#worked on this instead of studying 🫡
handmadeangelsarchive · 5 months
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[id: a drawing of Toya Aoyagi, Akito Shinonome, An Shiraishi, and Kohane Azusawa from Project Sekai. they are sitting on the edge of a dock. Toya is smiling slightly and looking at the others. he is leaning backwards with his hands behind him. Akito is smiling widely and looking at Toya. he is resting his hand on Toya's hip. An is smiling widely with her eyes closed and her hands are resting on Akito and Kohane's shoulders. Kohane is smiling and looking at the others. her left hand rests on her knee. Toya is wearing a long sleeved black shirt, black shorts, and a beaded bracelet in the Vivid Bad Squad colors. Akito is wearing a swim binder and orange swim shorts. An is wearing a teal tank top, black shorts, and her hair is in a ponytail. Kohane is wearing a pink crop top, a blue wrap skirt, and a beaded bracelet in the Vivid Bad Squad colors. there are several filters over it. end id]
can you tell i'm ready for the summer
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hyacintheros · 3 months
Hii! Can you write headcanons for what it would be like for a female reader to share a dorm with marauders?(since first year) Maybe like girls dorms were full?? I know it makes no sense but I couldn't come up with anything else. Thanks in advance 🎀
This is such a thought though, you're cooking with this one, never done headcanons before, but I hope I can deliver your vision dovey!🥰🫡
Maybe there were too many first year females in Gryffindor, I mean record breaking and they weren't expecting it, so some girls had to be accommodated with the boys
Each dorm had 5 beds anyways, so the marauders were happy to host another person c:
First year would be a little awkward, not used to being co-ed, reader would definitely have her curtains drawn 85% of the time, made her own friends outside of the marauders treating them as roommates rather than friends
Second year is a little better, being now more used to the presence of the boys, maybe warming up to Peter's quiet personality, Remus’ bookworm behaviour, then to James’ happy go lucky attitude, then finally Sirius’ flirting. Being more adventurous and actually hanging out with them outside of their dorm, pulling little pranks here and there
By third year, she'd finally been let in on Remus’ Moony escapades, now an honorary member of the Marauders. This is also when everyone pledges to become animagi for Remus’ sake, telling the reader that she doesn't have to do this with them. She relents, wanting to do her best for Moony! When they all finally complete the animation process, reader finds out hers is a raccoon, earning the name ‘Bandit’, now attracted to anything shiny, like a niffler!
Fourth year is when she starts to realise that maybe there's more to her friendship with the marauders. Keeping her curtains open most nights, reading books with Remus on his bed, often falling asleep there. Listening to Jamie talk about quidditch while she does homework, picking flowers and leaves with Peter, and gossiping with Sirius about McGonagall. Though, she doesn't want to ruin the current dynamic they've got going on, instead, resigning to keeping her feelings bottled
Fifth year has reader in a twist, trying to balance a social life while studying for her O.W.Ls, while also trying to keep her feelings afloat. She spends most time hidden in a corner in the library, a spot none of the marauders are privy to. By Christmas, the boys feel as if they've done something wrong, their best friend and partner in crime won't hang out with them anymore. Before the break, they confront Bandit, needing to repair their friendship before any more damage is done. Confessing her feelings to them in the astronomy tower, she's ready to bolt. Before she can, James pulls her in, expressing that she's not alone in her feelings. Promising to work through a 5 person relationship, they are officially together by the end of the year.
Sixth year comes along, and so do rumours. Hogwarts had never seen a relationship like theirs, confused and oddly weirded out by its nature, turned to bullying the poor girl. She'd often hide out in the dorm after class and before meals, the pressure getting too much at times. Sirius is the one to bash the rumours, standing on the Gryffindor table before Easter break, shouting his undying love for Bandit and the other marauders! The rumours die down after that, and Bandit can finally walk the halls without being ridiculed again.
Last year, seventh year comes, a melancholic air around them, wishing they could spend more and more years at Hogwarts. What will they do after? James wants to be an Auror, Sirius a Quidditch star, Remus an Author, Peter a Herbologist. And reader? She's still trying to figure that out, thus taking all possible courses to help her out later. Most days are filled with endless studying, wishing she knew how to plan her life, yet she still finds time to pull some senior pranks on the younger kids, all harmless and joyful. Graduation comes sooner than expected, eager to see what life will bring across her path.
They all find an apartment in muggle London with the help of Bandit's parents. They had to custom make a bed that would accommodate all 5 of them with much room to cuddle with. James does end up being and Auror, Sirius following suit. Peter is furthering his studies on Herbology and Caring for Magical Creatures, while Remus attends a muggle University for an English degree. Bandit ended up for applying as a Potions teaching assistant back at Hogwarts, her love brewing at the cauldron ♡
I feel like headcanons are supposed to be short, maybe I'm silly *insert that cat voices gif* 
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catcze · 10 months
ok but your recent ask DID make me wonder what a kindergarten teacher reader x wrio would look like? he does have a soft spot for kids soooo👀
I can see it happening since there might be many children of the inmates who can’t leave (there’s a char from a world quest who was in this situation)
so imagine there’s program set up in the fortress to get the children to a standardised education level (so that when they eventually leave they’re not behind their peers), and that’s when reader gets into the picture. So, it starts off with wrio politely chatting, before it turns into something more. I leave it to the wrio experts to expand on this 🫡
- 🕸️ anon
Spiderweb baby you're gonna open a can of worms with this idea because I will get so self indulgent with this haskdjna
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Literally that would be so cute though 🥺 I can see reader and Wrio working closely together too, since i feel that Wrio would make it a priority of his to know that these kids are alright, and he'd even help out with watching the kids sometimes :((
Like like like 😭 The reader would be super sweet in supervising the kids whenever their parents have to work in the fortress, and would keep them in a cute little classroom / nursery place where they can run around and play in a safe place away from all the machinery, yk?
And one day, imagine that the reader made a deal with the kids that if they're well behaved and did well on their test, they can spend an afternoon touring the fortress. And since their kids really made an effort to behave themselves and to study, the reader puts in a request to the duke's office to ask for some extra hands in helping watch over the kids. You just expect him to assign some guards to help out, but you're surprised when he instead volunteers himself for the role instead, claiming that there's no one who knows the fortress better than him, and that it would be good for him to see how they're doing, too!
And from there, you both have fun giving the kids the tour, and it makes them all really like 'uncle Rise-ley' instead of being fearful of him. They even ask for him a couple of times in the days after the tour, and when you tell him, Wriothesley starts coming by more often :(( and from thereeee, he starts visiting after class hours too— first just to check on you and help you grade papers, maybe if you need any books or materials from the surface.
Then it becomes more, like bringing you to the cafeteria so that you don't miss your meals, or giving you your own private tour of the fortress (just in case you need it, of course. Not just because he wanted to go on a long walk with you or anything.) And eventually, the line blurs a bit between simply spending time with each other after your work, and him basically taking you out on cute dates haskdjnas
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nocturnesmoon · 8 months
I had a dream about this and thought you'd like it 😭 It basically boils down into your current vampire!reader fics but instead of a vampire, reader was like. this spider hybrid thing?? I was v confused 🫡
Eight legged dreams
Monster AU Masterlist: TF141 x Spider-Hybrid!GN!Reader A/N: I really wanna know what kinda weird dreams you be having 😭 I don't know what the spider hybrid looked like in your dream, but I think I'd be terrified, anyways this is a bit short but enjoy.
-The 141 gets a new, unexpected addition to the team-
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Nobody is really surprised to find that people would end up experimenting with the concept of monsters. Ever since they recruited a few in the military, leash on tight, it was only a matter of time before some twisted minds picked up on the idea of creating monsters on their own.
The existence of mythical creatures has long been proven, though a lot are concealed and extinct, what if it would be possible to resurrect them, or create entirely new ones? The thought was quickly experimented with, the study of how monsters formed, made way for the ideas of monster hybrids that didn't exist naturally.
When the 141 was first assigned such a hybrid, they were sceptical. Promptly they thought they didn't need one, they did excellent work without the external help, but it quickly became a matter of not having a choice.
It didn't matter to the higher ups whether they used this hybrid on missions or not, the 141 was to record the movements of this hybrid, and at the end of the experiment they would each give an individual report of the experience.
If the hybrid became violent or disobedient, each one of them had full authority to eliminate them.
Simple right?
That's what they had all thought before they found out what a menace it could be. They had expected something simple, a wolf hybrid, or a reptile hybrid like they had heard about, but no what they got was arguably worse.
From the moment you stepped off the truck that brought you to them, they knew something was off. Sure, they hadn't been told what kind of hybrid you were, but this was unexpected even with that in mind.
Your entire physique didn't carry the same as a human would, fat, skin and muscle distribution was completely wrong compared to that of a normal human. You were adorned by another set of eyes right under your natural ones, just as well you had 2 extra sets of arms. It looked wrong on you, like you came from some eldritch abomination. They even wondered if it might hurt to have a form like that, but you seemed relaxed as can be.
Your form started to make a lot more sense when Price finally got his hands on your files, and care instructions. He wanted to chew your handlers out for not giving him the instructions sooner, but they left in a hurry like state, all too eager to get rid of you.
Apparently, you were a type of spider hybrid. It wasn't totally certain what your abilities were, there wasn't a whole lot of guidance from your previous handlers, and it only left Price all the more nervous.
Despite their apprehension about you, you were nice and accommodative. You listened to their orders and request and at first glance you seemed normal, not taking into account of how different you looked.
It didn't take long before they started finding out about your various quirks, showing more and more of yourself very quickly. You seemed to get attached to them a lot faster than they got warmed up to you.
Gaz was the first one to figure out that you had the ability to climb any surface and stick to it. It didn't really come as a surprise once he really thought about it, but the jump scare he got from it is one he isn't likely to forget.
He was just about to go to bed, changed into pyjamas and everything, lights turned off. Just as he was about to get under the covers he sees a glint in the corner of his bedroom ceiling, he slowly goes closer, finding it hard to see when his eyes aren't adjusted to the darkness. The second you get into view, his eyes widen a fraction, the real jump scare coming when you with a very menacing voice say, "Hello Kyle," he screams for you to get out, which you do with a pout. Days later he still doesn't know how you learned his real name, seemingly no one told you, you just found out.
Another thing they figured out quickly was your eating habits, they found you to be very picky about what you ingested. Most of the time you only ate meat in small quantities, and you always seemed to hoard it in your room, wrapped up in tiny cocoons for safe keeping. Seemingly you refused to eat anything other than meat, but despite being picky you were open to try a lot of things, normally ending up hating it, but you tried it.
It started to result in you biting everything, no matter what it would be. Sometimes it seemed like you didn't fully understand what was edible and what was not. Their biggest shock came from you starting to nibble on them. It became a fixation of yours, and despite them always swatting you away, you kept going at it. Price has too many bite marks shaped perfectly from your teeth.
Soap was sceptic about your appearance first, intrigued but sceptic. He quickly warmed up to it, however, when he realized how useful it could be to have 6 arms, or useful to him that you had them. He started using you as a sort of coat rack, getting you to hold things for him while he's working. If he was practising his skills at disarming a bomb, he'd get you to hold his tools, if he was writing reports, he'd get you to hold the next ones ready, so it all went smoother. He even got you to hold his art supplies for him whenever he wanted to draw in his downtime.
You didn't really mind it, wanting to follow him around anyway, and this way you would be useful to him. You even learnt a few things watching him work, and watching him paint was oddly relaxing. He didn't even mind when you asked him to explain what he was doing, he could get very passionate once you got him started.
Price and Ghost were more interested in your abilities in the field. You were fast, agile, and dexterous, with a patience that's unmatched. You even beat Ghost when it came to sitting still, he held the record to be the best sniper on the team, having the patience of a mountain, yet when it was put to the test, you managed to beat his time by a lot.
Price always keeps a close eye on you, not wanting to admit that he's slightly afraid of you. Even though over time they've got it documented what your abilities included, you keep surprising them. He once saw you playing with a cat, seemingly having a lot of fun, until the cat got annoyed and bit you. The cat managed to draw blood...it died from poison 10 minutes later. He's always been extra wary of you after that, making sure not to touch your wounds directly if you got injured in battle.
Once you start integrating yourself into their group, their acceptance of you becoming easier and easier to get, you also start some gift giving adventures. It was mostly Ghost at first, but occasionally you'd bring the rest things as well. The problem was that the things you brought him were...dead insects...dead animals...things that in your mind were excellent gifts because you were helping with keeping him fed, right?
He did really not view it like that, and when he found a dead rabbit, wrapped up nice and tight in a cocoon, placed neatly on his desk, he snapped at you. In the middle of his yelling you ran, to where they never found out, you became like a ghost, though the subtle hints that you were still around were there.
You kept out of sight for a few days, despite how much they tried to call you forth. Ghost always had this eerie feeling that when he turns you would be sitting creepily on the ceiling in the corner, but you're never in view. He even started feeling a little guilty for snapping at you, but he really did not like to dispose of dead animals every other day.
When you finally came back, it wasn't without a peace offering, and when you stood in front of him, holding out a little cocoon for him, he could only sigh. He accepted it reluctantly but found that there were no dead animals inside it, instead there were little trinkets that you had found. Mostly things he couldn't use, but there was one thing that stood out to him, a mask of his that he could've sworn he lost, yet you had somehow found it.
When he seemed a lot happier with this kind of gift, then you did too, your mood drastically improved, and you kept bringing him more. Though he still could find it to be an annoyance when it was a bunch of junk, it was better than dead insects, and when you looked so happy afterwards, who was he to complain.
Even if you were different, nearing the end of the experiment, none of them could deny that they had come to love your little quirks. Your presence had come to be expected around base, your helpful manner, your mischievous behaviour, adding something to their work life that they've come to quite enjoy.
And when you came running, half in tears, begging them to not send you back to your old handlers...well...it only took one glance between each other to have the quiet collective agreement, that they were going to do anything, to keep you right here with them.
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aphroditesswan · 3 months
Hellooooo ♡
New request like always 😋☝️
This time a s/o who's scared of roaches (I am scared of em) like they hate roaches with pure passion. And imagine s/o screaming cause a roach crawled on them (I cried when it happend to me)
Fandom: obey me!
(Idk if u can tell but I'm asking for evey Fandom u write for, so each Fandom can have there own lobe ♡)
Anyways see u in the next request ♡♡♡
ick - lay bankz
obey me brother x mc
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summary: you find some terrifying demon lookin ahh bug while with the brothers
warnings: bugs, some brothers being coños, cursing, intentional lowercase (this annoys some people for some odd reason??) ooc probably
genre: crack fluff ish i think
notes: RAW ASS BITCH HE MIGHT GET SALMONELLA RED BOTTOMS DONT FIT IM A HOOD CINDERELLA 🔥🔥🔥 also im sorry this took a solid 9 months chat but i’m back on that grind 🫡🫡 this was hard for me to write i haven’t played the game in a year and a half or something
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out of instinct, you yell for him. by now he has a headache, having to deal with his brothers yelling for him (or at him) all day and now you? he could care less but alas, he is your lover, he is obligated to attend to your needs. he opens the door to your room, not even able to speak before a pillow is thrown at his legs.
“sorry! but look downn,” you whisper, like the insect could hear you. however, he does as you say and looks down and out of the corner of his eye, sees exactly whats making you flip out. he sighes, walking softly to the bug, calmly squashing it under his foot and rubbing it into the wood floor, almost as if to make a point.
he sighs again, “is that all, my dear?” and you nod your head, thanking him and sighing of relief once he leaves to go back to his work.
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he knocked on your door, waiting patiently for you to open it. when all he was met with was a slight rustling from inside the room, he rolled his eyes and barged in.
“what are you- OH MY GOD A BUG” he stepped back as soon as he stepped inside, holding onto his chest like a middle aged white woman finding out her son smokes weed when he’s out for 6 hours after school instead of studying.
“RIGHT??? HELP ME” you motioned to yourself, then to the floor, then finally to your position perched on the desk.
“absolutely not. you’re on your own.”
he walked out the door, backwards as to not lose sight of the ugly creature, then shut the door. as soon as you figured out a way to kill this bug, he was next.
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you were perched up on your dresser, already restoring to throwing things at the poor bug who made its way into your room. leviathan walked in upon hearing the continuous loud thuds from your room.
“what the hell are you doing?” he mumbled, but it was still audible.
“levi! get it out, please!” he sighed, grabbing a tissue from your tissue box on your nightstand and gently picking up the tiny bug and throwing it out the window.
“happy, weirdo?” he asked as he helped you down from the dresser as you thanked him.
“you so owe me for this.” which means you’re buying him something stupid and unnecessarily expensive.
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you were sitting at you and your boyfriends shared vanity as he was just getting out of the shower, ever so slightly glancing to the left at the wall when you saw the most ginormous, disgusting thing EVER on the wall. you instantly screamed, asmodeus slamming the door open while clutching a towel.
and at that, he screamed even louder and more high pitched than you did. you rubbed your temples, watching him panic at the sight of a bug. of course you were freaked out, but he’s the biggest drama queen you know and if you didn’t get rid of it, he’d hold the biggest grudge in hell. you reached for a lotion bottle, throwing it at the wall where the bug stood. sadly, you missed. the bug went down towards the bottom of the wall, and you grabbed yet another product to throw at it before asmo protested.
“you missed once, dont try again!”
you huffed, winding back your arm to throw the container. yet again, you missed. now, as the tiny thing crawled closer and closer, you and a barely covered asmo cowered on the bed together waiting for one of his brothers to come and save you.
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you pulled yourself onto the counter, practically jumping up as you yelped and grabbed your lovers arm, pointing wordlessly to the bug on the floor.
“oh hush, its tiny.”
“i dont care, kill it!”
he looked between you and the bug, about to step on it before you protested again.
“ew its gonna be on the kitchen floor! put it outside first!”
to which he furrowed his brows, but he loved you so he was going to listen to your orders when you said to put the bug outside before killing it so it wouldn’t bother you. he chased the bug out with his foot, looking back once both were outside.
“are you happy now?”
to which, he squashed the creature with the tip of his shoe, wiping it clean on the ground before coming back for you to thank him with a small kiss on the cheek, to which he rolled his eyes as he lifted you up and down from the counter by your waist.
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to say he was confused was an understatement.
this was the first he’d seen you freak out this hard and much less over a bug, so he has no clue what he should do in this situation.
“kill it, beel!” you watched cautiously as the bug practically circled the table. if you didnt know any better, you’d say it was taunting you. he however saw no problem with the bug, “its just a bug, its not bothering you.”
he held out his hand for you to hold and get down from the table, but obviously you refused.
“beel! just kill the damn bug already!” you complained, panicked eyes shifting between him and the bug who stood in place.
he didn’t care much for killing the bug. he stood next to the table, eating his fries and watching the bug with you. this action confused you.
“beel, please! i have to get down so i can charge my phone!” you complained yet again, but he still ignored you.
after a while of your pleading and whining (really once he finished his fries), he walks off and leaves the room. you’re about to yell for him when he comes back with a tissue that he used to squish the bug and throw it out before offering to help you down again.
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you attempted to shake him awake, your legs against your chest as you looked between Belphegor’s sleeping figure and the nasty unknown creature on the floor.
“belphegor,, belphegor,, WAKE UP”
you shook aggressively, eventually resulting in smacking his arm til he lazily rubbed his eyes.
“and what are you waking me up at 4 in the afternoon for?”
he rolled over to face you, glaring up at you a bit with tired eyes. you pointed to the ground, softly mumbling,
“theres a weird demon bug on the floor.”
you frowned scooting closer to belphegor and panicking a bit when it inched a bit closer to the bed.
your boyfriend sighed, moving your legs down from against your chest and pulling you down to rest against the pillows again, all so he could properly hold onto your waist as he closed his eyes again.
“oh hush, it’ll go away eventually or beel will kill it. nap with me.”
you should’ve known he was going to be no help at all.
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i just wanna thank you all so so soooo much for waiting and being so patient with me, i know i was sooo unactive these past couple months but trust me i’ll keep a steady schedule of at least one fic biweekly if i can, but for now i’ll try and churn out as many fics as possible! i’m also working on a masterlist and an intro! again, thank you all so much for your patience!
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campbyler · 7 months
due to suni Studying and thea Working the entire day we are pushing the upload back one (1) day so we will see you tomorrow instead of today 🫡
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spoiled-milk · 1 year
making out w/ volks, cashew, and logan
a/n: ok so i wrote volks and cashews for part like 3 months ago then got possessed then wrote logans part so i wouldn’t have to study the central nervous system. enjoy ur crumbs blush blush fandom
content warning: some slight nsfw but nothing like crazy explicit me thinks. not proofread or revised (will do so later 🫡)
word count: ~600 words
volks is possessive of you. he's a little jealous of others who get to be around you, but he just wants you all to himself so how could you blame him when he tears you away from the large crowd and into a small supply closet at the club you were at. you feel him place harsh kisses on your neck as you wrap your arms around him. his hands roam your body as he continues to litter your neck in hickeys and soft bites. he unbuttons your top slightly as he continues to bite at your skin. after several bite marks on your chest, he moves for your lips. unlike the bites volks has left on your body, his kisses on your lips are gentle and soft. he wants to do nothing but envelope himself in everything that has to do with you. your scent, your saliva, your pheromones, all of it. he may not be part wolf anymore, but he still has that primitive animalistic side of him that wants nothing more than to keep you all to himself with the marks to prove it.
cashew is inexperienced, but a very quick learner. the only experience he has was through reading romance and smut novels at the local library. things started off with him reading a passage out of his book to you, but then things started to escalate when you kiss him. it started off gentle until he puts his book away and uses his hands to cup the back of your head instead. cashew has never been in that many relationships and he's not sure if he's doing things right, but judging by the way you bunch up his shirt in your hands, he has a feeling that he's probably doing something correct. he runs his fingers through your hair as you move to straddle his lap. he lets you take charge as you run your hands under his shirt. cashew can feel his blood run boiling hot as you continue to lock lips with him. you peek through your eyelashes and see that cashew's face is entirely red as you slip his jacket off so that he's left in his white t-shirt.
it’s no secret that logan is a big guy. big man with big muscles who could probably crush you with no effort whatsoever. logan is careful with how he handles you, scared that he’ll accidentally hurt you. he knows that he won’t but when he looks at you, he essentially sees you as a human sized squishmallow. coming back from a long evening shift, he sees you slumped on the couch asleep. he certainly feels bad for making you stay up late waiting for him when he was forced was asked to pick up a shift, but the sight that blesses him at this very moment makes everything worth it to him. the sun’s rays slightly illuminate your facial features and makes you look like an angel. he feels his heart race as he reaches you. he effortlessly lifts you from the couch and moves you into his bedroom. you stir in his arms and he can see the drowsiness in your eyes. “good morning sleepyhead. i hope i didn’t keep you waiting all night for me.” you shake your head at logan’s words. “not really. just tired after doing work ‘n whatnot.” logan sets you down into his bed and he joins you after taking off his work clothes. he pulls you into his arms as he plants a soft kiss on your temple then your lips. you can’t help but pull him in for a longer passionate kiss after that. the smell of hickory and cedar fill your nostrils as you continue to kiss him. the two of you separate for air and logan plants a kiss on your forehead and ushers you to go back to sleep. you comply and he cradles you in his arms and he eventually succumbs to sleep
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betterfettered · 1 year
Hello friends! I'm lowkey on hiatus because it's been a very rough few months, but I thought I'd pop in and say hi 🥺 Pls keep me in both ur horny and nonhorny thoughts LOLOL
Your yandere does not appreciate being rejected by you.
(AFAB!reader x mean AMAB!yandere)(noncon)(violence against reader)(verbal abuse, degradation)(fatphobic degradation)(painful sex)(loss of virginity)(angery man)(choking)(gaslighting)(plus size reader 💖🫡)(be careful with this one friends)(18+ readers only please, mdni)[This is fetish content; rape and abuse are disgusting and inexcusable in real life.]
It was not like you weren’t enjoying kissing Satan.
In fact, you were overjoyed. This was a long time coming, you felt. Since the moment the both of you had begun working for extra credit as RAD library, your breath caught in your chest at the sight of him and your stomach twisted up not unpleasantly when he looked at you, even more so when he spoke to you. He had never seemed impressed with you – most of your comments seemed to either confuse him, irritate him, or elicit no reaction at all – so it was shocking that, when you told him you’d stay a little late in the intern lounge and finish up preparing books for the hold shelf, he said he’d stay behind with you to help; that when the last book was bound, he came close until you were sandwiched between him and a shelf, all of a sudden your round face cradled between elegant hands and lips on yours surprising you so much that you felt like your scalp was electrified, a not so small bundle of lust unfurling in the pit of your stomach.
No, you were enjoying it a lot. Still, a wave of anxiety threatened to overwhelm you because you didn’t know what he wanted next. His tongue was starting to feel its way around the inside of your mouth, and one of his hands trailed ghosting fingertips down your neck past your collarbone and onto your breast, settling there with a firm grope. You didn’t even know what you wanted right now, much less how you should respond. He exhaled in pleasure, bathing the bottom of your face in warmth, and you pulled away, smiling shyly and taking his arm by the wrist to move it away from you.
“…I really like you and I’m, so so happy you kissed me,” you said eventually, your eyes pinned on his bow tie. “But, I don’t…I don’t think I’m ready for this yet.”
He studied your face silently.
You took a step aside, wriggling out from between him and the wall.
“Are you busy tomorrow? Maybe we can – ”
Had you been watching his face instead of his neckline, you would have noticed the flashbang of rage overcome his expression; you would have tried to run upon seeing the earnest vulnerability withering in his eyes. Instead, you were completely shocked when your head was jerked to the side by the hair. You focused on trying to maintain your footing until the impact of your desk hitting the back of your thighs made you cry out. The sound was choked out by Satan snatching your throat in his now clawed hand and making your vision fill with stars by slamming your head down on the desk.
“H-how…” he started, shaking you until you looked at him. “How can you summon the nerve to say 'no' to me?”
You were so stunned that you didn’t know what to say or do, and he resolved that by backhanding you so forcefully that you had to gasp to breathe, that you immediately started sobbing from the sudden pain and shielded your face with both hands, one over the other. He grabbed the intersecting cross of your wrists and shoved it above your head.
“Answer me when I’m speaking to you, you fucking pig,” he spat, grabbing you by the jaw and forcing your face upwards so you could look into his absolutely frigid glare, which seemed to tear all of the sensation from your body. “You think that you're not repulsive because Asmodeus sees you as a warm enough set of holes to use when he’s bored?”
“He doesn’t,” you blubbered, shaking your head. “I never – ”
“Save me the excuses,” he said, claws pressing deeper into your neck until you could feel tiny trills of wetness starting to leak out from beneath them. He withdrew the hand on your throat so that he could busy it with shredding your clothes from your body instead. “You are completely worthless. Y-you should be fucking grateful,” he sputtered. “You should be fucking grateful I could stand to look at you for long enough to try and entertain my baser desires.”
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed, because you didn’t know what else to say.
His hands left your body, and you curled up and away from him. You hadn’t noticed that he’d been standing between your bare thighs until you felt your ankles touching him on either sides when you tried to press your legs together. Had you been crying any harder you might not have heard him removing his own uniform, but there was no way of ignoring the way his fingers shoved themselves between your thighs to run back and forth over your now bare pussy, the way he moved that hand upwards to try and pry your legs apart.
“If you are disobedient again you will wish that I did not leave you alive to tell of the consequences,” Satan snarled, rattling his belt at you. “Open your legs.”
For a moment, you lied there and sobbed, starting to hyperventilate because it felt as though your body was completely out of your control, like you couldn’t obey despite how badly you wanted to.
He helped you out, eventually, shoving your thighs open; there wasn’t a second between you feeling his dripping cock trace down over your clit and his forcing himself into you as hard as possible. For a moment, he paused, his cheeks reddening and glare evaporating as the heat of your pussy burned him all up inside, made his legs feel weak. He paused a moment, holding back a moan, and pitched forward over you, grinding his hips into you with no regard for how it made you gasp in pain and weep.
“You know, when someone like Asmo fucks you,” he breathed, shuffling the hair behind your head aside so he could loop his belt around your neck. “They close their eyes and turn their head away to try and forget that they’re inside of a fat fucking eyesore like you.”
Distantly, you wondered if he would be kinder to you if he knew that Asmo had never even touched you beyond a hug. You felt the belt being pulled through its buckle until it pressed into your throat on each side, yanking you towards him like you were a dog on a leash. His hips snapped against yours again, and this time he was not able to conceal his whine, pausing another moment before returning his eyes to yours. He wanted to summon more anger, to make you pay for making him so pathetic and teasing him all this time with those skirts he could see your ass beneath if you leaned over enough and for shattering his heart such that he felt fear and fury looking at you instead of the usual comfort and warmth.
“Look at me,” he growled, tightening the belt until he could see the panic in your eyes, until you grabbed his forearm pleadingly instead of trying to cover your tits from his greedy eyes, nails digging into skin to brace yourself against the way that every part of you jiggled with that embarrassing slapping noise when he slammed his hips into yours.
“You’re hurting me,” you eventually whispered, your hands lowering to your vulva as though you could keep him out of you, even though the way you cried made it clear you had surrendered long ago. “It hurts so bad.”
He glanced down, seeing how your blood and the fluids that had mercifully lubricated you had mixed pink. The sight made him toss his head back and laugh, a gleeful smile taking over his expression so much that his eyes shut.
“I guess Asmo only fucked your face, then?”
You shook your head but, if anything, it just made him rougher with you; one of his hands caught your cheek as though to cradle it, but he was so close to cumming that he couldn’t maintain his composure or strength. Strained moans burst from his mouth, falling over each other as he finished inside of you, pressing your head into the table and tugging the belt outwards and away from his body until he collapsed on top of you, burying his face in your neck.
“Cry all you want,” he said, letting go of his belt to stroke your hair. “It won’t change that no one will ever want you now but me.”
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beybuniki · 3 months
Hey, I might've already done this once or twice, but I'm thinking I should've probably asked permission: are you okay with referencing the poses from your drawings for personal work/fanart? Your poses just feel so fluid, natural, and human, I'm jealous (your work is amazing and I strive to learn from a master 🫡🥺)
ehhh, i'd rather not. I'd encourage you to just look up references you like instead of depending on me if that makes sense, because first of all im not that great by any means so you rlly shouldn't reference me (study photos instead), also it would feel weird to see people use my pieces as a reference for pieces of the same show/even the same characters? I've seen it a couple of times and while that's not sth i'd turn into an issue, i'd rather not have this normalized.
getting inspired and going for sth similar, be it idea/dynamic/au whatever is totally fine ofc idc, but using my own art as a direct reference no, sorry if this is meannn
as general adivce, I think what makes good artists good artists is the ability to do research, be it poses, character design, scenarios, etc. like i wouldn't underestimate that aspect of creating! I think it's important to just search the archives for ideas that inspire YOU to make your own thing. I think once you start doing that, creating becomes much more fun than whe you just one specific reference, i think your art will feel more meaningful when you collage your own thing together
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lifeofpriya · 15 days
Hi queen! I’m getting on the Jack train and requesting “late night calls where one of you accidentally falls asleep” bc I think it’s such a cute prompt. Love your writing <3
hiii!!! omg, you got it, bestie 🤭🫡
Did I Wake You?
wc: 2.4k
You sit in the quiet embrace of your dimly lit room, the glow of your phone screen casting a soft blue light on your face as you wait for Jack to answer the call. The clock ticks past midnight, but that's become the norm for your daily ritual, a stolen slice of time in the chaos of his training and your demanding job. You lean back into the plush chair, feeling the cool fabric against your skin as you listen to the comforting hum of the air conditioner. The air outside is thick with heat, a stark contrast to the serene coolness of your sanctuary.
Jack's face pops up on the screen, a little blurry at first, but it quickly sharpens as he adjusts the camera. His eyes are tired, the dark circles beneath them a testament to the rigorous training sessions he's been enduring lately. His hair is damp, sticking to his forehead in a way that makes him look younger than his 22 years. You can't help but smile at the sight of him, despite the time difference that stretches between you like a tightly pulled rubber band.
"Hey, you," he says, his voice gravelly from the day's exertion.
You chuckle, "Jack, you're not fooling anyone. You're as tired as I am."
He shrugs, his smile growing wider. "It's all worth it. For this." He says, referring to the moment you both share despite the miles separating you. The line crackles faintly, a distant reminder of the technology bridging the gap.
You two settle into a comfortable silence, watching each other's breath hitch with exhaustion. The only sound is the occasional squeak of the chair and the rhythmic breathing coming from the phone's speaker. You can almost feel the weight of his training day seep into the room, the musky scent of sweat and the faint smell of the tennis court. His eyes flicker, hinting at unspoken thoughts before they close completely.
Panic grips you as you realize Jack has fallen asleep, his head lolling slightly to the side. "Jack?" you whisper, not wanting to startle him. No response. Your heart squeezes as you watch his chest rise and fall in the peaceful rhythm of slumber. You want to reach out and brush the hair from his forehead, smooth the furrow that forms even in his sleep. But you're stuck, miles away, a silent observer of his rest.
With a gentle sigh, you decide to let him be. His schedule is punishing, and you know he needs the rest. You prop the phone against a pile of pillows, so you can watch him while you work. The sight of him, even unconscious, brings you comfort. You can't help but wonder what he dreams about, if he dreams about you, the quiet moments you share, the laughter, the whispers of love.
You lean in closer, studying the lines of his face, the curve of his lips, and the way his eyelashes fan out against his cheeks. The screen flickers slightly, a silent film of your shared moments playing in your mind. The first time you watched him play, the exhilaration of his victory, the proud way he looked at you from the court. The first kiss, stolen in the shadows of a crowded stadium, the taste of victory and sweat on his lips.
The sound of his soft snores fills the quiet space, a gentle lullaby that coaxes your own eyelids to droop. But you resist, knowing you won't be able to handle the guilt of waking him. Instead, you pick up the book you've been meaning to read, the pages fluttering as you find your place. The words blur together as you struggle to focus, your mind wandering back to Jack, to the warmth of his touch, the way his hand fits perfectly in yours.
You glance at the time, the numbers mocking you with their insistence that you should be asleep. But you're wired, fueled by the anticipation of the next time you'll get to see him, feel him. The tournament's end is in sight, the promise of a reunion just around the corner. You can almost taste the bitterness of the goodbye that will come with it, the inevitable parting that weighs on you like a heavy blanket.
Outside, a car engine rumbles to life, the distant sound a stark contrast to the tranquility of the room. The hum of the AC shifts gears, a reminder of the world continuing to turn without you. The occasional mosquito buzzes by, its tiny wings a stark annoyance in the otherwise still air. You swat at it lazily, your gaze never leaving Jack's sleeping form.
The pages of your book become heavier with each passing minute, the words a blur of ink and paper. You set it aside, gently, not wanting to disturb the sanctity of the moment. Instead, you reach for your phone, scrolling through the messages you've saved from him. Each one a treasure, a reminder of his love, a promise that you're not forgotten amidst the chaos of his life.
You read them over and over, memorizing the curves of the letters, the sweet nothings that mean everything. His voice echoes in your mind, the way he says your name, the gentle teasing that always ends in a declaration of love. It's in these moments that the distance feels like nothing, a mere technicality in the grand scheme of things.
The room is filled with the soft symphony of his breathing, the occasional snort that makes you smile. You find yourself lost in thought, tracing the lines of his face on the screen with your finger. The coolness of the glass contrasts with the warmth of your skin, a poignant reminder of the realness of your love. You wish you could feel the warmth of his cheek, the roughness of his stubble that's surely grown in since his last shave.
The hum of the AC kicks up a notch, sending a cool breeze over you. You pull the blanket tighter, not because you're cold, but because the fabric feels like a connection to him. You know he'd tease you for being such a lightweight, for needing a blanket in the middle of summer, but it's one of the many quirks he loves about you.
On the screen, Jack's chest rises and falls steadily, his breathing the only sound in the room other than the occasional creak of the floorboards. The quiet is soothing, a balm to the soul in a world that's anything but calm. You feel your own eyes growing heavy, the weight of the day's stress and the anticipation of the next slowly pulling you under.
The room is a cocoon of shadows, the only light coming from the phone and the sliver of moonlight that peeks through the gap in the curtains. The digital clock on the nightstand ticks away, each second a countdown to the moment you'll have to say goodbye, even though he's already asleep. You bite your lip, fighting the urge to end the call and let him rest, but you can't bear the thought of missing even a minute of this rare, unguarded time with him.
A mosquito's buzz grows louder, closer, until it finds its target on your arm. You swat it away, the sudden movement causing Jack to stir. His eyes flutter open, and for a moment, he looks lost before he sees you, smiling at him from the screen. "Hi," he murmurs, voice thick with sleep.
"Hi," you say back, your voice just as quiet, not wanting to shatter the delicate peace that's settled over the room. "Did I wake you?"
Jack blinks, the sleep slowly dissipating from his eyes. He looks around, confusion flickering before he remembers where he is. "No, I just… zoned out for a bit." He rubs his eyes, trying to shake off the last remnants of slumber. "How long was I out?"
"Not too long," you lie, not wanting to admit that you've been watching him sleep for almost an hour. "I was just about to say goodnight."
Jack's smile falters, the realization that your time together is limited even in this stolen moment, heavy in the air. "Do you have to go?" He asks, his voice hopeful despite the exhaustion etched in his features.
You nod, swallowing the lump in your throat. "Yeah, I should. But I'll be here tomorrow, same time."
Jack's eyes searched yours, a silent conversation passing between you. He knew the routine, the endless cycle of late-night calls and early-morning goodbyes. "I'll miss you," he whispers, the words hanging in the air like mist.
You nod, your own eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I'll miss you too." Your voice is a mere breath, the weight of your emotions threatening to crack it. The line is quiet again, the only sound the distant hum of the AC and the soft rustle of the bedsheets as Jack shifts, trying to get more comfortable.
He reaches out, his hand hovering over the screen as if he could touch you through the digital barrier. "I wish…" he starts, but his voice trails off. You know what he wishes, because it's the same thing you wish every night. That you could close the distance, that you could be in the same time zone, in the same bed.
You lean in closer, your hand mirroring his. "Me too," you whisper, your heart aching with the unspoken words. The connection between you feels tangible, a force that defies the miles.
Jack's hand slowly lowers, brushing the screen, his fingertips tracing the curve of your cheek. You lean into the touch, your eyes fluttering closed, feeling the warmth of his love despite the cold glass.
"I love you," he says, his voice barely above a murmur.
You feel the words resonate deep within you, the warmth spreading through your body like a gentle embrace. "I love you too," you reply, your voice just as soft.
The silence stretches, filled with the unspoken promise of the future. You want to say so much more, but the words get caught in your throat, a jumble of hope and fear. The future is a fickle beast, always promising more than it can give. But with Jack, you're willing to face it head-on, to tackle the unknown with the same ferocity he brings to the tennis court.
With a deep breath, you force yourself to lean back, the chair protesting with a gentle squeak. "You should get some proper rest," you say, the words sticky with reluctance. "You've got another big day tomorrow."
Jack nods, his eyes never leaving yours. "I know. But I hate the thought of you being alone."
You smile sadly, the corners of your eyes crinkling. "I'll be okay. I always am."
Jack's expression tightens, the shadows playing across his face as he nods. "I know. But it's still hard." He takes a deep breath, his chest rising and falling with the effort. "Just… take care of yourself, yeah?"
You nod, trying to keep your voice steady. "I will. Promise." The words hang in the air, a silent pact between you. You know he's fighting his own battles, the pressure of the upcoming tournament weighing on his shoulders like a heavy burden.
Jack's gaze lingers on you for a moment longer before he nods, his eyes drifting closed again. The realization that he's falling asleep sets your heart racing, the fear of missing even a second of your time together making you want to scream. But instead, you whisper, "Goodnight, Jack," the words a gentle caress across the digital divide.
You watch him, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm, the soft snores that follow a sweet serenade to your lonely heart. The silence is deafening, the only company the distant hum of the AC and the occasional muffled sound from outside. The coolness of the room seems to amplify the warmth of your love for him, a stark contrast to the chill of the solitary pillow beside you.
With a heavy heart, you swipe the screen to end the call, the sudden darkness of your room feeling like a void. You lay there, staring at the ceiling, the quiet whispers of the night doing little to soothe your racing thoughts. The minutes tick by, each one heavier than the last, a silent countdown to the inevitable moment when you'll have to face the reality of your world without him in it.
The AC unit kicks on again, a reminder that life goes on, that the world keeps turning even when you feel like you're stuck in a still frame. You sigh, rolling over to face the wall, the coolness of the paint a stark contrast to the warmth of Jack's image burned into your retina. The room feels too big, too empty without his presence, even if it was just a projection on a screen.
You close your eyes, willing sleep to come, but it's elusive, taunting you with the memories of Jack's soft snores. Your mind wanders to the future, to the days when you won't have to say goodbye over a phone call, when you can hold him in your arms and feel the steady beat of his heart against your chest. The anticipation is a sweet torture, a drug that keeps you addicted to the pain of the present.
The room is now a cocoon of darkness, the only sound the persistent hum of the AC. You can almost feel the heat of Jack's body beside you, the comforting weight of his arm draped over your waist. But it's just a mirage, a trick of your desperate imagination. You reach out, expecting to find him there, but all you encounter is the cold emptiness of the bed. You sigh, rolling onto your back and staring at the ceiling.
Just a few more days, you remind yourself, trying to soothe the ache in your chest. The tournament is almost over, and soon Jack will be back in your arms, the scent of his sweat and the feel of his stubble a reality instead of a memory. You take a deep breath, the smell of the fabric softener on the sheets doing little to comfort you.
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skele-bunny · 2 months
ngl I could've sworn ud mentioned phantom having kits at some point(idk WHEN or WHERE but I could've sworn there was SOMETHING) so I was. Looking to ask for more and found the phantom/aether instead and Had To Know :3
now im just thinking of what adjustments would be made for phantom,,,, sure tour wouldn't last the whole pregnancy but he's little, they'd have to tailor stuff probably. and then DEW??? I'm assuming ?? In the fics where dew had calida, bc zephyr was present, it was during popestar tour, so there was NOTHIN to hide that baby, unless she was just rlly far back and close to the spine for him.
Ooo you might be thinking of Phantom/Dew/Swiss' baby Starlight!! (Also, note, not the same timeline for Calida and Comet! Two whole seperate timelines /info)
Ohh yeah it'd be much different then Dew's whole thing 😭 guy had NO way of hiding, tight ass uniform until he got upgraded to one of Zeph's uniforms, his bass was his only thing but even that didn't help all the time LMAO. Terzo tried his best okay 🫡 give my man his props wjekdk /silly Dewdrop was a runt, so while she was pretty far back and hidden and he didn't have much of a bump, it was still obvious the further he got until 8 months
Dew essentially took the entire back of the bus, even after Calida was born. They still had a tour to do. And there was orders that they couldn't just cancel, so now they're in a panic of what exactly to do. Dew doesn't feel safe at ALL leaving Calida with someone. So, a quick call, and Special is there. For "interviews", of course. He's hanging out in the green room the entire time, and during intermission Dew is right there. It's only a week like that before he's able to just curl in the nest with her and finally, FINALLY heal up. He's been bleeding nonstop from the constant strain, and finally started letting the others help him out.
Dew had a pretty rough and traumatic pregnancy & birth, but he doesn't regret how anything went one bit. His little sunshine is worth every single second of it.
Now, Phantom would've been taken care of more properly. They know more, there's more studies being carried out, more accessibility services for the ministry. It's a different era! Plus, he has a bigger pack with more diversity and similar instincts. Rain, Aurora, and Cumulus would be their biggest comforts. When they needs a good cry? Those 3. When he needs reassurance he'll be a good parent? Those 3. Just wants to be dotted and loved on? Those 3.
Mountain and Dew are his safe guards and their voice when he can't find it. One of the stagehands got irritated at Phantom bc he "wasn't doing anything and just standing around holding cords", and Mountain just glared so hard and quite literally told them to shut the fuck up. Picked Phantom up, sat him on his drum throne, and kept working.
Just like Dew would've been, he's not allowed to carry heavy items any more so they're stuck on cord duty, stick bag, and the softer percussion items. Not allowed to be alone, either. Slipped one time and that was already too many. Usually has someone accompany him to the bathroom, out and about in town, he just... Can't be alone. Honestly? It helps Phantom, too. Not only for safety but they feel better that someone is always there.
He's given permission for naps during set up once he's finished, and a lot of sitting breaks! Also like Dew, Phantom's anatomy is tiny. Aether wants them on bed rest as much as possible as he's a high risk essentially. So during shows you'll see him sitting on the steps or on Swiss' platform! He totally keeps up their silly antics the best he can that doesn't pose a risk!
Definitely tailoring, and has to have cooling pads placed in his uniform before performances as he gets super sick from the heat.
Silly thought I had midway writing this: Magick surges are still there and progressively gets worse the more he's along.
Phantom sneezes, and his guitar strings just break instantly.
Maybe they're crying really hard and sets off more light flickering before just shutting off their equipment completely.
Maybe a little rage fit because he's mad at themself, or just something that set them off, and Cirrus' phone short circuits and the screen cracks.
Pray for Aether. /Silly /aff
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Hello there! This is Winifred Monet, a 21 year old girl who is living in Windbrook with her mom and two cats, Honey & Thistle. Everyone around the small town would agree she's a master baker, while others might describe her as being socially awkward or an old soul. When she's not covered head to toe in flour, she can usually be found volunteering at the community garden center, tutoring underprivileged youth, or attending bible study on Sundays.
🥧Gen One: The Baking Extraordinaire 🍰
There was a warmth and coziness in rolling out dough, mixing up frosting, creating masterpieces with a piping bag. Most of your days are spent whipping up new creations in the kitchen, enjoying the smell of a delicious apple pie baking in the oven. You dream of having everyone know your name and saying "Their cupcakes are the best I've ever had!".
forward / previous / beginning
A Few Notes Under The Cut!
I'm not giving up on my decades challenge! I just wanted to create a new save that I actually play the game with instead of always doing pose heavy scenes (especially with how chaotic work has been). But since I'm seriously in love with these pixels, I took Winifred & Lawrence and made it into an alternate universe type deal.
So, without further ado, here are a few notes
this is for @simelune's the joy of life challenge.
i swapped out foodie for master baker!
i will be utilizing poses but try to mostly use actual gameplay for this challenge bc even though it was meant to be cc free / no mods, i am delulu and turned it into a whole story so here we are 🫡
major adult themes / triggering warnings are ahead but i'll probably post this somewhere else too bc i doubt anyone's going to read this far loool
ok bye, i'm so excited to start this <3
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Libby Reads Trials of Apollo: The Burning Maze:
~spoilers below the cut~
The book is dedicated to the muse of tragedy??
Oooh Emperor #3 is about to be named?
Meg's lil crush on Joshua Tree is incredible
Caligula namedrop 😬
I am loving the Meg lore drops
I want need this book to stop mentioning Jason
Um the love Piper has for Leo makes me want to sob
Lowkey love the mover sitting on the chair (aka not doing his job)
WAIT so Piper and Jason broke up??
"We'd be together forever like Percy and Annabeth?" DAMNNN
Piper's dad owned three houses? Fuck
Apollo/Lester calling military intelligence an oxymoron really is something
"Recycling is good karma." hell yeah babe
Medea vs Piper Round 2
The way Robbie Daymond voices Caligula is so unnerving but it's oddly perfect ??
Lowkey fuck Demeter
"He'll be happy to see us then." MEG MCCAFFREY YOU SARCASTIC ASSHOLE ILYSM
RIP Shakespeare you would've hated students studying your works
Jason baby just go back to class
Mr. Rogers lore drop ???
"Anger is good. It means you're making progress. But be aware that you might be angry right now at the wrong person."
Party splits are a bad idea. So what does the party do??
Not Rick writing the word 'masseuses' instead of 'massage therapists' As a massage therapist I'm disappointed
Aphrodite is canonically jealous of Scarlett Joahannson I love it
Incitatus can talk? I'm as shocked as Piper
Medea vs Piper Round 3
Jason and Tempest taking on Caligula and Incitatus? Iconic as fuck
Jason's last words were an order to Tempest to get Piper and Lester to safety
"The people who deserve to die took forever to do so, those who deserve to live always went too soon."
Ahh now I understand why the next book is The Tyrant's Tomb
Medea vs Piper Round 4 *ding ding*
Yo the Meliae showed up quick
The Meg 🫡❤️❤️
Leo! Oh... oh god no baby boy
Percy doesn't know. Frank doesn't know. THALIA DOESN'T KNOW.
So my final thoughts are screw that 💔💔💔
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drill-teeth-art · 2 months
I second mar's comments!!! Your art was one of the things that made me realize that I could experiment with body types that weren't stereotypes; and admiring your art really helped me get a better grasp on how to be cartoon-y and still have realistic bodies <3
It also really just helps my confidence as a tall fat girl to see me represented in your art, and overall is full of good vibes and joy!!
I love your art and the diversity in it, I love the shapes and colours, I love how you can even take transformers and make them look both recognizable and original at the same time, while also adding a fabulous touch of inclusivity that is weirdly rare in this fandom
Seriously, your art is incredible, don't let one poorly worded anon get to you :3 Have a brilliant day!!
🥺🥺🥺!!! GODDAMN!!! Thank you so much! Wow where do I even start with my appreciation.
Firstly! I'm so glad my art inspired you like that!!! I actually had a really hard time with cartoony renditions of fat bodies because almost all mainstream cartoons are full of stereotypes of fat people and fat bodies. And it took a lot of observation studies and listening and looking at the work of fat cartoonists portraying fat bodies to develop my own stylizing of fat bodies. Even when drawing my own body! And it does kind of suck actually how long it took to learn to draw my own body with love but honestly there aren't a lot of mainstream examples. And so I like making it easier for other artists to learn depicting themselves and others instead of having to sift through a thousand mainstream, upsetting caricatures and give up and have to start from scratch like I and lots of other artists did.
SHOUTOUT TO YOU AND TALL FAT GIRLS EVERYWHERE! I'm actually really short and chunky, myself. But it always bothered me how there are almost never fat girls in cartoons who aren't the butt of the jokes and treated like lazy monsters. And I was like okay that's IT I'm drawing fat girls. Tall and short and different weights and fat distributions. Stay strong, warrior 🫡
And thank you for your compliments on my designs! I'm often trying to challenge myself to draw features I don't usually draw and research and mindfully touch on experiences usually left in the dark and be open to criticism so I'm really happy it makes other people feel welcomed and refreshed visiting my blog.
You have a great day too thanks again!
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epiicaricacy-arts · 1 year
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i always see art of her with her sword but consider Spears!!!!!!!
i bought a lot of new raiden art from a con recently and she’s always doing something vaguely painful/impossible with her hands but it’s Sexy so i wanted to do that too 🫶
process discussion UTC
i wasn’t happy with my last painting, so as i usually do, i decided to study the process of an artist i admire (kuro.shiro / KuroshiroX for this piece) in hopes of learning something new!
i thought their process was rather interesting, in that most of the rendering is done in the “figuring it out” stage and cleaned up later, so i decided to try it out for myself. i thought it’d be much faster but since i’m such a clean worker, it took me twice the amount of time it usually takes to complete a painting 😅 i don’t think i’ll ever try this process again, but it was a good experience i’d say!
my goal for this painting was to slow down and spend more time on a piece, using that time more purposefully to put down the details in a way i like, instead of just throwing down colours and hoping something sticks. i wanted to practice actively considering the intent behind each part of the piece to make sure it was effective.
so, perhaps that explains my 20 hour drawing time, but i’m going to keep experimenting to find what works for me.
another goal was to push the values from what i usually work with and hopefully reach a finished piece with minimal editing tools (e.g curves tool). i wanted to make sure i could create the looks i wanted without needing those edits, but not being afraid to use it for touch ups once i was done. i’ve never been very confident with bold colours or strong values, so i wanted this piece to be my starting point. not only did i want stronger shadows, but i wanted to try using stronger light. i don’t feel very successful in the latter, so i’m going to watch some more lessons on bolder lighting for the next drawing i have in mind!
i learned a lot, and i’ve discovered a lot of things i need to keep learning about. i need a break from painting though so that’s all from me for now 🫡
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lampchomp · 3 months
Little sneak of the quickmech fic I’m working on 🫡 I haven’t written in a long time so it’s not the best but let me know if you like it and maybe I’ll upload to AO3 :)
“His arm drops to his side and he takes a moment to realize the sun is starting to make an appearance on the horizon, though it's only a small fiery glow at the time. It would still be a while before the seagulls and people alike would stir awake for their breakfast, and their days would officially begin. Until then, the air was calm, quiet, despite the seemingly inescapable tension that floated around them, growing thicker and thicker with no signs of stopping or easing. Robert feels his legs move before his brain can even register it, his body twisting toward the stairs that lead to the upper deck, toward his lover.
Shadow looks as beautiful as ever, Robert thinks to himself as his eyes land on the male. Shadow is laying in the same position that Robert has found him in the past few mornings. He’s laid on the floor, one leg stretched out, the other bent up with his foot resting on the floor. One arm rests behind his head, the upper half of the other on the deck below him before it bends upward, hand resting on his stomach. The soft illumination of the lanterns cast a soft orange glow over Shadow’s body, skin glowing under the warm light.
His eyes are shut, but Robert knows that Shadow is as awake and alert as ever. Robert’s eyes shift over Shadow’s frame, taking in every detail he has studied a thousand times before. He can see the stiffness in his love’s body, no doubt stress and anxiety starting to eat away at him. A soft frown tugs at Robert’s lips, wishing desperately that Shadow would open up to him, that he would stop being so stubborn and worrisome that he's burdening Robert, no matter how many times Robert reassures him that he could ever be a burden.
“Why are you up?” The voice snaps Robert back to the present, eyes drifting up to land on Shadow’s face, seeing familiar purple eyes looking back at him. Robert can’t help but soften, shoulders slumping out of the tensed position he hadn’t realized they had stiffened to, his slight frown curling into a gentle smile.
He moves himself to sit beside Shadow, opting to sit up inside of laying down beside the other. “Good morning to you too.” He hums out, his tone is soft as it always is when speaking to his love, though a gentle tease is ever present in his voice. His throat feels scratchy, voice rough with the little sleep that remained in his body, but his sleepiness is quick to fade as the ocean air waves over him.
Shadow stretches beside him, a soft yawn falling from dry lips as he pulls himself up to sit beside Robert. He doesn’t lean into him just yet though, instead rubbing his rough hands against his eyes, trying to erase the drowsiness he knows is on his face. He can feel Robert’s eyes scanning over his features, unable to bring himself to look at and acknowledge the worry that he knows has formed on his lover’s face, instead focusing his attention to the water surrounding him.”
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