#virgil flirting
Your honor, Im sorry.
I wasn’t paying attention.
I was thinking about them again.
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inkyriot · 2 months
theres some kind of romantic subtext here that nobody understands lkke i do but i cant even explain it but theyre canon thomas told me so
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theroyalramen · 3 months
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I’ve been doing a Sanders Sides rewatch recently and I just have to comment on Flirting with Social Anxiety continuing to be my favorite video. It’s so so fun to watch Roman and Virgil’s relationship evolve and it’s so fascinating that they kinda have the strongest relationship out of the sides
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loganslowdown4 · 6 months
This has been bugging me for a long time but I finally figured out the foreshadowing here—
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It explains that Roman didn’t leave just because he felt ganged up on, betrayed or made fun of in SvS Redux—
He left mostly because he felt guilty. He feels like he didn’t do his job well enough—
I think this is probably not a new revelation but I think banter about it gets buried in the idea that no one seems to be on Roman’s side about his feelings towards Janus, or about Patton’s sudden ‘allegiance change’. I think those are fair points but I also think that Roman is heavily disappointed in himself for letting c!Thomas get so far off the rails that Thomas starts choosing alternate (less honourable) approaches to his decision-making (Janus). This is why Roman mentions his ‘mistakes’ in Flirting With Social Anxiety.
Also this is why Virgil is pissed about Thomas’ decisions in that video too. Thomas can’t keep lying to begin a new relationship with a new guy. Fortunately however, c!Thomas is spared having make an excuse (a lie) to approach Nico, because Nico approaches him instead.
Anyway, Roman needs a genuine win soon or I’m gonna explode 😃❤️
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Thanks for reading! 😄
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oh also, to y’all who are complaining that sanders sides is way too fanservicey now, have you forgotten just how fanservicey it was in s1?
virgil only became a recurring character because the fans liked him so much, there was SO MUCH shipping fodder with prinxiety because thomas found out that it was a popular ship, same applied to logicality. i believe the whole patton and virgil friendship also became canon partially due to how much the fandom adored their dynamic.
if anything, sanders sides is a lot less fanservicey now, it’s only in the filler episodes that thomas makes the sides act a bit silly and in line with how the fandom views them.
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✨"What's up, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals?"✨
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P.O.V: You find these two looking at you like this from across the mall's food court. Just what did you do? 👀 (Based on that one wholesome episode. (Except ALL of them are wholesome episodes- (Remembers Remus...) Well, ALMOST all of them. LMAO XD)) -Bubbly💙
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emoprincey · 1 year
Janus: You're cute when you're nice.
Virgil: I'm never nice.
Janus: Exactly.
Virgil: ...
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We now know that while we're nearing the peak of tension (and the season's finale), Patton has been talking with Janus quite a bit.
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And although Patton might not know that much about Janus yet, it seems their conversations have been pretty civil.
Meanwhile, Logan has had his hands full helping Thomas deal with Remus.
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Even going as far as to try and reason with him.
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Oh, and what have Roman and Virgil been up to?
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Oh y'know, they've suddenly turned into a dynamic duo that consistently judges Thomas for white lies and gay panics all over the place.
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But hey, they've been bonding :,)
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Basically it's very obvious Roman and Virgil are the chaotic two sons while Patton and Logan are mom and dad.
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halfhissandwich · 3 months
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listen I know it’s July but I heard a cover of this song and I had to draw it, also I hate drawing their sweaters, happy holidays?
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quackkaz · 11 months
Roman : I spilt juice all over myself… I think I’m an idiot.
Virgil : I do that all the time.
Roman : What, spill juice all over yourself?
Virgil : No, thinking that you’re an idiot.
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ronancebyler · 10 months
will asks nancy to teach him how to use guns except mike keeps showing up to distract him.
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beetlewine-art · 1 year
For some reason, i've been in a smooth/ romantic!Virgil mood lately. I know that Roman is the side that represents romance and it makes sense that he should be the one that is good at flirting. And let's he honest, look at Virge, even if he wanted to flirt with someone, the poor man would probably get so nerveous about saying the right worlds that he would mess it up because he was worried about not messing it up. Realisticaly it would be dificult for him to flirt, poor boy.
But can you imagine the power Virgil would have if he was romantic and good at flirting? He might not do it in public or in front of the other sides, and it may take a long time for him to get comfortable enough to do it, but when he and Roman are alone and in a long term relationship? You can't tell me that boy doesn't turn into Gomez Addams. And he is just casual about it, he randomly compliments Roman's beauty and talent. I can imagine Virgil looking at a burn out Roman, who is trying to writte something and Vee just goes:
Virgil: You know what? You are lucky Princey.
Roman: uh? *Looks at Virgil* What? Why?
Virgil: We can broke up one day and you can easily find a hotter man, but me? I knew from the moment i saw you that i would never meet a man that i found more beautiful than you. *Grabs Roman's hand and kisses it*
And then Roman just dies on the spot.
Out of character? Yes, does Virgil have any actual rizz in canon? No. Would it be funny if he had it? Yes, totally and Roman would love it.
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BHey Roman, a good way to trudge your way out of the friendzone, or have Virgil at least consider dating you as an option without confession or coercion, would be flirting. You could do it in more obvious ways such as pick up lines, or in more subtle ways like random gifts of their favorite things, which can make one more excited to see you if you do it regularly, helping them out with tasks, or simply being slightly more touchy with things like friendly hugs or simply sitting closer to the subject than you normally do. There's a few different methods with psychology and science you could do to increase the subject's affection towards you, such as sustained eye contact for at least 7 seconds, or giving them their favorite candy everytime you see them.
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Logan: Roman.
Roman: What?
Logan: Eres un cobarde.
Roman: Can you maybe not rub it in?—
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year
It’s his day 🌷🌺💐
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I miss him 😭
Happy 3rd Anniversary to Nico Flores and FWSA 🩷💜❤️
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🥕Karrot Kings👑
I’m rootin’ for you two 🥹💙
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naminethewriter · 3 months
Deciding Darts
It's the one Intruloceit story I always sneak into these ship weeks for Loceit Week Day 6! And of course it's by far the longest 😅 What can I say? Remus demanded to be in this one and then wouldn't stop until he reached his goal... I love him 💚 @loceitweek
Masterpost | Loceit Week 2024 Masterpost | Ao3
Prompt: “We really sold our souls to the devil here, haven’t we?”
Summary: Janus and Logan are on a double date with Patton and Roman when they get interrupted by Roman's twin who's surprisingly back in town.
Content Warnings: Mentions of sex, Remus being very blunt and almost crossing several lines
“…and that’s when one of the tree branches came lose and hit Derrick on his head. Luckily it was just cardboard, so he wasn’t injured but it was pretty funny.”
Janus only half listened to Roman’s tales of his latest theater shows. Patton next to Roman looked as enamored with him as always, even if he was pretty sure he must have heard the story before. Logan was sipping from his glass but politely nodding along. Even if Janus was a bit bored at the moment, he couldn’t deny that the double date had been more fun than he’d imagined so far.
When the idea had first been brought up, Janus had asked Virgil if he wanted to come along but the emo had quickly refused.
“You want me to be the fifth wheel in a loud and crowded bar that probably way overprices the drinks? Over my dead body. Plus, Remy already asked if I could come over that night to keep him distracted while Emile’s out of town and he promised me free drinks, so yeah no dice.”
Janus had rolled his eyes but let it slide. Remy usually was a mess when he was separated from his husband for more than 24 hours even if he liked to pretend to be a loner.
“Just make sure he doesn’t make you too many drinks that include caffein. And don’t drink any of those too late either.”
“Sure thing, mom.”
Janus had lightly hit him on the head for that one.
Suddenly, Janus was pulled back into the present by a loud voice.
“Ro-bro! Fancy seeing you here!”
All four of them looked up to see a man with Roman’s face but slightly off standing in front of their booth. He had the same eyes and features as Roman but sported a mustache and a white streak in his hair. And if that didn’t set him apart from his brother enough, the clothes the man was wearing were probably the opposite of Roman too with ripped jeans, a dark crop top and combat boots.
So that must be the infamous twin, Janus thought as he looked the other up and down once more. What was his name again?
“Remus?!” Roman gaped. “What are you doing here?”
“Getting drunk! And looking for someone to take back to the hotel with me.” He winked suggestively at Logan who simply raised an eyebrow.
“Not what I meant and you know it,” Roman almost growled, clearly annoyed. “What are you doing here in town, I thought you were still in Europe.”
“Yeah, some stuff happened and I got back early. I was gonna surprise you at your place tomorrow but this is even better! Nice to finally meet you in person, Patty Daddy.”
“Yes, nice to see you, Remus,” Patton laughed uncomfortably. Remus paused.
“Nickname too much?”
“Obviously,” Roman sighed.
“Sorry, sorry. I’ll behave. So introduce me to these fine gentlemen.” Remus grabbed a chair from nearby and plopped down in front of the booth, grinning at Logan and Janus.
“Logan Croft,” Logan spoke up before Roman could interject, holding his hand out for Remus to shake. “And this is my partner Janus Dean. We’re longtime friends of Patton’s.”
“Pleasure,” Janus said simply, nodding instead of offering his own hand. Remus laughed and gripped Logan’s hand tight.
“Remus Kingsleigh, at your service.” Instead of shaking Logan’s hand however, he brought it up to his mouth and licked it. “You taste delightful,” he added with a grin.
“Remus!” Roman scolded, pulling him away from Logan who didn’t seem bothered in the slightest. He simply pulled his hand back, got a bottle of disinfectant out of his bag and rubbed it into the skin.
“Well then, Remus, how long are you staying?” Patton asked, still looking incredibly uncomfortable and desperate to change the topic. Janus wasn’t surprised. While Patton was very tolerant of other people’s behaviors and believes, he was rather strictly catholic himself and didn’t want pre-marital sex, which Roman was very much okay with. But Patton also was very uncomfortable with the topic of sex in general, so Janus could imagine that Remus, who as far as he knew had made sex and innuendos kind of a big part of his personality, put him on edge.
He was in luck however since Remus was open to the change in topic and started detailing his plans and told stories about his travels which Logan especially appreciated. For the next hour or so, pleasant conversation flowed between the five of them until Patton got tired and asked Roman to drive him home. The two paid off their part of the tab and left.
“Well then, that just leaves us three,” Remus grinned as he slid into the seats his brother and Patton had just vacated. “Are you open to have some fun?”
“You do understand that we’re in a committed relationship, right?” Janus asked, eyebrows raised and trying to inject boredom into his voice. Remus was entertaining, sure, but not all that appealing to him.
“So what? I can take you both.” The grin on Remus’ face was without a hint of shame. Refreshing, Janus could admit but he still wasn’t interested.
“Thank you for the offer, Remus, but we are not currently looking for a third,” Logan answered. Diplomatic as always.
“Currently? So that might change?” Remus was leaning over the table now, his eyes wide and wild.
“Sure. Ask another ten times and we’ll probably say yes!” Janus huffed.
“Boo, you’re no fun.”
“Then maybe you should seek your thrill elsewhere.”
“How about a bet?” Remus suddenly offered, sitting back in his seat, still grinning.
“I believe we have been quite clear—” Logan started but Remus interrupted him.
“A game of darts for your phone numbers. And a week to change your minds if I win.”
Janus rolled his eyes again, but to his surprise Logan leaned forward, studying Remus’ face intensely.
“You seem quite sure of your skill.”
“I am.”
“Very well. I accept.”
Janus sighed but didn’t argue. Truly, he should have seen it coming. Darts was the only sport Logan was interested in – well, besides chess but in terms of physical sports it was the only one. It relied on dexterity and math, both of which Logan appreciated greatly.
Logan and Remus agreed on a set of rules and Janus was pulled along to judge.
“Don’t you think I’m going to be biased?”
Janus had expected that answer from his partner but not Remus.
“Lolo here seems to have a bit of a stick up his ass about rules. I imagine he’d be pretty cross with you if you didn’t play fair.”
“You… aren’t wrong,” Janus conceded, surprised by his insight. Maybe Remus wasn’t as aloof and uncaring as he first seemed.
They got some darts from the barkeeper and luckily one of the three boards was still available. They played best of three with Logan easily winning the first one, Remus barely clutching out the second and now they were both in finishing range for the third.
Logan was up first. He hit the triple he needed without difficulty and just slightly overshot the double with the second and took aim with the third. Before he could throw though, Remus stepped up to him and whispered something in his ear that Janus couldn’t hear. Logan glanced away from the board and at Remus for a moment but didn’t answer. Remus laughed and stepped back, letting him finish his turn.
Janus watched as Logan took two deep breaths before aiming again.
He threw the dart.
And it bounced off the second dart that had already missed the target, falling to the floor.
“My turn!” Remus giggled, delighted, as Logan gathered his darts.
“Will you aim for the double 14 and then tops?” Logan asked. If Janus remembered correctly, ‘tops’ referred to the double 20 on the top of the board.
“Nah, where’s the fun in that?” Remus grinned and threw his first dart. It landed square in the 18 field. Leaving Remus with a rest score of 50. He needed the bull’s eye to win.
That truly fit with his character.
If he was just slightly off, the math wouldn’t work out anymore and he might not be able to use his last dart to finish.
Despite the high stakes, kinda, Remus looked very relaxed to Janus. As if he had unending confidence in his skills.
He took aim.
He threw.
He hit.
The dart landed in the bull’s eye with a dull thud.
“Congratulations,” Logan said, genuinely. “That were some impressive games.”
“Aw, thanks Logie! Now pay up!”
“I was under the impression that you wanted our phone numbers not our money.”
“That’s what he means, Lo,” Janus explained as he stepped up to the two. “Here.” He held a business card out to Remus that had his name and law firm printed on it. He’d also added Logan’s number on the other side. “Your one week starts now.”
“I’m looking forward to it, Janny! And I promise I won’t send you dick pics immediately!” With that, Remus waved to them and left, handing the darts back to the bartender on his way out.
“We really sold our souls to the devil here, haven’t we?” Janus commented dryly as they watched the door close behind him.
“Well, I always thought the devil had some fair points,” Logan shrugged, a small smile on his lips.
Janus had an inkling that his life was about to get a lot more chaotic.
He found that he didn’t really mind the idea.
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Virgil being drunk off his ass and flirting with Remus
Virgil: you’re so prettyyy
Remus: *snickering* yeah?
Virgil: yeah!! So beautiful 💚💜💚💜💚💜
Vee's so real Ree I S pretty <3
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