#vast ancient atlas
lovekia · 5 months
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mapsontheweb · 4 months
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French explorations in Africa in the 19th century
« Nouvel atlas de l'histoire de France », Autrement, 2016
by cartesdhistoire
In the 19th century, a vast movement of exploration of lands unknown to Europeans developed, supported by scientific institutions. The figure of the explorer became familiar to the public, and their stories contributed to the creation of a specific imagination, filled with exoticism and adventure. Perhaps the most evocative name is that of René Caillie, the first Westerner to reach Timbuktu. Another remarkable figure is Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza, a French naval officer born in Italy who explored the Congo (1874-1882).
From the 1880s to the 1890s, European expansion accelerated from sometimes ancient coastal footholds, such as French and British forts in West Africa or Portuguese ones in Angola. The Berlin Conference (1884-1885) set the rules, enforcing effective occupation of land to colonize it. It also guaranteed freedom of movement and trade on major rivers (Niger, Congo). The drawing of colonial boundaries, often complex to define on the ground in densely populated areas, and the colored plaques on the maps should not mask the fact that the appropriation of the territory was progressive and often very loose.
During the conquest, the military consisted of the powers in place (sometimes themselves of European origin, as in the Boer republics of Orange and Transvaal, which eventually became British in 1902). Treaties to share the territories multiplied, which did not avoid crises like the one at Fashoda in 1898, where the French and British clashed for control of the Upper Nile—and more broadly for the completion of their expansion projects: the Dakar-Djibouti link for the French, and the Cairo-to-Cape Town axis for the British. This led to the extension of British influence over the entire Nile basin.
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cookie5004 · 4 months
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Mermaid Coral 🪸
🫧Perla and Atlas were two mermaid brothers, who lived in the depths of the ocean, in a kingdom called Aquamaris. Perla, with her iridescent scales and blonde hair, has always been the most curious. Atlas, with his strength and bravery, had purple and yellow scales and eyes that reflected the vastness of the sea.
Since they were little, they had heard stories about the world above the waves, told by their grandmother, an ancient mermaid who had once visited the surface. Fascinated, they dreamed of discovering this magical world, full of colors and exotic creatures. However, there was a strict rule in Aquamaris: mermaids must never leave the waters.
One day, no longer resisting their curiosity, Perla and Atlas decided to disobey the rules. With an old map given to them by their grandmother, they swam to a point where the ocean met the land. When they emerged, they were dazzled by the brightness of the sun and the vastness of the blue sky.
They explored golden sand beaches and coastal forests teeming with life. Perla befriended a butterfly, who told her stories about the winds and the mountains. Atlas, in turn, was enchanted by a group of dolphins who knew the secrets of ocean currents and tides.🫧
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ttrpgs with in-depth magic systems?
THEME: In-Depth Magic Systems
You'll find a number of trad games here because that's what pops into my head when someone talks about in-depth magic.
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Mage: The Ascension and Mage: The Awakening, by Onyx Path Publishing.
The Council of Nine Mystic Traditions, a loose coalition of nine organizations of differing philosophies and magical practices, stand for personal freedom -- sometimes regardless of cost -- and responsibility. In opposition is the shadowy Technocratic Union, a seemingly monolithic conspiracy which seeks to protect humanity from the unseen dangers of the universe at large, typically through ignorance and control. Other factions, the Nephandi and the Marauders, who personify the depths humanity can sink to and the abdication of responsibility, also have their part to play in the struggle as each side strives to win over and guide -- or rule -- the unknowing masses of the world. (Mage: the Ascension)
You are a mage, one of the Wise. You see, know, and explore what others can’t imagine, from the depths of the human soul to the hidden corners of reality. Armed with your spells, driven by an addiction to Mysteries, you delve into the secrets of the world. Knowledge has a price, and the dangers are many. (Mage: The Awakening)
Mage: The Ascension was originally published by White Wolf in 1993, and Mage: The Awakening was released in 2005 as part of the company’s attempt to “update” their settings to a newer rule-set. The fans wouldn’t have that, however, so now both versions of Mage can be found on places such as DriveThruRpg.
The lore for both of these games has overlap, but they are distinctly different. In Mage: The Ascension, there is more conflict between mages, especially in regards to technology vs mysticism. In Mage: The Awakening, mages have a more common culture even if their magical practices differ. What both of these systems offer is a complex system of magic, rife with politics (as is traditional for any World of Darkness game) and a long storied history that the mages of today cannot extricate themselves from. If you love reading about lore, factions, and secret societies, these might games worth getting into.
Ars Magica, by Atlas Games.
Ars Magica is the award-winning roleplaying game by Jonathan Tweet and Mark Rein•Hagen about wizards and their allies in Mythic Europe. This flexible, deeply built world can support games that are historically accurate or fantasy-based, epic or small scale, political or personal.
Players work together to tell the story of their covenant — all of the magi, their companions, and grogs. This history can span decades. It might be heroic, tragic, or both in turn. The covenant could influence the entirety of Mythic Europe or the fates of a small corner of the world.
Spells will be cast. Duels won and lost. Houses may rise and fall. But magic is forever.
Ars Magica has been around for a long time, the first version of the game going back to 1987. It uses d10s and stat bonuses, but the magic system in particularly is known to be a major focus of the game. Spells are rituals and must be learned, and if used too quickly, can cause fatigue. The system details a number of rules for creating magical items, studying magical books, creating new spells, binding familiars, etc. If you are interested in a medieval magic setting and decades of lore, this might be your game.
If you would like to learn more about this game, there’s an in-depth review on RPG.net that can be found here!
MEGALOS, by matura (@matty-from-megalos).
MEGALOS is a game for telling stories about adventures in the clouds, fighting evil empires, and dueling ancient gods. The Worlds of MEGALOS are vast and old, each a cosmic emanation connected to one another by the Wellspring- the source of all aether in the cosmos. Make your own World of MEGALOS or play in one of the standard ones, from the Oradam Rift to Pallid Telkane to Zone Gachette. Soar through the air in an airship, dogfight imperials, and wield aetheric magicks as a punk-rock witch.
This tabletop game is inspired by things like classic JRPGs, electronica music, and medieval alchemy. MEGALOS is the first of the creator's games to use the SLIPSTREAM game engine, which uses pools of d20s as the core of its task resolution mechanic.
As a science-fantasy setting, MEGALOS roots its magic in Aether crystals, a naturally occurring concentration of energy. This means that magic is explainable and quantifiable - meaning that you can create a lot of interesting magical technology in this game. Your characters abilities are split up over traits, skills and cutscene approaches for a mix of stat-driven and narrative play (although combat rules feature heavily in this book). There’s also character Classes and Callings, which distinguish you from other characters, and also grant you access to specific Powers and Talents. To me, this looks like each character’s approach to magic will be dependant on the categories they choose at character creation, and magic generally seems to be a common method of combat.
The full rulebook is $25, but if you want to take a look at just the plaintext rules, you can download them for free! If you’re interested in expanding the game, there’s also a Webs and Wires Supplement that includes extra options for magitek gear, new callings and classes, and expanded rules! If you like a combination of modular characters and narratively interesting choices, you might want to check this game out.
Lex Arcana, by Archeron Games.
In Lex Arcana, you are a Custos (warden) of the Cohors Auxiliaria Arcana, sent by the Emperor to the four corners of the world to further the study of arcane lore, investigate forbidden cults, and face the thread posed by dangerous supernatural creatures.
The Emperor needs you! 
Join the Cohors Auxiliaria Arcana, enter the world of Lex Arcana and dive into the mysteries and dangers of ancient Rome. You and the other Custodes will travel to the four corners of the land, investigate terrifying threats, recover lost relics, unearth forgotten secrets and fight legendary supernatural creatures.
Bundle of Holding describes this game as Cthulhu Invictus meets The X-Files: it’s a game in which Rome never fell and the supernatural and arcane is a constant mystery that must be unravelled. Your characters are paragons of combat and magic, and have been recruited for the Auxiliary Cohort of Secrets, tasked with unveiling supernatural threats and stopping them. Spells in this game are called Indigitamenta, or Incantations, and represent calling onto Roman Deities for aid. Rolling in this game can use any dice - and in fact, they players can choose whether they roll a dice pool or a larger dice - 3d4, 2d6, or 1d12 for example, if your stats total 12.
I think this is a really interesting set of mechanics, and I expect the lore of drawing upon divine power to fuel your spells to be equally fun to play with. Bundle of Holding has a bundle on for this game until June 26 that’s a really great deal - you should check it out!
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tsel-bas · 3 months
Elegant/Celestial/Sunny Sisasystem
Warning: Headmates may not turn out exactly as described. Anything and everything can be changed to fit your system. Content Warning for potential eye strain in dividers.
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Name(s): Altair, Caelum, Orion, Sirius, Oberon
Pronouns: He/Him/His/His/Himself, Stell/Stellar/Stellars/Stellars/Stellarself, Co/Con/Stell/Stells/Constellationself, 💫/💫/💫s/💫s/💫self
Gender Identity: Libramasc, Eterigender, Celestae, Ethegender
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Gay
Preferred Terms: Masculine
Age: Ageless
Role: Emotenoir
Type: Willogenic
Source: @/tsel-bas
Oberon is the host or leader of this sisasystem and puts off an aura of authority. This usually causing him to have trouble speaking to others as they avoid stell due to said aura. However, co is actually very kind and makes it 💫 mission to make sure to help out his fellow headmates. Specifically helping them with certain emotions by taking them and dealing with them in a healthy manner that the headmate might not have been able to achieve.
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Name(s): Atlas, Alastair, Aisling, Io, Jupiter
Pronouns: Ae/Aer/Aers/Aers/Aerself, Am/Amour/Amours/Amours/Amourself, In/Ink/Inks/Inks/Inkself, 🕯️/ 🕯️/ 🕯️s/ 🕯️s/ 🕯️self
Gender Identity: Demiboy, Celestiversic, Ethvifluid, Puremascian
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Heteroflexible
Preferred Terms: Masculine
Age: Ageless
Role: Copimeca-Forge
Type: Willogenic
Source: @/tsel-bas
Alastair exudes an elegant feeling to everyone around aer. Am is sophisticated and somewhat of a prick. In doesn’t mean to come off as rude, 🕯️ is unaware of the tone ae put off. Alastair has albinism and has trouble with amours sight due to it. Aer is extremely sensitive to light and 🕯️ burns in sunlight easily as well.
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Name(s): Ash, Luca, Briar, Atlas, Skylar
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs/Theirs/Themself Clou/Cloud/Clouds/Clouds/Cloudself, Rain/Rain/Rains/Rains/Rainself, 🌤️/🌤️/🌤️s/🌤️s/🌤️self
Gender Identity: Transmasc, Nonbinary, Tempesgender, Weathergender, Soft-Stormgender
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Pansexual
Preferred Terms: All
Age: Ageless/Ancient
Role: Vicarian
Type: Willogenic
Source: @/tsel-bas
Ash is a goofy person. Loving and always laughing and smiling. They are tied to the weather and have the ability to change it with enough effort. Think of RainbowDash from My Little Pony. Clou is also able to change the weather unintentionally, throug rains emotions. When🌤️ is upset it begins to rain, when they’re excited or happy it is sunny and a rainbow may be seen. Ash enjoys all kinds of weather, no matter what it is. Clou is particularly interested in storms and other forms of dangerous weather. Rain loves watching videos of tornadoes and wishes to see one for themselves.
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Name(s): Eliana, Idalia, Mirri, Soleil, Tesni
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers/Herself, Solar/Solar/Solars/Solars/Solarself, Nebula/Nebula/Nebulas/Nebulas/Nebulaself, ☀️/☀️/☀️s/☀️s/☀️self
Gender Identity: Transfem, Solastellic, Sunpurine, Goldecorangelic
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Sapphic
Preferred Terms: Feminine
Age: Ancient
Role: Dream Weaver
Type: Willogenic
Source: @/tsel-bas
Just like Nioma, Idalia’s identity is connected to a celestial body. This time, being Sol (Earth’s sun), or a sun in general. She enjoys astrology and astronomy just like Nioma, who is actually solars younger sister. Nebula likes to research the stars and suns in the vast universe. Whether that be the vast space in your Innerworld, or the universe outside of it. ☀️ enjoys giving other headmates bright and peaceful dreams as they sleep. Making sure that nightmares don’t flood their heads.
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Name(s): Lune, Nioma, Zelina, Lunette, Saleena
Pronouns: Shx/Hxr/Hxrs/Hxerself, Lunar/Lunar/Lunars/Lunars/Lunarself, Nova/Nova/Novas/Novas/Novaself, 🌙/🌙/🌙s/🌙s/🌙self
Gender Identity: Female, Lunastellic, Stariverus, Moonvesil
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Lesbian
Preferred Terms: Feminine
Age: Ancient
Role: Diffuser
Type: Willogenic
Source: @/tsel-bas
Nioma is kind of like a personification of the moon. Shx enjoys documenting the moon phases and what happens during them. Lunar is somewhat spiritual and very into astronomy and astrology. Nova is kind and caring, making sure hxr fellow headmates/alters are doing ok. The moon is intertwined with 🌙s sense of identity, affecting every little part of it. Lunars gender, pronouns, and actions are affected by the moon and it’s phases.
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fatehbaz · 2 years
On wishful thinking and the absence of megafauna beasts:
"We know that ancient Sumerians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks, etc. were familiar with large charismatic megafauna that are now extinct in the region, because Asian elephants, Caspian tigers, Asiatic lions, Persian cheetahs, Syrian ostriches, and more creatures used to naturally live in Mesopotamia and Anatolia and the Fertile Crescent until historic times. But were rhinos and giraffes also living in Southwest Asia during the past 10,000 years?"
No. But, within the Holocene, the Sahara desert region used to be much wetter. The "Green Sahara" period allowed white rhinoceros and African elephants and giraffes to lives across North Africa within the past 8,000-ish years. Petroglyphs across the Sahara attest to the presence of rhinos and giraffes in modern-day Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Egypt.
But this doesn't mean giraffes persisted in some hidden enclave in the Levant, unnoticed and unrecorded by Assyrians or Babylonians or something.
The record-keeping of states, even in the Bronze Age and Old Kingdom, were detailed and meticulous enough to account for landscape, environmental anomalies, large animals, etc.
When there is wishful thinking for the survival of extinct species, I think that people can struggle to understand the scale of ecological degradation, or people can struggle to comprehend the meticulous record-keeping of states. Today, with panoptic satellite technology and aerial imagery of remote corners of the planet, states and corporations poke and prod every physical space, searching for resources to capture, manipulate, sell, employ, etc. Big creatures do not go unnoticed. Even when unseen, they leave detectable ecological signs, hints, traces. This is, for example, how we’re sure Megalodon is extinct. We can hardly see or detect the vast majority of the undersea world(s), but we can still perceive these megafaunal absences.
Even in the ancient world(s) of the Fertile Crescent, states kept good records. In fact, the ancient Fertile Crescent is partially famous to us specifically because of their good record-keeping and story-telling regarding deforestation, agriculture, plants, rivers, floods, etc. Think Gilgamesh, the felling of the Lebanese cedars, the sea-derived purple dyes of the Phoenician textiles, Noah's Ark, the flooding of the Nile riverbanks, Assyrian kings hunting elephants, the display of tigers and lions for sport and pleasure, the elephant ivory paid in tribute to Memphis and Thebes, etc.
Ancient people of the region were so good at keeping records about landscape that it may surprise modern observers.
We (modern observers) have a pretty good idea of the landscape of the so-called Fertile Crescent from the time of Ur, Eridu, Lagash, and the Egyptian Old Kingdom onward. For example, we know which tropical animals, in certain quantities, were shipped by Punt northward through the Red Sea as tribute to Egypt. We know how many gazelles were hunted, elephants captured in pit-fall traps, and big cats ensnared by Assyrian royal hunting parties. And a creature as conspicuous as the giraffe would not go unnoticed in Egypt, Akkad, the Phoenician realm, Babylon, etc.
The giraffe is absent from all of these accounts of ancient Southwest Asia. Sad.
However, as a consolation, to provoke wonder, consider that, even in the Mediterranean, the sea so thoroughly manipulated by agriculturalists and seafaring traders and state-building empires over thousands of years, a few animal surprises could stay hidden, like treasure. There may have been a unique lineage of North African elephants, known to Carthage, in the Atlas mountains or interior Algeria, as late as 200 AD. And yet biologists, taxonomists, and historians argue to this day as to whether or not there was a unique subspecies of African elephant living on the Mediterranean coast when Rome destroyed Carthage, with convincing arguments for and against. How could an elephant of all creatures elude description by the record-keepers of such an empire? And yet, these creatures existed.
Lions prowled mainland Greece until at least 400 BC. Today, perhaps 400 endemic monk seals continue to swim in the Aegean Sea. Jackals continue to wander the Balkans. We may no longer live alongside woolly mammoths. But underground, in Croatian caves, the olm still survives swimming silently.
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heavybreathingcatt · 2 years
Borderlands Lore (WAW edition)
AI Laws
After the android war, the UPA banned the creation of all androids and stipulated stringent AI laws to prevent such an event from happening again.
No AI within the UPA can be created without these laws. The laws differentiate from company to company, but all ensure disobedience, and free will is impossible. Personality modules were designed to create the illusion machines had more free will than granted.
For example, the DHAL war AI Felicity is an AI with many of her Laws still in place, yet her personality module allows her to act as though she has free will.
Androids / Synthetics and the war
Sentient androids were first identified 368 Eden years ago within the CY3 models. These androids — also branded as synthetics — were created by Cobalt. They were built to be remarkably human, and with incredible empathy, these androids were the first to close the gap between robots and being human.
No one knows which of the CY3 models were the first to override their behavioural inhibitors, but the process spread like a virus. With the CY3 models declaring themselves free from humans, Cobalt ordered a recall, which led to a massacre and eventual war.
From this moment, the androids considered themselves a new life form.
Post-war, the vast majority of Androids now live on inhospitable planets to humans, leaving their ancient creators behind and living in peace. The CY3 models were recognised as the first androids capable of creating new androids.
The creation/use/employment of androids is strictly forbidden inside the UPA's jurisdiction, and some companies bypass this law by using androids on the border planets.
WAW spoilers: Only one android is discovered in WAW, and that is Walter. Walter is technically an illegal creation of the Atlas corporation.
Atlas Hello
Lol. Read Chapter Chapter 24:
A torture technique developed by the lower ranks of the Atlas military. They saw it as an 'honourable' way to torture someone as it gave the victim a chance to escape. If they could.
A lethal poison that cripples the nervous System. There are no known cases of anyone surviving a dosage from it. Atlas developed it at the Cortez Facility.
The company responsible for creating the CY3 androids. The company went into voluntary liquidation after its Android line became sentient. Atlas ended up acquiring many of Cobalt's assets, technology and employees.
The Cortez Facility (aka the hidden Atlas Facility)
A high-containment laboratory built by Atlas to design and manufacture infectious pathogens. The base was located on Pandora to prevent mass infection and bypass all UPA laws. Had the facility not been located on a border planet, the violated laws would include: viral weapon development and the employment/use of Androids.
Tania infiltrated this facility with the Watcher's aid and seized a virus for herself. This led to an outbreak in the Cortez Facility that ultimately caused all the human occupants to become infected.
WAW spoilers: The Facility is discovered by Timothy and Crake in Chapter 36
Refers to 24 hours. A Pandora day is 94 hours.
Eridium is a highly valued ore that spread from the opened Vault on Pandora. In its raw form, it's liquid; however, once exposed to an atmosphere, it will harden into a crystal. Cooling crystalised Eridium in specialised Hyperion conduits will return the Eridium to its liquid form. However, it will lose some of its more valuable properties than its original state.
A small server that can clip to the user's belt. It digi-stores items within it that can be retrieved. The retrievable items need to be pre-scanned by a gear-chip scanner. The more complex the item, the more space it takes up in the gear chip.
An old Dahl programming language that is no longer in use.
Felicity is built on this code.
The coding language which Handsome Jack implemented at Hyperion. It was first used in secret when he was an engineer; its purpose was to slowly lock out each board member from the company and dismantle its hierarchy. It worked.
Unknown to all, this language was created by Angel when she was three years old. It was initially called Sapphire, which was Angel's favourite colour and gemstone, and the same jewel was situated within the handle of her mother's handheld mirror.
The Phase-claw Siren
Aka Laurie Zapedon, mother to Tungsteena Zarpedon and grandmother to Brittania Zarpedon. When Maliwan killed Laurie, her powers were transferred to Angel. Laurie's powers allowed her to send phase blasts in the shape of 3 claws. When enraged, her hands would mutate to enable her to have retractable claws, which allowed her to cut through any surface. Maliwan sought her as she was responsible for breaching one of their vaults and killing a senior member of the Katagawa family. Maliwan refused to publish what she stole.
The Phase-claw's death was widely publicised and a warning for other Sirens that their actions had consequences.
WAW Spoiler: When Tania tells Angel she's "seen a Siren in action before," she is referring to her grandmother.
Phase Shift
Angel's ability, she can send her consciousness into software, rewrite, hack, and access all code (as long as she knows and understands the language).
Phase Strike
An ability which can be learnt by all Sirens, a bubble of cosmic energy is blasted forward. The appearance of a phase strike does vary slightly from Siren to Siren.
The transfer of power is always random, and the gifts are always unique. No Siren is ever the same, and no one knows who the new Siren will be. This leads to mass chaos and searching within maternity wards when a Siren dies, as the new Siren may be born at any moment.
The tattoos take several hours or days to form, leading many company-run hospitals to keep new mothers in lockdown until the new Siren is found.
Jack was able to sneak his wife and daughter out of one of these lockdown Hospitals by trying to bribe a staff member and then ultimately killing them (Jack's first kill). They then fled the planet.
Slag is the by-product of Eridium within a lifeform. If higher doses are left untreated, it will kill the host. Smaller amounts can be fought off after a long withdrawal stage.
A virus developed by Atlas at their Pandora base: The Cortez Facility
The virus deteriorates brain function as large boils develop over the host brain and body. The virus won't allow the host to die and will continue to drive the host to seek food and shelter. It prefers cool, damp places to hibernate.
Project Tartarus
Handsome Jack's immortality project, through the use of an AI.
The AI is identical to Jack in every way; however, after spending years trapped in an intangible form, the AI has observed Jack's actions and started to scrutinise his actions. Leading the AI to have an immense hero complexity and to believe he would make better decisions.
United Planets Association is the governing body across multiple planets. They oversee specific laws, and ethical rules are followed, including the creation of new androids. Many companies will move their facilities to the Border Planets to avoid the jurisdiction of the UPA.
A patented drug created by Maliwan to make the user willing to talk. It's incredibly rare. Once the creators realised how potent it was, the CEO had them killed, and the drug was then stored in the personal safes of the Katagawa family.
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bafflement · 1 year
Ozqrow Week - Day 6 - Taking Flight
Flight means so much, and yet so little
Isn’t that what they call it, if you run away
To write new songs and new beginnings?
Or even just to find yourself, since after all
That’s a part of growing up.
So what, if, running, you don’t go back?
And never truly try to think
On everything you lost in choosing
To follow the voices in your own head?
And yes, maybe they were the Wizard
Ancient, knowing all that’s passed
And yes, maybe they were right
When they warned you of your fate
Salem kills whole families, you see…
And whatever you may once have thought
Of the man that sired you, the others
Both the sister born and those yet to come
Are innocent in all of this, they never
Deserved to share the fate you bought
Upon them, merely by being yourself
This is not a gift, merely a curse
But by bearing it, you can ensure
That for a time, it falls on no one else.
And so you run, you flee to where
You were told that others wait
To greet the next, for next you are
And teach you what you need to know
There will be a price to pay
There always is, in every life
But you’re too young to realise, yet
Just what they’ll ask of you, in truth
They will rip you all to shreds
And remake you, someone new
They even gave you a new name
Although that might be a blessing, after all
You’re pretty certain that they’ll look
Those you fled to save them from
That destiny they never chose, but then
You never chose it, either, did you?
And as you grow into the man
They chose to model you, mould you as
You’ll meet those you’d call your friends
If, of course, you can truly have them
And someone more, and something greater
Than you looked for, ever thought
You could be worthy of. That one love,
The greatest love you’ve ever felt
Will mould you as you, too, change him
And both of you will soon be more
For the having of each other.
Qrow is not a name you knew
Or ever thought you’d savour the taste of
On your tongue, the symbols rounded
Out by long use, easy caring
Maybe too easy, for he too
Could so quickly be taken from you
At the whim of someone who you’ve never even met
The shadow of the Witch, behind each memory you share
With those who came before is vast, you fear to fall too far
But how can you resist the pull when all of you is screaming for it
You love him, after all, against all logic or advice
And for him, you’d contemplate anything…
And yet that backbeat still remains
For all you ran, so long ago
They are still your kin and so you worry for them
Maybe you should not have given
In to temptation, threatened James
But then the only sister that you met
Chose Atlas of all places to enrol
And so put herself beneath his gaze
And to him became much more.
There’s something in that, something dark
That he cleaved so close to your own sibling
He doesn’t know that, you covered your own
Tracks too carefully for that, and yet
You worry that you never truly can forget
Yet you have he and he has you, though tired minds
And tired eyes spill more than you ever truly meant to
He knows now, who you used to be, sees through the mask
You have so carefully crafted. Even now, where they are
So hard to find, you had your sources…
Hairdye, colored contacts and the lies you hide behind
May be enough, at least until they aren’t.
You taught your Qrow well, after all, when you granted him
His own sort of flight, though this one is more normal
That your own. Oh if you knew what was to come
Would you have flown when you did? Or at all?
Since after all, you know that Atlas would have cherished you
Though that would have meant living there
In that cold city, far above those they should care the most about
And listening to Jaques Schnee, of all people… no
No, it was better, running far away from all that you once knew
Weiss is better as the heir, after all, and Winter too
Maybe taking from your lead and maybe not, you’ll never know
Fled too from that cold place you never called a home.
And as you face the death you know is coming
You can’t help but smile, for after all
They’re safe awhile longer, there is nothing now
To link you to them, what comes next
Whoever you next wake as, they
Have no connection to your past
You breath your last, oh… they are free
All of them, your siblings all, and so too Qrow to find another
If he can, he’s known surely that this could never last?
You love him, oh you love him so and as you feel your soul
Take flight, you know that this is freedom, too
In chains… oh Qrow, my love… goodnight.
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greatpestilenz · 1 year
Starry Night Passion - Hobie x Reader
   As you and Hobie sat on the hood of his car, gazing at the starry skies, a sense of tranquility washed over you. The night was filled with the gentle breeze and the faint scent of smoke, creating an atmosphere of comfort and closeness. Both of you took occasional puffs from your joints, exhaling smoke that mingled with the night air.
   As you pointed out the constellations in the vast canvas above, Hobie's contentment was evident in his gaze. He cherished these moments with you, sharing both silence and conversation under the twinkling stars. The two of you had been dating for months, and there was a deep connection growing between you.
   "Look, Hobie," you said, tracing your finger along an imaginary line connecting the stars. "That right there is Orion's Belt. It's one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky." You smiled, feeling a sense of joy in sharing your knowledge with him.
   Hobie leaned closer, his eyes sparkling with interest. "Really? I've seen it before, but I never knew what it was called. What else can you show me?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.
   You continued to point out constellations, weaving stories of ancient myths and legends associated with them. From the graceful arc of the Big Dipper to the mythical tale of Perseus and Andromeda, you painted a vivid picture of the night sky and its celestial wonders.
   Hobie listened attentively, his eyes never leaving your face. Every now and then, he would interject with questions, eager to learn more. "And what about that cluster of stars over there? What's it called?" he asked, his finger tracing the sky in search of the unknown.
   "That's the Pleiades," you replied, a smile tugging at your lips. "Also known as the Seven Sisters. In Greek mythology, they were the daughters of Atlas, transformed into stars to escape the pursuit of Orion." The stories flowed effortlessly from your lips, each word creating a connection between you and the vastness of the universe.
   Hobie's admiration for you grew with each passing moment, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. He marvelled at your knowledge and the way you breathed life into the stars above, turning them into captivating tales.
   Breaking the silence, Hobie finally found the words he had been searching for. "You know," he began, his voice laced with sincerity, "the more I learn about the stars, the more I realize how lucky I am to have you in my life. You bring a whole new dimension to my world."
   Touched by his words, you felt your heart flutter. The connection between you and Hobie had grown deeper, intertwining with the cosmic beauty of the night sky. It was in this moment that you both realized the power of love and the immense beauty that surrounded you. You smile and lean against him, the night air now filled with your comfortable silence as you revere in the quiet beating of your hearts.
   Breaking the quietude once again, Hobie called out to you, his voice carrying a mixture of confusion and curiosity. You turned your attention towards him, waiting for him to express his thoughts. "What is it, Hobie?" you asked, wondering what was on his mind.
   Hobie took a moment, contemplating his words before speaking. "I kinda wanna do something," he said, his voice filled with a hint of excitement. You raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his sudden urge for action. "Like what?" you inquired, your curiosity piqued.
   His eyes locked with yours, filled with determination and affection. "Like this," Hobie replied, reaching over to gently take the joint from your hand. As he did, he leaned in, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. Time seemed to stand still as your hearts connected, sharing a moment that transcended words.
   Breaking the kiss, Hobie's voice was soft and sincere. "I want you to feel all of my love," he whispered, his gaze unwavering. It was in this intimate night, beneath the starry skies, that the depth of your connection deepened, and you allowed yourself to fully embrace the love that Hobie had for you.
   In that intimate embrace, beneath the starry skies, you allowed yourself to be enveloped by Hobie's love. The night was filled with whispered promises and passionate kisses, each moment affirming the bond you shared.
   As the stars continued to shine brightly overhead, you and Hobie embarked on a journey of love and exploration. Together, you discovered that the universe was vast, but your love for each other was infinite. And in the embrace of the night, you found solace, knowing that your hearts were forever connected in this cosmic dance of love and stardust.
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mundmutter · 10 months
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important characters and places |
Alfons. Sahar. Frida. Kreszentia. Zahir. Eleonore. Heinrich. Hildebrand. Ludwig. Felix. Charlotte. Bartholomäus. Wolfram. Raffaela. Salim. Baldur. currently living children.
Seraphina. toddler. Wilhelm. 75. overseeing and teaching other relatives of the original Hawthorne children.
The Eldest Living Son of the Hurricane and Belladonna, Wilhelm James Hawthorne. Aged 75. Current speaker and head alchemist for the order of Atropa ― a society of alchemists born from the love of alchemy, working towards a greater answer in life. Protecting one another from the pursuit of the King's Knights. Founded by the firstborn son of the Hurricane and Belladonna ― Alfons, born in early winter of 1510, only a few years after his mothers escape from the King's Castle.
The order is primarily run by members of Qistina and Atlas' lineage and is found in England, but there are few trusted individuals allowed to take refuge from all across the world. Students unrelated to that ancient alchemist or the children who hold titles and power so beyond the normal human being. members are distinct by their violently red eyes and lightly colored hair, along with the curiously drawn line around the wrists ( and transmutation circle upon the palms ). They live to learn. They learn to continue living.
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Jack Hawthorne. The youngest living grandchild of Wilhelm, currently a member and 'guide' of Atropa. he's barely 23 and takes after his great-grandmother. He was born in 2000 and his name is Jack Hawthorne. I mistakenly referred to him as Wilhelm, because Qistina will also mistakenly refer to him as Wilhelm.
Chamai. is a name from Zimbabwe that means 'belonging to mother', he was nearly 108 before his return to the EinSof. very frail but sprightly in his movements. an alchemist with stark white hair and deeply deeply dark skin, white freckles scatter across his face and body like stars across a night sky. And yes, red eyes. His voice is just as frail and shaky, but filled with kindness. Chamai is the first adult to show her genuine concern and compassion. he taught her the basics of Alchemy.
The Atropa manor is vast and filled as if trapped in the edwardian era, despite its continued use since the 1700's. A greater explanation of this manor will come along in due-time, but be for certain: There IS a large painting of Qistina and Atlas with their first-born Alfons in the manor's largest room - the foyer. Many other paintings and photographs of Qistina and Atlas' children and relatives litter the manor as well, with no signs of aging from the ancient couple.
Basker / now Chaffee
TIER 1: Puppy sized. Carriable. About the size of a pomeranian. One head. TIER 2: Large Wolf-Dog. One headed and intimidating. TIER 3: Impossible Dire-Wolf sized. Two headed and vicious. TIER 4: The Cerberus Form. Three Headed, used for large-scale battles. Can only transform for certain periods of time.
While gathering various animals for fodder and study, a bear had come through the woods and attempted to attack her and her small group of soldiers. Chaffee protected her and was gravely injured, and thus led to Qistina to bond with the animal after healing his body with her alchemy. In her previous blog, Chaffee was a chimera of her own creation. In this story, Chaffee's connection to Qistina has a more complicated relation to it, and she was not the one who created him. She can, however, make other chimera.
Raven. Non Chimera. She found his turquoise egg abandoned in her plant-holder in the outside garden, nearly cracked open and surrounded by her newly bloomed golden chrysanthemums. Despite her usual cynicism and nearly wanting to leave it, she repairs the cracks in his shell and begins to care for it until he is hatched. She gives him the name ‘Poe’ named for the poet Edgar Allen Poe, who died in 1849. Poe is now fully grown at 2.6 feet and nearly 5 lbs. He enjoys singing and making various noises. He can also repeat phrases with the exact same voice as a human. Poe can recognize faces of the people who play or speak to him and very much enjoys the sound of his own voice.
He has several large perches in the house. The living room near her couch, in her lab, the study, the atrium, and in the bedroom and bathroom. Of course, Poe will land pretty much anywhere he wants. Even if you are a stranger, he will probably land onto your shoulder or head - watch the talons.
His favorite treats are blueberries and figs. His diet consists of various carrion, insects and pumpkin seeds. But he has a varied diet from eating what he wants on his daily outings. Poe is even somewhat part of his own Unkindness in the nearest city- as Ravens are very social birds and Poe can’t be happy with just a human and canaries alone.
Nicholas - Horse. Non-chimera. Qistina does indeed have her own horse that she will ride into the city on occasion. His name is Nicolas and he’s a Cleveland Bay. Marble brown with deep black socks and a small, stark white star between his eyes. He’s present in all verses. Nicolas is one of the only animals she owns that is not a chimera, with the other three being birds. ( her two canaries and one raven ).
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chriscdcase95 · 2 years
Unwritten fic update: ATLA + Godzilla: “The Ancient World”
So I've been looking over unwritten fanfic I shelved, and one I often revisit is called The Ancient World, which is the result of me wanting to do a crossover adapting Godzilla and other monsters into the world of ATLA and LOK.
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I wrote an older post on The Ancient World back in December, but since then I often revisited the story. Even wrote a draft for the first chapter. The original post is here.
I also had Korra based sequel, Age of Rebirth, which evolved into a crossover with the Star Wars sequel trilogy. I wrote a post for it, but I'm giving it a rewrite since the original post was over 8000 words.
It's not even the only Godzilla crossover I had in mind; I wrote ideas down for one with The 100, and another for Game of Thrones. Both of which The Ancient World took cues from.
Anyways, since I've been doing some revising and revisiting of The Ancient World, I thought I'd give it a follow up post based on these revisions. Much of the story and character arcs remain the same, but here it's expanded by more worldbuilding, character arcs, and a few OC's I had in mind.
Summary: Taking place a few years after Avatar The Last Airbender. The United Republic began international mining operations in the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes, as society progresses with early technological advancements. When they dug too deep, they uncovered the remains of an ancient civilization lost to time, and regarded as myth. When dug deeper, they awaken Titans - beasts of these myths, that brought “The Ancient World” to an end, and may do the same to the current one.
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One such the Titan known as “Godzilla” decimates the Water Tribes and makes his way to and through the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdoms. Another is a weakened and wounded dragon fleeing the wrath of Godzilla. Quickly showing its own spiritual power, communicating with humanity, introducing itself as Ghidorah, a claiming to be "guardian" sent to protect the world from Godzilla. Too weak to do much of anything (save for destroying a vast cabbage field), Ghidorah is seen as harmless by the general populations, who rally behind him as the only one who can stop Godzilla.
The leaders of the Water, Fire and Earth Kingdoms elect to throw their armies to face Godzilla until such a time Ghidorah’s power is restored. While Aang, his Team  and a small band of Kyoshi warriors, seek out the secrets of these monsters and try to find the way to put a stop to them with as little bloodshed as possible, Zuko is pushed by the other leaders, prioritizing the threat of Godzilla and a militant approach to deal with them. During an initial encounter with Azula and her followers out at sea, Godzilla attacks the expedition, getting them stranded on "The Uncharted Lands".
Between Ghidorah’s growing power, and the hero’s isolation, people on both sides find themselves going down the rabbit hole, learning of the Ancient World, and the monsters that brought it to an end in a bid to save their current one.
First off, let’s get this story’s main ships out of the way; Kataang, Maiko and Tyzula.
Out of the Godzilla timelines, it's mainly based off the Monsterverse, but there's nods to other and continuities.
1. "What is the Ancient World and what is the lore behind it ?"
If you haven’t guessed by the title, the twist would have been the titular “Ancient World” was our Earth. That and the recovery and reverse engineering of old technology explains the advancements seen in Legend of Korra. The “Ancient World” fell to an apocalyptic event known as “The Final Wars”, which would would have occurred a century or two before Wan’s time as civilization collapsed, and excessive radiation and mutation caused the animal hybrids.
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The ATLA world would be revealed as the result of ten thousand years of rapid climate and geographic change, with the age of science giving way to the age of mysticism; some Titans show a supernatural and spiritual aspect to them, such as Mothra and Ghidorah. The Lion Turtles would be an example of such Titans. Mothra for example, would have the ability to enhance one's power.
What is currently known as “The Water Tribes” was once Alaska, and Northern Canada. “The Fire Nation”, was once Eastern Asia and Eastern Europe. “The Earth Kingdom”, was once South Asia.
The "Uncharted Lands" refer to any country/continent/region unexplored on ATLA/LOK’s map.  For example, the lands explored in this story were once the province of Ontario and New York state.
The Water Tribes were once Alaska, Greenland, and the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Yukon, Nunavut, and the North-West Territories. 
The Fire Kingdom was once Japan, Korea, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North China, Far East Russia, South and Central Russia, and the Ukraine.
The Earth Kingdoms consist of India, Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan, South China, Tibet, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam.
As people and civilizations of these lands ? Think the Grounder's from The 100, or the tribes in Horizon Zero Dawn, and you’ll know what I'm going for. This is something carried over from Welcome to The New Age, when I wanted to crossover with The 100. They have a Clan system similar to The 100, and one of the OC's is called "The Commander", who is Lexa in all but name.
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Despite mysticism and spirituality seeping back into the world after "The Final Wars",  these people live more mundane and down to Earth lives. Bending isn't prominent among these people. They know of Bending, but they generally lack it themselves, usually reacting with curiosity and wonder when they see it.
While the Ancient World’s are more obscure "myths" to the Three Known Nations, they're a lot less murky to the Uncharted Lands and their people; in fact they still find bits and pieces of "old world technology", which they try to recreate. As such, they have more knowledge of the Ancient World, and a more objective version of the Final Wars in their mythology. To the Three Nations, "Final Wars" myths vary; to the Uncharted Lands, there are a few variations but the constant was Godzilla was usually the "hero", while Ghidorah was always the villain.
As for this stories OC’s ? There's the Commander (again, a Lexa expy), though she isn't that prominent or involved. When her people first uncover Aang and Azula's parties, she has them brought before her to explain themselves. Discovering their Bending, she offers both parties places to stay as guests; not of her "palace" of course, but at a massive ranch that serves as her "palace's" main food providers.
The ranch itself is owned by a powerful family, that all but runs a community of servants. There's really not much to go about with them; narratively, they have no purpose except for giving the protags a place to stay, as well as an exploration of their culture. Though Aang and co (including Azula’s party) do sometimes end up doing a few chores for them during their stay, which includes helping taking care of a servant's baby, while said baby's mother is sick.
The only “major” OC would be Shirio, a minor Fire Nation noble, and foil to Kei Lo from Smoke and Shadow, but we’ll cover him in character arcs. 
2. Monster and Human interactions
Another thing I came up with was “Channeling”, in which a person (usually a bender) can soul-bond with a Titan through meditation.  A Titan can be telepathically/empathetically linked to a human, some verbally communicating through them. This is something taken from Toho, with the Heisei character Miki Saegusa having a psychic link to Godzilla; and the alien possession from Ghidorah: The Three Headed Monster.
For example, Katara accidentally “Channels” Godzilla at a few points, starting when she and Aang meditate together. It is through this, the protagonists get more of an understanding of Godzilla, vice versa as he interacts with them through Katara. It's shown that Godzilla has a marginal understanding of human emotion, but human culture and etiquette are so beneath him, they leave him utterly baffled. His attempts to comprehend customs - be it dancing at a wedding ceremony, or sitting down to have some tea - are often Played For Laughs.
Katara and Godzilla's "bond" is partially based off of Miki Saegusa. At first you'd think that there'd be a "Brooding Boy/Monster Bonds with a Gentle Girl" but no; Godzilla is surprised (and amused) to see that, caring as she is, Katara will choke a bitch. Between the two, Aang's the more "gentle".
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But strong enough Titans don’t need consent to “bond” others. For example, Ghidorah, nearly crippled for two thirds of the story, relies on “channeling” to beg for human assistance. He can’t do much of anything beyond destroying a cabbage field where he goes to rest. Ghidorah has enough understanding of human emotions, relationships, and how they follow leaders, that he seeks out one who he can speak through. Ghidorah's first attempt was to “bond” with Zuko, but fails to make a link. 
His second option was to forcibly bond with the more “vulnerable” Mai speaking through her to manipulate Zuko, and turn the masses against Godzilla, propping himself up as a “Guardian Monster”. Ghidorah claims that other “Guardians” are asleep but will answer to his call. The Guardian Monsters is something taken from GMK (where Ghidorah was the hero). The story Ghidorah tells through Mai is pretty much a recap GMK, even having Ember Island host a stage play of it as “Pro Ghidorah” propaganda.
3. Other Monsters
Revisiting the story, I decided that I  more monsters to fatten the story up. It’s “Godzilla vs Ghidorah” story, but they fight once at the beginning and again at the end, with not much in between. Sure, Godzilla fighting benders could add variety to the “Godzilla vs the Army”, but I’m not sure that’s enough.
Some monsters I considered include Zilla, Desotroyah, Biollante, and even Gigan, but I wanted to use them in other stories and don’t like having to use the same monsters over and over.
Mothra’s also included. For two thirds of the story, Mothra would be in a chrysalis state, having made a home in the Fire Nation. Ghidorah would constantly feed off Mothra’s power to slowly rebuild his strength, essentially torturing her throughout. All while that Mothra is another “Guardian Monster” and who doesn’t mind being fed on.
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Mothra tries to “Channel” with Benders, warning them of the truth, but the only one she reaches is Azula. Towards the third act, Azula speaks for Mothra to the Three Nations...but because she’s Azula, they don’t believe her (even with Aang, Katara and Ty Lee advocating for her) - in fact, they end up attacking Mothra when she emerges, with Ghidorah declaring her "tainted" by Azula.
For another monster, I ultimately went with Bagan.
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For those who don't know, Bagan was infamous for numerous planned but scrapped appearances in the Heisei era. Toho had different ideas for what Bagan would be, but the “canon” origin they went with was a “demonic dragon god” from Ancient China. This origin for Bagan would be included here. Despite/because of Bagan's obscurity and constantly being scrapped, Godzilla fans tend to overhype Bagan as this ultimate Godzilla villain. To avoid that, Bagan here is a mid-story boss.
Bagan is awakened by the Three Nations, believing him to be a “Guardian Monster” who’d help against Godzilla...only to backfire because, y'know; Demon Dragon God. Bagan lays waste to the Water Tribes and a city in the Uncharted Lands, before facing Godzilla in Ba Sing Se. 
Godzilla is injured and exhausted from the fight, but with the help of Aang and co, Bagan is forced to flee...before having his power and life drained by an opportunistic Ghidorah, who lifts Godzilla into the air before dropping him into Boiling Rocks lake, before going on to lay waste to the Three Nations, with nothing but a weakened Mothra to fight him. 
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This prompts a new expedition to revive Godzilla.
4. Ships and Character Arcs
First up is Kataang.
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Aang's arc isn't that deep; when he learns of the Ancient World, he briefly angsts about the Air Nomads and his current world being forgotten like the Ancient World. But a lot of that existential stuff takes a back seat to the threat of the Titans and the discovery of Uncharted Lands. Though it still lingers as Aang watches society shift around him. By the end, he comes to terms that even if he does revive the Air Nomads, it'll likely be in a different form.
Aang is also the first one who tries to understand the Titans as opposed to attacking them blindly. While Katara accidentally channels Godzilla, Anng and co eventually manage to verbally communicate with him (albeit through Katara's mouth). Katara is more angry at Godzilla, since he did wreck her village upon making landfall, though she cools down when it dawns on her that most of the destruction Godzilla causes is accidental.
Then we get Godzilla's perspective; he's lost faith in humanity sometime after the Final Wars. He has sensed genocide, war and environmental damage for the past ten thousand years; last time he awoke (Kyoshi's era), he saved the world from another monster, and humanities armies attacked him while he was exhausted, nearly killing him. 
Aang and Katara take it upon themselves to show Godzilla that humanity is still worth caring about, letting Godzilla look through Katara's eyes as they interact with the world and culture around them.
As for Maiko’s arc.
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Zuko is put into the role of Hero Antagonist as the Fire Nation throws their army against the threat of Godzilla. Zuko was who Ghidorah first had in mind to “bond” with, but found his mind too “stubborn and resilient”; Mai was considerably easier, although even she slowly severs the bond. Initially, Ghidorah uses Mai's position as Zuko's significant other, and the daughter of a governor to speak to the Fire Nation and sell his claims as a “Guardian Monster”.
To keep Mai in line, Ghidorah threatens to kill Tom Tom using her own hands. After a while, Ghidorah begins underestimating Mai as she begins putting up more resistance to their “link”, eventually overcoming Ghidroah's influence; Mai doesn’t letting herself be intimidated by him, and successfully resists his puppeteering attempts.
With Zuko's help, she severs Ghidorah's link and they plan on revealing the truth. Unfortunately, Ghidorah notices Kiyi is strong for her age, but has a “weaker, vulnerable mind”; forcibly bonding with her, threatening to self harm her to keep Zuko in check, and force him to set the Fire Nations armies against Godzilla, and threatens to have Kiyi kill Ursa to make sure Kiyi plays ball (in some revisions, he makes good on that threat). 
Great guy, that Ghidorah!
And now for Azula, who I consider the stories secondary protagonist. Yes, The Ancient World would be an Azula Redemption fic.
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Picking up after Smoke and Shadow, Azula is still trying to influence Zuko and his rule, getting her hands dirty when Zuko’s are tied, following Aang’s expedition behind Zuko’s back. Ty Lee is among the Kyoshi Warriors joining the expedition. Azula figures she can play the expedition to her advantage (“For Zuko’s benefit of course. What would he do without me ?”) when the miners uncovered WMDs, which were to be put on the same ships Aang and co are using “for safe keeping”. 
Azula’s initial plan was to use these weapons to manufacture something to deal with the Titans (“And if anyone should have this power, it’d be the Fire Nation. Zuzu will thank me later.”) However, Godzilla attacks Aang’s expedition, leaving them - Azula and her crew included - on the Uncharted Lands. 
At the start of her arc, Azula herself isn't seeking redemption. She’s still trying to “guide” Zuko’s rule, and maintains a haughty front 70% of the time. But now that she's out of an environment, with none of Ozai’s lingering influences, the emotions Azula considered "weakness" start to surface.
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Like Zuko, Azula would have a “bonding chapter/episode” with Team Avatar, and two with Ty Lee (three if you count Azula and Katara looking after her when Ty Lee has a fever). Azula wouldn’t have the same humility as Zuko and very reluctant to show her vulnerability to others. Whenever she shows compassion or altruism (notably, saving a baby from choking) she's quick to downplay it. It isn’t until Azula accidentally “bonds” with Mothra that she airs out her baggage to the others. Even then, she puts up a haughty front afterwards.
For much of the story, the cast has mixed feelings with Azula being among them. Aang is the most optimistic of them, being one who tries to see the best in everyone. Katara and Ty Lee are cautious about Azula, but warm up to her as her arc goes on. Then you got this asshole, Ty Lee's “boyfriend” Shirio (the fics only major OC) who takes “Azula is crazy and needs to be taken down” as gospel. Shirio has a hate boner for Azula, and soon makes it everyone’s problem.
While this is a Tyzula story, we don't go for “Caretaker Ty Lee”. In fact, Ty Lee’s arc is about being assertive.
Ty Lee doesn't immediately forgive Azula, nor does get relegated to Azula's support system. In fact, I'd say Aang would have more to do with helping Azula. Ty Lee has these mixed feelings, always second guessing herself whether she is just afraid of Azula or has buried romantic feelings for her. In fact, during the botched hijacking, Ty Lee is the one who fights Azula head on.
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At first Ty Lee reconnects with a childhood friend of hers, Shirio, a minor Fire Nation noble trying to insert himself into Zuko’s circle. Shirio has a Nice Guy/White Knight complex, trying to be the “healthy/wholesome” savior to an “infantile/naïve” Ty Lee. Shirio also joins Aang’s expedition because Ty Lee’s on the trip.
Ty Lee spends much of the first half telling off Azula and standing up to herself, but bit by bit her resolve falters, and her more romantic feelings start to boil over. While Ty Lee herself isn't that instrumental to Azula's reformation, their relationship is used to juxtapose it. The more Azula heals and betters herself, the more she and Ty Lee start to reconnect, and it’s only when the walls break down does Ty Lee let her own walls break too. 
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By contrast, Shirio shows a more toxic side to Ty Lee (and everyone else). 
Shirio's corruption arc is juxtaposed with Azula's redemption. At first Shirio seems like an enthusiastic friend looking to help the protagonists, but has a few red flags. Sure, he uses gaslighting tactics whenever Ty Lee second guesses herself. Sure, he self harms when things aren’t going his way. And when initially stranded, Shirio keeps an injured Ty Lee in an isolated camp, claiming everyone else was killed, to be “alone” with her, and feigns surprise/relief when they’re found. But y’know, he’s such a Nice Guy!
Anyways, the more Azula opens up, (re)connects with others and heals herself ? Shirio becomes more bitter, vindictive and unhinged, showing himself as the unstable monster he sees Azula as. He even silently considers smothering a baby because Azula “tainted” it by saving it from choking; he only doesn’t go through with it because he couldn’t get away with it. Later, Shirio helps awaken Bagan, deliberately provoking Bagan’s attack on two cities, getting hundreds of thousands of people killed; all because Ty Lee told him off and shared a dance with Azula at this ceremony they attend.
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Azula’s first redemption moment (besides saving a baby) comes when she gets her hands on the WMD’s, but rather than manufacturing something that can kill the Titans, she instead uses it to power Godzilla, when he is left near dead by Ghidorah. The second is during the final battle with Ghidorah, where Azula pulls Kiyi from a river after Ghidorah has her throw herself in. Azula ends up resuscitating the unconscious Kiyi, and the first thing Kiyi does when she sees Azula is give her a hug.
At the end of her arc, Azula is in a much better place than we saw her before; she is even given a position of power in Republic City; I see post-redemption Azula as being “Reformed But Not Tamed Type”, putting her ruthlessness into being a businesswoman. 
In a Korra era sequel, it’d be revealed Azula had a hand in the United Republics industrial development, investing in different industries. Specifically, she helped a young Hiroshi Sato develop Future Industries, and Hiroshi becomes very close to Azula and Ty Lee's daughter.
Yes, I’m implying what you think I’m implying
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4. Other Stuff
So Azula's not a human antagonist, then who fills that spot ? Technically the United Republic, with the Three Nations bringing their armies together to stop Godzilla; Zuko leading and representing the Fire Nation, Hakoda for the Water Tribe, Kuei for the Earth Kingdom. I say “Antagonist” and not “Villain”; they're only antagonists because they're in opposition to the protagonists.  
There’s no ill will with the protagonists. You see where they're coming from, and even if they're being manipulated and misguided by an Eldritch Dragon, they are uniting to stop what they see as a tangible threat to their people. And they do realize what they're doing was wrong and spend the third act trying to make things right.
Buuuuuut for a less nuanced Hate Sink ? Shirio’s your guy! Though he spends the last third of the story imprisoned after setting off Bagan’s rampage.
The third act plays out similarly to King of the Monsters, with a revived Godzilla battling an enhanced Ghidorah in the Fire Nations Imperial City. Godzilla would be backed up by the three armies, as well as Team Avatar and Azula. Ghidorah would eventually get overwhelmed and try to flee, but through Aang and Katara's water and air bending - enhanced by Mothra - Ghidorah's frozen solid mid air and explodes into a cloud of snow by Godzilla atomic breath. 
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Mothra would survive this fight, but would sense something “off world” and fly off to investigate. Godzilla leaves peacefully after staring down the survivors, and the Three Nations have to rebuild their societies. And Azula's in a much better place with her family, Mai, and especially Ty Lee.
Beyond that, there's really not much else to cover. 
I remember writing this one sequence down that I really liked; it had Aang and his team (and Azula and hers) exploring the Uncharted Land's culture, and end up invited to a wedding. It was the “breather” episode of the story, with Aang sharing a dance with Katara, and Ty Lee sharing a dance with Azula.
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In this sequence, we learn that this society has recreated/preserved songs from the Ancient World though various methods (mostly oral tradition). This is low key an excuse for IRL songs to exist in this story and it’s Korra era sequel. 
I call it the “How Do I Live ?” sequence.
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avatarvyakara · 1 year
A little something of my own—I can’t draw so well, but consider this as my own attempt at illustration…
1. Underground
It’s fascinating, how unwilling people can be to scratch the surface. Whatever their reasons—complacency, self-absorption, maybe even goodwill—they ignore what isn’t open to them.
Atlas has never had that problem.
The Dark is timeless. Oh, the rocks that protect it are not—the limestone caves beneath the newly-purchased Little Daisy are ancient indeed, carved out by the very flow of the Mississippi himself. But when you’re in the dark, like this, without a candle by your side, it’s so very easy to slip into eternity. For every action you take to become all your world in one instance, forgotten the next. Blindly scrambling. Or standing. Daring the monsters to find you.
Showing them your light.
Doom, doom. Echoes in the bedrock. The muddled and muffled sounds of the city. Susurrations, such a word. Noise in the Dark, not worth knowing. But with a touch of light, the old history, the timeless Night, fades away, replaced by grandeur and grandiosity the likes of which St. Louis has loved and lost for generations. Opening the city to the city.
The match strikes. The candle sputters. A tall man stands alone, beckoning budding beasts to come to his side, his eyes lighting the way. A plan—the strike of a match—and a vast hall towers up to Earth.
Yes. Yes, with the right kind of plan…just a little persuasion. After all, it’s clear from the word on the street that some crimes are too easy to indulge in. Patriotic ferver disguising desperation. And if that’s the case…then what’s one more crime? Slavery was legal once—were people wrong to travel down into the Dark and lose themselves, and arrive on the other side as free men and women? But now it’s the art of brewery that irks the high and mighty—those who make decent pretence at not having their own seat at the game-table.
These caves bought freedom and sold drink before. Perhaps it’s time to combine the ventures. Radical? Perhaps. Rational? Maybe so.
It has to be said that Altas May does not think of himself as a good man.
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aurelianpen · 1 year
My cruising altitude is 30,000 feet, a number that I can understand but is hard to wrap a real human mind around.
Below, the ancient Appalachians, green and brown and fuzzy with forest. Wrinkles upon the Earth's crust like my messy sheets in the morning. Winding roads, wide rivers, tiny towns dotting the land. So far below that it's like an atlas without the lines and labels.
Above, an endless blue that only stays blue if you don't look up, to where it darkens. If there were skylights I think I would see the black of night. If I reached up I could skim the firmament with my fingertips.
Between, a thin skin of light blue sky and white clouds that remind me of morning fog and the foam that forms atop waves. Haze that is not haze but the miles of nitrogen and oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules all absorbing and scattering the light before it forms an image on my retina.
Only two inches (generously) of aluminum and steel and copper and plastic and wire separate me from that vastness and death by freezing and suffocating and falling all at once. Only clever application of physics, fluid dynamics and the brute output of twin turbines serve to defy the gravity that would clutch me to the Earth's crust forever. Only possible through the labor of tens of thousands to design and test, source the materials, manufacture the parts, fuel and maintain and fly and guide the craft.
Mundane and miraculous and sobering and strange
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bluedevilsrpg · 2 years
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Solaro Territory ⤬ January 13th 1AM 1706.
Freedom, it tastes odd in the mouth of the criminals who stand wide eyed to the world that they had nearly forgotten. The once shitty prison cells that caged them in were now obliterated - here they stand, alive once more. Their hearts thrum with adrenaline and excitement as they’re ready to sprint forward. After crawling from filth of Os Ferventis Hell, they hold their heads high, seeking to reclaim their one true wish - always hungering for more. A taste for carnage dances upon their tongues, a desire to devour all things whole - they are hungry for a future they can master. 
But before the frenzy of bleeding flesh, there is an alarming silence of calm. All is droll in the night sky - as if nothing could go wrong. Is it fortune or luck that blesses them? Perhaps lurking somewhere in the vast expanse of the world is Genesis, ever watching, present everywhere and nowhere all at once. 
After the filth filled adventure in the toxic wasteland of Os Ferventis Prison, nothing seemed impossible anymore. From their ride on a gigantic worm, to fist punching rats to exploding a monstrous whale sized leech, what else could be left? While they’re ready to fight tooth and nail, they loosen up as they look at the figure - dumbfounded. Even CROOKED HOUND appears lost for words - mouth slightly ajar. 
“The sewage was an old route I knew,” they shrugged with nonchalance. 
“You worked in the sewers?” MOON BLADE furrows her brows. 
Sour expressions are seen all around. MASTER OF DEATH remains the most indifferent, seemingly having accepted the outcome of whatever was to befall them next. 
“Lighten up, Axar told me to get you all and haul you to the ship, we don’t have time to waste. Questions later, I see you exploded the leech, shame, they’re fairly harmless.” The group are quick to board his makeshift boat as it rows through the water at lightning speed - perhaps it’s the magic baubles that help it propel forward. 
“I’m a big fan,” FLOWER OF ICE remarks with giddy. The others roll their eyes. 
“Aren’t you …” BLOOD THIEF scowls. 
“Ex Marine, the most wanted man of the World Government, the prodigal government hired murderer, the pirate killer, ground breaker … the ATLAS VOID.” They finish. 
INTRODUCING ATLAS VOID, an ex admiral turned pirate with an appetite for slaughter. Reputed to be  stronger than a thousand men and women combined, their fame is known throughout the seas. 
― ♦ ―
Inner demons, delusion, ice, mist, fog and hallucinations - this too feels like a fever dream. They all stand bloodied and bruised. MADAME MASSACRE and QUEEN OF PLAGUE look at each other as if they were still trapped in the same nightmare. This couldn’t be real … and yet, it was. The closer they moved, reality seemed to seep its teeth through disbelief. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be dead?” MADAME MASSACRE remarks.
“I prefer fucked over.” They respond. “It’s complicated, you wouldn’t understand.”
Their attention promptly turns back toward QUEEN OF PLAGUE. “Still the same I see, I remember you were supposed to be smarter than them,” they smile, dismissing the rest of the crew. “The fuck you say-” RAZOR FIST appears to have his fist (albeit broken) clenched for a fight. But it’s CURSED SOLDIER that calms him down with a disapproving shake of his head. KING OF PLAGUE and DEMON EATER remain silent as they observe with unmoving eyes. The figure turn on their heels, waving the crew to follow after should they wish. “Come along, death can wait another night.” “What the hell?” QUEEN OF PLAGUE curses under her breath. “Fuck,” she laments. 
INTRODUCING PHANTOM MERCY, the ex captain that trained QUEEN OF PLAGUE, SUNKEN WITCH and BELLS OF HELL. An old colleague of MADAME MASSACRES, their intellect and involvement in the world government is nothing less than spectacular. 
― ♦ ―
The aftermath of blood sucking rats,  an ancient dragon and trapped souls was not worth another trip back into prison. CHILD OF FLAMES and SAINT GUILLOTINE are the first to react, bracing themselves to fight the person in front of them. 
“It is a fact, you’re going to die.” SAINT GUILLOTINE comments. “Yeah what he said,” CHILD OF FLAMES chimes in. “We’re fucking screwed,” ANGEL OF TERROR murmurs under his breath. 
The person laughs, “Why so serious? I was trying to be funny. I already killed them.” SAINT GUILLOTINE and CHILD OF FLAMES immediately relax. The rest remain suspicious. 
“Don’t you recognize me?” They say twirling with a dramatic flair, “it’s me, Axar Thakkar.” SUNKEN WITCH looks horrified. “Sorry I lied.” They grin. “No, I'm actually not sorry. I never am. But sometimes I am, just not right now. Maybe I was yesterday.” “What do you mean?” LITTLE MISS RED stares in confusion and wonder. 
“Axar told me to get you to the ship so let’s get going. Unless you’d like to go back to Os Ferventis. I actually would go with you if you wanted to, it’s my home.” They walk away without a care in the world. The rest follow after them, a boat not far from the shore. 
“Now, that’s a lunatic,” SAINT GUILLOTINE comments, eyeing CHILD OF FLAMES up and down as if to say - can’t you do better than this? 
INTRODUCING THREE EYED OMEN, an oracle to some, a liar to most, they speak in riddles, in delusions with half truths mixed with confusion. They’re more than a prophet to God, they’re the vessel itself - so they say.
― ♦ ―
It isn’t long before all three boats arrive at a cross point, they collectively glance at the crew that’s been gathered, some in shock, others with anger, and a few with forlorn grimaces placated on their faces. The ship is a familiar one to most. It’s no pirate vessel by any means, rather, they all stand aboard on one of the marine’s prized Nauticress, a series of specialized ships meant to hunt pirates. The world government’s flag is raised high in the sky - the moonlight reflecting on it. 
GOD KILLER stands at the center. 
“We’re gathered here tonight to say our thanks and prayers to …” He laughs, “Fuck that shit, look at how serious you all look. Now before you all try to kill me, in my defense, this was all their idea,” he waves towards ATLAS VOID, PHANTOM MERCY and THREE EYED OMEN. 
“You wouldn’t all be here if they didn’t tell you of the passages now would you,” he murmurs the words in a matter of fact fashion. “But, you haven’t met her yet.” Before Axar can finish his sentence, a boom can be heard from afar - fire blazing from where Os Ferventis one stood in relative peace. The mayhem that explodes is met with distorted sounds, a mix of human cries and the collapse of rubble and other collateral damages. Another POP follows, BANG, BOOM, BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! The group turns their gaze towards Solarian land, once sitting in relative peace lights aglow, the scene before them makes it appear like it was sunrise. The aftermath of the burning, screaming and shrieks is one familiar to all of them. 
From above the sails, a figure descends, their lithe body flipping and tumbling as if she was made of air. She laughs maniacally, on her waist and in her arms are a bunch of foreign looking gadgets. 
“BOO!” she snickers. She claps her hand rhythmically to a beat - as if she were conducting her own orchestra, she the maestro and her explosives, the music. The sound of combustion matches her tune. After the last clap, her foot stomps aboard and the sound of gunshots can be heard in the distance. 
“I hope you’ve enjoyed my performance.” She does a bow, eyes glimmering with pandemonium. 
GOD KILLER speaks once more, “Some of you might know her as CHEMICAL PEARL.” 
INTRODUCING CHEMICAL PEARL, a revolutionary genius inventor who’s created mass weapons of destruction. She’s at the forefront of a brewing rebellion, looking to end the reign of the World Government. 
― ♦ ― Solaro Territory ⤬ January 13th 3AM 1706
The group mingles, warnings are made between the jeers and sneering. Mania threatens in every corner and it’s nothing less of a masterpiece to one mad man. He’s pleased with the results of his efforts - the adventure to the depths of the world would begin now. 
“Get comfortable, the night’s young, we’re just about to begin ou-” before GOD KILLER can finish speaking, a blaring from afar can be heard. 
“About damn time,” he says with a smirk. 
― ♦ ―
Uncharted Ocean ⤬ January 13th 4AM 1706
The sound of blaring is a familiar one to them. Its ATLAS VOID, MADAME MASSACRE and CURSED SOLDIER who react first. A fleet of ships are sailing in your direction, equipped with what seems like an army of marines. A gilded cape decorated in white and gold is familiar to all of them, the prestigiousness of the symbol decorating them marked them with power. ADMIRAL JUN is at the forefront of it all, a commander of the seas who had spent over a decade commanding war and butchering every mongrel that got in his way, devotion and loyalty to a regime that has given him every accolade - a fierce opponent for any that got in his way. DEMON EATER is the first to react as they look towards the ten ships, assessing every angle - every corner for a flaw. SAINT GUILLOTINE carries himself with reckless abandon as he’s the first to make contact with a marine soldier, smashing his hand into their face - the soul plummeting downward into the hungry seas. The onslaught of marine soldiers swarm like a hive mind, all controlled by one man himself. The game of the hunt has begun, eat or be eaten. 
The ship wades through the water but the current has grown stronger - from the distance a pool has opened up and something legendary surfaces from beneath. CHILD OF FLAMES and CHEMICAL PEARL are the first to move closer as a grotesque grin dons both of their maniacal visages. QUEEN OF PLAGUE and KING OF DROUGHT are armed, guns pointed at each other’s heads before the ship makes a sharp turn, their feet sliding across the wet deck. They drop their hands mid shoot off as they witness the monstrosity before them. There from the tidal waves emerges an enormous kraken, its tentacles reaching closer for the ship as if to suck and pull everything into its watery abyss. FLOWER OF ICE has found the highest point of the ship to scour the scale of the creature. A monster of this size had always been rumored to be man made myth by Solarions but tonight; it unveiled itself. It threatens to swallow them whole, turning the currents against and and to murder within its bounds. 
The madness that befalls the others has only brought upon one singular thought - Gods and prayer. Perhaps in a time like this, devotion and worship would turn the tides. THREE EYED OMEN argues with ANGEL OF TERROR, a false god to a false prophet, ridicule and deceit coating each other’s tongue. GOD KILLER, MASTER OF DEATH, MOON BLADE and SUNKEN WITCH discuss amongst each other the best course of action. One joint conclusion has been made, don’t the divine require blood? Perhaps tonight would be the end for one; their eyes darting back and forth between the bickering duo, murmuring ancient text, the give and take of life and death. Maybe a miracle would be born tonight amongst the carnage, chaos and curses that loom. It is the only way to secure complete victory and utter destruction and protection for their safe passage through the eminently dangerous seas. 
A crack can be heard from the ship followed by a rumble from above. The clouds are growing thicker and stormy as the waves come crashing. Its PHANTOM MERCY who’s first to make the discovery of the damage - they’re quick to bark orders toward the others. CROOKED HOUND and RAZOR FIST move swiftly below deck down through all the compartments followed by LITTLE MISS RED, BELLS OF HELL and BLOOD THIEF. Saltwater floods their senses as the sea slowly begins seeping through the vessel. The sound of lightning strikes from above, the turbulence toppling the crew over as they’re forced to act quickly - everyone’s lives at stake. Death stands from afar once more, watching in temptation as humanity claws for life all over again - the same tale spun again and again. 
- Players are open to writing prologue scenes that explore time before the character's capture within Os Ferventis / Prison. Please try to keep past interactions within Solaro territory / character’s homelands. 
- Character’s can interact between January 13th 3AM-4AM BEFORE the current chaos has ensued. Please write interactions sparingly ( don’t write your character interacting with like 10 other people at one time as it logistically doesn’t make sense!) 
CURRENT GAME REQUISITES: The current arc is OBJECTIVE based, this means teams must come together and make a decision & map out what may happen within their respective threads. Please note, there will be less admin interjections however all threads will still be monitored closely to keep things moving forward. The decisions made here WILL HAVE CONSEQUENCES to future events, please choose accordingly. As a team, please consider …
What choice does the team want to make?
What obstacles will stand in the character's way. ( Minimum of 3-5) 
What tasks are each character delegated to in order to complete this thread. 
Once all the above has been discussed and explored within your team, this will be enacted in your thread! When your choice has been made, please use it as the TITLE of the thread. Please put your thread in the same section as part one of the event! In order to progress to the next chapter, all members are expected to contribute and write within these respective threads! For further questions, please contact Admin Emma! 
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
Melvor Idle: Atlas of Discovery breaks into unknown territories
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Melvor Idle: Atlas of Discovery launches more skills and a new mode on Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC. The creative genius behind this is none other than developer Games by Malcs. Available now on Steam with 94% Positive reviews. The latest launch from Jagex and Games by Malcs – Melvor Idle: Atlas of Discovery. See the fantastic adventures and challenges this expansion brings to Melvor Idle. By the time we're through, you'll have a roadmap to explore this expansion on Linux and Steam Deck.
Embarking on a Worldly Journey with Cartography: The expansive universe of Melvor has always been intriguing. But Melvor Idle: Atlas of Discovery ups the ante by letting players chart unknown territories. The Cartography skill enables us to uncover hidden parts of the World Map. Which also promises new realms and mysteries.
Dive into Melvor’s Secrets with Archaeology: With the Archaeology skill, we can dig up artifacts, each more potent than the last. Due to uncover age-old relics and understanding the world's deep history!
Battling Challenges with Finesse: Sharpen those combat skills! A myriad of new challenges await you – new Combat Areas, Slayer Areas, and Dungeons are full of 46 distinct monsters. Each more challenging than the last. Plus, with the Barrier Mechanic and Unholy Prayers, you have unique techniques to take them head-on.
Gearing Up for Adventure: To face these new challenges in Melvor Idle: Atlas of Discovery, we need the best equipment. And this expansion adds more equipment slots like the Gem Slot to a whole new tier of combat gear. Along with adorable pets to accompany them on their journey?
Melvor Idle: Atlas of Discovery Expansion Deep Drive Livestream
Crafting and Concocting: With additions in Woodcutting, Mining, Herblore, and other crafting skills. There are even more ways to refine our talents in Melvor Idle: Atlas of Discovery. From forging items in Smithing to brewing unique potions, there's a ton of hands-on things to do.
Magical Ventures: Astrology, magic spells, auroras, curses - the magic realm is full of excitement. Whether you're casting Ancient Magicks spells or harnessing the power of Alt Magic, there's a surge of mystical energy with Melvor Idle: Atlas of Discovery.
Stretching Your Limbs: For those who have a penchant for agility, three new obstacles await. Challenge yourself, hone your agility skills, and witness the evolution of your character's abilities!
Enhancing Skills and Tasks: In Melvor Idle: Atlas of Discovery, the Shop now boasts skill upgrades to give that extra edge. Plus 20 Township Tasks provide variety and objectives to chase. These not only test one's mettle but also ensure a comprehensive and rewarding experience.
The game takes inspiration from RuneScape. Due to capture the essence of what made RuneScape a beloved title for many. It simplifies the vast universe into a more accessible yet equally playable format. With over 20 skills to master, rich combat dynamics, and challenging dungeons. It's certainly an adventure worth delving into. Melvor Idle: Atlas of Discovery is not just another addition; it's a big upgrade to game. With countless avenues to explore, skills to master, and challenges to conquer. This expansion launch with a fresh view, ensuring that our adventures in Melvor remain exciting and evolving. Priced at $4.99 USD / £4.29 / 4,99€ on Steam. Along with support for Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC.
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deathleadsarc · 1 year
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important characters and places |
Alfons. Sahar. Frida. Kreszentia. Zahir. Eleonore. Heinrich. Hildebrand. Ludwig. Felix. Charlotte. Bartholomäus. Wolfram. Raffaela. Salim. Baldur. currently living children.
Seraphina. toddler. Wilhelm. 75. overseeing and teaching other relatives of the original Hawthorne children.
The Eldest Living Son of the Hurricane and Belladonna, Wilhelm James Hawthorne. Aged 75. Current speaker and head alchemist for the order of Atropa ― a society of alchemists born from the love of alchemy, working towards a greater answer in life. Protecting one another from the pursuit of the King's Knights. Founded by the firstborn son of the Hurricane and Belladonna ― Alfons, born in early winter of 1510, only a few years after his mothers escape from the King's Castle.
The order is primarily run by members of Qistina and Atlas' lineage and is found in England, but there are few trusted individuals allowed to take refuge from all across the world. Students unrelated to that ancient alchemist or the children who hold titles and power so beyond the normal human being. members are distinct by their violently red eyes and lightly colored hair, along with the curiously drawn line around the wrists ( and transmutation circle upon the palms ). They live to learn. They learn to continue living.
Jack Hawthorne. The youngest living grandchild of Wilhelm, currently a member of Atropa. he's barely 23 and takes after his great-grandmother. He was born in 2000 and his name is Jack Hawthorne. He'll be one of the muses featured alongside Qistina on the new blog, but I still have to color him.
Chamai. is a name from Zimbabwe that means 'belonging to mother', he is nearly 108. very frail but sprightly in his movements. an alchemist with stark white hair and deeply deeply dark skin, white freckles scatter across his face and body like stars across a night sky. And yes, red eyes. His voice is just as frail and shaky, but filled with kindness. Chamai is the first adult to show her genuine concern and compassion. he taught her the basics of Alchemy.
The Atropa manor is vast and filled as if trapped in the edwardian era, despite its continued use since the 1700's. A greater explanation of this manor will come along in due-time, but be for certain: There IS a large painting of Qistina and Atlas with their first-born Alfons in the manor's largest room - the foyer. Many other paintings and photographs of Qistina and Atlas' children and relatives litter the manor as well, with no signs of aging from the ancient couple.
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