nicecrumbart · 3 months
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Keep thinking about that one scene in secret life
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parisoonic · 3 months
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- Comfort food colour sketch done inbetween meetings - inspired by a frame from Nimona
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wiiwheel · 2 years
fancasting "the brony gang" or "#seniorsthatdontgivea****"
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zeestie · 2 months
🫧 every manifestation technique & when / why to use it 🫧
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this post is going to focus on law of assumption techniques. since there are a lot out there, I figured creating this post will help in knowing which techniques suit u and for what situations to use.
btw, you can find my routine for manifesting here. now, let's begin!
🫧 building ur self concept (sc)
creating a new identity or theme around yourself where you know you are powerful, limitless, and worthy of all your desires.
this is more of a framework than a technique since it relies on different techniques, such as affirming and journaling to acheive it.
I think it is worth mentioning improving your sc cos I believe that it is the foundation of powerful manifesting, yeah some might say "you don't need a high self concept to manifest" & I am not here to disagree w u but consider this: u believing that ur sc doesn't matter is literally part of you sc so u are essentially affirming for sc every time you say that
"you don't need a high sc to manifest" is equivelant to "I am enough as I am" and "I deserve everything I want, just because," which are sc affirmations.
🪷 use this if you wanna
work through your limiting beliefs
instead of having to affirm for sp, friends, family, etc. all the time, why not fix your self concept around love and step into your worth once and for all?
become an automatic manifestor of good things
think of successful people who've never heard of loa, how did they do it? they built an amazing sc about themselves. that is what we call confidence or charisma.
become happier, more confident, and stable/at peace
also, improving one's self concept is a foundation of therapy, coaching, and other non-loa disciplines that are concerned with improving one's life
🫧 affirming & affirmation tapes
repeating postive statements through thinking them, saying them (affirming), or hearing them (tapes). could be done with focus / feelings (focused affriming) or without (robotic affirming).
🪷 use this if you wanna
focus on a specfic desire & aligning to it
sc is general & that's great, but affirming is better if you wanna be specific
reprogram both the conscious and the subconscious
this method helps reprogram the subconscious through repetition but also your conscious through discipline and observing your thoughts meticulously
regulate your nervous system + be reminded that you already have it
I will talk more about regulation later, but affirmations can help you when you are feeling anxious or doubt since they divert your focus and serve as a good reminder of that which is true.
use an effortless way to manifest
affirmations are the easiest method to try because you can do it anywhere, anytime, and anyone can use them (if you have trouble visualising)
🫧 mirror work
basically you face a mirror and speak your affrimations, typically done around topics such as self worth/love
can be done using a timer or a pre prepared script or for however long you want
🪷 use this if you wanna
build your relationship with yourself
mirror work is one of the most effective ways to build your foundation of self love. it will help you get used to how you look, your smile. & it will also build your confidence
speaking the affirmations while facing yourself creates a deep connection with yourself and the words you speak. I really can't reccomend it enough cos each session will have you feeling more loved, limitless, & grateful
work on your self concept
since mirror work deals with self love & confidence topics, it really helps build your self concept.
and ofc you can speak your desires affirmations when doing mirror work, but even that feels different. it will feel like speaking worth and confidence into yourself, which ultimately builds your self concept! (esp. in that specific area of manifesting, for example money, love, beauty, etc.)
feel your affirmations
you don't have to feel them real, but it does make things easier/faster. speaking to the mirror helps the affirmations actually reach you + makes them feel personal
🫧 subliminals
they are affirmations layered over another sound so they become inaudible & pass right through to your subconscious mind
🪷 use this if you wanna
have 'unrealistic' & fast results
since this technique deals with your subconscious mind which readily accepts whatever it is given, the results are much faster & mindblowing
listen to affirmations but can't or don't want to
so if you're busy with life and can't find the time to affirm or if you wanna multi-task (practice loa + work), you can use subliminals since you can play them in the background whil living your life
you will also find that they work as an excellent manifesting tool as they don't require effort, focus, or intent for them to work
saturate your mind with mulitple topics
this is one of the techniques to use if you have mulitple things you wanna manifest but wanna affirm for all of them since you can listen to as many subliminals as you want
+ a single, very short subliminal can list out numerous benefits since it also utilises layering and speeding up the affirmation to allow for more repetition to occur
🫧 scripting
basically, repeatedly journaling about what you wanna experience as if it already manifested
🪷 use this if you wanna
visualise but prefer thinking in words
I use both visualistation & scripting. both have their perks. sometimes scripting helps me soak myself into the narrative, it helps me understand what I want & how the materialisation of the desire will look like.
it really helps me get into the zone since I love journaling like I am talking to someone about all the good things that already happened
(the interview method could serve as a link between both scripting and visualising & it is a method I really like!)
🫧 inner & imaginary conversations
along the same lines, you can utilise inner conversations (basically positive self talk) or imagined ones (basically the interview method)
ngl, I love talking to myself & it is probably how I used to manifest a lot of things before I learnt of loa.
I also like using ai. basically I open a chatbot and have a conversation with it about my desire like I alr have it, rampage with it, or practice gratitude using it
🪷 use this if you wanna
use a fun way to manifest
we all love making scenarios in our head, so instead of having imaginary arguments in the shower, make these scenarios/conversations favourable to your new story
work on/correct ur mental diet
your mental diet refers to the collection of natural thoughts that you think throughout the day.
the difference between a good & a bad mental diet is the difference between an optimist & a pessimist, a confident person & an insecure person
if you watch the inner conversations you have intently and correct it whenever it doesn't algin with what you want, you will start having better thoughts involuntarily, which will help you automatically & instantly manifest good things into your life
🫧 visualisation
basically daydreaming with intent, so you decide what you want to visualise (usually a short scene so you can loop it) + practice experiencing it from the first pov to generate the feeling / idea that you are truly experiencing it
I know some don't like visualising cos they can't do it, and I want y'all to know that visualisation is a practice. it takes time to be able to visualise vividly and feel like it real, so practice! you might not be able to do it at first but you will get better with time.
for me, my visualisations used to be much more hazy, unclear, and mostly audible but now I can see & feel with my five senses what I wanna visualise + before, I was only able to visualise in 3rd pov but the more I practiced 1st pov, the more naturally it started coming to me
there are several other visualisation techniques to apply, such as SATS, mind movies, and vision boards. I will talk more on them later.
🪷 use this if you wanna
understand what u desire much deeply
like scripting, this method helps generate feelings, which could help aid you in understanding what is it that you want to manifest & why, like what is the real end goal here?
live in the state of wish fulfilled
our minds can't tell the difference from between a real image and imagined one so vividly visualising helps in impressing the subconscious mind into believing that it already happened.
it also allows you to have fun in imagination, experience the good feelings that come with your desires with just the power of your mind, and thus helps you stop relying on the 3d for validation; thus you are now in the state of wish fulfilled!
this is a specific form of visualisation that Neville coined & you do it right before sleeping, aka the State Akin To Sleep or SATS
what is most important about it is to do it until you sleep, you live the scene as if it is real, and you loop it.
there's a variation of it called the lullaby method, which is about repeating a single affirmation until you sleep. this can be helpful to those who prefer affirming over visualising (but like I said u can always get better at visualising!)
🪷 use this if you wanna
manifest insanely quickly, for emergencies, time crunches, etc.
this method is basically a shortcut to your sub mind. so when I say it works insanely fast I mean it, like you will see results the very next day.
I like to use specific scenarios / manifestation that I want to happen super quickly
be efficient
this method is quite efficient due to the short time it takes to do (just a few minutes before you sleep) compared to the results you get.
ease the resistance
you might find that you have specific topics or concepts (such as revision) that you feel are "harder to manifest." SATS can be a great technique to use in that case since it impresses the subconscious much more easily, allowing you to feel less resistant / dysregulated.
🫧 mind movies / vision boards
a vision board is a collection of pictures which includes the experiences / things you wanna manifest. I have a whole post on how to create much more effective vision boards that you can check out!
a mind movie is similar to that but, instead of a board, it is a video of these pictures with narration, affirmations, or music accompanying it.
🪷 use this if you wanna
have preestablished visualisations created for you
instead of starting to visualise from scratch you can use those techniques as inspo + you can (esp. w the mind movie) just watch / look passively consuming the pictures, without having to actively imagine anything
incorporate visual subliminals
the post I mentioned above talks about visual subs in vision boards but basically you can add affirmations in low opacity, small font, or ones that quickly disappear, which you won't consciously see but your subconscious mind will register them.
provides the added benefit of incoproprating subs.
🫧 list method
you create a list of all your desires and then you affirm for the entire list using affirmations such as "my list manifested," "I have everything on my list," etc.
🪷 use this if you wanna
affirm but got numerous desires
instead of affirming for each of the million desires you got, affirm for your list. it will help remove some of the anxiety with feeling like you are not affirming enough for a topic or the dreadful choice paralysis of what you need to affirm for next.
script in a bullet point format
the list method is similar to a very simplified script, but you seperate the desires using bullets.
🫧 nervous system regulation (nsr)
this is not one technique, rather, it encompasses a lot of healing practices such as journaling, eft tapping, meditation, exercise, breath work, etc.
🪷 use this if you wanna
stabilise & ground yourself so you can feel happier and more peaceful
these techniques help you feel in alignment and be in the state of wish fulfilled
it can also help when you are experiencing upleasant feelings or unhelpful old stories
become more grateful for what you have
when your mind is cluttered and you trying to manifest desperately, it could cloud you judgement from seeing how beautiful your life is rn. NSR aims to remove that clutter and allows you to see reality for what it truly is: ever changing and honestly really not as bad as you make it out to be
as long as you are doing fine in this present moment, you're good (would recommend reading the Power of Now for more)
better understand your thinking patterns and any unconscious core beliefs
sometimes we wanna work on building a better self concept, becoming better people, understanding ourselves, or being much happier but we just don't know what exactly is holding us back,
NSR can help you with that, as you allow your mind to speak for itself or allow yourself to relax into your body you can better understand yourself and what you need to change.
🫧 void state / self hypnosis
they mean similar things as far as I am aware, which is the meditative state where your body is asleep but your mind is awake and receptive to whatever affrimations it receives
🪷 use this if you wanna
it could serve as a great nsr technique, I personally used self hypnosis a lot before learning of loa because I found it hard to relax and short meditations weren't effective.
now I am able to relax so easily that I can do short meditations + a lot of health problems born out of chronic stress have disappeared
become highly suggestible
like I said your mind is awake but has slowed into a relaxed state, allowing it to accept any affirmations or assumptions it hears without judgement, it won't deny whatever you are saying to it & will accept it as truth causing you to shift/manifest instantly
this all for the techniques, hope you enjoyed this post. I got an epiphany for it last night at like 2 am and started writing lol
on a last note, I'd like you to know all of these methods are connected and can overlap so make sure you are nourishing each area of manifesting (sc, alignment to desires, nsr, etc.) to live a fulfilling life while also getting what you want!
🫧 revision
revision is technique used to 'revise the past,' which is not only about changing how you look at your past, but what actually happened too. there are numerous stories of people revising death and other unfavourable situations so it is quite powerful. I don't personally use it a lot (beyond affirming once for what I wanna revise) because I prefer focusing on the present (& the future)
🪷 use this if you wanna
change the past
pretty self explanatory, just affirm, visualise, and meditate on the revised story until it shows up
change your (limiting) beliefs & state
like I said, part of revising is changing your idea about what happened, this happens through changing your beliefs to know that time is a construct and that changing anything, at any point of time, is possible + shifting your state (feelings + thoughts) about what happened
self regulate
since you're shifting your state around something unfavourable, you're practicing regulating your mind + body & actually shifting to a more relaxing and fulfilling timeline
affirm in past tense
honestly affriming in past instead of present tense feels really powerful sometimes so even if you don't wanna revise anything, just affirming in past tense can make the affirmation sound more natural, like it has always been that way
this all for the techniques, hope you enjoyed this post. I got an epiphany for it last night at like 2 am and started writing lol
on a last note, I'd like you to know all of these methods are connected and can overlap so make sure you are nourishing each area of manifesting (sc, alignment to desires, nsr, etc.) to live a fulfilling life while also getting what you want!
🫧​ see u soon, loves 🫧
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that1notetaker · 6 months
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DADS DADS DADS DADS. (Read below for a short written scene to add context)
Lucifer purses his lips, echoes of his daughter's words jarring daggers from behind his mind's eye. 
“They’re our people too, dad. People with—with hopes and dreams, and—and fears. Like you, and me. I have to do something."
That had been months ago. Same day she left home, along with most things in her room and the knickknacks that had innocently scattered around the house. Once overlooked, now the fractures that chiselled the crack in the wall.
From the corner of his eye, the man’s brow tightens. Lucifer watches shoulders stiffening under a black suit, a red beak pulling into a frown. The imp's eyes remain cemented in the same spot of the table, however, an empty murkiness tredging the edges. Too recognizeable. Too familiar.
Lucifer closes his eyes. Fine. Okay. Okay.
“Uh.” He clears his throat. “Hard day?” Perfect.
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fangrurin · 4 months
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Fashion of the Great Houses of Westeros: House Tully of Riverrun
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aru-art · 1 year
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two-headed calf by laura gilpin
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bxnnie-bxwl · 1 year
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couldnt help myself......au which bonnie becomes the vessel for afton, which why he went missing without a trace.. had been held in the basement. when freddy and gregory arrive in the basement they are in for a more difficult opponent (((:
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knightforflowers · 1 month
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guy who only ever draws Ethersea finally makes Balance designs for the first time in seven years more at 11
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extrashortshorts · 6 months
I shouldn't entertain this but..if buggy was gregnant.. wouldn't it be like a kinder egg with two sides or a nesting doll situation? After 9 months he just splits in two and like "get out of here" and pulls out whatever clown spawn he had inside.
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alienssstufff · 2 months
do you have any tips for drawing maps?
Breaking down the layout process into smaller, easier tasks rather than tackling scale, perspective and placement all at once
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valerievidalmedia · 2 months
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assisteddogma · 7 months
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bones and all (luca guadagnino, 2022) / wolf or-7, natalie diaz / where it begins, erica jong / perhaps the world ends here, joy harjo / cody allen / our beautiful life when its full with shrieks, christopher citro / sierra mulder
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timethehobo · 3 months
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Just a little mockup idea for a pin. I’ve never made one before but figured it was a fun visual.
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batarangsoundsdumb · 4 months
starting now it is mandatory for evil scientists to arrange transport for their henchmen to and from remote locations, limited to; a transportation ray, an underground tunnel, or a mini van (solely when in possession of a valid driver's license)
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mirrorhouse · 7 months
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You're okay! Thank the heavens and hells and everything in between. I thought the brain would take you from me.
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