#until i was ready to talk and then we both just ranted and skipped rocks and looked at the water
lizstiel · 2 years
got real stressed out by all the family stuff this weekend, and one of my best friends took me to the river to skip rocks for hours until I didn’t feel like I was gonna unravel and i cannot stress enough how healing it was.
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Sakusa, Tsukishima and Kenma when their s/o gets a wound
requested: sakusa, tsukki, and kenma with a s/o who gets a wound? maybe they went to do an activity and get their knees scraped bad and the boys find out? how would they take care of their s/o?
Sakusa was such a good pick for this oh my that’s probably why his is a bit longer please forgive me I am weak for him ok
Sakusa Kiyoomi:
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There were not a lot of things you could do as dates, since Sakusa declined most of your suggestions saying that it would be too unhygienic or too much work making sure everything would be clean.
But when you came up with the idea of going wandering on a mountain trail, where only mostly elderly people where, he was all for it. Of course he also didn’t liek staying insiode all the time, and a place where anybody went while being in nature sounded like music to his ears.
However you regretted your decision soon after you guys started your trip. You were breathing heavily and your legs already felt like spaghetti and you werent even halfway up the hill. Sakusa however, with his amazing sports stamina was walking ahead and barely notived that you fell way behind, until he wanted to talk to you and you didn’t respond to his words. He turned around wondering where you were. Did you maybe get lost? But then he saw you hanging over, your hands placed on your knees and you looked up to him smiling, but you couldn’t hide the exhaustion.
Your boyfriend couldn’t help but chuckle seeing you like that. He walks to you and stops in front of you, tilting his head while he observes your heaving figure. “You know, we can just return if you want to. But the air up here is really good and I guess it’s even better at the top.” You just shake your head, insisting on continuing this trip because it hasn’t been often that you saw Kiyoomi this careless. You were determined to make this an enjoyable trip for the both of you, but especially him. He deserved a pause from his hectic life.
So he grabs your hand and walks slowly beside you for a while, both of you enjoying the nature around you and the fresh air sweeping through your lungs. When you’re finally at the top you have a nice picnic while enjoing the view over the land, watching leaves dance in the wind and tumbling around you, taking in all the scents of exotic flowers and birds chirping somewhere in the tree tops.
You feel a lot better when you get back down. Walking down on a mountain is a lot less exhausting than walking up, after all. Your steps fly more easily. Too easily. You’re more careless with your steps and before you can stop it you stumble over a big rock in your way, landing on your knees before Sakusa can grab your wrist. However he’s quick to help you up again and you flinch and hiss when you shift your weight on your left leg again. Your knee is totally scraped, a small rill of blood running down your leg. Some small stones still stick to your skin and Sakusa is quick to pull out a small package from his backpack, because this man never goes anywhere unprepared.
He helps you sit down on a tree trunk next to the path you were walking and he looks at you with slight amusement but also worry in his eyes. He sighs before leaning down and placing a kiss on the top of your head and then kneels down in front of you, taking care of the wound. “What am I gonna do with you? You’re so clumsy...” he mumbles and you have to smile, though your knee still burns badly. Sakusa takes care of it perfectly, even kissing the bandage on top of your knee after he’s done. However, he doesn’t let you walk down again, he carries you down all the way on his back and you’re not complaining.
You just cling onto him and cuddle into his back, burying your face in his neck and stroking his hair occassionally, thanking him for taking care of you so well. He smiles to himself when he feels you pressing to him, feeling your breath so close on his skin.
After the trip he still checks up on your knee everyday, even when it’s not a wound that serious. He still claims that it shouldn’t get infected and that he’s the only one besides a doctor that can take proper care of it. Always kisses your knee after every check up! A true cariing cutie, I am way too soft for this man
Tsukishima Kei:
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It was hard to get Tsukishima thrilled of the idea of going somewhere special to hang out. He was more of the stay inside kinda person, preferring just cuddling up to you in private.
You accepted his choices (even though you still got him to go to certain places sometimes) and that’s how you transformed everyday situations into little dates. Like lunch in school or staying in your garden instead of in the house, sometimes you’d even join his practice and watch him there. Even though he would never admit it, he enjoyed it when you do that. It always makes his insides all giddy and warm because you care for him so much!
You also always walk home together, talking about anything on your way or just quietly listening to music while enjoying each other’s company, silently holding or hands or sometimes he’ll just sling an arm around your shoulders and pull you close to him, walking like that for a while.
Today however you were “balancing” on a wall next to the sidewalk while talking to Kei and rambling about your day. It was fun to you focusing on taking the right steps, even though the platform you were walking on was not that small. You still had to be careful about where you placed your feet, because there were roots and other plants growing over and through the stone. “Ugh anyway, and then our teacher just made us write a test, and it was fine I guess but still sucked.” you ended your little rant.
“Y/N, are you really sure you should walk up there? Don’t you think it would be safer down here? You’re gonna get hurt if you don’t look out.” Tsukki just says while looking up to you with a vague face. You almost laughed seeing him like that. Was he actually worrying about you? Contrary to you always worrying about him at games, this was a nice change.
“Don’t be silly Kei, I’ve been balancing on things since I was a child, literally nothing will happen-” And that’s when you literally cursed yourself, because just moment later you stumble over a root and fall down, though you manage to cushion your fall with your hands which got the most damage.
Your boyfriend is right next to you in no time, helping you up and scanning your body for any injuries, but luckily only your hands got injured and your elbow felt weird, making your whole arm feel like some sort of pudding. Tsukki is just shaking his head while taking in the scrapes and cuts on your hands. You flinch when he softly touches your strained skin and he looks at you with disapproval. His eyes literally tell you “I told you so.” but fortunately he has enough tactfulness to not say it out loud. He accompanies you to your house, constantly shaking his head when you whimper and pout because your hands hurt.
He reluctantly helps you clean your hands, because he claims he’s not good with that kind of stuff and he only helps you bandage the wound because you don’t want to move your hands too much. Quiet sounds of disapproval still leave his lips as he does, though. Something like that could never happen to him, he says. Still, the look in his eyes is loving. He appreciates your playful side a lot. Without it, his life would be pretty plain. Without YOU it would be.
He loves you, but please prepare for a bunch of teasing after the incident. He will never let you climb on something or balance somewhere every again for a long time because honestly? He cares about you a little too much and he can’t bear to see you hurt in any way.
Kenma Kozume:
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Kenma always seemed to be busy with some things. In the morning it was school, in the afternoon volleyball practice and in the evening and at night he was usually gaming.
You tried you best to insert yourself into his routine. Walk to school with him, spend the breaks at school with him, game with him, watch him at practice. You were fine with it, really, because you noticed how over the time he got more cooperative and sometimes skipped volleyball practice to hang out with you, or he was starting to game a bit less in order to go to the cinema with you etc.
But you still treasured the time the most when you could hang with him normally, like at practice. You could actually spend hours watching him do something else other than hanging over his console.
And the other members loved you, too. They appreciated you being at practice, it was like having another manager. You also took care of them and told them everything you observed, you brought snacks and cheered for them in any game. Sometimes you’d even join in during training camps and get along with other teams, as well.
You normally used your time during practice to do homework or work on other things, but today you helped out as the “ballboy/girl” basically and ran around the gym catching the flying volleyballs and collecting them for the boys. You’d throw them back to them or helped them to serve the ball, but you were always just moving around the whole time. You didn’t mind, though. It was actually very fun, the boys were constantly joking around. But Kenma didn’t look all that amused whenever a ball just closely missed you or when you almost fell in an attempt to catch a ball.
You watched as him and Yaku were talking to Lev and teaching him how to do a proper serve. The first year was listening eagerly, moving his hands and arms around enthusiastically and you found yourself grinning when Kenma moved his hands over his face in frustration.
Then it finally came to Lev putting all the tips into something and he was standing at the end of the field, ready to serve. You watched him fail a few times until he hit the ball with a loud bang and slammed it over the net, right to where you were standing. No one had enough time to react properly and before you could even think about diodging the ball landed straight on your chest and you fell backwards, hitting your head on the floor hard. For a moment you couldn’t see or hear anything, just darkness and dancing light in front of your eyes and a defeaning beeping in your ears.
Someone helped you to sit up and you slowly began to see contours of people around you, and their voices were still incomprehendable to you. You felt hands on your back and then on your face and you looked into your boyfriends face who had widened eyes and looked very pale.
Then he turned around and basically chased Lev through hell for doing this, giving him the lecture of his life even though you weren’t hurt that badly. there was a small wound at the back of your head and just a little bit of blood came out.
Kenma was by your side the whole time, flinching a lot more than you when you got a bandage around your head. You got some medication from the doctor and while you were tripping a little bit he still stayed at your side, giving you his console so you can play and distract yourself from ther pain
Literally really won’t leave your side, will stay at your house until you can go to school again and he just spends the days next to you in your bed, pouting when he sees the wound and carefully stroking your hair. He’s a big cuddler during this time and literally won’t led you near the gym anytime soon. He always gives Lev death stares when he gets near you, like a hissing cat.
A protective boy, 11/10 would love and cherish
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Scout, Demo, and Sniper with inexperienced reader
- i combined these two cuz they both had the Aussie on them. NS/FW stufff ahead so caution -
Jeremy may act like he’s God’s gift to women, but let’s be honest, aside from some trysts and a girlfriend he had for three weeks in the tenth grade, homeboy ain’t got no experience either
He wants so badly to be a good boyfriend! He tries so hard to be nice and to be a gentleman to you, often times putting on such a fake persona that you have to remind him that you like Jeremy because he’s a loud, fast-talking jack ass from south Boston. Not those words exactly, but you get the idea
Tries the classic dates like fancy restaurants and romantic movies, but chances are if you liked Jeremy enough to date him, you probably hate that stuff too. Good dates are outing to parks, watching action movies, going to bars, etc. fun, not stuffy dates.
Jeremy has SOME idea of what he’s doing, but its more so getting himself off than trying to get his partner off. It takes some re-learning on his part to figure out that sex is supposed to be mutually fun. If he suck at it, tell him! Boy needs to learn!
He gets that you have almost no experience, and that just adds to the pressure for him; he’s already so insecure and this is just another are he has the potential to disappoint you in. First time together is gonna be real awkward and slow, as neither of you wanna fuck up
After the two of you get more experienced with each other, oooooooooh boy, Jeremy is insatiable. Partially because he’s never had a steady s/o who lived in the same building as him. He is always dtf; like, come in while he’s regaining one of his (dramatized) wins, give him a “look” and he’ll stop talking mid-sentence and follows you to wherever for a quickie
Jeremy’s favorite position is probably doggy style. He gets to give all his love and also gets to hide his face of he starts to feel embarrassed; its easier to have the macho sex god persona if his partner can’t see his face all flushed and pinched in concentration
Tavish has had plenty of date mates, but when he starts his relationship with you and learns that he is your first ever boyfriend? Fuck, it might as well be his first relationship too (the Scotsman is soft lbr). He knows that each relationship is different from another, even minusculy, but since you have no reference point, he’s gonna start from square one and work your way up to normal relationship things
By that I mean this man has, like, an itinerary. Week one: holding hands, Week two: eating meals together, etc. Tav is THOROUGH! He wants you doing lame couple things and wants you to be comfortable with them asap. He’s like one of those high school girls who are like “we need to be dating for six months before we can kiss.” It’s not that he isn’t ready, he just wants to make sure you are
Dates with him are weird and varied. One night he takes you to a nice bar, the next date is helping him set off about to expire explosives. A very lovely evening of him playing piano with you, then it’s Loch Ness Monster hunting. Suffice to say that your dates are never boring.
Tavish sets the relationship at a slow pace so that you’ll feel comfortable; introducing sex into the relationship is no different. He’ll let you know when he’s comfortable with it and is fine waiting until you are ready for it and won’t do jack shit without your permission.
When you are ready, be prepared for the cheesiest seduction ever. You’ll walk into Tavish’s room one day and there’s a trail of rose petals leading to the bed where the Scotsman lays, naked, with a rose between his teeth and a heart shaped pillow covering his junk; candles EVERYWHERE. It takes every ounce of willpower not to laugh (plz laugh, Tavish is trying so hard to make you relax before doing the do)
Despite the fact that the man likes his drink, Tavish refuses to fuck drunk. Sleeping with you is an honor, and he 1. Doesn’t wanna not remember it, 2. Doesn’t want to do something dumb while he’s drunk and hurt you, 3. Doesn’t wanna do something embarrassing in front of the gang while trying to seduce you. He’s a good boy who knows better
Mick has had plenty of short term date mates, considering his job keeps him moving around. Before Teufort, he never bothered trying to keep a serious relationship because he would be gone by the end of the month. Then our favorite Aussie meets YOU and the whole game plan changed. He couldn’t be a “love ‘em and leave ‘em” man anymore, and he didn’t want to be with you. You’re special
Mick’s not 100% sure exactly what dating him would entail. You two go out to the local bar to drink, you spend your meals and down time together, you haven’t moved into the truck camper yet but you sure do spend a ton of nights there. Mick doesn’t have domestic experience so he tries to do what his parents do and what they told him to do, so it’s a lot of laundry together, movie nights at the local drive-in, reading the same book and talking about it, etc. Mick skipped right into the “old married life” kind of relationship
The Aussie is happy to take things slow with you, considering THIS kind of relationship is new to him too. You’re a special person the Mick wants to keep in his life
BAAAAAAAAAAAAAABES, I KNOW everyone’s like “oh, Sniper is an awkward loner with social issues” but listen darlings; Mick is a businessman, he used to have to talk to tins of people to get jobs; had to have connections, had to be charismatic, he to be willing to hang out in seedy bars and joints to eat gigs. What I’m saying is, aside from Spy, Sniper is probably the one who can manipulate the room to his advantage best, cuz he’s been doing it since he started. The point of this rant is to say SNIPER CAN GET IT! Homeboy’s got tail game! You cannot change my mind! He’s probably had more quickies than a rabbit hutch; he’s attractive as hell and knows how to talk to people to get what he wants and how to clock people at the bar who wants to get laid too! He came, he saw, he didn’t call he next morning. Okay end of rant and back to the original purpose of this point
So! Mick has plenty of sexual experience, and rather than see you as some sort of delicate flower, he sees it more as an opportunity to let you experiment ON him. Whatever you wanna try, he’s done it like 9 times. You wanna do some nasty shit? Okie dokie than, he’ll get the “Camper’s a-rocking, don’t come a-knocking” sign up and clear his schedule. Aussie knows what he’s doing
Plz bring up riding to this man, he’ll fucking propose to you. He thinks riding is the best position because he has all the access to your fun areas, he’s able to bury his face into your chest or neck, and its minimal movement for him
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Home [1/10]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader, Kirishima x reader
Fluff, angst, werewolf!au
Word count: 4.8K
A/N: This is my first time writing for something on Tumblr, so do tell me how it is! Also haven’t written in a hot minute so it’s going to be a bumpy ride until we get to the good parts!
Summary: Being called the beauty of the clan isn’t as nice as it sounds. The beauty of the clan is supposed to exude confidence, power, and well, beauty. You were quite the opposite, only possessing one of those traits. Yet, the older you got, the more you fit into the role you were given. After your brother and all the boys of age come back from their training period, it was time to find a mate. But who will steal your heart? Is it Bakugou, the rising leader of the pack, or is it Kirishima, the personal guard and the strongest in the pack?
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
5 years old
“Mommy! The other kids won’t stop picking on me,” you cried as you run into your mother’s arms. She kneels so that she is eye level with you, wiping her hands on her apron.
“What happened this time sweetheart?”
“They knocked down my sandcastle. And I worked really hard on it!” You puffed as you crossed both of your stubby arms across your heaving chest. Tears threatened to spill as you recall the accident that just happened. Sniffing the morning air, you could tell it was going to be a nice day outside. The rain has just passed which allowed the air to be crisp in your nose and the warm air passing by the window made you itch to go outside. You couldn’t ignore your instincts, so you immediately run out the front door, ignoring your mother’s call to eat breakfast. She smiles at your energy and shakes her head lovingly while preparing breakfast for your older brother. Thank god the park wasn’t far from your house because that’s exactly where you were going.
You wiped your hair out of your face before sinking your hands and feet into the sand box. Something about how warm the sand was the deeper you went felt so comforting. You didn’t hesitate to dig up a hole to stick your feet in, far enough so that your legs are buried in the sand while sat down comfortably on top. After finding a comfortable spot, you buried the hole your legs were in so that you couldn’t move. As silly as it was, this never failed to make you laugh because you found it entertaining how you couldn’t escape and your upper body was the only thing that could move. On top of where your legs should be, you started building your own sandcastle. You looked up and modeled your sandcastle after the clan leader’s big house in the distance. Oh, how you dreamed you could even step inside at least once in your lifetime. Your lips fitted into a pout upon the realization that this was only a dream. Looking back down at your now crumbling castle, you erased what you had to focus on a new one.
“Look, it’s (y/n). She’s playing by herself again,” some neighboring boys said from a distance, snickering at the sight of you. You continued to look down to only focus on what you were trying to make.
Mommy says to ignore them because they’re jealous.
“Do you see her legs?”
“Did she do that herself?”
“If she did, she must be a real idiot.”
“Yeah, looks like the beauty is an idiot after all.”
They’re just jealous.
“Looks like the idiot beauty must need saving. Let’s go.” The three boys, much bigger boys, slowly approached you. Fear started to ignite in your body. Your chest started feeling tight and your breathing became heavy. Your eyes darted around, not knowing what to do first. Should you fight back? But how can you fight back when your feet are stuck in the sand? Your hands shot to the sand floor, trying to push yourself up but the sand on your legs kept you in place. The boys were getting closer and you were stuck. Shaking, you closed your eyes and braced yourself for the worst. The three boys laughed and knocked down your sandcastle with their feet, causing the sand to hit you in the face. Sand reached your mouth and eyes, causing you to cough and lose your vision.
“HEY!” you hear a boy yell and the shuffling of feet.
“Let’s get out of here,” panic filled one of the boy’s voice. The three boys could be heard running away but two more approached. One touched your hand while the other was chasing after the boys. All that could be heard in the distance was yelling and small sparks.
“Are you okay?” the voice asked, “That wasn’t very manly, what those boys did. A princess should never be treated this way.” Soft hands rubbed the sand away from your eyes. You looked up and squinted. Deep, red eyes stared into your own, a worried look written all over his face. He dug your legs out of the man-made hole and helped you to your feet.
“Are you okay?” he asked again, dusting more sand off your legs. You could only nod in response, you head hung low. “Have no fear! For I, Kirishima Eijirou, have come to the rescue! Those fiends shall hurt you no more!!” Kirishima smiled, showing off his sharp yet kind smile. A smile that was so wide that it reached his eyes. His red hair lay flat on his head, bangs almost covered his eyes.
“Those guys are lucky I’ve been running all day or else I would have beat them into next week!” A blonde boy came into sight, huffing and puffing, hands balled into fists.
“Bakugou! We have to make sure the princess is okay!” Kirishima called out to Bakugou. Bakugou caught sight of you and immediately, his eyes widened. Forgetting about his rant, he ran up to you and knelt next to Kirishima.
“Princess, are you hurt?” Bakugou asked. All you could do was look at both of them wide eyed. Where did they even come from? Why were they helping you? Was this a trick?
“I’m not a princess…” you mumbled, still looking down at your shoes.
“Of course you are! A pretty girl like you has to be a princess.” Bakugou answered.
“And a princess needs guards to protect her! We will be your guards!” Kirishima said determined, looking around in a protective stance, ready to pounce at anybody who dares to hurt you.
“But…” you try to retaliate but Bakugou quickly interrupts you.
“Sir Kirishima! The princess seems to be hurt. We need to clean her up. Hurry!” Bakugou swiftly picks you up in princess style and carries you to a nearby creek with Kirishima following closely behind. Kirishima rips part of his shirt to dip into the water and wipes your face off. Bakugou sits there and watches intently.
“Princess, what is thy name?” Bakugou speaks up. You turn to him. He has the same eyes are Kirishima’s: worried but more intense. You fiddled with your fingers.
“(y/n)…” you say in the softest voice.
“Well, Princess (y/n), we won’t let anything like that happen to you anymore. Because you have us to protect you!” he said with a thumbs up.
“But… you don’t know me…”
“Yes we do! You’re (y/n). And I’m Kirishima, he’s Bakugou. See! We know each other now so let’s be friends, yeah?” Kirishima pointed out and gave you another wide smile. Wow, friends? You never really had friends besides your brother. They didn’t want to pick on you like the other kids? You were too excited by the fact that they wanted to be friends with you. Looking up with determined eyes, you gave a small smile and nodded your head. Kirishima cheered aloud while Bakugou gave a small smile.
“Well Princess (y/n), since you are a princess now, a princess needs a prince! Since I am the most qualified, I will be your prince!” Bakugou stands and puts one hand on his hips, the other pointing to himself.
Kirishima agrees. “And I shall be your bodyguard that keeps you both safe! I can harden my skin, you know.” And he shows off his hardening quirk by hardening his forearms. Your eyes shine in awe but Bakugou scoffs in return.
“Oh yeah? Well princess, my powers are better than his. Watch this,” and Bakugou lays his hands out in front of him and they start to spark. “With this super cool power, I will forever protect you.” He said determined.
“Bakugou I can protect her too.” Kirishima starts to pout.
“But I’m married to the princess so I have to protect her. You have to protect both of us. That’s pretty manly,” Kirishima didn’t need to hear anymore. Manly? Nothing was more manly than protecting people. He could protect you, sure. But TWO people?! Now that’s what he’s talking about! Kirishima then went on a rant, bragging how he was better because he was protecting two people instead of one. You and Bakugou giggled and paid no mind to him. Instead, Bakugou continues to clean you up and makes sure that you didn’t have any scratches.
“(y/n)?!” a young, male voice calls out. Your head spins and immediately calls back.
“Ah, Sero!” You get up and run towards your older brother. He catches sight of you and runs to meet you in the middle.
“(y/n), where did you go? You know better than to be out of sight from the house. Mom was worried,” Sero looked down on you, worry plastered all over his face. Your lips went into a pout and apologized.
“Sorry Sero. But my friends came to help me because I got hurt,” you explained. Sero looked behind you and saw Bakugou and Kirishima standing there looking all high and mighty.
“Ah, thank you for helping my little sister. But we have to go now. Mom made food and you skipped breakfast,” he bowed to thank the two boys, grabbed your wrist and took you back to the house. You looked back to see them still staring at you, waving their goodbyes.
“See you later princess!!” they said in unison. You smiled and waved back, giving them a toothy smile.
 12 years old
You sat outside, sitting on your favorite, most comfortable stool that you wove yourself. In front of you was a table full of gems, rocks and string. You were concentrated on improving your jewelry making skills. Next to the table was a basket full of failed jewelry. It’s not like you couldn’t make anything, but it was the design that bothered you. You just can’t seem to make something pretty or aesthetically pleasing in your eyes. As the string passed through the final stone, you sighed in relief and raised the piece of jewelry in front of you to admire your work.
It’s perfect. I wonder if he’ll like it…
“Ew, that’s what you came up with?” You looked up to see a group of girls staring at your work in disgust. You let out a breath and put down the necklace you had been working so hard on.
Their words mean nothing.
“Honestly, shouldn’t you be better at this by now? I mean, I can make something better than that in less than a minute. And blindfolded!” the snarky comment came from the girl in the middle, who seemed like the leader of the group. The rest of the girls laughed along, but it wasn’t even funny.
I’m still practicing. It doesn’t have to look perfect.
“Who are you trying to give that to? Bakugou? He would never wear something so ugly.”
He wouldn’t would he…
“What’s ugly?” Bakugou appeared behind you, his face a little too close to you. He took the necklace in his fingers and examined it. Without a second thought, he wore it around his neck and turned to you. “How do I look?” he asked. All you could do was admire how well it fit him. You didn’t say anything but he already knew your answer. Switching from the soft eyes he gave you, he looked down on the group of girls, snarling, showing off his canines. “Scram.” That was all it took for the girls to get lost in the blink of an eye. As soon as they left, you turned to Bakugou and gave him a disapproving look.
“I could have handled that myself,” you crossed your arms across your chest, looking up at him.
“Yeah, I can tell.” He says sarcastically and takes a seat next to you, examining everything on the table. You turn to him and gave the necklace another glance.
“It is kind of ugly isn’t it?” you were mostly talking to yourself but Bakugou could clearly hear it.
“This thing? I look good, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He checks himself out in the nearby mirror. You shake your head and try to pry it off his neck.
“They weren’t wrong though. Let me make a new one for you. I promise it’ll look better,” as soon as you touched his neck, his hands grabbed your wrists, stopping you from advancing any further. You jump at the action and your eyes traveled to his red eyes. Man, were they intense as ever.
“I said I like it, okay? Have more confidence. Your skills have definitely improved.” You remove your hands from his and continue to work on the other jewelry pieces.
“I know but they just aren’t up to my standards, you know that.”
“Ah, you beat me again!” Kirishima runs up to you two out of breath. He is leaning so that both of his hands are resting on his knees. He looks up and glares at Bakugou.
“Bro, I’m supposed to be the knight in shining armor. Why do you always beat me to it?!” he groaned and kicked the ground.
“It’s because you aren’t her husband. I always know when (y/n) is in trouble. Plus you’re just slow,” he mutters that last statement under his breath but it cracks you up. You let out a small giggle and Kirishima stares at you in disbelief.
“(y/n) how can you laugh at that?! You’re supposed to be on my side!”
“Sorry Eiji, it was kind of funny,” you replied, trying to stifle another giggle but you failed. You continued to laugh while Bakugou smirked right beside you.
��Yeah yeah. Bakugou, your dad is looking for you. We have to go back now.” Kirishima informed Bakugou, straightening up once he caught his breath. Bakugou groaned in response.
“I barely got a chance to go outside this week and now he wants me back already?”
“Clan leader’s orders.” Was all he could say. Bakugou cursed under his breath and stood up. It didn’t take you long after you became friends with them to find out that Bakugou was the son of the clan leader and Kirishima was his personal guard… in training. They would sneak out once in a while to escape the responsibilities and the strict rules that he had to follow. They would sneak out even more just to see you and make sure that no one was bothering you. After all, Bakugou was your prince and Kirishima was your knight in shining armor. Groaning once more, Bakugou stands up and stretches a little. He then turns to you, ruffling your hair which causes a blush to creep up your face.
“See you later, yeah?” he questions. He raises a brow when you don’t answer. “Oi,”
“Huh? Oh… yeah, see you later,” you sheepishly reply and look away before he could see the ever-growing blush on your cheeks. Bakugou didn’t catch it but a certain pair of sad, red eyes did, glancing back and forth between the two people in front of him. His chest tightened slightly at the sight. As the two boys turned their backs, you began to continue your jewelry making. Only when you took a glance up did you see a certain blonde boy looking your direction.
 16 years old
Bakugou and Kirishima started transforming into their wolf form more often. You would watch from the side while they play fight. “Training” as they would call it. These fights were never serious, even when they were fighting with the other boys. Today was no different. A huge crowd formed a circle with only two opponents in the middle. You sat on top of a rock, watching the spectacle from above. Kirishima was in the middle this time facing an opponent that had a similar quirk to his. When Kirishima is in his wolf form, he can harden his fur, allowing him to be impenetrable. Seeing that his opponent had a similar hardening ability, the fight wasn’t getting anywhere. By the end of the fight, both were fighting for their breaths and almost passed out. Kirishima looked frustrated from above which was funny to watch. He never got like that unless he was losing.
Next was Bakugou. You straightened up and payed closer to the wolf in the middle. His golden fur was fully spiked up, just like his silly hair. His mouth turned into the nastiest snarl, baring his sharp teeth. Intimidating, but not to you. Dangling from his neck, the necklace you made for him 4 years ago. He’s still wearing it to this day. You couldn’t help but smile at the fact. Even when he’s fighting, he still chooses to wear it. Bakugou’s quirk transformed from his hands to his mouth when he is in his wolf form.
When the fight starts, it starts off as any other fight Bakugou has. He lets his opponent think he has the upper hand but when they are caught off guard, Bakugou finishes them off in one blow. As Bakugou jumps in the air to land on top of his opponent, they react fast and bites his neck in response. With one snatch, the necklace that was once on Bakugou’s neck was shattered into pieces on the floor. Both wolves stopped moving, as if like they were put on pause. No one was cheering. No one was even breathing. Bakugou, mouth agape, stared at the broken necklace on the floor. And as if someone brought him back to life, he snapped his head towards his opponent with a glare that could suffocate anyone who looked straight at him. Red, fiery eyes burned a hole straight into his soul but not before Bakugou was ripping his fur to shreds.
Quick to stop the fight, Kirishima jumped in to hold Bakugou back. But Bakugou wasn’t stopping without a fight. He broke the necklace you gave him. The necklace you worked so hard on. Just for him. The necklace that proved to everyone that you weren’t someone to be messed with. The necklace that symbolized your growth. And he broke it. Realizing what was happening, you swiftly moved towards the fight and towards Bakugou.
“Bakugou, calm down!” Kirishima yelled, in hopes that Bakugou could hear him through his tunnel vision. He was already having a hard time pulling him back, but he needed to find a way to get out of the situation.
“Bakugou!” you reached the circle and ran straight to him. You reached up and cupped his muzzle, forcing him to look at you. “It’s okay. Let’s just get out of here okay?” you pleaded. You desperately searched his eyes, trying to bring Bakugou back since he was so blinded by rage. It took a while for him to calm down, but he eventually did, chest heaving up and down. Without a word, he stalks off into the night, disappearing from the crowd. Kirishima takes one step to follow after him, but you stop him. With a light nod, Kirishima allows you to chase after him but eyes linger in your direction for a little too long.
You spot Bakugou, back in his human form, sitting on a boulder near the creek. Slowly approaching, you sat right next to him. It was silent. You both stared at the flowing water, just listening to the sounds of nature, until you break the silence.
“You okay?” you asked, looking up in his direction. His lips formed in a frown, eyes furrowed, and eyes staring daggers into the water.
“Yeah..” he mumbled. You sighed and stood up to face him better. He had a few cuts and bruises on his face. Nothing too big but enough to make your heart ache. Like you’ve done a million times before, you ripped part of the dress you were wearing, dipped it into the water and proceeded to clean his wounds. Again, it was silent. But you didn’t mind it. You were too deep in concentration to notice Bakugou staring right at you.
“Why did you get so angry?” you questioned.
“That fucker broke my necklace,”
“It’s just a necklace,” you tried to laugh it off, to lift the mood. But you probably read the room wrong because he wasn’t laughing.
“That you made.” And as soon as he said that, you couldn’t help the smile creeping on your face and the hotness on your cheeks. You pursed your lips together to stop yourself from smiling.
“Well I can always make you a new one. I can’t believe you kept that same one from 4 years ago. My skills have improved you know.” You puffed your chest out and put both hands on your hips, looking offended. He chuckled in response.
“Then make me a new one.” The way he stared at you made it look like a challenge. Well challenge accepted.
“I will! Come on,” You grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him back to you family home. You sat him down and started to create a new necklace while he watched. Instead of making a completely new design, you decided to make the same one but just tweak it just a little so that it looks better. Bakugou wasn’t watching your hands make it. No. He was watching your face. How you were so concentrated on putting the string through the gem. How your nose would scrunch up when you messed up. How your tongue stuck out a little because you were so concentrated. How the moonlight hit your face so perfectly, making you shine more beautifully than ever before. Yeah, you were the beauty of the clan but to Bakugou, beauty doesn’t even come close to describing how you look. Your looks were so out of this world, he can’t believe you actually exist. And here of all places. He doesn’t even realize that the longer he stares, the more he is leaning in.
You smile and hold up the new necklace, proud because it looks so much better than the original.
“Done! Do you like i-” but before you could finish, a soft pair of lips land on yours. You stare for a second because you have no idea what is happening. Looking down, you see Bakugou’s lips on yours. But why? How is this happening?! You are sure that you are dreaming. Bakugou pulls back to look you dead in the eye.
“Are you just going to stare?” he barely says in a whisper. His deep, raspy voice loud enough for only you to hear. You blink and continue to tell yourself that this is a dream. But you know it’s not when you feel a tingling sensation on your lips from when Bakugou kissed you. Making you crave more of him.
“I just – I don’t… what just happened?” You could barely fix a sentence. Bakugou chuckles and leans more into you, placing a hand on either side of you.
“What? Can’t kiss my wife?” he teased. Warm blood rushes to your cheeks and you push his chest away. He was too close for comfort yet you didn’t want him to go.
“S-Stop joking around. How can you joke around in a situation like this?” You could barely look him in the face.
“Am I lying though?”
“Yes! I’m not your wife!” you exclaim, pointing out the obvious. You expected him to joke around some more and tell you how you’ve been his wife since age 5. But what you didn’t expect was what he said next.
“We can change that,” gosh, why was he always making you blush. Adrenaline was rushing, your heart was pumping, you head was spinning. You felt like you could pass out any time but a burst of confidence surged through your body.
“How can I be your wife if I’m not your girlfriend first,” Where did this confidence even come from? Bakugou cracked a smile. He looked at your lips and then back to your eyes.
“Then be my girlfriend.”
 18 years old
“Do you really have to go?” you pouted, tears threatening to spill. You looked up at your older brother, Sero, and a bigger frown appeared on your face when he just gives you a soft look. Ruffling your hair, he connects your foreheads together.
“It’s only a couple of years. I’ll come back stronger than ever.” He gave you a soft smile. When he pulled away, you immediately went in for a bear hug because even though he hasn’t left yet, it already felt like he was going to be gone forever. A small chuckle could be heard as you lay your head on his chest, the vibrations of his laugh made you feel at home.
“I love you.” You say in his chest. “Please stay safe and make it back in one piece.”
“Don’t worry, I will. Love you,” he kisses the top of your head, picks up his duffle bag and jogs towards the group of other 18-year-olds who are ready to go. When boys reach the age of 18, they are required to go away to a special training camp for 2 years. This camp helps them grow stronger, build their skill and train to become alpha of the pack. By the end of the camp, only one male will come out victorious as the successor. As you watch Sero greet his friends, strong arms envelop around your waist while a head rests on your shoulder.
“How come I don’t get any love?” Bakugou teases in your ear and you can just see the smirk on his face. You slap his hands away, turning around and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I was just going to come see you,” you smile but then it slowly turned into a frown. Bakugou was going too. He had just finished saying his goodbyes to his parents and sniffed you out immediately.
“You’ll wait for me till I get back?” Bakugou asked, almost scared and unsure. 2 years was a long time and anything could happen in between that time. You could find another mate. Or worse, have pups with another man. Or you could be seriously injured or sick. A neighboring clan could invade and no one would be alive to tell its tale. Seeing the worried look in his eyes and the way he was spacing out, you stood on your tippy toes and to peck him on the lips to bring him back to life. His vermillion eyes reached yours, waiting your answer.
“Of course I will,” you reassured him. A soft smile reached his lips.
“And when I get back as the new clan leader, I’ll take you as my wife, so we can rule this pack together.” He sounded more confident this time. It was a statement, not a question. You bit your bottom lip to stop the smile coming but you failed miserably. Before you could respond, Kirishima jumps on Bakugou’s back, ruining the precious moment between you two.
“Baku, let’s go! Group is waiting on us!” Kirishima informs, never failing to leave a smile on his lips. Oblivious to Bakugou’s glare and ranting on ruining the mood, Kirishima faces you and gives you a crushing hug. “See ya later (y/n)! We are going to come back ripped and manly as hell!” he flexed his muscles in all directions, making you laugh in response.
“If you don’t, I’d be questioning what you did all that time,” you and Kirishima continued to have small talk while Bakugou is just watching from the side. Annoyed, yes. But this was the last time he could see you smile for a couple years. So as much as he wanted to blow up on Kirishima, he didn’t want to ruin the little time he had with you.
“Alright shitty hair. Leave us alone for second. I’ll meet you over there,” Bakugou shooed Kirishima away. He pulled you close, your bodies flushed together, his hands securely wrapped around your waist. Kirishima’s smile faltered a little, but not enough for anyone to see. Saying your final goodbye to Kirishima, he jogged towards group with a red duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Bakugou let out a groan, finally thankful that his friend was gone. Pulling you into a hug, he inhaled your scent, trying to ingrain it into his memory. He then put your noses together, giving you eskimo kisses.
“I love you,” he breathed. Your heart skipped a beat upon hearing those words. It wasn’t your first time saying it together each other, but every time he said it, it was like he was saying it for the first time.
“I love you, too,” you replied. The warm feeling inside you was now fading. It was being replaced with heavy breaths and a tight chest. Tears began to form again. You really didn’t want him to leave, but you couldn’t do anything about it. He quickly pecked your lips for the last time and picked up his own duffel bag.
“Wait, Katsuki!” As he was about to turn around to get to the group, you tugged his arm causing him to look at you. “Promise?” you looked at him with pleading eyes, referring to the statement he made earlier. Bringing you back in for one more passionate kiss, he left you breathless.
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rushingheadlong · 4 years
I’ll Put A Spell On You - A John/Roger Smut Fic
Summary: John is tired of always getting teased for wearing “boring” costumes, so he decides to spice things up this year - and when Roger makes sure to show his appreciation for John’s costume choice, they both end up having a good time.
Words: ~5,900
Tags/Warnings: John/Roger, 18+, D/s (sub!John), spanking, rimming, crossdressing
Notes: Written for the DL Servers HalloQueen fic exchange! My prompt was: John buys a "sexy witch" costume to wear as a joke. It turns out to be more hot than funny to Roger. Smut ensues. I’ve never written Dealor before and I don’t usually write crossdressing, so I hope I did alright with this!
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“I think that the next time anyone tries to tell me that Queen must attend their fancy dress party, I am going to take their invitation and shove it up their arse!” Roger yells from down the hall.
John laughs as he smoothes down the front of his skirt and adjusts the pointed hat on top of his head. “I think I’ll help you with that!” he calls back.
“I mean why even invite Queen to a party if everyone is supposed to wear stupid costumes anyway!” Roger continues ranting. He’s been complaining about this for weeks now and it’s a testament to how much John shares his annoyance that he hasn’t told Roger to shut up yet.
Although, as John takes a step back and studies his final outfit in the mirror, he finds that his costume somehow ended up looking surprisingly good on him. He had expected the “sexy witch” costume that he bought to be just flashy enough and ill-fitting enough to look silly on him, but even without the right parts to fill out the dress it certainly doesn’t look as bad as he was expecting it too. Far from it, in fact.
The skirt hits him at mid-thigh, just high enough that there’s a bit of skin showing between the top of his striped stockings and the hem of the skirt. In a fortuitous turn of events the cheap dress doesn’t have much structure in the bodice and it sits smoothly across John’s chest, leaving his collarbones and shoulders bare. John even has the passing thought that maybe he should have picked up some makeup to wear as well to really complete the look, nevermind that he usually hates how it feels on his face after a few hours.
“And god knows our manager is going to find some way to blame us for the bad publicity if any photos from tonight make it into the papers…”
“We could just stay home.” John would much prefer to spend a quiet evening in with his boyfriend instead of embarrassing himself at this party.
“Freddie will never forgive us if we don’t turn up,” Roger says. “And I’ve spent too much time getting into this fucking costume to back out now.”
“What are you wearing, anyway?” John asks. Somehow they never quite got around to discussing their plans and apart from catching a glimpse of the bundle of clothes in Roger’s arms as he ducked into the bathroom John knows nothing about his costume.
“Come over here and see for yourself!”
“You come over here, I’m still trying to find my damn shoes,” John suggests instead. He knows that he has a pair of boots around here somewhere that will work well enough with his stockings, and he leans down to dig through the mess at the bottom of the closet to look for them.
“Just throw on a pair of trainers or something. We aren’t supposed to look good tonight anyway.” There’s the sound of Roger slamming some drawer in the bathroom, and then John hears him as he starts to walk down the hall back towards the bedroom. “Honestly, John, I’m not doing this again next year. I don’t care what Reid says, I’m not- John?”
Roger’s voice is strangled, and when John glances over his shoulder he can see that Roger is staring at him, mouth agape, as he takes in the sight of John in his costume. John quickly straightens up and turns to Roger, his hands shaking a little as he smoothes down his skirt. He can feel his face starting to grow hot with embarrassment and he tries to stop himself from squirming under Roger’s intense gaze. It’s hard to tell exactly what Roger is thinking, and now John is second-guessing his costume. He didn’t think it looked bad, but maybe he was wrong? Or maybe he’s taken the joke a step too far?
After a moment of silence John clears his throat and Roger jumps a little, startled out of his thoughts by the noise. “I, uh, I like your costume,” John says, motioning vaguely in Roger’s direction. “Can’t go wrong as a scarecrow. It’s a classic.”
Roger laughs a little and says, “So’s a witch costume but I’ve never seen one as stunning as yours.”
That answers the question of what Roger thinks of John’s outfit, but if anything John’s blush only deepens at the note of appreciation in Roger’s voice. “You like it then?” he asks.
“Like it? John, I love it.” Roger gives John another pointed once-over and then, with a small smirk, he says, “Go on, give me a twirl. I want to see the whole outfit.”
John feels his heart speed up a tick at the cocky undertone to the order. He loves when Roger gets like this and Roger knows it. Roger’s smirk deepens and he motions with one finger for John to start spinning. So John does, slowly turning in a circle so Roger can take in his costume from every angle.
“You know, I’m not sure you really understood the costume requirements for this party,” Roger says as John finishes his spin. “We’re supposed to look silly, not sexy.”
“Don’t I look a little silly? Black and orange aren’t exactly my colors,” John jokes.
“No, they’re not,” Roger agrees. “But that doesn’t make you any less gorgeous, angel.”
And with that Roger finally moves forward, crowding John against the closet and kissing him deeply. John drapes his arms loosely around Roger’s neck and parts his lips so Roger can slip his tongue inside. Some of the straw sticking out of Roger’s shirt tickles John’s chest as Roger presses in even closer, but John’s laugh quickly turns into a low groan as Roger sneaks one hand between them to palm at John’s cock through his skirt.
“Fuck, Rog,” John groans as he instinctively bucks his hips into Roger’s touch. “Keep that up and we’re never going to make it to this party.”
“Maybe that’s the plan,” Roger says. He keeps teasing at John’s cock and even through the layers of fabric the dull pressure feels unbelievably good. “I can think of quite a few things we could do that would be way more fun than going to this party…”
John has a pretty good idea of what those things could be, and with how quickly it feels like he’s losing his mind under Roger’s deft touch he’s so tempted to just let Roger do whatever he wants with him… but he still has enough self-restraint left to point out, “Didn’t you just say that Freddie will never forgive us if we don’t show up?”
“I think if Fred saw what you’re wearing, he’d understand.”
John laughs but he still gently pushes Roger back. Roger pouts but he does let go of John, and John tries not to miss his touch too much. “We don’t need to stay long, but we can’t skip out on it altogether,” he says.
He finally spots the boots he had been looking for sticking out from underneath the bed. He gives Roger, who’s still sulking a little, a quick peck on the cheek as he brushes past him, and as John bends over to grab the shoes he hears Roger groan quietly behind him.
“You’re going to tease me all night, aren’t you?” Roger says.
John stays facing away from Roger as he puts his shoes on so his boyfriend can’t see the amused smile on his face. “Maybe just a little,” John says. “But you like it when I tease you.”
“Yeah, but I like it a lot more when we just stay in and I can fuck you until you can’t think straight anymore.” Roger’s hands settle on John’s hips again and John jumps a little at the unexpected touch; he hadn’t even heard Roger move at all. “I might have to punish you later, if you’re going to be a brat.”
John’s breath hitches a little and he hears Roger chuckle behind him. “Yeah,” he murmurs. “Yeah, actually, I think that’s exactly what’s going to have to happen.” He grinds up against John, and John bites back a whimper when he feels just how hard Roger is right now. “You like the sound of that, don’t you, honey?”
John knows that all it would take is a simple no right now and Roger would immediately stop everything he was doing - but John’s pretty sure that he might actually die if Roger stopped this game now, so instead he says, “Yes, god, I love it Roger, please-”
Roger drops his head against John’s shoulder, groaning quietly as he grinds up against John a little harder this time. “Fuck, John, you’re gonna kill me tonight, I know it.” He turns his head and kisses the crook of John’s neck, and then he takes a step back and lets go of John altogether. “Finish getting ready and meet me at the car. The sooner we get to this party, the sooner we can get back home again - and I want to make sure we have plenty of time to finish this later.”
Part of John is grateful for the reprieve so that he has a chance to calm down a little and pull himself back together, but he still hurries to finish putting on his shoes and double-checking his costume and there’s a knowing smirk on Roger’s face when John slides into the passenger’s seat only a few short minutes later.
The party itself goes much the same way that they always do, passing with a strange mix of rock ‘n’ roll debauchery and music industry schmoozing that not even the addition of ridiculous costumes can really interfere with. John isn’t even the only one there in drag, although Roger certainly doesn’t have eyes for anyone else except him. It makes it almost too easy to tease him; all John has to do is play with the hem of his skirt a little or cock a hip out as he talks to someone, and that’s enough to get Roger staring at him intently from across the room.
This certainly hadn’t been how John thought this evening was going to go, but it’s a rush to know that Roger is this fixated on him in this dress. It’s even more of a rush to know that Roger is going to pay him back for every second of this teasing when they finally get home and the anticipation of what’s going to come later makes John grateful that he’s wearing a skirt, so no one can see how hard he is.
The two of them drift separately through the crowd, and despite the game they’re playing John does try to keep his focus on the people he meets and the conversations he’s having - so much so that he doesn’t realize that he’s ended up in the same area as Roger, until he turns to his right and sees the drummer leaning up against the wall nearby. Roger crooks one finger in a “come here” gesture and, after quickly checking to make sure that no one is paying them any attention, John hurries over.
“Having fun?” Roger asks. It’s an innocent enough question but the look he levels at John is anything but.
John shrugs. “It’s been fine,” he says mildly. “Though, if you wanted to head out…”
The rest of John’s sentence is cut off with a laugh from Roger. “You were so quick to make sure that we showed up to this party and now you just can’t wait to get home, can you?”
John bites his bottom lip and doesn’t answer, because Roger isn’t exactly wrong. Every hungry look from Roger makes John a little more desperate to get home, a little more desperate for the punishment that Roger promised him before they left, but he’s not quite so far gone that he’s willing to admit that aloud just yet. So he shrugs again and looks out across the party, feigning a nonchalance that he absolutely does not feel.
But Roger isn’t going to let him off the hook that easily. Roger glances around to make sure that no one is looking at them, before slowly sliding a hand down to brush along the bare skin of John’s thighs just above his stockings and right below the hem of his skirt. John can’t hold back a shiver and Roger’s smile takes on a wicked glint as he says, “Yeah, just look at you. You can put up a good front but you’re dying to get out of here, aren’t you?”
John exhales shakily. “Roger…”
“If we weren’t in public, I’d make you beg for me right now,” Roger says in a low voice.
John is about ready to beg for him right now anyway because that sort of easy cockiness from Roger just does things to John, makes him go weak-kneed and desperate to please him. Roger knows that too, and thankfully he doesn’t seem to want to wait any longer himself because he jerks his thumb towards the exit and says, “C’mon. Let’s get out of here.”
The car park is empty around them. It’s too soon for most people to be leaving but late enough that there aren’t any last-minute stragglers still heading inside, and Roger takes advantage of the privacy to crowd John up against the side of the car and kiss him. He keeps John pinned in place with one hand on his hip and one cupping his face as he devours John’s mouth, licking his way inside and nipping at John’s bottom lip until he’s moaning and writhing underneath Roger’s touch.
“Christ, John, you drive me fucking crazy,” Roger pants against John’s mouth. “Next time we’re skipping the party and staying in. I don’t care if the others get pissed, I could barely keep my hands to myself in there.” He kisses along John’s jawline and adds, “The only good thing about coming here is now I get to punish you for being such a tease.”
John moans quietly and arches his neck to give Roger better access to kiss and bite along his throat. He knows that Roger isn’t stupid enough to leave marks where other people can see them, but the possibility that he could makes John feel like he’s burning up with arousal.
“What- ah- what are you going to do?” he barely manages to ask.
“To punish you?” John nods, a little too eagerly, and Roger laughs. “Why don’t we head home and I’ll just show you instead?”
The drive back home feels like it lasts a small eternity. Roger keeps one hand on John’s thigh the entire time, moving it only when he has to shift gears and then immediately returning it to John’s leg just underneath his skirt. He doesn’t touch John’s cock but it’s still so close that John can’t help but squirm - at least, until a sharp look from Roger has him trying his hardest to stay still instead.
The moment they get inside the house Roger is on him again, kissing him even before the door is fully closed behind him and pulling the witch’s hat off John’s head to toss behind him somewhere. “You remember your safewords, angel?” he asks as he tangles one hand in John’s hair and gives a gentle tug - not enough to really hurt but enough to make sure that John is paying attention and to make his cock throb underneath his skirt.
John nods and Roger tightens his grip slightly in warning. “Ah- yeah, yes, Rog. Green to keep going, and red to stop.”
“And yellow to slow down and check in,” Roger adds and John nods, as much as he’s able to anyway. “Good boy. Now, this is how this is going to go. You’re going to go into the bedroom and get on the bed, arse up and waiting for me. I’m going to spank you as your punishment and then I’m going to fuck you, and you’re not allowed to come until after I do. Understand?”
John bites down on a moan and takes a deep breath, trying to stay focused on what Roger is saying. Checking in like this is important, even if John wants to bolt to the bedroom and get started with Roger’s plans as soon as possible.
“One question,” John says. Roger raises an eyebrow, and John asks, “Should I undress, or-?”
“I didn’t tell you to, did I?” Roger points out, though he lets go of John’s hair and scratches gently at his scalp instead, a silent praise for seeking clarification on Roger’s orders.
“Although…” Roger hums a little, considering, and finally says, “Pants and shoes off, but everything else stays on. Next time, we’ll get you some pretty heels and panties to wear while I fuck you.”
John does moan at that. The promise of a next time and the thought of wearing lacey panties under his dress are so hot that John feels like he’s going to crawl out of his skin with need. He tries to arch against Roger, desperate to feel his body against his, desperate to get any scrap of friction against his cock, just desperate in a way that he never gets unless it’s with Roger, but Roger doesn’t give him anything, not yet. He lets go of John altogether and takes a step back, and John whines at the loss of contact.
“Bedroom,” Roger orders.
John nods, and somehow manages to stumble down the hall and into their bedroom. The damn boots that had taken him so long to find earlier in the evening are pulled off and tossed unceremoniously into the closet, and his pants are shoved in the laundry basket. They weren’t a special pair or anything because John hadn’t expected his costume to illicit quite this sort of response, but once he’s kneeling face-down on the bed he almost wishes that he still had them on. There’s no hiding how exposed he is in this position, with his skirt revealing his bare arse and his cock hanging hard and heavy between his legs.
He rests his head on his arms and takes a shaky breath and tries to pretend that his face isn’t as hot as he knows it is. It’s embarrassing, to be left here waiting like this, but it’s also thrilling and makes heat pool in John’s belly, and when he finally hears the door open he has to bite his hand to stop himself from whimpering in anticipation.
There’s a beat of silence, and then Roger says, “Christ, John. You have no idea how beautiful you look right now.”
John feels the bed dip as Roger climbs up next to him and then Roger’s hands are finally, finally touching him. Roger slides his hands up John’s thighs, along the curve of his arse, and finally up his lower back, pushing up his dress slightly as he goes.
“I can’t believe you ever thought you’d look silly in this costume,” he says as he drapes himself over John to press a kiss to the back of his neck. Roger must have gotten undressed before coming into the bedroom because John can feel Roger’s warm skin against his exposed rear, and when Roger rocks against him John can feel his cock catch along the top band of his stockings.
Roger pulls back and John grips the blankets tightly to stop himself from spreading his legs further, arching his back a little bit more, doing anything to entice Roger to hurry things along. And Roger does touch John again, but only one gentle hand that rests on his lower back as Roger says, “You’re shaking, angel. Color?”
“Green,” John says and, god, they’ve hardly begun and John can already hear how wrecked his voice sounds.
Roger must hear it too, because his hand slides back down to John’s arse and he squeezes it tightly for a moment. “Oh, so you’re just that desperate for me, are you? So fucking eager to get started that you can’t even hold still anymore, is that right?”
“Please,” John moans as he tries to rock back into Roger’s touch - but with one last squeeze, Roger lets go and settles into place behind him.
“Ten hits, John,” Roger says, and John whines low in the back of his throat. “I want you to count them out for me, okay?”
“Okay,” John says, and he barely has time to brace himself before the first hit lands. It’s a hard strike, but not uncomfortably so. Roger is just using his hand, not any of their toys, and without warming John’s skin up first it’s clear that he’s not putting his full strength into it. But this is still a punishment, even if it’s a fun one, and John gasps and is rocked a little forward at the first hit.
“One,” he counts, and Roger doesn’t hesitate with the second hit. “Two.”
The third and fourth hits come quickly, one to each cheek, but after the fifth Roger pauses for a moment. “You’re doing so good, taking this so well for me,” he praises as he grabs John’s arse again, digging his fingers into the tender flesh until John moans and tries to pull away from him.
The sixth hit takes John by surprise; Roger still has one hand on him and John hadn’t been prepared for the strike. He cries out and tries to muffle the noise in his hands, but Roger lets go of him to instead grab his hair and gently pull his head back up.
“None of that now. Let me hear you.”
John whines as he nods, and he expects Roger to let go of him after that. When he doesn’t, it takes John a moment to realize what he’s waiting for. “S-six.”
“Good boy,” Roger praises and he lets go of John’s hair. John’s head falls forward again but he doesn’t try to muffle his moan as Roger lands the seventh hit.
The next two land lower on John's arse, almost hitting the top of his thighs, in the exact spot that John knows from experience would make it agony to sit down later if Roger really wanted to make John's punishment last. But that's not quite the game they're playing right now, and even though Roger's final hit is the hardest one yet John knows, in the back of his mind, that there won't be any marks that linger past tonight. That doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt but it's a good sort of pain, the kind that makes every one of John's nerve endings light up even as the harsh sting starts to fade into a dull, pleasurable ache.
“Ten,” John gasps and he doesn’t know whether to be disappointed that that’s the last one or relieved that Roger is finally going to fuck him. “Roger, please, I- I need-”
“Shh, I’ve got you, I know what you need,” Roger says as he runs his hands gently over John’s reddened arse. He scratches lightly over the spots he just spanked and John whimpers at the new sting of pain, even as he arches up into Roger’s touch. It’s almost more than he can stand but somehow he still can’t get enough of it.
Roger taps on the inside of John’s thighs and says, “Spread your legs a little wider for me, honey.”
So John does, even though it makes him feel even more lewdly on display that before, and Roger takes advantage of the slight change in position by reaching down to toy with the head of John’s cock. “You’re already dripping for me, aren’t you?” Roger says teasingly as he smears through the precome beading at the tip of John’s cock. “So fucking eager for me, christ, you’re amazing, John.”
“Ro-Roger.” John groans as Roger trails his fingers lightly down the length of John’s cock and tickles over his balls before he reaches up and spreads John’s cheeks to expose his hole.
And then Roger leans in and licks a stripe over John’s opening, and any coherent thoughts left in John’s mind immediately disappear. He shouts and squirms beneath Roger, but Roger holds him in place with a tight grip on his sore arse and John is helpless to do anything but surrender to the sensations of Roger eating him out.
Roger doesn’t hold back. He laps at John’s opening, circling it and dipping the tip of his tongue inside before pulling back. He presses open kisses to his hole and teases it with his breath, and by the time Roger finally wiggles his tongue past the tight ring of muscle John is so close to coming that he’s sure he’s going to fall over that edge just from Roger’s clever tongue working him open.
“Please,” he begs. “Please, Roger, I need to come, please let me come, please, please-”
Roger pulls back and nips at John’s arse. “I told you, not until I do,” he says in a rough voice.
John sobs and drags his face against the blankets and tries to rut back against Roger, desperate for any touch on his cock or arse. “I can’t. Roger, I can’t-”
“You can.” Roger slides his hands up the outside of John’s thighs and along his lower back in slow, gentle strokes, staying away from the areas he spanked before and giving John a chance to calm down. “Color, John?”
John takes a shaky breath and actually has to think about that for a moment. The last thing he wants is for Roger to stop, but he doesn’t share Roger’s confidence that he can stave off his orgasm. “Yellow,” he says at last. “Please don’t stop, but- Roger, god, I want to be good but I’m so close to coming already.”
“You are good. You’re so fucking good for me, angel, you’re absolutely perfect,” Roger assures him. “Do you still want me to fuck you?” John nods desperately and Roger says, “Okay. I’ve still gotta open you up, though. Can you handle that, or do you want to do it yourself?”
John whines quietly as he tries to weigh the options. He doesn’t want to work himself open but he knows that he will come the moment Roger gets his fingers inside him, so he finally says, a little reluctantly, “I can do it.”
“Okay, great,” Roger says. “I want you to ride me, so let’s just…”
It doesn’t take much for Roger to coax John to sit up so they can switch places. Roger lies down on his back on the bed, and John finally gets a proper look at him. John already knew that he was naked but he’s rock-hard as well and there’s a flush of arousal spread across his face and down his chest. Roger is absolutely gorgeous and seeing him as turned on as John feels helps John claw back some small semblance of control.
“Hey, c’mere,” Roger says as he reaches towards John.
And John goes willingly, straddling Roger and letting himself be pulled into a kiss that’s surprisingly gentle, given the tone of the evening so far. John can feel Roger smiling against his mouth and he runs his hands along John’s bare shoulders with a touch that’s soft but reassuring, rather than purely teasing.
“You really are gorgeous, you know,” Roger says softly as he plays with the lace on the neckline of John’s dress.
John smiles down at him and says, “So are you.”
“You’re just saying that because I’m naked and have a pretty dick,” Roger jokes.
“I am not!” John protests with a laugh. He runs his hands along Roger’s bare chest and adds, “Although, now that you mention it…”
“You ready to keep going?”
John nods. “Do you have the-?” Roger hands him the bottle of lube before John can finish the question. “Thanks.”
John pours some out on his fingers and reaches behind himself, shivering in anticipation as he spreads the slick around his hole before finally pushing one finger inside. He gasps and braces himself with his other hand on Roger’s chest and slowly starts to thrust the finger in and out of his hole.
“That’s it, honey, work it in nice and slow,” Roger says. He slides his hands up John’s thighs, pushing the skirt up a little bit. The fabric slides against John’s dick and he whimpers at the feeling. It’s light enough that John doesn’t think it’ll be enough to make him come too soon, at least not now that he’s calmed down a bit, but it’s still a delicious tease.
John carefully works in a second finger, moaning loudly at the stretch. It doesn’t hurt but there is a burn as John scissors his fingers and tries to work them in a little deeper. He can’t quite reach his prostate at this angle but that’s okay; just being filled like this feels so good that John can hardly stand it.
“How many is that?” Roger asks. His thumbs are rubbing circles into the crease of John’s thighs, so close to John’s cock that he can barely think of anything except how badly he wants Roger - inside him and stroking his dick and making him fall to pieces in his lap.
“Two,” John gasps. He’s rolling his hips down onto his hand, properly fucking himself on his fingers now, and he’s pretty sure he might just die if he can’t get Roger inside him right this very second. “Rog, I’m good, I’m ready, can I-?”
“Yeah, angel, yeah, go ahead, go sit down on my cock,” Roger says and that’s all John needs to hear.
He pulls his fingers out and tries to ignore how empty he now feels as he slicks up Roger’s cock and starts to sink down onto it. Roger groans and his fingers dig a little harder into John’s thighs, but he doesn’t try to rush John even though John knows that he must be dying to move. He can feel how tight he still is around Roger’s cock and he has to work himself on it slowly. How Roger is maintaining any control John has no idea because he is rapidly losing any calm that he managed to regain while they were taking things slow.
“So good, John, you take my cock so well,” Roger praises as John finally seats himself fully on Roger’s dick.
John is panting heavily and he knows he’s not going to last long, but he’s determined to follow through with Roger’s orders and make him come first. So he doesn’t take more than a handful of seconds to adjust to the feeling of being stretched wide around Roger’s cock before he lifts himself up and starts to fuck himself on Roger.
“Fuck John, honey, you feel so fucking good,” Roger groans. “So fucking beautiful too, riding my cock in your pretty dress…” He pulls his hands out from under John’s skirt and settles them on his hips, coaxing him to move a little faster as he starts thrusting up to meet John’s movements.
John shifts a little and Roger’s cock finally hits his prostate. “Roger, god-” John cries out as pleasure skitters up his spine. He clenches down around Roger and Roger throws his head back and moans, and it takes every ounce of control that John has to stop himself from falling over the edge when Roger looks and sounds like that.
“Yeah, like that, just like that…” Roger is rocking up into him a little harder now, a little faster, and John knows that he has to be close. That only spurs him on more and even though his legs are shaking from the effort of riding Roger he keeps moving and he keeps clenching around Roger’s cock, trying to make him come as quickly as possible so John can finally come as well.
“John, John, god- god, John-” Roger groans and he holds John down on his cock as he comes hard, spilling into him, his hips stuttering up as he chases the last aftershocks of pleasure.
Roger finally sags back against the bed, breathing hard. He’s beautiful like this, blissed-out and boneless underneath him, but John is so close to coming, so desperate to tip over that edge as well, that John can hardly appreciate the sight.
“Roger,” he whines, trembling with the strain of trying to stay still instead of grinding down onto Roger’s slowly softening cock. “Rog, please, please, I need to come, please tell me I can come…”
“Yeah, angel, yeah, of course you can,” Roger breathes. He moves one hand to massage John’s dick through the skirt and John chokes on a moan. The feeling of the cheap fabric rubbing against his cock is just the right side of pained-pleasure and he grinds up into Roger’s hand. He’s so close, he just needs a little more...
“C’mon, John,” Roger says. “Come for me, honey, go ahead and spill all over the inside of your pretty skirt for me.”
And that’s it for John, that’s all it takes for him to do exactly what Roger wants and finally fall into his own orgasm. He cries out as a wave of pleasure overwhelms him, his cock spurting against the fabric of the skirt as Roger keeps stroking him until John moans weakly and bats his hand away.
He collapses down on top of Roger and Roger wraps his arms around him, stroking his back gently and pressing kisses to the top of his head and murmuring soft words of praise and adoration as John catches his breath and slowly regains his senses.
“Ready to get out of that dress?” Roger asks after a few minutes of quiet cuddling.
“I think you’re supposed to ask me that before you fuck me,” John mumbles. His face is still buried against Roger’s chest and he can feel Roger laughing underneath him.
“Nah, it was much more fun to fuck you with the dress still on,” Roger says.
“Hm. Can’t really argue with that.”
Roger starts to sit up and John grumbles unhappily as he’s forced to move as well. “Sorry, but you’ll be more comfortable with this off,” Roger tells him as he pulls down the zipper on the back of John’s dress and helps him shimmy it down his body. John grimaces as the sticky skirt is pulled away from his skin, but Roger ducks into the bathroom to grab a washcloth and quickly helps him wipe down and once John tugs off his stockings he finally settles back down with a contented sigh.
“Do you need anything?” Roger asks as he throws the washcloth and John’s costume in with the rest of their laundry, though John doubts there’s any use in trying to wash the dress. They’ll just have to buy another one, if they want to do this again.
And John does want to do this again.
“Just you,” John says as he reaches out to Roger.
Roger laughs softly but climbs back into bed next to John. “You have me,” he says as he wraps his arms around John, and John snuggles close to him. “You always have me.”
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kiaronna · 4 years
I would just like to say that School’s Out For the Summer gives me life and that all the Lonelyeyes moments are absolute perfection
Thank youuuuu!! SCOFS was super fun to write and helped me deal with the horrors these characters were going thru in canon lolol. COPING. I COPE
To be honest, a real challenge in this fic was making Elias n Peter non-threatening and fluffy but still in character?? Making them lil just. Really helped. They are mean bc school is hard and their circumstances suck. Elias just wants to go on one (1) date w/ his crush. Most LonelyEyes HCs I had for that fic did not fit into the flow, and JonMartin needed focus & grounding after their get together. Anyway what I'm trying to say is, here are some LonelyEyes HCs from teacherverse. they are long and if you didn’t read SCOFS they make no sense so I’ve placed em under the cut
-Remember their date plan? Peter legit has a chauffeur but Martin drives him bc Martin is Unofficial Dad. Jon was gonna drive Elias but. Jon accidentally muses about hanging out (COUGH going on a date) with Martin while they wait to drive them back and the idea of their respective dads hanging around while they’re on a date drives Elias into Embarrassed Teen Rage. So Elias takes the bus. Martin also muses about a waiting date w/ Jon but does it 100% on purpose on the drive over while Peter Suffers
-They do get fish & chips and people watch at a cute market. Elias likes this for obvious reasons and Peter likes it bc it fulfills his i-am-here-and-you-all-are-over-there needs.I very specifically picked this date plan even tho it sounds stupid bc it’s perfect for their personalities and it is the type of first date plan people their age would manage to execute. in my day dating at that age was like. going to the mall w/ ur parents in the background
-In the fic Martin says Elias dropped by the Lukas estate “a few” times over the summer. Martin was busy writing poetry in his room and had no idea that Elias hung out once a week
-Elias has had a crush on Peter since 0.001 seconds after he transferred. He spends entire classes staring at him and has turned in HW w/ Peter doodles on it. All his teachers gossip w/ Jon about it at district meetings. 
-Peter hated Elias initially bc he doesn't like attention and also bc Elias is loud and prickly. Then some prep school brat bullies another one of the scholarship students and Elias (partially out of pragmatism, he would've been next) like... destroys him. So Peter starts paying attention. Tbh he only develops a proper crush once Martin is tutoring him and asking him about school and what he enjoys and Peter realizes Elias comes to mind. It is a long summer. Peter spends a lot of it awkwardly wondering how to be a person while they skip rocks on the lake and explode stuff out in the deep woods. yes u read that right. they get a lot of fireworks and they Do Not tell Martin
-when they start dating they spend a surprising amount of time navigating how to handle Peter's introversion vs Elias' desire to glue their frickin hands together bc he continues to find his bf fascinating. the first time Peter erupts and goes into a vent session about school where he rants for 20 minutes, Elias holds his hand very tight and has to remind himself that Peter is pissed and it is not time to smile bc he likes to listen to his bf talk. they text a lot. Peter hates phone calls
-these last points have made the crushing sound one-sided, but trust me when I say Peter likes Elias. Peter does what Peter wants, and if he wanted Elias gone, he'd make it so. sometimes when he needs to be alone he does make it so. Elias spends a lot of time pretending to be someone he's not to be accepted, so he values that kind of honesty. The concept of someone enjoying Peter’s personality actually makes him v uncomfortable and kinda confuses him (Martin skates by under the guise of ‘he is just my tutor who I pay and not the only adult I respect & trust’). after their 6-month anniversary he sort of flips out and ghosts Elias for a week bc he did not expect this to work & he’s scared. Jon and Martin get involved when Elias spends that week mercilessly torturing Jon, showing up unannounced. when they reunite they somehow like each other more. but Elias pettily spends a week w/ extra staring which Peter grudgingly allows
-Peter's family thinks their new maid has a son who now basically lives at their house. Spoiler: Elias just visits a lot and Peter tells them zero personal info
-The difference in social class & money is awkward for Elias, who is hyperaware and insecure and won’t let Peter come over to his house until they’ve been dating for like two years. At that point Jurgen has saved up a lifetime’s worth of embarrassing things to reveal to his grandson’s bf. there is definitely some pining where Elias is convinced Peter’s going to dump him to get with some other hot rich kid at their school. Peter? Oblivious to this fear entirely. Peter had the luxury of growing up filthy rich, and is also the type of person who doesn’t care at all if your clothes are from Goodwill or your dates can’t cost more than a few bucks. This actually leads into the next point
-Peter is super outdoorsy and once his foot heals Elias takes him hiking /canoeing/camping every other weekend when it’s warm. Elias gets into landscape drawings. Peter hates TV but will eat popcorn & snuggle Elias on the couch while he watches his favorite shows on the Lukas’ expensive flatscreen. Elias continues to sketch Peter a lot and Peter does not find out about this for like a year. they continue to explode fireworks and homemade stuff in the woods bc they are teenage boys.
-they’re both Lil Bastards and like to annoy each other but if you ever mess with one the other pops up out of nowhere to threaten you in a cheerful, low drawl (Peter) or descend upon u vengefully w/ embarrassing secrets being yelled out in public (Elias). They hold hands the whole time. it is terrifying. neither of them have ever been the popular kid but nobody will so much as look at them funny
-they make bets about literally everything. My fave is the bet about who's going to be taller, which drags on for yeeeeears and no one will ever concede defeat. “you’re not taller, I could still grow” (Elias) “we are adults and puberty is over” (Peter) meanwhile they are both taller than Jon, who still tries to like. pat Elias atop the head. 
-When Jon and Martin get married u know who walks each of them down the aisle to give them away!! THE BOYS. they both hate the formalwear and look ready to shank someone the entire time
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sunmisgirl · 5 years
NCT 127 Confessing to Their Crush
Requested by @czakuranevan-blog:
Hello, could you do a NCT 127 reaction about how they would confess their feelings to their crush? Thank you in advance :)
Nina’s Note: I had so much fun writing this and kept it gender neutral. I went overboard with the reactions so some are slightly longer than usual asdfghjkl. What can I say? NCT owns my heart.
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*I LOVE Taeil’s look in Limitless
Taeil and you take a spontaneous trip to a local karaoke bar to relieve some stress and sing your hearts out. Usually you two keep the karaoke sessions within the confines of your home but he insists to go out for a change. Still a bit bashful about your singing, you encourage Taeil to sign up for a performance. 
After writing his name on the sheet, he sits with you at a nearby table and enjoys the other performers. Soon enough, it’s his turn and you applaud happily while he walks up to the mic stand and waits for the song to start. The intro to “Thinking Out Loud” plays, immediately making you smile.
You’ve heard him sing it to himself a dozen times but never grow tired of his voice. However, something feels different about this performance as you watch him closely. Throughout the song, Taeil sings with such passion and you swear he’s only looking in your direction the entire time. It almost feels like he’s confessing something. Applause fills the air once he finishes and you’re left stunned with the next few words that fall from his mouth, “Thank you. I dedicate that song to someone very special that came with me tonight.”
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Johnny and you have known each other since childhood which provides perks such as a strong friendship and tons of embarrassing moments that can be used for blackmail whenever necessary. You’ve seen his passion for photography grow over the years and always praise his work. He decides to test out his skills with a beach landscape and invites you to join him.
After persuading you to be his subject, he instructs you to hold a certain pose, tilting your chin up and fixing your hair. “Wow, I’d put a ring on that!” he exclaims and walks backwards pondering on the angles to capture for the mini shoot. “Johnny, are you hitting on me?” you shout from a distance but only see him playfully roll his eyes in return.
His smile subsides as he concentrates on the camera settings and adjusts his stance before snapping a few shots. He quickly reviews them and lifts his gaze ready to direct you into a different pose when his thoughts go blank. The sun setting in the distance creates the perfect atmosphere and he sneakily takes a few candids of you looking out across the water.
“Why are you looking at me like I’m the eighth wonder of the world?” you tease while laughing. “Because you are,” Johnny replies, walking over and showing the shots he took moments ago. You gawk at the results as he clicks through each shot, leaning in closer to study every detail. He notices your proximity and compliments, “You make a wonderful model.” Now it’s your turn to playfully roll your eyes at his statement. “And to answer your question from earlier, yes, I was hitting on you.”
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Taeyong is your new handsome neighbor that graciously saved you one night with his impeccable cooking skills. You bluffed to your mother about your improved cooking skills in hopes she would stop worrying about you living on your own. (You can’t exactly reveal you live off of takeout, right?) 
One night she texts you that she’s in the neighborhood and wants to stop by later to catch up and taste your amazing cooking. This sends you into a frenzy, your feet taking you to Taeyong’s front door at the precise moment he was about to head outside. You briefly explain the dilemma and ask for some tips but he offers to assist you with the dish instead. 
After that day, your friendship grew stronger and the two of you made it a habit to cook together a few times a week. You’re halfway through devouring your pasta when Taeyong utters, “I like you.” Your fork clanks against the plate as you stare at him with astonishment. 
He nervously laughs and gestures to the glass on the table, “Looks like the wine is talking tonight.” You take a sip from your own drink before replying, “I like you too. We make a great team and I really enjoy our dinners together.” He grins from across the table and suggests, “Maybe we should go out to dinner for a change.” 
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Yuta calls one day asking if you’re free to hang out but instantly hears the sickness in your voice. You constantly reassure him it’s nothing serious, but your body betrays you, a series of sneezes and coughs directed into the transmitter on the phone. In record time, he appears at the front door with a care kit full of your favorite snacks and movies. 
He orders you to rest on the sofa and heads to a nearby closet for spare blankets. Upon returning, Yuta finds you scarfing down mouthfuls of candy that were meant to be eaten during the movie. Raising an eyebrow, he locks eyes with you and plucks the box of M&Ms from your hand. 
After feeding you soup and tea, he wraps the blankets snugly around your body and starts the movie of choice. Ignoring your pleas about getting him sick, he pulls you closer and rests your head on his chest. The cold medicine eventually takes effect and you begin dozing off before the movie finishes. 
Yuta observes your sleepy state and smiles warmly before leaning down and kissing the top of your head. “You’re lucky I like you,” he whispers and trails his hand over your hair. Feeling far too sleepy to question him further, you mumble back, “I like you too” and allow sleep to consume you.
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Doyoung has been your rock through the hard times and you definitely need him now. You faced a nasty breakup a few days ago but still can’t get past the heartbreak. As soon as he sees your incoming text, he grabs his car keys and travels to your place. 
You haven’t looked in the mirror for days and hope your appearance isn’t too terrible. Throwing on a hoodie and your favorite pants, you enter his car with a glum expression and he counters with a small smile before pulling off for a drive.
Doyoung drives around aimlessly for a while until he figures out how to improve your mood. He scrolls through his playlist and selects his favorite song, singing along to the track. Unbuckling your seat belt, you shift your body facing him and rest your back on the passenger door, leaning your head against the seat and closing your eyes to focus on his soothing voice. 
When the song ends, Doyoung takes a deep breath before saying, “I know it’s too soon to say this, but I really do care about you.” “More than a friend,” he admits while staring at the road ahead, his heart beating way faster than he’d like it to. “You don’t have to give me an answer right now. You deserve time to heal.” Opening your eyes and smiling to yourself, you shift in the seat and hold onto his right hand laying freely on the center console.
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You met Jaehyun one day when he walked into class late and sat in the only seat available beside you. He lightly taps you and leans in whispering, "Did I miss anything?" “Just another rant about how millennials are ruining the dating scene. Professor had another bad Tinder date,” you chime with a smile. Sharing a quiet laugh, you exchange names before proposing to grab coffee after class and get to know each other better. 
It's become a tradition for you two to meet at a cafe and chat for hours. You've had a crush on Jaehyun for a while now and finally gain the courage to make the first move. After finishing classes for the day, you race over to the cafe and wait for him to arrive. Hours pass with no sign of Jaehyun and an employee notifies you the shop is closing soon. 
Dejected, you gather your things and exit the shop listening to a playlist, eventually spotting him a few stores down talking to someone and looking all cozy. He doesn't notice you storming up to him until you pass by bumping shoulders. You ignore his shouts in your direction and turn the volume up. Later that night, a notification pings on your phone. Jae: Night drive. Meet me in ten.
Curious about his explanation for bailing, you meet him outside and enter the car wordlessly. He starts driving and immediately apologizes for forgetting to meet up. “I ran into a childhood friend visiting for a work conference. You know I wouldn’t skip on our plans...I like you too much.” Your eyes shift to observe his expression and see if he’s lying. He actually seems a bit nervous after confessing and waits for a reply, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. 
Now you feel like a complete fool for being jealous and giving Jaehyun the cold shoulder. "Stop the car," you request, closing your eyes and contemplating what you're about to do. He scrunches his face with confusion but obeys and parks down the street. Jaehyun turns to face you wondering why you're so quiet before you grab his collar and reel him in for a kiss. You both pull away after a few seconds and stare at each other until you break the silence. "See you in chemistry!" you throw open the passenger door and shut it behind you before racing back home.
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Sicheng loves stopping by your place for movie night, but you’re calling him over for a different reason this time. You’re struggling with a project for work and need his input. After successfully coaxing him with the promise of pizza, he listens to your short presentation and offers tips to improve the flow. 
Sicheng finds your resolve admirable, smiling to himself as you bend down and scribble little pointers on cue cards. The other guys always ruin his opportunities to confess his crush on you so he decides to do it now that you’re both alone. He clears his throat and calls out your name instantly grabbing your attention. “I just wanted to say…” 
Suddenly, the doorbell rings and you excitedly shout, “Pizza's here!” He sulks in defeat on the couch and lightly stomps his foot on the floor while you pay for the food. “What were you going to say?” you ask while walking over with the pizza box in hand. He sighs and mutters, “It can wait for next time.”
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Your roommate Jungwoo wakes you up with a pleasant breakfast to start off your birthday. He cleans up the dishes after the meal and glances over at the clock counting down the minutes until you leave for work. Once you leave, he hurries off to grab decorations and calls over a few friends to help set up the place for the surprise party. 
Jungwoo assigns everyone a task, confident they will not disappoint him, and runs out to buy your gift. After a long hectic day, you yearn to settle down with Jungwoo on the couch and watch your favorite movie. A big celebration can wait for the weekend. Your tiredness instantly evaporates the second you open the door and are met by a loud cheer in unison. 
Family and close friends embrace you and wish you happy birthday before allowing you to settle into the party. You meet eyes with Jungwoo across the room and he tilts his head towards the balcony. Following him outside, he presents you with a small box and you happily open it to reveal a bracelet with his initial and a heart on each end. “This is really thoughtful; thank you!” you beam while he helps clasp it around your wrist. 
“I have a matching one too,” he lifts his wrist to show you his bracelet decorated in a similar style but with your initial. “Just a way to show how much you mean to me.” Jungwoo looks like he wants to say more, but can’t gain the confidence to say the exact words. Catching his hint, you look at him amusedly before pecking him on the cheek. “We’ll finish this conversation after the party,” you wink and return inside to converse with guests.
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Mark is one of your closest friends at work and drives you home sometimes. However, you’re completely oblivious about his crush on you and tonight he hopes to change that. He takes one final breath before exiting his car with a bouquet and walking up to your front door. 
You have a bad habit of leaving your curtains drawn back in the living room, allowing the outside world to peer in every once in a while. While approaching, his eyes flicker to your window and witness you hugging an unknown man. Upset with his discovery, Mark turns away and starts walking back to his car before hearing your voice call out his name.
He turns to see the unknown man walk down the pathway with a suitcase and nod politely before entering an awaiting cab. You stand by the doorway looking at Mark curiously and ask, "What brings you here?" He avoids the question, hiding the bouquet behind his back and replying, "No reason. It looked like I was going to interrupt something."
"That was my cousin! He lives across the country and visited me for the week," you utter with a slight shrug. "Y-your cousin?" Mark fumbles out as his eyes widen with shock. You nod with a light laugh taking in his flustered appearance and spot a few flowers sticking out behind him. "Are those for me?" 
He retrieves the bouquet from behind and sheepishly presents it to you. “I was wondering if you had plans this weekend,” he says while walking closer, nervously waiting for your response. You accept the flowers and reply, “Nope, I’m free but I have a better idea. Food delivery is on the way and I ordered way too much for one person. Care to join me?”
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Haechan is your favorite person in the whole wide world. You always go to him for a laugh and make sure to sit next to each other during every lecture. After he drops you off at the dorm, he lingers in the hallway until the coast is clear and slips a note under your door. 
You don’t notice the green folded paper on the floor until hours pass and you take a break from studying. Wondering if something slipped out of your bag, you lean down and unfold the note with surprise etched on your face. It displays a ton of scribbled compliments before signing off with a single heart drawn on the bottom.
The next day, you show Haechan the note wondering if he recognizes the handwriting. He simply shrugs and answers, “Looks like you have a secret admirer.” These mysterious love notes continue appearing under your door for a solid week. You appreciate the notes but the anonymity is slowly driving you crazy. 
When you settle in class the next day, Haechan offers you his notes to study before leaving to use the restroom. You suddenly notice green sheets of paper sticking out the back of his notebook and the similar writing style on the pages. When he returns, he finds you scattering his secret admirer notes onto the desk with a small smile adorning your lips, relieved you finally solved the mystery. Sitting down, he playfully pushes your shoulder and says, “Took you long enough!”
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inkedmyths · 5 years
The Final Battle
Because someone wanted me to write this in fic form. Your welcome.
Based on a certain conversation I had with @draconiswinters
"How much longer do you think they'll be at it?"
"Hylia only knows."
Sky and Hyrule were sitting on the edge of a clearing, watching the argument continue. Sky had the Master Sword laying across his lap, a precaution since the Darks were sitting across on the other side of the glade. No fighting had happened yet. Well, not as in sword fighting. Noble and Warriors, on the other hand, had been yelling at each other for the better part of an hour.
"This is the bitch-off to end all bitch-offs," Legend could be heard muttering on the other end of the group of heroes. Several murmurs of agreement echoed from the others.
Meanwhile, the Darks sat on the other edge of the large clearing. Eternal was pinching the bridge of his nose, likely contemplating exactly what life choices he had made that had brought him to this point. Why was he putting up with this whole situation again? Probably because he was frankly too tired to do anything about it. Everything was grating on his nerves. Maybe they should just leave Noble here.
Tempest was lying on his back, his feet propped up on a tree. "I'm bored," he whined, stamping a foot against the wooden trunk. "I want to do something!"
"How about shutting up?" Snapped Conqueror. The taller Dark was rather miffed at not being able to punch his Light counterpart due to the ongoing fight.
"If anyone should shut up, it's Noble," Tempest grumbled back. Eternal sighed internally. They'd been sitting around for a while. Everyone was growing restless.
Back on the other side of the clearing with the Lights, things weren't going much better. Wild was fidgeting a lot, and it was clear his was practically vibrating with pent-up energy. The others were similarly looking bored and uncomfortable. The whole situation was a bit awkward.
"So... anyone up for a game of Go Fish?" Hyrule offered. "I have a deck of cards."
"I am!" Wind hopped up from his formerly seated position and bounced over, plopping down beside the brunet hero.
"Sure." Four slid over.
Legend shrugged, joining them. "Why not?"
Sky moved down off the rock he was sitting on to join them. He glanced up at the three who had yet to join. "You guys want in?"
Time shook his head. "You kids have fun. I'm going to keep an eye on the situation."
Twilight also shook his head. "Wild needs something to do to let off some energy. I need to keep an eye on him." At that, Wild jumped up and scrambled up a nearby tree. He jumped down, then climbed up it again. Sky watched for a moment, then nodded and turned to the others gathered for the game.
Hyrule started dealing out cards. "Do you all know how to play?" The others nodded. "Good. That means we can start once I have everyone's cards passed out.
"What are they doing over there?" muttered Savage, eyeing the group of Lights gathered around each other.
"Cards, it looks like." Callous seemed disinterested, fiddling with a knife in his hands.
Tempest, meanwhile, was kicking the tree angrily. No one had done anything to satisfy his boredom. He hated them. And he hated being bored. He groaned, flipping over onto his stomach and burying his face into the ground. He continued to groan loudly.
"Would you stop that?" Conqueror snapped.
"But I'm boooooored!"
"If you're that bored why don't you go bother the Lights or something!"
Tempest made a face, but actually considered this. Looking over, he examined the heroes. He frowned when he saw the group gathered. They were actually doing something. He stuck his tongue out at Conqueror, then stood up and stomped over to the group.
"What are you all doing?"
Startled, the heroes looked up to see Wind's shadow standing behind them, arms crossed. "Uh... playing Go Fish?" Hyrule answered, too confused to bother being suspicious.
"Why do you care?" Legend questioned.
Tempest groaned in response. "I'm bored and nobody over there is actually doing anything."
The heroes exchanged looks. "Uh..."
"I bet I can beat you at Go Fish."
Everyone's heads whipped aroumd to face Wind, who was staring his shadow down. Tempest narrowed his eyes.
And sat down to join them.
"Deal me in," he said, glaring at Wind. Hyrule nervously glanced at Sky, who shrugged. So Tempest was dealt in. From there on out, the game got a good deal more heated.
"Gimme all your fives, alter-Ornament."
"Dammit," Legend grumbled, handing over two cards.
"Is he actually over there playing cards with them?" Eternal looked both incredulous and mildly infuriated.
Callous shrugged. "I suppose he really was bored, if he went seeking entertainment over there."
Conqueror rollled his eyes. "Brat. Hey Tempest! Having fun with the babies?" His yell echoed over that of Noble's and Warriors's. The small Dark turned around, glaring. "I hope they're going easy on you!"
"Why don't you shove your precious scarf down your throat, huh? I could kick your ass at this game!"
Conqueror laughed. "Like I would stoop so low. I won't get involved in some child's game."
Tempest's eyes narrowed. Then he smirked. "Wow, not even going to try? Scared?"
Conqueror froze. "What? No! Why would I be?"
"Because you're a coward."
He whirled around, eyes flashing. "Excuse me? I am not."
"The get over here and prove it, Barbie."
That was the last straw. Conqueror stormed over, and Four had to scramble out of the way to make room for the angry Dark. He sat down with a grunt. Eyes blazing, he held out a hand. "Deal me in."
"Here," said Four, handing him his cards. "I think I'm going to go join Wild with whatever he's doing." No one was really sure what Wild was doing, other than it involved a boomerang and an apple.
And thus began the most heated game of Go Fish in the history of just about ever.
After that, somehow or another the other Darks migrated to where the Lights were sitting. Legend, Acidic, Hyrule, Callous, Wind, Tempest and Conqueror were the ones playing cards at this point, though they had switched over to a game called Uno (which was even worse than Go Fish in this case). Shadow watched as Sky carved a figurine of a horse. Four was balancing three apples on his head while Wild took careful aim with a boomerang. Stygian watched the scene with disinterest, and Twilight looked on with concern and Savage in interested entertainment. Time and Eternal were leaning back against a rock, surveying the entire group along with the still arguing Noble and Warriors.
Time sighed as Warriors launched another rant at the same time Tempest yelled at someone for using a draw four. "I'm honestly not sure how much of this I can take."
Eternal was silent for a moment, then reached into his bag. He pulled out a tall bottle of vodka. "I think I'm too sober to put up with these idiots."
Time stared as he pulled out two shot glasses, filling both. This was a bad idea. He wasn't going to drink any of that. For one thing it was his shadow serving it, which meant there was a decent chance he was in danger. For another, it was completely irresponsible.
Then he heard Wind yell something about skips and the sound of something getting hit and Four's yelps, and decided that maybe a couple shots wouldn't hurt.
"Maybe we should have a drinking game." Eternal said, fingering his glads in his hand. "Something with those two over there."
Time considered this. "Take a shot every time Noble calls him a heathen."
"A specific word? That won't get us drunk nearly fast enough."
It was at that moment that Noble chose to screech "You absolute filthy heathen!"
Time smiled. "You sure about that?"
"Fair enough." Eternal downed his shot.
It was about three shots in when Twilight wandered over. His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion as he glanced between Time and his shadow. "So...uh, what are you guys doing?"
Eternal glanced up at him. "Drinking game."
Savage, who had followed Twilight over out of boredom, perked up curiously. "What kind?"
"Of alcohol or game?"
Eternal held up the bottle. "We're taking a shot of vodka every time Noble says the word 'heathen'."
Savage sat down near Eternal's feet. "Mind if I join in? I could use a drink."
The older Dark reached into his bag for more shot glasses, glancing up at Twilight. "You in as well?"
Twilight knew this wasn't a good idea. He opened his mouth to say no, but stopped. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Wild readying some new hell-game up to play. He was too tired to deal with this. With a sigh, he nodded and held out his hand. Time handed him a shot glass, smiling sympathetically. He sat down next to Savage. "So... what's the game again?"
"Simple: each time Noble yells some variation of the word 'heathen', you take a shot."
"He can't say it that much," Savage said, raising an eyebrow as he settled back to watch the fight.
Wind stretched, then began wandering away from the group to stretch his legs. Tempest, who was similarly restless, followed. Those who were still playing cards were discussing what jungle rules to use in the next round.
Wind glanced over at Noble and Warriors, who were somehow still going. "How long until they get done do you think?"
"Only the gods know," Tempest said, shrugging. "Noble won't shut up for hours, so they could still be a while."
"You'd think by now they'd be- what in the name of Hylia is going on over there?"
"What? What are you talking about?" Wind gestured, and Tempest looked up to see where he was pointing to four certain people off to the side.
Twilight and Savage were leaning against each other's backs laughing loudly. Eternal was saying something over them, smirking. Time was reclining slightly, an easy smile playing across his lips.
"Is that what I think it is? In Eternal's hand?" Wind asked.
"Oh my goddesses they're drunk," Tempest murmured in wonderment.
"Holy shit."
"We have to go see this."
They quickly jogged over. Time was the first to notice their approach, and smiled at them. "Hello boys. Everything going alright?" Despite the fact that he had clearly been consuming a good amount of alcohol, he seemed to have retained most of his mental faculties.
"Fine," Wind said, doing his best to keep a straight face. "We just wanted to know what you guys were doing."
"Making poor life decisions!" Twilight grinned and raised his glass into the air. Savage laughed, raising his own as well. It was clear that they were both more than a little tipsy at this point.
Eternal chuckled, raising his own glass. "As it turns out, Noble days heathen quite a bit. Perfect drinking game."
Wind nodded. "Okay, cool. Have fun." He started walking away, but Tempest grabbed his wrist, forcing him to stop.
"Hey, wait a minute. I'm super bored and this seems like fun. I say we grab my bottle of rum and join in."
Wind considered this, then shrugged, grinning. "Sure, why not? It's not like we have anything better to do."
Undet normal circumstances, Time and Twilight would most definitely not allow the fourteen year-olds to drink alcohol, especially Wind (despite his having encountered it plenty of times before on his pirate adventures). However, even Time was a little too tipsy to notice that issue. If Eternal noticed the problem, he didn't care.
"Oh my Farore, who let the fourteen year-olds have alcohol?"
All heads in the group of card players turned at Hyrule's exclamation. Their eyes were met with the sight of Wind and Tempest laughing with a bottle of what was almost certainly rum.
"Oh my goddesses," Sky murmured, hand hovering over his mouth in horror.
Legend took the scene in. The two weren't the only ones consuming alcohol; there was a party going on over there. He stood up. Hyrule glanced at him, surprised.
"If they get to do it, so can I." There was no way he was missing out on this opportunity.
"Oh hell yeah." Acidic stood up as well. "Fuck the rules, let's take some shots."
"Wait you guys I really don't think that's a good idea-"
"Nonsense." Callous cut Hyrule off. "It's a fantastic idea. I'm on board with this. Way better than a card game."
"Shit dude, there's booze? Sign me the fuck up." Conqueror too abandoned his cards to stand up.
Sky frowned up at them. "I really don't think this is a good idea..."
However, his opinion went ignored in favor of joining the shots party.
Noble and Warriors finally stopped arguing sometime later. They both were gasping for air, vocal chords dry from their yelling match. After a moment, Warriors looked up and realized everyone had moved. He turned around, and his eyebrows shot up. "What the actual fuck happened?"
Noble looked up, glaring, but his eyes widened in surprise when he saw what Warriors was talking about. "I... what all manner of hells?"
They walked up to the group that had gathered, looking over the scene before them. It looked like several people were passed out, most of the others varying states of half-conscious.
"Is that... alcohol?" Noble looked disgusted.
"What the hell did we miss?"
Off to the side, Stygian rolled his eyes. "They all got bored waiting for you morons to finish bitching at each other." The others who were sober, Wild, Shadow, Four, Sky and Hyrule, nodded.
Warriors looked at him incredulously. "So they went and got drunk?"
"Pretty much," Hyrule said.
Noble made a face. "Absolute heathens."
Groans and drunken laughter met this statement. "Take a shot!" Legend cackled.
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shealwaysreads · 5 years
Writing’s On the Wall
A little something inspired by THIS pic that @jeldenil shared on the Drarry Discord Server - hilarious lines contributed by her and @hogwartsfemme 🙌
Betaed by the lovely @malenkayacherepakha and cheered by the sweet @drarryruinedme7 ❤️
Drarry | 2586 words | Harry POV, Auror cadets Harry & Draco, graffiti, gratuitous use of the ‘just out the shower’ image
Summary: In which the Auror department is surprisingly artistic, Draco is still an overdramatic shit, Harry still makes the most of any trouble that finds him, and getting horizontal is the solution to everyone's problems.
Also available on AO3
The first time Harry ever noticed graffiti that referenced him had been in the Quidditch locker rooms at Hogwarts. He had been pretty sure it was Draco or one of his cronies that had slipped into the Gryffindor area and spelled miniature Dementors to appear whenever someone walked past the blank game-play board. Oliver Wood had cursed and spluttered when he realised they had erased his intricate diagrams and game-plans, fiercely complaining to McGonagall.
Some of the highlights while he was at Hogwarts had been during the Triwizard Tournament - there had suddenly been loads of graffiti about him. None of it complimentary until he’d completed the first challenge, admittedly. “POTTER STINKS” had flashed across every toilet door in the castle in a lurid, flashing green for three weeks before Filch managed to convince Professor Flitwick to help him remove the charms.
Then a tiny doodle of him and a dragon appeared in an alcove on the way to the History of Magic classroom. Complete with glowing dragon flames it showed Harry and the Horntail flying a wild and cartoonish circuit around a sketchy Hogwarts, their endless chase looping every minute or so. It was probably Dean’s handiwork, the lines confident and skillful even though it was charmed onto rough stone walls - and his practice with art charms had come a long way since his first Quidditch banner. Within a week it had been scratched through though, a proud ‘CEDRIC’S THE BEST’ scrawled over it.
After the war, he saw it more regularly. The mark of the Deathly Hallows spelled onto walls, scratched into bar tables. Sometimes a cheeky ‘If HP sees this and wants a good time, Floo me!’ with addresses charmed underneath. It made trips to pub bathrooms, usually home of the more lurid examples of graffiti, an embarrassing trial sometimes - his friends always welcomed ammunition for their endless teasing.
Thankfully, he wasn't the only one targeted by renegade artists and overzealous fans. Ron had flushed beetroot red (clashing horribly with his hair) for a full half hour after seeing a particularly explicit suggestion about himself scrawled in muggle pen across the wall in the Leaky Cauldron. Harry had cackled all the way back to their tabled and regaled Hermione, Neville, Seamus, and Dean with the details while Ron hid behind his pint.
He was pleased when he joined the Auror Cadets and nobody seemed to be star-struck. Their tutors were strict but fair. Even Draco Malfoy wasn’t up to his old schoolboy tricks. It appeared that his attitude had matured just as well as the rest of him.
On too many occasions to count Harry caught himself appreciating just how well Draco filled out his cadet uniform, especially the clinging material of their work-out gear which left less to the imagination than he thought he should be subjected to at work...while still desperately wanting to see more.
The only issue Harry had with his cohort of fellow cadets, and even some of the wider Auror staff, was the giggling. He knew it wasn't to do with his ‘man who lived twice’ reputation because they’d made a point of pairing him with an Auror in his sixties for sparring classes during his first month of training. He’d had his arse absolutely handed to him during class after class for four solid weeks, and that had quelled any potential hero worship before it could start.
No. This was the kind of giggling that made you think people were talking about you. He walked into the break room and was immediately on edge as three fellow cadets started sniggering into their tea cups, going silent as soon as he turned around and made eye contact. And it happened when Draco joined sessions too. Not to mention the sly looks and excited mutterings that broke out whenever he and Draco were paired together in classes or for fieldwork.
It was driving Harry mad. That morning in duelling practice he had been partnered with Draco to fight against another pair of cadets, learning how to effectively work offensive and defensive spells while working in a pair - just like they would once they were full Aurors. He had been surprised earlier in the year at how well he and Draco worked together when fighting, but on reflection realised they knew each other’s duelling style so well from attacking each other that it sort of made sense.
Thankfully it was Friday, and the day was done. He and Draco had been on clear-up duty, packing away the cushioned mats and returning the sparring room back to its blank slate, ready for the first class on Monday. So it was just the two of them in the changing rooms, showering before heading home.
Ordinarily Harry would have just skipped out and headed home for a shower in the comfort of his own place, but he’d promised to meet his friends at the Leaky and only had half an hour before he was due to get the first round in.
With just him and Draco in the shower rooms it was actually peaceful, no sounds but the rush of water, no laughing cadets making Harry feel like he must have something on his face. Other than the obvious of course.
Just as he was drying off, thoughts of beer and a big basket of chips filling his mind, Harry’s peace was rudely interrupted.
“POTTER!” Draco barked. “ Explain yourself!”
Harry hurried to wrap his towel around his waist, and padded out to the main changing area to see what he was being accused of. Even the sight of Draco, his own towel riding low on slim hips, his hair still dripping water onto his surprisingly broad chest, didn't distract Harry from the sheer horror induced by the entire wall of graffiti he found.
There was the usual house pride slogans, the Hufflepuffs perhaps not so surprisingly prolific taggers given their famous loyalty. There was even a Deathly Hallows icon - a remnant from those first months post-war when Harry saw them everywhere. Some clever bugger had even charmed a big marker quill to stick to the wall - so anyone wanting to add their own touch to the wall wouldn't find themselves without a writing implement.
But the pièce de résistance was the two feet tall portrait someone had drawn of him and Draco together. As in. Carnally. It didn’t have quite the artistic flair of Dean’s magical moving paintings, but mini-Harry and mini-Draco didn’t seem to let that hold them back - both of them looking over their shoulders with surprised expressions while they continued rocking and thrusting together. With gusto.
Harry felt a hot flush creeping up his neck, and it was only half from embarrassment. His fellow cadets’ laughter and meaningful glances between him and Draco suddenly made sense. Clearly the whole bloody lot of them were in on it - given the number of different handwriting styles decorating the wall.
Draco was similarly pink, points of colour high on his cheekbones giving away his emotional state - just like when he got angry at school. If Harry wasn't sure Draco was about to launch into a full blown rant he might even have taken a moment to admire the way his rage made his eyes so bright. But an angry Draco was a long-winded Draco, and the pub was calling Harry.
“Clearly I didn’t bloody do this, Malfoy.” He gestured at the layers of writing and doodles. “This is the whole fucking team at it. Look! I’m not a Hufflepuff am I?!”
A scoff was his only response. Then Draco pointed out the ‘I need HP like a grindylow needs water’ tag, and raised one pointed eyebrow meaningfully at Harry.
“I think this smacks of your usual ego actually, even if you did seem to have gotten over that recently. And look - isn’t that your abysmal handwriting?!”
Harry peered at the word Draco was pointing at.
“What the fuck is ‘drarry’ though? I definitely didn’t write that. I don’t even know that spell.”
Draco rolled his eyes so hard Harry was surprised they didn’t fall out of his head. So overdramatic.
“It’s clearly a fucking portmanteau, Potter, you absolute idiot. Anyway. Aren’t we ignoring the elephant in the room here? They’ve drawn us fucking for Merlin’s sake - in our place of work! ”
Draco was working himself up to high dudgeon now, and Harry couldn’t exactly blame him. It was inappropriate. But it was also pretty funny. And frankly, from his perspective, he couldn’t blame the rest of their class for getting a bit carried away. He knew he must have contributed to whatever idea they had of the two of them together, with the way his eyes lingered on Draco’s arse so regularly. Even so, they should probably talk to the head of the Cadet teaching team, get this all sorted out before it spilled into a more public forum.
But winding Draco up had been one of Harry’s specialty subjects up to this point in his life, and far more fun than resisting Imperio or defeating Dark Lords, so he decided to indulge himself. Even if he ended up late for pub night. Or with a black eye.
“You’re right, you know. This is wrong.” He paused for a moment, taking in Draco’s approving nod before gleefully marching on to turn it into a thunderous glare. “Who said you get to top?”
A strangled noise escaped Draco’s open mouth, his brows twisted with frustration. Harry tried to keep his soaring satisfaction hidden, loving the play of emotions over Draco’s usually calm face. There was just something about seeing him get all flustered that made Harry feel the same way he did when he reached out to grab the snitch. Elated.
“ That’s what you take issue with?”
He was even gesturing with his hands now. Elegant fingers pointed angrily at their twins on the wall - still merrily copulating - while the other hand gripped the knot holding his towel up. Harry couldn’t help but drop his gaze for a moment, imagining what he might see if he annoyed Draco enough for him to let go of that towel for a moment.
Ever the hopeful Gryffindor, Harry leant forward and grabbed the marker quill. He grinned at Draco before drawing a big arrow pointing at their doodled likenesses, then wrote in bold letters ‘OK BUT HARRY TOPS’. He drew back and watched as Draco read his addition to the wall, waiting for the inevitable bomb to go off. This was better than sparring.
“There. I fixed it.”
But instead of an explosion of the poshest invective he’d ever had the pleasure of hearing - Draco’s command of archaic swear words was genuinely one of the highlights of their working together - Harry watched as Draco fell silent. His eyes were wide as he stared at what Harry had written, the spots of pink high on his cheekbones blooming into a flush that travelled down his neck and even onto his chest.
And now Harry was looking at his nipples. Fuck.
When he managed to drag his treacherous eyes away from those pert, pink, perfectly lickable buds he found Draco’s sharp gaze trained fully on his face. This didn’t bode well.
“You...fixed it? ‘Okay but Harry tops’ is you fixing it? That was the only part of this whole thing-” he gestured wildly at the wall. “That’s the only bit you have an issue with? Not the whole. Drarry thing. Seriously?”
He actually sounded almost plaintive. Harry suddenly regretted taking the piss, even if he hadn’t exactly lied at any point in this little melodrama.
“Um. Well. Obviously we should talk to Auror Lessing about it, it’s not fair that they’re doing this just to us. But. Well. I’m not offended people might think of us together I guess?” He shrugged his shoulders and nodded at their graffiti counterparts. “They look like they’re enjoying it anyway!”
Draco’s eyes narrowed as he watched Harry huff a nervous laugh. He advanced one step toward Harry, and Harry couldn’t help but notice the way his body still glittered with droplets of water from his shower. Couldn’t help thinking about what a pleasant way to spend some time it would be to lick each one of them. He hauled his thoughts back from that treacherous direction; his towel didn’t hide much and it definitely wouldn’t hide a very work-inappropriate stiffy.
“They do look like they’re having fun, don’t they.” Draco murmured.
Harry swallowed hard at the deep timbre of his voice.
“ That Harry doesn’t seem to be too disappointed to be on the receiving end. Shame it’s not an accurate reflection of reality.”
All thoughts of propriety flew out of Harry’s mind at that. Draco sodding Malfoy was flirting with him. Undeniably. Could a bit of embarrassing graffiti really be the thing that pushed them beyond the weird tension they’d had since eighth year?
“Well. Um.” He cleared his throat. “It’s just the assumption really. Probably because I’m shorter than you. But I’m pretty, um, versatile. And, ah, height difference doesn’t matter much in bed, I find.”
For the span of a heartbeat Harry feared he’d misread the situation, overstepped the mark. But then a wicked grin grew on Draco’s face and he knew he’d hit just the right spot. He stepped closer still, making Harry tilt his head up slightly to maintain their eye contact.
The small space between them filled with heat, and Harry felt like if he breathed in deeply enough their chests might even touch. He wondered if Draco was still holding his towel so tightly, but didn’t dare look down, didn’t want to break this moment stretching between them.
“I agree Potter. Very unfair of them to pigeon-hole you. They should know better by now.” He raised an eyebrow, challenge in every line of his face. “I was thinking of skipping pub night this evening in favour of a hot bath and a curry. But, as you’re feeling so versatile I’m happy to be flexible too. How about I join you and the rest of the motley crew for the obligatory Friday night pint, and then you join me for food?”
Harry felt his mouth drop open, shocked Draco had been the one of them to finally come out and say it so boldly. Draco just leaned closer still, his breath hot against Harry’s ear as he whispered, sending a corresponding shiver of excitement down his spine.
“I reckon we can test out your height difference theory, I’m sure my sofa would do the trick too - if you want to demonstrate for me?”
The image that conjured in Harry’s mind was enough to make him snap his mouth shut and stifle a groan of desire. He reached out to finally touch Draco, and closed the tiny distance between them to kiss him fully on the mouth. A broad palm at his waist, gripping tightly, pulled a gasp out of him. He dragged himself away from Draco’s mouth with difficulty, already panting slightly.
“Fuck pub night, get dressed. Last one to the apparition point is paying for the curry.”
With that Harry dashed across the room to pull his trousers on, grinning as he watched Draco wrangle his own on over still damp legs. He couldn’t wait to see what this mutual competitive spirit would create outside of the quidditch pitch or duelling ring, but he was sure it would be absolutely worth the tongue-lashing he’d get from Ron for ditching the sacred Friday night drinks for Draco.
Tagging @tedahfromtayla @maesterchill @tomoewantsdolls
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rogers-metaphor · 5 years
Lessons in Falling in Love: Chapter Eleven
Permanent warning/disclaimer:  this will be a story that contains smut, will have cursing, and other themes like these. So, if you’re under the age of 18, please skip this story. Also, everything in this story is completely fictional and not based on real life!!!!!!!! It’s for dramatic and entertainment purposes only.
A/N: I hope you’re all enjoying this story still!! I love to hear your feedback!!! Also let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! I’ve added people that have made comments or asked! so feel free to ask!!!
previous chapters: One, Two, Three , Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
my masterlist
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The next time she wakes up, Ben isn’t there. It’s clear that it’s the next day, but it’s not sunny. Someone had tucked her in. She slept like a rock, but still woke up exhausted. She felt drained. Her phone was plugged in away from her bed and she debated on reaching for it. She felt too tired to reach for it, but she was curious.
There were endless missed calls and texts from Joe. She wanted to know what he had to say, but couldn’t stand to hear his voice. She read through a few
texts but couldn’t get any further.
I’m Sorry.
Please talk to me.
I love you..
She scoffed, her eyes burning. Everything from the night before came flooding back and she tossed her phone away from her. Of course she wanted to reach out to him, talk to him, and to feel better. Maybe he really was sorry.
Her door opened.
Nova peaked in and once she seen Selene was awake, she made her way toward the bed.
“How are you feeling?” she asks, sitting beside her.
“Sad.” Selene sighs, “Dumb.”
“It’s not you. It’s him.”
Silence. Selene couldn’t help but think she should have been able to see it. All the red flags were ignored because she loved him and trusted him to love her back. She should have known and she didn’t.
“I’m tired.” Selene sighs, tears threatening to peak.
“I already got all your shifts covered for the week… and I can bring you food.” Nova tries. Selene just nods, rolling back into her pillow. “Ben asked how you were. He was really concerned.” she tries some more. “He really pushed to come sit with you last night.”
“Tell him i’m fine.” Selene says flatly.
“I will.” Nova says, at a loss. She hates that Selene feels this way, but doesn’t know what to do to help. “Let me know if you need anything…” She reluctantly walks away.
The mood for the next week is about the same. Selene barely ate, barely listened to music, barely talked about what happened or Joe. Everything seemed to be a cruel reminder of his existence. Her favorite foods only brought back memories of them sharing meals together. Her favorite songs only sounded like he was singing in the background. She couldn’t talk about him despite the constant thoughts of him flooding her brain at every chance. Even when she slept he’d be there, holding her hand or kissing her cheek in her dreams.
At the end of the week, she was surprised when Ben made his way over. Though she had been struggling to take care of herself, this was the day she decided to take a shower and refresh her room. He came right when she finished and even brought her a coffee.
“Nova told me your favorite.” he offered her a smile and she sighed, giving him the best smile she could. Though weak, it was something.
“Thank you.” she said, sitting down on the couch. “What brings you here?” she asks, “Gwil isn’t here.”
“I came here for you. To see how you were doing, and see if you wanted to go somewhere with me.” Selene knitted her brows, confused as to why ben would want to come see her.
“I can’t. Nova and I are-“ he cuts her off.
“Have you checked your phone?” he asks, a mischievous grin across his features. She jumped up and rushed to get her phone. She had been avoiding it, though Joe stopped trying halfway through the week. She did have a missed call and a text from Nova.
Have to cancel our plans, Gwil is very insistent I go with him to this dumb dinner. Seems important. Anyway, I’m not leaving you alone. Ben said he wanted to see you anyway. He said he wants to take you somewhere.
The whole thing felt like a setup, but she knew she needed to do something with someone or she’d be alone. She sighed and made her way back to Ben sitting on the couch.
“Okay.” she says, “Where are you taking me?”
“This isn’t a date.” she says, in the car that’s quiet beside for Ben’s radio. “I just got cheated on and i’m not ready-“
Ben’s quiet chuckle makes her stop her ranting, she doesn’t feeling awkward, but besides for the night she got drunk with him, she doesn’t know him all that well. The scary part is she does feel comfortable with him, just unsure of what to do. Ben was very attractive. Sweet and kind. It was clear as day she was attracted to him, but at the end of the day, Joe was the man she loved.
“Love, I’m sorry to say, this isn’t a date.” She flushes red with embarrassment. “I’m trying to help you.”
“Sorry.” she sighs.
“We can make it a date. You’ll just have to buy me dinner.” He offers her a smile as he jumps out of the car, and this time she smiles more naturally. Not having to force it.
They make their way toward the building and she follows closely behind Ben as they enter.
“I know you’ve been feeling all kinds of emotions.” he says to her, “The hardest one to get out without murder, is anger. So, i thought i could take you here, and you can smash some things.” She marveled at the idea and the concept and how truly thoughtful is was. And she lit up in excitement as they signed forms and got ready to smash some things.
The room was filled with all kinds of items to smash and tools to use and with every swing of a bat to glass she did feel the anger flowing away. She was laughing and Ben looked on with pride in his eyes. He smiled and laughed along with her, even helped her destroy some things.
but then, the glass started to feel like her own heart, shattering into a million pieces. She felt it burn in her chest as she swung harder, trying to make the pain vanish. The memories of him scattered across her brain reflected in glass strewn about the floor. She could see it all so clearly. The way his hands felt against her skin, the way his laughter mixed with hers in a crowded space, the way he kissed her softly in the mornings before he knew she was even awake. She swung and hit until her arms were heavy and sore.
and then she started to cry.
It came out in heavy sobs. Blubbering as her vision went blurry, her heart sinking low in her stomach. She dropped the bat through trembling fingers and as she goes to run away, she runs right into a hard body. Ben is there, grabbing her into his arms and holding her. It’s a comfort she needed. She tried to calm her breathing from hitching violently. She could hear Ben’s heart pounding rapidly as she stayed pressed against his chest. His arms were strong, warm, comforting. She could feel a hand running up and down her back gently. She felt at ease and peaceful, even after crying so hard.
After that, they left.
In silence. Mostly, Selene felt a little embarrassed for the second time that night.
“I’m sorry about that.” she says, timid. Her eyes still sorry and still tearing up, spilling over.
“You never have to apologize for the way you’re feeling.” Ben says. His deep voice is reassuring and calm. “Never. Not with me. This is why i brought you here. I wanted you to have that release. I know you needed it.”
“Thank you.” she says, “For everything. Including spending your night on New Year’s eve watching me cry.”
“I had a great time, are you crazy? Sitting in a silent room on the biggest party night of the year?” he smirks after being sarcastic. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.” he says, sincerely.
“I appreciate it.” She sighs. She lets a few minutes pass before she asks. “Ben, where do I go from here?” quietly. Her eyes scanning him for any answer he could give her. Any wisdom he could gift.
“That depends on you.” he says.
“What did you do?” she asks, and watches his face for reaction. He doesn’t seem like it bothers him to talk about it. His lips pout as he ponders.
“I was very stupid.” he shrugs. “Got drunk a lot. Slept around with many girls. It didn’t help though. It made it worse. I think it drew it out longer.” she watches his fingers trace over his lips, thoughtlessly, as he seems to gaze back into the past. “I still ended up lonely in bed at the end of the night, even with a girl next to me.” he trails off. She was enjoying him being so open with her. She smiled to herself again.
“I hate sleeping alone.” she groans.
“You should learn to enjoy it.” he chuckles. “All that space.”
“I’ll never enjoy it.” she says, and they both laugh.
Ben and Selene stop and get sushi on the way back to her place. They argue over who is going to pay. Selene felt like she owed Ben. She was soon reminded that she’d pay if she considered it a date. She groaned and said she’d pay for her own, though Ben slipped his card into the hands of the waiter and paid for both of their dinners.
Things were easy. The conversation flowed casually like they had known each other for ages. He talked about how he and Gwil met in college and had been friends ever since. Selene shared her love story about her and Nova and gushed about how much she loved Nova more than anything. She found herself laughing, truly laughing.
Though her night was the best it’s been, she couldn’t wait to end it the same way she always did, with her best friend, Nova. She is met with someone else, as they pull in front of her house. Every inch of progress she made seemed to have went down the drain when she saw him, sitting on her porch. She swallowed hard as she struggled on what to do next. She looks to Ben for help.
“You want me to get rid of him?” Ben asks, glaring at Joe. She shakes her head, sighing.
“I do want you to come in. I’m sure Gwil wants to see you.” she says, a voice so low she wasn’t sure if she had actually formed words. He nods, watching as her hands shake to open the car door.
“I’ll be right behind you.” Ben says, and she nods. She feels safe, confident, even brave.
She folds her arms as she gets up to him.
“What are you doing here?” she asks, her eyes unable to look at him. She fidgets, looking away. Toward anywhere else.
“You wouldn’t return any of my phone calls or texts.” he says, standing up. “I needed to make sure you were okay.”
“Well, I’m fine, Joe.” she snaps, “So you can go.”
“You won’t even look at me…” he says, his voice is timid and soft. “I’m still Joe. The Joe that loves you. I fucked up and I want to make it better but you won’t let me.”
“I don’t know who that person is anymore.” her words leave her lips faster than she could stop them, but she means them. She’s not doing it to strike back at him or to make him feel bad. She’s doing it because that’s what she feels. “And I’m not ready to talk to you. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready, but i’m not now, so please go.” she begs, because standing in front of him is hard.
A big part of her doesn’t want him to go. She wants him to protest and stay and hold her and make her feel better. She knew that wasn’t plausible. It wasn’t that simple. She wants to yell at him and cry but fall in his arms. She wants to forget. But she can’t. So she begs him again.
“Please… go.” she says through gritted teeth. Her eyes beginning to water once again. He opens his mouth to protest but instead, Ben cuts him off.
“She asked you to go, mate. I think it’s time to go.” his voice is defensive. It sends a shiver through Selene as Joe tilts his head to the side, glaring.
“This doesn’t concern you.” Joe snaps. “I’ll go because she asked me too, but you don’t tell me what to do.” Ben scoffs and chuckles.
“It does concern me when you have my friend crying. Again.” he emphasizes. Joe opens his mouth to come back at him but Selene snaps her head up at him.
“Joe, go. Ben, let’s go.” she snaps. They both glare at one another once more before Ben starts to head into her house. Joe walks in the direction of his house turning back to look at Selene one last time.
She pretends that she doesn’t want to run to him in that moment, and pushes herself inside.
Where she finds Nova and Gwil hot and heavy on the couch.
“WOAH!” Selene’s mood shifts as she’s in shock when she finds this. “This is very much my character but yours!?” she laughs, as they fumble to get themselves together. Ben joins in at their red faced friends.
And then Nova flashes it. If Selene hadn’t been obsessed with Nova getting married since she told her, she would have missed it. The bright ruby stone was shiny as Nova brought it closer to Selene who was in shock.
“This ASSHOLE!” Nova says, explaining, “Made me meet with my parents and him for dinner, and this IDIOT got on one knee and ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM!” she’s talking fast, and yelling. She’s full of excitement and clearly shocked herself. Gwil is laughing and nodding as she goes on.
“I’m so happy for you!” Selene starts to cry, for the third time that night. This time, it was happy tears. She hugged Nova tightly as they began screaming.
“You know this means I’ll need some groomsmen.” Gwil says walking over to Ben who shakes his hand firmly, and then hugs him tightly.
“Congrats man!” Ben smiles.
“And you. You’re my maid of honor obviously!” Nova says.
“I have to start planning now.” Selene says, “No time to waste.” they all laugh.
After a few drinks and more talking and laughter Ben Selene ends up walking him outside. She had a good night. She even brushed off what happened with Joe to the side of her mind. She stood in front of him, folding her arms.
“Thank you again.” she said. “For dinner. The smashing. I owe you one.”
“You could buy me a birthday present.” he says. “Though that was last week, but my party is next saturday. Come.” Selene giggles.
“Okay.” she nods, “Deal.”
“Good.” he says, “You know if this was a first date, I’d try and kiss you now.”
“But it’s not.” She laughs, “So I’ll take a hug.”
“Worth a shot.” he chuckles, opening his arms and taking her in. His grip is tight and strong and she hums against him, without being able to stop herself.
“Goodnight, Ben.” she says, when she heads away from him.
Truth be told she wouldn’t have minded the kiss from Ben. She would have loved to feel his perfect pouty lips against hers, just to forget about what Joe’s felt like. To feel anything else other than traces of Joe left on her skin. She had to settle for clean bed sheets, and a half empty bed.
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Cloudchaser and Flitter Explain: Top 10 Friends Forever Cards
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But you said—
Hi everypony! Are you ready for the next set to drop? Because Cici and I sure are!
When Cici isn’t freaking out about what deck to run for continentals, that is.
I’m not freaking out. I’m deliberately taking my time analyzing my choices so I can pick the deck that’ll let me win continentals this year.
Got it narrowed down yet?
That’s our Cici, always worrying until the last possible moment.
But anyway, as much as I’d love to tease Cici about her deck, we just don’t have the time! Leaders and Legends is right around the corner, and we’ve not given you all our top 10 lists for Friends Forever yet.
So let’s get right to it! Cici?
Oh, right!
What do you call a Pegasus wearing a—
I said we have no time for jokes, Cici! I mean what’s your first card?
Oh, okay.
So I wasn’t ever sure when we’d get to this, so I’d been kind of updating my list throughout the year. And, uh, there have definitely been a lot of changes… And not just because of the Banlist. My original #1, for example, is much lower…
But the actual ten cards haven’t changed much. They honestly weren’t that hard to figure out.
Well, top 11 if you count Old Money. But banned cards don’t really count anymore…
Anyway, my top 10 card is Lacking Lesson Plans
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Huh. WIth how much you’d been ranting and raving about that card when the set first came out, I’d have thought it’d be much higher.
Well it was! Originally, anyway.
The fact that it let so many Manes flip through Tempest seemed great at first. I was looking forward to breaking in some new Manes and see what they could do!
But in practice, it’s not really enough. Tempest’s opening Grubber: Minion play can still slow them down enough to where they’re not flipping early, or still deny req, or what have you. So it’s really only helpful for the absolute most aggressive confront to flip Manes.
I just wanted more, you know?
If you don’t think it does enough, why’s it on your list, then?
Huh? No, it’s amazing.
I basically include it in all my decks nowadays!
But you said—
While, yeah, it doesn’t really enable many more confront to Flip Manes, it’s still incredibly valuable for decks that confront a lot, just because being able to ignore Troublemakers is really good.
It’s basically to the point where as long as strong Troublemaker control decks are in the meta, you basically have to run 2 of these!
It’s a problem the game’s needed for awhile now, and it’s great to see it in action. So yeah, not as high as I originally thought, but still an easy number 10.
So unlike silly old Cici, I had a lot more trouble narrowing down my top 10 cards! There’s so many fun arts and flavour texts and I love the set for that!
But on the other hoof, there weren’t actually a lot of silly fun build around cards in the set. So there’s not a lot of those my list.
But that’s okay, because the art is just so fun and I love it, hehe. And let’s start with Skipping Class!
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Uhh, what’s fun about that?
Oh come on, Cici. It’s six best friends just hanging out together and having fun in the sun, relaxing without a care in the world.
So ditching school is something you endorse then?
Well, no…
But it’s still nice seeing them enjoying each other’s company. It’s very relaxing!
It was a tough call between this and another similar art, but I just had to go with this in the end. Paving the way for a new generation!
Which other card?
I can’t tell you that, Cici! These are top ten lists, not top eleven lists!
There’s no harm in mentioning your runner ups, though.
Top. Ten.
Okay, okay, sheesh.
Moving on, my number 9 will likely surprise no pony for being on this list: The Fire of Friendship.
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Oooh, that’s a good one!
The Fire of Friendship lives in our hands! As long as it’s there, we foil Grubber’s plans!
Uhh, yeah, actually. Basically exactly that.
When Tempest fist hit the scene, she was infamous for locking ponies out of Entry thanks to Grubber frequently showing up turn 1. Now there’s a card that helps fight that, thanks to Fire of Friendship, being Entry that protects your entire hand.
It even works against other discard effects like Rarity: Soprano and can work with your own discard synergies like Tank: Burrower.
Not costs, though. If you want to exhaust Apple Bloom: Re-Markable to reduce the cost of a card, you can still discard Fire of Friendship to do it, but you can’t put it into play. Since costs can’t be replaced.
Sure, but that’s not the worst thing ever.
It’s still incredibly versatile while still being helpful Entry that does double duty for protecting your hand.
It does only provide 2 req unlike Singing Barrel and Motivational Speech, which is a notable downside. But if you build your deck accounting for that, it shouldn’t be a major issue.
So, yeah. Good card. Goes in a lot of decks. Highly recommend it.
It’s my number nine.
Or is it five or seven?
Kettle Corn’s so cute!
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What was that all about.
Silly Cloudchaser!
Everypony else get it.
Check her cutie mark.
Anyway, Kettle Corn is just absolutely precious! The haikus, the circles, the combinations of the two. She’s also one of Rumble’s new friends! What’s not to love?
I suppose she’s not bad entry either. Not amazing, but, you know. Respectable.
Whatever makes you recognize she’s amazing!
...That it?
That’s it! Kettle Corn’s just fun is all!
Uhh, guess I’ll move on, then?
So these next three are all pretty similar cards. Just a bit different in application each. But they’re all on the list for the same reason, more or less.
I was originally going to put them all as a tie, but Flitter said my list had to be exactly ten cards...
Top. Ten. It’s not that hard, Cici!
So here we are with Daring Do: Crafty Collector as my number 7.
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Did you know A.K. Yearling was secretly Daring Do this whole time? I was so surprised!
Nah, it was definitely obvious. I knew all along.
Hehe, sure you did Cici.
I did!
Anyway, Daring Do is… kind of nuts. The amount of AT value she can provide you is just incredibly high. An AT every time you can confront with her, and saving an AT every time you need to move her to a problem.
Which, if you confront that turn, gets you the AT you spent on moving her right back.
The only reason she’s the lowest of these three is because if you can’t confront with her, due to eccentric or a TM or whatever, she’s not doing much for you. You can’t just exhaust her for AT like most other common AT gens. So she definitely has the worst floor...
But when she’s at full capacity, she’s just fantastic, and definitely worth a slot on the list.
So, to properly introduce the next card on my list, we’ll need an expert on fashion.
Gee, where could we find one of those in this town?
Well, Cici, you’re in luck! Since, as everypony knows, I happen to be a fashion expert!
You are?
Of course I am, Cici! That’s why you always see me in this bow! It’s the absolute pinnacle of fashionably cute.
...I genuinely have no idea if you’re making this up or not.
So, as a pony who knows all things fashionable, I am proud to present to you my next card, Rarity: Shine on the Inside.
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...Another Eccentric 1 entry?
Yup! Quite the coincidence, don’t you think?
No. I’m pretty sure you’re doing this just to mess with me.
An added bonus!
But no, I just really like the art they got for these cards!
Plus, you’ve gotta admit Rarity looks fantastic with a three colour mane. And she just rocks that jacket!
If you say so…
I do say so! Your turn!
Hold on, let me just brace myself for the oncoming onslaught.
You’ll see.
So, uh, my next card is, uh, us.
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Hug. Too. Tight.
Just look at how adorable we were back then! And that flavour text is so us! Right down to you being moody about not coming in first place, hehe.
I don’t get moody…
Yeah, just like that!
Anyway, uh, this card is pretty good.
Eh, who am I kidding. We’re amazing.
And you’re not just saying that cause it’s us, are you?
Nope. I looked at every card in the set and decided this legitimately deserved to be included. It’d have the same position even if it were Gyro on the art.
You shouldn’t joke about that, Cici. He’s been complaining again lately he still only has one card...
But yeah, this is basically everything I wanted in a Blue Yellow card! Saving AT, giving extra power to confront, 1 play reqriement so you can play it early with Trading Traditions. What more could a girl want?
It’s even an Immediate ability, allowing you to combo with Hasty Friends, or even just exhaust on the opponent’s turn to avoid a single problem faceoff. It’s just a great card!
That being said, unlike Daring Do and the next card, this doesn’t actually give you AT. If you don’t have Friends to play, you’re not getting as much value as you’d like.
But on the other hoof, you can get value out of us basically every turn so long as you can play Friends. Unlike Daring Do, who needs a free problem. And it’s in a colour combination that kind of needed it more. So despite not giving actual AT, I think overall we’re the better card.
So it gets your stamp of approval?
Know what gets my stamp of approval?
Uhhh, cakes?
Uh, sure, but not what I was getting at?
Are you hungry Cici?
A little.
Anyway, what I was trying to get at is that Sorry Stamp gets my stamp of approval!
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Didn’t we just talk about that the other day?
Sure did! Aren’t you sorry I didn’t stamp your forehead back then?
This better not go where I think it’s going.
I wouldn’t dream of it!
Anyway, despite the sad nature of the stamp itself, this art just makes me smile! It’s just kind of ridiculous going around with a stamp like that on your head, you know?
Plus, just look at Princess Twilight’s face! It’s just wonderful!
Shouldn’t you, you know, be sad that she’s sad or something?
Well, I am! A little bit. Twilight is genuinely very sorry about the situation she found herself in...
But the whole thing is also pretty ridiculous, so it makes me smile a little too. And I think a card that can evoke both emotions at once is pretty amazing, don’t you?
Sure, I guess.
Well, I like it a lot, and that’s good enough for my list.
Yeah, for sure. Your list is your list.
As for my list, well, I’m sure everypony’s already guessed my number 6 card based on what I’ve said in my picks for the 7 and 8 spots. Starlight Glimmer Guidance Counselor.
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Which is honestly kind of surprising. At first, ponies thought she was only going to be so-so since there were already a ton of good AT generator options out there, like Princess Twilight Sparkle: Cover to Cover. Plus she costs 3, which means it takes a long time for her to pay for herself.
But in practice, she’s definitely proven to be an absolute all star.
I think you mean an “All Starlight”, Cici!
So, to explain why people weren’t that excited about her at first… In the Seaquestria and Beyond Meta, ponies had the mentality that 5-6 AT generators was usually enough. More than that and you were diluting your deck with too many AT gens and not enough other cards that do other things.
Turns out, uhhh, that was just plain wrong. And in the Friends Forever Meta, we’ve seen decks with 8, 12, and even 18 AT generators! And almost every one of those decks was running Starlight here.
So what changed? Well I’ll get to one of those reasons later in the list, but the other thing is just there are so many good AT gens now, that running as many as you can just means you can have a tremendous advantage over your opponent.
I mean, which pony’s more likely to win? The one getting 3 AT a turn or the one getting 9?
Probably the one getting 9, yeah… You can’t catch up if you’re doing only a third of what the opponent’s doing.
Basically, yeah. Once you’re generating at least 2 more AT than the opponent, chances are you’re a mile ahead. At 3, it’d take a miracle for the opponent to beat you.
Anything past that and you’ve basically already won the game, regardless of what the scores are.
Unless it’s 14-0! Then they might still have a chance! Hehe.
Okay, in the vast majority of circumstances.
Anyway, Glimmer is incredibly key in these strategies for two reasons. First is her 1 req, allowing her to be played early even without flipping your Mane. So you can get her out turn 2 and start getting an influx of AT ASAP.
Second, turns out that 3 power is really helpful. Like Filly Racers, you get the benefit of a lot of power to confront in addition to increasing your AT economy. This has actually sped up a lot of slower Purple strategies. Cover to Cover’s 0 power doesn’t help confront, but Glimmer absolute does.
Also, being mono-coloured means she’s a lot easier to play than Filly Racers or Daring Do, giving her that much more utility. And, well, that goes a long way towards making it on my list, really.
So would you say she guides people to victory?
Hey, yeah! I get that one.
Hehe. Way to go Cici! Rah rah!
“Rah rah?”
Cici, Cici, she’s our Mare! Her deck will take Continentals unawares.
Why thank you!
Though I’m not sure it will. I mean, Nothing I’m considering is really that out of the ordinary…
Wait… you’re doing something weird to set up the next card, aren’t you?
Is it that weird for me to be my besty’s cheer squad?
...No? But I can’t shake this feeling...
Maybe I should wear a mask of you at Continentals like Rainbow Dash’s Parents in Cheering Section?
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Please don’t…
But look at them! They’re so happy! Giving their daughter their full support, 110%! 220% even!
That makes even less than 110%.
Don’t be silly, Cici. There’s two of them, so of course it’s 220%.
You might even say it’s 20%—
But no, seriously, I love seeing Rainbow’s parent so into supporting her. It’s all sorts of heartwarming, and just fun! Such an easy inclusion for my list, hehe.
Yeah… I guess that would be nice.
Oh no, Cici. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.
No, no. It’s fine. You didn’t do anything wrong. I just miss them sometimes, you know?
Of course.
But now’s no time to worry about that. We’ve got our top 10 lists to complete, and I’m finally done with the AT gens.
And next up’s an absolute juggernaut! Daybreaker: Blinding Light!
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Oooh, she’s a fun one, yeah.
I’m not sure I like the idea of Princess Celestia going evil at all...
But it’s just pretend, so it’s okay, right?
I’m sure no matter what happens, Celestia’d never turn her back on us.
But anyway, this card is just fantastic.
While you don’t get as many points from a single faceoff as you would from a Night Glider: Overpowering, you also don’t need to win by any threshold. Plus she works in any faceoff, meaning she can score you points off of Troublemakers, or any other faceoff she finds herself in.
And of course, she brings a lot more power to those faceoffs, due to her extra base power and extra point of Competitive. 6 is a lot of power for a 3 cost Friend.
She does cost more, though, and, again, gives fewer points. So there are definitely reasons to use Night Glider over her.
But all in all, she’s different enough to be a great option for different kinds of decks. And a very solid number 5 pick for me.
My number 5 pick also also very competitive.
Huh, really? You tend to pick build arounds or just flavourful stuff.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s the most competitive card in the set?
Heh, we’ll see about that.
I mean, just look at the fierce competition going on in Smolder & Sandbar: Pillow FIght!
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I… should have seen this coming.
But just look at how much fun they’re having! Whap! Pow! Hehehehe.
Hey Cici! Think fast!
You almost hit me.
Well, yeah! That is the point of a pillow fight, silly.
Great reflexes, though.
Thanks! We’ve been training a lot lately, and—
You shouldn’t close your eyes in a pillow fight, silly!
Oh it’s on now, Flitter! Come here!
Don’t you have a list to finish?
Oh, right. I guess I’ll have to get you later.
I look forward to it.
So this next one, when she was spoiled, I could have sworn was going to be the top of my list. She seemed insane, and exactly what the game needed. And, well, she is. Mage Meadowbrook: Pillar of Healing is the answer a lot of decks were looking for.
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Which is why it’s a shame she’s only number 4.
Which isn’t to say she’s not as good as I thought. It’s just, well, other cards wound up being a bit better than I expected. Cause Meadowbrook is absolutely insane.
There are a ton of great Resources out there right now. And Troublemakers have basically always been a problem for aggro decks. It’s kind of what they’re for. And while there have been a few cards that can deal with one or the other before, there’s never been one that deals with both.
And definitely not one that just deals with them all. Unless the opponent has a Desert Road, Meadowbrook just answers everything, no questions asked. And she even comes with a 3 power body to help you confront that turn. She’s amazing.
Plus, just look at that action pose!
Resources and Troublemakers beware, Mage Meadowbrook is coming for you!
Now she is a bit expensive, and she’s not all that great against decks that don’t rely on resources or TMs, so not every deck’s going to want her. But if you’re in Yellow, you should definitely consider her. Nopony does what she does nearly as effectively.
She may not be an all star, but what she does do, she excels at.
Well your number 4 may be a specialist, but mine’s a generalist: Ocellus: Master of Disguise.
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She does a little bit of everything!
Sure, but why’s that fun?
Cause mix and matching abilities is just super fun! And you get a different combo of abilities every time, or at least in a different order, hehe.
Agile and Swift and Showy and Dilligent and Eccentric. There’s a lot of fun possibilities!
Kind of disappointed Purple’s is just Meticulous cause it doesn’t really synergize with the other 5 as well, but it’s not bad, I guess.
Plus they brought Transform back just for her and Silverstream! That’s one of my favourite mechanics!
Yeah, it’s not bad.
and for maximum fun, just stick an Alicorn Costume on her. Then she’s automatically fully enabled!
So long as you don’t put any resources on anypony else, of course.
Since when do you suggest not putting resources on Friends?
Not every silly strategy works with every other silly Strategy, Cici.
Alternatively, you could just put all the hats on Ocellus. That way you won’t have a problem!
Uh huh. No way that could go wrong.
Are you doubting the power of my hats, Cici?
Anyway, moving on to the top 3. And, considering how good my top 4 card was, you know the rest have got to be pretty amazing. Pony of Shadows: Pure Darkness is no exception.
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The sheer raw value you get out of this card is insane. That’s 1 AT for a Friend. 1! By passing all colour req and everything. And it doesn’t even matter who beats the Pony of Shadows.
Sure, it does need to be beaten, but if you build your deck right, that’s not too hard. And if the opponent beats it, they only get 1 point while you get what’s likely to be an incredibly powerful Friend.
Now I’ve seen some ponies try and use this to put some of the 5 cost tri-colour alicorns into play…
Like me! I’ve done that!
...but it’s honestly not really worth it. They tend to be difficult to play if ever drawn, and usually you don’t have a guarantee you’ll even hit one.
The better way to use it, honestly, is to just include a bunch of medium-cost friends that you’re okay with drawing or with playing for free. This way you’re happy if you draw them or if you get them off of Pony of Shadows.
Farming decks particularly get a lot of usage from this as they can defeat it, then put a large friend into play at another problem with an epic and have a good chance at beating that too. Plus farm decks don’t tend to run all that many friends, so you increase the odds of getting what you want.
I’ve even seen some farm decks run exactly one kind of friend to guarantee hitting it. The results can be a bit scary.
I like using Purple effects like Scope Things Out to stack my deck so I know what Friend I’m getting!
Yeah, that’s not a bad plan either. Though usually you don’t have to. It’s just handy.
Anyway, give it a try. It seriously does a lot more than you might think at first glance. And you probably think it does a lot. I’ve seriously been incredibly impressed with how good it is.
My number three pick is also great value at 1 AT! Rockhoof: Pillar of Strength
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Want to guess how many coutners I’ve put on him, Cici?
Nah. I’m going to guess some big number and you’re just going to top it with some ludicrously large number like eighty trillion or something.
Oh, Cici. You always think so small.
Eighty trillion is a lot!
Sure, but we got him to eighty trillion and one
...You’re kidding me.
Of course, that’s when we were just doing silly things to see how big we could get him, hehe. And we kinda just started rounding once it got too big, hehe.
In a normal match, I think it was maybe 100 or so?
That’s still way bigger than you need…
Well, yeah, Cici! That’s what makes him so fun! Rockhoof just refuses to not be the biggest pony around, it’s great!
But what’s even better than just growing Rockhoof yourself is dueling Rockhoofs! You have one at 2 power and have your opponent have one at 3 power and they’ll never stop trying to best each other. It’s great!
“I’m the biggest pony around!” “No, I’m the biggest pony!” hehehe.
Are you quite done?
Yup! I have more power than you, so I’m not growing anymore this turn.
Just go, Cici!
So I think a lot of ponies underestimated this next card at first. A couple other cards did a pretty similar thing, and so it was a lot easier to dismiss.
But then ponies started using it and found out, wow, it was absolutely the real deal. And now School Shut Down is a staple in basically any Purple control deck.
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So the cards it was being compared too, obviously, were Party of One and Applejack: Captain of the Seven Seas, being the previous board wipes. Each of which was, and still is, very good, but left you with something, while School Shut Down does not.
But the thing is, it gets rid of everything. Nothing stays behind, short of Persistent Friends. Not even discard piles! And that can matter a lot too. It’s definitely not as great as Party of One if your only goal is to get rid of Friends. But that’s not its only purpose.
It’s almost like different cards can have different strengths and weaknesses!
Heh, yeah, exactly.
Being in the colour that gains lots of AT certainly helps as well. Especially in the current meta with basically all the AT Gens. It may be more Expensive than Party of One, but that’s not always a factor when you’re getting extra AT.
And I guess that’s it. It’s a board wipe. It gets rid of everything. That’s all you need to be a super strong card, really.
Well, we’re at the third and last card on my list because it’s just pure fun: Silverstream: Fish out of Water!
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Nopony else in the game does what she does, hehe.
Huh. I wouldn’t have even begun to assume that Silverstream would have made your list, let alone as your number 2. She seems kind of… tame.
Are you kidding? Silverstream is insane!
With the right deck, she’s an invitation to put whatever problem you want into play! Or even all of them!
Please tell me you didn’t put all 20 problems at once.
Oh, Cloudchaser. Still thinking so, so small.
We worked together to put all 116 problems in play at once!
Yup! 3 copies each of all sixteen dilemmas for each player. Plus both players 10 problems, of course. That makes 116!
It was the biggest multi problem faceoff ever!
Whatever makes you happy, I guess.
Of course, that’s not the best thing you can do with Silverstream. But I’ll tell you about dismissing problems and uniqueness later, hehe. It’s a whole lot of nonsense.
Basically, Sivlerstream lets you do a lot of fun and silly things that couldn’t be done before. And, well, Cici, you may not know this… but I just love fun and silly things!
I think I may have heard that once or twice.
Cici, you made a joke! I’m so proud of you!
Gah! No hugs while we’re doing top 10 lists!
All the hugs while we’re doing top 10 lists!
So we’re finally at my last card and, uh... yeah. All of you probably guessed it’s Mistmane: Pillar of Beauty.
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Now, I wasn’t sure she was all that great at first, but the fact she does four different things across two abilities is what makes her absolutely insane. Four. That’s a lot of things for one card to do, and they’re all notable.
Sure, she’s primarily used for her ability to get you a card back while also getting you a point, but that’s only half of what she can do. She also can get herself out from the discard pile while filling it with stuff you might want to get back. Not to mention also filling the opponent’s discard pile.
This makes it incredibly difficult to get rid of her short of banishing her.
Most of you are also probably aware of the fact that being Unique lets you use two of them to just score a point for every 3 AT you spend. Having 2 in play means one is dsimissed immediately due to Uniqueness, and then can be gotten back thanks to her Trigger.
Then, since you’re back where you started just with 3 less AT and 1 more point, you can do it again. And again. And again.
Put simply, she is a finisher, and very effective at it in this meta of a million AT gens. 3 AT per point is kind of expensive, but if you can stall the game long enough to be able to do it 8 or 10 times in one turn, the cost begins to not matter much anymore.
How often does that happen? Seems unlikely.
More often than you’d think or I’d like…
Now she does come with the drawback of letting the opponent get a card back as well, but…
It usually doesn’t matter. Ponies tend not to play Mistmane if the opponent can get something important back, unless they don’t care. It’s mostly meaningless. Kind of disappointing, really.
Long story short, she is incredibly versatile while also being exceptionally good at a single thing, which isn’t a combination you see very frequently. She’s trivially the best card in the set, even more so than Old Money, who got banned.
Which isn’t to say I think she should necessarily be banned…
But I wouldn’t mind it.
I just don’t find her very fun to play against.
But that’s just me. I’ve actually heard a lot of ponies talking about wanting to ban her... But I don’t think it’s necessary. At least not yet since rotation is right around the corner. Which isn’t something we need to get into today.
We’ll just have to wait and see, I guess. And it’s not like every powerful card needs to be something I like specifically or anything.
Different cards appeal to different ponies.
Exactly! Part of what makes a card game great.
I do hope she’s being watched for the possibility of banning, if only because a lot of ponies think it might be necessary. But I doubt it’ll need to happen any time soon.
And that’s my whole list. Lots of powerful stuff this time around. Mostly good stuff too.
Well, my last card’s one we don’t even need to talk about…
...Since Cici already did that for me!
Look! it’s us again!
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Heh, yeah, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
It’s always nice seeing us on a card, and this one’s particularly nice.
Plus we’re just so gosh darn cute! Filly us is the best!
Shame I was wearing the bow that day and not you. That was back when we were taking turns, remember?
But yeah, I don’t really have much more to say that I didn’t already say when Cici talked about us! We’re adorable, we work great together, and we’re the perfect team. Always!
Always and always.
So, that’s our lists! Now if you’ll excuse us, Cloudchaser’s got a lot of freaking out to do now that there’s nothing else to do between now and Contientals.
I do not freak ou—
Gah, Continentals is like 2 days away and I have so much playtesting I need to do! Why did I let you waste so much time trying to teach me how to tell dumb jokes? I’ve got to go now! Later Flits.
That’s our Cloudchaser, hehe.
Bye everypony! See you all at Continetals!
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shirtlesssammy · 6 years
2x15: Tall Tales
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The biggest prank Sam Winchester ever pulled was rocking those bangs, amirite? 
On a dark and wintery evening, a college professor, walking to his office, *notices* (gross dude) a female student and asks if she needs any help. She wants to meet with him now and after a brief hesitation, he eyes her up again and invites her into the building. Once upstairs, the young woman confesses she’s not one of his students. “Really? Then why are you here?” His face falls almost immediately, and she just stares and then insists on leaving. He’s “somewhat of a celebrity” but rebuffs her advances (but pulls her closer, fondles her hair, and kisses her.)
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When he pulls away, the woman’s face has transformed and the man recoils in horror.
Downstairs, the janitor is just locking up for the night. As he walks away from the building, the professor falls from the building, landing with a splat on the ground.
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A week later, Sam and Dean are staying at one of their more shady hotels from the early years. Sam is busy reading while Dean eats greasy food on Sam’s bed and listening to music. The brothers are at each other's’ throats. Sam’s pissed about his computer and Dean’s pissed about his car. Bobby arrives to break up the happy party. It seems they’re stumped about the case of the suicidal professor. 
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In a flashback, Sam and Dean pose as reporters to get the lowdown on the possible haunted university building. (Lol, the professor was an Ethics and Morality professor.) Sam learns that the urban legend says a spurned lover from 30 years ago haunts the place and anyone who sees her doesn’t live to tell the tale. Dean drinks Purple Nurples. Dean is also attempting to reel in a “feisty little wildcat”, Starla. Starla meets Sam and then vomits in her mouth. Lovely. Dean is excited. Sam is UNIMPRESSED.
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Back in Present Day, Dean denies this story completely. Well, not the Purple Nurples. And Not-Starla “was a classy chic.”
In Dean’s flashback, he tells his version of the story. Not-Starla is a grad student, and between purple shots, Dean and Not-Starla discuss local ghost stories. Dean thinks himself such a sauve son of a bitch. “My god, you are attractive.” Not-Starla is speaking for the world. Dean tries to stay on task, but Not-Starla is mesmerized, and they soon start kissing.  
A high-key annoyed (and annoying) Sam interrupts them. Dean ignores him.
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Present Day Sam denies all of it. Bobby wants to know what’s really going on.
Sam’s flashback reveals they visit the professor’s office. The janitor lets them take a look around. And he reveals that he’s the one that found him. Dean stuffs his face with candy (“C’mon, I ate one, maybe two.”)
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The janitor also mentions seeing a young woman enter with the professor, but never leave. Back at the hotel, the boys break down all the false leads -no EMF, no sixth floor. Dean suggests researching the history of the building. Sam instantly opens his laptop and finds it frozen on Busty Asian Beauties. Dean slinks away.
In Present Day, Sam says that there’s no information on a suicidal coed. The story gets weird though. They flashback to Curtis, one of the students Sam interviewed at the bar, is walking alone at night and appears to be abducted by aliens. In the present day, Bobby is dubious.
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Bobby: Aliens?
Sam: Yeah
Bobby: Aliens!?
Dean: Yeah
Sam and Dean know it’s not real, but talk to him all the same. Curtis is reluctant, but off the record, he recounts what he can remember from his abduction. There were tests, probing, and slow dances to Lady in Red.
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Dean’s face was a mess of emotion during this story. Bobby thinks the kid is nuts, but Sam and Dean think otherwise after finding a saucer shaped disc on the campus lawn.
They keep digging and interview more students. Sam gets super emotional trying to help a student. (He does not.)
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The student thinks Curtis deserves what he got for being a hard pledgemaster.
Back at the hotel room, Dean concludes that the connection between the two victims is that they’re both dicks. While Dean’s expounding on his theory, Sam checks the room for his laptop. When he can’t find it, he goes off on a rant about all of Dean’s worst habits and...vaguely threatens the Impala (in the way of siblings). Poor Bobby, meanwhile, is stuck parenting these two yahoos. Bobby coaxes the rest of the story from them with eye rolls miraculously held in check.
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The last victim was a scientist who tried reaching for a gold watch in the sewer drain, only to have his arm chewed off by something snarly. When Sam and Dean broke into the morgue to check out the guy’s body, they discovered just sparse grisly remains to examine. Gross. Sam discovers a belly scale stuck in the man’s flesh...a belly scale from an alligator. (My headcanon is that Sam used to watch nature shows while Dean and their dad went on hunts, which is how he knows what a friggin’ gator belly scale looks like.)
Dean checks out the sewer ready to hunt some gators, and when he comes up empty, he heads back topside. Only once he gets back on the street and heads back to Baby, he finds all his tires are flat and there’s a money clip with S.W engraved on it on the ground. Dean grabs the money and heads into the hotel room full steam ahead. He confronts Sam about letting all the air out of his tires, waving Sam’s money clip around. Sam’s shocked, denies the accusations, and demands his money back. This devolves into juvenile wrestling over the money clip and...we’ve looped back to the beginning of the episode.
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“Okay, I’ve heard enough,” Bobby says. He scolds both Sam and Dean and informs them that they’ve been hoodwinked by ...a trickster!
“That’s what I thought,” Dean says. Dean. Bean.
Bobby tells them that tricksters make trouble as easy as breathing and it’s been turning the two brothers against each other to put them off of their scent. “Tricksters target the high and the mighty, knock them down a peg, usually with a sense of humor.” (And a good side of DEAD.) Sam and Dean think about all the commonalities between their three cases and then remember the janitor…
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Cut to the janitor’s apartment. He’s got a cute pup. Good music. An actual over-the-top buffet of sweets and then… “Something’s missing,” the trickster muses just before he conjures two women to share the bounty of desserts.
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The next day Sam and Dean head up into a university building with the janitor aka trickster on a flimsy pretext. Sam splits away and investigates the janitor’s locker. He finds an issue of the Weekly World News in there. A little while later Sam and Dean argue over needing more proof than just a tabloid while the trickster smirks from a window above them. Sam implores Dean to wait until he gets back to fight the trickster.
Dean waits until nightfall and then says “Screw this,” and heads inside to take out his target. He pulls out a giant stake and then hears music. Dean opens the door to see a theater and on the stage, two scantily clad women recline on a lavish red bed. A disco ball whirls overhead. “This isn’t real,” he tells them, but they assure him that it’ll feel real. WINK WINK.
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Dean is tempted. MAN, is he tempted. But he’s gotta keep his eyes on the prize. He turns around to find the trickster sitting in the audience seating. The trickster tells him that he can have the women and the deluxe orgy setting while the trickster skips town. Dean tells him that he likes his style, but he’s gonna have to pass.
MUAHAHAHA, the trickster essentially says. “You shouldn’t have come alone.”
Dean agrees. Enter Sam AND Bobby - both armed with trickster-killing stakes. The fight that Sam and Dean staged was just a diversion. “Wanna see a real trick?” the trickster asks. He conjures two chainsaw psychos and supercharges the women, whaling on all three of our guys.
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Dean stabs the trickster and then the women and chainsaw killers disappear. The Winchesters and Bobby race out of the building and hop into the car, eager to leave the body behind. Sam and Dean share hasty apologies over the hood of the car. (Bobby: D’aaaaww.) The Impala drives away with a rumble…
Back in the theater, someone saunters up to the trickster’s body. As we watch, the stabbed body disappears and the camera pans up to reveal the trickster - alive and well!
The Quotester:
If no one lives to tell the tale, then how does the tale get told?
I don’t know man, I think they’re called Purple Nurples
Sorry, I just can't even concentrate. It's like staring into the sun.
Dean, this is a very serious investigation. We don’t have time for any of your blah blah blah.
He got more ass than a toilet seat.
You gotta give those purple nurples a shot.
I’m here for you, you brave little soldier. I acknowledge your pain.
These punishments...they're almost poetic. Actually, it'd be more like a limerick, but still…
Just your typical haunted campus, alien abduction, alligator-in-the-sewer gig.
If you two bothered to pull your heads outta your asses, it all would have been pretty clear.
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cupcakezys · 6 years
Prompt Six
Not my best, and I know I did a similar pairing last prompt, but I thought something light and fluffy would be best after such a serious topic. So enjoy a day in the life of one of my OT3's.
Prompt: “90% of my important decisions have been made out of spite.”
Pairing: UF Papyrus x SF Sans x US Sans (Poisonedgeberry)
Word Count: 1362.
Warnings: Mentioned anxiety, anxiety, mpreg, skelepreg.
Read on AO3: here.
First: here.
Previous: here.
Next: here.
Razz relaxed into the couch, sighing softly. His spine ached, but it was a only slight pain that was easy to ignore. A satisfying pain too, one that signaled another productive day coming to an end. He brought his feet up, tucking them under him. Edge shifted next to him, a soft sigh of his own escaping him as he settled into the couch. The tall skeleton stretched before relaxing, long arms stretching to the sky and teeth parting slightly. Red eye lights caught his own deep violet ones. A grin tugged at Razz's teeth, an automatic reaction to the gentle smile the other sent his way.  Blue skipped into the room, a bowl of nachos in one hand and a bag of popcorn in the other. Edge reached up to take both, letting Blue grab the TV remote and a spare blanket from the rocking chair. The smallest skeleton curled up on Edge's other side, the soft pink blanket covering everything but his sockets. Razz reached for the nachos, bringing a handful back to eat through slowly. He chuckled as Blue's small hand darted out from beneath the blanket to snatch a handful of his own nachos. Edge laughed too, one arm wrapping around Blue while the other dove into the popcorn. "Comfy?" Blue grinned and nodded. "Very." Razz couldn't help himself from laughing softy. "I Would Be Worried If You Weren't." Blue stuck his tongue out at him, laughing. "Jealous?" "Not In The Slightest." Razz assured his boyfriend. "It's Hot Enough As It Is, I Can't Imagine Adding A Blanket." Edge nodded. "He Has A Point Blue, It's The Middle Of Summer." Blue shrugged at his boyfriends, grabbing a handful of popcorn. "It's The Baby. They're Stealing All My Warmth." Razz grimaced as Blue shoved popcorn and nachos into his mouth, and felt Edge wince at the sight. "I Don't Think That's How It Works Blue." "It Is Now." Blue shrugged again, licking his fingers. Edge sighed, a reluctant grin forming as he reached for the remote. "What Are We Watching Tonight Razz?" Razz lit up, reaching for more nachos as he bounced in place. "A Movie Called Doctor Strange! My Brother Suggested We Watch It, And Then Felldyne Was Ranting About It To Everyone At The Station This Morning, So It Must Be Good!" Edge raised a brow one, nodding as he looked for the movie. "If It's Not Anime And It Managed To Catch Her Attention Than It Must Be Amazing." "Oh!" Blue shot up then, the blanket falling back to reveal he rest of his skull. "Comic Was Talking About That With Alphys The Last Time I Went For A Checkup! Apparently It's Got Something To Do With Magic And The Multiverse?" Razz nodded, excitement falling a little at the other's first words. "I'm sorry we didn't go with you Blue." Edge nodded, his own expression falling. "We know it's important, and we'd really love to go-" "It's Fine You Guys. We've Talked About This." Blue shook his head and snuggled into Edges side while reaching for Razz's outstretched hand. "You two don't have to push yourselves. Maybe you'll go with me someday, but Comic is happy to take me until you're ready." Edge pressed a great full kiss to the other's skull while Razz squeezed his hand gently. Blue squeezed back, a bright smile on his face and large hearts in his sockets. He giggled, wiggling a bit to get comfortable before settling. Razz felt an arm wrap around him, pulling him into Edge's other side. He fell with it, holding his boyfriends close as the movie started. ***** "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU AT ALL MY POPCORN!" Blue pouted, his hands crossed over his chest. "It's Not MY Fault, The Baby Wanted Them!" Edge spluttered, pouting himself and throwing a forlorn glance at the empty bag of popcorn. "If I ever decide to carry a child I am getting the best revenge for this utter travesty." Blue giggled, rolling back on he couch as he did so. "You'll Just Have To Eat Them Faster Next Time." Edge humphed, crossing his arms and pointedly not looking at Blue. Razz chuckled, finishing off the last of the nachos. He reached over for the remote, finding it on the floor. The TV turned off just as the credits finished, plunging the room into darkness. "You aren’t really that mad, are you Edge?" Blue whispered. “You wouldn’t actually do anything, would you?” Razz perked up, the hesitant uncertainty in Blue's tone immediately putting him on high alert. Blue’s anxiety had reared its ugly head again once he had found out he was pregnant, often leaving the two harsher monsters to try their best to reassure him. He glanced at Edge in the dark, meeting his eye lights for a fraction of a second before they both turned to the dark shadow that was their boyfriend. "I don't know, I'm pretty good at holding a grudge." Edge stated. "At least ninety percent of my important decisions have been made out of spite, after all." Razz nodded, sliding onto the floor next to Blue. "I have to agree with Edge, spite is the driving force behind all worthwhile decisions." Blue blinked, glancing between them slowly, before he snorted. "Is That So?" "Of Course!" Edge drew himself up, and Razz could barely make out the flutter of his scarf. "THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE EDGE HAS NEVER MADE A DECISION THAT HASN'T BEEN FUELED BY SPITE! HOW ELSE ARE DECISIONS SUPPOSED TO BE MADE?" Blue laughed, his hands raising to cover his teeth. "Oh My Stars." "THE ANSWER IS THEY AREN'T!" Razz joined in, leaping up and letting his own scarf fly out behind him. "IT IS NOT POSSIBLE!" Blue was giggling uncontrollably now, his shaking so hard the blanket fell from his shoulders and to the floor. “You Dorks.” Razz mentally congratulated himself and Edge for cheering the smaller skeleton up. He stepped back to the couch, a long arm wrapping around his middle. Edge pulled him into his lap, wrapping him up tightly and brushing a kiss against his cheek. Razz leaned back into the other's ribcage, hugging the arms holding him. Blue's laughter eventually died down, and he grinned at the two in the dark. Suddenly Razz's lap was full of pregnant skeleton, his hands trapped underneath the other's growing stomach. Blue pulled him into a tight hug, nearly crushing him in the process. Then he was shifted to the side, and Blue slid around him in order to hug their taller boyfriend. Edge grunted and managed to free one arm to hug back. "I Love You Both." Blue breathed, one arm pulling Razz into the hug. "So Much." Razz and Edge echoed him, and pressed kisses all over his skull to prove it. It took Blue pushing away through his giggles to get them to stop. Edge shifted, wrapping one arm around each of them. "Shall We Head To Bed?" Blue hummed sleepily, his arms clinging to Edge's neck. Razz nodded, a yawn interrupting his affirmation. He tried to slip out of the other's hold, only to squeak as he was lifted into the air. Edge chuckled at him as he sent the taller skeleton a mock glare. "Asshole." "Language." Blue mumbled instantly. "Don't swear around the baby." Razz huffed and rolled his eye lights despite the smile tugging at his teeth. "Yeah yeah." Edge gently laid them in bed, Razz helping him ease a sleeping Blue under the covers. He slipped in after, cuddling close to Blue's front. One hand idly made it's way down to the others stomach. He could feel the souling beneath his fingertips, the little pulses of magic calming his soul. He snuggled closer to Blue, drawing little circles on the stomach beneath him. Long fingers intertwined with his own over Blue's stomach. Razz lazily opened one socket, smiling at the shining eye lights of his boyfriend. The taller skeleton carefully leaned over, and Razz met him halfway in a short kiss. "Love you." Edge whispered as he settled. Razz sleepily squeezed the hand still holding his as he dozed off. "I love you too."
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Chaebols: Laid Back
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Yixing x OC (featuring Exo-M)
Summary: Yan has decided this will be the last day of her forced vacation, but then she bumps (literally) into a smiling, dimpled Lay, who makes it a day to remember.
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           Life was crappy when you were surrounded by people who thought they knew what you needed better than you did. Even worse, when they imposed those opinions and you were forced to abide.
Lin Yan pondered this as she sat poolside, under the enormous bamboo shade that succeeded in keeping the sun from marring her pale skin. One day, just one day when she had passed on breakfast because she just wasn’t hungry, and skipped lunch because of a meeting. One day when she fainted, in her office away from clients and staff, where the only person who knew what her secretary, who called her doctor, who just happened to be good friends with her parents. One day and she was forced to take a vacation. Her own mother threatened to bring her back home, and hand her branch of the family business to her younger brother.
She didn’t need a vacation. Yan didn’t become the first female in her family to hold such a high position, like branch director, by taking vacations. No, she busted her ass, worked twice as hard as her brothers, and was promoted to branch director of their office in Seoul. Away from her family in Beijing, and away from her parents who thought they knew what she needed better than she did.
What the hell were you supposed to do with leisure time?
One damn day cost her two weeks away, with her younger brother Shen as interim director. He was probably eating it up right now. Reclining in her custom office chair, hands behind his head, feet propped up on her one-of-a-kind mahogany desk, with that slimy grin on his face. If she knew her brother (and she knew her brother) he was bossing around her secretary, Park Chae-young, making her do the things he should be doing.
The thought had Yan seething in her beach chair. She could almost feel the anger roll off her like fog down a mountain. It was likely the reason none of the staff approached her. I would be a lie to say she was wanted to enjoy her vacation. It was free time to worry about the damage that would need to be repaired once she returned home. Shen was intelligent but lazy. He would pass off all his work on the people around him. Yan, while a demanding boss, knew when and what to delegate.
Her finger hovered over Chae-young’s number on her phone screen, then locked the phone and dropped it on her lap. Yan wanted desperately to call her secretary for an update, but her mother had threatened again, this time to leave Shen in charge and bring Yan back to work in Beijing, if she made contact during the two weeks. She’d be damned before she gave her company over to her brother.
Yan couldn’t call about her business, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t complain to her mom. The decision was made. Vacation was over. She may not be able to go back to work, but she was going home.
Sweeping her phone back up, thumbs working quickly, she booked a fight back to Seoul for the morning. Yan longed for her apartment and her own bed, the sounds of the city, the shops and the few friends she had made. Moving away from her home had been difficult, but she needed the distance and had thrived on her own. Yan didn’t know when Seoul became home, but it was where she wanted to be. So, it was time to pack her bags. Yan stood, and sighed happily as she secured her wrap around her waist and dialed her mother’s number. She started around the pool as her mother answered.
“Mom,’ she started, “I’m just letting you know, I’m done with vacation, I’m going home. I won’t go back to work until the end of the week, but I’m not going to stay here any longer…”
Her rant was cut short by a hot, sweaty, fleshy wall. Her ankle twisted and she yelped in pain. Her phone slipped out of her fingers, sailing smoothly into the salt-water pool. And Yan was about to follow it in. She held her breath as the water came rushing up to meet her.
It froze in mid-air. No, she froze in mid-air. The water lay calmly in the pool and she was suspended by her waist above it. Her long dark hair dangled around her face, but she could see past to her feet that were framed by a larger pair on either side. Those feet were attached to a pair of tones legs, dusted with dark hair and even further up were a pair of palm tree covered board shorts. Then she noticed her rear was tucked firmly against his hips.
Yan squealed and jerked, trying to right herself, but she only succeeded in throwing them both off balance. She braced for the water again, and a squeak escaped her lips as she was lifted up and away from the pool. The world spun. Then Yan was firmly on her feet, her back pressed against a hard, warm chest. Strong arms slowly uncurled from around her waist.
She tore herself away and turned, fully preparing to rip this idiot a new one, but when her eyes met his she froze.
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention, are you okay?” He said in her native language. His silky voice seemed to over shadow any sound she had thought of making. His kind eyes looked over her with worry. “Miss?”
Yan panicked, pointing at the pool, “My phone.”
It was all she managed to get out.
His eyes followed her finger. “Your phone is in the pool? Wait here, I’ll get it. Is it waterproof cause it’s going to be a mess if not…”
His voice trailed off as he stepped back towards the pool. Without skipping a beat, he dove in after her phone. Yan mentally scolded herself. When had she ever been tongue tied around a man. She was a take charge kind of woman. She just wasn’t expecting someone quite so attractive. Not that that mattered to her.
Of course it mattered, she was a woman and that man was near Greek god status. His dark eyes were gentle, his lips were full and well defined, and he had a dimple. A freaking dimple. Not to mention the broad shoulders and abs. Yan growled at herself and shook away the thoughts. He was just a man, a shirtless man, with water cascading down his body as he lifted himself out of the pool, running in rivets down the valleys of his muscles, droplets playing over those lips, falling from the tip of his nose. She shook her head again as he ran a hand through his hair to move the wet strands off his forehead. How does that make him look better?
“I got it, but I think it’s dead.” He handed her the soaked phone. “I can pay you for a new one. You know, since I made you throw it in the pool.”
She finally found her voice. “That’s not necessary.”
What? Why did you say that? Yes, it was necessary, he ran into you and your phone fell into the pool. It was absolutely necessary. Get yourself together!
“I insist, my friends and I are right down on the beach,” he pointed just off the west side of the patio, “let me grab our cooler and if you follow me down I’ll get you the money.”
Yan opted to keep her mouth shut this time, just in case it decided to say things her brain was not alright with again. Instead she gave him a slight nod.
“Great.” He turned and jogged to the bar, the bartender handed him a blue cooler and making a joke that had the man laughing. Even that sounded smooth.
He gave the bartender a fist bump then turned and jogged back in her direction. “Are you ready?”
She nodded. He started past her and as she flinched at the first step. Yan must have hurt her ankle worse that she thought, but she bit back the pain and limped after him.
“So, my friends call me Lay, what about you?” He asked over his shoulder.
Ever practical, Yan was not about to give her real name. “Chyou, Li Chyou.”
“Chyou. That’s a pretty name.” He mused.
He continued to talk, but Yan was hypnotized by the way the chords of muscles in his back moved as he held the cooler and navigated his way down the hill to the beach. It almost made her forget about the pain in her ankle. She cringed as she stepped a little too hard, just as Lay looked back.
He turned quickly, rushing back to her, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she tried to blow it off, but the concern in his eyes caused her to confess. “I think I twisted my ankle when we collided at the pool.”
“Why didn’t you say something, I was making you walk down the hill.” He knelt down to get a look at her ankle. “Looks a little swollen, here, let me help you.”
Yan gasped as he wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her off her feet. She grasped him around his shoulders as he whisked her down the hill and to a circle of rocks a good distance up the beach from the water’s edge. A group of more ridiculously, attractive men sat watching them descend on to the sand.
One, who Yan could only describe as exotic, laughed, “Leave it up to Lay to go for drinks and bring back a woman.”
“I bumped into her at the pool, she lost her phone in the water, and twisted her ankle.” He explained as he sat her on a rock. “Chyou, these are my friends, that’s Yifan, but we call him Kris, and his girlfriend Amy, to his right is Luhan, the idiot who spoke earlier is Tao, and to your left is Jongdae and Minseok. Guys, this is Chyou.”
She nodded her head as everyone gave a hello. Lay dropped the cooler and knelt again, his warm hands wrapped around the back of her ankle, lifting it up to inspect the damage. Yan’s skin tingled at the contact. She could feel her face turning an embarrassingly bright shade of red.
“It’s not too bad. You should stay off it for a couple of hours. Jongdae-yah, can you throw me the little towel in my bag?” Lay asked over his shoulder.
“Sure thing, hyung.” Jongdae tossed him the towel and Lay took an ice pack from the cooler and wrapped it in the towel, placing it carefully on her ankle.
“You can hang with us down here for a bit if you want.” Lay told her, those eyes searching her face making her blush even further.
“I should really get back, I’m leaving in the morning. I need to pack.” She explained.
He stood then, moving over to his bag and pulling out his wallet. “Well, if you stay off that ankle for a couple of hours, you can walk back to you room, or you can leave now and I can carry you back.”
He pulled out a wad of bills and counted.
“He’s not joking,” Kris warned, “He will carry you back up that hill, you might as well just hang out with us for a bit.”
Yan sighed, having the Lay Adonis carry her back up the hill was not something she was looking forward to. Ha, who are you kidding? She was passed sold on the idea of that man carrying her anywhere. And that was exactly why she wouldn’t do it.
“Fine till my ankle is better. But then I really have to go.”
To Yan’s surprise, they cheered. She couldn’t help but laugh at their whole-hearted hurrahs. Lay held a bunch of folded bills to her.
“For the phone. It should be enough to cover it. Get a waterproof one this time.” Lay joked with an irresistible smile on his face. Yan was breathless.
It was annoying her.
“Well I don’t vacation much so the probability of running into a man and losing it in a pool is usually pretty low.” She replied, making a joke of her own.
She took the cash and tucked it into the waist of her bathing suit, as Lay sat on the rock next to her. Conversation started quickly and easily. Lay pulled drinks out of the cooler, tossing them to his friends without having to ask what they wanted. He did ask her, though. She didn’t usually drink, unless it was the hard stuff and only on a difficult day, so she took a beer. Her mother would be pissed that she didn’t bother to call her back after the abrupt end, but at this point she didn’t care. They asked her questions, joked around. Played beach volleyball, and she really enjoyed watching that.
Yan discovered Lay had been friends with Kris, Luhan and Tao since they were children and he had met Jongdae and Minseok while attending high school in Seoul. They were a part of a larger group of friends, one of whom had recently got married. Lay was the youngest son of a prominent Chinese family and as the youngest, held little responsibility to the company.
He claimed to help when they needed, but was content to do as he pleased. Yan would have found this unappealing, did find it unappealing, but it’s wasn’t like she planned to know him any further past the end of the day. She had her plane ticket home, the flight in the morning, so she would enjoy just a few hours surrounded by these insanely attractive men, drink a little and finally take it easy for the first time since vacation started. Lay was sweet and attentive, checking on her ankle a couple of times, changing out the ice pack when the first one defrosted.
The beer let Yan loosen up. She chatted with them easily.
Eventually, Lay ran back to the bar for more drinks, leaving Yan on the beach with his friends. She finally felt relaxed. A smile formed on her lips as she closed her eyes and absorbed the feeling, the cool ocean breeze swirling around her, the warmth of the bonfire in the middle of the circle, the distant sound of a guitar being played further down the beach, and the tingling buzz that tip-toed over her skin.
Everyone had fallen into their own little groups, Tao and Luhan argued about who really won the game earlier, Kris snuggled with his girlfriend looking at her as if she were the world. Yan was slightly envious. Minseok and Jongdae, made Yan smile wider. They spoke about her in Korean, not knowing she could understand them, and their conversation was quite interesting.
“I really think he likes Chyou, Hyung. He’s giving her that look. You know the one he gets.” Jongdae told Minseok.
“Yeah, I noticed it too. She’s pretty and funny. I thought maybe he just felt bad about hurting her, but he’s barely left her side since he brought her down.” Minseok agreed.
Yan was so amused, and probably just drunk enough to make her way over to them. She sat on the rock next to Minseok resting her arms on her knee’s as she leaned into their circle.
“Oppa,” she spoke in Korean, “Do you really think he likes me?”
The matching look of surprise on their faces, had Yan giggling. Jongdae hid his face in his hands while Minseok turned twenty shades of red.
Minseok gained his composure first. “You speak Korean?”
“Fluently, since I was young.” She laughed.
The pair glanced at each other in what looked like a secret agreement, then Jongdae looked back to her.
“Tao makes it seem like Lay picks up girls all the time, but he doesn’t. He’s really picky. He’s not a big flirt either. But he seems really into you.”
“That’s sweet guys.” She leaned in further, braver than she would ever be sober. “I like him too. I like all of you. I wouldn’t have passed up packing to go home if I didn’t. This is honestly the best time I’ve had on this vacation. I’m glad I ran into him at the pool.”
They spoke until Lay came back with the drinks and Yan returned to her stone next to him. Her ankle no longer hurt, she was in the best mood she had been in since she was sent here, so she took one last beer, and leaned into him.
“It’s past midnight, I really do have to go. My flight is at seven.” Yan told Lay.
“No, no you don’t. Who needs to pack and fly home when you can stay here and party with us?” Lay urged.
Yan dragged her lower lip through her teeth as she thought. “If it had only been a few days ago. I’ve had so much fun, but I really do have to get packed.”
Lay pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes, making Yan laugh, “I don’t know, Chyou. You’ve drank quite a bit. I should at least make sure you get to your room safely.”
If Jongdae and Minseok hadn’t told otherwise, she would have to say he was flirting with her. Something told her he was being honest. He wanted to know she made it to her room safely.
She nodded, “I agree, you should.”
Now, she was flirting.
Lay stood, holding out his hand to help her off the stone. She took it, allowing him to pull her to her feet, only he didn’t let go when she stood.
“Guys, Chyou has to go pack because she has a flight in the morning. I’ll be back, I’m going to walk her to her room.” Lay told his friends.
They said their goodbyes and wishes that she would stay. Then Lay guided her up the hill.
“You’re really serious about getting back home. Was your vacation that bad?” He asked as they clung to each other for support from the spinning ground.
“I don’t know what to do on a vacation,” came her explanation.
“Have fun, swim, sight-see, dance. There are so many things to do.” Lay laughed at her, “How do you not know how to vacation?”
They stumbled into the hotel and Yan released Lay’s shoulder, her parents had everyone in their pockets, she couldn’t have them thinking she was taking a man to her room. She straightened up, putting on her best sober act. As they passed the front desk the little attendant called for her.
“Miss, Li…” Yan stopped her with a quick shake of her head. “Um, your mother called. She said she couldn’t get a hold of you. I told her there had not been any incidences and I would have you call her when you returned.”
“Thank you, Tina. I’ll do that as soon as I get to my room.” She smiled, walking slowly towards the elevator, Lay at her heals.
She let out the breath she had been holding in hopes it would help her walk a little straighter as the doors closed and she pushed the button for the top floor. Her eyes meet Lay’s and they burst out laughing.
“Did I at least look semi-sober?”
Lay clamped his mouth shut, but the nodding of his head turned into a vigorous shake, and he couldn’t keep the smile off his face. That dimple was making another appearance and Yan felt her stomach flip.
“Well at least she will report back to mother that I was enjoying myself.” Her hand reached out to his shoulder for support as the movement of the elevator threw off her equilibrium. Or maybe it was just his smile, she didn’t know. She felt dizzy, and light, as if she was floating and Lay’s strong shoulders were the only thing keeping her from flying away.
The ding of the elevator brought her back to the ground. Yan slipped her fingers in between his and lead him out into the hallway. There were only two doors to choose from, the top floor, as usual, were penthouse suits and her parents had booked it for her. It was way more than she wanted or needed, but there was no use in arguing with them. She stumbled to the left and Lays hands came around her waist to steady her. He held her straight as she in the door code and opened it a crack.
“Well here I am, safely to my room.” She turned to face him, his hands still resting on her hips.
“I did my job well, didn’t I?” That stupid dimple showed its face again. “I guess I should leave you to it then.”
“Or,” Yan inserted before she could stop herself, “since you destroyed my property, and injured me, causing me to be stuck at the beach all day, you could help me pack. You know, as penance.”
“So, taking care of your ankle and supplying you with drinks and entertainment wasn’t enough?”
She shook her head, dragging her lip through her teeth, “Nope, not enough, you should definitely help me pack.”
Through the drunken haze, Yan knew she was pushing things. She had no intention in sleeping with this man, no matter how she much she flirted, but she didn’t want him to go. She knew she shouldn’t be giving him that impression. Yan didn’t really know him, he could be weird, he could be a serial killer for all she knew. Drunk Yan didn’t believe for a second that this man had a mean bone in his body though.
“Well if the lady says I must pay penance.”
Yan backed out of his hands and though her door, holding it open as Lay followed her inside. She released the door as he stepped in front of her, his fingers brushing against her hand. Yan couldn’t breath as his eyes met hers, his hand eased around the back of her neck, and he lowered his lips to hers. He tasted sweet with just a hint of alcohol. His scent, like a clean ocean breeze, surrounded her as she placed her hands on his chest. At what point did he put a shirt on? She couldn’t remember, and she was not happy about it.
Lay lips played lazily over hers, and Yan savored the feeling, warm, soft, and damn if that man didn’t know what he was doing. His free hand slid around her waist, resting in the small of her back, pulling her against him. Somewhere in the back of her drunken mind, warning bells chimed.
With the slightest pressure, she pushed at his chest, and he obliged easily.
“You should know, I’m not going to sleep with you.” She said in between breaths.
He chuckled, placing one hand on the wall behind her and leaned to the side, pressing his lips to her neck quickly.
“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed, but that’s not what I intended here. I’ve just wanted to do that for a while now.” He murmured as he placed another kiss to her neck.  
“If that’s the case, then…” Yan’s hand cupped his face and brought him back to her lips.
But this time, the leisurely way he had kissed her before was replaced with hot, breathless kisses. Yan felt heady, her heart pounded in her chest, her skin flushed. It was as if she was drunk all over again.
He moved them slowly, away from the door, to the living area. Yan was vaguely aware of being lead to the couch, but she was too fixated on her hands against his bare skin, playing across the planes of his stomach. Just as he lay them on the couch, the phone of the suit began to ring.
“And that would be mother.” Yan sighed as Lay buried his face against her neck. His breath on her neck tickled, and Yan giggled, “I have to answer it, I’m sure the attendant let her know I was back.”
Lay raised his head, pressing one more kiss to her lips before, sitting back on the couch.
He sat quietly for the twenty-minute argument with her mother. Then she changed from her bathing suit into a pair of shorts and t-shirt. The man actually helped her pack her bags. Yan insisted it was a joke and it wasn’t necessary for him to help, but he helped load her things into her bag. Then they talked.
About everything, laying on her bed, fingers laced together. He made her laugh, listened intently to her rant about her family, and how much she loved her job, and as the sun peaked through the curtains, Lay’s eyes closed and he drifted to sleep. Yan stayed next to him for a while longer, remembering the lines of his face, the way his lips parted just slightly as he slept, how his dark hair lay messily over his forehead. She would likely never see him again, and she wanted to remember him, some great memory to look back on when she was tired and alone.
She brushed her lips across his one final time, then she changed into a sensible mint green blouse and cream slacks, gathered her bags and left to catch her plane.
Too much light! His head hurt, and Zhang Yixing cursed himself for drinking too much. Slowly, he peeked out of one eye, the one furthest from the light, then the other. The room was only slightly familiar. It wasn’t his room he knew. Chyou! It was Chyou’s room. What was the time? He sat up, locating the clock on the bedside table.
“This can’t be right.” He moaned, “Chyou!”
His call was answered with silence. If it was 11am, Chyou would have already been on her flight home, would probably already be home. She wouldn’t have left him asleep in her room.
“Chyou,” He called again, but as he looked around the empty room, he felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Yixing jumped to his feet, searching the bathroom, the living area, the balcony but Chyou was nowhere to be found. The whole suit was void of any evidence that she was ever there. As if she didn’t exist. He found his shoes neatly by the door and left for the elevator. A million things ran though his head. When the doors opened to the first floor, he made his way to the front desk. It was a different attendant than the one she had spoken when they were going to her room.
“Excuse me, can you tell me where Li Chyou is.” Yixing asked the attendant.
“I’m sorry, I don’t recognize that name,” the attendant answered.
“Li Chyou, she’s been here for a week and a half. In room 1502.”
The attendant’s fingers flew across the keys on her computer. “I don’t have any one by that name at this hotel. The woman who was in that room left this early this morning but paid through until noon.”
“Okay, so what was her name?”
“I can’t give you that information, sir.” She smiled politely.
Yixing sighed, “Look I drank a little too much last night, and the lady was kind enough to allow me to sleep it off in her room. I just want to know who I can thank for the kindness.”
“I’m sorry, I really can’t give you that information.” She insisted.
Yixing ran his hand through his hair. How could she just leave without waking him? Had she not even given him her real name? How the crap was he supposed to find her?
The attendant broke into his thoughts, “Is there anything else I can help you with?”
He shook his head, turning back to the elevators. His room was on the tenth floor, and he needed a shower and somewhere to get his thoughts together. As the doors closed, Yixing came to a realization. He hadn’t thought to tell her his real name. Lay, was a nickname, it wasn’t a lie, all his friends called him that. But there was no way for her to find him if she tried. Man, he’d messed this up big time.
As he entered his room, Yixing remembered running into her at the pool, hanging out at the beach, walking her back to her room, kissing her. Damn, he wasn’t likely to get this out of his head any time soon. She was fun, and easy to talk to, not to mention a killer in that bathing suit. They talked all morning. Why the hell did he have to fall asleep? He would keep looking, but he was afraid he would never see her again.
Yixing wasn’t sure he could be satisfied with that.
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heavenbursts-blog · 7 years
of simplicity and fortitude. rating. teen and up. ch. 1/23 word count. 5,134 summary. a johzenji-centered / terushima-focused story following terushima’s metamorphosis. as he changes his image to rebel against his parents expectations and regulations, terushima stumbles upon the johzenji volleyball club. what was supposed to be a one time thing suddenly becomes a life consuming thing. he grows, learns, falls, and flies with the rebirth of the johzenji volleyball club.
can also be read here.
Terushima wasn’t a morning person. Not much of a shocker considering he had no concept, or respect , for time. Waking up in the morning was a process. He’d wake up to his alarm only to turn it off and sleep in another fifteen minutes. He would miss school entirely if Bobata didn’t come into his room every morning to drag his ass out of bed. Because best friends did that for one another.
“I’m going to start charging you for this,” Terushima yawned and Bobata rolled his eyes. “How late did you stay up playing video games, huh?”
Terushima began to pick up clothes from the floor, trying to find a shirt that didn’t smell too bad. He grabbed a white one and sniffed, “Ugh yeah no.” he balled it up and threw it into his hamper. “Uh like, a couple of hours? I dunno what time does the sun start to rise—?”
“You’re a mess dude!” Bobata flopped onto Terushima’s bed, pulling out his phone to play some games while Terushima got ready. This was  their daily routine. It started with Terushima being dangerously close to oversleeping until Bobata swooped in to get his ass in gear. Terushima always took extra time getting ready because, if they were to be real, neither one really had the desire to go to school. But they went anyways because Futamata would beat their asses collectively if they didn’t. Again, just best friend things.
“I mean you’re not wrong,” Terushima pulled on a shirt that didn’t smell like ass and pulls on his blazer. He refused to put on the mandatory tie on principle. Ties were a representation of capitalism and oppression! Two things Terushima would never support. “I’m a hot mess, though.” he added in with a wink
Bobata snorted, “Unbelievable. That’s what you are.” Terushima walked over and stood in front of Bobata, backpack hanging off one shoulder. Bobata reached a hand out and urged Terushima to bend down. “Lemme take a look at your hair real quick.”
Terushima’s was going through a metamorphosis. Changing his appearance and dynamics and well, his entire being. A revolution was in process. As Terushima bent he suddenly felt awkward. And he hated it. His transformation was complete now with his hair cut. His natural hair was dark brown. However yesterday, on impulse, Terushima had went to get it cut, styled, and dyed . Now he was rocking a blond undercut that became the cherry on top for his new look. Coupled with his earrings that he got pierced over a week ago and his tongue ring that he got done the same day, Terushima looked like a fully bonafide delinquent.
Which was fine . Delinquent was what he was going for.
Bobata’s hands fell to his hair and carded through Teru’s hair. Teru shut his eyes, stomping down his awkwardness to enjoy the careess. “Mmm, stop that. I might jump you.” Terushima purred.
“Shut up, idiot.” Bobata was having none of Terushima’s shit. Teru laughed, “It feels soft,” Bobata continued his petting slowed. “How’d your parents react?” his voice got quiet. Terushima tensed.
But the tension didn’t last. He was smiling shortly after, standing up straight so they could get a move on. And push through the discomfort of talking about his parents in any way shape or form. “They haven’t seen it yet.” Both his parents were off on a business trip. Nothing too uncommon in the Terushima household. He wasn’t looking forward to their return. But he was looking forward to their reactions once they saw his hair. They would be utterly disappointed and filled with resentment. Terushima could practically see it on their faces now. “Come on, man. Let’s go. I feel like Takeharu’s gonna call us any minute now—”
His phone started going off just as he mentioned their other friend’s name. Bobata threw his head back and cackled while Terushima got his phone. The two were heading out the door as Futamata’s screeching rattled Terushima’s ears. “ How long do you plan on making me wait!? ” Futamata yelled.
Futamata was the final piece to their trio. He lived closer to their school so he would wait up for the two at school. Bobata had been Teru’s friend for years but Futamata had joined their duo in middle school. They all ended up attending the same high school, Johzenji because the three musketeers could never be separated. Such a fate was unacceptable. The three got into so many hijinks the teachers stopped attempting to discipline them. They acted like a domino effect: if one person was going to do somethingfuckinig stupid , you better believe the other two weren’t far behind.
Bobata’s laughter carried as they walked down the street for the train. “Uh, we just put on our clothes.” Terushima covered his mouth to hold back his laughter, moving it away from the phone to shot a look at Bobata. Bobata was snickering along with him, shaking his head.
“Oi! Yuuji! Let’s just stay home today! I’m already tired!” Bobata played along, hitching his voice higher than usual.
“Hmmm, Kazu~” Teru pretended to contemplate the idea. “That sounds like a good plaj. I was gonna rage play after school but why wait till then? I could just rage play now and skip school all together! You in?”
“Oh I’m so in.”
“ You’re both dumb as shit. You’re already at the train station, aren’t you ?” Futamata wasn’t buying their shit and rightfully so. He had to deal with the dynamic duo’s antics all last year. He was immune to their nonsense.
Terushima and Bobata broke out into laughter while they entered the train station. Businessmen, students, and citizens walked haphazardly throughout the station. “Yeah, how’d you know?” Terushima asked through laughter.
“ Because you’re idiots who aren’t that hard to figure out. Can you just hurry up? I’m hiding out in the convenience store a few blocks away from school and I refuse to walk in late without my squad! ”
“Yeah yeah yeah, we’re coming soon. Bobata! Say goodbye to our child!” Terushima held up the phone and Bobata took it, making kissy noises into the receiver.
“Daddy loves you so much we’ll see you soon son!”
“Oh sweetheart,” Terushima cooed, pinching Bobata’s face as they boarded the train. “You’re gonna embarrass him in front of all his friends.”
Terushima was met with the angry beeping of an ended phone call. Him and Bobata exchanged glances before breaking out into laughter. They were dumb. But they were dumb funny together and that was the best kind of funny to be.
He expected staring. Terushima walked down the halls with his hands in his pockets and his head held tall. As he did, he attempted to pay no mind to the whispers and the pointing from his classmates. Blond hair and piercings were a sure sign of defiance. He knew very well how much he was deviating from the norm with his decision. In the moment, he didn’t give a fuck. Terushima was impulsivity incarnate. He went with his gut first and listened to his head later. He rarely, if at all, experienced regret. Or rather, he didn’t linger long enough on the negative attention to let regret seep into his bones and weigh them down.
Girls stared or moved out of his way as he walked down the hall. Guys tensed, not knowing if they should pick a fight or prepare for a fight. Terushima already had a reputation for being wild. He did what he wanted, when he wanted. But changing his appearance was apparently the last straw for some people. Too bold.  
He walked into his class five minutes late, sliding the door open as his teacher was going through attendance. He ignored the weird ache in his stomach and slapped on his usual, shit-eating smile.
“Mornin’, sensei~! You’re wearing the green suit again? I keep tellin’ ya it doesn’t go with your eyes!” the whispers came again. Some were heated. They asked what he was doing and what the fuck went wrong. Others were envious, commenting how bold of a choice it was to dye his hair blond. He was used to it. He expected this.
The very same thing happened when he pierced his ears. And when people found out his tongue was pierced too? God, he remembered sitting in the teacher’s office for hoursgetting lectured about how appearance was everything and he practically felt his soul astral project out of his body to Pluto.
Keiichi, his teacher, looked annoyed. Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his hands on his hips as Terushima lazily strolled into class towards his seat. “Late again I see, Yuuji-san. Rather than sharing unnecessary comments about my fashion, which is great mind you.”
“Lol yeah okay,” Terushima said just loud enough for the few people around him to hear. The class laughed and he felt energized. He loved this. Loved causing a scene and seeing the reactions he earned afterwards. He was such an attention whore and he wasn’t even ashamed to admit it.
“But you’re late!” Keiichi-sensei pressed, scowl deepening. “Consistently, for the fifth time this week. Which is unacceptable. Therefore, meet me in my office after school.”
Terushima acted as if he hadn’t just heard his teacher’s rant. Perking up delayed a few seconds after. Eyes widened and mouth opened in feigned shock, “Oh what? Sorry I zoned out.”  Terushima bit back on his grin as laughter broke out and his teacher’s glare turned deadly . Boy … if looks could kill. But Terushima felt so satisfied .
Sure, maybe Terushima should down the sass a bit.  Give his teacher a chance to, well teach . But Terushima was feeling so antsy. He blamed the staring and whispers from earlier. The negative attention, though he loved attention and swallowed it up greedily with every chance he got, grated on his nerves more so than he thought they would. He bounced his leg up and down as his teacher continued with class, taking the high road by ignoring him. Terushima snorted.
His teacher was going to get his excess snark to balance the universe out. Such was how the world was going to play out. Class went on without much issues. As time passed people cared less about giving glances and more about their schoolwork. Great, for Terushima! Who could turn his attention to the window because he couldn’t pay a lick of attention for longer than five minutes. Especially on boring content. Terushima would rather wax his legs then sit through fifty minutes reading some dead guy’s poetry who was severely caught in his feelings. He’d just get notes from someone later. Maybe from Mimi-chan. She was cute, and they normally flirted a lot during lunch. So he could hit two birds with one stone easy peesy.
Thank God lunch had finally rolled around. Terushima looked down at his notebook. Rather than having taken notes on the math problems they learned, his book was filledwith designs for characters, monsters, anything his mind could think of. He held up his book with a childish-like pride. “Man, Terushima your a Picasso in the making!”
“What’s that, Teru-kun?” Ah, it was Mimi-kun! Terushima lowered his book and in front of him was Yoshida Mimi. They’ve shared classes before their first year of high school. They clicked immediately, Terushima liking her carefree attitude and Mimi liking his no-strings-attached mentality. They hooked up quite a bit last year, and some more continuing into the new school year as well. She was beautiful, in Terushima’s eyes.
Her black curls bounced, framing her round face. Whatever mascara she wore was magical because it made her eyelashes look ten times longer and curlier than what they should have been. And, Terushima’s eyes immediately went to her cleavage and a goofy grin curled on his lips. She had great breasts too.
“Oi! Teru-kun, my eyes are up here.” but there was no venom in her voice. Another thing he digged about this girl was her super chill personality. Any other girl would have slapped him sideways but not Mimi! A true ride or die she was, in Terushima’s eyes. “And you didn’t answer my question.”
“Haha, sorry Mimi-chan. Got distracted,” he stuck out his tongue, leering. but it dissolved into laughter shortly after as Mimi huffed and pulled up a chair to sit by his desk. He laid down his notebook, hands splayed at the ends as he proudly displayed his newest work. “It’s another masterpiece! I title it, Aliens vs Dinosaurs !” he pointed at a T-rex covered in armor holding a sword, facing off against a three-headed alien with a flaming gun. Terushima pointed, “See see! The Aliens have come trying to colonize the Dinosaurs but the Dinosaurs are like fuck that and you man so they’re defending their land!”
Excitement danced through his voice as he rattled off to Mimi more of his story. Mimi laughed, resting her cheek in the palm of her hand. “You’re really talented, ya know? Oh, oh! Draw me next!”
“Hmmmm, maybe~” he didn’t comment on the talented part. He leaned closer, lowering his voice in her ear. “Like a … nude portrait?”
“Ewwww, gross! What foul things are you whispering about during lunch time?” A book dropped onto Terushima’s head. Mimi laughed and Teru stuck his tongue out, caught in the act but not even a least bit ashamed. Bobata, who had dropped the book, stared back with little to no amusement. Though Terushima wouldn’t be fooled. He knew that bastard was smirking underneath his fake deadpan.
Futamata was standing behind him, lips pulled up in a grimace. “Why are you like this?” and then he saw Terushima’s notebook and laughed, “Nice notes you got there, dude. What subject ya’ll working on?”
“This is my masterpiece!” Terushima would put more energy defending his artwork than his own reputation ten times over. “Besides, Mimi-chan was gonna gimmie her notes to copy, right?” he batted his eyelashes and Mimi hummed.
“Maybe~ Depends what I get in return,” her foot rubbed against her leg and the two shared a secretive smile. Futamata gagged and Bobata scoffed, reaching out to grab Terushima by the back of his collar. He gave him a good tug, dragging him up by his feet. “Enough out of you two. Save the nasty for elsewhere! If you keep flirting like this they’re gonna run out of weiner pan,” Bobata said.
He didn’t really have to say anything more after that. Terushima was already halfway out the door, running in place as he waited for his friends to catch up. “Oi! Ya’ll gonna stand there or are we gonna make moves ?”
“I hate him,” Futamata sighed. Mimi laughed, moving back to her group of friends now that Terushima was gone like the wind. They heard distant sounds of gasps, screams, and laughter. The general reaction to a wild Terushima on the loose.
“Yeah, same.” Bobata huffed but they were both grinning as they ran after him.
They found Terushima flirting it up with the lunch lady. Who was significantly older than the three of them combined but age never stopped Terushima . He was chatting her up, asking about her day, trying to finesse extra weiner pans. Everyday he tired to get three instead of one and everyday he failed. But today could be different!
“Come on! Pleaaaaaaaaase!” he whined, laying his body dramatically against the counter. “I’m a growing boy! I’ll starve!”
“I doubt that,” the lunch lady laughed. Bobata and Futamata came just in time to see Terushima throw a fit over being rejected. Again. “Now none of this whining! I tell you the same thing I tell everyone else: you can have extras if there are leftovers .”
“Leftovers? In this economy?” Terushima threw his hands in the air, ready to cause a scene. Bobata and Futamata slipped in underneath his raised arms, snatching their own meals and resting them on their trays. They also got a meal for Terushima. Who, no doubt, forgot to get his main one while he was trying to schmooze the lunch lady over a piece of bread.
“Hey, hey, there’s a line ya goon.” Bobata nudged Terushima with his shoulder.
“Let’s goooooo!” Futamata led the fray and the three fell in line as they exited the lunchroom. Their go to spot for lunch was the rooftop. Off limits to students but Futamata had excellent lock picking skills and could get into the rooftop with ease.
The three took their seats on the roof, springtime sunlight shining cooly upon them. The weather was nice. There was a light breeze that made it cool, but not so cold that it was unpleasant. Clouds lazily strolled above their heads , thin and airy.
Terushima took a large bite into his bread as Bobata said, “So your costume change is a big discussion in my class. Well, amongst the girls anyways.”
The blond raised an eyebrow, swallowing, “Why can’t people mind their own business?”
“It’s funny how you act like you’re bothered,” Futamata smirked.
“I am!” a bit, kind of, more so than he’d let on. But also not, at the same time. Because the change was what he wanted. He actively seeked to make a ripple, a disturbance. Just, not from his peers. “Don’t they have something more important to talk about? Like the latest episode of Super Sentai!” another angry bite of his bread, “Now that’s discourse material.”
“Nerd,” Bobata snorted.
“Geek,” Futamata followed suit.
“Shut up!”
“Anyways!” Bobata laid on his back, looking up at the sky. “What do you guys wanna do after school?”
“Hmmm, arcade? We still gotta break the tie between you and Teru on Street Fighter.” Futamata offered.
“Ooo, that’s an idea,” Bobata hummed.
“I gotta meet with my teacher after school.” Terushima jammed his straw into his juice box and slurped, “Apparently my comment on their whack fashion sense was uncalled for   and necessary for reprimand. ” Terushima used air quotes around uncalled for and necessary for reprimand. “But jokes on them! Cause I’m not going.”
“A true rebel with a cause,” Bobata snickered.
“Oi! Can you not come for my neck for like two minutes you little—!” and thus a fight broke out between the two. Like clockwork, their lunches surrounded a two-v-one drag session with the one lone ranger inciting a full out brawl. Terushima had Bobata gripped by the collar, Futamata snapchatting it all, when his phone buzzed.
“Pause!” Terushima, still gripping onto Bobata’s shoulder, pulled out his phone. ONE NEW MESSAGE flashed on the screen. When he opened it and read the message his eyes lit up. “Oh fuck yes!” he typed out his response, his eyes a lit with excitement.
Bobata rested his chin on Teru’s shoulder, peering at his phone. “Oh, it’s from your uncle?”
Terushima’s uncle was perhaps, one of Terushima’s favorite human beings to ever walk the earth. They met once a month, sometimes even more, on the weekends to hang out. He was Terushima’s saving grace on multiple occasions. “Yeah! He just confirmed our plans for this weekend. Ah, I’m so hyped!”
“You’re gonna come back with more fox things, aren’t you?” Bobata teased, flicking the little fox charm that dangled from Terushima’s phone.
Teru sniffed, “They’re cute!”
“For now, until you find something new to obsess over.” Futamata said. “Speaking of obsession, what’s up with you and Yoshida?”
“Noooothin,” Terushima drawled. His phone buzzed again, a new message from his uncle. Then one more time, but it was a message from a girl in the neighboring class. He grinned, saving that text for later. Flirting was, of course, all about the reactions and Terushima learned rather quickly in his debauchery that keeping a good distance always made the heart grow fonder. “We’re still foolin’ around, if that’s what you mean.”
“She has such a thing for you dude,” Bobata shook his head. “It’s a damn shame she’s being wasted on you! Mr. Can’t Handle a Stable Relationship.”
“Mr. Doesn’t Date Anyone for More than Three Days,” Futamata added.
“Mr. Doesn’t Believe in Love,” Bobata grinned.
“Mr. Says he Doesn’t Believe in Love but is Actually the Biggest Hopeless Romantic of all—”
“OKAY SHUT UP I GET IT!” Terushima’s neck grew hot and he threw punches at both Futamata’s and Bobata’s shoulders. “You guys are the worst.”
“True,” they said at the same time.
“Just because ya’ll are jealous.”
Bobata snorted. Futamata gave him the dead eyes and Terushima flipped them off. And like that, they fell into casual routine. Finishing their lunches up as the bell rang. But the sound didn’t rush them one bit. They always took their time getting back to classes. Usually because they were fucking around for so long they lost time. Five minutes after the bell rang they finally made their move. The game plan was to meet by the shoe lockers after school and head to the arcade. Invite some girls along and then maybe finish the night with some karaoke. The later they stayed out, the better.
Classes were over and Terushima’s brain sighed in sweet relief. He had no idea what his history teacher spoke about for the last fifty minutes but he could only assume it was something boring and not worth his time. He yawned, leaning back on his chair as the sound of desks being pushed back and chairs being moved echoed in the background. Terushima should stay for cleaning, but then he remembered about his meeting after school. Fuck.
“Oi! Class Rep Izumi!” a brown haired teen with thick, black glasses turned around. “Can you do me a favor?”
Izumi sighed, “I already feel myself aging five years…”
“Aw, love nugget. That’s so sweet. I didn’t know I had such an effect on you~”
“What is it that you want, Terushima-san?” Izumi folded his arms and Terushima grinned, all lazy and catlike.
“Will you—?”
“No I’m not taking your cleaning duties.” Izumi shook his head and went back to moving his desk. Terushima whined, getting up from his feet and walking over to Izumi. Izumi yelped as Terushima’s arms wrapped around his middle, his nose pressing into his shoulder.
“Terushima’s begging?” Nico, their other classmate, laughed. “God Terushima where’s your dignity?”
“Um, at home?” he grinned against Izumi’s shoulder, noticing the red that flushed on his neck. Ooo , he blew air against his neck, watching the hair stand up. Izumi’s reaction was priceless! He dropped his desk and turned around, fixing Terushima with a glare. He was shaking, entire face red, and Terushima was cackling , holding his hands by his sides.
“Class Rep, red is such a—such a good color on you—” he wiped at the tears forming in his eyes and went to grab his bag. “So I can leave my clean up duties to you, yeah?”
“—Thanks a million dude!” Terushima patted Izumi’s cheek and bolted out the door before he Izumi had a chance to complain. He snickered, another excellent escape by none other than Terushima! As he darted down the hall people turned to wave at him. Apparently, a day was enough time for people to get used to his change. Good. He waved back at them, his phone buzzing. No doubt getting messages from his group chat with Bobata and Futamata.
“Terushima!” his teacher slid back the door Terushima just ran by, hands on his hips. “Where do you think you are going? We have a meeting right now, remember?”
“Right now?” Terushima jogged in place  at the end of the hallway, “Mmm, maybe tomorrow? Tomorrow works better for me, ya know? Cause time’s a social construct after all and I’ve got plans so, bye!” and he’s off, darting down the hall. He heard footsteps and when he looked over his shoulder he saw his teacher hot on his heels.
Damn, for someone in their mid thirties they can really haul ass.
Terushima ran at full speed down the hallway, cackling all the while. He turned around a corner, jumping onto the railing of the stairs so he could slide down. “And he sticks the landing!” he posed in front of a group of girls who were standing at the bottom of the staircase. Most of them clapped. One just raised her eyebrow at Terushima, unimpressed.
“Were you not amazed the first time? Should I do it again?” he teased, ready to do it again when he heard the teacher’s voice. “Okay another time! Bye girls!” he stumbled a bit before booking it down the hall and outside.
Johzenji’s campus was pretty big. They had two main buildings that connected with an archway. Johzenji looked the best in autumn, when the leaves were changing. There were so many trees that were planted around campus, some people considered it a forest more so than anything else. Johzenji was best known for their academics, above else, which was why they had two buildings dedicated to academics. Terushima couldn’t escape to the western building, where other classes were held. The teachers would rat him out immediately.
So he went for the gym, which was one of the smaller buildings on campus. With any luck, he could hide in there for a few minutes until the coast was clear and then text his friends that he was safe and sound and ready for debauchery. He slipped into the gym, panting and ran for the nearest hiding spot: the storage room. Thankfully, no—luckily—the door was unlocked. So he slipped inside without a hitch. He hid behind one of the jumping boards and waited.
A few minutes passed before he decided to check his phone. “Dammit! No bars,” he couldn’t even send a hey guys the teacher’s got it out for me so if I die Bobata, you get my games and Futamata you get… all my love text. “I’ll just dip then,” he went to stand up when the door opened. Jumping, he’s expecting it to be the teacher who sniffed him out with their greyhound nose.
Instead, it’s some dude with a buzzcut he’s never seen before. And by his side was, probably, one of the prettiest girls Terushima had ever seen. He blinked. They stared back. Terushima immediately assumed they were staring at him because of his appearance, and he bristled. Ready for a fight when Buzzcut spoke up.
“You here for tryouts?” he smiled softly, but there was a hint of excitement mixed with anticipation in his eyes that made Terushima feel… odd. Terushima was not… expecting that.
“Uh—” words, use your words . “No I—” there’s movement outside. He heard voices. The squeaking of sneakers against gymnasium floors. And above them all, he heard the voice of his teacher. He tensed again. Buzzcut and Pretty Brunette shared looks before Terushima heard the teacher’s voice grow closer. He gasped and ducked back down behind his hiding spot.
“Hey you two,” Keiichi wiped the sweat from his brow, fanning himself. “Have you seen, have you seen a student go by here? Blond hair? Piercings?”
Terushima’s heart flew up to his throat. They were gonna rat him out. He felt it in his bones. That soft smile be damned. All they had to do was mention seeing him and he was—
“Nope,” Buzzcut said. “Sorry, sensei.”
“If he comes by we’ll let you know,” Pretty Brunette followed.
The teacher disappeared. Buzzcut turned his gaze back to Terushima who was rising up again now that the coast was clear. Surprise colored Terushima’s face. He didn’t even bother to hide it.
“What? You thought we were going to rat you out or something?” rather than sounding offended, Buzzcut actually looked amused.
“Yes. 100% absolutely definitely,” his response came with little to no hesitation.
Pretty Brunette, God he needed to know her name out of principle, crossed her arms. “Just like you to not leave a stranger in need, Seiji-san.” she sighed, casting a glance over at Terushima. He winked in response and she scowled. “Even if they’re troublesome.”
“Trouble’s the new sexy, haven’t you heard?” Terushima maybe do less?
Buzzcut—no wait, his name was Seiji, laughed. “He’s funny, Hana-san. And he appeared just in time for tryouts. Which you’ll be staying for, right… ah, what’s your name?”
“Terushima Yuuji. And no! I won’t be staying for tryouts. I got a basketball game tomorrow and I’m running late for it so—Thanks for the offer!”
“Wait!” Seiji grabbed Terushima by the arm as he walked by, releasing when Teru shot him a look. “Ah, sorry. I—it would be a waste if you didn’t try out. Since you’re here after all.”
“Me?” Teru raised an eyebrow, “Try out for volleyball? I’ve never played.”
“That’s fine!” Seiji smiled and Hana shot him a look. “Terushima-san, was it? I actually saw you running into our shed. You’re fast, and you look like you’re really athletic. You’d be a great asset to the team if you tried out.”
This was a joke, right? It had to be a joke. Terushima had never joined an organized sport before. But no, the look in Seiji’s eyes said he was very serious. Ah, his phone buzzed again in his pocket. He looked down and there were ten new messages from his group chat and a few messages from Mimi. He should go. He really should but.
He made the mistake of looking over his shoulder. The team was warming up with sets and spikes. He watched in utter fascination as the ball was set and a player ran up by the ride side, jumping in the air, and spiking it down the other side of the net with great force. The sound of the spike resonated with Terushima. He looked at the spikers jumping and suddenly, he wanted to do it to. It looked fun. And it was just for a few hours.
He turned back to Seiji and Hana, and Seiji was looking at him as if he already knew the answer. Terushima shrugged, feigning nonchalance even though the smile on his face was pure giddy excitement. “Yeah sure. Okay. You saved my ass back there so why not.” He’d try out today, at least to repay the favor. He’d also explain to Bobata and Futamata why he bailed, which they’d hopefully understand. And then tomorrow he’d get back into his routine of fuckery incarnate and avoid the gym at all costs so he didn’t have to go back the next day.
Yeah. That’d work.
“Awesome!” wow, Terushima winced from how bright Seiji’s smile was. He had one of those smiles that made you want to trust him with all your secrets and then some. He patted Terushima on the shoulder. “Let’s go get you a penny and a change of clothes.”
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killiancygnus · 7 years
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Serendipitous Melody 16/?
Summary: Everyone has dreams. You might dream of becoming an astronaut or teacher, or you might want to become a doctor and save as many lives you can. Emma Swan’s childhood dream was being a singer. But with life getting in the way and never finding the courage to overcome her fears, she never had a chance to follow it. That is until a little push from her friends lead her to cash on an opportunity; and, who knows, she might even get more than what she’d wished for.
Rated: HT (aka Hard Teen for some heavy flirting and so mild sexytimes they are basically nonexisting)
Word count: ~5.2k
A/N:  It took me a while for this chapter I’m sorry, but I was really struggling writing it. Anyway, I hope you like it!
Thanks to the wonderful @the-reason-to-sail-home for her mad betaing skills and to @mahstatins for being always so lovely and listening to my rants when I freak out.
Tagging some friends: @villains-happy-ending , @stardusted-nymph, @allisonchameron, @kmomof4, @hencethebravery, @katie-dub, @captainwiley , @irishswanff, @thejollypirate, @dassala , @imhookedonaswan, @ofshipsandswans , @legendofthephoenixcs and @londonsbridge
If you want to be tagged too let me know :)
Links: Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 / AO3
Well, that was it. She lost.
Months had passed since the finale of Enchanted, but Emma could still vividly remember how she felt that night. The excitement, the adrenaline running in her veins knowing what a good job she and Killian had done, the stupor when those life changing words left Killian’s lips and finally the shock when Belle called her name: they were all impressed in her memory. She didn’t cry, not in front of the cameras, anyway. No, the tears came later, when she was safe in Killian’s arms, away from prying eyes. Tears of disappointment, mostly, that spilled out of her eyes without permission, which then soon turned into something much different and sweeter when she accepted his offer to work with him.
Phillip had won the competition, to her surprise. It’s not that she thought he wasn’t a good singer, because he was. She just had been a bit bitter since, according to her, and to Killian too, even though he wouldn’t voice it at the time, his and Robin’s performance couldn’t hold a candle to theirs. They had sung and interpreted the role perfectly, and the audience response showed that. Well, not that it had been hard for them to get into the character’s mindset. They were lovers and she and Killian had been something already.
Something… She couldn’t say it was love back then. Hell, she wasn’t even certain she could say it was love now, after months being together. Not out loud, anyway. But if this wasn’t love, then Emma didn’t know what to call it.
News flash: Emma Swan had fallen for the swoon worthy, fan (and everyone, really) favourite, Killian Jones. But maybe that wasn’t such a shocking news anymore.
With Killian’s live announcement of a new album and of a possible collaboration with her, finding a way to keep their relationship a secret and their private life private had been a challenge. A few rumors did spread now and then, but they were soon overshadowed by the buzz for the music itself, especially for their single, and eventually forgotten. Not that anyone except Regina had many hints about what they were working on, anyway. Killian had teased something in many interviews regarding his album, but for their single they mostly stayed tight lipped. Only thing they would reply to anyone that asked was “We can tell you this: it’ll be so fun! And a little risque and sexy too. What’s not to love in that?”.
There weren’t many ways in which they could describe it, really. It was indeed going to be a bit racy, but it had been a conscious choice. She and Killian wrote both the lyrics and music together, wanting to base the story on personal experiences, on how they used to be. It was no secret Killian had enjoyed the pleasures of alcohol and one night stands. Emma, with a friend like Ruby and the job she had, followed that path too, more than once, either for fun or business. But honestly, the main thing in their mind the night they came up with the idea was, aside from fetching some more beer from the fridge, the fun they knew they would have filming and recording it.
Breathing out a sigh, Emma pressed ‘send’ to the email she had been writing while waiting for Killian to finish talking with Regina about work, before stuffing her phone in her bag. She was basically living with him by now: some of her clothes had found their place beside his in the wardrobe upstairs, and there was a toothbrush, her toothbrush, next to his in the ensuite, just like her shampoo and bodywash were resting in the shower. She was spending more days at her boyfriend’s house in a week than she did at her apartment, only staying there when her job as a bail bondsperson required it, and she still hadn’t told him about her son, the child she gave up a decade ago and with whom she had been having an illegal email correspondence with him for over a year. Well, it wasn’t strictly illegal if he was the one that first contacted her and he didn’t know anything about her except that her name was Emma, was it? Anyway, she was going to tell him soon (or soon-ish). Possibly that night (or not).
Emma swallowed a groan.
It wasn’t her fault (well, actually it is your fault). She had tried to tell him. She really did, more than once, but every single time she’d found the words unwilling to leave her mouth. Truth was that she was afraid. Afraid of his reaction, of him seeing her differently, of having fucked up everything.
“Ready to go, love?” Killian’s voice took her away from her thoughts.
Emma stared at his extended hand for a couple of seconds more than normal before taking it with a nod, letting him help her up from the couch. Picking up the bag from the floor, they went outside, where, as Emma locked the front door, Killian loaded the car.
They set off to the harbour soon after. They were going to spend the night on board of his ship after dropping the anchor in what Killian said was the perfect spot to see the Perseids’ meteor shower. He had insisted on bringing her sailing once he found out she had only ever seen a falling star once. And well, how could she say no to a romantic date stargazing on a boat? She couldn’t of course, not when she actually wanted to go. And definitely not when, after she had explained him the reason behind it, he had cradled her face and covered her face with kisses as he whispered how much she mattered to him.
It was a few nights before the Swans gave her away that she saw the first, and only, shooting star of her life, sitting in the backyard to look at the sky before going to bed. She had closed her eyes, like in the stories her father used to tell her, and made a wish. She wished to never go back the horrible place she had vague memories of living in. But of course, that didn’t happen. She had learned how to deal with it now, but as a child, it stung.
It didn’t take long for them to get to the harbour and, in what seemed like no time at all, they were sailing away from port. Killian drew the boat offshore, moving smoothly on the deck and letting Emma steer whenever she wanted to.
She would never forget the first time he brought her on the Jolly (yes, the nerd had called his boat Jolly Roger, which was cute and everything, but Emma was sure that was the reason everyone called him “pirate” or “the captain”). It hadn’t been much time after finishing up working on the show, actually. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for sailing according to her boyfriend. She didn’t know much, if anything at all about sailing back then - not that she was an expert now, mind you - but after all, she had never been on a boat in her whole life. And to Killian’s delight, she absolutely loved it. The sound of the waves rippling against the hard wood of the boat, water sloshing quietly, the wind blowing in her hair, sails flapping and hooks tinkling along with it: it had a calming effect her. Or at least, that was until Killian put her hands on the wheel and moved behind her. In that moment, with his hard body flush on hers, his hands on top of hers guiding her movements and head resting on her shoulder, she was sure her heart had skipped a beat or two.  
They sailed until sunset, dropping anchor only when the first stars started to shine and the lights of the city were only small bright dots in the distance. As darkness fell around them, they sat on the deck, nudging close to bundle themselves up in a blanket and lifting their chins up at the sky.
“Regina said we can start recording on Monday,” Killian said as they watched the stars appear in the sky one by one.
At hearing that, Emma couldn’t keep the excitement from her voice. “Really?”
“Yes, really,” he smiled softly. “Apparently she has already started looking for a director for the video too.”
Emma sighed and lowered her gaze to him. “I can’t wait,” she grinned and looked back up at the sky.
They stayed like that for a while, letting the sound and the gentle rocking of the water lull them. “You know,” Killian started, breaking the comfortable silence that fell upon them, “I realised I’ve never told you why I was such a git when we first met.”
“It doesn’t matter. I forgave you a long time ago,” she muttered softly.
“But it does,” he insisted. “The song you sang at the auditions, Flares, I used to listen to it over and over. It gave me strength after my brother died, after Milah died. When I heard your voice, I could hear the pain and all the emotion you were trying so hard to hide. That’s what most of all made me press that button. But the others didn’t hear any of that, no one of them did. Robin asked me if I was sure I wasn’t just projecting my feelings, when I got back onstage after talking to you. And that was enough to plant doubt in my head. I was just scared that connection I felt when I heard your voice was the product of my imagination, that you had tricked me like Milah did.”
“And what about now?” Emma asked softly, bringing her eyes to meet his once again.
“Now I’m not scared anymore, love. And it’s all thanks to you. You showed me you are not her, that you are just you: Emma Swan. And that’s who I’ll always want you to be.”
Emma took a shaky breath. “And the song? Do you still listen to it often?”
“I do. But the memories attached to it aren’t about grief and sleepless nights anymore,” he said, bringing a hand up to caress her cheek, “They are something much sweeter now.”
Smiling, Emma closed the distance between them, capturing his lips in a sweet kiss. When a few moments later she tried to pull away, Killian laid down, gently pushing Emma with him while leaving small kisses on her lips and down her neck.
“Killian,” she giggled, passing her hand up and down through his hair, “Shouldn’t we be watching the stars?”
Killian growled on her skin, leaving another kiss behind her ear. “Oh, I could make you see stars.”
“Down tiger,” Emma laughed, putting a hand on his stomach to push him down. With a muffled “oof”, Killian fell next to her as she turned on her side to then rest her head on his chest, moving her leg in between his. “We’ll have plenty of time for that later,” she said, mindlessly drawing circles down his stomach, and smiled at hearing Killian’s broken exhale.
“Did you see that?” Emma exclaimed, stopping her hand right above the button of his jeans to point where a meteor had crossed the sky.
“I did,” he nodded, swallowing a groan, his voice deep and a bit short of breath. “Did you make a wish?” Emma nudged closer, humming softly on his chest. “And what did you wish for?”
To have the courage to say those three little words out loud, she thought.
Emma bit her lip to not let that thought slip out. “If I tell you it’d never become true,” she said innocently making him chuckle. “Did you? Make a wish, I mean.”
“No. I have all I could ever wish for.”
Killian left a kiss at the top of her head, as a big smile spread out on Emma’s burning hot face at his words. Then, as a second bright white line of light shoot through the sky, they lifted their noses up at the beautiful spectacle above them.
Considering how these kind of things go, recording was fun and it went smoothly. Choosing a director for the video, however, wasn’t. With all the attention he had drawn on themselves by offering Emma to work with him live on television, Regina had drawn up quite a list of directors. Robin had helped her too, suggesting a few names of friends he had made by being in the business much longer. According to Emma there was something between his friend and his manager, but Killian didn’t believe it. Honestly, he didn’t even want to think of them in that way. It felt just weird. Maybe that’s why it took so long for David to warm up to him. True, he didn’t have a good reputation at the time they met, so that might have made David a little more wary towards him, whereas he didn’t have to worry about that so he wasn’t sure he could really relate. Robin and Regina were like brother and sister to him, but they were good people. Okay, Regina could be scary at times, but that’s what made her a good manager and a good mother. But her and Robin… Nope, Emma must be mistaken. There was no way they could be together.
Anyway, in the end it was one of the directors Robin had suggested that got the job. His name was August Booth, one of the most famous and respected directors in the industry, and he was the only one that had managed to convince both him and Emma right away. They had met every person on that list, listening to their ideas for the story of the video, but only August really did win them over.
His idea was simple, but genius. Killian’s interpretation would play a man, heartbroken after a bad break up and headset into not getting involved with anyone anytime soon. Emma, instead, would be a beautiful but lonely woman, hurt by love over and over but still hopeful she’d find it one day. They would meet at a pub, bumping on each other as he was spending the night with friends. They would hit it off right away and, after dancing for a bit, they’d sneak out and kiss in an alley. She would follow him home, but the only thing left of her the next day would be a post-it with her name and number scribbled on it beside his head. Then, the viewer would follow them during their first date, as they chatted along, took a walk in a park up to when he would accompany her to her house’s door. There, she would kiss him sweetly before shutting the door on his face, only for then opening it again and dragging him inside by the lapels of his shirt. Once the door closed again, we would go back to the night they met, right after bumping into each other where, instead of moving to the dance floor, their lips would meet in a kiss.
It was the perfect story for their song. It contrasted the cheekiness of the lyrics wonderfully, but just enough to not get in conflict with it. It was an happy medium.
When she heard the plot, Ruby was more than happy to offer The Rabbit Hole, the bar her Gran bought years ago and recently left to her to manage, as a location. Luckily for her, Booth liked it and accepted her offer. The girl positively screamed when they told her.
Last time Killian had seen her that excited was when he and Emma decided not to hide their feelings from their friends anymore. That time she literally jumped on Emma, screaming, before groaning in defeat and pass twenty bucks to Mary Margaret who was looking smugly at them. Belle, Ariel, Tink and Robin instead didn’t seem shocked by it, claiming they had suspected there was something between them from even before the show had ended. Whereas they seemed happy and not too hard on Emma when they gave her the “don’t hurt my friend” speech, David didn’t take the news as well as they did. He really did look like he was ready to chop one or both his hands off so that Killian wouldn’t put them anywhere near Emma, no kidding. At least it seemed like it was all water under the bridge now.
It took a few days to start shooting. Emma was bouncing with excitement on the first day, much like everyone else, but he could see in her eyes and posture that she was nervous. Killian had been nervous too, especially because he wasn’t really looking forward to have Emma grinding against him on the dance floor in a room full of people, among which there was David, who just like Ruby and Mary Margaret had asked to play as an extra. But there was more. She wasn’t just nervous, there was something that was bothering her, he could tell. He didn’t even have the time to open his mouth and ask her what was wrong, that August barked at everyone to get ready to shoot.
For the first few hours, the only thing Killian had to do was enter the bar with his friends, sit at a table, and drink shots of disgusting flavoured and coloured water, instead of proper alcohol. Even the beer was not real beer. The beer! As if they would get wasted with a bottle of beer drank in the timeframe of hours. Emma instead, was having a far better time, sitting on a stool and sipping a (Virgin, for sure) Cuba Libre from a straw while chatting with Ruby.
According to the script, that was when he would notice her, but it wasn’t specified how. For the first couple of takes, he initiated it, glancing back at the counter and meeting her eyes. Then Emma grew bolder. She started with smiling seductively at him while sipping her drink as soon as his eyes would find her, but then their roles inverted. Feeling her gaze burning a hole in the back of his neck he turned around, just in time to see her tongue darting out to bring the straw into her mouth before smiling slyly at him.
“CUT!” August shouted when David almost choked on his drink making everyone laugh.
After giving a friendly pat on David’s back, Killian walked up to Emma. “You little minx,” he grinned, absentmindedly licking his lips.
“Me?” Emma asked innocently, tugging at the belt loops of his jeans to bring him closer. She then tilted her head, lifted herself up on the tip of her toes and whispered in his ear, “I’m just lifting up the mood for later.”
Killian hummed in her ear as he pulled her hips against him to make her feel what she was doing to him. Emma let out a breathy whimper and brought her lips down to sneakily leave a kiss on his pulse point.
“Lovebirds!” August called out before her lips could touch Killian’s skin, “Leave that for the dance floor and get back in position. I want you to recreate what you did in the last take once again and if no one interrupts again I want you to move on to the next scene. Be ready in five.”
Reluctantly, Killian walked back to his chair but with the corner of his eyes he noticed Emma checking her phone before putting it away with a frown. It wasn’t the first time she had done that that morning, and he had a hunch it wouldn’t be the last. Whatever it was bothering her earlier, it was connected to her checking her phone so often: he was sure of it.
He didn’t have time to think anything more about it though, that August called action. The scene went well, no one broke character this time (even though Killian noticed that David was keeping his eyes on his drink to avoid looking at Emma teasing him). So they continued shooting, filming the bumping-into-each-other’s meet cute right away, before then shooting it again from different angles.
But it was only after that, that the real fun began.
They put some upbeat music on and Emma guided him to where a bunch of people were already dancing. She trailed her nails down his torso sending a shiver down his spine, and they started moving along with the music. They were so close that her body would brush rhythmically against him, driving him mad with desire. Trying to hold himself back and kiss her senseless in front of everyone, he put his hands on her hips to keep her still. Emma smirked - smirked - and pressed even more against him, creating some delicious friction where his pants had started growing tight once more.
“And cut!” August called and Emma stepped away from Killian, a bit short of breath herself as she let him finally take a breath he didn’t realise he was holding. David was blushing red and avoiding their gaze by looking down at an amused Mary Margaret, whereas Ruby winked at Emma not after glancing at the bulge in his pants and giving him a knowing look. As Killian felt his ears growing red, August continued, “ Great job guys, but for the next take I want a bit more passion. Can you give me that?” He didn’t even wait for neither Emma or Killian to nod, that he turned around to go back to his chair, “Good. Start back again from the dancing.”  
Quickly, they went back in position and waited to hear the “action” over the loud music to begin to move. It started like the previous take, with Emma’s hand going all the way down his torso and her swaying against him. This time though, when he put his hands on her hips, he swirled her around, putting her ass right against the hard ridge of his jeans. He slowly dropped open mouthed kisses on her pulse point, enjoying the feeling of her heart racing under his lips. If Emma was having so much fun at teasing him, he might as well torment her a bit by letting her feel what she was doing to him, right?
Emma let out a broken exhale as he sucked lightly on her pulse point and she began grinding slowly against him, enjoying the low moans he made against her skin. After a few moments, she turned around in his arms, putting her hands on his shoulders and looking in his eyes, her pupils dilated and her breath coming out in soft pants. For what felt like hours it was just them, looking in each other’s eyes and pressed so close together only a few inches separated their lips. That is until August voice calling it a cut echoed in the room and, like a violin’s chord drawn too tightly to its breaking point, they snapped apart.
They shot it thrice more from different angles, and both Emma and Killian grew bolder and bolder each time, still managing to make every take look more or less the same. By the last take, they were so far gone that they cared very little of the other people watching them in the room.
Knowing no one would hear him over the loud bassline of the music bursting through the speakers, Killian dared to lean in, bringing his lips by her ear. “You are enjoying this, aren’t you?” Killian whispered in a low growl as he kissed that spot near her ear he knew Emma loved, “Making me rock hard when surrounded by so many people? Making me want to tell anyone to fuck off and take you up against the counter?”
Emma whimpered softly and started grinding against him in retaliation, a soft blush spreading on her exposed skin. Killian let out a broken exhale, before biting his lower lip to try get some control. They really needed to tone it down, but it was definitely easier said than done.
When Booth called cut one last time the rays of the sun as it set were starting to enter the bar from the windows, and they decided to call it a day.
Killian was in desperate need for a cold shower by then, and that was exactly what he did as soon as he stepped home. Emma, instead, decided to wait for him in his bedroom. That was where he found her ten minutes later: sitting on her side of the bed in just shorts and a tank top, smiling at her phone. An improvement from the rest of the day for sure.
“I’ve noticed you checked your phone more than usual today,” he said tucking the towel safely around his hips with one hand as he tried to dry his hair with the other. “If there is something wrong you can tell me. Whenever you want. I’ll always listen.”
“I know,” she reassured him, putting her phone aside, “I was just waiting for an important email I was supposed to get a couple of days ago.”
“And judging by that small smile on your face you’ve finally got it?”
“Wow. You truly can read me like an open book,” she teased him, getting off the bed and padding closer to him, “Or maybe I’m just enjoying the view, who knows?”
Minx, he thought with a chuckle.
Killian wiggled his eyebrows and tossed the now damp towel he used for his hair back in the ensuite. “Speaking of phones,” he started, reaching for his mobile resting on the dresser next to him, “Regina sent me some pictures that were taken today as we filmed and she wants me to post one on all my social media accounts for publicity.”
Curious, Emma drew closer to him as he flipped through the pictures. “Now, this is quite nice,” he said, stopping for a few seconds on a picture of him and Emma, sitting at a table as they tasted the awful fake shots and pulling up a face. “But this! This is it,” he announced as the image of her, tongue out trying to fish the straw and eyelids half open while giving him a sexy look, appeared on the full screen.
“No.” Emma almost shouted, surging forward to get the phone from his hands, but he stepped back holding it out of her reach. She glared at him giving him her best murdering glance, “Don’t you dare.”
“Why though?” He asked innocently, “You are so cute when you fail at blinking, Swan, I can’t resist.”
When she gave up stealing his phone, he put it back to its place as it uploaded the first picture he showed her online. She was still scowling at him, arms crossed over her chest and cheeks pink. God, she was so beautiful, he loved working her up like this.
“Killian, I love you, but I swear to God if the thing you just put on twitter is that last picture, you’ll get to sleep on the couch for a month.”
Killian was sure his heart had skipped more than a single beat when his brain registered her words. And when it did, he couldn’t believe his ears. She had said it: those three little words he had wanted to say, to scream at the world, for so long but that out of fear of scaring her away he had kept for himself.
He must have gone silent for a while, as the blush on her cheeks was now completely different from before. “What did you say?” He asked, afraid it had been just a dream.
She looked down at her feet sheepishly for a few moments before replying. “Nothing, I -”
He didn’t give her time to finish the sentence before he kissed her, hard, trying to convey everything that in all that time he had feared to say out loud.
“I love you,” he whispered against her lips when they came up for air, and this time she was the one to close the gap once again and kiss him passionately.
As her fingers played with his hair, he pushed her towards him, growling. When her lips lift from his, she searched his deep blue eyes before saying, “And I love you.”
Breathing out a deep moan, he surged forward, fingers pulling at the hem of her top as he walked her towards the bed. “Too. Many. Clothes,” he punctuated each word with a kiss down her neck.
Lifting their lips from the other’s skin only when needed, Killian helped Emma undress, while she untucked the towel hanging low on his hips, letting his erection spring free. Finally with no barriers between them, Emma arched her back against him, bringing her lips back to his. As the kiss turned sloppy, Killian lifted Emma up and placed her at the center of the bed.
Giving himself a moment to take her in, he crawled on top of her, ready to kiss every inch of her all night long.
The sound of irregular steps and the ominous clicking of a cane echoed into the corridors of the GOLD’s building.
A secretary shot up as soon as the man passed by, papers flying off her desk at her haste. She stuttered, her words shortly echoed by the other people in the room, “Good morning, Mr Gold.”
Not caring about answering back, or helping her pick up the papers from the floor, Robert Gold just walked past them, headed to his office. Not that his employees were expecting any words to come from his lips anyways. If Mr Gold talked to you, it meant that you didn’t do your job as well as expected by anyone working in the editorial staff: that’s what everyone learned on their first day.
As he took the last few steps down the corridor, Mr Gold unbuttoned the jacket of his suit as he approached his office. As he put the hand on the handle, he opened the door, only to notice there was someone waiting for him, giving their back at the entrance as they looked outside from the large windows behind his desk.
Mr Gold closed the door behind him, but the man didn’t even flinch. “Son. What are you doing here?”
The man took a deep breath and kept his eyes on the road down them. “Father,” he said, his voice sounding flat, almost emotionless if not for the ounce of disappointment radiating from it, ”I was promised we would have brought down Captain Lover Boy and Swan, but it looks like they are on their way to a happily ever after.“
Gold moved to the tea table on the side of the room and poured two tumblers of whiskey in a couple of glasses. “They do seem very happy,” he observed.
“I don’t want her to be happy with him,” he raged, finally turning around to face his father. He clenched his hands in shaky fists and continued, rising his voice as he spoke, “I want her realise that that pretty little dream of hers was just a foolish illusion. I want her back where she belongs: with me. I want my son. I want to see her going down as much as you want to see him do the same.”
Mr Gold sighed, taking the two glasses in hand before walking up to the man.
“Be patient, son,” he replied calmly, offering a glass which the man gladly took. Grinning he added, “The right time for us to strike will come soon enough.”
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