#wanted to try this trend out
so-mordor-itis · 1 year
He wants to kiss you. He's grateful you're not giving his eyes any attention because you'd notice right away they were looking at your lips. He wonders how they'd feel, if they'd be soft, if they'd be a little rough around the edges. He wonders if he wouldn't mind the latter or the former, and he wonders why he's even thinking about this in the first place. He could try to kiss you, but where would that take him? What path would that lead him down?
He'd have to fight the urge for now.
- Leon Kennedy, Luis Serra
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mercury-and-scry · 2 months
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with the 1.6 update, I revamp my extremely normal and average farmer.
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lucydoodlessometimes · 3 months
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so... child soldiers, huh?
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Hi!! Same anon from the comfort question! That's so sweet and cute thank for that!! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
now Im imagining Eddie "the southern gentleman" Dear having a mini telenovela moment while the horrors happened, he's all like "oh, I am too late, I slept too long; he is with another and have too let him go" even sad music in the background
Meanwhile Frank is cuddling Wally AND Eddie after beating the shit out o f the horror, the man need a break and also be like "this is the 3 one this week I miss my garden"
I holding onto 'frank would hold on to you like a barnacle' to Eddie after so long talking to a fake one
that is pretty much Exactly how it goes in my head lmfao - and like, the thing is that Frank & Eddie weren't really together when Shit Went Down? they were in that "we're mutually courting & neither of us has said anything outright yet but we both Know and are waiting for the right moment" stage yk yk?
so when he wakes up Frank isn't immediately all over him, cause he's kinda like "oh shit where do we stand? im not used to this, i haven't talked to Eddie in so so long! how do relationships work?!" so that + his easy & affectionate behavior with Wally creates a Perceived Emotional Distance & Romantic Disinterest from Eddie's pov. like no, hon, Frank's just rusty <3 and also unsure if he Should pursue their relationship because he's slowly fucking dying & does he want to hurt Eddie like that???
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vibinglikethat · 2 years
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Grogu + The Bag™ 
The Mandalorian Season 2
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abirddogmoment · 4 months
would you do bird hunting with Aurora given the opportunity? (I dont follow anyone who does hunting with their dogs and it would be interesting to see!)
I'm back and forth on it honestly. Ideally yeah, I'd love to give her the opportunity to hunt and be fulfilled that way. But there are a couple of things I'm struggling with:
I don't have access to training birds myself, nor the knowledge (or desire) to go at training her seriously alone.
Most gundog trainers (incl. my local brittany person who's been helping me out) expect you to go all in, birds should be your priority over all else (including general good dog manners).
Currently, pointing dog training in North America tends towards "make dogs bird obsessed -> introduce gunfire -> reign in the dogs so they're steady". The problems with this (for me) is that I don't want a bird obsessed dog at all and I don't want to use the pressure expected/required for "reigning it back in".
I had a really demoralizing experience trying to learn more about shotgun sizing and I'm not keen to try again.
So in conclusion, maybe but probably not to a serious extent.
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writeouswriter · 1 year
If I ever have a character mention a modern app like Tiktok or something in one of my stories, please assume I’ve been bodysnatched or am being held hostage somewhere.
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lesbianlotties · 10 months
going to war to watch the Barbie movie was SO WORTH IT ACTUALLY 🩷🩷🩷🩷
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likedbyuarmyhope · 3 months
there’s been many times in the last few years when army was so divided i thought we’d never recover but none of those times hold a candle to what’s going on right now. genuinely there’s no coming back from the way these anti-boycott, anti-DOING-FUCKING-ANYTHING armys have been acting
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mightbeadaredevil · 2 months
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moss-opossum · 4 months
I want to help build a world in which cruelty is not expected, where you can trust others to leave you alone when you want to be left alone and give you a hand when you need help. I've faced harassment and discrimination and threats from authority figures, and from strangers, and from neighbors. I can't stand living in a world where this is acceptable for anyone to experience. We all deserve better.
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4ndj4 · 2 months
Res dogs headcannons!
♪ ~ ♪ ~ ♪ ~ ♪ ~ ♪ ~ ♪ ~ ♪ ~ ♪ ~ ♪
💛 Vic (Mr. Blonde) - Calls Eddie hot nonchalantly.
🩷 Mr. Pink - Has attempted.
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gxlden-angels · 10 months
I need Americans that were never Christian™️ to realize that the average conservative cult christian's thoughts are basically that one episode of Spongebob where he gets elected Hall Monitor and gives a speech with "Crime and Punishment. Punishment and Crime"
#christians see themselves as the hall monitors of the earth essentially#and everyone needs to be punished and have their good noodle stars taken else they'll commit arson#they genuinely believe that as soon as you stop policing people they'll delve into their deepest darkest fantasies and start committing sins#that even Jesus Christ himself didn't think of#they come from the idea that they are the only group capable of keeping things steady until Sky Papa can make his way down and fuck shit up#So when you do something bad it's because you fell into the pull of destruction#But when they do it's the equivalent of stepping on your dog's foot because they almost tripped you#I still think it's funny a bunch of christians are creationist tho lmao skill issue#My grandparents are but my dad isn't#he believes evolution essentially occurred over the same time the earth was being created#and the story of adam being made from dust was a metaphor and literal#he was made from dust made from decomposing animals and plants which he used to create us as a more perfect being#so now we continue to evolve because we're connected to the dust and can continue to try to improve#so my dad believes in evolution and went to college for biology and chemistry at the biggest HBCU in the US#That evolution/creationist tangent was completely unrelated but all twitter is for me rn is ppl freaking out about our rights being taken#I avoid twitter most of the time but like to look at my friends' and fav artists' tweets#and recently I think little joel made a video about the evolution video that was trending so yea#n e ways have a nice day y'all <3#I've been wanting to make more hehe hahas but everything in my brain rn is Undergraduate Thesis level shit#so I haven't really been reading or writing things I can talk about on Tumblr.Com ya know?#most of it is sociological textbooks memoirs and similar stuff that Id feel talking about on my casual blog#maybe Ill make a blog. like Blog blog for my essays one day#ex christian#religious trauma
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sysig · 5 months
2023 Art Purge
Fanart edition! Second verse, same as the first, onto the walls of text!
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Started the year with a huggy Squirtle! How can you get better than that <3
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A solemnly dancing Spamton haha - this one still makes me laugh, what could possible have him so jovially serious
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Only one leftover Sarah doodle from this year, inspired by a song that reminded me so much of her and Jocasta - Right Here Waiting is such a beautiful pining song! And since they're separated for such a while, not to mention the angst
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Comfort Birdos <3 She's so pretty, I’m love her ♥
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I just had to pick some of the most feral-designed Pokemon as my favourite, someday I'll know how to draw Vulpix and Ninetales! Cutest lads, someday someday
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It’s actually pretty funny - the first page of this notebook ended up having some Handplates doodles, apropos of nothing, just wanted to draw them out of the blue, and then ended up being on the last pages as I finished it off! Goes to show how long they've been on my mind this year I guess haha
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I ended up doing some Eris studies from my favourite scenes from Sinbad, her hair is literally the coolest - so pretty, the movement is incredible! Her proportions are all over the place depending on her size and shape, she's so cool and chaotic
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Also had a couple tiny leftover Souichi studies! Cutest lad <3
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And his eyes specifically - I'm pretty sure the two small ones around the big one were studied from the same face haha, that's not how his face is shaped!
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Scottyiscringe's absolutely incredible After Dark meme was so inspirational to me earlier this year - I'm pretty sure the Yanderapy boys were like 85% inspired by The Vibes, such a beautifully dark and uncomfortable video gosh <3 Greasy main was a real treat to study from as well
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The Stanley Parable bunnies! Just a silly idea of what Stanley - specifically Sinister, you can see his burned paw! And arrow-marked ears hehe - and the Narrator would look like as rabbits haha
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Smol and I did a few teeny-tiny art trades this year, and for her first two she asked for her Bleach faves, Szayelaporro Grant and Quilge Opie. All I really know about them is they're both bad news bears, which is cool by me 👍
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Weegie! I doodled some he and Bowser concepts fairly early on but none made it to final :P He's still a cute lad tho!
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The original scratch-sketch for @farouchestray's birthday Raichu and birb! Can you tell I'm not that practiced with drawing birds or Raichu lol
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Another leftover Sinister, silly goofy handsome lad
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The beginnings of the WOY spam! What would eventually become Sleepy Sunshine Wander, it was definitely an interesting experiment to hold back my sketches until after the digital version was done! :0 It's a habit I've gotten out of
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There was decidedly not enough Skeleton Dance this year lol, allow me to at least partially make up for it
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Another idea I intended to finish digitally first but wasn't able to swing it! The double edged blade of sitting on doodles unfortunately, I'm not sure if I ever will :( But at least it's here now - a Fist Fighter signing his love to Peepers and Peepers not quite catching his meaning haha ♪
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This one made it to digital! And was very silly-fun the whole way haha
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Another I wanted to digitize! Heck!! I started thinking about the Animal Crossing/Mii hand style in conjunction with Fist Fighters and
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He'll be fine. Probably ouo;
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The Little Guys original sketch :D They're so tiny!
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A mirror close-up of Peepers in a binder, frustrating to be Not Quite There yet
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I read a fic at one point with Peepers described in a very silly-sounding outfit and decided to give an attempt at it haha. He has worn drag in the show, I forgot about how his helmet stuck out until rewatching tho haha
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Those red-painted lips, goofy
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A continuation of Peepers being left behind with the main duo! Those unpredictable two, and with how much he's put them through, what would they do to him...?
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Obviously they'd be nice, trying to pull another Westley with him, but this is Peepers we're talking about! As soon as he knows he's not in danger, acting in animosity is right back on the table haha
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Poor Wander just wants to be friends! I don't think he'd actually be all that surprised, just sad that even with how long they've known each other that they still can't break through to him haha
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A follow-up to Wander catching Peepers and Sylvia sleeping snuggled up together haha, Peepers does not appreciate being called cute (even if he is)
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A WOY-inspired chess set! :D With the villains as the Black Team and heroes as the White Team! Why is Peepers the Queen to Hater's King and not Dominator? It is obvious :) I'm still not sure what to do for the White Team's pawns though, they don't exactly have just a single type of little guy haha
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Mad Wander! Look out!
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A silly idea I had of Wander trying to corral these rambunctious villains he's thrown in with this time around lol - could also be read as him taking care of babified Hater and Dominator but I feel like he'd just coo over them the entire time haha
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A gooey heart-eyed Peepers :) I guess he's stressed, it's a good look on him hehe
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Sylvia headshot <3 She's so cool and pretty
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More Skeleton Dance! Closer to on-model version of this high-stylized drawing of them :D Lookin' up at him with his big ol' eyes haha
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Some kind of situation of Hater having found (more?) Watchdogs and wanting to bring them home by hiding them in his cloak lol idk, I just wanted to draw their big funny heads under his clothes. It's so inconspicuous, Peepers will never know!
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Doug Plush!! With removable cloak! :D The cutest squishiest little demon <3 Very good to hug
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Ozzy dress concept doodles as prelims to this post, it was really hard to decide what style would suit him! Went through quite a few and still not completely happy with what I ended up with which is a shame 'cause it was such a strong feeling in my head! I know he can rock a dress, just a matter of what style hmm
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More of the same, wanted to at least get the composition of the Very Big Thought down before Oz's dress completely frustrated my attempts haha
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Thrax was a really fun study, his eyes are beautiful! The way his lids are darkened as part of his design to make him look heavily-lidded under his brows and with dark eye bags is brilliant :)
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Couple'a Helix doodles before I looked at references again lol, the impulse hits randomly - maybe Dex got a bad haircut haha
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Chibis and angst! My favourite <3 Max is very selfish hehe ♥
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You may find me occasionally traipsing through the Landel's Damned gallery lol, I feel very normal and rational and fine about it (lying)
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A Rule 63'd Max :D Inspired by drawing him lying on Dex with his shirt open - Max boobs lol
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The shot of ZEX looking at his hands </3 I actually drew this one on the context of Max and Dex running away together and Dex returning to their house and still finding ZEX in Max's place :'0 Looking at his new calluses!
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Princess ZEX concept art! :D My first pass at his dress and jewelry, I was not satisfied, he is not pretty enough!
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Some simple VUX mannequins for alternate outfits - you can see the pieces that eventually formed into the final version :D I am still rather a fan of the split Empress style in the middle there, cute <3
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Cleaning up the tiara/jewelry designs, and the sleeve puffs hehe ♪ I think the second tiara looks goofy, like little double mouse ears haha
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Closing in on the design! He really does deserve some goofy silly harmless fluffy fun :)
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Couple comparisons on shushing VUX vs humans, inspired by Out, where DAX wraps his arm around ZEX's trunk :0 Seemed very drastic to me, but there are instances where humans completely cover other humans' mouths! From there, thinking about what a single finger shush might look like, maybe bumping an arm tip against their "mouth"? Stoppering haha
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GLaDOS <3 <3 A spare doodle that I ran out of room for unfortunately but there she is! Love her <3 <3
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And a random Core, the nonchalant eye always reminds me of DAX so sure, DAX Core, programmed to barely put up with your nonsense haha
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Tried style-matching Florette and Luke from some screenshots, the Humongous Entertainment style is honestly really cute :D Very cartoony! Big thick lines and simple shapes, I'm a fan :D
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More smol art trades lol, she got very into Punch Out late in the year :) She picked the characters, I picked the outfits lol, we've got Super Macho Man in a Hawaiian shirt (and bikini underneath) and Don Flamenco in a ?? mesh brazier-corset and biker gloves I guess?? I dunno lol, funsies
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The Handplates return!! In the form of Fellplates - I was maybe a mite overdramatically disappointed in looking at Gaster's wing references and that they were only decorative lol, I just love animated wings! Expressive! Cute! Fluffy!! The little sketch on the left is him trying out attaching strings between his sleeves and the wings to have them "flap" with his arms haha
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More of the wings motif in his shawl, this time from behind :) I think it'd just be shaped like wings and couldn't actually open :0
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Make him cry >:3c
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Eyes eyes eyes, every time. Sans' eyes are very pretty, I like how many shapes he can make - expressive! Makes up for how inexpressive the rest of his face can be haha
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Anyone remember Gaster's keyhole chibi? I haven't made one in ages but hmmmm hmmmmmmmm
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The dangers of off-ramping from Portal into Undertale lol
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Did some little scratches of Endogeny 'cause the Amalgamates are lovely and I love them!! Would pet the goop dog 10/10
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A scratchy digital warmup Handplates!Sans - I’ve become really enamoured with the look of the screws on their palms, macabre as they are, so making a piece that centered them was double fun :)
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Still thinking about them, especially if they happen to fall apart :0 Their second and fifth metacarpals would always be connected somehow huh, not quite Gaster's fused hands but hmm
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Bonus version of the Stream-doodle Sans without Papyrus’ text! He turned out really cute haha <3 Squishy lad ♪
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
Hi! As someone who now kinda wants to check out Trigun because of the hype, do you recommend that I can start with Stampede? Or do I really need to watch the OG anime first to better understand/enjoy it? Thank you! 🙋🏻‍♀️
you can start with stampede! i'd say knowing the context of the original enhances the experience but isn't necessary to enjoy the show. I would consider stampede more viewer-friendly, especially for those of us who are used to modern storytelling conventions (the original suffers the consequences of general writing trends in anime at the time it was produced and of the fact that it was produced long before the manga was finished, so the story is somewhat disjointed and has a lot of filler which makes it REALLY hard to get into.) if you do end up liking stampede, however, I'd suggest trying out watching at least SOME of the original because it adds a lot of cool nuance and context to the story that stampede tells!
#your only REAL handicap is that you're missing out on references that clue you into the context of the story early on#and quite a few references in the finale. but none of those references are hugely necessary to understand the plot so you should be fine!#i didn't DISLIKE the origial and like i said im glad i watched it first but it was. REALLY hard to get into.#even as someone who understands writing trends & enjoys a lot of older anime trigun is. a product of its time.#there's almost no context given for the story you're witnessing until a good 20 episodes in.#the main villain isn't named at all until halfway through the runtime#and even TWO EPISODES BEFORE THE FINALE i still did not have enough information to fully understand what the hell was going on#vash was going into the final fucking battle and i still didn't know what knives WAS let alone what the fuck he WANTED#not to mention nick was FULLY DEAD and i still didnt know what his deal was. like ok go off king have ur moment bleeding out in the church#but can you EXPLAIN WHATS GOING ON BEFORE YOU SUCCUMB TO THE BLOOD LOSS PLEASEEEEEEEE GOD#stampede does that whole thing WAY better imo. it sprinkles the backstory more naturally throughout the show#again. part of this is 90s writing conventions. but there's only so much i can take fr#it was like comparable to evangelion in terms of LACK OF CONTEXT#anyways. this isnt supposed to be me complaining about the original. it had its moments. i watched 24 episodes of it like it was not BAD#but like. i think the story really benefits from the way that stampede chooses to lay everything out. is what im saying.#tldr watch them in whatever order but if you like stampede try the original#you might not like it more than stampede but you WILL feel cool when you realize how it all relates to stampede#asks#vash is also WAAAAAY sexier in stampede. HOWEVER. the women of the show are like 10 times sexier in the original. so. pick your poison ig
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memento-mariii · 1 year
Speaking of the fae, what gets me about those "dark fae romances" that seem to be so "in" right now is that they don't do anything interesting with the fae lore. Like. Why even call your MC a fae if he never speaks in riddles and can just straight up lie all the time. Why call him a fae and make him impervious to cold iron.
Look. I know that "fae lore" is actually just a disjointed and often self-contradicting collection of completely individual folk tales and mythologies and that no such thing as the Definitive Fae Lore™️ exists, but c'mon. At that point he's just a guy with pointy ears. He's a tolkien elf with an attitude problem. You're allowed to write a yandere legolas fic if you want to write a yandere legolas fic.
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