#verse: sideshow
grizzledyoungimpact · 2 years
Pairing: Malakai Black/Bonnie Galloway Quote: I wonder if its brains are still in there. Verse: Sideshow/Circus For @cogarsatticus Based partially on this poem here
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Everyone knew of the House of Black.
 Some believed it was a front for a cult dedicated to the Devil himself, warning their children not to frequent the traveling show when it came to visit their small town. While it was true that the members of the House were more attuned to the dark side of life, they did not worship the devil. In truth, the show was just that, a traveling circus that relied on their talents for all things dark and macabre to lure in customers.
 The newest member of the group was a young woman named Julia Hart. Julia’s attention had been pulled to the circus away from the boring life of a bride to be. She had given up a life of extravagant luxury as a member of high society New York to live the life of adventure she had always wanted. Before shows she would read tarot and tea leaves, speaking of the futures of others. While the circus was running she had an act of an aerialist, lifted high above the crowd with the daintiest of silks.
 Then there was Buddy Matthews. Buddy had sailed from an island far away to the new world to find a better life for himself. That life had started with a cult claiming to work for the greater good. Buddy had met the House’s leader, who spoke to his sense of justice and convinced the young Australian man to join their ranks. Buddy worked with a bullwhip act before the actual show, showcasing the skills he had picked up during his years back home. During the show, Buddy threw knives, perfecting dangerous tricks to mystify the audience.
 The largest member of the House was a man named Brody King. Brody had seen how the world treated those who didn’t fit their molds first hand and had long decided to leave society to its own devices. When he had made the acquaintance of the House’s leader, Brody knew that he had finally found the place he belonged. Brody was one of the Houses roustabouts before the show, helping to set up the Houses booths and acts. During the show, Brody was a strongman, using his strength to impress crowds.
 The final member of the House was the leader, Malakai Black. It was Malakai who most assumed worshipped the devil. It was untrue, of course. The Dutchman simply had an appreciation for the old gods, for the darker things in the world. During the show, Malakai acted as the ringleader, introducing the acts of his talents. But before the show?
 Before the show Malakai held a private showing of curiosities and oddities.
 Some circuses had human oddities and, while Malakai believed that they gave those who worked them opportunities the world outside did not, that was not what Malakai had to show. His oddities ranged from human remains, which he always claimed to have gotten in the most mysterious of ways, to a grotesque collection of bizarre bugs to dolls and other bits that he claimed were haunted by ghosts of former owners. Malakai could spin a yarn well enough to make others interested in his possessions.
 His piece-de-resistance was a deformed calf skull, born with two heads connected to one another. It was that piece that had attracted the attention of one of the women in the town they rested in.
 Bonnie Galloway had been warned to stay away from the traveling circuses that popped up from time to time more often than she liked to admit. After all, it wasn’t uncommon for women of her condition to end up in sideshows as a performer. However, that didn’t stop the woman from being drawn to the limelight. So, as usual, she had begged her brother Andrew to take her to the circus, to push her chair around the fairgrounds.
 The duo had entered the tent where the curiosities were housed and Malakai had caught Bonnie’s eyes right away. Bonnie couldn’t deny that, even in the all black suit he wore, Malakai looked tone. Tattoo’s covered strong hands, peeking out from under his suit jacket. The most intriguing feature, however, was the eye on the left side of his face. The eye itself was stark white while the skin around it seemed grayed, blackened even.
 “You should not stare at strangers, mijn liefste,” Malakai let out a soft chuckle, noticing the way the woman pinkened. Her companion seemed less than enthused at Malakai’s comment, “You are a brave one to come seeking the darker pleasures of life.”
 “That’s what life can be, isn’t it? Dark and yet…” Bonnie smiled softly, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, “and yet wonderful.”
 Malakai gave a polite smile and moved in tandem as Bonnie and Andrew moved, finally stopping with them in front of the calf skull. “I wonder if it’s brains are still in there…” Andrew mused.
 “Distasteful, young man, but if you must know then no. We always remove brains of our oddities. We use the same method as the ancient Egyptians, those who valued death as much as they valued life,” Malakai answered, still watching Bonnie’s actions. Most women found these things to be disgusting, grotesque, but she stared in wide-eyed wonder.
 “May I touch it?”
 The woman’s words caught Malakai off guard, but Malakai let out a bemused chuckle, “Go on, mijn liefste.”
 Bonnie’s small hand reached to cup the jawbone of the left side of the cow’s face, cocking her head to the side as she studied the skull, “It’s sad, isn’t it?”
 “Sad, dear one?” Malakai moved to stand next to her, “How so?”
 “It lived such a short life. It never got to see the beauty of a spring storm or a winter snow,” Bonnie began, her soft untraveled eyes meeting Malakai’s world weary ones. Though she seemed sheltered, Malakai could see the performer’s spirit in her. A woman as well-spoken was fetching and he himself couldn’t help but feel drawn to her spirit. “All of the life she deserved to live, and she never got to see anything past her pasture.”
 “That may be true,” Malakai gave a small nod, “it is true that she saw her pasture for a single, solitary night. But above that warm spring pasture in the inky blackness of night was a skyful of stars. What is truly sad, that the last moments of her life came so soon or that most of us will never truly live to see as wonderful sights as she did?”
 A smile took Bonnie’s lips and she turned to look at Malakai, “And you, good sir? Does your group offer such sights for a weary world?”
 “I could never offer a sight more splendid than the one I see before me,” Malakai denied, a charming smile on his lips as he extended his hand, “Come with me and I can attempt to try.”
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photosoft0ys · 4 months
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Miles Morales Swinging Around
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spacehippieface · 1 year
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coulsonlives · 1 year
That emphatic CRINGE from the action figure collectors when Gwen opened Miles' action figure
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
Hot Toys rocks out with a new Spider-Punk figure
Hot Toys rocks out with a new Spider-Punk figure #spiderpunk #acrossthespiderverse #spiderman #hottoys
Spider-Punk, AKA Hobie Brown, is anti-establishment in every way — right down to his personal style. Easily one of the coolest Spider-heroes in any universe, Spider-Punk is ready to clash with whoever threatens the Multiverse. This Spider-Punk collectible figure by Hot Toys expertly recreates Hobie’s fan-favorite look with a highly detailed outfit, combining fabric and sculpted elements in his…
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freekzout · 6 months
i had a really horrible early concept for funke and ruth that has a lot of elements of the desert AU (i.e the world's gone to shit) where they met because their parents gave them up to a literal traveling sideshow. nona sold funke for like $3
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versin-surfin · 11 months
Comics muse tag dump
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brutalgamer · 1 year
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SDCC 23: MODOK, Spider-Verse, a lifesize Grogu and more coming from Hot Toys
If you thought the Hot Toys news couldn’t get any cooler, think again. How does a sixth-scale Detention Block console from Star Wars sound?
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thatgordongirl · 1 year
BBC Ghosts Season 2 : Life references
After months of putting it off, Season 2 is finally finished!
Episode 1 - The Grey Lady
Captain’s “For King and Country” is in reference to George VI
Thomas references Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare 
Julian plays ping pong and says it takes him back to the David Lloyd in Chelsea 
Julian spoils the World Cup quarterfinals for Pat, implying he watched it when alive 
Mary was mostly illiterate
A 14th century grindstone is found in the cellar 
Captain unsurprisingly mentions the war again
Julian thinks he can do an impression of Nelson Mandela 
Thomas does an impression of an earl, but I couldn’t find anything on them so please excuse my lack of British know how 
Fanny appears in photos 
Julian didn’t believe in ghosts when he was alive 
Pat lists his skills in life: knot-tying, tent-pitching, archery 
Julian references Newsnight 
Fanny has been to a sideshow 
I’m assuming Pat and Julian are referencing Bruce Forsyth, which Julian has before 
Not a life thing, but I find it interesting that both Robin and Captain have said ghosts can’t feel the cold, only for Captain to question it 
Side note: Thomas’ cheese commercial made me hungry
Fanny’s dress is made of silk 
I like to think Captain talking to Dante’s taxidermy means he likes dogs
Pat likes pop quizzes
Captain likes running, a no brainer 
Captain remarks that he’s in his prime and that’s he’s still got it, implying that he at least believed he was in good health when alive 
Episode 2 - About Last Night 
Mick the plague ghost comes back the village they’ll eventually die in
Mick claims to have had an orange, have seen a bear kill a man, and met the king and went fishing 
He brought salt and clothes for the other plague ghosts, which led to their deaths 
Side note: Mick coughing up the blood was so scary to me, dying from a sickness 
Thomas may be able to cook, since he says he wished he could make Alison breakfast - lamb’s kidney and onion- before being cut off. I wonder if Thomas learned or liked to cook 
Thomas acknowledges he wasn’t formally invited to the party, a custom he’s used to
None of the surrounding villages were struck with plague 
Captain asks to watch a war documentary while Pat wants to watch football 
Julian believed that you should drink more alcohol when hung over
Mary offers a remedy: mushrooms soaked in goats milk and vinegar till it’s warm 
Pat says that cola is good for a hang over 
Side note again: Thomas is really sweet when he informs Alison of Dante’s disappearance, or the multiple times he’s wished to help her with things like cooking and cleaning. We love a helpful king 
Fanny loved Dante like her own child according to Thomas, and she once told Julian she loved Dante more anything else in the world. If she did have kids, I wonder if the relationship was strained. Also, it’s such a notable fact that everyone knows it, including ghosts that weren’t around for Fanny’s life
I know he’s easily coerced into not doing it, but the fact that Captain wanted to tell Fanny immediately that Dante was missing is very sweet 
Julian has extensive experience in public inquiries, specifically being the one getting asked the questions
Julian describes how it make an alcoholic drink to Alison 
Kitty’s heard white wine helps with stains
Fanny is not fond of mice
Mary thinks Veronica, Clive and Annie are nice names. I won’t include Daniel because it was her having a close call with Daniel 
Dante used to like sitting by the fire 
Episode 3 - Redding Weddy
Captain’s soldiers at Button House were apparently prone to giggling and horseplay 
Introduction of Captain’s Lieutenant, Havers 
We see Captain being informed that France has surrendered, which occurred in June 1940 
Captain requested a service revolver
Lieutenant Havers had an emergency lockdown initiated shortly after 
Havers informs Captain he wants to be involved in fighting, and has put in a transfer for the North Africa front 
Pat is, unsurprisingly, well versed in activity badges, and everyone else can recite them 
Robin knows how to skin a mammoth 
Julian, my dear, you are way off. It took Mary more than 300 years to talk about the witch trial if she did indeed die in the 1610s 
Pat likes Top Gun 
Julian references Chariots of Fire from 1981, Mississippi Burning from 1988 and The Towering Inferno from 1974
Little reference to the next episode when Thomas says he would show Julian his glove if he had one. Also, the wedding guy says the backyard looks like a bomb site, when it literally is one. Stuff like that make the show so much cooler
Julian used to do boxing for Cambridge 
Pat says s'il vous plaît
Fanny and Kitty read Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D. H. Lawrence 
Julian references the Suez crisis
Thomas references Jack and the Beanstalk
Pat calls the laptop the computer that folds
Pat was with Carol at her parents’ house when the moon landing happened, eating fish and chips and trying a jumbo battered sausage for the first time
Julian was a student at Cambridge when the moon landing happened and having his first threesome 
Captain claims that his dog Barry is buried where the bomb is, which is obviously untrue, but he also says that where they buried their pets, plural. I like to think Cap’s soldiers had a few dogs about
Captain has a letter with William written on it, which he tucks into his clothes. Captain says he was just thinking about Havers, which would later link to how they both knew about operation William 
Havers gets a new service revolver 
Captain has poster in his office about men wanted in the army, and also a wall full of books
Captain and his soldiers played cricket 
Julian references 9 1/2 weeks, a 1986 erotic movie 
Thomas always chooses pistol
Julian sold 50 crates of AK-47 assault rifles to the Libyans in 1983 to pay for his orangery 
Julian uses a grenade and a flamethrower on Thomas, I don’t know if his “I’m melting” line is meant to reference the Wizard of Oz or not
The statue outside, Florence, was one of Kitty’s best friends 
Kitty’s sister would pretend to not be able to find her when playing hide and seek
Kitty once hid for a whole day and night, and got so hungry she had to eat a bit of her purse 
I mean it’s just meant to look funny and be a reference but Julian can canonically spin a ball on one finger 
Nobody has ever found Kitty during hide and seek 
Nice canon Cap in a coat, love a bit of that
He also smokes, or at least fiddles the occasional pipe
Oh and he threw that envelope into the hole with the bomb
Captain buried a prototype limpet mine, which was so secret only he and Havers knew about it, along with the blueprints 
Captain talks bomb mechanics with Robin, the cutest thing I’ve ever seen
Pat knows about 2001: A Space Odyssey 
Robin thinks the earth is flat 
There’s a bit of speculation here: I can’t actually say with absolute certainty that Captain really saw Havers go. Maybe it’s wishful thinking that Havers would turn back and salute one last time, maybe it did happen, maybe it didn’t 
Episode 4 - The Thomas Thorne Affair
Robin would wear a space suit, Mary a seashell dress, Tom double denim with aviators, Julian misses pants, Pat’s wearing his lovely gist, Kitty wears the same as Alison, and Captain would wear his uniform 
Julian is unsurprisingly well versed in political tactics like the spin 
Captain identifies a musket ball
It’s the one that made Thomas very dead
This is another thing I’m uncertain about: whether Thomas feels pain or just does it for dramatic affect 
Quick side note before sad Thomas lore, I think I forgot to mention last time that Julian mentioned Great Expectations 
Thomas died October 10th, 1824
Thomas came to Button House when it was owned by the Highams’, Thomas and Francis were invited
They can both ride horses
Thomas had stated the house was pleasant to look at, but he wouldn’t want to live there (rippppp)
Thomas was in love with Isabelle Higham 
Thomas wrote a poem called Hermione and Roger and recited in front of everyone ( turns out he always sucked, but his poetry didn’t really sound that bad to me in this episode ) 
Isabelle played the harpsichord 
I always wonder during this episode how Thomas remembers his death so wrongly, whether he’s lying about it or simply so horrified he forgot I don’t know 
Even so, I think Thomas genuinely was in love and didn’t misinterpret as much before Isabelle
Thomas challenged some guy to a duel, we love a gun brandishing king 
Francis is a bitch- anyway back to Thomas
Thomas went twenty paces instead of ten, should’ve listened to ten duel commandments Thomas
The first animation with the spinning paper thing was shown
Monster munch, no words
Julian with his bloody playboy magazine, I’m not surprised 
First mention of Annie, Mary’s bestie
Humphrey is such a lovely soul, learning to admire the little things like shoes 
Okay wait, Alison says “you’ve literally got forever” which parallels Captain’s “we’ve got forever” 
Thomas shot a bird and apologised before he died 
Isabelle never came to see Thomas before he passed, he was left alone to die
Julian cried at Thomas’ death 
Francis rigged the whole thing to trick Thomas and Isabelle in order to get Higham House
Francis and Isabelle’s son was George’s grandfather 
Everyone is related through Robin and his sister 
Poor Tom, you stay how you die and that letter isn’t going anywhere 
Episode 5 - Bump in the Night 
Cap likes to count with Humphrey’s hands 
Captain tells Alison of life from the knees “Trust me, you don’t want a hernia” either he had one or knew someone who did
Humphrey knows that hedgehogs will leave flees in the rug 
Also Captain and Humphrey’s exchange “Pick me up at six. Literally�� “Very good” is so cute 
Fanny references oyster forks
She assumes they’re eating oysters at the wedding 
Julian sings “I’ll make love to you” by Boyz II Men
Humphrey on guard is cute 
Captain does his own little vocalisation of what I’m assuming is a long way to Tipperary 
Kitty assumes the intruders are there for a masked ball 
Julian references the Bramptons and assumes it’s insurance fraud 
Captain knows it’s a burglary 
Pat tries to put them under a citizens arrest, so cute 
Pat references Borstal 
Alison taught Kitty acronyms - Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain 
Captain calls the police the constabulary 
“Burglary in process”
Captain - “why is no one ever alive when you need them?” Very telling, Cap
Julian gets worried Margaret Thatcher is dead. Too late Julian 
Fanny admires the brushwork of her portrait
Cap and Pat watched Star Wars 
Julian worries about getting RSI 
Pat, Cap and Julian know Morse code 
Julian lobbied against an animal welfare bill 
Robin always gets excited by fire 
Captain says he could have Robin shot off desertion, scaring Thomas 
Alison meets a ghost who died hitchhiking. I find that to be an interesting concept, as the ghost is more based on the archetype. Makes me think about if Robin’s ability or character was created first
Robin howls for the dogs
Uh, Pat talks about drugs going in unsavoury places 
Fanny would make a good criminal 
Captain says he fought in an actual battle, it’s difficult to hear but it’s there
Julian loves a good sauna 
Episode 6 - Perfect Day
Mary believes that bad weather means bad tidings for the wedding
Fanny believes marriages should be at churches 
Pat’s wedding day was the best day of his life, Carol wore velvet and he wore a brown three piece 
Julian was drunk on his wedding day 
Fanny’s wedding day was at Winchester Cathedral and she was given away by the Marquis of Granby 
Robin had at least thirty children
Kitty can throw up, and had food in her stomach when she died
Robin says that’s never happened before
Captain is very good at decorating, no surprise
Pat recognises the kid who killed him 
Mary and her wedding superstitious 
Both Pat and Julian talk about Dennis Waterman
Robin and Julian talk about Mick Hucknall
Kitty’s dress is burgundy 
Captain has great fashion sense
Thomas references Whitechapel 
You know, Thomas’ explanation of how Clare looked was pretty accurate, he’s quite aware of emotions
Fanny stops in front of George’s portrait, just an interesting detail 
Fanny had high expectations placed on her since she was a child 
Alison and Mike got married young 
Alison had second thoughts on their wedding day
Mary had a husband, who was crushed underneath a plough three years after their marriage 
The man Pat recognises is Keith Darren Dean 
First time hearing about Humphrey’s marriage: it was arranged, they were both from noble families, he was fourteen she was twelve 
They didn’t love each other, and Humphrey believed she didn’t like him, they couldn’t understand each other because she was French 
Course later we find out she thought highly of him
Keith has guilt that has lasted decades, that sounds so painful 
Fanny and Thomas exchange a look when she finally comes around to the wedding, it’s just so sweet I had to mention it
Keith remembers the knot tying Pat taught him
Episode 7 - The Ghost of Christmas
Julian is giving a speech for a bill at the start of the episode, referencing saying goodbye to Margot the day before 
He refers to her as ‘this woman from my wedding’ and implies he’s about to sleep with another woman by the end of the scene
Nickname count: Dearest, darling and dear
The baby, Rachel, is heard crying on the phone
Margot asks when Julian is coming home, so he lies to her and says he won’t be back for days
Pat loves Christmas cooking, such a dear
Captain wishes he had a whiteboard
Julian points out the humbugs, and says he hates Christmas 
Captain misses hearing the King’s speech on Christmas
Pat liked playing games with his nephew and his son, Daley
Games like Buckaroo, Boggle, Yahtzee and KerPlunk 
Thomas misses the mistletoe, implying he’s been kissed before
Kitty used to open presents in the morning and then after lunch Eleanor would pick the ones she wanted
Mary says that some babies can see ghosts until they start walking 
Julian is in the warmest room in the house due to his legs
Julian was in Brussels once at a strip club,  but he tells Margot he’s at a restaurant eating moules-frites and drinking a Sancerre 
Margot seems at least skeptical of him
This is one of the Christmases he misses, the last four of his life that involve Rachel 
Julian references the European Union
Fanny convinced Alison to follow the tradition of chopping a tree down and bringing it on for Christmas
Fanny planted at least fifty saplings in her time
It’s kind of funny that Julian is horrified by Mary getting naked
Thomas’ Christmas recital thing wasn’t that bad 
From inference, it’s implied that Julian believes Margot wanted the baby, and that he had it thrust upon him
And if “I know, darling, I know” represents Margot, and Julian thinks that’s a reaction she would have, damn is that sad
She’s practically taking the blame for his misery
Julian would go for a drive if the baby got too irritating to him 
It appears that out of the four Christmases away from Rachel,  one was to do oil deals, one was to be in Brussels, one at Colonel Gaddafi’s palace, and possibly another in Brussels 
Pat loves Twister
Thomas and Cap have physical discipline 
Pat would go to the shed to drink a Watney’s 
Julian being considerate of Angela sleeping is either a new development, or something he was never pushed to do in life
The PC brigade may have interrogated Julian
Fanny seems to hold her Christmases in a high regard, despite George. Maybe it wasn’t always bad
Julian has kissed the wrong people under the mistletoe 
Alison plays In the Bleak Midwinter on the piano 
Rachel Fawcett is an MP for the Green Party, she’s a Major Leader of it 
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f-o-and-selfship-club · 8 months
NEW F/O List!!!
Romantic F/Os❤️💖
Scarecrow (Batman The Animated Series, The New Batman Adventures, Nolanverse, Brave and The Bold, Arkhamverse, Fear State, Injustice 2, Audio Adventures, Tomorrow-Verse, Harley Quinn Series and Happy Halloween Scooby Doo)
Luigi, Bowser and Daisy (Mario)
Meta Knight (Kirby)
Mad Hatter (Batman The Animated Series)
Penguin and Ragdoll (The Batman 2004 Series)
Riddler (The Batman 2004 Series and Arkham Knight)
Joker (Batman The Animated Series and The Batman 2004 Series)
The Question and Huntress (Justice League Unlimited)
Gentleman Ghost (Batman - The Brave and The Bold)
Spawn (Image Comics)
Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Snork (Moomin)
Radley Heeler and Frisky Heeler (Bluey)
Wes Weasley (Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog)
Unexplained Noises (Orion and The Dark)
Mr Shark and Diane Foxington (The Bad Guys)
Doctor Octopus, Vulture, Electro and Shocker (Spectacular Spider Man)
Bender (Futurama)
Po and Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda)
Mr Scatterbrain (Mr Men Show)
Alastor, Zestial and Velvette (Hazbin Hotel)
Blitzø, Paimon, Asmodeus, Sallie May and Striker (Helluva Boss)
Dr Krankcase (Skylanders)
Professor Venomous (OK K.O)
Girlfriend, Chris, Nikku, Nikusa, Garcello and Tabi (Friday Night Funkin)
Taki (Friday Night Fever)
Zavok, Zazz, Blaze, Espio and Tangle (Sonic)
Paintbrush, Silver Spoon, Candle, MePhone4S, Bandana and Hay Bale (Inanimate Insanity)
Conch Shell and PDA (The Power of Two)
Needle, Pen, Donut and Tennis Ball (Battle For Dream Island)
Six, Lollipop and Gaty (Battle For BFB)
Thrax (Osmosis Jones)
Amadeus Wolfgeist, Hellen Gravely and Morty (Luigi's Mansion)
Scar and Lex Woods (Alien Vs Predator)
Vex (Sackboy - A Big Adventure)
Sideshow Bob, Ned Flanders, Moe Syzlack and Waylon Smithers (The Simpsons)
Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot)
Fred Jones (Scooby Doo)
The Earl and The DangerGrid of Doom (Skatoony)
Monica (Oggy and The Cockroaches)
Black Hat (Villainous)
Jafar (Disney's Aladdin)
Nasira (Disney's Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge)
Maleficent (Disney's Sleeping Beauty)
Captain Hook (Disney's Peter Pan)
Hades (Disney's Hercules)
Peppino Spaghetti and Vigilante (Pizza Tower)
Katz, Freaky Fred and Computer (Courage The Cowardly Dog)
Espresso Cookie, Clover Cookie and Frost Queen Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Rainbow Dash, Princess Cadence, Discord, Cheese Sandwich, Trenderhoof and Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony)
Fear and Anxiety (Inside Out)
Eddie Brock/Venom (Venom)
The Mole (Happy Tree Friends)
Goofy (Disney)
Simon Belmont (Captain N The Game Master)
Izzy, Chris McLean, Mike/Svetlana/Manitoba Smith/Mal and Zoey (Total Drama)
Nordic Bunny (Shred Force)
Mr Puzzles (SMG4)
Mario.EXE (Mario's Madness)
MX (Mario 85 and Mario's Madness)
Dr Nefarious and Emperor Nefarious (Ratchet and Clank)
Claude Frollo and Esmeralda (Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Kasane Teto (Vocaloid and UTAU)
Ales Mansay and Mr Dark (Rayman)
Ramon/Rayman (Captain Laserhawk)
Midnite and Edge (Mario + Rabbids)
Darlwing Duck, QuackerJack and Negaduck (Darlwing Duck)
Sniper, Medic and Spy (Team Fortress 2)
Right Hand Man (Henry Stickmin)
Sasha Waybright (Amphibia)
Wally Darling (Welcome Home)
Caine (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Dr Strangeglove and Luvli (Moshi Monsters)
NOS-4-A2, Zurg and Ty Parsec (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command)
Emperor Belos and Raine Whispers (Owl House)
Devil, King Dice and Baroness Von Bon Bon (Cuphead Show)
Elvira (Elvira, Mistress of the Dark and Happy Halloween Scooby Doo)
Rango and Beans (Rango)
Gia (Madagascar)
Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal TV series)
Maud Pie (My Little Pony)
Ford Pines (Gravity Falls)
Rattlesnake Jake (Rango)
Trenderman (Creepypasta)
Gaston (Disney's Beauty and the Beast)
Toffee (Star VS The Forces of Evil)
Platonic F/Os💛🌹
Kuromi and Cinnamoroll (Sanrio)
Moony (ENA)
Henry Stickmin, Ellie Rose, Reginald Copperbottom and Sven Svensson (Henry Stickmin)
Dr Flug and White Hat (Villainous)
Benrey (Half Life VR)
Boyfriend, Carol, Annie, Pom Pom and Ash (Friday Night Funkin)
Edd, Eduardo and Zanta Claws (Eddsworld)
Ell (Ellsworld)
Rayman (Rayman and Animated Series)
Globox, Grand Minimus and Teensies (Rayman)
Betina (Rayman the Animated Series)
Flynn, Cali, Hugo, Tessa, Eye Brawl, Chop Chop and Wrecking Ball (Skylanders)
Bambi and Faline (Disney's Bambi)
SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick Star, Sandy Cheeks and Karen Plankton (SpongeBob)
Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Poppet, Zommer and Katsuma (Moshi Monsters)
Wall-E, EVE and M-O (Wall-E)
Charlie Morningstar, Angel Dust, Vaggie, Nifty and Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
Bunny, Kitty, Shirley the Medium, Cajun Fox and Black Puddle Queen (Courage The Cowardly Dog)
Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia)
Red Action (OK K.O)
Cream Puff Cookie, Strawberry Crepe Cookie and Cherry Blossom Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Rocko Rama and Filburt Shellbach (Rocko's Modern Life)
Maria (Unicorn Wars)
Luca Paguro (Luca)
Curse Of X, Lord X and NormalCD (VS Sonic.EXE)
Bubble, Ice Cube and Pin (Battle For Dream Island)
Four, Eight, Nine, Ten, Fourteen, Five and Two (Battle for BFB)
Iscream, Fwench Fwy and Cofi (Chikn Nuggit)
Freckles and Rocky (Lackadaisy)
Alex, Marty and Vitaly (Madagascar)
Charlie Dompler and Pim Pimling (Smiling Friends)
Mario, Peach, Wario and Toad (Mario)
Sonic, Amy Rose, Vector and Chip (Sonic)
Knuckles (Sonic Movie)
Po, Laa-Laa, Tinky Winky and Dipsy (Teletubbies)
Alice (Batman The Animated Series)
Donutella (Donutella)
Bianca (Pokémon)
Nazz (Ed, Edd N Eddy)
Oggy and Marky (Oggy and The Cockroaches)
Verosika Mayday, Collin, Vortex and Queen Bee-Zlebub (Helluva Boss)
Pomni and Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Gus Porter and Hunter (Owl House)
Coco (Crash Bandicoot)
Cajun Fox (Courage The Cowardly Dog)
Shirley The Medium (Courage The Cowardly Dog)
GB (Mario's Madness)
Bullfrog (Captain Laserhawk)
Bubble (Fundamental Paper Education)
Glendale (Centaurworld)
Vanity Smurf (Smurfs)
Bernie and Marina (Zig and Sharko)
Flaky (Happy Tree Friends)
Snorky, Fleegle, Drooper and Bingo (The Banana Splits)
Karen, Axol and SMG3 (SMG4)
Familial F/Os💙🍒
Bandit Heeler, Chilli Heeler, Calypso, Pat and Brandy Heeler (Bluey)
Eda Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorne, Darius Deamone and Camila Noceda (Owl House)
Millie, Moxxie and Stolas (Helluva Boss)
Lucifer Morningstar, Rosie, Carmilla Carmine, Sir Pentious and Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
Jack Skellington and Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Moominpappa and Moominmamma (Moomin)
Mama White and Papa White (Sanrio)
Victor, Laverne and Archdeacon (Disney's Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
King Andrias and Lady Olivia (Amphibia)
Lila and John (Spooky Month)
Wallace, Lady Tottington and Wendolene Ramsbottom (Wallace and Gromit)
Muriel Bagge (Courage The Cowardly Dog)
Yor Forger and Loid Forger (Spy X Family)
Solazar, Ruv, Sarvente and Dr Springheel (Friday Night Funkin)
Alice (Pokémon - Rise of Darkrai)
Count Bleck and Tippi (Super Paper Mario)
Tankman and Steve (Tankmen)
King Boo and Rosalina (Mario)
Dr Eggman and Vanilla (Sonic)
Optimus Prime (Transformers)
Ventriloquist and Scarface (Batman The Animated Series)
Catwoman (The Batman 2004 Series)
Connor and Lieutenant Hank Anderson (Detroit: Become Human)
Jason Voorhess and Pamela Voorhees (Friday The 13th - Original)
Ragatha and Kinger (The Amazing Digital Circus)
EteleD/Henry Morris and Corrupted Mii/Austin Sanders (Wii Deleted You)
Genie (Disney's Aladdin)
Mrs Piggy and Swedish Chef (Muppets)
Mao Mao, Badgerclops, Shin Mao and Eugene (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)
Funella and Furgus (Furchester Hotel)
Majin Sonic (VS Sonic.EXE)
Clarabelle Cow, Horace Horsecollar, Oswald The Lucky Rabbit and Ortensia the Cat (Disney)
Tom Wachowski and Maddie Wachowski (Sonic Movie)
Melman and Gloria (Madagascar)
Smee (Disney's Peter Pan)
Mona and Mike (Warioware)
Rarity, Princess Celestia and Thorax (My Little Pony)
Moomintroll, Snorkmaiden and Little My (Moomin)
Octavia and Loona (Helluva Boss)
Bluey Heeler, Bingo Heeler, Rusty and Mackenzie Border Collie (Bluey)
Slushi (Chikn Nuggit)
Marcy Wu/Darcy, Sprig Plantar and Polly Plantar (Amphibia)
Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy and Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
Meggy Spletzer, Tari and Melony (SMG4)
Meilin Lee, Miriam Mendelsohn, Priya Mangal and Abby Park (Turning Red)
Jenny Wakeman (My Life As A Teenage Robot)
Soft Boyfriend and Soft Mouse (Friday Night Funkin - Soft)
Streber (Spooky Month)
Rabbid Rosalina (Mario + Rabbids)
Tails (Sonic)
Giulia Marcovaldo (Luca)
Selever, Rasazy, Cassette Girl, Sunday, Rascal and Hex (Friday Night Funkin)
Nezuko Komado (Demon Slayer)
Shaggy Rogers and Madelyn Dinkley (Scooby Doo)
Darrell, Shannon, Raymond, Enid and KO (OK K.O)
Dee Dee (Dexter's Laboratory)
Edd/Double D (Ed Edd n Eddy)
Olivia (Oggy and The Cockroaches)
Hilda (Hilda)
Iris (Pokémon)
Patsy Smiles (Camp Lazlo)
Noisette (Pizza Tower)
Orbulon (Warioware)
Tiana and Charlotte La Bouff (Princess and The Frog)
Loona (Helluva Boss)
Odette and Clara (Hazbin Hotel)
Wubbzy, Widget, Walden and Daizy (Wow! Wow! Wubbzy)
Luz Noceda, Willow Park, Vee, Collector, Eberwolf and Kikimora (Owl House)
N (Murder Drones)
Gangle and Zooble (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Charles Calvin (Henry Stickmin)
DogDay, CraftyCorn, Hoppy Hopscotch, KickinChicken, CatNap and Boogie Bot (Poppy Playtime)
Molly McGee and Libby Stein-Torres (Ghost and Molly McGee)
Sniffles and Lammy (Happy Tree Friends)
Toaster (The Brave Little Toaster)
Elflin (Kirby)
Phoebe (Furchester Hotel)
Gordi (Unicorn Wars)
Tord and Tom (Eddsworld)
Tamara (Ellsworld)
Mags (Skylanders)
Squid Ink Cookie, Parfait Cookie and Custard Cookie III (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Iris (Pokémon)
Lamb (Cult of the Lamb)
Berk (The Trap Door)
Child! Blitzø, Child! Stolas, Child! Octavia, Child! Fizzarolli, Oliver and Child! Moxxie (Helluva Boss)
Pom Pom, Lila, Muffin and Socks (Bluey)
Cyan Fitzgerald (Todd McFarlane's Spawn)
Penny Crygor, Kat, Ana, Ashley and 9-Volt (Warioware)
Hello Kitty, Mimmy White, Fifi, My Melody, My Sweet Piano and Julianna Scott (Sanrio)
Eri and Kota Izumi (My Hero Academia)
Maggie Simpson (The Simpsons)
Nugget (Super Meat Boy Forever)
Anya Forger (Spy X Family)
Bubbles (Powerpuff Girls)
Adorabat (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)
Skid, Pump and Robert (Spooky Month)
Hat Kid (A Hat In Time)
Sam (Trick R Treat)
Cream, Cheese, Orbot, Cubot, Sage and Charmy Bee (Sonic)
Kirby, Ribbon and Adeleine (Kirby)
SCP-053 and SCP-239 (SCP)
Baby Doll (Batman The Animated Series)
Cub (Happy Tree Friends)
Lazlo, Gretchen and Edward (Camp Lazlo)
X and Cake (Battle For BFB)
Lumas (Mario)
Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Baby Peach, Bowser Jr, Boo and Luma (Mario)
Onion Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
Three Diablos (Puss In Boots: The Three Diablos)
QT (Friday Night Funkin)
Fink (O.K KO)
Pinocchio (Disney's Pinocchio - 1940s)
Egg Boiz (Hazbin Hotel)
Blanky (Brave Little Toaster)
Flips (Rayman The Animated Series)
Henry Hugglemonster (Henry Hugglemonster)
Sunflower (Plants Vs Zombies)
Grandma White - grandmother and Grandpa White - grandfather (Sanrio)
Chris Heeler - grandmother, Trixie Heeler - aunt and Stripe Heeler - uncle (Bluey)
Gwendolyn Clawthorne - grandmother, Edric Blight - cousin and Emira Blight - cousin (Owl House)
Nanny Plum - grandmother and Wise Old Elf - grandfather (Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom)
Uncle Hairy - uncle (Humf)
Isabel - cousin (Furchester Hotel)
Samantha Coleman - cousin (Wii Deleted You)
Alice Green - grandmother (Big City Greens)
Alicia - grandmother (Pokémon - Rise of Darkrai)
Nina Cortex - niece (Crash Bandicoot)
Burt Curtis - cousin, Earrings - cousin and Dave Panpa - cousin (Henry Stickmin)
Dribble - uncle, Spitz - cousin and Dr Crygor - grandfather (Warioware)
Soft Pico - cousin (Friday Night Funkin - Soft)
Hop Pop Plantar - grandfather (Amphibia)
Iroh - uncle (Avatar - The Last Airbender)
Granny Smith - grandmother, Pharynx - uncle and Princess Luna - aunt (My Little Pony)
Leatherface/Bubba Sawyer - uncle (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
May Parker - aunt (Spectacular Spider Man)
Pet F/Os🐑🤍
Gidget, Daisy and Chloe (The Secret Life of Pets)
Fat Nuggets and Keekee (Hazbin Hotel)
King, Hooty, Flapjack and Clover (Owl House)
Thumper (Disney's Bambi)
SCP-999 and SCP-131 (SCP)
Artemis, Diana and Luna (Sailor Moon)
Zero (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Puss in Boots, Kitty Softpaws and Perrito (Puss in Boots)
Gary (SpongeBob)
Ringo (Eddsworld)
Pipsqueak (The Lorax)
Shirousa, Kurousa, Strawberryusa, Blueberryusa, Momousa, Vanilla, Aousa, Pandausa, Balletusa and Primausa (Sugarbunnies)
Pusheen (Pusheen The Cat)
Cheezborger and Chikn Nuggit (Chikn Nuggit)
505 (Villainous)
Gromit, Feathers McGraw and Hutch (Wallace and Gromit)
Jeffrey The Land Shark (It's Jeff)
Polterpup (Luigi's Mansion)
Jess (Postman Pat)
Garfield and Odie (Garfield)
Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private (Madagascar and Penguins of Madagascar)
Bond Forger (Spy X Family)
Courage and Le Quack (Courage The Cowardly Dog)
Hypno (Pokémon and Friday Night Funkin: Lullaby)
Pikachu, Pichu, Jigglypuff, Eevee, Sylveon, Darkrai, Piplup, Wynaut, Manaphy, Togepi, Togekiss, Pawmi, Mudkip, Torchic, Chikorita, Jirachi, Emolga, Axew, Cosmog, Mew, Celebi, Zorua, Minccino, Cinccino, Ralts, Azurill, Latios, Latias, Riolu, Lucario, Buneary, Dwebble, Altaria, Swablu, Quaxly, Espurr, Meowstic, Gengar, Misdreavus, Audino and Diancie (Pokémon)
Shinto (Friday Night Funkin: Lullaby)
Scooby Doo (Scooby Doo)
Chao and Yacker (Sonic)
Zippy (TUFF Puppy)
Pugsley (Dead End: Paranormal Park)
Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service)
Mog and Owl (Meg and Mog)
Peep, Quack and Chirp (Peep and The Big Wide World)
Baby Rox, Jeepers, Sleepypaws, Shishi, Holga, Suey, Fifi, Capt Squirk, Tomba, Kissy, Roxy, Grinny, Gabby, Mr Snoodle, Scamp, Bingo, Misty, Blinky, Marsha, Priscilla, Gingersnap, Fernando, Scrumpy, Penny, Tingaling, Pip, Prof Purplex, Honey and Nodkins (Moshi Monsters)
Nine (Frankenstein's Cat)
Pr0ships, c0mships, bigots, z00, anti-self shippers, NSFW, necr0 and p#do DNI!!!
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mxldito · 17 days
Update: 9/5/2024
New verses added! Descriptions have been added to the blog and the carrd. I'll include them below the cut!
⮚ V: Blood Tide - Mermaid AU. This version of Coyote is nameless and a barracuda-like sea creature. Set in the 1850s, The Creature has recently taken to terrorizing coastal cities along the Gulf of Mexico, killing and eating those who may enter the sea or get too close to it with their guard down. With a bounty on their head, The Creature is wanted dead or alive. Eventually, it ends up captured and kept as a sideshow attraction.
⮚ V: They Call Them Five-Shot - Grindhouse/Mexploitation movie AU. Additionally, an Autarkis AU in which Coyote wanders across Mexico if only in search of a good fight and trouble to cause. Neither Kindred nor human organizations are safe from their trouble-making. This Coyote is more adept at hand-to-hand combat as well as gun fighting.
⮚ V: The Pencil Pusher - Ventrue Antitribu AU. Initially Embraced into the Camarilla as a Ventrue, Menendez is kept around the office as an underling sent to do errands and doing mundane data entry work. Stepped over, talked down upon, ignored by anybody with a sliver on seniority over them, watching stupid decision after stupid decision pass along the boardroom table… Menendez is at the end of their rope. External influences begin luring them into the grasp of the Sabbat and down a spiral of deception and increasingly alarming violence against members of their own Clan.
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esther-dot · 1 year
What do you think of the Dunk and Egg series on HBO? Would it be worth to watch?
I refused to watch HotD because I can’t stand those targies and their lizards 🐉
I’m not a good person to ask about this! I haven’t read the supplemental books, and I swore off the spin-offs after the GoT finale. But the pilot for the Dunk & Egg show was written by a HOTD writer, so I suppose, for some fans, that’s reassuring? And the nature of the stories, if HBO is willing, could allow for a new tone in their GoT-verse?
Personally, I was a little dismayed by the news. I know this is exciting for Martin, HOTD and Dunk & Egg are the shows he wanted, and a lot of people have decided he already gave up on finishing ASOIAF, so getting shows is all they can hope for, but the shows are such a contradiction to the values Martin had written into his works…it isn’t a substitute to me. We all knew we weren’t getting ADOS, but I truly thought we’d be getting TWOW soon, except, considering how many shows he’s consulting on now, I’m beginning to worry:
Way back in the summer of 2016, when HBO first started thinking about GAME OF THRONES spinoffs, I pitched them two ideas: the Dance of the Dragons, which in due time became HOUSE OF THE DRAGON… and Dunk & Egg. That was seven years ago. (I can hardly believe it myself). The lesson there is that development takes time. I see all these stories on the net about other spinoffs being killed or abandoned… no idea where they get this stuff… and it just makes me shake my head. The Nymeria show is still in development. So is the Sea Snake show. Just had a great week on that one, working with writers. And there are others, both live action and animated
Again, this is what he wanted, so I’m happy for him, but I want Sansa. I want to read about her going home. Even if I never get to know-know, her ending, I want to read about her in the North again. But he has all of those shows + HOTD, the Snow show, and now D&E. 😳
He also said this about his writing schedule:
If THE HEDGE KNIGHT turns out as well as we hope it will, our hope would be to go on and adapt THE SWORN SWORD and THE MYSTERY KNIGHT as well. That will take a few years. Then comes the hard part. Before we reach the end of the published stories, I will need to find time to write all the other Dunk & Egg novellas that I have planned. There are… gulp… more of them than I had once thought. There’s “The Village Hero” and the Winterfell story, the one with the She-Wolves, and maybe I need to write that Dornish adventure too to slip in between “The Hedge Knight” and “The Sworn Sword,” and after that there are… ah… more. I just need to finish THE WINDS OF WINTER, and then do either A DREAM OF SPRING or volume two of FIRE & BLOOD, and slip in a new Dunk & Egg between each of those in my copious spare time… and that will keep me ahead of Ira and his merry crew… for a few more years. (link)
It’s very strange to me that he willingly delays the main event for sideshows, knowing it will mean he may never get to it. Also, that last part is very reminiscent of how he talked about staying ahead of D&D. 😅
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hello-mrpresident · 1 year
PSA: Racism
(A few of the screenshots have typos. Any names from the other party are omitted, since I'm not making drama I just need to use this story as an example since it was recent, and also because most of you know who this person is also note this isn't the entire conversation Just what i said and a bit of what they said to prove that it happened they didn't add anything meaningful to the conversation for me to include it to make a point.)
So I wanted to wait a few days after talking to this person, I won't name-drop who it is because there's no reason, however, I wanted to vent on my blog and explain what happened because of this person's history of playing the victim and how badly they treat their black friends.
Recently someone had dmed me wanting to RP Hobie Brown from Across the Spider-verse. The person was white. I had set a clear boundary that I was not interested in following and explained why. Now to stress I at NO POINT said they couldn't rp Hobie Brown, I just said I wouldn't follow. My reasoning being was that "Hobie Brown is black and I'm not comfortable with a white person rping a black character" especially where Hobie's blackness is extremely important to his character. So important I firmly believe no non-black person would be to write him correctly or give him justice. Or, as a tried and true self-fulfilling prophecy, they'd do something racist. As does almost every white writer and white rper. Don't think I forgot Homestuck RPC about the time you decided to make a bunch of black-coded trolls and get around to saying the n-word by making them say it or making them say "Trigger"
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Instead of understanding WHY I would be uncomfortable, immediately demanded why THEY a WHITE PERSON could not write Hobie Brown. I wrote LEE-EL LUTHOR? Why could I write a white person and they couldn't write a black person. First of all, Lee isn't white, secondly, those are WILDLY different situations. Black people do not have a history of whitewashing, making racist cartoons or sideshows about black people and there aren't racist caricatures of white people that are still used today in cartoons. I need to stress again, that I at no point said they couldn't that I just didn't want to follow because of personal comfort.
Their next argument was to point out that he was written by a white guy, yes you asshole a lot of black characters are written by white people, again that's not the fucking issue, I just didn't want to follow you due to PERSONAL discomfort and reasons. Also in the movie Hobie was written and designed by a diverse group of people and there was also a wide variety of black artists and writers giving input. In his original comic run, yes he was written by a white person and designed by one, trust me, it is CLEAR to me as a black person he was.
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My point here talking about all of this, is that if you do not understand why any black person would not want you writing a black person, or why they wouldn't want to support you or help you out, you probably shouldn't be writing a black character. You need more than "I like this POC character" to write them. You need to educate yourself and be willing to concede with someone of that same minority not wanting to interact or even participate if they are uncomfortable. Otherwise, you're a bad friend and you're an asshole and you need to unlearn racist behavior and educate yourself.
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jxncywarrior · 1 year
Stranger Things characters and ships as Taylor Swift albums
Part Six: reputation
*Disclaimer: I’m tagging all the ships and characters featured. I’m gonna try not to be biased. MOST of these are strictly based on canon. No hate to ANY ships or shippers.*
…Ready For It?: Ronance (Robin’s POV)
“In the middle of the night, in my dreams. I know I'm gonna be with you so I'll take my time”
End Game: Jancy (Jonathan’s POV)
“Knew her when I was young. Reconnected when we were little bit older. Both sprung, I got issues and chips on both of my shoulders. Reputation precedes me, in rumors I'm knee-deep. The truth is, it's easier to ignore it, believe me. Even when we'd argue, we'd not do it for long. And you understand the good and bad end up in the song. For all your beautiful traits, and the way you do it with ease. For all my flaws, paranoia, and insecurities. I've made mistakes, and made some choices that's hard to deny”
Just all of Ed Sheeran’s verse tbh lmao
I Did Something Bad: Stancy (Nancy’s POV)
“He says, "Don't throw away a good thing.” But if he drops my name, then I owe him nothin'. And if he spends my change, then he had it comin'”
Don’t Blame Me: Mileven (El’s POV)
“For you, I would cross the line, I would waste my time, I would lose my mind. They say, "She's gone too far this time"”
Delicate: Jancy (Jonathan’s POV)
“Third floor on the West Side, me and you. Handsome, you're a mansion with a view. Do the girls back home touch you like I do?”
Look What You Made Me Do: Eleven to One
“But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time. Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time. I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined”
So It Goes…: Jancy (Nancy’s POV)
“Cause we breakdown a little but when you get me alone, it's so simple. 'Cause baby, I know what you know. We can feel it”
Gorgeous: Ronance (Nancy’s POV)
“You should take it as a compliment that I'm talking to everyone here but you. And you should think about the consequence of you touching my hand in the darkened room. If you've got a girlfriend, I'm jealous of her but if you're single that's honestly worse”
Getaway Car: Stancy (Nancy’s POV)
“It was the great escape, the prison break. The light of freedom on my face but you weren't thinkin' and I was just drinkin'. While he was runnin' after us, I was screamin', "Go, go, go!" But with three of us, honey, it's a sideshow and a circus ain't a love story, and now we're both sorry”
King Of My Heart: Lumax (Max’s POV)
“Late in the night, the city's asleep. Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep. Change my priorities. The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury”
Dancing With Our Hands Tied: Byler (Will’s POV)
“I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us. So, baby, can we dance, oh, through an avalanche? And say, say that we got it. I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted”
Dress: Byler (Will’s POV)
“All of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation. My hands are shaking from holding back from you. All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting”
TIWWCHNT: Eleven to One
“It was so nice being friends again. There I was giving you a second chance but you stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand”
New Year’s Day: Jancy (Nancy’s POV)
“Don't read the last page but I stay when it's hard, or it's wrong, or we're making mistakes”
Links to other parts of this series: Debut, Fearless, Speak Now, Red, 1989, Lover, folklore, evermore
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
Miles G. Morales gets scaled down with a new figure from Hot Toys
Miles G. Morales gets scaled down with a new figure from Hot Toys #milesmorales #spiderman #acrossthespiderverse
Some heroes have variants across the Multiverse who share their same values and morality. But others share only a few similarities, as Miles Morales discovers when he meets Miles G. Morales, a multiversal version of himself who becomes The Prowler rather than Spider-Man. The Miles G. Morales 1/6 Scale Figure by Hot Toys adds to the high-flying figures collection inspired by the critically…
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ladyfly · 2 years
Maintenance Day fluff
I really wanted to share this one. It’s based off of a dream I had. The song in this fic is 'I Want to Be Your Boyfriend' by Hot Freaks.
Maintenance day was always a nice day for you. No customers to deal with. Just you, your boys, and the hundreds of tiny Music men. You called them the Spiderlings. Today you found yourself giving the spiderlings a checkup. Sun was upstairs trying to beat Moon's score in one of the games. You could hear his frustrated growls as he failed. You were laying on your stomach. A tool kit with parts nest to you. Moon sat on you holding up his weight.
Currently he was brushing out your hair "What style do you want starling?"
You hummed "Something to keep my hair out of my face."
The spiderling you were looking at gave a happy dance at the new foot you gave it. DJ was happily playing playing whatever music he wanted. Some of it down right filthy, others saintly. He gave his best rendition of a chuckle as one of his spiderlings excitedly presented you with a large dead rat.
Once the higher ups figured out how many Tiny Music Men there actually were it was decided they would be repurposed into pest control. Often the little scrimblos would bring you the things they killed. Kind of like a cat going "Mommy! Look what I did for you!" It was almost like a game for them to bring you stuff. You had even been brought a live pigeon once.
Sun gave a cry of victory "Finally! Well Moonie. I doubt you can do better than that! I told you I was better at this game."
Moon shifted as he played with your hair adding some kind of sweet smelling product to it "We'll see about that. Just don't be a sore looser when I prove you wrong."
The heavy footfalls of someone entering the arcade made moon pause briefly. The sound of chatter echoing off the walls.
A gruff male voice firmly spoke "This is the west arcade."
The head of daytime security came into view. Beside him someone you didn't want to see. Your ex stood next to him taking the room in with a dull look on their face.
As their eyes landed on you they grinned "Well! Didn't think I'd see you again. What a pleasant surprise."
Your ex was someone who made your soul go 'Oh god not you!' with a little Sideshow Bob shudder added in. You had told Sun and Moon about them. Moon regarded them with disdain. The head of daytime security began to walk them around the arcade explaining things.
Moon abruptly stood up taking you with him "Break time Love."
Sun giggled from above "Yeah! Break time! If you work all the time you might burn out sunshine."
You watched as Sun jumped from the second floor of the arcade and land in a perfect handstand. The music playing shifted and got louder. 'I Want to Be Your Boyfriend' by Hot Freaks blared from the speakers around the arcade. Moon pulled you into a faux waltz twirling you to the first verse of the song. Now Sun and Moon are 9ft tall. Your feet could not reach the ground.
By the second verse Sun took you from him and began to dance as well. Verse by verse you were passed between the men. They left you a giggly mess. As the song came to an end Ex and the guard came back down. The guard gestured to each person in the room introducing you all.
When he got to you Ex grinned "I know them already. We were an item. I hope to be an item again. More long term though."
Moon maneuvered you into a piggy back ride "This was a thing but we have to go."
Sun nodded frantically "Yes yes! Much to do! We still need our checkup."
Your ex frowned "Should you really be letting them carry you like that? It's dangerous. It could drop you or crush you! You should stay with me. Much safer."
Sun stood up as tall as he could "We ARE safe. Very safe."
Moon nodded "We would never hurt them. Unless they asked."
You let out a gasp "Moonpie!"
Sun inched his way closer to Moon.
The guard let out a loud sigh "I don't have time for this weird ass shit. Your shift starts tomorrow Ex. Take today and get used to the building. I'm leaving."
Moon giggled followed by an indignant shriek. Sun pulled you from the back of Moon and bolted off with you in a princess carry.
Moon growled playfully "Sun! Give them back you rapscallion!"
He took off after you and sun. Ex watched annoyed as Moon took you from sun proclaiming victory. This continued all the way back to the daycare. Both men darting around the plex trying to keep you away from the other. Dodging staff, planters, and even Glamrocks on their way to the daycare. The three of you lost in raucous laughter.
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