#usually i don't want people to repost my art but this one is free real estate
taigafore · 2 years
"Occupier, put seeds in your pockets!Glory to Ukraine"
Help refugees, donate, report and remove trolls. Don't fall into complacency. Feel free to download and spread this animation.
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madfantasy · 4 months
To fan art and fiction enjoyers:
Please excuse my rage slipping if it happened over having to address this literal mediocrity of a subject in comparison to endless things that actually matters in real life. Because this would be at the scrapping bottom of it, but since the occasion presented itself, here we are:
Do you know there are some, let's say, manners, being in fandoms, and/or in using social media in general? NOOO? 8U
Well, Lets start somewhere!
Like it or not, YOU NEED TO ACTUALLY READ STUFF PEOPLE WRITE. Before you follow, before you comment, before you interact, because if you come across something you don't like, or you started to assume things— that's a you problem and not the fault of the poster.
If you DO NOT enjoy a character, a pair of ship, or a certain head cannon, filter the tag it's used for, Google has free tutorials on how. Most social media have these settings and most decent posters tag their posts correctly. If you keep seeing that pair, you can block the people who create it. You are free to do so ofc but WHY WOULD U come on main and air that out? Personally I find it so bizarre and it could show the type of person you are to other people — a toxic company over fictional substance — and I'd say that is not a flex, more like showing your dirty nappy in public. Those characters you love are not real and so not effected by your high ground stance, but actual humans that share you that love notice and get that impression, and it's a weird one. You SHOULD, of course, set your boundaries, and usually where that is be in your profile, on your bio or a pinned post.
Loving bizarre, villainous, creepy concepts DOES NOT EQUAL morality, nor loving good sunshine and flowers does. It's what a person does in real life what counts, not what they consume in entertainment. In fact, it is not a sign of a good person those who be shaming humans who like different fictional concepts. Or when someone keeps using ai generators knowing full well it's based on constant data theft of all sort of human creators across generations and can not exist without the continuance of this theft. Or those supporting creators that they know did irl crimes. Or those who are Policing what's can and cannot go into fiction as if the fickleness of preference have never let alot of things survive its judgement. And I can go on with the miniature examples. You are forgiven if you did not know before, some people learn through experience, but not anymore when you continue this behaviour. And maybe if you can't differentiate between reality and fiction, and what's more important than what, maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't be consuming fiction.
DO NOT POST WHAT YOU DID NOT CREATE. Do you like it when people keep posting your selfies that you only ment to share for funsies and what not? Isn't worse if you did not post that selfie in the first place or never wanted it to be used like that? It's the SAME FOR ART. This is the artists work just as much as your face is yours. Social media at the baseline is about who ever the poster is, their posts are theirs. So you posting an artist's drawing, with no permission, no credit to them, no nothing, is not allowed and people can report that. Don't be an ignorant thick fig and play the victim when schooled like this precious dear\s .Reposters disconnect so many content from their creators and this is how alot of beautiful things in life die, by simply not knowing they are loved, shoved into the over consumption machine..
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And lastly, You don't have anything nice to say to OP? Don't say anything! It's not your misguided duty to educate people on how embarrassingly self centered you are, it's okay to be a basic #&★— I promise. It okay to feel out of place in a niche that doesn't concern you. It's okay to realise other people have different perspectives of the fiction work you enjoy. You can sit down.
And I'd like to add, Mani is a safe space for au and ships even if I don't like em, cuz they are only FICTION and will remain FICTION no matter how much I loved them or hated them.
Good day, dears🍀
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Tumblr 101
This is an important read for anybody who is new to Tumblr and/or only likes instead of reblogs.
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These icons are at the bottom right corner of every post you see.
On the left is the comment option, the speech bubble. Comments are a quick way to make your thoughts known on a post without reblogging it. Comments are good for chatting with someone after they answer your ask as an alternative to spamming their ask box. Commenting + liking is NOT an alternative to reblogging.
In the middle is the reblog option, the two arrows. This is the most important thing to know about using Tumblr. Reblogging is how Tumblr functions. When you reblog something (art, fic, meme, whatever), you display it on your own blog while keeping the connection to the original poster/creator. This is how creators get their works seen! If you like something, reblog it! I cannot stress this enough!
Reblogging is not to be confused with reposting. You will see artists say to not repost their art. This means that you are not allowed to copy-paste somebody else's art and make it into your own post. This is stealing, and it hurts artists. Reposting erases all connections to the real artist and makes it seem like you made it even though you didn't. If your repost gets reblogged by people who don't know better, all of the attention will go to you instead of the actual artist. Most people get very hostile when they discover somebody reposting art, so it's a good thing that I'm teaching you now!
While we're on the topic of supporting artists, let's take a minute to talk about commissions. Art is hard work, and therefore, art is usually not free. Most artists and writers have a Ko-fi or similar way of accepting tips and donations from people who like their work and want to support them. If you want something drawn/written for you, be respectful! Find somebody who has open commissions and ask them how much it will cost to buy their time and talent. Many artists and writers also open drawing/writing requests or prompts, which are free. However, free to request does not mean free to use. If you want to save and use somebody's art, you have to pay them for it unless they say otherwise.
Finally, on the right is the like option, the heart. Likes are the most misused feature on Tumblr. Here's a little secret: likes are useless here. Liking a post is not an alternative to reblogging. Tumblr has no algorithm, so the only thing that will support your favorite artists is you reblogging their work! Likes are little extras that you give along with a reblog, or drop on somebody's post to tell them that you see it. For example, I only use likes on my friends' text posts, such as answered asks or vents, or on something that I reblog as a reminder to myself that I've seen it before (and as extra love for the creator). When I admire some art or writing, I give them a like and a reblog.
An extra warning for people who have never reblogged anything but have hundreds of likes: you will likely be blocked on sight by a lot of people. Having so many likes but no reblogs means that you look like a bot and that you are actually messing up the system. Nobody will think that you're cringe for reblogging what you like! Now is the time to start interacting for real! Be free, have fun, and reblog to your heart's content!
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How about the ask box? This can go by many names as customized by the user. This is a place for people to start a conversation, ask a question, or play an ask game. If somebody answers your ask and you want to keep talking, the polite thing to do is either comment or reblog it. Spamming somebody's inbox with individual sentences instead of keeping it in one post is time consuming and widely considered to be annoying.
Last but not least, your follower count. Here's another secret of Tumblr: nobody cares about your follower count! Nobody can see it except for you and it won't make you or your posts any more visible because there's no algorithm. If you want interaction, find some friends and cool artists and reblog their stuff. Very few accounts are considered to be "Tumblr famous" and frankly, you don't want that kind of attention here.
Please let me know if you have any questions! How you interact with this post is your first test so I can see that you are listening and learning! 💜
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kyra45 · 11 months
Hello Reddit transfers! Here's some scam spotting tips
Hi! I'm Key (Or Jess), and I'm here to give you some tips to spotting scams. Think of my blog as a subreddit but with several posts a day that often show a scam post or give scam information. All this info is done as a hobby so I'll give you a rundown on the basics of how pet donation scams work here. If you like my hard work, feel free to throw me pocket change or check out my Ko-Fi where I take art commissions. Or just say thanks!
If you share a popular/trending text post, you may get an ask from a blog who wants you to share their pinned pet post. They'll ask you to answer the ask privately but urge you their pet is very ill and needs aid quickly. Commonly, this pet is a cat. But on occasion it's a dog. The ask will tell you their not a bot/etc and are just a person, promise!
If you check the blog, turn timestamps on under dashboard settings. By doing so, you'll get to see the date their pinned post was made. Usually, these posts are only a few hours old or even a few days old so always take caution if you see it's a post that isn't very old. This isn't always a red flag for a scam post, but it's advised to pay attention since you'll see these kind of things often enough since the scammer barely changes up their pattern.
Scrolling the account should also show you how many posts the blog has made. Often, you'll only find roughly 100 posts that are always made within minutes of the other. These posts come from a trending tag of the day generally and are rarely tagged since their just shared all at once and then nothing else. You will usually also see the archive has been turned off since the blog is set to only dashboard view and only accessible to logged in users. This measure isn't always a sign of a scammer, as users can have real reasons for this! But it's a common tactic for scam accounts.
The post tells you the cat/dog is suffering from some medical condition and claims the op will get paid in a few weeks but they need the money before then and they promise they'll pay you back when they reach their goal. Not all users who make posts like that are scam accounts and many of them are real people who will return the help once they can. The op will also tell you to send money by friends and family because they need it quickly and don't want it held up. Usually they'll have a link that will tell you to send them funds there.
However, you may notice some things are off in the post itself. While the op asks for USD, their pay link says their in the Philippines which is not USD and would require conversion rates to apply. Not all PH-based bloggers are scammers and some are disappointed that some people are. Its sadly a well known thing here that this scammer is from there but no one knows who they really are as every name used is stolen off a private aid group. Another thing to do is check the notes and see how many reblogs are directly from the op. Usually you'll find several.
If you want to, it is suggested to ask the op if they can provide you proof they own the cat/dog if your unsure of the legitimacy of their claim. For example, ask them to write their url on a piece of paper and take a picture of it on top of the pet they supposedly own or even post a short video of them calling the pet and holding the paper in sight. Usually this results in the op likely blocking you.
It's suggested to warn anyone sharing these scam posts and reporting scam accounts under Phishing as it's usually the fastest way to deal with them on a daily basis. This scammer has been doing this for years and even brags about how they get away with it since they make hundreds of dollars doing it and ruin the reputation of the names they steal.
These scammers are also stealing content from private facebook groups and reposting them here without the owner being aware of it. The scam accounts are saving pictures and passing them off as their pet. Watermark your vet bill and pet pics in your aid posts if you want to deter scammers from stealing it for future uses. If you are in a fb group that posts vet bill help, please inform them a scammer is going around taking their posts and reusing it for fraudulent reasons. I have seen cases where some scammers even used pictures off Reddit to use for scams.
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taralen · 9 months
𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘!
I am a fantasy artist and writer based in the USA. This blog is mostly for my art and for sharing others' art. Sometimes, I'll post writings, musings, or theories about a work of fiction that I think warrants some in-depth analysis. I don't have any separate blogs, as I don't see the point in making them. I struggle with a lot of mental health conditions, so I'm really unstable but congenial. Hope you don't mind! Trust me, I am no threat to the public at large! I love making others laugh and smile, so why not just laugh at me, with me? The subject of this blog is primarily art and writing. I do not repost memes if they have nothing to do with either of these two categories.
If you're looking for specific tags, please use this guide:
#my art - Use this tag to filter posts showing only stuff drawn by me
#my writing - Similar to the above but just for writing I've done.
#musings - Random thoughts, journal posts, or ramblings, aka actual "blog" posts.
#merch haul - Posts related to collectibles I've obtained that I want to share with others.
#not my art - Filter posts to only show art I've reblogged by other people.
You can find me in a few other locations, but I'm only going to list my active ones here.
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/taralen For most of my completed pieces. The only sketches you'll find here are for clients who commissioned sketchy pieces.
Myfigurecollection: https://myfigurecollection.net/profile/Taralen For my figure and hobby-related stuff (doujin, merch, etc.) I sometimes build my own figures (aka Garage Kits.) I've been collecting valuables since I was a kid, so you can consider me an experienced collector. Have questions to avoid getting scammed? I'm the one to poke!
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3540237 [[JP Only. Also 18+ but censored.]]
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/taralen Uncensored 18+ options, Hi-res versions, process compilations, and original pieces (usually concept art) I don't upload publicly.
Discord: [[Private]] I love meeting new people, but I would rather speak to someone privately on here first before I share this. I'm extremely chatty, so be warned!
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/Taralen I'm the least active on here, but I might as well include it.
DNI IF YOU: Nothing offends me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) JK I am a very curious and open-minded person. If you have views that don't align with mine, we might not have the best conversation, but it can certainly be an enlightening or interesting one! What are my views? Well, we learn these things from each other through polite conversation. Exposing myself to different lifestyles and opinions is enriching. Who knows? Even a hateful individual might change their mind when speaking to someone with kindness and understanding. I'm open to being followed, messaged, etc., by just about anyone, even people who I vehemently disagree with, UNLESS: ❎ You've committed or condoned acts of animal, child, elderly, or disabled person abuse/assault. We don't need slimes like that anywhere. Anyone that harms real innocents is a piece of human scum, regardless of whether or not they fit the categories I listed. ❎ You're just trying to sell some sex service to me. Sorry, but I am not interested. ❎ Condone or committed acts of necrophilia on deceased humans or animals. Seriously, what the $%^& is wrong with you? ❎ You are a stalker. Kind of obvious, but I had one in the past, so don't act like I forgot. 8^)
If you have similar interests, feel free to message me or ask me questions. I am lonely, so it's nice to talk to new people now and then. If you think my ideas, "headcanons," or interpretations are stupid, then that's fine. I don't expect everyone to like them. It is what it is.
Any and all reblogs are appreciated. If you repost my stuff like, say, on Reddit, please give credit and link back to the source, whether it be here or somewhere else. I always like seeing my work shared.
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rielzero · 1 month
Goodnight Fellow Abyss lurkers! I'm RielZero | About Me | 2024
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You can call me Riel! I am a gay, neurodivergent, disabled artist from the netherlands. I am dutch, though I primarily communicate and write in english more comfortably. Since I am not a fulltime employed human and can't work, I spend my days creating art, playing videogames and reading comics. Branding and Handle My Preferred handle online is actually.. ActualEvil! However, this one seems to be currently taken by another user on this website. Since this is a somewhat uncommon occurrence, my back-up handle tends to be the name of my OC Persona, Riel Zero. If you want to make sure an active social is mine, please check out my Carrd for my socials.
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I don't feel comfortable sharing too much personal detail online, however there are some things I have talked about and will point towards because I think its important.
Disabilities (and Ableism) I've talked in detail about my experience with Dissociative amnesia and how it affects my day-to-day life. I am mute and not capable of speaking due chronic pain. When I happen to mention my disabilities or autism, folks will often do the thing were they offer unsolicited advice because they do not understand invisible disabilities. My only request is that you do not pity me for being disabled, discredit my experiences, ask for diagnoses or try to diagnose me with new things. Amongst these, I also suffer from IBS, chronic fatigue and light sensitivity. Please do not make up assumptions about my life.
I'm too gay for this shit If It wasn't obvious from my little blog blurb, I'm a gay dude! Yes, alphabet maffia! In all seriousness I do not tolerate intolerance and support my diverse community. Please do not send Homophobia, Transphobia or Queerphobia of any sort my way. Fellow queers, I see you, and I love you.
This Blog is for fun The world is pretty tough and awful lately, I am not a ''content creator'' Whatever work I make is mostly made for myself by myself. I blog about nerdy things, I come online to escape real life. I'm by no means an activist or even educated enough to speak out on politics.
Can I ask you... Where I live? My IRL name? Face reveal? Where I went to school? What my family is like? If I have friends and foes? No. Privacy is pretty important to me. You might find nuggets here and there on my blog, but I avoid sharing the bigger picture. Please respect this.
Boundaries I am pretty chill and don't mind being interacted with or making friends, being moots is cool! But if you are trying to start a conversation with me and I don't respond please don't take it too personal, I am more socially awkward than you might think. As I'm an adult, I would rather not interact with underage people. If you are a minor I humbly discourage you from following my blog(s). I curate my experience and I recommend you do as well.
Please do not steal, trace, or repost my artwork. Reblogs are appreciated!
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Can I ask you some art advice? I am self taught, but I'm not exactly the right guy to teach others. I do have a few tutorials (1, 2, 3) up on clipstudio tips, but that's about it. You are free to ask me about my work and thought process! But don't expect it to blow your mind.
When did you start drawing? I don't remember to be honest. Digitally I started when I was 13, haven't really put the pen down since.
Why do you use 3D in your main work? Long story short: Work smarter, not harder. I have more fun this way. What do you use for art? Digitally: XP Pen 22 Artist Pro pen display (1st generation) Traditionally: A lot of different brands, usually ohuhu markers. Generic typical ink pens for scribbly doodles.
Do you take commissions? Do you sell Adoptables? Can I support you in some way? When commissions are open, you can find them on my Ko-fi! I also sell adoptables on there. Being disabled means my access to work is limited, so is my access to luxury spending. Earnings go towards funding my hobbies. Alternatively, I have throne.
Do you do art trades? Art trades are reserved only for friends and mutuals. Please private message me if you are interested in art trading. I may not always be available for this.
What is your favorite media? What inspires you? Difficult to answer really- I LOVE DEADPOOL! I love marvel. Marvel movies, marvel comics- COMICS!! I love anime, I love manga- I also love webcomics, I am a comic book collector and I am slowly teaching myself to make comics. I love all things superhero and fantasy. Hell yeah VIDEOGAMES grindy RPGs, fallout 4, skyrim, spiderman, horizon zero dawn, conan exiles, god of war- BALDUR'S GATE 3!! hajhsjdjhfgg I can't pick a favorite. Hyper-fixations are loud demons and they come out at night. And during the day. And while I sleep. I have a love for a lot of things.
Do you have a favorite artist? Everytime I try to answer this my brain breaks, this would require a large separate post on its own. I love a lot of artists and artistic works. If you want a classic work though, It would be the nightwatch by Rembrandt van Rijn.
Do you have pets? Yes! GUINEA PIGS!! Here's a post and another about them.
My question isn't on here.. I have an askbox for that! I don't bite- Ok I might. Just a nibble. ...Just a little nibble.
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Man Made Fire (Original Webcomic, Currently on Hiatus) Webtoon Canvas tapas io Tumblr Blog
''A spark, all it takes to start a fire. Hope, light, warmth. What about the underlying destruction that never ceases to threaten all that exists?
Is the spark the start of change, or the warning sign of the endless cycle itself?''
Man Made Fire is a comic series following the endless cycle of death, destruction and rebirth, witnessed by a Multiversal Traveller we may come to know as Schrodinger's Cat; AKA ''RielZero'' or ''The saviour.''
Baldur's Gate: Don't Say Inevitable (Fan Webcomic Series) Webtoon Canvas Tumblr Blog
''Locke is an unlucky, nobody Warlock with very little going well for him. Growing up he's known nearly nothing but pain, loss, hunger, and death. Failing his apprenticeship as a Necromancer, Locke contemplates his life before being snatched away by mind flayers. Only to wake up stranded with 4 concussions. He is quick to find fellow victims, and without much else to go on with, decides to put his survival skills to use to find a cure for the parasite, fast.''
Don't say inevitable is a fan comic series based on my playthrough of the videogame Baldur's Gate 3 and the surrounding Dungeons and Dragon's universe. It mostly follows the misadventures of Locke and his companions.
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99% Percent of art that I post that isn't Baldur's gate 3 related are Original characters and personal creations. Check out my Toyhouse!
Originality has flaws Please do not compare my ocs to pre-existing characters, or to the ocs of others. Any coincidental similarities between people's characters has the tendency to be just that: Coincidence. People like and enjoy similar themes and tropes in characters. Even if they're rare. Please do not intentionally take my character work, stories and designs and claim them as yours. Do not kin my OCs. Do not roleplay with my OCs.
Character Ages Unless stated otherwise, all my characters are adults. My art style is not super realistic when it comes to facial features, petite and soft-looking characters may appear younger than they are. Please keep in mind that hollywood movies have made us age-blind.
Mature Themes My Ocs are usually not of the wholesome-only kind, and may have mature themes associated with their backstories.
Can I ask something about your oc(s)? You can ask me, or you can ask the oc directly! I might draw the response. If your question requires me to spoiler, I may not answer it. Some questions will linger in my inbox for a long time until I feel ready to answer them.
Can I draw you gift art/ Can I draw my oc interacting with your oc(s)? You can draw my ocs as is if you want to. Please do not alter their design in any way if you do. I appreciate gift art! I save all gift works I receive, and may upload some of it to their toyhouse galleries. (with credit, of course.) As for interactive art, If the character has not appeared in any of my comics, please ask first before you draw them with your oc.
Can I ship my oc with your oc? If we are not mutuals, please don't. Please keep in mind while my characters have diverse sexualities, a lot of them are gay. Some ocs are Aro/ace. I'm not really interested in M/F stuff. If we are moots/friends and you want to talk about RP or fun shipping headcanons with me, my pms are open!
Can I buy/offer you something for your oc(s)? No.
Do you Roleplay with your ocs? I do not participate in TTRPGS, but I have roleplayed with friends.
Can I write fanfiction about your oc(s)? At the moment I don't feel super comfortable with this. This might change in the future. If you are a friend or mutual and want to gift a fic, I'm not against it.
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Youtube: Actual Evil and Actual Evil - Games Twitch: ActualEvil
Other blogs: @ohnoestherestadpoles @manmadefire @actuallyevilgay @rielzero-adoptables
If you see this, thank you so much for reading this long ass introduction/pinned post, I've taken several hours of a day to work on this and double check. Still, it might miss some information you're maybe looking for and I'm sorry for that.
I'm not the best at conveying tone, so if anything on here makes me sound like I'm full of myself.. Or any other negative character traits- Keep in mind that I'm merely human. I'm flesh and blood, I am not perfect by any means.
I'm just some guy on the internet.
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iicynox-art · 2 years
Heyo, iicynox here! Glad you took some time to check out my art sideblog! Welcome, welcome, happy to have ya! ^-^ Feel free to look around!
Quick Ground Rules And Info
The current art medium is pen/pencil and paper, as it is what I am most comfortable with. I don't usually color my stuff, though I do like adding splashes of color to experiment or the like. I will dabble in digital from time to time, but it's not the primary medium. Yet. Also sorry for any inconsistenies in art style lol. I love experimenting and/or mimicking the style of the fandom I am drawing for (the list of which is Here).
Please no reposts! Chances are I will post on that site myself soon. On the off chance I don't post on a site, please don't be afraid to ask for permission to do so. So long as you intend to give credit, chances are I'll say yes, but I would still like to be informed. Reblogs on here are very welcome though! -In addendum, please don't trace my art.
Requests. If the description says open, feel free to request away! I will admit I still have a lot to learn when it comes to art, but I will always strive to draw to the best of my ability! Feel free to use any of the art memes I reblog on here as inspiration (but please specify from which, as it will help me get the right expression/look!). That said, -I will not draw Notsfw art on here. Full stop. I am currently 25, but I would like to keep this blog sfw. I'll consider making a different sideblog for that sometime later, but for now, it is a no. -OCs. I love OCs! I have many of my own, some of which will be seen here. If you want me to draw your OC, by all means! I do ask that you provide me with some references in that case, please! The more detailed (descriptions, pictures, etc), the better. I'd hate to get any details on your OC wrong! >-< -I can and will draw ship art. However I do reserve the right to decline if said ship discomforts me. Pushing for it can result in a block (as would continual pushiness for art in general). Don't let that discourage you though. For the most part, the worst I will say/do is say no/delete the request. If it's really that bad, I will simply block. -For certain, I won't draw real person shipping unless the people involved have specifically stated they are okay with it.
Triggers. I don't really have any personal ones, so to speak. Any art with potential triggers will be tagged (ex; 'blood tw') to the best of my ability (list of them I do tag is here). I may slip up or even not have known to tag a particular trigger, in such cases please don't be afraid to–kindly–let me know. I welcome it! And if you have a particular one you would like for me to add, by all means, do let me know too! Though I will say I won't tag characters/fandoms/ships specifically as triggers. They will be tagged as per usual for blocking though.
Hate. Any and all hate will be ignored and disposed of, most notably in a block of the sender. Please, let's not spread negativity, especially in such a manner. If you have that much of a problem with something and/or me, step back, cool off a bit, then talk to me personally to resolve it and/or unfollow/block as you see fit and move on. It's that easy! We can be civilized, yes? And remember, Anon is a privilege, not a right.
For now, this is it! I think I have covered everything, but I will update it over time. Thank you for your patience in reading all this! Have a cookie for your troubles. 🍪
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lady-of-disdain · 3 years
If you're so bothered by a cartoon ship (which... no words) still don't understand why you take it out on shippers, not like you could do much about the studio anyway, they don't care, as they should, but then being on our ass is entirely pointless... maybe that's the problem at the same time, maybe to some extent you do realise no one cares so you've decided persecuting a bunch of fan creators and consumers would be the next best thing. That said I feel it's imperative to point out, we're not Sunrise, we're not the ones with the power to shape this story, so you bullying us is frankly just devoid of any meaning other than raw intent for violence. At the very least admit that and drop the pretences, it's the only thing you've done after all, one would have to be blind not to see it.
If you're afraid a puny ship might be canon, and whatever you've twisted it to mean for you, take it up with the studio, alternatively with god since you're so into fictive characters over real life. Come to think of it didn't you guys have a friend that has a friend working at the studio? How come you're still so insecure? Why don't you tell the friend of the friend to influence the plot? Why hasn't this friend of a friend provided any other inside scoops to make themselves credible? Questions, questions.
Either way, hurting shippers will achieve nothing, we were gonna ship no matter the canon status of the ship, and I pity you people who think that shipping something has to be done because you want something canon, as opposed to just... for fun... but maybe that comes naturally with being pathetic, anyway, the possibility of it becoming canon now has nothing to do with us. Even less so as Westerners, if audience even has any sort of influence in all this, it would be the Japanese one way before it would be any Western one. Appreciate you giving us so much importance, but we don't need it, and we're just not really as important as you attribute, we'd just love it if you stopped hurting people over cartoons. You made something gruesome out of a fairy tale, that's on you, that's your problem, and we'd all be better off if you found a way to deal with that didn't rely on abusing others.
Honey, are you lost? I think there was maybe a different blog this rant was supposed to be sent to but I got it by mistake. Because I have no worldly idea what you are talking about in about half of this ask.
The first thing that confuses me: that I’m apparently “taking it out on shippers”, “ persecuting”, and “bullying” them? Please show me your receipts. I’ve literally never directly initiated contact with a sessrin blog. Hell, the one time I considered answering a post made by a pro blog, it was going to be in direct response to a question they posed in the anti tag, directed towards antis, and it turns out I couldn’t even answer the post because the user had most of the anti community blocked. (Silly, I know, but this is what we’ve been dealing with so what can I say.) Any time I want to respond to a sessrin argument that wasn’t directed to me anyways, I would usually screenshot it and blackout the names.
I can count on one hand the times I’ve even posted in the same thread as pro sessrin blogs, and in those cases, I either A) didn’t directly call out the other blog/blogs that were posting in the same thread as me, or @ them, or B) was only even interacting in said post because pro shippers were piling on and harassing people in the thread, and I was simply pointing out that there were shippers in said thread acting fools. The only time I ever even pointed out a particular blog I did it via screenshot and did it to keep a record of a blog that was admitting to flagging our posts as spam. 
If you would like to see proof of my interactions, all you have to do is check the #receipts tags on my blog, you’ll find all of my interactions conveniently tagged. (Oh and don’t worry, I’ll get back to that receipts tag shorty.)
The second thing you said that confuses me, that I have a “friend that has a friend working at the studio”? What (and I can’t stress this enough) the FUCK, are you talking about? 
I.....have never made this claim? Where have I ever said this, where have I ever reblogged this? I’ve never even read this? I need some clarification here, because either you are from an alternate timeline where I’m living a much cooler life, or like I said, you have the wrong blog.
Anyways, regardless of the fact that I’m pretty sure you sent this to the wrong person, I guess I can render a response to the base question you seem to be asking here: Why argue with shippers?
Really, at the end of the day, I’m not arguing with your average shipper. Hell, there are a few blogs I even follow and interact with that have said they like sessrin content, but they understand this is not an appropriate thing for a kid's show. And I can respect that because I’ve been in the problematic ship boat in other fandoms. (Here’s a hint, in one of the fandoms that I followed content for a problematic ship in, a content creator was given cookies with sewing needles baked into them, yikes right?!)
The main message of mine and many other blogs I follow is that this ship isn’t appropriate for children’s media, and what happens is a lot of salty people come out of the woodwork who feel the need to argue and say there is nothing wrong with it, which causes us to have to list the reasons why there is indeed something wrong with it (thus why it shouldn't be in said children’s media), then what happens is people like you come at us and act like all we’ve been doing is bullying shippers, and “why don’t you just let us ship in peace!?!?!?!!!??”
In fact, I shouldn’t even be surprised that I got this ask eventually, because as I’ve pointed out in the past, the shipper argument seems to be a cyclical one.
A blogger will make a statement something along the lines that they really don’t care if people ship sessrin, but the shippers really shouldn’t be making a lot of noise to the studio that they want to see this ship in the show because kids watch it, and it’s not a great message to send to kids.
A shipper will then message the blog (usually anonymously if possible) something along the lines of you’re wrong about the ship sending a bad message to kids because of xyz, or it’s a totally normal and healthy relationship, and you’re wrong, or Yashahime isn’t for kids, etc.
The Blogger will then respond with actual evidence, a well-worded response, or even just fucking common sense (like come on, some of the mental gymnastics I’ve seen people employ to try to validate this fucking ship to us is hilarious).
The blogger will then get another message something along the lines of  “why don’t you just let us ship in peace!?!?!?!!!??”
At which point the whole process is rinsed and repeated. Congratulations you’ve just witnessed a new grey hair grow out of my fucking scalp.
However, there is a new facet to this shit gem that I’ve noticed during this whole annoying cycle, and that is the fact that a lot of pro shippers are making claims that they are being harassed by anti blogs, but I’m not seeing a lot of proof of this. And make no mistake, if I see an established anti blog being terrible, or making a false claim, I have no problem calling them out, or correcting false information. Please, feel free to screenshot proof and post it in the anti tag, and see how many other blogs won't put up with this either.
And to be clear, I don’t really count anonymous asks as harassment, because people can be sending that shit to themselves. Just like I don’t mind asks I get like this one because I naively respond to them in the hopes that maybe someone will actually understand what the argument has been about this whole time. And if I didn’t like it, turning off anon magically gets rid of it, so *shrug*.
No, I’m talking about actual, out in the open harassment, or shitty behavior. 
Like oh say, Patreon art being reposted in a discord server, then when a good samaritan reports the art theft they are harassed by their fellow discord members. 
Or maybe the ongoing flagging and harassment campaigns that are going on over almost all online social media platforms. 
Or how about the time some people tried to start a Twitter smear campaign against a voice actor who has some opinions about their ship they don’t like.
Yeah, remember how I said I’ve got a receipts tag. I see ya’ll.
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bbq-hawks-wings · 4 years
Art reposting etiquette
I see art theft happen a lot, and whether or not it's true or has just been happening more frequently in the circles I follow I can't help but at least feel like it's becoming more and more of a problem.
To be clear, "reposting" is downloading art from a website that you did not make or own, and uploading it as a separate post, regardless of where and how it's presented - with notable exception of header and profile pictures assuming they are not trying to imitate the artist. Not all art theft is reposting, but all improper reposting is art theft.
As cut and dry as "stop art theft it's bad, don't repost art" posts make it sound, there are several benevolent reasons people may want to repost such as:
Believing they are spreading the artist's influence around the internet
Adding intrigue or a visual aid to a fanfiction
Sharing some neat art they thought was really cool
Just to name a few
Assuming the best in people, these are not necessarily bad reasons and DON'T MAKE PEOPLE BAD, but many often don't understand there's a dark side to the reposting issue.
People who may want more art may be unable to find the original creator
People may not realize that the artist makes rent with the very artwork you're enjoying and they may be looking at stolen premium content meant to put food on the table
People take art and further edit it so that it becomes even harder to trace back to the original
Malicious websites and bots find popular fanart and illegally use it to produce bootleg merch. This has a double-whammy effect when someone sees the merch IRL when out and about and wants it because it's cool art of their favorite character but don't realize the artist is actively being robbed.
Reposting art makes it harder for the artist to track down the thief and take legal action as well as actively funnels traffic away from their business. By and large it should always be assumed that reposting for any reason is damaging to the artist's wellbeing; and frankly, if you don't care you're actively hurting someone, it makes you the asshole, not me for calling you out.
But, that isn't to say reposting is NEVER allowed, but ONLY UNDER EXTREMELY SPECIFIC CIRCUMSTANCES. That's the point of this post.
Before you can decide if you should even attempt to repost art, check these things first:
If it says directly on the art "do not repost" don't waste your time. They are not going to make an exception for you.
Check to see if the art is already on the platform you're planning to upload to (especially here on Tumblr). Often, artists make it a point to put their work in very specific locations for their own reasons. They may not want their work on your website at all and you need to respect that.
Gain the artist's explicit permission after explaining where you want to repost their work, which work you want to repost, and why with how you plan to credit them. If you gain permission, keep a copy of the conversation for your own protection. If you do not gain permission, don't repost at all.
If you gain permission to repost art, these things are an absolute necessity:
Mention of the artist's name
THEIR main platform of choice
link to the original piece used
It would likely look something like this:
Artwork uploaded with express permission by @[artist] on [website], found here - (hyperlinked to original piece)
Bonus information to include:
Additional social media handles of the artist
Link to the artist's Patreon and/or Ko-Fi if available
Link to artist's store if available
Hyperlinking the image itself so other users can just click it to find the work/artist
Remember reposting should be about the artist, NOT YOU. You didn't create the work, and even if you supported them via Patreon it still doesn't belong to you, nor are you entitled to it. A commission you personally paid for is the only piece of work of that artist's creation you are ever entitled to unless otherwise stated in a contract when you bought it.
To continue to cover my bases I'm going to address some stances that may pop up about the issue:
"I didn't know reposting was that bad!"
It's okay. That's why I made this post. In general, as a supportive fan and consumer you should try to learn how artists are rewarded for their work on different platforms. YouTube is different from Instagram is different from Facebook is different from Tumblr. Learn which best ways to support your favorite artists in the ways that are most beneficial to them, even if all they ask for is respect and a little appreciation. And do take down any art you may have reposted. It can continue to do damage by remaining up, but removing it almost always mitigates any future harm and genuinely helps. Now you know better and can be better moving forward!
"I can't get ahold of the artist for permission."
Don't repost it then. Remember, at the end of the day reposting is only good for the reposter in fake internet points or actual money/intellectual property stolen but always tangibly hurts the artist. It sucks, but they have a right to determine where and how their hard work is displayed.
"Whatever, I'll do what I want. Lol"
Enjoy your takedown. Hey, artists, did you know you can find each website's terms of service and figure out how to submit a report with the offending post and user, and they're usually good about getting it down within days?! Look for "misappropriation" that's your ticket! 😊
But seriously, repeat offenders can get permanently banned from sites and even sued for actual real-world money and damages over your precious fake internet points. It actually pays to not be an ass!
"But I just want to support the artist and reposting is so easy!"
You know what's even easier?
Tumblr media
It's literally only one or two clicks to support the artist or tell them how much you love their work! Most other platforms make supporting content creators just as easy, and some platforms even PAY the creators based on them or enable them to grasp opportunities to be paid!
"But I don't want to bog down my followers with a huge reblog dump of one person's stuff."
Put it in queue to space it out, then.
"I don't have money to support the artist so I repost instead to give them exposure."
Time and time again it's been proven that reposting actively funnels money AWAY from them. You don't have to monetarily support them with much. Buy one thing from their store or give them $1 on Ko-Fi. If you can't even do that, tell them you love their stuff and shout to the rooftops where someone else can pay them; but don't make it harder for them to get paid. Too many artists "die of exposure."
"Why do you even care?"
I AM an artist. I currently support artists with real money monthly because I love their work. I only ever make money off my own art on commissions, and that relies on people being able to find me. I'm not even the one supporting my two children, husband, pet, and medical expenses with only this option to pay for it, and you bet your butt I still would be pissed if I ever found out my art had been misappropriated. Some people do this to SURVIVE and I want to see that those who do have as little unnecessary struggle with it as possible.
"It's fanart/fan content put on the internet for free I can do whatever I want with it!"
At least in North America the law says you can't. Did you know that the way laws are currently written, if someone takes a picture of you and finds a way to make money off that photo they don't owe you a dime? They hold the copyright to it. When art is displayed publicly, that copyright is not surrendered and is automatically afforded to the artist by virtue of it being their specific expression and work. By being their work, they can actually sue you for stealing their property.
Ask Disney, they're really good at it.
And to close this out I want to say one more thing: the internet has changed a LOT in the time I started browsing from the early 2000's. Rules are different, cultures are different, and for younger people especially you may not understand how some have had to (and still do) fight tooth and nail over this internet space and still make it.
If you didn't know all this, THAT'S OKAY! You're learning, and the internet is more or less a wild west right now. That means it's equal opportunity to be a killing field or a place we can lift up and support each other. Reposting is just one corner of the bad things that can come of it, but now you know how to help and even start reversing the damage.
Learn about how people who upload free content make money. When you find misappropriated work, report them to the site and try to inform the artist - don't even acknowledge the thief, just slap a ticket on them and move on. Teach others how and why reposting is bad and what they can do to help.
If you love free content, show respect and protect it. Otherwise, artists will have to put it behind a paywall and that content you loved will disappear over time. Respect will get you a much greater return than entitlement.
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