#visa for border crossing
bogkeep · 1 year
ask meme 9!
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?
i have been to pretty much every country within a fairly broad radius around norway EXCEPT russia, which is not particularly tempting right now for,, you know,,, reasons.... though i WOULD love to visit someday in the future. eagle eyed audience members may also be aware that i'm currently living in sweden for a couple years, so i'm getting to know it whether i'd like to or not haha.
i really like iceland and finland! would love to explore finland some more, actually. and åland! i've only visited åland (a tiny island between sweden and finland) for a brief couple days, but i remember it being absolutely lovely. i would also like to visit svalbard someday, although that counts as part of norway.
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ferretrade · 1 year
moving to a different country is very fun and by fun I mean will I actually have somewhere to live come july? your guess is as good as mine
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lovelybasilisk · 2 years
Changing time zone due to visiting family + changing time I take my stimulant medicine + not sleeping well + headache due to sleep change = oouga I feel ghastly
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head-post · 14 days
Poland’s PM criticised Germany’s plans to introduce border controls with its neighbours
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Germany’s decision to start controlling all land borders was unacceptable.
Such actions are unacceptable from the Polish perspective. Poland does not need to strengthen controls on our border, but to strengthen the participation of countries such as Germany in guarding and securing the external borders of the European Union.
Tusk criticised Berlin’s initiative on Tuesday at a meeting of Polish diplomatic chiefs in Warsaw. He said that Berlin’s action meant “de facto a large-scale suspension of the Schengen area,” which included 25 of the 27 EU member states.
“In the coming hours we will contact other countries that will be affected by these decisions of Berlin for urgent consultations on the action on the EU forum in this matter. I hope that we will discuss this in the spirit of the European Union.”
Germany was introducing temporary border controls as part of a crackdown on illegal migration and the threat of extremism, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced on Monday. She declared that the controls at land borders would begin on 16 September and last for six months.
We are strengthening our internal security through concrete action and we are continuing our tough stance against irregular migration. It is important for us to act in close partnership with our neighbours and to minimise the impact on commuters and everyday life in border regions.
The country shares land borders with the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, France, the Czech Republic, and Poland.
The German government, led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz, is looking for ways to curb migration in the face of public anxiety and after a deadly knife attack in the town of Solingen last month. Three people were fatally stabbed during a street festival.
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aanews69 · 16 days
Wij leveren verhalen. We geven je ook handleidingen, tips en trucs over hoe je je eigen kunt maken.Dit kanaal is gewijd aan willekeurige dingen die op onze b...
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luminarytimesmedia · 27 days
Visa and Revolut Partner to Revolutionise Cross-Border Payments
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Visa and Revolut have entered into a strategic partnership aimed at transforming the landscape of cross-border business payments. Leveraging Visa Direct's expansive network, the collaboration promises real-time international transactions for business customers in more than 78 countries and across 50 currencies. This initiative seeks to tackle the persistent challenges associated with international money transfers, offering businesses a faster, more efficient, and cost-effective solution that could significantly enhance their global operations.
Streamlining International Payments
Historically, cross-border payments have been plagued by high fees, slow processing times, and varying country-specific requirements, often complicating international transactions. Businesses have had to navigate complex procedures, including the need for specific banking codes like IBAN and BIC, all while dealing with expensive fees and delays that could stretch for days.
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tearsofrefugees · 2 months
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francevisacouk · 1 year
Wheels on the Road: Road Tripping from UK to France
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In a world fueled by rapid transportation, the allure of the open road still beckons. A road trip isn't just a journey; it's an odyssey of discovery and freedom. Embarking on a road trip from the UK to France isn't merely crossing borders; it's a passage through diverse landscapes, cultures, and experiences. This article invites you to fasten your seatbelt and join the adventure as we navigate the highways and byways of cross-border travel.
The Joy of the Journey
Setting out on a road trip is akin to turning the pages of a captivating novel. With each twist and turn, a new chapter unfolds, revealing the wonders of the land. Driving from the UK to France is like traversing the pages of history, from the charming villages of England to the vineyard-clad hills of the French countryside.
The road becomes a canvas on which you paint your own story, with every mile covered etching memories that linger. As you watch the scenery change through your windshield, the anticipation of the unknown keeps the spirit of adventure alive.
The Cross-Border Experience
Crossing borders by road is a journey marked by its own unique rhythm. Unlike the impersonal experience of air travel, a road trip offers a front-row seat to the gradual transition from one country to another. The customs and cultures intertwine, creating a seamless blend that you can only truly appreciate when you're on the road.
Of course, the adventure is amplified for those who aren't citizens of the European Union. For them, the planning includes more than just packing essentials; it involves securing a France Visa, particularly a French Visa From UK, before setting out. This document is the key that unlocks the treasure chest of French wonders, from the iconic landmarks of Paris to the sun-soaked beaches of Nice.
Things to do in Paris – The city of Love
The Administrative Voyage
Navigating the intricacies of acquiring a French Tourist Visa might seem like a bureaucratic odyssey, but it's a step that transforms the road trip into a grand adventure. The administrative voyage involves gathering documents, adhering to timelines, and preparing for the journey that lies ahead.
As you fill out forms and compile paperwork, remember that this process isn't just a formality; it's a pathway to the heart of France. Every document is a piece of the puzzle that opens doors to the cathedrals of culture, the museums of history, and the cafes of culinary excellence.
Mapping the Route
The beauty of a road trip lies in the spontaneity it affords, but a basic route can be a compass that guides your journey. Departing from the UK, the ferry options that traverse the English Channel offer a unique beginning to your road trip. As the shores of France come into view, the sense of adventure deepens.
From there, the road is your canvas. The highways unveil the landscape's majesty, while the back roads introduce you to hidden gems that the well-trodden path might overlook. Whether it's the romantic allure of the Loire Valley or the rugged charm of the French Alps, each stretch of road promises a new narrative.
Cultural Collisions
A road trip isn't just about the places you visit; it's about the people you encounter, the flavors you savor, and the stories you gather along the way. The intersections of cultures become vivid at the crossroads of cafes, the conversations with locals, and the moments shared with fellow travelers.
The French language becomes more than words; it's a bridge to connection. Ordering your morning croissant or asking for directions becomes an exploration of the local tongue. With every cultural collision, you become not just a traveler, but a participant in the vibrant tapestry of life.
Conclusion: Beyond Borders
In a world where speed is often the goal, a road trip encourages you to slow down and savor the journey. The roads that stretch from the UK to France are more than just asphalt; they are conduits of transformation. From the English countryside to the French vineyards, each kilometer offers a chance to leave the mundane behind and embrace the extraordinary.
So, as you buckle up and set your sights on the horizon, remember that this road trip is more than just a vacation; it's an expedition of the heart and mind. The requisite France Visa might be the key that starts the engine, but the real journey is the one that takes you beyond borders and into the realm of exploration, self-discovery, and the magic that only happens when wheels meet the road.
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sayruq · 4 months
I am Alia, 35 years old, a Palestinian from Gaza. I currently reside in Gaza.Right now I have 7 members of my family, including 4 children, my mother, my father. I am starting a fundraiser to save the lives of my immediate family members, I am their only hope to get out of Gaza to Egypt and then to Germany in order to be safe again. Please help me save my family's lives. Whenever I have a chance to sleep, I wake up right away to see if my family is still alive, it is hard to live here due to the current situation where there is no electricity, connection, fuel, water or food, which makes our health condition worse, I am worried that I will lose my family any moment. Due to the war that's been going on in Gaza Strip for 200 days, which has targeted civilians, they're struggling right now, and genocides are happening in Gaza every day. At the beginning of the war, me and my family evacuated from the north to the south where they looked for a safe place, then we found out our house had been bombed, and our neighborhood area had been destroyed. The house we lived in for more than 23 years is gone, and we're homeless now. Currently, there is no safe place for us to live or to go, as of now we are sharing the tiny space with a large number of people. On top of that, after a hard 110 days during this war, I'm worried about my children not getting food or sleep because they don't have the basic necessities of life. Hearing bombs and explosions scare us, so we flee from place to place looking for safety. We can't find any medication and we keep getting sick and we don't have access to health care. Many of my family members have been killed, and many other members are missing under rubble, we don't know if they are alive or dead. Please help me collect the application fees and travel costs for seven people.To facilitate me and my family's evacuation from Gaza and to Germany I'm setting up a GoFundMe campaign to raise $30,000. Here is the breakdown of the funds: • It is estimated that $3000 will be sufficient to cover the basic needs of my family including their accommodation, food, and other essentials.Has to be allocated to cover the expenses associated with obtaining permits to leave Gaza, as well as crossing fees at Rafah, at the Egypt-Gaza border. This amount breaks down to $6000 per person (3 people). 3000$ for children under 18 years (4people). The cost of travel from Gaza to Germany $3000 . The cost for visa applications and all the costs related to reunion is $700 per person. Any donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference to the safety of me and my family. We'll use the money raised in a transparent and efficient way to make sure every dollar goes to keeping them safe. Thanks for your support, and I'm grateful for any help you can give during this difficult time. Help me reach my goal and provide safety for me and my family by sharing this campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your kindness and support, as well as your willingness to stand with us in support, as together we can make a real difference and provide safety and security for my family.
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awad-palestine · 5 months
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I am Awad, 40 years old, a Palestinian from Gaza. I currently reside in Gaza.
Right now I have 5 members of my family, including 3 children.
I am starting a fundraiser to save the lives of my immediate family members, I am their only hope to get out of Gaza to Egypt and then to Germany in order to be safe again. Please help me save my family's lives.
I am unable to work due to war, there is no work here, and whenever I have a chance to sleep, I wake up right away to see if my family is still alive, it is hard to live here due to the current situation where there is no electricity, connection, fuel, water or food, which makes our health condition worse, I am worried that I will lose my family any moment. Due to the war that's been going on in Gaza Strip for 200 days, which has targeted civilians, they're struggling right now, and genocides are happening in Gaza every day.
At the beginning of the war, me and my family evacuated from the north to the south where they looked for a safe place, then we found out our house had been bombed, and our neighborhood area had been destroyed. The house we lived in for more than 23 years is gone, and we're homeless now.
Currently, there is no safe place for us to live or to go, as of now we are sharing the tiny space with a large number of people. On top of that, after a hard 110 days during this war, I'm worried about my children not getting food or sleep because they don't have the basic necessities of life.
Hearing bombs and explosions scare us, so we flee from place to place looking for safety. We can't find any medication and we keep getting sick and we don't have access to health care. Many of my family members have been killed, and many other members are missing under rubble, we don't know if they are alive or dead.
Please help me collect the application fees and travel costs for five people.
To facilitate me and my family's evacuation from Gaza and to Germany I'm setting up a GoFundMe campaign to raise $25,000. Here is the breakdown of the funds:
• It is estimated that $3000 will be sufficient to cover the basic needs of my family including their accommodation, food, and other essentials.
Has to be allocated to cover the expenses associated with obtaining permits to leave Gaza, as well as crossing fees at Rafah, at the Egypt-Gaza border. This amount breaks down to $6000 per person (3 people).3000$ for children under 18 years (2people).
• The cost of travel from Gaza to Germany $3000
. The cost for visa applications and all the costs related to reunion is $700 per person.
Any donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference to the safety of me and my family. We'll use the money raised in a transparent and efficient way to make sure every dollar goes to keeping them safe.
Thanks for your support, and I'm grateful for any help you can give during this difficult time.
Help me reach my goal and provide safety for me and my family by sharing this campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your kindness and support, as well as your willingness to stand with us in support, as together we can make a real difference and provide safety and security for my family.
Thank you our compassionate friends and supporters.
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
President Biden fought on Friday to save a bipartisan immigration deal from collapse in Congress, vowing to shut down the border if the plan became law even as the Republican speaker pronounced it dead on arrival in the House.
In a written statement that came as Senate negotiators scrambled to finalize a deal that former President Donald J. Trump is pressuring Republicans to oppose, Mr. Biden used his most stringent language yet about the border, declaring it “broken” and in “crisis” and promising to halt migration immediately if Congress sends him the proposal.
“What’s been negotiated would — if passed into law — be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country,” he said. “It would give me, as president, a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed. And if given that authority, I would use it the day I sign the bill into law."[...]
Under the emerging deal, the administration would be required to shut down the border to migrants attempting to enter without prior authorization if encounters rise above 5,000 on any given day[...]
As the immigration plan teeters on Capitol Hill, the fate of additional aid for Ukraine also hangs in the balance[...]
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader, told fellow Republicans behind closed doors this week that Mr. Trump’s hostility to the plan and his growing dominance in the primary had put them “in a quandary.”
Mr. McConnell, a chief Republican proponent of sending more aid to Ukraine, has been a vocal supporter of the border deal that members of his party have insisted upon as the price of their backing for continued assistance for Kyiv.[...]
The bipartisan team of senators that has been working for months to strike a compromise to crack down on [...] migration and drug trafficking across the southern border with Mexico has come to an agreement in recent days on a set of policy changes. They include measures to make it more difficult to secure asylum, increase detention facilities, and force the administration to turn away migrants without visas if more than 5,000 people attempt to cross into the country unlawfully on any given day.
26 Jan 24
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horreurscopes · 7 months
was looking through the archeological depths of my file archives and i found the sketch that made US border crossing police illegally take my phone away and detain me for six hours when i was crossing the border at age 19 LMAO. for the record i had a perfectly valid tourist visa i was just nervous and traveling on my own because i was, indeed, crossing the border with the intention of staying in the country
i distinctly remember the customs officer going through my shit and finding my sketchbook in my suitcase and very seriously asking me "why does she have a gun????" like it was deeply incriminating. wait tumblr is censoring me let me add the image on a reblog
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blackwoolncrown · 1 year
Help me out w 2$ (or more if you can <3)
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Okay since enough time has passed that I started talking about where I moved, let me explain a bit further:
I am dealing w three main issues that could use financial support: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1- Last year on a 90 day notice I ended up selling off my shit and driving- yes DRIVING- to Mexico to live there w my partner. I paid for a permit so I could cross the border w my car- it lasts 180 days, which is up now.
2- Tourist visas are, as mentioned, 180 days after which you HAVE to leave so I recently had to fly out and come back (so I can have a fresh FMM) which costs $$$$
and NOW I have to drive up to the border to clear my old permit and get a new one, which costs $$$ in gas and non-working time
3- And that non working time is a BIG DEAL because in order to get my residency, which will save me from having to do this back and forth again, I have to have an income of $3,600. Take home. As I am self employed that means I have to MAKE $4,800 A MONTH for 6 CONSECUTIVE months in order to get approved. If a month goes under...the clock starts again.
Last month I had a post like this but sadly I still had to pay  myself with $700 from my savings account to make the necessary $4,800
I only need to keep this up for TWO MORE MONTHS but with all the travel I had to do this month next month’s income might get dinged.
I’m a Black Indigenous Femme that had to flee FL last year for multiple reasons (it’s basically ground zero for American Fascism rn) and living out of the US has been a lifesaver but in order to lock in the long term stuff I need community support and/or reparations to make it work!
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The money has to go to my BUSINESS account so:
1. p*yp*l.me/ellipsislux 2. Book a service w me (hi I’m a spiritualist! Also check out my ‘ask a question’ option- you can even ask me stuff about herbs or anything! - if you would like energy chart dowsing kindly schedule any time AFTER June 7th)
Help me grow my business:
Subscribe to my Youtube & like my videos! Follow me on insta https://www.instagram.com/iamthatwhich/ & share my reels!
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collapsedsquid · 1 month
The Darién Gap was thought for centuries to be all but impassable. Explorers and would-be colonizers who entered tended to die of hunger or thirst, be attacked by animals, drown in fast-rising rivers, or simply get lost and never emerge. Those dangers remain, but in recent years the jungle has become a superhighway for people hoping to reach the United States. According to the United Nations, more than 800,000 may cross the Darién Gap this year—a more than 50 percent increase over last year’s previously unimaginable number. Children under 5 are the fastest-growing group. The U.S. has spent years trying to discourage this migration, pressuring its Latin American neighbors to close off established routes and deny visas to foreigners trying to fly into countries close to the U.S. border. Instead of stopping migrants from coming, this approach has simply rerouted them through the jungle, and shifted the management of their passage onto criminal organizations, which have eagerly taken advantage. The Gulf Clan, which now calls itself Ejército Gaitanista de Colombia, effectively controls this part of northern Colombia. It has long moved drugs and weapons through the Darién Gap; now it moves people too. Everyone who works in the Darién Gap must be approved by the cartel and hand over a portion of their earnings. They have built stairs into hillsides and outfitted cliffs with ladders and camps with Wi‑Fi. They advertise it all on TikTok and YouTube, and anyone can book a journey online. There are many paths through. The most grueling route is the cheapest—right now, about $300 a person to cross the jungle on foot. Taking a boat up the coast can cost more than $1,000.
[...] Guides and porters follow the migrants in the jungle with their iPhones rolling, asking, “Do you feel good?” and “Have we treated you well?” They film incessantly during the first day of walking, when people are still able to conjure a smile. (Even I ended up in one of their videos.) They post the videos on social media, selling trips across the jungle as if they were joyful nature walks. The profit motives of the cartel have become yet another factor fueling migration. [...] The porters we had paid to continue on with us told us to stay close together because bandits were thought to be intimidated by large groups. Later, we learned that was false—they were in fact targeting large groups, perhaps because it was more efficient than robbing a handful of people at a time. Our anxiety grew when we passed a couple of abandoned backpacks. We pushed through thicker and thicker brush until I realized there was no longer any sign of a path. One porter accused another of leading us astray. They started arguing, until a third hissed, “No yelling!” We turned around, but a bottleneck formed in front of a fallen tree trunk. One of the porters shouted for us to hurry: “Grab the kids and go!” [...] Most of the migrants I met in the processing line told me they’d been robbed by bandits at a checkpoint within a day’s walk of the community. The women said they’d been groped; some said they’d been digitally penetrated under the guise of a search for hidden cash. Panamanian border officers standing nearby showed no interest in investigating. Indigenous leaders say they have asked the government for help addressing crime against migrants, but the situation seems to be getting worse. In February, Doctors Without Borders published a report on sexual violence against migrants in the Darién Gap, showing a frequency more typical of war zones. Soon after, the government kicked the organization out of the area.
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The 370-page border bill that Democrats signed off on reads like a GOP wish list. Perhaps that’s because Republicans helped write the bill (though many of them promptly turned around and helped tank it after Donald Trump announced his opposition). Among its provisions: $8 billion in emergency funding for ICE, including $3 billion to increase detentions; a mechanism to “shut down” the border if a certain number of people cross; $7 billion in emergency funding for Customs and Border Protection; and a continuation of Trump’s border wall. A few progressive-sounding add-ons aside, like freeing up a limited number of new visas and hiring some more lawyers, the legislation is a complete concession to the worst aspects of Trumpism that Biden and Democrats purportedly ran against in 2020. How do Democrats justify this lurch toward increased brutality at the border? Some appear to view it as a clever maneuver to beat the GOP at their own game. By adopting Republican framing and policy on immigration, and still getting rebuffed, this thinking goes, Democrats will show voters that Trump-driven hysteria is to blame for the supposed “crisis” at the border. It’s a confounding and amoral “gotcha” strategy, in which people seeking to move across the border in pursuit of safety, work, and a new home amount to little more than a mechanism for media narrative point-scoring.
Do Democrats now agree with the Republican party on immigration, ideologically? Their outward messaging appears to accept the premise that this hard-right bill will “fix the border” (whatever this means), so it seems they do. Top Democratic senators are proudly boosting an endorsement of the bill by the Border Patrol union, a far-right union with a history of promoting white nationalism and avidly backing Trump. MSNBC personality Al Sharpton, much to the right-wing media’s gratification, said in an interview with Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) Tuesday that “we’re looking every day at the invasion of migrants”—positively Trumpian rhetoric. This seems like quite a pivot after Democratic party messaging ran in 2020 on criticizing Trump’s border policies and rhetoric as akin to Nazism. If so, do the Democrats now owe the GOP an apology? Or, do Democrats not really think these far-right policies are good, but are simply “calling Republicans’ bluff” to prove some broader meta-point? And if so, isn’t it quite a gamble to risk the immigration status of millions and stoke nativist fears to get some cutesy hypocrisy gotcha over on the Republicans? If Democrats can, seemingly overnight, radically alter their position on immigration from one that at least pretended to pay lip service to the humanity of those seeking a better life in the US to nonstop tough-guy posturing about “harsh,” “strict,” “tough” “border security,” then what message does this send to other vulnerable groups?
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phaeton-flier · 1 month
How Harris/The Dems should deal with "the border crisis" (nonexistant):
Quietly, do all of the actually good things an even slightly moral government would do. Restart the remain in place policy, let asylum seekers back in, do as much as possible to reduce the horrid idiotic inefficient aspects of the current visa system, etc
Every time anyone is extradited from the US for any reason, call it a deportation. "We're deporting this criminal out of the country." Every time you do this, make a clear distinction between the Innocent Families just trying to fulfill the American Dream, and the Bad Guys, who do bad things to those Innocent Families. Repeat that a lot, Americans love the deserving poor vs. the undeserving poor; the mistake Dems have made for the last 30 years is thinking you need to cut off a large number of people as "undeserving". In reality, you describe all the people you're helping as "deserving" and all the people you arrest as "undeserving". Bad Guys hurt Innocent Families, where Innocent Families encompasses both most migrants and you, the viewer at home.
Make giant immigration bill. Fill it mostly with whatever, maybe reform immigration if you can swing it, but it doesn't matter. Inside, in two small parts, will be: a) some minor provision that expands executive power at the border in some fashion. This doesn't need to actually do anything, probably shouldn't so the next president can't abuse it, maybe it affects some minutia about hiring and firing or what sort of arrests get sentenced first. But it can be spun as "giving the president the power to secure the border". and b) some culture war bullshit that the dumber Rs can flip out about. Make it as asinine as possible. Have a few interns spend a week on Twitter and Gab until they find whatever brain worms are popular on the Dumb Right and put it in. When they go on TV to complain about it, it should look to most viewers like they're insane. When the bill inevitably fails, have some guy go on TV and say the Republicans crushed it and made the border worse because they're obsessed with culture war nonsense. Harris really wanted to use that new thing to secure it! Whenever anything bad happens even tangentially related to the border or immigration, go on TV and say it's because we didn't pass that awesome bill, because the republicans cared more about some culture war bullshit. (If it passes, celebrate whatever you wanted in the bill passing and then say Rs watered down the border thing)
Every so often, when someone somewhere does a real bad violent crime and is an undocumented migrant and gets deported, make a big media circus out of it and tout it as a win. Make sure every new channel is connecting the idea, in viewers' brains, that this is the party that is deporting "the bad guys"
Find someone really sympathetic who was deported under the Trump and bring them back. You should do this anyways because it's the right thing to do, but in this specific case you want to find a religious light-skinned pretty young woman with decent English, who can go in front of the cameras and cry about how much she loves Jesus and America and her family, and how happy she is to be back.
Find an undocumented migrant who came in/overstayed their visa during the Trump who is an undocumented migrant who did a real bad violent crime who came in during the Trump administration. Imply this is the fault of him and his cronies' policies. The general slant you want here is that Republicans etc. cannot tell the difference between the Scary Bad Guys and the Innocent Families. This could be because they are incompetent or racist; describe in terms vague enough the viewer can interpret it themselves. Either way, Republicans cannot protect you because they cannot tell a Bad Guy from a Christian. When they start talking about all the border crossing, imply they think every one of those people is a Bad Guy and not an Innocent Family, because they are (incompetant/stupid/racist/unAmerican) You'll notice all of these things include "Go on TV and talk about it", which should be considered to be repeated three times every time it shows up. If there is one lesson to have learned over the last 15 years, it's that repeating something to the press often enough will change the message, whatever it is. Just keep saying it. Every time there's a win, go on TV and talk about how great it is. if you're having trouble getting your message out, put the pill in a piece of cheese: Have it leak to the press, who will lap it up because they lovvvvvvvve the idea that they're getting Cool Secret Scoops. Frame it as a horserace thing when Rs try and push back, and make it entertaining to have your guy on there talking down to whatever R they brought on for balance. Above all: be entertaining; News media might view themselves as being Guardians of Truth but they're in the business of selling ads and want eyeballs. Flatter the first illusion and feed the second, and they will give you endless free airtime.
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