#va tutto been
onlyonetifosi · 8 months
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Inside Yn and Joris’ apartment it was not a peaceful morning as tension lingered in the air. Yn and Joris, had been on a rough patch for the past week. The constant arguments had created a palpable distance between them, but with the Grand Prix coming, they had no choice but to put their differences aside.
“Yn, do you have any idea where my passport is?” Joris called out, his irritation thinly veiled.
Yn glanced up, her eyes meeting his with an exasperated look. “I don't know, Joris. Maybe check your bag?”
Their bickering had escalated over the week, each disagreement building upon the last. The tension had reached its peak, yet neither of them was willing to address the underlying issues. The argument had started with a late-night return after a party, but it had spiraled into a series of disagreements over the smallest things. Forgotten housework became a battleground, and their once harmonious home now echoed with the sounds of discord.
"Joris, we can't keep going on like this," she said in French, her voice tinged with exhaustion.
He shot her a sharp look, his response equally sharp, "Maybe if you took things more seriously, we wouldn't have to."
Yn sighed as she packed her bags, glancing at Joris who was doing the same. "We can't let our personal issues affect Charles and the team," she muttered, her tone strained.
Joris nodded, avoiding eye contact. "We'll get through this weekend, and then we can talk."
In the airport, Charles Leclerc greeted his sister with a smile, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing between Yn and Joris. As they joined the Ferrari team, Andrea, Charles' trainer and friend, noticed the strained atmosphere.
"Yn, abbiamo notato qualcosa di strano ultimamente. Tutto a posto tra te e Joris?" (Yn, we've noticed something strange lately. Everything okay between you and Joris?) Andrea asked, concern etched across his face.
Yn hesitated, glancing at Joris before responding, "No, tutto bene. Siamo solo stanchi (No, everything's fine. We're just tired)"
Andrea, however, wasn't easily fooled "Non sembra solo stanchezza. Cosa sta succedendo?" (It doesn't seem like just tiredness. What's going on?) "Ricorda, siamo una famiglia qui. Se c'è qualcosa che va male, parliamone" (Remember, we're a family here. If something is wrong, let's talk about it)
Yn sighed, "Abbiamo litigato. Ma non vogliamo distrarre Charles e il team, quindi stiamo cercando di risolvere tutto privatamente." (We had a fight. But we don't want to distract Charles and the team, so we're trying to sort it out privately.)
Andrea nodded knowingly, his dark eyes showing empathy. "Ricordati che la comunicazione è la chiave. Parlatene prima che diventi troppo grande." (Remember, communication is key. Talk about it before it becomes too big)
Despite Andrea's advice, Yn and Joris continued to maintain a façade of normalcy. The strain persisted until even Charles couldn't ignore the palpable tension.
"Qu'est-ce qui se passe, Joris?" (What's going on, Joris?) Charles inquired, sensing the discomfort.
Joris hesitated before responding, "Rien, Charles. Juste quelques désaccords." (Nothing, Charles. Just a few disagreements.)
Charles wasn't convinced but chose not to push further. The trio continued their work, managing to maintain a facade of normalcy in front of the rest of the team.
As the weekend unfolded, the tension lingered beneath the surface, affecting their efficiency. Andrea, however, wasn't one to let things slide.
"Non potete continuare così. Risolvete i vostri problemi, le vostre energie negative non aiutano né voi né Charles" (You can't go on like this, sort out your problems. Your negative energies help neither you nor Charles) 
As the morning sun bathed the hotel room in a warm glow on Sunday morning, Yn couldn't help but feel a heaviness in her heart. Yn sighed, glancing at herself in the mirror. She adjusted her makeup, trying to find solace in the routine. Joris, sitting on the bed, was scrolling through his phone, seemingly engrossed in something that wasn't the current situation.
"Joris, nous devons parler" (Joris, we need to talk) Yn spoke up for the first time that day.
"Peut-on le faire plus tard? Nous avons déjà assez de problèmes." (Can we do it later? We already have enough issues) Joris glanced up to look at her across the room, his expression a mix of frustration and exhaustion.
"Non, Joris. C'est assez. Je ne peux pas continuer comme ça" (No, Joris. It's enough. I can't go on like this)
Their eyes met in the mirror, and a heavy silence lingered for a moment.
"Je m'ennuie de toi" (I miss you) Yn starts as she feels her eyes getting teary of the frustration she has had for more than a week.
Joris put his phone down, looking genuinely surprised by Yn's vulnerability.
Joris met her gaze, his expression softening "Yn, je suis désolé pour tout. Les disputes, c'était idiot. Je ne voulais pas que ça dure aussi longtemps" (Yn, I'm sorry for everything. The arguments were foolish. I didn't want it to last this long)
Yn nodded, a tear escaping her eye "Moi non plus. J'ai manqué de sommeil cette semaine, et je ne pouvais pas être en colère contre toi plus longtemps. Tu m'as manqué" (Me neither. I've been sleep-deprived this week, and I couldn't stay angry at you any longer. I missed you)
They both apologized, acknowledging their faults, and gradually the weight of the week began to lift. Joris reached out and touched Yn's hand, "Je suis désolée" (I'm sorry)
"Tu es magnifique, Yn. As always" (You look beautiful, Yn) Joris complimented her.
"Merci, Joris. You don't look too bad yourself," Yn replied with a teasing smile.
Their eyes locked, and the weight of the past week seemed to lift. Yn and Joris shared a tender moment of reconciliation, their unspoken words mending the fractures in their relationship. Without a word, they closed the gap between them and shared a heartfelt kiss, the first in what felt like an eternity.
As Yn and Joris emerged from their room, hand in hand, the team members noticed the change in their demeanor. Charles grinned, nudging his sister and best friend. "Looks like our favorite couple has made up."
As they made their way to the hotel buffet for breakfast, the other members of the Leclerc entourage couldn't help but notice the change in the atmosphere.
"Siete tornati insieme?" (Are you back together?)
Yn nodded with a shy smile, "Sì, Andrea. Abbiamo risolto le cose." (Yes, Andrea. We sorted things out.)
Andrea clapped Joris on the back, "Sono felice per voi!" (I'm happy for you!)
As they headed to the race track, the camaraderie between Yn and Joris was evident. Charles, with a smirk, teased, "Finally remembered how to get along?"
Yn playfully nudged her brother, "Shut up, Charles. Today is about winning, and we're all in this together"
As the race unfolded, Charles displayed his skill on the track, and the Leclerc family watched with pride from the pit. The cheers of the team members echoed through the air as Charles crossed the finish line, securing a victory.
In the celebration that followed, Andrea embraced Yn and Joris, "Sono felice che vi siate riconciliati. La squadra ha bisogno di armonia" (I'm glad you reconciled. The team needs harmony)
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taglist: @love4lando@gcldtom@im-mi@topguncultleader@celesteblack08@reblog-princess@sunf1ower16@janeholt3@athena-artemis-dorian-gray@minkyungseokie
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latin5mamii · 3 months
We belong (Together)
Enemies to lovers/ Carlos Alcaraz
|Warnings: none
|Summary: What if the one man you hate it’s going to hast you until you fall for him?
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“ Se lo fai, ti darò tutto quello che vuoi”
(If you do this, i’ll give you everything you want)
Non farò la terza incomoda,Jannik.
(I won't be the third bother, Jannik)
Was he really asking you to go out with him and Anna just because he was embarrassed?
What a shame would it be?
“Infatti non lo sarai, fidati di me”
(In fact you won’t.Trust me)
He has been your best friend ever since, and maybe you could help him. But what did that “trust me” mean? I swear that if he was going to take someone else with him you could seriously kill him.
“Quando dovrebbe essere questo appuntamento?”
(When is this date supposed to be?)
“Meglio che inizi a prepararti,ok?”
(It’s better for you to get ready, alright?)
“Va bene, ci vediamo dopo,”
(Alright, see you later)
You replied reluctantly, hanging up the phone. The anxiety twisted in your stomach as you stared at the clothes in your closet. Baggy jeans and a top would have to do.
As you got ready, your mind raced. Jannik had been your best friend for years, but this was a new level of awkwardness. Why was he so insistent on bringing you along? And why today, of all days?
By the time you arrived at the café where you were supposed to meet Jannik and Anna, your nerves were barely in check. You took a deep breath and walked inside, scanning the room for your friends. When you spotted Jannik, your heart skipped a beat, but it wasn’t Anna sitting beside him.
It was Carlos, you couldn’t stand him.
“Hey!” Jannik greeted you with his usual warmth, but you barely noticed. Your eyes were locked on Carlos, who looked just as surprised to see you.
“What’s he doing here?” you hissed at Jannik, trying to keep your voice down.
“Relax,” Jannik said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. “Carlos is just here as a friend. He wanted to hang out, and I thought it’d be nice for all of us to get to know each other better.”
Carlos stood up, extending his hand. “Hey,” he said, his voice cool and composed. “Nice to see you again.”
You knew him, of course, he was basically Jannik’s best friend on court and they continued to hang out even after the tournaments.
You hated him, I know, that’s a big emotion, but seriously,he is an arrogant and asshole man, with a lot of self-esteem and that shocked you, a lot.
You shook his hand, feeling a strange mix of emotions. You and Carlos had never really gotten along. His confident, almost cocky demeanor always rubbed you the wrong way. But now, here he was, and you had no choice but to deal with it.
The four of you sat down, and the conversation was initially awkward. Anna was sweet, trying to include everyone, but you couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. Carlos, however, seemed perfectly at ease, occasionally throwing you a smirk that only added to your irritation.
As the hours passed, though, you started to notice things you hadn’t before. Carlos was funny, making everyone laugh with his witty comments. Or at least everyone but you. But you have to be honest,he was also attentive, always making sure everyone had what they needed.But when he spoke to you, there was that familiar cocky edge that made you grit your teeth.
At one point, Anna and Jannik got up to get more drinks, leaving you alone with Carlos.
“So,” Carlos said, leaning back in his chair with a smug smile. “I guess Jannik didn’t tell you I’d be here, huh?”
“No, he didn’t,” you replied, crossing your arms. “Why are you here, really?”
Carlos’s smile widened. “I asked Jannik to invite you. Figured it’d be fun to see the look on your face when you realized you’d have to spend the evening with me.”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, great. So this is just a game to you?”
He chuckled, clearly enjoying your frustration. “Relax. I know we haven’t exactly been best buddies, but I thought maybe we could change that. You know, bury the hatchet and all that.”
“And why would I want to do that?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
Carlos leaned in, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Because, whether you like it or not, you find me intriguing. Admit it. You’re curious about what it’d be like to actually get along with me.”
You scoffed. “You’re delusional.”
“Am I?” he challenged, a cocky smirk playing on his lips. “I see the way you look at me. It’s not all hate. There’s something else there, too.”
You felt a flush creep up your neck, hating that he could read you so well. “You’re insufferable.”
He laughed, the sound rich and confident. “Maybe. But you can’t deny that I make things interesting.”
Before you could respond, Jannik and Anna returned, and the moment was broken. But as the evening wore on, you couldn’t help but steal glances at Carlos, wondering if maybe, just maybe, there was more to him than you’d thought.
As you all said your goodbyes, Carlos pulled you aside. “Think about it, okay?” he said, his tone still dripping with cockiness. “I really do want us to be friends. And who knows? Maybe more.”
You nodded, still unsure but unable to ignore the spark of excitement his words ignited in you. “I’ll think about it.” you say in an ironic way.
Did he really think he could play this game with you?You’re not like his other bitches.
You have to kill Jannik after this.
What if this man were to haunt you until you give up? What a shitty situation. You hope he lets you live your life, but it won't be that much easy.
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beevean · 8 months
Anyway I think I should watch Hazbin Hotel in Italian because I listened to some of the songs and holy shit what is this level of dubbing and adaptation???????? like?? it's actually really damn good???????? bro i am shook
I thought to translate some parts of my fave songs that made me go 👀 the most lol
(the videos have English subs up to Hell's Greatest Dad if you're interested)
Veleno (Poison)
Questa è la vita che mi piace Un altro amante e tante telecamere E l’illusione di scegliere
This is the life I like Another lover and so many cameras And the illusion of choice
The last verse coupled with the visual of the actors hits much harder, IMO. I also like how we already start with Angel's denial that no, really, he loves this life!
Tu sei il mio veleno Dammi il tuo veleno Non posso farne a meno Mi scivola in gola e va giù Veleno, ne sono pieno Anche questa notte per me forse è l’ultima
You are my poison Give me your poison I can't give up on it It goes down my throat Poison, I'm full of it This night as well might be the last one for me
In English, Angel is just saying that Valentino feeds him poison and he's addicted to it. In Italian, he's outright asking for it. Also, Angel is afraid every night that he might die for the abuse?????
Mentire è il mio mestiere So sempre quando quel che dico ti piacerà Rinuncio alla mia identità
E l’orgoglio che io ho Fino infondo ingoierò
Lying is my job I always know when you'll like what I say I renounce to my identity
And I will swallow My own pride
It's one thing to get good at lying, and another to do it for a living.
Also I prefer the bridge in this version to the English one. We know he's swallowing poison by this point. It's more poignant to add that he's also swallowing his own pride and dignity.
(related to this, during his breakdown with Husk in the hotel, I adore that they translated "Do you know how much I'm worth?" with "Ma lo sai quanto costo?". To be worth in English could also refer to his general status, but in Italian, it can only be intended as his price as a prostitute. Man.)
Muoio, è troppo il veleno Anche se tu mi riempi non sono pieno Del veleno, così mi avveleno Questa notte spero soltanto che sia l’ultima
I'm dying, the poison is too much Even if you fill me up I'm not full Of poison, I'm going to get poisoned I only wish this night will be my last one
... do I need to say anything? :( Riccardo Suarez is just. man. He's the perfect counterpart to Blake Roman.
Not much to point out about Fai Schifo, Baby, except that Husk says "Baby, I like you this way" and Angel Dust calls him "love" :) a bit more seriously, "fare schifo" sounds much harsher to me than "you suck", which would be the closer translation - it more literally means "to be disgusting". I really hope the Italian fandom is not as discourse-happy as the English one :^)
(also "passivello da bordello" cracks me up just as much as "power bottom at rock bottom" dhsjfhsdk it literally means "a little bottom from a brothel" but it sounds good 😭)
Il Papà Migliore Dell'Inferno (Hell's Greatest Dad)
Lucifer calls Alastor "sguattero" which is a pretty dispregiative word for "busboy" lmao, more like "scullion".
Chi è che da sempre c'è? Chi da sempre ha fede in te? Chi trasforma tutto in cabaret? L'assistente alla regia? Proprio io, il demone Che ha dato il nome all'Hazbin Hotel Inoltre ti ho sturato la toilette Proprio oggi, grazie tante
Who has always been here? Who has always believed in you? Who turns everything into a cabaret? The assistant director? That's right, it's me, the demon Who named the Hazbin Hotel Also I unclogged your toilet Just today, thank you so much
Very interesting that now Alastor's nun cosplay directly refers to his faith in Charlie, and not just his loyalty to the hotel :)
Also nice touch that he once again gives himself credit for the name of the hotel lol, he really hated that Lucifer didn't like it
And personally I love the effect of his voice - it's different from the og dub, and it reminds me of the earliest Disney movies Italian dubs, it's nostalgic <3
Quindi Non Sai (You Didn't Know)
Tutto qui, Sera? Charlie, non esagerare No! Vuoi di più, Sera? Non vedi che un demone può amare? Se è così salvate un'anima Che altrimenti sempre brucerà
Is that all, Sera? Charlie, don't go overboard No! Do you want more, Sera? Don't you see that a demon can love? If that's so save a soul That otherwise will burn forever
I just like a lot more how this comes across :) it's more accusatory and also it straight up says that a demon can not only improve, but love.
Another miscellaneous lines that I prefer are "Ora la bimba lo sa!" ("Now the girlie knows!") over "Now the cat's out of the bag", because Lute is an asshole; "È questo quello che mi disgusta!" ("This is what disgusts me!") over "That's what the fuck I've been saying!" because it's a more elegant emphasis; and "Come mai nascondi che tu hai le ali come noi?" ("Why do you hide that you have wings just like us?") because it's more evocative and even more cruel since Vaggie actually got her wings ripped out.
Trascino fin qui Quel resta di me Ma la morte so che Mi voleva per se Se pensano che sarei morto da eroe Mi dispiace, ma no, sono tutte bugie Io bramo soltanto la mia libertà Dal contratto che storpia la mia volontà E quando le ali io dispiegherò Finalmente il mondo piegherò
I drag here What's left of me But I know that death Wanted me for itself If they think I would die as a hero I'm sorry but they're all lies I only long for my freedom From the contract that distorts my will And when I'll unfold my wings Finally I will bend the world
First of all, Nanni Baldini is slaying just as much as Riccardo Suez in the emotional department bro what is that voice. But most importantly, "From the contract that distorts my will". This is much more poignant than the English version, and it paints Alastor as not only a puppet, but really as if part of him is acting against his own will. man.
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@esthergravityfalls made me think of this, so have the Loumand fight adapted into Italian by me
L: "Cosa? Cosa?"
A: "È giorno!"
L: "E allora? Me la passavo-"
A: "Con un ragazzo. Te la spassavi con un ragazzo. Ero a casa a girarmi i pollici sul divano."
L: "Ti ho chiesto di unirti a noi."
A: "La notte è passata, la stanza è un casino e ora sono qui, a pulire con straccio e stupidità."
L: "La stanza si è sporcata, e allora? La pulisco."
A: "No, la pulisco io. Tu fai i casini e io li pulisco. Segnamolo sul calendario, allineiamolo con Orsa Maggiore, il triannuale "vaffanculo, ora trovami" di Louis, con scuse a seguire."
L: "Scusa!"
A: "Ti rifugi nelle braccia di delinquenti e malcapitati e ragazzini distrutti, va bene."
L: "Ah, il va bene che non sembra bene."
A: "Ma rivelare la nostra natura a un reporter che hai incontrato in un bar 10 ore fa... E se avesse pubblicato?"
L: "Mi stavo divertendo, stavo per chiudere la faccenda quando..."
A: "Saresti svenuto sul pavimento di fianco a lui, Louis. Stordito dalle droghe che gli hai dato."
L: "Oh, che noia! Sei noioso. Scolorito, insipido. Settimane noiose, mesi noiosi, un noioso del cazzo!"
A: "Ecco le droghe, dalle zanne giù per la gola fino al cuore, le dita tremanti, i piedi..."
L: "Soffocamento dal cuscino più morbido e beige. Le 10 ore che ho passato con quel ragazzo sono state più interessanti, più affascinanti, di decenni con te! Oh eccolo! Lo sguardo mezzo vacuo, mezzo apocalittico. Ma cosa significa oggi, eh? Mi vuole leccare le scarpe o tagliarmi le mani? Stasera c'è il gremlin o la crocerossina?"
A: "Okay. Okay, forse. Ma sono noioso come il blaterare registrato sulle cassette magnetiche del tuo affascinante ragazzo? Oh, oh, è così difficile essere me!"
L: "Mi giravo i pollici sul divano?"
A: "È così difficile uccidere gli umani,sento i loro sentimenti mentre li prosciugo! Tutti quelli che conosco mi fanno dei torti!"
L: "OK, OK, svegliamo il ragazzo e proviamo con te. Sono il vampiro Armand e il mio papà vampiro mi ha addestrato ad essere una puttanella!"
A: "Mio fratello, si è gettato dal tetto! Mia sorella mi ha sepolto vivo!"
L: "Ma i vampiri che hanno ucciso mio papà mi hanno fatto pretendere di non avere il cazzo per 240 anni."
A: "Mia figlia era mia sorella, era il mio soprammobile. Non mi guardava gentilmente. Lestat, Lestat, Lestat, Lestat"
L: "Ho parlato male di lui tutto il tempo! E allora?"
A: "IL NOME! Il nome, muto nella nostra casa da 23 anni, detto di nuovo e di nuovo finché non mi pulsava in testa come un martello."
L: "I nostri problemi non riguardano lui!"
A: "E tu usavi il suo nome solo come copertura, ma poi si tornava sempre a lui!"
L: "L'ho amata!"
A: "Ma lei non amava te! Non come lui, non come me."
L: "Lo so. Lo so! Grazie, grazie per averlo detto."
A few observations
- boy, do they say a lot in 2 minutes
- some things have been changed, such as picking lint off the sofa and idk what Armand meant by "wallowing fingers" at a certain point
- rewatching this scene never gets old
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satureja13 · 5 months
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Beltane - Part 7 It all starts -> here (incl prequel)
A 'little' later than Ji Ho and Jeb, Noxee, Saiwa and Jack at the campsite got up too. And when poor Jack stumbled out of the tent, he almost choked at the sight of his beloved Noxee! She's so hot! Saiwa: "Noxee! Have merci!" Noxee: "Aww, our poor baby! I'll change into something more 'appropriate' and make us some churros, how does that sound?" And then she vanished and Jack cursed under his breath for not having a grip on himself. He wanted her to stay like this, just for a little longer... He's barely even seen her properly! Time he gets back ingame so he can meet the Queen again! And Lou. Distracting himself from Kiyoshi is already working just fine, that's a good sign!
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And while Noxee was making the churros (that's the only dish she is able to 'cook'), Saiwa and Jack wandered around the campsite. If it's not too draining for Ji Ho and Vlad to let them travel around in the Otherworld with the TTT (Teleporting TukTuk), they should come here more often. Saiwa even found the bunny again!
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Saiwa: "He's so cute, quiet and soft. Just the opposite of Jack ;P " Jack: "You know, everything we talked about yesterday, about not being able to get rid of Kiyoshi because of that fated mates thing, me prospering and unlocking my Super Soldier abilities. All that stuff frightened and intimidated me beyond measure. But!"
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Saiwa: "But what?" Jack: "But you, my precious friend, who is like a dearest brother to me, already unlocked my ability to decide to let myself not get hurt when others throw their meanness at me :3 " Saiwa: "..."
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Noxee: "Aww how sweet! Hahaha yeah, it's been like that since you two met at the lab three years ago!" Jack: "Right you are. Three long years Saiwa accepted many hardships to poke and pester me. As if he had seen it coming that I was going to need it one day ^^ I never got upset!"
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Jack: "And I'm very positive that I, the Super Soldier, will suceed in my quest to defy Kiyoshi's influence over me and heal!" Noxee: "I think you should better use your Super Soldier powers to run from Saiwa before he throws that bathtub at you hahaha!"
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And then Jack ran 🏃 But I think he has a point. Saiwa is the only one who gets upset at Jack's antics and scolds him. But it never hurt Jack (erm at least mentally. He gets hurt physically from time to time when he's running from Saiwa ^^'). He can work with that.
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They ran a lap around the lagoon and then breakfast was ready. Saiwa was still a bit upset. And it didn't make it any better that Jack suggested to try the I-don't-give-others-power-over-my-feelings method on himself hahaha! Noxee: "Babies, let's eat!"
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Noxee made very special churros for her Babies! They are sparkling like crazy! Noxee: "Made with extra love by an extra Queen for my extra Babies <3 " Saiwa is lost in thought. He has to face Jeb again soon. And then they'd have to part again when they head back home to Tomarang. He doesn't know what's worse. And Jack wishes he could eat Noxee's churros more often - without Greg at that, too...
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Even though they are not blood related, they are like a little, dysfunctional family 💖
I mean, I get it that Saiwa refused to stay sit to eat because the flowers are placed at the counter. But why Jack? There is nothing! And why is Noxee eating while sitting even though there is an object at her counter? Omg this is so annoying! -.-
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'Cerco l'estate tutto l'anno e all'improvviso eccola qua. Lei è partita per le spiagge e sono solo quassù in città. Sento fischiare sopra i tetti, un aeroplano che se ne va.'
'All year I'm looking for the summer and all of a sudden, here it is. She left for the beach and I'm alone, up here, in the city I hear wistling above the roofs an airplane that is leaving.'
Azzurro - Adriano Celentano
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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I regret my life choices of not being able to actually start studying. Here's "Freeze Your Brain" adapted in Italian!
ASK ME FOR PERMISSION BEFORE USING THIS, DO CREDIT ME IF YOU EVER USE THIS (I doubt you will it’s impractical and still needs so much fixing it’s unbelievable) AND TELL ME/LINK WHATEVER YOU USED IT FOR USING REBLOGS (because for some reason Tumblr doesn’t like comments with links and while I do think I understand why I don’t always like it)
(the apostrophes [or however ’ is called] are used to shorten the number of syllables often in poetry so I’m obviously abusing that power.)
[J.D.] Sono stato in dieci superiori Tutte la stessa scenetta Inutile abituarsi Perché ce ne andiamo di fretta Mio padre tiene nel baule pronti due bagagli Quindi è solo una questione di ricaricarli I nomi non imparo Che faccia è di chi non m'è chiaro La fiducia in questa oasi di cemento riparo Sembra che ogni volta che sto per disperarmi C'è un 7-Eleven ad aspettarmi Ogni negozio è lo stesso Da Las Vegas all'Ohio Corsie di linoleum che adoro Vagare io Prego al mio altare di granita; Sì, adoro quella dolce botta di vita...
Congela il cervello Succhia dalla cannuccia Meglio di un coltello Arriva la felicità Quando tutto se ne va A chi serve uno spinello? Congela il cervello Congela il cervello
[J.D., parlato] Ti va un tiro?
[VERONICA, parlato] La tua mammina sa che mangi tutta quella merda?
[J.D., parlato] Non più
(cantato) Quando mamma era viva Vivevamo quasi normalmente Ora siamo solo io e mio padre Stiamo meno formalmente Ho imparato a cucinare Le tasse a pagare; Imparato che'l mondo Nemmeno un cent ti vorrà dare Il tuo futuro hai pianificato Veronica Sawyer Andrai a qualche college E sposerai un avvocato Ma il cielo farà male Quando su di te sarà demolito Quindi è meglio se Il tuo muro l'avrai già costruito...
Congela il cervello Nuota nel ghiaccio Perditi nel suo doloroso bello Chiudi bene i tuoi occhi Fino a che non ti vedran quegli sciocchi Non diventare uno zimbello
Congela il cervello Distruggiti il teschio Combatti il dolore con uno più bello Dimentica chi sei Liberati da quel peso Dimentica in un mese e mezzo Riavrai lo stesso frainteso Quando la voce nella tua testa Dice ch'uno come te è meglio se non resta Non ascoltare a quello
Solo congela il cervello Congela il cervello Vai avanti e congela il cervello...
(parlato) Provaci So, direct translation! (used in this to specify the meanings and explain certain word choices)
[J.D.] I've been through ten high schools They're all the same little scene (but little in this case is meant in a negative light) No point getting used to it 'Cause we're gone in a hurry My dad keeps two suitcases ready in the den So it's only a matter of refilling(/repacking) them I don't learn the names Whose faces is whose isn't clear to me My trust resides in this concrete oasis Seems every time I'm about to despair There's a 7-Eleven waiting for me Each store is the same From Las Vegas to Ohio Linoleum aisles that I love To walk around in I pray at my altar of slush; Yeah, I live for sweet hit of life (or however you call that, basically gives life force again but something that gives you life force not in a literal sense)...
Freeze your brain Suck from that straw Better than a knife Happiness comes When everything goes Who needs a joint? Freeze your brain Freeze your brain
[J.D., spoken] You want a hit?
[VERONICA, spoken] Does your mommy know you eat all that crap?
[J.D., spoken] Not anymore
(sung) When mom was alive We lived almost normally But now it's just me and my dad We live less formally I learned to cook pasta To pay taxes; Learned the world Won't want to give you even a cent You've planned your future Veronica Sawyer You'll go to some college And marry a lawyer But the sky's gonna hurt When it'll be demolished on you So it'll be better if You'll have already built your wall
Freeze your brain Swim in the ice Get lost in its beautiful pain Shut your eyes tight(/well) Till those fools (sorry I had to use this for the rhyme) won't see you Don't become a laughingstock
Freeze your brain Destroy your skull Fight pain with a more beautiful one Forget who you are Free yourself from that weight Forget in a month and a half You'll have the same misunderstanding again When the voice in your head Says someone like you is better off gone Don't listen to that guy(/him)
Just freeze your brain Freeze your brain Go on and freeze your brain...
(spoken) Try it OG LYRICS (if you’re seeing this I doubt you don’t know them, but here they are anyway):
[J.D.] I've been through ten high schools They start to get blurry No point planting roots 'Cause you're gone in a hurry My dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den So it's only a matter of when I don't learn the names Don't bother with faces All I can trust is this concrete oasis Seems every time I'm about to despair There's a 7-Eleven right there Each store is the same From Las Vegas to Boston Linoleum aisles that I love To get lost in I pray at my altar of slush; Yeah, I live for that sweet frozen rush...
Freeze your brain Suck on that straw Get lost in the pain Happiness comes When everything numbs Who needs cocaine? Freeze your brain Freeze your brain See upcoming pop shows Get tickets for your favorite artists
[J.D., spoken] Care for a hit?
[VERONICA, spoken] Does your mommy know you eat all that crap?
[J.D., spoken] Not anymore
(sung) When mom was alive We lived halfway normal But now it's just me and my dad We're less formal I learned to cook pasta I learned to pay rent; Learned the world Doesn't owe you a cent You're planning your future Veronica Sawyer You'll go to some college And marry a lawyer But the sky's gonna hurt When it falls So you better start Building some walls...
Freeze your brain Swim in the ice Get lost in the pain Shut your eyes tight Till you vanish from sight Let nothing remain
Freeze your brain Shatter your skull Fight pain with more pain Forget who you are Unburden your load Forget in six weeks You'll be back on the road When the voice in your head Says you're better off dead Don't open a vein
Just freeze your brain Freeze your brain Go on and freeze your brain...
(spoken) Try it
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lunamagicablu · 3 months
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So che potrebbero esserci stati momenti nella tua vita in cui l'hai fatto hai smesso di ballare, smesso di cantare, smesso di essere te stesso perché qualcuno ti stava guardando. Giudicandoti. E non sei l'unico a sentirsi così. Ma non posso fare a meno di pensare che abbiamo sbagliato tutto. Ci è stato insegnato che dobbiamo essere noi stessi solo se va bene agli altri. Dobbiamo cantare solo se risulta gradito a chi ascolta. Dobbiamo ballare solo se sembra bello agli spettatori. Ma abbiamo così torto. Gli uccelli cantano - non perché potremmo ascoltarli - ma semplicemente per la gioia di essere vivi. E gli alberi danzano nel vento - non perché ci faccia bene - ma perché sono vivi. Vivendo il momento. Qualunque cosa il momento possa portare. Quindi canta più forte che vuoi e balla quanto vuoi. Non esisti per il divertimento degli altri. Esisti per essere vivo. Correttamente, pienamente, meravigliosamente vivo. Becky Hemsley 2023 art by Mici Myers ********************************** I know there may have been times in your life when you’ve stopped dancing, stopped singing, stopped being yourself because someone was watching you. Judging you. And you are not the only one to feel this way. But I can’t help thinking that we’ve got it all wrong. We’ve been taught that we must only be ourselves if it suits other people. We must only sing if it sounds pleasing to those listening. We must only dance if it looks good to onlookers. But we are so wrong. The birds sing - not because we might listen - but simply with the joy of being alive. And the trees dance in the wind - not because it looks good for us - but because they are alive. Living in the moment. Whatever the moment may bring. So sing as loud as you wish and dance as much as you like. You do not exist for the enjoyment of others. You exist to be alive. Properly, fully, beautifully alive. Becky Hemsley 2023 art by Mici Myers
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no-gays-in-russia · 1 year
ESC 2023: my favourite lyric from every song
Albania: Krejt tuj pas, e krejt tuj pas, s’po muj mu knaq (Having everything, and having everything but not being happy) 
Armenia: I’m so hypnotised by someone that I’ve never ever met
Australia: If you’ve never done anything like this before, then you haven’t been alive
Austria: Edgar cannot pay rent for me
Azerbaijan: If I ever learn again to feel the way I did, I'll die from the emotions that I kept down for years
Belgium: Told me to love myself a bit harder than yesterday
Croatia: the most iconic of them all, Mama kupila traktora (Mum bought a tractor)
Cyprus: I loved you but you loved to do me wrong
Czechia: Blood’s on your God’s head
Denmark: I’m not scared to love you, but I’m scared of breaking my heart
Estonia: There is one more thing you need to know, that I forgive myself for all the lies I’ve said before
Finland: Enkä pelkääkään tätä maailmaa (I’m not scared of this world anymore)
France: C’est toujours trop beaux pour etre vrai, mais c’n’est jamais trop laid pour etre faux (It’s always too good to be true, but it’s never too ugly to be false)
Georgia: Words getting worthless, love is a wordless
Germany: What we are is but a choice
Greece: As a writer, but I’m not an actor, no, I don’t live my own life
Iceland: I’m releasing all of you in gratitude
Ireland: When we rise, we rise like the sun
Israel: History caught in a loop, don’t you wanna change it?
Italy: Siamo i soli svegli in tutto l’universo, e non conosco ancora bene il tuo deserto (We’re the only ones awake in the whole universe, and I still don’t know your desert well)
Latvia: You still think we live in a world so beautiful; you see, I think I don’t believe in this stuff anymore
Lithuania: Had to taste it and embrace it, all the bitterness of failure, to find myself within me
Malta: Might be the drinks or the social tease of anxiety
Moldova: M-am pierdut și e de vină (I lost myself and it’s your fault)
Netherlands: I don’t believe in God anymore, ‘cause where did He go?
Norway: Can’t stay the same, in this world of change
Poland: the iconic BEJBAH
Portugal:  Amor, p'ra mim, assim não dá, porque parece que nem sou mais eu (Love without plans is a no no, because I don’t feel like myself) 
Romania: The scent of mistakes just reminds you of me
San Marino: Bring the party, Aphrodite
Serbia: It is all a game to me, I don’t wanna choose my fighter, who’s taking control of me?
Slovenia: Igra sovraštva je za vas, hvala lepa, ne računajte na nas (The game of hatred is your thing, thank you, don’t count on us)
Spain: Mi nino, cuando me muera, que me entierren en la luna (My child, when I die, may they bury me on the moon)
Sweden: Violins playing and the angels crying
Switzerland: We ain’t playing now, can’t turn and run, no water guns
Ukraine: Sometimes you just gotta know when to stick your middle finger up in the air
United Kingdom: When you said you were leaving to work on your mental health, you didn’t mention the cheating, you kept that one to yourself
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dilebe06 · 1 year
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo
“If I had not met him, I would not yearn for him.  If I did not know him, I would not think of him so much. If we had not been together, I wouldn’t have to disappear. If I did not treasure him so much, I wouldn’t have so many memories. If I did not love him… we wouldn’t need to throw each other away.  If we had not been face-to-face, we would have never been together. Perhaps… If I had not met you at all.” – Hae Soo
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Io lo sapevo che avrei sofferto. Era scritto nelle stelle e negli spoiler che mi sono andata a cercare che questa serie avrebbe frantumato il mio cuore ed ecco perché ho aspettato il momento giusto per vederlo. Dovevo essere nel mood giusto: quello depresso/voglio soffrire per intenderci.
E come è andata?
Siccome tra febbre e emozioni contrastanti non riuscirei mai a scrivere un commento decente di questa serie, andrò per punti, Ovviamente alla cazzum. Giusto per parlarne e sfogarmi un po'.
[ spoiler a pioggia come le mie lacrime]
La trama:
Qui lo dico e qui non lo nego: a me la storia è piaciuta. Storia vera, Intrighi, complotti, viaggi nel tempo, amori impossibili e tormentati... insomma, Moon Lovers ha portato in scena tutto quello che potrebbe piacermi.
Di serie con viaggi nel tempo è pieno il mondo e proprio su questo frangente credo che si potesse fare un po' meglio. Come un po' meglio poteva essere fatta la parte di sceneggiatura dove i salti temporali o i change of heart certe volte mi hanno lasciato confusa.
Ma nel complesso la storia non mi ha mai annoiata e sono rimasta incollata ( maratonando a volte ) per sapere cosa sarebbe successo e come sarebbe andata a finire tutta la vicenda.
Ho trovato molto carina l'idea di seguire la vera storia ( la salita al trono del 4° principe ) modificandone certi aspetti per poi tornare ad avere la vera storia nel finale come un cerchio che si chiude. senza fare spoiler è difficile
I Personaggi
Moon Lovers presenta una caterva di personaggi, alcuni belli altri meh e altri favolosi.
Onestamente con una storia così intricata e politica e con così tanti personaggi la serie non è giustamente riuscita ad ampliare e dare profondità a tutti ma credo che abbiano cercato di dare spazio e caratterizzare più personaggi possibili e questo è una cosa che apprezzo.
Palma d'oro va ovviamente al quarto principe.
Scritto proprio per farsi amare dagli spettatori: un ragazzo abbandonato dalla sua famiglia che nessuno vuole e tutti schifano ma che in realtà ha un cuore d'oro e che vuole solo essere amato. Con problemi di gestione della rabbia.
Avete presente la Bella e la Bestia?! Ecco.
Firma qua per l'adozione.
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Mi hai comprata.
Dammene tre!
Il quarto principe è scritto perché sia amato dagli spettatori dandogli quel tratto di tragicità, solitudine e ricerca di affetto che tanto fa breccia nei cuoricini del popolo. nel mio sicuramente
Ci si potrebbe scrivere un trattato su questo personaggio, dall'infanzia al rapporto con i genitori e fratelli fino ad arrivare alla politica e alle sue relazioni... ma per preservare la mia sanità mentale salterò questo pezzo, ricordando però che è stato un GRAN PERSONAGGIO. IL MIO PREFERITO.
Più tiepida mi ha lasciato invece la lead. C'erano volte che apprezzavo la sua dolcezza e capacità di confortare gli altri. Ho amato la sua relazione con il quarto principe ed i suoi fratelli. Altre volte invece, la sua quasi santità mi faceva cadere le braccia. Tanto da scivolare nell'ipocrisia: come quella volta in cui si strugge e si dispera per la morte dell'amica/serva/sorella ma non getta un pensiero al povero Principe Ereditario -che la lead diceva di voler bene come ad un fratello - ammazzato proprio dalla amica/sorella/schiava.
E come non parlare del fatto che in 20 episodi non abbia mai rivolto un pensiero alla sua famiglia del futuro - avrà dei genitori? un fratello?! amici?! - che magari sono preoccupati per lei?
E' sconcertante come si sia adattata velocemente alla vita nella vecchia epoca!
E perché...del tira e molla con l'ottavo principe ne vogliamo parlare?! Sta relazione ce la siamo tirata dietro per 20 episodi!
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Menzioni d'onore alla concubina del Re, al Re - il padre del lead ( perché qui dici "Re" e te ne cicciano fuori 3 o 4... diventa un casino capire a quale testa coronata tu ti stia riferendo) - il 13° e 14° principe.
Tutti personaggi che per un motivo o per un altro ho apprezzato e di cui ringrazio la serie per averli strutturati un po'. Quel tanto che basta perché io mi ci affezioni e empatizzi per loro.
Menzione disonorevole invece alla Regina Madre ( la mamma del lead) alla sorellastra/moglie del lead e all'ottavo principe.
Sulla regina poco da dire: odiava il lead ma vi giuro che non ho mai capito il perché. Dire che porta sfiga, che è un mostro... non riconoscerlo come figlio. Gli dei solo sanno la motivazione logica dietro questo odio totale.
Della sorellastra ho apprezzato l'intelligenza e l'onestà dell'ammettere di essere avida e di volere il potere. Ma c'era solo questo. Cioè... non aveva manco una qualità positiva che la rendeva umana e quindi di facile empatia. Era solo stronza e avida. Punto.
Ma ci ha regalato delle perle di politica veramente rare.
L'ottavo Principe...inizialmente mi piaceva e lo trovavo interessante. Il suo amore per la lead ed il senso di tradimento verso sua moglie lo rendevano stimolante da vedere. Ma alla lunga l'ho trovato stancante. Ho avuto la sensazione che il drama facesse tutto il possibile per farlo arrivare in fondo alla storia quando la gente è morta malissimo per molto meno.
E' interessante notare che NESSUNA storia d'amore è arrivata alla fine.
Quattro/cinque - non ricordo nemmeno quante storie d'amore c'erano - e sono finite tutte a merda! Ma tutte! Pure quelle dei second. Per dire.
Ammetto che io ho seguito specialmente quella principale e non perché le altre non fossero belle... ma perché già angstavo con i due lead. Starmi a preoccupare anche per le altre coppie avrebbe comportato un investimento emotivo troppo gravoso. Tanto più che appunto, sono finite tutte malissimo...quindi ho salvato il mio cuore.
La love story principale invece mi ha catturato sin dall'inizio. Ok, con la storiella della Bella e la Bestia giocavano facile. Ma oh, funziona da secoli sta roba! Un motivo ci sarà.
I due lead formano una romance a mio parere bellissima. Ci vuole un po' perché parta ma quando la nave finalmente salpa.. è la realizzazione di un sogno. Li ho shippati come poche cose ed ho trovato la fine della loro storia bellissima e straziante:
Come nella celebre frase " certe volte l'amore non basta" , nonostante i due lead si amassero tantissimo, le circostanze, il palazzo, le regole, il matrimonio del lead con un altra donna e tante altre problematiche hanno portato la coppia a sfasciarsi poco a poco. Ma sul questo ci torno dopo Ma è innegabile il profondo amore tra i due.
La seconda parte della loro storia l'ho trovata matura e realistica, straziante e ingiusta ma pienamente emozionante.
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Temi e tematiche trattate
Come detto sopra, soprattutto la figura del lead è un concentrato di temi, emozioni e riflessioni da fare. Dall'essere un buon Re, al significato dell'avere una famiglia. Dall'eccesso di orgoglio al concetto di affettività. Solo con il quarto principe si potrebbe fare un dibattito.
Mi è piaciuto come Moon Lovers usi i suoi personaggi per raccontare un emozione o un concetto:
nel trattamento dei figli come pedine del trono per la Regina Yoo e come questo si ripercuota sui suoi figli.
nella concezione che per salire al trono devi rinunciare a qualcosa che ami, che sia per il Re padre del lead che per il lead stesso.
nel ruolo politico di una donna, nella sua indipendenza che vediamo nelle gesta della sorellastra del lead.
nel concetto della solitudine e sindrome di abbandono del lead
l'incredibile dignità della concubina amata dal Re
ecc ecc
Ma per me, una delle tematiche e riflessioni più belle e strazianti è proprio quella che riguarda la lead e che si trova quasi alla fine:
nonostante ami e sia ricambiata dal Re, la protagonista soffre la vita di palazzo. Si ammala. E' triste e depressa. Vuole lasciare il palazzo ma il Re non sopporta di separarsi da lei. E lei questo lo sa. E' impensabile - soprattutto per Sua Maestà - separarsi dalla donna che lo rende felice, lo ama e lo mantiene sano di mente. E tutti questi sentimenti la protagonista li conosce benissimo. E nonostante questo, con grande sofferenza, decide di andarsene.
Rivedere l'inizio della serie quando la lead era una giovane ragazza spensierata dagli occhioni grandi e così piena di vita e rivederla verso la fine della storia è quasi un colpo per il cambiamento di personalità e carattere. E per quanto sia una cosa molto triste è anche molto avvincente da osservare.
Il Finale
Non mentirò. Il finale di Moon Lovers mi ha prosciugato i condotti lacrimali.
Andava già male da due episodi... ma vedere la lead tornare nel presente, davanti al quadro del lead e sentirla scusarsi per averlo lasciato da solo... è stato straziante.
Perché sì, nonostante tutte le belle parole di " non ti lascerò mai" ecc ecc... alla fine la lead abbandona il fianco del Re ed è inevitabile guardare quell'immagine del Quarto Principe nel cortile e pensare a tutta la gente che via via se ne è andata e lo ha lasciato da solo.
Ha preso il trono ma ha perso tutti. Tutti lo hanno abbandonato portando alla luce proprio quello che il lead non avrebbe mai voluto: rimanere da solo.
Ora... si parla di una seconda stagione che mai è stata fatta e che mi auguro che mai lo sarà.
Onestamente non riesco a pensare ad una seconda stagione di questa serie se non una trama dove lui è un CEO d'azienda che s'innamora della Cenerella di turno e la famiglia s'oppone al matrimonio. Mai sia!
Ma ammetto che una scena dove i due lead si rincontravano nel presente...me la meritavo. Anche una gif, un immagine, un frame mi bastava.
Il finale infatti, con l'eclissi che si staglia sul palazzo reale, presuppone che anche il lead si farà il suo viaggetto nel tempo ritrovando la sua lei e amandosi per l'eternità.
Ma è un sospetto, non la matematica certezza. Ed io, dopo tutto l'angst, il patimento, la sofferenza, le lacrime ed il dolore, me lo meritavo una scena di almeno 5 secondi di loro due che si rivedevano nel passato. 5 secondi. Mica ore!
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PS: Scena madre che mi ha fatto tagliare dalle risate.
La lead è al capezzale del Re morente. (Il Re padre del lead) Egli sta morendo e manda la donzella a cercare il suo erede avvisandola di NON DIRE A NESSUNO che lui è morto. A NESSUNO.
Lei va e becca l'ottavo principe che con uno sguardo alla Petyr Bealish gli chiede notizie del Padre.
E lei...*fa la vaga * fa la vaga * fa la vaga* Il Re vuole il tè.
Molla il principe e non fa in tempo a girare l'angolo che toh! trova il lead 4° principe.
Quello non fa in tempo a chiedergli che succede che la lead gli fa:-" Il Re è morto."
Ma così. De botto.
Ho riso più del dovuto.
E meno male che non doveva dirlo a nessuno. XD
VOTO: 8,5
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diceriadelluntore · 9 months
Falsi ortopedici
Capita a tutti di citare erroneamente. capita anche di credere vera una citazione o un aforisma legati a qualche personaggio che si ammira. Io che ne scrivo tante, ne sono certo, avrò fatto qualche errore di valutazione. Qualche volta però mi capita di incuriosirmi e verificare: per esempio una molta bella e famosa dice
Volevo scriverti, non per sapere come stai tu, ma per sapere come si sta senza di me. Io non sono mai stato senza di me, e quindi non lo so. Vorrei sapere cosa si prova a non avere me che mi preoccupo di sapere se va tutto bene, a non sentirmi ridere, a non sentirmi canticchiare canzoni stupide, a non sentirmi parlare, a non sentirmi sbraitare quando mi arrabbio, a non avere me con cui sfogarsi per le cose che non vanno, a non avermi pronto lì a fare qualsiasi cosa per farti stare bene. Forse si sta meglio. Forse no. Però mi e venuto il dubbio, e vorrei anche sapere se, ogni tanto, questo dubbio è venuto anche a te. Perché sai, io a volte me lo chiedo come si sta senza di te, poi però preferisco non rispondere che tanto va bene così. Ho addirittura dimenticato me stesso, per poter ricordare te.
Attribuita nientemeno a Kierkegaard nel suo Diario di un seduttore. Ebbene, grazie anche ad una mia splendida amica lettrice, ho constatato che nel libro non esiste niente di tutto ciò, e la citazione è costruita prendendo parti diverse da altri libri.
In questi giorni, mi è capitato di rileggere un post che sostiene questo:
Anni fa, uno studente chiese all'antropologa Margaret Mead quale riteneva che fosse il primo segno di civiltà in una cultura. Lo studente si aspettava che Mead parlasse di armi, pentole di terracotta o macine di pietra. Ma non fu così. Mead disse che il primo segno di civiltà in una cultura antica era un femore rotto e poi guarito. Spiegò che nel regno animale, se ti rompi una gamba, muori. Non puoi scappare dal pericolo, andare al fiume a bere qualcosa o cercare cibo. Sei carne per bestie predatrici che si aggirano intorno a te. Nessun animale sopravvive a una gamba rotta abbastanza a lungo perché l'osso guarisca. Un femore rotto che è guarito è la prova che qualcuno si è preso il tempo di stare con colui che è caduto, ne ha bendato la ferita, lo ha portato in un luogo sicuro e lo ha aiutato a riprendersi. Mead disse che aiutare qualcun altro nelle difficoltà è il punto preciso in cui la civiltà inizia. Noi siamo al nostro meglio quando serviamo gli altri. Essere civili è questo.
L'autore è qualche volta sconosciuto, altre volte Ira Byock, un medico scrittore americano. Dato che sono in vacanza, mi sono messo a cercare un po' di notizie, poichè secondo me questa affermazione è altamente improbabile che l'abbia detta l'antropologa Margaret Mead.
La prima evidenza della frase appare in un libro del 1980, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, del chirurgo Paul Brand e di Philip Yancey, in cui dice "reminded of a lecture given by the anthropologist Margaret Mead, who spent much of her life studying primitive cultures".
La storia però cambia quando un articolo di Forbes durante la pandemia (del Marzo 2020) cita lo stesso episodio: How A 15,000-Year-Old Human Bone Could Help You Through The Coronacrisis di Remy Blumenfeld:
Years ago, the anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked by a student what she considered to be the first sign of civilization in a culture. The student expected Mead to talk about clay pots, tools for hunting, grinding-stones, or religious artifacts. But no. Mead said that the first evidence of civilization was a 15,000 years old fractured femur found in an archaeological site. A femur is the longest bone in the body, linking hip to knee. In societies without the benefits of modern medicine, it takes about six weeks of rest for a fractured femur to heal. This particular bone had been broken and had healed.
L'aggiunta è questa datazione del reperto osseo, e l'articolo continua suggerendo pratiche di condivisione di aspetti gioiosi e comunitari nei periodi di segregazione sociale imposto dal Covid19. L'articolo diviene virale e diffonde sul web lo stesso misterioso passo.
Tuttavia, pur ammettendo che in una determinata occasione non documentata Margaret Mead abbia detto come sopra, ad una domanda specifica "When does a culture become a civilization?", l'antropologa rispose così:
Well, this is a matter of definition. Looking at the past we have called societies civilizations when they have had great cities, elaborate division of labor, some form of keeping records. These are the things that have made civilization. Some form of script, not necessarily our kind of script, but some form of script or record keeping; ability to build great, densely populated cities and to divide up labor so that they could be maintained. Civilization, in other words, is not simply a word of approval, as one would say “he is uncivilized,” but it is technical description of a particular kind of social system that makes a particular kind of culture possible. (Bene, questa è una questione di definizione. Guardando al passato abbiamo definito civiltà le società quando hanno avuto grandi città, elaborata divisione del lavoro, qualche forma di conservazione dei documenti. Questi sono i fattori che hanno fatto la civiltà. Una qualche forma di organizzazione ( il senso di script è questo N.d.t.), non necessariamente il nostro tipo di organizzazione, ma una qualche forma di organizzazione e di conservazione dei documenti; capacità di costruire grandi città densamente popolate e di dividere il lavoro in modo che potessero essere mantenute. La civiltà, in altre parole, non è semplicemente una parola di approvazione, come si direbbe ad un altro “è un incivile”, ma è la descrizione tecnica di un particolare tipo di sistema sociale che rende possibile un particolare tipo di cultura. - fonte Talks with Social Scientists, a cura di Charles F. Madden, Southern Illinois University Press, 1968).
Che non è affatto la stessa cosa. Ci sono poi altre questioni, ancora più profonde: tra tutte, è "la cura medica" il fulcro della umanità? Non è che quella esigenza, in quel contesto storico preciso, era necessariamente più sentita e ben accolta?
Probabilmente non saprò mai se davvero Margaret Mead ha raccontato la storia del femore. Ma sono certo che ha scritto questo:
La natura umana è incredibilmente malleabile, tale da adattarsi accuratamente, con aspetti contrastanti, a condizioni culturali in contrasto (Sesso e temperamento in tre società primitive, Il Saggiatore, 1967, pag 184)
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melis-writes · 2 years
hi love :)
just a soft little prompt possibly about michael teaching the kids some italian (from the very little that he knows lol) bc i think it would be adorable 🥹💛
Hello, my beloved!! ❤ A prompt for thee! Lmao the side comment got me. 💀💀 This is exactly why I made fic Michael fully fluent in Sicilian and Italian. This was soooo cute to write!! 🥰
“Victoria’s pregnant and with twins, you know?” Connie glanced up at Sonny in the kitchen.
“Are you serious?” Sonny raised a brow. “Twins too, huh? Wow.”
“Yeah, ‘wow’.” Connie repeated and rolled her eyes. “I just know Michael’s going to be a hard-ass of a father. Super strict, disciplinary, straight-faced. I feel bad for Victoria honestly, she’s going to have to bear all the responsibility alone.”
An expectation Michael may be a cold, distant and uncaring father rarely involved with the upbringing of his children couldn’t possibly be any further from the actual truth.
In truth,  Michael didn’t know what kind of father he would be as he never had the opportunity to witness fatherhood other than his own upbringing.
When Sonny and Tom had their children, Michael was away at Dartmouth for college and then enlisted in World War II.
He was always “Uncle Michael” to his nieces and nephews, but rarely ever spent time with them or took care of them as Michael never had the opportunity to do so.
Being a father changed Michael for the better just as becoming a mother changed you for the better too.
Parenthood may have its own stresses here and there, but Michael and you have never been so grateful to have healthy children in your growing family with intentions to have even more.
Seeing Michael feed Niccolo and Verona in his arms, tend to them when they cried so you wouldn’t have to wake up, and sat with his babies for hours on his days off playing with their toys, speaking with them, teaching them Italian and Sicilian and being as much of an active, present father as possible quickly shut any expectations Connie or anyone else may have placed on Michael since the news of your pregnancy came out.
Now with his third son James and second daughter Emilia, Michael and you have been parents five times over with nothing changing and all the more love to give to your growing babies.
”What do we call this?” Michael holds up a little teddy bear toy decorated with colorful beads. “Giocattolo, giusto? Un giocattolo.” (Toy, right? A toy.)
James hiccups quietly, chewing on his fingers and staring in confusion at the toy. “Gaaaaaa…”
“Gio,” Michael begins the first part of the Italian word for ‘toy.’  “Giocattolo.” He gives the toy a little shake.
Little Emilia immediately pouts at the sight of her toy in front of James rather than in her tiny hands. “Daaaaa…?”
“Gaaaa! Ah! AAH!” James shrieks happily, smacking the toy out of Michael’s hand.
Michael sighs softly in defeat, holding protectively onto James as he leans down from the couch to pick up the toy.
“Mmm!” Emilia whines insistently, her eyes beginning to pool with tears.
“Va tutto bene, vedi? Ho il tuo giocattolo proprio qui.” (It's alright, see? I've got your toy right here.) Michael holds the beaded teddy bear in his hands in front of Emilia. “Questo è il tuo giocattolo preferito, vero?” (This is your favourite toy, isn't it?)
Emilia giggles, reaching for the toy. “Aaaaaaaa.”
“Might as well.” Michael hands Emilia the toy, noticing James snuggling up to his chest.
“How’s the little teaching session going?” You peek your head into the living room, holding a basket of unfolded laundry.
“It’s not going.” Michael chuckles softly, kissing the top  of James’ head. “Mr. Corleone here is using me as a pillow and Emilia is more fascinated by her toy—”
Emilia giggles, poking Michael’s dress shirt only to giggle again.
“Oh?” You laugh softly, noticing how mesmerized Emilia is by the fabric of Michael’s shirt.
“Camicia elegante.” (Dress shirt.) Michael gently pulls at the fabric, hoping Emilia will at least pick up on his word a little bit. “Sai cos'è questo?” (Do you know what this is?)
Emilia peeks up happily at her father, only continuing to giggle.
“I think she really likes your dress shirt, sweetheart.” You set the laundry basket down, unable to wipe the smile off your face.
“It makes her very happy.” Michael sees the little toothless, beaming smile Emilia gives him. “Look at her. She won’t even stop smiling, that’s how much she likes it. Does she like the feel of the fabric, maybe?”
Emilia puts her tiny hand on Michael’s silk suit jacket, squealing in excitement and touching the soft fabric.
“Think that answered your question there.” You say back, holding your laughter. “Emilia likes daddy’s suit? Si sente morbida?” (Does it feel soft?)
“Daaaaaaa.” Emilia gently tugs on the fabric, thrilled by the texture.
“Morbida.” (Soft.) Michael repeats to her.
“Biiiiiidaaaaaa.” Emilia’s only able to repeat the ending of the word before bursting out into joyful laughter, clapping her hands.
“Cosa c'è di così divertente? Sono i miei vestiti?” (What's so funny? Is it my clothes?) Michael begins to break into laughter too, leaning down to kiss his daughter’s forehead.
You blush at the sight of Michael’s smile, let alone the sound of his velvety voice as Michael laughs with Emilia, scooping her up into his arms next to a very sleepy James.
“I suppose she really does like silk suits.” Michael gives Emilia a genuine, wide smile, rubbing both her and James’ backs gently. “And learned one word today because of it, isn’t that right?”
“Biddaaaaaaa!” Emilia pokes Michael’s suit, only to squeal and laugh again, this time with you, little James and Michael joining her in laughter.
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phantomdoofer · 1 year
Gustavo's Tale Part 1: Doing a Rollout
Peppino had noticed something off about Gustavo. While he had bad days like anyone, for days now he had been more irritable and jumpy than he'd ever seen him. He wasn't even this twitchy during the war! Peppino and Gustavo had been arguing frequently - not an unusual thing, but Gustavo's normal phlegmaticism nicely countered Peppino's stormy temper. There had been several shouting matches, and the stocky gnome had stomped out, obviously furious. He'd tried to ask more than once what was going on.
"Nothing, nothing is wrong," he would reply testily. It perplexed him.
Something was obviously wrong. Perhaps the news of being a clone hurt him even more than I thought. While he himself was still uneasy about the whole thing, he'd already had to come to terms with the idea of clones of himself in the tower. Especially with Fake around. Finding out he himself was one had just been a bit of a flip. Gustavo hadn't had anywhere near the time to digest such a thing.
But what can I do if he just keeps pushing me away?
As Peppino took the next customer's order, he heard a loud CLANG in the kitchen, followed by Gustavo's deep voice. "AL DIAVOLO TUTTO! MANGIA MERDE E MORTE!"
Peppino's anxiety jumped dramatically. Gustavo wasn't much for cursing, but suddenly he hoped none of the customers understood Italian. The cursing continued, a string of colorful invective as more clangs and bangs echoed.
"Excuse me, por favore, please give me a moment," he said to the customer and hurried back to the kitchen.
Gustavo was standing over a tray, an uncooked pizza splattered on the floor beneath it. He was flailing around, the string of curses continuing as he punched at random objects. Brick was plastered in the corner, looking ready to panic any second. That's just what we need, a rat the size of a bear panicking! He stepped forward. "Gustavo, che diavolo? Mio Dio, fermare, por favore! You're scaring the customers!"
Gustavo spun around, a look of uncharacteristic rage on his face. For the first time, Peppino felt anxious around his friend, and he instinctively took a defensive stance. "Hey, hey, amico, calm down! Mi dispiace! But... this isn't like you! Cosa c'è che non va?"
Gustavo clenched his fists at his side. Peppino thought he would pop a vessel at this rate. Finally the gnome threw his hands into the air. "GAAAAH! I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME! I CAN'T - I CAN'T EVEN-!" He suddenly sat down, holding his head with both hands.
Peppino crouched next to the gnome. "Amico, something has been bothering you. Something's eating at you. Come on, out with it. What's happened to you? Is it the clone business? Something else?"
Gustavo looked down. "I think that's... that's part of it. I... I was so excited to hear there was another me out there because... because then I wouldn't be alone."
Peppino nodded. Gustavo had no close living family, and his distant kin lived in the forests, like most gnomes.
Gustavo sniffed. "But then... then Giuseppe told me he was dead. I didn't even get to know him before he was gone." He snuffled. "It was like losing my parents again. And then you... you have your Mama still, and now your brother, and..." he wiped his nose.
"And you were jealous," Peppino said.
"No!" Gustavo exclaimed, "No! I'm happy for you! I just..."
Peppino gripped his friend's shoulder. The anger had dissipated, replaced with relief and concern. "I understand, amico. You always try to be strong, but you've lost so much. Your parents. Your friends." Peppino looked down. "I abandoned you for a while, too, stuck in my own head, after you saved me. And now, this." He squeezed Gustavo's shoulder. "I wish you had told me sooner, fratello."
Gustavo bent, and started cleaning the mess up properly. "I... I think I need some time, Peppino. Some time to think. I need... I need to do a rollout."
Peppino looked at him, confused. "A rollout?"
"It's an old gnomish phrase for traveling. Travelling to clear your head." He was quiet a moment. "Gnomes normally live either in the forests or the city. No in-between. But we remember the other. Forest gnomes will keep trinkets from cities in their home, even if they don't work. We city gnomes keep a little green around."
Peppino nodded. All the potted plants.
Gustavo continued. "But sometimes... we get an urge for the other way. So you return to the forest a bit, or travel to the city. I think... I need to visit the forest a little while." He looked up at Peppino, suddenly panicked. "But I'll come back! It won't be long! I don't want- want to-"
"I get it, amico, I do. You need a vacation." Peppino sighed. "I can manage. I did before. But, keep in touch, eh? And if you find some little gnome to stay with, let me know, so I can come to the wedding." He grinned.
Gustavo smiled back. "Thank you, Peppino. Is day after tomorrow too soon?"
"No, that's fine," Peppino replied. "But let's wrap today up first, eh?"
Gustavo had left Peppino a list of things to do while he was gone, mainly water the plants and get Brick supplies. He couldn't take Brick, she would be a problem with the other gnomes. That had taken some persuasion - the rat was practically his shadow now. But eventually she had understood this was something he had to do alone.
She'll be OK. She took care of herself before we met. Even so, he already missed her. She had been a fuzzy rock for him to lean on for a while now.
He'd taken his pack and walked out of town, heading generally in the direction of the forest his relatives lived in. How long has it been? Thirty, forty years? He'd still been a pebble when they had left for good. Or, at least, the original Gustavo had been. I should've asked if he's buried anywhere close by. I should go visit. His parents were buried back near the city. They'd passed not long after he'd come back from the war, finally succumbing to their illness.
As for where he was headed... he barely remembered the place. But right now he needed the deep forest. The little simulated forest in the Tower had awakened old, old memories. Memories of moss and soil and rustling leaves.
Even just being out and about was easing his temper. He had no idea how long he intended to be gone. Until I stop snapping at everyone, I guess. He felt bad for leaving Peppino and Brick behind. Peppino just got the pizzeria back in the black, too. But I'm no good to anyone like this.
He shifted the pack on his shoulder and kept walking.
A few days later, Gustavo arrived at the forest's edge. A small house sat just inside the forest's edge, with a sign: please speak to us here before entering the forest. Gustavo huffed. I don't remember them being this paranoid before. But then he remembered the prejudice he'd seen when he was small - gnomes hadn't always been considered just another person. Am I gonna need a passport or something? He thought sarcastically. He knocked on the door, and shortly a gnome even smaller than him opened the door. "Well hello there sir! Coming home, are ye?"
Gustavo grimaced. "No, just here for a visit. I came to see some relatives. The sign said I needed to check here first. Is everything OK?"
The other gnome grunted. "A city gnome, are ye? You be careful then. Some of the others got funny ideas about your kind these days."
"Your kind?" Gustavo said, offended. "What's that supposed to mean?"
The other gnome at least had the good grace to look defensive. "Not me! But... some of 'em think city gnomes should stay in the city if they like it so much, is all."
Gustavo growled. "Well, that's just great. I come here to reconnect and I'm not even welcome. Maybe this was a bad idea." He turned to leave.
The other gnome reached for him. "Hang on! Not all o'us feel that way! Just head into the village for now. You said you had relatives here? Just go there first. Once they see you got kin here, they should leave you be. Just... watch your temper."
Gustavo seriously considered just heading back. He felt disgusted. Then he shook himself, and changed his mind. I'm not letting a few rocce cattive run me off just yet. "All right. Grazie, signore."
The other gnome shrugged. "Might want to lay off the foreign language too, friend. They might get ideas."
Gustavo rolled his eyes. "Thanks." The gnome shut the door behind him. Great. At least Peppino doesn't care. Or any of the others.
He walked through the forest, and his anger slowly started to give way to peace. The birdsong, the shadows of the leaves - they were having exactly the effect he'd hoped. Maybe I should just camp out here, alone, for a few days. No, he didn't have the supplies for that. It was village or bust.
As the sun dipped towards the horizon, Gustavo found himself at the edge of a small cluster of houses. So, which one? He pulled out the sheet of paper he'd found in his parents' old albums: Mia and Fredrick. His mother's second cousins, his closest living relatives. Should be posted on the front. He searched, but the name was nowhere to be seen. He saw a small gnome child run into view. He smiled at them, but they screamed and ran into one of the houses. Shortly after, a stout gnome came running out with a club in hand. "Oy! Who are ye! Stay away from my child!"
Gustavo held up both hands in front of him. "Sorry, friend, sorry! I just got here! Looking Mia and Fredrick's place!"
The gnome put down his arm, but kept the club in hand. "Those two? Hah. They built their house out there." He pointed at a small trail leading west. "Weird pair, always talking about the city. Told 'em they don't belong here. Go live in the city if they like it so much." He eyes Gustavo suspiciously. "Say, where you from?"
Gustavo planted his feet. "The city." Bring it on, country boy. I'll show you some of the things I learned in the war!
The other gnome started to heft his club, but saw Gustavo's stance and thought better of it. "Tch. City rocks think they're better'n us. Go on, then. But if'n i see you around my house I'll give you a whack!"
"Thanks for the directions. Grazie." He threw in the Italian out of spite - he knew it'd irritate the woodsie gnome. The little gnome behind him stared at Gustavo curiously from behind his father's leg. Gustavo smiled at him and waggled his fingers, and the boy giggled. The father growled and cuffed the boy, then shoved him inside and slammed the door.
Well, I came to see family, let's see them. He walked up the trail. It was poorly kept, almost overgrown. Like they're not welcome. A few minutes' walking led him to a small cabin, overgrown with ivy but well-kept. A small stone placard read Mia and Fred.
Gustavo knocked, and a small gnome woman, with red-brown hair the same color as his own answered. "Who...?" She looked up. "Can I help you?" She said warily.
"Buonasera, Mia. Do you remember your cousin Elena? Who moved to the city? I'm her son, Gustavo. Piacere di conoscerti."
She seemed flustered, but happy. "Oh, er, piacere di conoscerti to you too! Sorry, it's been so long, I nearly forgot! Fredrick!" She called into the house. "We have a visitor!"
"An actual visitor?" A voice called. A stocky male gnome with black hair and a bushy mustache very similar to Gustavo's own came into view, dusting stone dust from his hands. "Good day, Mr...?"
"Gustavo," he replied, "I'm Mia's third cousin, from the city. I came her on a rollout, do you mind if I come in?"
"A rollout? From the city? No, no, come in! Welcome!" He walked to the table and pulled out the chairs. "Sit, rest! It's nice to have someone to talk to!"
"Grazie," Gustavo said, laying his pack down gently and sitting. His feet hurt more than he wanted to admit.
Mia and Fred sat down across from him. "Ah, that language brings back memories," Mia said. "Your parents were such good people. And such wonderful cooks! Did they keep the herbs they took with them?"
Gustavo smiled. "Hale and hearty, in my apartment. I use them at the pizzeria, occasionally."
Fred spoke up. "Oh, a pizzeria? Sounds wonderful! Please, tell us all about it!"
As he spoke, Gustavo realized the two were starved for interaction. How long have these two been alone? After almost an hour of telling stories, he broached the subject. "I'm sorry, but, what's going on here? Everyone on the way was so rude. You two live so far out..."
Both of them looked uncomfortable. "We... we refuse to abandon the idea that travel is a good thing. The ones here... they fear everything. Anything different. It's terrible. You can't even talk about going outside the forest!"
Gustavo frowned. Isolation breeding paranoia, I guess. "Have you ever considered leaving?"
They looked at each other. "But... where would we go? We don't know anyone outside."
Gustavo grinned. "Yes, you do."
Mia looked up. "Oh! So we do! But... still, we can't live with you! Where would we go?"
Gustavo told them about the Tower, and the enclave of gnomes who had lived there. How they had formed a community in a nearby copse of trees. "They'd be glad to have you, I think. They're a bit more...open-minded than the ones here. Or maybe just... find a place in the city."
They looked wistful. "But... to leave the forest..." Fred said.
Gustavo gently put a hand on the gnome's shoulder. "Look, sleep on it. I want to stay a few days, if you'll have me. If you decide you want to go, you can come back with me. If not, we say our goodbyes and I move on. Deal?"
Fred hesitated, then Mia touched his arm. His resolve hardened. "Deal." They shook hands.
Gustavo smiled, but inside he was worried. Maybe I can talk these two into having a life.
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mcrgiela · 7 months
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In the comfort of her Holmby Hills home, Skye found herself curled up on the couch after her pilates session, with her Macbook on her lap. She navigated to the FaceTime app and listened as the line trilled while she awaited her fate. She hoped only her mom answered, but after news broke of her incident, she knew her father would make time to call her. Her dad, Giovanni, answered the call first followed by her mother, Nicole. It was the call she had been avoiding and she wasn’t sure if she was even ready to face it. “Hey,” Skye greeted her parents with a smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes. “I see only mom made it to fashion week which means... Dad’s working. How’s everything going?” There was a brief moment of silence as her parents exchanged glances on the other end of the screen. 
“Hi, sweetheart. Yes, your dad stayed in Luxembourg for work but I’m enjoying Milan without him. It’s been fun. I can’t wait for you to see the photos.” The older woman greeted Skye. Clearing his throat, Skye’s father began to speak up. The tension between them was palpable with all the words that hadn’t been spoken. 
“Tutto va bene. We wrapped up the financial reports and things look great but I’m not sure you really care. You know�� I asked you to join the company and work with me full-time but you said no and that was fine. We celebrated the 60th anniversary of Nutella but you missed that and it was fine. Now you go out and get in a fight, in a strip club of all places, and you think that’ll be fine too?” Gio questioned while furrowing his brows. “Dad-” Skye interjected quickly as she sat up on the couch.
“I’m not done talking, Skye. Your great-grandfather started this company with nothing. When I was a kid, I was shipped to a Belgian boarding school to lay the foundation for me eventually working for the family. When your uncle died, I had to take over all by myself. I wasn’t running around and getting into trouble. Our family’s been notorious for how private we are and yet, you seem to think that putting your entire life on display is amusing. If you have an issue with someone, you handle it quietly. You know that. Furthermore, you need to be more cautious of the company you keep if you feel the need to engage in senseless violence. If you don’t give a damn about this company, at least think about yours. You’re still growing. I know four shops seem like a lot, but you haven’t even scratched the surface yet. You’re operating at the level of a small business.” The male paused, acknowledging the weight his statements may have had on Skye.
Skye’s eyes welled up with warm tears as she listened to her dad. The enigmatic scorpio usually held her composure easily, but whenever her parents were expressing their disapproval of her actions, her nonchalant nature faltered. She blinked the tears away and reached for her bottle of water, taking small sips to calm her down. 
“This is our legacy, Skye - your legacy. It’s important that you contribute to it in a meaningful way. I’m very proud of you and Skye Brew and all of the other business ventures you’ve done. Your personal life just concerns me.” The well meaning patriarch softened his tone, in hopes of not further offending his daughter. “You had this phase a few years ago then things were fine but after the engagement ended, you just don’t seem the same. I have to know you’ll be okay.”
“Can I speak now?” Skye inquired, unfazed by his not-so subtle shift. “My personal life is fine. I had this one incident and you’re acting as if I’m gonna go back into my post-grad depression. It was a mistake, but I’m gonna do the show and I’m gonna continue building my empire, dad. I’ll keep consulting for Ferrero, but that’s all I feel comfortable with. I want to expand my portfolio first and I promise starò bene. Everything will be fine. Now I actually have a meeting to get to, so I’ll talk to you both later. Love you both.”
“We love you too. We need to get dinner when I come back to New York, Skye.” Nicole added while waving. “Sounds good, mom.” Skye replied with a smile. Once the family exchanged departures, the heiress sighed deeply before slamming her laptop shut.
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he-s-dead-jim · 1 year
ENGLISH TRANSLATION at the end of the post
Condivido anche qui l’ultima mia fatica.
Per farmi del male, e perché non ho paura affatto, ho giocato tutto The Evil Within (e sottolineo TUTTO) ed ora settimana per settimana condividerò ogni episodio con chiunque sia interessato ad essere testimone del mio scempio.
Questa è la PLAYLIST della tragedia. Abbiamo appena cominciato, ma ogni giovedì alle 10:00 si rinnoverà il dolore.
Non ho mai avuto così paura prima e mai prima d’ora avevo espresso in modo COSÍ marcato tutto quanto è tipico del mio playstyle.
Se volete sapere cos’è tipico del mio playstyle ne ho parlato QUI un po’ di tempo fa.
E aggiungo che è nato da qualche mese questo blog
Dove LaraPadawan,
ed io scriviamo di videogiochi, serie tv, cinema, manga e chi più ne ha più ne metta.
Passate a trovarmi anche lì se vi va.
Potrete leggere le mie tirate su ogni episodio di The Sandman, di Interview With the Vampire, un recap delle stagioni di The Boys… E ho in mente qualcosa di ben più sostanzioso per quest’autunno.
I always translate these kind of posts because if you know a little Italian or if you regularly use translators to read from different languages maybe you’re interested in what I'm saying.
-As concerning my YouTube Channel yes, I speak Italian while playing, but the games are ALWAYS in English.-
So, I want to share my latest effort.
Just to scare myself to death and since I’ve no fear at all I decided to play the entirety (I repeat ENTIRETY) of The Evil Within.
And now week after week I’ll be sharing every single episode with anyone interested in witnessing that mess.
This is the tragedy’s PLAYLIST. We’ve just started but every Thursday at 10:00 (CET) the pain will be renewed.
I’ve never been more scared in my life and never before have I expressed SO strongly everything that is typical of my playstyle.
If you want to know WHAT is typical of my playstyle I talked about it HERE a while ago.
Last but not least a few months ago
was born.
It’s the blog where LaraPadawan, DevilTrigger and I write about video games, tv shows, movies, manga and so much more.
Come and read me there if you like.
You will find my long yarns about every episode of The Sandman, of Interview With the Vampire, my personal recap of The Boys’ seasons… And I have something else in mind for this fall…
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x-heesy · 1 year
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Besteht diese Plattform eigentlich nur mehr aus Widerlichkeiten: von Hard Core Porno Accounts -spam und leeren namenlosen Accounts & Geldgier Crew ?
Eure Software ist so fehlerhaft, wie euer „support“
Den Kampf gegen Porno und spam habt Ihr sowas von verloren
Ich bin seit 2011 hier ein treuer User: und es geht nur mehr bergab, mehr als je vorstellbar: stümperhaft & unprofessional as phuck!!!!
Ihr solltet ernsthaft eure Prioritäten Liste überdenken , denn das ist alles sehr sehr lächerlich.... ohne dabei je witzig zu sein...
Ich habe Jahre in mein Baby, (blog) investiert: ist das euer Ernst?
P.s. mein Account ist nach wie vor buggy 🐜
Danke für nichts
Does this platform actually only consist of disgusts: from hard core porn accounts - spam and empty nameless accounts & greed for money crew?
Your software is as faulty as your "support"
You've lost the fight against porn and spam
I've been a loyal user here since 2011: and it's only going downhill, more than ever imaginable: clumsy & unprofessional as phuck!!!!
You should seriously reconsider your priority list because this is all very, very ridiculous... without ever being funny about it...
I've invested years in my baby, (blog): are you serious?
p.s. my account is still buggy 🐜
thanks for nothing
¿Esta plataforma en realidad solo consiste en disgustos: de cuentas pornográficas duras: spam y cuentas vacías sin nombre y codicia por el equipo de dinero?
Su software es tan defectuoso como su "soporte"
Has perdido la batalla contra la pornografía y el spam.
He sido un usuario leal aquí desde 2011: y solo va cuesta abajo, más de lo que nunca se pueda imaginar: ¡torpe y poco profesional como phuck!
Deberías reconsiderar seriamente tu lista de prioridades porque todo esto es muy, muy ridículo... sin ser gracioso al respecto...
He invertido años en mi bebé, (blog): ¿hablas en serio?
PD. mi cuenta todavía tiene errores 🐜
gracias por nada
Questa piattaforma in realtà consiste solo di disgusti: da account porno hard core - spam e account vuoti senza nome e avidità di denaro?
Il tuo software è difettoso quanto il tuo "supporto"
Hai perso la battaglia contro il porno e lo spam
Sono un utente fedele qui dal 2011: e sta solo andando in discesa, più che mai immaginabile: goffo e poco professionale come Phuck!!!!
Dovresti seriamente riconsiderare la tua lista di priorità perché è tutto molto, molto ridicolo... senza mai essere divertente...
Ho investito anni nel mio bambino, (blog): dici sul serio?
p.s. il mio account è ancora buggato 🐜
grazie per niente
Cette plate-forme consiste-t-elle en fait uniquement en dégoûts : des comptes pornographiques purs et durs - des spams et des comptes vides sans nom et une équipe de cupidité pour l'argent ?
Votre logiciel est aussi défectueux que votre "support"
Vous avez perdu le combat contre le porno et le spam
Je suis un utilisateur fidèle ici depuis 2011 : et ça ne fait que se dégrader, plus que jamais imaginable : maladroit et non professionnel comme un putain !!!!
Vous devriez sérieusement reconsidérer votre liste de priorités car tout cela est très, très ridicule... sans jamais en faire rire...
J'ai investi des années dans mon bébé, (blog) : es-tu sérieux ?
p.s. mon compte est toujours bogué 🐜
Merci pour rien
@staff @staffs-secret-blog
Sub-Zer0 by Ho99o9
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lunamagicablu · 2 years
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Prima di andare a letto, spegni la luce e siediti semplicemente sul letto. Chiudi gli occhi, rilassa il corpo e a quel punto percepisci l'intera stanza colma di nebbia dorata... come se una nebbiolina dorata scendesse tutt'intorno. Visualizzala semplicemente per un minuto, a occhi chiusi. Percepisci questa nebbia dorata che scende e, nell'arco di alcuni giorni, sarai in grado di veder diventare luminosa l'intera stanza, nella tua visione. A quel punto inspira e percepisci quella nebbia dorata mentre viene inalata e scende in profondità nel tuo cuore. Il tuo cuore è semplicemente vuoto, è svuotato, e quella nebbia dorata entra in lui, colmandolo. Poi espira: di nuovo, senti quella nebbia dorata che fuoriesce; e di nuovo il tuo cuore diventa vuoto, è svuotato; al suo interno non vi è nulla. Questa nebbia dorata ricolma il cuore, il tuo essere interiore, e poi lo svuota; il tutto con delle semplici inspirazioni ed espirazioni. Con ogni inspirazione lo ricolmi, con ogni espirazione lo svuoti. Fallo per cinque, sette minuti e poi va' semplicemente a dormire. Ma ricorda di andare a dormire dopo aver svuotato il cuore, non sentendoti colmo di quella nebbia dorata: svuotati e va' a dormire. In questo modo avrai un sonno di qualità totalmente diversa; sarà più vuoto, qualcosa di più simile al nulla e al non essere. Al mattino, aprendo gli occhi, avrai la sensazione di essere stato in una terra totalmente diversa, quasi ti fossi dissolto. Al mattino, prima di uscire dal letto, torna a sederti: per cinque minuti ripeti di nuovo questo esercizio. Ma quando ti alzi, alzati sentendoti colmo di quella nebbia dorata. Andando a dormire, sentiti svuotato; alzandoti, sentiti ricolmo. Trattieni in te quella nebbia dorata e alzati, e per tutto il giorno sentirai scorrere in te un'energia sottile, un'energia squisitamente dorata. La notte, svuotati; di giorno, ricolmati: fa' in modo che il giorno sia colmo di pienezza e la notte sia una notte di vuoto. Il passo successivo è semplice: resta un osservatore imparziale. La nebbia dorata entra, tu la osservi. Ricolma il cuore, tu osservi, sei un semplice osservatore. Svuota il tuo cuore, tu resti un osservatore. In questo caso non sei nessuna delle due cose: non sei il giorno né la notte, non sei il vuoto né la pienezza. Sei un semplice osservatore, un testimone imparziale. Osho: La Verità che Cura art by Kesara Light ********************************** Before going to bed, turn off the light and simply sit on the bed. Close your eyes, relax your body and at that point feel the whole room filled of golden mist... as if a golden mist descended all around. Just visualize it for a minute, with your eyes closed. Feel this golden mist descending, and over a few days, you will be able to see the whole room become bright, in your vision. Then inhale and feel that golden mist as it is inhaled and goes deep into the your heart. Your heart is just empty, it's empty, and that golden mist enters him, filling him. Then exhale: again, feel that golden mist coming out; and again your heart becomes empty, it is empty; there is nothing inside it. This golden mist fills your heart, your being interior, and then empties it; all with simple inhalations and exhalations. With each inhalation you fill it up, with each exhalation you empty it. Do it for five, seven minutes and then just go to sleep. But remember to go to sleep after emptying your heart, not feeling full of that golden mist: empty yourself and go to sleep. This way you will have quality sleep totally different; it will be more empty, something more like that to nothingness and non-being. In the morning, opening your eyes, you will get the feeling to have been in a totally different land, as if you had dissolved. In the morning, before getting out of bed, sit down again: for five minutes repeat this exercise again. But when you get up, get up feeling full of that golden mist. Going to sleep, feel drained; rising, feel filled. Hold that golden mist in you and rise up, and for all day long you will feel a subtle energy flowing through you, an exquisitely golden energy. At night, empty yourself; by day, fill yourself up: make sure may the day be filled with fullness and the night be a night of emptiness. The next step is simple: remain an observer impartial. The golden mist comes in, you watch it. Fill your heart, you observe, you are a mere observer. Empty your heart, you remain an observer. In this case you are neither of two things: you are neither the day nor the night, you are neither the void nor the fullness. You are a mere observer, an impartial witness. Osho: The Truth That Heals art by Kesara Light
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