#vote now should i skip my first class tomorrow
livvyofthelake · 2 years
yes girl don’t ever start your day. eat your first food at 9:30pm and it’s just a yogurt and pop tarts… slay
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feline17ff · 2 years
The Arrow Starts Striking and it Doesn't Stop Striking
By @the-lavender-creator and @feline17ff
Sparrow finds him stuck in a time loop, and the only way out is to convince the god of love himself, Eros, not to take Cupid away from Ever After.
AO3 link
@stone-cold-style Another attack on you in our Sparrow War! ⚔️
Vote here for who you think should win the Sparrow War!
Sparrow's got an issue. A problem he doesn't know how he got into. One he doesn't know how to solve.
He's stuck in a time loop.
It's the day after the Class Of Choice graduated from Ever After High. It's been the day after graduation for the last four days. The exact same things have been happening over and over again: Sparrow gets up, packs up all his stuff, says goodbye to Duchess, goes out to the shooting range to pick up the stuff he keeps there, and watches Cupid fight with her dad over going to Olympus. Then he comforts Cupid, spends the day helping her get reluctantly ready to go, has her ripped away by her dad, gets picked up by his parents, and falls asleep in the carriage as they head back to Nottingham.
And then he wakes up back in his dorm.
The first day he spent clowning around. He thought it was a dream, after all! He drew a sharpie mustache on Duchess right before she woke up, pranked a bunch of people instead of packing up and getting his stuff, and just slept instead of going to meet his parents. His second day was spent much the same.
But now it's his third today, and he's thoroughly sick of this. He doesn't have any more prank ideas, and he just wants to get to tomorrow.
To stop reliving his last day with the girl he has a crush on.
Reluctantly, he goes through his day. Saying bye to Duchess, packing, and then going down to the archery range. He watches Cupid argue with her dad, once again. Eros tells her that it's time she joins the family business. Cupid counters that she has so many friends in the mortal realms, and never seeing them again would hurt as much as a lead-tipped arrow. Eros goes on and on about immortality and godly powers but gives her the rest of the day to tie up loose ends.
Then Eros leaves, and Cupid collapses onto a bench to cry.
He didn't like seeing his crush cry. Every day he would go to her, console her, comfort her, and then put on a fake brave face to so that she'd put on a fake brave face. The last two go-arounds he’d then run off to pull pranks, but not today. He wants to keep her in the mortal realm this time. After all, if you have the ability to change the course of someone’s life, especially your crush’s, you’d try to make them happy and keep them in the process.
So, today, he would flip the page! Thanks to this time loop, he'd had his own fun days where he did what he wanted.
Now it was Cupid's turn.
He walked over to the bench. "Hey, Cupid."
She looked up, all puffy-eyed and pinker than usual, "Hi, Sparrow."
“I saw the fight with your dad. What he’s doing is really not cool.”
"Yeah," she sniffed, "He's acting like I gave him a paper cut or something when I just want to stay in Ever After! Totally not fangtastic of him."
"Uh-huh," Cupid said this every day, well, every same day, and Sparrow still had no idea what she meant by it. "Cupid… what would happen if you, say, didn't do what your dad said?"
"You mean if I didn't join him in the 'family business'?"
“Well… I don’t know. I know we’re in the Class Of Choice and everything, but I never really considered going against my destiny.”
"Really? Never?"
"No. I love my destiny. Bringing love, sharing love, it's so beautiful. I did this at my old school too, I had a radio show and everything!" Her eyes sparkled at the thought, but it didn't last long and she deflated back. “I want to follow my destiny, but I guess I don’t want to follow it anywhere else.”
"Is it because of me? You love me so much, huh? You can admit you're a fan, I do have that effect on the ladies."
That let an honest laugh out of Cupid, "No, not just you.”
Sparrow’s heart skips a beat at her saying ‘not just you.’ He might not be the only reason, but he’s a reason. He didn’t really think a goddess was in his league, but maybe he had a chance? "So, who else besides the hottest guy at Ever After has stolen this young goddess' heart?"
"My friends, of course! Blondie and Briar and Hopper and," she listed her friends, each time growing more and hexcited. Pretty soon, her tears had dried up entirely, a huge smile on her face. She always looks cute when she’s happy.
Then she stopped herself and her smile drops, "But I'm gonna leave them. I won't see them again in Grimm knows how long!"
"Then…," he started slowly, "why not spend your last day with them? I'll have Briar throw you a last-minute party, I know she can do it, and it'll be just for you, all your friends, you just go and get ready."
"No buts," he got up and offers her a hand. Cupid smiles softly despite herself, taking his hand. He turns to leave after she stands, only to be pulled into a surprise hug.
“Thank you, Sparrow. You’re the best.”
Sparrow hesitates before pulling his arms around her in return, “Don’t mention it.”
Briar was amazing! As soon as she heard it was for Cupid, she wasted no time getting a page-ripping party set up in the Charmitorium. It had everything including a theme, which was Cupid of course, so there were lots of hearts and pink everywhere.
There was also fresh food, courtesy of resident baker extraordinaire Ginger Breadhouse! How she got so much food ready on the last day of school was beyond Sparrow; if Ginger and Briar suddenly turned evil and teamed up, well, the world would have to watch out.
During the party, resident DJ Melody Piper switches the music to a soft, romantic slow dance. Immediately after the music started, Cupid sought Sparrow out.
"Wha- me?"
"Yes, you! Who else am I gonna slow-dance with, silly."
"Um," he wanted to say 'literally anyone else', but it didn't feel right with Cupid smiling oh so sweetly at him. So he shut his hanging jaw and joined her on the dance floor.
Cupid wraps her arms around Sparrow’s neck, looking up at him with a sweet smile. “This is one of the best days of my life. I wish it could be like this forever," she sighed wistfully.
Sparrow cringed, remembering this day was still their last day at Ever After. The day he had repeated four times already. But maybe this time would be different? Maybe he won't wake up to the same day tomorrow? Maybe he could convince Eros to let her stay?
But then Eros showed up to take her, and he just didn’t know what to say to convince him. Pointing out her friends didn’t work. Pointing out her happiness didn’t work. He didn’t stick around long enough for Sparrow to point out the party everyone threw out of love for her. For him to point out his own love.
He’ll just have to try again.
Tomorrow was another day — NOT!
This time he didn't wait till the last second. He hexted Briar as soon as he woke up, "URGENT!‼️‼️ Need secret party for Cupid ‘cause her dad is making her leave Ever After forever. Need to show her that her friends love her. I repeat. Urgent!‼️‼️‼️"
Then, for good measure, he slammed on her door till she woke up and made her read the message. Her eyes widened but she wasted no time trading in her sleeping sleep mask for her party-planning-mode sleep mask. This was serious.
Next, he went and invited everyone he could think of to the party while waiting for the archery range conversation. The more people who show up for her, the more she’ll be aware she’s loved.
When the big argument happened, he was there, ready to turn her crown upside down. And it worked! Sparrow didn't let any of her tears hit the ground. After the argument, he gently dragged her towards the Charmitorium where everyone was ready for action.
It played out much the same as before, but longer of course, Cupid had more time with her friends, more time to know she was loved.
And then Eros showed up to take her to Olympus, and Sparrow was ready.
As soon as Eros showed up, Sparrow went right up to him. He started spouting off the many, many reasons he has for Cupid to stay before Eros can even open his mouth. Everything from her love of Ever After to the love her friends have for her to the love of friends she had to give up after being torn from her last school.
And then he caps it off with one final reason, “And I love her! She’s the kindest person I’ve ever met, the coolest chick in this entire realm! I– I just don’t know what I’d do if I could never see her again.”
Most of the partygoers gasp. Cupid blushes, her hands rising to cover her mouth. Duchess dares to step towards a provoked god to put a hand on Sparrow’s shoulder, offering him some support after all the support he’s given her over their schooling career.
Eros hesitates, before breaking into a smile. He approaches his daughter, pulling her into a hug. “I didn’t know just how much love you inspired in his realm, my little cherub. I could never take you from people who adore you so. From a boy who loves you enough to tell everyone for your sake. You’ve proven you can follow your destiny of creating love here. In fact, you have been following your destiny.”
Cupid sniffles softly, looking up at her father. “Does this mean…?”
“Yes. You may stay in Ever After.”
Victory spreads through the crowd of partygoers, everyone cheering and going to shower Cupid in hugs and high fives. Sparrow watches with a smile, knowing he’ll have time with Cupid when everything has calmed down. In the meantime, Eros walks over and claps Sparrow on the back.
“Hey, Eros.”
“You’re a brave young man, Sparrow. I do trust you’ll be good for my daughter- or else.”
“Yes, sir.”
Eros nods and walks off.
After about an hour, Cupid approaches Sparrow and leads him outside, back to the archery course and the bench he’s seen her cry on far too many times. This time, they sit down together and Cupid leans on his shoulder. “I can’t thank you enough for everything today, Sparrow.”
"Don't mention it. You're a great person and I'm glad everyone thinks so too."
“Expecially you,” she giggles a little, switching to a teasing sing-song tone, “you like me!”
“Hey!” Sparrow smiles, rolling his eyes. “Yeah, but you don’t have to be mean about it.”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.”
Sparrow sighs, running his hand through his hair. He’s not used to feeling so un-cool.
He’s pulled out of his thoughts by her cupping his face, turning his head so he’ll look at her. “I like you, too, you know.”
“... For real?”
“For real.” She gives him a small smile, leaning up to kiss his nose. “I’d love to go out on a date with you sometime, but before that, you should probably go pack up. I kept you busy all day, there’s no way you’re ready to go home yet.”
Sure enough, packing completely left Sparrow’s mind since his first run-through of the day. “Thanks, Cupid!” He gets up and starts hurrying off to his dorm.
As he leaves her behind, she calls after him, “You can call me Chariclo!”
"Okay, I'll call you, cheerio to you, too!"
Sparrow rushes to pack up his dorm, realizing his parents are going to be there to pick him up in like 10 minutes.
Luckily, he had memorized where all of his things were, so he could get his packing done with time to spare.
Well, he could have, if Hunter then Daring then Briar then Apple hadn't come to his dorm telling him how cool he was. Hey, it was true! They were actually saying how it was so spellbinding of him to do so much for Cupid and then stand up for her in front of her dad. Daring goes so far as to describe it as, "A truly heroic act, worthy of a prince!"
Unfortunately, everyone kept interrupting him so his stuff was still unpacked when his parents arrived.
His mom rushed right into his dorm, "How's my darling, baby bird — SPARROW DOVE HOOD, WHY HAVEN'T YOU PACKED YET? THE FLYING CARRIAGE WILL LEAVE IN LESS THAN FIVE HOURS!"
"I still have time! Plus I'm almost done, see?"
"If you had done this before, then you wouldn't have been rushing! Now come on, we have to get there at least three hours in advance, oh I hope we make it."
"We will, we will, chillax dudes—" He stopped.
Standing outside his dorm was Cupid with a letter and the biggest smirk on her face. "I'm sorry, is his middle name 'Dove'?”
His mother beams with pride, "Why, yes it is! Chose it myself. Dove, the bird of peace. But not a very peaceful little rascal is he," she pinched his cheeks.
"Hey!" His parents were embarrassing him in front of his crush. Totally uncool.
"Doves are also a symbol of love," This time she was looking directly at Sparrow, and he turned red. She quickly took out a pen and scribbled something on the note she was holding before handing it to him.
"Okay, goodbye, have a tea-rific summer! You better run, you only have five hours left!" With that, she gives him one last smile before hurrying off.
His parents got into a frenzy again and dragged him and his luggage off before he had a chance to open the note. The next thing he knew, he was on the flying carriage, fighting sleep to try and get the note opened. He wanted to read what Cupid wrote before he had to live the day over again- who could blame him?
But he just couldn’t keep his eyes open. He drifts off into a dreamless sleep, his mind heavy with the idea of reliving that day again.
Sparrow wakes up in his childhood home in Nottingham Forest, the note from Cupid on his bedside table. It was the day after the day after graduation, finally. It was a brand new day, filled with new possibilities, and a new note to read.
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horansqueen · 4 years
It Feels Like Christmas - Part 7
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It feels like Christmas Just like Christmas It feels like Christmas with you...
Click Here if you want to be on the update list
hey guys, this story was nominated for Best Christmas Story so if you want to vote for me, please CLICK HERE! thank you! (last day!)
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When I reached the rink, I felt my lips curl despite myself. I hadn't skated in so long. but I was pretty sure it was like riding a bike. It brought back a bunch of memories to my brain and I was lost in them when Niall arrived. I felt his hand on my shoulder and although it should have made me jump, it actually simply made me blink a few times.
"Hey, Mimi, sorry I'm late."
He moved closer and I held my breath when he bent down to kiss my cheeks gently. After all, I shouldn't be surprised by this behavior. Not only was Niall giving me that kind of vibe, the fact that I kissed his cheek at the store was probably some sort of invitation for that kind of greeting now. I was not complaining, I actually enjoyed it, but I couldn't remember the last time someone had really touched me, except that time we cuddled all night at the hotel room.
That memory felt like it had happened in an other life, or in an other dimension, but Niall standing right next to me was the proof that it was real and I appreciated the reminder.
"It's okay, no worries." I replied with a smile. "So, ice skating uh? Why?"
"Well, I thought you'd find it a bit too weird if we'd go sledding." he explained, making me chuckle.
"I don't know, I haven't done that in years. Or skating. Or building a snowman." I admitted with a small shrug. "These are all considered 'Christmas activities', right?"
This time, Niall laughed and once again, my lips curled more at the sight of his head falling slightly back on his shoulders. "Winter activities, yea. Christmas activities, not so sure! But it's a great start!"
"Okay, you're clearly a Christmas prophet or something like that, tell me what kind of Christmas activities we could do?"
He raised his nose up and his chin up for a few seconds as he considered his options and finally moved his head back down and turned to look at me. "We could bake Christmas cookies, watch Christmas movies next to the tree, or maybe, oh, I know, we could go caroling!"
"That will not happen, I sing like a cat being choked to death!" I admitted with a laugh.
"That's a weird comparison but okay, no caroling!"
I laughed too and glanced at him, letting my eyes roam on him a bit. He looked classy with his usual long dark coat and his scarf, and I started wondering if he always dressed like that. The truth was, I hadn't seen him without his coat much and it hit me that I didn't know many futile things about him... and I wanted that to change.
"Okay Mimi, ready?" he asked, raising his eyebrows as he sent me an amused smile. "Can you even skate?"
I laughed and rolled my eyes without answering and we put our skates in silence before to get on the ice. I was surprised her could actually skate quite well and turned around, to face him as I kept on skating backwards.
"I took classes." I explained, licking my lips. "When I started living with my parents, they allowed me to try many things, and one of them was ice skating. I also took karate classes, painting classes, piano classes, and even did a year of ballet."
This time, Niall chuckled and raised his eyebrows. I could swear his eyes were sparkling. "Ballet? Why do I have a hard time imagining young rebellious Mimi dancing ballet?"
"Don't laugh! We danced on the Nutcracker!" I pointed out with a grin.
"See? You were always meant to love Christmas!" he let out as I slowed down a bit, allowing him to move a bit closer. "You just have to open up to it!"
I sent him a shy smile and shook my head slightly. I didn't think he really realized how much I had opened up to things since I met him, and it had only been a few days. It was not Christmas that had an impact on me, it was Niall.
I blinked a few times when I noticed his hands. He was holding them in front of me, palms up, the same way he had a few days before, when he warmed mine, and I glanced at them before looking up in his eyes. I wanted to put my hands in his, I really really wanted it. And I was exhausted to fight the things I wanted, I was exhausted to fight my attraction to him. I probably would end up regretting it, in a few weeks, when he'd break my heart, but I would deal with it, right?
I placed my hands in his and as soon as it happened, he smiled wider and pulled on them. It was ridiculous to feel your heart beat hard against your rib cage just from someone's touch but it was happening and instead to take my hands back, I squeezed his fingers tighter and let him lead. It was weird not having control, and scary at the same time, but anyway, that's pretty much how I had been feeling in the past few days. Every since I had met Niall, I felt like it was him who controlled me. He seemed to be everywhere I'd go and he was invading my thoughts. I was still trying to let go but I was holding on to the control I took years to build for myself.
I laughed when he made me turn and almost tripped, making him chuckle too. I don't know how long we skated but when we stopped, I couldn't take the smile off my face. I tried to catch my breath as we put our boots back on and walked away. His cheeks were red and I guessed that so were mine.
We walked to his car and he offered that I left my skates on his back seat. I didn't ask why even if I really wanted to, so much that I felt my tongue and throat burn slightly from keeping the question in. I followed him to a street and my eyes roamed on all the Christmas decorations around. He kept quiet for a few minutes and after a while, he slipped his hand in his pocket and took a small box out.
He grabbed it with both hands, looking down at it as we kept walking very slowly, and finally sighed. "I know you hate gifts but.. here."
I stopped dead in my track and my eyebrows raised when he handed me the box. I glanced up at him, then looked back at the box before pressing my lips together. Should I really accept a gift from a man I barely knew?
"Please." he asked in a gentle tone. "It's nothing expensive, but I bought them at the toyshop, I think they could be useful for you."
I frowned, suddenly curious on what could be in the box and without thinking, I quickly opened it. My lips parted and I chuckled very low as I stood there, staring at a pair of heart shaped sunglasses. I frowned and look up before raising my eyebrows at him. He was smiling and he shrugged.
"Try them." he proposed, making me frown again. "Please."
I took the glasses and he grabbed the box to help me as I felt my heart beat faster in my chest. I desperately wanted an explanation but I didn't want to ask. It took while before i put the on and when I did, It brought a big smile on my face and I chuckled again. Every single light around was now surrounded by a heart-shaped halo of the same color, except the white and yellow ones who were rainbow colored. I laughed a bit more and turned on my heels to glimpse at every single light in the street, whether they were Christmas lights or street lamps.
"This is... okay this is so cool." I admitted with an other chuckle.
It took a few minutes for me to finally take them off and the first thing I saw was Niall's fond smile, looking at me. I took a step closer and tilted my head, noticing his eyes following me. I don't know how he did that, but whenever he looked at me, I felt special, like I was the only person worth looking at.
"Maybe if you start seeing hearts around you, it'll help you believe in Christmas magic." he explained in a murmur. "Maybe you'll even allow yourself to fall in love."
"Fall in love?" I repeated just as low, raising my eyebrows. I wanted to say it would never happen but I was not so sure about it anymore and at the same time, I didn't know if I was really ready. "I doubt that."
He shrugged both shoulders and licked his lips. "You never know, Mimi."
"Thank you, Niall. I'm so sorry I don't have any gift for you." I confessed, feeling bad but making him smile.
"I thought I told you that you were my magic, Mimi." he repeated, bending down slightly closer, so close i could feel his warm breath on my cheeks. "You're my gift. And I'm determine to give you a very merry Christmas."
"Mmhm, how am I doing?"
I laughed and shook my head slightly at how endearing he was. I liked him. I really liked Niall Horan, and when I saw his smile again, I knew I was fucked.
"Great, actually, you're doing great."
I don't know my heart started beating so hard that I was starting to be dizzy. I could feel him thump in my chest, echoing in my ears and my head. If I wanted, I could move a few centimeters and press my lips on his, but if I did that, it would change everything. I couldn't remember the last time I kissed someone I liked that much and I didn't want to ruin this. I didn't want to allow him to hurt me. I didn't want to allow him to reject me. I breathed in and smiled more but took a step back.
"Well, it's time to go home." I just pointed out with a shrug.
"It's a bit late, maybe." I could swear I heard sadness in his voice but didn't mention it.
We were almost at my car when he started talking again, making my heart skip a beat. "Do you have something planned tomorrow?"
I turned to him and raised my eyebrows, trying to remember if I was busy on the next day. It was the 23rd and I was definitely not busy. Something suddenly invaded me, like some ecstatic feeling at the thought of spending more time with him, and I just shook my head.
"No, i'm free."
"So, there's this party, you know, the one I told you about? A few friends, few family members, including my mom... I thought maybe, you could be my plus one?"
My jaw dropped at his proposition and I blinked a few times as he scratched the back of his head with a shy smile. I hadn't seen Niall shy much but he clearly was embarrassed to ask and I was not sure why.
"And what are you gonna tell them when they ask who I am?" I wondered with a grimace, feeling suddenly bad at that thought. "Oh hey, this is Mimi, the girl I got drunk with in a hotel room during a snowstorm!"
Niall laughed and shrugged again before pushing both his hands in his pockets, his lips curling slightly on the left in an amused smile. "How about, this is Mimi, I got her for Christmas."
My eyes opened more and i slapped him friendly on the arm as he burst into laughter, moving slightly trying to escape my hand.
"That literally makes me sound like a prostitute!"
"Relax!" His laughter was contagious and I let out a chuckle too, not able to stop a smile to draw itself on my lips. "I'll just tell them we're friends, no big deal."
"I don't know, Niall." I argued with a small grimace. "I told you, I'm not a people person."
"How about you take the night to think about it?" he suggested again, his eyes roaming quickly on my face. "Perhaps you'd want to come to my apartment tomorrow afternoon. We could bake Christmas cookies."
The thought made my heart stir in my chest and I pressed my lips together, trying not to smile too much, without much success. What the hell was this guy doing to me? Would I really accept to a cheesy Christmas activity with him just because he was the prettiest and the sweetest man I had ever met?
"Maybe, I guess I'll text you tomorrow?"
My answer seemed to satisfy him and he smiled more before nodding. "I'll wait for your text message, then."
"Thanks again, Niall, for the gift." I whispered loud enough for him to hear.
"You're welcome."
I placed my hand on his chest and gripped his coat gently for a few seconds before getting back to my senses and clearing my throat. I took a step back and shrugged, still staring at him.
"I guess we will have to see each other anyway since my skates are in your car."
"See? We're meant to spend tomorrow together!"
As an only answer, I giggled like an idiot and turned around, reaching my car and unlocking the door.
"Goodnight Mimi."
I looked up at him, noticing that because of the angle of the street, his head was right under a street lamp from my point of view and quickly, I put the sunglasses back on my nose. A rainbow-colored heart appeared over his head like some sort of halo and my lips curled. I brought my hands in front of me, using them to make a heart around his face, looking at the portrait in front of me. He was gorgeous and I felt my heart skip a beat when I realized that the sunglasses seemed to work : maybe I was allowing feelings to take over. Feelings for him.
"Goodnight, Niall."
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Scales and Scars (Part Seven)
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Aizawa-Yamada [Y/n] - Given quirks through experimentation, thus their quirks are ‘Artificial’ and not considered ‘true’ quirks
First Quirk: Shadow Manipulation
Uses: Shadow manipulation allows the user to travel almost like teleportation from shadow to shadow by ‘sensing’ the shadows around the user. User is able to control the shadows and form objects. User can change the density of shadows. user also has excellent night vision.
Drawbacks: User experiences flashes of coldness from the presence of shadows, and if holds onto a shadow for too long will begin to develop frost bite.
Second Quirk: Dragon Shift
Uses: User can shift into a dragon, varying in size, and breath fire when in Dragon Form. It is a full shift, and user can not half-shift. Impressive strength in Dragon Form. Excellent vision and sense of smell. Large talons and teeth can break through almost any material.
Drawbacks: User cannot form coherent/rational thoughts while in dragon form and reverts to an animilistic and bloodthirsty mindset.
a/n:Get Ready... Italics are flashbacks
Word Count: 1909
Pairings: Eraserhead(AIzawa) X PresentMic(Hizashi), Reader X Class1A (Will have multiple endings for pairings)
Warnings: Yelling, Swearing, Panic Attacks, Flash backs, Mentions of death
Prologue / Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six
Your own battle trial was short lived. Having Ashido on your team, against Aoyoma and Toru was ridiculously easy. You had captured the bomb in the first three minutes.
That evening, back at home, you collapsed on the living room floor and cuddled with Inu and Hund. 
“What’s wrong Lil’ Listener!?” Your Pa’s voice was loud even without his quirk, making your groan.
“I hate Teenagers.” You grumbled into the carpet. Inu punctuating your statement with a meow.
Hizashi laughed, “You sound just like Shou!”
Lifting your head to give your Pa a deadbeat stare you missed your dad rounding the couch just to steal Hund from where he was sitting on your back.
Whirling up so that you were sitting, you gaped at your Dad, “Hey!”
Shouta shrugged, sitting on the couch petting Hund who was purring up a storm, “Your loss Problem Child.”
You pouted, “You called Midoriya Problem Child to.”
Shouta groaned, “Don’t remind me. That kid is going to be trouble.”
“Why didn’t you expel him then? I know you would’ve if you thought he didn’t have potential.”
You cradled Inu in your arms, staying on the floor as Hizashi collapsed onto the couch beside his husband.
And you knew you wouldn’t get an answer.
Sighing deeply, you stood up, “I’m going to my room. Call me when Dinner’s ready?”
Your Pa waved lazily at you as Inu went to his lap.
Shaking your head fondly at your cat’s tactics and your dad’s, you shut your bedroom door and grabbed your phone.
Somehow Ashido had managed to grab everyone’s number and made a class Group Chat. Which was already hell in a handbasket.
Before opening that one, you sent a message to Shinsou.
Kitten: My Cats have betrayed me.
Zombie: ???
Kitten: They chose my father’s over me
Zombie: So...same thing as everyday?
Zombie: Whatever you say Kitten
You felt heat rush to your cheeks at his last message. Even though you had changed your screen name to Kitten, it felt… different, when other people call you that.
Switching over to the group chat, you scrolled up a bit to see what was happening before joining in.
Alien: And then they just popped out and screamed ‘Hot and ready!’
Engines: Ashido, I beg you. Please stop telling us these stories.
Ghost: I don’t know Iida-kun, I find it quite funny
Alien: Aww thks babe
MOMo: I find I agree with Iida, we’ve barely met each other. 
Pikachu: That’s why this chat is a good idea! We get to know each other outside of the classroom
Shark: Yeah! It’s super manly!
Kitten: You all are going to give me a headache, I can feel it
Alien: OMG Yamada is that you!?
Ghost: That screen name is adorbs!
Kitten: … Thank
Shark: They got jeana!
Tape: What the hell happened to bakugou?
Bomb: Shut up you extras!
Kitten: You cant call pple extras asshole!
Zombie: Kitten has claws
Engines: As entertaining as this is, I suggest we get ready for sleep for tomorrow.
Turning your phone onto silent, you got ready for dinner.
After eating and petting your cats, you crawled into bed. That night, your dreams were a kaleidoscope of Burning Rubies, Yellow sunsets, Black Feathers, and hazy purple smoke.
The next day, you skipped into the classroom, surprised to see a lot of your classmates already there. It had been hard to get into the school due to all the reporters outside hounding the students about All Might.
“Hey Yamada!” Ashido flung herself onto you, clinging like a koala, “Join us!”
And you found yourself being dragged over to Kirishima’s desk where Tape arms, Pikachu and Bakugou were standing.
Ashido finally let go of you, but stayed close to your side. Smiling widely, she announced, “Guys! I brought [Y/n]!”
Tape Arms smiled and held out his hand, “Sero Hanta.”
You shook his hand, smiling back,  “Yamada [Y/n] but I tell everyone to call me [Y/n].”
You looked over to see Bakugou and Kirishima both looking slightly flustered. Before you could wonder more about that, you found your arm being yanked yet again as you were dragged to your desk.
“Hi ‘Toshi!” You smiled brightly up at the purpleinette.
He grunted, the shadows under his eyes telling a story of a restless night.
“Morning Class.” The silence was sudden and slightly unsettling as everyone flung themselves into their seats and sat at attention as soon as the door opened to reveal Aizawa.
You stifled a giggle. Your father sounded like he would rather be anywhere but here.
“Today you have an important task.” He paused dramatically, and you could practically see the waves of tension and fear on your classmates.
With a deadpan stare Aizawa stated, “You need to pick a class representative.”
And the floodgates opened.
“Me! Pick me!”
“I want to do it!”
“I’m better than all you extras!”
“I wouldn’t mind it.”
You sat back in your chair, you had no desire to be class Representative. No desire to deal with responsibilities and Duties.
Aizawa butted into the yelling contest, stopping everyone for a moment, “I don’t care how you choose, you have until the end of homeroom to pick a Representative and a Vice.”
And without, he pulled out his yellow sleeping bag from behind the podium and rolled over to nap.
Iida stood up and began taking control, “We should put it to a vote!”
Kaminara pointed out a flaw, “Wouldn’t everyone vote for themselves?”
Asui piped in with a croak, “We don’t really know each other well enough.”
That just fueled Iida, “That’s why whoever has the most votes would be best suited as it shows their classmates trust and faith in them!”
Uraraka giggled, “You just want the position for yourself don’t you Iida-kun?”
Iida deflated slightly, “I won’t pretend that I do not desire the position, but I still stand that we should vote!”
And with that, everyone got out a piece of paper and the sound of pencils scratching on paper filled the air.
You stared down at your piece of paper and then glanced around the room.
You could think of a few people who you thought would do a good job. 
Yaomomo was steady and would follow the rules by guiding people to them. Iida would be a stickler for the rules and enforce them.
Your gaze swung to the desks before you. There was Bakugou who was brash and harsh, but you knew he cared underneath his hard exterior due to what happened at the battle trial.
There was also Midoriya. You saw how everyone rallied when he put his all into his battle trail. Pushing everyone to try their hardest.
Flickering your eyes to your friends, you thought of Shinsou being the relaxed voice of reason. And Tokoyami being a relief from the seriousness of the Course.
In the end, you decided to go with Bakugo. Knowing he would make sure people followed the rules, by pushing them to be better. 
Writing his name down, you handed it to Iida when he passed.
Aizawa woke up and took the ballots and counted them, and wrote the names and tallies on the board.
And then.
“Who the Hell voted for Bakugo!?”
“I lost. It was my plan but still...no votes.”
“Woah! Deku! You Won!”
You stared at the board.
Midoriya: 4 votes
Yaoyorozu: 3 votes
Bakugou: 2 votes
Aizawa called out dryly, “It looks like Midoriya will be Class Representative with Yaoyorozu as your Vice Representative.
Poor Midoriya looked like a leaf shaking in the wind as he stood before the class.
With Yaomomo looking stoic.
After that, the rest of the day went by fairly fast and before you knew it, it was time for lunch.
As you walked past the table where Ashido, Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima and Bakugou where, you heard Bakugou muttering, “Alright! Which one of you idiots voted for me!?”
Kirishima laughed good naturally, “Bro, I thought you wanted the position?”
Bakugo snarled, “I did, but now I just want to know who was the other person who wanted me to have it.”
You couldn’t help yourself. Balancing your tray of food in one hand, you leaned over Bakugou's shoulder to whisper teasingly into his ear, “Was I wrong to vote for you?” 
Dancing back, you laughed at Bakugou's shout of surprise and the small pops of his quirk from his palms.
Still laughing slightly, you walked to your usual table where Shinsou and Tokoyami already sat.
“Hey [Y/n], what did you say to blasty to make him glare at you like that.” Shinsou asked.
Looking back to the other table, you saw that he was right. Bakugou was glaring at you, his red eyes holding a heat that made you squirm a little in your seat.
Turning back around abruptly, you shrugged and dug into your rice. “ I just told him that I was the other vote for him.”
Tokoyami choked on his water. You patted his back as you waited for him to catch his breath. And then you were met with two disbelieving gazes.
“What?” You tilted your head, confused with their responses.
Shinsou spoke first, “You voted for Blasty?”
Again, you were confused. Squinting your eyes slightly, your answer came out like a question, “Yes?”
Before either boy could open their mouth to ask you more about your choice, a shrill alarm began shrieking through the cafeteria.
“What’s going on!?”
A third year ran past your table, “It’s a level four Alarm! It means someone broke through the barricade!”
Everyone began running, panicked. Everyone, except for you. 
As soon as you heard the shrieking of the alarm, it was like you had been thrown back and were once again five years old. Hearing the shrill scream from the room beside your cell.
Your eyes grew hazy as you fell into the memory.
“Useless! The Quirk is not compatible with its body.”
“Throw them in the incinerator. We can’t have any mistakes or loose ends.”
“No! Please! I’ll be good! I’ll be good! Please! Mommy! MOOOMMYYY! AGHHHHH!”
Your breathing became erratic and without realizing it, you slipped into a shadow and flew across the school until you popped out in the hallway before the teacher’s lounge door.
Falling to your knees, you dry heaved and choked on a sob. Your mind still replaying the sound of the child screaming before the fire cut all sounds from him.
Drawing in a deep breath, you shakily stood on your feet and staggered to the door. You need Aizawa. You needed your dad. You could feel the shift under your skin, Screaming to be released in the presence of danger and your panic.
As your hand reached for the handle, something made you pause. Holding your breath, you felt a rush of cold air tingle over you.
Panic once again surged forward, but you held it back as you struggled to make out the sounds behind the door.
Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.
You knew those footsteps. You had spent nearly five years hearing these footsteps on the floorboards above your head. The incessant scratch of skin. The quiet mutters.
They were back. They had found you. 
Panicking and struggling against your quirk, you did the only thing you could think of doing. You Screamed.
FOREVER Taglist:
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Scales and Scars (BNHA) Taglist:
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rogueariadne · 4 years
To Have A Villain’s Quirk
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Song: Young Folks - The Wind and The Wave
Reporters clamored around the entrance to UA, pushing almost every student that came in to answer questions. While a lot of the reporters were caught up with the other students, Kaida used that to her advantage, slipping through the crowd with her head down. She practically ran past everyone to get inside. She hated the press with a fiery passion. They did nothing but put words in people's mouths, and twist the truth. And she could see by the look on their teachers face, that Mr. Aizawa felt the same. He practically shooed the reporters away as he walked inside, Kaida in front of him as they walked. She was trying to make sure they didn't catch too many of her classmates. Finally up in the classroom, Kaida hummed to herself as she watched the students find their seats, with Aizawa soon entering the room. He was probably out talking to the principle.
    "Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys. I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results. Bakugo. You're talented. So don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?" She could hear the boy in question simply huff in response. "And Midoriya. I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. And don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk. That line's already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while training here. But your Quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it." Kaida was sure that that was the first time that he had actually really complimented the boy. "So, show a little urgency, huh?"
    "And Hiyama." Kaida flinched as she hesitantly rose her eyes to those of her teachers, instantly regretting it. "Not only did you attack a student, you skipped out on combat training. Something that would really be useful for you. While I get that you were trying to protect Midoriya, it wasn't your place and was completely unnecessary. That being said, I want at least a four page essay explaining why you did what you did on my desk tomorrow, and a proper apology to Bakugo and All Might for disrupting class." She bowed her head, nodding quickly.
    "Y-yes, sir!"
    "Let's get down to business. Our first task will decide your future." Kaida held her breath. She was lucky she didn't get detention, but another task to determine if they're still worthy to be here? "You all need to pick a class representative." Oh, good. Just normal school stuff! Kirishima immediately started trying to get people to pick him, followed by Kaminari and the purple haired girl, Jiro. Aoyama also joined, Mina right after, even little grape boy. She was surprised that Bakugo wanted it as bad as he did.
    "Silence, everyone, please!" Iida bellowed, shutting everyone down. "The class representative's duty is to lead others. That's not something just anyone can do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader!"
    "It's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you." Kaida simply rolled her eyes. Isn't it obvious who should be the representative though? Iida really knows what he's doing, she didn't understand why it should be up for debate. Of course, everyone's arguments were true in statement, saying that most people would vote for themselves.
    "Most people will. But that means whoever does receive multiple votes must truly be the most suitable person for the job. It's the best way, right, sir?" He looked over to Aizawa, who was zipping himself up into his sleeping bag.
    "Do what you want, just decide before my nap's over." Some teacher.
    Soon the election results were in. And Midoriya and Yaoyorozu were at the top. Midoriya with three votes, and Yaoyorozu with two. There was a lot of surprise coming from the green haired boy and the angry blond. Sure, Kaida thought that Iida would be a good fit, but that didn't mean she couldn't just vote for herself. She knew she wouldn't get it anyways. Although, it looked like Iida was pretty upset over the results. They pulled the two top students to the class, Aizawa waking from his nap just to give the results they already knew. Poor Midoriya was shaking away.
    "Alright, the class rep is Midoriya, and our deputy is Yaoyorozu."
    "R-really? Uh. It's not a mistake?" She was sure Izuku was going to explode from nervousness, and everyone was looking at him in confusion. Yaoyorozu just seemed a little annoyed. Everyone started to get behind the idea though. Except the boy who suggested the voting system. Kaida rested her cheek against her hand, watching the exchange. Soon, it was lunch time, and Kirishima and Kaminari stopped by Kaida's desk with their usual grins.
    "Hey, Kai, wanna join us for lunch?" Denki asked, both boys stuffing their hands in their pockets as they waited for the girl to respond. Mina peeked her head around their figures with a smile.
    "Hey, guys! Mind if I join?" The pinkette joined the trio, standing beside them with her hands on her hips. Kai's eyes widened a bit as she looked between them before a smile started to form on her face. Friends. Standing up, the smile only grew as she nodded her head.
    "Sure, let's all go together!" Mina grabbed Kaida's arm, squeezing her close to her as she pulled her out of the room, the boys quickly following with shouts of protest. Hiyama's face exploded into a dark red at Mina's forwardness, looking to the blond for help. Both of the boys just watched with small chuckles coming out, Denki just shook his head, basically telling her she was on her own. She let the girl drag her along, Kaminari and Kirishima walking on either side of them, listening to the conversation they were having. She tried to keep up, giving small inputs, but mostly laughing at their behaviors. She loved how friendly and accepting they were of her, going as far as asking her to join them for lunch.
    Lunch was spent getting to know each other mostly, but finding out that Kirishima and Mina already knew each other from Middle School. Kaida was hesitant to open up but mostly mentioned a little of her family, and how she went to school with Bakugo and Izuku. It started getting more into their hobbies and the things they liked and disliked. It was weird for her. The only other person she told this stuff to was Izuku, but it looked like they were gaining different friend groups, but still being friends since they were in the same class. It was honestly kinda nice having different friends, in her opinion. It showed just how dependent they had become on one another. While Kaida and Denki were watching Mina and Eijiro talk excitedly about something, the two throwing in their two cents every now and again, an alarm bell started ringing. It sent everyone on edge, jumping in surprise.
    "Wh-what's going on?!" Ashido shouted, Hiyama quickly jumping up, along with Kirishima. A robotic announcement came over the intercom, causing the four to exchange worried looks.
    "Warning. Level Three security breach. All students please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion." They gasped, looking around as all of the students started to take off into the halls. Everyone was yelling and screaming in fear, trying to escape the building, while Kaida quickly activated her quirk, wrapping her tails around the other three's waists.
    "Kaida, what are you doing?" Kaminari asked, raising his hands a bit as they stared at her back. The tails had caused her undershirt to come untucked, letting them loose as she moved away from everyone, raising her friends out of the way. They would get trampled at this rate. She quickly led them around the people, using an extra tail to hold onto the rafters away from everyone. It was the only way they wouldn't get trampled. So, when the crowd was mostly gone, she lowered them back down to the ground, dropping herself next to them. "Whoa, thanks Kai!"
    "That could've been a disaster."
    "Look outside, there has to be something everyone's not seeing." She said, the four of them running to the windows.
    "It's just the press!" Mina called out, hands pressed against the glass.
    "Really, that's it?"
    After the fuss was all over, and they all returned to class, Yaoyorozu stood up, Midoriya following her to the front of the class. Midoriya was back to being a mess over being class rep, but she gave him a quick smile and a nod. He glanced at her after he was done stuttering, taking a small breath. "First, there's something that I wanna say. I've thought a lot about this. And I think Tenya Iida should be our class rep! He was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line. So, I believe that he should be the one leading our class from now on!" Kaida looked down as she smiled. Iida was going to get the position anyways, they should've known.
    "Yeah, you know what? If Midoriya vouches for him, I'm good. Plus he was a big help. He totally manned up and took charge, right?" Kirishima chimed in, Kaminari nodding his head in agreement.
    "Yup! Oh! Did you notice he looked like the dude on the emergency exit signs when he was on the wall earlier?" That comment caused the four friends to giggle before Aizawa called it a waste of time. It shut them right up.
    "I don't care who the rep is, just hurry up."
    "If Midoriya is nominating me for this job... then I humbly accept. I pledge to carry out the duties of class rep to the best of my abilities!" Iida stood up, proudly proclaiming. Kirishima gave him a thumbs up.
    "Sounds good, Emergency Exit!" Cue the giggles, with Kaminari joining in. "Emergency Exit Iida! Don't let us down, man!"
    It was an ordinary night when she got home, spending a lot of missed time with her family now that they were all back together. Kaida did spend most of the night writing out her essay for Aizawa and writing proper apology letters to All Might and Bakugo. She was nervous to give her letter to Katsuki. Why? Because she was sure he was just going to rip it up in front of her and tell her to get lost. She was prepared for it. Nearly midnight, she as finally finished with the papers, putting them neatly in her folders in her bag. Hardly getting any rest that night, she felt like a zombie in the morning, fueling up on flesh and coffee before she was off to school. She held her folder in her hands, ready to hand the papers in. She had entered the school grounds when she saw him, slouched over and grumpy as usual. She took a deep breath before she sped up her walking. "Katsu! Wait up!" He merely grunted as he slowed down, turning a little. He saw the folder and rolled his eyes.
    "If you have that stupid apology letter, don't bother. S'not like you meant it. Just throw it out." He said, starting to walk again. She huffed and ran to stand in front of him, making him growl. "Get out of my way, Red."
    "Please, you don't have to read it. Just accept it so I can tell Aizawa I gave it to you. That's all I'm asking." She bowed a little as she held out the paper to him. He scoffed, snatching the paper from her, gripping it tightly in his balled fist.
    "Tch, fine, whatever." She let herself finally breathe as he walked away from her, her smiling a little. One target down, two more to go.
    Entering the classroom, she quickly laid her essay on Aizawa's podium, taking her seat as the day commenced. She could see him nod in satisfaction as he skimmed over it. He set it aside as classes began. When training rolled around, everyone seemed pretty pumped up about it. "Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."
    "Sir! What kinda training is this?" Sero called out, everyone looking to Aizawa for answers. He held out a card.
    "Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that." He explained.
    "Disasters, huh? Sounds like we're in for a big workout." Kaminari said, Ashido joining in happily. Kirishima seemed pretty excited about it, and some other students joined in.
    "Guys, I'm not finished yet." That shut everyone up for the time being. "What you wear in the exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes... but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities. This special training's at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready." Immediately, everyone was up, Kaida was first to grab her case, waiting for Mina so they could walk together to the changing room. They talked, well, Mina talked, Kaida mostly listened, while they got dressed, some of the other girls joining in with how they were going to be doing the rescue training. Soon, they were all gathering outside while they waited for the bus. It wasn't long before Iida was calling them to gather around.
    "Using your student numbers, form two neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently." He shouted, blowing a whistle as he went. Kaida couldn't help but giggle a little bit, Mina laughing along with her. No way anyone was going to do that. They wanted to sit together. Besides, when they boarded, it had a more open layout than they were expecting. Mina promptly called Iida out on needed to chill as they rode along. Kaida ended up seated in between Mina and Kaminari. The mustard blond took that chance to get to know her more. She didn't try to give him too much to work with, and it ended with him calling her a mystery and shooting her a wink. It made her roll her eyes, but her face was slightly pink as she looked away from him, Mina taking her attention now. Of course, the back and forth between the rest of the class and Bakugo caught her attention, causing her to laugh at Kaminari's comment.
    "Y'know, we basically just met you. So, it's kinda telling that we all know your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage." He shrugged, and it sent Kaida into a small fit of giggles as Bakugo yelled.
    "You're gonna regret the day you applied to this school, you loser...! And stop fucking laughing, Red! I'll kill both of you!" She only stuck out her tongue to anger him more, giggling with Ashido as she joined in, the two teasing him.
    "Hey, hey, we're here. Stop messing around." Aizawa said, standing from his seat. There was a chorus of 'yes sir's as things quieted down a little, everyone looking out the windows to look at the dome like building. As they left the bus, the rescue hero, Thirteen was waiting for them. Thirteen was an amazing hero, and just seeing them in person made her almost as giddy as Midoriya. They were one of her favorite heroes! Entering the dome, she was in awe. It was amazing! There were so many areas to simulate rescue operations, to train in environments you're not used to. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she looked around, a big grin forming on her face.
    "A shipwreck. A landslide. A fire. A windstorm. Et cetera-- I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. But, you can call it, USJ!"
    "Hey, shouldn't All Might be here already? Lemme guess, he booked an interview instead." A smartass comment came from Aizawa, questioning All Might's whereabouts. Thirteen closed in and said something but she couldn't hear them. She was too busy in awe. Aizawa turned back around to face the group. "The clock's ticking. We should get started."
    "Excellent! Before we begin, let me just say one thing. Well, maybe two things. Possibly three, four, or five..- Listen carefully. I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful Quirk. It's called Black Hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust." They explained. Midoriya quickly chimed in as Uraraka bounced beside him.
    "Yeah, you've used Black Hole to save people from all kinds of disasters before, haven't you?"
    "That's true, but my Quirk could also be very easily used to kill." Kaida flinched as it reminded herself of her own quirk. "Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous." She felt as though Thirteen was looking right at her. Of course, all of the faculty members knew about the drawbacks of Hiyama's quirk. "In our superhuman society, all Quirks are certified and stringently regulated, so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly. Even if you're trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone." The girl put her head down. "Thanks to Aizawa;s fitness tests, you have a solid idea of your Quirk's potential. And because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against other people. Carry those lessons over to this class. Today, you're going to learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that's what being a hero is all about. Ensuring the safety of others. That's all I have to say. Thank you so much for listening." As they finished talking, they bowed, the class erupting into a cheer for them. Kaida even clapped a little bit.
    "Right. Now that that's over..." Aizawa started, before electricity started to crackle through the buildings lights, the fountain in the middle of the dome sputtering before it looked like it started a type of swirling motion. A purple vortex was taking over in front of it, Kaida stepping forward as Aizawa began to turn around, realizing that something just wasn't right. The purple vortex erupted across the ground, and they could see a hand starting to reach out of it.
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Under Pressure, Chapter 7
Word Count: 2,015
Rating: M/E
Link to previous chapter: https://fictional-affliction.tumblr.com/post/187929692300/under-pressure-chapter-6
The dam had broken and Duncan and Courtney couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. For the past week, any time they could get alone was spent kissing which turned into touching which turned into sex. They couldn’t get enough of each other, which is how they found themselves in a school stairwell with Courtney’s back up against a wall.
“I can only be gone one more minute before it looks suspicious.” Courtney warned, out of breath from their make out session. She left English class under the guise of needing to use the bathroom. That alone was suspicious because she never left in the middle of a class, but Duncan had texted her wanting to meet up and she couldn’t say no. She hadn’t seen him since last night which felt entirely too long.
“We can do a lot in two minutes.” Duncan slipped his hands down her  back and squeezed her cheeks. Courtney tangled her hands in his hair and hitched a leg around his waist.
Sneaking around was easily the most fun she’d ever had. It wasn’t that they weren’t going to tell their friends and family eventually, they just wanted to keep it between themselves for now and away from prying eyes. Besides, the secrecy and danger of being caught was hot.
“Okay times up!” Courtney playfully pushed on his chest not really bothered that he didn’t move.
“Nope.” Duncan refused and kept kissing her. She was trapped between him and the wall and was too giddy from his kisses to make a better argument.
“Dunkyyyyy.” She drew out and pouted.
“You’re lucky you’re so damn cute.” He backed away but still loosely held his arms around her.
“Come over tonight?” As Courtney disengaged she kissed him on the cheek. He gave her a look that said that he obviously was going to sneak into her room like he did almost every night.
“Go back to class nerd.” She backed away with her tongue stuck out at him until he was no longer in sight.
Courtney was practically skipping down the hallway with how happy she was. She forced herself to slow down to a normal walk when she got back to English class. No one is that happy after using the bathroom.
Everyone was journaling independently when she returned which made it easy not to draw attention, but her professor stopped her before she made it back to her desk.
“See me after class.” Mrs. Smith told her ominously. The older woman didn’t give away any clue about what the reason could be. Usually when Courtney was asked to be seen after class it was for praise, or to see if she was interested in an essay writing competition. Her foot shook as she counted down the minutes until the bell rang and tried to convince herself that everything was fine.
A feeling a dread washed over her as she gathered her things and stood next to Mrs. Smith’s desk.
“You wanted to see me?” Courtney asked politely with all the optimism she could muster. The professor didn’t look up and flipped through her test booklets until she found Courtney’s. She flipped open the cover to reveal the number sixty-eight in the teachers handwriting. Courtney’s heart stopped.
“This is the grade that I should give you.” Mrs. Smith said sternly with disappointment, while pointing at the shameful mark. Then she closed the booklet and handed it to her.
“But seeing as you are one of my best students and it is out of character for you to  perform this poorly, I will let you rewrite the essay.” Courtney began to breathe again.
“I’m so sorry I let you down, thank you so much for the opportunity, I don’t know what went wrong-” She rambled on.
“The highest grade that I can give you is a B. It’s not fair to other students to give you a second chance.” Courtney nodded solemnly, accepting the stipulation. It was better than nothing. “Have it back to me by tomorrow morning.”
“I will, thank you, again.”
The work began to pile on after that and by the time she made it to last period Courtney had calculus, chemistry, and history homework to do tonight; in addition to her essay rewrite.
She was so on edge. Courtney spent her lunch period in the library to get a jump start on her homework and worked diligently, while ignoring an urge that had started building as soon as she had gotten her essay grade. Usually she could hold off at least until she got home to punish herself, but the urge kept nagging at her.
“Are you okay?” Courtney shook herself from her thoughts and turned to Trent. It was her last class of the day, orchestra, the class that she always looked forward to but now was too distracted to enjoy it.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Courtney insisted, pushing away his concern. She loosened her grip on the violin string she had been tightening and gave him her full attention. “What were you saying?”
“The campaign? You still want to run together as President and VP, right?” Trent asked. Shit, how could she completely forget that it was time to run again? The thought of all the posters, pins, and the speech she had to work on, crashed down on her. She faked a smile.
“Of course! I’ll send you some ideas later.” Trent have her a strange look. “You better get to band before class starts!” She said in a too chipper voice.
The band and orchestra rooms were next to each other so Trent would pop over sometimes to talk. From the look on his face he didn’t buy her brushing him off.  
“You know if you ever need anything-”
“Got it!” She cut him off. He sighed, knowing that there was something she wasn’t telling him, but left for his class.
“Let’s go from the top of the new piece.” Courtney’s orchestra teacher instructed and they readied their instruments. Courtney placed her bow against the strings. When in doubt, her violin was her saving grace. Music was something that came so naturally to her, and she could get lost in playing. This is what she needed.
Halfway through the piece she still had yet to relax. The tension in her neck traveled to her shoulders, down her arms and to her hands. She closed her eyes since she already knew the notes, and tried to breathe evenly. Her brows furrowed when she kept failing to get control of herself, unconsciously pushing harder and harder on the violin’s strings. Just as her frustration hit its peak one of her violin strings snapped and hit her across her cheek.
The orchestra teacher stopped conducting, causing a discordant sound before the instruments stopped playing.
“Sorry, I think I tuned it too tightly.” Courtney admitted, slightly embarrassed. It had been a long time since she had a string break.  She took such pride in keeping her violin in tip top condition.
“Courtney are you all right?” Her teacher looked on with concern for his first chair violinist.
“I’m fine, I have an extra string in my case.”
“You’re bleeding.” Courtney raised her hand to her face and when she pulled it back there was red smeared on her fingers.
“Please go to the nurse and have it looked at.” Begrudgingly Courtney left the classroom but didn’t turn down the correct hallway that lead to the nurse’s office. Instead she entered a bathroom to assess the damage herself.
Her reflection wasn’t much different than normal, sans a thin slice that indicated had it been an inch higher, the string would have hit her in the eye. Courtney wet a paper towel to clean away the blood and dapped at the cut.
She flinched at the sting of an open wound, but held up the compress again.
Slowly she pressed against the cut once more, and added more pressure. Her teeth grit at the pain but she didn’t let up. When she couldn’t take it anymore she pulled away and caught her breath. As she inspected the cut in the mirror again, a sense of relief washed over her. The release the pain gave was almost euphoric. The urge that had been nagging her all day, satiated.
Duncan shifted and pulled a notebook from under his back where it was digging in, then shifted again to push away the markers that were on Courtney’s bed.
“Campaign ideas.” Courtney explained while pulling down his pants. She worked non stop since she got home from school and when Duncan showed up around ten o’clock she was begging for a break and to blow off steam.
“How are you gonna convince me to vote for you?” Duncan dropped smug grin as Courtney’s mouth hovered over his hard cock.
“I have some really persuasive tactics...” her breath teased him  “and I think you’ll like my approach to handling hard topics.” She held her position, her mouth barely touching the tip.
“You’ve got my vote.” Courtney smiled seductively and gave him the relief he was aching for.
Later, Duncan had his arms around her back as she straddled his hips as they basked in the afterglow. Courtney being on top was proving to be one of Duncan’s favorite positions. She was so sexy when she took control and he loved being able to have his hands free to roam over her body and take in how gorgeous she was.
“I have to work on my essay, but you can sleepover...” Courtney kissed his forehead.
“Stay with me.
“I can’t.” She grumbled and rolled off of him before she changed her mind. She put on his discarded shirt.
“You look good in my clothes.” This part of their relationship was still new, so when Duncan said things like that to her she had to kiss him for being sweet.
“I think so too.”
--- The light tap on her door startled Courtney. She was putting the final touches on her essay and was completely in the zone that she jumped at the noise. At first she panicked because she thought maybe one of her parents had come to check on her. She would be in an unfathomable amount of trouble. Not only was she up at two am on a school night, but a very naked Duncan was asleep in her bed. They weren’t exactly his biggest fans.
Instant relief washed over her when the tapping started again and she realized it was coming from the door to the conjoining bathroom. Courtney crossed the distance and opened the door just a crack.
“What are you doing awake?” She was more harsh with Cate than necessary, but the lack of sleep was weighing on her.
“I saw the light on under your door...besides, you guys aren’t as quiet as you think you are.” Courtney’s eyes widened at Cate and she tried to recover quickly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Cate didn’t buy it and pushed the door open wider to reveal Duncan asleep in Courtney’s bed, the sheets arranged on his waist to hide anything explicit.
“Mom and Dad would kill you if they knew he was here.”
“They aren’t going to find out.” Courtney threatened and stared her down. Cate sighed and crossed her arms.
“I’m not going to tell them.”
“Great. Now go to bed.” Courtney started to close the door.
“What?” Courtney hissed. Cate face started to break into a grin.
“Duncan and Courtney sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-” Courtney closed the door in her face, promptly cutting her off, and locked it.
Feeling that her essay was sufficient, she printed it off, her eyeballs burning. Then she climbed in bed on top of Duncan and snuggled into his chest. He always cuddled back into her instantaneously, surrounding her in his embrace.
As Courtney drifted off to sleep she planned out the rest of her week. She could do this, she could balance it all. She might never sleep again though.
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nikatyler · 5 years
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Felt like doing some replies the ~ old fashioned ~ way. I should be packing, but I don’t wanna. One good thing about this semester is that I don’t have classes on Monday morning, which means I don’t have to go to Prague on Sunday. But I’ll be once again going home late on Friday -_- Oh well. Maybe I could skip the lecture every once in a while to go home on Thursday afternoon.
I’m scared. Not really of what I’ll have to learn because I know that even if it’s difficult, I’ll probably get it in my brain in the end. Somehow. I’m more scared that once again, I’ll be left alone. I haven’t really found a stable friend group. I mean, I talk to some people sometimes, but I wouldn’t call it a friendship. One friend that I thought I could rely on doesn’t even bother saying hello to me anymore. I don’t know what I did to him, he just stopped talking to me. But maybe it’s for the best. Even when we still talked, I couldn’t believe how judgemental he was, and I often wondered if he talks about me like that too when I can’t hear it. He probably did. Oh well, I’ll see what I can do. I hope I’ll run into someone who is kinda like my best friend from high school.
As for sims stuff, I know I still owe some things to some people and I feel bad about it. You’ll get it eventually. I’m actually looking forward to doing it too. Makeovers are fun. I’d also like to release some more sims, I have one more sim dump and then some old legacy characters I want to share, plus some BC contestants that didn’t make it. They like to get eliminated in the first rounds.
Also, thanks for the comments on my mental health update post. I’ll see how this turns out and if it doesn’t get any better (I’m kinda hoping that better weather brings better mood, it worked before), I’ll start looking for a therapist or something. No offense to my parents but talking to them about this didn’t help in a slightest. They just don’t get it. And I swear I’m not reverting back to the “I’m an edgy misunderstood teenager” phase. Even though “edgy misunderstood teenager” is an aesthetic I still live for. Whatever that means.
And thanks for the tips on the laptop post. I’ll keep them in mind and I’ll probably ask again when the time comes and I actually buy a new one.
Ahh...I guess that’s it? Replies under the cut. As per usual, they’ll probably be the shorter part of this post, but oh well.
abysims  replied to your photoset  “Let’s find Lilith Vatore some love! In my game, I’ve had Lilith in a...”
Honestly Cassandra and Lilith would be amazing (... In my Glimmerbrook Academy story Cass is actually gonna have a huge crush on Lilith so I'm voting for that, yas!)
Ooooh that sounds great! Also, I’ll have a post announcing the results of the post coming up later, either today or tomorrow, but...spoiler alert: Cassandra might have won ;)
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Simmer - Get to Know”
Lol this thing with Mermaids made me remember that when my friend and I were like 12 years old, a 6-year-old made her a "proposal" and we answered him that she'll marry him when he buys her a house by the sea in Prague
Omg sea in Prague sounds kinda cool, my faculty would be so close to the beach *-* Haha but at the same time it’s kinda terrifying, where would the sea come from? From the north? From the south? Would that mean my home doesn’t exist? Or, actually, considering my town was built on a big hill, would that mean I live on an island? And which part of Prague would be under the sea and which one would stay?
Sorry, I got distracted thinking of this AU where my country actually has access to the sea :D But we used to have it, back in like I think 12th or 13th century. We’re wayyyy smaller now.
amuhav replied to your post “Me, looking up some specs of my current laptop: you're...you're...”
If it's anything like me with my first 'gaming' laptop, the store clerk basically straight up lied to me about how good it was, and I was too young and naive to know better �� sims 3 almost burnt that thing to a crisp ������
Lmao I have a similar story with my first laptop, we were told that it has this super amazing graphic card...and it wasn’t amazing at all, as I later learned when my laptop broke.
amuhav replied to your photoset “Sims Moodboard Challenge I was tagged by @blurrypxls,...”
Oh no... don't make me want to go back to pinterest and do more of these �� They're ADDICTIVE
THEY ARE! I haven’t done much today, but I’ve spent a lot of time there all through this last week.
amuhav replied to your photo “I need to stop. This is more addictive than scrolling through memes....”
Pssst, not to enable or anything, but Picasa 3 has this nice feature where you can take a bunch of pics and it makes them into a nice collage. That's how I made mine, and then used them as my desktop backgrounds ��
I think I’ll use Photoshop, like I do for everything else, but thanks for giving me an idea for my new background! I used to have my sims or some other characters set as a background, but now that I take my laptop to school I feel a bit uncomfortable with that, so since October I’ve had this kinda boring background and I’ve been meaning to change it into something nicer, I just didn’t know what to put there. Now I do.
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Sunset: “How dare you pretend you’re Father Winter?” Father Winter:...”
Holy crap, Sunset is a lot more buff than I ever realized. Those arms! ��
Yup. That’s because she has to get her Athletic skill higher for work. I think her muscle slider might be at max, actually!
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Father Winter: “That’s it! You’re going on my Naughty List. Your...”
How could she not with with muscles like that?? Damn his Christmas magic!
Next time we should just call Caleb. I mean, he defeated Grim Reaper with no problem, surely Father Winter won’t be any more difficult for him!
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Okay, cool. You won’t give us gifts but I have a special one...”
Lmaoooooo, get him, Sunset! ������
He deserves it
asplashofsims replied to your photo “~ daylight”
Cute picture! ♡ I hope you feel better soon and omgg winx club, it's my guilty pleasure for sure hahah all the childhood memories��
I love Winx Club so much. It’s a little ridiculous and the plot holes are terrible (and don’t let me talk about anything after season 4, those are not my Winx D:), but I can’t let it go.
blubrich replied to your post “I forgot how traumatizing Toy Story 3 was ��”
Especially the ending! ��
YES. I remember the whole cinema was crying.
Also, Toy Story always unpacks this weird guilt in me haha. Because as a child, naturally I was like “I would NEVER abandon my toys, I’ll keep them forever!”. And now...they’re in boxes...under my bed and in the basement...some of them I gave away or to my younger sister, who then also gave some away because she’s fifteen now. I still have my plushies and teddy bears in my bed though, it would be too empty without them :D
silverspringsimmer replied to your audio post “(via...”
I love Within Temptation and they got me into heavier music later, too!
I don’t even remember how I found them. I was just bored of the music I was listening to all the time back then, so I clicked through playlists and stuff on Spotify and somehow I landed on their page, I guess. And I immediately fell in love.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your audio post “(via...”
Oh this song was the first song of this bad which I heard! It was also 5-6 years ago.though I do not listen to them often these days.
I think the first song I heard was What Have You Done, which I liked and still like very much, but then I heard this one and went kinda crazy because it just sounded so epic and exactly what my poor slightly depressed fifteen years old soul needed. In one day, I completely switched from pop to metal and it took me a few years to appreciate my old favourite music again. (I know that I say all the time that I’m a Taylor Swift stan, but actually I only really started LOVING her music again last year.)
I’ve always thought that it’s kinda funny that in my Music class, for the first semester I prepared a project about Taylor Swift. In the second semester, that changed, the old pop loving Ronnie was dead, and my new project was about Within Temptation :D But I remember that I was actually upset that day, I chose to show my classmates the video of What About Us and they didn’t appreciate it. And then after me, my other classmate had a project about some singer who had this weird song about getting high. They wanted to replay it. I was so bitter, in my head I was like “this song that I showed you has an interesting meaningful message and you’d rather listen to a song about drugs, how dare you?! You’re absolutely terrible!”
Yeah. I mean, I get it today, but I was so, so bitter.
amuhav replied to your audio post “(via...”
I recently found out they had a new album out (and Nightwish had a new single out too ��) and early 2000s emo teenage me immediately surfaced and threw money at my screen!
Ahhhh I’ve basically had Noise on repeat since it came out, I love it so much! And the video is cool too. I can’t wait to hear the whole album. Nightwish never disappoints, I hope I’ll one day get to see them live. I’ve had a few chances but then it never worked out.
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hoopdiddies · 5 years
I'm Not Over You // Ben Hardy x Reader (Part 8)
A/N: Ayoooo. Hey guys, here's part 8 and I'm so sorry if the previous chapters kind of frustrated you. I didn't really mean for it to but I hope you enjoy this one. I'll be posting 9 tomorrow or the day atfter. Thanks again for your feedbacks, y'all motivate me a lot ^^ ♥ (My Wi-Fi has prejudice against tumblr rn)
Summary: You had always loved Ben ever since you two met in university and became the best of friends. That feeling went out like a candle flame when the two of you parted ways until he re-entered your life...but this time with someone who has already occupied his heart.
Warnings: Angst, bois. ANGST (I cried like a sucker during one part I wrote 😔) mention of blood, yet again drinking, some speckles of fluff, and unnecessary dialogue if you look closely enough :^ I feel like a terrible writer today
WC: 4k I think?
Tags: As always my taglist is always open uwu
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"You look...beautiful." Ben's comment is indeed one thing to start the night. It's not like he's never told you that before–it's just the tone in which he has said it in is...different. A foreign tone never been released from his lips until you. You look up at him through your lashes, giving him a slanted smile accompanied by a bubbly chuckle. "Thanks. You smell nice too."
The corner of his eyes crinkle as his curving lips push them up. As expected, Rosy chimes in between you and Ben almost too quickly, the blurry speed in which she has arrived in making you gasp. "Excuse me, babe. You got interviewers on your tail and I- oh," her brows shoot up upon seeing you, seemingly haughty eyes flicking up and down your outfit in mild contempt.
"Surprised to see you here as well." The smile plastered on her face couldn't be any more forced than it is.
Girl, chill. Anti-aging soaps are not easy to manufacture these days. You begin holding your breath to prevent yourself from bursting into a fit from hearing that thought ring in your head. You shrug, garnering the guts to shift on your heightened stance and lean in an inch close.
"You're not the only one with a celebrity date."
You turn around too early to gauge her reaction, finally exhaling from holding your breath too long. You can finally conclude that she's had an effortless transition from being benign to far from being benign. The smoothest one-eighty you've ever witnessed. You remember her clearly being downright considerate of you the first time you met her yet now is a whole different story. You wonder if she was actually ever considerate.
As the boys and Lucy indulge in brief interviews, you stand behind the scenes and get the first-class chance of conversing with Brian. He's readily the coolest person in the house right now, bantering with you every once in three, fascinating topics. How fortunate are you to be in the spot a million Queen fans would die for but of course, you don't want to leave out Roger who - by a landslide - makes you wish you could wheeze and snort all you want if you weren't in a luxury event such as the Oscars. He seemed intimidating for you at first but as he joined in your talk with Brian, things escalated real quickly.
With the pre-ceremony interviews and the clinking of champagne glasses dampening, you begin hunting for your seats in the theatre.
Before you know it, you are informed that only a specific line of people are given exclusivity for the seats. And it shocks you that Joe, Allen, Ben and Gwilym are not given that card when in fact they were part of the very film that brought forth a new generation of fans.You shake your head disappointingly albeit contented that Rami, Lucy, Brian and Roger and their wives are part of the exclusivity.
Utterly determined to know the results - by Joe's 'sovereign' vote - the rest of you hang around in the waiting area, focusing on the ceremony rights shown on TV. Quietly sitting through the results, you all whoop and applaud at the mention of Bohemian Rhapsody obtaining three awards straight– your cheers amping up a notch as Rami brings home the 'Best Actor' award. Joe begins filming your reactions for Instagram, zooming into Gwilym, Ben and Allen's faces for most of the video. You throw your head back in laughter at how goofy the boys look; a bunch of men in their 30's bouncing up and down with one of them documenting the entire episode. At one point, Gwilym yanks as you in for a group hug, mercilessly crushing you in between their muscles– the disorienting experience now being something you wish you would never undergo again.
As Rami's thank you speech unfolds, you pay attention closely. The sentimentality of him lovingly thanking Lucy for being his anchor after dedicating his award to Freddie Mercury is just overwhelming and you wish you could tear up but your mascara would be waste. You're certain that made Brian and Roger emotional as well.
An hour after the ceremony, you all head down to the Vanity Fair after party in the same limo you had arrived in with every single person in the group eager to get the night progressing. Regardless of saying that these type of parties are not up to your speed, you try to get along with the evening and revel in what you know would be your last night with them. Sadly enough, Roger and Brian had to skip out on this with rough schedules on their hands. The moment they walked out of the place, they spent nearly half an hour congratulating the boys and having other celebrities congratulate them.
As you are seated across Ben and Rosy, you can't help but notice him acting a little distant from her. She's all nuzzled up against his arm and he is nowhere close to returning the favor. He's just...lost in thought, staring out the tinted window. It's still early to assume that in all the hours you were within a close range to them, Ben only ever acted aloof, giving her attention when the situation required it.
Perhaps a lover's tiff took place?
"Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing too." Mimicking your position, Joe calling you back to Earth makes you gasp a little. You close your eyes and look at your fingers blankly after recovering, sighing. "I think we should end all this pretending. It was simply a cop-out in the first place."
"I know," he whispers audibly enough for only you to hear, running his fingers through his fiery, red hair, "you should probably come clean soon enough before you leave."
And that you will. At least, you'll try.
In your defense, you thought the after party would host a fancy banquet but seated around with celebratory drinks -considerable with something classy - and attendees breaking down on the dance floor is a rather okay scene as well. As long as you don't end up like the night you were invited out for a drink with your colleagues, you should be fine for the most part.
The boys and Lucy have fully immersed themselves in the beat of the music while you've decided to remain stationary with one glass of wine, the only glass you'll be having for the rest of the party.
The entire time you gawk at them amusingly as they break out their dance moves, your eyes always find their way to Ben, who makes you snort painfully from all his antics as he moves along with Joe. They're a mess with their ties and buttons undone from all the movement and the sight inspires you to stay put.
But oh dear lord, can Ben dance like an uncle.
Keeping your attention on them, a descending weight sinks down next to you. You pay no mind to whoever it is but do as her voice interrupts your thoughts. "I hope your eye is on the right person, honey." You click your tongue in exasperation, turning your body towards Rosy and her developing, bitchy tendencies, scoffing as you place your drink down to set things straight with her. "First of all, what did I ever do to you to deserve this kind of talk?"
She smacks her lips together at you, simpering. "You didn't think I'd notice?"
"What are you talking about?"
Her almond eyes narrow as if she's trying pin you down with a warning. "Please, don't act like I never noticed. You're overstepping that boundary between you and your best friend- my fiance." Okay, so she's noticed. But your neutralized expression is not going to be giving away anything.
You incline your head to one side in hopes that the facade you're pulling would decompress her suspicion. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Ben is like my brother. "
Grabbing her drink from the table, she sighs and stands up, hands firm on her hips and face silhouetted under the beaming light nevertheless giving you a transpiercing glower in the manner of seeing through the makeshift barrier you've pulled up. "He better be. Try backing off every once in a while when I'm around."
To your dismay, you snap inside, whipping your head up at her and replying sharply to make the message crystal clear. "Rosy, you have no idea." Unable to withstand the atmosphere you're in, you put great emphasis on your words and snatch your drink, walking out to the mini garden to finish what's left of your wine without having to bear being around her.
The question is unadulterated and obvious– bold and italicized if you wish to give it a stretch and clarify it.
Why is Ben still with her?
Is he that clueless not to realize it?
You don't want to pry the answer out yourself but ruminating on it, Rosy pulling off a full one-eighty only when Ben's at an appropriate distance for her to squeeze you between her fingers is just about good as a reason as anything. Your unwavering feelings for Ben are clearly perceived by her– from the way you had reacted the day he introduced you both to each other to not so long ago.
You wonder if Ben ever took heed of her growing attitude towards you.
Finishing your wine in one, immediate, swig, you place it down on the marble surface before you with your fingers cradling the stem of the glass– relishing the spicy liquid flushing down your throat.
At the extent of overexerting themselves, Joe and Gwilym flop down back on their seats like jelly, tuckered out from the unconventional combination of alcohol and unsteady movement. Panting like a dog who had just participated in a marathon, Joe shrugs out of his blazer and tosses it over his shoulder, silently wishing the ice in the bucket that held the bottle of wine would save him from the grinding heat of the wine he had just about five minutes ago.
"Mate, you're deep in the heat." Gwilym comments as it is followed by a gentle laugh on how Joe's glistening in sweat under the dimming lights. He hands him a partially bland look before wiping his forehead with his handkerchief. Lucy and Rami are situated at other end of the place enjoying a chat with another party of people meanwhile Ben and Rosy are nowhere near any of them. Until, of course, they reappear from God knows where and Ben suddenly asks Joe where you've gone.
"I-I don't know." He says after a hefty sigh. Somewhat eager to find you, Ben begins excusing himself from Rosy whom which he has spiked a bitter reaction from for sharing his supposed time for her with you. Fed up and jealous in the slightest, Rosy snaps at him.
"Okay Ben, why do you always have to skip in between minutes to hang out with her even when we're together?"
He pauses from turning around completely and sighs. "She's my friend, babe."
Unwilling to accept his statement, she claims. "Well your friend is getting in the way of what was supposed to be our time together! Can't you set aside a limited time for her?! " This has alarmed Joe and Gwilym but it isn't their business to butt in and stop a quarrel from breaking out. Unless it turns physical, which is doubtful to happen. Ben, a little frustrated but still tolerant of her ongoing skittish behavior, tries to reassure her. "I know that, alright? But something's been bothering her for days and I just want to make sure she's doing alright."
"Can't you leave the worrying to Joe? He's her bloody boyfriend anyway!"
Wagging his forefinger at Rosy, Joe grumbles as he is not having any of her talk, scrunching his brows at her.
Grabbing her shoulders gently, Ben tries to relieve her of tension and assures her once more, but with a well-known fact she obviously still doesn't accept. "Joe's a little drunk. She's like...a sister to me," it really took him an abrupt pause to say 'sister', "besides, you're my fiancee. There's nothing to be jealous about."
"Why does she still have to be a part of your life? Our life?" Now that's a question that has just shifted Ben to a farther side. His brows knit together in momentary disbelief, unable to take her words in a good light. "God, Rosy! She's been around for so long! At least make an effort to accept her!" Like a slap to her conceitedness, Ben turns on his heels and walks out to find you. Leaving Rosy a steaming mess of insecurity.
However slightly drunk, Joe mutters to himself as he makes sure neither Gwilym or especially Rosy hears his words stumble out in a whisper. "You've grown a pair, Ben. You've grown a pair."
You've been outside for nearly half an hour; wine glass empty and your hair, along with the skirt of your dress, drifting along the harmless breeze and the waning moon spilling some light from behind the shaded clouds. Though there were a couple of people that found their way here to get some respite not too long ago, you're just glad to have this space to breathe in from the draining background of the party.
As you lose yourself in thought, a certain voice brings you back to reality.
"Nice night out, huh?"
Turning around slowly, you are met with the cool, forest green irises that you've grown to never tire of seeing. "I'm surprised you're still well-kept in that suit despite the scene back in there. " You give in to a chuckle, your smile pulling Ben to approach your side leisurely. "It's my Oscars suit. Something worthy of protecting."
As he rests his elbows on the surface next to you, the distance between your skins makes you a tad bit anxious. Comfortable silence falls upon you both– for Ben at least, it's tolerable however you're not taking it well, not even in the slightest. You rub your hands together and sigh, prompting Ben to finally ask you.
"You alright? You've been tensing up lately."
You nod, closing your eyes and opening them afterwards. "This dress is just depleting me of bodily warmth." Half a lie told by you. Acting on his thoughts, Ben begins taking his blazer off but you stop him mid-shrug. "Keep it on. You look better with it on."
"This would look better on you, you're obviously freezing." He's really keen on keeping you warm but you're just as so in letting him keep it on. "I'm serious. Keep it on. I'm fine."
What can he do but just give in? When you're serious, you're serious. He lifts his shoulder in half a shrug, ducking his head as an idea flickers in his head like a bulb. He wants to relive something that has been lost through the years and it's only right that he does...now that you have less than a day to disappear from his life completely.
"Y/N..." He muses gently. You raise your brows at him in question, taken by surprise that he has his hand held out to you. Bewildered, you raise your finger to ask what on Earth he's doing. "What- what are you doing?"
He licks his bottom lip and the smile on his face becomes bashful but certain. "What else does it look like I'm doing, silly girl? Asking you to dance."
You're sorry that you couldn't keep a snort at bay. "Pfft. Ben, I think you're asking the wrong girl."
"Just let me dance with my best friend."
"Wow! That's noble of you," your chuckles can not be contained, even so much as restraining yourself from letting the blush spread throughout your face. But he has the fragments of what was once your heart, so why wouldn't you? You slip your hand in his and the grin on his face widens. "There we go. Easy does it." He breathes out, his voice getting gravelly. You hit him softly on his chest for cooing, at the same time realizing that his voice becomes that way only and only when he's nervous– something uncommon between you both. As his hands find home on your waist, you throw your arms around his neck, laughing at how awkward yet funny it feels. What a huge nod to how you danced with him on Homecoming.
"You're so weird sometimes. You got your fiancee, why don't you dance with her?" Getting used to the sting of referring to Rosy, you question anyway. He initiates with a sway before responding. "I already have. But, " he diverts his heavy-lidded eyes from staring off the distance to yours and suddenly, it feels like you're home, "I want to finish that Homecoming dance."
You find yourself speechless as you shift your unflinching gaze at him and he at you, your bodies swaying along the concrete and in perfect sync, coincidentally to the sudden change in music from inside, compared to the bittersweet night you had before the day that parted you both. Thin silence hangs in the atmosphere but only because you are looking at each other in a way you never have in your entire lives.
Instinctively, you break your gaze from his and rest your head on his chest, your hair falling into your face as your eyes screw shut. You hear his heart skip a beat, unusually in the same manner yours always has. Feeling your head follow the rise and fall of his chest tickles you inside– temporarily making you forget about the pain of soon letting him go and producing a sense of safety.
Maybe it's because of exhaustion? You wonder. He doesn't hesitate to stroke your hair and revel in the moment as well, easing you in closer to his body without breaking the sway. "You'll be there on my wedding day, right?" He asks nervously, his question pulling you back to the harshest reality.
You open your eyes slowly, your lips trembling as you let out the saddest sigh, feeling your chest tighten from the anxiety of soon telling him the truth.
"Y/N?" Your tensed-up body alarms him and so he breaks away and lifts your chin up lightly, being met with glossy and regretful eyes. His messy brows drawing together in slight worry. "What's wrong?"
However uneager to push him away, you do, escaping his warm embrace. "Ben, I..."
He's dreading for your answer, painfully anticipating for the best or the worst to the point where his hands are lubricating with sweat.
You swallow the lump that has hardened in the back of your throat, pressing your lips together to prevent a sob from escaping and shunning his prying stare. "I can't..."
Joe's half-assed predicted, worst case scenario is slowly unfolding.
"What are you saying? You're not- you're not going...to be there?"
You bite down on your lip hard enough to make it swell, shaking your head and casting a sideways glance.
Tell the truth. Just tell him and you're either getting a support or another jab to the heart.
"Y/N, please! Tell me why!"
"I'm leaving, Ben!" The words didn't seem to stumble or carelessly flop from your lips, in fact it speared through him clean thereby catching him off guard. His eyes have fallen gravely, lips parted due to shock.
"I got into a medical school I had previously applied for. And I'm leaving," you snap your eyes shut and open them in tears once you've looked up at him, "on your wedding day."
"Why didn't- why didn't you ever tell me?" He's pleading for your explanation, barely clinging on to the belief that you would always tell him things.
You don't answer as you are battling to muster up the courage to say it.
"Y/N, please! You never tell me anything these days! And this- this news, it's important! You're leaving on the day I need you the most, and you never bothered to squeak a word about it! Not a single, bloody word! Why?!" He's racked up with disbelief and apparently, anger. Eyes rimmed, clouded with mixed emotions and face full-blown red from the pressure.
He grabs you by the shoulders and pleads heartbreakingly, his lively voice reduced to but a whisper. "Why..."
"I-" You're still holding back.
"Say it! "
"You'd soon forget about me, Ben!" You inhale sharply as you add, croaks present in your voice while you take two steps further away from him as you lament. "I'm hopelessly in love with you, you idiot! I've always been. I try- I try to brush off every single prick that stems out every minute I realize that you already belong to someone else..."
"I figured not telling you would help me let go. And it's the only way I can...because screw you for being a clueless, irreplaceable bloke! I can't imagine my bloody life without you in it! I don't think I can ever love anybody else...but you, "
You don't let him finish and achingly throw your hands to your chest as a gesture, pounding your chest thrice as you're finally wearing your heart on your sleeve. "I can't blame you for being oblivious to my feelings. You're committed to Rosy...and as much as I want to see you happy, I don't want to stand idly by and- and feel this way when you've pledged your heart to her...I want to forget and for you to forget me," As the warm tears you've held back for so long roll down your cheeks, you hug yourself through the pain, "I want you to be happy without worrying how I'd feel. And disappearing from your life, is the only way I know how..."
"Y/N, please, don't say that- don't do this...you can't do this...you c-can't..." With hands shaking, he strides towards you to haul you in back into his arms but you take an agonizing step away, stopping him in his tracks. "I have to. I...I want to. It hurts so much, Ben. It always has but promise me," even if you have taken a step away, you take it upon yourself to take those steps close to him and cup his cheek with a cold hand, "promise me you'll revel in that happiness. It's going to hurt being away from you. But it's going to hurt even more if I stay. And watch...my best friend grow old with someone else." Finally rendering him wordless, you shake your head and whisk past him back into the party which has died down a bit, leaving him a pondering mess out under the bleak sky.
"How could I be happy without you..."
You'd gladly do anything to go back home right now. The weight of what just took place is crushing you and the need to escape is fuming. But the thing is, Ben was never one to let you go easy.
He never did and possibly never will.
He sniffles and inhales sharply, jogging in after you and calling out your name amidst the constant noise and chatters. "Y/N, wait!"
You reach your table just in time to see everyone still gathered around with drinks raised and laughs released but you have to excuse yourself deliberately. "Y/N? Where have you been? What's the rush?" Lucy notices your hastened movement and places her hand on your tense shoulder. You snap your head at her with your purse in your grasp, shaking your head and apologizing that you have to leave, forgetting to rid your eyes of tears; the sight of you amping up Lucy's concern therefore leading you into her embrace. "Oh my god, are you okay? What happened?"
Ben's distant but audible voice echoing through the place just sends you panicking inside. "I'm so sorry, Luce. I have to go."
"Y/N, wait! What's wrong?"
Just as the rest could react to Lucy calling out for you and Ben dashing past them to catch up, you've already disappeared into the crowd, headed out the theatre to take a cab ride back to the hotel. Relentless to let you go, Ben follows your trail, spurring a quick frenzy from the rest and having them pursue Ben in return. Once you reach the outskirts of the pavements, you don't think twice before crossing the highway with your focus hardened before you.
Gasping for air upon exiting the theatre, Ben glances around in haste and finally spots you marching down the street oblivious to your surroundings despite treading along the pedestrian lane. His eyes widen in dread and acting on a fight or flight reaction, he yells for your attention as he speeds down the street to pull you in or rather save you from a possibility of getting hurt with all the rushing vehicles and careless drivers. "Y/N! Y/N!"
The boys, Lucy and Rosy arrive outside just in time to witness Ben race towards your direction and in a moment of feeling time slow down, you feel your heart in your throat at the late flash of nearing headlights, to add a heavy force propelling you off your feet and onto the other side of the road. What gets you up from the ground are the mixed screams of a familiar bunch and the sight of a bloodied man in white laying unconscious on the cold surface of the road.
White noise suddenly fills your ears instead of your own voice as you scream out his name.
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kitanoko · 6 years
       In which Natsuo meets Yaoyorozu Part 2/2
As requested by @foxxhunter44! the second part for the fic and I just wanna say its been my hc for a long time that todo is scared of horror movies; more of Natsuo teasing Shouto and Momo HEHE once again I had fun writing this and thanks to those who supported the first part :D! 
      Shouto stared at the speck flashing at the corner of his phone and saw a photo of Natsuo’s comical expression appear, replacing the usual picture of Yaoyorozu in his costume. 
        Seems like it’s a phone call from his older brother. MM. Rare.
       “Hello?” The young boy spoke, pressing the phone on his cheek, “What’s up Natsu.”
       “YO,” a playful voice came, “You got to your room already? Showered yet?”
       Shouto tossed the damp towel on his head forward, aiming right beside the vase of purple flowers on the drawer.
      ‘Yes, I just showered.” 
       “Thanks for showing me around today. I had a lot of fun, I’m going to share the video with Fuyumi and Mom in a bit.”
       Shouto could hear rustling on the other side before Natsuo continued. 
       “I guess we haven’t really spent much time together before nor have we ever had ‘guys talk’ before...you know....between two bros...I’d understand if you feel awkward---”
       “No, that’d be nice,” Shouto said abruptly and sat crossed legged on his futon, “We could talk before I head to bed.”
       Shouto had a feeling Natsuo must be grinning from ear to ear. 
       “Cool!” His older brother’s voice raised in pitch, “So...was the demonstrating hard on ya today?”
       “Nope, just like usual,” Shouto determined after a thoughtful second, “Our team worked well together, just that Shouji’s team ended up getting the prize since...” The younger Todoroki let up an almost inaudible sigh, “....since I was overconfident and didn't listen to my teammates.”
       He could imagine Natsuo searching for words.
        “Ah, well you know, you did save Momo-chan after though. I was all like holy shit my brother’s so cool! I was pointing at you, telling everyone we’re related.”
        Shouto rested his chin on his knee and figured he wouldn’t bother correcting him on the whole ‘Momo-chan’ issue. 
       “I was actually wondering if you could help me with something, Natsu.”
       Was he sure he wanted advice from Kaminari the second? Shouto tapped a finger against his foot and pondered as his wet hair continued to soak the back of his V-neck tee.
        “I want to make it up to her, I mean, Yaoyorozu, for making her go through that. What should I do that’s the best?”
      Natsuo made a brief choking noise. 
       “Of course you should take her out and treat her to a relaxing day, my good little brother!” 
      Shouto cocked a brow at Natsuo’s unnatural speech as if he came out of a 1980s musical. And he almost sounded excited?
       “Sure I guess.” The younger Todoroki muttered hesitantly, “Like bring her for lunch or something?”
       “Something simple would do, Momo-chan seems like a simple person. Take her to the theatres, watch a movie, maybe oh I dunno...bring her home for dinner? You know Fuyumi is a great cook!”
      Shouto couldn’t deny that his older sister should’ve been a chef if she had decided against her current career path. Her omelette rice rivaled the ones he had when he was visiting Osaka.
      “Alright, thanks Natsuo, I’ll take your word.”
      “Now go over and tell her in person right now!”
      Shouto wanted to tell his older brother to calm down. “Right now? But its late.”
    Natsuo huffed. “Yes, right now. It’s more sincere. Tell me how it goes. Fuyumi’s calling for me, guess she made some late night snack. Talk to ya later! Good luck!”
       “Uh, okay,” The fire and ice user mumbled into the mic, “See you.” 
      The call had ended. Shouto scratched his head, putting the phone back to the charging station. Guess he had to go find Aizawa sensei first; after all, there were some strict rules in place in the dorms.
      `          The scent of freshly made earl grey tea lingered around her as she lied face first, smothering herself onto the pillow. Yaoyorozu muffled out a sigh, tension releasing from her sore, overworked muscles as Jirou pressed the ‘play’ button on the cracked screen of her phone.
         “Michael Jones’ pianoscapes,” Jirou rested her elbow on her bent knee and said, “your favourite.”
         “Thank you,” Yaoyorozu murmured and stretched both of her arms fervently upwards as if trying to touch the sky, “my mother seemed pretty impressed with me today so I’m very content with myself. But...”
        The clink of Jirou’s tea cup was met with a perplexed expression as she sank further onto the mattress.
        “But my parents wouldn’t stop asking me about Todoroki-san and it’s been bothering me since!”
       The short-haired heroine twirled her earphone jacks loosely and let out a lax giggle. “How DID it feel when Todoroki carried you though? Honest to god, I was really worried about you until I saw him, quite literally, FLY towards you on a bed of ice. SSSZZZHOOOOM.” Jirou zipped a flat palm across the air as if to imitate a takeoff. “It was like a scene from a K drama, you know?!”
         “Jirou-san, you and my parents are sounding awfully similar now.”
         “Hey hey,” the girl sitting opposite of Yaoyorozu raised a finger tenderly, “Just asking out of curiosity, I don’t have any other intention, unless you mean the intention of confirming whether or not you like Todoroki then you’re not wrong.”
        “JIROU UGH PLEASE.” Yaoyorozu agonized as she tossed a beany baby at her best friend. The latter caught it with laughter. “We are definitely not like that, I LIKE HIM AS...”
       “A FRIEND,” Jirou finished for her, while making imaginery apostrophes in the air, “I know your excuses Yaomomo, even his older bro was asking about you two. God how dense are you? And you’re supposed to be the most intelligent one in our class!”        Yaoyorozu scrunched her nose in agitation, “Well I’m going to sleep so stop the....”
      Two steady knocks howled against the door just then and both of the girls uncrossed their legs. It was probably Ochako returning her notes from the second class.
      “Who is it?” Jirou called out.
      “Uh, its Todoroki. ” 
      Yaoyorozu’s mouth pursed into a thin line.
      Jirou turned her head towards the black-haired girl so fast that her earjacks slapped herself in the face.  Oh man, Jirou’s probably cackling victoriously deep inside right now.
     If only I could wipe that shit-eating grin right off your face, Yaoyorozu thought as her best friend started walking towards the door.
      Shouto went silent on the other side as Jirou opened a slight gap, only enough to see his left eye.           “Ooh you’re so dead Todoroki,” Jirou said looking quite proud of herself, “You know you’re not allowed here in the girls’ building.”
      “I got special permission from Aizawa-sensei just now.”
      Jirou stopped the door from widening any further with her knee. “Fine,” she said as she peered through the gap, “what do you want from us, are you here to say how you voted for Yaomomo again ‘cas gees Todoroki you’re getting real sappy nowadays.”
     “JIROU-SAN!!!” Yaoyorozu yelled behind her friend, not leaving the comfort of her bed. This was getting ridiculously embarrassing! Though she and the other girls did do the same when Jirou first got together with Kaminari.
     “Actually I just wanna talk to Yaoyorozu privately,” the boy informed in a nonchalant tone, “but if you two are busy I’ll leave.”
      “Wait!” Yaoyorozu frantically flailed her arms as she tried to slip into her fuzzy socks, “Jirou please give us a moment?”
      The earphone heroine rolled her eyes and released her grip from the doorknob. “You can have all the moments you want. I’ll go shower and get to bed then.” She paused and stared at Shouto who now took a slight step into the vicinity. “Just so you know, Yaomomo and I don’t keep secrets from each other so don’t think I wouldn’t know what’s going on.”
    Yaoyorozu facepalmed and waved her hand, hurrying her best friend to leave them in peace. The latter returned a shrewd scowl and stuck her tongue out before heading out the halls, most likely awaiting the juicy gossip after.
        “Todoroki-san please sit!” The black-haired girl stood up to fix up the nearby chair ridden with unworn clothes. Woops was that a red bra lying around? She quickly pushed it under the covers. 
       “What do you wish to speak to me about?”
       The boy ran a hand through the white side of his hair and tried to hide the fact that he did indeed see that red bra. “Glad you aren’t asleep yet. Guess I should’ve texted you first but I left my phone in the room. I came to... apologize for today.”
      Yaoyorozu tilted her head in a dainty manner. Apologize? For what?
       He wasn’t sure if she was pretending to be confused but he cleared his throat and continued. “For making you hang halfway dead on the edge of a cliff. I take full responsibility, I should’ve accounted for the dangers but I didn’t.”
        “That’s okay,” the girl answered, watching him lower onto the velvet-covered chair, “We all learn from our mistakes. That’s what makes us great heroes!”
       She is so. dang. considerate. It literally HURTS to see her be so naive.
      Shouto forced a smile. “But I still can’t help but feel bad for it. Let me make it up to you somehow? I’m thinking a movie and then dinner at my place?”
      A blush creeped on her face as she curled a loose piece of her pony tail behind her ear. Shouto watched her dark eyes wander.
      “Yeah okay, I’d like that,” Yaoyorozu finally said and took the last sip of her tea, “Ah, where are my manners, I totally forgot to pour you some earl grey tea!”
      Shouto shook his head, pushing himself up from his seat, “It’s okay Yaoyorozu. I’m about to head out. I’ll get the tickets online and meet you tomorrow at the lobby around 2?”
     “Ya sure!” The girl nodded her head earnestly and followed him to the door “I’m looking forward to it!”
     She pressed the door to a close a tad bit too fast when she could no longer see Shouto’s shadow or hear his footsteps, and she bit her lip hoping she hadn’t disturb anyone’s sleep. 
     The girl skipped towards her bed after pinching herself. Ouch. Okay she wasn’t dreaming. Blood once again rushed away from her extremities and she felt numb. Numbingly happy that was! How was she supposed to sleep tonight knowing full well she had a date with Todoroki Shouto tomorrow?
    She kicked her feet up and plopped satisfied onto her plushies, casually throwing one up into the air.
    Tomorrow she’ll have to wake up early and pick something nice to wear.
10:02pm Shouto: I got tickets to A quiet place. some thriller
10:02pm Shouto:  nothing else left so I had no choice.
10:08pm Natsuo: kk good! the theatre on 5th st right? have fun! I alrdy told sis u 2 coming over for din
10:08pm Shouto: ya thats the closest theatre. whats she making
10:09pm Natsuo: she said you have too much soba so shes making tomato and fish roe pasta. come back by 6
10:09pm Shouto: ok ttyl 
         “SIS!!” Natsuo screamed running towards her as she cleaned the dishes, “Shouto’s bringing Momo-chan to watch a movie tomorrow...”
         “You’re not thinking of stalking them are you?” Fuyumi glared at him, “If Shouto finds out you will die a horrible death.”
        The white haired boy pouted. “Aw man but I wanna see what’s gonna happen...I’ll be careful,” he took out his phone in a hurry, “Lemme get a ticket before its all sold out. Aight only one showing for that movie, thank god I dun hafta guess which time.” 
      He made a few taps. “Okay done. Wish me luck sis!”
      Fuyumi rolled her eyes, a look of displeasure etched on her face as she flicked a soap bubble onto her brother’s forehead. “Just make sure you’re back for dinner you idiot.”
       “Yaoyorozu, you ready to go?” 
       The fire and ice user had arrived exactly at 2pm but the girl awaiting him had gotten there even earlier. His heterochromic eyes did a casual up-down that she hadn’t notice; he quite liked the outfit she had on today--a plain navy blue top and a long white chiffon skirt. Very Yaoyorozu-like.
       Mineta was standing at the corner of the room muttering something along the lines of ‘eff you Todoroki you big bozo thinking you’re so cool...etcetc’ but Shouto had completely ignored his grape-ass face.
      “Todoroki-san! Ya let’s go, which movie are we watching today?” Yaoyorozu replied and donned a lovely smile, pearly teeth showing.
     The boy gloved his hand into his pocket, pushing his nylon crossbody bag behind his waist, “A Quiet Place. Have you heard of it?”
    Yaoyorouzu’s auspicious eyes lit up even more.
    “Of course!” She answered him, a hand clutching her ivory handbag. She had a light bounce in her steps. “I’ve been waiting to watch this. I hope it’s not too scary.”
    Shouto bit his lower lip. Shit. He didn’t even check what the heck the movie was really about. 
     “Uh, I don’t know,” he shrugged and said, inwardly chastising his own carelessness, “It’s probably not that bad.”
     “Well if it was,” Yaoyorozu said, tongue-in-cheek, “You could always lean on me.”
      The trailers weren’t on yet when they had arrived and luckily there were many seats still free. They chose somewhere not too close and not too far from the screen and ensconced right in the middle. Yaoyorozu had wanted popcorn and so Todoroki went to grab some (with extra butter, she had requested) before saying excuse me several times to get back to where they were sitting.
    “Thank you,” the girl whispered as the first trailer finally appeared and took the crunchy snack off his hands. He wondered how much she was going to eat as she had already stuffed two handfuls into her mouth.
     Lipids, he remembered, must be to maintain the lipids.
     For a second he thought he had heard a familiar voice behind him but he shook it off and decided to prepare himself for the movie. Truth be told, he absolutely despised scary movies. He thought ‘thriller’ meant ‘thriller’ but now that he checked again, the word ‘horror’ was present right under the genre in the movie’s description box on google. Shouto inhaled deeply and ordered himself to relax.
3:00pm Natsuo: the movies about to start I'm sitting right behind dem, shouto bought momo popcorn what a gentleman
3:00pm Fuyumi: okok you think momo likes cheesecake? im at the bakery
3:01pm Natsuo: ya ok get cake pls if she doesnt like it ill eat it
3:01pm Fuyumi: haha
3:02pm Natsuo: why isnt shouto wrapping an arm around her its gonna be scary for godsake
3:02pm Natsuo: you think I should text him
3:03pm Fuyumi: NO u du
3:03pm Fuyumi: dumbass**
3:04pm Natsuo: fine shit I just kicked momochans chair ok gotta hide
        "The guy behind me keeps bumping into my chair," Yaoyorozu said trying hard to lower her voice, chin pointing downwards. She was about to see who it was when Shouto turned around before she could.
      "Sorry do you mind not kicking my friend's seat." Shouto deadpanned, twisting his shoulder over. He came eye to eye with a guy in a hoodie and sunglasses.
     "Err sorry kid." Natsuo tried to sound more mature than he was, pulling onto his black hoodie. Did his white hair poke through? Hopefully not.
    "K no prob."
    Phew, Natsuo thought, good thing it's so dark here.
    Shouto turned back to the screen wondering why the hell he looked so suspicious. He guessed some people just had incomprehensible fashion sense.
       “AHHHH!!!” One of the childhood actors screamed on screen and Yaoyorozu leaned forward as if she wanted herself to be in the movie. Her hand missed the popcorn bag a few times before successfully stuffing another handful of buttery goodness in her mouth.
      Fuckity fuck fuck, I want this to end!!! Shouto thought, hands sweating, eyes popping out of its sockets. His arms stuck together against his lap when a monster had jumped out of nowhere in front of him. He flinched with his eyes shut tight. Yaoyorozu was so focused that her hair didn’t even move. The boy opened one eye and saw from the slits of light reflected on Yaoyorozu’s eager expression that she indeed was in love with what was happening.
    Alright, the character on the screen just got mulled to death.
    Shouto took another gulp of air and tried to visualize himself in his room. His zen room. Eating cold soba. With tempura.
    But just then, another shriek made him grab onto Yaoyorozu’s right arm almost instinctively. The girl placed his hand on her lap and with the other she stroked his forearm in a soothing manner as if to tell him to calm down. 
    This was not the way he wanted the date to go. Okay actually this was not a date. Not a date.
     The young boy saw the couple beside them hugging tightly as if they’d die if they let go. He rolled his eyes.
    “Todoroki-san.” He felt her hot breath against his ear and noticed she had closed the distance between them, making him shiver. “Are you alright?” 
     Her voice was just above a whisper and he mumbled a “uh huh.” 
     Yaoyorozu seemed content with that response and placed his hand back on his knee. 
     Dang it. He thought. I actually liked the way she was touching my arm. Fuck what the heck are you thinking Todoroki Shouto?!
    The boy swallowed hard and figured there should only be another half and hour of torture left. He’ll manage. He’ll just close his eyes until then.
4:42pm Fuyumi: so hows it
4:42pm Natsuo: omg i just got out. horrible. it was scary af. i saw shouto flinch at least 100x 
4:45pm Fuyumi: you both suck at watching horror movies
4:46pm Natsuo: ya i know, also now ive lost them ‘cas i went to the washroom
4:46pm Fuyumi: im guessing shouto didn’t see you
4:50pm Natsuo: ya not yet, im pree good at this
4:51pm Natsuo: ok I found them looks like they’re heading back to our place
4:52pm Natsuo: also wtfuck shouto has momochan as his wallpaper
4:52pm Fuyumi: ya hes had it for awhile, she let him use it so 
4:55pm Natsuo: lmao 
     “WOOO,” Yaoyorozu exasperated, “That was amazing! I loved the acting!”
     Shouto meekly smiled back. “Yes, that was...good.”
    The girl noted the insincerity in his voice and puckered her lips. “I didn’t know that the great Todoroki Shouto was that afraid of horror movies.” Yaoyorozu’s teasing tone made the boy shoot her a stern glare.
     “I’m just not great with jump scares.” 
     “Okay,” She hummed playfully, “Whatever you say. But all in all, thank you, I very much enjoyed it.”
      “Cool, fulfilled the purpose then. I’m glad.”
      A young boy donning a baseball cap and overalls pulled his mom over. His tongue and mouth were coated with chocolate. 
     “Mommy!” He cried, “It’s Shouto from UA!”
     Yaoyorozu and Shouto immediately exchanged glances and the former suppressed a chortle. The kid tugged his mom’s sleeve again leaving tiny cocoa fingerprints.
     “Say hi,” The mother encouraged.
     The kid grew stiff. “Hel--Hello Shouto. I watched you fight before.”
     Shouto rested his hand on his neck and his lips curved slightly, wondering what it was he was supposed to do. Wave? Shake hands? Also shouldn’t the mom clean up her kid?
      “Would you like a picture with him?” Yaoyorozu cooed and crouched down to eye-level with the little boy who started to shuffle around his mother’s hold.
      “You’re Creati,” he said, focusing on his shoelaces, “You’re cool too.”
       “I’m sure my son would love a picture with both of you, if that’s okay?” The mother grinned and asked, “Come on, Kazu.”
       Shouto answered with a meek ‘mm’ and shrugged. If Yaoyorozu wanted to, then he’d be fine with it. He touched the kid’s shoulder lightly and urged him to stand in between him and the creation heroine who was immediately beaming. The mother angled the camera carefully, finally deciding to shift an inch to her right. 
      “Say cheese!” The older woman called out and after what felt like several shots, she raised a thumbs up.
      “These pictures are great, thank you very much. My son really likes UA and he hopes to one day be in it.” 
      Shouto extended his hand over to pat the kid on the back.
     “Work hard.” The fire and ice user simply said, managing to at least sound somewhat friendly, and the kid almost had tears in his eyes.
    “Thank you. See you and Creati again.”
     With several waves, the two young heroes said their goodbyes.
     “Kazu’s a nice name,” Yaoyorozu pondered for a minute, turning on her heels, “I like it. Hope we’ll meet him again and see what kind of hero he’ll become.”
    Shouto could only nod in response. Observing Yaoyorozu’s motherly behaviour with kids was a scene to behold; she really does give off an approachable vibe that he decided was something to be admired.
      The rest of the way to Todoroki’s house was a hodgepodge of silliness; Yaoyorozu laughed wholeheartedly when Shouto insisted that Bakugou would have for sure died if he were in the movie.
    “It’s called A Quiet Place, Yaoyorozu,” Shouto began, “You think Bakugou wouldn’t have been attacked within the first 5 seconds? I swear he would be the one asking for death, screaming ‘COME ON DIE!!!!!’ while ten monsters came at him full speed.”
    The girl coughed, choking on her own saliva, “Yes of course! He would also most likely push Midoriya-san to some luring trap. Oh poor Midoriya-san.”
     The fire and ice hero gave a chuckle. It wasn’t everyday he had time like this with Yaoyorozu. She was probably the only one who could make him feel almost as though Endeavor had never existed.
    Speaking of that, was his father going to be having dinner tonight? The thought immediately killed the mood. Although, he wasn’t sure if he should be thankful or not that his father did seem to favour Yaoyorozu. He saw the girl beside him tilt her head towards him.
    “You okay, Todoroki-san?” Yaoyorozu had knitted her brows together when she noticed her friend’s sudden quietness.
    “It’s nothing,” he lied, fist clenched,“Let’s get to the bus stop before we miss the next one.”
   “Oh my god good thing I took the taxi,” Natsuo cried when he came back home, “ I did it, I was like a ninja. He didn’t notice anything.”
   Fuyumi had already begun prepping the ingredients when the white haired boy had strolled in, folding his shades back into the holder.
   “Good job dating master. If you could make yourself useful, please set the table.”
   Natsuo scowled. “Alright sis, don’t hafta make fun of me.” He counted exactly five pairs of chopsticks before sliding the drawer back in. “If you were there you would have seen the way Shouto looks at her.” 
   “Yes I’ve seen it and hence,” Fuyumi started flinging the ladle towards the boy, steam coming out of it, “why I didn’t want you to interfere. BUT you did sorta make this date happen so kudos to you.”
    Natsuo chuckled. “Yes and kudos to you for telling dad to come home for dinner. How'd you do it?"
   He could see his sister grin mischievously. 
   “All I said was Shouto’s bringing his friend over and dad automatically assumed it was Momo-chan.” 
   Natsuo was impressed with how easy that sounded. “We make a great duo sis.”
    “We would’ve had more fun if you’d just stop hiding at your college, Natsu,” Fuyumi said looking peeved as she took a taste out of the tomato sauce, and Natsuo could only answer with a monotonous hum. He did consider moving back but perhaps now wasn’t the best time. He just couldn’t get his head away from thinking about Touya.
     “I’m back,” Shouto announced. The whiff of fresh basil and oregano filled his senses and his stomach let out a low growl. He took a step forward to make room for Yaoyorozu who slid the door to a close. 
      It’s been awhile since he’d return home and somehow he yearned to sit with his sister again just to enjoy casual tv with soba. Maybe deep down he was more family-oriented that he had thought.
     After he gestured Yaoyorozu to leave her shoes beside his, Shouto did a scan. Nothing was displaced, even the medal he got from UA still hung above the clock. 
      “Sorry for the intrusion,” Yaoyorozu spoke and bowed as she placed her hands gently in the mid of her skirt. “Thanks for having me.”
     She remembered coming here long time ago, the chalky sound of the paper sliding doors reawakening those fond memories of when she used to help Shouto study math. He seems a lot better with it now; in addition to that, Yaoyorozu do not recall studying with the boy ever since he aced his calculus exam. She grimaced inwardly at the thought.
     A wisp of white and red hair caught her attention.
    “Hello Yaoyorozu-chan!” Fuyumi still had the same bookish demeanor completed with an amiable smile, “Welcome, I’ve missed you! It’s been awhile hasn’t it?”
    “Yes it sure has been.” the younger girl replied and did another modest bow.
     The fire and ice user had always felt unease seeing such formal mannerisms but with Yaoyorozu, it came as natural as the sky was blue.
    “Sis, did you and Natsuo go out today?” he asked, somewhat distracted by his brother’s messily placed sneakers. 
    Fuyumi hesitated a laugh. “Oh yes Natsu went out for a job earlier and I had to go get groceries.”
    “He didn’t help you carry it home?” Shouto inquired. Strange, Natsuo’s shoes still looked somewhat damp from the puddles outside.
    “Uh, of course he did silly!” Fuyumi said with a slap of her wrist, “We came home together!”
   Shouto shrugged and glanced at the girl who was now scrutinizing a potted orchid beside the foyer.
   “Yaoyorozu,” he nudged, “I’ll take you to the dining room.”
   “Oh ya, okay!” The girl said, straightening herself, her purse swinging as she did so.
    “And I’m apologizing in advance if Natsuo scares you. He’s a bit over-reactive.”
    “Don’t worry, I had a great chat with him last time!”
    “Yeah that’s the problem, he misunderstands the relationship between us.”
    Crap, he couldn’t retract his words now that he let it slip.
     “Huh?” Yaoyorozu said, slowing down her pace, and the boy in front of him pulled the door wide open.
    “Nevermind what I said,” Shouto groaned. Looks like there will be exactly 5 people in this dinner which meant his devil of a dad was going to be here soon as well. If there was something he hated more than having dinner with his dad was having dinner with his dad while Yaoyorozu was here.
    The time before, his dad asked Yaoyorozu so many different questions it felt like she was here for an interview to join an internship under him. The time before that one, his dad actually gawked in respectful silence because he practically forced Yaoyorozu to a game of chess after dessert in which she won against him in less than 5 moves. Then there’s that one time when she spoke so passionately about the theory of relativity (because she just watched Interstellar the night prior) that both his sister and his dad looked utterly dazzled. She was a mine of knowledge and he wasn’t one to contest but the impressed grin on his dad’s usually ascetic face made him hurl.
   “Something wrong?” His companion couldn’t help but ask and Shouto shook his head, stuffing his hands back in his pockets, eyes wandering as he lied.
   “It’s nothing," Shouto answered, trailing off, "...I’ll grab you something to drink.”
    Dinner was served at exactly 6:15. Yaoyorozu was seated between Fuyumi and Shouto while Natsuo sat across. Enji was late by a bit and it was highly likely that he had rushed home from work because of the occasion. For the life of him Shouto was confused why everyone seemed to be overly worked up by it. It wasn't like the queen was over for dinner.
     Yaoyorozu was poised, legs folded, spine straight (the ballet lessons when she took when she was 8 was most likely the explanation) and took a sip of her miso soup. Shouto noticed she had rounded her delicate fingers around the steaming bowl with such precision that he contemplated whether or not Yaoyorozu had ever had the time to learn anything besides etiquette when she was a child.
    There was a galling silence ever since his father had entered the room and finally Natsuo decided to step up.
    "So Yaoyorozu-chan, how was your day today?"
    He mentally did a somersault thinking his brother was going to let her nickname slip again. Face unchanging, Shouto figured the pasta needed a little more salt and reached for it.
    "It was great! Todoroki-san treated me to a movie."
    Was that a smirk on Enji's face? The fire and ice user tilted the salt dispenser and shook it a few times too many. He swallowed a gulp, dread pooling inside his stomach and grimaced when Natsuo nudged him with his knee.
   "Shouto you took her to a movie?!" Natsuo said sounding fake as hell as though he wasn't the one who told his little brother to do it in the first place, "Which one?"
   "A Quiet Place."
  (For a second he wished they were in the movie right now, at least no one would have to talk)
  Fuyumi hummed like it was a great choice.
  "I heard it's scary," The woman tried to join the conversation, tipping over to her pasta, "Did Yaoyorozu-chan like it?"
  "Yes I did! The premise was excellent, not to mention I actually felt scared. I believe Todoroki-san very much enjoyed it as well."
  "Oh Shouto hates horror movies." Enji randomly popped in, the tofu in his mouth half-chewed. "I tried showing 'The Ring' to him when he was 3. Only weakness I'll allow him to have."
   Good ol' Enji, ruining everything he's a part of.
   "Maybe that's why. 'Cas he has childhood trauma." Natsuo slammed his miso soup bowl and emphasized.
  Everyone had to stop chewing for a second to comprehend what was happening.
  It was at that moment that Shouto sincerely had a need to face plant onto a plate of tomato sauce. Truly the only way for him to rest in peace.
  "Dad, Natsu... now is not the time..." Fuyumi intervened.
   "Why didn't you tell me you didn't like it?" Yaoyorozu's lips turned downwards looking like she had just gotten 95 instead of 100 on an exam. The light reflecting off her glistening eyes made her appear even more disappointed.
  "As long as you liked it I don't mind," Shouto merely said while attempting to twirl the pasta up his chopsticks. If only he'd opted for forks instead.
   At that, Natsuo seemed overtly appeased, gorging yet another broken up tofu with pieces of bitter yuzu stuck on it.
  "So," Enji proceeded, "Yaoyorozu, you're interning with who again?"
  Someone tape his goddamn mouth, Shouto grunted inside.
  "Ms.Uwabami, sir," the girl answered without hesitation.
  "Yes I've been learning quite a lot!"
  Enji gawked. "Such a smart young lady like you should be interning with only the best. And I think you know who I'm talking about."
   Yaoyorozu's gaze uplifted. "Oh yes! All Might, of course! Though he is no longer fit to battle anymore unfortunately."
  Shouto choked, soup threatening to exit his nostrils. Natsuo and Fuyumi actually clammed up and Enji's fire moustache flared for a few seconds.
  Did his female seatmate, the usual courteous, cordial lady of the Yaoyorozu family just shut his father up? Shouto clamped his hand against the coarse fabric of his pants to suppress the bouts of laughter that was about to flourish. His heart beat quickened and he questioned whether Yaoyorozu would ever stop surprising him.
  "Ah, yes...All Might." His father still tried to redeem himself. His face looked rather heated now. "I was actually speaking for myself. I would like to extend an offer to you, Yaoyorozu, you could learn with my son, Shouto. I admire your courage and intelligence, a heroine like yourself would surely make great use in my agency."
  "Thank you very much, I am zealous about such an opportunity but..."
  Yaoyorozu cleared her throat. "When I say I am learning lots from Ms.Uwabami, I'm not joking. She has shown me not only how to fight and protect citizens but also fun endeavors such as making ads and so forth."
  Enji gritted his teeth. Natsuo and Shouto suddenly had appetite again.
  "I believe 'appearing on tv' and 'modelling' are a waste of time and resources. But, it's beyond doubt that you would uptake my offer again in the future. I believe that. I'd even consider it if you'd wish to be my sidekick."
  A wry, reluctant smile appeared on the girl's face as she smoothed down her skirt.
  "Thank you, I'll keep that in mind."
     After chatting with Fuyumi and Natsuo, Yaoyorozu had the impression that she was even more welcomed than she had originally hoped. Enji had made a thoughtless remark about how he wanted tea and Yaoyorozu volunteered to brew some, with a gorgeous smile to boot. With each sip, Enji made a satisfied gesture as if he hadn't had tea for a long time. Awhile after when Shouto was basically forced (by Natsuo and Fuyumi) to show his collection of cat-themed merchandise, the clock had already struck 8. A signal for leave.
   "These were supposed to be for your family," Yaoyorozu said extending a box of Fornum and Mason out of her bag, "I think I had too much fun today and had forgotten! Sorry about that."
   The girl handed it over to the boy while balancing herself to put on her shoes.
   "Thank you." Shouto said eyeing her carefully as he settled the box on top of a cupboard, "You’re not going back to the dorms for the weekend right? I feel like I should bring you home."
   "No it is --"
   Without a creak, Enji had managed to appear behind the pair.
   "Yes Shouto, be a gentleman and take her home. We would be happy to see you again Yaoyorozu, thank you for the gift and take care."
   "Wow who the hell replaced our dad with an alien?" Shouto heard Natsuo mumble to Fuyumi.
   Shouto hated to agree with his dad but for once he felt like they were thinking in the same channel.
   "Yes Yaoyorozu, it wouldn't take me that long anyway. Let's go."
   "Well," the girl began, ignoring the butterflies fleeting in her gut, "if you insist."
       It could be the way her heels clicked against the soddened asphalt or that oddly alluring sound she makes when she giggles, but Todoroki Shouto found himself wanting to find out more and more about her.
     Whether it was simply sitting beside her with no task at hand, or watching her make matroyshka dolls in a blink of an eye, the boy concluded it was something he was looking forward to.
    “odoroki--Todoroki-san? Hello?” Yaoyorozu waved her hands in front of his face. The boy blinked twice.
    “Oh sorry, you were saying?”
    “I was asking you if you could ask your sister for the pasta sauce recipe.”
    “Oh, yea of course.” 
   Yaoyorozu locked her arms beside her, the moonbeam rendering her like a doll. 
    “I hope you liked spending time with me,” she said carefully as if the words were a secret, and Todoroki nodded in response.
    “Sure thing, we should do this more.” He said, watching her sway her skirt whimsically, one step at a time. And perhaps to Mineta and Awase’s chagrin, he thought.
    Yaoyorozu pressed her palms together as she slowed down in pace. “You think I was a little bit rude to your dad?”
    Shouto held down a snort.
    “Definitely not. You were just speaking the truth.”
    The girl grinned and rubbed her hands together briskly. “Okay, just making sure, I didn’t want to give off the wrong vibe.”
     “Don’t worry,” he ensured and watched her cross her arms in front of her chest, “You cold?”
     Yaoyorozu quickly released her arms to her side, slightly sheepish.
     “No, no, I’m alright---”
     Shouto didn’t listen to her full explanation and wrapped his left arm around her shoulder. They were so close he could smell her shampoo---highly likely the one she’s been advertising for.
    He hadn’t notice her cautious eyes, the area underneath going pink. Shouto continued to look forward, focusing on the lulling of the crickets and the dispersed street lights amongst the night fog.
    “My left side can warm you up,” he said and she grew even more stiff.
    “Thanks, Todoroki-san.”
    All of a sudden he grabbed her further to his side, and she let out a gasp. 
   Oh, there was a bike passing by, she thought as the cyclist dawdled through.
    “Better watch where we’re going,” he said. He felt the phone in his pocket vibrate and cursed under his breath. Must be Natsuo.
    “You should check it, Todoroki-san.” She said, voice soft.
    Naturally she walked in tandem in front of him, allowing him to release his hold and he checked the message.
    8:30pm Natsuo: you okay? 
    8:31pm Shouto: ya
   The boy inserted it back before another message came again.
   8:32pm Natsuo: dun kill me but u should give her a hug or something, just a suggestion
   Shouto gaped at his screen irritated and shoved it into his pockets in vex. If he could he would telepathically swear at Natsu, sadly that was not his quirk.
   “Well, my house is just this turn,” Yaoyorozu spoke, pointing briefly behind her, “that was a quick walk.”
   Her eyes seemed to speak to him then and without much attention, he tilted forward, strong arms spread, ending in a tight a hug. She snuggled against his neck for a short second and began to panic.
   “WH-WHAT, Todoroki-san?! What are you doing?!” 
   “You’re uncomfortable. I shouldn’t have done that.”
   She shook her head immediately.
   “I just wasn’t expecting it...” Yaoyorozu twirled a piece of loose hair and took a step back, shifting her weight from foot to foot. She observed him discreetly and noticed his usual habit of resting his hand against his neck had resurfaced. A sign that he was either embarrassed or weary.
    She took his hand in hers, “Safe walk home? And I’ll see you on Monday?”
    Shouto sent her a smirk, one that his fans would probably dwell on.
    “Ya, see you.”
    9:12pm Yaoyorozu: home?
    9:12pm Todoroki: yes
    9:13pm Yaoyorozu: :)
    9:15pm Todoroki: could you do me a favour and not tell ppl about my fear
    9:16pm Yaoyorozu: of ?
    9:16pm Todoroki: scary movies.
    9:18pm Yaoyorozu: of course, except I already told jirou
    9:18pm Todoroki: .....
    9:18pm Yaoyorozu: jokes hehe :) goodnights
    9:20pm Todoroki: night
   9:30pm Todoroki: shit my sis forgot to give you some cake, ill bring it to your house tomorrow
  9:31pm Yaoyorozu: isn’t that just an excuse to see me? :)
  9:31pm Todoroki: maybe, k night.
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fruitful-blogger · 6 years
Flipping the Script
Check it out on AO3!
Part Two!
High School is hard enough for a goth kid, but Roman wasn’t one to let it get him down. After all, he had some great friends, including the smartest kid in the school, Patton, the star of the men’s Tennis team and teen heartthrob, Logan, and the most popular prep and student council member, Virgil, at his side.
 A High School AU with a twist – based on a Discord Conversation.
           Roman Prince was looking over his chipped nail polish with a frown. He had wanted to repaint them the night before, but he had been out of his preferred nail polish for the day – the silver and black combo that would have really brought out today’s outfit. His black and red hair was ever messy as a black leather jacket hung around his arms and shoulders, underneath a black t-shirt with spider-web design across the fabric. His ripped jeans were always on point, and his black convers were polished, if a bit distracting with the blood red shoe laces. His black and red back pack hung over his back as his headphones strung up through his pocket of his jacket to his ears, though he’d muted the music (he didn’t want to talk to anyone, really). While his nails were messy, his eye make-up was always on point, dark wings accentuating his eyes and a thin palour of lipstick to bring out his natural red tones.
           Even though he was a goth, a Prince has got to slay – as a dark prince, he thought double of that.
           Roman frowned at his cuticle again as he contemplated ditching first period to go to the drug store and get another bottle of his nail polish. It was only the first day, after all, and it was going to be boring anyway…
           “I see that look on your face, Princey, and whatever you are thinking, don’t.” Roman snapped up as he looked to the person who had addressed him. The boy before him was dressed like he’d walked out of a fashion magazine – crisp dark jeans nicely ironed, paired with a wine colored polo and purple-tinted suit jacket, all pulled together with his black and purple back pack and his loafers. His hair was messy in a way that seemed effortless even though he’d probably taken an hour this morning to perfect it.
           Most people would think that drama goth Roman Prince and Student Council Treasurer Virgil Smythe would NEVER, in a million years, interact – and they would have been right freshman year. The two boys had butted heads so many times that year, as the goth vs preps went, but all it took was the spring play of Aladdin to make them friends. Now that they were Juniors, Virgil was easily one of Roman’s best friends, and the prep would say the same of the goth.
           “I don’t know what you are talking about, Peter Prep.” Roman grinned as he pulled out his headphones. “I was just contemplating how BORING the first day would be and…”
           “And you can’t skip.” Virgil pointed as he nodded his head. The two began to walk around the school. It was still early in the day, and there were a few students there early with the teachers. Roman really hadn’t any reason to be there, but Virgil had just gotten out of a meeting with the other class reps. “So, the reps are talking already about the themes for Homecoming. It was a long-ass debate even though we aren’t voting on anything for a few weeks. And, man, the freshmen? Those adorable mofos have no idea.”
           Roman snorted in response as they rounded the school wall. A faint “THWAP THWAP” was heard now as they approached their destination. “Honestly, those fuckers have no idea. I mean, fuck, remember freshman year? You thought you were the shit.”
           “Oh like you’re one to talk, Prince.”
           “Careful, Prepington the third, sounds like you’re jelly.” Roman gestured to all of himself. “Although, anyone would love to be me.”
           “SUUUURREEE.” Virgil smirked. “So what WERE you planning?”
           “Nail polish run.” Roman noted as Virgil lifted an eyebrow. “What?”
           “Sorry, I just half expected you to try something like last year.”
           “In my defense, this school needs more blacks and reds. It’s so… pastel.” The goth made a face. “ SO overdone. You should put that into the bureaucratic mess we call a student council. More darks, more individuality!”
           “Yes, because we need more anarchy.”
           “Hello!” A third voice cut in.
           Virgil and Roman looked up as they reached the small set of bleachers. At one of the top rows, surrounded by several books, was their resident genius and all around nerd, Patton Thompson. Patton had his usual light blue polo on with his pressed pants and simple shoes, a cardigan and matching tie with his outfit to pull the whole nerd look together. The goth and prep jogged up to meet him on the bench. Sure enough, he had a textbook on his lap, AP Biology, and he was already half way through it.
           “Hey Pat.” Roman greeted as he added a hug, the smaller nerd returning it even as he scrambled to get his books. “Uhg, what are you doing studying? It’s the first day!”
           “But it’s so INTERESTING!” Patton threw as he clutched a book to his chest. “We’re going to be learning about CRISPR soon enough, which would allow us to theoretically hack the human genome and eliminate disease! It does so by using the DNA’s own infrastructure to turn off genes that could potentially be harmful to humans, though there are fears of it causing more harm than good because it can accidentally delete more than just a single base pair.” The boy grinned. “But we won’t get too into that until Christmas.”
           “Patton, I was about to have a heart attack.” Virgil sighed as he sat on the bench next to Patton, butting shoulders with the blue boy. “I only read chapter one like Dr. Spencer wanted us to. You had me thinking we were gonna have a test on this tomorrow.”
           The nerd smiled back as Roman sat to the other side of Virgil, the opposite of Patton having a pile of books stacked there. “Sorry, you know how I am.”
           “And we love you for it.” Roman returned. “Especially because I suck at science and you are my saving grace.”
           Patton giggled as Virgil used their height to look out. They were stationed on the bleachers near their school’s tennis courts. While it was technically girls’ season, they weren’t to have practice until after school. Instead, the tennis storage unit was open and in the first court was a male figure, rushing back and forth as a ball dispenser sent out dozens of balls at him. The figure was a blur of navy blue, white, and silver – the school’s colors on a uniform, no doubt – as he expertly returned every shot.
           “How long has Roger Feder-Nerd been out here, Smart Cookie?” Roman asked to Patton.
           The nerd shrugged. “Logan’s been here longer then I have. I came early to go to the library, and he was already here when I pulled up.”
           “Jeez.” Virgil sighed as he stood, cupping his hands to his face. “LOGAN CROFTER PLEASE GET OFF THE COURT!”
           The figure paused, looking in their direction even as he deflected a ball. It somehow still went over, though it was no winning shot. “WHEN DID YOU GUYS GET HERE?” He yelled back as he deflected another ball. “WHAT TIME IS IT?”
           “TIME TO GET CLEANED UP, LO!” Roman added.
           The ball machine seemed to agree as it finally ran out of balls. Logan was sweating but easily jogged around the net to turn it off. Off to the side, a few girls oogled at the school’s star athlete. Logan stopped by his bag to throw his sports glasses in, instead replacing them with a simple wire pair. He dabbed his face with his shirt, causing the females to swoon at his abs.
           Roman bit his lips, wanting to badly to tell them off, especially since they had no chance.
           Roman and Patton were the only two in the school to now that Logan and Virgil were gay. While the latter two were more out about their sexualities – Roman would fight the man however he could, and Patton had, logically, figured that it was just a part of their brain chemistry and therefore was not a big deal. They didn’t shout it from the rooftops, but, if someone asked, they’d be honest.
           Virgil and Logan, on the other hand, had a harder time with it. Logan being the star athlete weighed on him, there being a certain expectation for them. While he himself had figured out his sexuality back in middle school, he hadn’t felt comfortable with anyone to tell them. It was only after freshman year when he’d become part of the group that he came out to them on accident. With an accidental pun (Logan HATED puns, but Patton had lost it).
           Virgil was another story. He’d let them know that, at the surface level, his parents were at least a bit homophobic, weather they acknowledged their homophobia or not. It also didn’t help that he was raised in, well, a more upper middle class society, so everyone tended to be more on the conservative side of things. While he knew his parents loved him, he was scared shitless to ever tell them or anyone else. He’d had a break down about it one day, when it was just him and Patton, and he’d finally told someone that he had never felt that way for a girl but he probably had a crush on a guy in their grade. Patton, Roman, and Logan were all supportive of him, though, and he came to them when his internal anxiety just got to be too much.
           While the kid seemed mostly together with a pretty ideal life, he was still a ball of anxiety under the surface. He was thankful, though, that he had friends like these to help him out.
           Virgil, in fact, was already up and jogging down to the court. He grabbed a second basket that stood nearby and began to help Logan clean, the two chatting. Virgil, like Logan, had grown up playing tennis, but the purple-wearing boy was on the JV team as opposed to varsity. The two had, however, become friends because of tennis and were the only freshman boys on JV all those years back (Logan, had, of course, been bumped to varsity sophomore year).
           Roman leaned back in his seat as he heard Patton’s many pens scratch the paper (his notes had a whole color coding system that Roman couldn’t hope to learn). More cars began to pull into the parking lot as the goth took in the day. It was chilly but sunny, and, while he loved his dark room and ambient light, he could appreciate sweater weather.
           “Are you two to join us?” Roman cracked an eye as Virgil and Logan approached, Logan with his tennis bag and back pack. Logan had spoken.
           “Give me a sec, kiddos!” Patton called as he scrambled to get his books into his backpack. He had so many, though, that there was no way the boy was getting them all into one bag.
           Roman stood, cracking his back as he grabbed both his and the abandoned purple bag left by Virgil. “Need help, Padre?”
           “Nah, I got it!” The small boy added as he huffed a few books into his arms. “I’ll drop a few at my locker while Lo gets cleaned up.”
           “Indeed, I should make my way to the changing room before class.” Logan added as he overheard. The two boys skipped down the steps before all four headed to the school. “Although I need to see the physical therapist again. My wrist is feeling odd the last week.” He noted as he played with his right wrist. “My serve is off by a few degrees.”
           “Well, from what I saw, you sure were SERVING up some ACE shots!” Patton giggled as Logan tried to hide a smirk.
           “Why am I friends with you?”
           “Because you love me?”
           “Because I make cookies for the tennis bake sale?”
           “Ah, yes, there it is.” Logan and Patton shared a snigger at the comment.
           Virgil snatched his backpack from Roman as the two followed. “So, a little birdie told me that someone MIGHT try out for the hero this semester…” Virgil grinned to Roman. “What, done playing the villains?”
           Roman loved the stage, but he almost always tried out for the villain. He thought they were constantly underrated and pegged as evil when, in retrospect, they would be more morally grey characters. “Well… depends on if the play I want comes to fruition! You see, I think I can convince Larry to let us do Nightmare Before Christmas, and you KNOW I know all the Jack Skellington parts.”
           Virgil belted out a laugh. “Really? Because I thought you were just reading off cue cards every time I came over for movie night.”
           “Blah blah blah that’s all I hear from you.” He threw with a wave of his hand. The two were left bickering all the way into the school.
           It was just the beginning of another year at North Hamilton High.
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Reciprocated (one-shot)
Summary: College!AU
After being bothered by Brock Rumlow’s incessant pestering of asking the Reader out, she agrees but obviously regrets it. She has a ginormous crush on the star quarterback Bucky Barnes, who unbeknownst to her is absolutely head over heels for the girl and when she needs help getting rid of Brock, he turns into her knight in shining armour.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: legit none
Genre: tiny bit angst; fluuuuufffff
Word count: 2894
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   Y/N Y/L/N was the typical college nerd. Her head always stuck in a book, parties never being her scene, but the difference between high-school where she was teased for things like that was that here no one cared. Everyone was too engrossed in their own struggles with keeping up with assignments, having a social life and extra activities. Y/N was even great friends with the captain of their football team ‘The Howling Commandos" Steve Rogers.    They had bonded over their mutual hatred for their non-fiction teacher. Y/N was studying Creative Writing in hopes of becoming a full-fledged novelist one day while Steve wanted to be a sports reporter/ journalist.    “God, her voice is just so annoying,” he’d muttered underneath his breath one time while the teacher had droned on about something. Y/N couldn’t even remember what the lesson had consisted of.    “You should see her in publishing. She doesn’t even know how half the websites we’re supposed to use works.” The girl had muttered back, not really expecting an answer, but Steve immediately whipped his head towards her, a pained expression on his face.    “You have her for publishing!? Oh, you poor thing! I’m so sorry!”    A snort escaped Y/N, while she extended a hand towards the guy. “Y/N Y/L/N.”    “I know. You’re in the top three of every class,” Y/N’s cheeks heated up at the statement, but she wasn’t embarrassed by her accomplishments more so that others noticed it. “Steve Rogers,” he replied shaking her hand.    Y/N smirked, jotting down a few useless notes, knowing that she’ll have to go to the library to find the information herself to actually understand what the teacher had said. “I know. Your face is plastered all over campus. Running for Student President’s seat.”    Now Steve was the one blushing. “Uh, yeah,” he stammered, “thought it might look good on my CV. And I do think that I could improve things,” he quickly added, “at least I hope so. Don’t wanna idly sit around these four years, well now three and not do anything.”
   “Well,” Y/N smiled at him seeing his face flushed from the corner of her eye, “you’ve got a vote from me them.”    And that is how their friendship started. Steve introduced her to his friends and to her surprise all of them were really nice. The football team was completely opposite of what one would imagine, given the movie stereotypes that are seen in movies, especially when communicating with such a hermit like Y/N.    Being in their second year of studying was a lot of fun, except for certain lectures, of course. But what was even worse than a nasal teacher droning on and on about proofreading and editing was Y/N’s social life more specifically- her love life.    It’s not that she hadn’t had boyfriends before, but right now her main concern was her career and her studies. That’s why she found herself slamming Steve’s door open and rushing in, the eyes of his girlfriend Natasha- the head cheerleader and an incredibly nice, let alone attractive girl-, Sam- the vice president of the student union- and Bucky- quarterback of the football team and Y/N’s longtime secret crush- all staring at her with wide eyes.    “Sorry guys,” she heaved out, looking through the peeping hole, “sorry.” She crouched down as if the person or people the girl was hiding from could see her through the wooden door.    “You okay there, doll?” it was Bucky who took away her attention. The guy had started calling Y/N the little nickname the second they’d met. She thought that it’s how he referred to every girl, but little did Y/N know that it was only her.    “Fine,” she slowly slid up to look through the tiny glass hole and seeing that the coast was clear, she let out a breath the girl didn’t even know she was holding. Y/N gently placed down her laptop on the mantelpiece, while sliding her backpack off. Bucky had stood up from the couch and approached the girl taking her jacket off and hanging it.    “Such a gentleman,” she teased while ruffling through her Y/H/C. They were good friends, quickly hitting it off with their mutual love for everything space and science, yet she always kept her distance, afraid to let her true feelings slip. And even though Steve had told the girl many times Bucky couldn’t stop talking about her and that the man was head over heels for the girl, she didn’t believe him.    “Well not helping out such a pretty dame would be a sin.” There it was- that cocky smile, yet at the same time oddly affectionate as he looked down at Y/N. Her heart skipped a beat, but before anything could happen, Steve, pulled her out of the daydream.    “So you wanna tell us what happened or do we have to go beat someone up?”    “What, no! God, Steve stop!” Y/N flopped down onto the couch between Nat and Sam, where Bucky’s place had been. “Remember that guy Brock?”    “Rumlow?” Bucky was leaning on the back of the sofa right behind Y/N his palms clasped on her shoulders.    “Yeah. He’s been pestering me for a while to go out on a date and I just got so fed up with it, and his inability to take a hint, I just…. gave in.”    “And?” Nat was nudging Y/N, while rubbing soothing circles on her thigh, clearly seeing in how much distress the girl was in.    “And he was an asshole! A boring one at that. And now,” she emphasised the word feeling Bucky’s grip on her shoulders tighten, “he wants to go on another date.”    Sam’s eyes almost popped out of his head “You can’t be seriously thinking about going?”    “I may joke about wanting to die and not having a soul, but I’m not a masochist,” she deadpanned while keeping a completely straight face. “I just don’t know what to do! I keep telling him that I’m busy and I can’t but he just won’t stop.”    The room fell silent for a second. Everyone was pondering over what Y/N had said and what she should do before Bucky broke the tension. “Was he the one you were running away from?    “Mhm,” she nodded, feeling the man’s fingers scrape her skull as he massaged her head. Y/N almost moaned in pleasure but kept it to a deep sight. And let’s just not mention the butterflies in a hurricane rolling around her stomach. “I pretended to have my headphones in and to not to hear him, but I can’t do it every time and I just…. wanna die!” Y/N whined pressing her scalp in Bucky’s hands who cradled her head and put a little bit of pressure on her temples, rubbing them in a soothing motion.    He kept on doing his movements more so because the quarterback had fallen for the shy girl way too hard and this could be the only time he got to console her like this, let alone hold her. Then an idea popped into his head. It involved some pretty selfish things as he didn’t think Y/N reciprocated his feelings, but it would definitely get Rumlow off of her back and just the simple thought of Y/N on a date with that ass made bile rise up to his throat.    “I have a plan, but we can do this only,” he looked deep into Y/N’s eyes, getting lost for a second with how the evening sun made them sparkle, “only if you trust me.”    “Buck, you know I do. We've been friends for more than a year now and besides, you're Steve's best friend.”    There came a sound of protest from Sam, but neither took it to heart.    “Tomorrow morning, when you see Brock at any point in time, just come and find me. We’ll probably be by the main campus door; an early practice.”    Y/N squinted not really sure what cogs had started to turn under those long brown locks she just wanted to rake her hands through. “What’s your play here, Barnes?”    “Trust me,” he lent down whispering in a conspiratory tone, sending a shiver down Y/N’s spine, while his own heart threatened to hammer out of his chest, “it’ll get Rumlow off of your back forever.”
   It was 8:20 in the morning and Y/N was already on campus. She hadn’t really slept throughout the night, too excited for what was about to happen. Her first lecture started at nine, so the girl still had plenty of time to kill. She’d gone on a coffee run, given the fact that Steve and Bucky would be almost dead, after having to get up at 5 AM for their practice. Barnes’s black coffee still sent tendrils of steam through the plastic lid, while Steve’s latte and Natasha’s mocha had already gone down from scalding hot to ‘just-the-way-I-like-it’.    Ten minutes later and she could hear the roaring laughter of the Commandoes as they made their way across campus, coincidentally enough coming from the other side of the field was Brock, having spotted Y/N.    But it would seem that Bucky truly was a knight in shining armour.    “Doll!” he exclaimed opening up his arms as if awaiting a hug. “If this ain’t the prettiest sight on an early morning, then cut out my eyes and leave me blind. And you brought coffee! Truly you are amazing!” He whisked up Y/N eliciting a genuine squeal more from surprise rather than happiness.    Her Y/E/C eyes saw the two top lawyer students Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson walk by and her jaw dropped open when Matt laughed out loud at the blind joke. “So true, Buck. You’re one lucky guy.”    “What is going on?” Y/N hissed into Bucky’s ear.    “Relax, doll. Just roll with it.”    Y/N almost wanted to ask ‘roll with what’ when her brain caught up to his shtick. He was pretending they were together. It sent a mix of emotions through the girl- happiness, sadness, bitterness, that this was all a ploy to get Rumlow off of her back and not real, relief that she had such amazing friends and even a wave of jealousy as she realised after this, he’d probably go back to pining after other girls.    Brock’s eyebrows scrunched up in confusion yet he still made his way towards the pair, or rather their group as Steve, Nat, Sam and their friends Tony and Bruce- literal geniuses- had also joined. Y/N handed out the respective coffees trying not to acknowledge Brock’s appearance, but his voice didn’t give her much chance of that.    “Y/L/N. You look lovely this morning. Though what would be lovelier is if you would ditch the loser bunch and come hang out with me.”    Bucky’s grip around her shoulders tightened, the metal plates whirring as they positioned themselves. He’d lost his left arm in a car accident, but Tony’s father- owner of Stark Industries- had specifically designed a new one for him, the two families of Barnes and Stark being close friends. Still, even without an arm, he was the hottest guy in the school. At least in Y/N’s opinion.    “Sorry, we have to head to class,” he shot back giving Brock a mocking smile that was still nothing short of dazzling.    “Hey, hey wait! I think the lady can speak for herself and if you could take your arrogant head out of your ass, Barnes, you’d realise we have a thing going on here and she’d most definitely want to spend her time with me.”    Y/N couldn’t contain the sigh that escaped her as she rolled her eyes and head simultaneously. “There is nothing going on between us Rumlow. I went out with you just because you couldn’t take a hint. And as you might see,” she pointed with one finger, the rest still holding her coffee cup, “I am with someone.”    God, did Bucky love the way it sounded when she said she was with him.    God, how right did it feel for Y/N to say she was with Bucky.    They turned to leave but Brock was relentless. “Come on Y/L/N. I know what you’re doing.”    Y/N quirked up an eyebrow also noting that they were causing quite the scene as more and more students started to pile in for their 9AMs and decided to stop to see how the situation would get resolved.    “You’re playing hard to get. Trust me, I know tons of girls like you, but you don’t have to do that with me sweet-cheeks. Just drop the act and let’s go.”    “The fact that you have the audacity to think Y/N would even give you the time of day to play such games, after so many times she has told you ‘no’, really baffles my mind,” being a surprise to everyone it was Bruce who spoke up. The usually very quiet and scientific boy really looked at Brock as if he had suddenly sprouted an elephant’s trunk.    Bucky knew he had to act fast or this could turn ugly because he could see Brock’s friends from “Hydra”, the local motorcycle gang, approaching real fast.    “Do you trust me?” he mumbled into Y/N’s hair getting a whiff of her shampoo and almost just staying there like that- engrossed in her smell.    The girl’s only reply was a tiny nod of her head. She felt Bucky’s fingers underneath her chin as he lifted it up and for second there existed no one but the two of them. His ice-blue eyes bore into her Y/E/C and she could see, she could swear on everything that she held dear, there was true love in them. And before she could do anything they were closed and his lips were on hers.    A pleasant shiver ran down her spine as Bucky’s hand snaked around to hold the small of her back. And even though the kiss lasted barely a few seconds it felt like an eternity. His lips were softer than she could’ve ever imagined, barely pressing against hers, but as she didn’t pull away a small smirk appeared on Bucky’s face that Y/N couldn’t help but mirror.    When the two separated bashful smiles graced the lips of both the girl and the man. Suddenly a thunderous noise of applause invaded their ears, popping the bubble. Everyone was clapping, some of Bucky’s teammates were hollering ‘finally Barnes’ and ‘took you long enough’ and ‘we thought we might have to go and tell her ourselves’.    “Tell me what?” she looked up at Bucky, once again in that safe bubble, she always felt when around him.    He replied without any hesitation, still holding on to Y/N’s waist as if to reassure him, she was there, they had just kissed and hopefully, she won’t run away. “That I’m absolutely, irrevocably and utterly head over heels for you, doll. Have been since the second Steve introduced me to you and, good grief, have I been dying to kiss you.”    Time slowed down for them. There was no Brock, no “Hydra” or “Howling Commandoes”, no Steve, with a grin stretched across his face so tightly Nat was afraid it would actually split his cheeks open. Nor did they see quite a few people exchange money as pretty much the whole school had bets going on when Barnes would muster up the courage and ask Y/N out or how long it would take the quiet girl to realise that everyone could see her longing gazes that she threw at Bucky, but could not open her eyes to see the same coming from Bucky.    “Well then,” she cleared her throat dropping Bucky’s gaze just to tease him a bit as her lips pulled into a thin line. The man’s face turned into a horrified grimace that he’d overstepped a line and more so than anything, he felt his heart shatter with the fact that Y/N didn't feel the same. “It’s a good thing I’m in love with you too, otherwise all of this would be really awkward.”    “You- what?” he was so confused.    “I said,” she leaned in closer, Bucky’s nostrils filling with her scent as a hopeful look appeared in his eyes, “that I love you too. And that means you’ll be able to get to do this more often.”    “Do what more often?” he was now teasing the girl the same way she was him.    “This,” and Y/N pressed their lips together. Only this time, neither let go.
A/N: I’m a literal mess.. but thank you so much for showing such love to my Bucky one-shot Perfect. It blows my mind how many of you liked it, really from the bottom of my heart, a giant thank you!  ;****
P.S. have any requests or wanna be tagged? drop a message
P.S.S. please tell me what you think
P.S.S.S. please don’t repost without credit :)
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Missed Connections ~ Steve Rogers x Reader College!AU (Part 3/7)
A/N: Hi my lovelies! Okay, first off thank you so much for all of the love especially on the last chapter of Missed Connections. I haven’t gotten a chance to respond to you yet, but I have read all the comments and I’m soo soo grateful. Also, I’m pretty sure I got everyone who asked to be tagged but if I missed you I’m super sorry. Just shoot me an ask or a message or comment that you want to be tagged and I’ll add you. I am still working on Primary Colors. The chapter is being a bit stubborn and this story just started writing itself so I figured i”d share. I really love this part so I hope you enjoy it as well. 
Summary: Second semester is a bit disappointing to start off with. But maybe things will start looking up. (This is a crap summary. I apologize.) 
Characters/Pairings; Eventual Steve x Reader, Bruce, Betty, Thor, Sam, Scott, Clint, Tony, Pepper, Nat, Wanda :D 
Rating: T (language? maybe)
Warnings: A little bit of self doubt on the reader’s part 
Word Count: 2303 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 
“So we’ve officially covered everything that’s fair game on the exam,” Bruce said triumphantly.
You and Betty cheered.
“I vote, we take a thirty minute break. Let our brains revive themselves. And then do another round of review before we call it a night,” Betty suggested.
“I think that’s a fabulous idea,” you agreed.
“Sounds good to me.”
Bruce shut his textbook and pulled off his glasses, rubbing at his eyes.
“I’m going to grab some more food. Do you guys want anything?” Betty offered.
“I’m good.”
“No thanks.”
“Alright. Back in a few.”
Once she was out of earshot, you slid over next to Bruce.
“You guys seem to be hitting it off.”
“What are you talking about? We’ve just been studying?”
“The lingering glances. Her laughing at your lame science jokes.”
He held his hand to his heart as though he were wounded. “I thought you loved my lame science jokes.”
You laughed and nudged his shoulder.
“Love, sure. Actually find funny?” you grimaced and he rolled his eyes. “But seriously you should ask her to hang out after the exam..”
“And you should take your own advice.”
“I would if I ever saw him this semester. There’s been literally zero sign of him. I’ve seen his friends plenty of times, but… maybe he went abroad last minute.”
Bruce shook his head.
“No, he didn’t. He’s in my orgo 2 lecture.”
Surprisingly that didn’t buoy your spirits all that much. You were nervous he was avoiding you.
“Come on,” you urged. “At least one of us should get our love connection this semester.”
Before you could go too far down that rabbit hole Betty returned with a plate of chicken fingers and you could no longer ignore your hunger.
“Okay, I take it back. I want food. I’ll be back.”
You climbed out of the booth and grabbed your ID and phone before hurrying into line.
You wanted to give Betty and Bruce as much alone time as possible so you started looking for someone you could sit with for the time being. That was when you spotted Thor and Sam in a booth just inside the doors.
“Hey fellas, mind if I sit with you for a bit?”
“Y/n!” Thor boomed. In your few encounters you had figured out he was typically happy to see everyone. “Of course.”
He slid over so you could sit. You smiled at Sam and their other friend.
“Hi, I’m y/n.” You smiled.
“Scott. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
You arched an eyebrow at the word “finally” and Sam elbowed him in the ribs.
“I said finally. I meant it’s just nice to meet you. You seem like a really cool person. From your appearance.”
“Real smooth,” Sam snarked, rolling his eyes.
“So how’s the semester treating you guys?” You asked as you tried to hide your smile because obviously the guys talked about you.
Scott and Sam shrugged, but Thor groaned.
“It’s already kicking my ass. What about you?”
“Drowning. I had a chem exam Monday and I have a bio exam tomorrow. But hey, that’s what I signed up for.”
You leaned around the back of the booth so you could watch your friends. Betty was giggling at something Bruce had said and he was attempting to look cool.
“Trying to avoid someone?” Sam asked as he tried to see who you were looking at.
“No. My friend Bruce has a crush on this girl in our bio class who just so happens to be my lab partner. So I invited her to study with us and now we’re taking a break so I’m trying to stay scarce for as long as possible.”
“And here I thought you were just wanted to spend some time with us,” Thor teased.
“I mean that’s just a bonus,” you informed him as you smiled sweetly.
“I was hoping you’d say that. I’m having a party at my apartment tomorrow night. Do you want to come?”
The prospect was a bit daunting and you hesitated.
“You can bring your friends of course,” he said quickly. “The more the merrier.”
“Okay. Maybe. I’ll talk to my friends.”
He grinned broadly.
“Alright. Here, why don’t you give me your number and I’ll text you the details.”
You opened up a new text message and handed over your phone to Thor so he could text himself while you chatted with Scott and Sam. Conversation was easy, and you quickly lost track of time. You would have stayed talking to them until Late Night closed, but Bruce texted you rapid fire to get your attention.
“I’ve got to go. I’ll see you guys later.”
“See ya.”
“Good luck on your exam.”
“Come out tomorrow night and celebrate,” Sam suggested with a wink.  
“I’ll try and swing by,” you promised. “Good night.”
You quickly rejoined your friends and returned to studying. Bruce and Betty called it around midnight but you continued studying until Late Night closed at two.
As you eyed the mountain of stuff you had to get back to your room, you silently cursed yourself from not bringing your backpack down earlier. You had made so many small runs up to your room for studying materials that you couldn’t really carry it all.
“Need a hand?”
Your eyes widened in surprise when you looked up and found Steve standing there with a hesitant expression. You were going to refuse but then your laptop slipped off the top of the stack and he snatched it before it could smash on the ground.
“That’d be great. Thanks,” you conceded, handing over your textbook.
Tucking the multitude of colored pens into the front pocket of your hoodie, you shoved the loose papers into the front of your notebook and hugged the stack of them to your chest.
“All set?”
You nodded and fell in step beside him.
“Bio exam tomorrow?”
“Yes, unfortunately.”
“Do you have Fury?” he asked as you walked towards the elevators.
“Yeah. He’s super intimidating. I think it’s the eye patch.”
“It’s definitely the eye patch,” he agreed with a snort. “And the leather duster. Are Phil and Maria still TAing?”
You nodded as you stepped inside the elevator. “I have Phil for discussion. He’s the best.”
“Absolutely,” Steve agreed leaning against the opposite wall. “You should try to go to his office hours all the time if you can. He has the coolest gadgets.”
“I already do. I’m convinced he’s really a spy,” you confided with a giggle.
“I completely agree. One time he actually kicked open the door and tactical rolled into office hours.”
“No he didn’t,” you gasped.
“Cross my heart,” he grinned.  
“Oh my god. That is too funny.”
The elevator doors slid open on your floor and you sighed. You wished you had more time. He walked you all the way to your door, waiting patiently while you fished out your keys. You silently pushed open your door and dumped your notebooks on your desk before turning back to Steve and taking your textbook and laptop back from him.
“Thanks for your help,” you smiled and bit your lip.
He grinned and scratched behind his ear.
“Any time. Good luck on your exam.”
You both hesitated, before he mumbled, “Good night.”
“Good night.”
You slipped into your room and locked the door leaning up against it for a moment, before swearing under your breath.
“Shit. I still didn’t introduce myself.”  
“So what did you guys think?” you asked as the three of you walked out of the exam.
“I feel really good. I didn’t leave any blank so that’s a plus,” Betty reported as she tucked her pen into the front pocket of her backpack.
You looked to Bruce for his answer.
“About the same. There wasn’t anything off the wall.”
“Agreed. I’m just glad that and chem are over and I can actually enjoy the weekend.”
Betty nodded excitedly.
“Any fun plans?”
“I actually got invited to a party tonight. Do you guys wanna come?”
Bruce shuffled his feet slightly.
“We’re actually going to First Friday at the Science Museum.”
“They’re having a robot dance off before they open the floor for a massive party,” Betty elaborated.
You couldn’t help but grin at them. You did manage to refrain from squealing.
“It sounds like a blast. I hope you guys have fun.”
“I think we will,” Betty smiled before glancing at her watch. “Oh crap. I’m going to be late for work. I’ll see you guys later.”
“I’ll pick you up at 6:30,” Bruce told her.
“Looking forward to it.”
You waved until she was out the doors and then you gave in, squealing and flailing at Bruce.
“Yay! I’m so excited for you.”
“I’m so nervous. What if I screw it up?”
“You’re not going to screw it up. It’s going to be great. I’m so proud.”
He rolled his eyes and tugged on the straps of his backpack. “Come on, we have to meet the others for lunch.”  
You practically skipped towards the dining hall tugging Bruce behind. He was outright laughing at your enthusiasm by the time you sat down with the others.  
“I really wasn’t expecting this amount of giddiness just because I’m going to the Science Museum.”
“With the girl you’ve been crushing on,” you pointed out with a smirk.  
“That’s neither here nor there,” he spoke noncommittally. “Besides. I asked my crush out. That means it’s your turn. You have to talk to him.”
“Well she already has. Late last night,” Pepper smirked as she sipped her coffee.
“What does that mean?” Tony asked, looking up from his notebook where he was scribbling down his latest idea.
You thought you had been quiet enough to avoid waking Pepper, but her knowing look told you that you were wrong.
“Well, y/n, was walked back to our room by a certain someone we all technically don’t know.”
“And you didn’t text us immediately?”
“I’ve been busy. I needed sleep. I had an exam,” you drew out the last word pointedly.  
“And now you’re done so you can spill,” Wanda concluded with a grin.  
Knowing they weren’t going to let it go and honestly still being giddy about it, you rapidly recounted the journey from the dining hall to your room. It wasn’t terribly exciting in retrospect but you still beamed at the memory. After the gushing wrapped up Clint shook his head at you.
“I can’t believe you didn’t give him your number.”
“Technically she didn’t even give him her name,” Nat smirked at you and you stuck your tongue out in reply.
“He didn’t give me his either!” you argued.
“That doesn’t make anything better.”
“At least we had a full conversation. That’s progress.”
“True. But I think it’s time to kick it up a notch. And Thor’s party is the perfect opportunity.”
“Sit still or I’m going to poke your eye out,” Nat warned as you fidgeted for the thousandth time as she put the finishing touches on your make up.
Despite your rapidly mounting nerves, the afternoon had been fun. All four of you were going out that night, so you spent the time getting ready together. Wanda had left for her anniversary dinner with Viz an hour earlier. And Tony had come to pick up Pepper for Rhodey’s award ceremony shortly thereafter leaving you with Nat.
“Are you sure you’re not going overboard? This feels like a lot of makeup. I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard.”
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t question my makeup skills because I love you.” She smirked as she took a step back to admire her work. “Perfect.”
She held up the mirror so you could look at your reflection and you were pleasantly surprised. What had felt like a lot of makeup was really just touches here and there to enhance your features.
“You’re a knockout. Now it’s time for the finishing touch.”
She walked over to your closet and pulled out the black knee high boots you had bought on a whim during fall semester.
“I’m not wearing the boots, Nat.”
“Yes, you are. They make the outfit. Besides, you sass walk when you were them.”
“What does that even mean?” you snorted.
“It means you sway your hips, and make your ponytail swing. It’s hot. People notice when you do it.”
“Really?” you asked and your voice was way more hopeful than you wanted it to be.
“You’re not nearly as invisible as you think you are, sweetheart,” she said softly stroking your cheek. “Now, put on the damn boots.”
You chuckled and took the boots and zipped them up over your skinny jeans. You glanced at your reflection in the full length mirror on the back of your door.
Nat looked over your shoulder.
“You look like you want to puke.”
She wasn’t wrong; your stomach was queasy.
“I’m so nervous,” you admitted moving to sit on your bed.
“There’s nothing to be nervous about. It’s just a party.”
“It’s my first college party,” you reminded her. “And I’m going by myself.”
“Only for a little while. Clint and I will be there as soon as the meeting is over.”
“Are you sure I don’t need to be there?” you asked for the sixth.
“I’m positive. E-board only. We’re just finalizing numbers. The real work will start next week. Come on. Clint and I will get you on the shuttle.”
“I can do this,” you mumbled as you pulled on your peacoat and double checked your purse.
“Yes, you can.”
True to her word Nat and Clint, waited for the shuttle with you, making sure you got on. They also made you promise to text them when you got there and you resisted the urge to call them mom and dad.
A/N: So there you go. I’m super excited for what’s coming up. I have the ending planned out but there’s lots more fun and shenanigans to come. I hope you enjoyed this. Thanks so much for reading. Feedback is lovely! Mwah! 
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azariaspace · 6 years
Goals Assessment
An assessment of these posts and their feasibility and achievement or lack thereof so far as I’ve moved on campus and tomorrow’s the last day before school starts.
It’s under a read more for good reason (it is hecka long), but I really want my friends (and anyone!) to read it and see how much I’ve grown.
18 Goals for 2018
1. Pass all my classes (interim, spring freshman, and fall semester).  I want to say with As, but a) interim is just pass/fail and b) that doesn’t really matter.  Also, learn to study.
So, yikes, I didn’t do that.  I didn’t do the thing with all A’s and I didn’t do the thing with the simply passing, either.  But I failed two last fall and I failed one in the spring, so we’re doing better, and I’m retaking the two I failed in the fall this fall, so we’re atoning.  I also think I know how to pass them.  I really know how to study.
2. Get a job during interim, get a sustainable job for during the semester, and get a real job for during the summer.
I didn’t get a job during interim (well, I acquired one then, but I didn’t start it then), but I did get one during the semester!  I don’t know what I meant by “real job”, but I worked at a church in the summer.  I’m also working as a props master this year, which is a theatre and a management job, so it’s fun and real?
3. Become my floor’s Barnabas (the position that leads the spiritual development of the floor – something I would apply for and get in interim/early second semester freshman year and start as a sophomore).
Yes!  Did it.  Crushed it.  Just finished training.
4. Become an RA (something I would apply for… again… as a sophomore in the fall, even if I wouldn’t start working until 2019).
Haven’t yet had the chance to try, but I’ve already been asked about it.
5. Learn to drive and have a car on campus.
Nope, but I did start learning!
6. Have more than $1,000 in checking and savings.  Be fiscally responsible. Also, tithe.
2 outta 3 ain’t bad?  I have more than $1,000 in each, and I’m fiscally responsible.  I don’t tithe, but I’ve started a program to get there.
7. Go camping, or at least hammock often.  Also, get more plants.
Got more plants and I’ve got a hammock which I’ve used a bit.
8. Be a minimalist, both on-campus and at home.  And be an environmentally-responsible minimalist.
I got rid of a lot of stuff, but I don’t think I’m a minimalist yet.
9. Deepen my personal spiritual faith.
Jesus and I had a bit of a time.  But we’re working on it.
10. Become a full-fledged vegetarian.  Hop off the pescatarian train.
Crushed it.  Haven’t eaten meat since the first of the year.
11.  Sleep at a reasonable hour.
12. Do CTC again, but only when it’s helpful and feasible.  (So definitely interim and spring, but maybe not fall – and if not, that’s okay.)
13. Make sure my FYP (four-year-plan) is realistic, because I should have to take more classes than I have to.  Also look into auditing psych classes, or maybe just… take them.
I haven’t looked at it in forever oops.
14. Start serving at the church I’m going to.  Also, be serious about my attendance there.
I didn’t go back to that church and didn’t start serving the church I then went to.  Then I worked at a church, but got paid for it, so this is a fail.
15. Be serious about my meals.  If I’m on the 21 meal plan, use all 21.  Evaluate whether 15 is realistic.  Learn to cook.
This is half a no, but I can’t fix it because now I’m on unlimited meals.  I did learn how to cook though!
16. Sleep more and at decent times. And work on other things, like washing your face and using lotion so your hands aren’t dry.  I need to take care of myself.  And that includes seeing a therapist on-campus, because mental health is important, too, and my mind is nebulously… not right.  I’m not equipped to go beyond that, but, if nothing else, I can talk about stuff from my past.
I think the sleep on is a no.  Washing face is a soft maybe.  Lotion is a no.  It’s true that I need to take care of myself.  I saw a therapist thrice and then... stopped.
17. Read more for fun.
I didn’t during the semester, but I did over the summer!
18. Make an Instagram (the one I have now is garbage and is gonna be deleted probably) and take a picture every day.  Learn to appreciate life.  Write a caption – or don’t – but know that what you see is beautiful and a privilege.  The life I am living is beautiful, and even if not every moment is, I am in love with it.  I want to share that.
I remade the Instagram and set the goal, but I didn’t stick with it.  But I think I really did shift how I viewed life, which is the biggest goal of all.
Things I Want to Do This School Year:
-24-Hour Theatre
I really want to do it.  It’s one weekend, and I can spare myself for that long.  It won’t fall on a show weekend (because it’s done by the same people), and it’s not on a mandatory Barnabas day (I can skip anything that might fall on the same weekend).  It’s something I really want.
-fully prop three shows
It’s my job.  I have to.
-ASM a show
Again, it’s my job.  I have to.  But I really want to do it well.
-help the rogue production of AaOL (set designer? Stage manager? Whatever they need)
I think I’m going to have to let this one go.  Arsenic and Old Lace, if it happens at Calvin, will be beautiful, and it will be beautiful without me.  I don’t have the time for two shows at once, let alone two shows and whatever else I do at once.
-host a Seder and cook for it
I want to do this as part of my job as Barnabas, as a gift to my floor, and as an honoring of my ancestry and an expression of where my faith meets my heritage.  Food brings people together like nothing else, and while many people will go home for Easter, many people won’t, and this is a way they can have something special.
-play my uke well
I thought it would be necessary for Dorm Worship, but it won’t be.  We’ll see if it happens.
-bake bread once a week
The quick, simple bread!  Barnabread will be a much rarer commitment.
-write the first draft of a full-length play
I want to work on it if nothing else.
-help lead a club
It’s something I’ve committed to and I want to do it well.
-help rewrite the lgbt dorm workshop
I think I’m going to have to let this one go.  It’s a lot of work I don’t have time for.
-organize and catalog all our props
It’s a bonus part of Props Master I put on myself that I want to see started if not finished.
-make a movie
I think it’ll have to go on the backburner, if not nixed.
-get As in every class
I want it.  My GPA needs it.  Some other goals need it.
-get us gender neutral housing
I really, really want to help with this.
-get the job of ra for next year
I don’t know why this is always on my heart and mind but it is.
-get a theatre summer job
maybe with my current boss
-cold knight plunge
enough said
-get on the Israel trip for next year
I want it
-fuckin learn how to drive and get my license
I want it! (maybe with less swearing tho)
-get in a relationship
If it happens that would be lovely, but bruh I don’t even know if I have time for a relationship.
-clean and be neat
*looks at my desk* hmm wouldn’t it be nice
-sleep eight hours every night
I really want to try!
-do devotions every day
It’s in my schedule!  I really want to try!
Yes please I need to file for a mail-in ballot
-maybe try therapy again
... we’ll see
-love with reckless abandon
Blog about gripes I have with the way my school treats queer students
Mmm yes.  But also no pressure to do so.  Only when it’s useful for me.
Steal and implement the 95 stories project from Hope College
That’s a lot of work.  I want someone else to spearhead it and to be a part of it.
Make a zine about queer student experiences
See above.
Get to a reasonable weight
Pursue minimalism
Slowly but surely
Read for fun
... Didn’t I see this before?  I feel like it’s healthy and important.
YouTube video at least once a month
I feel like that’s a reasonable goal.
So many deep chats
I’ve already had one with a first-year and like three with my returning friends.
watch my friend finish playing undertale
It’s up to her.
Be on a church council
I’ve committed!  It’s happening.
Choreograph something
It’s for a class lol.  There’s no backing out.  But also I’m so, so excited.
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Miseries of migrant labourers worsen amid coronavirus pandemic and lockdown
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/miseries-of-migrant-labourers-worsen-amid-coronavirus-pandemic-and-lockdown/
Miseries of migrant labourers worsen amid coronavirus pandemic and lockdown
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Irshad Ali has been living for the past 19 days on the second floor of a five-storey building that is under construction in a gali in Daryaganj, Delhi. The building has no walls on two sides. Irshad sleeps next to a pile of cement. He wakes up staring at uncertainty. Will this lockdown end on April 14? Is there enough food to eat for the day? On April 9, he scraped the last grain of rice to make dal-chawal.
He was fasting on Shab-e-Barat, the night of worship. But he knew there wasn’t enough to go around for the 30-odd migrant labourers who were huddled under that roof. “There’s nothing to eat today. There’s nothing for tomorrow,” he said.
Irshad, 20, has a few clothes in a bag, a 2 kg LPG stove that is running out of gas, a phone and a wallet with no money. He cannot buy rice or dal or vegetables. Even if he gets free ration, he needs money to buy at least a kilo of gas to cook it. He cannot buy a bar of soap to wash his hands, as the world struck by the novel coronavirus constantly asks him to.
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He cannot buy a sachet of washing powder to clean his few clothes. Irshad, who came to Delhi two years ago, works in the construction industry, but he doesn’t have an address here. On March 19, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi exhorted the nation to hold a Janata Curfew on March 22 — “No one should come out of their homes. Don’t go out into the streets. Stay at home” — Irshad was living on a footpath in Chandni Chowk.
On the night of March 21, as Delhi geared up for the curfew the next day, Irshad was pushed out of the footpath by the police: “Find a place to stay.” His contractor found this building as a temporary refuge for him and others. Most of them are from his village of Kotar in Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal; a couple of them are from Uttar Pradesh and one person is from Bihar.
They came here thinking the curfew would be for just one day. Irshad had about Rs 400 in hand. He bought some rice and potatoes and filled the stove with gas — Rs 200 for 2 kilos. Within a few days he was running out of rice and rupees. So were the others. Now, there was a 21-day lockdown in place. “I thought the curfew would be just for Sunday; I thought I would go home on Monday. Then it was extended for over a week in Delhi. Then it was extended for 21 days. What could I do? I have just Rs 70-80 on me. I don’t even have money to go back home,” says Tassavur Ali, 47, from Kohali village in Kaiserganj, Bahraich, UP.
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A daily wage labourer, he came to Delhi 20 years ago. “I barely make `200-300 a day. I send home `2,000-3,000 a month, whatever I can save after spending on food.” They all saw on their phones hundreds of people trudging back to their villages. “We got to know they were walking but we have to walk not 200-300 km but 1,400 km… even if we walk 50 km a day it will take us 28 days. It is madness to even attempt to walk to Bengal. I will not make it,” says Jithku Ali, 39.
They are stranded in the city where they work, like millions of other informal, migrant labourers across the country, with no work or wages for weeks now. Says Sultan, who came to Delhi about 20 days ago: “I don’t have a paisa with me. And I am the only one who works in my family. How will we survive? When will I get work again? Nobody understands the mazdoor’s problems.”
As the nationwide lockdown progressed, their supplies dwindled. “We ate once a day. We starved once a day,” says Irshad. They tried to make the supplies last. That was when Jithku heard of a community kitchen serving cooked food. “Two of us went out, looking for it. On the way, the police stopped and questioned us. Frightened, we said we had gone to get medicine.
Then the policeman asked us to show the medicine or prescription. We had none, of course.” They have not stepped out of the building since. The Delhi government said last Saturday that it provided lunch and dinner to around 6.5 lakh people at 1,500 food distribution centres and would eventually feed 10-12 lakh people daily. But Jithku is still wary.
“A lot of us are not going out, scared of the police.” Then Irshad got a phone number of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) in Delhi and made a call to them. Meanwhile, Dildar Rahman, a labourer who has found refuge with a dozen others in another unfinished building nearby, called his former MP, Mohammed Salim, who also asked them to contact CITU in Delhi. On March 30, Rahman and others in his building got a grocery kit each of rice, dal, atta, oil and soaps; on April 1, Irshad and others got a similar kit. It lasted them a little over a week.
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They are desperate with each passing day; they fear the lockdown may not be lifted anytime soon. “We will die of the illness later. First we will die of hunger. And we won’t be dying alone. Our family back in our villages will die before us,” says Arif Ali, 19.
He studied till Class IX and has just come to Delhi to work and send some money to his family back home: “There’s mummy, papa, a younger brother and a sister, dada and dadi. I am the eldest child. I came with a villager to Delhi to make some money. The situation is very bad at home.” He sits on a bedsheet on the floor. “We are also worried about the country. But the government should also think about us who earn day-to-day and eat day-to-day. Those who work in offices will get their salary sitting at home. What will we get? Nothing. If we get nothing, then our families get nothing.
It is not just the rich people who vote. We also cast votes. We also belong to this country. But nobody thinks about the poor. As if the poor don’t have dignity. We are not scared of the corona. We are scared of the government which is not helping the poor.” They are falling between the cracks and abysses in welfare measures.
On March 25, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said the government would give `5,000 to construction workers registered with the Delhi Building and Other Construction Workers (BOCW) board. But only about 41,000 workers are registered there. The 30-odd workers in that building in Daryaganj haven’t even heard of it. Ashif Shaikh, founder of Jan Sahas, which conducted a survey of the impact of Covid-19 on migrant labourers, says, “About 80% of seasonal migrant workers in Delhi are in construction. Only 5-15% are registered with BOCW. Most people are not eligible for BOCW benefits. Lots of announcements have been made. The problem is in implementation on the ground. Now the government has to think seriously about how to build these systems.”
The Delhi government has also said it would give free ration to those who don’t have cards after they have registered on a website. In the Daryaganj building, only Rahman, who has studied till BA second year, had heard of it. Rahman only has a feature phone; so he borrowed the smartphone of a relative and registered, but he still hasn’t got his e-coupon.
By the time Irshad tried to register, the website had crashed for a couple of days. Sunain Akhtar from Muzaffarpur heard about Bihar’s Corona Sahayata — `1,000 will be put in the bank account of each migrant worker from Bihar. They have to download the Corona Sahayata App and register with Aadhaar and bank account numbers.
The government has sent money to over 1 lakh people. But Akhtar hasn’t got it. “I registered, but I haven’t got any money so far,” he says. From subsistence to soup kitchen is not a slide, it is a steep descent marked by hunger, helplessness and hopelessness. It is the very precipice of existence. It is the absence of agency.
Dignity of labour, howsoever sporadic the work may be, howsoever meagre the wages may be, has been hollowed out. Those who are used to earning a living are reduced to stretching their hands for a portion of food twice a day.
It is poverty that strangles and stifles — and it stretches from cities to villages, from the jaws of a five-storey building in Daryaganj to homes in rural Bengal. It is the forewarning of a social and economic catastrophe if this lockdown extends without social security measures in place.
Postscript: On the evening of April 10, Irshad and Rahman called to say that when their supplies were nil, CITU came with a second batch of kits. These would last them a week. They have pooled their last rupee and filled gas in the stoves. The trade union people also took them to a school supplying food near Jama Masjid to help them get over their inhibitions.
On the way, they came across Delhi Police’s mobile supply unit that served them chhole-rice. Meanwhile, Farhan ul Haq, a district coordinator of schools in Chandni Chowk, who was alerted about them running out of supplies, rushed cooked dal and chawal to them. They were also nudged to come to the community kitchen. Irshad and friends are considering it.
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chicojimj · 6 years
Stacey Abrams Rebuttal to State of the Union 2019 Good evening, my fellow Americans. Happy Lunar New Year. I’m Stacey Abrams, and I am honored to join the conversation about the state of our union. Growing up, my family went back and forth between lower middle class and working poor. Yet, even when they came home weary and bone-tired, my parents found a way to show us all who we could be. My librarian mother taught us to love learning. My father, a shipyard worker, put in overtime and extra shifts; and they made sure we volunteered to help others. Later, they both became United Methodist ministers, an expression of the faith that guides us. These were our family values – faith, service, education and responsibility. Now, we only had one car, so sometimes my dad had to hitchhike and walk long stretches during the 30 mile trip home from the shipyards. One rainy night, Mom got worried. We piled in the car and went out looking for him - and eventually found Dad making his way along the road, soaked and shivering in his shirtsleeves. When he got in the car, Mom asked if he'd left his coat at work. He explained he’d given it to a homeless man he’d met on the highway. When we asked why he'd given away his only jacket, Dad turned to us and said, “I knew when I left that man, he’d still be alone. But I could give him my coat, because I knew you were coming for me.” Our power and strength as Americans lives in our hard work and our belief in more. My family understood firsthand that while success is not guaranteed, we live in a nation where opportunity is possible. But we do not succeed alone – in these United States, when times are tough, we can persevere because our friends and neighbors will come for us. Our first responders will come for us. It is this mantra - this uncommon grace of community - that has driven me to become an attorney, a small business owner, a writer, and most recently, the Democratic nominee for Governor of Georgia. My reason for running for governor was simple: I love our country and its promise of opportunity for all, and I stand here tonight because I hold fast to my father’s credo – together, we are coming for America, for a better America. Just a few weeks ago, I joined volunteers to distribute meals to furloughed federal workers. They waited in line for a box of food and a sliver of hope since they hadn’t received a paycheck in weeks. Making their livelihoods a pawn for political games is a disgrace. The shutdown was a stunt engineered by the President of the United States, one that defied every tenet of fairness and abandoned not just our people - but our values. For seven years, I led the Democratic Party in the Georgia House of Representatives. I didn’t always agree with the Republican Speaker or Governor, but I understood that our constituents didn’t care about our political parties – they cared about their lives. So, when we had to negotiate criminal justice reform or transportation or foster care improvements, the leaders of our state didn’t shut down – we came together. And we kept our word. It should be no different in our nation’s capital. We may come from different sides of the political aisle; but, our joint commitment to the ideals of this nation cannot be negotiable. Our most urgent work is to realize Americans’ dreams of today and tomorrow. To carve a path to independence and prosperity that can last a lifetime. Children deserve an excellent education from cradle to career. We owe them safe schools and the highest standards, regardless of zip code. Yet this White House responds timidly while first graders practice active shooter drills and the price of higher education grows ever steeper. From now on, our leaders must be willing to tackle gun safety measures and face the crippling effect of educational loans; to support educators and invest what is necessary to unleash the power of America’s greatest minds. In Georgia and around the country, people are striving for a middle class where a salary truly equals economic security. But instead, families’ hopes are being crushed by Republican leadership that ignores real life or just doesn’t understand it. Under the current administration, far too many hard-working Americans are falling behind, living paycheck to paycheck, most without labor unions to protect them from even worse harm. The Republican tax bill rigged the system against working people. Rather than bringing back jobs, plants are closing, layoffs are looming and wages struggle to keep pace with the actual cost of living. We owe more to the millions of everyday folks who keep our economy running: like truck drivers forced to buy their own rigs, farmers caught in a trade war, small business owners in search of capital, and domestic workers serving without labor protections. Women and men who could thrive if only they had the support and freedom to do so. We know bipartisanship could craft a 21st century immigration plan, but this administration chooses to cage children and tear families apart. Compassionate treatment at the border is not the same as open borders. President Reagan understood this. President Obama understood this. Americans understand this. And Democrats stand ready to effectively secure our ports and borders. But we must all embrace that from agriculture to healthcare to entrepreneurship, America is made stronger by the presence of immigrants - not walls. Rather than suing to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, as Republican Attorneys General have, our leaders must protect the progress we’ve made and commit to expanding healthcare and lowering costs for everyone. My father has battled prostate cancer for years. To help cover the costs, I found myself sinking deeper into debt -- because while you can defer some payments, you can’t defer cancer treatment. In this great nation, Americans are skipping blood pressure pills, forced to choose between buying medicine or paying rent. Maternal mortality rates show that mothers, especially black mothers, risk death to give birth. And in 14 states, including my home state where a majority want it, our leaders refuse to expand Medicaid, which could save rural hospitals, economies, and lives. We can do so much more: Take action on climate change. Defend individual liberties with fair-minded judges. But none of these ambitions are possible without the bedrock guarantee of our right to vote. Let’s be clear: voter suppression is real. From making it harder to register and stay on the rolls to moving and closing polling places to rejecting lawful ballots, we can no longer ignore these threats to democracy. While I acknowledged the results of the 2018 election here in Georgia – I did not and we cannot accept efforts to undermine our right to vote. That’s why I started a nonpartisan organization called Fair Fight to advocate for voting rights. This is the next battle for our democracy, one where all eligible citizens can have their say about the vision we want for our country. We must reject the cynicism that says allowing every eligible vote to be cast and counted is a “power grab.” Americans understand that these are the values our brave men and women in uniform and our veterans risk their lives to defend. The foundation of our moral leadership around the globe is free and fair elections, where voters pick their leaders – not where politicians pick their voters. In this time of division and crisis, we must come together and stand for, and with, one another. America has stumbled time and again on its quest towards justice and equality; but with each generation, we have revisited our fundamental truths, and where we falter, we make amends. We fought Jim Crow with the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, yet we continue to confront racism from our past and in our present – which is why we must hold everyone from the very highest offices to our own families accountable for racist words and deeds – and call racism what it is. Wrong. America achieved a measure of reproductive justice in Roe v. Wade, but we must never forget it is immoral to allow politicians to harm women and families to advance a political agenda. We affirmed marriage equality, and yet, the LGBTQ community remains under attack. So even as I am very disappointed by the President’s approach to our problems – I still don’t want him to fail. But we need him to tell the truth, and to respect his duties and the extraordinary diversity that defines America. Our progress has always found refuge in the basic instinct of the American experiment – to do right by our people. And with a renewed commitment to social and economic justice, we will create a stronger America, together. Because America wins by fighting for our shared values against all enemies: foreign and domestic. That is who we are – and when we do so, never wavering - the state of our union will always be strong. Thank you, and may God bless the United States of America.
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keywestlou · 4 years
Some of today’s topics unusually interesting.
The first involves Great Britain, the United Kingdom, England, or whatever it was called at a particular time in history.
The Brits were always taxing people and things. They cared not what nor for those being taxed. Only to collect money for the royal coffers.
That is why there was a Boston Tea Party, a need for a Robin Hood, and more.
Today’s subject the Window Tax. The Brits were known as the United Kingdom at the time. A Window Tax was imposed in 1699 and remained in place till 1851.
The Window Tax also referred to as a “bandl tax.”
Windows on a house were taxed. The more windows, the higher the tax paid by the owner.
Necessity became the mother of invention. Everyone wants to pay as little in taxes as possible. Tax avoidance came into play big time.
Homes were built with fewer windows. Older homes had some windows bricked over. The poorer homes covered all the windows.
“Dark and gloomy” became the order of the day. The more blocked windows, the less the light entering from the outside.
As the years progressed, poor and rich alike clamored for a repeal of the tax. It was considered a “tax on health” and a “tax on light and air.” The tax encouraged disease and ill health.
It took 152 years, but the people finally won out when in 1851 the Window Tax was withdrawn.
This past thursday, Trump bare naked his intelligence level. His thought process convoluted.
Trump was speaking at Owens and Minor, a medical supply distributor, in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He said, “When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”
Dr. Joseph Fair is known to most of us. He appears frequently on NBC and MSNBC. He is one of their medical consultants.
Dr. Fair is a virologist and epidemiologist which makes him an expert in the study of the coronavirus problem.
He flew to New Orleans last week. The plane was crowded. “Packed” as he described it. The thought occurred to him to get off. However, he did not.
He wore a face mask, gloves, and wiped his area with disinfectant.
Turns out he should have worn googles. So Dr. Fair thinks today.
Three days after the trip, he started feeling lousy. Remained home. Over the course of a few days, breathing became difficult. He could only get 25 percent of his breath into his lungs.
He was off to the hospital. They gave him 4 coronavirus tests. All negative. It took #5 to come up with a positive finding. He was definitely sick.
Dr. Fair believes the virus got into his body through his eyes. Recent studies indicate mere talking can generate droplets that can linger up to 14 minutes.
Goggles would have prevented his coming down with the virus.
Dr. Fair claims he was not at high risk for the problem. Forty years old and in good health. Runs every day. Has no underlying maladies. He said he was in the best condition he has ever been.
Which brought to his mind he probably would have died were he older and not in such good condition.
Dr. Fair remains in the hospital, no longer in critical condition.
Certain prostitutes earn big money.
Some governments tax a prostitute’s earnings. Germany has been doing so for more than 10 years. Germany legalized prostitution so it could tax the ladies.
Other European nations tax prostitutes also. Great Britain is one.
Linda St. Clair began working the streets as a teenager. At a point later in life, she became one of Britain’s leading ladies of the night. Her professional name Miss Whiplash. She was both a prostitute and dominatrix.
Linda owned and operated one of the largest whore houses in London. High class. Some 250 members of Parliament among her customers.
She drove a Rolls Royce.
The British government decided to tax her. She refused to pay. She said if she were to pay, the government would be living off “immoral earnings.” Such was her legal position.
The government said morality had nothing to do with it. The government considered her earnings derived from a “trade.”
Linda fought the tax collector successfully for 15 years. The government never gave up, however. When she saw she would not be able to win, she sold everything. Took her monies and went on a world cruise. Excuse the vernacular, she “pissed” her money away in all the fun spots of the world.
When the government finally got her and had a huge judgment against her, she was judgment proof. Penniless.
Some Trump.
One of the commentors to my blog recently wrote Trump was no “warrior” as he was claiming. He pointed out Trump dodged the draft and mocked a prisoner of war.
The gulf between Trump and scientists regarding coronavirus grows. Trump even finding fault with Fauci.
What did Trump think would happen when his thoughts and those of the scientists were at opposite ends of the spectrum. He obviously expected dedicated professionals to lie.
Trump is learning there are some honest people in the world. Not all are cut from the same bolt of cloth as he.
Coronavirus data as of 5/14 interesting. Actually, surprising.
The data shows trends are significantly rising in the U.S. if the numbers for 3 cities are pulled. New York, New Orleans, and Detroit.
Not a good sign. Indicates things getting worse, not better.
A 6.4 earthquake hit Nevada during the night. Several large aftershocks followed. The quake line near the California border.
Someday again California may experience another of its drastic earthquakes. I recall my good friend Bob Marks being involved in one. So strong, it took down a major bridge in San Francisco. Bob could not get home for 3 days because the bridge was gone.
Some Key West happenings.
Publix cut back on open hours because of the virus. Publix announced that as of tomorrow, it is returning to normal shopping hours. The stores will be open from 7 am to 9 pm.
The virus opened many eyes in Key West as to the pollution the cruise ships were causing. Key West waters have become clear since the cruise lines were shut down.
The cruise ships will return. Many do not want them. I for one do not.
Key West is at the bottom of the list re payments from the cruise lines being permitted to dock here. The cheaper cruise lines bring passengers to Key West. Not the affluent who spend money. Passengers in recent years spend a day walking around and having a drink or 2 at a bar. They skip back to the ship for lunch. Do not spend money on food or anything of value.
And of course the ships themselves pollute our waters and reef big time.
They are not worth it.
The Key West Committee For Safer Cleaner Ships has been formed by some locals. They have opened an office on Caroline street.
They are anti-cruise ships.
The issue is being put to referendum in August. The actual wording not yet formulated. It will either be to limit the number or eliminate cruise ship visits in their entirety.
John Simonton was the first American to own the Island of Key West as it was then known. Simonton died this day in 1854 in Washington, D.C.
The news is the Cow Key Channel Bridge reconstruction is on schedule. I have not seen it. I live one island off Key West. The bridge the only way in and out of Key West. I crossed it twice daily.
Since I am in my 65th day of self-quarantine, I have not seen any of the reconstruction work being done.
I wish they were ahead of schedule. With the virus impacting us, there was substantially less traffic and the contractor should be ahead of schedule. The virus would have turned out to be a benefit in disguise. Unfortunately, the State of Florida does not think that way.
The stone crab business has been taking a beating the past several years. The State now wants to add to the stone crab fishermen’s plight.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has issued a draft to be voted on in July. It proposes to close the stone crab season by 5 months. It also proposes to reduce the minimum size of stone crabs that can be caught.
The 5 months I cannot understand. The reduction in size I can. Only 1/8th of an inch.
Enjoy your day!
  WINDOW TAX was originally published on Key West Lou
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