divinationdaily · 4 months
New Year's Chakra Advice
Coming into this new year, I would like to aid in everyones spiritual journeys by providing a little info for those who need it. The following will help you figure out which of your chakras are misaligned, and how to realign them.
Root (Muladhara) Chakra
When in alignment:
Grounded, centered, calm, sense of safety, trust in objects around self
When out of alignment:
Ungrounded, disconnected, fear, weight problems, money problems, rigidness
To bring into alignment:
Connect with Earth and nature, grounding activities, physical activity, red crystals, -LAM mantra
Sacral (Scadhisthana) Chakra
When in alignment:
Creative, energetic, joyful, playful, passionate, open, honest, forgiving, sexuality
When out of alignment:
Abdominal pain, withdrawal and isolation, manipulation, aggression, codependence
To bring into alignment:
Emotional reflection, creativity, swimming, uplifting affirmations, orange crystals, -VAM mantra
Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra
When in alignment:
Confidence, positivity, high self-esteem, driven, motivated, positive self image
When out of alignment:
Low self-esteem, lack of ambition, feeling worthless, sensitive to criticism, lack of purpose
To bring into alignment:
Positive affirmations, be in the sunlight, change your mindset to empower yourself, yellow crystals, -RAM mantra
Heart (Anahata) Chakra
When in alignment:
Loving, caring, compassionate, unconditional love, connected to others, kindness, empathy
When out of alignment:
Depression, loneliness, feeling unloved/unlovable, selfishness, spite, jealousy
To bring into alignment:
Gratitude activities, empowering affirmations, establish boundaries, green crystals, -VAM mantra
Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra
When in alignment:
Clear communication, honesty, expressive, decisive, speaks with clarity and confidence
When out of alignment:
Shyness, withdrawn, difficulty expressing self, indecisive, dishonest, poor socializing
To bring into alignment:
Neck massage, vocal activities, recording feelings and thoughts, saying no, blue crystals, -HAM mantra
Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra
When in alignment:
Intuitive, imaginative, open-minded, insightful, trusting
When out of alignment:
Lack of intuition, unimaginative, close-minded, lack of insight, distrusting, paranoia, difficulty concentrating
To bring into alignment:
Explore new ideas, meditation, visualization activities, mindfulness, indigo crystals, -OM mantra
Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra
When in alignment:
Spiritual, enlightened, focused, divine peace, connected to self and higher power, trust in inner knowing
When out of alignment:
Cynical, close-minded, disconnected from self and higher power, unfocused, scattered, forgetful
To bring into alignment:
Meditation, spiritual practices, prayer, divination, violet and white crystals, -OM mantra
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deusvacuus · 2 years
I found it there again, spread out at the edge of a bad dream.
My personal kingdom of nothing.
The infinite realm of disinterest.
And in my momentum or impetus I stepped inside its borders once more.
You may plant no flowers in the wasteland
How many days have I wandered here under its shadow? Searching for the door to go back to my growing garden. But all such doors appear unmade. Only the dry metals of their hardware lay here oxidizing now.
Light burns not in the wasteland
No appetite left for fire, in all directions is a pathless desaturation. A way that is not a way. A canvas of foreign stars is all that hangs above it.
Senses are shrouded in the wasteland
At once, I come before The Mundane Altar.
A vertical extrusion of stone that bears no symbol of sect. Upon that altar is the only element of color found yet on this journey of innumerable days.
A fleshy white apple, tinted and leaking blueness from the varicose vessels that wind over its skin.
A pilgrim’s meal of such endocrine knowledge.
Especially pure and undamaged by any sterilizing sunlight. One chakra made corporeal, this is the very appendage I left here once before. A sacrificial offering I exchanged for my own escape. I know not what ancient agent brokered the deal, but I gave it my privilege to speak for an interval of mute freedom.
I touch the surface of my disembodied Vishuddha and am brought back into the cacophony of its expressive contents.
In this moment, I recoil at the hidden truth.
I had left it here because when it exists in the waking world and among living energies, the voice incessantly speaks its judgments no matter how unloving or inhumane.
It creates an inhospitable internal realm of beliefs about others, it expresses the same active emptiness that surrounds me in this very wasteland of its containment.
I left it behind to scream such criticisms into the silence.
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knowingovert · 1 year
Vishuddha Chakra
The Vishuddha Chakra is located in the throat. Its mantra is "हं ", "Hum". The color of Vishuddha Chakra is purple. In this cycle our consciousness reaches the fifth level. Its equivalent element is akasha (space). We can also translate it as 'Ishvara' (Lokottara), meaning that this place should be full of energy. Vishuddha Chakra is the starting point of Udana Prana. It is the process of this prana to purify the toxic substances of the body at the time of respiration. It is because of this main function that the name of this chakra is derived. Purification is not only done at the physical level but also at the level of emotion and mind. The problems and sad experiences we have 'swallowed' and buried inside in life remain in our subconscious mind until we face them and resolve them intelligently.
For the complete article, Please Visit :-
The characteristics of Vishuddha Chakra
The element of the Vishuddha chakra is related to the sky or space. This cycle opens up for us the possibility of expanding the space perspective. It symbolizes the energy to seek and speak the truth. It also governs our inner communication with our true self. When this chakra is balanced, we are able to listen to the guidance of pure energy. We are able to understand others deeply and effectively. The blue color element of the fifth of the seven chakras in our body explores all levels of self-expression. Blue is the color of communication, which gives us the power to speak the truth. Blue is also located on the cooler end of the color spectrum. The color blue allows the body and mind to feel at peace. It also represents a pure mind, which is necessary to be free from any negative thoughts.
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elparaisodetlaloc · 4 days
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jupiter-777 · 2 months
Order of the Ages, Neptune
An attack on one's vocal chords, their throat chakra, the monarch program, a bursting of one's illusion, a rake in their freedom, a rake in their body, a rake in their mind, a rake in their afterlife. A silencing of their truth. A dunking of their heads... sent to Atlantis, the sunken city. A capsized boat.
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rntozen · 5 months
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Expressing Your Truth: The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) https://rntozen.com/blog/meditate/expressing-your-truth-the-throat-chakra-vishuddha/
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wakamotogarou · 11 months
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energyhealers · 1 year
Best Crystals for the Throat Chakra - The Ultimate Guide
As someone who has worked with crystals for decades, I can tell you that there is nothing more powerful for balancing and healing the throat chakra than the right gemstone.
In this comprehensive guide, I will share with you the best crystals for the throat chakra, along with tips for choosing and using them effectively. So if you're ready to tap into the power of these amazing natural resources, let's get started!
What is the Throat Chakra?
The throat chakra, also known as Vishuddha, is the fifth energy center in the body's chakra system. It is located in the throat area and is associated with communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak one's truth.
When the throat chakra is balanced, we are able to express ourselves clearly and confidently, and our communication with others is honest and effective.
However, when this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, we may experience issues such as difficulty expressing ourselves, fear of speaking up, or even physical problems in the throat area.
2. Why Balance the Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is an essential part of our overall well-being. When it is balanced, we experience a sense of inner peace and harmony, and our relationships with others improve.
However, when this chakra is imbalanced, it can manifest in physical and emotional symptoms such as sore throat, thyroid problems, anxiety, and depression.
By using crystals to balance and heal the throat chakra, we can alleviate these symptoms and restore our natural state of health and vitality.
3. Best Crystals for the Throat Chakra
There are many different crystals that can be used to balance and heal the throat chakra. Here are some of the most powerful and effective options:
Blue Lace Agate: This gentle, calming crystal helps to soothe and heal the throat chakra, making it easier to express yourself clearly and confidently.
Lapis Lazuli: This beautiful blue stone is known for its ability to enhance communication and self-expression, making it an ideal choice for anyone struggling with a blocked throat chakra.
Aquamarine: This light blue crystal is associated with the throat chakra and can help to improve communication skills, promote self-expression, and reduce anxiety.
Sodalite: This deep blue stone is said to be particularly effective at removing blockages in the throat chakra, making it easier to speak your truth and express yourself honestly.
Celestite: This soft blue crystal is known for its calming and soothing properties, and can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can be particularly helpful for those with an imbalanced throat chakra.
To use these crystals for the throat chakra, simply place them over the throat area during meditation or wear them as jewelry.
What Crystal Can Speak My Truth?
There is no shortage of options when it comes to choosing the best crystal for the throat chakra.
But if you're looking for a stone that can help you speak your truth with confidence and clarity, there's one crystal that stands out above the rest: Amazonite.
This gorgeous green stone is known for its ability to enhance communication and self-expression, making it the perfect crystal for anyone looking to improve their ability to speak their truth.
Not only does Amazonite help to balance the throat chakra, but it also promotes a sense of calm and tranquility, making it easier to express yourself honestly and authentically.
But don't just take my word for it - let's take a closer look at why Amazonite is the best crystal for the throat chakra to help you speak your truth:
Enhances Communication: Amazonite is known for its ability to enhance communication skills, making it easier to express yourself clearly and effectively. Whether you're giving a presentation at work or having a difficult conversation with a loved one, Amazonite can help you find the right words to express yourself.
Promotes Self-Expression: In addition to enhancing communication, Amazonite also promotes self-expression, helping you to tap into your true thoughts and feelings and express them in a way that feels authentic and true to you.
Calming Properties: One of the most powerful things about Amazonite is its calming and soothing properties. If you struggle with anxiety or nervousness when it comes to speaking your truth, Amazonite can help you feel more grounded and centered, making it easier to express yourself confidently and calmly.
So if you're looking for the best crystal for the throat chakra, look no further than Amazonite.
This powerful and versatile stone can help you speak your truth with confidence and clarity, and promote a sense of peace and calm in the process. Trust me - your throat chakra will thank you!
Another best crystal for the throat chakra and for improving communication and self-expression is, without a doubt, Blue Apatite.
This mesmerizing stone is known for its ability to promote clarity of thought, enhance creativity, and improve verbal articulation, all of which are essential for effective communication.
Blue Apatite is a calcium phosphate mineral and its blue variety is prized for its unique beauty and potent energy.
Here are a few reasons why Blue Apatite is the best crystal for the throat chakra:
Creativity Enhancer: Blue Apatite is a wonderful crystal for unlocking creative blocks and inspiring artistic expression. It is an ideal crystal for those who struggle with expressing themselves creatively, whether through writing, speaking, or any other form of communication.
Clarity of Thought: One of the most significant benefits of Blue Apatite is its ability to enhance mental clarity and focus. It is an ideal crystal for those who have a tendency to get distracted or lose track of their thoughts, making it easier to communicate with precision and eloquence.
Verbal Articulation: Blue Apatite is particularly beneficial for improving verbal articulation, making it an ideal crystal for public speakers, teachers, and anyone who uses their voice as a tool for communication.
Communication Aid: As a throat chakra stone, Blue Apatite is well-suited for improving all aspects of communication, including listening, understanding, and expressing oneself.
Powerful Energy: Lastly, Blue Apatite is a powerful crystal that helps to activate the throat chakra and promote overall healing and balance. Its energy can penetrate deeply into the subtle bodies, helping to clear blockages and promote healing on all levels.
Trust me, once you start working with Blue Apatite, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it.
Citrine: A Throat Chakra Crystal That Can Tickle Your Funny Bone
As a wise old saying goes, "laughter is the best medicine." And it just so happens that the throat chakra, which is associated with communication, also plays a role in expressing joy and laughter. So, if you're looking for a crystal that can add some humor and lightness to your life, look no further than citrine.
Citrine is not only a beautiful crystal, but it's also a powerful throat chakra crystal that can help you connect with your sense of humor.
Its sunny energy can uplift your mood and inspire you to find the humor in everyday situations. Plus, it's a great crystal for manifesting abundance and prosperity, so you can laugh all the way to the bank.
Other crystals good for throat chakra can certainly help with communication and self-expression, but citrine's special talent is bringing joy and laughter to the mix.
As always, make sure to cleanse and charge your citrine regularly to keep its energy at its best.
Other Ways to Balance Your Throat Chakra
In addition to using crystals, there are other practices you can incorporate into your routine to balance your throat chakra. Here are a few ideas:
Incorporating one or more of these practices into your daily routine can help you maintain a balanced and healthy throat chakra.
Meditation: Taking a few minutes each day to quiet your mind and focus on your breath can help calm the chatter in your mind and allow you to connect with your inner voice.
Yoga: Certain yoga poses, such as shoulder stand and fish pose, can help stimulate the throat chakra and improve communication.
Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you identify areas where you might be holding back and allow you to express yourself more freely.
Sound therapy: Listening to music or singing bowls can help balance your chakras and promote relaxation.
Throat chakra affirmations: Repeating positive affirmations, such as "I express myself with ease and clarity," can help reprogram your mind and promote positive self-expression.
Final thoughts
Remember to always listen to your body and trust your intuition when it comes to choosing the best crystals for the throat chakra. And don't forget to have fun with it! Balancing your chakras should be an enjoyable and empowering experience.
Further Reading:
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vittorioballato · 1 year
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rumi-nations · 1 year
Achieving Vishuddha Health
The throat chakra, or vishuddha, is associated with how we express ourselves. Sometimes through our voice–literally and figuratively–but also in allowing us to present ourselves with authenticity and honesty. The location is, of course, the neck, and the color associated with it is turquoise. Throat is an area in which I have a lot of issues, for some reason, and it’s definitely an area of…
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letgotogroww · 2 years
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“I speak my inner truths”
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doslopez · 2 years
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🌑Huascar(5th Chakra): an Incan God. Lord of Underworld (Ukhu Pacha), he is Keeper of both Lost Soul Pieces & the Great "Mystery Teachings" (the healing ways we are remembering). He is the Harmonizing Principle of Creative Potential. 🌑 5th Chakra-Throat-Vishuddha Color: 🏞 (Turquoise Blue) Element: 🌀(Ether) Shape: 🔻(Inverted Pyramid) 🌑Each Archetype/Animal Helps Us on Our Journey🌑 🏞 🌀 🔻 🌑 🏞 🌀 🔻 🌑 🏞 🌀 🔻 🌑 #thegreatarchetypes #Shamanism #Huascar #throatchakra #SpreadYourMusictotheWorld #lordoftheunderworld #releaseoldpatterns #spirituality #healyourself #healtrauma #albertovilloldo #invertedpyramid #changeyourlife #soulwork #greatspirit #multidimensional #doslopez #vishuddha #colorturquoiseblue #etherelement #soulpieces #incangod #nativeamerican #southamerica #Mexico #healerslineage #thegreatarchetypes #incan #munayki #ukhupacha https://www.instagram.com/p/ChAeAO8Objp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cams-bzy · 2 years
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VISHUDDHA Chakra gorge 💎 C’est le symbole de la Communication bienveillante envers soi-même et les autres. Je communique envers autres avec bienveillance amour et passion. Mes mots sont des pouvoirs créateurs . Ils sont magiques. DANURHASANA La posture de l’arc Je t’invite: - à t allonger Sur le sol ou sur ton tapis de yoga ou sur le sable ou dans l’herbe ( seche pas comme sur ma photos 🤣) -ramène des talons sur tes fesses -Crochète tes mains à tes pieds et soulève ton buste en appuyant tes pieds dans les bras et respire 🌟 #chakrachallenge #yogafrance #yogafrance🇫🇷 #chakra #chakragorge #vishuddha #vibrationalhealing #distancehealing #spiritualhealing #energyhealers #healingprocess #healingjournal #healingjourney #healingfacts #selfhealingpower #healinghelp #selfhealing #healingnaturally #growthmindset #highvibration #innerpeace #highvibes #soulcalling #healthyliving #asana #yoga #yogaddict #yogachallenge #thesweatlife #yogaeverywhere (à Pau, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdyTooXKPz0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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elparaisodetlaloc · 16 days
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thecosmicriver · 2 months
Throat Chakra | Vishuddha Chakra | Chakra
The Throat Chakra, also known as Vishuddha Chakra, is a vital energy center within the body, associated with communication, expression, and truth. Located at the throat region, it governs our ability to articulate thoughts, express emotions, and communicate authentically. Balancing this chakra fosters clear communication and empowers self-expression, while imbalances may manifest as difficulty in speaking one's truth or feeling misunderstood.
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shannheecrystal · 6 months
Vishuddha chakra healing
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The Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha, is vital for clear communication. Imbalances cause issues like speaking fears and physical discomfort. Crystals like Blue Lace Agate and Lapis Lazuli help heal and balance it. Visit Shannhee-Crystal for a variety of healing crystals.
vishuddha chakra healing
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