#viridian vibe
theviridianbunny · 4 months
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Oh cherie amour, pretty little one that I adore You're the only girl my heart beats for
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feralchaton · 4 months
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Eloise Table Lamp
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rednevalbones · 1 year
I'm playing Pokemon Green again, for like a 70th time, and I can't help to think how underrated in terms of creepiness Viridian Forest theme is in comparison to the Lavender Town theme (which I also love!).
So uh anyway here are two of my older drawings inspired by these tunes 💚💜
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viridian-tay-leaf · 1 year
Bathed in the sun last week,
Danced in the rainstorm during sunset~
Overall its been a wonderful day to live my main character witchy fantasies <3
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
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Series Synopsis: You wake up in a strange room with no memories, broken glass at your bedside, and a prince named Zuko as your only chance at figuring out who you really are.
Chapter Synopsis: You return to the palace and attempt to tell your brother the truth of the world.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 5.6k
Content Warnings: complicated relationships (strangers to friends to lovers to enemies to strangers to lovers to enemies to lovers), amnesia, alternate universe, lots of secrets and lying and mystery
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A/N: man i’m really going to miss this arc of the story…vibes have been unmatched so far (ba sing se era >> ursa era imo even if the underlying mystery of the ursa era was rlly fun to write)
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“Sokka!” you shouted, kicking the front door. You knew the Avatar’s house was under near-constant surveillance by the Dai Li, and the longer you waited outside, the more likely it was that you’d be caught. Yet for some reason, your last three attempts at knocking politely had proven fruitless, and even this more violent greeting went unanswered. Giving up and ramming your shoulder into the doorway, you flinched when it swung open eerily and without protest.
Why was the villa empty? It didn’t look like it had been abandoned in a methodical fashion; a set of clothes you assumed were Katara’s was tossed over a chair, and there were dishes in the sink. All of this spoke to a hasty exit, one that might not have been entirely willing and was certainly made without an advance warning.
From the corner, there was a chittering sound, and you all but leapt out of your skin before realizing it was a tiny, fluffy creature. Stooping down, you recognized it to be a winged lemur, staring at you with wide viridian eyes. You offered it your hand with a smile, but it only sniffed it delicately before skittering backwards, leaping around a corner and then poking its head back like it was hoping you’d follow.
“What is going on?” you muttered to yourself, deciding you might as well follow the shy animal. It made a cooing noise at you, nudging you with its small, wet nose as you reached the room it was waiting for you in. Once it had ascertained that you were safely with it, it leapt onto your shoulder, nipping your ear when you tried to leave.
You were about to chide it for the rude behavior when you heard the front door creak open. Biting your tongue, you pressed your back to the wall by the door, peering through the crack at the new visitors. Based on the winged lemur’s behavior and your own intuition, it wasn’t the Avatar or any of his friends, and your stomach dropped as you saw men wearing the familiar Dai Li uniform creeping into the villa.
“You really think the Avatar’s the one that kidnapped Princess Y/N?” one of them said.
“Who else could’ve killed Captain Chhay?” his partner said. “That man is a legend in the organization. Long Feng thinks that they kidnapped Princess Y/N so that they have some leverage to enter the palace.”
“Poor girl,” the first agent said with a chuckle. “She’s like a toy for the real political powers to play with.”
His partner scoffed. “Right? It’d be depressing if she actually cared, but she’s not exactly done anything to gain any kind of relevance in her kingdom.”
“Her and that brother of hers are making this far too easy.”
“Did you hear that the Lower Ring citizens rioted just from seeing her?”
“At this rate, a peasant uprising isn’t far off at all. The seeds for revolution have been sown, and as long as things continue in the way they have been, it won’t be long before the monarchy is done away with completely and Long Feng can finally, truly assume power.”
“Shh! What if they overhear you?”
“It’s fine. The Avatar and his friends are busy under Lake Laogai. This is only a cursory inspection. There’s no one around to hear us; when else can we discuss this type of thing?”
“I don’t know. You’re just stressing me out. How much longer do we have to stay here, anyways?”
“We have to check for Princess Y/N. Or, at least, pretend like we did.”
“Honestly, I’d say we’ve done our due diligence.”
The voices were growing closer, and you shoved your fist in your mouth to avoid making a sound, staring wide-eyed at the winged lemur, who did not even blink as it returned your panicked gaze with a steady one of its own.
“True. Who really cares if she lives or dies? It’s all the same to our plans.”
“If she dies, though, people might feel some sympathy for the royal family.”
“Nah, just think about it: as long as we can blame the Avatar and his friends for killing her, then we not only get rid of one of the royal family members, we also shake the public’s faith in the Avatar. It’s actually for the best if we don’t find her.”
“You’re right!”
They were right outside the room now. If they took another step and turned, they would see you. You shrank back even more, wishing you could melt into the shadows, meld with the wall, hide in some way that would ensure they never caught wind of you.
“Let’s just go, then.”
“Wait, what if she isn’t dead, though? If she escapes and comes back to the palace, it’ll make us look horrible.”
They took that step, but still they did not turn. You shivered, wanting to squeeze your eyes shut but knowing you could not be caught off guard in case they saw you.
“If she comes back, we can let Long Feng deal with it. She’s been a real pain in his neck, you know? If Captain Chhay were still around, he’d probably be sent after her by this point.”
One of the agents clicked his tongue. “Good old Chhay. I’d never have said it while he was still around, but he was like a polar bear dog. Who else would be that loyal to a person?”
“I don’t know. Rumor has it that Long Feng paid him twice the regular salary. I’d be loyal too, for that kind of money.”
They retreated from the room, and you let go of the breath you had been holding, patting the winged lemur on the head, though you were still careful to be silent.
“That so?”
“Maybe one of us will be promoted to take his place now that he’s gone.”
“Now you’re talking!”
The door to the villa slammed shut behind them, leaving you and the winged lemur alone. You buried your face in your hands, breathing in quick, short gasps, gritting your teeth as you tried to regain your composure.
It went deeper than you realized. This wasn’t just incompetency or confusion — the Dai Li were planning on utilizing the citizens of Ba Sing Se for their own means, using them to overthrow the current government and then instating Long Feng as, ostensibly, a dictator. It was only your own fortune — you were still unsure whether that fortune could be considered good or bad — that you had overheard their plot, but what now?
You were presumed to be dead. At first, this horrified you, but as you thought about it, there was a definite bonus. The Dai Li’s efforts would be focused on the Avatar and his friends, and if you were considered a vanished non-issue, then there would be no eyes scanning the city for you. It left you free to operate as you wanted, given that you employed a modicum of caution.
Digging through the wardrobe of the room you were in, which upon investigation revealed itself to most likely be Katara’s, you pulled out a scarf and wrapped it around your neck and head. Though it did nothing about your stained dress, it concealed your identity well enough that you felt more comfortable walking outside than you had before.
“What about you?” you said to the winged lemur, scratching it behind its enormous ears. “You saved my life, I’m pretty sure. Thank you for that. Where will you go now?”
The winged lemur purred at you, rubbing its cheek against your own and tightening its grip on your shoulder. You giggled and rubbed its forehead.
“Alright, then. You can help me. Come along, but be prepared; it might be dangerous. I don’t think there’s time to rendezvous with the Avatar. I’ll have to storm my own palace and demand to see my brother myself,” you said, squaring your shoulders, finding some irony in the fact that you had finally been given leave to live your life how you wanted and yet you were returning to the very place you had tried so desperately, for so many years, to run from.
After all, if Princess Y/N was considered dead, then that meant you could live in disguise and become someone else. You could leave Ba Sing Se entirely and travel the world, see the sights you had thus far only ever read about. The capital of ice in the North Pole, the city of Omashu, which was commonly referred to as Ba Sing Se’s little sister…it was a possibility. There was no one stopping you anymore.
No one, of course, except for your own conscience. You could not leave when you knew that the Dai Li and Long Feng had killed your father and were planning on overthrowing your brother. You could not leave when your people, the ones who you had been born with a duty to, were being manipulated and taxed and abused by the ones that were meant to have their best interests at heart. And, though it was less grand of a reason, you could not leave the city where Lee was. Not without telling him first.
Though you knew the villa was located in the Upper Ring, it took you a moment to regain your bearings and find the palace. After all, it was far more difficult returning without one of Quynh’s doors to serve as a convenient portal or the Dai Li escorting you with their Earthbending. The sun was already high in the sky by the time you made it to the palace gates, but by the time you arrived, you found another problem facing you.
The royal military, which guarded the palace, was in complete disarray. It was as if a tornado had torn through them. Men were strewn about, staggering to their feet, while others used their own Earthbending to fix their formations. Was the palace under attack? Were you too late? Had Long Feng’s rebellion already begun?
“Who goes there?” a guard shouted at you. You did not respond, picking up your speed from a mere walk to a sprint, holding the scarf over your head so that it did not blow off as you ran. You could not know if you trusted the army or if they were in league with the Dai Li, and unless you were forced to, you did not want to reveal who you were.
“Hey! Answer us!” another guard said. You kept running towards the bridge over the moat. You just needed to cross that bridge, and from there, nothing could stop you. They must’ve had that same thought, though, as the stones of the bridge began to recede, leaving a gaping maw where you should’ve crossed.
Then the boulders began to fly. They weren’t trying to hit you, but they were blocking your path, making your entrance far more difficult. You used one hand to cover the winged lemur’s eyes from the dust pluming in front of you, squinting your own so that you were not blinded by it.
If you did not do something, then the guards would go from obstructive efforts to far more deadly methods. Earthbending against this quantity of offensive parties was a suicidal idea, especially when you were on the palace’s doorstep and there was a high chance you’d get caught, but there was one final card you could play, the one you had been unwilling to part with most of all.
Casting the scarf aside, you pointed at the guard who had been lifting another boulder into the air to throw at you. He paused mid-action, and then he pointed back at you, like he could not believe his eyes.
“I am Princess Y/N of the Earth Kingdom, you fool, and what you are doing right now is treason! If you throw even a pebble more at me, I’ll have you hanged!” you said.
“Princess Y/N?” the guard said, the boulder thudding to the ground before him as he dropped into a bow. “We were under the impression that you were — that you were dead!”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Reform that bridge at once,” you said. “Did you think that a girl of Shan’s line could be killed that easily? Perhaps I must remind you: I am the princess. As long as my people need me, I cannot die.”
After that, you walked unchallenged towards the steps leading up to the palace. It confirmed one thing, at least: the army was not allied with the Dai Li. If it was, then you would’ve been seized by now and dragged to Long Feng, but all that the soldiers did was shy away when you stalked past, giving you looks that were equal parts questioning and awed, like they could not quite believe that the shy, delicate little princess was capable of such feats.
It was only a matter of time before the Dai Li caught wind of your presence, if they had not already. You had to make it to the throne room by then. At least for now, they were limited in what they could do while Kuei was watching, for he was still the supreme authority of the kingdom. Now that you had gone and announced who you were, they ought to have done everything they could’ve to stop you, but curiously, there was no one that came to block your path.
Even stranger, the route to the throne room was torn apart and devoid of guards. There had clearly been a fight, but who had broken into the palace and managed to overtake it so quickly?
The walls were crumbling, and entire pillars had been torn in half. There were scuff marks on the carpet, and the stone floors glittered with dampness — it had obviously been a massacre. For the first time, you felt like you actually fit in, your ragged appearance matching the ruined entrance hall perfectly.
“I don’t know if I can trust you,” Kuei’s voice drifted out from the throne room, the door to which was, for some reason, lying on the ground. “I’m sorry, but you have no proof. I’ll have to trust my advisors on this one. Long Feng, what do you say of their claims?”
“Do you think that I could’ve hid a hundred years of war from you?” Long Feng said, his voice cold and flat. “What’s more, I’ve received some disturbing news. It seems that the Dai Li found evidence that the Avatar and his friends were involved in the murder of Captain Chhay, as well as your sister’s abduction.”
“What?” Kuei said.
“What is he talking about?” Katara said.
“I’m an Air Nomad! Killing is against my morals!” Aang said.
“Look, we didn’t kidnap or murder anyone! You have to believe us,” Sokka said. “About that, and about the war. I don’t know why your advisor is lying about all of this, but you have to see through it!”
“Even from the Avatar, this kind of situation is just too fantastical. I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to arrest you, at least until Y/N is found and Captain Chhay’s murderer is apprehended,” Kuei said.
“You don’t have to look any further,” you said, pausing in the doorway to catch your breath, hunched over as you wheezed from how much you had pushed yourself. The winged lemur jumped from your shoulder and scampered over to Aang, who made a small noise of surprise at the arrival. “I’m here.”
“Y/N?” Kuei said.
“Your royal highness?” Long Feng said, his innocence clearly feigned, though his surprise likely wasn’t. You glared at him, regaining your composure and straightening before taking the same place as always: below the throne, staring up at those who would always be above you. Your brother, the king. Long Feng, the traitor. You were beneath them both, but this time, you did not allow either of them to intimidate you.
“Where have you been, sister?” Kuei said. “We thought the worst must’ve happened! The servants came in the morning, and all they found was Captain Chhay’s long-dead body. You were gone. Who took you? Did they hurt you?”
“Clearly the princess has been through a horrible ordeal, your majesty,” Long Feng said. “Look at her dress. She needs time to rest and recover from what was no doubt a most harrowing encounter.”
“I’m fine,” you said. “There was nothing harrowing about it. He didn’t even have time to fight back.”
“Of course, you must’ve managed to escape somehow, and thank Quynh for that,” Long Feng said. “But just the mere experience of being kidnapped would’ve been traumatic. Poor princess…I will assign thrice the Dai Li agents to look after you, so that you may rest in peace.”
“I didn’t have to escape, and I wasn’t kidnapped,” you said. “This kind of conduct can be expected of my brother, but I know at least you are smarter than this, Long Feng. In fact, I know a lot of things about you now.”
“No,” Long Feng said.
“Yes,” you said. “You understand, don’t you? I killed him. I killed Captain Chhay.”
Kuei shrieked. “What?”
“It’s true,” you said. “I did it.”
“No way,” Toph said from behind you. “I think I respect you a lot more now.”
“Toph!” Katara hissed.
“Dai Li, seize her at once!” Long Feng said, gesturing towards you impatiently.
“Y/N…how? How did you do that?” Kuei said. “How did you murder someone? No, not just someone — the Captain of the Dai Li himself!”
“Does it matter?” you said as earthen cuffs bound your wrists behind your back once again. “The more important question is why. That’s what you should really want to know.”
“Take her to her chambers and ensure she does not leave!” Long Feng said.
“Why did I do it? What cause could your dear sister have to kill a man? Ask!” you said.
“We will decide what to do with you after we have gotten rid of the Avatar and his friends,” Long Feng said.
“Kuei!” you said. Putting him in this position was the worst thing you had ever done to him, but it was necessary. He had to seek out the information, or else he’d cover his ears and hide away as he always did.
His eyes swam with emotions you doubted he had ever been exposed to before, a veritable maelstrom of thoughts and questions and feelings that he likely did not even know how to handle. Dai Li agents appeared at your shoulders, but you did not take your eyes off of your brother. Your brother, who loved you. Your brother, who was the only family you knew. Your brother, who was the Earth King, the supreme authority in all the kingdom. You looked only at him, and you waited.
“Stop! Release her!” he said. The Dai Li hesitated, but though their loyalty might have been to Long Feng, they still had to abide by Kuei’s commands above all else. The stone restraints crumbled away, and the agents bowed before stepping away from you. “Why did you do it, Y/N?”
“Because Captain Chhay killed our father,” you said. “And he did it on Long Feng’s command.”
“What?” Sokka said.
“This is so complicated,” Aang said. Sokka hummed in agreement.
“That — you cannot just accuse people of regicide without proof!” Long Feng said.
“You sent Captain Chhay after me. He tried to kill me multiple times in Ba Sing Se alone. That’s proof enough! He was your little pet, wasn’t he? It’s what your own agents called him, after all. The beast of the Dai Li, sent to do Long Feng’s bidding. Who else but he would’ve been the one to kill the 51st Earth King?” you said.
“You’re being ridiculous! What motivation would I have to assassinate your father?” Long Feng said.
“Stewardship over the Earth Kingdom isn’t a bad prize,” you said. “Though I’ll admit that luck did play a role. After all, if our mother hadn’t died as well, then she’d be Kuei’s regent.”
“What, did he kill her, too?” Sokka said. “This dude just keeps getting eviler and eviler.”
“No, he — actually, wait,” you said. There was no proof, but for some reason, you didn’t find it too far out of the realm of plausibility. “There’s a chance, though I don’t have any proof for that claim as of right now.”
“You’re going on and on about nothing,” Long Feng said. “I’m not the ruler of the Earth Kingdom. Your brother is.”
“Yet he only implements policies that you approve of,” you said. “Policies which, if I might add, are deliberately harming our people! You’re sabotaging his reign so that our family is overthrown for good. You mean to usurp Kuei, and don’t even try to deny it — I overheard your agents discussing it, and, more importantly, I’ve seen the effects of your suggestions firsthand.
“The only city safe from the war charging exorbitant prices to those refugees which try to enter…thank goodness for that unnamed noblewoman allowing passage through the second southeast gate, right? I won’t speculate about her identity, but I’ll give you a hint: she’s someone you’d recognize.”
“You little wench,” Long Feng said. “You wasted your own money on that? I should’ve known.”
“That’s not all. You refuse to acknowledge the disparity between Upper and Lower Ring citizens, and the Dai Li are closer to terrorists than officers of justice. The people of Ba Sing Se are frightened to speak out about anything, because the Dai Li is always watching. No wonder they hate Kuei and I. No wonder they riot in the streets! But that’s exactly what you planned,” you spat. “Because once they revolt, you will pretend to be on their side and then use the same structures you claim to be against to strengthen your power, your grip on this nation. Kuei and I might be uneducated about the reality of this world and its wars, but at least we care about our people! Can you even claim that much? What sort of an advisor are you?”
“Continuing to speak will only incriminate you further,” Long Feng said. “You have gone mad, princess. There’s no other explanation for why you killed the captain meant to protect you, or for why you are saying such things. They are the ravings of a lunatic! King Kuei, I recommend she be arrested and sent to a correctional facility equipped to handle her case at once.”
You had said all you needed to, and so you just pursed your lips and ducked your head. Your part was done; now, it was up to Kuei to do what was right. If he did not make the proper choice now, then it was hopeless. Then they could take you wherever they wanted, because you could not fight back against your own flesh and blood.
“Dai Li, arrest—” You could not help your shoulders from slumping at Kuei’s declaration. Despite everything, it had not been enough. He still did not have any faith in you. “—Long Feng!”
“What? Your royal majesty, what is the meaning of this?” Long Feng said as the Dai Li agents saluted at Kuei before clicking a pair of metal handcuffs around Long Feng’s wrists.
“Did you really think I’d believe you over Y/N? Did you really think that there’s anyone in the world who I value more than her? It would’ve been more suitable for you to pretend like you actually cared about her. I might’ve been more inclined to agree with you then, but no matter your station, if you dare to speak against my dear sister like that, then you must face the harshest of repercussions,” Kuei said, standing and drawing himself to his full height.
“Kuei?” you said softly. You had never thought that he would be the one who would do something like this. Never in your wildest dreams had you imagined that he would stand up for himself, for you, to this extent. Yet here he was, doing exactly that.
“You are making a mistake! If you do this, you will be remembered as a foolish, empty-minded despot who used his power to rid the kingdom of any who dared to criticize his family,” Long Feng said. “You will be remembered as a tyrant. I swear it to be so!”
“That’s fine,” Kuei said. “They can remember me as a tyrant if that is what they will — as long as I am remembered as a tyrant who loved his sister. Agents, please, take him away at once! I’ve had enough of listening to him. I think it’s time that I take counsel from more qualified parties.”
“You’ll regret this,” Long Feng said over his shoulder. “I can assure you of that!”
“And you’ll regret killing my father,” Kuei said. “I can assure you of that.”
“I didn’t think he had it in him,” Sokka mused, earning him a snort of approval from Toph.
“Are you finally willing to listen to us?” Aang said. Kuei massaged his temples.
“Yes, I am. What’s this talk of war? Who are we at war with?” he said.
“The Fire Nation,” Katara said. “They attacked a hundred years ago. They killed all of the Air Nomads and have been steadily invading the Earth Kingdom; Ba Sing Se is the only place that’s still completely safe from their influence.”
“Because of the walls?” Kuei said.
“Yes, exactly. They haven’t managed to break through yet, which is why so many refugees have been coming here — most of them have lost their homes, and Ba Sing Se is the last hope they have at making new lives,” Aang said.
“The Fire Nation is that strong?” you said.
“That strong, and that dedicated. You know, their prince chased us all of the way here!” Katara said.
“For what reason?” you said.
“Something about capturing the Avatar and restoring his honor, I think,” Sokka said. “I’m not really sure. But! We have a way to defeat them, as long as you lend us your support.”
“We’ll do whatever we can,” Kuei said. “Right, Y/N?”
“Of course,” you said. Without Long Feng there to guide him, Kuei was like a baby animal whose legs were still wobbly and eyes were still barely opened. It would take time before he could stand on his own; until then, he needed someone who he could rely on, someone who could reassure him that he was doing the right thing. And since you’d rather that person be you than anyone more unsavory, you took the role upon yourself with as much grace as you could muster.
“The day of the black sun is coming up,” Sokka said. “The sun will disappear behind the moon for a window of time, and all Firebenders will lose their power. We have to strike them while they can’t fight back. That’s what we need your armies for — while they take care of the Fire Nation forces, Aang and a small task force will infiltrate the palace directly and defeat Fire Lord Ozai for good.”
Kuei glanced at you. You nodded. If they were telling the truth and this day of the black sun was a real event, then it was probably the best chance you had at turning the tides of a war that you had thus far been losing.
“Say, Katara,” you said as you walked her and Toph to the guest rooms they’d be staying in after they had finished briefing you. “Earlier, you mentioned a Prince Zuko and a Princess Azula. What are they like?”
You were fascinated by the thought that there was another pair of siblings not too dissimilar to you and Kuei, albeit younger, of course. Another pair of siblings who bore the burden of a crown. Another pair of siblings who had the weight of a nation looming over them. Would they understand the sense of duty which prevailed in you? The patriotism, the love for your subjects? You would likely never get to meet them and ask, considering you and they were on opposite sides of a war, so you settled for this, for learning about them through Katara’s words.
“They’re the worst of the worst,” Katara said.
“It’s true. They’re pretty crazy,” Toph said. “Though their uncle isn’t that bad!”
“Maybe you shouldn’t say that, considering he did lay siege to her city for six hundred days,” Katara said. “And not too long ago. I mean, it happened in our lifetime.”
It was almost a credit to Long Feng’s dedication, you thought, that he had even managed to hide such a long siege from you and your brother. The fact that Ba Sing Se had been under attack for two of your years of living and yet you had not known a thing about it was actually impressive, if not unfortunate.
“Oh, yeah. Forgot about that,” Toph said. “He’s pretty nice otherwise, though.”
“Naturally,” you said, bemused.
���We don’t know much about Azula, except that she’s Zuko’s sister and the princess of the Fire Nation, but Zuko’s been on our tail pretty much since Sokka and I found Aang in that iceberg. Apparently, he was banished or something, and the only way he can regain his honor is if he captures the Avatar. That’s what we’ve put together from his random speeches and consistent efforts, anyways,” Katara said.
“Although, we haven’t seen him in a bit,” Toph said. “Maybe he’s settled down somewhere.”
“Or he’s in disguise,” you offered. “You could’ve seen him and not even realized who he truly was.”
Katara shook her head. “No, he’s pretty distinctive looking. He has the giant burn scar covering the left half of his face — it makes him hard to miss. If we had seen him, we would’ve known.”
Your mind blanked, your stomach churning as you tried to process what she had just said. Burn scar. Left half of his face. Where else had you seen that distinctive mark before? You didn’t want to recall, but you did.
“Does he really?” you said to Toph.
“I dunno,” Toph said. “I’m blind.”
“Ah, right,” you said.
“Like I said when we first met, though, I can tell when people are lying, and she’s not. I don’t see what the reason to lie about that would even be,” Toph said. “It’s kind of a really specific thing to make up.”
“I’m telling the truth,” Katara affirmed. “Why, what’s wrong? I guess it’s kind of weird for the prince of the Fire Nation to be have a burn wound, but it was probably a training accident or something.”
“Oh, no,” you said. “Oh, no, no, no!”
“What’s wrong?” Katara said.
You did not want to listen to them, but if they were telling the truth, and you knew in your heart of hearts that they were, then that meant only one thing: Prince Zuko hadn’t settled down. He hadn’t given up on his chase or his war. He had moved on to more strategic maneuvers, that was all. Stealth instead of strength. Infiltration instead of invasion.
“He’s here,” you said, stopping and gripping her shoulders. She blinked at you, her blue eyes wide with uncertainty. “Katara, listen to me. All of you need to leave Ba Sing Se at once. If he gets his hands on Aang, then there’s no chance of our plans succeeding.”
“Huh? What’re you talking about?” Toph said.
“Prince Zuko’s here,” you said. “In Ba Sing Se, under an alias. I’ve seen him. I’ve met him. If the Avatar is his end goal, then the Avatar must leave as soon as possible. It’s not safe here.”
“But isn’t the Earth Palace the safest place in the world? There’s no way he can get past all of those guards all by himself,” Toph said. “He’s not that good of a bender, I’m pretty sure.”
You groaned. “No, he can get in. Anytime he wants.”
“How?” Katara said.
“It’s not important,” you said, too ashamed to admit your mistake. “Look, I trusted you all, didn’t I? Now you must trust me.”
Katara seemed uncertain, but Toph nodded at you, her expression set.
“We’ll just leave early,” she said. “I’ll go see my mother, Katara and Sokka will meet up with their father, and Aang can go visit that guru. Hopefully, by the time we’re finished with those errands, things will be dealt with.”
“I am sure it will not be a problem,” you said. “But just in case, you probably should not return to the capital. Unless Kuei or I appear before you ourselves, it would befit you to assume that any summons are deceptive in nature.”
“Are you sure about this?” Katara said. “If it really is Zuko, then he must have some tricks up his sleeve. Will it be okay for us to leave you alone?”
“If Aang is killed or captured, then it will be many years before the next Avatar reaches the level of training necessary to face the Fire Lord,” you said. “It’s too great of a risk for you to stay when it’s all but confirmed that Prince Zuko is here. As for me, I have the might of the Earth Kingdom behind me. No matter what, I’ll be fine.”
“Odds are that he’ll leave Ba Sing Se once we do, too, so there won’t even be any danger to the palace,” Toph said. “Once we go our separate ways, he’ll have to split his forces up as well, so it’ll also then be easier for us to take him on.”
“There’s also that,” you said.
“You have a point,” Katara said. “Alright. Toph, go tell Aang to get Appa ready. I’ll get Sokka and catch him up.”
“Be safe,” you said.
“You too,” Katara said. Toph punched you in the arm.
“Stay sharp, princess. See you around,” she said. “You’re not as much of an idiot as you could be.”
“Thank you,” you said. “I look forward to seeing you all again — if not in Ba Sing Se, then in the Fire Nation, on the day of the black sun, when we finally bring about their downfall for good.”
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taglist (comment/send an ask/dm to be added): @rinisfruity14 @c4ttheart @blacky-rose @shizko @marsbars09 @happyplaidpersonfestival @catborglar @camilleverreault @nerdybouquetofkittens-blog @lovialy @heart4hees @stefnarda @ioonatv @vvicaddiction @yukihatesreoyo @yodayyy
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squivulous · 8 months
My Podcast Masterlist
I have a long commute, giving me two hours a day to listen to podcasts. Here is my documentation of all the audio dramas I’ve consumed plus a little blurb. I just wanted to organize them in a list and also (selfishly) get recommendations if anyone would be so kind. Or maybe you’ll see something that’ll interest you. Enjoy!
Podcasts I’m Caught Up With
The Penumbra Podcast: I’ve made an animatic for this one. I’m down bad. This is the one that sucked me into this podcast world.
Malevolent: Arthur dating sim when??? Everyone wants him. Also it took me way too long to find out it was an actual play podcast.
Red Valley: Gordon fan all the way. Normally I do like the Sad Boy but Gordon is that type of dorky that makes me want to protect him.
Caravan: Interesting world and love a main character that makes questionable decisions. Everything is going to be fine :)
WOE.BEGONE: I’m obsessed. It happened slowly but now I think about it every day… And the music is so good! Mike Walters is cringefail, bbygurl, easy to manipulate, and saws his left arm off at the shoulder.
The Cellar Letters: Legit gets me spooked at times. Steve and Nate are good vibes. I’m sure glad nothing ever happens to them.
Harbor: Love that Sam being a malewife ruined his life.
Rifted: Aurora, another Sad Boy to add to my collection. Daniel should give him a kiss to make him feel better.
Heroics: Pls come back some day… I need more Josh. He’s in his slay era.
Second Fiddles: Max is owning being a bbygurl. Also there are a lot of poop jokes which is weird but I’ll look past it.
Hand in Glove: idk anything about baseball but these baseball players are smoochinggg.
Find Us Alive: Lancaster in booty jorts. It's canon. Don't look it up. I'm right. ALSO HE NEEDS TO TALK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM PLS.
The Kingmaker Histories: The kiss is still the subject of much historical debate. Eisen <3
The Viridian Wild: It hasn’t been updated since 2021 but I still have hope.
Dos: After You: Ghosting GONE WRONG
Brimstone Valley Mall: SEASON TWO IS COMING. 90’s mall setting is really fun and I’m here for the thing Asmoraius and Trent have going on.
Levian: It starts off with a bang! Well not quite since his sister walks in oops. Excited to see where this pirate tale takes us.
Midnight Burger: Each episode is a delight and as someone who is bad at science, I appreciate Gloria and Caspar. Caspar pls stay forever and also Brodie <3
Return Home: I’m really listening to it for Buddy and DW.
Raythe Reign: Sometimes you need a yaoi.
The White Vault: At this point, I know what I’m getting into and yet still decide to get attached to these characters
The Amelia Project: Please don’t hurt the Interviewer! He’s too goofy for all this drama. I’m scared!
Fawx & Stallion: James Stallion being canonically hot in any situation is such a win
Victoriocity: Inspector Fleet has had a long week and needs some days off
Yokai Detective Agency: I’m always a sucker for detective stories and I’m looking forward to where this one is going
Desert Skies: Charming characters and love that the plot has a nice pace, not dragging things out
The Grotto: the music is so good but also please help. The emotional turmoil is torrential.
Camlann: Yo…. Dai, for real???
Podcasts I’ve Completed
Dash: This might not be completed? This is actually the first audio drama I finished. Classic noir but supernatural and boys are smooching!
The Two Princes: This was wholesome and had good vibes. I prefer the first season but it was still a fun time.
The Magnus Archives: Arrived late to the party on this one, but I love all the fanart. Awakened my interest in pathetic men.
EOS 10: I also am not 100% sure this is done but I enjoyed the shenanigans!
Wolf 359: Eiffel, my beloved. I liked the silly and dramatic parts of this story. It hurt my soul but it was worth it :)
Time:Bombs: noahdeaart's fanart made me think this was going in a different direction... Still a fun one!
Valence: Love this one WAAAAHHH! Pls listen. I love Nico. Sad Boy but hides it under their chaos energy.
The Bright Sessions: I would 1005% listen to a spin-off just about Mark. This Sad Boy keeps collecting trauma and I need to see him and Oliver maybe go on adventures or something. ANYTHING.
Roommates: I, too, had a pandemic college experience. It's kinda bizarre that there's already a story about that and I love it!
Look Up: Wholesome. Briggon Snow kept me fed.
Moonface: Appreciate having an audio drama from an Asian American perspective. Didn’t realize how much I needed that.
Murray Mysteries: Must protect Jonathan.
Kaleidotrope: More wholesome content. I got more into it by the second half. The hosts have a fun dynamic!
Re: Dracula: Still thinking about Inside You.
Wooden Overcoats: Rudyard is my fav. Chapman deserves the hate.
The Vanishing Act: this Rudyard wasn’t my fav. I was happy to listen to him suffer but also happy when he fell in love. A win for Griffson!
Greater Boston: Michael Tate <3
Ars Paradoxica: Nikhil Sharma <3
Podcasts I’m Catching Up On
Life with Althaar: I knew that plant lady was sus
The Night Post: Ashley……
Love and Luck: I’m on ep 87 now some magical things are going down
Going Lowbrow: I wasn’t expecting a musical but I’m not complaining.
SAYER: There are no bees on Typhon :)
WTNV: I got behind during high school and now I’m too scared to get caught up… one day. It's been so long at this point I think I'd need to start over.
BRASS: I fell behind on episodes :(
Not Quite Dead: If there are vampires, I'm automatically interested. Only a few eps in.
Hi Nay: I’m listening to Murphy respectfully.
Podcasts I’ve Dropped
Moonbase Theta Out
Archive 81
The Sheridan Tapes
Jar of Rebuke
I’ll keep this updated every so often. Most of these I’ve found either from scouring rec lists or seeing nice fanart.
Please let me know of any recommendations you may have! Thanks for reading if you got this far. Mad respect.
Last updated: 04/14/24
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 months
Hmmmm. You know I've always been subconsciously knew that Blue ( rival) had different sprites throughout the game, but I never really took the time to like. Analyze them? And truthfully there isn't much to analyze but I do find it interesting on how the sprites differ from the original rbgy games and FRLG.
So let's start with rbgy. Or rather rbg cause yellow has some slight difference despite its overall same pattern.
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This is the sprite to represent Blue from the first 3 battles ( as in the one in the lab, the optional one in viridian city and the one in cerulean city right before nugget bridge). This pretty much captures Blue pretty well. This cocky kid who thinks he's better than you,lmao. Got his signature hand gesture too. This was during the early game, I would say. Where he does probably think " yeah there's no way Red would catch up with me, hur hur".
Then we reach the fourth sprite on the S.S. Anne
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This sprite is the sprite that's used for the rest of the game until his champion battle. This one gives such a different vibe than the first one. He looks so much more focused compared to his other sprite. Like he's looking directly as the player this time, PokeBall out, in a semi hunched position getting ready. He doesn't even have a smirk on his face, which I find very interesting. There's many ways to interpret this really, one of which is a simple " the game is telling you your getting to the mid game now". For me personally, I think it reflects on how Blue starts seeing the player. I kinda see it where Blue is starting to realize that Red is catching up, so to speak. That he can't treat them entirely like a joke anymore. He's still gonna talk shit ( the best an 11 year old can anyway) but like. It's a thought at the back of his mind. Especially when he keeps losing, like Red is almost a threat to what he wants. It's also interesting to think about this with the context of " Red and Blue where childhood friends turned rivals". I mean. They were always rivals according to professor oak, but you get what I'm trying to say right? I think this is where the " competition" gets real to blue, and he's taking it as seriously as he can, now with the facade of him being this snarky jerk. Again, that's just my interpretation of it, I'm down to hear others!
And finally....
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Champion Blue! This sprite technically makes blue the first champion to have a different outfit compared to their usual sprite, which I find cool. Also this is probably what they used for reference for his look on HGSS. Probably, I don't actually know. I do think it's kinda cute that this implies he went into the elite 4 looking his best hgvhvgvgvcg. Anyway, to the actual analysis. He did it! He became champion! Before Red,too. I know I just said it was cute that Blue had an outfit change for this moment but it still shows his very show boaty nature I think. He wants Red to know he won. He wants everyone to know he won. He worked hard to get where he is and by Arceus he is going to show for it. Here's my thing though. I can't tell if he's smirking or not. I don't think he is, to it's still kinda hard to say? To me anyway. But let's go with the fact that he's not smirking. And like yeah. He's champion. This is the ultimate battle that probably means everything to him and Red. He wants to be serious about this. I just find it interesting how ever since that 4th battle he hasn't had a visible smile or smirk. His words have always been very "Blue" but his facial expressions don't fully convey that? Like his body language doesn't exactly show someone who's overly cocky, and someone who thinks he's at the top of the world, even in his champion battle, with all of that swagger. I dunno if I can accurately write my thoughts down on this but. It's weird to have Blue not smirk. Does that make sense? And not to say that Blue shouldn't be seen as serious but to lose that smirk so quickly as of the 4th battle ( third if you just didn't do the optional battle) is so. Weird. Even if he is taking Red seriously, even if he is starting to see Red as a threat rather than a friend, where's his bravado?
Am I looking way too deeply into this? Yes. Am I done. Nope!
.....oh boy. This is gonna be a bit longer than I thought-
Pokemon Yellow pretty much had the same philosophy of rbg in Blue's sprites, showcasing different poses for different parts of the journey. Where it differs is the second sprite
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The second sprite for the 4th (or 3rd) battle and onward his pretty much the same as rbg, expect more polished, I think. And! He's still smirking! As much as I loved over analyzing and theorizing the shit out of his previous sprites, this sprite is way better at conveying Blue as Blue I think. The position still makes it clear that Blue is taking Red more seriously, especially with the PokeBall out, but it doesn't feel as intense as the rbg ones did imo. Though that could also be bc of the coloring. Overall it just better shows Blue character. Again, I still like the shit I wrote before, and honestly it kinda makes me appreciate Blue more, but like. Yeah, this one shows his character better. And it makes this:
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Less weird to me. Minus taking away his "champion outfit". How dare they honestly. But anyway, having Blue have his usual smirk throughout the game only to drop it once he has his final battle with Red for champion. Cause like to. To him this fight would literally mean everything. He has to keep it serious. I don't have much to really say other than this pose Blue is in looks like he's just about to throw that PokeBall. I think it's neat given how important this battle is to him.
Now we can finally go to the frlg sprites bc they're kinda weird to me.
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This is his sprite for the first three battles. It's. So different compared to the rbgy ones. This this sprite looks more like the sprite that he would have had for his fourth fight. And what's more!
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This is his sprite that's used for fourth battle onwards. And I was so confused about this when I saw it cause. What was it trying to convey? Yeah we know that Blue is cocky, but this feels. Odd character wise. Though then I realized that this sprite and the sprite before are like. Switched versions of the rbgy ones ( specifically yellow in terms of characterization). Though I don't want to make it seem likes it's an inherently bad thing. Like it's an odd choice to me, but I can kinda see something with it. With the rbgy sprites, to me, Blue goes from not fully taking the player seriously to realizing " oh shit, Red could beat me I can't have that" to the serious battle that makes or breaks everything. This progression in frlg is like. Starting out on equal terms, but as time goes on Blue just gets more and more cocky until the last moment where you take him off his high horse. At least sprite wise, that's what that story conveys. And honestly I think both are totally fine stories to tell with Blue. I personally like the rbgy sprites better. In terms of character telling I mean. Also I can't stress enough this is just my own interpretation of these sprites that honestly don't really impact the story much. I just found it interesting that Blue actually has different sprites at all at specific points in the plot. Oh wait before I forget
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This is the sprite that Blue has for his champion battle. I think he's pointing at the player? Again it's such an interesting vibe in comparison to those before it, but overall it still showcases what it needs to in terms of what the player/Red/Green/Leaf should feel at this very moment. All or nothing, winner takes all, you get it.
Aaaaand yeah. The rbg section kinda stole the show but I think it's good context for the rest of it. I hope this was enjoyable to you all and if you have your own interpretations of Blue's sprites and what they mean, I'd like to hear them!
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Hey! Hey Hey! (insert Bokuto's voice) Quick fun facts about yourself? Other than writing any other hobbies? favorite foods, places you'd like to visit, any pets ?
*BIG GAAAAASP* …you want headcanons on mamaz??? ask and ye shall receive…
[infodump beneath the cut]
➠ fun facts about mamaz (do i even have any…?)
➠ for a long time, I wanted to be a veterinarian; I’m an absolute animal lover.
➠ I’ve never been horseback riding; but I want to soooo bad.
➠ my favorite color is viridian.
➠ I have a beautiful lil’ tortie female with cerebellar hypoplasia (also called ‘wobbly cat syndrome’ — don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt our feline friends at all. they just can’t walk right.) [she’s affectionately referred to as crazy legs.]
➠ I’ve given myself a tattoo. I also own a tattoo kit and have been actively trying to pursue a career as a tattoo artist.
➠ I’ve been engaged for almost three years.
➠ I don’t even meet the average height of most women — I’m 5’0 even. (short babes unite)
➠ I daydream. a lot. I get so lost in them that sometimes I forget about the real world.
➠ I’ve snuck out of my house a total of once in my whole life (I was fifteen, and I got caught doing it so I said never again)
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➠ mamaz hobbies.
➠ writing. duh.
➠ this goes along with being a writer, but I absolutely love reading. (fanfiction, reader inserts, and published novels. I’m very impartial to the fantasy genre. my all time favorite series is the ‘warriors’ series by erin hunter.)
➠ cooking. I love cooking.
➠ drawing/sketching. as previously stated, I hold a place in the furry fandom. not the super weird side of it (y’know the side I’m talking about). in many cases, when I get the time to indulge in drawing, it’s to doodle my fursonas or to make sketches for tattoo ideas.
➠ binging shows I’ve already seen 50+ times.
➠ cruising through tumblr/working on my drafts.
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➠ mamaz favorite foods/places to eat.
➠ burgers. I fuckin’ love burgers. especially with extra pickles.
➠ takis. I will eat seven bags of those motherfuckers in one day.
➠ energy drinks.
➠ coffee. just yes.
➠ reese’s (closely tied for the title of ‘favorite chocolate’ with ferraro roche)
➠ mcdonald’s, wendy’s, burger king, lin’s garden, hu hots, and shogun’s.
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➠ mamaz music taste.
➠ my music taste is essentially hybrid. if i vibe with a song, i vibe with it. doesn’t matter what genre it is.
➠ I do tend to be drawn back to alt/emo music, though. it’s a comfort for me.
➠ bmth, ptv, 21p, fall out boy, p!atd, and sws are the main bands I listen to. (fun fact, I listen to music when I write!)
➠ I also vibe to certain anime soundtracks.
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and that’s about all I have to share babes!! thank you so much for asking to learn more about me, it made my heart so happy ;w; y’all are too sweet.
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gentrychild · 1 month
Hello I have a fic find request✨
Im looking for a vigilante Izuku fic, Anything with similar vibes to, Viridian: the Green Guide, His Kidilante, Hero's Shadow, or Pied Piper
Not super picky about ships (just pls no bkdk thanks)
And ofc, for the rats: 🥐🧀🍕🍪
Fic finders, ASSEMBLE!
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theviridianbunny · 3 months
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❣️Trying to return to my fashion illustration roots by drawing Viridian in Veegee-Alvarez’s new body suit (which gives off big torture garden latex vibes) and @wanderingaldecaldo ‘s classy high heels ❣️
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mythgirlimagines · 3 months
Which Project Sekai group do you think would sing each PokéMiku song?
VERY good question that made me actually sit down and listen to all of the Project Voltage songs lmao
This got long so everything past the first two are under the cut!
TL;DR: 4 L/N, 4 MMJ, 4 VBS, 4 WxS, 3 n25
Volt Tackle- I think for just Volt Tackle itself, L/N could rock it since parts of it remind me of songs like Teo or Hibana -Reloaded-. However, for the Jewel Remix, VBS would be the ones to cover it and you cannot change my mind on that. It’d be really cool if in-story this was one of L/N’s songs and VBS decided to remix and cover it
Electricity Forecast- The Viridian Forest theme (one of my favorite themes in all the games and not only because of Yellow) seals to me that this would be an n25 song. I really have no defense for it other than that but honestly tell me it doesn’t fit. Like I could see an argument for VBS but I think n25 would slay this
What Kind of Future- I could see MMJ doing some kind of collaboration with Pokemon and covering this song, like them kind of incorporating the “attacks” in their choreography or something like that. The beat also reminds me of some of their songs, like Newly Edgy Idols. I can definitely see this on an idol stage. I also think at least Minori would be amused by all of the puns XD
The Pokemon Inside My Heart- This one for sure gives WxS, especially on the gaming side of things. You know if this were a song in-universe Nene would cover it even on her own. It honestly reminds me of some of their more chill songs as a group, and honestly feels kind of reminiscent of Starry Sky Melody for some reason?? That might just be me
Battle! (Hatsune Miku)- VBS hands-down, are you kidding? I don’t even think I have to justify my choice here
Fly With You- It’s telling the story of Mudkip and Pelipper, so I think WxS would cover this just on the storytelling ground, y’know? I could see it being a show on Wonder Stage
I GOT YOU!- VBS, and again I don’t really think I have to justify this choice lol, I also think this is one of my favorites so far
JUVENILE- L/N both based on the overall sound and the themes in the lyrics! Very fitting imo. Tell me I’m wrong I dare you
I’m a Ghost Type- I was originally going to say VBS, but I honestly think that n25 could handle this song slightly better? I’m still kind of torn between them but I’m going to say final answer n25 because they do deserve some hard-hitting beats like this, plus n25 has done several syudou songs before that went well
GO! Team BIDOOF- I’m kind of caught between MMJ and WxS for this one, but I think I’m leaning towards WxS just because it’s giving Niccori and I love Niccori lol (edit a second after I wrote this: they’re produced by the same producer so that’s probably why I kept drawing parallels between the two lmaooooo)
Awoo- n25 is probably gonna end up getting all the spooky-themed songs tbh but I really do think they’d do well with this one lol
Encounter- I’m split between MMJ and L/N but this also reminds me of Torinoko City so I think I’m going to give it to MMJ. Both groups fit the lyrics “‘You’re stronger than you were back then”/Even though I’ve grown up/Nothing seems to have changed, does it?” but MMJ gets the edge in terms of the sound of the song imo since it also lowkey gives Watashi wa, Watashitachi wa
Eon Ticket- I gotta go with L/N for this one, I mean just listen to it (I am maybe a little biased that marasy also produced Aoku Kakero! which is one of my favorite L/N covers)
PARTY ROCK ETERNITY- Another where I’m between VBS and n25!! Ahhhhh I think for this one I’m going to go with VBS on this one. This is another one of my favorite Project Voltage songs now lol
Journey’s Prequels, Journey’s Traces- WxS for this one, it just Gives Them
Psychic Psychic- I want to say MMJ for this one and I have no idea why. I think it kind of reminds me of Melty Land Nightmare vibes?
MELLOMELLOID- This one, oddly enough, had me split between MMJ and n25, but I think this reminds me too much of Darling Dance to not give it to MMJ
Glorious Day- I would love hearing L/N do this one, so I'm gonna have to give it to them!
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So The Legend of Spyro Trilogy has been on my mind a lot lately and it also just so happened to have been the 25th Anniversary of the Spyro Series. I don't plan on making a fanfic but I had ideas for a story that takes place after Dawn of the Dragon.
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Basic premise of the story: The War with Malefor and his Dark army is finally over and Dragons who have been surviving in hidden Haven cities all around the world are starting to return to Warfang the Dragon Capital. Spyro and Cynder are finally free to be young dragons for the first time in their lives, but they are not entirely sure how to be normal young dragons, they are both basically child soldiers, Spyro has the instant notoriety of being the legendary chosen one Purple Dragon, and while Cynder helped defeat Malefor not every dragon is going to forgive her from her time being The Dark Master's Monster. These kids need a break. I am tired of seeing people making Ember and Cynder fight over Spyro, it's stupid. So here Ember is baby. She's like 5-6 years old and loves both Spyro and Cynder, and also ships them kinda like Pearl from Ace Attorney Flame is also a child, probably 7-8 years old and wants to be Spyro's sidekick. The Guardians are too old for their jobs now so they need to train up a new generation. I came up with 6 characters of my own Viridian the Earth Dragon (Smart Nature boy) Aestella "Star" the Electric Dragoness (Positive and Social performer) Aeoryn the Wind Dragoness (Stoic and Serious Warrior) Borealis the Ice Dragon (Roguish Outlaw Vigilante) Phoenix the Fire Dragoness (Adorkable artist and craftsperson) and Maelstrom the Water Dragon (Himbo Surfer bro who is good vibes)
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mellybabbles · 2 months
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HOLY SHIT??? sAFIRE/?? (this was sitting on my drafts HECK) EWHUUHFUHFEUWH SO MANY THINGS- OMG
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armin-supremacy · 1 year
nobody asked but I'm here to provide anyway
Shades + Songs I Associate W/The Demon Bros
basically, what makes my brain think of the boys
first up on the list
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Lucifer - Garnet + ICON by Twice
As much as I do not vibe with Lucifer, I can't argue that this mother fucker is an icon. Truly forever keeping bitches pressed.
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Mammon - Old Gold + 8 Letter by Why Don't We
This man spent nearly 15-16 lessons and had to watch is DIE before he considered telling us he loved us without the whole 'don't get it twisted' shit. A simp for life who struggles to tell us his feelings.
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Leviathan - Prussian + just pretend by Bad Omens
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Satan - Viridian + Let Me Sign by Robert Pattinson
First off, forever pissed Robert didn't drop a full studio version of this damn song. You can't tell me this song doesn't make you picture yourself cuddled up to Satan on a rainy day reading a book together.
And if you dont, you're a liar.
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Asmodeus - Rosewater + Stars are Blind by Paris Hilton
It's no secret Asmodeus craves someone who loves him for him. This song is perfect for him.
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Beelzebub - Tangerine + Big Boys by SZA
This song was made for him. I don't accept criticism.
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Belphegor - Montana Grape + Judas by Lady GaGa
It's no secret I have a special soft spot for Belphie. He's my favorite. Now, seeing as he unalived us, does this really need explanation?
ta da! I needed a bit of a break from putting all my brain power into the final part of the trust in me series so I decided to whip up this lil treat for you 💜
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letter for the king deserved shadow&bone treatment and success. if only they didnt rush things so much, and gave the plot and characters the needed time to develop through couple of seasons.
because they had everything in place for this to be next big thing. the cast was great. the acting was on point. amir was carrying the show as hero. they gave us next darkling. viridian had potential to be new brooding morally gray babe. gijs was perfect in villian role (i mean he got even emmy noimination for it hello??) . the cinematography was epic. but they didnt give it time to bloom, they didnt give us time to connect and care for characters nor gave the characters time to develop themselves and relationships between each other. i know arguably the first season was meant to follow first book, but damn the potential here could have expanded so much.
the book laid foundations and yes series took lot of liberty and basically changed everything. But hear me out. If they didnt rush, it would be worth it. because they would have time to pick things from book and make details part of adaptation therefore making it all make more sense and still incorporate and preserve the sacred vibe of original story.
it's interesting to me how do they decide, which factors wage in decision which books they will follow the plot and on which they will scrap whole thing up and make completely new retelling.
i really hope netflix decides to pick this one up and take us back in this world. there is still another book.
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cutedragonsfr · 8 months
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Ash! A wandering dragon living in a wooden, Wind magic-powered mobile home that resembles their bagwitch familiar, sometimes going to Shadow’s territory to collect glowing mushrooms but they normally stay in the Viridian Labyrinth.
they’re very pretty!!  give me a bit of woodland witch vibes, the spooky type that people warn you about.  i’m in love with the mushroom theme, it really fits!!  and i looooove how their face looks like a skull; they’re so pretty and spooky.  definitely a good dragon for halloween!!
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