#vitamin B3 deficiency
thebibliosphere · 11 months
Is it normal to feel more energetic, but also more anxious when starting vitamin b complex? Taking it for adhd bc I'm still waiting for my assessment, also have panic disorder which is medicated and diagnosed
One of the reasons I can’t take a b complex for my numerous b vitamin deficiencies is because niacin (b3) makes my anxiety go sky high. The amount in the complex formulations are just too high for me. It’s a pain in the ass but I take all my b’s separately to avoid it.
Usual disclaimer: I’m not a doctor just a sick bitch with a lot of weird stuff going on. Talk to your doctor about any concerns etc, etc.
Hope your assessment goes well!
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spamton-salesman-1997 · 11 months
Hello Spamton! How are you so skrunkly? Tell us your secrets!! How do you do it?!
SEEMS LIKE YOU WANT TO BE A [Funky Little] THINGAMABOB! [Here’s 10 weird tricks discovered by a mom!] [Number 3 will surprise you!]
Mike… please… Pick up the phone… I dont know what to do… Help…
Mike… please… come back…
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canis-dies · 1 year
vitamin b3 deficiency??? no
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senseslick · 2 years
The Top 10 Health Benefits of Vitamin B Complex Pro!
The Top 10 Health Benefits of Vitamin B Complex Pro!
Vitamin B Complex PRO is a supplement that contains a combination of B Vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. It can help support energy production, metabolism, and cognitive function. It also helps promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. Vitamin B Complex PRO is suitable for those who are looking to increase their intake of B vitamins or those who are deficient in one or more of…
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Significant neurological damage, likely due to repeated concussions, predominately impacting balance and grip strength
Deficiencies in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, Vitamin D, calcium, chloride, iron, and potassium
Severe deficiencies in iron and vitamin D
Psychological symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive tendencies. Further testing recommended.
Ema hates this.
She was supposed to feel better once she got away. That was supposed to fix it. Getting away was so so hard, and it's not even over?
Ema hates this.
"It's not so bad." Tom says. "It could be worse."
That's not very helpful. "Neurological damage doesn't go away. I'm going to have this for the rest of my life."
"Well... yeah, but now we know. I should've noticed earlier, it was obvious. I can't believe I didn't notice..."
Tom sounds annoyed. Ema tucks her knees under her chin.
"It'll get better. I think it would help to do some physical therapy. And psychological therapy. And the vitamin and mineral deficiencies, that's easy! I mean it sucks that we didn't know before, but we know now. Oh, we should also take you to a dentist. What's wrong?"
Ema is ineffectively trying to blink back tears. "I thought I was going to be okay. I thought it was over." "But this is good! These things were wrong before, but now that we know about them we can fix them or make them better. Wouldn't it be worse if all those symptoms of deficiencies and damage and stuff were just how things were going to be for the rest of your life?"
Ema hates this. "I don't- I can't-" She takes a shuddering breath, afraid she'll start crying if she tries to talk more.
"It's okay. You're okay. I really think you should see a therapist though. I... don't know what to say to help you feel better."
Ema grips her hair tightly. She hates this, she hates this so much. "I don't want to go to therapy! I don't want to talk about it! I want it to be over!"
"I- I don't know- Ema, it's okay."
Ema is sobbing in earnest and Tom is getting annoyed with her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
"You didn't do anything wrong. I just- I'm not good at this!"
He's mad at her he's mad at her-
"I- I think I'm making this worse, so I'm going to- to go. And then when you're feeling better we can talk about how I can, like, help you the next time you feel this way, okay?"
Tom waits for her to answer, but leaves when she doesn't, and Ema doesn't stop him. He's just in the other room, but it does help Ema feel better, which makes her feel a bit guilty. It's just easier when she can focus on calming herself down instead of trying to calm Tom down.
She feels so pathetic. She's been crying more since she escaped than she ever did in captivity.
Tap tap tap. Tap tap tap. Tap tap tap.
She's safe. She's okay. And Tom is right, now she knows some ways to feel better. She shouldn't feel this way.
When Ema's crying has slowed to only an occasional sniffle, Tom comes back.
"Are you okay? Are you- did that help? It seems like it helped, for me to leave, but I felt really bad for just... leaving you, while you were upset."
"It helped. I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for." Tom doesn't sound annoyed. Just... sad.
"I... don't think there's anything you can do, if that happens again. I don't know why I started crying. Everything you said was right."
"Well, someone can be right and still be a dick."
"You weren't being a dick."
Tom is quiet for a moment. "You started crying when I brought up therapy. Should I... not bring that up?"
"No, you can bring it up. I don't know why it freaked me out."
"You said you don't want to talk about what happened. Does the idea of therapy make you feel stressed? You don't have to talk about the past at all with a therapist if you don't want to. I mean, you probably will eventually, but not until you feel comfortable with it. A good therapist will respect your wishes." Tap tap tap. "I don't know. I guess. I just want it to be over. I want to never think about it again."
"I... don't think that's possible."
Ema buries her face in her hands and sobs.
"Would it help if I touched you? Like, gave you a hug or something. Or would you rather not be touched?"
"Please don't touch me."
"Okay. So I know some things that don't help now, at least. Um... so, do you want to try therapy? Helping people find therapists is something I'm good at. You wouldn't have to talk about anything you didn't want to. And hey, I'm not a therapist, maybe I'm wrong that you'll have to think about it. Maybe a therapist can teach you how to not think about it. I don't know."
"I think... I've been emotional because of the deficiencies. I want to try getting more of those vitamins and stuff in, and maybe try physical therapy, and then see how I feel."
"I think you're going to need therapy no matter what. You've been through a lot."
Ema starts to tear up again.
"But... it can wait. I don't like to put these things off, but... this isn't about me. I don't know a lot about therapy, but I know that it doesn't work very well if you feel forced into it."
"...Thank you."
"Do you want help making a meal plan? To get the vitamins you need in? And I can look into what supplements you should be taking, that stuff's all unregulated so I don't think you just grab the first thing that says vitamin supplement, y'know?"
That... sounds nice. Not having to do it herself sounds nice. "I would like that."
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naturecpw · 1 year
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Maize: From Mexico to the world
For Mexicans, the “children of corn,” maize is entwined in life, history and tradition. It is not just a crop; it is central to their identity. By Matthew O'Leary  May 20, 2016
EL BATAN, Mexico (CIMMYT) – For Mexicans, the “children of corn,” maize is entwined in life, history and tradition. It is not just a crop; it is central to their identity.
Even today, despite political and economic policies that have led Mexico to import one-third of its maize, maize farming continues to be deeply woven into the traditions and culture of rural communities. Furthermore, maize production and pricing are important to both food security and political stability in Mexico.
One of humanity’s greatest agronomic achievements, maize is the most widely produced crop in the world. According to the head of CIMMYT’s maize germplasm bank, senior scientist Denise Costich, there is broad scientific consensus that maize originated in Mexico, which is home to a rich diversity of varieties that has evolved over thousands of years of domestication.
The miracle of maize’s birth is widely debated in science. However, it is agreed that teosinte (a type of grass) is one of its genetic ancestors. What is unique is that maize’s evolution advanced at the hands of farmers. Ancient Mesoamerican farmers realized this genetic mutation of teosinte resembled food and saved seeds from their best cobs to plant the next crop. Through generations of selective breeding based on the varying preferences of farmers and influenced by different climates and geography, maize evolved into a plant species full of diversity.
The term “maize” is derived from the ancient word mahiz from the Taino language (a now extinct Arawakan language) of the indigenous people of pre-Columbian America. Archeological evidence indicates Mexico’s ancient Mayan, Aztec and Olmec civilizations depended on maize as the basis of their diet and was their most revered crop.
As Popol Vuh, the Mayan creation story, goes, the creator deities made the first humans from white maize hidden inside a mountain under an immovable rock. To access this maize seed, a rain deity split open the rock using a bolt of lightning in the form of an axe. This burned some of the maize, creating the other three grain colors, yellow, black and red. The creator deities took the grain and ground it into dough and used it to produce humankind.
Many Mesoamerican legends revolve around maize, and its image appears in the region’s crafts, murals and hieroglyphs. Mayas even prayed to maize gods to ensure lush crops: the tonsured maize god’s head symbolizes a maize cob, with a small crest of hair representing the tassel. The foliated maize god represents a still young, tender, green maize ear.
Maize was the staple food in ancient Mesoamerica and fed both nobles and commoners. They even developed a way of processing it to improve quality. Nixtamalization is the Nahuatl word for steeping and cooking maize in water to which ash or slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) has been added. Nixtamalized maize is more easily ground and has greater nutritional value, for the process makes vitamin B3 more bioavailable and reduces mycotoxins. Nixtamalization is still used today and CIMMYT is currently promoting it in Africa to combat nutrient deficiency.
White hybrid maize (produced through cross pollination) in Mexico has been bred for making tortillas with good industrial quality and taste. However, many Mexicans consider tortillas made from landraces (native maize varieties) to be the gold standard of quality.
“Many farmers, even those growing hybrid maize for sale, still grow small patches of the local maize landrace for home consumption,” noted CIMMYT Landrace Improvement Coordinator Martha Willcox. “However, as people migrate away from farms, and the number of hectares of landraces decrease, the biodiversity of maize suffers.”
Diversity at the heart of Mexican maize
The high level of maize diversity in Mexico is due to its varied geography and culture. As farmers selected the best maize for their specific environments and uses, maize diverged into distinct races, according to Costich. At present there are 59 unique Mexican landraces recorded.
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sassypotatoe1 · 1 month
I got massively high dose nicotinamide (vitamin b3) and thiamine (b1) tablets to take daily because apparently what my brain was convinced was early onset Parkinsons disease (it's in my family I'm at high risk) was just a b vitamin deficiency. Like I'm serious we have numb or tingling extremities, muscle spasms and jerks, shaking, loss of motor control, brain fog, memory issues, mental confusion, aphasia, (all typical adhd symptoms, the cognitive ones not the physical ones, but dialed up so high I was becoming convinced I somehow acquired a tbi) and a drastic increase in allodynia (spelling? It's an increased sensitivity to tactile stimulus that makes things that shouldn't be painful at all painful, I'm talking resting my hand lightly on a rough surface hurts like someone is digging their nails into my palm) and it's a fucking. Vitamin deficiency.
So I'm on day 2 taking the two supplements at like, 10 times the dose you'd see in an otc multivitamin, and of course I know I shouldn't expect immediate change but it's still frustrating when you do something about your health and it doesn't immediately fix everything. Most notably when you forget to caption photos for an article before submitting it. That's like running for a home run and forgetting to actually hit the ball beforehand. Or like, submitting tax returns before paying any taxes at all.
So I get the article back on my desk and the news editor is like "these don't have captions???" and I'm like oh duh, they gotta have captions, can the b vitamins do their thing already? (I have to wait like 2 weeks before I see a difference).
Anyway the point I was trying to make is twofold, think horses not zebras is sometimes applicable, and you gotta give a treatment time to work.
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openintegrative · 1 month
Benefits of Nutritional Yeast
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Nutritional yeast is a rich source of vitamins and minerals.
It supports immune function and promotes skin health.
Its cheesy flavor makes it a popular ingredient in vegan and vegetarian diets.
Nutritional yeast, a deactivated yeast commonly used as a food ingredient, is praised for its nutritional content and health benefits. It’s especially popular among vegans and vegetarians as a source of B vitamins, protein, and other essential nutrients.
Nutritional Content of Nutritional Yeast
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Nutritional yeast is packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It is particularly known for its high content of B vitamins, including B12, which is crucial for energy production and neurological function.
B Vitamins: Nutritional yeast is rich in B vitamins such as B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin). These vitamins are essential for energy metabolism and maintaining a healthy nervous system.
Protein: It contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source. This is beneficial for muscle repair and overall growth.
Trace Minerals: Nutritional yeast provides important trace minerals like zinc, selenium, and manganese, which support various bodily functions including immune response and antioxidant protection.
Health Benefits of Nutritional Yeast
Supports Immune Function
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Nutritional yeast contains beta-glucan, a type of fiber that boosts the immune system. Beta-glucan activates immune cells, helping the body defend against infections and diseases.
Beta-Glucan: Enhances the body’s immune response by activating macrophages, neutrophils, and natural killer cells. This makes it effective in fighting off bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.
Antioxidants: The presence of antioxidants like glutathione and selenomethionine helps protect cells from oxidative stress, supporting overall immune health.
Promotes Skin Health
The vitamins and minerals in nutritional yeast contribute to healthy skin. B vitamins, in particular, play a crucial role in maintaining skin health and preventing skin conditions.
B Vitamins: Vital for skin regeneration and reducing signs of aging. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) helps maintain healthy skin by supporting tissue repair and reducing inflammation.
Zinc: Important for skin repair and inflammation reduction. It helps treat conditions like acne and supports overall skin integrity.
Enhances Energy Levels
Nutritional yeast is a good source of energy-boosting nutrients. The B vitamins and protein content help improve energy levels and reduce fatigue.
B Vitamins: Essential for converting food into energy. They help improve metabolic functions and maintain energy levels throughout the day.
Protein: Provides sustained energy by supporting muscle repair and growth. This is particularly beneficial for those with high physical activity levels.
Dietary Benefits of Nutritional Yeast
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Vegan and Vegetarian-Friendly
Nutritional yeast is a popular ingredient in vegan and vegetarian diets due to its cheesy flavor and nutritional content. It provides essential nutrients that might be lacking in plant-based diets.
Vitamin B12: Essential for vegans and vegetarians as it is typically found in animal products. Nutritional yeast is often fortified with B12, helping to prevent deficiency.
Complete Protein: Contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a valuable protein source for those following a plant-based diet.
Weight Management
Nutritional yeast can aid in weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness. Its high fiber and protein content help control appetite and support healthy weight loss.
Fiber: Contributes to satiety and helps regulate digestive health. It can prevent overeating by making you feel full longer.
Low in Calories: Provides essential nutrients without adding many calories. This makes it an excellent addition to a weight management diet.
Flavor Enhancer
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Nutritional yeast adds a savory, cheesy flavor to foods without the need for dairy. It can be used as a seasoning or ingredient in various dishes, making it a versatile addition to many recipes.
Cheesy Flavor: Enhances the taste of soups, sauces, and snacks. It’s a popular dairy-free alternative to cheese in many vegan recipes.
Versatile Use: Can be sprinkled on popcorn, added to pasta dishes, or blended into smoothies. This versatility makes it easy to incorporate into a variety of meals.
Nutritional yeast offers numerous health benefits, from supporting immune function to enhancing energy levels and promoting skin health. Its nutritional profile and versatility make it a valuable addition to any diet, particularly for those following vegan or vegetarian lifestyles.
What is nutritional yeast?
Nutritional yeast is a deactivated yeast used as a food ingredient, known for its high content of vitamins, minerals, and protein.
How does nutritional yeast support immune function?
Nutritional yeast contains beta-glucan and antioxidants, which help boost the immune system and protect cells from oxidative stress.
Can nutritional yeast help with weight management?
Yes, its high fiber and protein content promote fullness, aiding in appetite control and healthy weight management.
Is nutritional yeast suitable for vegans and vegetarians?
Absolutely, it provides essential nutrients like vitamin B12 and complete protein, making it an excellent choice for plant-based diets.
How can I use nutritional yeast in cooking?
Nutritional yeast can be sprinkled on popcorn, added to pasta, blended into smoothies, or used to enhance the flavor of soups and sauces.Research
Abid, R., Waseem, H., Ali, J., Ghazanfar, S., Muhammad Ali, G., Elasbali, A. M., & Alharethi, S. H. Probiotic Yeast Saccharomyces: Back to Nature to Improve Human Health. Journal of Fungi, 8(5), 444. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof8050444
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allaten24 · 2 months
ALLATRA Volunteers Care About People's Health. The Sun is Heating Up, and That's Dangerous!
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We've already established that our health depends not only on our lifestyle and stress levels, but also on our surrounding environment. This means ecology and climate.
Due to the rapidly occurring climate changes both on our planet and on all other objects in the solar system:
The Sun's activity is increasing;
Earth's natural magnetic field has already decreased by 9%;
As a result:
   Geomagnetic storms are becoming more frequent. (They lead to the exacerbation of diseases, the occurrence of swelling, headaches, and pressure surges.)
The ozone layer, which protects life on the planet from dangerous excessive ultraviolet radiation (solar radiation), is rapidly deteriorating.
Our organism is exposed to a condition that the Japanese scientist and doctor Kiyochi Nakagawa identified as:
"Human Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome."
## What is Important to Know About the Effects of Solar Radiation on Humans During Climate Change:
It has a carcinogenic effect, it can trigger the development of oncology;
It suppresses the immune system;
It leads to the formation of free radicals;
It damages the skin;
It leads to the development of infections, especially fungal and viral ones.
What to Do:
Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, especially if you have active infections, skin diseases, or serious chronic illnesses;
Protect your eyes and wear quality sunglasses;
Apply a good sunscreen to your skin, with a high SPF;
Wear clothing that covers as much of your skin as possible from direct sunlight;
Regularly take various antioxidants that will protect us from free radicals;
There are actually many of them, for example, vitamins A, E, C, B3, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and many others.
On Days of High Solar Activity:
Avoid disruptions in your sleep schedule, and trips with long flights.
It is desirable to be outdoors more often,
Drink plenty of clean water!
Absolutely no alcohol consumption
Due to the intense production of adrenaline, magnetic storms can cause increased appetite. In this case, do not get carried away with meat and starchy foods, it is better to give preference to green vegetables, berries, fish.
Unfortunately, in the near future, we will increasingly encounter manifestations of changes in the magnetic field and various atypical anomalies around the planet, which is associated with global changes in the MF.
Isn't it time to take the growing climate threat seriously and unite the scientific potential of humanity before the climate destroys us all?
Friends, we, the ALLATRA volunteers, warn you about the upcoming geoanomalies. 
Be vigilant, be attentive to your health, monitor your diet, and get more rest if possible. Take care of your family and loved ones. Take care of yourselves! Maintain a calm, relaxed state and a positive attitude - this will minimize the negative impact of magnetic storms.
Take care of yourselves and be healthy!
Please be sure to share this, write a comment, like, repost, and of course, give applause!!!
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marcomarconii · 2 months
Get The Most Out Of Your Vitamins🍊👀
📌 Hey! Today is all about vitamins. Vitamins are important for many functions and overall health. Let’s understand the importance of these and how to ensure you’re getting enough in your diet. ⬇️
1️⃣ Vitamin A: Vision and Immune Function 👁️🛡️
Vitamin A is good for vision, immune function, and skin health. It’s also for cell growth and differentiation. Eat carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach. 🥕🍠
2️⃣ Vitamin B Complex: Energy and Brain Function 🧠⚡
B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12) are important for energy production, brain function and cell metabolism. They help convert food into energy and maintain healthy skin, hair, and eyes. Whole grains, meat, eggs, and dairy products. 🌾🥩
3️⃣ Vitamin C: Antioxidant and Collagen Synthesis 🍊🌿
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. It’s also for collagen synthesis, skin, bones, and blood vessels. Citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, and broccoli. 🍓🌶️
4️⃣ Vitamin D: Bone Health and Immune Support 🦴🌞
Vitamin D is for calcium absorption and for maintaining strong bones and teeth. It’s also for immune function and inflammation. Sun exposure helps the body produce vitamin D, and dietary sources are fatty fish, fortified dairy, and egg yolks. 🐟🥚
5️⃣ Vitamin E: Antioxidant and Skin Health 🌿✨
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative damage. It’s also for immune function and skin health. Nuts, seeds, spinach and sunflower oil. 🌻🥜
6️⃣ Vitamin K: Blood Clotting and Bone Health 🩸🦴
Vitamin K is for blood clotting and bone health. It helps in the synthesis of proteins for blood coagulation and bone metabolism. Leafy greens, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. 🥬🥦
7️⃣ Vitamin B12: Nerve Function and Red Blood Cells 🩸🧬
Vitamin B12 is for nerve function, DNA synthesis, and red blood cells. Deficiency can cause anemia and neurological issues. The main sources are animal products like meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy. For vegetarians and vegans, fortified foods and supplements are necessary. 🍗🥚
➡️ Get these vitamins into your diet, and you’ll be glowing! Stay informed, eat mindfully, and enjoy the ride 👊🏽
📌 P.S. Comment below with your favorite vitamin food! Join my newsletter for more nutrition tips, health and fitness news + recipes. 📬📬 https://marcomarconii.ck.page/18360dce95
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vitabioticsindia · 2 months
Multivitamins for Men over 50: Why Do You Need Multivitamins as You Age?
As men age, their bodies undergo various changes that can impact their overall health and nutritional needs. During such times, incorporating multivitamins into your routine can help maintain vitality and address those nutritional gaps.
In this blog, we’ll explore the challenges that men face as they turn 50, their evolving health requirements, and how best multivitamin tablets for men can help them regain their vitality and zest for life.
The Health Issues for Men Face at 50
High Blood Pressure:
According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the prevalence of age-adjusted hypertension or high blood pressure was 45.4% among adults during the 2017-2018 survey period, with men having a higher rate (51.0%) compared to women (39.7%).
High blood pressure not only strains arteries but also increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney issues.
Heart Disease:
Your heart is crucial to your overall health, but as you age, it may need more support. Heart-related issues become more prevalent, from cholesterol build-up in arteries to chronic heart disease and strokes.
Diabetes can become a concern, especially with age. The Indian Journal of Ophthalmology reported in 2019 that approximately 77 million people in India had diabetes, a number projected to exceed 134 million by 2045.
Factors like decreased physical activity, weight gain, and hormonal changes can increase the risk of diabetes in men over 50.
Fatigue and Loss of Energy:
Managing career ambitions, family responsibilities, and staying active can drain your energy levels. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) can make daily activities challenging, affecting overall quality of life.
How Can You Safeguard Your Health?
If you're already worried about your health in your 50s, don't panic! There are several steps you can take to enhance your well-being and enjoy life even more. Here are some tips to improve your daily routine:
1. Work Out:
Regular exercise doesn't have to mean intense gym sessions. Activities like walking in the park, practising yoga, or meditation can help maintain fitness levels and reduce stress.
2. Eat Smart:
Balanced nutrition is key. Avoid junk and fried foods, and focus on lean proteins (chicken, turkey, fish), whole grains (berries, leafy greens, broccoli), healthy fats (avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil), and legumes.
3. Take Time for Yourself:
Navigating your 50s can be challenging, but it's also an opportunity for self-care. Engage in hobbies and activities that bring joy and support mental well-being.
What Can Multivitamins Do for You?
We understand fitting health tips into your busy life can be tough. But adding multivitamins to your routine can make it easier.
Here’s how they can help:
1. Heart Health:
Antioxidant Protection: Vitamins C and E neutralise free radicals, supporting cardiovascular health.
B Vitamins: B6, B12, and folic acid help reduce homocysteine levels linked to heart disease.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in some multivitamins, they can lower triglycerides and reduce heart disease risk.
2. Diabetes Management:
Blood Sugar Control: Chromium and magnesium aid insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar.
B Vitamins: Essential for energy production and managing diabetic symptoms.
Vitamin D:  Supports insulin sensitivity, reducing type 2 diabetes risk.
3. Combatting Fatigue:
Energy Production: B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12) boost metabolism and combat fatigue.
Iron: Prevents iron deficiency-related fatigue.
Vitamin C: Aids iron absorption and supports adrenal function.
Multivitamins like Wellman 50 Plus for Men Tablet are tailored for men aged 50+, offering a comprehensive blend of over 30 essential nutrients.
These supplements support heart health, regulate blood sugar, boost energy levels, and enhance overall vitality. However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.
Before you reach for a pill, make sure it’s the right fit for your health needs.
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grandprincefestival · 2 months
Say Goodbye to Fatigue and Hello to Energy with Nature Made Super B Complex Tablets
Are you tired of feeling fatigued and low on energy? Do you find it difficult to bcomplex get through the day without relying on caffeine or sugary snacks? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with low energy levels and are constantly searching for ways to boost their vitality. Luckily, there is a solution that can help you say goodbye to fatigue and hello to energy: Nature Made Super B Complex Tablets.
What are Nature Made Super B Complex Tablets?
Nature Made Super B Complex Tablets are a powerful combination of essential B vitamins that work together to support your body's energy production and overall well-being. Each tablet contains a high potency blend of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12, as well as vitamin C. These vitamins play a crucial role in converting the food you eat into usable energy, supporting nerve function, promoting healthy skin and hair, and maintaining a strong immune system.
The Benefits of Nature Made Super B Complex Tablets Boosts Energy Levels
If you're constantly feeling tired and sluggish, it may be due to a deficiency in essential B vitamins. These vitamins are involved in the production of energy within your body's cells. By supplementing with Nature Made Super B Complex Tablets, you can give your body the nutrients it needs to convert carbohydrates into fuel more efficiently, resulting in increased energy levels throughout the day.
Supports Nervous System Health
The B vitamins found in Nature Made Super B Complex Tablets are also crucial for maintaining a healthy nervous system. They play a vital role in the production of neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that transmit signals between nerve cells. By ensuring an adequate intake of these vitamins, you can support optimal brain function and reduce the risk of neurological disorders.
Promotes Healthy Skin and Hair
B vitamins are essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. They play a key role in the production of collagen, a protein that gives your skin its elasticity and helps prevent wrinkles. Additionally, these vitamins support the growth of strong and shiny hair by promoting proper circulation to the scalp and nourishing the hair follicles.
Supports a Strong Immune System
A well-functioning immune system is crucial for overall health and vitality. The B vitamins found in Nature Made Super B Complex Tablets help support immune system function by promoting the production of antibodies, which are proteins that help fight off harmful bacteria and viruses. By ensuring an adequate intake of these vitamins, you can give your immune system the boost it needs to keep you feeling healthy and energized.
Made in the USA
Nature Made is a trusted brand that is known for producing high-quality supplements. Their Super B Complex Tablets are made in the USA using rigorous manufacturing processes to ensure purity, potency, and quality. When you choose Nature Made Super B Complex Tablets, you can have peace of mind knowing that you're getting a product that meets the highest standards.
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High Potency Formula
Nature Made Super B Complex Tablets contain a high potency blend of essential B vitamins. This means that each tablet provides an optimal dosage of these vitamins to support your energy levels and overall well-being. With just one tablet a day, you can experience the full benefits of this
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priyanshisingh · 2 months
Vitamin and Mineral Market Dynamics: Global Growth and Trends (2023-2032)
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The Vitamin and Mineral Market is anticipated to expand from USD 24,425 million in 2024 to USD 31,327.46 million by 2032, achieving a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.16%.
Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that the body needs to function correctly and maintain overall health. These micronutrients play crucial roles in various physiological processes, including immune function, energy production, bone health, and cellular repair. Vitamins, such as A, C, D, E, and the B-complex group, are organic compounds that generally must be obtained through diet or supplements, as the body either cannot produce them or does so in insufficient quantities. Minerals, including calcium, potassium, iron, and zinc, are inorganic elements also necessary for proper bodily function, often involved in structural roles like bone formation, as well as regulatory activities like maintaining fluid balance and supporting nerve transmission. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins typically provides an adequate supply of these nutrients, though supplementation may be necessary in certain circumstances to address deficiencies or specific health needs.
How Vitamins and Minerals Help the Human Body
Vitamins and minerals are vital to maintaining the health and well-being of the human body, each playing unique and crucial roles in various bodily functions:
Immune System Support: Vitamins such as A, C, and E, along with minerals like zinc and selenium, are known to boost the immune system. They help protect the body against infections by supporting the production and function of immune cells.
Energy Production: B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12) are essential for converting dietary energy into ATP, the energy currency of cells. Minerals like magnesium also play a crucial role in energy metabolism and muscle function.
Bone Health: Calcium and vitamin D are critical for maintaining strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D enhances calcium absorption, while magnesium and phosphorus are also important for bone structure and strength.
Cellular Repair and Growth: Vitamin A is vital for cell growth and development, while vitamin C is crucial for the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary for wound healing and maintaining the integrity of skin, cartilage, and blood vessels.
Antioxidant Protection: Vitamins C and E act as antioxidants, protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals. This helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
Blood Health: Iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. Vitamin K is important for blood clotting, and vitamin B12 and folate are necessary for the production of red blood cells.
Nervous System Function: Vitamins B6, B12, and folate are vital for brain function and the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Magnesium and potassium are important for nerve transmission and muscle contraction.
Skin Health: Vitamins A, C, and E are important for skin health. Vitamin A supports cell production and repair, vitamin C is crucial for collagen synthesis, and vitamin E protects skin cells from oxidative damage.
Vision: Vitamin A is essential for maintaining good vision, especially in low-light conditions. It is a component of the protein rhodopsin, which helps the retina absorb light.
Electrolyte Balance: Minerals like sodium, potassium, and chloride are electrolytes that maintain fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions. They are crucial for maintaining proper hydration and pH levels in the body.
Key Player Analysis
DSM (Netherlands)
Corbion (Netherlands)
Glanbia plc (Ireland)
Vitablend Nederland BV (Netherlands)
SternVitamin GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Wright Enrichment Inc. (US)
Zagro (Singapore)
Nutreco (Netherlands)
Farbest-Tallman Foods Corporation (US)
Burkmann Industries, Inc. (US)
Bar – Magen LTD (Israel)
BASF SE (Germany)
Innov Ad NV/SA (Belgium)
Jubilant Ingrevia Limited (India)
IDENA (France)
Spansules Pharmatech Pvt. Ltd. (India)
Amesi Group (South Africa)
SA Premix (South Africa)
YesSinergy (Brazil)
Phibro Animal Health Corporation (US)
DLG (Denmark)
Gk Biochemical Corporation (India)
Advanced Animal Nutrition Pty Ltd. (Australia)
Credence Remedies Pvt. Ltd. (India)
Gold Fin International (Oman)
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/vitamin-and-mineral-market
Vitamin and Mineral Market Regional Insights
The vitamin and mineral market is characterized by diverse regional dynamics influenced by varying dietary habits, economic development, healthcare infrastructure, and consumer awareness. Here are some key regional insights:
North America:
Market Size and Growth: North America is one of the largest markets for vitamins and minerals, driven by high consumer awareness and spending power.
Trends: There is a strong focus on preventive healthcare and wellness, with a significant demand for dietary supplements. The aging population also contributes to the demand for vitamins and minerals aimed at bone health, cardiovascular support, and overall vitality.
Regulatory Environment: The market is well-regulated, with strict guidelines from bodies like the FDA ensuring the quality and safety of supplements.
Market Size and Growth: Europe also represents a significant market, with a mature consumer base that prioritizes health and wellness.
Trends: There is a growing trend towards natural and organic supplements, as well as products tailored for specific health needs such as immunity, beauty, and cognitive function.
Regulatory Environment: The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) plays a key role in regulating the market, ensuring that products meet high safety and efficacy standards.
Market Size and Growth: The Asia-Pacific region is experiencing rapid growth in the vitamin and mineral market, driven by increasing health consciousness and rising disposable incomes.
Trends: Traditional medicine and herbal supplements are popular, alongside Western-style vitamins and minerals. The growing middle class in countries like China and India is driving demand for dietary supplements.
Regulatory Environment: The regulatory environment varies widely across the region, with countries like Japan having well-established regulations, while others are still developing their frameworks.
Latin America:
Market Size and Growth: The market is growing steadily, with increasing consumer awareness and healthcare spending.
Trends: There is a rising interest in health and wellness, with a particular focus on vitamins and minerals that support immune health, energy, and weight management.
Regulatory Environment: The regulatory landscape is evolving, with efforts to harmonize standards across the region to improve product safety and quality.
Middle East and Africa:
Market Size and Growth: This region is in the early stages of market development but shows significant potential for growth.
Trends: Growing awareness of the benefits of vitamins and minerals, along with improving economic conditions, is driving demand. There is also an increasing focus on addressing nutritional deficiencies.
Regulatory Environment: The regulatory environment is developing, with countries like the UAE making significant strides in establishing standards and regulations for dietary supplements.
Based on Type
Vitamin & mineral combination
Based on Form
Based on Application
Food & beverages
Cosmetics & personal care products
Based on Functionality (Qualitative)
Bone health
Skin health
Other functionalities
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/vitamin-and-mineral-market
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jacksonkim1253 · 3 months
Is Vitamin Water Good for You? Everything You Need To Know
The question that arises here is: Is all types of vitamin water good for you? Vitamin water is good for you when you drink it without sugar and reading the labels. Vitamin water is packed in the form of juices that are not good for you.
 While it provides vitamins and minerals that can add value to your diet, it often contains enough added sugar and artificial ingredients to cancel the benefits of our diet. However, choosing sugar-free options is essential to vitamin juice, and it has been strong. Packed Vitamin juices can also lead to obesity and an increase in the level of sugar.
What is Vitamin Water?
When the beverage Vitamin Water was introduced by Coca-Cola, the name "Vitamin Water" gained prominence. With catchy titles like focus, refresh, essential, and endurance,  it entered the market. The vitamin beverage was advertised at the time as being extremely nutrient-rich and healthful. However, health awareness groups eventually refuted Coca-Cola's assertion. At last, the manufacturer ceased referring to it as a health product. 
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Vitamin water is a drink made up of water and vitamins, for instance, A and C, including several B-group Vitamins. These are highly sold liquids having electrolytes and come in almost all types of flavors, mostly with added sugar or any other artificial sweeteners.  But is vitamin water good for you? How much vitamin drink consumption will not put your body at any health risk?If you have been searching for this piece of information, we have got you covered. 
Flavored water: 
Unlike plain water, vitamin water comes in a variety of flavors, making it more appealing to those who find it plain. Additionally, the variety of flavor options are of different tastes, compelling a wider audience.
Vitamins and minerals: 
Vitamin water usually contains vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, B vitamins (B3, B5, B6, B12, etc.), potassium, magnesium, and other electrolytes.
Added sugar or sweeteners: 
Many brands of vitamin juices have added sugar to improve sweetness, while some versions use artificial sweeteners to lower the calorie content. Regardless of the sweetening method used, however, it is important to consider the potential health and nutritional effects.
Color and flavor properties: 
Manufacturers add food colors and add ingredients to enhance the texture and flavor of the drink.
Tip: Before you reach for your next bottle of vitamin water or natural mineral water, pause and think about what’s inside. You can research approved products, listen to product labels, and make choices about what products you get and how you can eat them. Again, putting your health and wellness first is worth the extra effort, and making sure that." you make the right decisions in line with your goals.
Not All Vitamin Water Is a Good Choice
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Always Read the Labels!
Don’t be fooled by the colorful packaging and fake promises of health benefits. Vitamin water may seem like a magical drink, but a closer look at the label reveals a different story. Always read the labels carefully when purchasing vitamin water, especially the sugar content and added preservatives.
High Sugar Content
Many products, like Glaceau Vitamin Water, have a lot of added sugar. A bottle can pack as much sugar as a can of soda, contributing to weight gain and increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Artificial Sweeteners
Sugar-free products” such as vitamin and water deficiencies often contain artificial sweeteners. However, despite the calorie deficit, these sweeteners can adversely affect gut health and metabolism, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness.
Empty Calories
The added sugar and sweeteners in vitamin water add empty calories. This means excess calories without essential nutrients, leading to nutrient deficiencies and poor health over time.
Misleading Health Claims
Companies like Vitamin Water and Propel market their drinks as being healthier because of added vitamins and minerals. But these amounts are small and easily obtained from a balanced diet, making drinks like. Sugary food is a vital source of nutrition.
Preservatives and Artificial Ingredients
To ensure shelf life and flavor, vitamin water contains preservatives and artificial ingredients. Regular consumption of these supplements can cause adverse health effects.
Overconsumption of Vitamins
More is not always better. Consuming too many vitamins in fortified beverages can cause anxiety and can lead to serious health issues, including toxicity.
How to Get Minerals Naturally
Getting minerals naturally involves incorporating a variety of nutrient-rich foods into your diet. Here are some tips and sources for obtaining essential minerals naturally
Fruits and Vegetables: 
Enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables like spinach, kale, oranges, bananas, avocados, and berries, which are high in essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
Nuts and Seeds: 
Eat seeds like almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flax seeds, which are packed with minerals like zinc, iron, and magnesium.
Opt for Whole Grains: 
Choose whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, oats, and legumes, which are good sources of minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, and selenium.
Incorporate Dairy Products: 
Include dairy products such as dairy products, yogurt, and cheese in your diet, as they provide essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, and phosphorus for strong bones and teeth.
Lean Protein Sources: 
Include lean proteins such as poultry, fish, tofu, and legumes in your diet to provide iron, zinc, magnesium, and other nutrients needed for muscle function and overall health. Also, if you eat foods that are high in fiber, adding these wombs to your diet can help create a well-rounded and balanced diet.
Drink Natural Mineral Water: 
Consider drinking natural mineral water, which naturally contains beneficial minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, to increase your daily mineral intake.
Natural Mineral Water
Ah, let’s talk about natural mineral water. Apparently, this is a natural health remedy! Imagine water flowing over rocks, picking up lots of goodies along the way. It’s like a treasure hunt for your taste buds!
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But it is not just to quench your thirst. Drinking nature’s spa while drinking natural mineral water feels like a refreshing and rejuvenating experience. Plus, it’s packed with minerals like calcium and magnesium, which are super good for you.
In short, minerals that are easily obtained through a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains have a profound effect on your health.
In a nutshell, minerals are essential for your health and are easily obtained from a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Oh, and don’t forget to water with plenty of water – it’s like nature’s mineral supplement, straight from the tap! So, cheers to staying healthy and hydrated, one mineral-packed bite and sip at a time.
How Marketing Tricks Us
Adult Packaging:
Companies use flashy fonts and vibrant colors to catch our eye and make us think their products are something special. - (Because who can resist a shiny, shiny bottle, right?)
Misleading Claims:
Ever seen a drink that boasts "all-natural" or "superfood-infused" on its label? Yeah, those words don’t always mean what you think you are. (Hint: Read the fine print.)
Celebrity Endorsements:
When your favorite celeb asks you to drink something, it has to be good, right?
(Newsflash: they get paid to say so.)
Subliminal Messaging:
Have you ever noticed how some ads make you feel like you’re missing out if you don’t buy their product? (Don’t fall for the FOMO trap.)
Health Halo Effect:
Just saying "vitamins" or "minerals" doesn't mean you're healthy. (That’s sugary stuff, though)
Emotional Appeal:
Advertising often plays on our emotions, making us feel that we need their product to be happy, successful, or loved.
Limited Edition Hype:
Ever rush to buy something because it says "limited edition"? (Trust me, there will always be new limited editions.)
Price Point Psychology:
Ever wonder why some drinks are more expensive than others? It's all about perceived value. 
(But seriously, $5 for water?)
Buzzword Overload:
Words like "organic," "detox," and "superfood" get thrown around a lot. But do they really mean anything? (Not always.)
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drritamarie · 4 months
A Guide to Niacin: Plant-based Food Sources, Supplements, and Dosing
Among them are metabolism, nervous system health, and DNA repair. Despite being significant sources of niacin, meat, fish, and dairy products may not be suitable for certain people due to dietary preferences, allergies, or sensitivities. Niacin can be obtained from a range of plant-based sources for those who choose not to consume animal products. These meet dietary needs and provide an alternative method of treating niacin deficiency.
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Niacin, or vitamin B3, has been demonstrated to have remarkable effects on cholesterol management and heart health. However, it is important to understand the many forms of niacin and how the body uses them. Nicotinic acid, commonly known as flushing niacin, is the form of niacin that is most helpful in lowering cholesterol and heart disease. Vasodilation and cholesterol control are aided by more nicotinic acid. Unlike other forms of the vitamin, such as NAD or inositol hexanicotinate, flushing niacin requires high dosages for its vasodilation effects, which are essential in controlling lipoproteins and cholesterol levels.
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focusdrinkselixir · 5 months
What are the best vitamins for mental health?
Several vitamins play crucial roles in supporting mental health. Here are some of the best vitamins known for their positive effects on mental well-being:
Vitamin B Complex: This group of vitamins includes B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folate), and B12 (cobalamin). They are essential for nerve function, mood regulation, and energy production.
Vitamin D: Often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D plays a role in regulating mood and reducing the risk of depression. It is synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight and can also be obtained from certain foods and supplements.
Vitamin C: As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C helps combat oxidative stress in the brain and supports the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, which is crucial for mood regulation.
Vitamin E: Another antioxidant, vitamin E protects brain cells from damage caused by free radicals and may help slow cognitive decline associated with aging.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: While not vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), are essential nutrients for brain health. They play a role in neurotransmitter function and can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Magnesium: Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including those related to mood regulation and stress management. It may help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Zinc: Zinc is important for neurotransmitter function and may help regulate mood. Low levels of zinc have been linked to depression and anxiety disorders.
Iron: Iron deficiency can lead to fatigue, cognitive impairment, and mood disturbances. Ensuring an adequate intake of iron is important for maintaining mental well-being.
It’s important to note that while vitamins can play a significant role in supporting mental health, they should not replace professional treatment for mental health conditions. If you’re experiencing persistent mental health issues, it’s essential to seek guidance from a healthcare professional. They can help diagnose any underlying issues and recommend appropriate treatment options, which may include therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and dietary modifications.
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