#vmin malta
stupendousfoxthing · 6 months
I am curious what Army fans and Taekookers and Jikookers saw when all the content came out in real time. I've watched all the Run BTS episodes and a huge chunk of the Bangtan Bombs as well as BV Soops and I don't see the separation or distance between Taekook. Why did the fandom beleive they weren't close? I also see Jimin and V having a much closer and cuddly bond than the two rival ships. What am I missing?
Well I feel like I may not be in line with popular opinion on this because the "separation" has never really factored much into my belief in Taekook. It's not something I focus on or put much thought into, because of course if two people are in a relationship that needs to be hidden for their protection that's what will be done. Analysis videos took off a bit into my Taekooking and where they really lost me was hyperanalyzing every single Run episode. I don't expect to find ship proofs there, nor do I look for them in that kind of content. The "moments" are usually just slowed down and exaggerated normal interactions. I became a Taekooker in 2016 which is when something of a drought started in them getting paired up in official content. Not a complete absence, but starting that year we saw a lot less of just the two of them. I just started to expect I'd always see a third member with them if we got them in any concept photoshoot for instance. 2016 was also the last year we saw just the two of them in a live together for four years. I still remember when the news that Taekook were live in 2020 hit Twitter I didn't believe it. Then I tuned in to see them kind of awkward and obviously being chaperoned, and suddenly it made sense. I've seen a few times where it appeared that Taekook were being directed to separate. There are a couple where their moods change that I find interesting, but I'm not going to read too much into it because I have no idea what was going on behind the scenes. Most likely, I never will. But there's also things like BV Malta where I believe they accommodated them in sharing a room considering Tae was in a vulnerable spot emotionally at the time. I'm not one to complain about the company making people believe they aren't close, because I think the people that do believe that are obviously wrong and just want that to be true. I'm incapable of caring about their opinion. Taekook themselves showed everyone in solo era that no matter what the nature of their relationship is, they're the closest pair. That they choose to spend a significant amount of time with each other. That they are deeply involved in each other's lives. Anyone paying attention can see that. I don't know that you're missing anything. If you like Vmin's cuddly bond and think they're the closest, that's cool. Hopekook is also a very cuddly pair and I find both pairs adorable. But I don't believe in either "ship", and I don't think they are the closest. For me it's no question that's Taekook.
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heybaetae · 8 months
remember when in Malta Jimin took Taehyung to his favorite places that he had previously explored with Namjoon? The fountain, the fireworks, when he cheered for him and told him to sing on the street 💔 i love BV in Malta so so much, my favorite season
pls i’ve reminisced so much about malta vmin today 😭 that’s my favorite season too, not even just because of them but because the location was gorgeous and i loved their adventures and funny moments in that season a lot.
but jimin was especially just so gracious and sweet with tae even before he got there. he was so eager for tae to join the trip and openly missed him those first few days without him, then when he got there he went out of his way to catch taehyung up on everything he’d missed so they could share the experience together and make sure he felt included. that night they went to dinner together and jimin spent most of the night gently encouraging taehyung to try busking is one of my favorite vmin moments ever! he’s a true reminder that a friend can be a safe space in moments of shyness or nervousness. he’s the sweetest boy alive. may we all have someone like jimin in our lives who cheers us on and supports us when we wanna try something out of our comfort zone 🥲
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dearweirdme · 1 year
vmin give off sibling energy. they literally behave like siblings and it shows in how much their relationship can get ugly compared to the other members but at the same time they love each other the most. like the dumpling fight is so petty but it made them not talk to each other for days, on the other hand when they fight with other members they fix those issues pretty quickly, such as taejin's fight during the wings tour or jikook's rainy day fight. vmin, much like siblings, fight over stupid things, feel petty, and stay not talking to each other for days out of pure ego. but they also spend hours at night talking to each other about anything and everything.
vmin have said before that they talk a lot together at night, that when they're going through something personally they go to the other for comfort, in bon voyage s1 when tae was lost with the camera man none of the members were worried because he had staff with him, all except for jimin who was so worried and called tae to make sure he's okay and kept asking him if he knows where he is. in bon voyage malta when tae hadn't joined the members yet jimin was the one who kept taking videos and photos to send tae and randomly counted 7 out of everything because he's used to tae being there, and sometimes he even randomly spurted "i wish tae was here" whenever they did any kind of activity without him. and the moment tae joined them jimin was glued to him and they went out together to eat and experience stuff together that jimin wanted to share with him all the cool stuff they did when tae wasn't there.
when jimin was hospitalized last year after getting diagnosed with covid and acute appendicitis, we learned that tae facetimed him everyday when he woke up and spoke to him for hours on the phone, he also mentioned in the bts book that jimin is the one person he can't live without.
in my personal opinion, i feel like vmin have a very deep profound connection and sometimes it manifests itself in a soulmate type of way but most of the time it's just sibling behaviour, especially in recent years when you could kind of tell they're much less involved in each other's live but that connection is till not lost. vmin are probably gonna be those type of friends who don't see each other all the time but they communicate in other ways that makes them know each othe better that anyone else. they, much like family relatives, don't spend much time together and have other people to do that with (just like how siblings spend more time with their respective friends than with each other but at the end of the day only they know each other better than anyone else) and in the far future, if all bts members somehow stop communicating and each start living their own life away from the other members, vmin will be that one duo that is still in touch and visit each other occasionally during holidays, birthdays, or any other family matters. because that's the type of dynamic they share. we might not understand the soulmate aspect of it because we view a soulmate type of connection as a near-perfect type of connection but vmin are pretty much realistic soulmates. even if they're not involved in each other's lives much, they still share a deeper connection with each other than the ones they share with most of the people they know and it'll always be like that in my opinion.
Hi anon!
Oh, I do agree with your description of their friendship. I just don’t think they’re the closest pairing. I think it’s hard to describe members friendships in terms of the way we (non BTS members) experience friendship.
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btsandvmin · 4 years
It’s not really a question but more your opinion on a moment that I noticed in Run Bts in Canada when they were picking the rooms. There was a moment where Tae and RM were sitting on a coach and JM, Hobi & JK where on the other one, and I could swear that Jimin and Tae were looking at each other flirting. The flirting was quite sexual I think with jimin looking at Tae smiling seductively and Tae staring back at him. Hobi caught the look in jm’s eyes. Have you seen it?
Part 2: And also the staring and the tension is still going on as they stared again during an interview on a bus (they were in the US). That makes me think that there is definitely something going on and that their relationship is not just platonic. And I would also think that the other members are aware of what is going on between them, especially Hobi. Thanks for your opinion on this and I just love your objective analysis. Great work! :)
Hi @sweetscapri​ and thank you for the ask. Run in Canada is honestly such good three episodes for Vminies, and I personally think there are a lot of interesting small little moments to note, not the least in regards to the bed sharing. Jimin’s reaction to Taehyung’s “I wonder who I will hug while sleeping” is something I keep coming back to, especially since he hides his face and presses himself closer to Taehyung. Their reactions being so stiff and odd when they end up sharing is also weird, especially in contrast to JinKook and with Tae’s earlier statment about who he will end up hugging now turning into how he doesn’t think he can sleep in that room. It’s stuff like this that makes Vmin weird. Careful and nervous to me, but maybe giving off the feelings of hating each other to antis. It’s all about perspective and interpretation after all.
I know when you are talking about, but to me I don’t think there is anything explicit about it and am not even completely sure they are looking only at each other and trying to communicate. The members keep talking and looking at each other and the possible moment where Vmin might look at each other is so short and from an angle that makes it difficult to tell if they are locking eyes, that I can’t personally get much out of it.
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This is just one screenshot, but I did go back a look at the full clip between when Jin left and Jimin left, and I still think it’s too ambigous to see anything from this scene. Like I said, I think there are a lot of interesting reactions and moments from these Run episodes in Canada, but to me this is too little and too uncertain to count as much or maybe anything at all.
The other clip you mention in the bus, I do see as commuinication between Vmin, and I do think it’s interesting with the eyebrow movement Jimin does. I think Vmin seem to in general communicate without words a lot, and that on it’s own is to me a sign of their closeness and ability to understand each other very well. (And perhaps even a habit developed out of being a bit secretive/private.)
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That being said, I am personally of the opinion that reading the thoughts behind certain looks is too difficult and vague to come to any real conclusion. Same with most body language, heart eyes or “flirty” behavior in general. I just think knowing the reasons for doing something, their thoughts or feelings while doing these things, are mostly just interpretations. We might be able to tell some general things like if something is a good response or a bad one, but I don’t think we can know much why that might be.
It can look flirty or fond, but I see the same type of arguments from all shippers, and that’s why to me it seems to mostly be based in the viewers own interpretations. And I don’t trust my own interpretations to be factual, at most I can get a feeling from some moments, but it’s still MY feelings if that makes sense.  Even something clearly “flirty“ can be done as a joke for all we know. I know I get that feeling from some ji/kook or tae/jin moments for example, as if they want to create a feeling of tension. But why I read their moment or other ships’ as different to Vmin might after all be my bias speaking.
Don’t get me wrong, I do think there are moments with Vmin that I would call “heart-eyes” for example, where you can just feel the love and they look so endeared with the other. Both with smaller moments and bigger moments.
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In these moments we can clearly see who they are looking at and reacting to, and you see them smile or react in very obvious ways. Here I can read with some confidence that these moments indicate a fondness towards the other person.
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This to me is perhaps the most “heart eyes” look I have ever seen, when Jimin in Malta acts like this towards Taehyung and can’t stop touching him and has a super soft voice. His whole body language along with look and voice is just very very easy to notice. What I can read is fondness and love, but I don’t think I can know if this is explicitly romantic love or if it’s just very intense fondness that is still platonic.
Another one is when Tae is singing “Lay me down” and I could for sure go into a lot of detail on many of the behaviors and reactions we see in this whole moment, but even something as obvious as this is still just me reading into it and guessing their thoughts and feelings. (I am sorry, the gif didn’t work but I think you all know the look Jimin is giving here. In general a lot of gif won’t upload to tumblr posts, so yeah... That’s a bummer.)
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Ehem, so these two moments definitely at least reads queer-platonic to me, so I am not going to lie and say no moments affect me and make me think Vmin can have something between them. But I do think looks is something that gets a bit exaggerated and that knowing exactly what a look means is more or less impossible. 
Thank you again, and sorry this might not have been what you expected. Like I said I do think there are moments that could read as something very flirty or indicate their love for each other, but that no matter how it comes across it’s too difficult to discern what reason lies behind their behavior or reactions to say it is “definitely” flirty, romantic, sexual etc.
I hope you enjoyed reading this. I could have gone into super detail of why I think Vmin’s behavior both in Run Canada and in the Lay me down clip from Malta to me are very interesting and in fact are both moments that makes me lean towards romantic feelings between Vmin, but I’ll save it for another time. ;)
(edit: I saw your reply @sweetscapri and I did think this ask being old likely could mean a changed view, especially since I have seen your replies or asks to other things regarding Vmin. But yes, indeed it's good to sometimes take a step back and look at what are facts and what are interpretations. I am glad you replied and didn't feel bad about my late answer. Thank you. 💜)
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lesbian-vmin · 4 years
thoughts on Malta vmin? especially how whipped jimin was? i dunno how people can call vmin one sided after watching bv3 honestly...
First of all, I want to say that I don’t know why anyone would think Vmin is one sided in the first place? I’ve seen people saying it one way or the other, but I guess mostly that Taehyung cares about Jimin but not the other way around (even though it was mentioned in Taehyung’s letter in BV2 that fans see it the opposite, so maybe Korean fans look at it differently?) Even so, I don’t know why people think it’s one sided. I’m not really biased toward either Jimin or Taehyung (Hoseok is my bias in BTS in case you didn’t know and Jungkook/Jin would be my second, so...but ofc I love them all). So maybe that’s why? I feel like the people who have a bias between one of them would be the ones feeling that way? I could be wrong, but I’ve never gotten the feeling that Vmin was one sided. And all those times that people called Vmin “dead” throughout the years...I never saw that either. But we’re here to talk about Malta, right? 
So I think the easiest way to do this would be to do it episode by episode? So that’s what we are going to do. And yep. You can bet this is going to be a long~ post. (below the cut)
Episode 1
So at the start of the episode, you don’t see Jimin or Taehyung interact at all, and Taehyung doesn’t join them right away. The thing is, Vmin don’t have to be together or even interact with each other to have moments that are worth pointing out, so let’s talk about the first thing, shall we?
When Jungkook points out that Taehyung isn’t with them, the only chance you get to see Jimin’s reaction is when the camera is panned out so that you can see all six of the members, and I think he looks pretty upset. Of course, he’s always upset when Taehyung (or any of the members) can’t be with them. But I think it especially bothered him this time because Taehyung was dealing with some stuff, and they had to leave him behind. After you see all six of the members, you get a close up of all the members except for Jimin.
After mentioning that Taehyung is not with them, the members begin talking about the festival period and such. Most of them have something to say. Namjoon’s the one to initiate the conversation, and Jungkook at least puts a little “oh” in there, but Jimin says nothing. Maybe he’s too busy thinking about Taehyung. Or he doesn’t want to think about doing a lot of things and having too much fun without Taehyung. Anyway, he doesn’t crack a smile until the members start talking about their BT21 merchandise.
In the Behind Cam for episode 1, Taehyung was mentioned when they brought up horseback riding. Jimin was the one to bring it up. Yoongi mentions that Taehyung was looking forward to it, and Jimin wonders when they’ll do it. Jimin is afraid of horses (as seen in BV4), but he at least seems to be looking forward to something Taehyung will want to do.
Episode 2
In episode 2, we have the moment where all the members are on the boat. Jimin suggests that they send a video to Taehyung. During the video, he asks all the members to say “I love you” to Taehyung. He probably asked them to do it to help cheer Taehyung up, but it also felt like he just wanted an excuse to say “I love you” in the video without being weird, so he asked all the members to say it. (And Yoongi’s relucntancy and Taehyung’s reaction to it was sooo cute, but this isn’t a Taegi analysis gdi 😭)
Taehyung then shows a picture (I can’t tell if it’s a selfie of Jimin or a freeze frame from a video) of Jimin that’s obviously not from the video they just made for him. So Jimin clearly sent a selfie or a separate video of just himself to Taehyung. (Yeah, clearly they’re not actually best friends at the very least 🙄) The selfie/video was sent to Taehyung separately and off camera, so it’s clearly a little more personal than the video he did “for show”. Taehyung was the one who decided to share it with the world. I do sort of get the feeling that it was actually a separate video that Taehyung watched while sitting there, and the editors decided not to share with us. I get that feeling because it doesn’t really look like a selfie but a little more like Jimin was in motion and the video was paused. But. I could be wrong.
In the behind the cam, I don’t think there’s anything Vmin specific. One scene that did seem a little odd to me was Jimin sitting off by himself while the rest of the members sat together eating. I could think of a few ways to connect it to Vmin, but Jimin seemed a little lonely in that moment and it made me feel sad. (But then he’s later up with Jungkook and enjoying the night view that he wants to later share with Taehyung.)
Episode 3
We’ll skip this one because I don’t think there was any significance here. Maybe in the Behind Cam, but I don’t feel like watching it to find out because all of the important things are about to come up in episode 4 and beyond.
Episode 4
The first thing, when Jin and Jimin are together buying food for the group, they forget to exclude Taehyung. Jin says something about 7 people, and Jimin doesn’t catch it until Seokjin reminds him that there’s only six of them there. Jimin wishes that Taehyung would come sooner. It’s clear that all of the members want Taehyung to be there, but I really feel for Jimin in this scene because he actually almost seems like he wants to cry. The way his voice trails off and gets quieter as he mentions keeping in contact, the way his eyes look sad, and the subtle furrow if his brows before he turns away from the camera again.
Then we finally get to the reunion. Taehyung finally joins the rest of BTS when they are all about to eat a meal together. The reaction when he comes into their appearance happens so quick that I can’t tell what happens first. Jimin either turns his head slightly, and notices Taehyung and quickly takes a double take. Or he hears Jungkook announce Taehyung’s entrance, and Jimin takes a look. (He seems to react before even the ㅌ of Taehyung’s name makes it out of Jungkook’s mouth, but again it’s all so fast I can’t be sure). Either way, that detail is not that important. What is important is that Jimin is happy to finally have Taehyung with them. Why didn’t him and Jimin sit together? Or why didn’t they let them sit together? It would have saved Namjoon from the two of them holding hands across from him and on his shoulder, but whatever.
“Why are you all dressed up?” They ask Taehyung. Um. For Jimin of course! 😂 Okay they really asked him that, but he didn’t say that. This is a joke and not even part of the actual analysis but I wanted to slide it in here.
After Taehyung shows up, Jimin spends a lot of time with his body physically turned in Taehyung’s direction.
And of course, Jimin slips up and tells Taehyung which the biggest room is when they’re not supposed to be giving him any information. Luckily Hoseok recovers him from that (while other members are so done with him) and tells Taehyung that the rooms are all about the same size. Taehyung tried guessing which room Jimin is staying in, and Jimin asks if he wants to share a room with him. Taehyung then mentions that he’ll probably end up having to sleep in the floor, and Jimin says he hopes that doesn’t happen.
They get up to leave their meal, and Jimin finally gets to hug Taehyung, which he’s probably been waiting to do since Taehyung walked in.
After they scuba dive and jet ski, the members return to their cars. Taehyung asks Jimin which car he’s in. I think it’s pretty safe to assume that he asked because he wanted to be in the same car as Jimin, but they had him take Yoongi’s spot in the opposite car since Yoongi would no longer be there.
And cue handholding when they finally get out of the car. Because why not? And Jimin talking up Taehyung’s horse riding.
“I never knew we’d be riding horses together.” - Jimin to Taehyung
Then we are finally to where Taehyung gets to choose his room. It’s kind of cute watching the members trying not to give away any information, but failing miserably (I’m looking at you, Jungkook). He starts to go upstairs (to the room Jimin chose) and Jimin sits there and makes some kind of face that I can’t even begin to guess what it’s supposed to mean. Taehyung guesses it’s not Jimin’s room. Jimin tells him that it is his room after Taehyung says again that he wants to share a room with Jimin. The members look so done with him at this point, but Taehyung chooses a different room. He may have done it on purpose, but it’s also possible that he thought Jimin was lying about the room and chose the room he thought Jimin would have been staying in. Not really sure what happened there, but I don’t think he was lying about wanting to share a room with Jimin, it just ended up not happening. And I somehow get the feeling that them not sharing a room together is why they were allowed to spend so much time together on this trip.
In the behind the cam, the only moment we get is Taehyung walking in on a sleeping Jimin. He notices Jimin wearing a sheet mask, and he takes it off of him. It’s a sweet moment, but not really much to talk about there because it is what it is.
Episode 5
A really cute moment in here is Taehyung buying Jimin a sewing kit because he wanted to fix his pants that were too big. Jimin wasn’t even talking to Taehyung when he said it, but Taehyung was listening. He kept that in mind while they were shopping for supplies, and probably went out of his way to get the thing for Jimin. When Taehyung confirms that he bought it, Jimin says he’s amazing. Cute best friends if you ask me, but I wouldn’t even be mad if they were boyfriends. I want a girlfriend to take care of me like that and I can take care of her like that. 😂
Taehyung goes to sit by himself while they are getting the meal ready. Jimin sees him by himself and goes to keep him company and talk about the boat trip that he wished Taehyung could have been on. This is a very soft moment.
You then have the members calling to Taehyung to join them to eat. He doesn’t move right away and Jimin appears ready to physically lift Taehyung in the chair and carry him to the rest of them.
Every interaction with Vmin is cute, so I loved the scene with them in the fishing shop in the behind cam for this episode. Looking at the giant hook and the bait together.
I know it’s not a Taegi analysis ffs, but Yoongi gave Taehyung his hat. I’m so soft.
Episode 6
This is finally where we get the soft Vmin moment with Taehyung crying and the crew member going to grab Jimin to tell him. Prior to that, Jimin had been trying to keep Taehyung engaged and talk to him. He pointed out the red moon that he wanted Taehyung to see, and he just kept trying to make sure Taehyung was included and didn’t feel left out. Honestly, I get the feeling that Taehyung just kind of wanted to be left alone, and Jimin respected that. He decided to leave Taehyung by himself, only to later be told that Taehyung was crying.
As soon as he’s told that Taehyung is crying, Jimin rushes over to comfort him. (Along with Hoseok who just gives him company and support, sitting with him while he cries and Jimin hugs him. Honestly this boy is the sweetest thing fight me this is why he’s my bias okay?). In that scene where Jimin is comforting Taehyung, he’s kind of draped over him. Now, I could be wrong about this, but it looks very much to me like when Jimin pulled away from Taehyung, he gives him a kiss on the side of his head. His face is hidden on the other side of Taehyung, so it’s hard to tell. But I’m strongly leaning toward that’s what he did because I have no evidence telling me otherwise. And I’m more convinced because I’ve watched the moment several times, and the sound appears to be muted at that moment. You can hear crickets the background, but then they’re silent when Jimin kisses Taehyung. Maybe it’s a crazy theory, but I think it’s possible they muted the sound if you could hear Jimin kiss him, and they thought I wouldn’t notice. Jimin even looks at the camera and smiles, but his mouth moves in such a way that suggests (to me) that he made a sound, but you hear nothing. (Don’t believe me? Oh don’t worry. That’s why I linked the video. See for yourself.) (EDIT: I did have the actual video in the post, but it didn’t stay when I posted. (x))
I also have mixed feelings about this scene. It’s nice to get a little peak into their friendship like that, but it also feels like they put it in when it should have been a private thing. Jimin should have been able to comfort Taehyung without BV making a “thing” of it. It also feels like this is one of those “private” Vmin moments that we don’t get to see very often (and didn’t even get to see much of here because it was clearly heavily edited), so it was nice to get a peek at what they’re probably really like off camera. But it also felt invasive, you know?
After that scene, the two join Hoseok at the fence, and they look out at the night sky together. Sweet and perfect little Hoseok gives them their space to just be together, but he sticks around still. Maybe because he just wants to enjoy the view a little longer, or maybe he wants to give Taehyung support. Either way, he’s kind enough to allow them to have their moment, and Jimin even pulls Taehyung closer and wraps an arm over his shoulder. There’s not much talking here, but it doesn’t feel necessary. Taehyung was crying, and it was important that he wasn’t crying alone.
Jimin likes the turtle.
The two are having fun looking around the glassblower’s shop, and the other four members leave them behind.
Then you see Jimin catch up to Taehyung. He asks him to take some pictures of him in an alley, and Taehyung asks Jimin to take his as well. After they shoot each other’s photos, Jimin asks one of the crew members to take pictures of them. He grabs Taehyung, and I’m not sure what kind of a pose he’s trying to do with him, but Taehyung doesn’t cooperate. Jimin then acts a little awkward, and they get their picture taken.
After the members all eat together, Jimin and Taehyung are left alone once again. They are allowed to spend time together tonight, and they start off by Taehyung taking pictures of Jimin. 
Jimin take Taehyung to places that he wants him to see. I guess since he wants Taehyung to be happy, he decides to take the lead and show Taehyung around. He even repeats the same things he’s done before because he wants to do them again with Taehyung.
They then make wishes in the fountain together.
They then go and have dinner together. Jimin lets Taehyung have a taste of his drink, and Taehyung says that he likes wine. Jimin says that he wants to take Taehyung to a wine place, then, which is kind of cute. Always thinking about what to do next with Taehyung. During their dinner, Taehyung starts taking pictures of Jimin because why not? He looks cute, and there should be pictures of him. And then Jimin takes his picture, too. And then they start being dorks together because why not? They’re Vmin. That’s what they do.
In the behind cam for this episode, Taehyung asks Jimin to pose for a picture because he really likes the scenery. He could just take a picture of the scenery he likes so much, but maybe it’s even better with the person he likes so much? He then takes a video, and it looks to be a video panning the area, but then Jimin starts being a dork and dancing. Taehyung obviously loves it because he goes in for a close up before continuing to get the buildings.
Episode 7
Taehyung wants to try busking, and Jimin tells him to do it right there. Taehyung doesn’t want to just do it in the middle of the restaurant, afraid the owner will get upset because he’s trying to ruin his business. So, instead, we get a pleasant moment of Taehyung serenading Jimin at the table. 
Then they go and Taehyung busks. It takes a while for Jimin to encourage him and build up his confidence, and Taehyung doesn’t even do the full song, but the moment between them here is so soft and wholesome. This is probably one of my favorite moments because it shows just how much they are like anyone else. Taehyung, a star with millions of fans who loves to hear him sing, is nervous to go up by himself in front of a small audience. Jimin encourages him, brushing his hair back and saying, “I’m here because I want to hear the song you will sing.” It’s just a very real and genuine moment, so this is my favorite moment in the whole series. And of course Jimin records it. The moment is already being filmed for the series, but he also records it for himself. He’s a cute and flustered and shy and happy because Jimin recorded him. They’re just adorable and so damn wholesome all right here.
Jimin wanted to show Taehyung night views because he likes them.
Cue more hand holding.
The next morning, Jimin admits to having a dream about Taehyung busking and getting bullied by someone in the audience. 
They get to spend the day together again. In which they go out to eat. They both say that they’re not hungry, and they don’t want to eat. But then go to McDonald’s to eat.They are all cute and trade accessories and such, and Jimin enjoys his McDonald’s meal in Taehyung’s hat and glasses. 
I’m going to skip episode 8, which I know is lazy, but that’s me. And I have to get some sleep before going back to work.
Anyway, there were a lot of Vmin moments. Some of them I didn’t even cover here. It’s pretty obvious that the two are best friends, and all of the moments here felt very genuine to me. We got to see that Jimin and Taehyung are there for each other and support each other. Jimin encourages Taehyung a lot and gives him strength. He also gives Taehyung his space when he thinks he might need it, but is quick to be by his side when he’s clearly upset. And this shows that Vmin isn’t one sides because Taehyung also mentioned wanting to spend time with Jimin a lot. He wanted to share the same room and same car, and he even asked Jimin to pose for photos. They don’t treat each other exactly the same, and I think what we got to see from their Malta trip shows us only a tiny part of how dynamic they are with each other. It definitely showed us a very soft side of them.
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bwimini · 6 years
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95z: bon voyage episode 7
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vmindailydose · 6 years
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Jimin didn’t stop pulling Taehyungs pants right on his crotch!!! 🍆😂 and look at Jimins face if it doesn’t scream kinky idk what does!!!
- Chloé🌞
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last-of-the-jaded · 6 years
I woke up to gifs of Jimin hugging Tae and knew my heart was going to get a severe pulverizing this episode. I have been purposefully avoiding other spoilers because sometimes you just want to experience something for yourself directly. I will try to put my thoughts here.
I feel like too many people have simply forgotten or chosen to gloss over the fact that Tae was forced to cut his mourning time short to be able to join the boys for BV. Obviously I’m happy that he is there, and I do think being around the other members is  a good distraction, but loss and sadness don’t magically disappear when cameras are turned on. When the members were thanking him for coming during dinner I think they could all sense that he needed to hear that from them directly. The support system in Bangtan is amazing and I think he is in great hands. The Vmin moment this episode hammered that home for me.
When I initially heard that in this episode of BV Jimin comforted Tae I never imagined that it would play out the way it did. Seeing Tae walk away during the moon viewing was very realistic because in social situations if you’re feeling down people tend to try and remove themselves from others so as not to upset the mood. The fact that a staff member went directly to Jimin before stating, “Taehyung is crying” made me have to physically pause and breath for a moment. Literally everyone around Vmin can just see how damn comfortable and trusting they are together, and the fact that the staff themselves approached Jimin (he could have easily said something to Hobi first) is something special. The fact that Jimin didn’t hesitate to break into a light jog is also so damn sweet, we have seen him run to others when they are hurting in the past and it still hits me right in the damn feels. You can hear in the video that Jimin didn’t hesitate to hug his “baby”. Often times being held by someone you trust during hard times is therapeutic. Vmin in particular has always hit me as two people who communicate well through touch (heck it is even a love language). Comfort and physical affection is huge, and as someone who is very touch deficient something about the whole situation made my heart ache. 
Even just seeing a small video of Jimin rocking Tae back and forth while resting his head on him broke me. Like obviously it’s uncomfortable to film someone going through an emotional state like that but with Bangtan they are always trying their best to show us their true selves and holy fuck it makes me adore them so much more every time. Jimin has undoubtedly comforted Tae many times through their years growing up together and it just hits me so damn hard to get to see such a real snippet of their lives. Tae has admitted in the past that he feels like he doesn’t support Jimin as much as Jimin supports him but I think that for some people the feeling of being needed and trusted in that capacity is therapeutic in its own way. Being able to be there for others and make their lives better is in itself rewarding, especially if the other person is someone who makes your life brighter. I’m crying because they make me feel so damn much.
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jiminsgalaxxi · 6 years
MOOD: Cool night sea breeze, a glass of cold beer in your hand while a soulful voice sings to an acoustic accompaniment of Maroon 5's classic hit stirs the air.
Yes, please, thank you very much.
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serendipityvm · 6 years
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cutiesss, I'm so excited!! 💕📸🦄
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marengogo · 2 years
hi dunno if you had this question or not but do u think before jikook become a "thing" vmin and jihope messed around... cos if u ask other blogs they will beat around the bushes but aint nobody actually answering lol im saying this cos vmin are close as jihope hobi was his roomate tho (roomates) i didnt see jimin &hobi dynamic turn around like this until bv in malta or burn the stage..?
anyway it doesnt changr my opinion on jikook im just curious cos it looks like they prob messed around lol and
at some point i think rm had a crush on jimin too thats why sometimes jungkook had ?? a "problem with minimoni " monitoring jikook
Hello Anon,
Sure, let’s talk abou it.
No, I don’t think JM messed around with any other member in BTS before, during or after JK. Short answer; amongst other factors, one (not the main factor but  …) is it would take a person who actually thinks they are desired in such a manner to do so, and quite unfortunately, for the longest time, I do believe JM didn’t believe himself to be said person at all. As for the Long answer, let’s look at each pairing you mentioned, shall we?
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Let’s start with giving some context to my thoughts: 
Not sure if you read any other of my posts, but I think 2015 was the year JK started “peacocking” so to say, at JM, and through ups and downs it took them 2017/2018 to actually enter a steady relationship and by steady I don’t mean they were in an open relationship prior to this. What I mean is that they both were trying to figure out things like, for example; what they actually were feeling for each other, or would them “being together” actually work, or could they really actually do this., etc, etc etc.  
Furthermore, I should add, that I believe JM “taunting” JK with requests of kisses and telling him he liked him and wanted to go out with him etc, as they already had a very good relationship off-camera (as proven by various interviews), was just an also quite naive approached mixing at an attempt to establish a connection with JK on camera, with feelings he still himself hadn’t quite properly acknowledged. In simple words: He was consciously kidding about feelings he subconsciously already had but never really took seriously. 
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Last but not least, I’m team: JK made the actual first move, which is not to be confused with: he fell first, he fell harder, etc … whatever with all that BS. And yes, people are entitled with their own opinions, but yeah, I didn’t see none of that. I’m talking about moves. If you will, look at it as a chess game, at some point in 2015 JK impulsively/(frustratedly) moved a pawn at a game neither he or JM knew they were playing; and the “game” began. 
Ok … now that you have the pretext, let’s go back to our regularly scheduled program of the day: 
VMIN: We have a period between 2012 (when JM joined BH) and 2015 where JM supposedly would have had the time to be messing around with Tae. Because after 2015, JK’s not very well structured (lol) plan of action kept JM rather busy (added to the fact that JM was going through personal awakenings of his own). Now this particular friendship during and pre 2015 gave us pearls such as this:
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JM and Tae have a very deep, unique and special friendship and  like every relationship in the world, context matters, but like every great relationship, theirs, goes beyond that (context). Their context was/is South Korea, being both of the same age bracket (‘95) they had a common ground on which they began to bond, as age is an important factor in SK, but then there was more. For example, they just so happened to fall into the catching up team. One (JM) arrived last in the group, and was playing catch up internally (with the members), the other had been there for a while, but was only revealed after debut, so he was playing catch up externally (with fans not knowing about him until debut). And please don’t think that one is harder than the other, particularly not on the scale of things they were in.  
And there were their personalities. What were the chances that two young men, so different in thoughts and actions could be so compatible in soul/Seoul? Tae standing up for JM at school, JM playing along with Tae’s acting passion, them allowing themselves to be vulnerable with each other. Making mistakes with each other. Taking the time to make it right with each other. We are never going to know how deep this connection goes between the two of them. And here is where you might think: “I’d want to give it a go romantically with such a connection!”. I’d want to as well, NGL,  if only I had realised it and if my preferences were also so inclined. 
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But here’s what I think happened/ was(is) the situation:
1. Tae, out of all the members was/is the one member, who knew/knows exactly who he is. And I can’t assume people’s sexualities, but, in MY opinion,  from what I’ve seen, I feel like he is a very big ally, but straight (or at the very least queer-curious? Those that even exist?).  I think Tae is very secure in his skin and loves to test his limits constantly and not because it is fun to do, but because he can and it would possibly allow him to maybe gain something from doing so. Most likely, all the time spent being a secret member, also gave him the time to think about how he wanted to be perceived, which also eventually would have ended up affecting everything else positively or negatively. So when it came to JM, someone he started to feel really close to, he let his guard down, completely. So much so that sometimes he just would almost test him, or throw at him anything that he came across in his mind, just to see how far their relationship could go? And, even if at some point he did think to maybe try and give it a go romantically, the next point came up.
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2. JM wasn’t up for it. Not in a mean way or dismissive way, not at all; you really got to care a lot about someone to end up fighting and being emotionally-drunk over fucking dumplings. Let that sink in. Another thing that needs to sink in is that JM does, and will do, what he feels and what he wants. Always (Ironically enough, so will Tae, another thing they have in common). At the time, JM was the last member to join, he was struggling with his identity, he was publicly struggling with JK (not irrelevant) and who knows what more. So his brain had to somehow work with processes of elimination to keep sane and in my opinion, if ever Tae made a move, it was shut down, because JM also needed friends. Friends are always needed. Friends are important, have them if you can. And I do think that Tae was friendzoned, early on, because he was a good friend at that. Tae was his ‘95 buddy, his “we are kinda going through the same shit” buddy, his let’s conquer the musical world together buddy. But all was very platonic, because, even though the subconscious may not be out there; it is there and JK was in it. 
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JIHOPE: Jung Hoseok. The worlds’ brightest ray of light with a powerful little cloud hidden at the corner of his caring soul. In a way, just like JM a troubled soul (like every member really  … like everyone on this planet really!). But Hobi and JM had something else to bond over first and foremost: DANCE. That probably started the conversation with the two of them but then there was fashion, shopping, laughing at dumb stuff, the aching need to become the best version of oneself, the natural want to find and provide comfort to those who needed it the most. 
Hobi and JM connected on a nurturing level. One thing I feel strongly about, is that Hobi never had any sort of romantic thoughts towards any of the members in BTS and perhaps a part of JM picked up on that and allowed him to feel “secure”. Secure in the sense where he knew that every touch, every hug, every kiss (we are talking of friendly pecks) was out of caring love, and had no chance of being misinterpreted, ever. Reason why I think JM had singled out Hobi as the mother of the group at the very beginning, but now I do believe that Hobi is kinda like that caring brother, who would do anything to support his brothers.
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Also, something that people seem to either not think about, or just really underestimate is that Hobi was spending quite a lot of time with JK as well. 3J get along, not only because they are good dancers. I’ve always felt that out of all the hyungs, Hobi was the one that truly treated JK like an actual little brother, allowing him to pester him, and not in the same way he did with Jin. Jin mentally also becomes a maknae (or even younger, lol) when he gets into it. Hobi just had that big brother vibe doting on a cute little brother, something that JM has tried as well, but was never quite like Hobi.
Another thing that Hobi does a lot is observe, he is a quick learner, he observes and quickly puts in practice. I can guarantee you there was a lot of that while he was hanging out with Jikook and part of me thinks that at some point, he observed and put in practice by questioning JM. Hobi has this way of nonchalantly bringing up pertaining/delicate points in any situation, without making a big deal out of it. This might have eventually made him become someone who JM could confide in and talk to about things he didn’t necessarily know how to with others.
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And last ..
JK and MINIMONI: I’ve actually quite recently written about Minimoni, so please do read this if you would → CORONA BOREALIS - 1: The Emphat & The Intellectual - MiniMoni. Upon reading that (if you do) you’ll see why I think, neither ever had feelings for each other. So, no Joon never had a crush on JM. Now because of another very long ask (sent to me now an eternity ago), I just so happen to have to write about NamKook, so look out for it, it’s going to be called → CORONA BOREALIS - 2: WonderBoy & The Wanderer - NamKook, should be coming out pretty soon. 
But to answer your question, I don’t think JK has ever had a problem with RM monitoring them (neither did JM), I think he’d probably understand that Namjoon would have no other choice but to do so on occasion, particularly if things seemed like they were getting out of hand. If anything, at the very beginning JK has had moments in which he seemed uncomfortable with MiniMoni’s interactions, which was probably caused by unintelligible fears and projections, (which were directed at JM rather than RM) and as humans who have lived on this planet we all know a little bit about this don’t we? … But JK’s possible insecurities are a whole other story, isn’t it?
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Currently, I think JK appreciates Namjoon’s presence more than we know, and because he knows him, and knows JM, he most likely understands why and on what level MiniMoni connect. I think that JK has been on a mission, for a while now, to have RM see him as a capable grown ass man, he’d like for the man he admires to look at him and think “yeah, you really do got this, don’t you?” (not that I don’t think Namjoon doesn't already think this of JK), but I also believe that deep down JK just needs someone to keep looking up to and not someone he has to beat, if it makes sense? But I’ll better discuss this in the NamKook post I’m writing.
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Well, not sure that I’ve answered your questions but I sure did express my opinions in this long-ass post haven’t I? MY BAD.
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Always very respectfully your 🫰🏾💜,
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milkandkoo · 4 years
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mercurygguk · 3 years
hair dye: the collection
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a collection of my works featuring jungkook’s latest hair colors.
⇢ status: on hold
⇢ rating; 18+
↳ extra drabbles linked in the bottom of this post!
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➵ HAIR DYE (m) | jan 10th, 2021
summary; jungkook got his hair dyed while at work. you lose your mind the moment he steps through the door.
content; jungkook with blonde hair, established relationship, pwp, unprotected sex (wrap it up, kids), dirty talk, grinding, oral (f. & m. receiving), fingering, hair pulling, light biting, squirting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, a bit of dom!jungkook because he just gives me that vibe y’know, cute couple alert!!
word count; 4.5k
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➵ BLUE DYE (m) | feb 26th, 2021
summary; the blonde hair turns blue, and here you were, convinced that your boyfriend couldn’t become sexier. but jungkook proves you wrong… as always.
content; jk has blue hair, pwp, established relationship, making out, dirty talk, fingering, handjob, unprotected bathroom sex
word count; 2.4k
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➵ PURPLE DYE (m) | may 24th, 2021
summary; bts are working on their new music video for their new single and your boyfriend looks hotter than ever before, so how are you even supposed to control yourself?
content; purple haired jk, established relationship, smut/fluff, pwp, dom!jungkook if you squint, dirty talk, nipple/breast play, unprotected sex, oc is going THRU IT bc of jungkook’s always changing hairstyle, vmin has lines
word count; 3.7k
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➵ BLACK DYE (m) | jun 16th, 2021
summary; black has always been your favorite hair color for your boyfriend but now there’s a fake eyebrow piercing added into the mix – there’s simply no way you can resist him.
content; black haired jungkook makes a comeback, established relationship, smut/fluff (basically pwp with a hint of fluff), oc is still simping over her bf, dom!jungkook/sub!reader, breast/nipple play, dirty talk, choking, oral sex (m. receiving), fingering, cum-eating, hair pulling, degrading names (jk calls oc ‘slut’ lol), unprotected sex, spanking, light biting, exhibitionism
word count; 5.3k
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➵ MINT DYE (m) | in process of being written!
summary; jungkook’s increasing interest in body decoration in forms of tattoos and piercings will probably be the death of you, but a toe-curling, mind-blowing orgasm(s) is not the worst way to go, is it?
Oh, by the way, his hair color is mint now.
content; tba
word count; tba
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extra drabbles ⤵︎
➵ you did what?
➵ flashback to malta, 2018
➵ crazy (m)
➵ a fucking huge turn-on (m)
➵ feel better (m)
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c. 2021 | © mercurygguk
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95zintheirownworld · 3 years
do you ever think about fetus vmin holding hands while promising to go for a long time because they only have each other. what about vmin holding hands while singing their song about being soulmates where they promise to be together for eternity. and what about vmin in fake love changing the choreography bit by bit over the years just so they could hold hands. do you think about how jimin reached out to fix taes coat but tae thought he wanted to hold hands. and when jimin couldn't Stop holding taes hand in malta after they were separated for a Few days. what about taes adorable habit of reaching up to hold jimins hand when jimin is draped over his back. do you think about how vmin were absolutely losing in that one kitchen run ep and held hands more than 14 times just to comfort each other. do you think about jimin waiting at the top of the stairs at the airport on taes birthday just so they could hold hands. what about jimin making tae switch sweats on the ride in that amusement park run ep Just so he could hold his hand because he was scared. and tae holding jimins hand to his cheek to rub warmth into it because it was cold? what about tae whining about how he wanted to hold jimins hand Properly and giving the dorkiest goofiest smile and swinging their hands after succeeding while jimin pretended to sulk while giving in- do you ever think about that? what about that time joon turned the camera around in his vlive only to find vmin pretending to be mannequins- while holding hands? do you think about that time tae dedicated those lines from dynamite to jimin and got shy and trailed off when jimin asked him to explain it, only for vmin to hold hands under the table while joon tried to explain for tae? do you think about when jimin suddenly extended his hand towards tae in the middle of a photoshoot only to receive a high five and then he insisted that no, actually he wanted to Hold Hands instead and so they did? what about that time when tae walked off to sulk in that badminton run ep and jimin called him over just to hold his hand? and when vmin reunited in bv4, not only did jimin lay down on top of tae so they could cuddle, they also held hands? what about that time when jimin patted taes thigh to congratulate him on a job well done but tae flipped his hand to hold it instead? and what about the time jimin tried to high five hobi but tae refused to let go of him so jimin kissed taes hand? do you think about how often vmin reach out to hold hands in interviews, vlives, run eps, award shows, at airports and live events, how they go out of their way to do it just to comfort each other?
because I do.
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btsandvmin · 4 years
do you think that maybe the reason why staff calls jimin when taehyung is upset because maybe taehyung tells the staff that he wanted jimin because jimin did tell him that he wants to his strength :(
Honestly I don’t think they would have to tell their staff anything so specific. Of course Tae could have asked for Jimin and the guy rushed to get him, but I think just as well the staff probably also knew that Jimin is the one to get when Tae is sad. We have seen it a few times already, how Jimin is there to comfort Tae, they have also told us about it like Tae’s story about Jimin saying “I want to be your strength”. Imagine how many more times their staff must have seen something similar? I really think by now they just know. I also think Jimin truly is a comforting person, not just for Tae of course. For him to say “I can’t help you, but I want to be your strength” is a really powerful and precious things.
Either way it’s a sweet moment and I am glad that Vmin have each other. <3
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lesbian-vmin · 4 years
I just realized, that we were so focused on the dumpling incident (that gave us a great story from vmin yess) but, with that, we let them get away without talking about the whole you are my soulmate part... I don't think they would have addressed it anyway but... we really /really/ let them get away with it
Really, they tricked us into letting them get away with it. And I feel like it also has to do with heteronormativity and the idea of platonic soulmates. I believe soulmates can be platonic because I believe I have my own platonic soulmate.
In part, I believe that they tricked us into letting them get away without explaining it. “How can we slide soulmates in there and get people to focus on something else? Oh, I know. Let’s talk about a funny story that’s a pretty big moment for us.” A story that focuses on what can be considered their friendship because it’s pretty childish and brotherly to fight over something so petty, so no matter what the fight was actually centered around (because I seriously DOUBT it was just about dumplings, there must have been a lot of build up and they’re just not telling us all of it) it won’t sound suspicious. I’m not saying that it is suspicious because it could very well be a fight between two friends, but if there is anything going on there, that’s a pretty safe incident to talk about (with the details we were given) without raising suspicion.
(Edit: Also. Couples have petty fights. If you have ever been in a serious, long term relationship, you know. Couples fight about the stupidest things sometimes. Anyone who lives together will.)
Then you also have the idea of platonic soulmates. I think they would have gotten away with that part no matter what, even without dumplings. The thing that we really let them get away with is the lyrics in which Jimin asks Taehyung to stay with him for eternity. Because that’s much deeper than the soulmate line, and not normally something you would say to a friend. Though it very well could be friendly, too, but it’s suspiciously friendly to me.
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