#vera rvb
RVB Romantic Relationship Royale- Round 4, Part 1, Poll 3
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What if doc is part of a partially amnesic system (obviously no amnesia between doc and omalley) but he has some headmates who he doesnt share memories with and the actual reason he seems to be so terrible at medicine is these alters have no medical knowledge (Bc doc was the one who did their degree) and when they front they have to like. Make it up as they go.
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bortmcjorts · 3 years
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[ID: two pencil sketches. the first is a bust of rvb sherry, and the second is ohio from the thighs up. they are both wearing their armor without helmets. sherry has wavy hair pulled into a ponytail, and is smiling off to the side. ohio has short hair that's shaved on the sides, and she's frowning with her fists balled. end ID]
so. the season 14 episodes about the triplets, huh? they really just handed us lesbian rivals with romantic tension, huh???
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rihwooby · 4 years
My brain cannot comprehend the fact that Winter Schnee and Agent Ohio have the same voice actor....
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RvB18 Teaser: *features a blue armored soldier with pink highlights fighting a soldier with Insurectuonist colors*
My Triplet Loving Hellbrain: OHIO???? Ohio? ??? Ohio-Vera darling is that you??? Are the boys okay???? ?? Is this a flashback Wash has now that his memory is a lil fuzzy?? Is it you Ohio??? OHIO?? O H I O??? ?? OooooHIoooo?
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aces-to-apples · 4 years
uhhh, how about insult the triplets from RvB?
triplets: ain’t even related
ohio: too desperate for respect to get any……respect, that is.
idaho: in love with a lesbian
iowa: sneezed once and blew up a bunch of jeeps, that’s pretty fucked up, man
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p0kern1ght · 6 years
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the triplets are GOOD and i bet they all dip dye their hair in koolaid
commissions are open!
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astro-b-o-y-d · 7 years
Okay but seriously, I’m still so made Vera got so little attention from the fandom because of their collective (and unnecessary) hate boner for season 14. Y’all have this beautiful little lesbian and you don’t give her the attention she deserves, shame on y’all...
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rvb-happens-here · 3 years
Fuck it, RvB Harry Potter AU
Yeah this has been in my thoughts wayyyy too long for me to not give you guys some bs.
I know that Ilvermorny exists, but I know that people wouldn’t appreciate me writing about America when they realise that I’m using British English to write all my shit.
I’ve chosen Harry Potter purely because I can write about it better culturally, not just because I have no idea what Ilvermorny is.
AU under cut off:
A few hundred years after Harry Potter's passing, when Leonard Church was still a student at Hogwarts, he was bullied by Gryffindors for, well, being a Slytherin. One time when he was being bullied, his future wife, Allison McAllister, came in and just punched the bullies in the face. She's a muggleborn, sure, but Leonard doesn't care.
Fast forward, he's now the Headmaster (Director) of Hogwarts. Allison is dead.
Book 1 Characters + bit of plot:
Students (Reds n Blues):
Church, L. Leonard: First year, Ravenclaw (||spoiler||)
Tucker, Lavernius: First year, Slytherin (muggleborn)
Simmons, Richard: First Year, Gryffindor (pure blood)
Grif, Dexter: First Year, Hufflepuff (half blood)
Other Students:
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I've used the other characters and voice actors in RvB to supplement the characters. They have a little thought about them, I use Personality analysis on the fandom side when possible and I've used Voice Actors to replace nameless people. WHen the person doesn't have a name or VA I just call them by what they're referred to, which makes sense as you can only keep track of 150 people (or something like that)
Of course, some students will have sub plots and have a greater role in the main story than others, though you could probably tell.
Washington, David(Wash): Third Year, Hufflepuff/Gryffindor (muggleborn), Seeker,
Holy fuck the freelancers are giving me trouble, tried to take a quick buzzfeed quiz as Wash, and guess what I got:
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He was inteneded to be Hufflepuff anyways, but the more I thought, the more it seemed Gryffindor. It's not like I want to separate people based on armour colour... but...
McAllister, Carolina: Fifth Year (skipped a grade), Griffindor/Slytherin (absolutely a hatstall, she has ambition to be noticed by dad, but doesn't have the cunning to be in Slytherin) (insanely talented, she confused the fuck out of my sorting system) (half blood) Seeker, probably uses a time turner.
Maine, Joshua: Fourth Year, Hufflepuff, (half blood[of what, we don't know yet]), Beater
Charon, York: Fifth Year, Hufflepuff, pureblood, Keeper, Prefect
Thompson, Constance (Connie/C.T.): Fourth Year, Gryffindor, Chaser, betrayer
Dakota, Sebastian(North): Fourth Year, Gryffindor, Keeper
Dakota, Stacey(South): Fourth year, Slytherin, Seeker
Ohio, Vera: Third Year, Ravenclaw, Chaser
Idaho, Erza: Third Year, Ravenclaw
Iowa, Mike: Second Year, Ravenclaw (like a high wis low int Wizard, Mike keeps putting things in his mouth. Such as potions. hence, Mike is banned from potions and held
back a year. Also Herbology. Actually, just- everything.)
Texas, Allison: First Year, Griffindor, Beater (yeah she is that good), muggleborn (||?||)
Niner, Ash - Ravenclaw, Sixth year, Prefect
Kainat, Georgia: Sixth Year, Slytherin
Johnson, Utah: Ghost
Brown, Illinois: Seventh year, Ravenclaw
Sarge: Head of Gryffindor, Defence Against the Dark Arts
Flowers: Head of Ravenclaw, Charms
Kimball: Head of Hufflepuff, Muggle Studies (cuz her predecessros keep getting assassinated)
Wyoming: Head of Slytherin, Potions
Astronomy - Santa
Herbology - Lemons
History of Magic - Lieu
Care of Magical Creatures & Groundskeeper - Alabama
Divination - Doyle
Transifiguration - Felix McScouty
Ancient Runes - Spencer Porkensenson
Arithmancy - Sheila
Dark Arts - Locus
Alchemy - Delaware
Caretaker - Lopez
Nutse - Doctor Emily Gray
Price: Councillor/Treasury/Secretary (new position!!), Slytherin
Director Church: Headmaster, Slytherin
Board of Directors = Charon Industries
Malcom Hargrove, Chairman
Rhee Sebiel
Church: Hey asshole watch me start fucking crying
Now we get to things that are really plot relevant. Of course, as a RvB watcher you know it's got something to do about A.I.
But what about Horcruxes?
Back story, Part 2:
Allison Church died giving birth to a baby boy. Carolina was 4 that time. So utterly enraged and devastated with the death of his wife, Leonard Church shouted, "Avada Kedrava!" But the young boy didn't die. It seemed that as Allison felt that she was dying, She transferred over her last remaining magical energy to protect the newborn child.
But the attempt was so horrendous, that Leonard Church felt like his soul was splitting. Not enough to form a horcrux, but just maybe...
He somehow entangled his soul into Church Junior. And then cut off a full portion of the house, attempting to study, to reverse engineer Church.
He wanted to bring his wife back. He just- he had to. And no matter how much he searchers the forbidden forest, he could never find the Resurrection Stone. He's looked into how Voldemort was revived, and he was grasping to the thought that maybe he could... fragment Church's soul enough that the part that was Allison could come out.
So he did just that. He made Church commit horrible acts, and Crucioed him until he's forgotten himself and everything that this unknown wand did.
The first part of Church's soul that split off was Tex. He spent more time trying to bring 'her' back, but wasn't satisfied with the result. She was too kiddish for him.
So he kept splitting... and the more he split, the more he had to hide these 'children'. Most of them, he fashioned them into really high tech wizardry, and giving them to trustworthy individuals.
Gamma - pocket watch/timeturner, given to Wyoming. The strongest time turner.
Delta - Bacteria tester but it's for ailments and wounds, and it often gives the perfect antidote answer. No one knows why York bring an outdated muggle calculator to Potions, but it's been helping him achieve Outstanding even though Professor Wyoming really, really hates him.
Epsilon - Diary/Planner/Notebook, given to Washington after he had passedthe initiation at the end of last year. Starts changing him too.
Eta & Iota - Earrings, that are shaped like dream catchers. A minor enchantment for +1 speed and better dreams. Given to Carolina.
Theta - Border Collie, given to North Dakota. (offers a minor protego spell)
Sigma - Beater Stick / Metal Chain (improves wearer's strength, but also takes control), given to Maine.
Omega -(Deathly Hallow) Cloak of Invisibility, given to Tex, influencing her bad behaviour.
That's all for now, I'll post the plot later.
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RvB Friendship Fray- Round One, Part Two, Poll Twenty-Three
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panther-os · 3 years
I have been working on a giant project as a follow-up to this post where I redesigned Alpha Squad in the Halo 4 customizer, and I have finally finished the bare bones of it and consolidated the pictures into an amount Tumblr won’t hate.
Behold, my Freelancers! (under the cut)
Some of these agents appeared in Temple’s murderfridge, but I have no way of telling who’s who and no access to any armor that’s in Halo 5 but not in Halo 4, so I just yote them all and started over.
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First up is Alpha Squad once more - Tex, Carolina (MAJ Rebeca Church), York (MAJ Joey Marchesi), Wyoming (SPC Reginald Winthrop-Covington VI), North (CPT Ustin Voronin), Wash (CPL David Ortez), Maine (MAJ Moses-046), South (MAJ Viktoriya Voronin), Florida (CPT Butch Flowers), Connecticut (LT Iona Blair).
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And then we get into my OCs starting with Bravo Squad. Georgia was an absolute dick in Season 14, so he gets to be an incompetent and self-important white boy followed by eight increasingly terrifying women and one himbo. Left to right, top to bottom - Georgia (PFC James Wright), Kansas (SSG Elena ”Wheat Thin” Campo Escarra, ODST), Indiana (SPC Tereza “Zippy” Kudrna), Louisiana (SPC Takara “Swamp Lady” Mori, ONI), Michigan (LT Ravid Wolff), Nevada (MAJ Antonia “Tony” Marchesi), Tennessee (LT Yona Keyes, ONI), California (CPT [REDACTED]), Hawai’i (SPC Zoe Choi), Massachusetts (CPT Jean Martel).
Michigan is a nonbinary Jewish person who chose that name because I, a nonbinary Jewish person, think it’s a fucking awesome name. California does not have a name yet because I have a very specific facecanon in mind for her and I’m waiting to hear back from a direct source on a respectful name for her background.
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Charlie Squad is entirely OCs! There’s Arizona (CPL Naomi Blum), Kentucky (LT Miles Parker), Oregon (Dorian “Dory” Teague), Mississippi (SGT Justice Hawkins), Arkansas (SSG Noelle Abrams), Vermont (SSG Colby “Cheese Man” Leafield), Oklahoma (SPC Skylar “OK” Ned, ODST), Wisconsin (CPL Ernst “Ravioli” Kasperson), Rhode Island (SPC Lovel Short), and Montana (SSG Daisy Feng).
Dory doesn’t have a rank because he was recruited straight from mercenary work. You might recognize Montana from this fic series I published recently featuring North/York/Montana.
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Delta Squad has a familiar face (potentially a second if you’ve seen Zero, though I forgot that guy’s real name, if it was ever revealed) and also, accidentally, the most agents that look alike. There’s West Virginia (COL Rasmus Lucassen), New Mexico (SSG Lars Korhonen), Utah (LT Oriole Vives), Pennsylvania (SPC Sladjana Novak), Puerto Rico (CPT Dina Abbing), New Hampshire (SPC Phoebe Daugherty), Delaware (SGT Jeremiel Carver), Alabama (SPC Priyanka Devi, ODST), Illinois (SGT Roger Lennox), and Maryland (SPC Tuana Demirci).
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Echo Squad has the triplets, but I wanted to mix it up a little. Ohio (SPC Vera Czajkowski) actually leads this squad, with Idaho (CPL Ezra Katz) as her second. After them are Alaska (SGT Faraj Nejem), Colorado (SPC Marvin Cole), Minnesota (SSG Anton Peerenboom), New Jersey (CPL Kyung-Hee Moon), Nebraska (LT Armann Gunnarsson), Virginia (SGT Zarina Zaman), and then Iowa (PFC Michael Gutermuth, ODST) at #49, followed by Missouri (PFC Fabiano Necchi) at #50.
After the triplets are abandoned, this squad falls apart in a major way and all the other agents in it leave or are made to leave.
(I want to start leaning into the leaderboard really just being arbitrary bullshit but not starting that way in my writing, and the not starting that way is most clear with Echo Squad.)
And, then, because I used Puerto Rico but haven’t seen anyone use any of the other inhabited US Territories in RvB before, I also put together the Quality Assurance Squad, aka the Counselor’s snitches among the non-agent personnel, the crew running the day-to-day of the Mother of Invention and, later, Freelancer Command.
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This is Guam (CW2 Isabela Hernandez), American Samoa (CW2 Lee Michaels), US Virgin Islands (CW2 Ulysse Desrosiers), and Northern Mariana Islands (CW2 Erik Bergstrom). They’re not a part of the leaderboard and most people - including the other agents - don’t actually know they exist. They all report directly to the Counselor, but Samoa, Virgin, and Mariana also all report to Guam. Mostly, though, she’s only in charge of Quality Assurance as another one of the Counselor’s experiments, they’re all equally capable. Of all Freelancer personnel aside from the Director and Counselor, these four know the most of what’s going on - and they actually are encouraged to work together as a team - but they still don’t know everything.
Please feel free to send me asks about all these agents! They’re still very much in development, but I had a lot of fun with this project and got really excited and wanted to show everyone! ^_^
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Confessions of a Freelancer Reject
For the RvB Fluff Week! ( @rvbficwars)
Original Prompt from @whatevertotesyourgoat:” Fluff Week Prompto: Ohsherry ~ The first "I love you", whether it was accidental or purposefully said is up to you. :3 Have fun fam~”
Hope you like it! Ao3
Warnings: Canon-typical violence/language, Swearing, Alcohol
Word Count: 1566
Pairings: Ohio/Sherry
Summary: It’s the little things in life that keep Sherry going. The little things, and a little alcohol. 
Or-Sherry and Ohio get drunk and play Five Things.
It’s the little things that keep Sherry going.
Hot chocolate on those nights where it’s colder than usual—which means, fucking cold. Movie night with Terrill and Darryl. Narrowly dodging a grenade as she high-tails it through the snow, getting shot just a little to the left so the bullet only grazes her arm, having a Warthog careen into her hangar.
There isn’t much else Sherry needs in life, except maybe a ride off this goddamn wasteland.
And more alcohol.
“Darryl, Terrill, you’re needed in the breakroom,” Sherry calls over the base’s intercom.
‘Breakroom’ is generous. It’s more like a closet.
Twelve feet by twelve feet. Table barely larger than a chess board, crates for chairs, ratty yellow couch that was probably white at some point, faded propaganda posters that someone—definitely not Sherry—has plastered with googly eyes. The microwave takes ages to cook anything, and their counter consists of another crate that doubled as MRE storage.
It’s Sherry’s favorite spot on the entire planet.
“What’s going on?” Darryl asks as he trots into the room. Terrill is right behind him, doing nothing to hide his disappointed frown.
“I don’t mean to be a drag, but it’s almost midnight,” Terrill complains.
“Were you asleep?” Sherry asks.
“Yes,” Terrill says at the same time Darryl says “No.”
“Guys, I don’t have time for you to get your story straight,” Sherry says, rolling her eyes. “We’ve got bigger problems.”
Terrill and Darryl glance at each other and then back at Sherry.
“Liiiike?” Terrill crosses his arms.
“Like, we’re out of booze,” Sherry says. “All we have left are maraschino cherries.”
Terrill goes pale and Darryl sinks to his knees.
“But—” Terrill starts but Darryl cuts him off.
Knowing she’s already won, Sherry bites back a grin while she waits for Darryl to finish his tantrum. Terrill pats him on the shoulder, haunted look in his eyes. These two and their goddamn white Russians. She’s more of a whiskey gal, really.
“You know who isn’t out of alcohol?” Sherry asks, once Darryl’s calmed down a bit.
Terrill and Darryl’s heads shoot up.
“We—” Sherry doesn’t even have to pitch her proposal because Terrill has already rushed out of the breakroom, shouting something about his grenade stash.
“What the heck are you waiting for?” Darryl asks, jumping to his feet. “Let’s suit up!”
Breaking into Ohio’s base is child’s play.
The guard on duty is Iowa and, well. The guard on duty is Iowa.
They slip past him and duck inside a supply closet when he starts firing at a random snowflake. This must be a common occurrence because no one comes to investigate.
“Okay, Sherry, lead the way,” Terrill hisses into the radio.
One by one they move out of the supply closet and into the hallway. Sherry takes the lead, making sure to wave at all the security cameras they pass.
“Are you trying to get caught?” Darryl says.
“We’re going to get caught, Darryl,” Sherry says. “Why not have fun with it?”
“Well maybe we wouldn’t get caught if someone hadn’t left the blueprints with the camera locations back at base,” Terrill mumbles.
“I didn’t think we needed it!” Darryl protests. “It’s not like we haven’t been here before.”
Before the arrival Ohio and Company, Sherry and her boys had plenty of time to explore the bases. They knew the area like the back of their hands—not much else to do when you’re stranded on a frozen planet with no contact with the outside world.
That’s how Sherry knows there’s alcohol here: she stashed it for a rainy—or, perhaps more appropriately, a snowy—day.
There’s a loose panel in the ceiling of the showers, and when she stands on Darryl’s shoulders, she’s able to reach up and produce two bottles of vodka, half a bottle of kalua, and some moonshine.
“Excelsior!” Terrill shouts, grabbing the kalua and hoisting it above his head like an offering.
“What was that about not getting caught?” Sherry teases.
“Like you said,” Terrill says, hugging the alcohol to his chest, “We’re going to get caught. So, I’m going to savor this moment, Sherry.”
They don’t get much of a chance to bask in the glory of their reclaimed goods, because at that exact moment Ohio, Iowa, and Idaho burst into the shower room.
Sherry freezes, moonshine clutched in her hand, and waits for the firefight to begin. Hopes a stray bullet doesn’t break open the bottle she’s holding, spilling its priceless contents all over the floor.
Ohio looks down at the bottles of alcohol, then back at Sherry.
Then she reaches into the pouch attached to her hip and produces a stainless-steel shot glass.
Sherry can’t believe this is happening.
She’s waiting for Ohio to whip out her gun, shriek “Psych!”, and start shooting.
That would be normal.
Right now, sitting in the showers surrounded by the enemy, a very drunk Terrill, and a passed-out Darryl, things are decidedly abnormal.
Iowa, Idaho, and Terrill are in the middle of a game of Five Things while Sherry and Ohio share a bottle of vodka.
Ohio pours herself another shot—it isn’t top shelf, but it gets the job done—and, after knocking it back with a cough, smiles and closes her eyes.
“This’s nice,” she says.
“Beats getting shot ‘n the foot any day,” Sherry agrees, pouring a shot of her own.
“Hey, you know what?” Ohio leans in like she’s about to tell Sherry a secret. “You know what? You’re th’one… the one who let her guard down.”
“Excuse you.” Sherry gives Ohio a tiny shove. “Excuse you, I was jus’ trying to be nice.”
Ohio tilts her head back and laughs. She looks so happy, like truly happy—Sherry should know, she’s great at reading body language.
This is the first time Sherry’s seen the ex-Freelancer out of her armor, and Sherry thinks, not for the first time, Ohio—Vera—might be the most wonderful woman she’s ever met. She might blame it on the alcohol if she hadn’t already concluded this the day the woman shot her in the foot.
“I was jus’… I was just trying to find my purpose,” Vera says once she’s caught her breath.
“And?” Sherry scoots a little closer to Vera. “Did you?”
“Mm.” Vera closes her eyes. “I think so.”
Terrill stumbles over then, followed by Idaho. Sherry looks over and grins—Iowa and Darryl are now huddled together, passed out and snoring.
“Five things you love about being trapped on a frozen planet,” Idaho says, plopping to the ground. Terrill follows suit, almost dropping his white Russian in the process.
“What the fuck could I possibly love about being stranded in the middle of—of nowhere, Ezra?” Vera snorts.
I can think of a few things, Sherry thinks.
“White Russians,” Terrill declares.
“Predictable,” Sherry laughs.
“That’s one,” Idaho says.
“I’m able to get more beauty sleep,” Terrill says.
“No, you just refuse to get up,” Sherry retorts.
“That’s two!” Idaho says.
Vera takes another shot of Vodka.
“Snowball fights,” Sherry adds.
“White Russians?”
“You already said that, Terrill,” Idaho says.
“Oh, I did, didn’t I?” Terrill taps a finger on his chin then says, “Sherry and Darryl.”
“Sap,” Sherry says, nudging her teammate. He’s so drunk it almost tips him over. She considers adding that he and Darryl make this wasteland bearable too when Vera slams her shot glass down onto the floor.
How many is that, five? Sherry thinks. Time to catch up.
She starts to pull the bottle towards her but Vera catches her by the wrist.
Sherry thinks she’s going to have to cut Vera off, and opens her mouth to say so—
—but she’s interrupted as Vera leans forward and fucking kisses her.
It lasts maybe three seconds, but it’s the best three seconds of Sherry’s life. And when Vera pulls away, she looks Sherry dead in the face and says,
Sherry doesn’t know what to say because at the moment, she doesn’t even know what to think. Her mind is a whirlwind of happiness and anxiety and shock and—and, holy shit Vera kissed her. She thinks she hears Idaho let out a whoop (“THAT’S FIVE!”) and Terrill shouting at Darryl, but she can’t be sure because the blood is rushing in her ears, and she’s pretty sure her heart is about to climb out her throat.
She’s been waiting for this for so long, preparing her speech, cheesy as it may be, and now that it’s finally hear all she can muster is
Wuh?! Sherry wants to die.
Eyes widening, Vera backs away and jumps to her feet. This isn’t the best idea—she’s clumsy when she’s sober—and she almost topples backwards.
Once she regains her balance, Vera puts her hands on her hips.
“Booze! I said ‘booze’!” She cries. Then she produces a smoke bomb from—where did she get that from—and raises it above her head.
An enormous grin splits Vera’s face. She winks.
Sherry smirks. Grabs the bottle of vodka, twists on the cap, and reaches for her helmet.
What a woman, she thinks as she yanks on her helmet just in time.
And just like that, everything goes back to normal.
As normal as drunkenly chasing after the love of your life as they hurl smoke bombs at you can be.
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agent-murica · 7 years
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I’ve resigned myself at this point to be unable to upload these on the right days... well anyways here’s a (late) Doc!
I’m praying at this point that I’ll be able to finish Lopez by tonight.
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Red vs. Blue Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Agent North Dakota (Red vs. Blue)/Original Female Character(s), Agent Carolina/Agent York (Red vs. Blue), Agent Connecticut/Agent South Dakota (Red vs. Blue) Characters: Original Freelancer Character(s), Agent North Dakota (Red vs. Blue), Agent South Dakota (Red vs. Blue), Agent Carolina (Red vs. Blue), Agent York (Red vs. Blue), Agent Washington (Red vs. Blue), Agent Wyoming (Red vs. Blue), Butch Flowers | Agent Florida, The Meta | Agent Maine, Agent Texas | AI Program Beta, Agent Ohio | Vera, Agent Iowa | Mike, Agent Idaho | Ezra, Agent Illinois, AI Program Epsilon | Leonard Church, The Director | Dr. Leonard Church, Leonard L. Church | AI Program Alpha, Lavernius Tucker, Junior (Red vs. Blue), Michael J. Caboose, Sarge (Red vs. Blue), Dick Simmons, Dexter Grif, Kaikaina Grif | Sister, Franklin Delano Donut, Lopez (Red vs. Blue), Insurrectionist Leader (Red vs. Blue), Frank "Doc" DuFresne, Freckles (Red vs. Blue), Emily Grey, Vanessa Kimball, Donald Doyle, Agent Virginia Additional Tags: Hijinks & Shenanigans, rvb, What the heck is wrong with my characters?, Vi is insane and I love her, Agent Virginia - Freeform, Vitamin Vi Summary:
Hello and welcome to RViB - Shenanigans! This is basically where I'll be putting all the random shenanigans I think up of that don't fit into the main RViB storyline. However, they are all still canon (unless stated otherwise)! I hope you enjoy these characters being chaotic disasters~
Ack so this is my first official fan fiction! I’m going to work on the actual RViB fan fiction soon, I’ve just had this story stuck in my head for such a long time, I just needed to get it out- I hope you enjoy!
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Ohio: so there was a spider?
Iowa: yup
Ohio: and you didn’t kill it?
Iowa: no, fucker can hold eight guns if it wanted to, I’m not risking it
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animationnut · 5 years
Been thinking about RvB AU again (I'm slightly obsessed lol) and I was wondering: how would Doc get his soulmark with Sarge? Sarge is shown to be a little hostile towards him in the show. Sorry for bombarding you with these asks! X
Sorry this took so long! The earlier Red vs Blue seasons are fuzzy in my memory and I just started rewatching the second season. But thank you for the ask! I’m incapable of writing anything else for Red vs Blue besides my Platonic Soulmate AU and I appreciate your questions about it!
Doc gets two soulmarks his first day in Blood Gulch--Caboose and Sarge.
When Doc accidentally rams Sarge with the Warthog, the Red leader is a little worse for wear. Since he is a medic, and Sarge is pretty sure he might have some internal bleeding, he grudgingly allows Doc to look him over. Doc helps him inside Red Base and Sarge reluctantly removes his armour so Doc can have a proper look.
His scans reveal a broken rib, but no internal bleeding, and a ton of heavy bruising along his torso and chest. Doc insists that aloe vera will help and, while Sarge is mid-rant, takes off his gauntlets to rub it on.
Their soul connection is established, and Sarge hastily puts his armour back on and orders Grif and Simmons to take Doc back to the Blues.
He didn’t come to Blood Gulch for soulmates. But in the span of just over a year, after decades of blankness, he now has three soulmarks. The seconds it takes to establish a life-long connection is too much for Sarge to process, and he doesn’t want to think about the joy Doc felt, and the hurt when he felt Sarge was less than pleased.
He didn’t ask for this. He was ready to forever be a solider in war, to one day be killed in battle. But the purple handprint he now sports suddenly has him apprehensive over the familiar blue colours he knows are on his body.
He accepts Doc, after a while, because their soul-link is intense and avoiding soul-bonding for too long brings discomfort and a phantom ache. It takes longer for him to verbally apologize, and though Doc felt it in his soul, he’s grateful for it.
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