#vampire jonathan joestar
an-artist · 1 year
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Part 2
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A day late but happy birthday to my favourite vampire.
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fortune-fool02 · 2 years
Vampire Jonathan: *sighs woefully and stares out at the balcony, where the sun is beginning to rise*
Speedwagon: *pleading* "Please...Jojo. You don't have to do this. We'll...we'll find a way around this, I promise. Maybe we can find a way to nourish you without killing anyone. I'll even give some of my blood to you if that's what you need. Don't do it, Jojo. You still deserve to live."
Vampire Jonathan: *sad sigh* "If I can only live by harming others...perhaps I shouldn't even live at all."
.... Why must you hurt me so by making me read this?
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micolash-cage · 8 months
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Day 4: DODGE
When I looked at this prompt all I could think of was that scene in part 2 where Straizo shoots his laser eyes attack and Joseph just barely dodges the grunt of it, Neo style!!
I didn't want to completely copy the scene, so I decided to draw it from a completely different, never seen before angle and I am SUPER happy with how it turned out!!
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anongalactic · 1 year
I feel like there's a lot of fundamental misunderstandings about how hamon and vampires work in jjba, and I think that's so tragic. Hamon has gained the reputation of being just "magic sunlight karate," but it's so much more. Hamon is the energy of life, it's found in the ever rippling motion in everything. It beats in our blood, flows in the waves, shines from the sun, blooms from flowers, the air we breathe. It's intrinsically tied to motion and to life itself. Everyone and everything has hamon, its just that hamon warriors have been trained to harness it.
Jonathan's hamon abilities are so strong from the very beginning because he's so full of love and passion, all for the people and things he cared about so fiercely. What he's channeling isn't the sun, it's life itself. The most painfully symbolic part of hamon as a concept is that it's what ties all living things together. the very nature of human connection is brought from hamon.
Dio failed to ever truly connect with anyone else in life, when he kills someone to drain their blood it is like he's severing that person's love, relationships, their passion for living-- its so much more than just eating a couple prostitutes sometimes. Vampires don't feed on people just because, they drink blood to sustain their hamon. They have to leech the very essence of life, of human love and joy, to keep going because they lacked those things in life. Dio becoming a vampire is just as symbolic as it is literal.
Vampires at their core represent self-sabotaging, bitter, lonely people who refuse to let others in. The only way they can live is by killing others, severing human connection and happiness and love and destroying it with them. They don't get happier themselves, they just destroy.
Vampires are killed by the truth of human connection and passion being blasted straight into their faces. They are born from self-hatred and loneliness, a lust for the peace and happiness that escapes them, a violent urge to destroy what they struggle to obtain. To live is to love, and to be undead is to yearn.
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Sugar Crash Void Bash: The Fanfic!
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7
CWs: Violent action sequences, blood mention, slight gore, anxiety and panic, possession/mind control, strangulation, sharp weapons (daggers, spears, halberds)
Chapter Eight: Kingdom Crumbles
After you read this, you'll get to choose between two endings
Bad Ending Good Ending
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The fog of tension is so thick in the air that one could cut it with a knife. After a restless night, the soon-to-be heroes did everything in their power to replenish their energy for the upcoming confrontation. Ice and Tippy get dressed in silence, the brunette is sitting on the edge of the bed.
Tippy gently wraps zeir arms around him, planting a reassuring kiss on his cheek. Ice breathes a relieved sigh through his nose, closing his eyes, and lightly caressing Tippy’s bicep.
The air, although silent and still, is filled with the dread of what’s to come. Emmanuel steps over the threshold of the front door to meet the rest of his family. He inhales,
“Mr Dio isn’t coming. He’s far too weakened from the attack yesterday.”
“Just as I suspected,” Ice speaks bluntly then turns to the others, “Let’s end this.” 
Ramón holds the map, directing the rest of the family members where to go. They trek outside of town, seemingly into the middle of the desert. Emmanuel accidentally bumps into the back of Vanilla, 
“Ough! Sorry, cous’–” His eye widens at the sight he sees, “What… the hell… is that?”
Before the three gentlemen, is what looks to be a palace of sorts. The palace is made from smooth sandstone, all lined with gold trim. It has open arches in place of doorways so anyone could wander inside… but would they want to?
Ice shakes his head, remaining silent, but continues hiking down the sand dune. Tippy narrows his eyes in suspicion and curiosity at zeir husband.
The four get closer and closer to the sandstone palace, an eerie pressure lingering in the air with every passing step. Ice feels Ramón wrap his arm around his arm. The pink haired teen holds onto his papa for comfort, anxious about what may happen soon. With a head rub and some soothing words of reassurance from his papa, Ramón’s muscles relax and he feels less tense.
The four’s footsteps echo on the stone floor as they enter the palace. Up high on a hill of stairs, sits a sinister man on his throne. He has pin straightened, lavender, shoulder length hair, sharply cut horizontally, golden-orange eyes that glow intermittently, and is wearing what appears to be a cerulean crown with a sky blue diamond in the center. The crown and his outfit’s ensemble are quite similar to the way the envelope was presented. 
Once the group approaches him, a nasty smirk curls upon his glossed lips. Vanilla stops in his tracks, gazing up at the menacing man in the throne, he clenches his teeth,
“Wait, you know this guy?!” Tippy says. Ramón and Emi are confused too, the three of them look at Vanilla. The brunette is fuming and imploding with repressed negative emotions of the man in front of him. The man chuckles,
“That’s right. It’s me. Beleza Muscadine, in the flesh and blood,” He smirks grimly, “But you all may address me as ‘Lord Bel’ from now on.” 
“In your dreams.” Vanilla growls. Bel giggles, then daintily crosses his legs in his throne. He playfully shakes his head, looking at Vanilla's family,
“Oh, my my my my my… Who do we have here? This,” Bel points at Tippy, “must be your little boyfriend, hm? He’s awfully handsome. I guess you did find love after all, eh, Vanilly?” He bats his eyelashes. Bel points at Ramón, “And this one… this one must be your baby, huh? Ohohoho, you naughty thing…” Bel smirks and looks at Emi,
“You… I have no idea who you are, but my best guess is you are somehow related to this man right here.”
“Let’s end this, Beleza. I’m ready to punch that putrid smirk off your face.” Vanilla hisses.
“So hostile.” Bel puts up his hands. “This guy has always been jealous of me.”
Tippy turns to Vanilla with great concern,
“Vans, what is going on?! Who is this?!”
Before Ice can answer, Bel speaks, directing his attention to Tippy,
“Ohohoho, you’d like to get to know me, pretty little thing?”
The words that slip out of Bel’s mouth send shockwaves of pure rage into Vanilla’s heart. The brunette tries everything in his power to restrain himself from lunging at the purple haired man.
“Allow me to explain.”
Bel ominously glides down the stairs, landing in front of the group,
“I used to be one of The Beast’s loyal servants…
In fact… I was one of the first to join. 
After a few months of being Dio’s right hand man alone… that was when Ice appeared.
Hmhmhm… you all should’ve seen him, the way he was before…
He was so pathetic, meek, fragile, dirty… He acted like a shy little child at first.
Of course, Dio took quite a liking to him and didn’t let him out of his sight. I must admit, I was a little jealous of all the attention Ice would get, but mhmhm… all of that changed rather quickly over time.
Even though Ice became stronger and healthier, grabbing Dio’s attention more often… I was still The Beast’s favorite. I made damn sure Icy knew that. 
Ohohoho, he would get so angry. Ice hated me so much. Seething with jealousy that I, Beleza Muscadine was so, smart, gorgeous, perfect, and everything he’s not. 
He must’ve omitted my existence out of any life stories he told, hm? Well then, I was such a great leader and I could persuade others to do my bidding with ease, something Dio praised me quite highly on. Awww, Vanilly was just so torn apart with jealousy at me ‘stealing away his boyfriend’ that he turned himself into a mindless slave. He obeyed Dio without hesitation, doing anything and everything that was asked of him… no matter how humiliating or degrading the command was.
But… I cared not for Dio’s worthless attention, but mostly for the sake of tormenting Ice. Oh, and taking Dio’s treasure of course. 
I was treated quite poorly by The Beast. I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life under the thumb of some arrogant waste of space.”
Bel circles the group then hovers back up to his throne, gracefully sitting back down and crossing his legs one over the other. He rests his cheek on his knuckles, gazing down at the gang with his yellow eyes,
“Everything changed for the better however…” Bel looks down at the nails on his left hand then back at the group, “I had found something that helped me get everything I deserved.”
Beleza taps the jewel embedded in the crown on top of his head, 
“I found this gorgeous gem. It called to me, and I took it as a trophy.” The purple haired man sighs dreamily, looking off into the distance with hooded eyelids, “Yes, I was Dio’s favorite servant… right up until I had failed in offing The Beast with a wooden stake to the heart.”
Emmanuel is stunned, slowly shaking his head, remembering what happened the day prior. Beleza could have very well finally killed Dio yesterday, yet he chose not to. Bel continues,
“Instead of driving that wooden stake into his undead heart, it was driven right into the palm of his hand. He told me bluntly to get out, and if I were to ever return, I would be executed on sight. I left as told and… hmhm, here we are today.”
“We don’t care about any of that, Beleza.” Ice growls, dripping venom with every word.
“Your little boy toy certainly cared, since he’s the one who asked me so politely.” Bel puckers his lips and winks at Tippy. 
“YOU SON OF A BITCH, I’LL KILL YOU!!!” Vanilla bellows, clenching his fists in rage. His anger only makes Beleza cackle.
Emmanuel steps in,
“What did you do with Jonathan?!”
Bel rolls his eyes then taps his cheek with his long golden painted nail. He sighs with an annoyed expression,
“Right… I have something of yours.” Bel snaps his fingers and uses the power of the jewel to bring down a cage containing a dazed Jonathan. The blue bearded man is sitting down on the cage’s floor, completely hypnotized into an unresponsive stupor.
“What did you do to him?!” Vanilla yells. Bel gestures up to Jonathan,
“He wasn’t cooperating, and he tried to use some kind of repulsive sunlight magic on me. Oh, that man certainly did put up quite the fight…” He grins evilly, “But what he didn’t count on was the fact that I like to fight dirty.” Bel grins devilishly, “I figured out that he was using his breath as an energy source… ahuhuhu, and Vanilly over here knows how I just simply *inhale* take the fellas’ breath away.” Bel points at the cage, “Long story short, he’s under my spell. I doubt he even knows what’s happening right now or where he is.”
“You bastard!” Vanilla grits his teeth.
“Mhm.” Bel raises an eyebrow, very unamused, “I’ll tell you what,” He taps his cheek with his golden fingernail, looking up at the suspended cage, “I’ll give the four of you a choice…”
Vanilla shakes his head already prepared to deny anything Beleza has to offer, no matter what that may be. The purple haired man smirks,
“I’ll let Jonathan go free if you join me in executing The Beast, and you must lend me each of your stand powers to take over the world. You four will be my most treasured servants. I will treat you with dignity and grace, don’t worry…”
Beleza narrows his eyes, 
“But if you refuse…” He looks up at caged Jonathan, “Each and every one of you will die.” 
“NO.” Vanilla speaks firmly, “I will never bow to you. None of us will bow to you.”
“Awww…” Bel feigns a pout, “Tsk tsk tsk, is that your final answer?”
Ice gives Beleza a chilling glare, piercing whatever soul the lavender haired man has left with him. With a smirk and a glance to Ramón, Bel speaks,
“What a shame… and I said I would never harm a child. Oh well,” Bel stands up quickly, holding up his right hand, electric blue magic emanating around it,
“But you have to crack a few skulls to make an empire.”
Beleza’s stand, a large cerulean snake with golden accents and a lilac colored belly, manifests behind him. 
“I’d like you all to meet, Gilded Cobra… because he will be the very last stand you ever meet!!!” 
Gilded Cobra opens his mouth wide and attempts to strike the couple. Vanilla and Tippy manifest their stands and jump out of the way!
Emmanuel pulls Ramón aside and speaks,
“Listen, little man, you and I are going to rescue Jonathan while your parents take care of this Beleza guy, okay?”
Ramón looks back and forth between Emi and his fathers fighting this new enemy stand user. The teen gulps, but regains his composure and nods.
“Good! Now follow my lead!” Emi sprints over to where the suspended cage is, dipping into Slick’s shadow form, moving along the ground for Ramón to follow.
Tippy uses invisibreak, confusing and irritating Beleza. Gilded Cobra swipes his golden clawed serpent hands at Cream. This enrages the void stand, causing him to belt out a roar that shakes the palace. Cream flattens his hand and goes to slice Cobra in half. The snake stand is too quick! He hisses, spraying venom at Cream. A few drops land on the zombie-like stand, sizzling and melting his flesh. Vanilla grunts in pain, looking in disbelief at the acidic venom wounds. 
Tippy peers out from Sapphire Heart’s invisibreak portal from the waist up. With diamond spear in hand, ze pulls it back and thrusts the spear at Beleza.
Beleza uses his magic to stop the spear from piercing his flesh. The electric blue magic has the head of the spear in its grasp. Tippy struggles to pull away, but Beleza is far too powerful. 
“UNNGHH!!” Ze cries out. Beleza’s eyes are glowing bright, laser focused on Tippy. His grimace turns into a smirk, very much pleased from the power he has over the blue haired gentleman. Sapphire Heart appears fully, and grasps the spear in his hands,
“I have had enough of this.”
Sapphire makes the spear disappear in a flash, and swifter than a black mamba bite, ze crashes zeir fist into Beleza’s cheek, sending him flying across the throne platform. Sapphire covers zeir master in a protective crystal shield sphere. Tippy pushes the inside of the forcefield with zeir hands,
The genie stand ignores zeir master, seeing red at the treatment of Tippy. Beleza is lying on his throne, dazed and very enraged. Sapphire swoops in, grabbing Beleza by the collar of the top, transforming zeir right hand into a giant metal boxing glove-esque fist. Three sharp blue diamonds detract out of the knuckles,
Zeir blow is cut short by the electric blue energy surrounding zeir fist. Bel’s pupils go from round to slitted as he pushes Sapphire Heart back. Tippy has no control over zeir stand anymore, not like ze had very much control to begin with. Bel manages to shove Sapphire away as well as push away the crystal shield orb containing Tippy. The blue haired gentleman screams as ze is flung away out of the range of zeir stand. Sapphire and the orb disappear, causing Tippy to crash painfully to the ground,
Vanilla notices this, but is dealing with Gilded Cobra at the moment. His head is peeking out of Cream’s mouth as Cream tries to push Cobra away from him. Ice turns to see his husband lying on the ground,
He turns back to the serpent stand, gaining enough energy, strength, and motivation to finally kick him off with both of Cream’s massive legs. Cobra gets sent flying backwards, which causes Bel to stop walking and get sent flying off as well. 
Ice leaps out of Cream’s void mouth and dashes over to protect his love. Beleza spots this and narrows his eyes. Before Ice can reach Tippy, Beleza swoops down and seizes zem in his arms. Tippy yelps and is pressed against Beleza’s chest, being firmly held in place by his left arm. Vanilla stops dead in his tracks, viewing the horrendous sight before him. Beleza’s devilish serpent eyes drill into Vanilla’s,
“Hmhmhmhm…” The lavender haired man chuckles, his voice is eerily distorted. Bel looks down at Tippy, eyelids hooded, a smirk impossibly wide and even more snake-like than before. He licks his lips with a black forked tongue. This makes Ice’s eyes widen in pure disgust and bewilderment. Bel looks back over at Ice and his chuckle sounds more like a rhythmic hiss,
“Sss sss sss sss sss…” He continues, “He’s awfully cute…” 
The lavender haired man stretches out his hand to the side, manifesting a sharp, curved, golden dagger,
“I might just have to make him my groom instead… but if he misbehaves or disobeys me in any way,” Tippy winces as the cold blade is pressed against his throat. Bel enjoys seeing both Tippy and Vanilla in this position. Having an attractive guy in his clutches, as well as said guy being the lover of his enemy. Ice’s fury amuses Beleza,
“We will rule the world together, my love…” He abandons the dagger, causing it to disappear into thin air. Instead, Beleza gently touches Tippy’s cheek and jaw, making zem look at him, “Oh, darling. Look… look at me… look into my eyes…” Tippy looks into his eyes, going into a trance, causing zeir eyes to glow. Ze tries to turn zeir head away, but zeir eyes remain locked onto Beleza’s. 
Suddenly zeir body goes numb, and zeir mind goes fuzzy. Beleza turns away as he just put Tippy under his serpent spell, looking into Vanilla’s eyes as well. Ice feels his body fill with sprinkles of pleasure and his mind go fuzzy. He quickly shields his eyes and groans. Bel grins,
“Yet another thing of yours that I have taken away, eh, Vanilly?” His cackle rings in Vanilla’s ears, making him lose control.
Vanilla punches Beleza as hard as he can in the face with his fist. Tippy drops to the floor again, holding the spot on zeir chest where Bel held zem. Ice stomps over to Bel on the ground, seeing that his skin is growing blue scales on certain parts of his body, including his cheeks and neck. 
“Vanilla!” Tippy calls over to his husband. Ice whips his head around to see Tippy holding up his hands in the shape of a heart. Vanilla quickly rushes to Tippy and they both yell,
In a flash of bright white light, Razz lands and slides his leg across the floor. Bel hisses, his mouth is wider with two protruding fangs, and sparse blue scales glisten on his cheeks,
Meanwhile, Ramón and Emmanuel are figuring out a way to get Jonathan down from the cage. The two family members finally reach the cage, Emi by using his shadow form, Ramón by glitching out. Emmanuel slips out from the waist up of Slick’s shadow. He touches the cage, only to be met with what feels like an electric shock,
“YEOW! W-what the hell was that all about?!” Emi waves his hand around, “This isn’t good, little man, we need to try to find a way to get him out of this cage, pronto.”
“I have an idea!” Ramón holds up his hand, which is glitching violently. He sticks his glitching hand through the bars just to test his theory, “Aha! So all I have to do is glitch out, grab Mr Jojo and pull him through the bars!”
“Er, no offense, Ramón, but… I don’t think you’d be strong enough to hold this guy.” Emi shakes his head. Ramón floats over next to Emi,
“Okay, what about this? I’ll take Mr Jojo out, then you grab him and send him to the shadow world or whatever that is.”
“Yeah, sure, that sounds like a pla–”
The two relatives recoil and realize that Bel shot a slim beam of electric blue energy at the two of them from an enchanted gilded halberd that used to be hanging from a pillar. Bel is tackled by Razz, who was recovering from several thrashes that Bel had given him. 
Emi looks directly at Ramón,
“We have to do this quickly.”
Ramón nods in agreement and attempts to pull the weakened Jonathan out of the cage.
Razz and Beleza continue to viciously fight one another. Bel hisses and screeches, grabbing animalistically at Razz’s long brown hair on his right side, yanking him around. Razz howls in pain and claws at Beleza’s chest and face, feeling the transition from skin to scales every now and then. 
The lavender haired man straight up strikes at the fusion with his mouth, trying to sink his fangs into him. Razz dodges out of the way, still in extreme pain at having his hair clutched so tightly in Bel’s grasp. Razz fights dirty too, taking a leaf from Beleza’s book and clamping his jaw around Beleza’s left arm. 
Bel yelps and hisses loudly, burning venom spraying everywhere, pounding his fist into Razz’s head, making the fusion dizzy. Thankfully Beleza lets Razz go.
The fusion disappears into a cloud of sparkles, which infuriates the lavender haired man even more. Light blue venom drips down Bel’s chin, as he gives out low, beastly growls. His slitted, glowing yellow eyes are wide, as he twirls around trying to catch the damned fusion. 
Beleza feels an ominous presence behind him. He hears the low, horrific sound of a mysterious creature growling. As the lavender haired man turns around, he is met face to face with Volatile Amethyst. The demonic undead stand holds his scythe with both hands, giving Beleza an evil toothy grin,
Amethyst goes to slice Beleza in half with his scythe. Bel’s serpent eyes are wide as his body is sliced diagonally, from left shoulder to right hip. Instead of blood pouring out of his body, electric blue energy radiates across his wound. The jewel in his crown glows blindingly bright, making Amethyst and Razz shield their eyes. Beleza hovers, being held up by the crown’s jewel, his body is limp and his eyes are rolled back in his head as if he is deceased. Razz squints his eyes, trying to get a better look at what’s happening.
Bel lands on the ground, stumbling on his own feet. He gazes off into the distance with a thousand yard stare. His eyes flash from yellow and slitted, to dark brown and round in an instant. Beleza grabs his head and pants from what seems to be distressed,
“Haaahh, haaaah!! W-what?!” His voice sounds vastly different. 
Quicker than a mousetrap’s spring, Beleza snaps out of it, regaining his glowing yellow serpent eyes, and looks straight at Razz. His movements are a little more robotic than they were before.
“You are a fool.” Beleza grins, his eyes unblinking and locked onto Razz. The fusion is horrified at what he just saw. He feels a visceral and primal instinct to run away as if Beleza was a beast in the wild and Razz was the prey. 
“I cannot be killed.” Razz doesn’t know why but… when Beleza speaks, it feels like it’s… not even him speaking, but rather he's being spoken through.
“The power of the jewel is unsurpassable. By The Serpent’s Eye, you will bow to my feet or perish beneath them.” Beleza’s movements are akin to that of a puppet on a string, something that would be seen straight from a nightmare. Razz backs away from primal fear. 
Bel’s head turns to Emmanuel and Ramón, attempting to glitch Jonathan out of the cage. He raises both of his hands, palms facing upwards, and knocks Ramón out of the sky using an electric blue energy beam from the gem.
Emmanuel reaches out for Ramón,
The teenager falls down, weakened from the blast. Razz shrieks and sprints to catch his son. Beleza’s head is tilted, almost touching his left shoulder. His limbs are stiff yet limp, as if he was just a reanimated corpse. His body twitches every now and then.
Razz dashes, and as if everything were happening in slow motion, he manages to catch Ramón before he plummets to the ground. The two of them disappear in a cloud of sparkles, resting in the void for a while. 
Beleza jerks his head upwards at Emmanuel, which sends chills down his spine. Emi frantically thinks of some other way to free Jonathan. Beleza raises his hands again, charging another attack while Emmanuel makes his way up to the rope holding up the cage to keep it still. 
Slick Shadow tries his best to wriggle his way into the cage without touching the bars, so he can pull Jonathan into the shadow void with him. 
Before Beleza can shoot an energy beam at Emmanuel, Razz leaps out of the void and tackles him! They both land on the ground with a loud thud. Razz kicks Bel and stands back up, putting up his obsidian shield. 
Gilded Cobra hisses and wraps his mouth over a part of the obsidian shield, trying to break it but to no avail. The electric blue venom drips down onto the ground, sizzling and melting the sandstone floor. Beleza hovers over and starts thrusting the golden halberd violently and mechanically into the force field. 
Any and every attempt to break the shield is proven in vain. Beleza growls and launches the halberd directly at Emmanuel, missing him by mere centimeters. The enchanted halberd disappears and is teleported back to the ground near Beleza. Ramón laughs, grabbing the attention of the lavender haired man,
“Haha! Give it up already, Beleza. We can literally do this all day! My fathers can stay fused for 12 hours!”
Beleza’s face turns from frustration to realization to deviousness. He grins wickedly and slowly turns his head to Razz,
“Good to know…” 
Beleza leaps up into the air, hovering with his head looking straight up at the ceiling. The gem glows a bright white, then a bright orange… then a bright red. His arms are stretched out and hands are holding two glowing orbs of golden energy. Razz frantically looks around,
“W-w-what’s going on? What the hell is happening now?!”
Ramón runs up to Razz, grabs his bicep and points out of the open archways,
“Whatever’s happening outside!!!”
Outside, the clouds move faster and faster with each passing second. 
“Wait…Wait.” Razz realizes,” H-HE’S FAST FORWARDING TIME!!!”
“I refuse to be disrespected by worthless mortals.” Beleza’s voice booms all around the palace. 
Razz runs to below where Beleza is and has Amethyst fly upwards,
“Shit! He’s out of range of my stand!”
Ramón gets a determined look in his eyes and rushes to the spot Razz is at. He glitches out and disappears, startling the fusion.
Beleza continues to make time pass even faster and faster until it’s night. Ramón glitches up to where he is and manages to grab onto Beleza. They both glitch around, the magic coupled with the glitching, makes the entire earth shake and distort.
The entire universe ripples and wobbles from the immense power distortion caused by Ramón’s glitching and Beleza’s gem magic. The two of them lose power for a brief moment and plummet to the ground.
The teen finds enough strength to get his stand power back and glitches out into the void before he hits the ground. Beleza hovers, lying down prone, almost touching the ground. He stands up and clenches his fists, glaring at Ramón. He directs his attention back to the fusion and smirks,
“11 hours and 55 minutes have passed. You don’t have much time left before you are separated.”
Razz says nothing, his heart is racing and he bites his teeth, angry and anxious. Beleza grabs the golden halberd once again and shoots out an energy beam at Emmanuel, this time grazing his right bicep.
“AAAUGH!!!” Emmanuel wails in pain, wobbling and having trouble clinging to the rope. Slick Shadow gets electrocuted by the cage bars, recoiling in pain and ruining all of the progress. Beleza gives a fang filled grin.
Razz turns to his son,
“Ramón, run away. Run far, far away. Please.”
“W-what?! N-no! I can’t! I won’t–”
“You need to save yourself, child.” Razz commands his son, then mumbles, “Vanilla and Tippy shouldn’t even have brought you in the first place.”
Before Ramón can respond, Razz sprints to Beleza, and another battle ensues. The teenage boy is completely paralyzed in place, watching Razz and Beleza attack each other with their bare hands. 
His heart thumps against his ribcage, unintentionally glitching around,
Ramón stops for a few moments and looks up at Emmanuel, who’s trying to release Jonathan from the cage while at the same time trying to stops his wound from bleeding. Blood drips down from the area Emmanuel is at, splattering down to the floor below. 
Ramón trembles from fear, feeling his fingers go numb. His periphery grows fuzzy and unfocused, his heart beats uncontrollably no matter how slow he tries to breathe. His throat closes up, making it almost impossible to swallow. 
With a couple more glitches, his golden brown eyes lock onto the jewel in Beleza’s crown, glowing bright blue. Sugar Crash whispers behind Ramón barely audible but still just enough to hear,
“He’s being puppeteered by it…”
That’s when the teen realizes… He remembers the person in the trench coat and top hat. They had glowing yellow eyes for a while until... Suddenly they didn't. Just a little while ago, Beleza was sliced in half by Volatile Amethyst, then got revived by the gem in his crown. Ramón replays that scene in his head over and over… Beleza’s eyes… his eyes… his eyes went from a glowing yellow to a dark brown.
Razz shouts and uses his stand to slice at Gilded Cobra. The snake stand hisses and strikes at Amethyst at lightning speed. Amethyst goes in to slash at him, frantically swinging around the scythe. Cobra whips around and smacks Amethyst up against a pillar, sending Razz backwards as well. The pillar cracks and crumbles, pieces of debris flying every which way. 
Beleza flies over to Razz, only to be kicked in the abdomen by both of his legs. Beleza grunts from the power of the kick. He hisses, the bright blue venom from his fangs spewing as his mouth opens. Razz covers his face, his forearms taking the stinging droplets of venom,
Meanwhile, Ramón is quickly coming up with a plan to steal away the crown from Beleza. With a deep inhale and a glance to his stand, he glitches out. The battle between Razz and Beleza causes destruction all inside of the palace. 
Emi clutches his arm, watching as Slick Shadow wraps around the inebriated Jonathan,
“Come on, come on…”
Slick gets electrocuted every now and then, causing immense pain to Emmanuel, yet he pushes on.
Ramón manages to glitch his way behind Beleza. The lavender haired man is dodging Razz’s punches and kicks, but what he didn’t count on was Ramón grabbing the crown from his head.
“HUH?!” Beleza twists his head around and catches the teenager in the act. Ramón gasps! Simply removing the jewel from Beleza’s head isn’t enough. Razz lands a harsh blow against Beleza’s left cheek, bringing his attention back to the fusion. Ramón thinks fast, glitchily flying over to another area where he slams down the crown into the ground.
The pink haired boy stomps on the jewel with his foot, but it does nothing. He tries to have Sugar Crash punch it, but still nothing happens. 
Suddenly, a glint of metal catches his eye,
“Th-the halberd!” Ramón dashes over to the enchanted halberd Beleza had abandoned and snatches it up off the ground. He sprints back over to the crown and starts smashing the jewel with the head of the weapon. 
The halberd manages to crack the gem bit by bit. It starts glowing red, the light pulsating in a rhythm as if it’s a dying heartbeat. Beleza furiously grabs Razz by the throat and hovers, raising the fusion up in the air and strangling him with just one hand. Razz grabs hold of Beleza’s wrist and does everything he can to pry himself free from the deadly grip.
Ramón looks over for a brief moment to see what’s happening, then goes back to smashing the jewel with the enchanted halberd, grunting and using every bit of his strength to destroy the accursed thing.
Emmanuel strains and shudders from both the pain of being shot with an energy beam, and from being shocked by the cage’s bars. He finally has Jonathan fully enveloped in Slick’s shadow form. Now all there is left to do is pull him out.
Ramón wails as he slams the golden halberd down into the jewel repeatedly. Gilded Cobra slithers over to the fusion, unhinging his jaw and going in to take a finishing bite. Ramón looks over once again and shrieks,
This time sobbing in terror. There is not much time left before Razz separates back into Ice and Tippy.
To be continued…
Choose Ending
Bad Ending Good Ending
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lady-wallace · 27 days
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My art piece for Sixclawsdragon's Big Bang fic "A Twist of Fate", a very cool Part 1 AU where Jonathan gets turned into a vampire as well as Dio
(story link coming soon!)
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clamsio · 3 months
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*Credits to artist
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sl33paholics · 3 months
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Forever Banished In The Shadows
A little drabble for my cutie patootie, Jonathan ❤️ (okay as I post this, this is wayyy longer than I expected lol)
Warning(s): mentions of blood and gore, emotional distress, Dio Brando, references to cannibalism, jojo being driven to insanity in general
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He should've been stronger.
He should've been wiser.
Succumbing to his loss against his vampiric-turned adoptive brother, Dio, Jonathan was ready to die in a pool of his own blood and be torn apart by his vampire brethren he would have welcomed the pain if it meant getting rid of his agony and tormenting his foes until they were all gone from his life. If anything, the battle between them made him fight harder so he wouldn't have to look at his brother's twisted face. Dio's eyes held no pity for Jonathan. Instead, they were filled with satisfaction and disgust.
Although, Dio took pity on the man. How rare. To see the man he's been dedicated to take down and overthrown, now in front of him bleeding out and the life in his eyes slowly fading away, even if Jonathan looked like such an arrogant cockroach that Dio wouldn't hesitate to crush him. He almost felt bad about it. Almost. After all, his brother has never cared for people outside of himself and what he could do for himself.
As if his life was beginning to flash before his eyes, Dio rammed the stone mask onto Jonathan's face as the blue haired male felt the familiar cold metal touching his skin, and piercing through his skull making it impossible for him to remove, or escape.
That was the moment where the heroine, Jonathan Joestar, died.
It had been months since that incident. The blue haired man is now a slave to his brother, Dio. The horrific moments he'd seen of the abuse of the stone mask being used onto others, seeing them become mindless victims and monsters without a will of their own. Doing awful deeds to the innocent and causing havoc in the town.
The way he'd see his brother suck the blood of women. Seeing their half naked bodies with dark, gaping bloody holes in their necks as they laid on the floor dead, or even throwing them and having those mutated animals feast on them as if they were nothing but prey waiting for their master to be done with them.
Jonathan felt trapped. Well, he is.
He could no longer eat human food, the need for hunger is no longer there and being surrounded by those with such a rich scent of blood made the man want to drink it right from their veins and devour them all. His body craved the sweet taste of blood. Even when JoJo doesn't drink any, he finds himself wanting more of it. And when he doesn't get enough, he wants to kill them all. It felt like suicide. Destroying his body so others won't have to suffer his uncontrollable wrath.
That was until Dio got tired of him. He found no use of keeping a man who wasn't useful. So, he threw the poor soul into the streets, just to make sure that JoJo could not do anything anymore.
Jonathan had to fend for himself. Finding shelter was a living hell. He had to resort into cannibalism to survive. He didn't want to, he didn't know how or why, but every day he woke up in the middle of the night craving some fresh blood from strangers, Jonathan would immediately devour the person in one sitting. As soon as he finished the last drop, he would vomit his guts out.
It felt wrong. JoJo was frightened of himself.
Now, here he is, salivating heavily in front of a broken mirror as JoJo's body shivers, feeling the need to feed again, the urge that was becoming stronger and stronger each time. The thirst that Jonathan couldn't ignore. If he wanted to get enough blood to live a decent life, he had to find a way. But, how?
How did he survive before? There's no point in asking himself that question since he already knew.
By the door, his lover can only watch as they sob silently, the tears streaming freely down their face and didn't say anything, they only watched Jonathan struggle to keep himself together knowing how hard it is for him and that it's killing JoJo inside. They knew that he was doing this for a reason. To keep himself safe, to keep both of you safe watching the man cough up blood.
Jonathan promised himself he wouldn't become a blood thirsty freak like Dio or his men, but at what point can he restrain himself any longer? When will he stop fighting against nature? When will he finally succumb and give in to its call?
The answer, Jonathan knew, was very soon.
It had started with his lover.
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canis-starwolf · 5 months
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Fan art for a werewolf JonaDio fic!
Before yall do anything else go read Home is Where Your Teeth Sink, Love by Sandpapersnowman and Sanguiniel on AO3!
The fic is a more modern AU where Jonathan is a werewolf (duh) and Dio is a vampire
We dont actually get to see Jojo go full werewolf or anything but the fic leads up to it just before so I thought it'd be neat to draw his werewolf form with his diva vampire boyfriend :)
I really hope yall like this!
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personaglitch · 3 months
I want to hate Dio for starting a centuries long dick measuring contest with the Joestars, but I also harbor a strong dislike for the rich elite so I mean. Go off, sis.
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an-artist · 1 year
Can we actually communicate with those in heaven like speedwagon and erina?
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Just one of your quirks of your Stand.
-You can talk/see some ghost
-You can’t say messages from the Ghost to the living cause plot reasons
-You most of the time see Erina, Speedwagon, and Mary Joestar.
- you sometimes see a ghost next to DIO. But can’t get a clear view of the Ghost.
-Your only Stand limitation is just if it messes with Plot or not.
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boog-how · 2 years
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Jonadio Role Swap!
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micolash-cage · 9 months
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For this prompt, I decided to go with the zestiest vampire in the series, which is none other than Kars!! This picture was based on when he used the red stone of Aja paired with the stone mask to become the ultimate life form.
This piece really put my color theory knowledge to the test 😮‍💨 So it was a tough one, but I'm very pleased with the results 😁
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Edit: I didn't realize how dull the photo was until I compared it to the actual physical drawing 😅 So here's a slightly edited version to make things a bit brighter
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abbynx · 2 years
Dio's Doll
Yandere Dio Brando (Part 1) X Reader
Genre: Angst, Headcanons
Warning: Typical Yandere behaviour, violence
A/N: To some, vampirism is a way to become somewhat of a higher being than a human, almost like a god if they're arrogant enough... To some, a curse, exactly what Dio had bestowed you.
- We begin in the 18th century— you were twelve, your father had entrusted you to his good friend George Joestar to take care of a certain business bargain somewhere in Asia. Your maids could look after you back at the L/N manor, but you were close to the young Joestar heir. And besides, your father would hate it if his heir is lonely.
- By this, you were there when a dark cloud began to leech off the family. Even if you're not a member of the Joestar's, the curse latched itself to you too. With his arrival, Dio the forsaken has began to make existence difficult for you.
- What's worse, he has taken a liking to you— the little doll that opted to stay silent, not wanting to cause trouble and just hopes for him to leave you alone. Unlike Johnathan, you had manners, according to Dio, you'd be the child George would have love.
- Dio is the ever so cocky bastard, even if Johnathan were there to defend you he couldn't do anything. JoJo would only further humiliate himself before his father because he sees it as such. And you, the docile doll who values your father and George's opinions, you remain silent about Dio's treatment.
- Well, at first you told on Dio, screamed even. Dio has a tenacious guardian angel watching over him that he never got in trouble, always finding a way to twist words and shift the blame into something else.
The first instance of his doings was a night of rest, you were getting ready for bed after coming from the library. Your room was dark as you climb into bed but then you noticed a head lying under the blanket. A scream alerted JoJo, George and a few servants to rush into your quarters.
- You vividly remember how quick they were to reach you, a big tell on how worried they were about you. Now imagine that worry deflating to disappointment when they found out you screamed at a mere sight of a doll's head that you mistook for a head.
"It was Dio! He did this! He must've planted it there to scare me!" You screamed pointing an accusatory finger at the blond.
"Dio, is it true?" George said. You remembered how satisfied you were when the head of the house looked at the ward the way he'd look at Johnathan when he was in trouble.
"Mister Joestar, it is I who have put the doll there, but it wasn't my intention to scare them. In fact, the doll was a gift... I'm just as terrified as you are to find out only the head remains." Dio said, with his voice pathetically reduced into a small one. "It must have been the dog that bit the head off."
"Danny wouldn't do such a thing!" Johnathan protests.
"Jonathan," George sends a single glare at his son's way, enough to diminish the rage JoJo was feeling. The head of the family then turns to you. "Why Y/N, it's not nice to say something like that. I want you to apologize to Dio for what you've said, he didn't mean to scare you at all." And you were absolutely livid to find that George fell for it. Upon glancing behind the head of the Joestar's, Dio was grinning in satisfaction.
After that, nothing else came of it. At least, in terms circumstances. After that transpired, you find yourself reeling yourself back to avoid bringing this up to George's attention, lest he should report your unruly behaviour to your father.
- He finds joy to see you suffering in silence, refusing to speak up whenever he does something to you. He can pull on your hair, push and shove you, lob rocks at your direction, pinch you, anything to fulfill his heart's content. But god forbids if he sees you with someone else.
- You see, he doesn't like sharing his doll. Something within him stings whenever he'd see you with someone else, he couldn't bear to see you enjoying yourself with someone else. Not that you'd enjoy Dio's company but eh.
- He's already sever your relationship with Johnathan and it was easy. He just some manipulation here and there, Dio knows you liked attending to some chores such as starting the furnace to avoid him, Danny was locked in the said furnace and boom. JoJo hasn't talked to you since. Two— no, three birds with one stone.
- After Danny's death, you couldn't bear to show your face around the family out of shame and guilt. Dio felt a certain glee to see you so down, so miserable, so shameful. But to see you go... It left a hole.
- He denied it of course. Why would he, Dio, miss you? What a joke, why would he? He could easily replace you! You're nothing but a sad excuse of a human being who mopes around with your sad e/c eyes glazed with a lovely sheen of tears, that will eventually come cascading down your melancholic face... Oh that face... Oh. Oh what the fuck—
- Well... Shit, that explains it.
- Seven years later, your family was invited to the Joestar ball; Every year actually, you just never attended with them. But this year, you decided to indulge. A lot of things has changed by then— you were already nineteen and already with a doctrate. And Dio has never not thought of you through those years.
- You made your first appearance as Doctor Y/N L/N in the Joestar ball and finally met your best friend after so many years. At first you feared he wouldn't welcome you the same way again, but then he took you in his arms and held you tightly.
"It is lovely to finally see you again, Y/N! Or should I say, Doctor Y/N?" He's grown. Physically and emotionally. You thought he'd haughtily turn his back against you from the grudge of seven years ago. An absolute gentleman too.
"Oh Johnathan. You have always been dear to me, you know that Y/N is enough."
- The night was filled with a lot of catching up. Jonathan has taken a liking to studying archeology, just as you have taken to the field of medicine, all that's happened... Dio... The mere mention of his name made your heart drop.
"He's still here?"
"Yes. He is, after all, family. I take it that you have yet to see him?" You can sense the enthusiasm in your friend's voice, just as he can sense 'no' as your answer.
"My, do my eyes deceive me or is it Y/N I see?"
A shudder rocked your entire body, freezing from where you stood when you heard a familiar voice. Then, a hand lands on your shoulder in a way that shows camaraderie. You were tense under his grip, your breaths coming out ragged in an attempt to steady yourself.
"It's been a long time, old chap! How have you been?"
... "Fine. Yourself?" It took longer for the pause to take place for your liking, you knew you gave yourself away.
"Likewise, though studying law does get one down at times but I thrive. Say, I heard you're one of the head of the Saint Catherine hospital?"
"You heard correctly."
Jonathan couldn't help but to notice how warm Dio was with you, while you were tense in the blond's hold, avoidant even. You couldn't even hold your gaze with Dio, as you looked towards your side.
"I find that quite impressive. I imagine you have countless suitors because of it."
"Thank you. Before I leave, I just say it's a... Delight to see you again. You must excuse me," you remove yourself from Dio's hold, with your eyes casted away from him, you didn't see his countenance twist in disappointment. "Jonathan. Dio." You smiled at your childhood best friend, something in you was upset you couldn't catch up with him further, glancing over Dio as well with a smile you had to force, before taking your leave.
- Upon hearing of Mister Joestar's sickness, you were the first one to be called upon the JoJo to look after his father, as he trusts you. Under your treatment, George was able to feel the care he needed. You imposed a rule to be followed by every one in the manor. And it was something Dio dreaded.
"I shall be the only one who will give Mister Joestar's medication. If not me, I will be instructing one of my nurses to do so."
You were firm to impart with this message. Jonathan agreed with this, as he trusts you. Dio didn't, but he acted as though he did. Even if he hates what had transpired, he couldn't help but to grin. My, this is the same Y/N who stayed silent when he pulled on their hair. The same Y/N who was afraid to get in trouble so they often kept their voice soft. Now look at you, with your chin up and firm stance. Only would it cave in whenever he was nearby, just as he likes.
He didn't need to heed your statement, he was able to manipulate the situation. It was your absence that made him strike, as he lead the nurse you instructed to look after the old Joestar was distracted by Dio, just enough for her to forget about her duties. It was a simple act of switching bottles when one's back is turned, and all the while he distracts the nurse, the old man would think he himself should just drink it himself.
It didn't take long when news came to you your nurse had failed to make the Joestar patriarch drink his medicine on time and you suspended her, finally allowing one of the old staff of the family to make Mister Joestar drink.
- Revelations came by you in a way that was shocking, as it all happened all at once. Dio was responsible for George's sickness, so was his father's, Jonathan almost got himself killed in Ogre street finding for the apothecary from which the poison came but was spared by a gang leader names Robert E.O. Speedwagon. Once he found out which poison was used, he calls you over to tell you what he's learnt. By this, you were able to concoct an antidote to give to Mister Joestar and call the police.
"I have to leave." You stood from your seat, gathering your coat and other belonging in your arms.
"Would you like me to accompany you, Doctor?" Speedwagon politely offers, holding out a hand for you to take.
"No, thank you." You offered him a polite smile, before turning to Jonathan. The Joestar only nods at you with a certain warmth in his eyes, wordlessly giving you his gratitude and bidding you goodbye.
Before you could witness what had transpired after you created the antidote, you had to leave for the hospital. Jonathan, in hindsight, was thankful you weren't there to witness the tragic passing of George, as well as Dio's betrayal and transformation.
- After what had transpired upon your departure, you were once again at a place of guilt. George Joestar was dead, Jonathan was unconscious, the Joestar manor is no more... From what you've heard from Speedwagon, Dio had become something of an otherworldly, hell if he were to be specific, creature. Fangs, super strength, endurance... You cant fathom how Dio terrifies you as his normal self, but that night where he apparently got stronger?
Ever since that night, you have not left Jonathan's bedside, along with a girl who seems to know him. You didn't have the chance to meet her, you fled from the Joestar's after you had unknowingly killed Danny. Erina Pendleton, a friend of Jonathan's. Like you, she hasn't left Jonathan's side as she tirelessly wring the rag of excess water before wiping Jonathan with it. Despite just meeting, you got along quickly whilst taking care of Jonathan, as you two shared a mutual care you feel towards the man.
"Erina..." Her blue eyes flickered up to you under her eyes were darkened circle from sleepless nights tending to Jonathan. "Allow me to take over. You rest."
"Oh no, I--"
"I'm a doctor. I'm used to it." You interrupt, softly taking her by the wrist and gently taking the rag from her hand.
Taking her hands, you press your thumb on her palms to alleviate the tension with a touch so gentle as to not further irritate her blistered hands. You looked into her eyes deeply and she finds herself deep within your hypnotic gaze and nods. You assist her to a nearby seat and proceed to treating Jonathan. Erina can only watch on her seat, as you tend to JoJo with a pace of fluency with that of a doctor's.
- Upon Jonathan's reawakening, you leave him and Erina be once you sensed a certain air between the two, just in time for you to catch Speedwagon doing the same thing when he decided against entering the room.
"Speedwagon, lovely to see you." You silently shut the door behind your back, smiling at the blond man.
"Doctor L/N," he tips his hat to greet you. "It seems that JoJo has awakened."
"Mhmm. In time, I shall assess his injuries but for now I figured I should leave them be for a while."
"I see... I must say, Doctor, you are quite mesmerising to look at when you work." You find yourself taken aback at his comment. "With such tenderness and at the same time, firmness. Not to mention, how skilled you are as a doctor."
You find yourself stuck for a moment, unable to wrap your head around his praises. "I... well... Um... T-thank you, Speedwagon."
"I am merely stating the facts, Doctor." He runs the back of his neck. "Would you like a drink? I know a good tavern down town. Or do you prefer elsewhere?"
- After spending time with Speedwagon for a few drinks, you decided to call it a day. Surely Jonathan and Erina wouldn't miss you for a night, as you decided to return to your home. You didn't arrive. Instead, you were tackled in the dark and rendered unconscious.
When you come conscious, you awake at the sight of a monster, in the form of Dio Brando, grinning at the sight of you quivering when you realised it was him.
"Hello, Y/N."
"D-Dio... I thought you--"
"Died? With my newfound powers, I cannot."
He stood from his throne, sauntering over before he kneels to meet your height. You instinctively lean away when he inches closer, averting your gaze from his analytic ones. He takes in the absolute terror in your features, relishing the reaction he can pull from you so effortlessly. The way you clenched your jaw, whilst you tried to keep your heart rate steady by breathing out with a shudder.
Wanting more of your fear, he reaches for your face, squeezing your cheeks as he made you hold his crimson gaze shaded with sadism. The stretch of his lips had made you realise what exactly he is, the glimmer of his fangs lit by the candle light as his features casts a shadow that made him more terrifying to you.
Closing your eyes, the long-held tears streaks on your cheeks, wetting his fingers. You tried to muffle your cries with a clench of a jaw, as you couldn't help but to think that this is how you end. In the hands of the only bully you couldn't stand against.
"Hush..." Dio whispers in a way that would be soothing, the pad of his thumb running under your eyes to wipe the tears off your cheeks. But it was Dio, there was nothing soothing about him.
"Why are you doing this to me?" You sobbed.
"I love you." I love seeing you suffer because of me.
Your eyes widened, meeting his for the first time, riddled with confusion. You knew this was no love to you, it was his sick vision of what he thinks love is.
"I love you and I always want you by my side."
Have you no idea, how he yearned for you every day? Those seven years without seeing you, it felt like a nightmare he constantly wake to. Constantly pulled by his longing for you, he couldn't think straight. Upon discovering the secret to immortality, he knew now what he wants to keep by his side forevermore.
You've yet to register what he had said, until you see him pull something from behind him-- a stone mask. The same mask from the Joestar manor that hung on the wall, something you don't like to look at when you pass by it in the corridors. On his other hand, a knife.
Before you can make any attempts to lean away, he holds you in place. Not even a flinch was pulled from him from your flailing, as he places the mask on your face. From the eye holes of the mask he gazes at you with a crooked grin, seeing how wide your eyes were at the sight of the knife. But oh, whatever you were thinking was his intention with the blade, was surely wrong. Of course he wouldn't stab you with it. And with a bloodstained knife held up, he traces the surface of red with his fingers. He watches the red drip from his finger, before he directs his attention you.
In one quick swipe of the crimson from his finger against the mask, spikes protrudes from the sides and penetrates your head. You fall limp in Dio's restraining arms, the warmth of your body fading as you became cold to the touch.
"Now, you shall always remain by my side."
- After Dio's defeat, you couldn't show your face to Jonathan, nor the others. Not after the heinous deeds Dio had instilled within your system, you were forced to act like the monster he is, taking vitals from his other victims.
When it came for the other Hamon users to suggest to kill you, you ultimately agreed... But Jonathan loves you too much to allow that. He reassured you that it was Dio's doing and how you shouldn't view yourself as a monster.
Arrangements were made to cater to your new lifestyle. You live under the darkness of the cellar, only to be let out at night where you feed on blood from bags bought from hospitals. Jonathan, Erina and Speedwagon stuck with you in your new form and never once had they expressed fear towards you, specifically. But you knew a piece of them were afraid of what you have become, with your new strength and abilities and you couldn't blame them.
"I apologize for not being able to attend the wedding JoJo, Erina. I wish I could have been there."
"It's alright, Y/N." JoJo reassured.
"Once the photographs have been developed, I would be happy to show them to you." Erina added, holding your cold hands within her warm one's.
"But I am happy for the two of you, really. Take care of JoJo for me, Erina. And you too, JoJo." You glanced at both of them with a certain sentiment in your eyes. "And enjoy your honeymoon. I believe the oceans are lovely at this time of the year."
"We'll be sure to write you." JoJo states.
"Oh don't worry yourselves over me, you two enjoy your honeymoon."
"Uh-- right." Jonathan looks down in disappointment. Something within you tells that Jonathan wouldn't be heeding your concern, you know how he is.
"Thank you for being here with us, Y/N." Erina squeezes your hand.
"And I return the gratitude to you as well..." You squeeze her hand back, before taking JoJo's hand as well. "I wish you all the joy throughout your lives. Now I must be going, dawn is peaking through and you should be boarding your ship."
"Right of course. Sleep well, my friend." JoJo pulls and holds you against his chest. "We will see you soon."
"Be careful now." You pat his back, before pulling away.
... you wished that you did more than just tell them to be careful. You should have wished for them not to leave at all.
To be continued
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Sugar Crash Void Bash: The Fanfic!
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3
CWs: Anxiety, snake mention
Chapter Four: Strawberry Shortquake
chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 8
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“Hngh!” Tippy hoists a large, sparkly blue suitcase onto the bed, “Alright, that’s the last of it.”
“Sweetie, you’ve said that three times now.” Vanilla rubs his husband’s royal blue hair.
“I know, Vans, but this time I mean it.” Ze chuckles. Ice looks around, then puts his hands on his hips,
“Did you pack any shoes, Termite?”
Tippy’s eyes widen and ze quickly unzips the suitcase. Ice lightly covers his mouth with a small chuckle as he watches his husband. Ramón walks into the bedroom’s open door, looking a little nervous. Ice turns to his son, while his husband picks out some shoes to bring,
“Hey, Foofs. Are you all packed up?”
“Oh, uh, yeah, papa.” The teen nods then clasps his hands together, “So. We’re going on some kind of vacation or business trip or…?” 
Ice frowns his brows, looking a little nervous. He gives a polite smile to his son, while his husband tries in vain to press zeir suitcase closed,
“Oh, we’re simply visiting my home country to…” Vanilla looks to his upper right, “expose you to a part of my culture which– that y-you have never seen before. You- this is for your enrichment and education.” Ramón nods slowly then looks away nonchalantly. What is the point in lying to me about what’s really going on? I’m not stupid, papa… 
After the plane trip
Ramón and his fathers leave the plane. The teenager looks outside the airport’s window with confusion, something he has also been feeling as he looked out of the plane’s window.
“Is something the matter, child?” Ice asks his son.
“Yeah uh… I always thought Egypt was just, like, nothing but sand. There's also... grass?” Ramón asks. Tippy immediately starts laughing. Vanilla sighs with an exhausted look, not only from the fact that his son has obviously not been paying attention in class, but because he knows a barrage of puns or plays on words are coming from his husband.
“Well, I guess you better get your grass to the table tonight, because we're gonna have sandwiches for dinner!” Tippy snickers.
“Oh boy...” Ice speaks with an exasperated expression. Tippy giggles and looks up at Vanilla. Ice gives his husband a scolding look. Tippy cackles loudly, making some people turn to look at what’s happening. 
“J-just-” Tippy holds onto Vanilla’s arm while Ramón cracks a smile, biting his lip trying not to laugh. The blue haired man continues, “J-just make sure you don’t wake up Vanilla’s mummy!”
“I don’t have a– ugh. Be quiet, Termite. Not another word from you until we get to the manor.” Ice shakes his head, a little annoyed, but also curious about what other puns his husband has to offer.
“What? Oh that’s not… Fair-oh.” Tippy’s hyena laughs are contagious, causing Ramón to giggle along with him, “G-get it? Pharaoh? Because–” He keeps laughing, “No? Well, I have more puns to keep you sarcopha-guessing!” 
“Tippy.” Vanilla turns sharply to his husband, stifling a chuckle and cracking a smile against his will, “Enough. *chuckle* That is inappropriate.” 
“Sorry, sorry. You know how I get when I’m nervous, baby.” Tippy pats Vanilla on the back. He mumbles, “N’Doul would make even worse puns.”
Ramón chuckles and looks around at the airport. It has been years since the teen had been out of the country. 
“Ice?” A familiar voice speaks, making Vanilla’s head turn in an instant.
“Oh, Terence.” Vanilla replies, “It’s been years.” He touches the small of his partner’s back, “Tippy, you remember Terence, hm? Oh, and this is my son. Ramón.”
Ramón shyly but coolly waves to Terence.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ramón. Wow… You look just like your papa. The resemblance is almost uncanny.” Terence nods at Ramón and glances over at Ice. Ramón smiles then looks away, very perplexed as to why he said that… Terence then turns his attention back to Ice, “Lord Dio has given me specific orders to bring you three back to the mansion. So follow me, you all.”
In the car
Ramón looks out the window of the car. He hears his fathers speak to Terence but doesn’t pay attention to what words they are saying exactly. Instead, he is more focused on the new country he is in. Soon enough, they arrive at the mansion. Terence parks the car and steps out. Vanilla opens the door for his son and smiles at him,
“Well, Foofy, we’re here. What do you think?”
“Whoa!” Ramón looks at the outside of the mansion. Tippy skips around in the little yard and up to the front door. Ice gently pushes Ramón’s back up to the stairs leading up to the door of the mansion. The family and Terence enter the mansion. It’s bitter cold and dark inside, save for a few electric lamps and candles scattered around. Tippy scoffs and leans toward Ramón,
“Tch, wow, and it looks like your ‘tío Dio’ still doesn’t believe in dusting.” 
Terence glances over to him,
“Yeah, well– yeah.” He brings the family up to Dio’s boudoir. Ramón can’t help but feel a bit uneasy when they reach their destination. 
“Ah… there you are.” The golden locked, ivory fleshed man speaks as the door opens. A toothy, fang filled grin spreads across his ancient yet youthful face. He trots over to Ice, planting gentle kisses on either of his cheeks. He leans down and kisses the back of Tippy’s hand, with a grin. Suddenly, his amber eyes land on the bubblegum haired adolescent before him,
“And this… this is the fabled Ramón.” The pasty white man stretches out his hand, tipped with inky black claws, to the young boy. Ramón looks to his papa for reassurance. Ice nods at his son. Ramón hesitantly shakes Dio’s hand, feeling the cold, clammy, corpse-like flesh on his own. 
“Well, well, well…” Dio speaks, his voice low and sultry, soothing to the ears yet something is eerily off about it… very inhuman, quite divine yet unholy. Everything about this man is a walking contradiction it seems, “How are you enjoying your vacation thus far? Hm?”
“O-oh, uh…” Ramón looks to his parents then back at Dio. He gulps then sheepishly replies, “It’s pretty cool, heh!” Dio nods his head, turning to Ice and Tippy,
“It’s uncanny how much he is like the two of you… both in appearance and demeanor. Even as an infant, it was just mystifying, the resemblance.” This makes Ramón confused yet again. This is the second time he has been physically compared to his adopted fathers. E-even as an infant?! What?! Ramón’s heart rate skyrockets.
Dio inhales and speaks again, “At any rate, I suppose it’s time I introduce you to your rooms, hm?”
That’s when an equally as large and buff older man, albeit just a bit chubbier, with blue hair and beard stubble, walks by the room, reading a book.
“Or better yet,” Dio snaps his fingers, “Jojo.”
“What is it–? Oh! Guests!” He closes the book shut, “How quaint, I–” He pauses, “Oh my stars… it can’t be! Mr Ice? Gratuity?”
“Jonny!” Tippy runs over to him and gives him a hug. Jonathan wraps his arms around the petite man, giving a hearty chuckle, “Man, I am never gonna get used to you being so tall… or having arms! And legs! And… everything below the neck! Haha, and you have a beard now!” Ze takes Jonathan’s arm and pulls him to zeir family, “Look, look. Vans and I got married and had an itty bitty!” Ze points to Ice and Ramón. Jonathan clasps his hands together,
“Oh, how precious! What a darling little family you have here, dear friend.” Jonathan shakes Ramón’s hand with a polite smile, “What an honor to meet the child of Mr Ice and Gratuity.”
“Jojo, show them to their rooms. The happy couple will stay in Ice’s old room, Ramón will stay in Gratuity’s old room.” Dio dismisses the four.
On the way to the rooms
“Wait, wait, hold on a second,” Ramón speaks, “So let me get this straight; you were a severed head in a jar. My papa and daddo used to take care of you, and Mr Dio is a vampire?!”
“That is correct, dear boy.” Jonathan confirms.
“...What is going on here exactly?!” Ramón shakes his head in confusion. The three adult men all exchange looks with each other, turn to Ramón and speak in unison,
“We don’t know.”
“H-huh–?!” Ramón gives them all an incredulous look. Jonathan raises his hands up and speaks cheerfully,
“Oh, it certainly is spectacular to have you two in the manor once again!” He shows them around, “It has been a while, yes indeed. As you may notice, we have made some adjustments to our living quarters.” 
“Yeah, I’ve noticed there’s different people working here too,” Tippy begins, “Terence and N’Doul are still here though.” Jonathan nods and points to some new decorations, 
“Of course. Oh, look at these, so delightful. Mr Ice?”
“Yes, Mr Jojo?” Vanilla responds. 
“I hope you don’t mind, but we spruced up your old room a bit.” Jonathan opens the door to Vanilla’s old room. It’s clean and pretty fancy as opposed to how dark and gloomy it used to look, “Dear brother didn’t tell me that you all were arriving, so pardon the dust.”
“No, no, it’s alright, Jonathan.” Ice looks around, memories of his time in the mansion flooding back to him. Nostalgia and dismay of the recollections fill his heart. Tippy immediately jumps face first on the bed while Ice looks around and touches his old sliding closet doors. Ramón points to the right side of the room,
“What’s in there?” 
“Oh, that’s the bathroom, Foofy. Your papa had his own bathroom too.” Ice turns to look at the bathroom door across the room, remembering the first time he and Tippy had showered together. A small smile creeps upon his lips as he looks back on that memory fondly. 
“So… you were basically Mr Dio’s…?” Ramón asks slowly, his voice trails off at the end of his sentence.
“Servant.” Ice glances back at his son, “Yes, I… I was Lord D– ahem, Mr Dio’s servant for a time.”
“Lord Dio?” Ramón tilts his head, much like Tippy does when he’s confused. Ice feels his cheeks grow hot and he nibbles the inside of his cheek,
“Yes, because he is the ‘lord’ of this mansion, my child. You know how there are lords and ladies? Well, he is a ‘lord’.” 
Tippy pipes up,
“Oooh, I thought it was because you practically worshipped the guy–” 
“Tippy.” Ice grits his teeth and scolds his husband softly. The blue haired gentleman looks back and forth between Ramón and Vanilla, 
“I-I’m just kidding! I was just joking, Ramón!”
It’s a little bit of an awkward silence. Jonathan rubs his neck and turns away,
“It’s such a pleasure to have you back, old friend. Alright, dear boy,” He turns his attention to Ramón, “Come with me and I shall show you where you will be staying.”
The two of them leave the room.
Ice sighs and sits on the bed, hanging his head and looking ashamed. Tippy gently touches zeir husband’s shoulder. The brunette looks over at zem with a dejected expression,
“Please don’t tell him…” he looks down at his hands, “about who I used to be. I don’t– *sigh* I don’t want him to think of me in such a bad light.”
“I’m sorry, Vans. I wasn’t thinking.” Tippy rubs Ice’s shoulder.
“It’s alright.” He touches zeir hand, “I was at my lowest point. I did things I’m not proud of. I let L– Dio, goddamn it, humiliate me… sometimes in front of guests. I-I was so blinded by what I thought was love to even think for myself.” 
Vanilla looks up at the top of the door frame for a while, then back down at his hands,
“I worshipped him like a god because he saved my life… you know what I did. He treated me so kindly, with a tenderness I have never felt in my life…” he turns to his husband with a warm smile, “That is… until I fell in love with you.”
“Awww, Vanilla. You soft serve.” Tippy gives Vanilla a little peck on the lips. The brunette holds both of Tippy’s hands gently,
“Then you showed me what real love is like. What it actually feels like to have somebody care about me…” He delicately caresses the cheek of his lover, “I couldn’t ask for a happier ending to this fairytale.”
Tippy chuckles and happily hums against the touch of Vanilla’s knuckles. Ze lightly touches Ice’s left bang, admiring the grey and white streaks mixed with the original brown hair,
“I’ll love you forever and ever… you’ve become such a handsome older man, you know? I’m looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you.”
Ice chuckles, a pleased smile plastered across his face. Those beautiful smile lines on his face, indicating how many years he has spent smiling and laughing rather than frowning and sulking, crease on the corners of his mouth. The delicate little crow's feet on the corners of his honey sunset brown eyes scrunch up with joy. He presses his lips, lightly glossed with his favorite vanilla scented lip oil, right in the middle of his husband’s forehead. 
“Alright, lad.” Jonathan opens the door to a bedroom, “This one used to be your father’s room! Er, your other father’s room. The one with the blue hair that is.” Ramón enters the guest room and looks around. It’s a little smaller than his papa’s old room. The bed is up against the wall, as opposed to being in the center like in the other bedroom. Ramón sets his luggage down and turns to Jonathan,
“Thank you, Mr Jonathan.”
“Oh, it’s never a problem, dear boy!” Jonathan gives him a warm smile, about to close the door, but he remembers something, “Ah, and feel free to raid the fridge. Just don’t disturb my wife!”
“W-what?!” Ramón recoils in shock.
“Ahahahohoho! I jest, my boy, I jest!” Jonathan chuckles, “Have a pleasant stay, and a good night.” He closes the door gently. Ramón sits on his bed, relaxing a bit. He touches the blanket a little…
“Something tells me he wasn’t joking.”
It’s a restless night, filled with tossing and turning. Chills crawl down Ramón’s back, yet beads of sweat pool across his face. The teen trembles with fear of an unknown threat, clutching his chest with shaking breath as he stares up at the ceiling. Behind his eyes, a cryptic dream of snakes coiling around his limbs plays, all with eyes of crystal, until they make their way to his throat, strangling the life out of him until his eyes go grey. The young boy lays on his side, clinging to his pillow for any semblance of comfort. 
After what seems like an eternity,
Tuk tuk tuk
Ramón jolts up and gasps sharply.
Tuk tuk tuk
“Foofy?” his papa’s voice speaks through the door. Ramón hesitantly climbs out of bed. His hand trembles as he reaches for the doorknob.
The door opens with a creak. Ice looks down at his son with a sweet, adoring smile. Ramón internally breathes a sigh of relief,
“G-good morning, papa. What’s up?”
“Hmhm, we need you to go ahead and get dressed for the day.” Ice softly rubs his son’s curly pink hair, “Mr Dio wants us all to meet in the dining hall for breakfast. He has some important news to tell us.”
“Oh, y-yeah! Sure. I’ll be right there.” Ramón rubs his neck. Vanilla leans down, about to plant a kiss on his son’s forehead, but he catches himself. Instead, he gives Ramón a polite smile and nods,
“Of course, dear. I love you.”
Ramón gives a nod and a smile right back before closing the door and getting ready. 
In the dining hall
Dio is sitting down at the end of the table, daintily sipping on a mimosa. Vanilla and Tippy are sitting next to each other, touching hands and chuckling between themselves. Jonathan is finishing up setting the table with many different breakfast food options. 
Ramón shyly and hesitantly walks into the large room through the open archway. Dio chuckles,
“Ohohoho, there he is.”
Ramón makes an awkward smile and lazily waves at those at the table. Ice gestures for his son to sit nearby. The pink haired boy obeys and sits next to his fathers. Dio takes a sip of his mimosa and hums a bit,
“Mmm… try some of those pancakes, lad. Add a little bit of powdered sugar, berries, and maple syrup on top,” he does a chef’s kiss, “divine.” 
Ramón nods and helps himself to some breakfast along with his fathers. Everyone begins to feast for a while. Dio clears his throat and turns to Vanilla,
“Yes, sire?” Ice instinctively asks. Ramón tilts his head,
Dio chuckles and takes another sip of his drink as Vanilla’s cheeks heat up. Dio speaks before Ice can say anything,
“Something important I have been meaning to tell you,” He stands up and approaches the brunette. He drags his hand along Ice’s shoulders, stopping at his right shoulder. The blonde leans down and speaks into his ear softly,
“There is… somebody I’d like you to meet…” the vampire pats his shoulder and walks away. As he’s halfway to the archway, he glances behind him at the others,
“I’d like the rest of you to meet him as well. I’m certain he will make an important ally.”
When Dio says that, Vanilla gets tense. He was under the impression that this all was supposed to be a secret from Ramón. It looks like all of that just went out the window now.
Important ally? Okay, this just got weirder. What is going on?! Ramón thinks to himself.
To be continued…
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