#very few people are straight in my top gun headcanons
twxins · 1 year
Mutual comfort between writing partners is very important to me, so here are a few pointers to make sure we’re all on the same page!<3
- This is a side blog. I follow back with @the-wittyfool.
- This blog will contain blog will contain major spoilers for both the Bullet Train book and movie. - This is a multimuse blog for both Lemon and Tangerine. I may use them together or individually. Sometimes, one muse may be used more than the other. If you have a preference, please specify. Otherwise, I'll just go with my gut.
- All kinds of muses are welcome! OC’s, crossovers, whatever. Hmu lovelies!<3
- Multiple threads with the same person are welcome!
- Pretty much game for any genre. Reply lengths from one-liners to paragraphs.
- This is a safe zone for everybody, regardless of race, religion, nationality, sexuality, gender, etc.
- I am not my muse. Mun and Muse are separate people. Please don’t conflate the two.
- Not interested in any kind of online drama. I’m here to have a good time out of love for both writing and the source material. Anyone trying to grill me about my interpretations or opinion on the story/ character, or what I will and won’t do with my muse, will be straight-up ignored, and persistence will meet with a hard block.
- I am multiship friendly.
- I will ship Muse x Chemistry. If we’ve interacted a few times and you’re feeling a spark between our muses, let’s talk!
- I will not ship Lemon x Tangerine. Blood-related or not, they are siblings. Please don't ask me for that, I beg...
- Muses are 25+ unless the verse specifically states otherwise. Mun is 25+.
- If any NSFW threads occur, they will be tagged and posted under a Keep Reading link.
- The above will also apply to particularly heavy/ triggering themes.
- I love me a bit of spicy nsfw! Sexuality is a subject I find very fascinating. From vanilla lovemaking to outlandish kinks, I love exploring what makes that vulnerable, visceral side of a muse tick. And if his partner is on the same page, Tangerine does love to get freaky in the boudoir (which may come as a shock to absolutely no one who knows of him lmao)! - That said, mutual comfort is top priority. I have certain limits on what I can and cannot write, as I'm sure you do, too. Therefore, any particularly kinky NSFW encounters will require pre-discussion<3
- I also ask, with all due respect, that you do not use my characters or writing (and by extension, me) as a way to live out your personal fantasies. I will not write my muse out of character to cater to your irl kinks. I have done far too much of this, and frankly, the feeling it leaves you with isn’t a good one. This is not why I write NSFW. If I or my muse has expressed to you that they are not into a certain thing, don’t insist, don’t try to lowkey push them towards it on the sly - please, please, please. If living out your fantasies is the only reason you want to write/ ship with me, then, with peace and love, I am not the ship partner for you.
- Other than that, bring me your NSFW headcanons and let’s see how our muses mesh! I am a very sex-positive person, so don’t be shy. Go nuts! Literally! 🤪
Triggers: - That leads me neatly onto triggers. The muses on this blog are two hitmen. Safe to say there will be triggers such as death, blood, guns, mild gore, etc. - I tag everything accordingly with trigger tw. If I've missed something, do let me know! Additionally, if you have a specific trigger that isn't currently being tagged, let me know, and I will begin tagging it for you<3
- I am very work-focused and often busy, so activity levels may vary.
- For the sake of my sanity, this blog is currently private and selective. This means it is mutuals only.
- However, if you stumble across this blog and think our muses would vibe, you are MORE than welcome to approach me! Screaming about plots, characters, and headcanons is one of my favourite things.
And the final but most important rule: just have a good time! I’m completely harmless, and it’s important to me that all my partners feel comfortable. So if you have any questions or concerns, just shoot me a message.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read through my rules. Now, with that out of the way, let’s enjoy~!
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maverickcalf · 3 years
PLEASE go on about GooseMavCarol
Alright let me just throw out my thoughts and see where this goes. Long post so it's under the cut!
First off, Goose and Carol I imagine met sometime during break from school (junior year leading into senior year) and were just friends for a bit. Carol actually surprised Goose by sending him care packages and letters. So by thanksgiving break they decide to get engaged. Marrying after Goose and Carol had graduated. It was hard for them to be away from each other but they loved each other dearly, so they make it work. Along the way they have their son Bradly and both of them come out to each other as not straight. Goose for some reason decided to do so when Carol was in the middle of a shower. To this day Goose has no idea why he decide to tell her right that he doesn't only like women. (Mav does laugh his head off latter when Goose tells him that's how he came out.) Carol came out to Goose later that night when they went on a evening walk. They honestly fins that nothing changes between the two of them, but they do feel happier around each other. Things seem pretty set in stone.
Then Goose meets Maverick.
Now Maverick is aggressive when Goose first meets him. To Maverick's credit he expects Goose to be like all the RIOs always on his ass when in the air, telling him to focus up and be more careful. And while Goose is nervous about some of the stuff he does, it is clear that Maverick does know what he is doing. So he does what he does best and makes light of the situation and starts to crack jokes. And to his surprise; Maverick doesn't tell him that he needs to be more serious. In fact it seems to take the edge off for both of them. Flying becomes more fun again.
It only becomes clear to Goose why Maverick was so aggressive when he learns more about his life. Had Goose heard of Duke Mitchell? Yeah sure, but Mitchell wasn't an uncommon name, Goose didn't want to assume. He doesn't have to assume for long; when Maverick has to deal with some sailors giving Maverick a hard time about it, to his face for some messed up reason. Goose very rarely raised his voice, mostly because it comes out as more of well, a honk. But he did it to tell those guys off.
Maverick was a lot more open after that and filled in a lot of gaps in his past that Goose had assumed but hoped weren't true. Turns out they were. Maverick Mitchell didn't have any family. Being bounced around from foster home to foster home after his father, and then mother's passing. He didn't even have very many friends growing up as he had habit of putting up walls to avoid being hurt.
So Goose makes up his mind to help Maverick, the world may have turned his back on Pete Mitchell but Nick Bradshaw sure wasn't going to. They became friends.
When Maverick first met Carol on a weekend trip, he was a much happier person and she took to him at once. Sure he was rebellious but he was also a good third parent and was a lot of fun to be around, basically if Goose or Carol wanted to do something, Maverick was down for it at once. This often left them tired and by the last night they all ended up passing out on the couch after putting Bradley to bed. Carol, who had woken up first that morning, reflects to Goose that it was very nice, with Maverick there in the morning. Goose doesn't know how to feel about that.
Goose still keeps his distance physically. He doesn't want to spook off his friend, not knowing how the young pilot felt about not straight folks. He doesn't let Maverick get touch starved but he doesn't give him long hugs. But in the back of his mind, he is still thinking about what Carol said.
Their second trip on leave is longer, leaving more time for Goose to reflect. This reflection is also added by the fact that during this time they come out to each. And he comes to the conclusion that, he wants Maverick to know that he always has a home here always. And that, he loves him. Maybe not in the romance way, but not quite in the friend way. He asks Carol what her thoughts are and say tell him that they should have told him that months ago.
Maverick is in total disbelief at first, he hasn't had anyone one tell him he loves him in a long time, and even the memories of that were fading away. But to Goose's surprise, Maverick says it back. Carol is overjoyed and is happy to have her two fellas.
After that every time they get time together, they spend it together. Maverick does tend to leave them alone for more sexual things. But Goose and Carol say that they would be fine with any romantic partner Maverick chooses and will be willing to work them in no matter what. Still for now everything fits and everyone is happy.
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24hlevi · 3 years
can i just say that i've just finished reading that angst headcanons/imagines/scenarios or whatever it's supposed to be called about the boys reacting to y/n dying and i'm just...i'm just a sobbing mess.
it's well-written so 1000/10 for that, but whY MUST YOU ATTACK MY HEART IN THIS MANNER???? i love your work, but my poor heart ack-
btw is there any possibility to ask for a request for a same scenario but for kazutora, mitsuya, and hanma? like for kazutora's part, imagine if it wasn't yknow who died but its y/n 🥲
omg you’re so nice first of all thank you 😭 and OMG YES
TR Boys Reaction To You Dying Pt. 2
Tokyo Revengers Boys (Kazutora, Shuji, & Takashi) X Gn!Reader
Genre: Pure Angst
Warnings: Swearing, Suicide (kind of? it’s what happened to baji did so idk what to label it as 🤷‍♂️)
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Hanemiya Kazutora:
All Kazutora could think was that it was all his fault that this happened. He was too caught up in his own world that he didn’t even know what he was doing anymore. He didn’t even know you had shown up to the fight until he stabbed you instead of Baji.
“Y/n?” Kazutora asked, dropping the knife immediately when he saw you standing between him and Baji, blood dripping onto the ground below you. He completely froze, not knowing what he had just done or why he even did it. “Baby, are you okay?”
You held onto the stab wound, coughing up blood as you looked at your boyfriend. “I just wanted you…to stop.” You choked out before collapsing to your knees.
Everyone had stopped and was watching you by now, shocked that you had even protected Baji from both sides when your whole body landed on the car below you. Spitting blood out of your mouth, you laid on your back, staring up at the blue sky that was dusted with white clouds.
You heard multiple people yell your name, but you couldn’t even tell who it was until you saw Kazutora kneeling beside you. “Y/n! Keep your eyes open, okay?!”
You shook your head from side to side, raising your hand to put it on Kazutora’s face before quietly speaking, “Give it to me, the knife.”
“What? Why? Look, Y/n you just gotta stay awake okay?” Kazutora spoke fast, clearly freaking out on both the outside and inside, not even caring about the gang fight anymore.
“Hand it over, Kazutora.” You said his full name which caused him to go quiet, staring down at you with saddened eyes before handing you the knife that already had your blood on it. “Thank you, babe. I love you.” You told him.
“I love you too, Y/n.” Kazutora said to you.
You bundled up your shirt at the top, putting it in your mouth so you had something to bite down on before plunging the knife into your stomach and twisting it around, then pulling it back out and dropping it.
Kazutora wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him as you lived your last moments, and he couldn’t even say anything. “I’m sorry, Y/n. I always will love you.” Was all he said after you died.
Kazutora then took the blame for killing you, resulting im him ending up in jail again but he wasn’t angry about it. He was just sad. So sad that he didn’t even try to get out of jail and get back into the gang life. He just sat around, continuously saying,
“It’s all my fault.”
Hanma Shuji:
Shuji swore that he would never allow you to get hurt while he was away doing gang activities that he didn’t want you included in. That’s why he always had someone beside you and a bodyguard to make sure you would always be safe. But even then, it didn’t work.
It was half past 1 in the morning when Shuji’s phone rang while he was with the other Valhalla members, beating up some random other gang member. Shuji stopped punching the other male, standing up straight and took his phone out of his pocket and opened it, answering. “Yes?”
Shuji’s breath hitched when he heard your shaky and quiet voice, and he immediately knew that something was wrong. “Y/n? Where are you, darling? Is something wrong?”
“I’m…at home. B-But someone..got in.” You tried your best to reply, but it was coming out shaky and slow. 
“I’ll be there in five minutes. I promise, baby. Okay? I love you.” Shuji told you before turning around and looking at everyone, taking the phone away from his ear. “Kazutora, you’re in charge until I get back, understand? As for everyone else, just do what you’re told.” He said to everyone, proceeding to then walk out and make his way onto the streets when he started to sprint down the different roads. 
Now he was just making sure that he made it to your place in five minutes like he said he would, which usually he would be able to do easily, but he was more determined now that he had heard something had gone wrong whilst he was away. Upon reaching your place, he saw the front door opened already and he quickly rushed inside. “Y/n?! Baby, where are you?!” He called out as he started to run through every room in the house. 
He finally made it to your room where you laid on the floor, a puddle of blood beneath you as you were taking shallow and slow breaths. “Y/n!” Shuji yelled out your name, going over to you and kneeling down beside you. He grabbed you and lifted you up, holding you in his arms as he checked for your pulse. When he felt it he let out a sigh of relief but it was very weak and barely noticeable which made him realize he probably only had a few more moments with you. 
“I’m sorry, Y/n. For not being here when I should have. I’m so fucking stupid, I should have just stayed here with you. I’m sorry, darling. I’m sorry.” Shuji said to you, his voice cracking halfway through as tears welled up in his eyes.
You looked up at him and smiled lightly despite you dying in his arms. “It’s okay, Shuji. Don’t...blame yourself. I still love you.” You had never seen the boy cry before, that’s how you knew that he did really love you, that he wasn’t just saying it so he could manipulate or get things from you. 
“I love you too.” Shuji whispered out. 
Soon enough, your head went limp and your eyes were stuck open, all of the life drained from your face as blood dirtied the floor and Shuji’s clothes. “Y/n? Y/n? Wake up, please.” The boy pleaded to your now deceased body, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to get you back. Not ever again. 
Shuji became what you would have never wanted him to become, a terrible person who killed anyone if they even looked at him the wrong way, and most importantly, one that drank all of his feelings after the day was over, crying to himself over your death still. 
Because he would never get you back. And he regretted that the most.
Mitsuya Takashi:
Takashi was the most important person in your life, just like you were to him. He had told you on multiple occasions that he wanted to be with you forever. And he thought it would really happen. Boy, was he wrong. So, so wrong. 
You two were walking down the busy street, eating street food while going inside stores and just admiring the night scenery. Everything was going perfectly normal, until it all changed within a few seconds. 
“Hey, babe?” Takashi said, looking over at you.
“Yeah?” You repled. 
“Do you wanna get married some day in the future?” 
The question that came out of your boyfrien’s mouth shocked you, and you didn’t know how to reply. You both were still teenagers, how the hell were you supposed to know? “Only if it’s you I’m marrying.” You aswered with a smile. 
Takashi smiled back and pressed his lips against yours before pulling away quickly after. “Same here.” He told you. 
Suddenly, car tires screeched on the black cement road and one zoomed around, an all black van. It’s windows opened and guns pointed out of them before they started to fire. Takashi quickly wrapped his body around you and covered you with his, not even caring if he would end up getting killed because of it. 
After the car drove off, Takashi looked at you and asked in a frantic voice, “Y/n, are you okay?”
You looked at him, then down to your side, shaking your head as you spat out blood. Takashi’s eyes widened as he yelled out your name, but you had collapsed onto the ground, grabbing at your abdomen where the gunshot wound was, blood beginning to soak through your clothes and onto the sidewalk below you. 
“No, no, no. Y/n! Stay with me!” He yelled, taking his phone out of his pocket and about to call the polce when you grabbed his hand, stopping him. “What?”
“Don’t. It’s okay.” You told him, a small smile on your face. 
“It’s not okay! I can’t lose you! We-We just talked about getting married some day!” The boy continued to yell.
“Maybe...in another life, we will.” You spoke barely above a whisper, your vision starting to darken and turn blurry. “I love you, Mitsuya Takashi.”
“I love you too, Y/n.” Takashi replied to you but you didn’t respond. “Y/n?” He reached his hand over and shook you gently, and when you didn’t move he looked at your face, then realizing that you were gone. He sat on the ground, and put his hands over his face, beginning to cry. 
Takashi cried and mourned over your death everyday, despite people telling him to move on. He just couldn’t. He would never be able to find someone he would love like he loved you. He knew that. So that’s how it remained the rest of his life. Lonely, and depressed. 
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teddybasmanov · 2 years
Redacted characters cold weapons headcanons:
Because a few people have brought back several old hyperfixations, several of which include historical weaponry. Will try to keep it historically accurate, but no promises. This time with pictures, so the post is even longer than usual.
Listeners version.
Gavin - a classical late-medieval eastern European sabre. Because he's my favourite and they are my favourites. Also, they're practical but not as simple and straight-forward as just swords. (This sabre is pretty specific, but not specific enough for my tastes.)
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Huxley - a battle axe. None of that fancy double-sided/double-edged stuff - simple and practical. In theory can be used in non-battle scenarios (probably not the best idea though). No one said it can't be pretty, though. (Kudos to Fedor Solntsev for all the art I’m using here.)
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Lasko - a spear - doesn't require such good aim like a bow or a crossbow, but lets you keep your enemy at a decent distance. At first, I thought about a Macedonian spear (sarissa), but it's mostly used in a specific battle formation, so... Look at this beauty - it's called Langxian or wolf brush/wolf tail. (top of the picture)
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Damien - a gladius. Simple, elegant, straight to the point. (Also definitely not affected by another brainrot. cough Ancient!Greek!Monsters!AU cough)
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Caelum - he's a baby, so he's not getting one. I can give him a pretty round shield, though.
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David - a zweihänder or an espadon (it's pretty much the same thing, just one German and another Spanish) - I just want to see David with a comically huge sword. Like David sized sword. (They can be longer than two metres.)
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Asher - cinquedea or five fingers. I’d say he just finds it really funny (I do too) and he’s a kind of guy to chose a weapon by a “makes me chuckle” criteria.
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Milo - since I and @teasandcardigans​ have already decided that Milo deserves a gun, from the cold weapons he gets a crossbow. Faster and easier (in theory) to use than a regular bow.
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Vincent - a rapier. He's a fancy little prince, he only needs weapons for duels over petty disagreements and fights he picks up because he's bored.
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Sam - I can’t help I want to give him a stiletto, because he’s a former healer, but then all the cowboy jokes, so... he gets a nagaika with a knife inside. Not exactly a whip, but  maybe even cooler.
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Avior - koncerz. A thin straight long sword kind of person - it’s still light and elegant, but more fuctional than a rapier.
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Cam - emeici or Emei Piercers. He probably doesn't want to have a weapon at all, so if he had to choose, he'd have something very low key, but not as dramatic as a battle fan.
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Elliott - khopesh - chose a weapon by how usual it looks (it’s still functional, of course).
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Ollie - he’s another baby, who, be it my will, I won’t give a weapon to (/hj), but hey, I already started writing these headcanons, so: ziwu yuanyang yue or double deer horns knife. It’s small and looks like something a geek like him would be into.
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Aaron - a chekan (yes it's different from a horseman's pick). Mostly because my favourite historical novel featured such a thing as a “bandits' leader chekan” and Aaron is the ultimate boss.
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Geordi - another geek baby, so he gets a classical tanto (it’s like a small katana, just in case).
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FlyBoi!Ivan - shestoper or six-feathered. It's dull and heavy and has a certain seriousness to it.
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Guy - a sling, because brats don’t get proper weapons. He can have funny stones as a treat.
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ohworm-writes · 3 years
Worm?! lol. Hiii, I’m new here. Could I please request some head canons for sniper mask (from high rise invasion) with a (preferably) male s/o? (As long as you’re comfortable with it.) I haven’t found any for males sadly. Hope you have a good day! Thanks sm.
Tenkuu Shinpan/High-Rise Invasion: Sniper Mask Boyfriend Scenario
high-rise invasion/tenkuu shinpan masterlist
‼ Sniper Mask Relationship Headcanons with a Male S/o ‼
Featuring: Sniper Mask, Yuri Honjo, Mayuko Nise, Kuon Shinzaki
Warnings: gun mention, violence mention, cursing, blood mention
a/n - i wanted to add a lot of detail since you said there weren't any male readers, so i apologize that it took so long. i also have another sniper mask scenario that should come out soon! enjoy!
content below the cut!
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coming to the high rise world was VERY unexpected for you
one second you're about to take a nap, right at the brink of sleep
the BOOM
you're on top of a building!
oh yeah, and there are murderers in masks right on your tail
not the afternoon you wanted, but it was the afternoon you got
you had been running from several masks, three of them right on your tail
you had been backed up near the edge of a building, the three of them circling yours you sat against the ground
when one of them slumped to the ground, dead
at first, you were confused, did he pass out maybe?
but then you saw blood and the other two dropping to the ground
no, yeah, they were all dead
you looked around for who could have done it
only to be met with another mask, a rifle at his side
you would have thought you were going to die if it weren't for the 3 girls by his side
why were 3 high school girls with one of the same kind of people that had tried to murder you?????
"Oh my god! Are you okay, sir?" A dark-haired girl ran forward and knelt down in front of you. You backed away from her, fear still coursing through you.
Your eyes landed on the masked man a few feet behind them, pointing a shaky finger towards him. "You! Why aren't you hurting us?" He stood up straight as all attention went to him, stuttering as the girl in front of you offered you a small smile.
"He won't hurt you, he'll only kill other masks, I promise!" You we're still skeptical of the group but decided it would be better than being stuck out here all alone. Silently, you took the girl's hand, letting her introduce you to the others.
When you were set in front of the masked man, he awkwardly gave his hand out for you to shake. "And this is Sniper Mask! He's scary, but-but, nice? Yeah, nice!" Yuri said, obviously unsure of her own words.
He extended his hand out for you to shake, and though you couldn't tell it, he was nervous beyond belief. He had just saved an extremely attractive guy and now he was no more than 2 feet in front of him!
"H-hey." Well, he fucked that up. You sighed, letting your shoulders slump as you took his hand, shaking it firmly. "Y/n, thanks for saving me Mr. Sniper Mask." You offered him a smile, to which his face instantly flushed, responding with nothing but a nod.
and that's where it began
at first, it was quiet between you and mr. mask
he didn't seem to make any moves to talk to you
hell, he didn't even seem to like being in the same room as you!
at least, that's from your perspective
from the other team, however...
"Kuon I-I don't. The command must of-" "Mr. Mask! You like Y/n! It's not the command, you do!" Kuon had been pestering Yuka for the past 30 minutes about her new idea. Obviously, it was nothing near the truth. It had to be the command malfunctioning.
"Admit it Mr. Mask! You're always looking at him and are fidgety whenever he's nearby!" Yuka sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as a blush crawled up onto his face. "Kuon it's not that I can assure you, I don't-" "If you won't admit it, I'm going to tell him!"
With that, Kuon dashed out of the room to find you. It took Yuka a few seconds to realize what the girl meant before he came barreling down the hall after her. "Kuon! Wait-"
Kuon didn't end up actually telling you that Sniper Mask liked you per se
but she didddd say that he wanted to talk with you more
and when he came up to the two of you, he apologized profusely for Kuon's behavior and dragged her off
but, the ordeal did help him to realize that no, this wasn't the mask's doing
he did actually like you
and little did he know that the feeling was mutual!
oh good gods you fell for him quick
you didn't even know why you liked him, but dear gods you did
you were terrified to confess to him
he barely ever shows emotion, so what are the chances he would show them to you?
well, it took him a while to confess to you, and only after you got injured by a mask did he spill
you had gone out with Mayuko to go find some supplies when a mask holding a machete came running at you two
it had cut your arm pretty bad, but you would live
Mayuko helped you wrap it up with some gauze she had found
when the two of you got back, the others (excluding Sniper Mask at the time) were all over you
you assured them that you could patch up your own wound, so you made your way back to your own room
expecting to be alone, you were surprised when Sniper Mask stopped you right outside your room's door
You held your injured arm close to your stomach, groaning as a sharp pain went through it. Your room was just around the corner, and once you were inside you could patch it up and go to sleep. At least, that's what the plan was originally.
What you didn't expect was the silent being of Sniper Mask to be laying against the door, his head shooting up as he heard footsteps. He turned his head towards you, eyes shifting from yours to your arm, and back to you.
"What happened." He said, but it came out in a much deeper tone than you had anticipated. A small blush found its way onto your face, your words catching in your throat as he leaned off of the door, making his way closer to you.
He was only a foot away, your breath hitched as his hand came towards you. He paused for a second, looking back at you, before grabbing your uninsured hand in his gloved one. Despite the fabric, his hands still radiated heat.
"I'm fine." You stated, but it didn't seem to do anything as he dragged you down the hall and up a flight of stairs. You were going to ask where he was taking you, when he grabbed one of the door handles, twisting it open and leading you inside.
There was nothing particularly special about his room, besides the rifle on his bed, of course. He let go of your hand the second the two of you were in the room, pausing a second after, before going to get a first aid kid.
You sat down on his bed, leaving the rifle alone. Unconsciously, your hands intertwined themselves together, trying to recreate the warmth he did just a few seconds ago. When he came back over, he was quick to take off your makeshift bandages and wipe the wound down.
You hissed in pain, grabbing one of his hands in the process and squeezing it to try and relive it. He gave your hand a reassuring squeeze of its own, quickly sanitizing it and dressing it with fresh bandages.
When he was done, you tried to let his hand go, but he squeezed it harder. You heard him let out a sigh, his face turning upwards as he looked at you. You couldn't see his eyes, but he was lost in yours.
Without thinking, he inched the bottom of his mask upwards with his free hand, just enough to reveal his mouth. Your heartbeat picked up, eyes widening as they flickered down to his lips.
In a second the lips you were staring at were pressed against your own. His lips were warm, the taste of coffee lingering from them. When he pulled away, you did nothing but look at him with adoration.
You cupped his face with one of your hands, your smile growing as he leans into the touch. "Y'know," he started, bringing his hand up to hold yours. "I've been meaning to ask you to become my boyfriend for a while."
"Is that so?" You asked him, earning a hum and a shrug in response. "Now seemed like a good time to ask." You chuckled softly at him, watching a smile form on his lips. "My answer is yes then, Sniper Mask."
it was hard to keep your relationship a secret from the girls
Kuon was glued to Yuma's side almost 24/7, so she caught on first
then it was a domino effect
the three of them were extremely happy for you two
they do tease you both from time to time though
Kuon is especially happy about the relationship
sure, she has a crush on Yuka, but she's happy to see the two of you together
he's very wary about it all at first
his group has been attacked before, and not to mention other masks that could hurt you
yes, he's a strong badass who could protect you no matter what
but it doesn't make him worry any less!
any time foreign masks come near, you better bet your ass they're gonna have a bullet hole (or two) in them
he loves to show off that you're his and vice versa
refers to you as "his boyfriend" a lot
also likes to say "i'm his boyfriend"
absolutely swoons if you call him "yours"
peppers your face with kisses any time he can
just giving you lots of kisses in general
likes to have you by his side most times
he always needs to make sure you're safe
you basically have your own bodyguard
usually sleeps with you on his chest and his arms wrapped around you
then again, he won't turn down being the little spoon~
genuinely fucking loves you and wants to make you know every second he can
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headcanons with the blackwatch boys and a trans masc s/o? (thank you in advance, love your work!! 💗💗)
A/N: I don’t normally do this type of request outside of Pride Month b u t I may or may may not be coming out the rest of my family sometime this upcoming week and I need the comfort, s o enjoy bby!
Also, I mainly focused on coming out to them for obvious reasons, I hope that’s okay!
Tip Jar
Gabriel Reyes
Your safety is his first priority
Of course, he tells you how proud he is that you came out to him
Big hugs and smooches, lets you know that he understands how scary or difficult it may have been to do so
But then he’s straight into being a mother hen
Asks you who all you’ve come out to so far, if your friends and family were supportive, casually makes a blacklist of any assholes if he needs to
Then, if you’re okay with it, he probably asks a few questions
The obvious ones are what your preferred name, pronouns, and terms are
Then it’s other general stuff, like how far long you are in the transition, if you’re doing anything medically and if so what’s the next step there
All this while probably now cuddling you on a couch
He’s a cuddle-bug at heart
He’d love to be involved if you want him to be
He’ll go with you to appointments, help you with research, etc
He’s very supportive
Might be a liiittle annoying about trying to figure out every detail of every procedure/transition step you want to take but it’s only because he cares and wants to make sure you’re safe
You can usually shut him up with a smooch
He’s fairly chill about it
He just kinda nods and is like “Sick, I got a boyfriend now”
Then he has to backtrack and make sure he didn’t fuck up by using the wrong word
Once you fill him in on what he needs to know, he’s solid
His personality doesn’t change much except for maybe treating you more like A Dude
A Dude that he smooches
Jesse’s just kind of equal parts cool and chaos embodiment and you’re just along for the ride
He’ll be involved with your transition however much you want him to be
If you still have people to come out to, he’ll happily stand behind you and stare menacingly over your shoulder at any family members/friends/coworkers that look at you funny
Guns out in casual plain sight, he doesn’t care
If you end up getting top surgery, he’s a fantastic at-home nurse, albiet a little awkward
Asks if you want him to wear a sexy nurse’s outfit
Then immediately asks if that’s offensive
Then immediately asks if asking is offensive because wait, guys are nurses too
“Just to be clear, I meant one of the sexy outfits with a skirt.”
He’s a little queasy about the blood and drains and stuff at first but he gets there
You’re more important
When you have more freedom, he makes a joke about being able to eat ice cream now that you got The Demons removed
“Jesse, pretty sure that’s for when you get tonsils out.”
“We can still have ice cream though, right?”
Genji Shimada
Literally could not care less, tbh
Like, when you come out to him, he’s just kinda like “Okay, cool” and goes back to whatever he was doing previously
S o, if you were hoping for more of a reaction from him, sorry
He treats you absolutely no differently
Like at all
Like if you want to discuss transitioning stuff with him or ask his opinion on something and want a reaction other than “I don’t know” or “Do what you want”, you’re going to have to explicitly tell him
Genji’s emotionally stunted at this point in time, bear with him
If you tell him that you actually want to know his opinion on something or you think his input would be helpful, though, he tries his best
He probably has to be educated on the subject a little bit and whether or not you feel like doing so yourself, he reads up quite a bit on his free time
He may have a few questions for you specifically because everyone’s trans experience is different, but he does his best
Despite him not really getting it, he immediately takes to your correct name and pronouns (if you weren’t already going by them)
He can and will fight anyone who tries to give you grief
He will literally fight someone for being an asshole
Someone has issue with you going in the correct bathroom? Oh no, now no one but you is allowed in, the bathroom is guarded by a crazy samurai mad
Someone tries to hurl slurs? Genji’s hurling his first into their face
Casually gasses you up all the time
All the masc compliments
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makeste · 4 years
Are there any headcanons that you would like to share? About anything you want.
anon in the absence of specific guidelines I have managed to make this post pretty much entirely about Bakugou. I apologize if you really wanted to know all of my headcanons about Kouda or something lol. but all joking aside he really is the character I think about the most and so probably like 80% of my headcanons are about him, including close to 100% of the headcanons I actually have a solid enough grip on to put into words. anyway here goes.
he does not know how to tie a tie. he was a rowdy little free range knee-scraping grass-staining run-don’t-walk child whose parents only ever managed to wrestle him into formal attire a handful of times for special occasions when he was younger, and then he went to a middle school that used gakuran-style uniforms so he never learned then, either. his dad offered to teach him when U.A. rolled around, but he was all, “fuck off dad, I know how to tie a stupid tie,” because by that time he had grown into a cocky little brat confident in his own skill and naive as to the reality checks of the world, and he genuinely believed with the conviction that only a fifteen-year-old can muster that when the time came he would just magically know how to do it. on the first day of school he got as far as draping the loose tie over his neck and holding one end in each hand before staring at the mirror and abruptly realizing the hole he’d dug himself into. and so rather than admit defeat, he just straight up decided not to wear it. which became a permanent life choice once he got to school and saw how badly Deku’s tie was tied and realized there was no way he could ever risk that kind of humiliation.
in a similar vein, I know there’s a popular fanon that because of his parents’ influence Katsuki has a good sense of fashion, but my own personal headcanon is that this could not be further from the truth lol. it’s not that he has a terrible sense of style, mind you; it’s just that he doesn’t care about it at all. he’s a nerdy jock who spends all his free time studying and lifting weights. this kid literally only wears one color, and that color just so happens to be the easiest possible color to coordinate. he owns like three pairs of shoes max. he wears his pants three sizes up and they drag so much that the hems are all frayed from him constantly stepping on them (literally canon, and one of my favorite details from chapter 218). he just doesn’t give a fuck, so long as the clothes are comfortable and don’t look stupid. he has about a million things he’s more concerned about than what he or anyone else is wearing. in fact I’m 90% sure that his mom still buys most of his clothes, and about 70% convinced he does not even know what size he is.
he’s good at household chores (because he’s good at everything), but hates doing them. aside from cooking, which he enjoys, he will bitch and whine nonstop if forced to do tedious-yet-necessary things like washing dishes and folding laundry. that said, he is a perfectionist, and he also has a lot of experience because his mom made him do chores all the time during the seven trillion times he was grounded while growing up (that’s his estimate, btw, so it may be slightly exaggerated. he was not an easy kid to raise. when your kid’s fuse is about a millimeter long and he has a tendency to literally blow up whenever he throws a fit, you end up with a lot of objects in your house that have been replaced at some point), so if you do actually manage to get him to do the chore, rest assured that chore is getting fucking DONE.
when he was very little he watched an Avengers Endgame-style All Might film where a bunch of bad guys attacked earth and various assorted heroes tried and failed to stop them. then at the climax of the film, All Might showed up and said “I am here”, and everyone got super pumped up and excited because they knew the heroes were going to win with All Might on their side. this scene remains Katsuki’s favorite scene in anything. not the fight -- just the moment where All Might shows up and grins and the audience knows right there and then that he’s going to win. this is the feeling that inspired his dream. he wants to be the one who shows up and everyone is like, “we’re good now; Katsuki is here.”
when he was six or seven he got into a big fight with an older boy over that scene because he said it was fake and that there was no way All Might could have beaten those guys in real life. Katsuki insisted he definitely would have because All Might never loses. the other boy replied that everyone loses sometimes. Katsuki kicked his ass and got suspended for a week.
ten years later, Katsuki watched All Might battle All for One at Kamino and realized two things. one, that the other boy was right and that anyone can lose. and two, that he, the one who had so proudly defended All Might back then, was going to end up being the reason why he finally lost.
for a long time afterwards, he couldn’t bring himself to watch that movie again.
when he and Izuku were three years old their moms sent them out on a first errand (google Hajimete no Otsukai if you’re unfamiliar with this tradition, I promise you it is the cutest fucking thing you’ll ever see) to buy ingredients for katsudon. Izuku was full of bouncy childish enthusiasm and could rattle off the full shopping list of ingredients front to back, but when the moment finally came his confidence wilted as soon as their parents were out of sight. Katsuki also had a moment of panic when they first rounded the corner and he couldn’t see his house anymore, but rallied once Izuku burst into tears and he realized that he had to be the one to take charge. he proceeded to morph into an absurdly over-the-top caricature of his own mother for the duration of the errand, to the point where in addition to telling Izuku to stop crying he also ordered him to stand up straight and tuck in his shirt. the two of them went on to complete the errand flawlessly and their moms were PROUD AS FUCK and took a billion pictures. Izuku and Katsuki have only a few scattered memories of this milestone in the present day but it’s enough to send both of them absolutely reeling with embarrassment whenever they’re reminded of it.
he and his mom don’t often get along but sometimes they’ll bond over roasting a mutual target. they have watched many a trashy reality TV show together for this purpose. Masaru lives for these moments but never comments on them lest he spoil the rare moments of peace.
Katsuki is perfectly capable of using keigo (i.e. normal polite Japanese with no rude language/cursing), otherwise he would not be one of the top students in his ivy-league high school. code-switching is a thing guys! anyways his teachers are aware of this, because all of his essays and homework assignments are written normally. he merely chooses to go about his daily business acting like a wannabe yakuza stereotype because that’s just his personality, and he’s not about to start censoring himself and acting like some weird little goody two shoes robot person just to please people he mostly doesn’t give two shits about. but if you put a gun to his head and told him you’d pull the trigger if he said “fuck”, he would probably be all right; he’d just have to concentrate.
when he was little he went through a phase of collecting cicada shells and leaving them EVERYWHERE -- in the bathroom sink, on his mom’s pillow, you name it. Mitsuki often tells people this is when she started getting gray hairs. one time she opened a box of cereal and there was one in there and a little bit of her soul died that day.
he generally doesn’t care who calls him Kacchan. it doesn’t particularly bother him and it never occurred to him to pretend like it did just for appearance’s sake. also secretly for some reason the thought of Deku ever calling him anything else really bothers him. he’s not sure what it would mean if that ever happened, or what he would do.
all of his workouts are designed to strengthen his arms and back and shoulders because those are the parts of his body that take the most abuse from his quirk. other than that he avoids building up excess muscle anywhere else because the more weight he puts on the harder it is to fly around. for this reason he is never going to end up being a big bulky guy like All Might. one day Deku is going to surpass him in muscle, but he doesn’t care because he’ll still be a match for him in firepower and speed.
he’s one of those kids who will not so much as take a sip of alcohol until he’s twenty-five. partly because he’s experienced enough concussions that he doesn’t particularly want to give hangovers a try, and partly because he’s a control freak and honestly afraid of getting drunk and making an idiot of himself somehow. the rowdier members of class A try virtually every trick in their wheelhouse and then some to try and persuade him over the years, but not even the reverse psychology “aw, don’t worry, it’s okay if you’re... scared :)” thing works, because that’s only actually effective when he secretly wants to do the thing.
then one day he just wakes up and is all “you know what, I’m gonna try it”, and for the next few days his google history is basically just “how many drinks does it take to get drunk” and “how to avoid getting drunk” and “how to prevent hangovers.” somehow word gets out through the grapevine (he probably told Todoroki, who is the one person in class A you’d think wouldn’t be a big ol’ gossip but in fact IS) that Bakugou is finally going to get his drink on that weekend, and pretty much EVERYONE shows up at the izakaya that Friday night excited as FUCK.
Katsuki proceeds to drink a grand total of two beers over the span of several hours, and drinks like five glasses of water in between, and literally nothing happens to him at all except that Kaminari almost fights him out of frustration. the rest of class A never fully gets over their disappointment.
he actually knows like 90% of class 1-A’s names by this point. there are still a few people he doesn’t and will never know, though. twenty years from now Aoyama will still be “that weird fucking french kid” in his mind.
he had no idea who Eri was until the Christmas party. sometimes he’d hear the other kids talking about someone named Eri, and from context clues he somehow ended up thinking it was one of Aizawa’s cats. when Eri came to the party he had a brief moment of curiosity wondering if she was Sensei’s niece or something, and then he heard someone say her name and he was all “THAT’S ERI?!” and his entire worldview was briefly shaken up.
he pulled Kirishima aside to ask him and Kirishima basically gave him Eri’s whole entire life story which was way more than he actually wanted to know. he’s now kind of terrified of ever being in the same room as her for fear of having to interact with her because he’s pretty sure he’d do or say the wrong thing. most of the time being intimidating is something he strives for and puts a lot of effort into, including when he’s around kids (who are basically just smaller, sloppier adults in his mind), but he doesn’t want to be the guy who scared an abused kid, so he basically just hopes the others will have enough common sense not to ever go “oh hey you know who should totally interact with each other?? Eri and Bakugou!”
that being said, if circumstances ever arose which forced Katsuki to protect Eri, the two of them would totally bond and they would have a really sweet relationship in which Eri looked up to him just like she looks up to Deku and Mirio and the rest, and where Katsuki was constantly trying to be on his best behavior around her, like genuinely, sincerely trying, and kind of failing at it a lot but still being sweet in a gruff sort of restrained-disaster way.
...and after sitting there for a while trying to think of more I couldn’t come up with any so I guess that’s it! basically most of my headcanons are about how secretly boring Katsuki is. honestly if it weren’t for him having the vocabulary of a 52-year-old sailor whose foot was caught in a bear trap, he and Iida would probably be best friends.
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bellatrixxue · 4 years
Xue’s Supernatural Dare: Wendigo (S1 EP2)
Hello, everyone? How did everyone feel about the finale? Yes? Yes? Oh. Oh. Oh my. Oh, dear.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell that half-assed homophobic chicken-shit fuckbucket’s not gonna stop me, since I strapped myself onto this roller coaster already and I promised I’m not getting out until the ride’s over, so here we go, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Also, those who are in this roller coaster with me, ready? Tag list is: @fangirlxwritesx67​ @amazingiam00​ @kalliravenne​ @indecisive20something​ @2musiclover2​ @impossibletosleepthrough @there-must-be-a-lock​ @wingedcatninja​ @arvit​
Oh my gods this recap is so cheesy I actually can make a fondue out of it. 2000s, everybody!
So we’re starting the episode with the murder scene first, eh? Is that gonna be a trend?
Oh come on, Chads, you’re out in nature and you’re playing video games? Absorb the nature...before it absorbs you!
Waitwait. Holy shit is that...is that Cory Monteith? Oh, bless his soul...
If the wendigo eats his dick as he’s peeing I’m immediately giving Jensen Ackles $100. For no real reason, I just feel like giving him money for already carrying the show on his back.
I can’t tell if it did or not, so I’m not paying yet.
Aw, Sammy...
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"I should have told you the truth.” *Vine voice* BUT YOU DIDN’T
FUCKYOUINTHEASSHOhnightmare. Nightmare. So did he visit her at her grave or not? I need answers.
A week? Goddamn. Poor thing. That man-eating tree’s fucking good at his job, man.
“There’s nothing there, it’s just...woods,” Sam, I don’t know if Jess’s death hit you hard or if you got into law school by eating some ancient dick and/or pussy instead of earning that high score fair and square, but the woods “in the middle of nowhere” (your words) are known to be one of the top places full of weird-ass creatures. Even kindergartners know that.
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Ehehehehehehehehe he’s so smol next to his lil bro my lil shit
At least you’re coming up with decent covers this time. No Agent Mulder and Scully ruining things for you this time around.
“Bull” oop-
Oh Dean’s a smoooooooooth operator. Good going, buddy.
Oh that death really got to Sam. I hope he doesn’t turn out to be a trigger-happy psycho. Or eat the man-eating tree and become one himself.
Oh, Haley’s a cutie! Which one’s her brother? Cory? Discount Enrique Iglesias?
Do you have a card for EVERY profession, Dean? And how do I get them too?
That is a very pretty car. I bet they wasted half the budget on that thing.
Okay, sonny boy, little bro, Broseidon, calm down.
Ah, fuck, Haley and Broseidon is gonna go into the woods, that’s more heads to worry about.
How the fuck does Sam find information this fast? I’m impressed, I take five hours to get to one article for my research paper. Or maybe I’m just lazy. So he really earned his law school interview without having to eat dick and pussy, huh.
Every 23 years? What is this, Pennywise? Are we going to see the wendigo do his best Tim Curry do his best scary clown impression? Honk honk?
“Whatever that thing is, it can move.” And the sun rises on the East, Sammy. Why are you so smart and dumb at the same time? Is this his character trait? It might grow on me.
Ahhh, so Sam’s go-to move at interrogation is doing puppy dog eyes and sympathize with the person. He’d make a good lawyer, shame that man-eating tree.
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Go Grandpa Exposition, go!
Go Grandpa Exposition, go, give us information and none at all!
Skinwalker, Back Dog...Ooh, those all sound cool! I hope we get to see them soon!
‘Corporeal’ doesn’t sound like a real word, but then again, English doesn’t sound like a real language. Sorry. Moving on.
Sam’s gonna eat the wendigo with that attitude, Jesus Christ.
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AND HIS BROTHER, AT THIS RATE. If the real villain turns out to be inside Sam all along I’m gonna flip. Is that why women keep dying and burning on ceilings where he sleeps? Is he secretly Lucifer’s spawn or something?
“Oh sweetheart I don’t wear shorts”. They queer-coded him from the start and they tried to make you believe he was straight for fifteen seasons straight? And some people bought that?
Oh, crap, another crappy death treatment for Cory before he got into Glee...No, I wasn’t into Glee, I just watched a few episodes and I might hate Rachel Berry...And Lea Michele...ahem...
Dean is totally flirting with Roy shut upppppppp
“It’s probably the most honest I’ve been with a woman. Ever.” See. Bi. Bi bi bi.
So...why the coordinates, Daddy Negan? Is this a portal to Hell? A place where man-eating trees grow?
*carefully places death flag on Roy*
Ooooh the campsite is very...haunted house-y. You know what I’m saying?
That’s not Discount Enrique Iglesias, but Pennywise wendigo, yes? Those things can mimic human voices, right?
*Google searches*...There are so many versions of this tale I can’t even confirm or deny it. Dammit.
Maybe Pennywise wendigo just wants some snacks and a nice phone and GPS? Maybe he misses his family in uh, Canada or something?
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Daddy Negan’s journal is  a e s t h e t i q u e .
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I’m so sorry, but the way Sammy smirks as he speaks with those dark, dark voids for eyes? My boy’s a demon. He’s a demon, I’m telling you.
At least Haley has some sense to her. *puts another death flag on Roy*
True, that. What the heck is Daddy Negan up to with all of this?
“Saving people, hunting things, the family business!” Okay, the way Dean said it gave me chills.
I can actually empathize with Sam here...As whiny and bitchy as he is, he has his reasons to be this way. I guess if I were in his shoes, I’d be less of a Dean and more of a Sam, too. We deal with our losses quite similarly.
Ah, the brotherly bonding moments like these little talks make the show worth it. It’s so heartwarming.
Pennywise wendigo! I didn’t miss you, why’re you here to burst my happy bubble?
I’m starting to see a slight parallel between Haley and Broseidon and Dean and Sammy. Hmm.
Nice meeting you, Roy. Zoop you go.
Haley and Broseidon are taking this rather well, I’m glad they do.
Okay, actual exposition time, thank you.
Whoa, Broseidon speaks! Donner Party! Please don’t remind me of that! Those poor people!
Hibernation and food storage. Delightful, just delightful.
Somehow, not being able to see the wendigo is scarier to me than what I will probably see itself. Limited budget horror can actually work well.
Oh, dear, Roy literally did a death drop. Badum tissssssssss.
FUCK IT TOOK DEAN THE ONLY CHARACTER I CARE ABOUImean I love you too, Sam! Come on, let’s find him before it’s too late!
A trail of M&Ms! Yes, Broseidon! And Hansel and Gretel refercalled it. Sammy, you and I share the same wavelength?
Thank the gods the Pennywise wendigo kept them right there. Chances.
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Ah, Dean Winchester, I love you so much that I can’t even begin to describe it.
Also how convenient that the flare guns are there. Deus ex machina!
Haley would bode well as a hunter, look at her courage, her will. There are more hunters around than Daddy Negan and the brothers, right?
Yeah, seeing the actual wendigo makes me less scared of it now. It’s unnerving, but still.
Graphics are...alright, but it’s the thought that counts!
Running with the grizzly bear story. Smart Broseidon. Ben. Sorry, you deserve to be called by your real name. I think with practice they could become good hunters, along with their Discount Enrique Iglesias brother! Is there a fanfiction for that? Can I write it now?
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Haley’s a lesbian, that’s why she kissed him on the cheek only. Headcanoned. Also I have a crush on her, she’s really pretty? Like? Heart eyes???
Ah, the siblings parallels again. Let’s hope neither of the two brothers end up in the bed like that.
“Man, I hate camping.” Really. Really really. Really.
“I’m driving”
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It’s just a sassy bisexual brother and his little snide bisexual brother on the road to kill evil creatures and find their father and I love this show? Help? Help???
I really, really see the charm of Supernatural now! I’m fully invested in both brothers and their story, and I’m cheering them both on! Let’s get Daddy Negan back and get rid of that man-eating tree once and for all!
Six stars out of five!
This dare is introducing me to a whole new world, and I really, really am glad I took that jump a few days ago, man!
Thank you everyone for reading my ramblings, and I’ll see you in the day after with the next review! Thank you for sticking with me! Buh-bye!
- Xue
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00gangfriend00 · 4 years
I was tagged by @jade-marie and @bourbon-ontherocks to list my top 10 books  fics I read in 2020.
and lemme tell you..
i’ve been WAITIN’ for this one!!
This IS a bit tricky because I spent most of 2020 just lurking on AO3, no acccount, no commenting, no kudos. so there are just so so so many fics that I remember pieces of, and have little headcanons that LIVE with me but I have no idea who the author is or what the fic is called.  
so.. that being said, the top 10 is ever changing and could never be fully complete. I just love every author and every fic, you are all so wildly talented. 
❤  a song inside the halls of the dark - ms_scarlet  (@mego42 )
This fic has everything!! a sexy ex-lover rival gang leader, relaxed rio, angry rio, angsty kitchen sex rio. LOFT rio. AND it’s my favourite post-S2 reckoning of all time. There are moments in this fic that I just want to SPAM the gg writing room with. like scrap ur plans. DO. THIS.  Overall, this is such a creative and well-written series.  The characterization is superb, the smut has.... so many feelings, and the angst is AMAZING. There are a couple chapters (I wont give spoilers) that involves Beth in a hotel in Canada that I legit could not stop reading. it’s just all... so damn GOOD. favourite line: You thought I could be something, right? Well, this is that something. The bitch you trained bit back. 
❤  we’re living in a powder keg and giving off sparks - BourbonOnTheRocks  (@bourbon-ontherocks)
Whew! this fic has EVERYTHING. safe house brio. KARMA. brio ignoring each other. snippy, cranky brio. baking shows. mick overhearing loud shower sex. zero communication. brio getting high and giggling! all the feelings. I looooove this fic. like I LOVE it.  it's so creative and it feels so real!! I can play it like a movie in my head. There is so much fun smutty build up, so much tension, anxiety and a very, very, good Thaw Of Feelings which is my fav. I will forever have a soft spot for safe house fics, but this one hilariously twists the trope by doubling down on their idiot stubbornness. genius. favourite line:  He's using her and she's using him. Maybe it's the only thing they're truly equal at.
❤  my girl - elizabethmarks (not on tumblr?)
This fic has everything!!!!!!! (but TW that everything is not for everyone, as the plot primarily revoles around a rape scene.) This fic sets up some of the most soft, emotional, protective brio moments. I also adore how this author handles the delicate subject matter. I work from time to time as a crisis advcate for women and ...... this fic is so accurate and well written. All the emotions beth feels, the way rio reacts to her. everything. I have read this SO many times. It also inludes a Mick POV that will TUG at your HEART.  favourite line: *When on route to Rio’s loft* Rio nods, with that gentle look he has. "Alright, mama. Let's get you home." There's a beat, they both catch it, but neither of them make the correction.
❤  working on things - odenkirk (not on tumblr?)
THIS fic, now this fic has everything!!!!!!!!! masturbation! sexting! weed-smokin horny rio! DEAN?!??! in a way that didnt repulse me???? SEX. kinda threesome??? a heck of a lot of things that I didnt think id be into but then read it and was like HUH, guess i AM. and last but not least, deliciously perfect characterization. This is a fic I ask you to take a risk on. It will pay off. Its fun and oooh soooooooo sexy. Yes, dean goes to pound town too, but I promise- odenkirk makes it WORK.  Blush meter: off the charts. I had to put my phone down and reckon with Jesus.  favourite line:   Rio: Don't get precious, sweetheart. It's you cuz it's you.  AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
❤ miles before you sleep - FakePlastikTrees (@nakedmonkey)
THIS AUTHOR has EVERYTHING! FakePlastikTrees is one of those authors where... I read one fic - then buckled my seatbelt and clicked on her account so I could systematically read through every. single. fic. They are often short scenes that feel so true. Her Rio characterization makes me green with (benevolent) envy. and her smut?? oof. top notch.  This fic in particular lives in my heart because it really truly feels like a missing GG scene between Beth and our favourite tattooed babysitter. The atmosphere is tangible and the author slows time down for these two, it stretches out like you are smokin in the suburbs with them. I love a MickFic and this one is top tier. 
favourite line: “Oh come on. He’s a little unhinged.” “Takes one to know one.” 
❤  people can be so cold - s_t_c_s (@sothischickshe)
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this fic has EVERYTHING. scrabble competitiveness! annie speaking truths! christmas beth! christmas rio?!?! delicious bickering! CABIN isolation!  gift giving perfection! I could go on and on and on.  This fic just pulls you straight in. stcs crafts the timeline so effortlessly, and weaves it with so many endearing and authentic feeling details (beth has her own ‘guys’ now, and we know this bc she gives them sweets and food. OF COURSE) The longing between her and rio is so RICH. if you want your heart to swell a million sizes - this is the fic for you.  favourite line:  They hadn’t – been intimate yet, back when she got him arrested, or the first few times he’d shoved a gun in her face. And the sexual part had been all done and dusted prior to their, god, kidnapping and shooting fiasco. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t present throughout – a hovering spectre, forming a treacherous spine through all their endeavours.
  ❤ listening through the air shaft - ms_scarlet (@mego42)
now this fic. actually for real, has everything. because its every POV you never knew you NEEDED.  and mego42 absolutely nails each and every one. especially Dean. Its a complicated look into his blubbering sexist mind, and misguided fixations that is really well-written. The way in which brio has their own arc throughout the chapters, but told through the eyes of those around them - is amazing. this fic just makes you love every character even MORE.  favourite line: well.. annie, mick and ruby have a group chat and thats all you need to know. anytime that comes up = favourite line.
❤ instigator - nomind (@inyoursheets)
be still my bisexual heart. this fic has everyONE! Yes, this fic dissolves into perfect threesome smut BUT before you get there, you get this awesome set up of a dangerous-feeling connection between Rhea and Beth. They are honest, open and fully acknowledging the fuckedupness of their desire. For how small a part Rhea has in the show - this author NAILS her voice, it’s uncanny. Both of them talking about rio? sign me up. Rio coming home to it? sign me UP.  favourite line: “Jesus,” she hears behind her. “What am I looking at right now?” Rhea smiles down on her, ignoring him, running her fingers through Beth’s hair.
** shout out to another be-still-my-bi-heart fic : @sothischickshe​’s “its a dirty, dirty, game”
❤ do not pass go - linzackles @mrslackles
this. fic. has. every. thing.  I am currently putting every single important thing in my life on hold to PLOUGH through this series. like full speed ahead. UGH. marcus!!! beth and rio at an event! a fancy one! big bad business dudes! betrayal! beth making bad choices! rio unable to fully communicate the weight of his desire for her! angst! just excellent, excellent, excellent plots. i like everything!!!!! favourite line: truly impossible. they are all art. but this one made me cackle.  Shrugging, she responds. In the bathroom, eating nuts.Annie’s reply comes through instantly. Rio’s???????
❤  meet me under the mistletoe - sdktrs12 (@sdktrs12)
this fic.... has.... everything. I want to include this not only because I loooOoOOOved it, but also because this author just has a talent for creating holiday themed brio fics that are not in the slightest cheesy, or forced. which is... hard! to! do! I read her halloween series while in quarantine, and it became apart of my little daily routine. each fic containing at least one moment that made me go AHHH these two!!!!!  so in short - thanks for infusing all my holidays with stellar brio. then christmas comes around and she nails it again! beth and rio begrudgingly working late?   YES. they migh each have a date but they dont DARE talk abut their jealously? YES. Bourbon as a third character? haha YES! Beth looking smokin hot? YES.  favourite line: “Is that your move? Meet me under the mistletoe?”  “Oh baby, you know my moves.”  
and PHEW. there ya go! 
Thank you amazing fanfic authors for making my year 10000000% better. 
I TAG @whiskeyjack @purplemagic @sdktrs12 @joeyjoeylee @ama-ssiempre @roxy206
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep33 S4 pt 1: Deus Ex US Military
Been a little distracted but was reminded--yo--I gotta finish S4 of Yugioh this year. I think I can do it. There’s like...what...two episodes left? Three? Like I don’t want to tempt 2020, but like...I think I can finish this thing.
That and a bunch of my Photoshop files corrupted, I don’t know why, I’m very scared for my hard drive, and I need to do a big ol defrag and hope that’s enough. Really hoping this is my bad and not my computer’s bad. I’m pretty hard on this computer when I paint digitally.
and I was immediately gifted by the anime gods because yo, it’s my favorite storyboarder! They're back to carry me through my election burn out, every episode they touch has so much style and no matter how freakin weird or confusing the plot is, this storyboarder/animation team doesn’t seem to care. They will this kids show about cards with this attention to detail. They just have a lot of enthusiasm and that’s a thing about anime that I really like to see. No matter how weird it is, you gotta go 150% without any shame. Love it. Love to see em back.
First off, that earthquake from last episode?
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Just a little bigger of an earthquake than I originally thought, coincidentally, this is when Roland shows up, only to realize that he’s like...10 minutes to late.
Well, maybe a little longer than 10 minutes when you consider that Mai freakin died and Yugi almost died, and Joey is absolutely dead and being carried across Tristan’s back.
Anyway, Roland just walked into a whole lot and is just trying to process his life. Roland is all of us in October/November of 2020.
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If Roland only knew how many times Seto and Mokuba have totally biffed it when he wasn’t looking.
Like for reals...how is Roland still alive? Like...I don’t think the guy has ever died. Not even once. Maybe that’s Roland’s superpower as the secret FourthKaiba, by just being the only one to stay very far away from the constant BS strewn at this family.
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Roland is just...too inept to die. He’s always too far away, he comes after the big bad has already murdered a few people, he’s just...too bad at his job to ever be a target. Live long, Roland. The Kaiba who was the smartest of all by actually being the dumbest.
Also, look at him parking far enough away on the actual helicopter landing pad. He is the only ‘Kaiba’ that follows the law. This could also be the other reason for his secret to longevity.
(read more under the cut)
Faced with a stairwell between their freedom and this weird earthquake chasm that just opened on the top story of this building, Yami decides it’s his job to carry...................
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(Never forget that we know the exactly weight of Yugi Muto.)
And like Yami is weirdly strong because of magic powers but like...maybe Yami should take Joey and then Tristan should pick up Raphael? I’d say Tea could also pick up Raphael, but I feel like she just wouldn’t want to.
TBQH maybe the reason that Yami is carrying Raphael is because literally no one else feels like it? Like no one likes this guy?
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Just kinda feels like Yami is holding onto Raphael out of a sunk-cost fallacy. He’s already done so much work to this guy, can’t lose him now. Gotta save Raphael to make up for killing Gurimo, Weevil, and Yugi. Can’t fail a fourth time.
Anyway, you know what else this storyboarder is good at?
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How did they even get reference for drawing this? They didn’t, right? They’re just so good at art that they were like “I can draw ANY person in ANY outfit straight up the crotch, I dare you.”
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Seto decides to...not help out, much like virtually all of Yami’s other friends, who also just kinda...yelled and cried at this situation instead of...helping.
Which is fine, because the stairwell gave out and then Raphael decided to uhhhh throw this directly at me.
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Just one more yeet for the road. Youknow this guy has yeeted the Pharaoh not once but twice in one season, and both times he just chucked him like he was made out of foam core. (Also, please admire the millennium puzzle in this shot going out at like a 90 degree angle. Just...A+, this storyboarder is hilarious)
At first, I really thought Yami was dabbing his way over that ledge.
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In a moody shot with his hair and his jacket swaying in the breeze, almost designed for you to lift and stick into your Youtube AMVs, Seto looked onward and seemed...kind of bored because no one’s throwing any cards. And like who can blame him, he has been on the top of so many ledges and so many buildings that he’s seen Yami make this same speech of “DON’T DO THIS DAMN LEDGE THING I SWEAR TO GODS” like...so many times.
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He just immediately accepts Yugi died and is like “Well I guess that makes me king of games.”
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And Raphael, after like several minutes of begging Yami to just let him die, decides to let go of that ledge on his own, because this is Yugioh, and you gotta fit in that suicide within the first 10 minutes of the episode. Which, PS, is not the weirdest thing that happened this episode.
And because Roland is freakin late to everything, he showed he could have done this the entire time. Honestly I think Roland just didn’t want to deal with Raphael. We can blame this on Roland, right?
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PS we never see this building again in this episode.
I don’t know........why they bothered showing this. If anything it makes the next plot twist more weird because it’s like...what was the point of the random ass earthquake and the random ass concept art building if we, in fact, aren’t coming back here???
I mean I guess it’s a nice shot for your Artstation portfolio, good on you, Yugioh background artist.
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Unfortunately this chip contains Seto Kaiba’s greatest weakness. (SanDisk card? Jump drive? Which PS--if they had jump drives this whole time, why was Seto using floppies earlier in the season? Like what happened there?)
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And then, with the hatch of their helicopter just wide open, no one in a seat belt, and walking away from the destruction of one of the largest buildings in San Fransisco, finally the cops showed up. Real cops this time, not possessed cops. Also, it’s the Marines.
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Am I going to get my Monty Python ending? I mean...if cops can recognize these kids in this universe...I might get my Monty Python ending. :) :) :)
For some reason, back on the mean streets of San Fransisco with no people left alive in it, Rebecca just kinda started losing her mind. Maybe this was to make up for the 2 seasons I had to watch Duke Devlin flirt with a 12 yo? That now we have to suffer Duke saddled with this small crazy person?
This small crazy person who is painted as this intolerable person next to Duke Devlin, but is also a love interest for the main character? Like Yugi’s into some weird ass angry girls.
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PS the orcs were no longer needed for the plot so they have turned into streams of light in order to join with the Leviathan mass. So now Rebecca and Duke Devlin will just have literally nothing to do for the rest of the season. I guess they can go to Ghiradelli square...someone’s gotta eat that ice cream before it melts.
Also this happened.
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In case you were like “Wow Rach, you didn’t update the Death Count, how dare you”--it’s because I uh...completely forgot that the Oricalchos crew is immune to fall damage. Raphael’s just fine now. He fell down 50 stories...and then 50 stories fell on him...but don’t think about it.
Meanwhile, on the back of some aircraft carrier, far into international waters, the kids get recruited into the military of a foreign country and it’s just as weird as you think it is.
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Hey guys.
So, Bandit Keith was weirdly in Hell this season for no reason, right? What if he died offscreen because, earlier in the season, the US military threw him at Dartz because they couldn’t get a hold of Yugi or Kaiba? What about that headcanon? What if that’s why his angry ghost wanted revenge?
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Anyway, they join the ranks of Shadow T. Hedgehog, which makes sense because...these guys look like human OC’s of Shadow the hedgehog already.
Sorry I just had a moment because Shadow uses guns a lot despite not needing them at all so “people won’t get uncomfortable with how powerful he is” while in Yugioh they can’t even...show a gun. That really is...you ever think about how weird that is? That Shadow the Hedgehog, a strange remix of a 90′s sega mascot, has a million giant guns but Kaiba’s actual gun (which, apparently he does have in the Japanese version of this show) got edited out completely?
Sometimes it just dawns on me and I have a moment.
Now the US Military just hand delivering them to Dartz is so wild because their reason for the USA not doing anything on their own with their fleets and fleets of ships is:
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Have you MET the US? I live here, and if we were like given the choice to shoot the ocean...or just die...we’d be like “wait...for reals? So no one gets hurt, we just shoot guns at the water? You mean we finally found our true calling? For REALS? I just shoot this water bucket!??? FOR REALS????” and it would become a national holiday. All pop songs would be devoted to it. Our ancestors would make movies about it.
I mean, our dumbass president considered nuking a hurricane in 2019...in case you forgot because damn, it’s been a STUPID 4 YEARS. (And you better have voted already because for reals do not make me go through 4 more years of this. I do not think this blog would survive it...or the hurricanes that will keep getting nuked.)
Also....the show actually threw the word “proof” out there. Seriously show? You OK?
I figured the mind control situation would be a better reason not to arrest Dartz other than “Dartz is just so good at covering up his tracks” when the TRACKS have a broken down Caltrain on one side of them, and the other side of the tracks have the rest of that same Caltrain at the bottom of a river.
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Seto is not amused but he never is. He will take this Nobel Peace Prize and step up to the microphone at the UN and be like “I WANTED IT TO BE A CARDS PRIZE.”
PS--we HAVE a map already, right? Raphael died to give us this map--and then didn’t die, but it’s not like anyone else here knows that. So like...why did we need the US Military to show up at all? Why is this scene important? Other than to look cool, I guess? Like...
...why is the US military here we already have a Deus Ex Machina delivered by Raphael? At least that one was deserved--the whole point of that duel was to get this MAP.
A map that we are never going to use.
...There’s a good chance that two writers wrote this episode in two different buildings and just...glued the two halves together. Animation is wild. Weird ‘Cinema sins’ things like this happen...all the time. This one though, this one is kind of funny because it’s a ton of wasted effort on the very best storyboarder.
Anyway I broke this up into two segments because I’m tired, and also, while a lot of people like long posts, the smaller posts are kinda easier to read. More will be upcoming in like...I dunno it really depends on a lot of things right, now, I’ve been having a time, but at least Yugioh is always there to enjoy. Maybe I’ll need so much distraction you’ll get an update tomorrow? Good things can happen, and it’s not like I get to do anything else for Halloween.
Happy Halloween Y’all! Lets make the most of it!
(here’s a link to read these in chrono order)
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Jailhouse Job
leverage 3.01
I love how they opened up s3 with all of their “codenames”/job titles
- - - - -
Hardison: Cameras are watching yesterday's footage. Locking down... which elevator?
[Elevator Shaft]
Parker: Huh? What? Oh, um, um, yes, I-I'm a go for elevator one.
[Courthouse Hallway]
Hardison: Were you asleep?
[Elevator Shaft]
Parker: It's very peaceful up here. Besides, I sleep better upside down.
(Parker is wearing her rigs, hanging upside down, elevator rises)
I adore her, okay + SHE SLEEPS BETTER UPSIDE DOWN ??? !!!
- - - - -
(Nate walks into the elevator with two men, one armed, the other the one whose gun Sophie stole. Parker jumps on the top of the elevator, opens it, and tasers both men before picking the lock on Nate’s cuffs)
Nate: You know, you could have just taken the keys off the guy's belt.
Parker: Eh, this is faster.
parker LOVES tasering people + it’s faster for her to pick a lock than to look for keys
- - - - -
(Hardison is walking along the sidewalk checking his phone, setting off car alarms)
Guard: What the hell?
(the guards at the door go to check, and Eliot disarms them, knocking one into traffic. Sophie pulls up in a car and just as Nate and Parker exit the building)
eliot’s F A C E when he accidentally makes the guy get hit by a car LMFAO
- - - - -
when it goes from “nate’s apartment” to “leverage hq”
- - - - -
Eliot: Spanish soap opera.
Hardison: Oh, yeah. Check it out, man. Look, it turns out Pepe's twin brother Peppi is actually Guadalupe's baby's daddy.
Eliot: Seriously?
headcanon: hardison and eliot were watching it earlier and eliot says “really” because god spanish soap operas are so dramatic
- - - - -
(Parker comes in with a bag over her shoulder)
Eliot: He doesn’t want to do it.
Parker: Oh, but I love jumping on elevators.
Hardison: I know.
Parker: This is my special elevator rig he got me for Christmas
we LOVE to see that nate (and sophie ?) get their children presents for christmas
- - - - -
Eliot: All right, look, Nate, you took the fall for us, so...
Hardison: After you lied to us. He's a liar.
Eliot: You took the fall for us. You went to jail so we wouldn't have to. We get that, so we're square. But now you got to let us get you out of prison.
Parker: But if we're gonna do that...
Hardison: And not all of us are convinced that we should.
Parker: Then we have to hit you at your next hearing. That prison's escape-proof.
Nate: Guys, no.
hardison is salty but eliot forgives him for the most part
I love it when the ot3 sits together
(also I take note when they’re in the same frame in these posts in case I (or anyone else) wants to reference when they are together for gif and or fanvid purposes)
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Nate: I committed a crime, I got caught, and now I am gonna serve my time.
Sophie: Nate, what kind of world would it be if everybody that committed a silly little crime went to prison, huh? Complete madness. (Parker scoffs, Hardison makes an incredulous gesture with his hands)
- - - - -
Hardison: Okay, you know... You know what? Fine, Nate.
[Leverage HQ]
Hardison: We're still out here. We're doing the job. We help people nobody else helps. That's important. You want to stay around and miss out just because you got to figure out your guilty conscience, that's your loss.
Nate: Yeah, Hardison, I wa...
(Hardison severs the connection)
- - - - -
Worth: I am not a warden. I am CEO of National Prison Properties. I built this company, five prisons, from the ground up.
(The Italian laughs and lights a lighter)
Italian: Impressive. (lights a cigarette) You know what they say... That Rome was not built in a single day. But it burned in one. (blows out the lighter)
- - - - -
(Billy pushes a cart of books through the room)
Billy (to Nate): Hey.
Nate: Hey.
Billy: Seamus Heaney. That Irish guy you asked for. (hands him a book)
Nate: Oh, excellent. Wow, thanks... Billy, right?
Billy: Uh, yeah.
Nate: Well, thank you. This could not have been easy to find.
Billy: Well, you seemed pretty down. And we got to stand up for each other, right?
Nate: Yeah. You're all right, Billy.
Billy: Yeah. Wish the judge thought so. (pushes cart away)
Nate: Yeah, I appreciate it
- - - - -
(Nate watches as Billy leaves the room, followed by some tough looking inmates)
Nate: I think something's happening.
Bellows: Thanks for your input. You can move on now.
(Nate follows them out of the common area)
prisons are the fucking worst but PRIVATE PRISONS are double that and john rogers agrees and that’s yet another reason why I love him
- - - - -
hardison tried taking up making a model helicopter in his spare time. cute
+ hardison likes to use the word hinky
- - - - -
Nate (puts hand on Billy’s shoulder): I'm sorry.
Billy: For what?
(Nate stabs Billy in the side)
Billy: Oh, sh...
(Billy falls to the floor, holding his side)
Nate: Oh. Uh, Hardison, why don't you gather the team and get me background checks on the... on the warden?
Billy: You stabbed me!
Nate: Oh, come on, just... just a little. It's... it's fine
this is the same as the “lightly stabbed” meme
- - - - -
Worth: The US has the fastest growing prison population in the world. Well, it's like the real-estate boom.
(Hardison plugs a flash drive into Worth’s computer)
Worth: Except, of course, the problem with real estate... You eventually run out of land. You never run out of people to put in prison.
Hardison: Hmm. We haven't had much success with private prisons concept in England. Our investment firm has large real-estate holdings for construction of facilities.
Worth: You see, any yahoo can lay some concrete and throw up some razor wire. The profit comes in proper management.
(Hardison looks at his phone, which is accessing Worth’s computer)
Worth: For example, the big money for us is in prison labor.
Hardison: Sorry?
Worth: Goods and services made by prisoners in America. $2 billion a year. One out of every five office chairs and desks "Made in America", made by convicts. And those jobs are not going to the Chinese. Bottom's up
john rogers was calling this bullshit out in like 2010 and still NOBODY LISTENS
- - - - -
(two guards are standing outside the room Billy and Nate are in)
Billy: Man, is this really the best plan?
Nate: Listen, the infirmary's under lockdown. There's cameras on both sides of the door, extra guards because of the pharmaceuticals. It's the safest place in the prison, really
- - - - -
Eliot (to guard): Abernathy, MD.
eliot still uses this alias that he picked up for The Rashomon Job
- - - - -
Eliot: We can just... well, you know what? It's fine. Just right in here, sir. And please have a seat.
(Nate sits in the chair and Eliot lays it back)
Eliot: It's just in case the guards come in. (buckles restraints on Nate’s wrists) Restraints. Here's an infirmary manual. (turns the light on Nate’s face and picks up a drill)
Nate: That's, uh, for the... for the guards, right?
Eliot: You know what I usually do, Nate, to people that run a con on their own team? Almost get people killed 'cause they're out of control?
Nate: Are we okay, Eliot?
(Eliot puts down the drill and plugs in a flash drive, typing on the keyboard. Images come up on the monitor)
eliot is mostly over it but would he ever give up a chance to fuck with him? nope.
- - - - -
[Judge’s Office]
Sophie: Key card and checkbook.
Parker: Keys and appointment book. Ooh, and this? (holds up keys) Safe deposit box key.
Sophie: Ooh, I love a secret.
(Sophie sits down at desk while Parker gets started on the safe)
- - - - -
Hardison: Yeah. See, Rockford can't drop below 70% occupancy. If they do, they lose their state funding. No state money, they close. And they came very close two years ago.
[Nate’s Cell]
Nate: Hmm. So, private prisons are like the hotel business. They live and die on occupancy, head count. Now, Worth wasn't gonna lose $100 million in profit just 'cause he didn't have enough hard-cases to fill the prison, so he puts a few judges on the arm to send him non-violent offenders, easy prisoners to supervise.
[Leverage HQ]
Parker: Yeah, but why these people?
Eliot: Because they're citizens. 'Cause they're honest, middle-class citizens. These are the people, they don't want to cause any trouble. They can't afford a lawyer, so if some judge sends them away, well, yes, sir. They were taught to trust the courts. They believe in the system
- - - - -
[Leverage HQ]
(Parker wearing a robe standing in front of a green screen, trying to pose. At one point she does a duck face.)
Sophie: You remember what I showed you. Just try some different-different shapes and-and-and that pout that we talked about. Ohh, no, not that one. (to Hardison) I didn't show her that.
Sophie: Kind of... just, you know, just relax. Try one up, one down. Maybe... So...
(Parker continues to pose)
Sophie: Ooh, yeah. Shoot that.
(Hardison snaps photos)
Sophie: Ooh, I like that. That's gonna work.
(Sophie uses the remote to place Parker into a photo of Worth)
Sophie: Okay. Yes.
Hardison: Looks good.
Sophie: I can work with that.
(Parker drops her clothes to the floor)
Hardison: Whoa. Oh! Whoa.
Sophie: Parker!
Hardison: Why am I looking away
this scene is iconic lmfao
also hardison you’re not looking because you’re a goddamn GENTLEMAN and we love you for it
+ she takes off all her clothes and puts on a baret LMFAO
- - - - -
parker and hardison smiling at each other as they map out the prison
- - - - -
Parker: Who's Sophie?
Hardison: You remember, we're not supposed to use her real name with, uh...
Parker: Right, Nate hasn't earned it yet. Forgot. Sophie. Sophie. So-phie. So-o-o-phie. Sophie. S-s-s-sophie. Sophie
we love parker trying to act cool and normal and fumble about it. she’s baby
- - - - -
Eliot: All right, we cut that wire.
Hardison: No. No, look, once a lockdown is called, all these sensors go hot and those door bolts drop into place.
Parker: I got it! The furnace room. There's no sensors because it's too hot. They crawl straight down along the heating pipes until they reach the sewage system. Ha ha!
[Prison Common Area]
Nate: Now, Parker, it's a 150 degrees in there.
[Leverage HQ]
Parker: The average human can withstand that for 27 seconds.
(Hardison and Eliot look away)
Parker: What? Come on
the ot3 is trying your honor
also parker is adorable playing with the model helicopter remote while laying down on the table
- - - - -
Worth: Then fire them. What's the use of being non-union if I can't fire people?
- - - - -
Nate: Parker, please tell me you're at Hardison's new van.
[Exterior Prison]
Parker: Yeah, it's really nice.
[Prison Common Area]
Nate: Did you bring it?
[Exterior Prison]
Parker: Wait, are we doing that now?
[Prison Common Area]
Nate: Yeah, we're gonna breaking out right now.
[Exterior Prison]
Parker: Yes! (gets into van)
SHES SO EXCITED + she likes the new van!!!
- - - - -
Nate: A little sloppy.
Eliot: New glasses. (takes them off and looks at them)
also he did the lil flip thing with the security guard nightstick
- - - - -
Computer: Lockdown.
Nate: Okay. (pushes door open and holds up a folded piece of paper) Newspaper folded eight times can support a ton of weight. Come on.
(they head down the hall)
- - - - -
Sophie: Motion sensor. Nate.
Nate: Steam's filling up now.
[Prison Kitchen]
(Nate walks slowly toward exit)
Nate: Motion sensor beat.
(Nate enters and grabs a plastic bag, draping it around him)
[Leverage HQ]
Sophie: Breathe.
[Prison Mechanical Room]
(Nate pushes out a grate and enters the room, the bag covered in ice)
Nate: And heat sensor cleared. Last stop.
(throws off bag and exits the room)
- - - - -
parker was having so much fun with the model helicopter I love it
- - - - -
Hardison: You, yeah. Ha. See, I like this. I like when we pretend to kiss.
Parker: "Pretend"?
Hardison: Heeeey
- - - - -
Nate: What about my team?
Italian: They lead dangerous lives. Thieves die all the time.
Nate (steps close to her): Now that you should not have said.
Italian: I don't know. You seem highly motivated. (walks away)
- - - - -
Sophie: Damien Moreau? Are you out of your mind? Nobody touches Moreau!
Hardison: Nate, Moreau finances the Sicilians, the Russian mafia, the Colombian cartels.
Eliot: Yeah, he moves money for the North Koreans, stolen artifacts for Iraq, nuclear materials for Iran.
Hardison: Moreau is The Big Bad. He is the central bank for international crime.
Parker: N-nate, these files are CIA, FBI, Mossad, Japanese Security
poor eliot this season is gonna be Rough™ for him :(
- - - - -
Sophie: She's blackmailing us?
Nate: She's... she's... she's sort of... Yeah. Yeah.
Parker: Sucks to be on the wrong side of that, finally.
- - - - -
Eliot: We can't go straight at a guy like Moreau. They'll vaporize us.
ELIOT was the one that finally gave in and gave up some information on how to go at this. eliot. because he knows moreau. he knows how that man works. so he knows he has to be the one to start the conversation, even though he hates it with every fiber of his being.
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aloesarchives · 4 years
Joji Headcanons
(A/N):Once again, I’m back at again with these headcanon. I just have these ideas buzzing through my head about these Kengan men that it would be wrong not to write about them.
Unlike my headcanons for Wakatsuki, Gaolong(coming soon), and Cosmo(coming soon), Joji’s will be slightly shorter because Joji doesn’t have that much screen time in Omega compared to the two(that we have so far). And I also have more information to go off on the two than Joji because of the Kengan Ashura Zero manga(A few chapters of Kengan Ashura characters before the time of the tournament). But Joji’s will still be detailed like my other headcanons because his interactions with Koga and Kureshi.
Edited: Sorry I had to delete this, my tumblr glitched where I opened it the keep reading and it kept coming up as blank so I had to delete it in order to see it.
Let’s just establish something, when Joji is half-baked, he’s HALF- BAKED.
He’s not necessarily stupid and dumb, he’s just slow. Like REAL slow.
At times he will ask or say something that would either make you lose your brain cells or hurt your brain.
But he isn’t brain dead stupid, he is pretty tactical and smart in a karate match.
Similar to Wakatsuki, you kinda have to know him/ be friends with him a certain period of time before he considers feelings for you.
What I mean is you have known him for so long, people just automatically assume the two of you are together.
Deadass, Joji will just have a realization that he loves you out of nowhere. Like it pops up in his head either while he’s training or minding his business.
It’s a given that you have to vibe with him on an unearthly level. A good example people notice is how easily you two talk to each other. The air around you guys is light and holds no tension.
Or how the way the two of you check up on each other.
But there are three reactions you have when you hear what comes out of Joji’s mouth when he’s talking to you.
#1.) You give out a laugh or a smile, #2.) Your brain pauses to process what he just said and you’ve become very confuse, or #3.) You cringe (slightly or hard) and facepalm.
But it is #1.) and #2.) most of the time and you do get a kick at of what he says because of how funny or stupid it is.
It’s one of your guys own inside joke/ couple thing, it’s your own playful banter with him.
The man is blunt with almost everything he says. Not very much a “beat around the bush” type of guy. He’s like this with everyone so you get use to it over the years you know him. With you, he doesn’t tone it down, but he does become more sincere with what he says to you. But will straight up will tell you when the two of you are.
The man straight up asks you to marry him while y’all just chilling on the sofa watching what’s on the t.v.
Not much a PDA guy, don’t get me wrong, he doesn’t shy away from affection, but in pubic he’s more reserve and the best you get is either holding his hand or arm. But at home, he’ll be talking to you while his head is in your lap or chest,sometimes he’ll come up behind you, hug you and kiss you on top of your head then follows it up by saying something stupid and you bonking him the head softly.
You slightly have better relationship with Koga than Joji. This is because when Koga was younger you and Joji would take care of him. You tried your best to understand, care for, and help Koga, to which Koga is kinda grateful for you. Koga sometimes feels guilty because he went delinquent even though you and Joji helped him out. You check-up Koga once in a while to see how’s he doing. You’re the only relative Koga actually likes although you were married into the Narushima family.
The dojo treats you with high respect being married to Joji. When you come in for any reason, they always greet you with honorifics which you gotten used to.
You visit Joji during your free time, since he really hasn’t been training for any matches, or is done doing a class or spectating sparring matches, it’s nice to see your face from long hours.
Joji forgets his lunch at home so you have it to bring it to him when he’s at the dojo. When you drop by and give him his lunch, he nonchalantly says thank you to you for bringing it to him since he forgot. At times, you think he purposely “forgets” his lunch so you can visit him. But you don’t mind it at all. Sometimes you just buy lunch and bring it to him. Your timing is somehow perfect because every time you come with food he’s either just resting in the dojo or just finished one of his classes. When you two eat, you eat in pleasant silents or you ask him how he’s doing that that which ends in some playful banter.
Now when you just visit him without food, you either just chill with him in his dojo while sitting in his lap or you watch some of the sparring matches/ classes he watches over.
It’s a given you’re friends with Kureshi, or at least know him enough from him coming to spar with Joji. These two fighters vibe with each other on the fact they get themselves into fights outside of their dojo/gym.
Which brings up the fact that the Joji hasn’t been at least in a few scuffles and has return home with a few abrasions and bruises visible on him. It doesn’t bother you that much but you do voice your concerns to him, telling that getting into those small scuffles, especially when he’s with Kureshi, wouldn’t always end in his favor.
But after having a long conversation about it, he does vow to you that he will get stronger so that he not only doesn’t hurt himself but to protect you as well. Joji may not have a way with words but damn did you realize in his serious but sincere tone that he really did care about you and considerate of your and his well-being.
It’s safe to say that no one really messes with you and Joji has little to no enemies. Being the highest karate practitioner within Tokyo, people don’t normally give you a hard time or don’t want to when they hear your last name.
A common phase you say, whether it’s lighthearted or frustration, is “Goddammit Joji”.
Joji is pretty loyal, you were the one, set, and done that he never really thought about thinking about other people. You were enough for him and it never really crossed his mind about anyone.
Since then, Joji just nonchalantly say things that would fluster you or make your face warm/red. Like he’ll comment on how you look when you would sleep. Or when how your clothes really suit your body, saying it compliments certain parts of your body where he just swat your hands at him.
He deadass hit your ass and say you have a nice butt or kinda feel up your chest out of the blue. THIS ISN’T GONNA TURN NSFW, I PROMISE!
But you don’t miss that faint grin/ smirk he has on his face when he teases or does theses things to you.
He has a soft spot for you for you, you know it’s there but he barely shows it in public. Kureshi would poke fun at him/point it out to him because he can tell by Joji’s aura when he talks about you and the expression in his eyes, but again Joji doesn’t mind.
You had your moments where you’re drinking (favorite drink) and then you brain decides to remember the time Joji said something so stupid you almost choked on your drink while trying to contain your laughter.
I can imagine wanting to dote on smaller humans of himself and you after taking care of Koga when he was younger. He isn’t going to enforce the idea to you but he’ll say it once in while to make you aware.
When you tell this to people, they kinda jump the gun and assume that Joji doesn’t try in the relationship, to which you shut them down by saying that he’s in the shadows, watching over you silently from afar, and only coming out to you whenever you need him/ wants too.
Sure Joji can make your brain cells hurt and question your insanity, but he does care about you in a way only you two would understand.
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One done, two more to go(for now). At this point, I would like to address that I made a new main blog @aloelotustea. It’s my account where anything non-writing goes for now on, yeah that means memes and certain doodles will be on my main. I kinda want to make this blog just about writing stuff I have for the kengan series and not over flood it with non-writing content. It doesn’t mean it won’t go away it’ll just be coming from my main blog.
Cheers, stay safe and well rested, pals!
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kuviras-eyeliner · 4 years
I keep seeing your ATLA and LOK matchups and they’re so cute so here I go I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’m a 17yo trans dude, pansexual, 5’3.5” but I round up to 5’4 😎 Capricorn, airbender, equal parts ravenclaw and gryffindor, infj-t. I love the colour green, baking, musical theatre, anime, plants, cute video games, and any music genre. Lactose intolerant and v political (leftist). Very Italian but white as *heck*. I’m a digital and traditional artist, and planning on going into animation. First chair alto sax who gets all the solos, hybrid of class clown and teacher’s pet - top in every class but cracking jokes the whole way through. Very competitive and confrontational, but also the overly empathetic people-pleasing therapist-parent friend. I act showoff-y and narcissistic to overcompensate for how insecure I actually am 😅 and I have a stupid cowlick that sticks up when I dry my hair.
Alrighty, thank you for letting me scream :D!! And your ask made me laugh so hard, you literally sound just like one of my best friends. I’d like to think that we can all get along smoothly ^U^
Now, without further ado, I ship thee with...
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Okay, alright, jeez! Stop hitting me, virtual self. I know a lot of people are thinking: Right, so you think it’s okay to put to crackheads together? No.
Call me crazy, but when I saw this ask I decided, “Yep, that’s it. We’re doing Sokka, and no one can tell me otherwise. Yep. Okay, thanks a bunch kiddos, Imma head out-” xD Your ask was so amazing and it showed so much expression and the way you act in just a few sentences! It was very spontaneous and different from other asks I have had, so let me just say, I had a lot of fun writing this one. Now, with Sokka! If you know from before, I’m a huge, huge fan of the headcanon that Sokka is a theater kid. And the moment I saw that you wrote theater kid and that you can play an instrument, I kinda just stared into a wall and thought, “it must be fate,” and then continued to write. I think that Sokka, although he’s extroverted, also has his own downfalls. We see that although he can be described as the comic relief, I feel like almost everyone forgets that Sokka’s human, too. He obviously has his own down days, and overall, no one’s there for him. And as sad as life may be, it’s true for so many more people in this world. I think that Sokka, considering his personality type, is really good at reading people: so whenever he even sees your smile falter for even a second, without hesitation, Sokka will literally yank you to the side of the room and ask, “What was that?” When he sees that you’re forcing a smile on a bad day, he might not be too big on the physical contact and give you hugs every twenty seconds, but he’ll talk you through it. Without a single word of negativity and whatnot, he lets you know that he’s there, and he’s there to listen because he genuinely cares for you and your wellbeing. The fun part about this is that he thinks it’s so amazing that you can still remain competitive, hilarious, sweet, and yet you’re still the top in every class. Sokka can also be pretty smart because he devises so many plans, so he really admires you for that. Sokka will also never underestimate you, and he’ll make sure that you know every second of every day that you are valid, and he’ll make sure no one ever hurts you. On awesome days, Sokka might even take you outside on a balcony and blast Guns and Ships or something from Dear Evan Hansen and just let you jam out with him. Sokka doesn’t care about your looks at all, because as long as you’re okay with yourself, no matter what happens, he’ll never leave your side.
Next up, we have:
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OKAY, OKAY, and no, it is not because of your profile picture and whatnot! This is something that actually and physically (well, maybe not physically. I’m not sure if that’s possible yet xD), but like with Sokka when I read yours, I straight up threw my laptop and said, “WELL NO HECKING WONDER WHY YOU LOVE BOLIN SO MUCH,” and then started writing again. You and Bolin, yes, yes, yes absOLUTELY! It’s not just with personality and whatnot, but allow me to elaborate. A lot like Sokka, Bolin is usually seen as the comedic relief who always makes people laugh mid-battle or is the one cracking jokes and only cries literally animated waterfalls. But honestly, I don’t think many people realize that if Bolin was actually in real-life, imagine just how helpful and loved you’d feel if you were going through a tough, mental battle, and Bolin just cracks this precious and small joke that makes you laugh in an instant? Bolin probably thinks that it’s really cool that you’re capable of doing so much all at once, and that you always somehow find the best way to get across any problem. He loves to give you hugs and is a bit more physical than Sokka. He also takes whatever chance possible to say anything that can make you smile-- all he wants is to have that with every word he says, to make you grin. He’s absolutely in love with just how persistent you are with everything. He loves that you’re always trying your best and you do everything in your will to help those around you. Bolin also doesn’t mind how you look, either, because if you’re okay with yourself, he is, too. And if you’re not, trust me: Bolin can and will understand. He’ll try to ask you whatever he can without pushing too far, and pull you into the warmest hug ever. He’ll make sure the day after that you’re feeling okay, and he’s okay with you being a Lil’ vulnerable around him. He loves that you’re always so positive and sweet around everyone :D
I had such a great time writing this one!! Thank you so much for asking :] Sorry about the delay, but I’m just glad I got this one in ^^ Thanks for supporting me!! I can’t tell you in words how much I appreciate it. 
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og-danny-dorito · 5 years
Tommy Shelby NSFW Headcanons
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as requested by anon, thanks for the request!
N S F W :
- sweet Jesus where do I start
- SO
- we already covered that he's bi because bi rights an’ all that jazz, but we never covered what his kinks were in the past headcanons cause I like to keep the sfw and nsfw separated for anyone who's sensitive/uncomfortable with that shit
- so let me start off with something kind of vanilla: he's always liked the way that someone’s body is shaped, tending to go toward formless figures with relatively soft features. but the fact that there may be danger underneath that sweet persona stirs something dark in the pit of his soul, keeping him from falling completely in but backing away at the same time
- there are a number of reasons as to why I think he’s like this, and it's mostly because he wants control to be taken from him
- the weight on using shoulders is almost impossible to bear, and so not having to control something and just being able to trust someone helps him ease down into his own sort of bliss that he doesn't need to share with anyone else. in the earlier stages of the relationship he'd be hesitant to give up control out of fear, but give him a month and he'll eventually start showing signs of secret submission
- for instance, when told to do something simple like put his clothes back where they should be or telling him to clean his damned ash tray, he's a little more begrudgingly compliant than anything. what's odd, however, is that he almost always says he'd “better be getting something out of this” like a transaction
- and so since you're in no way stupid, you'd end up asking him about it. of course he'd play it off, saying something like “What, you really think I'm that much of an ass?” (to which you will raise a brow and say “Yes, yes I do.”) but his ambitions are made clear when you put on a more commanding voice that sounds like stern chastising than a question
- he'd stiffen, his eyes going to the ground as he purses his lips defiantly. your hand would go to grab his chin and tilt his head up, a very smug grin on your features. oh, you get it now. “So you like to be bossed around, Tom?”
- he's going to be VERY embarrassed about it for like a week and may even actively avoid sexual contact which is rare since like??? that's his love language??? he's truly, genuinely just a little nervous. he's not had someone dominate him before and honestly he's a little scared and might rush into it headfirst without even thinking of setting up a safeword
- like you'll be sitting down somewhere when everyone else is gone and it's late, and he'll sort of just bring up that he wants to try something new that's night. and you're gonna be like, uh? yeah, sure, what's up?
- it's gonna take him a hot minute to formulate the words, with his hands clenched in his lap and his eyes trained on your reaction the whole time. sweet jesus, this is embarrassing- “I'm sick of controlling everything.” and that's pretty much all he has to say to get the message across
- your reaction is based on preference entirely. don't be afraid to say no; he understands and won't ever ask again. there'll be other places for him to decompress and let you do your thing. you could be sitting together in bed reading and he'll place his head in your lap. you could be taking a bath and he'll just casually ask to join in, letting you wash his hair or something. he likes you either way, and it's ok to feel safe to say something makes you uncomfortable
- saying yes will lead to a very exited but nervous tommy. exited because he lowkey wants to do that shit as soon as possible, but nervous because it's something new. but he'll suck it up and not back down since his pride usually gets in the way of most things. when asked about a safeword, he'll probably be a little stuck before deciding on “Whiskey.” easy to say and not to hard to remember
- the first time you try it out he's going to get all nervous and tense. “Scared?” he'd harrow his eyes. what made you think that? is it how his knuckles are turning white as he clenches the edge of the bed? “No.” he's lying. a chuckle, light, but with a slightly more sinister tone to it. shit, now he's already half hard. he wasn't aware he'd be so sensitive to that- “You don't have to lie, Tommy. It's fine, I won't hurt you...unless?” Tommy’d roll his eyes
- and that's when he discovers he is in fact the biggest switch on the planet, although predominantly bottom. like, he's very bratty and lowkey refuses to give up to any challenge or demand made of him. he'll eventually ease into the punishment part which may soon take up most of what you do in the bedroom
- my mans moans. a lot. when he's a top he doesn't make much noise; mostly groaning and huffing quietly. but when he's a bottom he's biting back moans, it's almost like a completely different person, but the defiance is almost unmistakeable. any command will be either begrudgingly abided to or outright refused. he needs to be put in his place, and honestly he loves the process
- spanking? it kind of humiliates him a little, but he likes it. he wants to have trouble sitting down tomorrow in his desk
- likes marks being left too, although he'd prefer it just below his shirt collar so only he knows about it. he'd rather no to get weird stares as he walks by people in public
- tommy feels more comfortable being in control, but not being in control is just 100x better. he'll eventually feel more comfortable around you with being able to give you that sort of trust, and tends to be more submissive in other areas of your life as well, although never completely cause this is tommy's we're talking about. he likes to be coddled, and likes to be taken care of. even if he doesn't admit it
- catch my mans being more obedient in your domestic life, since he feels more agreeable. he likes a bit of edge and challenge to his authority or position in those situations. he likes to have something to say “no” to when it's not entirely necessary
- but in general he's not very sadomasochistic, although he does like having “reminders” of the night before. once again, he's usually the one introducing things to your bedroom, and so bdsm might be brought up on more than one occasion on as a joke the first few time since and then seriously
- probably would be more into tying you up than having himself tied up. when those sorts of things come into play he's more prone to being dominant, which leads us to top tommy headcanons
- my mans, as i said, doesn't make too much noise, although in this state he's very very sensitive to touch. not only that, but usually a certain type of glance will get him going for no apparent reason in like a millisecond. he loves the way you look at him, and he loves the way you feel around him, beneath him, your chest rising and falling unevenly ad your eyelids flutter and clench as he grips harder at the base of your hips-
- most things get him thinking dirty in a few seconds, like some sort of horny teen. but as soon as you're out of the public eye, away from the rest of the crowd where they can only sense your impending tension in the air, you bet your ass he will not hesitate to rip off your clothes and get straight to work on that pretty neck of yours
- he's probably down for semi-public sex where he knows you might get caught, but regardless of where you're doing it. once again, the kind of bitch to get turned on by danger
- like the rush of it sends him through the roof, although he's cautious about it too. but don't expect him to be gentle on you when he hears someone come by, no. not at all. he'll cover your mouth, suddenly placing a finger to his lips and turning his head to the direction of the footsteps. all is dead quiet, and yet...he's still grindingly his hips against yours, the hand that once told you to be quiet coming to squeeze your hip to try and make you disobey that command. you'll have to bite back moans, or whines, or whatever you can muster, because as soon as he hears them out of earshot you're going to be fucked into the he wall/table/wherever you've gotten yourself into this time
- his most preferred spot, though, is his bed. mostly because it's the most comfortable and he does like the privacy of feeling at home. he likes to think that this thing that you share is only between the two of you, that no one can take it away and no one else will see these parts of you, physical or not
- he likes to worship you just as much as he likes it done to him, although he might get to eager and rush things up like halfway through. it'll be you who's has to take it slow if you please, whispering sweet nothings against his skin as he watches you with a keen eye, curious to see what's next
- and now for my favorite part: miscellaneous headcanons ;
    + his favorite part of a person’s body is their eyes, and he likes dark eyes the most. they're a nice contrast to his own baby blues
    + sometimes, if he's feeling especially desperate, he may be more clingy than usual
    + if you're working and he wants your attention, he pulls up a chair next to you and caresses/gropes your thighs to tease you into being frustrated enough to spend time with him
    + he'd probably never do anything in his military uniform, although he likes to be called “soldier” when both in sub and dom position
    + if you call him daddy or sir like mid fuck he might just cum right there no cap
    + regular dick size, about 6 inches with a pretty good girth. moderately hairy but keeps good manscaping
    + he's even paler beneath those clothes of his lemme tell ya
    + v prominent dick vain when erect. like, when the blood rushes down where the sun don't shine you can SEE it
    + opposed to popular belief he's v sensitive and i see the most sensitive on his inner thighs and ear area. like, if you give him hickeys there he's going to feel it for at least a few days. also bite on his ear a little bit when y’all’er getting frisky cause he starts to moan a LOT
    + people that can handle a gun are HOT. especially if they don't take shit from anyone
    + if he's had a particularly stressful day he's probably going tom be very eager to just be near you in general
   + chest or ass man? the answer is chest. he likes chests that look strong, boobs or not. it kindof depend so on the shape of your body but someone who carries themselves with their chin held high is a turn on
    + confidence is hot as fuck okay
    + also really likes quickies
- in conclusion, he's a passionate lover when he's not all caught up in the world outside of the bedroom. it's quite literally his sanctuary, his oasis in the middle of a sandstorm. but it wouldn't be complete without you, and even through his pride he can see that as clear as day.
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boasamishipper · 4 years
all the top gun Kids™️
i have decided to answer this for all of my top gun faves, i apologize in advance if this is not what you meant lol
maverick mitchell
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite | Someone Please Give Him A Hug
listen you already know i love maverick mitchell but i Really Really Love Maverick Mitchell with all my heart and i HATE that people refuse to see him for the three-dimensional character that he is (and that tom played him as). he’s determined and confident and has every right to be, he’s a badass pilot, but i love his character arc about learning how to be a team player. i LOVE his relationship with goose and carole and baby!bradley (and ice, in any capacity) and i am so ready for said relationships to Destroy me in the sequel. (also when mav is Sad i am Sad, and it looks like he has had even more to be sad about btwn tg1 and tg2. what happened to you mav. what did they do to you. mcq if u do not give this man a happy ending a hug and some therapy i swear to GOD-)
iceman kazansky
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive (i refuse to consider otherwise) | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite
the fact that ice is as much of an ensemble darkhorse / breakout character has everything to do with val kilmer (whom i also love) being a fantastic actor, bc lets be real the script did not give him a lot to work with here. i love his hair and his face and his very pretty eyes (whose color i can STILL not discern after many rewatches) and his absolutely warranted confidence in himself (and as a pilot). i love that he isn’t afraid to call mav out for being unsafe (srsly, he is the Only Sane Man in this entire movie) but appreciates mav’s outside the box / ‘dangerous’ thinking as his wingman. he’s got a big heart (as evidenced by the 'i’m sorry about goose’ scene) behind those ice cold walls, and i cannot WAIT to see how his relationship with mav has grown by the time the sequel is finally released. give me respected admiral iceman kazansky or give me death. if they kill ice off i AM disowning canon mcq, do you hear me.
goose bradshaw
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite | rip cinnamon roll too good for this world
i love goose SO FUCKING MUCH, every bit of him, from the not-at-all-regulation mustache to the bad jokes to the country-fried southern vibe to the singing and piano-playing to how much he respects and cares about mav (and how much mav respects and cares about him in return). his relationship with carole is my favorite thing on this entire earth, followed closely by his relationship with mav and also his relationship with ice. (like ice really respects goose and vice versa, and they clearly knew each other pre-canon, and one of the few times ice smiles genuinely in the movie is at goose - i really wish canon gave us more goose&ice, there’s so much to analyze there.) his death scene makes me tear up every time.
carole bradshaw
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite | ray of sunshine too good for this world
carole is the BEST. actual ray of sunshine in human form and also a fashion icon. i adore her optimism and kindness, even in literally the worst times, and i especially love how much she adores goose and mav. forever bitter that they didn’t recast meg ryan to play her in the sequel though i’m sure jean louisa kelly will do a good job bringing carole to the big screen. (NOT a fan of the fact that it looks like she and mav and bradley by extension haven’t spoken in a long time and i Demand an explanation, even if it’s angsty.)
bradley bradshaw / rooster
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite
last we saw bradley he was a little kid who clearly worshipped his dad and by the time the top gun 2 trailer rolled around, he’s the spitting image of his father, serious and determined to make a name for himself (with possible authority issues like young!mav, given he’s still a lieutenant in his late thirties).  i am very excited to meet him, and i’m also super excited to see his relationships with phoenix and the other pilots, and with jean louisa kelly’s carole bradshaw. (if bradley is playing great balls of fire on the piano in that one clip in the trailer i am going to just. straight up drop dead.) 
speaking of the trailers it’s clear bradley holds a serious grudge towards mav - “my dad believed in you, i’m not gonna make the same mistake” GOD. what happened btwn mav and bradley? what happened to their relationship?? (who taught him to blame mav for his dad’s death bc i hope to god it wasn’t carole - i’m leaning toward jon hamm’s character bc he seems like an asshole who does not like mav, or maybe even mav just refusing to correct bradley’s assumption bc he blames himself too.) anyway, PLEASE tell me bradley realizes he’s being an asshole by blaming mav for his dad’s death and works on repairing their relationship (and works through his own grief as well).
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite
one of the people i am most excited to meet in the sequel! i don’t know anything about her besides the info from a 2017 casting call describing her as a “fierce pilot, gifted leader, kind of a loner, eager to prove herself, who falls for bradley aka rooster,” but that is enough to make me Very Excited to meet her - ESPECIALLY if the bradley/phoenix is going to be set up like icemav, which i have a strong suspicion it’s going to be, complete with height difference. (phoenix: *does anything*, bradley: top me top me top me.) also, a potential mav&phoenix father/daughter relationship????? Sign Me The Fuck Up. this movie is just going to end with me in tears and with custody of seven or eight new children.
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite
listen apparently he is just a cryptid because we only know his name and i THOUGHT he was gonna be a main character since he was one of the first to get named, but we have only seen him on the periphery of some scenes in the trailers, even after all this time, so now i kinda doubt it. but he is played by the gorgeous manny jacinto and he and bradley sat near each other once so i am assuming they are friends in some way, and also my headcanon of him as amy santiago trapped in the body of jason mendoza has made me love him very much. pls don’t kill him, canon. also pls @ manny and mcq and kosinski give me SOMETHING to work with here lmao. 
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite
look. i know mcq and co are probably going to set up hangman vs rooster to be like mav vs ice, enemies/rivals to friends, but honestly, i’m not all that here for it??? i do like that from his callsign alone, hangman is probably going to be a darker version of ice (less kind, more focused on the job, maybe more like charlie than like ice if that makes any sense at all) and his rivalry with bradley is already clearly a lot more heated than mav’s ever was with ice. anyway, glen powell is an excellent actor, so let’s hope he makes hangman a 3d character in his own right and not just an iceman expy. 
payback, fanboy, and bob
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite
i’m already lowkey shipping payback/fanboy and i love bob for looking like a dorky 21st century radar o’reilly, but honestly, not super on the edge of my seat to meet these guys. i do want to know whose WSO bob is - my guess is phoenix’s since they were sitting next to each other at one point, but he could also be hangman’s - and my worry is that since he’s the only named WSO right now, they could very well Pull A Goose and kill him off in a training accident. (i hope not since i don’t want a complete canon redux, but it would definitely be angsty.)
put a fictional character in my ask box and i’ll rate them accordingly
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mojavehearts · 4 years
Colter with Chaotic Neutral GF
(I studied the alignment system IN DEPTH for this one nhudsjhasj)
 youre quite insane, and he LOVES it
for sure treats you like a queen
despite you being short and quite ‘sweet’ looking you were...quite spontaneous 
 you were COMPLETELY unpredictable and that's what drew him too you
that and you could annoy Gage within seconds if you wanted too
Colter himself is quite, savage but nowhere near your level of self interest
you’ve got a soft spot for him though
‘’Predictability is weakness‘‘
 you’re an ‘individualist’ meaning, you firmly believe in every man for himself, more than most of the time
this doesn't bother Colter though, he loves it
Your dates...Are quite peculiar 
 mole rat hunting, feral ghoul paint gunning, playing pranks on the other raider gangs
 you can go from being completely calm and just sitting around to being hyper and restless within seconds, always keeps him on his toes
 you hate discipline unless given by Colter so you have bitten/hit/attacked ect a few people before
 you don't kill innocents or murder people, though harming them or torturing is alright, you do have your sadistic moments 
everything you do (pretty much) you do it for amusement
 So he is literally never bored 
 you often do things just to ‘‘see what would happen’’ and he often has to be the rational one and try to get you too...NOT do that thing, unless it doesn't harm you or isn't something completely insane 
 your loyalty runs deep though, he knows you would never betray him or someone close to you, unless your life was in the hands of it, but he gets it 
 you fight dirty, another thing he loves about you, its how he learnt to rig the gauntlet matches 
 Helps you when pranking someone, always, and then he denies it ever happened
puts you first before anything even if he knows he will always come second to your entertainment purposes
 you only have VERY few close friends, he enjoys that because he gets more time to himself with you
 you’re very independent but he is always there with you if you need anything, even if you vocalise that you don’t need or want help with whatever it is
LOVES how realistic and blunt you are, how you can straight up tell him he is an idiot
 people are definitely confused by the relationship, he was more of a ‘grumpy’ and ‘sit back and relax’ type while you were usually ‘exciteable’ and ‘frisky’ 
but opposites attract 
 Nisha actually likes you WAY more than Colter, and Dixie is one of your close friends
Colter isnt controlling but he doesnt trust them all that much so he softens you up sometimes so he gets more time with you
 the only real rule (on a technicality) in Nuka World is to not kill each other, so its a great place for you to be, as you HATE rules and often bend the rules to your liking 
lowkey loves when you rebel against something he says 
 the sex is great because of this
 Gage sleeps with ear mufflers on
 you two often play pranks on the entire park together when you’re bored
your favourite was the time you screamed on the nuka world PA system that a massive infestation of ghouls and super mutants were coming in and for everyone to get ready, and then when everyone came out you let a deathclaw out of a cage to run the streets rampant
the first ‘I love you’ was very random, you were hanging off the balcony on the frizz top grille and you swung yourself forward suddenly because you wanted to see if you’d land on the building close to it safely, or survive the fall, either way you did that and then upon surviving threw up two thumbs to Colter and gloated about your victory, that's when he let it slip
you two sleep in cute animal pajamas
you change your (hair/makeup/get new tattoos/piercings/the way you dress) very often and you two have an inside joke that he gets a ‘new girlfriend’ every time something is different about you
he lets you paint his power armour however you want 
in return you let him do your makeup and you wear it around proudly, even though it is quite horrible, but hey the pack always likes it so that's a bonus
if anyone messes with you, they mess with him and vice versa
 he protects you even if he knows you can handle it or want to handle it yourself
you call each other weird pet names ‘‘walrus’‘ ‘‘my little ghoulrilla’ ‘Masons chest hair’‘ ‘‘Gages bicep’‘ you know, normal cute couple things
your engagement ring was a rusted old screw nut with softened edges with ‘my little ghoulrilla’ crudely carved into it, you thought it was absolutely GORGEOUS
you are each others ride or die
 his favourite thing about you is your ‘Cheshire grin’ because he knows you have something amusing planned
planned out ‘great’ names for your children ‘‘Gage’‘ ‘‘Paul’‘ (for a girl) ‘‘Cappy’‘ ‘‘Cola’’ and your favourite ‘‘The Destroyer’‘
nothing could tear you two apart 
(hdffhjfhdjdh hope this was to your liking!! <33 it was so much fun to do omg!! dshfjkgkfhj its quite sweet and short tho im sorry :’)( 
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