#wait we're nearly at the campus
kittyhazelnut · 1 year
guess who finally gets to do their teacher evaluation on their shitty clinical professor? :D
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queers-gambit · 7 months
Simple, Easy, Effortless
prompt: ( requested ) from across the dance floor, Felix locks eyes with you and is instantly smitten. is it love at first sight? lust? he's determined to know.
pairing: Felix Catton x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Saltburn
word count: 5.1k+
note: this man is a SLUT but i'm sluttier in theory
warnings: the ducklips in the gif, obviously cursing, sexual tension, "love at first sight", author def uses her own university roommate experiences for inspiration, Lord's name in vain, mention of illicit drug use. REMEMBER: don't run from cops unless with Felix - or absolutely necessary - or you KNOW you can get away.
song featured in the movie and request: Murder on the Dance Floor
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Humid. Sweaty. Pulsing. Overpopulated.
All good adjectives to describe your first university party with your roommate, Polly Schwartz. She had already been to loads of parties already, probably more than her actual classes, but being as you were a "scholarship kid", you took your education much more seriously than she did. Perhaps being why you spent your weekends studying, and she spent hers getting drunk, sleeping with randoms constantly, and partying nearly every weekend. You didn't think there was anything wrong with her habts, in fact, you encouraged her to go out most of the time; but after midterms, you were burnt the fuck out and Polly recommended you have a night out with her.
When she needed it, you helped Polly study, and now, it was time for her to return the favor in her own area of expertise. Tonight's party was hosted in an off-campus flat, making you worry about the authorities being phoned, but Polly assured you that nearly the entire complex was composed of Oxford students and there was barely a threat of this party being busted.
The moment you stepped into the humid, sweaty, pulsing, overpopulated flat, a drink was shoved into your hand by a barely-standing boy with a nose ring. He was decently attractive, but the belch he let out made you grimace and follow after Polly. He might've yelled something after your retreating form, but who could tell with the noise level?
"You need to loosen up, bitch! Jesus Christ, you're as stiff as a board, and trust me! No guy is gonna wanna approach you!" She laughed, missing your protest that you didn't care for male attention. "Wait," she gasped, "where'd you get that?"
"Uh, that lad over there," you pointed, blinking in mild shock when she snatched the drink from your hand and poured it out in a dying houseplant.
"I thought you were the brains of us," she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Never accept a drink you didn't see being made! That's how you get drugged!"
"I'm not sure how this is supposed to work, Polly, for fuck's sake," you whined, hugging your arms as you gazed around nervously. "Maybe I should just go back to the dorms, this isn't really my scene - "
"Nope, you're staying," she shook her head, leading you by the hand to the kitchen. "Here - hang on, I'll get us something. Farleigh, my love!"
The handsome lad with a head full of fluffed coils turned with a small glare, but softened when he noted Polly's appearance. "There you are! I was wondering when you'd get here, darling!"
She giggled obnoxiously and you understood, this must've been the lad she was seeing on-and-off for the whole semester. "Well, I finally got this one out of the library, so we're a little late for a reason," she laughed, pointing her thumb back at you and making the boy eye you with judgement.
You gave a small wave, and he instantly offered his hand, introducing himself as, "Farleigh." After giving him your name, Polly was insisting you both needed a drink and Farleigh was nodding in agreement. "Here, drinks are this way - but it's self serve."
"Nobody made juice?" Polly pouted, the three of you approaching a decent-sized table that was full of bottles of liquor and mixers.
"Not this time," Farleigh laughed, and you let Polly make your drink because you were busy trying not to get run over by the other party goers.
"Christ Almighty, surely the floors will cave in with this many people?" You frowned when another drunk bumped into you and sloppily apologized.
"Only if we're lucky," Farleigh laughed. He directed at Polly, "Oh, remember Stephen's party? Donovan put a hole through the wall!"
Polly laughed as she handed you a fresh drink and all but ignored you in favor of this boy that was tapping a bit of suspicious powder onto his hand. Your eyes rolled and you turned away from them, slowly stalking around the room and taking in the scene - hating the way your ears felt as if they were bleeding from the terrible music selection.
But after you skulled your drink, you ran into a few classmates from your anthropology class. "Here, you can have this," Chelsea took the drink from Cara, "she's had way too much already."
You figured this exchange was safe enough after seeing Cara taking several gulps; not even noticing her hands were empty because she was dancing to the floor-shaking music in a daze.
"Who're you here with?" Pablo asked, bobbing his head to the beat. "We all came as a group, don't tell me you're alone!?"
"No, no, love, I came with Polly," you shrugged, feeling looser than when you first got there.
"Ew," Pablo rolled his eyes, the other girl snickering.
"Wait, what? What am I missing?" You asked with a small whine.
"Polly Harrington?" He asked, watching you nod. "Yeah, no, your li'l friend's the one who sucked off Professor Lorde."
"What?" You gaped.
"Why do you think she's here?" He gossiped. "Surely, not for her grades."
You just shook your head, "Maybe we shouldn't throw stones, it's rude to speak about others behind their backs."
"Doll face, it's not like it's a secret," Pablo laughed, nodding at your drink. "C'mon, bottoms up, buttercup, we've gotta get you dancing. You look way too cute to be a wallflower all night, c'mon, let's go! Chug! Chug!"
You gingerly took a gulp, but Pablo and Chelsea were encouraging you to just finish it off. When you did, they cheered with pride, laughing when you began giggling, "That's the worst taste! God!"
"Oh, sweetie, we don't drink for the taste, we drink to make us better dancers!" Chelsea beamed. "Want mine?"
"No, no - "
"Down it!"
You shrugged, inhibitions already significantly lowered, and with ease, finished your third drink. "I should get us more!" Pablo laughed.
"You do that, we're gonna dance!" Your friend waved him off, snatching your hand, and leading you to the dance floor. It was hard to distinguish where it was since there was wall-to-wall college kids stuffing the place, but you weaseled your way between people and let the alcohol take control. "Hey! By the way!" Chelsea spoke in your ear, "You look really hot! I adore this skirt!"
"Me? Babe, look at you! Can I borrow this dress?"
"Only if I can borrow those shoes!" She squealed.
You giggled and took her hand, spinning her around before joining together again. When Pablo rejoined, he handed you both a drink before jumping in front of you, throwing his reasonably fat arse back into your crotch - which forced you back onto your girlfriend in a dancing train. You three cheered through your laughter, smacking the lad's bottom playfully as he put his heart and soul into his dance; hands on his knees and hips bouncing.
However, Pablo only pulled away when Farleigh reappeared and stole him away to a darkening corner; only briefly making you wonder where he had left your roommate. You looked at Chelsea, who giggled in your ear, "They've been fucking recently. Pablo's whipped."
"I don't blame him," you mused. Cara had stumbled closer to you two, throwing her skinny arms around your neck and starting on a drunken ramble about how much she loved you - despite only sharing the one class together and knowing each other from a distance. Still, you appreciated the sentiment and let yourself feel loved; taking a sip from the plastic solo cup in hand and swinging your hips to the pulsing beat. In that moment, you just happened to look up, gasping, "There's a stripper pole!?"
"Go get on it!" Cara laughed. "Oh, wait, Felix is on it - oh, shit, Felix!"
"Who?" You asked.
"Felix, you know!? Felix Catton? Felix fucking Catton!" Cara blinked, then offered you an incredulous look and turned to Chelsea. "She doesn't know Felix?"
She waved Cara off, instead explaining to you, "He's that tall lad, in the white button up."
When you looked, Felix happened to glance over and your eyes connected. You were absolutely done for.
"Oh, yeah, she knows Felix now!" Cara giggled loudly. "Go! Go talk to him!" She encouraged, making your eyes bug widely.
"What?" You looked at the two girls, shaking your head, "No, no, I don't even know him!"
"Babes, 75% of the people you see paired up right now didn't know each other before this party!" Cara rolled her pretty eyes. "But hey, if you don't, India definitely will. Girl basically lives on his cock, it's decently pathetic - but just look at him! God took his time with Felix!"
"Oh, are they dating?" You asked innocently, looking back over to the tall boy in a white, linen button up. He grinned at you from the short distance.
"No," Chelsea laughed, seeing the way you two just stared and smiled softly. "Here, finish your drink and let the liquid courage do its job!"
"It's literally my first party," you laughed, "I'm not interested - "
"Oh, fuck off! Everyone's interested in Felix," Cara interrupted. "And I do mean, literally everyone."
"I can understand why," you mused, taking a long pull from your cup. "Cara, that lad, there, has been staring at you," you distracted, her swinging around instantly and thanking you before dancing over to the boy leaning on the wall.
He smirked when she reached him.
"She's a social butterfly," her roommate, Chelsea, giggled. "Do you need a refill?"
"Huh? Oh, no, I'm okay!"
"Okay, don't go too far - I'll be right back!" She grinned, knowing something you didn't, and disappearing into the thick crowd.
You swallowed another drink before you felt a hand on your waist, making you jump in surprise and turn. Before you towered the object of seemingly everyone's desires: Felix Catton.
"Haven't seen you around before," he spoke in your ear over the music.
"Oh, first timer," you nodded back.
"Doin' all right? Yeah? Havin' fun?"
You agreed, "Yeah, 'course. This your party?"
"No, no, uh," he glanced around the heads of students, "honestly, I'm not really sure who's flat this is."
"Oh, well, I guess as long as it's not damaged, it doesn't matter much, right?"
"Exactly," he smirked, offering his cup to yours. You clinked them together, both taking the obligatory sip, and swaying unconsciously to the music. "Who're you here with?"
"Polly - "
"Oh, Christ, yeah! Yeah, you're, uh, you're her roommate?"
You nodded, "You know her?"
"Who doesn't?"
"Oh," you frowned in discomfort, brows pinched.
"No, no, I just meant, she's popular, innit she? Not that - that she's sucked me off or anything like that!"
You laughed, "Wasn't thinking that, but good to know."
His cheeks flared a bright red, "That was a bit brash of me, wasn't it? Sorry, love, I should know better than to use such vocabulary with a pretty lady."
Your eyes rolled, "This 'pretty lady' has both heard and used much worse vernacular."
Felix slowly grinned, "You want a smoke?"
"Dying for one actually, yeah."
"This way, c'mon," he offered his free hand, and without thinking, you accepted and let the tall, slender lad lead you through the crowd. All of a sudden, you felt as if every eye was on you - watching, stalking, clocking you like predator does prey. You were directed to a balcony, a few lingering smokers standing around.
The moment the glass door slid shut, the music was semi-silenced and you breathed in slight relief. "Christ, 's always this loud?" You asked, leaning on the railing beside your companion while rubbing an ear to relieve the ringing sensation.
"Usually, yeah," he smirked, handing you a cigarette before placing one between his lips.
"You looked real natural on that pole," you teased, leaning in when he flicked a lighter to life.
"Oh, God," he laughed, watching you inhale. "Saw that, did you?"
You hummed, holding the smoke in your lungs, "Kinda hard t'miss. You were really into it."
He shrugged, lighting the end of his own nicotine filled stick. Upon exhale, he eased, "Was a really good song, wasn't it? Easy t'dance to, you know?"
"Hm," you nodded, "actually, I wouldn't know - I don't know half these songs."
"You livin' under a rock, love?"
"No, just with my nose in a book."
"Smart girl, are yah?"
"I would hope so, considering my scholarship."
"Even more impressive," he grinned. "You know Oliver, then? Oliver Quick? He's on scholarship, too."
"No, not quite, us scholarship kids don't all know one another," you shot back with a smirk.
"Fair enough," he agreed, eyeing you up and down. "So, why tonight?"
"Why come tonight?"
"Polly thought I could use a little stress relief," you answered, taking a long puff. "Not exactly the way I saw my night going, though."
"How's that?"
"Look at you!" You laughed. "Of all the ladies here, you danced your way over to me? Now you're having a conversation instead of working that pole?"
"I like to think that I just had to introduce myself to the prettiest lass in the whole joint," he flirted.
"And yet," you inhaled, "you've haven't made introductions."
"No? I haven't?" He smirked, watching your head shake. "Apologies, love. I'm Felix, uh, Felix Catton," he offered his hand, and when you shook it, you told him your own full name. "Now that that's outta the way," he took his own inhale, "how's about we go dance?"
"Oh, I might need to finish this drink before all that," you lifted your cup to your lips.
"Nah, I saw you earlier," he chuckled, stomping his cigarette out under his boot. "C'mon, love, not letting you get outta here without at least one dance."
"Surely, India would be a better option?"
He scoffed, "Oh? And how would you know that?"
"Chelsea and Cara might've made mention earlier. I wouldn't want to steal someone's man - girl code, and that shit."
For whatever reason, this made Felix snicker, "No, no, you've got it wrong, India and I are just friends."
"That's what guys say when they're sleeping with their 'friend'."
"Either way, she's not my girl," he smirked. "C'mon, love, one dance. If you're not convinced after that, I'll let yah go - no fuss."
"Oh, well, that doesn't sound remotely creepy," you laughed, dropping your own cigarette and stomping it out. "All right, yeah, one dance."
"Just one."
"A single dance."
"No more, but no less," he smirked, lacing your fingers together when you laid your hand in his. "Deal?"
You nodded, feeling absolutely giddy by his attention. When you reentered the party, it was almost as if it had grown in population, and suddenly, you wanted to be back on the balcony just to breathe. But Felix had a secure hold on you, and after downing the last of your drink, you set the cup on a random end table you passed before taking position on the "dance floor".
What you absolutely did not anticipate was that Felix wasn't the best dancer, but holy shit, did he not care; letting go and having fun. You let the alcohol in your system propel you, and soon, one dance turned into two, and two turned to three. It was like nobody else was there, it was just you and Felix; dancing like fools, letting your hair down, and you actually found yourself enjoying the music that vibrated the entire flat.
The song that played wasn't one you recognized, but the lyrics felt strangely appropriate for your current situation. Though there was no groove to be killed, no moves to steal, and no murdering on this dance floor, there was a whole lotta tension that fueled your movements together.
"Oh, oh, here we go, c'mon!" He laughed, tugging your hand after him to approach the stripper pole the flat's owner had installed. "Go on, love, show me how it's done!"
"Oh, fuck no!" You barked in laughter. "You're the master, let me take notes."
"I'll warn you, once you see my moves up close," he planted a hand on the pole and swung around it once, "you won't be able to resist!"
You waved him on, eyes widening when he danced around the pole as if nobody was watching, but in reality, he had an entire audience. Not that you noticed, you were solely focused on the boy putting on a show for you; both wearing goofy grins. When he got REALLY into it, you had to admit your stomach knotted in attraction when his lips pushed into a slutty pout. Never had you wanted to kiss someone so bad in your life before, but it increased ten fold when he swung around and grabbed onto your waist; effortlessly pushing you onto the pole as he released it.
"C'mon, then!" He beamed, watching you stand for a single awkward moment before figuring, why the hell not?
So, you swung yourself around before shocking Felix to his bloody core by holding the pole and grinding down it - giving a teasing peek at your panties when your legs spread slightly to accommodate your dance moves. His jaw slackened, eyes raked up and down your form, lips pulling in a smirk the longer he watched you go. Your hair flung around, hips gyrated in movements that made his pants tighten, and when he couldn't stand it any longer, he caught you in another swing.
Hips against yours, arms around one another, he danced you back onto the crowded floor; a hand raising to caress the side of your face as if he was mesmerized by all you were, all you are.
It was so simple to lose yourself in his dancing, in his scent, in his aurora. It was so easy to move against him. It was so simple to exist with Felix fucking Catton.
He was intoxicating, making you feel more drunk on him than the alcohol you had ingested. And while the moment felt serious, once you were surrounded by peers again, you melted into a sense of silliness. Any care you had, any worry - it all melted away, it evaporated, got swept under the rug because Felix commandeered your entire attention.
From the side of the room, Cara and Chelsea squealed in excitement for you, high-fiving when they noted India's jealous glare. Farleigh and Pablo even snickered, wondering how long it would take for Felix's charm to get you into bed; a bet being placed between the two lads before taking another bump of cocaine that distracted them for the rest of the time.
On the dance floor, your laughter was genuine and a little loud when he swung you around before dying in your throat when he pulled you in close. Again, the party melted away and it was just you and Felix; his hands on your hips, head bowed to corral you close, his warm brown eyes intense as they flitted between your eyes and lips.
You knew what he wanted, but didn't want to give into temptation yet. Keeping an air of mystery, you smiled coyly and pushed back slightly - but he was yanking you right back in.
When a friend of his came around with a tray full of shots, his arm coiled around your waist tightly to keep you anchored as he accepted the Jell-O concoction. You still buzzed from your earlier drinks and nicotine, bobbing and humming to the song playing, Felix instantly moving with you.
And just like you worried earlier, from deep in the party, someone shouted, "IT'S THE FUZZ! GO! SCATTER!"
"Oh, shit! Oh, my God!" You gasped in worry, the music cutting and students rushing for the exit.
"C'mere, c'mere, 's all right," Felix rushed, pulling you back into a wall to let the stampede rush around you as he planted you in front of him. Your hands held his waist, watching those around you run away, and when you looked up, Felix was already staring at you.
The moment your eyes met, you both snickered in amusement before bursting into full-on laughter. "Oh, Jesus Christ!" You mused, leaning your forehead to his pectoral. "I knew it - of course my first party is busted, hey?"
"Just makes it all the more memorable, yeah?"
"You were doing a pretty good job on your own with that," you met his gaze again - feeling coy and playful.
"Yeah?" He grinned. "Well, I try."
"I think you succeed."
He opened his mouth to respond, caressing your cheek, but someone else shouted, "GO, GO, GO! Felix, c'mon, mate! The fuck you doin'! We gotta go! I can't get another citation!"
"Let's go," he told you instead, lacing your hands together again and joining the last of the stream filtering out of the flat.
"Where're we - "
"This way, trust me," he dodged down a separate hallway, a few others following his lead. Down a flight of stairs, turning down another hall, and you two were bursting into the chilly night air.
The lights of the copper's cars flashed from around the building and you realized you were at the back. Others were rushing from the door, scattering into the night, but Felix just leaned on the brownstone and waited, checking your surroundings.
"What now?" You worried, panting lightly from the rush of adrenaline.
"We go that way," he nodded, "walk slow and calm, we don't know shit about a party. We're just walking back to campus, yeah?"
"Oh, like that'll work," you snickered, but again, laced your hands together. "On your lead, my lord," you joked.
"That make you my lady?"
"Hm, nah," you refused with a smirk, "I don't do well with sharing and you seem to be well liked, aren't yah?"
He hummed, letting go of your hand to toss his arm around your neck, still subtly checking around you for any police officers. Your arm latched around his waist, reaching up to hold the hand dangling from your shoulders. "I might be well liked, but for you, I'd drop everyone," he flirted easily - as if second nature, as if he didn't even have to think about the words that oozed out of that slick mouth.
"Oh, how flattering."
"I would hope so," he breathed, leading you out of the back garden. "Swear, love, never been so caught-up before. Just saw you and had t'come talk - had t'know who you are. I mean, just look at'cha, sweetheart, can you really blame me?"
"That line usually works, does it?"
"More often than not," he laughed, you joining in as you slipped from the back gate.
"Oh, shit," Felix gasped, snatching your hand in an instant as two officers started to clumsily rush towards you two.
"What do we - "
"Run!" He laughed, yanking you after him.
You couldn't stop laughing as you both sprinted down the street and around an alley, taking three more turns before coming to a panting halt; pausing to listen.
"Hear 'em?" He whispered, keeping you on the inside so he could peer down the alley you had escaped down.
"I don't either," he nodded, glancing down at you and chuckling. "You're fast, you on the track team?"
"Oh, please, you should be fast when running from the law, shouldn't you?"
"Knew I liked you," he barked in humor. "C'mon, love, 's a nice night, innit it?"
"Nice night for what? Breaking laws?"
"Well, yeah, but I meant for a walk," he mused, walking backwards, snagging both your hands in his to pull you off the wall you were hiding behind. "It's a bit of a hike back to campus, might as well make the most of it," he smiled, turning to keep pace beside you with his arm around your waist. "Not every night I get t'walk in the moonlight with a beautiful lass."
You pulled his arm up to your shoulders again, holding his waist comfortably, and being as you weren't familiar with the area, trusting him to lead you back. After a beat, you admitted in a sigh, "You know, tonight wasn't what I expected and yet, it's exactly what I thought."
"Was it better or worse than you could've planned?"
You laughed, "Well, running from the cops wasn't on my bingo card."
"How's it feel? 'T be such a bad girl?"
"You tell me."
Felix laughed, "Ah, love, not my first time, but it's just as exhilarating."
"Jesus," you rolled your eyes in humor. "Not exactly what I wanted to hear, you having other run-ins with officers."
"Oh, you like it!"
"I might," you agreed, stepping onto the sidewalk of a main street. "Oh, shit, oh, my God!" You halted, looking nervous and frantic. "I left Polly! Fuck!"
"Nah, nah, nah, don't worry, love, I saw her leave earlier while we were dancing."
"Yeah, she left with Johnny."
"Who the fuck is Johnny?"
He grinned, "Yeah, that's it, you're hanging with me from now on. We'll get you aquatinted with your classmates, yeah?"
"Maybe I have no want nor need to know people," you spoke softly. "I'm here for an education, not t’socialize."
"Doesn't hurt though, does it?"
"After tonight? I don't know if you can make that case."
"You seriously telling me you didn't have fun? Oh, sweetheart, that hurts. I'm hurt, honestly," he pouted dramatically, free hand to his heart; glittering gold ring winking at you under the street lamps.
"What's that?" You asked, alcohol making you easily distracted. He glanced at his hand and held it out for you, showing his ring. "What's the design? It's real pretty - didn't think I'd see it on a guy."
He chuckled, "Ah, it's a signet - my family's signet, actually."
"Jesus, I knew it," you groaned. "No way you were just a regular somebody! A bloody signet? What? Related t'the Queen, are yah?"
"No, not exactly," he snorted. "But my father is knighted..."
"Holy shit," you blinked. "What's that like?"
He looked down at you, brows slowly furrowing, "You really wanna know? Most people just, I don't know, kinda assume I'm rich and that's all there is to my life."
You felt a single pang of empathy, smiling up at him, "I really wanna know, Felix. C'mon, what's your family do? Both parents still alive? They still married? Where's home?"
For the entire walk back to campus, you and Felix talked as if old friends. Sure, you were getting to know each other, but it felt as if you'd known one another for ages by how easy it was to talk to him. And he seemed enthralled by your questions; wondering about his life, not just the pretty face he bore. Not just the money to his name. You seemed genuinely curious as to who "Felix Catton" was... Something he hadn't known his entire time at Oxford.
When you got back to your dorm, you felt sad by the idea of parting ways, something that genuinely shocked you. Yet the obscene sounds from behind the thin, wooden door alerted you to Polly and her guest, making you pause and sigh. "Well, that's awkward," you mused, leaning on the opposite wall. "Uh, thanks for walking me back, but I'm just gonna crash in the common room."
"Oh, bollocks to that, love," he shook his head, offering his hand again. "C'mon, you can crash with me."
"Hm, sounds sketchy."
"Oh? How's that?" He laughed.
"We just met!"
"C'mon, sweetheart, it's just a bed t'sleep in. Promise, nothing's gonna happen - even if you beg."
"Oh, what a gentleman," you laughed, much to his amusement. "All right, yeah... If I can borrow something to sleep in? Not entirely comfortable sleepin' in this..."
"I've gotcha," he nodded, leading you from your dorm and to his. Which, to your surprise, was the housing beside your own.
"Oh, Felix, NO!" You gaped when you entered his room. "Oh, darling, no, no, no, what's this?"
"It's not that bad - "
"No, I'm talking that!" You laughed, not phased by the mess, pointing to the Manchester football flag. "Don't tell me - "
"Nah, hey, don't do that, 's my father's team," he chuckled. "It reminds me to watch, gives us something t'talk about..."
You cooed, "Well, that's actually sweet of you. I guess I can let it slide."
"Oh, you're a saint."
He tossed you clean boxers and a tee shirt, letting you change in the adjoining restroom as he quickly changed in the bedroom. When you joined him again, you both got comfortable on the bed, but sleep evaded you... Leading into a long night of chatter, jokes, and establishing friendship that would eventually turn romantic.
But for that night, it was simple. It was easy. It was effortless.
You both crashed around 4 am, and when you woke the following afternoon, your head was on his chest, his arm tight around your waist, and there wasn't a single concern in your heart or head.
"Jesus, fuck," Felix groaned when he woke, tightening his arm to constrict you against his warm body on the teeny, tiny dorm bed. "Ah, Christ, remind me not t'drink again, yeah, love?"
"You and me, both," you grumbled, nestling closer.
He sighed, "Yah hungry?"
"A bit."
"Wanna go t'yours, change, get something t'eat?" He offered, rubbing your waist. "C'mon, my treat."
You lifted your head to check his bedside clock, grunting as you laid back down, "It's past noon."
"So? Stomachs don't open or close."
You let your chin prop on his chest, smiling, "Food sounds nice."
He nodded, eyes once more dancing between yours. "Know, you look real good in my clothes. Might have t'let you keep it."
"Much appreciated, pretty boy. C'mon, food helps with the hangover, doesn't it?"
"Very much," he nodded, reaching for his cigarettes. "Hmm?" He offered.
"Mhm," you accepted, both settling on your backs, but he pulled you in close to light your stick. "You always like this?" You whispered, smoking swirling in the air above you.
"What's that?"
"Ah, if I could turn it off... Well, bein' honest, I wouldn't."
"Oh, shove off," you both laughed lightly at your words, looking up at him. He seemed ethereal in the morning light, and then - it happened. He set his cigarette to an ashtray to free his hand, caressing your cheek and making you go still.
"Would you think less of me if I kiss you?"
"I'd think less if you didn't, I think..."
He smirked and curled over, lips finding yours in a searing, breathtaking kiss that tasted like the previous night's alcohol. Yet he still tasted so pleasantly spicy and unique, making you inhale sharply and hold onto the back of his neck to keep him close. He hummed lightly, tongues swirling like the smoke that still hung in the air, and when he pulled back, again, you both just laughed lightly before he was swooping in for another kiss.
It was like I said... Simple, easy, effortless.
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jayflrt · 5 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝟕𝟖𝟔 34. in too deep
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He underestimated how casual the gesture of tapping someone to get their attention was, and it was evident when he was looking back at Jeonghan with a confused gaze. Jay had spent the entire day freaking out over whether he was going to get a seat in the Order, and now that he was face-to-face with one of their members, he couldn't even grasp that he was being offered a spot.
Jay was in the middle of reading your frantic texts about getting a seat from Sungjin, sitting at an empty booth in the library so that he could charge his laptop. The very thought of Sunghoon being left behind had him so baffled that he could only gawk at Jeonghan for a few seconds. The senior only seemed amused, hardly even realizing that Jay had far more weighing on his mind than being tapped.
"Congratulations, Jay," Jeonghan said with a broad grin stretching across his face, "welcome to the Order."
Every word he could have used to finish his sentence died on Jay's tongue, and instead he croaked out, "I—huh?"
"Yeah, I'm not sure how else to dumb it down for you."
He wasn't sure what snapped him back into reality—maybe it was the whistle of the wind in his ear, or perhaps it was the fear that Jeonghan must have thought he was a crazy person—but Jay immediately straightened up and let out a forced cough.
"Sorry," he got out immediately. "Thanks. I just thought—"
"That you wouldn't get in?" Jeonghan finished for him. "Yeah, I thought so, too. We were debating between you and Kazuha for nearly an hour. It took a lot of manipulation to convince them that Kazuha wasn't the right choice."
The corner of Jay's mouth picked up in a grin. "Manipulation?"
"Let's just keep that between us." Jeonghan gave him a wry smile and handed over a thin, black folder with a few sheets of papers tucked neatly inside. "You can open that later. It's just a welcome letter and a notice about sending us details so we can coordinate your initiation night."
"Huh..." Jay trailed off; his mind was still stuck on his bid rather than the folder in his hands. "I didn't think I'd get in after that interview."
"Are you kidding? They loved your answers, especially when you said you'd punch Sunghoon."
"But—I didn't even know the answer to whatever seven-eight-six meant, though."
"That's the whole point," Jeonghan said. "You're not supposed to know everything! What we believe is that it's valuable to admit that there are answers you haven't found yet, but you also did your best to draw a conclusion with the little information you had."
"So... what does it mean?"
"We don't know."
"We don't know," he echoed with a shrug. "We think the founder chose it to represent us because he claimed to have decided eighteen of the characters on the Kryptos sculpture himself—on top of the ones that're already deciphered."
"Interesting," Jay replied with an inquisitive hum. He then gave Jeonghan a strange look. "Are you supposed to be telling me this, by the way?"
"Sungjin didn't want us talking with you guys too much, actually. We're supposed to just tap you on the shoulder, hand you the file, and leave." He scratched the back of his neck aimlessly. "I have to stay on campus until my next class, though, so I don't really have anywhere else to go."
"If they ask, I'll let them know that you were very, very mysterious."
"See? I told them that was what the Order needed: loyalty."
Jay felt his stomach twist. He was probably the worst example of that, but seeing that Jeonghan held him in such high regard, he couldn't bring himself to object. Instead, he brushed off the senior's words with a shy grin.
Jeonghan continued, "I swear, they were deliberating for so long that I—"
"Jeonghan—wait, Jay?"
To Jay's relief, you walked up behind his table, looking between the two men several times before you seemed to piece together what was going on. The determination that had darkened your eyes seconds prior started to melt away.
"You got a seat?" you breathed out, and before Jay could nod, you were shooing him further down the cushioned bench so that you could sit next to him. Your gaze immediately landed on the black folder in Jay's hands. "Oh!"
There was an awkward pause. You looked up at him for a brief moment, and it looked like you had a lot more to say instead of opening and closing your mouth over and over again. Jay's throat felt tight. Your sideways look at Jeonghan made Jay wonder how what your true reactions would've been if you two were alone.
Since you clearly hadn't anchored yourself back into reality, Jay slapped his folder onto the table to take Jeonghan's attention away from how distracted you had gotten.
"What? You didn't think I'd make it in or something?" he teased you, although he was quite aware that that wasn't your intention.
"No," you insisted with a scoff, kicking Jay's shin under the table.
Jay hissed through his teeth, nudging your leg back with his shoe. Unbeknownst to Jeonghan, you two were in an intense battle of trying to kick the other; your attempts were always stronger than his.
"Oh, that's fucked up," Jeonghan joined in, leaning forward onto his elbows. "Were you hoping someone else would get in over Jay?"
He rolled his eyes, realizing that Jeonghan was just hungry for a morsel of gossip. However, anticipation was swirling in Jay's chest as he prepared himself for whatever your answer would be. After your text about Sunghoon's situation, he wouldn't have been surprised if you were more concerned about your ex-boyfriend.
You huffed. "No, I think Jay deserves it out of anyone who interviewed."
His heartbeat was somehow quicker. More intense. Jay couldn't understand why your words left little electric currents running under his skin, but he was just grateful that you couldn't see how much of a mess his head was.
"But what the hell, Jeonghan?" you continued, sharper. "Why did Sungjin give me his seat?"
Jeonghan let out a dry laugh before shaking his head. "Can't give you our reasonings."
"Weren't you just talking about mine?" Jay cut in since he was equally curious about where Sunghoon's predicament was going.
"Well, that's—" The senior cut himself off and screwed up his eyes as he processed his next words. "Okay, you're technically right, but I gave you my seat, Jay. I didn't give Y/N my seat, so I can't tell her why she was chosen by Sungjin."
You and Jay stared blankly at Jeonghan for a moment, who was slowly losing his resolve to keep quiet.
"Okay, fine." Jeonghan sighed heavily. "Tell anyone about this, though, and you two won't be having a fun initiation process." As Jay swallowed thickly at the thought of being hazed, Jeonghan leaned over the table and lowered his voice to say, "I don't know much because we don't really question Number One, but he just said that he didn't want to extend his seat to his brother anymore. Something about wanting Sunghoon to make it on his own."
Jay frowned. "Number One?"
"That's what we call our president," he replied. "Only the members of the Order know about Number One's identity for the duration of their office."
"You're really a loudmouth, Jeonghan," you sneered.
Jeonghan held up his hands in mock surrender.
"Then did Sunghoon get a seat or not?" Jay asked. "He had to have gotten a tap, right? It'd be ridiculous if he didn't."
Jeonghan only shrugged in response. "The finalized list of our new members will be emailed out tonight. You'll find out then."
You and Jay exchanged uneasy looks. Waiting to hear back from Sunghoon appeared to be their only option, and it only made Jay feel more at war with his head and heart.
For one, Sunghoon was a crucial part of the mission. Something happening to him would definitely affect you, and although that made Jay feel a twinge of bitterness, he recognized that you two had a previous connection that he couldn't get between.
On the other hand, he felt that he was in too deep—so deep that he wasn't sure how he would pull himself out when this was all over. Jay remembered it every time he turned white-knuckled when he would text his client; every time he laughed around Heeseung; every time he had to take a few seconds for his rage to simmer around Sunghoon; and every time he looked into your eyes and felt some semblance of peace.
And it made him feel terrified.
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next | masterlist | next
SUMMARY ▸ private investigator jay park just wants to complete his mission quietly and move on with his life. you, his new assignment who keeps consuming his thoughts, don't make that very easy for him.
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danganphobia · 5 months
but they stay with laios until he falls asleep anyway they barely get any sleep later in the morning themselves.
this is honestly so sweet they r his lesbian parents… AAAAH man laios angst is rlly real. i love farcille sm they are thee understanders TM theyre so sweet,,, theyre probably out here having fun and silly theatre or opera dates … the :3 to me
also also u mentioned chilshi. what r they up to. are they old men yaoi. r they professors or just . job havers. bar owners or smth
oh mah god i havent thought much about chilshi. my beloved old man yaoi. that's ok we're going through my thought process together.
if i were to think about it chilchuck sounds like a miserable medieval history adjunct professor. he's divorced. he sees his daughters like twice a month and they're the reason for his will to live, when he doesn't see them, he hates everything and everyone. he doesn't really like his job. he has tenure. he can do what he wants. when his students ask him if he could repeat the assignment he just says "No." and tells them all to leave his class because lecture time has ended and he refuses to go another minute over. his class exam average is below 40 percent and he doesn't give a fuck. he's waiting for his next paycheck to buy drinks at the local pub.
senshi's a culinary professor. he loves cooking and he loves teaching people how to cook. he's been doing it his whole life. he cooks for the gang during dnd meetings. whenever he's in a kitchen he makes it his own, even if the kitchen doesn't belong to him. if it weren't for him everyone would probably die of dehydration or live on cup ramen and frozen food for entire semesters. he leaves pastries on chilchuck's desk because chilchuck has to mentally prepare himself to help teach a class of 50 uninterested people that do anything but actually pay attention for nearly 3 hours. the pastries are actually what keeps chilchuck going. chilchuck is the one that asks senshi if he wants to go drinking. senshi is a really good listener, chilchuck finds that hot, and tries to sleep with him, but senshi stops him and asks if he could just come over to his apartment and senshi will cook a nice warm meal for him instead and take it slow, because he's a gentleman.
chilchuck actually agrees to it and has a good time. they sleep together but don't have sex, and he wakes up in the morning like damn, i actually have a crush at my big age? that's crazy.
this becomes a regular thing for them until chilchuck can't take it anymore and grabs senshi by the beard and is like "WE NEED TO FUCK. RIGHT NOW." and senshi goes "okay :) after dinner with me first :)" (they have sex).
"how did they get into the dnd club van" falin slapped a bunch of posters around campus with cute doodles and senshi saw it on his way to his classroom. he asked chilchuck if he wants to join sometime in case he's sick of teaching hopelessly unmotivated students. chilchuck thinks about it for a long time but one day when he's so stressed from teaching he joins a meeting and promises it's just "one time only" and ends up becoming a regular.
he brings his daughters to the dnd meetings and marcille is so happy because they're so cute. most of the time they just want to play minecraft and are on their expensive smartphones but they're nice girls. sometimes namari and kabru buy them fast food behind senshi's back when they don't feel like eating healthy.
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twstfanblog · 7 months
!*~Valentine's Times~*! pt 3
A/N: Here's the last half of the dorms! More world-building! Hope you enjoy it! The final part will be uploaded later on tonight, Happy Valentine's Day! Word Count: 7.9 (The Brick) Warnings: She/They Pronouns OC, Gets mildly spicy, swearing (Ortho gets ONE SWEAR) Pairings: Established poly (Yuu/Azul/Jamil/Malleus), Alluded Rook/Vil, Fake past relationship Rook/Yuu, Alluded Cater/Idia L (NRC Staff ft OCs). O (Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle). V (Here). E (Crack)
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V is very, very extraordinary...
The desert dorm was hot. But compared to the still nippy weather of the campus, Yuu welcomed the hot sun. Walking into the dorm's lounge area, Yuu looked at what could only be called ‘Craft Heaven’ or ‘Neat-Freak Hell’.
Construction paper, hot glue, and glitter were everywhere. No surface was seemingly uncovered by either paper scraps or stray blobs of paint. They just barely avoid stepping into the path of splattered yellow paint, eyes glaring at the half-apologetic student.
Things had nearly escalated before a pair of arms wrapped around their waist, picking them up and spinning them around as a joyful voice rang out.
“Yuu! I didn't know you were coming over!” Kalim laughs, taking care to place his friend in a cleaner area after taking note of their pretty white boots, “If I had known you were coming I'd have your Valentine ready to give to you! I just finished it so it's still wet…”
Yuu smiles, “Aw! You made me a Valentine? Kalim, you know I'm a taken harlot~.”
He laughs, hands proudly on his hips, “And you know I'm not looking! But! You are one of my dearest friends. It'd be wrong to not give you something on the day of love!”
Sniffling, Yuu wipes an imaginary tear from their cheek, “Kalim, you are my shining star.” 
Once the two had calmed their respective vibes, Yuu gestured around the dorm, “So, is this like a side hustle Scarabia has or is there a holiday tradition I'm missing?”
Kalim makes a questioning noise, then looks around the dorm before shaking his head and laughing, “OH! Naw. Lilia was pouting the other day about how he doesn't get ‘adorable’ homemade Valentine's Day cards anymore. So I had planned on gifting one to him and Cater at the exchange tonight. But then I wanted to make one for Jamil, then I couldn't leave you out of course, and then I had to make one for Azul, Malleus. The list just kinda grew!”
He gestures around to the other Scarabia members, only now did Yuu realize some weren't actually Scarabia students, “Everyone else saw me making them and wanted to join. So, we're having a last-minute craft party!” They both wince at seeing a spray of paint and glitter go flying through the air, “Yeah…Jamil’s in the kitchen making lunch for everyone. I'm in charge of cleaning this up before we leave for the exchange.”
“Well, Kalim I'm gonna make that harder for you, while also giving you a little treat.”
“Oh!?...” Kalim squints his eyes, brain catching the first part of Yuu's statement, “Wait, make this harder how? I'm happy for the treat but I don't want to make this even harder to clean up!”
“Gonna ignore the concern in your voice and give you the treat first. It's chocolate!”
Yuu pulls out a bag tied closed with white and burgundy ribbons. Inside were multiple colored gems, each glittering in the light through the plastic. He takes the bag, eyeing the gems with a focused stare. Only when he brought the bag closer did he fully see the ‘gems’ were simply chocolates luster-dusted in bright colors. He laughs, pulling a chocolate out to hold in the light.
“Ah! Clarity is bad, but the cut is very pleasing…”
“You are not evaluating my chocolate right now.”
“The colors are also pretty! Good saturation, a very pure hue…” Kalim brings the sweet to his mouth, eyes widening when he bites down to discover they were filled, “Oh! Coconut cream! Forget the grading, these are perfect!”
Yuu folded their arms, a smile winning the fight they put up to frown, “Okay, so with the grade they were bad, huh? You know what? Here.” They reach into their bag, pulling out a purple velvet bag with golden drawstrings, “That's for you.”
Kalim looked at the bag, opening it and raising an eyebrow as he stuck his hand inside, “What'd you get me-...” he pulled out his completely gold-coated hand, staring at it before he realized what he had in his possession,  “Yuu, did you give me a bag of gold dust?”
“...” Kalim giggles, lightly bouncing on his heels as his eyes searched around the dorm, “Midas! Miiiiiiiidas~!” With his target seemingly found, Kalim raced off into the crowd of people, bag of luster dust and chocolates in firm hand.
Yuu wipes their hands of imaginary dust, turning on their heel and heading toward the kitchen. A part of them almost felt bad, the area near the kitchen was completely empty. Jamil must have been in Heaven, cooking in blissful solitude…
Jamil jumps hearing the doors of the kitchen swing open and slam against the wall, shoulders moving up to his ears only to feel every ounce of strength to tense leave his body at his date-mate's voice.
“Hi, Jamil~.”
They both stand in silence, Jamil still facing the stove before he sighed. Looking at them from the corner of his eye he mumbled out, untrusting that they appeared for a simple visit, “Hello.”
“Wow, Jamil. I can feel the love we share for one another pouring out of your fucking pores from here.”
Jamil sighs again, rolling his eyes so hard his head followed the movement, “Alright, let me try again…” He turns to Yuu fully, fluttering his eyelashes as he copied their earlier tone, “Hi, Yuu~.” he drops the flirty tone, raising an eyebrow, “Was that better?”
Yuu smiles, wrapping their arms around Jamil’s neck as they press against him, “Very.” A kiss, short and sweet as they let Jamil gently nudge them away from the stove.
Jamil subtly licked his lips, shoving Yuu lightly to one of the stools at the massive island, “Don't stand too close. You're in light colors and it'd do no good to get oil on yourself.” He goes back to tending the dish, flipping the meat by simply flicking his wrist, “If you came for lunch, it'll be at max an hour to wait.”
“What if I came to give you Valentine’s Day gifts instead?”
The look Jamil threw over his shoulder was disrespectful to the point Yuu hoped their future children would call Jamil out on it. They gasped, offended and miming they closed a coat around their body as they put on a thick accent, “Why I never! I came in here, alone, without a care in the world to give my loving boyfriend some chocolate I slaved over! And this is the thanks I get? Suspected of crimes that I would totally commit, but didn't?
“...” Jamil turned off the burner, grabbing a dishrag and cleaning off his hands in silence. He walks toward Yuu, hands quickly grabbing their hips when they try to step away from him. With a tired smile, he simply tilted his head to the side, “I love you. Have I ever told you that?”
“Don't sound so defeated when you say it. God, you make it sound like I wore you down!” They could barely contain their laughter, arms wrapping around his waist in a hug.
“That's because you did, you beat every ounce of fight out of me. Now, what did you bring me?”
Yuu had a hybrid of a pout and a smile on their face. Looking at Jamil’s tired expression before pulling out his bag of sweets, “I brought you chocolates. And they’re spicy, because I thought you would like that.”
Jamil holds the bag in his hand eyeing it passively. Tied off with burgundy and black ribbons, the chocolates inside were dark and shaped like gems. The edges of the chocolates painted with gold luster dust, burgundy and gold chocolate pearls scattered within the bag. The promised flavorings of dark chocolate and the Sriracha paste he had helped them make was a welcomed retreat he looked forward to.
He smiles, placing the chocolates on the counter and pulling Yuu fully into his embrace, “Thank you. Now sit down and do nothing.”
“I have another gift!”
The sigh Jamil let out was loud, giving his smiling date-mate a playful glare, “Yuu. My love. My hayati…I will not tolerate your bullshit today. If you cause trouble when my plate's full as it is, I will spank you.”
“Don't threaten me with a good time. But, no. You'll like this present, I swear.” They reach into their tote, pulling out what looked like a thick checkbook and holding it out to Jamil.
He raises an eyebrow, taking the booklet in hand and reading the dull red cover. “Jamil’s Cheat Checks” was on the front in gold script, flipping it open showed what seemed to be legitimate checks. The illusion was broken as the amount was pre-written as ‘Shut up and do as I say.’ He chuckles, checking each ticket to confirm they all said the same thing, “What is this?”
“Checks that when handed to me will make me stop all manner of shenanigans, hijinks, and/or funny hahas.”
“Wow. Even your funny hahas? The power you've bestowed upon me.” Jamil tucks the checkbook into the waist of his apron and presses another kiss to Yuu's lips, nodding his head toward the island before turning back to the stove, “Now sit. Food will be done in about 45 minutes and you can help me bring it out.”
“Yeah, yeah. I will do as asked and not spread my joyous presence to the masses.” Yuu sat on the other side of the island, resting their cheek on their hand as they smiled dreamily at Jamil, “I'll just sit here and daydream~.”
Jamil raises an eyebrow but goes back to prepping the food. But, the silence was short-lived, Yuu lasting at most a minute before they started to mimic the sound of a phone ringing. Jamil paid them no mind, focusing on getting another dish prepared for its final roast in one of the dorm's many ovens. He does look from the corner of his eyes as Yuu started to speak out loud,  just to see if they actually were on the phone.
Yuu's phone screen was black. Held in a way that it looked like they were talking, but made it easy to see the blank screen, “Yeah? No, I'm with Jamil. Yeah…I know.” They smiled at him, clearly catching him glancing at them, “He's so cute right?”
His eyes quickly turned back to the pan, a blush slowly growing worse and worse the longer Yuu ‘talked on the phone’
“I know right? Like, dude, how are you so handsome, talented, and intelligent? Can you be any more perfect?” Yuu internally cooed, watching Jamil’s shoulders raise higher and higher as the tips of his ears darkened with his blush.
“I can not wait to male wife him the fuck up.” The sound of Jamil’s accessories jingling as his head snapped around to glare at them was almost enough to make Yuu break, but they kept going. 
Jamil knew they were doing this because he was focused on cooking. He could see their phone, they weren't even holding it right. Yuu was simply waxing poetic behind his back because there was a whole island between them. His mind drifts to the tickets tucked against his hips and a part of him huffed in mild annoyance. They would make him use his present the second they gifted it to him.
Yuu watches Jamil grow more and more fidgety, listing off all the things they ‘had planned’ for when they were bound in holy matrimony. Romantic dates, quiet nights at home in each other's embrace, moments of passion. It was hard keeping the laugh out of their voice watching Jamil’s steadily quickening movements to place the crafted dish into the oven.
“Yeah. I just can't wait to be barefoot and pregnant-” they hear the hasty sound of an oven door slamming shut and ripping paper, “Hold on. I think Jamil wants something.” They place their phone down, turning to smile at Jamil, “Yeah, babes?”
Jamil held out one of the checks, glaring across the island with his cheeks flared, “You say that shit behind closed bedroom doors, not in the kitchen where anyone can hear it!”
Yuu sat patiently, blinking once before they pointed to the ticket, “You know you have to hand that to me right?”
His eyes narrow, moving to walk around the island only to stop as he watches Yuu mirror his movements. Every step he took toward them, they would move away. Jamil glared over the counter, the two of them now on opposite sides from where they started, “Really?” He couldn't fight the smirk on his face.
“Yeah, you really have to hand me the ticket, Jamil.” Yuu wiggled their eyebrows, a challenge ringing clear that even with the tickets they would never go down without a struggle.
Jamil clicks his tongue, untying his apron and slapping it on the counter. They stood still, eyes locked in a stalemate before he quickly faked left and then darted to the right of the island.
Yuu barely kept themselves from falling as they fled, the distance between them kept steady as Yuu yelled out, “Jamil! You're in sandals, I'm in heels! This isn't good for either of our ankles!”
“Take the damn ticket!”
“You have to hand it to me!”
They made a few complete circles around the island before Jamil threw caution and ‘playing fair’ to the sands. He braced his hands onto the counter, jumping and quickly scrambling across the island and managing to grip a screaming Yuu by the back of their overalls. They both fall to the ground, the sounds of Yuu's panicked scream laughter bouncing off the walls. The sound of a heavy ‘SMACK’ turning their laughter soon into breathless moans and the sounds of heavy kissing.
The door clicks open. Kalim walked in, a handprint of gold smeared across his face and more dust coating his hair and clothing, “Hey, Yuu. Is this stuff edible? I think I-Ah! AAAAH!” He quickly turned back to the door, trying to flee after catching a glimpse of Yuu and Jamil lip locked and fully grinding against each other on the floor, “STOP DOING THIS IN THE KITCHEN!”
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Vil looked at the mess before him, glaring with his eyeliner brush hanging almost limp in his hand. Yuu stood in his doorway, sheepishly tugging at their shirt edge to hide the various bite marks along their collar. He could tell their hair was curled, but the state it was in now left it nothing more than a fizzy manhandled mess. By the Seven, their makeup. Smeared and blotchy, nothing more than an utter sabotage of the beauty community. 
Sighing, Vil sat down his eyeliner brush. Motioning them into the room as he opened his drawer to gather makeup closer to Yuu’s skin tone, “You were either mauled or you went to one of your lovers before walking in here looking so unkempt. Which one was it?”
“Jamil…” Yuu drags the ottoman closer to his vanity, sitting down and placing their tote on the ground, “And all I can say is that he actually looks more fucked up than I do.”
The third year reaches out to hold a frizzled tassel of Yuu's hair with two of his fingers, face pinched, “I highly doubt that…though I will commend him for still leaving bites and hickeys with that choker you have on.”
“Can you fix it?”
“I shouldn’t, in the hope that this will teach you a lesson in restraint,” He grounds out, already pulling Yuu’s hair out of its half ponytail gently and taking a brush to it, “But, I’d feel worse letting you walk around like this. I have very little authority over you as your club leader but I expect all under my care to look their best at all times.”
Yuu smiles, letting Vil do his favorite activity of priming others, “Thank you, big brother.” They will agree the laugh they let out was ‘gremlin’ adjacent, closing their eyes on Vil’s command as he poured his mineral water onto a towel.
Vil grumbles but takes care to remove the smeared pigment from Yuu’s face, “Honestly. I don’t know what’s worse. You spreading rumors that we’re family or the fact my own father sent you a Valentine’s basket along with mine…”
“One of those is mine!?” Yuu looks away from Vil, eyes glittering to the two large red and pink-toned baskets sitting on Vil’s bed, “Aw~! That’s nice.”
Vil quickly moved Yuu’s face back to him, frowning at the fact he nearly poked the younger student in the eye when they moved. “Stop moving…” His glare intensifies, staring at reddish spots dotted along their cheeks, “Are you breaking out? Why are you breaking out? Honestly, I make you a personal blend of skincare and you don’t even use it.”
 Yuu waves his words off, rolling their eyes, “I’ve been stressed! I spent the last few weeks trying to perfect chocolate molds and fruit fillings. Also, pretty sure standing over a pot of boiling sugar wasn’t good for my skin…”
Vil snaps his fingers, pointing upward, “Look up.” He ignores Yuu groaning, applying a few drops of his handmade blemish eraser serum, “Honestly, why are you so stressed about it? I understand you have three lovers but that shouldn’t be too much for you to handle.”
“Oh. Naw, I made chocolate for all my favs, not just them.” They rubbed the serum into their cheeks, humming lightly at the scent of lavender.
“...” When Yuu doesn’t say anything more, he frowns. Turning to his gathered makeup he mumbles while applying their foundation, “Well, I see how it is…”
“I don’t wanna give you your chocolates now. You’re way more of a bitch to me when it’s just the two of us.”
“Oh, so you did make me chocolate? Color me surprised, I would think you’d leave me out from ‘sibling spite’...”
Yuu groans, reaching into their tote but not pulling the bag out, “You can’t be mean to me about these, okay? I worked really hard on them.”
Vil rolls his eyes, turning his full attention to them with a raised brow, “Fine. If they’re horrible I will simply remain silent.”
“...” Yuu pulls out a bag tied off with purple and gold ribbons, the bow multiple loops and grand. The chocolates inside were dark chocolate and shaped like crowns, half of them luster-dusted with gold and purple chocolate pearls scattered inside, “I filled them with raspberry. Like, the saddest raspberry filling. I didn’t add sugar past what was needed to help keep it edible after thickening it.”
Vil takes the bag, eyeing it silently before he places it on a free shelf of his vanity. He gives a brief yet fond look to the chocolates before making sure their foundation was properly blended, “They look very nice. Where did you learn to tie a knot that intricate?”
Yuu breathed a sigh of relief, “Tulip did the bows, mine weren’t good enough it seems…”  They already knew getting Vil chocolates would be a gamble. The star was hyper-aware of nearly every calorie he took in. They had honestly entertained the idea of getting him a celery bouquet instead, “I’m glad you like them though.”
“Ah…Tulip…” Vil did his best to not pull a face at the mention of the over zealous fairy. “The chocolates are cute. I’ll try them later tonight and give my full review.” He smiles, holding up two eye shadow palettes. One was centered around reds and darker tones, the other had more pink options and various glitters, “Now pick your eyeshadow.”
“Oo~! I want a glittery smokey eye.”
Vil worked fast, redoing Yuu’s makeup faster than they had done it themselves. Taking the time to paint small hearts along their cheeks, over where their tiny red spots would be. Saving their eyeliner for last, he hums at his project and gestures for them to look into the mirror, “There we go. Two fat little wings, just as you like.”
Yuu lets out an ‘Ooo’, fluttering their eyelashes and winking just to watch the glitter on their lids, “I love it! And don’t hate on my ‘fat wing’ liner style. I say nothing about you staining your skin with the darkest eyeshadow every day.”
“Get out of my room.”
“No, give me my gift basket.”
Vil turns back to the mirror, eyeliner brush back in hand as he applies his own wings to a ‘proper’ length, “No, it’s mine now since you want to be rude to me.”
Yuu frowns, crossing their arms and intentionally making their voice whiney, “But you said dad got it for meeeeeee.”
“We aren’t siblings-”
The door bursts open, making both of them jump at the loud cry of “BONJOUR~!”
“Hi, Rook~!”
“Mon vieille amor~!” The Florian quickly walks into the room, dropping to one knee in front of Yuu and presenting them with a small bouquet of roses, “For the brightest flame of my past! Roses as bloomed as your wedding bouquet, pink as the twilight from the night sky of our first dance.”
Yuu gasps, taking the gathering of pink flowers into their arms, “Oh, Rook! Just like our 20th anniversary~! I’m so glad you remembered!” they reach into their tote bag, pulling out a mason jar filled with pink and gold chocolate pearls. The bag was tied off with purple and black ribbons, plastic keeping the chocolate sculpted roses safe, “Chocolate roses, for the man who taught me how to love.”
Rook takes the jar gently, smiling as he opens it immediately. He takes a petal from one of the roses, placing it in his mouth, “They love me…” He takes another petal into his mouth, “They love me not~ Beauté! 1000 points for this gift of love, mon vieille amor!” with the jar in one hand, he wrapped the other around Yuu’s waist to pull them closer to place them in a faux dip. He makes loud, borderline obnoxious kissing sounds as he mimes pecking along a giggling Yuu’s face.
Vil glared at them, a jagged line of black from the corner of his eye and down his cheek. He turns back to the mirror, pouring more mineral water onto a towel, “Both of you get out of my room…”
“Vil, stop being so jealous. Me and Rook are so in the past, but we were married for 40 years. It’d feel weird to not get each other something for Valentine’s Day.”
“You two. Never dated…”
Rook stood, placing Yuu up right beside him with a hand over his heart, “Oh, mon roi. My and Yuu’s love was true and deep. 40 years of affection, a son, and a lifelong companionship to stand the test of time.”
“You’re both under 20, your ‘son’ is a bird, and you didn’t meet until this year. The joke is old.”
Yuu clicks their tongue, shaking their head before resting it on Rook’s chest, “You just don’t get it, Vil…”
“Oh, no. I get it. My boyfriend and my little sister are both infected with the same brain-eating virus-”
“HA!” Yuu pulls away from Rook, pointing at Vil’s frowning face, “You called me your sister! Sibling bond, you BITCH!”
“Why is everybody yellin’ in here?” Epel stood in the open doorway, looking at the scene in front of him. He raises an eyebrow at Vil’s appearance, the third-year with one side of his face completely bare, “You…you doing something new and stupid with your face?”
Vil scowls, “Epel, I will make you sit at my and Rook’s table the whole party.”
Epel looks to the side, beads of sweat forming on his temple as he internally panics, “Never mind. I love it.” He turns and waves, eyes pleading for Yuu to help take Vil’s glare off of him, “Hey, Yuu! What are you doing here? Let’s talk about it!”
“Actually, I’m leaving. But here you go!” They reach into their tote, pulling out a bag tied closed with purple and red ribbons. 
Throwing it to Epel, the other first-year had to rush forward to keep it from falling to the ground. He holds the bag to his face, tilting his head at the red luster-dusted and milk chocolates in the shape of apples. Green beads of chocolate scattered in the bag, “Oh! You even made them apple-shaped. Thanks, Yuu.”
“Thank you for the apple cider. I used it to make the caramel I filled your chocolates with.”
Epels eyes widened, quickly opening the bag to grab a chocolate to try, “Hot damn! That sounds fuckin’ sweet-”
Vil glares at Epel through the mirror, finally painting his second wing properly, “Epel…”
“Thank you, I’m very excited to try it…”
Yuu snickers, “Did you forget he was in the room? Anyway. Pomefiore boys, thank you for hosting me, but I still got a few stops to make before I gotta head back to Ramshackle and get ready for the party.”
“...” Vil sighs, pointing to the gift baskets on his bed, “The red one is yours. You can take one thing from it.”
The squeal Yuu lets out is giddy, bordering on ear-splitting. They rushed toward the bag and made sure to open it as carefully as possible. Opening the basket to see a plethora of nail polishes and beauty products, “Aw! Mr. Shoenhiet really doesn’t do anything in half does he?” Yuu pulls out a dark red lip gloss, opening it to apply to their lips.
Vil smirks, seeing Yuu had picked the lipgloss he had personally advised his father to get for them when the man had asked what Yuu would like in their basket, “Of course he doesn’t. He’s my father after all.”
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Ignihyde didn't even bother decorating, nothing past the holographic screens showing a loop of hearts. Even then, they were the basic dorm blue, nothing even red. Though Yuu did see the tables were adorned by fresh flowers and pomegranates. They looked around the empty lounge, walking closer to a table to pick a fruit for themselves. Only to jump at seeing multiple bright dots appear on their hand and a disembodied voice ring out.
“Prefect Yuu, do not take the fruit. I repeat. Do not take the fruit.”
“Ortho, what the fuck my guy?” They pull their hand away, both hands placed beside their head as they looked around the room in panic.
Ortho appeared from a hallway, at least looking mildly sheepish as he floated closer, “Sorry! I forget at times you're not from here and don't know traditions.”
“It's tradition to try to shoot a bitch getting some fruit?”
“...” Ortho looks to the side, “Well…the shooting is more so my choice. But still! Taking the fruit is bad!”
Yuu sighed, throwing their head back but waving a hand as if to say ‘Go on’.
“The fruit and flowers are offerings. Hades was one of the longer lived Great Seven, so there's a number of stories about him. One of which was about his wife.”
“Ah. Persephone right?”
“Yes!” Ortho closes his eyes to show he was smiling, “Hades loved his wife dearly even though they were separated multiple times in their marriage. The offerings started out in the warmer months when Persephone and Hades were separated. The flowers to keep Hades in good spirits and the pomegranates to remind Persephone of her husband. But once the Queen's Marriage Anniversary was adapted outside of the Queendom of Roses, it also became tradition to offer both! As a way of gifting the lovers on this day of love and appreciation.”
“Aw…that's actually really cute…”
“I agree.” Ortho narrows his eyes, wagging his finger at Yuu in mock scolding, “So no taking any fruit or flowers! It's very rude to steal from a God.”
Yuu giggles, nodding their head, “Noted. Also…” They take a step forward, wrapping their arms around Ortho's body and pressing a kiss right below his eye before pulling away, “Happy Valentine's Day!”
Ortho stood still for a moment before he rocketed back into Yuu's arms, nearly lifting them off their feet from the force of his hug, “Happy Valentine's Day, Prefect Yuu! Thank you for the kiss! I've now collected three kisses!”
“Yes! Nii-San, Cater Diamond, and now Prefect Yuu! I feel very loved!”
“Aw. Well you're gonna feel a lot more love, baby boy.” Yuu reaches into their tote bag, pulling out a heart printed wrapped gift tied with white and blue ribbons, “A gift for you. Since you can't eat…”
Ortho's eyes were so bright Yuu was afraid they'd burn a hole through the box. The android took the package with care, “Thank you so much! May I open it now?”
“Go ahead!”
With almost surgical precision, Ortho unwrapped the gift and gently placed the folded paper and ribbons to the side. His eyes scan the box; a children's ‘make your own candy’ science kit. He flips the box over, reading the list of ingredients included in the kit. Once he was done, he looked into Yuu's eyes, “Prefect Yuu, may I swear?”
Yuu chokes on their laugh, but smiles and nods, “Yeah…yeah let it rip, buddy…”
“Prefect Yuu, this kit is shit.”
“I know…I know…” Yuu laughs at the bewildered look Ortho gives them, his eyes going from reading over the kit to squinting at them, “Look. I got it because while the candy is…barely edible, the kits are fun! You've got access to actual chemicals and stuff that you could use to make them taste better anyway.”
Ortho looks at the kit, calculating the few things he'd need to gather to make the potential candies in a greater quality, “That's true.”
“Plus! You can make fun gummies for Idia to try and like…slip a multivitamin or something in them.”
“I love it, thank you so much.” Ortho hugs the box to his chest, already coming up with numerous candies his brother would like. He perks up, eyes glittering when he realized Yuu hadn’t left, “Do you…Did you bring chocolates for Nii-San?”
Yuu nodded, patting their tote, “I did.”
The halls passed by in a blur, Ortho had picked Yuu up and flown as fast as he safely could to the housewarden’s door. Yuu had barely realized where they were before Ortho was knocking on the door at a rapid pace, “Nii-san, may we come in!?”
A quiet voice calls out from inside the room, “We…?”
Yuu smiles, calling out so that Idia knew who was with Ortho, “Are you decent?”
The voice calls out again, louder and with an edge of panic, “YOU CAN’T COME IN!”
Yuu nods at Ortho, “I think he’s decent.” 
They reach and swing the door open, smiling at seeing Cater look up from Idia’s bed and remove one of his earphones, “Sup?”
“No…Ortho why do you do this to me…?” Idia curled into his gaming chair, pulling his hood over his head as though if he could hide from Yuu’s sight they would have forgotten he was even there, “It was a good day…I got a free day from classes…Cater brought me candy…I didn’t see that fucking thing…”
“This ‘fucking thing’ has ears and the power to beat your ass.” Yuu smiles, reaching into their tote, “But I’m gonna let you get back to your day and just give you your chocolates. Catch!” They threw the bag, purposefully making it land against Idia’s keyboard.
Idia looks at the baggie, bright blue and black ribbons tying it closed with milk and white chocolate skulls inside with multi-colored gummies that looked like the buttons of a game controller. He brings the bag closer, eyes roaming to see if he saw anything truly hazardous in the bag. Like…a carrot…or broken glass…or a scorpion. But seeing nothing, he brought the bag closer to his chest and looked over at Yuu.
“I don’t know if this item drop showing our friendship…makes me fear you less or more…”
“Pick whichever one makes you feel safest.”
“...” Idia opens the bag, digging through the bag for one of the bright blue buttons, “It makes me fear you more.”
“That was the right answer. Ok! I gotta GO! Love you guys, see you at the party. Bye~...” Their ‘bye’ was heard as they ran down the hall, only ending at the sound of the dorms front doors slamming shut.
Idia turned to Ortho, frowning mildly at his beaming brother, “Why do you keep letting her into my room…?”
“Well, Nii-san. You refuse to leave your room. So I have to bring people to your room.”
Cater speaks up from the bed, placing his ear phones back as he nodded, “You gotta get that enrichment babe…”
“...” Idia turned to his computer, typing into the search bar, ‘How to tell if you are being bullied’.
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“I'm sorry, run that by me one more time?”
The diasomnia student sneered down his nose at them, sword held out to clash with the other student guarding the rope bridge to the dorm, “You heard me you harlot. You are no longer welcome in the grand Noble dorm of Diasomnia. Take your swill and be off!”
“...” Yuu nods their head, raising their eyebrows and pursing their lips, “Okay.” They turn on their heel walking away from the stunned students.
As Yuu was a good distance away yet still in the dorm, the more spiteful student smiled at his fellow guard, “S-see!? I told you. There was never a need to fear that wench, she only got away with everything she did because Lord Malleus favored her. Now that he doesn’t, she’s powerless!”
He continued on, boasting about how their dorm leader had finally seen that a magicless human wasn’t worthy of his affections. But during his speech, the silent guard kept his eyes on Yuu. The Ramshackle prefect didn't even walk toward the mirror when they left, only a few paces off to the side of the path. He watched silently as they knelt down, pulling festive bags from their massive tote and even a bouquet of flowers.
Then he felt a shiver go down his spine as he watched them fill the now empty tote with rocks.
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Silver looks up hearing the doors open, blinking in mild confusion at who walked through them, “Yuu?”
Yuu was smiling, pulling a sizable rock out of their tote bag and dropping it outside the door, “Hey Silver! Um. If you think you see two unconscious bodies over by the bridge, no you don't.”
“Happy Valentine's day!” Yuu was quick to pull out a plastic bag tied close with silver and bright green ribbons.
He takes it slowly, eyeing the dark chocolate shapes of swords and Z's with green and light purple chocolate pearls scattered in the bag. Opening it, he was greeted with the strong scent of espresso, “Oh. Coffee flavored?”
“Espresso cream filled. Thought you could put them in your coffee for an extra boost!” They look around the dorm lounge, eyes roaming, “While I adore you Silver, where is Malleus?”
Silver remained silent, putting a small sword into his mouth and chewing, “...It's good…”
“...Okay. You enjoy your chocolate, I'm gonna go hunt my boyfriend down.”
A nod was all Silver gave, stepping to the side to show he wasn't going to stop them, “Bye, Yuu.”
The dorm was filled with distrusting eyes, more so than normally. Yuu didn't bother asking any of them where Malleus was since they probably would have the same response as the guards. And sadly they don't have any more rocks in their bag. They sigh in a hallway, hands on their hips and looking around the room one last time.
Yuu felt a tap on their left shoulder, turning to the right as they knew Lilia's tricks. But, instead of seeing Lilia they see open air. They sigh, turning back around only to jump back as Lilia's face suddenly dropped into view, “AH! FUCK LILIA!” They braced themselves against the wall, catching their breath as Lilia giggled behind them, “Stop doing that…”
Lilia floats closer, smiling as he pats Yuu’s head, “Stop having such adorable reactions. What brings you to Diasomnia, dearie?”
“I’m passing out chocolates to my favorites and looking for Malleus.”
Lilia's eyes widen, humming loudly as he looks to the side, “Well, I can accept the chocolate and give you Malleus's location. But, you'll have to deal with him and Sebek alone…”
“Oh, Sebek is never an issue for me. While I have you, can you tell me what the fuck is wrong with Malleus?”
“...” Lilia smiles, tilting his head so far it made his whole body start to slowly spin in the air, “You said you brought chocolate?”
Yuu groans, but still reaches into their tote to pull out a baggie tied off with bright green and pink ribbons. Dark chocolate in the shape of bats and green chocolate pearls filling the bag.
Lilia squeals out in delight, taking the bag and opening it, “Oh, Beastie! I didn't think you'd actually bring little old me chocolate.” He coos lightly at the bat between his fingers, biting into it and nearly choking, “...Did you fill this with tomato paste?”
“More so a tomato jam…but basically…” they raise an eyebrow, “Are you going to tell me what's going on with Malleus?”
“Hmmm…” Lilia grabbed another chocolate, eating it whole and chewing, “Such an interesting flavor combination…I quite like it!”
“Okay, fuck you guys. But seriously. I've been so busy running around all day and I only, like…noticed that Malleus hasn't talked to me all day? Is he sick?”
“Hmmm. These chocolates are so good!”
Yuu frowns, reaching into their tote and pulling out another bag, “Just because I'm annoyed. Here.” They shove the bag into Lilia's chest, walking away as the older fae looks in confusion.
When he realizes what's in the bag, he frowns. Pastel colored shapes of a bat, a sword, a crocodile, and a dragon all cut out from marshmallow. He sticks his tongue out and turns around to yell after Yuu, “These are cute but you know I dislike marshmallows!”
Looking over their shoulder, Yuu yells back, “That's not my problem!” They continued walking, ignoring Lilia muttering under his breath if he'd be able to regift the marshmallows to Silver.
As expected, Sebek stood at attention in front of Malleus's door. They make eye contact, Sebek's eyes narrowing instantly upon seeing them.
“Sebek.” Yuu folded their arms, raising an eyebrow at the half-fae, “So…move.”
Sebek sniffs, turning his head to look away from them, “I don't take orders from you.”
“I know you don't. But, real quick, how are your kidneys doing? They doing ok?”
“If you're trying to start a fight-”
“I would bust your kidneys a second time. But, no, I'm not here for that. Lilia told me to come find you.”
“...” Sebek tilted his head, a sneer lifting one side of his lip, “Do you truly think I'm that stupid?”
“I do think you're dumb, but Lilia seriously asked me to come find you. He needs help finding his phone.”
Sebek simply sniffed again, turning his nose up at them. He even widened his stance and remained unmoved in front of Malleus's door.
“...” Yuu shrugs, turning around and walking away with a wave over their shoulder, “Fine. I'll just make sure Lilia knows you don't care about his problems.” They counted in their head, smirking when they heard Sebek groan.
“Fine! But, you’re coming with me-” The moment Sebek had walked beside Yuu, he choked, feeling them yank the back of his collar harshly. The kick to the back of his knee sent him down, aheap on the floor and then being blinded by being hit in the face with a plastic bag.
He only looked at the bag for a few moments, tied off with green and yellow ribbons. Milk chocolate lightning bolts, what looked to be gummy green crocodiles, and green chocolate pearls. That ingrate had assaulted him with festive chocolates. He tried to roll to his feet quickly, glaring up at the human running back down the hall toward Malleus’s room, “YUU!”
“Caught you lackin’!” Yuu had already reached Malleus’s door, smiling and holding up their fingers to form a heart, “Love you, bitch~.” They open the door, managing to slam and lock it just before Sebek had reached them. Smiling with a wicked glee seeing the door shake from the force of Sebek slamming against it.
The room was dim, but it normally was. Having night vision apparently made the goth aesthetic too easy to fall into. Lucky for Yuu, Malleus was always easy to find. The pair of glowing eyes in the corner at his desk giving away his location. 
“Hi Malleus. I haven't heard from you today, I was getting worried. You feeling okay?”
Strangely, Malleus doesn't respond. His only reply was to deepen his frown, eyes looking to the side in dismissal.
“...” Yuu blinked, placing their hands on their hips as they looked around the room in confusion, “Why…are you pouting? What happened?”
“...” Malleus sniffs, frown turning into a mild scowl as he fully turns his body away from them. Though Yuu was able to tell he was still watching them from the mirror with his eyes.
“...Are you ignoring me!?” Yuu couldn't stop the half-offended guffaw they let out that nearly caused them to choke. Malleus had responded by flipping a tassel of his hair over his shoulder. “The fuck did I do!?”
Was he pouting because they wouldn't let him come to Ramshackle the past week? Or maybe there was a certain fae etiquette that they hadn't done and now he was upset by it. They walked up to the pouting mage, trying to catch his eyes though he kept turning away from them. Soon they had straddled him in the chair, forcing eye contact.
“Ok. Talk to me. I can't make it up to you if I don't know what I did babes…”
He scoffs, “Oh, it's so trivial that you've forgotten what you did? Timothy surely hasn't…”
Yuu snorts, looking away when Malleus snaps his head to glare at them. It takes them a good few moments to compose themselves, but when they do they place their hands on Malleus’s cheeks. Squishing the cool flesh to make his pout even cuter, “You’re jealous…of Timothy?”
“You kissed him…” Malleus’s glare softened, turning his expression more into a kicked puppy than the annoyed dragon he was, “How could you bestow a kiss to him before me? It’s a grave error at worst and a slight at best…”
“...” Yuu’s hands left Malleus’s cheeks, not saying anything to his expression becoming even sadder. Instead they looked around their tote, pulling out a single item and placing it in Malleus’s hand.
Malleus looks into his palm, a drop wrapped in shiny aluminum with a paper tail sticking out of the top. He blinks, looking at Yuu in confusion as they leaned against his shoulder with a mischievous smile, “What is this?”
“A kiss.” Yuu’s smile widens as Malleus seemed to realize his mistake, turning away with a small blush rising to his cheeks. But they simply kissed along his neck, a hand moving up to scratch at the small patch of scales just behind his ear, “I gave each of the fairies a kiss as payment for helping me make chocolate for all my loved ones.”
“...I see…” The dragon would only be flustered for so long. He turned back to Yuu, a hand under their chin to hold them still as he gently kissed their lips. Pulling away, there was a mischievous glint in his eyes as he smiled, “Well, do you have an offering of love for me?”
Yuu smiled back, just as mischievous. They lean back, holding up the final bag of chocolate in their possession. Tied off with green and black ribbons, filled with dark chocolate shapes of ferocious faces and bright green chocolate pearls. They smile, gesturing to the bag with an excited look, “Open and try one!”
Malleus chuckles but does as asked. He pulls a single chocolate from the bag and looks at it with a keen eye. The shape confused him at first, not knowing why they’d make his chocolates in such a form until he realized he had seen it before. The smile on his face was what Lilia had once described as ‘Lovestruck’. Yuu had taken the time and effort to make his chocolates in the shape of gargoyle faces. Placing it in his mouth, he only bit down for a moment before a shock went through his body at the flash of cold.
The laugh Yuu let was high and almost mocking if he wasn’t so familiar with it, “I’m guessing it worked then?”
“Did you…how did you fill these with ice cream?” He took another chocolate from the bag happily eating it and purring at the feeling of chilled and unmelted ice cream mixing with the bitter chocolate.
“The fairies helped me. The frost fairies were super excited to make an ice cream that wouldn’t melt in the chocolate.”
“Well, I’m glad you succeeded in your culinary endeavors.” Malleus smiles, placing the chocolate on his desk to wrap his arms around them, placing his chin on their shoulder.
Yuu hums, snuggling into Malleus's warming body with a teasing smirk, “And that I didn’t kiss Timmy?”
“Don’t refer to him by a nickname…”
They snicker, knowing Malleus had regained his pouting expression, “Anyway.” Yuu leans back, squishing his cheeks in their hands again and smiling lovingly, “You wanna be my date tonight for the party?”
Malleus’s eyes glitter at the invite, only to dim a bit as he thought, “Would that be…fair to the others? We all are your lovers, isn’t it unfair to have only one of us as your date?”
“Jamil’s gift to Azul is to formally invite him as his date for tonight.” Yuu wished she would have been there to watch Azul try to keep his cool at Jamil’s invitation, “It's just an unspoken truth that you guys are all my dates anyway…”
“Ah, an unspoken truth, you say?” Malleus reaches up, holding Yuu's hands in his own before kissing their knuckles gently, “I shall accept your invitation, both spoken and unspoken.”
Yuu giggles, pulling their hands away to weave them through Malleus’s hair. Pressed against him as they lightly scratched at the base of his horns, feeling the purr he let out, “You charmer…Oh!” They could barely pull away from Malleus's embrace, ignoring the whiney growl that the dragon let out. 
They reach into the tote, pulling out a single slip of paper. Handing it to the confused dragon, they placed their head on his shoulder as he read it over. 
When he was done, Malleus's smile widens. He carefully tucks the ticket into his desk drawer, his free hand moving to trace along their collar bone, “May I leave a mark as well?”
“Not even gonna ask me about the ticket?” Yuu raises an eyebrow, eyeing the closed drawer with a mildly concerned eye. The ticket was labeled with ‘24 Hour Free Trial Breeding Pass’. A simple ‘Get out of contract consequences’ offering since Malleus seemed so keen on trying to change their agreement at every slight inconvenience. How getting pregnant will help them pass their algebra class, they weren’t sure…
“What is there to ask? I read it and know what it offers.” Malleus kissed along their jaw, chuckling under his breath  as he picked his spot to leave a mark, “I will collect my prize when I see fit.”
Well, that was only mildly concerning~♡
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85 notes · View notes
georgiedoodles · 5 months
📚Broppy CollegeAU | "Campus Days"
Part 6: My Safe Space
Thursday, Week 3 of 16.
"Do you play an instrument?" Poppy asked, she took a break from painting and sipped from her water bottle. It had been 2 hours since class started and it was almost time for their break. She looked over to Branch on her right. He was in deep thought, mumbled, and counted with his fingers.
"I play a few instruments, most of the ones that I have played are not the ones I'm skilled with. The ones I can say I am better playing with are Ukelele, Guitar, and uhh" He paused for a moment, he tried to recollect his experiences, "a Lyre." He hummed, he remembered his childhood when he messed with the string instruments, most of the time he was only goofing around recklessly strumming.
"Wait what's a Lyre?" Poppy curiously raised an eyebrow.
"It's a string instrument, think of it as a Harp but smaller and compact, if you played medieval-themed games you'll know which one I'm referring to." Branch finished up the last of his painting before the distant bell announced their break time. They both grabbed their wallets and made their way to the cafe.
Outside the cafe there was an unusually large crowd of students who walked around dozens of tents, it seemed like there was an event the college hosted. Poppy leaned over the rail, iced coffee in her left hand as she watched the bustling crowd take flyers and free swag from the staff members. Dozens of tents were set up with the college name on the top, and a couple of blank unassociated tents were set up farther away. 
"We should go check it out, they have an info booth at the bottom of the steps!" Poppy bounced on her toes, she loved social events, and this was her zone. Branch seemed unsure and glanced at his phone, "I mean, we have 10 minutes left until we have to get back to class, I guess we can?" He shrugged, unsure of how to respond.
Poppy squealed as she slid her hand into Branch's and dragged him to the info booth. They both received a black and white flyer with large text at the top, "CLUB FAIR". They walked around and saw all the props and decorated tents the clubs dedicated to the event. Students signed up or talked with the members, most of the students were Freshmen looking for a club to join. 
The two walked around heading in the direction of their class before Poppy stopped abruptly. Branch bumped into her nearly dropping his Iced coffee.
"Hey- watch how you walk Poppy, you can't just stop like that-" He paused when he noticed a purple troll. He stood directly in front of Poppy, only 2 feet of space between them. The stranger was towered over the both of them, he seemed familiar but Branch couldn't put a finger on it. His train of thought was interrupted when Poppy squeezed his hand tight. 
"Well hello, Poppy." The troll finally spoke, his voice was predatory, a condescending smirk on his face as if he locked onto a target. 
Poppy frowned, she held her chin up to stare at the purple troll directly into his eyes, it seemed like she did her best to act fearless. "Creek." She flatly stated. She pulled Branch a little closer to her body. 
Creek's eyes slowly panned toward Branch, when he glanced down to see their linked hand, he sharpened his stare. His chin held high as he stared down at Branch, analyzing him. "who's your little friend?" he asked, his glare forced Branch to straighten his posture, his intimidation was working on him. 
"That's none of your business Creek, leave us alone." Poppy squeezed Branch's hand, she did her best to suppress her anger as she gritted her teeth. 
"But Poppy, I only want to chat, we can grab lunch and catch up. It's been a while since we spent time together don't you think?" Creek sounded condescending, he stood tall and held his hands together. 
"No, I'm good."
"Are you sure? It's a nice warm day today-"
"No Creek, now leave us alone before I call campus security." Poppy snapped at the Purple troll.
"I only want us to-"
"We can't chat, we're busy and on our way back to class." Poppy quickly said, she pulled Branch along as she shoulder-checked Creek. He seemed unfazed by the gesture. Then quickly reached for Poppy's left hand that held her coffee, with a tight grip he squeezed and twisted her arm to force her closer to himself. Poppy winced and let out a pained gasp, she attempted to free herself by clawing his fingers.
"Now my love, that's no way to talk to your former fiancé now is it?" His grip tightened, he pulled her even closer to him and stared down at her. He was only a few inches from her nose. Before Branch could react, Poppy used her free hand to grab her coffee and tossed her drink into his eyes. This worked and he dropped her arm. Poppy saw the opportunity to grab Branch's hand again and sprint off into the distance back to their art building. Behind them was a commotion, a crowd surrounded Creek. Trolls were recording the incident, cursing could be heard from behind them, and it seemed like her coffee was successful in temporarily blinding him. 
They both hid within the trees and shrubbery between the art buildings, Poppy let go of Branch while they caught their breath. She seemed shaken up, yet, proud of her escape. Then she looked over at Branch, he was disheveled and was leaning against the wall, he was trying to cover up his labored breathing. After a few minutes, Branch finally spoke up.
"Poppy what was that??" he huffed out, his chest rose and fell with each breath, he sipped his coffee to stabilize himself more. Poppy wiped beads of sweat from her forehead before she looked at him.
"That was Creek, my... my ex." She wheezed and stood up taller, it looked like her fight-or-flight mode was still active, and kept watch over Branch's shoulders. She needed to make sure Creek hadn't followed them to their building. "He was the one I was telling you about, the guy that… that..." She struggled to make out any more words, her throat felt tighter at every attempt. She massaged her wrist and realized it was red with Creek's handprint on it, it would bruise soon. 
All Branch could see was how vulnerable she felt. Slowly, he moved closer to her, he didn't want to alarm her so he made no sudden movements. 
Gently he spoke, "Poppy, are you okay?" He asked, his voice was a soft whisper. He set his coffee down in the shade. Then, his hands carefully hovered closer to hers, but he didn't dare touch her first. Branch patiently waited for her. After a moment, Poppy slowly reached for his hands, gently touching his palms with her fingertips, and slowly held his hands. She admired how soft they were and noticed that only his thumbs, index, and middle fingers were calloused at the tips. Curiously she studied them.
"Are your fingers calloused because you play instruments?" She finally spoke, she gently caressed his hand, and her fingers explored the history engraved in his palms. Branch felt relieved to see her mood improve and opened his hands, he wanted her to have full access to see everything.
Quietly, he happily sighed, "That and I like to study plants, so I have to dig and work with dirty tools most of the time." He watched her explore the scars he had on his hands. Poppy's eyes seemed a bit empty, she ran her fingers through his more and hummed. 
Softly she stated, "You're a good person, y'know?" Her grip slightly loosened but never let go of him. She looked up at Branch and a twinkle of hope sparkled in her eyes. She gazed into his eyes, it seemed like she wanted to say or do something at that moment. So, with slow, careful, small steps, she closed the space between them. Branch was frozen in his spot, he wasn't sure what she planned but he didn't feel like stopping her. Poppy quickly glanced down to study his lips, then looked back into his eyes. With hesitation, she leaned in. Branch squeezed his eyes shut and anxiously waited for the contact, he wasn't sure why but his lips and mouth felt dry. Then... nothing happened, all he felt were a pair of arms that gently wrapped around his shoulders. Branch's eyes shot open when he realized that Poppy hugged him.
"Can you... hold me?" Her voice cracked as she asked, her voice muffled in his neck. Branch obliged and wrapped his arms around her waist gently squeezed her tighter, and felt her sigh with relief. They stayed in this position for a while, each moment accompanied by the sound of singing birds and the breeze brushing the trees above. Branch never let go, he knew she needed this hug. All he could do was bury his face into her neck and take a deep breath, her sweet citrus perfume comforted him. 
They blissfully floated in their little bubble.
After a while, Poppy loosened her embrace. She slowly slid her arms off of Branch's shoulders and gently cupped Branch's cheeks with her hands. She playfully squished his face and attempted to manipulate his mouth into a smile. He gave her an unamused look, he was more than okay with her touchy antics. Branch still held her by the waist, she never protested or seemed bothered by it. He closed his eyes and waited for her to finish, at the same time, he quietly enjoyed the touch of her soft hands on his face, wishing for her to continue to her heart's content. He could fall asleep to this.
He felt a pause and expected her to pull away to say something goofy. Instead, he felt a quick kiss on his cheek. Branch's eyes shot open to see Poppy smiling, he felt flustered and stuttered. She kissed his cheek and some landed on the corner of his lips. 
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Before he could mutter anything, she giggled, moved away, and walked toward his drink. Poppy bent down to pick up his coffee and took a sip. When she looked back, she couldn't help but smirk at Branch, he hadn't moved. 
Branch had short-circuited. 
She walked over to him and waved her hand in front of him, he had a thousand-yard stare with his arms in the air, where her waist was. Suddenly, Branch's phone rang and it snapped him out of his trance. He quickly collected himself to decline the call. Slowly his eyes met Poppy's playful, yet smug smile, she was still taking small sips from his coffee. 
"Oops, I got some of my lipstick on your uh-" She gestured to her lips and left cheek, "-your face." she giggled. 
Branch felt flustered and used his sleeve to rub off the lipstick mark. He cleared his throat and took back his drink. "L-let's start heading back to c-class, we're very late and we still have work to do." His voice cracked and his cheeks deepened in color. Poppy hummed in agreement, she had both of her hands clasped behind her while she rocked on her heels. Then the two quietly walked back to class together.
Back in the classroom, none of the other students or the professor seemed to acknowledge their tardiness. The couple sat at their designated stations and picked up their work again. Branch turned to his left to add more paint to his pallet when his hand was grabbed by Poppy. She leaned in closer and whispered, "Thank you for being there for me, I usually break down or freeze when I'm alone but.." She bit her lip, adjusted her posture, and gazed into his eyes again, "but you were there, and I didn't feel alone or scared. You helped cheer me up, even if it meant that you put up with me pestering you." She giggled, gently rubbing her thumbs over his knuckles. 
Branch set his paint bottle down and cupped her hand in his. With a swift motion, he pulled her hand up and kissed her knuckles. 
"Only for you, Princess." 
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freshlyrage · 1 year
Running Like Water
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Chapter 16
pairing: Javier Peña x OFC (written as xReader)
fic warnings: NSFW Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI) language, strained family relationships, mentions of drug abuse, discussions of insecurities and body image issues, daddy and mommy issues
fic tags: Best friends younger sister, Life-long crush, Friends to lovers, Unrequited love, slow burn, Push and Pull, Small Town Dynamics, Secret Relationships, latina MC, Fluff and Angst, OFC!Jessica Alba face claim, sorry Lorraine I'm bringing you into this, Time jumps, 2 year age gap, pre-canon
word count: 4.8k
a/n: OMG babes I'm sorry about the wait. I moved back onto campus and wheww they are working my little english major butt. Heres this little update, dont jump me. Hopefully you can forgive me because we're getting like 3 chapters of New Orleans content so... any way enjoy
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His body still limp over yours; you feel a rush of nerves run up your spine. Burying your face into the space between his shoulder and neck. Perfectly fit. “Javi!” You whisper. His own chuckles dying at the slow realization of how fucked they are. He’s silent for a bit as you two breath slowly in sync. Shutting your eyes tightly half hoping this part of the night is a nightmare. 
“Fuck…” He groans before flopping on his back next to you. The image is dirty too, still in pants but his half hard length exposed sweaty–and you, bare from the waist down. 
The circling thoughts of all the ways this could ruin you runs its course in the silence before you begin to panic. Sitting up in bed quickly, grabbing your pillow to conceal him. Javier sighs as if he doesn't have a care in the world. What are we going to do? What are we going to do? “What are we going to do?” You whisper, bringing your knees to your chest. Your eyes nearly blur as you are still coming down from your orgasm. 
He’s silent, panting still. You could hear your mom in the living room scattering things around. Your chest heaves with each noise she makes, Javier brings his palm flat on your knee, thumb stroking its side. “We’ll come up with something, I’ll leave once we know she’s asleep.”
“She’s going to catch on when I have to explain to her in a few days that I’m catching a ride with you to Louisiana.” You whisper yell, that thought already cripled you since your bath. How in the world were you going to do this? You were so high off of being bathed and fucked by Javi that you hadn’t thought of how to execute this mini vacation and now? He stirs in his bliss, the perfectly placed pillow concealing him falls to the floor.  You look at his waist, groaning, you reach to grab him, he responds in a stomach pitting hiss. You narrow your eyes at him and tuck him back into his boxers. 
 Why is he so calm? How is this not the biggest deal to him? He smirks watching your mind race.
“Something funny?” You snap in the quietest tone possible. And he keeps on that sly little side smile, the mustache doesn’t help the sexiness of it, you’d kiss him in his stupid face if you weren’t panicking inside. He shakes his head, making no effort to sit up and level with you. He just watches your worry. “What.”
“You’re so pretty.”
Your eyes widen, the tips of your ears red hot. You bring your brows in a small pull and a frown, feeling so shy under his gaze. Eyes closed for a moment, he sits up and kisses the line of worry between your brows. His hands holding your cheek. “Javi.” You groan.
He ignores you and kisses your temple, “You’ll tell Melissa I parked the car here,” he kisses your cheekbone next. “And walked to the bar, in case I needed someone sober to drive me home.” His hand moves down to your neck and just above the plane of bone exposed in your tank top. And finally gripping your breast, lips on your ear, “The bar is only a 4 minute walk from here, it was the smartest idea for me. I did it once in high school, remember?” 
Your mouth parts and his thumb grazes over your sensitive nipple. Your brows screw tighter and surprisingly, “No-no I don’t remember.” The idea of him holding onto a memory just like you fills your chest with something unfamiliar. Nails grazing his shoulders, “You’re so touchy.”
He mumbles a complaint before pressing his lips to the side of your face again, “After homecoming, do you remember?”
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October 21st 1979
Lorraine hated the color blue on him anyway. 
When Javier profusely apologized to his girl about homecoming dance or lack thereof, she had sighed and turned her head out the car window. She wasn’t able to accept the idea, the thought of her exclusive partner choosing to keep the company of his best friend's sister instead of showing up to a dance they were made to go together. 
It was a big deal for Lorraine. She had just lost her virginity to Javi and he had called her his girlfriend to his dad just a week before. Homecoming was meant to be them showing themselves to the world. Javier on the other hand couldn’t care for the approval or acknowledgment of others. If people asked, he’d tell them.
 So he apologizes with a hand on her knee. There is no right way to tell her, to explain to her why Javier picked you over her that night. He couldn't tell her that the thought of you being upset makes him sick in some twisted overprotective way. He can't say those things, not to someone who liked him so much. He can't say that to her because he also liked her just as much. 
“I forgive you.” She sniffles, her tear stained nose pointed towards the door. Her blue manicure scraping his knuckles. The color matching the tie he had planned to wear, his chest tightened. 
He hadn’t regretted the night. Telling you the truth, being there for you after being humiliated. He’s known you since you were young, he had developed that need to be in your corner at all times. No one ever was. But, he should’ve called Lorraine, he should’ve told her. She’s understanding, kind, she would have offered to come over and help the situation because that’s just who she was. 
Javier hadn’t called, and shoved deep down in a space too uncomfortable to reach he made the decision not to rather than forgetting. The shameful hope that maybe the fast moving relationship would crash and that fleeting thought made him feel awful. That was the first time he had looked at you, in your pretty dress and felt more scared than he’s ever felt in his entire life. 
His voice dying in his throat the second he saw the way you learned to cry. Quietly, wiping your face with the back of your palm, trying to hide any evidence of discomfort. 
Lorraine cried differently, head turned away but she lets herself go. She doesn’t apologize like you do, she cries and doesn’t wipe away the evidence. 
“You forgive me?” Disbelief and shameful disappointment lacing his voice crack.
It’s silent again but she nods. “You’re not allowed to go to the bar for the rest of the year.”
Javier chuckled, his thumb brushing her knuckle. She faces him now, cheeks still wet. Her blonde hair pulled in a low pony, she was just so classically beautiful. Javier felt silly in her presence, there was no way people thought he was up to her standard. “I’m seventeen.”
She scoffs, “I know you go to the bar on fridays, they let you in. Josie saw your truck there last weekend”
She was right. “How’d she know it was me, it could've been my dad.” He teases, internally wincing knowing this isn’t the time. He had been sort of caught. After being away at the youth academy he had frequented the bars, the small habit urged on when he came home. Despite the owner very well knowing who Javi was and his age, they still let him in. So he’d grab a drink or two and drive home. It was a part of his new routine here, maybe he was escaping something, maybe he hoped his mom would walk through the bar doors. It was no coincidence he only sat in at The Tap, the bar his mother frequented in the late years before she left him.
“I know your dad doesn't drink, I’m not joking. It isn't safe to drive like that.” She brushes her hair out of her face, frowning at him so slightly. Javier nods in agreement. 
“Is it that you don't want me to go or you don't want me to drive there?” 
He was being a hardass he knows, he must have gotten it from his mom because Chucho would never talk back to his woman. He knows the answer, he knows that the question will rile up Lorraine. And still somewhere far in his chest is the desire to argue so much that he can find a way out of this. 
Lorraine’s cheeks flush red like it does when she’s angry, she looks out the window for a moment like she’s wondering if what she’s about to say next is appropriate.
“It isn't healthy. You need to deal with the loss of your mother in better ways.”
Javier’s chest caved in on itself, the tips of his own ears getting hot. His gaze quickly averted from every part of Lorraine's face to see if she was serious, if he had heard her correctly. No one knew the details about Flaca, not even Frankie, not you. All you and your brother know is that she had left when Javier was little, she wasn't around when you met him and he never seemed bothered. It always seemed like a nonissue. “My mother isn't dead.” Javi snaps, impulsively reaching for his car keys. He needed to drop Lorraine off before this conversation goes any further. 
“I know-” Her hand is quicker as she grabs the keys before him. “Your father told me she used to go to that bar, he pointed it out when we had dinner last week.”
“Give me the keys, you're going home.”
Lorraine flares her nostrils and moves the key further, “No Javi. Talk to me, I don't know anything about your childhood, about your mom, about what you do when we’re not together. I know you have abandonment issues I understand-”
Javier cuts her off, “Jesus christ.” Something strange thrums in his chest, an urge– an urge to cry. An urge he hasnt felt in years, this is fucked. 
“Don't scoff like I’m crazy, it's why you do all this shit! It's why you left me stranded on homecoming, you're trying to avoid this commitment. Avoid us, this. ”
There it is. 
“Jesus- I literally told you I had to help Andrea out stop changing the topic–why the fuck would you bring my mother into-”
“No lets talk about it, your weird fucking obsession with that girl. Acting like she’s completely off limits, freaking out because I introduced myself to her. You told me you two were not even close! You said you stopped being friends when you went away last year, go figure.” She laughs dryly.  Javier’s blood runs dry, facing forward and shutting his mouth. “Abandoning your life for a year because of what? The academy? Give me a break.” They had bickered but nothing like this, he hadn't seen this side of Lorraine. Using something as personal as his mother to feed into something as stupid as homecoming. “She was rude to me at the game and you let it slide, if you’re in love with that girl just fucking spare me. I have no interest in competing against a girl like that.” 
Like that. 
He takes a breath before continuing. He needed to be rational.He feared any reaction would reveal some truth in her fear. In love with her, it made the strangest knot in his stomach. He had barely interacted with you in the past year. There was no way. Sure he cares for you, a lot, maybe too much. Maybe you consume more of his thoughts than he’d like to admit. Maybe when the two of you were younger he thought you were the sweetest thing to walk this earth but the 2 year gap felt larger than life then. Maybe he’s just confused seeing you older, mature, prettier and maybe he can't stand seeing you be with anyone else. Maybe he misses being around you right now. Just maybe, maybe when Lorraine brought up his mother he felt a sense of dread, she knows something you don't and why does that feel so wrong? 
“It isn't like that, just–just please give me the keys Lorraine.” 
Without a word she complies and Javier takes her home without a goodbye. 
He drives aimlessly for another hour, around town. He passes where he met you by the bikes all those years ago. He remembers those stupid overalls you wore religiously. He passes your moms boutique, the soft lighting of the shop reflecting on the puddle outside the stoop. And he passes the bar his girlfriend had just banished him from, he's urged to enter it more than ever. Spend a few dead presidents on something to distract him from the unsettling feeling of… he wasn't sure. 
And fuck it, he drives straight to your house. He wasn't sure when his brain started registering it as your house and not his best friend Frankie’s house but he makes the left and heads up the small hill where your home sat perched in all its glory. An empty driveway and a soft glow coming from the curtains. He remembers waiting outside your door waiting for you to enter safely on hot summer nights. 
He parks, eyes skating at the cash in his cup holder, he could leave his truck here and walk to the bar from here. Just in case of course, in case someone catches his truck. His mouth dries when his eye catches the bracelet that belongs to his girlfriend, the word sounding wrong in his own head. He needs a drink. 
Javier’s boots crunch on the–no, your driveway was paved, your mother thought dirt driveways were a messy disgrace. He had been so used to having to lay his shoes on the porch in order to be allowed into his own home. 
He knocks, it’ll probably be Frankie answering the door if he isn't somewhere bothering his girlfriend. But after only a few seconds he hears you giggling behind the door and Javier finds himself forming a smile before you even reach the knob. The door swings open and-
“Jesus christ what's on your face?” He blurts a bit too loud, your eyes widen and somehow through the mess on your face you turn beat red. Your hand is flying to cover your face.
 On your face are red spots at the apple of your cheeks, brows glued down with a thin pencil line mimicking an eyebrow, lips red lined dark and those fake eyelashes Diana Ross wears. 
The back of your palm is covered in lines of makeup, browns, blues and yellows. And to top it all off you're in a large shirt and slippers. “Javi–what are you doing here? Oh my god” You shriek, looking over your shoulder still hiding your face.
Javier can't help but feel a warmth spread through his chest at the sight while something else in him scolds himself for reacting so rudely. “Sorry I was wondering if I could leave my car here for a bit–what-you don't have to keep covering your face I already saw it.” Javier steps up onto the highest ledge and peers over your shoulder, your new friend Liandra coming up behind. 
“Javi! What a nice surprise, I was practicing my stage makeup for Cabaret on Drea, come in!” She urges, and Andrea swiftly drops her hand shooting a glance at her friend with makeup brushes in her hand. Feeling out of place and rather creepy imposing on your sleepover he shakes his head gives you a glance you can only read as, let's talk alone. 
You catch on dismissing yourself for a moment and closing the front door behind you, the light cutting away into the darkness of the night surrounding the two of you. It was a bit chilly for you to be out here, he promised himself he won't keep you long. The two of you haven't spoken since he kept you company last weekend while you detailed your tiny anxieties and insecurities, how you held so much in that tiny body of yours is beyond him. He felt that weird stupid primal instinct of protectiveness when thinking of you being so torn down by the jokes of pathetic men. He hasn't spoken to you in school the following week, attempting to keep you far away from Lorraine. That would have just added salt to the open wound, he wanted a do over. Maybe when they were better together he could properly introduce the two, put out whatever fire Lorraine believes to be between the two of them. 
But you looked exceptionally beautiful in this light, even with your face painted. And a thought like that isn’t okay. Not when your brother could be in the house or heading home. 
Your lips quirk into a small grin, he had been staring this whole time forgetting to speak. “Sorry for this,” You wave a hand over your face, “I was doing Liandra a favor. Didn’t mean for my face to scare you much.”
Javier’s stupid heart skips a beat, “You didn't scare me.”
You shake your head and bite the inside of your lip, who are you, Javi thinks, when did I start to feel like this?
 “Sure, just next time when you bump into me bare faced dont scream, it might hurt my feelings.”
Javi finds no humor in your self depreciation, not after last saturday. Haven't you known? You were so pretty it hurt him bone deep. He’d tell you over and over if it was appropriate but instead he dissents. Looking behind him at the hill that leads to town, to the bar, it was getting dark. 
“Is your brother home? Mom?”
You cross your arms in suspicion, “My mom is staying late doing inventory at the store and Frankie is staying at Genies, doing… whatever they do.” You grimace for a split second thinking of your brother and his second year of the honeymoon phase with his girlfriend. “You need to leave your car here, why is everything okay?”
A small line of worry folds between your brows and like always it causes his stomach to flip. What's gotten into him? 
“Everythings fine, I just planned to get a few drinks at the bar and didn't want to bring my dads truck in the line of sight of all the nosy people in town.”
You get that judgy look in your eye you gave him whenever you’d watch him smoke weed in the basement, “You’re 17, why don't you just go out and drink with your friends.”
“Got an issue with me going to the bar?”
“No.” You did, at the time your stomach had been in knots at the thought of him doing something so adult, he never felt more out of reach than in that moment. “I don't, so what, you're gonna walk up here drunk and drive home. Not happening.”
Bossy, Javier’s eyes fall to the ground trying to hide the spark in his eyes. What the fuck is happening, he’s blushing like a schoolboy at fucking Andrea. “I was hoping If I was too wasted you could just call me a cab.”
“And if I’m not awake?” You stayed awake the whole time, worried about him. 
“I’ll throw a rock at your window, last resort. I rarely get drunk anyway, you can assess the situation.”
You're silent for a moment, your own done up eyes falling to your bunny slippers. You frown for a moment, conspiring all of the ways this could go wrong. Before sighing, “Sure. Be safe or whatever.” 
Javier watches you step away and enter the house again. His hand rising to his chest to try to subside the rapid beating behind it. Why is this happening to me? Wasn’t I angry 30 minutes ago? 
He hears you and your friend let out girlish laughs and for a moment he considers knocking again. Forget the whole thing, just spend time with you instead, it was probably healthier. It would have made him feel better for the moment. But he knew he couldn't do that, how would he explain that to Lorraine. 
Yeah after we argued about Andrea, I went directly to her house to make myself feel better, will you still have me Lorraine?
Surely not.
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“No wonder I blocked that from my memory, I looked horrendous.” 
“You looked cute. Like a flapper from the 20s.” He whispers, since the beginning of the story it seemed your mother had gotten in bed. The two of you stayed quiet anyway, holding onto each other under the covers. Your cheeks crimson at him describing the memory in detail. You hadn't known Lorraine had such a bad taste of you from the start, when you had been introduced to her as his girlfriend just a month later she had been so kind, like she had been on homecoming night. 
And to bring up his mother in the petty argument…you wished you knew how to react. 
You simply knew close to nothing about his mom, to you he made it seem so insignificant. You wished you had known he left to the bar to feed into his unhealthy habit of hoping maybe she’d walk in, if you had known you would have forced Liandra to do that stage makeup on his face. Keep him away from that cycle of grief. 
“Do you remember how you showed up later?” You ask, his retelling brought every detail of that night back to the forefront of your brain. The sweetness of each interaction when he stumbled tipsy to your front door a few hours later ringing in your ears. 
Javier shuts his eyes, “I don't actually, I got a bit drunk huh?”
You giggle, “Yeah… you did.” You just couldn't believe you had forgotten about it, it wasn't like you. 
Javier drops his head in the crook of your neck in boyish embarrassment, “Jesus christ.”
It was 11pm, you were starting to worry that your mother would come home early and unload questions about the situation. Liandra was long gone and so was your painted face. Just you and a bouncing knee as you tried to occupy yourself with a rerun of Different Strokes season 1. Your hair was in its slightly overgrown phase of the layers Genie cut for you in August, pulled in a high ponytail. Face paint still in small dusty crusts on the front strands of your hair, you'd consider another shower if you weren't waiting for a knock. 
“You showed up so late, I was afraid my mom would catch us and tell Frankie.” You tell Javi as you stare at the vanity you used to get ready on every morning before school. 
Javi sighed, sounds familiar. 
Javier knocked half past 11, you sprung to your feet and opened the door. You almost want to laugh thinking of how Javier looked with no mustache, baby faced and glossy eyed. You stare at the grown men next to you and your heart swells at the thought of knowing him for so long. 
I’m drunk, he states the second you open the door. Your brows shooting high, Should I call you a cab? You ask, closing the door behind you. Your eyes switch to his fathers truck and back to him. Javier pulls his lips together in a drunk disagreeing pout.
Would you let me sleep here?
Your heart leaps in your chest, how you wished you could have let him. You were only fifteen then and you protected that small fantasy of being with him, forever, taking care of someone. You wished to just let him in and put him to bed, take care of the boy you had such a crush on. 
It's a funny thing, just 6 months later it was him taking care of your drunken body.
 “I wanted to let you stay.” You tell Javi now, your gaze caught on his side profile under the lowlights of your room. His jaw tightens and the urge to move closer, to kiss him goes bone deep. “I didn't know about your mom, I should have let you stay.”
Javier shakes his head in disapproval and turns to face you. “You did the right thing, you called me a cab right?” He tries to work through his memories, catalog and figure out what happened after he came drunk. He remembers being at the bar, someone asking if he was the son of Flaca and when he lied the patron went on and on about how messy she would get when she stopped by after her shift at the hospital. Javier remembers feeling protective over a mother who had never cared for him in the first place. 
“I offered to drive you.”
I can drive you home. He looked like he sobered up in that moment, the thought of you behind the wheel unsettling beyond anything else. 
Absolutely not
You remember scoffing, I dont have my license yet, but I can drive!
Javier had shook his head aggressively, Not happening, it's unsafe. 
You clamped your mouth shut before forcing him to stay put on your front door step as you head in to call him a cab. You had joined him on the steps again.
How’s high school treating you, he slurs slightly. He was already quite the big teen, broad and tall, his drunk wasn't the same as Frankie’s. Javier’s drunkenness was a small blush on his cheeks and a toothy grin. The opposite of how he presented in school when he walked around with that unapproachable frown and crinkle in his brow. 
Always looking like he was on the brink of either fucking you up or fucking you. 
It’s okay, I wish you would talk to me more, you wanted to say. It's weird to hang out with people that actually chose to be my friend. 
Javier’s drunken glance loaded with discontent cuts into you but he doesnt egg it on. His eyes gaze back down at the solid ground below them. You watched his gaze soften as he lost himself into his own thoughts. You remember looking at his face and feeling lonelier than ever. What lovely feelings at fifteen. 
“You weren't yourself that night, you didn't even argue with me. It felt lonely sitting with you when you weren't yourself.” 
Javier, the one that's yours, frowns and nods. “I was drunk but I remember hoping you would have touched me, at the time I think I needed some sort of comfort.”
In whispers you apologize to him now and he wants none of that, shaking his head. He grabs your hand and kisses the jagged bones of the back of your hand. Being a teenager sucked. Freshman year sucked. “The cab came quickly, what happened when you went home?” 
Javier stares off for a moment and quickly his thick brows furrow. “Lorraine was in my living room when I came home. We made up and she promised me she’d start over with you.” 
Ah, you thought. It made sense, that entire month of watching them slowly get close again until they finally made it official. That month when he ignored you and you watched him trail the halls, blushing behind him wondering if maybe you two just grew apart or if he realized he didn't need to be your friend anymore. Of course until that day in December when Javier found you with your textbooks in hand and a blotchy face. The day Lorraine introduced herself as if none of this happened. 
“Right.” You mumble, pulling up the covers closer to your chest. Nostalgia flooding and crushing you right in bed with Javier, your thoughts spasming and jumping to all the things you promised to get over. And you turn your back against him, smushing your cheek into the pillow. Too confused to cry and Javier wastes no time in pressing his lips on the round of your shoulder. 
“It’s always been you Andrea, you know that.”
Your chin quivers and through it all you smile. With his face pressed against your shoulder you bring your left hand across your body to rough up his hair. “Whatever softie.” He groans, giving your shoulder a nice bite. “I’ll tell my mom it was a bar thing, but I’ll have to lie about Louisiana.”
“Mmm, what are you going to say?” He’s dozing off, you hear his voice getting rougher and smoother. 
You think of your mother for a second. You think of all the times she’s belittled you, made a decision for you, and apologized with a gift. You think of her saying that you have overstayed your welcome here, in the home you were raised. And fuck that, fuck her. 
“I’m just going to leave, she doesn't care enough.” 
Javi stills in his kisses, “And your brother.” 
You roll your eyes, forgetting about that pest.
 “We can figure it out in Louisiana.”
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blackswan446 · 8 months
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a bitter december night
the sky an abyss of darkness, and
red snow
falling from above,
the icy flakes
landing on your face.
the frigid wind hit your cheeks,
and nearly froze the tears that stained them.
you quickly ducked into the door of the main building on campus, sheltering yourself from the summer rain. taking your hood down and fixing your hair, you glanced around the lobby of the large school. scanning the space quickly, you looked for him, but didn't see him anywhere. disappointed, you checked the time on your watch and started the walk to your classroom, which was all the way in the back of the building. the whole way there, you looked around for him, down every corridor and inside every room. nowhere.
you reached your class door and swung it open, revealing a lecture hall of students waiting for the professor. you looked around the room for your friend, and heard somebody call your name. "[name]!" hoseok hissed, motioning you over to a seat towards the right side of the room. you smiled and rushed over to him, slipping into the chair next to his. "hey. how'd your weekend go? is hojoon still sick?" you asked him as you placed your jacket on the chair back. "not anymore. you should've seen it, mom told him that if he was really sick, he'd have to go to the doctors. he was up and out of bed so fast, you would've thought jesus christ had just performed a miracle." hoseok laughed. you chuckled. "honestly, i can't blame him for that. i hate going to the doctor."
hoseok laughed again, and you glanced more around the room. "looking for your prince charming?" he asking in a teasing tone. you whipped back around at hoseok, who was smiling playfully at your antsy state. "don't say that so loud." you scolded, "but yes. he said we'd go out again today, to this park he knows. we're going to see the trees one last time before fall starts." you said, beaming. he gave you a tender smile. "well, i hope things go well between you guys. you deserve it." he said, nodding as he spoke.
you smiled back at him just as the teacher entered the room. she greeted the class dryly as her high heels clicked along the tile floors. just before the wooden door could fall shut, another blank-faced student grabbed it and trudged into the room. he stood tall, his height reaching just below the door frame. he had fluffy, jet black hair, that was damp from the storm outside. raindrops ran down the front of his sleek jacket and his shoes left a wet trail of footprints behind him.
it was him
trying to look nonchalant and preoccupied, you quickly focused your attention on the materials in front of you. meanwhile, you were furiously kicking hoseok underneath the table, and you heard him stifle a laugh. the sound of his squeaky wet shoes on the tile floor was louder than the teacher's talking, which put all the focus on him--something that would've made you nervous. but he walked without a care in the world, towards the back of the room.
as he passed your chair, he shot you a charming smile, and lightly squeezed your shoulder--quickly enough that nobody would remember in a few seconds, but long enough for you to remember. you returned his smile, and just like that, he was at the back of the lecture hall. waiting a few seconds, to make sure he wasn't watching you, you spun around to hoseok.
he was already glancing in your direction, and when your eyes met his, he smiled excitedly. you returned his grin with a giddy one of your own, and tried to refocus your attention back to the presentation in front of you. as hard as you tried, your thoughts wouldn't stop rushing, the butterflies wouldn't leave your stomach, and there was probably an eternal blush spread on your face.
this feeling made you feel like you were in high school again, when you first noticed him. you had a crush on him for all four years, and when you found out you'd being going to the same college, almost exploded from the excitement. you took it upon yourself to get him to notice you, to like you, or even to give you some sort of acknowledgement. and last year, after working up the courage to interact and make small talk with him, you grew closer. he treated you like a princess, always buying you new things and offering to take you places.
what shocked you the most about his sudden interest is that you weren't even dating yet. as of now, you guys were still just friends. his behavior as just a friend made you wonder, what kind of guy is he in a relationship?
you had a feeling that the burning question in your mind was going to be answered soon, and that you were going to make it official within the next few days. he told you that he wanted to go to a park and see the flowers again before they all died in the fall, and said he made plans to spend the rest of the afternoon together after that. what else could that possibly mean?
you fought the urge to squeal and kick your feet as you pondered the situation.
everything was going so well...
what could possibly go wrong?
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definesanity · 2 months
The Weird Ones
Uzi Doorman was not your typical teenage girl. In fact, she was the farthest thing from it.
Her mom had managed to get her into college, bless her, and in Copper City, no less, but people STILL knew she was the daughter of Khan.
Thankfully, there is someone who doesn't mind. Actually, a few.
First, Lizzy and Russian Doll. No, that is genuinely her name, and isn't bullied for it due to Lizzy. Lizzy is the atypical mean girl, and Doll is... well, a friend of her's, and a Russian transfer student.
Thad is cool. Not much to say other than, minus the ones he hangs out with, he's decent enough.
And, then, there are the last three. Who are, by far, the strangest.
Nathaniel, Victoria, and Jessica Elliot. Or, more commonly, for some reason, N, V, and J.
They're the adopted siblings of Tessa James(who calls their daughter James???) Elliot, a girl who is preeeeetty high up on the social ladder. N, as much as the guy is a golden retriever, is a nice guy at the end of the day.
Which then led her to meeting V and J, and then realising that she was gay as fuck.
She means. Come on! V walks around with that coat showing off her honkers and J is. Well she definitely awakened some things!
So, it came to Uzi. Alone. Groaning that she's single. Again. For like. The. Fifth time that day.
Her phone buzzed and her arm nearly dislocated at the speed at which she grabbed it.
It was a text from N:
Golden_Retrievers_Have_Gentl: Hey! Busy? Just wanna hang out and chat about something! :D
Uzi's reply was simple, but effective:
DarkXWolf17: pls holy shit i am so fucking bored rn. where u wanna meet
Golden_Retrieves_Have_Gentl: Outside of campus! I'll wait for ya! ;3
Finally, something to do.
Eh, it's not bad.
It is just. Chatting. But, to be honest, Uzi likes N's stories. They're pretty funny at times, especially when it's concerned over Tessa and her less-than-posh ways.
Still, N eventually paused, oddly enough, and made a thinking pose.
"Yo, Thinker, you doing okay?" Uzi was gonna kill herself later for caring.
"Eh? Oh, right, sorry! Just thinking, is all... so, um. Can I ask for a favour?"
"...What is it." Uzi didn't look amused.
"Hey, I'm not asking you to win the Election! It's just, you're single, right?"
"Thanks for the reminder." Uzi didn't look impressed, and N sucked in a whince.
"Yeeeeeah... well, not related, can you... keep an eye on my sister, please? I got a call from Tessa who happily reminded me I'm needed for something, soooooooo..."
"Oh, sure, yeah. Who is it? V? J?"
"Cyn!" N replied happily.
"Who." Uzi's flat expression could be framed in a museum. Or, heck, give her a record for "Most Flat Expression" so she can be famous for something *other* than being the spawn of Khan Fucking Doorman.
"...Oh, right, yeah! Um. She's the youngest, although we're all about the same age anyways, she's pretty short, has yellow eyes, and is really sweet!"
Uzi raised an eyebrow. "...Then how come I haven't seen her before, then?"
"She's homeschooled! She's a little, uh..."
"I heard you were. Talking shit. Big Brother."
"OH JESUS CHRISTMAS--" N jumped five feet into the air, and to the side, revealing to Uzi the most autistic girl she's ever seen in her entire life.
Cargo shorts. Fucking. Cargo. Shorts.
Cyn was, put simply, kinda cute. And also heavily autistic, from what Uzi can tell.
N whispered to her, *"Hey, just so you know, she's not doing that on purpose! She has a speech problem!"*
"Annoyed Expression. I can, hear you. Dickhead."
"OHLOOKATTHETIMEIGOTTAGOANDDASHNOWBYYYYYYYE!" N ran away, leaving behind a goth in a hoodie and beanie with an autistic college(???) girl with a t-shirt with Jenny Wakeman on it and cargo shorts.
"...'Annoyed Expression'?" Uzi quoted. It definitely was strange. But Uzi herself had scoured a 97% of of 100% for an autism test so she can't say shit.
"Mm. I heard that my, facial expressions are hard to, read." Cyn's voice was slightly deep, and her words were slowly spoken. Kinda like a robot. Neat.
"Therefore. Neutral Expression. I announce my, current expression." Cyn finished with a shrug.
"...Yeah, that's fair I guess. Still, does it get tiring?"
"Bemused Look. Does it not get hot, wearing black clothes?"
"Bite me." Uzi said by reflex. A habit she developed when she was younger that sticked with her even now.
From there, Uzi learnt three things:
Thing One: Cyn is highly autistic, yes, but underneath the 'tism was a pretty intelligent gal. Although most that knowledge was in robotics.
(I know you're reading this Archie, and I didn't say it at the time, but 'the 'tism' was the best thing I'd heard all day /gen --Ryuusei.)
Thing Two: 'Criss-Cross Applesauce' is now the funniest thing Uzi has ever heard.
Thing Three: Um.
...She was cute, okay??? Don't blame her! Bite her!
Which led to about a few months later. Wherein she was sitting down near some statue and N was looking at her patiently.
"...So I might be dating you sister." Uzi croaked out. She didn't look dead inside, but she has a feeling she will be dead on the outside sooner than later.
N, so far, took it well. "Oh! Um. Okay! I don't mind at all! Who is it? V? J?"
Uzi made a pained noise that sounded like that of a quiet banshee scream.
N then had his two braincells knock together.
At the same time Cyn leaned over Uzi, and waved, smiling.
N had a dial-up moment. "Wah???"
"Amused Expression. You look, surprised, Big Brother, N."
He gestured to Uzi. Uzi went near him, and he leaned next to her ear.
"Okay, I mean, I'm not mad, really! Just a little surprised! I mean, like. The claws???"
Uzi looked at Cyn. Her 'claws' are moreso just sharp nails.
"Spicy." Uzi replied with a smile.
N looked very confused.
Cyn went '^_^'
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coldfanbou · 2 years
Old Friends Come Back
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So this is an epilogue piece for the University Secrets series. I was just having some fun with this piece. Uh, there's some cheating and a little rough sex involved. Please enjoy.
Length 2.5K
Umji X Mreader
Previous Part
It had been seven years since you had all graduated from the university. The group, for the most part, had gone its separate ways. Beyond your graduation, you and SinB had stuck together and gotten married. Yerin was always around, too, being your friend as well as an outlet for sexual frustration. You and SinB would often have her over for a threesome, though sometimes it would just be sessions between you and her. From what you had heard, the others had gotten married too, and it would be the first time you'd see them since graduation. You, SinB, and Yerin chatted as you prepared for the reunion. "Do you think we'll see the others? It's been so long, and I want to see them again."
"I'd really rather just stay in than go to this reunion."
"Don't be like that. Come on, SinB, tell him."
"It’s going to be fun; we'll get to see all our old classmates," SinB said as she attached her earrings. "Besides, Yerin's right. What if we do see the others?"
"SinB, it's not like we can exactly talk about what we did during our years there. They're married now, remember?"
"Spoilsport." Yerin retorted, sticking her tongue out at you. 
"SinB, remind me to punish Yerin next time."
"I'll write it down. What punishment?"
"Bondage and the sex machine"
"Hey! No, I just stuck my tongue out at you."
"Let's vote on it then. All in favor?" You and SinB both raise your hands. "The Yeas have it."
"This is totally unfair! You always side with him, SinB."
"I do not; it's only when he wants to punish you."
"Fine, but can I at least choose the size of the dildo? The last one made my ass sore."
"Denied; I get to choose."
"You heard the lady, Yerin." Yerin audibly groans and throws herself on your bed.
"Not fair at all." 
"Is everyone ready?" The ladies give you a nod, and the three of you leave your home to drive to the campus. Bright lights adorn the entry bridge. The large concrete slab with the name of your university is lit up. As you drive in, SinB and Yerin point to all the things that have changed and the spots where they had strong memories. You follow the sign telling you where to park and eventually find a parking spot in the crowded lot. "Looks like a lot of people came."
"More of a chance that they came then!" Yerin shouted as she got out of the car and stretched. 
"I still wouldn't be so sure."
"Honey, let her dream," SinB said as she smacked your shoulders. 
"Yeah, let me dream! …wait a second." SinB starts running off, Yerin following right behind her. "You don't believe me either! Get back here, don't make me look like an idiot!" You chuckle to yourself, seeing how the two are so playful with one another. Starting a slow jog to keep up with them, you look at long halls. The old concrete arches are still the same as when you first met and fucked SinB. You say as much when you catch up to SinB and Yerin.
"Oh my god, who would've thought all this would've happened from me bumping into you," SinB said as she rolled her eyes.
"SinB, it was so much more than that. You were such a bad person back then."
"I was not!"
"Right, right, oh mighty queen bee SinB" You and Yerin feign bowing.
"Okay, maybe I was a little bit of a bad person." She said while pinching her finger and thumb together to insinuate she was just the tiniest bit of a bad person back then. "But, I think it all worked out in the end. I have you after all." SinB reached her hand out and held yours.
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Yerin cheered on.
"Yerin, be quiet." You kiss SinB on the cheek as she says that. She blushes afterward, not expecting you to go through with it. 
"Come on; we're nearly at the library." You said as you led the way 
"Speaking of the library, a weird place to hold a reunion, don't you think?" Yerin asked.
"Yeah, a little, but it makes sense when you have a first floor that's mostly open space."
"Yeah, I guess so. I would've liked it to be at a hotel, though."
"Yeah, that would've been nice," SinB said. Arriving at the library, you see the greeting committee taking names at the entrance. Once you're finally inside, you see nearly the entire class showed up. "Yerin, get us a table in the far right part; there aren't many people there."
"On it, you guys get me something to drink and make it strong!" Yerin yelled as she made her way across the library lobby. You and SinB head to the impromptu bar that the school had set up to get some drinks. You look around as your waiting, trying to spot anyone you recognize. When you fail to, you turn back to the bar and grab your drinks as they come.
 "Do you see any of them, SinB?"
"Not one."
"Alright, let's head back to Yerin." Yerin waves you over from a distance as she spots you from afar.
"Did you see them?"
"Nope, not one." 
"Hmmm, well, they'll be here eventually. I just know it." Yerin says with some confidence in her words. Much of the night is spent at the table chatting amongst each other, with the occasional break when another classmate would momentarily intrude. 
"I'll go get us another drink." You tell the ladies as you walk off back to the bar. You spot a certain former student union member wearing a short gold dress. Umji is standing at the bar getting herself a drink when you come up behind her and pat her head. As she turns her head, her eyes go wide with shock.
"Mast-! I-I mean, it's you." Umji says as she catches herself nearly referring to you as master. The name she called you for your years together. "W-what are you doing here?" 
"Getting a drink, Umji. How have you been? I hear you're married."
"T-that's right, I am. I've been doing well since graduation. I've ended up working in finance." As Umji continues to speak, you get a message from SinB.
"Is that Umji?" You send a quick yes as a reply. From a distance, you see Yerin and SinB running over.
"So, how have things gone for you?" Umji asked.
"They've gone pretty well, I'd say. Yerin and I are still friends, and I married SinB."
"You married SinB!?" She asks in complete shock.
"Yeah, why don't you ask her yourself?" You reply as you point behind her. As Umji turns around, she's met by two grinning faces; SinB and Yerin give her a big hug. They squeeze the smaller woman with all their might.
"Umji! It's been so long! How have you been?" Yerin asks in a near scream. As Umji gives the same response she gave you, Yerin asks a follow-up question. "Where's your husband?"
"Oh, he's at home; he didn't want to come. I'm a little sad, but what can you do?"
"That’s awful; he didn't want to come with you?"
"No, he's just sitting at home," Umji said as she looked to the floor, a solemn lol on her face.
"Join us, Umji; we'll make sure you have a great time tonight."
A gentle smile forms on Umji's face, and she agrees to join your table. As you all move back and ask each other for more details, the topic turns to graduation, with Umji saying, "Yeah, after graduation, it was a little tough being away from the master-" Umji pauses as she realizes what she said. 
Yerin is the first to jump on this Freudian slip "Master? It looks like you're still a part of the group, aren't you?"
"No! I'm not; it's just that I'm so used to calling him that. I'm not part of the group anymore."
"Really? Don't you want to fuck him again? Don't you remember how good it felt to have his cock tear you apart? I know the feeling so well. We have sex so often. Don't you want to be a part of that?"
"Ignore her, Umji," you tell her. "She's already had quite a few drinks."
"It’s fine." She says quietly. SinB catches your gaze before motioning to look at your phone. There you see a message from SinB that says to fuck Umji. You just nod your head.
"Hey, Umji, I want to talk to you for a second. Let's go somewhere quieter." 
"Yeah, sure." She says plainly. You take Umji up to the second floor, away from everyone else. At a secluded corner, Umji speaks up before you have the chance to. "I'm sorry for calling you master earlier; it's just a habit."
You push Umji against the wall and tower over her "Are you saying I'm not your master?" You tilt her head back with one arm while the other moves to her side. "I'm still your master, Umji." As you get closer to Umji, she squirms. It’s like she’s fighting with herself; there’s no doubt in your mind that Umji still remembers what it was like being fucked by you. With both hands on her hips, you get beside her ear and whisper, "Isn't that right, Umji? You won't say no to your master, right?"
As you pulled away from her, your hands leaving her body, she held them in place. "You're my master; I'm yours to use." 
Moving your hands to her ass and squeezing it, you say, "That's a good cumdump." A soft whine escapes Umji as you remind her of her position.
"M-more, please, I want more." 
"Oh? You want more?" You slip your hand under Umji's dress, rubbing her pussy through her panties. Umji's moans grow louder as she holds onto you for support. "I'll give you everything you want, Umji; just say the words. I want to hear you say those two words."
"Fuck me, please." 
"Good girl," you whisper. "I'm going to need you to get me nice and wet, Umji." She kneels in front of you as you pull your cock out. Umji is mesmerized by it, staring at your cock for a moment before finally taking it in her hand. Umji's small soft hands start to stroke your cock as her mouth slowly opens. "Go ahead, Umji, taste it." Umji hesitantly licks the head of your cock. As more memories of her time as your cumdump come back to her, she starts to take more of your cock into her mouth. You compliment her on her skill "Fuck, Umji. You haven't forgotten how to suck my cock, but let's see if you can still handle it all." You place your hand on the back of Umji's head and force her forward; she gags initially but quickly becomes used to your cock as it hits the back of her throat. You moan Umji's name as you use her throat for pleasure. At the same time, Umji furiously fingered herself, her fingers becoming drenched as she shoved them deep into her pussy. Satisfied with Umji's performance, you slow down and eventually pull out of her completely. Umji grabs your cock as it leaves her mouth and gives it a sloppy kiss.
Through ragged pants, Umji mumbles, "I have to make sure your cock gets a goodbye kiss." You pull Umji onto her feet. Raising one of her legs onto your shoulder, you tease her pussy with your cock. The head rubs against her lips, leaving Umji a whimpering mess. "Don't tease me! Put it in!" At her behest, you slam your cock into Umji, forcing her tight pussy to take it all in. "Oh fuck! You're so big, master! Your cock is going to break me!"
"What would your husband think? Here you are getting fucked like the cumdump you are."
"I don’t care; he could never make me cum anyway. You ruined my body; your cock is the only one for me." Umji says before you start your thrusts. "Your cock is the best master, fuck me harder!" She yelled as you began to move.
You lift Umji's other leg onto your shoulder, carrying her now. You impale Umji on your cock with every thrust. "Why don't you leave him then? Come back to us." 
"I…don't… know," Umji says in between long moans. You press Umji against the wall, allowing you to put more force into your thrusts. 
"Let me give you a reason, Umji." You said as you began to pound her body relentlessly.
"Oh fuck! I'm cumming! I'm-" Umji holds onto you tightly as she cums. Her petite body shakes in your arms. Despite having just cum, you continue abusing her pussy. Umji's moans grow weaker as her voice grows tired.
"Don't you want this every day Umji? Don't you want to be able to cum again?"
"F…fuck me more, more."  
"Of course, Umji. I'm not even close to done." You use Umji's weight to drive your cock deep into her pussy, hitting her womb each time. "Maybe I'll leave you with a little present, Umji. What would your husband think when you come home pregnant?"
Umji has little visible reaction. Simply muttering, "cum inside, make me yours again." Her words drive you to start thrusting faster. 
"I'll give you just what you want, Umji." As your orgasm approaches, your cock begins to throb inside of Umji. 
Knowing that you're cumming, Umji moans, "cum inside me, fill my pussy, master!" You drive your cock up to her womb and release your baby batter, flooding her with it. Umji's walls clench around your cock, trying to keep your cum inside. You let go of Umji's leg slowly, letting her down and pulling your cock out. As Umji falls to the floor, she reaches out for your cock. Her tongue lazily sticking out, she shoves your cock into her mouth. You moan her name as her tongue swirls around your cock. She pushes herself until she's pressed up against your pelvis; with her lips wrapped tightly around your cock she slowly pulls back, taking all of your cum and her nectar with her. Umji opens her mouth so you can see it full of cum before drinking it all. "Did I do a good job, master?"
"You did great, Umji. But what do you say? Will you join SinB and Yerin again?"
In a cum drunk voice, Umji mumbles, "Of course! I can't live without my master's cum." Umji rubs her face with your cock. "This cock is too good to leave again. I'm not going home."
A sinister smile forms on your face, "why don't we go tell SinB and Yerin the good news?" You help Umji up, and she leans on your arm as you make your way back, cum slowly dripping down her thigh. As you return, you get a message from SinB with a picture of a few familiar faces.
"Guess who we found."
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
transsexual thursday!
yesterday i got in touch with the guy who's gonna be my roommate this fall and he's so cool, if we click in person nearly as much as we do over text i lucked out big time. he's about two months on T and i'm about a month so we'll be transition buddies! and we're in a trans/queer focused hall so we'll have queer community on campus from day one. it's all so exciting and i can't wait to meet him
That's amazing! There's nothing like shared joy-
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127tyong · 2 years
Highway to Heaven: Part 1
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Pairing: NCT Dream ‘00 Line + Yangyang X Reader
Smut Pairings: Jeno X Reader, Renjun X Reader
Genre: PWP (lots of plot), Fluff, College AU
Warnings: Explicit Language, slight CNC (idk, yall tell me tbh), toxic, possessive themes, loss of virginity
Word Count: 7.5 k
“The fuck does he mean by that?” You and Jisoo were sitting at the campus coffee shop, and you just finished telling her everything that happened after she left.
“How would I know?” You sighed, swirling your drink around its cup.
“To be honest, as hot as Jeno and Yangyang are, you have to live with them for a year! Girl, you can’t fuck this up. Don’t let them get to you.”
You sighed, your head in your hands. Painful groans escaped your lips. “I don’t know what to do.”
Jisoo shook you by your shoulders. “Babe, ugh… They’re here.”
“Hi roomie!!!” Yangyang’s voice shocked you, his ever painstakingly loud voice rang throughout the whole shop.
“Please tell me I’m dreaming.” You looked at Jisoo.
Jisoo giggled awkwardly. She shook her head no.
"Do you already dream about me?" Yangyang sat next to you and put his arm around your shoulders.
The rest of the boys grabbed chairs and sat around the table, awkward smiles on each of their faces.
"Hi Jisoo!" Jaemin waved at her, and she awkwardly waved back, her fake smile not fading.
"I'm… gonna get something to drink. What do you all want?" Jeno stood up. 
Renjun quickly stood up too. "I'll come with you, I know everyone's usual order."
They both ran off towards the cashier.
Haechan laughed, his head falling onto the table. "Oh my God, Jeno is actually so pissed. And Renjun is just awkward as fuck around you and Jisoo." He pointed at you.
"What did I even do?" You cried.
"Jeno's a bigger baby than he cares to admit, you need to give him some attention and head pats." Jaemin laughed, petting your head.
"Okay,” Jisoo leaned back in her chair. “What even happened last night? Surprisingly, I don’t live with you guys." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
"Jeno wants to dorm with her-" Yangyang slapped your shoulder. "But he lost at the mafia game. I won, and I wanted to dorm with my favorite girl in the world." He gave you a tight hug.
Jeno slammed some cups onto the table. "Yeah, yeah, you won, good for you, I would've won if I wasn't stuck with these 2 idiots."
"Guilty as charged." Haechan winked. He totally made them lose on purpose.
Renjun sulked. "I'm not that stupid." He handed you a plastic cup full of water, and you thanked him.
"Jeno, if you're that upset, why don't you stay with me tonight?" You said. Instantly you regretted saying that, as everyone's head turned to you, stunned. "Wait, not like that! I just meant we could get dinner or like, watch a movie… Get to know each other!" You mumbled to yourself.
Jisoo started laughing. "Babe, if you wanna fuck him, just say that."
"Jisoo!" You sat up straight.
Yangyang's grip on you got stronger. "Hey, if she's gonna fuck anyone, it should be me! After all, we are roommates."
"Can we all agree to not fuck each other?” Renjun asked, his voice whiny.
Jeno scoffed. “She should just not fuck anyone.”
"What?! It's my decision on who I have sex with." You nearly screeched.
"Jeno's being mean bestie, we should have a movie night together instead!" Yangyang cuddled into the crook of your neck.
"Fuck that! She asked me, not you." Jeno slammed his fist onto the table, resulting in all of the cups to bounce, and your water splashed onto your white shirt. 
Jisoo grabbed your hand. "We're gonna… go. Without y’all. You know." She waved her hand around as she talked.
You grabbed your bag and bolted out of the door with Jisoo. Jisoo took off her oversized hoodie and gave it to you.
"Why is Yangyang so clingy towards you?" Jisoo let go of your hand when you both approached her car. 
You sat in the passenger seat. "No idea. I didn't even look at him in that way."
"Babe, what were you wearing this morning? You know, you don't even have to look at a guy, these things-" She squeezed your boobs as you laughed. "Are what guys are normally looking at anyways. Plus, all of the guys got a nice look at your titties just now either way, your shirt is see through now.”
"Oh, Ji…" You leaned back into your seat and looked up at the ceiling. 
"I'm serious, what if he's some kind of pervert or something, like what if he watches you sleep or something?"
“Wouldn’t that be the best case scenario though? I get out of that place, and it’s the university’s fault, so I could sue!” You laughed. 
“Hun, be real with me for a second. I don’t think you actually hate them.” Jisoo sighed. “You’re just upset you’re not gonna be able to get dick with them around.”
“Hey! I'm not that much of a slut!”
“As my best friend, I have to tell you the truth, and the truth is that you 100% are a slut. Please, you’ve been talking nonstop about how you wanted to lose your virginity when you started at NCIT!”
“Ugh…” You groaned. “I hate when you’re right, but you’re right.”
“Hey, why don’t you just try to get with Yangyang? I mean, he seems to like you, and between me and you, those gray sweatpants don’t really leave much to the imagination…”
By the time you got back to the dorms, you were out $200 after buying some perfume, and Jisoo’s words really sunk in. She was right. You needed to hook up with someone. Anyone but the boys you have to live with.
“Hey hey!” Yangyang’s voice rang out to you.
He was wearing those God awful gray sweatpants. Fuck, Jisoo was right. You really could see a clear outline… Your face grew hot. 
“Oh… Hi Yangyang. I, uh, need to take a shower.” A very, very cold shower. You stumbled into the bathroom
“Wait! I have something I need to ask you.” Yangyang stopped you.
You slid back into the living room. “Sure, what?”
“What movie do you want to watch tonight? You know, movie night between me, you, and Jeno?"
"Maybe… Hereditary?" You suggested. 
"Oh, Jeno doesn't like scary movies." Yangyang shook his head.
"I heard my name, what's up?" Jeno walked out of his room.
He was wearing gray sweatpants too. You actually might be as much of a slut as Jisoo says you are.
"Are you good for watching Hereditary? It’s super scary, but it’s good. I thought we should all watch it together." You asked.
"Uh… sure. Why not." Jeno fidgeted with the string of his hoodie.
"Well, she asked you first. How about she and I have movie night tomorrow, and you two can do it tonight?" Yangyang suggested.
"Sure! Jeno, you can choose the movie then. I'll watch Hereditary with Yangyang."
"Sure…" Jeno sighed in relief. "Um.. How do you feel about Little Forest?"
"Good! I’ll go into your room in like, 30 minutes?" You told Jeno.
He nodded.
You collapsed on your bed, and quickly texted Jisoo.
"ffs jeno has a cute side"
"and thats a problem becauseeeeeee?"
"bc hes supposed to be mean! and omg girl he was nervous to watch a horror movie!"
"like i said, if u dont want him, i'll take him"
"i'll ride that ride allllll night"
"btw did i ever tell u about shotaro?"
"he's taking me on a date tonight. met him like a month ago, idk how i never told u about him.”
"srry but yk, gotta go."
“i’ll tell u how it goes. meet u at the dining hall for dinner tomorrow!”
You put your phone up.
Jisoo got you too worked up, and you started to notice every… big thing about Jeno and Yangyang. You could admit that they were really hot, but fucking your roommate was too scandalous, even for you. You did have to live with them for a year, like Jisoo said.
So, you did what always worked. Your fingers reached into your nightstand and pulled out the box your vibrator was in. Suddenly, you were over conscious about the fact Yangyang was most likely in the room right next to yours, but that fear was immediately dissolved when you heard him screaming, most likely screaming at some video game. So, you pressed the vibrator up to your clit. Thoughts began to run wild. Thoughts about the five men you now live with, thoughts about how insanely big Yangyang was, how mean Jeno was to you, and curiosity as to whether or not you would ever lose your virginity. Ugh, you don’t even start classes for another 2 weeks and you’re already so stressed. Your usual method of relieving your stress isn't working right now either. 
You started to think about Jeno. His broad shoulders and muscular arms, the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles, the way he gets angry… You can’t believe you find his anger attractive. And those thoughts alone were almost enough to make you climax. But suddenly, the lights in your room turned on.
“Hey! It’s been 40…” Jeno’s words started to fade. He suddenly closed the door behind him. “I was wondering why I heard my name… Fuck, you look so pathetic right now.”
“Wait, Jeno, I…” You sat up and turned off your vibrator.
“If you’re gonna tell me you don’t want me to fuck you, you should have enough sense to at least cover yourself with a blanket first.” He scoffed and leaned against the door. “Go on, finish up. You sounded like you were close."
“I, um…” You stared into his eyes, unable to formulate a response.
“Aw, can you not even talk?” Jeno climbed on top of you and kissed your lips.
He was so rough. He kissed you hard enough to make your lips bruise. Biting your bottom lip and wrapping a hand around your neck, Jeno was everything you imagined him to be. Strong, intense. You didn't even get a chance to breathe. His lips tasted like honey tea, and the warmth of his lips made your head spin.
He then trailed kisses down to your breasts. “You have no idea how much I wanted to fuck you when you walked out of your room this morning with your tits out. And then you didn't even wear a bra under your white shirt… Fuck, I was ready to ruin you right then and there." 
“Jeno, slow down, I've never…” You started to pull on Jeno’s hair as he started sucking your nipples, hardening them. His teeth flicked against them.
He gently bit your skin and sucked. "You're mine. All mine. Now, you wouldn't want the boys to see this, now would you?" Again, he sucked on your breasts, near your collarbones, leaving a hickey behind.
Jeno took off his shirt, and all of a sudden the image of Jeno’s body you were fantasizing about became disortated. His abs were so much more pronounced, and his biceps seemed so much stronger than you thought. There’s no way his dick is bigger than you thought, right?
You began to slide up on your bed, your back against the headboard.
His gaze suddenly got sad. “Do you not want it..?”
“No! I do, I um, am just scared it’s gonna hurt.” You giggled in fear.
He laughed. “You haven’t even seen how big I am and you’re already scared?” Jeno took off his sweatpants.
“That doesn’t make me feel any better!” Your jaw nearly dropped as soon as you saw it. You don’t think you’ve ever even seen a dick that big in porn. You were scared as to how you were going to get it into your mouth, nonetheless, into your other holes.
Jeno pet your head, his fingers trailing down your face and making their way into your mouth. “It’s okay, I’ll be gentle.”
You got on the floor and onto your knees. “Wait, let me try it in my mouth first.”
“You sure?” He looked down at you.
“Can you face fuck me?”
Jeno laughed lowly. "Fuck, you really have a way with words, don't you?" 
You pouted, attempting to act cute. “Please? I’m too scared to do it myself.”
Jeno sighed and tossed a pillow onto the floor. “Firstly, put this under your knees or you’ll get bruises.”
“I don’t mind. I’ll be fine.”
“Do you really want everyone to know we’re fucking?”
Your face warmed up. “I mean…”
“Listen, hun.” Jeno scoffed. His fingers slid over your hair, and he held onto the back of your head.” This is a one time thing. Don’t come crawling back to me every time you get horny.” 
And then he shoved his dick into your mouth. It tasted salty, and was way too big for your jaw. Your mouth was wide open, jaw stretched as far as it could go. 
He was much rougher than you expected, but somehow, it was so much more erotic than you expected. Tears pooled out of your eyes and saliva ran down your lips and plopped onto your bedroom floor. 
“You’re such a good girl…” Jeno mumbled to you. “Good girl, good girl, good girl… So pretty when you act like a whore. So, so pretty…” His voice was breathy and shaky. Low moans escaped his lips.
Your legs began to tremble, and you felt that the sticky puddle you were creating from in between your legs.
Jeno seemed to be close, so you placed your hands on his hips and bobbed your head in and out. Sucking hard enough to create a pretty look for Jeno, despite your tears. Cheeks completely sucked in, burning tears running down your face.
“Fuck, just like that… Good girl, fuck, I'm gonna…" He finally came into your mouth. 
"Swallow it all. Good girl." Jeno placed his hand under your chin and pushed up, in order to force you to swallow.
"You're too big for me…" You rubbed your jaw.
Jeno laughed. "I'm only 7 inches long…"
"What do you mean only!"
He scoffed. "You'll see." Jeno started putting his clothes back on.
"Wait, you're not gonna fuck me?"
"You need to start with a dildo first if you're ever gonna survive."
You pouted. "Please?" You dragged out the E.
"You're such a brat. Let's just watch Little Forest.” Jeno wrapped a blanket around your shoulders.
Of course, just because Jeno said he wasn't going to fuck you until after a dildo didn't mean he wasn't going to tease you.
The next day, Jeno woke you up. "Hey, we're going to work out. You wanna come?"
"What the fuck… Let me sleep…" You mumbled and grabbed your phone. "Jeno, it's 5 am! No way in hell!"
"Aww…" He kissed your neck then rested his head on your shoulder. "I thought you would've wanted to watch me work out."
Your eyes widened in shock. "I… do." You desperately wanted to watch Jeno lift weights with his shirt off or watch him sweat and grunt. But right now, the only thing stronger than your libido is your need to sleep. "Let me sleep though…"
"Pretty baby always knows what she wants, hm?" Jeno kissed your forehead then tucked you back into bed.
Suddenly, Yangyang’s voice rang throughout the halls. "Hey Jeno! We're leaving you at home if you don't hurry the fuck up!"
"I gotta go." Jeno kissed your cheek. "Dream about me, okay?"
When you woke back up at 8 am, Jaemin was sitting in the living room watching the morning news.
"Morning." He said. "There's some coffee in this pot." He pointed to the pot next to him.
"Good morning…" You went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup, then poured yourself some coffee. You yawned and stretched, arching your back.
"You're really flexible, aren't you?" Jaemin sipped on his coffee.
"Huh? I guess?" You stretched again.
"Oh, well, your back arches a lot when you stretch."
"You're so fucking weird Jaemin." You rolled your eyes.
"Damn, well, I was going to tell you that a package arrived for you, but I guess I'll open it myself."
"No! Jaemin! Please don't!" You screamed. 
Jaemin pulled a box out from under the blanket next to him. You tried to pull it out of his hands, but even with you climbing on top of him, he managed to tear the tape off the brown box.
And of course, there it was. The 6.5 inch pink dildo of your nightmares. 
Jaemin's mouth dropped. "Um… Sorry." He awkwardly handed it to you.
"Yeah, thanks…" You slid off his lap.
"I'll just say it… I thought you were fucking Jeno and Yangyang."
You sat on the couch and sighed. "Well, if we’re being honest, I want to. Jeno said no because I could barely fit his dick in my mouth."
Jaemin laughed. "Really? Wait till you see mine then."
Your mouth opened in shock. "You did not just say that. You and Yangyang have no filter, I swear to God."
"It's true! Mine is bigger than Jeno's. Literally, Jeno and I have been friends for years." His head fell back on the couch then he turned and looked at you. "Listen, all of the guys and I just want you to be 'one of the boys', but you're not. You're the person in this house that calls all the shots. I swear, you could tell Renjun to kiss your feet and he probably would."
"Renjun? I barely talk to him!"
Jaemin wrapped his arm around your shoulders. "Oh, dear… You're too dumb." He kissed your forehead. "Let me tell you a secret." He leaned in, grabbed your chin, and whispered into your ear. "Every guy here wants to take your virginity."
Gosh, these guys need to learn how to ask you for permission before kissing you.
"How do you know I'm a virgin?"
"That's what you're worried about?" He scoffed. "Hun, you know that Jisoo and I are friends too, right?"
Fucking Jisoo. "Excuse me?"
"I set up Jisoo and Shotaro because they both are Japanese."
You shook your head. “Ugh, either way, why are you telling me all of this?”
Jaemin places his hand on your upper thigh. "Because I want to fuck you. And seeing how Jeno's making you buy dildos… I think you and I would be a good match."
"I…" You pressed your thighs together. "Fuck…"
“Yeah! Let’s play PUBG together tonight.” Haechan’s voice was so loud, even through the front door.
"Shit, they're back. Go hide your dildo." Jaemin pushed you off the couch.
When you stood up, Jaemin slapped your ass, making you shriek.
You quickly ran into your room and hid the box in your dresser, then ran and sat on the couch with your coffee. "Jaemin, can I come into your room after dinner?"
He hummed. "Jeno's gonna hear us then."
"Stop thinking like that!” You hissed.
"WE'RE HOME!" Haechan yelled as he opened the front door.
You jumped out of fear. Jaemin started laughing loudly at your misery. Your face started heating up.
"Stop teasing me!" You shrieked. Obviously, Jaemin did not stop laughing.
"What are you laughing at?" Jeno sat next to you.
"She's too much." Jaemin wiped tears out of his eyes.
Jeno wrapped an arm around your shoulders and kissed your cheek. "How was your morning?"
You opened your mouth to speak, but Jaemin interrupted you. "She and I hung out." Jaemin stood up and grabbed your hand. "We're going to my room."
"Wait, Jaemin!" You protested. Jaemin's grip on your wrist tightened as he dragged you into his room then tossed you onto his bed.
"I can't stand watching him act so sweet to you." Jaemin groaned and sat on his desk chair.
"Why?" You sat up.
"Because all he cares about is sex." He spun around in his chair.
"I mean, so do you." You scoffed.
Jaemin laid down next to you. "Do you really think I'm like Jeno?"
"No! But you know… The thought was there."
Jaemin sighed and nuzzled his face into your neck. "God…"
You pet him. "I'm sorry bunny…"
"Your phone contact from when we met."
"Would it kill the mood if I told you that I want to fuck you like a bunny?"
"Yes. Yes it would." You wrapped your arms around his neck and laid back.
Jaemin kissed your cheek. "You're still cute."
While you and Jaemin were cuddling, something else was happening through just one wall…
"I'm literally about to bring a hooker here. Oh my God, why is Jaemin acting like this!" Jeno dug his nails into a pillow, sitting on the couch.
"Jeno, chill." Renjun wrapped an arm around Jeno's shoulders and hugged him. "They might not even be fucking! They might just be… talking."
"I can literally hear the bed squeaking!" Jeno ran a hand through his hair. Despite his anger, the bed squeaking sounds were coming from the room above them.
Yangyang crouched down in front of Jeno. "Jeno, I'm doing this because I love you." Yangyang's right hand reached back, perpendicular to Jeno’s head. Yangyang quickly slapped Jeno, with a loud smack resonating. 
"Dude! What the-" Jeno stood up.
"JENO! Get over yourself! Do you really think she would've been that eager and willing to sleep with you because you're hot? No! You are just the most available person here."
Jeno sat back down. "Ugh… I know you're right. But I really like her."
"Like what about her?" Yangyang yelled. "Bitch, be for real. You don't like her, you just like the fact that you can have her."
Renjun pulled on Yangyang's hand. "Hey, stop…" 
"No, he needs to understand that he doesn't love her. She's allowed to fuck whoever she wants. He cannot be possessive and mean to everyone in this house just because he "loves" her. You're broken, sucks to be you, but fucking hell. Get over yourself." Yangyang walked over to the kitchen.
Renjun held Yangyang’s hand, but they started yelling at each other in Chinese, while Jeno locked himself in his room.
"Do they think we can't hear them through the walls?" You asked Jaemin.
Jaemin whined. "I simply do not care." His arm wrapped around your stomach.
"She's not even that hot." Haechan poured himself some water, leaning over the kitchen island.
"Stop, you're just mad you're not gonna be able to hit while Jaemin and Jeno are fighting over her." Yangyang, who was standing across from Haechan, grabbed the pitcher from Haechan.
"I totally could! I'm just not into girls who are oblivious about everything." Haechan rolled his eyes. “How does she not know how to fight for herself?”
"Sure, keep telling yourself that." Yangyang scoffed, sipping his water.
Renjun stood next to Yangyang. "Honestly, even I'd fuck her."
"Renjun? You'd wanna sleep with her?" Haechan questioned. "Dude, I thought you were gay. You never even paid attention to a girl before."
"She complimented my hair!" Renjun cried.
"Is that… all it takes? Not the fact she walks around with her ass hanging out? Not the fact her titties bounce when she laughs? ("That's true!" Haechan laughed.) She likes your hair? You know, maybe next time, a girl will compliment your singing!” Yangyang tapped his nails onto the counter.
Renjun sulked. "I spent a lot of money on my hair! And no one ever says anything!"
"Dude… You should tell Jeno that. He'd beat you up. At least you sort of have a reason to like her." Yangyang sighed.
"I don't understand why those two like her so much. Like honestly, I know she's bad, but…" Haechan pointed to his dick. “She’s a virgin, she’s probably never actually gonna put out.”
Yangyang rolled his eyes. "They don't like her, they just want to beat each other."
"But surely they wouldn't get her involved unless… Oh no." Renjun put his cup down.
"Oh yes! You remember the bet now, don't you?" Yangyang stood up straight.
"We should tell her. That poor girl…" Haechan pulled out his phone to call Shotaro.
The three boys worried about you constantly after that. But you were more worried about Jisoo…
"Shotaro gave me these flowers! Isn't he the cutest? I think I want to marry him." You facetimed her from your bedroom.
"Bitch, excuse me?"
"He's just… so perfect." Jisoo gasped loudly. "You'll be my maid of honor, right? You have to! It has to be you!"
"Ji, I haven't even met the boy yet."
"Oh my- You're totally right! Tonight then? We can invite your roommates! We'll get KBBQ? Wear something cute!" She hung up before you could even say anything.
You sighed and collapsed onto your bed.
You didn’t even know how to tell everyone.
Luckily, Jisoo already told Shotaro, who then told Jaemin.
You wore a short black dress, approved by Jisoo. 
Renjun knocked on your door. "Are you ready?"
You opened the door. "Help me zip this up." Renjun was wearing a simple black suit.
Renjun zipped up your dress.  "There."
You closed the door. "Wait, I need to ask you… Are they fighting?"
He sighed. "They always are."
You extended your hand. "Well, let's go then."
Renjun took your hand, and walked out of your room.
Voices started getting louder and louder.
"No, because we have to tell her. I mean, she’s our roommate for fucks sake!" Haechan was getting visibly upset.
"Tell me what? You asked.
"Tell you that-" Jeno quickly covered Haechan's mouth. 
"Nothing. Let's eat first." Jeno smiled at you, then walked out of the dorms.
Renjun gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'll tell you later." He mouthed.
You nodded.
The walk to the taxi was silent. You've never seen these boys be so quiet.
As everyone was getting into the taxi, you pulled Renjun away. "We'll get another taxi! There's too many people anyways!" You told them.
"Ugh, you really wanna do this right now?" Renjun asked.
You tapped on your phone, requesting an Uber. "Yup, now tell me."
Renjun looked at his feet and started pacing. "Well, you know we're all childhood friends and all…"
You grabbed his hand. "Just tell me what's going on."
"Well, Jeno's always been a bit… possessive." Renjun rubbed the back of his neck.
"It seems you're his new possession." Renjun sighed.
"Oh dear God."
"Jeno and Jaemin have this bet that's been going on for a while… If they meet a girl at the same time, whoever hooks up with her first gets to "keep" her. And as we all became friends… well… you know."
"Why me… Can I just… not?" You chewed on the inside of your cheek.
"In my opinion, you should just hook up with one of them and call it done."
"Oh my gosh! Wait! Are you involved in this?" You grabbed both of Renjun’s hands.
"Can we tell them that we hooked up?"
"You seem the most normal."
Renjun pouted. "Am I not cute to you?"
You pet Renjun's hair. "Well, Jaemin's a cute bunny, but he's insane, you're cute and normal."
Your Uber arrived. Renjun opened the door and let you in first.
"So do you wanna tell them tonight?"
"Let's tell them after I meet Shotaro."
"I'll follow your lead then." 
The rest of the car ride was quiet, besides the music the Uber played. Renjun kept holding your hand and playing with your fingers.
When you got to the restaurant, Renjun opened the door for you. 
You walked inside and found Jisoo. "Please don't be mad at me." You whispered, sitting next to her at the long table.
"I'll try not to be, whatever it is." She winked at you. "Anyways, meet Shotaro!" She gestured across the table.
You extended your hand. "Nice to meet you."
"Likewise." Shotaro smiled at you.
"Girl, you look so good in that dress!" Jisoo touched your breasts. "Jealous."
Renjun grabbed your hand. "Sorry to interrupt whatever's going on here…" He pulled your arm, forcing you to stand up. "We have an announcement."
"Renjun and I are dating!" You squealed.
Renjun smiled at you. "Sorry Yangyang, hopefully it's not too much trouble to repack. I want that room."
"Honestly, all my stuff is still in boxes. I'll be out tonight." Yangyang shrugged.
However, Jeno caught your eye, despite him sitting at the end of the long table. His hands were around a cup, and his knuckles were bright white. 
Renjun was right. To him, he already owned you.
Renjun snapped you out of your thoughts with a kiss to your lips. "Let's sit down, okay?"
You sat back down next to Jisoo.
Jisoo squealed. "Oh my God! Tell me everything!" She winked at you, then pulled out her phone.
"bitch, wtf"
"jeno's hotter."
"jaemin's hotter."
"i'll explain later its a whole thing"
"i promiseeee this is not about jeno or jaemin"
"Well, we started dating literally not that long ago! I asked him out. We've been talking for a while…" You fake smiled at Renjun. 
"She pulled me away from all the guys to ask me out, can you believe that?" Renjun laughed.
Yangyang leaned over Shotaro. "You gotta fill me in on this because I don't think I've ever even seen you two talk to each other."
You sighed. "We so do! But I think I knew I really liked him when he zipped me into this dress earlier."
Jisoo squealed again. "Oh my gosh! If we get married at the same time you can't be my maid of honor!"
"Ji, Renjun and I-"
Renjun cut you off. "We'll plan on a fall wedding, and you can have a spring wedding."
"You know me so well, Renjun." You smiled. "How did you know I wanted an autumn wedding?"
Jeno quickly stood up. "I'm leaving."
Jisoo shook her head. "No! You're not leaving! Not today! I worked so hard to bring us all together!" Jisoo’s voice was whiny, but mostly angry.
Jaemin stood up and whispered something into Jeno's ear. Jeno sighed and sat back down after Jaemin did. 
Shotaro cleared his throat. "So, um…"
Haechan tried to lighten the mood. "How did you and Jisoo meet, Shotaro?"
"Oh, Jaemin introduced us. He took me out for tonkotsu ramen and ever since then I've been in love because he's so cute!" 
Renjun smiled. "That's cute. I think I knew I started to love my beautiful girlfriend when she started to compliment me everyday."
Haechan snorted. "Yeah, she complimented your hair and you were all smiles after that."
"Really?" You asked, genuinely curious. 
Renjun blushed. "Sorry…" He looked at his lap.
Jaemin pushed Jeno off the bench. "Jeno and I are gonna smoke."
"You guys smoke?" You asked. You’ve never seen them smoke, despite living with them for a week at this point.
Yangyang rolled his eyes. "I'll join."
"Yeah, me too." Haechan stood up.
When they left, Jisoo smiled at you. "What the fuck are you two doing?"
You explained everything. How you and Jeno almost fucked, how all the boys are being so weird (and Renjun was the lesser of five evils), and how you just wanted to survive the year.
Outside, Jeno took in a long breath of smoke. "I can't believe Renjun was hiding this from us."
Yangyang was sitting on a bench. "You don't actually think they're dating, do you?"
"Renjun might not be serious, but did you see her smile? She looked… actually happy." Jaemin sighed. "She didn't even look that way to me when we were cuddling."
"No, Renjun is totally actually into her." Yangyang said. "Like, he wouldn't be talking about marriage if he wasn't serious. He doesn't even joke about fucking girls."
"Shit!" Jeno threw his cigarette on the ground. "Ugh…"
"I told him…" Yangyang muttered.
Haechan pulled on Yangyang's suit sleeve. "Inside, now."
You finished explaining everything to Jisoo by the time Haechan and Yangyang got inside.
"Is it bad?" Renjun asked.
Haechan nodded, his lips pursed. 
Shotaro sighed. "I hate you all so much. Just one calm day, I swear…" He leaned back into his chair.
"Can't have shit." Yangyang sighed. "I told him!"
Haechan faced you. "Dude, you're not actually into Renjun, are you?"
"Why would I not be?" You asked.
"Yeah Haechan!" Renjun started getting defensive. "Why would I be a bad catch?"
"Chill, I didn't even mean it like that." Haechan sighed.
"Umm…" Shotaro's phone started buzzing. "Jeno and Jaemin are leaving."
"Whatever, let's get meat. And beer." Jisoo sighed, running a hand through her silky black hair. 
You grabbed the menus next to you and handed one to everyone.
Renjun leaned across the table and whispered to you. "I'll give you more meat tonight."
"Renjun, I swear… You're too much." You laughed.
"What?" Yangyang looked at you two.
"Oh, well-"
"I'm thinking about getting squid, do you want any?" Renjun interrupted you.
"Uhh sure!" Your voice got higher pitched.
Yangyang clicked his tongue. "Gosh, Renjun. Don't start acting like Jeno."
"Don't compare me to that bastard." Renjun muttered, his nails digging into the palm of his hand.
The rest of the dinner was filled with cheap beer and soju, a smoky haze surrounding you.
By the end of the night, the straps of your bra had fallen down, and Jisoo stopped trying to pull them back up for you.
You yawned, your head on Jisoo's shoulder, her arm around your waist. 
"Babe, it's time to go." Renjun yanked on your forearm and pulled you off Jisoo.
"Mmm… Let me sleep more." You fell back down onto Jisoo, resulting in an “oof!” from Jisoo as you landed.
Renjun leaned into you and smelt your breath. "Wait, you're not even drunk! You're just tired!"
"Five more minutes please…" You rest your head back onto Jisoo's shoulder.
"You're impossible." Renjun let go of your arm and sat next to you, pushing you and Jisoo farther into the bench. He put the palm of your hand on your left cheek, and tilted your head onto his shoulder. You soon fell back asleep, his warmth comforting you.
"Hun." Renjun shook your knee to wake you. "Babe!"
"Huh, what?" Your voice was groggy.
"It's 2:30 AM. We have to go. They’re closing.”
When you looked around, you realized everyone was gone. "Jisoo?"
"She left with Shotaro. They both blacked out." He explained.
You pulled out your phone.
21 new messages.
3 new messages from Jisoo.
im fuckig shotsr
i kvoe y vb
4 new messages from Jeno.
come home
hurry up
we're worried about you
jaemin's crying
3 new messages from Jaemin.
dont lsitnen to jeni hes ah idoot
but doem hangoube meds plds
5 new messages from Yangyang.
where are u
dude we left you at the restaurant with jun right
dont fuck him
reply ???????
6 new messages from Mom.
Clear All?
No new notifications.
You looked at Renjun. "Did you call an Uber yet?" You wrapped your arms around Renjun's arm, pressing your breasts into his arm.
"Uh, yeah.” Renjun blushed, covering his mouth with his free hand. 
You deeply exhaled. “Sleep with me tonight.”
When you asked him to sleep with you, you didn’t mean literally, but of course, Renjun took it literally.
Your head laid on top of Renjun’s bare chest, buried under the blankets.
Renjun woke you up with lots of kisses and warm hugs. “Good morning, sweetie.”
“Hi Junnie.” You smiled at him.
Renjun let out a quick chuckle. “Are we on a nickname basis now?”
“Junnie is cute though, isn’t it?”
“Hm… maybe?” He brushed the stray hairs off your face.
You laid your head on Renjun’s neck. “You’re so stupid.”
“Hey, at least I’m smart enough to save your ass from Jeno!” Renjun tickled you.
You held his hands to make him stop. “No, in other ways. Like last night.”
“Excuse me?” Renjun sat up.
“When a girl asks you to sleep with her, does she usually mean literally sleep?”
“Oh…” Renjun dragged out the word. “Well, my bad.”
“My bad! Gosh!" You huffed. "You’re not even gonna try?”
Renjun shrugged. “Do you still wanna do it with me?”
“Like I said. Stupid.” You flicked his forehead.
“Hey, I’m still winning. You still wanna lose your virginity to me.” Renjun kissed your cheek.
“I have my doubts now.” You pouted.
Renjun kissed you, gently holding your face in his hands. 
He was nothing like Jeno. Jeno roughly kissed you, as if he owned you, but Renjun was gentle. So gentle, too gentle. It was like he was constantly asking you for permission to do anything. His tongue licked your bottom lip, and when you parted your lips, his tongue made its way into your mouth, licking your tongue.
Someone started knocking on the door. “Hey, Renjun, I brought hangover medicine!” Jaemin yelled.
Renjun pulled away and sighed. “I’m coming!” He walked over to the door and opened it. 
You wrapped yourself in a blanket.
“Hey girl, breakfast is ready.” Jaemin looked over Renjun’s shoulder at you.
Renjun snatched the bottle of medicine from Jaemin then chugged it. “Thanks.” He grabbed Jaemin’s hand and dropped the empty bottle into his hand. 
He slammed the door shut into Jaemin’s face. “Fuck.” He laid back down next to you. “Can’t fucking stand him some times.” 
“Yeah, I can see that…” You sighed. “If you still wanna do it…” 
You tossed the blankets onto the floor, then took yesterday’s dress off. Renjun sucked a breath in from between his teeth. You straddled him and grinded on his lap with your hips. 
“Wait, I don’t have any condoms…” Renjun pressed his hand around your thigh. 
“I have some in my room.” You told him. “I’ll get them.”
You stood up and took a giant shirt from Renjun’s closet and put it on. His arms wrapped around your waist and he pulled you in for a hug. “You’re the cutest.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Stepping away, you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
You opened the door and walked out.
“Hey girl.” Jaemin was sitting on the couch. 
“Hi.” You quickly walked into your room and grabbed the condoms in your dresser, under your dildo, then ran back into Renjun’s room.
Slamming the door behind you, you tossed the condoms onto the bed, then ripped the shirt off your body.
“I, um…” Renjun pulled off his shorts. “Lay down.”
You did what he told you.
His fingers hooked around your panties and slid them off, your arousal creating a wet spot on them. “Tell me if I’m too rough.” He stuck his tongue out, and licked your slick.
Your nails sunk into the bed sheets, out of shock, never having felt anything like that. His tongue was wet and warm, his breath heating your core up. 
"Oh my God, Renjun!" You moaned, pulling on his hair. 
His fingers entered your cunt, his tongue tracing circles around your clit. He angled his fingers towards the back, then up. Up then out, up, then out. He kissed your clit, and then pressed up… then something that never happened to you before happened.
"Shit!" Renjun kept fingering you as you squirted. Your breathing got sharper as you kept yelling Renjun's name.
Your high slowly came down. "Mm, Renjun… I'm sorry…"
"No, it's fine! More than fine really… Great! Amazing!" Renjun sputtered. 
You laughed. "Oh, Renjun…" You covered your face with your hands.
"Let me look at your pretty face." Renjun pulled your hands down then kissed you. "My bed's already wet now, so we might as well make it wetter…" Renjun climbed on top of you.
Renjun ripped the condom open with his teeth, then slid the condom on. His tip teased your folds, earning a desperate whine from you. “Hurry up and put it in, I’m already sensitive…”
He wrapped your legs around his waist. "Tell me if it hurts." He finally slid his length into you.
You didn’t really get to see how big Renjun was before he put it in you, because you were scared you would get scared. However, you definitely could feel it. You thought he was going to rip you in half, the way he stretched you out. His tip pressed against your cervix, and felt like it would enter your womb if he started moving. "Renjun!" You threw your head back and arched your back.
“Babe, I’m sorry… But this isn’t even the whole thing…” Renjun started rubbing your thighs. "Fuck, I need to move, you’re so fucking tight." Renjun's nails dug in.
“Wait!” You took in a deep breath and tried to relax. “Okay…" Your voice was shaky, and thighs shook in anticipation.
Renjun stroked your cheek. "You're so beautiful. I'll be gentle, I promise." He thrusted slowly, as you adjusted to his length. "You're amazing."
You whimpered and your breathing grew heavier. Tears welled up in your eyes and threatened to flow.
"Tell me if I'm hurting you, okay?"
You nodded. You can tell Renjun was trying to be as gentle as possible, but he was definitely holding himself back. "You can be rougher." You moaned, finally adjusting to him a bit.
Renjun hooked his arms around your thighs and shoved his length completely into you, then out. His head dipped towards yours, and his bangs tickled your cheek "So fucking tight… Never fucked someone as tight as you."
"Stretch me! Stretch me out!" You screamed, knowing the other boys were still home and could hear you. Your fingernails dug into his back and scratched him. Renjun let out a hiss of pain.
Renjun's hips kept thrusting faster and faster. "You take my dick so well, so beautiful…" His voice got more and more out of breath. "God, I'm already so close too…"
"Cum! I'm gonna cum too!" You shrieked from the overstimulation.
"So fucking pretty… So good…" Renjun messily thrusted, reaching his limits.
He fell onto your chest, cumming inside you. You stroked his hair and kissed his cheek. 
"Let's take a bath together." Renjun picked you up and wrapped your thighs around his waist. He picked up a blanket and tossed it around you and him. "Sh, be quiet."
You leaned your head on his shoulders as he walked out of his room and into Haechan and his shared bathroom. He gently placed you into the bathtub then locked the bathroom door. He turned on the water, the initially cold water shocking you. After grabbing a clean rag, he climbed in, sitting behind you. You turned off the water when the tub filled. He grabbed the soap and washed your back. 
"Would you even wanna start actually dating me?" You asked.
"I mean…" Renjun started to wash your arms. "I assumed you were the one who was noncommittal." 
"Yeah, right now I just wanna have fun, but I mean… After all that." You rested your head on your knees.
"I'm honestly not sure." He sighed. "Like you said, I wanna have fun."
After you both got out of the bath, you went into your bedroom, wrapped in a towel. 
"Hae-" You tried to scream, but Haechan quickly pressed a hand over your mouth.
"Shh! I can explain!"
You pushed him off of you. "Oh, please do!" You tightened the towel around you. 
He pulled the dildo from behind his back. “Listen…”
"Oh, Haechan, what the fuck!" You grabbed some clothes from your dresser.
"Listen, Jaemin told me to! I didn't know!" He closed the door.
"Ugh, face the wall." You took the towel off.
He did as told and closed his eyes. “Jaemin told me that you kept Everclear in your top drawer.”
“First of all, you did this for Everclear?” You rolled your eyes and slid a tight tank top over your head. “Secondly, you trusted Jaemin?” You pulled the skirt up. “Third, when you saw my dildo, why the hell did you pick it up? You can turn around now.” You sat on your bed.
“One, yes, Everclear is the basic college kid drink. Two, no I don’t, but I need to get alcohol. Three, because I’ve never actually seen one myself and it didn’t mentally process for me.” Haechan stood in the corner of your room.
“So why’d you grab me when I entered?” You grabbed your phone off your night stand.
“Because I’m scared of Renjun!” He walked towards you.
You laughed. “Okay then.” You laid down and ignored him.
“Also, why the fuck are you using such a small dildo? Renjun not satisfying you? Because it sounded like he was doing well.” He scoffed.
You were at a loss for words. “Small? And my sex life is none of your business.”
“Oh, is Renjun smaller?”
“That's an 7 inch dildo!” You screamed.
“Hm.” Haechan looked at the dildo again.
“Don’t act like yours is bigger!”
“You wanna see?” He raised his eyebrow.
“Gosh! Don’t try to start with me! I haven’t even put that dildo inside me yet!” You sat up, appalled. 
“How about you let me put it inside you?” 
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canyouhearthelight · 1 month
Nihilus Rex, Ch. 34: Out Tonight
So. Before anyone comes after me, Lash's outfit - specifically the shimmery top - is insipred by a hijabi creator on Tiktok. She very literally styled a similar top, basically as jewelry. Hence why Fatima has it.
Beta read by the ever patient @baelpenrose
Let's go out tonight
I have to go out tonight
You wanna prowl, be my night owl
Well, take my hand, we're gonna howl out tonight
Rent, “Out Tonight”
“Hoo boy,” I muttered, looking at my reflection in the mirror.  Mama had basically given me the boots with a wink, much to my horror.  In lieu of a skirt that I felt confident would stay put, I’d managed to thrift an incredibly soft pair of skinny jeans that had likely been black originally but had faded to charcoal gray.  A bottle of bleach and some cotton swabs later, and I had created a pattern that fell halfway between glyphs and circuitry. It was the top that Fatima had loaned me that had me hesitating.  I had failed utterly to consider that Fatima was a lifelong hijabi, and therefore any tops she owned were basically accessories that went over her more modest layers - a minimum of two layers, possibly three.  I had just seen a sliver metallic slip of fabric and decided it was perfect.
It covered basically nothing.
I had managed to put a black bathing suit top underneath it, which combined with a few very long necklaces at least covered something.  But I would definitely need a very thick jacket to get out of the neighborhood with my dignity intact.
And probably keep the jacket on until we get to campus, I decided as I pinned a silver chain over my hair to keep it somewhat contained. At least almost no one from class is likely to recognize me.  I grabbed my flat iron to fix one stubborn piece of hair, finishing just as my phone chirped.
“Punctual bastard,” I muttered, grinning.  Spinning my jacket over my shoulders, I zipped it to my chin as I raced to the door. “Mama! Baba! Nils is here, so we’re heading out.  I should be home before midnight!”  Without waiting for a response, I shut the door behind me only to realize I had nearly walked straight into my date.
Nils blinked at me several times rapidly, opened his mouth, shut it, then opened it again. “Hi.” He was dressed in his jacket, but beneath it was a solid V-neck that I was almost certain he’d tailored to his lean body, with leather bracelets on his wrists traced with intricate designs. Tailored slacks, and heavy boots of his more usual style. “Excited for tonight?” 
I nodded breathlessly. “And hoping the weather holds out.  The jacket isn’t the plan, but what’s underneath won’t hold up if the temps drop more than about ten degrees.”  I looked at my feet and hoped he couldn’t see my face darken in embarrassment.
“Now I’m even more excited. Come on, we have a party to get to.” He offered me his arm.
“As long as we’ve got a ride there.  These boots were decidedly not made for walking.”
“I’m driving, Lash. And limiting the drinking correspondingly.” 
I nodded again, relaxing. “Thank you. Fatima has to get up early to take the girls’ to school, so I really do need to be home by midnight.  Tomorrow is Baba’s first day back at work, and I want to be there in the morning to see him off.”  I glanced up out of the corner of my eye, but thankfully Nils just nodded.  He opened the passenger door, and all gentleman-like handed me into the slick silver car.  Mrs. Katherine would be proud, I had to admit.
True to form, on the other side of our ten-minute drive, he helped me back out of the car and triple checked that it was locked before we made our way to the humanities building.  “Public debut?” I murmured. “As a couple, or as Nihilus Rex and the Phoenix Queen?”
“Officially, as a couple,” he murmured back. “To those who can figure out the connection from where we were at the hospital, to everything else about how we play, it will also announce us as the latter. And allow us to make our play using Weasel as a patsy without losing the credibility of him having done our spectacular work for us. We are, after all, too hot to be incels.” 
“In that case, I am so glad for what I’m about to do.”  The hesitation I’d felt looking at my reflection melted away the second I realized that I wasn’t exposed, I was armed.  Nils gripped my hand tight and shook it, trying to get my attention, but I knew if I looked at him there was a chance something would falter.  Instead, I strode confidently to the edge of the crowd outside the humanities building and unzipped my jacket.  Shrugging it off, I handed it to Nils, finally looking up at his face.
I couldn’t tell if he was seeing God or Satan, but he was very much having a religious experience, from what his expression gave away. A suspicion he confirmed by murmuring, reverently, “Oh God, let me give you my life…”
“Like you said, you can’t be an incel if you have something this hot,” I sighed, still somewhat nervous.  Shaking out my hair in hopes the sweat on my neck would dry, I steeled myself. “Let’s go be visible.”  I started to walk, only to be held back by his hand.  Looking back at him, he had a very confusing expression on his face. I shook his hand firmly. “Nils.  Come on. This was your idea.”
Nils shook his head, then followed me. “Right, our public debut.” He walked into the party, each of us on each other’s arms, and waved at people as we swept into the courtyard, music pumping and music playing. We were definitely visible enough to have pictures taken, and Nils waved, the easy charisma he’d played up during our TV appearance making an appearance. “You’re amazing, Lash. Food first, drinks, or dancing?” 
“Food… I was honestly too nervous earlier today to eat anything,” I admitted.  “So drinks are going to be a terrible idea until I find some meatballs or - OOO!  Sliders! Even better.”  Nils sounded like he was choking down what I hoped was a laugh as I skipped toward a platter of turkey sliders.  With zero hesitation, I made two plates, complete with spicy mustard. I managed one bite before spinning back to him. “It’s smoked turkey, you have to try these.”
I already had the one I had bitten up to his mouth before he smirked, taking a bite out of my hand and offering me one in turn. “Awesome.” 
I blushed when I realized that I had broken the cool-calm-collected illusion, but realized almost as quickly that the best way to sell us being a couple was to… be a couple. It just looked natural, because it was.  “There’s ham, too, if you want any,” I forced out, trying to keep going. “You know how I am about pork, but I bet it’s just as good as the turkey.” 
“I’ll hold off for now.” His smile was quiet, but he put together another slider. “Oh, I think I see a fruit plate - and a whole platter of fried veggies. Interested?” 
The glance I gave him was half a scowl at best. “You know I’m a slut for fried veggies. Lead on.”
The sound he made was somewhere between a laugh, a growl, and a choking sound as though he’d tried to prevent both from escaping. “Eyeah, I do know this.” 
Doing my best to ignore the feral sounds he was creating, I followed him and reminded myself the best way to seem familiar is to be familiar. As he scooped veggies on my plate, I noticed something about the designs on his cuffs and realized they had to be custom ordered. A chess king and a phoenix, on one, and on the other, entangled iconography from my cultures and from the religion he’d grown up in. A Cross, bound in Samsara, which also entangled two Crescents. Nandi with a laurel crown…
He set the plate in my hands. “Hopefully it’s fried the way you like it.” One hand, just barely trembling, brought a piece to my lips.
I stared in his eyes, taking a bite.  Unfortunately, I completely ruined the effect I was going for by immediately closing my eyes and throwing my head back. “Pakoras!  Someone brought pakoras, they’re soooo good.”
“Oh fuck yeah.” Nils started laughing. “Gotta love the anthro department, right? For culinary reasons if nothing else.” He snatched one off the plate. “May I?” 
“It would probably be cleaner than if I shove them in your face, yeah,” I admitted. “The really skinny ones are okra, just a heads up - as in a warning to save me some.”  The more I thought of this as just a normal interaction, the easier it became.  And there was honestly nothing here to fake, either than my confidence at being half naked from the waist up.  As long as the weather held out, I could forget about that.
Nils was looking around, eyes lingering on me every so often - and for a while every time they fell on me. “Good food, music is…Oh, this song is great. After we’ve eaten, want to try dancing?” 
“Let’s sit while we finish eating,” I suggested. “Heels, long periods on feet, not a great combination.  I’ll find a table if you’ll get some water?” Water sounded safe at the moment.
“Absolutely.” He drifted off to the drinks table. 
Glancing around, I found a table that looked abandoned and, after topping up some snacky foods, went to claim it.  Since the water was bottled, Nils was right behind me by the time I sat down.  “I would take the boots off for a second, but then I won’t be able to get them back on,” I admitted while rubbing my feet the best I could through them.  “I really need something flatter in the future. Marvel be damned, heels just are not practical.”  I took the proffered bottle and swapped it for a plate.  “I found meatballs.”
Nils took my information about heels with easy neutrality. “Fair enough. At some point we can absolutely take you shopping for formal shoes that are more comfortable.” He took the plate. “Oh my god I love you.” He stabbed one with a fork, and looked at me. “You going to be okay?” 
“I’ll be fine,” I promised around a bite of the same. “I’m just glad that I need to be home before midnight… The reality is that I’m not even worried about dancing barefoot, I’m worried that the boots will be stolen. Do you have any idea how much these would cost to replace?  Almost two grand.” I didn’t even let him hazard a guess, despite knowing he probably would have known.
“Lock them in the car if you need to?” He said, eyebrows cocked slightly. “I trust your judgment but if you’re hurting yourself out of fear of something getting stolen, we do have alternatives.” 
“Let’s get through this one night and try to somehow look cool and sexy and not nerdy-cute, and I promise I’ll never wear them again.  I can probably get some knee high combat boots if I knock out five more commissions.” I saw him open his mouth to say something and gestured threateningly with a meatball fork. “No. You are not buying them for me.”
“I tried,” he grumbled.
“You did,” I relented, finishing my plate.  “Okay, once you’re done, let’s go mingle and try to be bleeding edge cool, maybe dance if that won’t ruin the illusion.”
Nils threw back a bit of water and chomped down a few more sliders. “Alright. Game on?” He extended his hand to me. 
Trying to sell the upcoming illusion, I rested my fingers daintily in his hand. “From here on out, all conversation is tech, art, and finance.  Bleeding edge, keep that in mind. Networking.”
“Right. More to make our other personalities credible to those paying attention. Little hints about our politics for those listening.” He gently pulled me to my feet, and we walked over to the space where I could see at least a few people we knew from classes. 
“Time for the King and Queen to meet their investors.”
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jessehart · 2 months
interview part iii
The presence of the cops had never been a welcome one, but this new infestation had Jesse feeling sick to his stomach. Because he knew why. And when he was called in for yet another interview, he knew exactly what this was.
It was not a search for answers. It was a search for a good conclusion. And he didn't think they cared anymore if it was the real one or not.
Painfully sober, Jesse shrugged deeper into his jacket, hands balled into fists pressed deep in his pockets as he made his way across campus. He didn't have Francesca this time, but he didn't need her. He didn't need his father's help. He wasn't going to be stupid this time.
Clinically white halls greeted him until he was led to a room. It's setup was familiar to him, his eyes making a casual lap around the room. Detective Murray sat in her usual spot in the corner, notepad flipped open in her lap and a bland look on her face. Detective Brown still looked constipated, seated on one side the table with his hands clasped in front of himself on the table. It was only Detective Choi that looked amiable, though even that was being generous.
Jesse took a seat across from them as tiny shreds of memory flitted through his mind of the last time he'd been here. It was hard to recall specifics, but he knew it had all gone very, very poorly.
He had no intention of handing over that kind of ammo again.
"Jesse," Detective Choi greeted with a nod. The use of only his first name irritated him. Familiar, like they were friends. "It's been a while, so just as a refresher, I'm Detective Choi." They motioned beside them. "These are my partners Detective Brown and Detective Murray. And we're here to ask you a couple of questions."
Jesse's face was wiped clean of any emotion, offering nothing more than an indifferent blink in their direction.
Detective Choi's hands settled atop a small stack of cream colored envelopes as they stared right back at Jesse, waiting. When it became clear he had no intention of speaking, Detective Brown's lips thinned and the scratch of a pencil against paper sounded from the corner of the room.
"Alright, well I guess we'll get right to it then. As I'm sure you're already aware, we now have reason to believe this is no longer a missing persons case. It's a murder investigation."
He felt the words like a punch to his gut and he knew his mask slipped. It was back in place a moment later, but he couldn't contain the wince at the reality he refused to accept.
"Did you have any reason to suspect that Greer was dead before this news came to light?"
Jesse had to nearly sit on his own hands to keep from letting them ball into fists. He felt nauseous and the backs of his eyes stung. Dead. Dead, dead, dead. The word ping-ponged through his mind until it made him want to scream. But he said nothing.
The silence roared in the small room, Detective Choi allowing it to go on far longer than necessary. Jesse knew they were trying to make him uncomfortable enough to start talking, but he wouldn't be that easy to goad now. Not with a too-clear head.
Detective Brown sat unmoving, a callously bored look on his face as Detective Choi continued with their line of questioning. "What was your relationship with Greer Morrison?"
This time, they didn't allow the silence to linger quite as long. Instead, the names came rapid fire, like thrown daggers. "What about Penelope? Or Ida? Samantha?"
Even still, even as the names met their target with lethal accuracy, he refused to say a single word.
"Where were you when Penelope Klein was found?"
They had leaned closer now, every façade of amicability now traded in for suspicion. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Detective Brown casually flip open one of the folders he'd nested beneath his clasped hands. All intimidation tactics, Jesse was sure. Keep a cool head, he reminded himself.
A muscle feathered in Choi's jaw, but they only nodded and continued on. Papers rustled from beside them as Detective Brown seemed to make a show of his perusing. Jesse's eyes flicked to him and back, mouth a thin line that said he did not intend to break.
"We're just trying to find out what happened to your friend, Jesse. I would imagine that someone who claimed to care about her would care about finding the person responsible for hurting her." The words were pointed, the unspoken accusation threaded expertly between them. "So, what about around campus? Have you seen anything suspicious? Anything you might have forgotten to tell us last time we were here?"
Jesse threaded his fingers together on top of the table.
From the corner, the sound of more scribbling. To his left, papers rustled.
"The night of the commencement," Detective Choi started, and Jesse had to work to control his breathing. The night of the fire. "Were you present at the Commons when the fire broke out? Or can you tell me why students were there instead of at the commencement gala?"
Jesse was glad the detectives couldn't hear the thump, thump, thump of his heart. He was glad for the years of practice he'd had masking because he blinked indifferently and offered nothing.
He could feel the mounting tension in the room and he wondered when they would just give it up. Even if their line of questioning had brought Greer back to the forefront of his mind, he was in control of himself this time. Surely they had to see that.
"Okay, let's switch gears a little here. Over the past year, have you received any anonymous messages? Any threatening ones? Or ones with... leading information?"
Jesse's expression turned bored, thinly veiled frustration swirling to the surface. He had never had much patience to begin with, and the little he'd managed to scrape together was being hacked away with this incessant line of questioning.
"Yes? No?" Choi sounded frustrated too. Good. Maybe they'd shut the fuck up then.
There was a change in Choi's face. It was a subtle shift, but one that Jesse caught. And one that made him feel suddenly out of his depth. "Are you aware of any information about Greer Morrison that has come to light in the past year that you haven't shared?" Jesse remained quiet because, yeah, there were lots of things he hadn't shared. And he had no plans to. "No? You sure? Because one of your peers seemed to think otherwise..."
Jesse stiffened at that before he could catch himself. This was likely just another tactic, right? He'd seen it before. He'd watched videos of cops telling people their friends had spilled everything only to find out they'd never said anything at all. No. He wasn't going to fall for it.
"Surprised?" Choi asked, that amicable smile back in place. Only this time there was an edge to it.
Jesse said nothing.
"What do you know about the nature of Greer's relationship with Penelope Klein?" There was a short pause before Choi pressed their palms against the table and leaned forward. "It's interesting how little you have to say this time. You know, I've been doing this for a long time and there's a pattern with people who don't answer our questions. You want to know what that is?" Silence. Choi laughed dryly. "It usually means they're hiding something."
Like it had been rehearsed, Detective Brown heard his cue. "Not feeling very talkative today, Mr. Hart?" There was a smug edge to his tone that put Jesse on edge. Or, even more on edge, he supposed. Since none of this felt good; the Greerness of it all, both in presence and in absence, was overwhelming. "That's alright, your file can do some of the talking for you. It says here you were in rehab over the summer?" Jesse's jaw worked, memories pounding at the locked doors in his mind he'd shoved them behind. "From what I can tell, you almost weren't allowed back at Ogden at all. Troubled youths tend to get themselves in all sorts of trouble, and you've already admitted to having a secret relationship with Miss Morrison. Did you get jealous, Mr. Hart? Want her all for yourself?"
The sickening part was that Jesse could follow that trail in his mind. He could see exactly how easily it'd be to tell that story if it was the one they decided to tell. He bit down so hard on his cheek that he tasted blood. "Am I being detained?"
Detective Brown stared him down for a long moment. His face was hard and full of edges. "Not at this time, no."
The threat was clear. "Then am I free to go?"
"Feels like we're only just getting started." Now the detective was goading him.
Jesse spoke through clenched teeth, and repeated, "Am I being detained?"
"Then I'm free to go."
They didn't stop him as he shoved away from the table, his chair tipping and crashing loudly against the tiled floor. "Go fuck yourselves," Jesse spat as he slammed the door behind him.
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12timetraveler · 6 months
Something In the Orange
Chapter 10
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Reader plots to get Arthur and Charles together while she and Hosea have some fun.
Sorry this one took so long. I got som serious writers block while trying to work on it. Finally I finished it up and decided to send it out into the world. So sorry if there are any typos. I've been staring to long to do an editing read through.
Got a couple more chapters before shit hits the fan so be prepared. Enjoy the peace while it lasts.
As always below is a preview, read the full chapter on AO3.
Please note you do have to be logged in to view my works.
When Arthur had called you at 7 in the morning on a Saturday, you'd been grumpy at first. You'd been working late, and Saturday was your day to sleep in. At first you ignored it, and nearly fell back asleep, but a few minutes later he called again and you started to worry a little. You reached for your phone a second too late, and the call ended before you could pick up. You waited to see if he'd call again before unlocking your phone to send him a text. Before you could hit send, another call came through, this time from an unknown local number.
Normally you wouldn't pick up from an unknown number, but you had a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that urged you to answer. When you picked up, a cheerful little tone played before an automated voice began speaking.
“This is a call from the Saint Denis Sheriff's department on behalf of... ARTHUR MORGAN,” The AI voice said his name, and your heart sank further. “Do you accept the call?”
“Yes,” you said, interrupting the AI voice.
“One moment while I connect you,” the little jingle played again, and then Arthur's voice came on the line, saying your name hesitantly.
“Arthur? What's happening? Are you alright?” You asked in rapid succession, not giving much time to answer.
“I'm fine. We're both fine.” He mumbled groggily.
“Lenny ‘n I. Um... We went out drinking and... We kept drinking. And drinking. And drinking.” He mumbled.
“God damnit, Arthur,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Are you under arrest or?”
“Not really, I don't think,” he mumbled. “Not entirely sure what happened but they said they'd let us go if someone came to get us.”
“Fuck. Alright I'm coming. Are you at the station near campus?”
“Er... Not exactly. We're at the downtown station.”
“Jesus Christ. Alright I'll catch the next trolley and come and get you.”
You heard a knock at the door, and a moment later Charles pokes his head in. You held up a finger, signaling him to wait a minute.
“Do I need to bring anything?”
“Mmm a change of clothes would be nice. We uh... Kinda went swimming. Off the docs, if I remember right.”
“God, lucky they weren't fishing your arm out of a gators mouth,” you grumbled. Charles raised his eyebrows. “Alright. We'll get y'all some clothes and be right down.”
“Charles is up. I'm guessing you alternated between calling me and him,” Charles nodded in affirmation, and Arthur only grunted to confirm. “We'll come down together so I don't have to herd you two soggy drunkards home on my own.”
“Okay. See you in a bit,” Arthur sighed sheepishly.
“Yeah. See you soon,” you huffed, hanging up your phone. You took a minute to wipe the sleep out of your eyes.
“I saw I had two missed calls from him, but I called him back and he didn't pick up. Thought I'd see if you knew anything,” Charles explained. “What happened?”
“It seems he and Lenny had a night they'll never live down,” you grumbled.
“I'll go brew some coffee,”
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team-avia · 2 years
I just finished the Resident Lover demo!!! It's absolutely amazing and I can tell it was made and written with love and passion. I physically laughed out loud in certain parts and was upset when the five chapters ended. Ugh! Can't wait for the full release! Also, I nearly squealed when I saw the map of the campus and saw the Heisenmech, and especially the Beneviento household. I didn't find any secrets though (if there were any in the demo), so I'm going to replay it again soon! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Keep up the good work!
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Thank you for playing! The routes are a lot of fun to write and the writers are dropping some textual references to memes and pop culture in them. There's also some easter eggs in the backgrounds (like Pom and Cassandra's Sickle) We're going to make an achievement in the game for getting certain items once we make backgrounds and maps interactable in further updates.
- Bee & Cinder
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