#v9 animatic
I realized I haven't actually talked about the epilogue animatic yet, just reblogged some stuff. I have so many feelings about it so uhhh
Spoilers below (it's also definitely out of order because I haven't watched it in a few days. Still can't without CRYING)
"We buried our friends today" okay ouch. Following it up immediately with that shit of Nora breaking down? CRIMINAL
The fact that Ren was talking to Jaune about how much he held them together and how he wished he was there hurt
Oscar/Oz actively fighting the merge is exact what I want! Let that little boy free!
Mercury having that same hesitation that Emerald did in V3 cmon let my wlw mlm besties be reunited
I haven't finished the two Vacuo books, but I know The Crown is BAD NEWS BEARS
Winter Schnee how I wish I could hug you so close. You did your best and genuinely thought Ironwood would come to his fucking senses it's not your fault!
The Renora parts of this really hurt my heart I love them so much you don't understand.
Qrow being optimistic and saying an old friend taught him that? And then it showing Clover's pin? STOP IT WE KNOW HE DIED AND THEY WERE GAY LOVERS PLEASE
As much as I HATE Raven, I do think that the second she felt her connection to Yang come back, she was there, breaking her "one save" rule. Maybe we'll see her try to make amends if/when V10 is made. Also really want to see Ruby going off on her because SHE KNOWS WHERE SUMMER WENT THAT NIGHT!
Where's anyone from Menagerie? Blake's parents? Illia? The faction of the White Fang that follows Ghira?
I know a lot of it is gonna be different in V10, but I'm sure the key points (them talking to the grave, Vale being gone, etc) will still be there.
I'm holding out hope and RWBY Beyond is also really doing a great job at telling more of the story. It really feels like Monty's saying of "Keep Moving Forward" is what's at the forefront of everyone's mind and I love that.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
Guys! Its here! the full 6 minute RWBY V9 Epilogue Animatic!
Thanks to Accentkisses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8zH4ca18CY
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kinaesthetiqueer · 5 months
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kinuhanino · 2 months
some nuts and dolts "angst" how about it?
Still frames under cut!
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poor baby
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First time trying to do mouth movements
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I really like these frames
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littlemisssquiggles · 6 months
Did you see the RWBY volume 9 epilogue?
I'm happy there was more to it than what we got from last year and that we actually got to see characters like Nora Oscar and Ren featured as important characters
I'm especially Happy Oscar actually got to be in it because to be honest he gets excluded so much I was actually shocked he had a part and we actually got to focus on him for once
This also gives me hope that they'll do something similar like they did with cinder ,with Oscar because I believe it was possibly said in a q&a or in a live stream
that originally they wanted to do cinders backstory and volume 4-5 when we thought she got killed off again but they kept having to push it back along with other things they wanted to do for certain characters
and since many think Oscar is possibly not going to make it through his merge and it will be just ozpin/Oz
when it's done maybe we'll actually get to see his past and maybe because Oscar is merging with Ozpin that means his memories are catching up with Oz's memories and will maybe get to see Oz's past too because that's something we've all wondered about as well
and maybe we'll get a hint at where the final relic is because I don't believe the writers are just going to wait tell the last minute to show us were it is I think they're going to hint at it
I don't Oscar part sense he my favorite along side ozpin
what do you think 🤔
Hiya Autumn o/ Thank you so much for your inbox and pardon the late reply.
To answer your first question, yes, I did see the full V9 Epilogue Animatic. TWICE and I plan on rewatching it many, many times because I haven’t recovered from it yet.
I know I’ve been relatively silent these days especially when it comes to this newly dropped animatic. But that’s mostly because I haven’t fully gathered my thoughts on it yet to form a consisive essay.
My head is still reeling from all that was revealed in that short space of animatic frames, particularly the bits about Oscar and what he’s currently going through. As a Pinehead, you just know that part got to me the most because BOI! WAS IT GOOD! Oscar-worthy, as I might say,
So if I may, and if you don’t mind m’fam, I am going to piggyback off of your inboxed message and use this as opportunity to get some of my main thoughts about Oscar’s side of the Epilogue off of my chest. So here I go.
According to the RWBY V9 full Epilogue Animatic…
Oscar’s story with the Merge with Oz has officially started with him isolating himself from his friends while he goes through it on his own, practically dooming him (and essentially Oz as well) to suffer in silence.
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But while that’s how things seem to be starting, if it doesn’t end with a scene where Oscar is going through the Merge but this time he’s surrounded by all of his friends all vowing to stay by side through it all and cherish him for who he is---Oscar---no matter who he becomes after the Merge.
If it doesn’t end with all of Oscar’s friends being there for him during the Merge (ESPECIALLY Ruby) then, like Jon Snow , I don't want it.
I don’t know how Oscar’s story will end.
The way I perceive it, Oscar’s story can end in many possible different ways.
In one way, Oscar’s story could end the way it was originally intended to, according to the natural progression of the narrative.---with Salem being defeated, Ozma finally moving on and Oscar being allowed to live the rest of his days as himself, Merge completely avoided.
Or like a Shamalan movie, it can end with a twist. Maybe Oscar isn’t so lucky and doesn’t avoid the Merge like his predecessors and is changed forever.
Maybe Oscar gets attack by Tyrian and “dies” forcing the Merge to happen as a way to save his life.
Maybe Oscar is taken to the Tree and gets to meet the Blacksmith who decides his final fate in the Merge.
Or who knows? Maybe the CRWBY Writers saw the recent 60th anniversary Doctor Who special and have the brilliance to put a new spin on the whole Ozma cycle where instead of Oscar merging with Oz, the two split apart with either wizards retaining their memories and single identities.
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Instead of Oscar of losing himself to the Merge, he is set free leaving Ozma to carry on his mission to the Gods as himself. So no more pairing him up with like-minded souls. Like Oscar, Ozma is now his own person with his own agency. So even if he died again, similar to Salem, Ozma was still immortal only now he would simply come back in his original body as opposed to the former latter of playing hot potato with his soul inhabiting another poor innocent man or young boy’s body. All this with the extra added bonus that now we have two great and powerful wizards for the price of one. Both Oscar and the newly reincarnated Ozma (who gets back his original form---the one that was married to Salem and equally as powerful as her) retained his combat-ready muscle memory and shared ability to use magic. So Ozma, naturally fights with his trademark Long Memory, while Oscar uses magic freehand without the need for the cane.
That last one’s a big stretch but like all of my past Pinehead headcanons that I’ve tossed aimlessly into the ether of the FNDM community, I’m keeping it on the table of possibilities since it’d make a sick Oscar the Sorceror’s Apprentice Pinehead headcanon AU. Definitely adding that one to the list.
Anyways, getting back on track. Through everything that Oscar has been put through in the story so far, the most I want from this whole Merge storyline is that he doesn’t have to go through it on his own and I don’t mean, he’s going through it with just Oz as his main company.
What I mean for that is, I don’t think the implications of what the Merge means has truly sunk in for the rest of the hero team. A part of me wishes to assume that part of the reason why the rest of the hero team seems so nonchalant about Oscar’s whole merge with Oz is because Oscar has never truly been honest with them about how he really feels about the merge.
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The last time Oscar spoke about the Merge with the team was back in V6 when he basically did it in such a “no biggie; don’t worry about me” sort of way that it came off as if he just said it to sound brave in the moment for the sake of the team and for the sake of keeping his own emotions in check.
I say this because as we’ve seen from the events of V7 through V8, Oscar is very anxious about the Merge. He doesn’t want it to happen which is why he and Oz are now fighting to keep it from happening even though it’s already long begun.
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Bottom-line, I don’t think Oscar has been completely honest with anyone else outside of Oz about how he truly feels concerning the Merge. And now that it’s happening, he’s basically resolved himself to go through it alone. I don’t even think anyone else in the current group; not Nora, not Emerald, not even Ren (who literally has the ability to read someone’s thoughts and feelings through their emotions) knows about what he’s going through.
I wonder if Oscar puts on a brave face whenever he’s with the others and anytime he feels another “Merger episode” coming along, he quickly excuses himself (probably claiming that he needs to get back to his research in the Archives of Solitude) so the others don’t have to see him going through it.
Ren, in particular, because I’m sure if Ren saw Oscar’s pain from the Merge, he would blurt it out. Ren has now become the unsung singing canary of the hero team after his whole semblance upgrade.
Just like how he blurted out that Ozpin was back during the tunnel walk back in V8 following the rescue mission and escape from Monstro, Ren would definitely reveal that Oscar is going through the Merge if he knew he was going through it and having a painful grand ole time too.
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Ren’s inability to remain discrete when revealing another’s true emotions could probably explain why Oscar has been avoiding alone time with him.
If you look at it, Ren is on his own probably stretching himself between helping everyone. It’s also interesting to me that Oscar hasn’t asked anyone else to help look for stuff in the Shade Archives.
Even if Oscar is technically two people in one, that is still a big ass library of books and archives to sift through for even two people. And yet, as we saw from the epilogue, Oscar is ALONE most of the time and I highly doubt no one else offered to help him in the libraries.
I know the Atlesian refugees are a priority but, when you look closely, everyone else is basically sharing the work; helping each other out with something. Nora is supporting folks like SSSN and CVFY.
Same for Ren. Em as well (even though she’s mostly mentioned in notes in the scene in the animatic).
 But when you look to Oscar. He is ALL BY HIMSELF.
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Yes, he has Oz with him. But, that doesn’t count. Why hasn’t anyone else volunteered to help Oscar in the archives?
My assumption is because Oscar probably convinced the others to leave the archives to him (and Oz) and prioritize the refugees as a way of ensuring that he’s by himself at all times so no one would have to glimpse his pain from the Merge.
Again, each time a merger episode was highlighted in the epilogue animatic, Oscar was by himself. So my money is that no one knows what Oscar’s really going through.
No one else knows of his mental struggle or pain.
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And why I find this interesting is because it kind of parallels Ruby’s whole detachment period from the others in the Ever After before she went to the Tree and what happened at the Mad Tea Party.
Not saying Oscar will share a similar experience as Ruby. I’m just saying, he’s clearly removed himself from the others and acting alone.
As Ren pointed out, he’s not himself. He’s there but…not there at the same time.
This brings me back to my point. Personally, I do want Oscar pulling himself from the team to hide the fact that he’s going through the Merge to be proven canon.
And I want it to be canon so that the first person to pick up that something is clearly off about Oscar’s behaviour to be Ruby.
Maybe Ruby realizes that Oscar is acting weird and when she brings it up, Ren is probably definitely the first person to reveal that he’s been sensing something off for a while but after everything that’s happened, similar to how he’s currently giving Nora space to work things out on her own, Ren has been doing the same with Oscar.
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He’s been giving the little prince space when if anyone were to look closely at Ren’s expressions, they could probably see his frustration in being the one to know fully well that his friends aren’t entirely ok and despite wanting to help, he still feels helpless because Ren can’t force his friends to accept his help; no matter how much he offers, y’know what I mean?
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I feel like some of RWBYJ’s struggles in the After Ever and how they rose to triumph over them could be mirrored in what NOR is going through now back in Vacuo.
Overall, the point I’m trying to make here is that I just want a moment where Oscar is having another merger episode and he tries to go through it alone, believing that he has to, only to get the reassurance and support he needs from his friends.
I saw someone compare Oscar’s merger episodes to Penny’s battle with Watts’ virus back in V8.
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And while I didn’t enjoy the forced heavy focus on Penny during that season, I did sort of like how it culminated in everyone coming together to show their support of Penny and reminding her that she is a part of their team.
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That is a type of a moment I want for Oscar. Because unlike Penny, feeling like a part of the team as himself and not just a placeholder for Oz is something Oscar desires.
I want Oscar to push his friends away, believing that he needed to go through this Merge on his own, only to be reminded by his friends in the end that they have his back no matter what.
That he is still a part of their team. That he is still Oscar to them no matter who he becomes in the Merge.
I want a scene where Oscar loses it, possibly even abusing his magic to force walls between himself and his friends only for those said friends to break down those walls and be there for him.
(Maybe even have a moment where Oscar loses control of his magic while trying to fight the Merge and it ends up looking like a moment where everyone thinks it's another Grimm attack when it's actually Oscar whose feelings of the merge have manifested into some kind of monstrous form that Oscar practically cocooned himself inside of).
Y’know that moment in Steven Universe Future where Steven loses control and all of his friends---all the major people he has helped throughout the seasons---come together to help him for once.
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I want a moment where the whole team---Ruby, Nora, Ren, Jaune, Blake, Yang, Weiss and Emerald---all of Oscar’s people are there at his side showing him full support as he goes through the Merge; ensuring him that he doesn’t have to be scared of the Merge anymore because no matter who he becomes in the Merge, he will always be Oscar to them.
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He’s not Ozpin. He’s not Ozma. He’s sure as hell ain’t Salem’s Ozma. He’s Oscar. Their Oscar
The small, cute farm boy from Mistral who showed up on their doorstep one random night in Mistral and has now cemented himself as one of the most important members of their little team that they will not stand to lose; not even to himself.
I want Oscar to be reminded by his friends that he will be cherished and supported no matter who he becomes in Merge.
Even if Oscar forgot his “old self” due to the Merge, they---his friends, will be there to remind him of who he was because they, as his friends, will never forgot Oscar because to them, he never left.
I just want a moment where everybody group hugs Oscar while he cries about SIX SEASONS worth of repressed tears after all the sh** he's been put through plot-wise. I want it dagnabbit!
Who knows? Maybe Oscar has another painful merger episode and it’s the worse one he’s had since it started and the love and support of his friends surrounding him is what helps to ease him out of it and back to his old farm boy Oscar self.
Just give me one scene like that. That’s all I want.
Don’t know if it will ever come to fruition given the current state of RT and the fate of RWBY as a whole. But hey, still wanted to get that off of my chest.
On the subject of the CRWBY Writers possibly showing more of Oscar's past in V10 as he's going through the Merge:
Honestly, at this point, m'fam, it's either now or never.
Now, as in during the events of V10, is the perfect time to give the audience more insight into Oscar's past and who he is. It is practically mandatory at this point that they show it as he is going into a storyline where he's being forced to lose that part of himself. They just have to do it!
Just as how V8 could pretty much be pretty much summed up as another Cinder-centric season similar to V4-V5, V10 could potentially be more Oscar-focused as he's going through the Merge. Like I said, it's the right time for them to do it.
And while I'm unsure of them telling Ozpin's story, maybe that too can be done and do something similar to what they did with Ren and Nora's backstory back in V4.
We got Ren and Nora's whole history in Kunoyuri in an episode that jumped back and forth between the past and the present.
Perhaps Oscar could have a potential episode in V10 where he's having another Merge episode and, as I theorized, he loses control of his magic while a) fighting the Merge again and b) running away/hiding from his friends so that they would've have to see him suffer through it.
So it's an episode that ping pongs between the present day where Oscar's friends are trying to get through to him while he's suffering through yet another painful Merger episode and the past which reveals more of Oscar's backstory leading up to the moment he met Oz and possibly showing other Oscar-centric moments that we, as the audience, never got to see like what happened with Oscar in Argus after his fall out with Jaune (remember we never got to see his side of things and it's something that still bothers me to this day)
Perhaps Ozpin's past is mixed in with it as well as you mentioned and the location of the final relic is actually revealed in Ozpin's memories in a flashback where he entrusted the location to someone. Maybe that person was Summer Rose. Since V9 revealed there is more to Summer Rose's story and that Raven actually knows more about that; perhaps Summer Rose's disappearance is connected to the final Relic or at least the final vault?
I dunno.
Overall, I definitely do like the idea of a potential episode of V10 fully dedicated to sharing bits of both Oscar's past as well as Ozpin's; specifically during his time as headmaster of Beacon when Team STRQ were still students since it could potentially reveal more on where Oz hid the location of the Vault of the Fall Maiden and the Relic of Choice. And if that episode is then followed up by an episode that shows the hero team---all of Oscar's friends actually helping him through an episode of the Merge then even better.
I think that would be pretty amazing. Hope that helps answer your questions m'fam. Let me know.
~ LMS (2024)
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lyddieowl · 1 year
weiss' lullaby (aka i spent the best part of 2 days drawing the little gay ppl in my screen xoxo)
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protect-yangs-smile · 6 months
…they saw their own gravestones
holy shit
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flame2ashes · 1 year
People asking “Who’s gonna look out for Mantle now???” after what happened to Fifestone like oh man I guess it’s Missing Robyn Hill hours around here now
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averagemrfox · 6 months
Me: I’m so ready for the extended v9 animatic!!!
Nora: We buried our friends today
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thuskindlyshescatters · 6 months
Watching the V9 animatic credits like
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gimme-tea-bitch · 6 days
I wonder if we're going to get a Raven Redemption.
One of the things I keep thinking about with both the V9 Animatic and RWBY Beyond, specifically Jr. Detectives is that Raven is there in both.
Raven who has always tried to survive. Who has always abandoned her family to protect herself. Who did so to Yang because Yang called her out on it and she still couldn't overcome her fear.
So it's interesting to me that she shows up twice in Vacuo. Once seemingly talking with Vacuo's headmaster, Winter, and Qrow. And the other time when Team RWBY returns to remnant. And her response is so fast there!
Did she feel them fall? Was Raven sitting there with her tribe, hating herself for yet again leaving her family to die because she's too scared. Thinking about how she sentenced Yang to die by Salem's hands. And then she does. Did Raven sit there hating herself and feel the moment that Yang died? Was that the final straw that finally broke Raven? How many times did she try and open a portal to someone who was no longer there?
Who did she go to first? Tai? Qrow? How could she face either of them after knowing that she sentenced Yang to die? And how Ruby died with her?
What was she doing when she felt them come back? How fast did she scramble for her sword, hoping against what she knows to be real that this is real. That this isn't some cosmic joke.
I'm really curious to see what was left of Raven Branwen after RWBY fell. It seems like their deaths didn't just spur the world, but finally got her to act. To fight for others.
I hope we get to see what she does in between these moments. The grief and loathing, blaming herself for not being braver, feeling responsible for yet another person she loves dying. For all of Qrow's self blaming of his semblance hurting the people he loves, Raven blaming herself for getting Summer killed, for getting Ruby killed, for getting Yang killed.
I really do hope we get to see her finally choose to be better. And I hope we get to see her face Yang again, still so afraid, but finally, FINALLY, choosing others over herself. And maybe it's too late, maybe it's not enough, but facing probably the one person who's forgiveness she could never expect to earn.
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h4lcyonism · 6 months
the fact that the v9 animatic is listed as ep11… someone hold me
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
So while RTX are still working on V10 and haven't greenlit RWBY V10 YET, they did have a deleted RWBY V9 Epilogue animatic for us!
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sailorb00 · 6 months
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Been itching to redraw their fandesigns since their reveal in the V9 epilogue animatic 👀🌟 Bow down to the Crown 👑🙇
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bestworstcase · 5 months
grhrksg i’m actually not sure what bit you’re asking about because there were like three things that made me go hm. hmmmmm
sun referring to oscar as “ozpin” and being repeatedly corrected is very. hoo boy between that and the violence the curse begins to inflict on both oscar and oz once ozma starts to fight it… can you hear the cannons being loaded
very interested in raven being around, because she isn’t in the 9.11 animatic—either she arrived on the refugee ship from vale and has been working with the coalition since, or plans for her got shuffled around because of whatever had to be cut from v9. both very juicy possibilities
huge side eye at mystery girl. the obvious answer is summer maiden; raven and winter being known as maidens even to outsiders like sun says mystery girl has hitherto not been around, which might indicate that mystery girl is someone they just identified and are bringing into the circle. or it might mean she isn’t the summer maiden YET, but she’s the candidate they’ve picked out to receive the powers, which in turn would suggest the current maiden is either incapacitated a la fria or an enemy. either way the possibility that vacuo might be round three of team oz trying to anoint a maiden is very exciting. especially with raven involved!
i lied. secret fourth thing. ren and nora are excluded from this meeting—which might just mean they’re busy, we do see them involved in meetings in the 9.11 animatic, but. oscar/ozpin, theodore, qrow, two maidens plus one either maiden or maiden candidate. sun and neptune get bodily thrown out when they’re caught eavesdropping—compare “you should always get friends involved” in v2, which became team rwby’s guiding philosophy. where are ren and nora and robyn and the ace ops? the ‘inner circle’ expanded dramatically from v4 to v8; now team rwby is gone, and we’re glimpsing secretive headmasters-maidens-and-spies (oh my!) meetings again. old habits die hard?
thoughts still need a while to cook. but some delicious crumbs
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…Sooooo…about that RWBY V9 EPILOGUE ANIMATIC…..
Not lying to tell you, I honestly forgot about RTX this year because I’ve been focused on other things these days. However, thanks to the almighty power of Twitter and the RWBY FNDM community, this squiggle meister was able to check out the V9 Epilogue Animatic that dropped at this year’s panel.
While I’m disappointed there was no announcement for RWBY V10 being greenlit, at least fans were given something to munch on with the featured animatic.
And y’know what folks?
If this animatic was an original draft for the ending of V9 then I am…
… SO FREAKING GLAD that this animatic never made it into the final cut for V9!
Because, for me, not only do I find the final ending of V9 perfect as it is with where it left the story off but also, some revisions need to be done for this epilogue ya’ll.
Don’t get me wrong. I thought this animatic was pretty good. I liked that it confirmed everyone’s shared theory that the others thought RWBYJ had died during the Fall of Atlas. At least that was confirmed to be canon.
However; if there is one part I would love to be revised for this epilogue, it would have to be the final moment after Raven (surprise, surprise but not really cause people theorized that shit since V8) brings RWBYJ to Vacuo and we get to see Nora, Ren and Oscar react to seeing their friends return from the literal dead and…Oscar is just standing there with the Oz-cane…smiling?
But it’s not a smile of deeper emotion. It’s not even his usual soft smile that he always gives Rubes.
Yes, yes, yes I know what ya’ll might be thinking---Squiggles, dear, please, it’s only a rough animatic. It’s not that deep sis---I KNOW…but STILL, bear with me on this one folks.
This is the closest thing to a RWBY V10 crumb that us fans will have to cling onto until the show gets greenlit…whenever. IF EVER.
This animatic is the closest thing to a potential V10 teaser that we have right now. It’s all we have right so if there are FNDM fam members picking it apart and overanalyzing it, can you really blame em?
So pardon me if the Pinehead Rosegarden shipper in me is a lil bummed out by this one shot of a rough, possible first draft animatic of an episode that could easily be the first episode of a possible next season of RWBY.
If I had to imagine a final version of this scene, I could easily see Oscar looking at Ruby softly. But even still…that’s…not the reaction I was expecting for their inevitable reunion.
If  you had told me that that’s not Oscar and is actually Oz in control, I would have a better chance at believing you with that because I am in disbelief that Ruby would return from everyone believing that she and the others had died during the fall of Atlas and…Oscar sees Ruby alive and well for the first time in who knows how long….maybe weeks or a month at best and his reaction is just a normal smile?
Not even a tearful smile or a shocked look like Nora. Just a casual smile before we cut back to Ruby’s final smile, like she was on the verge of tears before it fades to black.
Really? That’s it?  
NAAAAAAAAAH! Nah! Send that shit back to the boards for a second draft.
Again, I am fully aware that this is only an animatic and a bigger, more focused emotional reunion could easily happened after this scene in another “episode” if you look at this animatic as being like the end of the first or second episode of a potential RWBY V10.
But still, I can’t help but feel bummed by this a bit. At least the RG shipper in me is a little bummed.
If anything, I’m better off looking at this animatic as a precursor to a better more emotional and PROPER reunion between Ruby and Oscar.
That part I can dream about.
In the mean time, pardon my mini rant cause it’s been a while since I’ve talked about RWBY and I wanted to share my brief thoughts on the animatic for anyone who was curious about my thoughts on it.
~LMS (2023)
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