#warlock alec lightwood
illustratinghan 5 months
Lavendar Rose ~ Enchantment 馃敭
- a recreation of Max Lightwood-Bane鈥檚 flower card -
characters by @cassandraclare 馃
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tarotarra 1 year
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Magnus Bane
-banishing art block since >1600
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kasirose 10 months
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I'm a sucker for couples wearing each others clothes and it's canon that Malec does that sooo <3
Exhibit A
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Stan Magnus for turning Alec's old disaster sweaters into a fashion statement XD
Exhibit B
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Book excerpts from @cassandraclare
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lurafita 7 months
You know, in the circumstance of reversed roles (shadowhunter Magnus and warlock Alec), there would have been a scene like this:
Ragnor (head of the institute): "Everyone who was on patrol yesterday please hand in your reports now." stops Magnus just as he is about to hand his over: "Magnus, before I take this, how high are the chances that this report is just another love declaration to Lightwood?" Magnus: "Extremely high." Ragnor: "Keep it."
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flipperbrain-awakes 6 months
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Shadowhunters 3.18
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Alec Lightwood: You know, sometimes I really think I can be too straight.
Magnus Bane: (covered in bi merch and sipping an iced coffee) How unfortunate for you.
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dayque 8 months
Alec: Rafael, stop licking your brother's arm, no matter how hard you try, it still doesn't taste like grapes... And Max, honey, this is the third time I've told you not to bite your own hand just because your brother says so...
Max: So I'm not blueberry?
*Cries inconsolably*
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darkangel1791 8 months
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Bob D'amico
Harry Shum Jr as Magnus Bane
Matthew Daddario as Alec Lightwood
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justarandomgirly 3 months
I will never stop watching this scene
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loki-nightfire 3 months
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Selfie for Magnus, as you wanted something sweet to meet your hot
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whosralf 1 month
*Ragnor and Magnus arguing*
Alec :why are they arguing??
Catarina :Ragnor just brought back Imasu's story
Ragnor,screaming :YOUR MUSIC WAS SHIT!
Magnus,doing the same thing :I WASN'T THAT BAD,COME ON!
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ghoulie-67-baby 8 months
Partners in crime - Shadowhunters.
Summary: You鈥檙e Magnus Bane鈥檚 best friend and fellow warlock, when Shadowhunters ask for help you take the job together.
Warning: Mentions of nightmares, skimpy pyjamas (idk what you鈥檇 call them tbh), playful teasing between friends, fluff.
Pairing: Magnus bane x Warlock!reader (Platonic).
Word count: 1,336.
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The sun scorched across my face through a gap in the curtains. I dramatically huffed as I glared at the curtains in disdain, knowing I wouldn't fall asleep again. I stretched with an obnoxiously loud yawn, humming contently as my bones popped in a chorus.
Discomfort quickly set in from the glaring light and I raked my fingers through my hair before swinging my legs from the bed and trudging towards the door. My dreams had kept me up a good portion of the night and in the end, I crawled into bed with Magnus which kept them at bay.
"Mags?" I called through the quiet loft, "Mags, why do you never close the curtains properly?" I searched the loft half asleep for my flatmate only to come up empty. I straightened out my shorts as I wandered to the kitchen, letting the growl of my stomach lead me.
My pyjama vest rose up my stomach as I reached to grab a bowl and I shivered at the cold air of my exposed midriff.
Shuffling towards the living room, I failed to notice the gathering of people until the sound of someone clearing their throat caught my attention. I nodded hello to the group sleepily, gathering my thoughts as I ate my breakfast. I snapped out of my sleepy state as Magnus appeared in front of me protectively.
"Good morning, my dearest, I'll make sure to close them properly from now on shall I?" The question was rhetorical but I nodded anyway, placing my now empty bowl on the table. "Now, as much as I love seeing you half-dressed," Magnus teased with a playful wink. "I'm not sure how much longer Simon can watch without holding his drool back so how about we cover you up." I sighed but let his magic swirl around me, a beautiful, feathered robe appearing around my body.
The fabric brushed the ground as I stepped forward and planted myself into Magnus' chest in a tight hug. He reciprocated, both lost in the cuddle and temporarily forgetting about the group awkwardly standing behind him. Unfamiliar people weren't going to stop me from having my morning cuddle, they could wait.
"Thank you, my love," I whispered, pressing a small kiss to his cheek before peering up at him quizzically. "so, who do we have today?"
"Shadowhunters and Vampires," I moved to stand beside him, smiling at the small sea of faces, some of which smiled back whilst others remained blank. A huge smile overtook me and my eyes softened as my es met Raphael's gaze. I knew he had turned away when I appeared in my pyjamas, he always felt awkward and refused to see me in a vulnerable state, saying it wasn't proper. I understood considering Magnus and I had practically raised him since vampirism. Though he hated to admit it, he was my boy but he had a reputation to hold up and such so I let him seem hardened and cold, sometimes.
"Hello my lovely boy," I held his face in my hand gently, looking at his handsome face before putting my arms around him. He kissed my cheek and hugged me back before clearing his throat, letting me step back towards Magnus. I sniggered as he glared at the group of shocked Shadowhunters, daring them to say something. "Play nice Rafe."
"This is Y/N, best friend for all intents and purposes, partner in crime and partnering warlock." I grinned, bowing playfully at the group who stared at me strangely.
"Y/N, these are the Shadowhunters of the New York Institute. This is Alexander," I noticed the twinkle in his eye at that name. "Jace, Clarissa and Isabelle. The new vampire is Simon, he's with Raphael." He gestured to each respectively and I looked over each of them.
"Nice to meet you all. What can we do for you then?" I let my eyes stay on Alexander a little longer than the others, taking in his tall muscular stature and handsome face.
"So, are you two, like, a thing or?" He trailed off and I raised an eyebrow, looking up at Mags and our grins matched.
"No," I chuckled, shaking my head, "We've been best friends and partners for a few centuries. Most people do assume that though." A gentle hand squeezed my hip and I leant into it softly.
"You seem close enough, you're kind of handsie too," I raised a curious eyebrow at the young vampire, enjoying his curiosity though going off the look on Raphael's face he didn't.
"We've lived together for a long time, and known each other even longer. We come as a pair, can't have one without the other but that doesn't have to mean we're together in that way." I grinned at him, my magic swirling through my fingers languidly. "Curiosity is a fine thing Simon but you should be careful who you're curious about, might just bite you in the ass." I chided him softly, using a small spell to deliver a small biting sensation on his butt. He yelped and jumped, laughing nervously, but grinning widely all the same. I liked him, he seemed sweet.
"And you wonder why Raphael doesn't play nice," Magnus tutted, an amused twinkle in his eye. I hummed before turning back to the matter at hand.
"Now, I've heard you're causing quite the stir in the Shadow world Clary Fray, what is Magnus getting us into now?"
"I need help getting my Mom back, Valentine has taken her," A shiver ran down my spine at that name but I motioned for her to continue. "I don't know where he's taken her but I could do with all the help I can get and I've been told you guys are the best warlocks to ask." I thought about it seriously, biting my lip as I did. "I don't want to cause any trouble but Magnus knows about some of my past memories, ones he blocked that could help me find her." I walked towards her, cupping her face in my hands, hushing her gently. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and let my thumb wipe away one of her tears with a gentle smile.
"Sweet girl, we'll help however we can as long as it's not a threat to the Downworld." She nodded gratefully, mouthing her thanks as her chest shuddered with a heavy breath. "I can't promise we can remove them but we can damn well try."
"Mama, it's not that simple." Raphael interrupted, looking furious. "We shouldn't get involved in shadowhunter business. They cause nothing but trouble for us." He spoke through gritted teeth, a hard glare fixed on Jace who leered back at him. These two obviously didn't get along.
"Rafe, sweetie, you can't justify not helping them because of that. That would make us just as bad as the Clave now wouldn't it?" I crossed my arms, looking at him disapprovingly. We raised him better than this, his anger was just clouding his judgement. "If things get too much then we'll walk away won't we Mags?" I glanced towards my partner who agreed with me. "You know that's how we work, my darling, we don't bite off more than we can chew." I made sure to emphasise so the Shadowhunters knew where we stood, looking pointedly at Jace whose glare never faltered. Perhaps my comment about the Clave had touched a nerve.
"Well, if you come back tomorrow we can get started, we have stock to replenish and things to organise, I'm sure you understand." Magnus began to shoo them closer to the door, waving them goodbye as I hugged Raphael. He paid special attention to bidding Alexander goodbye and I couldn't help my smirk as I made him a drink. It was 5 o'clock somewhere in the world after all.
"I can't help but feel like the next few days are to be exhausting." I handed the glass to him and nodded solemnly. There was no doubt about that.
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Alec- Magnus I'd go to hell and back for you
Magnus- I'd like to see you try
Season 4
Alec- *in Edom with Magnus* I fucking told you , don't challenge my will again
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kasirose 10 months
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Happy happy birthday to the resident high warlock of glitter and our hearts, Magnus Lightwood-Bane!
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lurafita 7 months
When the group needs to sneak into the police station again, they use Magnus as a distraction this time, because Alec sucks.
(Alec: "Hey! I wasn鈥檛 that bad."
Izzy: "I'm sorry big brother, but you were. You really, really were."
Magnus: "Don't mind them Alexander. If it were me, you could distract me all day. These mundanes just don't have any taste.")
So Magnus overly dramatically storms inside claiming his cat is missing and needs to be found.
("I'm sorry, Sir, but you can鈥檛 file a missing person report for your cat."
Magnus: "This is outrageous!")
At random points while the others are sneaking around, they will hear Magnus exclaiming things like
- "Well, call in the FBI then! And maybe also the CIA, we need all hands on deck!";
- "You don鈥檛 understand, Chairman Meow is my *baby*!";
- "I have a list of suspects who might have kidpnapped him!"
"Sir, this is a phone book."
"*Everyone* wants my cat. He is magnificent!"
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thebadphilosopher 26 days
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God I miss this show so much I miss Malec with all my heart, bless this show.
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