#vampire teatime
the-keep-under-gresit · 2 months
If I had a nickel for every time I fell for Dracula's gorgeous horse girl son, I'd have 2 nickels and... you know the rest. 😁
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manonamora-if · 7 months
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Eir life is slipping away. Ey is forever stuck on this couch, flipping through the channels. But Alex's life will never be the same after tonight. A chance encounter, or a surreal experience, will push em to have tea with a particular vampire... Or will ey?
Teatime with a Vampire is a semi-horror semi-surreal interactive story made in Twine. It was made for the Queer Vampire Jam and Smoochie Jam.
20k+ words
13~ endings
Mobile Accessible
Content Warnings:
NSFW passages (heavy makeout scenes)
Depiction or mention of: abuse, trauma, depression, prejudices, disgusting food, nausea, vomit
Flickering elements animation
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potato-lord-but-not · 5 months
I was remembering some posts you made about will wood songs that fit Moist PERFECTLY and I'm now trying to assign will wood songs to other discworld characters... Half-Decade Hangover is obviously pretty good for Vimes, any thoughts on other songs that work for the characters? :D
Sorrryyy this took so long to get to BUT uh falling up for rincewind?? thermodynamic lawyer for teatime?? am I grasping for straws here ???? The brainrot for moist is so strong I can’t think of anymore lmaoo
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transmimir · 4 months
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Ref sheet for my new discworld self insert! His name is Sugar and he's a little freak <3
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grimgrinningghost456 · 7 months
sooooooo, what are drac and johnny doing on valentines day?
Hey, @0nelittlebirdtoldme it’s been a hot second :)
Drac and Johnny have very different ideas of a nice Valentine’s Day, but they make it work
Johnnyboi: depending on what year it is, he’ll read a good romance novella and drink some fine aged blood. In the modern day, he binges the Hallmark movies with some “comfort food” and maybe Drac will stick around to cuddle for a few. Johnny usually spends all day in a pink bat onesie (courtesy of Vlad) Then pretties himself up to go along with any fancy late night escapades his mate has planned
Bat Bastard Vlad; The man has spend like….the entire summer through winter planning a night to sweep his Johnny off his feet. The morning is usually spend bribing any current familiar to make trips for any needed materials. He wakes his husband up with a nice breakfast and rose petal filled bath. If he’s lucky, morning lovemaking is in the picture. If it’s the modern day, he pops in and out of watching Cheesy romance movies from that one human channel Johnny likes. When he’s not, it’s due to him prepping the romantic and hopefully steamy night. He has all the stops pulled, including a suit and dress for Johnny to choose to wear.
Ultimately, by sunrise the next morning the Vamps still can’t keep their hands off each other. 👀
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pastelpuppet · 1 year
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My favourite hobby, drawing out of context scenes from ttrpg moments
(P.s the lovely ginger vampire belongs to @aloenepchi )
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twinegardening · 4 months
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Teatime with a Vampire, by manonamora
Eir life is slipping away. Ey is forever stuck on this couch, flipping through the channels. But Alex's life will never be the same after tonight. A chance encounter, or a surreal experience, will push em to have tea with a particular vampire… Or will ey? Teatime with a Vampire is a semi-horror semi-surreal interactive story made in Twine. It was made for the Queer Vampire Jam and Smoochie Jam.
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smalltownfae · 2 years
Glad you enjoyed Small Gods. Do you want content warnings about future books?
Thank you. I don't think I need them because I am used to reading darker books, but it was nice of you to offer to provide the content warnings :D
I like to notice certain surprising dark aspects that happen in Discworld since there is this idea that the books are just funny and lighthearted. While that is true in a way, there is also a lot of social commentary and surprisingly dark stuff in the middle of the comedy. Of course Terry Pratchett wasn't perfect and there will always be a thing here and there in the series that didn't age that well but I like to comment on that when I notice in case someone that reads my opinions on books needs it.
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witchembrace-a · 10 months
muses' tags, part two! 2/???
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ross-hollander · 1 year
Something about Pratchett villains.
There's a lot of Pratchett villains who share one common thread: they're unromantic. They rip the charm and soul out of things.
Reach's service sends messages 'as warm and human as a thrown knife'. He himself 'kills people by numbers'.
Teatime is literally trying to kill Santa.
The Magpyrs turn the Gothic-vampire-novel style of the Old Count into industrial blood-harvesting.
Similarly, Wolfgang exchanges the traditional Game for just straight up killing people, and seeks to implement a werefascist regime to boot.
The Auditors are, by definition, made of unromantic. They are objectively unromantic.
And I think the idea of ripping apart the whimsy of things ties back to the idea of believing the little lies to believe the big ones. If you can't see charm and warmth, the dreams and imagination, you'll fall into what STP says is the biggest sin of all: treating people like objects.
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texas-gothic · 1 year
Due to a horrible mix up, Jonathan Teatime has been sent to Dracula’s Castle rather than Jonathan Harker. What follows is a mailing list service that chronicles Teatime’s attempts to slay Dracula by slowly erasing all evidence of vampire lore. People not believing in Dracula doesn’t effect him in any meaningful way, but the sudden lack of respect and appropriate fear from the peasantry does make him very upset.
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bella-goths-wife · 3 months
How alec, Johnny and Jane court Cullen reader
Warnings: obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, oblivious reader, inexperienced reader, mentions of abuse from Cullens
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Alec has to be subtle about his affections and intentions with you
Your ‘family’ already hate him, they have since the day Edward was introduced to the volturi and could report to the Cullens every thought alec has had of you
His courting had to remain subtle for his forbidden flower, for his sweet Juliet to his Romeo
He found that at first his best option for being close to you was ask for a dance at one of the balls that the volturi threw for the introductions of new members of big time clans
These balls were for the most part mandatory, meaning your family couldn’t just lock you away and you could spend time with other vampires with minimal fear
Alec would walk to to you with one of the volturi kings next to him so that If you accepted a dance with him, they could distract the Cullens long enough for Alec to slip the two of you onto the ballroom floor
He never was one for dancing before you, coming from a poor village in the medieval times he never really had to learn
Even after joining the volturi, he copied basic moves whenever he had to dance with someone for the sake of politeness
But after meeting you and realising that you came from a different time period to him, he begged some of the female volturi members to teach him some steps to dances from your time
He tried to master them but sometimes you still have to correct him, to which he’ll claim that you must be seeing things to save himself embarrassment
He also tried to learn courting culture from your time, but he never could do with all the politeness from it
He preferred being improper with you, it gave him the opportunity to see the real you
So he’d sneak up to your room after the Cullens locked you up for the night
He’d sneak through the window and the two of you would spend the night talking and laughing together, considering neither of you needed to sleep
It made him feel closer to you, made him feel special to have that time with you
He knew that no one else had that experience with you, and that made his worries of you being taken from him
He’s done everything in his power to make sure the vampire clans know that he has claim on you and is courting you, he’s seen the newer clans looking at you like a piece of meat and he thought it best to show who you belong to
If any others try and intrude on your time together, they’ll be hissed at viciously and the volturi kings will be told of the interference to their plan to match you with either Alec or Jane
His last act of devotion to you was to swear you that he will free you from the Cullens grasp, and you can only pray he’s truthful
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Jane isn’t the most loving person
She struggles to express most emotions, but showing her adoration and love is the hardest
So she tries to court you in more practical ways, such as acts of service
Anything that you need doing, she will have the task completed by sundown
Your struggling to find clothes because the Cullens only give you childish clothes? Jane had handmade clothes tailored to match and compliment your body type and skin colour and she leaves them in your room for you
You’re thirsty but you don’t have any blood to feed with? Jane killed a human for you two to share during your teatime
She even asks for it to be baked into pastry’s even though neither of you can digest food anymore so you both end up coughing it up
You need entertainment while you’re locked away in your room? Jane will sit outside your door and read your favourite books and poems to you and keep you entertained
She also tries to work on her physical affection for you
She offers you an arm when you walk together through the garden at night, she places her hand over yours when you need comforting, she will place small kisses on your hand when greeting you in private
These are all things she never thought she’d be comfortable with until she met you, so she’s slowly improving in private
When she’s feeling extra possessive, she will cover you head to toe in her signature scent either by spraying you with perfume or briefly holding you and rubbing her cheek against your neck
This means she can put a subtle claim on you to show that you are hers and that anyone who tries to touch you will feel the wrath of her painful stare
Her final act of devotion from when she saw you last was swearing to free you from the Cullens so the two of you could stay near each other forever
She does all of this and yet your still completely oblivious to the affections her and her twin hold for you
Johnny (post meeting you)
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Johnnys methods of courting is mainly just trying to help you discover more of yourself and help you separate your identity from the one forced upon you by the Cullens
I suppose it would fall under the category of quality time as he will spend hours upon hours with you helping you learn a new skill or remember an old memory
He helps you acclimate to the more modern parts of society that the Cullens never taught you about, such as dating culture and party culture
He tries to find things for the two of you to do that he thinks you’ll enjoy the most
An example of this is him taking you to a petting zoo and letting you control all the cute animals because it made you feel better then hunting with the Cullens
He also used his power to his advantage and he will shape his shadows to make shadowy animal figures for you to admire
He will also get very secretly proud of himself every time he sees you’ve enjoyed yourself doing an activity he chose out
He’s also very big into PDA as he’s less afraid of what the Cullens will do to him
He’s always got an arm around your shoulders or waist when you walk or he’s holding your hand as you talk to each other
But always with permission, he understands that you can have a slight touch Phobia because of your time with the Cullens
He was also raised as a lord, so all of his courting will subconsciously be very gentlemanly despite his playful and rough persona
So that means the sidewalk rule is being obeyed, he’s always taking your arm when you walk together and he’s always generally acting with honour and decency
He’ll do all this and you’ll still swear that he hates you though
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Thoughts guys? 😭
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littlejuicebox · 8 months
Hello Gina! Been loving your stories a lot specially Astarion talks in his sleep and My Sun, My Moon 1&2! which is why I wanna try if you can do a one shot of their 1st anniversary of marriage! 🤭 just wondering how it was for them, usually they say the 1st year is the toughest one but i wanna see how you see it 🤭 Many thanks!! i look forward to more stories!
Hello, my friend! <3
I really love this prompt! Marriage is hard and Astarion has his quirks that would def make him frustrating to Tav! Love isn't always sunshine and rainbows.
I took this in a slightly different direction, it's a reflection on their first major argument! Hope you like it. <3
Warnings/Tags: not edited or beta read / In-game spoilers, fluff/angst w comfort / married people having an argument / this follows my HC fics for redemption Astarion x Tav but I'm pretty sure it can be read as a OneShot
Word Count: 1.7K
Astarion cannot concentrate on the blasted contract in front of him any longer. The delivery should have been here by now.
He only had a few hours before you returned from the Upper City and his entire plan for your first anniversary would be shot if the florists didn’t hurry the hells up.
“You said they would arrive by midday and now it’s nearly teatime, Pascal!” Astarion snaps at his steward, a middle-aged human with wide set eyes and a scar running horizontally along his nose bridge.
Pascal sits on the far end of Astarion’s office, reviewing a ledger. He slowly raises his eyes from the document to meet the petulant visage of his employer.
“That is what the florist told me, my Lord. But it is quite a large order. Fifty night-blooming plants and shrubs would likely take several carts, sir. It’s certainly possible they’ve run into delays along the way.” Pascal responds, his voice gentle but unbothered, as if he’s grown used to placating the moods of the vampire over the past year.
Astarion simply huffs in response, “We did not pay a premium for those ingrates to simply—“
He stops as his highly acute hearing catches the sound of wheels turning along the manor’s pebbled drive. By the raucous sound of it, there are several wagons making their way towards the home's entrance.
“Pascal, they're here. I will go greet them; round up the other servants and have them stop what they’re doing immediately. We will need all hands to make up for lost time.” Astarion says as he tosses the contract he’d been reviewing, leaving it with a large stack of papers scattered across his desk.
Several of those papers had the remnants of ink splotches and blood splatters from an hours-long drafting session he’d done on a business proposal the day prior. The goblet he'd been drinking from yesterday, dirtied with now-dried blood, sits haphazardly in the corner of the desk.
Astarion struggled to contain his natural propensity toward sloppiness. His mind often worked far too quickly for him to slow down and pay attention to trivial things like bloodstains and spilled ink.
However, after multiple gentle chastisements and one angry explosion from you, he’d managed to curb his disorganization to his office, which you accepted. The argument you two had, prior to coming to this arrangement, had truly terrified him.
The pale elf makes sure to grab the goblet and place it out in the foyer for the maid to grab; she had never been allowed to enter the master bedchambers or his office, for privacy. You two were responsible for keeping those areas tidy. Astarion did... almost nothing to his office, while you kept everything pristine in the bedroom.
Except for that one time before the argument. His mind wanders as he exits the office, reflecting on the memory that keeps him cleaning up his goblets.
He could tell by your voice alone that you were angry. Furious, in fact. The sound ripped him away from the contractor agreement he'd been reviewing.
“Astarion! How many times do I have to ask you to not leave cups of blood in the bedchambers!” Your voice came booming down the hallway before you burst into the office, causing the door to slam into the wall with a loud thud. His eyes caught sight of the angry red splotches on your face, and then trailed down to your wedding dress, clutched in your shaking hand.
There was a large, crimson bloodstain smattered along the train. He almost fainted at the sight.
So many hours of his own work. Drenched in blood.
“I’d laid this out for the servants to frame today, and Scratch ran into the bedroom and knocked the goblet of blood — that you left there, completely full, by the way — off your nightstand and onto the dress!” You were waving the grown vehemently as you spoke, voice cracking toward the end.
Oh, his little love was infuriated. His gut sank at the thought.
The anger in your voice sounded entirely foreign, it was rare for you to speak in such a manner to anyone. But towards him? Never. You always spoke to him in soft, adoring tones and little whispers. The only time you truly raised your voice had been in bed, and he rather liked it then.
But this? He did not like this one bit. It made his undead heart thrum with anxiety.
“My love, I—“ He begins, his voice honeyed and smooth in the usual tone he used to appease you, but you cut him off.
“I’m sick of your excuses and your words, Astarion! I’m sick of cleaning up after you! I have asked you more than once to not bring blood into the bedroom and you've deliberately ignored me. And the one time I don’t remove the damned goblet from the bedchamber look what happened! I can’t keep—“
You were crying by then. Large, angry tears rolling in streams down your face as you swiped angrily at your eyes. That dress, and the hours of work he'd put into it, had been a testimony of his love to you. His actions had made your heart soar; seeing the gown ruined caused your heart to break entirely.
And Astarion's heart almost broke at the sight of his little love so distraught, but he had no words nor actions to soothe you.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath; he watched as the patches of red faded from your cheeks. When you opened them, the sight scared him and when you spoke, he was terrified.
Your face was blank, unreadable. Your tone was resigned. In that moment, in the absence of any discernible emotion, he felt certain you were going to leave him.
Eight months into a marriage and he was already failing; he knew he hadn't been cut out for this.
“I am very patient with you, Astarion. We both knew this wouldn’t be easy… with well, everything. Your condition, navigating my newfound fame, easing back into normalcy when we both have our baggage... but I chose this. I chose you. I choose you every day. Over and over. A hundred times a day."
You paused, and your eyes flicked between his, searching for something.
“I just wish I felt like you were still choosing me, too.”
And then you were gone. You left the dress crumpled on the floor as you turned and walked away.
As he moved from his desk to pick the garment up from the ground, he heard you call for Scratch and exit the front door. The sun was out, he couldn't follow you. And even if he did, there would be nothing he could say to placate you. He needed to give you time and space and wait for you to come to him; it was something he’d learned over the past eight months. Although he hated it.
So, he stayed in his office, trying to work, and failing at that, too.
After a few more hours, it was time to head to bed. When he entered your shared bedroom, he realized the goblet you'd spoken about had splattered over the sheets and onto the carpet, as well. He removed the goblet from the bedroom and placed it in the foyer; and then he changed the sheets, which you usually did. He waited for you to come to bed, but you never showed. Hadn’t he given you enough time by now?
Eventually he traveled to the guest chambers, certain you must be there sulking, and when he attempted to enter the room, the door was locked. He knocked tentatively on the door.
"Tav, darling--"
"No. And don't you dare pick the lock, Astarion."
"Tav, my sweet, please--"
"Please, Astarion. Please just leave me alone."
He wanted to pick the lock. Wanted to break down the door. Wanted to hold you in his arms and whisper apologies in your ear until you forgave him. But you always told him that his actions spoke louder than his words; honeyed lamentations would not work on you. Another thing he’d learned this past eight months.
And then he thought of the dress, which he'd left draped across the sofa in his office.
While you slept, Astarion set to work. He could have outsourced the task, sure... but truthfully, he did not trust anyone else with the fine detailing work he had spent several hours doing with his own hands. He'd created the masterpiece himself, after all, so perhaps it was best he restores it himself.
He worked gently, and for several hours, scrubbing the blood out of the fine fabric. His time with Cazador had taught him many things, and unfortunately a skill he used more often than he liked happened to be removing bloodstains from nearly any fabric.
By the time the gown was restored, his hands were raw from hours immersed in the harsh combination of soaps, chemicals, and water. It was past noon when he finished; you had certainly risen by now, but you hadn't come looking for him.
Astarion asked Pascal to place the gown in the sunroom to dry and then resigned himself to his office, back to reviewing contracts.
It was several hours later when you knocked on the office door, eyes downcast and face remorseful.
He didn't say anything, he just simply opened his arms and you crossed into the office before folding yourself in his lap. A few moments of quiet passed between you.
"I saw what you did to the dress. It must have taken hours... thank you." You finally whispered as your face nestled into the side of his neck. Your hot breath tickled, and he hummed in acknowledgement.
"It did, darling. And the skin on my hands certainly is not happy about it," He starts, and your hand comes to his as you bring it closer to your face, examining the uncharacteristically cracked knuckles and reddened flesh, "But you are worth the effort. And more. I'm sorry about the cups, my love.”
You placed a kiss on his chapped knuckle. An acceptance of the apology. And then you turned to face him and pressed a soft, tentative peck on his lips that made his entire body melt into you. Before long you two wound up on the floor of his office, and he made sure to use his actions to ensure you knew just how much he cared about you. How much he chose you.
And every day since then, he'd been certain to no longer bring goblets in the bedroom, and always leave them sitting in the foyer for the maid regardless of what room he was in. A tiny daily action signifying his love for you.
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onegianthotmess · 6 months
It’s Teatime!
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Summary: Faust’s reject experimental elixir somehow made its way into Amelia’s sleepytime tea one night and she woke up as a little girl! And, being the only resident with any free time to watch the maid-turned-child, Isaac got roped into shenanigans by an Amelia that is ten times more chaotic than normal!
You guys can thank @natimiles for this! This is mostly for them and for my little wormy brain, but I hope you enjoy regardless!!!
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“Why do I have to look after her?” Isaac asked Comte, uncomfortable with the small pair of eyes on him. Amelia, who was now about the age of five or six, hadn’t stopped staring at Isaac since he walked into the room and it really made the scientist rather uncomfortable and tense. “Couldn’t Napoleon just take her when he goes to teach the children in town? Or maybe Sebastian could watch over her?”
“Well, Napoleon already left, Sebastian has some pretty big chores and shopping for dinner to handle, and everyone else is too busy. And even if some of the others were free, I don’t trust some of them with looking after a child, especially a small girl who’s practically an evil genius as an adult,” Comte sighed apologetically. “And I have a few things to sort out today, so you’re really the only one who can look after her, Isaac. And, if this predicament doesn’t disappear tomorrow, I’ll have Leonardo look after her so you won’t have to. So, could you please do this just for today?”
Even though a small part of him wanted to, Isaac knew he couldn’t really argue with Comte. The only real plans he’d had for his day were to catch up on some reading and possibly start reading the new encyclopedia Comte had bought last month since Leonardo finished it last week. So, with a small nod of understanding and agreement, Isaac led Amelia out of the nobleman’s room and into the hallway.
Once out in the hall, Isaac couldn’t help but stare back at Amelia, who hadn’t looked away from him for even a second, out of nervousness. Had Amelia blinked even once since she’d begun to stare? The scientist couldn’t be sure.
“Uh-Uhm…Wh-Wha-What would you like t-to do?” Isaac stuttered out awkwardly, hoping that the question would divert Amelia’s complete attention from him, if just a little.
To Isaac’s relief and surprise, Amelia looked of to the side in thought. The thought of giving Amelia too many options and too much power in this situation briefly crossed Isaac’s mind, but it was far too late now. And it was especially too late when Amelia perked up and grabbed Isaac’s hand and began to pull him down the hall towards her room.
And, despite being five years old now, Amelia pulled Isaac along quite easily. He may not have been a very big man, being the shortest in the mansion and not the most physically powerful out of the residents, but he still naturally had quite a lot of strength as a vampire. And yet, here he was, being pulled down the hall by a five year old Amelia as if she still had the same amount of strength she did as an adult.
Before Isaac could internally question Amelia’s peculiar strength any further, he felt a tug on his sleeve. Cherry blossom colored eyes looked down to see Amelia gripping onto his sleeve and pointing at the door. Isaac then looked to the door to see the problem; Amelia was just a bit too short to reach the knob. The doors in the mansion were definitely custom designed and the knobs were a bit higher than a standard door design, so it made sense that Amelia couldn’t quite reach well enough to get a good enough grip to actually turn the knob and open the door to her room.
Isaac waited for the child to nod her head before he opened the door to her room only for her to pull him inside and pull him to one of the plush chairs. Taking the hint, Isaac sat down and looked down at the brunette girl who looked at him a moment to make sure he’d stay put before she smiled…and ran off.
Isaac’s first instinct was to go after her, but he wouldn’t even know where to look. It was hard enough to understand Amelia as an adult, but he couldn’t even begin to understand the woman as a child! So, the physicist stayed put so he wouldn’t be wandering around aimlessly and possibly worry the brunette girl if she came back and he wasn’t there.
Isaac didn’t have to wait long, however, as Amelia quickly returned with a basket in tow. And it was definitely quite heavy for her, seeing as her body was almost pulled down by it when she set it down. But, after a few moments catching her breath, Amelia perked up once more and pushed the basket over by Isaac’s feet before she opened it.
And the physicist watched with shock, and the question of where the brunette girl got her supplies so quickly in his mind, as Amelia quickly spread what looked to be a small spare tablecloth on the coffee table in front of Isaac and began to set things on the now covered table, including a tea set with three cups, three plates and three forks, serving utensils, and an entire apple pie. Where and how Amelia got those things and put them in that basket without breaking anything or making a mess, Isaac would never know the answer to that particular question no matter how much he’d ask or how long he’d stay up at night pondering it.
When Amelia finished setting up the table, she quickly moved to tug on Isaac’s hand, signaling for him to stand. The physicist did as he was silently told and let Amelia pull him to her closet before she stopped and turned to look up at the cherry blossom eyed man with a smile.
Seeing the confusion on the man’s face, Amelia explained her intentions. “You have to be dressed right to have tea,” she said, making the physicist tense up.
“D-Dressed right?” Isaac asked, now getting nervous.
He knew that he was small enough to fit Amelia’s adult clothes, with them being a bit long and loose on him due to Amelia being taller than him and quite a curvy woman as an adult. But, the idea of wearing those clothes, made Isaac shy and internally panic.
What if someone came home and walked in, seeing him in women’s clothes? What if he messed up one of Amelia’s favorite pieces that Comte had bought her? What if it was something expensive?
The physicist was pulled out of his panicked thoughts when he felt a tug on his pant leg. Isaac looked down to see the small brunette girl giving him puppy eyes.
“Please, Isaac?” Amelia asked. “I’ll make sure you’re very pretty and you can have a big piece of pie, too.”
Amelia always had a knack for convincing Isaac to do something. She never asked for anything big, but it was still impressive how easy it was for her to convince Isaac to do something for her. Maybe it was how patient she’s always been, or how she babied Isaac in a sort of motherly way.
Either way, Amelia’s convincing skills were ten times more affective when she was a child with some of the biggest and cutest eyes Isaac had ever seen.
Isaac sighed, “O-Okay. You can d-dress me up.”
Amelia beamed up at him and immediately began to look for something to put Isaac in, pulling aside dresses by their bottoms to get as good of a look as she could get of them. When she found one, the brunette’s peach colored eyes lit up and she looked to Isaac with a silent request, which the physicist understood and immediately took out a cream colored sundress, clearly from the 21st century from the style of it, with a print of peach-pink lily of the valley flowers printed at the bottom. It was simple and it would most definitely fit Isaac, even if it would be a bit loose and long on him, especially in the chest.
Amelia clapped her hands in pure joy as she fully saw the dress. It was perfect, especially with the peach-pink colored flowers at the bottom, and all she had to do was get things to put in Isaac’s hair and he’d be ready to have tea. The brunette girl quickly pulled Isaac to the changing screen in the room and left him there to rush to the vanity to try and find any hair accessories that would match the dress Isaac would wear.
Meanwhile, Isaac’s cheeks went as pink as his hair and eyes as he stripped out of his usual clothes, save for his underwear, and placing them on the stool that was also behind the screen. Once his regular clothes were off, Isaac looked to the dress that he’d hung up on a hook on the screen and his cheeks went a slightly darker shade of pink as what he was about to do was really hitting him. It wasn’t that he loathed the idea, as he’d rather see Amelia happy than feel guilty for making her cry, it was just the embarrassing idea of being caught dressed in women’s clothing that made him apprehensive about putting on the dress.
After a moment, Isaac was able to not think about those embarrassing thoughts for a little bit and he began to focus on how to put the dress on. Stepping into it and pulling it up would probably pop a few stitches and ruin it a bit, so the only other option was to pull it over his head. It took the physicist a moment, but when he figured out which way was the front, he managed to slip it onto his body.
The dress was loose on Isaac, as he expected, but it gave him anxiety as he felt it would slip off at any given moment. Then he noticed the pink ribbon that looked like it could tie around the front of the dress. Isaac quickly put two and two together and tied the ribbon comfortably around his front into a secure bow, making sure it looked nice so Amelia would be pleased and so that he wouldn’t have a crying girl on his hands.
Once he was sure he was done, Isaac quietly stepped out from behind the screen and walked over to Amelia, who was digging through a drawer full of what looked to be hair accessories. After a moment, the brunette perked up when she found something that pleased her and took it out of the drawer before turning to be met with Isaac in the dress she’d picked out for him. Amelia’s mouth stretched as wide as it could as she beamed in awe at Isaac, clearly very happy with the dress she’d chosen.
Amelia took another short moment to admire Isaac in the dress before making a motion signaling the physicist to crouch down to eye level with her. Once Isaac had followed the silent instruction, the brunette girl gently placed a white headband on his head. It was soft and didn’t hurt the sides of his head, thankfully, most likely being something that Amelia had with her when she’d first arrived through the door from the twenty first century.
Her peach colored eyes sparkled up at the man before she pulled him behind her so he could look at himself in the mirror. And Isaac didn’t want to admit it, but he couldn’t really be mad at what he saw reflected back at him.
The dress fit nicely with the bow secured around the front, the pink accents brought out his eyes and hair, it suited his complexion as well, and the headband was sort of like the cherry on top of it all. Isaac really didn’t mind how he looked in the mirror, not that he’d wear these clothes outside or around the mansion for everyone to see, even if it would be very embarrassing to be caught dressed like this.
“You’re so pretty!” Amelia beamed. “And now we can have tea and pie!”
The brunette hopped down from the bench she was standing on and led Isaac back over to the coffee table by the hand. She pulled him to where she wanted him to sit before she rushed away to the closet as Isaac sat down on the floor to pull out what looked to be a stuffed animal. But, it could really be called an animal, due to the fact that it had the word “MILK” embroidered on the front and had strawberries on the front as well, thus implying it was most likely strawberry milk. But why did it have two black eyes and a smile then? Why did the eyes stare into his soul as well?
“Amelia,” Isaac asked, “what is that, exactly?”
“Hm?” Amelia hummed with a smile as she gently set the plush across the table from where the physicist sat cross legged on the carpeted floor. The brunette then looked to the tag attached to the plush and smiled. “It’s a Squishmallow, silly! Her name is Amelie and she’s a carton of strawberry milk! Isn’t she cute?”
“Where did you even get it?” Isaac asked, still a bit uneasy from the big eyes of the plush sitting in front of him. “And ‘squishmallow’ isn’t even a real word.”
“Well, if I remember right, I’m pretty sure the nice Comte man went through the big door at the end of the hall to get some of my things for me a month or two after I started living here,” Amelia replied, squinting as the thought hard. “At least I’m pretty sure that’s what he told me. He went over everything when he went back to get me and told me where everything was, too. But he did say this is my room, so I should know where things are to make it a bit easier to live here.”
“I see,” Isaac murmured, figuring it best to just be satisfied with the answer he was given rather than press for more. Amelia was forgetful of important things enough as an adult, even worse as a child.
Amelia moved to the tea pot on the table and picked it up, holding the lid down as she tipped it and a white liquid poured out from the spout and into the cup in front of the “Squishmallow” that sat across from Isaac. It took the physicist a moment to put two and two together, but he eventually realized that it was just milk in the tea pot. It made sense after all, considering Amelia wasn’t a big fan of tea and found the tea at the mansion was particularly too bitter for her tastes, even with plenty of sugar in it.
Amelia poured milk into two of the three cups on the table, switching out the full cup of milk on front of her plush for the empty one, before she set the tea pot down and sat down, looking to Isaac.
“Would you cut the pie, please?” Amelia asked, thankfully knowing she was too small to handle cutting a pie by herself. She’d probably end up cutting off a finger or something if Isaac didn’t do it.
Isaac simply nodded and cut two pieces of pie, handing one to Amelia. The rest of the little “tea party” was spent in comfortable silence as the physicist and the maid-turned-child ate their pieces of pie and enjoyed each other’s company. The two even managed to finish off the pie, which wasn’t too bad as it was only a couple inches and more of a small desert that even one person could easily finish by themselves. The two continued to enjoy each other’s company as they played simple card games and Isaac continued to play dress-up with a very happy Amelia.
Eventually, both of them fell asleep on Amelia’s bed, the brunette girl curled in the arms of the physicist as they both slept peacefully through the night.
However, the next morning, Isaac was met with panic as Amelia was gone. He looked in every corner of the bedroom, only to find that he was alone and the brunette was missing. But, before Isaac could panic, the door to the room opened and the physicist was met with the sight of Amelia leading Leonardo into her room, the Renaissance man still looking quite drowsy. That drowsiness quickly melted away, however, when Leonardo locked eyes with Isaac dressed in one of Amelia’s sundresses and a headband.
“Cara mia, did you dress him up?” Leonardo asked, looking down at a very proud looking Amelia.
The brunette nodded with a smile, “I made him even prettier!”
“I see,” Leonardo replied before looking to the mortified physicist. “She didn’t force you into it or threaten you to do it, did she?”
“I didn’t want to make her cry and that possibility was the only threat I needed,” Isaac replied quickly.
Leonardo nodded, “I can see that. Well, I can take things from here, Isaac. You can change and I’ll watch the bambina for now.”
Isaac nodded and quickly went behind the changing screen where he left his clothes. He shortly came back into view of the Italian man and the brunette girl with the dress he was wearing folded neatly and the headband placed on top. He placed them down on the coffee table away from the dirty dishes that still needed to be taken care of before he went to the door to leave, only to stop and look back.
“I- uhm…Have fun?” Isaac offered with a shy wave before he left the room and disappeared down the hall.
“Wasn’t he so pretty?” Amelia asked with a smile.
Leonardo chuckled, ruffling the brunette’s hair before smiling, “Si, cara mia, he was so very pretty.”
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Well, there you have it! I’m very sorry it took so long, but at least it’s done! Now I can work on Jane and Theo! PREPARE TO HAVE YOUR HEARTS BROKEN AND MENDED!!! MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
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Behold! My very own dumb bastard.
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pastelpuppet · 1 year
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Fun fact! A little trivia, if you will! This is my usual art style and I can and will use it to draw pretty lesbians being happy!
(P.s The lovely ginger vampire belongs to @aloenepchi ❤️❤️❤️)
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