#victoria being just enough of a sister to kill all romantic possibilities but not enough of a sister to unconditionally support amy
kaftan · 11 months
I’ve come across the “amy has an incest kink” line several times and it baffles me so much… the first time I saw it I hadn’t read worm yet, just knew a little bit about it secondhand, and wanted to make a joke along the lines of “hey it’s not very nice to amy to imply that she’s attracted to victoria for her sister role instead of who she is as a person 😔” but having read all the way up to arc 18 it actually stuns me how amy never once openly thinks of or refers to victoria in sexual terms — it’s always framed as this kind of indistinct hopeless adoration, or obsessive romantic fervor, but it’s never explicitly sexual. her desire to touch manifests as hugging, holding — never kissing. (unless that happens later, but I’m guessing it doesn’t, and I think it’s still significant that it doesn’t happen at any of the major climactic moments for them.) this isn’t to say I don’t think there are sexual feelings there, but they’re clearly terrifying or shameful enough to be buried even deeper than the rest of it.
overall it’s this fascinating war between purity and disgust raging in amy’s head: the love she defends is a chaste, idealized sort, but she finds it impossibly filthy at the same time not because of her own desire, but because of the context it exists in. she wants victoria to be her sister and she wants victoria to be her love — the dissonance there isn’t appealing to her, it tears her apart. all the more because victoria can never be her real sister (not by blood relation rules) and can never be her real love (because amy’s feelings will never truly be returned). it’s called perpetual unfulfillment, and nothing about it is sexy to her. I cannot stress enough how much this is not sexy to her.
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just-walk-around · 1 year
I don't read or watch the twilight saga, I only have seen some parts. But I love fanfics, I twilight fanfics are part of all the group of shows that I like. But my queer ass prefer a platonic relationship than romantic between Bella and Edward. WLW and MLM is the best friendship ever.
Edward (sad, dramatic, repressed hundred years old but still mentally teenager gay): I'M A MONSTER, AN ABOMINATION THE WORST, GOD WILL NEVER OPEN THE DOORS TO HEAVEN FOR ME.
Bella (kinda depressed, sarcastic, weird, grow up to fast, absolute disaster lesbian): DUDE, IS JUST A FUCKING SPIDER!
Bella x all female vampire (except esme that woman is her mother figure you can't change my mind) is delicious.
Alice? Friends to lovers, calm gf and too much energy gf, "sweast and t shirt is enough" "as your future wife I have full right to change your clothes" "my Future Fucking what?!" "opps spoilers" , oh you are weird I weird too! Besties!
Rosalie? Rival to lovers, tsundere gf and oblivious gf, "I fucking hate you" "oh, then what you buy me a new car?" "BECAUSE THAT SHITTY TRUCK HURT MY EYES", family intervention because they Will never get together otherwise "I'm not jealous!"You just make a boy cry because he told her how nice her hair looked!" "wow your sister is beautiful but she is a bitch, just because she is hot and smart and have a pretty smile and..." "Bells just ask her out this is painful to watch" "I don't love her!" "Bella take a moment to think about everything that happened between you two, EVERYTHING and tell me again that you don't love her" "I.. *processing information" "HOLY FUCK I'M IN LOVE WITH YOUR SISTER""Congratulations you are THE LAST TO KNOW IT! "
Any of the Denali trio ? Teacher x student, "I have met this human for one second now I love her I will provide everything for her I will make her happy Fucked up!Edward stay away", patient gf with hurt gf.
Victoria or any volturi girl? Enemy to friends to lovers, reluctant gf and resigned gf, denial, denial and more denial, the bad guys are actually doing good things, "I will never fall in love with you" "I have all the time of the world darling". Unhealthy relationship going to healthy relationship.
The other vampire clans? The possibilities are endless!.
PLUS PAPA BEAR CHARLIE JUS GOING FULL SUPPORTIVE,HE COULD EITHER BE PUTTING RAINBOWS STICKERS IN HIS CLOTHES, "YES SIR I LOVE NY GAY DAUGHTER DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT" OR HAVING NO IDEA HOW TO GO ABOUT IT, "So you like tits? I like tits too! I mean, uh" "did you need um you know advice? About you know?" "dad please you are killing me" the best Is that he wouldn't care if his daughter is dating a vampire BUT THEY ARE SO OLD, HE WOULD BE LOOKING THINKING IS THIS PREDATORY BEHAVIOR? AND BELLA BEING LIKE DAD WE JUST ARE HOLDING HANDS There will not be a shotgun he will buy a freaking flamethrower he will spend all his money for a fishing boat to buy it. Because God dammit he is a dad trying his best!.
Edward x Jacob? Enemy to friends to lovers, cross lovers, cat bf x dog bf, homophobic Edward, denial denial and more denial, supportive cullens or slightly homophobic because of their differents ages trying their best to overcome their views for their son/brother, VS the pack "my imprint is a boy" "That's okay we love you and support you anyway"" he is a vampire""WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAY?! EXILE FOR JACOB, EXILED FOR HUNDRED OF YEARS"
Edward x Emmett? I get us in trouble bf and I get us out of trouble bf, calm bf and too much energy bf, grumpy cat bf and dumb bear bf, "babe what animal is the pink panther?" "dear, is in the name" "I think is a lion" "love of my life is a panther" "I Google it panther aren't pink" "AND FUCKING LIONS ARE?" "You do something stupid again don't you" "no, I just think he will like some roses for his room and a new piano" "sure"
Edward x jasper? Learning together to live with overwhelming powers and the guilt of our decisions and mistakes.
And just for the shit of it, Edward x Aro, Carlisle going FULL PAPA BEAR ON IT.
Like it could go the hurt/comfort route or the comedic route and it will be amazing.
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I kinda find it funny how, if Ed didn't break up with Bella and then chase after Victoria in NM, we might not have gotten the events of Eclipse. Girl was just vibing with her makeshift "guards," and he had to mess it all up by having her see how newborn armies work and inspire her. Do you think Vic would've still would've gone after Bella if not for NM's events (and how it'd go down)? Cause low key I think it's funnier if she wasn't a danger but Ed made her into one jfksaldjf.-Sw
I think she would have.
True, Victoria comes up with the newborn army scheme after Edward chases her down to Mexico, but she also doesn't use it right away. She tests the waters in Forks for a very long time before she decides to invade.
In other words I, sigh, agree with Edward on this: Victoria was coming back to murder Bella Swan in vengeance no matter what was happening.
Without the newborn army, however, things would have played out very differently.
A Bit on the Romantic Tragedy Penned by Edward Cullen
First, a note, Edward had always intended to leave Bella. From the moment he realized he was in love with her he told himself that he would one day leave her. It was just a matter of when.
In Twilight, he's torn. He knows he shouldn't be a part of her life, that bringing her into his world almost necessitates her becoming a vampire, but he also really doesn't want to let her go. He doesn't think he's strong enough to do it.
And as Bella keeps getting herself into danger he gives himself more and more excuses.
If he's not there, then Bella will get crushed by a van or raped in an alley or eaten by bears. Her number's up, and Edward is single handedly fighting fate to keep this angel alive.
Bella needs Edward, therefore he can't possibly go.
The birthday party put things back into perspective. Edward's family is the most dangerous threat to Bella there is, Edward himself really may lose control one day and devour her, and unless she turns (which Edward absolutely does not want) then she has no future with him.
The family has to leave now.
However, if there's no birthday party, then Edward doesn't have that catalyst and reminder. He likely decides to himself that he will leave Bella after graduation, his family will move towns, Bella will attend whichever university she attends, and he will have had a few wonderful years with Bella pretending he's a regular high school boy dating a regular high school girl.
When Bella then dies a natural human death sometime later, Edward will go to Volterra and kill himself (and force the Volturi's hand when Aro refuses to do it).
Of course, he'd probably break here too, but that's a different story.
I do think without Jasper's slip up and the birthday party, that Edward would have stuck around for New Moon.
The World Without Bella's Birthday Party
Bella throws the fit she didn't in canon.
She doesn't want this birthday party, she never asked for this birthday party, AND WHY DOES BELLA ALWAYS HAVE TO HUMOR ALICE?!
Bella has had a summer filled with Alice. In canon, this was a delight, in this world Bella realizes that maybe they spend most of their time doing what Alice wants to do rather than what Bella wants to do.
Alice is clearly throwing this party for Alice's sake, everyone knows it, and Edward tells her, "Please humor my sister and be a good sport."
Isn't this party supposed to be about Bella?
Alice is terribly upset and does not handle any of this well, Edward tells Bella to be reasonable and be the better person and give Alice this party, Rosalie thinks this is all petty bullshit but has mild respect for Bella on calling Alice out on this, and Carlisle is rubbing his temples somewhere trying to let the children deal with this themselves.
In the end, they compromise, Bella's birthday is Edward taking her out to dinner at an expensive restaurant in Seattle of Alice's choice, Bella wearing a fancy Chanel dress that Alice selected for her.
Bella's still embarrassed and miserable, but at least there aren't a billion pink candles.
As a result, there's no birthday party, no papercut, and no dumping.
The next several months instead are spent with Bella and Alice in a battle of wills and a real rough spot in their friendship. Bella tries to explain to Edward that Alice treats her like a doll, not a person.
Edward, of course, has no idea what she's talking about.
Bella fails to realize that Edward also treats her like a doll and not a person.
Laurent's Scouting Mission
As in canon, Laurent is probably sent by Victoria to scout. Victoria probably never left the area which means (remember this is book universe where Riley was in California) that she never turned Riley.
Without being all over the Forks area killing hikers, probably fewer wolves are turned. Yes, the Cullens are in the area, but they've been there three years, are very non-threatening, and in that time only Sam shifted.
We don't see the deluge of shifting until after the Cullens have left and Victoria starts actively attacking the area.
(Yes, this is worthy of a meta but that meta is not this meta)
Regardless, Laurent shows up, Sam's not sure if he's one of those friends of the Cullens or not, and Laurent walks in to see that all the Cullens are there.
Just like he expected.
Because Victoria has sent him to die.
Carlisle feels a headache coming on but is not shocked to see that Laurent's eyes are red again after only a few months. (Though this explains the sobbing phone call that Carlisle got from Irina asking if he'd seen Laurent because that beautiful, perfect, man has gone missing!)
Laurent provides some weasley bullshit explanation anyway. He asks, though it's really more of a demand, that he join the Cullen coven (much larger than the Denali, very gifted, and very powerful). Carlisle says no, Laurent has to stick to the diet if he joins the coven and he has to mean it. Given Laurent's current appearance, it seems as if Laurent is not willing to do that.
Laurent then begs them to let him stay: Victoria will murder him otherwise (and oh by the way she's after your Lunchable Bella Swan). That gets Edward into action, he demands Laurent's death and that he then hunt down Victoria personally.
Carlisle politely suggests that Laurent, rather than seek shelter from them who he knows Victoria intends to cross paths with, go back to the Denali and give the diet another whirl.
Laurent flees back to the Denali, Irina is ecstatic to see him. Victoria's not even surprised.
The family discusses what to do about Victoria. Carlisle would rather not hunt this woman down on hearsay alone. Jasper thinks they should have killed her to start and letting her escape was foolishness, he told them she'd be back. Edward for once is with Jasper, Victoria must be destroyed before she can harm Bella. They look to Alice and, yeah, there's a good possibility that Victoria will be back.
Edward is torn between hunting down Victoria and protecting Bella in person. Jasper leaves before he can make the decision, which of course angers Edward beyond belief, but, well, he guesses it is what it is.
Edward decides to not tell Bella that a vampire is after her life: it'll just worry her.
Jasper's Hunting Mission
Jasper likely has a devil of a time catching Victoria, as he did the first time, because of her gift. He ends up having very long phone calls with Alice as he tries to coordinate a successful solution to this.
Because Edward never left Bella, she never sought out Jake. She never forms her friendship with Jake nor realizes the secret behind the shapeshifters.
Billy tries to give Bella a few more ominous warnings but there's no getting through to this girl.
Edward never proposes to Bella because he's intent on leaving her after graduation. He does not tell Bella this though she constantly worries about it.
He assures her they can have a long distance relationship at college (he has no such intentions).
Victoria is kept out of the Forks area by Jasper and likely takes the one obvious route left to her. She has nothing left to live for, and it doesn't matter how much terror she lives in the Volturi, if this means her death then so be it.
She goes to the Volturi and narks on the Cullens.
Victoria Narks
It... does not go as planned.
Aro placates Caius with many excuses: this girl is in her primary schooling, is the only daughter of a police chief, she cannot simply disappear.
Carlisle is likely waiting until after she graduates and can disappear across the country.
And yes, technically this James fellow had bit Bella and they had their perfect chance but... Well, Aro will talk to Carlisle, it is not breaking the law yet.
Aro travels to Forks in person with Renata, shows up on Carlisle's doorstep, and says, "We need to talk."
Aro lays down the law, this girl better be turned after graduation, and Aro can only stall Caius so long. Also, great to see you, you built yourself a coven and that's perfectly marvelous.
Edward, of course, throws a fit but the law is the law and the law just visited them for tea. Aro makes it very clear that either Bella is turned, she dies, or Aro will have no choice to take adverse action against Edward at the very least (if not Carlisle and the rest of the Cullens).
Aro also points out this is an unsustainable relationship that's not good for anybody. Yes, it's too bad the girl has no choice, but they really should have thought of that before Edward walked around strongly hinting he wasn't human.
Edward insists they vote.
The vote doesn't go the way he likes.
Esme doesn't want Edward to live in misery after Bella dies, Rosalie doesn't like the idea of turning Bella but it appears they have no choice, Jasper (via conference call) doesn't want to be the one to eat Bella and it's stupid given the VOLTURI IS IN THE ROOM FOR THIS VOTE, and Carlisle notes that it appears Bella has no other option and at least this seems to be what she wants?
They will turn Bella after graduation.
Edward smashes a TV.
They tell Edward to tell Bella, it should come from him, Edward never does.
Instead, out of nowhere, he asks her to marry him and elope. They can live on a deserted island somewhere.
Bella thinks this is stupid and says no.
Edward dies inside.
Victoria Chooses Death
Victoria is out of options, the Volturi did not come through, and she wanders out of Volterra in a daze.
She guns it for Forks with Jasper hot on her tail. If there's one thing left for her, she will murder this Bella Swan before she dies. She fails, Jasper catches up to her in Forks and murders her.
No one tells Bella.
After graduation, Carlisle picks Bella up. Bella has no idea what's happening, Carlisle assumes she does. Carlisle lays down the game plan, she's going to take a summer abroad before school starts, travelling with Alice, then both she and Alice will disappear in an accident.
Bella asks him to hold up, what the hell is he talking about?
Carlisle realizes with dull horror that Edward never told Bella. He awkwardly explains that the Volturi personally came to visit and, well, they have to turn Bella into a vampire.
He's very sorry.
Bella's very on board with this, she asks if it can be Edward that does it.
Carlisle says no, that's not a good idea.
They stare at each other.
Carlisle cannot believe Edward didn't tell her.
Edward and Bella do not get married nor does she have sex with him as a human.
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
hi i would die for some jekyll x emma <33
Ahahah I can relate to you anon I would die for them too <3
Emma has always had a crush on Henry, Henry quickly would get quite enticed by Emma. Emma would watch Henry from afar during banquets far too scared to go up and talk to him, too intimidated by all the ladies around him, far too afraid of having her heart broken.
Jekyll and Sir Carew are colleagues/friends but Emma isn't much younger than Jekyll, only by a few years (5 at most). Ever since Henry and Sir Carew started working together, he used to joke to Emma that he was going to set her up with Henry.
(Emma would be incredibly flustered but secretly enjoy it. A lot).
Emma finds herself pacing her bedroom with worry after her first banquet with Henry. She heard some whispers that Dr. Jekyll suddenly felt sick and had to leave, she worries she did something wrong simply because she is paranoid of scaring away her crush right after their dance together.
Much to her delight, however, Henry can barely keep himself away from her during every other banquet they attend afterward. He always asks Sir. Carew about the events Emma will attend to see if he will be attending it too, Sir. Carew immediately begins to tease Emma about Henry already having fallen for her.
They dance a lot together during events and Henry can't help but fall head-over-heels for her. He hasn't been able to enjoy himself this much in years and there is something about Emma that just... Makes his heart melt in a way no one has done before.
He is walking down the neighborhood where he knows the Carews lives one night. He passes the back of the house and sees Emma hanging on the balcony, watching the stars.
He couldn't have kept himself away from the opportunity to be a romantic goof even if he would have tried.
He calls her name and both get equally excited by the sight of each other. He vaults over the garden fence and stands under her balcony. Emma is incredibly flustered and yet incredibly happy about his wish to see her.
"It's a shame you aren't up here with me."
"It's a shame you'd believe you could keep me from trying to get up to you."
Henry ends up doing the most ungentleman-y thing possible and climbs up a tree to get to Emma and the balcony. He jumps over the railing and sweeps Emma off of her feet. They sit on the railing and Henry takes Emma's hands. He presses his lips to her knuckles and Emma swears that he ripped her heart out of her chest right then and there.
However, it does not take long until they hear Sir. Carew coming up the stairs, seemingly wanting to ask Emma something.
Henry panics, he gives Emma a quick kiss straight to her lips and vaults over the railing and straight into the garden. He gives her a quick wave before running off in desperate hope that Sir. Carew will neither see him nor skin him alive if he does.
Sir. Carew did see Henry, but he acts like he didn't because seeing Emma trying to gather herself and act perfectly well-put-together like she wasn't just having a romantic moment with her crush is the most adorable thing he has ever seen.
Their relationship quickly escalates from there. They are just so passionate for each other it's hard not to.
They have been having a relationship for a few months until Henry even dares to show Emma the Society. He begs the Lodgers to be on their best behavior.
Obviously, they aren't.
The lasses immediately welcome Emma with open arms (and tease Henry to high heavens) and the lads make the most ridiculous jokes about Henry in hopes of embarrassing him. Emma finds it incredibly amusing. Henry debates killing all the Lodgers right then and there.
Emma and Rachel quickly become friends and are really close, Rachel ends up being one of her bridesmaids during her and Henry's wedding.
On the topic of wedding, it takes about a year before Henry asks Sir. Carew for permission to marry Emma. Carew replies by giving Henry the biggest bearhug he has ever gotten.
He proposes to Emma during a banquet set up by Sir. Carew. It's an obvious yes. Emma's sisters and her mother are going absolutely batshit crazy about it in the best way possible.
(Henry watches in amusement as Emma later goes up to his sisters and all of them have the most exciting squeal ever).
They schedule the wedding for June the next year, Emma moves in with Henry almost immediately after the engagement. Emma is loved by all of Henry's servants who are happy that someone is finally here to make sure that their master goes tf to sleep.
Henry is the epitome of a loving husbandTM. Like he loves no one as much as he loves Emma. He is so clingy to her and loves to spoil her. He starts growing her favorite flowers in his garden and gives her unique bouquets bought by the finest flower vendors every Sunday. He writes poetry for her and always plays the piano for her whenever she is feeling bad. He constantly showers her in affection and kisses and hugs and can never keep his hands off of her for long. He always helps Emma with her dresses in the mornings and loves to plant kisses on her shoulder.
Similarly, Emma is the wife anyone would want. She constantly supports Henry with everything he is going through and doesn't even bat an eye when she finally finds out about his mental problems (or Hyde). She makes sure he takes care of himself and helps him during the days when he can barely get out of bed. She brushes his hair and tells him about everything they can do together when the day is over and they have time for each other again. She buys Henry a lot of fancy ties and cravats, but both she and Henry have a problem about bringing home strays. They both have such a soft spot for them and it only takes a few months into living together, and suddenly they have three cats, two new dogs, and at least one more church grim.
Henry is so clingy. Like incredibly clingy. Emma is barely allowed to get up and get ready in the mornings, god forbid she dares to try on cold winter mornings when the sun is barely up and Henry just wants to keep her close.
Emma and Henry would be such a power couple. They would be the second most popular couple in all of the British isles, only second to Queen Victoria and King Albert themselves.
Emma and Henry get a daughter a few years into their marriage (biologically or adopted? Ahahah I don't know maybe they found a child on the street and their protective instincts kick in) and they love her more than anything. She follows in her father's footsteps and gets incredibly into alchemy but also has a knack for trouble. Henry blames that on Hyde.
I hope this was good enough for now hehe, I just love Emma and Jekyll so fucking much it's ridiculous <3<3
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agl03 · 4 years
Final Predictions:  How did I do?
What I got will be in BOLD and if I feel I need to add notes they will be in italics.  Might have to toss in a keep reading line because it is long.
Everyone’s favorite villains, Nathaniel, Kora, and SIBYL will all make it to the finale while Garrett will be killed or locked up by the end of the first hour (and it will use some of Fitz’s tech).
SIBYL will eventually get herself a new body.
Nathaniel will turn on Kora and try to take her powers and/or kill her.
Kora has already turned on him and he/we just don’t know it yet.  Either betrays him and helps her sister or tries to kill him herself in revenge for her mother.  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.  
Daisy will be the one to end Nathaniel and it will be oh so satisfying giant fight scene….even if we have to wait until the second hour for it.  Bonus points if Sousa get a hit in first too
Coulson, May, and Elena are able to get to space thanks to Coulson’s new computer Genius Super Power OR Garrett is ordered to bring them so they can lord their victory over them all.  
Even though they have pretty much ended Shield and Hydra in the “hot mess” timeline SIBYL and Nathaniel set their sites on the OG Timeline and/or Fitz once they realize he has come into the mix and ruins their plans in the hot mess timeline..   As they are both aware he is the one who ends their little party.
The Chronicoms will not all be super thrilled with what SIBYL has been up too or her methods.   This could be another thing that drives SIBYL into the OG Timeline.  
The battle between SIBYL and Coulson seems to have gotten a bit more personal so my money is on Coulson being the one to take her down.   Close second goes to May and Fitzsimmons.
Diana didn’t only block Memories of Fitz it took out the memories of people associated with him.  IE she is not going to remember her friends or Deke.
Deke will earn her trust quickly and be an A+ overprotective grandson of his Nana as they are rescued and get back to the team.
The team will rescue Deke and Jemma, take out a few Chronicoms, and Independence Day their way out of there.
While it won’t be the romantic Philinda some fans want we will see some quality Philinda banter over the finale as it seems they’ve settled into a good place between the two.   Coulson has also passed the torch of “team parent” onto her.
Philinda will not end as a couple.
At some point Sousa is really going to question what is going on and his life choices.  AKA He looks around stunned at what is going on.
More quality Dousy flirting and banter….they will kiss again and I do see them being a couple when things end.
Fitzsimmons family feels just a lot of them over the whole finale.  Iain and Elizabeth are going to murder us with feels.  I mean Fitz with his little girl.  I shall perish.
Despite not knowing everyone Jemma is going to be super insistent on building or activating a device (that has been stashed on the Zephyr) that she doesn’t know what it does but just knows she needs to build and activate it.  She will be the only one who can activate it and possibly it will take something very personal of hers to turn it on.  IE how she was hiding Fitz’s ring/necklace in Season 6 she might have the key hiding again.  But lets all freak out that Jemma will literally be the key to getting Fitz.
We won’t see Fitz until near the end of 12 if he is not the cliffhanger.  
That Bar place in the promo pics is either Keonig’s Bar or the Playground of the hot mess Timeline.  Seems to be some sort of secret Shield Base or what is left of them after the big attack as there are some random Shield agents milling/wth/who are these people in the background.  We know The Playground was off the books in the OG Timeline and would make sense it was also in the Hot mess.
Jemma will have her memory resorted relatively quickly after Fitz Kool Aid Man’s in all Star Lord from the portal thing Jemma activates.  And it’ll be the freaking power of her love for Fitz/her Family that overloads her (Gimme my Framework fix here).  Or Fitzsimmons have a fail safe password.  BUT GIMME TRUE LOVE.  Okay I’m calling this one close enough!
CUE THE SECRET CHILD REVEAL!!!!!!!!!!   Yes, I will be screaming.  The team will be stunned.
I’m sticking to my theory that they will give their daughter a “celestial” or astronomical name to pay off “One of these days we’ll find something magnificent out in space,” thing from Season 3 (especially if she was conceived on the way back from Kitson).  Or a name that is very reflective of their Scottish/English roots.  
Everyone needs to hold onto their hats because once Jemma has her memories back it will be because they are gonna want to get home to their Little Girl like yesterday and have one hell of a plan that involves saving the world and taking care of Nathaniel, SIBYL, and the Season 6 Finale attack on the Lighthouse.
This is likely where a ton of the Flashbacks come in.
Where has Fitz been?  He’s been back in our OG Timeline.  The finale confirmation for me came last week when Nathaniel revealed that SIBYL’s time stream couldn’t see him….or their daughter, and that thing sees EVERYTHING in the HOT MESS Timeline.  This would also be why Jemma’s messages didn’t reach him, she couldn’t get them to cross into the OG Timeline and this was something she would have known but Diana blocked as part of hiding where Fitz was.
How has Fitz been watching the Chronicoms?  Insert incredibly complicated timey whimy thing the writers came up with that me and my Marketing degree can not fathom so just go with it okay, via the using the Framework in the OG Timeline to get into the Chronicom’s system.  Little pay back for what SIBYL has been doing in the Hot Mess Timeline.  Him being connected to the Framework explains why he was so exposed.  Because when someone is hooked up to that thing they can get their heads cut off and not know it.
Now reunited and having dropped the baby announcement Fitzsimmons will present the plan for the “Final Mission” the team must embark on to save the world….again.  
And oh baby is it complicated.  
Part of said plan will have them back at the Lighthouse during the Chronicom attack.
The dudes that showed up with Jemma at the Temple will be explained.  IE I think its some of the team and they cleared out of the Zephyr before the time travel party got started.  They also may have grabbed other hunks of the monoliths.
The fight will take place in both the Hot Mess and OG Timelines  
We have not seen the last of the Monoliths.  The fact we are jumping timelines and have Flint in the mix over in the OG timeline makes me think they are gonna need Mr. Swirly’s help in doing said jumping (Mr. Swirly is the Grey Monolith).  Or they really go with the OG and its Harold (Black Space one) that allows for it.  Kind of fitting the Monolith that tore Fitzsimmons apart is now the one that reunites them.  
We will for sure see Enoch (via Flashback), Davis (please not by Flashback #davislivesagain), Piper and Flint as returning Favorites.  
If they have Davis back to life I just gesture exhaustedly at the Monoliths again.  Not even gonna try to explain it.
Small chance we run into the Hot Mess’s Timeline Enoch but he will have no relationship or connection to the team and will make me cry.  
Top Picks for SURPRISE not on the Press Release faces to pop up if we get them:   Ward (I mean really how have we not seen him again yet), Mace, Robbie, Bobbi, Hunter, Koenig (any of them) and Mike.    REALLY WANT IT BUT WON”T GET IT!   Dadcliffe  But YOUNG VICTORIA HAND HECK YES!
Who was keeping Fitzsimmons Daughter safe:  
Top Pick:  Piper and Flint:  Given Fitzsimmons would have run into them picking up the Zephyr and they could have been the “we had help” they talked about.
Second Place Because I Badly want him back:  Uncle Enoch 2.0
Left Field Surprise Option:  Huntingbird
We will get a lot of really fun callbacks to past stories or even lines IE “I’m just the Pilot” For May.
“What We Are Fighting For”:  Family.  The team family….and the Fitzsimmons family.  Also they will have gone 13/13 in that someone will say the titles name at some point in the episode.
We will see old weapons and tech from previous seasons make one last appearance, we’ve seen 2 so far in promos and will see more.
Shotgun Axe gets a proper send off in battle (this one is for Kiddo 3)
Bear will deliver the most amazing soundtrack that we’ll never get to buy.
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story (Sorry Couldn’t Resist)
Nathaniel:  Dies, and we will all cheer.
SIBYL:  Dies, and we will all cheer.
Garrett:  Dies or locked up, won’t make it to the second hour.
Kora:  Toss a coin.  If she dies she killed for trying to take down Nathaniel.  If in her betrayal of Nathaniel she helps Daisy get Jemma and Deke back that could be a good starting place for the sisters to work thing out.   Starting place, she has a long way to go to get in good with Daisy and setting up an 11th hour redemption arc.
Mack:  Still so nervous for him based on how he has been in interviews, especially the SDCC ones last year.  He was so clearly upset by it.  So Mack either falls or does something so out of character (Bails before the finale battle which just is not making sense to me Mack is in such a good place right now) for Mack that Henry was upset by it.  Essentially I am very confused because what I am seeing on screen now isn’t matching with how Henry was talking as Mack has really come around since his Endgame stage.   Henry really I have no idea why you were so upset!
Elena:   Easily lives.  If Mack doesn’t die, wherever he lands she’ll be with him.  They’ve been a steady ship all season and I see no reason for them to break up outside of death.  And while I have a mountain of concerns for Mack, I have none for Elena..   I also see her still being a presence within Shield, she’s become a good solid agent, and bonus points if she keeps Flint with her….and he gets all the tacos he wants.  
Sousa:   Totally lives (they might give us a good fake out though because he and Daisy are becoming a thing)I can still see him being Director of Shield if Mack falls or steps down.   He’s a good Agent in a new time but he said he is right where he is supposed to be, at Daisy’s side.  Where she goes he goes.  IE he’s not letting her get away and will always be there after she runs into a wall.  So if Daisy leaves Shield, so will he.  If she stays so will he.  If she opens a coffee bar he’ll learn to make an espresso.  
Daisy:   Totally Lives, but there will be something about her ending that some fans won’t like and some fans are going to love.   Staying with Shield or no whatever she does will involve Inhumans be it the Secret Warriors are up and running again, she is mentoring and training new Inhumans coming into Shield, or my favorite option still is she reopens Afterlife.  I’ve been feeling that option for most of the Season and feel like it was really set up with Jaiying as was Daisy looking out for her little sister should the chips fall the right way.     The SS Dousy will be sailing right along.  IF Kora survives I can see her being in Afterlife as well, Daisy taking her mother’s passion that Kora has a good heart to heart herself.  
Deke:   Okay this one is weird because I feel like we are going to lose him somehow, but he won’t die.  I didn’t get the vibe from Jeff, Elizabeth, or Iain that he died and those three are pretty tight.  However,  in that I don’t think I’m going to get my Fitzsimmons Family all settling down in a giant castle in Scotland together.  They set up for him to make a sacrifice, he’s grown, and has something he’s really truly fighting for.   I have loved seeing how close he and Jemma have gotten and how fiercely he’s protected her and her secret.  Even in the face of torture he didn’t betray her.  It will come as no surprise if he doesn’t sacrifice himself somehow.  Either in taking a hit for his family or doing something similar to what he did in Season 5 to make sure they got home.  Bringing things full circle.   He also expressed that he wouldn’t mind being stuck in the hot mess timeline in ‘83.  He built himself a nice life there and Nathaniel did a pretty good job of taking out Hydra…with just a bit of Shield hanging on.  So if it comes down to it I don’t see him minding if he gets stuck there.  Sure him saying goodbye to Nana and Bobo is gonna hurt like Hades but if he ends up alive, I’m good.  
Fitzsimmons:  Both live, yes they will scare the crap out of us more than a few times especially after we know about the daughter, but they will live.  Totally peace out, we’ve done our time, leaving Shield with the adorable daughter and its Perthshire or Bust.   They’ve sacrificed enough and will not be willing to risk it again.
May:   Lives and reminds us all that she is one hell of a pilot.  If Mack decides he wants to step down, dies, whatever I’ll throw her back in contention for Director, especially as I see Sousa Following Daisy if she leaves.  Coulson seemed to have set her on that path and at the very least passed the “Team Parent” torch onto her, that it would be her job to give the Coulson talks to those who needed it.  If she’s not Director, she’ll be whomever is right hand, or I still have that option for the Academy being up and running and she’s running that, training the next generation.
Coulson: Lives.I know SHOCKING.   I think he was very ready to throw in the towel after spending 20 months in the TV but then Enoch’s moving words in his death were what changed his mind about ‘powering down” when this is all over.  Coulson realizes that yes, while it is hard to be the one to leave it is harder for the ones that are left behind but it’s also necessary that they move on, and live for those they have lost before.  Like Sousa and Fitzsimmons, he’ll be another that they’ll fake out death a few times.   I see him leaving Shield though, taking Lola and finally just going and seeing the world, watching the history he loves so much happen.  We get to see him driving around or even off in Lola for the last time.   Other options include he does something that will allow him to totally run with his new super computer super power.  The final thing I can see him doing is being the coolest professor at the newly rebooted Academy.  
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pathcrier · 4 years
This ask game has alot of good questions!! But 💖 and 😊 for all the ocs in your tags!
💖 Has your OC ever been in love, be it romantic or platonic or otherwise? Who with and did they ever express their feelings or keep it private? How long did these feelings persist / do they still feel this way?
Dahlia Shepard: romantically, she had been in love exactly three times. First time was with a girl back during Alliance training, Catalina. She was head over heels but never really told her, just because she felt it wouldn't work out in the end and let her doubts overcome her. Lasted for nearly a year, and no, she's completely over her (and actually attended her wedding and felt nothing but happiness for her.) Second was Aria T'loak, back when she was undercover on Omega. They had worked closely for months (trying to catch a cerberus cell leader) and had been seeing each other- but Dahlia presumed it was just a casual fling and would be over once she was finished. Dahlia knew once she was back in Alliance space, it wouldn't work out, and left it at that. Took a bit longer for her to get over this time, but she eventually did after focusing solely on her military career. Finally the woman she would easily rescue a galaxy for, Liara. For the first time, Dahlia allowed herself to be selfish and to want to be in a longstanding relationship. For the first time she sees herself willing to sacrifice everything for the one she loves, she is beyond head over heels for Liara. She platonically falls in love with every one of her friends, even if she's the worst at showing it. She loves these people more than life itself.
Nicola Amell: growing up in the Circle, with templars looming over your shoulders every second of the day- she never really bothered to invest any time in crushes, never giving them the chance to grow into something more. She devoted all her time to her studies and squashed any crush at the start. She didn't actually let herself fall in love until she felt her life was on the line, until she met Leliana. It was the first time she ever truly loved another person in a romantic sense, and she was going to live in every moment as if it were her last. Even by the time of the events of Trespasser, Nicola still takes the time and effort to send love letters and gifts to the now Divine Victoria. No amount of blights, ancient tevinters, nor elvish gods will ever keep the Warden Commander from her love.
Delaney Hawke: well, being a half elf mage apostate constantly living on the run for a majority of her life- she never really had time to actively meet people long enough to develop an emotional connection. Most of her crushes were as short lived as their homes. 
Until moving to Kirkwall, that was. Having a crazy band of misfits that constantly follow you around, it's hard not to form attachments. Platonic or romantic. And when she fell for Isabela, she fell hard. I'm talking about head in the clouds, only able to think of one name. She's never experienced a crush like that and it freaked her out. Instead of telling Isabela about her feelings, she ran to Varric. Almost immediately. Delaney unsure of how to handle love in a romantic way, and Isabela shutting love out- it took quite some time for those two to establish themselves in a relationship. But even in those standstills, Delaney had almost expected her heart to move on, but it did the exact opposite- caused her love to grow stronger. Even now in Inquisition time, it took all of Delaney's strength to leave the comfort of Isabela's ship to go aid Varric. Not wanting to be separated for long, but not wanting to leave her best friend high and dry (who she loves very very much.
Gryff Hawke: like his twin sister, Delaney, he never had the time (nor desire really) to search for any love. At the time, the love of his 3 siblings and his parents was enough for him. He was happy and content. He knew he didn't need a relationship to be happy and content, so he never actively searched for one. Hell, even in Kirkwall, he was too busy keeping him and his sister out of Meredith's grasp and keeping the qunari at bay. But he did quite literally stumble into thoughts of a certain glowing elf, and never realized just how far he had fallen for him. Despite their differences they saw on magic, Gryff knew Fenris was the one he wanted to be with. For the first time ever, Gryff was actively seeking out affection for another person romantically. He will never admit it, but it was the best feeling he ever had. His love language is traipsing across thedas taking out slavers with his badass boyfriend.
Kiri Lavellan: Kiri LOVES being in love, adores the feelings of warmth and security a partner brings. She has had a few partners of course, but none ever lasted too long, especially amongst her Dalish clan, where everyone knows everyone's business. That being said though, she doesn't jump right into anything. When she loves someone it's very slowly and then all at once, pouring her heart and soul into her partners. Which was fairly difficult when it came to Sera, given her stance on the dalish, magic, and dalish magic. That didn't deter her though, she was understanding and patient and more than happy to move at Sera's pace. Despite their difficulties and differences, there's never been a stronger bond between pairings- Sera was so devoted to her inky, even as far as post Exalted Council, following Kiri back to her clan and being introduced to Kiri's friends and family.
Niamh Valyn: here's another one who just claims she never has time for a relationship. Not saying she will actively deter them, she just- doesn't expect anyone to want to put up with extensive time apart due to her place with the Rangers. She's fallen in love platonically more than romantically, and she's not going to complain. She loves her friends very dearly, they're her whole world, even if they're miles apart. But when it comes to romance, she finds it to be more difficult to keep a relationship going, finds it more emotionally taxing at times and just hasn't really put any thought into seeking someone out. She's content with where she is, if someone comes along who willingly wants to deal with distance- she will happily accept. 
Ezra Marlowe (because I forgot to tag her and she's my baby): twice. She's fallen in love twice, and the first time damn near killed her. She let herself love so wholly and blindly, she never anticipated being hurt (quite literally.)
After that she felt very scared of any romantic advances, even if she was the one to initiate- she'd eventually run off if her overwhelming fear of being hurt overcame her.
After a while, the second time- it was a very slow, unsure path she took. But this man, the love of her life, Bashir, had proven just how much Ezra means to him. Through patience and care and understanding. Ezra once again allowed herself to love wholeheartedly, and for once, she's not scared.
Roux Lux: now here is someone who falls in love with the world anytime the sun sets or rises. She loves virtually everyone she meets. She falls head over heels for all her friends, in the most platonic way possible. She gives everyone the same special treatment, affection, and adoration as she does with a romantic partner. Though, Beetle may receive extra special treatment for being her amour. When she was ready to tell Beetle how she felt about him, she did so in the cutest puppet show..which she spent days hand crafting her props and painting new marionettes 😭
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC generally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
Dahlia Shepard: it's hard for her to always feel happy when there's an impending invasion on their doorsteps, but one surefire way to cheer her up is a quick call to her son, Otikk, a little salarian boy. He is such a lively, happy go lucky boy, and always eager to cheer his mama up. Dahlia comes off very brash and intimidating, but she very much loves pulling her friends out of the dark- whether through inspiring words, or distracting them with their favorite hobbies.
Nicola Amell: even with the blight raging, she always looked for the little things to cheer her up. To be honest, just having her closest friends at her back was more than enough. Knowing that she will always have people to pick her back up if she falls was the greatest comfort and a thought that always lingered when she felt low. Making other people happy is what being a hero is all about in her mind. When others around her feel safe and are smiling, that fills her with so much pride and joy.
Delaney Hawke: ah yes, the one who finds any reason to crack a joke- ill timed or not. To be honest whenever she's in a low spot, just curling up in bed with her mabari, Junji, is enough. Though sometimes having Isabela sprawled across next to her, having her tell tales of her life at sea, watching her put on an exaggerated reenactment of exciting fights is just what she needs too. Or sitting around a table with everyone, letting Varric make up stories on the spot, everyone happily buzzed…. Never fails to bring a smile to her face. She's generally very chipper and easy going, so everyone assumes by the amount of quips and playful teasing. Deep below, she's miserable, and full of guilt and self doubt. She doesn't like letting her friends know that, so she puts up this front and goes to any extent to make sure no one else feels how she does.
Gryff Hawke: raging ball of anger who has a hard time letting himself be happy- especially trying to keep himself and his twin alive and out of the Gallows. It's hard to feel happy when everything you do backfires and bites you in the ass, even when you know you did everything you could. Even with this rowdy band of misfits at your back, sometimes it just feels like you're drowning. But sometimes there's a hand to pull you up, bring life and air into your lungs. Having Fenris curled up beside him, quietly and slowly reading through a particularly difficult chapter, pausing to ask you what a word says- it reminds Gryff that there are things worth smiling about, and oftentimes they're the ones to pull you out of the dark.
Kiri Lavellan: being dragged into a humans holy war and being propped up as their god's herald- it takes a lot out of you, and Kiri always fears she is about to get uprooted from her dalish heritage at any moment. So in the quiet rests, she finds herself reciting stories in private that the keeper once told her. Anything that reminds her of her roots, where she comes from. She tries very hard to keep a brave face, a beaming smile, one that would inspire hope amongst her men. She wants others to believe she can do this, that she's not scared, anything to instill security in those around her.
Niamh Valyn: when she's feeling lost or homesick, no matter where she is, she carries a leather-bound journal filled with bedtime stories her mother and father read to her as a child. Cuddled up with her wolf companion, Zarola, and her pipe- it's like all her worries just melt away. Even if she looks stoic and imposing like a stormy mountain, she's a very happy person. She's content with where she is, and easily makes those close to her at ease with her playfulness and cheekiness.
Ezra Marlowe: to her, all her happiness she keeps is heavily guarded and protected, not willing to let it go, risking getting hurt. She has no issues pushing people away and hurting them to protect herself. But that being said, those who truly know her, they know she can be enjoyable to have around...in an annoying sibling kind of way. Always looking to push buttons for a laugh. But on her darkest days, she finds the most comfort in the arms of Bashir. He's one of the fre who can easily calm her nerves, bring her back to reality and truly make her feel safe.
Roux Lux: a walking ray of sunshine, this one. Wherever she goes, she leaves a trail of smiles and mirth in her wake. She love love loves creating smiles and making people laugh and feel good. Its why she joined the circus to begin with, her puppet shows have brought nothing but joyful squeals and it's the greatest feeling in the world to the changeling. She's always in the happiest of moods, rarely is she seen without a smile. Yet on those rare days when she feels small and insignificant- curling up in Beetle's lap and listening to him hum soft appraisal to her is all she needs to bounce back to her original self.
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velvetinewitch · 5 years
wips list
this functions as a key to all of my wips, including ones i don’t actively write but still work on occasionally. in case you didn’t know, all of my wips include: poc, LGBT+ characters, disabled and non-neurotypical characters, found families, usually fantasy elements because i love magic, and often a little romance (which is usually accompanied by found families or tragedy, but for my romance-repulsed friends, there are still stories with no romance!)
key: *: heavily connected stories >: stories taking place after the events of Faye and Fate (a very distant future)
Closest to Complete (in order... ish)
Painted Cards: a group of teenagers end up criminals after a magical goddess chooses them for greatness. instead of embarking on some epic adventure, they decide to save the world another way: through kindness and coffee. a story about a found family made up of unintentional criminals with trauma that they’ll learn to cope with. mostly written for myself, but also written for the people in my life who needed to see characters like them have a happy ending. a very hopeful, fantasy slice-of-life story.
*Faye and Fate: almost everything i write is exposition or a result of this 5 book series. Aralion Faye resets the timeline so often it all just blurs together. with each new on she creates, she watches the ones she loves die over and over again, as if it’s all a video game culminating up to that game over screen. things always start out so innocently, too; her memories never return until later, so for a while, she enjoys attending a magic school, falling in love, playing pranks, befriending her peers. by the end of the year, the world comes back to remind her that her happy ending is unachievable. between traitors, corruption, fires, and cliffs... this time has to be different. this time she’ll save everyone she loves. is overall a story about heroes of all types. love this series so much abhddvk. magic is based on skills/interests: art, writing, engineering, astronomy, directing, zoology, architecture, makeup art, etc
*Mortals Versus Morals: (this isn’t actually the title but it makes me laugh so it’s being used as the placeholder) Glen is 17, rich, sheltered, and possibly the most lawful good person ever. plot twist- there’s a prophecy predicting his (as well as 6 others’) involvement in the end of the world, and they aren’t on the good side. Glen struggles to balance saving the world from villains while trying not to become a villain himself. includes: road trips and bonding, scenes like the one where the aro-ace friend gets seduced by a nine-tailed fox who runs a Burger King, everyone educating Glen on cultures and respecting pronouns :) as well as the occasional choking angst that comes with a bunch of almost adults getting dragged into the business of gods. did i mention there are gods? there are gods. i do kill a love interest of a protag but then give them TWO romantic partners because i’m not a coward (i feel like the characters who lose a love interest end up in a poly relationship most often in my stories... as a sort of apology to them lmao). also Utah? basically stops existing at some point. magic is based off a deity someone worships, with worship comes borrowed magic. the characters themselves are basically just omnists? 
Beneath Our Skin: Sam and Ana don’t know each other. it’s by chance that they’re separated from their class during a field trip, and end of wandering straight into a portal to another world, one with magic. while searching for a way home, they accidentally make their own- in the meantime, they’re gonna find a magician who can give Sam a shapeshifting spell because Sam would really like to transition, even if it’s through magical means, please. written for me and my fake-brother, so lots of being platonically domestic and also sarcastic... this is in a really poetic writing style too.
House of Crabs: this is not the name it just makes me giggle so placeholder time! contemporary, no romance or fantasy or anything (although like one crime is committed but life is life that). here’s the old summary: Siera lives in the mansion of thirty year old Janelle, a woman who has the tendency to take in stray children, granting them shelter despite their tragic backstories or strange personalities. When one of the outcasts, Roy, is confronted by his biological brother, Roy is absolutely horrified by the concept of being dragged back to his transphobic family. The outcasts are dead set on protecting him, even if it requires breaking laws. But Roy's brother doesn't seem that content on harming Roy or bringing him home against his will. Instead, the boy seems more interested in coming out of the closet, hoping that his little brother and his new family can help him learn how to be his true flamboyant self. 
>Obligatory Superhero Stories (3 stories):  ----Lei is supposedly a civilian, until she arrests the man who ruined her life and accidentally ends up adopting his daughter, Hera. Hera coerces her into adopting her classmate Jason. the two get kidnapped. Lei gets annoyed by how useless she is in saving them, and becomes the first non-mutant superhero. in the meanwhile, the US Secretary of Powers, Victoria, is forced to monitor her progress for a court case deciding whether this is legal, and accidentally falls in love. Hera fucks with journalists and enjoys being politically smarter, Jason attempts to create a ground-breaking technology and blows up hundreds of phones, and Victoria never sleeps. literally. her superpower is just,,, no sleeping. ----Vessa becomes a superhero by accident. it involves art galleries, snow, and unlicensed doctors. now, she operates under an alias, the hero Froze (very creative, yes), alongside her trusted sidekicks. unbeknownst to Vessa, she has a history with the villain she’s fighting, and their teams may be more entangled outside of their aliases than first believed. basically, an enemies to family (and some lovers) story, involving a lot of morally grey shenanigans thanks to a corrupt society. ----there’s a villain on the lose, know as Heart-twist, with the ability to take someone’s darker emotions and intensify them. in reality, Sora is just a teenage girl, with four dear and near friends. it’s been a year since her sister’s boyfriend, a hero, prioritized glorious battle over rescue, and her sister died alone and afraid. Sora is just waiting to make him fall in love with her, so she can repay the favor.
>Paint Me a Picture: dystopian future! roughly 78% of the population is monochromatic, and can only see in shades of grey. it seems petty in plain sight, but jealousy has left the other 22% segregated, separated by a boundary and sinking in poverty. Pristaline is apart of the majority, privileged without even realizing it- her biggest concern is making herself a future in law. a car accident leaves her in a recover home near the boundary, where she accidentally meets Jackson, a color-seeing boy, who calls her eyes ‘blue.’ the encounter sparks a revolution. this is a sadder story- it ends with a girl, watercolor swatches, and a grave.
*Run From Wolves: Elayna is unfortunate enough to be a magic-born in the one kingdom that still prosecutes female magic-borns (to which she says, fuck their religion for saying women shouldn’t have magic). when she and her half-brother Shage are discovered, instead of being executed, Elayna is offered a position beside her brother in the kingdoms prestigious Goddess Guard. the offer comes with a price: they must swear allegiance to the king, and can do him no harm. luckily, a pretty spy from a neighboring kingdom offers Elayna a loophole. includes spirit animals, political intrigue, lesbians, murdering an asshole king, and a secret mystery involving immortality and wolves.
*Twin Kingdoms: there’s an island floating in the sky- two, now, split in half down the center. Melony and Serena have known about the conflict between their kingdoms, but they never really realized it’s intensity until Melony’s older brother close friend betrayed her and seized the throne for himself, pitting her kingdom against Serena’s and searching for war. Melony and Serena are able to escape together, living in disguise and biding their time before they can retake what belongs to them. has a really fun character who’s a villain (she’s the traitor brother’s little sister), gets stuck with an injury, is healed by a girl in an enemy village, and struggles to reaffirm her beliefs while vaguely falling in love. sighhhhhh i miss this series
*Where Shadows Bloom: written during the time of my life where i loved badass assassins becoming queens or princess... despite the trope being looked down upon, i hold this dear to my heart. basically, there’s a period of turmoil throughout the entire planet. on one end of the world, the queen is assassinated by a girl aiming to use her throne to destroy her noble parents, an underground group seeks to end slavery through magical battles and underhanded deals, and an orphan boy is made king. on the other side of the world, a second world war rages, pitting the Gold Alliance (good guys) against the Silver Alliance (bad guys). a princess goes undercover, venturing into a captured kingdom to spy on opposing forces. she’s taken in by an engineer/pilot who helps her stay in disguise as she uncovers the nefarious plot that involves the prosecution of an entire people. it all ties in together.
*Fateless: i really can’t get enough of magic and princesses, huh. ever wonder what Arthurian mythology would be like if it was in my world? Raine’s family has known tragedy after tragedy, from the death of her uncle, then aunt, her brother, and finally, her parents. fate has left her alive to inherit their throne when she comes of age. still, even she is cursed, wearing a ring that burns her with the pain of her people. she doesn’t wince anymore, not even when she watches another witch burn at the stake, and feels the flames crawl up her body, phantom but so, so real. when her kingdom falls, Raine and her most trusted knights are forced to flee into the woods. there, they find a tavern alongside a their road, run by a mysterious woman named Lancelin. there’s something familiar about the woman, something from Raine’s past, and something strange about the way that each of her customers leaves with healed minds and bodies. secretly-enemies to secretly-lovers! as common with me...
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nitrateglow · 5 years
Halloween 2019 marathon 1-4
IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN. I’m going to record my thoughts on a bunch of new-to-me spooky movies, from thrillers to flat-out horror movies.
Hey, if people are insistent on celebrating Christmas the moment it hits like July, then I am allowed to get spooky a bit prematurely.
Anyway, let’s start!
See No Evil (dir. Robert Fleischer, 1971)
Mia Farrow plays a recently blinded woman who becomes the target of a psychopathic murderer who butchers her entire family at their countryside manor.
While Farrow is good and the first half of the film is promising, with a spooky sequence of Farrow going about her daily routine unaware of her family’s corpses strewn about her, the script becomes a mess. Is this a proto-slasher? A murder mystery? The movie doesn’t know and loses steam by the 40-minute mark.
In fact, I liked the movie best when it was just being straightforward drama. Farrow’s initial scenes trying to adjust to blindness and her family’s awkward but loving attempts to make the transition as easy as possible were touching. Once we get to the extended chase between Farrow and the mysterious killer, the movie lost my interest.
Why? Because the main character isn’t active enough. We never see her piecing together the mystery. She never fights back against the people manipulating her or the man trying to kill her. Farrow only gets to scream and cry while others rescue her. She is as in the dark at the end as she was at the start, so it was hard for me to really dig any of this.
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Us (dir. Jordan Peele, 2019)
I didn’t get to see this one in the theater, alas. On the small screen, it was still enjoyable. I haven’t seen Get Out yet-- and to be honest, I intentionally put off watching it so I could go into Us with an unbiased perspective. Over and over, I kept hearing people claim they were disappointed with Us because it “Wasn’t as good as Get Out.”
Having seen the movie, I get some of the complaints. Peele sometimes tries to explain too much about the villains, which strips away their uncanniness. For my money, the more mysterious a monster is, the more frightening it becomes. I also didn’t care for the last twist, which seemed needless.
However, these narrative quibbles do not diminish what does work. The home invasion scenes are creepy, with Lupita Nyong’o giving a great dual performance as the concerned Adelaide and the vengeful Red. The comedy is also brilliant, hilarious without relieving the tension too much. Overall, good stuff.
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Dark Shadows (dir. Tim Burton, 2012)
Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, seeing that just about every post-200 Tim Burton movie with the exception of Sweeney Todd tends to hurt me deep inside. Depp is amusing as the brooding fish-out-of-water vampire thrust into the mod era, with some good supporting performances to back him up.
Unfortunately, the script is bad, never sure just how much it wants us to care about the emotional stakes of this story and often forgetting whole characters for long stretches of time (cough cough Victoria cough cough).
Still, it isn’t boring and the mod-gothic aesthetics are a pleasure. As far as Burton’s remakes go, this is the only one I’ve yet seen that didn’t make me want to kill something, so that’s high praise.
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Repulsion (dir. Roman Polanski, 1965)
Repulsion is one of the creepiest films I’ve ever seen. Catherine Deneuve plays Carol, a fragile young woman with a deep revulsion towards men and sex. She lives with her sister and seems to rely on her emotionally. When her sister leaves her alone in their shared apartment for a few days of romantic vacationing with her (rather jerkass) lover, Carol begins to lose her grip on reality.
The apartment grows dirtier and more cluttered. Carol has visions of leering men groping her in the dark. When her pushy, would-be suitor tries to help her-- well, I won’t spoil anything, but let’s just say, his “intervention” does not work.
And that’s an understatement.
Repulsion is a classic example of slow-burn horror. While more impatient viewers might balk at the build-up, this languid pace is necessary for the eventual scares to work as well as they do. The pacing also helps to make Carol’s slip into insanity all the more real.
The imagery is fabulous too, kind of like if Cocteau made a horror movie. The soundtrack is eerie, though sometimes I felt it was a little too intrusive when something startling happened. Still, that’s a nitpick. If you love 1960s horror movies like Rosemary’s Baby and The Innocents, you’ll enjoy this.
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tnffc · 6 years
HAHaha... When you sleep, if your soulmate is awake you can see what they're doing.
Hoh…boy, okay ^^
This got angsty but I hope you like it:
Everybody has a soulmate.
That was the lie people told each other.
Why did most people believe that? Because they knew it was true for them.
They dreamed of their soulmates. They dreamed what they were doing when they were awake while they were asleep.
There were many theories on how that ability developed, though there was no consensus on it as far as Peter knew. The most popular idea was, you started seeing what your soulmate did at the same time you started developing interest in romantic relationships.
That was why many first dreamed of their soulmates when they were teenagers, aged between 13 and 16 usually.
How did Peter know that whole shebang was absolute bullshit?
He was almost twenty, definitely romantically interested and had yet to dream of anybody.
When he had been a teenager he had anticipated the day he would finally dream of his soulmate. He had loved the idea of person meant for him, someone he wouldn’t have to worry might not like him. He knew he was difficult, too smart, too snarky, too arrogant sometimes. He knew people avoided him because he could have an unsettling aura. His sister and older niece had told him often enough. Luckily Derek didn’t seem to care.
He loved him for it.
But he was pack, Peter was yearning for someone who would truly understand him and appreciate him. Who might be able to do that, if not a soulmate?
Well time had passed, years of not dreaming of anybody. Some nights he had strange dreams he suspected might be something but they never were, they were just regular dreams, maybe a bit of wishful thinking as well.
When he was asked what he dreamed about, what his soulmate was like he stayed quiet or said he felt that was a private matter.
He didn’t really have many friends at that age so it wasn’t like anybody cared.
And there was no fooling his sister. She was his alpha and when she demanded information he could not deny her. So she knew, and she wasn’t necessarily careful with that information, so the pack, family and other acquainted werewolves knew too.
He was either teased for not being ready for romance or pitied because something had to be wrong with him.
It sucked.
Right up until he was about to turn eighteen and realized maybe it wasn’t that something was wrong with him but with the phenomenon of soulmates and how it had been documented.
He started researching and found a lot of supporting evidence.
There were many people - well some - who did not dream of anybody. Most seemed to identify as aromantics but that didn’t bother him. He finally found people who understood the dilemma, understood the stigma, who felt for him.
He even made friends.
Educating himself on the topic helped him find new perspective.
While he could only guess why there was apparently no soulmate for him, at least he could free himself from the oppressive societal structures surrounding soulmates.
He started going out, started engaging with people without worrying, wondering. He knew he was unbound and while that might hurt sometimes it also freed him.
Because there was no perfect person to love and accept him he had to find people for himself.
And while he was still a difficult person he learned that didn’t mean people weren’t interested in spending time with him if he made an effort.
Now, at almost twenty he was studying philosophy at the local college, had a nice group of friends and acquaintances and knew soulmates were just another lie people liked to believe in.
So he didn’t think much of it when he woke up one morning with the memory of one of the strangest dreams of his life.
He was lying in a huge room, it was dark except for light coming from somewhere he couldn’t see, illuminating some strange shapes above his head. Looking to the right and the left, his movements uncoordinated as if he was drugged or hexed he could see thick bars surrounding him like some sort of prison. He didn’t like that, not at all, he felt scared and alone and decided to try and change that, so he screamed, for someone, something.
And something did change. Another light appeared, it was warmer than the other and then a creature, huge and strangely shaped, almost human but not quite was above him, making incomprehensible but soothing noises at him while showing it’s large, terrifying teeth that probably could easily have taken off Peter’s entire arm…
He had woken up.
Confused about the fucked up nightmare but otherwise unconcerned.
It had been rather early though and he didn’t think he could go back to sleep so instead he got dressed and decided to go for a relaxed morning run.
The rest of his day was uneventful.
But the next night he had a very similar dream.
This time it woke him in the actual middle of the night and he had had to scream for much longer without the creature with the soothing noises coming in.
The rest of the night he tried to get back to sleep but felt restless and incapable to really get some decent shuteye.
Chris, who was something like his best friend actually mentioned how tired he looked.
Peter did not appreciate that but also didn’t feel like mentioning his weird dream.
At least not while Chris’ soulmate Victoria was sitting next to them. He didn’t particularly like her and definitely didn’t trust her.
It wasn’t like it was very smart to trust Chris either, being the heir of a hunter dynasty and all, but Peter knew the guy wasn’t as wild to kill werewolves as the rest of his people.
His heritage was actually a huge part why Peter had befriended him. Being his sister’s left hand meant he had to deal with threats. And befriending the future head of the Argents was a lot easier than constantly fighting them. It might actually be the base for a truce in the future if he played the cards right.
That night he dreamed of the room with the cage like confinement again and the feeling of loneliness and distress overcame him again, he screamed and screamed again. The only difference was the creature coming for him.
This time it looked different, with a different shape, bigger, bulkier, scarier. It’s voice was deep and vibrated through Peter’s body in a way that should have been terrifying. Especially when the creature just picked him up and wrapped him with it’s body, continuously making those noises, it’s body against Peter’s face vibrating as well.
But he felt soothed again, strangely enough.
He woke up again and looked at the clock.
It was barely 3am but he knew he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep.
This was getting annoying and he had to find out what was going on. Those dreams had to mean something. He probably should pay Deaton a visit and ask him if he knew what might be wrong with him. Not an idea he had much love for, Deaton was one of the most irritating people Peter had to deal with, but he was the family emissary after all.
That day when he was having lunch with Chris and Victoria again he actually was so tired he dozed off, leaning against the tree they were sitting under.
He was in a different room. It was bright, with happy colors and a huge surface with vegetables on it. Those vegetables looked huge compared to what Peter was used to though.
He waved his arms around, just as uncoordinated as he had moved the other times. He was in another kind of confinement though, wood and plastic that held him snuggly around the waist.
He looked at his own hand.
It was misshapen, with a big palm and short, stubby fingers, it looked swollen but didn’t hurt, it looked almost the same as the chubby little hands and fingers of his niece Cora…
Peter breathed in sharply and started hyperventilating as his eyes flew open.
His heart was pounding hard in his chest and he felt like he couldn’t breath, everything felt blurry and there was a ringing noise in his ears.
He felt hands and heard someone’s voice but couldn’t focus.
All that was burned in his brain was one thought: His soulmate was still a baby.
Every time he felt like he was remotely calming down a new wave of panic swept him away until he finally lost consciousness when someone gave him an injection with supernatural tranquilizers.
He woke up in a hospital bed.
His sister was sitting at his bed, Chris was standing next to her.
Victoria wasn’t there and he appreciated that.
Talia reached out for his hand and cleared her throat.
“Hi…” her voice was unusually soft, she was a very resolute person for the most part. Loving in her own way, but not very gentle usually.
“The doctor said you had an intense panic attack. The guy in the ambulance sedated you because he was scared you might wolf out.”
Chris cleared his throat “I tried to tell him you wouldn’t but…but like your sister said, he was scared.”
Peter nodded. He didn’t like the way some people treated werewolves but that was the least of his problems right now.
His sister squeezed his hand a bit.
“Do you have any idea what caused the panic attack?”
He stared at his hand in hers and then at the ceiling. He nodded and felt a flashback to the moment he had realized it.
It all made sense. The strange proportions, the difficulty to understand anything but emphatically catch on what was communicated, the need based thinking, the uncoordinated movements.
He sighed deeply, aware his sister and friend waited for an answer.
“I had strange dreams for the last few days…this afternoon I realized…”
He swallowed, hard, trying to force the words out.
This didn’t mean he did something wrong, it didn’t mean he was destined to do something wrong. It just meant it might take at least two more decades for him to ever be able to even consider finding out who his soulmate was. Because he sure didn’t want to know them as a child or see them grow up. That’d be just so weird.
“What is it?”
Talia looked confused, concerned, she was probably going through all the possible things that could have caused such an intense reaction.
He took a deep breath and released it, shaking a little before licking his dry lips to find the words again.
“I realized I was dreaming of my soulmate. Who happens to still be an…an infant.”
He had almost choked on the last word and stared at the ceiling again.
The terror of the idea was wearing off and what was left was anger. He was so angry at the universe for fucking with him like that.
Talia and Chris didn’t say anything but eventually Talia actually hugged him and he knew that was what he had needed. Someone to confirm he wasn’t a monster for being destined to a child.
For the next three days he refused to sleep while Deaton was trying to figure out a way to block the transmission of their bond. Deaton, Talia and Chris had tried reasoning with him, tried to make him reconsider this action.
He had not yielded one bit. The idea to see someone he was supposed to fall in love with and maybe even desire physically at some point grow up from baby age to kindergarten, preschool and beyond was horrific. He did not want to be able to remember a child when looking at his soulmate some day in the future.
To Peter’s surprise it was actually Laura, who supported his decision.
She had just recently started dreaming of her soulmate and said she couldn’t imagine finding out it was a child, never mind a baby.
He had to admit she had been the last person he had expected to be compassionate about his situation. She was usually rather mean spirited towards him. Granted, she was a teenager and he had been pretty despicable too when he had been her age.
In the end Deaton found something. It wasn’t perfect, it would only dampen the connection but it was better than nothing.
It was a sigil, placed on Peter’s neck, shielding his conscience from most images that would be transmitted. All that would get through to him were feelings - for the most part.
Deaton had also insisted on making it so the sigil would break as soon as Peter’s soulmate started dreaming of Peter as well.
And Peter supposed he was ok with that.
Years went by. Peter tried to continue his life as it had been before.
The knowledge he had a soulmate somewhere out there was strange.
The knowledge said soulmate was likely currently learning how to read and write was stranger and a big part of why he usually stayed away from thinking about it too much.
Roughly eight years went by before things started to change.
What changed were the emotions transmitted. It had been basic emotions so far, things any person might go through at times. But they were getting darker. Very dark.
When Peter dreamed now it was of fear and grief and pain, loneliness, but not because he wasn’t in company, no loneliness because he felt neglected and ignored and left alone with his feelings.
It got so intense in the next year he finally found himself at Deaton’s feet, sobbing, begging for him to take the sigil away. He needed to know! He needed to know who his soulmate was. It didn’t matter what his feelings were he needed to know who his soulmate was to help them, to take care of them, to make them feel held and loved and taken care of.
Deaton might have understood Peter’s peril, or maybe not, you could never be sure with him, but he explained to Peter that no one could break the sigil now.
It drove Peter almost insane, he hated himself for the rash decision he had made.
Now he had to witness his soulmates suffering every night, knowing it meant his soulmate, a child, was awake every night, being scared, being deeply sad and lonely.
His sister suggested therapy, Peter chose to drown himself in work.
He started to take on jobs other packs asked him to do.
He could have become a teacher for philosophy and ethics but being a fixer felt better, made him feel less helpless, numbed the pain.
He also became more isolated again.
Which was why he didn’t realize Chris’ psychotic sister was playing with his nephew.
He only realized his mistake when he was trying to drag his dying body out of their burning home.
Four years.
It took another four years until he was suddenly pulled out of the agony of his maddening comatose condition by a dream.
Not a vague feeling but an actual dream.
He was sitting in school, fidgeting with a pencil, gnawing on it while staring a the back of another person’s head.
He heard a voice next to him say “Stiles, buddy, help me!” and turned his head to see a teenage boy with a slightly crooked chin, a hopeful smile and very intense puppy dog eyes.
“Sure thing Scotty” he heard himself say in the awful tone of someone whose voice was breaking.
When he woke up again he knew what this meant, his soulmate had started dreaming of him.
Not ideal in any way. Of all the things that might happen Peter had not anticipated being in a vegetative state when their connection was revived.
But at least it helped him think more clearly. It was if nothing else, a change of pace.
It took almost two more years for Stiles to walk into Peter’s room.
When he did Peter could not see him, but hear and smell him.
He had never smelled Stiles before, and never heard his heartbeat before and yet he recognized both immediately.
When Stiles approaches and hesitantly places his hand in his Peter feels his heart speed up.
But his heart isn’t the only thing.
To his surprise his healing is jolted awake as well.
It is amazing how little it takes.
Just that tiny contact, that connection of someone is all it needed for his wolf to find the strength to heal.
He blinks and turns his head just a little bit.
For the first time he can see Stiles’ face, the face of his soulmate.
Smart, snarky, chaotic, beautiful Stiles.
The nurse, Jennifer, comes in and clears her throat.
“What are you doing here? Out. Immediately!”
Peter tightens his fingers around Stiles’ and holds him back as the teenager wants to follow the order.
The nurse gasps in surprise at Peter being able to move and he tries to speak.
It has been a long time but he manages one word.
Stiles stares back at him, then to the nurse for a short moment before he nods and sits down in the chair next to Peter’s bed.
The nurse tries to protest but Stiles silences her with a simple sentence.
“He is my soulmate.”
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kl-writes · 7 years
Get the story done already! (6/? - Interpersonal Relations)
Character dynamics and interactions are the bread and butter of the story. I find it hard to create conflicts and action without knowing a little bit about how the characters interact. Sure, most of the time, the conflict is going to arise from good guys vs bad guys scenarios, but some of the more interesting and memorable stories come from conflicts that might not be clear-cut, or that might have more interesting relationships and backgrounds. “Hero fights bad guy” isn’t as intriguing as “Hero fights bad guy who used to be their friend” or “hero fights brainwashed friend,” or even “hero fights bad guy who secretly harbors a crush on the hero.” You get the idea.
In fact, even when describing characters, especially villains, we already have an idea of some of the relationships:
Aqua Black fought alongside the original Cherry Bronze, their sister, as a hero. However, Aqua Black is no longer a hero, and the new Cherry Bronze is a mystery. Aqua wants to discover Cherry’s identity, and is impacted by the pain of loss that has not healed. Cherry’s identity is tied both to his new family he found on Earth, and to his home world. Carol found the Cherry Bronze mecha, and doesn’t completely understand its origins. She is startled to find someone else using a mecha, and although she wants to learn things from him she also can’t allow acts of villainy. Her gambit also requires secrecy in regards to her real identity, because Cherry Bronze has a limited energy source and she can’t be in it all of the time. Her agency is small, and overall even though it keeps up a public store front she can’t give resources to protect the safety of the agency’s members at their homes. It may be possible for Aqua and Cherry to reconcile and exchange much-needed information, but Aqua’s pain and Cherry’s skepticism prevent this.
Mr. Noble, a criminal, is primarily an enemy of the agency. His opposite number is Victoria Valentine, who he respects, but primarily wishes to get information or inspiration out of. He has no problem killing anyone, even Victoria, but would prefer to coopt Victoria into his organization (The Rouge-black organization? Probably not, it would confuse things with the mecha names), be it through diplomacy, brainwashing, blackmail, kidnapping and torture, etc. Victoria cannot abide someone who hurts others. So overall, their conflict is far more clear-cut than that of Aqua and Cherry.
Rampo, a detective, and Lee, a rogue-type with criminal connections, are the “odd/mismatched friendship” of the group. I like the “vitriolic best buds” trope so that will likely be how this works out. I also find it interesting when the “heart” of the group gets petty and has a conflict with someone, when normally they tend to be the more patient and empathetic one. Conflicts between these two may depend on external pressures.
Victoria and Carol are sisters. Victoria is the older sister- that’s why she got the alliterative name. Carol’s more of the tougher, protective one, despite Victoria being the oldest, so this may cause conflict.
Carol and Ken trust each other a lot. This is surprising, seeing as Carol’s plans rely on a lot of secrecy and a healthy dash of paranoia. I’m noticing now that I did another “oops” as I have 2 names with a “k-“ sound in the main characters, but since it’s a C and a K, and they have different syllable structures, I think I can get away with it. Ken should be short for Kennedy, not Kenneth, to preserve this difference.
This might be enough to go off of for identifying a few good conflicts, but I’ll go through the rest of the “handshakes” to see if any other ideas arise. Carol/Cherry’s relationships are the most important (Since she’s the main character), so I’ll worry about those for now. Everyone at the agency is in on the secret, I don’t want to play the game of “loved one doesn’t know about my secret life.”
Cherry & Aqua: We’ve already gone over this. I think that at first, Cherry might try to have a conversation, but Aqua has a bit of a temper (Given his Mira traits, he’s likely a bit of a blood knight), or maybe is just impatient. Aqua might think it’s a better idea to restrain Cherry and get the pilot out to figure out her identity, since Cherry Bronze might be unwilling to talk about personal details in the middle of the street. Aqua probably gets back into the mecha after seeing Cherry on tv thwarting some crime, which is why he commits a crime (He wants to draw her out). Perhaps this is what leads to Carol & co. getting a public-facing front for their agency.
Carol & Aqua: Not Cherry Bronze, Carol. This is an important distinction, as one of the key points in their relationship is that Aqua is unaware of Carol being Cherry. I imagine they might interact if Aqua shows up to the agency looking for Cherry (Or maybe Mark, if he’s attempting to be subtle). This would lead to shenanigans, as maybe Mark has a better idea as to who Cherry is than other villains.
Carol & Noble: These two would interact more so than Cherry and Noble, simply because even though I don’t see Noble as a wimp, he’s not really a front-line guy either. Noble is more of a ‘face’ for his organization as well, so at the very least he attempts to keep his hands clean. Perhaps Carol’s agency has conflicts with local law enforcement as well. So these two are tacitly allowed in public without fear of arrest, but both have things they must keep secret.
Cherry & Noble: Cherry would bulldoze Noble in a fair fight, so Noble is constantly coming up with new weapons and warriors to take her down. He also wants the blueprints of the mecha, and would love to get a chance to take the mecha apart and coopt it for organization use.
Carol & Ken: They probably were the first two to find the mecha. Their mutual trust likely comes from founding the agency. On the outside, it seems like Ken is the boss and Carol’s the secretary, but there isn’t a power difference here, even taking into account that Carol’s Cherry. Now that I think about it, in the hypothetical hostage negotiation with the organization, the organization might be a little bit irritated that Carol shows up, not Ken, and Carol might give a vague “He’s preoccupied” to further feed into their gambit. I don’t want these two to date (I don’t really want anyone to date, honestly), since this romantic dynamic has been done to death. Ken and Carol are childhood friends, so Ken probably knows Victoria, too. I’m not sure if I want to give Ken and Victoria an antagonizing relationship or not.
Carol & Victoria: This was already covered. Victoria’s a hermit extrovert, so with Carol as the face I feel that she’s more of an introvert and enjoys her moments of solitude, even if she’s a bit of a ham as Cherry. Victoria is probably the first person Carol and Ken bring the mecha too, and she’s the one who’s able to get it open. Carol’s the only one who can see the interface, though, due to her tetrachromia.
Another thing I just thought of: If Teri, Mark and their parents were all able to operate the mecha, everyone in the family has tetrachromia (And is therefore XX). Aqua is probably confused that not all humans are XX, or tetrachromats, until he discovers that not all humans are capable of using a mecha. I suppose Teri would have to be adopted by one or both parents, but obviously if they’re fine with adopting Mark the alien this isn’t really an issue for them. I think that Teri never had a human brother, and maybe Mark was adopted into the family without the need of another’s death. I like the idea of the classic “Mom, Dad, Son, Daughter” family of heroes, so I’ll keep that, just using the alien Mark as the son.
Ken’s color-blind (A dichromat), so it’s not until they bring the mecha to Victoria for her to look at that they realize that only Carol can use it. The tetrachromia is probably still a secret, since most people don’t get tested for it unless they are specifically part of a study. Maybe Mr. Noble’s the first one to realize it, if he gets a look at the mecha, since he’s also colorblind and is used to having to use glasses or filters to see certain things, especially on alien technology.
Carol & Rampo: I feel as though Rampo and Lee aren’t founders, but came on later as the agency gained its public front and started to look more into what its capabilities were. Perhaps a humorous interviewing montage would be called for?
Carol & Lee: I’ve honestly got nothing right now. I’ve started getting excited about conflicts…
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low-keylonely-blog · 7 years
hello, I am a 16 yr old white girl from southeastern Wisconsin. very vanilla, I’m aware. in response to my “WANTED: cute boy” post, here are a list of my physical and mental traits, so that you can determine if you would like to talk to me.
PHYSICAL: ☆ 5'6" ☆ brown curly hair, about shoulder length. THICC HAIR. ☆ brown eyes that are lighter in the center (there’s a freckle on the left one) ☆ relatively skinny, not very strong. a bit of a tummy, but I suck in so you’d never notice. ☆ chewed nails. I’ve mostly stopped tho. ☆ braces! w/ rubber bands! somewhere between February 2017 and June 2017 the braces come off and I once again enjoy having a bright and happy smile! ☆ 4 very light birthmarks! the one on my knee looks like an archipelago. ☆ a bit of acne, but only on the forehead. ☆ STRONG BROWS ☆ bigger bottom lip, thinner top lip ☆ pouty, but only bc of braces ☆ large knuckles bc I used to play basketball. if I try, I can make it impossible to let go of my hand, bc my knuckles touch and form a barrier. ☆ tiny wrists. both pop when I turn them one way or the other. ☆ bumps on my arms. it’s genetic. they’re non contagious and not like acne, so popping them doesn’t work. ☆ left tit is a tiny bit bigger than right tit. ☆ relatively high cheekbones ☆ “innie” belly button ☆ weirdly lumpy hips. I’m pretty bony. ☆ legs as long as the sky is blue. ☆ relatively cute butt. not bony. ☆ stretch marks at the top of my thighs, just under my booty. not sure where they came from. ☆ usually bruised knees, especially in summer ☆ scar tissue on left ankle from when my dad dropped a ladder on my foot. it scraped the bone in my leg as it went down, so the scar tissue reminds. ☆ my doctor when I was a baby said I have popsicle toes! the 2nd-4th are double jointed ☆ hyper flexible overall. not as bendy as I used to be, but still pretty bendy. ☆ my dad’s parents were both German, but both were very dark looking for German. therefore, my dad can pass as Italian. it just means I turn dark orange when I tan, and tan very quickly. ☆ some eczema on my chest, but it is cleaning up. ☆ very out of shape. I can not run for more than 20 seconds without wondering if I can stop yet ☆ squishy?? I lack muscles so I’m very comfortable to snuggle, especially bc I’m flexible enough to fit anywhere but squishy enough to function as a pillow, especially my tummy and tits.
MENTAL/EMOTIONAL: ☆ A.D.D. easily distracted. ☆ easily confused, but quick to understand once everything is explained to me. ☆ guilty of savior behavior like you wouldn’t believe ☆ possibly anxious? parents don’t have time to get me diagnosed tho ☆ desperate to please people. I have limits, but I LOVE making people happy. ☆ I’m rlly fuckin funny ok most of my jokes are specific to my close friends or my childhood but once I’m around you for more than 3 months I’m rlly rlly funny bc we have memories together and I know you well ☆ very paranoid. overactive imagination led to some rlly freaky nightmares as a child, some of which are recurring. ☆ afraid of being forgotten, not good enough, my closet, the dark, inanimate objects coming to life and coming after me (especially doors and anything with legs, like tables and standing mirrors), and being killed in the shower. ☆ easily scared. can’t stand suspense or horror movies. ☆ semi obsessive?? like my friends and my hypothetical potential s/o are so cool and I love them and talk about them often. ☆ redundant. my life is boring. ☆ very very talkative. it’s a little annoying. ☆ easily bored, especially when I want to travel or get sick of how things are going. ☆ kinda rude? but not intentionally? I try to be kind to everyone but sometimes I come off as salty ☆ very passionate ☆ very defensive, especially of friends and s/o, and usually family ☆ loud :-/ ☆ easily excited ☆ interested in what you have to say, but will probably cut you off mid sentence bc my social intuition is lacking ☆ chronic liar >:-( definitely my least favorite trait, but one I haven’t been able to shake. they range from little white lies to just pretending things didn’t happen or that they’re fine. ☆ the last 3 years of my life have absolutely fried my brain. I’m very tired and very wounded. ☆ attaches quickly ☆ separation anxiety, but moreso just afraid of losing people I care about ☆ very self-centered :-/ ☆ relatively bullheaded. I don’t often think things through. ☆ if I have to face the music, odds are I’ll stick earplugs in and run away ☆ usually very positive! the world is a cool place with some very cool people in it!
LIKES: ☆ film, the art of ☆ cry movies ☆ and a bit of Beyoncé, catey shaw, lana del rey, halsey, … ☆ g-eazy, blackbear, childish gambino, frank ocean, watsky, drake, john mayer, sting, mansionz, relient k, one direction (including all solo work), twenty one pilots (but not rlly blurryface), washed out, a bit of fall out boy and panic! at the disco, arctic monkeys, troye sivan, a bit of the 1975, walk the moon, … ☆ the music from downton abbey and victoria and poldark ☆ history, especially sociology and foreign cultures and mythology ☆ politics, even tho I get too heated about it ☆ sci-fi! soft stuff is ok, but the hard stuff is rlly rlly good. ☆ fiction! ☆ writing non-fiction! ☆ slamming biased news outlets (r.i.p. bill o'reilly) ☆ working backstage crew in theater! my sister is majoring in stage management, so it’s a family affair. ☆ plants! flowers, succulents, cacti, even trees and shrubs! ☆ DOGS ☆ my bird, Elsa. we named her after Elsa in frozen bc her tummy matches the color of the character’s dress ☆ slam poetry?? I’m a dork ☆ activism! get out and get loud! ☆ volunteer work, especially through my church (I’m not sure if I’m gonna stay catholic but it’s how I’m being raised rn) ☆ shopping. it’s so satisfying to bring home something beautiful off the clearance rack. ☆ concept art for film and fashion ☆ interior design and architecture ☆ THE PROPERTY BROTHERS ON HGTV ☆ Steven Universe?? it’s actually a rlly good show. it makes me cry a lot. ☆ Grey’s Anatomy. another good cry show. ☆ purple anything. it calms me down. ☆ soft blankets and pillows ☆ laying down for the night. ☆ meditation and yoga! ☆ photography! I live next to the woods on 2 sides of my house, so it’s the perfect place for photoshoots. ☆ coloring books! the pretty ones, not the kids ones. ☆ reading! I’m usually too busy but it’s so nice when I have time ☆ CRYSTALS AND MINERALS AND PRETTY STONES. I have a growing collection, 95% I found on my own. ☆ driving on empty country roads. ☆ swimming, even tho I’m afraid of deep water ☆ hiking! ☆ chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream ☆ purging old clothes ☆ Internet friends! long distance romantic relationships are awful, but the platonic ones are always fun ☆ learning things you never thought possible ☆ speculation lmao ☆ hugs and physical contact ☆ pressure. I enjoy feeling close to things. I sleep with a billion blankets at all times bc I like the feeling of the weight on me ☆ the concept of Atlas in Greek mythology ☆ in depth discussion about almost anything! I love talking to people! ☆ barbecue chicken pizza from California pizza kitchen
DISLIKES: ☆ people who refuse to acknowledge global warming, white supremacy, sexism, or any fault on either end of the political spectrum ☆ unsolicited dick pics ☆ 99% of country music ☆ metal or screamo music ☆ slut shaming ☆ ignorance in any shape or form ☆ watermelon ☆ Brussel sprouts and asparagus and peas ☆ fish that isn’t fried or marinated in bourbon or teriyaki ☆ oranges ☆ bananas ☆ pop music ☆ slapstick humor ☆ most comedic movies (see above) ☆ cleaning ☆ zara larsson ☆ feminists who hate men (girl we are EQUAL not ABOVE) ☆ the fact that the USA does not have separation of church and state ☆ cold weather ☆ sand in my shoes ☆ most movies featuring talking animals (not counting Dumbo, the Lion King, Babar, Finding Nemo, and a couple others) ☆ those who put others down ☆ those who refuse to listen to both sides ☆ the fact that every Earth year the moon moves 2 inches farther away from Earth and it’s eventually going to be flung into space and we’ll never see it again ☆ white males in positions of authority. your turn is over, pal. ☆ Christopher Walken’s face ☆ John Travolta ☆ the entire movie/musical Grease ☆ when radio stations play the same 10 songs all day long ☆ overused slang ☆ dead memes that are still in circulation ☆ repetition from year to year ☆ bad school photos ☆ pineapple on pizza ☆ basic pages on Instagram ☆ dog types that have been bred to the point of inherent or genetic medical issues ☆ carpet that isn’t soft ☆ bad paint jobs ☆ jumbo tattoos. I love the tiny ones you don’t expect to see. ☆ costume jewelry ☆ asymmetry ☆ bad habits ☆ when everything is black and white ☆ when it’s a gray area ☆ the porn industry as a whole ☆ massive corporations as a whole ☆ people who use deadnames or the wrong pronouns on purpose ☆ driving stick ☆ pulling weeds ☆ vacuuming ☆ loud noises (the unexpected ones) ☆ same old, same old ☆ people who don’t bathe often ☆ when my hair grows too long but I can’t get a haircut for weeks ☆ people who won’t try new things ☆ when anything or anyone dies ☆ the feeling of not being in control ☆ not knowing.
feel free to message me if you’re interested! there’s much more, but this is all I could think of for now. congrats if you made it to the end!
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thevalicemultiverse · 8 years
Things You Need To Know About: Londerland Bloodlines
Tag: ~V: Londerland Bloodlines
Premise: What does one do when, after having been “strongly encouraged” to date the local upper-class girl, they’ve accidentally awakened a corpse bride-to-be, seen the Land of the Dead, saved the local upper class girl with the bride’s help after she was kidnapped by another potential date, set the bride on the path to finally moving on, and agreed to a break with the upper-class girl to give her time to recover? And one’s parents won’t shut up about it? Move to California, of course! Victor hoped Los Angeles would be a new beginning, but it nearly turned into a new ending when he was hit by a car three days in. But then, his own dark-haired, green-eyed angel entered his life – with sharp fangs and sweet blood he just can’t get enough of…
This AU is is a crossover between Corpse Bride, the Alice games, and the Old World of Darkness (and, quietly, Back To The Future). Specifically, it asks the question, "What if Alice ended up the Malkavian protagonist character of Vampire: The Masquerade -- Bloodlines, and Victor took the place of Heather Poe, the protagonist's potential ghoul?" In this more modernized (2004, to be precise) world, before the main action starts, Victor and Victoria are not arranged to be married -- instead, they're just being pushed toward each other by the very-enthusiastic Nell and the rather-more-reluctant Maudeline. Victor and Victoria, fortunately, actually like each other, and they're happy enough to go on dates and think about a future together.
They're less happy when, urged by Nell, Pastor Galswells shows up on one said date to extol the virtues of marriage. They're able to have a laugh about it -- but later, on a walk through the local woods, Victor finds himself wondering about a future with Victoria, and does a practice proposal with a plastic ring he got out of those "toy in a bubble" vending machines during the date, slipping it onto a convenient hand-shaped branch.
Convenient hand-shaped branch turns out to be an actual skeletal hand, and its owner -- a murdered bride named Emily -- promptly rises, believing Victor's proposal to be legitimate toward her. Victor tries to run, but Emily catches up and takes him to her home in the Land of the Dead. Victor, terrified, blurts out the whole thing was a joke -- and then, seeing the heartbroken look on Emily's face, clarifies that he didn't even know she was there. Emily's friend Bonejangles explains her history (killed by the man she intended to elope with for the money he told her to bring), and Victor, feeling awful, decides he has to do something for her in apology for getting her hopes up. Emily admits that it would be nice to just have a date Upstairs, if possible -- Victor explains about Victoria but says that if she's okay with it, he'd love to take her on a little moonlight picnic or something. Emily is cool with this plan, and after talking with Elder Gutknecht (the most powerfully magical dead person around), they go back to the Land of the Living so Victor can talk to Victoria.
But when Victor arrives at the Everglots, he finds the lord and lady in a tizzy and the police taking statements. Turns out Victoria has been kidnapped by the second date she had that day -- Maudeline pushed her to meet a "Lord Barkis" once she got home, and Victoria agreed just to get her off her back. Barkis promptly took her hostage and is demanding a ransom the rather-broke Everglots simply can't pay. Victor, horrified, brings this news back to Emily -- and Emily wonderingly admits that her old beau went by the name "Edward Barkis." Getting Elder Gutknecht's help in finding the missing Victoria, they discover that yep, it's the same guy, and that he fully intends to kill Victoria instead of releasing her once he gets his money. A furious Emily (backed up by Victor and a few of her dead friends) confronts him, and they manage to subdue him and get word to the police, sending him to prison and saving Victoria. Emily, feeling like the major anchor holding her to the living world has been released, decides to return Downstairs and have a farewell party or two before preparing to move on, and she and Victor fondly bid each other adieu.
Which is followed by Victoria admitting the whole kidnapping really shook her and she'd like a break from dating altogether. Victor is understanding, but his parents are less so -- and after the fiftieth complaint about how he let their best chance for social importance slip through his fingers, Victor snaps and decides he wants to put as much distance between them and him as possible. One ticket to Los Angeles, California later, he's ready to start a new life!
Three days in, he's hit by a car and rushed to a severely-understaffed clinic in Santa Monica. Victor, certain he's going to die, begs the first person he sees -- a mysterious green-eyed girl in a blue dress -- first for help, then for company as he passes. The girl instead cuts her wrist and makes him drink her blood. To Victor's intense surprise, he not only enjoys the experience, but when he wakes up later -- he's fine.
Fortunately, he's not left in the dark as to the reason for his mysterious cure for long -- a run-in with local bounty hunter Knox Harrington explains all: the mystery girl is Alice Liddell, she's a vampire (a Malkavian, to be specific), and her blood is what healed him, turning him into a ghoul. Victor promptly tracks down Alice, and the two end up living together in her downtown apartment while Alice runs errands for the longer-lived members of the local vampire population (being the newbie, and one who shouldn't have even been made to boot). Along the way, Victor reunites with Victoria, who also fled to California after her parents tried to push her into yet another unwanted relationship -- and with Emily during a raid on a family reunion of the Giovanni clan of vampires. The Giovanni specialize in necromancy, and Emily's spirit had been captured and restored to a kind of life as an advanced sort of zombie in one of their rituals -- along with Alice's murdered sister Lizzie. Both Victor and Alice are only too glad to welcome the pair into their home, and soon a sweet little quartet forms between Victor, Victoria, Emily, and Alice.
However, not all is well in the City of Angels -- Alice has made a lot of enemies in her time as a vampire, and as they start closing in, Victor and Emily are forced to flee L.A. for their own safety. Victoria and Lizzie follow shortly thereafter, having been narrowly rescued from abduction by the evil Sabbat vampires (Victoria, as you might imagine, is sour about being kidnapped TWICE in one year). The four end up settling in the little town of Hill Valley, waiting with bated breath to see if Alice will eventually join them.
She does, having very thoroughly told the L.A. vampires to fuck off. And so Victor settles into a very content future, with three women who love him dearly, an honorary older sister, and a steady supply of that amazing blood from Alice's veins.
This verse has two distinct time periods/locations threads can be set in:
Epic of the Ankaran Sarcophagus: Anything set during Victor's time in Los Angeles, post the car crash (aka the time period of Vampire: The Masquerade -- Bloodlines, which starts in October 2004 and probably runs through at least the end of the year). He's a little confused at how he keeps ending up in situations involving undead women, but he's happy playing a supporting role in Alice's various adventures. She saved his life, after all -- and he's come to like her quite a lot for her imagination and determination. Just, uh, don't ask him why he's twitchy sometimes. He's trying not to think about that addiction Alice refuses to feed.
Nice Place To Live: Anything post-V:TM-B, when Victor and company are living in Hill Valley (starting in 2005). Victor's happily settled back down into small-town life -- albeit the kind that includes being part of a romantic foursome with another ghoul, a zombie, and their vampire mistress. And with Alice having finally gone ahead and blood-bonded him, he's a lot more stable in his cravings. He's only too happy to chat with the neighbors now! (Though if you're visiting from L.A., expect to get some side-eye until he confirms you're not part of the Camarilla, anarchs, or Sabbat, come to ruin their day.)
Common NPCs:
Alice Liddell (throughout)
Victoria Everglot (throughout)
Emily Cartwell (throughout)
Lizzie Liddell (throughout)
Shipping: Another poly AU! It started out as just Valice, but the moment I decided Victoria was going to take the place of Samantha -- the NPC in Hollywood who recognizes the player character as a mortal friend -- and figured out a way to get Emily into the main story. . .well, things just fell into place. Victor’s feelings for Alice may be the strongest (thanks to her literally saving his life and being her ghoul, with all the benefits and drawbacks that entails), but he loves Victoria and Emily dearly too, and is all for romance with any of them.
NPC Ships: None
Important Facts:
NPC Alice’s backstory is similar to what she had in the games (Bumby stalked and raped her sister, burned down the house to cover his crimes, Alice escaped and was committed for ten years before entering his care and realizing the truth), only Bumby actively bribed someone in the forensics unit to keep from getting caught at the time and she didn’t suffer quite so badly in Rutledge (no leeches, for one thing). Her move to L.A. was prompted by shoving Bumby in front of the train -- while she was reasonably sure she’d get away with the murder, it still seemed prudent to put as much distance between her and England as possible.
NPC Alice’s sire was a seventh-generation Malkavian called Fish -- a narcissistic asshole who considered Alice’s attempts to leash her hallucinations and delusions a personal insult. He lured her to his apartment by pretending it was for lease -- Alice tried to fight him off when he first bit her, but he overpowered her. He seriously did not expect Lacroix to kill him for the deed. Alice does not hold his death against the Camarilla prince at all.
NPC Alice’s Malkavian madness is basically a permanently-on Londerland. As she’s used to handling these sorts of hallucinations by now, it’s possible anyone who didn’t know her clan might think her a Brujah until she starts having conversations with cats and rabbits that no one else can see. Following the rules of the video game, she has access to the Auspex, Obfuscate, and Dementation disciplines, along with general Blood Buff and Blood Heal. Alice finds inflicting more than hysterical laughter on people to generally be a little uncomfortable, but she loves Obfuscate.
NPC Lizzie became a ghost after her unfortunate demise, anchored to the mortal world by her fury at Bumby and her worry over her little sister. A Giovanni vampire heard about the poltergeist activity at the site of the old house, and managed to capture Lizzie and take her to the L.A. mansion, where she received a new physical body in a ritual to create a more durable kind of zombie. However, the ritual happened to leave her with her mind and free will, and when it became obvious she wasn’t going to play ball, she was locked in the cellar with Emily, the other failure of the day. The two became fast friends in their confinement, and made regular escape attempts -- up until Victor and Alice showed up and were able to rescue them. Lizzie wasn’t happy that her little sister was a vampire, but was thrilled to hear Bumby had died. She’s basically the honorary older sister of the entire group, and rather protective.
Actually, they’re all protective of each other, as is the norm. Victor in particular will take a baseball bat to anyone who threatens his girls (never mind that one of them is a vampire and probably better-suited for dealing with threats).
As a ghoul, Victor heals faster, is a bit stronger and quicker in general, and can amp up his strength, speed, and stamina even more using the vampire blood in his body (in game terms, I imagine him being able to use Blood Buff). He’s also addicted to vampire blood, and, being a Malkavian’s thrall, occasionally hears voices and has prophetic dreams. During Epic of the Ankaran Sarcophagus, he’s struggling with the fact that Alice, frightened of stripping him of all free will via the blood bond, is refusing to give him any more of hers. She occasionally lets him have elder blood from packs she picks up, figuring either those vampires are dead or at least unlikely to meet Victor, but he doesn’t find it as satisfying as hers. Talking to him about his status is likely to make him a bit twitchy. By Nice Place To Live, Alice has realized Victor knows what he’s getting into and wants it anyway, and has blood-bonded him on a weekly feeding schedule. He’ll happily rhapsodize about what a lucky ghoul he is in that time period.
NPC Victoria is also a ghoul bonded to Alice, at least by the time of Nice Place To Live -- she got hurt during the escape from the Sabbat, and Alice gave her some blood to heal her (with more of a warning this time). A combination of the Malkavian blood and being kidnapped twice in one year has made her somewhat paranoid of going anywhere outside alone, especially anywhere that might put her near strange men. Fortunately one of the others is pretty much always available to walk with her and calm her down should she panic.
While Back To The Future’s characters aren’t huge players in this verse, the quintet does know Doc Brown and his family -- largely because they’re renting Doc’s old garage apartment. (They’ve sub-divided it with screens and made a special sun cover for Alice’s bed.) So BTTF characters are more than welcome here!
Bloodlines characters are welcome too (obviously), but be forewarned -- Victor knows very few directly apart from Knox and Mercurio, his fellow ghouls; the rest he generally hears about through Alice. And, uh, Alice doesn’t like many of the L.A. vampires apart from Beckett and VV. There probably won’t be any overt hostilities unless the other person makes the first move, but expect lots of snark.
This verse is open to everyone!
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