#vaginal health
ineffectualdemon · 7 months
Hey if you have a uterus and a cervix I have information that you need to know
I did not know, until the infection has spread, that thrush (also known as a yeast infection) if it's high enough inside it might not present with stereotypical symptoms
I did not have any of the normal thrush symptoms which are:
Whitish, odourless vaginal discharge
Persistent burning
Soreness of the vagina and vulva
I had NONE of those
Instead I had pain in my cervix
It felt like someone was squeezing my cervix in a fist at first and later like I was being stabbed in that area. This was my ONLY symptom and because it was so high up it spread to be all over pelvic pain
So if you're experiencing unusual pelvic/cervical pain and it's not really bad it's useful to get a swab from the doctor and/or try treating it for thrush. If you're in severe pain go to the doctor/hospital. This is if it's just discomfort or mild pain
I just want to share this information because I had NO IDEA this could happen until it happened to me so I'm sure I'm not the only one
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thescrumblingmidwife · 8 months
kind of awkward ask but is it normal for the vulva/vagina to smell sort of vinegary? everyone talks about a ‘fishy’ smell as being concerning but idk I feel like nothing should be having an unpleasant smell down there at all
Hi Anon,
I am loving all these "awkward" questions that are just, like Tuesday for me. This is an easy one!
The vagina should have a smell. It is a human body part. Name another human body part that doesn't have a smell. Like, maybe your eyeball? Your skin, hair, ears, mouth, armpits - these all have a smell, and I doubt you'd call it "pleasant." It just is. We don't attach value and shame to the normal odours of other human body parts anywhere near to the degree we do with the vagina. (Yes, western culture does hate body odour generally, but the expectation isn't that you don't have it, just that you do something about it in public).
Let's just start with a quick -
Like most other parts of the human body, the vagina does not exist in a vacuum. It is a living biome with healthy bacteria and yeasts that live inside of it and are beneficial. Healthy vaginal secretions have a pH range of 3.8-5.0, which is mildly acidic. What else is acidic? Vinegar! That mild vinegar scent you mention is likely just the normal acidity of the secretions doing their thing, protecting that V.
A malodorous (literally - "bad odour") scent comes about when the normal flora is disrupted and you have an overgrowth of "bad" bacteria or yeast. This can come from douching, antibiotic use, intercourse, etc. It can also happen with infection with a sexually transmitted organism. It's not a mildly tangy or musky smell.
Now, Anon, you mention an "unpleasant" smell. That's a subjective term, and whether or not vaginal scent in general (or the scent of an individual's healthy vagina) is pleasant to any one person is a subjective matter. Is it possible you just don't much enjoy the scent of vagina? Sure! Vagina is not everyone's cup of tea, as many gay men will attest. It may be something you can come to enjoy, or not. You may discover that you find the scent of some vaginas pleasant and others less so. The important thing is to avoid attaching shame to the idea of vaginal scent, regardless of whether you find it pleasant.
Let's go back to the comparison to body odour. You may be thinking, "Well, OK. I get BO in my armpits, but I use soap and deodorant to stop it." There are a couple of important reasons why this analogy doesn't work.
Overall body odour is detectable by other people generally. Vaginal odour is not. Outside of very exceptional circumstances, your normal vaginal scent is just not going to be detectable by people around you. If someone is intimate with you to the point where they can detect your scent, you deserve respectful treatment and communication, and this person should understand that vaginal odour is normal.
There are no safe vaginal equivalents to deodorant or soap. As I've discussed before, the vagina does not need cleaning. In fact, introducing soap, douches, or fragrances can throw off your normal flora and cause problems and irritation.
LET'S NORMALIZE VAGINAS HAVING A SCENT! It's so normal! Everyone should be taught this, not just people who have vaginas. Anyone wanting to get anywhere NEAR a vagina should know and embrace this.
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chaos-and-cookies · 1 year
I may be stupid and this may be tmi but just in case someone else didnt know this, APARENTLY HAVING A MESSED UP PH BALANCE IN UR COOCH CAN GIVE U WEIRD COLORED DISCHARGE????? I'VE BEEN HAVING THIS ISSUE EVER SINCE I GOT ON BIRTH CONTROL AND THE DOCTORS NEVER TOLD ME THIS???? My current one said i should eat more yogurt/probiotics but didn't explain why???? So i never ate it consistently to see if it made a difference???? I always thought a messed up coochie ph meant you could be itchy or smelly or something and since i never rly dealt with that that often i didnt think to look up if my issue was a ph thing but aparently it is!!! So now im gonna take my happy ass to the grocery store to get a bunch of probiotic yogurt and see if this will be the answer to my 4yr long problems 😭
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succubussally · 3 months
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Never seen an AZO ad before! I love the new trend in commercials shitting on the fact that you can't talk about women's health problems openly. OR people who have vaginas without other people who don't have vaginas being all grimace face about it or being uncomfortable.
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witchpussy42069 · 25 days
For my fellow trans men: Aloe Vera is a great natural treatment for vaginal atrophy, a common side effect of starting testosterone. It's also safe to use as lube, but only vaginally. Not analy bc the pH levels aren't high enough to match the pH levels of ur anus. ✌️
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pomonarose · 1 month
PSA for people with vaginas
If, when you get your annual exam, you have a lot of discomfort and/or pain during your exam you can ask for a pediatric speculum. You don't have to 'suck it up' if it hurts, if it's distressing, if you avoid making an appointment because of it. Ask for a pediatric speculum. Not all vaginas are the same size, and you have options! Your health and comfort matters, at any stage of life. ♡
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thescrumblingmidwife · 7 months
Should vaginal fluid taste sour..?
Hi Anon,
It definitely can! Remember it's a bit acidic. Sweat can also contribute to a sour taste. It's also very normal for the exact taste/scent/consistency of vaginal secretions to change throughout your cycle.
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handsometabbyc · 1 year
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This bit in Iliza Shlesinger's latest Netflix special where she addresses how vaginas are supposed to taste (or more importantly *not* supposed to) really resonated with me
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porcelineye · 5 months
I wonder where that 19 year old who told 15 year old me years ago I had to lose my virginity as soon possible or else my vag would seal up by the time I was 20 is doing?
We need to study the vagina more.
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lovesexplore · 6 months
Explore this informative article to understand queefing, a natural bodily phenomenon often misunderstood. Learn why it happens and how to embrace it without embarrassment.
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gaasubap · 10 months
The word "vaginal discharge" is the only word I know that means any and all things that the vagina creates.
So what is the new word now that marketing has taken over the word to mean "bad things that must be cured"???
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healthmonastery · 9 months
Common Vaginal Health Issues and Solutions
Maintaining optimal vaginal health is crucial for overall well-being. Yet, many women encounter various vaginal health issues that can be uncomfortable and concerning. Here, we’ll delve into some common vaginal health problems, their causes, and effective solutions to address them. Whether you’re seeking prevention tips or advice on managing existing concerns, this guide has you…
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thescrumblingmidwife · 8 months
i am afab and i have been recently dealing with a lot more smegma than my body normally produces. i will take a shower, clean myself and half an hour later i have become "dirty" agin. it'd be nice to get some tips on effective cleaning or any warning signs of sickness, please and thank you!
ps: love your blog soso much <333333
Hi Anon!
I'd encourage you to read the posts about hygiene and vaginal discharge. I go over tips on cleaning pretty thoroughly, and discuss what abnormal discharge looks like.
Is the "smegma" coming only from under your clitoral hood, or is it coming from your vagina and just getting stuck under your hood? (If you're not sure, grab a mirror and take a peek!) Do you have any other symptoms, like itchiness, burning, or pain in the area or when you pee? What about redness or swelling? A bad smell?
How recently did these things start? A good rule of thumb is to get any "new" changes checked out. Especially if you experience other symptoms like I mentioned above, which can indicate there's something going on that needs intervention.
Also - you're not dirty! Even if you've got an infection, that's not what dirty means.
PS Thank you!!!
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writtenbyevie · 2 years
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are they a cowboy or do they just have a yeast infection. the world may never know
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sleepynegress · 2 years
Watching Drama on Twitter on a Black Woman-Owned Vaginal Product co, The Honey Pot...
I've said most of what I had to say there...but tumblr gives you more room to really go in.
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Okay. So, here's what happened. The Honey Pot is a company known for it's vaginal washes & pads etc...
Marketed as free of harmful "unnatural" ingredients, black women in particular have praised in gentleness and improvement in various genital sensitivities... *sigh* Well, the ingredient label changed and an all hell broke loose.
Black women turned into that Community meme, where the room was chaos by the time Ttroy got back with pizza. People were pretending to know which chemicals were "bad" based on a random app and claiming they would never buy the product again.
Opportunistic folks jumped in with their own "yoni" products (which lol anything that mentions a yoni is a scam) and... It was very obviously about BLACK WOMEN treating another BLACK WOMAN worse, because she is a BLACK WOMAN. They had expectations they didn't have for other products and worse, the so-called chemicals they were freaking out about were:
#1 more expensive w/o raising the price, and.. #2 a more effective and safe preservative (still natural BTW! which honestly people need to realize natural don't mean dick when it comes to safety, effectiveness, etc). So... yeah. They went ham, claiming she'd sold out, in that she had literally sold the company (she hadn't) and now this rumor will definitely put a dent in her business. Now, the thing I didn't want to get into there... that I will here is the stigma and frankly unhealthy emphasis on cleanliness that is in particular, in black feminine genital culture. So... Trauma. You understand how a person may avoid popcorn and movie theatres, if say...they were there when a shooter killed people and thus they carry around that horrific trigger... So... Collective trauma. Generational trauma. One stigma carried over from being dehumanized for centuries and thought as less than human, and being insulted as soiled and dirty, because of our gorgeous highly melanated skin....Is this hyper-viligence when it comes to cleanliness. Now... In some cases, I honestly think the defaults could learn something from us when it comes to that (see: using a washing cloth, washing your legs, using lotion, etc) in others... that hyper-diligence *really* harms us. Those feminine genitals is one of those spaces. And I think, beyond just the self-prejudice, that culture of cleanliness also contributed to that sad little witchhunt/sabatoge of a successful black woman business ower. REALLY all you need is water to drink and clean with (tho I personally prefer a gentle soap to clean my own vulva), a good diet, less stress, STI protection and diligence (pee and wash before and after intercourse), and frequent trips to a good gyno... ...And I also highly suggest cutting carb and processed sugar intake (swap sodas for fresh fruit), and take in a goodly amount of pro- and prebiotics. There was and is nothing magic about The Honey Pot products.
It's Summer's Eve with ingredients that may be less likely (or more likely depending on your vulva) to be the thing you like. But I HATE how quickly and easily folk tore that woman apart for doing a thing every. single. black. woman who had a problem tolerate or didn't even notice in other brands they use, drink, eat, sleep on, etc. from large (and likely evil) corporations. But the expectation were higher, because she is black. *smh*
Anyway, if you wanna see what I'm talking about just check the debacle in twitter. THANKFULLY, black cosmetic chemists have weighed in, but the damage is done and it's frustrating to watch.
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health-and-beauty01 · 2 years
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