/N is –
“–And what about the company?! How come the sales are low this month?” 
“Father, they are riding average, it’s just the last month was a boom because–” 
“I don’t care about last month! Why are the sales low this month?!” 
– not Bruce Wayne’s ward, and therefore there isn’t much he can say in this scenario. Bruce listened and watched  Y/N slouch as Mr. L/N continued to scream and berate him from across the world. He watched the exhaustion take over Y/N’s features and the way his forehead creased, Bruce knows that a headache is now present. 
“If you still want the company then you better act like it! Enough of prancing around like the money you spend is yours!” Y/N is grateful his father hung up after that, because Y/N had a clapback to that and he’s sure his father would fly back from wherever he is just to smack him around for saying it. 
Setting his phone down on the coffee table, the weight of the conversation making his shoulders sag and melt into the armchair with a huff. Bruce chuckled at the pout, “For what it is worth, fluctuating prices are normal in businesses. As long as it doesn’t go too low, you are fine.” Y/N smiled at the man, fixing his posture and picking up the mug of coffee. 
“You heard all of that?” The man can still remember when he first met Y/N. The property alarm was triggered, and when Bruce and Alfred went out to investigate, an 8-year-old Y/N was there, his hands holding the wild raspberries and his cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk. 
He huffed at the memory, making Y/N give him a weird look. Bruce had been grateful to Y/N’s impromptu trespassing, because when Dick came into his care, a now 10-year-old Y/N had welcomed the traumatized and blubbering 8-year-old. Something Bruce had little to no idea how to handle. 
Then Jason came and that was a wild ride, followed by Steph, then Tim, and now Damian. That's just the Robins. It doesn’t include the others that have become family but never took the Robin mantle. Y/N had been there through it all, and welcomed each one with a smile and open arms. At the same time giving Bruce a raised eyebrow and icy glare that screamed, ‘Really? Another child?’ 
Y/N never faulted Bruce for his lack of communication, but he did let the man know repeatedly that while words may start fires, they can also put them out. Y/N had laid it on him one time, after a particular nasty fight with Dick and Jason. 
“For a man who loves using his vocabulary to start arguments you sure don’t have the vocabulary to fix them. What are you, a toddler?” 
Mending things with Y/N is always easy, because Y/N does not hold grudges. Not to mention having the emotional intelligence of a therapist, Y/N was always in-tuned to his emotions and whether he was projecting or not. Or if anyone else was. Living in a manor filled with people who have traumatic backstories and skeletons in the closets, Y/N has become the voice of reason and unbiased opinions. Similar to Alfred, just without the sass. 
“Do you still like raspberries?” Bruce asked, and Y/N nodded, “You ask this every time a celebration of some sort comes up and the answer is always the same. Yes, I still love raspberries.” Y/N had once confided to Bruce, over a glass of wine, how he had asked his father if he could paint the bookshelves in his room. Little did Mr. L/N know that the color would be burgundy, the closest color to a raspberry he could get without poking someone’s eye out, and when his father found out he had the bookshelves removed and set ablaze. 
Y/N got his ass handed to him when Mr. L/N came back from his trip, and was then prohibited from decorating his room without prior approval of design and permission. 
Bruce had the bookshelves in Y/N’s room in the manor painted burgundy, and when Y/N saw them, it was like watching a child be told that they were not the bad child. The relief and the path to healing across his face as he took in the bookshelves.
The man watched Y/N sip his cup of coffee, watching how exhaustion seemed to seep off of him like cologne and fill the air with his tired and somewhat annoyed state. Phone calls from Mr. L/N we’re never received well by anybody, and Jason and Tim have more than once thought about sending the hateful man a few messages. Damian offered to ambush him when he came home. 
Y/N quickly shot those down.
Tim came from nowhere, his face screwed tight and body tense. Y/N gave him a once over, before making space for the college student on the couch. He gave him a worried look-over, “Is everything alright?” Tim melted into Y/N’s side, huffing and grumbling about something. 
Bruce’s phone vibrated, and it was a message from Tim sent before he got down here. 
‘It’s in Cabo.’ Bruce huffed, already knowing that if Tim was listening then so was everyone else. Referring to Mr. L/N as an ‘it’ seemed to be everyone’s favorite pastime. Everyone but Y/N’s, but as long as it wasn’t said around him then it was fine. 
“You’re going to the Gala, right?” Tim asked and Y/N nodded, “Of course, when have I ever missed one?” Tim continued to grumble a bit, but relaxed into Y/N’s side as he ran his fingers through Tim’s messy hair. God he loves it when Y/N does this. There was barely anything better than Y/N’s head massages, easily lulling him to a calm state as everyone mentally prepared for the Gala tonight. 
When Y/N had turned 13, that is when he started showing up to the Galas representing L/N Industries, and he would be in Bruce’s care while there. Whoever Bruce met, Y/N was expected to make a great impression. Bruce never missed the way Y/N would sometimes stare at the Wayne kids in jealousy as they got to do whatever they want, while he is forced to be an adult and try to win other adults over. 
Then forced to be yelled at afterwards by his father on the phone afterwards for something miniscule. Either someone commented on a piece of clothing, or how he wasn’t smiling, anything that was negative Y/N got yelled at for. It was like Mr. L/N didn’t know how to do anything else other than yell at his child. 
Tim took no offense when the fingers in his hair stopped moving, and Y/N’s body became limp. The other was knocked out on the couch, napping away the stress and enjoying the weekend. Unlike Tim who had Bruce’s help when managing Wayne Enterprises, Y/N is all on his own. Learning from his dad’s assistant, and also Bruce’s, Y/N was basically alone when his father had forced him to take the mantle. In face only, because as far as Mr. L/N was concerned, the company’s profit was still his profit. None of it going to Y/N, except as a monthly allowance. 
Jason had once said he should just stop managing the company, and if his father loved it enough, then he’ll take over. Y/N chuckled-the bags under his eyes were deep and he had just gotten over a stress cold- and he said that although his father may care a lot about the profit, it was his late mother’s company and he wouldn’t want to embarrass her soul by purposefully failing. 
However, now all that company did was cause him stress and make him sick more frequently. Bruce had said it was probably stress from his father, and not so much the company, but that didn’t stop them all from wishing the company would just go away. 
Tim looked up Y/N through his eyelashes, taking in the similar dark circles they both shared and how Y/N looks paler than usual, and he knows that Y/N’s health would only get worse if they targeted the company. His oldest brother would do everything in his power to keep the company afloat, and it would be devastating on both sides. Y/N would run himself ragged trying to keep it alive and that would mean less time with them. 
“Let him rest, Tim. He needs it.” Everyone has asked Bruce if he plans to do something. However, there isn’t much Bruce can do now that Y/N is an adult. He’s offered a room in a manor for Y/N to stay at forever, but Y/N has always been a bit hesitant about leaving the L/N’s home. Bruce can understand why. 
Aged blue eyes observed the steady rise and fall of Y/N’s chest, and he wondered if there was anything that could convince Y/N to stay here. 
“Mr. L/N, what a surprise.” A surprise it is too, because instead of Y/N being here, it is his father. The one who was in Cabo earlier today. The man smiled, looking nothing like Y/N’s, and he held out a hand, “It has been a while. I figured it was time to show my face and give my son a rest.” Dick stared at Mr. L/N in shock and weariness, not liking how he said ‘his son.’ If it was a jab at Bruce, it didn’t land. Brucie Wayne, the social bug he was, laughed and clapped his hand on Mr. L/N’s shoulder. 
“Is Y/N not showing up?” The man’s eyebrow twitched, “No, unfortunately he felt under the weather so he’s taking a break.” Dick’s eyes narrowed, and Bruce’s smile faltered, “Is that so? How unfortunate, he’s fun to talk to.” Mr. L/N’s smile tightened, “Indeed.” 
The Gala was tense, at least it was for the Wayne family, because Y/N never misses a Gala. Never. Dick saved a slice of raspberry cheesecake, for when Y/N comes over tomorrow. He’s going to be upset that he missed a fresh slice, but knowing Y/N, he’ll worry about missing the Gala. The cheesecake will act as reassurance that no one is mad. They just had to wait until tomorrow, when Y/N will show up. 
Only he didn’t. Dick can’t remember the last time he hasn’t seen Y/N in a 24-hour period, but he does know that he didn’t like it. Almost like there was a force keeping his shoulders tight and chest heavy. Looking around, he could already see the effects it was having on others. 
He didn’t answer his phone, and when they called the L/N Manor, it was one of the maids picking up and stating that Y/N was either out, sleeping, or feeling under the weather. Which doesn’t make sense because when Y/N is sick, he is always over at the Wayne manor. No one makes a better chicken noodle soup than Alfred. 
They let it go. Maybe Y/N wants to be home because his dad is home? 
Then the next day, there was still no Y/N. Not a text message, not a phone call, complete radio silence. Following radio silence while on patrol, radio silence from Y/N had to be one of the more terrifying forms of silence. 
There was nothing. His father left late last night, and usually that would mean Y/N would be over. He would be over complaining about his dad and how he needs to work harder. He’d get a stress cold that would last for two days before he would be back to normal.
Every phone call, every text message going unanswered. 
‘Y/N, I swear I’m about to break into your house. Please answer.’ The threat was real and Dick meant every word. He’s talked Jason, Damian, and surprisingly Tim from doing it but now four days of radio silence was enough to make even Bruce stir-crazy. Batman has become a little more violent throughout the week, and Bruce Wayne a little more stressed looking. 
‘Hey! Sorry for the silence, I’m just not feeling too well. I’ll see you in another few days.’ Everyone read the text message, and everyone’s mind filled with the same idea. 
“Honestly, with how often he’s with us you’d think he knows better than to lie.” Damian’s nose scrunched, eyeing the message as if it spit in his face. Tim shrugged, “It just means he’s hiding something.” 
Bruce said nothing, falling into the role of silent protector. 
“You are not actually going over in your Bat costume are you?” 
In the L/N Manor 
Y/N walked  the dark hallways back to his room. Under his arm was a book and in his other hand was a cup of coffee, still steaming and warming his fingers. The lightning that occasionally flashed filled the area with white light, casting long shadows and creating an eerie atmosphere. 
When Y/N was younger, he used to sprint back to his room. He hated how dark and silent the hallways are, reminding him that he is alone in a place that does not want him. When he whispered to Dick that he was scared of the lightning, Dick had told Bruce and sure enough Y/N would be spending nights at the Wayne manor whenever it was forecasted to thunderstorm. 
Y/N had gotten over the fear, but he still occasionally slept over when the forecast predicted rain. Just because he no longer feared it, didn’t mean he liked it. 
Pausing to look out the window like some gothic prince trapped in a tower, Y/N recalled the argument he had with his dad. The older L/N making a surprise visit and berating his child when he first saw him and when he left. Y/N wondered if with the allowance he was given, if he could just move out. Apartments in the upper end of Gotham were expensive, and he’d never hear the end of it if he moved to East Gotham. 
Not to mention, if he did leave to move out on his own, he’d be further from the Wayne family. Sure, Jason and Dick live on their own, and it wasn’t like Tim or Damian needed him around all the time, but it was home for him. 
Maybe, he’s the one that needs them.
Lightning flashed and there was another reflection in the window. 
“Ahhh!” Y/N threw his cup of coffee at the stranger behind him, and only paused in throwing the book when he saw the familiar cowl. 
“Bruce! What the hell?! Oh my God, oh my God, I think I just lost like 10 years of my life.” Y/N clasped a hand over his heart, trying to calm the organ. Taking deep breaths, he finally managed to steady his heart beat and scrunched his nose at the older man. To which, Bruce Wayne glared back, “What happened to your face?” 
‘Oh shit.’ Y/N sighed, “Nothing Bruce. I just fell, but what are you doing in my house? Did…did you break in?” Y/N tried to get around the taller and bigger man, but Bruce grabbed his arm. He spun Y/N around and thanks to the flash of lightning, Bruce’s jaw clenched at the fading bruises on Y/N’s face. 
“Did F/N do this?” 
“Bruce, I told you I just fell.” The lenses on the cowl narrowed, and Y/N saw the frown grow on the man’s face. Sighing, Y/N scrunched nose and winced when a bruise scrunched with it, “Honestly though Bruce, how did you even get in here? No, how did you even guess this hallway?” 
“You’re rooms this way.”
“Ahhhhh!” Y/N screamed and ran into Bruce’s side for protection against the voice. 
“Dick! Ho-wha- why are you here?!” 
“We were worried.” This time Y/N only flinched, and whirled around to see Damian in the Robin costume. He gaped at the pre-teen, “Oh my God, you all are just spawning out of nowhere.” Damian grabbed his hand, and Y/N couldn’t help but to hold the youngest’s hand. Muscle memory. 
“Y/N, you’re face,” Dick whispered, gently tracing the swollen and discolored skin, “We thought you were sick.” Y/N smiled, leaning into the palm of Dick’s hand, “I was. I’m just getting over it, as for the bruises… Like I was telling Bruce, I just fell.” 
Damian’s grip on Y/N’s hand tightened and the oldest sibling smiled down at him, “What’s wrong Dami?” The youngest gave a small glare through the lenses of the Robin mask, “I find your lies insulting and belittling, Y/N. The truth would be appreciated before things get more drastic.” 
“...Excuse me?” Y/N tried to remove his hand from Damian’s grip, and panicked when Robin refused to let go. 
“Y/N, please be honest. What happened?” Dick, in his Nightwing costume, rested his hands on Y/N's shoulders and tried to coax the truth out of the person he sees as his oldest brother. It only made the other tense, and tried to get out of Damian’s grip. 
“Guys, you’re scaring me.” 
“Y/N, what happened?” Bruce’s voice did nothing to ease the fear that Y/N was experiencing, and for the first time ever in the time he’s known the Wayne family, Y/N didn’t want to be around them. He struggled some more to get away from them, but with Robin’s grip on his hand, Nightwing’s hands on his shoulders, and Batman’s gaze keeping him in place, Y/N found it harder to move. 
Batman sighed, and with a nod that Y/N would have missed if he wasn’t focused on the man, Nightwing’s hand moved closer to Y/N’s neck. The other’s eyes widened, his one free hand moving to stop Nightwing. 
“Good night, Y/N.” His vision went dark and the only thing he registered was a pair of arms catching him before his body hit the floor. 
Y/N woke with a start, in a very familiar room, with raspberry painted bookshelves and dark sheets. His arms shot up to his face, and bandages rested on his cheeks. Looking at his arm and seeing the sleeves of his pajama pants, Y/N closed his eyes in misery and knew that if he were to lift the sleeves, there would be bandages. 
Sitting up, Y/N grunted and rested his forehead in his hand. 
“Oh good, you’re awake.” 
“Jay…” Y/N watched the other carefully, watching the taller and bigger man silently move across the room to sit next to him. His nose scrunched, “Your brothers and father have some explaining to do. Where are they?” Jason shrugged, “Out. Don’t worry about that, but Y/N, why did you hide this from us?” Y/N stared at Jason for a bit, processing the question and sighing irritably. 
“Cause it's not a big deal. This was the only time and–” 
“One time is still too many times!” Jason yelled, startling Y/N. Wide E/C eyes stared into Jason’s furious blue eyes, the slightest hint of green starting to slowly take over. Y/N gulped, “Jason, it’s fine. I am here now, right?” He reached out and grasped Jason’s larger hand, watching the other calm down with deep breaths. Those blue eyes of his seem to fall on every bandage across Y/N’s face, before looking back down at their clasped hands. 
“Everyone was a mess, you know that right?” Y/N chuckled at him, chalking it up to Jason being overdramatic, “You guys are too funny. I know me going radio silent wasn’t appreciated, but you don’t need to guilt trip me further.” 
“I’m not joking around, Y/N. Everyone was a mess.” There was something in Jason’s tone that had Y/N pausing. His E/C eyes landed on Jason and watched how those eyes continued to glow green. The larger man took a deep breath and seemed to calm whatever raging thoughts he was having, “But it's fine now, because you are here.” Y/N furrowed his brow, but smiled nevertheless, “Yeah.” 
Silence overtook the room and Y/N is still unsure how to proceed. It wasn’t rare for the Batfamily to be a bit… dramatic. For fucks sake Bruce dresses as a giant furry and terrorizes criminals. However, there was something in Jason’s tone that had Y/N stilling. Contemplating his next words and wondering if they were the correct ones to say. 
“You’re awake.” Y/N’s head snapped to the door and standing there was Damian. He gave a smile to the youngest Wayne, “Damian, you're not one to usually enter without knocking.” The youngest strolled over and eyes Jason’s and Y/N’s hands, “I heard you two talking and figured it would be okay if I entered.” Y/N pursed his lips, “Well, true but Dami you should still–” 
“Father wants to talk to you, after dinner.” Green eyes met E/C and there it was again. A glint of something sinister lurking underneath the green. Y/N gulped and outstretched an arm. His palms up like he was approaching a dog, asking to pet it. Damian took the invitation and fell into Y/N’s embrace. Crawling onto Y/N’s bed and into the space underneath Y/N’s arm and against his chest, Damian nuzzled into the space with a content smile. 
Y/N felt his heart rate spike, something alerting him that he is surrounding himself with something dangerous. Which is preposterous. Yeah, Damian was a little psychotic and so was Jason, but they wouldn’t harm Y/N. They wouldn’t hurt anyone that didn’t deserve it. 
Yet, Y/N couldn’t shake the feeling of something being wrong. 
“When is dinner, Dami?” The younger boy hummed, “At 5:30.” Y/N glanced at the clock reading 5:25. Sighing, gently nudged the two away, “C’mon we have five minutes. Alfred will be upset with us for being late.” Damian grumbled while Jason outwardly expressed his discontent. When Y/N fully stood up, he noted that his clothes were different. 
“Who… who changed me?” Jason shrugged and Damian continued walking. Y/N looked back down at the sweatpants he was now wearing and the oversized shirt. None of which are his. 
“I-I should change first–” 
“C’mon Y/N, no one cares.” 
“Indeed, Drake has shown up before looking horrid. You look wonderful, like always.” Y/N said nothing to address those comments, but the time clicking on the clock had Y/N forgoing dressing and instead grabbing his house slippers. Damian was quick to grab his hand and Jason walked behind like he was protecting Y/N from something. 
The walk was silent, and there were some bruises on Y/N’s body that had him wincing sometimes. Nevertheless, when the sound of chatter began to echo through the halls, Y/N controlled his expressions and braced for the question and answers he wanted. 
“Well, look who finally woke up,” Dick joked and Y/N rolled his eyes, “I don’t want to hear that from the people who broke into my house.” He said it as a jest, but some part of Y/N wanted to mean every word he said. The three culprits didn’t even pretend to look guilty. 
Y/N gave Bruce a pointed look, he busied himself by pouring himself, Y/N, Dick, and Jason wine. Damian released Y/N’s hand to go sit at his respective seat, between Tim and Bruce, while Y/N took his between Bruce’s and Dick’s. Dick smiled at him, “Happy to have you at dinner. They have been quiet for the past few days.”
“If that is your way of saying I talk too much Dick, may I remind you who is the reason we had to enact a five minute quiet period during meals before.” The man laughed, unbothered by that little fact being thrown into the air. 
Dinner continued with the usual chatter, arguments, snide remarks, and dirty looks. Y/N’s absence was barely brought up, and instead he got filled in about what he missed while he was radio-silent. No one questioned the bruises on his face, or the now open secret that Y/N had tried to keep quiet about. 
“Y/N, please see me in my studies.” Bruce gently squeezed Y/N’s shoulder and Y/N followed, thanking Alfred as he did so and waving to all the brothers. The walk was tense, and something kept stirring in Y/N’s stomach that he was walking into something dangerous. Not a trap, because a trap means Y/N didn’t see it or feel it coming. However, he can feel this one. He can feel this one coming, something that would have his life changing, and yet he still kept walking forward. It’s the Waynes. His family. 
They wouldn’t do anything he didn’t like. 
Bruce’s study was as dark and aesthetic as Y/N remembers. A dark oak wood desk, bookshelves, the laptop and monitors, and papers. Y/N rarely set foot in here, mainly because there was never a need to, but he remembers being young and playing hide-n-seek in here with Dick. 
Bruce turned and gently cupped Y/N’s bruised face, turning it slightly to take in each discolored patch of skin and open wounds. Y/N smiled, “Bruce, it’s fine. I’m fine. You and everyone else are just being overdramatic.” 
“Is that what all of this is? Us overreacting?” Y/N gave a nervous chuckle at Bruce’s tone, one he’s heard when the man was Batman. 
“I mean, considering you broke into my house, that seems excessive.” Bruce released Y/N’s face and walked behind his desk, and motioned to a stack of papers. 
“Y/N, if entering your home is considered excessive, then I don’t know how you are going to handle this.” 
“Break in, Bruce. It was a break in, and what are you talking about?” Y/N picked up the paper, and quickly scanned the document. Bruce watched the color drain from Y/N’s face and horror take over those bright E/C eyes. They flickered from the top of the page back to the bottom, and then to Bruce and back to the paper. 
Y/N’s mouth opened and closed, trying to form words he was desperate to say. 
Wayne Enterprise Acquires L/N Industries
Bought. Bruce bought L/N Industries. Bruce bought the company from Y/N’s father, because Y/N isn’t the owner, and there is no way in hell that Y/N would have ever signed off on that. His mother’s company, now just a part of the Wayne monopoly. 
“Wha-what is- Why- Bruce! Bruce, what the hell is this?” Eyes filled with betrayal and anger as Y/N glared at Bruce. The man sighed, “It is as it says. L/N Industries in now under Wayne Enterprise-” 
“But why?! You’ve never shown any interest in the company.” Bruce wasn’t interested in L/N Industries. Wayne Enterprise was not a monopoly, and they didn’t buy companies unless that company was already going bankrupt. Bruce was interested in Y/N’s health, and vengeance. 
“Don’t take it personally, because it's not at you.” Y/N rolled his eyes, “It sure feels like it. Bruce, you know what this company means to me, you can’t just–” 
“Well I did.” Bruce met Y/N’s gaze head on, “The company is not in your name, you do not reap the profits, this acquisition was not a jab at you.” Y/N knows who it's a jab at, and he understands why Bruce is angry. However, it does not excuse the fact that this was a jab at the L/N family. 
Y/N clenched his jaw, “There’s no way he just signed it over like that.” Bruce handed him another piece of paper and sure enough, there was his father’s signature. Y/N stared at the inked lines, wondering just how had Bruce gotten that signature so quickly. 
“Blackmail really makes people move faster than the Flash.” 
“Wha… what blackmail?” Bruce raised an eyebrow and Y/N closed his eyes in misery, “Bruce, I get it. I do. He’s not a good father, but you didn’t have to buy the company. He’s literally going to ret-”
“You and I both know he would never retire. You would be working to the bone for him while he reaps all the profit.” Y/N rolls his eyes, and opens his mouth to say something but Bruce cuts him off, “Do NOT roll your eyes at me! Y/N this is serious.” 
Momentarily taken aback by the tone of voice, Y/N stared at a fuming Bruce. He processed the reaction and felt the heat in his stomach return, “Excuse you! You literally bought my family’s company, kind of if not really kidnapped me, and broke into my home! I have every right to be upset, let alone roll my eyes at you.” 
“That place wasn’t your home and you know it.” 
“Doesn’t change anything! That's like saying a break-in at a hotel room doesn’t count because the person doesn’t live in the hotel room.” Y/N could feel his heart rate pick up, and the reality of it all began setting in. 
“Holy shit. Fucking hell Bruce.” 
“Do not ‘language’ me! Bruce, what the actual hell! All of this is way out of proportion for what happened.” Bruce slammed his hands on his desk, making some papers fly and the cup holding his pens fell. Blue eyes filled with rage glared at Y/N, “You can’t even say what happened! He hit you, Y/N. He beat you like a dog, and animal abusers still go to jail. He’s getting off with only losing the company. 
“And I know that those bruises are the only ones we do see!”  Y/N glared at Bruce, fighting back tears and biting his lips. Bruce sighed, his shoulders deflating and a pained expression on his face. He walked around the desk and hugged Y/N, bringing his son close, “Y/N, I’m sorry. I am. You’ll still be running the company, and will have a final say in things. It's just… God, Y/N. Not hearing from you and then seeing you like that...” Bruce took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions, "It was terrifying, Y/N. How could I let you stay there when all of that was done to you?"
Y/N wrapped his arms around Bruce, ignoring the feeling of dread of doing so. He ignored how Bruce’s arms tightened around him, “Oh Y/N, please. Please stay here where you are safe.” 
He didn’t want to admit that it sounded more of an order than a request. This was Bruce! His father in everything but blood and paper. 
“Just… just please don’t do that again.” 
“It won’t happen again. I promise.” 
Not a whole lot of Yandere, but thats why there will be two parts! Not just one.
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joelscoffeemachine · 2 months
Joel Miller x f!reader
word count: 5.4k
Summary: After waking up from what felt like the best night ever, you wanted to figure out what Joel’s thoughts about what was going on, were.
Warnings: 18+ mdni, smut, Joel acting like a total jerk, language, unprotected piv, pet names, reader uses feminine pronouns, jackson era!Joel, slight fluff towards the end, arguing, angst, no use of Y/N, apologies if anything was missed.
please read A/N: guys, i tried so freaking hard to like this, but i just can’t. so, i am so sorry if you feel the same way as me. i really tried my hardest. i’m not sure if i want this to be the last part, but i can kinda feel it going towards that route, so im going to say this once, thank you so much for all the support for this mini series. i couldn’t be more grateful. thank you. and once again, i am so fucking sorry if you don’t like this. please don’t hate me. 🤗 oh, and also, ntm on the photos not matching, honestly could careless ab the damn photos.
part one part two
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Joel couldn’t get a wink of sleep last night, the feeling of you being so close to him, in his arms, feeling your warm body against his, having your scent fill his nose, all of it was too much.
Every time he closed his eyes, memories of your shared night and the warmth of your touch would flood his mind, making his heart race. The moonlight filtering through the curtains enveloped a soft glow on your face, making you look even more serene and beautiful, which only added to his restless thoughts.
He laid there for a couple more hours, listening to your breathing, the way you’d mutter in your sleep, the little sounds that would escape you. Each breath you took seemed to synchronize with his heartbeat, creating a rhythm that was both comforting and unsettling. But he knew he had to leave. He knew he couldn’t stay because what was this?
What were you two?
The uncertainty gnawed at him, and the fear of crossing a line that could change everything between you both was overwhelming.
So, he eventually slid out of your bed, picking up his clothes and getting dressed. He moved quietly, trying not to wake you, stealing one last glance at your peaceful face before slipping out the door.
As he walked away, the cool night air hit him, a slight contrast to the warmth he had just left behind. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, but he knew he needed to figure out what this meant for both of you.
You blinked your eyes open, the sun shining through the crack of your curtains into your room. The sheets of your bed hugged your body perfectly, stretching your arms out with a yawn.
You expected to feel a big and warm body, but you didn’t.
You just felt the ruffled-up blanket. The familiar warmth and comfort were missing, replaced by a cold emptiness that made you shiver slightly.
You turned your body, nothing. No one. He left. You glanced at the alarm clock on your bedside table, the bright red numbers glaring at you.
With it being the ass crack of dawn, you’d be expecting him to be waking up now.
Did he leave last night? You asked him to stay.
The realization hit you like a ton of bricks, and a wave of disappointment washed over you. You replayed the moments of the previous night in your head, trying to understand why he would leave without a word.
You sat up, confusion taking over your features. For some odd reason, your heart felt heavy. You wanted him to be there when you woke up. You needed him too because now that he wasn’t, was it even real?
The questions swirled in your mind, each one adding to the ache in your chest. The silence of the room seemed to echo the emptiness you felt inside.
You stood up, not bothering to put on the old bra and shirt from last night, turning the shower on as you pulled your panties off, hopping in. The warm water cascaded over you, but it did little to wash away the sense of loss and confusion. You hoped the shower would clear your mind, letting the water run down your face.
But it didn’t.
The shower didn’t work. You couldn’t get the situation off your mind. You couldn’t get him off your mind. It couldn’t have been real, but the faint memory of him running his rough fingers down your skin, the way he felt inside of you, stayed in your mind. The sensation was so vivid, it was almost as if you could still feel his touch, haunting you with every passing second.
You needed to see him. To talk to him. You prayed he wasn't anywhere but his house. The first place you could expect him to be was his house. So, you found yourself there. The walk to his place felt like an eternity, each step heavy with anticipation. Your heart pounded in your chest as you approached his door.
Softly banging on the door, no answer. Peeking through the window, no sight.
“Fucking Joel.” You whisper breathily. How fucking surprising was that. Joel Miller finally left his house.
For a second there your heart dropped, praying that he didn’t get patrol duty.
Goddamn it. I mean you could wait, but you didn’t want to.
You didn’t want to go back home, so you didn’t, knuckles bruising as you hit them against the door. The pain shot through your hand, but it was nothing compared to the turmoil inside you. Still no fucking answer. You stepped back and glanced up at the house, looking for a way to get in.
No way in from the front, window was shut tightly, curtains drawn as if to shut out the world.
So, like any sane person who was looking for a — friend, you walked towards the back to maybe get in from the patio door. But that’s when you heard it.
Sweet music, fingers strumming away at the strings from what sounds like a guitar, and sweet, and quiet humming. The melody was hauntingly beautiful, calming to the chaos in your mind.
You poked your head around the corner, Joel sitting in a plastic, white chair, guitar in hands. He nodded his head softly as he felt the music, eyes closed, and body relaxed with a cup of coffee on the small table next to him.
The steam from the coffee rose in gentle spirals, mingling with the early morning mist.
His foot tapped lightly in rhythm with the music, completely unaware of your presence.
You felt stupid. You almost broke into his fucking house all because he was unable to hear the damn knocking.
You slowly stepped onto the wood, your sneakers making a loud noise that made Joel stop playing. The sound echoed in the stillness, shattering the tranquility.
He looked you up and down, setting his guitar down with no words spoken. The silence between you hung heavy, like a thick fog that neither of you could see through.
Joel's eyes, usually so full of warmth, seemed distant as they locked onto yours. The early morning sun cast long shadows, and the gentle breeze carried the scent of dew and freshly cut grass. You could hear the faint rustling of leaves in the background, the weight of unspoken words pressed down on you, making it hard to breathe.
You let out a quiet ‘hey’, smile slightly upside down as you leaned on the railing of the patio. Your eyes were basically inviting him over, so he obliged, grabbing his coffee, and standing beside you, a gap in between.
It was pretty much awkward. It was clear he didn’t forget about the activities from last night.
“I’ve been knocking.” Your voice breaking the silence, looking at him, but he avoided your gaze.
“I’ve been here all mornin’, didn’t hear it.”
"Something on your mind?" You knew exactly what was on his mind, but you thought, if you pushed it, maybe this moment wouldn’t be so goddamn awkward.
Each second of silence stretching longer than the last.
"Nothin’ on my mind," he replied, lifting the cup up to his lips, taking a light sip.
The steam from his coffee curled up into the air, mingling with the tension that seemed almost palpable between you. His eyes, though momentarily hidden behind the rim of the cup, betrayed his true thoughts.
His eyes, dark and guarded, flickered over to you. There was a heaviness in his gaze, a storm of unsaid words and pent-up emotions swirling just beneath the surface.
His expression unreadable, before letting out a quiet, almost resigned sigh. The sound was barely audible, yet it echoed in the stillness, amplifying the tension that crackled in the air like static electricity.
He wanted you to say something. He wanted you to just be honest and tell him exactly how you felt about last night, why you were there, if you even remotely felt what he did.
Instead, you were both standing there, avoiding each other’s gazes like idiots.
Your heart raced; each beat a reminder of the words you were too afraid to speak. His sigh lingered in the air, a silent plea for you to break the cycle, to reach out and bridge the gap that seemed to widen with every passing moment.
"You gonna invite me in, or are you just gonna stand there?" You point lazily at the door.
Joel huffed a laugh, tilting his head slightly as he finally looked at you. “You’re being pushy today, ain’t ya?”
He was being a smartass, and he knew it, but it was his way of deflecting whatever the hell happened last night, and the way you were acting this morning.
The gesture is casual, almost dismissive, but your heart is going crazy. The morning sun filters through the trees, putting a warm glow on the porch where you both stand. His eyes flicker to the door and then back to you, a moment of hesitation that feels like an eternity.
His eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and challenge, the corners of his mouth quirking up in a smirk that was all too familiar. The morning light radiating a golden halo around his figure, highlighting the lines of tension in his posture that belied his casual tone.
His eyes never left yours, a silent dare for you to cross the threshold and face whatever lay beyond.
As you stood there, you knew that stepping through that door meant more than just entering his home—it meant confronting the emotions and the history that had brought you to this moment.
He shifts his weight, the creak of the wooden floorboards echoing in the quiet day.
He finally turned away from the railing, his movements deliberate and measured, as if each step was a calculated effort to maintain his composure.
He held the door open for you with his empty hand, the gesture both an invitation and a challenge.
You looked around at the nicely decorated house as you stepped into the kitchen, Joel close behind you.
The place was immaculate, with tasteful decor that felt both homey and sophisticated. You leaned against the marble island, the cool surface grounding you as you watched his every move. He stood in front of you, his presence filling the room in a way that made it hard to breathe.
“Why didn’t you stay?” you asked, your voice cutting through the silence like a knife.
You wanted to know so badly that you basically said, ‘fuck the small talk, tell me why.’ You were so straightforward, the words spilling out before you could second-guess them.
Joel’s face remained impassive, his expression a mask of cold-stone indifference. His arms were crossed over his chest, a defensive posture that only added to the distance between you. His eyes, usually so expressive, were unreadable, and for a moment, you wondered if you’d ever get through to him. The tension in the room was evident, a silent battle of wills as you waited for him to break the silence.
He took a moment as he leaned on the counter, taking in your words. He wasn’t really sure how he was supposed to answer.
A part of him, a huge part of him, did want to stay. He wanted to hold your warm body, bask in your sleepy scent, and hear your soft breath hit his neck. But he knew he couldn’t.
He didn’t know what last night was. Why you let him come to you, why you let him touch you the way he wanted to for so long.
"Well?" You push, head tilting, your gaze unwavering.
The intensity in your eyes matched the urgency in your voice, demanding a response from him.
"I don’t know. Okay? I don’t know." He finally let out, throwing his hands up, frustration settling on his face.
The rawness in his voice cut through the air, his eyes burning with a mix of confusion and helplessness.
You threw your head back at his answer, arms falling to your side as you turned around, elbows on the counter, holding your head up as you groaned. The cool surface of the counter did little to soothe the storm inside you. You felt the frustration bubbling over, the unanswered questions and the emotional tumult taking their toll.
He was frustrated for a number of reasons. Mainly because he had no idea how to act in front of you now. The lines between you had blurred, and he was grappling with the new reality, unsure of where he stood. But most of all, because you wanted an explanation for something he didn’t even understand himself.
"What is this?" He questioned, looking up at you, his arms crossed against his chest. His voice was edged with exasperation.
"You just come over here to get on my ass?" His words hung in the air, a challenge and a plea wrapped into one, as he tried to make sense of the chaotic emotions twirling around both of you.
You leaned up instantly, your body closer to his. The heat of his breath mingled with yours, creating an almost suffocating intimacy. Your eyes locked onto his, searching for a glimmer of understanding, something to bridge the chasm between you.
"No, I came here so I could understand you. But that’s never happening, is it?" Your voice was low, but the intensity of your words cut through the silence like a knife.
You could feel the tension radiating off him, the anger and disbelief that mirrored your own. The proximity made it impossible to ignore the raw emotions.
“Not when you’re acting like this.” He muttered, his voice strained, barely above a whisper.
The words were a thin veil over the tumultuous emotions roiling just beneath the surface, a desperate attempt to regain some semblance of control in a situation that felt increasingly out of hand.
Your bodies touched as you leaned closer, he was basically pressed up against you as you looked up at him, his chest rising and falling with a deep breath. The warmth of his body seeped into yours, creating an electric tension that was impossible to ignore.
He tried to keep his composure. He tried to not look at you like some piece of meat. He tried not to think about how close you were, how he could easily shove you down on this counter, or up against a wall. His mind raced with conflicting thoughts, the struggle to maintain control evident in the tightness of his jaw and the flicker in his eyes.
But you weren’t making it easy. The intensity of your gaze, the proximity, the noticeable tension—it all made it nearly impossible for him to think straight.
At this point, this man was just stressing you out. You came to the conclusion that he was just trying to forget whatever happened last night, just like you tried forgetting what happened in the stables, but now you’re glad you didn’t, but for what? Look how he’s acting now.
“Joel, you’re really just gonna act like last night meant nothing? You’re just going to move on with life after that?” Your voice was sharp, each word laced with the hurt and confusion you felt.
Your words struck him like a damn brick. Because yes, that is what he was going to do. He was just going to act like last night wasn’t the best goddamn night of his life.
“That’s what you did.” He remarked, his tone cold and detached.
His words hit you like a punch to the gut, the accusation clear.
He was right.
But you were standing right in front of him, and he could still hear the way you were moaning his name, a sound that echoed in his mind, driving him crazy.
He could still taste your lips, the sweetness lingering on his tongue, a reminder of the passion you shared. He could still smell you on him, your scent enveloping him, making it impossible to forget even if he tried.
You had no idea what to say. You weren’t going to deny it, because you do remember pushing him away, remember drinking to forget. All you could do was go along with it, even though it was going to hurt.
“Fine—“ Your voice cracked, strangled back deep in your throat. You cleared it as you spoke again. “It never happened. None of it.”
The words felt like knives in your mouth, each one cutting deeper into the fragile remnants of what you both shared. You could feel the weight of the silence that followed, a suffocating blanket that threatened to choke the last bit of resolve you had left. His eyes bore into yours, searching for a sign, any indication that you didn’t mean what you said.
But he wants to forget so fucking badly. Maybe you do too. Or maybe it’s meant to be this way.
Joel isn’t supposed to be knee-deep in your pussy. He’s supposed to be your best friend’s husband’s brother. Nothing else. It’s so simple.
Just forget. Just let it be like how it was before that day in the stables.
So, so, so, so simple.
He nodded. “Yeah.”
But you both knew it was all bullshit. He wasn’t the same man after he got a taste of you. And by the look you kept giving him, you weren’t the same either.
It’ll be forgotten. For now, at least. He won’t look at you with hungry eyes, you won’t look at him with a hopeful look.
“You should probably get going.” He muttered.
His voice was barely above a whisper, the words heavy with unspoken regret. The tension a suffocating fog that clung to every breath you took.
“Yeah.” You say quietly. You gathered yourself up, leading yourself to the front door with Joel behind you once again. None of this felt real. You felt like you were floating on your way to the door, your hands clasped together to avoid them shaking, your breath shortened.
As you turned to leave, the memories of that day in the stables flooded your mind—the way his hands had felt on your skin, the way his breath had mingled with yours. It had been a moment of raw, unfiltered passion, a moment that had changed everything.
Your heart pounded in your chest, each beat echoing the finality of his words. You forced yourself to nod, swallowing the lump in your throat.
You reached the door and paused, your hand hovering over the handle. You wanted to say something, anything, to break the silence, but the words wouldn’t come—
You can’t fucking do this.
You spun back so fast; Joel couldn’t even react. Your lips caught his, arms wrapping around his neck as he eased in closer to you. His initial surprise quickly melted away, and he returned the kiss with a fervor that matched your own. The world outside ceased to exist; it was just the two of you in that moment, lost in a whirlwind of pent-up emotions.
His hands found your waist, pulling you closer as if he needed to feel every inch of you against him. The kiss deepened, becoming more desperate and passionate, a silent conversation of everything you both had been holding back.
You could feel the heat radiating from his body, his heartbeat syncing with yours in a chaotic rhythm.
When you finally broke apart, gasping for air, his forehead rested against yours. His eyes searched yours, filled with a mixture of longing and uncertainty.
“What are we doing?” he whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion.
You didn’t have an answer, but in that moment, it didn’t matter. You both knew that whatever came next, it would be something you’d face together.
He shouldn’t give in, he really shouldn’t. He should push you away and make you leave.
But then he pulled you in again.
His hands were gripping you, and he was melting into the kiss. His self-respect was crumbling with every passing second, the warmth of your body against his breaking down his defenses.
He wanted this. More than he could admit, even to himself.
The taste of your lips, the feel of your body so close to his, it was overwhelming. He surrendered to the moment. All the reasons why this was a bad idea faded away, leaving only the undeniable truth that he wanted you, needed you, in that moment more than anything else.
You quickly pulled the brown t-shirt off from his body, hands instantly gliding down the skin. His muscles tensed under your touch, sending shivers through his body.
He stumbled to the living room, lips still together, throwing himself on the couch. You slid your white top off before sitting on his lap, his semi-hard cock that hid in his pants, pressing up against your clothed entrance in the best way, causing a delicious friction that made you both gasp.
He moved his fingers to unclasp your bra, the fabric falling away with ease. Finally, pulling away, his eyes darkened with desire as he took in the sight of you, he lent kisses to both your nipples, his mouth warm and wet against your sensitive skin. He then moved to suck and bite at the tender skin on your neck, leaving a trail of fire in his wake.
Your breath was ragged, hands in his hair, pulling his head closer, needing more of his touch.
“G-God.” You whimpered, furrowing your eyebrows from the pleasure.
The sensations were too much, each touch, each kiss sending waves of ecstasy through your body. His name escaped your lips like a prayer, a desperate plea for more, as you felt yourself getting lost in the intensity of the moment.
He could hardly keep up.
His head was spinning from the taste of you, from the way you felt in his arms. From the noises you were making as he gently bit around your chest, the soft whimpers and gasps that drove him wild. He was trying his best not to just rip the rest of your clothes off and fuck you on the couch like some sex toy. But he somehow managed to maintain a certain level of patience, his grip on control tenuous at best.
He pressed kisses up your neck, breathing hot air into your skin, each exhale sending shivers down your spine.
“I swear, you’re gonna be the damn death of me,” he murmured, his voice rough with desire.
His hands roamed your body, tracing every curve, every line, as if trying to memorize the feel of you. The tension between you was electric, each touch, each kiss heightening the anticipation, the need for more.
You let out a breathy chuckle, body shuddering. You reached your hands in between both of your bodies, fingers working on unzipping his fly. When you finally got it, he lifted your body up, pants pushed down just above his knees.
His weeping tip grazed over your belly button, pre-cum rolling down onto his thighs, glistening in the dim light.
You stood up for a moment, easily taking your pants off, along with your panties, and throwing them on the coffee table. The grunt that left his mouth when you let your hole slide down his member made you feel like you were about to cum already.
He felt so good, stretching you perfectly, filling you in a way that made your toes curl.
You let yourself get adjusted, but you could tell, by the look on his face, and the way his hands bruised your hips, he wanted you to move. His eyes were dark with lust, breaths coming in ragged gasps. His grip on your hips was almost painful, but it only added to the intensity of the moment. The need in his eyes mirrored your own, a silent plea for you to give in, to let the pleasure take over.
He was trying so desperately to keep control. He wasn’t sure what had possessed him to just let this happen. He was so firm on his decision to forget about whatever happened between you both. Then you came in here, and just turned his world upside down and now here he was, cock throbbing inside your tight cunt.
You began bouncing, hands gripping his shoulders for support.
“Christ,” he moaned, head nuzzling into your neck to plant kisses all over.
Your eyes focused on the bookshelf behind the couch, somehow reading every title of the books. Joel’s hand rested on the back of your neck, the other flat on your back.
“You’re doing so good, darlin’.”
“Joel….” you whined.
Jesus, what the hell were you doing? This isn’t forgetting; matter of fact, this is making it so much worse. But you couldn’t stop. No way in hell. You just kept riding, sweat starting to glisten off of your soft skin.
Joel noticed your bouncing and grinding getting sloppy, grasping your hips so he could help.
Your body completely gave out, so tired, but his cock hit your G-spot perfectly, making you moan in his ear as loud as you could.
“I got you, baby,” he whispered, his voice a soothing balm against the chaos of your thoughts.
His hands guided your movements, each thrust precise, driving you closer to the edge. The room was filled with the sound of your shared breaths, the slap of skin against skin, and the overwhelming furosity of your connection.
Joel’s kisses became more urgent, trailing down your neck to your collarbone, each one leaving a burning imprint on your skin. His grip on your hips tightened, steadying you as he thrust deeper, hitting that perfect spot over and over again. Your nails dug into his shoulders, leaving crescent-shaped marks as you tried to hold on to the last shreds of your sanity.
Every movement, every touch, was a testament to the unspoken emotions swirling between you. The room seemed to close in around you, the world outside fading into oblivion as you both lost yourselves in the moment. Your breaths synchronized, a dance of desperation and desire, building to an inevitable crescendo.
“Joel, please…” you gasped, your voice barely a whisper, but it carried the weight of everything you couldn’t say.
He responded with a growl, his pace quickening, pushing you both to the brink. The tension coiled inside you, tighter and tighter.
Until it snapped, your hips in sync with his as your orgasm washed over the both of you, the feeling of his warm cum inside of you making your heart pound. You start working on catching your breath as he pumps his cum into you, throwing his head back with strangled groans.
You kissed his jaw, slicking his damp hair back with your hand.
He looked so good like this.
You rested your head against his chest, finally catching your cool. Not a word was spoken by him, so you decided to speak up.
You could feel his heartbeat against your cheek, a steady rhythm that mirrored the tumultuous feelings inside you.
“I don’t want to forget.”
You moved your head to look at him, your hand on the back of his head, forcing him to look back at you. His eyes, filled with a mix of exhaustion and raw emotion, met yours.
Joel’s hand came up to cup your face, his thumb brushing against your cheekbone.
“I don’t either, sweetheart.” he finally whispered, his voice hoarse.
The vulnerability in his eyes was familiar, a mirror to your own. This wasn’t just physical; it was something deeper, something that neither of you could deny anymore.
The room felt smaller, more intimate, as if the walls themselves were bearing witness to this moment of truth.
You both knew that this was a turning point, a moment that would define whatever came next. Your fingers threaded through his hair, pulling him closer until your foreheads touched, breaths mingling in the space between you.
“Then let’s not,” you murmured, the words a promise and a plea.
Joel’s lips found yours in a kiss that was both tender and desperate, sealing the unspoken agreement. In that moment, everything else faded away, leaving just the two of you, bound together by the intensity of your connection and the uncharted future that lay ahead.
“Okay.” he murmured.
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cute-sucker · 3 months
can we see pogue!rafe telling reader one day they're gonna make it and be much more comfortable and then she can have everything she wants IM SORRY pogue rafe makes me angsty
note: this is pup and pogue!rafe all the way. inspiration from pogue!rafe goes to @.princessbrunette
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you're very low maintance overall, wearing dirty scuffed shorts, and a wife beater that you stole from rafe. sometimes rafe has to grab you to tell you how dirty you look, smelling of grass with marks of dirt on your jorts.
he gets more annoyed when you continue to wear his clothes. a white unbuttoned shirt with a cropped tee, and while rafe will raise an eyebrow then and then again telling you that you're gonna get cold, you can see the feigned annoyance that flickers in his eyes time and time again. but he doesn't get too annoyed with you, somehow kinder, and sweeter with you than anyone he knew.
sometimes people were surprised, the way that he would cower for you. one time you had come home with a bruised hip after ducking to get a softball for a bunch of ten-year-olds, and came home wobbling for him to soak you a bath, chastening you to be careful. if you told anyone how soft he was for you, they would laugh, swearing that you were lying.
sometimes you had to get rafe to stop doting on you in front of his friends, rugged workers who would raise an eyebrow every single time they saw rafe kneel to tie your shoelaces.
"every goddamn time pup," he muttered lowly, "you're going to trip and i'm gonna have to kiss your boo boos? huh? answer me." rafe whispered crudely, while licking his lips as you flushed trying to look anywhere but his co-workers.
(you hated it so much that later on you were shoving your tongue down his throat telling him how much you loved him)
life was good. life was sweet, even if you couldn't get the nicest thing that there was in town, or that sometimes you had to settle for those cheap restaurants, or even if you had to dig out the nastiest rench out of the toilet after it had dropped. (okay, the last one was just a fun adventure rafe had told you not to do)
but there's something about that dress in the window. that stares back at you, and you can't help but feel this aching in your heart. it's this feeling that you can't escape when you walk past it every single day. the little ruffles, and the sheer beauty of the dress. sometimes you bite your tongue before walking past it, willing yourself to stop yourself.
when people told you a dress was meant for you, you had laughed toying with your jeans, wistfully nodding your head. the worst thing about it was the price tag.
one time you had willed yourself to enter in there, cold hands in your pants, as you skimmed past the other clothing to cut to the dress. just turning it over, you felt as if someone punched you in the stomach. 200 dollars? goddamn it, and then you quickly walked out, forgetting to say goodbye.
when you reached home, you pushed the door open in your shitty apartment, quickly going to get a strawberry soda. you ignored the raised eyebrow that rafe gave you, and before you knew it you were sniffling and running into the bedroom.
"uh—shit, hey, what's wrong?" his muffled voice rings clear into your head, "pup. can't cut me out like that. i thought we worked on that. managing your emotions and n’shit." there's a tone of concern in his voice, and you know he's stopping himself from barging in into the small room.
that was the first thing the two of you worked on. due to how small the place was, and given how much space both of you needed, you had rules to knock if the other went into a room, angry. rafe had started it, sitting you down telling you that sometimes he needed to be alone.
you bite your lip, folding yourself into a ball, as you mewl a "you can come in."
rafe entered the room with a sigh, folding his hands seeing you scrawled on the wooden floor. you bat your eyes, wispy eyelashes wet from crying, and you can't help yourself but reach out for him. he sits next to you, nudging you to scoot closer. you do, pressing your face against the folds of his button-up, smelling in the scent of peppermint and dirt.  
"you wanna tell me what that was about?"
you sober up, as he sits down next to you. you push your face closer to his chest as you shake your head. you couldn't dare tell him why you were feeling so horrible. you couldn't tell him you felt horrible because you couldn't have some stupid dress. money issues were something that rafe was used to, and for you to use it against him would be inhuman. no, you had what was the most important—rafe.
"so you're—you're gonna sulk?" he drawls, voice cruelly sweet, "c'mon kid, you can't just leave me hanging here. my sweet girl can't be crying."
you hiccupped, rubbing your eyes as you detached yourself from him, "no, i really can't tell you."  
now he was on alert, eyes sharp as he looked you over. you were never the one to cry and not tell him what was going on. make matters worse you would mope for weeks over the smallest thing. be it an animal documentary, or a story of a baby dying before meeting their mother. last week you had sobbed over the death of a ladybug.
"hey? hey!" rafe shook his head as he leaned closer to you to wipe away your tear, "did someone say something to you? just give me a name. i'll take care of you, you know i will."
this made you cry even harder, and you watched rafe look completely confused, as he tries to console you, you watched him bite the inside of his cheek, rubbing his hands against his sides. he looks completely helpless, and out of his element.
"it's about a dress," you whisper out, unsure as you look up at him, watching his lips twitch into a jeering smile.
"shit kid. all this-" rafe waved his hands around, a condencing tone edging in his voice, "all of this is about a dress? what's it made out of of—and uh, what the hell happened?"
somehow you can't help but laugh at his increditious tone, and realise how stupid it was of you not to tell him in the first place. he's your boyfriend, practically your best friend and everything to you.
you sniffled, "theres this dress that i see on my way to work, and it's so pretty, and i wish it was mine. every single time i see it, i feel like i'm betraying you."
rafe looked confused, running a hand through his hair "how would you be betraying me? 'just a dress."  
now you feel like crying even more, snot running down your face as he grabs your face to wipe it away, "no, rafe! not the dress. it's—" you let out a heavy sigh, "it's not the dress. it's the concept."
he looked amused, rubbing your back, "and that concept is?"
"that i'm not happy with you, and that i'm so greedy because i want a stupid dress, and that you deserve better, and that i'm just in it for the money!" you burst out, wailing at this point crumbling into rafe's arms. "i'm a bad person, rafe! i'm a bad person-"
and he says nothing. instead he gathers you in his arms, gently rubbing your head, as you whimpered softly. he's whispering something softly to you, as you try to burrow yourself closer to him.
"you're not a bad person for wanting something nice and new. especially if it's something that matters to you, uh, you gotta let yourself feel like that sometimes," he whispered out awkwardly, but when you look up at him you see the way that his eyes crinkled earnestly. he really cares about you, really cares about you.
"hell," he let out a laugh, "sometimes i feel like that. sometimes i want what those kooks have. those private jets, and houses and golf, and that doesn't make me a bad person," and then he gives you a soft smile before sobering up.
"what it means is that we gotta work harder for it," rafe mutters, pulling you closer, "but you and me?"
you nod waiting for him to say something.
"you and me are in for it. big time. and if it's some fancy dress you want, shit, i'm going to get you that dress, but you gotta wait," he coughed.
"i know this looks bad," he said, nudging at the apartment around the two of you, "but it's going to get better."
then he rests your head on his shoulders, and you feel more grateful than you ever.  
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papercorgiworld · 4 months
It was no mistake
A James Potter smut.
When you tell James last night was a mistake he's determined to prove you wrong.
This is part two of ‘I dare you to steal his clothes - James Potter version’. Read the first part here, not that this is very plot driven but still.
Warning: smut, minimal plot
— The request —
The James fic was so hot wtf 👹👹👹 we need part 2 dear author 😭😭😭
— The writing —
You walked through the hallways of Hogwarts but your mind was still stuck in that bathroom where you had yesterday tried and more or less succeeded in stealing James Potter’s clothes. He had given you a night to remember and as dreamy as you still were about those activities, you were also very much aware that it was James Potter. He was your crush, but to him you were probably nothing more than a fun night. It was not like he was suddenly going to fall in love with you after one night of heavenly sex.
“Moony, you’re not hearing me. She’s the one.” Remus rolled his eyes as James almost jumped up and down next to him, ever since last night’s events James had been going on about you non stop. Sirius and Peter had weaselled their way away from James and had left Remus to listen to James’ rants alone. Remus rearranged some books on the shelves of the library, because nothing’s more annoying than misplaced books. “I need your advice, moony, I’ve been crushing on her since the start of the year and after last night I need to make a move or I might lose her to the next guy she’s being dared to steal clothes from.” Remus turns away from the shelves to face James. “I honestly don’t think that she would repeat last night's events with anyone beside you.” Feeling reassured and a bit more confident, James’ signature smirk returns. “You think so? You think I’m special to her?” Remus sighs and rolls his eyes again. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure she likes you. I mean no one sleeps with someone you hate.” James’ eyebrows knit together. “You obviously haven’t had heated hate sex.” Remus shakes his head no. “You?” James also shakes no. “No, I’m just thinking it would be hot… not as hot as last night, I mean, (y/n) and me-” “I don’t want to hear it again, James!” Remus interrupts and quickly continues. “Just go talk to her, use all your charm and you will win her over.” 
You were still deep in thoughts, when James leaves the library and spots you. “Hey, hey, (y/n)! We need to talk.” Your eyes fling up to meet his and James is almost horrified to see how filled with panic your eyes are. You quickly scan the hallways for a way out, but fail to find a good excuse. James quickens his pace to keep up with you. “About last night…” James starts, nervously ruffling his hair, but before he has a chance to continue you speak up. “It was a mistake.” James’ face falls, but you don’t notice and continue. “I get it. I’m cool about it. Last night was just a thing and it won't happen again.” James nods as he listens to you, watching your serious expression and sinking his hands into his pockets. You suddenly stop walking and turn to him. You force a tightlipped smile and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. You hold out a hand to James. “Friends?” You ask with a shaky voice and flustered face. For a second James looks utterly confused, but he quickly realises that your flusteredness might have something to do with how you had screamed his name last night. James tilts his head and chews his lip, eyes focussing on yours. “What if I say no?” Your face instantly heats up. Why can’t he just be casual about it. Why does he have to be so James Potter about it!
“I got the sense that you liked what I did last night.” Your face was hitting tomato alert, but he just shamelessly continued. “Honestly, I enjoyed it as well. You felt amazing.” He whispers, while his eyes dart between you and everyone in the hallway to make sure no one overhears. “James-” Your protest comes out as a shaky whisper as your body craves James in an unholy way. “Come on, love one more time and then you can decide whether I’m worth keeping around or if you really just want to be friends.” Your expression goes blank as you process what James had just said. Did the James Potter just suggest that if you wanted he would be yours? Afraid that you weren’t fully convinced, James makes one last move, leaning closer to you with his lips almost brushing your ear. “You can have whatever you want, baby… my dick, fingers, tongue, I’ll give you anything you want.” His voice was husky and dirty, but there was also an almost inaudible nervousness as he worried whether you would accept his offer or just forget about him. 
A silent yes in your eyes had told James that he could guide you to a nearby empty classroom. As soon as he closed the door behind you he wrapped an arm around your figure, pulling you against him. His eyes focus on yours as his free hand cups your cheek. “I know it’s only been a few hours, but fuck I missed you.” You smile and James is wild with excitement that he got you close to him again. Eagerly his lips search yours and you immediately move with his, making the kiss go from passionate to hunger. He picks you up and you can’t help but giggle at his enthusiasm. He places you on a nearby desk and he’s quick to take off his own shirt, giving you a worthy view. Your hand wanders over his chest and muscles. There was a reason Gryffindor won almost every game. This boy worked for it. 
As amused and turned on as James was by your staring he really wanted your focus on kissing him. With a gentle finger he pushed your chin up to look at him so he could kiss you tenderly and deeply. It also gave him the opportunity to quickly undo a few buttons so he could pull your shirt over your head. With your hair now slightly messed up you looked even more desirable to him. Eagerly his lips move over yours again while his hands move to gently squeeze your breasts before unclasping your bra in one swift move. James struggles to keep his lips on you as his eyes desperately search for a glimpse of your chest. With a loving touch his hands massage the flesh of your boobs. A slightly suppressed moan reveals James’ excitement together with the growing bulge in his pants pressing against your panties. Pushing you back on the desk James now moves away from your lips to allow himself to play with your nipples, earning soft sounds from you as sensations build up, soaking your panties as he sucks on the sensitive skin. 
Unable to keep himself in check James rocks his hips into yours, searching for fiction. You quickly slip a hand in his pants, making him groan as you tease his member. One hand pumps his dick while your other hand moves through his curls. Under your touch James only manages to leave sloppy kisses as precum stains his pants. He curses himself under his breath. This was not how he planned it on going, he needed to spoil you and not the other way around. So rather abruptly and roughly James grabs your hand and takes a step back so he can take off your skirt and panties. You open your mouth to ask whether you did anything wrong, but James doesn’t let you and kisses you roughly while moving a finger through your folds, making you squirm against him at the sudden touch. “Last night was not a mistake.” James breathes with a rough undertone as he watches your eyes fill with pleasure at his touch. Your slightly parted lips looked so delicious to you, but he wanted to hear you so instead he peppers kisses down your neck, while his fingers fuck you.
Your fingers entangle with his hair as pleasure rushes through you. You whimper his name as he pushes you closer to your high, making him work harder to get you there. He watches you with focus to pinpoint the exact second before you’ll cum so he can pull his fingers away from you, making you whine in need of him and a climax. Your needy eyes turn him on so much he has to grab his crotch for a second. “Trust me, love.” James whispers and pushes your legs wider with one move, making you yelp at the exposure and heave your chest. The view you were giving him, exposed and flustered had him struggling to not just fuck you right then and there but he was committed to make you his and have you every night from now on. With his eyes glued to yours he slowly kisses down from your lips to your pussy to finish the building orgasm he had kept from you only seconds earlier.
Your body tenses and your fingers cling to James’ curls as your wall clench. James can’t resist jerking himself as you gently and unknowingly push his face against your pussy, reaching your high. It takes a second before you have the strength to push the strong man between your legs away from your overstimulated cunt. As soon as you see his pleased smirk you know he isn’t done with you. You raise your hand to protest, but he just grabs your wrist, pulling you off the desk to turn you around. He presses you against him, your naked body against his bare chest. He still holds on to your wrist as his other hand slips between your legs again. “James.” You whine and he shushes you. “You still think last night was a mistake?” He teases you, placing kisses under your ear. He rubs his hard bulge against your bare ass and your sensitive pussy starts throbbing at just the thought of his thick member filling you like last night. “No, it wasn’t a mistake.” You breathe and James kisses your neck tenderly, before bending you over the desk and freeing his member from his pants. 
Gently he slips inside you, holding you close as he fucks you passionately, like you were the only woman that mattered, a goddess to him, and only him for the rest of his life from now on.
Word count: 1720
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kyushiblast · 8 months
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⤷ 〝 jealous much? 〞
➞ pairings : grusha , arven , & jacq ( separate ) x gn! reader
➞ summary : how they react when jealous.
➞ genre : fluff
➞ cw / other : nothing
➞ a/n : need requests y’all
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❝ grusha ❞
— ♥ the incident of his career hadn’t just affected him physically, a mental toll was in state along with it including his bit of possessiveness for you.
— ♥ he can’t help it. after all, you’re on his list of most cherished. and as cheesy as it sounds, he’d hate losing someone so precious to him as he’d lost his occupation.
— ♥ so when he sees this person shamelessly hitting on you, of course he’s going to step in and say something.
— ♥ glaseado mountain has a few forms. sometimes calm, sometimes sharp and unforgiving as if mad at the people climbing its skin. grusha’s cold persona towards the person embodied that.
— ♥ would probably threaten to pokémon battle. just because he’s an ice type gym leader doesn’t mean that he’ll just have ice type pokémon on hand every time, so he’d most likely use varieties including those you’ve traded with him.
— ♥ he’ll be levelheaded as much as he can until the other person initiates a snap or an aggressive show, but either way in the end he’ll definitely come up to you and ask if you’re okay.
— ♥ expect a brief hug after, and maybe a few kisses or two. he’s not too big on pda, especially if some people come by to watch him battle and he’s waiting for the area to clear up.
— ♥ but the best part is him being in denial about being clingy afterwards. that’s when teasing him is essential.
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❝ arven ❞
— ❀ he’s the type to be suspicious and accusatory first, ask later.
— ❀ will cross his arms and be sassy. maybe something like, “is this person bothering you, (y/n)? i can deal with ‘em.”
— ❀ when he’s jealous he’s obvious. he’ll pull you in more, scowl and throw sarcastic comments at the other person, and he’ll suggest to go somewhere else.
— ❀ WILL throw in a regular pokemon challenge to the other if it gets to that point. like might as well make it a tradition or smth to go up to someone and challenge them whenever lmao ,, wait that already happens
— ❀ arven would also grasp onto your arm or sleeve subconsciously, afterwards backing away and apologizing after the person’s gone for just grabbing your arm.
— ❀ “i hate it when people just keep persisting on someone even when they’re obviously taken…” arven would sigh, “…but hey, it means you’re hot stuff if people keep coming to take you away from me!”
— ❀ then he’d offer to go on a picnic or something, whatever you’d like. he’s just glad that you’re there with him, no matter what.
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❝ jacq ❞
— ☾ the other person isn’t gonna take jacq seriously. i mean, he does look like he just woke up, with his laid back attitude and ruffled clothing. but the charm in it was something you could admire, and clearly the other person didn’t see that.
— ☾ he’s a lil irritated. not just because this person’s competing against him, but also because they have a solid chance.
— ☾ they looked better and dressed better, they were smooth with talking, and in no way did jacq feel as if he could compete properly against them.
— ☾ you seemed to sense his thoughts, holding his hand comfortingly. his heart, as if a weight was pushed off of it, immediately lightened.
— ☾ THEN he had the confidence to say some things. and after you both left the scene, a semi-heartbroken person left behind, he’d kiss you on the forehead thanking you for everything.
— ☾ sure, it was just a small scenario that doesn’t hold much significance in one’s eye. but it strengthened your relationship in the end, and as dorky as it seems, it mattered.
— ☾ jacq’s a good person. he just needs you there to remind him of it. give him one compliment and he’ll pay back tenfold.
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work of kyushiblast , please do not translate , copy , or repost here or on any other platform !!
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cheollipop · 2 years
ginger & cinnamon tea
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pairing: choi san x fem!reader
w.c.: 3.5k
tags: smut, fluff, established relationship, sick fic
after his roommate suggested a way to get rid of the sniffles, san – being the trusting friend he was – just had to try it.
warnings: praise, begging (so... much... begging), pussy-drunk! san, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex (boooo!!! 👎🏻), multiple rounds/orgasms, multiple creampies, a sprinkle of overstimulation, a hint of anal (m receiving), one (1) chomp, san's stamina is through the roof in this one oof, perhaps a slight breeding kink bc why not, I think that's all-
A/N: here it is... my first smut fic (yes, its another sick fic. we won't speak about it)... I'm absolutely terrified posting this, but I really hope you all enjoy reading it! a special thanks to alyssa (aka @toxicccred <3) for entertaining my horny thoughts for literally hours yesterday. mwah ily lots.
nsfw under the cut - minors dni!! 🔞
San's sneeze blasted through your phone's speaker, your body flinching back at the sound.
"Sorry," he smiled sheepishly.
You shook your head, a small smile on your face as you watched his face sink deeper into his pillow.
"Does your head still hurt?"
He hummed. "It's not as bad. I think the painkillers have finally kicked in."
"What about your fever? Have Woo check it for you."
"Have him make you some soup as well. With extra veggies-"
"Baby, calm down. It's just a cold," San chuckled, the sound coming out rough and gravelly.
You pouted, eyebrows furrowing, exhaling a long sigh. "I hate not being there for you when you're sick. This business trip wasn't even that important." You slumped back in your armchair, yet to change out of your clothes and into something more comfortable.
"You're coming back tomorrow," he reminded you, clearing his throat, the corners of his lips tugging upwards. "You can give me all your love and attention then."
His words brought a smile to your lips. Perhaps it was also the two dimples you loved so much peeking out to greet you.
"No kisses, though."
His bottom lip jutted out. "I guess I'll settle for cuddles."
"Then I'll be sure to put my all into them," you promised.
You kept the call open while you went about your nighttime routine, telling San about your two-day business trip, and how your boss got too drunk and embarrassed himself over dinner. Sliding under the covers, your skin glowing with the fresh layer of skin care he had bought you for valentine's day, you rested your head on the pillow. Neither of you spoke, simply pretending that the other was an arm's reach away as your breaths slowly evened out, falling asleep to soft smiles and pretty dimples.
The door opened after a few seconds of you knocking, a large smile on the man's face greeting you.
"Welcome back!"
"Thank you, Woo.” He pulled you into a hug, squeezing you once before letting go. You spoke while you slipped your shoes off, "how's he doing?"
"He's a big boy, don't worry too much about him." Wooyoung walked with you as you made your way to San's room.
You breathed out a laugh. "You know I can't help it."
Wooyoung only smiled, ruffling your hair before disappearing into his room – the door adjacent to San's.
Peeking into San's room, your eyes instantly met with his. He was sitting up in bed, holding a tissue to his nose. You couldn't help the grin splitting your face, nearly hopping with excitement as you made your way towards him. San threw the tissue god-knows-where and held his arms open for you, wrapping them around your frame once you were close enough. You pressed your lips to his forehead, smacking a kiss onto the heated skin before sitting by his side and relaxing into his embrace.
"I've missed you, my love," San muttered against your hair, kissing your temple. His voice was hoarse, and you could tell he had a stuffy nose.
"Me too. So much," you inhaled his scent, hands running up and down his clothed back.
Wooyoung peeked his head back into the room, gym bag slung over his shoulder. He smiled at the sight of the two of you holding each other so close, he wasn't sure where you began and where San ended.
"Alright, lovebirds, I'm going to the gym for a few hours," he spoke, unsure if you could even hear him from how deeply molded into each other the two of you were.
San waved at him with one of the hands wrapped around your back, and you sent him off with a quiet "have fun."
Wooyoung hesitated at the door, peeking in once more, the corner of his lips curling into a sly smirk. "You know…"
You turned your head to look at the man, raising an eyebrow at him, urging him to speak.
"They say some sweet lovemaking gets rid of colds prettyyy quick," he winked.
Heat rushed to your cheeks, and you could see San's ears turning a bright red – yet you weren't sure if that was Wooyoung’s doing or the cold's.
"Ya!" San grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at him.
Wooyoung ran away, effectively dodging the swarm of pillows being thrown at him, his squeaky giggles echoing in the apartment even after the front door clicked shut behind him.
"Sorry about that. Just ignore him," San pressed a kiss to the crown of your head, tucking you back into his chest.
You let out a breathy laugh, nuzzling your cheek against San's collarbone. "It's Wooyoung, I'm used to his antics by now."
"You're right," he grinned, laying down on his bed, taking you with him.
"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better, Sannie?"
"Just let me hold you," he flexed his arms around you, squeezing you for a few seconds before relaxing again.
You hummed, letting your eyes flutter shut, your hand sliding under his shirt to settle against the soft skin of his hip.
You remained that way, limbs tangled up with his under the comforter, your cheek pressed to his chest as it rose and fell steadily. You felt his breath hitch, chest hiccuping as he cleared his throat repeatedly. You raised your head to meet his eyes, your hair disheveled and tangled from where his fingers had been running through it.
“Are you okay? Does something hurt?”
His hand smoothed down your unkempt locks, cupping the back of your neck and giving it a small squeeze. “I’m okay,” he cleared his throat again.
You stifle a laugh at his attempt to hold back his cough. “Don’t hold it back, you idiot.”
He pouted, muttering under his breath, “such heartwarming words.” He hid his face in the crook of his elbow and coughed, the sound ripping through his chest. He winced, eyes shut tightly and the corners of his mouth turning downwards.
“Oh, baby,” your fingers ran through his hair, scratching at his scalp before moving down to cup his cheek. San leaned into your touch, turning his head to kiss your palm, his skin heated against yours. “I’ll go make you some tea.”
“Don’t go,” he mumbled, taking your free hand in his and interlocking your fingers with his, giving them a tight squeeze.
“I’ll just be a moment,” you leaned in to plant a kiss on his cheek.
“Just stay here, I don’t need any tea,” San touched his forehead to yours.
You kissed the tip of his nose, then placed another one on his cheekbone. “Yes you do.” Untangling yourself from him, you made your way to the kitchen, stopping at his bedroom door. “Just call out if you need me.”
You left the room, finally allowing yourself to laugh at the expression San was giving you – bottom lip jutting out, eyes big and pleading.
He was so cute, you thought, as you stared at the boiling water. Dropping a few pieces of ginger into the water, followed by a stick of cinnamon, you left them to boil on low heat for a few minutes. You turned the stove off before placing a tea bag into the kettle and watched as the liquid slowly darkened.
Pouring the steaming tea into his favourite mug, you walked back to his room.
You immediately noticed his restless shuffling under the thick blanket, his breathing heavy and labored, a sheen of sweat reflecting the dim light from the small lap perched on his bedside.
"San?" You hurried to his side, setting the mug down by the lamp before placing your palm on his forehead, worried his fever might have returned. "Does anything hurt?"
"(Y/n), please…" He muttered, voice so breathy his words were barely coherent, still fidgeting under his blanket.
"What's wrong, Sannie?" You began to push the blanket off him, allowing the cool air to hit his heated skin.
Your worry faded as soon as you pulled it off his torso, leaving it gathered at his knees. Your eyes traveled between his pants – pulled midway down his thighs – and his hand, wrapped around his hard length, his hips thrusting into his fist with vigor.
"S-san! What are you doing?" Your hands twitched at your sides, not knowing what to do, your eyes stuck on San's lower half. Arousal pooled between your legs, waves of heat surging through your body.
"Please, (Y/n)- ah," he whined. His fingers squeezed around his girth, the breathy moan that escaped his lips going straight to your core. "Please, help me. Wooyoung said-"
"Sannie, Wooyoung’s an idiot. You need to rest," your voice wavered, prying your eyes off San's middle to meet his eyes.
"Please… please, please, (Y/n)."
You were stuck battling between your morals and your arousal, rubbing your thighs together as you struggled to speak. But San was looking up at you with hooded eyes, lips parted as he panted heavily, hips never ceasing their movement. You eyed the bead of precum leaking from his tip – how his hand smeared it down his length with its relentless movement. With those flushed cheeks and whispered pleads – how could you ever say no?
"What can I do to make you feel better?"
"Ah, San. Fuck. Your mouth is so-," warm, you wanted to say before San ripped another moan out of you, your hand fisted in his hair as he lapped at your cunt like a starved man.
He slipped another finger alongside the two he had stuffed inside you, curling them to drag along your walls, pressing against the spot that made your back arch, your breathy moans egging him on.
"Taste so good," he nuzzled his nose against your clit, his tongue slipping down to lick up the wetness dripping out of you and around his fingers. His hips rutted against the sheets where he laid on his stomach, eyes fluterring shut as he breathed heavily against your folds, drunk off your arousal.
"Oh, God. San- hnngh," your hips jumped off the bed, your hand on the back of San's head helping you push him closer to your core. "I'm about to- ah, baby, you're making me feel so good."
San's fingers thrusted into you harder, encouraged by your praise, pressing against your sweet spot every time he pushed back in. His tongue was back on your clit, alternating between lapping at it and sucking it between his lips. Your back arched once more as waves of pleasure rushed through your body, your thighs shaking around San's face as he helped you ride out your high, his fingers deep inside you while his tongue worked to swallow everything you gave him.
Panting heavily, your eyes closed, trying to regain your breath. "Shit, San."
San climbed up your body, his chin dripping with his spit and your arousal. "Did that feel good?" He looked at you through hooded eyes, his chest rising and falling at the same rate as yours.
“Yes, San, it was amazing,” you breathed out a laugh, jumping when the tip of his cock brushed against your sensitive clit. San leaned closer, his chest pressed against yours, head tucked into the crook of your neck.
"Can I-" San pressed his lips against your skin, taking the shell of your ear between his teeth, the hand not holding him up wrapping around his cock again. He pumped himself a few times before running his tip along your folds, his precum mixing with the spit and arousal.
You tucked a few strands behind his ear, holding his cheek in your hand, smiling when he nuzzled into the touch. "Kiss me, Sannie."
San shook his head against your palm. "I don't want to get you sick."
You moved your hand to his nape, pulling his face closer to yours, pressing a kiss to the corner of his lips, smiling against the skin. "I think it's a little too late for that."
That was all it took for San to slam his lips against yours and moaning into your mouth, his teeth clashing against your front ones, desperately biting into your bottom lip.
"Let me have you, please, let me," he whispered against your lips, diving back in to suck your bitten bottom lip into his mouth.
You nodded, reaching down to take his length between your fingers – eliciting a sharp hiss from the man above you – and positioned him at your entrance, adjusting your position to take him more easily. San pushed forward, his tip breaching your tight hole, sliding more of his length inside you as his tongue ran over the roof of your mouth, sucking your tongue between his lips. He bottomed out inside you, pulling back to pant against your lips, his moans breathy and needy. Grinding his hips against yours, your eyes rolled back with a whispered fuck.
San pressed his forehead to yours, struggling to keep his eyes open while your walls squeezed around his length. "Is that okay, baby? God, you feel so good, I could cum right now."
"It feels so- so good, Sannie," you cupped his cheeks, one hand slipping down to his neck. "Just- please, move."
With his lips attached to your neck, he gave a few slow thrusts, the stretch of his cock between your walls almost overwhelming. You wrapped your arms around San's shoulders, feeling his muscles flex under your touch.
"I need-" he panted against your skin, lips pressed to your cheek, peppering open-mouthed kisses all over your face. San bent one of his knees, pressing it into the mattress by your hips, your thigh hooked over his. "I need more, please. Can I have more, please baby?"
San's eyes were teary as they stared into yours, pleading, his hand squeezing the flesh of your hip, cock dragging against your walls.
Your hand slid down to his lower back, lips pressing against his jaw. "Take what you want, Sannie, I'm all yours."
Digging the knee by your hip into the mattress, San pushed his cock all the way inside you, rolling his hips until they were flush with yours, your eyes rolling back at the stretch. With a hand on the underside of your thigh, he bent it back until your knee rested under your armpit before he began to piston his hips, building a steady rhythm as he fucked the moans out of you. San’s lips pressed gentle kisses down the column of your throat, stopping to suck and bite at the flesh, leaving behind a trail of purple and blue bruises that you would scold him for later.
He breathed heavily against your skin, a mix of grunts and airy moans escaping his lips. “You’re so perfect, every last bit of you,” he took your nipple into his mouth, giving it a sharp suck before biting down on it, your body jolting under him.
“San – a-ahh – more, give me more.” Your whole body spasmed every time his cock brushed against your sweet spot, his hand pushing your other leg over his shoulder, folding you in half so he could fuck you even harder. “You feel so good, baby. So, so good.”
“Fuck. I’m not going to last,” he tongue made a trail up your cleavage to the hollow of your neck, moving to your face and slotting his lips against yours, running his tongue over your teeth.
Please, please, please, you repeated, unsure of what exactly you were asking for, San’s hips slamming so hard against yours it left your brain lagging. He brought the hand on your thigh down to your sopping folds, two fingers rubbing hastily at your swollen clit as he tried to bring you over the edge with him. Your walls clenched around his throbbing cock as a numbing wave of pleasure coursed through your body. San’s hips stuttered, managing a few more thrusts before stilling, cock pushed all the way inside your pulsing cunt as the familiar warmth of his cum took over your senses. A series of high-pitched moans escaped his lips as he emptied his load inside you.
He pulled out just enough to shoot the last rope of cum onto your mound, rubbing it through your folds with the tip of his cock, your legs closing in around his hips when he brushed against your clit.
He looked down at the mess he had made before sheathing himself back inside your cunt, pushing some of his cum out in the process.
“S-san!” Your hips jolted, trying to move away from him as you began to feel overstimulated.
“I’m sorry, please, just-” He rocked his hips into yours, his face tucked into your neck, his hot breath blowing against your skin. “I need more, (Y/n).”
Your thighs shook uncontrollably around him, the pleasure mixing with pain as your nerves went into overdrive. But San was looking at you with teary eyes, sniffing every other second as his nose started running. He looked so fucked out, hair disheveled and the sheen of sweat covering his body reflecting the dim light. He pushed his hips flush against yours, grinding slowly, unable to stop himself as waves of pleasure shot through his spine.
“Please… just one more… please, baby, will you give it to me?” He pressed his lips to your cheek, then to your nose, and finally your mouth, placing short sweet kisses on your lips while he begged you for more.
When the tears welling up in his eyes – a mixture of his cold and the pleasure overwhelming his every sense – dampened his precious skin, his eyes glimmering as he looked down at you, you knew you had lost this battle. Perhaps even the war, and everything in between.
“I’ll give you anything you want, Sannie,” you whispered against his lips, moaning into his mouth as his thrusts picked up their pace, the sound of skin slapping on skin echoing between the four walls.
Sliding his arms under you, he held you closer to him, your tits squeezing against his chest as his cock slid in and out of you, pushing directly against your g-spot with every thrust. San’s moans got louder – needier – as he pumped himself into you, desperately chasing his high.
“You’re taking me so well, my love – ahhh – fuck, (Y/n), every single inch,” he bit down on your shoulder, squeezing your waist so tight he was bound to leave bruises. “I’m going to fill you up with so much cum, it’ll be dripping out of you for days. You'll take all of it, won't you?”
His words made your walls clamp up on him, his thrusts faltering and turning sloppy. “Please, Sannie, want your cum so bad – hnnngh,” your nails dragged over the soft skin of his back, your eyes rolling back when his fingers made contact with your clit, rubbing at it desperately, reveling in the feeling of your pussy clenching around his cock. “I’m- fuck, I’m so close.”
"My pretty baby," he slid his tongue over your parted lips. "So beautiful, letting me fuck my cum into her."
Your hand slid down his slick skin to squeeze at the firm flesh of his ass, making him groan into your neck. Slowly, your fingers made their way between his cheeks, brushing over his puckered hole. San’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, pounding his cock into you with fervor as you sunk the tip of your finger into his ass, feeling it clench around your digit. A familiar warmth surged through you as San pumped his cum into you, sliding his cock in and out of your abused cunt as ribbons of white painted your walls. He slowly stilled his hips and you felt his cock throbbing inside you, his cum fucked so deep into you, you feared no contraceptive could stop you from bearing his children. He leaned in, pressing his mouth to yours as he filled you up; his lips parted after a few seconds, the pleasure leaving him too fucked out to do anything but moan and groan into your mouth.
“(Y/n), baby, you feel so good... it won’t stop coming out,” he ground his hips into yours, feeling more of his cum filling you up, a stream of it leaking out and pooling on his sheets.
The tears in his eyes, the euphoric expression on his face, his thumb rubbing slow circles over your sensitive clit, the feeling of his cock buried so deep within you still shooting out ropes of cum – you weren’t sure what threw you off the edge, perhaps it was all of those factors combined. Your toes curled, and you could swear you saw stars, vision blurring as your body writhed under San’s, clawing at his back while he helped you ride out your high.
Your legs didn't stop spasming even after San plopped down on his side next to you, reaching out to brush your hair off your face, his palm cupping your cheek, thumb rubbing against the flushed skin. “Are you okay?”
You blinked slowly at him, a lazy smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “Mmm, perfect.” You turned your body to face him, your knees shaking in the process – and San may or may not have smiled proudly at that. “You know, I would have hid your scarves a long time ago if I knew you could fuck like that.”
Your giggles vibrated between the walls as San attacked you, fingers prodding at your sides, limbs too heavy to fight him off your body.
Wooyoung peeked his head into the room, grimacing at the overbearing stuffiness. Looking around, he noticed the pile of clothes thrown into one corner, soiled towels tossed in the opposite direction. A pair of bodies slept soundly, tangled up together under the thick comforter, San's soft snores breaking through the stillness in the room.
Wooyoung’s hand reached up to cover his mouth, stifling a squeaky laugh as the realization hit him.
“Holy shit, they actually did it.”
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goldenhourwriter · 1 year
˜”*°•𝔦 𝔠𝔞𝔫’𝔱 𝔴𝔬𝔫’𝔱 𝔣𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲•°*”˜
°pairing: miguel o'hara x wife!reader
°summary: your husband is against miles. you're for him. but, you two are still married, no matter what
°warning(s): couples fighting, angst, talks of violence and fighting, kissing, a tiny bit of fluff, and I only know like a chunk of Spanish. It was all checked through spanish dictionary, please correct me if I’m wrong
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I swing into my room. Well, the room I have to share with my husband. I land silently, a quiet ‘thwip’ following my actions of flying through the air. I take a moment and look around, my heart thumping loudly.
I sigh, getting up and mumbling under my breath about hating this day. This whole week. Today was starting off rather well, but of course, being a Spider-Person in a while league of Spider-People, a disaster is always lurking.
“Miguel, back off,” I warn. He spares me a glance. “Mi princessa,” he begins, his tone signaling he’s done with the conversation. “¿En serio no está considerando todo lo que está en juego aqu��? All the lives that we can actually lose?”
I bite my lip, and the entire Spider Society is staring at us. Hobie’s eyes, for once, hold shock. It’s so quiet you can hear a pin drop. Gwen doesn’t know how to react, Peter is standing there while Mayday coos and climbs over his head, letting out soft giggles. Miles doesn’t know what to do, how to stand, to even breathe or not. Everyone watches as we hold each other’s gaze, defensive.
Now, Miguel isn’t stupid. He knows exactly how this may end, but he can at least try to keep his wife from fighting against him.
“Y/N, listen-“ “No, Miguel, you’re not listening.” I shoot back. His gaze darkens as I cut him off. Frankly, I’m the only one who has the guts to, and the only one he at least tolerates here.
“This kid’s dad is in danger. You can at leatest relate to not wanting lose a loved one, imagine if it was me!”
“Y/N,” his tone is much darker now. “Don’t you dare go there.”
“Exactly, Miguel. You wouldn’t be able to stand it. Just try to put yourself in the kid’s shoes!” I raise my voice as he walks past me, his eyes now on Miles. “Miguel,” I call at him.
“I’m sorry, kid,” he says, taking out a device.
“Miguel, no!” I shout louder, my feet taking me at a sprint to get to him. Miles’s eyes widen in fear as Miguel hurls the device at him, a bubble then forming around him. People start to try to console a distressed Miles. Miguel holds me back from him, his one arm being strong enough to keep me in place.
“Miguel, you can’t, he will find a way out.”
He just keeps staring forward. My heart cracks as I look up at my husband.
Then, Miles makes the shield dissolve. I curse under my breath. He laughs nervously.
Then, he takes off running.
I shoot a web to the ceiling, flying up before Miguel could stop me. He tries to reach up for me, but I’m too fast. I swing after Miles, and he somersaults to try and get father from me.
“No, kid! I’m on your side!” I shout at him. He gives me a small smile.
Of course, in my adrenaline-run haze, I completely forgot I didn’t have my suit. Any of my good weapons. So, I had to swing back to my home. Only for the suit. That’s all.
That’s the only reason.
At least, that’s what I’ve been trying to convince myself. I breathe heavily as my nerves grow. I cross to my drawers, pulling open the top drawer. My mind races as I ruffle through it, finishing my suit.
“Come on, come on, come on,” I repeat under my breath. I grunt in displeasure as I find it’s tangled with some other clothes. I’m not really needed on missions, I’m more of the desk woman, so I don’t wear my suit that much. So, of course, it gets buried under all my other clothes.
Truly, I didn’t want to go against my husband. Of all people, but my beliefs don’t have to be his. And vice versa. He’s being crazy. He had no right to tell a kid that he was a disappointment, a mistake. I watched with anger on the train, and honesty, I know he’s the happiest with me right now. We’re both too stubborn to see each other’s side, much less give in and switch sides. Plus, I made Miles a promise.
I finally get it untangled, and I let out a small voice of victory, a smile growing on my face. I crouch down onto the floor to reach the bottom drawer, opening it. Before I can even remember what I’m looking for, a deep, rumbling voice calls out to me.
I freeze and suck in a breath, my head looking up, each one of my hairs standing up on my neck.
Oh, shit.
I heave out a sigh.
I grab my good webshooters quickly and stand up, walking right past him and to the window. I try to walk fast, wordlessly, but his red, laser-like web shoots out and grabs my arm. I look down at it, and then I look at him.
“What?” I ask shortly. His eyes hold some sadness at this, but his face remains stern.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” he questions, taking a step towards me. I don’t move towards him. I stay quiet. So, he softens his voice, he lets down the scary, mad, and broken persona for just a moment. “You have a duty, a responsibility that you promised to everyone-“
“No, no, Miguel! No!” I interject. I shake my head, grabbing the web and throwing it down, spinning around to look at him fully.
“I promised my own father to protect him. Then he was made fucking captain, he was given that dammed position, and he died! I promised him, and I promised Miles. I need to do this, you can’t stop me.” I turn around again, but his web grabs my back, and he pulls me back. I help as he spins me into him, and I collide with his rock-hard chest. He towers over me, and as he looks down, he’s almost begging me.
“Mi vida,” he whispers. My eyes search his, alternating between his left and right eye. “Don’t make me do this.”
His arm raises with the same device that he used on Miles, and I try to tug away. I grab his arm, pausing his movements. He and I both know he can easily overpower me any day, but he doesn’t. No, he won’t.
“Then don’t,” I respond simply.
He shakes his head. My spider-sense go off the hook, and I hop onto the ceiling, sticking to it. I look down at him, and in his other hand, he’s holding a stun gun. “Really, Miguel? You’re going to be that cliche?” I ask, crawling away from him.
“Dammit, Y/N! Just come here!” He shouts at me. He hops into the ceiling as well, his claws digging into the plaster. I gasp, and I use a web to sling over to the window, but he webs it shut before I can fly out. I fly into the now-closed window. I groan as I clutch my head, a small bump forming. I turn and Miguel is walking right up to me, and he pins me to the wall.
A moment of silence passes between us.
“Why?” I whisper.
He shakes his head, gritting his teeth, his fangs visible. We won’t get physical. We both know this. We can’t hurt each other even to save our own souls, it’s against our nature, against every instinct. Then, all the emotions of today come flooding to my heart. It hits me.
We’re at war.
My eyes flood with think, hot tears. I bring a shaky hand up to his cheek, and I gently cup it, my thumb coming to stroke his cheekbone. He shuts his eyes, and he leans ever so slightly into my touch. The weapons he has drops at his side, and he leans down to bury his head in my shoulder.
“I can’t let you oppose me,” he whispers to me, his hands coming to circle around my waist. “I-I can’t fight you. No, I won’t fight you.”
I nod, and I let my arms come around his neck, and I breathe him in, my eyes fluttering shut.
“I don’t want to, Miguel. I don’t. But I need to. I need to help Miles, because he needs his Dad. Wouldn’t you try anything to save someone you love?”
“I did,” he mumbles. And my heart sinks. His daughter. He doesn’t want another disaster like that, he doesn’t want other fathers to lose their daughters. I stay quiet, not wanting to disturb this moment of peace we have. Possibly the last moment of peace we’ll have in a good long while. He eventually pulls away, his eyes red. He grabs my left hand, and he looks down at my wedding ring. A simple diamond with a silver band. He traces over it with his thumb, and he leans down and kisses it. He leans down and presses his forehead against mine.
“Prométeme que te mantendrás segura, mi ángel.” He mumbles. I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion, but before I can ask, he pulls the window open, a breeze coming in. I stare at him, and I give him a small nod.
Then, I reach my arm out behind me, but before I shoot out a web, I whisper out.
“I still love you.”
He smiles.
“And I love you.”
Then, I fly out the window.
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nycbaby21 · 1 year
Matching PJs
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prompt: matching pjs w/ Quinn and Jack and Luke chirp the hell out of him
word count: 1,653
“Oh Quinny,” I yell into the house excited to show him what I found shopping today. I hear Ellen laugh behind me, she had her doubts about the gift but I knew it would work out. “Living room,” he replies. Walking into the room I see him and Jim sitting on the couch watching some highlights from one of his games. I skip over to him and sit on the arm of the couch next to him. I smile down at him and kiss his cheek.
“What did you do,” his voice was filled with dread. Ellen had joined us by now and cuddled up into Jim’s side. The two looked over at us and laughed at how Quinn was acting. Everyone saw Quinn as a grump who hated anything remotely fun. We all saw a different side of him though. He was really a big softie when it came to the people he loved most. Ellen and Jim had told me several times that they had never seen him happier, and my heart melted at that moment.
“Quit acting like you won’t love whatever she has. That girl could give you a rock and you’d treat it like the Stanley Cup,” Jim joked at his oldest who just simply blushed and took the bag from my hands. We all just laughed at him and I sat impatiently waiting for his reaction. He slowly pulled out the clothes I picked out for him. I was bouncing with excitement. He pulled out the black long-sleeve and cut a look at me.
“Thank you,” he said confused as to why I was acting this way over a plain shirt. I rolled my eyes,” keep going.” He dug a little deeper and he knew what it was as soon as he touched it. A small smile crept its way onto his face. He pulled out a pair of fuzzy pajama bottoms covered with cute Halloween designs. “I got a matching pair,” I say pulling mine from the bag I had sitting on the floor next to me. He looked up at me with nothing but love in his eyes. “I love them. Thank you, baby,” he says grabbing my hand and giving it a small kiss.
Jim starts laughing at him, and then Ellen clears her throat. “Don’t start laughing now. Y/n was pretty convincing and I bought us a pair too,” she laughed throwing a bag on his lap. Quinn let out the loudest laugh and I quickly joined them. Jim had the funniest expression on his face. “Aw Dad, you are gonna look so cute,” Quinn picked at his dad, giving him teasing right back like he had done his son five minutes earlier. When he started to protest I just pulled a pleading look and he sighed. “That girl could sell ice to a polar bear,” he grumbles ruffling my hair and taking his pants with him. 
Hours later Quinn and I had changed into our pjs and were setting up a movie night in the living room. “Okay, so we have popcorn, candy, blankets, and a stack of Halloween movies ready. I think we are good to go,” I smile looking over at him. He walks over and places his hands around my waist. I quickly throw mine around his neck. “You forgot the most important thing,” his voice rasps. I raise my eyebrows,” Oh yeah. What’s that?” He smiled down at me and leaned in close. “Our adorable matching pants,” he said leaning down and kissing my lips. 
I smile into the kiss and he pinches my sides and I squeal pulling away. “Jerk,” I laugh stepping back from him. A playful look overcomes his face and he steps towards me. I laugh and try to run away from him but he catches me quickly. He puts his face into my neck and I lean back into him. Our quiet moment of bliss is interrupted by Jack yelling into the house followed by the door shutting. 
“You guys will never believe what mom got dad to wear,” Jack started and stopped seeing Quinn and me. “No fucking way,” he doubled over laughing. “What are you laughing at,” Luke said finally walking into the room followed by Dylan. Luke raises his eyebrows at us and joins his brother in laughing. Quinn separates from me and throws a pillow at them. “Yeah yeah yeah, laugh it up,” he says sitting down on the couch pulling me down with him. The three boys follow suit and join us in the living room. “I cannot believe you actually put that shit on,” Jack laughs sitting down in the recliner next to the couch. Quinn just pulled me closer and I nuzzled into his side.
“You are just jealous that I have someone to wear them with and you don’t” Quinn shrugs grabbing the remote and trying to play the first movie but Luke snatches it and pauses it. “You look like a freaking dork Q,” Luke says grabbing a handful of popcorn. I shove him with my foot. “No popcorn for people who make fun of my pjs,” I joke snatching the bowl away. “Ignore them. I personally think you guys look adorable. You guys are literally couple goals. I wish I had someone to wear those with,” Dylan smiles over at us from the other recliner.
I grin over at the Duke boy and jump up from my spot on the couch. I dash to our room and grab the bag of extra bottoms that I bought for the three of them. I run back and throw a pair at Dyl. “I got you a pair too,” I say smiling at him. “No you fucking didn’t. Thank you Y/n! This means so much to me,” he says standing and pulling me into a hug. I return the hug and pull away from him and look at the two younger Hughes brothers. 
“I bought you guys some too. But I can just return them tomorrow,” I sadly smile at the two of them and sit back on the couch in between my boyfriend and Luke. I lean over and gently grab the remote from the youngest boy and play the first movie. I let Quinn pick first and he chose Halloweentown. I nuzzled deeper into his side and focused on the movie. I tried to ignore the glances from the guys. I knew it wasn’t everyone’s thing, but I just wanted them to feel included. 
After the movie ended I looked over and saw the popcorn bowls were empty. “I’m gonna go fill these up. Dylan you can pick the next movie,” I smile over at him pasing him the remote. I go into the kitchen and start the microwave popping more. In the living room, Quinn reaches over and slaps Jack’s thigh while Dylan punches Luke’s arm. “Ow, what was that for,” both boys whine. “That was uncalled for guys,” Dylan says scrolling through the movies and finally landing on Hocus Pocus. “Okay, you don’t have to say anything. I feel shitty enough,” Luke says leaning back into the couch. “She just wanted all of you to not feel left out. She knew it was a stupid coupley thing but she told Mom she would never want you guys to feel excluded so she grabbed five pairs of the pants today,” Quinn grumbled shooting them both a look. 
Quinn joined me in the kitchen wrapping his arms around my waist. “Hey baby,” he says into my neck before placing a small kiss there. “Hey Quinny,” I smile turning around and kissing him before pulling away and grabbing the popcorn out of the microwave. I pour the bags into several bowls for everyone. “You know this would go faster if you let go right,” I laugh dragging him along with me. “Yes I do,” he smiles and his grip tightens around me. I laugh at him and turn to face him once again. 
“I’m sorry baby,” he frowns looking down at me. I shrug my shoulders. “It’s okay. Really I swear. I just know they miss you during the season and I wanted to do something for everyone not just us,” I say standing on my tiptoes to kiss his nose. His eyes crinkle and he smiles at me. “We should do to the living room. Because if we don’t go now I’m gonna throw you over my shoulder and say forget them carrying you to our room,” he whispers and my cheeks flush. “Quinn,” I whine leaning my head down to lay it on his chest. It vibrates with his laughter. 
I carry two bowls back into the room while Quinn grabs the other three. “Where did the boys go,” I ask Dylan who just shrugs and a small smile. When I go to ask another question the two brothers come into the room matching the three of us. “You guys didn’t have to do that you know,” I can’t help control the smile on my face. “Y/n, I am really sorry for laughing and cracking on you. I really appreciate you included us,” Luke says wrapping his arms around me in a sweet hug. Jack is standing there behind him smiling and waiting for his turn. When Luke pulls away Jack quickly replaces him.
“We couldn’t ask for a better person to love our brother. And I can’t thank you enough for loving us too Y/n/n,” Jack steps back and smiles at me. “You guys,” I say tearing up and smiling at them. “I want a hug too,” Dylan whines and I laugh wrapping him up in one too. We all settle in and start the movie. “You know Dad was right,” Quinn whispers into my hair. I hum asking him what he was talking about. “You really could talk anyone into anything,” he laughs. I smile over at him and shrug my shoulders. 
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anadiasmount · 7 months
I love ur work omg
Need one where Y/n and jude are asleep and he has training in an hour and then y/n wakes up bc of the sun and realises how handsome he look when asleep and her hands begin to caress his face and then his body and he wakes up confused but it ends up intimate.
hiii!! thank you lovely!! 🤞🏻🤍
if there was anything you hated most was the sun shining on your face, especially early and on your day off. it seems like the universe was against you, because when you were off jude had to work. you felt a heavy body on top of you, small snores and breaths leaving his lips as he slept.
you smiled, rubbing your eyes still adjusting to the lighting, a hand rubbing jude’s bare back. you checked the time, an hour before jude left to go to training. you hated when he left, he’d been gone most of the day, but he was happy to be back and recovered after his injury.
you sighed deeply still feeling tired from the heavy day at work the day before. but your tummy burst in happiness being able to wake up your boyfriend. in your own world without any chatter or judgements. if there was one thing jude loved, was holding you any chance possible especially in bed.
a hand on your waist, sometimes being cheeky and ending up on your boob, on top of your chest, his head on your back when you slept on your stomach. he loved having you close to him always. so this morning wasn’t any different. he often told you he only slept best when you laid with him, now used to you.
your hand still rubbed his back gently, tracing shapes and scratching him softly to wake him. he would groan, and mumble, digging deeper into you. you giggled, hugging him tightly and placing kisses on his forehead. “jude, handsome boy, wake up,” you say, rubbing your thumb along his cheek and jaw, and then softly against his eyes.
you loved every feature of him. his eyes especially. you couldn’t help it but admire and trace how beautiful he looked on top of you. his long curly lashes resting on his cheeks, pouty lips, brows furrowed, and his cheek slight smushed as it rested on your hot skin. he would often wake up and kiss your hands, thanking you for being so gentle with him.
“please… just let me hold you… ten more minutes,” he grogged deeply, intaking a breath on falling heavier on your chest. he dug his nose on your neck, tracing along your pulse and collarbone, then slowly below your boob. “please.”
“i wish baby, but you have less than an hour to get ready,” you frown jude letting out a small groan in dejust. “i hate when this happens. your off and i’m working,” he says upset, laying a palm on you and resting his chin on it. you laughed at his rough state, puffy eyes and lips. you trace your finger on his messed curls, fixing the coils that were ruffled and all over the place.
“i know i know. just come back straight here after training so we can still do something together,” you promise seeing jude let out a small grin and yawn. you prop up on a pillow, hands massaging his shoulders to let out of relief and tense. he moans in delight, yawning once again. “sleepy?” you ask.
“jude are you serious!” you exclaim feeling his morning wood rubbing against your clothed core. “you look so sexy like this y/n…” jude admits, kissing your jaw all the way down to your boobs. “how? i just woke up,” you swallowed heaving, feelings his hot lips tracing all over you. “exactly why. like a morning angel awaiting for me,” he says, propping up and kissing you deeply.
you hold his face, jude parting your legs and rolling his hips against you. the big printed immediately giving you cold shivers as it apply pressure on your core. the way he kisses you making you dizzy even if it was early in morning. your tongue entered his mouth, jude moaning and letting his weight fall on top. he says your name heavily, completely in love with how you laid for him.
jude’s tongue guided along your skin, your chest raising up and down awaiting his next movements, breathless. he unbuttoned your silk top, his fingertips tracing your sides as he the. removed your matching silk shorts. he placed two kisses on your hips bones and then just above your clit. you squirmed around, biting your finger as he gave you wet kisses inside your thighs.
“just lay still… gonna give you a proper good morning…”
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In rlgl au how did Y/n meet Moon? What was their reactions?
Okay lil RLGL AU writing
They met a few times after the first "disastrous" meeting y/n had with Sun but Moon never really interacted past a nod and y/n had the biggest inner conflict about not wanting to interact and not wanting to be too rude... but then there was the time y/n and Moon had their first actual conversation...
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Lugging the heavy grocery bags up the last flight of stairs you immediately noticed him. A tall figure stood hunched over at the Door to the neighbouring flat, clad in what you could only assume was a half-undone night gown, the kind of amalgamation of sheer and ruffled lilac fabric you imagined rich widows with a suspicious number of dead husbands wearing. You knew him, recognizing him immediately, the dark blue silicone casing of his arms and legs and the signature star riddled night cap being a dead giveaway, though now the hat was being held up in a kind of loose bun by a hair clip. The way he apparently treated the piece of clothing like some kind of hairdo instead of simply taking it off made you smile a bit into your scarf. Your approach startled the Robot, who uncomfortably shuffled further into the corner, giving you room to go further, there was a moment of awkward silence as you approached the door of your flat, his posture only showing more uneasiness. You feel a heaviness in your stomach as you fish for your keys in the deep pockets of your jacket, feeling the eyes of your next-door neighbour on the back of your head. Is it too late to turn around and say hello? The moment for it to feel organic has gone by too quickly but you do not want to be too rude either. You still cringe at the memory of your first meeting with Sun, weeks had gone by but the feeling that they saw you in a rather negative light only solidified with every interaction. You should be happy about it, the fact that this dislike on their part kept them far away from you could be your saving grace, considering the strict rules of employee and escort interaction at Faz.Co. Especially because you didn’t know if they would follow the rules and go to management with this. You knew for a fact that Faz.Cos management didn’t mess around when staff and escorts interacted without permission, it didn’t matter if it was at work or in private, or if it was just an accident. The rules were in place for a reason, you knew that, to protect the integrity of the escorts, that was the wording used in the terms you had signed when starting to work there.
You sighed.
But it still hurt. Trying to be distant was not something that came naturally to you, even with the stress that came with interacting with others, you still liked making people smile, or at least not hate you, social anxiety be dammed. Seeing Sun making awkward small talk with you, obviously uncomfortable in your presence, and Moon completely shying away from interactions… You surely felt like a terrible neighbour, your chest hurting whenever thinking about making them feel that way. But what could you do, be all friendly and risk them taking a closer look at you and realizing that they had seen you before? No way. But at least saying hello should be fine, right?
For the third time you missed the keyhole, having zoned out at the inner debate of it being awkward or not to say hello this late after arriving here, when a small static noise caught you off guard, almost close to a frustrated sniffle. Head turning automatically towards him you saw the dark blue bot tapping at his phone, the upset clearly visible in his features, just hovering around the door, no keys in sight. You stopped, taking in what you saw for a moment pressing your lips together in an inner battle, he obviously had locked himself out of the flat, looking nervous and rather upset. Finally, your key found its way into the lock, and you entered your flat, a decision had been made, putting the frozen and cooled groceries away you berated yourself, grabbing your tool kit and bringing it to your front door you felt your fists clench. If you were lucky, he would be gone when you’d open this door, the situation averted by the solar bot arriving. This was a lose-lose situation. You obviously knew how to open these old shitty doors even without a key, but you worried, they might want to start interacting more with you if you did them a favour. Or terribly worse, they might start feeling unsafe in their own flat, knowing how easily these doors could be broken into, especially by you, the one neighbour they seem to be weary of.
You open the door, leaving the tool kit behind it as you step out. He is still there, looking up as you exit, his eyes quickly flit over you, stopping at your lack of shoes, he seems to realize that you were not taking a leave, but rather came out to talk to him, immediately as he turned towards you, crossing his arms defensively over his exposed chest, shifting slightly, maybe trying to adjust his robe inconspicuously.
You rub your neck awkwardly and gesture towards the door. “Locked yourself out?”
He gave a quick glance to the door and then back at you, with an unsure expression. “...Yea?...”
“do you uh.. need help with that?” you tried sounding as unthreatening as possible already noticing him fiddling with his hands nervously “Or you know, a place you can sit down to wait? If you want, of course, if you don’t want a stranger to help you with opening the door…”
Oh geez that sounded weird, you immediately regretted saying that part about being a stranger, not being able to stop yourself from blabbering on for better or for worse. “Or well maybe you don’t want help at all that’s fine too… just, you know, I do know how to open these doors….. not in a weird way tough just, you know for when someone well… locked themselves out”.
“heh” Moon made a noise almost like a humoured exhale, his shoulder having gone down a bit in of what could be seen as relaxation. “You know how to break into places? Should I report you or something?”
You halt, not fully knowing if this was a light-hearted joke or a threat. The moment of panic apparently very readable in your eyes as Moon gives you a look.
“I mean, I’d appreciate if ya didn’t?” You chuckle awkwardly “but it’s not like I can stop you”.
He hums as if in thought, “If I let you at it you’re not going to break the door, right?”
You give him a lopsided smile “I mean, yea that’s the goal, not breaking the door I mean, or the lock”.
He steps to the side, leaning against the wall, looking away awkwardly. “I- have something baking in there….”
You nod, so that’s a yes. You get the old paint spatula out of the toolkit that you had used to patch up some holes in the walls of your flat years ago, now it was the go-to tool whenever a door needed to be opened. Which used to be rather often because your last next-door neighbour before these two guys had been an elderly and often forgetful lady, having to be let in every other week or so.
Carefully you shimmy the spatula between the door and doorframe in a specific downwards motion and then give it a hearty smack, hoping that it would work at the first try and not embarrass you. The lock clacks and you press the spatula inwards while pulling the door outwards, closed. After a moment the door opened, and you let it swing inwards. You get up, seeing stars for a moment as usual and then turn to the bot who is staring at you wide eyed. “uh there you go..” You motion to the door, not sure if his reaction was on the positive or negative end of the spectrum, you add a bit of flair, doing jazz hands while grinning lopsidedly.
Moon snorted a bit, “You are a professional I see, well thank you, I’ll go look at my oven now, but yea, thank you…”
His leaving almost felt like he was fleeing the situation, but you didn’t mind. You just hoped he wasn’t freaked out after this. He had looked kind of cute in that robe though but you supressed that thought immediately, feeling like a creep for even thinking like that.
That evening someone knocked on your door and when you opened it Sun awkwardly handed you a plate with brownies giving you a half smile and immediately going back into their flat leaving you dumfounded. The brownies had a bit of an orange flavour when you tried them. Someone had tried to scrape off some burned corners and covered it up with powdered sugar but you still tasted the singed bits. You couldnt help but smile.
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your-nanas-house · 11 days
*feeding you bit of Austin Butler*
"Mr. Coleman suggested that...."
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(Credits to the owners)
◇ Pairing: Stepdad!Austin Butler X stepdaughter!Reader
◇ Warnings: smut, "bond" therapy (invented by me, dunno if it exists), food play, hobbies, kind of dark?, fluff, pervy, stepdad x stepdaughter dynamic, dry humping.
◇ Summary: Austin indulges in another of Mr. Coleman's suggestions.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. For other fics like this.
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"Ooohhh... stepdaddy" Y/n sing-sang softly as she managed to open the door of their house with her feet, her other one balanced her body as she carried two big paper bags.
The young woman had just returned from a quick grocery shopping she did as soon as she woke up and Austin was still asleep.
It was around 10:00 AM. The windows were already open, the sun light shining in, illuminating the rooms and warming them up a bit.
The singing of a bird could be heard while Austin's feet echoed down their floor, his footsteps calm and probably still a bit tired but eager to reach his stepdaughter. "Where did you go, silly goose?" He rasped out as soon as he appeared, his soft blonde hair still tousled and messy from the sleep and his body still protected by the soft material of his pj's.
"I was doing grocery shopping like a big girl, for me and my baba... since we will try out another suggestion of Mr. Coleman" the younger woman replied with a proud smile as she put carefully down the bags and rushed to her usual seat to finally get in her 'home clothes'.
The actor smiled as he began to help out put away the groceries; before opening a bag and pulling out some fruits like apples and grapes. Just to rub one of the vine fruit against the fabric of his shirt and then pop it in his mouth to taste its sweetness.
“Thank you, sweetheart. Y’know, it means a lot to me how helpful you always are.” He murmured out while still chewing, his big hand moving to ruffle his stepdaughter's hair just the way she claimed to "hate"
"No problem at all..." she hummed out, shooing his hand away with a little huff and an amused smile.
They were going to bake together that day, their therapist had suggested them to try and do some hobbies or activity together so to make their bond stronger. The recipe they had choose were simple chocolate and vanilla cupcakes decorated with sugary icing or whipped cream and fresh fruits.
"Managed to find everything that was on the list?" Austin asked as he leaned on the counter next to Y/n, watching her move around the kitchen to gather all the ingredients they needed. A small smile appeared on his face at how independent she was and at how still childish she could be when she wanted.
"Yup! Luckily... I didn't feel like going to look for them elsewhere" the young woman declared while checking if everything was there before starting anything.
She was wearing a pink-ish baggy shirt with his face on it and some silly sentence on the front, her legs were bare, there was just her lacy pink panties decorated with small strawberries that was bit protected by the fabric of the shirt and her feet were comfortably covered by her soft, furry slippers.
Austin, on the other hand, was wearing his pajama pants and a white t-shirt that did justice to his fit physique; he was barefoot yet still taller than her.
"Shall we begin, baby?" His raspy voice asked as he rested his chin on her shoulder while hugging her hips from behind in a soft cuddle. His light eyes scanning her action as she hummed out a small 'yes' before reading with him the steps, which would have hopefully led to some delicious cupcakes.
The first tasks went smoothly, one started to cut the fruits while the other weighed the ingredients, lots of playful and teasing moments were shared... till they reached the icing.
Austin grabbed a spoon and tasted the frosting that was in the bowl, the sweet flavour invading his mouth as a mischievous smirk appeared on his handsome face. He had a little bit of the icing on his finger, and while he was still behind Y/n, he quickly tapped her on the nose before laughing at his action, praising the cream as a way to hopefully get away with it
“It’s good.” His words echoed in her head as she registered what he had done.
It surely needed revenge, and he too could sense it since her hand tightened the grip on the spoon she was holding, and her circular motions came to a stop. She just had to turn slightly around to make the older man take a step back with an uncontrollable chuckle that didn't stop when she smeared some icing on his face.
In fact his eyes simply widened slightly when he felt the cold icing on his cheekbone, his acting skills kicking in as he pretended to be surprised, offended while still having a playful glimpse in his eyes that didn't go away as he reached up to feel the icing on his skin and scoop it as best he could to taste some again
"Did you just do what I think you just did?” Austin murmured out with the tone of someone that was about to attack again, successfully making her move slightly in fear to be hit again with the sweet dessert
"Yes, I did" the younger woman playfully replied, her eyes staring intently at him ready to react at any movements or action that would end up with her getting dirtier and stickier.
"Yeah?" The man challenged with a grin, his hands reaching quickly for the back of her head so to press their cheeks together and smear the frosting on her face even more, his tongue dared out to lick her skin clean while still fighting with the spoons.
"Eewww, Baba—" Y/n whined out, her hand grabbing into his shirt as she wiggled to try and escape the affectionate attack. Her eyes closed and her back arching on the counter, nearly knocking over the bowl while she kept fighting playfully back.
The frosting going anywhere.
The older actor laughed again as he held onto her hips, keeping her pinned against the cold surface of the counter while he continued to lick up the rest of the icing, moving his tongue up and down her neck. Her hips kept moving, wiggling and shaking as she chuckled while being pressed down, little spasm caused them to hit Austin's hard enough to cause a short groan to leave his throat. The unexpected action taking him by surprise and making his grip on her tighten. His body now pressed up against hers as he continued to kiss around with his sweet, sticky mouth.
His bulge pressed between her legs, grinding carefully enjoying the way they moved together. He moved his mouth up to her ear, his breath hot on her skin as he panted and groaned.
"Darling—" Austin cursed, freeing his cock from his pj's pants to position it right on her thong, rubbing carefully his red tip across of it making sure to wet the fabric with his pre-cum before starting to dry hump her. His big hands grabbed her thighs, moving her legs up to his shoulder, thrusting his hips in smooths circles as the silence was slowly fading, now replaced by heavy breaths.
The room was filled with noises, groans and humming; wet noises came from her dripping pussy as his slender fingers started to move with experience the fabric of her panties, making it rub exactly against her needy clint.
No further words were shared except for a few curses or exclamations coming from both of them.
His cock kept rubbing against the drenched fabric, resting against her folds as his balls made contact with her barely covered ass.
His smooth movements, the lustful music that their body played were accompanied by the ticking of the oven timer, making their desire for a peak imminent and almost obligatory. Each tic Austin's hips would thrust forward, and each tac they would shift backwards, leading to a quick and steady rhythm that was making both body shake and twitch with anticipation.
Tic, tac, tic, tac.
His pre-cum wet further the fabric and her skin as his mouth took care of her flushed neck.
Tic, tac, tic, tac.
Austin was breathing heavier, his stare getting more intense and focused on Y/n's expressions of pleasure.
Tic, tac.... rrring.
The muffin were ready, finished and ready for the decorating just like the young woman's body, which just came down from her climax and accepted the warm, thick seed that rested on it like the frosting that was about to be put messily on each cupcake.
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kookiecrumb · 2 years
JJK || Scandalous
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pairing: husband!jungkook x wife!reader
summary: After coming home from his Vegas shows, Jungkook defends his fidelity in a bold way.
tags: smut (18+), idol!jungkook, semi-angry sex that turns mushy, lil rough, oral (m&f receiving), bigdick!jk, manhandling, horny grinding, penetration
warnings: cheating accusations, strong language warning, unsafe sex* (please use protection)
a/n: I was high while I wrote half of this. Here.
"I know what you were doing in Vegas. Don't you try to lie to me or throw me off because I have evidence," you shout at him.
Jungkook is laying across your couch, infuriatingly unbothered.
"Evidence of me with another woman. Sure. Like I'd leave the love of my life for a random girl I've never seen before," Jungkook shakes his head, amused.
"Oh, so you're laughing now?!" You mock his smile. "You're laughing, having the time of your life because you cheated in Vegas and you think you're gonna get away with it."
"Yeah. I do. Because that's not some random girl in that picture-- that's our translator!" Jungkook screams. "It's our fucking translator and she was helping me buy a drink. I was looking out for the rest of the guys."
"I don't believe you," you mutter, zooming into the picture that was circulating through stan Twitter just minutes ago.
News articles have already gotten to work spreading their rumors and dating scandals and it pissed you off beyond anything.
"Of course you don't," he grumbles, crossing his arms. "You know what? Why don't you call Namjoon, then? He was there. Ask anyone. I'm not a fucking cheater, y/n."
At this point, Jungkook was getting heated and you were afraid that if you doubted him one more time he would snap at you.
It's early in the morning, so calling Namjoon wasn't an option. He's probably asleep.
There's no use in fighting, so you need to find a way to redirect this energy into something a little more palettable for the both of you.
"Prove it then," you challenge.
"Prove what?"
"Prove that you wouldn't ever fuck another woman. Fuck me like you hate me."
Jungkook's fists unravel and his face relaxes. His eyes intensify and his demeanor changes completely. He's aroused.
"That's right. You get a boner every time I yell at you. You just want to shut me up with your dick, don't you? I'll believe you if you can dick me down by force," you speak.
"I'm not gonna dick you down by force while we're fighting," Jungkook crosses his arms.
"Aww...I respect your decision. I just thought you might have wanted a chance to prove me wrong, Kookie..." you pout, climbing into his lap.
His strong hands grip your hips immediately and he holds you that way as he tries to maintain his pride.
You lean closer to his ear, rasping softly, and say: "it's not like she could ever do it like me."
"God damn it, y/n. You can't do that. You can't be a fucking brat and piss me off so that you get it rough," he protests, his ears turning red.
You swirl your fingers up his chest and smirk a little. "Yeah right...I can do whatever I want..."
Jungkook bites his lip, a surge of anger overcoming him as he struggles to keep his composure. "That's now how you get things."
You hum, ruffling your fingers through his black hair softly. "Hm. Show me, then..." you play.
He takes deep breaths, his chest inflating beneath your hands on his clothed chest as he spreads his palms on your ass and kneads you stupidly rough. "You're impossible."
"I know..."
Jungkook collapses his lips into yours gently. The kiss is smooth and delicate, reminiscent of an apology for making you even think he'd be the kind of person to hurt you.
From then on, a cocktail of pain and pleasure clouds your vision and you fall under the spell of sweet desire.
"Fuck, fuck--" you gasp as his mouth migrates to the lower half of your body, his strong hands framing your thighs. He dives between your hips and pins them down.
With stunted breath above your cunt, Jungkook gazes up with his dazzled eyes and takes you into his mouth.
You pry open your legs and he throws you back down and presses his tongue inside you. Hungry, he adjusts his posture.
You look over his back, textured by hard-earned muscle, and slightly glowing. "Mmh--" you whimper. God, you're helpless for how jacked he is.
Fuck, you melt for him.
"Just like that, wifey," he encourages you, snaking up your body and gathering you in his arms. He takes your hands and places them above his hips, dragging them downwards.
Jungkook connects his mouth to your neck and kisses you.
You know how to touch him the way he needs, so you wrap your hand around him, scarcely closing it, and stroke him languidly.
He lets out a breathy groan, riding your fist with ease. "Hh-- aaahh,"
Jungkook is cocky about the size of his dick. He's overtly aware of the fact that it's impressive. Because of that, he'll say things like:
"Yeah, slut, take my fat cock," Jungkook pants out. He closes his eyes as you climb over him and pop his cock in your mouth.
Jungkook breaks into a smile, relaxing his shoulders into the pillows beneath him. He sinks into the bed, focusing on the feeling of your hot mouth on his cock.
You lap at his most sensitive spots, spreading your tongue on his shaft and kissing the tip generously.
Beneath his breath, Jungkook begs. "fuck, yes, yes, yeah, mm, yeah, yes~"
His ringed fingers are holding the sheets beneath him, his exposed body in full display for you. This is a view only one woman has the right to.
With a breath through your nose and a little bit of courage, you take him in your throat and swallow around him.
His legs twitch as he rips out a groan, followed by a slew of beautiful curses. "Babe-- ,, ohh-- babe--" he whines.
One last kiss to his pretty pink tip and your thighs are over his, rubbing your swollen cunt against his dick.
He captures you in a sweet kiss, ridden with pleasurable noise and skipped breaths. Jungkook stretched his hands around your breasts and holds them, squeezing them with each rocking thrust.
Hastily, he grabs a hold of your legs. Then, he guides his cock to penetrate you. You help him eagerly, lifting above him only to lower yourself down his entire juicy length.
"Fuck-- holy fuck, Jungkook--" you moan.
Jungkook hides his smile within a kiss and completes a shallow thrust inside you.
"This is my favorite thing, you know. Pussy. Your pussy, in particular," he runs his hands down the curve of your back. "Sexy motherfucker."
He snaps his hips up into you, his hands comfortably resting above your ass.
Above him, your hands hold his jaw. You rest against him, infatuated with his delicate features. His cock rests above your cervix now, pushing your bladder just slightly.
You watch his Adam's apple bob, his heartrate climb as he tightens his grip on you. There's nothing more beautiful.
Your hands are on his chest now, and he's pulling you deeper as your hips roll into his cock. He pumps upwards, his lips collapsing into yours as your bodies collide.
In a daze, a wave of tension overcomes your body. He chases it, his big hands pressing into your skin with each powerful thrust. Your scent swallows him.
His thoughts flood as his thrusts slow, pushing further, accompanying a broken groan. He cums hard, and you cream around him.
permatag gang gang: @silversparkles11 , @lvoekook @sammy-steve-btsarmyakasammy , @kooliv , @koobsessed , @angelwonie , @hoseokgrecns , @bangsterz , @swyseren, @sxtaep , @koostarcandy , @hgema , @jjkeverlast , @nglmrk , @devilsbooksworld , @saweetspoiled , @exactlyfuriouscoffee and @unicornbabylover
:) I'll be back guys.
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redrose10 · 8 months
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Yoongi X Female Reader. CEO/Arranged Marriage AU
Summary: You were selected to marry the wayward CEO/Billionaire/Heir, Min Yoongi. You went into it with an open mind and heart determined to try and make it work. Yoongi on the other hand had no intention of ever letting you in let alone allowing himself to fall in love with you. Slowly you start to associate the smell of cinnamon and vanilla with the feelings of hurt and sorrow.
Word count: 2,531
This chapter will touch on some darker subjects so I highlighted the specific trigger warning in red. In the story it’s not really detailed or any thing and is really minor but I still wanted to make it known just in case.
Warnings: (May get updated as chapters progress): Arranged marriage, cheating/infidelity, hints of smut (Probably won’t get very explicit but we’ll see how it goes), Sexual Assault, Very brief allusion to suicide, Brief mentions of death, Reader grew up an orphan, General Angst, Swearing
Alright here is chapter 9! Thank you to everyone that has read this story and for the comments and messages. I tried to add everyone to the tag list that I saw but I feel like I missed people and I apologize for that. I was never good at keeping tabs of a tag list.
Tag list: @gimeow @kam9404 @viankiss @baechugff @gaby-93 @kayleefriedchicken
You stared back still in shock from everything that had just happened to you. “Y/N are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?”
You shook your head as Yoongi wrapped his suit jacket around you gently pulling you into a hug. The cinnamon and vanilla scent that you’d come to hate was somehow comforting in that moment. After a few seconds he pulled you along with him.
“What about him?”, you asked looking back at the man still lying on the ground.
“Don’t worry about him. I’ll handle it later. Let’s just get you out of here.”
He quickly had a car ready and got you inside while he got in after you advising the driver to head to Jimins.
“Yoongi who was that guy and how did he know so much about us?”
He ran his hand through his already ruffled hair. You noticed the bruise on his knuckles starting to form.
“It’s a really long story Y/N.”
You scoffed, “Yoongi he just assaulted me and knew a lot of my personal information so I think I deserve an explanation regardless of how long the story is.”
“You’re right. Once we get to Jimin’s I’ll explain everything.”
You looked over at him noticing how disheveled he looked. You wanted to reach over and smooth his hair and comfort him, but you decided against it after remembering everything that happened between the two of you recently.
“How did you know where to find me?”, you asked stop kind of surprised that it was him who came to your rescue.
“Well I saw you leave out the front entrance when I was talking to Taemin and I was going to go after you then but I figured you’d want some space so I stayed back. After you were gone for a while I started to get worried and began looking around and then I got a call from Jungkook?”
“You’re intern Jungkook?”
He chuckled, “Yeah, apparently he had met a new friend during the auction and was in the backseat of a car that was parked on the street with that friend and he saw you. He called me and said you were with a guy but he wasn’t sure if you were l with him willingly or not because you looked uncomfortable so I started running towards where you were while I stayed on the phone with him and he kept an eye on you and that’s how I found you. At first I was just going to leave you be because if you wanted to be with another guy I have no right to stop you but when Jungkook said you looked uncomfortable I knew I had to at least check on you and then I heard you telling him to stop and that’s when I decided to step in.”
“Oh well I’ll have to tell Jungkook thanks for looking out for me next time I see him.”
Once back at Jimins you quickly showered and changed into some comfy clothes and headed back towards the living room. Yoongi had borrowed some clothes from Jimin so he was comfy as well and he walked over handing you a mug of warm milk. Smiling you accepted the glass.
After he took a seat next to you he started flipping through channels on the tv.
“Okay Yoongi enough stalling. Tell me what’s going on.”
He let out a long sigh and set the remote down, “Alright, soooo the guy that attacked you is Suri’s brother, Hwan.”
“I’m sorry what?!”, you asked in between coughing on the sip of milk you just swallowed.
He continued, “Yep. I’ve known Suri and her brother since we were kids. We all went to the same school. He’s a year younger than us. Not long after everything fell apart with Mia I developed a friends with benefits relationship with Suri but I was clear from the start that I never wanted anything more. I knew rather quickly though that she was developing feelings for me so I tried to end the relationship but she made an offer. And then I got really selfish.”
“Yoongi what did you do?”
“Remember how I said that at one point I had dreams to be a music producer and rapper?”
You nodded.
“Well Suri’s dad happens to own Bangtan Records, one of the most successful labels in Asia. After trying to break things off she promised me she would get her dad to release my mixtape if I kept seeing her. I know now that I should’ve just walked away but at the time I was hurt and going through a lot of shit mentally and emotionally and I thought it was a great idea. I lost my dream of marrying Mia but maybe I could still achieve my dream of making music. I gave her a copy of the tape and we continued on with our friends with benefits relationship.”
He paused to take a deep breath. You looked at him wide eyed waiting for what was next.
“Anyways after like a year or so she still hadn’t given her dad the tape. I was in a better place mentally and I had started focusing on the company more so I didn’t really care about releasing music at that point. Honestly, I kind of forgot about the whole thing until a few months ago when I told her that I was ending things for good. I told her I was married and wanted to be a better husband and that included not sleeping around with anyone any more. Obviously she didn’t take it well and brought up the tape again. She said if I didn’t continue the relationship that she would have it released.”
You sat there really confused by the whole story and you didn’t mean to let out a laugh but you just couldn’t stop it.
“Yoongi please forgive me for saying this but that seems like a really dumb reason to keep going through all of this. Why don’t you just let her release the mix tape? What’s the worst that could happen? People make fun of you for some cringy lyrics you wrote a long time ago. I mean you’ve embarrassed yourself enough over the years anyways so this shouldn’t be anything new. It would probably blow over in a few weeks and then you could move on with your life free from Suri.”
You realized your words may have been a little harsher than you intended when you noticed the redness of his cheeks. He scoffed, “It’s not that simple Y/N. I wrote most of those lyrics at a really dark time in my life. I talk about hating my parents and the life I was forced into even though I’ve been very privileged since birth and have never had to worry about money or any real world problems. I talk shit about capitalism but now I own a company that feeds into it and runs off of it. I’d be the biggest hypocrite out there. Theres a song where I rap about hooking up with any woman I see and I say something about tongue technology and going to Hong Kong.” You bit your lip to try and hide a chuckle for that one but Yoongi sees it. “I was young and dumb and thought I was cool. Okay?”, he said with raised eyebrows before continuing again, “I mean there’s even a song where I talk about how many times I thought about just ending it all so I wouldn’t have to feel anything any more and I could stop being a failure at everything. If that tape gets out it’ll ruin me and my business and everything that I worked hard to build. We’ll loose investors and business partners which will mean millions if not billions of dollars gone. I’ll be the laughing stock of the corporate world and the company could crumble. I’d be an even bigger embarrassment to my family than I already have been.”
“So what are you going to do Yoongi? Keep sleeping with her just to shut her up?”
“Honestly, after you walked out I thought about it. Not wanting to hurt you any more was the only reason I ended things with her to begin with so if you weren’t going to be in the picture I didn’t see any reason why I should stop. But I just don’t want to do it any more. I don’t want to hurt you any more and I don’t want this to keep hanging over my head.”
“Okay so if you ended things with her then why did she send you that text that I saw at the cabin? About last week being fun and the lingerie?”
“She had been insisting that I either meet up with her or she was releasing the tape. So the week before you and I went on our anniversary trip I did meet up with her just to shut her up for a while.”
You gasped, “So you did lie to me?” He went into panic mode grabbing your hands into his.
“No no no Y/N it’s not what you think. I didn’t meet up to sleep with her. We got dinner at that Japanese restaurant that had just opened down the street from my office. We had a private room and she ended up storming out of the place leaving me there. You can even ask the staff. They saw it all. I told her again that I wasn’t interested in that type of relationship any more and that her and I were over with. I offered her money. I offered her jewelry, or a car, or a penthouse to just go away. She wouldn’t accept any of it. At the end of the dinner she told me that not only would she release the tape but she’d make my life miserable in every way possible that she could, including making sure that you were miserable as well and then she left. She had been texting me like that the whole week leading up to the trip. Different photos and videos and messages. I think she was hoping that you would eventually see the message and get upset which is exactly what happened. I would always just delete them when they came through and never responded to any of her texts but I’m just too afraid to block her right now.”
“And what about her brother? How does he play into this?”
“Well Hwan never did like me to begin with. He’s always had this weird inferiority complex with me. He always has the need to prove that he’s better than me or to have what I have, even when we were younger. Anndddd I also might have slept with one or two or maybe three of his girlfriends over the years.”
You began rubbing your temples, “Seriously Yoongi? Is there anyone in this country that you haven’t slept with?” He just shrugged his shoulders before continuing, “I’m assuming that him and Suri saw it as a winning situation for both of them. They knew that hurting you would hurt me, you’d get upset and want nothing to do with me leaving me available for Suri, and Hwan would also get the satisfaction of taking something or someone that I love away from me so that’s why he went after you today.”
“Okay then and how did he know about Namjoon? He mentioned something about how Namjoon might actually care for me?”
You didn’t miss the eye roll that Yoongi gave at that question but you chose to ignore it in the moment. He ran his hands over his face, “I really don’t know Y/N. I’ve never mentioned him to either of them.” The thought that maybe this guy had been stalking you a lot longer than just tonight made your skin crawl. You didn’t know of any other way he could know about you and Namjoon.
This was all so much information to take in and you could feel a headache coming on but if this had you so stressed you could only imagine what Yoongi felt like.
“Yoongi I’m sorry I didn’t let you explain yourself sooner. Even though I was upset I should’ve at least given you the chance.”
He shook his head, “No no I completely understand why you did what you did. I was really upset too because just when I had decided to try and we were making a little progress I thought it was all going to be taken away from me. I should’ve chased after you but I didn’t want to hurt you any more than I already have. I am really sorry Y/N. For everything. You would be so much better off if you never came here and married me. You deserve so much more that what I can offer. I’m sorry you’re stuck with me.”
You noticed his hands shaking slightly. You gave them a little squeeze being careful to not be too hard on the bruised spot. Rubbing your thumb over the area you whispered, “Thank you for buying that painting for me today. You knew it was exactly what I wanted. And also thank you for, you know, saving me tonight. You really were my hero.”
“So does that mean I get moved up to Harry Potter status now or am I still Voldemort?”, he said flashing you a gummy smile you hadn’t seen in so long.
“Whoah slow down there. You still have a lot more groveling to do before I 100% forgive you for everything and give you Harry Potter status.”
He chuckled, “Understood. I will work on it.”
You sat in silence for a while trying to figure out how to proceed. Finally you asked, “Yoongi she’s blackmailing you which is pretty illegal. Why don’t you just go to the police or get lawyers involved or something? You obviously have the money and power.”
“It’s not that simple Y/N. I signed away the rights to that music so even if I do go after her the label can still release it and then it would be all for nothing with a legal battle on top of it.”
“I don’t know Yoongi. I feel like there has to be a way around this other than you just continuing to sleep with her. Which by the way is not going to work for me, so if you want this to work then we need to figure something else out.”
Before he could speak Jimin walked in dropping his bags at the entrance while being completely oblivious to everything that had happened during the last several hours. He curiously looked at the two of you sitting next to each other while holding hands.
He sat down on the other couch while pointing a finger at the two of you, “Soooo I’d love to know what’s going on between the two of you and why you’re holding hands in my living room right now. But I just saw something even stranger downstairs. Suri and her brother are currently down in the lobby with two police officers. Any idea why?”
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emlovslennon · 6 months
anotha one because holy fuck this man makes me feral.
era: 1968-early ‘69
John has been inside our bedroom for at least 2 hours, practicing the same song over and over again. The only song he actually cares about, that is. John has about completely given up on the band, but he at least there’s some energy. One thing to know about John, however, is that he HATES being interrupted. Even by his wife. But, you’ve been craving his touch for weeks, he’s hardly paid any mind, so why not take a risk?
Once you mustered up the courage, and by mustering up you put on a short, skimpy, night gown John had bought you for your second wedding anniversary and some black, see through tights. You slowly, but surely walked up to the door. It took you a good thirty seconds to actually open the door. John didn’t even look at you when you opened the door, to see you standing by the doorway barely covered.
“Johnny, please, it’s been forever. I want you.” You whimpered, too scared to be too loud.
“Y/n… What have I told you at least a thousand times? I’m working, not the time.” John warns, looking back at me. You could see on his face that a blush appeared, he bit his lip, staring you down his down like a predator finding it’s prey.
“But please, John. I promise just one time and you can go back to-“ you was quickly cut off by John nearly slamming his guitar to the ground and getting off of your shared bed to come up and grab you by the chin.
“You just don’t like listening, do you? Been a lot more bitchy lately cuz I haven’t been bedding you. Now you’re just gonna have to take whatever I fucking give you. Do you hear me, girl?” John reprimanded. You felt the heat between your legs beginning to drool and throb. This was gonna be rough, but it’s something.
John grabbed you and threw you onto the bed, you could hear the ruffling of clothes as John unbuckled his belt and undid his purple button up.
“Hands and knees. Now.” John growled, his voice was low and domineering. You actually felt, afraid in way. But it just turned you on. You never saw John like this, and you couldn’t help but like it. You instantly got up on your hands and knees, your head resting against the plush pillow underneath you. He ripped your tights down to your thighs, exposing your bottom half to him.
“You do not understand the amount of stress I’m under right now. The last thing I need is my ever so loving wife to act like a fucking dog in heat.” Johns voice got louder. Without warning, John smacked his belt against your lower half, causing you to cry out.
“John, please. ‘M wanna help you.” You murmured. John looked at you, amazed. You would really do anything for him if it means you got stuffed full of his cock, or if it made him feel better. He really won the jackpot by finding you.
“You wanna help me, baby? Well, I suppose you can. But I’m warning you now, I’m not going easy on ye. So if you need to smack me or tell to me to stop, please do.” He said, quite softly. The softness didn’t last long however, he brought he belt back to your ass again. Your cunt was glistening, wetness pooling down your thighs, aching for him.
“Holy fuck, you like this, y/n? You like how I’m marking your little ass? Huh? Your cunts crying for me.” John chuckled. You put this man in pure disbelief. You make it so hard for him to stay mad at you.
After about six more lashes from his belt, your ass was completely red and bruised. There was definitely gonna be a mark or two (or three) in the morning. Your thighs were shaking, you could feel tears wanting to escape your eyes, but you loved it. Honestly, this was so much better than just regular love making. John took his cock out of his boxers and teased you with it. You were so drenched that your wetness was pooling onto the bedsheets below. Johns mouth literally felt like watering. You were fighting the urge to grind back on him, trying to get him to go inside.
“Almost forgot, baby. Need to stretch ya out.” John mumbled under his breath. He put two fingers into your drooling cunt without warning. Your sighs turned into cries as he scissored you fast and quick. Your heart was pounding, you felt like you were on cloud nine. The pleasure was unbearable.
“Fuck, such a good little girl, you are. Taking everything I give you. My obedient little whore. I fucking love it.” John praised. The praises made you moan louder, the squelching noises from your cunt more than audible.
“John, fuck, please, please.” You begged. Your voice pathetically hoarse from your cries.
“Gonna need more convincing than that. That’s pathetic.” John said. You cried out again when his fingers continually hit your sweet spot.
“John please fuck me. I need you so badly, I’ll be so good please. ‘M so wet for you.” You begged. God, it was dirty, so pathetic. But oh my god. You loved it so much. John almost burst when he heard you beg. He swore it was the hottest thing he had ever heard in his life. John spent no time thrusting his whole length inside you. Giving you no time to adjust.
You screamed at the intrusion. John pounded you like it was last fuck on earth. All the stress from the rehearsals and the rocky friendship with Paul gone away. All he could think about was making his good girl cum. (And himself, duh). You were so, so good to him.
“Yeah, that feel good, sweet girl? Fuck, you’re so fucking tight. Lemme hear how good I fuck you.” John demanded. If you weren’t already screaming the house down, you sure as hell were now. Johns cock hit all the right places inside you. But, fuck. He was relentless.
“J-john, s-slow down!” You yelled out. John slapped your ass in response, causing you to cry out.
“You can take it, baby. I know you can. Come on, fucking take it.” John grunted. You turned to look at him. He looked fucking mesmerizing. Sweat was all down his chest and all over his face, his long hair stuck to his forehead and messy. He was biting his lip and he gotten rid of his glasses. He looked like a god.
You felt yourself getting closer and closer to your sweet release. John caught you staring and gave you a smirk and playful slap to your ass, causing you to gasp. You attempted to look away but John grabbed you once again and flipped you over, so you were underneath him. He pulled you down and pinned your arms above your head, and continued to pound into you. Your thighs and poor cunt started to get sore from the rough treatment, but you can’t say you were complaining in the slightest.
“J-john, I-I-“ you panted. You couldn’t even properly form words anymore. John was fucking you way too good, to the point of being brainless.
“Aw, can’t speak, baby? Is Johnny fucking you too good? Huh? Wanna cum? My angel wants to cum?” John cooed. His hand caressing your cheek as he kissed your forehead. Even if this started because he undeniably pissed, he still couldn’t help but fawn over his beautiful girl. All his.
All you could do was nod. John was thinking about teasing you a bit more and edging you, but you’ve done way too good for him. It just wouldn’t be fair.
“Come on, y/n. Cum for me. Fuck.” John moaned. The squelching sound from your cunt intensified, and you felt an even more overpowering feeling than just a “regular” orgasm. Your weak cries turned into screams as you squirted all onto Johns cock and bedsheets. John stopped his thrusting and watched. Not only was he shocked, he was internally proud of himself.
“What a good fucking girl. Look at that.” John whispered in awe. You were trembling and had tears running down your face, your mascara was staining your cheeks. It pulled at Johns heartstrings. He felt awful now.
“Y/n…Are you okay? Honey, I’m sorry. I’ll clean you up.” Before he could get up and grab a towel, you quickly grabbed his arm.
“No, need you to cum in me. Please. ‘M wanna make you feel good.” You begged weakly. John was taken aback, but smirked as he pinned back to the bed, his hand lightly grasping your neck as he began to pound himself inside you again. You ached as you felt so overstimulated, but you wanted him to get his release. He deserved one too.
“Fuck, I’m gonna fucking cum. Just wait a little longer baby.” He grunted. His grunts becoming louder and his pants increasing. He was fucking hot. John let out a strangled moan as he filled you up to the brim. He slowly let his weight fall on top of you. His hair fell to each side of your face.
“T-thank you.” You whisper to him. John looks up, smiling sweetly. He slowly pulls out of you and looks at his cum dripping from your abused cunt.
“Honey, really. If I hurt you, I’m sorry. You’re so precious to me. I hope you know that.” John said with genuine sympathy. You grasped his hand and nuzzled into his chest.
“No, please. Let’s do that more often.”
Needless to say, John took note of that.
Needless to say, i let out some steam and some sexual frustration in this so uhm enjoy HAHSHS.
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madhatterbri · 4 months
Wither | Lord Debling
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Summary: Y/N knows how to make Lord Debling wither.
Author's Note: He lives in my head rent-free.
Find my masterlist here.
Find my Lord Debling masterlist here.
Taglist: @plentyoffandoms @theworldofotps
Lord Debling noticed the scent coming from Y/N as soon as she stepped into the study. His breath hitched in his throat as his mind wandered to another place. Her bedroom, more specifically. She wore it whenever they conducted their marital acts. He simply thought it was a coincidence until he saw a smirk plastered on her pretty face. The little minx knew the game she was playing and winning.
"Are you ready, my Lord? Shall I notify Charles of our departure?" She asked, referencing the carriage driver. She leaned over the desk and placed a hand on his forehead. He turned to look at her. A playful look in his eyes. His light eyes looked down at her chest. It was as if he was hypnotized.
"No need, my dear. Just simply caught off guard by the perfume you chose to wear tonight," he answered and cleared his throat. He went back to rummaging on his desk, accidentally knocking over some papers on the floor.
She smiled and dropped to her knees. Y/N started to collect some of the fallen papers. "If I am not mistaken, I believe you bought it for me on one of your travels,"
"My wife's memory is impeccable as always," he complimented and leaned down to pick up some of his work. "Yet I am curious as to why you chose this evening to wear it and not when you normally do,"
Y/N leaned in close to his ear. Her hot breath was felt on his neck and ear. Lord Debling shuddered. His eyes fluttered close and he inhaled sharply. This was always a sensitive area for him.
"I must assure you my actions have no malicious intent," she whispered. Her free hand ran over the whiskers on his face. "Although, if you so choose, we can skip tonight's ball and perform how we do when I wear this perfume,"
The noble Lord inhaled deeply. His thoughts ran away from him again. His Lady Debling on her knees before him. The ball did seem pointless to attend. They were newlyweds, after all. An heir was expected from them.
A knock on the door quickly brought the Lord and Lady to their senses. Lord Debling grabbed the papers and threw them on the desk. She stood up and sat on the couch nearby. Her hand on the arm of the couch while her head placed on her hand. Charles walked into the room.
"The carriage is ready for departure, my Lord," Charles told him. Lord Debling had to think of something fast to get out of his engagement.
"I am afraid the Lady has fallen ill. We will be staying in tonight. Please ensure that no one disturbs us in here," Lord Debling ordered. Lady Debling looked down to hide her smile.
"Yes, sir. Shall I fetch the doctor for Lady Debling or-"
Lord Debling cut him off. "That won't be necessary. I will see to it myself that she gets the proper care she deserves. Take the night off, Charles,"
"Thank you, my Lord. Good night," Charles bid his farewell. He closed the door behind him. The newlyweds were left alone. Y/N could feel her husband staring at the back of her head.
"Is my wife pleased? She gets me all to herself," he spoke. Lady Debling blushed. His chair scooted away from his desk. The ruffling of clothes could be heard behind her. Within moments, he stood before her only in his breeches.
"What new wife wouldn't want their husband to themselves?" She asked back. He smiled at her answer. The woman had a certain charm to her. "On the couch, my Lord,"
He followed her simple orders by sitting comfortably on the couch. His back rested towards the back as both feet sat firmly on the ground. Still new to her calling the shots, he couldn't say he hated it. On the contrary, Lord Debling enjoyed coming home to a wife who wanted to make him wither.
Lady Debling straddled his hips. Her hands rubbed up and down his chest. He inhaled deeply as her fingers brushed against his hairy chest. She kissed down to his neck. The hitch in his breathing helped her find his spot. His wife made sure to pepper it with kisses and nips.
Alfred squirmed and grabbed her hips. He moved himself between her legs. His clothed hard on brushing between her folds. The rough fabric hitting a spot that made her squirm. She elevated herself on her knees. A few shaky breaths while she calmed her nerves.
"Be patient, my Alfred. Be patient," she ordered. Once he nodded, Y/N lowered herself to the floor. He leaned down to kiss her lips. Her fingers mingled in his hair. Her kisses went south to his neck, chest, and finally, his stomach. Lady Debling started to remove his pants.
Alfred lifted his hips up to assist her. His pants fell to his ankles. Pre-cum rested at the tip of his length. She rested her arms on his parted legs. Her head brought closer to his waiting dick.
Her hand grabbed him around the head and slowly worked its way down. Alfred gasped and shifted again. It was hard to control himself. He licked his lips.
"Do I have to tie you down, Alfred?" She teased and leaned in. The tip of her tongue started at the base of his shaft. Slowly, she worked her tongue up to the head. Only pausing briefly to circle her tongue around his head.
The noises that came from her head made her smile. Lady Debling repeated the same actions several times. Licking different sides of his penis and paying special attention to the head.
She grabbed the base once more. Their eyes locked. She kissed the tip of his length before slowly taking him in her mouth. His mouth dropped open as he watched himself disappear in her mouth. Lord Debling bit his lip and moaned.
"My lady," Lord Debling moaned. He bucked his hips slightly. Her pace picked up as Alfred's pleasure built up. He felt his orgasm coming. "I'm... I'm going to,"
Lady Debling pulled away. He whined at the loss of pleasure. Maybe another time he could finish down her throat. His chest rose and fell as his lungs tried to catch their breath.
"When we have an heir," she told him as if she could read his mind. Y/N stood up and removed her dress. She left it on the floor. He admired her beauty as the moonlight shined on her body. A natural beauty.
Lady Debling straddled his lap once more. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Alfred grabbed one of her breasts. His tongue worked her nipple causing it to pucker. His other hand worked her other breast. His thumb swirled around her sensitive nipple.
While teasing her, she didn't notice his hand sliding down between her legs. Y/N called his name the moment he started to tease her clit. She gasped and moaned. Her hips slid her over his fingers. When she was wet, he started to tease her entrance.
They built her up to take him. One finger at a time until she was able to take three of him comfortably. His fingers curled inside of her. Each curl withdrew a moan from her.
"Take me, please. I can't take anymore," he begged and removed his fingers from her sex. Between the teasing and her sounds, Alfred had enough. Y/N barely registered the words that fell from his lips.
Their lips locked as she slid down on him. Alfred pulled her bottom lip with his teeth. His hands slid down to her waist. Their pleasure picked up the moment she started to grind on him.
"Oh, Alfred," she moaned. He thrusted his hips up towards her as she came down. His hand slapped her bottom softly, causing them both to gasp. She clenched around him. He swore he felt heaven.
"Oh, Y/N," he groaned. Her pace started to pick up. His thrusts became stronger. With a few more pleasured sounds, he came inside of her. His body spasmed slightly. She came after him. He leaned back on the couch. The high of his orgasm coming in waves.
She remained in his arms. Her head rested on his shoulder. Alfred kissed her forehead softly. He cupped her cheek. His thumb caressed her cheek.
"My initial analysis of your character served true. You can make me wither,"
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