#up next is no.6 though and then i'll get back to these guys. otherwise i would start the next book right away
wiltking · 6 months
finished The Same Breath by gregory ashe. i liked it. a lot. it's about a wildlife vet and a career grifter who asks him for help in finding his missing brother. but their amateur investigation quickly becomes more confusing and dangerous than either of them expected.
this book has place. maybe it stood out to me because i haven't felt that in a few of the recent books i've read, but even then it felt exceptional. this is Utah. and there is no way to forget it. along with the scenery and architecture, i loved the frequent inclusion of local plants as a means of location flavor, and how the geography had a weight and a presence in the story. i took so many such quotes:
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it was a great way to tie the characters to their environment, and you all already know how much i love nature. you could really feel the love the author must have for it too.
as for the characters - they are deeply flawed. and they make mistakes. often. were they my favorite characters ever? no. was i ever bored by them? never. is their relationship healthy? god no. does it compel? yes. i liked how their relationship wasn't straightforward. i liked how Tean was allowed by the narrative to still have feelings for his previous longtime lover, and to struggle with moving on. i liked how Jem was often out of control and making messy mistakes in his fear and grief.
i liked how, despite the book being on the longer side, there was still a lot said without saying anything. the weight of the absence of clarity, giving only enough to infer on your own the more gruesome details that make up the pain sitting heavy in these characters.
the mystery was also good. i was never sure where it would go next, and i enjoyed the part Tean's wildlife vet experience got to play. the pacing was great, i really enjoyed the length, and i only have a handful of minor complaints (like characters saying they hadn't eaten dinner, when it previously showed them having said dinner). otherwise it did feel quite polished and well put together. the story gets bleak, and heavy, and these two have so much work to do on their mental health. but i was moved, and i laughed (a lot, actually). the dialogue held charm and lent a lot to characterization on its own, and i'm really interested in seeing how their relationship will progress in the next book.
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kedreeva · 8 months
as someone who is ace and entering college years, how has your dating life been as an ace? what other struggles have there been that you have advice for? i dont know any aces or similar around me older or otherwise. thank you for your time and i hope you have an easy day!
Okay this will get a little long so I'll put it behind a cut
Honestly I'm probably not the best person to ask, since I never really...struggled? Not specifically with asexuality or with anything related to it. I can tell you my experiences, though, and you can decide if there's anything worthwhile to take away from it!
I grew up in a house run by science and math. I knew the prefix a- meant without/not and I knew there was heterosexual and bisexual and homosexual, so when young and, importantly, before really ever interacting with other queer folk, I went Ah ha, these are (prefix)(sexual) and so therefore I am asexual (without sexuality), and that was that. That was literally all the thought I gave to it. People had crushes on other people, I didn't have crushes on people, end of story. If, for some reason, I developed a crush on someone, I would deal with it then.
Maybeeeee midway through HS, a very good friend of mine asked me about it, and I said well, some people like everyone the same, and I dislike everyone the same. And she said well, then it sounds like you like everyone the same, that amount is just zero, so that seems like bisexual? (she didn't know the term asexual was an actual sexuality term either at that point, just the biological term for reproduction and, well, I could reproduce theoretically so couldn't be that) And I said well, alright then, and called myself bisexual for the next 6 or 7 years. THEN I found out asexuality is a sexuality not just a mode of reproduction and I said Ah Ha, I was Correct, and that was that again.
So I guess if I was offering advice it would be... you know you. Don't let someone else tell you about you if you think they're wrong. Make up a word if there isn't one. Use a new word if you find one that already exists and fits.
Also, that it's fine to not worry about it. Literally it's fine to just never think about it if you have better things to do. I think a lot of people get really wrapped up in finding the right label and/or "what happens if-" when like... you're not a canned good. You don't need a label. Worry about what-ifs when they come up, don't borrow anxiety if you can help it.
I dated a few people in HS, like... three people I think, and one Almost. One predatory mistake I thankfully recognized (HEY because I had older folks online I could talk to about it!) and got out of quickly, and one hot mess relationship that was a LOT of fun- my boyfriend, Sark, and then his ex-girlfriend, and then I stepped out so they could get back together, and then they said wait no, and invited me back in, and that went on for most of the end of HS, and nearly into college, when I stepped out again (and peacefully, I am still friends with both of them and I married Sark in the end). There was one guy whom I was always, perpetually, extremely fond of, and we hung out a lot, kissed once, and I think we would have had a lot of fun dating, but ultimately it was a near miss that became a fond memory, because we were never in the right place together. Sometimes life does that, and that's okay, too.
In college, I simply didn't date anyone. I had better things to do. I met my best friend, @idkfandomwhatever, online that year (and still talk to her almost daily, sometimes for hours, despite that we are on opposite sides of the world!!), and in person @mishapeep who was the best roomie I ever had (hi!!!!! i love you!!!). I had great friends, I went on a TON of adventures, worked a cool job where I had awesome coworkers, and just all around had a blast learning stuff and napping in sunbeams or on couches at the food court. A couple of guys made passes, and I turned them down because I just wasn't into it, and we remained friends. There was one coworker at my dispatch job that I got along with like a house on fire, and everyone ELSE thought we should be dating, but neither of us ever brought it up- I can't say why he didn't for sure, but I know I never brought it up because I was 85% sure he didn't swing for the right team to date me, which I ALSO never brought up until he found me on facebook years later to tell me about his husband running for local election somewhere. so. again, don't let anyone else tell you what to do lol there was ALSO another guy that I had NO interest in that spent a lot of time around me, but we mostly sat in my bunk watching Queer as Folk, which I KNOW was his first exposure to queer material. I never talked about queer stuff with him otherwise, but I heard from a mutual friend of ours that he's also happily married to his husband. Sometimes just being yourself, openly and without shame about it, does more than you think, even if it's not doing anything directly for you (but it is, it's good for you too).
SINCE college ended, I dated one guy I met through an online game and that was great in person briefly, but ultimately didn't work out because he couldn't be a nice person, another guy I met through the same online game and that didn't work out at ALL in person, and then I started hanging out with Sark and co again. I was on the phone with him driving somewhere, and I said something to the effect of someday you're gonna find a gf and she's not gonna want you to keep going on adventures with your ex, and we won't be able to talk anymore and I had a real recordscratch moment where I realized absolutely NOT on MY watch, I wanted that boy in my life forever actually, and we've been married now for... this is year 8.
I may have landed in a soft place, but I didn't seek it out. I just lived my life and didn't worry about my sexuality or about who I was or wasn't gonna date. When I DID date, I was up front about what I wanted from any of those relationships and part of the problem with the relationships that didn't work out was sometimes that I did not KNOW what I wanted, yet. But, it was IMPORTANT I think, that I gave the chances I did, because I did learn about myself and what I wanted. That's probably the hardest fucking thing to learn, that relationships sometimes happen not because they're likely to be permanent, but because it may be fun or be a way to learn what you do or don't want. Maybe alongside of that, the lesson that it's okay to go "hm, actually this is Not For Me" and exit peacefully whenever possible. But it's okay to give temporary things a shot and see how it goes, even knowing up front it may be temporary (honestly maybe that even takes some of the stress of it off? if you don't have to worry about it being forever, and you don't have to worry about "what if I never experience other things," and you don't worry so much about messing it up so it feels easier to take chances saying and doing stuff you might otherwise consider too risky to ask for etc).
I'm aware I'm lucky that things went pretty smoothly for my entire life so far, insofar as dating or sexuality is concerned. Part of that was definitely because even the worst of the people I dated weren't really all that bad of people. A lot of it was that I just didn't date if I didn't want to. I didn't care about sex, so I didn't have sex for the first time until a few years after college, and only one guy ever pushed the issue at all (the guy in HS I immediately dropped all contact with).
The thing is... I dated or nearly dated like ten people, flirted with countless others (because it's FUN), and the only one I still have regular contact with (not just occasional friendly hellos) is the one I kept at the end.
But the friends I made in college? I kept a lot of those. I still talk to several of my college friends on a regular basis. I have made other friends since, some of whom I talk to every day, some of whom have become irregular contacts I am still fond of. But those bonds are important and the ones you make with your friends from here out do have the potential to span at least huge chunks of your life, if not the entirety of it. If you only take away one thing from this little novel...take that knowledge.
also this has nothing to do with asexuality but for pete's sake find SOME kind of hobby club to be a part of, or make one if there isn't one, follow your stupidest instincts for adventure on occasion (like playing freeze tag frisbee in a lightning storm on the PAC lawn at 11pm until the campus cops show up to make you go home), and take at least one "fuck it this sounds fun" class. Mine was archery at 7am, the only early-morning class I ever took. Worth it, we were all TERRIBLE but god it was awesome.
Good luck out there!
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haecien · 6 months
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Birthday Wishes X.MG
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A/n - this fic is for my baby @mirxzii <33 HAPPY BIRTHDAAAYY !!!! I literally love u sm I'll try to get this out on march 20th or the start of march ! Also we are both march babies and your birthday is 6 days ahead of mine<33 (we are literally twins atp) I HOPE U ENJOY THE FIC <33 Also happy birthday to everyone else who is celebrating their birthdays on march mwa <3 (divider creds @/cafekitsune & @/saradika-graphics)
Also babka looks so good👁
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Synopsis - Being an idol is tough, especially with your strict diet. You wanted to celebrate your birthday in peace but your company thought otherwise, but here comes your boyfriend to the rescue.
Genre/s - Idol!Minghao x idol!reader, fluff, secret relationship, tried to make this gender neutral so y/n is in a split group (kard situation just imagine whatever gender you wish to be! <3), also a mix between smau + written!
Warnings - Mentions of food, Strict(ish) diets mentioned, Cursing, Body shaming(?), use of petnames, If you find more warnings I should add lmk! <3
Wc - est 700 words?
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You just got back from a fan meeting, you're so tired and exhausted from it. You were annoyed from how many aegyo requests you got today though.... but you're atleast happy you got tons of gifts from your fans.
" My God... this is a mountain of gifts, so many jewelry this time tho! — "
One of your bandmates butted in " Well... you did mention on a weverse post you been wanting to buy new jewelry, and it is your birthday soon anyways— " Oh, my, God.
Did you really just forget your own birthday? Your OWN birthday?
" I— I JUST FORGOT MY OWN BIRTHDAY. MAKES SENSE WHY I RECIVED SO MANY GIFTS I WHAA- " you again got cutted off but this time by your manager.
" Listen up, we have a busy schedule today and the next few days. And I know y/n its your birthday in a few days, we'll host a weverse live and all that— " " Will there be cake? "
" What? " " You heard me, will there be cake? "
If there was one way to describe you, its that you love your sweets very much. There are numerous compilations of just you eating and adoring sweets as your fans found your sweet tooth the most cutest thing ever.
" Y/n please tell me you're being serious right now— Some netizens are noticing you're putting on some weight. That's a risk to your image! " Your manager scolded you, leaving you and your band members to be silent for a bit.
Your bright smile quickly faded into a slight frown, you were about to say something but quickly closed your mouth.
The leader of your group stepped up and tried to break the tension, " Thank you manager-nim, let's talk a bit later since the members are tired from the fan meeting— I'll see you in the afternoon. "
Your leader bowed down, as the manager left, " Y/n, I know you're a bit upset but you need to know hes trying to look out for you. If they say you need to limit on the cake then you need too. "
You nodded, looking upset.
The leader sighed and looked at you, reaching for there wallet. " Lets buy some Babka, you said you were craving that right? " suddenly you wernt feeling sad, your eyes lightened up. You quickly nodded your head, the leader giggled at your expression and your band headed out of the building to buy foods and treats.
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That was your boyfriend for you, the one and only Xu minghao. The public doesn't know you two are dating besides mutual friends and members. Really you both didn't expect you'd be dating each other, your first meeting of each other was scuffed.
It was just when you newly debuted a year after seventeens debut, you were both at a music show award and they won their first award. You rarely knew these guys but you felt so happy for them.
Later after the awardings you saw the same band backstage, you wanting to be friendly approached them. " Hi! I'm y/n from (group name) , I just wanted to congratulate you guys for your first win! " the member who was closest to you looked a bit confused but just gave you a polite smile and a simple thank you, it was a bit awkward so one of the other members from seventeen came forward.
"Thank you y/n, oh I'm seungkwan! That was the8, hes a bit shy and he is still learning Korean and English so bare with him please... " you laughed it off and said it was fine.
After that it felt like the universe just wanted to make you go together at every award show at this point, it was like you couldn't escape them.
So naturally you both expected to always see each other during award shows and sometimes even variety shows. Some of your fans started to notice it and made a little fun inside joke which you all talked about with each other.
When one group is absent the other gets confused, usually after the show you'd be frantically texting each other bombarding everyone with "WHERE ARE YOU" texts. Because of these interactions your groups were very close behind the cameras, so its expected the whole fan base would be shocked to see a picture of you and minghao walking together, alone.
The company cleared it up by saying how it wasn't really them, obviously that didn't work... but the issue died down and no one really remembers it. Non the less after all of that you both still managed to have one of the most best relationships you both have.
But, telling the members the news of you guys dating sent them absolutely going bat shit crazy. After that some members slipped in a little joke or hint about you two, though the fans suprisingly didn't notice.
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Time skip — The day of your birthday.
The day has started and you open your weverse notifications and you were bombarded with happy birthday messages, all of your colleagues, members, friends, family all greeted you a happy birthday.
Your birthday live was canceled due to conflicting schedules and you not having the energy but you assured your fans about it saying how you'll do a live as quickly as possible.
Your birthday was great, it was still missing one key thing. Ofcourse the cake, you and your members had a little private party and your company strictly told your members to NOT give you any sweets or anything that might make you gain weight, all you could eat was stupid salads and like one cupcake.
What a killjoy.
You saw everyone else eating whatever they wanted, you envied how much some people didn't care about their weight. It made you feel sick over how people were just eating and stuffing their faces with all kinds of sweets, on your own fucking birthday.
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After your little party you went back to your dorm, you were surprised to see your door unlocked though.
You swore it was locked an hour ago, what if someone went in? Shit worse a fan went inside and maybe installed cameras inside?
Or left a creepy note with cameras! Your heart was beating while you slowly entered your dorm, closing and locking the door. You heard a metal sound, its sounds like something fell from the kitchen.
Scared, you grabbed a umbrella that was beside your door and held onto it tightly. You ran towards the kitchen and just started swinging the umbrella around trying to hit whoever or whatever was there.
You heard a thud and looked up, " Fuck— HAO? "
Minghao rubbed his head and looked down at you, " Happy birthday? " he had cake frosting all over his face and hands, and chocolate on his lips.
You dropped the umbrella " Oh baby I'm so sorry for hitting you oh my— you look fucking messy by the way." Minghao rolled his eyes at you.
" Thank you genius. "
Minghao pulled you in his arms and gave you a little peck on the cheek, " Now your face is covered in chocolate too. "
" Ew, the chocolate tastes good but ew... "
"Oh boo hoo, I know you're happy to see me. "
Yeah, he was right. Of course you're happy to see him. The only thing that could cheer you up after having a shitty day was your boyfriend.
Even if sometimes your schedules are packed for the week you still both secretly met up on breaks, hey what can I say your companies are close.
You peaked behind minghao and saw a glimpse of a beautiful wrapped box before he blocked your view again, " Aha, not now love. Later you'll see what I have prepared for you. "
"Come on, you love me right? Can't I have a little peak? " you cupped his cheeks in your hands, shaking his head a bit. " Nope, that doesn't work on me. Even if it's your birthday. "
" It will ruin the surprise ! "
Minghao convinced you to go into your living room and put on your favorite show to keep you distracted for a bit.
— After awhile Minghao covered your eyes and lead you back into the kitchen again.
" Happy birthday my dearest, y/n. "
Your kitchen was beautifully decorated, the balloons in your favorite color, the smell of the candle filling the room. The snacks on the counter, freshly made just for you and him.
And most importantly, the strawberry cake on the table.
Your reaction made Minghao giggle, " I'm assuming you like it baby? " you felt like you were about to tear up, " Hao, I love it so much, its better than the party my members did. "
" Im glad you like it, I'm sorry if I don't have much for your gifts but here. "
He gave you an envelope, labeled " To my dearest, y/n "
You opened it to see a letter. You quickly read the letter ;
" My dearest, y/n.
No matter how old you're turning today, I wish I'd spend all of my lives seeing you. I want to grow old with you and stay by your side, I want you to be my first and last, the person I'd marry and have my future with.
I know things haven't been the most easiest but I'm so glad you're still with me til this day. You have dealt with me for so long, you helped me when I was at my lowest. I wish to repay you back with every cent I have.
But if I cant repay you with money then I shall repay you with my life.
Happiest of birthdays to you my love. "
TAGLIST — @slytherinshua , @weird-bookworm , @woozvc , @bangantokchy , @mayashu , @mirxzii , @glosskirt , @amxlia-stars , @addicsvt , @isabellah29 , @hrts4hanniehae
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happilyhertale · 2 years
Finding the courage – Tom Bennett x female!reader, Part 6
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Summary: You spent a sheltered childhood in Brighton. Until the time when your father died. Your mother is overwhelmed with the role of caring mother, which eventually leads you to leave home and seek happiness elsewhere. But you have not in the least anticipated what or who awaits you in your new adopted home.
Pairing: Tom Bennett x fem!reader
Warnings: In some parts Smut as well as Violence. There will be an extra warning for the respective parts.
Author’s note: Hey you (:
This short Tom Bennett story is based on the request that was sent to me.
The story takes place before the first season of World on fire. I hope you will enjoy the story! English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 3k
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7, Part 8
Other stories of mine
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The next evening you are in the kitchen with Lois. You are ready to go out and are only waiting for Tom, who is still upstairs in the bathroom.
Lois is wearing an elegant dark red dress that falls loosely and gently around her curves. A button placket running down the back of the dress holds it together.
You have chosen a dark green dress. It has short arms that end above your shoulders and expose the arms. The dress hugs your torso and shows some cleavage, but not too much. It falls loosely around your thighs and ends just above your knee. Your hair is loose and falls slightly over your shoulders.
Lois fiddles a little nervously with her dress as Douglas enters the kitchen and puts on his jacket, "Have fun tonight, you two. And make sure Tom behaves himself," he smiles at you as you can't help grinning. "I don't think I'll be home until later tonight either. I'm meeting John"
"Oh have fun dad!", Lois calls after him, while you are still waving at him when he disappears through the door.
You both look impatiently at the stairs.
"Tom! If you hadn't come home just before dinner we would have been on our way by now!"
After a short silence, you hear Tom reply, "Ey! Lois! I had stuff to do and I can't possibly go out with you guys if I'm not showered!"
Lois looks impatient, "But I have to be there earlier than the guests, Tom!"
"I need a minute though! Otherwise, why don't you just go ahead?!"
You have to grin a little at the sight of the siblings talking across the stairs.
As Lois turns to you, "Aaargh... are you waiting for Tom? Otherwise I would have to leave you standing there alone."
You smile at her, "No problem Lois, we'll catch up"
She hugs you briefly and leaves the house.
You hesitate for a moment, but then finally go slowly up the stairs.
As you stand at the top of the stairs, your eyes fall on Tom. He has his back to you and is looking in the mirror. You like the sight. The buttons of his shirt are still open. But even through the shirt you can see how defined his back is. You bite your lower lip lightly. You are a little afraid of feeling this way about Tom, but your desire for Tom is already too great for you to do anything about it now.
"Aye love... do you like what you see?"
He grins at you in the mirror and you feel the familiar heat on your cheeks. You'll probably never get used to his direct manner.
"The question is rather whether you have regained your beauty and whether we can leave now," you can't suppress a smile.
"Ouch...love...cheeky.... I like that," he winks at you. You have a big smile on your lips now and look to the side.
"But yea, we can go", he turns and looks straight at you now. Slowly he comes towards you and buttons up his shirt. You notice how your breath catches... Maybe you would rather stay here with him.
As he stands before you, you notice the faint smell of perfume and the thought of him perfuming himself for you makes your heart flutter.
He stands in front of you and you feel the warmth radiating from him. You look into his eyes as you hear him whisper, "Shall we go, love...?"
You are tempted to shake your head, but instead you just nod and bite your lip lightly. But Tom is no different. He can hardly resist the sight of you and would love to throw you onto the nearest bed and enjoy the fact that you are home alone right now.
When you arrive at the dance hall, some people are already there. Tom takes you to the bar and orders you drinks. As you take your first sip, you see Lois coming towards you. She is accompanied by a pretty lady. "Ah, you made it in time after all! Y/n, this is Connie, a good friend of mine and she's going to accompany me on the piano"
You smile at her, "Hey Connie"
She smiles at you too, "Hey, I've heard a lot about you... Thanks to you, Lois has more time for our music!"
You laugh lightly.
"And Tom has finally managed to come to one of our gigs," she now turns to Tom.
"Well, I'll have to watch out for shady guys hitting on you"
She smiles
"Okay Connie, we need to get to the back, we're about to start"
The two of them leave you standing. Tom is standing right next to you and lights a cigarette. You take a few sips of your drink and look into the ever-growing crowd. Until suddenly you hear Tom whispering in your ear, "You know, you look really stunning today"
If it wasn't so dark, you're almost sure that the bright red of your cheeks would be visible. He grins at you.
You bite your lip lightly and have to grin too.
"You know... maybe you smell pretty good today... almost seductive"
He raises his eyebrows and puts his arm around your waist, "Is that so? But only almost seductive...?"
He slowly pulls you towards him so that you are standing in front of him. His arms are around your body and the scent of his perfume rises to your nose. You want to press your nose into the crook of his neck. Your hands are on his chest and you are tempted to just kiss him. He seems to sense your thoughts and grins, "Well, do you have sinful thoughts?"
You have to look to the side and grin sheepishly. When Tom suddenly leans forward and leaves soft kisses on your neck.
You take a startled breath, "Tom…! What if Lois sees this?" you whisper, startled.
Tom continues to kiss you, his arms still around your waist. Until he whispers in your ear, "She's backstage... She can't see us"
Your breath catches as his hands suddenly rest on your bottom and push you closer to him.
You stare into each other's eyes and slowly you dare to breathe again.
"Well love... we might as well be home now... Alone..."
You chuckle and shake your head. Tom grins and lets his gaze wander around the room.
He raises his eyebrows a little, "See that guy there... That's Harry, by the way."
You turn and see a tall guy step through the door. He has dark hair and seems handsome. But his expression looks rather sad. As Tom pulls you out of your thoughts and leads you by the hand away from the bar. He pulls you further to the front and that's when you notice that Lois has stepped onto the stage.
The mood is exuberant. People are dancing and enjoying the music. Lois has a wonderful voice. You can rarely take your eyes off Lois. As Tom fetches one drink after another, you are slightly drunk by now. But the more Tom drinks, the more often his arm is around your waist and you enjoy this closeness.
You dance with Tom all the time. Again and again he turns you back and forth. In the end you always end up in his arms. A grin that continuously plays around your lips does not disappear from your face. But when a slow song starts, Tom pulls you close to him without warning - you didn't expect that. His arms are wrapped around your body. Your arms are on his neck. For you, there is only Tom and his blue eyes. His perfume rises up your nose again and you lose yourself in the deep blue. You can't help but notice how his gaze keeps wandering from your eyes to your lips. You have the incredible urge to just give in and kiss him. To feel his warm, soft lips on yours again and his hands wandering along your body... But you don't dare. He leans forward and his lips lightly brush your ear. A shiver runs down your spine as he whispers in your ear, "I have to admit that dancing is not so bad..."
He lingers in your immediate vicinity and lets his nose wander gently over your neck. You close your eyes and enjoy the moment. A light kiss, barely perceptible, lands on your sensitive skin, just below your ear. As he leans back, he smiles at you as you bite your lower lip.
Carefully you just press your face into the crook of his neck and inhale his scent. Tom closes his arms further around you and holds you close to him. Gently you dance to the music, and the numerous couples around you do likewise.
"Shall I get us another drink?" he whispers in your ear.
You look up at him and nod.
He breaks away from your embrace and walks towards the bar.
You turn towards the stage and see Lois. She stands up there confidently and you can see it in her face how much she enjoys it. When the song is over, Tom is not back yet. You look towards the bar. At first you don't see him, but then you realise it's because a lady is hanging around his neck. You can't move at first. As your gaze falls on his hands resting on her hips. She seems to be whispering something in his ear. Your heart aches. A pressure sits on your chest and you have to turn away. You cannot bear the sight. The next song begins. It has a faster rhythm than the one before. As you turn back towards the stage, a guy is suddenly standing in front of you. He smiles at you nicely, "Hey beautiful, want to dance?"
Actually, you wouldn't want to dance with him, but you nod at him.
He takes you by the hand and leads you into the crowd. He pulls you gently towards him and his hand lands on your hip. As he holds up your other hand, your eyes fall on his face and you notice that he looks quite pleasant. He smiles almost shyly at you and that only makes his appearance friendlier. He leads you through the crowd to the music. You laugh from time to time and are almost having fun until you are suddenly stopped.
Tom is standing next to you and looks angry. He holds the guy by the arm, "Ey! Keep your hands off her, she's here with someone!"
It bothers you that he says you are here with someone and not with him.
The other guy pulls his arm free, "Yo! Then the person should not let a pretty thing like her stand on the sidelines!"
Tom pushes the guy back slightly and you gasp in shock, "Tom!"
But he doesn't seem to hear you. Tom takes a drag from his cigarette and blows the smoke in the guy's direction. You take a step between them as Tom appears to continue walking towards the guy.
You apologise to the guy with a slight smile and firmly push Tom backwards by the chest. His gaze finally falls on you.
You look at him questioningly.
"He shouldn't touch you," he eventually says.
Now you look at him indignantly, "But it's okay if the girls hang around your neck??"
He looks at you in confusion until he realises, "No... y/n.. love... you got it wrong"
But before he can say anything else, a lady approaches you.
"Tommy! Here you have hidden!" she giggles.
"Hey Janice...", he says, slightly annoyed, and touches his forehead briefly.
Your eyes grow wide and you look at him in disbelief.
She giggles again and then notices you, "Oh how rude! Hey, I'm Janice!" she hugs you warmly.
"Hey Janice... I'm y/n", you try to smile.
"A sweet thing you are!", she giggles again. The giggling makes you kind of angry.
She turns back to Tom, "But Tom... You just disappeared... Would you like us to go home together today...? You know...", she grins and lightly touches his shirt.
Ouch... That's all you need to hear right now. You have heard enough for your taste. Before Tom can say anything to her, you speak up.
"Okay, I'll let you guys sort this out. Nice to have met you, Janice," you smile at Tom and walk through the crowd back to the bar. Tom calls after you, but you keep walking.
You know you didn't talk about what happened between you... You are also not sure if it is even necessary to talk about it... Maybe he sees the whole thing differently than you do. But it still feels uncomfortable to see another woman getting close to Tom. You don't want to admit it, but the thought that there is another woman worries you more than you thought.
Standing at the bar, you order a drink and turn back to the crowd. Lois comes rushing up to you, "Aaand?" she asks you with a huge grin on her face. "Oh Lois! That was great! I love your voice!"
She hugs you, "Thanks! Now I need a drink"
She gets a drink too and you toast. As she takes a sip, she looks off into the distance, "Oh wait!" she suddenly shouts and runs away.
You look in the direction she disappeared when suddenly Tom is standing in front of you again.
He smiles at you a little shyly. You feel that you could not resist his smile, so you look down at your drink and let your finger slide over the rim of the glass. He stands next to you at the bar and gently nudges your ear with his nose. A soft "love" sounds and you look at him. He is still smiling at you and you cannot suppress a smile. You look into his eyes and you can't quite interpret what you see there, but his gaze looks almost longing. Just as the temptation becomes too great and you are about to let yourself be carried away into a kiss, Lois reappears. Harry is at her side. Immediately your eyes fall on her and Harry.
"Y/n, this is Harry," she smiles at him.
You smile at him too and offer your hand, "Hello Harry" He smiles at you, but his eyes still look sad.
"Oh and Tom, I saw Janice in the crowd… She has been asking me for weeks where she can meet you," Lois winks at Tom.
Tom sighs beside you, "Lois... please don't bug me about it... I've already seen her,"
You take a big sip of your drink. Janice wasn't really rude to you, but you don't like this lady somehow. You can only guess what happened between the two of them. But you still don't want to know the truth.
The circle of people you are standing in gets bigger and bigger. After a while, Connie and a few of her friends join you and you continue to talk and laugh. Your mood also rises again from one moment to the next.
After a while you notice Tom watching you from the side. He grins. You turn to him, "Hmm?"
His grin gets bigger.
"You still like me, do ya?" he whispers to you, before grinning cheekily at you again. He's already had a few drinks and it shows.
"I never said I liked you...", you try to look away, but his smile has captured you.
"Don't want to scare you Love... But… your kisses say otherwise"
Your cheeks glow again and he chuckles. You stand with your back to the bar and lean your arm on the counter. His arm is next to yours on the counter and he discreetly strokes your hand and continues to smile at you. His touches leave a trail of arousal on your skin.
"How about we go home...? You could show me how little you like me with your kisses…" He looks deep into your eyes and you can't answer, only managing to nod slightly.
As you are about to leave, Lois tells you that she wants to stay and that she probably wants to sleep at Connie's. She winks at you as you look at her questioningly.
On the way back, Tom takes your hand in his. You smile at him and walk slowly down the street. He sways a little and you giggle from time to time.
"Tom?" you ask.
He looks at you, "Yes love?"
"What do you think of Harry?"
He looks at you, "Why? Was he hitting on you? Do you want me to go back and..."
You laugh and pull him along by the hand as he turns and wants to go back. "... No! Tom stay here!"
He lets you pull him along, but eventually pulls you into his arms. He kisses you gently. His one hand is on the back of your neck and his thumb caresses your cheek.
"I've been wanting to do that all evening... I wanted to just hold you and… kiss you all evening," he whispers. His eyes look almost sad.
"Let's go home..." you say softly.
He looks at you with a smirk, "What are you going to do with me, young lady??"
You roll your eyes and keep walking.
With quick steps he comes after you and chuckles. When he is beside you again, he looks at you, "About Harry... I don't like him much. And I think he's a snob. But I trust Lois to do the right thing."
You just nod. He takes your hand in his again. Gently he brings it to his lips and kisses the inside of your wrist.
When you arrive home, Tom quietly opens the door.
"Dad?" he calls softly into the house as you stand in the kitchen. But no one answers.
"I guess we're alone... And Lois won't be coming home today," he grins at you.
You bite your lip again and blush at the thought of being home alone with Tom...
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boom-fanfic-a-latta · 4 months
Aight! So, just to get an idea for what exactly needs to be filled in: what's the planned ending so far? Or at least, what does this middle need to cover?
So I'll start by saying that the clearest mental image I have of the whole finale is Doopliss-as-Mario trying to blackmail the Shadow Queen by holding a knife to Peach's throat :)
SOMEHOW this works, partially because I'm pretty sure they imply that the Shadow Queen NEEDS a pure-hearted vessel, and one of the things Peach is specifically known for in the RPGs especially is her pure heart.
But so, in essence: Doopliss hijacks being the final boss by bartering for power cause he might have gotten a bit more power-hungry over the course of things. Just a bit.
Team Violet (my name for the silly AU squad) ends up getting there right as this happens, probably directed there by a combo of Vivian telling them about her sister's plans, and being told by Doctor Toadley that they should PROBABLY HELP STOP THE END OF THE WORLD--
Oh, yeah, Doctor Toadley. Yep, I mean the guy from the Mario & Luigi series. He's here in this AU and basically serves as the group's contact on what they should try doing next--like Professor Frankley in TTYD proper, or Merlon in SPM, or Rodolfo in Temple of the Sun (guys you NEED to read Temple of the Sun it's such a good fic). He's also Toadara's uncle!
But so the gang shows up as this happens, Shade (Mario) remembers his encounter with Doopliss upon seeing his stolen body and suddenly things start to click into place, everyone is panicking over "Mario" threatening Peach because WHAT, Peach is just "I knew there was something off about this Mario, I knew this wasn't actually him, I CALLED IT" and is thus actually fairly less panicked than everyone else because she's less SHOCKED, the Shadow Queen is actually kinda impressed by the audacity but also angry because she NEEDS this vessel, all around chaos is ensuing and culminates in Doopliss getting to hijack being the Final Boss because thematic relevance heck you--
But so TLDR: Doopliss hijacks the Final Boss, though this doesn't need much setup cause the reasoning can be more implied than anything
ANYWAYS: What I need for the middle? Is mostly just A WAY TO KILL TIME BETWEEN CHAPTER 4 AND CHAPTER 8. Though...I HAVE gotten a few ideas.
One of these ideas is that while Team "Mario" is going after the 5th star, Team Violet ends up finding the 6th (the train one :D). After all, Chapter 6 ends up being a bit less...y'know, how it was in canon, without Doopliss doing specific shenanigans, that he is definitely NOT doing in this AU because obvious reasons.
Another idea is that, since the Three Shadows is more like the Two Shadows now and don't get a substitute for Vivian because, once again, DOOPLISS IS OTHERWISE OCCUPIED BEING MARIO, we could possibly have a subplot where Beldam tries stealing Vivian back and the gang has to rescue her from the abusive witch. This may or may not involve them going to the X-Naut Moon Base.
And there IS the initial return to Twilight Town, and the exploration of Creepy Steeple in which they fight Atomic Boo and learn Doopliss's name...though they won't know where to use it til the finale. It's a surprise tool that will help them later.
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hasdrubal-gisco · 2 months
day 2 eval - i'll keep this short, most of everything was covered in day 1 but one thing that stands out is how a lot of the tourism-dependent economy has disappeared (would be nice to have a baseline to compare to but it was my first visit). zero souvenir shops, zero thai foot massage places, no "real authentic 100% ukrainian restaurant not overpriced" restaurants full of brits. no heineken. center proper was full of people who were clearly just hanging out, in a location that is reserved for foreigners anywhere else, and locals are pushed out a couple blocks.
a lot of ongoing construction taking place already, mixed use developments branded with almost exclusively UK-based funds - i know the country was portioned and countries were bidding on contracts for the rebuild, could be UK has dibs on lviv. a lot of glass, i find, for a place nominally in an active war zone. decent number of boys and men walking around in uniforms, skinny 18yo boys looking like they're visiting home for the weekend from training, older guys just walking back and forth. can't recall if it was in the full post or just in snaps, but a lot of crippled soldiers, though seemingly 0 homeless or begging. saw no women/girls walking around uniformed in the city, but coming in by train, the MPs who checked the train were all women. saw(or rather, heard) a single pair of guys speaking russian to each other, otherwise only ukrainian ever. did have some trouble getting gallery tickets due to language barrier, i can understand ukrainian pretty well, got a lot of practice at the start of the war through work, and that paid dividends, and i was replying with some kinda medžuslovjansky-ish thing. turns out there's only one synagogue in the city which is crazy considering it was like 35% jewish prior to ww2. they don't even have a chabad. im not sure if the visual style of the ukrainian greek catholic (real) churches is modern or not (churches seem to be one of the few things restored over the last 30 years), but truly truly gorgeous buildings and decor.
day 3 eval - had to change from my original itinerary, took a 1pm outbound bus across the border to przemyśl, planning to see the city before connecting to my train back home at 10pm (+1 timezone over). crossing the ukrainian part of the border ended up getting detained for like an hour (for sure bcs of us passport), and asked what the purpose of my visit was and where i was staying and they even asked for contact info for the airbnb owner and called her on the phone to confirm i stayed in her apartment. didn't let me pee. eventually let go and i happily returned to sitting in the bus not moving for another 6 hours. overall took like 9h to make the 90km trip, just barely arrived in time for train for next leg of trip. would have for sure killed myself without public wifi provided by spacex's starlink. thank you 16 year old żabka employee for heating up my falafel wrap i owe you my life.
would not recommend, but those with vim will not be dissuaded
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toomuchracket · 10 months
ok idk what universe or how the circumstances lead to this. but im having dad matty brainrot. maybe girlie is busy and matty has to watch the kids but hes meant to be getting a new tattoo (maybe hes supposed to go with the guys, which is why he cant cancel). but he has to bring the kiddos with him and while hes getting tattooed another artist or maybe even one of the guys doodles on kiddis arm so they can match their dad :(
fuck it, og dad!matty universe! it's the last couple of weeks of the summer holidays and you're mildly concerned about the fact your husband is planning on taking your 6 year old and 8 year old with him and the boys while they get new tattoos (maybe to celebrate an album anniversary or some shit), but when george comes to pick them up he reassures you like "it's fine! it's a nice day, we'll go into the shop one at a time, whoever's not in can just be at the park down the road with dyl and lena". a good idea in theory, and it works for a little bit while matty's playing football with his babies and giving them piggybacks and whatnot; when it's matty's turn to go in and get his tattoo, though, elena's (who's been a bit more shy and reserved lately - you think she might be a bit nervous to go back to school) little lip starts to wobble like she's going to cry, and she clings to his leg and will not let go even when adam's like "el! we'll go and get ice cream, yeah? your dad won't be long, you know that". matty has to crouch to her level like "i'll be twenty minutes, munchkin. four bluey episodes long. that's all! my big, brave girl, you'll be alright without me for that long, won't you?", and she shakes her little curly head quite vehemently - when the sniffles begin, matty just hugs her into him and softly shushes her like "alright, darling, you can come in with me. but you have to sit nice next to me, yeah? no running around in case you get hurt". so then obv dylan wants to come in, too, not because she's also upset but because she's curious about the tattoos "cos you and mum both have them but i don't know how you get them" lol; she drags ross in too, because that's bestie, and he sits with a kid on each knee and patiently explains to them what's going on while their dad gets another tattoo. the tattoo artists are really sweet - the guy doing matty's is like "oh! it's nice to finally meet the two of you, it was me who did the tattoos your mummy and daddy got when you were both born" (a.n. i have no idea what these look like actually), which impresses them a lot. but he doesn't impress them nearly as much as the other girl, who they say looks like a tattooed isabela madrigal (she laughs really hard at this and calls them adorable) and who lets them look through the sample book; they both pick out the ones they'll get when they're big enough (matty shakes his head at this, but he and ross giggle. how could they not?), and the girl gives them a couple of little temporary tattoo strips to "take home and get mum to help you put on. i think i would save them for parties, though" (matty thinks this is a genius suggestion, because he knows full well his daughters would have begged for them to be put on immediately otherwise lol). the doodling happens between dylan and elena themselves, i think - one of them gets hold of a pen and says "let me draw on you so you can match daddy?", and her sister is like "YEAH and then i can do it on you", while matty's half crying at how cute they are and half stressing about taking them home covered in pen lol. but yeah, the girls are good as gold, so good that their dad can't not treat them to an ice cream AND a tango ice blast to share afterwards, followed by another run around in the park to tire them out before it's time to go home and then pick up mummy from work. a lovely day <3
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saltedsolenoid · 9 months
I think u should elaborate on all of them because I wanna hear (sitting criss cross apple sauce like at carpet time)
alright ! this ask is in reference to this poll, which has now concluded! i'll go over all the options in horrid amounts of non-detail.
1: Main character sees her own grave; doesn't really care. This one is, expectedly, about Rosine Strom. She does see her own grave, albeit in a section of the game that I might alter in some way. Tl;dr, she sees four empty graves in the town's graveyards, and gives each of them offerings of coins. Only one of them doesn't go away by the next day. Figure out what this means yourself.
2: Some guy uploads a recreation of his brain to his employer's network Yeah. Well. It's a bit difficult to describe this without making it sound increasingly strange. Essentially what it says on the tin. It's a code replication of this Some Guy's personality. This definitely isn't plot relevant. (Lie)
3: A florist becomes a sentient pile of goop. This is treated as normal. This one is somehow true! Also pretty self-explanatory. He still does his job as a florist, though. Here's his design.
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4: A college student's apartment is physically melting. She still lives there. Also true! It isn't 'melting' entirely, that's more of a turn of phrase but it gets pretty close. It's like when you leave gummy candy in the sun for a little bit too long and it gets weird and goops together. Essentially, it becomes hell dimension. I drew concept art for it here.
5: Two side characters are vampires. This isn't plot relevant in any way. Yeah. They work at the museum in the town that the game takes place in. They aren't really major characters, and they don't really do much otherwise. The fact that they're vampires and they're shit at hiding it is brought up like twice. They're pretty cool otherwise.
6: Main character 2 drew main character 1 dying on the cross at age 10. This one won, and it's true! Aluzie Alvarez-Matvienko, otherwise known as Main Character 2, drew Rosine Strom dying on the cross after she had a seizure and was hospitalized in 5th grade. Aluzie got a little bit worried, and drew Rosie drawing on the cross to ensure that she would come back safe. Yknow. Like Jesus. This is a normal Christian child activity. This is brought up during conversation once or twice.
7: There's a public committee dedicated to crying into a river to replenish it. This one is the lie... Sorry.... There's a river in the town though.... That's the inspiration for this lie....
8: Antagonist is given special permission to exit a train in motion at any time. Also fairly self explanatory. Main Antagonist, otherwise known as Ilex Holly, has a habit of walking into the woods that this train passes through, and got a bit annoyed with the fact that the staff on the train tried to stop him. He talked with a shit-ton of supervisors and got a specialized ticket to walk into the woods off the train at any time. This is very relevant.
9: A recurring clue in the story is that this one guy really likes moby dick. It's moreso a clue towards some themes of that one guy (same one guy who uploaded his brain to his employer's network) than a major clue to the mystery of the game. It does get tossed around a few times during mystery and puzzle segments, but not much.
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ruakichan · 6 months
Roo State of Gaming:
Console: Finished FF7: Minigame Compilation. My opinions are mostly not positive, so I'll leave it at that. Started Paranormasight. Waiting for Siete release in Relink.
Gacha: Dropped Aether Gazer. Skipping Fire Tyr was the last straw, especially after I realized I just didn't care about most of the cast and thus most of the story. Hard to take characters and story seriously when it's all filtered through a more and more horny lens.
Slowed down with Onmyoji. Seems like a dead period after the conclusion of TKMGHR. I was hoping they'd go into the missing mysterious fourth clan they've been teasing in lore since forever, but the stories released so far have been very mid for me. Events are lackluster too. Still my main game, but I only log on once a day now for dailies...
GBF anniversary is over so back to mostly seasonal, though Light GW is coming up.
Still playing R1999. The events go on for long and updates are slow, so it's a good side game to slot in between the others. I really do love the characters in this game. I was a bit sad I couldn't roll for 37 cause she seemed so cute (her commentary when you turned in event currency for mats was so charming!), but my next 6* roll was a banner guarantee, and I wanted 6 more.
Life Makeover has taken up a lot of my attention, though I've finally reached the time gating for continuing the story that always happens with these type of games. Makes me sad cause I love how bonkers dressup game plots get. Otherwise I'm having a lot of fun with the community in the game, though it always feels awkward to find someone cooking in your kitchen... I'm not good at socializing, so I just stand there replying with emotes... orz Also, I can't get over the terrible dub, and why would you name one of the boys Larry? That is so deeply unsexy (Leisure Suit Larry...)... I think his original name is Lan Shu? the other guys are ok with their anglicized names, but fr why Larry
I'll probably look into Wuthering Waves and Duet Night Abyss when they release to see if they fill that action gap Aether left.
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My weekly roundup CW 19
I try to write down my thoughts after watching stuff to create a little weekly ranking in relation to the previous week on my, most of the times, quiet sundays (and because I love lists!). These are just my personal opinions and preferences.
And yes, this will contain spoilers!
But first, the main theme for the first date this week:
Happy Merry Ending
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Love Mate
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→ 1. Love Mate (Ep 3+4)
Most unexpected moment this week:
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Ahhhh!!!!! I love it!!!!! Sunshine guy is slowly but surely making his way into grumpy guys heart and I am absolutely here for it. And then grumpy guy also falls for the polar bear profile and of course he thinks he's great and has a strangely good feeling from the writing and of course they meet and of course grumpy guy is not thrilled. The slap in the face was maybe a little over the top but in the end everything that follows is absolutely perfect. A first date, laughter and fun and at the end a romantic scene? I don't think any of us expected that! I was shocked! And had absolutely nothing against it! The morning after…I really thought at first that sunshine guy was going to sneak out because he now got what he wanted! Luckily that wasn't the case and they are now going on their next date. It doesn't necessarily have to come down to a lot of drama breaking out. Maybe the two of them can just go about their lives together. Come on! I don't want to see them apart! They should stay happy! Let's just see how grumpy guy gets to the 100%.
The softest moment this week:
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→ 2. My Story (Ep 5)
What exactly is this project where they have to drink alcohol in large amounts? I mean plotwise it fits just fine, but what? Drinking alcohol for school? Um…I have questions. And also, Sky didn't look that drunk now…Stupid excuse of not being able to remember anything…again, not…I'd like an change of ideas here. Otherwise Zeke and Fifth…the two can't stop flirting with each other and in the end it all culminates in an explosive kiss that has been building up over the last few episodes and was finally allowed to break out. It was worth the wait! These two are just outrageously good together. Yes, I can't take the other two seriously anymore. But good for me, so the drama stays with them and Zeke and Fifth can float around on their cloud 9. I'm not mad about that.
↑ 3. Happy Merry Ending (Ep 5+6)
Cutest moment this week part 1:
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Oh God, that was beautiful! A first date, a first kiss. And JaeHyun understood SeungJun. He didn't just jump him and kiss him, he asked for his consent and I love him for that! I love the show for that! And what a fucking romantic moment? I was ecstatic! And how happy SeungJun looked. The hand holding was my favorite scene. JaeHyun was so nervous beforehand! I love it so much! And all just for SeungJun to be thrown back into his trauma by that stupid fucker in the next episode. And I'm scared that JaHyun's "he's mine now, I won't let him go" might possibly trigger SeungJun's trauma as well. I hope not, but I'm scared of that scene in the trailer. However, since it will be the last two episodes next week, of course I hope for a happy ending! So I'll accept some angst if it still leads to SeungJun taking off his sunglasses at the end and only looking at JaeHyun.
Cutes moment this week part 2:
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↑ 4. La Pluie (Ep 3)
I found the episode so interesting and good. We see in this episode the side of Patt and his love at first sight moment. So Patt likes Tai. Patt has a girlfriend or had a thing with someone we don't know, yet. Patt has a crush on Tai now though. Patt doesn't know that Tai is his soulmate. So Patt tries to win Tai over without this knowledge. Tai, on the other hand, thinks that Patt has a girlfriend, because he heard him making out with someone, and is therefor making a pass at him, so he keeps his distance from Patt. Which doesn't stop Patt from trying to get close to him. And both like each other in the end. I like it. I had my doubts about Tai's infatuation at first, but it works quite well. It's cute how shy he gets in front of Patt. Why he bit him in the arm at the end, though, I don't quite understand. Was that frustration or pure alcohol talking out of him? Anyway! I look forward to the next episode!
↓ 5. Our Dining Table (Ep 6)
Yutaka and Minoru were able to enjoy a few minutes of privacy. Finally. It was about time. I don't think we'll see a kiss in the series, but at least a little intimacy and closeness between the two. Minoru was so worried about Yutaka and came running to him and then makes him the udon noodles like his mother used to do when the kids were sick. Honestly, what other proof of affection do you need? Minoru shares such a precious and beautiful memory with Yutaka, wants him to have something of his memory, and Yutaka is so grateful for it and happy about it. So wholesome.
↑ 6. Naked Dining (Ep 5)
So by now they should have realized that they like each other, right? As jumpy as they react when they stand close to each other. But I think Futa still needs some time to understand it properly. A first step in the right direction was made when he wanted to touch Mahori when he was asleep. Dare to let it happen. The almost-kiss at the end, which Futa also dreams of, I don't find soooo good, because I don't think kisses, when the persons are not in a relationship and while one person is asleep, are so thrilling in general. But we'll see next week how they'll work it out. Other than that, it was a pretty enjoyable episode. The two of them had fun together. Even the co-worker could see that. Let's hope she keeps her friendly distance.
↑ 7. The Promise (Ep 9)
Best reaction to a kiss this week:
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They did what? A kiss? Phu finally got up the courage and confessed his feelings for Nan? I confess I squealed a little with delight and then hid behind a pillow in shame because, hello? Why did everyone have to applaud? Best reaction of the week though from Party and Khunkhao! I would have reacted the same way, but wouldn't be as damn pushy as Khunkhao at the end and would just keep my mouth shut when I see that the person I'm into has found someone he likes and is willing to kiss in public…And then not even a minute later, Phu's grandma is dead. What the hell, The Promise? And then Nan gets the info that he's going to be transferred to China…This was really way too much drama in one episode. Couldn't one of them have happened an episode earlier? And that Phu keeps saying he has no one now…he has Nan! Let's see how they resolve all this at the end.
↓ 8. Step by Step (Ep 4)
This week's outstanding fashion choice: The Bow ties
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Why exactly is Pat trying to talk trash about Jeng with his colleagues who talk trash about everything and everyone? Why is Pat starting rumors like this? Whatever Jeng does in private is his beer and not of Pat's interest to bitch about. And he was actually against talking about him like that or not, since he knows how it feels when false rumors are spread. At least he should know that. Yes, he tries to get along with his colleagues, but that's a really shitty way to go. Otherwise, I would have been interested to know why Jeng and Pat were in the Tuxedos and what exactly they were doing. That was such a random scene at the end that wasn't explained further and then you didn't even see them at the event…were they laughed at for their giant bow ties and no one could take them serious and they thought, then we better cut the scenes out altogether? Other than that, I love the way Jeng looks at Pat. And I sincerely hope their communication improves! It's terrible…
↑ 9. Our Skyy 2 - Vice Versa (Ep7+8)
So the idea with the calendar I found really good. Many more people should do this to bring some life back into the relationship and also to simply do something good for themselves. It does not have to be something different every day, but once a week to break out of everyday life and get closer to each other again. I think it's really good and sweet. The child…what kind of crappy plan was that? To send a stranger's kid to a couple so they can work out their problems. I've rarely heard anything so stupid. All in all, the episodes were more bearable than the previous ones because the corniness was less, but the idea behind it was still stupid. And the preview for next week scared me 😅
↓ 10. A Boss And A Babe (Ep 11)
The cheesiest but still sweetest line this week:
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That was unnecessary. Even though Cher thinks he understands that he is not good enough for Gun, I found it unnecessary. It's not Gun's mother's decision to decide what is right for Gun and what is not, even if they have money. While it's nice that Cher graduated with trophies, at the end of the day I would very much like to erase that scene from my memory. My embarrassment level was definitely reached and I had trouble watching. It was a bit too much. Also, the scene came so suddenly. All of a sudden Cher is standing in front of the door and gets down on his knee in front of Gun. I mean, no…I don't know, this week it was really exhausting to watch. You knew from the beginning that something was going to happen, the way Cher always looked at Gun, with that sad, wistful look. So it wasn't unexpected that Cher would leave Gun. It was unexpected that Gun didn't try to stop him anymore or just visit him at home. But at least the last episode now looks like pure fluff.
↓ 11. House of Stars (Ep 2)
I don't know exactly what happened this week. First, it's Saturday and I have no idea what I saw and second, it was boring. There's so much talk about nothing that my brain said let's filter that out real quick. Unnecessary waste of space. Guess this will be the next series I'll drop or at least put on-hold.
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teatimecontea · 11 months
[You have 2 unread messages.] Time left: 6 day(s)
「 Camu and Kamui」
ACTIVATION DAY: OCTOBER 23RD Please click Keep Reading to continue…|
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Hmmm... Ahem.
I knew an event like that was your idea. Although Kamui shares an Activation Date with me, he was surprisingly unmindful about today. Still, I had a feeling that he was looking forward to something. Ahem. I didn't think you'd prepare dishes for the occasion... They might look senseless, but they didn't taste too bad. Much better than what Chrome, Kamui, and Wanshi could make. Also... Thank you for the cake. I... don't think I've tasted the sweetness of cream in a long time. It's been a while since we all gathered like that. I suppose it wasn't as annoying as I thought, gathering now and then. Have I become soft because of this place? Or is it something else? Somehow, I find this world not as loathsome as before... Tch. I ordered dinner beforehand, but now that you've messed with my plan, I guess you can take the food instead. Don't thank me. From: Camu's Letter I
-Don't Eat The Takeaway!
Hey! What are you? Stupid?! Don't just put anything in your mouth! You were lucky I found out just in time! Otherwise, they'd court-martial me for attempted murder on a commandant! The takeaway I gave you... Ahem-didn't you guys make food to celebrate my Activation Date? I was looking at it, and I thought, "How hard could it be?" Well... the fried rice I made was a little burnt, I'll admit. I was going to throw it away and just get you a takeaway, but I took the wrong box... And why would you think that burnt rice is safe to eat? Ahem. I bet you still haven't eaten anything with everything that happened. This nightmare-spicy golden egg fried rice and cheese hotteok is from the restaurant in the commercial district. I was going to have them for dinner, so they're safe to eat. Is it just me, or does this Activation Date feel like a mess? Still... I guess it's only fitting that the day would be as chaotic as it was. .. suppose I have to "make up" for all that trouble, don't I? There's a new restaurant I've been hoping to try. I thought we could give it a go together, so l've booked us a table every day next week. I'll be waiting for you there at dinnertime. See you tomorrow. From: Camu's Letter Il
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Mission Recieved!
What's up, Commandant? This is the first time I talk to you this way... What's it called again? "Letter"? Whatever! It doesn't make any difference. Waiting for your reply is an exciting feeling, though. Cap told me you require assistance from one person for a mission, so I immediately took the job! I'm pumped just thinking that I can fight alongside you. Pumped! Oh, the anticipation! It doesn't matter what job it is-I always have a good time when I'm with you, Commandant! I'll be on my way when you receive this! Time to show you how powerful I am after I leveled up! Hehe, see you soon! From: Kamui's Letter I
I'm So Happy, Commandant!
A surprise for my Activation Date! That was today's "mission"?! I did guess it, a little bit, but I wasn't expecting a surprise like that! And, and, and! The gift you gave me was something I've wanted for a long time! Someone must have looked through my history. Who was it? Cap? Wanshi? Or... you, Commandant? I will never ever forget about today! By the way, have you guys planned something for Camu too? I can't wait to see his expression! Hehe! Right, speaking of gifts-I have something for you too, Commandant! Although I didn't make it myself, it's a collectible l've had for a long time! Warrior's Greatsword! Isn't it cool! I always wanted to find a time to give it to you properly, but the timing never worked out. Well, there's no better time than giving it to you now! On the battlefield, Constructs are warriors, but so are you. As we charge in, you protect us in the back as one of us. That's the thought that gives me the strength to defy the future. Ahem... It's weird to thank you so formally, but still. Thank you, Commandant. Not only for the surprise today. Thank you for protecting this world. Protecting us. From: Kamui's Letter II
Click here to view other's activation messages.
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havenmoon1369 · 3 months
Not Again (Sequel to Getting Her Back)
- Chapter 4
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November 3rd, 2018 Around three months had passed since the last threatening text Drew had gotten but he was vigilant. He had asked a police friend back home in Scotland to take a look at the texts and see if they could track who sent the texts but it led to a dead end. Every text and picture that was sent was from a different disposable phone each time so there was no way to trace it. Drew had put a safety plan into place with the nanny, she was too text him when she dropped off Quinn at school in the mornings and Quinn was too call him after she was picked up, the only people that could pick her up was Drew, the nanny, Stephen, and Stephen's girlfriend Erin since they lived in Nashville and could pick her up if they were in town. Everything was going well for them otherwise. Drew had dropped the title to Seth Rollins and was feuding with him, Quinn was adjusting well to school and had even made a couple friends in her Art Guild. She was looking forward to the holidays that were fast approaching, Drew's family from Scotland was flying in for the first time in three years and she was excited to see them. Quinn was also excited because she got to travel with her dad this weekend since the house shows were in neighboring cities, tonight's would be close to home in Nashville. She was hoping her dad would win tonight because it was also the 6 year anniversary of his mom's death and it would be a nice tribute to her. She was only 7 years old when she passed away but she had many memories of her that she would cherish.
"Quinn we got to go sweetheart! We're running late!" Drew yelled from the kitchen, "I'm ready!" Quinn said as she ran down the steps, "It's really cool I got a ringside seat tonight" she said as they walked out to the car, "Yeah I figured since we were the home city tonight, it would be a lot more fun for you. Not to mention your friend and her mom will be at ringside with you" he said. "I hope you win tonight dad, it'd be a really nice tribute to Nana, it's been 6 years today" she said, "Yeah it has, it's hard to believe, feels like only yesterday" Drew said getting tears in his eyes, "Don't cry dad, I'll start crying too" Quinn said, "Sorry sweetheart I still miss her a lot, but you remind me of her in so many ways" Drew said trying to wipe away the tears "But you know, I will win tonight, I'll win it for her" he said proudly. Quinn smiled, she looked out the window and started daydreaming on the way to the arena.
Drew and Quinn arrived 30 minutes later, the show wasn't supposed to start for another two hours. Quinn ran to catering to get her some dinner while she waited, one of the crew team members would walk her to her seat when it was time. She ran back to her dad's locker room, ate her dinner, and watched some shows on her IPad until it was time for her to go take her seat. 10 minutes after she was seated her friend and her mom sat down next to her, they were all excited for the show. Her dad's match was third on the card, even though he was a bad guy she was still gonna cheer for him. Finally about 45 minutes later, her dad's music started playing, Quinn, her friend, and her friend's mom all cheered for him while everyone else booed. Drew circled inside the ring doing his poses, he spotted Quinn and gave her a thumbs up noting he saw her. Seth Rollins came out next and everyone cheered for him including Quinn, she knew he was fighting her dad but Seth was an awesome dude and she couldn't help but cheer too. About 10 minutes into the match, someone came up behind Quinn and tapped her on the shoulder. He was wearing WWE crew gear and he talked into Quinn's ear since it was loud from all the noise of the arena. "Quinn, I need you to come with me, your dad asked me backstage to come get you during his match, something's happened and he wants you in the locker room" the crew guy said. "Oh okay, yeah I'll go backstage" Quinn said in a confused voice. She told her friend and her mom where she was going and they nodded while they continued to watch the match. When Quinn and the crew guy got backstage, she noticed they were heading towards the parking lot instead of the locker rooms, "hey I thought my dad said we needed to go to the locker" Quinn was cut off by a needle pain in her neck and she fell unconscious right after.
Drew won his match against Seth Rollins, while everyone booed Drew looked around for Quinn but didn't see her, he casually walked over to Quinn's friend asking where she was, the friend gave him the same info Quinn had given her, saying she went back to the locker room. Thinking the noise got to Quinn, Drew didn't think much of it and he headed back towards the locker rooms. Once he got back there, Quinn wasn't there, he ran to catering to see if she was getting her some food but no sign of her, he ran back to the locker room to grab his phone to call her. He noticed however there was a new message from the unknown number, his blood ran cold, he opened the text. It was a picture of Quinn at ringside watching his match, the caption read "She was right under your nose and I got her". Drew immediately started panicking, he broke out into a cold sweat, his mind racing, before he could do anything his phone rang, it was the unknown number. Before Drew could say anything, he heard a thick country accent answer first "Been a long time Drew, guess you're wondering why?"
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bakafurai · 4 months
ooooo you wanna tell me about your ocs so bad ooooo
it wasn't until i got this ask that i realised oh shit i have. a lot of ocs,,,
ANYWAYS,,, i've decided i will now talk about my ocs ethos, pathos and logos :3 putting it under a read more bc. I like to ramble haha,,,
little backstory time: these three are actually one of my oldest ocs dating from.... late 2017 I think? I remember it was during my Sanders Sides brainrot era (it's a youtube series by thomas sanders that is very good i def recommend it), i was watching on the behind the scenes videos and they mentioned Ethos, Pathos and Logos and i thought "oh that sounds neat" and looked up and then boom. ocs where made...god they were sooo different back then, my oc lore has gone through many changes XD
oh here are the name meanings btw (taken of this site bc i am terrible at describing things lmao)
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My human drawing skills has gotten better since I made this but the designs stay roughly the same so here they are!!
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for slight context: they are fairies (not the typical kind you see in fantasy though), they come in all sorts of colours (passed down genetically and each of them have special abilities they get from around 6 or 7 years old, kinda similar to MHA's quirks in a way (I made this up before i got into mha btw), it starts to develop for them at the age of 4, where a symbol shows up on their bodies, when a fairy gets older they'll learn the ability to hide this symbol if they so wish (otherwise it's shown through clothing, though this act is not the most common). And yes they do have things but are generally pretty tiny (but powerful enough to let them fly for a decent for time), there are some who have larger pair of wings (this is. a whole other can of worms relating to the in universe magic that i won't go into too much details here haha), but short wings double wings are the norm (nobody has a set of 4 of wings, just 2, there is an exception but again is another can of worms haha).
uhh that's about it i think? there's some random slightly unrelated stuff like they can summon a shield or bladed weapon via their symbols (developed in the same sense as their magic, but comes along later when they are like 15 or so). also they can glow in the dark ig (except for fairies with darker colours, like black or dark grey, but these coloured fairies aren't the most common.)
They're able to cover their whole body with a pretty tough metal to protect themselves, sometimes spikes will come out (they cannot control this.), also they coincidentally have a circular shield they can summon and grow at will.
I'll start with Ethos first: Ethos is non-binary, aroace and 20 years old (at the time of their first appearance). they live in an apartment in what i can only describe as the fairy version of england with their childhood best friend Pathos (who i will get to in a min).
Ethos is currently studying to become a defence lawyer. They're generally a pacifist and try not to take sides (ironic i know, it was Pathos who encouraged them to go for it), that being said they can be sassy if allowed- generally it's when they're at home with Pathos or their qpp (they don't have a name and design yet but i'm working on it). Ethos and Pathos have known each other since they were kids, and Pathos was the first person Ethos came out as non-binary too, and in general Pathos is kind of like a brother to them.
Next up is Pathos my silly little guy!!! Pathos is cis male, pan, and also 20 years old. As mentioned previously, he and Ethos are roommates and childhood best friends so i won't get too much into it. oh also he has undiagnosed adhd.
Pathos is,,, a special case in terms of magic abilities, they were born with a unnaturally large amount of excess magic (which is. another can of worms. hm.), without going into too much detail. by normal means Pathos has empathic abilities, when they turn it on it shows up as different colours depending on the emotions, he's able to sense it similarly even with his eyes close so he can use it as a second pair of eyes if he wants to. With enough concertation he can extend the area he's able to detect emotions, but he tries not to that too much because it can be overwhelming for him (or at worse it will turn into full on telepathy he has no control over).
If someone's emotion is strong enough it will show up as a glow around that person for Pathos, it can overwhelm Pathos if he actually activates his ability. The excess magic generally comes into play when he feels too strongly, his colours will change and he will gain another ability (ei; anger will make him turn red, and will gain pyrokinetic abilities. the angrier he gets the more monster like his body also gets, generally he gets fangs, a devil tail and smoke will come out of his mouth, but over time his hands/feet will turn into claws, his fangs n horns will grow, his body heat will grow hotter and the smoke will become more intense. that's definitely an extreme case, a more lighter one would be turning yellow when he's overjoyed/excited and gets a pleasant warm aura around him).
Pathos has a bladed weapon he can summon, but i haven't decided on what yet (it hasn't really come up in my stories yet), Pathos is a strong fighter, has been trained in martial arts since he was 11 to defend Ethos and other classmates from some bullies (fairies are generally very accepting and kind but it takes some time for some young kids to learn these things).
Pathos, when he's not doing martial arts, studies animal care- his class each have assigned animals they care for on the side based on their abilities. Pathos cares for a mother earth dragon and her 3 young ones, Dragons in this universe are heavily sensitive to emotions of others so generally Pathos' abilities comes in handy. Dragons in protective care in this planet and it is considered illegal to hunt them- this doesn't stop poachers from other planets to sneak in (pathos has managed to stop them a numerous amount of times,). Pathos is also unnaturally talented at flight despite his average sized small wings (doctors believe it may be due to the excess magic he has)
oh fuck i have no talked about his personality yet damn uhhh. Pathos is super friendly and all over the place, a big lover of food/baked goods, and is very good at making friends. Being an empath he's very quick to pick up emotions of others and if they are uncomfortable or not, which makes me a pretty easy guy to go to for a lot of fairies who know him. A huge lover of hoodies and sometimes gifts close friends hoodies, also he has a pet pigeon named "Buddy" whomst he loves very much.
LASTLY WE HAVE LOGOS,,, god I have rambled so much lmao,,,
Logos! She's not actually fairy, and more so an android made to look like one. Her body is genderless but her AI is set to female so she uses she/her pronouns. Logos was created to assist the queen of what i will for now be calling faeland (basically fairy england,,, fairy uk,, the planet is a lot like earth in many ways), originally she was grey with no ounce of emotions but the queen thought that was sad so she used her magic (not fae magic, sorry this is another can of worms) to give her the ability to feel. Logos' "brain" is connected wirelessly to a large internet archive holder owned by another oc that is connect to a lot of places- due to this she has access to an enormous amount of information (fun fact: originally she was all knowing but this concept became to confusing to me so i changed it. this might not make that much sense either in terms of logic but i wrote this bit when i was like 17 i think so uh. shoosh ig.) to which she uses in a large variety of ways.
Her look as seen from above is her more casual look, the hoodie was a gift from Pathos, she uses in day to day activities- including detective/police work, being an informant for the queen, assisting the queen in her tasks in general. However some may know her as the one-man-army knight general of the queen, she can shift to a more knight like look when she fights, there are plenty of soldiers around but Logos could probably hand a large amount of enemies by herself.
Speaking of fighting! As she is not actual fairy she is not born with magic or a weapon- instead she has a katana stored in her body symbol that glows to give off the effect of a regular fairy summoning a weapon. After the queen fused some magic in her body, she has been able to let out electricity from her body (she does this only in dire situations, but at most she might use it to taze someone if needed), her symbol also oddly shows up through her clothing but works the same way as before.
Personality wise, Logos is somewhat stoic and logical, but is perfectly able to read the room. Her eyes will change colour if she feels something strongly (it is a magic user thing), but it doesn't happen often. Generally speaking Logos is one of the few emotionally stable characters I have. When Logos is with Pathos she often ends up become his babysitter or having to stop him acting on impulse, she also becomes a grounding presence for him as she learns more about him and helps him through some of his mental health issues when they come up. Logos come off as cold but she's decently friendly and kind hearted, she just has a resting serious face.
aaand that's about it I think????? wow I sure rambled a lot lmao it's been what. about 2 hours????? since i started typing??? whoops
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jokertrap-ran · 5 months
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[スタオケ] La Corda d'Oro Starlight Orchestra Main Story Chapter 2-7 Translation
*Starlight Orchestra Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Main story tag will be #Main Starlight
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Akira: Oh, (L/n)-san.
Akira: …Why do you look so curious? Ah, are you interested in what's inside this huge bag?
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
⊳ Choice: Doesn't look like you're shopping…
Akira: Are you really that curious about it? Must be nice to have such free time to meddle in the affairs of others…
⊳ Choice: Are you becoming an off-season Santa Claus?
Akira: Haha, if this bag's goin’ to be filled with presents, then the recipient might be in for the surprise of their lifetime.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Akira: Well, I s'pose it's some sort of fate that I met you here. Help me out? I'll bring ya' someplace nice.
Akira: Why are you givin' me that look?
Akira: I'm not doin’ anything bad, I swear. Welp, this bag's all yours then.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Akira: *sigh* What a huge mess again today.
Discarded plastic bottles, crushed cans, and cigarette butts were scattered all over the place.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
⊳ Choice: Do you always pick up the garbage in here?
Akira: Not always, but I'll come by whenever I feel like it. Otherwise, untended, this place will end up being nothin' but a trash pile. Akira: What? Does it come as a surprise to you that I'd do this?
⊳ Choice: Who the hell made such a mess here!?
Akira: Drunkyards and elementary school students find their way here sometimes. This is the trash pile left in their wake. Akira: It's a real mess.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Akira: But well, it's been a long time since this place went outta business.
Akira: No one's manning nor managing the place, so it's not like we can really do anythin' about it.
Akira: …Ah, be careful about the back. There are broken bottles over there.
Akira: Oh? Your movements are really swift, smooth, and effective. You're pretty apt at this yourself.
Akira: …Aight then. My bag's kinda full now so let's stop here for today.
Akira: We managed to clean up quite a bit. Thanks.
Akira: Want a cola?
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Akira: Phew! Cola's best served ice-cold!
Akira: Hm? Why do I make the effort to maintain this place?
Akira: I wonder why.
Akira: I guess it's because there are people out there who call this place home…
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Teacher: There's no other way to go about it, is there? The grandson of the Kiryu Clan’s Boss…
Teacher: If problems were to arise due to someone like that being in our Brass Band Club… Well, it'd be too late to do anything by then; the damage would have been done.
Akira (Past Self): Are you for real…? And THAT'S why you cut-
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Akira: …
Akira: Well, it's not too shabby, right? I guess you can call it a secret hideout of sorts.
Akira: I used to come here a lot back in the day since they allowed the oddballs like me up on stage without so much as a bleet.
Akira: It used to be a pretty popular place. Although, you probably won't be able to imagine that ever happening with the state it's in right now…
⊳ Choice: I saw a video of it back in the day
Akira: Oh, really? I didn't know you watched something like that. Akira: I wonder when that video got taken though.
Kirigaya had been in the video with one other person— someone who played a Trumpet.
⊳ Choice: It's a little hard to ask…
Akira: Why are you fidgeting so much? Did you get somethin’ on your back? Akira: Who was the other guy I was performing with? Well, that's…
⊳ Choice: Who was the other person performing with you?
Akira: Other person? That's… Akira: A secret. Akira: Wouldn't life be much more interestin’ with a secret or two?
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Akira: Hey, hurry and finish your cola. There's nothin’ more depressing in life than a fizzled-out can of cola.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬Main Starlight♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
Previous Part: (Chapter 2-6) Next Part: (Chapter 2-8)
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sang8262 · 1 year
6 8 16
These three are SO CUTE I'm melting, thanks so much for requesting!! Again I'll be answering for JP, #6 is about F/O's laugh, #8 is what F/O is like flustered, and #16 is about F/O's cuddles! Under the cut as usual:
6. Gush about your F/O's laugh!
I hab.. many thoughts.. about JP's laughs;;;; We all know and love his big hammy evil laugh, from his Arcade mode and World Tour's final scenes. Both his English and Japanese voice actors do it so well. It's self indulgent, it's maniacal, it really is a villain's laugh and I love it.
My favorite one tho, has to be lvl 3 CA: the background music will cut out so you hear JUST his laugh during that bit of the animation, and it's sooooo good. The cinematography, his smug expression, his pose with the cane and handkerchief, mwuah it is perfect.
It's also nicely contrasted by his normal lvl 3 super, which has a more subdued and measured out kind of laugh. Still very sinister of course. It's great to hear so many different types of laughs from him!!
And speaking of variety, I also love his softer chuckles when he's emoting in World Tour as you talk to him. He sounds so content and pleased with himself. In some contexts, it's also him smirking at an evil deed done well, which is very cute of him to reminisce about his past like that.
More from in game, goodness, I LOVE his mischievous laugh he does during his Drive Rush!!! Paired with his power walk, it's a bit silly, but he really sounds like he's enjoying the fight (good for him good for him).
He also laughs for his Perfect KO, again, it pairs so nicely with the animation of him sitting on the Psycho Power crystal throne. This one I love for the animation mostly lol, just the fact that he'd goad his flawless victory over you with such an over the top display and laugh. (he's having fun fighting!! good for him!!).
8. Gush about how your F/O acts/ looks when they're flustered!
I feel like JP is a lot about control and keeping his presentation of himself on point all the time, so getting flustered would not only be rare, but would be under extreme circumstances. He'd have to be caught seriously off guard and shocked to be caught acting visibly flustered, which begs the question: what would ever cause him to be that way?!
But whatever the cause, I think he's the 'goes dangerously still and silent, but internally screaming at max volume' kind of flustered. You can tell something just short circuited in his mind and he's scrambling to find an solution, a retort, regain any amount of control in the situation back in his favor. He might laugh a bit to ease the tension, buy himself a few seconds to consider his next move while disarming whatever or whoever made him lose his cool.
I'd like to imagine he'd be quick to regain composure though, given how he's probably been through hell and high water with his life at Shadaloo. Though it's also quite cute to think if he can't come up with anything, he'll actually be at a loss for words. Rather stay silent than say something uncouth or worse, incriminating. At that point, his best option might be to deflect attention to others with a question or change of topic. I'd love to see what would happen if you kept cornering him though, until he has to confront his flusteredness...
16. Gush about your F/O's cuddles!
He probably cuddles tons with Cybele! At least, when Cybele is in the mood and graciously allows his Human Butler to pet him. JP secretly get a bit hurt when he gets rejected by his cat, poor guy.
Otherwise, I can imagine him cuddling with his arms over your shoulders, holding you close and reassuringly. It might feel a bit rigid and practiced on his part, but it's about the sentiment right?
I'd think he'd be more comfortable cuddling or hugging when wearing something more casual and homey, like a nightrobe or something. Clothes that he knows are easier to get cleaned and weren't worth a small fortune to get tailored y'know.
Context wise too, if he's chilling at home, he'd let down the public persona and be at ease enough to cuddle or such. It'd be nice to read books together while sitting side by side on the couch, or in bed before going to sleep. And Cybele can join too for pets and skritches.
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antoh3rnde · 3 months
Chapter 1
September 6, 1996 - Quinn
That morning, I couldn't tell if I was scared or just excited. All I could think about was making a good first impression; otherwise, I would never be taken seriously.
I was entering the Blue Whale, the old well known diner in town, near the coast. Me and the guy who had called me, agreed to meet there to discuss the case he needed to entrust to me, in person.
My first real case. During my apprenticeship with Scott, my mentor, I had only solved small cases, an arson and a man cheating on his wife, and even then, not alone. However, when this guy, a certain Chase Coleman, had called me, I had immediately felt that this case would mark a turning point in my career, now that I had finally managed to get to open my little private investigative agency.
I composed myself, trying not to show my anxiety, tucking a small blonde strand that had escaped my low ponytail behind my ear. I took a deep breath and, with trembling hands, pushed open the door of the Blue Whale.
It wasn't the first time I had entered that diner, and I knew it wasn't a very crowded place. It wasn't that day either, so it wasn't difficult to spot my appointment: a guy sitting alone at one of the tables in the back, looking around a bit. So, with a determined step, I approached the table.
"Hello... you must be Mr. Coleman?" I said, standing next to the table.
"Yes, you must be Detective Becker. Just call me Chase," said the guy, standing up and offering me his hand in a friendly manner.
He didn't seem too strange, just extremely messed up. Overall, he was quite handsome, with brown hair and bottle-green eyes, and he seemed to be about my age. It was evident that he was exhausted from life; he had clearly tried to clean himself up, dressing well and shaving his beard, but the dark circles under his eyes betrayed him. He wasn't much taller than me, and even though he wore a fairly loose sweatshirt, it was clear how skinny he was.
"Very well, Chase. It's a pleasure to meet you," I said, sitting across from him after shaking his hand. The waitress arrived, the same one for years, and we both ordered a coffee; while waiting, I took the opportunity to take out my recorder and insert the empty tape.
"So, on the phone, you were very vague. Explain to me in detail why you called me."
"Alright, I'll get straight to the point. But you must take me seriously because no one ever has, and I swear I'm not crazy. Okay?"
At that moment, I started to wonder if my hunch had been wrong, and if the handsome guy in front of me was actually just paranoid. After all, Scott had told me that in this job you deal with a lot of strange people.
"Sure, let's hear it."
Chase leaned toward me, over the table, so he wouldn't be heard by others.
"I think my father is a murderer." Amazing, he’s mad.
I cleared my throat.
"Would you mind explaining?"
"Do you remember the Oregon Ripper, between '85 and '86? The sixteen children who died?"
Oh God, a conspiracy theorist.
"Where are you going with this? The killer was caught."
I have to admit I felt a bit guilty. Clearly, he was struggling, Chase's hands were trembling around the coffee cup, and my not-so-gentle questions were not helping at all.
"Let me explain. I believe some of the children were killed by my father, even though the murders were still attributed to the Ripper."
"Okay, but why would he have done it? What do you think the motive is?"
I saw Chase swallow, taking a deep breath and a sip of coffee.
"I'll be honest with you, it's not a topic I like to talk about, so bear with me." He admitted, leaning back against the worn leather of the diner booth. I nodded and tried to give him a small smile to encourage him and maybe help him a bit; although I think I failed miserably.
"When I was little, about thirteen, one summer for my little sister's birthday, Charlotte, my mom took us to the public pool. All of us, me, her, Charlie, and my dad," he said, smiling with bitterness.
"In the afternoon, my dad and mom left to go to the bar, asking me to watch Charlotte, who was still just a child of barely six, while she was in the pool. Like many kids, I was a bit of a rebel and had no desire to be there."
Tears started to form in Chase's eyes, he tried to hold back a sob, unsuccessfully, and I have to admit, I felt a bit like a jerk.
Technically, the rules of the job forbade me from forming any emotional attachment with my clients, and I cared a lot about making a good impression, but I cared even more about being a good person. So I threw professionalism out the window and reached across the table to hold his hand, squeezing it slightly.
"Of course, I didn't listen to them and put on my headphones. My... my sister drowned that day, and I will never forgive myself."
At that moment, I wished I had something more to say than "I'm sorry, Chase"; but I had never been very good at comforting people. Moreover, I had to respect the professional boundary, so I just held his hand and offered him a tissue, which he declined.
Chase caught his breath, wiped away the tears with the back of his hand, and continued his story, while I unconsciously held my breath.
"My dad changed after the incident. He wasn't the same anymore, and the people closest to him noticed. I noticed. He was irritable, grumpy, spent hours locked in his office, and avoided me like the plague. When we were at the table together, he always looked at me with hatred and contempt, and I... well, it wasn't easy."
"So you believe your father went crazy and killed some children who were then attributed to the Ripper?" I asked, starting to think and letting go of the young man's hand.
"Not exactly." Chase had somewhat recovered and was back to being the confident guy I had shaken hands with half an hour earlier.
"I think my father certainly went mad, but he planned everything in detail to avoid being caught. I believe he took advantage of the murders to unleash his madness."
I nodded, taking a sip of coffee. I started to think. Maybe accepting the case was madness. Maybe I would never be able to solve it. Maybe the guy in front of me was just delusional. I looked up and saw Chase: his eyes were still wet, and he was clearly thinking the same things I was. He recognized that he seemed like a desperate person who couldn't accept his sister's death after years, and maybe it would have been rational for me to think the same, but something inside me made me accept.
"I imagine you want to decline the case at this point. I understand, I-"
"I accept the case."
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