butnotbubblegum · 2 months
using the tags to vent my current emotional state into the void bc ig story feels like a bad plan for this, don’t read them if you’re having a bad day, they’ll probably not help in the slightest.
#but jesus christ coming back home while already knee deep in a suicidal episode was an awful idea#like i was maybe on the verge of improving and then i came back to all of this family bullshit#and the place as well like it’s so. i don’t want to say isolated necessarily. but so much it’s own little bubble#and i spent the last eight or nine years i lived here depressed and the last six suicidal#and being back here feels like the actual place is telling me to die#and i don’t think it helps that every place i go i know or know of someone who successfully committed suicide#like. oh this person drowned themself here. or that person hung themself in these woods. or several people jumped off the side of this clif#like. it all feels like reminders of my failures. and it’s like. cmon. wouldn’t it be easy. all you need to do is jump. is slit your throat#is find a decent piece of rope. idk. but everything is so much and i just want it to stop and it feels like the ground itself#is giving me a way to do it.#i genuinely feel like i’m like 16 or 17 again. and everything that isn’t within these hills#feels like a haze and not actually real. like the concept of buxton doesn’t actually exist and my friends do not actually exist and nothing#actually exists except the place i’m in and my family and the pub#i think going back to work at the pub was a mistake; i think it’s making this worse. especially because it’s henry’s dad’s local#and where henry’s wake was. and nothing there has changed at all. it’s like the whole last year never happened.#and i only need to get through two more days but it feels like an impossible task and i keep thinking being back in york will fix me but id#if that even true like. i was suicidal before i left. and it’s going to be intense and stressful and then i have to leave again.#come back here and do three full weeks of this all over again. i haven’t even managed two yet this time around. and i feel like#such a failure and such a drain on my friends (and on one in particular) because it just#is so much and has been so long and everything is complicated and awful and i think if i hadn’t come back i’d be in a normal mental state#by now. that’s the worst fucking part. and also the whole thing of i know how to be suicidal here. i know how to not give a shit about#living here. i know how to do that. but ive never had to try before. like im trying to improve and im trying to hold on and hold off the#urges to kill myself or self harm or whatever because i said i would and because i KNOW it can be better than this and bc i love my friends#and they love me and i don’t want to upset them or make them anxious or anything like that and kat made me promise to try and im trying so#fucking hard and it feels like it’s not even worth the effort because it’s so much effort and everything is so overwhelming and awful and i#hate the way my family interacts and i just want everything to stop and idc if suicide is the cowards way out or selfish or whatever#bullshit people say it feels like the only option i can actually withstand because everything is so much pain and so much effort and so muc#everything and i can’t deal with it anymore. and also i forgot just how much i have to fucking mask in front of my parents and especially m#father and it’s so exhausting and i can’t sleep and there’s so much yelling and i just need it all to stop#i’ve had major breakdowns the last 3 nights about wanting to die so much & trying so hard to not let myself & idk how much longer i can tak
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the hurt with this bot is so bad but the comfort is so good, i'm-
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arklayraven · 1 year
I'm close to beating DmC...
Vergil is who Solomon could become...I'm just saying. pfff
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Day 3 of uni. Have had many mental breakdowns. Potentially dropping a course and adding a different one. My advisor is not available until the day dropping/adding is closed. Have never been more stressed. Send help.
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jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
Heyy could I please request a Maddy Perez x fem!reader and they are both dating, but the reader is really shy but like also the sweetest person ever and would never hurt a fly, but she also hates like drama or other people fighting/yelling, so the reader gets a but uncomfortable at the intervention when everyone is yelling and fighting. So like the reader and Maddy are both comforting each other, it would be like hurt/comfort with fluff at the end. If you don’t want to do it then no pressure at all 😭😭 (btw I’m 18+)
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Maddy Perez x Fem!Reader
Summary: You were the calm to Maddy's storm, the only person who could talk her down after finding out about Cassie and Nate.
Warnings: Lots of language, intervention shit, mentions of Nate (🤮)
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: Look at me go, y'all! I cranked this out, and it's not half bad. Took me over a month, though. Sorry about that.
navigation euphoria masterlist
You and Maddy were complete opposites, which is why you worked so well together as a couple. She was bold and outgoing, while you were more reserved and shy. To give you some credit, you could most definitely fight for yourself if needed, but Maddy tended to fight for you first. The two of you had only been together for a few weeks, but you knew that you would last a long time.
You hated confrontation, and you avoided it as much as possible, but you would do anything to help your friends. This was how you ended up in the Howard household, preparing to stage an intervention for Rue Bennett. 
You nervously watch as the girl of the hour comes around the bend, before groaning when she catches sight of the group standing at the bottom of the stairs. She sits down, practically collapsing, and bangs her head on the wall behind her while muttering, “Oh, fuck.”
Maddy slips her hand into yours, knowing that this could get messy really fast. As if it wasn’t already. You squeeze her hand gratefully, using the physical contact as a grounding method. You watch as Rue’s mom begins to talk to her daughter.
“This can’t make you feel good, Rue. Living like this, lying to the people you love, being mean to the people you love,” At this, you glance over at Lexi, trying to shoot her comforting look. “This can’t make you feel good about yourself.”
Rue sighs, dragging her hands down her face. “I don’t care, just fucking leave me alone please.” She sounds on the verge of tears, and her mother takes a step towards the staircase. “I know you’re in pain.” 
Rue begins to get angry, quietly exclaiming, “You have no fucking idea, mom.” Her mom continues to talk to her calmly, trying to convince her to go to the hospital. Cassie walks forward slightly, in front of the area where you were standing with Maddy, Kat, and Lexi. 
“I can’t get clean, I can’t do that shit forever.” You can hear the pain in Rue’s voice, and it makes your heart ache for your friend. Cassie takes another step forward, and you realize that she’s about to throw a wrench in this whole operation.
She swings her arms before over encouragingly saying, “You don’t have to. Just, take it one day at a time.” You wince slightly, knowing that she basically opened herself up for anything Rue wants to attack her with.
When Cassie glances around, you see Maddy gesture to her that it was a little too much, letting you know that the two of you were on the same page. 
“Hey, Cass?” You wince when you hear Rue’s voice again, knowing that whatever comes next isn’t going to be pretty. Cassie responds innocently, and Rue follows up with, “I have a quick question for you.” 
Cassie seems confused, responding, “What?” Rue sighs before answering, “How long have you been fucking Nate Jacobs?” You inhale sharply, not expecting that to come from the brunette girl. You feel Maddy tense up beside you, which sets you even more on edge.
Cassie is silent for a moment, before she starts nervously laughing. “Wh-What are you talking about?” Rue doesn’t hesitate before asking her question again, and this is when you know that all hell is about to break loose.
Cassie begins to stutter out denials, but Maddy ignores her in favor of questioning Rue. “What are you talking about?” Rue begins to play the innocent victim, turning all attention away from the actual intervention. 
“Oh, I just- I saw her get in his truck and then kiss him and drive off, that was like, what, like uh… like a month ago?” You let out a slow exhale, realizing that was before you and Maddy had gotten together. So… Nate had cheated on Maddy with Cassie, Maddy’s best friend. Holy shit. 
Maddy gives Cassie a dangerous look before dropping your hand and exclaiming, “Are you kidding me?” Cassie can’t even defend herself anymore as she just lets out whimpers and tries to hold back her tears. From behind you, Kat states, “Cass, that’s like, really bad.” 
“You’re fucking Nate. Are you kidding me?!” You want to try to calm Maddy down, but she has a right to be angry. You know that she’s over Nate, but her best friend slept with her ex-boyfriend while they were still together. She trusted Cassie, and she fucked her over.
Cassie continues to try to stutter out denials, but Maddy exclaims, “You’re lying!” Ms. Howard tries to break up the argument by focusing back on the actual reason why everyone was here, but Maddy refuses. You take a step back as she explodes.
“No. No! You expect me to stand here next to my best friend who's been lying to me about fucking my ex-boyfriend? I’m literally going to get violent!” Ms. Howard tries to stop her again, but when Maddy sees that Cassie is crying, she storms forward. 
Kat tries to grab her, but when she misses, she whisper-yells, “Y/N! Fucking do something! You’re the only person she’ll listen to.” You nod and sigh, getting ready to step into the fray where you were the most uncomfortable.
 “You’re the one who’s hurt? You’re the most self-centered, idiotic person I have ever fucking met. You fuck my ex? And you’re fucking crying? Are you fucking kidding me?” You step up to her and place your hand on her arm. She goes to shrug you off, but when she realizes it’s you, she leans into your body. 
You hold her, moving away from Cassie as Ms. Bennett yells at the rest of you. As she yells, you whisper to Maddy, “I’ve got you, baby. She’s not fucking worth it. Please, we came here for Rue. You can finish this later. Please.” She nods into your chest and you kiss her head. As you lead her to the door, you shoot everyone apologetic looks. 
When you catch Cassie's gaze, you give her the most murderous look you can muster. Right before you walk out the door, you mouth, “You’re fucking dead.”
You drive Maddy to your house before guiding her up the stairs and into your room. She seems less mad and more shellshocked now, but you know at any moment she would break and the tears would come running. 
You quickly grab some ice cream from your mini fridge and grab one of your hoodies for Maddy. As soon as you sit down next to her on your bed, she falls into you and begins sobbing. You let her cry as you lay the two of you back and stroke her hair. 
She cries for a long time before she quietly asks, “How could she do this? She was my best friend.” You take note of the was, and instead of answering, you just pull the latina woman closer. The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a little while before she speaks up again.
“Thank you for talking me out of fighting her there. Not saying I won’t fight her somewhere else, but that wasn’t the time, or the place.” You let out a soft snort at her confession, quietly answering, “Of course. I needed to get out of there, anyway. Was starting to feel claustrophobic.” 
Maddy snuggles even deeper into your bed, tired out from everything that went down. As she drifts off to sleep, you hear her mumble, “I love you, Y/N.” You smile gently down at the girl snuggled into you, turning off your light.
You press a kiss to her head and quietly answer, “I love you, too.”
@lovelyy-moonlight @pnsteblnme
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r3dcherri3s · 6 months
Drained Embrace
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pairing: Kate Bishop x Fem! Reader
warnings: small angst, kate being mean once :( but she’s just tired! reader feeling bad, fluff , happy ending !! i think that’s it (?)
word count: 1.4K
summary: After a long exhausting mission, Kate wants to go home and relax.
The city lights cast a soft glow through the windows as Kate Bishop trudged into the apartment, feeling every ounce of exhaustion weigh her down. Her muscles screamed in protest with every step she took, her mind still reeling from the chaos of the mission she had just returned from. All she wanted was a hot shower and the comfort of her own bed.
The apartment was quiet, besides the gentle hum of the refrigerator that filled the room. The soft click of the door closing behind her barely registered as she dropped her gear by the entrance. It was quiet, too quiet for her liking. She had half-expected to be greeted by the sound of her girlfriend's voice. Kate's heart sank a little as she realized her partner wasn't there to greet her. She had been looking forward to coming home to the warmth of her embrace, but now, all she felt was pure exhaustion.
"Hey, babe, you home?" Kate called out, her voice a tired rasp, as she dragged herself further into the living room, when there was no response, she frowned, letting out a weary sigh and dropped her gear on the floor with a clatter. She rubbed her temples, trying to push away the headache that threatened to consume her. But as she turned around, she was met with the sight of her girlfriend sitting on a couch, engrossed in a book, a tired smile playing on Kate’s lips.
"Hey, Kate!" you chirped, directing your full attention to her. "How was the mission?"
Kate forced a smile, though it felt more like a grimace. "Long," she replied, her voice strained. "I'm just glad to be home."
But you didn't seem to notice the exhaustion etched into Kate's features. Instead, you moved closer, wrapping your arms around Kate in a tight hug. "I missed you." you murmured, nuzzling into Kate's neck.
Kate's muscles tensed at the sudden contact. She tried to muster up some patience, but it was quickly slipping away.
Your smile faltered for a moment, feeling your girlfriend tense under your hold. You patted the space beside you on the couch. "Come sit with me. Tell me all about it."
Kate hesitated, her exhaustion making her crave solitude more than anything else. But she relented, sinking onto the couch beside her girlfriend. As she began recounting the mission, she couldn't shake the feeling of being suffocated by her girlfriend's presence.
With each passing moment, her girlfriend's touches grew more insistent, her questions more probing. Kate felt her patience wearing thin, her exhaustion morphing into frustration.
"Can we do this later?" she said, her tone sharper than intended. "I just need some space right now."
You pulled back, hurt flickering in your eyes for a brief second. "Oh," you whispered, taking a step back. "I didn't realize- I didn’t mean to overstep.. I’m sorry.."
Kate felt a pang of guilt at the sight of your crestfallen expression, but she couldn't bring herself to soften. Not when she felt like she was on the verge of collapsing. With a curt nod, she quickly got off the couch and headed straight for their bedroom, shutting the door behind her with a resounding slam.
Kate sat on the edge of the bed in their shared bedroom, her head buried in her hands. The room was enveloped in a heavy silence, broken only by the soft hum of the air conditioning.
The events of the past few hours weighed heavily on her mind, her heart heavy with guilt and regret. She was exhausted, yes, but she couldn't shake the memory of the hurt in your eyes when she snapped at you. Kate's exhaustion threatened to overwhelm her, her muscles aching with fatigue.
But even as her body begged for rest, her mind raced with thoughts of you, of how she had let her frustration get the best of her.
“Fuck.” Kate mumbled, throwing herself onto the bed. Even though she’s exhausted, her mind filled with worry about you, wondering what you’re thinking about. Wondering if Kate had messed up.
Kate's heart twisted painfully in her chest at the thought of it.
"I'm such an idiot," Kate muttered to herself, her voice barely above a whisper.
But now, in the solitude of their shared bedroom, Kate had let her exhaustion and frustration get the better of her, lashing out at the one person who meant the world to her. And for what? Just for a few moments of peace and quiet? When she could be in your arms right now.
The minutes stretched into hours, the silence becoming suffocating in its intensity. Kate glanced at the clock on the bedside table and sighed. Her mind wandered back to the mission that took place hours ago. The danger she had faced had taken its toll on Kate. She had been running on adrenaline, her emotions raw and unfiltered. And when you had greeted her with open arms, all Kate could think about was how badly she needed space.
Tears stung Kate's eyes as she thought about it more and more. The way she had shut you out when all you had wanted was to comfort her.
She knew she needed to apologize, but fear held her back, fear of facing you, fear of admitting just how much she had messed up, the fear of rejection held her back, anchoring her to the spot.
Kate was everything you could think of, including being someone who overthinks constantly.
As the silence stretched on, a different kind of fear began to creep into Kate's mind. What if you never forgave her? What if she had finally pushed you away for good? The mere thought sent a shiver down Kate's spine, a cold dread settling in the pit of her stomach.
Desperate to push away the thoughts swirling in her mind, Kate buried her face in her hands, willing herself to calm down. She took deep breaths, in and out, trying to steady her racing heartbeat. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air.
Finally, with a heavy sigh, Kate pushed herself off the bed and made her way to the door. She hesitated for a moment, her hand hovering over the handle, before finally steeling herself and opening it.
The living room was bathed in soft moonlight, you were curled up on the couch, fast asleep. Kate's heart clenched at the sight, her guilt washing over her in waves. She moved closer, kneeling down beside you, her eyes tracing the gentle curves of your face.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," Kate whispered, her voice barely audible in the stillness of the night. "I never meant to hurt you. I was just... so tired, and scared, I didn't mean to take it out on you."
She reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from your face. "Please forgive me," she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion. "I love you more than anything, Y/N. I can't bear the thought of losing you."
Placing a soft kiss to your forehead, Kate rose to her feet and made her way back to their bedroom.
Soft footsteps approached the bedroom door, the door creaked open, and Kate looked up, her breath catching in her throat as she met your gaze. Your eyes were red-rimmed and puffy, evidence of the tears you had shed in Kate's absence.
“Y/N" Kate whispered, her voice barely above a hoarse whisper. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just... I was just so tired, and I took it out on you, and I-“
You stepped further into the room, closing the door behind you with a soft click. You moved closer to Kate, your expression softening with each step. "It’s okay Kate," you said, your voice barely louder than a whisper. "I forgive you. I know you didn’t mean it. I should’ve seen how tired you were and given you space, I’m sorry for that.”
Tears welled up in Kate's eyes as she reached out for you, pulling you into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice breaking with emotion. "I love you, Y/N. I love you more than anything in this world."
You melted into Kate's embrace, a soft giggle escaping from your lips. “I love you so much, Kate.” With that being said, you softly pressed your lips against hers.
“Now let’s get some sleep, hm?” You rasped out and guided Kate to lay back down onto the bed as she wrapped her arms around your waist and eventually drifted off to sleep.
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bluemirrorangel · 12 days
Dead poets' society ship headcanons dates + first kisses
I hope you enjoy these, leave a ship or fandom suggestions and I’ll do headcanons for them if you want :) 
The aquarium to hold starfish.
They go on walks together in town and try to find the coolest/strangest shop
Their first kiss was on the roof; it was  just past midnight and they’d been stargazing because they couldn’t sleep and Meeks was halfway through their bedroom window when Pitts said his name to get his attention, he’d intended to kiss Meeks on the cheek but Meeks turned around too fast so they ended up kissing properly sort of, Pitts wasn’t angled right so he kissed the corner of his mouth and Meek’s glasses dig into his cheeks but they still look back on it fondly.
The arcade
Laser tag 
Anything where they can compete against each other
Fun fairs and carnivals, they waste most of their money trying to win each other things.
go to haunted houses and try to freak each other out but end up scaring themselves.
I feel like their first kiss was Kat and Patricks from 10 Things I hate about you, the one at the paintball place.
 The library 
They take turns picking out books that remind them of each other.
They spend a horrific amount of time at the cinema.
They took a road trip to the beach one summer; they were only there for a day and it rained the whole time but they managed to find pretty rocks that matched each other's eyes in the rock pool so it’s still one of Todd’s most treasured memories.
Started doing forehead and cheek kisses as a “joke” mainly in the morning or before bed.
Their first real kiss happens after Todd gets off the phone with his parents, they spent the entire call bragging about Jeffery and didn’t ask a single question about Todd even though they hadn’t seen him since he started. Todd was visibly hurt and on the verge of tears, he was spiralling saying that he felt like nothing and no one cared about him. Neil had held him while he cried and tried to tell him otherwise but Todd was single-minded.
   He hadn’t meant to kiss him, not then but he needed Todd to understand, to get it. It was short and gentle more of a comfort than a kiss, they’d fallen asleep soon after that tangled in each other and completely at peace.
Late night study sessions in their dorm
Cameron’s up late studying for a test and Charlie’s wide awake playing the saxophone or bongos on his side of the room,  he’s obviously trying to be annoying but Cameron has long since gotten used to Charlies 'shenanigans’ and honestly just appreciates the company.
Late night conversations; Cameron’s bone tired and trying to sleep but Charlie won’t let him, bombarding him with random ‘what if?’ questions and possibly fabricated ‘fun facts’ usually ending with  Cameron ignoring him or Charlie falling asleep to Cameron’s hushed complaints.
Their first kiss was a dare or some other kind of game forfeit
It’s harsh and rushed, Charlie grabbing Cameron by the tie or the lapel of his blazer and crashing their mouths together to silence the other poet's accusations of him being a coward
It’s more teeth than lips and over in less than ten seconds.
Charlie makes a big show of wiping his mouth, triumph outweighing disgust and Cameron sits there completely frozen, face as red as his hair the surprised voices of the other poets drowned out by the blood rushing in his ears.
Cameron is different after that; less annoyed by Charlie's behaviour and more open to his late-night conversations, sharing his opinion more openly and even asking a few of his own.
And for the first time they fall asleep facing each other. 
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
Polish Up Real Nice! (bnha boys x you)
summary: hcs about taking care of yourself and taking care of the boys (with bakugo, shoto, izuku, kirishima, and denki)
cw/tags: swearing cuz bakugo is here, sickeningly cheesy fluff, the tiniest little bit of angst, pet names (love, babe, baby, sweetheart, lovey)
note: this is your reminder to take good fucking care of yourself because you deserve to feel loved !!!
likes, reblogs, and feedback is always appreciated <3
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Bakugo Katsuki
he has a longer skincare routine than you
does not matter if your routine is 2 steps or 10
he absolutely has a more complex regimen
will hide your body wash/shampoo to force you to use his instead
he likes it when you smell like him because he doesn't know how to voice his fuckin emotions any other way
it's ok !!! we love him anyway !!!
will automatically assume you're using his stuff if he starts running out
"babe, do you know what the fuck happened to my serums?"
"no, love, i'm sorry"
"you're not using them behind my back, are you?"
"i can't read half of the instructions on that tiny-ass bottle."
"it's self-explanatory-"
"it's also $100 for literally 2 milliliters, kats."
"that's a no, then."
it was denki lmao he was over at your house trying to figure out which bottle was soap
also has a haircare routine but not as strict as skincare
he'll just put leave-in conditioner if he wants it to look extra fluffy
MELTS when you massage oil into his scalp
he would rather die than wear one of those cutesy face masks
but he's over here putting fucking cucumbers on his eyes
you have a photo of him with a clay mask on and cucumbers over his eyes that he doesn't know you took
immediately sent it to his friends and now every single contact photo is of that picture
his love language is most definitely not words of affirmation but i think quality time is a strong contender
so when you're both getting ready in the morning he'll wordlessly hand you bottles of products without you asking because he's memorized your habits too <3
Todoroki Shoto
has like????? no skincare routine??????
man is just effortlessly pretty
for a long time he'd just use whatever momo or his mom recommended to him
when he started dating you and you asked about his skincare routine, he was the definition of confused
he was like
"i wash it??"
"no, but like with what product, sweetheart?"
despite not having much of a routine for himself, he will buy you WHATEVER you want
does not matter if the product costs more than the fucking moon
he'll have at least two bottles of it in your house at all times so you never run out
whenever he visits the store or has an assistant out shopping for him, he'll ask if you need anything (applies to basically everything but especially selfcare items)
when you do a facemask with him your favorite part is tying back his hair and giving him a tiny little sprout on the top of his head
also melts when you massage hair oil into his scalp
but he likes to give you massages more
could be with lotion or body wash, doesn't matter
will heat and/or cool his body depending on what you need
he likes running his hands over your skin until you're on the verge of falling asleep
and then he'll just lie down next to you and press his body against yours
Midoriya Izuku
doesn't really know much about skincare but is very eager to learn!!
adores doing facemasks with you
will pick up silly little animal masks from the store while he's on patrol
"look, it's a penguin."
"zuku, my love, where did you get these?"
"on patrol today."
"you're supposed to be stopping villains, babe."
"to be fair, i did kick the hell out of some thieves before buying them."
"ah, so you rewarded yourself."
"by being able to spend time with you, yes."
when he comes home late from a mission or from patrol and he's too tired to take care of his curls, you do it for him
just taking care of him in general when his body is physically unable to do it
which is quite often because you know, he's fucking deku
you'll lead him to the bath and make sure the water is warm beforehand
after he's settled and you clean any pressing wounds, you start working on his hair
he almost falls asleep right there, with your fingers gently rubbing product into his curls
you have to gently wake him to remind him to rinse
will sleepily watch you put on lip balm and then ask to try it
when you hand it out to him, he shakes his head
you smile and he kisses it off your lips
"that's pretty good. keep wearing it, please."
Kirishima Eijiro
probably uses a simple face wash and moisturizer
sometimes uses toner if you remind him but he doesn't really need it since his skin doesn't get super oily
he has a hand care routine
does that even exist??
it does now !
one of your nightly routines with him is rubbing lotion into his palms
because of his quirk, they can get really, really rough and dry
his skin in general gets beat up the most
he tries to remember to put lotion on but he's so busy that he forgets often
he also likes it better when you're sitting across from him and dotingly running your thumb along his palms
despite having a lot of callouses, it's one of the more sensitive spots on his body
"what is it, eiji?"
"that tickles."
he also asks you if you can help him take care of his nails, too
they tend to get roughed up during battles and he also sometimes picks at his cuticles absentmindedly
you help him clean up the nailbeds and scrub dirt from under the fingernails
he watches you like you painted the stars in the sky
when he comes out of the shower and his hair is down, he'll shake his head like a dog if you're in close proximity
effectively hitting you with water like a lawn sprinkler
the absolute KING of physical affection self-care
if you've had a hard day sometimes the one thing you need is just for him to lay his entire body weight on you
"can i ask a favor, babe?"
"anything, lovey."
"work was shit today, could you-"
he's already throwing himself at you and burying you both into the couch cushions
Kaminari Denki
definitely used hand soap to wash his face before dating you
instead of hiding your body wash to make you smell like him, he likes to use your products instead to make him smell like you
because of the videos you send him, most of his social media feed is influencers doing product reviews
he'll send you those product reviews and ask if it's legit or not
if you say it's legit, he'll buy it for you even if you didn't ask for it
"the fuck is this?"
"looks like some crystal roller thing, i don't know."
"baby, you're the one that bought it."
"to be fair, i black out every time i press 'proceed to cart,' so i don't remember doing it."
LOVES taking pictures and videos while you're doing self-care together
he's a sucker for the domestic life what can i say
will play music while you're trying to do your routine and take videos of him just spinning you around your bathroom
his skin also tends to dry out because of his quirk and sometimes he just needs a nice, long soak
will adamantly try to convince you to join him
not in a sexual way but in a matter of he has a small water gun hiding below the surface of the bubbles
instead of doing deep pressure therapy for you, sometimes he needs it from you
it gets hard for him, being a conduit of such a volatile quirk, and he needs you to remind him that his body isn't just a weapon
therefore he likes to just walk up behind you and ask to put his arms around you or just hold you
because he needs it
and deep down?
you need it too
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if you think this was self indulgent then you are absolutely correct;
if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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ambelle · 10 months
People really think it helps their ship to downplay Bamon. Like yes by all means block me because why are you claiming some random ship did XYZ better in the bamon tag? You couldn’t just do that in your ship tag bruh?
Just as full of shit as Julie Plec.
SydCarmy was not canon in a book series the show is based on. Syd’s actress is not being terrorized by showrunners and writers. The fandom isn’t currently calling Syd’s actress a monkey nigger on twitter. She didn’t have her coworkers and showrunner laugh in her face while she was on the verge of tears in videotaped interviews. Show me the videos of Syd’s actress crying her eyes out because her hair was mocked on set.
This is in no way the same situation. Not even close. Y’all were clearly not there .
Why do you have to downplay everything Kat dealt with, all the bamon scenes, and all the racist shit bamon fans dealt with in order to talk about your ship.
If the bamon fandom was still active y’all would have gotten cussed clean tf out.
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Edit : Folks seem lost. If you mad block me. If you want this post removed have that other person get their bs out the bamon tag ❤️. It’s that simple. Enjoy your ship though.
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pisspope · 6 months
urgent question with several followups: do you think zeke inherited grisha's eyesight (does he really need glasses); do you think ksaver or grisha's glasses were prescription or just reading; do you think any of them have astigmatism to the point they shouldn't drive at night or would struggle in the club. i mainly mean zeke, thank you your holiness
AAAH sorry i didnt see it was urgent !!!!!!!!! answering right away !!!
Yes, and also no. Lemme explain. Yes, Zeke inherits a LOT from Grisha, much more than he'd ever feel comfortable with. Eye color, hair texture, eyesight, general pretentiousness... BUT! The Beast Titan's healing cures all ills. In my Twisted Mind®, the inheritance of the Beast cures Zeke's eyesight before it degrades to the level of needing glasses. also his foreskin grows back
Grisha's glasses are prescription, he's near sighted as all hell. Ksaver's are reading glasses, or, more specifically, magnifying lenses that he uses to look at small things during experiments. In my mind, the little raised metal pieces (see image) are so he can lift the glasses up without touching the frames and getting hazardous chemicals close to eyes. Like, they function as both glasses and protective eyewear. So his eyesight isn't bad, per se, he's a Shifter, too, after all. But he's also a nutty professor who forgets to take his scientist glasses off when he goes home lol
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As for the astigmatism, I'm assuming we're verging into modern AU territory here which... from a cat to a kat,,, it really varies by AU to me. Honestly, since I feel like canon Zeke has 20/20 vision because of the Beast and is only wearing the glasses to feel close to Ksaver, I always translate that to his vision being just fine in modern AUs as well. It all goes back to that classic Zeke Yeager Pretention to me: he wears glasses because they make him looks "Smart" and "Bespoke". Don't get it twisted, I LOVE Zeke with bad eyesight, I love Eren or Pieck having to pick him up from work because he has night blindness. BUT! The idea of him not needing glasses and just putting on airs wins out to me.
But also the idea of Zeke, old man at age 29, unable to handle the club because of the strobing lights is eating me ALIVE thats so cute i -
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thank u for the questions it feels so good to get That Man thoughts off my chest
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droughtofapathy · 5 months
"Welcome to the Theatre": Diary of a Broadway Baby
April 24, 2024 | Broadway | August Wilson Theatre | Evening | Musical | Original | 2H 45M + 1H preshow
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I am kicking my feet and twirling my hair as I lovingly, tenderly, reverently carve Bebe Neuwirth's name into the Tony personally.
Bebe Neuwirth Verdict: My Soul Transcended Space and Time
A Note on Ratings
Oh. The rest of the show. Right.
Cabaret is one of the greatest pieces of musical theatre to exist. I have seen four productions of this show on multiple "levels" of production (Broadway, community, regional, etc.) The show being what it is, it seems inconceivable to ever stage a poor production of a show with such rich material. Even if the talent pool came from a small town, the music, the lyrics, the story would be so strong, so moving, so timeless, that nothing coupled possibly ruin it.
I was wrong.
The fifth Broadway revival of this beloved Kander and Ebb musical is a stagnant spectacle whose price tag seems to actively encourage its potential audience to pick up their knitting, their book, and their broom, because the holiday of the Kit Kat Club is only meant for the rich denizens of society. Helmed by a director with no prior experience in musical theatre, the show fundamentally mistrusts its audience's intelligence and the once-masterful subtext is now about as subtle as a brick through a fruit shop window.
It's a bad sign when the security staffer at the entrance line tells you the design is excellent, the visuals are excellent, "the show is...good," with pointed hesitation and eyebrow raising. What would we do without New York honesty?
Under this new "immersive" direction, patrons enter through a seedy back alley door (with too many steps, which granted, they did warn me about before and I should have listened) and into a massive three-story club design with pre-show entertainment and drinks galore. With limited seating and rather underwhelming acts, my disabled ass went to my seat in the theatre instead where the whole auditorium has been gutted and renovated to create a theatre-in-the-round setup that ultimately does not suit the staging. Instead, actors play primarily to the "east" side, leaving the "west" to see a lot of backs throughout.
As characters, the Emcee and Sally are deranged, clownish, and utterly devoid of layers and complexity. They are exactly what their outlandish costumes, garish makeup, and overwrought performances say they are: too much. Eddie Redmayne is going for some kind of demonic muppet clown portrayal. This interpretation fails to do what the character is meant to do. Seduce, entice, enchant, all of which can be done in a morbid or even unsettling way, but Redmayne only ever irritates and repels. Similarly, Sally is an easy character to misunderstand. She's seemingly vapid, ignorant, and concerned with nothing more than having a good time. She's a character on the verge, but only ever on the verge. Too often I have seen performers act out the titular song as a full-blown breakdown. It is not. It is a triumph. It is a discordant celebration as the rest of the show falls into despair. In directing all of Sally's numbers to be as hysterical, unhinged, and off-putting as they are, it's clear the director, the producers, and to an extent, the actress who went along with it, do not understand this character, this story, this world. Less is more. Trust the material. Trust the audience.
Cabaret is a racy show with plenty of lewd and lascivious content. But this production takes the graphic nature to an extreme that ultimately misses the mark. Instead of a seductive coaxing, or even a morbid eroticism, we're granted such overt choreography (a man jerks off a giant black phallus into a woman's mouth, a woman mimes raining her tit milk all over a man's face, a woman graphically masturbates to Mein Kampf) that it becomes a juvenile display. Like children who make sexual jokes to be edgy, but only ever sound immature. It's off-putting, it's annoying, it's dull. There are multiple rewrites to the "Willkommen" introduction schtick, and the new lines are such a downgrade.
There are moments of relief amidst the spectacle that somehow still lacks spectacle. Bebe Neuwirth is a wonder of wonders, and her chemistry with Steven Skybell as Herr Schultz is a miracle of miracles. They are the saving grace of this monstrosity. Age, experience, and deep connection to the writers and the show give their performances a joyous, heartbreaking, beautiful tone. They are real, they are grounded, and they will shatter your heart. These scenes are the only places the director shows she's capable, perhaps because she has only ever done dramatic straight plays. The decision to stage "Married" as a trio with Kost spot-lit and singing in tandem was simple and brilliant and poignant. The way this show is meant to be. "What Would You Do?" is staged perhaps a little oddly, given the director's inability to remember she's doing an in-the-round show, but Bebe's rendition is the best I've ever experienced. I have heard this song sung beautiful by stronger singers, many who still grasp the acting well, but none hold a candle to her. This is a woman who has torn out her own beating heart from her chest as she chooses safety and self-preservation, even if it breaks her. This is a woman who is old and tired and not brave. Who has been given this one moment of happiness in her life and she has no choice but to saw it off like a gangrened limb before it poisons her entire body. Schultz and Schneider are the heart of this show. They deserve better.
It's been said by others, but the issues with this production seems to stem from its creative team's fundamental misunderstanding of Jewish culture. The show was written by three Jewish men who understood what was at stake. They had all lived through WWII. This is a production with a distinctly English tone, directed by gentiles, for gentiles. Broadway and New York, more familiar with Judaism than perhaps the West End, clearly received this revival differently.
Final Verdict: A Long Slog to Curtains
A Note on Ratings
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fansplaining · 1 year
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We're very excited to share the topic and final line-up of Fansplaining's 2023 San Diego Comic-Con panel! If you're headed to SDCC, please join us bright and early on Thursday. 😎
Covering Fandom: How Fan-Journalists Strike the Right Balance:
Fans have always held roles in the media, but the mainstreaming of fandom has dramatically increased opportunities for journalists and editors to use fandom in their work—or to cover fandom itself. Fans can bring unique angles, but the ethics of covering a thing you’re a fan of—or a fandom you’re a part of—can be sticky. Seasoned fan-journalists will discuss navigating these boundaries: Kat Moon (TV Guide, Fandom), Krutika Mallikarjuna (BuzzFeed, The Good Immigrant), Julian Cannon (The Knockturnal), Kayti Burt (Den of Geek, Rolling Stone), and Elizabeth Minkel (Fansplaining, WIRED). Moderated by Devon Maloney (Vulture, The Verge).
Thursday July 20, 2023 10:00am - 11:00am PDT  Grand 10 & 11, Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina
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sparklingmusicofstars · 2 months
What if instead of being an Otome game villainess, OG Kat was still a jealous bully and antagonist but more like a comedic rival, and was somewhat affable towards Maria? (Tsundere style lol)
What do you think? Could OG Maria befriend/save her?
I don't really understand your question but I guess you mean if OG Catarina was deep down a gentle person who acts tough ?
Honestly I don't think highly of OG Maria, in my opinion, she is quite selfish and very boring, an average romance anime protagonist, so maybe it would be hard for her to save/befriend OG Catarina without her explaining everything directly like she did in "Verge of doom". Anyway, I don't see OG Maria trying to understand her (especially when she is on a capture target's route) like she did absolutely nothing in FL and just let Geordo or Keith shielding her. I mean, if you think about it that way, OG Catarina was jealous because her fiancé was cheating on her and manipulating her.
Even as the situation is now I can hardly see Maria trying to "save" the actual villain "Sarah". Unlike Catarina she doesn't look too much on people's backgrounds.
To answer your question I would say no, unless she can get the happy ending only by that or if all it's right under her nose
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infintiandbeyond · 2 years
Marigolds don’t taste like honey || Bakugou x GN!Reader
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Prompt: Reader catches hanahaki disease for Bakugou. Will he figure it out before it's too late?
This is my first real completed fanfiction work. Please be nice. I tried to make this gender neutral and non discriminate so everyone can enjoy. Constructive criticism is welcomed. No beta so if there are mistakes please let me know. Thank you and enjoy.
Warning: Angst, happy ending, mentions of blood, near death experiences, self-sacrificing behavior, oblivious boys, tears and cursing. 
Word count : 5.5k
Read this on AO3 as well
You and Katsuki had been friends for exactly 7 years, 11 months and 29 days.
You were on the verge of spending 8 years by the side of the rudest, self-centered, egotistical megalomaniac and could not think of any other way you would have rather spent your time. Because no matter how much Katsuki pushes your buttons, it's hard to hate the love of your life. And it’s moments like today that make you realize just how gone you are for your best friend. 
You glanced around at the pieces of marigolds scattered around and the splotches of blood that stained your favorite Dynamight graphic tee as you gaze at the last few moments of the sunrise over the horizon. You reached your hand up and brushed against the trunk of the tree that had been here for years. Childish scratches had been carved into the trunk. 
Katsuki + (Y/n)
Well…at least he won’t be alone. You looked at the brightening sky one last time and whispered your final goodbye as the heaviness in your body finally caught up with you, closing your eyes to the sound of firecrackers in the distance.
A day ago…
“Mina, I really don't think this is a good idea.” You threw yourself onto the bed inside your apartment, suppressing the urge to hide inside the closet and never see the light of day again.
“(Y/n), think how romantic it would be for you to confess to Bakugou on the anniversary of the day you guys became friends. I can't think of a more adorable get together story.” you could hear Mina swooning over the phone at the thought of how picturesque that moment would be in theory. However, in reality, that is probably the furthest thing from the truth that could happen. 
“You mean how suicidal it would be to confess to an emotionally constipated man that could kill me without a second thought,” you moaned in frustrastion. “We’ve been friends for forever and I would hate to ruin the years of trust built into that bond over a stupid crush.”
You got off the bed and started to head to the small kitchen down the hall for a glass of water. They could feel the start of a sore throat beginning, maybe karaoke night with Mina and Denki wasn’t the best idea in hindsight. 
“But it isn’t stupid, you won’t ever know if those feelings are reciprocated if you never give it the chance.” Mina was a sweetheart, really, but when it came to matters of the heart, her approach tended to lean more towards the hopeless romantic side of things. You could tell she meant well and maybe she was right, Kats might feel the same way. 
Or he could hate her for even suggesting such a thing. Honestly there is a 50/50 chance here. 
“Maybe you’re right Mina, I'll go see if he wants to hangout after patrol next week and maybe I will have the courage to confess by then.” You continued to take some more sips of your water. Geez, I might have to grab some cough drops. The tickle in your throat seemed to get a little worse with the addition of the water. you feel the phone vibrate on your face, indicating an incoming message.
Hey idiot, I left my lunch in my fridge so I have to order takeout. I’m getting some curry from the place on 50th, and I don’t want to hear your fucking complaining about how I ate it without you. Meet me in my office in an hour. 
“Speaking of the devil, he just demanded I spend his lunch with him so I gotta head to the office now. Maybe I'll be able to ask him to -” You began to cough very hard, as if there was something stuck in the back of your throat. “Sorry Mina, I think I'm coming down with something, but I am going to start getting ready now.”
“No problem, I hope you feel better, and remember even if he says no, there's still a place for you in my heart.” you loved Mina, truly. They hung up the phone and left to get ready to eat lunch with Bakugou, not noticing the three flower petals lying precariously next to the glass of water. 
At the office…
You march your way into the building, past the receptionist and into the elevator that was specifically reserved for Midoriya and Katsuki. You pressed the button for the top floor. As the numbers on the screen begin the increase, signaling your ascent to his office, you couldn’t help but feel a heaviness weighing in your stomach. This is the kind of confession that could change the course of your life. You and Katsuki had been friends for so long and much of your lives were ingrained with each other’s presence. Movie and dinner nights when he was free from patrol, quick lunch outings when he couldn’t get away from the office, quiet brunches at the coffee shop when you were having trouble sleeping or when work got too stressful. He was a pillar in your life that you didn’t think you could afford to lose. 
The elevator rang, notifying you that you had finally made it to your desitination. You walk briskly down the hall to your left, hoping to not lose your nerve. As you get closer to Katsuki’s office you can hear the gruff rumbles of his voice through the walls.
“Of course I don’t know what to fucking do Shitty Hair, i’ve never been great at this type of shit.” Bakugou sounded very frustrated with the topic of conversation. You start to slightly open the door, aiming to signal your entrance, just in case this was a sensitive topic. However, before you could peep your head around, the next words that tumbled from his math stopped you in your tracks.
“You know it’s not that fucking simple, dumbass. I can’t just tell them how I fucking feel. I think I might actually love them- No, I know I fucking love the shit out of them and I can’t do anything about it.” There was a slight pause where you assumed Kirishima was answering him. “FUCKING FINE!” He lowered his tone, “I’ll talk to them tonight about it and see, but if this shit doesn’t work and I lose her, you're gonna wish I had killed your ass.” His voice had sounded more serious than you had ever heard him before. Even more than when he had declared that he would stop at nothing to be Number One. 
I felt something drop on your hand, and looked down. Water was dripping from your hand. You quickly touched your face…no that wasn't water. You had started to shed tears and didn’t realize it. You released the door like it was on fire and ran to the nearest restroom. 
Katsuki is in love… 
You grasp at the edges of the sink as you try to coach yourself to breathe. You glanced up at the mirror and grimaced at the puffiness of your face and the redness of your eyes. Grabbing some paper towels you start to wipe your face with some cold water to try and salvage your demeanor before you have to go back. As you finally get cleaned up and start fixing yourself to head back out the door, a sudden wave of dizziness starts to overtake you. You lean over the sink and begin to hack and cough as if something was lodged within the back of your throat. Little splatters of blood began to cover the white porcelain sink and you watched yourself in horror as little by little, bunches of yellow petals began to litter the rest of the sink. When you had finally finished with your coughing fit, you looked at the sick. In utter despair you fell to your knees at the sight of 3 rather large marigold flowers on top of the pile of petals. 
Katsuki is in love… and it's going to fucking kill me.
You finally were able to manage and get yourself together enough to exit the bathroom. Bless whoever has to clean up that mess. You shakily made your way to the frosted glass door labeled: DYNAMIGHT. You slowly knock on the door, interrupting Katsuki’s current conversation.
“I ALREADY TOLD YOU FUCKING EXTRAS THAT IM TAKING MY LUNCH AND TO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!” his voice bellowed throughout the hallway, bouncing off the walls. You opened the door anyway and peeked your head in the door. Bakugou sat upright at his desk and hurriedly hung up the phone, not even bothering to tell Kirishima goodbye. You resist the urge to not feel offended as he laid his eyes on you. His features visibly softened as he recognized who had knocked on his door and graced you with a wide and vicious smirk. 
“Hey shortcake, what took you so fucking long?” To an untrained eye, he looked as if he had been waiting for you to come this entire time. But you could tell, outside of walking in on his earlier discussion, the slight sheen on his forehead, the rhythmic tapping of his fingers on his desk and the shakiness behind his shit-eating smirk very much signaled that he was nervous about something and DID NOT want to talk about it. Your heart thumped loudly in your chest. 
“Hey Firecracker, what are you up to?” You secretly hoped that he would clear up the fog of confusion in your brain. You’re his best friend, he told you everything. The day that he thought about leaving Endeavor’s agency and starting his own, he spent the night with you planning out everything to get started. The nightmares he had about the LOV, were comforted by you. You were there for everything, and as much as it would pain you, there’s no way you wouldn’t be there for this. 
“Absolutely nothing, just dealing with some goddamn PR nightmare. Some dumb shit about my image not being too great.” Your heart dropped. He had lied to you. He lied to you. He LIED to you.  Katsuki is in love with some women and didn’t even plan to tell me about it. Your shaky smile dropped fiercely, but you quickly recovered and attempted to give another smile but only managed a bleak grimace. Bakugo, mistaking that look as a response to his answer, gestured for you to come and sit at his desk with him. His usual client chair was replaced with a comfortable armchair in anticipation of your visit. He knew that the chair was unbearingly uncomfortable on purpose to make his clients uneasy in his presence but switches it out for something more comfortable when you visit him. 
“Come sit the hell down shortstack.” He had also taken to calling you aggressively affectionate names after a small incident in which you yelled at him that calling you a ‘dumbass idiot’ all the time wasn’t the most friendly experience. Thus these ‘sweet’ insults were formed. 
You walked your way over to his desk, why he had it at the absolute other end of the room still astounded you but you’re starting to believe everything about his office was an intimidation tactic. Usually it doesn't bother you but after the events that just occurred, it starts to nip at your nerves, leaving you a little unsteady. Once you had made it to your designated chair, you were shocked to see that in place of the mediocre curry that you were expecting from Mrs Lee’s cute little curry shop down the street, Katsuki had placed you very beautifully made bento boxes on his desk. The smell of his signature curry wafts up your nose and you look at him in confusion. He gave a slight smile in response.
“You really think I’d feed you shit that wasn’t the best, huh?” He raised his eyebrow in question. “You know know my food is the fucking best, and I don’t settle for anything less than perfection.” And while those words would usually send your heart soaring at the gesture that is so unapologetically Katsuki Bakugou, you couldn’t help but feel a faint pang in your heart at those words and you feel your throat start to close up just a bit. You gave a strained smile back at him. “Damn Kats, you didn’t have to do that. How am I supposed to hold up my end of this friendship if you’re always trying to one up me?” 
“You’re not. I’m the fucking best.You can’t compete with me.” He looked at you proudly, as if he was pleased that he could do shit like this and leave you feeling swept off your feet. You sat down in your chair, feeling a little lighter than when you came in. You both began to quietly dig in, but you could still feel the nervous energy radiating off him in waves. You glanced up at him and noticed that he was already staring right at you. 
You blinked at him, “Suki are you okay?” you gently grabbed the hand that was still tapping away at the edge of the desk. That was the name reserved for the softest of moments, when he knows you're genuinely concerned. 
He blinked back, shaking his head and gave you back a shaky smirk. “Yeah, just going through a lot of shit at work, but we’re not here to talk about that bullshit. We’re here to enjoy a nice lunch by yours truly. So don’t worry your pretty little head, ya little ankle biter.” He ruffled the hair on top of your head. You swatted his hand away, and he gave a deep chuckle as you attempted to readjust your hair back to its original state. You spent a lot of time looking presentable… not that you’d be able to do what you planned to do anyways. 
“I got a couple of things to do after work today but I’m coming over tonight.” Bakugou had a way of inserting himself in your life without asking but knew when he was welcomed. You were sad. Would he go confess his love tonight and tell you in the aftermath? Am I the asshole if I tell him to fuck off? You shook the thoughts away. “Okay, i’ll pick out some movies then.” You hate your life sometimes. 
“Not any of that psychological thriller shit either, can’t get a good night's sleep after that.” He frowned at the thought. 
“All Might’s new documentary is out.” You suggested, knowing that he couldn’t resist seeing his hero. His eyes lit up. “Now you’re talking, tiny.” You finished your lunch in companionable silence. 
Once you made it through your apartment door, you raced to the toilet. The next several hours were spent in a pattern of throwing up bloody golden petals and researching the hell out of what you hoped you weren’t experiencing. You stared at your phone.
Hanahaki Disease (花吐き病) : a disease in which the patient coughs up flower petals when they suffer from a one-sided love. It can end when the object of thier affections returns thier affections (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. It may be cured through surgical removal, but with the infection goes all romantic feelings for thier beloved. 
What the hell does WebMD know? I need a medical professional, because I can’t possibly be going through the dumbest shit in history. You call up Recovery Girl, having gained a more personal relationship with her during your time in UA. She was able to make some room for you in her schedule. 
When you made it to her office, she was already set up and waiting for you. You made your way over to the medical bed and began to explain what was going on as she checked your vitals. When you mentioned the pile of petals that began to appear seemingly overnight, she looked at you with a horror stricken appearance. It did not look comforting. She confirmed your self-diagnosis, it was Hanahaki and you were in the final stages. 
“Oh dearie,” she paused with a heavy sigh, “I can have you scheduled for the surgery in three days. You’d have to avoid whoever it is until then, or risk furthering your condition even more, and considering you’re in the final stages already you’d be facing a fatal end.” She hung her head and placed a hand on your shoulder. “Everything will be oka-
“I don’t want the surgery.” You said it before thinking, but you were sure about your decision. Losing feelings for Katsuki, means losing everything they had built over the past almost eight years. They’ve been through so much together and you’d be damn to have to lose it all now. You looked at her in a false determination. “I’m going to talk to him. There’s gotta be something we can do. I refuse to take the easy way out here.”
She tried to stop you as you began to collect all your things and head to the door. “But dear, if you confess and he doesn’t return those affections then you could die.” She looked as if the room might collapse on her at any moment. She had grown fond of you in the past few years you’ve known each other and would hate to see you risk your life. You shook your head and walked out the door, missing the small tear that ran down Recovery Girl’s face.
“Young Mr. Bakugou better realize his feelings for them before it's too late.”
As you pulled back into your apartment complex, the panic and reality of the situation had started to settle in your mind. You began to hyperventilate. How the hell are you going to save yourself and your friendship? Can I really hope for the best and confess? Even if I don’t, I still have to explain the gravity of the situation. Would it be delusional to hope that maybe Kat’s mystery girl was me? You started to feel a little hope in the pit of despair you call your heart. 
You were greeted on your own front door steps by the man in question. Katsuki Bakugou stood firmly in front of your door with bags in his arms, irritation on his face and knuckles poised to knock fiercely again. “OPEN THE DAMN DOOR, (Y/N)! I KNOW YOU HEAR ME FUCKING CALLING YOU.” 
You rushed to his side and grabbed his hand, nerves sparking at the touch. “Don’t burn my door down, you damn spitfire. I just went out real quick. Geez, you’re so impatient.” You open the door to let you both in, he makes his way straight to the kitchen. Placing his overnight bag by your door and the snacks he bought in the living room. Throwing his jacket on the coat rack, he made himself at home on your couch, scrolling to the All Might Documentary scheduled to come on. 
“You know I hate waiting, it's not like I was worried about your ass or anything.” What you didn’t manage to catch was the small blush on his upper cheeks at his behavior as he faced away from you and fiddled with the TV remote. 
Once you go and get comfortable, you make your way onto the couch right beside him. This was a common occurrence between the two of you. Days when you both were free from responsibilities and work, you’d cuddle up on the couch and binge whatever TV trash was on today while sipping on some handmade cocktail Katsuki had made for the two of you. They were always good and ALWAYS strong. It was a nice distraction from the woes of everyday life, which was particularly helpful on days like today.
Before you were even aware, you’d both fallen into easy conversation, drinks were flowing and it had begun to reach further into the night before you had gained the confidence to finally have a conversation with him. You both stared at each other, a moment of silence had passed, and then you both opened your mouth.
“I need to talk-”
“I have a question-”
You both stopped and blushed in embarrassment at the moment. You swallowed your nerves and let him go first.
“So (y/n),” he never really says your given name unless it's urgent. He swallows hard. “There’s been something that i’ve been meanin to talk to ya about. I’m not really sure how you’ll take it but it’s important that you understand that I would never want to hurt ya, and your friendship means the absolute fucking world to me.” He gets a little choked up. “Um..there’s this girl ya see… and i kinda like the little shit but i’ve just been uh… a little too distracted to talk to her. It’s not because I'm nervous or any dumb shit like that… just a little overwhelmed with some things. But tonight is the night im gonna tell ‘er.” He was breathing a little too heavy as if these were dying words. “(Y/n), I really fucking like - no im in love with-”. His dialogue was discontinued by a loud ringing sound coming from his phone. He looked really frustrated at the interruption. He picked up his phone and glanced at the caller. You were only able to glean the name from the top of the phone before you swiped right on the caller and looked at you - Round Cheeks.
“Sorry, (y/n) - fuck, i really need to take this right now. Just hold on a sec.” He raced to the spare room and closed the door. 
You sat on the couch frozen. You weren’t sure how to feel. You were almost sure you had a chance at this, but from what it sounds like…you’ve been friendzoned pretty hard. For fucking Uraraka. You could hear your heart beating in your ears. The blood rushing to your face at the utter embarrassment you would’ve just made of yourself had you confess your feelings for this man. This man who valued you as a friend, and apparently nothing more. Your chest started to feel constricted. Your airways are closing. You were overcome with several emotions all at once. Anger, jealousy, despair and of course… fear. You were gonna die unless you got that surgery. 
He exited the bedroom, looking very relieved and almost… happy. You guess the phone call went well. He walked in big strides to your side and grabbed your hands. They were sweaty like always, it was one of the things you had always liked about him, no matter how self-conscious it made him. You both stared into each other's eyes. You could feel the oncoming signs of another floral arrangement, and if he said those fatal words to you, you didn’t know if you’d be able to take it. He started to open his mouth again, but before he could finish his thought, you stopped him in his tracks. 
“Hey Katsuki, i don’t think i’m feeling too well. Could we maybe raincheck for another day. I think i’m going to be sick.” You start to clean up the snack wrappers from the living room. He immediately looked concern. 
“If you’re feeling sick, munchkin, then let me help ya.” He started to walk away to maybe make some soup or grab medicine like he always does, but that’s not what you wanted. You wanted him to go. 
“No, Katsuki, I think I'm all good here by myself. I’ll just go to the doctor’s tomorrow.” You hated turning him away, but it was for both of your own goods. 
“What the hell is up with ya, shorty?” He was starting to get frustrated. Why won’t you let him help? “Just let me take care of ya.” He walked over to your side where your back was turned towards him. He grabs your arm and turns you around. You were crying.
“NO, BAKUGOU! I'M GOOD JUST LEAVE!” You shrugged his hands off you and headed towards the door. He was just making this harder for you, why couldn’t he just understand. He needed to go, the longer he stayed the sicker you felt, but when you looked him in the eyes, it broke down every defense you had, you couldn’t lose your feelings for this man. No surgery could stop these feelings.
“I'M NOT JUST GONNA LEAVE YOU HERE TO FIGHT THIS DAMN SICKNESS ALONE!” He just wanted to help you. He cared about you more than he wanted to admit, and you denying him was something he didn’t know how to take. 
“Fine then,” You put your shoes on and grabbed your keys. You looked back at him as you put one foot out the door. “If you won’t leave then I will.” Maybe you were overreacting here but you couldn’t stand to stay there in that room with him, knowing that any second you’d cough up bloody marigolds and have to explain why you might die there in his arms. You closed the door behind you, coughing on your way out as you struggled to make your way to your car. 
Bakugou wasn’t sure what the hell was going on. One minute he was enjoying the only real piece of comfort he had in this world, and now he stared at a closed door as the love of his life walked out on him. Confusion settled in his stomach. 
What the absolute fuck just happened? He replayed all the events of tonight's festivities. You guys were finally watching that All Might documentary that he had been putting off for ages just to watch with you. You were both a little tipsy but the atmosphere was light and fun. You looked so beautiful. Your cheeks were flushed from the alcohol, and you stuffed your face with chips, not worrying about how you might look. He loved that about you. The way you were unabashedly you, how you cared about him, how you seemed to love him. It was that moment that gave him the confidence to confess. He had to tell you now, there’s so much he wanted to do, to experience, to learn with you, and if he didn’t take those steps now, he might never take them. He steeled his nerves to tell you the truth of his heart, but before he could say those important words, Uraraka called. 
Fucking round cheeks has the worst fucking timing. He had commissioned Uraraka and Kirishima to set something of a date up for the two of you, had this evening gone to plan. However, the plans were a bit time sensitive, given that your friendship anniversary was in two days, and he wanted everything to be perfect, this call was important. He swore he had only stepped out for two seconds to confirm the dinner reservation and the schedule swapping he did to ensure that no one would bother him for work duties that day.  
When he stepped back out into the living room, he could feel a change in the atmosphere, but that wasn’t enough to deter him from talking to you. He walked towards you, butterflies in his whole body. He grabbed your hands. They were soft. Comforting. Just like you. But before he could express these thoughts to you, everything went to shit. 
You were sick, you usually were after a few too many drinks but never this early in the night. He went to grab your tylenol from the medicine cabinet, he couldn’t resist the urge to take care of you. Especially, when that’s all you’ve ever done for him. He’s gone through a lot to be the man he is today, and a majority of that he owes to your too-kind-for-your-own-good nature. But today you didn’t want his help, you wanted him to leave, and he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why.
He sat on your couch, confused about what to do now. 
Maybe I should call Shitty Hair, it was his dumb fucking idea anyway. He looked around for his phone but couldn’t find it. He walked past the front door, where he saw you had dropped your phone in your haste to leave. He looked at the time 5:36 AM. 
The sun is about to fucking rise and their out there, god knows where, sick to thier goddamn stomach. What the hell am I doing? I need to go find them.
He was about to grab his jacket when he caught a missed call and voicemail from Recovery Girl. He knew you two were pretty close, especially after all the time you spent by his side in the infirmary. He clicked on the voicemail, it must’ve been important if she left a voicemail. 
“Hello dearie, I hope this doesn’t reach you too late. I did some analysis on your bloodwork after you left so I could see if there were some more options for you. Unfortunately, it seems as if you have contracted a very rare form of Hanahaki Disease. This particular form takes place over a 24 hour period and only allows you that time frame to find a cure. I’m not sure when you first started to develop signs but it is imperative that you give me a call right away.”
Bakugou dropped the phone from his hands. Hanahaki Disease? The fucking love disease? You had fallen in love? And with some dumbass idiot who didn’t feel the same way? 
How dare that bastard not love you? You were perfect. You were kind, caring and smart. You didn’t take anyones bullshit and you stood by those you love. Now you were god knows how long away from fucking dying and there was nothing he could do?
No. There was something he could do. He could find you and make this right. Even if you didn’t love him the way he loved you, you didn’t deserve to die over it. You deserved to be happy. He was going to make sure that fucking happened. Bakugou grabbed the door but was met with a wet sensation. There was blood on the door, and a trail of yellow petals greeted him from the door to the parking lot. 
Fuck…I hope im not too late. He jumped in the air and began to search for your figure. You didn’t make it far. Your car was haphazardly parked on the side of the park that you two often frequented together. You were laying by the tree that you two had carved your names in years ago. His heart seized at the sight of so much blood and flowers that surrounded you. 
He landed by your side. Two fingers pressed against your throat. You were barely breathing. He had to get you out of here. 
“Shit, wake up shortcake.” His voice sounded teary. “We gotta find the bastard that did this to ya. I’ll make him pay” He started to pick you up.
You roused a bit from the noise. You had to be dreaming. Bakugou stood over you. The rising sun shining behind him, giving him a golden glow. You smiled.
What a way to go. You raised your hand up to his cheek. Blood smears across his cheek. Even though he wasn’t real, it couldn’t hurt to lift this heaviness off your shoulders. You locked eyes with him and croaked out your last words. 
“I’m sorry for loving you, ‘Suki. You mean the world to me and I wish I could’ve told you.”
Bakugou froze in his panicked state. You loved him? Then why the fuck were you dying? Of course he loved you too. How could he not.
He grabbed you by the face. “Don’t you ever dare be sorry for loving me, because I’m sure the hell not.” He pressed his lips to yours so brutally, you’d think he was waging a war on your face. 
The suffocating feeling in your chest lifted itself so quickly as if it had never been there. You could breathe again.The feeling of being on death’s door had miraculously disappeared, and against all odds you had lived. You had lived because Katsuki loved you and you loved him back. 
Tears gathered at the corners of your eyes and you wrapped your arms around him.
“I love you so much Katsuki.”
“I love you too (Y/n). Now let's get your ass home, and into some clean clothes. I can’t let my girl get sick for real.” He quickly lifted you off the ground, not giving you a chance to voice your protests. But you’d gladly be in his arms forever. 
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sentience-if · 4 months
This is verging into Kat style shenanigans, but a great brat move would be Val and Io pretending their in a V poly for a few weeks only to surprise him with a actually we all fuck together (in multiple ways 😏)
I tthink it took Klaus all of 5 seconds to realize Val and Io are into each other. what WOULD surprise him is that they *also* know that
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explodok1lls · 4 months
Angel (?) of Mine. | Part 1
Bakugou Katsuki is a grim reaper tasked with collecting souls from those who have borrowed time. It didn’t matter how long or how briefly they’d lived; if their name appeared on the screen he carried, he had to complete his grim duty. He never hesitated, never entertained second thoughts like, “But they only had a minute to breathe the oxygen of this messed-up world” (Kirishima’s words). To him, the duration of their lives was irrelevant.
One day, while he was about to collect the soul of Midoriya Izuku, who was on the verge of drowning, an unprecedented snag occurred. He wasn’t able to gather the soul. Wait... what? No, this had never happened before.
Determined not to let this mar his perfect record, Bakugou knew he had to delve deep into this anomaly. He resolved to do everything in his power to collect this brat’s soul, because according to all rules known to him, Izuku wasn’t supposed to live.
Izuku's mother had always told him that from the moment he was born, his guardian angel was watching over him, guiding and protecting him from any sort of trouble or danger. Izuku, with the trusting heart of a child, believed her. After all, who wouldn't be swayed by stories like, “You know, when you were about seven months old, I left you sleeping on the bed for just ten seconds, and you started rolling towards the edge. But somehow, just as your head was about to hit the floor, your pillow slid under you, cushioning your fall"?
However, as Izuku grew older, his faith in having a guardian angel began to wane, especially when his middle school classmates started bullying him. Do guardian angels just stop caring when you hit your teenage years? He prayed fervently, so why did the protection seem to stop?
Now, at 21, Izuku is convinced that his guardian angel has abandoned him for good. He is currently fighting for his life, struggling to swim upward, hoping desperately that someone will notice he is being swept away by the wild, relentless waves. The cold is numbing his arms and legs, sapping his strength.
Water floods his nose, and he can no longer breathe; tears form in his eyes. He wants to apologize to his mom. This was supposed to be a fun getaway with friends, but now, it looks like it might end with his death.
ALERT! To collect: Midoriya Izuku. July 15, 20XX. 21. Drowning. Location: Takoba Municipal Beach Park.
That was the communication sent from Above, displayed on the screen. Bakugou Katsuki carefully read the information before clicking the accept button. He sighed. This was the 100th soul he had to collect today. On the dot, Katsuki wore his black beret so mortals wouldn’t see him doing his out-of-this-world job in the flesh.
If you asked him what his favorite part of his job was, he would definitely say the way he travels; he can teleport. That’s incredibly cool, right? He still wonders if he could do this while he was alive. Probably not.
It didn’t take him three seconds to arrive at the location; he felt so smug all of a sudden. As he walked, the lifeless body of... what was his name again?... came into view. When he reached the body lying limp on the shore, Katsuki kneeled down on one knee, took out the tablet from his coat’s breast pocket, and opened the scanner to confirm that this was Midoriya Izuku. July 15, 20XX. 21. Drowning.
When the screen confirmed that this was the soul he needed to collect, Katsuki touched the pulse point on Midoriya Izuku’s wrist.
All of a sudden, Midoriya Izuku. July 15, 20XX. 21. Drowning just opened his eyes, staring right back at Katsuki, accompanied by violent coughing that shows how he was yanked back from death.
What the actual fuck?
As Izuku's coughing finally ceased, he was left breathing raggedly, blinking in disbelief. His gaze locked onto Katsuki, who had settled down on the sand.
"Sir?! Oh my God! Was it you who saved me? Thank you! Thank you! How do I repay you?" Izuku's voice quivered with emotion, tears welling up in his eyes.
Katsuki was bewildered, but he mustered all his strength to stand up. "How?! How in the hell can you see me?" Frantically checking the tablet for any trace of the communication from Above.
But he is greeted by a black screen.
The communication should have remained there indefinitely; there was no reason for it to simply disappear. No one can delete that. If it was a false alarm, then a new message should be displayed on the screen about this mortal. But there was nothing. It was as if the “alert to collect” message had never existed. This unprecedented situation sent a chill down his spine.
“Fuck, fuck!” Katsuki hisses to himself.
“Um… Sir? Are you okay?” Ah, damn.
Katsuki slipped the tablet back into his breast pocket and turned to face Izuku. "You can actually see me?" he asked.
"Uh? Yes? I can clearly see you, sir. Am I not supposed to?" Izuku responded.
Katsuki ran a hand over his mouth and removed his beret. "Here, can you still see me?"
Izuku nodded.
Yeah, this is so fucking weird. He'll need to talk to the higher-ups about this.
"Ah, fuck it! You're supposed to be dead!" Katsuki shouted in frustration, unable to contain his emotions any longer.
Izuku's eyes widened in shock. "Wait, who are yo—"
Katsuki clicked his tongue, cutting Izuku off abruptly. "Well, I guess there’s something about you; that’s why the Above didn’t end you for good. Yet.”
"What are you?" Izuku pressed, his curiosity piqued.
"You don’t need to know that," Katsuki replied tersely, his tone leaving no room for argument. Whatever secrets he held, they were not meant for mortal ears.
Izuku's hopeful gaze bore into Katsuki as he stood up, his voice tinged with desperation. "I am not an idiot. Are you my guardian angel or something?" he asked, searching for answers.
Katsuki's incredulous expression spoke volumes. "Huh? The fuck? First off, I'm dressed in black from head to toe. Second, I'm far from being a guardian angel, asshat. Third, you're an idiot," he retorted, his frustration evident.
"But you mentioned something about the Above, and I'm alive; when you touched me, I came back to life, right? You are my guardian angel then!" Izuku gushed, his hope overriding his better judgment.
Exasperation washed over Katsuki as he turned away from Izuku, brushing off the sand clinging to his pants. He knew he needed to consult with Aizawa about this situation, desperate for answers to the mysteries surrounding Izuku's survival.
"I gotta go; I need to find out why you didn't die. Because you're supposed to die," Katsuki declared, his gaze lingering on Izuku for a moment before turning away. "And please, don’t ever blabber about having seen me. Also, stay away from things that might threaten your life."
With those words, Katsuki vanished, leaving Izuku standing alone on the beach, his heart pounding in his chest.
"Sir, wait!" Izuku shouted after him, his voice filled with urgency. But it was too late; Katsuki was already gone.
Bursting into Aizawa's office, Katsuki's frustration was palpable, "Hey old man, what the fuck just happened?" he spat, his tone sharp with urgency.
Aizawa, unfazed by Katsuki's outburst, continued to rifle through some papers, his expression betraying little emotion. "Bakugou, I don’t know either," he replied, his voice calm and measured. "I’m checking his records; none of them indicate he was supposed to die today. I told the higher-ups that I also saw the alert to collect. They’re investigating it now."
Katsuki strode over to one of the chairs facing Aizawa’s large marble table, his movements tense with uncertainty. As he settled into the seat, his voice came out in a murmur, laden with concern. “Is this going to count against me?” he asked, his eyes fixed on Aizawa.
Aizawa paused, considering Katsuki's question before responding in his usual matter-of-fact tone. “No, I don’t think so," he reassured him. "You were just following the orders given to you. You didn’t cause the snag.”
But Katsuki wasn't satisfied with the reassurance. His brow furrowed with worry as he voiced his deeper fears. "But what if I did? Aizawa, I’ve been working my ass off to maintain my record so I can finally…” His voice trailed off, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air.
Grim reapers are expected to follow orders without fail. Those with excellent records are rewarded by the Above, and Katsuki is desperate to earn his reward: to finally learn the reason why, how, and when he died. Why did he become a grim reaper?
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