#w nuria
namndrc · 1 year
#ANSIEDAD: nuestros personajes son los primeros en llegar al festival. @nurias
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le extraña que todo luzca bastante desierto, no puede evitar fruncir el ceño y directamente comenzar a buscar a cualquier persona; en espera de que se algún conocide. sus ojos aterrizan en la joven y primero le regala una sonrisa. "¿llegamos muy temprano?" le pregunta llevando una mano a su nuca. "¿o todos vienen tarde?"
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knockeddeadv5 · 8 months
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Nuria Oliu
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spidybaby · 3 months
hi! pls do something where reader is xavis daughter and shes helpin' him with water and other things at the trainings because shes like grounded but not everyone knows shes his kid and she and pedri become closer and he defend her when one of the team say something cruel to her pls
Sorry my english is not the best is not my first language
Water girl
Summary: The team doesn't know you're Xavi's daughter until Pedri and you begin a relationshp and everything comes to light.
Warnings: cursing, physical altercation, slut shaming.
A/N: This is long, I kinda got inspired and wanted to share something with you. Hope you like it ❤️ love you✨️🌸 @gadriezmannsgirl hi 😛❤️
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"You have to be kidding me. There's no way in hell I'm spending my vacation like this." You yell, hurrying upstairs.
The thing about being the kid of an elite football player is that you're not faster than them. They will always win.
You tried to close your door, but Xavi managed to stop it before it closed. "Go away, oh my God."
"That's the good thing about being your father, mi reina. You obey what I say, not the other way around. So go change and meet me in the car."
He slams the door on his way out. But the door is opened again, this time by Nuria. "You better hurry up. He's going to come back and take you to the car even if you're in pajamas."
"Nu, that's totally unfair." You whine, walking to your closet. "Are you seriously allowing this?"
"Don't forget to put on some sunscreen." She waves you goodbye and close the door.
You grab a leggin, an oversized t-shirt, and put on your Jordans. You did put on some sunscreen, not wanting to do anything with your hair, only putting it up.
"Bye, if I die, this is on you guys. Hope you know that." You told your stepmother on your way out. She laughs at your annoyed behavior.
Xavi is waiting on his car. He has this big smile on his face. To you is like he's laughing at you. You walk slowly to the car, making him raise an eyebrow.
"I'm the boss, I can be late if I want to, so don't worry. No matter how slow we are still going to make it." He says as you open the car door.
"Papi, please."
"Let's go, reina."
Having no other option, you hop up. He was giving you a talk about life and having goals. The talk continued until you made it to the training camp.
"Your uncle Oscar is waiting for you. Please go to my office." He says, handing you a "staff" card. "This opens the doors."
You obey, walking the way you already know. The long hallway that only staff members are allowed to be, and different offices, some for the technical team, some for meetings, his office.
You knocked before walking inside, your uncle was on his phone, writing something he was reading on a board.
"Hola, reina." He smiles, leaving what he's doing to get close and hug you. "So happy to see you again."
"Hola, I missed you so much." You hug him back. He was patting your back. "Please help me, I don't want to do this."
The sound of the door opening and laughs saved the moment for you. It was your dad with a blonde lady.
"Oh hello! It's so good to have you back."
"Hello." You smiled, not the best at picking conversations.
"Gosh, Xavi. Your daughter is so big. I remember when I last saw you at your father vows renewal, you were so small."
"This is Martina. She's the boss of the interns and some social media people." Xavi says, you smile again but this time nodding your head. "She will be your boss."
"Your father tells me that you wanted to get something to do now that you're here in Barcelona."
"Yes, something to do." You say sarcastically, Xavi gave you a look. "I'm happy to be here." You lie.
"Well, I need some help in the recovery training. They need someone who helps with the water."
"Like a water girl?"
"Si, you're going to be their water girl."
You nod, eyes on your father, who's smiling in a particular way that's making you angry. "That's great, let's go."
Martina guides you to the little room with coolers, some freezers with ice packs, a bunch of stock of Gatorade, water, and water bottles of the sponsor.
"So, we already fill this one with Gatorade and some wattle bottles from prime, the players who are in recovery have a more private training, so you're with them."
You let her explain to you the training hours, the days the social media girls were there to film and that day you had to bring the prime bottles, the Gatorade thing that makes squishi drinks and how to fill it.
"I want to ask you something."
"Whatever you want, yes?"
"I don't want anyone to know that I'm Xavi's daughter, I want just to be like an intern, maybe?"
Martina nods her head. She gets what you mean, not wanting to be favored. "We can do that." She smiled. "Also, we have these t-shirts for interns to change into, so before going to the training camp, you can change."
You went to the nearest bathroom and changed the oversized t-shirt. Leaving the old one in the little closet because Martina said so.
You grab the small cooler, walking with Martina, who was explaining to you who you were working with. You had to be there the whole training and offer the player some water every two series of exercise.
"You're today with Raphinha and Pedri. So it's going to be easy, they're nice and friendly."
She led you to the training camp, Oscar was helping the two players to warm. He waves you happy, and you return the wave.
"If you need a pointer, Pedri likes blue Gatorade and Raph likes the red one."
"Which one is Pedri?" You ask confused, not really knowing who was who because you weren't used to the team.
"The one without tattoos. I have a meeting with some interns, see you later, hun."
"Okay, have fun in your meeting."
The training was boring, nothing new. They were making a smoother training because of their injuries.
Oscar stands next to you, almost at the middle of the training. "Your dad once brought you to the training. You made everybody do push-ups. He went home super proud about you liking football."
You smile at the story, not really remembering about it. "Uncle Andres used to say I was going to be playing as a forward."
"Nah, you have more as a midfielder."
"What position do they play on?"
"Pedri is a midfielder, Raphinha is a right winger." He points at them once he mentions their names. "Venga chicos, take five and we continue."
You get up from the bench, walking to the players. They were chatting and making jokes.
"Hola, tengo agua." You say awkwardly. (Hi, I got water)
Raphinha laughed at how uncomfortable you look, more used to interns or water girls who were ready to flirt with them.
"First day?"
"Is it that obvious?" You shrug your eyes.
"A little, just used to other type of treatment." He jokes, moving his eyebrows up and down.
You don't know what face you made, but Pedri laughed at your facial expressions.
"Te mandaron a comer papilla." He laughs, hitting Raphinha on his arm. (You were rejected)
"I like you. Can you pass me the red Gatorade?" Raphinha looks at you up and down.
You get both colors, passing one to Pedri as well. He thanked you and smiled a little with you. You go back next to your uncle.
Training was quick. It wasn't like the first team due to their injuries.
You can't help but feel something weird about the job. You haven't been on a training or stadium since you were a kid.
"Hola, oye, puedes darme una botella de agua?" (Can you pass me a bottle of water), he whispers, noticing that you're distracted.
You go back to reality. Nodding and handing him the bottle of water.
"Is it fun working here?" He asks.
"Considering this is my first day like you figure out, I think it's good." You say, half smile on your face.
"Bueno, not all first times are good." He shrugs, smiling at you.
You wanted to laugh, but you just smile and nod. "Yep, that's true."
"Thank you." He hands you the bottle again. Walking back to the field.
The next days were easy for you. Even when you didn't want to say it, you did enjoy watching them train and do other activities than be home.
You got assigned with the recovery team as long as there were players training.
"For how long are they training like this?" You ask curious.
"Until the medical team tell us that they can train and play with the first team."
"What happened to Pedri?" You say, eyes fixed on his back. He was doing some penalties practice.
"He injured himself a long time ago, and that same injury is coming back now." He says, you nod in response. "Frenkie, don't skip that part, I'm watching you, son."
They do another five rounds until the next break. Pedri walked over to you again. "El calor está." He wipes the sweat with his hand. "How can you look so fresh? It's like hell fire."
"I used to live in Brazil, this is fresh for them." You confess.
"Wow, Brazil." He smiles. "Can I have some water?"
"Two euros per bottle." You joke, handing him the bottle. "And five per Gatorade."
"I don't have change on me, but if I found you after the training, I'll make sure to pay my debt." He smiles, throwing the bottle back in the cooler.
"I'll take that as a promise." You say, returning the smile.
"Maybe you can tell me about Brazil." He says, going back to the middle of the field where Oscar is explaining something to Frenkie.
You check your phone while the training finishes. You texted Nuria what you were doing with a picture of the cooler.
"Reina, go back inside. The weather is crazy hot, and we're almost done. You can leave the cooler."
"You sure?" You ask, leaving your phone. "I can wait."
"Do me a favor, this are notes about today's training, take them to my office and you can go do some other thing."
You nod, leaving the little cooler there and asking him to take care of it, saying you will be back for it.
You walked back to the office. You still have your dad's card from the first day so you can enter every place.
You wanted to stay inside and relax in the air conditioner but you wanted to do a nice job as you were charged.
You go back to the field to collect the cooler and take it to its place. Stealing a Gatorade for yourself while you walk back inside.
"That would be five euros, or do you have a discount?"
You turn to find Pedri smiling. He has a prime bottle in his hands. You smile back, sipping on your drink again.
"It's the payment for our job." You say, sassy teasing tone.
"I thought interns didn't get paid."
"We don't?" You ask, confused. "Well, that's sad."
You pout at the thought of it. He finds that funny because he thought the first thing they told the interns is that they're not getting paid.
"So I own you seven." He jokes.
"Make it twenty, I have to make a living." You shrug smiling. Thing that makes him smile back.
"Twenty and a talk? Or those come with an extra charge." The tone of his voice and the way he's closer than before got you thinking not so good things.
You were about to answer, but a voice calling your name from behind makes you turn back.
"How was your first day?" Martina asks. "Pedri, hola."
"Hola, I was returning the bottle and saying a little thank you for helping with the water today, especially with this weather."
"Super hot." Martina laughs. "So good you had a nice day. Let me help you with the little cooler, and you can follow me."
"Sure," you whisper to her. Turning back to the black hair boy. "See you around." You wave your hand goodbye, following Martina.
She guides you to a room with three other people, all boys. They were seated around a little table talking.
"Hey boys, this is Y/n." She introduces you, you smile waving at them. "She's new, just came and she's our new water girl."
"Hey, that's my job," a blonde guy jokes. "I'm Marcus. This is Pablo, and this is Carlos."
"Hi, nice to meet you all. Sorry about the job, by the way."
"Please explain to her the time slip and Marcus, don't worry, I'll find you a new thing to do."
She left, saying her goodbyes. You stood there awkwardly, not sure what to do know.
"Take a sit, we were chatting about the next game." Carlos pat the chair next to him. "Are you a barca fan or just here for the experience?"
"Here for the experience." You say. "Are you barca fans?"
"Carlos is a Madrid fan but don't tell anybody."
"I'm not, I just said I like Ronaldo more than Messi."
They kept doing jokes about football, you check the time slip on the wall, to your surprise you are on it.
Most of the "soft training" was assigned to you, only two days for the "regular training" that was with the whole team.
"Hey, new girl."
"We have a fifteen minute break. We usually sneak in the kitchen and stole some food."
"I'm in, let's go."
You helped with ordering the equipment for the first team, putting the cones in order and taking out the bands they used to exercise in duos.
You finished positioning the equipment, leaving the field as the players began walking upstairs.
"Hey, come here." Xavi calls you. You walk over to your dad slowly, noticing him getting impatient. "Can you hurry?"
"Yes, sir?"
"Can you go help your uncle at the gym?"
"Doing what?" You ask funny, "holding the weight while he works out?" You smirk.
"Don't be a smart-ass, reina." He tries not to laugh. "He's helping Pedri and Lewandowski. He needs help with something, I'm not sure."
You nod, walking downstairs and to the gym. After getting into the wrong place for the second time, you knew you had to ask someone.
"Are you lost?" Pedri asks.
You smile at the dark-haired boy in front of you. "Yes, this place is too big."
"Trust me, we all got lost the first week." He laughs at the thought. "Where are you going?".
"The gym, Xavi assigned me to help Oscar."
He points the direction with his head. Making you walk side by side with him.
"Oye, don't think I forgot you own me fifty." You joke. Hitting his shoulder with yours.
"Why is the price increasing by the hour?"
"Why not?" You laugh with him. "But don't worry, after the fifty the talk is free."
"It better be," He jokes back. "Well, here we are."
You walk over to your uncle, asking him how can you help him. He instructed you to help him take time and to write down the weight the players are lifting.
You sat in a machine with a notepad and a chronometer. You were timing every round to help with consistency in the training.
"Be nice with me, please," Pedri says, getting ready to start. "If I fail, you lie and say I'm the best, okay?"
"Don't," Robert interrupts. "If he sucks you can say it outloud. Please."
"Lewa, go away."
Between laughs and jokes of the two players, you finished the rest of the day, Robert and Pedri were easy to be around.
When they finished their work, you got sent back with the other interns, saying your goodbyes to them.
The three weeks of helping at the club were easy.
You helped the injured guys with the water.
You helped the social media team, and you did a lot of things.
Xavi was impressed that after the first week, you wanted to keep going. He was hoping you would beg him not to take you, but instead, you were waiting for him to go first thing in the morning.
"Y/n, you will be with the first team today. The boys are helping with a project, so you will be alone."
You nod, giving her a thumbs up.
"First time alone with the big team." Marcus says. "If you want advice, do what the Mister tells you. He kinda screams at everybody when the players won't do what he says."
"I'll be frustrated, too." You say, honestly. "I mean, half of them can't even create an opportunity, and when they got an assist, they won't even do anything."
"Yes, but I think Xavi plays a big role into that. Maybe the rumors about him leaving aren't that bad after all."
You shut your mouth, not wanting to say something offensive to him. Your dad gave his heart to the team during very bad times when they could barely afford the players.
"I'm going to the field."
"Don't get defensive," he laughs. "I mean, I get that as a cule you love the old players, but Xavi is a little bit out of date. Like go home, with your wife and your perfect kids."
"Do you ever shut up?" You ask, laughing to make the situation less tense. "Let's not talk about him when we don't even know what his home life is like, and maybe don't do this at work."
"Wow, you're so uptight."
You scuff, walking with the heavy cooler to the field.
When you make it to the stairs, you notice that maybe being alone wasn't that cool. You got to get the cooler upstairs on your own.
A cooler with more than twenty bottles of water on a very large set of stairs. Great idea.
"Do you need help, new girl?"
Raphinha and Fermin got closer. A few of the players behind them.
"Hola. Yes, thank you.
"Raph, grab that side." Fermin says, lifting the left side of the cooler. "Why do they even let you get here all by yourself?"
"I think they didn't think about this part." You shrug.
The two boys helped you. You stayed a little behind due to the social media team filming them doing it.
"Y/n!" Pedri says, grabbing your shoulders. "Hey, thank you for that show recommendation. My brother and I saw it last night, and now I can't wait to go home and see more of it."
You smile at his words. Two weeks back, you exchanged numbers. You were getting closer by the day so you trusted him.
"Well, Pedri." You say, funny tone. "Hello to you too, nice evening. I'm doing so great. Thank you for asking. How are you today?" You smile.
He blushed, he knows you're joking but still feels the blush spreading onto his face.
"I'm doing good." He answers, hands intertwine behind his back. Clearly nervous. "Thank you for asking."
You wanted to keep the conversation, but you two heard Xavi calling the players to warm up.
"Venga, let's go. If not, we're both getting in trouble, me for not hydrating the team and you for not warming up enough."
He liked the way you joke, how your face had the right expression for your feelings. He liked how you treated him like a normal person and not like the footballer.
"What are you doing this weekend?" He asked, making you stop halfway on the stairs. "We have the day off. So I thought that maybe we could go out. I know this place to eat thats amazing and I think you would like it."
You can't help the smile that's on your lips. You liked him, maybe more than you care to admit.
"Looks like now I have a plan." You turn around after that, walking the remaining stairs. Little did he know that you did that for him not to notice your red face. "See you this weekend." You whisper, loud enough for him to hear.
You can tell Pedri is happy. The way he kept looking at you and sending you smiles is something else.
"Hey" you feel someone pocke you in the ribs.
When you turn, you find Marcus. Honestly, he was the last person you wanted to see. After the way he insulted your father, you didn't even want to cross words with him.
"Hey, you guys done with the project?" You ask, eyes watching the other players.
"Yeah, Martina sent us to different places, and I was sent here." He sits at the edge of the cooler. You didn't move, not wanting to have him next to you. "So, the boys and I are doing something this weekend, we were thinking about going out for some food. Would you like to come?"
"I actually have plans, but have fun." You say, very dry tone. "And let's get up, they're almost done and I need to get them some water."
Marcus was that one guy that hits on you and gets offended when you don't even look at him. But he keeps trying, trying again, and trying again.
The other boys were fine, they joke with you, they share stories, they are teammates. Marcus was just not it for you.
"I can help you with that, let me do it." He says, pulling the cooler to the middle of the field without waiting for your answer.
Xavi waved at you to get your attention from one side of the field. You walked to him, eyes turning back to the field to find those brown eyes looking at you.
"Hola, papi." You say, smiling at him. "Do you want some water?"
"I'm fine, reina." He smiles back. "Hey, meet me in my office after practice. I need to talk to you."
You nod. Not thinking much of it. He always had this mysterious behavior about talks, and in the end, it was him asking you to make a reservation at some restaurant or asking you how to send a link to Oscar.
You walked back to the team, Marcus was chatting with Raphinha, leaving the cooler abandoned.
You can't help but exhale exasperated. He was acting like he was everyone's boss. The boys tolerated it, but you didn't have to.
"Oye! I forgot to give my bottle back." You heard, making you turn. "Sorry, I was chatting."
"It's okay, are you done?"
"Actually, I wanted to ask if you have more. I threw half at Pedri." He laughs.
You laugh with him, Ferran was so comic to you. He always messed with other players. Specifically with Pedri, to the point of them not being called out when he did something to him.
"I think we have some extras." You say, checking the cooler and handing him a new bottle. "Just don't shower anymore players."
Ferran was about to answer, but a very entitled Marcus walked by and rudely asked if he was finished.
"She's waiting for me, don't worry." He says in this particular tone that makes you smirk. Marcus just shrugs and leaves. Walking down the stairs. "Is he always like that?"
"Sometimes, I think he thinks that just because he named himself the boss he actually is."
"So we don't like him?" He asks, eyebrow lifted.
"We did, but I don't think we do anymore."
"We good then." He says, making this funny expression. "Thank you. By the way, what flowers are your favorites?"
You were taken aback by the question.
"I think I don't have a favorite set of flowers." You say, thinking about an answer. "I like lilies, but they're not my favorite tho"
"Okay, good to know." He nods. "I have to get back, thanks for the water." He hands you the bottle and runs to where Pedri is.
You can't help the little smile that creeps your face. He was bringing you flowers.
You spend the rest of the training with your eyes sticked to him. The little smiles he sends you and the way Ferran notices and mock him.
When you finish with them, you decide to walk to the little room the club gives to interns. You feel the effects of the new weather coming.
"Why are you here alone?" Marcus asked you. "If you don't have anything to do, I can find something for you to do."
"No need, I have to help Misted Xavi with something." You close your little locker, trying to walk out of the room.
He grabs your arm, stopping you from walking out. "I was thinking, maybe we can hang out some time."
You kindly removed his hand from your arm, smiling so you don't seem rude. "I'm going to be honest with you." You sigh, knowing this was going to be uncomfortable. "I'm not interested. You're not my type. And no, I don't want to create a friendship with you."
The way the smirk he had is now erased from his face, making you want to laugh. Not to be mean, but he was that kind of dude that believed he was above everyone and everything.
Walking out and to your fathers' office, happy about finally letting your feelings out about the whole Marcus situation.
"Well, hello, Mister Xavi." You say, opening the door. Oscar and him are sitting on the couch of his office, Xavi with his head on his hands. "What's wrong?"
They look at each other, but Oscar decided to speak. "Nothing, we wanted to tell you that you can go home early."
You narrow your eyes, that was not something your father was used to do, having a free day? An early out? Noup.
"Papi, are you okay?" you ask, just to make sure you're good to actually go.
"Si, go before I change my mind." he half smiles. "and pick some milk on your way home". He throws the car keys on your way.
"Yes sir, see you later."
You walk fast to your locker, happy that you can leave early. You tell two of the boys that you were let go for the day and said your goodbye to Martina.
You were too busy on your phone to notice Carlos getting something inside his car trunk.
You open the car, sliding into the seat and picking a Playlist. Three bangs on the glass made you let your phone go.
You pull the window down, finding a very smiley Carlos. "Is the Uber available?"
You smile, hand on your chest to calm your heart. "Hola, what do you mean uber? You gave me a ride to the mall the other day." You joke with him.
He became your friend, he was funny and very respectful. He even shares his snacks with you. "Dude, I love your car." He takes a look at the car. "Can I drive it?"
You laugh, knowing you barely even drive it because your dad takes care of it more than he takes care of you.
"Maybe later, I have to go. I got let go."
"You got fired?" He asks, not understanding what you meant.
"No, I mean, I'm going home early. Don't throw me out just yet." You laugh. "Have fun, and don't listen to Marcus."
"I won't, drive safe." He waves as he walks away.
"Should I wear this or this?" You ask Nuria. She was helping you with your hair. "Or maybe another color?"
She laughs, noticing how nervous you are. "Can you calm down? You will look beautiful and this mystery guy will fall on his knees." She pats your shoulders.
"I just haven't had a date in so long. I'm rusty." You joke, changing your outfit in the closet while she organized your hair tools. "Okay, opinions." You say showing her your full outfit.
She takes your hand, making you turn. "Hermosa." She hugs you. "Maybe to make it a little casual some white sneakers?" She suggests.
You agree with her. Talking while putting your shoes on. You take a last look on your makeup and hair.
"Can you tell me who the guy is? That way, I won't be nervous about you out with a stanger." She smiles, passing you your jacket. "Or can you share your location with me? I won't tell."
"I'll share the location." You say, grabbing your phone to do it. "Plus, I'm taking your car, so if the date goes downhill, I'll come back."
"Take care, and please call me if anything. Also, don't hesitate to use the pepper spray I bought you. And have fun." She rambles, making you laugh.
You sent her a kiss as you walked out the door. You texted Pedri that you were on your way, and he texted back saying he was almost there.
You were nervous about the date, not because of Pedri but because you were scared of messing up. Plus, he didn't know who you really are.
You park, walking to the host and telling her Pedri's second last name, he uses that name yo avoid people finding he's there. Even tho you'll only need to know the barca team and recognize him.
"Hola." You say, hands on his shoulders. He jumped a little. "Sorry, didn't meant to scare you."
"You didn't, hola." He hugs you, turning to grab the bouquet of flowers. "This is for you. Hope you like them."
Just like you told Ferran.
"Thank you, this is so cute." You smile. When you grab the back of the chair to move it. He does it for you. "Gracias, Pedri." You smile at him.
"You look preciosa." He thinks outloud. When he notice the blush on your cheeks and how you are avoiding his gaze. It's when he notice he said that and not only thought it.
"I like your hair today, I like it when you don't blow dry it." You joke with him.
You two joke a little, ordering some food. He recommended you a dish a d a drink, you let him do the ordering.
"This is so good."
"I knew you would like it." He smiles. "How is your dish?"
"Delicious, want a bite?" You ask, and before he could answer you, you grab some of it with your fork. "Open your mouth."
"Fuaa." He says, head thrown back. "That's great. Taste mine."
He repeats your action, feeding you with his food for you to taste it. "Yummy." You smile.
You two talk a about your hobbies, your music taste. Random things you would talk about, nothing crazy.
"And my parents have a restaurant, so mom cooked the croquettes for me all the time." He tells you the story of his favorite food. "And now I miss it cause I want it but I can't have it like I used to."
"I never had croquettes in my life." You confess. "I like seafood. In Brazil, I used to eat a lot of shrimp and fish. Loveeeee fish."
"Why did you come back?" He asks. "Or are you from there?"
"I was born here, actually." You began the story. "But my parents separated when I was seven, and my mom took us to Brazil two years later."
"So you spent most of your life in Brazil?"
"It's complicated. My dad and mom got into a custody battle, and I was with her from nine to fifteen. Then I was forced to come back but only for a few months cause I was sent to a boarding school in Switzerland."
"And how did you end as a intern imfor Barça?"
"My dad forced me. He was teaching me a lesson. And he knows Martina, so it was easy."
"Oh." He says. He was speechless at how crazy your life sounds. "If I can say something, I'm glad you are here."
You smile, "Thank you, I'm happy I'm back, and I'm happy to be here with you."
It's his time to blush. He really likes you. Without Ferran's encouragement, he would have never asked you out. He was nervous and awkward about it.
"Do you want dessert?" He asks, noticing you finish your drink. "Other drink?"
"You want me full tonight, sir." You laugh, making him laugh. "I'll have some if you do."
"You are making me break my diet." He laughs. "Fine, let's get those desserts."
The rest of the dinner was fine. You two had fun talking and telling stories of things that happened to you as kids.
"Are you sure you don't want to split the bill?" You ask one more time.
"Not at all, it's on me, you did your part whe you got pretty for this." He smiles.
The blush that creeps into your cheeks is crazy. You can feel your whole face burning up from the feeling.
"Did you drive here?"
"Yes, don't worry. Thank you very much for this." You hug him. "Can we do this again? I really want to see you again."
He's taken aback from your honesty. He likes that. "Si, I want that too." He smiles. "Do you like going to the movies?"
"Love doing that."
"Want to go to the movies to see this new Ryan Gosling movie?" He walks you to your car.
"Si, text me the details." You hug him again. "Popcorn is on me," you say, kissing his cheek. You enter your car. He was kinda petrifie. Hee wanted to react. "Pedri," you call him.
He comes back to the real world. "Si, bonita?"
"Tell me when you are home." You say, pulling up your window.
He waited to be in his car to freak out about how you kissed his cheek and how you asked him on a second date.
He drives home happy, ready to call Ferran and tell him all about it. How you liked the lilies, how you enjoyed food, and how you even have a second date.
When you got home, Nuria and you went to your room and you told her everything, showed her your bouquet of flowers and even told her that you have a second date with him.
Your situationship with Pedri was better than you expected. It's been an ongoing this for a few months now. It's the perfect time to get to know him and for him to get to know you.
You two meet up after club hours. You even began going to some of the games to support him.
As a joke, Ferran gave you a shirt with his number. Making you and Pedri laugh. You use it because it makes Pedri smile every time he watches you there, knowing you follow Ferran and his crazy idea.
Carlos knows about you and Pedri. He's your friend, you trusted him with the information and he asked you in exchange a bag of gummy bears to not tell.
He wears Pedris number for you. And he became friends with Pedri and Ferran. You four are like a nice group.
You were organizing the water closet with Carlos. Talking about music and about this new show that he's seeing.
"And this girl, she's the starting." He explains. "She has a secret romance with one of the higher-ups. Just like you." He pokes you.
"Want me to give you a speaker so you can say it louder?" You hit his arm lightly.
"Are you going on a date with him tonight?"
"I am. We are going to watch something, probably."
"If you watch the movie I recommend you. Please do a review without spoilers for me tomorrow." He says, passing you a bottle of Gatorade.
Marcus was hearing the conversation. Martina sent him to grab you for a quick meeting. But he couldn't help but hear your conversation.
"Are you coming to the game this weekend?" You ask. "He wants me here, and I don't want to be alone."
"Are you getting me popcorn?"
"Yes." You say, laughing and rolling your eyes. "I dont know if I'm nervous because this game can get us La Liga or because his family may be there."
"Maybe both?"
"Si, maybe both." You say, finishing with the work. "We are done."
Marcus hears this and walks like he just got there.
"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt. Martina wants us to have a quick meeting." He smiles. "I thought you were organizing the equipment."
"No, we are here today." Carlos answers. "Let's go."
Marcus was curious. Who was the person you were "dating." Probably someone married if you are talking about his family being there.
After the meeting, you got a text from your dad, asking you to come to his office to talk about something.
"Hola pare, em necessitaves?" (Hi dad, did you need me?) You speak to him in catalan.
"Hola, Reina." He hugs you. "How's work?"
"Good, I restocked the water closet. We have fresh water bottles. And I had a meeting about a thing Martina wants us to do."
"Great, that's fine."
You squinted your eyes. He was up to something. "Dad, anything you want to ask me or tell me?"
He rolls his eyes. "Can't a father make conversation with his firstborn?"
"Promise me you won't be mad at Asia."
You know what is coming. You heavily exhale. "Go on."
"A little bird, named Asia. Told me you are dating someone."
"Dad, this is work." You laugh. "Plus, I'm not."
You were honest, Pedri, and you weren't dating. You were acquaintances who happened to enjoy each others company.
"Okay." He laughs. "We can play the we are at work thing."
You don't notice how the door is open, thinking everybody is doing something more important than walking around.
But Marcus wasn't. He was walking around trying to find Oscar to talk to him about being able to go to the game for free as a part of the club workers. But when he heard your voice and Xavi's, he stayed.
"I wanted to tell you this when we were at dinner, but I feel like I can do it. I'm going to the game." You tell him.
Your dad loves it when you come to his games. It makes him think of you as a little girl wearing his jersey.
"Nuria and the kids are coming too."
"The kids too?" You ask, confused. "Don't they have to go with their grandparents?"
Marcus raises his eyebrows. His wife and kids are coming. You and him will have dinner together.
Then it clicks, you were talking about Xavi. And Carlos knew about you and him.
"Anyways, I have to go." You say, getting up and walking to his mini fridge. "I'm taking one of your special drinks. After all, I earn it."
You two laugh, you hug your father. "Back to work. I don't want my father to find out I'm not working." You joke.
"I'm sure he won't mind. You are with the Mister, he will understand."
"Yeah, you don't know him." You tease him. "But you'll like him, maybe we can arrange a meeting, sir."
"Go to work, reina." He laughs, shaking his head while he does it.
Marcus hides in an office, waiting a few minutes before going out. He was mind blowned, you were having something with Xavi.
He walks back to the comune corridors. Not paying attention to his surroundings, the only thing in his mind was this new information.
For you, it was all flowers, dreams, happy days.
You get to see the person you like every day, you get to spend at least a little bit of time with him.
"Stop, you need to train." You say to pedri, who's too busy kissing you and hugging you. "Pepi, stop it." You giggle.
"Why?" He pouts. "One more, and I'm leaving."
"No, guapo." You try to push him. But he brings you back to him. "You are going to be late." You say.
He grabs your cheeks, kissing you goodbye. You hug his body. Loving the way this feels. The way his lips dance with yours and the way your tongues mix just makes sense.
When he separates to take air, you place your hand on top of his mouth. Blocking him from kissing you again.
"You have to go." You whisper breathlessly. "The Mister will be mad at you."
He kisses the top of your forehead. Eying the clock on the wall. He really needs to go. "I'll see you tonight?" You nod, still catching your breath. "Okay, I'll see you then" He kiss your cheek and pulls away.
You wait a few minutes before coming out of where you two were hiding. Walking to the interns room.
Marcus was there. He eyed you from head to toes. "Hello." You say. He only smiled. He still had a bone to pick with you from the way you rejected him.
"So, are you coming to the game?" He asks.
"Yeah, I got tickets. Are you?"
"Don't know, still deciding."
You nod, not wanting to keep the conversation. You walk over and find Carlos waiting with the coolers with you.
"Can you be more late?" He plays with you.
"Shut up and work bitch." You joke.
"Hmmm." He shakes his head. "Says the one who was tonguing her boyfriend on the janitors closet."
"I hate you." You side eye him. He laughs and walks away with a cooler. "And he's not my boyfriend." You whisper to him as you enter the field.
"Okay." He pauses, thinking. "Your fuck buddy?"
"He's not my-" You hit his arm. "He's not my fuck buddy." You whisper.
"So you haven't fuck him?"
You blush at the question. You did sleep with him, but he wasn't your fuck buddy or anything like that.
"So you did fuck him." Carlos laughed. "If he is not your boyfriend then you are fuck buddies until he asks you out formally."
You stayed quiet for the duration of the training. Until it was time to offer the guys some water. Carlos was right. He wasn't your boyfriend, but you were having sex and doing things couples do.
"Let's go."
You walk over to the guys with the vest. It was easy that way, since they all stayed together to plan a strategy.
You are thinking still. They players are grabbing their waters and talking to themselves. You turn your head to the other part of the team.
Pedri was looking at you, you smile at him. Ferran sees this and decides to tease him. The others think it is just him playing, but it was more than that.
"Distracted much?" Raphinha asks, smiling at you. "You okay?"
You nod. "Just thinking." You say honestly.
"Don't tire your mind." Lewandowski says.
"Easy for you to say, you can take your thoughts away by playing."
"A piece of advice, if it can be solved then you don't have to worry about it. Think about how you are going to solve it and do it."
"And if it doesn't have a solution?" You ask Lewa.
"Then don't think about it." He smiles again. "If you can fix it, learn from it and move on."
You nod, thanking him for the advice. "More water before I go?" You ask, hearing Oscar blow the whistle.
"Noup." He throws the bottle back into the cooler.
You go on with the day, not thinking much of the situation. It has a solution, and you can resolve it.
You sit next to your dad for dinner. Texting pedri carefully that as soon as dinner is over, you will meet him up.
"I can't wait to see you at the game. I have a good feeling about it."
You smile, letting him and Nuria do the talking. You eat some pieces of your food, feeling nauseous and tired.
"What's going on with you?" Xavi asks. "You are not the type to leave food."
Before you answer, Asia decides to intervene. "She has the love syndrome."
Both Asia and Dan decide to make kiss noises and throw jokes at you about your love life.
"Stop it, kids." Nuria laughs. "Are you okay?"
"Si." You nod. "Just tired. Maybe I'm coming with a cold." You lie.
"Then take a seat next to the dog because I don't want to get a cold too." You dad jokes. Getting up to take his plate to the sink.
You roll your eyes. "Can I use your car? I want to visit Karlie." You lie again.
"No drinking and driving." He says, stern tone. "Please don't come back at like three in the morning." He throws the keys at you.
You nod, taking your plate to the sink and going upstairs to brush your teeth. You fix your hair before going back down. "Bye, I'll be here in a bit."
You arrive at his house. You two meet up there because you haven't revealed that your father is Xavi Hernández.
He kisses you hello and takes you to his room. He has some candy and Amazon Prime open for you to pick any movie you want.
The movie goes unnoticed by you. The words of Carlos and Lewandowski are taking all your mind. You grab the controller, pausing the movie.
"What are we?" You ask, very straightforward.
Pedri chokes on his gummy bear. "Qué?"
"What are we?" You repeat. Louder this time.
He's trying to think about what to say. He doesn't even know what you two are. You have no labels.
"Are we just fuck-buddies?" You ask.
"No." He quickly answers. "You are more than just that." He says.
"What more?"
He tries to find the right words. He doesn't want you to feel scared if he confesses all his feelings for you.
And he also doesn't want to run when maybe you want to walk. He wants to make you feel comfortable.
"I want us to be more than just friends." He says.
"We are." You say, serious tone. "We fuck, we kiss, we cuddle in bed while we watch a movie, you introduce me to your brother."
"Listen, Y/n." He sits. "I want more than that. I just thought that maybe you would be more comfortable like that."
"Huh?" He's confused. What do you mean why?
"Why did you think that?"
"I'm a footballer." He spat. "And to be honest, a Google search will show you that the media thinks I'm a fucking womanizer. Girls here and there when, in reality, I don't even go out to get groceries."
You smirk at that. He was a very home orienteded guy. "I don't believe in rumors, I believe you."
"And I'm happy about it." He grabs your hand and kisses it. "I like you a lot. You are not just someone I have sex with and then leave. I do want more."
You grab his face, kissing him. You wanted more than just friendship too. You wanted to move forward with the relationship.
"Ask me then." You smile.
He laughs, if there's something he loves about you is how straightforward you are. You are not afraid of saying anything.
"Y/n, preciosa mía." His arms hug your waist. "Will you honor me by letting me be your boyfriend?" He smiles, eyes shining.
You smile too, watching every detail about his face, the way his smile is reaching his eyes, the way his hair looks, the way he smells.
"Let me think about it." You joke, making him pull you down to the bed with him.
"Preciosa, venga, no bromees." He kiss you.
"I will honor you." You say, smiling like crazy. "I really like you too, and I'm happy right now." You laugh, grabbing his cheeks and kissing him.
You two spend the rest of the movie like that, kissing here and there, paying more attention to each other than to the movie.
"Wear my jersey to the game." He requests. "I want my girlfriend to wear my number on her back. It will be like a motivation."
You nod, smiling at him. You were planning on wearing it anyway. You wanted him to notice how much support he has on you.
You checked the time, it was past midnight. "I have to go. My dad will be pissed if I don't."
"No." He hugs you, getting on top of you. "Stay here."
You laugh. "Pepi, if I don't get home as soon as possible, I don't think I'll be allowed to go to the game anymore."
He sighs, kissing you quickly before letting go. He walks with you to your car. "Call me when you are home and drive safe."
"I always do." You say cocky, making him smile. His head gets in the car for him to be able to kiss you. "Adiós."
The game wasn't as good as you expected. The team lost, and with the loss, they gave Real Madrid the Liga trophy. Now there's only hopes for the second place.
Xavi was mad, you can tell by the look on his face and how he stormed out to the dressing room.
You knew this was a bad moment to the players. They all look sad and stressed. But you can't blame Xavi. They don't even work as a team anymore.
Carlos and you walk into the tunnel. You had access to those areas due to the security guys recognizing you from working there.
You wanted to wait to at least talk to Pedri, check if he's fine in person, and not over text. "I'll wait here. If you want to you can go."
"Okay, see you tomorrow then." You kiss his cheek goodbye.
You sat in one of the benches at the corridor. Checking your phone to see what people are saying on X.
You feel angry at how people blame your father. He wishes to be able to go into the field and play for them but he can't.
After all, he was a barça legend, and they are just teenagers and adults acting like five years old who can't make a team with the others.
Goundogan and Araujo fighting. Ter Stegen is saying Xavi doesn't need to call out players after losing a game. It was a shit show.
You heard the dressing room opening. Your father walks mad, his belongings in hand. You stand up and try to talk with him.
"Not right now." He says, deep mad voice.
You only nodded, taking a seat at the bench again. You want to do more, but you can't even begin expressing how much you this situation hurts you.
Some of the players began leaving. Some waving goodbye to you. Thinking you are there as a job and not just to watch the match.
Ferran walks out, head low and earphones in. You grab his shoulder. "Hey." You say even tho he can't hear you.
He takes his earphones out to greet you. "Hey." He sighs. "What a shit show, isn't it?" He laughs.
"It's okay, it's just a bad moment." You hug him and say goodbye to him.
"Pedri is inside, he's taking a shower."
You text him telling him that you were waiting for him. You walk to the interns room to pick something from your locker.
After all, that was one of the only rooms that didn't have a lock. You walk and see Marcus and Raphinha talking.
They both look at you, but Raphinha's gaze was a weird one. You can't pick it. Maybe it was his humor after the lost.
"I just want something from my locker." You walk quick and open it. "Sorry about the lost, Raph." You say, pulling the item and closing the locker door. "Bye."
Pedri texted you to meet him at the parking lot. He was out of the dressing room and walking over there.
You do as he told you. Meeting him there. He was inside his car, doing something on his phone.
You knock on his window. He opens the passenger seat door for you. "Hola." You whisper, not sure how to approach him.
"Xavi told us he's leaving." He confess. "And my family couldn't come."
"Pepi." You sigh. Hugging him and kissing his cheek. "I'm so sorry about today. If it makes you feel better, I think you played better than anyone else." You kiss his nose. Making him smile.
"Thank you for being here." He poses his head on your shoulder. "Want to go get something to eat? I feel like having something bad." He laughs.
"Whatever you want, guapo." You kiss him. Hands squishing his cheeks. "Let's go."
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"I feel like this season is just too much for us." He says, eating his fries. "We are falling apart."
"The whole Ronald and Gundo thing is just dumb, I will take Gundo's advice. He was in ManCity and they are champions."
"But I can't blame him. Maybe the delivery wasn't the best." He says, thinking about the situation. "And I think Xavi and Oscar weren't doing their best."
"What are they doing wrong?" You ask curious. He was one of the few playes that did what Xavi and Oscar asked him to do. "I mean for what I see at the training, he is giving instruction, explaining how to create opportunities and then at the game Lewandowski and Raphinha do the opposite."
Pedri wasn't surprised at your football talk, he find it amazing when you first gave him advice, and now he asks for feedback.
"You have the most assists this season of La Liga, and the majority of those were lost opportunities. At this point, the only thing that can save you guys is if Oscar and Xavi get in the field with you during the games."
"Bueno, if you put it like that, then yes." He scratched his head. "That water job of yours is giving you too much to fight me for." He laughs
"It's not my fault I can take the instructions better than your teammates." You laugh back. "But I know Xavi thinks you are one of the best elements of the team." You say, head over his shoulder.
You weren't lying. Your father was happy with him, maybe wanting to correct little things, but seeing the big picture, he was the perfect successor of Andres."
"I'll believe you." He kisses you. "Want me to drop you home?" He says, finishing his meal.
"My stepmother will pick me up from your home, she's just a few blocks away."
You still have to tell Pedri about your dad. When he told you that Xavi announced the possibility of leaving, you already knew.
He talked about it with Nuria and your siblings. Letting you know before anyone else, LaPorta, the players, the press.
"Why do I feel like you don't want me to know where you live?" He asks, curious about why his house was the only place you two meet.
"I do, it's just complicated."
"You dad doesn't know we are together?"
"He knows I'm with someone, but right now, he's dealing with work issues." You didn't lie. He was. Pedri knows but he doesn't know he knows.
"Okay, I trust you." He says, resting his hand on your thigh.
You texted Nuria, letting her know that you will be at his place in about five minutes, for her to pick you up.
Just like Pedri, Nuria didn't know the reality of your relationship. She thinks he is someone you met around, maybe at a party. Not a player from your father's team.
When you get the text saying she's outside, you stand up, ready to leave. "She's here, adiós, guapo."
But he has other plans. He stood up, grabbed your wrist and walked to the door with you.
"I want to say hi." He says. Walking hand in hand with you, happy to be able to meet someone from your life.
You stop, he will recognize Nuria if he sees her. "Pedri, no." You pull him to you before he reaches the door. "My stepmother is kinda delicate."
"Y/n, be honest." He frowns. "Tell me if you don't want me to meet your family. You know my brother and I want you to know my parents."
You think for a moment, you do want him to meet Nuria and your father. Not like his trainer, just as your father.
"The thing is, I'm planning a dinner with my family and you. And I want it to be perfect and for you to meet them calmly and not at the street."
"You promise is that?" He pouts.
"Let's do this. You have three days off for the next match that is on Friday. Let's do the dinner on Saturday so you don't stress about the game. Deal?"
He smiles, nodding excited about the idea. "Deal." He says, hugging you. "I was so scared of you being embarrassed of me or something."
"What?" You laugh. "Eres tan tonto, it's not that. You know that now."
He nods. Kissing your lips. "Go, she will get mad from waiting."
You kiss him again. Telling him a quick goodbye. When you get to the car, Nuria is watching you all smiles.
"What?" You ask her.
"Nothing I just love seeing you so happy, I'm a fan." She laughs, making you laugh. "I need you to tell me when are we meeting him."
"You are lucky, I invite him on Saturday, so your job is to keep my dad happy." You joke.
"Well, I have all morning to make him feel less angry if the game goes downhill."
"Let's hope it doesn't." You beg.
You can't deny you will miss working at the club when the season is done. You learned to like the job and you have fun with the guys, even with Marcus.
"I'm going to miss organizing this and stealing Gatorade." Carlos says. Drinking the last bit of the drink.
"Can't you get one at the store?" You joke.
"It will not be free. Duh!"
"You want to know what else is free?" You ask. When he nods you get close to him. "Our labor here." You whisper.
He laughs so hard that some of the players that are walking past to the camp turn to see you. "I want to know the joke, tio." Sergi jokes. "Also, if you can pack a purple Gatorade, I'll really appreciate it."
You pass the training talking about random things. Pedri was looking at you from time to time.
He told you how a little anxious about meeting your family. You were too, you hoped he would understand your reasoning.
"I don't know how you two haven't been caught. He can't keep his eyes away from you." He says, noticing how the canary looks at you every five seconds. "But to be honest, when we first started every player was looking at you."
"Maybe that's why they don't allow female interns." You laugh.
You finish the training between jokes. The few last trainings were always the best. The vacation spirit was hitting the players.
You returned both coolers. When you were about to leave, you saw Raphinha reclined into the doorfr. "Hello to you too, kitty girl."
"Hola." You say. "Do you want something?"
"Can't a man just get a talk?" He jokes.
You nod. "How are you?"
"I can be better." He walks closer, maybe a little too much for your liking. "I want to ask you something." When you don't answer, he decides to keep talking. "I got told a little story about you. And I'm interested in it."
You narrow your eyes, nodding your head to indicate him continue with the story.
"I know how hard it must be to work as hard as you do, with all this ahit show, organizing stupid bottles. Look, I don't blame you for what you do here. But someone as pretty as you can get better things from someone like me. No need to fuck old flesh for some cash." He says, posing his hands on your waist.
You push him away, "What the fuck are you even implying?" You have a stern tone. "Don't ever touch me again. You are disgusting."
"Such a prude now, huh?" He laughs. "We all know what you do. It's no secret. I'm just taking my chances to be the next one in line." He tries to get closer again. "I can fuck you better than him, let's be honest."
Your hand hurts from how hard you hit his cheek. Making his face turn. "Você é uma pessoa nojenta, fique longe de mim." (You are such a disgusting person, get away from me), you say, pushing him to get out of the room.
His hand grabs your arm. Pulling you back. "Você age como uma puritana, mas você é uma prostituta." (You act like a prude but you're a whore)
"You have a wife and a child." You remind him. "And you are here accusing me of something I don't even know about. You are disgusting."
"I'm not the one fucking someone from the club." He laughs. "You are."
"I held your son while Natalia, your wife, was using the bathroom. She was telling everybody how happy she was that she was visiting. And you act as if she's nothing. You dont deserve her." You say, taking his hands off of your body, "I'm telling you this only once. So you better listen. Don't mess with me because I'm not the one. You have no idea the kind of power I have. Stay away from me, or I'm telling everybody what you did."
He lifts his hands. Looking at you with a mad stare. You feel like crying, but you won't in front of him. "Move, deixe-me ir." (Let me go)
He moves to the side. You run, wanting to go home. You go to the interns room, searching for you things in your locker.
Your hands are shaking. You can't even get the key into the lock. Three knocks on the door got unnoticed by you.
"Hey, Y/n?" You heard Ferran's voice. "Are you okay?"
He walks over to you, and he places his hands on your arm and back, but you back up. "Don't touch me." You shout at him, moving away from his touch.
You don't mean to do it, but you can't even think straight. "It's okay, deep breaths." He says, hands motioning you to take a breath. "Yeah, that's it. Do it again." He says, he backs a little from where you are.
You take a few breaths, feeling yourself calming down. You hated the feeling of being uncappable of defending yourself.
"That's it." Ferran cheers you. "Here, I have a napkin on me. Don't ask." He hands you the napkin. You smile at his joke.
"I'm sorry for shouting." You say, voice shaking. "I just, I want to go home." You whisper, feeling the tears fill your eyes.
"Can I come closer and give you a hug?" He asks, you nod. He hugs you, one hand on your shoulders and the other on your head, pushing it against his chest. "I don't know what happened, but if you need a friend. I'm here."
You hug him back. You really needed a hug. "Gracias." You say, "Where did you get the napkin, tho?"
"I hide a cookie." He confess. That makes you laugh a little. "Hey, you laughed."
You separate from him. "Thank you, Ferran." You smile. He asked you for the key to the locker, opening the lock for you.
You grab your things. And he locked it again. "Do you need want to go? I can call you an Uber, I don't have my phone but it's in the dressing room. In my station."
You smile. Shaking your head. "I just need to find Martina and tell her I'm leaving." You say, walking to out of the door with him. "Hey, you wanted something. Can I help you before I leave?"
Ferran feels sad. You grow a friendship with him. You are someone very calm, and he can tell something might have happened for you to react the way you did.
"Don't be silly. Let's find Martina."
"It's okay, I know where she is. Thank you for helping me. I'll go by myself."
"You sure?"
You nod, giving him one last hug. "Bye."
You walk to the office where Martina is, she's always there with the social media manager. You knock to see if she was there.
"Come in."
You open the door, finding Raphinha talking with her. Both of them laughing and joking about something.
"Hey, is everything alright?" She asks when she sees your red face. "What happened?"
You lock eyes with Raphinha, he has a smirk, like if the situation was funny to him. You want to grab your bag and hit him.
"Si, I just want to know if I can leave early. I don't feel well and I want to go home."
"Oh honey, is there something I can help you with?"
"Si, can we help you?" He asks.
"It's just an allergy reaction, and I feel like I should probably rest a little." You lie, looking at Raphinha while doing it with a disgusted face.
"Go home and rest, if you want to, don't come tomorrow. I have those reactions, too, and it's the worst."
"Will do, thank you for understanding. Goodbye." You wave at her, walking outside the door, but you turn to say something."Oh, Raphinha."
"Lembre-se do que eu lhe disse. Fique longe de mim." (Remember what I told you. Stay away from me.) You smile. "Been practicing my Portuguese." You say to Martina, who smiles at you, not understanding anything you just said.
You went home, thankful that Nuria was out at an event, and you can cry in peace in your room. You turn your phone off, not wanting to deal with anything and just staying in bed until you have the strength to get up.
Ferran told Pedri what happened, the way he found you. He called you five times and texted you another few more. But nothing. You were mia.
He spent the rest of training worried about you. He wanted to know what happened for you to be crying and left early.
Once he's home, he can concentrate on anything, checking his phone every minute to see if the message was delivered.
That's when he remembered, you sent him over text your address for the dinner with your parents. Telling him that you did it because later on, you would forget.
He grabs his keys and drives over to your house. He didn't care if he looked imprudent. He needed to make sure you were okay.
"Y/n, are you sure you don't want to talk?" Nuria asks again. She can't help but wonder why your eyes were puffy and you were sad. "I won't tell."
"It's nothing." You answer. "I'm just taking a shower, just in time to eat dinner with you. Deal?"
"Okay, if you need me, I'm here." She hugs you. "I'm going to get some takeout, I feel like that will make you feel better."
You nod, thanking her and closing your bathroom door and taking a very hot shower. You needed that. You bring your alexa to the bathroom and ask her to play something while you shower.
Pedri was impatient, the traffic was making him bounce his knee. He wanted to be able to just drive over all these people.
He tries to call you one more time, with no answer. Your phone was still off. He wanted to know if you were okay. Just that.
"Y/n?" Asia asks, knocking on your door. "When mom returns, we will make your favorite brownies to make you feel better."
You smile, you know they want you to be okay no matter what happened. "Thank you, A. I'll help you. Just let me change, and I'll go to the kitchen."
You change into some bikers and a plain shirt. Or as you like to call it, your lazy outfit. You dry your hair, not wanting to deal with the freez later.
While your blow dryer is on and alexa is playing something in the bathroom. Xavi and Nuria got home.
"Marcela told me that it was an allergic reaction. That's what she said."
"I think there's more. Plus, she looks fine, not a single red mark on her face from allergies. Maybe talk to her later."
You finish with your hair. You wait for Nuria to be back or call you to go down. You charge your phone even though it's off.
You put your hair in a ponytail, completing the lazy look with your sleepers from a hotel that you went to a few years ago.
While you wait in your bed, Pedri drives into the community where you live, the security guy recognized him and asked for a photo.
He let him go past the gate since he was a known person. Thing that makes him laugh. He follows the gps to your street.
He parks in front of what he thinks is the right house. He walks over to the door and ring the doorbell.
"Xavi, please open the door. I'll go get the kids." Nuria says, walking upstairs.
Xavi walks to the door. When he opens it, he finds Pedri. "Pedri, tío. What are you doing here?"
Pedri is as confused as his trainer. He doesn't understand what happened and how he ended at Xavi's house.
"Hey, Mister. I think I got my gps confused. But it's nice to see you. Sorry about the press thing today. We were all confused and mad."
"It's okay, you guys worry too much about me." He laughs. "Venga, come inside." He moves for the midfielder to get in. "Are you hungry? We are about to eat."
"I don't mean to bother." He smiles. "I think when Lewandowski sent us the address to your home for lunch, it got overlapped with the one I was looking for."
"Happens to me all the time." He laughs, making Pedri laugh. "But you don't bother, honestly. Have some dinner with us."
Pedri agrees. He thinks this is a bad coincidence, but he will use it to maybe talk with Xavi before he leaves. Thank him for everything.
"Pedri, this is Nuria, my wife." He introduces him to his wife. "Nuria, this is Pedri. He's number eight. A good kid. I invited him over."
"Hola, that's so great. Please take a seat. Our kids will be with us in a moment."
"I'm sorry about coming without notice. I got the address wrong. I was looking for someone who lives in the same neighborhood."
The sound of children interrupts the talk. "Mom, did you get the brownie stuff?"
"Asia, come here, baby. This is Pedri. He is a football player at the club." The little girl waves.
"Do you work with dad?"
"I do." He smiles. "He's the best, you are lucky yo have such an amazing dad."
"He's cool." She says, looking at xavi. But he's not allowed to make brownies with us. He burns them."
"Are you making brownies?" Pedri asks. Trying to make conversation with her. "That's yummy."
"Yes, it's for my sister. She's feeling blue."
"That means you are a very nice sister. I have a brother named Fernando. When I'm blue, he hits me in the head." He makes the little girl laugh.
"My other two are somewhere in the house." Xavi explains. "Actually, how old are you?"
"I'm twenty-one."
"My oldest is twenty. Almost the same." He passes the plate to Pedri. "You probably recognize her. She's helping at the club."
"Really?" He asks, confused. "Didn't know that."
The laughs of a boy can be heard. Pedri is trying to remember if he knows who Xavi's daughter is.
"Reina, come here." Xavi says, waving you to come over.
You have your brother in your arms, laughing with him. "Yes, sir?" You ask, laughing.
Pedri feels how his body tenses at the sound of your voice. And you stop laughing once you see him sitting at the table.
"Pedri, this is Y/n and Dan. She works as an intern. She helped us with the water and stuff. "Y/n, I think you already know Pedri."
"I do." You say, putting your brother down, your eyes never leaving his. "Hi, Pedri."
"We know Pedri, he plays for barça." Dan says, making Pedri smile at him.
"Well, everybody got food. Let's sit down and eat." Nuria says, leaving the salad on the table. "Hey, you feeling better?"
You nod at her question. You wanted Pedri to find out about your dad but not like this. Not after the day you have.
"Y/n, take a seat." Asia asks
The only plate left was in the seat next to Pedri. You sit down, he looks at you. You are not sure what the emotions his eyes are showing are.
Xavi asks Pedri different things, talking about his family. He met Pedri's parents during one celebration at the club.
"So you two know each other?" Nuria asks Pedri and you.
You look over at him. "We do." You answer. You can see his smile. "When I got to the club, he was training after an injury, and I was assigned to be the water girl for that training." You smile.
"Yes, she was very shy and weird the first day." He laughs, making you laugh. "When she got moved to the whole team, the first times she just left the cooler and moved."
"I did not." You say. "Ferran and him were throwing water at each other." You say to Nuria. "I was scared of getting wet."
"I can admit I once used her as a shield." He laughs. "It was funny."
Nuria looks between you two. The way you smile at each other and they way you look at him.
The dinner went well. Pedri and Dan clicked in a way that any other guest at your house ever did. Asia invited him to make the brownies with you. Uninviting Nuria from the equation.
"Y/n, can you help me with something?" She calls you. You were searching for the ingredient.
"Si. Dan, please help me with the ingredients, okay baby?" You gave him the list of things.
Nuria and you walk into the laundry room. "Okay, confess." She says. Looking at you with narrowed eyes.
"What?" You asks, confused about what she's talking about. "Context, please?"
"I have a theory." She began. "Is that you are overly friendly with Pedri, and you are ten times more clingy and needy with your boyfriend. Or that we are going to see Pedri again at the dinner this Saturday, but not as the Barca Player but as your boyfriend."
You stayed quiet. Your silence was all she needed to confirm it. You just blush at how obvious you were.
"I also think it's important for you to know that he didn't know until today that Xavi is my dad."
"Y/n." She says, eyes widening. "How?"
"I asked Martina to omit the fact that my last name is Hernández because I wanted to just not be Xavi's daughter for once. I wanted to be me."
"I get it, believe me." She hugs you. "Oh my God, I'm so happy, you two look amazing together."
"You think dad would flip if I tell him that he is my boyfriend and that the job he got me to keep me occupied worked, but my occupation is not only being an intern but having a boyfriend?" You ramble a little.
"Why don't you tell him now?" She asks. "He's here. He likes him, and to be honest, I don't want to get all dressed up for something we already did but didn't know we were doing."
Nuria and you debate a little about the whole telling your dad thing. She encouraged you to tell him now that he is in a good mood.
"Hey." You say, walking back into the kitchen. "Can I talk to you? Nuria will help them." You guide them to your backyard. Seating on the couch you have there for parties. "I'm sorry I was gone all day, I just had a rough day and wanted to come home."
"Something happened?" He asks, worried. "You don't usually turn your phone off and walk out of the club."
"I don't want to talk about it, don't worry. I'm better now." You smile. "I'm sorry about not being fully honest with you." You say, referring to your family situation. "I honestly thought I was getting out of that job in two weeks, but I grew a like for it."
"And you stayed." He finish your sentence. "You tend to do toxic things. Have you noticed that?"
"Eres un tonto." You say. He opens his arms to you. You fall into them and snuggle your face on his shoulder. "Don't be mad?"
"Am not, I was shocked when your dad opened the door. I thought I was going crazy and that my car gps was failing." He chuckles. "Then I see you walking as he says you are his daughter, and all I'm thinking is now it makes sense why you know so much about football."
You laugh. "And all those things I told yo about him liking you more than the rest because you listen to him? You now can actually believe me."
He hugs you tight. He was so worried all day about you. "Ferran was worried. He didn't even bother me during training."
"You are welcome." You joke. "I was thinking, maybe we can use this opportunity to tell my dad about us."
"Don't you think it's enough off a surprise that I knocked on the door without an invitation?"
You were about to answer when a voice makes you turn. It was your dad on the balcony right above where you are.
"Creo que ya me lo han dicho sin decirme, chavales." (I think you told me without telling me, kids) he shakes his head. "Pedri, not only as your trainer but as the father of the girl you are apparently with. I think it's time to go home and rest for the game."
"Si, Mister." He shyly smiles. "Thank you for the food. See you tomorrow." He separates. "See you tomorrow, Guapa." He whispers as he walks back inside the house.
"Dad, that wasn't nice."
"Bring me a brownie when they are ready, we need to have a chat." He winks at you. Going back inside.
The game went amazing. They won second place on La Liga. It wasn't the worst, after all. Pedri scored two goals, giving a very nice almost end of the season.
"It was a good game." Carlos says. "I'm going to miss this so much."
"Me too, I like some of the players already, and I'm going to miss seeing you steal Gatorade for the gym."
"Shhh, I can't get caught." He jokes. You walk over to the interns room. "Wait, I'll go to the bathroom. Can you pick my stuff for me?"
You nod, opening your palm so he can give you his locker key. When he does, you walk to the room. You walk inside, grabbing your bag and Carlos things.
You text Pedri congratulations, and you tell him where you are. He asked you to wait for him there. Ferran and him will meet you there.
You heard the door slam closed. You turn and see Marcus. He has this smirk on his lips. "Hey, did you enjoy the game?" You ask, going back to your phone.
"I know what you are doing." He says, sitting at the table. "You can stop pretending."
"Qué?" You ask, confused. "What are you talking about?"
"I heard you talking with Carlos, telling him about your date, how his family was going to be there. And then I saw you walking out of that shithole, after being with him."
"Okay?" You smirk. "Why is that your concern?"
You didn't mind if he saw you and Pedri sneaking out here and there. You weren't going to hide it. Season is about to finish, and you won't be back.
"So you admit it?" He asks loudly. "I mean not that you are hiding it. Look at that Miu Miu bag. A girl like would only dream about it."
You look down at your bag. Bag that was a gift from your grandparents. "Why are you so mad if I wear designer or if I date someone from the club?" You were about to walk out, not feeling like listening to his crap.
"Raphinha was right, you act like a fucking prude but in reality you are nothing but a slut."
You turn to him. Was that what Raphinha talked to you about when he attacked you? "What did you just say?"
"And now you are deaf." He laughs.
"Is this about me rejecting your invitation?" You ask mad. Was he doing all that because you told him he wasn't your type? "Marcus, this is fucked up. Did you even know what Raphinha did to me?"
"Whatever it was, he probably paid you enough to get something nice, huh?" He says, getting closer. "Did you enjoy it?"
You back off, trying to get away from you. "Don't don't even know what you are talking about."
"You rejected me but decided to fuck a forthy year old dude?"
You don't understand nothing at this point. What he thinks you are doing. "You are confusing things, I'm not doing any of that."
"You just admitted to do it." He yells. You back a little more. "A married guy with kids, fucking slut." He yells.
You feel like you were about to start crying from the anxiety this is giving you. "I didn't do that." You yell back.
The door opens up. A frowny Ferran and Pedri walk in. Seeing the scene and how you are almost cornered up.
"What is going on?" Ferran asks. "Are you okay, Y/n?"
Pedri doesn't even care about answering questions. He walks over to you and shields you with his body.
"Back off." He warns. "No sé quien carajos te crees pero no tienes ningún derecho a gritarle, imbecil." (I don't know who te fuck you think you are but you have no right to yell at her, asshole) he's the one getting closer now, doing the same he was doing to you.
"Obviously, you two are defending her." He laughs. "Did he sucked your dicks too?"
Pedri doesn't need to hear anything else. His fist impacts Marcus. Making him fall over. "I'm not going to let you talk about her at all. You watch your fucking mouth."
Ferran grabs you by the shoulders, taking you out of the room. You don't want Pedri to get in trouble.
"Can you make sure he doesn't punch him again?" You ask Ferran. "I don't want Pedri having repercussions because of him."
Ferran nods, going back inside. You can hear Pedri yelling at Marcus. He was mad and the adrenaline from the game was giving him the attitude.
He was a calm dude. It's not easy to pass him off, let alone get physical with him. But today was Marcus lucky day because Pedri was not taking any shit.
Ferran drags Pedri out of the room. Mad face softens when his eyes lay on you. "Guapa." He hugs you. "Are you okay?"
"I am. Thank you for saving me." You kiss his collarbone. "I'm so confused about why he was yelling at me."
"He won't even dare to even come back after the break. And if he does, Ferran promised him that he would run him over."
You smile. Extending your hand to where Ferran is. He grabs your hand, and you pull him to the hug between Pedri and you.
Carlos, who is just coming back from the bathroom and sees that scene, joins without saying much.
"Why are we hugging?" He asks after a few. Making Pedri, Ferran and you laugh.
"Two goals, baby." You say, hugging you very sweaty boyfriend. "You did amazing. I'm so proud."
He smiles like crazy, his first goals with the national team, and you surprised him by coming to see his game.
"I played too." Ferran says, watching you and Pedro hug.
Pedro scuff. "Maybe get a girlfriend, capullo."
"Excuse me? Y/n, let me tell you that without me insisting that he asked you out, you wouldn't even be here right now." He leaves, pretending to be mad.
You laugh when you notice Pedri blushing at Ferrans confession. "Well, let's thank him." You say, kissing his lips.
"We can also thank a very straightforward girl who asked me what was the status of our relationship when we were cuddling in bed and watching a movie."
"A smart mind, in my opinion."
You two walk over to the interview side. Since he scored two goals, some news channels wanted him to give the exclusive after the game.
"I'm very proud, I can't wait for Germany." He says to the camera.
"How is your support circle? Will you have your family and friends at maybe one of the games?"
"I have amazing support, my parents, my brother, my girlfriend, my friends, and the fans who always motivate me to be better."
"Girlfriend? Wow, lucky girl. Imagine that the start of today is your boyfriend." The interviewer laughed.
Pedri locks his eyes with you. "Actually, I'm the lucky one." He says.
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askvekpa · 7 months
Nuria held a rather awkward expression towards Bingo. She felt very perplexed with their choice of wanting to become a Solgaleo. While incredibly sweet of wanting to be just like their father: In her point of view, she sees that it isn't physically possible for an Eevee to evolve into a Legendary of a different category.
She opened her mouth, readying to speak out the truth. And yet... Nothing came out. Not a single word was uttered. She fell silent.
As much as she wishes to tell them, she didn't had the heart to do so. She didn't want to cause disappointment or break the Eevee's heart.
So... She decided to bite her tongue and trickle her upcoming response. "W-Well... If you try to use a Fire Stone while holding high friendship during the day, I am certain that you can kinda evolve into a Solgaleo."
She quickly turned her head away from Bingo's gaze, as she felt herself internally sweating from what she just said. Was this the right choice to tell them? Or was it a huge mistake?
She nervously muttered to herself, doing her best to keep her tone as low as possible. "I mean... A Flareon and Espeon hybrid should be efficient enough to look kinda like a Solgaleo. I'm sure of it!.. I think. Maybe--".
She definitely doesn't seem too sure of it now.
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Now I just need to find Fire Stone! And make a very best friend! Thank you!!!!
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garadinervi · 8 months
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Prometeo possibili, Magazzini del Sale 3, Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, Dorsoduro, Venezia, January 26 – March 16, 2024, in collaboration with Fondazione Archivio Luigi Nono, Archivio Storico delle Arti Contemporanee (ASAC) – La Biennale di Venezia
Plus: Prometeo. Tragedia dell'ascolto, Chiesa di San Lorenzo / Ocean Space, Venezia, January 26-29, 2024. Structure-set re-imagined by Antonello Pocetti and Antonino Viola. Conductor: Marco Angius, leading the Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto. Flute and tuba: Roberto Fabbriciani and Giancarlo Schiaffini. Alvise Vidolin: live electronics. Massimo Cacciari, curator of the texts. Soloists: Carlo Lazari on the viola, Michele Marco Rossi on the cello, Emiliano Amadori on the double bass; Singers: Rosaria Angotti, Livia Rado, Chiara Osella, Katarzyna Otczyk, Marco Rencinai, and the narrating voices of Sofia Pozdniakova and Jacopo Giacomoni, in addition to the Coro del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Prometeo ieri e oggi. L'utopia di Luigi Nono a 100 anni dalla nascita, A Special Project of Archivio Storico delle Arti Contemporanee (ASAC), Biblioteca della Biennale, La Biennale di Venezia, Venezia, January 29, 2024. W/ Roberto Cicutto (President La Biennale di Venezia), Debora Rossi (Head of the Historical Archive of Contemporary Arts of La Biennale di Venezia), Nuria Schoenberg Nono (Presidente Fondazione Archivio Luigi Nono) + Andrea Estero (President Associazione Nazionale Critici Musicali) in conversation with Lucia Ronchetti, Marco Angius, Massimo Cacciari, Carlo Fontana, and Alvise Vidolin
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shiinavanhellsing · 11 months
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Chapter Three
Shinigami Headquarters
Soul Society
The girls were already used to having all eyes on them 24 hours and 365 days a year. But, not like this.
EBK Hekka had sent them on a mission to go see Shunsui and to find out more information on the Sternritters that attacked their club.
Little did they know that they were standing in front of all 13 captains of their respective squads.
The eyes that were staring at them weren't filled with lust or desire but, yet they were more demanding and cold like.
Well, not all of them. There was a particular fellow who was staring at Olori like he was one of her clients which made Azure and Nuria take note.
“He looking at Lo like he want a piece so badly. Imagine if they smashed back then....” Nuria whispered.
“Ion see it, heon look like her type....but this is Lo that we're talking about here.” Azure mumbled back.
Olori looked back at Azure and smacked her teeth growling, “BROOOOOOO. Suck my dick right now, you on my body for what?!” emphasizing on the what.
“I dunno about you guys but, I'm thinking about making myself a roster with all these fine ass men in the room.” Lotus chimed in.
“Ugh! They're not even listening!!!! Why do we have these insolent jezebels in the room with us when they're too busy conversing with one another like childish schoolgirls over some of the captains?!” A particular woman with short black purplish hair snapped.
Olori quickly flash stepped over to where the woman was seated and stood towards her, looking down at her annoyed yet nonchalant face.
“WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLING A INSOLENT JEZEBEL?!” Olori exclaimed getting in her face.
The short haired woman coolly looked over at Shunsui, with a irritated look on her face being in disbelief that the blue and white haired woman was stepping up to her like this.
“Soi Fon! Stop it, do not even think about fighting her.” the voice belonging to the blonde male with the bowl cut halted her. “Trust me when I say that she's not somebody who you want to fight against.”
Soi Fon glared at him and then at Olori only for her to kick Olori square in the face. She felt a harsh pull onto her hair and fell out of her seat.
Soi Fon was quickly about to flash step but a quick high knee to the neck and a wicked elbow to the eye countered her ability to dodge.
“W-What the hell?! She can catch me mid flash step?!” She thought to herself, “It's like she has powers that's beyond a shinigami!”
The scent of the second squad captain's blood made Olori grow carnal. She then ripped off her rose gold bedazzled top grills to reveal shark like teeth in result.
Olori lunged towards her until she saw vines grip her legs and arms. The sweet scent of vanilla, lavender and chamomile filled up the room luckily calming down the divine deity thanks to Lotus.
Little did she know that the aphrodisiac aroma was going to have not one, not two, but three particular captains be erotically obsessed with her.
“Thank you Lotus....” Nuria stated. “Even though that trifling ass bitch deserved that ass whooping, I didn't want Olori to go beast mode and violate her. Again, she deserved that shit.”
Azure looked closely at the three men with a small yet heavy flickering rose gold shimmer in their eyes.
One of them was dressed like he was of noble descent, dripped in gold and ivory all over his captain's uniform. Although many people will see it as something minor, it was only something for Azure to keep track of in the near future.
The second captain was extremely tall but, yet had a muscular and skinny like frame. He had the similar symptoms as the others but it was something about his reaitsu that was trying to block it.
The third captain with the floral patterned looked cross faded, sooooooooo it was really difficult for the oldest divine deity to see if the youngest divine deity really had a affect on him. He smelled like dusse and cologne combined with the scent of the aromatic pheromones from Lotus.
All three of them looked at Lotus with animalistic carnal lust.
“Hey ummm, Flower girl....you may wanna keep an eye on those three.” Olori remarked, regaining her humanistic like mental state of mind. “They look like they wanna get neaky with you or sumn...be careful with that perfume shit you be doing.”
“You're telling me to be careful but, yet you have the blonde ass Edna Mode looking ass nigga dicking you down with his eyes. Imma big girl, I'll be fine.” She assured her flicking her lavender colored butterfly styled dreadlocks off her shoulder.
Olori rolled her eyes at her remark but bit her bottom lip at the man's gaze towards her. It's been a while since she was around his presence so it felt so damn good to see him again.
(A/N: each of the divine divas have their own signature aromatic scent that are very identifiable to their lovers
Lotus: chamomile, lavender and vanilla
Nuria: pomegranate, sandalwood and blood orange
Olori: pineapple, sweet white peach and pink pepper
Azure: coconut milk, toasted marshmallow and brown sugar)
“Imma chop it up with you guys later, I gotta do something real quick.” Olori murmured.
As the rest of the girls went on their tour of the soul society, a small smirk formed on her face as she embraced the man in front of her.
“Shinji Hirako, I didn't think I would see your face again.....” She beamed.
“Iekana Dambudzo..... it's been a long time since I've seen your pretty self.” He drawled on, grabbing a chunk of her ass and squeezing it. He let out a small hiss as he gave it a small smack.
“So, you feel like doing some catching up with each other just like old times?” She cooed, batting her eyelashes.
“Why of course, I wanna preoccupy my time, energy and soul to you baby doll.” He purred into her ear, slowly licking the side of her neck all the way to her cheek.
The both of them ended up entangled into a sloppy passionate wanton make out session with the both of them shoving their tongues in each other's mouths.
The atmosphere that was once the meeting room for the captains of the soul society turned into a utopian beach like destination.
Olori was seen gyrating her hips back and forth on Shinji's member as a breathy moan escaped both of their mouths.
Fifteen seconds later, the door was kicked in with sheer force and the small frame belonging to the one and only Hiyori Sarugaki.
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Olori then sucked her teeth and started to put back on her clothes. “Ian even get my nut in yet, this is shit just blew me bro....” She thought to herself.
The small woman was sent flying onto the wall, she then started to stagger up to her feet but, unfortunately the impact really prevented her from properly using flash step.
“I'm so fuckin sick of these bitches in the soul society trying me like I'm pussy! I swear to God, if I hear one more slut, whore or anything along the lines of calling me a treesh I'M FUCKIN UP EVERYBODY ON SIGHT!!!” Olori exclaimed hitting her hand on the table.
Shinji who didn't know whether to be turned on or terrified looked at Hiyori and helped her up. “I told you that your mouth was gonna get your ass handed to you one day.”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP SHINJI!!” Hiyori roared before passing out with the quickness.
Shinji then looked at Olori and licked his lips at her figure. “I'll see you in a few hours, I hope that you still have that two piece I love so much.”
“Aww, you know that I am always prepared when it comes you daddy....” Olori giggled, earning a smack to her ass.
Shinji then saw Kensei with the rest of the vizards who all looked at Hiyori with shock.
“Yiiiikes” Love groaned out, “She really got knocked the fuck out....”
“Why do you smell like a fruit salad?” Kenshi asked him.
“Same reason why your breath is doused in the scent of pomegranate, sandalwood and blood orange....” He answered.
He then started to zone out of the conversation and thought about his reconnection with Olori....he doesn't know how long she would be around but, he was damn sure going to indulge being in her presence while she was still here.
tags: @kenpachis-woman @kenpachiislit @kyokutsu-sama @cindol @backwzzds @sashi-ya
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miracleweaponhunt · 1 year
Miracle Weapon Hunt Chapter Ten: Leaders of Light
“So, can we go now?”
Rory asked the lux guards standing by the exit doors, prodding a bony finger into them. “Most of us have things to do, especially me!”
“I don’t think it’ll be much longer, Rory.” Nuria replied.
Rory turned around to the girl sighing at him. Frizzy black hair with a mostly black dress with a neon flower pattern around the bottom and bust area.
“It better not be. The axe is with me, remember?”
“We know, Rory. Maybe try to cool off a little bit and ask again, okay?”
Rory started moving again in as brisk a walk as his elderly body could allow, followed by muttering under his breath with many, many curse words.
“So, how’s my goddaughter doing?” Zach asked, draping his tuxedo shirt over his shoulders.
“She’s doing great, Zach.” Marcel replied, digging into his pockets for a picture. “She just turned nineteen last month!”
“Nineteen?!” Zach yelled. “Didn’t I visit the eight-year-old Aurelia last year?”
“I’ll take that as a sign age hasn’t claimed me yet!”
The two burst into uproarious laughter, draping hands across each other’s shoulders as they did.
“But anyway, she’s doing well. Enrolled in the Sangaria royal medical academy and is in the top five percent of applicants. With how busy she is, even I never get to see her!”
“Well, it seems your place is in good hands once you kick the bucket!” Zach laughed. “If she’ll let you die, that is!”
“Well, I suppose she just wants to cure whatever claimed her mother.” Marcel sighed. “She hasn’t been the same since that happened.”
“Hmm, I didn’t even see her at the funeral.” Zach said sadly. “And how long ago was that? Eight years ago? It’s probably haunted her mind the whole time.”
“Well, whatever she achieves, I’ll be there to support her.”
The sombre mood was cut short when Freyja walked past them. Dressed in an ocean blue gown separated in the middle with a silver stripe, as well as small silver jewels surrounding the neckline, all topped off with a blonde ponytail.
“Ah, Freyja!” Marcel bellowed. “How’s little Willow doing? She’d be nineteen this year too, if I’m not mistaken!”
“Yes, Willow.” Freyja said followed with an exasperated sigh. “So your daughter enrolled in the royal academy, hm? Maybe I’ll send her over and make her learn something.”
“Not a study, is she?” Zach asked. “So what, she just lounges in the castle off your own lux?”
“No, quite the opposite.” Freyja groaned. “She keeps sneaking out for quote ‘battles and fair maidens.’ And when she is inside, she ends up fighting the guards.”
“Sounds like a good time! She ever consider joining the fightston games?”
Freyja approached Zach and tried to stand up to his incredibly tall frame. It wouldn’t surprise him if she was standing on her tippy-toes under the dress to try to meet him. It wasn’t working.
“If you so much as consider letting her join that depravity I will personally send all my soldiers to get her back.”
“The ones I supplied?” Zach asked with a smug grin. Marcel couldn’t help but laugh at all of this.
“We can discuss this the next time we meet, farewell.” Zach said cheerily.
Freyja left with an even bigger frown than usual.
“I think that’s our sign to get going.” Zach sighed. “Well, I’ll be seeing you later.”
“Apologies, gentlemen.”
In the hallway was the leader of Inariu, miss Ola Okorie. Dressed in a worn-out dress with white sleeves and near the bottom, with the chest and waist area taken up with patterns of dark red and beige triangles. The sleeves were wide, especially for someone like her to wear. And all of that was topped off with her short black frizzy hair.
“Apparently there was an incident in Saoloro. So we have to do another meeting. But we’ve been promised we can go back to our own grands as soon as it ends, so get there as soon as you can.”
The three of them were back at the long wooden table, the first to arrive. Zach sat at the end of the table, on a seat with a red back cushion. Marcel sat next to him, and Ola next to Marcel. Next up was Kazumi Wada, the leader of Sandala. She was to sit on the end of the table on a chair with a blue cushion. She sat opposite Zach, waving to him in a circular motion with her left hand. He in turn did it with his left. Wait, he was left-handed. He did it with his right hand, and Kazumi chuckled at it. In Sandala, your non dominant hand is less dirty and used for a cleaner greeting. He always forgot that.
Soon after Kazumi was the leader of Gurut, Gurpreet Anand, who sat in the second chair with the blue cushion next to Kazumi. A mountain of a man even if he wasn’t particularly fit, wielding a suit with a long top half. And on his face was the most impressive handlebar moustache Zach had ever seen. It just got more glorious each time he saw it. The next person in was Nuria Ferra, who sat next to Gurut. The two began quietly chatting, all the while Nuria cast a few gazes at Zach’s shirtless body. Rory was next, the thin old man in a grey flannel shirt ranting obscenities the whole way in, sitting at the front of the desk by Mia’s chair. Next up was Freyja, sitting opposite to Rory without a word. Next was Fen Hou, who looked more masculine than last time he saw them, adorned in a formal red suit with a few chains hanging off the chest region and wavy black hair with small red earrings. He lost track of what their gender actually was, as they seemed to accept whatever you threw at them regarding pronouns. But if they weren’t bothered about it, why should he be? They sat by Freyja.
Finally was Sylvestro. He sauntered in wearing a small cape like Marcel, but with an extremely low-cut shirt that left his chest region exposed, as well as a single extremely large curl on the left side of his head that looked like hell to style. He sat in the remaining free seat next to Rory.
“So, everyone’s gathered.”
Mia Burri entered the room, and everyone went silent. She walked in, adorned in her small red cape, with a smart black blazer and a sheathed rapier by her side. Her hair was also tied back in a smart brown ponytail, similar to Freyja.
“I’m sorry to force you all back here in such a short time, but while we were here some major problems have occurred.”
“What would those be?” Rory asked, slamming his aged fist down on the table.
“Hm, would Saoloro be involved?” Sylvestro asked. “That’s where those three with the axe were staying, correct?”
“It would, yes.” Mia sighed. “It has come to our attention that an unknown group invaded Saoloro university and stole the Saoloro bow. As well as that, both Dermot Kennedy and Martin Malone are in comas from the incident. All the guards faced injuries, but nothing substantial. As well as that, one of the girls protecting the Sandala axe had a broken leg.”
All eyes were put on Rory, who looked to be on the verge of a panic attack.
“Can I…can I step out for a moment?” He asked meekly. He didn’t have an outburst, and all previous anger leaked out of his face.
“You may.” Mia nodded. “But please have a guard accompany you.”
Rory took a box of cigarettes out of his pockets with his shaking hands and stepped outside.
“So now what?” Kazumi asked. “Is he off the council as well?”
“Officially, yes.” Mia said calmly.
“Okay, I’m gonna say something.”
Mia locked eyes with Zach. His voice was lower than usual, and he was once again disrespecting the Lux dress codes by not wearing a shirt.
“You wish to speak, Zach?” Mia sighed.
“Can we not expel grands that had their weapons stolen from the lux council? I think in times like this support is needed more than ever.”
“The sacred weapons represent how important your nation is. If we let former councils have major powers in world events, what’s stopping your average merchant ship from joining the council?”
“Because the three you’ve exiled all produced major exports before they lost their weapons, and they still do. Sandala still produces electricity, Gurut still produces stonework, and Saoloro will still produce food. So letting them back in the council will be nothing but beneficial.”
“We won’t allow that.” Mia said sternly, watching Zach’s eye twitch. “Having a weapon is proof of your capability to lead. “
“At least let Sandala back in. Saoloro and Gurut lost their weapons, I’ll give you that. But we know where the axe is. Kazumi basically loaned it to the Miracle Scouts, correct?”
“In essence, yes.” Kazumi nodded. “If they wanted to do something with the weapon, they would have done it by now.”
“So they’re official citizens?” Mia asked Kazumi.
“I don’t have an issue with that.” Kazumi replied.
“Fine. Sandala is back on the council. Please take Rory’s old seat, Mrs Kazumi.”
Kazumi sat on Rory’s old seat, nodding towards Zach. Mia knew his plan. He still believed in giving Saoloro and Gurut their places back, but made her relent to give him more sway in another attempt, which Marcel would certainly join as well.
“So, what are we going to do?” Fen asked. “I don’t know if I could protect my weapon if it came down to it.”
“I’ll supply more soldiers to every grand that didn’t get invaded yet. Around thirty to fifty each depending on who wants them. That should hopefully be good enough to expel any new legion attacks for a while anyway. While that’s going on, I’ll work out a plan to flush them out.”
“Whatever that is, make sure to run it through me.” Mia asked, shooting daggers towards Zach. “I don’t want you putting Fightston in jeopardy.”
“And as for the people protecting the axe, I’ll ship them over to Sangaria to fix the leg of whoever got it broken.” Marcel announced.
“With all due respect, Marcel.” Ola interrupted. “I think it would make more sense to bring them to Inariu for a temporary prosthetic. They’ll be better off in the short term and can be brought to you eventually.”
“Only in the short term?” Nuria asked. “So could anything bad happen?”
“Only if she overdoes it.” Ola assured. “Besides, the main reason I ask is that Inariu is right next to Saoloro, so I could get someone to them quickly.”
“Good decision, Ola.” Mia nodded. “I’ll cease the meeting here to let you out. I wish everyone here a safe journey back.”
Mia stayed in the room while the others left. Zach walked out to Rory still on the deck.
“Doing okay?” He asked.
Rory jumped, which caused him to drop his cigarette over the ship.
“Fecks sake, don’t startle me like that!” He yelled, before going back to a more sombre position.
“Sorry for lashing like that, I just need some time to think about everything. So tell me this, am I still on the council?”
“I tried, man.” Zach grunted. “But Mia insists you won’t be able to vote on the issues for a while.”
“It’s fine, It’s not the main issue right now. Now I need to think about how I’m going to tell Dermot and Marty’s parents about what happened. They’re good lads, they didn’t deserve this.”
“Well, if you’re doing good, I’ll stay out of your hair.” Zach said. He walked back to his own ship and headed back to Fightston. His plan was already coming together in his head, but the main issue was making sure nobody, especially Mia, knew what it was.
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afrotumble · 1 year
Legacy of Violence: A History of the British Empire by Caroline Elkins - Nuria Store
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sexyglances · 3 years
a ppdcc crew alignment chart noone asked for
ty for my anti 📍 bestie @ataleofthousandstars for helping me make this 💕 fyi we used this chart as a basic template for choosing alignments 😚🐓
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@atotsphutian @earthmixs @thebadmoonsrising @taleofstars @mixxiw @ipytm @serannes @viriyanon @phapundao @systoles-lfc @ppdchickencoop @kaonoppakao
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garbagequeer · 4 years
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tagged by @weyesbloods : four most recent albums i listened to (bird eyes by núria graham, desorden by la plata, placeholder by hand habits and habibi’s self titled album)
im tagging @ohello @lesbianlizzybennet @avantgaye @wutheringheights78 and anyone else who feels like doing this tbh
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craftycheetah · 2 years
𝓑𝓵𝓪𝔃𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 2
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CW: femdom, slight subby baku, kissing, smut, size diff
Taglist: @pharaohanubis0
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The castle was bustling, maids and butlers rushing around preparing for the party, your younger siblings arguing and chasing each other playfully.
Izuku and Katsuki sit off to the side in the courtyard to watch what seems like a regular routine. The smaller man sighs dreamily when Eijirou picks up Tana in his big hand and lets her perch on his shoulder so she can see what’s going on.
“Just ask him already,” Katsuki sighs.
“No! What if he doesn’t like me and he’s just being friendly?”
“Ugh, you’re an idiot.” Katsuki rolls his eyes and looks in the other direction, where you’re with some of your younger brothers. Haco shows you a toy he’s been tinkering with, and you squat to his level to listen, nodding along as he rambles. Izuku’s eyes follow his gaze before turning to him with a grin. 
“You like her, don’t you Kacchan?” He doesn’t respond, staring as you pick up Blaze and smooching his chubby cheeks as he giggles and pats your face. Now all the younger boys are demanding hugs from you too. Katsuki’s mind wanders back to that image of you pregnant with twins with fiery red eyes and red and blonde hair, once again making his cheeks turn a baby pink.
“You do!~” Izuku sings, kicking his feet.
“Shut up, Deku,” he grumbles, knowing it’s true.
The party is in full swing by sunset. The people shuffle in, bringing gifts for the expecting Queen, congratulating her. Big families are encouraged in the Firebeard tribe, so the more, the merrier.
Some women and men are fascinated by Izuku and Katsuki. Touching their hair and clothes.
“So small,” a woman with long red twists giggles and pets Izuku’s head. “His hair is very strange.”
“But very fluffy,” a man agrees.
Eijirou comes to their rescue, playfully shooing the people away. “You guys are a big hit.”
“They’re treating us like pets,” Katsuki grumbles.
“They're just interested in the differences. They've never seen people like you two before. I’m sure if we came to your island we’d be treated the same.”
“I like your outfit,” Izuku compliments Eijirou’s green wrap around his waist and legs and the gold bands around his thick biceps.
“Thanks.” He flexes, and Izuku nearly faints.
Katsuki looks around. “Where’s y/n?”
As if on cue, you jump onto Eijirou’s back, clinging to him. “Sneak attack!”
“Oh noooo, you got me,” he says sarcastically. You climb off and greet your guests. “Heyyyy, you guys look nice.”
“You too!” Izuku smiles at your long red skirt and matching wrap. You’ve even put gold rings in your locs.
“I hope so. I’m trying to have a good night~.”
You and Eijirou high-five at the inside joke.
Before Katsuki can comment, a horn bellows, and everyone hushes. Ira stands in front of the throne with his wives and the younger children, his long beard decorated with a few ribbons from the triplets. Hestia is the only one wearing red, and the other two wearing green and gold.
“Welcome everyone! I’m happy to see you all. We’re celebrating my lovely wife’s pregnancy, my whole family, and my people.”
They cheer at his words.
“Let’s all have a great time then!” He grins, holding his goblet up as a toast.
“Whoo!” You and Eijirou cheer when the live band starts up a song.
Shula runs up to Eijirou. “Bibo, come play with us.” He bends down so she can hold his hand. “I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
You spot Nuria and her mother talking to Hestia and grab Katsuki’s arm. “Let’s go talk to her.”
“Why the hell do I have to go?!”
“Because I want you and my future wife to get along!”
“Something wrong, Katsuki? Don’t tell me you think something’s wrong with that?”
“No! I just—I didn’t—”
“Nuria!” You let him go to hug her and her mother. “How’s it going?”
“Going good. Congratulations to your mom.”
“Thank you. Mrs. Azarnoosh.”
The older woman bows her head. “Hello Princess. Let me go give your mother her gift.”
“Nuria, you remember Katsuki from yesterday.”
“Yep, what’s up?”
Katsuki is too busy dealing with the current heartbreak to be nice. “I didn’t know you were gay,” he says.
You and Nuria look at each other. “Gay? I’m not gay,” you giggle.
“But…but you said future wife.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m gay. I like everyone! Men, women, everything in between.”
“Me too,” Nuria adds. “Damn, don’t you have those where you’re from?”
“No, we do! I…nevermind. It's nice to meet you, Nuria.”
“Yeah, you too,” she snickers. “How’s Mina?”
“She’s good, getting really big though. She's half the size of the castle now.”
“Wow!” Nuria looks at Katsuki’s irritated and sulking face. “I think someone’s jealous.”
You pat his head. “He’s fine. Right, Katsuki?”
“I’ve cracked his code. That means yes.”
He smacks your hand away. “I’m going to find my mother.”
You and Nuria watch him walk off, disappearing amongst the people.
“Hm, I’m gonna fuck the shit out of him,” you smile.
“Don’t break him.”
“I won’t cause then I won’t get to ruin you both. We should get drinks.”
Katsuki pouts the whole time, weaving through the tall people. He runs into Tyson and Hagan, who immediately snatch him up.
“You’re Bisa’s new boyfriend!” Tyson smiles.
“Are you gonna marry her?” Hagan gasps. Both of them hold his arms. Even though they’re younger, they’re the same height as him, and he’s a little nervous.
“Then you’ll have to marry Nuria too, though.”
“He can marry them both like how Papa married Ma and Mom!”
“Alright you two, leave the poor boy alone.” Ira interrupts, shooing them both away. “Go find your sisters before they get into the booze.”
They run off, leaving Katsuki behind.
“Bago!” Blaze points from Ira's arm.
“Bago? Oh, he gave you a nickname. That's adorable. You look upset, young prince. Are you alright?”
“I’m not. That’s just my face.”
“Is it about my daughter and Nuria?”
Katsuki looked at the man, slightly amazed by his intuition, before turning away. “...no.”
“Sure. It's quite obvious that you have feelings for my daughter. But how would you feel if she wants another?”
“I’m not sure. My people are monogamous so it’s never crossed my mind.”
“It's good to keep an open mind, my boy. Spend time with them both. I'm sure you'll get along quite nicely.”
Both of them look towards the drink table where you’re holding a large crystal bowl full of punch. “I’ll drink this whole thing right now!”
“You’re not gonna do it,” Agni chuckles. “Sack of coins says you fail.”
“Add in three makeovers from the triplets and I'll take you on!”
You lift the bowl, bring it to your mouth and tip it, gulping the punch down.
“Go go go!” Agni and Nuria chant.
Finishing the bowl, you slam it on the table and wipe your lips with a large grin. “Woo!”
“Shit, she actually did it!” Agni laughs.
“Pay up.” You hold your hand out. Agni huffs and drops the pouch attached to her skirt in your hand. “So unfair.”
“Congratulations, sweetie!” Ira calls, and you give him a thumbs up. “I’m sure the two of you can work something out,” he tells Katsuki with a gentle head pat.
The triplets come up to him and pull his robes. “Papa, come dance with us by the bonfire!”
“How can I say no to that? Lead the way.”
Blaze starts to fuss, pointing at Katsuki. “Wa Bago.”
“Hm?” Ira hums. “It seems he wants to stay with you, here you go.” He hands him to Katsuki and follows the girls outside.
“Bago!” Blaze squeals, hugging Katsuki’s neck.
Katsuki looks at the infant and chuckles as he babbles happily, occasionally patting his face. “Okay, brat, if you're gonna stay here, you’re gonna have to behave and not pull my hair. Also, don't hit me.”
“Bago peby.”
Katsuki stares at him, wondering what that could mean. He shrugs, playfully ruffles his coils, and then goes back to looking for his parents.
Later into the night, everyone goes outside to gather around the huge bonfire. Ira sits between Hestia and Ember, putting his arms around both of them so they can cuddle. The youngest girls sit in his lap, giggling and nibbling on meat kebabs. Eijirou and Izuku sit together, Izuku’s head on Eijirou’s shoulder as he drapes his arm over him. You sit with Nuria, mugs in your hands filled with diluted Flame Punch. Katsuki sits next to you, putting Blaze in his lap.
“Hiii Blaze!” You giggle, slightly tipsy, tickling his chin. “Katsuki, you have to try the punch.” You give him the mug. Katsuki reluctantly sips it, humming at the taste. “Good shit.”
“You should try it raw but my Ma said I’m cut off for tonight.”
“You are kinda drunk….”
“Not drunk yet, believe me. Not a party until Eijirou has to carry me back to my room,” you giggle.
The elder shaman shushes everyone, the bells on her staff tinkling.
“It’s starting!” Stella squeals.
The elder raises her hands, and everyone quiets down. “Welcome everyone to the Fire Festival, and congratulations to the royal family.”
Ira kisses Hestia's cheek.
“Welcome to our guests, as well. You’re the first outsiders to ever partake in the festival. As per tradition, we will now begin to tell the story of the founding of our homeland.”
The drummers start a steady beat.
“I love this story!” Eijirou smiles.
“Eons ago!” She starts. “The Great Fire Spirit Oaris helped create the earth and all the islands in it with the other great spirits. Oaris used his hands to form the first ever humans from fresh clay and red hot embers for the hair, giving us all our fiery spirits.” She tosses some herbs into the fire, flaring up and sending sparks into the air.
Blaze claps his hands, gurgling happily.
“You like that, you little arsonist?” Katsuki chuckles, tickling his stomach.
“Shh, she's not finished!” Udia hisses next to him.
The shaman walks around in a circle, pointing her staff at everyone. “Oaris blessed our people with strength, intelligence, the abundance of crops and animals, fertility, and honor. Symbolized by our distinct hair.” She touches Stella’s curls, and she giggles. “Our skin reminds us of the rich earth used many years ago. The royal family and the king himself are direct descendants of Oaris, ruling with wisdom, fairness, and kind hearts. For that, we thank them.”
Ira toasts his drink to her.
“Many more blessings for the royal family!”
The people cheer loudly, toasting their drinks.
“Onto the celebration!”
The music picks back up, and festivities continue. You stand up, wobble a little and go to your parents. “Dad, dance with me!”
Ira grins and stands, handing his drink to Ember before taking your hand. Eijirou also stands, holding both his hands out for his mothers. “My ladies?”
“Such a gentleman,” Hestia chuckles as she takes one.
“Thank you, son,” Ember chuckles, putting Ira’s drink on the ground beside her chair so she can follow her son.
Katsuki watches you and Ira do the traditional dance. Holding hands and dancing around the fire and other people. Ira separates from you to join his wives, laughing joyously and holding them close.
Blaze bounces happily, clapping his hands to the music. Katsuki lets him go so he can waddle up to you and Eijirou, babbling about being picked up.
As a hand pats his calf, Eijirou smiles and bends down to pick up Blaze, gently bouncing him.
“Come here you two!” You grab Hagan and Egan in headlocks. “I love you guys!”
“We love you too,” Egan wheezes but smiles.
“But we can't breathe, Bisa….” Hagan adds.
“Sorry,” you laugh and let them go, continuing to dance.
A tap on your shoulder pulls your attention. Turning around, you see Katsuki with his hand outstretched to you, cheeks colored fuschia.
Mitsuki’s eyes look around the fire, and she grins widely as she sees you giggle and take Katsuki's hand. He looks ridiculous considering the height difference but happy.
Katsuki yelps softly as you pull him closer. “Let’s go! Just follow my lead.”
He watches your footwork, copying it as best as he can until he gets the hang of it.
“Now we switch,” you tell him.
“Switch?” You let go of his hand, and he’s spun into Ember’s arm.
“Hello there,” she smiles, holding his hand.
“Hello, Your Highness,” he mumbles.
Dancing with her, he ends up going through most of your family before ending up back in your arms as the music stops and the people cheer.
“That was fun!” You clap.
“Yeah, it was. What happens now?” 
You hum, circling him and grabbing his arm. “Come on, let’s go to my room.”
‘Her room?! She can't be serious!’ he thinks as you drag him back inside the castle.
Of course, your room is massive. The floor-to-ceiling window leads toward a balcony overlooking the land with a perfect ocean view.
The red and gold theme is evident in your bed sheets and curtains.
He doesn’t get the chance to admire it when you waste no time scooping your hands under his armpits, picking him up, and pinning him against the door. “Mm, you’re kinda small, but I like a challenge.”
Katsuki looked down at you for the first time since he's landed on the island, his feet dangling as you held him. His cheeks slightly burned as they turned pink once again. “...okay.”
Pulling him close, you press your lips against Katsuki’s. Katsuki's legs wrap around your waist once you finally move your hands to his waist.
‘Holy shit, I can't believe this is happening. Never thought I'd be bottoming though. It's weird.’
Katsuki's pulled away from his thoughts when he feels your teeth trail along his jugular before biting down, causing a groan to escape his lips.
“Fuck!” he grunts, arms wrapping around your shoulders. He tugs at your hair as you nip and suck more love bites along the column of his neck. You lick a trail up to his ear, nipping the sensitive spot behind the lobe. “You keep claiming you’re not small, let’s see if that applies where it counts.”
Katsuki died and went to the heavens.
You carry him to your bed, gently laying him down and pulling his clothes off, starting with his silk shirt and moving to his trousers.
“Wait, wait,” he mumbles.
“What? Did I do something wrong?”
He puffs out his cheeks, looking down as they turn red. “Take off your clothes first.”
You back up off the bed and stand, unwrapping your top first. Katsuki’s eyes fixate on your chest, licking his lips. Then your skirt and underwear come off, revealing the red ‘happy trail’ leading to curly red pubes.
You put your hands on your hips, proud of your body. “Happy now?”
He nods, and you lean back over him, tugging his trousers down and tossing them to the floor. He oddly feels overexposed when you tug the top of his undershorts down, and his dick falls out, already hard.
“Ah,” you smile, “Not bad.”
Your arms wrap underneath his thighs and pull him closer to your mouth so you can suck on the leaking tip. Katsuki grips your silk sheets, back arching.
His fingers sink into your locs, slowly pushing you further down, hissing softly as you take all of him with no resistance. 
“Oh, fuck,” he hisses.
Katsuki's hand slips from your hair, thumb stroking behind your ear as his palm finds its place on the back of your neck. Your fingers dig into his muscular thighs, spreading them open more so you can get closer. Katsuki recognizes the position. He’s used it before when he’s had his head between other women's legs, but being on the receiving end has his stomach tightening and the pressure building between his legs building faster.
Bobbing your head, you swallow around him as he starts bucking into your mouth.
“Holy fucking shit, just like that. Don’t stop, fuck, don’t stop.”
You swallow around him one last time before pulling away and licking his tip, grinning as he hisses. 
“Fuck, why’d you stop?” he groans.
“Because I want to look you in the eyes and feel you quiver when I fuck the shit out of you,” you grin, pulling your tongue away.
Sitting up, you push him onto his back as you straddle him. “Are you ready?”
Katsuki gulps, eyes fixed on the space between the two of you.  Your hand moves to his neck, gripping it to stay yourself. Katsuki moans when he realizes your fingers cover his whole neck, almost meeting in the back. Your other hand reaches down to push his tip to your hole. In one swift motion, you’re seated down fully on him.
“Shit!” he gasps as you rock softly, getting used to the sensation.
Moaning softly, you lift your hips, balancing on the balls of your feet and toes before sinking down again, bouncing harshly on him. It’s so intense that Katsuki feels like he’s about to cum or pass out.
The grip on his neck tightens, and he whines, fisting the sheets.
“Shit, not so rough,” he chokes, but you don’t let up. Instead, you lean over him, your hair tickling his forehead and nose.
“You take what I give you.”
You grin when his eyes flutter. “Poor thing, you’re gonna cum already? I thought you’d last longer.”
“W-wait,” he whimpers, holding your hips. 
“What?” you growl, stopping your movements, opting to cockwarm him instead.
“I can’t—I’m gonna cum. You feel so good.”
You smile, starting to move again just to hear him choke. You feel his fingers dig into your skin, but you’re caught up, feeling the way his cock drags perfectly along your insides.
Katsuki lets out a strangled noise, bucking his hips up into you a few times, then he’s cumming. Hard.
You slow your hips down, drawing his orgasm out until he’s squirming and whining under you. Tapping your knees to get you off.
You grip his neck again, licking over your teeth. “You didn’t think we were done, did you?”
Katsuki wakes up sore all over but especially in his groin area. Looking over at your sleeping form, his face turns ruby red as he remembers what happened last night.
There’s a knock on the door. “Time for breakfast.”
You groan quietly, rolling onto your back, rubbing your face, then going back to sleep, completely ignoring him.
So he gets up, looking at himself in the mirror. He touches the numerous hickies on his neck, chest, and abdomen.
Only when he opens the window do you wake up.
“Ahhh, close the fucking curtains!” You groan, throwing a pillow at him.
Catching it before it hits him, Katsuki chuckles. “Good morning to you too, Princess.”
“Suck your mother, fuck off.” You roll back over.
“Someone came by saying it's time for breakfast.”
“They can wait.”
“You're not hungry?”
“Ugh.” You sit up, scratching your neck and yawning. “I guess.”
“Then let's go,” he chuckles.
Downstairs, everyone’s still feeling the after-effects of the party, even the younger kids who had way too much sweet water. Eijirou carries the triplets in his arms and sets them in their seats, chuckling as they try to keep their heads up.
Hagan peeks around the corner, checking if the coast is clear before pushing a girl with short twists out towards the exit. Unfortunately, she bumps into you and Katsuki coming from the baths. “Hello? The fuck are you?”
“Don’t worry about it, Bisa,” Hagan tries pushing her again, but you grab their heads.
“Why doesn’t your partner join us for breakfast?”
“No, she's got things to do back in the village. She's busy, right Nylene?”
“Nylene? Oh I know you, I fucked around with your brother. How is he by the way?”
The girl looked at you in shock. “Oh, um, he’s fine, Princess. I really should get going. I'll see you later, Hagan. Bye!” She runs off.
You turn to Hagan. “Ooohhhhh.”
“Shut up.”
“My baby bro got laid! I'm telling Eijirou.”
“Nooooo, his mouth runs like a river.”
“Too late!” You laugh and walk down the hall with Katsuki.
‘Fuck me…’ Hagan groans internally.
You show Katsuki the nursery, going in to get Blaze. He’s already awake, gurgling happily in his crib when he sees you.
Blaze pushes himself off the padded bedding and holds onto the railing bouncing on his legs. “Bisa! Bisa!”
“Hi baby boy,” you coo, picking him up. “Bisa’s turn to get you this morning for Mom.”
“Buv Bisa!”
“I love you too.”
Blaze points at Katsuki. “Bago, hi!”
“Hey little man,” he chuckles.
“Gotta go give him to Mom, you can wait for me downstairs if you want.”
“Do you mind if I come with you?”
“Sure, why not? Do you want Bago to come with us to see Mama?” you coo, playfully booping Blaze on the nose.
“Bago!” he giggles.
“Alright, let's go,” you smile.
Katsuki stands in Hestia’s private master bedroom doorway, watching you hand Blaze to Hestia in bed.
“Hi my love,” she smiles at the baby.
“Mama! Mama!” Blaze squeals, reaching for her, then Ember by her side. “Mama.”
“He’s so cute.” She smiles.
“Buv boo!”
“Aww, I love you too.”
Hestia sees a bite mark on your shoulder. “Seems you either had a good night or got into a fight.”
“A very good night. Right, Katsuki?”
Katsuki looked away from where he stood in the doorway, grumbling softly as his cheeks and tips of his ears were redder than your hair.
You lean in closer to whisper, “He fainted halfway through, though.”
“Needs to work on his stamina,” Ember hums, and Hestia nods. “So what’s the word? Courting?”
“Mmmm, I’ll think about it. I’ll be waiting at breakfast, byeee.”
“Ba ba Bisa!”
Finally, when everyone is downstairs, including Izuku, who has a suspicious limp, it’s time to eat.
“Ugh, my head,” Agni whines, rubbing her forehead. “I drank too much.”
“Too loud,” Tyson whines.
“You’ll get used to it,” you pet his curls. “It gets better over time. Aww, baby’s first hangover.”
“‘m not a baby, Bisa….”
“You'll always be a baby. All of you will.”
The thud of Stella’s head hitting the table gets your attention. “Well, she’s asleep.”
“Egan, please wake your sister,” Ember orders. “This is why I tell you not to stay up too late.”
Shula walks over to you and reaches for a hug as you sit down.
“Hey baby sis.” You let her sit on your lap.
Shula turns on her side, nuzzling into your stomach before falling asleep almost immediately, head tilted back, mouth agape.
Masaru notices Katsuki's new decorations. “Have a good night son?”
Katsuki grumbles in annoyance and turns away from his dad.
Breakfast is quiet, as it usually is after a party. Until Hestia announces, “It’s wash day.”
All the kids groan loudly, including you.
“What’s that?” Izuku asks, eager to learn more about your culture.
“Once every moon cycle we have a day where we all wash our hair. It's not supposed to be washed everyday. It takes fucking forever.”
“It’s worse when you're soft headed. I still remember Tanwen’s first wash day.” Eijirou pats his head.
“Alright, I know we all hate it but it’s necessary. Locs go with Bisa, curls with Bibo.” Hestia finishes. “We’ll head to the waterfall after breakfast.”
“Yes!” you cheer. The kids with locs sigh in relief. When you braid, it doesn’t hurt as much as it does with Eijirou.
Collecting your things for your hair, you start packing your satchel as you hear a knock at your door. “Come in,”
Katsuki opens the door, peeking inside. “Hey.”
“What’s up?”
He shuts the door, fiddling with his sleeve. “So about last night.”
“You mean how you fainted? Don’t worry about it.”
“Right…so I was thinking about…courting you.”
“Wait, really?”
“You're stunning, intelligent, strong, have a thirst for blood and life, and you’re amazing at taking care of your family. Fuck, you’re perfect.”
You put your hands on your chest. “Aw, I accept! That’s so sweet. But you know I’m courting Nuria also.”
“I…I know. That doesn’t mean we can’t be together, right?”
You shrug. “Better think this through before you make a decision. Let’s go, washday takes almost all afternoon.”
Separate carriages take all of you outside of town. Your visitors marvel at the private waterfall hidden amongst the shrubbery. The water is a clear sparkling blue and perfect.
The kids quickly take off their robes and rush into the water, splashing each other.
Ira helps Hestia sit on one of the rocks to start going through her shoulder-length curls.
“Alright, fuckers!” You call your siblings. “Line up and take your braids, twists, and puffs out.”
Izuku watches the kids with tied-up hair take out the strings, letting their curls fluff out and giggle.
Eijirou scratches his head, shaking out his long curls from the bun. “Oh, this is the best part.”
“Wait, your hair isn’t always like that?” Izuku asks in awe.
“No, I just tie it up so it’s out of the way.”
Ember and the older kids help you wash your younger sibling’s hair with the homemade black soap, scrubbing their scalps of the build-up.
“Your hair got longer, Stella,” you smile, stretching the coils down her back.
You chuckle when she leans her head back as you scratch her scalp. “Weirdo.”
Katsuki sits in the water, in his undergarments with Blaze, watching the baby splash happily. “Spla! Yay!”
“Heh, that’s right, splash.”
Udia wades over and touches his head. “Mom, can we do Bakugou’s hair?”
Ember shrugs, busy undoing Elio’s twists. “Ask him.”
“Can we?” Tanwen smiles.
“Uh, sure.”
Mitsuki watches from the bank, laid out on a blanket, enjoying the sunshine and a well-deserved vacation. “This is nice.”
“Yes dear,” Masaru agrees.
Katsuki watches the two grab the soap and start rubbing their hands along his hair. “Do you two know what you’re doing?
“Duh!” Tanwen scoffs. “We’ve done this a billion times.”
“Don’t mess it up.”
“We won’t!”
After finishing your siblings’ hair, thankfully, no crying from Helia and Hagan on your part, you shuddered when Hestia called you over.
“It’s your turn, Y/n,” Hestia smiles.
“Do I have to?” you whine.
“Yes. Your roots are fuzzy. Come on.”
You sit between her legs, pouting. Looking over at Katsuki, you chuckle softly when you see Udia and Tanwen running the combs through Katsuki’s hair and gasping when it slides through with almost no restraint.
“So soft,” Udia marvels. “I wish my hair was flat.”
“Ew, no, you don’t,” Hagan says as he passes, overhearing the conversation. “It’ll look like a wolf.”
The girls giggle.
“Play nice,” Ira warns, gently trying to braid Helia’s hair.
“Sorry, Papa,” Hagan mumbles as he walks away to hang out with the others
You sigh wistfully, thinking.
“Your thoughts are loud. What’s wrong, love?” Ember asks, carrying Blaze.
Blaze squirms in her hold before giggling when he’s let down and able to splash the water again.
“He asked to court me, but I’m not sure. He seemed to have a problem with Nuria.”
“Maybe he’s not used to the idea of having two wives. To be fair, your grandfather and grandmother didn’t take too kindly when your father pitched the idea of your father marrying your mother.”
Hestia laughs. “Oh, they were so angry when he and your Ma came to our house to ask to marry me. Threw rocks at him too. They won them over, though. He spent half the day trying to convince them while your Ma had a long conversation with my mother, and eventually, my dad said yes, so long as nothing bad ever happened to me and nothing did. Except pushing eight of your fat heads out.”
You playfully glare at her when she says that. “Hey!”
“It’s the truth. But I love all of you, so it's all good.”
Blaze holds your arm. “Bisa, pway?”
“I’m a little busy right now, Blaze.”
“I can’t move from Mama.”
He starts to whine, but Agni snatches him up. “Hang out with me instead! Your much better and cooler Bisa.”
“What do you mean better?” you glare.
Agni sticks her tongue at you and carries Blaze towards the waterfall with the other kids who're rinsing their hair in the spray, not without getting splashed by you. “Mama!” she gasps.
“You deserved that,” You sneer.
“Both of you will kill each other,” Ember sighs, putting the clay in her locs.
“She shouldn’t try me.”
Hestia rolls her eyes and starts twisting your roots. “So about Katsuki, if he can’t accept your lifestyle, there are plenty of fish in the sea.”
“What about that nice baker boy you brought to the house last week?” Ember asks.
“Too skinny.” you huff. “Also, I'm not sure there’s a man left that isn’t wary of me considering the festival fights.”
Hestia and Ember look at each other knowingly. Hestia drops her head down to squish your cheeks together. “My little warrior. If a man can’t handle you, he’s not worth your time. But, Katsuki seems to hold his own against you.”
“I gave him a black eye….”
“And I broke your fathers arm during our first fire festival together. It’s sort of a rite of passage. And that’s how you were made! It riled him up.”
“What happened to your neck?” Udia asks Katsuki, poking one of the hickeys.
Katsuki flinched when the little girl touched him. “Don’t touch that,” he hisses, cheeks slightly changing color.
“Color lizard!” Tanwen giggles.
“I’m not a reptile!”
Izuku sits next to Tyson while Eijirou washes his own hair. Flint wades over to him, staring hard.
“Hello?” ‘Which one is this one?’ Izuku thinks.
“Your hair is weird,” Flint points.
“Weird is good.”
“Oh! Um, thank you?”
“Flint, leave him alone. Go twist your roots.”
Flint groans, sliding further into the water. “Don’t wanna, it always hurts when Agni does it. I’d ask Bisa but she’s talking to Ma and Mama.”
“There are fourteen other people, Flint.”
“Nobody else does it painlessly.”
“I could try?” Izuku asks.
“Have you ever done hair like this before?”
“I have a friend back home who has hair just like this. We do each other’s hair almost all the time. If it’s okay with you, Flint?”
“You’re sure it’ll be painless?”
“I’m sure.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Can you fix my locs please?”
You’re all done and satisfied with your hair an hour later.
Flint runs up to you and grins. “Bisa, look what Izuku did!” 
“Wow, those look nice.”
Blaze waddles over to you, splashing you and giggling. You cup water and pour it over his head, making him squeal in delight and run to hide behind Flint's leg.
“Attacking the enemy and retreating?! Not a chance,” you jokingly make punchy fingers at him and scoop him up, blowing a raspberry on his cheek. You feel something grab your legs and look down to see Shula and Tana clinging to your thighs.
“Take down the enemy!” Shula giggles and pinches you.
You feign hurt and put your hand over your forehead. “I’ve been defeated, and now I die!” You fall back into the water, keeping Blaze out, and the girls crawl over your body, declaring victory.
Ira puts his hand over his chest. “My warriors, you’re all growing up too fast.” He ruffles Eijirou’s hair. “Reminds me of how old I’m getting.”
“You’re not that old dad,” Eijirou chuckles, combing through his hair.
Stella runs to Ira with a small sack. “Papa, can you put the beads in my braids?”
He pats her head. “I’d love to princess, but I’m not good with that. Ask one of your Bibo’s or mothers.”
“Hey, pipsqueak, let me do it,” Katsuki calls out to Stella.
“Are you good at beading?” you ask, floating on your back in the water with Blaze sitting on your stomach.
“You think these beads in my hair are just for show? Did them myself.”
“Okay!” Stella grins.
“What pattern do you want?”
“Red green and yellow!”
Katsuki starts beading her hair, occasionally looking up and stopping when Udia and Tanwen watch him from the water.
“Hi you little gossipers,” he chuckles, finishing a row of braids.
Blaze yawns and snuggles into your tummy, sucking his thumb. You pat his back and adjust yourself, floating towards Hestia at the shallow end. “Someone’s tired.”
She picks him up, cradling him in her arms. “Poor baby, it’s almost time for lunch. We should hurry and get back.”
“Almost done,” Katsuki mumbles as he finishes the last row on Stella’s head. Looking away from her head, he notices most of your younger siblings staring at him as he finishes. “Um, hi?”
The younger siblings look at him before giggling when they see you look away from him when his eyes catch yours. 
“Alright, you babies, let's go!” you call out.
Stella hugs Katsuki as thanks before picking up her robes from the bank and running off towards the carriages.
Katsuki feels two small hands holding his own.
“Come on, Bibo, sit with me!” Helia begs.
“No, me!” Shula pouts, pulling his other one.
“Bibo?” he asks.
“You’re an honorary big brother now,” Tyson chuckles as he passes, helping Tana into her robe.
“Welcome to the club,” Hagan adds. “Now I can have some relief.”
“You love us,” the girls chorus. “Come on, Bibo.”
Katsuki follows them out of the water, picking up his clothes. He sees you grab Tana out of the water, and she starts wiggling and whining about not wanting to leave.
“We gotta go home! You can take a bath there!”
She wiggles harder and ends up smacking you in the face. “Ah fuck! You little bitch!”
“Hey! Stop that!” Ember scolds. “Tana, get in the carriage. Now.”
“Sorry, Mommy…sorry Bisa.”
You roll your eyes and set her down, rubbing your face. “Get in the carriage before I kick you.”
She squeals and runs away.
Ira comes to check your face. “Is it broken?”
“I don’t think so, it really hurts though.”
“We’ll get a healer to check it when we get back. The rest of you, collect your things and head to the carriages!”
On the ride home, you notice Izuku and Eijirou getting cozy in the seats in front of you. Oh, you’re definitely going to tease him when you get home.
After a hearty lunch, you head into the courtyard for your private nap time, away from your siblings.
You climb the large tree in the middle to one of the sunny branches and lay on your belly, sighing contentedly and starting to doze off.
“Bisa?” A small voice calls from below, but you stay quiet.
“She’s usually here,” Tana pouts, holding Katsuki’s hand. “Maybe she’s in her room.”
“You two go ahead. I’ll stay here if Y/n returns,” Katsuki tells them as they run off. “I know you’re up there, Y/n.”
You kiss your teeth. “Go away.”
“Why are you hiding from your siblings?”
“Cause I like to have alone time once in a while, is that so bad? God, you sound like Ma. Eijirou never has to deal with this shit.”
“Maybe cause he’s not the one they always look up to,” Katsuki chuckles.
Peeking your head from the leaves, you look at him. “What are you talking about?”
He leans against the trunk, looking up at you with a slight smile. “Your siblings clearly look up to you, they never shut up about you either. Yeah they talk about Eijirou but you’re clearly their favorite.”
“It’s probably because I’m the oldest…. I’ve been looking after those little monsters since I was like ten.”
“Still, they love you, even if you’re kinda mean to them,” he chuckles.
“I’ve gotta be mean sometimes. That doesn’t mean I won’t kill for them.”
“Are you gonna come down now?”
“Nope, it’s still nap time. You can stay or go.”
“I’ll go, but the girls are gonna come back sooner or later.”
“That's a problem for later, not now. Byee~”
Katsuki shakes his head and walks away. On the way back to the main area, he bumps into Hestia.
“Oh, Katsuki, hello! How have you been enjoying your stay?”
“It’s been nice, your highness.”
“You look upset, is something wrong?”
“No, I’m alright. Just bored.”
“If you’d like, you could go to the back of the castle. Some of the boys and Ira are making weapons and practicing their skills.” 
“As long as I don’t need to spar. I’m still a little dizzy from the festival.”
“Your bruise seems to be healing quite nicely. It should go away in a week, most likely.”
“That’s good to know, I’ll go see what they’re doing. Thanks, your highness,” Katsuki nods, walking towards the back of the castle. Opening one of the large double doors, he sees Ira with his sons. The boys surround their father and cheer him on as he chops a large stump in half with two swings.
“Go Papa!” Flintcheers, staring in awe. “You’re so cool!”
“Thanks, son. Oh, hello, young Bakugou,” Ira smiles, looking at the blonde staring through the half-open doorway,
Snapping out of his daze, Katsuki’s eyes snap away from Ira’s beefy arms. “Hello. The queen said I could come here.”
“You’re free to join us. Eijirou’s doing target practice with the younger ones so you can try that.”
“I’ll join later. What are you doing?”
“Bago! Bago!” Blaze calls from the side in a wooden playpen.
“Hi, Blaze.”
“We’re making weapons. Haco’s at the age to craft his first knife so Papa called us out here to help him,” Egan explains.
“Papa, do I have to make a knife?” Haco pouts. Ira pats his head.
“It’s tradition! Just a little wooden one, nothing too serious. Then when you’re Egan’s age you can get a real dagger.”
Egan twirls the obsidian blade proudly. “Here Libo, I’ll let you borrow mine to whittle with. Don’t cut yourself.”
Haco gasps excitedly when he gets the blade, clutching it in both hands. “So cool,” he grins. “I promise I’ll be super extra careful with it!”
“Don’t wave it around, it’s dangerous,” Tyson tells him and picks up one of the pieces from the cut stump. “Come on.”
Haco follows Egan and Tyson to one of the stone benches to start carving. Blaze starts fussing in his pen, so Elio picks him up and sets him on the ground to waddle around.
Blaze waddles to Ira, pulling his pant leg. “Papa? Wa do?”
“We’re making weapons, my little warrior.”
“Bwae do?”
“Sorry, libo, you’re too young to do this,” Elio smiles, ruffling his hair.
Blaze pouts and huffs, then walks over to Katsuki. “Bago?”
“Yeah, little guy?”
Katsuki picks him up for cuddles, letting Blaze touch his hair.
Ira pats Katsuki’s back. “You’ll be a great father one day.”
Katsuki clears his throat, ignoring Blaze as he pats his reddening cheeks. “Thank you, sir. If you don’t mind, I do have a question for you. How do you handle it all?”
“What do you mean?”
“Sixteen children, a baby on the way, and two wives?”
“Is this about Y/n and Nuria?”
“I don’t know how I’d do it….”
Ira scratches his long red beard. “Time, patience, and love. It takes time and patience to get used to it. I was Tyson's age when I married Ember, and I was a nervous wreck the first year, both of us were.”
“How did you know you wanted to marry Y/n’s mom? Queen Hestia is her mom, right?”
“Yes, young man, she is. Hmm, no idea. It’s like an indescribable spark. You just know. And I thought Ember would be unaccepting, but she welcomed her with open arms.” He looks wistful at the idea.
“I have a question though. How would I do that with Y/n and Nuria?”
“Maybe hang out with Nuria for a day. Start to try and form a friendship at least with her. Nuria’s a nice young woman, I’m sure she’ll like you. Head over to her family farm sometime before it’s time for your family to leave.”
“I’ll go tomorrow, thank you.”
Ira smiles. “You’re quite welcome.”
“Bago peby!” Blaze giggles as he pats Katsuki’s cheeks again,
“Still don’t know what that means, little guy.”
“He thinks you look pretty,” Elio tells him, returning to trying to cut a stump.
“Oh. Aw, thanks, little man.”
Ira claps. “Alright, boys, back to training, finish up so your sisters can have a turn next.”
An hour later, you wake up from your nap and climb down the tree, yawning and stretching. A maid passes by and greets you.
“Celeste, where is everyone?”
“Your mothers and sisters are making hand baskets in the garden, and your father and brothers are training, princess.”  She bows her head and walks off.
“Wait, Celeste, where are our guests?”
“Erm, as far as I can remember, the king and queen went to the village and the green-haired one is with Prince Eijirou. I’m not sure where the straw hair one is.”
“Ah, well, thank you. I’ll go and find my father,” you nod, making your way towards the back of the castle.
Stepping into the field, you smile as you see your father helping Haco carve his tiny dagger. “Bisa!” Blaze giggles when he sees you.
“Blaze!” you giggle, picking him to kiss his forehead. “What’s up, guys? Hi Katsuki, are you okay?” You ask the blonde laying on the floor.
“Tyson punched him too hard and he got winded,” Hagan shrugs.
You walk over and squat next to Katsuki. “You alright?”
Katsuki gasps softly. “Yeah, I’m okay.
“He’ll be fine,” Tyson calls out.
“Bago owie,” Blaze giggles as you put him down.
“Don’t worry, I’m okay,” Katsuki chuckles, placing a hand on Blaze’s head.
“Buv boo,” Blaze giggles, grabbing two of Katsuki’s fingers with his hands.
‘He’s so small,’ Katsuki thinks as he smiles at the baby.
Haco runs to you, tugging your skirt. “Bisa, look at my knife!”
He shows you the crudely carved wooden dagger.
“What? It’s so good! You did a good job,” you ruffle his short locs. “Now you can stab people whenever you want.”
“Yeah!” He cheers and immediately runs to stab Egan in the leg, but thankfully, it’s blunt. “Death to stinky Bibo’s!”
“Why me?!” Egan protests and dramatically falls to the ground.
You giggle as Haco does the same to Tyson and Flint. Then he gently nudges Blaze with the blade, but the baby just stands there.
You poke his cheek. “Blaze, like I showed you. What happens when we get stabbed?”
Blaze blinks at you before falling on his butt. “Owie!”
“Good boy. But what happens after we get an owie?”
“Uh…bah!” he shouts, standing and hitting Haco’s leg, giggling when Haco playfully falls to the ground.
“Good Blaze,” you grin.
“Starting them off early, I see,” Katsuki chuckles and sits back up.
You sigh. “Yup, they’ll go off into the world soon and I want them prepared. Blaze, attack!”
Blaze shouts and jumps on Haco, hitting him with his tiny fists.
“Good boy.”
Katsuki looks over at Ira who glances at you.
“Right. I’ll be going to the village now to get some…stuff. See you later.” He rushes off before you can say anything.
“What was that about?” You ask.
“I’m sure it’s nothing, why don’t you teach Haco how to use his knife in the meantime?” Ira chuckles and picks up Blaze for cuddles.
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© craftycheetah: all rights reserved. do not edit, modify, repost, or claim my works as your own.
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prany · 3 years
Okay your mutuals as bad buddy characters let's go
omgasdfgh this is insane i love it
ok let's see.....
pran: @praninlove quan is pran. i know we don't talk that much but the vibes? the vibes. definitely more of the feral insane pran than anything.. the making fun of ohm/pat definitely adds to it. but also really focused and dedicated. also insane graphic design skills that definitely would make pran proud ♡
pat: @mrdumpling nuria is pat. what?? Thee Pestie? Pat? What a shock i know but really....i could see no one else as him bcs nuria is so funny and silly but also super kind and understanding and good at communicating (even though she mostly communicates in all caps while threatening my life. when i am always so nice to her! at least her communication is clear) also she's insane but in like the best most delicious way possible ♡
pa: @thegapsofsunlight / @burninglilys may is pa....super sweet super supportive and kind but also really funny and silly!! they always listen and have the best insights on everything and have a heart of gold just like our angel baby pa. they're also like literally insane but in the best way possible. honestly may is just amazing and i'm so happy to know them ♡
ink: @lovepattranite what? vivi? ink? it's more likely than u think!! originally i was thinking pa bcs the url threw me off and while i do see pa.... it suddenly clicked that she'd be ink actually. super sweet but intimidating and more than that just really wise. like she makes me see problems in my life through a different lens and always has good advice and is someone u can really rely on. plus she's just got bad bitch energy ♡
korn: @patspran ayesha is korn and i mean that as the highest compliment. absolutely insane but very reliable....hilarious but also empathetic and sweet and just a great person to interact with. she always makes me smile ♡
wai: no one ♡ are u kidding i wouldn't say any of my dear beloved mutuals are w*i ♡
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punpunsutatta · 3 years
jaancheng -> patspran
pls interact w/ this post if you see it! ✨
ajdjak are we even surprised? i love him sm 😭😭💕
nuria (@mrdumpling) said it best
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Plastic artist Nuria’s rooftop apt. in Mardrid is white-washed rustic. She decorated it in an eclectic style w/bright pops of red. Her favorite piece is the old stage manager’s trunk coffee table.
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This table is her work space.
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The kitchen is decorated with dishes and things that belonged to her grandmother.
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Up in the sleep loft, the floor supports her mattress, art by friends is stacked along the wall, and on the floor is a rug she crocheted, herself.
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This is cool- there’s a part of the ceiling that’s open so she can see the living room from the sleep loft.
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She also has a rooftop deck decorated with colorful furniture and flowers. 
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lilysplacce · 4 years
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germannoriegaphoto · 4 years
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Test w/ Nuria A (@Blowmodels)
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