#vinny lore
balsemicvinegar · 2 years
*mom voice* you don't have ADHD u just can't focus on anything, can't pay attention very hyper and (lists off every symptom of ADHD)
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sweeneydino · 3 months
[Lifts him up like Lion King scene]
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Causes so much trouble for something so cute smh lol
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cogs-incorporated · 25 days
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It has a name.
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toxooz · 9 months
Hi, me again (senior in college)! Thank you for answering my previous ask! If it's alright to ask, could you please tell us more about Vinny and his momma (background, first squad interactions, etc)? I'm not sure if you already made a post about it or not. Thanks again <3!
- A.M.
OH BOI WOULD I ok so Vinny n his momma (Mrs.Clawford):
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and her husband were a well adjusted family where Vin's dad worked at a chemical plant(made the majority of their income) and his mom works at a daycare. Vinny and his dad were super close and he would take Vinny fishing along with other activities when he could, he was a strong source of support and Vinny aspired to be like him when he grew up. When Vin was about 9 years old his dad was involved in a fatal explosion in the chemical plant and his mom had to break the news to him after getting the call. They both took it extremely hard and his mom, now having to work overtime and find an additional job to support them, could rarely ever be there for Vin. Vinny secluded himself and would often stay in his room all day playing games and would often times scrounge around the house for meals if his mom didn't have time to make something before she would leave for work. He became bitter and sulky most of the time and wouldn't say much to anybody, and while his mom did try to connect with him, in reality she was simply too tired from all the work so she could never quite be there for him emotionally for she was also dealing with the grief herself as well. When Vinny was 10, his mom put her paw down and bought him a scooter so that he would at least be outside while she was away, and she looked for a nearby park to take him to before work which ofc Ollie's skatepark was the only one in the city. Vinny hated this idea immensely and it was incredibly uncomfortable for him for he did not cope well with the sudden change of activity and being out all alone on a scooter he didn't even want, so he was NOT happy. His dad being gone and him having little closure over it meant that his pillar of support had vanished, so he was left vulnerable, anxious and alone at a huge skatepark with loud skateboards and even louder Big monsters
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the first few days he was chased into a corner of the fence where he would stay bc it was too much to scoot around in fear that he may get knocked over or bullied ect. and he would hiss and swipe out of fear at people if they skated too close. A few skaters brought it up to Ollie that 'there's a lil dude who is totally Not having a good time over there' so Ollie checked it out and caught sight of the mini trembling furball in the corner evil eying everyone. He had to mosey his way over to him indirectly to not scare him more. He crumbled up his massive body to get as low and nonthreatening as possible and inched his way along the fence until he was at an interactive range with Vinny. Vinny noticed him a little too late, his fur stood up even more as he refused to look directly at Ollie while giving out a small low growl, but Ollie simply took out a candy bar, broke off a piece and ate it, then broke off another piece and calmly handed it to Vin.
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Vinny reflexively looked over and hesitated a loong time before taking the piece and waited til Ollie ate another piece before he ate his. As they silently finished the candy bar, Vinny's fur had gone down and his ears came back up which was Ollie's que to ask him his name ect. and by that time Vinny was pretty receptive to it. Ollie asked him if he wanted to skate with him and while Vinny was hesitant he accepted. They eased their way through the skatepark as Ollie kept a slow pace to allow Vin to keep up and Vinny was g l u e d to the side of Ollies leg while everyone else at the park kept their distance to give them space. They did this for the rest of the day which Really got Vinny out of his shell and even made Vinny kind of excited to come back tomorrow. They pushed around for a few days as Vins personality started shining through and eventually Ollie let him try out his skateboard which Vinny was super excited about. Even though Ollies big ass board was like a surfboard to Vinny he still wanted a skateboard nonetheless so Ollie agreed to make him his own skateboard. Ponti didn't care for Vinny in the slightest and would call him 'that damn scooter kid' (he got scratched by Vin once on the tail and had a grudge against him since lmfao) so Ollie would have to defend Vin from Ponti sometimes for he would deliberately skate threateningly close to Vinny and hit him with his tail( Ponti was hostile as hell since he was still kinda new and him and Ollie still had a little beef at this time) which probably started some fights between Ollie and Ponti tbh BUT eventually Ponti warmed up to Vin as he had his own redemption arc and is now the mean older brother to him but will beat anyone to a pulp who messes with Vin. Remy didn't care for him either but was pretty passive and Abio and Oscar helped with the warm welcome. Vinny used the skateboard for a while and Ollie would take it back with him when the day was over but eventually his mom found out and she confronted Ollie n the squad about it mad as hell talkin abt how dangerous it was and how Vinny was going to break something or get in with the wrong crowd ect. so Ollie had to calm her down and apologized. Vinny was tore up abt the whole thing but when his mom saw how much fun he was having and how he had opened up she reluctantly agreed to let him skateboard sO dear god there's his origin 😭
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THAT WAS LONG AS HELL MY BAD and kind of spoilery but its fine lmfao THNX 4 THE ASK!!
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allay-j11no · 5 months
Ramshackle AU
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This is gonna be a bit headcannon-ish TW: Mentions of Alcohol, Weed..
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Stone: - Eldest (hes 17 in this AU) - Father-figure to Skipp and Vinnie - Came from a rich background - Ran away from his family at a young age (think 6-7) - In this AU he actually drinks but also drinks their version of monster (I find it funky hes allergic to monster) and smokes cigs, sometimes taking puffs off Allay's blunts. - Pebble, His (candy trip) black out drunk demon, still terrorizes him. - Knew Allay from childhood, they were neighbors - Since im guessing what time period this is, he was promised to Allay as a future husband, but the two never knew, being the goofy six year olds they were, promised under the giant oak tree when they were old enough they would marry. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Allay: - Second eldest, like two months younger then Stone - Mother-figure to Skipp and Vinnie - Also came from a rich background - Also drinks, doesnt smoke cigs, strongly against cigs, but all for pot, has 10 pre-rolls in her inside jacket pocket. - also ran away at a young age (6-7) - Really good with writing poetry - Still has the lil wooden ring Stone gave her. - Skipp call's her "mom" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinnie: - 3rd eldest (14 years old) - First child Stone and Allay adopted - Protective of Skipp - Never knew who her biological mother was - Since shes getting to that "I dont like my parents" phase, she acts like she hates Stone and Allay, but when she things everyone is asleep at nigh, she cuddles up to Stone, deep down she loves her two parental figures, she thinks shes keeping them safe this way - Always cheats in a game of cards with Skipp - Brought home a dog once, it became the family dog because stone said so - Enjoys terrorizing lil kids ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skipp: - Youngest (12 years old) - Second adopted - Enjoys playing the violin Stone gave him (Stone is also teachin him to play it) - Allay found him when he was still a toddler - He's def a mama's boy - Sweetest kid ya could meet - His biological mom died of a disease - Cant sleep peacefully at night if Allay or Stone aint beside him ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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nukacourier · 2 months
Mentally calling Arcade a dumbass for this like I'm not the one writing him being a complete fool
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pagodazz · 1 month
confession: I hate the nightmind explanation videos for everymanHYBRID.
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desertpirate77 · 5 months
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Remising on our indestructible days
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melodyswishes · 7 months
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What an interesting family..
(ibis paint didn’t corporate with me on quality.)
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atlantis-archive · 1 year
Meet Team Atlantis
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Written by: Deborah Barnes Published in: Disney Adventures Collector’s Issue! Atlantis: The Lost Empire Volume 11, Number 6 (pg.32-35). Publisher: Buena Vista Magazines Inc. Publication date: circa July 2001.
(continued from In Search of Atlantis: The Lost Empire, continued in Dive!)
Meet Team Atlantis
Find out cool facts about the brave explorers who go in search of the lost city of Atlantis!
In 1914, a young adventurer named Milo Thatch dreamed of completing his grandfather's quest to find the legendary lost city of Atlantis. Though some people thought Milo was crazy, a wealthy businessman agreed to sponsor Milo's expedition. Milo joined a group of daredevil explorers on a dangerous mission that took them under the sea and to the center of the Earth.
MILO JAMES THATCH Team position: Linguist, major brainiac. Age: 32. Birthplace: Fishkill, New York. Education: Earned doctorate degrees in linguistic theory and dead languages from Oxford University in England. Major accomplishments: Graduated from high school at age 11; ranked as one of the world's best linguists; translated ancient documents that reveal the location of Atlantis. Best trait: Milo never gives up. Worst trait: Love of work doesn't leave much time for a social life; best friend is his Persian cat, Fluffy. Secret dream: Milo's one and only dream is not so secret: Find Atlantis. Biggest fear: That he might be wrong—that Atlantis doesn't really exist.
LYLE TIBERIUS ROURKE Team position: Expedition commander, serious dude. Age: 54. Birthplace: Beaumont, Texas. Education: Graduated second in his class from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point (in New York). Major accomplishments: Led the charge in tons of famous battles as an Army captain; won awards for leadership and heroism; saved the life of his commanding officer. Best trait: Total focus on his mission. Worst trait: A cruel streak—and quick temper! Both make him a little scary. Secret dream: To make lots of money. Biggest fear: That he might actually fail on a mission.
HELGA KATRINA SINCLAIR Team position: Second in command. Age: 30. Birthplace: Frankfurt, Germany. Education: Studied with famous martial arts and weapons experts around the world; trained in military tactics and firearms under Commander Rourke. Major accomplishments: One of only three living people to beat Commander Rourke in both unarmed combat and chess. Best trait: Intelligent and cool under pressure. Worst trait: Can seem icy and unfriendly. Secret dram: To fight someone (or something) that's a real challenge. Biggest fear: What is fear?
[page break]
Meet Team Atlantis
GAETAN MOLIÉRE Team position: Geologist, mineralogist, tunneling expert. Age: 39. Birthplace: Paris, France. Education: Became interested in tunneling by exploring the sewers beneath Paris as a kid; went to college at the Sorbonne; left school to become a miner. Major accomplishments: One of the world's best geologists; can tell where dirt is from by tasting it. Best trait: A master problem-solver and inventor. Worst trait: He likes dirt so much, he hardly bathes. Secret dream: To burrow to the center of the Earth. Biggest fear: Being forced to take a bath.
WILHELMINA BERTHA PACKARD Team position: Communications expert, chatterbox. Age: 61. Birthplace: Whippany, New Jersey. Education: Worked as a research assistant to several famous inventors—and married most of them (including Chichester Bell, cousin of telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell). Major accomplishments: Helped develop several major communications devices, including the radio, batteries and a "talking machine" (the ancestor to the CD player). Best trait: Unflappable sense of humor. Worst trait: Can be too chatty, even in the face of disaster. Secret dream: To finally find the love of her life. Biggest fear: Static.
AUDREY ROCIO RAMIREZ Team position: Mechanic, hothead. Age: 18. Birthplace: Dearborn, Michigan. Education: Began rebuilding engines in her father's car-repair shop at the age of 5; took a job at the Henry Ford Automotive Plant at the age of 9. Major accomplishments: Helped invent new gearing, steering and cooling systems for cars at Ford. Best trait: Spunky and smart. Worst trait: A short temper that gets even shorter when all the equipment keeps breaking down. Secret dream: To build a flying car. Biggest fear: That she'll get caught without her toolbox.
VINCENZO "VINNY" SANTORINI Team position: Demolitions, expert. Age: 38. Birthplace: Palermo, Italy. Education: Learned all about explosives on his own—and has a childhood full of blown up buildings to prove it. Major accomplishments: Can create the right kind of explosion for every occasion. Best trait: Stays relaxed, despite his dangerous job. Worst trait: A passion for practical jokes; seems to like blowing things up just a bit too much. Secret dream: To one day create the perfect explosion. Biggest fear: Working in the family business—a florist's shop!
DR. JOSHUA STRONGBEAR SWEET Team position: Medical officer. Age: 42. Birthplace: Bigelow, Kansas. Education: Earned degrees in medicine, botany (the study of plants) and herbology; learned Native American medicine from his uncle Iron Cloud, an Arapaho medicine man. Major accomplishments: Served as a battlefield surgeon with Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders; treated soldiers on both sides. Best trait: Strong as a grizzly, gentle as a teddy bear. Worst trait: No one's found it yet. Secret dream: To find a cure for all diseases. Biggest fear: Small spaces.
"COOKIE" FARNSWORTH Team position: Cook. Age: 72. Birthplace: Tulsa, Oklahoma. Education: Served as a sharpshooter in the Civil War; became a U.S. Army cook, feeding hundreds with almost no supplies. Major accomplishments: Was General George Custer's personal chef; became a chef at New York's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; owned his own restaurant. Best trait: Can make shoe leather taste good—and he probably has. Worst trait: The military has made him tough—so complain about the food at your own risk! Secret dream: To invent something called "fast-food." Biggest fear: Running out of flour.
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cherrythepuppet · 1 month
Bless You
DMR!Scribble lore along with a real name reveal??
The smell of smoke filled the air along with very very aggressive coughing "Mama?! Mama!" The voice of a little girl shouted
She waved her hands to try and clear the smoke in the kitchen, Once it was gone the little girl saw the coughing figure
"Ah! Sylvia! Stay back!" The coughing figure exclaimed "Mama... Did you burn the food again?" The little girl asked
"...Yes" the mother replied "I'll just reheat some leftovers that the church gave us" She sighed while the little girl looked over the counter to see the burnt pasta
"Auntie Charlie would be upset over this" the girl said "Don't tell her" The mother chuckled before there was a sudden knock on the door
"Sylvia, darling. Go answear the door please" the mother said to which the little girl nodded and rushed to the door
When she opened it, there was a tall man with a sealed envelope "Letter for Mrs Maria?" He told her "I'm not Maria, I'm Scribble" The little girl blinked
Her mother soon came up behind her "Sorry about that, Some lady gave her that nickname and she believes it's her real name!" She chuckled
The man laughed as Maria took the envelope "Tell me about it! I've got two girls and one of them believes that if she eats enough candy that she'll get high" He joked
"Is that Reese?" 'Scribble' asked "You know my youngest?" The man asked in response to which Scribble nodded
"She taught me How to say Bitch" She replied "Sylvia!" Maria yelled "What?" Scribble shrugged "I'm terribly sorry, I'm afraid that we must end this short" Maria sighed
She closed the door and glared at her daughter before ripped open the envelope "You cannot say such things, Dear-" She paused
She stared at the envelope in horror and dropped it onto the ground, Scribble bent down and picked it up only for a picture to fall out
She grabbed the picture and stared at it "Is this Papa?" She asked looking up at Maria before Scribble paused and moved her hand to her nose
Then she sneezed...
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OC: Vinnie
Happy Hour
Look. There's a reason, Vinnie doesn't get any gigs from Rogue. Anymore.
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neptunes-blue · 7 months
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short summary: Vincent Krawczyk graduates from Illinois’s Naval Hospital Corps School after first enlisting on the 8th of December, 1941
warnings: implied child neglect (sort of?), sailors get drunk and slip off chairs
(Main) characters: Vincent Krawczyk (oc), Terence Flynn (oc)
word count: 1.8k words
notes: this is like. The only time ever I will post my writing… if it disappears tomorrow I have succumbed to my shame and deleted this 😔. I had to format this on my iPad with no idea how any of this works…. Also if you see spelling/grammar mistakes no you didn’t I was too scared to share this to a friend to proofread ☹️ (looks at the ‘art blog’ in my bio hmmmm)
Grant me, oh Lord, for the coming events;
Enough knowledge to cope and some plain common sense. Be at our side on those nightly patrols; And be merciful judging our vulnerable souls. Make my hands steady and as sure as a rock; when the others go down with a wound or in shock. Let me be close, when they bleed in the mud; With a tourniquet handy to save precious blood. Here in the jungle, the enemy near; Even the corpsman can't offer much lightness and cheer. Just help me, oh Lord, to save lives when I can; Because even out there is merit in man.
If it's Your will, make casualties light; And don't let any die in the murderous night. These are my friends I'm trying to save; They are frightened at times, but You know they are brave. Let me not fail when they need so much; But to help me serve with a compassionate touch. Lord, I'm no hero—my job is to heal; And I want You to know Just how helpless I feel. Bring us back safely to camp with dawn; For too many of us are already gone.
Lord bless my friends If that's part of your plan; And go with us tonight, when we go out again.
— Navy Hospital Corpsman’s prayer 
When Vincent was 5, he woke up in his home to nothing.
When he tried to focus on where he imagined the hallway, there was nothing but black. And from the kitchen he heard a faint drip and nothing more. 
It’s hard to recall a memory in the muffling black dark. It’s more of a feeling really, cold icy dread that travels down your spine and keeps you at a standstill. 
Vincent still remembers how his body— much smaller in his youth, chattering with fear on the dusty couch. Too scared to call out for his parents.
10 years later, he’d brought up the memory at the dining table and was flattened by his father’s admittance to a fuzzy memory where he forgets to take him off the couch and into bed.
Currently, Vinny is 19 and fumbling with the neckerchief of his dress blues. His brow knotted while Terence Flynn shined his shoes.
“Vinny, how in hell are you gon’ take care of your wife? 20 and you can’t tie your own kerchief?”
Krawczyk swivels to face Flynn like you would in drill. His face in a crooked smile.
“20 in a week actually. I thought I told you yesterday that I was 20 next week.” He says in a voice dripping with a very matter-of-fact tone, a crooked grin plastered on his face.
“I’m gonna start praying for your future wife.” Flynn half-snorts, rolling his eyes. 
Vincent listens to Terence’s back click as he stretches, taking a ‘well deserved’ break from his shoe-shining; it was a lousy attempt to seem presentable and handsome for graduation. Terence Flynn, mousey-faced and dark-haired tucking away at least some of his antics for today.
Vincent had complimented how nicely Flynn’s chevrons were stitched once. Terence had flushed red and muttered ashamed that his mother had sewn them on for him.
Within each stitch a gentle kiss of a mothers love tucked under the dark fabric of the Navy’s pride— that’s what Vincent imagined anyways. He had responded with a quiet ‘oh’ and looked at his own chevrons that still had stitches leaking from the edges of blue fabric. 
Krawczyk tried to stare back into the mirror and ignore the eruptions of jealousy that burst across his face.
Men dressed neatly in their Navy dress blues begin to leave barracks, putting away shaving kits and slicking their hair back with their caps in hand.
Terence whistles and clicks his tongue, already standing at the door out of barracks. 
Vincent glanced at Terence and then back at himself in the mirror before quickly scampering after his friend. Finally figuring out the intricacies of his neckerchief while his shoes hit the plywood floor.
Vincent's rowing team had been best in Missouri, he was the best batter in baseball, captain of the swimming team, and one of the top boxers in school. 
It didn't count for much, all his trophies and awards were in a box underneath his bed. 
Krawczyk wouldn't know until after his enlistment had ended that his parents had pawned his gold medals off when he'd left for the Navy. Vincent would understand when he came back. Forgiving, sweet, war-torn Vincent who would believe his family was going through tough times.
His photos remained in the box however– the same crooked grin even as his face matured. Collecting an inch of dust.
The winter wind had calmed to a soft breeze (thank the lord) and Chief took to the stand saying speeches Krawczyk seemed to block out with his anticipation.
Rows of navy men with their chests puffed out with the boyish pride that never left them even as men. Preparing to leave for war with the promise to serve and a prayer for survival. 
Thomas Murray, a tall, gawky man with blue eyes and blonde hair had been a surgeon before all of this; Chance Henderson always wanted to be a doctor who and thought this was the quickest a cheapest way to get there; shy Samuel Davis who blushed easily and hated using the communal showers was plain kind-hearted and liked the idea of helping wounded; Dayton Bishop was smart and steady-handed, he was suited to the role of a corpsman with square eyes and a handsome jaw.
Terence had smirked at Vincent when he told him he joined up because he thought it’d make him popular with the ladies. 
Vinny had roared with laughter, telling him that he’d, ‘never even get a nice girl to look his way’.  
Flynn had tried to counter him, reminding Vinny that he had a girl— ‘A girl that left him’, he had responded with. Flynn wanted to argue but Vincent turned the topic too quick.
‘Colours, present arms!’
Vincent was beaming. 
The whole thing felt like his High School graduation but fancier. And if it wasn’t an important ceremony he wouldn’t have stopped himself from laughing but, he’d be lying through bared, grinning teeth that he wasn’t pouring over with pride. 
He (rather excitedly) stepped onto the stage, shaking hands with the CPO and then to the SCPO who passed him his graduation paper. Vincent was only able to glance at his name ‘Vincent Phillip Krawczyk’ scrawled in the middle of the paper before he had to ‘calmly and mild-manneredly’ walk across the stage.
"I solemnly pledge myself.”
"I solemnly pledge myself…” The bright faced men echoed. 
“Before God and these witnesses.”
“Before God and these witnesses.”
“To practice faithfully all of my duties.”
“To practice faithfully all of my duties.”
“As a member of the Hospital Corps.”
“As a member of the Hospital Corps…”
The band marched out soon after the Corpsman Pledge, Anchors Aweigh cutting through the dewy morning air and sending out that good ol’ Navy pride. Vincent could’ve sworn he saw Terence’s eyes water as he muttered the lyrics under his breath.
Flynn roared, hopping from bar stool to bar stool— hand on heart while the other swung a bottle of beer. 
Davis was bright red, with 7 drinks too many he had joined Terence in his performance. Vincent clapped, repeating Terence and Davis’ “So vicious foe steer shy-y-y-y!”, despite not having even one drop of alcohol that evening. The rowdy sailors had scared off most of the other bar patrons. Dayton sat smartly as ever, Murray was playing craps with the increasingly drunker Chance and the other boys— Mark, Jones, Sutton, Kidd, Freeman, West, Patrick… were either pink-faced and whooping or challenging the other to another game, drink, or bet.
“Y’know, back in my home-place, Missouri I used to drink like there wasn’t a God!” 
“Anchors aweigh my boys! ANCHORS AWEIGHH!”
Dayton didn’t seem to be really paying attention to Krawczyk’s yammering.
“My pal, Nate, he drank beer like it wasn’t a Wednesday afternoon. Never trust a usual mild-mannered Missouri man, we might all seem pleasant but as soon as he gets a drink too many he’ll sock you right in the face if you even mention his favourite sport team’s rival team— I nearly got socked in the face for it once, can you believe it?” 
Vinny bursts into laughter, not really taking note that Dayton didn’t join in.
"Farewell to foreign shores, we sail at break of day-ay-AY-AY!”
“You’re not drinking.”
Vincent perks up when Dayton speaks.
“Yeah— yeah, no, I'm not a drinker," Vinny shrugs. "Christian, I keep it to special occasions." He finishes, grinning.
“Uhuh. Isn’t this a special occasion?”
“Someone has to be sober enough to hold caps when you all retch whiskey in the bathroom.”
Dayton shrugs, swirling his brandy on the rocks.
“Drink to the foam, until we meet once more! Here's wishing you a happy voyage HOME!”
And with the end of the second verse, Flynn missed the barstool he was jumping to by a foot and cracked his head on the side of the counter.
The sand was soft at Nunn beach.  
Vinny liked beaches, he liked the waves, how the seawater dried on his arms and left white salt stains on his skin. He even liked nursing his good friend after slamming his own face into a bench, who now had a rapidly growing lump above his right brow.
The sun had sunk halfway under the ocean, sending out stretching wands of orange light that sparked crashing waves yellow. It turned his and Flynn’s faces amber and made his bruise just slightly more obvious. 
“Finally put those corpsman skills to good use.”
Vincent was grinning— Terence was not. 
He reached into his wrinkled blues, pulling a silver rosary over his head, careful to not bump his tender lump. Terence cleared his throat, trying to clear the shame in his voice. 
“My gal got it for me but you know uh. We broke up”
“She left you.”
“We broke up!” He insisted, with a huff. Flynn turned from Vincent and admired the carving of Christ. Hanging by his hands on the silver cross, intricate swirls that seemed to grow from his hollow body and border the cross he was strung across. It seemed to glimmer white in the setting sun.
“Take it. A parting gift. Or an apology— I don't care. Or really believe in that crap anymore anyways”
“Don't call it crap.”
Vincent tenderly accepted the gift from his friend, thumbing the cross.
“Tell me a story, Vince.” Terence’s voice was flat, eyes glued onto the horizon instead of his friend.
“Well. Once me and my pal Nate thought it'd be funny to throw rocks at the school greenhouse.”
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nukacourier · 7 days
Other arcourier stuff has Arcade understandably patching up the Courier but like. Since James himself is trained as a doctor he'd probably have to patch up Arcade himself a few times
I imagine it'd be very intimate. Arcade being a bit flustered as his wounds are cleaned and bandaged because he's just not used to someone taking care of him in that way
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will we see snick at somepoint?
(Possibly! No one's asked about him yet, and I do not really have any thoughts on him! So if he does appear, it'll probably be more of a cameo than anything plot driven! (Unless I am struck with an idea ofc!)
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judicent · 4 months
Yeah, I did fill 4 sketchbooks in 4 months so far this year. Huh? Am I gonna post even an ounce of it? Well, you see, I am allergic to my phone, so you will have to come CATCH ME
#da#nooo but I am so saddd it's so much easier to show stuff off irl 😭#if it could look even halfway decent I've considered doing flip throughs of sketchbooks on video#except I draw in pencil and cameras hate that and want me to explode#idk it is truly just better to somehow gain access to my terrible trove of sketchbooks#no but man that sounds like such an ideal hang out. get all my oc lore by sitting on my floor with me as we go through the archives#gosh I should count how many I've filled up at this point#I love that the number increases exponentially as the years go on#like I think 2018 began the precedent of 4 a year minimum which was kinda wild#another ridiculous difficult project I have given a lot of thought to: combing through every sketchbook and either redrawing#or printing off important story related bits and compiling them all into a convenient binder. maybe binding them into a book.#anyway it's pretty much all a drag no matter how you slice it#come to my HOUSE and look at my CREATURES#u don't know this bc I've learned to be silly sneaky but I have stayed up wayyyy too late AGAIN#but I've scheduled this to post at a normal time so you'll never know. unless you read the tags. but that's its own punishment isn't it#hey bonus enticement to look at my boo stuff that doesn't get on the blog. there's smut. and you KNOW I'm a coward who shan't ever post that#actually we'll be lucky if I'm not the same coward in real life too#it's only Dick and Vinny. they get rights. i don't care if anyone else has sex. I don't care if I have sex.#the one song I hope I don't have sex. I hope we both don't have sex. that's actually Vinny though.#I'm more sex favorable and sex positive than he could ever be#y'know this is a very 4am convo to have and actually how prepared am I for this to live in a pm afternoon time#welp. maybe I should stop being addicted to tags and letting loose all my secrets#I shan't grow I shan't do better and I shan't ever change. this is the da promise <3
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