#voting to potentially kill each other
yuri-is-online · 3 months
Hi Yuri! Have you ever considered the idea of there being an alternate version of the twst boys in Yuu’s world? Since we have no clue if it’s just another planet or an entirely separate universe, it’s theoretically possible. Poor Yuu would think they are going crazy seeing a familiar face or hearing a familiar voice in another world. Perhaps it is even painful to the point Yuu tries to avoid interacting with the boy in question. - 🦐
(Also, I am well aware of how often I’ve been sharing these thoughts. If they’re annoying you or you don’t feel up to it, I don’t want you to feel pressured to respond or anything. I’m just spitballing and posting before I forget. 👉👈)
OH BOY DO I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS ON THIS!!!!! (first and foremost being that you are very much not annoying <3)
An alt version of a twst boy in Yuu's world is just so yummy. There's so much angst potential depending on what the relationship is/was. Did their boy die in some horrible accident? Is he waiting for them, anxious and terrified about where Yuu went? Does this imply that twst also has a version of Yuu somewhere out there in the world? Questions questions. I did sort of write about this idea in the tags of this yan version of the soulbound au, wherein a cursed Yuu driven insane by their curse kills their soulmate before being isekaid to Twisted Wonderland and finding a different version of him, horrified with the realization that they could kill him again... but I want to cook up some dynamics for what the dorm leaders/overblot boys could be up to in Yuu's world first sooo...
I had a hard time thinking about Riddle until I remembered he's a horse girl and cast Yuu in the role of bad boy ranch hand whose dad's got a job at the barn so they're forced to help take care of the horses and warn all the would be YA protags about the "special horse" who doesn't take orders from just anyone. Not that Riddle is the protagonist... he's more the well established rich petty bitch who looks down on the new girls and especially on you because you're never taking care of his horse in accordance with all his stupid rules. And in stereotypical horse movie fashion Riddle has a massive not so secret crush on bad boy ranch hand Yuu who just doesn't get why he keeps trying to talk to them.
There isn't much royalty left in the world, but imagine Leona as the son of some rich business magnate whose older brother got the company and left him with "nothing." Maybe Yuu works at a liquor store part time and Leona comes in to pick stuff up every once in a while. You wouldn't call him a friend, but you guys shoot the shit enough that you have a general feel for each other to the point he joins you on your breaks to keep up the talk and play chess.
I love the idea of student president council Azul. He's made for that trope. Born for it, he'd be such a terror with Jade as his VP and Floyd as well. Floyd. I can't see him really being a part of the student council but I had this idea the other day based off this instagram post I saw about this mom who sews right? Her daughter was running for class president and she made these bracelets with little shrimp on them and attached them to cards that said "Keep it shrimple! Vote for (kid's name)!" And I was struck with this vision of Yuu doing that so like. Yuu running against Azul with that campaign slogan and he's tearing his hair out over it being so popular because people like memes (the original idea had Floyd running as Yuu's vp but they both dropped out at the last minute because neither him or Yuu wanted to do the actual work lol.) I also like student council president Azul and delinquent Yuu... but that's because of Tsuredure Children ha
Kalim and Jamil are hard... but I think the same set up of rich businessman's kid and his bodyguard in training still fits. How Yuu meets them is beyond me, but if you were friends with either of them could you imagine how painful seeing the same tragedy play out in this new world would be? Jamil doomed to always be a servant and Kalim doomed to be betrayed by his best friend... that would be so painful for someone who cared deeply about either of them I could see it motivating Yuu to try and resolve things for twst Jamil and Kalim that much harder.
Ok so hear me out... Vil still wants to be an actor in your world but he doesn't have the connections to his dad and is working as a pharm tech with Yuu at your local drugstore while going to school and hunting for gigs. He mentions being interested in cosmetics and magical pharmacology in game... and he also mentions knowing nothing about his mom so like. Your world Vil ended up with his mom instead of his dad and you get to see him on the cusp of his big break as one of his number one supporters from the very start, only to get isekaid to a world where you get to see what things could have looked like. It's strange how similar and yet not both versions of Vil are...
Idia is the guy who comes in to buy snacks at your convenience store during the night shift who you start talking to when you notice him buying a game time card for something you also play. You're stupid awkward around each other at first, but it's nice to finally have someone to talk about your niche interest with once you've passed each other's sniff tests. You don't actually know him know him though... so getting sent to another world where there's another version of him makes you worried the more you learn about his backstory that maybe you should have been there for your Idia more. Is he doing ok back home? Did he think of you as a friend? You hope he isn't blaming himself for any of this...
Malleus is an old money trust fund baby whose family was absolutely royalty at some point and is still overly attached to it. He likes old buildings, cemeteries, long walks in the fog, you know all those good goth things. He's tall and socially awkward and so grateful for you, his first and best friend who he met one moonlight night he swore was a dream in his favorite abandoned building who spoke at length with him about all sorts of things he liked. So you know. More or less the same. Just without the world ending powers... I think this is another one that would be quite sad. Which version of Malleus needs Yuu more? Which one is the real one? I'd hate the idea of him being destined to always be lonely and lose the ones he loves.
As for Yuu avoiding them... I could see that. It would feel weird seeing someone you love so much only for it not to be them at all. I know that the Lovebrush Chronicles kiiiiind of deals with this??? I wish I had the patience to play through it has an appealing glasses wearing ro but it's a mobile otome :/ but still. It's a concept I promise I am totally normal about.
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embersofhope-if · 1 year
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"On the 25th anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that their children were dying because of their choice to initiate violence, every district was made to hold an election and vote on the tributes that who would represent it."
Twenty-five years have passed since the rebellion, yet the price is still being paid by the Districts. Even though most people alive today had no part in the fight, they suffer the consequences of the Capitol's anger. The harsh reality of the Capitol's cruelty is revealed every year on July 4th, Reaping Day. On this day, two children from each of the 12 districts are randomly chosen to fight to the death in an arena until only a lone victor remains. Parents hold their children close and hope it isn't their child who will be ripped away from them, knowing that there is nothing they can do to stop it.
However, this year is different. This year marks the very first Quarter Quell, and parents don't have to worry about whether their children might be taken away because, for this once-in-a-lifetime event, they get to choose who goes into the arena. But there's no doubt in anyone's mind who's going in when the mayor has a child of his own - me.
Now it's my turn to play a true game of life or death. May the odds be ever in my favor
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Demo ☆ Playlist ☆ Pinterest
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Customize your appearance (hair type and color, complexion, height, build, clothing)
Choose how you interact with the Capitol and those of your District
Form new relationships and change the ones you already have
Train in the weapon of your choice yes including a bow
Try not to die<3
17+. Content warnings for graphic violence, child death, child abuse/neglect, starvation, murder
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Creon Levesque ♤ The Mentor ♤ RO ♤ 19
A special friend in very special places. I met Creon when you were 12 years old at a dinner party my Uncle Keyon had brought me to in the Capitol. Maybe it was the fact that I was very obviously District or maybe it was something else entirely, but from that night forward, Creon and I have had an intense and strange relationship. And now they stand before me assuring me that with them as a mentor, everything will be alright. How they managed to get themselves as a mentor they won't tell me, but honestly, in the end, does it matter?
♤Creon is gender selectable by the player♤
Romance Route: Red flag of all red flags, forbidden love, different worlds, insta love (at least on Creons part)
Aurelius/Aurelia Weaver ♧ The District Partner ♧ RO ♧ 18
My district partner. I don't know them that well, especially after they dropped out of school at 16 to work full-time in the factories. I'm not entirely sure what I did to them to warrant the looks of pure disgust and anger they throw my way after that, but now things have changed. They asked to be the other tribute for District 8, and now standing in front of them and looking into their eyes, all I can see is a predator looking at its prey. They are going to kill me, and they're going to enjoy it.
♧ Aurel is always the opposite gender of Mc ♧
Romance Route: Enemies to Lovers, Doomed Love, potential unrequited love, perhaps unrequited but actually requited love😏
Asher "Ash" Fairchild ♡ The Childhood Bestfriend ♡ 16
Ash was the first and only real friend I've had my entire life. They were practically the embodiment of everything good in the world. Everyone loved Ash, and when they had their name called for the 23rd reaping the shock and sorrow was felt throughout the entire District. Even walking up to the stage, they moved like a petal dancing through the wind. Their memory has haunted me every day for the past two years, and now I get to experience the same terror they felt in their final moments.
♡ There will be an option to be in a relationship with Ash before their games. Ash is also gender selectable by the player ♡
Romance Route: First love, childhood friends to lovers, soulmates
Soren Vesper ◇ The Mayor ◇ 46
The mayor of District 8, and my Father. A very stern man who prefers things to be done his way. I've never seen his mask of the harsh mayor who does everything the Capitol request ever break, that is until the announcement of the Quarter Quell. The change happened so fast that it scared me. A once mighty man who didn't care about the people of his district now begging them to choose anyone but his child to go into the games. At least I get to know my Father does care for me before I die.
Tribute and Other Profiles TBA
☆This is my second IF my main one is @shadowsofthegun-if if anyone is interested in being a goofy little cowboy and i have another IF @dustandshadows-if set in the world of the shadowhunter chronicles if anyone is interested in that as well. @konosadmaru is also my main if anyone wants to follow me on there☆
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Why you should vote for each ship under the cut!
Merthur: they meet and it’s IMMEDIATE aggressive flirting. two episodes in they’re already trying to die for each other. rampant jealousy, codependency, devotion, queer metaphors, being beside each other through everything, all the good stuff. merlin sabotages every relationship arthur attempts to be in except gwen, who he knows that arthur loves. arthur kills merlin’s singular non-arthur romantic prospect (not on purpose but it’s still funny). there’s like. a good 10+ years of arguably reciprocated pining there. and then arthur goes and dies in merlin’s arms and NEARLY says he loves him but says thank you instead. and then there’s another 1500+ years of one sided pining while arthur is dead and merlin is waiting for him to rise again. Catradora: These two ladies are one of the most iconic examples of friends-to-enemies-to-friends-to-lovers in fiction. They’ve known each other and cared about each other since childhood. They weren’t sure what their feelings for each other were, but both knew the other CARED. Then Adora realized that they were both working for the Bad Guys and defected, and Catra did NOT take that well. What follows are 4 straight seasons of flirtation, hostilities, and heated combat before Catra finally understands where and how badly she messed up, and joins Adora’s team. At which point they become even MORE flirty, before they finally seal the deal with a kiss in the finale, becoming the couple that they always had the potential to be, but couldn’t for so long because of things unspoken and undone.
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visenyaism · 7 months
completely random question but wtf was the Baela and Rhaena custody agreement in HOTD your opinion? Because the kids all seem like they talk regularly and are as close as they would be if their parents were married and they all lived together for the past several years but Baela's not standing with them in the hall and a 5 second look at Rhaena is enough for Rhaenys to have a reasonably civil conversation with someone she thinks murdered one of her kids? Which would imply she's barely seen her?
if i had to guess, i’d call it the result of some kind of fucked up situation where like. rhaenys (acting head of driftmark) wanted both twins to foster with her because she did NOT want them in the house of of the two people she thinks killed her children. and daemon, attempting to bluff, was like “you can pick one twin” thinking she wouldn’t so Rhaenys hit him with the “i’m taking your favorite twin” double bluff. And theyve pissed the Velaryons enough so Rhaenyra and Daemon just have to do it.
there’s clearly some open line of communication because as soon as Baela finds out Vaemond is going to do some shit, she writes her father a letter. but i also don’t think they’ve really seen each other that much or at all in six years. I wish the show elaborated on whatever happened here because it has the potential to be extremely juicy and very dysfunctional and i need to know more. why separate twins in a custody agreement like that and why is Daemon’s favorite twin the one who got voted off the island. much to consider
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sixthsensewulf · 1 month
Last minute.. well the day before posting for the first half of the finale for Fantasy High Junior Year.
Either whatever half assed plan the Bad Kids come up with to try and save Elmville will fail not badly, but enough to have a strong as fuck Bad Guy to fight in the final episode.
Basically Porter. He will be a "god" .. these 6 kids have killed a fucking Dragon in Freshman Year and "saved"/"killed" a god in Sophomore Year Spring Break kinda. . So they can do it.
Naturally the Bad Kids will figure out a way to gain allies for this fight... For example
You had Jawbone and Skolanda for Freshman Year (I'm not fucking counting Arthur Agefort)
You had I think Sandra Lynn, Ragh, Tracker and the maid (her name escapes me) for Sophomore Year.
Guantreed we will get Jawbone, Ragh and Mazey helping them out here for this fight.
But we have Baxter alone. I'm hoping that comes into play for them. Whatever Jace/Oisin/KLCK were trying to do with Gorgug will be revealed. (Might be a read mind situation which failed because Gorgug got a 22 save I think).
Like the Bad Kids need to kill Jace and Porter. Guantreed they will be killed.
But if Gorgug can get to the school and to find Henry. . Maybe they might be able to get Grix back online to help them out. Since Henry is getting Grix back online right? If you get the acting Principal back then maybe the vote will still go through but they have another block in the road.
But having Henry be there for Gorgug instead of Porter will be insane. The one teacher that saw potential in Gorgug Vs the one that tried to keep him on the path of rage.
I'm honestly going to be okay and satisfied with whatever will happen, since at the end of the day, it's 7 best friends that love and respect each other having fun playing DnD for their work. The fandom and the fans are just there to witness it.
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Heard they killed Jason Todd again
I saw a post a while back that said Jason is capable of breaking the fourth wall but doesn't because he's pissed the audience voted to kill him. which obviously means he and Deadpool know each other
Kate walks out of her bedroom, glances at her kitchen table, and does an immediate about-face.
She exits her room again about a minute later, looking more or less the same.
The scene at her kitchen table is also more or less the same. She scrubs her eyes to see if that makes a difference. It does not.
"You okay?" Wade asks.
Kate thinks about this for a moment. "Yeah. I'm fine." She takes in the two very extremely large men wearing red masks who are armed with swords and several guns apiece, sitting at her table like this is a normal occurrence. "This just seemed like a conversation I was going to want a bra on for."
"That makes sense."
Wade says nothing else. Does not explain why he is in her apartment, or, for that matter, how he is in her apartment, or who his companion is.
"Wade," she says, finally. "How did you get in my apartment? Why are there two of you in my kitchen? Is this an alternate you?" She doesn't wait for an answer because she's noticed something else. "Is someone cooking?"
"I'm making muffins," says the new one. Now that she's waking up, the differences between them are easy to see. His mask is hard, less expressive, and a single color. His voice is also different. He's broader than Wade. He looks like he could stop a semi with the massive breadth of his shoulders. Kate thinks about what a sturdy perch he would make before shoving the thought to the side before she gets distracted
"Sure," she says, once she is no longer thinking about standing on those broad shoulders. "Okay. Why?"
He shrugs. "Seemed like the polite thing to do."
"The polite thing to do was commandeer my kitchen?"
A realization starts sucking at Kate's feet like so much mud, dragging her to a stop as she starts to understand Deadpool's intentions. "Wade, who is this man and why is he here? You better not be ditching some random dude in my apartment."
"Woah, hold on now." Wade holds his hands up in surrender. "He's not some random dude! This is my good buddy, Robin."
Robin (?) sighs in what is clearly exasperation even though none of his face is visible. "Robin? Seriously, Wade?"
"ShhhHH, I told you she'd take it better if you were a bird, shut up!"
Robin heaves another dramatic sigh and moves to the oven, his eyeless mask potentially peering intently into the appliance before he opens it up and pulls out two trays of muffins. She watches as he plates two up and sets them on the table with a butter dish she knows isn't hers.
Wade reaches for them and Robin slaps his hand away.
Wade pouts. Robin comes back with a cup of coffee. Kate sits.
"So you know how we're fictional characters, right?"
Kate doesn't stop eating. "Sure."
"Wait, she knows too?" Robin asks, sounding far too excited for this early in the morning.
"She knows, she just doesn't believe."
"Then how will she--"
"Do I need to believe?" Kate points out.
"Not really," Wade says. "Like I was saying: fictional characters. In Robin's universe, the readers voted to kill him. Again."
"That's fucked up," Kate says before his words really register. "Wait, what do you mean again?"
"They did it years ago when he was an itty bitty teenage sidekick. It was a whole thing."
Kate lets that digest. It doesn't sit particularly well.
"And I know you're wondering Wade, what does this have to do with me, your favorite Hawkeye? Well I'll tell you. I yoinked baby bird here out of his universe to come hang in ours! At least until the writers stop being bitch ass punks."
"And when you say our universe, you mean--"
"With you, yeah."
Kate ponders this for a moment. The muffins are really good.
"You can stay, but you have to cook," she decides. Wade cheers, tugging his mask up to land a kiss on her cheek. She can't help but feel a bit smug about that.
"I'm out of here!" Wade bounces to his feet and is halfway to the window before Kate can process. "Have fun, but not too much fun! And Bird Boy, if you get bored, Hawkeye's dad is some two-bit crime-boss hack, you could use him as an in to take over the criminal underworld again!"
He slams the window shut behind him.
"Take over the criminal underworld again?" Kate repeats. "Does that mean--"
Robin sighs. "I'm a crime lord back home."
He says this like it is a normal thing. Like he's just said he's an accountant back home.
"You're a crime lord named Robin?"
Another sigh. "I was Robin. Now I'm Red Hood."
"Ah. Obviously. Of course." Kate is swiftly losing her ability to deal with this morning and is contemplating relocating back to bed. "Should I call you Red Hood?"
He sighs, reaches up to unlatch something with his helmet, putting it to the side. "My name is Jason."
Kate gawks at him. "No. Absolutely not. You're not allowed to be prettier than me in my own home."
Jason, murdered crime lord, blushes.
Yeah, she can work with this.
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raayllum · 10 months
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Already touched on this scene regarding the differences to the brothers, so I'm not going to repeat myself too much here, but I am thinking about the like... Purpose of this scene from a narrative/characterization standpoint in line with that. Because like, think about it... This scene would hit so different, as a debate, if we didn't know how far along Claudia and co. were in their quest to free Aaravos; then we could lean one way or another operating with the exact same information the characters have.
But we the audience Know that Aaravos isn't out, which is the primary reason Callum gives regarding incentive to get the Nova Blade. Nor is this the first time that Callum has a perspective we know isn't necessarily, well, necessary because we know more than the characters do. So we're already inclined to be more on Ezran's side because we know his line of thinking - that Aaravos isn't out and it's worth trying to just stop his release - is worth following.
It is likewise worth noting though, that Callum thinks the Novablade plan is good whether Aaravos is out or not. While he brings up that Claudia and Viren might've already released the Startouch elf, when Callum initially proposes the plan (shown above) he says, "Then we wait for Aaravos to get out." Even though if Aaravos gets out, that would kind of put him in the best possible place to possess Callum again, given how it operated last time. Even though if Aaravos gets out, he'll be even more powerful and likely to do real harm and even harder to defeat.
All of which to say this scene has approximately three purposes
To reinforce the differences between the brothers and possible seeds of conflict for the future, in both Ezran's pacifism (possibly to set up contrast with his latter choices) as well as Callum's more pragmatic side
To reinforce, by giving Rayla the deciding vote and having her side with Ezran, that Callum's morality and inclinations is different than both his brother and his partner
And on that note, characterization wise, to start highlighting what Callum is willing to do and that he's always had this streak in him (cue both he and Viren watching dark magic corrupted enemies die by their own hand at the Storm Spire while Ezran and Harrow feel somewhat conflicted about it, at least) / can often be more solution oriented ("How does this solve anything?" from 1x02) and willing to take the path he perceives as easier/more efficient
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Sarai: You said you want to make a difference, to build a better world. But that's going to take decades of hard work. There's no monster you can slay to solve all of your problems. There's no shortcut.
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Some other interesting notes:
Shows the different in the trio's dynamic regarding decision making, since previously it had normally been Callum and Rayla having the final call with Ezran going along with it (2x03, 3x08). Now, the brothers discuss first with each other, highlighting that they've spent the last two years without her and that Ezran has become more assertive, but that they still fully include her in the decision and have it be one they made as a group, signifying their heightened unity upon reunion and healing, and the way they all trust/look to each other.
It also demonstrates growth from Rayla, as last time she thought there was a potential threat to the world, she went the more violent route in wanting to track Viren down (alone) and kill him. But now that she's come back and reintegrated herself into the group, she's taking the more level headed, preventative route in some ways.
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hiiiiii cali 📓👀
hehe hi cas!
I don't have much planned about this, but that's kind of the prompt of the ask game so I'll jus talk about it.
It's very based off of Daisy and the Scouts'story in the sense that it's just a college band for weird queers.
Zeri is the closest thing our band, Entresol, has to a leader. She birthed this group with her bare hands and treats it very seriously (more seriously than she would like to admit at times). Zeri is the main vocalist and the lead electric guitarist. She also composes (only guitar parts) and likes to write lyrics. Very similar to Runeterra!Zeri but she is a bit more of a control freak when it comes to the band just because of how precious it is to her.
Entresol started out with just the Zeri and Jinx duo. Jinx is the oldest here and a mixture of her Runeterra and Arcane versions, although a bit more stable. She is by far the most musically talented of the five and usually plays whatever instrument the song calls for (even if that means learning a new instrument in a few days). She and Zeri are best friends (Jinx is someone who surprisingly calms Zeri down when she is too feisty). She never talks about her past, and even Zeri only knows some details despite having known each other for a while. They work amazingly as a duo. Jinx also produces every single one of their songs and dabbles in writing. (she also draws their album covers)
Rell is the bassist, and she is also pretty similar to her Runeterra ver, except more stable now that she has a friend group to help her get through her parent's bullshit. She likes to play tough but is usually the one with the most sentimental lyrics and melodies to her name. And everybody but Seraphine seems to notice the massive huge crush Rell has on her. Unlike Seraphine's entry, the question of whether or not Rell should join them was unanimously voted as a yes.
Seraphine was the last member to enter before Rell, and she is a vocalist alongside Zeri and plays the (electric) guitar. She started out as a soloist doing covers on YouTube, much like her K/DA ver, but was ultimately unsuccessful. Jinx saw her potential and how secretly weird (lame) she was and convinced Zeri to give her a chance. Sera and Zeri have a frenemy relationship because Zeri is extremely competitive and does not like that this kind and pretty girl also "doesn't completely suck" at singing and is "actually maybe a bit talented or whatever". They develop to become actual friends (although to Seraphine they never were not) with the not-so-occasional banter, that Seraphien indulges in as she knows is Zeri';s way to show affection towards her. Jinx also seems to be the only one to notice that Zeri may find it kinda hot when they fight, something that Zeri herself hasn't realized and would probably combust in shame if she did.
Briar was the third to join Entresol. Her personality is identical to Runeterra!Briar but instead of killing people in her frenzy she just slays the drums. She was actually in the official lame college band thing but was ultimately unhappy and isolated there. Zeri and Jinx see her going at it in the drums once after rehearsal and ask her to join. She doesn't compose usually and doesn't write. "I'm not good with the wordy stuff. Whatever I have to say the drums say for me. I'll leave that to you."
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lovesongbracket · 1 year
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Lay All Your Love On Me
Written By: Björn Ulvaeus & Benny Andersson
Artist: ABBA
Released: 1981
Cover included: Amanda Seyfried & Dominic Cooper for Mamma Mia!, 2008
“Lay All Your Love On Me” explores the high emotions and passions that can emerge when falling in love, and documents one woman’s shift into erratic behaviors as she falls under the spell of her new lover. The song hit number one in the US dance charts in 1981, but has lasted in popularity over the years, becoming an ABBA staple. It was featured in the band’s jukebox musical (and its movie adaption), Mamma Mia, and in 2006 was named the 60th greatest dance song of all time by Slant magazine.
[Verse 1] I wasn't jealous before we met Now every woman I see is a potential threat And I'm possessive, it isn't nice You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice [Pre-Chorus] But now it isn't true Now everything is new And all I've learned has overturned I beg of you [Chorus] Don't go wasting your emotion Lay all your love on me [Verse 2] It was like shooting a sitting duck A little small talk, a smile, and baby, I was stuck I still don't know what you've done with me A grown-up woman should never fall so easily [Pre-Chorus] I feel a kind of fear When I don't have you near Unsatisfied, I skip my pride I beg you, dear [Chorus] Don't go wasting your emotion Lay all your love on me Don't go sharing your devotion Lay all your love on me [Verse 3] I've had a few little love affairs They didn't last very long and they've been pretty scarce I used to think that was sensible It makes the truth even more incomprehensible [Pre-Chorus] 'Cause everything is new And everything is you And all I've learned has overturned What can I do? [Chorus] Don't go wasting your emotion Lay all your love on me Don't go sharing your devotion Lay all your love on me Don't go wasting your emotion Lay all your love on me Don't go sharing your devotion Lay all your love on me Don't go wasting your emotion Lay all your love on me
Demolition Lovers
Written By: Matt Pelissier, Mikey Way, Ray Toro & Gerard Way
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Released: 2002
The Demolition Lovers are the couple seen on the cover for MCR’s next album, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. This song, along with much of the album, is a prequel to the story of Three Cheers… in which a man makes a deal with the devil to get his dead lover back by killing 1,000 evil men and giving the devil their souls in exchange for her. This song is most likely where the lover dies. The two “Demolition Lovers” are featured on the cover of the album.
[Verse 1] Hand in mine, into your icy blues And then I'd say to you, "We could take to the highway With this trunk of ammunition, too" I'd end my days with you, in a hail of bullets [Chorus] I'm trying, I'm trying To let you know just how much you mean to me And after all the things We put each other through and [Verse 2] I would drive on to the end with you A liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full And I feel like there's nothing left to do But prove myself to you, and we'll keep it running [Chorus] But this time, I mean it I'll let you know just how much you mean to me As snow falls on desert sky Until the end of everything I'm trying, I'm trying To let you know how much you mean As days fade and nights grow And we grow cold [Post-Chorus] Until the end, until this pool of blood Until this, I mean this, I mean this, until the end of [Chorus] I'm trying, I'm trying To let you know how much you mean As days fade and nights grow And we grow cold But this time, we'll show them We'll show them all how much we mean As snow falls on desert sky Until the end of every… [Interlude] All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this [Guitar Solo] [Bridge] As lead rains will pass on through Our phantoms forever, forever Like scarecrows that fuel this flame We're burning forever and ever Know how much I want to show you You're the only one Like a bed of roses There's a dozen reasons in this gun [Outro] And as we're falling down, and in this pool of blood And as we're touching hands, and as we're falling down And in this pool of blood, and as we're falling down I'll see your eyes, and in this pool of blood I'll meet your eyes, I mean this forever!
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slowandsteddie · 10 months
Y’all voted on this.
“Hey there, big guy.” / “You aren’t Eddie.”
I was really really excited to write this, honestly.
It is VERY important that you read the CW on this one.
I might be working through some things I personally went through on this one, so it’s… darker than I’d normally go.
CW: Steve is drugged, very heavily implied sexual assault (maybe skip the pink font?), ptsd, mention of bad parents, drinking as a coping mechanism, underage drinking, bartender looks like Billy (isn’t btw), very brief mention of Billy’s death, mentions of drugs, mentions of weed
Lots of hurt and little comfort.
Parts of this feel kinda rushed to me, and there’s one part where that is on purpose. But, uh. Not a fan of the ending of this bc it’s late and I’m sleepy. But also I don’t wanna edit this or dwell on it or it won’t get posted at all. So. This is where we are.
Potential for a part two.
2536 words.
After the night that Nancy called their relationship bullshit, Steve had sworn off alcohol and any drug stronger than the weed he used to help himself sleep when he was home alone. And he had been able to stick to it, too.
Until Starcourt.
When he had nearly been killed by Russians, confessed his love to a lesbian (while he, himself was mostly gay), and saw Billy Hargrove murdered by some thing from the Upside Down.
Yeah, life was pretty fucked up. And if he found solace at the bottom of a bottle, that was his problem.
No one but Robin needed to know. That girl was his Platonic soulmate and she got to know practically everything. Hell, he had lost track of how many times they had slept in the same bed, just so they could know the other was still breathing. They clung so tight to each other that it was like they were trying to nestle into rib cages and grasp onto bones so that they couldn’t be ripped apart again.
It helped with the nightmares and the panic to have someone so close to him who understood. Someone who knew what he went through without him having to explain it. Someone who knew that the fire cover up was complete shit. Someone who wasn’t a kid that he had to protect and hide his pain from.
Don’t get him wrong, he loved those kids. He would die for them. He’d kill for them. He’d wreck the beautiful car of his dreams for them. He’d even pretend to be okay for them, no matter what. But he could never confide in them. Not about what he went through. Not the way he could with Robin.
The thing about trauma bonding with someone is that there doesn’t have to be secrets. They already knew the worst thing that you have been through, so everything else would be a cakewalk by comparison.
During the day, it was easy to be goofy and laugh and hide the fact that he had been through absolute hell. But at night, everything came back to him. Him screaming that he just worked for Scoops and not being believed. Him offering free ice cream for life, just to get out of there.
Offering his body when that didn’t work because he didn’t have anything else and he knew his parents wouldn’t pay a ransom, even if the Russians had decided to try that route. And if they took him up on that offer, no one had to know. He didn’t even have to know. He could just pretend that the drugs took those memories too and not think about it.
The night time was what had him drinking again. The sun would start setting and he’d find himself reaching for that bottle, as though he needed it as desperately as he needed air and open spaces.
Even when Robin was over, he couldn’t close the door before taking a shower. Though, that didn’t matter much, when she’d go sit on the toilet and talk to him, with nothing but a curtain between them as the water poured over him and he sobbed as silently as he could while he cleaned himself and she chatted away about some random thing that he couldn’t follow, no matter how hard he tried. On particularly bad nights, Robin would find him in the shower, and wearing his t-shirt and shorts, she would help him wash his hair, his body, while he could only lean against the wall, feeling as though he would shake himself apart.
But, he needed to get better. He couldn’t be a mess forever. He couldn’t rely on his best friend always being available to help him through the rough patches. Most people would see the therapist recommended to them after going through things like The Upside Down and days of torture at the hands of Russians in a base under the mall that they used to work in.
Not Steve.
Oh, no.
That made too much sense.
Instead of therapy, he decided that going to a gay club in Indy would be a great idea. It had been long enough that his injuries had turned to scars. Sure, his ears rang a lot and sometimes his vision went a little fuzzy if he turned his head too fast, but he was fine. Really.
He had called and told Robin where he’d be. He didn’t need her panicking because she went to his house and he wasn’t there. He also called Henderson, just to make sure one of the kids knew he wasn’t home. They all talked constantly so the message would get around.
Just because he was stupid, didn’t mean he was irresponsible.
Steve was dressed in his favorite jeans, the ones that made his ass look nice, and a yellow polo. He didn’t really have many options in terms of shirts because it was almost time to do laundry again. He hated the washer though, as he still had times when his ribs panged when he tried to lean over too far. With that stupid washer, he always had to lean too far. There was no other way to make sure he got everything out of it.
He took the time to style his hair properly, even when the effort made his arms shake and the muscles in his hands and wrists spasm. Being tortured had some lasting effects and it was annoying. He was so tired of it. Tired of being forced to remember what he went through, even while doing the most mundane things.
He flipped the collar on his shirt up to try and make sure that the scars on his neck weren’t too obvious at first glance. That was as good as it was going to get as he refused to wear makeup to cover it up.
Then, he walked out to his car after locking the front door. Here goes nothing. He slid into the car that he hadn’t actually driven in a few weeks and started her up. She purred as though it was only yesterday that she was last turned on.
Steve mouthed the directions to himself before buckling up, turning on the radio, and beginning the drive.
Time passed, though he wasn’t sure how much of it. But he did get to the club without incident. He parked his car and locked the door before putting the keys in his pocket.
His favorite thing about this place was that they didn’t ID, something that he remembered from when he had came here before Starcourt. He had just wanted to dance with fellow queers. The first few times that he was here, he had been given water when he went to the bar.
He was glad to find that this time the bartender asked him what he’d be drinking. He was glad that the blond with curly hair and a charming smile didn’t even bat an eye over his request for a shot of whiskey, and just poured the drink.
“First one’s on the house.” God, even his voice was charming.
“Thank you,” Steve replied gratefully.
He threw the drink back and didn’t even make a face over it. The familiar, warm burn of the alcohol was a welcome one.
“How much for the second?” He asked, a slight smile tugging at his lips.
“For you? A dollar a shot.”
Steve placed a 10 dollar bill down. “One shot and one mixed drink that would leave you with what you consider an acceptable tip.”
“Yessir,” the bartender replied with a smile.
It wasn’t fair that the older male had ocean eyes he could get lost in.
Steve took the shot like nothing again, running a hand through his hair. He thanked the bartender, again, before taking his mixed drink and moving to the dance floor.
He was having fun. There were a lot of people and loud music and he had some liquid courage that was also helping to keep his chronic pain under control. After a few songs, he finished his drink before going to take his glass to the bar.
He was dizzy, but he just assumed that was from turning his head too fast a few minutes ago when someone started dancing behind him. He told himself that it had just been because he wanted to know if the guy pressing against his back was cute or not. (He was.)
Steve’s thoughts were incoherent, but he had moments when his brain didn’t seem to work right, especially when he was under the influence. It was his new normal ever since his brain had been starved of oxygen. But he couldn’t think about that again. Not now.
He asked the bartender for water, noticing the name tag this time. Billy. Oh, the painful irony.
He drank it down pretty fast, fully intending to thank him for it after. But then there was an arm around his shoulder and he was moving on to help someone on the other side of the bar.
“Hey there, big guy,” the other male said while squeezing his shoulder.
“You aren’t Eddie,” he said stupidly. It was in that moment that Steve realized who he had a crush on, but that wasn’t important right now.
“I can be whoever you want me to be, handsome.”
Steve pulled away. “I’m sorry, but no. You really can’t.”
“Okay, I’m sorry. That was a bad joke. Eddie sent me to take you home.”
“He wouldn’t have sent anyone to get me.” He said defiantly. “He’d come himself,” he added to cover up whatever he had said.
The world was spinning worse and he turned to walk to the bathroom. He was being followed and he knew it, but what other choice did he have?
By the time Steve got to the bathroom, he was mostly out of it. But, he got flashes.
The door being locked behind them.
His pants being unbuttoned.
Trying to struggle but it was just so hard to lift his arms.
Being shoved against the counter.
Heavy breathing in his ear.
Sliding down.
Curling into a ball.
Clutching his own shirt.
When Steve woke up again, the first thing he noticed was that he was in the trailer. The second thing he noticed was that he felt like shit. Everything hurt more than it should for just a hangover, and he didn’t even want to think about why his hips and thighs felt the way they did.
He tried to sit up, groaning over the effort before letting himself lay back down on the couch. The toilet flushed, the water ran, and then there were footsteps coming back toward him. He didn’t know why he flinched and tried to hide in the blanket he had over him, but he did.
“Hey there, big boy,” Eddie said softly.
Steve whimpered. He wasn’t sure why he didn’t like being called that anymore. It was something that the older male had called him ever since they started getting friendly. Ever since he had started buying weed from him.
“Wanna talk about it, Steve?” He added.
He shook his head.
“Why’d the bartender call me when he found you instead of Robin? Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered that you thought I was safe.”
“I don’t know. Was kinda falling apart. I guess I wanted drugs more than…”
“More than your girlfriend?”
Steve snorted. “She’s my Platonic soulmate. Capital P. Not my girlfriend.”
Eddie tilted his head. “Want me to call the soulmate?”
Steve shook his head quickly before groaning and holding his temples. “My car?” He croaked.
“I took Jeff with me to pick you up. He drove ‘er back. Your car is in my driveway, safe and sound.”
Steve made a sound and let his eyes close.
“Steve. I’m not going to make any choices for you. But you were assaulted. The only reason that bartender didn’t call the police was that he didn’t want to out you.”
His eyes fluttered. “That… that explains it.” His body chose that moment to let him pass out again.
When he was conscious again, he was still on Eddie’s couch. He could hear the other male talking on the phone. He did his best to pretend that he was still asleep. But he was crying and the sniffling gave him away.
“Hey man, do you want Robin to come here?”
“No,” he said too quickly. “I just… I need a bit to comprehend. Tell her an hour, yeah? Then I’ll go with her and get out of your hair.”
Eddie relayed the message and hung up.
“He drugged me. But I still knew what was up. He flirted with me, but I wasn’t interested. I said he wasn’t you as though I had some kind of right to want it to be you who was flirting, man. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Of course it was only the apology that Eddie picked up on.
“Because I have no right to have a crush on you after how I treated you. Because I have no right to tell you that I have a crush on you after what happened to me.”
“If that’s how you feel, then I have no right to tell you that the feeling is mutual and that I have every intention of finding the guy who did this to you and making him pay. I have no right to feel so possessive and protective. I have no right to tell you that I always run away, but right now I just want to fight for you.”
“Mm. You’re right. We have no right to be having this conversation when it’s too much for me.”
Eddie was about to get up.
“Hold me?” Steve asked so quietly.
And his request was honored so gently. He might have been whimpering and flinching, but that didn’t stop him from grabbing the older male’s shirt and clinging to it.
When Robin barged into the trailer, exactly sixty-one minutes later, Steve flinched and his hands gripped on to Eddie’s knees tightly.
Eddie was sitting sideways on the couch, his legs spread so that Steve could be seated between them. His back was against the older male’s chest and his hands had been playing with the loose threads over Eddie’s knees before he was startled. Eddie had been trying to braid Steve’s too short hair as they listened to some music that neither male was paying enough attention to in order to place.
As soon as he saw his best friend, he was struggling to his feet before stumbling over to her with all the grace of a newborn giraffe.
“I shouldn’t have gone.”
“Hey, don’t blame yourself.”
They were clinging to each other, both of them shaking.
“Promised to never leave you again.”
“It’s okay. We’ll get through this. Also, Eddie is driving us home because I refuse to let go of you.”
“I am?”
“You are.”
“And then you’re staying, too.” Steve added.
“I am.” There was a smile to Eddie’s voice at that.
Despite everything, Steve liked him and felt safe with him. Hopefully Eddie would never do anything to break that.
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
By 1850 the husband-killing woman—the household fiend—was no longer a joke. She had become a social problem, and for every husband, potentially a personal one. The question was how to spot her in advance. By the end of the century the new "science" of criminology would confirm that sensual women were likely to be criminals, thus reassuring men—as these mid-century fictions did—that the murderer and the true woman (appearances notwithstanding) were completely different kinds of people. Even, some said, different species: fiends and angels.
The early feminists didn't think so. In a sophisticated attack on marriage, divorce, and property laws, they argued all along that the institution of marriage bound women in desperate circumstances. Even after the Civil War, when the more conservative American Woman Suffrage Association campaigned exclusively for the ballot, the radical Stanton-Anthony wing of the movement continued to attack marriage. In 1868 The Revolution, the official publication of their National Woman Suffrage Association, editorialized:
The ballot is not even half the loaf; it is only a crust—a crumb. The ballot touches only those interests, either of women or men, which take their root in political questions. But woman's chief discontent is not with her political, but with her social, and particularly her marital bondage. The solemn and profound question of marriage . . . is of more vital consequence to woman's welfare, reaches down to a deeper depth in woman's heart, and more thoroughly constitutes the core of the woman's movement, than any such superficial and fragmentary question as woman's suffrage.
Their analysis of marriage led the radicals to conclude that the very structure of the institution might make the people within it murderous.
The institution of marriage is either the greatest curse or the greatest blessing known to society. It brings two people into the closest of all possible relations; it puts them into the same house; it seats them at the same table; it thrusts them into the same sleeping apartment, in short, it forces upon them an intimate and constant companionship from which there is no escape. More than this, it makes any attempt at escape disreputable: the man or woman who seeks to loosen or break the tie which he or she finds intolerable, is frowned upon by society. The fracture of the galling chain must be made at the expense of the reputation of one or both of the parties bound together. There is no hope for two people shackled in the manacles of an unhappy marriage, but a release by death; and no wonder that each desires deliverance, and longs for the death of the other.
Yet what can be more horrible or more degrading to human nature than such a situation. Can anything be more demoralizing than this position of two people living under the same roof, forced into daily and almost hourly companionship, each of whom secretly desires the death of the other.
That the number of people who find marriage intolerable is not small, the annals of crime prove. Wife murders are so common that one can scarcely take up a newspaper without finding one or more instances of this worst of all sins; and none but God can know how many men and women are murderers at heart.
They predicted that as long as "men and women marry in the same old hap-hazard way, learning nothing from each other's experience" the result would be "what one might expect, confusion, misery and crime."
Conservatives counterattacked, turning the argument upside down and using it against all claims to any women's rights, including suffrage. Marriage, they said, was instituted by God, not man; and "woman was created to be a wife and a mother" and "to make home cheerful, bright, and happy." Therefore, any woman who tried to alter woman's sphere or to step out of it in any way—whether by voting or by poisoning her husband—must be "unnatural." A woman living "an independent existence, free to follow her own fancies and vague longings, her own ambition and natural love of power, without masculine direction or control, . . . is out of her element, and a social anomaly, sometimes a hideous monster, which men seldom are, excepting through a woman's influence." In short, it was woman as monster who threatened the institution of marriage and not the other way around.
This conservative argument, backed by the full force of religion and masculine "reason" and soon bolstered by the sciences of criminology and psychology, overwhelmed the tentative and sometimes inconsistent insights of the radical feminists. And when social anthropologists proclaimed the patriarchal nuclear family the most highly evolved and "civilized" form of social organization, feminists seem reactionary and barbaric indeed. So, by the end of the nineteenth century, almost everyone had been converted to the "domestic mythology", and even once-radical feminists campaigned for woman suffrage on the grounds that it would strengthen the American family.
-Ann Jones, Women Who Kill
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gallifreyanhotfive · 7 months
"Theta Sigma," Analysis
Okay, vague background. Theta Sigma was the name the Doctor used when he attended the Academy on Gallifrey.
Theta and Sigma are both Greek letters and have some pretty intense symbolism in my opinion.
Uppercase theta was often used in Latin funerary inscriptions. Romans would often set up the funerary monument while the person was still alive, but if the person died beforehand, their names would be marked with an uppercase theta. Ennius, an ancient Roman author, is believed to have called Theta a "letter much unluckier than the others."
Sources from different Greek periods have interpreted theta as a sign of death. Classical Athens literally used uppercase theta as an abbreviation for Thanatos, the Greek God of Death. Isidore of Seville interpreted theta as one of the five mystic Greek letters, applied by judges to those who are given the death penalty. It is found on potsherds that ancient Athenians would use when voting on the death penalty.
Theta is also found in many forms of symbolism like many Greek letters, but I am using the above interpretation in my analysis.
Sigma, meanwhile, was held in high importance, appearing in architecture and coins. The word "sigma" is probably derived from the word "sig-jo" or "I hiss." Hissing is typically used by animals as a warning to predators. They hiss when they feel uncomfortable or frightened.
However, I'm sure people are more familiar with sigma in terms of mathematics. Uppercase sigma as the operator for summation, and lowercase as standard deviation of some population or probability distribution. It has also been used as a symbol for a ton of other fields from physics, chemistry, and biology to linguistics, accounting, and macroeconomics (but those meanings are more obscure in my opinion and will therefore be excluded from my analysis).
In any case, whenever I see Theta Sigma written out on audiobook cover (like in The Trial of the Valeyard) or in that stone River carved it into (in The Pandorica Opens), it is always the uppercase form. For that reason:
Theta: an unlucky letter; associated with death; a brand for criminals facing the death penalty
Sigma: hissing (a technique used by animals when frightened to ward off predators); an operator for summation
Considering all of this, it is an interesting name for the Doctor to go by in his youth. If the uppercase Theta was used to symbolize death in Latin funerary inscriptions and was used in Athens to vote on and brand those awaiting execution, the "Theta" part of the name seems to indicate that they are, well, associated with death and potentially awaiting execution.
But where did he get this name? Who started calling him it? Given the recent season, could it be possible that he was given that label by the Division? Considering what the CIA had Vansell up to in his youth (I'm not sure how the Division and the CIA relate to each other, but there probably is some link), I'm willing to bet that that name was given to him because of the foreknowledge of what the Doctor would do in the future or perhaps knowledge of what he's already done in the past.
And Sigma, can't forget that. The hissing a scared animal does to frighten off predators. The operator for summation. Could that represent, perhaps, some deep, core fear of the Division and of those who hurt the Doctor in their youth? Fear that they can't even remember because of the mind wipes? A summation of all the fear the Doctor has felt from those who experimented on them and hurt them and killed them, and that fear continues even to that day since his nickname itself is a brand marking him for execution at some point in his timeline (Two to Three anyone? Six's trial? Rassilon was ready to have Twelve killed once he was no longer in the controlled environment of the Confession Dial and still refusing to tell him what he wanted to know).
And what exactly would someone do if they were constantly being chased by death itself, if they were afraid of something but could not remember precisely why?
They would run away, and they would never, never stop.
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icy-book · 1 month
Hi, I'm Icy and this is my terrick propaganda post
Why should I vote terrick in the unpopular/niche dndads shipping pole, you may ask. Well, here's my best attempt at consoladating why I ship terrick, things I love about them, and why I think they're a ship that should be significantly more popular than it is:
Narrative parallels in season 1
This one I think is fascinating! The kiddads went through a lot in the Forgotten Realms, and the fact that they're the only ones who can understand what they've been through has been the basis of a lot of fics and posts I've seen about them. But I would argue, Terry Jr and Nicky can understand each others experiences best.
They both had their memories messed with in the Forgotten Realms. Nicky obviously through the trial and the two dads, two timelines things, but vampire Terry Sr literally ate Terry Jr's positive memories of his father, and given how long he was there, Terry Jr probably only has faint or negative memories of the real Terry Sr. They also both have a dead parent that they can't mourn properly because of the memory thing. With Morgan, she's not dead anymore. Except Nicky remembers her dying, remembers grieving for her, and in many ways that Morgan is dead. Glenn himself says so. And for Terry, how do you mourn someone you don't remember? Who you know you grieved but can't understand why anymore. And that loving one dad feels like a betrayal to the other. For Terry Jr, loving Ron feels like forgetting Terry Sr, and for Nicky his two dads are actively antagonistic towards each other. The fact that they go through such similar things in the opposite direction is a really fun playground to play in, and being able to have that openness because they understand it better than the others I think ads an extra layer of intimacy.
2. They're canonically best friends.
Childhood best friends to lovers is a trope I adore. I think the notes of this post describe it well, as well as this fic I accidently wrote in Aether's inbox. They have the potential to be really incredibly fluffy together, even from a purely platonic perspective. But it also puts a really interesting spin on my next point:
3. The Betrayal
Ooooooooooo Terry Jr having been the one to shoot Nicky's arm off was a goldmine of angst potential I was not expecting. The fact that Terry was basically begging Glenn to kill him out of a guilt is something I have thought about a lot. A lot. This also makes Nicky's potential reaction to Terry's death incredibly interesting, especially since Terry Jr went to hell aka Nicky's house. Post-season 2 has a lot of room for divorced energy, as well as the navigation of learning to date someone you never fell out of love with, even though time has changed you both considerably.
There are a lot more reasons why I love this ship, and you should go check out the terrick tag on both AO3 and here on tumblr! AO3 especially has some amazing fics (I strongly recommend this fic by Cookies, the one that officalgleamstar wrote, and all of Aether's fics but especially this one) and then also some of mine. Tumblr is perfect for passionate ramblings, and is honestly 90% me and Aether talking to each other.
If nothing else, I hope this post has given you some things to consider about Terry and Nicky, even unrelatedly from terrick. Oh, and go vote for them in the ship poll (@/dndadscharacterpolls)
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moon-swag-tourney · 11 months
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Propaganda below!
Looks to the Moon
I LOVE BIG SIS MOON AHHHH... she's literally so so sweet and perfect and i love her…
MY GIRL!!! She deserved so much better. She's one of the first of many MASSIVE supercomputers called iterators designed to solve a problem which her creators eventually gave up on any of them solving and thus was left behind to gradually fall into disrepair. Even though she appears as a small humanoid, iterators in their entirety are actually buildings full of machinery that have entire cities built on top of them.
As one of the senior iterators, Looks to the Moon, sometimes called Big Sis Moon, looks after her younger peers and is very caring towards her fellow iterators. Tragically, her kindness ultimately leads to her structure collapsing leaving her weak and with limited cognitive ability, but even then she is so sweet to the main character. You can bring her random items and she'll describe each one, even if it's just a rock or something. She also gives you advice whenever possible.
She's gone through so much and yet is still so incredibly kind please vote for her she deserves it
Looks to the moon is an iterator, a city-sized biomechanical supercomputer. When you meet her, she is trapped in the flooded and collapsed husk of her superstructure, barely alive. Despite this, she is warm and kind and will tell you about any object you bring her. Looks to the Moon also goes by the name Big Sis Moon, as she is the most senior iterator in the local group and views the other iterators in her care as younger siblings
Moon's the best! She's an iterator, a sentient supercomputer whose structure used to be so big it housed an entire city on top of it. However, the civilization that built her is long gone, and she and the other iterators were left behind, unable to die, unable to leave their structures. Imagine once being a god with an entire civilization relying on you for all their vital resources, only to be left behind, literally a mountain bolted to the ground, as the wildlife slowly takes over the land and your communications with the other iterator fail. Moon's little brother Five Pebble's couldn't accept this fate, and made some rash decicions. This badly damaged Moon's systems, causing her structure to come crashing down to the ground, and her to lose most of her memories and processing power. There's something magical in discovering her for the first time - this fallen Goddess taken over by rust, abandoned inside the giant ruins that used to be her body. Still, she's friendly, and should you be kind to her, she'll return the gesture. She doesn't have much, but she'll gladly give you company and tell you stories. She also still cares about her brother very much, even though he's the one to blame for her bad state. 
Moon is a superintelligent AI called an Iterator. She's designed to (basically) help the lesser beings of the world escape samsara, along with the potentially thousands of other iterators. She was accidentally killed by her brother as he attempted to escape samsara for himself. She's the only character the player can meaningfully interact with, and she's very sweet and kind.
Majora's Mask Moon
Now that's a very angry looking Moon!
Omnipresent. The best way to describe them. You look up. They are there. You can reset time as many times as you like…but until you deal with the problem…the moon is still there.
They are the moon. You can't get moonier than the literal fucking moon. Any yes, they are a major character with autonomy in the story. 
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hughjidiot · 7 months
Thoughts on the TDI Reboot Season Two, Episodes 5 and 6
Okay the next two episodes of the reboot have premiered, and here are my collective thoughts on the characters and what's been happening. Spoilers below the cut, obviously.
Nichelle is out 5th and quit on top of that thanks to a fake movie contract planted by Julia. Honestly that kind of surprised me; my prediction was that Nichelle would make it to the merge where she'd get voted off because her improved athleticism made her a threat. I thought it would be ironic: in season one she was eliminated for being weak, and in season two she'd be eliminated for being too strong. Well at least Julia got some villain cred, even if it was a bit contrived and felt like Nichelle needed to lose some IQ points to make it possible. I'm not too broken up, but I can see why others might take issue with it.
(You know what would be hilarious though? If when the eliminated campers return for the finale, Nichelle reveals that people in Hollywood saw her improved performance in season two and actually did give her a movie deal.)
Instead, it was Bowie eliminated first after the merge. Now this makes much more sense: after MK's cheating was exposed, Julia convinced team Rat Face that it was Bowie's idea. Priya and Caleb were both victims of Bowie's schemes at some point, Zee is easy to fool, and Axel and Damien wouldn't know Bowie and MK well enough to know for sure but they do know Bowie placed second last season so they know he's a threat. In any case I really enjoyed Bowie this season: I loved the drama of him being torn between wanting to play dirty while not wanting to upset Raj. And he and Raj are adorable together, so I'm glad the cheating didn't lead to any major problems in their relationship.
Speaking of which, I loved Wayne and Raj standing up for their principles in episode five and refusing to go along with MK and Julia's schemes. And they continue to be hilarious on top of that. If I'm being honest though I kind of hope one of them goes soon, so we can finally see how the other gets along without his bro.
Then there's Zee, who continues to be absolutely hilarious. "I killed Priya's pillow boyfriend!" had me rolling. And he's actually involved with a plotline now! He knows about Priya's crush on Caleb and that Caleb is only looking for an alliance. Or at least, he was...
Caleb appears to be actually falling for Priya. Very interesting development. And Priya continues to be head over heels for Caleb, but at least she recognizes that she can't let it affect her game. Very interested to see where things go with them as a potential ship.
As for our other ship, Ripper and Axel seem to be getting along very well. I've seen some people comparing them to how Geoff and Bridgette were in TDA, but I think that's unfair. Sure they're into each other but not to the point where they can't focus on the game. (Axel getting distracted by Bowie's claim that Ripper was making out with a raccoon not withstanding.) Now that the teams have merged I hope we can see them spending time together and bonding in a way that involves more than making out. I'm surprisingly invested in this ship.
Well look at that, Damien actually won a challenge! I was hoping he'd start being more proactive in season two, and now we might finally be getting that. Especially since he's said he wants to find the immunity idol that's now in play, which Priya and Caleb are also hunting for...
Last but certainly not least, Julia and MK. Julia got some major villain cred these episodes, getting Nichelle and her arch enemy Bowie eliminated. Meanwhile MK's intern scheme was exposed, so that plotline's over. (I love how Chris had no problem with her cheating, but her stealing his hairdryer crossed the line.) They continue to be great together as a bad guy duo, and I can't wait to see more of it. (Especially if it evolves into romance, as I and many others are hoping for.)
Also, here's a bit of irony I noticed: in season one, Julia got eliminated in episode 6, and in season two Julia saved MK from elimination in episode 6.
And that's everyone. Aside from a few minor complaints, I'm still loving this season! The characters are all great, the plotlines are engaging, and the jokes are absolutely hilarious. And best of all I have no idea who could be going home next, so I'm very excited for the next episodes.
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theycallmebabycakes · 3 months
okay naruto mutuals/followers i need your help
I'm writing the next scene in my (very self-indulgent, may some day be posted) naruto oc fic and i need to know whose perspective to write from next 👀
my two ocs are making a Dramatic Entrance™️ to the battlefield during the third great shinobi war (before kannabi bridge, so obito is alive if that affects your choices) and i need someone to see it. Extra context for each option under the cut
feel free to click one even if you aren't a naruto fan and you're choosing from vibe alone. Also feel free to reblog it, it would honestly be funny to get a ton of votes for a fic no one knows anything about
*please see under the cut for explanation/further info
Orochimaru: mentor and future enemy of one of the OCs. future mentor of the other OC
Jiraiya: currently knows the bare minimum about either of the OCs and would spend most of the fight going "who are these small children and why are they like this". will be going on an adventure with one of the OCs in the future, so there could be callbacks to this scene there. could make it fun
Team Minato: pre-kannabi bridge, so this includes Obito. Would probably be written specifically from kakashi's perspective, possibly from Obito’s. One OC has been friends with kakashi since infancy
Team Choza: would be specifically guy's perspective. Guy has been friends with one of the OCs since birth, and taught her taijutsu
Kages: there's already been a scene from onoki (stone's tsuchikage) and hiruzen (leaf's hokage) so that would leave mist (i don't know anything about who the current mizukage is so it isn't likely I'll choose them), cloud (I'd have to check the timeline but this should be before the raikage we see in the 4th war becomes raikage), or sand (gaara's dad)
Main OC's siblings: "main" OC has a sibling in each of the hidden villages and one in the land of iron. The land of iron sibling has no reason to be on the battlefield so he's off the table. There's a good potential for angst if we choose one of the siblings because the OC is going to decimate their forces. We'd get a scene later of that OC being confronted by a sibling who lost friends and comrades to the OC's violence here
Danzo: already at odds with the "main" OC and completely neutral to the other OC. He and main OC will be trying to kill each other later in the storyline.
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