#viktor dieldrin
yandere-romanticaa · 4 years
I am in love with this guy - that's all I can say 💕
Special thanks to @minoux for allowing me to write and use this art of Viktor, I am just SO weak for him, God help me. Also, I may or may not headcanon that he has an English accent...
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The quiet music of the gramophone played softly in the background as Viktor held his darling tightly in his hands, their bodies pressed closely together as he swayed against the beat of the music. His lips were pressed against (y/n)'s delicate throat as her own gaze lingered at the mirror in front of her, the horror of what Viktor had done to her sinking in.
When she and Viktor first met he was the perfect gentleman but albeit with his quirks. She actually didn't mind them at all, if anything they gave Viktor a certain charm that no other guy had which naturally just drew (y/n) in. His intelligence was unmatched and his morbid curiosity was dare she say, cute at times.
Viktor always got a huge kick out of teasing poor (y/n) and the teasing often varied. Sometimes he was soft as he would hug her and pat her head, calling her a princess. Other times though, he would get a little more daring. His sharp teeth would always be near her ears and he would whisper all sorts of nonsense in her ears - he'd tell her how she was just so fascinating to him, a case study that he had to research, a sweet mystery wrapped up in a even sweeter enigma.
(y/n) was everything Viktor wanted and then some.
One day though, Viktor's jeaoulsy just skyrocketed out of the blue as he became a lot more touchy feely with her and he wanted (y/n) to just pay attention to him. He was always so skilful at hiding his true intentions and he would always make it look like he was either joking, or he would find some contrived task for them to complete. Whatever it was, it would always end the same - with that confident smirk of his, Viktor would sweep (y/n) off her feet and the duo would spend the day together. He would often tell her how he dreams of making (y/n) look just like him, how often he wonders just how her fragile little body funcions and what were its weak points. (y/n) would always shrug him off though.
"It's just Viktor being Viktor." she would think.
She really should have heeded his warnings.
Bitter tears filled her eyes as a broken sob echoed throught the room. She stared at her reflection, hardly believing that the abomination in front of her was her own face. The tea she drank eariler was propably poisoned with something because she othervise wouldn't have been knocked out cold for so long. Ever since she woke up Viktor had been showering the girl with kisses as he displayed his work proudly, the stitches around her face oh so disgustingly visible. Everything inside of her felt wrong, she felt wrong but Viktor paid no mind to it what so ever. He was over the moon as a matter of fact as the two waltzed the night away, one clearly more happy then the other. Sensing her distress, Viktor's hands traced small patterns across her back as his pearly whites dug in to the nape of her neck, causing (y/n) to yelp from the sudden pain. She could her his mumble something but she couldn't quite make out what he was saying.
"What's wrong love? Cat got your tounge?"
Chuckling from his own joke Viktor raised his head up and looked (y/n) in the eyes, a diabolical grim on his face as droplets of crimson blood decorated his sharp teeth. He dipped the girl beneath him as the music picked up the pace, his excitement more obvious then ever. She scoffed at him but didn't dare to utter a word as he spinned her around, trapping her in his arms once he was done. In a hushed but seductive tone, he said:
"Aww, don't play so hard to get my dear. One more little mishap like this and I just might be forced to take more drastic measures...~"
He trailed off at the end but whatever he meant by that was enough for a chill to go through (y/n)'s spine.
He really wasn't pulling her leg here, wasn't he?
He broke her and she didn't even know it. He broke her, destroyed her beyond repair and then stitched her back together to his leisure. "you're perfect now!" is what he would say.
But she didn't want to be perfect.
She wanted to be normal.
But Viktor wasn't going to give her that luxury.
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fumikomiyasaki · 4 years
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True Colors
I got inspired by this song GUMI- Copycat:
I wanted to show of how Leroys Unique Magic works. So I made him turn into Dorm Leaders to show how he can transform into a diffrent person. Inside he is still Leroy, however he can imitate a person quite well.
I also added @piraticusdorm Conrad and @terrors-of-nightraven Viktor to the color schemes because they are also Leaders of Houses I like a lot, so they fit for Leroy turning into Leaders, because he wants to be part of the dorm leaders.
I can imagine Leroy did cringe turning into Riddle and Vil. Also I added his true self, and fun fact, Leroy has freckles actually, which he covers with make up to look cooler.
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ellovett · 4 years
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like father like,,,three nasty spooky sons
[Terrorwood belongs to @terrors-of-nightraven ! Hope you like it Rinna ;; 💗💗 I saw your reblog and I couldn't help myself ;;]
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aratakiushi · 4 years
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viktor/louise backstory
viktor dieldrin is @terrors-of-nightraven character
For as long as anyone could remember, Viktor Dieldrin had been a disturbed child. From his unsettlingly tearless birth, to his distinct obsession with his father's practices in necromancy, Viktor’s childhood was a perfect explanation to why he ended up the way he did. The untimely passing of his mother only added to his unfortunate upbringing, as his father wasn’t exactly a family-orientated man. Nannies were in and out of the Dieldrin manor daily, none being able to deal with the young master for long before escaping the manor in a fit of fear for their own lives. However, Mr. Dieldrin didn’t care to find a solution to the nanny problem. Instead, another nanny was hired, and the vicious cycle continued.
For Viktor’s tenth birthday, his father gave him a dog. Louis XVI he called him, reminiscent of the immaturity of the late king of France. No matter how immature and utterly juvenile Viktor found this animal his father had gifted him, he did find some comfort in it. Louis would listen to anything he said; He came when he was called, he stayed when he was told. He depended on Viktor to survive. It was Viktor’s first taste of control and power, and he couldn’t get enough of it.
It was late on a weekday evening, during the early months of autumn. Viktor was in his back garden with Louis. He had been training Louis for weeks now and had decided to give the animal some playtime as a reward for doing a good job. The two were playing fetch, when one lopsided throw sent the stick Viktor was using hurdling over the hedges into the neighbouring manor’s yard. A faint, girlish squeal was heard as Louis went bounding around the hedges to find the stick.
“Louis! Louis XVI!” Viktor called out, while making no attempts at going after him just yet. He scoffed at the lack of response, muttering under his breath, “Stupid mutt…” He followed the path his dog had taken around the hedges until he found himself in his neighbours yard. He was surprised to see a young girl crouched down next to Louis XVI, petting him with a gleeful expression.
Viktor had never met his neighbours. He seldom left the house throughout his childhood. There was no need when you had servants to do things for you. That being said, Viktor had hardly realized he had neighbours at all. They were obviously wealthy, considering the size of their manor, but nowhere near as wealthy as the Dieldrin’s. The young girl crouched on the ground had starkly white skin and long black hair. She looked up as she could hear Viktor’s footsteps approaching, and he could see she had yellowish green eyes and a gentle expression. An expression that reminded him of the dog she was petting.
“Is this your dog?” She asked timidly, smiling as she turned her gaze back towards Louis XVI. She scratched behind his ear and he leaned into her hand happily. “Isn’t he just lovely? I’ve always wanted a dog..”
Viktor watched her with a puzzled look. Why anyone would ever give so much affectionate to such a stupid animal he couldn’t wrap his head around. He didn’t understand the point of it. “Yes, he’s mine,” Viktor deadpanned, his eyes glued on the two curiously. “Why are you doing that to him?”
The girl looked back at Viktor, her expression now just as puzzled as Viktor’s. “Doing what? Petting him?” She asked. When Viktor nodded, the black haired girl broke into a fit of giggles. “What do you mean? He liked it, see?” She started rubbing Louis XVI on his belly and the dog rolled onto his back, his tail wagging and leg shaking joyfully.
It took awhile for the girl to explain to Viktor why anyone would show affection towards animals, and at the end of their time together he still didn’t quite understand. However he learned lots about the girl. He learned her name was Louise and that she was the same age as Viktor. She was an only child and her parents were frequently out of the house on business trips so she, like Viktor, was also raised mostly by nannies.
One thing that stuck with Viktor is that she had begged her parents for a dog but they forbid animals in the house. Out of pity, Viktor promised to start meeting Louise in her back garden once a week so she could spend time with Louis XVI. Once a week became twice a week, then three times, until the two were spending time together nearly everyday.
Viktor enjoyed Louise’s company. She was meek, obedient, excitable. It was almost as if he had another dog, which he was actually growing to be quite fond of. The two would take Louis XVI out on walks, talk about their home lives. Viktor could go on for ages about his interest in necromancy and medical science and Louise would sit and listen to him ramble for hours. She actually began developing her own interest in medical science because of it.
It was when the two of them were thirteen when things changed. They were playing out in Viktor’s front yard with Louis XVI, when a squirrel suddenly caught Louis’ eye. Louis XVI chased the squirrel right towards the road, and no matter how much Viktor shouted, the dog didn’t turn around. Out of the heat of the moment, Louise sprinted after the dog, trying to catch him before he ran in front of the oncoming transport. By the time she reached them, they were both in the middle of the road. A loud honk was heard, followed by a sickening thud, then silence.
Viktor’s whole world went dark at that moment. His ears rang, his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. He was running out to the road before he realized what he was doing. Right past his now late dogs body, he dropped to his knees next to Louise, the blood draining from his face. She was covered in gashes and developing bruises, her arms and legs were bent in ways they shouldn’t be bent, and she was losing a lot of blood fast.
Looking around for some kind of assistance, Viktor realized that the driver of the transport had already made his escape. Due to the secluded area they lived in, nobody else had seemed to notice the crash either. Panicked, Viktor touched Louise’s cheek softly.
“H- Hang in there, ok?! I- I’m going to fix this..” He stumbled over his words, reluctantly leaving them in the street to go get his dad.
Viktor and his father brought Louise and Louis into Viktor’s father's lab. Mr. Dieldrin declared it was too late for both of them; They were both too mangled and damaged to be brought back.No matter how hard Viktor cried and begged his father, he refused.
Crushed by the loss of the only two things he had cared about in the world, Viktor went mad with the idea they couldn’t be brought back separately, but together. He spent months toying with the two corpses in his father's lab. He collected new body parts to rebuild her body, spent hours stitching her back together, and hours practicing his necromancy.
Eventually, when Viktor was fourteen, he was standing over Louise’s long dead body with the final steps in hand. It took him over four hours to complete the final magic needed to bring her back, and when he was finished, he rested his head against the bed she laid on and prayed that this last year hadn’t been for nothing.
And then, he heard it.
“V- Viktor..?”
His lips split in a wide, almost deranged grin.
“Welcome back.~”
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Truppe dell'Arcobaleno, a Twisted Wonderland Mafia AU Fanfiction
There is a small city in Twisted Wonderland, a city named Fascino. This once peaceful city is run and owned by the dangerous Night Raven. Underneath the feet of that great Family, you still have your tiny groups, ruling their little territories. But there are Families, the direct descendants of the Night Raven, known as the 'Great Seven', who stands above all.
We have the harsh Heartslabyul, the wild Savanaclaw, the underestimated Octavinelle, the explosive Scarabia, the slick Pomefiore, the sneaky Ignihyde, and the frightening Diasomnia.
Despite having divided the territories fairly, crimes break out- Wars, theft, assassinations, and murders of other Families. Alliances are formed as well as rivalries, and if you make one wrong move, you could be dead or have a whole Famiglia against yours.
Dirty dealings and secrets, gangs and theft and murder- It's all connected somehow and this is the story of how all of us got stuck in the middle of it.
Confirmed Cast:
This is edited because some OC profiles are not founded/incomplete, the blogs are deleted, or OP openly said they are no longer in TWST fandom.
If any OC owner has the full profile, you guys can contact me.
Mordred Dan  [full profile not found]
Decker Solitare  [full profile not found]
Kendrick Hellaven  [full profile not found]
( @/fromashestostars ​ / @/revolllutionary ​ )
Jonah Argentum 
( @/tsukikoayanosuke ​ )
Lucille Leonhart 
Lilith Leonhart [planned, but full profile not found]
( @/twistedwonda ​ )
Ariel Ophelie [pending, personality not complete]
( @/missnekonyan ​ )
Kiyoshi Takagi 
( @/twstankin ​ )
Conrad Garfio
Tink Campanella
Krok Horologium
( @/piraticusdorm ​ )
Noelle Halliday
Chiara Spindlebloom 
( @/3rdgymbros ​ )  [No longer TWST fandom]
Cheshire Redwood
Hanna Suzuki
Koyuki Kamiya
Yingyue Jiang
Lanying Qing
( @/eclipsezero ​ )
Lola Guerra  [profile has too little information]
Vinh Torch
Flint Remington  [profile has too little information]
Chase Manchester  [profile has too little information]
Cordell Snare  [profile has too little information]
Berkeley Houndstooth  [profile has too little information]
Ronaldo Buckman  [profile has too little information]
Sarge Glase  [profile has too little information]
( @/prometheanglory ​ ) 
Di Xin Li
Yabu Li
( @/conquer-the-raven ) [Tumblr account deactivated]
Pleiade Elvira Campbell
Samara al-Asim
Winona Shelby
Malvina Shelby
Sabrina Shelby
( @/the27th )
Viktor Dieldrin
Salem Kallier
Nyx Kallier
Rosid Strychnine
( @/terrors-of-nightraven / @/minoux-x )  [Tumblr account deactivated]
Henry Lakeside
Leroy Violet
Mellow Mildew
( @/fumikomiyasaki )
Rozaline Von Dorime
( @/briarrosescurse ​ )
Al Noir
( @/oiseaunoir11 )
Catrina Maravilla
( @/thetwstwildcard​ )
Miradel Naylor 
( @/yandere-of-your-dreams )  [Tumblr account deactivated]
Peyton Fox  [full profile not found]
Daire Gray
( @/chaoticlad )
Aster Realta
( @/lawlessofdusk )
Lotus  [planned, but full profile not found]
( @/choconanime )
Song Dusk  [planned, but full profile not found]
( @/sanata101​ )
( @/permanentlyexhaustedowl )
Emiko Sato
( @/danderechansworld )
Anna Piero
( @/circuscarnage )
... and possibly many more!
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twsted-princess · 4 years
I keep forgetting to post this but a couple of nights along I had my first Twisted Wonderland dream though it wasn’t with any of the characters. Instead it was Viktor Dieldrin @terrors-of-nightraven‘s oc.
In the dream Viktor was up late at night working on some assignments and (illegal) papers when I walk in to check up on him seeing as it’s past midnight. In my hands is a cup of coffee just how he usually has it alongside a small plate of sugar cookies me and Nyx baked (really I baked them while Nyx helped decorating), knowing he probably won’t eat them but I at least to show that I care about him. He says nothing as I put the things nearby only nodding as a sign of thanks. I simply smile and wish him a good night leaving him to head to bed as he takes a sip from the warm cup admiring how I managed to make his coffee just the way he likes it. He sees the plate of treats and thinks about how he usually hates sweets but....I made them for everyone in the dorm and saved some just for him, that I care about him. He takes one and eats it noting how it might be overly sweet from all the frosting and sprinkles but it’s good. A genuine smile spreads across his face and he gets back to work with vigor.
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