#vento auero reader insert
inkpot909 · 4 months
First Love Headcanons: Bruno Bucciarati x Reader
↳ Gender neutral Reader with they/them pronouns. Implied the reader is shorter than Bucciarati? Canon-divergent. The reader is not made out to be very morally upright and is hinted at having a rough past.
A/n: Doing another one of these has been on my mind for a while now. Thank you to the lovely person below for the request! I hope y’all enjoy. <3
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Warning(s): None.
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There’s no time in Bruno Bucciarati’s schedule for a relationship.
Growing up in the mob kept him focused on the ‘family’ that took him in. It was his purpose, and the only reason he was able to support his father as well as himself. Before he learned the truth of the organization’s operations, he felt a pride in even the… messier aspects of his work.
Eventually finding a disconnect between it and his own morals leaves an empty spot in his heart. A shame so deeply buried within him that even the members slowly joining his team know little of it how deeply it affects him.
He now goes on with his work as normal, all while feeling like a bit of a hypocrite. His heart feeling so betrayed it needs little to push him towards full betrayal on his part.
Surely, a relationship would only muddy the waters.
All the cute girls that wave to him as he passes by on the street… who of them would be able to take such baggage? How could he expect anyone to? He wouldn’t have it in him to willingly bring anyone into this lifestyle, if his reluctance to let Narancia join is anything to go by.
Barely an adult and already he’s responsible for a small handful of people. Though, that thought never crosses his mind, as he’s unfortunately felt like an adult for an unfair amount of time.
And despite his own inner turmoil over his position in Passione, he’s formed meaningful relationships through the members of his team.
He’s the connection that binds them together, the head of their group, and by proxy the head of their little family. The purpose that the organization originally gave him now lands on the shoulders of his motley crew.
It’s them that keeps him going in spite of it all.
He finds his heart still beating, still moved each time he brings someone underneath his wing. That alone is good enough for a man like him.
No… there’s no time in Bruno Bucciarati’s schedule for a relationship.
And so, with that thought constantly repeated in his mind, he didn’t at all bat an eye when your own need eventually brought you to Passione’s metaphorical doorstep.
In your mind, it must’ve felt like fate.
Reaching for assistance at lowest point, you were subtly pointed toward one Bruno Bucciarati.
You don’t know what you expecting from the mafioso. A degree of harshness or coldness, perhaps. Only to be greeted with a hearty meal and an understanding personality so moving you fell into the trap of the mob right then and there.
How could you hope not to? When all you saw in that moment was a pair of gentle blue eyes looking at you with unspoken empathy, allowing you to speak freely despite his status as a gang leader.
So when he gave you an offer, you could only accept with newfound vigor.
The next couple of days felt like a blur, a change to your very view of your own psyche is made when it is suddenly able to manifest something you soon knew to call a stand. It is life altering to you, yet mundane to Bucciarati.
That kept you grounded.
Exiting a prison, golden broach in your hand, there’s no pit in your stomach that usually occurs when you lie straight to someone’s face. You had looked up at Polpo- an impossibly intimidating capo -and told him a lie. Said you’d kept the lighter on for 24 hours, and he… took your word for it, creepily enough.
You’re observant, able to discern that you were never meant to actually keep the lighter on the whole time, that the goal all along was to acquire a stand.
Distantly, you remember telling yourself as you left the prison that you ought to grow accustomed to lying anyways.
You didn't chose the mafia to be a player in your future, but life hardly goes the way people want.
And lying to a man like Polpo really didn’t feel like it counted anyways.
Still, Bruno’s reaction to your own twisted priorities was a darkly comforting one. It made you feel better about the coming days ahead:
Bruno Bucciarati finds himself checking his watch a third time, standing just a few yards away from a prison’s main entrance. Not many people like to pass by the looming building, leaving him alone and not likely to be recognized by anyone- Passione member or not.
He sighs, This should not be taking this long.
There’s only so much he can check the area around him before he starts looking suspect. Not that there’s much hustle and bustle in the surrounding area to distract himself with. A familiar impatience bubbles within his stomach, one that only occurs when he’s about to introduce his team to a new member.
Well… hopefully.
Before he starts growing gray hairs, he hears the prison gate creak open. Turning his head, he finally notices your figure exiting the large entrance with prison guards escorting you.
A smile finds its way onto his face, a gesture you return as you approach him. Once the gate is closed, and the two of you are left without any watchful eyes, you subtly gesture with your arm. The action causes his attention to move towards your hand that shows off a little golden broach in your hand.
He gives a nod, and you don’t waste time before shoving the little piece of gold into your pocket. Just as you do, you halt your footsteps- now standing close enough to hold a casually quiet conversation.
Every one of your movements are noticed and dissected within his mind, something you clearly understand just by looking at your poised body language. That, or you’re still on alert from talking to Polpo.
“I was beginning to think I’d have to go in there myself,” he jests lightly, though there’s not much actual humor in his voice. “Afraid I’d find you there attempting to choke the capo out.”
“The thought didn’t cross my mind,” you reply, a trying smile playing on your lips. You appear much more collected than the day you first met him, a detail he’s glad to see. “That would be an awful first impression of my own loyalty, wouldn’t it?”
Ah, so either Y/n is simply that nervous, or Polpo’s words actually got to them. Bruno shakes the thought off, as the distinction is not worth dwelling over right at this moment.
“One of your new teammates was damn near close to trying to pull a stunt like that in the past-“ he doesn’t miss how your eyes brighten up at his roundabout way of welcoming you to his team. You joining it went without saying, but the subtle omission being enough to make you look so inspired is something he can already tell he’ll find endearing about your personality. “-But no matter… walk with me, please.”
You do as you’re asked, something Bruno does not care take note of.
It's the one part of your behavior he doesn't quietly run through his brain. It’s your first day after all, he’ll see in a weak how well you actually listen to him. His experience with the others has taught him as much.
“I do have to admit…” you speak up when he doesn’t, “Lying to him didn’t make me feel bad at all.”
He turns to you, something flickering in his gaze before he lets out a soft chuckle. His smile now seems a little less formal, and the amusement on his face looks more natural. “If that’s an omission of guilt, then you’ll be an interesting change of pace.”
“It is,” you admit, figuring there’s no need to put up a front for a man this observant, “Lying to someone is almost worse than killing them.”
“How do you figure?” Bruno raises an eyebrow, not batting an eyelid at your statement. Honestly, the first time the two of you met, your words were much more morbid.
“Well… lying leaves room for feelings to stir within me or the person of interest. It lets emotions fester inside of people. Killing stops all regrets or feelings of betrayal- stopping everything, you understand? That, I can live with. A bad mark on my heart I find more difficult to walk away from."
It’s no surprise he’s silent after that, but his hesitation does take you off guard.
Oh, god, was that too loose-lipped? It’s easy to feel comfortable around Bucciarati. Far too easy. He’s the type of man that makes people inclined to open up. You always talked casually before about macabre things. Isn’t that normal for a mafioso? What if-
“No need to be nervous, L/n; I’m already impressed by you. You’ll do well with us.”
Something about his words, spoken so calmly without even looking over at you, have a calming effect to them. Just a week into knowing him, and already you’re slowly growing accustomed to his genuine yet subdued warmth.
As Bruno drones on about Passione and its systems- more specifically his duties that directly trickle down into being your duties -you can’t help but let your mind wander a little to a distinction you made when you first met him.
Bruno Bucciarati’s fundamentally different.
There’s a kindness to him you never would’ve expected from someone in a gang. It kept you nodding along as you spoke, and distantly you felt as though your entire future is in the palm of his hand.
And scarily enough, you were fine with that.
Him being a sort of exception was a thought you assumed yourself to be mad for making, at least, until you found out the others on the team noticed the exact same thing.
All while Bruno himself only looks at you and sees your potential to grow.
A place in his team… something that he’s always well-spotted. An intuition he’s not once been wrong with before, so there’s a degree of confidence there as well that rubs off on you.
You got his attention in a familiar way, and after you join the team, you’re his responsibility and his purpose- just as the others are.
He’s just your leader. Nothing more, nothing less.
That said, he grows to appreciate the genuine gratefulness you offer him in a… special way.
The others are thankful for him too, and he knows that fact, but it’s nice to here the sentiment so openly and often in nature. And in the tones of your voice, it’s especially calming.
He’s really just making excuses for himself, but it was early on enough where it was okay.
That’s what’ll first make Bruno truly see you as not only a member of his team, but a member of his little found-family. The not-so-subtle ways you show that you want to be with them and a part of what they do… how could he hope to not find that charming?
Your softer side, however you chose to express it, is never missed by a man like Bruno. He easily recognizes it, and almost immediately respects you for it.
Hell, after a while, he relies on you for it.
There’s little in his life that’s more grounding than a gentle expression, thick with anticipation, displayed on your face after each mission you’re not a part of.
You always check up on the returning members as soon as possible, making sure everyone is up and moving. “I won’t be able to relax unless I see for myself that you’re all okay,” he recalls you saying on the matter. The fact that it’s how you treat everyone on the team only makes the relaxing feeling sink in deeper.
It’s not long before he sees you as a genuine soul, and he’d consider himself to be a fool if he didn’t recognize that.
Since the very beginning, Bruno’s personality has touched you emotionally. And although he always saw a sort of spark in you, getting to really know you- becoming your friend in tantum with acting as your superior -allows him to see that little spark for what it actually is.
Genuine care for the people you’re close to. An eye for good natured people, and a responding gentleness. Couple that with a darker, more proactive role during missions or anything work-related, and Bruno finds himself falling back on you more than he’d care to admit.
The others, though? They have no hang-ups over mentioning it. It gets to a point where- specifically Fugo, Mista, and Narancia -start to complain about Bruno showing you a degree of ‘special treatment.’
Mista and Narancia’s complaining jabs are easily shot down with only a look, but Fugo proved to be a lot more serious about it.
To the extent to where an argument or two emerges between them. Fugo insistant in his observations, trying to get Bruno to at least admit he treats you differently than the rest. But Bruno remained headstrong, stubborn in his belief that he would always treat his subordinates equally.
He’s just your boss. Nothing more, nothing less.
In the months that pass, when you’ve since naturally found your place on the team, at what point did that start to be the common refrain playing in his mind?
At what point does he go from insisting he has no time for a relationship at all, to continuously having to remind himself he’s your boss?
And that question alone tugs at his heartstrings in a manner he’s not quite used to. It’s a delightful feeling, but it is foreign.
For a man like Bruno Bucciarati, it’s not so much a refusal to believe he could be developing feelings, but a worry if he should even do anything about the attraction.
That said, it does take him some time to realize his own feelings due to his position as a boss to you and out of sheer unfamiliarity with the subject.
He’s not too obvious as to receive knowing looks from the others whenever he’s around you (Which is often). Hell, Mista even admitted to him much later that Narancia didn’t even notice until Fugo told him to start paying attention.
And after a certain point, Bruno has to admit it to himself and does so with surprising ease. It may have taken some time, he may have been stubborn speaking with Fugo, but he won’t continue to lie to himself. He’s old enough to know when he needs to swallow his pride and admit Fugo was onto something, if only a little.
And after that point of realization, his own love language starts to naturally shine through a bit more.
Bruno generally prefers acts of service and quality time when showing his affection. Cheeky and openly flirtatious, you may have assumed he’s been in relationships before given his confidence.
He’s always had a special care for you when it comes to missions... but now he finds himself offering to help you with grocery shopping. Or paying for a maid to clean up your home when you’ve had a particularly busy week, and offhandedly mentioned needing to clean once.
What? You thought he would forget? That only makes him chuckle smugly, prompting him to lean to eye-level and ask you, “What kind of man do you think I am?”
It seems like he remembers everything that pours from your lips. Always listening to you intently, and never brushing you off.
And during down time, Bruno naturally finds himself preferring to spending it in your company. A lot. Preferably alone, thank you very much.
The two of you even began to start watching TV shows with one another. And neither of you would dare to watch ahead without the other. It’s usually true crime shows, comedies, or shitty soap operas.
All this time with you after realizing his feelings... and they only grow- to his personal panic. The more he stays at your side the more he would hate to ever leave it.
So this is what it's like... he remembers thinking while lounging around, and watching a movie with you one evening. This is.... what I’ve been missing my whole life.
As beautiful as the feeling you bring him is, should he... really do anything about it?
He can see that look in your eyes when it’s just the two of you, a gleam that speaks of an internal joy you’re not sharing with him just as he refuses to share with you.
He gets a sneaking suspicion that you like him the exact same way he’s grown to adore you. And Christ almighty- what’s he supposed to do with that?
Yet, even though you’re a part of Passione, meaning he needs not to stress over bringing you into something so dangerous unwillingly... he is still hesitant.
His care for you so often is expressed through worry, something he usually handles with authority and maybe even harsh words if he deems it necessary.
But this is far more personal, and he can only mull it over by himself. He’s not the type to bring it up to others, not even Abbacchio.
If he reached for you... and the two of you began something real; something official... it would be a no-brainer for enemies to target either of you in order to send some sort of message.
He can’t stand the thought of your broken heart, and absolutely refuses to think of something like that happening to you.
Then again, if a bit morbid, he eventually realizes the result would still be the same with the way things are now. Only, it’d be coupled with Bruno's deep regret over not having said anything to you.
He can only wonder if you’d feel the same, and at the end of the day, he really does think that would be the case.
And it’s around the time he’s fully digesting this, that you end up genuinely taking him aback. Acting before he can begin convincing himself to make the first move:
Giorno, Fugo, and Mista walk behind Bucciarati, looking up at him in silent awe.
If you were to look into each of their eyes, you could likely peace together what they’re thinking while looking upon the freshly appointed capo. Opportunity twinkles within their gazes, all coming from a sincere place of respect for their leader.
You, however, are not looking at them.
As Bruno approaches the rest of his team, anticipation turns into cheers and hollers of excitement from the others standing next to you. Abbacchio has the widest smile on his face you’ve seen since Giorno entered the picture, yet your gaze stays glued onto Bruno throughout the nearly youthful display of glee.
He’s noticeably silent and calm. It’s like there’s no off switch to him- likely already going through the duties now landing on his lap due to his promotion within his mind. He’s not going to want to take the night off, no doubt wanting to get down to business.
Your heart swells despite the slight strain on it. It’s so like him to be that way in a time like this, but… I can’t help but wish he’d celebrate… if only a little, you find yourself thinking.
“Mista… guys, please,” Bruno tries to calm the two (In all honesty, Giorno’s ‘celebrating’ amounted to simply smiling) excited boys walking beside him, waving his hand.
Mista goes on about how everyone must celebrate somehow, still lecturing as they finally approach and reunite with the rest of the group. His words go over Bruno’s head, however, a fond smile making its way onto his face when he turns to meet your gaze.
Maybe it’s the adrenaline from him finally achieving the well-deserved position. Feeling so proud of him that your body jerks forward without thinking. Maybe it’s the excitement of everyone else rubbing off on you, and simply causes you to act without thinking.
All you do care to think as your feet move you right up to Bruno is, To hell with it. If he won’t start celebrating on his own; I’m making him celebrate.
Bruno opens his mouth to speak as you move well within his personal space, but is cut off by the swift movement of your hand tightly grabbing the collar of his jacket. One good tug of your arm and your pulling him toward you, lips meeting with his eyes widely open in surprise.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!”
Fugo’s exclamation, along with startled gasps from everyone else melt away the moment you feel Bruno melt into the kiss and reciprocate.
He follows your lead, gently sighing against your lips when you neglect to take your hand off his collar. His arms, which you’ve always found to be so comforting, snake around your waist. He keeps you securely in his hold, and your other hand flies to cup his jaw.
After a moment or two, the kiss breaks. Bruno looks at you as you pull away, eyes still wide and mouth gently agape. It’s enough to make you chuckle, seeing him so cutely taken aback by both your and his own spontaneous actions.
“Congratulations, capo,” you smoothly whisper, finally removing yourself from his hold. “You earned it.”
“I-… thank you, Y/n,” he responds softly, a smile growing on his face.
As much as you’d like to hold onto the gentle intimacy of the moment you just shared with him, movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention. Shifting your gaze, you catch a glimpse of Fugo silently sliding some cash over to a smug-looking Abbacchio.
No… they didn’t…
“Did you-“ you breath, embarrassment beginning to boil inside your stomach and fuel the rising volume of your voice, “-Did you assholes bet on us!?”
“It’s Fugo’s fault for assuming Bucciarati would make the first move,” Abbacchio replies dryly, scoffing as if it’s beneath him.
“Excuse me!?” you and Fugo shout in tandem.
The team erupts in accusations and yelling, the celebration over nearly three minutes after it began. Bruno can only smile at his team, not expecting anything less.
And just like you moments ago, he cannot take his eyes off you.
It’s moments like those that serve as a reminder as to why it’s Bucciarati that leads the team.
Still… the smile playing on his lips that day did not falter once after your sudden display of affection. It was a beautiful, unexpected thing… much akin to how you entered his life.
The two of you were much closer after that event. Other members of Passione outside the team noticing another that’s always at the young capo’s side. Whispers and rumors flood Naples of your relationship… but he never pays them any attention.
He knows what the two of have, and he’s confident in saying that it’s love.
After all, all that matters to him is you staying at his side… even behind closed doors. He’s never experienced something like this before in his life, but now that he has you held in his arms, he never wishes to let you go.
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thornybubbles · 9 months
Blood Red String of Fate (Yandere Risotto x Reader)
Scenario: The reader discovers that they are Risotto’s soulmate. Risotto is thrilled. The reader is not. 
Warnings: Yandere themes, canon typical violence, kidnapping, attempted self harm, forced relationship, and other “fun” stuff. 
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You thought that it was just a story; an urban legend spread between lovesick teens and desperate young adults. You never believed for a moment that the whole “red string of fate” thing was true. Soulmates didn’t exist. Relationships didn’t come into being from a whim of chance. You didn’t believe in destiny or naive notions of love at first sight. But all of that changed the day you woke up and found the seemingly endless crimson colored string tied to your pointer finger. It wasn’t endless, of course. You knew that it was attached to the finger of your soulmate (something that you believed to be a fairy tale only a day before). It horrified you, not because you had an aversion to love or the idea of it. It was just that you believed that love should be something that is a mutual choice between two people. It should never be something that was forced onto people by fate. But that wasn’t what had you feeling like your stomach was doing cartwheels. You could actually sense the person on the other end of the string. You could feel their thoughts, emotions, and their very presence as if they were in the room with you. What you felt from them appalled you. You could feel their love for you and it almost had you returning the sentiment, but the warm feeling it gave you was overshadowed by the strong possessiveness that you felt, too. This person, whoever they were, genuinely thought that the string being attached to you meant that they owned you. Not only that, but you could feel an overwhelming blood lust and violence coming from them. Whoever your soulmate was, they were dangerous and the thought of being with them did not appeal to you. As far as you were concerned the two of you were not compatible, soulmate or not. You didn’t give a damn what fate or destiny had to say about it. 
Risotto stared at the red string tied to his finger. He didn’t know how to feel about it at first, but once he sensed you on the other end of the string, it stirred in him an uncontrollable obsession. He never asked to be attached to you, but now that he was, he wanted you. He couldn’t imagine life without you. It wasn’t enough to be bound to you, though. No. He needed you by his side. He had to find a way to bring you to him. It was strange, Risotto never imagined himself to bother with a significant other. He always felt that it would be too dangerous and an inconvenience to him as a member of Passione. Suddenly finding out that he had a soulmate was a bit bizarre. It didn’t matter. Now that he was connected to you, he could feel what kind of person you were. You were everything he needed, everything he desired. He found himself craving you the way a starving man craved food. He truly felt that if he didn’t bring you to him soon, then he would die. He had to have you here. NOW!
“Boss? Whatcha starin’ at your hand for? Didja get hurt?” 
The voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see Formaggio looking at him with concern. 
The others couldn’t see the string. No one knew of the bond that he shared with you. It gave him an odd sense of comfort and made him feel even more connected with you. You were meant for each other. No one else could interfere. No one could break the bond that he had with you. The obsession that he felt for you grew even greater knowing that. 
“I’m fine.” Risotto answered his subordinate. He glanced at the string, following it with his eyes as it ran along the ground and out of the room. He could follow it and it would lead him right to you. He could find you easily. He could…
Risotto shot up from his chair and yanked his hand into the air, effectively pulling at the string. He could feel you just then. You were about to do something awful, but he managed to put a stop to it. He glared down at the string as if he was glaring at you. Why would you ever attempt something like that?!
“Boss?” Formaggio asked, giving his Capo a concerned look. “What was that about?” 
Risotto didn’t acknowledge him right away. He gave the string another pull. He wasn’t completely sure how the string worked or what he could do with it, but he quickly figured out he could send his very will through it somehow. He did that just then, to stop your foolishness. It was clear that he couldn’t put off meeting you any longer. 
“Get in contact with the others. Tell them that I’m going to pay someone a visit.” he said suddenly. 
“Huh? What?!” Formaggio cried in confusion. 
He watched as Risotto passed him by and left the room. Formaggio clambered up from the sofa and trailed after him. 
“Wait a minute!” he called. “You’re leaving now? Who’re you gonna visit? Is this a mission? Ain’tcha gonna tell me anything?” 
“This is a personal matter.” Risotto said, his tone implying that Formaggio should stop asking questions. “I won’t be gone long, but I have to leave immediately. Continue with business as normal until I get back.” 
“Wait!” Formaggio said, trying once more to reason with his Capo. “Shouldn’t you tell the others this yourself? Why do you have to run off in such a hurry?” 
Risotto turned his red gaze on his subordinate. 
“I trust you to let them know that I’m gone. Just tell them that I had an emergency that I needed to tend to. I’ll explain when I get back. I have to go now, Formaggio.” he said. 
And with that Risotto left the building. Formaggio stood staring at the door wondering what was going through his Capo’s mind. Risotto was a mysterious guy, but he was acting very strangely all of a sudden. He thought about it for a moment longer before throwing his hands up and turning away from the door. 
“Eh. Can’t be helped. Orders are orders. Guess I’ll let the others know.” 
You’d tried everything. You tried cutting the string with scissors, a knife, or any other sharp thing you could find. You even tried biting through it. Nothing would cut the string. There was only one alternative that you could think of for ridding yourself of the unwanted bond with your equally unwanted soulmate. If you couldn’t sever the string, then you would simply sever the finger that it was tied to. God, you didn’t want to do it, but what choice did you have? 
Every moment you spent bonded to your soulmate, you could feel more and more of what kind of person they were. They were a killer. They’d killed a lot of people and you could tell that they would kill a lot more. It would be just your rotten luck to be stuck with a murderer as a soulmate. You knew that they could sense you and you hated it. You didn’t want a killer knowing as much about you as you did about them. You wanted them gone from your life. So you would disconnect from them. With luck, once the deed was done, they would just think that you died or something and wouldn’t seek you out. 
You set some medical supplies to the side, to be ready to deal with your self inflicted injury. The plan was simple enough. You would cut off your finger, ridding yourself of the bond, then you would quickly patch up your injured hand, wrap and place your severed finger in a container full of ice you had set alongside the medical supplies, then call 911 and have them take you to the hospital where you could hopefully have your finger reattached. You had no idea how you would explain what happened to you. If you told them you cut off your finger to disconnect the bond with your soulmate, they’d have you committed. So you would have to think of something more normal to tell them. An accident cutting food maybe? 
Hesitantly, you paced your finger on the edge of the kitchen counter. You held the knife in your other hand. Suddenly a thought occurred to you. What if you didn’t cut it off in one chop? What if your strength wasn’t enough to cut through the bone? What if the knife wasn’t sharp enough?  What would you do then? You glanced at the knife. It seemed very sharp. Still, it would require some level of strength to cut through the bone. Oh God! What if you had to saw through the bone with another tool? The thought of the prolonged agony made you feel queasy. You could feel the color draining from your face and you swayed on your feet slightly. You shook your head. Determinazione! That’s what you needed now. You had to suck it up and deal with the pain. This was the only way you knew to deal with this. 
You raised the knife high over your finger. You took a few deep breaths and mentally hyped yourself to do what needed to be done. 
Don’t think about the pain. Don’t think about the blood. Think about being stuck bonded to a murderer. You thought to yourself. 
You let out a cry of resolution and raised the knife even higher. 
Suddenly there was a powerful yank on the string that pulled your hand away just as the knife came down on the counter. The blade sank into the countertop, leaving a notch in the Formica. Yeah, that blow definitely would have cut through the bone. Too bad something stopped you. You grabbed the knife by the handle and tried to pull it from the countertop. You managed to pull it free but the string was tugged again with much more force this time. The action caused you to lose your hold on the knife. It fell into the sink as you were yanked nearly to the ground. You fell to one knee in an attempt to regain your balance. You yanked your arm backwards only to find that it wouldn’t budge. The string was somehow pulled taut and you were practically being dragged across the floor. 
“STOP PULLING ON ME, ASSHOLE!!!” you shouted, anger in your voice disguising your terror. 
The pulling stopped and the string went slack again. They stopped you! Whoever was on the other end of the string knew that you planned to chop off your own finger to sever the bond with them. They didn’t want you to disconnect from them! Why? Did they really put value in the bond? Didn’t they know that you had no interest in them? Why would they bother? It was madness! 
Suddenly you could feel a strange sensation through the string. It was as if your soulmate’s presence felt stronger somehow. You couldn’t understand it, until you realized… they were getting closer to you! They were coming for you! Well you wouldn’t be there when they arrived. You jumped up from the kitchen floor and ran to your room. Quickly, you packed a few clothes and other essentials. You didn’t know where you would go, but you weren’t going to fall into their grasp no matter what!
Risotto stared down at the string on his finger as he sat in the back of a cab. He allowed himself a small, bitter smile. You were a fool. Did you really think that you could escape him? Apparently so, because he could sense you moving away from him. It was frustrating, but it didn’t matter. He would find a way to get to you before you got too far away. The problem was that you could sense how far away he was from you at all times. Did you really mean to stay on the run from him for as long as he tried to pursue you? What if there was a way that he could hide himself from you? An idea came to him. He asked the cab driver to drop him off at the next block. The driver did as told and drove away. Risotto looked around. He was standing outside of a vacant lot. It seemed that this was an abandoned part of the city. Good. He could experiment here with no one around to intrude. It was a long shot, but if he used Metallica’s ability to camouflage himself, he might be able to disguise his presence at his end of the string. Risotto activated his Stand’s secondary ability and waited. He could feel you on your end of the string. You stopped pulling away from him. He began to follow the string, half expecting you to start pulling away from him again. You never did. You were staying put. He followed the string until he was in a better part of town. Still, you didn’t move. It worked! As long as he stayed invisible, you couldn’t sense him! You were as good as his!
You had just driven into an unfamiliar part of town when you felt the presence at the other end of the string disappear. What happened? Did they die? Did they disconnect the bond? No, you could still see the string wrapped around your finger. Maybe they just stopped following you? You sighed. Thank the Lord. In the distance you spotted a sign for a hotel. You would stay there for the night and think about what you were going to do in the morning. You pulled into the hotel and walked into the office, dragging your bag along with you. You got yourself a room and collapsed on the bed there. You’d been running from your soul mate for days now. Why did they just stop following you? Did they give up? Did they realize that you weren’t interested in them? What was their game? You had only planned to stay at the hotel for the night, but decided to stay there until you felt that it was safe enough to return home. That was only if your soulmate didn’t decide to start following you again. 
That night, you dreamed of a man in a strange black costume resembling that of a jester, with white hair and red eyes with black scleras. You seemed to know each other, but you couldn’t remember from where. You were afraid of him, but you weren’t sure why. 
Risotto strolled into the parking lot of the hotel you were staying in. He was overwhelmed with joy at having tracked you down, but he would have to be careful from here on out. If you got so much as an inkling that he was nearby, you would start running again. He couldn’t allow that. Not when he was so close. He’d been walking for ages, sleeping in hotel rooms that he broke into and stealing food. If anyone got too nosey about his invisible activities, they met a swift and horrible end. He was exhausted having to travel on foot (an invisible man couldn’t flag down a taxi after all), but it was all worth it now that he finally tracked you down. 
He followed the string until it led under the door of a certain room. Your room. He grinned at the feeling of your presence on the other side of the door. You were sleeping, so he would have to be quiet. Using Metallica’s magnetism, Risotto unscrewed the screws around the doorknob to your room. He was thankful that the hotel was an older one that hadn’t yet converted to the use of keycards. The door knobs popped out of their sockets and clattered to the ground. Risotto froze, afraid the sound would wake you. He was relieved that he could still feel that you were asleep. Carefully, he opened the door and let himself in. 
He spied your sleeping form on the bed. He smiled fondly at you before coming out of his camouflaged state. There was no point in hiding from you anymore. Abruptly, you sat up in bed, gasping and sobbing. 
What a horrible dream. You’ve been having nightmares about the strange man with the scary eyes ever since you started staying at the hotel. The dream was always the same, the man would corner you somewhere, tell you that you knew each other, then try to drag you off somewhere you didn’t want to go. If you weren’t sure before, you were certain now, that man in your dreams was your soulmate. He had the same aura you felt at the other end of the string. The same aura of blood and death that you felt so strongly that it caused you to wake up in a panic… The same aura that you could still feel as if it were in the room with you at that very moment. 
You turned to face that overwhelming presence you could sense nearby and your blood ran cold. 
“You!” you gasped. “It’s you!” 
The man took a step towards you, smiling sweetly. You cringed away from him, pulling the bed covers up as if they could shield you from him. 
“How did you find me without me sensing you?” you demanded. 
“Not important,” he said in a deep voice that would have had your heart fluttering in any other situation. “What matters now is that we are finally together, as fate intended.” 
“To hell with fate and to hell with you! I want nothing to do with you! Now get out of my room before I call the police!” 
The man laughed at your poor attempt at bravado. 
“You can fight it all you want, but you and I will be together no matter what.” 
You jumped up from the bed and made an attempt to run out the door, but he stepped into your path and you ended up in his crushing embrace. 
“Let go of m-- mph!” your demands were silenced by one of his massive palms covering your mouth. 
You struggled in his hold but he was far stronger than you. You could barely move in his grip. Something sharp pierced your neck and you screamed into his hand. You struggled a moment more before dizziness overwhelmed you. Your limbs felt heavy and it became impossible to move them. Your vision grew blurry and you felt yourself going limp in his arms. Just before you passed out you heard him say, 
“You tried to hurt yourself all because you didn’t want to be bonded to me. I couldn’t allow that. I know that you don’t want me as your soulmate, but I know that you can learn to love me. I’ll take you somewhere where I can keep an eye on you and make sure that you never try to hurt yourself, or sever our bond again. Whether you want it or not, you and I were meant to be. You should know by now that you can’t fight fate.”
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danddymaro · 3 months
Instinct | Leone Abbacchio x Reader
Has a man ever told you this shit? because I promise you, to me, it's been one of the most painful things to hear.
I like sad stuffs.
Word count: 317
The way he turned to you was swift, and as he did, he nearly winced before he stopped you from coming closer, putting a distance between you that felt acres apart.
"Did I ask you to?" he said bitterly, the snarl in his tone possessing all of his collected exasperation and loathing.
-All of which made you pause, your reaching hand retreating as it drew back to your chest.
He'd said so many things to you before, all of which you could come back from, but for some reason that one sentence was all it took to break you down.
It made everything else he'd said fall apart.
They were daggers to your heart, and at that moment you could easily ignore the aching your side felt.
The pain that came from it being reconstructed wasn't properly registered when your very insides felt twisted.
The churning in your stomach made you feel sick, and you swallowed down your words, silently nodding, understanding.
'Of course, he hadn't...'
You thought as you shook your head, refusing to argue, because he never had.
What was there to discuss?
'He never did,' you mused, sadly.
But wasn't love selfless?
Shouldn't it be instinct for him to dive towards you too?
As you looked to him, you offered him one final glance as you tried to remember those brief moments he felt truly yours.
And you tried to remember how sweet he came back after he stung you.
You did your best, but you wondered why you should wait until then to feel loved.
'Shouldn't it be easy for you?' you added, dreading to ask.
As everyone else looked toward you, you could feel their sympathy sent your way, and you offered back an apology before you made the decision to put yourself first.
Defeated, you dropped your shoulders, and what he had assumed to be a walk turned into your departure.
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etherealzx · 2 years
I saw someone request Abbacchio acting like a father figure to a gn! Reader who's a new member of the bucci gang. And I've been craving for content like that ever since.
Thank you~
omg omg omg this is adorable
Abbacchio Being Like a Father Figure to gn!New Gang Member
Abbacchio would be wary of you at first, much like he was with Giorno. The mafia world is a cruel one, and you can never be too careful. He knows this from experience.
Once he had gotten used to you being around and knew you were trustworthy, he (very) slowly started to be a little less cold towards you.
He started asking specifically to be sent on missions with you, tagging along as “extra protection”.
When all of the other members were teasing you for being the newbie, he found himself getting a little too defensive over you. Like, to the point where even Bruno told him to chill tf out.
If you ever found yourself in a bad position while on a mission, he was there to help you in a millisecond.
He would almost kind of scold you, saying things like “You really gotta be more careful, kid. I’m not always gonna be there to save you.”
It’s his weird way of trying to motivate you
He would use Moody Blues to play your fights over again, pointing out where you could improve or how to use your stand in a more efficient way
Almost kind of coaching you
If you did really well on a mission, expect praise
His praises won’t be the most enthusiastic sounding, but believe me when I say they’re the most genuine compliments you will ever receive
Sometimes his praises are just a pat on the back/head and a smile
“Great job out there today” “You seriously kicked ass”
he’s emotionally constipated so that’s his way of telling you that he’s proud of you
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strawmariee · 11 months
Oieee voltei pra fazer meu pedido \o/
Então, eu tinha pensado em um bruno x leitora (romântico, por favor) num AU de fantasia onde o bruno é um sereio (ou tritão, sei lá o masculino de sereia ksjkk)
Eu pensei que ele podia conhecer a leitora quando ela estivesse pescando e acaba pegando ele com a rede mas o solta logo em seguida, o que desperta a curiosidade dele na leitora, já que os humanos tendem a capturar a espécie dele.
Aí talvez ele possa retribuir o favor salvando ela de um naufrágio ou então só trazer presentinhos do mar pra ela mesmo, o que faz eles se aproximarem aos poucos.
Desculpa pelo pedido grande, é que eu tô com essas fantasias na cabeça a bastante tempo e minha capacidade quase inexistente de foco não me deixa concluir essa historinha kjkkk
Novamente, gosto muito das suas fics. Tenha um bom dia/noite ^3^
Oi oi oiii! Eu achei muito fofo o seu pedido, e como eu tinha reassistido o filme da pequena sereia e também Golden Wind já que finalmente chegou na Netflix, e então fiquei bem na vibe para escrever esse request!! Espero que goste e uma boa leitura!🩷
Part of Your World
Bruno Bucciarati x Leitora
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O que normalmente as pessoas gostam de fazer em uma bela manhã de um sábado? Bom, existem várias opções como dormir, ver televisão, ficar com a família, ler…
No meu caso, eu gosto de pescar!
Minha casa fica em frente ao mar, que sempre permanece calmo independente de tudo. E é onde eu mais gosto de passar o meu tempo, já que é onde consigo organizar meus próprios pensamentos, sendo minha única companhia o belo som das águas contra o casco do barco e as gaivotas que tentavam roubar as minhas iscas.
E hoje não seria diferente!
A semana foi bastante torturante e cansativa por conta do meu trabalho e da minha faculdade, eu estava completamente estressada e precisava de um tempo sozinha, por isso que seguiria a minha tradição de tentar pescar algo para almoçar mais tarde.
Assim que coloco o meu chapéu, saio da minha casa segurando minha vara de pescar e a minha maleta de pesca onde se encontra meus anzóis reservas e iscas, na qual seriam bastante importantes. Eu inspiro tranquilamente com a familiar brisa levemente salgada enquanto caminho em direção a praia, me deliciando com a sensação da areia macia entre os dedos dos meus pés enquanto caminho na direção do meu barco que está ali, praticamente me atraindo para ele como se eu fosse um pedaço de metal e ele um ímã.
No entanto, fui capaz de perceber um som desconhecido ao longe próximo do cais, e logo fico em alerta. Minha razão diz para eu ignorar o som, mas meu instinto me diz para ir ver o que é. Optei pela segunda opção.
Mas o barulho cada vez mais alto começa a me fazer desconsiderar minha escolha de seguir minha razão, e começo a pensar que podia ser algum golfinho ou algum outro animal preso na costa.
Isso foi o suficiente para alterar minha escolha.
Começo a caminhar até o cais, questionando a mim mesma se estou fazendo o certo, mas resolvo apenas seguir o fluxo até ficar perto daquela estrutura de madeira.
— Olá, tem alguém aí?
Assim que minha voz ecoa, o som de repente cessou e com isso franzi minhas sobrancelhas e me aproximar mais ainda da ponta daquela estrutura, até que eu arregalei os olhos quando me deparei com um ser humano que estava preso em algumas redes,
— Meu Deus, como você conseguiu ficar desse jeito?! — Assim que ele ouve minha voz, sua expressão de repente muda para uma de assustado enquanto eu me aproximo.
— Pare, não se aproxime! — Ele de repente gritou, seu tom de voz mostrava sua desconfiança e aflição com minha presença.
— Calma, eu só quero ajudar. — digo de maneira sincera enquanto desço na água rasa e começo a andar até ele.
— Fique onde está!
E de repente, eu achei que estava vendo coisas ou que eu estivesse sendo influenciada por algum resquício de sono, mas não… Eu realmente vi o que eu vi…
Uma cauda… Uma cauda em forma de rabo de peixe.
Não é possível que eu estivesse de cara com um sereio! Eu sei que o mar é bastante vasto, mas nunca achei que a possibilidade da existência dessas criaturas seria possível!
Não consigo esconder a surpresa e o choque que se revelam em meu rosto, e isso pareceu deixar o homem em choque ao ver que ele revelou sua metade de baixo sem querer.
— Uau… — Essa é a única coisa que consigo dizer, mas logo despertei quando ele começou a se mexer novamente, tentando escapar da rede que parecia cada vez mais presa no corpo dele. — Ei, calma, deixa eu te ajudar!
— Já disse para não se aproximar, humana!
Eu não escuto o que ele fala, e vou me aproximando devagar até que eu pego um pouco da rede e começo a tentar puxar ela, no entanto, eu acabo o machucando um pouco sem querer e isso faz ele grunhir e arranhar o meu braço, me fazendo gritar de dor e soltar a rede.
— Ai!
Ele apenas fica mais nervoso e então eu apenas espero o momento que ele fica cansado e, quando ele chega, eu começo a mais uma vez a tirar a rede com mais cuidado dessa vez, e aproveito para verificar se ele ainda tinha algum outro machucado, entretanto, não encontrei mais nada.
Assim que ele ficou livre daquela rede, ele parecia um pouco mais calmo e não parecia ter a intenção de me atacar.
— Obrigado…
— De nada, não é preciso agradecer! — Eu sorri para ele e vi que ele estava prestes a me dizer mais alguma coisa quando seus olhos foram para a ferida em meu braço, quando…
— BUCCIARATI! Você está bem??
Meus olhos se arregalaram quando, um pouco mais ao longe eu pude ver três cabeças emergindo da água, e pareciam de três criancinhas.
— Fica quieto, Narancia! — A menina dos cabelos rosas diz para o garoto de cabelos negros que havia gritado antes, enquanto a outra criança apenas ficou olhando sem dizer nada.
— OLHA, É UMA HUMANA!! — O garotinho chamado Narancia aponta para mim enquanto exclama de forma aguda e surpresa e eu até me espanto.
— Fica quieto Nara!
As duas crianças gritam e então afundam o pobre garoto na água, e isso me fez ver que eles também eram como o homem que ajudei.
— E-Existem mais?!
Repentinamente eu senti algo áspero bater nas minhas pernas e eu acabei caindo no chão, e quando percebi, o Bucciarati já havia mergulhado e levando aquelas três crianças.
O que diabos acabou de acontecer?!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Após esse ocorrido, eu enfim pude ir para o meu barco para finalmente poder começar a minha tarefa de ir pescar, mas agora eu estava levemente hesitante. Agora que sei da existência dessas criaturas, nada impede a existência de outros seres mitológicos como um Kraken ou um Leviatã? Eu engoli em seco, mas como eu já estou no meio do mar… É triste, mas é a vida.
Eu então inspirei fundo e então abri minha maleta e coloquei uma isca no anzol antes de lançá-lo para as águas, e então começou a parte onde eu fico esperando…
E esperando…
Eu então fiquei olhando para as nuvens branquinhas no céu, me lembrando grandes algodões doces até que eu me espantei quanto a linha começou a ser puxada e eu me levantei logo no barco, vendo que em menos de 20 segundos um peixe já tinha fisgado minha isca! Eu puxei o peixe com toda a minha força e arregalei os olhos quando vi que era um grande peixe!!
— Meu Deus, muito obrigada a todos os deuses e santos que tiveram piedade de mim hoje! — Eu digo enquanto olho para o céu com um enorme sorriso enquanto puxo aquele enorme atum para dentro do meu barco.
— Que bom que isso agradou você.
Eu dei um gritinho e quase deixo o peixe escapar, e ao olhar para o lado eu vejo aquele mesmo sereio com ambos os braços apoiados próximos da proa do meu barco.
— Oh, o sereio de novo! — digo para mim mesma, todavia, ele pareceu ouvir minha frase já que ele arqueou uma de suas sobrancelhas.
— Tritão*, esse é o nome da minha espécie. — Ele diz e quando viu que eu fiquei levemente envergonhada pelo meu erro, ele deu uma risada.
— Desculpe. — Eu sorri levemente envergonhada, no entanto, o som do atum se debatendo me trouxe de volta para a realidade, e eu logo olhei para o tritão com curiosidade. — Foi você quem o atraiu para a minha isca? — Ele assentiu com a cabeça, e isso me fez inclinar a minha para o lado. — Mas por quê?
— Ora, você me ajudou lá atrás… É o mínimo que posso fazer, não é?
Eu sorri largamente enquanto eu admirava aquela criatura, conseguindo notar alguns detalhes que não pude antes, como suas orelhas parecerem com barbatanas, algumas pequenas escamas brancas peroladas na área de suas bochechas e no dorso de seu nariz, como também nos seus antebraços, mas diferente do seu rosto, ele tinha algumas manchinhas pretas que eram bastante bonitas.
— Será que eu posso perguntar uma coisa? — pergunto enquanto me aproximo cuidadosamente dele, que apesar de estar mais confortável com minha presença, ele ainda parecia vigilante sobre meus movimentos.
— Sim, claro.
— Por acaso… Existem outras criaturas como vocês sereias e tritões? — pergunto enquanto me sento perto dele e o encaro com bastante interesse por seus conhecimentos do mundo das águas.
— Bom…
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
A partir desse dia, eu fui me aproximando muito mais deste tritão, que descobri se chamar Bruno Bucciarati, e que ele era alguém bastante importante no reino dele. Sim, um reino de sereias e tritões! Mas para minha “sorte”, descobri que realmente existam outras criaturas marinhas que são dadas como extintas, como o Megalodon, Livyatan e etc. E só de saber isso me deixou assustada.
— Tá brincando Bruno, é sério?? — Eu quase que grito quando ele me disse aquilo, o que o fez dar uma pequena risada.
— Não estou brincando, mas não se preocupe, esses dois estão bem no fundo do mar, lá na Fossa das Marianas. Vocês humanos ainda não foram para lá, não é?
— Para você ter uma ideia, nós sabemos mais sobre o espaço do que sobre o mar!
— Sobre o espaço?
E assim eram nossas conversas durante esses meses em que ficávamos mais próximos, contando coisas mais gerais sobre nossos mundos. No entanto, hoje tinha sido um pouco diferente.
Assim que deu umas 16 horas, eu saí de casa e corri para a praia com rapidez, um sorriso largo logo apareceu em meus lábios quando vi Bruno em nosso ponto de encontro: Perto daquele mesmo cais que eu o salvei quando nos conhecemos.
— Olá Bruno, você está bem? — questiono enquanto me sento próxima da maré do mar, e ele logo fica ao meu lado com sua mão direita aberta e me mostrando lindas conchas com diversos tons de cores! — Bruno, elas são lindas!
— São para você. — Ele sorriu enquanto pega a minha mão e coloca as conchas, nas quais eu toquei com a ponta do meu dedo e sorri ao olhar para o tritão.
— É muita gentileza, muito obrigada! — Eu guardei as conchinhas em uma pequena pochete que sempre levo comigo e logo sorri para ele. — Não esperava por isso, você sempre consegue me surpreender.
Ele sorriu ladino por um momento, olhando para o sol que estava no horizonte, mas meu olhar continuava nele, o admirando secretamente. Não sei se isso podia ser considerado estranho, mas eu achava ele muito bonito. Não só por sua aparência, apesar da cauda, mas sua personalidade gentil, educada e cavalheira o deixavam mais belo.
A luz do sol refletia em seu corpo, e suas escamas pareciam brilhar como pequenas estrelas. Mas o que vem me chamando a atenção durante os meses é a tatuagem que ele tem em seu peito, parecia ser algo tribal mas não tenho certeza.
— O que acha dela?
— Perdão? — Eu despertei ao ouvir a voz dele e logo me toquei ao que ele está se referindo. — Oh, eu acho incrível sua tatuagem, ela tem algum significado?
— Ele é como uma marca da minha família, então todos que possuem o sangue dos Bucciarati possuem essa marca no peito. — Ele sorriu, parecendo orgulhoso enquanto me conta sobre aquele fato de sua família, e isso acabou me contagiando e me fazendo sorrir também. — Você quer tocá-la?
Sua fala de repente me deixou de olhos esbugalhados e senti minhas bochechas esquentando levemente com sua pergunta. No entanto, minha curiosidade estava maior do que qualquer coisa, e com a permissão dele, isso parecia um sinal para mim.
— Eu adoraria.
Ele então se vira para mim, me dando abertura para eu tocar em sua tatuagem que se mesclava em seu abdômen com o começo de sua cauda que também era simplesmente linda com aquele branco perolado, com bolinhas pretas e com uma linha dourado nas laterais. Eu então coloquei a palma das minhas mãos em sua tatuagem, o calor da minha mão tendo um contraste em sua pele gelada devido ao mar.
Eu consegui ouvir a respiração dele ficando um pouco mais profunda e lenta, e isso começou a me deixar um tanto quanto envergonhada, mas não poderia perder aquela oportunidade única. Usei a ponta do meu indicador para contornar a curva da tatuagem e então olhei para ele para ver sua reação, mas seus olhos azuis pareciam me observar de uma maneira singular.
— Está tudo bem? — pergunto como uma garantia de que isso não o está atormentando.
— Sim, não se preocupe.
Ele diz isso e eu não deixo de notar o seu rosto um pouco mais perto do meu e em como o coração dele parecia acelerado sob a palma da minha mão. Senti algo em minha perna e quando notei, a cauda dele parecia querer se enroscar nela, me fazendo ruborizar com mais força.
— Posso lhe dizer algo, S/n? — Ele diz em um tom de voz baixo enquanto seu olhar permanece nos meus. — Tem algo que não te contei sobre minha espécie.
— E o que seria esse algo?
Minha voz parecia mais baixa, mas por eu estar me sentindo acanhada, e meu próprio coração batendo mais rápido não estava me ajudando a pensar direito enquanto nós estávamos tão perto um do outro.
— Nós tritões… — Ele se aproxima de meu ouvido, sua respiração quente fazendo um suave carinho em minha pele e me dando arrepios na espinha. — Carregamos conosco o costume de presentear aqueles que possuímos um vínculo forte e, assim, desejamos estar juntos até o fim de nossas vidas.
Eu imediatamente sinto um frio na barriga quando nossos olhos se reencontraram, ele tinha um olhar firme e determinado, enquanto eu estava nervosa e surpresa por todas as suas palavras.
Eu imediatamente fiquei um pouco insegura por conta de nossa diferença de espécie, todavia, Bruno não parecia considerar isto.
— Eu… É…
— Você vai ser a minha mãe??! — Subitamente uma voz infantil ecoou no local, e logo vi aquele mesmo garotinho de cabelos negros nadando até a mim.
— Narancia, o que está fazendo aqui? — Bruno logo olhou para o garotinho que ficou entre nós dois, praticamente se deitando em minhas pernas.
— Desculpe Bucciarati, ele não quis me escutar e nem a Trish. — Aquele outro menino que estava com eles, um de cabelos dourados, emergiu das águas com a garotinha de cabelos rosas atrás, parecendo irritada com o Narancia.
— Ah, tudo bem, eu entendo…
— Ei! Você quem vai ser minha mãe?! — Narancia perguntou para mim e parecia animado enquanto toca nas minhas pernas de uma forma curiosa. — Que estranho, você não tem cauda! O que você é??
— Sou uma humana, pequeno Narancia.
— Uau! Que legal! — Ele parecia animado enquanto até mesmo se sentava em meu colo, analisando as minhas coxas, pernas e pés. — Você é estranha, mas gosto de você.
Eu olhei para o garoto com uma leve surpresa e indignação e ouvi uma pequena risada do Bruno e vi as outras duas crianças se aproximando e também me olhando curiosas.
É, acho que eu fui adotada por uma família, uma família de sereios.
The End
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localsimp4moms · 2 years
Yandere Fairy tale JJBA x Reader AU Concept
ome mindless idea I came up with that probably isn't that original. However I may as well post it lol
But imagen a fairytale where Y/N takes on the role of a young herbalist who runs into a range of troubled individuals whom they chose to take care of. However, in the world of magic and witchcraft there is only so  much Y/N can do with their medical abilities to take on those who are now in her care.
I feel like it would be fun to be able to write some stories such as imprinting, enchantment and so on depending on what characters YN takes in. For example ‘Lil Red’ aka Narancia Ghirga.
I feel like Narancia would be able to add a fun twist on little red riding hood, instead of being a defenceless little girl who relies upon others I can see him being someone desperate to prove there independence; though they went about it in the wrong way. As a young run away turning to crime in order to help themselves live day to day only to pay for it now that they are older and a furtive. Due to this them becoming someone who does not truly live like everyone else, instead living for the thrill of life day to day. With little or no care what happens to themselves... Until they meet their darling- a blessing sent by god in there eyes...
Below is some rough drabble of something that i may write for this example above. Please keep in mind this was not proof read just because I wanted to writing something about this au to see if there was any interest at all lol.
Small woven basket clutched tightly in hand, as you make your way down the dirt path. Trees overhead gently rustling as the mid summer breeze sweeps across your face. Song birds keeping you company as the world of green and brown makes you forget today's woes.
As the path of dirt slowly fades into a clearing all you can do is allow a faint smile, pulling the page of paper from your breast pocket. The ingredients needed for tomorrow's patients; it was a little more than you were expecting to have to collect… 
Oh well! You know these woods all too well,  it should not be an issue to venture a little deeper than you normally would.
It was easy to get the first couple of ingredients you needed, keeping them bundled together with woven string in the basket you clutched. Though you had come up short on something…  No issue, further you travel! 
Pressing on slightly deeper into the woods, trees grew slightly more dense and the shrubbery thicker. Slightly nicking at your ankles as you graze scanned for the elusive herb. It shouldn't be too hard to find…
Aha! There it was; the pure white flowers that stand tall, proud as if they knew they were to aid in saving someone. Deep green stems that reach up to the cracks of light that fought their way to the ground through dense leaves. 
“Finally found you!” The sound of your voice called as you see your goal. Eyes bright as you worked your way closer to the gift of the woods. The steps taken each time you get closer breaking small twigs that rested upon the ground. Though as you stumble your way closer, stepping upon a mossy log you have witness to a small birds eye view of the miniature meadow in front of you.
The sea of pure white, soldier-like flowers reaching out to their backdrop of brown and green -trees enclosing this small ocean of purity.  Though as one's eyes settle upon the centre of the scene in front of you the peace of white is disturbed; intended slightly damaged, missing.
Browning knitting into a frown as you go to inspect, what could cause harm to such a flawless place?
Gently stepping down from the log, keeping careful as to not harm nature's creations, you approach the place in which it was damaged. The sun seemingly envelops the patch in a golden glow. Though the closer one gets the smell of pollen and sweetness is overtunt to that of bitter iron, metallic. 
Less than 10 feet away the stains of red corrupt the small flowers, no longer pure white- bruised with deep reds that had begun to oxides to varying shades of brown. Your eyes widen for a brief moment, breath held in…
Placing yourself on your tiptoes… taking one more step forward…
There you bear witness the frail figure of a stranger, skin a tan colour… Face obscured from view by a nest of black upon them. Deep blues, greys and blacks adorning the body that lay upon its own back. Clasping tightly to a cloak that barely was draped upon their shoulders, a bright red that was abused with the marks of blood and dirt.
A sudden gasp of fear escapes from your lips as you stumble forward. Still unsure as to what was truly occurring in front of you, though the smell of something foul and metallic only allowed the imagination to run so far…
The crunch of flowers arise as the basket once clutched to tightly was abandoned and left behind, the sound continuing as your fumbling steps trample the ground and all else that lay in your wake… Inorder to help someone.. 
It’s not too late is it? How did they get here? How long have they been here? 
Not a single thought made a connection as you fell to your knees at the side of the stranger. The brown pants you wore deepinging in hue as you kneel into a sickly smelling substance that coated most of the flowers around you both…
BlooD! What? Why is he bleeding so much?
No- That should not be the most pressing thing at the moment- Is he breathing? Lowering your ear close to the strangers mouth you tried to feel- hear anything. It may have only been a moment though it was silent…
The rough sound of gurgling had allowed itself to escape from the stranger. That is one victory at least- It wasn’t too late.
A myriad of cuts lay upon the strangers skin. Varying in depth and size… Though the largest one upon his stomach- he needed help. But you are in the middle of nowhere- There's no hospitals close enough-
Home! You can treat him to some extent at home! Call the doctor in the next town over immediately  when you get there- But how?  How were you going to move the young man? 
You can’t- 
He will bleed out- Compression? How? 
Mind running amuck causing more strife than any good you simply followed your gut… Screaming of seams fill the air as the shirt you hard warn becomes a makeshift bandage… Once white of the purest kind the   cotton soon found itself soaked in red…
The once warm breeze of the summer's day was dwindling into that of the cool nights. Song birds had long gone to sleep and the quiet humm of night life within the wild animals took their place. Though the song of a young out of breath herbalist echoed on as the harsh sound of weighted feet upon cobbles accompanied the noise.
Before long a bash of a heavy door against ageing walls is the welcome home an empty house received. Dark without light… The creaking of floor boards is ignored as your tiered figure places a groaning young man upon your own bed.
Quickly reaching for an oil lamp, to allow for some light to aid you in your fleeting hope to help this stranger, you strike a match obtained from the bedside table. Struck it and like magic you now have a faint light…
The cluttering of glasses, mortar and pestle and so on carried themselves out through the night… Only ever so often interrupted with the sound of water being dumped into the yard or the yelps that escape this strange man's lips.
You had never spent so long washing your hands before, no matter how much you tried to wash them they seemingly did not lose the deep red colour- or smell. Though it could just be your mind playing tricks on you.
You were yet to see someone as hurt as that young man in your bed. 
With a quick sigh, you shake your head dumping the bucket of water out once more before you hurried down the street to the well for what felt like the hundredth time… The soft glow of yellow showed you the sign of a new day, though no birds sang just yet. It was only you with the sound of rope being yanked as you drew a new bucket from the well… 
As you enter the house, you take the bucket to the bedroom in which the stranger still layed. Placing it beside the bed as you retrieve a cloth from the kitchen, you could finally try and clean some of the grime that had dried to his skin that would not budge before.
Folding the soft fabric that was in hand before plunging it into the ice like water, slowly bringing it to the face of the stranger. Gently brushing it along his chin, trying to avoid harming the bruised skin that seemingly covered half his face. 
The tanned skin of the stranger slowly contorted in discomfort despite the attempt to avoid pain. Though you couldn’t help but speak to the sleeping figure. “I’m sorry… I know it’s cold- uncomfortable even… but I need to clean you up.” Your eyes soft as you gaze upon the slender man, a slight smile upon your face as you continue to clean dried mud from his cheeks.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure the doctor comes here soon. You’ll be the first he see’s… I’ll make sure of it.”  In all honesty you didn’t know if you were trying to comfort the man who laid in your bed or yourself more, though your voice reminded me softly as you smiled.
He’s stable, he will be fine.
Your eyes however soft in the gaze grew heavy, one of sleep over powering you. Though you could not sleep- not yet they still need the doctor… You need to keep watch…
Placing your head on the mattress you rested for a moment. Hearing the now regulated breaths of the stranger… 
You slightly chuckle to yourself as you grow more drowsy as moments pass by “I think I’ll call you… lil red. The cloak you held onto no matter what… and well- you seemed to be covered in enough red when I first saw you..”
The war with your eyes slowly lost as your vision faded to black…
It was not the sound of song birds that awoke you- but the sudden sound of yelling. Then the harsh pain of your hair being pulled by the root- Causing one's eyes to thrash open in a half asleep array of fear, anger and confusion.
Sight still blurred by this sudden startle- though the sound of a voice that was coated in rage.
“Who the fuck are you!? Answer me you whore- Or I swear I’ll strangle you right here and now!”
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bellarosethefangirl · 3 years
Thank you i rlly appreciate it! Also is it okay if i request one more time? If i can, could you do bucci gang as parents?
Your welcome and sure! You keep feeding me candy here hehe. So the gang as parents? I have a few thoughts here. Let me know what you think of them! I didn’t add Trish since I’m not sure what type of parent she would be. I feel like she wouldn’t have kids or she would have one or maybe two children. Big maybe.
Bucci gang as parents
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Bruno Bucciarati
He’d be such an excellent father. He was raised by a good father so he in turn treats his children the same way. Expect two or three children unless you prefer more. He doesn’t mind having a big family with you either. Though I think his limit would be around six. Though for some reason I feel as though he wouldn’t mind having up to twelve kids if he wasn’t a mafioso. He’ll often take them to the beach or fishing so expect a lot of family trips to the beach. He always enjoys trips on a boat since his fondest memories with his dad are on them. He’d be an understanding and wonderful father. All his kids would be close to him and have their full trust in him. As for discipline they’d be in for his lecturing and suitable punishments like cleaning up the yacht or being stuck doing chores for a whole week. I can see Bruno having a soft spot for his kid in moments where they remind him of his father or his friends.
Bonus: Bruno’s dad face in tender moments
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Giorno Giovanna
Here we have a mafia boss dad who would unknowingly have his kids look up to him and want to be just like him. They’ll grow up to be like their father. Righteous hearts who are loyal and dedicated to those who deserve it while also kicking ass. They’re all strong and as powerful as their father. Poor Giorno would be slightly afraid he wouldn’t be a good father at first but you surely have to reassure him. He grows to be a great father. Understanding and observant he makes sure his children follow good paths. As for them wanting to be mafioso he can’t stop them but eventually he’d realize how much potential each of them have. They prove him wrong as he had proven so many in the past. He would probably want around three kids. It would take a bit of convincing to have more than three children since three is his limit. His form of descipline is taking away privledges and grounding them. He’d also be super intimidating, Don face. If he were to have a soft spot for his kid it would be moments where he see’s you in his daughter or son. This man also spoils his children.
Bonus: Giorno’s don face when desciplining his children
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Narancia Ghirga
This boy absolutely wants children! He wants to be the father his dad never was. He’s sweet and grows to be better with “feelings” as he puts it. Narancia first wants a lot of children. He is thinking eight or ten at first. You would have to tell him to focus on one child first before making such a decision. He grew to understand why you told him so after the first kid. Eventually you two have up to two or four children depending on how many you want. Though you have a small amount of biological children you also have plenty of children you two adopt. Narancia has a soft spot for trouble makers he finds on the streets. You often think he’s like Bucciarati in this sense or perhaps these children remind him of himself. Either way you’re both adopting several trouble makers who grow to love you two. They’re all a handful but with you and Narancia as their parents you raise them to be wonderful people. In the end you two do end up with eight or ten children because of this. Narancia has a soft spot for all his children and he is a super helpful dad just not with their education. He does get his high school diploma but he stays as a mafioso so they’ll be getting tutoring. All his kids love him but they know not to do something reckless or dangerous. It makes him angry since he can be scary when they’ve done so. He means well and they know this. He’s patient and kind to his children they’ll always think of him as the best dad ever. As for being mafioso is goes back to him getting angry. They will do no such thing! He’ll react like Bruno here in a sense. It seems he looks up to Bruno as a father figure, doesn’t he?
Bonus: Narancia’s cute smile because his children are his rays of sunshine
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Panacotta Fugo
Now this man is very hesitant about wanting children since he has an intense fear of being like his parents. You two will have to work very hard on this together before deciding on having children. Fugo will learn that he’d never want to be anything like his parents. It will push him into having confidence in being a father. One his own failed to be for him. You’re an understanding partner and have helped him with his anger issues. He’s learned to relax which was another boost to his confidence in being a father. When you decide to have kids he’ll probably want one or two. It would take a lot of convincing for three kids much less four. You’d only get four kids if you have either twins or triplets depending on your luck with pregnancy’s. Fugo does turn out to be an excellent father. He teaches his children all he can and they grow to be as smart as he is. They’ll be prodigy's and go to college or have other wonderful opportunities around their preteens. Fugo won’t put any sort of pressure on them and make sure they all follow paths they choose. He’s always supportive. He only lashes out in anger if they have bullied or done other misdeeds he wouldn’t approve of. In those times you have to be the one to pull him aside and calm him down. He feels horrible afterward, not that he would ever hit them but he regrets yelling at them when he’s blinded by his anger. His children understand that they’ve disappointed him and he does his best as a parent. They love their dad and have a good relationship with him. If he has daughters he’ll be especially close to him. He’s a sweetheart to his little girls. This doesn’t mean he isn’t nice to his sons he loves them as well but Fugo here is better at showing affection to women. He wouldn’t allow his children to be mafioso. He would also stay in the mafia himself if given a position where the don has him helping with finances or forms of paperwork. He wouldn’t want his job taking up all his time so he can be there for his children. 
Bonus: Fugo’s smile around his kids
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Guido Mista
Now Mista definitely wants children. He has a lot experience thanks to his stand acting like a group of children. He’s chill and outgoing so he will be a laid back parent. He can easily stop arguments and has plenty of fun with his kids. As for discipline he wouldn’t be a pushover. He would be firm and make suitable punishments for them. They’ll be stuck with chores and being grounded for weeks. You’re going to witness sex pistols growth when the stands start lecturing the children as well. It’s cute because your kids listen to them as much as they do their dad. For the amount of children you’ll be having it’s completely up to you! Mista is fine with any amount of kids you two have together. He’ll have a loving relationship with all his kids. He’s especially sweet to the youngest because they remind him of number five. Also he wouldn’t want them being mafioso unless he knows they can handle it. They’ll have to really prove themselves to Mista.
Bonus: Mista would definitely be goofy around his children. So here’s a big smile he’d offen make around them.
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Leone Abbacchio
He wouldn’t want more than two children. No matter what, unless the second pregnancy turns out to be twins or triplets. The fact that you built a relationship leading up to wanting children together shows he is happy with you. You definitely helped with his depression and his pressing matters with his past. He’ll be content having children with you. He’ll have a hard time opening up to his children. You’ll have to be a lot of help to him in this instance because he needs to realize he needs to better the relationship with them. Abbacchio loves his kids and he would do his best for them. His children understand him and grow closer to him. If one of them are goth he’ll have a soft spot for them. If one of them become an officer he’ll see his past friend in them and give them a fond look. He’ll also be a wine dad for sure. His children won’t be in the mafia he’ll make sure they choose other paths in life since he doesn’t want them to be in danger. He’s a protective dad. As for descipline he’ll make sure it takes them days to clear up ther given punishment. Alphabetizing the pantry, organizing all his products by the brand, picking up leaves with their hands in the backyard, etc. He’ll make sure they understand what they did wrong. He lectures their ears off.
Bonus: Abbacchio’s expression while desciplining his kids
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e1-bi · 3 years
Y/N: So... a comb jelly is the first animal on Earth to ever exist, right?
Fugo: Yes.
Narancia: The hell is a comb jelly?
Fugo: Y/N just said it was the first animal on Earth, Narancia!
Narancia: Oh...
Y/N: Anyway... how was the first-ever jelly comb on Earth well... born? In fact, how was the first sign of life... or something... BORN?
Narancia: ...What?...
Fugo: ... *grabbing a fork silently*
Bruno, placing Fugo's hand down: Let's stop talking for a while and eat our food!
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met4deth · 3 years
slow hands
song by niall horan
gn!reader x mista (smut)
[R-18]: MINORS DNI !!
CW: edging/orgasm denial, light degradation
word count: 1,425
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the plush condo you and mista shared had a quiet atmosphere to it. you had no plans this very night, so you ultimately took this rare opportunity to turn your brain off for a while and relax.
you had only recently joined passione -- just a day after your 18th birthday -- but you soon found yourself as the gang's most highly regarded strategist. you worked behind the scenes with the fresh-faced don, giorno giovanna, and were often times sent on crucial missions with a fellow gang member, guido mista. you quickly became fond of the young but sharp gunslinger; mostly intrigued by his carefree nature, foolish sense of humour, and crude attitude. funny enough, you had initially been opposed to dating at such a significant stage in your life, but perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if it were mista, you thought. now, here you were, knee-deep in a month-long relationship with your partner in crime.
you flipped the page of the novel you were reading when you heard footsteps approach the couch you were lounging on from the bedroom. a groggy mista tiredly stood in front of you, becoming upset at your lack of attention to him.
"y/n..." he groaned as you flipped another page. you were nearing the climax of the book's plot, but mista's neediness was ruining the book's thrilling moment of suspense. you irritatedly closed your eyes with a sharp exhale and gently shut the book, setting it aside. you opened your eyes and furrowed your brows.
"what is it, mista? had a bad dream?" you asked as he slowly rubbed at his eyelids.
he shook his head and softly mumbled, "i just want you right now." your sour mood sweetened almost immediately as you met his tired dark eyes with a smirk.
"come," you beckoned, patting at an empty space on the couch. he sat between your legs and eased himself against your chest as you wrapped your arms around him from behind. mista closed his eyes, his striking facial features mellowed into a gentle and serene expression. your heart swelled with love and adoration for your lover as you observed his handsome face. you loved him entirely, but this adorable side of him held a special place in your heart. moments like these were meaningful to you, considering they weren’t an often occurrence.
mista was clearly exhausted and in need of your care, and you knew exactly what you needed to do. he's a very active person who partakes in a great deal of perilous action as passione's most skilled and reliable assassin. you understood this, and so you made it your responsibility to treat him as best as you could when he came to you in his hour of need.
you planted a soft, loving kiss to the top of his head as your right hand travelled down from his stomach to the zipper of his pants. his breath hitched and brows scrunched together when you slowly moved your hand over his crotch, painfully teasing the area. you could feel him hardening beneath your palm, a smirk creeping upon your face once again. you took your sweet time unzipping his pants despite mista's warranted annoyance. your other hand that rested at his side snaked its way up his top to massage his firm chest. you noticed the wet spot on his underwear gradually grow as you brushed over his left nipple. a silent moan escaped his lips as you continued to palm at his erection. after a good while, you tugged on his underwear and shook your head at the condition he was in.
"what a bad boy you are, amore mio. just look at the mess you've made here.”
mista only groaned in response, his face reddening in colour. in a singular swift motion, you removed the rest of his pants and underwear, tossing them aside. your fingertips gently danced atop the head of his cock, only causing more precum to leak out. mista's eyes fluttered open and you felt his desperate eyes looking up at you.
"please..." is all he said. as much as you were enjoying this, you decided to give him what he wanted. just this once. you kissed his forehead as you wrapped your hand around his length. you pumped it at a leisurely pace, much to mista's dismay. his breathing shallowed as you gradually increased the speed of your strokes. your inactive left hand returned to play with his nipple. mista couldn't help but let out several poorly-restrained moans as he indulged in the delightful sensation. his face was knit together in pure pleasure as your hand moved quicker to the rhythmic pounding of both your hearts.
"y/n... fuck! y/n i'm gonna cum!" he managed to say between sobs of pleasure. you pinched his nipple and squeezed at the base of his cock, denying him the release he so eagerly sought.
"no! no, y/n, please! ah, please let me cum!" mista cried out, his eyes filling with frustrated tears. you only chuckled at his desperate pleading. he whimpered and fiercely thrusted his hips upwards in an attempt to reach his orgasm but to no avail. you couldn't help revelling in the amusing sight, excited for what was to come.
"please!" he yelled out as a last resort. you harshly pulled at his now sore nipple and slightly strengthened your grip around his pulsating member, denying him what he desired most in that moment.
"your impatience is absolutely revolting, bambino. learn to control yourself," you said sternly, hot tears running down his face. his hips bucked into your hand a final time before giving up for good. you waited a minute before releasing him from your cruel grasp.
"good," you grinned as you arose from the couch, carefully lying mista — still breathless and whining — on the pillow you had been resting your back against. mista's upset eyes followed your movements, a hint of hurt confusion in his expression. you situated yourself between his legs, placing your hands at his sides. you gently blew on his straining cock, eliciting yet another whimper from him. all his little sounds were like music to your ears. you'd listen to him for hours if you could have it your way.
you gave a small lick to the tip of his raging erection and flicked your tongue along the slit. he threw his head back and hissed, his fingers tangling themselves in your hair. you dragged your tongue from the base to the head, finishing with a swirl. he cried out a moan and tugged at your hair as you suddenly took his full length into your mouth. you moved quickly, sucking him off as best you could. he was just the perfect size, yet your jaw soon grew tired. his moans and groans intensified, pleasing you greatly. you received deep gratification from knowing that you're the only one who could make guido mista cry out and writhe around like this. soon enough, you could feel his legs and fingers tremble. you could already hear him begging.
"y/n! please... please let me cum this time!" mista whined in utter desperation. he was beyond ready to burst, his cock twitching in your throat. this is just too cute, you thought to yourself. he took your silence and consistent manoeuvres as your permission, finally shooting his release into your mouth. you swallowed what you were given as you watched mista shake from the orgasm he so impatiently chased. his back was arched and his mouth agape, singing his loud and pretty sounds of ecstasy. his eyes rolled to the back of his head for a brief moment as the wave of pleasure completely rolled over him. it was such a beautiful sight — a sight you wished to burn into your memory forever. witnessing mista's climax was far better than any climax a book's plot could ever offer.
"thank you..." he trailed off in exhaustion as his body relaxed back into the couch. you knew he was due for another nap after experiencing such an extravagant orgasm. you hurriedly brought a blanket to lay over him before he could fall asleep. as you wrapped the blanket's edges around him, you felt a warm hand grip your forearm. mista mustered up the last of his energy to pull himself up, bringing his face to yours. just as you were about to ask him what was wrong, you felt mista's lips on yours. you kissed back with a satisfied smile, lightly caressing his cheek.
"goodnight, tesoro mio."
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leonwrites4u · 2 years
Please can I request headcanons of the buccigang (kind of obsessed with them at the moment) being in love with trish’s sibling (same father) who is into rock music and loves to dress in black/dark clothes but very small in height and has a soft personality :) I’m really sorry if this is too detailed :)
Yeah, though I won't include some characters because I turned this into Trishs twin and ya know- age differences
!! G/n reader !!
Members of the buccigang with a crush on Trishs twin
Bruh he thinks you're so cool
He's in love with an emo twin
He'll try to dress like you in some way
And on his cassette player, he'll play rock
You know
To get your attention
But wait what's this?
Under all that you're a soft person?
How the-
Oh well
He loves that about you
Narancia thinks it makes you cuter
He's smarter than to judge you for your looks
But he does anyway
He wouldnt try to change his appearance for you
But he will still listen to rock when he can to figure out why you like it
He figures it out but isn't that much of a fan
Ofc he doesn't really mind
But when he saw how soft your personality was
He kinda did a double take
He figured that a person usually dresses according to their personality
So why do you dress like some goth punk?
Oh well, he out that aside
Fugo still finds you interesting
He won't really do anything
Sure, he'll occasionally listen to rock
But he think that if you fall in love with him, you should love him for himself
Not for who he turned himself into
He likes your style though
He kinda it interesting
When he found out about your soft personality
He still treated you the same
After all, it's still you
You're not gonna run away and join the boss if he didnt
Giorno thinks you're wonderful
Im sorry for any spelling mistakes
I just woke up aaaaaaaaa
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sims2bellaswan · 3 years
pas de deux - La Festa degli Innamorati [Bruno Bucciarati x Reader]
Valentine’s Day approaches… 2 bonus chapters for the pas de deux AU! Not considered canon to the actual fic nor are the 2 chapters intertwined in any way.
[a/n: sorry this is so late! mental health and all that you know how it is]
The morning laid over the city like a heavy blanket. The unseasonably warm air complemented the sun like a good perfume, subtly accompanying the golden light like it was the spray of warm vanilla in the bathroom.
In the kitchen, the gentle lull of classical and jazz music floated from a radio on the counter. You practically danced around the table, setting coffee cups and plates for breakfast. As you pass the counter, Bruno stands at a pan on the stove. 
Scents of buttery bread, fruit, grains, and creams; they waft around him like a protective field. His gaze falls comfortably to the food he so kindly made this morning. Plates of toast with smatterings of jam, fragile glass bowls of yogurt and fruit line the counter. The espresso machine whirs as a quiet white noise, background for the morning.
Your gaze wanders though, as you set the last of the silverware down. 
“Bruno,” you prod, as the music of his cooking slows to a pause, “is this a date?” Your question tumbles from your lips, falling into the collective consciousness with little form. 
A laugh follows your demure uncertainty, partly suppressed but hearty and warm. “Why do you ask?”
Then a pause. A short, sweet one, where your mind is swirling- Did he forget the date? Is this simply platonic? What kind of friends make breakfast for one another on Valentine’s Day? Your lips fall into a straight line with thought, your brows furrowing gently as you stare down a plate.
“Ah,” he continues, “It’s the 14th, right.” His tone waves into a teasing one, friendly but with a mischief he keeps untethered around you. His hands move quickly, pushing food from pan to plate. The coffee maker stops.
Your breath hitches as he pauses to pour a cup for himself, then one for you. 
“I suppose it could be a date,” Bruno sets his mug down quietly, the coffee spills over the side and infects the base, staining a creamy brown ring on the tablecloth. “Do you want it to be?” He hands the other mug to you.
You do want it to be, you decide as the warmth envelopes your hands. Of course, you want it to be, you’re the one who invited him over goddamit. “You know exactly what I want here, Bruno.” You’re forced to avert your eyes; the warmth from your hands suddenly rises to your cheeks.
He sips, his eyes closing – effectively ending the conversation. You move to match, barely letting the coffee past your lips. 
You sigh, “I wish you would just tell me what you’re thinking.” Your coffee cup leaves a black hole as you set it down, your hands suddenly colder than before. “I like you a lot, Bruno, but you're becoming more difficult to read with age.”
He laughs again, this time full and well-bodied, not suppressed. “Am I?” Leaving the cup, his hands fold on the table. “You’re becoming difficult as well, you know.”
Your eyes flip up, moving so quickly you almost feel dizzy. “Oh?” Your gaze meets his, overflowing with tenderness. “How am <i>I</i> the difficult one?”
He stands, offering his hand to you. He guides you up, wrapping one toned arm around your waist. “You’re difficult to read, maybe worse than I.” He muses, “Impossible to ignore, unavoidably beautiful with the irrevocable ability to call the attention of any man.” 
Your head falls to a comfortable spot in his shoulder. “You think too highly of me.” Your volume quiets, barely above a whisper. “And, you read too much poetry.”
You love his laugh, like a good wine. He laughs with you. “Perhaps I do, but my consumption of prose means nothing to me compared to how much you do.” His arms tighten, holding you closer.
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thornybubbles · 10 months
I Never Go Around Mirrors (Yandere Illuso X Reader)
Note: I’ve neglected La Squadra members for far too long and I wanted to fix that. Still, I think this little story is kinda meh. I will try to do something better for Illuso next time.
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This wasn’t the life that you wanted to live. It was never in your plan to live on the run spending your every waking moment glancing over your shoulder and your every night wondering if you should take the risk and go to sleep. You made sure that when you left, you would head out to the country, staying as far away from any place that could possibly have a mirror. You managed to get far enough away that you managed not to panic when you found the mirrors in the old farmhouse that you rented. You got rid of them immediately, tossing them into the river behind your new house and watching the current carry them away. There had only been four of them; one in the bathroom and one in each bedroom. If you needed to see your reflection that badly, you could just marvel at your tired, haunted appearance in the river water. You weren’t totally sure how his abilities worked, but you were fairly certain that he could only use the reflection of a mirror. It had been a few days and he hadn’t tracked you down yet, so that must be the case. 
You were foolish enough to allow yourself to relax. It didn’t last long. Eventually, your paranoia would just not leave you alone. You started to notice an odd echoing sound that was driving you crazy. It sounded like a faint knocking at first and you ignored it, thinking it must be distant hammering from some construction work miles away. The echo carried far out where you were. The Italian countryside was beautiful, lined with mountains and flowering meadows, but it was not as peaceful as you had hoped. Another day passed and the knocking was beginning to sound like footsteps: slow, deliberate, stalking, mocking… 
You couldn’t stand it!
It had gotten to the point that any reflection was unbearable. Each time you caught a glimpse of yourself on any reflective surface you would panic, expecting to see him standing behind you. He wasn’t there. He was never there. Still, you didn’t want to take any chances. The silverware was replaced with cutlery made from non-reflective material. The old brass knobs throughout the house were replaced with dull metal. You made it a point to stay away from the river from now on. If you didn’t stand in front of a reflection, then he couldn’t see you. You didn’t care if his abilities could only be used with mirrors. You were not taking any chances. 
Another day or so passed. That echo was getting louder. Footsteps. They were definitely footsteps! They were closer than they were a few days ago. Now you could hear them coming up the driveway, up the steps, right up to the front door! Your eyes darted to the stained glass window adorning the door. There was nothing there. No familiar silhouette darkened the doorway. Still you kept glancing down at the knob as if expecting it to turn. It never did. You almost let out a laugh at how badly your imagination was running away with you, but the footsteps started up again. They circled the house a few times, giving off the air of someone who was on a casual stroll. You jumped up from your seat and ran to the record collection that came with the house when you bought it. The house was a treasure trove of old trinkets and homey decor left behind by its previous owners. The record collection was one of your favorites. At that moment, you needed it to save your sanity. 
You picked a record at random, placed it on the record player, placed the needle in a random position on the record, and started the player. An old country song began to play, the twang of a steel guitar covering up the sound of the footsteps. As long as you couldn’t hear it, it was fine. You stared around the parlor trying to find something else to help you relax. Your eyes settled on the bookshelf next to the unused fireplace. Just as you did with the record, you chose a book at random. You didn’t care what the book was about. It could be anything from a dull historical chronicle or an ego-driven celebrity autobiography and you wouldn’t care. As long as it took your mind off of the overbearing feeling of being hunted, you would devour each and every word. You took a seat on the overstuffed sofa, relishing the softness of the cushions, and opened the book. 
What the hell?
You stared at the page and the gibberish written there. You didn’t recognize the language at all. It wasn’t English, Italian, or any other language that you recognized… until you took a second look. 
It was Italian… but the words were all reversed. 
You shot up from the sofa, dropping the book to the floor in horror. That could only mean one thing. 
A low, familiar chuckle startled you. You looked up to see the man you’d been trying to avoid all this time standing by the record player. He lifted the needle from the record, stopping the song and filling the room with silence. He turned to you, giving you a smug grin. 
“I was wondering if you would ever figure it out.” he said with an uncomfortably calm laugh. 
His smug expression became one of soft adoration as he turned to look at you. 
“You really hurt me when you left, mia amata.” he said. “You promised that you would stay by my side forever…” 
He began a slow saunter over to you and you backed up, staring at him with disbelief.
How did he find you?!
“Everything was peachy between us until you discovered what I did for a living. Honestly, I don’t know why that matters so much to you. I suppose it is a little scary if you aren’t used to that kind of thing, but as my lover you should be willing to stick with me no matter what. I know you’re scared, but you made a promise and I think it’s only right that you keep it. I gave you all of my love. Don’t you think you owe me the same?” 
There was a dangerous undertone in his voice. He was angry, but the way he was looking at you made you wonder just how angry he was with you. His hand darted out and you flinched, squeezing your eyes closed in anticipation of pain. It never came. You opened your eyes to see him bending down to pick up your book. He opened it up and flipped through a page or two before closing it with a snap and placing it back on the book shelf. He offered you another smile, this one was devoid of the usual smugness. He was giving you the look of someone that was totally smitten. It looked out of place on his face now. You’ve seen his gleeful expression as he cruelly beat someone that made the mistake of accidentally locking eyes with you. You will never forget the rage in his eyes when someone got a little too friendly with you for his liking. You’d seen that dark side of him before and the image of it was burned into your memory. He didn’t seem to realize that you had already made your plans to leave him long before you found out that he was a Mafioso. 
“I have to admit that I was pretty mad with you when I found out you were gone.” he said, suddenly wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you to him. “I thought you’d abandoned me… but I realized that you didn’t really  want to leave me.” 
You stopped struggling in his hold to give him a questioning look. 
“What are you talking about?” he asked. 
He pointed back to the record player. 
“You probably didn’t even realize it, but you instinctively choose a song about a man who couldn’t stand to see his own reflection because he no longer saw his lover standing next to him. You were thinking about me, even though you didn’t realize it.” he said. 
He ran a hand along your arm until he came to your wrist where he traced his hands along the bracelet you wore there. 
“And here is another reason I know you still have the hots for me,” he said, voice taking on an arrogant, teasing tone. “You didn’t take off the bracelet I gave you, even though you knew it would lead me right to you.” 
Your eyes widened and you pushed out of his embrace. He didn’t bother to stop you, just stood there in an odd pose while he watched the realization flow over you. You lifted your arm to your face and examined the bracelet. Along with the diamonds that adorned it, you were horrified to discover that the bracelet was lined with little mirrors. Illuso chuckled and you looked up at him, dread plastered on your face. He frowned when he saw your expression. 
“Oh, wipe that look of shock off of your face.” he growled. “Stop pretending like you didn’t keep the bracelet on because you wanted me to come after you.” 
“No,” you offered  a weak protest. “I wanted to get away from you! I wanted you out of my life!” 
Illuso’s frown deepened and he closed the distance between you. You tried to back up but your escape was blocked by the wall. 
“Look, babe, I like playing a good old fashioned game of hard-to-get, too, but you’re taking this too far.” he huffed. “You missed me and you know it.” 
He placed his hands on either side of your head and you felt your heart fall. You thought you’d managed to escape him for good this time. You thought you’d been so careful. You hadn’t even looked at the bracelet when he got it for you. You’d been so concerned with pretending to adore it and worrying about the blood money he’d used to buy it for you at the time. You hadn’t considered that it would be lined with mirrors. 
“I have to admit that I’m getting a little tired of the game, though.” Illuso said, breaking you out of your thoughts. “This is like, what, your third time running out on me? Or is it the fifth? Well, whatever, it’s starting to piss me off a little bit. So I think that I’m going to put a stop to it.” 
You looked him right in the eyes when he said that. What did he mean by that? 
“What are you going to do?” you asked in a frightened whisper. 
Illuso grinned in his usual smug way, but you couldn’t ignore the sinister feeling it gave off. 
“I think I’m going to leave you in here, at least until you get over that little running away habit of yours,” he said. 
“Leave me… in here…??” you repeated, not sure what he meant. 
Illuso pushed off of the wall and looked down on you with disdain. 
“Don’t act stupid,” he scoffed. “You saw the writing in the book was reversed. Surely you’ve figured out by now that I’ve pulled you into my mirror world?” 
You gasped in horror. You sputtered words at him, but none of them formed a sentence. Illuso watched you struggle with your disbelief before he laughed and snapped his fingers in the air as if he suddenly thought of something. 
“Oh, that’s right! I never told you that I could do that, did I?” he said. “That’s right, your lover boy can not only travel from mirror to mirror, but I can actually pull others into the mirror world with me. Heh heh, it took me a little while to catch up with you because I had to find this place in the normal world, but I managed. The way you ransacked this place of all its mirrors almost made me think that you actually didn’t want me to find you, but you kept the bracelet on, so I know that’s not the case. Either that or you didn’t think the mirrors on it were big enough. Just so you know, it doesn’t matter what size the mirror is, I can move through it and pull in others. In fact, you’ve been in the mirror world since about three nights ago. You’re a really heavy sleeper, by the way.” 
The way he smiled at you then chilled you down to the marrow in your bones. 
“You can’t keep me in here, Illuso!” you shouted. 
Illuso scoffed. 
“What’s stopping me? You can’t get out unless I let you out, so you can’t run from me anymore.” he said. 
Suddenly he pulled you to him, both of his arms were wrapped around you in such a way that your own arms were pinned to your sides. You tried to squirm free but he tightened his hold on you. 
“Quit that!” he shouted, annoyed by your struggling. 
You froze and he smirked. 
“That’s better. Now, I don’t really have anything important to do today, so I thought that you and I could spend some time together. You’ve been gone for so long and I missed you so much. I think we should make up for lost time. What do you think about that?” He said, planting a kiss on your cheek. 
You whimpered pathetically, but said nothing.
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thefinalecrusader · 2 years
This is my first time writing on tumblr
So uh, here's to hoping i do this right
You can call me Haze!
As of now i only write for:
Parts 1-5
(Debating part 6, but it probably wouldn't be the best, as i only have 12 episodes to go off of)
I write:
Angst (with and without a happy ending)
Yes that includes characters/reader deaths as well
Polymorus relationships!
Child/Sibling scenarios (obviously platonic!)
On that note, also just platonic HC/0neshots!
I don't write:
Anything NSFW (Smut, lemons, etc) i am a minor, it also makes me uncomfortable to write it
(Also, Tumblr has enough of that already)
Heavy gore
(I can't think of anything else)
A few last notes:
•If not specified, i will be using gender neutral for the reader!
•I can take requests! Promises they'll be out quickly?
Probably not
But I'll try!
Here's a few more detailed things i could do!
•I would totally be down if someone wanted to ignore canon and ask for a Part 3 Caesar or a Part 4 Kakyoin 💫
•Stand asks? Hell yea, give me them right now
Thats about it, I'll see you all later!
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danddymaro · 1 year
A sweetheart | Leone Abbacchio x reader
Based on the most mundane parts of The golden wind boy’s daily activates. 
No angst
Word Count: 2742
A sweetheart
The day has gone by normally, which didn’t bother you too much. 
Most of the gang was all gathered at Libeccio, the reserved table you sat in attended to with the utmost dedication as a form of gratitude offered by the owner, moreso to Bucciarati himself than anyone else.
Everyone is there, all aside from your leader who had informed you he had to take care of a matter before you left for your upcoming assignment. 
So you had time to sit down and enjoy the moment with your friends.
Narancia and Fugo are huddled close, going over a new handwritten assignment the blonde had taken the time to create.
 Mista sits to one of your sides. 
He occasionally listens, a bored look to his face as he calmly eats his favorite dish, though finding it lacking since it’s the same thing he orders every time he goes.
Abbacchio sits to your other side, his cheek pressed against his knuckles as he enjoys the personal concerto his headphones provide. 
- Nothing interesting happens until a pencil snaps.
It’s all tranquil until Fugo erupts, his voice obnoxiously loud as he glares down at Narancia who challenges him back, making you grimace. 
You can feel a cold sweat of embarrassment coat you, and you just hope no one has to come back and remind you that this is a respected establishment and not some dingy back ally.
The two men on your either side each have their own reactions. 
Reluctantly, Leone pulls the left side of his headphones back, listening while Mista seems just a bit more enthusiastic. 
After all, he’s getting dinner and a show, and he seems grateful for the entertainment.
“Dibs on Fugo,” Guido says quickly, nearly stumbling over his words, making Leone grumble, “ I guess I’ll take Narancia,” He says, having no other option.
“What are you betting on this time,” you tiredly ask, your expression lightly soured. 
Mista keeps his eyes on the two across while he speaks, “ We’re betting on who’s gonna lose their cool first and swing,” he says. 
“You’re kidding right?” you ask with wonder. “ Once Fugo snaps, he’s defiantly striking first,” you say, looking at Abbacchio. 
“- And you think Narancia is the one to go with?” you say with a raised brow, making Leone huff. 
“Only other option was taken,” he says annoyed. 
Meanwhile, the other two continue to bicker.  
Fugo stands first, looking down at Narancia with a violent gaze that unexpectantly melts. 
As quickly as it heated, it suddenly turned cold, just as his voice, 
“I don’t even know why I bother with you,” he then said, surprising everyone with how collected he seems. 
“-You Idiot,” he huffs “You’re a lost cause-” and Narancia has nothing to say. 
Instead, he stays quiet, looking up at Fugo with wide eyes that soon dash away, which is yet another surprise to all of you.
“Whatever...” he says back, not knowing anything else better to say.
The blonde then shakes his head, stalking away and leaving the room filled with a thick tension that felt suffocating.
“That was new....” Mista said while releasing a low whistle, scratching his cheek.
"What a fucking idiot," Leone grumbled, the insult making Narancia's shoulders sink, the snapped pencil in his hand held tightly after he took hold of it again, and as you suspected he was left sensitive over the argument.
It takes a lot to quiet him down, that’s for sure, and when he did it was serious.
"Abbacchio," you started, disappointment in your tone as you eyed him. 
You were ready to stand and go to Narancia to comfort him when Leone stood from his seat instead, his hands in his pockets as he released a low, tired sigh that made it seem like it took everything out of him to rise.
As he came to Narancia's side he spoke, " Not him, I mean Fugo." he clarified, surprising both Narancia and you. 
"Of course, he knows what he's doing," There was no question about it. 
"He's a genius...so The way he's explaining it to you makes sense to him, but not you right?" The long-haired male asked as he loomed over Narancia.
At that, Narancia nodded, "yeah..I swear Abbacchio, I'm really trying this time," he says while craning his head back to look at the other male.
 Granted he messed around, but not then.
He’d managed to learn his multiplication tables, and had advanced quite a bit, moving on to a bit of the harder parts where new formulas were involved.
"But I don't think Fugo believes that," he added, dejected.
"Well, That's what happens when you fuck around so much," Leone responded his words tarty, understanding how the other man could get so frustrated.
"Still..." he then added because he didn’t entirely with the way fugo chose to express it.
"Make sure to take notes this time, And if you're lost ask because I'm only giving you this one chance," he warned as he started, his finger skimming over the first question. 
His voice was firm, clear, yet somehow... soft as he verbalized a walkthrough of the steps needed.
You listened as Abbacchio went through the material with Narancia, and if you were being honest, there was something endearing about it.  
- maybe even sexy.
'he's a good tutor...' you mused, your eyes drawn to him, the entire time forgetting about your food.
You were stuck in a trance, one that broke once you heard Narancia's elated voice break through the tranquil atmosphere. 
"No way!" he said as he looked down at his answer, his eye shining as he saw Abbacchio's pleased smile. 
"it makes sense!" he cheered.
"You did good," Leone then praised before he decided to move back, "If you get lost just look back at your notes," he recommended as he traveled back to his former seat beside you.
He brushes shoulders with Mista as the dark haired male stands before the dessert cart, eyeing it with a pout as he considers what would be a good dessert.
- He’d lost interest the second he heard math.
Throughout the move, you couldn't help but stare, perhaps too intensely.
‘Big meanie did something nice...’ you inwardly mused with a tiny, suppressed giggle.
"And just What are you laughing at?" Abbacchio grumbles while he takes his seat again, his stare narrowed as he challenges your gaze. 
It doesn't scare you in any way as the hint of bitterness is so obviously a mask to hide how flustered he is.
"Me?" you huff, trying not to smile any harder, especially as out of the corner of your eye you see Narancia continue to look down at the sheet before him, scribbling down his new answers.  
A triumphant look is worn in place of his usual, pensive one that more often than not morphs into exasperation.
At the sight, warmth fills your chest and it’s a wonderful feeling.
"-Nothing," you finally say while  the spongy sweet before you is delicately picked at with consideration to what will be your first bite. 
"nothing at all," you add as you finally find the right start, slowly dipping your fork into your little dessert. 
"I just thought it was cute..." you casually admitted while continuing to look down at your treat, missing the immediate flourish of color that filled his face. 
Before he can find something to say fugo returns, his expression softened from the previous agitated one he'd sported, "Hey....Narancia," he softly murmured as he walked in. 
He seemed sheepish, moreso regretful and you supposed a 40 minute break would do that to anyone.
"About what I said..." he added, "I'm...sorry," he said while taking a seat next to the older male. 
"I didn't mean it ; you actually have a lot of potential." he complimented, taking back his earlier comment. 
“especially for someone with such a limited amount of education... In fact, I have to admit you've improved in every other subject. " he insisted, and the praise had the dark-haired boy's entire demeanor perk.
“ It says a lot that we’re working on this now,” he further adds. 
"Y-You mean it Fugo?" Narancia asked, his voice touched with excitement that someone as smart as Pannacotta had praised his intellect - something that had never happened before. 
There was a reason why he hadn't been too concerned about dropping out of school in the first place. Amongst many other things, it frustrated him when he didn't understand much, and he had no trouble letting go of that headache.
"Of course I do, That's why I get so annoyed," the blonde spoke, "I know you can do it, and it seems like we’re both falling short of our capabilities,” he expressed. 
“ I'm just sorry it gets the best out of me," he said before looking down at the sheet Narancia had been working on. 
"Anyways, lets ke-" his words fell short as he picked up the practice work, then the notebook on its side where new notes had been added. 
New handwriting decorates the page, and it catches his eye. 
His violet eyes brightened as he skimmed over the pages, and even as they were directed back to his friend, "Narancia, you did this?" he said with an obvious swell of awe as he finds himself going over each new answer.
"I sure did," the teen said with a sure nod, briefly turning back to the eldest male that sat with them, " Abbacchio helped me with it. He broke it down for me just a bit more," he elaborated. 
“He gave me different examples too,”
"You're kidding..." Fugo breathed as he looked at Leone, his face melting into true gratefulness. 
" I didn't know mathematics was a strong suit for you," he said, amazed at the notes that showed a full comprehension. It was one thing to get the answers right, it was another to show such detailed work in more ways than one.
- enough to dumb it down so much.
 Abbacchio softly sighed, "- I was top of my class too..." he revealed.
It's not like he expected anyone to know since he's never mentioned it, but even then he always assumed everyone else would catch on that he wasn't just some  idiot.
 "An overachiever," he added with a bit of embarrassment, not mentioning how much of a dork he really had been.
"And every now and then I had to tutor some idiot after class," he recalled.  
"so...You could've been a teacher, or had gotten some other lame job, " Narancia pointed out, "- like at some boring bank," he snickered,  making Abbacchio chuckle. 
The number of times his mother had tried to talk him into working in finances had, had him weary.
"I could have..." Leone started, "But I wanted to do something else with my life," he admitted while looking down at nothing. 
"I thought I..." he couldn't finish, his lips pursing as he thought about how he'd messed up. 
He shook his head of the incoming thoughts before he leaned back on his seat, "Anyways, don't get used to it," he said while glaring at the two other males, his tone changing in just a second.
"I'm not here to babysit anyone, or hold anyone's hand," he grumbled, his tarty words flying over Fugo and Narancia's heads as they simply grinned, realizing that no matter what he said, at the end of the day, he'd helped out. 
"so you got the hang of it?" Pannacotta then asked Nararancia. 
"Yeah, yeah," he responded, waving him off and continuing with what was left of the worksheet.
Meanwhile, you stand, making your way toward the dessert cart. Instantly, you eye the vibrant red that sits over a coat of creamy frosting.
'perfect,' you think as you reach for it, beating Mista as he finally decides what to get. 
"Hey!" his complaint is ignored as you make your way over to your seat, but not without a stop.
As Abbacchio continues to listen to his music again, he has his eyes closed, drowning in the sound before he feels a tap on his shoulder. To accompany it is a familiar scent of perfume that gently tickles his nose, and instantly perks his chin up. 
A warm body brushes him, and without any other indication, he knows the presence, reacting to it with the most subtle hint of warmth. 
 Upon opening his eyes, he's greeted with the sight of a dessert being served, and as he turns slightly he sees you reaching over him from behind.
As you begin to retreat, he sees your smile and much more the darling twinkle in your eye that has him in awe.
The question in his gaze is too easy to read, and to give him some ease you linger close, your voice both coy and secretive, 
"That's for being a sweetheart," you say as you decide to pull back, walking passed your seat with the intention of leaving.
Perhaps you wouldn't have had the boldness if you weren't sure you were moments from leaving, already having someone waiting for you. 
You had noticed the new arrival just a minute before, letting you know it was time to go.
Bucciaratti stands at the doorway with his arms crossed, leaning against the arch, looking over with amusement as he watches your interaction with the other man. 
And while to everyone else at the table, you seemed to saunter away with all of the confidence of the world, Bruno could see the absolute fluster that consumed you, making him turn away with a little snicker. 
You seem almost dazed as you reach him, and he softly tuts.
 " I see you’re enjoying yourself," he comments, giving you space to walk out first, choosing the gentlemanly route of following behind. 
"Enjoying what," you say while battling a smile, trying to look cool and unaffected. 
"Teasing him so much," the dark-haired male says with a huff, briefly looking back to find Leone being shaken by mista as he takes the man's shoulders in his hands, moving him back and forth with an animated way of speaking. 
- and while Bruno can't really hear what he's saying, he just knows he's praising him. 
It all happens as Fugo and Narancia laugh, pointing at the elder male's face that blooms red.
You just know that the others are messing with him, and A flash of guilt hits you before it morphs into delight. 
"you don't know all of the things he does to me," you say while shaking your head. 
Abbacchio plays with subtle cruelty like he enjoys watching your stomach knot and your mouth dry in response to him. 
- Just recalling makes you feel less guilty.
Leone's face is practically glowing, the smile that stretches over his face unbelievably exaggerated as he continues to come closer. He's so distracted he doesn't notice that Bruno is on the opposite end of the hallway, forced to come to a halt before they bump into each other. 
"Well this is a surprise," Bruno mutters with a raised brow. " you're in a good mood," he teases while taking a step back to admire his friend's jovial mood. 
"If I'd have to guess, I'd say it has something to do with the message I just received," he remarks, going as far as to bring it out of his pocket. 
"Bucciarati, he's such a jerk," he reads your message out loud, briefly bringing his eyes back up to the man who continues to smile. 
"You,  I assume," he said with certainty, and it makes Leone smirk. 
"What can I say," he proceeds to say, the way his entire face is glowing proof that whatever just happened between the two of you had left the man with plenty to think of.
"- She looks so damn cute sometimes..." Abbacchio mutters moreso to himself, as though it's all the justification he needs.
Bruno can’t help but let his shoulders fall with a touch of disappointment. 
It’s not that he didn’t approve of their relationship, but he did find it a tad frustrating that the two chose to keep playing such mindless games with each other rather than just mature and admit their feelings.
"I think I have an idea, " Bruno replied, not feeling so bad for the other man after all,  considering all the times he’s gotten the best out of you. 
“Anyways...” he starts, moving forward and explaining to you your destination.
 You listen attentively, hoping you’ll come back sooner than expected.
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lucenties · 4 years
Hello! I just recently came across your blog and I love the aesthetic! May I request Bucci gang x reader first kiss? Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day!
first kiss with team bucciarati
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thank you so much, I'm glad you like it! bucci gang coming right up :)
⤷ team bucciarati ; gn!reader
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♡ Bucciarati would plan a special evening ahead of time in order to make your first kiss special. Renting a villa and decorating it, commissioning your favorite meal, making you a gift basket filled with goodies he knew you would like as well as a handwritten note, he was determined to show you just how much he cared for you.
♡ “I do hope you enjoy our evening together, mi amore. You deserve the world and so much more.”
♡ He takes your face in his hand and strokes it with his thumb. Looking to your eyes for reassurance, Bucciarati leans in slowly and kisses you deeply. Not rough or aggressive, the kiss is full of emotion and leaves you weak in the knees. It is enough to get you hooked on him.
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♡ Despite his outward coolness, Giorno would be very nervous when he senses it’s about to happen. You would be the first person he kissed and he wasn’t exactly sure of what to expect, so his nerves are very likely to spike when the time comes.
♡ He would definitely spill his feelings out to you before going in for the kiss. After all, it's important that you knew that he meant the kiss with all of his heart.
♡ “You make me feel so at peace, like nothing else matters.”
♡ You can tell he is unsure of himself. When he moves his lips against yours, he is slow and radiates nervousness. It helps if you hold his hand and intertwine your fingers with his to let him know you adore him.
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♡ Your first kiss with Abbacchio would be unplanned, catching you by surprise.
♡ He wouldn’t even think about kissing you if you didn’t already have his full trust, and once you earned it, something as trivial as a kiss would be nothing to think twice about.
♡ “[Y/N]. Look at me.”
♡ It is sudden; it catches you off guard and it takes you a moment to process it. His kiss is playful and there’s even some nipping at your lip but you understand the love that’s hidden between the movement of his tongue.
♡ Abbacchio decides he rather likes the sight of you afterwards: mouth slightly open in shock and a faint purple smear adorning your lips.
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♡ Mista would be the type to ask for a kiss on your first date. He’d bring it up playfully and ask more than once but he wouldn’t be demanding or expect you to actually kiss him. If you blushed at his antics, he would continue to tease you just to see the red rise up to your cheeks.
♡ “Aww, come on, babe, don’t hide! Lemme see your cute face~.”
♡ He is charming and lively and knows just what makes your heart race, using it all to his advantage so he can get to the good part and finally get to kiss you.
♡ Once you let him, he focuses completely on you. Placing a hand on the small of you back and another one on the back your head, he smiles and kisses you deeply. He pauses and pulls away to stroke your face and tell you how beautiful you are before meeting your lips again.
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♡ Narancia would be the type to overthink the little details both before and after your first kiss. Would you like it? What if he was bad at it? Did you regret it?
♡ He might ruin a moment or two when he senses the kiss is about to happen, his nerves getting the best of him. Backing away from your face at the last moment or laughing awkwardly as he turns away and points with some insignificant excuse.
♡ “Look, [Y/N]! There’s a dog running away with someone’s wallet! Isn’t that funny?”
♡ It then falls on you to make the first move by turning his head back to face you, cleaning in as to close your eyes so he can feel a little less nervous.
♡ His kiss is a little sloppy and fast-paced. You attribute it to his lack of experience, but it fills you with comfort and makes you giggle in delight once you pull away. Expect him to feel embarrassed and a little shy afterwards, but know he is glad to be getting closer to you.
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♡ Fugo definitely wouldn’t rush to kiss you even after you start dating. It was plenty just enjoying your company and spending as much time as he could with you.
♡ “Why do you need me to kiss you? You already know how I feel about you.”
♡ He would be probably kiss you just to stop your incessant pleading. Even though he lets out an annoyed sigh, he can’t hide the smile that creeps onto his face as he gives you a slow peck before letting himself melt in your mouth.
♡ It’s all it takes for Fugo to realize he really likes you. Immediately after, he almost knocks you over with the fast kisses he plants all over your face.
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strawmariee · 8 months
Oii! Tudo bem?
Venho um pedidinho muito intimista e especial pra mim haha Essa semana foi meu aniversário, mas acabou que pouquíssimas pessoas lembram e eu não consegui comemorar, isso me deixou muito frustrada. Então, como amo sua escrita, queria pedir um Bruno x leitora, onde ele faz uma surpresa no aniversário dela, algo bem romântico e fluffy, se possível ♡
Muito obrigada e abraços!💕
Obs: Oláaa, como você está?? Primeiramente, meus parabéns e que você seja muito abençoada!🩷 E me desculpe pela demora, na época que você me enviou este request eu estava com bastante falta de inspiração, no entanto, acabei melhorando neste mês de Janeiro. Bom, chega de enrolação e vamos logo para a fic! Boa leitura! Curtidas, comentários e reblogs são sempre bem-vindos🩷
Happy Birthday to U
Bruno Bucciaratti x Leitora
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A brisa da cidade de Nápoles acaricia levemente o meu rosto enquanto caminho de forma lenta para a minha casa após mais um dia cansativo no trabalho, no qual já estou ao ponto de me despedir por conta dos abusos tanto do meu chefe quanto dos meus colegas de trabalho.
No entanto, não é como se eu tivesse outras opções disponíveis… E o salário que recebo era o suficiente para pagar minhas contas, aluguel e comprar o necessário para sobreviver.
Assim que destranco a porta da minha casa e acendo a luz, sou pega de surpresa ao reconhecer a familiar cabeleira negra com aquelas duas presilhas de ouro em cada lado de sua franja.
— Bruno? O que faz aqui tão tarde? Eu pensei que você estaria ocupado demais com as coisas da Passione e- — ele colocou o indicador sobre os próprios lábios, pedindo silêncio antes de se levantar do sofá e caminhar até a mim com um sorriso suave.
— Como eu poderia dar mais atenção ao meu trabalho justo no dia em que meu tesoro veio ao mundo? — Sua fala arrancou uma feição surpresa de meu rosto, esta que causou uma risada sua. — Devo acreditar pelo seu rosto que você mesma esqueceu disso.
Bruno não está errado (como sempre), eu de algum jeito havia apagado da minha memória que meu aniversário é justamente hoje! E sequer alguém me mandou uma parabenização, o que é mais um dos motivos de eu não ter me tocado disto durante o dia todo.
— É… Eu meio que acabei me esquecendo mesmo… — digo em um tom de voz embaraçado e acabo coçando minha nuca com um pequeno sorriso.
— Vem comigo, querida.
Ele estendeu sua mão na minha direção e eu a segurei, vendo-o apertá-la com delicadeza antes de começar a me guiar até o terraço da minha casa que, assim que ele abriu a porta, arregalei meus olhos ao encontrar a pequena mesa ali coberta com uma toalha de mesa branca, e em cima dela estava um castiçal como também um bolo de aniversário e, ao redor, um cordão de luz para criar um clima mais romântico.
— Dios mio, Bruno… Não precisava ter se dado ao trabalho de preparar tudo isso. — digo com emoção em minha voz enquanto cubro minha boca com minhas duas mãos, deixando claro minha surpresa.
— Isto aqui é pouco comparado ao quão feliz você me faz, amore mio. — diz ele com um tom de voz carinhoso ao mesmo tempo que coloca sua mão na parte inferior das minhas costas. — Venha querida, vamos aproveitar esta noite.
Eu assinto e logo deixo-me ser guiada por ele até a mesa, na qual ele puxou uma das cadeiras e me convidou a se sentar ali. Eu agradeci após me sentar e ele retira o casaco que eu estava usando, dando um beijo no topo da minha cabeça.
— Pensei que homens como você não existissem mais, sabia? Me sinto feliz ao ver que eu estava errada.
— Tesoro, isto que estou fazendo é o mínimo, você com certeza deveria ter um tratamento de uma deusa. — ele diz antes de se sentar na cadeira a minha frente, logo empurrando o bolo na minha direção. — Aqui querida, encomendei um bolo do seu sabor favorito. — Seu sorriso se alarga quando viu o quão gratificada eu estou e logo segura a minha mão por cima da mesa, acariciando-a. — O que acha de fazer um pedido, hum?
Eu rapidamente concordei, sorrindo e assentindo como uma pequena criança e logo fechei bem os meus olhos para manter a concentração ao escolher o pedido.
Havia tantas coisas que eu poderia pedir…
Dinheiro, saúde, felicidade, paz…
No entanto, eu reabri meus olhos e meu olhar se encontrou com os de Bruno.
Aqueles olhos azuis que me faziam experienciar sensações incriveis e tão únicas que era algo inexplicavel por simples palavras…
Então sorri antes de assoprar as velas, logo apenas saía uma pequena faixa de fumaça delas. Logo o italiano sorriu mais e voltou a acariciar a costa da minha mão.
— Fico curioso em saber com o que você pediu, amore mio…
— Bem, mas eu não posso contar! Senão ele não se realizará.
Eu ri baixinho quando ele forçou uma careta emburrada apenas para arrancar uma risada de nós dois antes de aproveitarmos nossa noite.
Mal sabia que ele que meu pedido era apenas permanecer ao seu lado pois, todas aquelas 4 coisinhas que citei antes, eu já as teria…
E tudo graças a ele…
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