#utility tool vest
sw5w · 10 months
Podrace Mechanics Walk By
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:55:26
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
There's something magical about finding something unlocked that wasn't supposed to be. Ever since I was a young kid, the thrill of getting to peek inside a forbidden door, access shaft, or motor vehicle is unmatched. You get to learn stuff. It feels a little wrong. And sometimes you get to take home some cool industry-specific tools. Taken together, there's no reason not to randomly jiggle doorknobs as you walk past a particularly enticing cabinet.
Near my house is this truly enormous green utility box. It's at least five meters wide, and is as tall as a man. There's no label on the outside to make it obvious what its purpose is. Last week, someone did some maintenance on it, and they forgot to put the lock back on when they were done. Naturally, I decided I would go take a look.
Inside, I found a matrix of twinkling lights, a jungle of wiring, and no cool leftover tools. I thought at first that it might be a phone switch, but there were no fancy phone-company labels on it anywhere. Not even a hastily scrawled sign-in sheet on the door about what contractor to blame. I decided to reach further into the box, hoping to learn something about the world that surrounds me. And that's when it happened.
Friends, you might think that all those childhood fables about reaching into a disused closet in your least favourite aunt's house and being transported to another world are fiction. You'd be right: kids during World War II who engaged in such risky behaviour usually died of typhoid aggravated by hypothermia. They just hadn't invented magical phone-company cabinets yet. I soon found myself in a different land, soft snow falling upon my face from a starlight sky of beautiful LEDs. And then a half-goat, half-man addressed me.
"What the fuck?" asked Mr. Tumnus.
"It's my first day and my supervisor hasn't given me a safety vest yet. Where's the problem?" I grunted out, already ripping into the drywall behind me for any loose lengths of copper that I could grab and sell.
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sadclowncentral · 2 months
hi would you say the barrier of entry for sailing is very high?
my family had a house near the beach so i spent every summer in the sea so i absolutely ADORE IT and wanted to learn how to sail recreationally but it's always seemed so expensive + hard to get into
advice or opinions are greatly appreciated if you have any to offer<3
btw i love ur blog ty :)
i would absolutely encourage you to try sailing out and i think it's a great sport to get into! i have introduced dozens of people to sailing so far and almost all of them hit the ground running. the learning curve is steep and even just joining for the first times without touching anything is exhilarating so no moment learning is wasted. strong motion sickness or a paralyzing fear of the ocean notwithstanding, i truly think everyone can learn the ropes (haha) and that quickly! we always joke that it is very easy to get a boat sailing and very hard to get it sailing fast, but you have the rest of the life to figure out the latter and even if you don't you will have a grand time on the water.
you did not specify if you want to get on a sailing yacht (that you can sleep and do long tours on) or a smaller dhingy so i will answer both and i hope it is helpful!
when it comes to sailing yacht, the real challenge is not sailing but owning a boat, and that is where the financial barriers come in. i will not lie to you - owning a boat is really expensive, and i am talking 5 to 6 figures a year expensive for a middle-sized sailing yacht including mooring, fixes, equipment, utilities, tools, and everything else. you can absolutely find cheap boats sold at every coast line - but buying a boat is not expensive, having a boat is. (guy who just bought a rope for 600 human dollars voice) heed my warning.
THE GOOD NEWS: you absolutely do NOT need a boat to learn sailing on a yacht. everywhere there is a marina there is people looking for crew, and many sailing clubs have programmes for beginners to get you on a yacht and try it out! there are also many summer programmes to join on larger tours and learn sailing. i would encourage you to bring a friend or two because it's much easier to flounder around on a new ship in groups, but it is absolutely worth trying out and again - even being on a boat is exiting, and you learn by doing!
now. sailing is not a dangerous sport and this is my heightened sense for safety of a sailing instructor speaking. but! if you join on a boat even as a visitor please think of that sailing tumblr blog in your life and tell the captain that before you go out of the water you would like to know: 1) the number for local search and rescue, and 2) the position of the fire extinguisher, the lifeboat/life ring, and the emergency shut-off and 3) that you want to wear a life vest unrelated to weather conditions. if they make jokes about you being a worry-wart, take them in stride, but if they refuse to do any of this, you tell them that they are irresponsible and leave. things rarely go wrong but they can and i want you to know what to do. okay? sailing is not scary but being unprepared is. okay PSA over.
dhingy sailing is the most fun, the closest to the water, and the fastest way to learning sailing because you are together with one other person max facing the winds. yes you will most certainly get wet, but it is very safe, close to shore, incredibly fun and exhilarating, teaching you self-reliance, reflexes, trains your sense of balance and gives you abs. it's the perfect sport. can you tell i teach dhingy sailing
if you want to learn dhingy sailing, again, do NOT immediately buy a dhingy. while they are far less expensive they are still a hassle and setting up the mast without knowing your way around a boat will discourage you from sailing forever. instead, again, join a sailing club or a short course to learn dhingy sailing!
many places can give you intensive courses and certificates that qualify you to lend out dhingys afterwards our you join a sailing club with their own dhingys (which there are a lot of everywhere!). most offer weekly or even daily sailing lessons and group sailing and faster than you know you will flying over the water. the financial barrier here could be the course cost as they vary widely (my students pay 50 euros a year but some places will cost you that or more an hour it's hard to gauge). apart from that, you will have to invest in a neoprene suit and a sailing west, but that's the extent of it.
all in all, give sailing a try! it is the most rewarding hobby i can think of and my heart aches for everyone who lives at the coast and doesn't best the waves one way or another. and again, i cannot stress it enough: being on the water is half the fun. everything else will happen in due time. the ocean waits for you! happy sailing!
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fluorescentbalaclava · 6 months
training season's over
Chapter 4: C.R.O.W.
Crow / C.R.O.W. A derogatory term derived from the First World War, which refers to a new recruit or inexperienced soldier or Combat Recruit of War. The title is given to the newest members of a regiment.
TF141/female reader
spy reader, forced bonding, slow burn, slow build, militar inaccuracies, sugestive language, language, canon typical violence, second chance, they hate you at first sorry
previous: chapter three "Foxtrot Oscar"
The days before the mission were uneventful, they went back to the old silent treatment, which made you think that your request for professionalism was as productive as talking to a concrete wall. Three concrete walls to be precise.
You spent the nights studying the scarce intel about the island you’d received in a manila folder, and you made your own contingency plans in case you were effectively left to take care of yourself.
The five of you were up for this mission, the Bravo team as you were told once you sailed. There were a few jokes thrown around to the fact that Price was dressed as a fisherman as he was staying behind in the rented boat to keep it ready in case you had to escape if things went wrong. You were all geared up to make a swim to the shore, and the equipment they used felt heavy on your body. It's been a while since you used this kind of heavy military gear, usually opting for a lighter one and keeping only the strictly necessary in your bag, back in KorTac. But it seemed like in the 141 they wanted to go all in, heavy vest, utility belt, and an even heavier bag containing other useful things was being carried by Ghost. How they didn't sink into the bottom of the ocean carrying all those things was beyond you.
An annoyed but soft, or so you thought, sigh left your mouth as you were now inside the complex in the middle of the island, leaving a trail of dead hostiles behind you both.
"What's wrong?" Gaz whispered to you as both of you were going down a hall, empty so far.
"Nothing important" You whispered back, walking some steps in front of him, opening yet another door and firing twice, the shots were muffled by your gun's silencer. "Clear"
"Corporal, talk to me" He whispered again, guarding the door as you went through the papers in the office you just cleared to see any hints of the stolen materials. Nothing useful.
"It's just...I hate missions that involve swimming first, especially in the ocean. You have to walk around dripping for the whole thing, your skin is sticky with salt water, your clothes weigh more, and your hair is disgusting until you get a shower" You answered trying to peel the wet fabric from around your neck, grimacing at the feeling. Gaz let out a sudden chuckle, clearly not expecting that answer and probably waiting for another kind of complaint.
"Yeah, it's annoying..." He admitted, before you came out of the office in front of him again, finally close to the wider door at the end of the hall, which led to a deposit, you looked back at Gaz, and he gestured for you to go first. Of course.
You pushed the door with your body, the weapon still prepared to fire, and you felt your sergeant’s presence behind you. Only shipping containers could be seen, as well as two trucks to transport them, some other tools were scattered, as well as blueprints and oil spills on the floor.
"Ghost, this is Gaz. Everything clear around here, we found shipping containers, and we'll go through them. How's your front?" Gaz said pressing his comm, and after some cracking down the line you could heard some gunshots.
"Yeah, you're good there because everyone came to greet us" Soap said down the comm, before the line buzzed again and a deeper voice came out.
"We're taking care of them" Ghost said, not sounding phased by the situation.
When you glanced back at Gaz, you noticed a red pointer, aiming from his head. You quickly ran to him, to which his eyes widened surprised but before he could react or say anything you harshly lunged against him, successfully tackling him behind one of the shipping containers, both of you falling hard against the floor as he grunted at both the fall and your weight on top him, your face clashing against his vest and you could feel the steel chest plate under and his gun in between your bodies. Behind you, you heard the delayed bullet impacting against the wall, followed by another one, that was lower, clearly trying to hit you as you moved to take cover.
"Fuck...thank you" He looked at the bullet on the wall. You quickly pulled away from him, rising from the floor and you peeped around the corner to get a peak of who shoot, but you couldn't see anything. Hidden sniper, great.
"It's nothing" You said looking back at him, before peeping again, as you hide your head behind the container another bullet hits the metal, missing you. "I can't see the bastard."
"I'll go through the left, go through the right so we can corner them" He said in a commanding tone, and you nodded.
He made a run through the fire range, until he was hidden behind another container, not before another shot barely missed him, clashing against the wall.
You made another run, and two other shots missed you, but you saw him, just one guard. Once you were out of the sight, you pressed your comm and whispered through it.
"One male. M14 rifle. Twenty round magazine, must have fourteen left."
"Let's try to get him while he reloads." The comm buzzed back, he was hidden, but he poked out and fired back, making the man hide before he shot three bullets this time, missing again. Eleven left.
You run again, now hiding behind a truck, moving closer in light steps but your movement earned shots that followed your path, one gazing your arm and making you hiss as you hid again. Seven more to go.
Gaz pushed a small trolley from behind his hideout, making the tools fall from it and the clanking sounds echoed through the deposit, followed by three shots that thundered even louder. Both of you are still moving closer, with calculated steps, lurking. Just four.
You poked from behind the truck, and so did Gaz, both of you shooting, not really to hit but to scare, to put him on edge, make him nervous, make him slip. And he did. He shot back like a madman, until the distinctive sound of a trigger pulling on an empty chamber was heard, you came out from behind the truck but Gaz, who was closer, was already making a run for him, and then one single shot put an end to the encounter.
"Good work, corporal" He said as you approached, both of you breathing hard through your noses. "Let's find those robots."
After carefully inspecting each closed container, careful enough to check first if they weren't rigged with traps, you finally found one filled with closed wooden boxes with the US logo, you mutter a lazy "Found them" to Gaz, and he goes to meet you, before pressing his comm "Captain we found them, we are in the deposit" and you kept looking around, to check if there was anything else worth mentioning, while you heard a Price answer "Copy. A job well done, muppets. I'll tell Laswell and move closer; it's going to be a while before they come take their stuff back so get comfortable. The coast is clear?"
You quietly told Gaz that you were going to check the perimeter and he nodded as he was mostly listening to Price, and you opened a door in the deposit that led outside, the fresh sea hair sending a shiver down your spine when you felt it against your moist skin, you heard Soap said "Everything good from here, cap. We tucked everyone and they're sleeping tightly. Gaz, we're coming to you".
You heard some noise coming from a shed close to the door, something moving inside.
Lifting your gun again, you heard Gaz answering "Copy that" as you approached the door, opening it with a kick, before looking inside, no movement to be seen. You entered slowly, your weapon before your body, your senses in alert.
Abruptly, a strong grip was holding your wrist, trying to take the gun out of your grip. You positioned yourself between the aggressor and your weapon, using your body to avoid him getting a hold of it, but in the middle of the struggle it fell across the room. The figure then tried to wrap his arms around your neck, but your elbow connected hard with his side, and you threw your head back, brutally connecting with his nose and making him back out.
"Sage, what's your position?" Gaz said through the comms, as you tried to make a run for your weapon, dropping on your knees through the floor, and you heard a pained "Мой нос...сука" behind you, before a hand grabbed your ankle, dragging you back to him, your hand barely missing your weapon and all you could grab was barbed wire, before you were pulled. "Corporal, position. Now." Ghost said through the comms, already sounding livid. You turned around on the floor, laying on your back, the man's hands wrapped around your neck, squeezing tight, fuelled by hate. As blood droplets from his broken nose fell in your face while you felt yourself getting red at the lack of oxygen, your free hand reached up, burying your thumb mercilessly inside his eye. Thank God I'm wearing gloves.
"Lass? Where are you?" Soap tried. The man screamed, loud enough for the three men inside the big deposit to hear something in the distance. As he jerked back from you, his hand covering his eye, you got up.
Moving by inertia and the adrenaline going through your veins, you grabbed the barbed wire, some of the spikes puncturing your gloves and perforating your skin, but you didn't care as you wrapped it around his neck, squeezing it with all your might. His body fell on top of you as he chocked and struggled, which made you squeeze tighter. Your grip was becoming sloppy as his blood covered your hands. After some faint noises, he stopped moving, and you let him go, panting heavily. His limp body slipped from your body to the floor.
The first to enter was Ghost, fuming, probably thinking you were trying that something he warned you not to, but instead he was greeted by a gruesome sight, blood quickly pooling on the floor. You just looked up at him, strands falling from your bun, your eyes like a deer caught in headlights. You were looking like a mess, breathing heavily, sitting on the floor with his blood still on your hands and face.
Then Gaz arrived, making a disgusted gesture with his face, and next to him Soap, who just whistled, walking towards you, not bothering to avoid stepping on the blood. Your body relaxing slightly when you noticed they were not a threat.  
"You good, Carrie White?" He said extending a hand to you, helping you back on your feet.
"Peachy" You said sarcastically, grabbing the hand to stand up. "Did you read Carrie?"
"I watched the movie" He said shrugging, a soft breath left through your nose, amused at his reply.
Ghost stared at the man who attacked you, laying lifeless on the floor, his factions barely distinguishable with the broken nose, the blood coming from it and from his eye, and the pool of blood from the slice on his throat running down on the floor. Then he looked back at you, the eye contact was slightly unsettling.
"Your hands?" Ghost said, making you look down at the body, almost to remind yourself about the barbed wire, before looking away from it with a hint of disgust.
"They're fine, the gloves are thick. The spikes went through them but didn't feel that bad" You took off the dirty gloves with difficulty, your hands had small cuts, as if you gripped a thorny rose. Your gloves, however, were broken.
"Go to the infirmary when we're back" It wasn't advice, it was an order.
Back at base, once you filled all your paperwork and visited the nurses so you could chat with someone who didn't see you as a burden and get your cuts checked, you went back to your usual afternoon routine. A quick meal on the mess-hall before going to the gym.
Punch after punch, your senses focused only on the music coming out from your headphones and on the bag in front of you, blind to the world around you.
You should know I...
And then the usual thoughts came back, how you had a house, you were comfortable. You felt like you were on top of the world.
I need someone to hold me close, deeper than I've ever known.
And now you had an ankle monitor, forced to walk around the base over and over like a chained dog until someone decided you were useful enough to take you out for a walk.
Whose love feels like a rodeo, knows just how to take control. When I'm vulnerable, he's straight-talking to my soul.
Your punches become more frequent and harsher. The cuts on your hand stinging. The dry blood on your face, his hands around your neck, the oxygen being cut. His blood growing cold.
Conversation overload, got m---
And suddenly, your music stopped.
When you let the bag catch a break to turn around to your phone, you saw Gaz, bent over enough and his finger on the screen over the pause button. He was wearing gym clothes as well, probably having the same idea as you of having a quick lunch and taking advantage of the emptiness of the gym while everyone ate.
"By the way you're hitting that I can't tell if you love or hate Dua Lipa" He said with a slightly teasing tone, which made you chuckle.
You didn't realize how sweaty and agitated you were becoming by the exercise, so the laugh came out a bit breathier than expected.
"Needed to blow some steam" You answered taking a deep breath to recover your breath, before reaching for your water bottle. "Wasn't expecting company."
"Well, it was me distracting you or the bag" He said walking over to you, gesturing with his head up, and you saw that the bag was on the edge of getting unhooked and falling. You took a sip from water as you followed his movements.
With an enviable ease he lifted the bag, putting it back in place.
"Oh, thanks...sorry, I didn't realize."
"Ah, it's okay, old equipment" He said sounding actually amicable, and he stood behind the bag, grabbing it from the sides. "I can hold it for you, if you want."
"Are you sure, sergeant?" Confusion in your tone, as you looked back at him.
"I am sure" He said still sounding friendly, and you narrowed her eyes looking back at him, and started to punch again the bag, this time a bit softer. "And no need to call me sergeant here, I was the one to check your hard drives. I might not know a lot about you, but you sure know a lot about us, so no need to play dumb."
Ah, there it is. But still, it wasn't in a hostile tone like the first weeks, and plus he was still holding the bag. A small smirk appeared in the corner of your mouth as you kept hitting the bag.
"I didn't think you'd feel comfortable with me calling you Kyle out of nowhere" You said in a slight teasing tone.
"No more than I'm comfortable with having you here" Ouch.
"But Gaz could be a start" Better.
next chapter: chapter five "R&R"
if you like it leave me some kudos or suggestions on ao3! <3
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tea-time-terrier · 3 months
Are there any fun coloured vests with pockets for the tools of dog training (12lbs of snacks)?
Multi-coloured cargo/utility vests that maybe hurt your vision?
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sendmyresignation · 9 months
Rlly curious if you’re willing to elaborate on your tags in that senseless post!
omg of course. perfacing by saying im not. a huge movie buff so this is more of a theoretical thesis that could easily change if i watch any film made past like 1987. but. in my experience metalheads aren't protagonists in the same way punks are. rarely are they main characters at all- the exception being rocksplotation horror movies which, the ones i have watched are very tongue and cheek and are made mostly with the audience of metalheads in mind. imo. or there's fakeumentaries like spinal tap which also are unserious but still like. metalheads love that shit the jokes are funnier when you are In On It. and then ig bill and tedd are metalheads?? ive never seen it. and waynes world. but that's the thing they aren't All Dressed Up in The Outfit it's a secondary part of their loserdom or stonerisms, it's not representative of anything on particular its just a detail which allows for headbanging car scenes and dialogue name drops.
punks, on the other hand. are a very visually arresting subculture at the same time they have lot of thematic possibility so you see punks as significant characters more, dressed up a lot more, in my experience. the whole nine yards with piercings and the vests and shit. and that archetype is filled with potential- they're a vehicle for disillusionment by older counterculture writers to discuss the disingenuous nature of suburban punks and their fake, childish radicalism, they're a tool for bitter old directors to hold up a deterioration of society, they're truth tellers, they're wastoids, they're hot, they're dangerous- they can represent a lot and you don't have to be invested in punk to utilize that archetype ripe for exploring. metalheads just don't have the same potency, unless you factor in the devil
in the end this is mostly negative, you don't see a lot of incredibly human portrayals of punks. and for as cheesy as metalhead horror fests are, they are attempting a kind of realism for being a outcast loser the average nonrockstar was i can respect. idk it's an interesting dichotomy! and makes me think i need to watch more shit short films.
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headmistressdelecaille · 11 months
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Guards must be in uniform at all times while on duty. Guards are welcome to carry any additional tools they desire, but all uniforms are issued with:
Four sets of uniform clothes--vest, pants, and boots--all of which are enchanted to keep guards cool in the island heat
Two hats emblazoned with The Institute's Dragon Crest, two pairs of sunglasses, two pairs of gloves
One ear piece, used to communicate between guards
One utility belt
One Institute-Issue pocket knife
One set of steel handcuffs
8 meters of rope, which may be replenished at any time on Siren's Lair Islet
One shock baton
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ursaspecter · 2 years
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I promise I didn't forget about this series! I just had a few things come up that delayed getting these done. Tonight I bring you Mr. Lancer, Coach Tetslaf, and Harriet! I wanted to get them done before I started working on all the ghosts just to have a complete cast of humans. As per usual, design notes will be under the cut!
Tools Used: XP Pen Artist 15.6 Pro, Clip Studio Paint Reblogs >>> Likes!
Mr. Lancer Not much has changed. I simply added a sweater vest and a watch to his design. I always imagined Amity Park being up north in either Michigan or Illinois, and most episodes of the show have an autumnal background. So I thought I would give him a vest to keep warm!
Coach Tetslaf I really liked playing around with different ideas, but ultimately I landed on the tracksuit. Again, I imagine it being a little colder in Amity Park. Plus I imagine Tetslaf being a real Sue Sylvester type and the tracksuit was just too perfect for that.
Harriet So the reason why I included Harriet with Lancer and Tetslaf is because in my reimagining, Harriet is an English teacher at Casper High! I think she was really under utilized in the show, and I wish we got to see more of her than her appearance in "Bitter Reunions." I gave her a much more casual look inspired by the poetry teacher in that one Derry Girls episode.
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queenofcandynsoda · 1 year
Sol Fertilis: Female Counterintelligence Squads
All of the female squads are Alpha women, the second most-rarest demographic in Sol Fertilis. They are overseen by an Alpha woman who has the false name of “Echidna”. They are a part of the Ministry of Counter-Intelligence’s Department of Espionage and Department of Investigative Intelligence.
The Harpies, Sirens, and Amazons are known to the general public, neither in nor outside of Sol Fertilis. The secret about their existence is so highly secure that not even foreign intelligence agencies know about them, even the CIA and the Kremlin. The only people who know about them are Alphas, certain Delta Pluses, and their Omega spouses. Sirens, Harpies, and Amazons are allowed to get married and have children at 18 to maintain their secrecy.
Named after the mythological Furies, the Erinyes are a highly skilled and ruthless all-female squad specializing in covert operations and vengeance. They carry out missions with deadly precision and are known for their relentless pursuit of justice. They can be also used to bring criminals into court if they are categorized “Only Alive”. They are the only publicly known all-female squad. Most Erinyes are not married due to the seven-year full-time mission period known as the "Velum Officium”, or “Veil of Duty” in Latin. As a result, they have an extremely high libido, causing them to go to brothels more frequently and seek out unmarried allied foreign men. When they are twenty-five, they are given male “tamed” Omegas. This union is known as "Comminus Vinculum," which translates to "Close Bond" in Latin. The Comminus Vinculum is considered a highly honored and respected bond, as it symbolizes the unity and cooperation between the elite female agents and their male partners in ensuring the safety and security of Sol Fertilis.
Uniform: The Erinyes wear black trench coats. Under it, they wear a white blouse with a black vest, a black miniskirt, a pair of lightweight black boots, and a pair of black gloves. In other places, they wear a black coatdress with a pair of black boots.
Just like their namesake, the Sirens Squad consists of charismatic and seductive operatives skilled in information extraction, manipulation, assassination, and covert influence. They use their allure and persuasive abilities to extract vital intelligence and sway targets to their advantage. They are known within the ministry to be very cruel and sadistic when it comes to assassinations.
Uniform: The Sirens wear white dresses that are hydrophobic and stain-proof. They can never get dirty no matter what. They also wear a pearl necklace, a pair of white gloves and shoes, and a white church hat. They carry a white handbag that holds a gun with a silencer, a knife, pepper spray, a rope, and a makeup bag. Occasionally, they wear a hydrophobic white mantle or a white blouse with a long white skirt and capelet.
The Harpies Squad is a group of elite female operatives specializing in reconnaissance and surveillance. They possess exceptional agility and are experts in aerial intelligence gathering, utilizing their swift movements and keen senses to collect vital information.
Uniform: The Harpies wear black combat jumpsuits with steel-toed black boots. They also wear sunglasses, black gloves, black tactical helmets with built-in communication devices and night vision capabilities, and black utility belts. The utility belts have communication devices, small tools, medical supplies, weapons, and other necessary gear.
Amazons Squad: Inspired by the legendary warriors of Greek mythology, the Amazons Squad is a highly trained combat unit comprising fierce and skilled female soldiers. They are known for their exceptional strength, combat prowess, and unwavering dedication to protecting Sol Fertilis. This squad took the name “Amazon” from the early female Delta groups before their ranks were solidified and had their own names, such as “Aunties: and “Nieces”.
Uniform: The Amazons wear black bulletproof vests, black military clothes, a pair of tactical boots, helmets, night vision goggles, and gloves. They carry heavy weaponry and brass knuckles. Their clothes can become camouflage, especially during the night.
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mizufae · 2 years
Dream Stranger Things S5 look highlights (please make fanart I beg of you):
Steve with a thick mid-80s mustache, but otherwise channeling Tony from Who’s the Boss with soft sweaters and belted jeans, peak dad despite being 20.
Robin goes full Duckie from Pretty in Pink with fun hats, bolo ties, oversized blazers with cuffed sleeves, and those little round shades, so we can finally get Duckie and Andie together they’re just lesbians named Robin and Vickie.
Mike gets a climactic hair cutting drama scene so for the rest of the season he has an absolute mess on his head. Also he’s got a grandpa sweater again, with red and yellow colorwork, with a blue plaid flannel underneath, acid wash jeans that don’t quite reach the ankles of his loooong legs, and fuck off hiking boots, for kicking. Basically, a hot mess on the edge but armored in things that make him feel safe.
El dresses like Hopper had babies with a mall because she kept all his clothes after he died but could only bring herself to wear them when that was proven to be an exaggeration. She belts his giant shirts and has colorful leggings on underneath. Boots also, for stomping. Pleat front trousers cuffed seventeen times and tucked in band tshirts stolen from Jonathan. Erica gives her a bunch of sparkly clips to corral her short curls.
Will wearing all his brightest colors because he is fucking angry and done hiding. Rust red canvas utility vest with pockets full of ammo, torn corduroys patched with mismatched flannel on the inside, vintage Nike running shoes like Anthony Michael hall had in the breakfast club (they are blue with a yellow swoosh!), polo with striped sleeves and contrast collar. The haircut stays, because I’ve come around to it, and if you can’t love him at his bowlcut you don’t deserve him at his literally any other hair ever.
At some point, to sneak into the hospital after visiting hours, Lucas steals some scrubs and a white coat. Then he gets roped into supernatural events so for the rest of the season he looks like a very tired and muddy black Doogie Houser MD. Nobody is around to help maintain his flat top so he trims it round and ends up with super cute short twists from constantly finger curling it because anxiety.
Erica steals Lucas’ season 2 look and wears an American flag bandana as a headband.
Dustin is deep in his feels, ditches the cheerful overshirts and pun hats. Layers, tshirt with flannel with hooded sweatshirt with denim jacket, hood up. Camo cargo pants. Every pocket full of supplies, batteries, pliers, a fair few knives, multi tools, extraneous plugs and wires, an entire med kit distributed. Knife in his boot. Dark green hat, no embroidery.
Nancy in a pink and teal windbreaker. Also she should be in her battle stripes, maybe a black and white zig zag sweater? A vertical striped shoulder padded blazer? That’s a bit 90s but yknow, liberties. But I want the whoosh whoosh whoosh of a windbreaker while she meaningfully strides towards an enemy with a murder glare.
At some point El finds Max in her mind, and they talk to each other in the void while wearing abysmal hospital gowns. And just like in S3 Max is like “wtf we need makeovers” so she thinks of the coolest fucking outfit imaginable for herself (something very cali, definitely involving a red leather jacket, very glorious hair) and gets to wear that the rest of the season.
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sw5w · 11 months
Ni Chuba Na?
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:36:19
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hoawebsitehostin · 1 month
Maximizing Your Workout with Speed Resistance Training Tools
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Speed resistance training has end up a cornerstone inside the fitness world, acknowledged for its efficiency in enhancing athletic performance, enhancing muscle power, and burning fat. For athletes and fitness fans alike, incorporating Speed Resistance Training Equipment right into a exercising routine can offer big blessings, making it an vital element of any schooling software. In this text, we will discover how to maximize your workout using those gear and recognize why they're important in accomplishing your fitness goals.
Understanding Speed Resistance Training
Before diving into the specifics of Speed Resistance Training Equipment, it’s crucial to comprehend the idea of speed resistance schooling itself. This shape of exercise combines the ideas of resistance education—the use of pressure to construct muscle—with pace, aiming to enhance the power and explosiveness of actions. Unlike traditional resistance education, which makes a speciality of slow, controlled movements, velocity resistance training calls for performing physical games at a quicker pace to develop both electricity and speed.
The blessings of pace resistance schooling are massive, including advanced athletic performance, improved calorie burn, more suitable muscle tone, and higher cardiovascular fitness. It’s particularly powerful for athletes who want to broaden short reflexes and explosive electricity, together with sprinters, football games, and martial artists. However, even the ones not engaged in aggressive sports activities can enjoy the elevated efficiency and effectiveness in their workouts.
Types of Speed Resistance Training Equipment
There are diverse sorts of Speed Resistance Training Equipment to be had, each designed to goal one-of-a-kind components of velocity and power. Understanding those tools and the way to use them efficiently is key to maximizing your workout.
Resistance Bands
Resistance bands are a few of the maximum versatile Speed Resistance Training Equipment. They are available in diverse levels of resistance, allowing users to grow the intensity in their exercises regularly. These bands may be used for a wide range of sporting events, inclusive of squats, lunges, and push-ups, improving the resistance and thus growing the power needed to carry out the moves fast.
Sled training is some other powerful approach for improving velocity and energy. By pushing or pulling a weighted sled, you interact your muscle mass in a way that mimics actual-global actions, inclusive of sprinting. This type of Speed Resistance Training Equipment is mainly useful for athletes who want to decrease body power and explosive speed.
Speed parachutes are designed to create drag, forcing the runner to paint more difficult to preserve speed. This resistance enables in developing leg electricity, speed, and persistence. Parachutes are often utilized in dash schooling to beautify acceleration and pinnacle-quit velocity.
Weighted Vests
Weighted vests upload more resistance to body weight sports, making them a notable device for velocity resistance training. By sporting a weighted vest all through physical games like sprints, jumps, or push-ups, you increase the load on your muscle mass, which enables in growing power and velocity simultaneously.
Battle Ropes
Battle ropes are a dynamic piece of Speed Resistance Training Equipment, used to construct top frame strength, persistence, and speed. The speedy, excessive-depth moves required to transport the ropes efficiently engage more than one muscle organization, making them a brilliant device for explosive energy education.
Maximizing Your Workout with Speed Resistance Training Equipment
Now that we’ve covered the kinds of Speed Resistance Training Equipment, let’s delve into how to use these equipment to get the maximum from your workout.
Incorporate Interval Training
One of the handiest ways to apply Speed Resistance Training Equipment is through c program language period education. This involves alternating between durations of high-intensity exercising and rest. For instance, you can carry out a 30-2nd dash using a pace parachute, followed by means of a 30-2nd rest length, and repeat for several rounds. This technique no longer only boosts pace and power but additionally improves cardiovascular persistence.
Focus on Form
When the use of Speed Resistance Training Equipment, keeping proper form is vital. Poor approach can lead to damage and reduce the effectiveness of the exercising. Always make sure that your moves are controlled and particular, even if performing physical games at excessive velocity. Start with lighter resistance and regularly increase as your electricity and method enhance.
Combine with Strength Training
While speed resistance training focuses on speedy moves, it’s critical to mix it with traditional power education to build a solid foundation. Incorporate physical games like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses into your recurring to increase common muscle power, so that you can decorate your overall performance throughout pace resistance sporting events.
Track Your Progress
To maximize the blessings of Speed Resistance Training Equipment, it’s crucial to song your progress. Keep an exercising journal to record the resistance ranges, exercising period, and the number of repetitions finished. Regularly reviewing your progress will assist you identify regions for improvement and make certain that you’re constantly hard yourself.
Incorporate Plyometrics
Plyometric sporting activities, which include container jumps, burpees, and jump squats, are explosive actions that complement pace resistance training. These sporting activities assist to broaden the quick-twitch muscle fibers important for speed and electricity. Combining plyometrics with Speed Resistance Training Equipment can create a nicely-rounded exercising that maximizes energy and velocity.
Prioritize Recovery
Speed resistance training can be extreme on the muscle mass and joints, making recuperation an essential component of your workout routine. Ensure that you include adequate relaxation days and incorporate restoration strategies like stretching, foam rolling, and rubdown to save you damage and enhance overall performance.
Progressive Overload
To continue seeing consequences out of your pace resistance education, it’s vital to apply the precept of revolutionary overload. This approach progressively increases the resistance, velocity, or length of your physical activities to assign your muscle groups and avoid plateaus. For instance, you can begin with a lighter resistance band and progressively flow to a heavier one as your power improves.
The Importance of Quality Speed Resistance Training Equipment
Investing in exceptional Speed Resistance Training Equipment is essential to achieving the great effects. Poor-pleasant equipment can cause inconsistent resistance, breakage, or even harm. When selecting your system, don't forget factors together with durability, comfort, and ease of use. It’s additionally worth reading opinions and in search of recommendations from fitness experts to ensure which you’re deciding on the fine tools to your desires.
Speed resistance education is an effective tool for boosting athletic overall performance, building muscle electricity, and enhancing normal fitness. By incorporating Speed Resistance Training Equipment into your exercising routine, you could maximize the effectiveness of your training and acquire your fitness goals greater efficaciously. Whether you’re an athlete trying to enhance your velocity and electricity or a fitness fanatic aiming to take your exercises to the following stage, those equipment provide a versatile and powerful manner to beautify your schooling.
Remember, consistency and the right approach are key to fulfillment. Start with the fundamentals, steadily boom the intensity, and continually prioritize recuperation to keep away from injury. With the right method and superb Speed Resistance Training Equipment, you’ll be well to your way to maximizing your exercise and accomplishing your health goals.
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neelkamble · 2 months
Equipping Captain Nova: Vest and Bag Creation in Marvelous Designer and ZBrush
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Captain Nova's design wouldn't be complete without the finishing touches: a stylish vest and a functional bag. Here's how I tackled creating these elements in Marvelous Designer (MD) and then refined them for sculpting in ZBrush.
Building in Marvelous Designer:
Vest Pattern Creation: I started by designing a pattern for the vest in MD. This involved creating basic shapes for the front, back, and sides, and then refining them to achieve the desired style.
Draping and Detailing: I draped the vest pattern onto Captain Nova's base mesh, adjusting the fit and adding details like straps, buckles, and pockets using additional patterns and MD's sewing tools.
Bag Design: For the bag, I designed a separate pattern considering its size, shape, and functionality. I explored different options like backpacks, messenger bags, or utility pouches, depending on Captain Nova's needs.
Straps and Attachments: I designed straps or connectors to integrate the bag seamlessly with the vest or Captain Nova's body.
Tutorial 1: Marvelous Designer 9.5 Timelapse - 3D Character Costume Sewing/Modeling
Tutorial 2:- Marvelous Designer 12.1: School Bag
Optimizing for ZBrush:
While MD excels at garment creation, ZBrush is better suited for detailed sculpting. To prepare the vest and bag for sculpting, I utilized remeshing techniques:
Exporting from MD: I exported the finalized vest and bag models from MD as FBX files.
Importing into ZBrush: I imported the FBX
files into ZBrush for further refinement.
Remeshing with ZBrush (Tutorial Reference):
To optimize the polygon count for sculpting, I followed the guidance from this helpful YouTube tutorial:
This tutorial provided a step-by-step approach to remeshing garments in ZBrush. Here's a summary of the key steps I applied:
Polygroup: Once the vest was imported I followed to same steps as that of the suit and made polygroups, then Welded every edge.
Dynamesh Preparation: I utilized the Dynamesh tool to create a more evenly distributed polygon mesh on the vest and bag models.
ZRemesher: I employed ZRemesher to define a target polygon count for each model, striking a balance between detail preservation and sculpting performance.
Modification and Detailing:
With the remeshed models, I could now unleash the power of ZBrush's sculpting tools:
Sculpting Details: I added finer details like folds, textures, and weathered effects to the vest and bag, bringing them to life.
Hard Surface Sculpting: For elements like buckles and straps, I used ZBrush's hard surface sculpting tools to achieve clean and sharp edges.
By combining the power of Marvelous Designer for initial garment creation and ZBrush's remeshing and sculpting capabilities, I was successfully able to create Captain Nova's vest and bag.
Michaël Randriamiandriray (2020) Marvelous Designer 9.5 Timelapse - 3D Character Costume Sewing/Modeling - Part 06. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI0VjIYIGpg.
Marvelous Designer. (2023, October 2). Marvelous Designer 12.1: School Bag (Part 2) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2bdJN3yv5M
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dinarspay · 2 months
Empower Yourself: Take Control of Your Finances with the Dinarspay Presale
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shafqat123 · 2 months
Safety Measures and Protocols in Sathat Services in Saudi Arabia:
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Sathat Services in Saudi Arabia, which provide towing and roadside assistance, are vital for ensuring the protection and comfort of drivers at some stage in Saudi Arabia. Given the character in their artwork, the ones services adhere to stringent safety measures and protocols to defend each their personnel and clients. This article explores the essential component safety measures and protocols completed through Sathat services in Saudi Arabia.
1. Comprehensive Training for Staff:
One of the most critical protection measures is the complete education furnished to all frame of employees participants. This education covers:
Roadside Safety: Technicians are educated to paintings accurately on busy roads, together with putting in place warning symptoms and signs and the usage of personal defensive device (PPE).
Equipment Handling: Proper use and protection of towing tool and tools to prevent accidents and ensure green provider.
First Aid: Basic first useful resource training to cope with emergencies till expert medical help arrives.
2. Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
To make certain the protection of technicians strolling on-net web site on-line Sathat services mandate the use of PPE, in conjunction with:
High-Visibility Vests: To make sure technicians are with out hassle seen with the aid of the usage of other drivers, particularly in low-mild conditions.
Gloves and Safety Boots: To defend palms and toes from injuries sooner or later of the towing and repair strategies.
Helmets and Goggles: When important, for protection towards head injuries and eye dangers.
3. Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance:
Regular protection and inspection of towing automobiles and machine are critical for secure operations. Protocols consist of:
Daily Inspections: Technicians perform every day checks on tow motors and system to end up aware of and address any issues earlier than starting their shifts.
Scheduled Maintenance: Regular servicing of tow vans and device in step with manufacturer suggestions to make sure handiest everyday general performance and protection.
Immediate Repairs: Addressing any faults or damages proper now to prevent injuries and breakdowns within the course of operations.
4. Strict Adherence to Traffic Laws:
Sathat services strictly adhere to traffic felony guidelines and recommendations to make sure the safety in their operations and unique avenue customers. This consists of:
Speed Limits: Ensuring tow vans feature inside criminal velocity limits, specially at the same time as sporting heavy loads.
Proper Licensing: Ensuring all drivers and technicians maintain valid licenses and certifications required for his or her roles.
Emergency Procedures: Following proper methods while responding to emergencies, which includes the use of risk lighting and sirens while vital.
5. Emergency Response Protocols:
In case of emergencies, Sathat services have hooked up protocols to make sure prompt and secure responses:
24/7 Availability: Offering spherical-the-clock offerings to make certain assistance is continuously to be had even as wanted.
Quick Dispatch: Utilizing GPS and superior dispatch structures to supply the closest available tow truck to the scene fast.
Coordination with Authorities: Collaborating with nearby police and emergency offerings to control web web page site visitors and make certain protection at accident scenes.
6. Customer Safety Protocols:
Ensuring the protection of customers is a top priority. Protocols include:
Clear Communication: Keeping clients knowledgeable about the anticipated arrival time and presenting protection suggestions on the identical time as they wait.
Safe Waiting Areas: Advising customers to wait in constant locations away from visitors, which embody the shoulder of the street or inside their cars.
Secure Towing: Ensuring automobiles are securely linked to tow trucks to prevent accidents throughout transport.
7. Environmental Safety Measures:
Sathat services moreover enforce measures to shield the surroundings, which encompass:
Proper Disposal of Waste: Following protocols for the disposal of volatile substances, like oil and battery fluids, to save you environmental contamination.
Eco-Friendly Equipment: Using environmentally first-class system and cars that comply with emissions requirements.
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boreaai23 · 2 months
Zapp Electric Vehicles Group Ltd (ZAPP) on Stocktwits: Gauging Investor Sentiment
Stocktwits is a popular social media platform for investors to share thoughts, ideas, and analysis on various stocks. Zapp Electric Vehicles Group Ltd zapp stocktwits, a company designing, manufacturing, and selling electric vehicles, has its own dedicated page on Stocktwits. This page offers valuable insights into investor sentiment surrounding Zapp's stock.
Decoding the ZAPP Stream: Sentiment, Volume, and Participation
The ZAPP Stocktwits page provides a snapshot of current investor sentiment through a sentiment score. This score indicates whether the overall tone of recent messages leans bullish (positive) or bearish (negative). Additionally, message volume reflects the total amount of discussion surrounding ZAPP, with higher volume suggesting increased interest from investors. Participation score measures the number of unique accounts contributing to the conversation relative to the total number of messages. A high participation score suggests a diverse range of voices are shaping the conversation.
By analyzing these metrics, investors can gain a sense of the overall mood surrounding ZAPP's stock. A positive sentiment score combined with high message and participation volume might indicate an optimistic outlook from investors. Conversely, a negative sentiment score with low volume could suggest a lack of confidence or interest in the stock.
Breaking Down the Conversation: What are Investors Talking About?
Beyond the headline metrics, Stocktwits allows for a deeper dive into the specific topics being discussed. Here are some potential areas of focus for ZAPP investors on Stocktwits:
Product Updates and Developments: Investors might be dissecting news about new electric vehicle models, production capacity, or technological advancements.
Market Outlook and Industry Trends: Discussions could center around the future of the electric vehicle market, competition within the industry, and potential growth opportunities for Zapp.
Financial Performance and Earnings Reports: Stocktwits might see a surge in activity after Zapp releases financial results, with investors analyzing the company's performance and future prospects.
Investment Strategies and Price Predictions: Some users might share their investment strategies for ZAPP, including entry and exit points, while others might offer price predictions based on technical analysis.
Following these discussions can help investors stay informed about the latest developments surrounding Zapp and understand the thought processes of other investors.
Finding Value in the Noise: Approaching Stocktwits with Caution
While Stocktwits offers valuable insights, it's important to approach the platform with a critical eye. Here are some things to keep in mind:
Unverified Information: Not all information on Stocktwits is vetted or reliable. Investors should do their own research and due diligence before making investment decisions based on information from the platform.
Short-Term Focus: The fast-paced nature of Stocktwits can lead to a focus on short-term price movements rather than long-term company fundamentals.
Potential Biases: Some users might have a vested interest in promoting or bashing the stock, so it's important to consider the potential biases behind opinions expressed.
Utilizing Stocktwits Effectively:
Stocktwits can be a valuable tool for investors interested in Zapp Electric Vehicles. By understanding sentiment metrics, following key discussion topics, and approaching the platform with caution, investors can gain valuable insights and make more informed investment decisions. Remember, Stocktwits should be one piece of the puzzle, not the sole source of information for your investment strategy.
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