#here it is heathens
paper-lilypie · 2 years
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pay attention, idiot
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recruitment! (sad attempt at flirting)
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deerspherestudios · 14 days
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This masterlist covers Mychael's reactions to different MCs.
📍 For part 1, it's [HERE] for abilities, romantic/yandere traits and his opinion on kids. 📍 For part 2, it's [HERE] for anatomy. 📍 For part 4, it's [HERE] for general lore and MR!Mychael.
How would Mychael react to...❔
MC stealing and wearing his sweaters.
MC asking him to teach them how to knit.
MC asking to style his hair.
MC who's a LOT shorter.
MC who presents as a femboy.
MC already in a relationship.
MC feeding him while he knits.
MC 'sandwiching' him.
MC celebrating his birthday/the day they met.
MC that snores.
MC that asks to research about his kind.
MC introducing him to a friend.
MC getting sick. MC getting sick to the point of tears.
MC being physically affectionate (as of Day 1).
MC taking care of him when he's sick.
MC hugging him when he's sick.
MC having pretty acrylic nails.
MC leaving and not returning by midnight.
MC having piercings and tattoos (same post as above)
MC wanting to stay with him.
MC needing daily meds. + dev ramble under cut
MC with ADHD. + his thoughts on it
MC accurately reading his past from a tarot.
MC baking him a (terrible) apple pie.
MC dressing him up and putting makeup on him.
MC that self harms (TW: mentions of self-harm).
MC that sleepwalks.
MC who's very curious about him. A little too curious.
MC with a comfort plush they bring everywhere.
MC going through their menstrual cycle.
MC who doesn't do eye contact.
MC touching his horns out of nowhere.
MC gifting him anything (yes, anything).
MC brought a kid with them (or pregnant).
MC falling for him first (as of Day 2).
MC with vocal stims.
MC holding a mirror to his face and calling him beautiful indirectly.
MC saving him after Ending 2: You Monster.
MC who's a yandere.
MC giving him a bath bomb.
MC terrified of birds (and his chickens).
MC with dietary restrictions.
MC fond of "that's what she said" jokes.
MC who is nonverbal.
MC who is rude and passive-aggressive.
MC giving him a shoulder massage.
MC who does taxidermy.
How would Mychael react to... (cont.)❔
MC who is aromantic + MC that swears.
MC teasing about his looks.
MC inviting him to a roadtrip + MAJOR SPOILERS.
MC wearing teeth braces.
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samwisethewitch · 17 days
Book Review: Freya: Meeting the Norse Goddess of Magic by Morgan Daimler
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I just finished a reread of this book and realized I've never talked about it on this blog, even though it ties into a lot of my content.
I've talked about my relationship with Freyja here before. She is the deity I have worked with most consistently in my personal practice, and she's been a strong presence in my life since I was a child. Even before I was interested in witchcraft or paganism, I was drawn to stories and images of Freyja.
Unfortunately, quality books about Freyja are hard to find in English. A lot of the wonderful work being done by Scandinavian scholars and heathens is only available in their native languages. A lot of English-language resources are either very academic and prohibitively expensive, or they are books about goddess worship more generally that only mention Freyja on a few pages. Freyja, Lady, Vanadis: An Introduction to the Goddess by Patricia M. Lafayllve is a pretty good beginner's resource, but it's only available in paperback, which can be a barrier for some readers.
All of this is to say, I was very excited when Morgan Daimler put out this book. I've talked about how much I love Daimler's work before on this blog -- I think they do really great research AND do a really good job of making all that information accessible for a beginner. I have several of Daimler's books on Norse and Irish deities, and all of them are resources I reference often in my practice.
This book follows a similar formula to Daimler's other books on deities, like Odin or the Morrigan. Daimler presents Freyja's mythology, folklore, associations, and relationships. There is also an entire chapter dedicated to Freyja's connection to seiðr, which explains what seiðr is and why it is important in a very straightforward way. There is also an entire chapter dedicated to connecting with Freyja as a modern worshiper.
I like that Daimler includes a section at the end of each chapter about their own experiences with Freyja. I also like that they talk about the importance of actually experiencing the gods and trusting our experiences. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that anything that doesn't match up with primary sources is wrong, and I like that Daimler takes time to shoot down that idea.
I also really like that Daimler does not tell you how to interpret the lore. Daimler presents a story, explains the different ways it could be interpreted, and leaves readers to make their own conclusions. This is a style of teaching I try to use in my own work, and I love seeing it done well here.
If you know next to nothing about Freyja, I think this book is an excellent place to start. Everything you need to make that initial connection is here.
Even as someone who has worked with Freyja for years and done lots of my own research, I found a few things I didn't know here. This book also gave me a new perspective on certain aspects of Freyja's lore. This is why it's always great to compare notes with other people.
If you're interested in connecting with Freyja or just learning more about her, I highly, highly recommend this book!
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lokavisi · 5 months
So about two nights ago, I had a really solid conversation with Loki. A friend got some cues from him through their pendulum, we were both very confused, and then my wife (who barely gives a shit about the Guy lol) interprets this message so pristinely. It was like getting slapped upside the head when she gave her explanation. So I started free writing to continue the conversation more directly with Loki. There were a few big points made in this conversation.
First, he expressed frustration that, in spite of working with him for 4 years now, I still don't seem to "get" him. Like I keep coming to him to vent about some bullshit that's winding me up, he offers a suggestion to help me unwind, and then I brush it off or forget or just straight up ignore it. So he was like, "I've been telling you the same shit for 4 years now... It feels like you're just fundamentally ignoring all the parts of me that make me, ME." So...naturally I felt really fucking stupid and shitty.
Then he very lovingly affirmed that "this isn't me being facetious or angry or trying to put you down. I'm frustrated and irritated, yes, but surely you do realize by now that I fucking love you and you're stuck with me." This meant a lot to me more so than it might for others because my ADHD comes with mad rejection sensitivity dysphoria. Any time anyone says something that indicates some level of upset at me, my brain catastrophizes and breaks down because "clearly" it means they hate me. (This is basically never the case.) This leads me to the primary nugget of wisdom that came from this conversation.
I realized this whole time (once my wife interpreted the initial message) I was hearing him more clearly than I had in a long time. It was nearly as if a physical person sat next to me speaking. As the conversation was wrapping up, I made a note of this and asked, "Why do I feel l hear you clearest when you're frustrated with me?" We've had plenty of similar conversations, and when I look back at past moments when I simply couldn't deny the messages were coming from outside myself, he usually had some level of frustration with me. But to answer my question, he said:
"Because that's all you wanna hear. That's all you think you deserve. Even when you seek love or comfort and I provide, you don't always fully receive it. I try to be funny to cheer you up and you won't have it, just calling me stupid. You are terrible at receiving input that doesn't put you down or reinforce any negative thoughts you believe about yourself. So stop it. Seriously. Fucking stop believing bad shit about yourself."
He went on to talk about the rune readings I did for a bunch you on here (thanks again for the practice❤️), and how I should be pumping myself up from all the positive feedback I got from it. And we exchanged some jokes and "I love you"'s before calling it a night.
As per usual, I share my story in a giant block of text to remind everyone of what Loki reminded me: to not just take in the messaging that supports a negative view of yourself. Allow yourself to believe that you are the gods' gift to humanity. (I just heard him say, "Seriously. I do it all the time. It works wonders for your self-esteem." 😂❤️) Maybe that verbage doesn't have the greatest connotations, but the point is to think more highly of yourself. Believe in the power and confidence that you possess. Even if it doesn't feel like you have either of these things, fake it til you make it - until you realize they've been here this whole time.
I'm on this struggle bus, too, y'all. We're gonna find ourselves together. Hail Loki ❤️
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epickiya722 · 28 days
Must Anti-BkDks feel the need to reblog posts just to be annoying?
"Then if your way of thinking works for BkDk then it works for this ship, too!" (You already know the ship.)
You seriously spent minutes looking up information on blushing just to reblog a post you could have easily ignore?
If you don't ship BkDk, okay? And?
At this point, I feel like antis deliberately are going into the ship tag just to find posts to reblog and act an ass on because by now, they should know that they can...
Filter and block tags
Block and not follow people who ship BkDk
Not go into the ship tag at all
"Not interested" that post if it does pop up on your dash
Scroll past posts
Write their own posts about their ships they like
It is not that hard, I do it all the time for ships I don't want to see.
But nooo!! Let's reblog these BkDk posts and try to be "correct about a ship".
It's ridiculous!
"I don't mean to be condescending." Yes, you did. If you didn't mean to, you wouldn't have reblog the post.
What were you trying to accomplish? Spread your ship agenda? That's not how you do it.
You don't reblog a post of a ship you don't like and write paragraphs and paragraphs of trying to disprove that ship.
Antis and other people be wondering why their ship isn't as popular or isn't as liked, but then be the same people who does bullshit to BkDk shippers.
You make people not want to ship your fucking ship. You make people not want to interact with you. Your behavior is intolerable and lame.
If I wanted someone to also like the same ship as me, reblogging posts on ships I hate just to be like "well actually 🤓" is not the way to do it. In fact, I actually don't care to really convince someone. I just write my fics and posts and if people read and like them and consider the ship I like I'm fine with that!
At the end of the day though, it is not important to me as to what ships they like. I want to have a fun time shipping and I wouldn't want someone to take that away from me, so I don't that to other people.
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whos-tanya · 7 months
Very few things will be quite as chilling to me as when Will hides in Martha’s closet — only to emerge with “The name is Lila.” I cannot describe the amount of confusion and fear I felt hearing that voice during my first playthrough.
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eggyolkguzzler · 3 days
hello Alex :)
ive stolen Sam & Sebastian, would you mind it if i steal you too? i promise you im a very cool guy that never ever bullied and tortured Sam, im very rich and married to a clown for tax benefits.
I... Did not understand any of what you just said. Are you okay?
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Well. I heard "Sam and Sebastian" and "you too," soooo, I'm interested.
Yeah okay. Sure. Let's go.
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madamesinsalot · 2 years
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Hello FNAFdom. Please have some Moon Suit art I’ve just made for the new year. It’s my time making something like this in digital artwork. I will make a Sun version in a bit.
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salty-an-disco · 4 months
Here's the full Heathens AU Relationship Chart™️, because I needed something slightly creative to occupy my time with
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it's prolly difficult to read it all, so here's close-ups under the cut lol
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aheathen-conceivably · 8 months
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That’s right babes I’m ~playing the sims~ and this party went totally fine, no bugs, not a single bug in sight (because I rage deleted the Strangerville Conspiracy theorists that showed up to my Kava party unannounced 🫠)
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watersdeep · 10 months
It Happened One Summer...
A summer of yearning comes to a head one fateful night night in the hot springs.
Mark x Reader (gender neutral) | one shot | 3,307 words | E
alt title: i just wanted to write some smut
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lokavisi · 6 months
Y'all, Thor is so great. If you need just a solid buddy, he's your guy. We just shot the shit for a while tonight, and it was just lovely. He really gives a shit about us, about humanity. (I mean, protecting us is kinda his Thing™️, after all.) Having spent a little more time with him, I see why he and Loki share so many stories with one another. Neither of them is dumb or weak, but their respective strength and cunning pair really nicely when you wanna get up to some shit. Even if your partner in crime has a slightly different agenda than your own. Add Odin into the mix and you've truly got a sitcom on your hands. Earlier this week I was talking with Thor and Loki together, and Odin just showed up like, "Who the fuck was gonna tell me y'all were hanging out?" What a kooky fucking bunch. I love these dorks. 10/10, would hang out again. ❤️
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theropoda · 7 months
will clarke mommy issues haver of all time
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evilbubu · 5 months
nobody cares but i just want to say thank you to twenty one pilots song; next semester for giving me the strength to drop out of University after it absolutely crushed me mentally, emotionally and physically. So, thank you. I'll try again, next semester.
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whos-tanya · 3 months
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