#virgo's tears vibe
astrologylunadream · 8 months
How Your Person Would Describe You🍨🗣💭 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream🖤 In this reading you will find how your person would talk about you/describe you to others.
Omg and I just realized my current number of follows is 888 so powerful energy up in here. (thank you all so much for that💞) hope you find your message🌸
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of that beautiful person on your mind, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling drawn to~💭
Pile 1🧁
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Pile 2🍨
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Pile 3🐈‍⬛
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Pile 4👛
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 👀
Pile 1🧁
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Sign energy: Water, Fancy, Hair, Avoidance, Options, Chiron, Pisces, 8th house, Vertex, Mercury,🙅‍♂️🏚🟧🧖‍♀️
🖤Your person's energy: I'm sensing that this is an emotional individual, even if they don't show it. They might be more serious to others, but they have feelings themselves. Dominant energy of Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo and Gemini, for some of you pisces mercury or chiron conjunct mercury is significant. I feel like they have a closed off demeanor and some people may expect them to be cold or in a bad mood. This person likely changes their hair a lot, could be drastically like the color. Their hair may be very attractive to you😍 Your person may often avoid things they aren't ready for, not necessarily indecisive but just very avoidant. This could be because they have been through a lot of damage in the past, they have a lot of emotions built up and they have been hurt with others words.😥 They may not enjoy classy events or that could be a regular thing for them that they can't stand. Because I'm picking up for some of you this person is higher class. The color orange may be significant. For some of you this person is avoiding you, I'm hearing they're running out of options take what resonates whatever that means for you. You have a deep attraction and infatuation with this person, but I'm getting that they are more so reserved when it comes to intimate relationships. So they push back a bit if you approach them, They're a heavy thinker and may expect issues to occur if they get involved in a romantic connection. They get lost in their thoughts sometimes, but they have a really aesthetic voice.💗
💬How they would describe you: Energy, Mindfulness, Decay, Lilith, Tears, Fire, 1st house, 2nd house, Virgo, Pluto, 🟩🫂🥱🎸 Okay so your person would describe you as someone who has a very bright and youthful vibe to them, and there's a spark of determination in your eyes. They would say you also have a witty and sharp mind, they feel as if you outsmart them. They're kind of jealous of you for it. But they think you are too hard on yourselves, and it tears them apart on the inside. Maybe you judge yourself too hard? They would say they want to give you good vibes and recharge your happiness.🤗 When you enter the room, your energy just radiates to them. I feel like they would tell others how sweet you are.💓 They would like to say you seem really smart, actually. They bet many people are jealous of your abilities. To be honest, they would say the way your mind works scares them a little, but it also makes you very attractive.😳 they would feel like your words could pierce into their soul, and get kind of intimidated. They don't know for sure, but something about you is just captivating. They would describe you as someone you would want to hug, especially when you're feeling down or low on energy. That you have a strong approach to the world, and put your best foot forward. They don't know what to expect from you at the moment, not exactly warmed up to you yet. Your person might need more time to analyze you, and see what you're truly all about.🔍🩷
💌Messages from your person: You need me now, They know, We were meant to be, Again and again, Let me adore you (How sweet🥺💞) Extra cards: Abandonment, Soft spot, Tight, Vent, Love song
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the cupcake emoji~🧁 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸
Pile 2🍨
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Sign energy: Outfit, Harm, Swim, Closed, Fake smile, Uranus, Venus, 9th house, 1st house, Jupiter, 🎭🦴👰‍♀️💭
🖤Your person's energy: For this pile I am sensing someone physically bigger, they have an outward vibe to them. I feel like your person just fills the room with their aura, they could be charismatic or seem that way to you. Dominant signs are Aquarius, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries and Pisces energy. They dress very individually, I'm hearing no one in your circle dresses the way they do. It's definitely something thay catches your eye, they have a very specific style that's unique and fresh😎 Your person may be very drawn to foreigners especially females from a different background from them, maybe they wish to marry someone from a different country or language?💍🫢 Your person has a pretty smile, they smile a lot and many people adore their smile. Swimming could be a hobby for them or maybe their field of work for some of you. I feel like this person puts on a social face, they could be really good at hiding their emotions. You may imagine yourself with this person a lot, but they get a lot of female attention.👀 Physically they are attractive and well dressed. Your person is very social, they may not necessarily want to be but since they recieve so much attention it is hard to avoid.💬💫 For some of you this person is more of an introvert with a lot of friends. Your person has a very broad selection of clothing styles, they like trying out new things. Very expirimental person, they also have great bone structure I'm hearing.💪
💬How they would describe you: Rise, Surface, Focus, Queen, Danger, Uranus, Aries, Jupiter, 5th house, 9th house,👸⬜️🧣🙃 Ohh okay this is very interesting, so your person would describe you as someone very attractive😆 It's not like they're flirting about it but they do see you as someone very romantically magnetic, you have charms about you that they think many people would adore. So your person would also describe you as a unique and empowered person, but I definitely think if you asked them what they think of you the first thing that comes to mind would be your physical traits🫦♨️ Yesss your person would think that first when it comes to you. But also they would say you have a lot of drive and determination for enhancing your experiences in life, they would say you are fun-loving and unpredictable.❤️‍🔥 Also that you put a lot into your love life, some of you may want to date around and explore your possible romantic adventures and your person sees that as a part of your personality and who you are. They would describe you as a creative and entertaining person to be around, someone who knows how to enjoy themselves.🥳 You are a huge focus to this person too omg, they're really interested in you I'm hearing. They would say that they're curious and you, and willing to see what you're about. They also would say that you're a little wild and untamed, but also untouchable in a powerful way.👑💗 Your person would see you as your own queen/king, someone with a sense of self worth and achievement.👏
💌Messages from your person: Stop thinking about me, I'm so into you, Whatever works for you, Anything for you, I'm desperate (Omg whaaat😢💞) Extra cards: Last, Creativity, Hate, Medication, Alice in wonderland
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the sundae emoji~🍨 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸
Pile 3🐈‍⬛
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Sign energy: Long, Girlfriend, Perfect, Intellectual, Reach out, Cancer, Mars, South node, Saturn, North node,💆‍♀️♎️😭🧩
🖤Your person's energy: Oh so someone is definitely on their toes in this connection, like holding onto it so much😫✊️ Prominent signs are Cancer, Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius. Libra may be significant, that is the sign of relationships too.😮💞 Your person has a very soft energy to them, but also very capable like they are not a helpless or dependent kind of person. This relationship could feel somewhat out of reach to you or them, like there is just so much going on right now for you both. You may view them as an ideal romantic partner, or they have many traits you want in a lover. Definitely a more feminine and sweeter energy.💌🌸 Some of my pile 3's are dating this person, because I'm definitely getting this mutual loving and romantic interest from both sides. You may be madly in love with this person or they may be madly in love with you.😍 The intimacy from them could be the best you have had if you've been intimate with them. Your person is so caring for you though, like they want to protect you and give you comfort and love.🫂😇🥰 Your person is quite smart too, they are clever and think things through. Someone in this connection is trying to reach out or has been for a while, not giving up I'm hearing.😢 My pile 3's and their person are so cute togetherrr. They just fit with you in every way, feeling like your other half. The perfect boyfriend/girlfriend I'm hearing, it is likely this is the person you will start a family/share a home with!!
💬How they would describe you: Decision, Fashion, Surrender, Bedroom, Punish, Sun, Lilith, 1st house, 4th house, 12th house,👥️❤️‍🩹😘💭 Wow I was not expecting this, my pile 3's your person is just omg🥵 They would describe you as well dressed and hot, like you look good in your clothes😳 They would see you as someone more submissive and delicate, especially if you two are alone together. Your person would call you cute and hot at the same time (other things too I won't go into all that in this reading😭). They would say that you're good at like choosing the best options for yourself, lol maybe they think you made a good decision by choosing them?😂 Haha that's cute and I feel like your person would say you know right from wrong pretty well, you have a good sense of justice. But omg they would say you are physically attractive like they want to pin you down that's how attractive you are to this person🫣❤️‍🔥 Your person would say you're like home to them, a safe place for them to turn to. They want to punish you in a romantic sense (only if you want that I'm getting), I'll leave it to Interpretation but yeah a lot of intimate descriptions about you🔞 They would call you a dreamy and spiritual person and they really like that about you too. You are someone soft and so lovable to them, they would say you are theirs omg. They love the way you dress, you are someone they want to hug and hold aww. They would say you're someone they think about a lot, omg I'm hearing "this is the person I love" like that is how they would describe you my pile 3's!!🥰💗
💌Messages from your person: Let's listen to music together, Thinking of you, Anything for you, Keep going, With you. (So much thinking of you lol so sweet🥺💖) Extra cards: Poker face, Throne, Extreme, Alice in wonderland, Cold (Maybe some of you guys are somewhere where the temperatures are really low rn since it's winter during this reading.❄️)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the black cat emoji~🐈‍⬛ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸
Pile 4👛
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Sign energy: Love song, Surprise, Desperation, Bad habit, Gossip, Juno, Mercury, 8th house, Taurus, Mars, ♀️💄🤦‍♂️🫱
🖤Your person's energy: Okay there is a lot of talk centered around this person, my pile 4's your person is on many people's minds I'm getting.💭👀!! There are main energies of Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus and Aries. I feel like this person is kinda like a forbidden fruit to you guys, like you shouldn't take the bite but you're really tempted. Maybe they're said to be bad or dangerous, like you may just get this vibe from them that's like bad news. Your person may wear makeup or you tend to wear a lot around them.💋💄 Omg I feel like your person is the type that others think they are wearing makeup even when they aren't, their bare face is really attractive to you.😳 You may have a habit of falling back into this connection, there is definitely a cycle happening with this person. Particularly feminines are talking about your person a lot, and masculines are like talking bad about them that's what I'm picking up on. There may be gossip about you and this person, I think a lot of people are jealous of your person and the way they think and communicate themselves in a powerful and magnetic way.🖤 You may be desperate to talk to them, some of you want to marry this person. I can definitely feel that they are tired of what everyone is saying about them, there may be some gossip going around about you too. Your person is actually really genuine, if they like you they won't be fickle about it. They may be very honest or direct in their romantic relationships. Also they don't like gossip and rumors I'm hearing.
💬How they would describe you: Happiness, You, Dating, Worthy, Warm, Lilith, 12th house, Cancer, Aquarius, 1st house,💥🤫🗿🤤 So they would describe you as someone they care about omg🥺🩷 You make them happy and feel safe. They would say you are a good friend (maybe some of you are friends with this person) and also good to your friends. They would say you radiate a warm caring energy, some of my pile 4's are dating this person on the low🫢🗣 Your person would say you have the most comforting hugs, so warm and loving. They would describe you as a very spiritual and intuitive person, diving into the darkest depths of unknown and somewhat taboo or strange topics. Your appearance is comforting and sweet to them, and they would say you are so worthy of their time and love.💗 They would call you a unique and soft individual, something about you is so special to them. They would say you are someone they want to date, and stay with for a long time.😍💋 Your person would also say you confuse them in many ways too haha, you have a mysterious allure they can't seem to figure out.🧠✨️ Your person would describe you as friendly and sweet. They would say they can count on you with whatever they need, because you're reliable to them. Your presence alone would make them feel safe and at ease, omg you really just make their day I'm hearing.☀️ They could probably list a thousand positive traits of yours, that's how much they enjoy your existence lol. I just love your person's opinion on you guys, it's so supportive and loving😭💖
💌Messages from your person: You're ready for me, My one and only, Please don't love anyone else, Why so serious? I knew you would feel this way. (For some of you in this pile, this person definitely knows how you feel about them!! Any of my pile 4's date this person?😘 Cuz like they know you love them🤣🤣) Extra cards: Comfort, Escape, Locked, Money, Habits
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the handbag emoji~👛 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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harmoonix · 2 years
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Astrology Notes ☙
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A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love. Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul
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☙ 7th house Moon/Venus/Venus in Libra/Moon in Libra crave a really deep soul connection with their partners, they are ready to sacrifice everything for love and they are scared they will never find their perfect partners or someone to love them. I wanna tell you that at some point someone will come in your life and will love you no matter what❤️🥹 coming from Libra Moon so I'm one of you. 🫂
☙ 8th house placements will go through a lot of karmic healing in their life, they represent the Phoenix who rises up everytime, no matter how hurt they are. These people will become more stronger with every tear that runs down their cheeks 🫂
☙ 9th house placements have a deep love for astrology and spirituality sometimes they combine these 2 things into one and try to create something unique of them ❤️
☙ This can be only my opinion but recently i observed that people with Fire and Earth Moons can get hungry very fast? Like i swear those people can get hungry very fast either you see them eating all day 🍔 (Yes this is your sign to eat that cheeseburger)
☙ Taurus Mercury can have a very deep voice while talking, but they can talk in a very classy way enough to charm you with their words 🫶🏻
☙ Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aries Mercuries can talk very fast and in a very angry way when they are annoyed. These people can say harsh words if they feel attacked by someone
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☙ Uranus - Neptune aspects can feel very dizzy or have a very powerful energy if you are around them, they give the vibe of "We coming out of a fairly tale"
☙ Taurus/Scorpio Mars have can have 9399449494949 kinks, and they continue because these people can make you feel very horny just with a simple word. Tho these people have a good love sign language 🔥
☙ People with Pisces/Libra/Leo/Cancer placements i just screams for pleasure and love, a very big type of love
☙ Cancer Risings/Risings at a Cancer Degree (4°,16°,28°) are good at hiding their emotions and make you to think they are fine when their heart had been destroyed
☙ Leo Placements scream "Sophisticated"
☙ Virgo/Capricorn in the 6th house might have a very strict diet with a very direct schedule because these people wanna be very organised and to keep their life very healthy, they are getting lazy fast .
☙ 8th house Moons can have big trust issues, is hard for them to trust 🥺🫂 they can feel the feelings very deep and these natives can feel when someone lies to them. Their intuition never miss and is a very strong one
☙ If you have Pluto in the 11th house, be careful what type of friends you have around because often this placement can be backstabbed by their fake friends 🥺❤️
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☙ Venus in the 5th house is one of the most creative houses for Venus to be in. Here Venus has a lot of talents are writing, painting and music relating. If you have a 5th house Stellium (More than 3 planets in the 5tu house) and Venus is aspecting them you can master a lot of talents trough your life
☙ Jupiter in 11th house can be a very lucky placement, your friends can be your biggest luck. Your social life can also help you a lot, but mostly the friendship here comes as your biggest luck because friends can help you a lot in this life time + if Jupiter is Retrogade in this house you can experience and go through a lot of friendship states
☙ Mars - Jupiter aspects can talk a lot about their sensuality and about their kinks, they can express their sensual side with a very confident energy in their personality
☙ Uranus aspecting the ascendant can give an very "electrified" energy in their aura. These people are like lighting ⚡
☙ Pisces Venus/12th house Venus, Venus at Pisces Degrees (12°,24°) is another placement that needs a very deep soul connection with their partners and they mostly met people who are not compatible emotionally with them and that hurts🫂🥺.
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☙ Ascendant in Libra Degrees (7°,19°), can make you a lover for vintage things, you might like to collect or to go in shops and watch over vintage architectures, the historical vintage things might be on your likes 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
☙ FIRE Mars 🔥 have a very very sensual walk while EARTH Mars have a very powerful walk. Earth - Fire Combinations with Mars gives a sensual/powerful walk
☙ People with Moon in the 4th house can have a mix of understanding and love with their mother or a sacrifice a lot for their families 🫂🫶🏻💞
☙ People with Neptune in the 9th house might have a very love for astrology and spirituality but in the same time for occult and witchery 🖤
☙ Venus making an aspect with 6th house lord can indicate a good appearance but also can make someone insecure about their body, these people usually tend to a lot of glow ups
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☙ Having a lot of Gemini/Sagittarius placements can indicate being very funny or having a very good humour
☙Venus in Leo/5th house can be a very flirty placement, they like to flirt a lot 🤗
☙ Can we talk about how Sagittarius Risings are so lucky?? These people are having a Scorpio Rising in the sidereal chart.... Is just too ICONIC
☙ Sagittarius Venuses might be like pop music very much or having a very big love for (ultra bass boosted versions?)
☙ Venus in the 11th house/In Aquarius or at Aquarius Degrees (11°,23°) might live the "Enemies to lovers" thing with their partners 😳
☙ Venus in the 6th house might attract a lot of co-workers or employees on them, these people kinda tend to project on them. People with Venus in the 6th house also can be very charming and can work in very good- aesthetically places 🫂
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With Love, Harmoonix ❣️
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
What is the Best Way for YOU to Manifest?
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I have been receiving so many notes from yall and there are so many new followers!!! thank you all so much for the love and the affirmation! I really enjoy doing this and it helps me stay in a healthy mindset so I'm glad I can assist others while assisting myself.
In today's reading I am using Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot, The Healing Waters Oracle, and The Starseed Oracle. Take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new perspectives!
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Astrology: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Vibes: Blue, navy, black, skulls, ice, Hermes, ocean, coast-line, shark teeth, crystal jewelry, castles, olive tree, music, cats, fish, soda, marine life in general, crying, spicy food, hot meal, alternative fashion
Song: Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for Fears
Cards: The Artist, 7 of Cups, Page of Cups, The Ripple Effect, Perspective
Heyooo pile one! Welcome to your reading. The best way yall can manifest is by projecting it out of you. This can be through making art of some kind or just looking at art of what it is that you desire. Either way all you need is to see the desire outside of yourself and it will eventually find its way to you. I see you are quite protective of your desires and it is difficult for you to choose which one you want to manifest most because you want them all so much. You can have them all if you like. You need to admire what you want to manifest. Imagine how you would feel seeing whatever it is in your hands. If it is an object imagine what the texture of it would feel like. What does it look like? Imagine its color. If it is an experience that you wish to manifest imagine how it would feel to experience it. What would your senses take in when you experience it? You know intuitively what it is you want without having it. Doesn't it make sense you would intuitively know what it would be like? The clearer the vision you have, the quicker it will manifest into existence. Just remember anything you wish to manifest is already yours. It has your name written on its spiritual frequency. You just gotta match the frequency. Don't worry about how it will happen. Don't worry about the plan. The universe already knows how it will get to you. You don't have to worry about that part. The details are already taken care of, my dude. Trust the universe.
Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Vibes: Green, yellow, white, wild-flowers, children laughing, church bells, lions, eagles, bulls, peanut butter, being barefooted, 222, snakes, curry, ribbons
Song: What I've Got by Sublime
Cards: Wheel of Fortune, 6 of Cups, 2 of Swords, King Tide, Breath of the Cosmos
Hi, pile 2! The best way for you to manifest is through verbal expression. I see many entities watching over you. They wait patiently for you to ask for what you desire. They listen closely to what you truly want. When you ask it must be backed by the desire of your inner child. If it does not align with your inner child's desires the entities might not hear you. The universe wants to cradle your inner child. It coos at them waiting for them to speak. Let your inner baby ask for what it wants. Let them speak. It is common for inner children to be silenced by the world so this might take some convincing. Be patient with them and they will tell your guides everything you truly desire and I swear it'll be dropped in your lap or by your doorstep in no time at all. You must trust your younger self to know what is right. You must trust the universe to deliver it to you. Both of them want you to experience abundance and plenty. Both of them want you to receive the fullness of life. Speak aloud what your younger self wants. Speak it with confidence in the effect it will have on your experience. It must be genuine. Whatever you want is already yours once it is spoken.
Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Vibes: Purple, forest green, pink, dogs, umbrellas, door knocker, hibiscus, olives, grapes, plums, violets, pomegranate, venus, 2222, incense smoke, candles, amethyst, cannabis, kayaking, hiking, Saturn
Song: Amethyst by Janine the Machine
Cards: The Fool, The Empress, The Well, Ilse of Avalon, You're Not For Everyone
Pile three, welcome to your reading! The best way for you to manifest is through your actions. I feel how hard you work in my body through the cards. You are far too resilient cus gotdamn your back hurts. Hard work is a way to manifest yes but what might work better for you is to enjoy yourself. By working hard all the time you invite in more work to do. Your actions display your manifestations. If you desire rest and relaxation (which i think you do) then meditation might help you. Do what you enjoy doing. Your physical reality with mirror your mind. Allow your mind to take a break. Embrace what you have wanted to do for a while. I know you have been trying so hard to get the manifestations you desire so deeply. I know those 60 to 80 hour work weeks have been hard on your mind and body. Pamper yourself a little bit. Invite more softenest in. Be willing to receive. Leap into bed, turn on your favorite show, and indulge a little in your favorite snack. Heal your soul. The cards also tell me you are a bit weird and quirky but you hide that a lot. It will help your manifestations come faster if you just embrace your weirdness. Lean into your quirkiness. I feel you are already really connected to Source and Source is where all that we need/desire comes from. You just gotta tap back into that energy again. Wow, okay I think your guides have been telling you to rest for a while. I am hearing them LOUD and CLEAR. They are a little frustrated with you not listening to them. You are pretty stubborn huh? I see you might have hurt yourself at work recently. That was an invitation to rest. Take the invitation, please. I see that if you don't take the invitation now you might be forced to later.
Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Vibes: Orange, red, sky blue, lavender, holding hands, hand-shakes, raining when the sun is out, rainbows, martini, fajitas, goblets, queer pride, 1111, throat chakra, oroborous, lotus flower
Song: Dracula from Houston by Butthole Surfers
Cards: The Magician, The Lovers, Ace of Cups, Let It Rain, Water Your Garden
Hey there, pile 4! Welcome to your reading, my friend. The best way you manifest is through communication. It's a bit more specific than that. Specifically when you're communicating in ways that are also taking care of yourself. Some examples of this are journaling, venting to a friend, talking with your lover, setting a boundary or writing letters to a pen pal. When you are verbalizing your desires to your friends be sure you are communicating with those you trust. I also see saying daily affirmations in the mirror would work as well. Which sometimes looks very ritualistic and other times it's you singing a song that makes you feel really positive about yourself in the mirror. Hype yourself up and that is a way to manifest as well. Anything with language involved while you are nourishing your body. I do see it might be difficult for you to gather your thoughts on your own so I do think it would be a bit easier to speak to a trusted advisor. Your words have power. Your language has power. The things that slip from your mouth are magic. Be very intentional about what you say, my dear.
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
⭐️Astrology Notes⭐️
🌙Cancers loves sad tattoos or sad stories. Everything related to sadness is actually beautiful to them. They like to express their emotions and sadness out loud. I also see that many times they like teddy bears. And with every moon in Cancer, I saw that they have one tattoo that is sad (for example, a sad angel or something to do with tears.
🌻Mercury in libra are very fast texters. They always take the time to reply to a message. I've never met anyone who had this placement and didn't immediately write back on messages or anything. Sometimes it seems to me that these people always have their phone with them.
🐚Pisces are always so happy when they see that you have noticed them. I always see pure happiness in them when you notice something about them or when you give them something. Because they feel seen and that means a lot to them.
🧩People with Taurus rising are very beautiful, I notice that women often have natural beauty & very nice skin. They are also very charming. Many times they are aware of their value and beauty.
⭐️Sagittarius mars is naturally attractive and has a playful energy. They also have a nicely accentuated body shape. Many times they attract people with their energy, which they have for life. Their energy is always so lighing.
🧸Moon in 4th house synastry creates an atmosphere as if you have known the person for years. You immediately catch a vibe with person and u two can find many things in common. Sometimes it's crazy that it's like that.
🎈People with jupiter in 9th house are always lucky, everything that happens to them in life they always come through somehow happily. Happiness always accompanies them wherever they are. Maybe they don't realize it that way, but Jupiter is very strong when it is in the 9th house and even when things look like they will be bad or problems, Jupiter will solve them.
🎡Jupiter in Pisces also very powerful to have. Luck always accompanies you and things come even when you least expect them. These people don't realize how lucky they really are.
🪴Saturn represents what we most want, but that feels out of reach. 10th house represents our mission in the world. What kind of job might you have that actively enhances your own regeneration rather than just exhausting you or giving you a paycheck. To succeed in finding such a place in the world, the underlying archetypes of your fourth house must inform your outward mission in the community.
🦩Virgo rising can be very insecure, unsure of themselves. The criticisms they have towards themselves are sometimes too big. Many times I notice that they stare at the fact that the work will be approved by others. And they may question the work they do because of that. Be yourself and don't doubt your abilities!
💙Your 9th house sign can show you the types of friends you might not see very often, but when you hang out, you usually have a ton of fun & a lot to catch up on. Your 9th house can also show you the types of people in your life that might be long-distance friends too.
💕4th house It's your safe place, where you go when you don't want others to find you. Your closest friends. Your needs and the home you create for yourself. It represents your comfort and your connection to home. What things do you feel like sharing only with those you trust and love. This is your private life. For ex.: taurus in 4th house can mean that you share your values, food, favorite music, favorite movies,things you like to do, money only with people who are really close to you.
🎨5th house is want we want in relationship, not necessariy what we need. It’s also a house of bravery. How brave are you initiate this first date rigth now and most importantly how much fun we are having together. This is the house of romance, of falling in love(children's love). It shows how we keep romance in a relationship and in what way. How we like to party and what kind of dates we like. But it is also a house of impressions. What kind of impression can a person make on you to charm you (what does he charm you with). For ex.: Gemini in 5th house- can charm you with his communication, nice words, intelligence, random things. Taurus in 5th house- with your favorite music, movies, comfort - maybe with a picnic. Moon in 5th house- with care, emotion, maybe with home vibes date.
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seafoamreadings · 7 months
week of february 11th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: mars into aquarius makes you (more of?) a genius. really! but you can't expect to just know everything all at once. little downloads find their way into your brain without you knowing how you know them but it doesn't change the fact that you know. not everyone will listen, but at least you know.
taurus: this extremely aquarian week puts your reputation and public image into focus. it may clash with the way you actually intend to present yourself or the way that you see yourself. if you find that's the case and you're not happy about it, it is safe to make changes to either arena, although uranian involvment does mean things not go quite according to plan. ultimately it ends up in your favor most likely anyway.
gemini: air sign vibes continue to increase dramatically this week. it's especially aquarian so ideally your focus is on haute intellectual pursuits; the mental equivalent of junk food and tabloids is all well and good but it simply won't suffice this week.
cancerians: if you've been wanting to try your hand at the occult or something that is a bit socially taboo, this week is the right time for it. especially by the weekend, but you could start early and build up. alternatively pay off debts, take out loans if necessary, invest, etc. if that suits you!
leo: if pluto entering aquarius did a number on your partnerships, increasingly aquarian vibes help you get back out there, and/or heal things, and/or come to terms with how much you love being on your own, or whatever the case may be; there's also a good chance of new love or commitment entering your life in the next three or four weeks.
virgo: if you haven't already started such a process, tear down your entire daily routines, diet, and/or exercise plans and rebuild. don't forget either step! it isn't going to work to try to start new on a pre-existing foundation, and it isn't going to work to tear something down that isn't working without replacing it with something better.
libra: the steadily (actually rapidly) increasing air vibe does a lot for your fun and romance. don't stifle it with obligations and responsibilities; do what you absolutely have to do, and then do more if it lights you up truly, but other than that, do what brings you bliss this week. especially if that involves any form of flirtation.
scorpio: you're one of those lucky signs with, arguably, two chart rulers. they are mars and pluto, and they meet up with each other in your 4th house, aquarius, today. if you have planets or angles in the first few degrees of scorpio or last few of libra, this can be quite challenging and i suggest being very careful to avoid accidents for possible violence, but for the most part this can be empowering to you, especially if you channel the vibes into your physical home as a sanctuary or, in this case, more of a lair.
sagittarius: if you can participate in any sort of positive activism or a cause you sincerely care deeply about, this is the best time to do it, especially the closer to home you can keep it. at the same time, be cautious as accidents and even violence are probably more likely under these influences.
capricorn: the world order's shift from earth to air really finalizes and hits home this week. you're out of the spotlight in some way, but it probably suits you. maybe it is more like escaping from a search light.
aquarius: yet more ingresses into your sign are poised to occur. it is mostly beneficial for you. the only caveat is that when mars conjoins pluto, you will be more prone to bodily or mental harm or injury. so go the extra mile to care for your corporeal form and enjoy the aura of magnetism you're to be granted.
pisces: when things pile into aquarius, the sign right before yours, for most people it's a simply aquarian time. for you though, since that's your 12th house, it's... almost piscean. be sure to do your shadow work, dream practices, and any other suitable 12th house activities this week with both mars and venus joining the party in that part of the sky.
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honimello · 11 months
all papas general headcanons
basically just headcanons i have about their past, childhood, and personalities! and some other stuff like physical description and personal experiences.
a/n: these honestly probably might not fit the canon like at all or what some of you might head canon but that’s okay cus i’m just letting my brainrot fester at this point. i left their relationships open ended so there would be imagination room for like an x reader thing lol. also i picked their birth dates based on vibes alone and i know very little about the zodiac signs i just thought it would be fun lol
warnings: angst, vaguely implied abuse, poor childhoods, character death, mentions of sex and sexual orientations, (nihil fucking sucks and sister imperator kinda does too), (also all papas are alive), vague mention of eating issues, mentions of wanting children, mentions of marriage, one nsfw bullet point for each so 18+ MDNI!! also not proofread
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primo: 68, born september 14th, 1955 virgo
5’10, around 140ish pounds, blonde with shaved hair, but used to have long hair that he would braid and came down to below his lower back. speaking of his back, he has a hard time standing up straight now so he appears shorter than he is.
his mother was a random woman from a bar, nihil only found out about her pregnancy until she was 7 months pregnant. sister imperator was rightfully very angry finding out about this, but she had her suspicions of his promiscuity. she often took out her anger on primo, especially when he became papa and she gave him more work than he probably should’ve been doing. although, she did slightly lessen up on him around the time when he had taken in copia.
he’s actually quite sad he never really got to meet his mother, but he didn’t have much time to think about it once his brothers started coming along. he stepped up more often than not in taking care of them, he was more of a father (and a mother honestly) than nihil would ever be. and sister never really had any interest in interacting with him or his brothers, except for copia.
speaking of copia, primo found out about him when copia was around 11-12 and he took him in quite fast. it only took one look at that little boy for primo to know it was his brother. when he was younger he used to get a little jealous that sister imperator was so invested in copia’s wellbeing and upbringing given that she had never been a mother to him or his other brothers but primo eventually just found himself feeling grateful copia had a mother, even if she wasn’t a very good one.
when primo became papa he got rid of the prime mover position, seeing how it destroyed sister and nihils marriage as well as his brothers childhoods made him incredibly angry. he also didn’t care for the connotation that women are made to have children and carry on the bloodline only. he’s a romantic (and a feminist), and that notion always made him nauseous.
secondo visits primo the most out of all his brothers, copia often visits too but doesn’t have much time. terzo only really visits when he is having some sort of emotional or personal dilemma that he cant figure out on his own. primo doesn’t mind, he’s willing to help his brothers and see them whenever he can. though in his old age he does get quite lonely and wishes they could make more time for him, but he doesn’t hold it against them.
primo finds himself wanting children now that he’s older, even if he might not be able to bare his own anymore he often entertains the idea of adopting one of the orphans at the ministry. he wishes he had someone by his side as well, and while his random sexual encounters with few siblings are enjoyable, he longs for a more steady companionship.
it’s harder for him to get erections now but still enjoys having sex, even if he doesn’t always come. is very good at oral and fingering and definitely loves to spoil his partner. will probably cry happy tears if someone sucked him off even if he couldn’t get hard all the way, he still enjoys it. can still fuck hard but will probably be very sore afterwards. pls give the old guy a nice warm bath after and maybe a kiss on his wittle head.
secondo: 57, born august 18th, 1966 leo
6’2, around 180ish pounds, brunette but has shaved his head since he was 20, huge resting bitchface even when he was a baby, muscular but has put on some pudge since becoming papa.
his mother was the first prime mover in around 100 years, she was a sibling of sin who nihil had a passing attraction towards and decided to torture sister imperator by naming her prime mover. she died giving birth to secondo. secondo blames himself, and tends to despise himself because of this.
in his teenage years he often spent sleepless nights crying for her, how much he wished he could’ve met her or at least seen her as there were no pictures of her. he wondered if she would love him, be proud of him, or fight to be his mother like terzo’s mother did. or if she would leave and never come back like primo’s. now, in his older age he has come to reconcile with the fact that he will never know. but even though he never got to know her, he still misses her dearly.
after secondo loses his papacy, he throws himself into ministry work. he works long hours, well into the night and spilling over into the weekends. he’s an archivist and restoration expert, working on artifacts important to the church. he feels like this is the only way he will not go insane. he loves terzo but he does not believe him to be ready or fit to be papa when it comes terzo’s time. and he is partially right, as terzo definitely lets the power go to his head but over time he becomes more in control. secondo finds himself feeling sorry for his little brother when terzo loses his papacy, it was wrong of sister imperator to take it away from him like that and secondo hates to see what losing the limelight has done to his brother.
secondo is known around the ministry for his intimidating visage and aura, as well as his wrath. but what people don’t pay attention to, is just how often he bites his words. he has worked very hard to keep his anger at bay, even going to therapy to find more healthy ways to cope with his trauma and rage. in fact, he does his best to be polite and kind to everyone in the ministry. but his kind is different than others kind, he comes off as cold and calculating. his emotional range is very limited and he finds himself struggling to open up to anyone. the only person he’s ever opened up to was primo, and even then it isn’t really opening up if his brother can just read him like a book. secondo often doesn’t have to say much for primo to understand what he’s going through. primo helps him through it regardless, as he’s always done since secondo was a baby.
secondo isn’t sure if he would want kids of his own, but he does love children very much and is very good with them. he often volunteers to run events for the orphans at the ministry.
he would like to fall in love but thinks he is much too old and not nearly attractive enough to find a long term partner. has flings here and there with some siblings of sin but they aren’t very serious. he isn’t sure if he’s really quite ready to give up the party life yet no matter how much his aching bones say otherwise.
does frequent bars and clubs to feel like he’s still a part of the scene after losing papacy, but it doesn’t quite feel the same and most nights he leaves drunk, angry and alone. the few nights when he finds company are not as fulfilling as he hopes they would be, and it isn’t the other persons fault it’s his. he feels so melancholy now it’s hard to focus on simple pleasures like sex, especially when he hardly has the time with how hard he works. he often lays away most nights wishing he could’ve done better as papa, even though he knows people love him and respect him he still feels like he never quite did enough. he feels like he isn’t enough.
loves sex, and can get quite rough but is very, very good at aftercare. definitely not picky about sexual partners but tends to prefer people who are shy cus he enjoys bringing them out of their shells and getting them to snap at him. secretly wants to be fucked and dominated.
terzo: 54, born june 12th, 1969 gemini
5’3, around 120ish pounds, black hair like nihil and wishes he looked more like his mother who was a redhead, definitely spot treats grey hairs, hates the idea of getting old and is very insecure about having wrinkles, is quite small but still a little chubby, though he lost lots of weight since losing papacy. might be bigender or genderfluid but is afraid to really think about it too hard.
his mother was also a prime mover, but she fought to be in his life even as sister imperator tried to push her out. she was a very loving mother who did everything she could to teach him to be a good man, to be nothing like his father who she had come to despise. she taught him many things, she taught him how to dance, to draw and to cook. he loved her very, very much and it tore him up when she passed. he was 14 years old, and that’s when he decided to put up a façade. he did not want to be vulnerable anymore, he didn’t want to have to be sad or scared at least not where anyone could see him.
primo often held him in his bed when he would cry about losing his mother, he had nightmares for years. he vowed to himself to not let himself ever be so vulnerable in front of any one again. to this day thinking about her kills him little by little, though he is much better at expressing his feelings.
his flirtatious and playful persona is something he really relies on in his older age, he thinks it’s all he’s really good for anymore. a show and a good lay. and when he loses his papacy he absolutely crumbles. the persona completely falls away and he hides himself in his quarters most days. he loses weight and wallows, he becomes enraged by fate but he finds he could never really be mad at copia for taking over, it’s not his fault anyways.
in his teenage years he was quite promiscuous and took on many lovers, and while he still has casual flings with some siblings of sin, he never lets partners overlap anymore. he’s a gentle soul at heart and he learned that very fast, he can’t stand seeing someone upset, even if he’s only attracted to them in a more primal way it would kill him to see someone upset because of him.
i believe he is very loyal and if he were to get into a relationship with someone, even if they didn’t state that they were exclusive, he would still ere on the side of caution and not have sex with anyone else. i think if he were in love he would be hopelessly devoted, he’s more sensitive than he tends to let on and cheating is not something he would let himself do. maybe when he was young, he might’ve slipped up somehow, but not now. he’s much too intelligent and much too mature, he’s grown and he knows how to control himself now.
and while he does have quite a lot of sex, i think the sheer abundance of partners has been greatly exaggerated through false rumors and gossip. people tend to lie about having slept with him just for the five seconds of fame it brings them, and that often causes problems with people thinking he has cheated on many people.
is terrified of marriage but longs for it desperately, he wants to feel like someone wants him for him and not because he is/was papa. he’s not sure if he wants kids, he’s horribly afraid of being a bad father.
is horrified of being like nihil in any way, and nearly throws up when someone mentions that he has the most resemblance to nihil out of all his brothers.
is a huge giver sexually, could literally come from just watching someone else come. loves to overstimulate and go above and beyond. doesn’t really require someone to reciprocate and take care of him as well but it is deeply appreciated as he can also be quite the pillow princess.
copia: 52, born october 15th, 1971 libra
5’8, around 130ish pounds, light brunette hair that is going grey at the sides, is very petite but with a softness to him especially around his belly, hips, and thighs, he has light freckles all over his body,
he was an accident, sister imperator never meant to get pregnant but she had planned to tell nihil about the baby until she had caught him with yet another sibling of sin. she decided it would be better for copia to grow up as an orphan in the church, and to be raised by her secretly. copia didn’t even find out she was his mother til primo had found him and taken him in at age 11. sister often pushes copia to work harder, her hopes for him to become papa one day slowly begin to become his hopes as well. and it’s hard for him to say if he really wants the papacy or if he just wants her to be proud of him.
he grew up very lonely and outcast, the other orphans in the ministry thought him strange and unappealing. he had been told from a young age that he was ugly and weird. now that he’s older, he’s since found out that he’s autistic, but he knows that’s not the entire reason they didn’t like him. he thinks maybe he really is just strange and ugly. and as a young boy, when he’d found a rat scavenging for food outside of the ministry, he thought to himself he’d finally found a friend who was like him. unloveable and unwanted. misunderstood.
growing up he never understood the importance put on sex and romance, it isn’t until he’s older that he realizes that he’s demisexual and demiromantic, but it doesn’t really phase him. he never really cared about those things, he doesn’t care that he’s old now and hasn’t had sex, it’s not something he would want unless he really loved someone and had a deeper connection to than just passing lust. although, at night he often dreams of meeting someone he could have a connection with, and those nights are the only ones he really partakes in lust alone in his bed. dreaming of something that could be, but in his mind, is more likely to be just a dream.
when he becomes papa he is terrified, not only of the immense pressure on him to be the best he can be and do good for the church but also of losing himself. yes, he loves the new attention this is giving him and yes, he loves feeling important now. but something just doesn’t sit right in his stomach. again, he’s not sure if he really wanted to be papa anyway or if he just wanted to complete a goal that was thrust upon him at a young age. he tries not to let his papacy change him, and for the most part all it really changes is it brings him out of his shell a little more. he begins talking to more siblings and higher clergy members, but like always, he ends up lonely. they’re never quite interested in copia and more interested in papa, and he doesn’t understand because to him they are one in the same.
his stage presence is very different to his real presence, he likes to let out his “wild side”, as he calls it, when he’s on stage. he feels more comfortable, more free to be sexual and flirty, as well as quite commanding, when he is in front of the crowd. mostly because he knows they like him, that they’re there to see him. it gives him quite the confidence boost, in his performance and his personal life. he doesn’t get quite as depressed as often as he did as cardinal but now his depression holds much harder topics to grasp. things like his identity and where he belongs in the grand scheme of things, and if he will turn bitter like terzo when he eventually is traded in for a newer papa. he hopes not, but envy was a sin that often came easily to him.
is terrified of aging in a similar way to terzo, he feels like he is already very ugly and now that he is getting older he feels like he is becoming even more unattractive. he tends to avoid mirrors as much as possible because his reflection nauseates him, he hates his face and his body with a burning passion.
he does not indulge in the willingness of siblings like his brothers do, while his stage presence may suggest he is a sexual person (which he is honestly) he hasn’t felt any sexual attraction to any sibling of sin so far. most of which only really approach him because he is papa, and while he has no problem with guiding and helping his flock, he does have a problem with it when they ask for him to fuck them. it’s not something he wants.
is also the only papa to not participate in sexual rituals and black masses, though he does oversee them and encourage siblings of sin to participate if comfortable. he celebrates others choice to lust but doesn’t feel tempted to lust for anyone else.
when he is in a relationship with someone, and he does feel sexually attracted to them, he is incredibly eager. he has done his research i can assure you, countless videos and articles on sex and hours of “research” watching porn of the porniest variety. he gets quite horny, and before his partner he masturbated quite often, he isn’t innocent by any means. he is a virgin and is quite awkward, tends to fumble and trip over himself a lot but he isn’t subtle about wanting someone when he does want them. definitely a switch, pls someone peg this guy.
hope you liked these!! and if u have any questions or just wanna indulge me in conversation, i would love to talk more in depth about these headcanons!!!
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amphobee · 3 months
I'm bored , here's a rapid fire list of my zodiac headcannons for each bg3 companion. No facts and solely based on vibes. Feel free to tear me apart thou I think it's hot ✨✨✨
Shadowheart - Pisces ♓
Gale - Virgo ♍
Lae-zel - Aries ♈
Wyll - Sagittarius ♐ I thiiiiink...
Karlach - Cancer ♋
Halsin - Taurus ♉
Minthara - Scorpio ♏
Jaheira - Virgo ♍
Minsc - Aries ♈
Ok and lastly after long and hard deliberation I think I gotta say
Astarion - Leo ♌ (he's honestly so hard to place he could also give Gemini energy but he's too low energy for that)
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ringsandwings · 29 days
A completely unnecessary analysis of the flowers surrounding Bag End: sunflowers, snapdragons, and asters.
I got this idea after reading a ton of adorable Sam and Frodo fanfic involving the language of flowers and getting a little obsessed with floriculture. I went on a hunt to find any flowers that were actually mentioned in the books and found this very small passage in chapter 1 of Fotr, describing the flowers surrounding the outside walls and windows of Bilbo and Frodo’s home. so I took the different meanings and symbolisms of the three flowers mentioned, and found fun ways to relate them to either the story or the characters. Please enjoy this unhinged interpretation that absolutely nobody asked for!!
Starting off with the sunflower! These mean, undying loyalty and adoration. This symbolism originates from the Greek myth of the nymph Clytie, and her unrequited love for the sun god Apollo. When she realized her feelings would never be reciprocated she spent several days not eating or drinking, following the path of Apollo’s sun chariot across the sky, until she eventually turned herself into a sunflower, perpetually facing the direction of the sun and waiting patiently for Apollo to return to her. Alternatively sunflowers can also mean everlasting, specifically everlasting friendship, and obviously joy and happiness. Their symbolism at Bag End is particularly precious with the theory that Sam planted these flowers. I love the idea of him using these to declare his undying devotion to Frodo even if Frodo doesn’t notice it! It’s giving you want me and you just don’t know it yet. But if that’s not your cup of tea, then these could also symbolize devotion to the Baggins’s, Sam’s lasting friendship for both Bilbo and Frodo, or just good vibes. 💖
Next are snapdragons, which I think have the coolest symbolism! They can mean two things, either grace or deception, but the exact meanings are very specific. Snaps can thrive under really harsh conditions, they can grow in cramped rocky areas and survive in subfreezing temperatures, so they specifically symbolize grace under pressure or in difficult situations. And while they do mean deception in the language of flowers, they’re mostly used as an apology flower for deceptive behavior, or used as protections against it. During the medieval period which is roughly the timeline Lotr was set in, these flowers were seen as guardians against evil forces and were typically planted by gates and around wealthy residences like Bag End. I freaking love the idea of these flowers being symbolic of the bravery and perseverance of the Baggins’s, but it might be more likely that either Bilbo or one of the Gamgees knew about their protective qualities and either the gardeners planted them out of reverence, or Bilbo sweetly chose these for Frodo’s protection.
And lastly Asters! These were my personal favorite to research and play around with because they mean so many different things and literally have the perfect backstory. Asters got their name from the Greek word Astrea, which was also the name of the Greek goddess of innocence and justice who created them in myth. The most popular version of this myth is that Astrea was so distraught over the lack of stars in the sky, when her tears fell to earth they created the star shaped aster flowers. Shortly afterwards, she herself fled into the sky and became the constellation of Virgo. Virgo is, of course, Bilbo and Frodo’s star signs, and the Astor is an official September flower. These flowers symbolize faith and valor, but in the language of flowers they symbolize innocent love and undying affection. I am choosing to believe these were planted by Sam on purpose, purely because of their meaning, but there’s one more piece of backstory that literally connects these flowers straight back to him. Asters were also an emblem of Venus, the Roman goddess of love, and her planet is the ruling planet of taurus, which just so happens to be Sam’s star sign! *loses shit*
This was a little longer than I thought it would be, but I hope someone finds this as adorable as I did :-) PS, I don’t actually think Tolkien meant anything buy these super random flowers and same goes for the character of Sam, this was one sentence in the beginning of the book that I took way too far lol! It’s not true and I know I’m reaching, but just let me be delulu 😘😘
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natalchartnurtures · 9 months
big three of Amy Santiago ;)
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"Stop clapping, you idiots! We gotta move, move, move!"
Soooo... let's look into Amy's big three, shall we?
Aries Sun:
AMY SANTIAGOOO! Let's goooo! So, first things first—there's an underlying, undeniable fire in Amy's persona. It's a fire that fuels her at her core, which immediately pointed me to look for fire suns for Amy. But what made me choose Aries was her childlike persona and how accepting she is of Jake's manchild-like vibe, lmao. Also, Amy has a KILLER sense of humor herself. She does have a pretty distinct badass side too, and it really came out in that one Halloween heist episode (Season 3) when neither Holt nor Jake wanted her on their teams, and SHE decides to win it all by herself as a way to stand up for herself. Boy, was that one of my ABSOLUTE favorite Amy moments. Gosh, happy tears. And by the way, Amy survived a household with 7 brothers and came out of that as a competitive baddie, which truly is Aries behavior if I do say so myself. Hehe.
Virgo Moon:
Think of some adjectives and/or phrases that pop into your head when you think of Amy? Nerd. An absolute freak for organizing. Perfectionistic. Intelligent. Great analyzing skills. Teacher's pet. Yeah, alllll that? That's Virgo behavior, in my experience at least. So, yeah, it makes a lot of sense for a girl to be a Virgo moon. She's awkward, straight-laced, and hygiene-loving. What a queen.
Capricorn Rising:
It's a no-brainer that Amy is hardworking to her bone. She is professional, and boy does she rock those suits on the show?! It's also plenty evident on the show that she has a strong work ethic, which screams Cappie energy to me. On the surface level, Amy has an uptight and by-the-book demeanor and an unwavering commitment to her job. All things that make it obvious for her to be a Capricorn rising.
"Cruise itineraries, hot out of the laminator. Who's ready for some nonstop totally scheduled fun?"
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marveldcmistress · 2 years
Henry Cavill’s Characters’ Zodiac Signs
This is (in my opinion) the zodiac vibes I get from each Henry Cavill character. I am not an astrologist, this is just based off my observations of each sign and the energy I get from these characters. If there’s a character I missed or you wanted to see on this list, let me know!!!!
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So it’s basically canon that Sy is a bull, and understandable. He gives HELLA Taurus energy. He’s strong, sturdy, a little cocky, but only because he can back up all the hype. He can be stubborn as all hell, which is to be expect from the bullheaded Taurus (my brother was born in May and the boy will never budge in a fight). Negotiations during deployments is hell for his fellow comrades. And just like the grounded earth sign it takes awhile for him to soften up, but when he does, he would do ANYTHING for those he cares about, and that passion can be overwhelming to some. He’s a hard worker, but when he’s not overseas he’s DEFINITELY take some leisure time to himself, he deserves to be lazy! And don’t get started on a Taurus’ appetite. Just like the bull, I see Sy as a grazing type, munching on little snacks throughout the day, but will not hesitate to tear it up at dinner time, and his desert ;)
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August is a Scorpio. I feel like this doesn’t need an explanation, but I’m gonna give you one anyway. As a CIA Agent/Terrorist, the man can’t trust anyone. Ever. Just like how a Scorpio takes forever to trust, he makes sure to know every detail about anyone he encounters. Scorpios also shroud themselves in mystery and secrecy. He’s proved time and again in the movie that he would kill to keep his secret diabolical plan from getting out. And it’s also cannon on tumblr that he’s obsessive. God help you if a Scorpio catches a liking to you, cause once they do, you are theirs FOREVER, whether you like it or not. Oh, and don’t even THINK about trying to have the control around August, it’s just not gonna happen. 
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Charles is a Leo, through and through. Those who meet him think he’s arrogant, self-centered, and in those first couple seasons, they were right. He’s definitely full of himself, but we do get to see little peeks at the insecurity he feels deep down at being born lower class. Leos are very insecure, though they try to hide it (trust me, all of our confidence is fake, coming from a Leo herself), but the way his face falls when his title (or lack of) is brought up in the first season, not to mention in the later seasons when he starts to contemplate his own actions and morals after doing what he did on Henry’s orders. Now, I know what some might say, “but Tay, Leos are so loyal!” And they are! His infidelity to Margaret was born of his own ego and arrogance. But his loyalty to HENRY?? After all the bullshit he put Charles through? Only a Leo could have a heart so big as to still love and advise a friend who treated them so. And the way he lights up a room! Much like the sun, Leo’s ruling planet, Charles lit up court. He always looks good, outfits pristine and his hair always so perfectly groomed. I can go on forever, but Imma stop here. 
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Walter just ooooozes Virgo energy. Work-aholic, perfectionist, never relaxes. Sometimes a little blunt, but only because they don’t have time to sugarcoat shit. But also like the earth sign, he’s consistent. You can always trust he will do the right thing and be there at the right time. Can also smell bullshit from a mile away, which is a wonderful skill set for his job. I also feel like he’s really good at budgeting and money management. 
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Mikey is a Sagittarius, there’s no changing my mind. His wild and care-free personality really shines through in the movie. And just like Walter he’s blunt. “He’s dead Chelsea, time move on.” Only a Sagg has the audacity! And the entire movie all he is concerned with is having a good time and hooking up. In my limited interactions with Sagittarius men, that’s really all they cared about. I feel like if he wasn’t killed off in the movie, he could have definitely evolved into a more defined character. 
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Geralt just gives Capricorn energy. So focused on his work, and very stoic in his emotions. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel them, he just buries them, deep, deep, DEEP down. And just like Scorpio it takes ALOT for him to open up. But when he does, BOYYYY. Fuck with the people he loves. I’ve also never met a Cap that isn’t determined to do EVERYTHING on their own (my sister is the best example. Full time vet student on top of two full time jobs, constantly refusing help when offered). He’s definitely an over-thinker. He stays up at night thinking through every scenario and preparing for any situation. But he’s sturdy and strong and loyal, if a little abrupt and abrasive at times. Hates people and gets along so much better with animals, and again, I’ve never met a Capricorn who like human beings over dogs, or in his case, Roach. 
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Sherlock is an Aquarius. It just makes the most sense to me. Not good with emotions at all, and this is coming from experience of having an Aquarius mother and dating an Aquarius man for three months. He’s an intellectual, and individual, and values that individuality. Not to mention the job that is very outside of the social norms. Aquarians are uninterested in being like the rest, which is a perfect description for Sherlock. Also doesn’t miss a single detail, can pick up on the slightest change in energy. Most people see Aquarius as strange, almost alien-like, and Sherlock for sure stands out. He values his solitude and alone time. I feel like if he were to be in modern times, would hella ghost someone if he felt like they were getting to close and encroaching on his privacy. 
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Clark Kent. My sweet baby, my Kansas farm boy. He’s a Libra, absolutely. His sense of justice and constant battle for balance wouldn’t allow him to be anything else. His need to use his powers for good to save people shines just as bright as the sunlight he gets his strength from is sometimes overshadowed by his darker side of just finally snapping and becoming the GOD he knows he is. And have you ever seen a pissed off Libra? Those red eyes are not just for show. Momma Kent did a good job of raising our boy to be a good-hearted man, but that Kryptonian blood will not relent so easily. But he loves deeply and won’t hesitate to make decisions when it comes to those he loves. Making sure they are well and safe and happy is not something he has to make a pros and cons list for. 
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I know I’ve made a post saying I think Napoleon is a Leo, and I still kinda feel that way. But I can also see him being a Gemini. Now the big stereotype surrounding Geminis is that they’re two-faced. But in reality they’re a mirror. The energy you give them is the energy you are gonna receive. Being a spy, he has to learn to be a chameleon, he changes with every environment but can also blend in and be unseen. He’s only loyal to the CIA because he has to be, you can bet your lucky stars when those chains are gone he can flip the script on them in a heartbeat. But also like a typical Gemini he’s charming, knows exactly how attractive he is and uses that to his full advantage.
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ms-m-astrologer · 5 months
The Week Ahead: April 29 - May 5, 2024
Lunar Phases
Wednesday, May 1, 11:27 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 11°35’ Aquarius
The key phrases for the Last Quarter lunar phase are “turn away,” and “tear down old structures that no longer serve us well.” Now that the eclipses and Mercury Rx are over, we can take a look at what’s left over and jettison anything which has outlived its usefulness.
Saturday, May 4, 20:25 UT - Balsamic Moon, 29°50’ Pisces
The key phrases for the Balsamic lunar phase are “let go of the past,” and “envision the future.” There’s a definite “time’s up” vibe. Let it go, and visualize.
Void of Course Moon
Tuesday, April 30, 15:19 UT (Capricorn) - 15:20 UT (Aquarius)
(Yes, you read that right - one entire minute long.)
Thursday, May 2, 09:28 UT (Aquarius) - 18:52 UT (Pisces)
Saturday, May 4, 19:06 UT (Pisces) - 20:41 UT (Aries)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Ceres/Capricorn, Saturn/Pisces
Retrograde: Pallas Athene/Sagittarius, Pluto/Aquarius (starting Thursday the 2nd)
Post-retrograde shadow: Mercury/Aries, Juno/Virgo
Transiting Pluto stations retrograde on Thursday, May 2, 17:46 UT, at 2°06’ Aquarius. Searching inwardly for authenticity.
Transiting Mercury exits its Storm on Sunday, May 5. Thought processes begin picking up.
Monday, April 29, 11:31 UT - transiting Venus enters Taurus
Venus enters her own sign and can relax a bit.
Tuesday, April 30, 15:33 UT - transiting Mars enters Aries
Mars enters his own sign and finally can get things done.
Et Cetera
There are two Opportunity Periods this week:
Monday, April 29, 15:45 UT - Tuesday, April 30, 15:19 UT. “Very positive OP ideal for constructive and innovative projects, but Mercury is slow and the Moon is waning, so it is preferable to focus on work started before late March.”
Saturday, May 4, 08:28 UT - 20:41 UT. “This OP is favorable for the innovative arts, meditation, and helping others.”
The Taurus Cross-Quarter Day happens on Sunday, May 5, 00:10 UT (which is Saturday the 4th for the US). A good chart for patient hard work and lots of energy.
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naranjapetrificada · 1 year
Consider this your opportunity to be an Astrology Bitch and go off about Leo Stede!
(signed, a Virgo sun, Cancer moon, Capricorn rising who simultaneously is and is not an Astrology Bitch, more of a Tarot Bitch tbh)
Okay! You asked for it lol.
I should start by saying that I'm an August Leo sun. Stede is a July Leo, as confirmed by the show:
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July Leos are...different somehow? It's not a bad thing and it's not their fault, and if anybody else comes for them we August Leo's will throw down for our siblings, but there's something about the vibes! Maybe it's the Cancer proximity, idk. If anything my anecdata suggests that they're more well adjusted than the rest of us. 🦁❤️🦁
Anyway, I immediately sat up and noticed when they cut to the gravestones because it's second nature for me as an Astrology Gay. Obviously I didn't know Stede at the time and I don't actually know what went down as the character was developed, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if I learned that at least one person in the writers room was a fellow Astrology Gay.
So I completely forgot about his birthdate because a) ADHD and b) swooniest romance I'd ever seen, but I started thinking about it again when I showed up like a year late to the fandom and saw people talk about whether they were Ed coded or Stede coded. I am heavily, heavily Stede coded for neurodivergent reasons, but he also exhibits certain Very Leo traits that I recognized immediately.
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Leo stereotypes:
Let's get the stereotypes out of the way because while they do apply sometimes (especially for Stede), there's no need to rehash them in detail.
Leadership, which he struggles with at first but a) takes up the mantle of it anyway and b) improves enough that by the end of the season the crew that wanted to mutiny saves his life.
Good hair. Nuff said.
The man has an auxiliary wardrobe for fucks sake.
His "theatrical instincts are finely honed" and while Izzy says it to encourage the fuckery, it's not a lie.
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The Revenge
If an 18th century Leo was going to custom build a pirate ship and money was no object, they would 1000% build the Revenge. I could see arguing that a Taurus might build something similar, but honestly I'm not sure a Taurus would become a pirate by choice. Maybe a Taurus might build like, a pleasure yacht or something. A Libra might build a ship that's as good-looking as the Revenge but sharing expensive tastes isn't enough to convince me either. Stede's money allowed him to build and decorate luxuriously, but plenty of rich people used to comfort didn't have ships like the Revenge. As Nigel says during his tour, it's just so incredibly him.
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Now for some feelings stuff:
Leos love it when other people are happy, and when we can be involved in fostering that at all for people we care about we are ON IT. Stede wants to create space for others to get what they need to make that happen. Literally in the first episode he talks about the Revenge as somewhere for his crew to work on their trauma and communicate their feelings.
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The above is also an extension of Stede's instinctive generosity. Canon doesn't tell us where Ed got his clothes for the French boat party in episode 5, but given that Stede has an auxiliary wardrobe (which he shared with Ed almost immediately) the most likely scenario seems like he loaned (or maybe even gave!) it to Ed. Another possibility is that it was on the ship where Frenchie found his and Oluwande's outfits, but the purple jacket in particular seems very extra in a way that says "Stede" to me.
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Speaking of episode 5, let's talk about the party game. Obviously the main takeaway is that Stede has enough of a handle on passive aggression to make the French assholes tear each other apart, but it's not just the passive aggression, it's in the delivery. With sufficient motivation (Ed's hurt feelings, if not his own) we see Stede command the room with confidence. He chooses his targets well. He knows just what to say to get them to agree to play the game at all. The fire wasn't part of the original plan but it shows just how powerful those hard-won skills are when he wants to apply them. (This doesn't feel like it merits its own bullet point but Leos are protective, ride-or-die friends, something else we see in this episode.)
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Stede's love language, imo, is quality time. There are arguments for others (there's also a really good meta about his love language causing miscommunication with our touchy-feely boy Ed, if I can find the link I'll edit) but quality time seems the most appropriate to me. Another part of the whole generosity of spirit thing is that he seems to enjoy what a friend of mine called "engineering experiences" for people i.e. crafting activities and jam sessions for the crew. The most obvious of these is the treasure hunt for Ed, which of course comes out of his fear of Ed leaving, but it's also a way for them to spend time together. I'm not at all surprised that a lonely, bullied kid would grow up to value quality time.
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I would also extend this to the clearly routine (but still extravagant) breakfast for two that we see Calico Jack crashing in episode 8. Not to mention the first breakfast he and Ed ever share up on the maintop in episode 4. It's not fancy, but he wakes Ed up to share in that moment because he's enjoying the sunrise and the marmalade, and I can't think of anything more Leo than enjoying something then immediately wanting to share it because someone else might enjoy it too.
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Stede's not perfect of course, despite all those seemingly positive things I just said. In the way of some Leos he is frequently thoughtless, up to and including when he didn't make to the dock. I can't speak for every Leo but I have definitely accidentally flirted with/been read as flirting with people before, whether I was attracted to them or not. And yeah his quarters are nice but he could have used some of that space for more crew quarters, right? And how could a Leo possibly misread "what makes Ed happy is you" as badly as he did?
Well I may be an Astrology Binch but I mostly like it (and anything else that puts personalities into discrete groups) as an analysis tool. It's just a fun lens to examine behaviors through, IRL and with fictional characters. Also, the show is clearly trying to examine things like trauma and self-loathing in ways that are gonna inform character behavior way more than a hypothetical astrology enthusiast in the (admittedly pretty queer) writers room. But the vibes? The vibes are so there.
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queermccoy · 11 days
tagged by @newtkelly (100 years ago, sorry!!)
How many wips do you have currently?
three 911 fics, seven (ish) original work projects, technically one IT fic that i haven't updated in years (patrick/richie...im so sorry)
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish? Why do you think that is?
other than the abandoned IT fic, the eddie finds buck and tommy's joint dating profile for casual thirds fic. eddie's pov is...not coming naturally to me (virgo on virgo violence)
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
you can tell i think i stumbled on something good because i get unbearably smug and wriggle my fingers like the deer from adventure time
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
sometimes! i do sometimes make playlists if i'm feeling especially invested but most of the time i just throw on an album with a similar vibe to what i'm going for and call it a day. for example, i've been blasting chappell roan while working on the trucker au
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized?
i only outline if it's going to be a more involved process, like more than a few thousand words and even then it's like. okay. i outline like i'm cher from clueless trying to describe a scene in my notes. it's so so so helpful to hear your idea with a valley girl vibe. especially when i'm working on something dramatic like, "okay so mitch burns lee's body after they break all of his ribs in a very like, sexy and manly way and then tear out his heart and then annie eats it. which is like, way gross but she doesn't throw up because she's a girl boss and a hero and maybe a witch"
tagging @buddiekinard @lurkerdelima @hearthouses @unprepossessed @augustmourn @ladyculebras
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yukii0nna · 2 months
Celestial spirit redesigns part 2
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Virgo ♍
Again, I genuinely like her original design. I just figured that I would have some fun and add some ideas from my au. I gave more of a Victorian maid vibe with some hints of a ninja maid. And yes the ribbon is her chains in a cutesy form. She's also more of a soldier with her bracelets and chains. I also gave more pointy ears to make her look more fae. Personality wise, she's more of a calm figure. She wants to protect her charge no matter what. Also she and Leo genuinely consider each other as siblings.
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Aquarius ♒
Again like the designs but I wanna try my hand at it. Probably helps that I'm using my mermaid headcanons for the Fairy Tail world. As seen, she has more fish like eyes and ears. She also has sight scales on her arm and I gave her a pearl necklace. I choose a more intriguing and longer tail. Unseen here but she also has webbed hands and feet. She also has the ability to take a more humanoid form. Personality wise, she is less bitchy to people. Don't get me wrong, she is still rude but is less likely to drown people now. She also shows she genuinely cares about her wizards.
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Libra ♎
It's going to be a common theme for these guys, isn't it? It's another design I don't hate but want to try my hand at. Why? Because I want to and beside, it's fun. I made her look less relieving but kept the belly dancer theme. I made it into a dress and added more gold. She has more of a wanderer vibe in general. Personality wise; I always thought of her as a motherly person. She would see a kid and go "is anyone going to adopt that?" And not wait for an answer.
@zexal-club @punkeropercyjackson @fair-night-starry-tears @achy-boo @bakawitch @liviavanrouge @writing-heiress @danika-redgrave124
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Hyunsuk (CIX) Kinky Tarot Reading
All celebrity readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck(s): Edgar Allan Poe Tarot
Spread: Kinky Reading
Turn On
Dirty Secret
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Yoon Hyun Suk
Stage Name: Hyunsuk
Group: CIX
DOB: 08.09.2001
Blood Type: B
Sun Sign: Virgo
Chinese Sign: Metal Snake
Life Path Number: 2
Masterpost: CIX
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Hyunsuk (CIX)
Full Name: Yoon Hyun Suk Stage Name: Hyunsuk Group: CIX DOB: 08.09.2001 Blood Type: B MBTI: ENFP Sun Sign: Virgo Chinese Sign: Metal Snake Life Path Number: 2
Spread / Question: Kinky Reading Deck(s): Tarot of Mystical Moments
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Position - 2 of Pentacles
Hyunsuk is a bit of a juggler when it comes to relationships. He’s something of a chameleon; he can balance his lover in all aspects. He likes to play, push all the buttons and then play an innocent angel. On the other hand, if he’s given a task, he’s likely to complete it, even when he might be a bit of a brat about it. He’s not really a dom in a relationship but he’s not a complete sub either. He’s likely to take his share of responsibility if he’s asked to do so, although if his lover is the caretaker type, Hyunsuk will happily leave everything to them. He might have a thing for being corrupted a bit by his lover.
Libido - 3 of Swords
Normally I would say that Hyunsuk’s heart is broken and he feels no passion here but to be honest with you, I’m getting a completely different vibe here. Hyunsuk is a bit of a thief of hearts and womaniser (or men eater) himself. I mentioned before that he likes to play and he might have playboy tendencies. Hyunsuk knows how to charm people he likes and he knows how to pull them on a string as long as he pleases and then just cut them off, forget about them once he’s bored and leave them in tears, none the wiser what actually happened. While he likes to play like this, Hyunsuk isn’t really that passionate and sensual lover. Tricking somebody’s mind, playing with their heart, feels sort of more arousing than the act itself. I’m getting the vibes that sometimes Hyunsuk might find sex even boring and tedious. It’s really a strange idea I’m getting with him so please, if you disagree with me here, feel free to tell me. Maybe I’m getting wrong signals.
Turn On - 4 of Swords
Once again I’m getting a strange but very specific idea here. Hyunsuk is likely to feel attracted to someone mature, yet vulnerable when it comes to their experience. It might even be an older person but for some reason they haven’t dated much in their life. Imagine someone who got married young, lived with their spouse, now they are going through a divorce and out of the blue, here comes Hyunsuk to steal their heart and sanity. This type of person wouldn’t notice Hyunsuk’s mind games immediately and at the same time they would be likely mature and willing to pamper him. Until the moment Hyunsuk is fed up with them, of course. What a hyena, this young man is. I’m starting to like him. Lol!
Kink - Queen of Cups
I have already said that Hyunsuk finds regular love-making dull and is more likely to enjoy the process of seduction than the fruits of it. However, even such a cold hearted monster (I’m joking) has a kink. Hyunsuk is likely to especially enjoy being babied by his lover. If they are willing to actually play this role, and it’s possible that Hyunsuk will go into details and have elaborate scenarios for them, they will be rewarded by his passion eventually. I’m not sure if this kink is some sort of reaction to maybe abandonment issues, Hyunsuk might still have unresolved. Maybe his parents couldn’t give him as much attention as he wanted from them. It would make sense for him to quickly dump his lovers in fear of them doing it first but these are dangerously deep waters and I don’t really want to go there in this reading.
Dirty Secret - 3 of Pentacles
I mean… I don’t want to explore my hypothesis, but it kinda all makes sense. Hyunsuk is secretly hoping for someone to come and mend his unfinished soul structure, patch the wounds and help him to actually mature. He’s probably aware of his issues but it’s not an easy task to cope with them on his own, especially in such a stressful environment like the entertainment industry. Don’t take me wrong, he’s not really falling apart or breaking down. He’s only not completely done with growing up, yet, and he probably dreams of a person who could help him get there.
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Aww! Look at him! I mean I know what demon he is and I would still hug him and give him home made cookies. 🤣
Just joking. Honestly, this is one of those readings where I feel it strongly but my better judgement is shaking head. Please, feel free to disagree with me regarding Hyunsuk. Maybe there were some solar storms disturbing my intuition or something. 😊 Take this reading with a huge grain of salt.
Thank you for reading!
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seafoamreadings · 9 months
week of december 24th, 2023
last horoscopes of 2023 ~~
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: cardinal full moons like the one featured this week can make you feel like the rope in a game of tug of war. a series of tense mars aspects probably doesn't help. on the bright side, venus moves into your fellow fire sign of sagittarius this week, bringing whimsy if not downright romance into any academic interests you have going.
taurus: many lovely earthy and venusian vibes occur throughout this week as venus herself heads for your 8th house. relationships may take more intimate turns, or fall apart, but you'll probably have some good fortune if you try your hand at real estate or stocks.
gemini: no one thrives in chaos like a gemini, but maybe it's less fun when that chaos centers on your ruling planet, mercury. still, only a little elbow grease will have you making the most of it, plus venus into sagittarius brings good vibes to a relationship situation - even if a relationship is ending, as it will for a small group of you, such endings are sometimes cause for celebration, as in now.
cancerians: full moons are always a big deal for you. this one is in your sign, no less! the most crabbiest full moon of the year. cancerians get a bad rap for acting crazy under certain lunar influences but frankly it's sometimes called for. think on it a little bit first - at least 12 hours - but then if it still seems like a good idea to you, full steam ahead, those people don't have the same intuition as you.
leo: venus begins to settle into sagittarius later this week which means lots of fun on your horizon, even luxury and romance if you choose. but first, handle the sacred/mundane apparent paradox of this week's full moon. turn a routine into a ritual for best results and honor it steadfastly, even after the moon wanes.
virgo: for most virgoans this is a fairly peaceful week, although the more mercurial among you may feel quite flustered due to mercury retrograde shenanigans. it's all temporary, don't panic. ceres does healing work especially relating to your home and shared resources if you let her operate consciously as well as subconsciously (she'll be doing the latter anyway).
libra: full moons like this can get you frazzled. whether you feel like going out and living it up or staying in and recovering, do what feels right and not what you are pressured to do. then, your ruling planet venus moves into sagittarius, where she is much less somber than she has been lately. refreshing!
scorpio: as the fieriest of the water signs, venus heading for sagittarius won't bother you too much. indeed, it lends a little lightness to a deep and heavy vibe all week. plus, it's great news for your money and other resources.
sagittarius: the vibe is increasingly mutable-jovial, which is perfect for you. fire increases, spontaneity increases, spirits are high or if not, at least a sense of urgency is. impulsivity is auspicious BUT be careful of mercury retrograde concerns!
capricorn: the fact that your season is now underway is broadly auspicious and means that the full moon happens across your relationships axis. the downside of that can be unruly or volatile situations coming to a head. if you need to part ways do it gracefully. if there is more to be salvaged, be graceful in that also.
aquarius: watch out for shocks to your routine or disruptions in your social circle. some of these are unpreventable. if you can always act with authenticity, never schmoozing or sucking up to authority figures or peers, you will fare better than otherwise.
pisces: your week has a wistful, almost tearful quality to it, much of which is beautiful, all of which is heavy. it is ok to feel sad. it is also temporary. regardless of what emotions pass through your mortal form this week, avoid social media if possible.
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