#venom sequel
moonlightheretic · 24 hours
The Inquisitor and Rook (A little chat)
“Solas and I were…its complicated.” Moon’Hwa stared off, her eyes piercing a hole through the wall behind Elle, and her expression subdued into a distant and haunted look. But Sahma’el understood what wasn’t spoken. She had seen enough escorts in the brothels fall for people they could never have, and they too carried the same features of hopelessness.
Sahma’el sent a scathing glare to Varric, “You cast me in the middle of this to settle their domestic dispute?!”
“Listen Elle—” Varric reasoned.
“I have a grand idea, why don’t I drag you to his lair, present you to him with my knife pointed at your dainty little throat?” Sahma’el pushed her sheathed dagger under Moon’Hwa’s chin, “This will get’ him to think twice about tearing the veil down.”
The former Inquisitor’s mouth raised into a smirk, a spark returning to her violet eyes as they swung up to meet Elle’s,
“You would be dead on sight.”
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felrend · 10 months
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Credits rolled 🥲
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variedgatus · 2 years
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smiling so so so wide
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vakenart · 1 year
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Here’s a little gift to ya for today! Venom who paired with Tim👀
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vertigoartgore · 1 year
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BTS still of Eddie Brock bonding with the alien symbiote from Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 3. Later used (with some photoshop alterations) as a teaser poster for this much-anticipated sequel (then at least).
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mlobsters · 2 months
so i did manage to rewatch all of venom in one day (and change). that is something, for me. i think the reason it was so forgettable for me the first time was a handful of things. a) extended marvel action sequences especially when heavy on the cgi i just mentally start checking out (not marvel specific but definitely a thing there for me) b) it doesn't feel like a complete story to me? it feels like a chapter? weird. c) clowny cartoonish villain. i love you riz ahmed, no shade to you, this was all on the set design and the writing and the production, it was just so cliche and boring. d) and the other villain pops up in the eleventh hour and there's another boring way too long cg heavy fight sequence and viola he dies i guess. e) not really essential but michelle william's wig was A DISGRACE.
anyway. things i enjoyed. tom hardy full stop, especially when he's freaked out and sweaty and his voice is cracking. chef's kiss. peak sad sweaty pathetic mess of a man. him bickering with venom. venom's voice. anything basically involving any interaction with them. venom making out with eddie via anne. excellent choices! so i've been wanting to see the second movie since i saw the initial hype because i saw it leaned more into eddie and venom's situationship and i do really enjoy the concept and their part of the initial movie. so. maybe i can make that happen soon-ish.
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zachtank · 2 months
I'm glad that I'm going to get to see the Borderlands movie tomorrow. Everyone is complaining about this and that but honestly, what did you expect?!
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The game isn't serious at all. It's SUPER CRINGE at best. Most people, including myself, don't really know why you are doing anything anyway. You get the basic understanding of the games and then, like Mister Torque says, EXPLOSIONS!!! I saw the trailer. I saw EXPLOSIONS 💥. I'm good 👍🏾
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mk-wizard · 3 months
Top 10 Media that deserve a reboot
Now, this list might be controversial to some, but hear me out. As an artist and storyteller, I don't believe in bad ideas. Just badly executed ideas. I am going to list 10 media that I do believe had potential, still have potential and had great plot ideas as well as characters behind them, but could have been better. In fact, I believe they deserve another chance because the medias themselves were not bad. They were just done bad, but as the remake of Resident 2, 3 and 4 have shown us, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
Note that there are also spoilers ahead and I will not include the Acolyte on this list because it still ongoing and I will not list a media that isn't finished yet. That isn't fair.
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1- The Mummy (2017) - This adaptation of the Mummy had potential as it was frightening, it had a good plot and the idea of it being the doorway to a bigger universe was good buildup. Also, this take on the Mummy was the stuff of nightmares in all the right ways. I mean, even visually, she was frightening especially with those trademark eyes. I loved that. However, I find they did too much, too fast with hinting at a bigger universe and should have focused solely on the Mummy. With that said, if you just fix that and clean up the other mistakes, it could succeed where the first try failed. Maybe even succeed at finally opening up the door to that bigger monster universe we never got to see.
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2- The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy - I have not given up on Star Wars nor shall I because it still giving us new stuff that is that is good or at the very least, has good potential such as the Clone Wars, Rebels, Andor and The Bad Batch. In fact, even the sequel trilogy itself had potential, but it's biggest mistake in my opinion was that it chose the wrong character to be the hero. It should have Finn not Rey. In fact, I think Rey should have gone down the path of the Sith with Kylo Ren being a red herring big bad. It's second biggest mistake is was the choppy storytelling. The three films did not feel cohesive and the lack of respect for legacy characters was not very nice. I would not have killed off Han, split up Han and Leia, and so on. It needs a reboot with some tweaking.
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3- Spider-Man 3 (the Raimi films) - This one makes me sad because it was not bad, but the forced inclusion of Venom really did leave a mark on it (no pun intended). Even Sam Raimi knew that including him in the film was a bad idea, but his hand was forced. In all fairness, the characters acting out of character didn't help either especially when Peter kissed another girl for publicity. Peter Parker would never do that especially when intending to marry Mary Jane. If this film was rebooted the way Raimi really wanted it to be, it would not only be great, but give this series the jumpstart to continue onto the plans he had for his Spider-Man film series.
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4- Marvel's Spider-Man (2017 cartoon) - I have another article that explores in detail everything wrong with this cartoon, so to keep it brief, it introduced many great fresh ideas that I loved such as turning Harry Osborne into a hero, making Doc Conners into a bad guy from the get-go, the first cartoon introduction of Miles Morales, great story arc ideas and more. However, I find that the story's downfall is that was too watered down and kid friendly. This cartoon should have been aimed at older teens, Peter Parker should have been the focus and the ONLY Spider with crossovers being put to a minimum, taking its time with the storytelling, less humor, more grit and seriousness, making Doc Ock into an adult, and eliminating that gifted school altogether. Spider-Man needs his own cartoon more than ever, but one where he is shown as a hero not a clown.
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5- The Walking Dead TV Series - I have great memories about this show and I was cool with it not following the comic. In some ways, that was its strength, but after season 3, the show lost its way. It stopped being emotion driven, the human element was gone and character development as well as relationship development was gone. Not to mention, the seasonal rot (pardon the pun) began to show. I think this show's greatest downfall was that it went on for too long and should have stopped while it was ahead. With that said, it deserves a reboot where it can retold and remain polished and well written from beginning to end.
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6- The Incredibles 2 - I love the Incredibles in general. However, the sequel... it's a mixed bag. I like that the story was continuing, I liked Screen Slaver and I liked that the world was being explored further, but I did not like that it was just a sub-par retelling of the first film while featuring Elastigirl instead of Mr. Incredible. Don't get me wrong, I love Elastigirl/Helen Parr, but I think the way the Incredibles should have continued (as mentioned in another article I wrote once) was as a TV series where the characters age and develop. I mean, who wouldn't love a family sitcom-superhero TV series? Continuing the story is a must, but with new plots and having the story actually progress.
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7- Every Pirates of the Caribbean film after the first - Like the Incredibles, the first film was perfect and having the story continue was a genius idea, but it should have continued as a TV series. I love Davey Jones and Jack having his own adventures, but I did not like how the character unlikable especially Jack Sparrow. I admit he is a pirate at the of the day, but he was one with a good heart. By the end of the series, he was a horrible person and I didn't like that. In many ways, I wasn't even sure if I liked any of the characters with how they became in the end. Moreover, Barbossa should have remained dead. Period. That doesn't mean this franchise doesn't deserve a reboot. It does and the characters should have developed in a way that makes them likeable. Maybe even have Jack grow up a little. There are so many things you can do with pirates.
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8- Every Robocop media that came after the first film - Hear me out please with this one. I find that all of the sequel media of Robocop had great idea and concepts that could have worked, and still would work. Even the remake had some good points. The problem is, all of them could have been better. Even the video game was a lot of fun, but from a storytelling point of view, it too had the same problem all of the other media did. The plot was not progressing and Robocop/Alex Murphy would keep regressing as a character back into acting like a robot. Robocop needs a reboot sequel where the story actually goes on and all the progress he made as a man in the first film gets carried over to the next chapter. A good example are the comics, but even them too... they fall into the trap of the story being stuck. I want to see a sequel where the world of Robocop actually moves on and where things happen beyond Robocop just saving the day. Most importantly, I would reboot the sequel media as an episodic TV series. Not a film. Alex Murphy's journey is too complex and long to be told in just one or two movies.
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9- Batman Beyond - I can't say there was much wrong with this series. I think it was pretty flawless and Terry McGinnis did indeed come into his own as the next Batman. My only complaint about it is how it ended. Terry McGinnis does not need to be the convoluted genetically modified son of Bruce Wayne. It defeats the whole purpose of him being his own Batman and own man in general. I think Terry should remain unrelated to Bruce and for their bond to just spiritually be foster father and foster son. It was just fine like that. If I also had to find another thing wrong with this series is that... it ended too suddenly and too soon. I would love to see Terry don the Batman identity again. He was cool and I miss him. Plus, there is still so many things that remained unresolved.
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10 - Spider-Man: One More Day - It is quite obvious what went wrong with this storyline. It not only retconned Peter and MJ's marriage and family, it retconned their adulthood and character development. After that, the story of Spider-Man in the comics has just never been the same. While presenting a story where Aunt May was dying and Peter was faced with the choice of saving her at the cost of erasing his new life or keeping his new life while accepting Aunt May passing on was a good idea... having Peter choose to save Aunt May and give up his new life he worked so hard to build was a mistake. Rather than retconning this comic, I think rebooting it with a much better message would fix everything for Spider-Man and the Spider-Man community in general. Just when Spider-Man is about to make the deal with Mephisto, Aunt May herself catches wind of what Peter is going to do and, like in the video games, stops him from making the selfish decision of only saving her. She explains to Peter while getting ill is not ideal, she is old to begin with and even then, got to experience many wonderful things and got to see him grow up and get married. Plus, erasing his life with MJ wouldn't just negatively impact his life, but also MJ's and the lives all those he touched around him. Aunt May would convince Peter that her life alone is not more important the many lives that would get changed without consent. She has accepted that her time has come and that both Peter and MJ must accept it too with grace and not let any devil tempt them to do otherwise. In the end, Peter and MJ turn down Mephisto's deal which does result in a fight which Spider-Man wins with help. It also ends with Aunt May succumbing to her illness and dying, but her soul is at peace and as much as everyone is heartbroken by her passing, Peter and MJ see all the friends surrounding them in their time of mourning and accept that allowing this to happen was the right thing to do. Aunt May was important to them, but so is everyone else who is still here with them, everything they made together and everything that is going to happen after. It also ends with MJ discovering that she is pregnant which drives the point home all the more.
And that's my list. What do you think?
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brothersonahotelbed · 6 months
now you see me 3 is set to begin filming this spring....
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dykelawlight · 1 year
Starting to thread together the tiny chunks I have of the OM sequel fic rn and it's only 5 pages rn which has me looking at my original google doc like...honey you got a big storm coming
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moonlightheretic · 2 months
Cradle for the Wicked
The brothel was heavily perfumed, a flowery musk that masked the various scents of unkept bodies and unholy acts, or rather, it was meant to. It latched onto the air in the form of smoke, trapping with it the identities of its patrons, a hazy veil to protect such people venturing into debauchery. Llomerryn had little charm for those with pure intent. Only those with orphaned morals could stomach it.
Sahma’el wrinkled her nose in disgust, she should be used to such depravity by now, but each time it assaulted her senses. She tugged on her hood, yanking more fabric over her amber eyes, as a flood of hands stroked her body and clothing, with mouthfuls of heated air calling her by forbidden names. She shivered in disgust and forced her way through.
Curtains of limbs pulled her back, their fingernails caught on her cape like thorns in a thicket. Their honeyed demeaners dove into a petulant insistence. They only saw her wealth, but they couldn’t see the holes perforating underneath. To them she represented a full belly, a sip of finery, momentary comfort bought with the coin she could give, but she was not in a charitable mood. She dug her heel into the back of someone’s palm and lashed out with her staff. “Be gone.” There was an audible crack as her staff connected with someone’s nose and an unfortunate soul yelped and shied away.
A beaded patchwork of sorrowful eyes clung to the shadows, ever slowly withdrawing from her figure. “Scatter!” She shooed them and they receded to the corners, with one clutching a bruising hand and another clutching a bloody nose.
Working on my Rook's backstory y'all.
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hereditary20l8 · 11 months
remembering how last month i found out my mom had already watched venom and really enjoyed it
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moldedstrawberry · 1 year
Dude isn't there something kinda fucked up about the citizens of NYC in the Marvel universe dressing up as supervillains like the Rhino and Vulture for Halloween??? These are serial killers and the average Marvel civilian just doesn't give a shit man, the costume was just too elite to pass up.
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hope-to-hell · 1 year
Why am I writing sappy eddiexvenom this is not how I intended any of this to go
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batfamfucker · 1 year
All these remakes and sequels and still no Amazing Spider-Man 3 like Andrew rightfully deserves. The ONLY comeback I'm rooting for
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alastaircraig · 1 year
Uh oh, Michael Corleone is REALLY in over his head now he's
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Uh oh, looks like Academy Award Nominee Woody Harrelson is now a
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Uh oh, there's a new scoundrel in the galaxy. And he's ready to participate in the
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Uh oh, the Doctor has regenerated! Now this guy's a
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