#voltron rarepairs
jiveyuncle · 3 months
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A Thing for Keith [Pages 1 & 2]
*Takes place some time after Keith has been working on and off with the Rebel fighters for a while
The idea that Matt would be the last on the team to figure out Rolo’s crush makes me giggle and is the whole reason this thing is being created. Also, Keith would absolutely be more likely to understand Nyma’s comment as people not wanting him around instead of some people just being extra excited to see him 😭 somebody give my baby an extra dose of love and affection please
Also. I could not find a name for our green, four-armed alien friend anywhere, but I called them Kitch in my notes. It was just the first name that came to mind when creating a placeholder for writing the idea for this little comic out, but it’s stuck now, and I’m tagging them as such lol
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hypfden · 1 month
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My favorite rare pair ship
Do they have any romantic chemistry on the show!! None!! But I think they are the definition of doomed gay relationship. And for lesbian visibility week I bring you doomed yuri
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soupkingo3o · 3 months
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longing-for-rain · 10 months
I’ve had both so I’m curious
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Made a drawing of Krik and a flustered land team captain
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saltwife · 1 year
holy shit I have 2k followers?? and most of them aren’t even pornbots (I have blocked all the ones I’ve noticed)??
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bestshipsmackdown · 1 year
I’m so sorry for all the MHA ships I’m just an extreme multishipper who sometimes think let’s just make them all date each other
I love BNHA ships so much. I am entirely happy to see them all show up! Half of all of my Ao3 fics are BNHA lol.
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claracivry · 2 years
Hello Clara! I've got a little question for you, since I'm very curious about it: what do you think of Eddie and Steve as a couple? Do you like them together? just wondering, I swear I come in peace, too many people fighting over silly stuff like this lately, I feel the need to clarify ahahahah
ps: I love your whump fics by the way, I had to tell you!!
Hi, anon!!
I'm glad you like my whump fics!! It's my favourite genre and brings me so much joy, I'm glad there's other people enjoying it :)
Now, my thoughts on Steddie 😬 I come in peace too! Please don't shoot! I hope I don't get cancelled and lose all of my readers but. When I first saw the show, I didn't see it. As a metalhead who doesn't date, I saw Eddie and was like "hell yeah why be into boys or girls when you can be into heavy metal 🤘🤘🤘🤘"
And there's absolutely nothing wrong with the ship, but there's something about the shipping community that bothers me, is almost aggressive? Like going "if you don't like this ship you're either blind or homophobic!!!" is something that I profoundly dislike, like it's okay to have your ships but don't step on other people?? I think the fact that you have to say "I come in peace" in this message perfectly illustrates that. There's a lot of discourse and I hate discourse so so much. So yeah, that bothers me.
If you read me, you probably see that I love gen more than any ship. I wrote that much about umbrella academy because it was a bunch of siblings and ships were never central to the story or the fics. I sometimes love a very popular ship (Geralt and Jaskier in the Witcher) and other times I don't see it/ship it (Johnlock from way back in superwholock times). Is very rare for me to get reeeeally into a ship, so when the whole majority of fics is eaten by ships, it kinda bothers me, too.
And this was a thing before Eddie in this fandom, too! I would go to try and find some Jonathan whump and it would be all Harringrove where Jonathan was mentioned in one line. If all the whump fics are about feelings and romance Imma be pissed, I can tell you that. And this happens a lot with Steddie, I will see a promising fic about Eddie being sick and it'll be all couples fluff and romantic feelings. Does everything have to be romantic?
Also, I am a little petty bitch. Seeing gen fics getting two kudos and something very similar get two hundred because it has Steddie bothers me. I don't think it's fair. And again, the discourse, like you said, the fighting, is annoying. We write content because we want to have fun, right? It's not supposed to be a lesson in morality, Jesus. (That's why I love rarepairs, there's usually zero discourse)
Without all the drama, I think Steve and Eddie could be cute. I like the notion of Steve never having thought of boys in that way but being unable to tear his eyes off Eddie. I like the poor guy x rich guy thing, and how they could idk explore what each other's lives have been like. And let's face it, they're hot. They're friendly. Could be nice but sadly, the whole... vibe around it just bothers me.
And also, the fact that there's so little whump without Steddie. Like I said, petty little bitch.
So yeah, them as couple? I don't ship it, but the couple is cute. But the actual shipping community has ruined it a bit for me. If there's anyone out there who feels this way too, I would love to chat!
Thanks for asking, hope you don't mind my long and non-shippy answer! And I sure hope people continue to read me despite this :/
Clara out ;)
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bibookdemon · 1 month
I had an interesting day :D /neg????
Yall get to benefit
Send an answer to this shit anytime today I will write a short fic or hc ramble or some shit
1. Polycule
2. Rarepair
3. Fluffy hairpair
4. Gay but doesn't realize it
5. Stupid x stupid
6. Other?????
Any ship
Yugioh or Voltron
The one ship I won't do is Shiro x Keith (no hate to people who do ship them, just not my cup of tea ^^)
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jiveyuncle · 5 months
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I wanted to get back to my rarepair nonsense and now… Listennn I’m so screwed. I tripped and fell hard why are they sticking in my brainnnn
Thinking they end up working together while Keith is with the blades and Rolo is back working with the rebels. Enemies to lovers whoop whoop
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strscrossed · 2 months
thank you for the ask! ❤️
fic writer asks
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
hmmm well, tbh warlord. while it's probably my most popular fic i think there's a lot of misinterpretation of warlord eren's character and i'm working to fix that.
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
this one. tbh i sort of put it on an indefinite hiatus but i think to this day it's probably my most favorite aot fic i've written. basically jeanpiku ft eremika in which jean comes back to paradis after 4 years and meets eren's widowed sister-in-law, pieck.
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
okay so this isn't aot. this is back from my voltron days and it is an EXTREMELY RARE RAREPAIR. basically it's a sweet little fic about a queen and a princess falling in love over the summer the princess spends on the queen's planet. it's one of the sweetest things i've ever written but i knew it wouldn't get much because again, it's a very small, very niche rarepair. here's the link if anyone's curious!
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soupkingo3o · 2 years
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They are girlfriends your honor ! They hold hands and kiss! Let the pretty aliens be gay!
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okay y’all serious question!!! as you know i post every day, and lately i’ve been worried that my stuff is getting too repetitive/y’all are not into it. idk how true that is vs my own shitty perception of time and value, BUT i am curious to see what y’all are looking for in my fics! so:
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witchymoonart · 5 months
tagged by @sparklyseblos <3
fandom tag game
current fixation:
hsmtmts, forever plaid, shakespeare (specifically a midsummer nights dream), musicals, pippin!!
previous fixation:
voltron: legendary defender 🫣
top five ships of all time:
seblos, madlyn, redlyn (all hsmtmts), smurky, and jankie (forever plaid) tbh i dont ship too much lmao (but i love klance as a kid-)
top five ships at the moment:
all of the above except klance ✨
top five fandoms of all time:
hsmtmts, forever plaid, pippin, percy jackson, a midsummer nights dream
favorite female character of all time:
ashlyn <3
favorite minor character of all time:
seb is Literally me idk what to tell you !!
a rarepair you love:
honestly i dont think i ship any rarepairs?? (except the next point ig??)
an ot3+ you love:
sebredlos !! (ignore everything that happened in s4 <3 it did not happen <3)
favorite movie:
tangled !!
favorite tv series:
hsmtmts my beloved
favorite book:
wander the night- sydney cobb
first site you read fanfiction on:
wattpad for voltron, ao3 for everything else
favorite social media site for fandom:
both tumblr and instagram for different reason!! i love the community here but insta is still great!
@ollitheheadphoneskid23 @incorrectdead50squartet @rainbowseblos and anyone else who wants to!!
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ohyoufool · 3 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Tagged by: @doggernaut and @montrealmadison my besties!!! I am so touched!!!!! and aren't we lucky that I just hit 10 posted fics?? And because I can't stop yapping, I put a little note about each of them.
austin (check, please!, bitty/jack)
"Jack comes to Georgia like a summer thunderstorm."
(this one is alternately titled 'I went through a lot of breakups last year and got into country line dancing and it shows')
call of the champions (check, please!, lardo/camilla)
"It’s Lardo and her board."
(THE FUCKING FIC. I AM SO PROUD OF HER. and also I bought a sick salt late city 2002 olympics leather jacket because of it and it's basically my whole personality)
creation myth (check, please!, bitty/jack)
"It goes like this."
(this is me and @montrealmadison's magnum opus, and I learned how to bind books just to immortalize it)
sloshed with gold (check, please!, bitty/jack)
"Jack’s phone starts ringing halfway through his Tuesday morning jog."
(if you like nhl!bitty and photographer!jack, she's your jam. not sure if I will ever like the way I wrote this one but eyyyyyy it exists)
rocket man (voltron, keith/lance)
"The fireflies were flickering above Keith’s dark hair to light the path. He stood on the porch as Lance looked out from the doorway. There was a moment of silence. “You will help me keep him here this time, won’t you?” he asked."
(I won't apologize for voltron. I am too far past the shame. i wrote a paper on voltron queerbaiting and it got me into college. I owe her everything.)
season of the witch (check, please!, bitty/jack)
"Sometimes, Bitty gets carried away with baking."
(um fun fact there's apparently been a typo in the first line of this one for the last THREE YEARS ?????? its fixed now but dear god. I would delete this if it didn't have the second most hits of any check please fic i've written. I cant reread it it makes me want to die.)
don't waste another mile or minute (not kissing me) (voltron, keith/lance)
"Light. An unusual amount of light. Keith throws his elbow over his face as he peels his eyes open, wincing as the sun blasts through an open window."
(an OLD banger that I wrote at my first internship because it was so boring. some clever lines but my writing has improved tenfold since 2018)
and all I can taste is this moment (voltron, adam/shiro)
"There is absolutely nothing like flying, Takashi Shirogane, sixteen, almost-professional pilot, assumes. He assumes because he hasn’t been allowed to fly (yet), but if the simulator gives him any idea of what flight is like, Shiro is going to be hungry for it for the rest of his life."
(my magnum opus before creation myth, and the longest thing I've ever written (48k). yall ever yolo on a rarepair and write a biblically accurate cold war fic? no? just me? ok.)
last sunrise in the wasteland (voltron, keith/lance)
"The first time that Keith kisses Lance, the sky is the color of cotton candy. "
(this is my fic with the most hits which is great except there's a softcore porn scene in it I forgot about and subsequently subjected my grandpa to when he was reading it and making edits for me. so now it makes me want to die a little thinking about that. no he never brought it up.)
In my veins (carry on, baz/simon)
"On the worst day, Baz wakes up in Simon’s arms, the cursed tattoo glaring at him in the morning sunshine. Simon is still passed out, body curled into Baz, chestnut curls bouncing with each heady breath. The mark bitten onto his neck from the night before flashing like a highway sign on his neck."
(once someone bookmarked this with the tag 'out of character' and it has haunted me every single fucking day since I read that. WHY DID THEY BOOKMARK IT IF THEY DIDN'T LIKE IT. sorry it drives me crazy. I DONT UNDERSTAND.)
Tagging (no pressure, and anyone else can also jump in!): @justlookfrightened @bittysthesis @chaoskiro @zimbits-my-love @parseisflat @a-very-gay-disaster @dessertwaffles
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Alright, so I just made a Wenclair post but imma make another one right now because oh my LORD I just saw the fandom breaking reviews, so sit down and grab a snack because it’s rambling time.
I see that many of you are discouraged from the prospect of Wenclair not being canon, this is understandable as I myself am really invested in these two. Hopefully this goes without saying, but NO ONE should hate on the show, the actors, etc etc. I refuse to let such toxicity run through this fandom. Like, this is just reviews for the first season. Please, I really, really don’t want a repeat of the Voltron fandom and cries of queerbaiting (and I wasn’t even remotely near being part of the Voltron fandom! It just got THAT bad that even I knew of its notorious reputation). Again, the show isn’t even out yet. Who’s to say Hunter going ‘fighting for Wenclair’ didn’t mean the course of their relationship in future seasons? We only have information on a first season that isn’t even out yet, so please, calm down on any hate and queerbaiting accusations.
That being said- y’all telling me you’re not buckled down for a slow burn? Wednesday is a character who needs a LOT of time and effort to build trust with on a romantic relationship level, so getting Wenclair all in one season would have been cool or whatever, but it also would’ve been pretty OOC since season one has confirmed only 8 episodes. On the flipside, the payoff of Wenclair’s growing friendship, that blooming trust, the eventual deep bond between them that not even Wednesday herself can deny? Is that not peak sapphic experience? Frenemies to begrudging allies to ‘I find your existence… not the worst’ ‘ppfft, thanks, Addams’ to friends to friends who would murder fer each other to ‘you are the sun that burns and enchants me, I hope this drought lasts a lifetime’. LIKE C’MON??? THE FLAVOR?? Don’t give up on Wenclair just yet y’all. (That being said, the line about droughts should be in a fanfic so imma mark that down fer later.)
And like, I think this next point is the most important thing to note. We all acknowledged our love for Wenclair as a delusion, ever since the beginning we knew we were pulling crumbs and making silly little headcanons. Yes, I would love if Wenclair became canon. Would I stop shipping it if it never does, though? Let’s see, I am a veteran Whiterose shipper of several years. Those two barely had a conversation in the entirety of Volume 8 and I am STILL willing to die on this hill fer them. I am a Lightcannon enjoyer despite the next to NOTHING crumbs in the entirety of their respective existences. Oh, you would not believe how many rarepairs I hold dear in the Pokémon world. The list goes on and on and on. Canon is cool and all but I hoard my random ships like a dragon of ye olde. Just look at what we, the OG Wenclair Warriors, made with just a few trailers and interviews and random instagram comments. The lovely art, the heart wrenching fanfics, the god tier headcanons. I dunno bout yall, but I’m not ready to give that all up just because canon said ‘mmmm no’. If no one got me, ao3 got me.
Trust me, I am well-aware the importance of good representation and I’m not saying you can’t be disappointed over this. What I am saying, however, is that you shouldn’t always let canon 100% dictate how you’re going to consume and enjoy a piece of media. So what if Wenclair isn’t canon? Their dynamic is AMAZING and nothing can take that away from me. There’s still potential and writing room for future seasons, and to that I say buckle down homies, we in it fer a long time and a good time.
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