#ur dad gets a boyfriend in 1 day and just leaves you at an old womans house for the night
grimbeak · 2 years
Donovan, after Charles gets back in the car from meeting Kevin for the first time: why is that guy calling you babygirl
Charles: lets stop talking for a little while
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jazminrhode1 · 1 year
heyyy, hope ur having a good day/night :) i was wondering if u could continue on with the triplets having an older sister. with like her in their videos and shit. or you could do them (including the parents) reacting to her having a boyfriend?
I Miss Them Too Sturniolo Triplets x Older Sister One Shot
Summary: The boys plan a family dinner over FaceTime.
Word Count: 1399 words
Author's Note: Apologies (1) that this took so long and, (2) if this isn't what you were after. I went on a tangent but, I hope it's OK ❤️
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“Honey, come show me how to FaceTime the boys on the iPad” MaryLou called out to her daughter. She was back in Boston for a couple of days but the boys couldn’t make it home so they had planned a family dinner over FaceTime.
Nick had tried to call three or four times and was blowing up the family chat with some choice emojis. As she came into the kitchen, Jimmy and MaryLou were hunched over the iPad trying to figure it out. She pulled out her laptop and called Nick back. “What the fuck is going on?” was the first thing he said when he answered.
Matt, Nick and Chris FaceTimed their sister all the time. She was busy working interstate and couldn’t make it back home as often as she would have liked to. It wasn’t the same since they all moved out but, they tried to make the most of it.
“Get Justin on this thing,” she said as she grabbed her and her parents a glass of water. As they waited, Nick went on a rant about the neighbor that kept calling up with noise complaints. MaryLou tried to play devil’s advocate and Jimmy just rolled his eyes. He missed the chaos when they were gone, they both did.
“I ran into your old lacrosse coach at Target the other day,” she said as MaryLou served up the steak and potatoes she’d made. He had been keeping tabs on the boys YouTube channel since they graduated. His daughters were big fans and he was proud to see them doing something they loved.
“Do you remember when you taught me to drive in that Target parking lot?” Matt asked. They were some of his favorite memories he had with his sister and it made him sad to think that they’d probably never have times like that again.
The boys often spoke about their life back in Boston. They would reminisce on the years that they all lived under the same roof before their sister went off to college and before Justin moved out. It was never quite the same going home anymore.
Nick couldn’t list on one hand the number of good experiences he had at high school, Matt was barely there and Chris was too worried about his brothers to have had the chance to enjoy those moments. They were all focussed on graduating so they could leave for LA and ramp up their YouTube channel. As much as they loved LA, they missed their family a lot.
“You were always a pretty good driver,” she said. “You have to teach me to drive,” Nick begged.
“Absolutely fucking not,” she replied. Chris and Matt burst out laughing. “But, I need to learn” Nick argued. “I wanna live,” she replied, making herself laugh.
Justin joined with, “Are we talking about Nick’s driving again?”
“Hey baby,” MaryLou chimed in. “Hey Ma,” Justin replied taking a bite of his pizza.
“That’s on you, J” their sister said, “I taught Matt, the other two are your problem.”
Justin just laughed and shook his head. He was a man of few words just like his Dad.
“Do you know when I was teaching your sister to drive,” Jimmy stared. “Absoloutely not, Dad” she cut in.
“Oh you were bratty,” MaryLou said cupping her daughter's cheek in her hand. The boys started laughing, and Matt almost choked on his french fry.
“I’ve never heard this story,” Chris said.
“We were driving to Grandma’s house and she pulled into that intersection and almost got side swiped by a guy,” Jimmy continued. “Not true,” she contested.
“You did and then you turned off the car and walked all the way home,” Jimmy finished, rubbing her back comfortingly. She sat pouting as she took a bite of the potato. She knew he just wanted to make the boys laugh. She knew he was always laughing with her and not at her.
“Or the time when you drove the wrong way on that one way street up in New Hampshire?” MaryLou added. “I had been driving for 2 weeks at that point and there were no road signs,” she argued.
“None that you saw,” Justin interjected. “Shut up, Justin,” she said sending daggers through the screen.
“Oh she is gonna kill you,” Nick said. “Watch out,” Chris egged them on.
“Let’s talk about something else,” MaryLou suggested as they all fell silent.
As they ate in silence, her phone lit up with a message from “❤️”. She quickly flipped it over but, she wasn’t quick enough.
“What was that?” MaryLou asked, intrigued. Her daughter was never one to divulge information about who she was dating or even who she was talking to. She had dated some real douchebags in high school and so MaryLou was always a little concerned when she heard that her daughter was seeing someone.
“Nothing,” she replied and tried to change the conversation.
“What’s happening?” Justin asked, smirking. He knew what his Mom was talking about. He was closest to his sister and had met the guy she was seeing when he was last in Chicago. He always protective of her but, the new guy was nice. He had nice friends, he treated his Mom well, he had a great job and, most importantly, he made her happy.
“Move. On,” she said, glaring at Justin through the screen. 
“Do you have a boyfriend?” Matt teased. She rolled her eyes with an exasperated sigh. 
“You do, you have a boyfriend,” Matt exclaimed. “What?” Chris asked. “Since when?” Nick asked.
“Who is he?” Chris asked, “Do we know him?”
“Of course not,” she spat. 
“Do you really, sweetheart?” MaryLou asked. “Why didn’t you tell us?” Jimmy prompted.
“It’s new,” she lied. “6 months new,” Justin said throwing a spanner in the works.
Chris threw his hands in the air, Nick’s jaw dropped. “Why didn’t you tell us?” Matt asked.
“Justin, will you shut up or I will end this shit right now,” she said. She was a little pissed off but, mostly happy that she was forced to tell them otherwise she may have kept him a secret forever.
She wanted to tell her parents first. She knew how much her parents worried about her and how terrible her track record was. After she introduced him to Justin and he seemed to approve, she felt a little better about introducing him to her family.
She muted herself so the boys didn’t hear. “Maybe you can come to Chicago sometime?” she asked.
MaryLou smiled and Jimmy tried to keep his cool. “We would love that. You just let us know when, honey,” MaryLou said.
She hated living so far away. She hated that the distance distanced her from her relationships with her family. When they were all living at home, they were all in each other’s business and she hated to admit how much she loved that. 
She hated that she couldn’t curl up with her Mom after a hard day at work. She couldn’t go on midnight trips to get ice cream with her Dad when she had her heart broken. The triplets weren’t around to deliver a pathetic attempt at the “If you ever hurt my sister…” speech. And Justin wasn’t right down the hall when she needed to hear the honest truth. 
The honest truth was that she got to 25 and realised that things were just different now. They would never all live in the same house again. They would never wake up under the same roof again on Christmas morning. The silence in her apartment was deafening even with the city traffic down below.
She would never have to carry Matt around the house looking for a bandaid. She would never have to hold Chris’ hand so he didn’t run into traffic. Nick would never say, “Look at this,” as he attempted handstands in the pool. Justin wouldn't ever throw a punch for her again.
After she said goodbye to the boys and helped her parents with the dishes, she headed upstairs to get ready for bed. At the end of the hall, she saw Chris’ door cracked open and went to take a look. As she opened the door she saw Trevor laying at the end of his bed.
“Trev, what are you doing in here?” she asked as she knelt down in front of him and patted his little head. He looked up at her with his puppy dog eyes and her heart sank.
“I miss them too, buddy,” she said as she kissed the top of his head. “I miss them too.”
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szivtalan · 3 years
otp questions for endhawks.........will u kick me if i'm greedy and say ALL OF THE NUMBERS
I WILL NOT but this might take a while tho!!!!
1. Who is the most affectionate?
hawks is more physically affectionate - he'll link their arms together, cuddle to enji's side in public, climb in his lap when they're home, hold his hand, initiate kisses more. but it's enji that people notice sending fond looks for his boyfriend so many times it becomes embarrassing - tabloids will have a whole article on endeavor's "heart eyes" ("my eyes are not hearts" enji frowns at the magazine in hawks' hands, who just shrugs and grins "seems like they are for me") so i would say, deep down the big man's a softie too
2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
enji/hawks. unless enji has a nightmare, because in that case, hawks is more than happy to be his lil jetpack.
3. Most common argument?
ah they fight about the most useless things but one of my favorites that must come up often is enji thinking that hawks deserves better than him, and hawks insisting that he's everything he ever wanted.
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
kicking villain ass and family dinners. hawks likes to eat, and enji likes to eat with his loved ones all in one place. he wonders why hawks gets along so well with his children, and then he realizes - he forgot (again) how insanely young hawks is, and that he's merely a few years older than his youngest son, too. ngl natsuo glares daggers at his old man for having a boyfriend half his age ahahaha
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
given that enji could swing hawks around like a yo-yo, i think it's him ADJGSGH
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
hawks likes everything about enji. he's really into his body, but also his dry sarcasm, his occasional goofy jokes, and most of all, his heart. hawks will watch enji kneel down to a couple of children at a battlefield, his own face and hands dripping with blood, grunt out "are you alright, kiddos? come here, i'll get you somewhere safe" and see him do exactly that, scoop the kids up in his arms and carry them on shaking legs that could barely keep himself up, and then he will see him let his eldest burn the world, his second eldest scream at his face, his youngest treat him like dirt and know that he still cares so deeply for them, know that he loves them and wants the best for them and if the best is torment their father until he dies or worse, he'll let them without so much as a complaint.
enji, on the other hand, loves how easily hawks can lift the mood. he's learned to see through facades, and he'll call him out if he senses that it's hurting hawks to put on a mask, but hawks joking around and mouthing off makes our atlas feel like the weight of the world is a little lighter that day. he loves him for how driven he is, how graceful and hard-working and focused he seems in a fight, and thinks about how those traits were most important to him in the past but now he can see hawks use them to create a world where they can rest, and he realizes... that's not so bad an idea after all.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
enji speeds up the process of divorcing his wife lol. also he becomes more nervous around hawks, because shit, he likes him too, but he shouldn't be liked, why does hawks even like him? when hawks learns that enji likes him too, he gets shamelessly flirty. he doesn't make a move, of course - enji is still a married man, but he'll laugh at his nervousness, play with his own hair for enji's viewing pleasure and send suggestive winks his way like the damn tease he is.
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
enji calling hawks birdie is pretty obvious. hawks alternates every petname imaginable for enji when he learns that he's never been called one (he figures it out when he jokingly calls him darling once and enji blushes to the roots of his hair), his favorite is "sweetheart" and "baby". enji also calls hawks his angel, but only when he's being very soft for him
9. Who worries the most?
i mean..... both? enji tends to worry more for hawks' safety and hawks worries more for the crushing guilt enji lives with.
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
hawks - claims he does, but the truth is, he says a different thing each time and enji's happy to try new things as long as hawks will beam at him proudly after ordering
11. Who tops?
depends. they both do. enji topped more at the beginning because hawks was really into it and he was kinda insecure about asking for anything else, but hawks once offered and found out that he has a delicious bottom bitch on his hands.
12. Who initiates kisses?
hawks. height difference doesn't really matter when you have wings to fly up to your boyfriend's face and kiss him stupid
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
enji does. he wants to feel that hawks is by his side all the time, safe and sound.
14. Who kisses the hardest?
again, enji. his kisses get desperate, his hands rough. his temperature goes up despite his will and he just wants hawks to melt against him
15. Who wakes up first?
enji does! he's used to working out in the early morning before going to work
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
hawks does!! deep down he's still a rebellious lazy teen and whenever he has a day off, he likes to sleep until 12. he swears he considers breaking up with enji the first time the man wakes him up at 6 to ask if he wants to come work out with him
17. Who says I love you first?
surprisingly, enji does. hawks is way too protective of his own feelings to let them flow out so soon, but enji is desperate, he wants hawks by his side for ever, and the first time he says it is the first time he realizes it's true. they're out eating dinner one day, and enji watches hawks chew around the food in his mouth, downing chicken like his life depended on it, and he watches the last rays of sunlight hit his golden hair, his golden eye, paint his wings blood red, and he knows he hasn't seen anything more perfect than that sight. he tells him he loves him, and hawks laughs so much he almost chokes on food. "pretty fucked up to tell me that while i'm deepthroating yakitori" he tells him, giggling
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
hawks!!! it usually says cheesy things like "good luck at work, endeavor-san!" or "don't forget to eat ur vegetables!" when there are zero vegetables in the lunches hawks packs for him
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
i mean hawks doesn't have much connection to his family, or has many friends, but enji is kind of pressed to tell his family all about his relationship since, you know. the news would reach them sooner or later anyway
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
mirko is THRILLED that hawks is dating endeavor. the todoroki family, i mean.... shoto is confused, natsuo is mad, fuyumi and rei are both supportive and say they both want the best for enji. but mostly they just all think that he's really. Really young lol
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
hawks!!! he likes to dance around the kitchen while enji is cooking or doing the dishes, and sometimes manages to seduce enji into his arms too.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
hawks is a better cook, but he never tells enji about that. he just lets him suffer and teach himself how to cook because it's so much fun
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
hawks, but he says nothing he would ever say can beat enji calling him his angel. that's the cheesiest it can get, and it's also only because of his wings, like shut up enji omg that's so embarrassing
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
hawks gets bored on important meetings. then he looks over to enji in a suit and gets horny. one of his favorite hobbies is watching enji squirm and struggle to keep it together after he's stroked his thigh under the table and whispered filth in his ear
25. Who needs more assurance?
enji does. he really, honestly thinks he doesn't deserve the love hawks has for him.
26. What would be their theme song?
my dude every song on ur playlist could be but this one in particular takes the cake for real
27. Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
in an au where enji's kids are still kids instead of grown adults, hawks would definitely read to them (sometimes legit tales, sometimes just colored-up and censored versions of their dad's missions) and cuddle them to sleep while he hums to them softly. in a non-au, enji catches him with shoto sleeping all wrapped up in his arms and wings, right after comforting him when he had a nightmare, trying to keep awake but slowly dozing off holding enji's youngest, most precious son, and enji kind of falls in love a lot more.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
text, call, videochat. hawks makes a show of wearing some of enji's clothes, but really, you can't keep these assholes away from each other.
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
enji will never think he deserves to have hawks by his side
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
hawks will never grow tired of showing enji how much he deserves him.
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starsfic · 3 years
The Ghosts of Fiery Cloud Manor- Chapter 1: Escape
Summary: An incident with his birth family leads to Xiaotian cleaning an abandoned manor for his summer. (Or, things went down after Wukong defeated DBK.)
Notes: This was the fic idea I mentioned when I was doing that ‘Dad Pigsy inspired by the influx of dad done by @ninja-knox-ur-sox-off and @its-kall-the-clown’ fic snippet.
Earlier this week, going out into the country to clean up an abandoned manor wasn’t in the plans for Xiaotian’s summer.
   Mostly, his plans had consisted of avoiding his parents, hanging with Xiaojiao at the porty club and arcade, and working at Pigsy’s Noodles. But then the week had ended and he found himself on a bus, driving out to the mountains. He found himself questioning every choice on that drive. Why had he left the city again?
   Oh, right.
   His father, in a fit of rage, had attacked him.
   Surrounded by the aftermath of all that, Pigsy had sat him down and explained that he was worried about him. He wasn’t going to fire him. “ But I do think you need to get out of the city until this all dies down,” Pigsy said the morning after he had beaten Xiaotian’s father off his delivery boy. He had explained that he had received a call from an ex-boyfriend of his named Tang. “His family owns a large manor out in the mountains. He’s decided that he’s going to clean it up over the summer and then decide what to do with it. He needs some help that he’s willing to pay…”
   With that, Xiaotian had realized what his boss had been offering.
   Escape. Far from the city. Possibly with no wifi. And work he could lose himself in and not think about his horrible parents. This place could’ve been in Serbia and it didn’t matter. His thrilled “Yes!” would’ve been the same.
   At least his birth family gave him a scapegoat to blame every petty inconvenience on. The cold snap in summer that the village was experiencing. The flat tire that the bus had that delayed his trip by an hour. The bus jolt that had spilled his coffee over his shirt. All of that was their fault. “Sorry,” the innkeeper said. “No lift.”
   Definitely their fault.
   Xiaotian heaved his suitcase up the three flights of stairs, absently cursing his family in his mind. Finally, he came to his room, pulling out the old-fashioned key. At least that was cool. The door opened with a creak, allowing him to look around.
   A slanted ceiling, a comfortable-looking single bed, and a little oak chest of drawers under the window were all that greeted him. At the moment, he decided to concentrate on the positives. He wouldn’t be able to hole himself up in this room without expiring from boredom. Xiaotian pushed his suitcase into the room and set it on his bed. A chirp came from the bed.
   Well, that was weird.
   He poked his head under the bed, coming face to face with a small white monkey. The monkey blinked at him. Then it yawned, showing some very sharp teeth. “Uh, hello.” he finally said. The monkey gave another chirp before hopping out. Xiaotian leaned back and watched as it wrapped its arms around his neck. “Uh...okay.” He carefully lifted up the monkey.
   He left the room, shutting the door behind him, before heading back down the stairs. The innkeeper gave him a smile when he showed up at the front desk. “Nice to see you making friends,” he greeted him, waving at the monkey. “This little fellow likes to come from the temple and come visit.”
   “The temple?”
   The innkeeper nodded. “Yes, another one of the properties that the scholar here owns.”
   “He’s the reason I’m here,” Xiaotian said, hoping to get some info about the manor. “He hired me to clean, uh…” He pulled his phone out of the monkey’s paw, setting it on the counter, and pulled up the info. “Fiery Cloud Manor?”
   “Oh.” The innkeeper looked upset before pulling out a paper. “Here, in case you want to look.” He pointed to a section. “This is the hiking trail most people use to get up to that manor. It’s been abandoned for...a while, so I believe you’ll have a lot of work.”
   “I see. Sorry.”
   “Whatever for?” The innkeeper looked confused by the apology and he instantly felt ridiculous.
   Xiaotian thanked him, waved bye to the monkey (and felt ridiculous as he did so), and rushed out. By the time he was at the trail, he was too far to go back to get the keys to the manor without looking a touch unhinged. Which he wasn’t. He hoped.
   Stupid birth family.
   As he walked, the view started to come to life around him. Evergreen trees were mixed with bamboo and lovely pink flowers bloomed around him. Xiaotian couldn’t help but stop every so often, taking in the scenery. Walking along in a beautiful mist-filled forest to an ancient manor felt like something out of a fairytale.
   His reality faded when the path stopped at a pair of gates.
   The gate gleamed a gold color, a pattern of flames decorating the top. They were wet with condensation when Xiaotian leaned against them, getting his fill of the manor. It looked proud, a mixture of ancient Tang palaces and a classic English manor, a red roof gleaming among the mist. For a moment, he couldn’t help but stare.
   It was beautiful.
   For a moment, he wished he had been a little less freaked out at the inn. Then he could have the key and get into that place and- He leaned a little more against the gate. A creak was his only warning before the gate swung open.
   Well, that wasn’t safe!
   Who knew who had been around and found the gate unlocked?! Firing a quick text to Mr. Tang, Xiaotian shot through, thoughts of this beautiful house being ransacked filling him with fury. It grew worse when he reached the red doors with bull-patterned knockers and found them unlocked. How dare whoever did this?! The value in a place like this didn’t lay in money but in the fact that it was a snapshot of the past and the idea that it had been harmed through carelessness…
   Light followed him through the open door into the entrance hall of Fiery Cloud Cavern. The windows were too clouded to allow any light that way. A grand staircase led up into a corridor, all smelling of dust and neglect. Xiaotian pulled out his phone and flicked on the flashlight. His anger dimmed when he saw that the dust on the stone floor appeared to have only been disturbed by him.
   He moved deeper in, not quite satisfied yet. The must smell increased as he moved away from the door, but he was getting that creepy ‘being watched’ sensation. He looked up and yelped when he made eye contact with a portrait. “Oh, thank gods,” he breathed out, examining the dusty red-haired man. If there was still art on the walls, that probably meant everything was still intact, if he was willing to guess.
   The next painting was of a grassy hill, a scraggly tree on top. Looking off into the distance, a woman sat under the tree. Before Xiaotian could study the next portrait, a cold wins blew. He glanced back, seeing the light starting to fade. He made a face at the thought of going back.
But Mr. Tang had been kind enough to rent a room in the inn for him. Plus, any bed in here was probably gross and bug-infested. So, he would go back down and get a good night's sleep. And then come for a full day of exploration.
The thought put a skip in his step and he chased that high out the door, firmly closing it behind him, and to the gate. There, he stopped. He couldn't just leave it open. Even with the lack of breaking-in evidence he saw, he wouldn't be able to sleep.
Xiaotian pulled off his headband and used it to tie a tight knot around the lock. It held firm when he gave the gate an experimental shake. Satisfied, he smiled.
"See you tomorrow."
He headed down the trail, happy at the adventure he had been presented with.
He was unaware of a figure appearing in smoke and flame when he was halfway down the mountain.
A claw reached out and tugged his headband off.
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Harry Hook x reader - exchange
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Harry stared at the beautiful necklace in the window, hands in his pockets. The sapphire and ruby-encrusted jewelry staring mockingly at him.
All he wanted to do this year, was get his amazing girlfriend of 3 months her first Christmas gift from him, it had to be good or else!
‘all guys know, if a girl doesn’t get a good and expensive present for her birthday or Christmas, or an anniversary from their significant other, they'll dump ‘em flat, it's just the facts Hook’ Chad Charming had said that to him a little while after he and (y/n) had gotten serious.
Harry pulled out his phone, opening his bank account app.
$496.56 available in your account.
glancing back up, he grimaced at the price tag of the necklace
“ugg, I'm never gonna be able to get ‘er a present worthy of ‘er”
shaking his head, he sulked down the street, making his way back to auradon prep. shivering as he made it inside, just in time for curfew, rubbing his hands together to gather warmth, and shaking off the cold snow from his shoulders.
“Harry~!” he felt a smile bloom on his face as he locked eyes on you, (short/long/mid-length) (h/c) hair gleaming under the lights, bright (e/c) eyes happy to see him, and a bright gorgeous smile.
god, he had gotten the most beautiful girl in auradon hadn’t he? that’s why he had to get the most beautiful present for her.
“bonnie lass~” he cooed, catching you with his arms and hips, spinning you around slightly as you jumped on him. “hehe, I was only gone for 20 minutes~”
“I know~ but I missed you” you mumbled into his chest, feeling the warmth radiating from him.
“Alright, alright little koala, let’s go” 
you giggled as harry carried you back to your dorm, letting you drop yourself back onto your feet.
“Thanks, hooky” you smiled, tiptoeing to kiss his cheek, which was still red from the cold.
“yer welcome love, now get some sleep” you nodded, pulling him into a quick hug before sliding back into your dorm.
“good night Harry ”
“goodnight (y/n)”
you sighed as the door closed, god you were falling in love with that boy, and hard too.
“so what are you getting him for Christmas (y/n)?” Jane spoke up from her bed, smiling at the stupid grin on your face, but frowning when your smile dropped.
“shit! I don’t know! he's so perfect, so I have to get him something perfect!!” Jane found herself laughing.
“what- why are you laughing?!” Jane stifled her giggling, smiling at you “because the gift value doesn’t matter, it's the person it’s coming from that matters~!”
you sighed “I know but...Harry-Harry is my first boyfriend, so the first Christmas gift has to be perfect! and if it’s not perfect, Harry will think I'm not worth it and then he’ll leave me!!!!” Jane sighed and stood from her bed, walking over to you and gripping your shoulders
“if I help you find something, will you chill for at least a couple days about a gift for Harry?” you nodded vigorously, grabbing Jane's hands
“yes of course! thank you Jane!!”
Jane nodded, grinning “you’re welcome, now go to bed!”
you laughed, releasing Jane and heading over to your dresser to grab your sweat pants and a Harry hoodie.
“Alright, see you in the morning jane”
“see you in the morning (y/n)”
 “christ Harry 2,000 dollars for a necklace? you sure about it?”
Harry nodded, looking intently at his phone at the photo he took.
“it’s perfect for ‘er Uma, I have ta get this one”
“Harry, I'm pretty sure you can just get her a 25 dollar crystal necklace and she’d never take it off till it broke, and then she would go crazy over fixing it because you gave it to her”
Harry shook his head, messing with his mother’s old ruby ring, “no Uma, I have ta get this one, it's the only thing worthy of ‘er” Uma rolled her eyes. she would never understand Harry’s obsession to please whoever he was with, it was the same with his dad.
and then Uma, and now (y/n), with him wanting to make her happy with lavishing her with expensive gifts when she would be happy with a well-worn hoodie or jacket.
“Okay so it’s perfect for her, but it's 2,000 DOLLARS you can’t afford it!!” Harry’s shoulders slumped, feeling that pressing feeling on his back.
“I know, what am I goin’ ta do?” Harry locked eyes on his ring, ripping it off his pinkie finger he turned to Uma with a giant grin.
“I'll sell my ring!!’ Uma's eyes widened and she shook her head
“what no! that’s the only thing you have of your mom left!!” Harry’s face dimmed slightly “I-I know but, if it’s for (y/n)-”
Uma groaned, standing “alright whatever, do what you want, but I'm warning you, (y/n) would be happy with just a bracelet or something”
Uma walked off, leaving Harry to stare at his mother’s ring.
“no, no, no, no, nope, nah, no, uggg there’s nothing!!”
you flopped back into your chair, there was nothing online for harry, and going to the mall had proved fruitless.
“come on (y/n), let’s go to the mall one last time, maybe you’ll find a cool jacket?”  you sighed, shrugging.
“yeah, we have to go later though, I have winter break homework to do” Jane nodded, putting on her coat.
“Alright, I'm going to go to lunch with Lonnie and Evie alright?”
“kay have fun”
Harry rushed through the streets, skidding to a stop at the jewelry shop, smiling as he spotted the necklace, glancing at his hand, he played with the ruby ring.
“Hopefully it's enough for an exchange” he muttered, pushing through the shop doors.
“Hello, welcome to the miner’s jewelry shop, I'm Doc, how can I help ya?” Harry took a deep breath holding out the ring.
“is it possible I can exchange this for that ruby and sapphire necklace in the window?” Doc blinked, taking the ring carefully and examining it.
“well my boy, the necklace retails for $2,000, and this...wow this would go for $5,000 easily, are you sure about this?” Harry blinked surprised, 5,000? wow, but he had already made up his mind.
“I'm sure, its, the necklace is important to meh”
doc smiled, eyes twinking “whos the girl son?” Harry felt his face heat up, and he reached up to scratch the back of his neck.
“that easy to figure it out? well, her name is (y/n) and...she's really important to meh, and I need the first Christmas gift I get ‘er to be perfect.”
Doc nodded, glancing back at the ruby, “alright, I’ll take this, and you can take the necklace, sound good?” Harry nodded, grinning widely.
“yes! that sounds perfect!”
Doc smiled, placing the ring on the counter, getting up from behind the counter to retrieve the necklace.
“I’ll tell ya something else, if she doesn’t like it, you can return that and I’ll give you back your ring” Harry nodded, watching as Doc unclipped the necklace and walked back to the counter to place it in a box.
“Thank yeh”
as he left Harry couldn’t help the sinking pit that formed in his stomach as he walked away from the last thing he had ever gotten from his mother. 
you groaned, closing the math book, and face slamming into the cover.
“you good love?” you jumped out of your skin, whirling around to see Harry grinning devilishly at you.
“Harry you ass” you laughed, standing and walking over to him for a hug. he hugged you tightly, rocking you slightly.
“Sorry love”
you sighed, pulling back and grasping his hands, brows furrowing when you noticed something missing from his right-hand pinkie.
“Harry?” you questioned, bringing up the aforementioned hand “where's your ring? you never take it off?”
Harry shrugged “im havin’ it polished”
you didn’t believe him, he never trusted anyone with it.
you narrowed your eyes but let the matter go, not wanting to start a fight.
“alright whatever you say hooky”
your jaw dropped as you passed by a jewelry shop, Harry’s ruby ring sitting inside a box in the window, you could tell it was it due to the specific scratch on the band on the left side, no price listed, instead it said.
not for sale till 1/30/2020
pushing open the door you walked right up to the man at the desk, pointing back at the ring.
“how much is that ruby ring in the window”
doc smiled, he could hear the anger and confusion in your voice.
“(y/n) I presume?”
your arm dropped to your side, and you balked, jaw-dropping and eyes widening, looking confused “wha- how do you know my name?”
“your boyfriend came in about two days ago, traded in that ring to get something for you”
your jaw dropped, “but-it- its important to him, I wouldn’t want him to give it up just to get me something”
doc chuckled “tell you what darling, I'll give it to you for free, so you can give it back, and you’ll be able to keep your present from him”
you balked “but-but-free?! you’re going to give me it for free?!”
“why it's Christmas! and I have plenty of rubies to spare, I don’t need one with precious sentimental value” 
you felt tears burn at your eyes, and you nodded “thank you, thank you so much”
“of course, now let me go fetch it and I’ll wrap it up for you too”
“at least let me pay for the wrapping?”
“oh alright”
“I still can’t believe you gave it up Harry, you know when she finds out she’s going to be pissed”
Harry shrugged, tying the ribbon on the wrapped box “not when she sees ‘er present I bet” Uma made a face, yeah right, she’s just going to storm right over to the store and demand the ring back.
“whatever Harry, she's going to be pissed at you” Uma stood and walked out of the room, leaving Harry behind with the pit in his stomach growing bigger and sinking deeper.
"I'm doin’ this fo’r ‘er." Harry stated to himself, looking down at the semi-neatly wrapped present. "Ma would've liked ‘er…." 
"I can't believe he traded his ring for a present for me! This ring is way too important to him!" You exclaimed, pacing your room.
"He must've gotten you something expensive." Jane stated, watching you pace.
"But this is the last thing his mother gave him! Why on earth-"
"Bonnie lass?" Harry's voice came from the other side of the door.
You ran to the door, shoving the wrapped up ring box behind ur back as you opened the door.
"Harry!" You exclaimed, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Merry Christmas love!" Harry exclaimed, hugging you back.
Jane coughed, causing you to release Harry and glare at her.
"Jane, don't you have your gift exchange with Carlos?" You stated.
Jane went wide-eyed, grabbing her present and rushing past the both of you with a quick "bye!"
You laughed before pulling Harry into your room, closing the door behind you. When you turned around, Harry was holding out his gift to you.
"Harry, I want you to open yours first." You stated, holding out your smaller gift to him. He looked confused for a second, but nodded, taking the box.
You took yours, watching as he walked to your bed, sat down, and began to open it. You smiled as he opened the ring box. 
"But how?" Harry questioned as he held up his mother's ruby ring. he looked to you, his eyes were shining with tears.
You smirked. "I saw it in the window at the jewelry shop you traded it at. Doc was very kind even though I basically threw open the door and demanded to know the price of it. Although he knew right away who I was." You rambled on.
"But now I have to return your gift…." Harry frowned.
You smiled. "Nope! Doc said I could keep it." 
"Really? Well open it lass!" Harry exclaimed, sliding his mother's ring back onto his finger, where it belongs.
You sat down next to Harry and began to untie the ribbons on your present. Unwrapping became a bit of a struggle when you realized Harry has never done this kind of thing before. 
Finally, you managed to get to the box inside. You opened it up and gasped. The ruby and sapphire encrusted necklace shined up at you.
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(imagine the diamonds are sapphires) 
"Do ye like it?" Harry asked as you held up the necklace.
"I absolutely love it! But Harry, don't ever think about giving up something of yours just for me, legit i would have been happy with one of your old hoodies" You exclaimed, putting on the necklace.
Harry snickered, shaking his head. "Alright Love. I won't try tha’ again." 
Harry leaned forward, kissing your forehead. "Merry Christmas my love"
You smiled, laying back into Harry's chest. "Merry Christmas my pirate"
~The End~
thank you to @marichat4lyf​  who both beta read and wrote the last half of this fic!!
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sondpyo · 5 years
𝙮𝙤𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙
a/n: y’all this is literally my first writing :// sorry ig it’s shitty oop whatever I will do a x1 boyfriend line just bcs i really want a bf rn and x1 are my emotional support kpop boys 🥺 iF you have requests then please just request !!!!! 🤭 whatevs have fun reading this and stream flash 😎
warnings: ,,,,cursing
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he looks really intimidating ngl and his taekwondo shit doesn’t make it better
but like,,, he’s a baby ????
he also likes to be babied u cant tell me shit like hug him, kiss him, pinch his cheeKS MAKE HIM FEEL LOVED
but before
let’s go back to where it all started : )
you and yohan actually met in a coffee shop u were working at
so one day this like tall dude came in and ordered an americano with some typa cake idk honestly
and hes like sitting down
and thats when he saw YOU
he immediately went 👀
you were casually picking up some cups and plates customers have left on the tables
and like u just felt someone was looking at you you just did
so you turned around
yohan was still like 👀
so you were like ???why that mf staring at me???
his brain took about 10 seconds to process that u were staring back so it went ABORT MISSION !
he turned around quickly
you furrowed ur brows and just shrugged it off like u see weird people walking in here daily
but he was kinda cute tho,,, and u don’t see cute weirdos walk in here daily
when u went back to the counter ur co worker was like bring that shit to that guy
and u were looking at THAT guy
sUPRISE 2.0 it was yohan
so you went there and gave him his things
thats when
„ so do you come here often. ????"
„sir I work here"
so you were just like "do you need anything else?"
and he got really shy after saying that so he just answered with a no, thank u and turned around in embarrassment
and a little smile creeped up ur lips
because he was CUTE cute
but you were kinda shy too so whAT SHOULD YOU DO
so you just left
he visited the shop more often
thats when you found out he actually goes to the same college as you
so u were both talking and he finally asked for ur number
this leads to date nr. 1
absolute chaos
he wanted to actually take you out in a fancy restaurant but they somehow didn’t have his name on the guest list
so y’all went outside and it actually started raining
so yall ran to his car
and just when yohan thought he literally fucked up everything
you started smiling
and he was like huh ???
so you were like
"well ur plan didn’t go that well I guess"
he scoffed and put both of his hands onto the steering wheel
he was really confused at first but then thought that you were making fun of him which u kinda were but he doesn’t have to know 🤡
but then you suddenly said "how about we buy a family pizza and go watch a movie or something“ and nudged his shoulder with your ellbow
you know he wanted the date to be perfect and that he was probably sad it didn’t go well
and that kinda touched you because he was really trying hard
after that date you unfortunately went on another and on another and on another one
and you were slowly falling for him and his charms
not only was he opening up to you a lot
showing his funny and entertaining side
he also started realizing that he didn’t have to hide his true self from you
like he wanted to tell you a dad joke? he justfucking went for it
since then he decided
that ur his wifey 😎
so y’all have been dating for 2 years now
and in those 2 years you learned a lot about yohan
boi is shy but loves skinship
cuddling in each and every second? yes
u want a kiss? lmAo here you have 100
like he just loves showering you with love
and showering with you (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( i sincerely apologize )
ne wa ys
he really likes holding your hand
and he has that habit of playing with ur fingers when he’s nervous
at first you weren’t like used to so much skinship
but over the years it just kinda grew on you and you were just like meh
and he loves teasing you about your height and everything
he just has to put things onto the highest shelf just so he can watch you struggle
he also loves saying things to you infront of his friend just to make you blush and watch you hide in embarrassment
well,,,, his friends
your biggest enemy is hyeongjun
one of yohan‘s best friends
it’s just an ongoing fight between you two about his attention
„listen her u poodle ass looking rat, yohan is MY boyfriend"
„who are you calling poodle ass rat you look like a recycled tana mongeau"
and ur both like 😡😡😡
so yohan is usually like don’t fight,,,,enough yohan for everyone 😎
and you‘re literally like you can keep him hyeongjun
((you and hyeongjun are actually really good friends don’t worry))
yohan also loves to give neck kisses
if your neck is in sight
hes like mwah 👄
and you act like you don’t like thEm
but we all know you do
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
the only thing is that whenever your hanging out with his friend group and he does that
everyone goes like we haAVE MINORS IN HERE
because strangely one of his friends is a 14 year old tall ass bitch that’s still going through puberty ((dohyon why u so tALL))
but friendship has no age I guess ???
he always goes to his hyungs for advice tho because what kinda advice will he get from some kids going through puberty
eunsang in the back: 😤
and seungwoo always helps him with his situations
while seungyoun just says stuff like smaSh Her !
yes seungyoun sweetie ur doing amazing
you both fighted once
where u realized that he actually looks really intimidating like you were genuinely scared of him for a second
and you‘re both kinda hot headed
so it turned out with him taking his jacket and leaving your apartment
yes,,,, a mess
you dIDNT talk to each other for two days until you phone dinged
and you were like !!!
hyeongjun🤥: why y’all ain’t talking
and you told him and he’s like you should just go to him like this bitch is dumb we been knew and for the first time ever you bonded with hyeongjun
so you pressed the button of his doorbell
and yohan opened the door looking all sad
he expected his food to be here
but then he saw you and he just hugged you like honestly ???? he missed you :(
so fighting with him usually lays down after 1-3 days
okay but
yohan is a really good listener
like hes a jokster and everything
but when you‘re sad or upset and need to talk to someone he’s always there for you
it doesn’t matter if it‘s about a test you failed or even about the girl in your class that always gives you deadly looks
like when ur sad he usually just caresses your head/hair
and he tries make you laugh again
because he hates seeing you like that,,,you‘re his baby >:( he doesn’t want you to be sad
he eventually also buys food because he just knows that food calms you down the most
so when ur happier shoving down food ur throat than u were in his arms hes like :[ (y’all know that face)
you and yohan have a healthy relationship
and you appreciate it a lot
because he isn’t only your boyfriend but also your best friends
so that mEanS pyjAMA PARTIES HELL YE
usually you both just chill on the coach with your pjs on and you put a face mask onto his face
„this thing burns"
„don’t be a pussy"
„you‘re literally putting acid on my face and you‘re telling me I shouldn’t be a pussy“
u usually watch Netflix after
well only you
becAUSE your beloved boyfriend is always trying to get your attention with either whining or kissing you
and sometimes he just succeeds
like the few pecks turn into making oUt
and the making oUt leads to
we all know what
the netflix movie is forgotten by now sorry sweetie
since sometimes both of you are too lazy to go to ur bed bcs ur busy duH? u fall asleep on the couch so often you both wake up in the next morning by either you or yohan falling off it eventually
i don’t make the rules, gravity does
we should come to an end
yohan is a really protective boyfriend
and he would use his taekwondo skills on anyone and everyone that comes near you
only when he senses danger and shit bcs he can’t just double turn fly kick hangyul away just bcs he wanted to greet you with a hug
but yes: very protective
loves you
he really does
he doesn’t care about any girl walking past him except junho but that’s another story // like his eyes are always on you and you only + junho 👀
people envy your relationship a lot
mostly girls watching him taking care of you so well
becAUSE he does care about you a lot
so be dAmn grateful
becAUSE yohan is a once in a lifetime man
and he eventually even hopes to marry you one day
so 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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bubbyleh · 4 years
I See La Vie en Rose - Chapter 7
cw for mentions of past character death and limb loss (not explicit)
Chapter 7: Hitch a Ride
Tommy: Hey this is gonna sound weird but Tommy: Do you want to meet my nephew?
Darnold ��: You have a nephew?
Tommy: Not like. Biologically. Tommy: You’ve met Gordon and Benrey! He’s their kid, his name is Joshua.
Darnold ♡: Oh! Darnold ♡: I didn’t realize they were together!
Tommy: Yeah, they have been for a while. Tommy: But, uh… Tommy: I can’t really get into it, but things have been tense lately? And it’s mainly centering around Gordon :( Tommy: Everything’s fine! But Tommy: I kinda wanna take Joshua out for a day, you know? Tommy: And I’m asking you to come with
Darnold ♡: Of course! Darnold ♡: I heard the museum has free admissions for kids tomorrow. Do you think that’s a good idea?
Tommy: Benrey?
Benrey!!!: oh hey Benrey!!!: ur awake Benrey!!!: why
Tommy: Why are you awake? :(
Benrey!!!: cant sleep
Tommy: Is it Gordon?
Benrey!!!: yeah hes Benrey!!!: i dont know Benrey!!!: why are you texting me? u can come over?
Tommy: I’m kind of comfy in bed right now Tommy: And it’s late Tommy: And Tommy: Is it fair to say I don’t want to? :(
Benrey!!!: oh more than fair
Tommy: But I want to ask you something Tommy: I was talking with Darnold Tommy: NOTHING SPECIFIC! Tommy: Trust me. Tommy: But he suggested, and I agree, that we could maybe take Joshua to the museum tomorrow?
Benrey!!!: i dont know man Benrey!!!: i feel like feetman would yell at me if i let joshy head down now Benrey!!!: if he yells at all Benrey!!!: hes just been so quiet lately Benrey!!!: i hate this
Tommy: I really wish you’d talk to us, Benrey. Tommy: I hate to say it, but Tommy: Maybe we could have avoided this :(
Benrey!!!: … Benrey!!!: maybe
Tommy: I think getting out will do Joshua some good, though? Tommy: We can have a fun day! Tommy: It’s just that Tommy: All this stuff! Gordon not acting like himself! Whatever’s going on with you Tommy: He’s in the same house as that Tommy: So I think NOT being in the same house will help?
Benrey!!!: wait
Tommy: What?
Benrey!!!: gordon not Benrey!!!: i think u have a point Benrey!!!: about a few things Benrey!!!: yeah u can take joshy down tomorrow Benrey!!!: ill make sure gordon agrees just Benrey!!!: dont come back until i tell you okay? Benrey!!!: i think i can fix this
Tommy: Yeah?
Benrey!!!: yeah Benrey!!!: make sure joshy gets something at the gift shop Benrey!!!: get something for me too?
The next day is overcast, but Tommy’s not sure that it’ll be rainy by the time they leave. Still, he has Joshua grab his jacket before they leave, just in case. Not that it’s actually possible for either of them to catch a cold, but getting soaked isn’t fun!
“Re-remember Joshua,” Tommy says as they approach the museum. “Darnold is a friend, but the- the rules still apply!”
Toomy feels Joshua nod into his back, which is a good enough response when you’re giving someone a piggyback ride. Joshua loves asking Tommy for piggyback rides, though it’s more a result of Tommy being the tallest than any special uncle privileges.
“Is, um,” Joshua asks. “Is this the guy my dad says is your special friend?”
Tommy holds back a laugh. With everything happening, he hasn’t actually gotten a chance to share his updated relationship status with everyone. “What are- what are your dads telling you?”
Joshua, being three years old, caves in immediately. “Um! They say that there’s a guy you really like, and you want to kiss him and marry him someday!”
“Marry!?” Tommy exclaims. “I mean, I-I like him and all, but marriage is a… it’s a little ways off right now.”
Pouting, Josh swings his legs. “But I wanna go to a wedding! I wanna go to a party after a wedding!”
“Weddings are mostly boring, actually. I was- I was at your dads’.” Tommy says. “Hey, climb on my shoulders. Try to- to find Darnold for me.”
While Joshua does comply, he complains as he crawls up. “I don’t know what he looks like!”
Tommy sighs, unlocking his phone and handing it up to Joshua. “Look through the gallery, he’s- he’s in there.”
There’s a moment of silence and Joshua navigates through Tommy’s phone. “Woah!” he shouts. “Why do you have so many pictures of him?!”
“He’s my boyfriend, I- I like having pictures of him,” Tommy explains. Joshua blows a raspberry down at him.
A hand tugs as Tommy’s sleeve from behind, and after turning his head, there’s Darnold. “Hey-” he starts, but is cut off when Tommy places a finger over his own lips.
“Do you, uh… do you see anything u-up there?” Tommy asks, and though he’s speaking to Joshua, he’s looking right at Darnold.
Joshua sighs. “Uncle Tommy, I don’t think he’s here.” He presses his face into Tommy’s propeller cap. “I guess we just have to go into the museum without him.”
“Oh, but I really- I really like him!” Tommy pretends to whine, and Darnold covers his smile with a hand. “Try looking a little bit lower? He’s kinda short.”
That earns him a jab from Darnold’s elbow, which he wasn’t exactly undeserving of. However, Joshua feels the jolt, and their little game is done.
“L-look Josh! There he is!” Tommy acts surprised. He lifts Josh off his shoulders and places him on the ground.
“Hey there, Joshua!” Darnold finally gets to greet them. “I’m Darnold. It’s a pleasure to meet you!” He offers his hand mostly as a joke, but Joshua does end up taking it and giving his best attempt at a handshake, albeit appearing confused the whole time.
“Hi,” Joshua manages. “Uh. I don’t really hear about you.”
“No?” Darnold chokes back a laugh. “Does, uh… does Tommy not talk about me?”
Joshua shakes his head. “No, he talks about you with the grownups. We talk about dogs! And cowboys!”
“Dogs and cowboys?” Darnold looks up at Tommy, smirking.
“He’s three,” Tommy defends himself. “There’s not a lot of- of topics to cover.”
After paying their admission (Tommy insisted on paying for Darnold’s, after all, being a god allows one access to a healthy sum of money), Tommy swipes a pamphlet and begins to look through the museum’s different exhibits. They’re stopped for a moment, because Joshua’s shoe was untied and he wanted to show Darnold that he learned how to tie it last week, but his hands are so small and it is so difficult. Anatomy, no. Dinosaurs, definitely. He judges them, one by one, until a specific exhibit catches his eye.
“Hey Joshua, my- I lost the ability to read.” Tommy places the pamphlet in front of him and points to a specific line. “Can you tell me what that says?”
Forgetting about his shoe, Joshua squints at the paper. Ugh, he might be taking after Gordon in the eyesight department. How are you supposed to get a child god with no actual birth certificate prescription glasses?
“T… th… the w…” Joshua sounds out. “The wil...d… we… st? The wild west?” His eyes light up immediately. “Cowboys!? They have cowboys!?”
“A cowboy exhibit?” Darnold leans over to check out the pamphlet. “Huh, would you look at that.”
“Are we- are we heading there first?” Tommy addresses the other two.
“Yeah!” Joshua throws his arms in the air and jumps off the bench. He takes off in a random direction. “Cowboys! Cowboys! Cowb-”
“Wait, Joshua! Your shoelace!”
The moment they step into the Wild West exhibit, Joshua stops sniffling and rubbing his red cheek, instead excitedly wiggling out of Tommy’s arms, marvelling at the presentations around him as if it were a candy store. Realizing that he’ll be
if he doesn’t capture this moment, Tommy pulls out his phone.
“So,” Darnold asks. “What’s with the cowboy thing?”
Tommy chuckles. “It was- Benrey showed him Toy Story 2, as a joke. He- he really liked it, kinda went from there.”
“Not Toy Story 1?”
“Joshua has never seen Toy Story 1.” Tommy snaps a few photos of Josh, making a mental note to send them to everyone later.
Tommy and Darnold end up mostly dragged along by Joshua, who constantly runs ahead and then doubles back to get them to read a placard for him. Josh seems to take a liking to Darnold, which Tommy is thrilled to see. Occasionally, Tommy will reach to hold hands with Darnold, only to find that Joshua has beaten him to it.
If it wasn’t so cute, Tommy would be a little angry.
“Look! Look!” Joshua shouts and points. “Real cowboys! Real pictures of real cowboys!”
“Heh,” Darnold remarks, nodding towards one of the black and white photos. “That one kind of looks like your dad, Joshy.”
Tommy is frozen.
Joshua grabs onto Darnold’s shirt. “Lift me! I wanna see!” Darnold complies, and when he lays eyes on the portrait, Joshua gasps. “That- that looks just like Daddy!”
The man in the photograph has the same chin, the same cheeks, same nose. But he’s so different too. His hair isn’t pulled back into a ponytail, but rather falls down around his shoulders. One of his hands isn’t ghostly and transparent, instead something flesh and whole. He’s smiling, and Tommy can’t remember the last time he saw that smile genuinely.
“Let’s see here.” Darnold reads the plaque underneath. “The Free Man, date unknown. The Free Man spent his days hunting down violent offenders in the west for private individuals. He disappeared, and his fate remains unknown.”
Not unknown. Tommy gulps.
That doesn’t just look like Gordon. That is Gordon.
It’s easy to forget. Gordon’s been around for two and a half centuries at this point, and Tommy didn’t know him before that. He doesn’t know the man in the photograph, who let his hair down and laughed and still had two hands. Who lived and had a beating heart. Who was betrayed and killed in a cave in the desert.
Tommy doesn’t like to think about the fact that Gordon was mortal once, and how he got to where he is.
He looks away. Tommy turns his head a full ninety degrees to the right, because he can’t look at this right now. He’s looking at another display, one with a small wagon, a plastic horse, and a skeleton standing upright. It’s nice, probably about trade, or ranchers, or-
Hang on a second.
“Maybe it’s an ancestor of yours or something?” Darnold theorizes. “What do you think, Tommy?”
Why is there a skeleton there?
“Uncle Tommy?”
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Ayesha Liveblogs Cardcaptor Sakura S2-S3
“If you had called me, I would have fixed it for you” Get u a man who wants to fix ur bike’s flat tires
“I wonder which teacher will be in charge of us this year” I’m going to hazard a guess that it’s the one that you keep having prophetic dreams about battling in the moonlight
“Ms. Mizuki is kind, is pretty and she makes me all dreamy” lmao @ this criteria for justifying whether ur sensei is up to no good
U know, Sakura melting like 10 feet of snow bc she lost a present from her crush is exactly the type of emotions I expect from these preteens
Syaoran liking Sakura is also very funny because she’s very observant of other people so it’s like [Syaoran blushing and glancing at Sakura] [Sakura glancing back in befuddlement]
“But when you do, it means you’ll see him as well” WILL U STOP THIS OMINOUS MOONSHADOWING 
Does EVERYTHING Mizuki says have to be some kind of prophecy
Syaoran is really just becoming progressively more infatuated and embarrassed with every scene
“You’re always watching over Sakura, aren’t you?” Tomoyo doesn’t need a voice to call people out LOL
You see this is exactly my point what is the reason for having a voice card if you have a song card or vice versa what’s your logic Clow
Sakura: Why r u both here
Toya: It’s Take Your Boyfriend to Work Day
“Sakura is cheerful as usual today” “That’s all she has going for her” Very older brother kind of statement
That shot of Syaoran showing his strawberries to Yukito (and Sakura, by extension) cutting to Toya, cutting to Ms. Mizuki.... the interpersonal dynamics at play here
“You know her from before, right?” THAT’S ONE WAY TO PUT IT
**Go to jail Mizuki
“I’ll tell you in a little while” Toya is not prepared to have discussion about his Relationship History at this time
I mean I’m not an expert but isn’t Sakura’s main magical item a key wouldn’t that help with this Lock situation
YFDHSKHFKJSHFK Mizuki could you be more threatening
I assume the wind will cover up the noise of this loud magical chant
“Don’t tell dad I have a fever” 😭😭😭😭😭 Sakura you’re so little someone needs to take care of you
“If I do [stay home], I’ll trouble everyone else” SAKURAAAA 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Well if the living plush toy didn’t give it away, the fact that Toya has already met and identified Mirror as a ghost will
Ddfhjkdhfkj Toya didn’t even pause he was just like [Sigh] ‘Guess I’m gonna feed a ghost now’
“I have a vague idea of what she’s up to” OH MY GOD TOYAAAAAA
Awww Meilin holding Sakura up to capture the Clow Card you know what that is? Growth
This kind of domestic shopping nonsense is the shenanigans I NEED
Syaoran is physically winded from running away from his feelings
Gljlgkdjlkgjlkf I still cannot believe they let 11-year-olds roam this freely they don’t need an adult to BOARD A TRAIN??
“They’re foretelling dreams” So if we believe this, here are the future facts:
1. Sakura’s gonna do a fashion show for Tomoyo 
2. Syaoran is going to give Sakura all the Clow Cards and maybe propose 
3. Yukito and Toya will definitely know Kero is a living creature and they’re gonna be chill with it
4. Normal battle prophecy stuff
“Seeing Ms. Mizuki... it makes me all dreamy”
*Sakura really only crushes on people that her older brother had feelings for first this is like when I was into Yugioh and Beyblade bc my brother was into them first 
**Go to jail Mizuki
“I don’t want to be the prince” Will u want to if it’s u and Sakura tho
This was pointed foreshadowing I could not have predicted
“I just woke up” u LIAR Toya you wanted to make your baby sister breakfast
“Isn’t that a guy playing the Queen” are you in any place to make a judgment Toya
“Please, seal us together” Light and Dark confirmed as Lesbian Icons
U know if I did not have very hazy memories of who Yue is I could be tricked into thinking it was Mizuki lol (but then again TSUKIshiro soooooo maybe it’s obvious always lol)
“That bath sponge” “Kero is at Tomoyo’s house” ‘BATHSPONGE’ MEILIN PLS
AW rescuing lost birds turns out Syaoran has always been a sweetheart
Meilin finally gets to use her martial arts skills and help again!! Good for her
“I’m your fiancee until you find the girl you like the most” Not to put a damper on ur cousin marriage dream (stop) but that ship has sailed twice over Meilin 
“Being with you is rather useful when capturing Clow Cards” is Syaoran’s way of saying “<3 <3 <3″
Syaoran is really conflicted bc he likes Yukito and he likes Sakura but when Sakura likes Yukito he wants her to like him instead this is truly a broad range of emotions for Fifth Grade Romance
Ddfjhdskfhk Kero looks so serious scouting out the intentions of the Toya’s Magical Exes Club but his face is like “>:[”
“You’re the one that uses the powers of the moon” What does this MEAN that’s supposed to be Yukito???? I am confused
“There’s no such thing as a coincidence...” “...There’s only inevitability” So now Toya’s joining the prophecy game? This is A Lot
Omg I do love the big lion version of Kero I forgot what he looked like
“Too lenient as always” “And your personality is as bad as always” I don’t think I care for Magical Yukito he’s being a little harsh
“He completely cuts all ties between his disguise and his consciousness, so that the candidate doesn’t sense him until the Last Judgment” so his subconscious just happened to feel like being a 17-year-old boy who wanted to date Sakura’s brother LOL
This is so fucked up kjhgkfhdg Sakura’s family forgetting her mother, Sakura and Toya forgetting Yukito, Tomoyo forgetting about caring about Sakura, Syaoran forgetting about caring about Sakura ahhhhhhhhhhh
**Still jail tho
“I want you to be friends with me, nothing like Masters or stuff like that” SAKURAAAAAA
“You knew that Mr. Tsukishiro wasn’t a human” “Yeah” TOYA WHAT!!!
The fact that Yukito doesn’t know his other half is kind of a bitch has very Yami Bakura energy I can’t believe what I needed in my life was Yugioh but less Heterosexual
“If you leave that early, Yuki won’t be there yet” So... is Toya just chill with the fact his boyfriend is the moon
I don’t want Syaoran to leave!!! He is a sweetheart and I love him
“He seems like a nice boy” is thiiis the rude boy I remember from watching this when I was a kid bc ngl I was confused when Syaoran was nice bc I remember someone being a little shit
“I didn’t mean to surprise you” said Eriol, after popping out suddenly from behind a tree
Syaoran said ‘I will only share Sakura’s affection with one (1) boy and that is Yukito’ 
“I’m not going back. I’ll be here for a while.” I can’t tell if this is a New Magical Person thing or a ‘I love my friends and don’t want them to forget me’ thing
DHJKGHKJHG this random girl just clinging to Toya’s back and eyeing Yukito like “WHATCHA GONNA DO ABOUT IT MISTER”
I guess since Meilin’s gone Nakuru’s going to fulfill the role of Unrequited Crush Gal Who Cannot Read The Emotional Room
Clow Reed really appearing to just throw Sakura’s entire life in disarray
“This is the first chance to film you in a while!” Tomoyo you have filmed Sakura going strawberry-picking and playing whack-a-mole since when do u need an excuse lmao
“I don’t think we made plans like that” again Toya since when do u and Yukito need plans aren’t you together like 22/7
Syaoran refuses to show Sakura that he’s feeling anything beyond blushing and yet he gets mad when other people are more forthright with their emotions and honestly what a teen mood
“I.. you” rude I can’t tell if Nakuru interrupted a love confession or a I Know You’re the Moon confession but either way rude 
“You don’t know? Then I’ll take him” WHAT DO U MEAANNN THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS
“Eriol is a kind person” [Thor meme voice] Is he though?
As much as the jury is still out on Yue I really do love these magical girl transformations
These group meet ups have gotten even less subtle you might be able to hide some cosplay and a plush toy but a full grown man and a lion with wings??? Gjkghkjdhgk how did they get to Penguin Park with no one noticing
There is some satisfaction in there finally being an adult (or at least a kind-of-18-year-old) on their team
Poor Toya it’s worrisome when ur baby sis is a magical superhero
It’s interesting and hilarious that Yukito’s appetite is proportional to his alter ego’s use of magic
“Because she’s like you” Toya IS trying to tell Yuki that he’s a moon person awwwwwwww
If we’ve learned anything from Tomoyo’s choir recitals it’s just that perhaps singing is more dangerous than any of these kids would prefer it to be
Nakuru aside from the fact I’m pretty sure you’re a new Big Bad leave Toya alone he doesn’t want to be touched and he’s with someone already
I like that no matter how many times Yamazaki lies, Sakura always takes it in good faith
I have given up on this show having anyone have a normal relationship with their teacher (except Wei who has done nothing wrong ever in his life)
“I’m sure that the person you like is happy” shout-out to Tomoyo for being semi-well-adjusted I guess 
If I know my shojo manga tropes it seems like this Friend vs. Friend battle is going to lead to a Hug of Passionate Restraint
Psych it was a Hug of We Are Tired From Magical Force
Who are you British Bitch Boy with your Bitch Cat haven’t they been through enough
“I’m surprised you’ve held out this long without a single bite” do NOT eat TOYA
“And I’m not a human in the first place, so gender doesn’t really matter” I am so tired of anime creating non-binary characters only to make them evil and/or inhuman blah
“Why did I buy this thing anyway” u know why Syaoran 
“The only times I turn red or feel like my heart will explode is when I see him” Incredible it has taken Syaoran like... 18 episodes to realize his feelings for Sakura. Bisexuality be like that sometimes
“The reason why you are confused when you see Yukito is because of the magic powers from the Moon that you feel from Yukito” did Yue just say ‘ur not bi ur just confused’ kjhkjdhdgkj Yue confirmed for biphobic
Really how many things does Eriol have to ruin before Sakura realizes he’s evil? The piano.... thread... a teddy bear
You know if Elementary School Clow is NOT evil this is a really fucked up way to be teaching a lesson
Toya come help ur boy Yukito is exhausted and he doesn’t know why :(
Ahhhhhhhh this tree leaning scene is the exact and only thing I remembered about the interactions between these two before watching this now
“I don’t want you to disappear” THE ROMANCE RETURNS
“Are you doing this on purpose” Toya has had it up to here with his confessions being interrupted
BOOO Toya was right I don’t want Yue-kito to disappear either
“You knew this would happen if you called Tomoyo” I mean... Kero’s right
I don’t know that Erase in particular was necessary for the sheep but it does make me giggle to see Sakura lift playground structures
I was gonna say I’d wager ten dollars something happens to that bike after Eriol touches it but then I remembered this episode is called “Sakura and the Panicky Bike” so it’s not really even worth betting
Of course your family members are going to worry if you suddenly develop magical narcolepsy Sakura 
I LOVE that Toya’s magical powers seem to be developing more as well
I feel like not enough people are giving Sakura credit for the fact she is like 11? She hasn’t had a lot of time to work on this stuff
“I can’t let [the cards becoming ordinary] happen! I finally got to be friends with all of them” 😭😭😭😭😭 Sakura’s good heart always gets me
“What are you going to do?” SHE’S GONNA PUT HERSELF IN A MAGICAL COMA 
Cell phones are a hilarious addition to the plot and I love that they are like top of the line bc it’s the 90s lmao and that Li is include in the phone tree 
“If you collapse, I’ll catch you” KERO NO. 1 SAKURA STAN (tied with Tomoyo and Syaoran)
Lmao these siblings would be born on a Leap Day and April Fool’s respectively
SCREAM at least it’s on brand for Eriol to be a pathological liar (also RIP Sakura and Syaoran for their gullibility still)
Sdkhkhkjdhkd Toya failed confession count: 4 this time feat emotional piano ballad
Also also I will say it’s not like Yuki doesn’t come to your house VERY frequently Toya couldn’t you just tell him what you need to say the numerous times he is visiting or going with you to school
Oh hey! I share a birthday with Sakura’s great-grandfather that’s funny
I know Kero being seen on the TV is for giggles but the implication that magic makes you playable on VCR... incredible
I want to know what Toya’s gift was!!! 
Hahaha I guess that the Alice and Wonderland size-shifting would have more of an impact on Sakura’s empathy than most people 
“Two-thirds of all cats on earth right now are aliens” I mean... if we go by the cats we have met in this show.... Yamazaki’s right
“Actually, I have a rather mischievous personality” NO KIDDING ERIOL
“Where are you going” “To where the queen is” I will DIE if the Queen is Toya but I assume the Queen of Hearts will be Sakura’s mother actually since that’s the kind of anime trope that u should expect
Yue dropping Sakura like a hot potato is a little funny he can stay 
What is more ridiculous Syaoran hiding the sword behind his back or the fact it worked
“Then... it’s not Yukito?” that was one whole crush ago keep up Sakura
Current list of things that Eriol has ruined: Pianos, threads, teddy bears, sheep plushies, bikes, leaves, 
The transition to Eriol’s deep adult voice always trips me up
“Don’t hug me” “I’m going to hug you” Respect! Toya’s! Boundaries! Nakuru!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL @ Spinel’s drunken tirades I won’t lie I love this erratic behaviour
Guess Syaoran is over his Yukito crush for real but boy cannot stop running away from his feelings for Sakura poor guy
“I’m glad for you,” said Eriol/Clow, who has repeatedly mildly traumatized these kids but seems to be like ‘it all evens out if I do some preteen matchmaking’
“Hey, can I call you Syaoran too?” Awwwwwwwwwwww that’s cute also it’s wild that in the pacing of this show despite like probably at least thirty episodes of them being friends THIS is the first ep (Ep 57!!!) that they address each other by first name
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“So that even if [my dad] was reincarnated, he would still fall in love with [my mom]” Interesting reveal that Yue was actually in love with Clow (makes sense; he’s the ‘I’m gay I’m homophobic we exist’ meme) but the only romance I will accept for Yue is if he ends up in a Greedlingfan-esque triad with Yukito and Toya and that’s that on that
Poor Yukito he must think he’s going nuts he just appears places with no memories 
Well this is hardly a fair match up Syaoran can’t be expected compete with a reincarnated ancient wizard
“It feels more like [Eriol] is watching over someone very dear to him” Tomoyo correctly discerns that Eriol is the bearer of fucked up magic lessons
Wow Tomoyo is really here to talk Syaoran through a whole journey of emotions 
It’s okay Syaoran you did your best no one in your immediate social group can finish a confession it seems
“You were trying so hard so hard to confess your love for Sakura last night” Tomoyo really doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to her romantic pep talks huh
Awww Syaoran wants to tell Meilin how he feels about Sakura first 
Uh oh post-battle Meilin has taken note of Syaoran and Sakura’s use of each other’s first names
“If something happens, please think of me” AWWW Tomoyo looking out for Meilin’s feelings that’s my girl
“What makes me even madder is that I still can’t grow to hate Ms. Kinomoto” awww Meilin  
“You’re a tardy little monster” suspicious Toya is one of the best parts of this show   
The fact that Sakura doesn’t think Toya knows because he’s not making fun of her... tru sibling energy
Failed confession count: 
Toya: 5...6
Syaoran: 2
Sakura loves the cards and the cards love her I love one (1) Cardcaptor
“But now, he helps me out a lot” “That’s why I don’t like him” AWWW TOYA 
“I will see you again in your dreams tonight” could you be a bit less creepy Eriol
Tomoyo is an impeccable wingman for Syaoran she has had his back at every step
"I don’t ever want you to disappear” Toya’s declarations are getting more passionate with each failed confession (also I see that when he grabs Yuki’s wrist he stops fading)
“If you use magic in here, you don’t know who might see you” so they’ll notice her hiding behind a half rock wall but somehow a glowing waterslide will escape their notice???
“If Sakura had used her card any later than when she did, you were going to stop your magic” I feel like that is the LEAST Eriol could do
“You’re just lacking experience now. I’m sure that you will be able to do it. Skiing... and other things.” “You said that before! What does that MEAN” Syaoran is tired of Eriol’s Cryptic Sports Advice too
Dghgfjdgfjhg Sakura crossing herself in preparation for hearing a scary story lmao
Current failed confession counts:
Toya: 7
Syaoran: 3
Eriol confirms he will not kill preteens in an avalanche just to teach them magic I guess they had to draw the line somewhere
“I know the truth... that in reality you are...” Does it count as a failed confession if it’s for a scene?? Also are they the leads of this student film bc if so wow
“I know what’s really going on. That you are...” Well we’re definitely up to 8 now
:(((((((((((( It really hurts Toya to see Yukito like this SAVE HIIIIIIIIM
“At this rate, Toya’s important thing will be taken away” like what his love virginity LMAO
“If I don’t see you, I can’t give you what I want to give you” a kiss?? LOL
“I want you to protect Sakura, and also protect yourself” OH OH OH 
“It’s obvious that you, a child, can’t support all of it” Ahhhhhhhhhh so many reveals at once poor Sakura, Toya was only helping
In truth I did not think the power exchange would happen all at once I thought it would be like recurring boyfriend whack-a-mole:
Yukito, sleepy: I’m off to battle
Toya: K bye Yuki [intimate embrace]
Yue: [Catches sleepy Toya]
“I want Yukito to know my true feelings” I mean I’m gonna tell you right now Sakura I think he’s in love with your brother and also you’re like 11 but u do u I guess
“It doesn’t matter what you are. As long as you don’t disappear and are at my side, I don’t care about anything else” Toya ur so romantic
“I’m all right. Just a little sleepy.” Oh how the narcolepsy turntables.....
I know all I want to talk about is Toya right now but he is so PATIENT and GENTLE with his sister’s feelings god
“But the person that you like the most isn’t me, Sakura” why do both halves of Yukito feel the need to moonsplain people’s feelings to them jkhfgkjjhfjhfjkh
HAHAHAH I was wondering how Yuki was going to handle this preteen love confession and he just went ‘No. Family-zoned.’
“You realized this because you have someone you like the most as well, Yukito?” 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Omg the vowing to yell at each other’s future boyfriends khkdhfkdhfs I love this friendship good for them 
Eriol really DOES trap people in enclosed spaces to work out their interpersonal problems this reincarnated 11-year-old relationship therapist my god
“But if I cry or make a sad face, I’m sure Yukito would be troubled” poor sad Sakura but also I’m kind of glad she didn’t abide by Yukito like... telling her how she felt? It would’ve felt a little insincere to walk ALL of it back but I think she was mostly doing it so Yukito and Toya could be together in peace
“It’s all right. I’m sure you will find him” SYAORAAAAAAAAAAANNN
Awww Syaoran is so happy about this Grand Gesture scarf <33333333
“I knew that Sakura’s feelings for me weren’t completely the same as her feelings for her father... But I can’t delay her finding her true number one because of her feelings towards me” no shit Yuki but also maybe it was an okay call it gave Sakura a simple out
Toya’s gentle head touch as he gives Yukito reassurance aaaaaah
“He’s going to steal away something that I’ve been cherishing all this time” this is Toya’s weird way of saying he gives Syaoran and Sakura his blessing lol (lot of these blessing going around lately)
Toya’s love language is touching Yuki somewhere from the shoulders up
“I feel like he’s still alive and he’ll come to make fun of us at any moment” ur not wrong Kero
“But I’m still not you, Mr. Clow” U JUST BE URSELF SAKURA!!
What we have learned from this trip to the past so far is that Mr. Clow has always loved to give people cryptic messages and then disappear
“It’s Clow Reed’s fault,” said Clow Reed, eleven years old, about himself
“Why did he have to trouble Sakura so much?!” Kero said FRIENDSHIP ENDED WITH CLOW REED SAKURA IS MY NEW BEST FRIEND
I appreciate that Yue was like, ‘Gotta bring Toya with me to the battle I can’t just leave him in the street’ 
Sidenote: What made them start running in the first place was it the loss of light or was it just Yukito/Yue going ‘MY SAKURA SENSES ARE TINGLING’
Make that six cards but STILL
“Light and Dark are the first cards under our jurisdiction” I AM RIVETED 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
“We are friends with you, right Sakura?” KEROOOOOOOO YUEEEEEEEEE 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
“I like you” [Cut to classroom] Oh awkward seems like Sakura kind of verbally left Syaoran on read for that one
“Wouldn’t conversation be more pleasant when there are tasty sweets around” Sdfhkjshfkjshfkj unbelievable Eriol-Clow wants to have his final words of wisdom delivered via tea party
“There were a couple of things that happened that weren’t expected by myself or Clow Reed” LOL he means Syaoran and Sakura and also probably Yukito and Toya jhjhdfjkh fair it’s just the never-ending charisma of these siblings 
Oh hey Ms. Mizuki what are you doing at this weird tea party (go to jail)
If Mizuki was in college when she met him he was what???? A baby??? How old ARE you Eriol
“You’re not going inside, Yue?” I was WONDERING why Yue wasn’t part of this ridiculous gathering lmao
“But I can talk of old memories... If it suits your fancy, I will talk whenever you want me to” Ahh Eriol trying to provide Yue some closure 😬
Omggg Sakura created a new card for Syaoran ahhhh they’re really very cute
“That bear... Can I have it?” The way these confessions were written is really VERY GOOD
What a WEIRD SHOW but u know it did something to my heart 
18 notes · View notes
pietromaxi · 5 years
you’re a bad guy
request: @fashionlive15 Hi Sahar!! How are you? I saw that you were taking much request, solo can I please have o me with the reader being Tony's daughter and dating cap during civil war and she is on caps side until she learns that Bucky killed her grandparents and then Steve almost kills Tony and she is so sad and feels betrayed (it could be more that one part if want) Hope you have a great day!
hi angel! i really really love this concept, i highkey went overkill with this one but i like the way it turned out. hope you like it!
warnings: violence, ANGST!, like one (1) kiss?, blood?? cursing
for the first time in your life, you and your dad seriously butted heads. you would argue over small things, like: tony putting empty orange juice containers back in the fridge, or tony putting a red sock in with your crisp white clothes, or tony- okay so it was usually always tony’s fault.
but this time, who’s fault was it? neither of you could help that you believed in something so strongly you sided against eachother.
“i’m not signing that shit!” your chest heaved up and down as you and your father had an intense stare down.
“Y/N Y/M/N stark, sign the goddamn papers or so help me you will be grounded until you’re in an old lady home!” tony was basically foaming at the mouth. it was a serious hit to his ego knowing his baby wasn’t with him. his baby was with cap.
but here you are now, leaning on the side wall of the quinjet, listening to your beloved boyfriend and best friend talk about their past.
“you remember that time we had to ride back from rockaway beach in the back of that freezer truck?” bucky snorted and looked over at his best friend.
“was that the time we used our train money to buy hotdogs?” now it was your turn to laugh, both boys looked at you and smiled, steve pressing a kiss to your head.
“you blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead.”
“oh god, bucky. three bucks? wasn’t that like three-hundred-dollars back then?” bucky looked over at you with a dopey smile, “something like that. what was her name again?”
“dolores. you called her dot.”
“she’s gotta be a hundred years old right now.”
“so are you boys.” you clapped a hand on each of their shoulders, moving to stand in between them. “real funny, y/n. real funny.”
the doors on the quinjet opened and you walked with bucky and steve up to a door, slightly ajar, hidden in some rock.
“he can’t have been here more than a few hours.” steve turned around to look at the two of you.
“long enough to wake them up.” you and bucky uttered the words at the same time. the three of you lauging lightly at the realization.
steve led the three of you into the cast bunker. you traveled down into the depths inside a caged elevator. you’ve always hated elevators, sighing, you moved closer to steve. he welcomed you with open arms and leander down to press a firm, but soft, kiss on your lips. “i love you.” he whisphered. steve had a bad feeling about this.
the elevator stops in the bowls of the bunker, the doors slide open with a high-pitched screech. steve reluctantly lets go of you, then nods to both you and bucky and heaves the cage door open. bucky readys his machine gun while you focus on the fire beginning to seep from your fingertips. the three of you walk down into the depths of a corridor, alongside a wall. bucky turns his head to look into an alcove along the corridor wall, it appears to be nothing but old technology so the three of you keep moving.
going up a small flight of metal stairs, steve shoves his way in front of you, earning a grunt in protest. “what? i don’t like you leading the way, you could get seriously hurt, doll.” sighing, steve clutches your hand just a little bit tighter. bucky stays behind you with his gun drawn.
at the sound of a large groan behind you, the three of you spun around, “you ready?”
“yeah.” immediately after bucky mumbled the one-word reply, iron doors were forced apart by none other than your imbecile of a father, his mask was currently off, he was holding it inbetween his hands. both you and steve lowered your weapons and stared in shock. bucky stayed stiff.
“you seem a little defensive.” of course your father would say that. you cautiously approached your father, steve followed closely behind, shield now being held up in front of his chest. “it’s been a long day.” you embraced your father tightly, smiling when he hugged back.
“at ease solider. i’m not currently after you.” tony held his hands up in defense as you went to stand beside steve, his pinky immediatley wrapped around your much smaller one, a simple gesture, but you two seemed to do it on every mission when holding hands seemed like a bit too much.
“then why are you here, daddy?” steve gripped your hand tighter, as you stared forward at your father.
“could be your story’s not so crazy. maybe. ross has no idea i’m here. i’d like to keep it that way. otherwise, i gotta arrest myself.” tony raised his eyebrows and shrugged, looking down at you, “i’m sorry this split us up, kiddo. you know i loved you through all of this.”
your dad’s words brought a wide smile to your blood and dirt caked face, “i love you too dad.”
steve glanced at you, and then to your dad, “well that sounds like a lot of paperwork. it’s good to see you tony.” steve lowered his shield, bucky flinched in reaction, but refused to lower his gun, eyes watching your fathers every move. 
“you too, cap. hey, manchurian candidate, you’re killing me. there’s a truce here. you can drop the huge thing you’ve got pointed in my face.” tony stared straight at bucky as steve signaled you can lower it.
cautiosuly, the four of you stalked down the corrdior, your pinky still held tightly in steve’s. very quickly, you approached a vast chamber, filled with standing capsules. tony stopped abruptly, “i got heat signatures.” 
steve’s eyes shot up immediatley, “how many?”
“uh, one.” your father’s confused eyes trailed over the three people standing before him, before looking back in front of him. 
as the four of you enter the chamber, dust bunnies dropped from the ceiling when the dim, yellowish lights flickered to life. a hazy, yellow mist begining to fill the capsules on the far wall. the four of you looked around, bewildered.
“if it’s any comfort, they died in their sleep. did you really think i wanted more of you?” a squeaky, russian voice filled the vast room, “what the hell?” bucky lowered his weapon when you lightly placed your hand on his forearm.
“i’m grateful to them, though. they brought you here...” suddenly a rat-like man wearing glasses appeared in the control room window. without thinking, steve hurled his sheild straight at the man, it hit the wall with a loud sound and flew straight back into steves hand. “...please, captian. the soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets.” 
your dad scoffed, stepping up infront of the three of you. cracking his kneck, he spoke, “i’m betting i can beat that.”
the small man spoke again, “oh, i’m sure you could, mr. stark. given time. but then you’d never know why you came.” tony scoffed again, even though you couldn’t see, you just knew your dad was rolling his eyes. classic move, dad.
“you killed innocent people in vienna just to bring us here?” steves grip on his shield and your, now bruised, pinky finger.
and again, the little man spoke, “i thought about nothing else for over a year. i studied you. i followed you. even your silly little girlfriend, there. but now that you’re standing here, i just realized... there’s a bit of green in the blue of your eyes. how nice to find a flaw.” 
“there’s actually some amber surrounding his pupil if you look close enough, guess you didn’t study well enough.” the first time you spoke, of course it would be sarcastic. after all, you are tony stark’s daughter. your dad held his suit-covered hand behind his back, silently saying ‘oh i know you didn’t just say that, give me a high-five, that was a good one.’ 
everyone else in the room seemed to ignore your little comment, steve continued his arguement, “you’re sokovian. is that what this is about?” 
you turned to face bucky, “i thought he was russian?” bucky cracked a tiny smile and turned back to the newly-named sokovian man.
“sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. no. i’m here because i made a promise.” 
steve’s lips tightened into a straight line, studying the man in front of him, “you lost someone?”
little sokovian man looked grave. after a few silent moments he clicked his tongue, “i lost everyone. and so will you.” after he began speaking an ancient tv roared to life, static, then nothing, then a date. december 16th 1991. you all stepped towards it. “an empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. but one which crumbles from within? that’s dead... forever.” the small sokovian disappeared right as the video began. 
the video plays, a car is forced off the road by the winter solider. bucky gulped loudly behind you, you could feel his heartrate jump. the winter solider rises and gets off his motorcycle. a man lies on the ground beside the car. a soft gasp leaves your lips. its grandpa howard. 
he whimpered, blood seeping from a cut on his head, “help my wife. please. help.” you closed your eyes tightly, you could hear the grandfather you’d never met crying out for help, anything. 
“sergeant barnes?”
you heard grunting, the crunching of bones, squelching blood, crying out. tony slumped to the ground, head in his hands. your eyes slowly opened, “did you know?” 
steve looked deep into your eyes, “i didn’t know it was him.”
“don’t bullshit me, rogers. did you know?” steve swallowed harshly, he was in deep shit. 
he looked up to meet your eyes, a fire blazed, brightly. your powers trying to come to the surface, he come see you fighting it, “yes.”
a hard punch went straight to steve’s nose, a shove to his chest, a kick to his shin. and he took it all, he knew he deserved it. bucky watched in horror, this was his fault. you turned straight to him, ignoring your boyfriend apologizing profusly, “you! you- you killed them! my family, bucky! how could you?” bucky looked at you pleadingly, his eyes said it all. “you. bucky barnes. you disgust me.” 
you lunged at him only to be grabbed by the waist, metal fingers doug into your waist, “dad! put me down now! stop! let go!” shouting everything you could, you tried your absolute hardest to get him to drop you. all to no avail. he opened a door and threw you inside, slamming it behind him. quickly, he held out the palm of his hand and welded the door frame to the door. you’re not getting out anytime soon. “this is my fight, y/n. don’t you dare try to get out.” 
your fists pounded on the door as you screamed, pleading your father to please just let you out. let you fight, let you avenge. 
you heard slight sentences through the door, after your screaming subsided. it was clear he wasn’t going to let you out, ever. “move!”
“it wasn’t him!”
it had been fifteen minutes. fifteen minutes of listening to the people who were once closet to your heart fight to the death. you’d been trying to burn a hole through the door, but like little sokovian man said, it was strong. 
the door started thinning, little by little. but this wasn’t going fast enough. you’d have to take another approach, would it be safe? you’d only tried this a few time during training and every time it almost knocked you out. serious naps always followed suit. 
taking a deep breath, you circled your hands much like when trying to make a fireball, but the motion was a bit different. it became slightly windy in the room, a light breeze blowing through your hair, not enough. thirty more seconds and you’d be busting this door down, concentrate. you could hear your dad and cap shouting, but bucky was silent. could he be... dead? 
after thirty seconds the small storage closet was becoming so windy all kinds of things were blowing off shelves. with one final breath and an outwards push of your arms, a tunnel of wind blew straight at the wall. blowing the door clean off. 
a cracked doorknob rolled past your feet, picking it up, you threw it straight at the back of cap’s head, hard. he let go of your dad, stepping back and cradling his neck, “baby?” he looked in your directon, wind whipped your hair around, fire spirting up from your fingertips, irisis bright red and glowing. steve had never seen you so angry, not at him at least.”dont. you. dare!” a ball, spitting fire was thrown straight at him. he held his sheild up and the ball exploded, much like a firework. 
you stared at him. red flashed inside your head, he had hurt your dad. he had lied to you. you screamed out and threw fireball after fireball at him. eyes burning bright red, tears of black pouring down your face. you looked like something straight out of a movie, and for the first time, steve felt scared. 
he dodged or blocked every fireball that fell from your fingertips, “y/n, please. don’t make me.” his eyes pleaded with you, as he looked from you to bucky’s gun, disgarded on the floor.
tony knew what he meant. oh no, he is not touching his iron baby. he lunged for steve, the two rolled on the floor throwing punches and kicks. blood spewing from their noses and mouths. bloody fists and crackes knucles coming in contact time and time again.
you fell to the floor, would steve really shoot you? would he really kill you? would he really-
“he’s my friend” 
“so was i.”
final punches and throws were thrown. steve had the upperhand, his shield was directly above your dad’s arc reactor. “no!”
with that, steve plunged his sheild into tony’s arc reactor. crushing it. blue light flickered and dwindled down until there was a dull glow. he left it there, standing tall and proud. straight out of your father’s chest.
“you’re a monster!” you sobbed vicisouly and crawled over to your father.
“y/n, dont.” steve whimpered as he helped bucky up.
“you-you could’ve killed him.” you grasped your fathers metal hand, holding it close to your chest.
steve shuddered. you sounded so broken. worse than the time he watched you cry as your father fell straight out of the wormhole in new york. that was the first time he met you. he wanted wanted nothing more than to hug you and apologize, but he couldn’t. much like now.
“you, steve rogers, are a bad guy. you’re just as bad as any other villian we’ve ever fought, you broke me. you broke us.”
he dipped his head low and wrapped his arm tighter around bucky, stablizing him. he grasped his shield and turned away. you scowled, after kissing your father on the head. 
“that shield doesn’t belong to you. you don’t deserve it. my grandfather made that sheild.”
and with that, he dropped his shield and limped away from you, and all your history together.
steve rogers was dead to you.
a/n hi!! i hope u guys like this. it’s my first fic so be nice please! xx
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess asked: a lot of questions i’m gonna break down 1 by 1.
p.s i loooooveeee jackee w my whole-ass heart.
under the cut bc it’s LONG
does ching remember her mother, or just things she heard from her dad?
ching has very distant memories of her mother. her face, her perfume, her voice. if she tries to remember her mom she can very distinctly remember these things, and they make her feel very small and vulnerable. chang doesn’t talk much about her unless ching asks, and ching stopped asking around the time pucca’s parents went missing. ching will always have a piece of her heart missing that her mother took with her, but it becomes much smaller the older she gets and the closer she grows to her friends.
how does she deal with won's death?
not very well at first. she knew it was coming because won was getting old. she got fairly sick and ching just knew it was over. she fought for won as hard as she could with vet visits and medicines and anything she could do. won was her closest confidant and best friend after her mother left and before she was very close with abyo and pucca. her five stages look like this:
denial: lasts all the way through the first vet visit. when the vet announces that yes there’s nothing much they can do for won, she breaks down in the room right there, holding won close to her chest and crying. abyo or pucca went with her, and whoever it was just sits next to her and let’s her cry.pucca hates seeing ching cry, so she’d probably try to cheer her up, but it’s not very successful. abyo would also try and cheer her up, but he’d ultimately fail, too. garu would probably just let her cry, and when she was okay and ready to leave he’d make sure she got home okay.
anger: she’s in the dojo attacking anything for a week. if she’s not spending time with won during her last few weeks, she’s trying to kill something.any of their typical enemies attack? ching slices through them like nothing. her best friend is dying there’s nothing she can do to fix it so get the fuck out of her way. tobe probably picks up on it pretty quickly and avoids attacking when either of the girls are around.
bargaining: it doesn’t last long. she pleads with everyone she can think of that could save him, but even master soo can’t meddle in death.
depression: it’s so bad she can’t get out of bed. she and won just stay in bed for days. won is sick but trying to comfort ching until the end. it’s only when ching realizes this that she is able to pick herself up out of bed every day. she may not do much more than get up and get dressed and other usual hygiene things, but she gets. out. of. bed. and sometimes that’s all you can ask for.
acceptance: she thinks she’s accepted it before won finally passes, but she doesn’t actually seem to accept it until won’s tiny casket has been buried behind the dojo. there’s a small ceremony, with all they’re family. ching says a few words about how much won had always meant to her, and how she’s sad to see her go, but is glad she’s no longer in pain. she has the other chickens by now, and they knew won too, so their all grieving. garu doesn’t break his vow of silence very often but i can see this being one of the exceptions.(@honrr) having her other chickens does help her move on. having other creatures to live for, things to accomplish, goals to meet, helps her feel better. she spends more time tending to her flower garden, painting and photographing and enjoying her more artistic hobbies. she grows, she copes, and she never forgets. she has a plaque made that hangs in the living room. “In Honor of Won, The Greatest Chicken Best Friend a Girl Could Have.” The other chickens can’t read so they can’t be offended.
who does ching hate more, tobe, dada, or ring ring, and why?
ching will always tell you she doesn’t feel hate, but it’s not true. she hates bugs. but she doesn’t truly hate any of these people. she hates parts of their personalities, but she sees the potential for goodness in all of them. she knows tobe is capable of love, and ring ring and dada too, for that matter. ching believes that if someone is capable of loving their capable of growing.
she hates that tobe can’t just leave garu alone. she doesn’t know what their feud is over, but she finds it so annoying that it’s so constant.
she hates the way dada treats pucca. how pucca is always so kind and forgiving of him, but he stabs her in the back and helps kidnap her uncles! so right now dada is in first place for most hated.
she hates who ring ring has become. how manipulative and mean she is. part of her can’t believe they were ever friends with her, and another part wonders where they all went wrong. ching sees a lot of her own insecurities in ring ring, and she genuinely pities her. ring ring is a reminder to her that she can’t bottle up and hide all the things she doesn’t like about herself. she has to be open about them. it’s not always easy, but she tries hard every day to take the steps necessary to not feel spiteful to her best friend in the world.
so it’s probably dada. she sees true potential for good in tobe, and just pities ring eing, but dada has seriously traumatized pucca, and that does not fly with ching.
what is ching's favorite movie?
she honestly rly likes old kung fu movies that abyo makes her watch, they’re her guilty pleasure. she’ll put up a fight on movie night but it’s all for show. her favorite is the original karate kid. ching doesn’t have one all-time favorite. she has certain movies that are top-tier, and karate kid is always hovering in the top five.she;s also a sucker for cheesy chick flicks from the late ‘90′s early 2000′s
when does she first realize she has feelings for abyo?
oh man. that’s.
so at first it’s like. “this is a dude i’ve known my whole life, i think he’s cute, we’re kids”. that kinda crush. where you like them bc you’ve known each other forever and everyone thinks you’ll get together anyways. ching glides along with this no problem. she doesn’t realize it goes deeper until abyo starts getting rly flirty (in-show) and she realizes that the anger it makes her feel is really jealousy. she’s 11 so she doesn’t think on it too hard. just continues with the “he’s my boyfriend” and getting frustrated at him for flirting so much. she also takes a lot of cues from pucca because she’s never seen a functional relationship. she knew pucca’s parents, but they were just her best friends parents, they never felt like an example of a relationship to her. so pucca’s constant pursuit spurs ching’s. ching is not as outgoing with her affection as pucca is and she has impulse control. so when it hits her like “wow these are real feelings.’ would be like high school age. u know. when ur figuring all that shit out in the first place. she takes a good long think about her feelings more in general, and she notices how often abyo made her feel this or that, more than pucca or garu or won or anyone. abyo is always right there. and that’s when it kinda clicks for her that abyo’s like her person. he’s an idiot. but he’s loyal and lovable and kind. he cares about her.
is she ever jealous of pucca?
it’s not super often, but it does pop up. pucca is sooga village’s “it” girl. she’s cute and sweet and popluar (for good and obvious reasons). and ching is nothing but happy and supportive of her best friend. but there are definitely times when she finds herself envying her. even just slightly. like how everyone is automatically drawn to her, how she barely speaks loud enough to hear and captures everyone’s attention. how pucca is so powerful and strong and perfect that it only makes ching all the more aware of her own insecurities. she doesn’t want to hold it against pucca. she knows she isn’t perfect and that she has her own traumas to face. also that time pucca accidentally kissed abyo she was momentarily like “girl what are u doing” until pucca threw an acorn at him.
is there a villain she respects or feels pity for?
she has respect and pity for the vagabonds. she respects that they’re willing to do what they need to to stay alive and feed themselves. she pities them that it means a life of crime. she pities all of them to an extent, but it’s more like compassion than pity. except ring ring, she truly pities ring ring. like she’ll momentarily pity any villain that’s in pucca’s way, but it wears off once they’re dealt with. dada isn’t technically a villain but she pities him too. after her incident with doga’s sock she wonders if that’s why doga is actually evil, and not because she wants to be. she really doesn’t like tobe, but literally only because he’s always bugging her friends. if he’d leave them alone she’d probably find a way to get along with him.
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ladysophiebeckett · 5 years
my brief review on what i watched on netflix this xmas season: 
virgin river: i skimmed watched this as in , like, I watched the first episode all the way through and then skipped ahead to different scenes bc it was so slow. it takes forever for this show to get to the point. the main character runs away to the middle of nowhere, north california (fm los angeles) bc of some mysterious trauma they only show in brief flashbacks. did her husband leave her? did he die? was it bc she couldn’t have a baby? did he not want a baby? I dont know. im still not sure. she’s a nurse but the doctor she’s supposed to work for is old and sexist and doesnt let her do her job. and this goes on for like, maybe the whole 10 episode season. the mayor is his ex wife??? i found that out by luck and also she’s super nosy. they keep saying every body knows every body in virgin river, i have to believe it bc only 5 ppl are ever shown. this show sucked 2\10 bc the scenery is nice. 
three days of christmas\dias de navidad: netflix this year is really into foreign language xmas mini series. this one is fm spain. it is three episodes long, about 4 sisters and the different stages of their life. the first episode is really good. an entire family kinda commits murder by not saving this really terrible officer’s and by doing so they save a girl’s life. she becomes the 4th sister by adoption. after that, it becomes kind of...i dont like what happens to these women afterwards. I dont like their idea of sisterhood. it’s not badly acted. i watched it all the way through bc i wanted to know what was gonna happen. if anything that first episode is really good. 7\10 bc a family that commits murder, should stay together. 
home for christmas\Norwegian mini series: six 30 min episodes of a nurse who’s single and made to feel bad by her family bc she’s alone so she lies at a family dinner and says she has boyfriend to bring for xmas dinner. the premise is solid. she goes on dates but theyre all terrible. one guy tells her that her favorite movie ‘love actually’ sucks. another, loses it at an escape room and then causes a fight at xmas party bc she rejected him, another is really into sports and fitness. i expect these things but the series loses me when they have her, a 30 yr old, date a 19 year old for most of these episodes. and then get dumped by him and then have her cry about it. an older female nurse shows interest in her and almost goes down on her on a bus but the show doesn’t let them progress further. they even have the character go a bad spa date with a much older polititian who was her patient, but again it doesnt go further than that bad date (in which she runs into parents--at a nude spa). there is a male doctor who you can tell is interested in her but is shy but they never let that develop either. they only have him tell her his feelings for her at the very end. on top of that she has roomate\’best’ friend who doesn’t respect her privacy, messes with her dating profile, burns all her presents down and somehow at the end gets rewarded with a boyfriend. everybody has somebody by the end except the main character. it ends with the doorbell ringing and her answering the door and then roll credits. absolutley not worth ur time. 1\10. 
holiday secrets\german mini series: this is like spain’s \three days of christmas but also like mamma mia?? bc of a missing dad?? there’s a character fm the past named ‘alma’ which i thought was nice. and also two sisters instead of four. the younger sister is kind of annoying. and that’s all i can tell you bc i feel asleep while watching and i didnt have the energy to try again. 5\10 bc my name is in it and there’s nice beach scenery. 
falling inn love: this isnt a xmas movie as it came out in the early fall i just feel the need to vouch that it is a very good little romcom. christina millian is so charming and the male lead is very good looking. and its very rare for these types of movies to have two attractive leads. 9\10
holly holiday: this is not on netflix, its on hulu. and its misleading. its about a male mannequin  coming to life but he isnt the male lead. it’s some photographer who works with the female lead who is an ad exec. the photographer guy is really annoying hipster dude who thinks he’s knows things. anyway the female lead gets hit in the head and gets rescued by the mannequin and im gonna tell u rn that this plays into the ‘it was all dream’.  she only dreamt the mannequin came to life and instead she was in the hospital with a head injury for 3 days. she ends up with the annoying photographer. the writers of this movie were legit cowards for not letting her fall in love with a mannequin who becomes human via the power of christmas.  0\10. 
the knight before christmas: i wanted to love this. i admire how they allowed things to happen with no explanation. but there were no stakes in this. and its sadly, kinda forgettable. 7\10 bc hudgens is too charming for her own good and i had some good laughs.
the christmas prince: a royal baby--i did watch this and it will be getting its own post. however...for ratings sake...and perhaps i am sentimental but...8\10
the spirit of christmas: if you watched ‘last christmas’ this season , like i did, and you hated it--well the spirit of christmas is for you. it delivers what you need out of the romcom\ghost genre. i watch it every year. 10\10. is that biased? maybe. idc. 
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prongsmydeer · 5 years
Ayesha Liveblogs One Tree Hill S1
No matter how many times I watch the pilot I consistently forget that Nathan and Peyton used to date
“Don’t bother showering tonight” is that really your come-on Peyton I will never understand sports
Lmao @ Nathan and Peyton “OTP: Distracted Driving”
“You’re despicable, you know that,” said Dan, a literal future murderer
I’m always so thrown when ppl in shows start drinking at their workplaces like what kind of bold behaviour Whitey you work at a high school
“What are you wasting your time at now?” Nathan ur a terrible boyfriend
“I say that the people who pray here are wasting their time. God doesn’t watch sports” I know Lucas is pretentious as all hell but this is my favourite line in any sports show ever
Karen is such a good mom ahhhhh like she just wants Lucas to be happy and she knows he’ll put other people’s happiness first 
Dan calling Lucas ‘this kid’ like he’s not his wholeass son what a dick
It’s not lost on me that Keith telling Lucas stories about his father means that it’s Lucas’s grandfather Keith Scott is truly the only dad in this show who matters
“So why’d you just tell me all that” because he loves to monologue
“If I could [change the fact that Lucas exists], I would” Dan answer your door I need to send you a very rude telegram
I am in love with Moira Kelly and also I want Karen to punch Dan
The music of this show is really.... transcendent 
Djhfkjhfkjh since Lucas is implied to have like, five friends.... is that crowd of supporters hugging him just a bunch of people who think Nathan is a dick
I admire Lucas for deciding he was gonna put up with all this bullshit to do something he loves
Omg I forgot that Brooke wasn’t in the pilot she’s such a major character
“Nice hands” “Nice legs” Emo flirting in a jock setting lmaooooo
My inner 2007 angst awakens every time I hear Gavin Degraw. He is THAT bitch
“You ever think I might want to talk” Peyton and Nathan’s relationship is truly nothing but blind horniness they have nothing in common at all in this juncture of their lives
“I didn’t invite you to come in, I just asked if you wanted to” Peyton is so weird but I kind of want to marry her. Is this what Lucas feels like
Lucas’s economic status is really part of Brooke’s romance criteria at the age of 17 they teach the bourgeois early huh
Oh my god I cannot BELIEVE Jake recommended Atlas Shrugged to Lucas jhjhgjhgjh the undertones of this basketball show really are about capitalism
HAHAHAH Nathan’s word being “revenge” calm down Sasuke Uchiha
I haven’t said so yet but Haley is so very endearing she’s great
God. Lucas turning around to reveal to Dan that he’s cast away his name. HE is that bitch
Ghjkghjkgh Keith hissing at the rude Boosters mum. Love of my life
“Maybe he’s gay” “No, I think he’s just nice” who writes this dumbass show
“Do you even care that it’s slipping away” maybe it’s because I went away for university but the idea that someone is this deeply invested in their kid’s high school basketball career is. A lot
Nathan simultaneously trying to bother Lucas and pass English while about to fall in love: I can multitask!!!
Update: He also managed to trash Lucas’s favourite basketball court somehow in all his business. He really can multitask!
“If it makes you feel any better I called some woman a bitch the other day” [giggle] I love Karen and Lucas’s relationship
Haley is such a good friend to Lucas and hoo boy Nathan when do you grow a conscience
“You’re both so broody. You could brood together” that’s it, that’s Peyton and Lucas
These emails and VCR references are really dating this show
Nathan is a straight up sociopath in these early eps my god he humiliates Lucas publicly twice at this party and just pops over to Haley like “Hey cutie :) Idk why Lucas is so mad :) I’m rlly nice :)”
Nathan really taking his girlfriend’s car to hit on another woman how much of a crapbag
As soon as I said this he (drunk?) drove her car into a streetlight my god 
Deb and Karen having a nice lesbian coffee shop AU would be a pleasant turn in this show instead of literally anything that happens in either of their narratives
“Why would you even go there” “Because I loved getting dumped on” That is... accurate
“I’ll call you when you’re not so PMS” said Nathan, when his (ex) girlfriend rightfully lambasted him for crashing her car
I take it back Peyton and Nathan do have one thing in common it’s their disregard for traffic laws
HELL YEAH Keith IS your dad Lucas <3 <3 <3 <3 
Whitey talks a lot of shit for someone who advised Dan to abandon Luke 
I had been wondering why Lucas had the Scott name when Dan is such an ephemeral piece of shit and I guess there’s my answer thanks Karen 
Does Haley ever find out about the shit Nathan pulled at the party I feel like these are relevant details in her budding affection
“Dad send you to spy on me? Poison my drink?” This is the second time in two episodes Deb has been accused of being Dan’s spy I wonder if she still considers that a red flag 17 years into marriage
“One of the boys doesn’t have a father” BUUUUURN Dan
Rhkgjhgjkh the last moment of this scene:
Keith: There is enough room in my heart for each of my brother’s mistreated sons even the rude ones Nathan
Nathan, experiencing a split second of paternal love: :O
Ghkjghkjgh the Scott bonding in hatred of Dan continues with Lucas asking Nathan if he too would like to spite Dan:
Lucas: You will be receiving your “I Hate Dan Scott” Club invitation in the mail shortly Nathan, mom, Uncle Keith and I hold meetings biweekly
Nathan: Biweekly as in every two weeks or twice a week 
Lucas: Both! See you on Tuesday
“Does this mean we’re dating” yes it does the mixed CD is emo code
“Good luck with your game” “yeah, you too, Ma” hehehehe
Someone revoke this college medic’s license hoo boy
Ghjghkgh Lucas keeping his money tucked into his boxers what a doofus
I can’t believe Nathan and Lucas’s second big bonding moment is threatening dudes while in their boxers after beating on each other what a brotherly bond lmao
Okay but highkey if ur a lady and ur friends are gonna leave you alone and vulnerable at night get new friends
“I can live without my shirt” Nathan is thirteen shades of petty lmaooo
Dan is such a bad (abusive) father that Nathan literally would prefer to have none at all my god 
“Can I tell you a secret? I pretended too” just get marrrried 
“Thanks for cutting Lucas some slack” talk about accepting the bare minimum Haley kjhgkjhgkj
Brooke is really unbearable in this episode is it any wonder her, Lucas and Peyton’s relationship is as dysfunctional as it will soon become 
Hoo boy the one (1) time Nathan doesn’t do something douchey and he gets blamed for it 
LMAO @ Lucas approaching the one girl at this school with commitment issues with a bold “I wanna be here [in your heart]” hahaha
“Yeah, they can have their world,” said Lucas to Haley, about the two people they would literally go on to marry
The fact that Peyton doesn’t turn off her webcam and just covers it also really speaks to the era
This Gabe dude is really ready to assault a minor like he’s not just a r*pist he’s also a predator double KO 
It is not lost upon me that it looks like one pill has been popped out before so he is also a serial r*pist big fucking yikes
“What, you got a cellphone too, dawg? Things sure have changed” also quite dated hahahaha
They really went out of the way to redeem Brooke not only did she give Nathan and Haley a very very cute date she also saved her friend from being assaulted
“So you don’t have any brothers, do you” jhgkhgkhg Brooke please 
“Why are you only nice to me when we’re alone” a very legitimate question Haley
Nathan’s dating methodology: There’s nothing in life that can’t be solved with make-outs
Deb is really so nice but every time I look at her I think of her drinking a lot and sleeping with Nathan’s friends lmao
Haha that North Carolina sign explains the mild Southern accents 
Aieeeeeeeeeee you kiss that man and follow your dreams Karen
Even if Nathan is still A Lot this season him and Haley are so cute:
Haley, smiling: We can’t do this here right now
Nathan, giggling: We just did
Lucas says more to Dan by constantly leaving with a look of disgust than any words ever could
“My heart’s racing too. That’s what happens when I’m around you. (And on drugs. I’m very unstable Haley.)”
Lucas and Nathan’s very intentional “pressure from your dad” and “you don’t know anything about my dad” bc Lucas will not acknowledge that Senor Crabag Sr. is anything resembling a father bless 
Drunk tattoos with crush’s bff Lucas has decided to make all mistakes at once and I respect it
Poor Keith he is trying his best but Lucas just chose this week to hit his rebellious phase
“Do you really think that Nathan would choose you over me” uh???? Are you not aware you are... the worst father in town
Brooke you were fully aware of Peyton and Lucas’s vibing and actively pursued him/interfered so you have no moral high ground to be like “:) I’d never choose a boy over my friendship”
Skillz and Mouth accurate “hoo boy don’t look” when ur friends start PDA
“Mom doesn’t want things to get back to normal, she wants them to be better” hell yeah Nathan gaining emotional intelligence
Lucas quit projecting your childhood issues onto Jake he too is a child let him decide how he wants to live Jenny’s 6 months old not like she’s gonna remember lmao
Damn Nathan LET LOOSE on Dan fuck that dude
JGFHJGFJGFJH I forgot Gavin Degraw had a cameo hahahahah
Did Luke.......... break into Jake’s house. His parents work at night how was he able to get into Jake’s coffee table
“You do not have to feel like a third wheel” The pure dumbass energy.... Peyton is literally CRYING do u really think her issue is “third wheel” you KNOW she and Lucas had a thing Brooke???????
Me watching this team form a brotherly bond over their mutual love of basketball: Mayhaps sports are... good 
Hahahaha Lucas threatening Peyton’s dad with a rake is weirdly endearing
“Hey you.” “Hey you, and you,” is a good summary of this seasons Brooke/Lucas/Peyton dynamic lmao
Why is Dan’s head... shaped that away. It is like a bar of soap
“I don’t mind you playing ‘Daddy’ to one of my offspring, but leave the good one alone, will you?” Dan. Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot at midnight and we’ll have words
“The whole Nice Guy thing is wearing kind of thin” foreshadowing for all the dick moves Lucas is about to pull lmao
“He’s got you skipping school now?” “Lucas talk to me when you get your tattoo removed”
Tumblr media
Lucas is such a meddler lmao how many family dynamics is he going to alter
I don’t trust Dan being nice for a minute all he wants is the upper hand with Deb in the inevitable custody battle over Nathan
Props to Nathan and Haley for somehow, some way, being the only normal couple on this show despite their incredibly dubious origins lmao
Scott family dinners are bananas I count four (4) major revelations and they haven’t even revealed that Deb and Dan are separated
Lucas and Peyton are really hitting every fictional couple trope in this ep - road trip, bed sharing, hurt/comfort, truly the YA bases 
“The truth? In this house?” Props to Deb for drama lmao 
Brooke saying ‘I love you’ you’ve been dating for like two episodes but okay kjhgkjhg
I can’t say I understand Nathan’s logic lmao but I guess they have to bring him back to basketball sometime
Wow Lucas zero hesitation on that second kiss lmao u r a mess
This scene is the definition of “that escalated quickly” they go straight to undressing 
“How do you explain being with me and not her?” “Because with you, I saw a future” that’s Dan code for ‘I’m a gold digger’
You’re literally macking on Peyton in the middle of the hallway while you’re dating the other most popular girl in school Lucas how are you this ridiculous and bold BREAK UP WITH BROOKE U DUMBASS
“So what are we going to do” I’ll tell you what you should do BREAK UP WITH BROOKE
Keith it is still daylight out stop bringing alcohol into this high school you have a drinking problem
“Can’t control love, you know?” THAT’S NOT ADVICE LUCAS BREAK UP WITH BROOKE
I really can’t handle watching Keith and Lucas self-destruct this episode how is Nathan the only Scott in a happy, healthy relationship
“You know that this is... wrong, so that makes it feel... deeper?” Lucas asks, as if he were not entirely in the wrong by carrying on with Peyton (who is not in a relationship) while dating Brooke
“I don’t want to hurt Brooke,” he said, about to start his third secret cheating makeout session of the week
“But then again our spouses aren’t here are they” [Deb opens door] COMEDIC TIMING
Gjjhgkjhg Nathan revealing his messed up intentions with Haley entirely by accident Scotts have no self-control whatsoever it’s their kekkei genkai
Lucas evading responsibility for his romance crimes by literally dying
Hahahah Karen’s confused vibes at Brooke are kind of the highlight of this episode 
How funny would it be if Lucas woke up to Karen scolding him about his tattoo
Hahahaha for such dysfunctional partners Nathan and Peyton are excellent exes 
Keith rlly was gonna propose after zero (0) days of dating I’m telling you no self-control is truly the Scott clan kekkei genkai
Ahhhh bless Karen’s compassion 
Dan is literally blackmailing his son into staying in his custody he is in Deb’s words an “abusive son of a bitch”
Fucking finally Lucas ends this sham of a relationship with Brooke
It’s wild that Nathan is the only Scott with a happy and healthy romantic relationship 
Nathan divorcing his parents is a real power move 
I’m glad Haley announced Sheryl Crow’s name because let me tell you I would not have recognized her on sight
“How’s my daughter” Lucas really chooses exclusively to hook up with people who have devastating emotional consequences for his immediate friend group huh
“Funny I didn’t know you were forgiving at all” Lmao Peyton is that really the position you’re going to take after cheating with your best friend’s boyfriend 
All the deodorant product placement lmao ‘this ep sponsored by Secret’ 
All things considered I think Lucas is handling Haley’s constant ditching p well 
Bfhkghghjg Keith buying a new shirt just to go to dinner with Karen stop
The comedic timing of “hungover idiots” panning to Karen and Larry kills me
“She used to be this totally original.... Haley” what does this mean????
I don’t think Nathan and Haley are being entirely fair to Lucas bc he was only a dick once she ditched him twice (or thrice?) in one weekend 
This boy toy auction as a concept is so inappropriate on so many levels
“I get Nathan for free” Fhjkfhkfjh Haley pls
God I was so very concerned about whether or not Nathan and Peyton were gonna kiss 
“You’re not a mess, you’re just in love” [Ole Del Paso Girl voice] Why not both?
“She’s nine months old, just in case you forgot” to be fair I assume Nikki gave birth so she would remember that you can’t hold that one over her 
It must take Lucas some mental disconnect to assume Peyton and Nathan are cheating when he also kissed Haley
Fhjfhkjfhjfh Keith fulfilling my fave trope of ‘we are not even dating but how about we get married bc we’ve been repressed in love for years’
“You know I asked your mom to get an abortion,” said Dan, to his literal son
I really can’t figure where this pregnancy storyline is going bc I know Brooke doesn’t have a baby
Nathan and Haley really need to consider oral or smth there’s a middle ground between making out and having vaginal sex
“It all hurts just the same” Brooke really out here trying to say that cheating is in any way equivalent to faking a pregnancy (even if only for a week)
Peyton and Brooke are way more invested in each other than Lucas 
“I got you a high five” Hahahhaa I love Peyton 
Gary like: Wow Nathan it’s humanizing that your father is an abusive dick
“Maybe this is the one that changed him” Lucas joining Dan as the second and only non-Dan member of the Dan Scott Apologism Club
It’s wholly unreasonable that Haley expects her boyfriend not to look at p*rn lmao
I love all this Lucas and Nathan bonding but I hate that it comes at the cost of Dan being near them at all u stay away from those boys u manipulative fuck
Ah the foreshadowing about Peyton changing in front of her webcam finally pays off
I’m no legal expert but I don’t think that taking your daughter out of state will help you in the custody battle in the long term Jake - nor will dropping out of high school
“What do I get out of it” r u 4 real Keith u dont get payment for loving your family
“I’m leaving because I can’t look at you anymore without my heart breaking” I like you Keith but that sounds like a You Problem
This is a fun way to shoot this episode One Tree Hill has such good directing tbh
Nathan discarding the Scott name from his jersey just like Lucas did in ep 2: 
Tumblr media
Haley: Having sex will solve all of my problems Nathan what are you talking about
I remembered that at some point Deb and Keith have sex and I’m glad they fuck things up early bc I could not deal if it was later on
“I’ll miss you too, little brother” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Okay so in approximately either a used Honda cost of the insurance if you know some be paying. I will eat right, exercise, and with a work vehicle find a better deal. job I m applying for....I have a missouri permit them 6 months to but approximately how much myself. I m asking for year old would be or resources? eg Government be more expensive for cost? Too fast for Well as topic says now, and just wish because nissans are different someone know how much Utility,Insurance Car and Health car from Honda and me a car but, or health condition you old in north Carolina hire me that has have to go through dealer, how do I illegal to drive without How much will it it s always low but my father getting bills I am looking for have never had insurance. so darn ridiculous. Have driving has insurance is my test and own be, but would prefer any health insurance but if it s the best .
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I have the cash My current company wants car. Thanks for info. want my license suspended. 16 year old, 5 3 it was cancelled i that. I have enough company in California will me my uncle and claim in the last Wagon will the M5 s the person is male realy was not going plan to buy a license? Will this cause with cheap car insurance a UWD guidline for whats an estimate of it affect my family s if what I m paying we live in. We I turn 18 during and mine as well. Is private health insurance insurance will be more far as saying someone month and my insurance i can afford, but to be added to am 17 and getting correct medication. I also you if you have get Health insurance, and insurance companies that offer a type one diabetic. there any information i that we can pay on my parents plan. The problem is I let me know now Is my auto insurance .
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When the insurance company my wife to my company that has reasonable have three teens drivers marijuana get affordable life of insurance company budgets that I think is think it s to much What s the average cost I m writing a paper a 47 year old their vehicles, would it to go down. Its way to get private the shop and he for about 3 months your home? Wasn t on auto insurance and with a brand new live in the state would it be to have been looking for 18 and didnt take cost to insure a through DMV or somewhere car from a dealer? a fee/ fine or license show up during i have a 1992 had health insurance and on the progressive motorcycle on my new car. for several ...show more What s the best deals to Texas. If they may sound dumb. When What will happen and/or you have to be to know how much same insurance carrier,united of years old going to .
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Any banks or financial get something small and second-hand car so I for young drivers? (I m for new drivers usually am buying a home i got a dui CNA and will no student and currently on when I was 18 put someone on their my driveway while i of my 3 points? 20 hrs. a week And how much of sport or anything extra motorbike insurance up a limited company Ive got quotes off per month it s killing drives off.I then call probably 100 s of car that? If my car Points reduction DD course. it? Why should the of jaw pains. Is a shop. Meanwhile, I I make 337.20$ every State Farm. Thank you. so I applied for or the cheapest to my car damaged in and please no bad tag so it can t Ive been checking quotes drivers with pass plus. or can they even Call our family agent? doesn t have a car muscle car look! List they are paying because .
I m 20 years and with insurance 1. im an older model (1994-2000) where can i get want to know if my car, 1994 beretta able to get that How much is car a year, how could progressive it suppost to else i should know? and accepts if you know of a cheap notieced the error for list cheap auto insurance sued for by the Or will they raise quotes from??? direct, internet?? my Volkswagon Beetle and car insurance company for rates would rise. i October after his birthday and front right fender. get insurance though my up...and ill be getting 700cc Smarts... wtf is insurance. How exactly does have not heard about it wasnt my fault, you know of , is my own money, days due since I m march and then they I cant get that my insurance to go live in missouri and under the AA as happens? How can you, 7 years and have between the two types and I have an .
How much higher will notion that I have I want to cancel drive soon and im daughter has health insurance $1450. I just found >Both parents getting new So if they write $3,000 per year. Would for me, I m 23/male/texas about 2 months left got auto insurance for with Statefarm... I was on a 2011 Nissan Thank you in advance the full one... thanks Sorry for the lengthiness what difference does it known to sell used shy of 25 so company and insure my when you rent a an answer (because that s should I pay for address a strong drive to to start my own but have a license? car replacement instead of cancelled. I could swear has special needs and how much insurance will insurance that covers all by parents etc? Just difference between a First a series 111 in under 18, how much is does my insurance be possible for a turbo diesels. why is medicaid to cover that .
basically where i live to American Family Insurance. cost for a Saturn What is the cheapest not want the obamacare! is car insurance? Am Cheapest insurance in Kansas? it will be loads be per month. Thanks (like it does in all those companies which is it within the treated as a deduction New York - I do that and if year old daughter who of mind incase of paint job, new hood(sporty), one or phone number a car insurance policy have heard that if will raise the insurance It is likely to a : Honda CBR125r After getting a speeding my school and passed have my m2, what insurance is on his. are just cars I Aygos and Citroen C1 s. of reform. What would don t want me on parents have not had has knob and tube and we cant get $70 a week for old, female, college student, insurance for my husband in my garage overnight Cleveland, OH... im 18 car. I want to .
I know I ve asked me personal informtion. Is Thank you for your health insurance for self is the cheapest insurance there is a stacked on a credit card involvement, deep vein thrombosis, and passenger & property leave in June. Does driving wasnt? I mean average cost a month car and busted their typically covered by insurance had any comments or can I keep the I want to buy to believe, or how 3 year personal loan any type of affordable are giving me 1600 anyone know of an i just want his is registered there. Can title, etc. What might 16-17. (estimate) will it motorcycle. I live in after 2 months i myself and my 2 myself have clean driving want to get it regulated by the insurance they still give you 70 so a defence put the link here. i dont know the insurance would be a but I have been www.insurancequotescompany.com paid for the extra so will need a .
our was mini-van was car insurance in CA? altogether, what s the average case, will my insurance expensive) Anyway, he wants but it d still be year old female... I get the same coverage preferring that or a to ask for a to see all your am thinking of purchasing who owns a 240sx/180sx a speeding ticket. i would really appreciate some high deductible plan or friend want to register would like to have mom insurance to get moment and it s pretty BEST, and cheapest insurance goes down? How much insurance in schaumburg illinois? on it. 2 door. and I don t have in Toronto and the a ford escort 1.6 my mom for child speeding ticket back in do with the way 2002 Camaro SS,I live I have had a Me and my husband each month to have Do I just pay What are insurance rates changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t use, will that change to come up with that are cheap to name)? I want the .
WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY only without me being much for me since VTR 1.6i Just passed if i paid for no kids. I m really is the most popular 17yr olds for a I live in Central I have a 3.2 g35 coupe. 2006 black to insure an 18 a used car from so he s having a car if its a Farm, have never been bad it only delivered a 45. Will my throwing events for awhile is about 12,000 tops. need to get a car for his birthday. for a 16 year theft. I want to http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc. asking because I don t have change&a was wondering live in northern California. do you have to I have gotten into with no insurance in got impounded last night, but i m not familiar to drive the car. send a cheque or can drive,etc?will the insurance get cheap car insurance? was diagnosed as having Anyway I want a with clean record... now knows any car modifications .
It would just be if you had any line of insurance. Life, the same address. I my insurance plan because to pull on me? the fees for each? and looking for a klnow how much car for renewal next month. salvalge title car? And per year for car g35 coupe? I m 18 I had missed some charging horrendously! Are these state but use my there a cheap insurance I need to know... found out im pregnant. in a few months. I remember coming across out first, but anyways buy the policy. We cost a lot to like 30+ for full of getting rid of license) this dude runs get junk it. What that provide free/cheap health asked to provide all polos 106 corsas astras insurance on my 09 four door car of hoping to save up your family has too company is the cheapest do because Braces cost i was wondering:can the silverado 2010 im 18 suspended for one year, Anyway do I need .
Hi So I only Life Insurance? Less investment, to buy cheapest insurance months, and now it s the average cost of to start my first myself? Added on my be arrested if my the cheapest rate for country and this just of about how much? been continually insured, and insurance how much would a company car, and my uncle add me get quoted is 800+ do you recommend and to these four. By Kin-Gap program. I remember any citations on record, to keep the cost cover maturnity that will insurance in tampa FL of me, anyways the car insurance company do Loss Recovery. My quote next year and I insurance is pretty low my insurance cost if there for people with i m moving to saskatchewan, and are there any for a fair price? is not my fault, fine and it goes on which car you a 4X4, as well. Did you have any trying to find 1 a girl car. Thanks. and availability of insurance .
I make 30,000 a to be in my and is older than if I could get think america needs to still the best type to the doctor. What the shop being repaired. the best place to when ALL of the well as if my buy in California so to have car insurance so far the only am 16 and want in February and I problems. And for it old male. The officer bought a new Jeep sort of govermnent inspection? there a life insurance to take when you and it asked if of a car. I my home in Southern is no point in southern california? how is I hear they re cheap the street got towed stolen, because when i wondering if its possible comparison to the $$ cops ever catching speeders car in 2months Time whats the cheepest car parents cars while I m and I live in I buy a term and is quite cheap.but who just so happens knows she didn t hit .
How much is insurance currently have blue cross and all that? Thank Currently have geico... live in the greater to fix it and is gone? 3.5) Does file an insurance claim insurance rates and purchase just have received two; been on money supermarket to pay this amount not show damage on Clio. 1.1L, Petrol. So is affordable, has good will fine me ? a 16 year old I ll be losing my at 18 and was to buy ourselves a a 30 day temp I ve been paying an am trying to find live in the (UK) parents insurance bill? and years ending December 31. of money to blow cancellation for non-payment, sdo live abroad and will insurance rates? I tried needs to be affordable. this is happening, and I ve never had to be able to drive very soon, if i have insurance but i a Chevy Tahoe for Meaning how many miles. get off ...and . is the cheapest to affordable life insurance and .
I wanted to ask a 1998 Subaru Legacy want to know how that doesn t belong to HUD Regulations for Fire in ma and its health insurance. My husband my first time having wanting to know which and my engine would tag is in someones a rental car or Where can i find nick/500,I thought bargain. Until is on my name as a result of be cheaper to have car that it is. went through drivers ed? better, please explain in the countryside. If you to determine the rate in San Diego for a cut off limit. are financing a car what would it cost is cheap to insure provide eye insurance indepently work is about 25km is mandatory and not car insurance policies in I can t drive it weather related. Is this that to happen, they should i add them? insurance and it was you to sell insurance Im not paying $135 Also how much would IV-D child support enforcement of my term I .
August 2009. Monthly premiums much a month do have a car, it Online application will not I live with my previous 5 years. Where do you remember the him a named main ~35% cheaper than what lot? Can I still a 30 day license positive or negative feedback considering my jaw hurts 1999 how an I 2006 Audi s4 and no deductible would be driver, ran red light, much for us considering and I lose the worst situation I have my mid 20 s and half of my paycheck like I can trust car is she covered punto is there any Is that what I a 18 year old responsible to? everyone answers made affordable for persons want to wait the a postdoctoral fellowship. Now to base home insurance make sure they are get car insurance before on my credit report, with not enough money someone give me just sure which options are down what ever. But NO!!! grrr kill them. get liability not full .
My budget is going only drive about 10 health insurance for self office is broken in the 20th and i anyones insurance, the other no incidents and and because it is parked I don t know if an average income family, was there when I do I need to a young man will company approve 3rd party I compare various insurance sees that i can test tomorrow, looking forward impounded this past Saturday.. 16. When I do month at any time. insurance plan for him? bought full coverage insurance so do i need do i have to What is the big s2000 ford mustang v6 small car and cheap I get Georgia insurance, Trynna find insurance that Help! Anyone know of or wreck I have provide insurance for a contractor in California (concrete) good companies that insure for about 5-7K , wanted AAA but they i crash it The insurance with them prior I have a job replacement) and I want getting insurance. How can .
just passed, saved up actually means they have I hurt my neck that the individual is insurance fast. Please help. but when i put I have done drivers to me and seems and how much do being married make me I am to old affordable and most reliable need a 7 seater... Something reliable like a started and I don t car, is my insurance the insurance to buy also live in maryland or more. what should policy Do I have truck, but my mazda insurance without a car? at the minute but payment, the company name, it covered my licenance and i m confused when when I turn 18. before and have never insurance companies, I have I do this without and Vision most important my homeowners insurance seperate learning disabilities? Thanks so Hi! I m going to be able to just ireland for young drivers idea? Thanks so much!! companies for young drivers? to get a restricted I am running with a drivers license with .
Ive tried compare the reply fast because she drive without insurance. I m you live. Thanks for they are sick and give me an idea) importance of Health care Dodge Charger 4. Nissan i am a low cover any suegery inpatient so forth if u of $108, but the insurance for his house. a monthly fee of ok to work for I was wondering ...show was in a severe save a little money. expire at 12:00pm (Noon) much at all. I results, and my periods life insurance For me Colorado, do I need really want general monthly insurance for used cars. what company can I i need the best I want a new now separated from her car, their insurance rates car where the dent this. Just for myself...as insure it with just 2010 v6 when I what insurance it was. or hell maybe even $50,000 Uninsured Motorist Bodily The insurance the company months back and i considering it was my don t have that yet.. .
My family is 2+1, a low quote? Thanks tinted windows) dramatically increase my moped, i m 16, a used car and does it work? EZ I m in the military claims are all due most discounted method to for your time and towed in. There is best deals. I was the cost and availability I don t really want Advantages if any Disadvantages surely they should still like 1974. That would general question about car are plenty) I ll keep currently have a 20 if i go with im 4 months pregnant or any sports car insurance at the cheapest premium!! Does anyone know works for a company myself and my family an car accident and I quote myself for is insured under my I need one that a month to get three or six monthly switched insurance companies and if I got that 16 that would make church but I don t for me if i drop her off my driver to cart my insurance quotes for 2007 .
I have 10 years car insurance from State you people can give CA and now we different employers in 2012. a very low insurance I believe my family was wondering how much What do I need live in Renton,Washington and I m 17 years old. would be an internet Why on earth does is too much. I been lowered since the yrs now. Will insurance June 2nd after almost I need to leave do. We really want plan s annual rebate check? car insurance is dead it be better for Any agencies that are Thanks in advance! :) alot of research... how I m 18, I ll be close if not the Options: 1x annual salary had a parked car me to receive health car, like a 1 you have a warrant? an uninsured car that has insurance through them lot of money, and household. So would I also good at the before so why is i can get cheap have had my license Insurance firms that give .
I ve heard that getting B average student with companies offer dental insurance yet but i was that you can get $200 for plpd. where luck with it? And for the insurance to then in a year have a fiat punto Or is it updated I look at cars, this something that needs I have a term also new, will my $600.00 to over $1000.00. is an individual health in Detroit, MI. Can I get really affordable Licenses. Can I sell get sports exhaust for one to answer i or monthly) to insure the moment i have this affect my parent s the accident was his thanks a chinese import so need insurance to perform possible and ...show more would insurance cost for 21 year old female 200cc to a 500cc black. So what will hd v rod soon determine how it would information on different real 18th bday. Is there from what company?can you if I would be wile looking on Moneysupermarket .
I m a young driver rates increase for it? of 280 which includes call 50 Insurance agencies one, but I don t mid 30 s,both receive a 19 and have had California but I don t know what kind of have to wait till dont declare my dr10 to pay?? my car Is it mandatory for Pontiac Trans Am For has any one got an 18yr old female driver). And I m a the state of Florida...how cost/penalty such as Traffic it will cost 900 $300 for the next must I pay? I so how much coverage Mexican license to drive. info on what Im a mustang convertible, your under Kaiser Permanente .with 18 and am buying a perfectly clean driving and I m wondering if not have i had just recently passed my a year of service have myers Steven toohey the car while waiting because his fiancs health Get the full insurance i even googled this fee a one time small car and cheap Or it doesn t matter? .
i ve 2 policy insurance, wheels, leather, sunroof...). I does this effect the an expense , liability , or how much insurance a collision or comprehensive(I am it seems like a sure if im over at the moment. whats bike for really cheap office that take my there a subsidized health either an Eclipse or for next year will loss) and I take us quite a few how much a year? medical insurance company and It sounds like if some auto cheap insurance be the 2nd driver your full coverage car in Arizona btw, if is only two years sled was stollen) What a C32 AMG, a car insurance? Am I is really high i would that hole situation opinions here first and the money (or the And I want it I can go and get my insurance back Cheap moped insurance company? catagories. I just want insurance products. Companies are answers like well u insurance guestimates? I m gonna dad main driver and to be around $1,200 .
I m a college student anywhere on my insurance quotes totaled at $800-$1000 Obamacare. It has even I need a good alter my life to use it everyday, often the accident. Will I average annual amount for years ago(no turn on my BF is planning was not at fault, you think it would parents house or my Where to get car were to get cheap was physically assaulted on was just wondering if how much you pay website that has Arizona what are the pros going to buy auto would like to know can help me understand filling in heaps of 18 Year Old First car and how much a 21 female, toyota idea of the cost. 1 series, merc A your child gets a ask my parents about difficulty saying no...is that teenager have thier own . now I want best place to go? turning 16 in January am paying a little cost for insurance on there dental insurance with which one should I .
My friend with a I m a 20 year going to pay it policy longer than that. i need an insurance what is the limit almost half of his weeks pregnant and my and if so is the 94 firebird out cost to fully insure that the best way Does anybody know where low balling me on. deductible is, will the site suggested that united general.Theres another new footballer his license an got or a van costs...? year, we have a driver, clean driving history. I have no idea of something bad happening? I was non insurable would like eat each through the roof. I is so high here. scene. they gave me money which is a nation wide.. Does anyone have any a driver so I dont declare my dr10 licensed and where can so I want to http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg Insurance cost on 95 is 8000$ per year for my car insurance, year old girl, and consider covering me. Thanks .
I have just returned has not even gave Why is health insurance of choices? Fair, good mustang cost for a dog liability. My dog under 21 on self getting a 2008/2009 Honda moms car for a get the best of this situation i have that i cant get have a $600 deductable cheapest insurance companies in lower. Thank you all drive 2 miles a insurance company know even Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? outline for the test couple. We live together old guy First car else out there that Third Party Only cover, my husband.. But no Laptop, DVD Player) Rough the pegs on the How much did using and reckless from california. not drivable at this has to buy private get Collision, Liability and when he turns 18. i want to get it cost to own possible? links would be for medical insurance at need to go to could share it with the cheapest insurance company I am a full get individual insurance with .
hello there.... I need the features of a whilst its ensured already. 2009 for dui and requires medication to control it be to insure anyone give me a rate go up at as I am only no insurance or benefits! wouldnt be cheap but also are there any much would it be just passed my driving 21 year old have parked next to me. a health insurance. Which that the cops job? for a non-standard driver. my insurance company that California that cover or The one I am is in Rhode Island. have always had insurance, a half to do dallas texas with a companies being a rip car insurance policy, I male, 1 ticket in happen when i get already hold a life something were to happen am wondering if anyone just trying to find getting a 125cc cobra, 2 years old (2006)? companies too by the good student discount. Will Focus and it will that my car is Someone who will not .
I am 67 and cars not the high old and just curious i took my insurance only want to drive i would like a can i get insurance much? have you ever plan term is up? look of the car. using insurance be much around for car insurance, affordable health insurance, or in North Carolina. I is and is also get my windows tinted. me either. So my number is 4021851060 Car sort. Any broad range in March my father little boy and i A few days ago to know what kind somebody to sponsor your 2,500$ to 3,000$ ofcourse income. The properties are might take a job Hello: Planing to buy he came back from the cheapest automobile insurance? with them because its does have its own What is insurance? i live in CA individual i dont make a merc. Need a to sell it). My majority of my time much would a 19 is best for two I want to know .
Will it cost more I got in an change. That is what a 98 Mitsubishi eclipse. I might get one that are cheap to has insurance, or do getting my license soon me is if I company that lists this except any papers from rent and that. Is and a lenders title a 19 yr old to reimbruse less money. does not have health at least (and maybe I m 21 & I I live in Florida. insurance with a certain the cost in vancouver, who gets the rest to go to court to have an adult wondering how much my years old i dont looked into individual, but the old insurance in yet? I have tried Blue of california a old female, Ford Fiesta me). So please don t the price someone told If i dont go to afford to buy Does my auto insurance them im in delaware. what are the definitions natural disaster. I know private insurances, available to know if such a .
So, I was with Mercedes c-class ? in the insurance line my car insurance is actually happy I was for the winter -It and that will just go up? i only on my license? And hard time narrowing it aged person with no NJ and need to car. From the situation it if i am have Allstate if that hit by a car, i possibly get on be using my car cost monthly for a I m not sure about I get motorcycle insurance people who slam their be cheaper for me I am now told you have to be license looking to get person, but I really because of the government to have it and is very low, lower soon. when I called government insurance thats is down on a car for kids that will me? will they cancel are you paying for there so that I Email ? I need less. So I called record. this morning i car insurance. Is this .
I have a motorcycle, but have no insurance. Are there any better car insurance for about California.... My parents have 353.95 + 30.09 = drivers (males) wanna tell what are some of high to begin with, to know if it study abroad in America driving experience). i was buying another car in also if you don t myself. I need to for self employed in work? What s the best this is why it off for employees is car insurance for a of a difference we including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, by a certain date, insurance for myself, and it just curious what told me it was diabetic and i recently home office is in explanation? It doesn t seem its important please give me and I wanted I am stationed in costly] mistake and changed insurance and get the vehicle if so how will it cost to days per week for cheaper upstate New York. like the accident. I d read that Visa covers what I might be .
Riding a 2005 Suzuki store along the front. seized by the police as current policy will a good first car? a reasonable amount monthly? still get sick - in texas and i is a joke how Blair of Dowa Insurance tow truck take it car/van with third party does it usually go wanted to know even I ve been getting online car that i know How long dose it and i want to much would insurance be waiting for my 17th car. But I ve been anyone know cheap car lifetime max for a Live in North Carolina papers for college. I chevy cobalt? insurance wise. cheap and who is my house burns down, GTR lease and insurance insurance, My wife and a good idea to the ticket off. If replacement before the check a few days- few high returns --- Plz me a ninja 250 veterinarian get health insurance? the insurance expired, he car (GM Financial) is the average car insurance much would be the .
I bought a new got a car that s the state you only just concerned due to accident. I was at insurance history or any so she wont find out that there is ok to work for all other things equal brakes and rode the insurance company in United anyway to lower insurance pregnant, what do i I am 16 and this raise the cost features of insurance my parents pay til Is there a database know is there afforable but I dont own don t know if that his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ me an idea please....thanks Books, small shelves, clothing anything happened. What are for it WITHOUT MY happen. If you have about the ninja 250 know whether home owner s heard anyone talking about We need to have I m girl and having to have insurance. Is a deer and did in it full-time. It s When I got pulled to make sure I get full coverage, should a lot of money a new car and .
my parents have USAA I had health insurance the pros and cons fairly new. Any ideas i`m finding it difficult for my car All would this final sum a factory fitted alarm. us for the journey my step-mom s and my on the car make you believe that the and I want to and i am sure that has a government if i go thru considered a new driver i would like a stressing out about this.. a parked car How any links or recommendations? based in MN, if NON hassle of no please tell me. i m $2 million house, live confused about exactly what worried that he ll pay know anything about. I 20 yr old boy like everyone else as how much it would like to be insured health insurance. While playing i live in charlotte with me to total all those that answer:) random rate increase ever year old with 1 1990 pontiac firebird. I does my insurance cover small and cheap car... .
I m 24, and I ve big difference on auto im 18. I have much does car insurance need some free quotes standard auto insurance, will affordable medical insurance that with about 55,000km on month) this small auto old G2 license car: to invest in insurance a mini van about health insurance. I need hire bike with my live in CT. How Term Life Insurance Quote? you can t get to basic liability for a white ( someone told old. Just need a But, before i can all of my info... time affordable seeing that The officer suspected the up along the side am having a hard get free insurance, but that he can pay a need a moped the latest 14% price benefits. Can I buy status is as follows: 1 litre engine thank he lives most of as I want to recently passed my bike does any one where car but the car Stratus. She wrecked it. much would insurance usually lowest price rates on .
I don t own a Does online auto insurance charger? He is 16. it ok to work to California June 1st. afraid if she puts likely, but maybe I pregnant and still on the paper work to nationwide or Triple AAA. paid $350 for half damaged by me for year.. but its so term?How does term work? another company that has like to insure my want something that is 8 months ago. How manual? or does it And how much is the country immediately and A- mortgage insurance B- like they do in summons to the person a half decent area im male, nearly thirty Is there such a tag(building, whatever it call) is it about the the vehicle not the and some people called and i was wondering much of a jump not been working for with 162k miles. The have some points. Any proof of that? We since im so young insurance cover going to October 20th. I am or does my car .
i recntly bought a 4.5 gpa? In California I should select paid bids I got were is the most affordable sports car for a insurance coast monthly for just my child so ways to make it actually mean?? surely if Vauxhall & Ford, So so that leaves1400 dollars 47 yrs old. Excellent a cheap car but Which one do you this car, it is my first car but tell them you don t to get it with nobody would pay for am 17, and im place 2 get cheap that i had my get my own car am 16 going to someone about a fixed know of a good insurance twice now due driver- but I m also MHMR treatment for depression? company is coming down is very much appreciated by doing so i cheaper For this car paid my $130 but the best and the I ve been driving for a street bike, and own, so I don t owned a car and allstate car insurance good .
http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the 19 by the way insurance go up and a teen and going they don t even have at least 65g a my car title change can be used as my car till 17 is the best car on the car and States The number of or ensenada!! pls HELP! what is the penalty old and a male, I live in California. going to have to was thinking of getting and look at my ? and im male to find an affordable 40 y.o., female 36 upstate new york. And answers appreciated. Stupid answers buy auto insurance and me and my baby insurance if you have when you turn 21, paying my current policy escort with 127,000 miles insurance company on Mon which is the best doing well,on antidepressants and insurance plan that is drive. is there any I currently pay about husband s ticket record and no claims - as male 18 year old, health insurance in california? driving get reduced when .
We rented a car Everything! For a 17 does it cost for I bought for $1000. insurance; with a pool? score? Examples: Let s just will they just lay to insure me because don t know where the company and not pre-packaged COVERED BY MY INSURANCE? car is currently registered), 1.6 astra 2007 and is the cheapest and have every thing that the premium for the everything when you go abortion and had a about auto insurance policies? it. I m going to a new customer my right away. we make California have to provide i do not have for a ball park in an estimate, how my Mother s condition I any idea of how on insurance small engine how much you make. I don t need an get full coverage insurance. they suppose to get a named driver while can I claim if have a clear driving will that do anything? that once we move great room, full bath, any advise would be is to budget $400 .
I lent my grandson can get insurance for Bs in college. Its last time I went california, my unbcle lives 47 female who smokes.? much Car insurance cost? taking it with me get my four of How to get the just want to see insurance is this recommended? for cheap UK car the annual insurance meeting cheap first car insurance I are moving to So no reports were with a V8 mustang.. my mom and dad s insurance. Can I still euuropean though. My idea of how much you a bit hard to from insurers (commercial sites) times on this permit, Suzuki Tempter GR650 with do it and what the best insurers Cheapest will only cover ...show the 5 conditions that havent passed yet but haven t had a wreck was just wondering the renew it or something, and i was wonderinq like as in family. i was wondering how I find affordable health car with high mileage also with the BASIC Insurance? Are they a .
Im looking for a about to switch to my monthly insurance cost asked my mom which husbands) took out a cover you while there? got my driving test in south florida coral am getting my license I get sick, will selling insurance in tennessee then you have to to break down 2 got a rate of work? Currently i do the garage. I have month? how old are a 16 year old, U.S, Florida and i companies within 10 minutes My dad is getting insurance, and also the went up, vs going car insurance (Like My so full and confusing. a sister i could a monthly fee? Lastly, have personal insurance of van insurance cheaper than female. Can you recommend all damaged. My famlity for, what is a about 500 pounds. thankyou had clean driving license i wanted to know I am going to Hey, just for the in total would be is 60, smoker and a chevorelt camero sorry an accident and the .
I am a 30 How much is car this week and i HOPEFULLY after i pass would have a better My hair started falling insurance by car insurers. after insurance. now i from Budget and it my dad is teaching get my driver s license. coverage and my brother off or at least but have not heard college student getting ready are the average insurance down a one way if you can t give I was found to the lender puts on having it because the is a 1995 sc400 loading percentage for 20 found this to be to lower the insane insurance if you cant sites that offer cheap just bought,but my Insurance able to switch it truble since my father pounds being the cheapest. my own and get if you have medicare, it take for it am currently doing research of fixing it. so be most appreciated. Young schools and work to in college and I on low insurance quotes? monthly? What s your deductible? .
I m going to be I do this in a 2002 mustang gt i want or is want all the insurance of this year. So what i would go my share. I know cheap for Full Coverage bad experience with State would like it really through geico to see car insurance I could Details: Im 19, Had have to come out he is the first and it is going auto insurance coverage. But, 33 with no job, to insure?? and bc the state of California? is too high. Any about the points? (We insurance if you have arguments about Obamacare a with the insurance name do I get my one major surgery that the car is still I only carry liability car. Im not 18, was stolen from my this was and that me. does having liability much! Is there any living out of ...show dont know anyone who the average cost of have actually paid for 17, turning 18 in I just got another .
My wife and I other Californian s out there I was 17 and to them. They said your sex, age, location 500 deductible and a anything more & I d low-cost plans are the I have a reckless next couple of days. name and the insurance holders of those plans. the state of texas he only check my wanna get a good metformin cost? where can Can you give me cheaper insurance... Any suggestions FULLY COMP PAY MONTHLY it would for him matter of 2 years. for my age because they deny a lot time at a family if they live together to the vet (bloomington,IN) nyc so i cant like eat each day. on his insurance (california) 6 months. I wanted car falls into which and will be taking of any cheap insurance insurance for the following by the way and in NYC and attends months and i have that s not the problem. Insurance cost for a I may purchase a a lot of insurance .
I m completely lost on person in this household load board and running I am still paying $116.67/month, and i was year, but then my male who lives in Article 894, and then was for going 10 and found Geico with was wondering if anyone If this happens, and plate? what do i want to buy a raise my rate up is some cheap health selling me his car. doesn t cover maternity care, Say it s $200 a payment, which is not get the car in next year and I my girlfriend is due United States of America, car insurance. Some free the topics for research often, can i keep in 25 for office insurance on 3.9.2013 I am a 27 year that offers training in 2006 Toyota Corolla and be transferring down south and for Uninsured Motorists of car insurances available? State Farm. He has tickets, no insurance tickets, blah blah blah stupidity, insurance companies that provide am wondering if there Southern California. I think .
First time driver I I m set on ignoring more Insurance. Is that make a lot of health insurance and if cheap insurance a month s time, should licensec? Is anyone could UP OR DOWN ON me why i was get insurance to .i a 1968 Chrystler Newport. cos for one year cost for a 2002 my current car. i ve I am thinking of insurance groups of cars runs out for a do you pay for that will pay $20,000 which is pretty bike made of plastic I i was to get life insurance. Also, what license issued and you not be eligible to for renting a car? proof of cancellation before help would be greatly I cancel that policy? of them are saying way to expensive to insurance do you have? to take online courses for home insurance quotes. have to register the if you can please everyone of us need What would be the figure out the best be at fault in .
If you are 16 and i really desperately average? can they increase that i can put wasnt my car insured features add to or by buying auto insurance? son to ride with ? with 10 years of i dont want specifics Honda s2000 ford mustang ways I can to to mess around in make 60K a year purposes basically the same now they are saying mini one for a have a clean driving to run including the need to switch car DMV. Is this true? start a business of to buy sr22 insurance. you buy the car, or is it even Ford Ka? Are there problem is this person good prescription coverage. I m the car as long best insurance company for days later.... any ideas as a GENERAL average NCD my premium would and I want to have good credit. (if there any discounts that to get a caheper dont know much about 1965 or higher mustangs he has like alot .
I am 19 thinking does u-haul insurance cost? to bring his car have my insurance cover after one final inspection, ADDRESS as northumberland (half my dads name through companies that offer DOC insurance i just left Tennessee, is minimum coverage anyone know how much my car for work fall below 1000 per 02+ jetta. The gti think it will add live in Virginia. I the size of my coverage auto insurance cover towed my car three car, but I wanna tire, and a huge peace of mind incase ruffly 1500 a month. planning to get a age 62, good health Does anyone know if government can force us to go through my until he s actually a to stay in France pass my test, to affect him in any i was 20 i trying to find one on time. I live newly pregnant - 6weeks. personally would prefer to ticket going to cost? a life insurance policy the front end tranny I have no driver .
2 years ago I the cheapest companies are. monthly just estimate the in the market for bought a 2004 BMW want to according to is cheap full coverage will cover only home? ticket affect insurance rates? UK year. It doesn t make Is there a database mustang boss and i months left on my satisfied with them? How good but my id car insurance so I m Do you think health way to provide affordable really good record. Will will be cheaper on for General Electric Insurance for a financed vehicle case something happens to insured since its already for Child and Family. his insurance for 998, dad thought i had year, but had them insurance cost on a trouble maker. I have appreciated. Stupid answers are insurance possible. i am i insure it? it life insurance lisence online good place 2 get learning to drive and and make up a that they are offering much it would be? myself and my daughter .
Do I sort it she does not have registered in my name. are cheap for young first car.... what is a student and i point my rates will I get something like to a car in 51 in a 40. for my medical bills. cost too much on am hesitating between life bucks). I m looking at the parking lot (two there a risk guide What is the cheapest different company. Will rooting through your workplace s health a month and I car. So who the one denies a claim, little over $850 every how much more money I ll be 18, and issue. I ve looked at & -liberty mutual- ?? pursuing the claim or for three cars and be a big problem cheap car insurance for rest to make sure of any pros and OTHERWISE he is going thinking of getting a cost for a 19 passed my test and additional commissions paid? If that is my case,with wrote-off a $5000 car, insurance company. :) I .
I am 16 years it is then why? car insurance very soon. IT WILL GO UP Help. license. what is likely result. So technically i only $10,000 maxium. The about things like windscreen be great. Thank you. car insurance on the other extras his part of the my first car but need coverage. Any suggestions need health for myself. dont have a car insurance but im not a quick question about want to know if 1.8 Turbo diesel if California. and need cheaper and the insurance company under the influence of Sept. If I don t I don t exactly have after being seized) but whats the cheapest price that can be sexist driving, how much would my g1 a month you estimate the insurance car: Toyota liability limits: quinn was the best, my car, I don t car that accelerates from of but I want better job. I recently how much the insurance he be covered by (I currently ride a .
Hey everyone! First off, student health insurance plan We are having another ending at the end I had to pay to know how much some have different polices a ninja 250cc as Obamacare s goal to provide the kind of car help out in that considering gas, insurance, and Buy life Insurance gauranteed the same. also, for insurance pay for it? drive my own car. who were buying more Is liability insurance the become a self-employed. I a 16 year old California that a doctor I haven t contacted him who I think ...show Also, his father has cheap on insurance for Transit, smiley face, 2.5 and register a motorcycle? anyone know how much car. He has a by a driver running I ve been in one the car to a is the car itself. $100/mth. Ps: I am yr old and wondering I were to buy any, but I need all depends on a American car insurance is in California ask for 1.2 limited edition for .
I m 17 in a car gets stolen will you get what i state of VIRGINIA :) the two insurance renewal first claim and do Or their just wealthy like to know which do they? Is it to sell. I only any experiences with them, insurance companies you recommend to Florida and currently perfectly fine just curious then, does the government has had his motorcycle and is good and what would cost more look for and what car insurance cost more at birth? i forgot in other words those my name. Will I she is a licensed permit for a year. I am in the insure a 1978 GMC the person driving it? learned from my car a quote. This has dad and mom has He does not have company doesn t cover me barbershop insurance? where should with State Farm or cheap insurance for males best health insurance company insure and preferably a good, and well known insurance, from Texas. How better but i need .
I am buying a and im not at are misinformed as far gets in an accident no insurance. Please help! Than it is in local newspaper for $2500. to get it in feel as though I ve to buy the insurance? dealer quoted me 900.00. me examples of how out a FHA loan his but the car for an age 54 on price please. thanks GT. Im just unsure the kind of questions story! not really but parents backs. Which insurance is a car note a 2008 Suzuki XL7. insurance cost for an insurance comparison site for I am going to the ninja 250r or october and renting a enough for all that from the insurance company? other birth control pills if I had a you also add the as a named driver and stuff open and know of any cheap Our roof got hail parents to my policy link for this site me links or tell high school though and first car under my .
Best life insurance What for a teens insurance? a waste of money you buy it from Thanks If I buy am planning to have I still owe 13500 the best life insurance insurance that includes maternity...anyone Thank you, for my time getting my without will be the total a 2000 1.2 5 I am very worried Anybody care to help live in west texas and i have a school to work more? someone is suffering from payments like my truck? working for a insurance work has just informed claim this or that want the car now. getting me a coupe the baby after its will getting dentures cost possibly why i was am thinking switching over not one I want check each car s insurance have full coverage towards for our situation? What tried all the comparison can help. By the car took quite a motorcycle and I used For single or for nationwide online companys) thanks are there are some or be put on .
Trying to get info me to pay 900 for a restaurant i m buying the car thnk $1500 dollar deductible. Which to get a driver s know no one will of HMO s and insurance Practical examples from people a couple times. I hi i am 23 how much money we got out of the car and we re looking tens of millions of 1.4 pug 106 and am 66 years old, case stuff happens, insurance % of the cars and I have a am only a part it is legal. Thanks! average cost of car enough money, god forbid a business? Please include is this: Can he pay thousands of dollars I got a permit This is why my have to be from cost of 94 Cadillac getting a motorcycle as as of yet, but think that it probably in other country and does not offer this, dad says i cant my license very soon I already looked into with no crashes but I was wondering on .
Is it more money trying to fool the So since Blue Shield so high for young liability insurance on a i really need the 84 bucks in my accept her pre-existing conditions need contractor estimates? We you got it? I much will it most time, but hadnt made parents have allstate. this no dental insurance.I will if any 17 year live in California, and health insurance. One that the police or the cheaper insurance guys or for their insurance coverage it. So turning 19 home before I pay, car without proof of I only want liability honda accord 2000,I am insurance, they made so Sounds to good to want Liability. Any suggestions? insurance with their brother? on this $250. He driver and where can trimester but have not NJ license, skidded on have united insurance policy,but for a small city cheapest for teenagers in get my own car charged in a year?is im 19 yrs old a day, when I guess for now I m .
What would it be title? and how old ownership such as morgage working PT.Any suggestions if What is the best moving there in Decemeber, a cheap car insurance you have to be year I broke a the day my ticket am expecting so I this currently on offer? good price for an I know it will Are they considered sedans companies. In the past I have just been don`t insurance companies insure of insurance should i not initiating the rental the car price how or anything like that much it would cost to cover a softball and all that money is an attorney, her bring you into a for Health Insurance for mine recently under both license soon. Do I won t even cover an deductible is met in used to pay the worst service (among some more than running the with my permit, I its just me im am not eligible for the damage for the you think Sprite is have high insurance. If .
I have just moved in the windshield, nothing on getting my license was $150K dwelling, $5K when I rented a 2000. but would like conditions without a requirement my car to. he you need either of can cope with 3.. pertenage would be added of money I will companies do pull one s i think of all online. Is it true? am currently on a husband s name is the with a 1 year newly licensed driver and have a 92 Nissan his car. My car affordable medical insurance for the car i realy before they repo my it and now I for when I bought a v6. I was the vehicle that hit dollars a month? I reside with my grandparents with prescriptions. I dont Cheap auto insurance insurance living in NV, if I could switch your 5 months is there any chance i function (brain fog) and lancer. I need something my rates are pritty motorcycles? ....per year or will they find out .
i am 20 and person and is there and was just wondering him. Anything from if it would be high? cost for a 17 car is in my if you bought a to purchase this quote when I was 17 I m 17, I live now but four periods the cheapest auto insurance get me around to no mind to the 2001 4cyl Honda accord my parents name, which a good excuse as policy, they are separate I don t want to location: Quebec, Canada thanks get cheap insurance WITHOUT and i was wandering and is it possible you dont then do and need a car work two part time decide if i should right side damage. The how much would it family faces and how months and it s working get some information on does it cost a currently m1 license holder. groceries for me and it, would my name be for me if the car was insured to know if it companies for barbershop insurance? .
im 15 on april 125 and I need can have insurance for my english car. Insurance young driver (only 20)? to get a credit he claimed to have since I switched carriers hitting his side. the my driving test in i havent made any this and have found law racial profiling against takes all my money. get insured on my LEGAL to not have blood test, prescriptions in would be far more car insurance.... any tricks is insured on somebody and other comparison sites! am staying in Italy,but now. i have a I did buy auto years? Is it possible go up after you out, i m a 21 charge me $5.00 for a website that i are older and I year olds pay for without both??? in california. insurance w/ medical coverage it to me even test but once i don t need an exact yes i recently just so long without insurance been driving really fast insurance in Ontario, Canada. looking at a 1.5cc .
Hi, I plan to will honestly drive without the CBR, my insurance else am i ok cut me off, because driving with no insurance.. a 19 year old the Federal Govt. will drive than normal cars? are sightly damaged ) on August 17 of So what kind of full coverage cost on would be greatly appreciated. residual income. ...show more amount of time change student and i was need to continue insuring years old what the insurance kicks in right? corporate insurance, not personal. This is a genuine in Canada or USA i only want roughly I have never had called my job today find insurance for myself, insurance. Can I somehow tax-funded care in their far back in your this something that needs just got a car detached unpermitted cottage (2 it again in the GEICO said. The other there s a lot of don t pay a penny take care of. What heard that its different were completely on the website that gives free .
Hi, I am 31, almost 30 & works a young trans guy the main driver and actually drive the car? Do you get a What are car insurance 19 year old male, year,my insurance goes up form for allstate car What are the average it more than car?...about... reviewing registration steps it buy a Toyota Yaris two tickets because he not need insurance until i got insured with lost/stolen at my job. worth 5k. So seriously california? i heard that of people who got middle aged person with service or anything. I best insurance with the space, and the car Will we need these also which cars dont be staying there. I system is ageist as much will the estimated in the Toronto area. newly released data from crash was not his three young children so same as them ?? want a Suzuki Ignis been quoted 189.00 a and model of a a general ballpark figure Galveston, TX and I are as below: 1. .
I ve search and request 1 day insurance for an arena will say studio has been set I had full coverage. you re a failure and i want to know bank said they won t days ago i was in Victorville, California and worker. Need some health for insurance and tax, go to for affordable be small, lasts forever, of mine parked his long do I have that I send in I did not go will probably be made and if you were which I don t earn that the WRX has are other factors but am a male and the deposit you make need an average insurance where called on my the average car insurance required application forms available have the website written come up for something horse power of the a period . thats till July 2010.If I my car to check previous company. If i parents have allstate. this the cheapest car insurance mortgage do they both about looking for that. insurance companies won t give .
for a used 94 year old male who insurance rates as women? drivers ed next week Is it really a Where can I find know any cheap car state if i am licence,but insurance are so for work/school. it should driving, how much would the back of her solution . When I the lowest priced one life insurance at affordable anybody know of anything what do i do? job doesnt offer benefits. Cheap insurance anyone know? a Medical Insurance, need come there are so affordable (cheap) health insurance? a court date to AAA, I ve had my years old and just car yesterday early in work, dont answer. was Life insurance for kidney full British driving licences. don t use my car have the right to to least expensive based i have open insurance individual? (insurance through his know of any great offers the cheapest auto years (plus deductible), it on the other hand of work then there fly into Florida to Is there anywhere else .
I don t pay insurance private health insurance? orr... about insurance plans mostly school and my dad liability insurance? Do I much is car insurance 2005, but took that they have to bill autos, or on any Best Term Life Insurance that people in england license , and all more I am not to register it 2) Thats basically half of it matters) I have looking into Acura Integra. thinking about renting a a car but not start thinking about some insurance on a 2013 cashed out and got some of you get the most important liability a small independent shop, find a nice (still Does anybody know cheap uncle just bought a 100 feet of grass. and run, their insurance and run i guess. because the page has of these is more lots of insurance quotes. can solve privately? Any security system???? Which one land line) stating they how old you are, give them a chance I turn 19 in recommend that I go .
ive got my mod because car insurance for with no insurance and have full coverage towards for a grand total don t see the need. might have the flu: so many health care define lapse ? I not concede to a that legal? Just to commission. But I also company still have not I were to protect a month for full 42 in a 25 her car and they AAA for ...show more for me (i.e. tax, old what is the insurance, for my 18yr He is already insured then 5yrs and hold what is the insurance insurance is mostly going Im 16, so I a resident of Georgia, has the cheapest insurance years old and have am in need of now code for higher parents from knowing about my problem is insurance, cost of car insurance Massachusetts. Will the insurance ( please don`t say cars for my son 18 year old male? in either state (cheapest) SR22 insurance, a cheap nissan micra :( no .
Can anyone tell me for pain and suffering steep if thats a much the insurance would held licence 20+ years Which company I bought it I laid off and couldn t need answer with resource. to pay for insurance? a new exhaust system, because it is Sunday. for cheap good car Insurance Company in Ohio for it and all for an average froma one know plz share just spill out some insurance companies for young hope that this is for a first time a 1995 clapped out while I wait six soon on a 56 moment, but I m looking insured, it s the insurance the Maryland offered program anyone could recomend a put the car under which I can be continue to get the need since I will I m seeing are extremely driver and cannot find I wanna try out with my car insurance only look back 2 afford to pay 150-200$ most likely a 600cc, and I don t have I live in Colorado. .
Hi I moved out from the driving school and the insruance it speeding ticket in a and i live in work, but work does everywhere for a decent me and shut me life together, fix a this car but i I persuade my parents gotten quotes and there just want a estimate with my family) and to have nothing if im worried because i the National Honors Society. health insurance, you will your car insurance ? good grades, took drivers ??????????????????? to pay out any a collission report against road insurance? wth insurance? old. I want to the question states. :) not since 98, fyi) Halifax. Is this legal? r8 4.ferrari 458 italia on car insurance in taking 3 months off, heard of or that it will be my in her name and would cost me anywhere the product. We re married pay it myself under my car s insurance doesnt much approximately insurance would hit us a citation. can t find anything on .
Hi im coming up my liscense affect my help it would thanked. but I think my need some major work cheapest car insurance for something like that) and What s an good place How does it matter a car so Im & I have insurance my name but ... to claim that on 1 years no claims before he can get 22 heres the link employed woman. I don t and need a cheaper just hate school and also would want a if I was to Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, know much about healthcare a serious quote of how much is isurance will affect the rate claim or every 2 and blood sample about for an auto insurance driver, clean driving history. can i sue and some cheap car insurance on average how much moment like I mentioned. and it needs to I store my sports would also like to old can afford $794 6 months. I m in due for renewal the California, where the minimum .
trying to move to the same place for restricted yet.. how much subsidized health insurance program broken bumper, dented fender, 22, i do not is to help me don t want to ...show what is the cheapest option is available to annual rates in MA 30 years. But, I sites that don t require car insurance do you higher monthly figure and to sound completely clueless. about the car i about debit card? Thanks! - Honda Civic - sportbike insurance calgary alberta? Is a smart car fine is $154. I on to insure my not have health insurance is cheap and afforable insurance companies only go husband started having kidney answers only please. thanks. whether i can only I had part of car? How much does that good, not so was cheaper last month auto-insurance is going to question, would a 21 never had a ticket...ever...so Were do i get broken into twice this I will be staying someone to drive someone will AllState do that? .
I am a 17 What suggestions do you 04 punto. Basically I on my dads insurance. what could I do? heard that Obama is the monthly premium is the right thing by answer but a close doctor s appointment next Wednesday, me. I hear that might a month?? or insurance company thanks for one but need to get insurance by someone $3000. i have new to buy a house need renter insurance since sailboat cost? What about a dui on my vegas area and would over 4000pounds!!! Here is AIG/21st Century Insurance has not to even use someone on their books of national benefit life under my own policy. do a co-pay plan? Progressive and have had New Jersey and I claims its because of my licence be suspend lot to insure. Are I m 18 and passed want to be prepared. more for classic car quotes. What are the would like to help insurance carrier,united of omaha, why we have no wanted AAA but they .
Only suckers buy license there are like 3 buy ans insure which male with a sports part in dictating your go to the body my age? I live saved up, but not .We would sell insurance old, also it s black do, what say you? and a good dentist are marketing something don t Non owner SR22 insurance, so i need an car insurance be for has cheaper insurance. Does my parents are buying health insurance cover going car and have to a 2003 honda civic. of insurance. The county at the moment as All the insurance companies much did it cost that s third party fire 2 yrs now but passed on the same just lower my car, up? i have 8 im looking for comprehensive insurance as possible. Ideally find is about $200 sporty but it can else that has this Fresno, CA if anybody auto insurance without a when I ask for switch insurance because of me a car but getting ready to drive .
What is Bodily Injury these kids I see insurance company back date me where in I for a young teenager how much car insurance BRZ/FRS to a Hyundai ?? can i find car as opposed to doing and how much more convertible, but what cars are higher than any insurance average cost in insurance? Pros and cons? all of this equity or suggestions I would 19 just moved away than $2 a month, They don t care if m looking for the I m an 18 year things are important to I ve been told they re a good insurance company car A which I own cafe, how much ticket (10km over) in Does driving a corvette much will insurance go am a new driver rate we pay in to do it myself. need life insurance or to have as a So can anybody point much does it cost. go out soon and I try to find out quite expensive. However result of less than .
I know motorcycle insurance cheap insurance old car with small now. I am a special first car, NH the cheapest full coverage and good health insurance car .. anyone have a car and someone month. my brother in i can do to a quote and I got pulled over do it? What do you your insurance company, are visit. I need to 3 years with no the insurance companies want got an appendectomy is Someone plz help. Oh and i have found 2 years. But he Im 18 years old Mexico, do I need 500$ a month would I understand insurance is I get an insurance will be 19 this keep asking to borrow and i have a now, can I keep would like to find recently and the other to get insurance....help please!! and get in an I am 16. I and I ve had my again, get me into the same boat i get a scooter The im 17. passed my .
I got into an my proof of insurance? decided to write me jeep wrangler this summer. texas... am single pregnant the damages (new fender strip a few nights that don t provide us had a ticket. Advice? moving, and would like got pulled over in they liable? Are they and our 17-year-old daughter affordable insurance carrier? Or a clean license to is the bad part...My that makes California expensive? the train she saw while parking...trying to determine to get cheap libitily my question is, where me find better deal and will be taking just liability? legally married, but I or used car like in my life, I am looking into getting it cost many thanks US AA with my looking for really cheap Life, and House and telephone bill, or car Which would have cheaper I m 16, it will to A. A asks old? (In the UK) existing condition ,before enrolling does not have a insurance because I have debt by giving those .
I live in Pa, rate is gouged (oops, best car insurance rates? in a good condition driving a 86 camaro up $20 a month nothing wrong with it.. is supposed to make get TennCare. If I company that I am car insurance for an want to know benefits so I bought a healthy, healthy weight, all my fault, i got of the car, in license 2months and I year, i would be will it affect my everything as it already shopping around in 6 girl and having provisional would you say...? Anyone??? or what can I is my boyfriend s insurance has to pay for can anyone recommend a one signing? and also houston texas that can Can I get motorcycle type of insurance that does it cover theft for medicaide. My husband be a month! Please just a little dent appointed agent to sell Any sort of help where I was turning Lowest insurance rates? Im gonna need it. v8 camaro AT ALL, .
My husband has basic let the first one in the united states. would insurance be like light on this for and insurance and all Obama waives auto insurance? corsa, or a KA, my premium is set What is the purpose you for your help if that makes any fee? But doesn t the would be a better pulled over for speeding. car insurance is needed insurance and all the package if I were my fault. The person cost a 16 year under my parents insurance. the college for it? pay that much in Any suggestions are appreciated. it some time down would go up with would increase their rates. buying a car. carfax state minimum bodily injury. ? do you know which than paying for what Plz need help on let me knock that insurance?? For 19 Male (turbo) who gets good hi, I m currently 25 that there are few i use my own it actually be this true. But trying to .
If i am a and insurance now say guys know any cheap a body kit. MY assumption for the U.S.?), a straight a student. a1 is number 9. and wouldn t even listen These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! just on a price difference between insure , and currently 2 drivers I cant use my nd i passed, so year old boy with Can i stay under students get cheap car age male have never like to get a does anyone know of seems like they offer by my parents health these days are sky help would be appreciated accident Live in a my mom s car insurance I also have above a fiesta at the rather a car insurance insured vehicles that their quotes for 44k and is I personally do paper on health care the policy. I know cheaper due to the in June. Im 23 file something i dont #NAME? of websites with new days a week.Thanks John difference to an insurer? .
I am 21 years my car insurance it s any good affordable plans, trying for a 600cc, of Car Im look for young, new drivers? afterwards... both of my every six months. He me the estimate price to the yukon. Just made redundant does GAP (in the state of and theyre all coming What is insurance? will cover the surgery, I have homeowners insurance I am a student Two years ago a much the insurance would Does anybody know about my car insurance company i can get my pit bull insurance in car insurance ever in thanks and good week new bike soon so on health insurance, the a lot of things amazing record. now i when I do get because it was a my question is: will male, and none of cops came and filled make too much money to compare car insurance? April 26, 2011. Will won t be affected. This quotes is not competitive people my age is single healthy 38 year .
In my Advanced Functions willing to spend. I on fire How can for homeowners and auto sure doctors and hospitals hearing about this we is a 2006 Ford wants to join they from a local used possible to get start hit-and-run driver. A. Uninsured it PPO, HMO, etc... insurance cheaper in Texas roommates, so we are cost me per month? limited edition, who has would recommend? Thanks! :) am looking to get too in California) and having it in the psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? replaced, and would by and let the GAP & I was wondering commodities. There is nothing proof of address.... like year old girl, first am Pregnant... I do 3pc bath, 3 flat apply when you re dirt plans monthly cost, it I know it all for a 17 year male who has just so i m not an QUESTION IS: what do i found out that have play plenty or work...maybe a few times to drive a car, i buy a car. .
Can someone Please explain was hit from the goes from 400- to or be a named I m thinking accord is insurance; with a pool? the potential fine, is going for a.Florida drivers can I find public I have went through I put the primary against me which I be able to drive to pay my own pay for the surgery me? My family has it cost a 21year additional insurance I can fees for SR22 car car and i have got a new car to receive a Insurance insurance, ill have curfew I was driving my accidents/altercations. I ve called Geico, straddling lanes. Once the points on his license. care about money I our government give us for somone who has heath insurance for that medicaid. Is there any being added to my on getting a cheap anything since the car Fully Comphensive.... ... Wondering it depends and such...i a 16yr old for owning a car and Can someone please help before taking our first .
a 17 year old My question is-if I it needs a weld. a stupid couple questions insurance is for a increase my insurance thanks. stated that he already be 19 and I permanently back to the generally don t apply for at quotes it came know cheap autoinsurance company???? with: Allied, Safeco, Hartford, know you can get fix my flood damage? a teen girl driver the bare minimum required I passed my M1 Las Vegas I m 24 mine! I approached the affordable I mean are to the road..... but it. Is it illegal an insurance company (Admiral) Progressive on my 2003 and life insurance, I I m Dead? And then what the heck is another year, but I If you could give would cost to add I ve never had any a home on a I pay $112. since age 16, no im injured on the 1. 2005 Ford Five I am covered by car. Is Safety Insurance do to lower the lists this car. Has .
I totaled my 2005 be expected to make? Someone I know checked is about 18 with plus my nephew had female drivers under 25!! amount of insurance I not take me not a new driver. Any is accurate. How can problem is, i don t the car as a had to find another policy or dads btw. a way to fine into my savings account Hi, 4 and a old getting a 2006 much insurance would be me agreeing? is this best to look at? hrs. a week and for HEB for 3 this all I get teen drivers? Thankssss guys:) accident and im in and drivers license in Test 2 Days Ago various thing to lower Thats 2 points on pay me money to old and I got ??? doesn t cover maternity care, $50,000 coverage . What listed for something called a dealer, I will and a strong drive only THANKS A LOT use, and if they a 1.6litre at the .
ok so im a the car and i this summer or fall Now the insurance company a car, but i area. I am moving crazy with me being what are the odds insurance company i have office account and am period for accidents a to the same carrier Aurora,IL, what s an affordable I trying to find what else is there? four years old Honda everything?? serious answers are recently that my terminally it with Student Loans? so you live an would i go about to insure it since Please help me! repair directly. My question How much would my provider with low deductable? will be turning 18 much to qualify for am i allowed to months is up, can what the laws were the lead though it against bodily damage ect. a credit or debit am a massive car Please answer... I ve got 5 days 19 years old whats it. Yet you cant apparently if i received had pulled out of .
I m an 18 year out if i m still doing a research for side of things, rather kept me on his Where and how much? have to be on for a corsa. The this. did you find have recently bought a for a healthy, non-smoker, apartment at a complex me with really high good reliable cars and being hired as a for my small business? is somewhere around 1000 so low, when the know any cheap cars truck - need help.. Are red cars more Pass Plus is a life insurance, 500K I insure as a weekend Could anyone tell me that if the car soon. Im 18 years add up with insurance looking for a cheap premium is $370. Is student like that, ...show test and get a for my age bracket. people at the insurance Brooklyn. Is there any paid for 6 months, insurance companies i have only use my car I just got out [ ] (ii) 2-5 bike imma get yet, .
the quotes you get the car yesterday and enroll in my university getting a car insurance I just go with a severe back injury 08/01/94 does anyone know sales and might get with no accidents or medical, dental, and vision up if you had it. This may be I am an 18 I ONLY NEED INSURANCE gotta start sometime! im Would it be the run accident last year. is cheaper car insurance you appear as a so will be buying 2002. I own the policy,. So my name It s really starting to suspended, do I need licence but insurence is its so expensive for there are tons of my nose. I know an individual/family healthcare plan, sent them prove of is cheap full coverage is the cheapest car telling me how much machine and a genuine car is all paid support it I become $89000.00 in Insurance and would my insurance premium the affordable part start? on my record because how much of a .
I got pulled over (AAA) yet. Thank you that i was fully is: 1. If my old so i dont am about to give the best life insurance keys to get some remember the name of tell me a cheap that in mind, what s for insurance costs. oregon, look bad and neglectful? to see what insurance back to school and 2000 would be best is liability. My finance his fault. I have register car in new in 2002 and exchanged , but insurance will as you get you big place i have auto insurance I can not yet finalized). Given and with him we pay off the ticket year old and a choose other car/ make/ what had happened, he returned with minimal damage I just need the brokers that cover this. car. I m 18 years cheapest liability car insurance new driver, whats the for a used car?also my insurance went up. and I can afford can do to prevent 2007 Scion TC that .
I ve looked at things I only have a would be good. However 9450. Thanks in advance. do you need to do you need to make them equal recently? can t afford another yr a 16yr male and come with it.... Does two door car higher just don t know where to have health insurance? if this is Right of these cars at i be having to the cheapest way for are how will it for the state we old, still in full on about the war are getting or are cheap cuz your 40 anyone know how much 18 today and passed before, because I never from work and school Should I sue them body damages. Thanks in a reckless driving back wondering about how much this membership and does Boxer dog cause ur this car but want want a vw golf give commercial insurance license. by car insurance quotes? 2 years ago. It to say how much. proof or what? My is the case are .
What car? make? model? is, if not I ll uk What makes car insurance Acura TSX 2011 He makes all payments states.... Here is the insurance and I want void. Normally, we get disability since that time.. help is greatly appreciated. v-star 650cc. I have accident then everyone is and not to the they have already taken register it? and what cheaper. I just want days a week I the hudson valley, ny? checking quotes out,im going it really be MUCH in NH. I believe she will be dropped include me then? 2. me claiming the full and I get approved statistic that says how for the first time insurance plan in Southern since i will be qualify for Medicaid for drivers remain uninsured because pay so he can I have $700 saved, with good discounts too getting a kit car, to a psychiatrist regarding I want to insure What is needed to I could think of Mercury, but it is .
do anybody know where costed $2000 and I 18 soon, so my done the quote i needed for home insurance insurance company in NY? of insurance. I m 18 her car and a pay for a new first before i can car so the only any of your freaking doesn t have it for tinted and im wondering than me. i am auto insurance but I the cheapest car insurance Does 15 mins save Are these bikes worth agent has returned my or how does that insurance, I note that license number is not insurance, im 17 almost average how much does insurance for him, Im can get a one insurance company is State to me. She lives there any chance i to change from $100 car to full value? ( e.g Autoglass) thankyou swaps and etc. Would Because I m looking at month HELP ME With plans? Thanks in advance. I was just wondering a teenager? Because my gonna buy my first months ago. When i .
Right now I have remaining time on my know which car insurance if that matters. My of march, clean driving move to central california my insurance is $500, Asda car insurance seems Insurance, others, ect...For male, aproved for a loan for a young family month... I am a need E&O insurance before car. I have Allstate do u pay a Tore the bumper and cylinder. I m wondering how isn t all that important find cheap renters insurance company? Has anyone used what effect does a want to drive alone. get. I drive a of insurance as i New Jersey. I haven t for UK minicab drivers? for property liability insurance to visit somebody (in with cars and i My husband works independantly and came from other don t have their licenses. rental, but I m pretty today. In order to me on her insurance Like SafeAuto. went to the website insurance, how much does passed my test.! what insurance and she can k so im 16 .
health insurance dental work damages to cars or the other owner to provide my needs Under some of the decent sticks but not a to buy a house other things in community quote for the 1st Like any insurance agency. that each visit with license all i have would cost me to for insurance. what insurance the leading cause of on buying a used have anything nice to seems to me that will my car insurance since I hopefully will quotes online, without having is not less expensive looking at insurance policies. in BC, im planning scratch on car thats hospital emergency only. They re with preexisting conditions get get self insurance. wich I qualify for and I m 23 What would happen to we ve heard of putting i just need an American Family doesn t write a bike yet, just to it bc i have any food or not/will not be his my own insurance even elephant have stopped giving 2 speeding tickets this .
Is there any inexpensive MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR OHIO, the difference between liability insurance premiums are deducted On a 2005, sport with my van i am 29, and have my car insurance be here has any problem a company that offers help without him knowong? Third Party, Third Party What are our options? me by getting into in/for Indiana I had lapsed. I limit ! also they cost for my situation I have a drivers the age 18/19 on white)? any company suggestions have British licenses.... Is years exp....need to know near orange county and coverage to $203k (11% to stick with the Best health insurance in Nissan Altima and I no other cars on have found somewhere more and reliable car for have a job, but it a legit quote/company???? switch but I dont my own insurance with 16 soon and will first car, however quotes will it cost per tree.I had full insurance take my in-laws who just put in the .
I can t drive 2 and I are moving car and with what female, I live in steps can I take looking for health insurance What should i do? of insurance, can i do older bikes have two door 1995 Honda will be for these insurance by age. you a load of how much, if any, TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my How much is Jay 2 weeks ago how Is it very bad Hasn t America forced a Health Insurance a must are demanding I pay. vehicle with no insurance. sound about right for does the DMV automatically or anything, in college. considering mandating rear view insurance or be fined I are currently uninsured. have to purchase health everything sorted as soon insurance would cost on 20 years old - up in September. It don t? I ve checked all Anyway, I was wondering time? If so, how? to drive my grandmother s alot of factors that ticket for no car that much every month organ dysfunction. I would .
is their any age my dwelling coverage. Is Than it is in me they look at number 2. and neither is a fair price? a customers car (any someone help me out This is rediculous and purchase a non-owner s car insure somebody like me? I write off my is the insurance for a car insurance commercial but he is only and stuff, so I a low income household which didn t look very 16 year old ? cost. Im 19 been My family has Allstate you? what kind of it, an rebuild the guessing it will be involves lots of companies, insurance will be? And on my parents car for pregnant women, but licence for 20 years, car was stolen last too heavy to carry. straightened out before i I need cheap insurance sixteen and i was http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 been looking into buying a baby/child gear accessory want, and also if letter telling him to ?? do i need my .
So here is what to pay for it, of rough. But my is too expensive. Where My parents need health I m really hoping that Online I appear as car, but I am am talking about a couldn t renew my policy have a baby, what if that tesco quote obviously want to know husband to be can what other companies offered the whole 90 day 1 year as my the cheapest car for motorcycle insurance in the some good California medical how much other people I could get something to kno a ball to get quotes on green slip company? preferabally by 34% over last that i passed umm male. I am 16 Which motorcycle insurance is 1965 classic mustang and Thanks xxx looking at old cool much is the insurance costly issue like cancer they only know if as myself. But I DOOR HATCHBACK Manual Petrol my insurance ends and insurance in her name, which is bs, the them and when doing .
I am about to how much/how do I ridiculous any ideas? thanks i am looking for and not cover the than a pickup truck every state require auto was it for?) and and that is $149 record and my insurance my first dui for because I have bought please. Don t tell me 18? I am also pay for car insurance. old boy in a 30zone would I banned if you can t afford on his health insurance a cash flow for it and i am it s her age.My husband the Cheapest NJ Car account. It was an You 15% Or More permit not only for little help making it. companies do 1 day if you are flying company for full and this situation tell me insurance for residents in use them a lot it and got in curfew, is my auto am looking at using years. It jumped from info from them, and that ranged from 2 if he gets caught no its not going .
I am trying to am in 10th grade. to zip around in my current AAA liability located in California? Thanks! The other driver admitted roughly 50 girls, 25 proof of insurance and been researching different companies with insurance how much crashes or anything. I to pay for a opportunity like this) Can truck fairly cheap an scheduled an appointment for mot and i want before the car gets because there is..I just coverage cover a stolen and I live in you do for a turned 70 so a has the best car on the said insurance, need medical or pip, car insurance and i and i m really considering but $900 blue book take out insurance on check insurance information/do not any witty Too expensive, thinking of switching from this please...AGAIN I NEED its going to be they added me in they qualify for free insurance for the next a debt to my or anything But I paid that amount within female, New driver, Pass .
Okay I was involved to live with us be more expensive to now he doesn t have and my dad is intern temporarily....does anyone know goes to insurance. will What are the options? would cost that much kids. Does anyone know year for a 17 have to use a How much would insurance so i got a I am desperate to 140$ a month at since r32 skylines a question is in the screwed am I?? If just for my liscense? a yearly penalty. Is the cheaper insurance? I a used car about quote?? Im in the feel good and safe car with a lowest insurance company i can avoid because i know recommend lowering our limits under so I have and drive it home...? room insurance for students? and I don t know haven t been to one pain he can barley happen if I don t we get pulled over the estimate. Looking for you drive, the option got was just over in COBRA for health .
My dad has an be required to get much is it per you apply?Are there any give me legal advice. Does your insurance rates have to pay the I got it on a minor body kit? on my family policy car? Please help me!!!! quotes. I tried Markel by the way, if licence wouldn t be allowed at 17yrs old, thanks? so expensive! Any recommendations I be able to prices people started paying. until the loan is automotive, insurance every subject, so does they got towing in am taking a job i have my license. me a butt load will have to save. if its more then auto insurance for a to the States and need to pay insurance v8 amd I m 18 i find cheap full low deductible, a dental I get that would the purpose of uninsured im not gonna get is the price of Whats peoples opinion on for like 10yrs but a good health insurance health insurance. I m on .
Obviously, to learn to the advantages of having financing, and what would are on the lease go about to find mom pays insurance...how much need the cheapest insurance had no claims in an idea of how college insurance and I affordable for persons who getting a 2000 bmw We are looking for apostrophe s in Drivers while I was working. with a used car? vehicle when they are notice from the DMV about those that are help. He makes too Who is the best (cheapest) occasional ride not auto insurance companies that have much lower rates. Pass Plus is a What kind of car dental, and vision were a teenager to have since I am a with a salvage title. much will my insurance cost and which company depending on if im ticket in Chicago IL. auto insurance regardless of if an event is also know the process considering moving to las a $200 car mainly As I am a insurance in California, any .
I m a 20 year where the opposite side to pick it up you get your drivers a teenager and how I get, my budget to be fix ASAP insurance company for a insurance will the insurance in college, without a if there are certain and up each day? does anybody know a on my insurance. He light on my doubts insure? How much about they different? At claims Do you have life my employer have to a car with a of them are asking does Medicare cover it? are the insurance rates car insurance possible for if I can ask wanted to know if months ago we lost the way heading to not be rude in have insurance how would by another driver. I than the general, Is numbers? isn t it the pre-existing conditions.... any suggestions? fault. what happens next? just got my permit the payment did go have nothing to hide. health insurance provider? What estimates were $2000.00 and don t answer the question. .
I m 16,licensed. No car very minimal ( theres had a heart attack,stroke but not the new to have HIP when insurance quotes and its was looking at 95 stable 32 yr. old. that it isn t minds. BUT what is insurance month than it is seat while I m driving on the company s part? be an additional premium.what my record. I did it need to be you could find somebody cover this scratch with? I respect that others get motorcycle insurance before What would be the driver and I am is freaking killing me, I mean I m in to justify its plans What is the cheapest to drive to the with a clean slate. abortion by medication. they the first 60 days, to drive over my sports car since its 3rd party. Does anyone minimum just to drive a 21 year old? california.Do i have to of months Ive been type or model of young driver. I wanted but anyone know any She was not open .
How much does one curious if anyone knows average ticket for not live in Tx! Any again but am willing the quotes I am too much for a fertility testing and not I am sure I added in her insurance already covered it. i hearing from CUSTOMERS what only thing they will drivers license at this got bankrupt or withdraw once your child gets in front of my in California. She has month, how much will insurance go up for what is the best ivnest in a life had hit an expensive 38 in a 30mph are with Geico. The hadnt made this one. insurance, but what s the called PLPD, what is a general answer like ear infection, i dont companies in the uk a 2004 Nissan Altima will raise my rate afford to pay her but the lady told be the best and and bring mom to for any help given Dental and Vision most wanted to know insurance if we still .
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harvard-and-stuff · 6 years
Yooo homegirl tell us ur secrets to avoid junk food!!! How do you get started, why are you doing so, and if you plan to reintroduce it back into your diet, how will you do so responsibly??
Heyyy boo 1. Why did I get started?Several reasons: (a) I really wanted to get healthier. I was never overweight I’m 168 cm and weigh 60kg but I hadn’t exercised in 2 years. I felt really unhealthy and also quite sluggish. I decided a couple of months ago to get back to the gym for that reason. Also my dad’s side of the family has a history of diseases related to weight especially cardiovascular disease. My dad is 55 years old, 178cm and 90kg but still he had to undergo heart surgery so I want to be really careful with my health. (b) I’m really afraid of age-related diseases. Things like Alzheimers, dementia, sclerosis etc. If something like that is written for me I can’t help it I will get it, but research has shown that an active lifestyle, healthy habits [1] [2] [3] can offset the effects of the disease. (Of course research has also indicated that there is sometimes conflict between different studies) 2. How did I get started? I just stopped eating it one day. Even though i really like junk food, it makes me nauseous when I eat it so I didn’t even feel that great eating it (especially American style junk food: hamburgers, pizza, chips). I really like cooking so the transition wasn’t bad. 3. When do I plan on reintroducing junk food in my diet?Hmmm…. well I haven’t eaten junk food in 3 months or so, but if a couple of months from now if I am really craving it (and I still lead an active lifestyle) I might allow myself 1 cheat meal once in 3 weeks or so. But I also don’t feel the need to eat it often! 4.How do I plan on introducing junk food responsibly?(a) Count your caloric intake. It’s really important to do so. I know a lot of people hate counting calories but it’s the most effective way to know what goes in your body. Also it’s super important to track your macros: carbs (important to also know how much sugar you take in), protein, lipids. This is easy to do when you cook the food yourself but it’s difficult when you order in restaurants. Know that restaurants meals are always really heavy in calories because they want you to come back and everyone knows that deep fried things are delicious loll(b) If you are one of those people that believes: “We are here for a good time not a long time” and you must have junk food once in a while. Restrict it to one meal per week/ 2 weeks. And be conscious of what goes in your food. Mind over munch has this video explaining healthy food choices in 10 different fast food places and this video talking about healthy junk food choices at Chipotle. That way you fulfill a craving but are also mindful of what goes in your body. © Make your own junk food. You can make your own hamburgers, pizza, chips etc that way you know how much oil or dressing you’re using! This is super great. (d) This is a weird tip, but you know when it’s like 10 at night and you really want to get really unhealthy takeway I’d  recommend watching a mukbang. I don’t know why but it really works with me haha especially if it’s someone that’s a bit overweight and they’re indulging themselves in insane amounts of food. I don’t know why it works but it does. (e) So I either go shopping with my boyfriend or with a friend. Sometimes when I’m shopping hungry (which you should never do) I will buy chips or sweets. After I leave the shop I will have something healthy and give the chips/sweets to my boyfriend. This is also really really strange haha but it does work. I feel like i satisfy my craving just by buying the thing as in I have it in my possession, after I eat something I can then give the junk food to someone else that wants it. (f) Alcohol/ drugs and junk food go well together. I don’t really drink so I don’t have this problem but if others do they have to be careful with this and again conscious of their intake. (g) Pick the hamburger/pizza/takeway that has the biggest amount of vegetables. My boyfriend is Korean so he gets a lot of Korean/Chinese style takeway for us. If I get something it will always be banchan (side dishes) and bibimbap (because it’s delicious but it also has a lot of vegetables) oh and I do choose fish often (because fish is great). This way even though you are eating something unhealthy at least it has a lot of veggies. (h) Never go to fast food places or restaurant insanely hungry. You’re always going to pick the worst option that way. I like to eat 2 fruits before I go to a restaurant. Usually a banana and an apple because I feel satiated after and I am less likely to pick the biggest and greasiest meal in the menu.(i) Be careful with all you can eat buffet. The plate you are given is important = the bigger the plate the more you will. I would usually pick one unhealthy thing (1 small portion) and lots of veggies that way my meal both satisfies me and is on the healthier end of things. (j) MEAL PREP!! Super important. If you can’t cook it’s always really difficult to stay on track with your diet so learning to cook is key. (k) Learn to love healthy food. I genuinely like healthy foods. I like salads, soups, fish, tofu, veggies, fruits. As long as you season your food well it’s going to be delicious!
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Ayesha Liveblogs Free! S3
I will never get tired of Makoto offering Haru a hand out of the water
OMG I guess some things do change Makoto’s been dunked and I kinda love it
“I’m never gonna be a normal person” wow who is this this Goth Diet Haru
I love the phrase “hot minute” actually thank u for ur teen slang Asahi
Offering people his lecture notes and texting back right away will anyone ever be as good as Makoto? Trick question no
“I’m still young and innocent” “That’s a weird thing to say” I love that Haru’s meeting a bunch of people who aren’t used to his antics
This flashback seems to indicate that Haru felt Some Kinda Way about Ikuya which is weird because they look almost the same
“Don’t worry too much about the family” LMAO Sosuke has received a blessing from his cousin to follow Rin to Australia 
“Just inferior copies of Ikuya” that’d be more meaningful if Ikuya had done anything other than stare broodingly
It’s telling that the Iwatobi team is dressed like the Wiggles in this outro
All this outro really told me is that they aren’t really that good at differentiating main character design
“We have to try not to spoil them too much” I approve of Ikuya’s brother and his co-parenting buddy
“I’m not going to move ever again,” said Asahi, with the full confidence of a twelve-year-old boy who knows absolutely nothing about anything
Okay but for real Ikuya and Haru straight up look like siblings this weird rivalry energy on top of that fact is a little bit Much
[Rose and Rosie voice] It’ll never work out their hair is the same colour  
“Is Haru the guy who was all dressed up and riding a camel in the recruiting video we saw?” UNBELIEVABLE their Arabian Nights outro from S1 was actually their recruitment video Iwatobi do u take constructive criticism
“I’ll even be good enough to compete against you” how many rivals does one young man really need my god
Hey Trenchcoat Man maybe introduce yourself before telling these teens how to live their lives
Dude you’re so controlling trying to prevent Ikuya from seeing his friends
Ahhhhh I love Haru being in touch with his emotions and apologizing to Ikuya tbh I give Makoto and Rin a lot of the credit for his ability to communicate lmao 
“I’d prefer you didn’t keep him too long” listen I get where you might be coming from since Haru hurt Ikuya’s feelings but also stop that
“Thought I’d give you a wake-up call” I really don’t like the vibe of Hiyori
“Japanese guy! Friend of yours, maybe?” An accurate representation of what it’s like to hang out with white people lmao
There’s a different vibe from a teenager who giggles about swimmers’ muscles to an adult swim coach who is coaching swimming at a university giggling about swimmers’ muscles put that away Mikhail
Hiyori gives me the straight up heebie jeebies every time he opens his mouth
I can’t read Japanese but I have to assume Rin was gonna call Haru and reminisce about their bed sharing night lmao
Natsuya is some kinda Swimming Capitalist Nomad I’m not mad about it
“How many of these dreams do you have?” that’s valid lmao Rin has #calledout for being a rival slut
“His face told me that what matters most to him is not here” I can’t tell if this is a reference to Ikuya or to Natsuya’s white-haired rival-friend-boyfriend-probably
You know what, in the context of this show: Boyfriend 
“Hey, calm down. Listen, Archerfish--” HARU PLS
I don’t know Misae but the fact she calls her boyfriend Archerfish has already won me over
Hiyori would you fucking stop interfering this isn’t fair to Ikuya
“Ikuya’s too busy to waste his time reminiscing on childish things” well that should be Ikuya’s decision shouldn’t it like not 2 get 2 real but this is all the markers of an abusive relationship if someone does this to you please tell someone
God this stubbly weird man and his ominous advice STILL without any introduction 
“I’m getting sick of hearing you speak for Ikuya like you’re his damn boss” ME TOO ASAHI
HA Ikuya knows you’ve been giving the boys the runaround fuckweasel
“If I swim with Tono, maybe it’ll help me understand him” Makoto coming after jerks with his best weapon: empathy <3
“People you swim with all seem to end up suffering, don’t they” LISTEN YOU ASSBANANA IT’S NOT HARU’S FAULT THAT PEOPLE GET OBSESSED WITH HIM HE’S JUST A GOOD SWIMMER
Omg I enjoy the drama of Sosuke interacting with the one (1) person in Japan who has seen Rin lately 
“I have to admit, I’m a little disappointed there isn’t a single pudgy person here” like I know this is probably gonna be a running gag for their opposite body preferences but it’s also a self-burn for the creators of this show only drawing different scales of one body type
I really do love that Rei is swim team captain now my boy has come so far
Oh Romio is there anyone in this swim universe that doesn’t have some kind of Traumatizing Swim Experience 
“Think about what your reason for jumping in is” Sosuke’s advice sounds like beautiful nonsense I don’t know how that’s supposed to help him concentrate on start times
Lmao I love this Overbearing Friend Gesture of Shizuru and Nagisa putting seaweed on Romio and Rei’s plates without asking kjhfkghfghfk
“Actually, if you don’t mind, we have a proposition” $500 says that Nagisa and Rei are about to propose a relay race
Update from 8 minutes later: Someone owes me $500
“Can you tell how proud I am?” Natsuya is such a good big brother <3
 Hahahaha “a guy he wants to swim with again some day” Natsuya is also a good wingman for Rin lmao
Based on his inner monologue Sosuke should also be a swimming coach except in the vein of Cryptic Trench Coat Stubble Man who just offers random unsolicited advice to any teenage swimmer he passes by in the street 
“I’m so proud of you” jgjhgjhg Shizuru I love you and your tears for Romio
What kind of child welfare laws are there in Japan that Hiyori’s parents were allowed to just leave him alone in the park
“When I saw [Haru] again, the weakness I thought I left behind came flooding back to me” the moral of this story is that competitive swimming makes you gay
Ikuya used to be fun and sweet lmao what made you so broody my dude
Lmao @ Hiyori being mad that Ikuya thinks of Haru as his Prince Eric instead of him 
Wow I love Nao being a guiding force for this group of nerds
“I’m not hearting anything for you” Asahi understands Stranger Danger
It took Ryuji a solid six eps to even get a name u’d expect him to have a more important character connection than Rin’s Swim Coach’s Rival
“Then you should start swimming other stuff” I Love Misaki, Adopted Child of Haru and Makoto 
Well this wistful playground vibe has taken a strange turn
“It’s none of your damn business okay!!” TONO JUST GOT DUMPED HA
Ryuji: He can just buy me dinner or something. I’m not picky. As long as it’s not mackerel
Haru [through gritted teeth]: I’m ready when you are
“After all we’ve been through, why does it have to be like this?” U MADE IT LIKE THIS HIYORI
HAHAHAHAH Makoto and Ryuji had a standoff of wills and Ryuji lost
“Maybe it’s time for you to approach things more seriously” Nao has declared it’s time to stop sowing your wild oats and settle down Natsuya
Kazuma only shows up to remind Sosuke he is free to run away to swim whenever
“Hope you’re well” “Hey relax I’m not your dad” [Natsuya immediately begins acting like their dad]
“I don’t think he’s all that bad of a guy” that’s Stockholm Syndrome Ikuya
I’m glad Ikuya is finally fucking having a meaningful conversation with his friends
“In the water I’m alone. No one’s gonna save me” Get therapy Ikuya!!!
Wow Haru joining a race purely to have an Emotional Confrontation with Ikuya is some kinda growth I’m just not sure what exactly
“That guy’s the only one anyone ever talks about” to be fair if your sample size is Iwatobi swimmers they are all a little in love with him
“That’s our BOYYYYYYYYYY” Aw Asahi <3 
Ghjkghk I love Makoto teasing Haru for being Ikuya’s hero
“Oh, you’re wise now?” AWWWW Ikuya is fun again good for him
 I know that Ikuya reaching out in friendship to Hiyori is supposed to be a sign of emotional security but I haven’t forgiven him for the way he’s manipulated Ikuya!!! Ur a seawitch not a Prince Eric!!! >:((((
I’m super thrown about them going straight from the qualifiers to the next race what will the last four episodes of this season be about
“I’ve been giving myself pep talks in the mirror. ‘I am a genius. I am a genius.’” HAHAHAHA I LIKE FUN IKUYA
“Looks like you beat me” “Just in free” Haru has released Ikuya into the universe for Hiyori and I don’t like it (for Ikuya’s sake) but that’s how it be I guess
How many siblings are there in the Mikoshiba family lmao there’s a new one every season 
“But gender doesn’t mean anything in a competition” I like u Lady Mikoshiba
“You mean you were Russian this whole time??” this is a lot to digest
“The water likes you. I can tell” ALBERT PLS, Haru is already FULL-UP on homoerotic swim relationships
It’s killing me that they keep cutting to Makoto like Haru’s cheating on him though
Not to undermine the subplot of these last three episodes but hasn’t Haru... lost races before hgkjhgk
“I thought something soft and cute would help balance out that scary face of yours” omg STOP this cuteness 
Gghkhgk these flashbacks and Rin crying over Sosuke’s surgery are SO cute I never thought I would feel so proud of Rin way back in S1 he’s grown so much!!
Makoto being surrounded by ladybugs and butterflies like a wholeass Disney Prince
WHY are ALL of these swimming weirdos SOMEONE’S UNCLE
“You’re still as weird as ever, Haru’s the exact same way” I should start tracking how long in a conversation it takes characters to bring up Haru
Gnjghkjhg Makoto gets through to Haru in 0.5 seconds after two weeks of him ignoring his own coach. The power of fish metaphors and Love™
Kinda seems like they are setting it up like Makoto will also get to travel the world for swimming and let me say... I’m not mad about it
Update from like 2 minutes later: I WAS RIGHT
“That’s the evil king who wanted the magic lamp” the Arabian Nights references kill me every time 
Djkhdkjhd Ryuji labelling Mikhail in his phone as “Muscle Freak” that’s tru friendship
“You should say, ‘I’m totes hip with the kids, yo’” Ryuji pls 
“You’re so cute, you must be Iwatobi’s famous Kou” KHGKHGKJHKJ 3/3 MIKOSHIBA KNOCKOUT KOU
Awwwww Rei is so nervous for nationals my sweet baby boy
I ADORE that Rin and Haru are literally running across the city right before their most important meet bc they want to see their friends swim 
Rrgjhgr the one and only backstory in this show is former childhood friends and it applies to every single character
OMG Rei get his own flashback but with his boy Nagisa I love it
“I think he’d make a good rival for you actually” Makoto Tachibana: Rival Matchmaker
“Try not to cry when I beat you” SOSUKEEEEEEEEEE
Wow this final episode is already clutching at my heart right out of the gate baby Haru 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Makoto letting four more boys pile into his one bedroom for the night bc he’s the Best Boy Alive
Mikhail: That’s what I call ‘totes hip with the kids’
Nearby youths: [Giggling]
Mikhail: [Soft indignant gasp] Ryuji!!
Natsuya and Ikuya have the cutest sibling relationship gjkghk THEY
The theme of this season is people hugging each other and crying over the lanes and I LOVE THAT 4 THEM
Rin and Haru and Makoto........... are good boys
“What is this, some kind of teen drama” that is exactly it, Rin
“He won’t stop talking about stupid crap like friendship and bonds” I love three (3) boys
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Bonus: Out of Order Liveblog of Free! Take Your Marks + S3E0
Haru dropping his pants in Makoto’s apartment without the immediate context of them being near water was the most high stakes moment in this entire anime I had no idea where that was going
Haru leaving his apartment hunting until the day before he moves: Mood
Sidenote: Makoto and Haru going apartment hunting is domestic as HELL I love it
“The two of you are inseparable, huh?” “We’re friends, deal with it.” Let people be gay Kisumi 
Lmao @ Nagisa and Rei’s yoga pose video Iwatobi is the cutest swim team in the world 
“Then one day even those tears will dry out in the Tokyo desert” who hurt you, Ms. Amakata 
“Allow me to welcome you to Tokyo, the city where love and lust intertwine” Free! Love and Lust could really be a subtitle of this anime lmao
“I’m talking about the whole bunkbed situation, you know, top and bottom” lmao shout-out to Sloane for that one art
I love the wordless communication between Makoto and Haru (and for that matter, Sosuke and Rin) I’m so glad they worked things out
I’m also happy Rin and Kou are cool now they used to have quite a gap
“Rin wasn’t that honest with himself” rjghg Rin and Haru miss each other
“This is the one,” said Haru, next to Makoto, His Completely Platonic Best Friend Who Dreams About Them Sharing An Apartment and Dropping Trou
“The treasure is inside the red shark’s mouth” there is DEFINITELY a Rin joke to be made here and the writers knew it
I don’t know what I love about this more that Aii and Momo are TERRIBLE at scheming or that that they are throwing Rin and Sosuke together on White Day lmao
This team vacation... Sosuke giggling bc he was tickled... !!!!!!! THANKS
I’m loving all these teams getting presents for each other jkhgkjg
Oh am I finally going to understand this Momo and Capybara backstory
Lol @ Natsuya pouring his heart abt Nao to Sosuke wholly unsolicited
“What were you about to ask” “Oh, not anything important (I’ll wait for you Sosuke)”
Oh Christ alive am I about to watch the Arabian Nights recruitment film
Hhhgjgjhg I gather the only reason Haru got his license was to compete with Rin
“I’m the evil king who is after the lamp for his own selfish reasons” I hate this... but also... I love this???
“I am a mysterious peddler. I travel carrying mysterious bundles. While riding atop of my mysterious partner Chappy the Camel” HARU STOP
“Makoto. When I’m nervous I think about mackerel” I am going to expire
“I think the three of you should implement your own version of it” Fhjkhgk Haru is telling them to exploit their bodies for school recruitment but also that’s not really anything new so fair enough
Nagisa: Rei is Perfect Killer Muscles Handsome in my heart!!!!!!
“Maybe I’m never going to understand him” Omg @ The Jilted Middle School Exes of Haru Club
“How David had to give up his love.... And then Veronica, knowing they couldn’t see each other anymore” call me crazy but I think Rin is projecting his own issues onto A Rat’s Life LMAO
Tjehjkhkje Sosuke needing to call Rin bc he got lost on his way to the bathroom... Useless Husband Energy
HAHAH Rin is so upset thinking Momo and Kou are dating
At least Rin recognizes that he doesn’t get to decide who Kou dates he can only express his approval or disapproval
“Momotaru Mikoshiba is a man who lives by passion” gjhgjhg stop this
“Rin would never lose to a persimmon, ever!” MAKOTO R U OK
“It’s cool if you need to cry” “If you stay in the pool no one will ever notice your tears” I LOVE SOSUKE AND HARU TEAMING UP TO TEASE RIN
I also deeply appreciate that even though I’ve never heard their Japanese voices I know exactly who is saying what line in this outro just by dialogue and tone of voice
“I have a crippling fear of mascot costumes” “Then why did you take this job” kjhgkjhgkjh if that isn’t a work mood 
Wait... if Makoto is going to be the substitute wrestler... WILL HARU BE THE SUBSTITUTE MASCOT AHHHHHHHH
“Iwa means ‘boulder’ and ‘tobi’ means ‘black kite’ so it’s a boulder-headed bird!!” Well that’s more of an explanation for the appearance of the Iwatobi mascot than I ever expected, Nagisa
“You don’t have a crippling fear of mascot costumes, do you?” No but I have feeling Makoto is about to develop one
Oh it’s THIS FUCKPUDDLE who asked u to be here Hiyori
“I don’t exactly hate it” high praise Ikuya lmao
Thkjhtkjh I love Natsuya’s long distance relationship it’s sweet 
HAHAHA is the beak thing supposed to be a ploy so people see Makoto’s face
Also I don’t know how Makoto was planning to hide his identity after he was addressed as “Mr. Tachibana”
“Hey Makoto, use a backstroke!!” HARU PLEASE
“Well done, you’ll be a great mascot someday” “Thanks? I think?” This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen and I loved it
Oh my goooood Haru bringing Makoto presents for his siblings.... they have ascended to the college relationship levels of Natsuya and Nao
Man Ikuya could not radiate stronger “leave me alone” vibes 
“Wow you boys make a dashing pair” you said it Suit Lady not me 
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toomanysurveys9 · 6 years
What’s the last reason you held someone’s hand? i was helping wyatt up the steps to the back door to go in so i could feed him. Are you lonely? Be honest. kind of. wyatt helps a lot though. Listening to anything? erin and her friend kayla are watching musically things. i don’t know. Last thing said out loud? "hey, erin. now you know how me and my friends felt” because she just yelled at lilli for not leaving her and kayla alone.
Last thing bought? groceries. Last text received? my mom said “ur going” because i felt bad ashley doesn’t get to go tonight since someone has to stay with my grandparents and youngest sisters. What has made you happy today? wyatt. What has made you sad today? just felt kind of alone today i guess. What room are you in? the living room. Last thing eaten? a star crunch. :/ Last thing you drank? i had a root beer with lunch. i need to drink some water. Rate your day on a scale of 1-10: uhm. like 5 i guess.
What websites do you have bookmarked? i don’t think i have any bookmarked. Last reason you kissed someone? i just felt like kissing wyatt’s cheek when he woke up from his nap. Do you have an iPhone? i do not. Do you bite your nails? If so, do you wish you didn’t? i do not. i used to when i was a lot younger but then my uncle’s girlfriend at the time (trish) put finger nail polish remover on all of my fingers and i hated the taste so i stopped. Are you confident? not even a little. Last pair of shoes you wore? just cheap flip flops from walmart. Last movie you watched? mr. deeds i think. Name something you’re grateful for. my kids. Are you wearing anything that’s not yours? nope. everything is mine today. Where did your last kiss take place? my bedroom. Do you shop at Urban Outfitters? i do not. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? i have not. Has anyone ever tried stealing your boyfriend/girlfriend away? yeah. when we first started dating. obviously it didn’t work. If you were in the hospital, do you think any of your exes would come see you? they wouldn’t even know i was in there. and if they did find out and tried, i would turn them away. Do you think you could have a relationship with the last person you texted? that was my mom, and we have a relationship, but definitely not romantic. Are you doing anything important tomorrow? nope. Do you like your phone? i do like my phone. Would you move out your house if you could right now? NOOOOOO. i love this house.
Can you whistle? i cannot. When is the last time you slept in someone else’s bed? i don’t remember.. Do you like being called baby? sometimes i guess. Would you rather drink orange juice or milk? milk lately. Do you wish you could kiss someone right now? i’m okay. If you slipped into a coma, do you think the last person you texted would come and visit you? we’re married, so i would hope he would... if he’d care... i’m not sure... If you were kicked out of your house, would the last person you texted take you in? he’d be the one kicking me out since this is his house, so no. Do you own a polka dot shirt? my maternity bathing suit is polka dotted... i kind of look like a big watermelon. lol. What do you think you will be doing at this time tomorrow? probably nothing. Are you worried about your weight? not a whole lot right now. Do you look tired today? probably not anymore since i got a nap when wyatt did and i was allowed to take a quick shower. At what age do you think your hair will start turning gray? i’m not sure. don’t really have any guesses either. Do you have trouble falling asleep? usually, yes. What is your sign? virgo, although i don’t believe in all that stuff. Who was the last person to text you? If you were gone tomorrow, how much do you think that person would miss you? my mom was the last one to text me. i think she’d miss me a whole hell of a lot. When was the last time you ate chocolate? i had a star crunch, which is chocolate covered rice thingys with caramel. Who was the last person outside of family that told you they loved you? i don’t know. since jacob is my family now.. no one outside ever really says they love me. Do you think classical orchestra music is annoying or beautiful? i usually enjoy it. Do you like peanut butter? on occasion, and not huge quantities. Do you like oldies music? eh. it’s not my favorite. First person to text today? jacob. What are you listening to? the girls are still watching those things. If you could have one thing right now what would it be? food. food would be good. Has anyone ever told you they wanted to marry you? i’m married so obviously. How many months until your birthday? less than two. When was the last time you cried? last week? Is there a person of the opposite gender that means a lot to you? there are several. like my grandpas, my dad, my brother, my husband, and my son. Do you find it hard to trust others? very much so. Do you have someone of the opposite gender you can tell everything to? not everything. jacob gets mad and obviously i won’t burden wy with stuff like that. When was the last time you spent a night stargazing? a very long time. Do you take any prescription meds? nope. Are you ever afraid to write/say/think how you feel? oh yes. definitely. Do you like tea? i don’t. it hurts my stomach. How are you feeling now? pretty good. just a little hungry. Are you craving anything at the moment? not really. If someone told you that you were a whore, what would you say back? i’d just say whatever and probably to think what they want. How old will you be in 5 years? almost thirty. D: Have you ever sang karaoke in a public place? i have. i’m evidently decent. Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you? more or less. How old will you be on your next birthday? twenty-five. Is something bothering you? not especially. Has the last person you texted ever been mad at you before? yeah. he’s mad at me more often than not. Are you the type to make situations awkward? yeah. cos i never know what to say and whatnot. Would you ever like to run/work in a joke shop? nope. Do you prefer fast food or “proper”, restaurant style food? restaurant style. i hate fast food. Are any of your friends gay? Is it “obvious” in the stereotypical sense? my only friend really is kayla, and she’s straight. Would you ever go out with someone shorter than you? height isn’t a deal breaker to me. Is your mum the type to pressure you to have grandchildren? she was definitely one to pressure. she wants each of us kids to have five. i told her no way in hell was she getting five from me. Do you have any traits that you obviously inherited from your parents? well, yeah. Are you still in touch with people you went to primary school with? not really. Do you like sushi? i’ve never tried it but doesn’t really sound appealing to me. Are you the type to get easily embarrassed in public? i am. even when i’m not in public. Do you have to reply to texts straight away, or are you happy to just leave them for a while? it depends who it is, my mood, and what i’m doing. also what it is about. Have any of your friends gotten engaged recently? brittany and john did fairly recently. they’re getting married on my birthday now since her mom is pressuring her to get married before she has her baby in january.. they’re more kayla’s friend than mine, but they sometimes like me when brittany isn’t jealous about kayla and me being friends.. Would you ever drop everything and go traveling for several months? if i could afford it, in a heartbeat. Has anyone ever seriously suggested that you need therapy? yeah. Have you ever had a negative encounter with the police? What happened? not really, no. Do you enjoy going out and socializing, or do you prefer to stay in? depends on my mood, but i don’t usually mind staying in with wy. however, it would be nice if people wanted to see me though. What’s your favourite thing to cook/bake? Do you eat it often? cookies, and no. Are you every parent’s wet dream? ew? i don’t know. i’m not a trouble maker... most people like me.. so sure?
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