#venus the angel
nothinggirlcomic · 2 years
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The Long Party - Part 2
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4h20art · 2 months
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shellsweet · 5 months
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Change is constant.
But family is forever.
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7pleiades7 · 4 months
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Venus on the Waves (1769), (detail), by François Boucher (1703–1770), oil on canvas, 265.7 × 76.5 cm, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
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venusdandy · 2 months
God's Rival
[Hazbin Hotel x GN!Reader] [Platonic]
[Part Two]
Story Summary: The Demiurge is what they decided to call you. You aren't human, angel, or demon. You're something else entirely—an enigma in each realm. The only being who had ever shown you kindness was the fallen angel Lucifer since he freed you from Heaven's prison by offering Eve the apple from your tree. You promised him a fruitful favor in exchange, but he has not asked anything from you. Until now, that is.
Chapter Summary: In the back garden area of the Hazbin Hotel, you're summoned to Hell by Lucifer's and Charlie's combined magic. You finally meet the human souls—your spiritual children, who you sensed were saying your name last evening. You're delighted to be able to aid your dear friend Lucifer in protecting his family and home from Heaven.
Warnings: Gender-neutral reader (they/them pronouns). No use of (y/n). The reader is genderless and AroAce—platonic relationships with the characters only.
A/N: I wanted to let everyone know this story is now on AO3 (VenusDandy)! I also have a tag list here if you'd like to be added.
Part 1 Part 2 (here)
Your eyes are closed as you relax in your hammock and feel the sunlight warm your soul. You're humming a song you heard from your last visit to Earth that's been unable to leave your head. The birds in the trees above you had begun to sing along.
A sudden strong gust of wind nearly knocks you off, but you're quick to grasp the sides of the hammock to help balance. You quietly laugh to yourself as you peek an eye open. One of your creations, a pteranodon, landed a few feet away from you at the lake's edge to eat some fish.
For this reason, you keep the lake closest to your palace filled with life. The amount of happiness you receive when you see your creations eating gives your soul well-needed peace. You love seeing your children happy!
Speaking of your children, you feel that familiar vibration in your soul telling you a human has mentioned your name. A side effect after Eve ate the apple from your tree was that it forever connected your soul to humankind—your spiritual children.
Four deceased humans that have become demons, a fallen angel, and the Princess and King of Hell themselves are discussing you. You feel honored that they are considering asking for your help. You mainly use your energy and time to maintain the mortal realm's chaos and observe alive human souls. You pay less attention once they pass into the afterlife since it is not your domain.
Another chuckle escapes your lips. You have been wondering when Lucifer would cash in the favor you owe him. You were beginning to believe he had forgotten. Although you would prefer to continue staying out of Hell's and Heaven's pissing contest, if Lucifer requests for you to aid him, you have no objections to that. You respect the eldest Morningstar greatly after all he has done for you and humanity.
A content sigh leaves your lips as you go back to humming. You'll indeed be summoned to Hell by Lucifer soon, so you'll use your remaining time in the mortal realm to relax.
One last time, Lucifer scrambles around the immense sigil engraved in the dirt of the Hazbin Hotel's abandoned garden. He's pretty sure he's drawn your sigil correctly; he's only ever seen it once when you emerged from the apple tree in Eden, so it's entirely from memory.
"Okay," Lucifer semi-confidently says, "Okay, I think I got it."
Alastor has a mischievous gleam in his eyes as he hums, "Hmm, try walking around it ten more times to make sure."
Lucifer huffs with a glare. "Why are you even here? There's no reason for you to be here right now!"
"Who am I not to greet our guest who will aid us in war?" Alastor says with a twirl of his cane, "As the manager of this Hotel, that is my duty!"
Vaggie quickly stands in front of everyone with her hands on her hips. "Alright, let's go over this again!"
Vaggie points to Angel, "No flirting with the Demiurge!"-then to Husk-"No sarcastic remarks that can piss them off!"-then to Niffty, "No knives or sharp things that would threaten them!"-Then to Alastor "And no making deals with the Demiurge! Got it?"
Varying agreements ring out, some more irritated than others, but it satisfies Vaggie nonetheless.
Charlie is excited and slightly nervous as she stands next to her father. Lucifer had said he'd need her assistance for the summoning ritual since it requires powerful Celestial magic. Not just anyone can summon the Demiurge.
Lucifer lets out a breath of anxiety and rubs his bare hands together. "Ready, Charlie? Do you remember what we rehearsed?" He asks with a nervous smile.
Charlie nods firmly. "Ready!"
Lucifer and Charlie then shift into their more demonic forms to channel more of their magic before twirling their arms in graceful mannerisms. Lucifer begins chanting in the ancient Celestial language, which causes the sigil in the dirt to glow golden.
Vaggie anxiously clutches herself as her gaze never leaves Charlie's form. She knows her lover is powerful and capable of protecting herself, but Vaggie can't help but worry about her. A gentle, clawed hand rests on her shoulder, causing her to shift her gaze to her left, seeing Alastor grinning down at her. He doesn't say a word, but his eyes share a confident reassurance that strangely makes her feel a bit better.
The ground beneath them all began to rumble as if an Earthquake was happening. Niffty laughs as she uncontrollably falls to the ground, but Angel quickly swoops in and holds her tightly.
Once Lucifer and Charlie finish the ritual, they take a few careful steps back to join the others.
The sigil's golden glow brightens, then dims to nothing just as quickly. The ground beneath them stills once again. Everyone doesn't move as they wait for what will happen next. . .
Before Lucifer could question if he performed the ritual incorrectly, a large blaze of golden flames twists above the sigil, causing a few surprised gasps. Within the fire, a silhouette could be seen taking form.
Strong gusts of wind swirling around nearly blow the habitants of the Hazbin Hotel off their feet. They're quick to grasp onto each other for stability, other than Alastor, who uses his tendrils of shadow to ground himself.
Once the wind finally puts the fire out, it gradually falls into a light breeze. At the center of the sigil is a deity that stands at 120 meters. A golden-scaled serpent with the head of a mighty golden-brown lion. Their eyes glow brightly and shine into Hell's eerie red sky, and their sharp teeth are a perfect white—the Demiurge's true form.
You stare down at the beings who summoned you. Your eyes land on Lucifer, who stares up at you with a nervous smile. He looks more tired than how you remember him. He slowly waves, and you roar to greet him a bit too loudly since some of the beings below clutch their ears.
You then close your eyes as you shift into your humanoid form so you can speak eye-to-eye with everyone—the sounds of bones breaking and reshaping echo around everyone grossly.
Once you take your desired form, you eagerly reopen your eyes with a giant smile. You're very excited! "Lucifer Morningstar, how have you been, my dear friend?"
Although Lucifer was surprised you called him a friend, it eased his anxiety about you being here. He clears his throat awkwardly before greeting you properly with your name. "I've been uh- I've certainly been better, but I'm still kicking. Heh."
"Happiness is not a destination; it is a neverending journey." You remark with a hum, "I hope after we deal with Heaven's aggression toward Hell that it will ease your worries and bring happiness to you all."
The fact you already know why you've been summoned surprises everyone. You were in another realm far away from them, weren't you? How could you possibly know why Lucifer summoned you? Now Lucifer's anxiety peaks again. You're far too knowledgeable, and it makes him feel you're at least 100 steps ahead of him. It could be good or bad, depending on the context of your aspirations.
You shift your attention to the Princess and send her a kind smile. "Princess Charlie, it is a pleasure to meet you finally! I've heard wonderful things about you along the grapevine, child." You reach a hand out to greet her, noticing the younger fallen angel beside her tense up.
Charlie nervously smiles back as she shakes your hand. "Oh? It's lovely to meet you as well! I've heard things- good things about you from my dad."
Your eyes crinkle in amusement. You then glance amongst the four human souls staring at you intensely; you can sense their bubbling emotions. "I thought I heard my title being said last evening."
The look of regret is visible as Angel pales. The way you phrased it doesn't sound very good, as if you knew every word discussed about you last night—or rather ever. And Angel said some crude remarks about you! Husk is a bit nervous, too, since he straight-up said you have mommy issues. Your mommy issues got you locked away for millions of years because you lashed out at Heaven! And Husk does not want to be on the receiving end of your chaos! Niffty wouldn't mind your chaos, though.
"So, that means you're aware I'd like to ask that favor of you finally?" Lucifer asks uncertainly, "I'll admit I was hesitant to call upon you since I don't know how you feel about Heaven these days."
You hum in acknowledgment. "A fair judgment, although I have no qualms about protecting Hell from Heaven. You all fought in self-defense against the exorcists." You smile at each soul, "I shall do everything in my power to aid you all, although I must warn you, Heaven will not be pleased that the Demiurge will be fighting against them once again."
With her golden heart, Charlie grabs your hands with a much calmer smile. "We won't force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with! We all will understand if fighting against Heaven isn't safe for you."
Your old heart beats with bittersweet happiness at Charlie's words. You've heard about her kind-hearted personality, but witnessing it firsthand puts it in perspective. You see so much of her father in her.
You squeeze her hands reassuringly. "I appreciate your kindness greatly, child."-you gently release her hands-"I'm afraid that once it is known that I am aiding Hell, Heaven will send their most powerful Celestial beings, ones that only Lucifer and I have fought against."
Alastor quietly hums at that. He's a lot bit egotistical, but even he must admit that sounds rather dramatic. Your eyes then meet his, making his ears twitch back slightly. You're difficult to read. Much like him, your smile hasn't faltered, though yours is more genuine than his stitched grin.
"Alastor the Radio Demon," your amused voice rings out, "Did you want to say something, my child?"
Slight unease is bubbling inside Alastor, causing his claws to tap the top of his microphone cane. He doesn't like feeling this way. Masking his nerves, he tilts his head and keeps his smile strong. "The Demiurge has heard of me? Why, I'm quite honored my broadcasts have reached your ears!"
Your eyes squint with a lighthearted gleam. "I remember your radio broadcasts from when you were alive, too, my child."
The unexpected words cause Alastor's eyes to blow wide. Alive? How much does the Demiurge know about him, exactly? He doesn't like being this much in the unknown or having this much lack of control. . .
Your attention shifts to the other three human souls. "And here we have Anthony or Angel Dust, as you prefer. Then, the former Gambling Demon Husk. And Niffty, the demon who slaughtered the first man, Adam." You smile warmly, "It is a pleasure to meet you all, my children."
Niffty giggles at the memory, not bothered by you or your information on her or her friends. "I did do that!"
On the other hand, Angel is frowning because he has a clue that you don't know him because of his career here in Hell. That you know his darkest secrets and hidden emotions from when he was alive. Now he's starting to get why Lucifer was hesitant to summon you. . .
Husk's brows are furrowed. Clearly, from just witnessing your natural form that could rival Godzilla, you're not the average soul. You already know them all, even hinting that you know of their lives as humans. Was this basic knowledge the Demiurge already had, or did you do research beforehand? Husk isn't sure, but he plans to monitor you closely.
Charlie nervously clasps her hands in front of her. She's a bit unnerved you already know everyone, but then again, for a deity like you, that knowledge is probably easily accessible.
Vaggie, not about to let your creepy knowledge of them slide, asks with a threatening undertone, "How exactly do you already know why Lucifer and Charlie summoned you? And care to explain why you know a little too much about everyone?"
Lucifer snaps his worried eyes to Maggie Vaggie. He had the same questions, but he wasn't about to go and ask them! What if you get irritated?! What if you leave?!
You smile warmly at the young fallen angel, hoping to calm her protective soul, "You must be Vaggie; it is a pleasure to meet you, child."
Her eyes squint with suspicion, and if Charlie weren't holding onto her waist so tightly, she'd have waltzed on over to you. You dodged her question!
Lucifer loudly claps his hands, bringing everyone's attention back to him. With a nervous chuckle, he says, "I know how much being summoned to another realm can zap your energy, so how about we take a moment to rest inside and get better acquainted? What'd you say?"
You nod in agreement. "I would greatly appreciate that, friend."
You look back to Vaggie, "Then I will answer your questions, child." That brings some relief to Vaggie. At least you're willing to give answers. . .
With the others following close behind, Lucifer leads you into the Hazbin Hotel, asking if you are hungry or thirsty and listing too many options. He doesn't know how posh you are and is trying his best to please you. He's so afraid of you lashing out.
You understand why Lucifer is nervous about your presence; you would also be if you were in his position. Lucifer was one of the many angels from Heaven sent to investigate your existence. He witnessed your absolute most destructive moment when you lashed out at Heaven with all you had. You don't look back on the memory of your younger self fondly, but you do not regret your choices. You witnessed Heaven slaughter your children, and you couldn't save them back then.
You want Lucifer to know he is your friend, and you will never hurt him or his family. He never hurt you or your children; you remember him protecting them.
With a whisper of a touch on his shoulder, Lucifer interrupts himself and instead looks to you. You don't say a word, but the empathetic glow in your eyes calms every worry Lucifer has about you.
Lucifer can see in your eyes that you are genuinely here to help them, to help him and his family.
With a more comfortable smile resting on his lips, Lucifer tells you, "I'll make us all pancakes!"
If Heaven plans to slaughter your children here in Hell, well, you'll just have to slaughter the angels first.
Tag List: @paastaboi @gasoline-eater @rabioa @m00nd0v3
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ditzymelody · 9 months
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internet girls
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harmoonix · 1 year
🪽Angelic Astrology 🪽
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• A N G E L I C •
🪽Having the next following aspects can mean that you have an enchanting/angelic aura around you and you can warm up people with your energy;
Neptune - Moon aspects 🪽
Neptune - Sun aspects 🪽
Neptune - Ascendant aspects 🪽
Cancer in big 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising)🪽
Pisces in big 3 (Sun, Moon Rising) 🪽
Saturn - Moon aspects🪽
Saturn - Ascendant aspects 🪽
Uranus - Ascendant aspects 🪽
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🪽 Having Moon aspecting the ascendant can make you to look very ✨ Ethereal ✨ you can have really soft skin and big eyes because of this aspect also very gracious gestures
🪽Having Moon aspecting the South Node means that you can be very attached to your past and often you can be quite sensible, is very hard for you get rid of toxic habits/patterns also this aspect gives you high intuition about things going on in your life you are and you were very connected to your soul
🪽Moon represents your soul and you inner world, the sign you have under the moon can tell you about your past lives and how you lived them based on the house you have your moon sign in
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🤍The 9th house in your chart is the house of God, having the Moon/Sun in the 9th house can make you connected to God and to religion/spirituality, you can have this *child of God* allure around you as well you can possess talents related to those things 🤍
I don't wanna go
But baby, we both know
This is not our time
It's time to say goodbye
🤍Mercury can also represent youthfulness, having Mercury aspecting the ascendant/sun can often make you young - looking and people can be confused knowing your age
🤍 Mercury - Moon aspects can have talents related to music and art, they can be very good at singing and their voices can also be quite unique
🪽Having the next following aspects can mean you can be very lovely and intense + nurturing
Asteroid Ceres [1] in a water Sign
Water placements/Stelliums
Earth in big 3 [Sun, Moon, Rising]
Earth Venus/Venus in 2nd/6th/10th houses
Venus aspecting Pluto
Moon aspecting Pluto
Asteroid Ceres in an Earth Sign
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🪽Having Taurus/Libra placements makes you to be someone very romantic and passionate yet also someone who can make a good first impression, people see you as someone very elegant and respected 🌼
🪽Having Capricorn placements is never easy due to the high lessons these natives need to learn, no one knows what's in their heart, no one knows how much they cried or teared for some things no one knows how much pain was in their lives, but one thing is sure they are the most powerful people out there !! You got this Cap Placements!!🤍😇🤍 Never forget how powerful you are
~ H E A V E N ~
🪽Having Aquarius Placements is not that easy either because to their differences and uniqueness these people had this stereotype of being "weird" just for doing things they find good for themselves they have their own struggles and their own problems but one thing is clear...Never stop being yourself, be yourself everyday, everyday when you look in the mirror tell yourself how beautiful you are ♥️✨
🪽Having Cancer/Moon prominent in your chart can make you a very sensible person with a very nurturing and warm vibe, you can be like a mother to others with your energy 🪽🤍
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Some angelic placements with angel asteroid 🌼
Asteroid Angel [11911] - ascendant aspects
Asteroid Angel [11911] - moon aspects
Asteroid Angel [11911] in the 1st/4th/8th/12th houses
Asteroid Angel [11911] - sun aspects
Asteroid Angel [11911] in the 7th/9th houses
🪽 Asteroid Angel [11911] in contact with Uranus or Neptune can make the native to have prophetic dreams, they can recieve messages through their dreams
🪽 If you have Asteroid Angel [11911] in the 8th house and someone from your family/someone close to you died, they can give you signs with their presence and you can feel it, you can feel them close when they are near
It will come a day
When we will find our way
🪽 Recently i discovered that natives with Sun in the 12th house suffered a lot in their past lives and it was mostly an emotional pain, that's why you can feel very emotional in this life, it is from your past life. You were hurt, very hurt in some cases and the lesson is to heal the wounds and toxicity that is around you
🪽 Asteroid Angel [11911] in aspect with Venus: Your angel/spirit guides can send you messages and signs through songs/music, you can listen to a song when you are sad/when you feel bad and to find something you needed in the lyrics of that song [When you listen music while being sad the brain focus on lyrics more]. It can also show that the native is very loved by their angels/spirit guides
🪽Having Asteroid Angel and Asteroid Juno aspecting or under the same sign makes your relationship protected by the guides/angels, the divinity takes care of you 2
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{ D I V I N E }
🪽Asteroid Angel [11911] - Pluto aspects in very tight orbs = Your guides/angels can be very powerful and destructive if someone will want to do harm upon you, also they are here to make sure you learn your lessons and you find you power when you are low/at your lowest
🪽Asteroid Angel [11911] - Aspecting the Asteroid Hekate [100] in the 1st, 4th, 8th or 12th houses can make the native extremely intuitive, you are that intuitive that you can feel warning signs if something bad is gonna happen, also Hekate can team up with your angels to protect you
🪽Asteroid Angel [11911] - Aspecting the Aphrodite Asteroid [1388], your spirit guides/angels can give you confidence over you looks and the way you look, you are very beautiful and so is your soul with your angels/guides, you can have a very lovely/beautiful spiritual family
🪽Asteroid Angel [11911] - Aspecting the Lilith asteroid [1181], your angel/spirit guides can be half angel half demon and can hold a great power in these 2, these can be fallen angels who are your guides or extremely powerful sources from heaven, they are the type of guides who can get very mad when someone does harm upon you [These 2 aspecting eachother is so powerful]
🪽Asteroid Angel [11911] - Aspecting the Asteroid Archangel Raphaela [708] have an extremely powerful healing soul, you can heal other people and you can heal yourself from all the pain, also your soul is protected from pain, even if you can experience pain sometimes the feeling can disappear fast
🪽Having these angelic asteroids in your 1st/12th houses can make you an angel on earth vibe/energy
🪽 Having Angel in Retrogade [Rx] your spirit guides/guardian angels need to work with you in this life in order to finish your earth lesson
🪽 Howwww y'all have been doinggg, July started to show up and the North Node return is coming closer than ever 🔥🥹 need to prepare. Anyway enjoy this Heavenly Post Part II since so many of you liked the 1st part 🪽🪽🪽🪽🪽 Some placements can have this kind of energy in them 🤍🤍🤍🤍 and because the angels are very beautiful and harmonious why to not make an post about them 🤍
🤍🌼 Hope everyone reading my notes has a good day full of love and peace 🤍🌼
Here is part I for those who didn't see it
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iwozlegit · 6 months
|| 🍍• You know how like the Hazbin Hotel crew have been pretty deliberate with their foreshadowing and hints? Imma call it…
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…from them hanging effectively a ‘new bar’ sign…
…they’re gonna own/run a bar together endgame.
Literally zero HAND-vantage of using all hands joined together to hang up a sign…WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!
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acidichcl · 3 months
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Some more friends for my fan iteration :}
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grendel-menz · 2 years
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A summer that never ends is hell. Nothing could be worse than being hot and sticky and surrounded by people who vaguely hate you forever.
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nothinggirlcomic · 2 years
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Reaper Meetup
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psiithirisma · 2 years
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two mimir 💤
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derangedfujoshi · 3 months
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Vintage Magical Girls Lesbian Pride Icons✨💕
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aeteut · 1 year
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Sirius is a star, she’s all golden.
By likeafunerall, and reposted with permission.
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venusdandy · 2 months
God's Rival
[Hazbin Hotel x GN!reader] [Platonic]
[Part One]
Story Summary: The Demiurge is what they decided to call you. You aren't human, angel, or demon. You're something else entirely—an enigma in each realm. The only being who had ever shown you kindness was the fallen angel Lucifer since he freed you from Heaven's prison by offering Eve the apple from your tree. You promised him a fruitful favor in exchange, but he has not asked anything from you. Until now, that is.
Chapter Summary: After the death of Adam, the residents of the Hazbin Hotel discuss ideas of how to protect Hell from Heaven's potential wrath. Reluctantly, Lucifer mentions he knows someone who owes him a favor and quite literally may be the only deity able to help them.
Warnings: Gender-neutral reader (they/them pronouns). No use of (y/n). The reader is genderless and AroAce—platonic relationships with the characters only.
The reader gets referred to as the "mother of chaos" once (in the same way one refers to mother nature). Nifty calls the reader a "bad boy" once (before meeting them). The reader is only referenced in this chapter without appearing yet.
Part 1 [Here] Part 2
The residents of the Hotel are gathered in their new lounge discussing the most recent extermination, or more specifically, Adam's death and the consequences. Heaven hasn't made any contact with Hell yet, but then again, it's only been a few days.
"I still think my idea is better," Angel smirks as he leans back on the couch comfortingly.
Vaggie growls with frustration, but Charlie quickly intervenes by gently touching her lover's shoulders. "Angel, we appreciate your help, but um," Charlie smiles tensely, "I don't think you seducing the angels in Heaven will help."
Angel shrugs. "Best idea anyone's had in the last hour."
Well, he isn't wrong. They've been severely lacking in the brainstorming department. After the conclusion that killing the first man has undoubtedly set off alarms in Heaven, for the past three and a half hours, they've all been discussing potential ideas to protect Hell from Heaven.
So far, Husk has thrown out that they should just set Nifty loose in Heaven (which Vaggie actually considered), Alastor has been making angelic puns (not at all helping), and Charlie has been pitching many civil plans to persuade Heaven (all her plans are in song form).
Lucifer has been very quiet throughout this. He's only been partially listening to everyone, as he is too focused on his worries. He's been mentally debating bringing up his idea; it's potentially the only way they'd stand a chance against all of Heaven's wrath.
But so much could go wrong. . .
Charlie must have noticed the faraway look in her father's eyes. She gently calls out to Lucifer, making him jolt out of his thoughts. He straightened up in the armchair and forced a smile. "Yes, Char-Char?"
Charlie holds one of her dad's hands with concern. "Are you okay? We can take a break if it's too much."
Lucifer sighs, letting his body sink into the chair, and his smile drops. "No, no, it's okay. I just. . .I have an idea."
Charlie perks up at this, a big smile shining on her face. "That's great!"
Lucifer opens his mouth but closes it again. He really doesn't want to mention you, but they've been shoved in a corner, and it's starting to look like only you can break down the walls.
With a reluctant sigh, Lucifer asks the others, "Have you heard of the Demiurge?"
Alastor hums with amusement as his grin stretches. "If you don't have ideas, there's no need to make up words. Just admit that little head of yours is empty!"
Lucifer, unknowingly falling for Alastor's rage bait, glares at him. "I'm not making up words, you oversized dried cherry! That's their title!". Lucifer then specifies your actual name.
Charlie clears her throat, awkwardly trying to distract the two demons. "Okay, let's calm down and hear what Dad's idea is."
Lucifer crosses his arms, still glaring at Alastor as he explains. "The Demiurge is responsible for a lot but mostly known for creating the mortal realm and overall shaping the material world. They're the maintainer of chaos."
Husk scoffs and mumbles under his breath, "Did a shit job maintaining the chaos in my life."
Charlie anxiously shifts her weight from leg to leg. 'Maintainer of chaos' doesn't sound very appealing. "Soooo, are they. . .nice?"
Lucifer finally looks away from Alastor; his smile is pissing him off more anyway, and he shifts his body to face his daughter. "Nice?" Lucifer repeats, "Maybe? From what I remember, they treated their creations with kindness."
"Creations?" Vaggie asks with a raised brow, "What does that mean? Like weapons or. . .?"
"Life.", Lucifer clarifies, "The Demiurge is capable of creating intelligent life forms."
This hooks everyone's attention. Even Nifty stops herself from stabbing a bug and looks up curiously. The little unfortunate bug quickly scurries across the floorboards, trying to escape, only for Nifty to leap at it again with her knife closing in on it.
"Like God? The fuck?" Angel asks with astonishment.
Lucifer nods. "They're powerful, so I thought about summoning them to help us since they owe me a favor anyway."
"Favor?", Charlie asks curiously and slightly worried.
Lucifer was about to explain further but decided to tell the Demiurge's origins so everyone could better understand who you are.
With a wave of his hand, a large and old book of the universe's secrets lands in Lucifer's lap. He opens it to the exact page of your tale and takes a deep breath before reading out loud.
"Before time, there was only the Celestial power in a realm called Heaven. But that power balance began to tip when an unknown angel mothered a deity with unbelievable divine powers that she abandoned their child in a clouded realm. The young deity lived for millennium alone, thinking they were the only being in existence. With no guidance from their mother, their power was disorganized, and they created galaxies, planets, and even complex life forms in their clouded realm.
After discovering the mysterious deity and their divine powers, Heaven deemed them a possible threat to the universe's balance. Questions rang in Heaven, wondering where this God-like creature came from. Only one angel knew who the deity was and where they came from, but she stayed quiet in fear she would be punished. It was her very own sinful thoughts and overwhelming emotions that had birthed her child.
The deity was elated to witness life forms they did not create, as they were not as alone as they formerly thought. At first, knowledge was transferred in civil conversations to understand each other's existence. The deity showed their realm, and in turn, the angels showed theirs. Heaven was more lenient towards them after witnessing their calm and happy nature. The deity behaved much like an angel, Heaven thought, so they let them remain in their realm of creation.
It was during that time the deity discovered they had a mother and how she abandoned them over her selfish desire to protect herself. The deity then lashed out with exasperated grief. The one who gave them life was ashamed of them. Their creations began behaving more aggressively and rigidly as the deity's emotions swam in negativity. Once again, Heaven became alarmed by the deity's power. They threatened the deity to stop, or Heaven would have no choice but to force them to stop by the power of the Heavenly Father. But the deity was too far lost in their rage of despair to listen. So, Heaven destroyed the deity's creations to almost extinction and trapped their soul within an apple tree. This massive tree became known as The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
After 65 million years, the Heavenly Father created the first humans within the Garden of Eden. As long as the humans didn't eat the forbidden apples of The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they would live a pleasant life under God's guidance.
But, the life balance for humans forever shifted when Eve accepted the apple from the serpent and took a bite.
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil vibrated until it burst into golden flames. The deity stood freely with their power surging through their veins once again. There was no longer only peace; now, there was chaos in the world.
That was the rebirth of The Demiurge."
After Lucifer finishes reading the timeless tale, he gently closes his book and teleports it to where it belongs with cloudy red magic. It's been a few millennia since he's sat down and read the origins of the Demiurge like this.
Nifty squeals from her spot on the floor laying on her stomach, kicking her feet in the air. "A bad boy!" She giggles.
Lucifer quickly clutches his fists in his lap as he realizes he's shaking with anxiety. Honestly, Lucifer does NOT want to call upon you. So many things could go wrong, and the first thing that comes to mind is how awkward it'll be. He can't just be like, 'Oh hey, haven't seen you since Eden! Could you fight Heaven and protect Hell for us? Thanks!' ABSOLUTELY NOT!
The second reason is that Lucifer has only a vague idea of what you're capable of. He knows you're powerful; he was one of the angels investigating you and your realm of life.
You treat your creations with love and gentleness, as Lucifer's father does with his creations. But you're the Demiurge, maintainer of chaos. Your mere existence allowed chaos and evil to spread in human souls. What motivates you? What are your aspirations?
. . .And would you be a threat to Charlie?
Vaggie's eyes are narrowed, glaring at where the book just was. Having the radio demon managing the hotel is enough of a risk as is; she will not allow some powerful entity- the maintainer of chaos, that is, anywhere near Charlie.
Husk is the first to break the tense silence with a slight smirk on his lips. "That's some serious mommy issues."
Angel snorts. "Careful, whiskers, the Boogieman might just catch ya for saying shit like that."-he suddenly scoots closer to Husk on the couch, invading his personal space. "But don't ya worry, I'll hold ya real close for safety!"
Without even looking at Angel, Husk shoves him off the couch. "OOF!"
"Boogieman?" Alastor asks with some amusement.
Angel sits up on the floor and shrugs in response. "They sound creepy, like the Boogieman." Angel grins wide with a laugh, "Hey, maybe you and them will get along then, Smiles!"
Alastor only raises a brow at Angel's comment. If anything, the Demiurge will most likely piss him off like Lucifer does. But either way, he's deathly curious about you. What exactly can you do? Or rather, what can he exploit from you?
Lucifer groans and throws his head back against the armchair. "I don't know if we should ask the Demiurge for help. . ."
Charlie quickly shakes her head. "What, why? You said they can help, and they owe you a favor anyway! We have to ask, at least!"
Vaggie rests a hand on her lover's shoulder. "I'm not sure about this either, Charlie. This isn't your average favor exchange."
Charlie is about to argue more but closes her mouth. She bobs her side to side in acknowledgment. "Yeah. . .but Dad freed them from the tree, and helping us protect Hell from Heaven is sorta like freeing us, right?"
Now, Vaggie nods but sighs in exasperation. "Babe, we can't trust the maintainer of chaos who, might I remind you, brought evil into the world."
Lucifer, without a second thought, jumps to your defense, "Now, I wouldn't say they brought evil into the world. Evil already existed; human souls at the time couldn't comprehend evil. That's how they were originally designed. The Demiurge brought the ability for humans to understand evil, and I gave humans free will." He rubs his neck awkwardly and mumbles, "And I mean, it was their world before Heaven took control of it."
Husk scratches his chin in thought. "Sounds like they'd be eager to fight Heaven if that's the case."
Charlie claps her hands together in determination. "Exactly! I'm not for the idea of revenge, but they already aren't on good terms with Heaven. And it sounds like we- as, in Hell, are on neutral terms with them?"
Lucifer nods, but he's still not convinced he should summon you. . . Indeed, you've never shown malice towards Hell, but you've also never shown any signs of supporting Hell.
Well, you've shown respect for his family, which he is confident of. Lucifer can recall how each year, on his and Lilith's anniversary, they'd receive a generous gift from the Demiurge. They especially received a lot of gifts from you for the baby shower Lilith held for the nearing birth of Charlie.
Now that Lucifer is thinking about the Demiurge more, how'd you even know these dates? Neither he nor Lilith invited you to their wedding or baby shower, yet you still sent them gifts. Lucifer always assumed word had got around, and that's how you heard of it, but you were always so precise with the timing, too.
For instance, when their marriage started going South, instead of receiving one gift from the Demiurge on their anniversary for them to share, Lucifer and Lilith received their own uniquely catered gift. He was so emotionally distraught back then that he never realized how odd and borderline creepy that was. How could you have possibly known that Lilith and him weren't doing well? Not to mention how after they split apart, they received no gifts from you! How do you know all of this?! Are you hiding in his castle walls or something?!
Alastor knocks his cane against the wooden floorboards to gather everyone's attention. "I must agree with our dear Princess! We need extra assistance for what's to come, and it sounds like the Demiurge is the one for it."
Lucifer glares at Alastor. Well, now that he knows Alastor wants you to be summoned, Lucifer wants to summon you even less now!
"Plus!" Alastor continues with a stretching smile, "Our little King and the Demiurge are bound by a contract! They must fulfill their end of the bargain whether they want to or not."
"Preferably wanting to!" Charlie quickly adds, "Actually, only wanting to! We aren't forcing anyone to do anything they aren't comfortable doing!" Alastor subtly rolls his eyes.
Lucifer takes a breath in through his teeth at that realization. "Uhhhh, we didn't shake on it soooo. . ."
Vaggie immediately facepalms. "Are you serious right now?!"
Alastor's neck snaps at an angle toward Lucifer. "You didn't. . .Make an official deal? Then what makes you think this creature of chaos would willingly do you a favor?"
Lucifer stands from his chair with a glare and points an accusing finger at Alastor, "Excuse me for having more important things on my mind like, I don't know, getting out of Eden alive!"
Alastor's brows furrow together with irritation, and his smile sits tightly. Leaning onto his cane for stability, he bends forward to reach Lucifer's much shorter height. "You're excused."
Lucifer starts rolling up his sleeves. "Alright, you pompous prick-"
"Okay! That's enough!" Charlie quickly intervenes by leaping between the two demons with a nervous smile. "How about we finish this discussion tomorrow after thinking more about it? Sound fair?"
Reluctantly, Lucifer backs off, blowing air out his nostrils with pent-up anger. Alastor shows no further vexation as he straightens up, firmly placing his hands on his cane.
From the floor, Angel raised one of his hands. "So, question about the Demiurge."
Lucifer sighs with exhaustion but brings his full attention to Angel anyway. "Ask away; I'll answer the best I can."
Angel smirks as he asks, "What do they look like? Are they sexy?"
Husk and Vaggie groan at the question, not even surprised. At that, Husk stands from the couch and goes to the bar. He needs a drink—or maybe 12.
Lucifer, on the other hand, was genuinely pondering the question, the first half at least. "Uhh, from what I remember, the more humanoid form they take on have ears and a tail like a lion and golden scales on the edges of their face, around their eyes, and just scattered around their body, I think."
The term 'humanoid form' catches Alastor's attention. According to Lucifer, it sounds like the Demiurge is a creature that naturally doesn't look like a human and instead takes on that form, most likely for simplicity purposes. From the spiritual knowledge Alastor has gathered throughout his time in Hell, he's come to find that beings of higher ranks typically have a more abstract form. In that form, they are the most powerful, so to harness and control their magic, they take on a humanoid form.
"How interesting," Alastor hums, "A feline and a reptile."
Finally standing up, Angel whistles with a grin. "I've been with both, and I gotta tell ya, those scaley motherfu-"
Angel gets cut off by Vaggie punching him in the gut with the dull end of her spear. "Shut the fuck up, Angel!". Angel only laughs as he clutches his stomach.
Charlie winces and immediately but gently grabs her lover's elbows, making Vaggie lower her spear. "Okay, I think it's time to get ready for bed now."
The residents of the Hotel each do their nightly routine before ending the eventful day in their respective rooms. Though, with the most recent events taking place, they all find difficulty relaxing.
Can the Demiurge truly help them. . .?
They can only hope so.
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