#vaz gaming
For the Sentence Starters... I went with one from each category but feel free to pick the one that speaks to you the most. Or throw in all three, whatever works! Angst: 7, Fluff: 12, Misc: 1 💖
These come from this ask game! (If anyone else has more prompts for me, send them my way! I'm enjoying these ones a lot!)
Angst 7: Don't you ever do that again!
John felt a pair of hands collide roughly with his back, sending him staggering forward several steps. "What were you thinking?" a voice barked from behind him.
He turned slowly. "You're having a moment, Petty Officer," he answered coldly.
Linda-058, a woman known for her calm in the most adverse conditions known the humankind, regarded him with a vitriolic sneer. "No, Master Chief," she countered hotly, "it just appears that you forgot to switch your brain on today."
John crossed his arms over his chest. "You've clearly got something to say to me, Spartan. Say it."
"Oh, cut it," Linda barked. Her reactions were past the line of insubordination at this point, but he would let it slide. "You nearly got yourself killed today," the sniper continued, her temper burning to match her bright red hair. "Spare me the stoicism, Chief. You need to screw your head back on straight."
The Master Chief cocked his head to one side. She was right... he had nearly gotten killed earlier. But it was for the mission. From his perspective, sacrificing himself would have been a valuable trade for a successful mission.
Linda, evidently, disagreed.
The female Spartan glared daggers at John, her chest heaving under the weight of her rage. Finally, she dropped her gaze to the floor. "I thought I lost you," she confessed, her voice whisper-quiet. "It was... it was the worst moment of my life."
Suddenly it felt as though someone had stuck a knife in John's side and twisted. He looked at the barely disguised pain on Linda's face and realized what his action might have done to her. It wasn't a pretty thing to confront.
"I'm... I'm sorry," he said, the apology feeling foreign on his lips. He was a commander. The commander of the greatest soldiers in human history. Asking forgiveness was not something he often found himself doing. But for Linda... it was worth it. "I didn't realize."
He took a few slow, awkward steps forward. His hand landed gently on her arm. She wouldn't be able to feel his grip through her armor, but he hoped it made some difference.
Linda huffed out a sigh. Finally she lifted her eyes to meet his. "Just... don't ever do that again," she said firmly.
John wanted to tell her that he would do it again if the situation ever called for it. That he had to be ready to make the ultimate sacrifice at all times... that they all did.
Instead, he nodded. "I won't do it again," he promised. It was probably a lie. She knew that. But it was what she needed to hear at that moment.
Linda let out the breath she had accidentally been holding. She leaned forward and rested her forehead against his. "Good," she breathed. Then she lifted her eyes to stare at him from beneath her lashes. "Because if you do, I'll bring you back to life just to kill you myself," she challenged.
John grinned. That was a threat he could live with.
Fluff 12: He's so pretty I think I'm going to faint.
Serin Osman settled into the chair with a tired sigh. The massive woman across the table stared at a fixed point on the wall behind her, her face a somewhat adorable approximation of a pout. "Talk to me, Spartan," the captain said firmly. "Something's obviously wrong."
Naomi-010 dropped her head into her hands. "I don't know what's wrong with me," she groaned. "I can't focus, I can't sleep... it's like I'm possessed. This has never happened before."
Serin sat up straighter in her chair. This kind of fatigue was important to meet head-on when dealing with long-term missions behind enemy lines. "What's distracting you?" she asked in a measured tone.
As she waited for Naomi's answer, Serin's mind immediately began processing potential causes. Burnout - unlikely, but possible. Survivor's guilt - given the number of Spartan casualties of the past few months, a much higher probability. Exhaustion - the most likely by far.
Naomi pulled in a shaky breath before finally answering in a quiet voice; "Vaz."
Serin blinked. Then she blinked again. "Come again?" she asked, smoothing out her uniform in an attempt to disguise her mounting confusion.
The Spartan didn't lift her head from her hands. "Corporal Beloi," she confirmed, sounding absolutely miserable. "I can't stop thinking about him. I feel like I'm going insane.
Captain Osman did her best not to let a smirk show on her face. She suddenly didn't feel quite so bad about her own flirtations with Sergeant Geffen. "Is there something going on between you two?" she asked, trying to broach the topic carefully to avoid shutting the Spartan down.
Naomi shook her head vehemently. "No. At least... I don't think so." Finally, she lifted her eyes to look at Serin. "That's the problem though. I want there to be." Then she dropped her head back to the table with an audible thunk. "He's so pretty," she said pathetically. "I think I'm going to faint."
Now Serin couldn't keep the smile off her face. She didn't even try. To her credit, she at least didn't laugh out loud.
"What do I do?" Naomi asked, her voice muffled by the table she had shoved her face into.
Serin gently reached out and carefully patted the back of Naomi's hand, doing the most comforting thing she could think of at the moment. "Well... there's only one thing you really can do," she said slowly. Naomi lifted her face. There was hope in her eyes. "The next time we make port somewhere, buy him a drink," Serin proposed.
Naomi dropped her head again. "I was afraid you would so that," she moaned.
Misc. 1: All I do is drink coffee and say bad words.
"So, what do you do for fun?"
Senator Chuchi - Riyo, he reminded himself again - had such a light way of speaking. Like her words could just up and float away if they wanted to. She was wandering around Fox's office, trying to act as though the Spartan accommodations were at all interesting.
The clone knew, subconsciously, that the shelves on his office wall were supposed to be for holostills. For souvenirs from planets visited. For keepsakes from friends and family. He didn't have any of those things. So instead he had filled his shelves with extra charge packs, a few thermal detonators, and even the parts to a Z6 Rotary Canon for him to put together whenever the stress was too much to focus on paperwork.
"No time for 'fun,' Ma'am," he responded gruffly. "I have too much work to do."
Riyo circled away from the sparse 'decorations' adorning his walls and turned back to Fox. She reached out to pick up his helmet from where it had been sitting on his desk. Part of him wanted to snap at her. To take the helmet out of her hands and reprimand her for touching the kit of a Marshal Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic.
The rest of him knew that he would never be able to snap at Riyo. She could arm one of those thermal detonators and ask him to sit on it until it exploded for her and his only answer would be, "Yes, thank you."
To say he was in trouble when it came to the Pantoran Senator Riyo Chuchi would be an understatement of mythic proportions.
Riyo's delicate hands ghosted over the painted patterns on his helmet. She'd asked him, once, if the symbols meant anything. They didn't. He just thought that it looked nice. When he'd told her as much, she smiled at him as though that in and of itself meant something. She always smiled at him like that. Like he meant something.
"Come on, Fox," she goaded. There was a smile on her full, perfect lips that tasted like Jogan fruit. "There has to be something that you do for fun."
Fox glanced up at her from his datapad, offering her a rare half-smile. "You've known me long enough to know I don't understand fun, Senator. All I do is drink caf and swear at my troopers."
Riyo drew up to her full height. She wasn't a large woman. He couldn't help but smirk at her attempted intimidation display.
"And you have known me long enough to know that I hate when you call me that, Commander," she said sternly. She was the only person in the galaxy who got away with calling him by his name more frequently than by his rank.
For some reason, he hated it when she called him by his rank. It sounded wrong.
Riyo regarded him with a stern expression for several seconds before giving in and smiling again. "Well... we'll just have to find something fun for you, then," she said carefully. "Next time maybe I'll bring a board game along."
No matter how often they did this - which was almost daily - Fox couldn't help but worry it would be the last time. He felt an excited thrill tremble down his spine as she spoke so casually about next time.
Judging by the softening smile on her face, Riyo seemed to be reading his thoughts. She did that a lot. Sometimes he was convinced that she was a Jedi... or maybe he really just wore his heart on his sleeve. Or his face, as it were. Either way, Riyo was suddenly standing very close to him, her citrus-scented shampoo that she had used every day since he complimented it in passing once filling his nostrils and her hands delicately meshing in his black hair.
The first two fingers of one hand rested on the point of his chin, and she turned his face toward her. His eyes slid shut automatically, and then her lips were on his. They were soft, and full, and perfect. Just like the rest of her. She lingered longer than was strictly necessary - as if any of this were strictly necessary - and Fox soaked up every second he possibly could.
Finally, Riyo drew back. "I have to get going," she said, her eyes wide and vulnerable and sad. She always looked sad when she had to go. It broke his heart... but it also filled him with something else. A happier feeling. Pride, maybe, that such a perfect creature could possibly miss him.
"I'll miss you," he breathed. The words slipped out by accident, but he didn't retract them. What would be the point? They were true. He missed her every moment she wasn't around.
Riyo smiled, and it was more powerful than the light of Coruscant's star stabbing through the planet's ever-present toxic cloud cover. He basked in that light. Sometimes it felt more important to him than oxygen. "I'll miss you too," she sighed, her words barely audible.
Then she kissed him again. Then she was gone. She paused in the doorway, turning over her shoulder to say, "I'll see you tomorrow, Fox."
The door slid shut behind her. Once it did, and he was sure that no one could see him, Fox let a full-fledged smile fill his face.
He couldn't wait.
Thanks for the prompts! This was fun. Also thanks to @thefinaljediknight and @helix-studios117 for helping me decide which pairings to use! I'm also tagging @makowrites because there's some Vaz/Naomi going on and I'd hate to think she missed that.
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vazaez · 1 year
for the doodle request, a youtuber/streamer you like
I'm not much of watching streamers or anything and the youtubers i watch post tops or icebergs so uhhh Idk if you meant in general or gamers but!!! I really liked this spaniard woman and her friends when i was younger, i liked all of the group but for some reason i had a preference for the vids posted by her n i actually projected a lot into her in that fase of my life (i was in my not-like-other-girls-fase lmao and I hung around with a group of dudes bcs we were the weirdos of the class so i saw us a lot in these guys)
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I specially liked their Minecraft vids
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megalony · 14 days
A Family Gathering
As promised, here is a new Eddie Diaz imagine, I'd love to do a follow up to this if anyone is interested.
Please let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Part 2
Summary: (Y/n) and Eddie are close to their due date with their twins. But when they go to a family meal with her siblings and parents, it doesn't go as planned and family secrets are revealed.
(Reader is Buck and Maddie's sister)
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The knocking at the door brought (Y/n) out of her trance and she leaned forward, lowering her head down towards the sink that she was leaning heavily against. Her lower back arched out, trying to relieve the pain in her back that felt like it was snapping in three different places, all at once.
Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes and she couldn't stop them from falling down her face as her nails started to scratch against the porcelean sink.
A twinge rolled through her back and her knees bent forward into the sink that felt like (Y/n) was about to rip it off the wall.
It took more effort than (Y/n) would of liked for her to open her eyes and it caused more tears to trickle down her face which she hastily brushed aside. She didn't want Chris to notice she had been crying, it would only panic him and that wasn't fair.
She tried to straighten up but the movement caused her spine to click oddly and send a loud crack through the air which had her quivering on the spot.
One hand moved to her lower back and the other pushed up off the sink that had been keeping her upright for a while now.
(Y/n) danced her eyes around the bathroom for the rest of the clothes she had brought in with her.
"Mum," Chris knocked again, followed by a giggle that almost lifted (Y/n)'s heart. She knew he was getting impatient both to use the bathroom and for her to hurry up because Buck was coming over.
He was picking (Y/n) and Eddie up and taking them round to Maddie and Chimney's apartment. Chris knew this, he knew his uncle wasn't going to see him for long and he knew Carla would be round anytime now so she could babysit him for the evening. But Chris was still excited to see his uncle even for a few minutes and he had a few games picked out for him and Carla to play tonight.
"I'm coming, just- just one minute."
Her legs quivered when she slowly eased down to sit on the toilet so she could get dressed without falling over. She kicked the lounge set she had stole from Eddie this morning to one side. The shorts had been a little uncomfy because they didn't stretch properly over her stomach anymore, but there was very little that still fit (Y/n) these days.
She reached out for her maternity leggings and when she stood up, she grumbled to herself and raked them upwards until they were over her underwear.
They didn't feel as comfy as they used to. Not now her stomach yet again seemed to stretch and grow in the last week. There was less than two weeks left until (Y/n)'s due date and she was becoming restless. Her stomach was bigger than ever, the twins were twisting and kicking and moving all the time and making it so hard for (Y/n) to try and sleep or sit down without any discomfort.
And now her back ache seemed to triple in the last two weeks and she didn't know what to do with herself.
She dragged the leggings as high around her bump as she could before she reached out for her dress. Another maternity dress that (Y/n) wasn't fond of wearing. It had been alright in the beginning, but now most of her dresses looked strange and just made her look an odd, rounded shape. (Y/n) had been living in Eddie's clothes these last two months but even his clothes were starting to become tight.
Tears welled up in her eyes again when she dragged the dress down over her bump.
This wouldn't do.
(Y/n) wasn't going to a family meal looking like this. She looked like a strawberry. An oddly shaped, deformed strawberry, thin on the top and wide around the middle.
Her back strained as she grumbled and fought to get the dress off again. She looped it over her arm and grabbed the loungewear set she had worn all afternoon.
When she finally opened the bathroom door, Chris grinned cheesily and flashed his teeth up at her. He wormed his arms around her and gave her a hug, nuzzling his face into her bump before they switched places and he headed into the bathroom.
Her hand pressed against the wall, using it as leverage to get herself further down the hall towards the bedroom. She had only just got up and already she wanted to sit back down again. She just wanted to sit down and try and get some sleep which had been evading her for the last week or so. (Y/n) had never had to take so may naps during the day as she did now to catch up on all the sleep she lost when she couldn't get comfy at night.
Something soft formed on her lips when she headed into the bedroom and looked over at Eddie.
He was stood in front of the mirror, buckling up his belt and tucking his shirt into his high-waisted jeans that fit snugly over his waist.
(Y/n) liked the shirt he was wearing. He had a light beige button up shirt on that looked a size too small for him. It stuck to his shoulders like glue, tensed and bunched up around the elbows whenever he flexed his arms and his chest was straining against the buttons that looked like they were about to pop. But he looked good.
His head turned in her direction and he quirked a brow as he looked her up and down. Stood there near the bed in her leggings and her bra and most of her stomach exposed for his flooded eyes to drink in and observe.
"Are you going like that?" He danced his eyes up and down her frame while he turned away from the mirror to face her instead.
"The dress didn't look right, think I'll have to raid you instead."
She tossed them in the hamper and looked in the wardrobe for a shirt that would look half decent on her and not make her look a fool or like a football. Her eyes locked on a dark navy blue button up and she swiped it from the wardrobe, smothering a groan as she clicked her spine into place, again, and dragged the shirt over her head.
"Oh no." Her head tilted to one side as she tried her best to wriggle into the shirt.
A quiet grumble left her lips and she felt like crying again when she tried to stretch the shirt over her large bump. When she pulled the shirt down, she gasped as the top few buttons popped undone. These kind of shirts used to hang off (Y/n)'s frame and stretch down to her thighs. Not anymore. Eddie's clothes always used to be loose because her husband was taller and broader than her. But now his clothes didn't stretch over her bump anymore.
She tried again to pull it down a bit more but the buttons kept popping open.
Her lower lip sucked between her teeth to stop herself from crying as she undid the buttons at the bottom of the shirt and stretched it down before doing up the buttons near her chest. It would be better to let her stomach be on show rather than her cleavage, and she had her leggings pulled up as high as she could get them.
She fiddled and pulled the shirt to try and cover her cleavage, but she paused and held her breath when a pair of arms circled around her waist.
"Looking good." Eddie murmured, punctuating his words with a kiss against her shoulder and travelling his lips up to the side of her neck.
He slid his hands beneath her shirt and danced his fingers across her stomach and beneath her leggings that were pulled up near her belly button. His words made (Y/n) smile but she didn't quite believe him. She didn't feel like she looked good when her leggings were getting tight, her dresses didn't look right on her anymore and even Eddie's clothes were starting to become too small for her.
"Hm, I don't think so."
"Why not?"
The genuine disappointment in Eddie's voice had (Y/n) shivering and she leaned her head back on his shoulder, pressing her forehead against his neck. She felt him lean his cheek on top of her head while his elbows pressed into her waist so his arms could squeeze her lovingly into his chest.
"Look at me, I can't even wear your clothes anymore." Her hands travelled down to hold Eddie's wrists and she lifted her head from his shoulder when Eddie leaned forward into her.
He nudged the collar of her shirt out his way, moving his pointed chin across her shoulder so he could pepper kisses across the front of her neck, feeling each shallow breath she took.
"I am looking, and I love what I see." He punctuated each word with a kiss up and down her neck before he lifted his chin and connected their lips. She felt him murmur "All my girls," against her lips and his hands pressed into her stomach as if to reassure her and punctuate his words even further.
They broke apart when they both heard Chris's excited squeal of "Carla's here!" and the sound of his footsteps clamouring down the hall to go and let her in. That was good. That meant that whenever Buck arrived, they could head off to Maddie's house.
(Y/n) wasn't ready. As much as she loved her big sister and her twin brother, it wasn't just them that they were having dinner with.
Their parents would be there.
Their parents had made the trip down since (Y/n) was a week away from her due date and Maddie had two months left before she would be ready to have her baby. This would be the first time they had seen their parents in over a year, the first time both sisters would see and interact with them since being pregnant.
And (Y/n) knew just what their mother would be like. Insufferable. She would be nit picking at any little thing she could, commenting on (Y/n) choice of clothing, how big she looked now, if she had decided to have a home birth or a hospital birth. Anything she didn't approve of would be outspoken and (Y/n) wasn't ready for that.
It was why Chris wasn't coming along with them tonight, it was just a small family gathering and (Y/n) didn't want him there in case her parents said anything out of order or upset him.
They barely acknowledged him as their grandson and they weren't so keen on him calling (Y/n) his mum because biologically, she wasn't. But they couldn't understand that (Y/n) loved him as her own and Chris thought of her as his real mum.
"Do you really think I look okay? You know what they're like." (Y/n) glanced towards the mirror before she looked over her shoulder at her husband.
He didn't look phased or disapproving and all she could see in his eyes was love and a while lot of lust.
His hands continued to roam across her stomach and as if to prove his silent point, he rolled her shirt up so it bunched beneath her bra, exposing her stomach to his eyes.
"Mi amor, you look beautiful… although I'd prefer you without these on." He gave a sharp tug on her shirt and pulled the elastic waistband on her leggings so they snapped back on her hips. Not enough to hurt, but enough to send an electric jolt through her nerves.
"Eddie…" (Y/n) latched her fingers into his hair when he shifted round to stand in front of her.
Her head tilted to one side and she watched with a quickening heartbeat as Eddie's eyes clouded over. Her fingers dragged through his wavy curls and her other hand clamped down on his shoulder while he roamed his hands across her stomach and round her hips. She tightened her fingers in his hair when she felt him try to drag down the hem of her leggings.
If he started this game they wouldn't end up leaving on time, and her brother was going to be round at any moment.
Her weight shifted from foot to foot when Eddie started a trail of kisses along her stomach and she could of cried when she heard him muttering 'beautiful' between each kiss.
Eddie grumbled quietly against (Y/n)'s stomach but his lips curved into a wide smirk when he felt a kick beneath his lips. He pressed a few more butterfly kisses against her skin, running his fingertips across her hips before he pushed to stand back up to his normal height.
His fingers glided up her sides and he stole a kiss while he slowly pulled her shirt back down from where it was bunched beneath her bra. He much preferred the sight of her without anything on and he wanted nothing more than to strip her down here and now in the bedroom. But they both knew they had no time for that. Not now, not yet.
He stole a feverish kiss from her lips, inhaling every ounce of air she had in her lungs and (Y/n) could barely see when his fingers brushed beneath her chin and his thumb swiped across her lips when they parted.
(Y/n) moved her hands to her hair, fiddling to put it into a bobble while she slowly followed Eddie out the bedroom.
Once her hair was up, (Y/n) trailed one hand along the wall and pressed the other to her lower back. She couldn't move very fast these days, not when her back was throbbing and her stomach was weighing her down. She constantly felt like she needed to walk doubled over to ease the pain in her back and let her stomach hang forward like it clearly wanted to.
The twins were weighing her down and (Y/n) was desperate for her body to go into labour. She was close to her due date now. The midwife had warned her that she might go into early labour since she was having a multiple pregnancy.
She and Eddie had been on red alert since she hit thirty three weeks, but she was almost thirty nine weeks now and she hadn't gone into labour yet.
Eddie kept saying the girls were clearly too happy and comfy to meet them.
While Eddie headed into the dining room where Chris and Carla were, (Y/n) aimed for the living room. She wanted to sit down, again. She got one foot into the living room before the doorbell rang and had her groaning and turning in the other direction towards the hall.
"Chris, Buck's here." She could hear Chris dropping whatever was in his hands onto the table and she knew she heard Eddie moving about, but (Y/n) was closer to the door than the boys.
As predicted, when (Y/n) opened the door, it was her brother standing there on the other side. With a bright smile and sunglasses pushed up into his hairline now that he was on the doorstep to his second home.
"Come in." (Y/n) shuffled out the way and beckoned Buck inside, noticing the smirk on his lips when he looked up and down her attire. She knew she looked far from her best, doubled forward and tiredness clearly written on her face. When she noticed him raise a brow, she looked down and gave her shirt another tug so it covered her stomach a bit more.
"Are we ready for a family gathering?" He headed inside when (Y/n) moved out the way but he stayed close.
"No." (Y/n) grumbled, binding her arms around her waist while Chris pelted forward and barelled into Buck. She leaned back into Eddie when he stood behind her with his arms around her and his lips pressed against the back of her head.
She just wanted tonight to go smoothly and swiftly, but (Y/n) had a feeling tonight wouldn't go well at all.
(Y/n) closed her eyes and leaned her head back until she could tuck her face into Eddie's neck. She felt his arm loop around the back of her shoulders, holding her against his chest while he put his drink back down on his table and wormed his other arm around her waist.
His lips pressed to the top of her head and his hand feathered up and down her stomach while he glanced around the apartment. Out of them all here, Chimney seemed the most relaxed. Both twins were uneasy, they never knew how to act when they were around their parents. And Maddie seemed uncomfortable now the attention was on her. As for Eddie, he didn't get along well with Phillip and Margaret. Not after a family meal went wrong a year ago just before he and (Y/n) got married. And Eddie ended up raising his voice at Margaret after the way she spoke to (Y/n) and then subsequently told Phillip to fuck off.
They were being civil now because they both knew they had been in the wrong and they were trying to patch things up now both their daughters were about to become mothers.
Eddie was part of the family and if they wanted (Y/n) to stay in their lives, they had to accept Eddie too.
"You okay?" He whispered against the shell of her ear and pecked the side of her head.
"Stiff… give me a push?" She pushed forward, one hand on the table and the other on Eddie's thigh. Her lips curved into a smile when both Eddie's hands moved to her hips and he kissed the back of her neck, carefully helping her up to her feet.
Dinner had tasted great but the atmosphere had been a little tense. No one knew what to say or how to act and now, (Y/n) just wanted to go home. She wanted to curl up in bed with Eddie and try to get a proper night sleep.
Once she was up, (Y/n) gave Eddie's shoulder a squeeze and leaned over to kiss the top of his head. She felt his hand linger on her hip while she rounded the table and slowly padded into the kitchen to get another drink.
Her elbows dug into the kitchen counter and she arched out her lower back, smothering a groan when one of the twins started kicking. She wondered if her mum had been in this much discomfort when she was pregnant with her and Buck. Their mum never spoke about when she had them or when they were little, the only thing she used to say was she had them by C-section and that Buck had been perfectly healthy. While (Y/n) had a few problems to begin with.
"Are you good?"
A soft smile pulled at (Y/n)'s lips and she nodded when she felt Maddie's hand on her lower back and then her sister's chin was perched on her shoulder.
Maddie was the mother (Y/n) and Buck always wished they had. She was the one who patched them up and taught them to ride their bikes, she took them to appointments and walked them home from school and helped them with their homework. She gave them the unconditional love their parents didn't know how to give.
Sometimes when she was a teen, (Y/n) thought about telling people she didn't have any parents. She thought about saying that she was raised by her big sister because in a way, she was. It felt like life would have been better if she and Buck cut all ties with their parents rather than continuing to try and win their love and affection when it never worked.
"Yeah, just a bit of back ache, I'm good."
"Not long now." Maddie whispered, giving (Y/n)'s arm a squeeze just as their mother walked into the kitchen.
It wouldn't be long now and (Y/n) would have her two girls, then Maddie would have her daughter and they would all have a bigger extended family together. They would raise their three girls together and make sure all of them had a different, more stable and loving upbringing than the Buckley kids ever had.
"Maybe you should try straightening your posture honey, walking like this won't help you."
A tight-lipped smile grimaced on (Y/n)'s lips as she nodded but stayed leaning over the counter. She felt comfier and more at ease leaning over like this and (Y/n) didn't care about her posture. She felt weighed down and she would do whatever necessary to try and feel more at ease.
Eddie never said anything about her posture. He was forever wrapping his arms around her and holding her stomach up or lying with her and trying to find different positions that relieved her back ache and made her feel better.
"What are you wearing, honey?" Margaret danced her eyes up and down (Y/n)'s frame while (Y/n) slowly straightened up now she felt a bit better.
"Eddie's shirt." She shrugged and took another gulp of her drink but the way her mum narrowed her eyes and looked at her made (Y/n) shiver.
"Maybe you should try some bigger clothes, ones that actually fit… you are quite big now."
She was sure Margaret tried to reach out to rub her stomach but before she could, Eddie was in the way. His jaw was locked tight and his eyes were narrowed while his brows furrowed. He took a deep breath and walked up behind the girls, his hands on (Y/n)'s waist and his lips against her temple.
He kept his left hand on (Y/n)'s hip and his chest pressed into hers, her bump hidden between them so Margaret couldn't get too close. He reached around (Y/n) for one of the beer bottles on the counter behind her before he turned to look at his mother in law.
"It's almost as if we're having twins." He deadpanned, about to say something else until he felt (Y/n)'s hands on his chest and her lips kissing the side of his neck.
"Eddie," She murmured softly into his neck, a quiet warning sign for him not to start a fight right here and now.
"Let's sit down." Maddie's voice broke the tension in the air and she motioned her hands towards the living room where Chimney, Buck and Phillip were all sat with a drink each.
Eddie's arm looped around (Y/n)'s waist and he followed behind her, his lips stuck to the top of her head as he held both their drinks in his free hand. He took a quick look around the living room, debating where they should sit so they wouldn't have to be right next to Margaret who liked to cause arguments recently.
He took note of Phillip sitting in the armchair in the far corner and Buck was on the end of the sofa nearest to his dad. With that in mind, Eddie headed over to the sofa and sat down next to his brother in law and put their drinks on the coffee table. But when (Y/n) went to sit next to him, he shook his head.
He shuffled back and sat up straight, parting his legs with a smile that had (Y/n)'s skin heating up and made her heart add in two extra beats.
(Y/n) felt Eddie's hands on her waist and she pressed one hand onto his thigh while Buck reached out and held her left hand to help her sit down without breaking eye contact or conversation with their dad.
Both Eddie's arms circled around her middle so his hands could spread out across her stomach and his knees pressed into her thighs. Lovingly squeezing her into his embrace.
She felt Buck pat her knee and smile softly over at her while Maddie sank down on (Y/n)'s right next to her and Eddie. And Chimney perched on the arm of the sofa behind Maddie so their mum could sit on the other armchair. It was a bit of a tight fit for them all on the sofa, but they made it work. It was comfortable, cosy.
(Y/n) let herself slouch down into Eddie's chest a little more to try and get comfy and her hands moved down to hold Eddie's wrists. While his hands started to draw aimless patterns up and down her stomach. She knew he was waiting for one of the twins to start kicking or moving around. It seemed to be Eddie's mission to feel every movement during this pregnancy and she couldn't wait to see what he would be like once he finally had their girls in his arms.
"Here, we got you girls a few things."
Her attention turned to the left and she let her cheek flop onto Eddie's shoulder, nuzzling her nose against his shirt while she looked over at her dad.
He got up and came back a few seconds later, placing a few things down on the table in front of each of them.
Something softened in (Y/n)'s eyes as Eddie leaned them both forward so she could reach out and take a look. She caught her sister's eye and both of them shared a smile as they had a look. It was mainly a few baby grows, ranging from Winnie The Pooh to blushing pink, with a few teddies in the mix.
(Y/n) handed a few across to Buck so he could look through and held them up so Eddie could see. Although his chin was already perched on her shoulder so he could take a look.
"Thank you."
"These are so sweet," Maddie folded the clothes back up once she and Chimney had taken a look through before she reached out to look at the teddy bears.
The eldest Buckley sibling couldn't help but notice there were more personalised items in her pile than in her sister's. The onesies Maddie had said things like 'mummy's girl' or 'Granny's little star' and there was a rattle and a Winnie the Pooh bear. Whereas the onesies (Y/n) had were plain except for the one Pooh Bear one she had seen, and there weren't any rattles or bibs and only three teddies.
She tried not to overthink but when she looked at her younger sister, (Y/n) had already put the presents back down on the table. If she had noticed the differences, she wasn't letting it show. And something told Maddie the twins had both noticed, judging by the way (Y/n) snuggled further into Eddie and how Buck ran his hand up and down his freshly shaved jaw, hiding his displeasure.
"I can't believe it, three grandkids at once. You're first kids," Margaret reached across and ran her hand up and down Maddie's knee but she looked across at Buck when he scoffed.
"Chris is your first grandkid."
"Come on Buck, he doesn't count." Eddie muttered quietly, reaching across to grab his beer bottle and take a long swig. He wasn't bothered because Chris didn't care. He didn't think of (Y/n)'s parents as his grandparents. He had Eddie's mum and dad and he had (Y/n) as his mum and another aunt in Maddie and a great uncle in Buck. He didn't want or need anyone else.
And it wasn't as if Margaret and Phillip were around often anyway, they were barely parents to (Y/n) and Buck as it was. The twins didn't care about having a relationship with them anymore.
(Y/n) had her siblings, she had Eddie and Chris and now she had her daughters. She didn't need anyone else and Bobby and Athena seemed to have taken Buck and her under their wing and accepted them as part of their family so all in all, the twins had parents with Bobby and Athena.
"Evan, I meant that this is their first pregnancies, and both at the same time, it's so lovely." Margaret tried to smile before her eyes locked with (Y/n) and something flashed over her face. "Oh, well, the first pregnancy that's worked out, hm?"
Eddie's shoulders tensed and pulled upwards as he slammed his beer bottle back down on the coffee table.
"Jesus Christ." Anger seeped into his voice that was gritty and hard but oddly quiet.
(Y/n) could feel him tensing up behind her, one hand still on her stomach while the other hand dragged through his hair. He leaned forward, tugging (Y/n) back into his chest because he could feel the tremor that shuddered through her system. And his lips pressed against the back of her head, breathing into her hair to try and calm himself down.
"Mum!" Buck barked and leaned his elbow on the arm rest, propping his head up on his hand as he shook his head in anger.
How could she be that rude and inconsiderate? How could she not see that saying something like that was hurtful and would easily upset both (Y/n) and Eddie? That wasn't the kind of thing she should say, especially not to her daughter when she was almost nine months pregnant.
Part of (Y/n) wished they'd never agreed to come here tonight, it wasn't worth the hassle of being around their parents. And the other part of her wished Maddie never told their parents about the miscarriage she had not long after she and Eddie got engaged.
But (Y/n) had been twenty weeks along when she miscarried and by then Maddie had just told their parents the good news that (Y/n) would be the first of the three siblings to have a baby.
"Alright, alright let's not start arguing." Phillip held his hands out in front of them to try and calm the room down while Chimney sat forward on the arm rest.
"Uh, what's in that box over there?" Chimney pointed across towards the pale cream box he could see near the window. Maybe that would prove to be a great distraction for them all and lead them back onto a more pleasant talk for the evening.
"Oh," Margaret seemed to become animated again and she got up to retrieve the box that had Maddie written in cursive writing across the top with glittered letters. "The baby box I made when we had Maddie, here. I thought you might like it, maybe you could make one for your little girl."
A tremor tore through (Y/n) when she looked at the box and she couldn't help but push back into Eddie who gripped her tighter. He leaned his head round to look at her, wondering what was wrong, but he could read her expression like a book he knew off by heart.
All night while they had been here and the other infrequent times her parents had been down while she and Maddie had been pregnant, they had been more pleased for Maddie than for (Y/n). They asked Maddie questions, they wanted to keep copies of her scan photos and know if she had names and see the nursery all sorted out.
Whereas with (Y/n), they seemed to play along like they were feigning interest. Eddie knew it hurt. He knew no matter how much of a brave face (Y/n) tried to wear, it upset her to know she and Buck had to fight for attention that Maddie got without question.
(Y/n) rested her head back on Eddie's shoulder and closed her eyes, looping both hands around his bicep as she looked at her sister. She didn't want to look in the box. (Y/n) didn't want to know what little treasures their mum had kept from when Maddie was little.
But when she felt her twin lean over with one hand on her arm and the other rummaging through the box, she knew Buck felt it too. The slight displacement they had suffered through all their lives.
"That's so cool, did you bring ours?"
One little look at her mum was enough to cause a callous smile to cross (Y/n)'s face and she couldn't hide the tears welling up in her eyes.
"We don't have one Buck. Do we?"
Both parents stayed quiet, sharing a few looks with each other while Buck gripped (Y/n)'s arm and leaned closer to her as if to comfort his twin. He could feel her heart breaking and it made his own chest tighten like he was about to have a heart attack.
(Y/n) wasn't sure what Eddie was about to whisper in her ear when he kissed her neck, but he didn't get chance to say when (Y/n) looked at her sister. She noticed Maddie trying to scrunch up a picture and slide it beneath her leg, something she always did when she was trying to hide something. Whether it was a bad report card she didn't want their parents seeing or a party invite she was trying to hide from the twins to make a big surprise.
She uncurled one hand from Eddie's bicep and snatched the picture before Maddie had chance to stuff it under her leg or the sofa.
She recognised that red bike.
It was the one they used to have in the garage, the one that presumably had been Maddie's when she was younger because their mother kept it even when Maddie outgrew it. She wouldn't allow the twins to touch it, let alone try and learn how to ride a bike with that red, tattered old thing.
But that wasn't Buck on the bike. (Y/n) knew what her twin looked like as a child, and this wasn't him. And when she turned the picture round and saw the date on the back, she noticed it was over a year before the twins had even been born.
"Who is that?"
Eddie peered over her shoulder and Buck leaned over her arm to get a look, but when he looked at their parents, both of them had gone as white as paper. Tears were welling up in their mother's eyes and their dad was scratching the back of his neck, a nervous habit he had never been able to hide.
It was the tears in Maddie's eyes that had both twins on edge. Why was she covering her mouth and trying not to cry? Why was she looking at them with such sorrow like that?
"We, um… we had him two years after Maddie. He had leukaemia, he, he passed when you were only babies."
Every thought possible swirled round in (Y/n)'s head as she felt both her brother's hands on her shoulders like he didn't believe what he was hearing. This couldn't be possible. Why wouldn't they tell them? Why would they keep such a secret? Why would they keep this all to themselves? Were the twins not worthy of knowing they had a big brother they never got to meet?
"Wh- no, no. No you never told us- why wouldn't you tell us something like this? Why wouldn't you acknowledge him around us?" Buck's voice grew louder and louder with each word as his head snapped from left to right, trying to look between his parents who he didn't recognise right now.
There was no plausible explanation for hiding something like this. If Buck ever had kids and God forbid he lost one, he wouldn't erase them from existence and pretend they never happened. They had never celebrated Daniel's birthday. They never had pictures of him in the house- there were hardly any pictures of the twins in the house as it was. No one uttered his name or had any memory of him in the house.
"We lost him, Evan. We didn't want to live our lives mourning him-"
"So you chose to forget him?"
"Evan we would never-"
"No, oh no. You… you didn't…" The words wouldn't come out. All (Y/n) could do was let the tears fall from her eyes as she began to shake in Eddie's arms.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Both Eddie's hands moved to her stomach as he sat up straighter behind her and leaned round. Was she having pains? Did she not feel well, was she going to be sick? He couldn't work out what was wrong and neither could Buck who stopped rambling so he could reach out for his sister's hand.
But when Maddie tried to take (Y/n)'s hand, the younger girl shook her off and leaned into Eddie.
"You s-said I wasn't planned, that I- I was the surprise, but Buck wasn't." (Y/n)wiped her eyes but the tears continued to fall. "We were donor babies, weren't we?"
The way Margaret's lower lip wobbled and Phillip refused to look at either of them while he pressed his hands to his mouth secured (Y/n)'s answer.
They were donor babies.
They were designed embryos, made with the exact blood and bone marrow type to match the brother they never knew they had. They were supposed to save him. They weren't wanted, neither of them were born to be wanted or loved or cherished. They were born specifically to save the child their parents did want and they couldn't even do that right.
Everything seemed to slot into place and the more pieces that fitted together, the more (Y/n) started to feel sick and feel bile rising to the back of her throat.
All those times their parents never made a fuss on their birthdays, all those times they barely heard the words 'I love you' unless it was Maddie telling them. Each time they had to get hurt for attention or run away to cause a panic and be shown that they were valued and cherished. Each time (Y/n) asked about when they were born and their mother refused to answer, this was why.
Their mum always used to say that having twins was a surprise. That (Y/n) wasn't planned, she was a surprise since she was the younger twin by five minutes. This was why. They planned to have one more child to save their son but they ended up with (Y/n) too. Neither of them were truly wanted, they were just needed for a short while and then couldn't be returned after they were no longer of use.
This was why the twins always felt disconnected and why there were barely any photos of them growing up. This was why all of the pictures of (Y/n) and Buck as babies were with no one holding them. (Y/n) had been the sick twin, stuck in the hospital for two weeks before coming home and there was only one photo of her in the hospital when she was born.
Did they even visit her when she was sick? Did they check on her, or did they just take what they needed from her and Evan and stay with Daniel the whole time?
"All these years. All this time, we felt so out of place and alone, and this is why. You never wanted us. Did we remind you of him? Did we fail you every day we woke up and he didn't?"
"Evan please, we tried our best-"
"We just wanted you to love us!"
The sheer outburst and the way that Buck bolted up from the sofa sent everyone reeling.
The artery in his neck was close to bursting, his hand was pointing out at his parents and his jaw was grinding tight and about to dislocate. His body was shaking from adrenaline as he glared at them. His parents had lied to him all his life. His big sister who was the only one who loved him, she never told him why he felt so out of place and unloved and misunderstood. The only person he could rely on was his twin and she felt exactly the same as him.
Maddie was leaning into Chimney who had an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side. Margaret was crying into her hands, unable to look away from her son for the first time in a long while, and Phillip was now stood up, running his fingers through his hair as he tried not to breakdown.
And then there was (Y/n). Silently crying, rocking back and forth with Eddie's arms around her and his lips pressed against the back of her head.
"I walk into fire every day of my life because of you. I tried everything to get your approval, to get you to love me, to love us the way you do Maddie, but nothing would ever work. And now I know why, because we failed you."
When Maddie tried again to reach out for her sister, she gasped when (Y/n) all but slapped her touch away.
"You should have t-told us." All those times (Y/n) and Buck asked why their parents didn't pay them any attention or turn up for school plays or listen to them or even love them. Maddie had the answers and she never said anything. She should have told them the moment the twins moved out. She had years to tell them and she never mentioned it. Not once.
(Y/n) ran her hands across her face, brushing the tears away before she moved her hands to Eddie's thighs to push herself up.
"I wanna go home."
She could feel both twins wriggling and waking up and she had to lean forward to ease the pain in her stomach and the horrible twinging pains shooting up and down her spine.
One hand pressed to her stomach and the other reached out for Eddie's shoulder, knowing that if she didn't try and prop herself up she was going to collapse. She didn't want to stay here any longer. (Y/n) wanted to go home. She wanted to leave and be alone with Eddie and be home where she felt safe enough to cry and scream and let everything sink in and wash over her.
She felt Eddie grip her elbow and his other hand moved round to her waist as he stood behind her.
"Guys, you don't have to leave." Chimney pushed up from the sofa along with Maddie who tried to reach out for them. But she pushed back into Chimney, smothering a cry when (Y/n) shook her off and moved away.
"I feel sick… please, take me home." (Y/n) pressed her face into Eddie's arm and shrugged back into him when her dad tried to reach out for her.
Why were they all trying to grab her? Why couldn't they just let her go home? She didn't want to be here. She didn't feel safe here. Maddie lied to her. Their parents lied to them their entire lives and now the twins understood why their parents looked at them the way they did. She wanted to leave.
"Alright baby, we're leaving now."
Eddie moved his hands to (Y/n)'s hips and carefully guided her forward while he felt Buck follow swiftly behind them since he had drove them here. And he wasn't staying here to continue arguing. He didn't want to see his parents again for an indefinite amount of time and he wasn't going to forgive Maddie yet for this. He wanted to be with his twin or be on his own.
Reaching across, Eddie snatched (Y/n)'s bag from the kitchen counter and looped it over his shoulder while Buck grabbed his keys and opened the door.
His hands tightened on (Y/n)'s hips as he leaned around her when (Y/n gripped his wrist tightly and moved her other hand to her stomach as they shuffled out the door. Her lower abdomen was aching. She couldn't help but lean forward once they were in the hall and she felt like crumpling over and sliding down to her knees.
Fright dwelled in Eddie's stomach and pierced through his heart with doses of adrenaline when (Y/n) tilted her head over her shoulder to look up at him. He didn't like the way she tightened her hand around his wrist or how she leaned against the wall while they heard Buck slammed the door closed behind them.
"What? What hurts?" Buck rested one hand on Eddie's shoulder and leaned over them both to try and figure out what was going on. He could see Eddie shaking his head and groaning while (Y/n) pressed her hand against the wall so she didn't go down on her knees.
"Christ. I hope you're not going into labour, mi amor."
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lixzey · 7 months
A snippet from The Name of the Game.
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“What are you, a lesbian?” Sirius asked, frustrated at the girl who had avoided him the whole day.
His words caught you off guard, making you stop in your tracks. Sirius Black has been following you the whole day and you have had enough of him. You turned to face him, raising an eyebrow at his audacity. You had purposefully been avoiding him because of his arrogance, which was becoming tiresome. It had nothing to do with your sexual orientation, which was definitely none of his business.
“What did you just say?” You snapped, your voice laced with annoyance.
“I said, what are you, a lesbian?” Sirius repeated, his tone smug.
You scoffed, unable to believe his ignorance and lack of common sense.
“Don't you think you're just not my type?”
Sirius looked taken aback, the cocky smirk on his lips fading momentarily. He had assumed that every girl would be swooning over him, but you were different. You refused to be swayed by his charm and good looks. But instead of backing down, Sirius became even more determined.
“Come on L/n, tell me, how do I get you? How do I even win you? What’s your secret, huh?”
You were absolutely fed up with him, he was getting on your nerves and it made you want to just punch him, but you decided to play along with his little game.
A mischievous smile played on your lips as you stepped forward, a seductive look in your eyes. You grabbed Sirius' tie, pulling him closer, making him gulp nervously—clearly not expecting you to do that. You stood on your toes, trying to reach his full height.
“Well, that’s a secret I don’t tell little boys.” you whispered in his ear, your warm breath sending shivers down his spine. “The question is, are you man enough to find out?” You let go of his tie and took a step back, a smug smirk that could rival his spread on your lips, before sauntering away.
Sirius stood there, flabbergasted. He had never met a girl like you before, and it was both frustrating and intriguing. You had a confidence and independence that he found both maddening and irresistible. He had never been rejected like this before. He couldn't believe that you were the only person who was immune to his charms.
The plan to make Y/n L/n was a bit harder than he initially thought.
@helens3amstuff @gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @tchalamss @ashlynnmalfoy @imnotoverlyobsessive @crazycat-ladys-blog @michakune @mxltifxnd0m @spencerr3idd @dangelnleif @sthkate @ferrjulie @mel-vaz @elsagreeer @lovely-maryj @meowmeowmau @bobthe-turmpetman29 @saintcosette @ashisabitgay @ladyladybuggg @nyrasunderwrld @lizzxoxo @remussbitch @jadahxx @starrystormwritings @ell0ra-br3kk3r @dreary-salem @drewsandsebastianswife @greenapplegrass @lilianelena39 @danni-phant0m @haybellewrites @cloudlst @ev3ningrain @si4a @ttulipwritezz @bambikitten @bullets-from-another-dimension @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @reg-arcturus-black @abruuinlove @marina468 @3stelar @timhalamet @st4rf00k3r @idli-dosa @jimins15thhair @blacksgarden
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ducktoonsfanart · 12 days
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Donald Duck, Della Duck, Daisy Duck, Gus Goose and Gyro Gearloose's Easter and Birthday Celebration - Donald's Family and Friends - Quack Pack AU - Duckverse
Even though I know it’s past, I wish everyone a happy Easter once again, according to the Julian calendar, as well as the one that has passed, as well as a happy belated birthday to Gyro Gearloose and Gus Goose and happy birthday to my best and favorite character, Donald Duck, who will celebrate his 90th birthday this year! And happy birthday to Daisy and Della Duck, since they are also celebrating their birthday at the same time as Donald Duck. And together with their friends and relatives. And they are present at Donald’s jubilee 90th birthday. I drew as the end of the celebration of the Easter holidays as well as the birthday of my favorite characters.
On June 7, 1940, Donald's classic short “Mr Duck Steps Out” was shown, featuring Daisy Duck for the first time. 9/6/1934 The Classic Short "The Wise Little Hen" was shown and Donald Duck appeared there for the first time. Donald Duck will become one of the main stars of not only Disney, but also cartoon films, comics and video games at all. Certainly there is no need to tell his history. Della Duck is first mentioned in the comic book Donald's Nephews, and then made her first appearance in the 1994 comic strip "The Empire Builder from Calisota" by Don Rosa, from The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. Gyro Gearloose first appeared in the comic "Gladstone's Terrible Secret" published in May 1952 by Carl Barks. On May 18, 1938, in the classic short "Donald's Cousin Gus", Donald's cousin Gus Goose, who always likes to eat, appears for the first time. So I wish everyone a happy birthday. Certainly to all who are Orthodox (especially those who celebrate according to the Julian calendar and who celebrate after the Jewish Passover) who live in Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Armenia, Greece, Serbia, Cyprus, Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Ukraine, Montenegro, North Macedonia and to all Orthodox people living around the world, I wish you a happy Easter! Christ is risen! Христос васкресе!
If someone asks me, yes, it is celebrated differently among the Orthodox and differently among the Catholics and Protestants, so it turned out to be a completely different Easter this year. Don’t worry, there will be a joint Easter next year. So Orthodox Easter fell on this day. The day he was crucified and died, resurrected and defeated death and the devil and proved that there is eternal life for all of us who believe. Glory to Jesus Christ who died for all of us sinners and rose again for all of us to save us!
This time Jose Ze Carioca (José Carioca-Zé Carioca) and Donald found themselves together and applied one traditional Serbian custom for Easter, and that is beating eggs, hitting egg on egg. The one who hits well and leaves that egg undamaged, is the winner. So I put them on this time too. And don’t worry, they don’t eat eggs, they are mostly artificial eggs. ;)
I drew a drawing, this time with adults keeping the Easter tradition and celebrating a birthday and mostly I combined from Quack Pack, The Legend of The Three Caballeros, Donald Duck comics (Italian comics), Ze Carioca comics (Brazilian comics), Darkwing Duck, Ducktales both versions, Double Duck and Duck Avenger (Paperinik) comics. It's mostly part of that Quack Pack AU of mine. I drew mostly in my own way. In addition to beating eggs, there are also Easter eggs, cherries and birthday cake. Mostly present in this drawing are Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Jose Ze Carioca (José Carioca-Zé Carioca), Rosinha Maria Vaz, Nestor, Aracuan Bird, Panchito Pistoles, Della Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Dickie Duck, Little Helper, Gus Goose, Fethry Duck, Gladstone Gander, Abner Whitewater Duck, Uno Ducklair (One-Uno), Drake Mallard, Fenton Crackshell, Gandra Dee, Morgana Macawber, Launchpad McQuack, Lyla Lay and Kay K. I wanted to add more characters, but unfortunately not all of them would fit on my drawing. Sorry!
I hope you like this drawing and this idea and feel free to like and reblog this, just don’t use these same ideas of mine without mentioning me. Thank you! Also Happy Easter to everyone once again and Happy Birthday to Gyro Gearloose, Gus Goose, Daisy Duck and Della Duck! But especially happy birthday to my best duck, Donald Duck! And this is just the beginning of that celebration!
This is also a gift for my friends @isabellanajera, @you-big-palooka, @elmer-dat-gander , @fantasticenthusiasttale and @barbiedisneyavenger as well as for a friend who recently celebrated her birthday, happy birthday dear @nuvemzinhacorderosa ! I hope you like this!
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thebetawolfgirl · 5 months
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Just Us
Pairing: Timmy x Reader
Warnings: No smut, just pure fluff.
A/N: A 2am writing session. Forgive me if it’s a bit short!
Just Us.
The valet driver had crashed his car when he ended up taking a seizure behind the wheel, she could hear the worry in Timmy’s voice over the phone as she grabbed her car keys and headed out the door. They decided to spend Christmas with their families and they would see each other for Tim’s birthday, after everything that had been going on lately, y/n knew he just needed to be with his family more than anything, while she spent Christmas with her own family. He had managed to nab court side tickets to a special basketball game on Christmas Day and was desperate to spend the special day with his father and she couldn’t be happier for him.
She drove to the side entrance at the stadium and saw Timmy and his dad standing on the pavement waiting for her and she flashed her headlights pulling up beside them opening the door for Timmy as Mark got in the back.
‘Are you guys ok? You look pretty shaken up baby?’ She looked over at her boyfriend and his pale face as he put his seatbelt on his hands shaking slightly, he nodded.
‘He’s just worried sick about the valet driver that had the seizure. Made quite a mess of the car, but Timothée is only concerned about the valet driver.’ His dad answered for him patting his son’s shoulder from the back seat. Y/n nodded before putting the car into drive and leaving the car park behind, and turned to the direction towards Timmy’s home where his family were staying with him and listened as Mr Chalamet talked about the game and caught her up on everything on the family back home in New York.
She drove down Timmy’s street and turned into his driveway and stopped right at the door, saying goodbye to Mr Chalamet as he went inside leaving the couple alone in the car. ‘Are you ok my love? I mean really? Now that your dad isn’t here.’ He sighed before looking over at her and shook his head slowly. ‘I just feel so bad for the driver, he had a seizure in my car yet he’ll probably get in trouble for it.’ She sighed and pushed his hat off and played with his hair running her fingers through it to soothe him.
He leaned into her hand, closing his eyes before turning his head to kiss her fingers, and looked over at her, ‘I love you! More than anything.’
She smiled at him and leaned over to peck his lips, before he deepened the kiss pulling her closer to him, holding onto her.
She returned the kiss smiling against his lips before pulling away, ‘I’m glad I could make you feel better and make you smile again.’
He smiled in return before taking both her hands in his and looked her straight in the eyes,
‘Promise me something?’
‘Anything.’ She nodded looking at him with furrowed brows.
‘Promise, in 2024 it will be just us? Just us and those we cherish most? No extra stress, no one outside our private circle. Just us and those we cherish most?’
She turned to face him better looking at their joined hands and looked up into his eyes before nodding once. ‘Just us and those we cherish most.’ He breathed a sigh of relief smiling before leaning forward to capture her lips in a passionate kiss.
‘Just Us.’ They said in unison.
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kaleidoscopexsighs · 5 months
chicago handshake pls !!!!!
vaz my esteemed comrade in the Set More Fics in Chicago agenda, you know. you KNOW. i touched on chicago handshake here, but here's more just because:
Sirius shrugs off his heavy parka – begrudgingly purchased earlier that morning after finally accepting that his beloved leather jacket was no match for the arctic tundra the city had become overnight – and tosses it onto the pile of coats on Dorcas and Marlene’s bed. He takes a moment to check his reflection in the mirror of their vanity, running a hand through windswept hair as he hears Mary’s telltale cackle peppering what sounds like a very spirited conversation between Peter and Fletcher in the kitchen. “Seriously, Mare, those dealership assholes are crooks,” Fletcher’s nasal drawl cuts straight through the din as he gestures emphatically with a bottle of Miller Lite. “I can help you out.” “That’s what a warranty’s for, Fletch,” says Peter, eyeing the taller man critically. “You think I don’t know that?” Fletcher turns to fully face Mary, effectively boxing Peter out of the conversation. “You need a part, let me know. I’ve got a guy. Face value, no bullshit, you just pay for labor.” “Yeah, if you want something that fell off the back of a truck,” Peter mutters.  “What’re you, a fucking cop?”
WIP tag game
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adeanthedraconequus · 5 months
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Here’s my main Fursona which is not my main dragonsona Adean but my main Fursona Vaz Summers the coyote girl in a Sally dress from The Nightmare Before Christmas in the game I’m playing called Disney Dreamlight Valley which is a lot of fun, it’s like Animal Crossing but with Disney characters and more fun in my opinion,
@kingnice1219 @reformedladyfandom @alexcanine @drake-the-highlander @jaysmily2919
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andyfire122 · 8 months
Fictober23 day 5: "You're the smartest person I know."
(Fandom: Invader zim. More of the askblog au)
“You're the smartest person I know."
Zes's eyes narrowed as this was said. She wasn't wearing her disguise for this hang-out visit. Though hearing Gaz be so genuine. Maybe she should have just taken the other teen to the treehouse instead to play games.
She wants something. I just know it. No one can tell me that alts aren't different from each other in some way.
Zes sighed as Gaz won another round. “Ok, what do you want me to do?”
"First, you know my username on the chats. Just message sometime you shit." She liked going by Vaz as her little nickname in the multiverse.
I have regular texting with her. I don’t get the issue with this human.
They started another round but still kept the conversation going. "You're on my friends list but ok, what's the other thing?"
"Upgrade my PS5 to be laser-proof." That expression Vaz had said it all. It also explained why their brothers were nowhere to be found. Now she noticed why the human had a box next to her.
Oh, so the boys fucked up that bad. Explains everything.
Zes just shrugged as she picked her new character on the selection. “Kay, though next time you’re going to my place.”
"Sure, meeting the dad you got now is gonna be something." Vaz just shrugged as they started the next match on Smash.
Oh, you have no idea.
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hello hello!
For the OTP ask meme, how about Vaz/Naomi, Fred/Kelly and Mal/Serin (plus any other couples you want to talk about, up to you!) for these questions:
8- Who needs/gets more sleep?
11- If they were to adopt a pet together, what kind of pet would it be?
13- What is their love language?
Okayyyy I'm excited about this one. I'm also going to throw Carter/Kat on there because I've been feeling a lot of Feelings about them lately.
8- Who needs/gets more sleep?
Vaz/Naomi - Naomi sleeps more. Which seems odd, since she's a Spartan, but c'mon. Vaz is in his 20s and he lives in a confined space with his best friend. He and Mal definitely get up to shenanigans as soon as everybody else goes to sleep. Phillips has gotten so accustomed to waking up with mustaches drawn on his face that he doesn't even question it anymore.
Mal/Serin - Same answer as above (because Mal is hyperactive) but Serin also needs more sleep. Heavy hangs the head that wears the crown, as they say. In her case, though, heavier hangs the head to which the crown is about to be passed.
Carter/Kat - Carter just doesn't sleep. He is always so stressed about taking care of his team that he can't bring himself to shut off. On the rare occasion that he does, Kat usually wakes up to start breaking into highly classified documents and Carter ends up staying awake with her because he's just as curious as she is... if a tiny bit less willing to do the law-breaking necessary to satisfy that curiosity.
Fred/Kelly - No sleep 'til Brooklyn. On the rare occasions that they aren't in the field, Fred has an easier time falling asleep, but Kelly has developed nightmares and Fred ends up staying up so that he can comfort her through them.
11- If they were to adopt a pet together, what kind of pet would it be?
Vaz/Naomi - They have Needs Adjustment and BB... what else could they want?
Mal/Serin - Serin is a cat person, Mal is a dog person. So they end up with a black alley cat and a golden retriever with one eye, three legs, and boundless energy.
Carter/Kat - A beta fish that sits on the desk next to Kat and judges her hacking skills. Its name is Thom.
Fred/Kelly - A Spartan from Gamma Company and a horse for Kelly. (Fred is a dad and Kelly is a horse girl, don't challenge me on this.)
13- What is their love language?
Vaz/Naomi - Quality time for both of them, though they are both very touchy whenever no one else is around.
Mal/Serin - Touch for Mal, words of affirmation for Serin. That's why their late-night snuggle sessions work out so well - Serin curls up in Mal's arms, and Mal whispers about how amazing she is until she falls asleep.
Carter/Kat - Acts of service for Carter. But he's more of a Giver than a Receiver, and so he is always trying to do things for Kat (like put himself bodily in front of her whenever a threat shows up). Kat's is quality time. Her favorite is when Carter lays his head in her lap and talks to her while she's working on breaking into some encrypted database she's not supposed to be touching.
Fred/Kelly - Touch. For both. Bumps to know the other is there and paying attention, kisses on the nose or cheeks whenever no one is looking, 24/7 cuddling whenever they get a moment together out of armor. They're just a couple of severely touch-starved little dorks.
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avimour · 4 months
What drew Vaz and Crulexs to their love interests? Was there an instant connection between them, or was it more of a gradual build-up? What's their favorite things about their respective LIs?
Bonus question: Is there anything about their romances that went differently in your canon than it did in-game?
love time love time!! very on point seeing which holiday is coming up!
hmm i'll do a little doodle for each of them as well, just for fun. lost the desire to draw my boys.. sad. maybe ill do some other piece this week
everything under the cut!!
Vaz: Well. You see. To say Vaz had an easy time romancing anyone is absolutely mad men talk. Everywhere Vaz went for comfort, he either ended up being used, failure in general, or turned away for another...even before the whole, losing his memories thing.
All my durges have had a fling with Gortash. So Vaz, naturally, had a thing with Gortash for a time. But uh...well. That thing was incredibly one-sided and Gortash would use it for his own benefit. Vaz never got any pussy or kisses from him, to put it frankly. But he did do a lot of lil missions for Gortash anyways.
Vaz's second fling was with a tiefling named Levi. The two were on the nautiloid together and everything. Levi heard him out on his dark urges and ushered him into doing the Right thing instead of what the urges wanted. It was a match made in heaven! ...Until the tiefling party. Where Vaz clumsily wandered around without an idea what to do, and his dear friend Levi slipped away with Gale instead of him. The next morning he saw them kiss and he went into the seven stages of denial immediately. Both of them ended up as cellmates so...yay!
Vaz's third fling was with Halsin. It uh...didn't go too well. Vaz was pulled in by all the druidic talk and he just wanted to feel normal. He just wanted to feel like a normal druid too. But it didn't work out. They partook in one sexual encounter and it ended up with Vaz crying and a bad experience for the both of them. They didn't talk a lot after it and Vaz practically avoided everyone for days afterwards.
And finally... Vaz's last fling. The Emperor. Yeah, you can probably guess how that turned out. They both managed to get through their sexual encounter though! Vaz enjoyed being safe from his urges inside the dream world (??) with the Emperor. The Emperor enjoyed tightening their bond together so Vaz wouldn't turn on him or, really, convince Levi to turn against him. And just to exert a bit more control over Vaz, the Emperor lured several of their companions to see the aftermath. And then willed away their memories of the encounter. Only to send Vaz into a breakdown a few days later with the thoughts of 'Has he ever wiped my memory?'. He didn't go back for seconds with calamari.
The biggest departure from the original questions EVER!!!!! YIPPEE!!
Anyways, next.
Crulexs: His name is an anagram for cruel sex. This was not on purpose, but I've taken it to heart. Everything about him is related to his 'cruel sex'. He is the embodiment of toxic masculinity. And, in that toxic masculinity, certain types of people are drawn into him.
Gortash was incredibly drawn into him. I have a fic in the works (in my mind) of just how drawn into Crulexs this man was. The big burly scaly cleric who looked down on him? Yeah that got him. He had a big stupid crush on Crulexs that wouldn't go away no matter how many times he tried to crush it (ha). Thankfully, it wasn't unrequited. However he found that out in the worse way possible. With Crulexs kidnapping him and taking him into the Bhaalist Temple in order to wed the both of them together. Under the blessing of Bane as well. What's a little bit of tyranny without a forced wedding to strengthen a union? He would've stayed down in that temple if it wasn't for his bodyguard, Karlach, saving him. (This is a retelling of Persephone's Abduction because i am literally insane.)
Of course, Gortash still saw Crulexs. Just, not bound in the Bhaalist temple and having to do weird blood rituals with him. Wasn't his thing, you see. They're still married, in the Bhaalist traditional manner, whatever the fuck that means.
Unfortunately...it all had to end somehow.
After his betrayal to the hands of Orin, after his memories had all left him, Crulexs was a different man. Even Bhaal saw him differently, though he wasn't...practically looking at him. An avenger against all that was evil, Crulexs roamed the land looking for those to strike down. Along the way, he meet a variety of companions, and specifically, he met Wyll Ravengard, the man who could win his heart.
It wasn't a challenge or anything. Most of the people that knew Crulexs weren't...really wanting to kiss him. The others who did were mostly wanting him because he was..a big, burly scaly paladin. Most, however, were put off by the whole silent and toxic masc bit.
Wyll, however, saw in him a lot more than that. He saw someone with similar ideals to him, and someone who was just as devoted. He managed to spring up more...less toxic masculinity into Crulexs as well. Little poems that Wyll would write hidden in his tent. And would do his best into slipping into the silliest places that Crulexs would find them. Into his boots, into his gloves, into his bedroll. In a book he would pick up, because he picked up every book he found, and skim the pages of.
It didn't take a genius to figure out it was Wyll behind them. And the little poems cleared up some of the dark clouds of Crulexs' soul. He started to actively seek out Wyll while at camp, instead of simply staring into the fire. Began to sit with him as the nights wore on. Sometimes even slept outside his tent like the guard dog he is.
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megalony · 1 month
Drunk On Love
This is a new Tommy Kinard imagine, requested by anon. I hope you will all like it, let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella
Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: While on shift with her brother, Eddie, (Y/n) goes into labour. So Tommy comes to pick her up and they go home to have a baby.
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When she felt an arm loop around the back of her shoulders, (Y/n) smiled and tilted her head back. She arched a brow and looked up at Evan who squeezed her into his side for a hug the moment she walked into the station.
"Morning Buck." She reached up and gave his wrist a squeeze, looking over at him to see a cheesy smile on his face.
(Y/n) let Evan take the lead when his arm dropped from her shoulders and she followed him towards the stairs. She looped her bag higher on her shoulder and reached her other hand out for the bannister to help propell herself up the stairs.
It was clear to see Evan was taking his time, trying not to speed up the stairs because he didn't want to rush off without (Y/n) and leave her lagging behind.
"So, we only get you for another week. You excited?" He looked over his shoulder to see (Y/n)'s smile melt as her eyes darted down to her stomach.
"Very… what're you gonna do without me?"
"Struggle." Evan quipped back as they reached the top of the stairs. When they headed into the kitchen, (Y/n) dropped her bag down on the table and pressed her hand to her hip. Her eyes instantly looked around Evan to see her brother who was stood in the kitchen, making himself a strong cup of coffee.
"Hey, Chris get to school okay?"
(Y/n) nodded while her hand tightened round her hip when her lower back twinged like someone had pushed a pin into her spine.
Her and Tommy had had Chris over for a sleepover last night and (Y/n) had taken him to school this morning on her way down to the station. It had been fun to have Chris stay over with them. They hadn't had him over for a while with being busy at work and getting things ready for when the baby arrived.
(Y/n) wanted to spend as much time with her nephew as she could before the baby arrived.
"Yep, no problems, although he wasn't pleased when Tommy got called on shift last night."
It hadn't been a great moment when they all remembered Tommy was on call this week and he got roped into a night shift last night. The only silver lining was that Chris had managed to spend some time playing games with them and Tommy had left just after nine. So he was home for games and tea and most of the movie they had watched.
It also meant Tommy couldn't take Chris to school. Usually when Tommy dropped him off, they would get donuts for breakfast, something (Y/n) had done today with Chris to try and keep his routine and make him smile.
"Thanks for taking him- you okay?" Eddie walked over to the table and placed a bottle of juice down in front of (Y/n).
But his eyes narrowed and he leaned closer, moving his free hand to rest on (Y/n)'s lower back when she arched forward. Both her hands moved to steady herself on the chair in front of her and she tilted her head down while her back stretched and tensed.
"Just back ache, I'm good." She nodded and slowly straightened back up when the twinging pain started to die down.
"Sit down, please."
Eddie pulled one of the chairs out and motioned towards it with raised brows and his lips set into a firm line. It was the 'big brother' look (Y/n) had gotten used to all her life. Eddie was the eldest and growing up, that meant he looked after all three of his sisters while their dad was away.
She stayed silent but did as requested, easing down into the seat which made her back click into place. Sitting down eased the pressure off her back but it didn't make her stomach feel much better. She leaned her elbow on the table and moved her right hand to rub circles along her stomach that felt like a balloon, constantly getting in her way.
"I'm okay, you don't have to fuss." A tender smile formed on (Y/n)'s lips as she gave Eddie's wrist a squeeze when he sat down next to her.
"You sure? I bet Cap would let you take maternity leave from now if you wanted to." Hen piped up as she sat down opposite (Y/n) at the table. She leaned back in her chair and brought one foot up to rest on the bottom of the chair, pressing her knee into her chest.
A cup of steaming tea was nursed between Hen's hands and she had a beaming smile that looked too bright for this early in the morning.
"I could, but I don't want to. Tommy's working until I hit thirty-nine weeks, or I go into labour, whichever comes first. I don't wanna be home on my own."
(Y/n) was torn. Her body was ready for a break, even though she wasn't really doing a lot at work. But she didn't want to be home alone.
Since getting pregnant, (Y/n) had been on restricted duties. She couldn't go into burning buildings, get on the ladder or the harness, if situations were deemed too dangerous she had to hang back as a spare set of hands. Half the time (Y/n) was benched to the station where she tidied and sorted paperwork and cleaned to remain busy.
She wasn't allowed to do shifts longer than twelve hours. She didn't do night shifts anymore both because most of the nighttime calls were serious and because (Y/n) couldn't sleep at home as it was, nights only made her feel worse.
If she was unwell, it was cleared that she could take maternity leave anytime from thirty-four weeks, but (Y/n) felt fine in herself.
Now, at thirty-six weeks, she was starting to get tired and the aches and pains were getting worse which the job didn't exactly help with. But (Y/n) didn't want to take leave until next week when she'd agreed it with Bobby.
Being home alone wasn't something (Y/n) liked to do. Once she was on maternity leave she said she would spend time with Chris, taking him to school, watching him while Eddie was at work and having him over to keep her company when Tommy was at work.
"Tommy mentioned something about that," Hen spoke around the rim of her cup with a small smile.
Everyone knew Tommy hadn't been happy with his Captain over in Harbour. Tommy didn't want to miss the birth of his first child, he wanted to be there with (Y/n) and he wanted to have time off with her beforehand because they didn't know when she would go into labour.
But Tommy couldn't have time off until (Y/n) hit thirty nine weeks, then he could go off on annual leave and be with her. But if (Y/n) went into labour before then, Tommys annual leave would graciously start early. They all knew labour was unpredictable and Tommy didn't want to be on shift if (Y/n) went into early labour.
He had had a very big argument with his Captain before giving in and storming off when he realised he couldn't win this argument. They would just have to push through and hope the baby would wait until near their due date.
"He was not happy-" Evan cut himself off with a groan when the familiar red lights began to flash above them and the alarm cut through the air.
"Where's Cap?" (Y/n) pushed forward onto the edge of her chair and took a look around. She couldn't go out on calls without Bobby's permission. He determined whether they were too strenuous or whether (Y/n) was good to tag along as a spare set of hands.
"You sure you're good to go?"
She felt Eddie's hand on her back as they all got up from the table and made their way towards the stairs.
Tilting her head down, (Y/n) looked down at her stomach and tried to smile, despite the way the baby started to wriggle around.
It wasn't as if (Y/n) was doing anything exhausting. She didn't do any heavy lifting, she didn't move or handle patients. (Y/n) helped direct people to the right places, assessed patients once they were in the ambulance and administered meds and did a few easy medical procedures for patients.
Nothing on the calls would strain (Y/n) or make her back ache any worse or worsen the tension in her stomach that was always there recently.
And after this week, (Y/n) would be back at home. She would be tucked up safely in bed next week and trying to busy herself tidying and sorting and reorganising the nursery to give her something to do.
She would be fine to join them and do some work today.
A deep frown set into Hen's features when she walked around the back of the truck. Her head angled down to one side and she slipped her helmet off, chucking it into the back compartment of the truck.
Her steps slowed down and she gingerly reached out to rest a hand down on (Y/n)'s shoulder. (Y/n) was stood at the side of the truck, one arm folded on the truck with her head on her arm and her other hand pressed against her lower back near her hips.
"Everything okay?"
"She won't stop moving, she's as restless as Tommy." (Y/n) kept her eyes closed and her head pressed down into her arm.
Everytime the baby twisted or kicked or wriggled around, it made (Y/n)'s hips and back ache. And it was causing tension in her lower stomach. It was almost as if her daughter was on the same wavelength as Tommy. He was forever on the move, sorting one thing or another around the house, switching from book to book and film to film.
It was why he was so well suited to being a firefighter and a pilot; flying the helicopters kept his mind busy and controlled all of his attention. He never had a free moment to sit and become bored.
"We're all packing up now, let's get back in the truck."
As soon as she straightened up, (Y/n) rolled her eyes and moved her hand down to the underside of her abdomen when the baby kicked. This wasn't fair. (Y/n) would be going off on maternity leave by the end of the day, let alone the end of the week if this carried on. And she knew if Eddie or Hen mentioned to Tommy that (Y/n) was starting to struggle, he would become overly worried and protective.
She didn't want to panic him or any of her team.
It took some effort to climb up into the truck and when she sat down, (Y/n) moved her hands to her thighs and clicked her back into place. She smiled when Hen sat down next to her and she tried to continue smiling when the rest of the team filtered in the truck.
(Y/n) couldn't help but close her eyes when the truck pulled away and they were on their way back to the station.
Each bump they drove over had her lunch crawling up her throat and every few minutes her stomach was tightening like someone was stretching her muscles out.
Her stomach jolted when they swerved round the next bend and she opened her eyes, deciding it was better to see where they were going than feel the abrupt turns and bumps.
As a twinge tore through her stomach, (Y/n) tried to think of something to take her mind off it. She racked her brain before she remembered something and reached her foot out to nudge Evan in the shin. It grabbed his attention and he looked across at her, squinting against the sun as he smiled quizzically.
"You working next Thursday?"
"Uh, no I don't think so. why, what do you have in mind?"
"Tommy got another ticket for the fight next week if you wanna go with them." Her head tilted in her brother's direction before she glanced out the window, thankful they were almost back at the station now.
"Oh, yeah great. I'd love to."
"Tommy's flying." Eddie chipped in, nudging his shoulder into Evan as (Y/n) smiled at the pair of them.
Her brother had never been in a helicopter so much as when (Y/n) got together with Tommy. It was a change for Eddie to be in a chopper and not think he was flying into unknown territory and not hear the sound of bullets clashing against metal.
When the truck parked up in the station, (Y/n) flung off her belt and waited for everyone else to filter out first. She wasn't too graceful getting in and out of the truck now and she was on a go-slow today, she would hold everyone up in getting out.
"You good?" Eddie murmured softly, holding a hand out towards his little sister when everyone else jumped down from the truck.
"Stiff," She muttered quietly, letting Eddie pull her up but she gripped his hand tightly when her stomach started to ache again. It was like gravity had hold of her stomach and was dragging the baby down to rest horribly on her pelvis. This shift was slowly getting to her and (Y/n) couldn't wait to be back home with Tommy.
She moved her hand to Eddie's shoulder and grabbed the door with her other hand, following Eddie down from the truck.
"Who else needs a coffee?"
Evan's voice thundered through the station as he led the way towards the kitchen after shedding his jacket and hanging it up.
"Do you-" Eddie cut himself off when (Y/n)'s hand moved from his shoulder and clutched around his upper arm instead. He felt her tug sharply on his arm as she gasped and pulled him onto his back foot. "What, what's up?"
(Y/n) groaned quietly and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath while her other hand moved to cradle her stomach. "Just a twinge, sorry."
A frown knitted Eddie's brows together while he moved his hand down to (Y/n)'s back, letting her lean on him to keep herself upright. He didn't like the tension he could see on her face or the pain hidden behind her eyes. Eddie was almost as good as Tommy at deciphering when (Y/n) was in pain and when she was trying to put on a brave face.
"You need to take it easy. Let's go sit down."
(Y/n) was in the mindset to agree with him. Maybe she needed to call it quits after today and go off on leave. It might be better than pushing herself and trying to keep going with work when she wasn't feeling up to it anymore.
They managed two steps away from the truck before (Y/n) pulled on Eddie's arm, harsher this time. And when she whimpered, pins and needles rushed down Eddie's arms towards his fingertips.
(Y/n) rolled her lips together, trying not to cry but she couldn't help it when the tears started to well up and her lungs began to seize up.
Both of them looked down as (Y/n) pressed her free hand to her stomach, her eyes focused on the floor.
Her waters had broken.
"Shit… oh, no wonder you've been in pain," Eddie moved his hands to hold her arms and gave a slight squeeze while he leaned down to kiss her temple. "It's alright, let's sit down and I'll sort everything out. Cap! Cap we've got a situation."
(Y/n) pressed her lips together and nodded, holding onto Eddie's arm while her other hand stayed on her stomach. Why did the baby have to come now? Why not next week? Why not the week after? Why now, four weeks early and right in the middle of a shift? (Y/n) didn't even know if Tommy was home or if he was still on shift.
What if they couldn't get hold of him? This wasn't how things were supposed to go.
She pushed her feet to keep moving and walked slowly with Eddie across the station floor towards the gym. It was clear Eddie was guiding her over to the bench since it was the closest place where they could sit down. He couldn't very well get (Y/n) up stairs into the kitchen in case it was harder to get her back down stairs when it was time to leave.
When they reached the bench, (Y/n) latched both hands around Eddie's arm, relieved when he helped her sit down and kissed the top of her head. He sat down next to her, close enough so their knees were bumping together and he slung an arm around her shoulders.
"Eddie, everything okay?" Bobby shrugged off his jacket and draped it over his left arm while he looked at the siblings.
"(Y/n)'s water broke, I'm gonna call Tommy see if he can come get her."
"He might be at work, he's on call this week." (Y/n) looked between the pair of them with worry in her eyes.
She wanted Tommy to be here but she didn't know if he was back home now or not. And she didn't want him to come over to get her and then the Captain down at Harbour try to keep him on call this week and drag him back in. That would be just their luck.
"You call Tommy, and I'll go make a call down to Harbour and let them know what's happening. I'll make sure they take him off the rota and put him on annual leave. Don't worry." Bobby's smile did wonders to calm down (Y/n)'s nerves and he nodded at them before he turned and headed towards his office, calling out to Hen on his way.
Bobby would let Harbour know and he wouldn't give them a choice but to sign Tommy off on his leave as of today. They could take him off the call list and every shift he was booked on. As of now, Tommy and (Y/n) were off duty for the next few weeks.
(Y/n) closed her eyes and tilted her head forward, moving both hands to her stomach when another twinge tore through her and she realised it was a contraction.
How many contractions had she already had that she didn't realise or know about? How long had she been in labour? She had been uncomfortable last night and it only got worse this morning. Had she been in labour all this time?
"Hey Eddie, what's up?" Tommy's voice came through thick and groggy and he barely managed to open his eyes to look at the caller ID.
He'd gotten home just over two hours ago and he had gone straight for a shower and climbed into bed. The call last night turned into a twelve hour shift that had drained Tommy down to embers. The only bright side was that it was double pay since it was an extra shift that he had no choice but to take since he was on call.
"(Y/n)'s waters broke, she gone into labour. Can you come down to the station?"
"What? Fuck, this is early. Okay, God I'm coming down just- just let me get dressed. Is she alright?"
Tommy was already scrambling up off the bed as he spoke. His eyes scanned round the room and he stumbled over to his dresser, scouting through for some clothes. Suddenly all the tiredness he felt earlier washed away and he was left wide awake and alert.
"She's fine, we'll see you soon."
"Help me up? I need to get changed." (Y/n)'s smile dampened when another pain tore through her stomach but she held her breath and silently pushed through the feeling until it lessened down.
She reached out and Eddie carefully pulled her up to her feet, staying close as he helped her through into the locker room. (Y/n) was glad she had a spare change of clothes in her locker as well as a spare uniform in case any call outs wrecked her uniform.
She found one of Tommy's henley shirts in her locker and a pair of leggings and by the time she got changed and back onto the station floor, her husband was bustling through the station towards her.
"Here's dad-to-be."
A nervous smile flooded Tommy's face and he nodded at Hen as he bypassed her and headed towards the back of the station where he could see his brother in law. His eyes locked on Eddie who was stood beside one of the benches, one hand holding his phone to his ear while his other hand was deadlocked in (Y/n)'s.
Relief pooled in (Y/n)'s eyes along with a few tears when she looked up at Tommy. He crouched down in front of her, moving his hands to hold her thighs as his smile started to melt like butter.
"I heard we're having a baby?" He asked softly before he pushed forward and pressed his lips against her stomach through her shirt.
"She's c-coming early… babe, your shirt's inside out." A quiet laugh tumbled past (Y/n)'s lips as she reached her hand round to cup the back of Tommy's neck. She brushed her fingertips over his shirt and flicked the tag that was poking out. She could see the hem lines over his shoulders where the material had been sewn together.
In his haste to get down here, Tommy hadn't looked properly when getting dressed. He didn't even put any socks on, he just grabbed what he could and hastily got dressed as he rushed down the stairs.
Tommy tilted his head down to look at his shirt which made his pointed chin press into his chest.
"Oh well." He would change it when he got home, the likelihood would be that he wouldn't be wearing a shirt later on when they were home anyway. "Let's get you both home, hm?"
His hands moved to (Y/n)'s hips as she held onto his biceps and let him ease her up to her feet. Pushing forward, she pressed her face into his shirt, supressing a groan as she started to shake when another contraction burned through her pelvis.
"Ma and papi know, I said I'd call once you've had her. You two gonna be okay, you need anything?" Eddie stuffed his phone back in his pocket and looked between them.
He had told their Abuela and their parents who would be on the next flight down here as soon as labour was over and (Y/n) had safely had her baby. They would come down immediately to welcome their next grandchild. Eddie and (Y/n) didn't have a fantastic relationship with their parents, but things like this always brought them closer together, if just for a little while.
And Eddie would tell Chris what was happening once he'd picked him up from school. He just knew Chris would be bouncing off the walls, desperate to go and visit his aunt and uncle and see his new cousin.
"I think we're gonna be okay."
"Alright, well I'll see you soon." Eddie leaned forward and pressed a lasting kiss to the top of (Y/n)'s head. "Good luck."
"Okay?" A tender look flooded Tommy's face and his eyes crinkled a she smiled across at (Y/n).
He folded his arms on the side of the small birthing pool they had set up in the back room. His pointed chin perched down on his arm and he reached one hand out to feather his fingertips along (Y/n)'s exposed shoulder.
She was knelt in front of him, so still and calm in the water that there was barely a ripple scattering through the water. Both her hands were clenched down on her thighs and she had her chin tilted down into the top of her chest while she tried to take deep, slow breaths.
"C-can you do something? I wanna push…" (Y/n) kept her head tilted down but she lifted her gaze just enough to look up at Tommy through her lashes.
How could he be so calm?
How could he kneel there in front of her and still smile and look placid and stoic and the epitome of peaceful when their midwife wasn't even here? They had only just managed to get hold of her after two hours of trying and she couldn't seem to get here any sooner.
She wasn't supposed to be on standby for (Y/n) until next week, but the baby had decided to make an early appearance.
"Okay, I'll take a look."
(Y/n) watched him push up from his knees and her eyes followed his broad frame as he climbed into the water with her. He had changed into a pair of shorts earlier and he had been in and out of the pool with (Y/n) over the past three hours.
But (Y/n) felt like something was happening. She felt like this was her moment to start pushing and she couldn't do that on her own. She couldn't push and have Tommy sat behind her like she desperately wanted. He was going to have to play midwife until help arrived.
His hands found her arms and he helped her move around from her knees to sit down and once he let go, (Y/n) started dragging her fingertips up and down her thighs. Focusing on the way the water bubbled and rippled between her fingers to distract herself.
Tommy's hands held her knees and his thumbs smoothed across her skin before he looked across at her.
This was the first time (Y/n) had seen something similar to panic flash across his eyes. But just as swiftly as it was there, the look disappeared and was replaced with a calm smile.
"You can push on the next one, you'll have to make do with me, sweetheart."
(Y/n) felt the urge to ask if he knew what he was doing, but she knew he did. They had both been to a few labours on shift, although this would be the first time Tommy had taken the lead rather than standing back and acting as a helping hand.
He took a quick look around, nodding to himself that he had gotten out everything they needed earlier. A pile of towels, some blankets for when the baby was born and a pair of scissors, just in case he had to cut the cord if the midwife didn't arrive.
"Big push sweetheart."
He shuffled closer on his knees and sank back on his heels while his shoulders hunched forward and he felt (Y/n)'s feet pushing into his thighs.
It surprised Tommy how flushed (Y/n) still was, despite being in lukewarm water like this. He had opened all the windows downstairs in the house when they came home and (Y/n) started to sweat and feel sick. But even now, sat in the water wearing only her bra, (Y/n) still felt like a hot water bottle.
(Y/n) pressed her hands down on the bottom of the pool and tucked her chin down, letting out a scream as everything started to shake.
How was Tommy so calm? Why wasn't the midwife here? Why did this still feel so serene and content despite the panic this situation should arouse?
"Okay, head's born now. You're doing so good."
Something akin to a smile fluttered on (Y/n)'s lips when opened her eyes and realised Tommy was grinning.
Tommy didn't usually have the honour of delivering babies on shift, that wasn't something he did when he was at the 118 or when he moved to Harbour. With the air service they barely got to see any births at all. They would transfer women to the hospital, but never got to deliver babies in transit.
"Keep pushing sweetheart, not long now, almost there."
(Y/n) couldn't feel the tears soaking down her cheeks anymore and she could barely feel her lower half, let alone her legs that had turned to jelly. All she knew was that her lower waist was on fire and it was spreading and tingling and the water made her feel like she was floating.
She had a sudden urge to lean back and submerge herself under the water. To see if staying beneath the surface would somehow dull the pain and clear her head and make her body feel calmer. Or if it would stop her from trembling so badly her elbows started to give way.
This was why she had wanted Tommy behind her, to help hold her up and hold her hand and coax her through this.
But as her elbows shook, she suddenly realised she could feel Tommy pressing a kiss to the lower side of her leg, muttering 'one more, one more' against her skin to keep her going.
A jolt ran down (Y/n)'s spine and she felt like she was seeing stars when she heard a cry burst through the air. Her body slumped back into the water a little more until her elbows were pressed into the bottom of the pool, making it easier to hold herself up at an angle.
"She's here, she's here. You've done it."
The smile on Tommy's face was completely new and vibrant and it made (Y/n) feel like she was drunk on love.
She couldn't stop herself from panting, gasping for breath as she focused her blurry vision on her husband. He held their daughter in his hands but she looked so small that (Y/n) could barely see her engulfed in Tommy's arms. He had her tucked up against his bare chest and when (Y/n)'s senses came back to her, she realised she could hear the water methodically dripping from his elbows, back into the pool.
She felt Tommy kiss the top of her knee while he kept their daughter pinned to his chest with one arm and reached over the side to find one of the towels.
He took his time wrapping the blanket around the small bundle in his arms and his fingertips traced over the newborn's lips and down her chest. Counting each breath she took to make sure she was breathing and responding okay, but she looked perfect.
"Here you go, here's mummy." He leaned between (Y/n)'s thighs and eased the newborn down onto her chest when (Y/n) sat up so she didn't flop back into the water.
Her hands trembled as she curled them around her daughter and a floodwave of tears cascaded down her face as the newborn brushed her cheek against (Y/n)'s chest.
"She's perfect." Tommy murmured quietly while one hand curled around (Y/n)'s knee and the other moved to cup the back of her neck. He pressed his wet lips against (Y/n)'s temple, staying there for a few moments while he felt her laugh breathlessly against his chest.
(Y/n) tilted her head against Tommy's hand and dared to lean back a little, seeing that he was happy to take some of her weight for her. She nudged her nose against his until he swooped down and connected their lips in a kiss that stole every ounce of air from her lungs.
She felt his nose nudge hers and his teeth grazed at her lip while his thumb stroked the side of her neck.
When they pulled apart, (Y/n) pressed their foreheads together and started to stroke one hand up and down her daughter's back. But her eyes wouldn't look anywhere but Tommy who was smiling down at her in a daze.
"You can add midwife to your resume now."
"Is she here?!" The excitement in Chris's voice was unmatched by anything Tommy had ever heard when he opened the front door.
He took a step back, chuckling quietly when Chris barrelled into him before he had the chance to say hello. His arms bound around Tommy's waist and he gripped him tight in a bear hug before tilting his head as far back as he could so he could look up at his uncle.
"She certainly is. The girls are waiting for you in the living room." Tommy kissed the top of Chris's head and gave him a little nudge.
Chris needed no more encouragement than that to bolt into the hall and kick off his shoes in a hurry to go to the living room.
"So, everything went okay? No problems?" Reaching out, Eddie pulled Tommy into a hug before he walked in and closed the door. He had been a little surprised at how quickly he had received a call from (Y/n) saying the baby was here and everything was great.
And it made Eddie's heart swell with pride that he and Chris were the first ones to see the baby. His parents were on their way down, so were Tommy's parents who both lived out of town. Part of Eddie thought Evan might have wrangled his way over here to see the baby first, considering he was rather close to Tommy.
But it was Eddie and Chris who were the first visitors and they couldn't have been more proud.
"All went great. God, she's so tiny, only six pounds. Come on," Tommy patted Eddie's shoulder and led the way into the lounge.
Tilting her head back, (Y/n) looked over the back of the sofa and grinned when the boys walked in. She had already heard Chris squeal excitedly and he instantly plonked himself down on the sofa next to her.
Chris was a little taken back when he realised (Y/n) didn't have the baby in her arms. But he took the opportunity to lean over and wrap himself around his aunt like a vine and press a sloppy kiss to her cheek.
"Where is she?" Chris asked excitedly, looking around everyone as they all filtered in the room.
(Y/n) was curled up on the sofa with a blanket draped over her legs, wearing a pair of Tommy's lounge shorts and one of his signature grey hoodies. While Eddie walked in and sat down on the other side of the sofa, squishing Chris between him and (Y/n).
And Tommy walked into the room and went to crouch down beside the armchair, carefully and gently lifting the small bundle from the carrier in the corner.
Reaching over, (Y/n) eased Chris back so he was sat between her and Eddie and kept an arm around his shoulders. She knew he would want to hold his cousin straight away and that was fine with them. She kissed his temple and looked over at Tommy, watching with adoration in her eyes as he headed over and crouched down in front of the sofa.
They could barely see the baby in his arms when his muscles tensed and when he held her against his chest, he engulfed her and made her look tiny.
His eyes drifted between Chris and his daughter, smiling fondly as he arched a brow.
"Do you wanna hold Bonnie?"
Chris looked up at Eddie with such a wide grin that Eddie could feel tears in his eyes. He helped Chris move his arms in the right way and tense them before Tommy slowly eased the newborn into his arms. He laid Bonnie down over Chris's legs with her head supported in the corner of Chris's right elbow, next to (Y/n).
"She's so small and pretty!"
"She's beautiful," Eddie murmured, leaning over Chris to kiss (Y/n)'s temple before he reached a hand down to rest on the newborn's chest.
"Not too bad for my first delivery." Tommy quipped, staying crouched in front of the sofa while he rested a hand over on (Y/n)'s thigh.
"Your delivery? You delivered her, what happened with the midwife?"
Eddie's wide eyes looked between the pair while Chris swayed from left to right, rocking Bonnie as he quietly hummed. Clearly tuning out of the conversation now he had his cousin to focus all of his attention on and try to make sure that he didn't wake or disturb her.
(Y/n) moved her hand down to hold Tommy's shoulder and she leaned forward enough so that she could kiss his cheek and lean against his shoulder. Looking at him fondly with such an endearing smile, positively drunk on the love she had for her family.
"She didn't make it in time, but he did great. My pilot-slash-midwife."
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lixzey · 8 months
the name of the game
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in which sirius black loses a bet with james. now he has to make y/n l/n fall in love with him by the end of the year.
sirius black x gryffindor!reader
the start of stupidity
@helens3amstuff @gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @tchalamss @lilmaymayy @ashlynnmalfoy @crazycat-ladys-blog @michakune @mxltifxnd0m @spencerr3idd @dangelnleif @sthkate @ferrjulie @imnotoverlyobsessive @mel-vaz @elsagreeer @lovely-maryj @meowmeowmau @bobthe-turmpetman29 @saintcosette @anasianinglasses-blog
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ducktoonsfanart · 5 months
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Happy New Year! - Celebrating New Years in Brazil or some tropical place with Donald Duck, his family and his friends - The Three Caballeros - Quack Pack AU - Duckverse (my version)
Happy New Year 2024!
Although I am late, I certainly wish everyone a happy and successful New Year 2024. These are my first drawings in the year 2024 and I drew them as a special phenomenon, because this year is the 90th birthday of Donald Duck, as well as the 80th anniversary of the Three Caballeros. And Donald Duck is certainly for me the best Disney character so far. I wanted to do this for his 89th birthday, but since I unfortunately didn't make it, I did this for New Year's! And sorry if something didn't turn out well, I had some problems with the markers. I certainly combined most of the Duck media I love in my two drawings. Italian, Dutch, Brazilian comics, Ducktales, Darkwing Duck, Quack Pack, Paperinik (Duck Avenger), Double Duck and The Legend of The Three Caballeros. Yes, it's part of my Quack Pack AU or the overall Duckverse together, my way. One drawing is adults and the other drawing is children plus Aracuan Bird. And yes, I found inspiration in certain pictures where many people celebrate the New Year at the sea in swimsuits or swimming costumes (bikini and swimming trunks), so I decided to do it in my own way.
Even though I like winter, I still prefer summer and tropical places, and when you are in tropical places, it's summer all year round. Likewise for Christmas and New Year, where Donald and his family and friends went to Brazil with his best friend José Carioca (Zé Carioca) to celebrate the holidays. Especially the New Year. Yes, there are quite a few characters. One drawing features Donald Duck, José Carioca (Zé Carioca), Rosinha Maria Vaz, Panchito Pistoles, Daisy Duck, Nestor, Gyro Gearloose, Fethry Duck, Gus Goose, Drake Mallard, Fenton Crackshell (both reconciled despite their rivalry), Launchpad McQuack , Morgana Macawber, Gandra Dee, Kay K, Lyla Lay and Uno (One).
In the second drawing there are children, mostly drawn in the Quack Pack version, but in my own way. Here are Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck, April, May and June Duck, Zico and Zeca Carioca (Ze's nephews), Phooey Duck, Webby Vanderquack, Gosalyn Mallard, Newton Gearloose, Honker Muddlefoot, Minima De Spell, Gene the Genie (aka Gene Boy), Dugan Duck (Fethry's nephew) and Sonny Seagull (Garvey Gull, one of Donald's nephew's best friends who unfortunately lives as a homeless person) and of course, Aracuan Bird, who is adult (with bomb).
I hope you like these drawings! Once again, I wish you happy holidays and a happy New Year 2024! If you like these drawings, feel free to like and reblog this! And please, don't use these same ideas without mentioning me and without my permission! Thank you!
P.S. By the way, this is a gift for all of you, especially fans of Donald Duck and his comics, video games and cartoons. But I dedicate these drawings in particular as my gift to these people, @you-big-palooka , @isabellanajera , @elmer-dat-gander and @fantasticenthusiasttale. I hope you like my gifts for this holiday season! Enjoy and Happy New Year 2024! Hopefully with even more great drawings, especially around Donald Duck.
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ducklooney · 2 years
Happy 80th birthday, José Carioca (Zé Carioca)!
On this day, August 24, 1942, a Disney film called Saludos Amigos was shown, which shows exotic places in South America, primarily Brazil. Yes, although the film had propaganda content in which Brazil entered World War II on the side of the Allies, there was certainly an educational and entertaining content. That film brings something else special. In that film, a character named José Carioca appears for the first time, a parrot from Brazil who is very attractive and friendly and becomes Donald's best friend. Yes, Donald was the then ambassador for making new friends in South America. Later, in the movie The Three Caballeros, Donald will make another best friend, Panchito Pistoles from Mexico. And so the famous trio, The Three Caballeros, was born.
Nevertheless, José Zé Carioca, who first appeared in the movie Saludos Amigos, celebrates his birthday today. And the 80th birthday. Also, I wish him a happy birthday.
One of my favorite Duckverse characters and one of the best fictional parrots, he certainly has a long history as well. After two films, José Carioca also appears in Melody Time, Carnival Time, Mickey Mouse Works, House of Mouse, Mickey and the Roadster Racers, Mickey Mouse Cartoons by Paul Rudish, Ducktales reboot and finally, of course, in Legends of the Three Caballeros. Although he often appears with Panchito in the animation, he is still a separate character. He certainly retained the classic personality he had in the original film. He certainly ended up being great in Mickey Mouse Cartoons and The Legend of the Three Caballeros. Yes, watch out for the accent on his name, he is from Brazil, and Brazilian Portuguese is spoken there.
Apart from animation, José Carioca often appears in comics specially published in Brazil, where he has a different and big role. Besides being a friend of Donald and Panchito, he certainly has his own friends in Brazil such as Nestor, Pedrão Feijoada, Afonsinho and others, also he has his own girlfriend named Rosinha Maria Vaz, who is similar to Donald's girlfriend Daisy. Just like Donald has his nephews, José also has nephews named Zico and Zeca Carioca. Yes, I'm not talking about his family, especially he has a lot of relatives, and he also has his grandmother. I have to admit that I'm not that familiar with Brazilian comics, as well as with the José Carioca family, but I'm certainly gaining more knowledge about them on the Internet lately, and I'm grateful to my friends who introduced me to this world of Zé Carioca comics.
Yes, apart from comics, José is also present in video games and as a mascot and in various Disney merchandise and is quite popular in Latin America, primarily in Brazil and Mexico, but also outside Latin America, such as in Japan. And not to forget, also Jose's very mischievous friend, Aracuan Bird who lives in the Amazon Rainforest.
Certainly, there is a lot to say, and this is more than enough. Now the most important pictures of José Carioca from the beginning until today, with his friends and his family. Happy 80th birthday, José Carioca!
If you love this Brazilian parrot, as well as his friends and his family, feel free to like this and reblog this!
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hungrydogs-if · 2 years
can you tell us a bit more about hdmc's rival clubs?
sure can!
the lost valley vipers are bros. they keep mostly to themselves towards the northern, more arid and deserted areas of san maro, aptly named - you guessed it - the lost valley. they're more of a recreational club and don't take part in crimes, mostly buying drugs for their own needs. they still hang out from time to time, but with the crackdown on motorcycle gangs in the more metropolitan areas of the city, they keep to themselves and their heads down. they're the newest club on the block that's known by the general population, and thus deserve an honorable mention. they also have ties to at least one hdmc member, which makes them a part of the inner circle.
the smaller rival clubs are insignificant in their respective ways. power hates vacuum, so they'll be chomping at the bits to keep hdmc from rebuilding by any means necessary.
the one that will show up most in this game is sadly the most despicable one. or at least their president is.
massive lore dump incoming?
tw arson, murder, squint and you'll miss it misogyny and queerphobia. not explicit though, just mentioned.
now then.
the águilas rojas weren't always as hated as they are. when they first started in the 50's, the president of the club only sought to bring together his friends in a hobby they all shared. it was a way to bring him some peace after fighting in a war he lost so much in, and brought together other veterans under him.
it's a feel-good story about a brotherhood that continued for years. weddings were attended. children christened. promotions celebrated. funerals mourned. when the president was to retire, his son was elected in his footsteps with a unified vote. or at least most of the members were unified, except one.
vaz is the conniving piece of shit that runs the áquilas today. for years he had licked boots and sucked up just so he could take the place at the helm. when this didn't happen, he decided the easiest way to obtain this power was to quite simply take it by force.
so he set fire to the president's house where the entire family was spending a night after an evening of celebrating a new child. he went to extreme measures, locking doors, windows, blocked fire hydrants.
seven lives were lost in the inferno. the next day when the club was weak, vulnerable, and mourning their friends and leader, and a founder many younger members considered their own grandfather, he fast tracked the voting and forced their hand.
now they control the majority of san maro's western parts and some percentage of the police force, but it's not enough. when hungry dogs started growing bigger and better, vaz grew infuriated. part ego, part narcissism, part rage towards an old member, vaz can't deal with being the second best.
and the club is forced to follow him. the vice president is a coward and doesn't stand up to the depravity, the members fear for their lives and the lives of their families if they voice their desire to leave. no women are allowed within the premises of the club unless they're there to please, and absolutely no lgbtqia+ allowed, not even mentioned.
"i run this club like a club is supposed to be run! what you are doing is a disgrace, a pathetic little playdate of weak mongrels you call friends. this is what true anarchy looks like. you are nothing but a fraud, a poorly thought out daydream trying to be something grand." - vaz, in his drafts, towards the hdmc.
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