#very outrageous pets
packratshiloh · 7 months
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This weird cutie just went to her new home but I wanted to talk about her a bit 🤣
Shes "Collie Parton" from the Very Outrageous Pets (VOP) line by American Bear in the mid/late 80s. The line included her, Donkey Hotey, Mick Jaguar, & Cleocatra.
Each have outfits fitting their character, sadly mine was missing her outrageous pink dress with big breasts 🤣. (Screenshot from chelsea-collies.com)
I found very little info online about this line, but im so curious about why they were made and if they were popular? Mine had a fashion lane tag for like $44 in 1985. I've only seen the Donkey Hotey one aside from this one too.
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keydekyie · 6 months
Ever the Pragmatist
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Sliuk needs to take a walk to clear her head, but company finds her.
(a character study exploring the dynamics between Sliuk, her littlest brother, and her friend Ciph. Takes place several years after The Grounded Sphinx and ~one year before Sliuk’s coming-of-age.)
2320 words. No Content warnings.
“Where are you going?”
The words brought Sliuk to a halt, just inside the boundary of the forest. She didn’t turn to look, just pinned her ears and slumped. And she’d been so hoping no one would notice her slipping away.
“Nowhere interesting, I promise,” she said, and in truth she didn’t know. She just wanted to be anywhere else.
“Can I come?”
“No.” Sliuk waited for either argument or begrudging acceptance, one or the other, but neither came. “Go back to Mama. She’s got work for you.”
“But where are you going?”
“I just… I just needed to take a walk, that’s all.”
“Well… I need one too!” At that, the sound of scampering footsteps brought Ruyak into view beside her. He stopped there, looking up at her with a defiant pout.
Sliuk grumbled, “Go take your own walk, then.”
“I’m not allowed to walk alone anymore.”
“Since when did that stop you?”
Ruyak smirked at her. He already looked disheveled enough with his gangly legs and mussed hair, but with his missing baby teeth his smile was extremely crooked. What a sight.
“Fine,” Sliuk huffed, trying not to smile back, “but you’d better keep up or I’ll leave you behind for the drakes to eat.”
 She stepped into the cool shade of the summer forest, and her feet found a path through the underbrush downhill. Perhaps she’d find the stream and walk to the valley? The stagscrown flowers would be blooming now, and the insects buzzing amongst them.
Ruyak’s footsteps trundled along after her, but he said nothing as they walked, and the soft sounds of the forest finally began to soothe Sliuk’s frayed nerves. The sighing of the trees, the singing of the birds, the creaking of the pines. But Ruyak’s silence was a little strange. He was usually so full of questions or random observations that it took all of Sliuk’s patience not to stuff a bush in his mouth to shut him up. Despite the welcome quiet, it wasn’t long before she found herself worrying about him.
She paused, turning to look back. “Does Mama know you’re walking with me?”
“No. She was still mad. I didn’t want to ask her.”
“She’ll be even madder when she finds out you’re gone.” 
Ruyak stopped and frowned worriedly at that, as though he hadn’t thought that far ahead, then he set his ears and popped his chin up. “I don’t care. She probably won’t even notice.”
“She’s probably already noticed.”
Ruyak’s confidence faltered again, but he shook his head and stepped around Sliuk to walk ahead. “Whatever.”
“If you say so,” Sliuk muttered.
They walked in silence for a time, and soon came to a clearing where the stream ran through the grass in a babbling torrent. Ruyak bounded forward and splashed his hands in the water with a grin.
“Is it cold?” Sliuk asked.
“Perfect.” Sliuk lunged into the water, splashing Ruyak with an icy wave. He squealed and splashed her back in a rapid flurry of smacks, then jumped out of the creek to the bank on the other side.
He made a big show of shaking off and looking very wet and indignant. Sliuk watched him, smirking. When he paused, glancing her way, she nimbly darted to the side in time to dodge his sneak-attack. A splash-fight commenced that was so raucous it soon ceased mattering who was winning as they were both soaked.
After a lengthy feud, a truce was finally struck, and the two of them sat down in a patch of warm sunlight to dry off, laughing and gasping for breath. Sliuk ruffled Ruyak’s wet hair and he batted her hand away with a giggle.
Suddenly Ruyak blurted, “Papa told Mama that they were too soft on you, and that’s why you don’t listen anymore.”
Sliuk scoffed. “Is that what you think?”
“I don’t know.” Ruyak sobered then, looking up at the trees and watching the light play in the leaves. “Do you think they’re too soft on me, too?”
“No. I wish they’d be softer.”
“But maybe that’s why I’m bad.”
“Bad? What makes you think you’re bad?”
“I don’t listen.”
Sliuk scowled. If Ruyak had a problem, it wasn’t that he didn’t listen, though there were times he seemed to have selective hearing. What got him in trouble most often was his habit of listening readily to whoever happened to be speaking at any given time. He could be persuaded to do anything with a word, especially if that word happened to come out of one of his brothers’ mouths. That didn’t mean he wasn’t punished soundly for his misbehavior, just that the mischief he was punished for was usually not of his design.
He wasn’t particularly creative, in that way.
“You’re not bad,” Sliuk told him, “but perhaps it might be good to listen with your heart sometimes, and not just with your ears.”
Ruyak wrinkled his nose. “What does that mean?”
“I don’t know,” Sliuk chuckled. “It sure sounded smart, didn’t it?”
“It sounded sappy!” Ruyak smiled at her with that crooked toothy smile, but after a moment it faded and his ears fell. “I wish Mama would stop yelling at you. I think you’re right, anyway, most of the time.”
“Mama just hates being wrong.”
A shadow passed over them then, silent as a cloud, and Sliuk looked up to see a set of huge white wings circling down into the clearing.
“Afternoon!” the spotted white sphinx called out as she banked. She came swooping towards Sliuk and beat her wings to make a landing right on Sliuk’s shoulder, buffeting the clearing with gusts of wind.
“Hello there,” Sliuk laughed, leaning to the side in surprise. “What’s brought you down here to mingle with us poor earth-bound creatures, hmm?”
Struggling to balance on her perch without using her claws, Ciph purred, “I thought you might appreciate the soothing light of my presence.”
Ruyak groaned dramatically and threw his head back.
“Oh,” Ciph said with a glare, lashing her tail at him, “I’m sorry, it seems a little turd has clung to you.”
Ruyak bristled in outrage. “I’m not a turd!”
Ciph gasped, drawing herself up with a white paw to her chest. “The turd speaks! Who knew?”
“Don’t tease him,” Sliuk told her. “We’ve had a bad day.”
“Oh? Did Kadu sit on a hot coal or something?”
Sliuk chuckled, but didn’t answer. Instead she leaned over to Ruyak, telling him quietly, “I think it’s time for you to go back, now.”
Ruyak pouted and grumbled in protest. Sliuk reached over and ruffled his hair again with her claws, then started to leave, following the creek with Ciph riding on her back. On the edge of the clearing she glanced back, to see that Ruyak was still sitting in the patch of sunlight.
He looked small and lonely there, ears lowered, still damp from their splash battle. What weight could a mind so young be burdened with to make him look so wretched? Probably he just wanted to play some more.
“Go on,” Sliuk told him, “before Mama or the others notice you’re gone.” And with that, she left him there.
The walk through the forest felt more restful alone with Ciph. The sphinx had more patience for silence than Ruyak did, though it was inevitable she’d start her own questions in due time. She was simply more artful about it.
They came out into an open glade, where an outcropping of flat stones jutted out of the grass in patches. Ciph launched herself from Sliuk’s shoulder, the force shoving Sliuk nearly off her feet, and flew over to one of the sunny rocks, where she immediately lay down and rolled over with her feet in the air.
“Dignified,” Sliuk chuckled.
Ciph ignored her, rolling around and kicking her legs. She made the warm, sunny stones look extremely inviting, so Sliuk wandered over and lay down on an adjacent rock, where the warmth could soak into her damp belly fur.
After a moment Ciph rolled back over to sit up. She shook her wings out and took the time to preen her disheveled feathers, then fixed Sliuk with a significant look.
Sliuk sighed and looked away.
“Sooo,” Ciph urged, “what did the boys do this time?”
“It wasn’t them… well, not directly, anyway. I was arguing with my parents.“
“About what?”
“The same old thing, really…”
“Which is…?”
“It’s just… it’s infuriating to me that my brothers aren’t expected to follow the same rules as I am.”
“What do you mean?”
“All three of them can vanish for a whole day and my father just laughs it off, but if I so much as take an afternoon for myself, it’s all, ‘Where were you Sliuk? What were you up to? What trouble are you getting into?’ And it’s none! The answer is always none!”
“Perhaps it’s the fact you’re going off by yourself that worries them?”
“But Kadu goes off by himself, and I know he gets up to trouble when he does. He’s a fawn-eater, and he leaves our territory to do it, too!”
“A fawn-eater?”
“Eating young animals is forbidden. He does it anyway, though. My parents don’t believe me. He’s coming of age this year, and I don’t think anyone realizes how horrible he is. I’m afraid when he gets his Adinen the girls will be falling all over him, and before you know it he’ll be a father with a territory and he’ll be just like-” Sluik cut herself off, gripping her hair in her claws. “I hate to think of his smug face getting away with it. Drives me mad.”
Ciph was quiet for a moment, considering, then she asked, “Is it worse to eat fawns or humans?”
“Fawns,” Sliuk grumbled. 
“Wow, I’m surprised to hear you say that.”
“Why?” Sliuk looked at her, cocking an eyebrow. “I thought you hated humans?”
“I do, but you’ve always hated the idea of eating them.”
“Humans aren’t a resource, they don’t matter. But the deer are relied on by others. Fawns need to have a chance to grow and mature. An adult deer can reproduce, and it’s a bigger meal.”
“Ever the pragmatist.” Ciph grimaced. “What if you were starved, and you had to choose one or the other? Would you rather eat a human or a fawn?”
Sliuk sighed, shaking her head. “I’m not in the mood for this, Ciph.”
“Fair enough. Anyway, try not to worry so much about what Kadu does or doesn’t get away with. He’ll have his comeuppance, one day. He can’t hide behind your father forever.”
Sliuk frowned off into the distance. “Maybe.”
With a casual flick of her tail, Ciph got to her feet and sauntered closer. “Anyone with half a brain could see you’re the smartest and most responsible of your siblings. Your parents just can’t see past Kadu’s handsome face.”
Sliuk threw her a disparaging smirk. “You think Kadu’s face is handsome, do you?”
Undeterred, Ciph put her front paws up on Sliuk’s arm. “Objectively, sure. But not in a particularly compelling way. He’s like… a nice symmetrical pinecone.”
Sliuk snorted.
“Not hard to look at, you know,” Ciph went on, “but I’d rather have nothing to do with him.” Ciph tilted her head and stretched her back gracefully, leaning heavily on Sliuk’s arm and gazing into her eyes. 
Sliuk found herself transfixed, watching the slit pupils in Ciph’s blue eyes dilate. With a flustered grunt, she cleared her throat and leaned back to break eye contact. Ciph just laughed, and the sound made Sliuk’s chest flutter.
“Anyway,” Sliuk grumbled, turning away in an attempt to hide the heat on her face. “Enough about all that. How’s your day been?”
“Simply lovely,” Ciph purred. “I’ve eaten two martens, a few beps, and a book about a man transformed into a sable by a vengeful spirit.”
Sliuk wrinkled her nose. “You ate a book?”
“Well, I read it. Then I shredded it and rolled around in it a while, and I may have eaten a little bit of it then. You know they make the pages out of skin, sometimes?”
“Why do you shred the books you read?”
“Oh, why shouldn’t I?” Ciph suddenly rolled over sideways into Sliuk’s chest with a thump. “They’re nice to roll around on.”
“What if someone else wanted to read them?”
“I don’t know anyone else worth giving them to. None of you can read, and the sphinxes I know don’t think the books I like are any good. They prefer truthful books.”
“The books you like aren’t truthful?”
Ciph went still, then with a laugh like a ringing bell she began to roll herself around between Sliuk’s arms like something on a spit. “Does a story about a man being turned into a sable sound truthful to you?”
“I… well I don’t know!” Sliuk fidgeted in embarrassment. “Maybe magic can do things I’ve never seen before.”
“It was fiction, my dear. I like the books that tell stories, but most of the true stories are awfully depressing.” Ciph continued wiggling around on her back, pushing herself against Sliuk’s arms and rubbing her head in her fur. “Books are best when they are about the obscure and strange and fantastic, I think.”
"I suppose I wouldn't know."
Ciph brightened then, sitting up and craning her neck back to look into Sliuk’s eyes. “I’ll read you one aloud, sometime.”
Sliuk blinked at her, and the summer sun was hot on her back, and the stone under her belly was warm, and the breeze brought to her the smell of flowers and earth and growing things, and in that moment no problem felt particularly unsolvable. None of the worries that seemed at times to live in Sliuk’s head as denizens were troubling her. Perhaps it would all work out.
“I’d like that.” Sliuk smiled.
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roakkaliha · 2 years
sometimes i wonder if youtubers rly ever consider how evergreen their choice of content is before going full-time. like u can only make so many weekly 40 minute videos of you eating something and talking abt ur life before it starts getting harder to pull in the views to keep the lights on, i think.
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Next caller.
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《 Pairings: College!Eddie Munson x shyfem!reader
《 Summary: Eddie hosts a late night radio show for his college campus, where he discusses various different topics. He's mostly known for his DnD and sex talk segments. You've been a long-time listener who works up the courage to finally call in for some help.
《 Warnings: Smut, 90s!Eddie, he's around 24 here. Phone sex, dirty talk, voyeurism, masturbation (female), sex toys. Eddie refers to the reader as sweetheart, good girl, and Miss caller. I didn't want to use y/n, so he's given you some pet names instead.
Word count: 3.9k
A/N: Please reblog, comment, and like to show support. Not proofread. Please ignore mistakes.
Mini series masterlist
18+ no minors
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Year 1990
Eddie was in his final semester of college with a very popular radio show. He became pretty much well-known on campus overnight. His radio show is known as "The Munson Experience," and it slowly became an overnight hit.
Fans of DnD tuned in for his hour of lore telling and tips on how to build up your fantasy world. Metal heads tuned in for his controversial opinions on bands. Others listened specifically for his special segments in regard to the topic of sex. Boyfriends called for advice on dating and different ways to get their girls off. Girlfriends called him to give thank you's and ask what they could do to repay the favor. He would have callers tell him their most outrageous stories.
Eddies show became popular very fast after he introduced his sex segment. He even became some what of celebrity at your college. He never used a different name or tried to use any type of anonymity. He didn't care if people knew him for his show or even liked him for it.
He was unapologetically himself at all times. You seen him around campus walking from one lecture to the next. Eddie would always wear an old band tee with the sleeves cut off, turning into a muscle tank. He liked showing off his tattoos. One arm fully covered in dark ink all the way down to the top of his hand. The other arm had a few tattoos scattered here and there. His hair was almost past his shoulders, and he had a small nose ring in his left nostril.
You'd always watch from afar as people would approach him to make small talk. The guys rushed over to invite him to their house partylies and girls giving out their personal phone numbers. It was no secret that Eddie knew how to please women. You heard the stories, and judging by his advice on his show, you believed them. He would even share his own personal hook up stories sometimes during the segment.
You and Eddie only ever had one class last semester together, but he never even made a single glance your way. You never approached him either, opting to just admire from distance and make your way to class. Every evening, you did, however, turn on the radio to listen to his show. Truthfully, you only listened to hear his voice. You had no idea what he was rambling on about most of the time, but you didn't care. His barritone voice was like warm honey to your ears. You found comfort in listening to him every night before bed. It was strange how the moment his show started, your stress of the day just melted away.
One day, you were going to call him for help about something you had never told anymore before. You already felt like you could trust him with this sort of thing. You were determined to speak to him even if you had to confess never having had an orgasm before. You don't know why you're putting so much trust into him, but you have.
You were desperate for his help and attention if you're going to be honest. You would lay in bed daydreaming about being in those other girls' shoes when he described what he did to them. How he would feel between your legs. Having his weight on top of you as you came undone beneath him.
Maybe you'll call in to his show tomorrow? What harm could it do? No one would even know it was you on the other line. You didn't have many friends on campus, so it's not like anyone would make the distinction so quickly. This would all be completely anonymous.
You just needed to speak with him. You never could work up the courage to talk to him in real life. You've always been too shy and easily intimidated. Eddie was a nice guy from what you could tell. There was nothing to be intimidated by at all. You would always get butterflies in your stomach when you saw him around. He made your stomach do flips when he flashed a smile, revealing the dimples in his cheeks. You could never work up the courage to ever approach him, so you just settle for your fantasies instead.
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A few weeks went by, and you still haven't called. Not that you didn't try. You would call and hang up when you heard what you assumed was an assistant answer the phone. The moment you heard, "Thank you for calling in to the munson." You slammed the phone on the receiver. Not even letting the poor guy finish his sentence. This situation was driving you crazy you were convinced he could and would help with your problem. You assured yourself he was the only one who could because you didn't want anyone else to.
You mope around your shared home with your roommate, Monica. She could tell something was bothering you but never pressed on the issue. You two weren't the closest, but there was a mutual respect and love for one another. She'd try to get you to go out to parties with her but knew not to pressure you. The moment she heard a no, she left it at that, shrugging her shoulders and leaving you be.
"I can tell something is bugging you." she asked for the millionth time that week.
You sigh. "Im fine, I swear -- just little stressed." You put on a fake smile heading back to your room, leaving her to continue getting ready her date. Hoping she won't ask you again, you locked yourself away for the night. There was a light knock at your door, and you heard your roommates muffled voice from the other side. "I'll be back late. Get some sleep, okay?"
You ignore her as she leaves for the evening. Flopping yourself back against your pillows, you turned to look at your phone. Then, glance at your clock, it read 10:45 pm. It's almost time for his last segment of the night. Should you call? Would tonight be the night? You rolled over on your side, staring between the clock and your phone.
You sat up quickly, snatching the phone and dialing the numbers. Your heart already pumping with adrenaline when you hear the dial tone. A lump in your throat builds from nerves and excitement. Tonight was the night, and you were not going to chicken out this time. You hear the distinct voice on the other end of the call. "Thank you for calling into the munson experience. What are you calling in for."
You struggle to find your voice for a moment. The man on the other end is waiting for you to respond, and he almost hangs up, thinking it's another crank call. "I'm calling to speak to Eddie." You're voice barely even a whisper that you needed to repeat yourself three times. Eventually, they put you on hold while they got ready for his final segment. You exhale a deep breath you didn't even know you were holding in.
The sound of the music they put you on hold to cut off and your stomach drops. This was it you were finally going to do it. Not only were you going to speak to him, but you were also about to confess something that always made you feel embarrassed. You know it's nothing to be ashamed about truly. Judging by the countless women who called in with a similar problem looking for advice.
The music playing on the radio fades, and you hear him greet you."Hi, thank you for calling in. How can I be of assistance?"
You struggled to find your voice yet again.
"Hello? C'mon, don't be shy. This is a judgment free zone here." He leaned forward in his chair, getting closer to the microphone.
"Umm, hi, I was calling for something I think only you can help me with." You're clutching the phone in a tight grip against your ear. Your hands are shaking, and you hope no one can recognize you.
He leans back in his rolling chair. "And who am I speaking with."
"I....I'd rather not give you my name." You stammered. Your anxiety is building up, and you are so close to hanging up.
"That's okay. Well, keep this anonymous." He replied.
His brows raise for a moment as he listened to you talk. You sounded a little too familiar to him, and he has a sneaking suspension he might know who you are. He won't out you just in case he might be wrong and also respecting your wishes to remain anonymous.
You take a deep breath. "Well, you see, I've never...I don't know how to say this."
"You never what?" Have sex or something? " He asked, but his voice showed no emotions.
"No...I mean I'm not a virgin or anything like that. I just....I've had boyfriends, and anytime we did stuff, I never-- finished." You confessed to him.
His eyes widened for a moment, and he felt a pain of sadness in his heart. He could tell you were scared to reveal something so personal like that. Especially to him, a total stranger on a live radio show with hundreds of listeners. "You never had an orgasm before. Is that what you're trying to tell me?"
Pinching the bridge of your nose." Yes, that's what I'm telling you."
"Huh, okay, have you tried getting yourself off, at least?" He questioned, spinning around in his chair. His assistant, the other side of the room, listened Intently to the conversation.
"Well you see that's my problem anytime I tried to make myself cum I just kinda give up. I get so close and right when I'm there... I stop." You blurt out as you feel a weight being lifted from your shoulders.
He ponders for a moment before responding. "And how can I help you with this exactly? "
"Well, I was hoping you could guide me through it." Your face scrunching up as the words left your mouth. You knew this was a dumb idea from the start. He wasn't going to help you, and any moment now, you're waiting to hear him laugh at how ridiculous this is. There's a long, almost uncomfortable silence.
Eddie, on the other side of the line in his booth, is in utter disbelief. Sure, he definitely wants to guide you through that experience. What guy wouldn't? He just truly can not believe this was happening live on HIS show. His assistant kept mouthing no to him, knowing this could end badly. Eddie doesn't care he's doing it. He picks up his old bandana that's been discarded on the table and wipes sweat from his forehead. He nods back at the assistant, signaling hes going along with it whether people like it or not.
Picking up his yoyo, he props his feet up on the table in front of him. "You want me to help you cum?" Is that correct."
"Yes, that's what I want. I need you to help me any way you can." You're sounding more desperate than intended.
"Okay, well, miss caller. I think im the perfect guy for the job." He smiles tossing the yoyo back and forth to the palm of his hand.
You smile as the anxiety you felt early slowly fades away.
"What are we using tonight, sweetheart? Fingers or toys?" He asked tossing his yoyo aside.
"Umm, I have a toy I can use." You closed your eyes tight, answering his question.
"Do you want me to talk dirty to you while we do this, sweetheart? " He got his voice lower in the mic, causing your breath to hitch.
'Uhh, yes... I'd like that a lot, actually." You bite your lower lip, anticipating what he's planning.
A grin plastered on his face while his mouth gets unbelievably closer to the mic. His voice felt so close to your ear. Your skin prickles with goosebumps. "Are you laying back, sweetheart?"
"....uhh,yes, I'm laying in bed." Your voice shakey on the other end.
"Good girl, get nice and comfortable for me."
You involuntarily squeeze your thighs together when you hear him calling you a "good girl." You turn off your bedside light and let the warm glow from your candles set the mood.
"What are you wearing?" He asked, licking his lips.
"A shirt and panties." You replied, looking down at yourself.
"Yeah? wanna take those panties off for me." He continued on making his voice low and deep. Similar to his DM voice, he would put on during his DnD segments. A shiver runs down your spine, and you can feel yourself getting wetter. There is a small wet patch already forming on the thin lace material of your panties.
You moved and carefully dragged the delicate lace down your legs, tossing them across your room. "They're off."
"That's a good girl." He praised.
You lay there patiently waiting for him to continue.
"Can you be my good girl and grab that little toy you told me about?" He asked you, feeling himself growing hard as well. He still can't believe he's doing this but doesn't want to stop. "Do you have it?"
Reaching over to your bedside table, you open the drawer, grabbing the small vibrator.
"I got it." You whisper into the phone.
He readjusts in his seat, "Turn it on for me."
You do as he says and turn the small vibrator onto the lowest setting. That ball of nerves in the pit of your stomach creeps back in. You want to do this, but the thought of hundreds of people listening to you right makes you second guess the decision.
"On second thought, maybe this was a bad idea." You admit trying to fight back tears as a lump in your throat forms.
"No, no hey its okay. What's wrong?" He asked, sounding concerned.
"I--i just remembered there are people listening." You stumble over your words as you try not to cry. Feeling a little ridiculous that you're even going through with this.
He frowns to himself. " Listen, it's just me, and you okay? If you don't want to do this, I understand you can always hang up."
"NO!--I want to do this." You blurt out. Once again, there is a long pause as he's thinking of the right things to say. Eddie doesn't want to make you feel pressured. He wants this to be an enjoyable moment. "Shall we continue?"
"Yes, please." You spoke sofly.
"That's my good girl." He cooed.
You whimper lowly into the phone, but it doesn't go unnoticeable. He already knows how to get you riled up, and he hasn't even gotten started yet. "You like that, don't you?"
"You like it when I call you a good girl?" He teased.
You gulped into the phone." Yeah."
His assistant in the next room is chewing on his nails out of pure terror. He's never seen this happen before on a live radio show, and he just knows what a shit storm it could cause. Eddie doesn't seem to mind at all his focus and attention were strictly on you.
"I want you grab that toy and put it to your clit. Can you do that for me?" He gets his voice low again. Your nipples harden under the thin material of your shirt. You bring the vibrator to your sensitive bud and gasp when you feel the vibrations.
"Okay, sweetheart, now think of me between those thighs. Think of my lips wrapped around your clit sucking so so softly. Imagine my face buried between your legs.." He's breathing heavier into the mic. His cock getting painfully hard in his jeans "Are you thinking about it?"
"Mmm, y--yes I'm...I'm imagining you there." You gasp and moan in the phone.
"I know you must be soaked right now. I wish I was there with you, spreading you open with my tongue. I bet you taste so fucking good" He kept going his voice getting more seductive in your ear.
"Is this your first time thinking of me like this?"
A sly grin creeps up on his face as he probably already knows the answer.
"I bet you have. I'm sure you've seen me around our campus. You've probably wondered what it would be like having my thick cock deep inside you. I would make you cum so fucking hard." He's getting really into it now, and his heart races with excitement.
You sink further into your bed as the vibrator continues working on your clit. Your hips bucking up as you writhe on your blanks, taking in every word he spoke. The phone keeps falling from your ear the more relaxed you become. Your mind in a fog while you listen to him say the dirtiest things. No one has ever spoken to you like this before, not even your ex-boyfriends. "Hey, you there?"
You gasp, "Yes, I'm here."
"Great. I need you to try and keep the phone to your ear as best you can for this part. Now with your other hand, use your fingers to fuck yourself but keep that vibrator where it is, got it?" He sounded much more serious this time.
You kept the vibrator right where it was at while you gently brought two fingers to your entrance. You slide them between your wet folds, getting them covered in your juices. You bite your lower lip hard as you teased around your dripping pussy. You hear him groan in the other end of the phone and wonder if he's enjoying this just as much as you are. You gently dip your two fingers inside you, getting them as deep as they possibly could go. "Ooh! Fuck." You moaned in his ear.
"Yeah, that's it pretend your fingers are my cock sweetheart." His let out a shakey breath.
"I bet your so fucking tight. Just thinking about your tight pussy taking my cock is making me so hard." He's getting himself riled up.
He rubbs the back of his neck, trying to stay focused. "I'd have to take my time with you first. Working you open until you're ready to take all of me."
"Is it big?" You ask him meekly, panting into the phone while your fingers stretch you open.
"Fuck baby--id have you feeling so full." He groaned in the mic, struggling to keep himself composed. Clenching his jaw tight as he opens and closes his fists.
Eddies tries his best to resist rubbing himself over his jeans as he listened to you. He has to remember this isn't about him right now it's all about you. His sole purpose of the night is making you cum and he's determined you will.
Your fingers continue pumping in and out at a vigorous pace. The vibrator placed carefully on your sore bud while you try your best not to drop the phone again. "I can hear your dripping pussy from here."
His words turn you on even more, making you grow wetter for him. Your body is covered in beads of sweat as your face grows hot. Your pussy making a loud schlick noise with every pump of your fingers.
"Feel good?" He asked you with amusement etched in his tone.
"Yes, it feels so good." You let out weak pathetic response. "Oh my god!" You squealed into the phone. Desperately trying to keep it balanced between your head and shoulder. You're a moaning, whimpering mess, and you don't care how loud you're being. You've never felt like this before it's terrifying and thrilling all at the same time.
He laughs, rubbing his chin letting out a quiet grunt before speaking again, "You sound so sexy when you make those little noises."
His listeners are having a hard time distinguishing if he's getting himself off in the process or if he's just playing it up for the moment. They're used to his crazy antics, but this was something entirely new. They were all shocked and impressed they were getting to witness this.
Your fingers pumping harder as you curve them upwards to rub against that sweet spot on your walls. Your thighs shake as you arch your back off the bed. You imagined they were his cock instead pounding in and out of your pussy like this. You feel a tightness in your core building up, and you know you're getting close.
"You're getting close, aren't you?" He whispered seductively.
"S'close." You whined.
"That's it be a good girl and cum." Cum all over my cock." He groaned.
The vibrator on your clit helping to bring you closer to your release. You spread your legs them even further apart. You're moaning louder into the phone. You can't even hear Eddie's voice anymore. Fucking yourself with your fingers is becoming difficult the closer you are to your release. Your walls clenching up tightly around them, and your pulse quickening.
You plunge them in and out of your pussy faster. That coil in your tummy is getting tighter. The feeling is all too familiar, and you start to get scared. What if you can't get past this part? You're doubting yourself again. You let out a deep breath and relax your mind.
Your legs shut involuntarily, and the vibrator falls from between your thighs. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as your first ever orgasm rips through your body with so much intensity. Your vision goes black, and you stop breathing for a second. The phone lays abandoned next to your head, having dropped it long ago. You can hear Eddie's muffled voice calling out for you.
Tears begin pouring from the corners of your eyes. You couldn't help getting emotional after all of that. Not only was this your first time ever being able to have an orgasm, but the entirety of the situation was starting to set in. You felt amazing, and Eddie did such a great job helping you along the way. There were just some insecurities starting to creep in that you wanted to keep away. He's the only man that's ever made you feel like this, and you hope maybe one day you'd find the courage to meet him in person.
Everything went dead silent for a few minutes except for a few sniffles you hope no one else could hear. Your body glistening with sweat and your thighs sticky with your juices. You're still coming down from your high as your tears slowly fade away.
"You there, sweetheart? You heard him ask from a short distance.
With shakey hands, you pick up the phone to your ear. "Mmhmm...I'm still here." Your voice coming out small.
"You did so good for me." He praised you one last time. "It's okay. I'm right here He reassured.
"How was it." He asked, hoping you had a good time.
"It was overwhelming but amazing." You smile weakly into the phone. You can't see him, but he's smiling back.
"Yea knew I'd be perfect for the job. Haven't had one complaint yet." His cockiness coming back almost immediately. Just as he was about to reach for a pack of cigarettes, he noticed he's way over his scheduled time. His eyes widened in a panic as he locked eyes with the clock above him.
His assistant busts through the door, signaling that the show is now officially over for the night. Eddie startles for a moment before jumping out of his chair and yanks the mic up to his mouth to close out the rest of the segment.
He slams his hands down on the table enthusiastically. "GOOD!..GREAT!-- and that's it for tonight's show everybody thank you all for listening. Thank you to our lovely caller, and if you guys wanna see my band play, come visit us at The Hideout every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday nights. Especially you miss caller you can come see me anytime you like."
You listened to him give thanks to everyone when the song called "about a girl" from some band named Nirvana fades away his outro. You flopped back down on your bed. Your body is way too weak to even roll over your legs feeling like jello.
Laying there resisting the urge to fall asleep, wanting to savor this special moment as long as you could. You thought about what he said before hanging up. You were definitely wanted to see him soon. You had to after this night. You needed to finally meet him and maybe repay the favor.
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bigfatbimbo · 2 months
silly low effort dating Lucifer headcanons —
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I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE’S THE SILLIEST EVER. Anyways, now that we have that out of the way. He is very touchy with you, especially after you guys start dating. He constantly has his hand on your shoulder, arm, in your hair, or on your leg. He’s been so touch starved ever since Lilith left him. So he’s always chasing that kinda of comforting physical touch. Also, probably just always clinging to your arm, no matter what you’re doing too. He’s just there, hanging around. I said in another post he likes to play with your fingers, rings, hands, bracelets, etc when he rambles on about whatever is interesting him. ”I had another Idea for a rubber duck that blows bubbles but I never really got around to it, plus there’s always—“ and he’d be fiddling with your hands the entire time. He also has a thing for being called really lovey-dovey pet names. Princess, sweetheart, babycakes, pretty boy, things like that. I swear they have him on the floor blushing every time, especially if you play it up well enough. ”You look so good today,” and then you strut over to him and tilt his head up to look at you, “my pretty boy.” Hes in shambles oh my god. Probably giggling and putting his hand over his mouth to conceal his dorky grin. Up the stakes by taking his hand and kissing it gently, never breaking eye contact. “Oh— oh my—“ he would stutter out. “Darling how… charming.” But he’d be tomato red and giggling the whole time. Not a lot of people acknowledge this, but he can be very snobby too. Of course, he’s the king of hell. Why shouldn’t he be? He also hold himself to a standard above sinners because, in his words, ‘they’re just the worst.’ So he’d be lowkey snooty and proud in public sometimes. And he’s a little rich boy too so don’t be surprised if he complains about how: “This restaurant serves their lamb too cold. You know, we don’t have to eat here. I have pancake batter at home sooo…” If you end up calling him out on it he’d feel bad about being so bratty and tip the waitress an outrageous amount. Also, i’m sorry this man is a little spoon through and through. Let’s be real right now. He’s so tiny he absolutely dissolved in your arms. Which is very comforting for him on bad days when he just wants to be held by you. He also, even though he acts all high and mighty when it happens, loves being manhandled by you. Maybe he’s overworking himself and so you just sneak up behind him and throw him over your shoulder. He'd bang his fists on your back and demand to be treated with dignity, as if he couldn’t overpower you in seconds. Also, you catch him talking to his rubber ducks A LOT. For a while they were probably all that he talked to it’s kind of sad to watch. But in a cute way? He has names for them all and specific personalities. He’ll be showing you his collection and be like “Oh, george likes you!” after forcing you to hold a rubber duck for him. Also a good cook, I don’t know why I just feel like he is. But like very oddly specific dishes too. He makes a mean gourmet mac and cheese with parmesan on the top. He likes to dance with you too, whether it’s slow dancing or you two are just being silly, he likes to feel your body warmth on him while you two move together. Also, i’m pretty sure we all ready know… autism. I’m not even projecting this time either, it just might as well be canon. So he comes you to about any new hyperfixations he has at the time because he trusts that you, above all people, will listen to him. Once again he’ll play with your bracelets, or fiddle with his hands while he talks to you. And of course, you listen, and even do your research later to make him feel like you really care. He also loves making arts and crafts with you. Sometimes even with some friendly competition (incredibly competitive high-energy contests on who’s contraption works better.) I also imagine you have to say things to him multiple times for him to hear you. It’s not that he can’t hear you, he’s just in his own little world, not paying attention at all to his surroundings.
”What, honey? Sorry, didn’t catch that last part—“ 
Then he’ll focus so hard on paying attention, that he’ll forget to actually pay attention and make you explain it another time.
I imagine he likes doing little tasks for you, so he can feel useful. Like running your laundry for you, doing the dishes, anything to keep him busy.
Also, it’d it earns words of affirmations from you, then it’s worth it. 
Say you catch him scrubbing pots and pans to save you the effort. Come up behind him, put your hands on his hips and kiss his head before telling him how amazing he is. And how great full you are for him.
He’s beaming and smiling so hard his cheeks hurt.
I also think he’s a morning person, so more often than not, he wakes you up with breakfast in bed.
He falls asleep so early at night it’s literally crazy. 
Like you could be hugging him, even standing up, at nighttime and he would immediately get so drowsy.
You’d have to pick him up bridal style and carry him to bed, all the while he’s whining about how he’s “Not tired, yet! I still have so much to do.” I think he also is a huge giggler like he just gets a kick out of everything you say and thinks you’re the funniest person alive. Also, he’s a terrible ugly crier. Like his face scrunches all the way up, snot comes out of his noise, he makes god awful chocking noises. It be kinda funny if it wasn’t so sad to watch to be honest. Cries at super stupid things too, those dog commercials for example. But it’s so bad he could be being his goofy self and like making the milk and the carton of eggs talk to each other. And he would get so invested in their ‘lives’ that he would start crying. ”No, Mr. Milk i’m sorry we can’t—“ sniff sniff “—be together. I DON’T LOVE YOU!” and now he’s crying. He buries his face in your shirt when he cries and just, I have a specific noise in mind, violently squeaks and sniffs.
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a/n — My tumblr was tweaking out when I wrote this. I don’t know what happened but if you saw this posted last night, no you didn’t.
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etheries1015 · 5 months
Because I have favorism towards the fae myself (And I'm sorry this is suggestive)
Remember Malleus' voice line about touching his hornes? Now, reader just touches them whenever they can be reached (like when Malleus is using their lap as a pillow) or stroking his tail whenever it's wrapped around Reader. Without realizing it's doing things to him.
Oh my gosh. Don't apologize for suggestive content, I love that shit. Feed me more of it. Heuheuheuheu.
Feeding a Faes hidden desires
Featuring: Malleus Draconia <3
General warnings: Gender neutral reader
18+ / suggestive content minors please don't interact~
It was difficult for Malleus Draconia to open up to people, he had to be the face of pure perfection for the sake of his kingdom. Every action he took, every word he said, would reflect upon Briar Valley and put his position as a prince in either light of greatness, or foolishness. The former was not an option for Malleus Draconia. He was given the best of the best when it came to his studies and academics, except, unfortunately, sex ed.
He understood the bare minimum of course, for reproduction was important for keeping the bloodline of the Draconias strong. What he was not well versed in, however, was the feeling of lust that came with reproduction. He never knew it could feel so... dirty.
When he had agreed to allow you to touch his horns when you insisted, he had no clue what kind of...desires this would stir up in him without realizing.
You had asked the draconic fae to touch his horns and his tail, and he spent a few times urging you otherwise in fear of harming you in some way. Yet it did not take him very long to feel curious and begin to imagine how your hands would feel upon his horns and extremities, starting out purely out of curiosity and the desire to be closer to you.
The first time you touched his horns was in the comfort of the lounge, he bent over for you to touch and feel them freely before being interrupted by Sebeks outraged cries of blasphemy. Since the moment your soft fingertips pressed against the roughness of his obsidian horns, he felt his body shudder at the contact, and something in him he decided to ignore screamed in his mind that it was perhaps a...dangerous endeavor. He had managed to suppress himself from such thoughts and desires, even allowing you to (on occasion) touch his horns and tail at your request. Never for too long, for when the thoughts returned he made a quick excuse to end the session. He wanted to respect you and your soft touch- not sully the romantic gesture with lustful thoughts.
He was often searching for your touch in many different ways, in hugs, cuddles, gentle kisses, holding hands...yet a few months and almost a year, he could feel himself become far more greedier. Malleus would notice the slight changes in himself when you would reach up to grab hold of something on a shelf, the way your shirt rode up your stomach ever so slightly, the way your hands would draw circles around the title page to get a feel for the book, he almost felt himself envious of the piece of literature. He told himself not to lose control, to hold himself together like a proper gentlefae, allowing you to only touch his draconic features on the rare occasion he felt he could keep himself properly composed.
Yet now there you were, in your room in Ramshackle dorm, sitting upon the lap of your lover gently caressing his smooth black horns absentmindedly. It was a comfortable atmosphere for you, being held lovingly by your tall fae significant other in silence while pouring your love and affection into your little pets upon his horns. You muttered a "beautiful..." before leaning up slightly...
and placing a kiss upon his horns.
Malleus let out a sudden high-pitched "urgh!" of surprise, his tail squeezing your waist slightly. Your eyebrows raised in shock, pulling away to look at your now flushed lover, feeling a bit of...excitement from down below. He suddenly removed his tail from your waist and seemed to want to move away from you, until you pushed your body on top of his own, straddling his waist and feeling his arousal between your thighs.
"I-i'm-" He gulped and let out a low moan, his hands shaking hesitantly mid air, not certain where he should place them, "I'm sorry- this is incredibly unbecoming of a king-" You hushed him with a rushed kiss and shook your head, the kiss lasting only a moment prior to you pulling away face as flushed as his and forehead pressed against his own.
"It's natural," You comforted him, "Do you...like it when I touch your horns, Mal...?" You hesitated your inquiry, his response a simple and slow nod giving you confidence to move your hands back to his horns and begin to rub them intimately. You felt his body twitch below you and his tail wrapped itself around your thigh, voice trembling. You hadn't seen the fae prince so shaken up before, so uncertain, so vulnerable. Only in front of you would he allow himself to lose such control.
"Are you...are you certain? I haven't any...experience," He muttered against the crook of your neck, arms wrapping around your body and hugging you tightly as if to console himself.
"It's okay," you murmured, hands removing themselves from his horns much to his whining displeasure of the sudden warmth disappearing from them, before shuddering once more as your attention shifted to his tail. Your finger trailed the scales and you felt him twitch between your thighs through his pants as his excitement stirred with every touch you placed upon his extremities.
"I...want it too," You purred.
Malleus's desire gauge was now at 100%
and you had no idea what you had just gotten yourself into.
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woso-dreamzzz · 12 days
Shirt Swap V
Magdalena Eriksson x Child!Reader
Fridolina Rolfö + Zećira Mušović x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: After the Denmark-England game
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By the time you've been returned to Magda and the Swedish girls, you're high on sugar, still wearing Keira Walsh's shirt and finding everything unbelievably funny.
Pernille dumps you in Magda's arms, kisses her softly before hurrying off.
Magda looks at you with wide eyes.
"Where's Rocky?" You ask her.
"What?" She says," No hello for your Morsa?"
You shrug. "Hi, Morsa. Where's Rocky?"
She sighs. "Up in our room. Did you have fun at the match?"
You nod, pulling on your shirt. "Keira Walsh gave me her jersey, see?"
"I can see. And what's this one?"
There's another jersey bundled up in your hand and Magda has an inkling of whose it is.
"Mary Earps!" You chirp," She's England's keeper! She's going to win keeper of the year."
Magda laughs, hefting you a bit higher as she makes her way back into the dining hall. "Is she now?"
You nod. "She is. I know she is."
"You used to know Earps, you know. When you were little."
You frown as Morsa sits down at her table with Frido and Zećira. "No, I didn't."
"Yes you did. Earps used to play with your Momma at Wolfsburg. The same time as Caro did and you remember Caro."
"I don't remember Mary."
"That's okay." Morsa starts to place some food onto your plate. "You were very, very little. I'm still surprised you remember Caro so well."
"Caro's cool," You insist," She scores goals like Momma and talks like Ingrid."
"And Mary isn't?"
"She's cool!" You insist," But I didn't know I knew her when I was very little."
"I've got pictures." Morsa shows you pictures sent from Momma when you were younger.
You were a pudgy baby, you think. Your cheeks are full and your head is kind of big but Morsa's right. There's lots of pictures of you and Mary Earps.
She looks younger too, like you, but she is holding you and she is smiling.
You think for a moment. "Can I wear her shirt please?"
Moster Frido laughs. "I thought Keira Walsh is your favourite player in the world. Are you telling me you'll swap her shirt for someone else's?"
You rolls your eyes. "Keira Walsh isn't my favourite player in the world. My favourite player in the world is Zećira."
Zećira reaches out for a high five that you happily give her.
"Oh, silly me," Frido laughs," But Keira Walsh is your second favourite though. Are you sure you want to swap her shirt for Earps'?"
You give her another condescending look that really has Frido wondering if you were really Magda's because the expression was all Pernille.
"They're only shirts, moster," You say, patting her hand in a way that somehow makes Frido feel like a little child," I don't have to wear them forever."
Zećira snickers. "Yeah, Frido, she doesn't have to wear them forever."
Morsa laughs but helps you change right at the table as you cram food into your mouth.
"Can I wear this one to bed?" You ask her when your head pops through the neck hole and she laughs.
"You're asking me but I don't think you're actually asking me, are you?"
You give her a toothy grin and she ruffles your hair.
"Momma says it's always polite to ask."
"Yes, you can wear Earps' shirt to bed."
You go back to your food, interspersed with accounts of the game and how worried you were when Keira Walsh went down with her knee.
"Morsa," You say randomly," Can Rocky sleep in bed with me?"
Frido and Zećira start laughing, almost hysterically, at the stricken look on Magda's face at your question.
"No, princesse," She says," You can't sleep in bed with Rocky."
"That's okay," You reply," I was only asking to be polite."
Magda chokes on her drink, suddenly feeling out of depth in her parenting here. None of the books ever covered what to do when your child was asking (or really telling) you about sleeping with her pet rock.
"Princesse," She says," I don't-"
"That's a great idea!" Zećira butts in with a grin that makes Magda's eye twitch in outrage," Why don't we go bring Rocky down here and show him your new shirts!"
You quickly wiggle out of your seat and hold your hand out to Magda. "Keycard, please, Morsa."
"No," Magda says, still scrambling to keep in control of the situation," You're not bring the rock down here."
You shrug and turn to Frido. "Keycard, please."
Frido, the traitor, hands over the keycard and you skip off with Zećira to grab Rocky.
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bella-goths-wife · 21 days
How do the Vees react to their pet playing favorites? Like, one moment they like Vox the most but next Velvette is the favorite?
How would the Vs react to pet playing favourites?
Warnings: abuse, Valentino, SA mentions, punishments but not specified
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I feel like Vox would be your favourite just by default
Favourite is used very loosely here, it’s more like he’s probably the one you could stand to be around for longer periods of time
And Vox already thinks he’s your favourite because he’s your main provider and soul owner, so he just assumes
But if you were to be outwardly showing favouritism to him then I think you’d gain a few more privileges then normal
Like if you started asking to schedule to work with him more, started being more receptive to his affection and you started asking to do stuff with him then he’d definitely be more open to letting you break rules
So he’d buy you more gifts or if he was especially pleased he’d take you with him to club openings or restaurants, just generally get you out the tower more and doing more things that a normal person would
He’d even let you drink or do certain substances, but he has to be around you to supervise
You’d just generally be allowed to get away with more, if you kept it going for at least a year you’d be able to score the ability to leave the tower by yourself
You’d have his drone following you around but you don’t need to know that
But if he saw you showing favouritism towards the other Vs then he’d be outraged
You made a deal with him, not them!
He’d give your leash an extra tug to show you who you belong to as a warning but if you still show favouritism to the others then he’s upping your workload and stealing you away from the other two on their days
Hes probably the best one to have as a favourite since he can gain you the most privileges and you could probably play into the daughter thing to manipulate him
Start calling him dad and your getting loads of perks, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you
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If you started having velvette as your favourite, it would be a massive ego boost for her
She’s always been jealous that Vox was the one to find you first and made a deal with you
It just wasn’t fair, she wanted to own you and have Vox pushed into her position of having to ask permission all the time
But if you started requesting to work more stuff with her or you just request to be in her presence more then she’ll feel like she’s high on an ego boost
Bonus points if you do it in front of Vox
If you started acting like velvette was your favourite then she’d be much less cruel to you and insult you less
She’d ask (demand) for you to hang out with her but it would give off vibes of an older sister asking a younger sister to hangout in a super awkward way
She’d take you to fashion shows and she’d invest more time into making you clothes that flatter you and would even dress you in a style that makes you comfortable
She’d also take you to parties, but she can’t allow you to drink since she needs voxs permission
She’d definitely sneak you drinks behind his back though
She’d sit with you in the mornings and do your hair and makeup and would commit to it no matter how early she has to wake up
It’d be almost sweet if she wasn’t complaining all the time
She’d still be semi cruel to you and would still punish you but at least now you’d have softer moments to look forward to
She’d even call out Valentino for his inappropriate behaviour, not that much but enough to make sure he’s not doing it when she’s in the room
But if she saw you favouring the other two instead of her she would not be happy
She’d be less upset then Vox because you mean less to her then you mean to Vox, but she’d still be angry
She’d mock you more and insult you all the time while your working for her, and she’ll give you an impossible workload
She’ll also make you abuse your power to the point that your tired and overworked and exhausted
She’d also be way quicker to punish you for the tiniest things
So it’s best not to show outward favouritism to any one in front of her
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You’d probably never ever ever ever choose to have Valentino as your favourite
He’s just so… him
But let’s say in some kind of delusional state you choose to show favouritism towards Valentino
He wouldn’t offer you very many perks if I’m being honest, he’d give you some gifts but they wouldn’t be stuff that you really enjoy because he doesn’t know you enough to know what you enjoy
He’d be more respectful of your boundaries if you showed outward favouritism to him since it would humanise you more in his eyes
But as I’ve established in previous fics, humanising you only makes Valentino aware of his actions and he hates that
So he may actually push you away if you start to bond with him
You’d see a more vulnerable side to him but that’s not always a good thing
You’d see him sob after his drug induced panics or his come down but you’d also see him angry and screaming in your face because something small inconvenienced him
All it would do is make you feel more scared of him for different reasons
You used to be scared of him because of how uncomfortable he made you, now your scared your gonna be pulled into a room with him any moment and he forced to comfort him from his sobbing or his angry rants
It would make you closer to angel dust though, since Valentino would “want his two favourite people to spend time with him”
You’d be able to have a public friendship with angel dust which would be nice if it didn’t put him at threat of Vox or velvette
You two would wait until Valentino passes out from drinking and then you’d both gossip and chat until he woke up
If you showed favouritism towards the other two then Valentino wouldn’t really care
Sure he’s obsessed with you but it’s in the same way he’d be obsessed with one of his favourite guns or toys, so he can share you with friends and not others
He just wouldn’t care because he doesn’t care for you very much
He also knows that there is nothing he can do since the other two would challenge him on his behaviour if he started acting worse to you
He’d be a bit peeved if it took your attention from him for too long so he would punish you but it’d be a minor one at best and all you’d have to do is spend a day stroking his ego
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We all know that deep down angel dust is your favourite in every scenario :)
Tag list:
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Steve trims his split-ends in the bathroom one day and Eddie finds the trimmings in the garbage.
“What the hell is this?” Eddie barks the question, holding the trash can in front of Steve’s face. The crime has turned Eddie into some sort of Hair Lawyer, showcasing the evidence to the defendant.
Steve peers over top the magazine that he’s skimming through, examines the inside of the garbage can, and then returns back to reading.
“Baby, don’t do this.”
Which - wow - what a fucking outrageous response. Like who responds to their prosecutor with pet names and zero justification? Who does that?
“I didn’t do shit - you did this!” Eddie stares into the garbage can. Wiping imaginary tears from the corners of his eyes and staring longingly at the stray brown hairs. No longer attached to Steve’s gorgeous, perfect head.
“This is a travesty.”
“It’s just dead hair.”
“No, it was very much alive.” Eddie drops to his knees, pointing directly to Steve as he speaks. “You murdered it, Steve Harrington.”
“Whatever, I’ll play along.” Steve tosses his magazine to the side of the couch, rolling his eyes.
“What do you mean play al-” Eddie gets cut off by Steve’s finger over his lips.
He strokes Eddie’s cheek with the pad of his thumb, and the block of anger in Eddie’s chest goes all melty at the contact.
“How can I make this bizarro grieving process better?” Steve asks sweetly. His words are cushions to soften this devastating blow.
Like seriously, Aphrodite fucking molded Steve Harrington from god-like love and leftover cosmic dust. Why would he cut his hair knowing how ethereal he is? Okay sure, this is just Eddie’s Theory, but he’s goddamn convinced there’s pieces of Steve that are otherworldly - his infamous hair being one of them for sure.
“Sorry. Distracted.”
Distracted by his pretty boyfriend is a common occurrence in Eddie’s life now, but whatever.
"How do we fix this so I can avoid a guilty verdict by the jury of one?" Steve boops his finger onto Eddie's nose as he says 'one.' It makes Eddie all giggly, the anger is practically a puddle at this point. But if Eddie Munson is anything, it's consistent. If he starts a comedy bit, you bet your ass he's gonna fully commit.
"We're gonna bury it." Eddie acts solemn, regaining his silly little charade.
"My hair?"
"Uh huh."
"It deserves a proper place of rest."
Steve exhales loudly. For a moment, he just looks over Eddie's features. Probably thinking, what the hell have I gotten myself into with this walking freakshow?
And before Eddie can allow that toxic thought to take occupancy in his mind, Steve puffs out his shiny pink lips and kisses Eddie. Nothing too rough, nothing too gentle (cause Eddie despises feathery-lipped kisses). It's the Goldilocks Effect of Kisses: just the right amount of everything. Just enough pressure, movement, tongue, all of it. Steve Harrington's lips can sweep away negative mindsets and replace them with shimmering constellations of positivity.
"Okay, baby." Steve says, eyes still closed post-kissing his boyfriend thoughtless. "I'll get the shoebox, you call the rest of the gang."
"Cause if we're doing this your way, we've gotta go all out."
"Which means?"
Steve pecks Eddie's cheek and gives him a quick wink:
"We're gonna have a whole damn funeral for my hair."
And that's when it hits him: the only thing Eddie is more committed to than his comedy bits, is Steve Harrington.
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highhhfiveee · 6 months
safety net [p3] (pornstar!mike schmidt x reader)
part two: 🚿 | part four: 🏆
tags: lots of mentions of porn, smut (descriptions of sex being filmed, featuring unprotected sex, dirty talk, clit rubbing, squirting, some workplace intimacy lmao), angst?, exposition! reader gets a taste of mike's world and things begin to shift. proofread many times but if there are still errors, idk what to say lmao
"i know right," you say plainly, eyes wide at your best friend, claire, as you take a large gulp of your hot latte. claire cuts her gaze to you, puffing her cheeks out in a sigh. you were always so in awe by her, the feeling proved once again when she'd actually agreed wholeheartedly to view your boyfriend's porn.
"i still don't believe that you're dating him," she sputters with outrage as she points to your computer on the dining room table, open to a still of mike with dick in hand, coming on some dark-haired girl's keen face. "and i don't believe it even more so because you decided to wait six months before telling me. i thought we were best friends!"
you can tell her outrage is whimsical by the way she faints into your arms, and you reach forward to catch her. 
"yeah but, like, best friends from adolescence that don't see each other very often. last time i saw you was three months ago." 
"okay, but by then you'd been dating him for three months, and that's almost half a year!" 
"barely, claire." 
you couldn't even believe that you were dating him. you hadn't known how you two went from meeting outside an underwhelming, overpriced restaurant to making out and cuddling intimately in mike's bed four out of seven days a week. it'd felt like no time had passed at all; you'd just been living without thinking. mike took every worry off your shoulders, freeing you of anxiety in so many ways that you couldn't believe someone that caring and accommodating was real.
he paid for your sessions after you'd mindlessly rambled about not being able to afford this therapist you really liked. he sent you the credentials to his grocery delivery membership, encouraging you to get anything you wanted or needed. you could finally consistently get things that were good, and healthy. he paid your rent, and respected the fact that you didn't want to move in with him and wanted autonomy to work and pay for your other personal expenses.
"i just want you to be happy. you tell me what you want, and we'll make it happen."
he had you and it didn't feel real. you felt like you couldn't tell anyone about it, terrified that everything would crumble if you spoke even a word about him being your partner, so sweet and good and rewarding. you didn't want to hide him, but you didn't want things to collapse. not this time. 
you wouldn't be able to take it this time. 
you explain all this to claire, ending with, "i'm sorry it took so long. i just really want this to last." you'd told her about everything, even about dating simon briefly and how he led you to mike. 
claire nods, chewing on a wedge of pineapple speared by a fork. she's given up her fainting performance, once again munching on her breakfast and clicking the pad on your laptop. the video you two were watching resumes, and you watch her face for bit, eyes shifting around the screen in intrigue, before turning back to it as well.
"you deserve it, y/n. that simon guy sounded like a dickhead. an expired card, and the bathroom excuse? fucking lame." her voice doesn't chop through the amplified sound of both mike and the girl moaning, whiny and feral. they're absolutely gone, and you're really not thinking about simon anymore. fuck him. 
now, you thought of mike.
granted, you hadn't been like the people in mike's videos, up to a certain point. you'd done the kissing and the heavy petting, but you hadn't had sex at all, in any form, and he didn't pressure you into feeling like it was some sort of requirement. he agreed with taking it slow, placing emphasis on the romantic before the sexual. you knew there would be no issues with the sexual; why rush into it when you could have the slow burn, all the tension you wanted up until you were ready?
mike hadn't fought it, and yeah, you thought, you did deserve it. you deserved to be treated like this. 
"called me over for an art date, i guess you still painted," the girl mewls with a devilish smile, licking at mike's---sorry, chase cox's---come around her mouth. 
"mhm, baby. masterpiece, if i do say so myself." mike is so pretty on the screen; sweaty and flustered, but so confident at the same time, polite too. even when he's in an act, he's so attentive; he moves hair away from eyes and wipes spit off chins and cradles waists while he adjusts his hips to hit various angles, turning almost everyone he filmed with into a "braindead fucktoy"---claire's filthy words, not yours (though you didn't mind the idea). 
the video ends with a snippet of aftercare, the both of them wiping at each other's bodies with gentle motions. it's how they all end, and you think it's really nice, showing a crucial part of sex that most people forgo. you'd seen plenty of mike's videos by now, and knew that while some were vastly more kinky than others, they all followed the same formula of care, concern, and curtesy. 
you could tell mike lived by that, too. 
"well, i gotta scoot to work," claire murmurs, leaning down to grab for her bag. "but thank you for inviting me to breakfast so you could show and tell me that you've been dating a wildly handsome, generous, and charismatic sex worker. best videos i've seen by far, honestly. are you seeing him today?" 
you nod sheepishly, and claire laughs into the sky, doctored with comical bitterness. "well, let the record show that i am both extremely jealous and extraordinarily happy for you." she gives you a toothy smile, poking at your shoulder with both index fingers. "seriously. you deserve it all." 
you carry this thought with you as you ride in one of the company's chartered cars, traversing through the roads to their main studio, the biggest one in the city. there were only 4 throughout the metro area, but this one, a gigantic penthouse isolated at the top of a 275-foot tall apartment complex, had the most space and atmosphere of them all. you remember coming here to take your picture for the all-access card mike had given you. he was so happy to gift it to you a few months ago, finally getting through after bugging the execs to give him another card with unhindered access for months. 
"finally got the hard copy, just for you. got your name on it and everything," he'd smiled so wide, clipping it on one of his merch lanyards; white with black, serif text that read, "chase cox world domination". you'd fallen over in laughter, kissing at his cheeks while thanking him between giggles. 
you hadn't been here many times over the last three months, but when you were, you were able to slip through every door and security checkpoint without hassle. people knew who you were and attended to you, telling you exactly where mike was in the studio or offering to get you any refreshments or sundries you were after. you'd always declined, extending extreme gratitude to everyone servicing you, but today, you ask for a bottle of fancy artesian water. you deserve it. 
the few times you'd been here before were usually half-hours after mike had finished a scene, helping him pack up to head home for the day, but this time, you'd come early, wanting to catch a glimpse of him at work. 
you take the elevator to the top, stepping out into the concrete foyer of the industrial workspace. the gray of the material was accented with bright art and other pops of color in furniture and decor that conveyed the new age principles and ideology of the production company. it made sense why the videos were so honored, with the people behind them being young and progressive and on the right side of history (and design). 
there are eight rooms on the floor; three for shooting, three for aesthetics and dressing, one for an office, and one for storage. there were bathrooms in three of them and two down the main hallway that opened into the formal living room/break area and kitchen. you'd been told that mike was in the hunger room; this one set up for messier, more bodily fluid oriented videos, as opposed to the softer passion and kinkier desire shooting rooms. 
the rooms are all hidden behind frosted, sliding glass doors with the titles printed onto placards affixed next to them. you find hunger after walking a little, and gently pull on the handle. the door slides open soundlessly, and you're closing it behind you as you step inside, your eyes locked on the scene in front of you. 
mike and his partner are arranged on a leather couch in a living room set, his hips shoving into her in this perceptive way. he's reading her body language and reacting accordingly, and you can see why she's moaning so genuinely, feet dangling by the ankle over mike's shoulders. the couch is already drenched in liquid, wet and puddled under the girl's ass.
he grabs for the back of the couch to go deeper, leaning down to press kisses on her lips as the cameraman focuses in on where they're connected. the sound is so lewd, and it makes you press your thighs together as you watch alongside the small production crew. 
"feel good? happy to have a friend like me? someone who knows you, knows your body? someone who makes you feel better and come harder than your stupid fucking boyfriend?" his partner mewls out a broken, exasperated, "y-yyesssss" between gritted teeth as her moans get higher and higher pitched. suddenly, she's reaching at mike's back to scratch at his skin, screaming out as mike leans off to the side of her, massaging his fingertips over her clit and cooing, "yeah, just let go. know he's never made you feel like this, wasting this perfect pussy..."
his partner squirts against the camera with a screech, loud and raw but pretty. the lens is covered in a heavy spray of bodily fluid as she arches her back and grinds her mound into mike's hand, chest rising and falling at a rapid rate. "that's fucking it," he encourages, speaking in her ear as he looks down at the mess in his peripherals and rides her through it. "just the way you deserve." you swear he locks eyes with you when he says it, and he only confirms it with the small smirk he throws your way, managing to fit it into the ending of the shot. his eyes twinkle through the aftercare segment, and he talks with his spent coworker, calling, "she just wants to sit for a second" to a PA with a chuckle. 
"okay, ten minute break and then we're shooting the come shot."
her legs slowly straighten out as mike throws the towel he's handed around his waist and slides his feet into the slippers stored behind the couch. he grabs a water from an outstretched hand as he makes his way over to you, smelling like sweat and sex and glistening with this nearly angelic post-fuck glow. it's like he's coming down from the gates of porn heaven.
"hi, my love," he muses, pulling you into a tight hug before saying, "how much did you see?" 
"like right before the squirting. it's very..." you're not sure what to say, really. maybe, just maybe, you need to change your underwear, but you don't want to be weird about it. you're sure he's heard weird, and beyond weird, but you want to maintain composure in front of his coworkers. you give him a tight smile, resting your hand on his pulsing bicep. "just makes me think things." 
"maybe we should add 'thought-provoking' to the list of labels for the company," he jokes, taking a sip of water while winking at you. "you're a genius, baby." 
you're giggling along with him, opening your mouth to continue the joke when two tanned arms reach from behind him to cross in an X over his chest. a head peeks from behind him, and she's immediately unmistakable to you. 
it's his current scene partner, who is also the girl from the video you watched earlier today. the one eager for his come, whining for him to make a mess of her face while letting him beat his dick on her tongue. you think back to all of the videos you've seen her in where she's with mike. she always comes the hardest working with him, and vice versa. something about it makes you sick. 
she's smiling at his cheek, eyes focused on his as he turns his glance towards her. her arms get tighter around him and you notice how she gets closer, pressing her front tighter against his back. "caught your breath?" 
"you know i always do," she brags, licking at her canines as her stare moves to you, looking you up and down with snarky scrutiny. "casting department's starting to slack." 
you shrink, feeling so small that you don't feel like you're interrupting something anymore. you might as well just not be there, and you're about to sink into pitiful posture when mike snarls, "hey, watch yourself. y/n, this is amelie, and li, this is y/n, my girlfriend. i told you about her." the sound of mike saying the nickname turns to bile in your throat, searing you on the way down and keeping you from speaking.
amelie gives you a blank expression now, standing beside mike with no qualms at being fully naked in front of a stranger. "y/n, y/n...not ringing any bells," she places her hands on her hips, tossing her dark, sex-tousled hair over her collarbones. "sorry."
you don't know why you're daunted by her; you're usually daunted by no one, and able to speak up for yourself when people are acting catty. this time, you can't help but be unnerved by her perfection, or how close she is to it. perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect body, perfect boobs...
"i'm kidding," amelie's smooth, beguiling voice rips you from your thoughts, and you're gasping for something to say when she continues, "he's shown me endless pictures, and knows that i think you're gorgeous." her tone picks up the tiniest bit as she quips, "my eyes are up here, by the way." she's throwing you off, frustrating you in so many ways and you're just stammering with mike looking between the two of you.
"i'm sorry---"
"it's really fine. millions of people have seen them, everyone's always thirsty for more of me and chase cox..." she drags the end of her sentence out as she runs the tips of her long, cherry red nails along the back of mike's neck, ending in a laugh.
"'mike schmidt' isn't a porn name, we already had this conversation." 
"neither is chase cox, if we're being real," they launch into a chitchat, and you once again feel like you're intruding. there's no denying that they have insane chemistry, but it still rips at you;  you're aware of them having an entire moment in front of you, complete with the body language and glances and suddenly, you don't care about their connection. mike was your boyfriend, and it didn't matter what she said or did. they'd made so many videos together, yet, every night he came home to you, and not her. 
"yeah, well you're still moaning chase when you come," 
"because i can't dox you like that--"
you clear your throat noisily, gaining their attention with an eyeroll, and amelie observes you and your curled lip with recognition of your game. she didn't expect you to have bite, not with the way you look now. you're not the assertive, 'take-no-shit' girl from the pictures mike showed her. she thinks you're merely a hint of that, and that it completely evaporates when someone lights a fire under your ass, but maybe she's wrong for once. "watched a bunch of your stuff. it was really good, you're talented." 
"thanks," her gratitude is dry and bitchy, and you're about to say more when a PA calls a two minute warning and she squints her eyes into slits at you. "hope you're ready to see a lot more of me." she uses mike's shoulder to pivot with a sly smirk, sauntering back to the now wiped down leather couch, ripples coursing through her ass with every step. 
you look to mike with astonishment, wondering where he's been during this whole thing, and who that girl is, and if she's genuine bad news or simply one of those callous girls that guys love to chase.
mike had defended you, sure, but he'd gotten captured too. what if she's indoctrinating him some--
"she's nice," you blurt, stopping yourself from the overthinking you'd resorted to. you needed to be nice to yourself. you deserved this, deserved everything you had with mike. nothing was taking that away from you, and you could feel secure in that. mike would reassure you.
he does, saying, "isn't she?" with a snicker. "don't worry about her, okay? it's her personality, and she does everyone like that, so she's not just targeting you. ignore her, and if you don't like the small jokes either, i can tell her to knock it off. whatever you want. also, lunch after i wrap?" 
you nod your head, about to say something again when the PA announces that it's time for shooting to start back up. mike gives you a fat kiss on the lips as he drops his towel into a director's chair next to you, and makes his way back over to amelie folded on the couch. her knees are by her chin at a filthy angle, and she's using a squeeze bottle with a tapered tip to squeeze shiny lube all over her clit and both holes. 
mike watches, rubbing his hand all through it to spread it around. amelie bites at her lip as he does, staring up at him with eyes that are filled with unadulterated lust, and he uses the leftover lube on his dick, stroking the slippery surface as he gets harder and harder in his hand. 
the director asks them if they're ready, and when they both answer yes, she says, "okay, we're gonna go insertion, sink in, wait five for the kiss, and go from there. alright...rolling...action." 
amelie flicks her eyes to you in a leer, winking at you like mike did earlier as he plunges into her sopping wet walls. her head falls back against the couch while she outstares you, open-mouthed moans transitioning into "cockdrunk" laughs that you know are calculated.  
you begin to chug your bottle of water, deliberately ogling her in return. you were down with playing a game for two, but not for long. 
lord. the hell i've gone through to get this up /: lmao i need to go to bed. things are about to heat up, so prepare yourselves for what's next to come!
faire's seedlings ✿
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Saw your post about writing, I love older Leon with a younger more naive reader, could you maybe do something along those lines? 👉👈
YES! I’m so glad somebody requested more older Leon, im in love with writing it. I whipped something up as fast as i could but i ended it on a little teaseeee if you guys REALLY like it i’ll finish it!!:))
DISCLAIMER!! this is 18+ ONLY, please do not interact with my blog if you are underaged or don’t have age indicator in your bio!! thank you!!
f!reader x much older Vendetta/ID Leon. Mentions of size difference, slight angst if you squint literally, VERY little smut but it is there. mentions of choking, biting lip. use of pet names (sweetheart, angel, etc.) BIKER LEON HELLO. Leon is obsessed with you, and you’re dumb.
Word count: 1.4k it’s small
Leon always says you were his saving grace. The two of you met during a time in his life where he really needed you. You were bubbly, happy, much younger but he pushed that aside. The only reason you guys met was because you went to go get your brothers bike fixed for him, standing waiting before the mechanic had told you a list of reasons as to why it would cost you almost ten thousand dollars in repairs. You knew enough about cars but nothing about motorcycles, your jaw dropped staring at the man in front of you as you shook your head.
“The tire went out? That was it-“
You cut yourself off, pulling out your check book with a frustrated sigh, before you can even sign on the line a man stepped next to you, squinting at the numbers on the paper then to the mechanic in front of the both of you.
“This what this business is about? Lying to women for no reason?”
The man grabbed the check book scoffing at the astonishing price you were about to pay, the mechanic stuttered over his words before the man once again cut him off.
“Just bring the bike back up front”
You stared at the man in awe. You knew that you were being scammed but you are the one who fucked up the bike so as long as it was fixed you didn’t care. He handed you back your check book and nodded his head towards the workers bringing the bike back up front.
“I’ll fix it for you, no cost too. Well, unless you let me take you to dinner.”
His smile was gorgeous. He was gorgeous. You felt red spread across your face as you nodded, shoving your check book back in your purse as the two of you walked out the front door.
Leon Kennedy was his name, he told you while he propped the bike up, leaning down before swatting his hand signaling you to stand over him and watch him. And he taught you more than you knew, maybe more than you needed to know. You couldn’t help but smile as he stood up, wiping his hands on his pants before looking at you.
“All done.”
And before he could even speak again you pulled your wallet out, grabbing at the cash you had stored. Leon let out a chuckle as he covered your hand with his, shaking his head.
Leon was adamant about taking you to dinner, at least twice a week. Since the two of you met he would pick you up every Monday and Friday, and take you these outrageously fancy and expensive restaurants. Leon stopped his bike, stepping off before grabbing your hand to help you keep your balance as you swung your leg over. The two of you began your walk up the stairs as you rambled on about the girls at your work and how one of them was stealing produce, your words interrupted by Leon’s hand gripping the back of your skirt, pulling it down slightly so it would cover you up more because apparently your skirt rode up on the ride here. Did he just do that? A part of you wanted to yell at him, but physically, your throat went dry and your thighs squeezed together. There was no label on you two, you weren’t girlfriend and boyfriend, but you did spend to much time together. You bit at your cheek as Leon checked you in for your reservations, turning back to you as the waiter walked the two of you to your table. Your hand reached out for the chair but Leon- as smooth as ever he was- brushed beside you, pulling out your chair. You sighed softly, looking up at the man with a smile as you sat down, your ankles crossing over each other. The air was thick between you two but it had been for about the past week. Leon always ordered for you two, mainly because he knew what he was doing. The two of you sat silent as you stared at the menu before you placed yours down, staring at Leon with your eyebrows slightly frowned. He was scanning the menu, his attention not on you of course. He had to have felt the gaze because his eyes flicked up to meet yours, causing him to place down the menu.
“What’s up sweetheart, you seem bothered.”
Bothered was an understatement. Your eyes rolled as before you stared at your glass of water.
“Is it our age gap? Or what? I mean jesus Leon i’m sitting here wondering why I’m not good enough for you..”
Instead of comforting you, Leon let out a chuckle, taking a sip from the wine in his glass. Leon shrugged as he leaned back against the chair with a smug smile on his face.
“Angel, if i didn’t value you and want you to be mine why would i spend almost a thousand a week just to see that pretty smile?”
“He’s what?”
Damien, your brother yelled as you and Leon sat at the table with him, Leon’s hand gripping at your thigh under the table at your brothers outburst. You knew he would react this way when finding out about yours and Leon’s very much prominent age gap of 9 (and a half) years.
“Leon takes care of me Dami.. you don’t have to be mad-“
Damien interrupted you, ranting on about how disappointed mom and dad would be with how you decided to play out your life. Leon lifting you from your seat and basically dragging you out the door made the anger building in your stomach stop.
“We are leaving.”
Leons voice was stern as the two of you walked down the steps of your brothers porch, Damien following behind, arms crossed as he watched Leon carefully place the helmet on your head before he swung his leg over his bike, you following him like a stray puppy, laying the side of your covered head on his back as you watched your brother look at you in disgust.
Leon was silent, but the way he sped down the street told you everything you needed to know. When the two of you finally arrived back at the house, even in his anger he still held the door open for you, when you stepped in he slammed it. sighing as he pulled his jacket off.
“Leon, Im so sorry.”
Leon shook his head watching you play with your fingers, a groan leaving his lips as you folded his jacket for him.
“You are just so..”
Leon grumbled as he grabbed your hips, squeezing them in his much larger hands. You frowned up at him, your hands slowly rubbing up his chest and past his shoulders.
“I love you, it’s not fair.”
Leon nodded down at you, pecking your nose softly before one of his hands left your hip to gently grab at your chin, he took in a deep inhale, he loved the way you smelled. With your strawberry lipgloss and vanilla lotion, he was obsessed with you. The way you would do anything for him, you were his and you knew that too. His lips pressed into yours, his hand that was at your hip sliding to hold your back pulling you closer into him.
Your hands went to pull away from him but he was much stronger, tilting his head into yours causing a soft whimper to fall from your lips as his teeth nipped at your now puffy bottom lip. He pulled back, smirking at the sight of you with your hooded eyes, looking at him like he was the only person in the world. You went to whine something to him but he shushed you immediately, dragging you over to the couch.
“Just don’t talk.”
He mumbled as he sat himself down on his sofa, pulling you between his legs. He admired your outfits more than you knew, the way you always wear cute little skirts for him, or when you guys go out to dinner and you wear that red dress that he fucking adores. Everything hugs your body so perfectly. Your fingertips grazed over his shoulder, your body pushing forward with a gasp as Leon yanked your skirt down your legs, a hum leaving his throat as he gripped at your thighs.
“Leon be careful clothes are expensive!”
You whined with a giggle as Leon dragged you down to the couch, this made you realize just how much stronger and bigger Leon really was, the shyness washing over you as he hovered over you, his hand grabbing at your throat gently, he didn’t want to hurt you (yet).
“I told you not to talk, you act like I don’t buy you all those skimpy little skirts anyways..”
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luveline · 2 years
Hi, me again 🥰
An Eddie/Roan/Reader request:
-I'd still love to see reader dealing with a Roan tantrum. She's just so sweet to reader, and I would just love to see the reader realize Eddie wasn't exaggerating (I mean her dad is a Rockstar so you know she's got a set of pipes for screaming) -I just think it'd be sweet to see reader process it all, try to be patient and Eddie catches them dealing with it and tries not to step in to see how they handles it alone?
baby's first tantrum but r is the baby! tysm for ur request! ♡ fem!reader
Eddie's daughter, Roan, has become dead set on helping. It's extremely sweet and makes very practical sense — one day, she'll have to learn how to cook and clean and help out around the house. But for now she's small, she's clumsy, and you don't want her to get hurt. Especially on your watch.
She doesn't like this at all, unfortunately.
"I want to!" she demands.
She's standing by your hip, vying for the knife in your hand with arms almost long enough to reach. She nearly grabs a hold of the chopping board.
You push it back and frown at her.
"Aw, babe. I'm sorry, it's super dangerous."
Roan glares at you. You're not surprised, exactly. She's not always happy because kids just aren't, her emotions are finicky and undecided as a tightrope walk. You've seen her show off before and Eddie's warned you of her tantrums.
You're not surprised, but certainly not well-equipped.
"I want to do it," she says fiercely.
"Babe," you say again, boggled at her passion, "you gotta give this one a miss."
"Let me do it!"
You start to worry. You can't give her what she wants, she can't handle the knife. She looks like she, in Eddie's words, is about to go nuclear. What if you don't let her and she hates you for it and you become an evil stepmother figure, rather than somebody she really seems to adore?
She leaps for the knife.
You startle and push it all away from her.
"No," you say. Loud with surprise rather than any anger.
Roan scowls at you, drops to the floor, and starts to sob. It's a cruel kind of sobbing, piercing and outraged. She sits on her knees with her hands moving toward her hair and cries. She sounds like a tornado siren. It's terrifying and grating and honestly astounding, too many things, to hear her and watch her explode like this.
You wipe your hands on a rag and sit down on the floor next to her.
She looks at you from under a low brow and cries, "I want to help."
"I can't let you use the knife, sweetheart, it's very dangerous." You offer a hand. She pushes it away. "If you hurt yourself with it it would really upset me. And it would upset your dad, too."
She carries on crying.
"Roan, is there something I can do?" you ask, using a soft and bubbly tone in hopes of enticing her.
She ignores you for a while, and then warbles, "I want to help."
"You can help me, princess," you say firmly, prying one of her hands from her hair. You shuffle closer to her across the linoleum floor to rub at her head where she'd been pulling it. "You can help me with lots of other things. Things that are much more fun."
"I want to do the- the-"
"The chopping?" you finish sympathetically.
"I know." Her hair is very, very soft under your hands. You pet back her curls affectionately, unnerved by her ragged breathing. "I know you want to do the chopping, because you're so lovely and helpful. That's why I think you'll be really good at the squeezing."
She pauses. A very big tear rolls down her cheek. "Squeezing?"
You hum. "Yeah, the squeezing. But I'm not sure, how big are your hands? Can I see them?"
She shows you both of her hands.
You bring your finger the her palm and draw a circle until she's tickled.
"I think they should be big enough, if you want to do it. I..." You wipe her cheeks, an uncomfortable ache in your chest at seeing her upset with you. "I know you want to do the chopping, and one day you'll be all grown up and you can do it. But if you still want to help me now, then I think you'll be the best squeezer ever."
Roan grabs a hold of your elbow with both hands, almost cuddling your arm.
"Do you want a hug, princess?" you murmur.
She goes to stand. You lift her up before she can and bundle her close to your chest, feeling immensely smug with yourself and very affectionate for the small girl in your hands.
"I really-" She shudders with some lingering upset. "Really wanted to help with chopping."
You rub her back. "I know."
She cries for a little while longer. You wonder what it feels like to experience such big emotions in such a tiny body. Her frame shakes with it.
"You're such a good girl, Roan," you praise softly, kissing the top of her head indulgently.
She sits back to look at your face.
You smile tentatively. When she smiles back you give her a better one, relieved that she's happy. Relieved that you seem to have navigated your first Roan tantrum successfully. Still well-liked. And all without Eddie.
Speaking of.
You look up, see a flash of dark hair.
"Hey, hotshot, you can reveal yourself."
Eddie turns the corner into the kitchen like he hadn't been hiding in the hallway. He's beaming, though there's definitely some guilt to be found in it, more when he plops down on the floor beside you both.
"Hey, guys."
"Where've you been?" you ask.
"Oh, you know. Around." He leans down to meet Roan's eyes.
She smiles at him.
"There's my girl." Kisses for everyone. Eddie drops his lips to her cheeks and then your own before helping you both up. "I heard a rumour about squeezing things. Are you gonna help wash the green stuff?"
"The lettuce," you butt in.
"The lettuce," he repeats, forcing a shiver as he picks Roan up from under the armpits and sits her beside the sink.
"This parts important, 'cos otherwise we might be eating bugs for dinner. Think you can do it?" he asks her.
She nods very seriously. Eddie rewards her determination with a colander and the lettuce from the fridge and instructs her to go ham. Soon, the cold faucet is running full pelt and splashing water everywhere, and the two of them are shrieking trying to keep all the lettuce leaves together in the pot.
Eddie catches you laughing and rubs him cold, wet hands in your arm.
"I'm sorry for not helping you," he says over the furious rushing water. "Just wanted to see how you'd do."
"Did I pass?"
"It's not about passing."
He kisses you extremely nicely, cold hands aside. You take it for a pass, whether he thinks of it like that or not.
more eddie and roan
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writerseclipse1 · 4 months
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✎ doctor!abby headcanons ✎
she would definitely be a heart surgeon or a cardiothoracic surgeon to be more exact. she would have the steadiest hands known in all of seattle. a very notable and arguably the best surgeon in all of seattle’s finest hospitals but most especially in washington general hospital.
she likes her coffee black, sometimes with a hint of sugar but that’s for the shorter days. for her night shifts, black coffee keeps her awake until the most outrageous times in the night.
she would first meet you, a medtech who works in the same hospital, during one of her night shifts. you would be typing away at your computer, analyzing data samples for other doctor, heaving a sigh as you sipped on your fourth coffee of the day.
she never noticed you before, mainly because she worked on the west side of the building. but since nora, the medtech assigned to the west building wasn’t clocked in, she had no choice but to resort to going all the way to the east building to find the other medtech.
“hey,” she said suddenly, making you jump in your seat. when you turned around, you saw her in all her glory, standing there with her white coat on and her blue scrubs. “can you analyze these samples for me? need them done by tonight, really urgent.”
you had rolled your eyes, muttering under your breath about how “medtechs are really underappreciated” and “a good evening would’ve sufficed” but you took the samples from her anyway, putting it in your machine as you crossed your arms over your chest, sipping on your coffee.
“i’m sorry, are you new here? i don’t think i’ve seen you before.” she asked, watching as you looked at her from above the rim of your cup.
you told her your name and when she tilted her head at you, you knew she’s never heard of you. “i don’t expect some hotshot surgeon knowing about me honestly. i just kind of come and go. i do my job and i leave, that’s it.” you shrugged as she nodded along.
“well, for the sake of an introduction,” she stepped forward into the dim lighting of the room and you could make out her muscles bulging out of her white coat, her right hand outstretched to shake yours. “i’m dr. anderson.”
you shook hands and made some small talk. she found out that you lived alone in a nice apartment, you’re thinking of getting a pet, and you really like music. you found out she has a dog, her dad used to be a neurosurgeon, she went to the gym more often that not (not that you needed her confirmation to know), and that she used to live in salt lake city.
“what made you move?” she chuckled at your question, her eyes darting to the machine as it beeped, showing the green light that the results were ready. but she wasn’t ready to leave the conversation just yet.
“my dad had to find a new place to work. i don’t really know what happened, i just know that whatever did, we had to move because of it.” she shrugged as you nodded along, placing your cup of coffee on your table and you turned around, taking the results and giving it to her.
“well, it was nice meeting you, dr. anderson.” you mused, sending her a wink as you got your cup of coffee again, watching the smoke lift up into the air. she chuckled lightly, looking at you with a curious grin
“abby. call me abby.”
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ a/n: was supposed to be writing my tess s. x reader but then i got distracted while looking for nice pictures for the header so here's doctor!abby hcs
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helluvapoison · 2 months
Crystal Clear
Zestial x Reader
warning: lil violence, probably inaccurate old english
Consider yourself lucky to find yourself under Zestial’s good graces and watchful eyes. While he sends you bottles of delicious, ancient wine and carnivorous flowers, others are on the opposite end. That’s what Alastor tells you at least and he refuses to elaborate. While you’re curious to know what could be the opposite of flowers, you think your imagination might be an easier pill to swallow than the truth.
You’ve long since agreed to go on that promenade with the Overlord (which you’ve found out means a walk by a lake) but Zestial, according to the notes on the recent bouquet of grey roses, “hasn’t known a moment’s peace” for a month now. His cursive is flawless with accentuated strokes and curls that take up the entire card. You wanted to thank him for all the gifts but a call felt impersonal… and something told you he didn’t own a phone.
A letter would probably suffice except you weren’t sure where to send it. Alastor continued to be no help. At first it struck you as odd because you thought the two of them were friends but that’s on you, you should have known Alastor doesn’t have friends. So you set out to Zestial’s corner of The Pride Ring. It was old fashioned like Cannibal Town but not nearly as nice.
By that, you mean the people are just as shitty as they are everywhere else in Hell.
Not even two steps over the invisible threshold and you’re shoved into the side of a building, cool brick meeting your shoulder hard. You move to give the jerk a silent “fuck you” at the very least, raising your middle finger as she bolts away from you. Two steps the same, she’s dragged into an alley by a shadow.
“Pray tell,” A familiar voice, so smooth and close, drowns out the nearby screaming. Zestial himself steals your attention and your breath. You don’t even have time to wonder where he came from.
“Doth thyn own eyes deceive? A firefly has entered the web of a spider by thous own accord? Thy had not expected this turn of events. What brings thee to my web this hellish day?”
“Oh! I wanted to thank you for all the presents you sent.” You explain, patting your pockets for the envelope addressed to him.
Humming, his eyes roam across his name as he gingerly takes the pink paper. He doesn’t open it then, instead bringing into the abyss of his coat where it disappears from your sight.
“The pleasure belongs entirely to thyn own self,” Zestial says politely, his smile disappearing as he speaks, “Oh how outrageous thou must be, for thou has been generously patient. Apologies, firefly. Thyst swears this will not happen twice.”
You tilted your head, brows pulling together as you deciphered Zestial’s words. When it settles in you’re quick to hold up your hands. You’re so quick to fix things, you missed his pet name again.
“I—Oh! No, I’m not upset! I understand you’re busy.”
This pleases Zestial immensely, his smile returning and etching across his face once more.
“Thous kindness continues. Please, allow thy to return thee from whence thou came. Thyn would be remiss should something happen to thee.” He paused, voice dropping as he glared over his shoulder, “Twice.”
Zestial swiftly offers his arm to you when you try to see what he was looking at. A part of you did know he was sparing you a gruesome sight… the other part didn’t care as much as you should.
Falling into step with the Overlord, you’re suddenly aware of how much labor he’s putting into walking at your pace. It looks effortless enough. He practically glides as he walks anyhow. Still, it didn’t go unnoticed by you. Despite slightly delving into his frustrations (via cards) about how busy he was, he seemed in no rush to return to his territory to deal with whatever it may be.
“I looked up what promenade means, by the way,” You say eventually, though the silence between you both was comfortable enough, “I’d officially like to accept your invitation now. When work slows down for you, of course.”
Zestial chuckles, looking straight ahead, “Thyn has been working tirelessly to ensure uninterrupted time with thee. Much like this, only with a more suitable location for such a sweet soul as thou.”
“Tirelessly, huh? Don’t forget to take breaks,” You chastise playfully.
“In thys undead existence, thyn has come to be sure that there is no time for breaks. Change is constant and quick. Thyn is forced to adapt when thyn does not wish to or thy will be left a—how did one say? A relic.”
Now it was your turn to frown.
“Someone said that to you?”
His amusement remained alive as ever despite the terrible insult.
“Fret not. There shan’t be much for one to say any longer.”
You cross your arms and nod firmly.
“Howevermore, mayhaps there was truth in one’s words. It appears to thy, that the more thyst resists the ever growing changes of this modern day, the farther thyst casts thys own self into darkness.” Zestial sighs and trails off towards the end, “Tis a rather lonely existence.”
Slowly, you nod your head. It takes a minute to translate what he said and another to respond but Zestial is nothing if not patient.
“Change is constant,” You begrudgingly agree.
He hums in appreciation, “Precisely.”
“But it doesn’t have to be lonely if you don’t want it to be. You have Carmilla and—” You hesitate which caught his attention.
“Well, I was going to say me. If you want, that is.”
Zestial chuckles. It’s a dark, raspy sound that makes your bones vibrate and sends a shiver throughout your body.
“Thy would be honored to call thoust a friend.. for the time being. Thy can only be content in the darkness for so long now that light has been seen. Thoust will inevitably succumb to a courtship, thyself assures thee.”
“You lost me a little bit,” You replied, dipping your hand from side to side in a so-so motion.
The green of his eyes shrink upwards in amusement yet again. Zestial straightens, looking around as if debating something he doesn’t feel inclined to share this time. You show him the same courtesy he showed you and waited for him to gather his thoughts.
“As commerce for such a divine outing, and solidifying our enriching conversation, thoust will be repaid in kind. Just this once.” Zestial declares, holding up a single, slender finger from his coat, “You and I are much alike, dear firefly, we shall not be easily discouraged from our desires.”
He holds out his hand and waits for yours to join. It’s not a perfect fit, his fingers could wrap around yours two times over, but it feels nice. Zestisl is oddly warm with soft palms and an unfailingly gentle grip. Bowing, he kisses your knuckles like he did the first time,
“Until next time. Thy will count the seconds,” He says quietly.
You don’t realize there’s an audience until he sinks into the cracks on the ground and absconds from your view. If you’re honest, you didn’t catch quite a bit from the last few minutes. You’re still stuck in the web of time where Zestial said he desired you. At least you think that’s what he said. Funny, even when he says it in layman’s terms you’re still not sure what Zestial meant.
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soullumii · 11 months
masked up | joel miller x f!reader
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pairing: joel miller x fem!afab!reader
summary: joel fucks you while wearing his gas mask
warnings/tags: 18+ content MDNI, very self indulgent smut (unprotected piv oops, mask kink 🤭, vaginal fingering, riding joel cowgirl because that is for sure his fav position, little bit of a bulge kink, oral [m receiving]) descriptions of blood and violence, established relationship (married!! whoop whoop!!), making joel call you “my wife” because i’m weak for that shit, soft!joel, protective!joel, this got sappy, pet names galore as usual, NO USE OF Y/N
word count: 4.2k
a/n: i can’t explain how i feel about joel wearing a gas mask. i swear every time he put it on while i was playing tlou pt 1 i moaned /hj. just HEAR ME OUT PLEEK. JUST WATCH THIS (it’s a tiktok edit) OK YOULL UNDERSTAND.
You don’t mean for the mask to become a thing.
But it does. It becomes a Thing™.
It all starts and ends with Joel, like good and bad things usually do. And this thing is no exception.
But it all begins with something bad.
Coming across spores nowadays is few and far between for you. You're not usually on patrol much, your job being to tend to the crops in the greenhouse and feed the livestock. 
Today, though, you’re not so lucky. With Tommy out sick, you’re filling in for him. Thankfully, though, you’re paired with Joel, your very lovely and very experienced in the art of dealing with infected, husband. So you know if you come across spores, your husband will have your back. 
Spores are annoying, but they're manageable with gas masks. When you and Joel enter an abandoned office building on a new patrol route and you catch sight of the little specks floating through the air, you immediately put yours on, Joel doing just the same. 
The floaty fungal fuckers themselves aren't scary, especially not when you have the gas masks to keep you safe. It's just what waits in the shadows that scares you, because where there are spores, there's infected. Lots of them. 
And usually interspersed in that conglomerate of stalkers and clickers are the big, meaty ones. The kind that have been sitting and festering for years. The kind that could literally rip you into pieces, regardless if you have a gas mask on or not. Bloaters, yeah, those big shits. The fucking bane of your existence.
Unfortunately, the one lazing around in this abandoned office building must somehow pick up on your undying hate for them because within minutes of you and Joel looting the place for all it’s worth, it comes clambering out of what used to be a conference room.
It's a big one. Noticeably disgusting, outrageously hideous, growling and slobbering as it slings mycotoxin at you. It's not very fast, and yet it's so fucking terrifying as it lumbers after you, because you know exactly what it’s capable of. 
You're shooting at it with whatever arrows you have left in your backpack (though they’re mostly just bouncing off it’s thick fungal exterior), and Joel's crunching out shot after shot with his shotgun, but neither of you are hardly making a dent.
God, you wish Joel had brought the flamethrower he keeps in his storage room. You’d make a Molotov cocktail, but with the other infected hot on your heels, there's no time. 
A stalker comes crawling out of the shadows behind you, knocking over an office chair in the process, and you whip around to lodge an arrow right between its eyes. Two more come swinging out of nowhere, and you're so focused on trying to get rid of them so that they can't reach you—can't reach Joel—that you don't realize you've left your back unattended until a large, gross excuse for a hand lands hard on your shoulder, lugging you backwards with inhuman strength. 
Joel shouts your name with increased panic, and you hear his gun fire off more rounds into the bloater's back, but it doesn't care, it's hands finding your head and jaw, gripping you so tight you think it might shatter your mandible.
"Joel!" You scream, eyes squeezing shut as the pain in your jaw multiplies.
This motherfucker is about to rip you clean in half—
You think this is it, I'm about to die in front of my husband by being torn from the jaw down, but, thankfully, death never comes. Instead, the bloater releases you with a pained roar as the sound of squelching fills your ears. You manage to back away enough to watch Joel tug the bloater off of you by the handle of his machete, the blade lodged in its chest. 
He pulls the machete out only to swing it down in an arc straight into its head, repeatedly. Blood splatters all over him as he bludgeons the wretched thing. Over his veiny arms, his black mask. It sinks into the fabric of his flannel.
And funnily enough, this is when it becomes a thing.
The bloater crumples to the floor with a gurgling groan as it finally dies, and Joel turns to you, chest heaving and eyes wide and panicked. They soften, relieved when he catches sight of you physically intact, though, mentally a bit checked out.
Whether that’s because you’re in shock or because your brain is rewiring as it files this new image of Joel away, who knows? Maybe it's a little bit of both. 
“Are you okay?" Joel asks, sheathing his machete to look you over. His hands catch your jaw gently, a welcome contrast to the bloater. He turns it this way and that, checking for any damage or possible bites.
A traitorous thrumming starts up between your thighs as he stares you down through the lenses of his mask. 
"I'm fine, Joel," you say, breathlessly. "Thanks."
“Thank god,” he squeezes your arm lovingly, grateful to see you in one piece. “Let’s get outta here.”
- - -
"Do you like the masks?" You ask him eventually, when you're back outside, the setting sun warming you pleasantly as the tall borders of Jackson rise in the distance.
You both took the masks off the minute you escaped the spores, but a part of you secretly hoped Joel would keep his on.
Joel scratches at his graying beard. "They keep us safe. Don't feel much for 'em at all really." He glances sidelong at you, a curious quirk to his lips. "Why?"
You shrug, "No reason."
Just trying to figure out if you'd wear it during sex if I asked you to, that's all.
“Alright, somethin's up," Joel says. "You've got the look.” 
“What look?” 
“The sex look.” 
You halt in your hike, turning to narrow your eyes at him. “What the hell are you talking about?” 
Joel fails to stifle a chuckle. “You’re horny. That’s the face you make when you want to have sex. Like you wanna eat me alive.” 
Shit. He’s found you out.
“How would you know?”
He blinks. “Honey, I’m married to ya. Of course I’m gonna know.”
Valid. Still-
"I’m not horny," you try to defend, though you've never been good at lying, and based on the self satisfied smile Joel wears, you know he sees right through you. "We almost died, Joel. Maybe this is my 'loving every minute of my life' look."
"I know that look. This ain't it."
Jesus Christ.
You sigh heavily. “Okay, yes. Maybe I am a little horny.” 
"Because…what? We almost died? That gets you goin'?" 
"No," you grit. You can’t even look at him when you say it. “It’s the mask.”
His brows knit. “The...gas mask?”
You nod tightly. 
“I don’t think I’m followin’,” Joel says. 
Is he seriously asking you to spell it out for him?
You take a deep, steadying breath. You don’t quite know how to phrase this, so you just go for it. “Watching you save my life in the gas mask just sort of woke something up in me. It was hot.” 
Yup. He definitely thinks you’re crazy.
“So, what, you want me to fuck you while wearin' the mask or somethin’?”
Heat pools heavy and thick between your thighs at his words, your heart hammering behind your ribs. “Something like that, yeah.” 
Joel straightens. “...Okay. I can do that.” 
Your head whips up. “Wait, seriously?”
“You’re my wife. If you asked me to fuck you with a damn jester’s hat on I’d do it.” 
You laugh. “Okay, let’s not go that far.”
“I’d really do it for you.”
“It sounds like you actually want to wear it.”
He chuckles, and you two resume walking back to Jackson. “Alright, so, gas mask on tonight,” he says. “Any other requests?” 
“Since you’re asking…maybe you could wear a cowboy hat sometime…”
- - -
"Jesus, you're really lovin' this," Joel muses.
You're laid out beneath him in your shared bed, his long calloused fingers deep in your cunt, his thumb circling slowly over your clit, drawing out your pleasure, stretching it like taffy. Your jeans are still on, unbuttoned and unzipped, and your soiled underwear is pulled to the side as Joel’s hands unwind you. 
You're grasping onto his muscled forearm for dear life, moans leaking out of you in a steady stream as he fucks his fingers into you, curling up to stroke that spot that has you clenching down hard on his digits as the burning starts in your toes, climbing up your thighs. 
He looks so fucking good with that mask situated over his handsome face, his peppered hair flipping out over the straps that keep it snug on him. His eyes are dark through the lenses as they watch you unravel before him, almost black from how dilated his pupils are.
His jeans are still on, his erection straining hard against his zipper. The flannel he wore earlier is gone, giving you the perfect view of his toned chest and the dark hair that dusts it. There's still some blood stains on his mask. Every time you catch sight of them, your body ignites with something carnal and hungry.
"’Cause, you look hot," you huff between moans. 
Joel laughs, deep and rumbling, and the mask warbles it a bit, adding a distortion to his voice that for some reason makes everything happening so much hotter. “I still don’t really get it, but if it’s makin’ you this wet, I don’t care.”
You moan particularly loud at the sound of his voice muffled through the mask and cant your hips against his hand, the combination of his thumb circling your clit and his fingers fucking up into you has you dangling dangerously close to the edge.
“I-I’m close, Joel.”
His brows furrow behind his mask, and he quirks his fingers inside you even more, and you jolt against his hand. 
“C’mon then, baby. Come for me. Show me how much this pretty pussy loves this mask.”
Fucking shit. When you first met Joel, he hardly spoke a single word, and even when you got him to open up more, he was thoughtful with what he said, chose his words carefully. Unless he was angry, then he could be a bit of an ass.
In bed though? Shit, if you can get him to shut up it’s a damn miracle.
“F-fuck, Joel,” you whine, legs stiffening as your orgasm swells inside you, a match striking, lighting up your viscera as pleasure fast-releases inside your veins. 
“There you go baby, that’s it,” Joel purrs. “So pretty when you come.”
You inhale shakily as the last few shocks fizzle through you, your clit throbbing as you come down from your high.
“Fuck…” you huff, trying to catch your breath.
He strokes your thigh lovingly, and if you could see him behind the mask you’d assume he’s probably wearing that soft smile that he gets sometimes that melts you into a puddle of mushy gushy feelings.
Joel leans back on his knees. “Now it’s time to deliver on that promise,” he says, and your skin tingles at the sound of his zipper. 
“Wait,” you tell him, and he stops, looking at you in concern.
“Somethin’ wrong?”
“No I just…I wanna show you how much this means to me.”
“Me wearin’ this mask? It’s not a big deal-“
You sit up and plant your hands on his chest, pushing him down until his back hits the mattress, effectively shutting him up.
You swing your leg over him, situating yourself right on his lap and peel off your tank, delighting in the way his eyes widen and his hands come down to settle warmly on your thighs. 
The muscles in his arms shift as he squeezes your flesh. The drag of the crotch of his jeans against yours has you biting your lip, a zing of pleasure shooting through you.
Joel’s eyes have darkened behind his mask, his pupils swallowing his irises whole besides the thin circle of hazel remaining at the edges as he watches you.
“I’ve never hated jeans more than I do right now,” he says lowly, his gaze dropping to the rapid rise and fall of your chest.
His strong hands slide up from your thighs to your hips to your waist, his dry, calloused skin causing goosebumps to rise in their wake. Finally, his palms cup your breasts, unrestrained by a bra because they’re too hard to come by in this day and age. 
He squeezes gently, and your nipples tighten beneath his palms. And then he rolls one between his thumb and forefinger, and your back arches, pressing you further into him. Your hips grind down automatically, and Joel releases a hazy moan. 
“Maybe,” you gasp when you roll your hips again, reveling in the delicious friction against your clit. “You should take them off.”
“Yours first.”
You don’t press him on it. You want your jeans off. So you lift yourself off of him and the bed to tug at your zipper, and Joel watches raptly as you pull your skinny jeans down your thighs, kicking them off your ankles.
And then you’re only in your underwear, and you throw your legs astride him again, the cloth of your underwear catching deliciously on the tent in his jeans. Joel’s hands find your body immediately, like a sweet tooth to a chocolate bar. His fingers dig into your flesh, and he grips your thighs, pulling them apart to set you on him fully. A shudder wracks your spine at the feeling of him pressed against your throbbing core.
“Goddamn,” he growls, eyes roving over you hungrily. “So fuckin’ perfect.”
You grind down on the hard outline of his cock, and Joel can’t help his reflexive thrust into you, and you sigh. 
“I need you in me, Joel,” you whisper, leaning forward to plant your hands on his broad chest, your fingers messing with the hair dusting his sternum. “Need your cock filling me up.”
“Christ,” he swears, eyes falling shut as he bucks again. “Need’a be in you, sweetheart.”
His hands find your hips and then your ass, squeezing the muscle cultivated there from twenty years of surviving in an apocalyptic world. 
His fingers dip beneath the waistband of your panties, warm and confident. He lightly rakes his fingernails over your skin, running his calloused fingertips reverently over the stretch marks on your hips. 
“So fuckin’ beautiful,” he whispers through the mask. “Wish I could kiss you.” 
You shiver and your arms loop around his neck. His back is scarred beneath your hands, and you rub gently into the muscle of his traps, causing Joel to release a groan. 
His hand gravitates from your hips to the apex of your thighs, and your breath catches in your throat at the warmth radiating from his fingers when he positions them just below where you want him most.
He circles your clit again, smooth pleasure seeping through your nerve endings and your head falls back in a relaxed moan. You grind against the hard outline of his cock and the pads of his fingers against your clit, each slow drag of your hips causing pleasure to fizzle through you, like a flavored tab in a glass of water.
Your hands travel down his chest and stomach, outlining the thick, jagged scar there. Over his dark happy trail that starts just above his belly button and leads down to what your body is desperately craving. A little treasure map. 
You deftly undo the button and zipper and Joel makes a wrecked noise in the back of his throat when your hand brushes the hard outline of him through his briefs. 
“Wanna show you how much I like you in the mask,” you purr as you palm him. “How hot it gets me.” 
“Fuck,” his head falls back when you tug him out of his briefs, stroking his thick length to full mast. “Please, baby.”
You inch yourself down his legs so that you’re face to face with his weeping cock. Joel’s eyes widen and his hand comes up to gently stroke your hair appreciatively, tucking a lock of it behind your ear. He looks at you with adoration, and your heart swells in your chest.
“I love you, y’know that?” He says, softly. 
You can’t help but get a bit misty-eyed, always a fan of Joel when he gets soft like this. “I love you, too.” 
He smiles, and glances down at his dick, maneuvering it so that the head skates across your lips, leaving a trail of precum. His heated eyes find yours again. “Go on and show me then.”
“Yes sir.”
You keep eye contact as you lean forward to give his cock little kitten licks, and his head drops against the pillow with a groan, eyes lidded. “Shit, you can’t be lookin’ at me like that.”
You just smirk, and lick a long stripe up a prominent vein and kiss the tip of his cock sweetly before slowly taking him into your mouth. You take in as much as you can (which isn’t much, he’s pretty fucking big), and your hands find whatever you can’t fit.
You start sucking him in earnest, pressing the flat of your tongue against the ridge of his cock, delighting in the way the hand that had softly petted your hair before is now gripping it tight when you tongue that sensitive spot that always gets him reeling.
“That’s it, honey,” he groans, his hips twitching with tiny little thrusts as he tries to hold himself back. “Just like that.”
You moan against his cock, which has him bucking up reflexively, shoving his dick further into your warm mouth. Your throat spasms around the head of his cock when it hits the back of it, gagging lightly and tears forming at the edges of your eyes.
“Shit, I'm sorry, sweetheart,” he says, wiping the tears from your eyes with his thumb.
You shake your head slightly in reassurance, moaning around his cock again, and he releases a heavy breath, eyes fluttering shut once more as you continue to suck and bob and lick, effectively ruining him.
“Okay, okay, baby,” he says after a little while, lightly tugging on your hair to try and get you to stop. “I’m gonna come if you keep doin’ that.” 
You release his cock with an audible pop and send him a pout, “But that’s the whole point.” 
He chuckles a bit, sliding the mask off for a second so he can pull you up to kiss you softly, his tongue swiping over your bottom lip. You moan gratefully into his mouth when he tilts his head to deepen it, opening up greedily. As attractive as you find the mask, you certainly do miss being able to kiss him. You sigh happily when he pulls back to mouth at your jaw and throat, sucking and nipping his way down. 
“I wanna be in you when I come,” he murmurs against your skin, voice rough and gruff and you don’t think you’ll ever tire of it. “How’s that sound?”
You moan softly when he bites down on your throat, his beard and mustache tickling your skin. “Sounds…sounds good.”
He gives you another kiss before tugging his mask back down over his head, and your skin ignites, pussy fluttering.
Joel laughs. “I can literally see the cogs in your brain turnin’ when I put this on. You really do like it, huh?”
You shrug with a guilty smile. “The heart wants what it wants.”
And what it wants is him. Real bad.
So you drift a hand down to pull your panties to the side and shift your hips to position yourself over him, the head of his cock catching on your entrance. You sink slowly down, his length filling you.
The two of you moan in tandem.
“There we go,” he sighs.
“Mm, so big, Joel…” you whimper, and his dick jumps inside you.
You both just hang there for a moment, suspended in time as you get used to the feeling of each other. You’ve done this so many times, know each others bodies inside and out, yet it’s still a brand new experience every time.
You always have to adjust to his thickness. 
You break the spell with an experimental roll of your hips, and Joel’s hands clamp down on your hips with a vice grip.
“Christ—“ he swears. “You’re so good, so good for me.”
He’s filling you so fully, so deeply right now, you’re practically speared on him, and each roll of your hips has your clit brushing against his pelvic bone, amplifying that white hot pressure building inside you. 
When you and Joel first started getting intimate together, he was quiet in the bedroom. Probably a bit nervous around you—he was the one that fell first, after all.
But now after years together, he lets it all out.
Grunts and moans leak out of his gritted teeth as you fuck yourself on top of him. He’s dousing you in praises, telling you what a good girl you are. How perfect you are. How lucky he is to call you his wife. 
It’s all so very adorable and very sexy and you just love him so fucking much. 
Joel plants his feet down behind you, just to get some leverage so he can thrust his hips up into you at a steady pace. Your hands find purchase on his chest, keeping you upright while he fucks you.
His large palm slides around the front of your stomach, pressing down, and you can feel the way his cock moves inside you as he does it.
“You see that, baby?” 
You haven’t really looked down, so focused on the way he looks in the mask, how his breaths are coming out heavier and rougher through it. The way he sounds wrecked. But now that he’s asking, you do. 
You look down, only to see a slight bulge in your stomach with each thrust of his hips. 
A pleasant shudder runs through you. “Oh fuck.”
“Love seein’ the way I fuck you,” he rasps.
You watch his cock disappear and reappear with a slack jaw, eyes glazed as his hands stray to your thighs, squeezing and kneading the flesh.
You’re losing strength in your arms, your nails scraping through his chest hair as you try and remain upright, but the effort of matching his thrusts with your own along with the steady ecstasy filling your marrow is enough to have you collapsing against his chest, boneless.
And now Joel can really take the reins. His big hands grip your ass, holding you still as he pounds into you, your cheek smushing against his pecs with each heavy thrust, your clit rubbing against his sweat-slicked skin.
“F-fuck, Joel. Oh my god—“
“Yeah, yeah,” he grunts. “Atta girl.” 
Within moments you’re already there, eyes squeezing shut, brows pulled together in ecstasy as your climax crashes over you in rolling waves. It ebbs and flows within you as you listen to the heated pants modulating through Joel’s mask, watching his eyes gloss over as he chases his own release. 
It’s so fucking good. So right. Your husband never fails to give you exactly what you want.
His thrusts grow sloppier as he follows soon behind you, the fluttering walls of your cunt pulling him over faster.
“I’m comin’,” he grits. And then he’s grinding his cock into your pussy, holding you still against him as he paints your insides with thick ropes of cum, releasing a long, drawn out, wrecked moan of your name.
You lay pliant on his chest, practically drooling on him as you both come down and his cock softens inside you, slick and cum running down the inside of your thighs. His heart pounds under your ear, a steady reminder that he’s alive and here and that you, thank fuck, didn’t die earlier today.
“Thanks,” you mumble against his perspirant skin.
He tugs the mask off, his hair sticking to his sweaty temple. “‘Course, darlin’. Though as hot as that was, I dunno about having sex wearin’ that again. I think I was startin’ to get light headed from the lack of air.”
You giggle, “I’m sorry.”
“No, no. I liked it. But now anytime we have to wear them again I’m just gonna be thinkin’ about this. Gonna get a damn hard-on when I’m on patrol.”
You smirk, leaning up to plant a kiss on his lips. He opens up beneath you immediately, moaning softly into your mouth. 
“Maybe that was my goal all along,” you mumble, smiling into the kiss.
He pulls back with a quirked brow and crooked grin. “You are into some sick kinds of torture.”
“I mean, if it gets you coming home to me quicker…”
“Oh I’ll be comin’, alright.”
Your face scrunches. “God, you’re sick. Why did I even marry you?”
His eyes melt, one hand squeezing your ass cheek, the other stroking your jaw. “Because you love me.”
That causes tears to well in your eyes again, because despite everything, despite all the fucked up things about this world, you do love him. You’re capable of loving him. And you’re grateful that, even with the terrible way life has treated him, he’s capable of loving you too.
“Yeah, I do,” you say.
He kisses you again, sweet and passionate and filled with all the things he never knows how to say. “I love you, too.”
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heartless-tate · 1 month
I have a request!!
I need some angsty Rhys x reader like I need the air I breathe. I’m talkin someone died and was brought back by the grace of the Gods or something along those lines. And I need the other party to lose it.
Can be smutty too I won’t be mad about it. But if it doesn’t fit don’t force it. Love your works! You’re a fabulous writer 💜
Come back to me | Rhysand X Freader angst
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A/N: sorry it took so long! I’ve been very busy. P.S this shit wasn’t proof read so if it sucks it sucks. I’ll do better on my upcoming fics 😭 And thank you so much anon!
warnings: death, allusions to sex, wasn’t proof read 🥴, MDNI!!!!
“No!” Rhysand snaps at you. You growled challengingly at your friend. He was so fucking stubborn. 
“Rhysand I swear to the cauldron above I will skin your ass if you don’t let me go on this mission.” 
Rhysand bristles at your new threat. You were always creative with them. His eyebrow quirks. He sighs and rubs his temples. He looks around his office as if trying to find an escape. He stands abruptly and approaches you. His wings gently cocoon you, and he drops his head on your neck defeatedly like a pouty child. 
“Don’t call me that...” he mutters into your skin. Your fae ears catch it. His breath was warm against your skin, and you wondered briefly why he had been so touchy as of late. 
“What?! Your name…?”
“Yes.You always call me Rhys- call me anything but my full name. We’re closer than that dear.” He whispers, lifting his head up. You huff. You wonder why you feel your body gets hot at the nickname. It was just Rhysand- he gave pet names to others. Right? Your eyes find his violet ones. You were tempted to scream at him again but you saw his tired eyes, and softened. You sigh. 
“Fine. But I’ll go with you.” Rhysand spoke before you could say anything else. 
It wasn’t just Rhysand that tagged along. Azriel and Cassian did too. Whatever- at least you got to go. Ever since your best friend, Rhysand, returned from under the mountain he’s been weirdly protective. He had always been protective- but now he was outrageously paranoid of anything harming you. It was odd. 
You were on a simple mission. Track down a group that has been disturbing some of the night court’s cities, take them out. Simple really. Or so you thought. Once you had successfully tracked the group down, Azriel had stopped any of you from proceeding further. He wanted to observe the band of rouges to see what they were doing. And their powers. You didn’t see a point in it- as you were there. Azriel was there. Cassian was there. Rhysand was there. You four could take out this lowly group in minutes! Or so you thought.
 After about three days of restless following the group, it was safe to say you were ready to take them out. You didn’t pay any mind to Cassian  trying to stop you from proceeding. Azriel had been scouting the area for any others. Rhysand was with him as back up. Leaving you and Cassian to watch the group. You felt a hand grip your wrist and jerk you back.. 
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?!” Cassian whisper-barked at you. 
“Cas- I’m hungry. I was just going to get some food.” You whispered sweetly, batting your eyelashes at him. His eyes softened he contemplated. 
“Fine stay here, don’t move and keep your eyes on them- I’ll go on a quick hunt real quick.” He muttered. You smirked in victory once he left, now it was time to show them that you could be helpful. 
“Something’s wrong. I sense it.” Rhysand yelled to Azriel over the wind. There was no other members of the band of rouges around.  Azriel flared his wings slightly and nodded in response.
“Let’s head back, I’m sure everything is fine.” He responded. 
Rhysand wasted no time and turning swiftly in the air. He started a fast pace back to the camp where the group was resting. Azriel followed suit. Something was wrong. He could sense it. His skin had goosebumps, and he felt restless. He had a shaky feeling of anxiety. Why? He couldn’t figure this out.
The camp came into view, and he was about to dive into the forest to hide himself from the group. But his eyes caught something- a body. A body in the middle of all the men. The men were cheering and whipping it. Rhysand’s eyes sharpened and he felt sick. It was- you. A sense of rage and utter wrath of a thousand burning suns filled him. 
Azriel flinched when the whole area went completely dark- it wasn’t nighttime- it was Rhysand’s wrath. He felt a shiver work it’s way up his spine. He caught sight of your naked body being beaten. 
A loud book of thunder sounded, causing all the men to pause their fun. They didn’t have time to react when something large hit the ground. Majority of them fell to the floor, scampering. Dust was everywhere. 
A tall looming figure with bat wings spread in front of you, covering you. Rhysand. Everything hurt. So fucking bad. You were covered in blood and vomit- whatever they had shoved down your throat was working fast. You felt sick. Vunerable. Everything was so hazy. You didn’t have time to process the screams around you or why. You felt your body collapse. Something was wrong. No- it’d be fine. You’d get flown to Madja and healed and you’d soon wake up. You tried to keep your body up but failed, collapsing to the mud. 
Rhysand felt dread at hearing the thump on the ground. There were bodies everywhere. His senses were heightened. The only heartbeat was Azriel’s and yours. But yours was the only one that mattered right now. And it was so slow- 
He shoved Azriel away from your collapsed form quickly, cradling your head. Your scent- it was fading. Your skin was so pale. He realized with a sick feeling you were dying. His eyes met your weakly opened one’s. Your eyes started to close.
“Nonononono- cmon we need to get her to Madja. What are you doing?! Let’s go!” He yelled, quickly hailing your body in his arms. Azriel flinched. 
“Rhys- it’s too late. It’s an hour flight, and where we are it’s impossible to winnow! And the poison they forced on her has spread mostly.” Azriel whispered. Rhysand ignored his words, shaking his head. His wings flared, preparing for flight. 
“Where’s Cassian- get him- we can make it-“
“Rhysand- we fucking can’t. It’s not possible.” Azriel’s words and reality finally seemed to hit Rhysand. Rhysand collapsed in the mud, holding you close to his chest. He was rocking you back and forth, tears falling from his eyes. 
He gently caressed your face. Your eyes opened. He whimpered softly at your weak expression. “No.nononononono! It wasn’t suppose to happen like this. There was so much I had planned for you- for us.” Rhysand said. His words were soothing. You felt yourself relax. You felt Rhysand’s talons scrape your mind, and gently broke your barricade. The pain in your body disappeared. You were able to process his words better. Death, you were dying. Us. You had never realized there was an us. You couldn’t help but press your face against your hand. You think you could die at peace like this. You weren’t sure if the tears on your face were his or yours? Maybe both. You were so tired- you felt so relaxed with his warm body and wings covering you. We’re the woods always this quiet? It was getting harder to keep your eyes open. Rhysand’s hold tightened. 
Rhysand came to the realization if he was panicked you would feel it- he needed to calm himself for you. It was the least he could do. He took shaky breaths pressing his forehead agaisnt yours. “I’m so sorry..” he muttered agaisnt your skin. 
“..you have nothing to be sorry for…” you grunted out. “..I love you Rhysand.” 
“Don’t call me that.” He groaned out. Nudging his head against your body gently. Your choked laugh filled his ears. 
“I love you so much Rhys.” You said again. He made a noise of pain  and kissed your wet eyelids. 
“I have loved you with every fiber of my being since the day I met you, and I will continue loving you until the day I die..” He whispered loudly. His lips were soft as they gently pressed to the tip of your nose. He watched as your shaky hand reached forward to wipe his watery eyes. Your fingertips were soft. He savored the moment, closing his eyes. Until he felt your hand fall. His eyes widened open, panic settling in. Your eyes were fighting to stay open. Your chin lifted foward as if to kiss him. He bent forward. His forehead again rested against yours. You were both staring at eachother. Something snapped- a gold tether between you too. You felt your heart throb one last time. And everything went dark. 
Rhysand screamed. It was guttal and terrifying to Azriel who stood off to the side giving you two privacy. He felt his heart break. You were dead. 
Rhysand refused to let you go. Your corpse remained in his bed- it had been two days after your death. Somehow his magic had kept your body intact and clean. He refused to eat, drink, or even leave your side. He spent his hours curled up agaisnt you, crying and begging for you to come back. You were his mate. He had loved you as much more then a friend for a millennia of years by now, and he had a sneaking hint you were mates. But the mother was so cruel- killing you just as soon as the bond snapped. 
His claws dug into your skin gently as he rocked your corpse back and forth. A knock sounded at the door, eliciting a growl from him. Azriel stepped in. 
“Rhys. You need to eat. Y/n wouldn’t want you-“ 
“Don’t say her fucking name!” Rhysand growled, eyes going dark. Azriel shivered in fear at the sudden darkness. Nobody could get to Rhys. It was scary. His brother was slowly killing himself. And they couldn’t do anything about it. 
Azriel nodded and left the room, deciding to leave it be. Rhysand curled his wings back around you. He climbed on top of you, gently straddling. A few tears dropped down his face, landing on yours. His forehead met yours. 
“Bring her back home-  please..” He cried out. 
Rhysand flinched. He was hearing things now. Was he in so much pain he was delusional now? He whimpered. He thought he could hear you calling his name. Maybe his time has finally come and he’ll be with you again. 
Rhysand jumped, hearing your sickly coughs. You. You. You. You were breathing. He was surely in the afterlife now. His head dropped to your chest, ignoring your cries of his name in favor of hearing your heartbeat. It was there- you were alive.
Rhysand choked on a sob. He didn’t know what to say. 
“Rhysand!” You yelled louder. He flinched. 
“Get off of me- your suffocating me you big Illyrian baby.” You groaned. He wuickly jumped off of you. Onyl to wrap you in his arms and cradle you to his lap like a child. 
“Rhys?” You questioned. His head was pressed to your chest again. Where your heart was. You felt something wet drip down. 
“You were dead. Gone- dead. I lost you!” He choked out. “I thought..” he couldn’t finish his sentence as he made a whimpering noise. He was having a full break down. 
“Rhys. I’m right here, I’m alive, calm down.” You muttered. Your body was sore but you couldn’t feel much right now. All you could focus on was the weird attached feeling towards the male holding you. How were you alive? You had no idea. But you weren’t mad. That’s for sure. 
Rhysand gently pushed you down against his sheets. You were in his bed, in his shirt and boxers. You smelled of him. There wasn’t much to say. He was acting on instinct. His hand roamed your body, as if ensuring you were real. His wings cradled you, blocking out the world. He grabbed your face, turning it, inspecting you. 
“Rhysand!” You snapped. He flinched in response. “I’m not going anywhere and I’m fine.” You repeated trying to calm his mother hen. You could feel his emotions now. 
“No. You’re not going anywhere. That’s for sure.” He whispered, eyes holding a dark look. You nodded in response. You flushed slightly, remembering. He was your mate. He finally smiled down at you. It was slightly crazed, but it was better than crying. His eyes were puffy. 
“I’m here to stay.” You whispered as his lips slowly met yours. Your first kiss with him. 
Rhysand was very clingy. The last two weeks have been spent with him up your ass. The inner circle was delighted to see you alive. And Cassian begged forgiveness. He thought it was his fault. You assured him, it wasn’t his fault. Which led to Rhysand sitting you down and giving you a very long lecture. You weren’t allowed on missions until next starfall. Of course, it annoyed you. But you also decided to relent and obey Rhysand this time. Armen said you were a miracle and not to question your resurrection.
You and Rhysand had been taking it slow as far as the bond. It strictly stayed to small pecks on the lips. He wanted to ravish you- but he wanted you to be comfortable with him. You were. How couldn’t you be? Azriel told you how he stayed beside your body. It made you tear up. And now, all that was left of the ‘accident’ was a protective Rhys. He refused to leave your side for more than an hour. Sleeping arrangements were made where you could sleep in his room or yours, but best belive he had to be in the same room. If you didn’t want him touching you that night he was more then happy to sit in a chair and do paperwork (and watch you as you sleep but you didn’t know that.)  But you always ended up wanting him by you. It brung comfort. 
You were ready for more. Specifically tonight. You convinced Rhysand that you would be okay while he joined his brothers at Rita’s. But you knew he’d be back within two hours. And would waste no time attaching to you. So you worked fast. You made yourself look pretty in the mirror feeling slightly self conscious. You felt a shift in the air realizing Rhysand was near. You rushed to the kitchen looking at the meal you prepared. You were shaking. This was embarrassing. What if he didn’t want you? 
“Love?” Rhysand’s sweet voice filled the air as he sensed your distress and rushed into the dining room. He paused upon seeing you. You were gorgeous. No female on this planet could hold a candle to your beauty. He swallowed the saliva building in his mouth. You were standing in one of those sundresses. He gulped. You were clammy. His eyes slid to the plate of food where he usually sat for dinner. His eyes slid back to yours. 
He felt himself harden. “Y/n?” He whispered. 
“I’m accepting the bond.” You whispered. 
“Say it again.” He demanded. 
“I’m accepting the bond Rhys.” You said louder, feeling embarrassed until he plopped down on the chair. He wasted no time in devouring his food. It was gone in under two minutes. His eyes found yours again. 
“I suggest you sit and eat your plate. Because once I get you in my room you’re not coming out for a very long while.” His pupils were dilated and his wings were flared. He was holding himself back.
You certainly didn’t waste any time eating your plate. 
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