#gn shepard
sol-consort · 4 months
May we have a crumb of yandere Kai Leng x reader headcannons or something like that? 🙏 🥺 (I'm sorry)
Hell yeah my dude, you may even get a smooch on the forehead for being the bravest soul out there to ask for this.
Yandere Kai Leng HC
[Dark content, yandere, stalking, obsession, possessive behaviour, enemies with tension, love/hate relationship]
[Shepard reader - gender neutral]
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"You killed the scientists... What do you want?"
"Your attention."
Kai Leng is many things, an assassin, a killer, a bastard and the most annoying thorn digging at your side with exceptional delight.
The way he snatches victory from your fingertips at the last moment, drinks in the expression on your face going from genuine surprise to despair and then rage.
It makes the blood pump faster in his veins, being at the centre of your undivided attention as you stare at him with a look of pure primal rage.
Careful Shepard, you treat a man this way and he might get the wrong idea.
Next thing you know, he's breaking into the Normandy undetected while it's docked on the Citidal. Crew blissfully unaware as they enjoy their shore leave for a day.
Your quarters aren't what he expected, not from the best fighter he ever went against in his life. Yet so very endearing, you collect ship models? You care for fish?
He traces his gloved fingers against the surface of your desk, leaves a couple smudges on the glass of the aquarium with a smirk as he imagines the annoyed look on your face.
Sits on your chair, examines the various medals you keep in a case display. Reading what each one was for, looking through your life achievements as if it was a to do list he's crossing off, comparing his own skills to yours without a hint of shame.
Moving to your couch, he spots a half empty glass of wine. A small smudge of lips against the rim of the delicate glass.
Nimble fingers pick it up, careful not to let the sharp metal nails on his gloves scratch the surface. He drinks in the aroma of the wine.
Oh, definitely not his type, you have an awful taste in wine. He thinks as he turns the glass around, parting his lips and pressing his mouth against where your own lips have been.
Downing it in one gulp, he feels the same rush of dopamine whenever he fights you. The same shiver ran up his spine as that day he noticed a bit of your blood on his finger and licked it off while meeting your eyes, shameless at the look of disgust in yours.
You tasted just as awful as this wine, as sickingly bittersweet, and he can't get enough.
Your bed is on display next to him, all made and neat just like any alliance soldier must have been taught to do.
What a good little soldier you are, he thinks, did you keep your bed all made for him to ruin?
So many ideas go through his head on the ways he could piss you off with this, maybe spill the wine on it? Or how about his own blood? Maybe litter the cover with bullet holes and spell out his name.
He walks closers to the seemingly soft thing, lifting the covers and leaning down.
It...smells like you. Like the faint scent he catches whenever he has you pressed under him during combat, amidst the smell of gunpowder and rubble, your own scent stood out as he pressed his nose closer to your neck, alongside his sharp sword.
Kai Leng buried his face in the pillow much like he wanted to do with your neck just before you flipped him over on the ground and pointed a gun at his head.
He settles for laying on the bed, nothing else. You wouldn't have had an idea he was here except for the few wrinkles on the sheets his heavy armour would leave behind.
Your bed is surprisingly hard, much like your own body. He thought it was fitting, and yet a part of him wanted to force you on a soft bed, see you unwillingly sink into the comfortable fluffy sheets and have your muscles unconsciously relax.
Do you keep yourself constantly sharp not to lose your survival instincts? Do you refrain from allowing yourself the luxury of comfort not to grow soft around the edges?
He has read and heard so many things about you, he has searched the aftermath of every battlefield you left behind.
He knows more about you than anyone could ever claim to, more than the person you've shared this bed with before could ever attest to.
On his way out, he removes the bugs he planted to block the cameras. Twirling one of your shiny medals between his fingers, your opened wine bottle in the other hand.
"You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me."
He's cocky and confident in his own skills. He has nothing to prove and no one to impress.
But you, oh you, always working hard to meet other's expectations. Always being spun around and dragged from one trivial mission to another, hunting for the most useless of sentimental items to return to their owners without being asked to.
He hated seeing others use you, he felt like it was only his right to have you running around searching for him.
Whenever your focus drifted elsewhere, he'd blow up a small colony here to get you chasing after his trail again, plant a small hijacking device on an alliance ship you'd need to save, let some info slip so your sources could get a tip on him.
Let your pathetic crew think they managed to track him when he turned off his own firewalls just long enough to ignite the flames.
He always gives you just enough to keep the fire burning, just enough to keep him out of reach with you on his heels.
Just enough so you don't get distracted by lesser matters.
Or lesser people.
He has seen your record, read your personal information reports and he was not impressed by the person you've called your lover.
What do you even see in them?
Now he can't have his cute little commander getting distracted by some lame date or a sorry excuse of a person you call a lover, no he needs you to focus on him.
And if slitting more throats was all it took to keep your pretty eyes focused on him, then can you really blame him?
Can you blame him for looking forward to each fight with you.
Your back aches from the sharp stones of the cracked wall behind you digging into your armour. Legs floating just above the ground below as you were helplessly pinned to the wall by a hand against your throat, helmet cracked open with your eyes glaring into the masked figure in front of you.
There's a sharp dagger against your heart, an obsidian blade threatening to tear through your armour like paper. It has also dug a way through to your bare flesh with its tip, you feel the cold press of the sharp stone against your skin.
Heart beating, your fingers stay still against the trigger of your pistol. Despite the barrel pressed directly onto the temple of his head, Kai Leng paid it no attention as his closed his body against yours more.
Thighs touching each other, the heat radiating off of the two of you from your previous game of cat and mouse. The way he keeps all of your weight lifted off of the ground with just a single hand, pressing hard enough to choke you but not cut your air off.
He's smiling, a gesture so seemingly innocent yet smug at your scowling expression. Each one holding the thread of life of each other, the threat of snapping it hangs thick in the air but neither of you makes the first move.
The dagger is steady against your heart, his body keeps moving closer. You're struggling not to let your grip on the pistol falters, it's all you have left.
Letting go of your neck, the supply of air makes you regain your wits. His body is tightly pressed against your now, the blunt edge of his dagger pressing against his own heart.
Strangely, his free hand holds you lovingly. Holds you like you're partners in a slow dance, like you're seconds away from sharing a kiss after months spent at sea away from your lover.
His face is moving in, your eyes are glued to his lips. Your mouth parts on its own.
Closing your eyes, you feel your finger slipping from the trigger on the pistol. You feel the dagger faltering.
Within a second, you immediately bring up your knee to dig painful in his stomach and free yourself. He staggers backward before finding a cover from the barrage of bullets you fire his way.
The dagger slashed across your armor, a line from your heart and upwards to collar bone. The marks of his fingers on your neck left a visible bruise.
He noticed your high collared wardrobe choices in the following weeks, the corner of his lips tugging upwards at the purple traces peaking through the turtlenecks you wore.
But his own bruise from your solid knee hitting his stomach was on fill display as he wore lighter clothes during his training. Stopping in front of the mirror in his room to lift his shirt and admire the mark you've left on him.
He wanted more.
He wanted your claws marking down his back, he wanted your thighs squeezing his waist until it bruised.
Your teethmarks against his neck and shoulders, a slap to the face, a punch to bruise his side.
Reducing the two of you to animals in a state of primal fighting for domination, he wanted you to give your best to him and watch as he still overpowers you.
Make you struggle for your life and then lose to him, time after time he wanted to keep you frustrated and losing.
Making the acclaimed hero, the Commander Shepard, feel weak against another human for once in your life.
It gave him such a power trip. A rush of ego going straight to his heart and between his legs.
You were his. Since the day you the Illusive man handed him your file, you were fated to be his.
He wanted you more than anything, he wanted you more than air itself at times. Wanted to push and prod you and experience all of your reactions, wanted to put you below him then watch you flip him over.
Kai Leng will take anything and everything you have to offer, be it love or hate. He will gladly feed his obsession off of both, make you feel his body pressing against yours during each encounter.
Remind you of your equal, that you're not the unbreakable titanium everyone claims you to be.
That just like him, you're human too. Weak and prone to error.
He will never look at you with stars in his eyes like the rest of your loyal crew does. He will never see you as bigger than life like the other humans do.
He will always see past all the fancy titles, shiny medals and heavy armour.
And see you. Not Shepard, not your last name and not the commander.
But you.
Bare, strong, weak.
And no one else besides him will get that, no one else will be your equal but him.
He will make sure of it, that you won't get to experience this with anyone else.
Everyone is worshipping at your feet. Doesn't it get tiring? Don't you want to feel alive? Really alive rather than being reduced to this symbol of hope rather than the living being you are?
And so he reminds you of that, several messages disguised as war reports or intel from military officials sent by him.
Only for the first line to be met with, is him praising you for doing such a good job and opening these messages, falling straight into his trap.
Be good for him, read through the whole thing. Through all the demeaning praise and gratifying insults, through all the things he has written about you.
Like eating at a restaurant and leaving a review afterwards, that's how he treats those battles the two of you have. Sending you a performance review afterwards and listing the things you did wrong and how to improve them.
Making you the more confused by him, by why he does the things he does.
Sometimes, his messages include information about you that no one else knows, references to moments you were sure you've spent alone, past, and present.
He ignores every questioning message you send him, cherry picking the parts of your message to reply to.
He grew more and more unhinged with his messages as time went on, more and more shameless with his voicing his inner thoughts on a recording and sending it to you.
There's a faint sound of gunshots and screams in the background, as if he was recording them on missions. Forcing you to have to listen to them so you may catch any details on where he was and who he was killing.
Other times, you started finding things on your bed and desk that you were sure you didn't buy whenever you came back from a shore break on the Citidal.
A dark chocolate candy bar on your desk.
An apple on the table.
A shirt that's not quite your size, washed and folded on the bed.
A perfume that smells faintly familiar.
One handwritten letter you found, stabbed to the bedframe with an obsidian dagger.
"The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written.
I hope l'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death."
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thewriterg · 1 year
♡︎𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫♡︎
pairing(s): Tim Shepard x gn!reader, Sodapop Curtis x gn!reader, Dallas Winston x gn!reader
summary: Coming back from your outing never did your boyfriend expect you to come home with a gift that needed receiving than giving
word count: head canons so no need
request(s): Is this the right spot? I never ask for anything so idk. I haven’t seen much of Tim Shepard so I want to ask for a gn reader that brings back a puppy or kitty for the holidays if not for Tim, maybe dally, or sodapop please —anon
warning(s): fluff, kisses, mentions of violence, pet names, grumpy Tim and Dally per usual, and language
A/n:—GIFs @moirailegiance,@tessgifs,& @angelic-stimz— First holiday/winter request! I haven’t done head cannons in such a long time so let’s get to it
♡︎Tim Shepard
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You were literally Just going to the store so you could grab some more sugar for you Christmas cookies-
So how the hell you ended up with a puppy is beyond you
“Where the hell have you been!? I was about to send a search party after ya!” Coming from a worried Tim who was having heart palpitations he’d honestly thought the Soc’s had got their grimy hands on you and that made him beyond uneasy
“Okay so when I tell you, promise you won’t freak out” Your now bouncing on the balls of your feat and Tim couldn’t tell if it was from nervousness or excitement you couldn’t tell either
“Okay.. tell me what?” All while looking exactly like this. 🤨
“Never mind”
“Just Tell me!”
“I just said never mind!”
You guys went on like that for a while until you just finally snapped
“I got a puppy! It was the last one In it’s bunch and it was alone!” Cue you taking a little puppy no more than 4 weeks out of your inside coat pocket
“Oh lord Y/n, and it’s one of those little rat dogs!”
“It’s gonna get bigger Tim!”
I strongly believe that Tim is like one of those dads who swear up and down that it’s your dog, your responsibility, and he’s not going to do anything for it.
Scolds you for like an hour about how much time goes into puppies while your just nodding like a child who got caught with their hand stuck into the cookie jar
But then does everything and more under the sun for the little fella
Tim fucking knits!
And he knits them little sweaters and booties because ‘their too little and it’s too cold’
He’s definitely one of those dads who like have a beer in one hand your little puppy sleeping on his chest and is like two seconds away from falling asleep in the reclining chair
Very protective
God Bless one of his guys accidentally step on HIS SON!?
I don’t think they would be very recognizable afterwards…
Refuses to let the little pup walk on their own afterwards for a while…
REFUSES to put HIS SON in a cage/dog house/ restriction of any the sorts
You think his child is going to sleep anywhere other than a doggy bed that’s 100x their actual size?
“If their not drowning in it it’s not good enough”🤷🏽‍♀️ —Tim Shepard for president
Once caught Ted —one of his guys— trying to give his son a bone
He. Let. Him. Have. It.
Because the audacity, his child is held to respect as he is. So to think you were going to give him your scraps it’s disrespectful to him. Puppy get his own chicken torn off the bone 🙄
Does not let them cry or whine for more than five seconds.
Immediately picks them up.
Secret does ‘the baby voice’ he thinks no one know about
Christmas morning he’s sitting on the floor beside you with your son between his legs guiding his little hands to open his presents
It’s the cutest thing.
They play for hours too.
Moral of the story Tim is a proud dog dad🫡
♡︎ Dally Winston
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The first thing that comes out of Dally’s mouth as soon as he sees you step into your shared home with a cat cradled in your arms
Takes a lot of convincing for you to keep it
Dally Still doesn’t like it though and keeps his respectful distance
Or tries to and fails
Cue to your cat following him around everywhere
It annoys the hell out of him.
Until one particular day
You both visited Dally at work aka Bucks places and Dal was practically rolling his eyes at the little feline attached to your hip
It was in the afternoon and the bar was empty
“Dal watch them so I can go to restroom please” Dally just nods his head so you can stop bothering him about really keeping his eyes on the thing
Buck has a fish tank.
And Dally only looked away for a minute and there goes your kid swatting at the fish as Buck is running around like chicken with its head cut off
*proud dad look while nodding his head
So your kid is into mischief?
Dally claims them now.
Doesn’t move from behind the counter as he watches them jump onto tables pushing glasses off the surface onto the floor
And then as soon as you get back he jumps back onto the floor and snuggle around your feet
He really likes this kid now.
Probably because it’s quite literally him in the form of a cat but yk thats just a guess🤷🏽‍♀️
They are the biggest trouble together
But they know they’re both adorable so they can’t get into too much trouble
Dally swears up and down he doesn’t know what your talking about when you ask him about the missing tuna cans
I mean his child has to eat something Y/n 🙄
Sometimes their so bad together it gets to a point where you put both of them in a timeout in separate corners. Both. Of. Them.
*cat meowing
“Yea man I know.”
Moral of the story Dallas ends up falling hardest 🤭
♡︎ Sodapop Curtis
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Being honest
Soda was the one who actually brought your puppy home-
“She’s so cute can we keep her Y/n pleaseeeeee!”
“Soda honey, a puppy is a lot of responsibility”
“I’ll feed her, and walk her, and everything! You won’t have to lift a finger I swear!”
You lift lots of fingers.
But they both go great together! They have so much energy they will be outside all day if you let them
All. Damn. Day.
Once you called them both in for dinner just to see them standing on the porch both covered in mud. Head to toe. Snout to paw.
You had to wash them off with the hose.
Soda takes her everywhere.
To the store, on walks, even to work!
They’re the best duo on the block 🙄
She has like four beds all around the house and still sleeps in the middle of the bed between you guys
Everything soda eats they eat too
“Soda no!”
Cue sodas hand pausing in mid air as he tries to give the pup chocolate
Catch and Tug of war is the only game they play
Moral of the story they’re your favorite people!
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seithr · 1 month
something about fem characters getting masc titles does something insane to me. emperor and sir and my lord and master. ough flavour
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hauntedbestie · 2 years
Kaiden Alenko and no. 7: There's someone at the door. ?
Maybe sometime during the events of ME3 if you prefer something more specific. something something Alenko out of Huerta Memorial finally
And if you don't want to, please accept these flowers instead. 💐💐💐
my dear friend I'll always accept flowers from you! Have some Kaidan Alenko and GN!Shepard (can be read as being romantic or platonic involvement between the two).
word count: 473
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He’d been itching to get back in the fight since he’d woken up at Huerta. The mission on Mars had been a blur, and nobody in the facility could tell him how he’d ended up there except for “Commander Shepard.” Of course. Even after his accusations and lack of trust, he’d still been taken care of by the Commander. Not somebody on behalf of the Commander, but Commander Shepard specifically took care of him.
But now that he was cleared by the doctors to get back in the fight, he wasn’t sure what to do. He was accepting the Spectre offer, and told Shepard that he had work to take care of before he could make any Alliance related calls. Udina had Spectre work for him to do now that he had an option that wasn’t the Commander. It wasn’t necessarily helping with the war against the Reapers, but it was keeping him busy. The door to the war would open eventually, nobody could ignore the Reaper threat now. 
There was work to be done on The Citadel after Udina’s attempted coup, but the Council wanted him to focus his efforts with the Alliance - and naturally the Alliance provided the Major with two options. Two doors that would put him on the front lines; one would lead him to work under Hackett with the Fifth Fleet, the other would put him in the middle of the action with the Normandy crew. With Shepard. 
Opportunity knocks when you least expect it, his dad taught him that. 
He knew where he wanted to be, but it wasn’t his call. He could knock on the door, but somebody had to be there to open it and let him in. He gets to knock on the door when he sees Shepard at the docking bay, hoping that Shepard was there to open it. 
He knocks. Telling Shepard about his choices, leaving himself vulnerable by telling Shepard where he wants to be. Aboard the Normandy with the soldier that saved his life at least four times (but he knows Shepard isn’t counting like he is). Being vulnerable like this wasn’t his favorite, but he needed to be otherwise he wouldn’t be joining the war in the fashion that he wanted to.
The silence that follows sets him on edge. Shepard is thinking, could potentially just be screwing with him too; but he knows that his actions on Mars, and Horizon before that, leave a lot of room for Shepard to question whether or not he would be a good fit for the team that’s been assembled for the Galaxy’s last hope.
Thankfully, there’s someone at the door. Shepard is there to open the door, welcome him aboard the Normandy - welcome him home. 
return of the cowboy weekend
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dearsnow · 4 months
Heyo! So uhm a few days ago I requested the holding the greasers hand and tellin' them you love em thing, I was thinking you could make a part two?
No pressure, I totally get if you don't want to! :))
- how, as their best friend, holding their hand and telling the greasers (and cherry) you love them would go. (the outsiders x gn!reader, fluff)
a/n - i thinkkk that’s all the characters that actually have personalities, so i hope you enjoy this expansion <33 personally i believe two-bit would be jumping up and down and literally going crazy the minute you even brush against his shoulder LMAOO
includes: two-bit, steve, cherry, tim, & curly
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When you’re with TWO-BIT, things are rarely ever quiet and serious. So, when you take his hand, your expression softening and lips parted for your proclamation of love, he panics. “Yeah, ‘course! Love ya too, like really, but uh I think the stove’s on. Let me just…” He slips away, face beet-red and heart leaping. He’s not very quiet about it, but he does a secret dance in the kitchen and comes back out to you. In that moment, all he can think about is kissing you. And, of course, he does.
It’s a pretty quiet day in the Curtis household, and you and STEVE are sitting on their sofa. You grab his hand, playing with his fingers a bit, and casually drop that you love him. “Aw damn, who doesn’t?” He grins. “And I love you, for reals.” He slings an arm around your shoulder and pulls you flush against him, running his other hand through his complicated hair. “Why don’t we prove it?”
Your friendship with CHERRY is a delicate thing, and you’ve been nervous to make a step past platonic. But she just looks so pretty on her picnic blanket with the sun behind her, so you slide your hand onto hers and nervously confess that you love her. She smiles and leans into your touch. “I love you too.” The moment is quiet, a kind assurance that no matter what, you’re in it together.
TIM isn’t kind or gentle or any of the things that usually warrant love, so he’s taken aback by your touch and words of love. He takes his hand slightly back, out of your grip, then reaches out to tangle it in the collar of your coat. Pulling you into a kiss, he is hungry and wastes no time. “You’re too soft, y’know that? You needa get tough.”
You’re walking with CURLY down the street by your place when you reach out to hold his hand. “What are you doing?” He questions, eyebrows furrowed. You quietly utter that you love him, and suddenly, his eyes are wide open. “Jesus, man, you gotta warn me next time. Let’s just…” He trails off. For the first time in your life, you have caught Curly Shepard blushing. “Let’s just go, yeah?”
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pav-ia · 7 months
childhood friend pavia x gn reader !
cw :: fluff, threats, slight angst, uuwwwwwh idk
i might write a p2 to this i like how this turned out. this is my most banger post so far
there was a time when you lived in piemonte. youd play with your puppy, a german shepard that was lively and energetic, chasing her around. you were a scrawny little thing, polite and respectful and sweet.
you chased your family dog, giggling as she ran away with the ball. youd made quite some distance from your house, following your dog as he sniffed the ground. she led you to a small house, near the outskirts of town. youd recognized it as the home of a woman who your mother had advised you stay far away from.
“she’ll only make you cry.” your mother said.
“shes not for little kids to talk to.” your father said.
but your doggy was still approaching the house, her nose pressed against the grass. you followed the shepard, your eyes wide with curiosity at getting near the “forbidden” house. your dog stuck her nose into a small window near the base of the house, and you followed suit, kneeling down to observe the hole.
both you and your dog were startled when a little boy stepped into the dim light shining through the window. he was very far down, his neck craning up to look into your eyes. his gaze was unnerving, but you were ever so friendly.
“h-hello..!” you say politely, offering a small wave. you sat down crisscrossed, peering through the small window, down at the boy staring up at you.
“..hello.” he replied curtly. he had brown hair, which looked greasy and unkempt. his shirt was too small for him, but he was still able to fit. you noted how thin he was. “whats his name?”
you were confused by the question, tilting your head and trying to figure out what he meant. sensing your confusion, he pointed to your dog who was seated next to you, patiently watching the boy.
“her name is cleo! shes really nice.” you say enthusiastically. you held a hand out for your dog to shake, and you watched as interest filled the boy’s expression. you smiled brightly, and the boy smiled right back.
from that day on, you would frequently visit the strange basement-boy. you would bring your dog, or youd go alone. you could spend hours chatting with the boy, laying on your stomach as you talked to him. you learned that his name was pavia, he liked animals, he didnt like his aunt, he liked your eyes.
“your eyes are very pretty.” hed tell you frequently, incase youd somehow forgotten how much he admired them.
you would sneak food from your breakfast, your lunch and dinner and you would share it with him because he was extremely skinny. he grew visibly healthier as you had “picnics” — you would call them — bringing many different snacks or meals for him to eat.
on special occasions, your mother brought gelato back from the city. on those days, you would immediately excuse yourself, running to the house with the treat in your hand.
“pavia!” youd call for him. he would emerge from the darkness of the room, under the small patch of light that shone through. “try this!” you stuck your hand down the hole. the contents inside the cup had melted a bit by now, but it was still relatively cold.
he trusted you full heartedly, reaching up to gently take the cup. he brought the spoon to his mouth, and his eyes softly widened at the taste. he held the styrofoam cup with such gentleness, savoring the treat on his tongue. he looked up at you with a soft blush on his cheeks. “what is this?”
“its gelato! do you like it?”
he smiled and nodded.
you had been friends for quite a few years at this point. during this time, he grew less quiet, instead more relaxed and engaged in your conversations. you were a naive kid, but you still managed to pull this reserved boy out of his shell. he frequently talked down on himself, shyly asking you to stay longer with him, but being very hesitant to accept the little gift you offered him. he didnt like himself and he said you shouldnt hang around someone like him, but you didnt really care. slowly, he bantered right back with you. he teased you, telling you he was probably taller than you even if there was no way to measure. he was snarkier, more friendly and less nervous.
you also became less cautious around the house. your comfortable attitude around him led you to forget all about his aunt.
“what do you want?” the woman spat aggressively at you as you walked up the hill that the house was on. your dog growled at her, and you shrunk from her mean visage.
“i-i was just passing by your house to p-picnic on the other side-“ you quickly stutter out, lying so she wouldnt do anything to pavia. you knew that she hated him just as much as he hated her. she didnt buy it, scowling at your barking dog. she kicked cleo, your dog whimpering and hiding behind you, continuing to growl.
“if i ever see you or your dog on my property again, ill make sure your mutt is dead.”
you nodded and left abruptly, your dog following close.
not that that would stop you, however.
that same night, you had a few slices of bread in your pocket, as well as a small jar of jam. even if you two couldnt share the large basket of snacks you had prepared, you still wanted to share something.
“why are you back?” hed asked as you called for him. he was once more hesitant to take the jar of milk you passed, as well as the bread.
“youre my best friend, where else would i be?” you giggled. he was quiet for a while. under the moonlight, you swore that there were eyes watching you from the darkness, nearly glowing that you couldnt have noticed before.
“youre gonna get in trouble.” he mumbled, mouth full of bread. you only laid on your back, your face looking up at the sky full of stars.
“for you? id get in trouble if it meant i could hang out with you more.”
the very next week, there were a number of new faces in your little countryside town. there were many people passing through, on their way to a festival in the big city. lucky you, your father surprised you, telling you that you would be heading with him to the city to view the same film that so many tourists were talking about.
that night, you visited pavia again.
“im leaving town for a little while.” you informed him. you had brought a loaf of bread that you had baked yourself, and butter that you bought from a neighbor.
“how come?” he asked curiously.
“theres a festival that my dad wants to take me to. ill take you to one someday!”
“its like… a show! with lots of people, and different colors and smells.”
“and you would take me one day?” you couldnt see him due to the lack of light from the sky, but you assumed that he had wide eyes like he always did when you told him about new things.
during your time in venice, you had bought a cheap ring, and bundle of handcrafted postcards. when you snuck back to the house, you were greeted with a wooden board covering the window that he was behind.
you didnt get a response. even if you knocked on the planks, he didnt say anything. you knew he was behind there still due to the shuffling from behind, but he didnt say anything back to you. you dropped the cheap ring through the small thin crack between the boards, hearing it clatter against the ground.
you kept talking that night, even without his response.
during the day, you began writing down your thoughts on the postcards youd bought in venice. at night, you kept talking about your day until there was nothing to talk about. you slid the postcards through the planks, even if he couldnt read them in the dark room. you would draw little pictures, write down your meal recipes, really whatever you thought of.
your last letter to him before you moved to the city read:
“come find me in sicily one day? ill be waiting for you! cleo says hi :)” accompanied by a muddy pawprint.
you told him all about the city, all about what you would miss in your little town. you told him that you would be leaving, and that you couldnt wait to talk to him again.
in the city, you brought your dog everywhere. she was an adult now, and you were entering your adult years slowly. you had found yourself a steady job, and you took care of your parents as they took care of you.
another gala came your way, and you dressed up all nice as you brought cleo to the large show of different films and costumes and displays — you noticed that she was unusually interested in something. while usually she followed you without a leash, you brought one due to the sheer amount of people that were at the festival. she tugged on the leash, and you followed her. she eventually began sniffing at a man’s ankles, and you tugged her away. the man turned around curiously as cleo was trying to sniff his pant leg, and you pulled her away, bowing your head in apology.
“sorry, shes not usually this curious.” you quickly said. the man in question was tall and muscular, he had many tattoos and piercings, snakebites under his lips and hair that was white with brown roots. he just smiled, a toothy grin that showed off his sharp canines as he spoke to you in a charming voice.
“no worries, [name].”
at first you were relieved that you avoided an awkward encounter, but blinked in surprise when you processed that he somehow knew your name. you stared at the man, unnerved by his sharp eyes and familiarity.
“your eyes are very pretty, by the way.”
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<NSFW content will be bolded, only slight nsfw will be in italics and bolded>
The Outsiders:
(Some of these include Shepards but I forgot the label)
The Gang x goth s/o
The Gang x Mean Girl s/o
The Gang Hugging Headcanons!
Johnny Cade Dating Headcanons!
The Gang x s/o who flinches in a fight
The Gang x smalltime Movie Star! M! Greaser PT 1
Johnny x Hot!F! Greaser + Gang Reactions!
Johnny x Two Bit x Dally (PLATIONIC) Headcanons!
The Gang walking in on you changing!
Johnny can sing x Gang Reaction
The Gang x m! Mute Greaser friendship Headcanons
The Gang x Scary! M! Greaser
The Gang x Rich Soc! GN! Reader
The Gang x modern AU!
The Gang x F! Greaser Crush Headcanons
Steve Randle Headcanons!
Autistic F! Reader x The Gang
Gang Cuddling Headcanons!
Teasing! Hot! M! Greaser x The Gang
Scary! Hot! Teasing M! Greaser x The Gang
Young Ponyboy x Two Bit Fluff!
Sodapop, Two Bit, and Steve School Headcanons
Pretty, haunted, scared looking F! Greaser x Gang
Innocent M! Greaser making unintentional dirty jokes x The Gang
The Gang x F! Scene reader
The Gang x F! Hyperfem reader
The Gang x Hogwarts Houses!
The Gang x Protective! M! Greaser going crazy in a rumble when they get hurt
The Gang x Dark! F! Seductive! Reader
The Gang x Androgynous!GN! S/o
The Gang x GN/F! Waitress s/o
Movie Star M! Greaser gets killed in a movie x Gang Reacts!
Nice! F! Greaser with RBF x The Gang
NSFW M! Reader Headcanons x The Gang
NSFW F! Reader Headcanons x The Gang
M! Greaser gives princess treatment to the Gang Headcanons!
The Gang x baker/cook! s/o!
The Gang x Reader who reads out loud very goofily
The Gang x Great storyteller Reader
The Gang x s/o! In a band!
Short but deadly! M! Greaser x The Gang
Tall! Whimpy! Polite! M! Soc x The Gang
Yandere!F! S/o x The Gang
Chaotic!M! Greaser x The Gang
Insecure about braces! M! Greaser x The Gang
Stupid Damn Feelings: A Dallas Winston x FtM!Curtis Reader smut
The Gang x Masc!Butch!Genderqueer! Tough buzzcut F! Greaser
Gang Reacts to Pony with M!Conservative!Down Bad! Soc
The Gang x F! Tough lookin! But Soft! Crochet! Reader
The outsiders characters as things me and my friends have said
The Outsiders Incorrect quotes
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre:
Nubbins Sawyer with sick s/o
Nubbins Sawyer x Bimbo/Himbo s/o
Nubbins Sawyer x Insecure!F! Reader
The Sawyers/Slaughters walking in on you changing
Nubbins Sawyer General Headcanons!
Johnny Slaughter General Headcanons!
Sissy Slaughter General Headcanons
Comfort! S/o with shitty abandoned friends
Nubbins/Chop Top Sawyer w/ genderfluid partner!
Scream 1
Comfort! S/o with shitty abandoned friends
Slashers in General
Slashers with s/o on period!! Ft. Micheal Myers + Stu/Billy and the Sawyers
What the Batfam eats for Breakfast
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2knightt · 1 year
random moments with the J.C, D.W, and PB.C !
3.mentions of smoking and minor mentions of abuse.
4.once again, didnt proofread but fuck it, we ball.
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Johnny Cade ;
after he got yelled and a good beating by his pops for no reason, johnny ran out the house as his father yelled out as his son disappeared in the distance.
when he knew he was a good length away from his house he slowed down and started to walk in a steady pace.
he held his head down as he felt shame wash over him.
he’s 16 now, yet he doesn’t have the guts to stick up to his own father? what kind of man is he if he can’t protect his own honour?!
when he reached the lot he sat down on a bench to calm himself down before he did anything else.
while johnny inhaled he heard someone shout his name.
“johnny?! is that you?!”
he exhaled faster than he ever has and almost snapped his next to look up.
“y-y/n? what are you doing here?”
you rushed over too him and grabbed his face with both hands.
“i should be asking YOU that johnnycake. are you alright?? lord all mighty johnny, you’re bleedin’!”
johnny just stares into your eyes, then he finally realizes he’d been beaten so bad he’s bleeding.
you drop your hands and shove them into the pockets of your pyjama pants. johnny raises his hand to the injury you’d just brushed over with your thumb.
he looks down at his hand and sees the blood.
“well, you gon’ say something? i’m worried for you…”
“ye-yeah. i’m fine baby. don’t worry about me anyhow.”
“i AM going to worry johnny cade! you’re MY boyfriend! and god knows what’ll happen when i get my hands on the sons a bitches who did that to you...”
you said mumbling the last part for just your ears.
johnny started at you with his mouth slightly open in both shock and bliss.
he loves that you care for him but he doesn’t love that you were the one to see him like this. he didn’t like being that vulnerable little kicked puppy everyone saw him as in front of you.
johnny felt your hands grasp his with a gentle touch.
“let’s go johnny. i’m taking you to my house, i need to take care of you. you know i can’t stand to see you like this!”
johnny just nodded his head. it’s better to suck up his pride and go with you rather than freezing in the lot, alone and afraid.
you were a few steps ahead of him but your hands being intertwined helped him keep up. slowly but surely, he kept up with you.
the whole walk to your house, whilst you were ranting about god knows what, johnny was just staring into your hair.
your hair was blowing in all types of distractions to match the vicious Oklahoma nights. even though you were both in the night, johnny could see your hair shine.
he loves you.
Dallas Winston ;
“dallas! get to bed!!”
dallas kissed his teeth has he hung his head over the fencing on the patio.
he took the cancer stick to his mouth and took a long drag of the cigarette before exhaling in the opposite direction of you.
you sighed and rolled your eyes as you watched dallas closely.
you walked up to him quietly and stood slightly behind him on his left side.
“i can hear you, doll. i get it.”
“do ya? or are you gonna keep smokin’ these?”
you said snatching the stick from his hands before he could pull away.
“i told you to quit dall. these’ll kill you before shepard or the cops get it? ever will!”
he exhaled in frustration and shook his head as he looked down in his hands.
“what are you even worrying about? that ain’t gon’ get me for years. how about you head to bed? i’ll be there in a minute.”
“…no. i wanna make sure you’ll be alright, jeez. you’re acting like it’s wrong for your lover to be worrying about you.”
you wrap your arms around his bicep and look up at him while he stares off into the distance.
after a moment of silence, dally looks down at you and gets this soft look in his eye.
the type of look anyone could fall in love with if they knew him like you did, if they loved him like you did.
he leans down and kisses the top of your head lightly.
“alright alright. i’ll go to bed with you since ya won’t stop nagging me about it.”
“never mind! you can freeze out here.”
Ponyboy Curtis ;
“you’ve gotta stop being so lazy! i can’t just read all the books in the world to ya.”
ponyboy said rolling his eyes after you held a book out in front of him, asking him, quiet nicely might i add, to read out loud to you.
“c’mon! i like when you read it though. plus it’s for school! so, technically it’d be benefiting the both of us!”
you said trying to convince ponyboy. you did a lazy grin to try and seal the deal, but all pony did was squint his eyes at you.
at least once a week, you make ponyboy read a book to you out loud.
it’s not like he hated it! quiet the opposite, actually. it’s just, this time, ponyboy was writing an essay.
and he really needed to pass or he wouldn’t hear the end of it from darry.
he sighed as he heard you fake sniffle, that was always a sign you were gonna start fake crying too.
and he was right. you hid your face behind the book and started to fake sob, it always made ponyboy crack.
you didn’t even know why he was already working on the essay anyhow!
it wasn’t due ‘till two weeks! TWO WEEKS!!
he had all the time in the world but for some reason, he wastes it on this!
ponyboy looked over in your direction and shook his head while looking down at his feet.
he got up out of his chair and stood right infront of you.
he’d grab the top of the book and slowly bring it down to see your face.
you look up with embarrassment after noticing the stare he was giving you. it just screamed annoyance and disappointment!
well, that was what you thought until he chuckled to himself.
he grabbed the book out of your hand and made his way to his bed, you just stood there watching him walk like an idiot.
“well? didn’t YOU want me to read this to you?”
your eyes widened and you smiled so bright, he was finally gonna do it!
“really? thank you thank you!”
“yeah yeah, what ever..”
ponyboy said looking off to the side blushing as you climbed into bed with him.
he expected you to tell him to start reading, but what he didn’t expect was for you to curl up next to him.
you rested your hand on his arm and looked up at him. and like he read your mind he started to read, gently placing his head on top of yours.
author notes ;
1. totally just threw this shit up LMFAO
2. should i do this with the rest of the gang or wat???!!!!
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may 4th, 2023. 4:27PM.
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beautouslysandy · 1 year
Truly Yours-1
Mark Sloan x GN!Reader
By-Sandy <3
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-You and Mark Sloan have been together really since high school, you guys were on and off for a while at least till you went to college then things smoothed out and you and him have been together for the long run ever since, or so you thought. -You have known Derek and Mark since junior high you were a close trio of best friends, y'all were inseparable. "You are un..unbelievable!" You screamed as hot tears ran down your face.
You and Mark were standing apart from each other, he had a look of guilt and regret. You had just learned that your husband slept with Addison Montgomery-Shepard, your best friend's wife, you felt betrayed, used, oblivious, and foolish.
"Babe...I am sorry, I am truly sorry." Mark said with a look of guilt plastered onto that ridiculously handsome face of his.
You scoffed and took deep breath trying to compose yourself but as expected you failed..."I am sorry?! You have taken my heart out my chest, hit it with a hammer and threw it out the window!" You sobbed and said "You have thrown my love away like its nothing..." You sniffled and took a deep breath
"Y/N Sloan, I love you more than anyone could ever imagine..." He said softly walking up towards you.
"No, you don't." You said coldly backing away from him.
He froze and put his hands behind his head, you looked around seeing all the moving boxes in your new and fresh home. Y'all just moved in a month ago but haven't had time to unpack fully. Now you had a real reason not to.
"I am moving out..." You stated with a sniffle "We are over." You also stated wiggling your beautiful ring off.
You heard Mark trying to hold back his tears and he failed "Y/N, please..."
"Till death do us part, huh?" You said crying and putting the ring of your dreams on the clean marble kitchen counter. " I will have someone come and get my stuff tomorrow." You said looking him in the eyes one last time, the dreamy blue eyes that drew you in when you met him. You know he is the one. Sorry, that in past tense.
"Y/N?" You heard a familiar voice say.
"Huh?" You said coming back from your daydream, you turn to see your best friend, Derek Shepard, y'all have been friends since junior high along with Mark Sloan but he wasn't in the equation at the moment.
"You, okay?" He asked with a face of worry.
Derek met someone a couple of weeks or months ago, he got over the whole spouse cheating thing quicker than you did. You can't blame him he met someone new, someone who was better with him, they made since together. Addison and Derek only knew each other for a handful of years while you and Mark have been on and off since sophomore year of high school. You and Mark had history together, and Mark just threw that away.
"Yeah..." You said with a sigh "Just tired, didn't get much sleep last night.
You and Derek needed to get out of New York, you both got offers at Seattle Grace Hospital. For you it was Head Attending of Ortho (lets pretend Caliee stays a resident, okay?) and for him it was Head Attending of Neruo .
"You have been saying that since we got here..." He said softly looking through a chart of one his patients.
" Yeah Yeah.." You said looking off into a far wondering what your life would be like if Mark didn't tell you the truth, it would have come out one way or another, right?
"Y/N, you need to get over him." Derek said coldly closing the chart aggressively
"I am, on my time..." You said walking away.
You were on the elevator waiting for it to get to the surgical floor, you hated elevators, you don't like being quiet in one place for to long, you think to much about your thoughts. And right now, you didn't want to think about what you always thought about...that night.
"I am moving out..." You stated with a sniffle "We are over." You also stated wiggling your beautiful ring off.
You heard Mark trying to hold back his tears and he failed "Y/N, please..."
The elevator doors opened with a ping and you walk out to find Addison Montgomery-Shepard talking to Derek. You hate her with all of your heart no all of your body. Your heart, your pelvis, your spine, your aorta, your brain, your skeleton, and all of the above.
You walked over head high and confident this husband stealing bitch will not get the best of you. You aren't going to burst into tears. No. New Y/N would not. But new Y/N doesn't think about her cheating husband all the time. Thats when it hit you, you haven't officially divorced Mark. Then it hit you again. You had to divorce Mark, your Mark. The love of your life, your other half, your soulmate, the one, your husband, your partner in crime, your person, your best of friend.
You hadn't realized you were standing in the middle of the Surgical Floor, with a tear running down your cheek. You sniffled and tried to make your way past Addison and Derek without getting involved but then again you are involved in every bit.
You walked up to them and look her in the eye and said "What are you, doing here, Addison?" You said faking cheeriness.
She never saw you after the whole thing.
Her face turned white, and she said "Hey, Y/N..." with an apologetic smile.
"I asked, what are you doing here?" You said with a fake smile and saw Derek on the verge of a grin.
"Um..the chief-" She mumbled
"Huh?" You interrupted, Addison for some reason was intimated by you, which doesn't make sense because she let your husband cheat on you with her, sooooo?
"The Chief of Surgery asked if I would like to be the Head Attending of Neonatal Surgery (look it up, it's cool) here at Seattle Grace." She said a little bit louder and confidante.
"Interesting. Derek, we have patient." You said looking at Derek.
"Ah, yes." He said walking to the patient room with you following behind him.
It been a generous number of horrid weeks with Addison Montogomery, she has been on multiple of your patient cases. You're going crazy.
You were in the cafeteria with Bailey, she is your only real friend, because apparently Derek is giving Addison a second chance. Ridicloius.
"Thats the whole, story?" Bailey asked as she digged into her lunch.
"Yeah, the worst story that is happens to my life." You sighed biting into your sandwich.
"No. It's a horrible event that happened in your life, there's a difference. Neither is great but there's a difference." She said looking your eyes with seriousness.
"I know, just being dramatic. How are your interns?" You replied putting your sandwich do as you were no longer hungry.
"Their annoying and quite frankly a bit clingy whatsoever but they will most likely do fine."
You laughed at her reply, "They tend to be like that." You found your eyes at Derek and Addison at their own separate table, laughing, like nothing even remotely happened.
You sighed, "I can't watch that, sorry Bailey." You said with an apologetic smile, getting up and grabbing barely touched lunch to throw it away.
"It's fine. Go hop on a surgery, it will make feel better." She said.
"Thanks." You called walking out of the cafeteria.
You were looking over a new patient's chart to make sure you understand and knew the case well. You were on a gurney which abandoned in the halls. You heard some chattering from the front desk as you were hall that wrapped around it.
(By the way, you go by Dr. L/N-Sloan. You used to go by Dr. Sloan fully but...)
"Do you know where I can find a Dr. Sloan?" A distanced familiar deep voice asked.
A nurse at the front desk replied with "Dr. L/N-Sloan? They are in the hall over there."
"Ah. Thanks." He replied with a tone of sadness.
Then it clicked the familiar deep voice, you pondered and pondered who it belonged to...Mark Sloan. It made even more sense, when you and him made eye contact.
I have to get out of here, I have to get out of here. Is what you said in your head as you swiftly walked away but he caught up and grabbed your arm.
"Can I at least say hi, to my spouse." He said softly, turning you around to face him.
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sol-consort · 4 months
Jack relationship headcanons
[Suggestive, slightly toxic and unhealthy, power dynamic, renegade Shepard, nb reader - gn]
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"You're a killer, Jack. That's what you do."
The first time she saw you, you were covered in blood from your rampage through the purgatory.
And the first time she looked at you differently, was when she was covered in the blood of the biotic she murderer in her childhood room.
You were like a storm coming to her life, whilst others tiptoed through her minefields and mazes, you set off and pushed as much of her buttons as you could.
Tearing down her walls mercilessly, leaving her dumbfounded and confused by someone for the first time in her life.
Like an unstoppable force, you've pulled every trick in the book to use on why she should open up the doors of her heart to you. Be it abusing your authority as a commander to ask about her past or bringing up the fact it is your own ship, the one she's lodging at.
Bit by bit, you've cornered her until she had no choice but to crack down and pour all of her heartache out. Expose her weakness and let herself be vulnerable.
Waiting for the knife in the back that never came.
"Know what? I like that. I piss and moan, and you say grow the fuck up. That victim garbage, it's half me. I think I get that"
She's tough, stronger than the rest. She could handle your dismissive tones, she could take your intimidating presence and still stand tall.
You've never seen her flinch or stutter no matter how close the calls of death skirted by, no matter how much your eyes pulsed red.
The two of you feeding into each other endlessly, telling the other to stop rolling the bullshit mud, to get up and face the world.
Maybe that's why Kelly's therapy never worked for her, she needed someone like her to understand her heart.
A cold blooded killer, you were perfect.
None of that psychology bullshit, none of the pills or meds or stupid journals and meditations where the voices in her head would swarm her.
You understood her, you knew how hard it is and you told her very well how much she needs to get stronger and stop whining about it, stop living in the past.
Never gentle, always slamming her face first into the hard hitting truth, the one thing no one else but you dared to do.
And she found herself appreciating it. The chance to release her emotions with guns and screams, to bandage her heart with the blood of others, to not have to constantly look behind her back.
You didn't use her for her powers, you were already strong enough. Far stronger than the rest of the crew combined maybe.
And you didn't use her for sex either. She grew to respect you. Look at you as a person rather than a piece of meat for her to claw in bed, then discard.
By your side, she feels undefeatable, unafraid, and ready to tear everyone in your way apart.
It's a constant game of tug and pull between you two, a constant struggle for power where one tries to come on top of the other.
Be it in the sheets or in the battlefield, Jack is always keeping score, always taunting you for falling behind just so she gets to witness your wrath first hand.
And maybe, she might actually have been serious about her offer to go rogue with you. Steal the ship and become your best mate and executioner.
She thought she was the deranged crazy bitch in this relationship, but sometimes you really claim that title for yourself. You're weird, in a way that both gets her off and puts her on edge.
"Good thing the mission is suicide. I guess everything works out"
"Okay, what the fuck, Shepard?"
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femoso-seben · 9 months
Task Force 141 x Genz Gn Reader
Stupid idea I'm gonna call the series: Madness from Another Dimension (MAD)
TW: Mention of death
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It was an accident. Honest to god a full-on accident. One minute you are walking the next fall from the sky. You hit the ground kinda hard and look around. A few people stared at you nearly as shocked as you. You were instantly grabbed and dragged into a building.
You looked around and immediately began to smile uncontrollably. Price was standing right in front of you and so was Soap. Your heart begins to accelerate with joy.
“Who the fuck are you?” They ask aggressively. “How did you get here?” You stare at them, and a nagging question hits you like a truck you had to know.
“Shepard is he Bold or has a mustache?” You yell frantically. He stared at you dumbfoundedly.
“Is Gaz’s black?”
“How do you know him!” Price points his gun at you.
“IS HE?”
“OH THANK GOD!” You shout collapsing onto your knees and laying on the ground your anxiety settling. “He’s bold this is fantastic!” You cheer.
“What happened if he had a mustache and Gaz wasn’t black?” Soap asked seeing your excitement in a weird light.
“I would have cried!” You state look at him.
“Why would a mustache make you cry?” Soap asked squatting down next to you so confused.
Your mouth falls open— you had so many things to say. Where do you begin? How do you begin? You didn’t want to die! You haven’t seen Ghost in person yet! You had to hear his sexy voice in person!
“Let’s start from the beginning.” You wave your hand around. Price folds his arm waiting.
“I was walking home and fell out of the sky and here I am.”
“Love that’s bullshit.”
“Mofo I locked eyes with a motherfucker, he saw me fall and go out there, he can confirm it!” You yell.
“Two, I think I’m from another dimension.” The two stared at you and then turned to each other.
“Your fucking crazy,” Price snaps grabbing you by the arm and dragging you to a room and shoving you inside. “You are under confinement by the military.”
“Well….” A few hours pass you and where terribly bored Soap took your phone without you even noticing. Your mind races around, how did you even get here?
The door opens and four people step inside. You felt yourself smirking and tried to swallow that smile. You look down, all of them are here. How fun.
“Hello, John Price, Johnny MacTavish, Kyle Garrick, and lastly the famous Ghost— Simon Riley—”
“How do you know our fucking names?” Ghost barks, you feel a shiver run down your spine, and smile uncontrollably again.
“Why are you smiling?”
“Nothing—” you hunch over cackling, you really need to get your nervous laughter under control.
“Tell is!” Price snaps his irritation visible.
“It’s just… your video game characters for me. from my world.”
“You are insane—”
“Kyle you joined the British army in 2014, Ghost joined after 9/11, Soap you met Price in 2014. Am I wrong?” You ask them getting serious, and they look at each other.
“Alright say you are from another world and we are video game characters to you, why does it matter if General Shepard has a mustache or not?” Soap folds his arms still hung up on your lash out.
“Simply I needed to know what timeline I was in.”
“Alright you are crazy,” Price growls storming up to you.
“The game you are part of is called Call of Duty, it’s a point-and-shoot game made for boys and men. It is all about war and the military. There was the original timeline and the reboot, I had to know which one.” Soap touched Price's shoulders and pulled him back. He was probably the best to ask questions.
“Alright, which timeline are we in?” Soap looks down on you, with cold eyes that turn you on.
“The reboot.”
“You preferred the reboot—”
“You all died in the original timeline.” Your words shut them up. They had this look of shock. They turn to each other, maybe you are crazy you seem crazy. They had nothing to say.
“What does this have to do with his mustache—”
“It’s how I associate things in my mind.” Soap slowly nods, a weird association but he got it. He also has particular associations, this was yours.
“One I ask if Gaz was black because in the other timeline he was white?”
“I WAS WHITE?” Gaz yells shock written all over his face. He looked shocked and bewildered. His mouth hung open and he looked pale.
“YOU WERE WHITE AND THAT TURN ME FOR THE LOOP!” You yell back feeling the hype again. “You were also a background character, not really important.”
“You were killed right in front of a helpless Soap.”
“Ghost you were shot from point-blank range and your body burned, you were betrayed. I miss you, Roach.” Ghost reached his hand out— he needed clarification.
“Soap dies in your hands Price and you were severely injured. and implied died from it”
“Wait wait wait!” Soap interrupts “Let’s go back to Gaz, I watched him die?”
“Yes.” Soap turns to Gaz who looks back there is shock in their eyes. They seem to share a little moment together.
“You said I was betrayed, who?” Ghost asks next.
“You should sit down,” you comment. This Ghost was less trusting or maybe the same as the old Ghost but it’s best if he sits.
“I’m fine,”
“Ok.” You stand up and look him in the eyes, “You were with a comrade who’s not in this reboot called Roach. He was shot in the chest and you were shot in the head.” You explain calmly.
“By who?” Ghost demands again.
“General Shepard.” The room grew dead quiet. Ghost uncrossed his arms in shock.
“Also in that timeline, I think World War 3 happens.” You casually state.
“You think?” Soap snap.
“I never played the original one, but I remember my brother’s behavior after, he was mourning.”
“What happened to the general after he killed me?” Ghost quietly asked.
“Soap stabbed in in the left eye killing him.” Ghost nods his head, at least his killer died.
“You said Soap dies in my arms, how.”
“Severe blood loss acting getting majorly injured for the 3rd time.”
“Man, that’s…”
“Lame?” You finish Soap’s words he nods and looks a little disappointed.
“Price continues on the mission but at the end, he is implied to be dead. He died smoking a cigar.” Soap and Gaz chuckle and turn to Price.
“Who killed me?” Price asks.
“Russian terrorist.”
“Alright… this timeline who dies.” Soap folds his arms ready to hear the most gut-wrenching stuff.
“None of you died.” Soap let out a long sigh and turned to the others with a smile. Gaz nods his head in a sigh of relief. “But that shouldn’t make you too happy don’t get careless.”
“How do we believe you?” Price finally spoke up. You look around, At the start of the game, all of them have known each other for a long.
“I know you found American missiles with a terrorist group.” The air turns hostile, how do you know this?.”
“Your next stop is Amsterdam… say hi to Alejandro for me.” You smile and sit back down leaning back with a smile.
“If you know the future, tell us!”
“Go to Amsterdam I don’t remember the cartel but the next place after Amsterdam is Mexico. I’m telling the truth if you don’t believe me go. I can't give you all the information I don’t remember but I can tell you the major plot points. Come back when you're done.”
They turn back to you before leaving. As the door closes you collapse onto the bed and begin to giggle, you’re living the high life. Hot military men all around you. Ghost even talked to you that’s all that matters. They will be back, of course, they come back. They need to know more and you can enlighten them.
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radio-ghost-cooks · 6 months
imagine, if you will, Graves taking you on a fancy vacation
tags: Graves x gn!reader, vacation, shadow!reader, use of petnames ("sweetheart", "baby", "cowboy"), WTNV reference, just really fluffy
please imagine Graves dipping into Shepard's funds to take the Shadows on vacation. Shepard can spare a couple hundred thousand to give them all a few days off (that's how Graves justified it, at least).
it's this place in the Maldives. it floats! it takes a couple of seaplane trips to get everyone out there, but once everyone arrives? the whole place is packed with your teammates. a paradise packed with Shadows.
somehow, Graves managed to get a private beach house just for you and him. you feel a little badly for the Shadows who had to cram themselves into another house for it to happen, but knowing them they probably don't really care. that's the fun thing. you all love each other (everyone just knows that you and Graves love each other a Little Bit More than the others).
it's a taste of the high life for everyone. living in the lap of luxury for a few days. for you, most of it is spent cuddled up with Graves despite the heat.
"you're comfy," Graves hummed, nuzzling into your chest. "yes, and you're hot. literally," you had grunted, snickering a little under your breath, "Phil, sweetheart, it's nearly 90 degrees out here, and you wanna cuddle?" all he did was sigh contentedly and mumble, "you know ya' love it." you really couldn't say he was wrong as you wrapped your arms around him and drifted off a little with him.
the best part of the beach house was the fact that there wasn't a roof over the bedroom. it let all the cool night air fill the house and the sounds of waves around you lulled you both to sleep each night.
Graves brought his knees to his chest and smiled as he looked up at the sky hanging overhead. "what was that thing you always quote again, baby?" he murmured, completely entranced. "what," you asked, "'mostly void, partially star?' do i say it that much?" "kinda, yeah," he admitted with a soft laugh. "m'not complaining though. s' pretty." you gave him a cheeky smile and purred, "not as pretty as you, cowboy." he just shoved his hand into your face and snorted, pushing you back a bit. "oh god, 'cowboy.' are ya' really gonna start callin' me that now?"
it's so oddly domestic that it makes you both a little heartsick. you've known each other a while, but you still feel so overwhelmingly in love. that dumb, sappy puppy love that neither of you got to have when you were younger.
honestly, you could spend the rest of your life just like that. you, and Graves, and your massive number of idiot kids who are also your soldiers.
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modelbus · 7 months
It says that your requests are open so here goes nothing.
So basically could you do a Tommyinnit x reader (I love molly guys <3) and like the reader has Tourette’s syndrome? And like on of their tics is that they say like ‘fuck you’ or ‘piss off’ and just really offensive stuff but they can’t control it (obviously). So Tommy shows them for the first time on his stream as his partner and people like hate them because of how they are ‘acting weird’ or ‘being rude’. (Also can there be a service dog with the name Kai? Also can he be an Autrilian Shepard? If not that’s fine :])
If you can thank you :) (you can call me lulu if you want)
I tried my best to be as accurate as possible, and I did my own research into some things, but if there's anything I messed up please tell me and I will fix it immediately! I had no idea people could get service dogs for Tourettes so I did some research into tasks and such too.
Pairing: Cc!Tommyinnit x Gn!Reader
Ticked Tics
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"Are you sure you want me on your stream?" You can't help but ask, leg nervously bouncing.
Tommy, your ever-so-patient boyfriend, was thrilled when you agreed to show up for one of his streams. "Just one" he had claimed, and you had given in nearly immediately. But now that you're seconds away, sitting in a chair next to him while his starting soon screen is up, you're having second thoughts. Not about your own social anxiety, but about what might happen for him if your Tourette's acts up.
It's been a pretty mild day so far, which is why you felt good agreeing to go on stream in the first place. But as your anxiety builds, you find yourself involuntarily having tics. Head jerking to the side as your shoulder jerks up, inches away from colliding with each other, is one you do most often and it's one you're repeatedly doing now.
"Of course!" He assures you. "They'll love you. I mean, I love you so they have to or else I'll ban them all."
“Sounds a bit like a dictatorship, Tom.”
“I am a dick-tay-tor!” He exclaims, purposefully separating the word.
“Eat shit.” You chirp immediately, paired with two middle fingers. Immediately after you shoot him an apologetic look. “Sorr—“
“I will eat shit, thank you.” He responds pleasantly.
It’s a thing he does sometimes; responding to your tics. In a way it makes you feel better, less like it’s genuinely annoying him. Your apologetic look turns into laugh.
“Ready?” He asks you, hovering over the OBS scene to switch into his camera.
You lower your hand, holding it out parallel to the floor to your side. Within seconds a warm and furry creature pushes its head up into your hand. You send a smile to your service dog, Kai, running a hand through the white fur on top of his head. Expensive as hell, but you love him.
“Yeah.” You nod. “Let’s do this.”
Tommy clicks over the scene change, leaning back in his chair and clapping his hands. “Welcome to the stream boys!” He yells out.
Kai worms his head into your lap, blue eyes staring up at you while his tail wags softly. He’s a cuddler, especially when it comes to you getting anxious in order to calm you down.
“Now we have a special guest.” Tommy waves his hand dramatically, faking holding a microphone out to you. “Introduce yourself, special guest.”
”Oh, piss off.” The second the words are out of your mouth, you dig your nails into your palm. Fuck. Kai licks at your hand until you open it, letting him set his head on your palm.
“Wise words.” Tommy nods. “So, everyone, this is my partner! You all thought it couldn’t be done, but I’m so hot and attractive.”
He pauses for a second, looking over at his second monitor where the chat is pulled up. It’s scrolling through messages fast, making you look away before you get a headache.
“Hi.” You say awkwardly to the stream. "That's me."
“Today I was going to tell you all a little story! You’re all my little bitty children, gathering around for a bedtime story.”
“It’s, like, 4.” You point out to him.
“Schematics! And I brought you along because you were there during this story, so you can chime in!” He leans over to you, putting his hands on your shoulders to shake you a bit. You laugh, playfully swatting his hands away.
“Yeah yeah.” Even with the camera and the stream, this is still Tommy. Your Tommy. “This is the pigeon story, right?”
He nods. “It was a dark and dreary night—buzz word guys!—when I stumbled upon the pigeon.”
“Very dark, very dreary.” You agree.
It was actually broad daylight when this had happened, but who cares?
“And I was just living my life, very casually—“
“Fuck you!”
Despite your tic, Tommy continues talking. Used to it, and knowing he doesn’t need to respond. “—waking down the street with my partner here. As I do, right? Walking around like a normal person.”
He keeps talking, parts of the story true then other parts outlandishly wild. You don’t correct the lies, finding it funnier than you probably should.
You let your attention drift to Kai, who has apparently decided to weasel his way halfway into your lap. Your hands brush past his soft ears, losing focus. When you turn back to Tommy, he’s about halfway through his story.
“And then I said—“
“Fuck you!”
“No.” He deadpans. “Come on, don’t you remember?” Tommy laughs. Not in a cruel way like people have laughed at you before, but in a joking way. A way that implies you’re in on the joke with him.
“What part are we even at?” You laugh.
“The bread seller. The sketchy one. Oh! And he smelled, chat. Like… like what I think Sapnap would smell like.”
On a knee-jerk reaction, you raise your hand, fully ready to just bonk the desk with your fist. Before you can, Tommy’s hand darts out, catching your wrist and holding steady until you can uncurl your fingers from the fist.
“Sorry.” You murmur, hopefully quiet enough that the stream doesn’t pick it up.
“No worries.”
You lean back in your chair, watching him explain things to chat. He’s far more animated than normal, making it almost endearing to watch.
Eyes sliding over to chat, you realize it’s slowed down a bit so you can read it. You have to double read several messages, heart stopping.
“Anyone else think Tommy’s partner is rude af rn???”
“His partner lowkey an asshole…”
“run while u can Tommy!!”
“they’re so fucking weird XD”
“Omg THATS his partner”
“bro got the shittiest partner fr fr”
Kai barks sharply, making you jump. Tommy spins towards you immediately, looking at Kai first.
“Yeah?” He asks the dog, before looking to you. Tommy studies you for a second, then his eyes flick to the chat. “Emote only for a second guys.”
Well, fuck.
Kai had barked, pretty loudly, and not for no reason. As one of his tasks he was trained to alert to possible tic attacks, detecting the hormone change before even you could. He was also trained to help calm you down and help with the tic attack, but detection was first.
And of course Tommy knew what it meant, and of course he knew why. He knew you too well, a fact you loved him for and also sometimes hated him for.
“Chat, I’m seeing some negativity here. None of that in my stream, and none of that towards my partner is allowed.” He raises his eyebrows at you, waiting for silent permission to tell the stream. You nod. “They have Tourette’s, so just fucking piss off about giving ‘em shit for their tics.”
He pauses, and you realize a moment too late he’s letting you explain what the hell Tourettes and tics are.
“Um, for those who don't know, Tourette's is a neurological thing which causes involuntary tics." You explain, albiet a bit awkwardly. But Tommy nods, smiling at you.
"And Kai is here. Can we show Kai to the stream? Stream, say hi to Kai the service dog!"
You click your tongue, calling for Kai even though he's right next to you. "C'mere Kai!" He practically clambers into your lap to suffocate you.
"Oh, God, Kai-" You yelp.
Tommy is of no help, too busy laughing. After a second he guides Kai off of you, leaving you to spit out dog hair.
"So yeah, there's that. Now that everyone has stopped being dickheads, back to my very important story."
You reach forward, taking a drink of Tommy's coke to clear your mouth of any dog fur you might've accidentally ingested. Australian Shepards, although cute, have so much fur.
"Am I going to pay attention to the fact my partner is choking on dog hair?" Tommy asks rhetorically. "No, I'm not. Continuing."
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smutlord-supreme · 1 year
What would the COD MWII men do if they found out you had a stalker
[A little self indulgent peice since I had a scare last night. Getting stalked in like my specialty so let me know if you want a full length peice 🤪]
SFW short peice, COD men x GN! Reader, mostly platonic but can be read as romantic too.
Cw: Stalking
-Price would be on top of it. Replacing locks, installing cameras anything to make you feel safe.
-He would make an effort to spend time with you more often, pick you up from work, drop you off ect. And when he couldn't he would try to get freinds to stay with you so you didn't have to be alone
-He would want you to call the cops and report it but he wouldn't be pushy if it makes you uncomfortable.
-If he actually met your stalker he'd let them know, in no uncertain terms, that if they continued they would never walk again.
-Graves would probably get violent the fastest of anyone on this list. He seems possessive so anyone threatening 'his girl/boy/partner' would be a no go.
-He would push you to report it to the cops and I don't think he'd take no as an answer.
-He'd also want you to call off of work while he did some 'investigation' of his own.
-He might even come home with a German Shepard puppy so that you can have a 'guard dog' which would end up being spoiled
-I thinking Ghost would be the most analytical of the group. Which may make you think he's just brushing it off at first, when he's really just thinking up solutions.
-You already have a guard dog so he sets out and buys motion activated flood lights and trail cameras.
-He'd make sure you didn't have to do anything, he'd call your boss, change your number, call the cops if you wanted. All so you don't have to worry.
-The day after telling him you'd wake up to a pantry stocked with your favorite treats (which Gaz delivered so that Ghost wouldn't have to leave you).
-Soap would freak out at first, he'd ask you a million questions and probably make you panic before apologizing.
-He'd run you and bath and call either Ghost or Price to ask for advice.
-After you're done the both of you would go to the hardware store and booby trap the house, Home Alone style. Which would make you laugh.
-He would also set real safety measures in place, Window locks, Cameras, Alert system you name it.
-He would spend every moment distracting you while the problem got fixed.
-Normally silly Gaz would become very silent when you told him. Quietly anger radiating off of him.
-I headcannon Gaz as having had bad anger issues as a kid which he got under control as he got older.
-Gaz would get up and put you in the shower while he made phone calls. Putting on your comfort show when you got out and sitting on the couch with you, rubbing your shoulder absent-mindedly.
-There would be a knock at the door and it would be one of his old police buddies. Gaz would apologize because he knew it would be hard to tell what happened, but it was important to get this guy caught.
-He'd stay home with you when he could and using his connections he would do whatever he could to get you an escort when he wasn't.
-When whoever was stalking you got caught he would roast the shit out of what they looked like (petty I know) making you laugh.
-Alejandro would be very vocal almost immediately, comforting and coddling you before setting off to fix the problem.
-He would round up Rudy and go find the person himself. Verbally (and maybe just a little physically) threatening them.
-He'd get back to comforting you as fast as possible though. Assuring you that you're safe and no one could harm you.
-He'd be more protective, almost overbearing for a week or two. He doesn't want this to ever happen again
-Depending on how bad it was he might adopt a little yappy dog (chihuahua, rat terrier, Yorkie, you know the type) to act as a first warning system and companion.
-Rudy would start comforting you immediately, before making calls to freinds.
-Both Rudy and Alejandro don't trust the local police and army so it narrows down the number of people that can help. He'd probably go straight to Los Vaqueros.
-He would make you some comforting food while he waits for Intel. Sitting on the couch to eat instead of the dining table like normal.
-When the call finally came that your stalker had been captured he would go down to the base to confront them himself. Causing a nasty black eye before Alejandro pulled him off.
-Afterwards he'd teach you how to shoot. He wants you to be innocent and pure, but not at the cost of your life
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lace-coffin · 5 months
May I request some domestic Asa headcannons? Like, what are his cooking habits? The types of food he prefers to actually eat and not hasty ones he grabbed in a hurry? Thank youuu <3
What kind of meals does Asa Emory like to cook and eat?
Requests are open!
Asa Emory / gn!Reader
Trigger warning for power exchange/power dynamics/petplay
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This is a super fun idea omg thank you! I’m still going to go with the whole owner/pet angle since this is Asa, I hope that’s ok! It will still be domestic but with the dynamic too💗
Asa doesn’t have much time to cook regularly, constantly caught between lecturing at the local uni about a twenty minute drive away and keeping up with his collection at the hotel.
On days when Asa has free time or is just determined to get something nutritious in his stomach he dusts off his recipe book he bought on a whim on discount and gets to work.
Asa likes to think he has a pretty good repertoire of kitchen skills, not exactly a five star chef but better than most men his age.
He prefers to centre either meat or fish in his meals, usually covered in a flavourful marinade or rubbed down in herbs and spices. Asa enjoys vegetables to be steamed as opposed to boiled, he thinks it makes them taste sweeter and softer, texture is important to him. Flavoured rice is always a good side.
He’s more fond of sweets than you think he would be judging from his standoffish appearance. Dessert is a must, Asa tells himself it’s all part of a balanced diet and he can’t skip it because it wouldn’t be right. In reality he just really wants the apple pie, enjoying the tartness of it and unable to deny himself this simple pleasure.
And then there’s you. Asa has always been one to care for his pets to the best of his ability, keeping their meals on a schedule. Even if he’s short on time meals will be prepared a day or two prior and put in the freezer. He’s stubborn when it comes to making the meals balanced, often erring on the side of health obsessed when it comes to his pets, like a dad telling you to finish your vegetables before you can have dessert. He’s not too bothered if he has to throw a microwave meal on and eat that when he comes home late but he always likes to make sure you have something good for you available. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t bring home takeout sometimes, he loves how excited you get at the junk food and the way you flop down on his lap afterwards, letting him rub your tummy as you try to stop feeling bloated.
Dinner is made as you watch from the floor on your dog bed, head resting on your folded arms, watching your master fondly but also a little impatient and hungry. Occasionally Asa humours you and wears the frilly apron you begged him to order under the guise of you wearing it, only to present it to him with puppy eyes at dinner that night. He’s a strict and sadistic owner but he can be a total dork.
“Dinners ready. Come”. Asa snaps his fingers and points to the three metal bowls on the floor near to the dining table, one bowl next to his seat. The two large German Shepard’s ears perk at this and they scamper over, sitting at Asa’s heals, tails wagging. He looks at you expectantly as you crawl over and join the dogs at his feet.
The two metal bowls are filled with a measured amount of dog kibble and wet food, water on the side. The two dogs eye the bowls twitchily. He raises his hand, all fingers laid flat for the dogs to see. “Wait” the dogs sit sternly in front of their master using all their restraint to not dig in until given permission. “Go ahead” he chuckles and the dogs immediately dig in, he pats over their heads with an affectionate smile and moves back to the granite counter, filling the final metal bowl with a healthy mix of seasoned vegetables, rice and finally chopped bites of beef, all in a Korean sauce. He plates the same onto his dish and takes it to the table, sliding onto the wooden chair and groaning at the relief it takes off his weary joints.
Asa places the final bowl on the floor next to his chair and click his fingers again, pointing to the bowl. “Come” without question you crawl over to the bowl, eyes switching between the delicious food in front of you and your master, waiting for permission. Wearing a smug and smitten look back at you he finally clicks again. “Go ahead, pet” he chuckles lowly as you start to eat from the bowl, used to using only your mouth as your utensil at this point. He leans forward and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear that was falling into the sauce. “Messy pup”
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dearsnow · 6 months
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Johnny Cade
We’re born at night - fic (angst -> fluff). gn!reader. in which you hold johnny cade like water, or, christ, you hold him like a knife (you’re worried that your touch brings up unpleasant memories for your boyfriend, but he feels differently).
Heaven - fic (fluff). gn!reader. you’re the closest to heaven that johnny cade will ever get, and the night sky begins to urge his feelings past the brink of overthinking.
“Do you love me?” - hc (fluff). gn!reader. in which you ask (some of) the outsiders boys if they love you.
What pet name(s) they call you - hc (fluff). gn!reader. what the outsiders boys would call you in a relationship.
Insecure!reader - hc (comfort). gn!reader. headcanons for how johnny helps you through your insecurities.
“I love you!” - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how, as their best friend, holding their hand and telling the greasers you love them would go.
The orange peel theory - hc (fluff). gn!reader.
Dallas Winston
“Do you love me?” - hc (fluff). gn!reader. in which you ask (some of) the outsiders boys if they love you.
What pet name(s) they call you - hc (fluff). gn!reader. what the outsiders boys would call you in a relationship.
“I love you!” - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how, as their best friend, holding their hand and telling the greasers you love them would go.
Ponyboy Curtis
“Do you love me?” - hc (fluff). gn!reader. in which you ask (some of) the outsiders boys if they love you.
What pet name(s) they call you - hc (fluff). gn!reader. what the outsiders boys would call you in a relationship.
Peach fuzz boy - fic (fluff). gn!reader. ponyboy has never been in a relationship before, and now that he’s started one with his best friend, he feels as though something is different.
“I love you!” - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how, as their best friend, holding their hand and telling the greasers you love them would go.
Sodapop Curtis
“Do you love me?” - hc (fluff). gn!reader. in which you ask (some of) the outsiders boys if they love you.
What pet name(s) they call you - hc (fluff). gn!reader. what the outsiders boys would call you in a relationship.
“I love you!” - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how, as their best friend, holding their hand and telling the greasers you love them would go.
Darry Curtis
What pet name(s) they call you - hc (fluff). gn!reader. what the outsiders boys would call you in a relationship.
“I love you!” - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how, as their best friend, holding their hand and telling the greasers you love them would go.
Two-Bit Mathews
And yet - fic (fluff). gn!reader. you happen upon your very noisy “roommate” cooking away in the middle of the night.
“I love you!” pt.2 - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how, as their best friend, holding their hand and telling the greasers (and cherry) you love them would go.
The orange peel theory pt. 2 - hc (fluff). gn!reader. in which you ask the greasers (and cherry) to complete simple, unassuming tasks that you can easily do yourself.
Steve Randle
8:00 - fic (fluff). gn!reader. steve randle desperately wants to confess to you, but it never seems to go in the way he expects.
“I love you!” pt.2 - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how, as their best friend, holding their hand and telling the greasers (and cherry) you love them would go.
The orange peel theory pt. 2 - hc (fluff). gn!reader. in which you ask the greasers (and cherry) to complete simple, unassuming tasks that you can easily do yourself.
Cherry Valance
“I love you!” pt.2 - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how, as their best friend, holding their hand and telling the greasers (and cherry) you love them would go.
The orange peel theory pt. 2 - hc (fluff). gn!reader. in which you ask the greasers (and cherry) to complete simple, unassuming tasks that you can easily do yourself.
Tim Shepard
“I love you!” pt.2 - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how, as their best friend, holding their hand and telling the greasers (and cherry) you love them would go.
Curly Shepard
“I love you!” pt.2 - hc (fluff). gn!reader. how, as their best friend, holding their hand and telling the greasers (and cherry) you love them would go.
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