#waitress frogs
oculusxcaro · 9 months
What Does Your Blood Taste Like?
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Strawberry Milkshake
Your blood tastes like a strawberry milkshake, the sweet blend of ice cream, milk, and strawberries. Prominent flavours: sugar, fruit, and a pleasant cold.
Tagged byStolen from: @question-marked (♡) and... somebody else, I don't remember. Tagging: Whoever would like to do it?
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hallowcos · 18 days
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Princess Tiana Yellow Waitress Cosplay Costume The Princess and the Frog Disney
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froginamoodboard · 4 months
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Waitress (the musical) inspired moodboard
Requested by: me
x x x x x x x x x
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xmalereader · 7 months
Bruce Wayne x Male Reader
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REQUEST: Could you please write Burce wayne x male reader who has trouble ordering food. Like in a restaurant when the waiter asks, he either stutters or goes completely quiet, and that's why he asks Bruce to order for him. And i would like to see Bruce's reactions when a waiter is like "you don't have to order for him. He can order for himself. I wasn't asking you, i was asking him" just the waiter assuming that Bruce is kinda controlling. The reader is silently crying in his seat, having to order on his own, like he knows the waiter was trying to do something good. (Totally not speaking from personal experience 🤭)
WARNINGS/CONTENT: Fluff, mature language, social anxiety, Bruce is a good boyfriend, mentions of fears, judgment, request, relatable events, everyone struggles.
TAGS: @one-green-frog
WC: 1.5K
NOTES: I used to struggle with ordering food due to anxiety and fear of people judging me 😩 but as I got older they fear kind of went away and I’m able to do it with no problem but everyone deals with anxiety differently and takes time to get come it so I ain’t judging. It’s like that with my older brother he’s 26 and still makes me order for him due to his own anxiety. But hopefully you enjoyed this shot and apologize for the long wait!
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Everyone has social anxiety.
Y/n struggled with it at a young age, not being taught how to speak with others in public without getting the intense fear of judgment from others. He figured that he would improve as he got older, but it didn’t change and still struggled with the simple things. He could go out and run errands alone without any struggles since majority of place now had self checkout which was a god send for many.
He’s able to hold a conversation with strangers or with people he knew in the area, but his anxiety would get to him when it came towards the simplest tasks. He wasn’t sure if it was because he was an over thinker and would think that he did something wrong or if he perhaps pronounced something incorrect, thinking that people were judging him for the smallest things. It took time for him to improve but the anxiety still remained during important moments.
One of the easiest things that many were able to accomplish is ordering food. Their were times that he hesitated or froze up when ordering his own food, having to apologize each time he orders and forcing a nervous smile or laugh in hopes of getting through the few minutes that he is there. He struggled even more when he went out on dates.
Very few people knew about his anxiety and very few friends were kind enough to do the ordering for him without hesitation and providing the assistance that he needed. With strangers it was a whole other story, he didn’t want to force them into placing his own order due to his own fear and would struggle with speaking the words.
His dates never went well after that and hated the way he felt each time he stumbled upon the problem. If the waiter or waitress wasn’t staring at him intensely he’d probably order his food without a problem and his day would go fine. But the feeling of their eyes staring at him as he looked at his choices of food made him stutter and grow nervous when ordering.
Forcing that smile as always and getting through the day of embarrassment.
If he had this kind of anxiety how was he suppose to handle his future dates when he couldn’t do a simple task? He’s able to do a whole presentation in a room full of board of directors but he stutters and hesitates when it comes towards ordering a simple meal or even asking for help whenever he’s in public.
He figured he’d spend his days locked indoors while making his own meals while watching a good movie.
He didn’t think he’d end up bagging Bruce Wayne. Gothams Golden boy.
Y/n had thought that this was all a trick or a joke when Bruce first asked him out. He wanted to laugh at the mans face and tell him that he doesn’t need to make his life miserable by playing a mean joke, only to realize that Bruce was in fact not joking around.
Y/n worked at Wayne Enterprises but in a lower department not expecting himself to bump into Bruce Wayne and getting asked out by the man himself. Their first date was simple with a cup of coffee and muffins. He would have thought that bruce would take him someplace fancy on their first date, but when he didn’t he was a bit relieved.
Bruce was a great man and didn’t do anything that made him uncomfortable. Y/n figured that he’d only get lucky to have one date with bruce and then never see them man again, only to get asked out again and again and again. The first four months went well without any problems and enjoyed his time with Bruce as their time together grew their dates slowly got fancier.
Resulting into Y/n confessing to Bruce about his anxiety and fear of others judging him because he couldn’t do a simple task that only required a few words. He thought Bruce would laugh at him or use it against him and force him to confront his fear, instead Bruce smiled at him and asked.
“Do you want me to order for you?”
He said it with the most calmest voice ever showing no hints of judgment.
Y/n wanted to cry that night. It was a simple favor, but it meant a lot to him.
As their dates continued they created a routine each time they went out to eat. Y/n would either look up the menu online ahead of time and already have his order in mind and tell bruce before getting their orders placed. Bruce even memorized the dishes that Y/n liked whenever they went to a repeated restaurant and would for him on the spot without needing to be told what he liked, already knowing the mans interests.
A year into dating and it became a normal thing between the two.
During their one year anniversary, Bruce decided to take him to a new restaurant and getting seated in a nice secluded area and away from others. Y/n scanned the menu and hums. “This looks good.” He speaks up as he checks the different dishes until one caught his eye.
“You know the rule, order whatever you want.” Said Bruce, always reminding him that he can get whatever he wanted. Y/n was hesitant about the prices at first but with time he got adjusted to the idea of Bruce paying for everything and no matter how many times he tried to pay himself, Bruce had already paid ahead of time.
“This pasta looks good.” Y/n points out on the menu and shows Bruce who looked up form his own menu and smiles. “Is that all you want?”
“Can I also get this for dessert?” He points behind the menu where a picture of a nicely desert is presented, getting Bruce to chuckle as he nods his head. “You better share with me because I already know you won’t eat it all.” Y/n laughs at his words and sets his menu down, leaning back in his seat as he looks around the restaurant and takes in the interior, distracted by the place that he doesn’t notice the waitress coming over.
“Are you ready to order?”
“Yes,” Bruce smiles at the women and starts with his order first, letting her know what he’d like. “And for you?” She turns her attention to Y/n who gets his attention pulled away from a painting he was staring at and looks at her with wide eyes. “I…”
“He’d have the pasta and the chocolate desert.” Bruce is quick to cut in when he noticed Y/n freeze up.
The waitress gives Bruce the stink eye by how he interrupts Y/n. “You don’t have to order for him. He can order for himself.” Bruce froze with wide eyes, opening and closing his mouth in shock. “I wasn’t asking you I was asking him.” She points her pencil at Y/n and puts her attention on him.
Y/n can only gap at her, opening and closing his mouth as he tries to speak but I can’t. He was caught off guard and reached out for his menu. “I’ll like…the—the…” He’s stuttering and doesn’t know what to tell her. “Do you need another minute?” She asks which only make the situation worse, he’s turning to Bruce and staring at him with eyes full of fear and hesitation silently screaming for help.
“I assure you miss my partner would like the pasta and desert.” Bruce says again in hopes of getting her to note down the order and she does, not without rolling her eyes which only makes Y/n whine.
“Your food will be ready soon.” She said while taking their menus and walking away, leaving them in silence.
Y/n lets out a deep sigh of relief. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know what to say, she probably thinks you’re an asshole now.” He groans out while covering his face with his hands. Bruce can only chuckle while shaking his head and reaching out to grab him by the wrists. “Don’t be, not everyone knows about your fear and besides she was only doing it because she probably thought I was controlling.”
“You’re not!”
“She doesn’t know that. If I wanted to be asshole I would have yelled at her like other people do, but I’m not doing that. It was a simple misunderstanding.” Bruce reassured Y/n as he held his hand and smiles. He didn’t think that something like this would happen since they’ve never had this issue in the past at the other places that they visited.
“All you have to worry about is eating all of your food and sharing your desert.” Bruce tries to lighten up the mood which works for Y/n as he chuckled and nods his head. “Fine and then after we go home and watch a movie and not come back here again.” After this misunderstanding its most likely he doesn’t want to come back and face the same issue again.
“We stick with Jimmy’s…” He mumbled out, referring to his favorite restaurant that serviced amazing chicken wings and fries. Bruce laughs while nodding. “Next time we go out will go to Jimmy’s.” At this point they were already considered regulars that the owner memorized their orders, which made it better for Y/n.
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lackadaisycats · 2 years
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I tried to answer this succinctly, but it turned into an essay. (Sorry.)
The Princess and the Frog was not accurate, strictly speaking, but dinging it for that would be like criticizing the Lion King for not being a realistic wildlife documentary. Accuracy wasn't really the point. Given the fantastical elements and fictional nations like “Maldonia”, I suppose we're meant to understand this as a bit removed from the real New Orleans. It's more a a jazz-flavored fairy tale than a historical fiction.
But for discussion's sake....
Is it fashion-accurate to its 1926 timeframe? Ehhh, sort of. It pays homage to 20s fashion trends with cloche hats, furs and feathery headpieces, but without fully committing to it. The waistline on almost all of Tiana's clothing is too high for the 20s, and the the shapes of her fancier costumes take a lot of liberties, or deviate wildly from the style of the period.
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In the 20s, dresses (including workaday stuff) tended to have a straight up-and-down shape to it - kind of a low-waisted rectangle that de-emphasized curves instead of highlighting them. There are valid reasons to play fast and loose with that, though (something I’m definitely guilty of as well). One of those reasons is communication. 
For instance, speculatively, the filmmakers wrote Tiana as a hard-working waitress and wanted her to look the part, so they made the choice to clothe her in something familiar - that gingham dress of mid-century shape that we broadly associate with diner waitresses. Actual waitress uniforms of the 20s had a fair bit of overlap with maid uniforms at the time too, and I can see why they wouldn't want to risk the confusion. It's more important to communicate clearly with the larger audience than to appease a small faction of fashion nerds who'd notice or care about the precision.
I don't think it's a case of the designers failing to do their research - I'm sure they had piles of references, and maybe even consultants - but they also had to have priorities.
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With her hat and coat on, she looks a lot more 1920s-shaped.
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Pretty consistently, the indication of the characteristic 1920s drop waist is there, but the approach otherwise ignores the 20s silhouette. The clothes hug the body too much. This may be about appealing to a 2000s audience, visually speaking, but also could be an animation thing. Maybe both. For practical reasons, clothes in 2d animation are usually more a sort of second skin than something that wears or behaves like realistic fabric.
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These are not in the 1920s ballpark at all. Tiana's blue gown looks like your basic Disney brand invention. Strapless things would have been extremely unusual and the overall shape is far out of step. Excusable, I guess, because it's a costume in context. Charlotte looks like she’s heading for a mimosa brunch in a modern maxi dress.
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Charlotte's princess dress did seem to be calling back to the ultra-wide pannier side hoops of the 18th century - something that made a reappearance for part of the 20s, albeit in much milder form called robe de style. I'm not sure if the filmmakers were alluding to that at all, really, but either way, her dress is hilarious.
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They only went about halfway with the cloche hats. The 1920s cloche really encapsulated the cranium, almost entirely covered bobbed hair, and obscured much of the face from certain angles, so it's easy to see why they've been somewhat reined in for the film. Still, it ends up looking more 1930s, where the hats started to recede away from the face, evolving in the direction of the pillbox.
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Similarly, Tiana's hair is not very reminiscent of the bobbed, close-to-the-cranium style of the period, but I think that could legitimately be written off as characterization. She's not at all the type of person who'd fuss about going à la mode. Not everyone bobbed and finger-waved their hair.
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The clothes Prince Naveen is introduced in are very 1920s collegiate in spirit - the wide-leg oxford bags, the sleeveless pullover sweater, the flat cap, and high, stiff collar. The ukulele and banjolele were pretty trendy instruments at the time too.
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Definitely some Josephine Baker vibes here. Also, the look of this whole fantasy sequence was reportedly inspired by the works of Aaron Douglas, a luminary painter of the Harlem Renaissance known for his depictions of the lives of African-Americans. (The mural is in Topeka, Kansas.)
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They pretty much nailed the Art Deco. It's gorgeous. Looks somewhat inspired by the interiors of some of the Ralph Walker-designed NYC architecture, plus some French Quarter balcony flair for the final manifestation of Tiana's Place. Her dress here does resemble some gauzy mid-1920s looks, too.
Culturally speaking...
New Orleans is an unusual place. Because some of the colonial Spanish and French laws and conventions that New Orleans evolved under persisted even after its inception into the United States; because it was such a heterogeneous hub of indigenous and immigrant peoples; and because it had a considerable population of free people of color (mostly Creole), it did not function quite like the rest of the South leading up to the Civil War, nor for a while after. Its particular coalescence of cultures made it its own unique sort of culture within the country, within the region, within the state of Louisiana even. By the early 20th century, though, regardless of the not-very-binary nature of New Orleans, Jim Crow laws were enforcing a literal black-and-white distinction, and not an evenhanded one, by far. In that aspect, the city had begun to resemble the rest of the South.
The film nods at the wealth disparity, but goes on to paint a pretty rosy picture of race and class relations at the time. Still it's not unbelievable that some people were exceptions to the rules. You could probably find a few compartments of old New Orleans society that resisted segregation or certain prejudicial norms, preferring to do things their own way. That aside, the film wasn't trying to confront these topics. Not every piece of media should have to. Sometimes breaking away from miserable period piece stereotypes is refreshing. I'm not sure it could have handled that meaningfully given the running time, narrow story focus, and intended audience, anyhow. (But you could perhaps also make a case that family films habitually underestimate younger audiences in this way.)
Raymond the firefly I guess is the film's Cajun representation. There's not much to say about it, except perhaps to note that Evangeline is a reference to the heroine of a Longfellow poem of the same name. The poem is an epic romance set during the expulsion of the Acadians from the eastern provinces of Canada and the northernmost reaches of the American colonies (now Maine) by the British in the mid-1700s. Many exiled Acadians gradually migrated south to francophone-friendly Louisiana, settling into the prairies and bayous, where 'Acadian' truncated into the pronunciation 'Cajun'. Evangeline - who is only finally reunited with her love when he’s on his deathbed - has become an emblem of the heartbreak, separation and faithful hope of that cultural history, and there are parishes, statues and other landmarks named after the her throughout Louisiana.
Voodoo does have a very historical presence in New Orleans, having arrived both directly from West Africa and by way of the Haitian diaspora (where it would more properly be called Vodou). While I don't think Disney's treatment of it was especially sensitive or serious, it also wasn't the grotesquely off-base sort of thing that media of the past has been known to do. It was largely whittled down to a magical plot component, but it wasn't so fully repurposed that it didn't resemble Voodoo at all either - and that's mostly owing to the characters, because it does appear the writers pulled from history there.
It’s apparently widely held that Dr. Facilier is a Baron Samedi caricature - and likely that's true, in part - but I have the impression he's also influenced by Doctor John. Not the 20th century funk musician, but the antebellum “Voodoo King” of New Orleans. Doctor John (also called Bayou John, Jean La Ficelle, and other aliases) claimed to be a Senegalese prince. He became well known as a potion man and romance-focused prognosticator to people from all corners of society. Though highly celebrated and financially successful at his peak, he seems ultimately remembered as an exploitative villain.
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To my recollection, the film sort of gingerly avoids referring to Facilier as a Voodoo practitioner directly (I think he's more generically called a witch doctor in the script?) but it does seem to imply his 'friends on the other side' are a consortium of loa. It's mostly abbreviated into nebulously evil-seeming special FX, glazing over any specificity or dimensionality, but it does also loop back around as a vehicle of moral justice. Loa are all very individualistic and multi-faceted, but they do have reciprocal rules for asking favors of them.
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There's also the benevolent counterpart in Mama Odie's character. Her wearing ritual whites has a definite basis in Voodoo/Vodou practice, and her depiction as a fairy godmother-like figure isn't entirely out of step with how a mambo may have been perceived...in a very general sense. They were/are ceremonial leaders and community bastions who people would seek out for help, advice and spiritual guidance. More than just emanating matronly good vibes, though, some have wielded considerable political and economic power.
(Just my opinions here. I've done a lot of reading on the subject for research but I'm no authority with any special insider understanding of Voodoo, and I really shouldn't be relied upon as an arbiter of who has or hasn't done it justice in fiction.)
In summary--
Culturally, I think the film is respectably informed but paints a superficially genteel picture. The set pieces are gorgeous, but the story mostly delivers a sort of veneer of New Orleanishness. And as for fashion, well, it’s the 1920s run through a Disney filter. It’s very pretty, but it’s only as proximally accurate as seemed practical.
I don’t know that any of that really matters so much as whether or not it achieved what it intended, though. As a charming yarn and as a tribute to New Orleans and the Jazz age, I think it’s mostly successful. It’s also really beautifully animated!
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lunajay33 · 7 months
Summary: Y/n is a loner but loves ballet but her family doesn’t have enough money for her to dance at the studio, Daryl is a redneck who hates people and prefers bikes, until one day these two run into eachother and their lives change drastically, will Daryl toughen her up? Will y/n soften Daryl? Or both? How will things go when people start coming back from the dead
Pairing: Young Daryl Dixon x f!reader
A/n: This is going to be a series, it’s gonna start with how they met eachother and their lives before the apocalypse, eventually it’ll blend with twd story line!!
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I’ve always wanted to dance, to strap on pretty pink ballet slippers and wear the tights and everything, ever since I was a little girl and first watch Swan Lake, watching how there was a light beautiful side but how also a dark side to a person it hooked me, but that dream was quickly crushed when my parents refused, saying they didn’t have enough money to put me in ballet because my older brothers football was more important and they couldn’t afford both at once
It’s always been like that, whatever my brother wanted he’d get within a reasonable price, but when I asked for the simplest things they would get mad and always turn me down, saying I should get a job if I ever wanted anything. So that’s exactly what I did, I got a waitressing job at the little diner in town, working after school and on weekends just hoping to be able to save enough for ballet classes, but balancing school and work everyday is exhausting and having a terrible home life ontop of that doesn’t help
My older coworker told me to make some friends and that might help things, help distract myself for a while and have a person to relay on for once but it wasn’t so simple, if you weren’t drop dead gorgeous, or had nice clothes and money in my school then the girls treated you like a ghost
So here I am sat at my usual bench under the wilting tree behind the school for lunch, sitting in the cafeteria all alone at a whole table felt pathetic, embarrasing, plus it was more comforting here, no pry judgemental eyes, plus the air out here smelt of fall, fallen crisp leaves, the towns forest right behind the school, it was comforting
I finished my lunch putting the book I was ready away in my bag and made my way back for my next class, biology and today we were getting a new seating arrangement, one I’ve been waiting for the whole month since I was sat next to one of the mean girls, I took my seat right as the bell rang
“Okay class today we are moving around, so find your spots” she said as she projected the new seating up on the board, I found my name at the second table to the back on the left, I made my way noticing I was sat with Daryl Dixon. He was quiet, usually kept to himself kind of like me, people would always talk bad about him but never dared say anything if his older brother was around, I remember the times my brother would complain about how obnoxious Merle Dixon was….as if he wasn’t the exact same
I plopped down next to him taking out my books and pencil case
“Hey” he said keeping his eyes on the table
That’s all we said to each other the whole period until the end of class
“Okay everyone, whoever you’re sitting with is now going to be your new lab partner, you’ll be working on this project together outside of class and it’ll be due at the end of next week, so I advise you figure out a time and place to work on this” she said as she handed out papers seeing it was a project on the cycle of frogs and their habitats
There was 10 minutes left in class for us to figure out how to get this project done, I turned in my seat looking at Daryl, up close I noticed he was actually kinda cute in a mysterious way
“Would you like to come to my house tomorrow so we can work on it?” I asked as tomorrow was Saturday
“Sure” I wrote down my address and gave it to him right when the bell rang
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I was getting ready for Daryl to come over, I don’t know why I was so nervous maybe because I’ve never really had many people over and that my parents and brother were psychotic and mean and I didn’t want him to witness that. I looked in the mirror brushing out my hair that I’ve combed through a hundred times already, hoping my outfit was nice enough, a whiteish sweatshirt that had a hint of blush pink to it, paired with black leggings just wanting to be comfortable but hopefully still cute, that’s when I heard a knock at the door
“ILL GET IT!” I screamed not wanting anyone else to answer especially not my brother since he knew Daryl was Merle’s brother
I stood infront of the closed door huffing out a breath to calm my jitters, I opened it and there he stood, hands in pockets with his usual gruff demeanor
“Come in” I said stepping aside for him to come in
“Do you wanna work in my room?”
“Sure” he said as he kicked off his shoes
I lead the way to my room, it wasn’t a big house so it wasn’t like we had to go down hallways to get to my room, I closed the door when we got in as he dropped his notebook on my bed looking around my room which made me anxious, my walls had little framed photos of Swan Lake, little painting of ballet slippers, my room wasn’t much since my parents put so much into Jackson’s room but these photos were all I had to keep me happy
“Nice room” he said with a smirk
“You don’t have to lie” I said smiling as I crawled on my bed sitting up against the head board as he followed to sit at the foot of the bed
“I ain’t, it’s…..different, do ya dance?” He asked looking back to the pictures I adored
“No, I’ve always dreamed of it though”
He looked at me with a strange look I couldn’t read
“Well why don’t ya?”
“My parents won’t let me, said Jackson football is my important and will lead to something” I said shrugging my shoulders, if anyone could understand brother problems it would be him
His usual glaring eyes softened but I didn’t want the pity, I thought about my crushed dream enough I didn’t want to think about it more so I flipped open the text book to the section we needed and we got to work, it was silent for the most part and I welcomed it, until we took a break
“Merle says yer brother is always runnin his mouth, talks bad about ya” my heart thumped in my chest, Jackson could say anything about me and I’d have no way to deny it since no one really liked me and he had his whole football team full of guys who only thought with one thing
“What does he say?” I asked nervously
“Says yer a weirdo, says ya run around sleepin with every guy on his football team” my heart felt like it stopped and shrivelled up
“What……..I would never, I can’t believe he would say that, I don’t know why he hates me so much” I said as my bottom lip quivered try to control myself, not wanting to cry infront of him and make him uncomfortable
“Merle an I, we don’t believe ‘em……..plus it ain’t like everyone else in that damn school ain’t like that” he said looking back down at his note book, fidgeting with his pencil
“It would be better if I had friends that would believe me and be on my side” I said huffing a little sarcastic laugh
“I can be yer friend” he said so quietly I almost didn’t hear him
“You don’t have to pity me, I know you don’t like people” he looked back up at me with he glaring expression but for some reason it didn’t bother me
“I ain’t pitying ya, yer one of the few people that don’t annoy me at school, yer nice and keep to yer self” he said bluntly making my heart flutter
“Okay, I’d like to be friends then!” I said smiling as we both went back to work
After 2 hours of going back and forth working and talking we got the project done, I led him to the door standing there as he laced up his shoes, I opened the door as he stood back up
“So uhh, ya wanna hang out again tomorrow?” He asked gripping his backpack strap
“Sure, I have a shift at the diner in the morning but you can come by and we can eat there after I’m done, I get a discount!” I said excited
“Sounds good” he said about to leave before I stopped him
“Wait, here’s my number, it’s for my room phone so you can call anytime if you want” I said handing him a piece of paper with my number
“I’ll call ya later then, see ya” he said in his gruff voice as he left watching him disappear up the side walk
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It was the next day and I was almost done my shift, I’d covered a lot of tables and was now just wiping down the counter waiting to see Daryl walk through the door, the door bell chimed and I looked up excited but instead it was Jackson and some of his football team members, they came in loud and obnoxious as usual
They came to the counter, filling three seats along the counter
“Jackson what are you doing here?” I asked putting down the rag I was using
“Oh come on sis we’re just hungry” he said sarcastically as his friends laughed with him
I sighed taking out my pad “well what do you wanted?”
“I wanna see you bent over my truck” his friend said, I was disgusted but I wasn’t good with this kind of thing
“Cute little thing like you mmmmm, what I wouldn’t do” his other friend said
I was beyond embarrased I just wish someone could help me, and as if my prayers were answered someone came in to intervene
“Leave er alone jackasses” I looked down to a seat further down the counter seeing it was Daryl, he must have just came in
“Oh ya and what’re you gonna do Dixon?”
“Just get outta here” he said sending a glare that could kill, they huffed and got up with a commotion
“Whatever, we’ll see you around bitch” they said to me before they left, I made my way to where Daryl was seated my face felt so hot
“Sorry you had to see that?” I said giving him a glass of water
“Do they do that often?”
“Ya usually when I’m working on the weekend, they think it’s funny”
“I can get Merle, set them straight” he said making me smile
“Nah it’s not your problem but thank you, I’m kinda use to it by now, even though it incredibly embarrassing” I said covering my cheeks
“Anyways, I’m done now so I’ll go clock out and be right back” I said trying to change the subject, I walked to the back taking of my waist apron and got my purse
“You done for the day sweetie?” My older coworker May asked
“Yeah, but me and my friend are going to have some lunch here”
Her eyes lit up “Friend? Did you finally manage to snatch someone up” she said twirling her pen as she smacked on her cherry gum she always had in her mouth
“Yes, he’s just easy to be around”
“Yes May my friend is a boy don’t get all crazy, but he’s waiting so I have to go before he thinks I left” I said blushing as I went back out and sat next to him at the counter
May took our orders and left to attend to the other few customers that were still here
“So why do ya work here?” He asked
“My parents said if I ever wanted anything I needed to get my own money, plus I’m trying to save to be able to afford ballet classes, it may be stupid but it’s my dream”
“It ain’t stupid, yer workin fer what ya want, I get that” his voice was kind but the grumble to it made me tingle
“Thanks, do you work anywhere?” I asked as May gave us our meals, my strawberry milkshake and grilled cheese, and Daryl’s coke with a burger and fries
“Sometimes I work on fixin people’s bikes ‘round town ta make some extra money, Merle said I’d make more if I did what he did but I don’t wanna fall into that crowd” I knew what Merle did, the whole town did
“Maybe one day we can get outta this town where people won’t judge us and we can have actual good jobs”
“Ya maybe”
With that we silently ate our food until we finished and May gave us our checks with my discount then we were leaving heading the door bell chime
We walked down to my house as neither of us had cars, until we stopped infront of the house awkwardly
“Lunch was nice, thanks for coming bye, you can come anytime”
“ ‘course, I’ll……I’ll see ya tomorrow then?”
“Ya I’ll see you tomorrow Daryl” I said smiling as we went separate ways, I closed the door to the house my heart thumping against my chest
I finally had a friend
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This will be a series so if you like to be added to the taglist and get notified of the next part comment below!!:)
Taglist: @deansapplepie
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junipers-archive · 1 year
*ੈ✩‧₊˚✧ GIRLFRIEND ❥ The first time James calls you his girlfriend!! (fluff)
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Today was the day you were all able to visit hogsmeade for the first time.
Correction, it was the first time you'd be able to visit hogsmeade with permission. To be fair you'd already been countless of times, after you made friends with James, Remus, Sirius and Pete. They'd taken it upon themseleves to show you all the secret passages they'd found prior to your friendship.
Even your first date with James had been spent sneaking into the very town, holding hands through the passage way and kissing off his butter-beer made mustache.
You were currently walking down in groups, you and James were holding hands slowly watching the others as they conversed.
Sirius was, of course taking as much of the attention he could get by speaking quite loudly, "Well I think we should go to Honeydukes first, I'm all out of chocolate frogs from our last trip!"
Pete squeaked nervously beside him, "Will you keep it down! Minnie will hear you!"
"He's right pads, keep it down, also maybe we should split up? I need to make a stop at Tomes and Scrolls." It was Remus he had been leisurely strolling after Sirius' gallavanting, every so often stretching his long limbs.
Sirius, like a child was the only one who didn't quite listen to Remus when he spoke, no matter how intimaditing he could be. "Fine, but we can't split up, that's against the code moons."
Remus huffed out annoyed,
"Are you seriously bringing that up right now?" James was getting uncomfortable, like he always did when they fought, shifting the arm he had around you.
"Yes. yes I am. and if you follow the code you know, we don't split up. ever."
Even Peter was getting antsy, you'd all stopped at the ridge right before entering the town to continue the conversation . "W-well, do we have to follow the code? Jamie brought his girlfriend for godrics sake, I hardly think its necessary!"
Your heart skipped and your cheeks flushed at being called James' girlfriend, you knew it wasn't exactly the time but you hadn't yet had that talk.
James finally spoke, brought out of his daze by the mention of you, "Pete's right, I did bring my girlfriend and if you lot want to split up go ahead, I'm going with her."
He pulled you against his side tightly, leading you through his friends who were still squabbling about the 'rules'.
Walking down to the main ridge you still couldn't proccess what he said, he'd called you his girlfriend, correct? Not person-he-was-dating, not friend, not anything else, but girlfriend. right?
As you approach the three broomsticks your eyes are still blown wide, asking hestitantly, "Y-you said girlfriend?"
He grinned down at you knowingly leading you toward an empty booth, "Yes sweetheart, I did."
"S-So am I- does that mean-we're-"
He leans down to kiss your temple, silencing you as he smiles and pulls back to see your hopeful face, "Yes' believe it means we're boyfriend-girlfriend now, if that's okay with you?"
When you seat yourself your mouth is still agape answering quickly, "Yea, yea that's more okay with me Jamie!"
He tries to hide the small tint in his cheeks by looking down at the menu the waitress put down, "Good to hear, so what're you having?"
And the rest of the trip is spent perfectly, stopping by your favorite shops, almost never being out of each others reach and buying enough goodies to last you till Christmas. He even lets you drag him into a jewelery store nearby the pub.
Yet throughout it all you're still in a slightly lovesick daze, because James Potter had called you his girlfriend.
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bigmack2go · 4 months
Describing musicals accurately but still missleading if you don’t know them:
Starlight express: kid plays with toy trains even tho he’s supposed to sleep
Hamilton: They both die at the end but its only one person
Heathers: „those two gay ppl are the reason for suicide“
Be more chill: a failed attempt to recreate Qualityland irl
Newsies: ✨inflation✨
Dear Evan Hansen: „those trees are the reason for suicide“
Tarzan: swing it baby
Sneakerella: guy builds a whole ass city inside his shoes
Come from away: booktropes???
Chicago: prostitution
Alladin: ghosts and feminism
Into the woods: …
Cats: magikKK
Annie: reverse newsies
Hadestown: ‘lmao. Imagine dieng on your wedding day HAHA— oh.’ OR ✨spring✨
Mathilda: reality is a concept
Lion king: monarchy’s *a single nod*
Spring awakening: „sex is the reason for suicide“
Falsettos: jewish kid plays baseball and sucks, gay men play tennis and die
Rent: pay up or DIE👹
Tuck everything: “SURE! Kid, make that innocent FROG immortal. WHY NOT?/sar”
Phantom of the opera: dejavu
Les Miserable: Europeans steal bread <3
In the heights: less sad, modern version of west side story
Highschool Musical: guys only want that one thing
West sod story: „capitalism is the reason for suicide“
Mean girls: suicide is fake
Waitress: HOMOSEXUAL!… *cospiracy voice* or is it?
Six: pitty party
The prom: little miss perfect but it isnt
Rovky horror show: hehe heha😈
Bonnie & Clyde: „love is the reason for suicide“ /hj
Beetlejuice: black, white & green
Little shop of horrors: „trees are the reason for suicide“ THE SEQUEL
Hairspray: ah yes, the 60‘s… don’t you love capitalism
D: if the Grimm brothers made sequels
Book of mormon: ah yes… jesus…
The guy who didnt like musicals:”YOU are the reason for suicide” *dramatic music*
Moana: “as a kid in th- what? Wrong musical? Oh…”
Ride the cyclone: reality is a concept pt. 2
The outsiders: Bonnie and Clyde x westside story (awithout the racism) crossover
Illinois: gay people have bonfire
The greatest show: fame changes ppl *nods inquisitively*
Bonus cuz idk if this counts
Jatp: hot dogs are the reason for suicide
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strangetheedreamer · 10 months
beneath the willow tree
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pairing: jake kiszka x gn! reader
summary: you’ve been in love with Jake Kiszka for as long as you can remember, the only question is: does he feel the same?
a/n: this is a short lil blurb based off of a real dream that i had, if you find it as devastating as I did- well blame my subconscious not me :)
there are no warnings for this lil
blurb, it’s actually all fluff!
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Some would ask how long you have been in love with Jake Kiszka.
You would argue that the easier question to answer would be was there ever a time that you weren’t? Because the answer to that question is simple: no.
You met Jake Kiszka when you were nine and he was eleven at the neighborhood playground. Specifically? It was a hot summer afternoon in August and you were with your friend Maddie trying to see who could jump the farthest off the swings. A dangerous game, but you were old enough to be without parental supervision and drunk with the power of it. It was the most fun you’d had all summer until you landed too hard off a jump and your ankle rolled painfully as soon as you hit the mulch. You had cried out and fallen to the ground, clutching your wounded ankle and trying to blink back the tears that were blurring your vision.
Then, an angel appeared.
You had looked up at the sound of your name from your slowly swelling ankle to meet warm brown eyes and though you were arguably too young for love at first sight or to even know anything about it, your heart had plummeted into your stomach the moment you met those eyes and the boy attached to them. He’d asked if you were okay and all you could manage in return was a wordless sob, your ankle pulsing with pain now. That fateful afternoon, Jake Kiszka had slung your arm around his skinny shoulders and helped you limp the two blocks home while his brother wheeled your bike behind you.
You were hopelessly gone from that afternoon onward.
The strings of your fates seemed to be irreversibly tangled. Small neighborhoods are just like that perhaps, the community close knit enough that it would make sense for you to be at the same summer barbeques and new years parties as you got older. But the hopeless romantic in you dreamed that it was because Jake Kiszka was your destiny. It was the worst of schoolchildren crushes. You doodled yours and Jake’s names in hearts in all your school notebooks in middle school. And in high school you could be found hiding under the bleachers at every soccer game or gazing across the chemistry lab, moony eyed, at who you were sure was your future husband.
The crush inevitably faded to background noise when you both graduated and left your hometown, him to follow his dreams of being a rockstar and you to attend college. But, you never quite got over him. It seemed you couldn’t help but compare every boy you let take you out to him. Sure, maybe the boy bought you a nice dinner or an ice cream, but did he dissect the frog in Biology so you didn’t have to? Sure the boy had pretty eyes or soft lips, but could they even compare to the ones you’d dreamed of for so long? It was torture, honestly. And very annoying.
It didn’t help that Jake’s dreams had come true. You would never forget the moment you were perusing the magazines at a bookstore and saw him on the cover of a guitar mag, looking just as beautiful as you remembered- maybe even more so. It filled your heart up to the brim that it had worked out for him, but a certain sadness clawed at your chest too. At that point, you were just a waitress in Nashville working two jobs to try and afford graduate school. Maybe your fates were so tangled together after all.
Then, Josh Kiszka sat down at the cafe you served at in the mornings and your whole world turned on its axis. He’d recognized you immediately, crowing your name and leaping up from his chair to embrace you. God, he hadn’t changed a bit. He still radiated warmth and kindness and pure, unadulterated joy. Josh had always been the sun to Jake’s moon. And it seemed they hadn’t grown out of that comparison.
“Hey! It’s my birthday this Saturday, I’m having a little celebration! You should come, I think the other guys would love to see you. Sam always had a bit of a crush on you, you know.” He’d left you those words, a kiss on the cheek, and with his address scribbled onto a napkin and pressed into your palm.
You debated all week if you should go. Josh had seemed so happy to see you, had told you that you were like a little slice of home. But you were nervous. You hadn’t seen Jake not on your phone or laptop screen in years. What if he didn’t remember you? Or worse: what if he didn’t care to?
In the end, you decided to go. And you walked up to Josh’s house out in the country with as few expectations as possible.
Nothing could have prepared you to see Jake in person again. He did a double take across the backyard when Josh led you out to it and from the moment your eyes met his again for the first time in what felt like eons, you audibly let out an “Oh no.” Because his eyes were the same. Even after all these years and all this time, those brown eyes were still the same. And you felt your heart plummet into your stomach again- just like it had when you were nine.
You were twenty five years old. And in a heartbeat, you were nine again.
And that’s how it felt every time you saw Jake after that. Like you were a moonstruck child who didn’t even know what love was yet.
Josh and Sam and Danny invited you into their lives like it was nothing and you found that each of them had grown into kind, lovely young men. But with Jake? Oh, it was perfect. He was everything you ever wanted. When you went out to dinner together and it began to rain, he’d give you his jacket to hold over your head while he brought the car around to you. He made you a playlist full of songs that reminded him of you or that he thought you’d like. You cooked together, giggling and dancing around one of your kitchens. He calls you “Bugs”, just like he did in high school after you saved a lady bug from a cruel classmate’s shoe. All of this and yet…
It was starting to break your heart. Eventually, you decided it was time.
Sitting in your best dress in Josh’s lovely backyard at his beautiful outdoor wedding, looking at Jake in his suit with his hair actually brushed you decided it was time.
The reception was small and lovely, but it still felt suffocating as you watched Jake twirl a girl around the makeshift dance floor. You felt a presence next to you and when you glanced over you found it was Josh, “I’m really glad you came,” he tells you, nudging your shoulder with his and you smile at him.
“Thank you for inviting me. What a beautiful night for this.” You try, but you can’t keep the melancholy out of your voice and you can’t pull your gaze from where Jake dips the girl down toward the floor and she throws back her head and laughs.
“You look lovely.” Josh’s words barely resonate and you shrug, shaking your head listlessly. Not to the only one that matters. Josh nudges you again, gently, his words just as soft, “He thinks so too.”
You grit your teeth, irritation and frustration bubbling in your stomach, and you shake your head again, “Don’t do that. Don’t say that.”
“You know, I always say that where this is love we must live on,” Josh ventures softly and you smile at the words, remembering watching the performance where he said them on your laptop in your college dorm room, desperate for even the slightest tidbit of Jake.
“And where this is not love, we must provide it,” You finish and you see him smile out of the corner of your eye. You’re a little confused as to the direction of this conversation and you’re about to ask what he’s talking about when he speaks again.
“Luckily, there is already love here.” And when you pivot to face him fully, he’s gone, leaving you with his confusing words.
Needing a moment to yourself, you retreat to your favorite piece of Josh’s property. A spot with a massive, beautiful weeping willow tree and a tire swing slung on one of the low branches. You’re sitting on the swing, staring at your hands when a branch breaks and a voice pulls your attention away from your hangnail.
“Thought I’d find you here.” Jake comes to a stop a few feet in front of you and stuffs his hands in his pockets, smiles softly. You can’t return his smile though and his brows furrow, he takes another step toward you. “What is it, bugs? Where’s that pretty smile I love so much?”
You know he doesn’t mean to make you cry, but tears well up at the corners of your downturned eyes anyway. How can he say everything right and it still not be enough? “Just needed a minute, I guess.” Your words are a whisper and even you can hear them break in the middle. You let the tire swing turn so you’re not facing him, not wanting him to see the tears that have begun to streak down your face.
He doesn’t give that easily unfortunately, you hear the leaves and the twigs crunch under his feet as he comes around so you’re facing each other again, this time kneeling in front of you and taking your hands in his. “Why the tears, bugs? What happened?”
You shake your head, but the words come out before you can stop them, “Do you remember when we were little and I rolled my ankle? And you walked me home?” You glance up at him after they’ve come out and his brows furrow in confusion, his lips parting.
“Do I remember when we met? Of course I do, bugs. You were trying not to cry just like you are right now. Tell me what’s wrong, please. Tell me so I can fix it.” His words only make it worse and you try to spin away from him again, but he holds the tire in his hand to stop the movement. You can feel his searching gaze on yours, hear the soft desperation in his voice when he whispers, “Bugs?”
“I have loved you ever since I’ve known you, Jake. Loved you so much it hurts. And I just don’t think I can do it anymore.” Your words are barely a whisper again, but you’re proud to hear that they don’t tremble or shake. They’re strong. And now they’re out there, with nothing for you to do but wait.
Jake is silent for several moments, long enough that you chance a glance up at him. His hands stay wrapped around yours and he’s watching you like he’s seeing you for the first time, “Oh bugs…” You turn your head, desperately afraid that he’s about to split your heart right down the middle when he speaks again, his words soft but full of feeling, “I’ve loved you from the moment you wouldn’t let James Booker crush that ladybug. I loved you then and every moment since. And I love you right now, sitting on this swing in front of me with tears in your eyes because you’re afraid I don’t feel for you exactly what you feel for me.”
You gasp softly, your head swinging back to face him. You search his eyes, desperate to see if he’s messing with you. Then you sob once and throw your arms around him, falling from the swing to kneel in front of him just as he had kneeled to confess to you. You hear him whisper your name, your real name, into your hair and you pull back just enough to press your lips to his, kissing him after more than fifteen years of loving him.
And finally, when the time comes, your notebook doodles and your teenage dreams come true. Jake Kiszka is yours, til death do you part.
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serxinns · 5 months
Sweet tweats! Chap 1/ introduction
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Yandere Bnha ships x undercover pro hero reader introduction
This is gonna be like a mini headcanon or fic series
The fic that inspired me is here please go support their other fics as well!
Summary: you're an undercover pro-hero who decided to disguise yourself in your grandma's famous bakery to help around the town you and your undercover agent friends assist into working in the cafe as well meanwhile your classmates have been worried about you ever since you had no contact with them when you graduated, after 4 years they finally found you and they'll never let you go~
• The alarm clock interrupted your sweet slumber you groaned your hair was in your face and drool soaked in your pillow you lifted your head enough to see what time it was "FUCK ITS 8:30" You ran all over the place your cat you named Xin watching you curiously with her head tilt to the side watching you running all over the place getting yourself dress brushing your teeth and everything once you get ready you grabbed xin put her in your basket and rode your bike to the bakery
• Once you finally got there you were greeted with your grandma hands on her hips glaring at you "hii.. gran-"
She hit you with the spoon before you could talk "You are late 3rd time this week! We already have 5 customers waiting here! And your little friend group are already here even latanya" Your grandma stared sternly at you getting ready to hit you again "Ow! Fuck sorry ma I'm just awfully tired from all the "baking" (code word for agent work something you and your grandma made between the two of you) your grandma rolled her eyes ND signed you and her knew she couldn't be mad at her favorite "grandchild you better not be late again understand?" She said as she glared again making your skin pale and sweat drop "y-yes grandma right on it!"
• You grabbed your uniform and apron and zoomed into the kitchen your grandma sighed holding xin and petting her while she purred "I don't know what to do with that child sometimes" xin Mewed at her response
• "Y/N WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!?!" Ziki was yelling across playfully glaring at you while using his telekinesis to put multiple frostings on cakes and pack them in boxes "Jeez I just got here and no hello 🙄" you playfully rolled your eyes ziki was one of your bestie at the agency the two of you met when you went on your 1st mission you two formed a chaotic bond and he introduced you into his friend group
• Miharu is the strict dad of the group while ziki was the most unserious one And kitkari was the menace of the group
• The 4 of you somehow managed to keep the cafe in one piece without slipping up and causing problems Kari and Aleina work waitresses while Miharu, like, and you work as cooks and at times you work the night and as cashiers Your grandma is the boss who helps manage the cafe environment
•"FUCK YOUR HELLO WE NEED YOU AT THE CASHIER Kari got called in sick again" "Oh for fucks sake I told her that she needed to stop tryna take and eat the expired pastries i warned her that some of them had mold on it"
You groaned while ziki rolled his eyes "you know her she don't give a fuck if that was a year old she'll still try to find a reason to eat thats why we call her a big back betty " the two of you snickers and gigler childishly at the name "WILL YOU TWO STOP MAKING OUT IN THERE AND HELP ME ALREADY"
Third pov
• Tsuyu and Tokoyami decided to spend their small break strolling through the city to find a new place to eat "How about this one tsu it's your favorite" she thought for a second but she shook her head and sighed we went there yesterday i wanna go somewhere new somewhere we haven't gone before *kero*" The frog girl kept looking around Eagar to find something new,
• They walked a bit further downtown until they saw a small bakery tsuyu was in awe at how adorable and neat the cafe was "Yami this is it! This is the one!" She tugged softly at her boyfriend's jacket tokoyami's sweat dropped a bit "Are you sure we haven't gone to this type of cafe nor don't know how safe the area is .." tokoyami muttered looking around suspiciously while holding tutus hand protectively
•"It's ok it's just gonna be a quick in and out trust me plus i heard it was so good" Tsuyu held his hand tightly and looked "You don't have to go in there if you're not comfortable," Tokoyami thought for a minute staring at the cafe while staring at tsuyu which made him blush a bit he signed "I guess trying something new won't hurt.." tsuyu's eyes lit up a bit and started to do small ribbits "well cmon then let's go!" The couple walked into the cafe and it was hit with a warm sweet smell "hello welcome to the cafe!" "Oh yes h-" she paused for a moment when she recognized that voice
• "Y/N!?!" The green-haired girl looked shocked observing you to see if it was you, "wait...who are you again like I know you I just dont know where" You yelled out "We were best friends! *kero* see?" She pulled out her phone scrolled back a couple of photos and showed you a picture you and Tsuyu took together it was a selfie of you and Tsuyu posing at the mall riding on those animal cars "OMG IT IS YOU!" You open across the table and the two of you hug tightly "Wait..tokoyami!?" He was shocked that you remembered him "Wait you remember me too?" "OFC! we were always study buddies whenever we did class projects! And you always wanted to invite Tsuyu here~" Tokoyami blushed and looked away
•"Oh hush you know nothing" he muttered and you giggled "So what are doing these days it's been years! Jeez, I've seen you a couple of times on TV congrats!" Tsuyu's smile brightens "Well you know a bunch of heroes work and me and Tokoyami officially dating!" You squealed "Im so happy for you! The two of you are so cute together! Tsuyu and Tokoyami sitting in a tree-" "Don't you even start-" just when he was about to scold you dark shadow joined in "1ST COME LOVE THEN COMES BABY-" "dark shadow i swear to god-" he groaned while the two of you giggled like children even tsuyu managed a chuckle while looking at the two of you it was nice..
• "anyway what would you like! We got all types of cupcake flavors! Sweet potato, mocha, Mochi, dango, cheesecake, we even release sesame cookies!" "HMM I'll think I'll have the...mochi flavor cupcake how about you tokoyami!" Tokoyami kept staring at the menu carefully "can I have the Japanese cheesecake please?"
"Coming right up!" You use your Heelys and stroll to the back of the store you go back out to tell me that their order will be on their way
• After a few minutes, you got back with their order "Here you go one mochi cupcake and flavor cheesecake!" You handed them their treats in a small adorable box even tsuyu didn't want to eat the sweets or open the box "Thank you! Also, im wondering if can we catch up I really do miss you and I really really miss you alot we both do..heck I bet even most of our class misses you" you were a bit shocked at that statement "aw tsuyu ofc! Lemme write down my phone number and social media!"
You both gave each other your and their number "It was nice talking to you y/n! See you later!" Tokoyami quietly waved to you with a small smile, it was good to meet old friends maybe you could see them again as we-
Later that night tsuyu and Tokoyami were getting ready for bed "I can't believe we finally found them! *kero* after for so long" Tokoyami nodded "but we should've made our move quicker the others would get to them 1st and we'd lose them forever" "Patient Yami" Tsuyu said going over and kissing Tokoyami on the cheek "It's way too early to do anything we gotta play it slow to trust me" she climbed in the shared bed "once they fall in love with one of us they'll be ours~"
????? Pov
?????: hmm so they have a cafe I see~ I looked closely to my darling as they say goodbye to those PEST I can't wait to tell ?????? that we found them~ we're coming y/n~
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ofallthingsnasty · 5 months
What would croco and doffy do if you wanted to leave your job?
post referenced
tw. workplace harassment, mentions of mental illness, manipulation, yandere vibes, gn reader, minors dni
That's the thing in this scenario: They know damn well that you won't up and leave until something truly grave happens. That's how it is with depression/anxiety disorders (at least for me) - you won't change a single thing even if you fantasize about beating your forehead bloody on the work bathroom's sink every morning on your commute. It's all about slowly pushing your boundaries, even a fucking flashy bird like Doflamingo gets that. You're the frog in the pot and the heat is slowly increasing, you won't even notice just how bad things are turning until you're already gagging on Doflamingo's cock or being called 'sweetheart' by Crocodile. But early on, the other option - getting a new job, maybe quitting without another place lined up (because you see... it's hard to send out applications with the way they're working you to the bone... or at least that's what your tired brain tells you) - that is way more daunting than simply spending another week in that familiar hell, maybe even another month. You tell yourself that you'll brush up your CV during your week off - and then waste that week simply counting the days until you have to go back again, constantly torn between fretting and sleeping. Others would call you lazy and stupid, but it's how your unmedicated brain works; and they both know it, could smell it on you the moment you shuffled your starched shirt into that interview way back when.
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Now, if Doflamingo played his cards wrong - and he forced you under the table too early, or if Crocodile laid into you with gusto and too much anger one day - yep, you'd leave. But both know that good things come to boys who wait; and in this case it's a malleable mess of a person, perfect to mold into whatever shape they desire. For Doflamingo, it's some simple psychological torture lunchtime fun, for Crocodile it's someone he can boss around for the rest of his life, a guaranteed little doll who'll only ever aim to please him. But that wasn't your question, was it? Let's say you have friends, maybe family who help you, who encourage you to leave and support you with everything you could ask for - that get you to finally put in your resignation. Oh. Oh. There will be hell to pay. You see, you don't ditch a man like Doflamingo just like that. He'll be furious, that carefully created, perfectly maintained facade of the cruel, calculated yet sunny big shot cracking to reveal the spoiled little boy he can be deep, deep down. He decides when you're done playing, not your sorry little ass who can't even raise your voice to tell the waitress she's brought you the wrong meal at the cheap fucking diner you eat in on Sundays. You don't get to have agency, you don't get to walk before he is done wiping the floor with you and laughing all the while. He'll give you acid, the wildest tongue lashing you've ever had in your life - and he'll make sure to get your name blacklisted, to have you crawling back into whatever shithole you came from or moving away entirely. He wants you ruined, he wants you desperate, he wants your name so encrusted in shit you'd have to get new skin to rid yourself of the stench. Only if you come back to him, tail shaking in between your mangy legs, then he'd consider forgiving you for ever having the gall to think that you're somehow on the same playing field, on the same level as him. And if you don't do just that because of your pathetic little support system - well, you better hope you never cross his path ever again. Crocodile won't be any less furious, his anger just takes on another form. You see, while his ego won't be as bruised by you putting in your two weeks - the stakes were higher for him. He wanted to keep you around, after all. And now you're slipping through his fingers, take your sad, wet eyes to another one who'll get to exploit them and play you for the perfect fool that you are. Oh, that won't do. Instead, he'll stun you with a counter offer: more money, less hours, hell, he'll give you a shitty gift card for some grocery store once a month; anything to keep you around. He'll break out into an entirely new direction, chooses to play the grumbly yet lovable boss all of a sudden. It's jarring. And it probably works because it's so bizarre. (Of course, he's still himself - he just figures he'll catch more flies with honey instead of vinegar and he can play pretend for a little while, can hide that arrogance and temper because he has a plan. In true Crocodile fashion, he'll be nice and let you off the hook for a little bit, letting you weigh yourself in a false sense of security.) He knows you were ready to leave once - now he has to step it up a notch before you'll truly pull the plug. And isn't a little office party where he'll feed you some spiked drinks and has you waking up in his bed the perfect move, then? A little bit of love-bombing, then putting a little bit of that pressure that made you crack before back on - it'll have your messed up little head spinning, feeling cornered and like a fish out of the water. It won't be his preferred way of doing things, sure, but he can't let you leave. It'll be so out of character, will blind you like a flash granade until you're suddenly stuck in that same old rut, only this time with a ring around your finger and your former boss in your bed.
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emininjago · 2 months
Sugary love ———— Lloyd x reader
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𝖲𝗈𝗇𝗀- 𝖮𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝖻𝗒 𝖫𝖾𝖾𝗁𝗂 
Originally this was posted on my Wattpad (Kaiya_ninjago) as an au one-shot for my Ninjago oc Kaiya Yoshida, however I’ve decided that I’ll upload it to tumblr but turn it into a Lloyd x reader fic, enjoy <3
Key: reader is gender-natural
e/c- eye colour
h/c- hair colour
Y/n- your name
l/n- your last name
The eyes the same hue as e/c captivated him. 
They drew him in commanding him to admire every aspect of them, of the way her h/c haired bounced as she walked through the café trays filled with drinks and sweet treats in hand, how they continually had a smile that felt like the sun was rising whilst they greeted the varying customers, or how he could hear the soles of their converse connecting to the ground as they weaved her way through the café like it was second nature to them. 
Everything y/n did had Lloyd falling more and more in love with the them.
The movement of a hand quickly moving in-front his face brought his attention back to the real world, he had forgotten he wasn’t alone, he forgot he was meant to be hanging out with his friends, and they certainly noticed his day dreaming. He already had a suspicion that they knew what or who was on his mind, and that was something he didn’t want to admit them again so publicly especially not when the person who occupied his thoughts was near.
“Hellooooo earth to hopeless romantic” Kai, the one who had moved his hand infront of Lloyds face spoke up, a sneaky grin on his face as he watched the blond snap himself back to reality. His other friends snickered at Kai’s choice of words, and Lloyd was quick to correct his posture and stare eyes wide at the brunet friend. 
“I am not!” He loudly whispered, his eyes glanced behind him to make sure y/n wasn’t within hearing distance, his cheeks were a faint pink at his friend exclamation of him being a hopeless romantic. Thankfully the person constantly on his mind was preoccupied talking to a customer, dimples on show, laughing at something they had said, he wondered what they had said, wondered when he could hear the sweet symphony of their laugher embracing his ears, wondered when the moment would come for him to be the reason for that symphony.
“Oh so, your mind wasn’t focused on little mr/miss/mx waiter/waitress over there” Jay teased, a sickeningly sweet grin on his face and his eyebrows wiggled mockingly. Lloyd nearly leapt across the table to cover the lightning ninjas mouth, his cheeks darkened at his words and at being bluntly called out by his friends for him daydream. 
“Shush! Shut it, not another word” Lloyd mumbled once again glancing behind him to check that the h/c person hadn’t snuck up behind him and had overheard Jay’s tease. They were still on the opposite side of the room blissfully unaware of the conversation taking place at his table, he wanted it to stay that way. 
The clothed navy blue and white stripped elbow of Nya nudged Jay, a somewhat serious expression explored her features though Lloyd couldn’t help but see the small smirk growing, her cupids bow making itself more apparent “Why don’t you just tell them how you feel dude” 
Colour had never rushed to Lloyds cheeks that quickly before, and it took everything in him not to slam his head onto the table and complain at Nya’s words, that would’ve caused quite a scene and alert y/n to his distress. He’d prefer to deal with his friends teasing than for his crush to see him like this. 
“Yeah sure and while I’m at it, I’ll make a new realm” Lloyd chided, his eyebrows raised mockingly at them whilst his hand lifted his cup of hot chocolate towards his lips. The beverage itself had an outline of a funky looking frog sketched into the chocolate, the sketch wasn’t by choice. All of his friends glanced at each other at his words, only one of them decided to speak up. 
“Technically it isn’t impossible for you to create a new realm, you’re the grandson of the First Spinjitsu Master and are the closest elemental wise in becoming the succeeding…” Zane explained, his tone remained monotone whilst he spoke, his tinted aquamarine Nindroid eyes stared at Lloyd. The rest exchanged a bewildered expression with one another, Nya silently reminded herself that she really needed to upgrade his sarcasm levels cause this was getting embarrassing. 
The grandson in question was quick to intervene his eyes narrowing at the titanium friend, he slowly shaked his head, the hot chocolate carefully placed back onto the table “I was being sarcastic Zane” Lloyd leaned slightly onto the table resting his elbows onto the wooden furniture, he didn’t miss the way the Nindroid silently told him to move his elbows of the table, mother hen. 
“It’d be good to get it off your chest, just gotta rip it of like an old bandaid” Cole encouraged a warm smile explored the earth ninjas face, as well as crumbs from the Black Forest gateau he had been devouring simply moments ago. Lloyd titled his head at Cole’s words, did he compare y/n to a band aid? And an old one at that. 
A loud groan left Kai’s and Jay’s lips both of them squinting their eyes at the ninja with frosting around his lips, Lloyd saw how a few customers in the café slightly turned to look at the infamous ninjas when the noise escaped the fire and lightning ninja.
“Can you stop comparing relationships to an old bandaid!” Jay exclaimed, his face slightly distorted due to the annoyed expression that crossed it. If Lloyd wasn’t exasperated with the ninjas he would’ve taken a photo of Jays to remember the hilarious face he had pulled. Kai leaned over towards Cole and shaked his shoulders slightly quietly mumbling about how that is a horrible expression to use when describing feelings and that he should’ve learnt the first time not to use it. All Lloyd could do was slowly blink at his friends. 
“Not my fault I can’t think of any other sayings!” Cole whisper yelled still being slightly shaken by Kai, Lloyd wanted to curl up into a little tiny ball and disappear under the table never to be seen again. He glanced behind to see that y/n had since moved away from the customer they were talking to and was now out of his line of sight, he could only assume they were now in the kitchen preparing a substance for a customer. The blond released a sigh of relief at the lack of y/n. 
“Boys, back on topic” Nya sternly whispered to them circling them back to the conversation at hand, he would've preferred if the three musketeers had continued their bicker at one another which would’ve dismayed the many customers in the cafe greatly. He wished the conversation didn’t have to turn back to him, not about this topic, he laid his head onto the table his arms being used as a cushion “Lloyd” 
He rapidly shakes his head not wanting to be addressed, especially not when Nya had used such a firm tone at his, as if he was once again a child and she was scolding him for a prank he had pulled or for sneaking out for a mission. Instead she was scolding him for not talking about his romantic feelings for a certain brunette, how times have turned.
“You’re gonna have to confront these feelings sooner or later” The elemental master added when she saw the swift movement of his head, unbeknownst to Lloyd all of them had a growing smirk on their faces. He regretted ever telling them about his crush on y/n, though truth be told they knew before he even told them anything, they had caught him on many occasions being trapped in a daydream admiring the h/c waitress/waiter a lovesick smile on his face. They were all none the wiser how y/n themselves hadn’t picked up on his crush yet. He was that obvious, or were they both that oblivious.
“Not when they’re literally a few feet away” was Lloyds mumbled response, it took two attempts of them all repeating the words in their heads and having a silent conversation with only their eyes to understand what he’d said. Too bad they didn’t have incredible hearing, only Lloyd got blessed with that. He could hear the distant movement of y/n in the kitchen preparing an order and the delicious smell of pastries floated through the air. 
Jay glanced up to stare into the little window that showed the kitchen, he could only see the h/c of y/n’s hair, they were far enough away there’s not a chance they could hear them. The cooper curled ninja leaned closer to Lloyd the sneaky grin still on his face. 
“All the more reasons to talk about them” he quietened his voice into a whisper, the teasing tone of his words flowing easily of his tongue. Lloyd lightly lifted his head up from the table resting it against his crossed elbows, his crimson coloured eyes the same shade as blood narrowed at the lightening ninja. The blond blindly aimed his foot to kick Jay, a pout formed onto the coopers face and he glanced down to the foot that had collided with his under the table “did you seriously just…”
Jay stared at Lloyd with a look of disbelief at the fact that one of his adopted brothers had kicked him, then his disbelief turned into humour. Pulling his head away from Lloyd a snicker escaped his lips and in seconds it turned into laughter tears pricked his eyes as he continued to laugh, Lloyd rested his head back onto the table with a groan. Nya quickly shot Jay a glare that instantly told him to shut up, he did as was instructed however faint snickers found their way to echo across the room he had to cover his mouth with his hand to muffle them. 
“You know Lloyd, Valentine’s Day is coming up” Kai chimed brushing the out of place strand of brunet hair that threatened to ruin his entire hairstyle. A smirk grew on Kai’s face, he stood up from the table and walked over to where Lloyd was sat, shaking his shoulder the same way brothers would. Lloyd weakly pushed Kai away and back into his seat, he wasn’t in the mood for his brotherly actions, nor for trying to understand what he was implying with his sentence. 
Zane who has only then finished his cup of tea, glanced down at Lloyd before speaking a smile much like the teasing expression on the others faces blessed his metallic one “Valentines day; the one day celebration of love, adoration and affection, it is common for individuals whether that be romantic or platonic to ask each-other to be their valentines. However this day is also celebrated to honour the death of Saint Valentine, a martyr who defied Emperor Claudius ban on marriage.” The Nindroid explained his eyes lifting from Lloyd up to the silhouette of y/n who was still in the kitchen, the teasing smile on his face grew “I believe Kai is telling you to ask them to be your valentines” 
That made Lloyd harshly left his head up from the table, his cheeks a dark shade of pink as he returned to his original position, his eyes had also widened at the advice. 
“I beg your…what!” Lloyd exclaimed his voice slightly shaky in shock and embarrassment at what had just been spoken, he could barely comprehend what had been asked of him. He glanced around the room hoping his exclamation and the words of his friends hadn’t been too loud, he didn’t wish for a specific h/c to hear this conversation. 
“Yeah, and if they don’t reciprocate your feelings then you can say you meant it platonically” Cole smiled, hoping this would be seen as encouragement for Lloyd to confess his feelings to the person. It had the opposite effect, Lloyd slowly sank further into his seat a sound closing resembling a whine, that just made him not want to tell them even more. 
The harsh sound of a slap on Cole’s shoulder returned Lloyds attention to his friends, Kai had taken the liberty to smack the earth elemental shoulder an amused expression of disbelief on his face. 
“Dude, you’re not helping!” Kai snippily said shaking his head disappointedly at Cole, what even went through his mind to say that? Kai knew Cole had meant it from the goodness of his heart, but that was not what was needed “that probably made Lloyd not want to confess even more” Cole mumbled a quick apology at Lloyd, mentally face palming himself for even saying those words. 
“I think what Cole is trying to say, is that it’s better for you to try rather than suffer in silence with your feelings. Take a leap of faith” Nya softly spoke her smile aimed at only Lloyd to see, this was an actual smile of encouragement, there was no mocking tone or anything of the sorts and it seemed that the others agreed with her words. Lloyd sighed and adjusted his posture straightening back into his original spot. 
Was he really going to confess his feelings to y/n? And on Valentine’s Day of all days, a day that was merely three days away. The possibility of getting rejected was high and so was the feeling of possibly feeling embarrassed about it, but Nya was right, he had to take a leap of faith.
“Okay…okay I’ll try” Lloyd mumbled, a small smile forming on his face as his cheeks flushed a pinkish colour, he couldn’t believe he was admitting out-loud to them that he’ll try and confess to them on valentines. He couldn’t believe he was even thinking about verbalising his feelings of infatuation to the brunette that was constantly on his mind. 
Jay leaned over towards him, his eyes held a teasing gleam to them as he leaned close to Lloyd and smirked. His expression made Lloyd incredibly uncomfortable “and you know, it’ll be a cute story to tell your kids that you got with them on valentines day” 
Lloyd shot up from the chair in record speed, his eyes widening at the statement and his cheeks became so much more darker. He glanced behind him watching as y/n walked out of the kitchen tray in hand with sweet treats on and walked towards a table, this time when he glanced y/n looked back at him smiling warmly at him before continuing their walk to the table. Lloyd cheeks were burning at that. 
“I’m waiting… outside” Lloyd quickly spoke shuffling out from his chair, tucking the chair back into the table and slowly walked away towards the exit of the café. His cup of hot chocolate remained half empty and the ninjas exploded into silent laughter. 
Y/n could only spare Lloyd a single glance of confusion wondering what had made him look so on edge when they stared at him. The blond never wanted them to know about the conversation he and his friends just had, though it did achieve one thing. 
He was going to ask y/n l/n to be his valentines, to confess his feelings of unbridled love to them, and that scared him to pieces. 
Lloyd stared down at the sketchbook on his desk, the book with the engraved leather binding of his name making it look ancient and lost in time seemed to merely reflect his own stressed expression. This book held all of his most recent sketches the faint lines of where his pencil had touched the paper hidden within, in a way this sketchbook held all of his secrets, his passions, his beliefs, how he views the world. There were various sketches dotted in the books paper of his surroundings, of the people around him, of the pets that have graced the monastery over the years, only one of these sketches had blush decorating his cheek. 
He flipped open the book instantly finding the page he desired, he remembers the day he drew that page as if it had happened yesterday. It was a rainy afternoon, water droplets cascading down the cafés window in groups, the café itself was relatively quiet most of the customers were inside to hide away from the rain. Y/n waltz around the room drinks and food in hand warmly welcoming people onto the quaint building to conceal themselves from the increasing storm. It had been by chance that Lloyd had ended up in the café, the dim lights softening the atmosphere around him, it was the type of atmosphere that if you weren’t careful you’d fall asleep in an instant.
His eyes fluttered across the room taking in his surroundings, though his gaze always returned to a certain brunette, his pencil brushed along the paper trying to capture the way in which the light of the candles decorated Y/n’s face, how their hair was a bit out of place, how their eyes held a softness to them whilst they talked to their customers, he tried to capture all of these little details onto the paper. 
The page he was staring at was a portrait of y/n, their contagious smile frozen in time and their eyes squinted slightly in laughter all captured onto the page forever inscribed onto it. His smile, a Duchenne smile decorated his lips his finger lowering to the paper and stroking the cheek of the drawn y/n. 
“What are you looking at Lloyd?” A voice from behind him brought him away from his thoughts, quickly he turned around to come face to face with purple eyes staring at him, her head titled in question, though a somewhat teasing smile was on her metallic face. Pixel was in the doorway of his room, he didn’t even realise nor hear anyone approaching, was he that stuck in his daydream. 
A sheepish expression dawned his face, his cheeks decorated in a blush pink colour, Lloyd quickly cleared his throat his eyes glimpsing behind him he instantly saw the page of y/n’s portrait on full display, if Pixel even steps slightly around him she would come face to face with the portrait. 
He quickly rushed to shut the book slamming it shut while Pixel’s confused expression seemed to spread. Lloyds cheeks continued to glow in its pink delight “Pix, hey!” his hand laid against the book while he turned around again to face her, he attempted to muster up the most convincing smile she would ever see. 
“Why did you slam the book?” Pixel took a step further into the room keeping the shoji door slightly ajar, one of her silver eyebrows raised as she look from Lloyd to where his hand disappeared behind him. The grip of Lloyds hand tightened around the leather bound object. 
“no reason, so uh need anything” Lloyd quickly replied his cheeks continued to be painted in blush, all he wanted to do was answer Pixels inquiry if she had one and then she’ll leave, he could only handle being embarrassed once today, he didn’t need it twice.
The samurai warrior stepped beside Lloyd her eyes glancing down at the book that his hand was covering, anyone could tell it was his sketchbook the leather bound around it and the fact that he was being quite protective of it gave all the clarification needed. Lloyd sighed at that, his fingers tapping against the material surrounding the sketch book, it had quite the harsh touch to it but was soothing nevertheless. 
“Zane informed me of the conversation had at the café” Pixel explained, smile on her face, her eyes never left where the sketchbook was embracing the outside of it. She always found Lloyds book to be special, always found it showed her glimpses into how he sees the world and others, on the rare occasions she’s been able to get a peak at the sketches within it always amazed her just how detailed they were. How the hands of a fighter could create something so beautiful, though that might’ve been the First Spinjitsu masters family genes shining through “are you really going to ask y/n to be your valentines?”
Of course Zane had already ratted him out to the nindroids significant other, that shouldn’t have surprise him, that in a way didn’t surprise him, he was expecting Pixel to mention something about the café. 
“Maybe, I don’t…I don’t know” Lloyd’s gaze diverted to the ground not wanting Pixel to see any more of the blush coating his cheeks. Slowly he lifted the sketch book up from the table and rested it against his chest, his arms crossing over it to create a protective shield around it, shielding it away from the prying eyes. 
“That sketchbook of yours has always intrigued me” Pixel pointed to the book in his grasp, a smile on her face while doing so, she could only guess that there was a sketch of a one y/n l/n engraved into the page “I believe they would enjoy it” 
Those were the last words Pixel spoke to the blond sending him a quick smile her lips curving upwards, she swiftly left the room after her smile as if she hadn’t just left Lloyd speechless with her words or that she hadn’t just given Lloyd an idea on how to ask y/n to be his valentines. Slowly he settled his sketchbook back onto the desk and once again found his desired page, he quickly grabbed a pencil from his desk draw which sat on the desk and began to scribble down onto the page a quick sentence. 
‘‘Y/n, will you be my valentines?’ 
He stared hard at the page, debating whether or not to gently tear the beautiful/handsome sketch of y/n out of his sketchbook, the decision weighed heavily on him disagreeing whether or not he should take a chance or remain a coward and leave it in the book. Lloyd didn’t realise that through his debate in his mind he had already teared the page out of his sketchbook, the decision had been made.
Slowly he folded the page, the pencil stained paper getting smaller after every fold, Lloyd fiddled with the sketch his mind still racing on why did he allow the ninjas to coheres him to ask y/n out so easily, he’d never asked anyone out before, never had to bare his romantic feelings out to someone, Cole was right though even if his confession to y/n went poorly he could easily say it was meant platonically. 
He placed the paper onto his desk, the folded paper standing out like a sore thumb compared to everything else, tomorrow he’d give y/n the note, tomorrow the question on the paper would be answered. That knowledge frightened him. 
“Lloyd mission time!” Cole called out to Lloyd as he passed by the now open shoji doors that connected his bedroom to the Monastery corridor. The blond was already a-dawning his signature Green GI, where one of the sleeves were brown whilst the rest was a dark green. Lloyd sighed and glanced one more time at the folded paper. 
He rushed out the room, his mind already fixating on the upcoming mission, though the paper and y/n remained in the back of his mind. 
They always found a way back into the four front of his mind throughout the mission. 
The café had never felt so silent before, even with Lloyds incredible hearing there was not a sound of customers chatting to be heard, the distant sound of a radio playing faint jazz music echoed across the room. It was just after the lunch rush and only a few patrons were in the café most of them being elderly citizens enjoying their own company, Lloyd must’ve been the youngest person in that café as he admired the decor that surrounded the walls and how the faint pinks and yellows mixed perfectly to make such a calming atmosphere. 
He stood beside the door, the slightly broken bell singing on his arrival, Lloyd wasn’t going to be here for long, all he needed to do was hand y/n the note wait for their response and then leave. His hand fidgeted with the folded note that was concealed in his Green hoodie, rocking on his heel as he heard the faint laughter of y/n from the kitchen.
Soon they walked out of the kitchen and to the counter, a wide smile on their face. Lloyd took that moment to admire he features, to admire her h/c hair which had been tossed into a high ponytail/or however your hair normally looks to avoid it from ruining the batter, their front hair hiding parts of their alluring e/c eyes that they had to sweep away to put her eyes on full display once again, a cream coloured apron tightened around their waist and the faint smell of pastries drifted into his direction. In his eyes y/n was the definition of perfect, and if he could he’d admire them the entire day, for the rest of his life if he could. 
Y/n turned their head when they felt eyes staring at them and they flinched slightly at seeing Lloyd standing silently beside the door, he sheepishly smiled at them causing a chuckle to smoothly leave their lips “you really do live up to your profession, don’t you?” They jokingly shakes their head and a smile once again graced their lips, Lloyd wished he could ingrain that smile into his brain. 
“What can I say, it’s part of the job description” The blond took that as his cue to walk up to the counter, the awkward smile still remaining on his lips while the paper continued to be fidgeted with in his hand. This was going surprisingly better than he had thought, though he didn’t plan on accidentally frightening them, he forgot just how quiet he could be. 
“Mhm, nearly gave me a heart attack” y/n grabbed a rag from the side and began wiping down the counter, a half smile still on their lips even when doing this mundane job, they glanced up to their blond haired friend who still looked slightly on edge, they decided to ask about his uneasiness in a bit “on pick up duty again? Well sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you have to order your stuff first before coming in to grab it, my boss almost threw a fit the last time you came without ordering first and I just gave you the food.” A smirked grew on y/n’s lips before they lowered her voice into a whisper and added “though I can always sneak you a little something from behind the counter” 
Lloyd shakes his head at y/n’s word, the nervousness leaving his body for a brief moment he chucked at their words, the h/c raised an eyebrow at Lloyd not fully believing his head shake. 
“Really, well that surprises me” y/n mumbled, finishing with the rag and placing it back onto the side of the counter, they rested her body weight onto the black serving counter. He fidgeted with the paper once again before quickly signing, a confused expression found its way ontop y/n’s face tilting their head slightly at his tense stance. 
“Are you…busy?” He quietly asked his question sounding more like a mumble than actual words, the fidgeting of the paper in his pocket increased and y/n placed a hand onto his clothed shoulder to calm him. It didn’t calm him, not in the slightest, the action made him think that his heart had skipped a beat and pink coated his cheeks. 
“No I’m not busy, is everything okay Lloyd?” Y/n softly responds with a question of their own, keeping their hand firmly on his shoulder and rubbing her thumb gently across it, they were no doubt going to be the death on him, if was so then he didn’t mind going to an early grave. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay just wanted to…” Slowly he began to pull out the folded paper his palms sweating while doing so he hid the paper away from their eye-line, there was no doubt that the paper was getting slightly wet from his palm. He cut himself off halfway, swallowing loudly and running over the words in his head one last time. Y/n patiently waited for him to continue. 
Steadily he opened his mouth preparing himself to pass y/n the folded paper and final have his question answered, that didn’t happen, one of the customers decided at that moment to come up to the counter “excuse me, are you busy?” The h/c glanced at Lloyd quickly an apologetic look in their eyes before mouthing the word sorry and removing their hand from his shoulder focusing their attention onto the customer.
Lloyd stood there crestfallen, was that a sign from the First Spinjitsu Master that it wasn’t worth asking them, that it wasn’t meant to be. He stared harshly at the ground slowly shaking his head at himself, at his stupidity, why did he even think to trust his friends, why didn’t he decline their idea immediately and never even think about asking y/n to be his valentines, it was a stupid thought really that he’d even have the courage to ask them. Lloyd shoved the paper back into his hoodie pocket his arms hanging limply at his side. 
A few minutes later and the customer retreated back to their table, a few minutes too late for Lloyd he’d already scrapped the idea of asking y/n to be his, scrapped the idea of giving them the folded paper. Quickly y/n returned their attention back onto their crimson eyed friend an apologetic smile on their face. 
“Sorry about that, what did you want to say Loy?” Y/n rubbed the back of their neck in sympathy and properly stared at Lloyd, only then did they notice the annoyed expression on his face and the slight scowl that made its way onto his lips, what had happened in those minutes that had made him look so upset.
“Nothing important” Lloyd monotonously responded, his voice quiet and his eyes refused to meet her staring anywhere but at her. Quickly he turned away from them and walked towards the door “better let you get back to work” 
Y/n opened their mouth to speak, to try and stop him from leaving and for them to understand what had happened, however he was already out of the café door it swinging harshly open and walking out of the café swiftly away from her, the bell nearly broke of from its stand as he exited. The few customers stared at his loud exit in confusion, the most confused of them all was Y/n themself, quietly blinked at the door before opening the flat of the counter to go and adjust the bell back to its normal place. 
Once they had walked out from behind the counter did their eyes catch the sight of a folded and slight crumpled paper on the floor, in curiosity y/n crouched onto the ground and picked up the paper walking with it in hand as they made their way to the bell. They didn’t know where it had come from and it felt wrong them for to go snooping at other peoples belongings, but they really wanted to know what was on it. 
Slowly they opened the folded paper and they were instantly meet with themselves, or at least a sketched version of themselves. Y/n marvelled at the drawing, they weren’t a massive art fan but everything about this sketch drew them in, the way whoever drew them captured them blew their breath away, it was mesmerising. Their eyes scanned the sketch searching for some type of initial that would reveal of the mystery of who’d drew this for them, the art style seemed recognisable to them for some reason but she couldn’t understand why, only when their eyes caught sight of the scribbled writing did they know who it was. 
Their breath hitched as they caught sight of Lloyds name at the end of the six letter question, their cheeks becoming a rosy pink hue that there was no doubt that if any of the customers even glanced over at them then they’d be confused by their expression. That was what he had wanted to ask, that was why he was so quick to leave, that was why he looked so nervous, their entire interaction with Lloyd made so much more sense. They softly smiled at the sketch and refolded it placing it into their apron pocket, they had some planning to do, and they couldn’t wait for Lloyds next visit to the café, they only hoped it would be before Valentine’s Day. 
Lloyd didn’t notice that the sketch was no longer in his hoodie pocket until the very next day. 
Lloyd was practically dragged once again to the café, this time however it was by his mother insisting that this was what he needed to get him out of his funk. He blankly stared at his mother in annoyance, he didn’t tell her that the reason he was in his funk was because he was going to ask y/n to be his valentines in that very café but the universe clearly didn’t give him any signs that he should, he didn’t dare tell his mother that reason, that would’ve only given her more reason to bring him here. 
“I’m not in a funk mum” Lloyd harshly whispered to his mother the moment she opened the café door, the bell announcing his arrival, his eyes glancing to the floor the moment he saw y/n h/c hair. Mistako guided the two of them to an empty table, a warm smile on her face while she adjusted her glasses. 
“Nonsense, you normally love going to this café. Gets you right out of your sour moods” His mother beamed picking up a menu from the table to scan over the items on offer. Yeah, normally it would help his sour moods but not when the person he wanted to ask to be his valentines is in his vicinity, it was the day before Valentine’s Day and he had lost his sketch, those three factors did not equal a perfect place to help him “what do you want son? I’ll be paying” 
“Debating whether or not to pick the most expensive item for revenge on you dragging me here” Lloyd chided in a mumble, his eyes narrowing when his mother passed him a menu, she lightly smacked him on the back of the head and huff leaving her lips, the café certainly hadn’t fixed his mood, she didn’t even know what had made him so prickly. 
“Behave you” Mistako strictly whispered with a raise of her eyebrow, from the corner of her eye she could see y/n making their way to the table notepad in hand. Maybe they’ll be able to right her son’s sour mood, Mistako didn’t notice how Lloyd swiftly turned his attention away from the approaching y/n nor the pink that dusted his cheeks. 
“Long time no see, what’ll it be?” Y/n smiled at the two of them, their smile lingering longer at Lloyd than at his grey haired mother, their eyes closing slightly in delight. Mistako was quick to say her order and was about to poke her son to tell him to say his own order, however y/n had already spoken again “your usual Lloyd?” 
The way their question seemed to easily leave their lips left his cheeks rising in blush more, his eyes turning to glance at them slowly he began nodding his head “uh…yeah…yeah I’ll have that” he kept it brief and quickly turned his gaze back to the closed door, it was difficult trying to ignore the person you’re hopelessly crushing on, his mother once again lifted an eyebrow at his nervous and swift tone but she never commented on it. 
Y/n smiled and walked away claiming the orders will be out shortly, it was once again only Lloyd and Mistako at the table. 
“What was that about?” She humorously asked the moment y/n had disappeared into the kitchen, the older women moved the menu out of Lloyds hand and to the side of the table, a quiet laugh leaving her lips at his pink cheeks, she never realised Lloyd had a crush on y/n, now she was more glad that she had brought Lloyd here. 
“Not important mum” Lloyd quickly whispered, his eyes wide as the words flowed from his mouth and he rested his head onto his elbow, his eyes glued to the door once again avoiding any eye-contact from his mother or from y/n. Mistako opened her mouth once again wanting to add onto her previous statement, though the quick glare her son gave her quickly prompted her not to and to instead sit there quietly and wait for their beverages 
Ten minutes later and y/n returned two drinks in hand for the two Garmadon family members, the warm smile persisted on their lips even when they placed the drinks down for the respective person. Lloyd glanced down at his hot chocolate expecting some sort of disfigured drawing of a type of animal, only this time it was none of the sorts, instead on the top of his cup sketched into it via cream was a heart, must’ve been a valentine special for the day before and on Valentine’s Day. 
“Oh Lloyd” y/n spoke reaching into the packet of their apron and grabbing out a familiar piece of folded paper, Lloyd froze the moment he saw that paper, of course he’d left it here, of course they’d seen it, he didn’t want them to see it anymore, he didn’t want to feel the taste of embarrassment, of humiliation. The h/c placed it beside Lloyds hot chocolate “You left this here a few days ago” 
Lloyd wanted to bang his head onto that very table, he wanted to run out of that café with what little dignity he had left, he wanted to rip that paper into a million tiny pieces. Y/n didn’t stay for long after they gave Lloyd his folded paper back smiling warmly at him before going back to the counter, he could still feel her gaze even when she was no longer beside him. 
The blond let out a slight groan at the folded paper picking it up from the table and holding it in his hand, he narrowed his eyes at it as if scolding the paper for falling onto the floor and ending up in y/n’s hand. Mistako glanced down at the paper to her son silently telling asking him what on earth was that paper for, he never responded. 
With a quick movement of his fingers he unfolded the paper, he might as well see if the sketch was still intact even if the small question that laid unanswered on it would haunt him. Slowly but cautiously he unfolded the paper, the sketched eyes of y/n staring at him, he unknowingly smiled at being reunited with the sketch though as his eyes surveyed the page he noticed that something had been added, his eyes widened when he realised what it was. 
‘Yes, I’d love to ♡︎’ 
In seconds he was quickly placing the paper back onto the table, his mother raising an eyebrow at him at his fast reaction unaware of what was on the paper. 
“They said yes” Lloyd whispered in disbelief, pink slowly becoming more evident on his cheeks and the tip of his ears, once again he grabbed ahold of the pencil stained paper and looked over her written reply, he saw that underneath their name y/n had written down a number, their number, he had y/n number “oh my wojira” Lloyd sank into his seat, a dreamy smile on his face while his hot chocolate became forgotten, he couldn’t believe he had a valentines, that Y/n L/N was his valentines.
Lloyd glanced behind him and there they were smiling at his reaction, their own blush decorating their face, they lifted their hand up to her ear and did the call me sign. He sheepishly smiled at her rubbing the back of his neck, guess he was no longer free tomorrow, tomorrow he was with y/n, on a date. 
He was going to cherish that sketch forever 
Green machine: 
Guess who’s got a valentine!
sent 11:30am
You all owe me £10 
sent 11:31
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omniuravity · 7 months
Other Characters people in Hazbin Hotel played: Broadway Edition
This will only include major credits in Broadway musicals, TV musicals, and Movie musicals. If some characters are not on here, they didn't have those credits.
Also no more than three credits cause some of these people have credits a mile long like Jeremy Jordan and Keith David.
Tags: @bloodypeachblog @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered @dynogadget @moths-and-mantids
Main Cast:
Charlie (Erika Henningsen): Cady from Mean Girls
Vaggie (Stephanie Beatriz): Mirabel from Encanto, Carla from In The Heights (the movie)
Husk (Keith David): Dr. Facilier from Princess and the Frog
Niffty (Kimiko Glenn): Dawn from Waitress
Sir Pentious/Adam (Alex Brightman): Dewey from School of Rock, Beetlejuice from Beetlejuice the Musical, Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss (duh)
Supporting Cast:
Vox (Christian Borle): Emmett from Legally Blonde, Shakespeare from Something Rotten
Velvette (Lilli Cooper): Sandy from The SpongeBob Musical
Lucifer (Jeremy Jordan): Jack Kelley from Newsies, Light from Death Note the Musical
Carmilla (Daphne Ruben-Vega): Daniela from In The Heights (the movie), OG Mimi from Rent
Zestial (James Monroe Iglehart): Ozzie from Helluva Boss (duh), Genie from Aladdin (the Broadway show)
Mimzy (Sara Stiles): Spinel from Steven Universe (should this count?)
Rosie (Leslie Kritzer): Delia/Miss Argentina from Beetlejuice the Musical
St. Peter (Darren Chris): Harry Potter from A Very Potter Musical, Blaine in Glee (should that count?)
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evermore-grimoire · 2 years
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The Evermore Grimoire: Princesses
Tiana is a 19-year-old African-American woman and a gifted cook living in New Orleans during the Jazz Age, with dreams of opening a restaurant of her very own. However after the death of her father, her dream becomes a distant memory as she works day and night as a waitress at two local diners. After a disastrous night that scarped her reawakened dreams Tiana makes a wish upon the evening star in the hopes of making things work out once again. After her wish, Tiana meets a talking frog who reveals himself to be Prince Naveen. Following the tale of ‘The Frog Prince,’ Naveen then asks her for a kiss in an attempt to break the curse put on him by a voodoo witch doctor, which makes her hesitant to kiss a frog. Eventually she kisses him, however Tiana also falls victim to the curse, setting off an adventure in the bayou to find a cure.
artwork by Dim Draws
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bestmusicalworldcup · 2 years
The Best Snubbed Musical World Cup
The Best Snubbed Musical World Cup is a tournament to determine the best musical excluding those that won the Tony Award for Best Musical. Submissions are now closed! The final list of musicals in the Best Snubbed Musical World Cup is below.
& Juliet 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille 21 Chump Street 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee 35MM: A Musical Exhibition A New Brain Ablaze The Act Adamandi Aida Alice By Heart Allegiance An American in Paris American Idiot American Psycho Amélie Anastasia Anne & Gilbert Annie Get Your Gun Anything Goes Anyone Can Whistle The Art Of Pleasing Princes Assassins Back to the Future the Musical Bandstand Bare: A Pop Opera Be More Chill Beauty and the Beast Beetlejuice The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Big Fish Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Bonnie and Clyde Bran Nue Dae Bright Star Calvin Berger Carousel Carrie Chess Chicago Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein) Clown Bible The Color Purple Come from Away The Count of Monte Cristo Death Note: The Musical Dogfight The Dolls of New Albion Dracula Dreamgirls The Drowsy Chaperone Elisabeth Émilie Jolie Evil Dead: The Musical Falsettos The Fantasticks Finding Neverland Firebringer Fly by Night Frankenstein The Frogs Funny Girl Ghost Quartet Godspell Grease Groundhog Day The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals Gypsy Hair Hans Christian Andersen Heathers Hedwig and the Angry Inch Holy Musical B@man! Hoy no me puedo levantar The Hunchback of Notre Dame In Transit Into the Woods Jagged Little Pill Jane Eyre Jekyll & Hyde Jesus Christ Superstar Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat La Légende du roi Arthur The Last Five Years Le Roi Soleil Legally Blonde The Light in the Piazza The Lightning Thief Little Shop of Horrors Lizzie The Lord of the Rings Love in Hate Nation Love Never Dies The Mad Ones Made in Dagenham The Magic Show Magic Tree House: The Musical Mary Poppins Matilda Mean Girls Mentiras el musical Merrily We Roll Along Miss Saigon Mozart! Mozart, l'opéra rock Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 Newsies Next to Normal Notre-Dame de Paris Octet Oklahoma Oliver On the Town On Your Feet! The Story of Emilio & Gloria Estefan Once on this Island Once Upon A Mattress Ordinary Days Parade Phantom (Yeston & Kopit) Pippin The Pirate Queen Preludes Pretty Woman The Prince of Egypt Priscilla, Queen of the Desert The Prom Ragtime Rebecca Ride the Cyclone The Rocky Horror Show Roméo et Juliette: de la Haine à l'Amour Sarafina! The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1964) The Secret Garden The Scarlet Pimpernel Seussical Seven Brides for Seven Brothers She Loves Me Show Boat Shrek the Musical Sidd Singin' In the Rain Six Soldaat van Oranje Something Rotten Spies are Forever The Spitfire Grill SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical Starry Starship Sunday in the Park With George Tanz der Vampire / Dance of the Vampires Tarrytown The Threepenny Opera / Die Dreigroschenoper Tick Tick Boom Timéo The Trail to Oregon! Tuck Everlasting Twisted Urinetown Waitress West Side Story Wicked Wiedzmin The Wild Party (Lippa) The Wizard of Oz (1987) The Woman in White Wonderland You're a Good Man Charlie Brown
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
im stuck in rarepair prison hey so
i cant stop thinking about sanji teaching sabo how to cook tbh !! i do think that koala and hack did teach him basic meals, but he should take it a step further and learn to use a pot and bake and– you get it
i think he's a messy chopper (not the doctor) or like he slices ingredients slowly. this is inspired by a scene from the movie "the princess and the frog" where naveen, a prince, and tiana, a waitress, are turned into frogs. anyway, theres a scene where the characters get hungry and tiana tells naveen to mince the mushrooms which he had difficult doing.
so i imagine sabo struggling with mincing and then sanji comes in and shows him how it's done. which sabo is Really impressed like... how does he not cut his fingers? so when it was sabo's turn, obviously he cant do it at sanji's speed, but sanji holds sabo's wrist and gives him a steady pacing and a more nice and even slice. (when sanji turns away though, sabo stops to take a breather and is blushing like crazy– how sanji was behind him, his soft and gentle hands guiding him– LORD give me strength)
Sabo's gonna have a heart attack before he can finish cooking his meal, I swear. The rizz Sanji has while cooking is unmatched (I was actively blushing watching WCI). Sabo only asked Sanji for lessons because he was trying to flirt and it backfired and now he's the one blushing all the time. Sanji keeps (innocently, too, not even trying to flirt, because he's an oblivious idiot-) helping Sabo cook by placing himself behind him and putting his hands on his. Maybe he pats him on the shoulder too and keeps his hand there for... A long time... And Sabo is visibly dying. To try and have the upper hand he keeps bragging about his powers and every time Sanji needs fire Sabo is there showing off, and that certainly does things to Sanji too. So they keep flirting while cooking and it takes longer than they expected to finish their meal but, whatever, they had fun. Nobody enters the kitchen while this happens because it's extremely uncomfortable to be there while these two keep making heart eyes at each other.
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