#valentine oneshot
dilatorywriting · 2 years
Valentine's Day Special: Let Them Fight
GN!Reader x Malleus Draconia vs. Azul Ashengrotto vs. Vil Schoenheit Word Count: 5.3k
Summary: Who knew that in a world of magic, and mayhem, and outright villainy, that it'd be something as stupid as Valentine's Day that would push these idiots over the edge. Or, Malleus, Azul, and Vil go to war over some chocolates
A/N: This MC/Plot takes place in the Heroes vs Villains universe -- specifically Post-Staff's route, rather than any of our other lovely idiot husbands.
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There was always some sort of strange overlap of customs from your world to this one. Halloween seemed to have survived more or less intact (even if it was a bit more, uh, extreme than the subtle evening of giving out treats and dressing as ghosts that you remembered). Winter Holidays were still very much a Thing, even if all other connotations had been stripped from them. Moreover, it was like someone had taken your familiar Earthen calendar and just sort of… mirrored it. Distorted it a bit. Just a lil’ bit more chaos than would have been socially acceptable back home.
So when you made a sly little joke about stocking up on discount chocolates after the Valentine’s Day rush and no one laughed—not even a little chortle, or an irritable eyeroll—you initially thought it was maybe to do with the irrationality of Sam’s Shop ever having a sale to begin with. You had not assumed that, you know, there was no Valentine’s Day at all.
“It’s an important holiday, then? Where you’re from?” Azul mused, busy scribbling endless, chicken scratch, notes in the margins of some form that was probably very important.
“I mean, not really,” you frowned, tossing your Mostro-Branded apron onto its hook. “Maybe. Yes? I don’t really know, actually.”
He hummed and moved to push his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. “Well, whatever it is, I’m always looking for new events to host at the Lounge. What exactly is it?”
“It’s a sort of special day for couples. Romance. Lovey-dovey nonsense,” you shrugged, and watched Azul’s finger slip off the slick metal frame of his glasses and nearly take his eye out. You waved off his obvious disgust with a dramatic sigh (I mean, why else would he be so stiff and red?). “Yeah, yeah. I know. It’s ridiculous.”
“I—I never said that!” he spluttered, and then paused to cough into his fist and clear his throat. “It just—I just wasn’t expecting something like that to…”
He grinned, wry. His cheeks were still a bit too pink. “Precisely.”
“You would have loved my world,” you said. “Very capitalistic. Lots of cash-grab holidays like that.”
Azul laughed.
“I’m sure I would be fond of any place you came from.” He paused, and his expression puckered up a bit miserably—like he really hadn’t intended to express such a sentiment aloud. But he managed to smooth the sharp line of his frown back into that usual, smarmy, smirk of his easily enough. “But either way! Tell me more!” he grinned, reaching forward to grab a stack of blank paper and a fresh pen. “I’d love to hear all about it.”
The next day you were supposed to help the Drama Club start building some stage scenery for their newest play. It was proper grunt work, which was perhaps the only sort of work you were actually qualified for. And Vil always made sure that there were plenty of disgustingly healthy but still quite tasty snacks available for the help to munch on. The food spread alone would have been worth the trip, but on top of that, Vil had made you promise. Practically a blood oath, binding you and your meager free time to the shitty supply closet in the corner of the Auditorium. And as sour as he could be sometimes, you really could never say no to him when he always looked so heart meltingly fond whenever you did agree to while away the hours at his side. That lovely face and even lovelier smile of his were fucking lethal. A war crime, surely, to use it against someone as plain and susceptible to bribery as you were.
But today you were now an idiot on a mission—an idiot determined to spread the joy of a trashy holiday that really probably shouldn’t exist in the first place, let alone in a world where people worshipped storybook villains as veritable deities. And you’d already bought all the molds, and the trays, and you really didn’t have a lot of spare pocket money to begin with, so letting this investment go to waste would not only be a shame, but a terrible business investment.
“What do you mean you’re not coming,” Vil sneered, glaring down his perfectly straight nose at you.
“I really am sorry,” you said, mostly genuine. “But I have something I need to do this afternoon.”
“You’ve made other plans?” he frowned, something a little too unsettled to fit with his usual regality twisting across his expression.
“I have to get ready for Valentine’s Day,” you explained, and his brow tugged down further. Though that earlier twinge of panic seemed to have vanished at least. You pointedly shook your grocery bag full of goodies. “I’m going to make chocolates for everyone.”
“Chocolates?” Vil echoed, confused.
You nodded. “It’s a tradition back home. You give stuff like candy and flowers to the people you care about. Normally it’s a holiday for couples, or whatever. But. Well…”
The ‘I Am Fully Aware That I’m Single as a Pringle, Please Just Let Me Have This One Thing’ was left unsaid, but it hung in the air around your head like a very persistent storm cloud nonetheless. Vil, magnanimously, seemed perfectly happy to ignore the Woe Is Me implications spewing from your mouth. Instead, he leaned forward until he was dipping precariously close into your personal space. His amethyst eyes had lit with blatant interest at your ramblings, and he hummed low in his throat.
“Is that so?” he mused, gaze lidded and warm. “That sounds… intriguing.”
You nodded past the heady scent of his cologne fogging your head. What was it with attractive people, huh? It was so unfair. You don’t get to look and smell good. Pick a lane. Save some dignity for the rest of us.
“So, I promise I’ll help another day. I just have a feeling making chocolates is going to wind up being a lot harder than I think it will.”
Because that’s how it always went in your stupid slice-of-life shows. The poor, harried, protagonist thinking they’re doing a good deed—painstakingly constructing their own, special, homemade goodies for all their important people. Making them with love. And then having it all blow up in their face like a goddamn, cocoa flavored, nuke. Nope. Not you, motherfucker. Your chocolates were going to be divine. You were going to take every, tropey, precaution in the book. And that of course included allotting yourself ample time to make mistakes your masterpiece.
“Of course,” Vil grinned. “How could I possibly begrudge you for wanting to spend your time on something so heartfelt?”
“Thank you,” you blurted, relived. Because at least he got it. Azul had been so ridiculously insistent that you should prepare all your Valentine’s Day wishes as a team. Which was not the point. He’d spent hours last night trying to wheedle his way into your plans—with endless platitudes about ‘business partners always being there for each other,’ and ‘how would he know if he was celebrating to your standards if he wasn’t given a model to work off of first?’ Utter bullshit. He’d probably just wanted free labor.
“Tomorrow, then?” Vil beamed and you nodded.
“Tomorrow,” you confirmed.
“Well, then,” he hummed. “I better get to work as well. I suppose the scenery can wait.”
You nodded in farewell and began the trek back to Ramshackle and its marginally functional kitchens. You hadn’t realized Vil was taking on any new projects, but if it was enough to have him putting off the Club’s activities as well then it must have been pretty important. Maybe he��d get you tickets to it whenever he finished—whatever it was. If there were tickets? How did any of the things he did actually work? Hell if you knew.
Making chocolates was, in fact, a laughably easy endeavor. And you found yourself cursing every goddamn Shoujo Bullshit Manga under the sun for leading you to think otherwise. The hardest part of the entire thing was fighting off Grim and his wandering paws.
You made up some basic truffles which were, again, stupidly simple. Just some messily chopped chocolate, cream, and a little splash of vanilla to make it Special. Once those were shaped into messy blobs, you dipped them into some more melted chocolate and bam. That was it. That was literally it. You felt like a genius—sitting there mushing up balls of cocoa like high-end playdough.
By 6PM, you had all your little darlings tucked into the refrigerator to harden, all the gauzy, red, boxes lined up on your counter and ready to be filled, and Grim had been placated with an offering of all your dirty mixing bowls. The tiny, demonic, beast was passed out at the dingy kitchen table—one of said bowls wedged onto his head like an astronaut’s helmet. Hopefully it was just a food coma and not, like, an actual coma-coma. Real cats couldn’t eat chocolate, but Grim never really seemed real at all. So hopefully he’d be fine.
You wiped down your cooking space once, twice. Paced up and down the narrow hallway until you were wearing away the already threadbare rugs, and spent way too long just standing in front of the fridge—staring in on your chocolates like a psychotic kidnapper scoping out their next victims.
Eventually you realized that you maybe needed to do something with your evening that wasn’t just creeping on your confections, and set out into the frosty, night, air for a stroll.
Which is, of course, where you ran into your familiar, horned, friend—staring up into the starry sky in a wistful manner that darkened his pale complexion into something nearly ominous. He always looked a bit like that, like something unearthly and detached from the rest of the world.
“Tsunotarou!” you chirped happily, and that adrift-at-sea expression of his melted right off his face.
“Child of Man,” he greeted, inclining his head politely. “I wasn’t expecting to see you this evening.” His brow furrowed, almost confused. “Is it not too cold for you?”
Your breath was, in fact, fogging in front of your face. And you couldn’t really feel your toes anymore. But the electric anticipation of tomorrow was keeping you warm enough. Even if only in spirit.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” you waved him off. And then, because you couldn’t help yourself, you leaned forward on your tippytoes and blurted out, “Happy Almost Valentine’s Day!”
“Valentine’s Day?” Malleus repeated back at you, looking like you’d just handed him an unsolvable differential equation.
“It’s a holiday from back home,” you explained for the umpteenth time that day. “And normally I’m not too fussed about it, but this year I’m really excited to give everyone their chocolates!” You grinned. “And you too, of course. I have to make sure I give them to all my important people.”
The furrow between his brows vanished, but the blatant, gaping, confusion remained. He looked like you’d nearly startled him into an early grave.
“I am one of your most important people?” he asked, slow as a tortoise making its way up an incline.
You nodded cheerfully, still bellied by your earlier culinary successes and excellent mood. “Of course you are! We’re friends, aren’t we? And besides. Valentine’s Day is for showing people how much you care about them.”
“What an interesting concept,” he mused, bringing a finger up to tap at his chin. “To think your world had such a heartfelt tradition—it’s quite a lovely surprise.”
You laughed. “If you think the chocolates are special, you should see what some couples do for each other. Rooms full of flowers, fancy date nights—I’m just managing the bare minimum.”
“Couples?” he echoed, and you felt the first teeny, hot, thread of chagrin work its way past your enthusiasm.
“Well, normally Valentine’s Day focuses on, like, romantic things,” you said, averting your gaze just in time to miss the tension lance through his shoulders. “But it can be for all sorts of affection!” you hastily added.
“Is that so…” the Prince hummed. He lifted his pensive gaze once more and stared you down with that weighted intensity that you’d only just recently learned how not to buckle beneath. “And you wish to celebrate this day. With me?”
“…you don’t mind, do you?” you asked, hesitant.
“Of course not, Child of Man,” he beamed, his lips curling up into a smile that put all his too-sharp teeth on display. “But you’ll have to excuse me now, I’m afraid. It seems I have some preparations to undertake this evening.”
“Oh,” you blinked. “Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”
“Yes,” Malleus said. “You will.”
It was officially Valentine’s Day, and you were ready to begin your mission of forcing your sweets onto every, single, one of your reluctant friends. Let them be pissy and tsundere. You weren’t afraid to weep and proclaim your undying, shounen-talk-no-jutsu, levels of friendship. Okay. Maybe you were a little. But these grouchy bastards had very easily become your grouchy bastards, and so help you God, they would suffer under your affection and they would like it.
There were plenty of small boxes—all nice, neat, corners with little bows perched on top. But you had also prepared a singular, larger, tray. It was cleaner cut than the rest, with bold, contrasting, colors and a simple elegance. You stared it down with a strange sort of disquiet brewing in your gut. Maybe you were being presumptuous. Goodness knows you’d more than dealt with the searing, emotionally destructive, consequences of that before. But all the same…
You squared your shoulders and spent a moment convincing yourself that your spine was quite sturdy—a proper, titanium, support system—and then popped the Big Box into the bag with the others.
Your first stop was Heartslabyul, and you burst through the ornate, crimson, doors like a manic home invader.
“I come bearing gifts,” you proclaimed, merrily doling out the boxes to your favorite idiot duo. You set three more aside, with little labels for Riddle, Trey, and Cater respectively. Normally you wouldn’t trust a dorm full of teenage boys not to devour any scrap of unattended food in sight, but Riddle had long since struck the fear of God into these poor lads. So you figured it’d be safe.
Deuce’s face lit up and he accepted the chocolate with near starry-eyed enthusiasm.
“Are these your holiday presents? Like the Santa Claus?” he asked, looking very much like a bouncy golden retriever preparing itself for congratulatory head pats.
You leaned forward with an indulgent huff to give him his pats. “No. But close enough.”
You pawned off three boxes on Ruggie when he tried to duck past you in the hallway—one for him, one for Leona, and one extra as payment for making him do your dirty work of playing delivery boy to Mister Grump in the first place. You slipped Jack his on the way into Trein’s morning lecture, and managed to press a box into Jamil’s hands before he slunk off to the library. Kalim cheered so loudly when you handed him one that your ears started to ring.
And then trouble arrived in the form of two, slippery, eels draping themselves across your shoulders. Normally the destructive duo seemed to act on their own prerogative, but on this fortuitous morning their Lord and Master was surprisingly not too far behind.
“Shrimpy!~” Floyd trilled, dragging you into a one-armed hug that was really more of a slightly-less-aggressive headlock than anything else. “Azul says you came up with this stupid holiday! And he made us work all day yesterdayto put together stuff for the Lounge! It’s not fair!”
Your legs shook under the weight of the new tumor that had made its home on your back.
“Now, Floyd,” Jade chirped. All finely manicured cruelty. “If you’re to blame anyone for going overboard with this entire situation, you ought to lay the fault on our fearless leader.” His bi-colored eyes flashed, amused. “Isn’t that right, Azul?”
Said ‘fearless leader’ looked like he was sucking on a lemon. He glared bitterly at his subordinate, seeming to share an entire, silent, argument with him, before turning back on you with a heavy sigh and the barest hint of angry flush in his cheeks.
“Prefect,” he grinned past his obvious discomfort, all sparkling, white, teeth. “I have to thank you for sharing so much information about this ‘Valentine’s Day’ of yours. It’s such a unique event, and it seems like our preparations at the Lounge are already being received incredibly well.”
“That’s good,” you nodded, trying and failing to shrug the Leech off your shoulders. “I’m glad I could help.”
Azul hummed under his breath, his eyes darting away for a moment. His glasses reflected the muted light of the hall in an odd way—making it difficult to read his expression. He cleared his throat and when he looked back up at you, the tips of his ears had gone pink.
“You’re more than welcome to come by, of course,” he beamed, suave as could be.
“I mean,” you blinked. “I would hope so. I work there.”
Floyd let out a bark of laughter and Jade snickered into his glove. The pleasant pink tinting Azul’s skin was heating to a near sunburned red. He looked down and coughed into his fist.
“Yes…” he mumbled. “I—I’m aware. But what I meant is… What I meant—” He frowned. It was a tight, pouty, little thing that scrunched up his entire face. That mottled red had spread to the bridge of his nose.
“I do believe what Azul is trying to say,” Jade stepped in, clearly taking some sort of pity on his tongue-tied friend. Or perhaps pity was the wrong word for it, seeing how smug he looked, “is that he would like to invite you to the event personally. As an honored guest, not an employee.”
“Oh,” you blinked, startled. Then hesitated, cautious on instinct. There was always some sort of catch to the Octomer’s kindness. “I don’t know if I could afford whatever fancy thing you’ve thrown together.”
“You wouldn’t be paying for it,” Azul assured you, some of that sickly flush having finally started to recede from his cheeks. You hoped he was feeling alright. “You’ve contributed more than enough for the day. It would be on the house.”
Jade loudly cleared his throat and Azul huffed, eyes sliding away yet again.
“I would be paying,” he finally mumbled. And then, even quieter, “As I believe is the custom.”
Just as you were about to thank him for his startling bought of generosity (and also ask after his health, because between the weird, pink, tinge to his skin and the aforementioned generosity, clearly somethingwas out of sorts with him), you noticed a sneaky hand working its way into your bag of goodies, and you immediately were on the defensive.
“Hey!” you snapped, spinning out of Floyd’s stranglehold. “You only get one!”
“Then I want the really big one!” he demanded, making grabby motions at it.
“No!” you squeaked, and clutched it protectively to your chest. The trio looked at you with varying degrees of surprise and you cleared your throat awkwardly. “This one—This one is special.”
“Oh?” Jade cooed, eyes flickering back towards Azul, who seemed determined to look absolutely anywhere else. “Is it now?”
“Awww,” Floyd whined. “That’s no fair! Who’s it for, anyways?!”
You gripped the box tighter and now it was your turn to stiffly avert your eyes down to the ugly carpet. “It’s not—I’m not—” you cleared your throat and forced the jitter from your voice. “I’m not ready to give it to him yet.”
The silence that followed was absolutely the worst thing you’d experienced in a long, long, time. Overblots and all. You could practically hear your blood pounding in your ears. You were just about to turn and beat a hasty retreat when a familiar, snappish, voice called your name from the other side of the corridor.
“There you are, potato,” Vil huffed, coming to stand at your side and bodily inserting himself between you and your tormentors. He met Azul’s petulant sneer with a frankly terrifying one of his own. “What are you doing here? I thought we agreed you’d be eating lunch with me today.”
You remembered no such thing, but if it got you out of this verbal minefield of a conversation, you were more than willing to take the claim at face value.
“Apologies,” Azul cut in with all his usual, mafioso, flair. “But the Prefect will be taking their afternoon meal at the Mostro Lounge today.”
“Is that so?” Vil hummed, sounding positively venomous.
“Unless you think you can make an offer good enough to sway them otherwise,” Azul chirped, equally as unpleasant.
Vil laughed—cold and sharp as crystal. It was the most elegant display of blatant irritation you’d ever seen.
“Of course you’d only consider this entire situation on a transactional basis,” he drawled, entirely unimpressed. Azul flinched and his expression screwed up into something near petulant. “I would expect no less. Are you planning to lock them into a contact too, hmm? Sign away everything in formal, sterile, terms?” Vil crossed his arms, and you were reminded sharply once more how very, very lucky you were to not be on his bad side (even if you hadn’t realized before all this that Azul apparently was on said bad side. You had no idea they disliked each other so terribly). “I really hadn’t expected you to have a single, romantic, bone in your body, and yet somehow I’m still disappointed to be proved so entirely correct.”
Azul looked ready to explode, and even though Jade and Floyd and melted back into the shadows at the start of this entire encounter, the pair of them were starting to look a bit murderous too—like sharks lazily circling the dark, ocean, depths.  
“Don’t you think you deserve better?” Vil asserted, turning back to face you with a soft cant of the head. You blinked back in shock.
“Uh,” you gaped, absolutely fucking lost.
And then, like a beacon of unrivaled, black-drenched, hope, you spotted Malleus making his way down the hallway. He was flanked by his trio of housemates-cum-pseudo-bodyguards. Normally you tried to leave him alone when his rabid, green-haired, guard dog was yipping at his heels, and on top of that, the idea of using your classmates’ ingrained fear of the Fae Prince to your own advantage upset your rather staunch sensibilities. But this was an emergency.
“Tsunotarou!” you called, and it absolutely sounded like the cry for help it was.
He perked up immediately and you watched him nearly crash to a standstill. And then his sharp, neon, gaze locked on the dueling Housewardens circling you like a pair of snapping wolves, and his merry expression shuttered into something positively glacial. Which was—Fuck. I mean. Come on. What the fuck was going on today—
“Child of Man,” he droned, crossing the short distance with all the grace of the near-mythical, arcane, master that he was. His posture was more collected and regal than you’d ever seen it, and he loomed all the taller for it.
Azul and Vil had gone tense at your side, one certainly more so than other. The Octomer looked incredibly unsettled at Malleus’s sudden arrival, but Vil just looked angrier. It was the sort of unpleasantness that bloomed whenever someone challenged him or his competencies over and over—inevitably pushing the normally composed beauty into an indignant rage.
“Happy Day of Valentine’s,” Malleus continued, slotting himself firmly into the veritable territory dispute going down. “Are you quite alright?”
No, you wanted to wail. No! I’m so confused! I have no idea what’s going on! I just wanted to give my friends chocolates!
But you never managed to get those words or any others past your lips, because Sebek Zigvolt shot to his master’s side with all the speed of the lightning for which he was so named, and immediately began to scream.
“HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT THE YOUNG MASTER’S AFTERNOON ROUTINE!” he shrieked at the top of his very impressive lungs.
You weren’t sure if he was howling at you (very likely) or just anyone who wasn’t Malleus, but Jade took the opportunity to slink forward from the shadows with a sharp tut-tut.
“Perhaps none of you deserve the Prefect’s special attentions,” he piped in, sounding very much like someone intentionally throwing a cannister of gasoline onto an already roaring fire. “Or any chocolates at all—let alone the ones set aside for someone special.”
At this, silence once more rang through the corridor and you wanted to throttle that stupid eel.
“There is a special box?” Malleus asked first, brow shooting up as his expression tugged with… something.
“I—I mean, I made all of yours special!” you defended, holding the wrapped treasure tightly to your chest. “But… I guess. Yes. There’s one that’s a little bigger than the others.”
At this, all three Housewardens exchanged pointed looks.
Jade smiled serenely once more, and then continued his absolute massacre upon your person.
“Yes, indeed,” he nodded. “And our dearest Prefect only just mentioned that—hmm. How did you word it? Ah. That’s right. ‘I’m not ready to give it to him yet.’”
The trio tensed. All looking absolutely ready to pounce. At—at what, you had no idea.
“Perhaps,” the wretch mused, “it would be best for you all to temper your rage until the victor is decided, hmm?” He paused to tap at his chin for a moment, and then his lips split into a mean, jagged, grin. “Afterwards? Well, I suppose that whole cheery sentiment about ‘love and war’ still holds true.”
You gulped, feeling startlingly like Jade had just tried to serve you up on a silver platter.
But when neither Azul, Vil, or Malleus made any further moves to murder each other… well. As sacrificial as it all felt, at least it must have worked.
The rest of the day passed in a tense sort of fugue. You certainly hadn’t expected your attempts at bringing some holiday cheer to Night Raven to go so… Uh…
But either way, you managed to survive through the rest of the afternoon, and before you knew it, all that remained of all your tireless efforts and good will was the Special Box. The big one. The one that you’d put together with extra care and hopes for better things. You glared down at it for a moment, feeling sweat starting to bead over your palms. But you couldn’t chicken out now. Not after you’d come so far! Everyone was acting so strange, and it was all so weird. And as much as that unfamiliarity had your teeth on edge and your hackles raised, you didn’t want to regret not giving out the last of your well-made sweets.
Well, here goes nothing, you frowned. You took a deep breath, willed yourself to be brave, and smiled your biggest smile.
“Here,” you beamed, more than a little shy and still a bit horrified by whatever pissing match had been going down earlier in the day, and finally offered the grandest of your chocolate boxes to the man standing opposite you.
Divus Crewel accepted your offering daintily, plucking at the crisp, sharp, wrapping with his crimson gloves. He arched one of his thin brows at you and you fought the nervous heat rising in your cheeks.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” you blurted. “I know it’s not a thing here, but I thought it’d be nice.”
The second eyebrow joined the first—practically jumping all the way up into his fringe.
“I appreciate the gesture. Though from what I understand of all the garish advertising I’ve seen for Mostro Lounge’s new event, I assumed this was a holiday for romantic overtures,” he intoned, wry.
You spluttered and waved your hands furiously. “I mean! Normally! Yes! But also…” You trailed off, fighting the urge to fidget. “If you don’t have a—a, well, someone, then Valentine’s is just a nice excuse to give something to people you care about.” You averted your gaze and lost the battle to twist your fingers into your jacket sleeves. “My family used to give me chocolates every year. So. I thought I could… Well…” you trailed off on a grumble, embarrassed.
Crewel sighed and popped the lid off the box. He plucked two truffles from their casing—keeping one for himself and handing you the other.
“Well, then. A very happy Valentine’s to you, Prefect,” he droned and popped the chocolate into his mouth with a thoughtful hum.
You lit up like a Christmas tree and happily gobbled up your own treat. So distracted were you by the one-two-punch combo of the delicious sugar and even sweeter taste of your Professor’s approval that you almost entirely missed the pointed glare he shot over your shoulder.
“I appreciate your regard,” he said, loud. Sharp. And like he wasn’t talking to you at all. “And while I’m certain that if you do pick a ‘someone’ for yourself to celebrate with in the following years, they’ll have to work very hard to be worthy of such a gift, hmm?” His lip curled unpleasantly, in direct contrast to the indulgent warmth that had been tugging at his expression only a moment before. “I could hardly allow you to waste such a thoughtful gesture on someone unworthy.”
The Octavinelle Housewarden had the decency to look at least a little panicked—his face going pale and gaunt from where he was shrinking into his high collar. There was a frantic look about him, like he was trying to weigh the cost-benefit ratio of going up against his professor in his head, and realizing that he was stupidly, willfully, walking right into a lose-lose situation. And that, sadly—miserably—he was going to keep doing just that. The other two, however, looked entirely undeterred. Schoenheit curled his lip right back at him, more than ready to duke it out here and now, and Crewel fought the urge to remind the blonde that he was the adult in this situation, thank you very much. The adult who could very well revoke the Warden’s access to his Alchemy Labs as it suited him. The very alchemy labs that he knew Vil had been using to concoct all kinds of new, personalized, gifts for you. Draconia simply looked on with that unnervingly ancient, green, leer of his. Like he was staring down a particularly fascinating game. The Fae Prince was the most unsettling of the trio, if only because that while Crewel was more than confident enough in his abilities to subdue his other wayward students, fighting off an Immortal, All Powerful, Dragon was going to require at least a little bit of prep work.
Divus Crewel sighed, and it rattled all the way out from the marrow of his bones.
“Come, then,” he rumbled, directing you to follow him back into his office. “It’s not chocolates, but I probably have some of those ridiculous cookies of yours lying around somewhere.” Which he did. Boxes upon boxes of them. Tucked away special for whenever you came to visit. Not that he’d ever willingly admit that, even under the pain of death.
Your eyes went wide and warm as you positively beamed.
It was rotten work, certainly. He shot one, last, warning glare down the hall at the trio of infatuated interlopers as he firmly shut his office door behind you and your absolute oblivious idiocy. He’d do it. Of course he would. But, Christ alive. He was going to need a stronger drink.
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vampzity · 7 months
𝘼 𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙍𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚
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Pairing: husband! San x f! reader
Genre: fluff, nudity w/o smut, husband au, valentine’s day series, mini idol au, one shot, pet names (angel, princess, baby girl), LOTS of flirting
Synopsis: It’s Valentine’s Day, but not just any Valentine’s Day.. it’s your first as a married couple with your beloved husband, San. You had the entire day planned out and what you wanted to in celebration of this special day, or so you thought. San was not just one but two steps ahead of you and your game plan. He knew exactly of your plans for him, and decided to turn it around on you.
Now Playing: POV - Ariana Grande
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: Sorry this took so long! There’s a lot going on in my personal life- I couldn’t tell you guys how excited I’ve been to write this one shot… it was literally haunting me!
Yeosang’s Pt. Masterlist Mingi’s Pt.
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You lay on your bed, practically suffocated by the covers that wrapped around your body. You felt a pair of soft paws pass through your legs, soon pushing at your head to wake you. You yawned widely, eyes closed as you lifted the covers to let the furry animal under them with you. You heard a small purr as the animal nuzzled against your chest, resting its head under your chin.
“Good morning, my sweet Byeol.”
You pet her softly, eyes still closed as you didn’t want to accept the fate of it being morning so soon. Your eyes fluttered a bit as you continued to yawn a bit more, poking your head out from above the covers. To your surprise, your dearly beloved wasn’t there.
You poked your head out a little more, looking around the room. Nowhere to be found. Glancing over to the nightstand, you realize his glasses are gone as well. You raised an eyebrow suspiciously, shrugging slowly as you sat up in bed to stretch your limbs. Byeol tip-toed from under the covers and sat on your husband’s side of the bed. You stretched your arms and back, rubbing your eyes to adjust to the morning sunlight shining in the room.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Princess.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you froze. You looked over to the door, seeing your husband standing there with a towel, a basket of miscellaneous items, and roses. He beamed a soft smile at you, his glasses sitting perfectly on the bridge of his nose.
He walked over to you, placing the items on the edge of the bed. He brushed your hair out of your face, leaning in to plant a soft but warm kiss on your forehead. Your face flushed a light red, ears turning hot with it. San hovered over you, pulling your chin up to meet his eyes as you sat in bed below him.
“Good morning sleepy head. Ready for your princess treatment today?”
You stood there, completely at a loss for words as your face now turned a dark red. Normally, you’d wake up early every morning to feed Byeol and make San breakfast for the day. Not because you had to, but because you wanted to. Acts of service were simply how you showed your affection to him, and that’s exactly what you wanted to do today but heightened. Unfortunately for you, San beat you to it.
He walked away from you, grabbing the box of miscellaneous items to hand over to you. In the box were different kinds of soaps you adored, bath bombs, and scrubs that made your skin glow. An entire bag of Epsom salt sat in the corner of the box and made you grin slightly, as San knew how much it helped your feet when they were sore.
You smiled at the box, feeling love fill your heart with joy as you accepted the gift. Looking back up at San, he smiled at you holding his hand out for you.
“Well, c’mon. I already have a bath ready for you with warm water. Today, I spoil you and you cannot interfere. Understood?”
You looked at him, completely speechless at his words. An entire bath was ready for you? Whatever happened to your plans for him today? It was such a sudden change of events for you, that you weren’t sure of how to respond to his offering.
“But, San. You ca- Shhh.”
He placed his finger against your lips, cutting you off to shush you. He smirked, leaning in to bring his face only a few inches away from yours.
“What did I say, princess? I’m spoiling you today.” He backed away from you, grabbing your hand to pull you out of bed. “I’ll do whatever you want today, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your special treatment.”
He walked you towards the bathroom, closing the door behind you two. The tub was covered in rose petals along with other flowers. Different honeycomb scrubs rested afloat as a soothing aroma of vanilla and lavender filled your nose. Curtains rested on the windows, allowing for a darker room only lit by small candles laid about.
He let go of your hand and stuck it into the bath water to make sure its temperature was still warm for you. Humming pleasantly, he turned back to you.
“Still nice and warm for you.”
Your cheeks flushed red as he once again, moved hair out of your face to admire you. He moved out of your way and walked towards the door, allowing you the privacy to relax and rewind without him there. However, a quick thought hit your mind. A devilish one at that, and it was indeed something that he wouldn’t expect from you.
“Sannie?” He turned his head to you, raising an eyebrow as it was rare that you ever used his nickname with him.
“You said you’d do anything I want right?” His head nodded softly, turning his entire back to face you as he began to cock his face to the side. He meant what he said, but he wasn’t as positive about you taking such a vague request seriously. You looked down at your nightgown, smirking slightly as you met eyes with San once again.
“Undress me.”
San’s eyes widened as you gave him a smug look. His face immediately shot red with nervousness, feeling the room turn hot. A few seconds passed by until you grew impatient, so you grabbed San by the arm and pulled him to you, placing his hand on the strap of your gown.
“Do it,” you mumbled, feeling your heart beat out of your chest.
San gave you a soft glare, kissing your shoulder softly. He pulled your straps off your shoulder, as your arms slipped out of them. The nightgown fell to your ankles, revealing you only in red underwear. San’s eyes widened at the sight of you. Sure, he has seen your body plenty of times, but it still shocked him at how bold you were compared to your normal shy self. He continued to give you small pecks along your neck and shoulders, soon planting a kiss against your hand.
He pulled your body to him, his hand resting underneath your chin as a soft kiss was shared between you two.
"Is there.. anything else that you want me for, princess?"
You blushed hesitantly, shaking your head no to the young man. He smiled, letting go of you and making his way back towards the door. He picked up Byeol, who stood at the door frame and turned to face you once again.
"Take your time. I'll be making breakfast for you."`
San closed the door, allowing you to be alone for some time to gather yourself. You sighed happily and removed your underwear, stepping into the warm bath water. You allowed the water to engulf you as you soaked. It was relaxing, soothing even. You felt refreshed and felt like yourself again, especially after the week you’ve had.
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What seemed like a few minutes soon turned into 30 as you heard a few knocks on the door. You perked up, seeing Byeol make her way through the door only to be followed by San’s head.
“How’s my baby girl doing? Feeling relaxed enough?”
He walked over to the counter, placing a warm towel and fuzzy robe down. You tilted your head at him like a dog, confused as to what his mind was thinking. He came and kneeled by the tub, petting your head softly as he kissed your forehead. You smiled, your eyes meeting. You nodded to his question.
“I am, Sannie. Thank you.”
He stood up, walked back to the door, and opened it. As he did so, the fresh smell of breakfast hit your nostrils. Bacon, pancakes, eggs. Smells that made your stomach growl with hunger and tastebuds eager.
“I left some clothes for you on the bed. Try them on for me, will you? Then come eat breakfast with me.”
His eyes beamed through the lens in his glasses as you nodded once again, permitting him to leave the bathroom. You looked at Byeol, who snuggled herself on the mat. She was always so precious to San, but it gave you warmth in your heart to know that you were just as precious to him.
Getting out of the tub, you dried off with the warm towel San had brought for you and wrapped the fluffy robe around you as your feet dipped into your slippers. Opening the door, Byeol made her way out with you following behind. As San said, there were a pair of clothes laid out for you on the bed, nicely placed so they wouldn’t wrinkle. It was a pink turtle neck paired with a pleated denim skirt. You smiled at his choice of fashion, as San always went out of his way to buy you the cutest clothes.
You removed your robe, grabbing some undergarments to wear before putting the outfit on. Without looking in the mirror yet, you slipped on knitted white socks to match and smiled, pleased with the outfit. Before you could get up to admire it, a small knock interrupted you.
San cracked open the door, peeking his head through to see what you were up to. Upon seeing you, he paused, feeling his heart skip a beat. He invited himself into the room, his eyes refusing to turn away from you as your face turned red.
“You look beautiful, baby girl.”
Turning your head away from his gaze, San made his way torward you. As you sat on the bed, his arm reached out to the side of you as he hovered over your figure. He stood above you as he leaned in closer to kiss the side of your neck fondly. You felt butterflies in your stomach as he placed his other hand on your upper thigh, slowly bringing it up. He continued to peck at your neck softly.
He pulled away, his eyes meeting your flushed face. He wasn't sure what had gotten into him this morning, as he knew you weren’t always one for displays of affection. However, today he just felt so much love towards you. He wanted to kiss you, hold you, love you, touch you. There was no end to the overflowing amount of adore he felt towards you today that he could not resist.
He pulled you over to the mirror to see the outfit on you as you stood in complete awe. You smiled, hitting a small pose as San stood behind you. He wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed your temple softly.
“I told you. An absolute angel.”
He pulled your hand, allowing you to follow him into the dining room. Different plates of food were placed on the table, from bacon to assorted fruit, to fluffy pancakes, and even some white toast. Your eyes widened in awe seeing the glorious amount of food in front of you. He pulled out a seat for you, gesturing for you to sit down. You took a seat and San pushed the seat in, placing all your favorite foods in front of you so that you could indulge yourself. Smiling, you grabbed a piece of bacon, biting into it happily.
“Mmm, so good.”
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You sat at the kitchen table, curious as to why San had left you alone for a moment. You were full from all the breakfast he had made and yet somehow, he managed to eat your leftovers with his food. It was only 11 am and San had already spoiled you so much on this special day.
You heard footsteps approach you as San appeared in your sight of vision again. He was holding a blindfold in his hand, giving you a slight nervous feeling in your stomach. He smirked softly, coming behind you and leaning next to your ear.
“I have a surprise for you, princess.”
Your face turned red as you felt his warm breath hit your neck. He kissed the top of your ear, placing the blindfold around your eyes and tying it lightly. He grabbed your hand and pulled you up from your seat, guiding your walking with his own. You held out your other hand for balance, curious as to what surprise was awaiting you.
You both came to a stop. San let go of your hand and came behind you, allowing you to feel his presence brush by you so you weren’t startled. He untied the blindfold, letting it fall on its own into his hands.
Before you, were dozens of rose petals laid against the ground. Heart-shaped balloons covered the ceiling in various areas from red to pink. Candles lit the room up, as San put up darker curtains to set the mood. As you began to walk into the room, you realized more rose petals covering the bed and a small lingerie set sitting nicely on it. You blushed as your breath hitched, San coming up next to you.
“I know you don’t like to reveal yourself, and that’s okay. So, don’t feel pressured to try it on, k?” He squeezed your hand reassuringly.
You eyed the sight, nodding quickly. It was a light pink baby doll set. The spaghetti straps had small butterflies sewn to them. The sides of the lingerie were a sheer pink, and the body’s middle was simply laced with butterflies and flower patterns. A baby pink hem wrapped around the middle of the gown, small ruffles hanging off the cups of it.
You walked over to it, picking it up. You looked up at San as he gestured to the bathroom for you. He gave you a warm smile and you blushed once again, feeling the heat inside of you.
You walked over to the bathroom with the set, closing the door behind you as you went to change your clothes. San waited for you patiently by the window, petting Byeol as he gazed out into the streets. He felt his heart thump louder and louder as he waited for you to come out. He has never felt this nervous for you before, it was a new feeling. Even though he’s seen you in all your beauty thousands of times before, this time was different for him. It was the first Valentine’s as a wedded couple and he wanted to make sure everything went in your favor.
“Well, how does it look..?”
San turned his head to see you standing by the bed shyly. Your hands clasped together as you looked down at your feet, feeling slightly insecure. He admired how nicely the lingerie hugged your figure, how perfectly it enhanced his favorite features about you.
San walked over to you until you caught his feet meeting your own. His hand slowly made its way under your chin. He lifted your head to meet his eyes and smiled at you subtly. You felt your cheeks warm up at his actions, not sure of what to do. He took off his glasses and placed them on the nightstand.
“You look stunning, princess. Exactly what I envisioned.”
He kissed your forehead softly, picked you up bridally style, and placed you on the bed. You sat there confused, following his body as he walked across the room to take off his hoodie. He had a simple white tank top under, giving you a full show of his broad muscles and shoulders.
You felt butterflies in your stomach as he made his way towards you, smirking with every step he took. He hovered over your body on the bed as he stood and his hand came up to caress your cheek.
“Remember what I said earlier?”
Your breath hitched as he spoke, feeling caught off guard by his sudden question. You stood silent, feeling your body continue to melt under his control.
“I’ll do anything you want today.”
He pulled his hand away from you and climbed onto the bed, his body now hovering over you. Your knee brushed against his member, making you close your eyes in embarrassment.
“Tell me, princess,” he laid a soft kiss against your neck, soon making his way down to what was exposed of your chest.
“What do you want from me?”
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divider creds: @cafekitsune
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did hehe🤭 Was literally giggling and kicking my feet writing this. Again, sorry for such the long wait!
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zegrasdrysdale · 7 months
[ photograph ] j. drysdale
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paring : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : (Y/N) decides to fly out to Philly for Valentine’s Day after watching Jamie say in an interview that he’ll probably be spending the day alone
warning(s) : just some tooth rotting fluff with no angst for once, a heavy makeout
author’s note : this is just a (not so) lil fluff filled thing bc i wanted to write something for belated valentine’s day. sorry or you’re welcome (idk)
“Yeah, uh, I don’t actually have any plans tomorrow,” he explains to a reporter through the screen on her phone. “Everyone I know here does have plans and everyone else I know is across the country so I’ll most likely spend the day putting together furniture in my new apartment.”
That was the moment she decided that she was getting on the first flight she possibly could to Philly so Jamie didn’t spend Valentine’s Day alone. No one should have to spend the day alone. She doesn’t have any plans and she’s off from work for about two weeks because they’re doing renovations so a little trip to Philadelphia doesn’t sound like the worst thing in the world.
Last year he spent the day with Trevor on the couch and watched movies in their shared apartment. This year, he is in Philly and Trevor actually has a girlfriend. Not very ideal for Jamie.
She isn’t Jamie’s girlfriend, but she is one of his best friends and could never let him be alone on Valentine’s Day. Especially not after hearing what his actual plans are for tomorrow. She’s going to at least help him put furniture together in his apartment.
A flight out of LAX is scheduled for 10 that night. It’s six so she has about two hours to pack for a week long trip to Philly. She even buys a ticket for Saturday’s game at MetLife since she wants to see Jamie play a game while she’s in Philly.
By eight, she’s out the door with a suitcase that’s packed full of clothes and non-liquid toiletries. The jersey Jamie sent her about a week after the trade is neatly folded with the rest of her clothes. She orders an Uber to drive her to the airport.
While in the Uber, she debates texting Jamie and telling him that she’ll be at his new apartment early tomorrow morning since she’ll be landing a little before six in the morning. It’ll probably take about 45 minutes after she lands before she’s on Jamie’s doorstep.
Maybe a surprise wouldn’t be the worst thing so she puts her phone away until she has to pull out her plane ticket.
Getting on the plane takes an hour between getting past TSA and buying snacks for the nearly five hour flight. She boards the plane twenty minutes before it takes off so she has time to get comfortable.
She’s asleep before the plane even leaves the ground.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
All the snacks she bought before the flight are going to be the snacks she eats while she’s in Philly because she slept for the entire flight. It didn’t feel like she slept for 5 hours but she did.
By six, she’s at baggage claim and grabbing her suitcase. She orders an Uber to Voorhees while she waits for her things. The car is waiting for her when she get outside.
It’s a lot colder out than she thought it was going to be. All she has on is a Ducks hoodie that Jamie gave to her the year before and a pair of leggings with Uggs on her feet. Her feet are warm. The rest of her is not. She shakes as she puts her things in the trunk of the car.
She gives the driver Jamie’s new address and she’s off to surprise her best friend.
The closer she gets to Jamie’s, the more nervous she gets. What if he found someone after moving to the Philly area? What if the whole putting furniture together comment was a lie so he didn’t announce to the entire world he was in a relationship? What if he doesn’t want her there in general?
Maybe a spontaneous trip across the country without at least letting Jamie know she was coming wasn’t the best idea she’s ever had.
A call comes through from Trevor. Confused, she answers the phone. “Good morning?”
“Are you in Philly?” he asks.
“Maybe,” she slowly replies as she watches the Philly skyline pass. “Why? It’s like three in the morning.”
“Not for you apparently,” he retorts. “I looked to see where you were because Mason said you weren’t replying to his texts so I wanted to make sure you were okay and I see that you flew across the country.”
She smiles and shakes her head. The way Trevor would find out she’s in Philly is by checking her location. He and Jamie are the only ones that have her location because she’s closest with them.
“Just wanted to surprise Jamie,” she tells Trevor. “That’s all. Tell Mason I’ll call him later because I’m about ten minutes away from Jamie’s apartment.”
“You gonna tell him you love him?” Trevor questions. She opens her mouth to object but he keeps talking. “It’s so freaking obvious so don’t even lie to me.”
A nervous laugh passes her lips. “We’ll see,” she replies. “I’ll talk to you later, Z.”
“Tell me how he’s really doing,” he tells her. “I worry about him sometimes.”
“Will do,” she says as the driver pulls up to Jamie’s place. “Talk soon.”
The line goes dead and she looks out the window at the apartment building. Jamie’s somewhere in there asleep and she’s about two minutes away from calling him to come let her into the building.
She gets her things out of the trunk and thanks the driver before he drives off to pick someone else up. She sighs and pulls up Jamie’s contact.
When she presses the ‘call’ button, it rings about four times before Jamie answers. The entire time, her hands are shaking and she isn’t sure if it’s because of the cold or if she’s nervous to see Jamie for the first time since the trade.
“It’s like four in the morning,” he croaks when he picks up. “Are you okay?”
She smiles at the sound of his morning voice. “Actually it’s almost seven in the morning and I’m currently freezing my ass off outside your apartment building so if you could come let me in, that would be great,” she says.
It sounds like Jamie falls out of bed when she says that she’s outside of the building. If he broke anything then she’s going to have to explain to Torts why Jamie will be out for six weeks.
He isn’t holding any body parts when he swings the door open and blankly stares at her from the top of the steps of the building. He blinks a few times like he’s trying to decide if he’s still dreaming or if he’s awake. She waves and a barefoot Jamie runs down the stairs to hug her.
A laugh passes her lips and she wraps her arms around his torso. “You’re actually here,” he says against her ear. “I thought you were lying to me.”
“Nope,” she replies. “I’m here. I didn’t have anything else to do so I thought I’d come surprise you. Help you put together some furniture for Valentine’s Day.”
Jamie pulls back from the hug just enough to look at her. “You saw that interview?” he asks.
With a nod and a smile, she replies, “It sounded like a very boring way to spend Valentine’s Day so I thought I’d come keep you company. Maybe watch you play at the outdoor game this weekend. I have another week off from work and spending it in the Philly area with my best friend didn’t sound like the worst idea.”
“You are actually insane for buying a plane ticket without knowing if I’d be here or not,” he tells her. “I could’ve left for Toronto before you got here since we play them tomorrow.”
“Yeah I know how your travel schedule works,” she retorts. “That’s how I knew you’d be here.”
He shakes his head and grabs her suitcase. “You have some of the best timing because I took a maintenance day today so I have a day off from practice, but I leave tomorrow morning for Toronto,” he says to her as they walk into the building together.
“Listen, I’m spending a week in the area,” she replies. “I get to watch you play at the outdoor game on Saturday when I wasn’t planning on being on the east coast at all. If you’re gone for a day or two then it’s fine.”
The smile that forms on Jamie’s face makes her heart do somersaults in her stomach.
She can tell how excited he is that she decided to visit him. She knows how much he has been missing Anaheim so she brought Anaheim to him for a week.
When Jamie opens the door to the apartment, she is very surprised by how decorated it is and how much of the stuff he had in his Anaheim apartment has made its way to this one. It still needs some work done, but that is why she’s here. She’s here to help him finish putting it all together.
“I need to build some shelves,” Jamie tells her. “And put together the guest bedroom. The frame still needs to be built for the guest bed too. This is what my plans were for the day.”
She turns her head to look at him as he closes the door behind them. “So it wasn’t come ruse so you didn’t have to admit to the world that you had a secret girlfriend?” she questions.
If she should expect Jamie to have a girl over then she might as well get the girlfriend question out of the way early on in her visit.
“Uh, no,” he replies. “No secret girlfriend. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had any time to find a girlfriend. Yorky has tried but he’s not the best wingman.”
She can’t help but laugh. Jamie smiles and rolls her suitcase to the unfinished bedroom.
She decides to make some coffee for the two of them so they can get started on the day’s plans. They have to put together the guest room and build some shelves. It can’t be very hard to do either of those things. Right?
It turns out that Jamie can’t follow simple instructions to save his life. She has had to refrain from throwing whatever is in her hand at him so many times because he can’t read a piece of paper.
“Jamie, what am I supposed to do with this screw?” she asks as she holds up an extra screw. “Do I have to put it in your head so you can use your brain or something? You missing one in there? Do I need to get Trevor on the first flight out of LAX to come help you figure out how to read the instructions?”
Jamie looks up from his spot on the floor and throws the instructions at her. “Here, you try to read this and tell me if it makes any sense,” he retorts. “It’s all confusing. My parents helped me build shelves when they came to visit a few weeks ago. I didn’t have to do this. Maybe it’s just an extra.”
She grabs the pamphlet and reads the directions. The screw was supposed to be put in when putting the shelves in place. A shelf is missing a screw.
“You dumbass,” she says. “It’s not an extra screw. It was supposed to be put in on the bottom shelf to make sure it is secure and even. You now have an unsecure shelf in your guest room.”
Jamie flattens out on his back on the carpeted floor with a groan. “This is why I’m a hockey player and don’t work in home improvement,” he says as he rubs his eyes. She laughs and tries to keep her eyes on his face instead of on the sliver of skin that peeks out between what is a new Flyers t-shirt and pajama pants. “This is so dumb. I am not about to take that whole thing apart to put one screw in.”
She walks over and slaps the pamphlet on his stomach. He gasps and sits up with the paper in his hands. “Then get it together, Drysdale,” she tells him. “We have a bed frame to build.”
“Fuck the bed frame,” he sighs as she grabs the box in the corner and drags it into the center of the room. “You don’t need a bed to sleep in tonight.”
With a light laugh, she teases, “If we don’t get it set up then I’m gonna be sleeping in your bed until we get it put together.”
Jamie mutters something that sounds like “would be okay with me” but she pretends she doesn’t hear it. She can’t hear it or else she will just say “fuck it” and sleep in Jamie’s bed the entire time she’s here instead of putting the bed together.
The mattress is sitting up against the wall next to where the box with the bed frame was. He has everything he needs to put this bed together and he hasn’t done it yet. Not even over the All Star break when he had a few days off before going to Mexico with the Flyers.
Putting the bed together takes less time and a lot less arguing back and forth. Within an hour, the mattress is on top of the bed frame. Five-foot-eleven 185 pound Jamie flops on the mattress to make sure it’s secure and won’t fall apart if someone were to jump on it.
They do not need to have another shelf problem with the bed that she will most likely be sleeping on while she’s in the area. If it is like the shelf and it’s not safe to sleep on then the couch is in the living room for a reason.
The two of them stand in the doorway and look at their work when they decide the bed is secure. “We make an amazing team,” she comments. “Aside from the shelf.”
Jamie groans and walks down the hallway to his own room. “Shelves are stupid anyway,” he replies. “Who is actually going to use them in this room aside from me just putting a handful of books and pictures on them?” She laughs and goes to unpack her stuff now that it’s safe to do so without stepping on wood, metal or a screw on the floor.
The Flyers jersey that he sent her gets hung up in the closet along with her shirts, hoodies, and nicer pants. She’ll pull bras, panties, and socks out of the suitcase as needed. The beanie she brought to wear on Saturday is put on the bedside table.
Then she pulls out the gift that she brought for Jamie. It isn’t much but she’s hoping that it means as much to him as it does to her. The pictures she brought were taken at such important moments in Jamie’s career and she hopes that he doesn’t mind having a few pictures of his best friend around the apartment.
She walks down to Jamie’s bedroom and knocks gently on the door. There are footsteps behind it before the door swings open. “I, um, had these printed and framed in case I ever came to visit you,” she tells him as she holds out the three picture frames. “Thought you might need some décor.”
Jamie looks down at the pictures and shifts through them.
One of them was taken on Jamie’s Draft Day. He has on a Ducks jersey and she has on his Ducks hat. He looks so happy. He has an arm around her shoulders while he holds up six fingers and is smiling at the camera. She has a smile on his face and is looking up at him with a proud look on her face. Messy ponytail and all.
The second one was taken the day Jamie made his NHL debut and scored his first goal. It’s a selfie she took of her, Jamie, and Trevor at dinner that same night. They’re both holding their pucks because they went right from the arena to a restaurant to eat.
The third one was taken during the 2021 World Juniors tournament where Canada placed second. She’s putting the silver medal back around his neck after he had given it to her. “Silver just means you lost” is what he had said to her a moment before this was captured. She had told him that she was a winner to him and put the medal back around his neck. There is heavy eye contact between the two of them in their matching jerseys.
It was as the third picture was being taken she realized that she loved Jamie. The first two pictures, she knew she had feelings for him, but the third was when she realized that she wanted to be there for him as more than just a friend.
“I had no idea you had any of these,” he says after he’s done looking through them. Jamie looks up at her. “All at different points of my career.”
“Been with you since day one,” she replies with a smile on her face. “You didn’t think that I wouldn’t be here with you while you succeed in a whole new city, did you?”
Jamie laughs and shakes his head. “Absolutely not,” he tells her. “You always make sure you’re a presence in my life.” He pauses and looks right at her. “It’s one of the things I love most about having you in my life.”
She could almost cry when he says that.
There have been so many times over the years where she thought she was annoying or that he wanted her out of his life. She followed him to California when he started playing with the Gulls then the Ducks. He asked her to come with him, but she thought for months it was out of pity.
He has erased years of insecurity with one comment.
“Thanks for keeping me in your life,” she replies after a brief moment of silence.
“You’re like Trevor,” he teases. “You’re always around. It would be hard for me to get rid of you.”
She smiles up at him. “Except he would never fly across the country to see you,” she retorts. “Especially without at least telling you he was coming to see you.”
Jamie laughs. “No, he wouldn’t.”
They look at each other for a second before he walks past her. He has the picture frames in his hand as he walks into the living room. She follows him even though she is confused with what he’s doing.
He puts the picture of himself, Trevor, and (Y/N) on the coffee table under the lamp next to the couch. It’s the most public place in the entire place so it makes sense that that’s the picture that is put in the living room.
The picture of the two of them on Draft Day goes on a little table that leads to the hallway with both bedrooms and bathrooms. The table is under a little mirror that’s been hung up. A little less public but it also joins the other pictures that were taken that day. It looks like it belongs.
Jamie glances at her and walks back into his bedroom. She follows right behind him and stands in the doorway of his room. Her eyes are on the picture of the two of them at the 2021 World Juniors as it’s placed on Jamie’s bedside table.
“This one means the most to me so it deserves a little more privacy than the others,” Jamie tells her without a look in her direction. “You were there for me and picked me up when I was down. I didn’t want anyone else there but you. You were the one that convinced me silver was okay. The team worked hard to get to that moment. The medal was very well deserved because we did everything we could to make it to that game. I did everything I could to get the team to that game. We just came up a little bit short.”
She pouts and walks further into the room. He finally looks over at her. “I didn’t know you felt that way,” she softly says to him. “I didn’t know that I was the person that convinced you it was okay to wear silver around your neck.”
“I needed silver because my gold medal was you,” Jamie shakily admits. His voice is soft. “You’re my gold medal.”
His words have her speechless. Her jaw drops in surprise. She has no idea why he’s saying this to her now.
He reaches out to her and brushes a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She takes a step forward and feels her heart race in her chest as she looks up at him. Her body shakes as she realizes that their relationship is changing.
A line that she never expected to cross is about to be crossed. She can see it in Jamie’s eyes as they examine her face, landing on her lips.
“Can I kiss you?”
She nods because she doesn’t trust herself to speak. She is afraid that she’s going to admit how long she’s been in love with him if she says a single words.
So she nods, and Jamie leans down to capture her lips in a soft, hesitant kiss. He’s testing the waters to see if she’ll push him away.
She’ll never push him away.
Not when she finally has him like this. Not when she finally knows what it feels like to kiss Jamie Drysdale.
When she feels him begin to pull away, she wraps her arms around his neck and leans more into him to deepen the kiss instead of Jamie breaking it. Her fingers find a home in his hair.
She is scared he will regret it if the kiss breaks, and she doesn’t want that. She doesn’t want to see that look. It might break her if he looks at her like that if the kiss breaks.
Jamie cups her cheek and brushes his thumbs over her cheekbone. She melts against him with a sigh.
“(Y/N),” he mumbles after a second. “I need to breathe.”
That’s when she lets him pull away. The sight of his red, swollen lips and unruly hair is almost too much for her. There’s a hint of a smile on his face and something overcomes her.
“I love you,” she tells him. “I’ve loved you since that was taken.” She points in the direction of the picture on his bedside table. “It’s always been you, Jamie. That’s why I flew across the country on Valentine’s Day. I wanted to be with you today because I miss you and I love you.”
Jamie smiles and brushes his thumb over her own lips that are as red and swollen as his are. “I love you too,” he says. “I think I’ve been in love with you since I saw you at my first NHL game in my jersey. I’m very happy you came to the east coast to watch me play in the Stadium Series game this weekend. I was going to probably fly you out anyway.”
She laughs and shakes her head before burying her face in his chest. They’ve been in love with each other for years and are only now saying something about it after Jamie was traded to Philly and she’s stuck in Anaheim for right now.
“Only took me bringing you pictures to finally kiss me,” she teases.
He rolls his eyes. “Shut up and come here.”
Their lips meet in a heated kiss. Everything they’ve been feeling is coming out in the kiss. Jamie tugs her until she is sitting on his lap while he’s sitting on the mattress. She drapes her arms over his shoulders.
It’s that moment when she realizes they put together a whole bed for no reason because there is now no way she is getting in that bed now.
She pushes him down until Jamie is lying flat on his back and their chests are flush against each other. Her hair creates a curtain around their faces despite his fingers curling in her locks.
“Wait, hold on,” Jamie says. She pulls back from the kiss. “Have something to ask you before we get distracted.”
“Will you come to family skate on Friday before the game at MetLife?” he asks. “As my girlfriend?”
The biggest smile forms on her lips. “You’re going to have to give me skating lessons because despite watching you play hockey for years, I have no idea how to skate,” she tells him.
“I will give you skating lessons,” Jamie laughs. “You’ll come though?”
She nods and kisses him. “I’ll come.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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liked by jamie.drysdale, philadelphiaflyers, and 193,872 others
yourusername life recently w my 🤍
view all 15,982 comments
masonmctavish23 ig i forgive you for not answering my texts last week
yourusername we can hang out when i get back into cali on wednesday
masonmctavish23 good. i’m mad that jamie stole you from us
fan2 oh my god. this is so cute
fan3 you were at metlife ??? i think i walked past you at one point
yourusername i had on the drysdale jersey
trevorzegras oh this is all i’m gonna hear about when she gets back
leocarlssoon it’s about time. i was praying this would happen bc the way jamie talked about you was insane
jamie.drysdale let me live !!
philadelphiaflyers Thanks for coming out
jamie.drysdale skating w my girlfriend for the first time was the best feeling 🩵
yourusername being your girlfriend is the best feeling
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darkuselesssomebody · 7 months
𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖'𝕤 - dark!raider!joel miller x reader
complete masterlist
words || 𝟛𝕜
summary || in which the reader wants a valentine's gift, but Joel's not exactly her boyfriend
a/n || i'm so shocked i haven't written dark!joel before?? i love him, your honor. also, for the raider!joel concept, though overall popular for fanfic, i was personally super inspired by @toxicanonymity and @romana-after-dark. they both have fantastic raider!joel content, please check them out!!
➵ warnings for specific content before the divider, please heed them, this may be triggering content!
➵ technically ooc to joel in the show, but his dark past is hinted at so yeah
➵ not proofread
➵ comment/message if you'd have a request
warnings || smut/dark (dddne)
➵ !! reader is held captive and is experiencing stockholm syndrome. other women to which the same this is occurring are mentioned !!
➵ dubcon sex
➵ unprotected sex
➵ manhandling
➵ controlling dynamics
➵ slight degradation
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“you have to do something for her.”
joel wonders how, as his younger brother, tommy always seemed to be nagging him, instead of the other way around. his face pinches in a scowl.
"the fuck i look like? cupid?" he growls back at his brother, rifle sagging on one of his shoulders, forcing him to readjust. tommy rolls his eyes.
"ya even have john and michael doin' somethin' special for their girls." he reminds joel how the other men in the group, with their own souvenirs, at least showed their consideration of the humanity of these girls on valentine's.
"she probably don't even know." joel grumbles, and tommy snorts.
"oh, she knows what valentine's is. the other girls told her. said she'd have liked some clothes."
"the fuck she need clothes for, ya sayin' i can't dress my girl?" joel, ever defensive, hates being talked down to by his little brother.
he hates more the fact that she seems to tell tommy so much more about herself than she does joel.
"y'can dress her, joel." tommy sighs. "but it won't hurt if she wears somethin' other than yer crusty flannels once in a while."
joel rolls his eyes, but he, luckily, doesn't have to entertain the rest of the conversation. a deer rustles the branches of a tree in the distance. joel's a better shot than his brother, always has been. but he's also less agile. as he's about to shoot, his foot crunches on a stick.
the shot still hits the deer's back, but it's a far cry from the headshot he was aiming for. he swears under his breath, but him and tommy are both already stalking the wounded prey, the same glow of determination and predation in their eyes.
they were still family, after all.
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she used to never be able to sit still. pre-apocalypse, that meant she was always either fiddling with something, reading a book, or talking but... in the past few years, it meant a lot more silent stimulation. it was okay, she got by counting petals of flowers to herself or tracing the veins of leaves with her fingers to keep her mind occupied.
but the one thing she'd never given up was company. she'd had family, or friends, in every walk of this horrible turn of events, until 6 months ago.
when she was snatched away from her cruel life by an even crueler man. stripping her of autonomy and privacy were mild in comparison to her loss of company. the only other people in the house leered or jeered in her presence.
she was usually locked away from them anyways. in a tall tower she couldn't even use her hair to escape from; kept captive for the satisfaction and pleasure of a bad, bad man.
that's what made her head spin, though. because he wasn't always. yes, he was always sullen, and scowling, rough around the edges and calloused in his touch. but he wasn't always bad.
he'd fixed the bathtub of the house they were squatting in so she could revel in warmth if he wasn't around.
he risked his life for a new pack of cards and even a few books so she could keep her occupied.
and he would sometimes press gentle kisses to her forehead when he slept beside her, unbeknownst to himself, and without realizing the effect he had on her.
when the other men had started getting antsy about her being the only girl around (with her obvious off-limits status), joel relented and let them bring back their own. it was to avoid mutiny and maintain control, sure, but... it gave her company, too. and that was important to her.
the women would confide in her. first, of their fears and then, of their growing affections for their own men. it made her happy, vindicated.
she wasn't alone in her stockholm syndrome.
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she's looking at the flowers that michael got for jessica. it's almost comical, with that kinda man and their kinda relationship. but jess liked it - really liked it - and that's all that mattered. john had promised anna something too, which she was talking about as the front door opened.
a dead deer was carried in by the miller brothers, and then some of the other men helped bring it out back to the shed, where they'd scavenge enough to feed the group for the week. as she always does, she approaches and stands in front of joel, greeting him in a low voice. he regards her with a once over, nodding, before his head tilts incrementally up, signalling to his bedroom.
she nods shyly, retreating to the room on the upper floor as joel delegates some tasks, before coming up to join her. she's looking out the window - barred, 'for her protection'- and he finally speaks up.
"what did ya do?" he asks gruffly, referring to the events in his absence.
"played some cards." she smiles softly as she faces him, "talked to anna and jessica." that makes him grimace a little, and she's confused.
"what about?" she shrugs.
"stuff. john and michael are gettin' them things, i guess?" she says it unsurely, "they say it's for 'valentines'?" she says the word curiously, as if wondering if it was something the 4 had made up, or if it was a real celebration. his grimace worsens: he hates when tommy's right. feigning innocence, he continues,
"what's that, then?" she looks at the floor shyly.
"like... a celebration? of... relationships, partners, that sorta thing." it's vague, but it's all she knows.
"huh." joel doesn't continue it further, and he goes silent, as he looks around the room to change out of his dirty clothes.
she sits on the bed, watching him move around, and with every passing moment of silence, her worry grows. did she say something wrong? was he mad? what happened?
when he finally goes to join her, he manhandles her to face away from him. that only makes her more upset, and she feels the prickle of tears in her eyes, as she lays down, and he joins her a moment later.
laying behind her as she feels a tear roll down her cheek, he doesn't realize how upset he's made her: he'd only asked her to turn around so he could fall asleep with the scent of her hair.
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she wakes up after he's already left.
she sighs, rubbing her eyes, that always ended up a little inflamed after she cried. there's a little wetness on her pillow, and she flips it so joel doesn't see.
tommy's downstairs, having saved a fruit for her breakfast. she takes it gratefully, cutting it up and fiddling with the bite-sized pieces.
there's something on her mind - tommy, he notices these things. he wished his brother would, too.
"he's getting supplies." he assures her, knowing what was agitating her. she snaps out of it.
"hmm?" she pops a piece in her mouth, sweetness exploding on her tastebuds as she bites into it, "oh. right, yeah." she realizes what he's saying, "didn't he just get some?" tommy shrugs.
"he likes to go out to the abandoned mall - it clears his head." that makes her squirm.
"is he mad?" she mumbles, and tommy pats her shoulder.
"at you? never."
it wasn't exactly true, she thought. he's gotten mad before: if she talks too much to the others, when she doesn't listen to him, or when she finds herself in danger.
tommy knows joel's not mad in those moments. he's just terrified of what could possibly happen to his girl.
after finishing her fruit, she curls up under the blanket upstairs, wanting some time to herself. humming a melody - she thinks it's one that the guys will sing in an off-key fashion when they get particularly drunk - she tries to occupy herself by counting each of the little plaster bumps in the ceiling, and then all the small flowers on the dingy wallpaper of the room.
she gets to 78 when the door swings open. jolting awake, she makes eye contact with joel, who's looking down at her form under the covers.
"somethin' happen?" his voice is less gruff than usual, and she shakes her head.
"nope. just waiting." she gives him a weak, shaky smile. he doesn't return, but he doesn't click his tongue in annoyance, either. it's a win in her books.
he's got a backpack, and it looks pretty full. she wants to ask what's inside, but she knows he'll tell her if he wants to. he sighs, sitting on the edge of the bed. she scoots over so he has space.
"let me see you." he instructs, and she sits up, crawling out of the covers. sure enough, she's wearing one of his flannels for warmth, and had slipped into a pair of his boxers instead of her otherwise nonexistent pajama shorts. he's silent for a long moment, before he brings his fingers to examine the material. goddamn, was it old, frayed almost everywhere, and the chest pocket had a hole. he sighs, finally speaking, "comfy?"
she blinks, confused, "huh?"
"'re ya comf'rtable?" he repeats, voice gruffer. she lets out a nervous exhale. was it a trick?
"ye-yes. yeah, i'm comfy." she assure, and he hums.
"heard ya want somethin' new." he finally looks her in the eyes, something he doesn't do all that often. she shuts her eyes, cheeks heating in embarrassment and worry. dammit, tommy, she thinks, knowing the younger man had told joel about her offhand comment on clothes.
"it's fine, i'm happy with this." she splutters out quickly, hoping she won't upset him. he sees right though it though.
"yeah, yeah." he scoffs, waving a dismissive hand, as he gets up. her heart clenches, wondering if he was really angry, when he reaches for the backpack, throwing it at her.
it's not an aggressive throw, and lands on the mattress beside her.
"open it." he instructs, and she swallows thickly, unsure what to expect. the zipper is a little worn, but she eases it open... only to find not only clean but colorful clothes inside. she looks up at him in confusion.
"what...?" and for the first time in a while, there's just a hint of a smirk curling at his lips.
"go try 'em on." he encourages. giddily, she beams as she gets up, taking the bag of clothes into the cropped bedroom. he slumps back on the bed, trying to will away his fatigue. it'd been a hassle to collect all the clothes - more so, to find clean one he thought she'd like - so he leans back, waiting for her to return.
she lays out the clothes on the cramped sink counter space, starting with a simple pair of slightly flared jeans, pairing it with a light blue cropped cardigan. she goes out to show him, an obvious pep in her step.
he looks up as she enters, eyes trailing up and down her body, including the way the outfit fits her curves, and the slight glimpse of midriff.
"don't you look pretty?" he drawls, and, though it almost sounds sarcastic with his hard features, a light smile plays on her lips. she tries on 4 other outfits she could make out of the 10 articles of clothing he got her, and he seems to like each one even better. sure, he'd taken the initiative to ensure all of them were a little revealing - he deserved an eyeful for his hard work, after all - but she seemed genuinely happy, and the bright smile on her face almost rivals the cleavage that she shows off in some of the outfits.
when she shows him the final outfit, he pats the space on the bed next to him, and she obliges, sitting beside him.
"happy?" he finally murmurs, pulling her closer by the hem of her pants, and she nods excitedly.
"very." she assures, softening, "thank you." she doesn't need to clarify her sincerity, as it pours out in her tone. he caresses her cheek with his calloused thumb.
"good girl. you make sure to tell the girls." she almost laughs, knowing she'd show off the gift in the same way jess and anna have been with theirs. he wanted it to be known that fucking michael and john couldn't treat a better than he could, "got one more thing f'r you." he pulls her so she's standing, procuring two more pieces of small fabric from his pockets.
she inspects them, eyes widening a little when she realizes it's lingerie. he glances back at him, and he has a brazen and unashamed glint in his eyes. she's about to make a joke that this one seems more a gift for him than for her, but refrains, obliging with a small nod of her head, and taking it to the bathroom.
she strips out of her clothes, pulling up the lace fabric. the panties are practically a thong, shaping her ass nicely, while the bra enhances and perfects the curve of her tits, a small, red bow in between the cups, matching the bow on the hem of her panties.
she looks hot, and damn, is his taste good.
going back outside, a noise escapes his throat - like a guttural growl. he signals her to turn, and she does, giving her an ample view of her ass. he grabs her by the hips as she does, and she squeaks, as he pushes her down on the bed.
"oh!" she gasps, trying to sit up, but he's on top of her in a moment, mouthing at her neck roguishly, a sloppy trail left in his wake.
her skin erupts in goosebumps, but she knows better than to touch him when he gets like this - his need for dominance forbidding it. her hands grip the covers to ground herself, as his lips trail downwards, cheekily biting the bow of her bra, and taking a nip of her skin along with it. she moans, jolting, and he slaps her thigh - but gently. he's not meaning to hurt her - and trust her, she can tell when he is.
"stay still." he hisses, finally parting from her torso to marvel at her, "good lord, gonna fuck you in all this, sweetheart." he mumbles, more to himself than anything else, as his hands cup her breasts framed in the bra, squeezing softly so as to not damage the material.
usually, he'd revel in pushing her down to choke on his cock, and, when he was feeling more generous, he'd go down on her like a ravenous man.
but he was a simple man, who had been generous enough tonight. and he wasn't putting her in a position where he can't see her in the whole get-up, so the blowjob was out too.
fuck it, he thinks, reaching for the belt of his pants, i need her.
she gets up to help him undo his pants, but he forces her back into laying down, "wanna see you." he grumbles, finally undoing his pants. already hard, he palms his cock, eyes rolling back, "fuck."
he lowers again to shift the slit of the panties to the side, exposing her arousal, swiping his fingers through her mess, making her bite her lip. he wipes it gently on her cheek - a wholesome act, with a backdrop of degradation and depravity. he presses a soft hiss to the bow on her panties, making her shiver, before rising to his full length.
"you want it?" he grunts, as he strokes his cock, adjusting so it's lined up. she whimpers, as he's prolonging both of their suffering just to highlight her need for him. pathetically, she nods, and he laughs - barking and cold. "i can't hear you."
"yes!" she gasps out, unable to hold back anymore. he smirks in satisfaction, shifting his hips forward to bottom out in one stroke.
she cries out, eyes rolling back and head lolling onto the mattress, trying desperately to adjust to the stretch. he doesn't have that same decency, animalistically beginning to move his hips.
a squeal gets caught in her throat, and she cave to her instincts, gripping the wrist of the hand he's holding her waist with, squeezing as an indication of not her pain, but her pleasure.
thankfully, the adjustment was quick, and her surprised squeaks morph into pleasured moans, as he grunts on top of her, eyes raking the way that her tits try to bounce in the confinement of the bra. unusually, he's not annoyed by her touch, and it only makes him move more aggressively, as he can tell what makes her pleasure increase - as she'll squeeze his wrist harder.
"who's making ya feel this good?" he growls, "who takes care f'ya, sweetheart?" she chokes, garbled, broken moans escaping her.
"y-you!" she manages to gasp out, "o-only you, no one else, you - you take care of - of - oh, fuck!" she squeaks, feeling the pressure of her orgasm, "gonna - can i please - please-?!" she begs nonsensically, but he understands her - of course he does. she's his girl, after all.
"cum, sweetheart." he assures through gritted teeth, "who's making you cum?"
"y-you-" she cuts herself off with a cry as she cums, body stilling and legs trembling, as he continues to thrust and she rides out the orgasm.
he follows right after her, the squeeze of her cunt around sending his body into overdrive. collapsing on the bed beside her, the two remain silent for a minute to catch their breath.
finally, he clears his throat, getting up, and pulling her up, too. "go, clean up." he instructs, voice less gruff and softer, asking her to do something for her own good as opposed to his, "then change. don't think i can do another round right now." he knows that if he sees her in the outfit for longer, he'd get hard again.
with a woozy head, she does as he says. when she changes, though, she decides against the clothes that he bought her. she loves them, of course, but their either too coarse or flashy for night-time wear.
besides, they don't provide the precise comfort of stability that the flannel and boxers she puts on again does. though she tells herself she's not sure why joel's clothes seem more comforting than the new clothes, she's lying.
she feels more comfy in them because they smell and feel like him.
he's already knocked out when she exits, sleeping on his side, having evidently left the perfect amount of space for her to curl into his side, pulling his arm over to cradle her.
she knew he would always take care of her.
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xxacademy · 4 months
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gf!Jill Valentine x gn!Reader
SUMMARY: When your beloved girlfriend comes home from a difficult work trip it brings up complex feelings of love and trauma. But, it’s nothing that can’t be mended, especially by sharing each other’s loving affection.
CONTENT WARNINGS: fluff, established relationship, past emotional trauma, weapons (mentioned, not used), descriptions of injuries, wound cleaning, terms of endearment, kissing, & bathing.
She reminds you of a quiet forest in early spring. So lush, and full of life—but always perpetually raining. You find comfort in her beauty, but like that vernal forest, her mind is always a storm. Restless and pouring, her thoughts swirl with pain and grief, and it worries you sick. Rain, rain, rain. You can only hope for better days, you hope she can find the calm within her inner sanctum. For one day, the sun must come out.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
"You're back," you sighed as Jill stood in your home's entryway. She wore black skin-tight jeans and a really broken-in denim jacket.
She took a deep breath, dropping her bags on the hardwood floor. "I'm back, finally."
You wrapped your arms around Jill, squeezing her tight into your embrace. She rested her head into the crook of your neck, soaking in your touch.
"I missed your smell, y'know," Jill whispered into your skin.
And you missed hers dearly. Jill had a particular smell of moss, fresh air, linen, and sandalwood. It was something of a drug to you.
You slowly ran your hand up her back and combed your fingers through her short brown strands, tucking a piece behind her ear to reveal her face.
A large, fresh wound splayed across her cheek and nose. Dried blood was crusted around the edges, and her cheek was speckled with a purplish-green bruise.
Your heart skipped a beat, and your shaky hands traced along the perimeter of her cut. "Jill—"
"It's fine, I promise."
"What do you mean it's fine? You're beat to shit."
"That's how it goes, you know that," Jill retorted.
"I'm not trying to overreact, I just…"
"You just what?"
"Jill, I feel bad— I just feel bad seeing you hurt all the time."
"It's just a cut. You don't need to worry about me," she said, reaching her hand to her face and feeling her wound.
"It's not just the cut, I'm aware you get hurt. But, I worry about you, I know this wears you down."
"We can talk about this later. I'm not in the mood."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dig," you said, apologetically kissing Jill on the forehead.
"It's okay, I know. This is just a me thing." she sighed into your neck, her voice sounding heavy and tired.
"You need a bath, though," you laughed faintly.
"I smell disgusting."
You breathed deeply, "I mean, there's a bit of what I assume is monster blood in your hair."
"A day in the life of Agent Jill Valentine, I guess." she chuckled sarcastically, pressing a kiss to your neck. "But seriously, though, I'm getting in the bath."
She left your embrace, but not without a kiss, and faintly pressed her lips against yours. "It's good to be home," she smiled, heading for the bathroom.
While Jill was in the bath, you got to work unpacking her bags. First was a duffle bag filled with clothes, an array of guns, knives, ammo, more guns, and Jesus Christ. How many weapons does this woman need?
You pulled out her blood-stained clothes and put them into the wash. The weapons went onto a towel next to the safe, she'll want to clean them before putting them away.
You held her favored combat knife in your hand. The blade was worn down and nicked from years of use and many sharpenings. It was crusted with dried blood and yellowish pus.
This very knife has saved her for damn near everything, but it brought you to tears thinking of all she had to live through. Jill was never the one who needed saving. She's always been the protector. But at what cost? It was always at the expense of her own freedom and well-being.
Your precious girl deserved to be free from the hell that is her inner world.
She had a backpack that was mainly filled with folders, notebooks, medication, and whatever random shit she picked up from her two weeks away. You left that bag for her to deal with, though; she would actually murder you if you misplaced an important document.
Jill called your name from the bathroom, and you instantly met her there.
"What is it?" you asked. Jill was sitting in the bath, her chest pressed into her knees, wincing as she ran her hand down her back.
"My back, I got hit there and need help with it." she cracked.
You sat on the edge of the tub and inspected the damage. An angry red slice from a blade ran from her shoulder blade to her lower back.
"God, I think it's infected," you said, analyzing the swelling around the wound.
"Of course it is," Jill huffed.
"Just hang on, I'll clean it." You rummaged for a first aid kit from under the sink. Although you're not a nurse, at this point, you should be.
You prepped a cloth with alcohol and held it up to her wound, "It's gonna hurt, okay," you tried to warn her, but the shock was more than Jill could have expected.
She winced, recoiling back as you dragged the cold burn of the alcohol along her irritated skin.
"Ow, oh my god, that fucking hurts!" she exclaimed through gritted teeth.
"I'm sorry. Just give me a second, and I'll be done."
You got her cut cleaned up. Jill's head rested on her knees, which exposed her bruise-ridden body.
Regardless, she was perfect. Her pretty olive skin contrasted warmly against the bubble bath. Her arms were muscular, with raised veins running down her long, dainty fingers.
Although the thought of the bruises made your stomach ache, they undoubtedly made her look tough but no less beautiful.
"Okay, my love, you should be better. Is there anything else I can do for you?" you asked, standing up.
Jill's head still rested on her knees as she answered, "No, that should be everything."
"Okay then," you headed for the door, wanting to give her some privacy.
"Where are you going?" Jill said as you were stepping out the doorway.
"Just to the kitchen, why?"
"You should stay."
"Music to my ears," you hummed, stepping back. And resume your spot perched on the side of the tub.
"It's awfully lonely in this big tub all by myself," Jill said shyly, rubbing soap along her arms. "And how am I supposed to get clean without your help?"
A smirk formed on your lips. "Hmm, I wonder what I can do to fix that?"
"I'm not sure, but I know you can figure it out," she smirked, languidly rubbing soap into her skin.
"Fine," you stripped your clothes and placed them into a pile on the floor.
"You're gorgeous, you know that?" Jill's sleepy eyes admired everything about your figure.
Your cheeks heated as you stepped into the steaming hot bath. You sat behind Jill, with her placed between your legs.
You let out a long sigh as you adjusted to the water temperature, wrapping your arms around her.
Jill took your hand in hers and placed tiny kisses along your knuckles. "I'm tired, so unbelievably tired," she exhaled, leaning back into your chest.
"I wish I could make things better for you." you sighed as you stroked your fingers through her short brown hair.
Jill paused momentarily, swallowing as she found the words, "You already make things better for me. You make life better. You're everything to me."
You couldn't help but feel like it wasn't true. But why would she lie? She makes your life infinitely better, but for a reason you couldn't place, you felt like you weren't that person for her.
Perhaps you felt like her sense of duty outweighed her love for you, Or maybe you couldn't fully understand her trauma.
Your heart skipped, and the only thing you could manage was, "Really?"
"Don't act so surprised; at this point, you're the only thing keeping me sane. You get me through the literal gates of hell."
You laughed genuinely, and your cheeks flushed with warmth.
"See like your laugh, God, how I love your laugh. It reminds me of Summer if that makes any sense."
You laughed again, and a little pit in your belly swelled with warmth. "And you remind me of rain. Your voice is so calm and pretty. It's like water droplets on our window."
"You're quite the poet, I take it," Jill smirked and rolled around so her stomach pressed to yours.
"Only for you." you grinned, tucking a damp strand of hair behind Jill's ear. This angle provided you with an absolutely superb view of her eyes. Although heavy and tired, they radiated love-- love swirled by endless bounds of dark blue ocean. You couldn't resist her any longer and pulled her into a soft, intimate kiss.
Your pouty lips refrained from deepening the kiss too far. The tip of your tongue grazed against hers like a gentle dance. She tasted dizzyingly sweet. Jill gracefully rolled your lip between her teeth, biting and then sucking softly.
"My pretty girl," you mumbled into the kiss, drunk off her taste.
She ran her hand up your chest, your neck, and settled on your cheek, her thumb stroking your jaw with the lightest touch.
Jill pulled away and rested in your embrace, head on your chest, eyes closed. "I'm so happy to be home," she sighed.
You hugged her tight into your chest. "I'm happy you're home, my love."
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Something darker than you'll ever know lingers behind Jill’s blue eyes. A darkness that she holds securely within herself. But, the sun does rise, and for Jill, you're her sun. The one person who can love her, scars and all.
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boba-beom · 7 months
౨ৎ babydoll || CHOI BEOMGYU
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pairing: beomgyu x fem!reader
genre: drabble; fluff, smut
summary: you spend the evening of valentines day watching barbie with your sweet boyfriend until he makes a dirty joke. you may need to rewatch the last half of the movie again later.
wc: 2.2k
a/n: this is my 2/2 entry for @matchaxmatcha's valentine's event <3
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warnings under the cut!
warnings: pw little plot, established relationship, physical affection, they're just giggly :< beomgyu's silly and says a dirty joke, switch!service top!beomgyu, switch!leaning subby!reader, quick oral (fem!receiving), nipple play, intimate but messy sex, light biting, PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE, petnames; (baby, doll, princess, good girl, my girl, honey, my good boy, pretty boy, mommy, sweet cheeks), beomgyu takes a dirty picture, indirect breeding kink, not proofread >//<
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he dim lights from the lamp shades situated in each corner of the bedroom had set the mood for the rest of the evening—movie in bed with your beloved boyfriend who agreed to watch the barbie movie with you.
it was easy to get comfortable after a long day, as long as yours and beomgyu's skinship is present, then you'll get huddle together with ease in no time. you're positioned leaning your back against the headboard and he's between your legs—his head resting on your lower abdomen like his personal pillow and his broad shoulders under you legs while he watches intently.
that is, until he said something that caught you completely off guard.
"baby, wanna hear a joke?" you could hear the smug smirk on his voice through his tone.
"go on then."
you let him continue speaking while your fingers loosely played within the strands of his hair, watching his strands slip through as he turns his body around, propping his weight on his elbows and lifting his chin above your lower abdomen.
you notice the way his eyes dilate while looking up at you, making you just as intrigued to hear what he had to say. you just knew it was nowhere near pg-13.
his hands find their way to your hips from under your things, massaging his thumbs ever so lightly on the area. a soft smirk plays on his lips before he speaks.
"let's play dolls. i'll be Ken and you can be the box I cum in." his voice was deep and it lingers.
you'd usually slap his shoulder or playfully shove him off of the bed had it not been for your core throbbing just from the thought of being filled up by your beloved.
you never turned it down because you knew you wanted it just as bad. you're down if he's down.
"you're too smug about that one, honey." your breath quivers from the sensation of beomgyu's fingers lifting your baggy tee, exposing more of your skin on your tummy.
"it was good though, wasn't it?"
he looks up at you with puppy eyes, waiting for some form of a definite answer from you.
"c'mon then, you gonna be my good boy? thought you wanted to cum in me." a mischievous smile gradually appears on your lips as you hold eye contact with the beautiful man between your legs.
the movie had been long forgotten, the volume turned down a little so you could hear how you would react to each other's lingering touches. subtle lights shifting and illuminating your face for him as the scenes behind him continue.
beomgyu had already pulled your shorts down your legs and threw it aside to land on a random spot on the floor. having your cunt bare in front of him had the both of you blushing, regardless how many times you've fucked.
"oh baby, your pussy's so pretty." he coos, swiping a thumb through your folds then retracting his thumb and watching the string of your arousal stretch until it disconnects.
you hear a moan in the back of beomgyu's throat. his eyes were glued onto the sight, ultimately fascinated every single time. he repeats the action a couple more times, brushing against your clit a little higher each time to spread your slick around your pearl, still maintaining his feathery touches.
"f-fuck, beom—" your breath hitches in your throat and your fingers toy with the top of the comforter. "it tickles."
beomgyu huffs, amused at the sight. "yeah? want more tickles baby?"
you nod your head, pouting your lips with your pupils blown out.
"wan' your tongue," you whine, "always makes me feel good."
that was something your boyfriend always loved to hear. he thrives off of pleasing you, wanting you to feel good. and you giving him the green light turned a switch in him to dive into your pussy like he's been starved.
you take your shirt off, head thrown back a little once his lips latch onto your puffy pussy, having your chest heave as his tongue works slowly on your clit. you feel his thumbs stretching your lower lips, lifting his head and you watch a dollop of spit onto your core, feeling it trickle from your clit to your hole.
you loved that beomgyu was messy with you, that's one thing you never get tired of. the sounds of his saliva mixed with your slick paired with the sensation of his tongue messily lapping up and repeating, spitting again until you're all lubed up with a mixture of both your bodily fluids.
"you taste too good, but imma fuck this pretty pussy until it's molded for my dick, hm?" beomgyu sits up with his lips and chin glistening from where the light hits his face,
after he's pulled his shorts off he's immediately fisting his shaft, the head of his penis passing as a matching accessory with his lips, glistening in the dim lighting.
"yes gyu, my pussy's only for you." you gasp when he prods your clit with the head of his cock, sliding it against you. the warmth made your head hazy, just wanting him to bury it deep inside you.
"you've been a good girl for me haven't you?" he coos, hovering above you as he planks his hand on the space by your shoulder.
"'m always a good girl, can you be a good boy and fuck me now?" you place your thumb and index finger beneath his chin, guiding him to your lips you give him a chaste kiss.
though beomgyu's fisting his dick, he slows down as it throbs in his palm from the pet name. as much as he loves his dominant side, all of that crashes when you coo and praise him.
he loves being your good boy.
"fuck, mommy, gonna make you feel so good." beomgyu whimpers.
his mouth latches onto your nipple, twirling his tongue around the hardened bud while your hand is cupping and squeezing the other. he lets go with an audible pop making the both of you giggle together until he trails up your chest with wet kisses, letting his teeth nip your sensitive skin by the crook of your neck.
"shit gyu," you shakily exhale.
he was too far gone with skimming his teeth over areas of your neck, nipping and lightly sucking those areas for you to admire the marks when you look into the mirror in the morning.
"don't worry princess, just admiring your body before I fill you up." his voice a little gruff by your neck and he kisses your lips, biting your bottom lip for your tongue to meet his. you could taste remnants of your arousal on his tongue and it has you smiling.
you love how filthy your boyfriend is, lucky that you were able to spend valentine's evening with the man you call the love of your life. it took you so long for him to open up to you, in terms of getting comfortable with your sex life.
once he found out how much of a freak you are in bed, he never held back in making you feel so good, giving you that princess treatment because you deserve it.
beomgyu sits back on his knees again, back to slowly stroking his dick, aligning the head with your sweet hole that's been squeezing nothing for the past few minutes.
"wan' you deep inside me beommie." the call of his nickname has him plunging deep into your pussy, sliding in nicely after doing a good job slicking you up.
"fuck, so wet and warm f'me," he goes back to littering kisses by your neck. "you alright?"
his pants were contributing to how wet he was making you, the lewd sound of his hips slapping the back of your thighs had your eyes rolling back.
"can feel you deep inside me, shit." you wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him close to kiss him.
"'m making you feel good, doll?" he mumbles by yours lips before capturing your lips and swallowing your moans.
"mhm, harder gyu." you moan against his lips, "making me feel so good."
another praise, another rush of adrenaline has him thrusting harder and picking up the speed and drilling into you until the sound was consistent. he had your whole body jolting upwards while he had a hold on your hip and the other behind your neck.
"ugh princess, you're clenching me already?" he teases, pinching your hip lightly.
he makes you laugh then it morphs into a moan when he bucks his hips particularly harder at a random point.
"you feel so good inside me baby, oh– just wanna be full of your cum."
that almost tips your lover over the edge. you turn your head so you could kiss the area just by the corner of his jaw, behind his ear. you reciprocate the skinship kisses, leading a trail along the column of his neck and nipping and sucking here and there. it'd be a shame to not leave a single mark on his beautiful skin.
"keep talking to me like that," he moans, throwing his head back with is dampened bangs sticking on his forehead.
"mm, my sweet, sweet baby's gonna give me his big load, isn't that right?" you coo directly in his ear, teeth ever so lightly grazing on the shell of his ear.
"yes, yes, yes~ gonna fill you up 'till you're leaking throughout the night." his whimpers sends chills down your spine, words cannot describe how obsessed you are when he switches.
"yeah? you close?"
he nods desperately, doing his best as he pistons you without faltering.
"do it, cum in me like you said baby. my pretty boy's gonna give me his big load." you egg on his orgasm, and it only took your praises and sweet talk to push him over the edge.
you could feel his cock pumping his thick seed inside you, refusing to still his hips and make you cum too. he shudders as he continues to thrust into you, knowing that he'd hit your precious sweet spot when he heard you gasp and your moan cut off in your throat.
beomgyu's back to kissing your neck and shoulders, this time more tenderly, but still sloppy and wet. he'd look at you for a second, admiring the way you're glistening in the dim light.
"god, you're so perfect aren't you, pretty girl?" he's fallen in love with you again. and he'll continue to love you regardless.
"fuckkk, beommie, gonna cum, gonnna cum!"
you whine, feeling the tight sensation in your stomach about to snap. beomgyu's overstimulated and your pussy clenches down on him tighter than before, milking his dick with his second load that night,
"shit baby, 'm right there with you. that's my girl."
both of your moans are in perfect harmony, his arms wrapping around your torso with no space left between your sweaty bodies. heard in the room were ragged breaths as he slows down, noticing the way your legs shake from his shallow thrusts.
"dick's so good it almost had me crying." you brush your hair away from your face, wiping one eye dramatically.
"then maybe next time I should fuck you harder until you're sobbing, how about that?" beomgyu has a stupid smirk on his face, but you love it so much.
"you already know, sweet cheeks."
you pull him down to you again, hand at the back of his neck as you give each other a tender kiss, separating with an audible smack.
the sensation of beomgyu sliding his softening dick out made you shiver, watching the way he reaches over to the bedside table for his phone.
"wanna keep this as a memory," he says, opening up his camera app and switching on the flash. "gonna keep this in my wallet and look at you when I'm having a hard day."
you hear the camera shots, and he takes pictures with his tongue sticking out slightly, concentrating on getting the best angle to see your bare body, legs wide and his cum mixed with your fluid leaking from your cunt.
his words made you blush, though this wasn't the first time you and beomgyu have taken filthy pictures together, this one had more meaning held with it.
"the picture's temporary, baby, but just know I'll be here to make your hard day even better." you manage to sit up, despite the ache between your legs, and wrap your arms around his torso to give him a side hug while you both examine the photos together.
"I love you princess, I love coming home to you every day." beomgyu says softly, putting down his phone to hold your face and kiss your temple.
"I love you too gyu," you briefly squeeze him, "but I'm gonna have to rewatch barbie again, properly."
"I wanna know what happens too." he pouts, almost looking offended you didn't include him.
"no baby, I won't concentrate and you'll end up fucking me again." you imitate his pout and whiny tone.
he chuckles, biting back a grin. "yeah, but you'd love that."
you join him, nudging him and mirroring his grin that he's holding back.
"always. always gonna love that."
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taglist: @ahnneyong @wccycc @lizdevorak @fairybin @laylasbunbunny @acaiasahi @itaehynz @cha0thicpisces @fairybinie @yunkiwii @prodsh00ky @https-yeonjun @lovejoshua @aprilisque @ja4hyvn @bb-eilish @ericyjun @luvsoobs @yeonyeonyeonjun @junniieesbby @kyrkitten @day6andetcetera @dainsleif-when-playable @txt-yaomi @soobinsman (send an ask to be part of the taglist, here's the taglist sheet for reference)
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© BOBA-BEOM ; all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, alter or translate in any way or platform.
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e-m-ma-lmfao · 4 months
Can u write some headcanons about vincent valentine? I love him sm and I love your write! Ty ♡
Vincent Valentine Headcanons
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pairing : vincent valentine x reader
cw : none!
a/n : i’m not super familiar with vincent, his personality or his mannerisms so i hope these are okay!
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he’s a sleepy guy.
like bro can sleep anywhere.
he’s one of those people who can sleep sitting up, laying down, with loud music playing, while people are literally talking to him.
for some reason he always seems attentive when you’re around though.
vincent’s quiet. so quiet that you honestly think he might not like you.
for a little at least.
he almost never talks about himself.
he probably gives short responses to anything you have to say.
and if he does have lots to say it unintentionally kills the mood cause he’s so brooding. like straight out of a dramatic play.
but then you realize he’s more of a listener than a talker. thankfully.
he’s heavy on the eye contact, it’s a little intimidating.
he almost never looks away while your talking, even going so far as to follow your eyes when you look away.
like bro has his head on a swivel to find your eyes when you start acting all shy in front of him.
and he can’t wrap his head around why this is making ur shyness worse.
vincent won’t directly tell you if he has feelings for you but you’ll definitely know.
he will actively search you out in a crowd full of people.
and you will be able to find him by your side more often than not.
he just wants to be close. even if your not chatting.
honestly he probably just can’t handle the idea of you being out of sight.
vincent definitely treats you like you’re made of glass even if he knows you can handle yourself.
can you blame him? he doesn’t want to lose another lover.
he definitely doesn’t get any of your jokes, but he won’t tell you.
he just nods, but you can tell he’s smiling cause of the crinkles in the corner of his eyes.
if you don’t know how, then vincent would teach you how to use his guns.
picture like straight out of a movie, he’s standing right behind you talking right in your ear with his deep voice and his hands guiding yours.
and he again doesn’t understand why you get so flustered by this.
but if you did know how to use a gun, colour him impressed.
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cigarett3wif3 · 1 month
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title from Girls on Film by Duran Duran Jill Valentine x f!reader | ao3 18+ MDNI. smut, female reader, a little bit of comphet(subtle and almost non-existent), lesbians, oral (female receiving), pussy spanking, reader is pillow princess, fingering, a little bit self indulgent, dirty talk(not a lot)
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It started like a movie night. At least it is supposed to. You met Jill months ago in some old and dusty DVD shop, a place with an annoyed vendor in a room full of old movies but hardly ever with clients. What started with a common interest, got you into a position of aching for something more than just a ‘smart girl’ or ‘pretty girl’ from an older woman during a casual conversation with her. And to be completely honest, you have never expected yourself to yearn for a touch from the same sex, seems like you aren’t straight anymore. Or you have never been…
But now the typical sound of leather squeaking coming from the couch made you snap out of your trance. The faint light of the movie illuminates your figures, you can’t make out what the actors are doing, or what scene is nor do you care. The most important thing is the Jill behind you, her subtle and sensual touch on your shoulders while her lips are giving soft kisses on the crook of your neck.
It feels surreal. Two women, skin to skin. You would see something similar in lesbian porn. Even though you always tell people you don’t watch it. But what a girl can do when sex with men has always been disappointing? You have always been sure even if you had dick penetrating all deep inside you, reaching until your lungs, you would still feel incomplete. And a lot of your female friends had the same experience, explaining it like something normal.
Jill’s boobs are pressing against your back. Your mind stops working again, and those thoughts disappear quicker than you expected them to. And it made you panic a little bit too “First time for me” you mumble out. Was your always voice so breathy? Among panic and excitement, there is another feeling - embarrassment. What if she is going to think you were a loser? You had sex after all, just not with women of course. Her lips continue giving tender kisses, the spots they touch feel so burning hot, that you aren’t sure she isn’t the embodiment of fire. Her hands roam up until they reach your chest and she cups it with a loud hum, kneading and groping at your breasts. Her chin rests on your shoulder.
“I don’t mind” she purrs. “you can be a pillow princess for me this time, hon”
You gasped when Jill’s fingers started playing with your nipples, squeezing and rolling them in between her index and thumb. Her lips return their focus on the skin of your neck, giving soft bites and sucking on same spots as if teasingly to soothe them. While her fingers continues teasing and playing with your nipples, tugging softly and pinching them in between her digits. You can feel a jolt of pleasure passing through every nerve in your body. Underwear starts already getting uncomfortably wet, and for a brief moment, you start to wonder if there won’t be a stain on the couch at the end of this night. Her hands uncupped your breasts, making you turn your face to look into her face better. Feeling unpleased by the lack of her touch now.
“C’mon pretty girl, lay down for me” she hums, hands pushing you down softly, until you are on your back, exposing your disheveled clothes to her gaze. The white blouse is unbuttoned completely, showing your braless chest to her. You quickly remove your shorts, you won’t need them.
She spreads your legs wide, almost manhandling them further apart as much as she wants. There is a clear wet patch on your panties and it made her grin. “So eager for me already? You are so easy” she purrs softly, giving a trail of kisses from your inner thigh up to your knee. Jill’s slender fingers, but calloused, curled under the hem of your panties, tugging them up, making fabric press and rub against your clit. Forcing a moan out and your hips buck, wriggling a little bit and unintentionally getting more friction against the bud from the fabric.
Her arm is resting on your knee and she finally tugs the side of your panties so your pussy is exposed to her gaze. Your attention is fully on her face and enjoying every shade of emotions it exposes to you, not noticing a quick action of hand, connecting with your clit which causes pain and sparkle of pleasure combining. Jill’s fingers started slapping on the sensitive bud, showing a grin on her lips when your body jerked, blue eyes burnt more with excitement and lust when she heard your loud moans. Every slap fills room more with distinctive wet and squelching sound, which you both find arousing.
Jill’s tongue makes a distinctive ‘tsk’ sound, before giving another spank on your pussy, hitting your already sensitive and overwhelmed clit and making you jerk again. “What a good girl, fuck” she groans, noticing how drenched you are. Her thumb presses softly against your painfully sensitive clit, looking through her eyelashes at you. And if you are honest (and you want to be), you have never seen someone look at you like that; full of want and eager to please you without receiving anything back. The digit starts circling slowly and teasingly on the bud, not being shy to press harder against the hood to listen to your moans more. She observes your face for any signs of distress or discomfort, in case you were putting up with that silently. But in your case, if Jill wanted to beat you, you would enjoy it too and maybe beg for more.
She slid lower, so her face is now leveled at your dripping cunt and you slip your legs on her shoulders instinctively. Her finger kept playing with your clit before her mouth finally delves in, pressing tongue against your lips and lapping on them. You moaned again, not recognizing your own voice. Your hand crawled into her hair, grabbing and pulling her by it and trying to get more. Wet sounds and your whines fill the room, and your hips jerk and press tighter against her face, as her nose grinds against your sensitive clit sending more jolts of pleasure to your body. Her tongue moves in a clockwise circles, not forgetting to not leave your hole out, delving it into your soaked cunt, her tongue slips in and out of you. The air around you feels so intense and the sight of Jill’s face between your legs made, her half-lidded blue eyes keeping eye contact with you make your inner walls clench and arch your body.
As if to make it better, her mouth switched its attention to your throbbing clit, sucking on it and she doesn’t forget to add her fingers inside you, slipping inside easily cause you are soaking wet. “Taste so good, best pussy I’ve ever eaten” Jill murmurs, her words are slightly muffled and vibrating against your clit, enhancing the pleasure. She scissors you with her two digits, curling them against your g-spot and making you wince from bliss before returning to moving them back and forth, stretching your hole nicely, at a stable pace.
“Girl, fuck, wish I would have a strap on here” she groans, rolling her eyes and she pulls away from your drenching slit, your clit is aching for more attention from her mouth. Chin is glistening with your slick, her tongue peeks out to lick her lips, the taste of you lingers on the buds in her mouth, and you can see her half-lidded gaze towards your pussy. Full of desire and hunger, while her fingers are still working inside you, moving back and forth eagerly“So I could watch your tits bounce while you ride me like a good girl, mm?”
Blue eyes study your expression for a brief time, clearly noticing how much you are enjoying her fingers. You can hear her whispering; ‘I guess that is for the next time then’, before returning to your wetness. Her tongue presses against your sweet spot and parts lips as it starts flicking on your clit and she laps on the juices like it’s her last supper. Your body tenses every time her fingers move back and forth with a squelching sound, while she keeps playing with your juices and clit. Sometimes Jill switches to suck on it while her digits rub and press against your g-spot, making your inner walls clench tightly and buck your hips again.
They move rhythmically onto her face, almost riding it while her other hand is on your lower stomach, keeping you still.
“Fuck, god, Jill” Her name starts to mix among your moans like it is not your voice at all. You know you can’t take it anymore. “Going to cum, pretty girl?” Jill cooed, while her lips are still pressed against your drenched pussy, her voice sends a pleasant vibration that makes you cry more and clench around her digits again. You nod shortly, not being able to let other noises than moans mixed with her name. “come on, do it, you are such a good girl for me”
After her words, you can feel fire pooling low in your abdomen and your body feels like it is burning and getting heavier, you cry out her name as she continues fingering you with the same haste rhythm while sucking on your clit, not giving you a space to breathe or to rest. Your hips buck, inner walls clamp down around her fingers and you cry out for the last time, before going still. Your breathing is unsteady as if you just had a marathon and your vision has gone black for a moment which felt like an eternity. Your body flinched weakly when her fingers slipped out from your inside with a wet sound and you gasped quietly, feeling a little bit sad that it was over.
After you rode off your intense orgasm, you were less breathless but exhausted. Opening your eyes feels so hard and tiring, keeping them half closed and the vision is a little bit blurry. The tiredness is getting the best of you, so you start falling asleep slowly but before that, you are able to notice the movie is still rolling on until Jill turns it off. Then her lips connect with the skin of your cheek, giving a soft and tender kiss. “Movie sucked anyway” she chuckled, brushing off some strands of your hair with care “Rest well, princess”
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hllfireclb · 7 months
Happy Valentine’s Day - a letter from Eddie for you
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"Hey Sweetheart!
So uhm, as you know I’ve never written something like this, for anyone- so you’re the first person who ever receives a love letter from Eddie the Banished, cool huh?
No but what I wanna say is, that I appreciate you. Like REALLY appreciate you. I appreciate your love so so much. I know that I may be not the perfect boyfriend or a dream boyfriend or a Mr. Perfect like Steve Harrington, but I want you to know that I’m trying to be the best version of myself for you. I want to see you happy. I want to see your smile everyday because it brightens up my day. I want to hear your laugh, cuz it’s the sweetest melody I’ve ever heard. You’re the Bass to my drum. You’re the metal to my head. You’re everything for me. For you, I’d give my guitar to a random stranger (and you know I’d normally never do that, shit I must have gone insane because of you).
What I want to say is, I love you. I really do love you. And I’m happy to call you mine. I love you"
-your Eddie <3
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dvskf4llz · 7 months
HIYYYAAAA DUSK IT'S CLOUDY HERE!!!! I've missed ya! I hope you're doing alright and remember, you don't need to be constantly writing oneshots so that you can post them! Take as much time as you need <3
Anyways! Could I request some Valentines HCs with some of the Hermits? Maybe Ren, Xisuma and Grian again? Or just any Hermits you want and can do! :D
I do apologize for asking for so many Hermits last time- you are allowed to do as many Hermits as you want <3
Much love and always take care of yourself! <3 -☁️ anon
Hiii cloudy!! And hello to everyone else aswell!! I'm actually back this time I swear- I do apologize for not following the uploading schedule I promised, I just didn't feel motivated enough to write anything but now I do!
So have some Valentines HCs! <3
Valentines with the Hermits HCs
𝓜𝓾𝓵𝓽𝓲𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓲𝓽𝓼 (𝓢𝓮𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭) 𝔁 𝓖𝓝!𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
This oneshot contains: A bunch of corny stuff, fluff, kissing, slight suggestiveness (?), cuddling, fluff and overall just some wholesomeness <3
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- With Scar, he either tends to forget about Valentines or he does remember Valentines
- This year, he remembered. By the time you were awake, you bet he made you your favorite breakfast. He had woken up a few hours before you did just to do that for you for Valentines, not that he doesn't sometimes do that on regular days aswell
- Scar's the type of guy to prefer more simple stuff, he wouldn't go all out on Valentines but he would still do his best to make it special.
- He'd get you your favorite chocolates and just a simple Valentines card he made for you, the card had a very sweet paragraph that explained how much Scar loved you
- If you wanted to go out on a date, Scar would surprise you with a simple yet cute picnic date on a spot he figured you liked. He had also picked up some flowers to give to you, the flowers just so happened to be your favorites aswell!
- If you wanted to just stay at home, Scar wouldn't mind at all. He'd still get you flowers though, he couldn't just not get you anything for Valentines. For the rest of the day, you two just mostly spent time together in bed cuddling.
- When I say this man will spoil you, he will go ALL out.
- You would wake up to a whole feast of all the different foods you like, it was practically enough to be considered as three meals.
- He'd definitely also have made a whole build just for you, most likely a huge build of a teddy bear that held a heart that had the words: "I love you!"
- You think that's all Doc got you? Oh hell no. He got you a whole bouquet of flowers, your favorite chocolates, a small version of the teddy bear he made but it's actually a stuffed teddy bear and much more.
- This man takes Valentines as an excuse to spoil you even more than he usually does, but he still makes sure tone it down a bit if you tell him it's too much already
- If you were fine with going out on a date outside, you bet Doc would bring you to a place you've always wanted to go to or would you bring you to a fancy restaurant
- If you just wanted to stay at home, Doc would try to persuade you first but would soon give up as he respected your decision. That didn't mean though that he wasn't going to still try his best to spoil you, but at the end of the day you both just cuddled together in bed after a long day of Doc spoiling you <3
- Ren would be a mix of both Scar and Doc honestly, he'd try his best to make Valentines both extravagant while still trying to make it simple enough to your liking
- Just like Scar, Ren would wake up earlier to make you your favorite food for breakfast. He'd try to make a cute little design with the food, but would fail a bit but it's not like you minded.
- Like Doc, Ren would also spoil you with gifts such as, your favorite flowers, favorite chocolates, a stuffed animal that just so happened to be your favorite animal and a lot more things
- Ren wouldn't mind at all whether or not you wanted to go out or just stay at home, he respects your decisions.
- If you wanted to go out, Ren would be all for it. He'd take you out on a nice dinner date at a place where it just has the most wonderful view. And of course, the food was but your favorite.
- If you wanted to just stay at home, Ren would be fine with that too! He'd happily bring you to you two's shared bed and cuddle you the whole time, he would also definitely be all up for just a simple conversation. He loves you and will always respect what you want <3
- This man will not let you get out of bed, like at ALL.
- As soon as you woke up and tried to stand up, Bdubs was there to stop you by pouncing onto you with his full body. You may or may not have hit your head as this happened, which Bdubs apologized profusely for and made it up with kisses
- After that happened, he still would not let you get up. He was not going to budge, not even if you give him puppy eyes or try to persuade him with.. Ways...
- You wanna eat? Bdubs will bring a bed tray with your favorite food, it also had some of your favorite flowers in a vase as it was one of Bdubs' gifts for you today.
- You wanna go out? Too bad, Bdubs will stay laying ontop of you so that you can't move. You don't exactly have a choice since Bdubs was ontop of you, so you just had to give in.
- You wanna have a date? Consider a bed date that's filled with cuddling and kisses, probably some other things aswell but we'll not get on that subject yet
- Where's your gifts? Don't worry, Bdubs would hand you all the gifts he got for you for Valentines. It consisted a bunch of your favorite stuff, he even went out of his way to learn how to create an origami version of your favorite animal!
- You two ended the day with cuddling of course, it's just a necessary to do every night!
- Grian doesn't try to go too eccentric on Valentines, but you bet he's not going to stop his mischievous nature.
- You two would be doing something sweet as making Valentines cookies, which would end up getting a bunch of flour on the kitchen and on both you and Grian. Both of you would be giggling your butts off as an accidental flour spill on Grian turned into a whole flour war, it looked liked winter in the Kitchen afterwards. You both agreed to just leave it for tomorrow as you both continued on with Valentines!
- Grian probably would prefer to just stay at home, but he wouldn't mind taking you out on a cute date. Maybe a stroll around the server, holding hands and happily talking while the other listens
- Meanwhile if you didn't mind also staying at home, then you bet you both would be playing with Maui and Pearl. You two would be sitting down on the ground as both cats got equal attention from the both of you, both you and Grian definitely would end up having to chase after the cats soon enough
- If you wanted to just sit down and chat with Grian, he'd be good with that! He'd willingly listen to you talk with admiration in his eyes, he just loves you so much ahhsbshdhb
- By the end of the day, Grian would have his wings wrapped around you while you two cuddled on the couch with both Maui and Pearl on both of your guys' laps. Just a sweet wholesome moment <3
- While yes, Xisuma does remember about Valentines. He struggles to find enough time to spend time with you on this day of love, he would feel so bad because he couldn't spend all that much time with you. He would apologize profusely everytime he would have to get pulled into something important, you of course would re-assure him to calm him down.
- Xisuma would always be trying to make it quick so that he can spend time with you, he would also make sure to grab you some gifts when he just so happens to pass by a store that had some things you liked
- Once Xisuma finally had the chance to spend time with you, he would rush home as fast as he could. He would be at the door with him panting like crazy as he ran as fast as he could back home, he could've flown back home with his elytra but he kind of forgot about that..
- After catching his breath, he'd give you the gifts he got for you looking slightly bashful. You were surprised to say the least, but you weren't ungrateful. Xisuma was definitely getting some sweet kisses, and a lot of them.
- If you told Xisuma you wanted to go out on a date, he'd bring you out to a slightly high hill and would sit down with you to watch the sunset. After, you both would then stargaze in peace, chatting from time to time as you both started up at the sky. Xisuma would definitely start naming different stars off of you, even using some of your nicknames just to be a bit funny
- If you wanted to stay in though, Xisuma was fine with that! You both would do some sweet yet simple couple stuff like learning how to do different things, Xisuma would definitely try to teach you how to play the guitar.
- And of course, ending the day with cuddles and sweet kisses in bed. Xisuma would have his armour off so that you could actually feel the warmth from his body and just actually feel his touch from his skin, overall it was just a sweet and simple day <3
You reached the end, congrats! :D
I'm a little late to post this but I still got it! I hope you all enjoyed it, I do want to thank rubi for helping me get this ideas so shoutout to them!
Oh and, if you're wondering what you got for the Hermits.. That's up to your imagination ;) (Go wild.)
Anyways, have a good day/night! Always take care of yourself lovelies! Get all the rest you need and don't feel pressured to do anything! Love you all! /p <3
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teenidlegirl · 7 months
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ❛ 𝓖𝐈𝐅𝐓 𝓑𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐓 𝓞𝐅 𝓛𝐎𝐕𝐄. ❜
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ઇ ˚ ݂ ֹ ꒰ miguel o’hara 𝓍 fem!reader ꒱ ! ۟ ׅ ♡
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓢𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. it’s valentine’s day and everyone is celebrating with cute gifts. miguel isn’t too fond of the holiday but only celebrates it because of you. however, he isn’t too happy when he founds out how many gifts you’ve gotten from others. miguel decides to give you the best gift he could offer.
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓒𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓. fluff, friends to lovers (ish), swearing, miguel is a big softie, some jealousy, cute moments
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓛𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝓝𝐎𝐓𝐄. inspired by “about love” by marina, my valentine’s day anthem. another valentine’s day of me watching movies and eating candy. happy evol day! (marina stans get it) ♡
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valentine’s day.
the day of romance and love.
gifts of flowers, candy, and cards passed all around HQ. the entire place is covered in valentine’s decorations. balloons, streamers, confetti, stickers, and glitter. a pink and red magical wonderland. pretty much everyone is wearing either red or pink.
except for one person; miguel. as the big grumpy bug himself, he doesn’t participate in the holiday. he showed up to work in his suit like usual. peter gave him a gift earlier, a hand dawned picture of him made by mayday. of course as the stubborn man he is, he refused at first but ultimately accepts it because mayday made it and it actually warmed his heart. he kept it, hidden somewhere in his desk. some of the young spiderlings miles, gwen and pav gave him candy and cards. miguel felt a bit awkward receiving gifts since he wasn’t use to that when he was younger, so it was a shock to him. he doesn’t really give a shit about valentine’s.
well — he has one reason to celebrate it: you.
like the vampire he is, miguel stays in his office observing the various orange monitors in front of him with a hunched back and balled fists. a faint feminine voice from the entrance of his office snaps him out of his workaholic thoughts. a voice he knows very well, an angelic voice he’ll listen to for an eternity. his ears detect light footsteps, knowing it’s you which makes the corner of his lips curl up into a smile.
as the platform lowers down, miguel thought about what type of gift he should get you. flowers are a bit cliche, same with chocolate and candy. he isn’t a fan of cards. those thoughts and his smile fade away as he turns around to see you carrying a shit ton of flowers and a teddy bear in your arms.
his heart fucking dropped.
“dude, i don’t think i’ve ever gotten so many flowers in my life.” you giggle as you walk up to the tiny desk near his and put down your gifts. seven bouquets of flowers and a cute teddy bear. you tell him each person you gotten a bouquet from. one was from webslinger, another from noir, and the rest were from peter variants. hobie got you the teddy bear.
while you were smiling and babbling, miguel was a sad puppy. so many other men got you nice gifts, fucking hobie got you a damn teddy bear. that felt like a slap in the face, making him frown. while thinking of possible gifts to get you, other men beat him to it. miguel feels beaten, especially the way you smile at your gifts and talk about them so happily. he wants to be mentioned like that. he wants you to smile at the gifts he’d give you like that.
“i only have one vase. i’ll just borrow some from my mom.” you snort before glancing at him. “oh! by the way, peni wanted me to give you your gift.” you remembered, turning around to grab the gift.
miguel blinks at you, snapping out of his sad thoughts. “what?” he sounds genuinely confused.
you hold out a tiny plushie in your hand, a smile gracing your lips. his eyes instantly land on the object and they widen at the gift. it’s a plushie of himself, in his suit but without his mask. his face has a scowl, furrowed brows and flat mouth with red eyes matching his own. miguel stares dumbfounded at his mini self. very slowly, he raises one hand and gingerly takes the plushie from your hand. it’s even smaller in his hand, how comical it looks which makes you smile. his thumb skims the material of the plushie, feeling the softness against his gloved palm.
“she made everyone their own. i got spider-cat since he’s my favorite.” you said, holding up the plushie version of spider-cat in your palm.
those crimson eyes snap back at you, a shocking look illustrated on his face. “what?” his voice cracks a little, feeling a bit sad by your statement. he isn’t your favorite spider-person, a cat is.
well, that adds more salt to the wound.
you shoot him a dumbfounded look, rolling your eyes. “oh come on, miguel. you know how much i love that cat. he’s the cutest.”
he rolls his eyes in return before widening once again. he noticed your outfit, a baby pink dress with ribbon sleeves (i have this dress and i love it so much, one of my favs). oh wow — you look beautiful. there goes his heart skipping a beat like usual. his cheeks grew warm, same shades of pink as your dress.
you turn around and grab the teddy bear, hugging it against your chest. “so, did you get any gifts? besides that.” you point at the plushie.
miguel was too fixated on you holding the teddy bear hobie got for you. a sting of jealousy forms in his heart. “i uh… mayday drew me a picture.” he adverts his gaze from yours, glancing the plushie of himself in his palm, giving it a light squeeze.
“awww how cute! of what? you?” you asked.
he nods shyly, still avoiding your gaze. “yeah…”
“i would’ve gotten you something too but i’m too poor as fuck right now.” you shoot him an apologetic smile, feeing a bit guilty.
miguel immediately looks up at you, shaking his head. “no, it’s fine. don’t worry about it.” he said reassuringly, taking a step forward.
you shook your head, softly smiling. “nah i’ll get you something for sure, eventually.”
goddamnit you’re too kind, and cute. you could kill him with your cuteness and he’ll die happily. his heart continues beating faster for you.
“i promise to get you something too.” he said, truly meaning his words.
you snort. “i think i have enough gifts.” you quickly glance at the bouquets on the desk then look back at him. “but if you do, don’t get the same thing.” a soft chuckle spills from your glossy lips.
oh miguel is definitely getting you something, hopefully something different and unique. however, that’s going to be quite the challenge because what could be considered a unique valentine’s gift? some research he’ll have to do, and luckily as a scientist himself, it won’t be a hassle.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
numerous hours of research for a unique valentine’s day gift. after he left HQ, miguel was cooped up in his penthouse searching gift ideas. as his assistant, lyla helped him by giving him a few suggestions. of course she can’t go without teasing him about his little crush on you. sometimes he regrets having lyla a personality of her own. finally, an idea popped up in her tiny ai mind, a light bulb above her head.
“oh! i got it!” the ai exclaims, clapping her hands. “you should make her a gift basket.”
one of his thick brows arched, looking at the tiny ai assistant with a confused expression. “what? a gift basket? how is that a unique gift?”
“because, dumbo, you can put all things she likes in the basket. like her favorite scented candles, candy, flowers, plushies, snacks, drinks, self-care products, mugs, balloons, cards.” lyla suggests.
he ponders for a moment. “that… actually is a good idea.” he said softly, mainly to himself. “but she already has tons of flowers.”
“well, then make her crochet flowers. trust me, women love them.” she smirks, folding her arms.
miguel blinks at her, visibly confused even more. “crochet flowers? what the hell is that?” he has never heard of that term before, mainly because he lives in a futuristic society so technology and other resources are different.
the ai rolls her eyes and sighs. “flowers made of yarn.” she elaborated. “if you make them and give them to her, she wouldn’t have to worry about them dying in a few days. she’ll keep them forever.”
keep them forever? you keeping the flowers he made for you without going to waste? now that convinced miguel. he can imagine those crochet flowers on your dresser or desk. you gushing over them, how they will always remind you of him. his heart skipped a beat at the adorable thought, smiling to himself.
“give me a list of materials for this crochet flowers thing.” miguel orders.
lyla salutes with a smile. “on it, boss.”
miguel knows what things you like. favorite drink, snack, candle scent. this gift basket seems to be a perfect idea, gift for you. he’s gonna to make sure it’ll be the cutest gift basket you’ll ever receive.
after work, he visited multiple stores and bought your favorite items and materials for crocheting. since it’s a valentine’s gift, everything is pink. once he got home, he searched up multiple gift basket ideas. lyla encouraged him to look on pinterest, a site he’s never heard of but went along with it. he was actually impressed by the amount of creative ideas the site offered. definitely will use it for future date ideas. miguel wants this gift basket to be perfect so he is fully dedicated to the mini project, pouring all of his effort just to see that beautiful smile of yours.
after arranging the basket, which he was very proud of, miguel starts working on the crocheting project. however, it was a lot harder than he anticipated. he watches tutorial videos but ends up failing numerous times, making him frustrated. his penthouse was filled with angry grunts and tossing shit around.
“grunting and throwing things isn’t gonna help you.” lyla teases, smirking at the grumpy man.
the brunette rolls his eyes. “how is something that looks so simple is impossible to make?” he runs a hand through his dark chocolate locks.
the ai sighs. “you just gotta take time with it. don’t think too much and give it another shot.”
miguel stares at the scribbles of yarn in his hand. after closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he decides to give crocheting another shot.
after watching the tutorial videos and actually taking his time with it, following each step, he finally got the hang of it and successfully made the bouquet. it’s not perfect but he tried and actually looks quite decent for his first time attempt at crocheting. miguel was a happy camper, smiling at his little project made just for you. now with the completed gift basket, he hopes you’ll like it. miguel is eager (anxious) to see your reaction.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
it’s still a few hours left of valentine’s day when miguel arrives at your apartment. he stands there anxiously in front of the door dressed in a black buttoned up shirt, a pair of black slacks and black dress shoes. his hair slicked back. his fingers grip nervously on the basket handle. god miguel hasn’t been this nervous in who knows how long. feeling like a teenage boy asking his crush to be his valentine. technically, that is what he’s doing but as a grown ass man obviously. his heart pumps out his chest, palms a bit clammy, one foot tapping the floor.
inhaling a shaky breath, he gently knocks on the door and waits for you. his grip on the basket handle tightens when he hears the locks open before the door opens revealing your angelic presence.
his eyes dilate drastically and mouth hangs open slightly as he slowly takes in the sight of angel blessing his eyes. you are wearing a different dress that hugs your curves so graciously. gorgeous curls of your hair curving your pretty face. makeup done beautifully yet natural, matching the dress. it seems like you went out or are going to since you’re dressed so nicely. miguel is just too enthralled by you.
“oh, sup man.” you softly smile at the tall brunette, titling your head as you lean against the door.
he blinks out of trance, realizing he must’ve look like a fool for staring. “uh… hi.” miguel clears his throat, offering you an awkward smile. he knows you’re going to ask him why he’s here. so, he lifts up the gift basket and holds it in front of you with a bashful expression. “happy valentine’s day.”
your eyes immediately land on the gift basket and your heart melts. it’s a tiny basket decorated in baby pink with a matching bow on the handle along with baby pink tissue paper inside, completely filled with your favorite items, which are all in pink. a candle of your favorite scent. a bag of your favorite chip brand and another of candy. some self-care products like a face mask and moisturizer. a pink butterfly plushie, miguel calls you “mariposa” so it seems fitting. and finally, the crochet bouquet. a bouquet of your favorite flowers made of yarn.
miguel watched your enthralled face, making his own warm up. he just stands there like the bashful mess he is, presenting his crush her valentine’s day gift. hints of cheeks staining his sharp cheeks, heart pounding in his chest like a drum and palms growing more sweatier due to anxiousness.
a very thin layer of tears began forming in your eyes, making you bite your lip to hold them back. “you… you made this?… just for me?…” your gaze fixates between the basket and miguel.
he nods sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. “yeah… i though since you already have so many gifts of the same stuff…” he shyly meets your gaze. “a gift basket would be nice.”
and you thought your heart couldn’t melt even more. “i… you didn’t have to go through all that effort for me.” you said with a tiny pout.
miguel shook his head. “that’s why i did it. para ti.” he said sincerely, ruby eyes bore into yours.
oh my god, this man. he’s fucking perfect.
those tears were threatening to spill. your heart is utterly melted. you tenderly take the basket from his grasp. “this is the sweetest gift i’ve ever received. thanks, miguel.” you shoot him smile.
oh he was a happy camper. a big feeling of relief and accomplishment flowing through his body. plus, he got that beautiful smile. “of course, mi mariposa.” he mirrors your smile, overjoyed with your reaction.
you softly chuckle at the nickname. “i would totally marry you.”
his eyes widen dramatically at your shocking comment, making him blush more. “r-really?”
you giggle at his flustered face. “oh definitely.” you step away to place the gift basket on the counter then put on a pair of comfy shoes. “so where are we going?” you ask as you put on a tiny cardigan.
miguel blinks at you confusingly. “going?”
“yeah, for our valentine’s day date.” you softly smile, grabbing your mini white purse as you step out the door and lock it.
valentine’s day date? holy shit — miguel didn’t believe he would get this far. you wanna go on a date? with him? wow it’s like a dream come true. however, he doesn’t any idea on where to take you. he needs to look at the pinterest ‘date ideas’ list.
“i uh…” miguel rubs his jaw, thinking of what possible place he can take you. he doesn’t want to take you to generic places like a restaurant, movie theater, the park. just like his gift, miguel wants the date to be unique. then, he remembers the local carnival in town. “the carnival is still open, we can head there.” he offers his arm to you, smiling as he watches your face light up at his suggestion.
“oooo yes! i’ve been wanting to go there since it opened.” you wrap your arm around his as you two start walking away together.
“well, i’m happy to take you there first.” miguel offers a little smile, gazing at you with adoration.
you smile at each other, walking together as you head off into the night of your valentine’s day date, indulging in a night of fun and romance.
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© teenidlegirl. don’t steal, plagiarize, or translate my work. ♡
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vampzity · 7 months
𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨?
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Pairing: ex boyfriend! Wooyoung x f! reader
Genre: ex boyfriend to lovers, valentine’s day, fluff, a lot angst, nudity (w/o smut), pet names (my love, baby), one shot, arguing, hint of violence, shaming(??)
Synopsis: The day before Valentine’s Day. One you planned to spend alone this year after a wreck of a breakup you had. However, the winter freeze had other plans for you. Forced to be stuck in an apartment with the one person you hated, you knew it was something you didn’t miss.. or did you?
Now Playing: The Way You Do - Crying City
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: I changed the idea of Woo’s fic about 3 times which is why it took so long.. was supposed to be all fluff but, was feeling like spicing it up this time around 😏 Sorry in advance! Yall might hate me or want a pt. 2 like San’s…
Mingi's Pt. Masterlist Jongho's Pt.
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You stood at the door patiently, a small packed luggage standing by you. The apartment hallway was quiet minus the hard rain that fell, as it was only 10 p.m. Growing impatient, you knocked on the door once again.
“Wooyoung?! Open up, I’m tired and cold!”
Who knew that after months of trying to get away from the person you deeply hated, you’d just end up back at his home? Not for reasons you think though. All that time, and he was still the very same from when you had left.
The door finally swung open to reveal a frustrated man before you. He stood there in his black sweats and tank top, hair held back in a small ponytail with minimal baby hairs framing his face. Small hints of blonde strands were revealed from under the ponytail. He rolled his eyes at you and turned his face away.
“Wow, trust me. I don’t want to be here either.” You huffed, shoving your way past him and into the apartment.
“Well, nice to see you, too.” He mumbled.
Wooyoung closed the door to his home, turning the locks. He watched as you set your luggage by the island table. You sighed heavily and placed your phone down, turning to look at him. He ignored your presence and walked towards the hallway, shooing you off. You scoffed at him, raising an eyebrow.
“So you’re just going to pretend I’m not here? For the entire 3 days? You can’t be serious.”
Wooyoung stopped in his tracks, letting out a deep groan. He turned around and glared before walking towards you. He came up to you, about 3 inches away from your face making you blush softly. Your eyes widened as he raised an eyebrow at you, continuing to walk until you were backed against the table.
“I could pretend. Just like how you decided to pretend that I didn't exist for months. So who’s really serious really, hm?”
You stood there in silence, unsure of how to respond. What exactly did he mean by pretending the love you two shared wasn’t real? He was the one who suddenly left you. No explanation, no warning. Why was he blatantly trying to play the victim in your face?
The silence continued to stand between you two for a bit. Wooyoung sighed and grabbed your luggage, beginning to walk to the rooms. You followed behind him as you were eager to hide the soft red tint in your cheeks. Wooyoung opened the door to a guest room, motioning for you to go inside. He refused to make eye contact with you, as he wanted to keep the distance cordial between you two.
You walked through the door, being met with a queen-size bed covered in black bedding towards the windows in the room. A white dresser stood across from it along with a closet a little further to the right of it. Sheer black curtains covered the windows, which stood floor to ceiling as a balcony was present outside.
You grabbed your luggage and rested it on the bed. You unzipped it as you continued to not respond to Wooyoung. If silent treatment is what he wants to give, he’ll only receive the same. Maybe it will make these three days easier for both of you.
“So I don’t get any, ‘Wow thanks Wooyoung for giving me a place to stay even though I severely hate your guts! Not even a thanks?”
You stopped from unpacking and lifted your head, looking towards the window as you sighed heavily. You hear footsteps make their way into the room, stopping a few feet away from you. His hand came up to tug at your shoulder.
“Hello?! I’m talking to you!”
Your body tensed up with anger, feeling every little tingling sensation of fire burn within you. Every moment you shared with Wooyoung, ones you tried so hard to forget came rushing back to you. Overwhelming you with so many feelings that you couldn’t control.
You turned quickly and backhanded Wooyoung across his cheek. He stumbled back and held his cheek in agony, looking down at the ground. You snapped out of your anger, blinking your eyes rapidly. With them now softened, you looked at Wooyoung as he stood up straight holding his cheek. He gave you a small glare, as he began to massage it.
“Omg, Woo.. I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you, I don’t know what happened to me, everything was so sudden!”
You took a few steps towards the young man, only for him to put his hand out to stop you. He sighed and removed his right hand from his cheek, revealing a bright red mark that slowly began to bruise. Your eyes widened, feeling even more sorry for what you’ve done.
“Don’t. The shower is down the hall. If you need anything, my room is across from it. Have a good night.”
With that, Wooyoung walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. You brought your hands to your face and sighed heavily. It felt like the way you two used to argue, loud and angry. Except this time around, it grew violent. You felt your heart sank over this, not exactly sure what to do.
As much as you wanted to hate Wooyoung, your heart longed for him and there was no denying that. No matter what happened between you two, you knew there was a reason he grew distant. Why he left so suddenly with no explanation. As much as you wanted to know, you knew that now you may not be able to, because you couldn’t control your emotions.
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Wooyoung sat in the kitchen holding a small ice pack to his cheek as you occupied the shower. He felt sorrow over what had occurred, not exactly sure how you’d both be able to last 2 more days together.
Thoughts continuously weighed heavily on his mind, wondering what had gotten you two to the point of hate. Especially when just a few months ago, you loved each other so dearly. He loved you so dearly, and he still does. He just wasn’t sure of how to tell you.
He knew he broke your heart, shattered it without a warning. Little do you know the reason. How the pressure between a relationship, comebacks, and a tour got to him. That he felt overwhelmed by leaving you alone for so much time, feeling that he was abandoning you. How he felt that if he left, it would give you a better sense of peace rather than constantly worrying over his rest or when he would have time to call you.
It broke him genuinely, and you didn’t even know it.
The door to the bathroom opened, signaling that you had finished your shower. Small sniffles echoed in the hallway as you made your way to the guest room. Wooyoung turned his head to the hallway, seeing you nervously opening the door and closing it quickly. His heart broke at seeing how hurt you were. Knowing that even after all this time, you never got the proper closure that you wanted. That you possibly desired.
Wooyoung let out a sigh and made his way to your room, feeling a small nervousness in the pit of his stomach. He was determined to work things out with you and as stubborn as he was, he knew he missed you.
Coming up to your door, he knocked softly. There was silence for a moment before he decided to knock once more.
“Y/n? Can we talk?”
You froze by the bed at his words, feeling small tears fall down your cheeks as the cry from your shower carried over. You brought your hands to your face, feeling an overwhelming sense of sorrow wash over you. How could you face him like this? Would he not just laugh in your face after how strong of a character you forced in front of him?
“Baby, please.”
Your stomach filled with butterflies at his words, giving you some sense of calmness that you haven’t felt in a while. He knew how it made you feel, how that one word easily brought you to peace. Why would he call you that? Especially when you guys are not together and haven’t been for a while. The calmness you once felt began to turn into worry as you remembered how the breakup went, and how hurt you were. No matter what your heart felt, you knew you had to fight it. Even if you didn't want to.
You removed the towel from your head, sliding back on your fuzzy slippers as you made your way to the door. As you were wearing a baggy shirt, you figured you didn’t need shorts. It’s not like you were sleeping with Wooyoung anyway. Sighing heavily, you opened the door and met Wooyoung’s eyes as he stood before you.
“Have you been crying??” He questioned, taking a small step toward you.
A worried look painted his face as you looked away from him, desperate to get him to leave you alone.
“What do you want, Woo? I’m tired, I just want to go to bed.”
You sighed heavily, walking back towards the bed to take a seat. He closed the door and kept his distance from you to make sure you were comfortable with him being there. He pulled his hair out of its ponytail, shaking it a bit with his fingers.
“You deserve a real explanation.”
Your breath hitched slightly, feeling your heart drop to your stomach. You stayed silent and nodded quietly, giving him an okay as you brought your legs onto the bed. He came up next to you, motioning toward the bed if he could sit down. Once again you gave him no answer, looking away from his presence. Wooyoung took a seat next to you, playing with his fingers in his lap.
“Look, you don’t need to listen if you don’t want to. You don’t even need to forgive me, you have every reason not to.”
He cleared his throat and looked towards you, feeling a slight frown paint his face.
“But you have every reason to know what happened. You deserve to know the truth.”
A small amount of silence remained between you. There were a billion things you had wanted to say, wanted to ask, but you refrained as maybe he already planned to answer it.
“I’m sorry for how we ended. It was my fault. I was worried, beyond worried, just completely out of it. With the tour, come back, back-to back-shows.. it was so much. I struggled mentally with the thought of leaving you alone for so long. I couldn’t do it.”
Wooyoung paused for a bit, feeling his eyes begin to tear up as he choked on his words. You looked up at him with a concerned look in your eyes. His breathing became a bit rapid as he began to cry, finally allowing the tears to stream down his face. Your face filled with worries as you quickly pulled him into a hug, running your fingers through his black and blonde locks.
Silence swallowed the two of you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you tightly. Both your heart’s beating rapidly as it’s been months since you last held each other. He sobbed onto your shoulder, apologizing repeatedly over and over. No matter how many times you reassured him that it was okay, he still didn’t hesitate to deny his wrongdoings to you. Seeing him like this genuinely broke you, saddened you even because he's never broken down like this in front of you. It panicked you a bit.
You pulled your arms away from him, cupping his tear-stained face with your hands and placing a small kiss on his forehead. You leaned your forehead against him as his hands remained at your waist.
“I’m so sorry my love. I didn’t want you to fall out of love with me. I was afraid, I didn’t want to lose you. In the end, I lost you and myself..”
You wiped the tears that continued to fall from his face, nodding softly so he knew you heard him. This was so heartbreaking for you. All this time that you sat here and hated Wooyoung, refused to speak to him because of how he ended things. It all finally made sense. You felt all the anger and resentment toward him leave in that instant. It was a relieving feeling that washed over you, but not Wooyoung himself.
“Woo,” You started, looking at him. He kept his eyes closed, refusing to look at you.
“Look at me.”
He sighed, opening his eyes at you. You smiled at him and caressed his bruised cheek softly, making him wince in pain.
“I didn’t mean to make you cry, I really didn’t. I didn’t mean to hurt you or make you hate me, even if I deserve it. I can only imagine what you went through.”
You shook your head, shushing him slightly.
“It’s okay. I forgive you, please don’t beat yourself up about this.”
His eyes shined glossy as he looked away from you, nodding his head. You lifted his chin to look back at you. You moved his bangs away from his face, leaning in to kiss him. It’s been a while since you felt his lips against your own. It was a feeling you craved for, longed for months on end. Even if you envied him, you missed him and his touch. His kind sweet words, the way he cared for you.
You pulled away shyly. Wooyoung’s face painted a bit red as he looked away from you once again, unsure of what to say. Silenced dawned upon you two as you sat in front of each other. You both knew what the other was thinking and yet, no one wanted to say a word. You sighed and smiled, breaking the silence.
“I love you, Woo. I have this entire time, even if I resented you.”
Wooyoung raised his eyebrows at you, surprised at what you had said even if your kiss had shown enough. He smiled and brushed his hair back, soon pulling you into a hug again.
“I’ve loved you for so long. I’ve been waiting for the day I would hear you say that to me again.”
Your heart fluttered at his words, wrapping your arms around his neck as you snuggled your head into the crook of it. You felt Wooyoung wrap your legs around his waist as he lifted you softly, alarming you. He stood up and began to walk out of the room and towards his own.
“Woo? What are you doing?!”
You two locked eye contact for a second, making a slight blush appear on your cheeks. He smiled at you, continuing to walk into his room. He closed the door behind him and placed you on his bed softly. You looked around the room, the setting still the same as when you had left it months ago. Not a single thing changed about his room, and it gave you a feeling of belonging. As if you were home again.
“You shouldn’t sleep alone when it’s cold.”
He turned the lighting in the room down a bit, giving it a soft calm feeling in the room. You cocked your head at him, not expecting this sudden behavior from him.
“Want to sleep with me, my love?”
Your eyes widened at his words, your face fully flushing with red. You nodded softly, beginning to crawl over to your designated side of the bed. Wooyoung walked over to you and wrapped his hand around your waist, pulling you back to face him. You two met face to face, about 5 inches apart from each other.
He smiled softly and rested his hand against your upper thigh. He brought his face to your ear and kissed your neck softly, making you tense a bit at his sudden action. He trailed his kisses down your neck, soon pulling your shirt up slightly to kiss you from under it.
“I love you, baby,” he muttered, still under your shirt as you moaned slightly.
He pulled his head out from under your shirt, meeting eyes with you. Your face remained red as his own. He came and sat next to you, soon laying down to leave you aroused and confused. He looked over at you and rolled his eyes playfully, pulling your arm to him.
“Come sit.” He mumbled as he dragged you on top of his lap.
You laughed slightly as his eyes widened the moment you sat on top of him, realizing he was trying hard to not give himself away. You leaned in to kiss him passionately as his hands explored their way up your shirt to fondle you. Pulling away to catch your breath, Wooyoung looked at the clock to his left, smirking. It read 1 a.m.
“Happy Valentine's, my love.” he whispered, caressing your cheek softly.
The love in his eyes was undeniable, and you knew that. You could see how much he missed you. How hard it’s been for him to give you the space you asked for, and how happy he was to have you in his grasp again. The hole you once felt in your heart was no longer. This was all you wanted, closure. Only this time, you got that and more. You got your Valentine. The one you craved for.
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divider creds: @cafekitsune
A/N: DID YALL CRY? This lowkey hurt my heart to write omg. I hope you guys enjoyed this one! I hope it doesn’t seem rushed?!! Anyways, Jongho is next and the final part to this series! :3
taglist: @skzline @evidive @kittykat-25 @amuromio @xoxkii @losrpark @classyrbf @sundaybossanova @owmoiralover @vrtualsins @sanslovesblog @honeyhwaaa @mingisbbokari @scarfac3
*comment to be apart of future taglists!*
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luvjoshuahong · 7 months
roommate!jeonghan x f!reader
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“I’m assuming that because you’re home the date didn't go as planned?” jeonghan questions as you take your heels off
"yeah, the guy was an asshole. he was texting on his phone the entire time and I found out he has a girlfriend already" as you walk towards the cough to plop yourself next to jeonghan
"really? I'm sorry, that's terrible," jeonghan murmurs while handing you the bowl of popcorn
“how about we go somewhere to make your day better?” he asks after a short pause
— ☆
“you did all this for me?” you ask in shock as jeonghan shows off the picnic he set up in the park
“I think you deserve it after all the people you dated in the past,” jeonghan states as he gestures you to sit
— ☆
“thanks for making today less upsetting,” you say smiling softly as you two are walking back home
“of course, I'm glad I'm able to spend Valentine's with someone I actually love.” jeonghan replies as he holds your hands. that's when you realize, jeonghan loves you as much as you love him.
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prompts: “i’m guessing that the fact you’re already home will tell me everything i need to know about how your date went.” “thanks for making today a little less depressing.” “i’m happy i got to spend the day with someone i actually care about.”
credits: valentine’s prompts; tropes by @scealaiscoite
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end notes: first fanfic/post >.< i actually dont like this that much since i was struggling to figure out what to even write and its rly short😭 thank you for reading this and hopefully ill make better work in the future HAHA🤍
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masterlist | taglist | rules | ask | carrd | about me | palestine by: @luvjoshuahong
185 notes · View notes
shaynesthetic · 7 months
The only thing I think I got right | Luke Castellan
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Word Count: 10.2k
A "Better Unknown" AU oneshot
Main Series: Better Unknown
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Minor God! Half-Blood! Gender Neutral MC
Synopsis: Out of everything that Luke thought he fucked up his entire life, Y/N leaving him where he stood was the ultimate fuck up he wishes he hadn’t. How can he fix this? And will he be able to? 
Tags: Two idiots, mutual pining, Best friends to lovers, fluff, angst with comfort
Warning: Little beta- reading, foul language
Banner by @/cafekitsune
A/N: Hello once again! This was a last-minute idea that's why I'm a little late. Happy Valentines Day! Or belated Valentines' Day if it's already the 15th for you like it is for me. Once again, English is not my first language so apologies for any grammatical errors. Critiques are always welcomed.
A/N: Also, I correct some stuff whenever I see fit sometimes. So if anyone sees any errors, no you didn't. Also also, as of February 16, 2024, I have updated the ending.
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It was the month everyone either despised or loved; It was Aphrodite’s month. A.K.A Valentines. February was always Camp Half-Blood's busiest month. With nymphs making sure every tree was lush and perfect, satyrs helping Demeter kids with preparing and picking the ripest strawberries, Aphrodite kids running around the camp supervising preparations for a feast to be held in honor of their mother alongside some Hermes and Hephaestus kids who were tasked on helping them, with a small fee of dessert that is.
Half of the campers were hanging out with their friends today, grateful that they could finally have a day to themselves, either by canoeing on the lake or having picnics in front of the beautiful views the Hill can give them. Younger campers made heart-shaped letters in the arts and crafts center to send to either their parent or the person they wanted to confess to. Others were practicing the lyre, particularly the Apollo kids, who were asked to help serenade confessing individuals, once again, with a small fee of their food portions, drachmas, and other privileges.
Then there was Y/N. Along with some Ares kids, they were on the training grounds, passing the time. It wasn't that Y/N was a bitter gremlin on Valentine's or anything, it was just that they treated it just like any other day. Why need a day to celebrate your love for others when you can do that every day? Was their philosophy. Truth be told, ever since their mom's passing, they just didn't see the point in celebrating. But that was before coming to Camp Half-Blood. They didn't celebrate arriving in camp either, don't get them wrong…but at least they weren’t alone. It wasn’t like the Ares kids were bitter gremlins either; they just didn’t care. Well, they claim they don’t. But you’ll have to take their word on it. 
Y/N was with Clarisse and one of her other siblings, Mark, who insisted on joining them. Clarisse was helping Y/N with the spear, also with a small fee (why would anyone work for free nowadays anyway?). They have been sparring for a few hours, and none have yet to let down. Perks of being the Ares kid and a minor god, respectively. Another sparring session commenced and Mark just watched as their sibling and Y/N hit blow after blow with each other. The clashing of wood and iron made the air sting with adrenaline, and both took advantage of it. 
The dropping of the spear took Mark off his apparent disassociation, and the scene came into view. Y/N was on the ground, with Clarisse pointing a spear to their neck, one minor move from Y/N and Clarisse could nick them. Y/N, out of breath, smiled and looked up at the girl, before nodding and raising their hands in complete surrender. "Alright, Clarisse. You got me." The child of Ares cackled victoriously at them, Mark in the background cheering. Y/N got up and brushed the dust off their clothes. 
“You’re kinda getting good. You still suck but the sparring’s getting you somewhere.” Give it to Clarisse for giving compliments, if you can call it a compliment. But Y/N took it as one. It was a rare occurrence for the Ares cabin’s head counselor to give compliments to other cabins, but for some odd reason, Y/N was an exception. Well, it wasn’t THAT odd. Y/N and Clarisse were best friends, and other campers find that awfully odd. But to Y/N, they were odd to begin with and everything in their life, from the Gods to prophecies to quests are too, so who cares? Being friends with the biggest bully and their other siblings in the camp was the least of their worries. 
Y/N rolled their eyes at Clarisse before shoving their hands in their jean pockets, making their way to a hay bale, and plopping down on it. Clarisse sat next to them, looking at the spear in their hands. “Any plans for the Goddess of Love’s Day?” Y/N asks out of the blue. Clarisse only stared at them before she started laughing with malice. Is it malice? Y/N couldn’t tell.
“What do you think, Ease?” Clarisse smirked as Y/N blushed at the nickname. It was a nickname given by Y/N’s other best friend, Luke, the son of Hermes.  It was a nickname to embody what Y/N was to Luke, as he claims. Ever since the duo came back to camp after a particularly harrowing quest, Luke never had any troubles with sleeping and claimed Y/N had everything to do with it. Y/N begged to disagree, although they weren't going to admit he was right. Ever since, that nickname stuck like glue. Luke took every second embarrassing them with the nickname. It secretly infuriated them, but Y/N knew it had to be endearing, so they let it go. Y/N had a weird set of friends, who would never get along they think, but Y/N didn’t care. A friend was a friend.  
Clarisse, unfortunately, one day had the fortune of hearing Luke call them that. It was during one of the sword fighting training sessions with Luke, and he, out of either pettiness or wanting to embarrass the hell out of Y/N, called them up to be their test dummy sparring buddy. It went smoothly at first. Y/N wasn’t new to Luke asking them to be his sparring and demonstration partner whenever both Y/N’s cabin’s itineraries and his time as a teacher coincide, which doesn’t happen that often, but when it does Luke took advantage of it. Regardless, Y/N did it for Luke. And Luke was always ever so grateful for it. 
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After a few demonstrations from Luke, the real sparring commenced. Y/N knew they had no leg to stand on and was awfully aware that Luke was the best swordsman in Camp Half-Blood. There was no way in hell they’d beat him. It was a short spar and before they knew it, Y/N was on the ground, a scene Y/N was all too familiar with to the point Y/N might as well befriend the ground they walk on by how much accustomed they were to being face to face with it. 
Luke smiled at Y/N as the tip of their sword was right in front of their throat and Y/N rolled their eyes. "You okay there, Ease?" he asked, offering their hand for them to take. Y/N partially accepted the offer, before their eyes widened. The nickname wasn't supposed to go out to everyone else. They looked at the crowd before them, Apollo kids, Y/N's cabin, and unfortunately, Ares kids and Clarisse. Shame and embarrassment became anger, and Y/N swatted Luke's hand before beelining to the exit. 
Luke stood there stunned, not realizing the gravity of the situation. It took him a while to finally understand what he had done. Y/N had firmly asked them to keep the nickname between themselves. But Luke couldn't help it. He forgets himself whenever he's in front of them. It was like Y/N was his tunnel vision, and he forgot every ounce of autonomy and thought. He knew he didn't mean to embarrass Y/N but it slipped. And now, Luke had to ask for penance. It wasn't new for the two to bicker and fight, it was in friends' nature to do so. However, this was different. Y/N was the type to always prove a point, and they'd normally react with a malice-laced “What the hell does that mean?” or a very exasperated “What?”, but today was different. They left without arguing, and that scared Luke more than all of their heated fights combined. He swallowed from worry and nervousness before apologizing to everyone in the arena, also beelining to the exit. Clarisse was there to witness everything, and for once that day, she snickered.
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Ever since that day, Ease had stuck in everyone's minds. Although no one dared to use it and stuck on calling Y/N their name, Clarisse would use it often to either taunt or tease them, there was no in-between. 
"I hate you so much" Y/N begrudgingly says, looking far away from them. Clarisse's laugh roared as a response. "Does Mr. Loverboy have any plans for you both?” That got Y/N's attention. They tilted their head, trying to decipher her words. Clarisse, ever so observant, took that as an answer and sighed.
"He's such a fucking loser." Mark and Y/N's heads snap up, nonverbally lecturing the girl for the use of such…language. It was second nature to think Chiron was listening to them, and the look of disapproval from the camp director was hard to remove. The last thing they wanted was Clarisse getting in trouble or worse…dishwashing duty. “What? It’s true, isn’t it? That boy is in love with you and couldn’t get the balls to confess to you. He's stuck looking at you like a kicked puppy every time he even catches sight of you it's so damn annoying.” It was now Y/N’s turn to laugh, albeit it was more bitter than straight coffee. They knew it wasn’t possible. Y/N knew their feelings for their best friend were genuine but for some sick, twisted, sadistic reason, Y/N decided upon themselves to assume that it was one-sided, and thus made it their mission to lock it up and throw away the key. Even if they weren’t romantically involved, they were just happy for Luke to be a part of their life. Y/N has convinced themselves. 
“I can’t believe I’m friends with idiots!” Clarisse raises her arms in frustration and annoyance, to both her best friend and Luke themselves. It was clear that they danced around their feelings and it was so fascinating that an Ares kid out of everyone saw that, out of all the kids in the camp. It was comedic, albeit sad, but comedic.
“Clarisse, you’re the only one who thinks that.” “Not really.” Mark immediately interjects. Y/N glares at the kid, Mark shrugging in response. Clarisse pumps her fist in the air and high-fives Mark in vindication.  “Even the kid sees it, Y/N. Stop telling yourself it ain’t so because it is.  Luke loves you and you love him. End of story.” 
"I'm content that he's part of my life, Clarisse. Isn't that enough?" The last sentence came out in the form of a whisper, which even Y/N was surprised by. They tried to convince either themselves or Clarisse & Mark that that was the case.  Why were they getting choked up about this in the first place? Weren't they content that he was part of their life? Y/N damns their actions for betraying their words. 
“Look, just accept the fact you like Luke. Stop pretending and stop convincing yourself that you don’t. Let your feelings out.” Clarisse blurted out. Y/N couldn’t help but not stifle a laugh. “Since when did you become Aphrodite’s kid?” Clarisse jokingly punched their shoulder, a blush creeping in her cheeks. “Shut up.” The Clarisse that they knew, the one who hid her feelings well, embodied pride, arrogance & exuded bravery, and wouldn’t dare give any advice, less a confession, was back. 
“Look, I’m just saying that you’re no better than Luke. You might be even worse than him. And I don’t like seeing my best friend sulking because they made their own bed and laid on it. Stop being stupid and accept the fact that Luke has feelings for you and you have to as well or I'll have to beat you with a stick just to get it through your thick skull." 
Y/N spent the entire day looking for Luke, who was nowhere to be found in his normal stations. They asked all his siblings about his whereabouts but nothing. Na-da. Zip. It wasn’t like him to disappear. In a day they’d see wafts of his brownish-black curly hair in the crowd multiple times and knew it was him. Whenever they see him, it was as if he's the only one they can see. 
They decided to look around the cabins once again. They bargained to themselves that if they didn’t see him that time, they’d just look for them at the dining pavilion later tonight or just assume he’s busy. They were so busy with their thoughts it took them a while to finally see the man of the hour. He was leaning against the Aphrodite Cabin, talking to a girl. The girl was blonde, and her height was the same as Luke's shoulder. Louise Clifford-Jacobs, Y/N remembered her name. They were one of Aphrodite Cabin’s kindest members. Y/N wasn’t close to them but they’ve talked once in a while and they’ve heard nothing but kind words from everyone around her.  They were laughing and the girl was giggling, excitement drawn on her face. She notices Y/N approaching him and she taps Luke's shoulder before pointing to their direction. 
Luke looked away from her and saw Y/N, smiling and waving. Luke offered them what seemed like a smile and a hand raised. The smile was something Y/N noticed approaching him. It looked as if it was out of nervousness or tiredness, Y/N couldn't pinpoint which one. It looked forced and was nowhere near Luke's actual smile. 
Still, Y/N flashed a big smile at Luke, happy that they finally found him after that unnecessary scavenger hunt to locate him. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. You weren’t in the Sword Fighting Arena and your siblings didn’t know where you were”
Luke shifted on his feet, hung his head down, and put his hand on the back of his neck.  “Hey, Ease. Yeah sorry ‘bout that I had a lot of things to do. I’ll make it up to you soon. Honest!”  Y/N nodded their head in understanding. “Oh yeah!” they exclaimed, remembering why they were looking for him in the first place. “I was gonna ask you something. Do you have a second?” Luke began looking between them and Louise. The air suddenly felt thick as tensions and awkwardness rose as if Luke was caught between a rock and a hard place. It seemed as if Luke made his decision when he responded, "Oh shit, sorry Ease I'm in the middle of something with Louise. Do you mind?" 
The smile on Y/N’s face dropped and a forced hard line formed on their lips. “Oh. Oh okay. No worries. If it’s important I can ask you some other time. Bye Louise!” Y/N quickly walked away with hands in their pockets. Y/N felt a pang in their chest, and their heart began to beat more rapidly than normal. They didn’t know what they were feeling. Sadness? Disappointment? It seemingly wasn’t Y/N’s Day, but they convinced themselves that it was because Luke was busy, considering he was Camp Counselor after all. Yeah, that’s what it is. Y/N tried to rationalize what took place. However, Y/N evidently came up short.
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It had begun to be a daily occurrence it seems, Y/N finding Luke, asking if they could talk or hang out with them and him disregarding them, brushing them off, or telling them they're busy. Just like it became a sudden everyday occurrence, it also became a nuisance and annoyance to Y/N. Once can be brushed off as a mere coincidence but multiple times in a week? Now, that wasn't a coincidence. It had become clear to Y/N: Luke was avoiding them. But why? Did they do something to upset Luke? Couldn’t be. Was it? It didn’t make sense to Y/N. It didn’t make sense to poor ol’ Annabeth either, whom Y/N found solace in. They felt bad and shameful, talking to a literal 13-year-old about stuff they should be dealing with on their own. But Luke was Annabeth’s brother, and Annabeth knew more about him than Y/N would ever in their lifetime. So, it made sense that Y/N would approach her. 
"I could've sworn Luke was walking back and forth from the beach. I've seen him there multiple times a day. Even at the lake with the canoes, I'd see him too. He always looked nervous and his hands were clammy. He was very jumpy too. Whenever I’d ask him, he’d brush me aside, force me off his case, and make me return to the Athena cabin.” Annabeth explained one day when they asked about their sibling’s whereabouts.  Y/N was slowly getting frustrated, not at Annabeth but at the lack of answers. Who wouldn’t be? Your best friend, out of the blue, began ignoring you; without offering any answers, without explanation. Anyone would go insane just thinking about it. Y/N felt they had no one else to blame but themselves. 
Y/N felt despondent more and more every day, and it wasn’t hard to notice. Their signature smile was gone, they weren't eating much, and aloof. Their cabin-mates noticed it too. They weren't their enthusiastic self and slugged around with their activities for the day. Their siblings, wanting to distract them from whatever caused their unorthodox behavior, asked if they wanted to do hand-to-hand combat or forge weapons in the camp forge, which was what Y/N liked doing the most, but was met with a shrug and a distant stare off into the abyss. 
It wasn't just their cabin that got the brunt of Y/N’s melancholy. Half of the population in the camp did. Their beds weren't as comfortable as they had gotten used to. Campers began feeling awful emotionally waking up, some had dreams that caused nothing but dejection and misery. Some Aphrodite kids even woke up feeling nothing but heartache, even though it was supposed to be their month. Everyone was affected, and regardless if Y/N knew of this or not, that wasn’t a matter to them that they cared enough about to fix. Selfish? Probably is. 
The last straw was on a random Tuesday when once again, Y/N looked for Luke. They once again, like clockwork, looked everywhere for him. They finally found them near the Hermes cabin, talking to his half-siblings. Approaching them, they sensed that Luke wasn't in the best of moods, with his back tensed than usual and their siblings looking as if the ground was far more interesting than their older brother's lecture. The two, who they later found out were the Stolls, noticed Y/N approaching. Connor (Y/N thought it was Connor but they weren’t sure) looked at Luke before directing his eyes towards Y/N. Luke's eyebrows scrunched up before looking at what had gotten the Stoll siblings' attention. Y/N, with hands behind their back and with a thin line on their lips, greeted Luke. 
Before Y/N could greet them, Luke stopped them. “Listen, Y/N. I know you wanna hang out with me and tell me whatever this is you want to tell me. I get that. I see that. But please, not now. I’m in the middle of something here.”
Y/N’s eyebrows furrow in sadness and in turn look at the Stolls. Y/N, who has been patient with their best friend, just wasn’t having it. Out of either frustration or desperation, Y/N spoke. “I know that and I understand that. Being a camp counselor is hard work, especially with these ruffians trying to tear down every wall in the cabin.” Y/N tried to lighten up the situation, earning a snicker from the Stolls, who weren’t their intended audience. Luke just stood there, his face still the same, albeit more unamused than before. 
“But you have to relax for once. You’ve been at it for days now so I was won-““No.” Luke immediately interjects with hints of venom laced in his teeth. Y/N’s breath hitched. This was the first time in their life they’ve heard Luke speak like that. He was usually this nonchalant, chill dude. Serious when needed but a stand-up guy. Today wasn’t the normal Luke. No, it was something else. It made Y/N’s spine tingle with fear. It also made the Stolls’ back straightened. 
“C’mon, Luke. I know you’re working hard but-""I said no, Y/N. Gods above, can’t you please just listen to me once? I’m busy. Please. Leave.” Y/N gulped, looking back at the Stolls before looking back to Luke, whose eyebrows furrowed and scar making him all the more menacing. Y/N immediately left, locking themselves away in their cabin. They looked up, and just thinking about Luke’s tone and expression made them tear up. It was oh so wrong for Y/N to cry over someone, let alone a boy. But this was no ordinary boy no. This boy was special to them, and their expression of annoyance towards them felt like a stab to the heart multiple times, each time the intensity got worse and worse and as a joke, his expression kept removing the daggers only to put it back in.
This made Y/N’s overthinking tenfold. They have settled at the fact that Luke hated them, thought of them as an annoyance, thought of them as excess baggage. These thoughts overwhelmed Y/N and in turn, tears welled up in their eyes, cascading onto their pillow until they fell asleep. None of their siblings tried to bother them, eyes looking back at each other laced with sympathy towards their once exuberant sibling. Y/N ultimately missed lunch and dinner, and Luke noticed that day that Y/N was nowhere to be found. But ultimately decided not to do anything about it. 
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It was a Thursday when the downfall came. Y/N, who was feeling nothing but sadness the past couple of days, like a shift of tides, has inadvertently turned this sadness into something else; something much more dangerous and malicious: Anger. It was all of a sudden. Y/N woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and that’s when everything went to shit. Y/N’s anger poured over everyone in their cabin. Sammie, Y/N's bunkmate, asked them what was wrong. They were always there for Y/N and Y/N considered Sammie their closest sibling out of everyone. So, it was a surprise to all of their siblings when Y/N’s voice, filled with malice and venom, barked “LEAVE ME ALONE. CAN’T YOU SEE I’M NOT? FOR GOD'S SAKE JESUS ABOVE! ARE YOU STUPID OR BRAIN DEAD?” Everyone’s mouth hung open as they looked at each other, either out of fear or mere awkwardness.  Y/N wasn’t the type to scream at anyone out of the blue. They were boisterous and loud, sure, but it was out of happiness and eagerness to wake up every day. But now, it was like a cloud cast over Camp Half-Blood, even though it never rained there. 
Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at the scene in front of them. Y/N on their bed, blanket strewn about on their legs as they scowled at the now teary-eyed Sammie. Time stood still and the air got more and more heavy. Here was their zealous and exuberant sibling, who woke up and randomly just chose to pick a fight the moment their eyes opened. It wasn't like them. But no one knew what caused them to snap. Someone had to step between them and Hayden, one of the older members of the camp, guided Sammie away from Y/N before they further angered them. Essie, another one of their siblings, glared at Y/N.
Y/N, with everyone's eyes on them, finally was hugged by clarity's warmth and their eyes softened. They looked around to see their siblings looking at them with the expression of either disgust or shame, and Y/N couldn't stand to be around their siblings. They tossed their blanket aside and went out of their cabin, head down.
Maybe walking could clear my head. Y/N thought. So, they walked. And walked, visiting every place you can go to in camp, rinse and repeat. They felt like a soulless traveler, wandering aimlessly around. Lifeless and tired. As they began walking back to their cabin however, a familiar voice tried to stop them. They tensed up, realizing it was Luke, the same boy who had been ignoring them for days, who now had the utter audacity to come up to them as if nothing had happened. 
Y/N, more infuriated than before, turned around to look at the boy. He was in a smiley mood, creases formed on the side of their eyes. This was Luke’s signature smile that he knew Y/N loved, but unfortunately for him, today wasn’t the day it’d work on them. They glowered at Luke with intense fury in their eyes, and Luke, at that moment, wanted nothing more than to be sucked in by a black hole from where he stood, even though they had no idea what had made them furious like that. In the years of knowing Y/N, Luke knew they had that specific look whenever they were furious, that one that made you want to eat dirt or bury yourself alive.  It wasn’t a normal occurrence, which made the intensity of the look way worse. And whenever they did show it, regardless of how many times they’ve done so over the years, it always felt like the first, and Luke always shuddered seeing it. He wasn’t thrilled when his Ease was upset. And in years of knowing them, knew not to mess with Y/N during their spouts of anger, but what Luke wanted to tell them was very important to both of them, Luke thinks, and assumed it’d make Y/N’s mood better, just like every other plan Luke had for them when they were mad or upset. In hindsight, this was probably the worst decision Luke has ever made.
"Hey, I was looking for you. Do you have a second?" Luke put his hands in his khaki pants' pockets and smiled at Y/N. Luke's nonchalance made Y/N's expression turn from anger into disbelief. Did he actually believe that Y/N, whose face is red with anger and disgust towards Luke's actions for the past week, would just come around and entertain Luke's question? Certainly, no one would. Disbelief turned into fury, and Y/N's hands turned into a fist. They approached Luke, and for a minute Luke smiled.  Tunnel vision once again washed over Luke, and unfortunately for him, he failed to see Y/N, who without hesitation, swung at him. 
Luke was on the ground in an instant, shock painted across his face. He felt for the side of his lip, which was now cut open and oozing with blood. If Y/N was in a better mood, they’d take a picture of Luke’s expression and hang it up so people would gawk at it. But alas, Y/N didn’t have a camera, and they weren’t in the mood for stupid jokes, let alone Luke’s. 
“You really have the gall to ask me that? After what you’ve fucking done?” Y/N’s every step was filled to the brim with resentment, each step might leave and burn a permanent mark on the ground. Luke wasn't looking forward to what Y/N was gonna do to him. And Luke, in all of this, was painfully unaware of what he had done, as evident by the clueless look he had, which infuriated Y/N more. 
“You, Luke Castellan, are the stupidest, shittiest, and the most pathetic excuse of a man I've ever met in this entire lifetime. You ignore me for days, brush me off when I try to talk to you and act like I don't exist. You are just as cruel as the Gods. No, scratch that. Even worse. If you didn’t wanna be friends anymore you could’ve just fucking told me instead of you acting like you don't see me.” The anger in Y/N seemingly dissipated, replacing it with another just as intense if not more emotion: Anguish. Y/N's eyes were now filled to the brim with days' worth of unshed tears, it was as if the dam inside their heart finally burst. Luke finally, by the grace of God, realized the critical error they'd made. They didn't mean to leave Y/N in the dust like that, but Y/N didn't know that. It was his fault for not communicating with them about it. He, upon seeing his best friend, with tears in their eyes and anger and other pent-up emotions over the days splattered in both their face and actions, knew he had morally fucked up. Luke Castellan, who was very much aware of how many times he had fucked up in his life, who was so used to seeing the consequences of his actions, for seemingly the first time, was now so blissfully aware of how unaware he was of the damage he’d done. The last thing he wanted was to make Y/N feel anything but happiness. He never wanted to hurt them or make them cry. They swore one day years ago that until they died, they wouldn’t make Y/N feel that way. To be alone. To be abandoned, like the Gods did. Luke had always been angry at the Gods for ignoring them and didn't want anyone, especially their best friend, to feel that way after everything that had happened to them. But like the Gods, life was cruel like that, and promises were sometimes made to be broken. And Luke failed. Yet again. He did. At that moment, he realized just how much anguish and pain he had caused. Luke's expression softened and regret was now sprawled across his face.
Y/N raised their fist towards Luke, and he closed his eyes, expecting a second punch to land on his face. I deserve it. he thought.  But he waited and waited until…nothing. Instead, Y/N's fist faced the ground, and their head was down, tears dripping onto the dirt they were now kneeling on. They gripped on their pants like a lifeline, as they shook with rage. Luke, fully grasping what was happening, tried to approach them and touch their hand. But as soon as he tried, Y/N moved away from him. At that moment, you could hear Luke's heart shattering into millions of pieces. He'd officially ruined it. Just like everything he touched.
Y/N stood up and wiped the tears that were threatening to spill from their eyes. Their hair was a mess, shirt rippled as if it wasn't ironed and their hand was now a little bloody from the punch to both Luke's face and the contact with the Earth. Y/ N looked at Luke with malice, and Luke unconsciously stepped back.
“Stay away from me, Luke Castellan. If you know what’s good for you, I advise you to do so. Never ever talk to me again. Go fuck yourself. We’re done.”
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Relationships end, that was a given. Love was silly like that. Breaking up and losing who you thought was your forever was one of the saddest heartaches you can get in life. That was universal knowledge. But Luke, at that moment, knew that that wasn't the case.  To him, the most heartbreaking thing was to see their best friend walk away, just like that.  They essentially gave up on him, and Luke had nothing to blame but himself. The one person who he knew wouldn’t give up on them, did just that.  Friendships come and go, and over time and unexpectedly, they can break off. And all you can do is accept and move on. That was natural. But this wasn’t something Luke didn’t want to just accept. He knew this one’s reason wasn't natural. And it had one reason: him. Luke Castellan. Son of Hermes. A fuck up.
Luke laid on his bunk bed, contemplating. This had been going on for two days already. Luke waking up and doing nothing but brood and contemplate. Nobody in the cabin bothered him, aside from Chris who stepped up as temporary camp counselor for him and updated him once in a while about what they did that day, and his other younger sister Mia who cleaned up his wound upon seeing him enter the cabin, dazed and hurt. He would kill just for Y/N to say something to him, to scream at him, do something instead of the cold glares they have given them when they reach the dinner pavilion or even as they walk near their cabin. For some reason, Y/N always knew they were there, and it pissed them off even more. The silence between them was deafening, and Luke hated every minute of it. It wasn't rare for the two to fight, Y/N was feisty and loved arguing, especially when they knew they were right. But the first time, when Y/N decided that they weren't gonna argue, got Luke shaken up and scared. 
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Luke had looked everywhere for Y/N that day. He knew he royally fucked up, calling Y/N by their nickname that they’ve agreed upon should be kept in secrecy. Put that in the list of things Luke has fucked up in the years of their friendship. Worry filled Luke’s brain. What if they went to the forest and got hurt? Luke wouldn’t forgive himself if that happens. He’s lost a lot of people in his life, and when Y/N came into his life, while ambivalent at first, later on promised to himself that he wasn’t gonna let anything happen to Y/N. He had sworn to protect them, even though he knew they didn’t need him. Luke was just about to give up, his nerves shaken as he anxiously thought of multiple what-ifs in his head, when he found them ultimately in the last place they never bothered to search: the campfire. 
Y/N was sitting on the ground, hugging their knees. They were looking at the ground. Luke hesitantly walked towards them and sat next to them. The fire crackled as a girl, who was not older than 8, tended to the flames. He could’ve sworn he's never seen this girl in the years he’s been here but that didn’t matter. Y/N sensed someone was next to them, and looked up. Luke sheepishly smiled at them and in turn, Y/N looked away. 
Luke sighed and laid his head on their shoulder, closing his eyes. Y/N didn’t shrug him off, which was a good thing but they weren’t looking at him. They just sat there, the crackling of fire the only thing you could hear as it danced like two lovers in an intense dance for their lives. Silence went by minutes. No one dared making a sound. 
“I’m sorry.” Were the first words that pierced the silence that surrounded them. Luke sat right up and looked at Y/N who was now looking at them with the most heavenly eyes Luke had ever seen. Their eyes were out of this world, it was as if planets and novas were encased in them. But what ruined it was the gloss. Not because of the glossiness of their eyes, but the cause of it. Y/N had been crying. And it was Luke’s fault.
“Why are you apologizing, Ease? It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I embarrassed you. I promised that I wouldn’t tell anyone about it. And now here you are, crying. I also promised I wouldn’t make you cry either.” He sighed before putting his forehead on their shoulder, closing his eyes. It was another minute before Y/N spoke again. 
“It’s stupid, Luke. It was petty. And I made it a big deal by leaving. I shouldn’t have embarrassed you in front of the campers. I fucked up. I’m sorry.”
The pair looked at each other in lopsided smiles. “We’re both a mess, huh?” He looked at them again with the biggest and doofiest smile he could muster. Then, giggles. Giggling and laughter roared in the air as the two non-verbally apologized to each other. Hugs and jokes were shared that day in front of the bonfire. You couldn’t burn that scene whenever you tried. It was one of the best days the two ever had.
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Emphasis on had. Luke thought. Now, he lays there, contemplating the bridge he’d burn from the one good thing in his life. What Luke couldn’t forget the most were their eyes, filled with hate and malice towards him. Seeing them like that felt like the entire world, his entire world, fall apart. And then they left them there standing, forced to pick up the millions of pieces he himself destroyed.
He knew he loved them; he really did. He could lie under oath and people would know he’s being disingenuous. He’d known for a while about what he felt for them. The way he looks at them from a distance as they laugh with their cabin-mates, a smile unconsciously creeps into his lips. The way their eyes drag towards them instinctively in the crowd. The way they put him over themselves and how much they accommodate him. Those were some of the things they loved about Y/N. And it took Chris and the entire Hermes cabin just to make him realize just how much of a love-sick puppy he was. Although he knew of his feelings towards them, just like Y/N though, they were both content in being part of their lives. Just like Y/N, He was scared that he might fuck up if they both got together, and he didn’t want to lose them. So, he convinced himself that keeping them in their lives platonically was the only solution they had. They were both idiots. Laughing at that now, Luke couldn’t help but slap himself in the face. You kept them platonically but you still fucked up. Way to go, Castellan. 
He was surely convinced he was just okay to keep them in their lives platonically. He didn’t even initially plan anything on Valentine's Day. Just hanging out with them and doing nothing was okay for Luke. But as Valentine’s Day crept around the corner, Luke couldn’t help but think of holding their hand that day as fireworks sprayed in the sky, red and white lights dancing and looking down at them. He couldn’t help but dream of holding them in their arms, kissing them on the temple, smiling down at them as they both looked at each other in adoration. He knew he had to make a move, as both were as stubborn as mules. Y/N had always been the one to initiate everything. From hanging out to just lollygagging around camp. Y/N has always been there for him. It was always Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. He swears he could make their name a chant, just to immortalize this being he could’ve sworn was given to him by the Gods themselves. What did he do to deserve such an angel? He doesn’t know. He realized that for once in his life, He wanted to initiate something first.  Not Y/N. Him.
He felt his heart ripping out of his chest, and at that instant, he knew he had to do something. At first, he couldn’t find Aphrodite kids who he was close enough to ask for advice since they were all busy with the Feast. But the Gods smiled down upon him that day, in the form of Louise Clifford-Jacobs. Luke wasted no hesitation asking Louise about what to do on Valentines, the perfect spot in Camp Half-Blood, the perfect food to serve, everything. He was so focused on planning he didn’t realize Y/N was next to him, the last person he hoped to hear him ask an Aphrodite girl about his plans for them. Looking at Y/N and their smile, Luke felt his heart beat in his chest. His ears turned red as the love of their life smiled upon them, like sun rays that greeted you in the morning.  Y/N had wanted to ask him a question, and although he wanted to entertain it, he still had to plan their date. Luke knew he hadn’t had much time but he didn’t wanna make them leave. Sacrifices were needed to be taken, and Luke had asked them to leave. The smile that left Y/N’s face broke his heart, but he had to do something so that his plan wasn’t blown. 
Luke watched as Y/N left and felt a pang, it was as if someone had shot them directly into his chest. Looking at Louise, they instinctively knew they had to make the date as special as ever. 
But all the planning. All gone to waste because Luke had failed to focus on the one good thing he had. He was so intent on making the perfect date he forgot who it was for. And now Luke was just there staring into the abyss of the bunk bed, dejected that not only he lost his best friend, his grand plan was useless now. Maybe he could give the plan to Percy? He wasn’t sure anymore. 
A knock on the door interrupted his brooding, and he sat up to see the last person he expected to see today. Clarisse La Rue, in all her Ares fashion, walked inside and sat next to Luke. She intently looked at Luke, anger pulsing through her veins. Luke gulps in response.
“I wanna punch you so bad, Castellan.” She started. “So, so bad. You don’t know how much you fucked up.”  He flinched. He knew how hard Ares kids’ punches are, but Clarisse’s was deadlier. You could’ve hit him with a stone and it would hurt way less. She continues. “But I won’t.” Luke sat up, confused. If she wasn’t there to hurt him then what? Luke couldn’t wrap around the scenario happening right now.
“Clarisse, if you’re looking for Capture the Flag alliances, go look for someone else. I’m not in the mood to think of strategies nor care for any bartering you're gonna do.” Luke bluntly stated as he plopped his head on his pillow, covering his eyes with his arm. He hears the girl sigh. “As much as I would really like to make an alliance with you, I’m here for Y/N”
This caught the boy’s attention as he sat up again. He stares at Clarisse before she starts to speak. “Look, I’m probably the last person you’d expect to play cupid but goddamn you both are annoying as fuck. I’ll cut to the chase, Castellan. My best friend is fucking in love with you, they just couldn’t admit it because they’ve made their thick skull think they didn’t have a chance with you. It has gotten worse ever since you started your little game of ignoring them. Now, I know you like them too, the way you look at them makes me wanna vomit but whatever. And I know you didn't mean to ignore them. This is all just a big misunderstanding and Idiot 1 and 2 do nothing but brood and sigh all day. I for one think it's annoying as hell.” Clarisse sighs, reclining on the railings of Luke’s bunk. " The point is, I’m not gonna sit around and see them cry over some idiot. Now, get your sad, pathetic ass out of bed and tell me your plan so I can help.”
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Luke and Clarisse indeed formed an unlikely alliance. Although not in Capture The Flag, it was for Y/N so it was the next best thing. Luke’s plan was simple: it was a simple dinner date at the camp’s gazebo, with the gazebo facing the lake. Luke used his abilities as a Hermes kid to smuggle in Y/N and his' favorite food. Clarisse, who had connections with Aphrodite kids through her other best friend Silena, had asked them to help Luke with his case. They didn’t hesitate, seeing that love and courtship was their forte. Louise and Silena lead the operation, Luke owing them big time for this. In all of the planning and decorating, Luke had gotten antsy. And Silena was getting rather annoyed. Using her charm speak, she had managed to calm Luke’s nerves. Sighs of relief echoed as Luke decided to sit as far away as the Aphrodite kids and let them do their jobs without looking like a strict supervisor. 
Silena and Clarisse had known for a long time just how much the Hermes boy yearned for Y/N. In fact, the pair were taking bets on who would confess first, with Silena betting that Y/N would meanwhile Clarisse was betting on Luke. In the meantime, it seems like none of them were winning. And they wouldn’t like that now, would they? That’s why they agreed to help him. Though it was the second reason, the real reason why was sweeter, but they would rather be caught dead than admit that.
Whilst Silena and Clarisse helped prepare, they couldn’t help but look back at Luke. His leg wobbled up and down and he kept wringing his hands. Sweat was rolling down his head as his eyes shifted, while silent murmurs left his mouth. In the many years these two have known Luke, they have never seen him like this. He was the epitome of confidence, both in the eyes of his siblings and everyone in the camp. He was ever so self-assured with both his abilities in sword fighting and his abilities as Head Counselor. Yet here he was, a blubbering mess.  It was definitely out of character for him. The two kept snickering every time they looked back at him, and they looked back at each other, rolling their eyes.  This was definitely blackmailing material for the future. 
That night on Valentines Day, the feast had commenced in celebration of the Goddess of Love. With everyone in the dinner pavilion, Chiron had shared their usual pleasantries, and just like clockwork, finally asked everyone to commence the celebration. Everyone was dressed in their best clothes and eating well tonight, courtesy of the Aphrodite cabin, kids who knew they helped in preparations can finally eat up and pat themselves on the back for a job well done. Couples from different cabins were allowed to eat next to each other, as their single siblings watched in horror and disgust. Burning of offerings had also commenced tenfold, with everyone thanking the Goddess of Love for a very successful day. As the celebration goes on, Y/N sat next to their siblings, half of them sitting with their loved ones, while the rest talk amongst themselves. They sat in the middle, aimlessly picking and playing with their food. 
A cough took them out of their state. Clarisse, who was wearing her best red dress, and Silena who absolutely looked stunning in their off-shoulder dress stood next to each other, looking at them. Y/N in turn looked up at them, eyes filled with gloom. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna be like that the entire night, Y/N”.
“And what if I was?” They barked in retaliation. They were in no mood to bicker with the daughter of Ares. They weren’t also in a mood to celebrate this supposed-to-be happy occasion. Why would they? They just lost their best friend and the person they have been yearning for in just a week.
“Well, that’s no good now, is it?” both snicker at each other.  They sigh before standing up, back hunched and their arms on the table. “Look, I’m really not in the mood to entertain pranks nor play with matchmakers, no offense Silena” she smiled and nodded back to them.
“Well good news. This is no prank. Silena and I decided that since you’re alone this Valentine’s you could come join us on a little singles bonding.” Y/N raised their eyebrow in suspicion. They had a hunch that whenever these two were together and involved, it wasn’t gonna be pretty. These two, besides them and Clarisse, are partners in crime. And when there’s trouble in the air, Clarisse and Silena are the main culprits.
Y/N sighed however. Despite not being in the mood, they had no plans whatsoever. They were, however, in an entertaining mood. There was nothing to lose. So, they humor them, albeit begrudgingly. They rolled their eyes and looked back at them. “Fine. What do you want me to do?”
The girls smile and jump in excitement. Seeing this commotion, they knew something was up. These two were planning something, and Y/N was mentally cursing themselves for agreeing. There was fire in Clarisse’s eyes, and in the many years they’ve known her, they knew exactly what this look was: Determination. A determined Clarisse was dangerous, that they knew. They would stop at nothing to get things done, regardless if it'd kill her or not. An over exaggeration on Y/N’s part but you get the point.  But curiosity was a killer. And well, satisfaction will bring them back.
Silena dragged Y/N away from their table, no one paying mind to them leaving, while Clarisse pushed them forward. They walked and walked until they ended up in the Aphrodite cabin, desolate with no one but themselves. They dragged them to the cabin’s vanity table that was lined with different hair items and products, from hair gel to combs. Aphrodite kids were stacked, and Y/N anxiety never faltered.
“What the hell are you two gonna do to me?” they asked, voice laced with fear. Clarisse’s usual cackle filled the cabin, alongside the sound of a turned-on hair dryer. “Oh c’mon, Y/N liven up. It’s Mom’s Day. I’m giving you a makeover, of course. Courtesy of the entire Aphrodite cabin.” Y/N looked at themselves in the mirror and realized they look utterly horrid. Their hair stuck out in every direction; their eyes red from the constant crying. Eyebags evident from the lack of sleep. Silena was right, They thought. They did look like a mess.
 “Think of it as self-care, Y/N. As the Head Councilor of the Aphrodite cabin, we are humbly your fairy godmothers for the evening.  I’m gonna make sure you look perfect and stunning. Now. Face the mirror.”  
Silena was right. Y/N did look perfect right now. They looked the best they’ve ever been ever since they entered camp, hell, even before they were homeless. One word can describe them right now and it was this: Ethereal. They looked like you could put them in Olympus and no one would be any wiser, no, scratch that, they looked more than just a God. They looked like a celestial being. Silena and Clarisse couldn’t help but gawk at their joint masterpiece and Y/N looked at themselves in the mirror, basking in their appearance. 
Y/N couldn’t help it as a tear rolled down their cheek, which Silena tsked before wiping it off. “Someone who looks celestial tonight has no right to cry. Look at you!” Both Clarisse and Silena were now beside them, and they gawked once more at them. Their confidence skyrocketed ten-fold, and by God they didn’t think they were even capable of looking like so. They looked at both Clarisse and Silena, nodding at them, eyes closed, feeling ever so grateful for their job tonight. But they knew the night wasn’t over, and without hesitation, Clarisse took their hand and led them out the cabin.
It was a short walk and before they knew it, they reached the lit gazebo. Y/N’s eyes sparkled as they stared in awe at the decorations that littered it, fairy lights in little jars, red and white clothes draped at the roof of the gazebo. Food was on the rose petal decorated table, with a beautiful table setting with handkerchiefs folded into swans. But that wasn’t the only thing that was in there. A curly haired boy sat on one of the tables, dressed in a suit, looking down and twiddling with their thumbs. Luke. They thought.
All the happiness they felt have now dissipated, and fury once again taken hold of them. “What the hell is this?” They spat venom, and the pair couldn’t help but flinch in retaliation. Looking up, Luke saw Y/N, and he couldn’t help but gawk at them. Luke had always known Y/N was ethereal, but with Silena and Clarisse’s help, they were all of a sudden out of this world. It was as if Y/N embodied Aphrodite, you can even say moreso, however you wouldn’t catch Luke saying that aloud. All the gawking Luke did however, was ruined when they saw their face. They were infuriated. Angry that they were tricked by Silena and Clarisse. Angry at him. 
Luke wasted no time and made a beeline towards Y/N. "What is he doing here?” Y/N asks Silena and Clarisse, and the duo stayed quiet, looking at Luke for help. Luke sighs, putting both his hands up near his chest, a sign that he wasn’t there to put up a fight. “Don’t get mad at them, Ease. They helped me.  I asked them to trick you. I’m sorry.”
“I told you that I didn’t wanna see you anymore, Luke.” “I know that but please hear me out.” Without saying a word, Y/N began to turn around and walk away. Who wouldn’t be pissed? The last person they wanted to see right now was standing there, whilst they recruited their other friends to basically trick them into seeing him. To say they were pissed was an understatement. 
Not wanting for Y/N to leave before he explained himself, he grabs their arm. The touch felt electric to Y/N as they spun around as Luke held them. And for the first time in a while, Y/N’s expression softened. It had been days since the two had hung out, let alone seen each other. The fight had made them more distant than before, and Y/N couldn’t help but yearn for Luke’s touch. As skin contacts skin, his touch made them putty, and all the anger they’ve kept just seemingly dissipated, and there was nothing left but yearning. Painful, painful yearning. 
“Please, Y/N hear me out. I promise I’ll make it worthwhile.” Y/N closed their eyes, sighing. Y/N knew Luke was their weakness, it had always been. And as he stood there holding them, all thoughts were officially lost. They nodded, and Luke for the first time in a while had his signature smile plastered on their face.
Luke looks at Y/N’s eyes, enamored as the lights from the gazebo danced in it. The more he stared at their eyes, they felt like a moth drawn to the flame. He could stare at it forever, like how Narcissus looked at his reflection in the water, but Luke had to snap out of it, and finish the hell that he had started.
“Listen, Ease. In the years I’ve lived on this Earth, I’ve recognized just how much I’ve fucked up. I was very much aware of how much I’ve done so. With Hal, with…Thalia.” Luke looked at the ground, tears began welling in his eyes. Y/N, who looked at him with adoration, wasted no time putting their hand on his cheek, guiding his eyes back to them. Luke looks at Y/N, before laughing, tears betraying him as they rush down like a waterfall. Y/N’s expressions softened even more, as they used their thumb to swipe any more tears that dared leave Luke’s eyes. A nod left Y/N, encouraging Luke to continue. The gesture made Luke a little more courageous, as he swallowed, before continuing. “With dad’s quest. I knew how much of a fuckup I was. I was always aware, and for some odd reason, when the consequences of these fuck-ups arise, I just ignore them. Not the healthiest option I know but I just stopped giving a fuck, you know? It is what it is mentality.”  As he looked at Y/N, he took their hands into his, and suddenly yet all at once, it felt exhilarating. Their hand in his felt bright and warm, a feeling both of them never felt before. In that moment, they both seemed to forget all the troubles, trials and tribulations they’ve experienced, and what matters right now were just the two of them, in that moment, a scene like in a movie.
“But seeing you walk away like that with the angriest and furious eyes with tears cascading down your face, I realized something.” He breathes out as his grip on their hands tighten, it was as if at any minute, Luke would lose them, like they would drift away from them, never to be seen again. “I realized that out of all the fuck ups I did, hurting you was the worst one I’ve ever done. In that moment, I realized that making you feel alone and small was the biggest fuck-up I have ever done. For the first time, It felt as if some part of me died that day. Out of all the mistakes I've done in my life, you were the only one I was willing to fix."
Luke adoringly stepped forward more, and the space between them left as if it never existed. Luke moved his hands to their forearm, and in turn they put their hand on his chest. “You, Ease, made me realize that out of everything in my life, you’ve become the only thing I got right. I could forget everything, and you’d still be the only constant I’m thankful the Gods had given me. You're the only one who has seen the reds and the blues of my life and despite everything, you just burned them all up. And you, with all your love for an idiot like me, kissed them goodbye.”
“I’m here to fix things between us, Ease. Let it be known that I’m not willing to give you away that easily. Not in this lifetime. Not in the next. So please, I hope you forgive me.”
Y/N, upon hearing Luke’s words, couldn’t help but allow the tears to fall from their eyes. Overwhelmed with emotions, they wasted no time putting their arms around him, sobbing as they cling on to him, scared that they might fall away from them. It took Luke a minute before wrapping their arms around them as well, swinging them back and forth as the pair laughed and giggled in each other’s presence. Tears and smiles were shared amongst the pair, and Luke, smitten in love, broke the contact first, his hands on Y/N’s waist. The pair basked at each other’s presence with adoration, as they stood there, foreheads touching.  Y/N’s hands crept once again to Luke’s face and in that moment, as they looked at each other, time stood still, silence washed over them. “Ease, I promise you, you won’t regret it.” He giddily smiles at them, and they chuckle. 
“I know I won’t.” Y/N replies. Luke leans in, and in sync, their lips move against each other. The pair melted in each other as Y/N placed their hands on their neck. Y/N’s lips were soft. Luke thought. And a smile crept into his lips as his dreams of what their lips felt like on his was now in fruition. Electricity filled the air as the two savored each other, apologies and I love yous passed back and forth with each kiss. It was invigorating, the pair thought. He parts his lips for them, allowing each other to explore and satiate the hunger they had for each other. Their hands slipped into his curly hair and in turn, Luke pulled them towards his body more.
They broke apart after a few minutes, the two catching their breath. As they looked at each other, a sudden boom made their heads snap towards the sky. Red and white lights danced in the sky, covering the entire valley with the Love Goddess’ colors. The two looked up at the sky in adoration as they held onto each other, Luke’s head on their shoulder as they laid their head on his, with Luke’s arms around their waist and their hands resting on top of his. 
Silena and Clarisse watch on as their friends bask in each other’s presence, and in turn they look at each other. Clarisse held out a hand, and Silena couldn’t help but groan as they fished in their pockets, placing a few drachmas on the God of War’s child's palm. Clarisse nodded a thank you to Silena, before both of them left to give the two some deserved privacy.
Never in the million years Luke would think the Gods would give him someone, let alone a person who loved all of him. Y/N, his North Star, his tether, his world. He didn't expect them, out of everyone, to now be in his arms, fully embracing the feeling they had for each other that they were so afraid to admit before. Now, as his name fell from Y/N’s mouth, he smiles as he basked at the moment, silently thanking the Gods for this one. And maybe, just maybe he thinks, he can forget about why he hated the Gods in the first place.
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ecstarry · 7 months
Made for Me
"James?" Regulus gazed at him, utterly bewildered. What on earth was James Potter doing standing outside his door on Valentine's Day, holding an actual bouquet of flowers?
"Yeah, that's us," James and Regulus turned at the sound of Barty and Evan's voices, each arching a brow, silently urging them to explain.
"We signed you up for the Uni's matchmaking program. My guess is that you got matched with Potter."
"YOU DID WHAT!?" Regulus snapped.
A valentine's day oneshot for @regscupid @magswrite and @spacexcowgirl
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strawberriemarswrites · 7 months
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Summary: You and Barto have been dating for a while. You want to try something new with him, something a little more kinky. Pairing: Bartolomeo x AFAB!Reader (no pronouns are mentioned, but Reader has a vagina) Rating: Explicit TW & Tags: Consensual Dub-Con, roleplay, dominant Bartolomeo, rough sex, very light bondage, Barto being mean, slightly bratty Reader, oral, fingering, PiV. This is in the canon OP universe, you’re a member of Barto’s crew :3 Word Count: 2,527
“I dunno. Are you sure you wanna do this?” Bartolomeo’s face was rapidly turning darker and darker shades of red as he stared down at the rope in your hands. “I-I don’t wanna hurt ya or nothin’...”
You nodded, taking one of his hands and placing it on top of the bundle. “I trust you. You won’t hurt me.” You gave his hand a gentle squeeze before turning it over so that when you released, he was holding the rope. “We can start slow. The safeword isn't just for me, either — you can use it if you get uncomfortable.”
He looked down at the rope, then to your face. You were blushing as much as he was, avoiding direct eye contact. His fingers curled around the coil of rope, and he brushed his knuckles against your cheek, then into your hair, before gripping and tilting your head back. 
Your breath hitched, and you finally met his eyes.
He leaned down and kissed your forehead, giving you one last out. “You’re sure about this?”
You nodded again. “Yes.”
Bartolomeo let go of your hair, bent down, and hoisted you up over his shoulder. You cried out in surprise, trying to find purchase at this new angle, your legs kicking as he held you in place with one arm. “H-hey, put me down!”
“Not a chance.” He didn’t seem fazed by your tiny kicks, only readjusting his grip so his shoulder wasn’t digging into your stomach. “Just sit tight, you’re comin’ along with me~”
Your face lit up and you started to fight in earnest, squirming on his shoulder and punching at his back. He was hardly moved, making a mental note to actually show you how to throw a punch in case you ever actually were in danger of being kidnapped. Not that he’d ever let that happen while you were part of his crew, but still.
He kicked open the door to his quarters, not caring about the handle he’d need to replace, and tossed you down onto the bed. You bounced on the mattress once, and he was on top of you immediately after, pulling your wrists together in one hand and quickly getting to work winding rope around them.
When he pulled the knot, you gasped, feeling your wrists strain as you squeaked out, “Too tight!”
Initially, panicked, Bartolomeo over-corrected, so you showed him the trick that he should be able to slip two fingers between your wrist and the rope. As he stammered an apology, you grabbed a fistfull of his coat, tugging him down for a kiss.
“You’re fine,” you mumbled between your mouths. “Keep going. Please.”
His heart pounded in his ears. He couldn’t believe you were letting him do this to you, or that he was taking to it so easily. Maybe you’d have to do it more often.
“Ya know, I normally don’t take prisoners.” Bartolomeo smiled and pinned your hands above your head, brushing his knuckles across your cheek again. “But after lookin’ at me with those big doe eyes, I just couldn’t resist.”
You stared up at him, putting on a pathetic, pleading look. “What are you going to do with me?”
He smiled wider, sharp teeth on full display. “I’m gonna help myself to the spoils.”
He then took you by the waist and pulled you down to the edge of the bed, undoing your pants and yanking them off before sitting on his knees before you, lifting your legs over his shoulders. With his face this close to your core, he was practically salivating at the sight of your underwear. He pulled aside the cloth covering your sex and inhaled — the scent alone sent so much blood straight to his cock that he was nearly dizzy.
“Fuck,” he breathed, steeling himself, “if you taste as good as you smell, I’m never letting you go.”
You gasped again as he then shoved his tongue against your folds. Your back arched and you tucked your arms to your chest, writhing and whimpering as Bartolomeo licked long, languid strokes from the very base of your entrance to the tip of your clit. You shrieked when he began to nip and suck on the sensitive bud, twisting your hips back and forth in an attempt to pull away. He held fast, continuing his onslaught, until he felt your legs starting to twitch. Only then did he finally relent, licking his lips with a cocky grin.
Fuck, his face covered in your slick was sexy. You whined, hiding your face behind your bound hands, whimpering incoherently. He hooked two fingers around the knot between your wrists and pulled you upright, not allowing you to hide from him as he slammed his mouth against yours. He took advantage of your startled cry, shoving his tongue past your lips and making you taste yourself on him. Moaning softly, you leaned into the kiss, sliding your tongue under his...
Before giving it a sharp nip.
Bartolomeo abruptly pulled away with a mock scowl. He grabbed you by the chin, his hand large enough that his fingers and thumb pressed into your cheeks. You grinned, sticking your tongue out defiantly.
“So that’s how it is, huh?” He switched his hold from your chin to your neck, the sight and feeling of just one hand almost entirely circling your throat making his cock ache. Your breath hitched again, and you reflexively tried to pull your thighs together, feeling your slick dripping down your leg and onto the bed.
He then stood, tipping your head back and undoing his belt with his free hand, finally pulling his cock free. You moaned again, your face flushing deeper as you playfully tried to writhe out of his grip and put on the most pitiful face you could. “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again...”
“I know you won’t,” Bartolomeo said, grinning dangerously as he moved his hand from your throat to the back of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair and gripping tight. “That’s why instead of knockin’ your teeth in, we’ll put that mouth of yours to good use.”
With that, he shoved his cock into your mouth, pushing himself in until he hit the tight threshold of your throat. He could hardly hear your muffled shout over the sound of his own guttural sigh, his eyes rolling back. Your stifled moans and whimpers sent vibrations all along his length, and he held you there for a moment longer, then held your head in place as he slid his cock halfway out before shoving it back in.
You squirmed on the bed as he slowly started fucking your face, your tied hands settling on one of his legs. Though you whined around his dick, you still responded to every push and pull with veiled enthusiasm, your heart pounding in your chest and your cunt dripping at the feeling of him filling your mouth so completely.
Bartolomeo finally pulled back far enough that only the tip remained in your mouth, and he tilted your head back to see it on your tongue. A bead of precum swelled and dripped out, and you shivered as the salty, bitter substance hit your tastebuds.
Between heavy breaths, he smiled, practically crooning, “What’s the matter? Don’t like the taste of me fuckin’ your face?” He pulled away and leaned down, his free hand reaching for your cunt.
Eyes wide, you tried to push back. “No, no don’t touch—”
He pushed one finger deep into you, causing you to choke on the last word. He laughed, pumping his finger in and out a few times before sliding in a second with little resistance. You moaned wantonly, your face bright red as you feigned fighting back, pushing against his hand. His laughter only got louder, letting go of your head and taking hold of your wrists again, holding them up over your head and out of the way.
“Who would have guessed,” he teased, increasing his pace, “that a soft thing like you is really a cock-hungry little slut.”
“M’not,” you whimpered, feebly trying to pull away.
“Really?” he mocked, giving a particularly hard push into your cunt. “You sure about that?”
You cried out and shook your head, still struggling as another flood of slick burst forth. “Fucking bastard—”
Bartolomeo forced you onto your back, pinning your wrists down above you. “Hey now, that’s harsh — I might be a bastard, but I still have feelings, y’know.” He finally slowed his pace, leaning down until his nose almost touched yours and adding, “Keep actin’ like a brat and callin’ me names though. I might just drag you up to the deck like this for the whole crew to see.”
Your eyes widened, cheeks turning a whole new shade of red as you searched his face. Something in the back of your mind told you there was no way he was serious, but then something else piped up that he might actually be into that sort of thing. “You wouldn’t dare.”
His grin was just a touch below sinister as he said, “Call me another name and find out.” 
He then added a third finger.
You jerked your hips upward with a scream, “Fuck me!”
Bartolomeo let go of your wrists and pulled his fingers out, grabbing you by the waist and tossing you further up the bed. He kicked off his pants as he straddled you and spread you legs. “I thought you’d never ask.”
He lifted your legs up and reached down for your underwear, before pausing. “Uh... serious question.”
You cocked your head, your breath heavy from the adrenaline coursing through you. “Everything okay?”
He nodded, tracing a finger along the wet patch on your underwear, biting his lip at the shiver he received in response. “How uh... attached are you to these?”
You smiled and shook your head. “Not at all.”
Bartolomeo smiled back, face flushed, before his expression turned sinister once more. “I’ve always wanted to do this—”
The fabric tore effortlessly, the waistband digging into your skin before snapping as he ripped the offending garment free. You gasped, your cunt pushing forth another burst of fluid, aching with need. He tossed the scraps aside, then turned you over onto your stomach, lifting your ass up level to his hips. After a few long strokes of his cock between your folds, he pushed in, both of you groaning with relief.
From there, Bartolomeo was bent over you completely, his enormous frame neatly fitting over top of your body. He kept one hand on your wrists, pinning them out in front of you, while his other arm circled beneath your waist and kept your ass in the air. He leaned down and began leaving bites along your neck and shoulder, his teeth drawing angry red lines in their wake. He growled low in his chest — he wasn’t even sure why; all he knew in that moment was the angle was perfect and so were you and he was determined to pump you so full of jizz that you’d be leaking for days.
On your end, you were in sheer bliss. You couldn’t believe you’d hesitated to ask Bartolomeo to do this. You shifted slightly to help him push in even deeper, feeling him bottom out in your cunt in a way that made you scream. With every thrust that was deeper than the last, every time his teeth threatened to break skin, the incoherent growling under his breath — you were starting to get dizzy from the stimulation. At this rate, you’d probably go mad with ecstacy.
Pressure began to build. Bartolomeo quickened his pace, his teeth drew pinpricks of blood as he finally broke your skin after a hard scratch. You wailed, throwing your head back and nearly head-butting him. Desperate, you managed to wriggle the knot around your wrists free from his grip, slipping your hands downward to meet his. You repositioned them so the backs of your hands were parallel to the bed, left under right, and nestled under his massive palm, fingers peeking out on your left hand to slip between his.
Something about the gesture, how comforting it was in the moment, how it was the only way you could hold onto him from your position, all of it sent Bartolomeo teetering over the edge. The arm around your waist shifted as he frantically tried to reach your clit, and when he did, he barely even brushed his finger over it before you were screaming again. Your head violently jerked backward, your vision filling with stars as your core clenched and euphoria flooded every one of your senses. He buried his face into your shoulder, screaming an elongated “FFFFUCK” against your skin as he came shortly after, your cunt spasming around him.
Soon, his thrusts slowed, hips jerking forward sporadically as he emptied himself deep inside of you. You whined, biting your lip and dreading the moment when he pulled out.
Eventually, his breathing evened out, and he could feel his dick beginning to soften. He kissed along your shoulder and neck, both of you wincing as he finally shifted his hips back and slowly released his hold around your waist. You flopped down on your side, a satisfied smile on your face, just as he noticed the faint lines of blood on your shoulder.
“AH! SHIT! HOLD STILL, UH—” Bartolomeo leapt off the bed, searching around the room for first aid. You struggled to push yourself upright, trying to get a good look at what he was so worried about. All you saw were a few teeth marks and what you could only describe as cat scratches, barely even breaking the skin.
Before long, Bartolomeo stumbled back onto the bed on his knees, reaching for you and retreating a few times, as if he wasn’t sure if he should touch you in your horribly injured state. He started babbling, “I-I shouldn’t have been so rough — I’m sorry — I can’t believe I hurt you—”
You threw your arms up over his head, your tied hands creating a closed loop as you pulled him down for a soft kiss. He tensed, eyes wide, before quickly melting in your hold, pulling you onto his lap and hugging you close. When you broke away, you were giggling, and he was still trying to apologize.
“Did you ever hear me say the safeword?” you asked, cutting into his thoughts and finally shutting him up. When he shook his head, you continued, “That’s because I didn’t. I didn’t need to use it.”
“But... I hurt you...”
You smiled and kissed him again. “And that’s okay. You did it with my permission.” You lifted your arms back over his head, putting your wrists between your chests. “Now untie me so I can show you the next part.”
Bartolomeo’s eyes widened, his face flushing a deep crimson. “W-wait, there’s more? But we’re — I mean, if it’s another round, it’s gonna be a minute— ACK—”
You tweaked his septum ring, making his eyes water. “Untie me so I can show you how to do aftercare. You’re gonna love this even more than the sex.”
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