#vintage means pre loved
13eyond13 · 1 year
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lonleywriters-blog · 6 months
I hope you are doing well and if not im so sorry! I hope it gets better (it will it always does)
If you are still taking requests I was wondering if you could do head cannons (idk if that's spelt right, I cant spell to save my life) of gotham villans with a plus-size bf/gf? And if you do Jeremiah could you include pre-spray too? (Pre-spray Jeremiah has my heart) thankkkkkkk youuuuuuu!!!!!
Gotham villains with plus size s/o
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He isn't a smaller or average man himself so he can be insecure.
He genuinely doesn't even think of your weight, he is just so taken back by your curves.
He is entranced by the way your curves move and look.
He will buy you tight and fitting dresses all the time, unless he sees you are getting self conscious because of it.
He will sit you down and whisper sweet words in your ears for hours. He means every word to.
He loves to grab your thighs, it doesn't even have to be sexual.
If you are in bed reading with him his hand is just resting and lightly massaging your thigh.
He hates to see you cry or even slightly sad, especially if it's because of your appearance. He will literally drown you in affection until you can't say anything bad about yourself.
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He is so pathetic and needy, he is shocked anyone wants to date him.
He is even more shocked when it's a curvy girl, just his type.
He is literally always a blushing mess around you, it doesn't matter how long you have been together.
Will trace his finger up and down your stretch marks as he falls asleep.
If you ever mentioned being insecure he will find out why and point out every single reason he lives that part of you.
If you dress up he will let you walk him around like a dog, just happy to be by your side.
You could practically use him as an accessory, and he would happily thank you.
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Literally worships you, like actually has his goons worship you.
He will have shrines built, some combined with his, others separate.
He needs you to be seen and adored like he sees and adores you.
He will get the most expensive and flattering clothes, having you prance around for him.
You are like a model icon of the underground world, no one can say anything negative because you always look your best.
He spoils you. Hair, makeup, nails, anything you want you can have.
If you don't want anything at all he is more than happy with that as well.
Instead he will buy you movies, snacks, and the fluffiest blankets.
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My man will go feral.
He hadn't thought much of being with someone curvy, since he was mostly locked up or in middle of a big plan.
When he sees you, he drops everything. He doesn't care if he is getting shit at, he has to say hi.
He will never let you leave the house without giving you at least ten compliments and grabs.
He is obsessed with dressing you up.
Especially in vintage style dresses or gowns of any type
If he ever hears people talking about you he will torture them.
Sometimes he gets very tempted to just hypnotize you into being more confident when he sees you sad. He never would though.
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He gets so giddy around you, he just can't believe you are real.
You are real, and you really want him. That's almost too much for him.
He will do anything he can to make you comfortable and confident.
He always carries a mini lotion for your thighs so you don't get sores or chub rub.
He dots on you all day, you will distract him for work almost every time.
Can't help but grab your hips, literally always had a hand there.
He loves to hug you while you cook and use his hands to move your hips to whatever song plays.
He is obsessed with the way your curves move, he can't get enough.
He will beg you to sit in his face, he needs to feel your thighs around his head.
He is actually so whiny and pathetic for you.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Miriam Hopkins (Design For Living, Trouble in Paradise)—miriam hopkins had great range as an actresses, truly a woman who could play a passionate outburst for either dramatic or comedic effect and sell the ever-loving hell out of it. she's wonderful in the witty and sophisticated comedies she made with ernst lubitsch, great examples of movies that could never have been made after the hays code; the frothy musical comedy the smiling lieutenant where she plays a naive princess who accidentally gets betrothed to maurice chevalier, the polyamory classic design for living where she gary cooper and hot vintage shadow king fredric march are a throuple, and the ineffably exquisite comedic masterpiece trouble in paradise in which she and hubert marshall are sexy jewel thieves trying to con sexy rich lady kay francis, but will emotional complications ensue???? watch to find out!!
Dorothy Dandridge (Carmen Jones, Porgy and Bess, Island in the Sun)— The first Black actress to ever be nominated for best actress, Dorothy Dandridge was a groundbreaking actress who deserved better. She started her career as a singer, being put in a song-and-dance duo with her sister by their stage mother, and singing in soundies (I highly recommend cow cow boogie, it's adorable), proto-music videos. She started appearing as a featured singer in films. Her star was on the rise and she soon became a star solo performer. She continued acting, but had limited options because she refused to do stereotypical roles. She finally landed a starring role in Bright Road in 1953, but it was the movie Carmen Jones that truly cemented her as a star and sex symbol. Not to sound cheesy, but she literally sizzles on screen. You can't help but understand how poor Harry Belafonte gets caught in her trap, just look at her. This is the role that got her that Oscar nom. She didn't win cause I mean #OscarsSoWhite, but she was a sensation and continued starring in films, despite troubles in her life (including a shitty director bf who fucked with her career and a traumatizing pregnancy/delivery). Outside of her filmwork, she was also an activist, fighting against racism. She left behind an amazing legacy, and continues to inspire many actresses to this day (including also very hot first (and only) black woman to win best actress, Halle Berry).
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Miriam Hopkins:
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She is an incredibly charismatic and versatile actress who brings a certain captivating je ne sais quois to each and every one of her roles that makes her impossible to ignore. Her pre-code films were considered quite risqué, with her part in a thrupple in Design For Living, and some saucy scenes they had to cut from Jekyll and Hyde. She also had a strong career in early television, so good that this queen literally has TWO Hollywood Stars, TWO!! One for TV and one for Film
Also she is Gorgeous, capable of being the girl nextdoor and also a stunning blonde bombshell. She's not as well known as some golden-age Hollywood stars but she's really incredible and I recommend everyone watch her films
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In Trouble in Paradise she plays a pickpocket who flirts by stealing from her criminal boyfriend and I fell in love
Linked gifset
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She's got this sly slouchy confidence that just draws you in. Almost no one wore 30s fashion as well as her
queen of the pre-code era. often her roles were of carefree, flirty and lighthearted but intelligent women. famously in the movie where she was part of a fredrich march/gary cooper throuple.
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We all know that Design for Living is THE pre-code movie and she is so iconic in it. Her eyes are everythingggg. Also everyone look at her in a suit in She Loves Me Not please
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A Frequent collaborator of Ernst Lubistch, Miriam Hopkins like up the screen in her comic roles, as is especially sexy in her pre-code performance in Design for Living; probably one of the first movies to showcase a coded polyamorous relationship. She toes the line between adorable and sexy, and had the acting chops to back it all up.
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Dorothy Dandridge propaganda:
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Beautiful actress and hand-working and talented singer, she's especially notable for the number of firsts she accomplished such as the first African-American woman to receive a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress and the first African-American woman to appear on the cover of Life magazine.
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Dorothy Dandridge was a classic Hollywood triple threat, singing, dancing, and acting with the best of them. She was the first African American nominated for an academy award for Best Actress for her role in Carmen Jones and she was just jaw-droppingly beautiful.
this og of black film needs no introduction (star on the hollywood walk of fame anyone?), voice of an angel, heavenly features, just an overall stunning lady :)
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Look at her!!! She is so unbelievably charismatic in Carmen, it’s insane. Her chemistry with Harry Belafonte is off the charts, and every time she puts another outdoor [sic] on it’s like ‘oh god this is a whole new level of stunning’ 🥵. She was so so talented, when she’s on screen I genuinely dare you to tear your eyes away from her. Deserves to be known so much better but due to Hollywood racism and a tough personal life she didn’t make it as big as she should have done. She’s incredible.
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First Black actress to be nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress! Was the first choice for the role of Cleopatra that went to Elizabeth Taylor (we were ROBBED).
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justagalwhowrites · 4 months
Hi! Soooo I've read a lot of amazing Joel Miller fics, but Lavender is seriously my all time favorite. Doc and Joel's story just made me so emotional. Here's my request for a drabble/oneshot- a sneak peak into Doc and Joel's relationship when they first get together pre-outbreak. Specifically, Joel takes Doc out on a nice dinner date for the first time and she feels super special and they are starting to catch so many feels for each other. Thank you!!!
OMG Hi Bestie!
So you sent this ask in like... 1.5 million years ago and this isn't EXACTLY it but... I think it fits the vibe. I hope. So here's Joel and Doc's first Valentine's Day together. I hope you like it!
You and Joel spend Valentine's Day together. A Lavender one shot. Can be read as a stand alone with the understanding that Joel and Reader have an established relationship.
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^We're gonna pretend that's Joel for this, OK? OK.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader (From Lavender)
CW: Smut :) Just some fluffy, fun, p in v smut. They're in love and we love that for them. Pre-Outbreak. Age gap but not the focus of the fic (11 years, reader is 22 Joel is 33.) No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ Only.
Length: 3.8k
Wednesday, February 14, 2001
You’d never had a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day before. 
The thought made you oddly nervous. Not that Joel had given you anything to be nervous about, of course, but you were. Valentine’s Day had always just been another day for you. Sometimes Nan got you one of the little boxes of chocolates but, otherwise, it had never been something you had a reason to celebrate. You were just so used to ignoring it that, until Saturday, you hadn’t even thought about Valentine’s Day. 
You’d been in bed with Joel. It was late and your bodies were pressed close together, his skin on yours, your nose nuzzled into his throat, your head still a bit fuzzy from the orgasms. 
“How do you feel about goin’ to dinner Wednesday?” He asked softly, his fingers trailing over your side, lips in your hair. 
You frowned against him. 
“Doesn’t Sarah have practice?” 
“Canceled,” he said. “Besides, I was gonna get Tommy to take her, anyway. He’s already taking her for the night so we can have some privacy.” 
You frown deepened and you felt him chuckle against you. 
“Did you forget?” He asked. 
“No,” you said defensively. “I just… didn’t know there was something to forget.” 
He laughed a little again. 
“It’s Valentine’s Day baby,” he said. “Fully intend on takin’ full advantage of any holiday that lets me romance you.” 
Joel seemed to mean it. By Wednesday night, you didn’t know the details of what he was planning - you didn’t get to see him on Tuesdays, Sarah had Girl Scouts across town and your classes ran too late to see him before her meeting - but he’d sent flowers to your apartment the day before your date, timed when you were home for lunch between classes with a card that said he loved you and told you to be ready to go at 5:30 Wednesday night. 
You weren’t sure if you were doing your part in this right at all. You’d spent a good chunk of Sunday shopping and cursing yourself for not remembering freaking Valentine’s Day. It’s not like there weren’t heart shaped boxes of candy sitting out every time you went to the grocery store, it should have occurred to you. It just hadn’t even registered that it would apply to you now. 
You at least had an idea of what you wanted to get him and weren’t going in completely blind. You’d been keeping an eye out at thrift stores for vintage shirts from his favorite bands, never exactly hunting for them but always checking the men’s section when you went in to find something for yourself. You also had a picture from a trip to a museum of you, Joel and Sarah had made that you’d been keeping to give him at some point, wanting to frame it for him. 
It took a few hours - and stops at four different thrift stores - but you eventually found a Fleetwood Mac shirt that you thought was from the 70s and was wearing thin in a few places but you were sure he’d like it. You found the perfect frame, too, the wood cracking at the sides but you had a plan for that. 
You fixed the frame, coloring the glue forest green so it was like vines were growing on a tree and put the picture of the three of you in it. It was off center, you’d been holding the camera away from yourselves and hoping that you were all in the frame. You were looking at Sarah, she was looking at you and Joel had his perfect, crooked smile that made his cheek dimple and his eyes shine. 
You made brownies that afternoon, covering them in pink glaze and red heart sprinkles before piling them on a plate and sneaking a bite of one before getting ready. You took a curling iron to your hair and did your makeup and painted your nails red before slipping into a dress you’d found when shopping for Joel’s shirt, black and form fitting and you tried to not feel like an imposter as you tied the red ribbon around the half ponytail at the back of your head. 
There was a knock at your door and you took a last look at yourself in your bedroom mirror, breathing deep and trying to calm your thudding heart before you answered it. 
“Jesus, baby,” Joel said, a look of almost awe on his handsome face as you opened the door. “Should warn a man before you show up lookin’ like that…” 
“Is it too much?” You asked, looking down at yourself. “I can change…” 
“Don’t you dare,” he said, looping an arm around your waist and pulling you against him. “You look fuckin’ amazing.” 
You put your arms around his neck and kissed him, smiling against his mouth, before stepping back from him. He’d dressed up, too, in black jeans with a white button down shirt that he’d tucked in and worn with a belt. He even had on a tan blazer, one that looked almost too small for his broad shoulders.
“You look so good!” You were practically giddy, hands going over your mouth to keep from sounding too excited. Joel laughed a little. 
“Don’t know if it warrants that much of a reaction. But figured I’d at least try to look like I belonged out with someone as pretty as you,” he teased and you rolled your eyes. “C’mon, we don’t leave now we are in very real danger of not making it out of the house, you are too damn tempting.” 
Joel led you to his truck - which was almost shockingly clean, water from the car wash still dripping from his bumper - and opened the door for you, offering you his hand as you climbed in. 
“So,” you smiled as he started driving. “Where are we going?” 
“You’ll see,” he smiled back. “Believe it or not, had something cookin’ for a minute.” 
His hand found the inside of your knee, the callus of his thumb stroking the skin there. You tried to figure out where you were going as he drove but you were still caught totally off guard when he parked in front of a French restaurant you’d been dying to try. 
“Are you kidding me?” You gasped. “Joel!” 
He laughed and took your hand, kissing your  knuckles. 
“Know you’ve been wanting to try it,” he said. “Turns out a guy on my crew’s sister works here so I could wrangle a reservation…” 
“This is amazing!” You were practically giddy, going to open your door, but Joel stopped you. 
“Gotta let me try to be a gentleman,” he kissed your hand again. “Sit tight.” 
He got out and jogged around the front of the truck, opening your door and offering you his hand. 
“Why thank you sir,” you said, trying to sound aloof and dignified. You didn’t think you pulled it off, too busy smiling to make it convincing. He pulled you in close and pressed a kiss to your temple before putting his hand on the small of your back and guiding you into the restaurant. 
They sat you at a table in a secluded corner, a white tablecloth and the low glow of a candle setting the scene. The host handed you a menu in a leather book with a gold tassel on the end and you waited for him to leave the table before you mouthed “oh my god” at Joel, who smiled and laughed quietly across the table. 
The menu had was full of French foods you’d only dreamed of trying at a restaurant: coq au vin, confit de canard, gigot d’agneau. There was even boeuf bourguignon. But the prices made your eyes go wide, your newly-painted nails digging into the leather of the menu. 
“Don’t think I can get that beef you make,” Joel said absently, looking at the menu. “Not gonna measure up to yours, don’t care how good the restaurant is…” 
“Joel,” you whispered over your menu. He looked up from his, brows raised. “We really don’t need to eat here…” 
He frowned. 
“Not seein’ something you want?” He asked. “We can go somewhere else, might be hard to get a table but…” 
“No!” You shook your head quickly. “No, the food looks great but…” 
You bit your lip and trailed off and he watched you, waiting for you to finish. 
“But?” He asked eventually. 
“But this place is…” you lowered your voice. “This is expensive. We really don’t have to eat here just because I’ve talked about it, we can go anywhere, we can just order a pizza if you want, I really don’t need all this, this is…” 
“Baby,” he cut you off, a crooked smile on his face. “Don’t worry about the price. Been wanting to take you here since this place opened, set aside some money for it. Get whatever you want.” 
He set the menu down and crossed his arms over the table, leaning over it toward you. 
���You gonna let me spoil my girl for Valentine’s Day or are you gonna give me trouble?” He asked. You frowned a little, thumb toying with the corner of the menu. Joel tilted his head until you met his gaze. “I mean it, baby. Really want to do this. Please let me?” 
“OK,” you said, still uncertain and looking at the menu again, looking for the least expensive entree.
“Swear to god you order the cheapest thing, we’re comin’ back next week,” Joel said as though he read your mind. “You’d better get what you actually want.” 
“You drive a hard bargain,” you said, trying your best to ignore the price column on the menu.
You settled on the duck and Joel got the steak frites and, once the numbers were out of your head, you were able to relax more, savoring the wine and running your heel-clad foot over the inside of Joel’s leg from across the table. 
“You would’ve been makin’ fun of me last night, Baby,” he smiled, taking a sip of his wine. “Remember how I told you Sarah didn’t know what she wanted to bring to school for Valentine’s Day?” 
“Yeah,” you frowned. 
“Well,” he laughed. “She decided yesterday she wanted cupcakes. So we stopped by the store on the way home from scouts, got the themed cake mix, all that. But she really wanted to try and do it herself so I started out just supervisin’… ended up running the cake mix through the pasta strainer to get all the egg shells out of it, that girl was in rare form…” 
“Oh no!” You laughed, loud enough that the table close to you shot you a glare and you tried not to laugh harder when you quieted down. “How’d they turn out?” 
“Alright I think,” he said. “They were kinda lopsided but tasted fine. We split one this morning.” 
“You send her off to school with a sugar high?” You teased. 
“Not from half a cupcake,” he waved you off. “The little box of candy I caved and let her have this morning did that.” 
You giggled. 
“I’m sure her teacher appreciated that.” 
“I’m just hopin’ with the sweets from school it carried through to when Tommy picked her up from school,” he smirked a little. “Think I owe ‘em for loading her up with candy after Halloween last year, as if she didn’t have enough already…” 
The food was incredible, so good you had to set your fork down to focus on the flavor of the first bite, Joel smiling almost proudly from across the table. By the time you were done, you were two glasses of wine deep - Joel ordering a second for you before you could stop him - and he was holding your calf under the table, hand sliding over the muscle to cup your ankle, thumb massaging the tendon there. 
“You’ve been playin’ a dangerous game over there, baby,” he said, voice low. 
“You’re hot,” you said, almost shyly. “Can’t help it.” 
“Thinkin’ I should get you home,” he said. “Get you outta that dress.” 
“I’m thinking you’re right,” you said, heat settling low around your hips. 
Joel’s mouth was on you before you even got your front door closed, your arms around his neck and his hands on your ass, holding you tight to the front of him. 
“I,” you kissed him. “Got,” another kiss. “You.” Kiss. “Something.” 
Another kiss as you nodded. 
“Didn’t need to do that, baby…” 
“Too bad,” you smiled, kissing him long and hard before pulling back from him. “I like doing stuff for you, too, you know.” 
You took his hands and led him to your bedroom, sitting him on the bed before handing him the box with the shirt and frame inside. He opened it almost reverently, a little smile pulling up at the corners of his lips as he did. 
“It’s not as good as what you did,” you said, sitting next to him, twisting your fingers around on themselves as he lifted the lid of the box. 
“Oh, baby,” he said softly, picking up the frame, his thumb tracing the parts you’d repaired. “This is perfect… when was this?” 
“Remember when Sarah and I were on Christmas break and we went to the natural history museum the day before New Year’s Eve?” You said. 
“That was a good day,” he smiled down at the picture before setting it on your nightstand and he laughed as he got out the shirt. “Where the hell’d you find this?” 
“I’ve been keeping an eye out,” you smiled. “It’s well loved but I did wash it already…” 
He cut you off with a kiss before you could finish, dropping the box and the shirt to the floor as he pulled you against him, his lips insistent and needy on yours. He quickly shrugged out of his jacket as you fumbled with the buttons on his shirt and he unzipped your dress. You got each other undressed quickly, his mouth on yours as he lay you below him, his large hand cupping your pussy before he slipped two fingers between your swollen, slick lips, tracing over your entrance before sliding up to tease your clit as he settled between your thighs. 
“Fuck, you’re wet,” he panted against you, pushing his fingers into your tight channel, just up to the first knuckle. “This all for me, baby?” 
You nodded and tried to pull him closer, to bring his body fully against your own, but he stayed just far enough away that you could feel the warmth of his skin but not the softness of him itself. You groaned and he smiled as he trailed kisses over your jaw to your throat. 
“Seems like you might want somethin’,” he teased a little. You just nodded. “Should say what you want, baby, so I know what to give you.” 
“You,” your fingers scrambled over his back, desperate to find some kind of leverage. “Want you, please Joel…” 
He kissed you gently but you could feel the hunger behind it. He needed you, too, you could feel it in him. 
“OK baby,” he said softly, lining himself up at your entrance, the swell of his cock just close enough to start to part your walls without pushing in. “Give you what you want…” 
He kissed you as he pressed into you, a moment of resistance before the thickness of his shaft entered you. You whimpered at the stretch of him, arching into his touch, your pussy already starting to tighten and flutter around him. 
“Oh fuck,” he groaned. “You already close?” 
You just nodded as he pushed deeper, his cock opening you to him until he was fully inside you, his head pressed firmly against the part of you that made you press your hips up against him and your fingers dig into his skin. You felt yourself pulse around him once before going even tighter as he moaned, his head dropping to your shoulder. 
“Goddamn you feel good,” he panted. “Not gonna last once you come baby, tellin’ you that right now…” 
“S’OK,” you clumsily rocked your hips up against his, desperate for that last little bit of friction you needed to push yourself over the edge. “Just… I need…” 
“I got you,” he said, pressing somehow deeper and making you whimper below him. “Give you just what you need. Take such good care of you, baby, promise I will.” 
He started slow but hard, the steady drag of his cock as he pulled back from you followed by the firm, heavy thrust of him as he fucked back into you. You matched his rhythm, moving your body in time with his, his skin warm on your own, his brown eyes warm and soft and deep on yours. You clung to him as his pace increased, your body getting tighter around him, orgasm building until your head was fuzzy and all you could feel was the desperate heat of pleasure deep inside you. 
“Want you to come for me, baby,” Joel panted, one arm slipping below your arched back. He tilted your hips ever so slightly, the angle adjusted just enough that he could press deeper, his hips against your clit, all of him hitting you just right. You gasped at the change, your arms latching onto him tighter, your hips stuttering against him. “Oh fuck, there you go, just come for me, that’s it, c’mon, just give in to it baby, just…” 
You cried out as you came, Joel holding you close and tight, his movements never slowing as he chased his own orgasm inside you, thrusting hard and deep until he pressed against the back wall of you as you throbbed over him, coming undone with a shaky groan. You felt him pulse inside of you, emptying himself deep until he went limp on top of you. He adjusted quickly as you caught your breath, rolling onto his back and taking you with him so you ended up sprawled on top of him, your nose nuzzled against his neck as he held you, his large palm gently tracing over your back. 
He pressed a kiss to your forehead and you hummed happily, whole body feeling soft and hazy as you just focused on his skin against yours. 
“You’re too good to me,” you sighed as you snuggled into him. You could feel him frown. 
“Why’d you say that?” 
“Because you are,” you kissed his neck. “You did way too much for me today, I can’t measure up.” 
“Hey,” he said quietly, pulling back from you just enough that he could look into your eyes. “Don’t say that, that ain’t true…” 
“Yes it is,” you said, running your fingers through his curls. “I loved it, I loved it so, so much. But it’s too much, I can’t do the same in return, I don’t deserve…” 
“Yes you do,” he cut you off, giving you a little squeeze. “Baby, you do so much for me just by existing near me, you realize that?” You looked at him skeptically but he didn’t give you a chance to argue. “I mean it. My life is so much better because of you. Never thought I could love someone the way I love you, you made me understand this kind of thing existed at all. You make me laugh more than anyone else I’ve ever met and you are so damn sweet. Plus you’re so smart, I could just sit and watch how your mind works all damn day and never get bored and the fact that you’d just let me… Not to mention how you take care of me and Sarah. Never thought I’d find a woman who could love my little girl like you do. You’ve given me everything and you do it every damn day. I just wanted to try and give you some of that back.” 
“Joel,” you said softly, tears burning at the corners of your eyes. 
“Never had a ton goin’ for me,” he said, smiling a little. “Always kinda figured I’d fucked my life up at some point but… I wouldn’t have Sarah or you without everything I did leading up to it. Makes me feel like I did something right to get the two of you in the end, you know?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded, kissing him softly. “I know.” 
He smiled his gentle, crooked smile at you and you just looked into his chocolate brown eyes for a moment before you sat up quickly, remembering. 
“I made you brownies!” You almost jumped out of bed and Joel laughed, catching your wrist as you untangled yourself from the sheets. 
“Wasn’t done with you yet,” he tugged you closer, kissing up the inside of your arm. 
“I’ll be right back,” you said. “Promise.” 
You went to the kitchen and put two of the brownies onto a small plate and got a large glass of water before going back to your bedroom, Joel sitting with his back propped against your headboard. You handed him the water before you climbed in bed with him, holding the plate out to him. He laughed a little. 
“These look amazing,” he said, picking up a brownie and taking a huge bite, groaning a little in pleasure as he did. “Taste amazing too,” he said, his mouth full. “You’d have been ashamed of those cupcakes…” 
“Next time Sarah has a baking project, just call me,” you said, taking a bite of your own brownie. “I take sex in payment for culinary lessons for the right client. Namely you.” 
He smiled, tugging you against him. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” 
You snuggled in closer. 
“Think we should make these brownies a holiday tradition,” Joel said, finishing his and kissing your temple. “These are damn good.” 
“Plenty more where that came from, Miller,” you teased a little, sucking some of the pink frosting off your thumb. “You know, this was my first real Valentine’s Day.” 
“Yeah?” Joel asked, looking down at you as best he could as you stayed tucked against his side. “I do OK?” 
“You did amazing,” you smiled. “Ruined me for all other men.” 
“Good,” he said, settling back against the headboard. “Gonna need all other men to keep their hands off you, anyway.” 
You smiled a little at that, the idea of being his and he being yours. He nuzzled down into your hair, his lips pressing against the crown of your head. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, baby,” he said quietly. “First of many.” 
Your smile grew. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”  
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s-rosie · 8 days
hiii, this is my first hc post and im still a bit new to the all so pls ignore it if it is bad. some amazing tig hc creators are @x-liv25-jamieswife and @ilyiwdtpyiwmyhmtkys and i took some inspiration from them so pls check them out.
Jameson is a huge theatre nerd and he converted Avery so now they listen/watch/go to musicals together
they sing and quote them so often, everyone gets SOOOO annoyed
for Halloween, they went as pre say no to this Hamilton and Elliza one year and as jd and veronica another year and everyone LOST IT
Jameson even surprised her with Hamilton tickets but she had to solve a riddle to see where they were going
the riddle was a single letter that just said “My Dearest, Avery” and nothing else (iykyk)
Grayson has secretly watched every episode of Dance Moms and even memorized some of the dances
Avery one time did a spicy dance on TikTok and Jameson absolutely LOST HIS MIND
Alisa made her take the video down, because she said it was too “inappropriate” (even though it wasn’t even as bad as half of the other dances out there)
Jameson managed to save it beforehand and still has it to this day
Xander has read Avery’s diary and saw some THINGS things she wrote (especially about jamie (iykyk)) and he almost died but she just laughed it off
Libby often says stuff that sounds really dirty but she doesn’t mean it that way and gets very confused why everyone started laughing at what she was saying
Jameson played/plays hockey
Nash and Avery go on little outings every once and a while just for some bonding time (and a bit of lovingly trash talking Jamie)
Thea has MAD rbf like its not even ok
Rebecca can play guitar and sing and it sounds so soothing
Oren ugly cried at Avery and Jameson’s wedding
Jamie absolutely adores matching couples shirts but Avery hates them with a passion but she wears them sometimes to make him happy
Grayson loves picking flowers
Max and Avery one time pretended they were receiving awards (grammy’s, oscar’s, etc.) with the many awards the Hawthorne boys won (before javery was official) and Jameson was in a secret passage the whole time watching and they heard him giggling so she opened the passage to see him standing there and she just went beet red
he thought it was adorable and it just made him like her even more (can someone pls write a fic about this pls)
Nash is/was a barrel racer
Xander has the absolute dirtiest mind ever and can make anything he/you say sound dirty (a close second is Jameson)
but Xander is so clueless he sometimes says something that sounds so dirty and he doesn’t even realize
Max had to run a mile for school and almost died
Avery one time broke her arm while playing badminton (don’t ask me how but i can’t talk because i would too)
Jameson loves roller coasters but gets motion sick so he will ride the most intense roller coaster and immediately throw up after
Max and Avery threaten each other with telling embarrassing things they have done in the past to the others
Nash and Libby tease Avery and Jameson SO MUCH
they are always saying things like “leave some room for Jesus” and “get a room” when they show the slightest affection (out of love)
sometimes Nash will even come out of nowhere when they are watching a movie and say something like “what are we watching?” and just sit in the middle of them
Avery loved up cycling old and vintage thinga and Jameson will help
Rebecca loves to craft because it helps her relax
she even taught Libby how to crochet
after seeing the effects, no one lets Gigi have coffee
even though Savanna is cold at first, she really opens up to the group and they all love her though she thought they wouldn’t (ofcc)
Grayson and Avery once made a power point about skincare for Jamie after learning he just washes his face with body soap and cold water (*shutters*)
Avery calls Xander Xanny Poo or just Pookie but never his real name
when they were still in school, Xander made Avery a fake prom-posal after her, Xander, and Jamie had a conversation about how cringy they were
She almost murders him on the spot
Avery once threatened to slap Jameson because he was being annoyed and he said “is that a threat, or a promise? and she almost passed out
after that, Xander called Ave a sadist and Jamie a masochist for a month and a half
Grayson and Avery watch Bridgeton together
when he was younger, Jameson was absolutely OBSESSED with Gravity Falls, he would theorize about it and try to solve the mysteries (which he got most of them right)
he has the journal #3 with the invisible ink on his book shelf to this day
Jameson and Avery are always playing game pigeon
Avery and Libby bought dress-up dresses and have tea parties (sometimes Max joins)
Jameson loves to rub it in his brothers (especially Gray’s) faces that he is technically royalty
I hope you like this!!! please let me know how i can improve. all constructive criticism is highly appreciated and welcome. please give me suggestions on what i can do next. thank you so much!
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biomic · 3 months
So I'm doing listicle type stuff for Toku Source, mostly with an agenda of getting people to watch older shows. One that I'm working on is "Vintage Heated Drama."
What are the oldest shows with proper m/m or w/w power in your mind? Jetman and Changerión are already on the list.
if we're taking older to mean pre-2000, of the series i've seen:
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liveman's premise of a team of heroes being betrayed by their former classmates lends itself to heated drama enjoyers, though i should mention it's been nearly a decade since i've watched it. don't remember mazenda/megumi getting much, and kemp is pretty hard to take seriously, but jou and gou's story particularly resonates
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kamen rider x is a bit of an unfocused mess (and i never got around to finishing it), but it is one of the earliest examples i can think of of a tokusatsu villain who so transparently wants to fuck the main hero. apollo geist is a treat all on his own, and his ~fated rivalry~ with keisuke was some of the most fun i've had watching a showa series
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speaking of trendsetters, fujimiya and gamu's arc in ultraman gaia feels like the precursor to a lot of the edgy secondary rival types who grow to respect and bond with the hero that heisei rider would especially run with and never look back. much has been made about gaia and agul kissing with tongue, and for good reason
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i was about to write a whole thing about how i couldn't think of any older shows with heated drama between women beyond one-off episodes before i remembered these two and screamed "DAIRANGER!" out loud. one of the all-time funniest fake-outs in tokusatsu is thinking they're setting up kujaku to be daigo's love interest only to reveal she's actually been yearning for gara for thousands of years. paired with the brief but iconic jin/ryu arc from our boy inoue, im offended at myself for almost not including this
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dan and gen from ultraman leo are heated drama for the enlightened viewer who can watch a man run his subordinate over with a jeep and think "this too is yaoi"
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icancdramahanfu · 3 months
Maomao's skirt
Since I have decided to torture myself and do a cosplay in just over a month, I figured I would start with the easier part - the skirt.
In my intro post, I mentioned that her skirt isn't Ming accurate being vaguely mamian-like but not really. For this I played with two main ideas, using one of my other skirt patterns that has pleats and would be mamian-like or go for the circle skirt.
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The fabric I selected was around 2 1/3 yards - less than I'd like but it was the entire remaining bolt and the color was perfect - don't trust my indoor lighting here. With the limited amount of fabric I had to do a little tetris to decide what pattern pieces to use. I washed and dried the fabric before ironing it.
My first and preferred pattern was this one:
Simplicity #2710 - 1949
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I have already made this skirt, it has thick pleats and falls nicely. I figured it might be a good selection and I'd get that extra Ming style with lazy pleating.
Circle skirt
Less complicated since all I had to do was determine my waist, put it as the circumference and make a 1/4 circle pattern with my pre-marked cutting board. The bolt was 46" from selvage to selvage meaning if I kept one strip I had more than enough for a waistband. I am currently assuming a 4" wide waistband and went with 42" for the skirt length.
Unfortunately for my original plan, the vintage Simplicity pattern was too wide with the pleating. I'd need 3 1/2 yards of fabric and my current pattern pieces were set for a length of around 36" as well to the hem.
Circle it is!
Made my pattern pieces, two so that I could see how to fit them. The fabric has a decent thickness and I didn't want to fold it over and cut, opting to instead chalk out each piece individually on the fabric.
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And yes, that is wrapping paper as usual with the square grids on the backside. I love this type of wrapping paper so handy! I cut out my fabric and took it to the sewing machine.
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Next, I went ahead and did a zigzag stitch along all the edges except for the selvage. This fabric was showing how it would fray immediately. I washed it in the machine and this is what the edges looked like after drying.
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Somehow, I messed up on the waist portion of the skirt panels and I had to take them down by 2". Not sure how I messed that up since I had the radius calculated. I tested this by holding them up to my body and realizing it was off.
Recall, that I have a very limited amount of this fabric, fearing something odd, I went ahead and sewed the front pieces together selvage to selvage and then the back ones. When I held them up to my waist they were still slightly off. I put in the right side seam and made sure all my seams were pressed. Something about my top of the panel pattern is off by a smidge and I need to put in about 3" of a spacer. I decided to put it down for the day and I'll figure out how to put that piece in, since the hips are okay?
It will also allow for me to decide if I want to be lazy and put in a side zipper. I'll go back and put a pocket in the right seam for sure. The next day - I went ahead and made a triangle to wedge into the gap area before putting in the zipper. I held the skirt up to my waist and measured it with my measuring tape. I zigzag stitched it and put it in the spot.
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I also pressed the seam well. Then I decided to put in an invisible zipper in the spot for a side zip. I had to unpick the seam a bit to fit the zipper in further and get it up around my hips. Whoops.
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Due to adding in the wedge the zipper is at a bit of an angle as shown here. I estimated the zipper coming up higher on the waistband so, I but in a hook and eye on the top to pull it together.
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It turned out fine, I'm so limited by the fabric I have to work with. I still have enough to put in pockets on the right side. However, with the skirt cranked out in less than 24 hours, I have it now hanging to even out the hem. It hangs the right way so I'll take it.
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Always remember to let your garment hang before hemming. I'm likely going to put some bias tape on the bottom, since this fabric is very prone to fray and then fold that up as opposed to a double folded hem. It is in place and will hang out in the closet for a day or two!
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That's all for now! I'll start working on the aoqun this week as a modified pattern from my previous ones.
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7ndipity · 10 months
"Try again"
Taehyung x Idol Reader
Summary: You and Tae decide to go public with your relationship through a collab. Ft. Try Again by Jaehyun & D.ear
Warnings: not proofread
A/N: Thank to the lovely anon who requested this! I love this song from Jaehyun so much, and it would suit Tae so well(if you haven't heard it, I highly recommend giving it a listen)
Requests are open
As you walked onto the set, your heart was pounding so hard you wondered if it was visible. You tried your best to calm your nerves, watching as the crew buzzed about, putting the final touches on the set.
Fairy lights were strung about the small stage, occupied by two barstools surrounded by various plants and trees, looking something like a combination of a jazz club and a botanical garden. Perfect.
"You look nice."
You were pulled from your musings, turning to meet Tae's boxy grin with a slightly more nervous one. "So do you."
He was dressed in a brown suit, very befitting of his retro aesthetic, with you in a similar style but in cream color, giving a vintage effect to the two of you, matching the set.
"You ready?" He asked.
"I think so?" You replied, uncertainly.
"You think?" He raised a brow at you.
"I am." You clarified. "I'm just nervous." You tended to get pre-show jitters, but they were especially strong today.
The two of you had decided to announce your relationship by posting a collab video together, rather than letting your companies release some formal letter. You'd thought carefully about what song would work best, deciding on one that had come to mean a lot to you both over the course of your time together, Try Again. The song expressed how, even through miss-steps and near failings, the couple never stop believing their relationship was worth fighting for.
"Everything'll be okay." He said, giving you a reassuring squeeze, careful not to mess up your hair or outfit. "I'll be right beside you."
"I know."
The two of you were called to your places, taking your seats quickly, side by side, as a crew member handed you each your mics. Taking a final deep breath to calm yourself, everything went quiet around you.
The camera focuses first on two silhouettes on the wall. As you began to sing the first lines of the song, the camera pans out and over to reveal that they're your and Tae's shadows.
"Due to the long time we shared/ perhaps it's just natural our expectations increased/even with our countless shouts/we still couldn't reach each other's hearts"
You look over to Tae as you reach the chorus, your voices harmonizing together beautifully.
"So whenever you ask me again how I feel/ please remember my answer is you/ even if we have to go back a long way/ I will still feel the same way about you/ we'll be alright, I want to try again"
Taehyung takes over for the second verse, shooting you a grin as he begins.
"No matter how many times we fall apart/due to our frequent arguments/ like I said, we're the ones that matter most/we're not meaningless/ I'm taking a step forward/ I'm telling you what the past has shown us"
"So whenever you ask me again how I feel/ please remember my answer is you/ even if we have to go back a long way/ I will still feel the same way about you/ we'll be alright, I want to try again"
Mid-way through the second chorus, he reaches over and takes your hand, causing a wide smile to spread across your face as you both sing.
"Even if we're stuck in the loop/ you should know that I'm always on your side/please remember my answer is you"
"Even if we have to go back a long way/ I will still feel the same way about you/ we'll be alright, I want to try again"
Tae's eyes never leave yous as he sings the closing lines on his own.
"We'll be alright/ please try again"
The camera pans back to your silhouettes, showing only your shadows as Tae leans in and kisses you for the closing shot.
"Okay, cut! That was perfect!" The director called out, to which the crew applauded.
You both quickly stand and thank everyone for their hard work before excusing yourselves back to the dressing rooms, Tae's hand never leaving yours.
"Do you think they'll like it?" You ask as you walk.
"Only one way to find out." He replied, giving you another grin.
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cringefailvox · 3 months
i absolutely adore all of your hazbin fics theyre so good!! and well-written as well. u just get these guys ,,,🫠 what r some of ur fave hazbin fics >_<
ahhh thank you so much!!! that means so much to me <3 i've written 44k words of hazbin fic since the show came out which. is absolutely insane for me, but we're rolling with it LMFAO. i have a lot of fav fics but i'll try to limit myself and not let this post get totally out of hand:
Vintage Electronics by ckret2 — absolutely hysterical radiostatic fic written pre-s1 where vox replaces his dick with a microphone to seduce alastor. made me cry laughing. furthermore, anything written by ckret2, they're a fantastic author
a poor sinner's hand by vintagecassette — chronicle of husk & alastor's relationship, a brilliantly imagined backstory for how husk eventually ended up selling his soul
666: Live On Air! by @prince-liest — everything bel writes is fantastic, but this series in particular is incredible; radiostatic au where alastor lets vox fuck him ironically and then. well. it gets out of hand
BossaNova.EXE by vol_ctrl, XIntensity_FallsX — another pre-s1 radiostatic au where alastor attempts to manipulate vox by pretending to reciprocate his feelings, and again things get way out of hand. the experience of reading this one is electric, and if you commit to syncing the linked playlist with chapter 13 i guarantee you won't regret it
'tis but a flesh wound by leoandromeda — radiostatic, alastor accompanies rosie to an overlord party, dances with vox, and causes a brawl
pancakes, small talk by mirotic_chess — post-s1 reluctantly domestic radioapple. the summary says it best: lucifer makes pancakes and alastor keeps making jabs at him about his wife missing. they definitely get along!
Pornstar Martini by blatantblue, brightened — achingly soft series about husk & angel learning how to love each other as best as they can
Static Shock by @birdsaretoddlers — in progress, darkly hilarious and insightful radiostatic slowburn where vox drags alastor's unconscious body out of a dumpster 6 months after the finale
Strange Appetites by Gotllphi — in-progress, radioapple not-quite human au where lucifer & charlie go on vacation from hell to new orleans in the 1920s, where a certain serial killer is in desperate need of inspiration. literally a wacky dark romcom
Ye Mighty, Lay Down Your Arms by Expectosplendiferous — post-finale, alastor gets stitched up by rosie and subjected to dubcon cuddling by vox, respectively
No hiding place down here by ReminiscentBells — post-finale radioapple, tense and sweet and difficult by extremely satisfying. my fav "lucifer heals alastor after s1" fic and one of my fav explorations of sex-favorable asexuality. delicious
i'm realizing this list makes it exceedingly clear what characters and dynamics i tend to gravitate towards, but hell, i already reveal too much about my proclivities in my writing, why not commit to it
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commodorez · 3 months
I absolutely adore the passion you have when you're speaking about this old tech hehehe
Well thank you!
This has been my hobby of choice for about 20 years now, I'm in it because I enjoy it. Why take half-measures with what you love to do?
If this is the sort of thing you enjoy as well, and you want to interact with more of the vintage computer enthusiast community, you can always come hang out with the rest of the Retrotech Crew on Discord.
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We spend our time talking about pre-Y2K computers and other sorts of technology. Lots of the discussion pertains to people fixing stuff, programming for old machines, or playing games. Minicomputers, micros, game systems, televisions, associated ephemera, and the community events where these machines are celebrated are all common points of discussion. Meanwhile, others are homebrewing their own computers using processors of yore to get the 1970s DIY experience (it's where I built my 6502 homebrew: the Cactus).
I always think about the sort of informal space that I wanted when I was first getting into the hobby, when the forums I was traversing felt too daunting to a newcomer who didn't know all that much like myself. Hopefully it's fulfilling its purpose of being a good place for folks to interact and share in that enjoyment, regardless of experience level. Many of the earlier members all came from here on tumblr initially, after which we started a Skype group chat, which migrated to Discord in 2017. Since then we've picked up folks from many other circles of the community at large, so I hope that means we're doing something right.
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killltheidol · 4 months
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🕰️ ˖ ࣪ εïз ⬦        REJECTS is a six-piece co-ed idol group under Angelico Entertainment. They debuted in 2017 with the lineup of REID, JIEUN, AIDEN, SUNHEE, and MIYU.
After the unfortunate passing of Sunhee in 2019, the group would go on a year hiatus and undergo a rebrand. With an original soft and sweet concept, when the group would reemerge in 2021, they'd take on a new and edgier concept as well as add four members: HANBIN, LOVE, JISU, and BEA.
This rebrand would prove to be successful, gaining the group a lot of traction and attention. However, Jisu would mysteriously leave Rejects in 2023 with no official explanation. He was swiftly replaced with ASH, forming their current lineup.
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Reid's pre-debut life remains shrouded in mystery, with limited information available about his journey before joining REJECTS. His entrance into the limelight occurred with his debut in the co-ed group.
Reid is the son of affluent parents, both successful business owners. His father owns a lumbar company, while his mother is the proprietor of a hair care business. The influence of his family's success adds an intriguing layer to Reid's background.
Speculation surrounds Reid's debut, with some suggesting it might have been secured through financial means. Despite persistent rumors, Reid and his fellow group members staunchly reject these claims, emphasizing the authenticity of his entry into REJECTS.
Fun Fact! :: Reid is an avid collector of vintage vinyl records. He's shown his collection a few times, claiming he owns well over 200 records, and continues growing his collection.
🕰️ ˖ ࣪ εïз ⬦        INFORMATION!
KOREAN NAME :: Kim Sangwon
BIRTH NAME :: Reid Kim
BIRTHDAY :: April 12th, 1997
ZODIAC :: Aries
BIRTHPLACE :: New Haven, Connecticut
HOMETOWN :: New Haven, Connecticut
FACECLAIM :: Johnny Suh
HEIGHT :: 180 cm || 6′2
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Jieun was born in Busan, South Korea, to a trot singer mother and a famous record producing father. Her career path was pre-determined due to her parents, beginning her training at just 11 years old. Her entire life has been in the spotlight, making her grow a thick skin and a harsh personality.
Originally, Jieun would debut in the now-disbanded rotational group SE4SONS at 16. Jieun's anticipated debut with SE4SONS took an unexpected turn when allegations of her being a violent bully surfaced. Promo shots featuring her were posted on the official SE4SONS SNS accounts, creating initial excitement for her inclusion in the group.
Soon after the promotional material was released, allegations of Jieun's involvement in a violent bullying incident emerged. These claims were supported by photographic proof and accompanying documents. Despite the compelling evidence, the allegations were later deleted and erased from the internet, leaving a cloud of uncertainty.
In the face of controversy, Jieun maintained a mostly silent stance on the matter. The absence of a confirmed denial or acknowledgment allowed speculation to persist. Many interpreted her removal from the SE4SONS lineup as an implicit confirmation of the allegations, with the company seemingly choosing to overlook the issue.
Jieun addressed the controversy in a singular statement, expressing frustration: "You don’t know me or what happened. Stop bringing it up, or my company will take legal action." This solitary response added another layer of mystery to the unresolved allegations.
Years later, Jieun still remains the most controversial member of Rejects.
Fun Fact! :: Jieun is extremely talented at calligraphy. She's been credited for making multiple logos for Rejects and is often drawing on the members' hands and arms.
🕰️ ˖ ࣪ εïз ⬦        INFORMATION!
BIRTH NAME :: Min Jieun
BIRTHDAY :: October 21st, 1999
ZODIAC :: Scorpio
BIRTHPLACE :: Busan, South Korea
HOMETOWN :: Seoul, South Korea
FACECLAIM :: Cho Miyeon
HEIGHT :: 162 cm || 5′3
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Aiden's journey into the spotlight commenced within the esteemed trainee group "Hi-Class," where he stood as the first member to graduate and make an official debut. His tenure in Hi-Class spanned approximately a year, preceded by two years of private training within the Angelico Entertainment system.
Aiden's graduation from Hi-Class, although a milestone as the first to achieve this feat, was marred by controversy. Being perceived as a "quiet" member who never ranked in the top ten during his tenure, the event garnered minimal attention. The unremarkable nature of his graduation led to a lackluster response from Hi-Class fans, with many choosing not to attend or tune in.
The aftermath of Aiden's graduation manifested as a barrage of hate and protest. Considered controversial due to the lack of fanfare during his Hi-Class departure, Aiden's addition to Rejects was met with skepticism and rejection. Fans chose to ignore him and excluded him from discussions about the group.
Speculation surrounding Aiden's family allegedly paying for his spot in Rejects further fueled the controversy. This speculation resulted in Aiden becoming a target for criticism, earning him the unfortunate reputation of being the group's punching bag. This dynamic persists not only within Rejects but extends to the broader context of Angelico Entertainment.
Fun Fact! :: Aiden is one of the highest-paid models under Angelico despite not being a model. He's easily the most recognizable face in the group.
🕰️ ˖ ࣪ εïз ⬦        INFORMATION!
KOREAN NAME :: Yoon Iseul
BIRTH NAME :: Aiden Yoon
BIRTHDAY :: November 5th, 1998
ZODIAC :: Scorpio
BIRTHPLACE :: Los Angeles, California
HOMETOWN :: Los Angeles, California
FACECLAIM :: Kim Jungwoo
HEIGHT :: 6′0
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Miyu's entry into entertainment began as a child model in Japan, where her early charm was noticed by talent scouts. She joined ANGELICO Entertainment in 2015, debuting in BLISSKISS as the main dancer and visual. The group faced challenges and disbanded in 2017 with minimal success. She would debut in Rejects a few months later to the dismay of BLISSKISS fans.
After Sunhee's passing, Miyu took on the role of Rejects' leader. Recognized for her natural leadership, she guided the co-ed group through transitions.
Miyu shares a close bond with Aiden, contributing to group cohesion. Their connection is a notable aspect of Rejects' dynamics. Miyu plays a key role in creating Rejects' music, adding a distinct sound to the co-ed ensemble.
Fun Fact! :: Miyu doubles as Rejects' unofficial chef, cooking the group almost every night for their group dinners.
🕰️ ˖ ࣪ εïз ⬦        INFORMATION!
BIRTH NAME :: Kubo Miyu
BIRTHDAY :: September 10th, 1998
ZODIAC :: Virgo
BIRTHPLACE :: Osaka, Japan
HOMETOWN :: Tokyo, Japan
ETHNICITY :: Japanese-Italian
FACECLAIM :: Serena Motola
HEIGHT :: 165 cm || 5′4
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Bang Hanbin, born in Busan, South Korea, in 1998, embarked on his entertainment journey with just two years of training. At 14, he made his original debut in 2012 with the controversial boy group "HIGHSKY" under the now-defunct label FANTASY ACADEMY. The group's mature concept for their young ages stirred criticism.
In 2015, an investigation into FANTASY ACADEMY unfolded, leading to the arrest of the CEO and staff for "misconduct" with underaged talent. HIGHSKY disbanded, propelling Hanbin into acting and a moderately successful soloist career.
Hanbin's return to the spotlight on Produce X showcased his visuals, humor, and poignant backstory. His revelations about mistreatment at FANTASY ACADEMY reignited public interest in his past.
Despite not making it to the debut lineup of X1, Hanbin found a new beginning with Rejects. Debuting as the visual, lead vocalist, and lead dancer, his multifaceted talents enhance the group's dynamic.
Fun Fact! :: In his downtime, Hanbin is the undisputed Rejects gaming champion, showcasing his competitive spirit offstage. He can, and will, beat you at any version of Super Mario.
🕰️ ˖ ࣪ εïз ⬦        INFORMATION!
STAGE NAME :: Hanbin
NAME :: Bang Hanbin
BIRTHDAY :: September 7, 1998
ZODIAC :: Virgo 
BIRTHPLACE :: Busan, South Korea
HOMETOWN :: Busan, South Korea
FACECLAIM :: Jung Jaehyun
HEIGHT :: 185 cm || 6′1
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Isla Williams was born in her aunt's Malibu home on June 1st, 1999. Isla was raised by her aunt after her mother would never come to pick her up from her house when she was three. Isla's mother has never attempted to reconnect with her, and her father was unaware of her existence until she was fourteen. Though her upbringing was unconventional, Isla was a very happy child with a passion for singing and performing.
Isla's idol journey began when she was 15, joining an overseas JPOP group called "IceDream," where they would perform covers of Hello! Project & WACK songs. These covers would catch the attention of UP-FRONT PROMOTION, resulting in her getting recruited to be added to ANGERME, a group within Hello! Project. She would take on the stage name "Ai" during her time in ANGERME. She would graduate from the group in 2018 after being with the group for four years.
Isla would then go under a "rebrand" and debut in the rotational K-pop group GIRLGARDEN28 in 2019 under the stage name "Love" and quickly become a fan favorite. However, her addition to GG28 wouldn't last long as she would graduate in 2020, and her contract with Flowerbank would be dissolved.
Just a few months later, and to the shock of many, Love would reappear in Rejects as their main vocalist and lead dancer.
🕰️ ˖ ࣪ εïз ⬦        INFORMATION!
KOREAN NAME :: Isla Williams
BIRTHDAY :: June 1, 1999
ZODIAC :: Gemini
BIRTHPLACE :: Malibu, California
HOMETOWN :: Malibu, California
ETHNICITY :: Mixed ( Black + European )
HEIGHT :: 157 cm || 5′2
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Ash Kim was born in Melbourne, Australia in 2000 to a single mother, being the youngest child alongside his older brother. He would move to South Korea at age 9 for his mother's work. Upon moving to South Korea, Ash would attend an international school where he would meet the "coolest people" he's ever met and the ones who sparked his love for music. Logan and Jinyoung would let him join their "band" after he begged them enough to do so, taking on the position of their drummer.
They began practicing at Logan’s house as a trio up until 2013, when Logan met their fourth and final member, Grace, who would later go by the stage name Ivy. After much consideration from the boys, Grace became an official member of the band, taking a position on the bass.
The rag-tag group began busking around Seoul and performing at small venues until they were picked up by Level Up Entertainment in 2015. While the group was excited to be under an actual label, Level Up Entertainment wiped their previous discography from the internet to give the group a “fresh start.” It’s been confirmed that this was done without any of the member's consent, and they’re still upset over their old discography essentially being lost.
Upon their debut under Level Up, the band did relevantly well and garnered a small yet dedicated fanbase. They still busked around Seoul and often performed mini concerts around Korea while giving out copies of their albums in hopes of gaining more fans. While things looked fine to the public, the band was struggling creatively behind the scenes due to artistic differences with their management.
In late 2017, Ash made a post on his Instagram story expressing how trapped he felt under his company and how the group was being punished with inactivity for not conforming to the image their label wanted for them. The post was later deleted, but it caused some buzz on the internet, gaining them more support.
Despite this support, Level Up Entertainment, in what is now known as an abuse of power, would disband 4OCEANS but would not release the members of their 10-year contract. After a lengthy legal battle, Ash, Logan, and Ivy were able to get out of their contracts, while Jinyoung was not so lucky and remained under Level Up Entertainment.
Ash would join Angelico Entertainment, apparently very close to the former CEO, Son Jinhwa, and produce under the label until he made his idol debut in 2020 with the now-disbanded group Cicada. After the abrupt disbandment of the group, Ash would be added to Rejects without notice, just appearing with them on Inkigayo one day.
🕰️ ˖ ࣪ εïз ⬦        INFORMATION!
KOREAN NAME :: Kim Yijoon
BIRTHDAY :: October 11th, 2000
ZODIAC :: Scorpio
BIRTHPLACE :: Melbourne, Australia
HOMETOWN :: Seoul, South Korea
FACECLAIM :: Han Jisung
HEIGHT :: 185 cm || 6′1
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Beatrice "Bea" Tennet made a crashing entrance into the KPOP landscape by being one of seven female contestants on the JYP survival show STRAY KIDS. She trained three years prior to appearing on the survival show, specializing in dance and vocals. She was noted for being close to the boys and a punching bag for netizens as they deemed her "too touchy" with the other contestants.
She would make it to the final episode alongside three other female contestants but would not make the final group. Despite this, Bea would make her debut in ITZY in 2019 as the group's main dancer and lead rapper. While in ITZY, Bea would find herself being the punching bag for Kpop stans online and struggled to deal with the hate train towards her and her groupmates.
Due to this, in mid-2020, Bea would take an "indefinite hiatus" from ITZY that would later result in her departing from the group within the same year.
After practically vanishing from the public eye, Bea would reappear in Rejects in 2021, clearly doing much better than she was the year prior. She would take on the position of main dancer, lead vocalist, and sub-rapper.
🕰️ ˖ ࣪ εïз ⬦       INFORMATION!
KOREAN NAME :: Beatrice Tennet
BIRTHDAY :: December 20, 2001
ZODIAC :: Sagittarius 
BIRTHPLACE :: Victoria, Canada
HOMETOWN :: Victoria, Canada
ETHNICITY :: European
FACECLAIM :: Tate Mcrae
HEIGHT :: 175 cm || 5′9
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bryce-bucher · 1 year
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Basidia Post #4
Vintage CGI:
Modus Interactive and I have been spending the last week or so learning how to use Alias Power Animator 9 which is essentially an old version of maya. It was used on sgi workstations back in the day on games like ff7 and mario64 for all the pre-rendered stuff. For a long time Modus and I have been pretty invested in learning how to replicate the look of old pre-rendered stuff, and, as it turns out, the best way was just to do it how they did it. For so long I tried to wrap my head around how old cgi stuff was modeled because the sorts of shapes that were often created seemed like they'd be unnecessarily hard to create with polygons. The thing that specifically stumped me for a while was how they handled wrinkles in clothing and organic shapes. As it turns out, the answer was hidden right under my nose the whole time. They weren't using polygons at all! Instead they were modeling with NURBS! It seems very obvious in hindsight, but I feel like I deleted the memory of NURBS once I exited highschool, and nobody ever seems to talk about or use them these days. If you don't know what they are, it's basically a style of modeling that involves making a bunch of bezier curves and using them to define surfaces. It's a totally different style of modeling from polygons with a lot of pros and cons, but it achieves that smooth look we're after extremely well.
Scout Rifle Render:
As shown in the pics above, I decided to make a model of the scout rifle in Basidia so that we could use it for an item icon. The process was definitely a learning experience, and one of the things I learned is that modeling like this is super fun. It's like creating each shape is a puzzle where you need to theorize what is the best approach to take, and following through is always a multi-step process of defining a surface and slicing it up. I find it super satisfying to pull off, and making slapping materials on it is always fun as well. Moving forward we are probably gonna use this program and/or older versions of maya to create any pre-rendered item icons or backgrounds that we'll be needing. Modus actually made new versions of the vials in it as well which I will put right here \/
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Wow there it is would u look at that. Power Animator just has an amazing way of outputting some unique, rich colors that are hard to get in modern software. I mean, just look at that cork. How do you make a cork have such interesting colors? Amazing. Fuck it, I'm gonna show off a little guy I made in power animator that has nothing to do with Basidia. I've been hyperfixating on this program since I downloaded it so I owe this to myself.
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Here he is! Power animator has this amazing glow effect you can put on any shader that adds this bloom as a post processing layer. I used it on the head in this one, and I think it achieves a particular dreamlike effect really well. The sorts of shapes I can get for cloth out of NURBS is also super fun and rewarding, as shown with the cape here. Character modeling is something I'm always really excited about, and I'll definitely be modeling some Basidia characters in this thing.
I am loving this program and I cannot stop thinking about it. Anyway, I have some commissions to take care of before switching back to midwest lost development, so I may or may not be posting about that game next week. I'm trying to buy an old sgi workstation with the commission money, and, if I can pull that off, then I will have access to all the old software they used back then (including the IRIX version of poweranimator). If you want to check out power animator yourself then here is a link to the program, and here is a helpful tutorial. Oke bye take care!
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ouraboras · 2 months
Ranking Alucard's Designs, Best to Worst
I've had a rough day and feel like being mean. These are just my opinions. Some rules:
I’m not counting each game a character appears in unless the design is noticeably different. I don’t count different art styles as a different design. I’m not counting the mobile game skins with two exceptions. For the most part it’s just him but purple. However, for your pleasure, joker Alucard:
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Symphony of the Night
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No surprise. It’s his most iconic design. He’s gorgeous. I enjoy how he wears a mixture of human clothes (the jacket) and more stereotypical vampire clothing like the cape. Same with warm colors with black and silver.
2. Grimoire of Souls
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I love this design. I kiss it every night before I go to bed. I pray to it on Sundays. His waist makes me go feral. The only thing that bothers me is the brown lining. I wish they did something like the inside of his SotN jacket.
3. Moonlight Rhapsody – Outfit 3
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I know absolutely nothing about this game. However, I love this skin. In my head when I imagine Alucard pre-Dracula betrayal this is it. The collar is a bit silly but I can look past it. I love the sleeves. The only critique I have is the brown and we’ll get to my feeling on Alucard wearing brown. But on this outfit, it’s not too bad.
4. Nocturne
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They gave him his gay little neck ruffle back nature is healing. I wish they kept the details on the coat, but I’ll happily take the trade. I like his face.
5. The cancelled Dracula’s Curse movie concept art
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I need to know what the context behind this would have been. The skirt, the pauldrons, his bloody hands, HIS HAIR PUSHED BACK. The only thing I dislike is his black nipple.
6. Aria and Dawn of Sorrow
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I like the suit. The red pocket square is nice. I think it is a really interesting choice for it to be red rather than yellow as a callback. I love the choice to make him resemble Dracula pre-vampirism. All of his color has been drained and replaced with black and red. I go back and forth on if I hate or like (for symbolic reasons) his tie-neck ruffle thing. But none of that is my real problem with the design. His shoes are hideous. The heel is good.  He deserves a little heel. But what is going on with the white. It's ugly and going to be a bitch to keep clean. His slacks are too long. He’s a government agent, he can afford to go to a tailor.
7. Season 1 & 2 of the show
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I dislike the shirt. I’m not a big fan of how they drew his face either. But I like how they gave him Trevor’s chest scar.
8. Captain N
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He’s so rad. But to be honest, Captain N Alucard has a special place in my heart. I remember when this was the closest thing to an animated series Castlevania had. It being this high is purely my nostalgia. I highly recommend watching the episode. It is pure 90s camp.
9. Season 4 of the show
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10. Grimoire of Souls – Blood and Loyalty
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I can’t find a better look at this skin. He’s apparently dressed as a samurai. I like this purely because his hair is up. I don’t see enough of that. (artists pls you’d be doing the world a service)
11. Lords of Shadow 2
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The only thing I like about this design is the coat. The dark blue with gold looks really good. I don’t like the belts, but I can ignore them. My issue is the armor. I hate the bronze so much. The armor on one hip is ugly. The ONLY thing that salvages this crime is the fact this Alucard is wearing the highest heels. This looks like an MMO armor set.
12. Judgement
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I only unironically like 2 of Judgement’s designs. This is not one of them. I dislike it purely because of how boring it is. They put Simon in bondage gear, gave Trevor a boob window, and made Sypha a Catholic magical girl. But Alucard has to be more modest than the actual child. They could have fun with this but didn't. The most interesting thing about this design is they made a vintage couch into his cape.
13. Dracula’s Curse
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This is Alucard’s original design. It’s just your standard pop culture vampire. I like his little owl hair tufts.
14. Legends
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I’m fine with changing up Alucard’s design. Hell, we got SotN because of changing it. However, why is he blue? It’s not this illustration either he is just light blue for some reason. I like the short hair. I think it’s a cute way to show this game takes place in the past. But again, purple? Really? His necktie is not doing it for me either. It looks really bad.
15. And finally, last and certainly least: Pachinko and Moonlight Rhapsody
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The faces? Good. Hair? Good. But for some reason they made his coat brown. At LEAST for pachinko they had some gold gauntlets and brown gloves instead of his sleeve cuffs. But whatever fucked up person at Konami did the design for MR kept the sleeve cuffs. It’s not like there is the excuse of ‘Oh the inside is black’ because it’s yellow. Now you might be asking: Why is this the worst? I have similar issues with other designs. But here is the thing, they all did something new. This is just your standard SotN Alucard with a color palette change. It looks like a recolor skin but it’s the main one. It's a bad change but not one bad enough to not be boring.
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Luise Rainer (Big City; The Emperor's Candlesticks; The Toy Wife)—i mean. look at her.
Miriam Hopkins (Design For Living, Trouble in Paradise)—miriam hopkins had great range as an actresses, truly a woman who could play a passionate outburst for either dramatic or comedic effect and sell the ever-loving hell out of it. she's wonderful in the witty and sophisticated comedies she made with ernst lubitsch, great examples of movies that could never have been made after the hays code; the frothy musical comedy the smiling lieutenant where she plays a naive princess who accidentally gets betrothed to maurice chevalier, the polyamory classic design for living where she gary cooper and hot vintage shadow king fredric march are a throuple, and the ineffably exquisite comedic masterpiece trouble in paradise in which she and hubert marshall are sexy jewel thieves trying to con sexy rich lady kay francis, but will emotional complications ensue???? watch to find out!!
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Miriam Hopkins:
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She is an incredibly charismatic and versatile actress who brings a certain captivating je ne sais quois to each and every one of her roles that makes her impossible to ignore. Her pre-code films were considered quite risqué, with her part in a thrupple in Design For Living, and some saucy scenes they had to cut from Jekyll and Hyde. She also had a strong career in early television, so good that this queen literally has TWO Hollywood Stars, TWO!! One for TV and one for Film
Also she is Gorgeous, capable of being the girl nextdoor and also a stunning blonde bombshell. She's not as well known as some golden-age Hollywood stars but she's really incredible and I recommend everyone watch her films
In Trouble in Paradise she plays a pickpocket who flirts by stealing from her criminal boyfriend and I fell in love
queen of the pre-code era. often her roles were of carefree, flirty and lighthearted but intelligent women. famously in the movie where she was part of a fredrich march/gary cooper throuple.
Linked gifset
She's got this sly slouchy confidence that just draws you in. Almost no one wore 30s fashion as well as her
We all know that Design for Living is THE pre-code movie and she is so iconic in it. Her eyes are everythingggg. Also everyone look at her in a suit in She Loves Me Not please
A Frequent collaborator of Ernst Lubistch, Miriam Hopkins like up the screen in her comic roles, as is especially sexy in her pre-code performance in Design for Living; probably one of the first movies to showcase a coded polyamorous relationship. She toes the line between adorable and sexy, and had the acting chops to back it all up.
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keithsandwich · 3 months
More Than That
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Pairing: Keith/OC (Maeve)
Word Count: ~2.5k
Rating: Mature
Tags: Modern AU, Pre-Relationship, Pining, Massage, Accidental Boner, Love Confessions, Nudity, Dorks in Love, Fluff, Kiss.
Summary: Keith finds himself ready to get a massage, but the massage therapist is the woman he has feelings about.
Notes: Based on this post. No beta, so please, be nice! If you see any errors, let me know!
He opened his eyes to see a white wooden ceiling with a basket pendant light. The light was off. There was no need for it when the sun shined brightly through the open window. Sunbeams hit the little prisms hanging next to the flowy curtains, casting little particles of rainbow around the room. And the room, as it slowly unfolded to his perception, was a very simple and small one, with a light-colored tapestry hanging from the wall across the window. There was a vintage counter with many drawers. Above it were some little amber glass bottles, plants, candles, and sticks of incense burning — their smoke spiraling beautifully in the air and spreading a sandalwood and jasmine scent. The sound of a gentle running water complemented the scenery nicely.
Keith was so relaxed laying down in the middle of the room that he felt like he had woken up to a dream. 
A door opened and closed behind his head, and another mix of aromas joined the already delicious scent symphony. Bergamot, rosemary and basil in a coconut base. It was cozy. Before Keith could close his eyes and let himself sink in that comfort, a soft, hushed voice made his eyes snap open and his heart race inside his chest.
“Told you I wouldn't take long.”
Maeve appeared in his field of vision, beaming brighter than the sun and holding a small pottery bowl. She walked across the room, and as Keith followed her with his gaze, a sudden realization made his breathing falter and the palms of his hands sweat coldly.
He was naked.
Well, almost. There was a towel wrapped around his hips, and he prayed he was wearing his boxers underneath it. He wished he could check, but that would be too weird. Now that his other self had got him into that situation, Keith had to go along with it somehow. 
He tried to rationalize it. Maeve offered massage therapy along with other forms of natural healing in her studio. He was most likely in a room at the back, ready to receive one after he scheduled it behind his back. He probably knew Keith would have a panic attack about it, and was enjoying watching the whole situation.
His chest was moving erratically and tensely as he struggled to breathe, knowing that the woman he had been daydreaming about was getting ready to touch his body with her bare hands. 
“You know, being so tense is a little counterproductive here,” Maeve said with a soft laugh while tying her hair up in a messy bun. “Relax. I promise I won't hurt you.”
“I-I’m so sorry, I… I've never had a massage before…” he lied. Keith had had massages before when he suffered a muscle strain. It was very different then, however. Not being in love with the massage therapist made the whole experience much easier.
“First of all, you have to breathe.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath herself, moving her hands up and down in front of her chest as she inhaled and exhaled. Maeve looked so cute he simply couldn't close his eyes and mimic her. Keith had to watch her soft movements, her pursed lips, her kindness overflowing in every gesture. 
It was almost unbearable. He wished he could run away so he didn't have to hide how much he wanted to kiss her.
“Are you feeling better now? Or do you need a few more minutes?” 
Maeve had grinned beautifully when she opened her eyes. There was no way Keith would ever be ready for this, but he knew he would be wasting her time if he kept stalling her. Maybe closing his eyes and breathing could indeed be helpful.
“I'm sorry I'm taking so much of your time. Go ahead, I… I think I can relax more during the massage, I mean… that's part of the benefits, right?”
Keith laid his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. He could still feel the warmth of her smile in her voice.
“You'll see there's nothing to be scared of. Soon you're gonna get all comfy, I'm sure of it,” Maeve sounded quieter and quieter as she spoke, until her voice vanished and only the running water remained. 
She touched his right foot first, delicately, but not so light it would tickle him. Still, he shivered. It was her touch, after all, spreading that fragrant oil on his skin and working on it with undivided attention. Maeve applied the right amount of pressure on the sole and made circular motions on each toe. Keith bit the inside of his cheek to try to prevent any weird sound from coming out. 
There should be a way to go through it without doing anything inappropriate. Maeve was a professional massage therapist, touching him professionally. No matter how he felt about her, his first priority was to respect her. 
Maeve… a profissional. 
Maybe he should focus only on the later part. With closed eyes, Keith could pretend it was someone else giving him a massage, anyone else. Just a… random therapist.
A therapist that didn't have the best smile, one that highlighted the cute little freckles spreaded all over their cheeks and their nose. A smile that reached gorgeous green eyes; eyes that mesmerized him. Eyes that made him captive, and Keith had to watch himself not to stare at them for too long.
But when he did, Maeve would giggle, blush, tug her hair behind her ear and look away with that smile on her face.
No, she wasn't the person who was now massaging his calves with firm, yet delicate hands, no. He tried to visualize again that faceless therapist. A person without a name that tasted so sweet on his tongue whenever he said it out loud. Maeve, Mae, may I make you mine? Mine, mine, my, Maeve. 
His cheeks tingled and burned. He felt so pathetic.
Keith took a deep breath and tried to concentrate again.
Those hands sliding up to his thighs belonged to someone else. Someone whose hair didn't smell like a mix of tropical, aphrodisiac flowers. That scent that whenever blew his way aroused instincts Keith wasn't even aware he had within himself. His body would tremble as he struggled to control the need to take each lock of Maeve's hair, each braid, and devotedly kiss it. He would press his lips together while resisting the urge to pull her silky strands aside and nuzzle against the back of her neck, where that scent was probably stronger.
And he would almost cry when thinking of it alone, yearning to discover what other aromas were hidden in Maeve’s body.
Keith felt the touch going up towards his covered hips, fingers that would slip underneath the towel, but graciously turn around his hip bones and make their way down without the slightest of the brushes against his… pelvis. He clenched his fists; wishes too dirty to admit filling his mind. 
Once, when they were working together in his lab after hours, they accidentally bumped into each other. Maeve had been washing some beakers when Keith tried to reach for a flask on the shelf above the sink, being careful not to touch her. “Excuse me,” he had murmured softly, keeping a safe distance while stretching his arms out over her. She was so small next to him, it shouldn't be a problem. Still, he had to stand on his tiptoes to get the flask he wanted while maintaining the space between them. That's when Maeve turned around unexpectedly, as if she hadn't heard or felt his presence behind her, causing him to lose his balance. Keith was able to hold the edge of the sink in time to prevent a fall, but in this, he ended up pressing her body against his for a brief, shocked moment, when they looked at each other's eyes awkwardly before he moved away, apologizing like never before.
Those few seconds were enough to etch the memory of her frame on his flesh. Her heat, her breath, all the curves and soft parts. The way her lips parted only slightly, as if she was about to say something. Keith could have so easily slid his tongue between them, claimed her taste, and made Maeve his. But it only happened in his fantasies later while remembering this moment, again and again. Each time making him feel dirtier, more perverted, more unworthy of her trust.
And it was very, very inconvenient remembering all of this now, as her hands were on his body. Except… they weren't.
Keith almost froze in fear, but he had to open his eyes to see what happened. And when he did, he found Maeve staring at the towel on his hips. And the towel on his hips had that shameful, disgusting, completely inappropriate volume he tried so hard to avoid, but his mind tricked him. She suddenly moved her startled gaze from that part to his eyes, her cheeks bright red. 
“I'm sorry!” they said in unison. 
Keith sat straight so quickly he felt dizzy, and Maeve shook her head and touched his shoulders, intending to make him lay back down again on the massage table.
“Maeve, I'm so sorry, this is so disrespectful of me to… to… you know, ah,” he babbled. His mind was so hazy he had to rub his temples to try to think straight. His stomach was churning. “You must think I'm a creep, but I didn't mean… it… I don't want anything weird, I just…”
“Keith…” Maeve said his name patiently a few times until he finally let her talk. And she did, still holding his shoulders and looking into his eyes so sweetly it only made everything worse. “Relax, this is normal. This is absolutely normal, you don't have to feel so bad about it. It's just a physiological reaction, you know that, don't you?” She smiled reassuringly and slowly moved towards the door, making soothing hand gestures. “Try to breathe, I'm gonna bring you a glass of water. Hold on. Don't go anywhere.”
Maeve left the room gesturing the whole time. Keith could tell she was worried about him. She was way too good to him, much more than he deserved. His chest was hurting with guilt. He knew the right thing to do was to get away from her, don't contact her again until those feelings vanished and he was able to behave appropriately with her — like a friend. Just a friend.
Or not. Maybe never seeing her again was the only option. Keith would never be able to be just friends with her, and Maeve deserved so much more than a failure like him in her life.
He sighed heavily and lifted up the towel to check the situation down there. Boxers on, excitement down. Feeling gloomy like that was useful for at least one thing. 
“Here we go!” Maeve got back with a glass of water and her typical warm smile gracing her face. Keith accepted the glass without thinking while she leaned against the counter in front of him. “Are you feeling better now? Just say the word and we'll continue.”
“Maeve… Sorry, I don't think I can,” he said, looking down at the water. “I'm sorry for wasting your time, but I did something unforgivable. You shouldn't be so nice to me, that… That wasn't just a physiological reaction,” Keith admitted. He had to. He should do at least one right thing to her. 
“What do you mean?” Her smile was fading, but it was still there, weak and confused. “You didn't do anything wrong, it was just your body, that's okay…”
“It's not just my body.” Keith felt his throat getting dry, so he took a sip of water. He could feel her puzzled stare on him, but needed that moment before continuing. “Mae… sorry, Maeve. I can't get a massage from you because I want you. I have feelings… For you.”
“Keith…” She placed her hands over his that were still around the glass. He looked at the delicate fingers she must've washed to take out the excess of oil before pouring him water, but they were still soft and fragrant, and they enveloped him in warmth. He didn't know why she was touching him like this, not after his confession. “Do you know why I've apologized to you too?” Keith couldn't remember her apologizing, all he thought about was his own shame. Her face flushed and she continued before he could express his confusion. “Because I was staring at you inappropriately. I… I have been interested in you for a long time now, but I thought…”
“Interested in me?” he interrupted her, making Maeve look at him with eyes that begged him not to make her explain any further. “It’s just… You know that I'm a loser…”
It was her time to interrupt him, but not with words. Maeve leaned forward and planted a kiss on the corner of his lips. Keith could feel the softness of her mouth, the closeness of her gesture as she pressed her nose against his cheek, and her eyelashes fluttering ever-so-slightly as she closed her eyes. The air coming out of her lungs gently filled his own. It made his heart race madly, coursing so much life through his veins he could just burst in joy. He smiled. The tension left his body and he tilted his head towards her kiss with a need that was much sweeter than the ravenous desires he had for her.
For Maeve deserved nothing but sweetness. Even if she wanted him too, he would do it the right way, accepting the love she was giving without being greedy. Keith could only be grateful. The most beautiful woman in the world had just kissed him.
It felt like paradise.
Maeve looked into his eyes after pulling back from the kiss and then lowered her stare sheepishly. She took the cup of glass from his hands and put it on the counter slowly, as if she was still in a daze herself. 
“I think you're right, I can't give you a massage right now, it wouldn't be profissional of me,” Maeve said with a small laugh. Keith couldn't stop smiling, even if he tried. Taking all the steps that would hopefully lead them to share a real intimacy would be better than pretending he was just a patient, and she was just a massage therapist. They were more than that. She had just confirmed it, and he hadn't felt that happy in a long, long time. “I'm gonna brew us some tea while you dress. We can… Just sit down and have some tea together.” 
“We can…” he echoed her words, too enthralled with what just happened that he couldn't say anything else. Keith couldn't even move for a moment after she left the room to give him privacy to dress. The scent of the oil they shared, the touch of her hands and lips, her breath, her care — it all lingered and embraced him in a way that left him full of love and frightened at the same time. What if it all went away the moment he left the room?
What if Maeve changed her mind?
Maybe being in love was a pleasure and an agony, but this is where he was right now. And Keith would not run away.
Tag list: @bicayaya @olivermorningstar @queengiuliettafirstlady
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galebrainrot2024 · 3 months
GalexYou Dinner Party Pt. 3/4
Summary: The next installment of the dinner party you (gender neutral) and Gale host. The guests finally arrive! I thought there would only be 3 parts and it turns out there will be four hehe. Thanks again to @thebitchycloudpainter<3 for the idea. Lots of fluff and feel good ahead.
Part 2 | Master List | Read on Ao3
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Gale was setting the final place at the long, ornate table who’s legs were carved into displacer beast heads. It was a family heirloom and had been in the Dekarios family longer than they had been Dekarios’s. At least, that’s how the legend went. 
Tara made herself scarce, not one for rancorous guests to fill her otherwise quiet home. Gale wiped his brow with the towel that was hanging from his pocket before placing his hands on his hips, admiring his work. “Spectacular. The only thing missing is our guests,” Gale rushed forward and wrapped his arms around your waist, squeezing in such a way you giggle unexpectedly. “Oh, I love you - thank you for doing this.” He pressed his lips against your shoulder tenderly, his hands subtly exploring you until you heard the whispers of the fabric of time and space beginning to spread. 
A portal manifested, dark hues of orange and red, the flames of hell licking through as Karlach and Wyll stumble forward and nearly collapse into the set table. Gale flung out his arms, a grin of excitement still plastered across his face. “Karlach! Wyll! Welcome to our home, I’m so glad you were able to make it!” 
“I thought Withers was the only bastard that would be able to bring me back from the hells,” she slapped Gale’s back fondly before pulling him into a too tight hug. You hugged Wyll, exchanging your excitement to see one another. 
“Well, I nearly didn’t,” Gale admitted and you rose your brows in surprise. Unlike him to admit when he failed something - you supposed he was open because he hadn’t failed. “The intricacies and particulars of how time and space manifest in the hells is utterly different even than the Astral Plane.” 
“I never had a doubt,” Wyll said, gripping Gale by both shoulders and grinning. “Now, where’s the ale?” 
“Surely I might be able to entice you with a glass of Moorland Firefly Red before we break out the ale? I assure you you’ll be quite delighted, quite an upgrade from the wine we used to pillage back in the day!” 
“You mean about a year ago?” Karlach’s booming laugh was like a balm for your spirit.
“Has it been a year already?” You asked, surprised. 
“As unbelievable as it sounds, Karlach’s right,” Wyll said, before he looked at Gale, “If you insist on the red, I’ll have what you’re having.” Gale’s cheeks, already flushed from a pre-guest glass led Wyll to the cellar, enthusiastically telling him about the various vintages and such. 
“I’ve missed you, man!” She hugged you again, the warmth of her embrace familiar. “Tell me, what’s the story for tonight? Are we just shootin the shit, playing a game, what’s the vibe? Are we taking a drink every time Astarion brings up the fact he’s a ‘hero?” she smiled, the words teasing and without malice. 
“I heard that, you know” the pale elf sauntered through the threshold and gave a delicate wave with his fingers, “Hello darlings.” 
“Astarion!” You said in unison, Gale and Wyll’s voices echoed from behind you. “So happy you could join us!” 
Astarion flashed a famous lopsided smirk and flourished before cocking his hip, “Of course you are, what kind of party would it be without my flavor of debauchery?” 
“Still a party,” Shadowheart popped her head out from beside Astarion to wave. You rushed forward to embrace her, and you and your companions exchanged hellos and the waves of enthusiasm that cloaked you all filled the room with vibrant energy. It felt like a warm cup of tea on a bitter day. A laugh so hard you begin to cry, or wonder if you peed a little. The perfect light of day where the colors are just so. 
It was everything. 
“Are the others coming?” Wyll asked, and the rest gave Gale their rapt attention. Your heart swelled as you looked to him, his eyes locked on yours and you exchanged a knowing look. You saw the profound pride and excitement in his eyes, the love he had for you and his companions, and you allowed your eyes to dip lower, taking him in fully. Heat ushered into your core and you shuddered, looking back into his soft brown eyes. The look of lustful love that beamed into you was brighter than the sun. 
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