#ursulas sister
c-rose2081 · 1 month
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Uliana (redesign?)
I just wanted her to be octopus Medusa…annnnd now I’m in love and she can step on me 🤭
I might do a full-body of this thought eventually when I have time, but I quite like this result.
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bananaactivity · 1 month
PROGRESSSS on maleficent and hades the punk gothic duo 😝🙏
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I didn’t change Hades much because he matches D3 Hades really well but for Mali I gave her the iconic thin brow look 😻
I unwrapped her horns because like there’s no way a boss queen like that would cover up something that strikes fear into people.
She’s wearing a short form fitting leather dress with a flowing sheer top part thing and you can bet a million dollars she has on ripped tights and big chunky boots.
I feel like now she looks more like Mal from the trilogy… but I want Mal to be in less purples. INKNOW I KNOW THE PURPLE IS ICONIC. I don’t care that much tho fr…
She is holding Hades ember in her hand, not for any real reason other then it looks cool. I don’t have a story planed for them yet but I know that it’s one about there relationship woes and triumphs. Hades also doesn’t completely abandoned Mal.
I actually wanna give Mali her pet raven she has in every property except in Descendants. Again these aren’t done yet 😔🙏 but it’s much more cool to work on them the other things I didn’t finish ☝️🫠
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supersonicsidekick · 22 days
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Fab Five + Reductress Headlines
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caswensworld · 3 months
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“What a performance!”
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“I’m gonna shake things up”
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“I will never kneel to a tyrant.”
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“That’s debatable.”
I love my black queens and their one-liners!
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versusvirtuous · 7 days
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jewishjesper · 1 month
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Here she comes !
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saturnisaroace · 1 month
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they tried on the Chloe wig😭💙
📸 maliabaker on IG
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hikingofthenoldor · 14 days
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I was trying to get a feel of what it's like to draw some Pentiment characters and how to best translate them into my style. I feel like for most characters I stayed pretty close to their icons or on screen appearances but some just got rowdy on the page all on their own.
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theamityelf · 22 days
I like to imagine that Morgie is the main evil one in the group. Like, Maleficent is petty and mean, Hades is an edgelord, Uliana is arrogant and rude, Hook is...idk, henchmany? Let's skip him for now; he'll get his own post.
Morgie I think genuinely enjoys the suffering of others. In a campy villain way. He said "Burn her to a crisp" with his whole chest. The light in his eyes there was astounding. And his mom is Morgan le Fay. (Not as proof that he's evil, but proof that he's probably not stupid.) I'm imagining he acts kind of dopey and incompetent but also quietly skews events in Uliana's favor.
What I'm saying is, he's looking at Uliana like, "I can make her worse."
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hurts2think · 1 month
If you can do yandere, can you do a yandere headcanon with Uliana x fem reader?
🐚Uliana x Reader Possessive Headcanons🐚
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Reader pronouns: She/her
Pairing: Uliana x Fem!reader
Plot: Headcanons of you and Uliana dating but she's a little possessive.
Extra: I do NOT support this type of relationship. This is just pure fiction and fantasy, never treat your partners poorly in real life. I'm not really into this kind of stuff so I struggled a little but I really love Uliana so much and this is the only request I've ever gotten for her so I tried my best !! I hope you guys like this 🫶
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- Uliana became intrigued by you very early on but she wasn't exactly sure why so you became a target of her bullying in teasing.
- But you didn't take her bullying so easily. You stood up to her and wouldn't let her pick on you.
- This only made her more intrigued and frustrated/conflicted with her own feelings
- She became a little obsessed with trying to knock you down a peg so you'd find her around you pretty much all the time.
- She would pick on you but at the same time would threaten anyone who got a little too close to you
- You never really hated Uliana. It wasn't like anything she did or said genuinely hurt you.
- Plus you enjoyed pissing her off
- It took her about three months to actually suggest anything romantic between the two of you
- She really was ready to do whatever it takes to get you to date her. But she was very surprised when you were open to it
- Once you started dating she had no idea how to show any of her affection—especially with words.
- You two do end up arguing quite a bit
- She doesn't really like any of your friends and often encourages you to drop them.
- Really she doesn't like anyone that talks to you.
- She's very scared that you'll find someone else and leave her. That's why she's suspicious of all of your friends
- She grabs you a lot with her tentacles. She'll grab you by the arm, waist, anything to stop you from turning your back on her when angry.
- She'll grab you by the waist with her tentacles whenever to drag you around.
- Obviously she's very protective of you. If anyone is flirting with you she'll come up beside you and kiss you, making sure they know you're taken.
- You won't know why, but anyone that flirts with you will be too scared to even look at you the next day
- She loves putting lipstick on and then kissing you all over, leaving lipstick traces on your skin. It’s like a reminder for her that you’re hers.
- She really doesn't care if you dress more masc or fem, but she loves seeing you in pretty dresses and skirts
- She won’t say it but she loves if you also get protective of her
- She never brings you to the black lagoon of hangouts with the other VKs.
- She doesn’t want you influenced by them because she loves you how you are and would probably die of guilt if you became more villainous
- She’s also scared of you liking the other VKs more than her.
- When talking to other people she pretty much only refers to you as "My girlfriend" rather than your name.
- When talking to you she says "My princess."
- If she's mad usually she uses your real name
- She never tries to physically hurt you but sometimes her affection is a unknowingly aggressive.
- She acts annoyed with your lovey-dovey stuff but actually adores it so much
- Insists that you two have to be around each other all of the time.
- If you even work on a school project with someone else she gets upset and will make sure to glare at that person for the rest of the year
- It’s one thing if someone flirts with you, but if someone hurts you? They’re probably not going to be seen on school premises again.
- She tried to make you sell your soul to her so that you couldn’t ever leave but of course you refused… she was not happy.
- You probably told her that you needed to take a break from the relationship but she took that as you wanted to break up.
- She lashed out and yelled about it to the other VKs
- She was pretty determined to have your soul now, but the other VKs somehow managed to calm her down and reassure her you were only taking a break
- After a week or when you were ready to be with her again she was overjoyed (though she hardly showed it)
- The two weeks you guys were on break were absolutely miserable for her.
- She pretty much watched you from afar the whole time to make sure you weren’t up to anything
- Plus she still wanted to keep an eye on you since she wasn’t around to protect you
- She eventually starts to learn how to keep a healthy consistent relationship. It takes awhile but she really does try her best and things eventually start to work out better.
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Family Lines
"Hi i wanna request about Uliana. Like reader is Bridget older sister and one day she visited Bridget because it was family day and their parents cant visit Bridget so Reader is the one visiting her instead and when uliana first saw her she immediately fall in love to reader and start being nice to Bridget so she could get more info about reader" - requested by @gayforfemaledancers
Uliana X Hearts! Reader
Pronouns Used: She/her/hers
Summary: Family Day sparks a new found thought process in a particular sea witch, making her change her ways for even those she despises the most.
Warnings: Bridget and the reader's parents kinda suck, honestly I made a lot of the parents suck, it is what it is. Hades finds Uliana's crushing annoying, Uliana is so obviously insecure.
Word Count: 2.6k words
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    For most, Family day would be exciting. Royals were bubbling about the campus, fae holding their wands and testing spells in hopes of being the first to please. Desperate for an ever craved praise, the day offering the perfect chance to get the rare reward. For Bridget Hearts, it was bittersweet. As always her parents, ever busy with the ways of wonder, couldn’t make it to see her. Instead, sending her still homeschooled elder sister through the rabbit hole to accompany her. Of course, Bridget would take any chance to see the girl, she was pretty much the only thing in her life that resembled a friend until Ella came along. But that didn’t make her any less upset when she got the news, just once she wished family day could actually be family day for her. She just wanted to resemble the other royals, like Charming and his perfect crowned prince life. Maybe if she had that, she’d get other attention easier too. 
    Regardless, the pink haired girl couldn’t find it in her to care anymore as she saw a familiar face waiting out in the courtyard of Merlin Academy. Barreling towards the slightly older girl and throwing herself into the familiar embrace that awaits her. “Bridge!” “(Y/n/n)!” The squeals are followed with giggles as the younger girl is spun around. “God, Wonderland is so awful without you. It’s so unfair that you’re all the way out here, the castle is far too quiet. I miss hearing your awful music taste through the walls.” Her words are lovingly mumbled into the her sister's hair, firm grip holding the girl close. The bubbly girl’s feet find the ground again, the two finally releasing each other from the nearly painfully tight embrace. “I miss you so much more! I wish you could come out here with me. I really only have one person to talk to.” (Y/n)’s lip finds its way between her teeth, a softness finding its way into her gaze. “Well then,” she dusts off Bridget’s shoulders, adjusting one of her necklaces as she speaks “You best get to introducing me to them. I need to know who takes care of you when I can’t.” 
     A pale hand encases (Y/n)’s as Bridget drags her to the courtyard exit she’d just come through. A nervous girl with blue hair and a patchwork pair of overalls waits for her there, seeming to smile as she sees the excitable princess bound up to her, sister in tow. “Ella, I want you to meet my favorite person from back home!” 
    Family day was not a fan favorite for the VKs either. Their parents were all too withdrawn to care or too stuck up to act like seeing their child mattered. No reason to be down in the courtyard if they were just going to be disappointed.Instead the group sat hulled up in Uliana’s dorm, playing a half-hearted game of black jack. Unluckily for them, her room overlooked the function, the noise of excitable families floating up into their space. She stares out the window, watching the way they all pranced around the grounds. Cards being abandoned as she moves closer, looking out as if willing something to happen. Hand in hand or arm in arm, spells flying through the air and praise following quick behind them. It was sickening, the way heroes loved their kids could make your teeth rot. So full of sweetness and sugar that one taste could bring a ting of green to your skin. Yet, she couldn’t peel her eyes away. Her mother had always shown up for family day before Ursula graduated, Morgana tucked in tow. Where was she now? Shouldn’t she be here for her too? Perhaps fair treatment of her children was too much to ask for. Everything else that Uliana wanted seemed to be. 
    Dark eyes lock on a head of vibrant pink hair, watching her bounce up and down excitedly as she gestures between Ella and someone. Uliana was sure she’d never seen the girl on Bridget’s side before. She was so regal, perfect posture despite the way that Uliana could see her bouncing on her heels. Her movements were too graceful, sliding smooth as silk as she leaned in to hug Ella. The girl was something straight out of a painting and the sea witch couldn't tear herself away. Something about the fact that she was touching the blue haired peasant girl, talking to her as if she wasn’t clearly above her, made Uliana feel wrong. It wasn’t quite sick, it was more so, angry? Sad? No she’d felt this before, she was without a shadow of a doubt, jealous. And over what? Who was that and why did she already seem to have a sense of control over her? That is not how things are supposed to happen to her. Why would she waste time with someone like Ella anyway? A sea of royals and villains so much better than the girl were around her. Uliana should go down there, show her that there was better people for her to look to.
    “Come here!” It’s not a demand to anyone in particular, just whoever will listen. Hook and Morgie appear to her sides in an instant, both leaning over her shoulder to look out the window with her. “Right,” Hook seems to sing the words, turning to her with his eyes rolling in their sockets, “Why exactly?” “Who is that with Bridget? I’ve never seen her before in my life.” Both boys single her out in the crowd, something about her seemed more like she was one of the queens there than someone their age. Too poised, too put together, it was enchanting. Morgie guessed she could be both, maybe something happened to Bridget’s parents and she was already queen. He never really took the time to ask, not like Bridget would give him a reason to. He wasn't exactly supposed to speak to her. Uliana snaps in their faces as she notices the way the boys stare, both seeming a touch too engrossed in the new face of the courtyard.  “I asked you who she was, not if you’d drool over her.” 
    “Well, Uli,” Hades passes a flame between his hands as if throwing around the idea he was voicing, “If you’ve never seen her before, and it’s family day, one may be led to assume that she’s part of Bridget’s family.” His comment earns a chuckle from the pixie beside him. Ulina turns around, eyeing the god in distaste. Family? Someone that effortless related to such a try hard? It seemed nearly far-fetched. “Family? You didn’t even see her, there’s no way.” “No she has to be!” Morgie’s excitable voice sounds in her ear as he turns away from her window. “Bridget told Ella in Alchemy yesterday that her older sister was the only one coming to see her for family day. Said she was her best friend, it’s kinda sweet.” He notices the looks of the room, quickly tacking on a, “If it wasn’t so pathetic. Poor thing has no friends to the point her sister must be the only one forced to talk to her.” 
    Hook swings by the duo, falling back into his seat beside Maleficent, “Tough chance, Uli. No way that gumdrop’s sister gives you so much as a taste of her attention. Pity too, the lass is a stunner.” “No!” Her voice rings out before she can stop it, grabbing the room’s attention. “I mean, I always get what I want, Prissy Pink’s sister should be no different. I could just convince her we’re friends and then she’d have no reason not to want me around. How could she?” Hades snickers, eyeing the sea witch over, “You, being around her by choice? You can’t stand Bridget.” Uliana lets out a slow breath, “It’s not like I’m actually going to be her friend. I just need to be able to fake it.”
      If Bridget dared to look into her looking glass, she might’ve seen this coming. But the darling girl, ever excitable for surprises, was knocked speechless as the sea witch placed a batch of cupcakes iced in a near ghoulish green on the table before her. “Bridget,” her name came out in a slow drawn, forced coo as Uliana sat across from her, “How are you?” She smiles politely, looking to Ella who seemed just as confused as she was. “I’m good,” she nods curtly, attempting to keep a calm composure, “What’s this?” It causes her to sigh, Bridget was always trying to be friends with everyone; why would she seem so on edge about Uliana when she constantly tried to approach her? Maybe it was because Uliana had the upper hand? Surely it wasn’t that her rose colored glasses had slipped enough to see the true intentions of the witch in front of her. As far as she knew, Bridget’s rose colored glasses were more like contact lenses, suctioned to her eyes and internalized. But, this little charade might just be a harder game than she initially thought. 
   “Well,” she tilts her head to the side, breathing out a slow breath, “I just realized how unfair I’ve been. I mean, I’m in my dorm pouting because my mother is being so unfair to me but treating you so cruel. It’s a little more villainous than I thought I had in me.” To her shock, Bridget takes her hand, a gentle look of near pity written on her face. Everything in her screams to rip her hand away from the walking, talking piece of bubblegum, maybe a girl isn't worth it if she had to act like this. But as she thought that, she thought of the girl from before, the way she hugged Ella, and it made her feel sick. No, she was definitely worth it, even if just to learn her name. She had to know something about her.
    “Oh, Uli,” Bridget coos, “Your mom didn’t show for you either?” Uliana shakes her head, forcing what she hoped was a convincingly saddened look. “No, she's too wrapped up in Ursula to ever realize I exist. I’m sure you understand, right? With your parents not showing up either and all. Too engrossed in your sister, aren’t they?” Pink hair whips around as Bridget shakes her head, “Oh goodness, Uli, I never imagined she’d be like that. I’m so sorry. (Y/n) is the only one who showed up for me, I guess I lucked up in the sister department, she always shows up for me.” 
    (Y/n), it suited her. Perfect for such a stunning face, such a royal physique. It was like taking her first hit. Now that she knew something about the princess, she wanted more. “Oh,” she cuts her eyes up at the pink haired girl, “Is that who that was with you today? I was wondering why I’d never seen the girl around before. Someone like that? You’d be sure to notice her around here.” Bridget laughs and for a moment, as her mind is too wrapped up in the thoughts of someone else, Uliana almost finds the sound attractive. Maybe (Y/n)’s laugh would sound like her sister’s does? No, surely it was better. Everything about her had to be better, no way it wasn't. “Yeah, that’s her. She’s too busy being homeschooled back in Wonderland. She’s meant to take the throne in three years so my parents are absolutely set on having her learn how to be the perfect queen. Her classes are longer than ours. It’s ridiculous.” Homeschooled in Wonderland. So what? She wouldn’t see the girl again until next Family day? She couldn’t stomach it. 
    “Did she,” her voice is unsteady, Uliana taking a deep breath before trying again, “Did she head back to Wonderland already? I mean you must miss her so dearly.” “She’s off picking up dinner for us. She’s not going home until Sunday, lied to our parents so she could see me longer.” Bridget hums, taking a cupcake off the tray in front of her. So she had time. That’s all that Uliana needed to know, if it was up to her, Wonderland’s next queen would be wrapped around the tentacle of a sea witch.
     Turns out, she decided that wasn't all she needed to know. Each time she thought she was ready to approach the heiress she'd panic, swearing she just needed to know a little bit more about her. The next few days were absolute torture for her. Pretending to be friends with Bridget was exhausting. No girl should have that much sunshine in her. It was too bright and cheery around Bridget, Uliana was sure the gleam that came off of her was damaging her eyes. But it was working. Bridget had let the girl’s favorites slip out at every question she asked. Her own family line being too naive to know she was ratting out Wonderland’s heiress’ deepest wants. It made it easy to make herself someone the girl could want. The princess was like a dog, drawn to treats. 
     A batch of cupcakes leading to her learning the girl was homeschooled in Wonderland. Holding the door open for the two led to Bridget indirectly telling Uliana that her sister was single as she teased her about finding someone. A batch of cookies was the perfect bribe to find out what the princess did for fun and what her favorite food was. A lollipop led to her learning that the object of her affection was into girls at all, something that made Uliana's chest feel a little lighter. Each little thing that Uliana gave the girl seemed to work like a truth gummy despite not having any of the truth serum in them at all. Bridget was just that easy, all it took was giving her the same treatment she gave others to get exactly what you wanted from her. And if she was honest, somewhere deep in her chest, that realization almost made Uliana feel bad. Of course, she was still an obnoxious bubbly fool to the sea witch but something about it nearly reflected Uliana back at herself. The royal family line was surely just getting to her. No way she could actually be growing to like someone with so much, pep.
    “Come on Mali, just one more batch of cupcakes and I’ll leave you alone.” Uliana was begging. Surely she had gotten enough information to ask (Y/n) out already. All of the Vks felt as if they knew the girl despite Uliana being the only one who ever met her.  “Uliana, just ask her out. You don’t need to keep buttering up her sister. She leaves the day after tomorrow. You ask her out or run out of time. No more cupcakes.” She huffs, throwing her arms out in frustration. “You’re being ridiculous. She obviously is going to say no, she hasn’t seen me be sweet enough to her gumdrop little sister yet. She's about to be queen, no way she's naive enough to trust a stranger.” 
    Hades chuckles, looking over the girl who was nearly throwing a tantrum in the middle of his girlfriend’s dorm room. “At this point I can’t tell who’s manipulating who. I mean, I thought you were manipulating Bridget to get what you wanted but,” he waves a hand over her with a chuckle, “Seems your new little royal crush is manipulating you without even having to try. Look at you, acting like a hero to impress her.” She snaps her head over to look at him, glaring daggers, “I am not acting like a hero.” He leans forward, smirk playing across his face with a brow quirked as if he was challenging her, “You’re right. You’re not acting like a hero, you’re acting like Bridget.” It makes her face fall, Uliana staring at the boy as if he’d just set her on fire. “I am not acting like that, try hard, goody-two-shoes princess. Don’t you dare say that.” “Oh really? Because you sure are toting treats around in hopes of having someone pay attention to you. Is that not what Princess does?” He quirks his head like a dog, watching as something seems to snap in his friend. 
    “You know what? I don’t need cupcakes. I’m a villain, I’m scary. If I want something, I take it! And when I can’t I break it so no one else will want it! I can do this my own way, no help from you.” Uliana storms out the room, tentacle snapping behind her to slam Maleficent’s door closed. The couple in the room share a look before erupting into laughter. “Did you see her face?” “God, she looked ridiculous. Twenty bucks says that she goes to Morgie to get cupcakes because you wouldn’t do it.” Maleficent looks at him with a playful smirk and adoring eyes, “Oh she so is. No doubt about it.”
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mr-walkingrainbow · 11 days
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Summary : ~ ~
Their lonely and scared, huddled together under the bridge, bony knees grazing one another and bodies soaked to the bone. 
Bridget’s teeth clank from the cold, but she can’t bare to move. Fear of Uliana freezing her, and eyes locked in on the girl in front of her. 
Ella is less worried, but still keeps an eye out, brows terse a she tries to identify if their in the clear. 
Bridget should be worried. Should be concerned that Uliana and her gang could find them hiding any minute and do a manner of unspeakable things to them. But all she can focus on is Ella. And the way her curls plaster to her forehead in just the right way that she looks like an angel. A knight in shining armor. Willing to hide for Bridget’s safety. The cold drawing blood to her face and plumping her lips. 
Bridget’s moving in the next second, unable to stop herself. Pressing her lips against Ella’s and getting lost in the feeling. 
Ella startles,  hesitating before kissing back slightly. She pulls away, confused, “Bridget? I-“
“Practice!” Bridget spits out on instinct, her go to excuse for the past five months, “It’s practice Ella. For your future charming.”
Ella nods, although she doesn’t look completely convinced, “Sure… just practice.”
Bridget can ignore the way her unease stabs her chest, can ignore the humiliation of having to hide from Uliana, can ignore the emotions pressing behind her eyes, can ignore it all as long as Ella keeps choosing her. Keeps letting her indulge in this compulsion. Keeps letting her kiss her and keep up the charade that no feelings are involved. 
Bridget can ignore it all, as long as she can keep feeling their lips pressed together. 
tagging literally anyone who might be interested
@strugglingsapphic @c-rose2081 @somedudenamedanthony @tigressartemis @mintylovesredsocks @gayafsowhat
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ljaylmaoo · 8 days
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Hook x fem!la bouff!reader
request: hello! i rarely do any requests but i was wondering if you could write a hook x fem reader where reader is charlotte la bouff's daughter (or if you want to make the timelines match up then charlottes sister) and she's rich and her and hook are secretly dating. thx!! 💕
summary: you and Hook have been secretly dating for the past six months but what happens when your sister Charlotte and best friend Bridget set you up on a date with someone who isn't him?
genre: fluff, a bit of angst?, and more fluff
warnings: mature in terms of language, mention of sex (not much), making out, kisses, argument, dirty joke made by Hook, i think that's it
a/n: sorry it took so long to get this out anon! life can sometimes be a pain in the butt lol, I fixed up a few things in this because i didn't like the way it was going but haven't actually read through it so if there's any errors i apologize. i may fix this up later when i have the time because i feel I could’ve done better but right now i'm just trying to finish the requests i got over the time of writing this. i hope you all enjoy :)
word count: 4.7k
“I’m sorry, you two did what?”
You stared at the two bubbly girls who stood in front of you who buzzed with excitement, an almost horrified expression plastered across your face, "we set you up on a blind date for tomorrow during lunch!" Your sister Charlotte repeated proudly as Bridget squealed from excitement beside her. Charlotte has always been obsessed with the idea of love and fairytales. Everything about it she has always adored since you were kids, 'The Frog Prince' being her favourite story growing up which had sparked her dream of finding her true love, preferably a prince, and marrying them one day and wanting the same for you. She was in love with love. Bridget was similar but really only wanted what was best for her loved ones. It wasn't just about love for her, she wanted everyone to succeed in any aspect of life, and as of right now for you, it was love.
Now the reason why the two decided to set you up themselves is because you never showed any interest in love and made it known that you didn't really care for it. Every time the topic came up with the two, you would simply go quiet or try to change the subject if it was directed to you as it always seemed to make you uncomfortable. You "despised" it. Or so they thought.
You gave them a disgusted look, "what! Why?" Bridget giggled, "well, we thought we would help you out. We know you're not the biggest fan of relationships and love.." she trailed off, "but maybe if this goes well, you'll see that it isn't as bad as much as you think!" She said with a hopeful tone, Charlotte nodding in agreement. You rolled your eyes and raised your voice a little, "no way!" making Bridgets smile falter slightly. You felt bad for your rude attitude towards them as you knew they only did this out of the goodness of their hearts and you knew where they were coming from.
You didn't actually "hate" love as much as you made it seem. In fact, you were already in a loving relationship of six months with none other than the James Hook, the pretty brunette pirate who was also a VK. But they didn't know that. No one knew about you and James. They couldn't. You and James established that in the very beginning of your relationship, reason being that James was a VK and you and your sister had a bit of a reputation for being rich and your father being well known for being the "most powerful" man of New Orleans. His friends would also give him a hard time if they found out he went for a "good kid" and one of Bridget's friends of all people.
"Come on, y/n! It's just one little lunch date!" Bridget begged you, her energetic voice going up an octave as she pleaded while the two trailed behind you down the corridor of the dormitory, their pleading eyes piercing through the back of your head, "yeah Y/n! What's the worst that could happen? I mean who knows? Maybe you'll enjoy it!" You scoffed, not daring to look at them, "and if I don't?" Your sister grabbed your arm and turned you to face them, stopping you from entering your dorm, "well, I guess you won't know unless you give it a chance." She said softly, "Please y/n.. we just want to show you that it isn't as bad as you think and that there's nothing to be scared of. Love is a beautiful thing that everyone should be able to experience at least once in their life. It's okay to be afraid, but it's not okay to let that fear get in the way of you having the chance to experience that for yourself. I get that you may not be ready for the whole seriousness of it but please at least give it a try just this once? Who knows, maybe you'll find your happily ever after. And if it doesn't work out then we will never bother you again about the topic. Promise." She swore while delicately placing her hand over her heart.
You stared into your sister's eyes taking in every word she said. You felt bad that you had been lying to them about hating love. You did in fact know the way it felt and yes, it truly was an amazing feeling. You just couldn't let them know your truth on why you've been so opposed to their sweet intentions of doing this for you. It's just lunch, right? They don't expect you to be anything special with this unknown person they've set you up with? After giving it a bit of thought, you decided to agree to their request.
You sighed, "fine. I'll do it." The two girls jumped in excitement, clapping their hands together, "but I'm only doing it so you'll stop bothering me about it." The two girls giggled, "I knew we could convince her!" Bridget beamed, Charlotte picking her up and spinning her around as she squealed, "I know! Now come on, we have some more planning to do! See ya tomorrow, sis!" She yelled as she and Bridget ran hand in hand back down the hall giggling as you watched. You shook your head and couldn't help but smile, letting out a small laugh, you loved making your friends happy.
You opened the door and proceeded inside your dorm, "a date, huh?" You stopped in your tracks and jumped as you heard the voice of your boyfriend and quickly glanced up to see James sitting up on the edge of your bed, "Jesus! How long have you been in here? School literally just ended" he laughed, "I had a free period" he replied, a vicious smirk growing, "Merlin had to deal with an emergency and cancelled class." You sighed, "oh no, what did you do this time?" You crossed your arms giving him a disapproving look, he stood up and strutted over to you, "oh don't worry love, it wasn't me this time." He caressed your face, "Morgs and Hades casted a levitation spell on the books in the library." He chuckled as he recalled, you shook your head and sighed, "and then..?" You waited for him to continue earning a confused look from him, "what?" You walked past him and over to your desk beside your bed, "I find it hard to believe that's all you guys did." You stated while placing your homework on your desk as he waited for you to continue, "it was obviously just a distraction." You finished
Hook cautiously wandered up to you with a slow pace, "okay, so maybe Mali and Uli might've also sprinkled something in the cookie batter for tomorrows dessert.." you raised your eyebrows, "I suggest you don't eat any.." he nervously laughed while sitting on your bed beside you, "but me personally no, I didn't do anything this time darling, promise." He took your hand and pulled you down to sit on the bed with him, "now, tell me about this date your sister and friend set up for you." He said in an almost disgusted tone. He always had trouble with hiding his judgmental facial expressions and tone of voice. You sighed, "James, it's just lunch."
"Yeah, but with another guy? Absolutely not." He declared while rolling his eyes at the thought of you being with anyone other than him. You turned to face him fully, "look I know how it sounds, but I only said yes to it because I knew they wouldn't stop begging me until I said yes." He shook his head, "nope, I'm sorry but I cannot let you go out with a boring goody good twat." You raised your eyebrows at his choice of words, and at the fact that he thinks he had the right to control you, it made you upset. "What gives you the right to be able to control what I do?" You sat up straighter on the bed as you stared at him in confusion, anger visible on your now furrowed brows "I'm sorry but I have no choice, James. They don't know that I'm already in a relationship with you and they can't. No one can. We both know that."
James was now upset, jealousy turning to anger as it pulsed through his veins, "yes I know that, obviously." He retorted in a rude tone, "I just don't understand why you still decided to agree to go on this date when you're already in a relationship. What? Just so you can make your annoying little friend and bratty sister happy?" You took a deep breath in anger and stood up, "okay, woah! First of all, you do not get to call Bridget and Charlotte names." You crossed your arms, "I know your hot headed and rather cruel friend group have a very strong disliking towards my friends because they aren't as miserable as them and actually enjoy life. But you do not get to call Bridget annoying or Charlotte a brat just because you're jealous at the fact that I have to go to lunch with someone I don't know and frankly, I don't even want to go on in the first place." James scoffed, "jealous? Me? Oh darling, never." He laughed. Obviously he was jealous, but he had a tendency to hide his insecurities with believable arrogance that even sometimes he started to believe himself.
You groaned in frustration, "yes, Hook! Jealous." You snapped back, "sometimes, actually no, most times you can be so arrogant and full of yourself it gets to be quite annoying." He stood up, your eyes following his figure as he proceeded to yell at you for "having the audacity to shit talk his friends". Your argument went back and forth for a good few minutes. Both taking shots at each other's friends and personalities until finally Hook stopped you when you got in his face about to drag on the argument, his hands rested on your arms as he sighed, "love" he started, the nickname instantly and involuntarily calming you down, your face resting as you waited for him to continue, "lets stop arguing shall we?" He took your hands in his, "this isn't healthy for us. Letting someone we both don't even know get in between us." You looked up into his brown doe eyes before getting pulled into a hug by him, "I'm sorry for getting angry at you. I just don't like the thought of you being with someone else." You eased into his arms, relaxing your tensed body, "I know, I don't like the thought of it either, but I'm doing it for my sister and B." The two of you made up, talking everything out that then lead to a heated make out session with you straddling his lap, hands tangled in his swept back hair as he held the small of your back with his hook and his hand up your shirt.
You both came to a halt at the sound of a knock at your door, fear in your eyes as you heard the sound of Charlotte and Bridget's voices from the other side calling your name, James instantly took his hand out from under your shirt and you jumped off his lap pulling him to hide behind the door. You quickly fixed yourself up before opening the door, "hey, what's up?" You said trying your best to sound as casual as possible, exhaling heavily. Charlotte eyed you with suspicion, "uh, why did you take so long to open the door?" You tilted your head, "yeah, and why are you so out of breath?" Bridget added, you quickly glanced at Hook who was trying his best to stay quiet, "I was in the middle cleaning my room." You lied, "ookay, well we just wanted to ask you about dessert because someone here decided to use all of her flour for the cupcake batches she made last night." Charlotte explained while glaring at Bridget, "hey! I'm sorry! I was working on a new recipe!" She turned to you who was simply staring at them, "it includes flamingo feathers" she explained, you only nodding in faux interest. "It doesn't mean you had to go and use up a whole bag of flour!" Charlotte replied. You sighed, looking over at James who was just as bored as you, listening to them bicker back and forth which was keeping you two from your previous activities. You rolled your eyes, "guys, guys, okay, guys.." You repeated, trying but failing to interrupt their argument, "you guys!" You finally raised your voice, gaining their attention, "what was it that you wanted to ask? I would love to get back to cleaning my room preferably sometime this week." you said sarcastically, the two girls snapping out of it, "oh, right. We were wondering if you were alright with the cookies from the cafeteria for dessert." You looked over at Hook who rapidly shook his head and mouthed the word 'no' reminding you about what they had done to the batter.
"Y/n?" You looked back over at them in panic, "uh, I don't like the cookies from there." You said, "too dry." Hook silently sighed in relief, "you're right. What about brownies then?" You shrugged, "yeah I'm fine with that." They smiled, "okay brownies it is then" You smiled back at them, "okay well now that that's settled, I need to get back to cleaning, I'll see you guys tomorrow?" They nodded and turned, "okay, bye Y/n/n!" You waved and closed your door exhaling. "god I thought they'd never leave" Hook admitted, fixing his hair. You turned to him letting out a small laugh, "sorry about that" coming closer to him, his hands finding their way back to your waist. The two of you enjoyed the thrill of sneaking around, finding the risk of people finding out about your relationship almost exhilarating. You cupped his face and continued kissing him.
The next morning you were doing your make up before school when James swiftly snuck into your dorm, slamming the door shut behind him. You looked over at him, a look of distress evident on his face as he had his back rested up against the door. "You okay, love?" You questioned, "no!" He cried, you got up and walked closer to him, "why? Whats wrong?" You asked genuinely concerned. He ran up to you and pulled you into his arms, squeezing you tightly as he buried his head into the crook of your neck, "the thought that you have a date with someone else today has been killing me!" He whined. You couldn't help but giggle at his clinginess and jealousy, it was  rare for him not to mask it, there has been times like this before but it has never gotten this severe as you've never had to go on a date with someone other than him. You hugged him just as tight, "oh James, it's okay" you smiled, "how about tonight after curfew we can go to the garden and have a date of our own? A real one." You suggested. He slowly lifted his head off your shoulder and looked at you, "but what if he treats you better? What if you actually do end up falling in love with him and you'd want to be with him instead of me?" He rambled on, speaking the thoughts that had been invading his head all night and morning aloud. "Hey, hey, that's not gonna happen. I promise! No one can or will ever replace you my love." You kissed him softly, "plus no one's as handsome or attractive as you." He grinned, "yeah, I know" You playfully rolled your eyes, "exactly, I don't even have to tell you that cause you already know it's true." He continued smiling, "you don't, but I just like hearing it come out of that pretty mouth of yours." You scoffed and shook your head, "and yet I question why your ego's so big." You pulled away and went to sit back down at your vanity with him following behind, "well I'd probably say it's because the way you scream my name in bed like you did last ni-" you smacked his chest chest, "oh my god, shut up James." You scolded before sitting down on the chair, he only shrugged, "I'm just saying that I'd be surprised if everyone on your floor still don't know we're together after that." You glared at him and picked up your blush and brush and began applying it to your face with light strokes.
He watched you in admiration with a soft smile, "god you're gorgeous darling" he quietly his thoughts out loud again this time in a whisper. You looked up at him in the mirror and met his gaze, a shy smile creeping up, "you're so sweet" he gently cupped the side of your face and placed a kiss on your forehead from above, "I'll see you after school, yeah?" You nodded and gave him one more peck on the lips, "of course." He walked back to the door, "okay, I love you." You smiled, "I love you too."
You were on your way to class with Bridget and Charlotte, the two telling you about how much they think you'd enjoy the date and that you had nothing to be afraid of when Uliana had come up to you guys, purposely bumping into Bridget as she harshly shoved her causing her to fall, "oops, sorry! Didn't see you there." She giggled evilly. "Hey watch it inky!" You immediately stood up for your pink haired friend while Charlotte helped her up. The VK's all stopped and turned back to you, you looked over at your boyfriend who had a dreaded look on his face, "excuse me?" Uliana stepped closer, Bridget and Charlotte taking a step back behind you in fear, you sighed in annoyance, "I said to watch where you're going." Bridget hiding closer behind you with a squeak while peaking over your shoulder. Uliana glanced at her friends and let out a laugh, "I'm sorry, princess. It's not my fault she's so invisible." She stated, Morgie, Maleficent and Hades looking at you with the same hatred in their eyes as her while Hook was simply watching in silence. "Says the one who has to wear platform boots to not look like a seven year old that I personally find to be a bit tacky." Hook and Charlotte stifled a laugh from escaping their mouths at the insult as you continued, "If you would like some fashion advice, I'd be happy to help" you smiled a painfully fake smile, Uliana stepped closer stopping just inches from your face, the rest of them following, "you keep talking and you'll regret it, so I suggest you watch your mouth and get to class." She hissed, you crossed your arms and stood up straighter, "oh yeah? And what if I don't?" There was a worried look on Hooks face as he was ready to intervene but as Uliana was about to reply she was cut off by the bell causing him and your friends to sigh in relief. You gave her and the group one last smile, "maybe next time. See ya" you shrugged before pushing Bridget and Charlotte away from the group who were still standing in the same spot watching as you strolled down the hall untouched, winking at your boyfriend before turning around.
Lunch had finally come around and you were on your way to the courtyard where your date was going to be when you were pulled into a dark, empty classroom causing you to squeal. Your mouth was then covered when you were placed up against the wall out of sight. It was Hook who had an unreadable expression on his face, he slowly took his hand off your mouth and you instantly started talking, "what are you doing?!" You whisper yelled, he shushed you as he peeked around the door waiting for the last bit of people to disappear into the cafeteria. You crossed your arms impatiently as he finally turned to you, "why did you have to go and choose a fight with Uli?!" He began, you let out a breathless scoff, "what the hell do you mean by "choose a fight"? She was the one who started it! I was only standing up for B." He sighed, "yeah? Well now she's been non stop talking about you about how she wants to quite literally kill you." You raised your eyebrows, "her words, not mine." He corrected. You shrugged unbothered, "if it means she's gonna stop bothering Bridget, I'm fine with that." He shook his head, "love, I just want you to be careful. You know how much of a bitch she can be, and she has no limits whatsoever. So please, I'm just looking out for you." You took in his words, sighing and nodding and stopped when you heard Bridget and Charlotte talking in the hallway, "where is she? She said she'd be here." You made eye contact with him while you listened to their conversation, "do you think she bailed?" The other sighed, "I wouldn't put it past her." After hearing that, without thinking, you instantly walked out of the classroom and into the hall, you saw the worried expressions wash away as they relaxed, "oh thank goodness you're here. Uh, what were you doing with him?" You tilted your head in confusion and turned to see Hook who seemed to have walked out right after you, you looked back at them, "was he picking on you?" Bridget asked, the worried expression found its way back to her face. You nodded, "yeah, it was just a bunch of empty threats though. I'm fine." You said simply, "y/n, you should be more carefu-" she cut herself off, "you know what never mind, you have a date to get to!" The two started pulling you towards the courtyard, "it's all set up, you're gonna love it!" They explained.
When you entered the courtyard, you saw people scattered around the area, talking and going about their daily lives as always. You then spotted a table with a little cloth over it and a picnic basket and candle on top. You found it cute that your friends did all this just for you. You then looked at the guy sitting there and instantly recognized him as one of the defenders on the tourney team. You took a deep shaky breath, all the guys on the team were assholes and tools. But you decided to trust their better judgement and walked over to him. He looked up at you and stood up, "hey, I'm Daniel." He stuck his hand out to greet you, you smiled, "y/n. Nice to meet you." The two of you sat down, "so how'd B and Charlotte convince you to do this?" You laughed, he smiled, "they didn't have to, they just told me there would be free food and I couldn't turn that down." You both laughed. So far so good.
Hook observed from afar, leaning up against a tree, jealousy and anger bubbled within as he watched as you forced a laugh out while the guy talked. He didn't like how the guy didn't let you talk or how obnoxious he was. Though it wasn't a real date, or so you claimed, he still hated to see someone treat you so poorly. He could see the forced smile on your face, trying your best to act interested in what he was saying. Hook knew you better than anyone, including your own sister, so he knew you were bored and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. "Hey J, whatcha up to?" Morgie came up from behind him causing him to jump a little, Morgie followed his eye line and smiled, "nothing, just observing.." he said with a disgusted tone which was thankfully perceived as being disgusted by you and not jealousy. Morgie simply nodded, "well, Uli told me to come find you, she has a plan she wanted to share." Hook nodded, not taking his eyes off you, "okay, I'll..." he trailed off when he saw the guy stand up and gave you his hand to take and watched intently as he leaned in with you slowly backing away, "fuck that." he instantly ran up to you, yanking you away and pulling you into a kiss instead causing you to gasp. You pulled away, "what are you-" you stared into his eyes and immediately kissed him again laying your hands on his chest. His soft lips on yours as he pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. You heard audible gasps from Bridget and Charlotte and some whispering from others, Daniel was about to protest but understood what was happening and walked off. You broke the kiss and stared into his eyes, "I love you." You whispered while brushing his hair back that covered his face, he smiled, "I love you too."
"Y/n!" You jumped at the sound of Charlotte's angered voice and looked to the two, her face filled with confused frustration and Bridget beside her with a surprised look, "uh, yeah..?" You said nervously, "I can't believe this." You sighed, ready for the long rant on how it was unacceptable for you to be with a VK. "Look, I'm sorry but.." Charlotte shook her head, "I can't believe you didn't tell us!" Bridget's face lit up, "yeah! Oh my gosh! Y/n, I'm so proud of you!" She enveloped you in a strong warm hug as she spun you around. “How long have you been together?” You chuckled nervously, “uh, about six months” the two girls jaws dropped in shock. After a few moments Bridget spoke up, "now that I think of it, it was so obvious I'm surprised we never put the pieces together!" You frowned, "what do you mean, obvious?" She crossed her arms with a grin, "well, he never picked on you like ever. He only ever listened to you when you would tell them to stop picking on us and today, he had a cute concerned look on his face when you stood up for me!" She thought about it and she lowered her voice, "oh my gosh... were you guys... in the classroom?!" You both shook your heads violently, "no, no, no. We weren't. I swear!" You defended. She looked over at Hook and back over at you, "okay, but does he treat you, you know? Good?" You smiled and looked over at him, "yes, he's a sweetheart actually" Bridget tilted her head in adoration of you two. "really? He's a sweetheart?" Charlotte spoke up in a surprised tone while pointing and looking him up and down, him returning the look to her, "yes, I know. Shocking." You snorted causing him to roll his eyes and the girls giggle. You looked behind the girls and met eyes with Morgie who was with the rest of the VKs who were looking at you with a glare, then the thought hit you. You turned to James, "oh... what about your friends?" He followed to where you were looking and sighed, "I'll deal with them later. I'm just happy we can finally stop hiding." You both smiled at each other lovingly and he gave you a light kiss on the forehead. "Me too."
Charlotte and Bridget being able to see you be in love made them feel like proud parents, ecstatic about the fact that their sister and best friend had possibly found her happily ever after.
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supersonicsidekick · 29 days
Currently obsessed with this image.
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caswensworld · 5 months
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They look SICK! Uliana is killing it and looks like poison itself! Ursula who? Hook is living sass and I love that. Maleficent looks so regal, I just have to get used to the hair. Hades is my spirit god, I am him, he is me. THEY are Rotten to the Core. This is what Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos are
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versusvirtuous · 19 days
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