#was feeling excited about it today but now i'm nervous again ... Oh Well. it's late
walterdecourceys · 2 years
goodnight <3
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misotsukiiyeooo · 28 days
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"Just one more?" Part 3
Pairing:Husband!Father CSC x F! Mother!Reader
A/N: I'M BACKKK!!! After the polled votes came in I immediately started to write lmao! This one will also be a bit longer since it's the last one...or is it? jkkk unless...Enjoy!
Genre: Fluff (Hint of crack)
Word count: 16.6k (Not proofread sry)
Synopsis: After Seungcheol finds out you're pregnant, again, the whole experience has been, tender, lovely, and well....shocking
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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3 Months Later
Everything with Seungcheol has been so perfect. Well, this is your fourth kid but that's what made the experience even better.
He already knew how to help you with your cravings and everything.
Telling the rest of his members was also fun. Of course, Soonyoung, Seokmin, and Joshua ran up to hug you first.
And telling your children was also exciting with Seojun, your oldest son hugging you while Jieun, your second child blabbers on how she's going to dress up the baby. Your youngest, Dohyun just smiles handing you a toy to play with him.
Today, You and Seungcheol are so excited because you can finally find out the sex of your child.
"Babe, we're going to be late!" He's rushing you, clearly he's more excited than you are.
"I'm coming hold on!" You grab your sweater and wave goodbye to your kids and thank Seungkwan once again for watching them.
Seungcheol holds your hand as you walk down the stairs. "I'm only three months, Cheol..." He still treats you as if you were going into labor this instant.
"I know....but we still need to be careful" You look at him while he continues to talk nonsense.
Entering the car, he closes your door; going to the driver's side.
"What do you think the gender is?" You ask him, curiously. "Hm, probably another boy. But whatever the gender is, I'll love them either way." He looks at you fondly.
"You're so cheesy! But I think it'll be a girl because we just had a boy and it seems like a pattern." Seungcheol thinks about it, nodding. "You're probably right, but there's only one way to right out." He starts the car.
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As you enter the hospital, you are greeted with warm smiles. "Hi, I had an appointment for an ultrasound today." The nice lady behind the desk looks at you. "Oh yes, Choi Y/n was it? Please fill out these papers and bring them back to me."
She hands you some medical papers and you take them, walking to a seat where Seungcheol's already at.
After filling out the papers you hand them to the lady to take your seat again but before you even sit back down, your nurse calls you in.
"Choi Y/n?" She calls out. "Yes?" You both lock eyes, smiling. "Follow me right this way."
You hold Seungcheol's hand, excited and nervous to find out the sex.
You are seated in the reclined seat while Seungcheol stands beside you. "So you're finally three months! You're here to find out the sex, right?" You nod.
The nurse puts the cold gel on your belly causing you to twitch. You look at the screen above which shows the ultrasound.
"Seems like your baby's doing well." She continues to look at the screen. Her eyes widen, causing you to get scared.
"Is something wrong?" You and Seungcheol both look at her. "I'm afraid I'm not able to say anything. Only the doctor could, and she shall be here shortly." She exits.
You feel anxious, many negative thoughts running through your mind. 'Is the baby sick?' 'Is the baby alright?'. Taking you out of your thoughts, you feel Seugcheol grip your hand.
"Everything's going to be okay, alright?" Just the right words you wanted to hear.
A few seconds later, the doctor enters. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Choi. Is everything alright? I just received some information from the nurse who was here, and I want to check it out for myself."
"If you don't mind me asking, what's wrong?" Seungcheol asked, looking quite nervous himself.
The doctor now looks at the screen. "There seems to be two babies in here."
"What!?" You and Seungcheol both say in unison.
"How's that possible? When I came here two weeks ago they said they only saw one?" You're utterly confused.
"You are quite early in your pregnancy so mistakes like this can occur, especially with the babies hiding and such. But yes, look here," She points to the screen. "There's two babies in here, congratulations. You're having twins!"
You're both left shocked, mouths gaped. "I'm not mad...however I'm just in shock." You let out, not knowing whether to be excited or in tears.
"What are their genders?" Seungcheol pitches in. "I'm sorry I almost forgot to even tell you. This one's a girl and the other's a boy." The doctor points at the screen, identifying each baby.
"A boy and a girl?!?" You still can't believe this.
"Yes but if you'll excuse me, I have another patient that needs to be checked. If there are any more questions, you can ask anytime, take care and remember not to stress too much." The doctor exits and you sigh, now facing Seungcheol.
"You did say you wanted another baby" He smiles. "Yeah, but I didn't expect to have babies!" You both look at each other, breaking the silence with laughter.
"I'm a bit scared though...we have to get two of everything and more stress, more waking up at night, more everything! And no wonder I'm so huge at only three months!!" Seungcheol wants to let out maybe even the tiniest bit of laughter but knowing how hormonal you are, he could never do such a thing.
"It's going to be alright baby, you need to remember; that I'm also here. I would never let you do this alone." He holds your hands.
"Hm...You're right, I'm sorry but still, these are two babies!" You let out. "I can't even imagine the boy's faces when I tell them," Seungcheol said.
Arriving home you see Seungkwan and the kids playing together. "You sure you don't want to have your own kids?" You rest your hand on your hip, smiling at him.
"No, most definitely not. I'm good as a fun uncle, not a father." He lets out a chuckle causing you to also laugh.
"Well, I have some news...we're having twins!!" His face has shock written all over it.
"Twins? Twins!!" Seungkwan rushes over to you, hugging you tightly. "Kwan...the twins, remember?"
He made an 'o' shape with his mouth and then let go, apologizing.
"When are you going to tell the rest of the boys?" Seungkwan asks. "Maybe tomorrow? I can't wait to see their faces!"
Seungcheol comes back from the kid's room after putting them to bed while you are talking with Seungkwan. "Well as much as I love to stay and talk with you, I have to get home. Practice is pretty early for us." He looks over at Seungcheol.
"Right, get home safe Seungkwan." Seungcheol waves as you walk Seungkwan out.
After saying your goodbyes' he left; leaving you and Seungcheol alone. "I still can't believe everything that's happened today..." You hug Seungcheol who already has his arms open for you.
"I know, I'm even more excited now that I know it's twins," he says as he kisses your forehead, then your nose, and finally your lips causing you to giggle.
"Should we get ready for bed? You also have a long day tomorrow you know." You said earning a pout from him. "But I wanted to spend my day with you and the kids tomorrow..."
Smiling at his cuteness, you play with his hair, "How about we visit you during practice? We do have to tell the boys about the twins."
"I do like the sound of that." Seungcheol kisses you once again before you head off to bed.
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Next Day
You wake up to an empty bed. However, you do see a post-it note on the side dresser.
'Good morning my beautiful wife, I made breakfast for you and the kids ;)'. Smiling at the note, you get off of bed and freshen up for the day until your kids wake up.
As soon as you got out of the bathroom Dohyun, your three-year-old was walking up to you. Slowly but surely.
"Mama, where dada go? I went to room but no one there" He has his hands in a shrugging position while shaking his head. 'Aw this cutie' You thought.
Taking him into your arms and pampering him with kisses you, finally answer. "I'm sorry Dohyun, dada went to work. Do you want to go surprise him later?"
He doesn't let even a second go by before yelling out excitedly, even waking up the rest of the kids. "Dohyun...you woke me up..." Jieun walks out rubbing her eyes while Seojun's just a couple steps behind her.
"I'm sorry kids, but Dad made you guys breakfast! So after eating, we can get dressed to see him at work."
They both look at each other, then you. "Does that mean we can see our uncles too!!" They say in unison happily.
"Yes, you can but, not if you don't eat breakfast." Seojun and Jieun race to the table to eat the food Seungcheol made in no time.
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After driving to get some food, you finally make it to Seungcheol's workplace.
You enter the elevator with the kids. "Mommy, I'm so excited to see Uncle Gyu!" Jieun jumps excitedly.
"Hm, and why is that?" You ask. "Because he's so tall and I can pretend like I'm flying!" She puts one arm up as if she were.
"Well, it's a good thing we're here now." You all exit the elevator and they're already used to the place; running to the practice room before you can even get there.
As you approach, all you can hear are indistinct screams of joy.
Entering the practice room you see all the boys surrounding your kids. Seungcheol notices you immediately and grabs the food out of your hands.
"Babe...why didn't you tell me you were downstairs? I could've helped you with the food." He pouts.
"It's okay, Cheol. It wasn't that heavy." Seungcheol still takes the bags.
"Y/n!!" Mingyu runs to hug you but slows down; eyeing you. "Wow..." You laugh at his face.
"I know, right?" You affirm, moving toward him to offer a reassuring hug because he was too hesitant to do so himself.
"Uncle Gyu! Carry me, carry me!!" Jieun wastes no time asking for what she wanted this whole time.
"Ms.Jieun, please keep all arms and legs in the vehicle at all times." Mingyu bends down so Jieun can go on his back. "Prepare for take off!!" As he runs around the practice room with Jieun, you take the opportunity to head towards everyone else.
"Hey guys!" They all look at you, waving, smiling, and coming up to hug you.
"Thanks Y/n for the food!" Soonyoung thanks you while taking another spoonful. "You're welcome!"
Dohyun walks to Wonwoo- calmly sitting on his lap, you've always noticed Wonwoo was his favorite uncle. Probably because they're both calm people.
And Seojun simply talks with his favorite uncle, Seokmin. He knows how crazy Seokmin is; however, he just finds him enduring.
You sit with everyone, patiently waiting to drop the news. "When are you going to tell them?" Seungkwan whispers next to you. You hit him for whispering too loud, "I'll tell them now..."
You eye Seungcheol, signaling to him that you are ready to tell them. "So guys...I actually have some news." They look at you confused on whether it's good or not.
"Is something wrong?" Jeonghan asks. "Well, no. It's just shocking."
"Tell us, tell us!" Chan grows impatient.
"So, I went to my ultrasound yesterday, and turns out...I'm having twins!!" You finally let out.
Many expressions were shown but you can tell they were all happy; just shown in...different ways.
Mingyu, Soonyoung, and Seokmin literally jump like animals.
Minghao, Jihoon, Wonwoo, and Vernon congratulate you with the biggest smiles.
Junhui and Chan both sit down in shock.
And lastly, Jeonghan and Joshua run up to hug you, again.
"I'm so happy for you!!" Joshua tells you. "Oh my gosh! We can make them just like me and Seokmin!" Everyone pauses; looking at a happy Soonyoung.
"Or maybe not." He shuts up completely as we all laugh.
The rest of the day was spent with the kids playing with their uncles while you talked it up with the ones who weren't occupied.
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6 Months Later
Everything has been going well with you carrying twins and all.
Your best friend, Seungkwan threw you a baby shower with the help of your parents.
Your kids felt the twins kick, and Seungcheol almost cried.
Seungcheol even decorated a whole room for the twins. And now you're 9 months pregnant and shopping at the mall.
"That dress in that store looks cute! Let's go Cheollie." You hold your back as you walk into the store.
Grabbing the dress in your size, you head to the changing room, Seungcheol steps behind you.
You managed to successfully put on the cozy dress but taking it off was a hassle. "Cheol? I need help."
He comes into the changing room worried. "What happened?" He asks.
"Nothing too serious I just need help taking off my dress." He lets out a sigh of relief and helps you.
As he lifts up the dress a bit you pause.
He looks at you puzzled, but lets go.
"Either I just peed my pants or I think my water just broke..." Eyes widening he panics. "Your water broke?!?"
You simply nod, panicking yourself. Out of all places, your water broke before; it's never been at a mall.
You knew you were going to give birth at any point just not right now!
"We-we have to go!" You groan at the contractions. You both try to walk out of the store but get stopped by security.
"Ma'am you can't leave without purchasing the dress." He puts an arm out.
"Add it to my tab, I'll call this place later. It's an emergency." Seungcheol holds you by the waist attempting to calm you before you yell at this man. But the guy once again has his arm out.
"That's what they all say. I'm afraid I can't let you leave without paying."
That's it
"My water just broke and it just so happens to be I was trying on this dress! So if you don't want two fucking babies coming out of me in this store I suggest you listen to my husband and let us fucking go!!" The security's eyes widen, looking you up and down and gulping.
"Well, I'm sorry for not reading the room. Please, go on and give birth to your twins.." He finally moves his hand and you and Seungcheol rush out of the place.
Entering the car, your screams only get louder and louder. "We're almost there, Baby. Almost there.." Seungcheol holds your thigh while driving as fast yet safely as possible.
You make it to the hospital and Seungcheol does the talking for you. "My wife is going into labor." He attempts to stay as calm as possible.
"Come right this way." A nurse brings you to a room while you're very much in pain.
Multiple nurses enter now as your contractions are getting close. "Ms. Choi, breathe, just breathe."
Did she really just tell me that?
"What the hell do you think I'm doing?!?" You counter back. Seungcheol smiles at the lady apologizing for you.
The pain was unbearable, those twins were really doing a number on you.
A doctor finally walks in, "Hello, your contractions are pretty close I see, I'm going to need you to push."
Push!?! Can't she see I can barely even breathe?!?
Seungcheol holds your hand as you are preparing to push.
"And 1, 2, 3, push!" Said the doctor. Only screams were heard; everything felt hazy you didn't know if you could even do it.
"You got this, Babe. Just keep pushing." He never once left your side as you continued to push.
"Just one more Ms.Choi-There we go. A beautiful boy!" The sound of the newborn baby crying calmed you in a way that brought you back to your senses.
The nurses took that baby to clean him while you still felt in pain. "One more Ms.Choi, you got this come on."
"I-I I can't. I can't do it" You felt exhausted, this was serious pain.
"Y/n, look at me- Look at me. You need to push; I know you're tired but there's still our daughter in there waiting to be brought into this world. So push!! I'm right here for you." Seungcheol's words help you realize, you have to keep going.
For the sake of your daughter.
You push as hard as you can, taking breaks, tears leaving your eyes, and even sweat dripping from your forehead.
But that didn't stop you from completing your mission.
And with the last push, your daughter was finally out. "Congratulations Ms. Choi, you did well."
You drop your head on the pillow, and tears of happiness and pain keep escaping your eyes. "You did it Y/n...it's all okay now." Seungcheol kisses your forehead and those are the last words you hear before falling into deep sleep.
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After some time, you blink your eyes open only for them to be set on Seungcheol holding two babies in his hand. Tears of joy leaving his own eyes.
"Oh look, mommy's up! let's go say hi." He walks up to you so you can see your children.
"They look perfect, right?" He said as you can't even keep your eyes off them.
"I know, they must've gotten that from me." You chuckle at your newly found confidence. "I think they did." He adds on giggling himself.
"What should we name them?"Seungcheol asks you. "Hm..I don't know yet..."
"How about I name one and you name the other?" He proposes. "But they should rhyme, no?" You ask. "If you want them too."
"Well then, what if...she's Jisu and...he's Jiho?" You pitch in, pointing at each kid, waiting for his response.
He nods, "I think it's perfect. Jisu sounds cute like her and Jiho sounds manly like this handsome boy here." He kisses they're cheeks.
"Jisu and Jiho it is."
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Reqs are open!!
This adorable divider is by @dollywons !!
@jjunie-0 @minminghao @honglynights @allieyaaa @bath1lda @black-swan-blog27
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be-my-sunrise · 11 months
Late Night Grind || p.js
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pairings: idol bf!jisung x fem!reader
genre: smut, minors pls dni
word count: 3,261
warnings: use of a sex toy, oral (f receiving), fingering, use of pet names (baby and princess), use of derogatory terms (reader being called a slut once), unprotected sex, choking, dacryphilia, multiple orgasms, creampie. let me know if i missed anything!
a/n: hii! this is my first time sharing my work here and i'm kinda nervous. jisung has been living in my head rent-free 24/7😩 plus i found this sex toy on tiktok and it inspired me to write for jisung. also, thank you @jenoslutie for encouraging me to start a writing blog and share my own work<3 it started from these asks and now i'm here to share the full version hehe i hope you enjoy it!
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You're snuggling in a blanket on bed, scrolling through tiktok on your phone while waiting for Jisung to come home. Letting out a sigh as you plop the hand holding your phone down on the bed. You've been home all day since it's a Saturday and you're starting to get bored.
"I should be back home before 10, baby. I'll text you when I arrive, okay? See you soon!" He said earlier before leaving for practice. 
You glance at the time on your phone to see that it's now 11pm and Jisung is still not home. You were about to text him when you hear keys fumbling outside, and then you hear Jisung call out your name as he enters your shared apartment. 
"Baby, I'm home!" 
You open the bedroom door and smile when you see Jisung standing at the small entryway to take his shoes off, his face lit up when he sees you. You cross the room slightly running to hug Jisung, burying your face in his chest as he wraps his arms around you. 
"Hi princess," he says while stroking your hair gently.
"What took you so long? I missed you." You pout, voice muffled by Jisung's chest. 
"I know, baby, I'm sorry. We had lots to prepare today, so practice went a bit longer than usual," he says as he rests his chin comfortably on the top of your head. He pulls away after a while and notices that you're only wearing his favorite black Adidas jacket, which falls perfectly on the middle of your thighs. 
"Hey, you found my jacket! I looked for it everywhere this morning, where did you find it?" 
You looked down at the jacket and smiled. "Well.. It was on my side of the closet, so I guess it's mine now." Jisung raises his eyebrows as he pulls you closer to wrap his arms around your waist. 
"Oh, is that so?" he says playfully. 
"Mhmm," you giggle. You put your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to kiss him. Jisung breaks the kiss to say, "It looks better on you anyway," before connecting his lips on yours once again. 
As the kiss deepens, he slowly pushes you until your back hits the wall. His hands roaming freely, sneaking inside the jacket to feel the curves of your body before giving your ass a squeeze, earning a yelp from you. A minute passed and both of you pulled away to catch your breath. Jisung rests his forehead against yours, hands never leaving your body. 
"Feeling a bit handsy, hm?" you ask teasingly as you play with the hair on his nape. 
"Can't help it. I have a surprise for you, baby. But, I have to clean it before we can use it, just to be safe," he said. 
Your tilt your head to the side, looking up at him, "Oohh what kind of surprise?" Jisung smirks, "Go wait for me on the couch, I'll be right back." 
He gives you a peck on the lips before letting you go, slapping your ass playfully as you walk. You sit on the couch, excited for the surprise Jisung has for you. Not long after, you hear Jisung's footsteps getting closer. 
"All done! Before I show you, can you please just close your eyes for me?" 
You close your eyes and you hear Jisung walking around the couch. He suddenly lifts you up with ease, making you squeal in surprise. He sits both of you on the couch with you sitting on top of his left thigh, slightly flinching at the strange object poking the inside of your thighs. 
"Okay, you can take a look now!" You open your eyes and look down to see a very strange looking pad strapped on his thigh.
"Ji, what is this?" You run your fingers over the tentacles. 
"I saw this on tiktok the other day and I know how much you love to grind on my thigh, so I bought it to try with you," he explains enthusiastically. You smile and bite your lower lip, stomach fluttering from the excitement and at his thoughtfulness.
"Let's not wait any longer then," you say before leaning in for a kiss. 
Jisung's hands grips your ass, slowly massaging the cheeks with his palms, making you hum into the kiss. You can feel him tugging on your panties impatiently. He was about to rip it off, but you were quick to stop him. Quickly pulling away and getting up from his lap.
"Wait, no! This is one of my most comfy pairs!" You hook your fingers on the waistband of your panties to pull it down. Jisung laughs in disbelief, leaving soft kisses along your thighs as he helps you.
"Sorry, I've been thinking about this the entire day. The package arrived not long after I left and I couldn't wait to try it," he says, grinning as he looks up to see you.
You giggle at his story, "Ohh, Jisung, you're so cute when you're all impatient." 
"Giggle all you want, I was literally so close to ditching practice and run back home." Jisung unclasped the strap to turn on the vibration switch and strapped it back to his thigh. He grabbed the bottle of lube next to him and poured it all over the toy evenly.
"Well, then. I think we should make up for lost time."
You grab onto Jisung's shoulder as you position yourself on his thigh again, letting out a soft sigh of relief when you feel the vibration from the toy. You bite back a moan as you start to slowly grind against the tentacles. 
"Don't hold back, baby. I want to hear your pretty moans."
He slightly lifts up the jacket and holds it on your waist to have a clear view of your pussy, swearing under his breath as you start to pick up the pace. You moan out from the stimulation, hands gripping Jisung's shoulders. Jisung leans in to leave kisses on your neck trailing down to your chest before unzipping the jacket completely. He smirks when he sees that you're not wearing any bra underneath.
You let out a loud gasp when you feel Jisung's plump lips around one of your nipples and rolling the other one between his fingers. His tongue flicking back and forth against the hardened bud before doing the same with the other, the sudden cold air sends shivers down your spine. 
"S-shit, it feels so good," you say with a shaky voice. 
Jisung leans his head against the backrest, the vibration from the toy is enough to make him dizzy from the sensation. He's so hard he can feel his cock twitching in his pants, especially with the view in front of him. Jaw dropping with moans spilling from your mouth, eyes closing as you grind on his thigh, wearing nothing but his jacket, which hangs loosely from your figure. Fuck, the sight itself could make him cum untouched. He would flutter his eyes close every time your knee brushes against his bulge. His breath gets shallow as he becomes more and more aroused. You move your hips faster as you start to feel the familiar knot in your stomach.
"Fuck, baby. You look so pretty like this. Riding my thigh so desperately like a little slut," he paused. "I can't stop thinking about you, I kept getting in trouble for not focusing during practice."
He notices that your moves start to get sloppy, so he puts his hands on your hips to help guide you, while pushing your hips down as well to apply more pressure to your clit. 
"Oh my- fuck, I'm so close."
"That's it, baby, cum for me." 
You moan loudly as you reach your climax, dropping your body on top of Jisung. Digging your nails on his shoulder as you ride out your high, making him hiss in pain. Once you come down from your high, you lift your hips weakly to sit on Jisung's thigh that is not covered with the pad, leaving a wet patch on his pants from your release. He rubs your back as he waits for you to catch your breath. When you start to calm down, you lift your head to kiss Jisung.
"That was intense," you giggle. Jisung smiles, "you have no idea how hard you make me just from watching you." You push yourself up to look at his situation. Jisung let out a loud moan when your knees bump against his cock, the prominent bulge almost looks painful. 
"My turn now."
Jisung grabs your waist and pushes you down gently on the couch while getting down on his knees as well. A soft moan falls from your lips at the sight of his toned body as he pulls his shirt over his head, throwing it somewhere across the room. He leaves kisses on the inside of your thigh, inching closer to your center. You suck in a sharp breath when he suddenly licks a stripe up your slit, collecting your release on his tongue. He groans from the taste of you. 
You lift your head to see him looking up at you and you swear you see his eyes darken. He smirks before flattening his tongue, your hips jerking up as his tongue brushes against your clit. You try to wiggle away as you're still sensitive from your previous orgasm. Jisung clicked his tongue in annoyance before hooking his arms around your thighs to pull you closer, holding you in place as he pressed his tongue on your clit again. You whimper, pulling on his hair to push him away, but he did not budge at all.
"Don't even think about stopping me, baby." He says lowly, his deep voice laced with warning. 
He closed his lips on your clit and sucked the sensitive bud, making your legs tremble from the overstimulation as he continued. Slowly, your whimpers turn to moans, and the hand pulling on his hair is now pushing his head closer. Jisung hums in satisfaction around your clit, the vibration making you moan loudly. He looks up at you through his lashes, palms moving up to grip your tits. Just as you start to feel close, he suddenly stops and pulls his lips away from your clit. Hips humping the air at the sudden loss, making you whimper.
"No, don't stop! Please, I'm so close," you begged, tears pricking in your eyes. 
"Get up." He says as he stands up and pulls you along with him. Your legs felt like jelly, causing you to almost fall over if Jisung hadn't caught you. Once he's sure he got a nice hold on you, he bends down slightly to take off the strap from his thigh and places it on the edge of the couch backrest. 
"Go straddle the couch and I want your ass facing me," he says, dominance can be heard from his tone.
You turn to face your back against him and straddle the couch. You position yourself on top of the pad and bend over to give Jisung a clear view of your soaking pussy, your arms supporting your upper body. As you lower yourself on the pad, you feel Jisung's index finger running over your slit while you move your hips against the tentacles.
You let out a surprised yelp as he pushed two fingers inside you, the sudden stretch making you dizzy. He starts to pump his fingers in and out of you while his other hand goes to stroke his bulging cock, biting down on his lower lip from the slightest stimulation.
"Shit, I'm gonna cum again, baby." Jisung adds one more finger inside you when he felt you clench around his fingers, determined on making you cum one more time before fucking you dumb.
A loud moan left your lips when you reach your second climax, hips jerking uncontrollably as you ride out your high. Jisung pumps his fingers a few more times before pulling out. You turn your head back to look at him just as he was taking off his boxers, where traces of arousal can be seen. Your pussy clenched when his cock slapped against his lower abdomen. The sight of his thick veiny cock making your mouth water. You can feel yourself getting aroused again, even though you had just come down from your second orgasm of the night. 
"Like what you see?" Jisung smirked as he pumped his cock with the hand that was inside of you, rubbing the arousal all over his cock while his other hand massages your ass cheek.
"You know I always do, baby." You bite your lip and press your clit against the pad, moaning from the stimulation. Jisung positions himself behind you, pressing the tip of his cock up and down against your slit, using your wetness as a lubricant. 
"Baby, please. Stop teasing me," you whine. 
He leans down to whisper in your ear, "Patience, princess." He kisses your shoulder and leaves a trail of it along your back. 
"I want to take my time with you," he says in a low voice. 
You whine in protest as you feel your pussy throb with need, feeling the tip of his cock teasing your entrance. "Please, I need you so bad."
"Will you be a good girl for me?" he asks teasingly. 
"Jisungie, please! I'll be so good for you, I promise," you cry out in frustration. He finally pushes his cock inside of you, making both of you moan in relief, his huge cock stretching you deliciously. Jisung hisses at the warm sensation around his cock. 
"Fuck, always so tight for me." 
He drops his head on your shoulder as he bottoms out fully, giving you time to adjust to his big size. No matter how many times you've had sex with Jisung, you can never get used to how big he is. Once you've adjusted, you move your hips slightly as a signal to Jisung. He almost pulled out completely before slamming his cock back in, thrusting roughly. Your body jerks forward from the impact and you moan out loudly.
His hands gripping your sides, pulling your hips to meet his thrusts. Only the sound of skin slapping, your broken moans, and Jisung's heavy breathing can be heard in the living room, along with the soft buzz from the vibrator. 
You swear under your breath as Jisung's hands reach down to play with your tits, toying with the nipple before pulling your upper body to hold you close to him. You lay your head against his shoulder, your left hand reaches around Jisung's head to pull on his hair and your other hand grips his arm. Jisung lets out a deep growl when he feels you clenching around his cock, signaling that you're close. 
"Are you close, baby?" 
You answer with a nod, unable to think properly. He clicked his tongue at your response, "use your words, or you're not coming at all." His thrust slows down waiting for your response, making you cry in frustration. 
"No, Jisung please, don't slow down. I'm so close!" 
You feel the air getting knocked out of you as Jisung slams his hips against you to pick up the pace. With him hitting your sweet spot each thrust, the vibrating tentacles rubbing against your swollen clit, and Jisung toying with your nipples, it doesn't take long until you feel the familiar knot in your stomach. 
"Baby, I'm gonna cum," you say weakly to Jisung. 
"Please, I can't-" Jisung cuts you off as he puts one of his hands around your throat, putting enough pressure to block your airways. 
"Yes, you can. Hold on a bit longer for me, baby, I'm close too." 
You can feel Jisung's thrust getting sloppier as he is reaching his climax. Your grip on his hair tightens as a choked sob falls from your lips, unable to deny your orgasm any longer. Jisung lets out a breathy laugh at the sight of you crying.
"Look at you, so pretty crying over my cock. Does my cock make you feel good, hm? You like it when I fuck you dumb like this?" You clench around his cock as a response, a deep growl falls from his lips. 
"Cum for me, princess. You've been such a good girl," he says as he releases the grip on your throat. 
You scream from the intense climax, body convulsing in pleasure as you clench tightly around Jisung once again, triggering his own release. Jisung shoots his cum deep inside you, groaning loudly as he thrusts slowly to ride out both of your highs. 
He holds your body close to him and kisses your forehead before letting you go. Your upper body falls forward onto the couch backrest, giving Jisung access to dig his fingers under the silicone pad and turn off the vibration switch. You suck in a sharp breath when Jisung pulls out, flinching from overstimulation. He lets out a groan at the sight of your releases mixing together and dripping onto the pad.  Your hips jerked as he collects the releases in his fingers and pushed it back inside of you.
You can barely keep your eyes open as Jisung helps you down from the couch and carries you in his arms to the bedroom. He lays you down gently on the bed and throws a blanket over you to keep you warm as he runs you a bath. He also went back to the living room to grab the discarded clothes and the grinder pad to clean later. 
Once the bath is ready, he carries you in first before going in as well. He pulls your body close to him, so you can lean against his chest. You let out a sigh as the warm water relaxes your muscles. Both of you bathe quietly before Jisung breaks the silence. 
"So, what do you think of your surprise?" 
You turn to face him and smile, "I loved it, baby. Thank you." Jisung returns your smile and leans in for a sweet kiss. 
"Was I too rough earlier?" he asks carefully. 
"Nothing I can't handle, don't worry." 
He smiles before kissing you again. You stay in the bath a little bit longer before drying off. Jisung goes to the closet to grab pajamas for both of you, while you sit on the bed waiting for him. He hands you your pajamas and a fresh pair of underwear before putting on his own.
After you're both done, Jisung switches the lights off before climbing into bed. You snuggle against Jisung, laying your head on his chest as he holds you close. He pulls the comforter over the two of you. You were about to drift off to sleep when you heard Jisung call your name. 
"You wanna know something?" he asks quietly. 
"Tell me." 
Jisung bites back a smile before answering, "I wasn't lying when I said you look so pretty crying over my cock." 
You open your eyes and gasp, tilting your head to look at him, "Hey!" 
Jisung laughs at your reaction, "It's true! You should've seen yourself." 
You roll your eyes, trying to hold back the smile. "Shut up and go to sleep, Jisung." You say as you lay your head back on his chest and close your eyes. 
"I'm definitely fucking you in front of a mirror next time," he whispers under his breath, which earns him a slap on the chest from you.
"Ow! Okay, okay, I'll stop!"
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thanks for reading! any kind of feedback would be much appreciated<3333
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baronessvonglitter · 3 months
Cherry, Cherry 🍒 Chapter 4 🍒 "Ride Along"
pre-outbreak! AU!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Word count: 2.610
Summary: during your ride along, you and Joel become a bit closer.
WARNINGS: 18+ Only! Mature and Explicit, sexual innuendo, flirting, Joel openly gawking at you, you gawking at Joel's delicious biceps, mutual pining (though you're both too nervous to make the first move), you now have a song 🥰, age gap (reader is 18, Joel is 35), reader's race not mentioned, no use of y/n
Author's Note: this was one of the more fun chapters to write! It also brings us the song which (in part) gave me the idea for this story. Give it a listen and tell me you can't see yourself in Joel's truck on a sunny day, windows down, music blasting ☺️
Series Masterlist
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The rest of the weekend you spend in daydreams, imagining scenarios that are unlikely to happen, if only to prepare yourself for what may actually happen. Joel is not likely to sneak into your room through your window, nor to approach you in a dimly lit corner at your job. But you like to think you'd have a handle on what would happen next. You like to think he'd be impressed by your maturity, that you're not like other girls your age.
But you have to admit that at the same time you realize you have no idea of the bounds you're crossing, of what lies beyond those daydreams that play out quite safely in your head. You cannot control Joel but it's very likely he can control you, and you're not sure whether that thought excites you or scares you.
Trevor is out of sight, out of mind. He hasn't even bothered to give you a call. Whatever he sensed between you and Joel at the party that night has obviously hurt him, and he's run back to Houston to lick his wounds. You are surprised that you don't think anything about him except mild annoyance.
Should it scare you that an older man is attracted to you? You could easily shut him out, cut it off before whatever this is branches into something uncontrollable. Right now you're safe.
But what if you're tired of safety?
You're living in your cousin's house, per your mother's permission, driving a car that was handed down to you, attending a school that everyone thought was best for you.
So what's wrong with taking a little something for yourself? Figuring something out on your own, even if you might get hurt in the process? Even if you might get rejected?
Curiosity killed the cat, so the saying goes.. But is there any quote about luck? Because it's purely luck that carries you as you catch up with Joel just before he leaves for work one sunny day. Dressed in a white tee with the sleeves rolled up, high-waisted shorts and your favorite Converse high tops, you catch up with him at his passenger window. "I'm coming with you today," you say with more confidence than you feel, now that you're actually face to face with Joel again. You're taking the initiative because he hasn't reached out. Too late you realize you may be an inconvenience.
Joel looks like a deer in headlights, and for a moment you find it so cute. "Oh.. really? I, uh.. sure, that works." He pops the automatic locks on his door and waits until you step in to turn the engine on.
You smile brightly, heart hammering in your chest. "Good, because I'm buying lunch for us later." You put on your seat belt. "Where are we going first?"
He eyes you as you make yourself comfortable in his truck, and it doesn't escape you that his gaze travels up your legs and to your thighs. You wonder if he's remembering how they feel around him. Then he clears his throat and begins to back out of the driveway. "Well, we got two more new jobs that need to be done, so we'll head to those first." His arm reaches across the back of your headrest as he maneuvers the truck onto the street.
"What kinds of sites are they? Residential? Commercial?"
Joel glances at you and a smirk crosses his lips. "You've done your homework on the contracting business, haven't ya?"
You blush with pride. "There's this beautiful thing called the internet," you remind him.
"Ah, that's a foreign concept to a dinosaur like myself," his deep, warm voice sounds serious but there's a twinkle in his eyes. "Actually, they're both residential jobs. New roofing on one, and the other..." he trails off and you realize he's lost in thought, looking down, obviously distracted by the point where the hem of your jean shorts meets the flesh of your thigh. "The, uh, other job.. is rebuilding a garage." You smile as he forces his eyes back to the road, your heart skips several beats.
"Maybe it's time for some music?" you suggest, as the tension is palpable, and you know he can feel it.
"Yeah, sounds good to me." He reaches over and turns on the radio. The end of an oldies song blasts from the speakers, and is followed by another, and you immediately recognize the bright guitar melody, it's the opening of "Cherry, Cherry". With a grin you start swaying along to the music.
"I love this song," Joel says, his expression one of wonderment. "What's a kid like you know about Neil Diamond?"
"Just that this is one of my favorite songs," you reply with a cheeky grin. "And now it'll remind me of this moment."
Baby loves me, yes, yes she does Ah, the girl's outta sight, yeah Says she loves me, yes, yes she does Mmm, gonna show me tonight, yeah
When he smiles at you there's a warmth in his eyes. "It'll remind me of this moment, too."
"Then I guess this is our song," you say with certitude, leaning back against the seat, the wind ruffling your hair. "Joel, can I ask you something.. kinda personal?"
It looks like he's mentally and physically preparing himself for what your question could be. "Sure. What's up?"
You pause, second-guessing yourself. "So, why don't you have a girlfriend? I mean, I assume you're single." Your voice shakes a little as you ask, and you wonder if he can hear it.
Joel reddens slightly. "Well.. I've just been really busy with work and raisin' Sarah. Never really had time to invest in a relationship before."
You want to ask about Sarah's mom. It's been a burning question ever since you've known him, and you haven't been able to get any information from Sarah herself, whose face clouded at any mention of a lack of female presence in her life. For now it doesn't feel right to ask, and you don't want to put a dent in the fledgling friendship between you and Joel. That's a question you tuck away into your pocket for a later time. Your expression turns playful. "I guess it must be harder as you get older."
He gives a little chuckle. "Yeah, as you get older it gets harder. Women start to want kids.. want to get married."
"Are you against getting married?" you ask, genuinely curious.
There's a long silence from him and you worry whether you've crossed a boundary, brought up a sore subject. "I don't know," he answers with a shrug of his shoulders.
"I get it. Honestly the odds are against married couples. Over fifty percent of marriages end in divorce."
"Yeah. I know a lot of guy who've been burned in marriage."
You wonder if he's including himself in that number and your eyes soften. You feel it's callous to prod him and give pointless statistics. "One of my best friends back home is getting married soon. Her boyfriend proposed on graduation day. He's going into the Marines.. I can't imagine getting married at eighteen."
"Well, I can't say I'd be totally against marriage, if it was with the right person." Joel's smile is nervous, and he focuses on driving.
You could ask him what the qualifications are, and measure yourself against them, but you highly doubt 'teenaged college freshman' is one of the distinguishing characteristics he'll mention wanting in a wife. So you gracefully change the subject as you see the job site up ahead. "I'm excited to see you in action," you grin at him.
"You're excited to see me in action?" he repeats. "Well get ready. 'Cause I'll show you how I do it."
Your heart skips a beat and your blush at his innuendo. Is it innuendo?
It has to be, because he continues. "If you want, you can be my assistant. I can tell you exactly how I want things done." He gives you a side-eye and smirks. He drives up to the site and parks.
You bite your lip, taking the bait. "I'm a fast learner." You're flirting, yes, flirting back.
"I'll show you everything you need to know.."
You wet your lips with your tongue, your face still red. "I'll bet there's a lot you could teach me.."
"There is," his voice is husky, almost strained. "I'd enjoy teachin' you."
There's a tingling in your body as the flirtation seems to have taken a serious turn. Your brain locks up, taking the safest route back. "You're funny, Joel." Your smile is forced.
There's a moment of quiet, a silence that is rife with tension. "I'm not tryin' to be."
You look at him. A new tension fills the air, something exciting and new. You swallow hard. "Think we should get out?"
His countenance changes abruptly, back to factory settings. "If you want. They're almost done here, so it shouldn't take too long."
"Trying to get rid of me that quickly?"
He smirks again and hands you a bright yellow hard hat. "Come on, it's hard hat time. Can't have you gettin' hurt while you're my assistant, now can I?"
You put the hat on and it's a little bigger than you need. Seeing that smirk on his face has brought out something within you, and the words bubble up in your throat. "Can't do it without protection," you smirk back.
"Very true," he says, and you admire him with that yellow piece of plastic on his head. "But there are certain times for exceptions."
"Really? When are those times?" You watch him blush. "Come on, you're the expert. You tell me."
Now out of the truck he eyes you again, and this time you let yourself bask in how it feels. "Am I dressed okay?"
He swallows hard and gives a curt nod. "You won't see me complainin'." Just then a hopeful look crosses his face, as if he's remembered something. "You doin' anything tonight?"
Your heart leaps and you shut your mouth tight in fear it may just jump right out and land at Joel's feet. "Um, I don't think so. Why?"
He rubs the back of his neck and you watch, enrapt, as his bicep flexes. "Well me, Tommy, and some of the guys are gettin' together for a beer after work and Sarah's gonna be all by herself. I'm not sayin' she needs a babysitter, but I know she'd rather spend time with you than alone. Would you be okay comin' over, or her comin' to you?"
Your smile is wide so as to cover the hurt you feel that he didn't ask you out, and then you feel foolish for having thought it would happen at all. "Of course, Joel." Though Sarah probably would have come over even without her dad suggesting it.
"Yeah.. thanks. It's just gonna be.. y'know.. catchin' up with some friends who are in town."
You raise your brow, silently wondering if those friends include women, older women who have more confidence and experience than you. "You gonna wear something other than this?" You playfully tug at his gray t-shirt.
His grin is infectious. He obviously likes your teasing. "You don't think it looks good on me?"
"You look good all the time," you reply, walking ahead, smiling, blushing.
You watch as Joel checks out the site, giving instructions to different workers. It's a side of him you've never seen before. You watch him when you know he's not looking, taking in the way his clothes hug him in all the right places, especially his biceps: round, thick and smooth, half-hidden under his t-shirt sleeves.
When you stop for lunch at a sandwich place, you both sit in the bed of the truck, enjoying your meal. "So tonight.." you wash down your food with some water. "Should I have Sarah at my place in case you bring someone home?" It hurts to ask, as if by simply suggesting that such a thing would happen, that it already has.
Joel only shakes his head, a little amused by your question. "I don't think there's much of a chance of that happenin', sweetheart."
He calls you 'sweetheart' and it's like a caress on your skin. You have to remember to breathe. "You never know. You're hot, you have to know that." At this Joel nearly chokes on his food and you chuckle, patting his back until he's okay again. "There are some women out there who prefer a no-strings attached kind of thing."
"No-strings-attached isn't my thing," he says solidly. "I'm gettin' too old for that kinda bullshit. I want strings attached."
His gaze upon you is piercing, liable to steal your breath away. "I guess that's how it should be. Just two people for each other."
"Yeah.. two people for each other." He finishes his lunch and so do you. "We should be headin' to the next site."
He has to be teasing me. It's just meaningless chatter to someone young and inexperienced. He's having fun at my expense because I'm allowing it.
On the drive to the next, you keep quiet, thinking deeply. Oldies play on the radio but you block out the details of who and what is playing.
"Looks like you'll finally be rid of me after this," you tell him once you're parked at the second site. You get out together.
He chuckles. "Yeah, finally. Some peace and quiet."
You smile back. "Aw, you'll miss me."
"Oh, I don't think I'll miss you for one second." Joel puts his hands on his hips, a silly, defiant stance.
You poke his chest. "If you say so."
He pokes you right back. "Yeah, I say so."
"Come on, don't you have a job to do?"
"Yeah, come on, sweetheart. Let's get to work." This plays out the same as at the first site. Your eyes don't even take in the architecture of what these men are doing. You just see Joel.
"I thought I might get to see you in action," you say once you're away from the builders. "I thought I'd get to see you hammering or sawing.."
"You want to see me use my muscles or somethin', sweetheart?" He steps close to you. "I don't think you can handle it."
"You don't know what I can handle," you tell him with a little attitude, your hand on your hip.
"Sweetheart, you're about half my size. I don't think you could handle what I'm packing." He wears a smug smirk. "But I'd love to show you."
Not for the first time you feel a rush of heat to your core. "I'd love to see it.."
He's even closer to you now. Your entire body sizzles. "Maybe it's time I show you exactly what you'd be working with, sweetheart."
Joel's phone chirps and he frowns as he picks it up. The mood, while not shattered, has changed and you're both back on Planet Earth. You can't help but feel a little bummed.
"I have an emergency I need to tend to. Is it okay if I drop you off real quick?"
"Sure," you smile. On the ride home Joel is on his phone, talking to one of the men on his crew, discussing the problem in question. Your thighs stick to the leather seats. Once you're home he gives a quick smile and wave before driving off.
As you walk through the door you get a text from Hailey, a friend from the cafe. party tonight! finally 21! come thru
You said you'd keep Sarah company while Joel is out, but maybe there's a way you can do both..
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canirove · 1 month
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 20
Previous chapter | Next chapter (coming out on Monday)
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“Olivia, where do you think you are going?” my mum asks me as I walk down the stairs.
“To work?” 
“Don't you have a doctor's appointment to attend to today?”
“Yes, this afternoon.”
“What? I thought you said it was in the morning! I changed my shift to go with you!”
“I'm sorry, mum. But they called yesterday at the last minute saying that they had to reschedule it.”
“And why didn't you tell me?”
“I forgot” I shrug.
But I actually hadn't forgotten. I had been the one calling my doctor asking her if we could reschedule my appointment to the afternoon so Declan could come with me since he didn't have training. This was my first scan since I had told him everything, and he wanted to be there with me.
“Oh, Liv… I wanted to be there with you! Today they will definitely tell you if it's a boy or a girl!”
“I'm sorry, mum. You know I have too many things in my head right now and…”
“I know” she says, taking my hand on hers and giving it a little squeeze. “But I still wanted to be there for you. Your dad is already missing it since he is at that talk in Manchester.”
“I know. He was so excited…”
“He was” she says. “But who will be going with you then?”
“What? Why her?”
“She was free and offered to come with me.”
“And Alex? He hasn't been to any scan yet, and he is the father of your child in case you have forgotten.”
“I have not, no” I sigh.
“Liv… I don't know what happened between you two and I respect your choice to not tell us… But in a few months there will be a baby, and they deserve to have a mother and a father that will take care of them.”
“They will have that, don't worry” I say. Because if Declan keeps his promise, our baby will have us both in their life. Maybe not together like a couple, but we will be there for them. “And I better go, I don't want to be late.”
“Ok. But be careful with the car and keep me updated about the doctor's appointment.”
“I will, mum. I promise. I love you” I say, kissing her cheek.
“I love you too, Olivia” she smiles. 
“Hi, sorry I'm late” I say, getting into Declan's car. “There was a problem with that bloody coffee machine again, the technician wasn't picking up the phone, and then the power went out for an hour. It was a bit chaotic and… Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?”
“My face. Is there something on it? I had pasta for lunch, so maybe I didn't clean all the tomato sauce.”
“There is no tomato sauce” Declan says.
“Then why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like… that” I say, moving my hand in the air. 
“You look beautiful today.”
“What?” I say with a nervous laugh, my cheeks already starting to burn.
“I mean, you always look beautiful. But today, a lot more.” 
“Well… ummm… thanks.”
“You're welcome” Declan smiles. “Now, should we get going? I don't want us to be late to meet the little one.”
“Yes, of course” I reply, putting on my seatbelt. Or trying to.
“Here, let me help you.” 
The moment our hands touch and he looks up, it's like we've traveled back in time to the day we met. I can feel the same electricity I felt when our fingers first touched running through my whole body, my mind starting to get lost once again in that shade of blue I had never seen before. 
“I hope they get your eyes. And your eyelashes.”
“What?” Declan says, his hands still on mine.
“The baby. I hope they get your eyes. They are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.” Woah, Olivia. Intense much? 
“Thank you” he replies with a shy smile. Wait a minute… Declan Rice getting shy after I have complimented him? Since when? I am the one who starts giggling and feeling her face on fire, not him. “And this is done.”
“What is?”
“The seatbelt, Liv.”
“Oh, yes, yes. Pregnant brain, you know” I say with a stupid laugh. Yeah, making a fool of myself in front of him hasn't changed.
“Is that a thing?”
“Interesting” he smirks. Now that is the Declan I am used to. “Do you need anything else?”
“No, I'm fine.”
“Ok. Then let's go see our baby” he says, letting go of my hand and making me miss his touch. But it doesn't last long, because he moves it to caress my bump, something he would do again a few more times while we are stopped at a red light, the warmest and fuzziest feeling ever filling my chest. 
“Ok, let's check how the little one is today, shall we?” my doctor smiles while I give Declan's hand a little squeeze. I've had to grab it to make him stop fidgeting, he is so nervous…
“Woah, what is that noise?” he asks. 
“That's their heartbeat” I tell him.
“Really? Is that normal?”
“It is, don't worry. It means they are very healthy” the doctor explains. 
“And I thought mine was beating fast…” 
“Welcome to the club” I chuckle. “Are they in the right position today?” In my previous scan it had been impossible to tell if they were a boy or a girl. 
“They are yes. Do you want me to tell you now or are you planning a gender reveal?”
“Oh no, I hate those. Declan?” 
“Uh?” he says, his eyes still fixed on the screen. He is… Oh my God, he is crying.
“Dec, hey. Are you ok?” I ask him, squeezing his hand again.
“Yeah, yeah, I just… That's my child” he says, quickly wiping away his tears. 
“It is, yes” I smile, trying not to cry too.
“Anyway, the gender” he says, composing himself. “Is it possible to know later on our own?”
“Of course” my doctor says. “We'll give you an envelope with the results so you can open it when you are ready.”
“And photos too?”
“Photos too” she smiles.
“So, how do we do it?” Declan asks me once we are back in his car.
“How do we do what?”
“The envelope, Liv” he says. “Do you want to do it here or should we go somewhere special?”
“Actually, now that you mention it… Can we go to that restaurant where you took me when we left the lionesses game? I've been dreaming about the cake we ate for the past weeks.”
“First craving?” he asks, starting the car.
“Oh, no. My first craving was Cadbury chocolate.”
“You are always eating chocolate, Liv” he chuckles. “That isn't new.”
“But now it's gotten worse.”
“How can it be worse than liking literally anything made with chocolate?”
“I have to keep a bar on my bedside table because I wake up hungry in the middle of the night and it is the only thing I want to eat. And it has to be Cadbury chocolate, just that one. One morning I woke up hugging it.”
“What?” Declan laughs.
“Yeah” I shrug. “I think it is because the baby has your sweet tooth.”
“My sweet tooth, Liv? Mine?” he laughs again. 
“Yep, yours” I smile. “So if my teeth fall off after eating so much sugar… You are paying for the new ones, you are the millionaire here.”
“Ok” he laughs once again, the rest of our journey to the restaurant filled with more of his loud laugh while I just smile like an idiot. Had I missed that? God knows I had.
“Is it as good as you remembered?”
“Better” I say, cake spilling from my mouth. So elegant, Olivia.
“Here, let me help you” Declan chuckles, cleaning my chin with his napkin, his other hand holding my face. I wonder if he can feel my cheeks getting warmer and warmer by the second. “Done.”
“Thank you” I whisper.
“So… Should we open the envelope before they kick us out due to you eating all their cake?” he says with a teasing smile.
“Ha ha ha” I reply, rolling my eyes. “But yeah, let's do it. It's in my bag.”
“Ok” he says, taking it and moving his chair next to mine. “Are you ready?”
“Are you?”
“I asked first, Liv.”
“I know. But your hand is the one that's shaking, not mine” I say, holding it like I did during our doctor's appointment.
“Sorry” he smiles. “Anyway, ready?”
“Ready” I smile back.
“And baby Rice is…”
“I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!” I laugh, hitting his arm.
“Ouch, Liv!”
“I knew it was going to be a boy! You only have brothers and they only have boys! It's like you only carry the male gene!”
“I actually have a niece too, remember?”
“The exception that confirms my theory.”
“You look quite happy about it” Declan chuckles. “Did you want a boy?”
“I just wanted a healthy baby. But since the moment I found out I was pregnant, I pictured a boy” I shrug.
“With my blue eyes?” he smirks.
“With your blue eyes and hopefully a smaller head.”
“What?” he laughs.
“I know most of it is hair but… Yeah. I don't want something that big coming out of my…”
“Oh my God, Olivia” Declan laughs again.
“Sorry” I shrug. “Anyway, should we ask for more cake in honour of our little boy?”
“Ok. But just one slice, and we'll share it.”
“You just said you don't want a big baby, and if you keep eating like this…”
“Idiot” I reply, hitting him again. “But fine, ok. Just one slice.”
“And then we are going for a walk to help with your digestion.”
“Yes, mum” I sigh.
“If I'm being annoying is because I care about you, Liv. Both of you” he says, caressing my bump.
“I know, Declan. I know” I say, smiling like an idiot once again. 
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hueningchu · 1 year
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Never again.
Genre: Heeseung+Jake x Cheater!Reader
Parings: Smut, Angst, Established relationship
Song: “Unfaithful” by Rihanna
Warnings: Smut, Angst with a sort of happy ending, Mentions of cheating on partners, Established relationship, Toxic friendships and Toxic relationships, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Spanking, fingering (I apologize in advance if any of this is cringy)
Summary: After one more month of sneaking behind Heeseung’s back, You and Jake are beginning to get messy with covering it up. It all comes crumbling down when Heeseung receives a text from someone. What is the text about? Who sent it? How will they explain themselves? Who will Heeseung blame in the end?
Pt. 1
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You would like to say those hours a day you spent with Jake was not worth it but..my god it was. You did not regret a single minute that you spent with Jake. Heeseung was so sweet and so attractive but Jake was just something else to you. He made you feel good but so bad at the same time. The electricity and the heat you feel between you and Heeseung was nothing compared to how you feel with Jake. People say girlfriends are supposed to have butterflies of excitement when their significant other walks in the room. However, when yours walks in the room you feel guilt and nervous butterflies. Nervousness that at literally any moment Heeseung can ask you..
"So you and Jake have been getting along pretty well?" Hee asked with his back turned to you while he stirred his drink. Distracted by your phone, you almost missed the question, so he cleared his throat and repeated it. "You and Jake have became good friends, no?"
Getting asked that so out of the blue made your voice a tiny bit shaky but you were hoping Heeseung did not notice that."J-jake? Oh! Yeah he's uh..really cool. That's probably why he's your best friend huh?" You tried to give a normal answer that wouldn't sound suspicious but that sort of failed.
"Why is your voice so shaky? Geez, I'm only asking a question." He giggled and flashed you a smile. His sweet smile was a sign that you were off the hook.  "But really quick.." Hee got up and walked into the bedroom to fetch his phone that was charging. "I got this text today." When he walked past the couch, He tossed the phone to you so you could read over the text. "Take a look at it. It'll make you laugh." Heeseung giggled again before walking back in the kitchen.
You felt your heart stop the minute you saw the contact name of the person who the text was from. It was a very long paragraph to Heeseung, from none other than...Jake.
Jake: Hey r you up?
Heeseung: It's like 3 in the morning.
Jake: You answered tho..
Heeseung: Well no shit. I'm awake
Heeseung: I'm just pointing out that it's late as hell and you're texting me
Jake: when has this ever been a problem in our friendship?? You used to text me at 5am to get ready for school together😭
Jake: Don't think I forgot lmao
Heeseung: Shut up
Heeseung: what did you text me about tho?
Jake: oh yeah
Jake: It's kind of a lot so like should I tell you in person?
Heeseung: why did you even text me if you weren't gonna tell me until later..
Jake: I'm sorry
Jake: I feel really bad about it. So I guess I'm avoiding the topic..
Jake: I'll just tell you now then
Heeseung: Are you trying to make me nervous or sum??
The next text Jake sent to Heeseung was the last of the chats for that conversation. It was a lengthy paragraph explaining how you and him have been together without Heeseung knowing. You could start clapping on the spot because of how good of a show Jake put on. God, he acted like such a quiet and innocent little boy in front of Hee but if only his best friend knew the things jake would do while he kept Heeseung completely oblivious. All of those little moments you had with Jake were coming back.
"Yo. Wanna ride with me to go get snacks. When I come back the three of us can go." Heeseung said to Jake as he grabbed his keys out the dish near the front door. "Y/n is still getting ready so by the time I get back she should be ready to go."
"Nah, I'll stay here and keep y/n company. I don't mind keeping an eye out for her." Jake smiled at his bestie before Heeseung quickly left out the door. "Hey, y/n!" Jake yelled out for you as he hopped off the couch to walk into you and Heeseung's shared bedroom, where you were currently getting ready. "Hey." He poked his head in the doorway and smirked at you.
"Hey?? Did Hee come back already? You guys ready to go?" You we're sitting on the bed, putting on lipgloss and adding the finishing touches on your makeup.
"He actually just left. I wanted to come see what you were up to. Maybe we have some time to fool around a bit." The sneaky boy started to walk over to you and smiled. "You look so sexy with all that makeup on." Jake leaned down and went in to kiss you.
"Are you crazy? He could walk in at any minute. Besides, I just finished my makeup!"
Jake grabbed your chin. "Come on. I didn't say we had to screw or anything. Let's just.." he shrugged and sat down next to you. "Makeout or something before he gets back."
When he tried to kiss you on your freshly made lips again you moved back and rest your elbows on the bed. "Stop it! It's obvious when people get done making out. Especially with the way you do it."
"Come on. We are gonna be with Heeseung all day. I need something to think about while we watch the movie." He sounded so desperate for you. He started to use the baby voice he uses when he wants something. When you shook your head again which caused him to groan and put his head in your lap. "Please babygirl..I can't go a whole day without kissing your pretty plump lips." That's what got you. The second you leaned down to give him a deep kiss, you both heard the front door open. "Awe that's him. Well, let's get this day over with.” Jake hopped up and stood with his back facing the door. “And don't say anything stupid that'll get us caugh-"
Jake could barely finish his stupid sentence before Heeseung walked in and leaned on the doorway. "Let's get going. Y/n, Put the snacks in your bag."
All the flashbacks and memories were running through your head while you read the text message. "Heeseung.." Before giving him an explanation you realized there wasn't one and just started thinking of which excuse you should go with. "What is this?" Oh. That's really how your instincts decide to play it? The oblivious act was not gonna work on Heeseung and the way you were executing it, that act wouldn't work on anyone.
"That's exactly what I'm asking you. Why do I have my friend texting me at 3am, telling me that he's been fucking my girl behind my back?"
"Jake is a dirty liar. I don't even know why he would tell you that. Let alone why you would believe him."
"I don't know. I've been friends with him for almost 15 god damn years and he's never slept with any of my girlfriends so.."
You tilted your head, waiting for him to finish his sentence. "So?..."
"So I'm guessing it's true." Heeseung walked over to you. "I should have known." He shook his head. "I should have known the minute I caught you leaving the house in the middle of the night." Heeseung was getting himself worked up. You could tell he was slowly boiling over. "I'm so fucking stupid. You told me.." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You fucking told me you were going out for gas and I believed you. I can't believe I trusted you."
"What about Jake?" You quietly said.
Heeseung tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. "Did you seriously just ask me that? What about him?"
"Why is it all my fault and why is none of the blame on him?" Just as you said that you both heard a doorbell ring, causing your heads to turn towards the front door.
Heeseung chuckled and started to walk over to the door. "Funny you ask that. Cause I actually called him earlier and asked if he was busy. Told him that if not then he should come over so the three of us could talk." When Heeseung went to open the door you couldn't take it. You wanted to leave but there was no where to run. So you ran up to Heeseung and tried to convince him otherwise.
"Please Hee. Don't do this." You pleaded for him to just ignore it or tell the person on the other side to go away. You knew it was Jake and your heart couldn't take anymore stress or heartbreak.
"Don't call me that. I don't ever wanna hear you use that nickname again." Heeseung replied before pulling away from you to open the door for the visitor. Of course, it was just who you expected.
When the door swung open and you were both met with the main manipulator himself, You looked away and ran into the kitchen to get away from what was awaiting you. While Heeseung on the other hand faced his best friend head on. The minute he opened the door, Heeseung gave Jake the most bold and serious stare possible.
Jakes 'sincre' eyes met Heeseung's serious ones and he only said three words. "I'm sorry, man."
"Yeah. You said that already." Heeseung said as he leaned a arm on the door frame. "Don't just stand there, come inside."
Heeseung shut the door after Jake walked in. "So.." Jake took his coat off and started to walk towards the living room. "Where is she?"
"I don't know. She probably ran upstairs." Heeseung just stood near the front door, covering his face with one of his hands as he let the other rest on his hip. He was thinking about how hard this whole conversation was gonna be. "She's embarrassed."
Jake chuckled and started walking up the stairs to go find you. "Embarrassed? What is she embarrassed for? She did this to herself."
When you overheard Jake say such lies you came out of the kitchen. You were almost just as mad as Heeseung now. "I did this to myself?!"
You scanned the room for Jake and tears almost fell when you seen him and his shit eating grin standing at the top of the stairs. "There she is. There's the bell of the ball. Or should I say the lying cheating slut." Your eyes widened when Jake came at you with such vigor. He walked over to you and then pointed at Heeseung. "Look at him." When you wouldn't turn your head to face Heeseung's, Jake grabbed your chin with his other hand and forced you to. "Look at how hurt you've made him. All because you wanted one night of fun with me."
"It was more than one night, you asshole!" There goes the tears. You pushed Jake away from you and shook your head to get his grip off of you.
That's when Heeseung decided to jump back in on the argument. "How many nights exactly was it, Y/n?" He took Jake's spot and stood right in front of you. "Was it a special occasion type thing or was it every other weekend?" Heeseung pulled out his cellphone. "Oh, how about this? Let's go through our messages and see just how many times you have used a shitty excuse to blow me off."
Jake walked over and leaned on Heeseung's shoulder. "Should we make a game out of it? Try to guess which excuses are real and which ones are fake."
When Heeseung pulled up the messages he scrolled back a bit and then let out a giggle. "What about this one?" He showed Jake and kept it hidden from you. "Was she telling the truth?"
Jake took time to read it and then he giggled too before shaking his head. "Sorry but she was lying. It’s what women do, Heeseung. They lie and cheat.”
Gosh this was SO ironic coming from him. The fact Heeseung hasn’t called him out yet surprised you but it seemed most of his anger was towards you. "Who do you think you are? Don't try to pin this all on me." You turned to Heeseung and threw your hands in the air. "How can you let him stand here and talk about you like this? How can you let him come into our home and disrespect us?!"
"Us?! No y/n, I don't think you understand. There is no more us." Heeseung pushed you out of the way and walked up the stairs. He was gone for a bit before walking back with two suitcases. "And this home is no longer 'ours'."
"Are those my things? Are you throwing me out?!" You started to run up the steps but before you could Heeseung threw the bags over the stairs. You stood there shocked for a moment before the anger struck. "What the fuck! I'm not just a animal, Heeseung! You can't just throw me out onto the streets whe-"
"I can and I will. Do you expect me to keep you here after what you've done to me?"
"So let me get this straight." You pointed to Jake who was standing at the bottom of the stairs so innocently. "You'll kick me out and never speak to me again but there's no repercussions for Jake?" You gave Heeseung an exasperated look. "Am I the only one who this falls on? What's so special about Jake that you just can't bring yourself to lay the iron fist on him?
"What do you want me to do Y/n?! Want me to get in a fist fight with him because my girlfriend made a move on him?"
"He was the one who made a move on me first!"
Jake shook his finger. "Uhh actually no. That's a lie because if I remember correctly you told me that you had been wanting to hook up with me for months before I even brought it up to you."
"Ah ha!" You pointed at him again. "So you do admit that you're the one who made a move on me first!"
When Jake realized you caught him he switch the topic so no blame could fall on him yet. "I told you the first time we did it that it would never happen again. I made it clear that it was a mistake and that I never wanted to continue contact after that."
"I never asked for you again after the first time."
"So explain to me how you and Jake became a casual thing. If neither of you contacted the other after the first time then how did this become an item."
"Jake called me a two weeks after and told me he couldn't control himself. He said he knew it was wrong to go behind YOUR back but he couldn't help it and needed me in his bed again."
Heeseung looked hurt by this information and sent Jake a perplexed look. You knew he was secretly hurting and was trying to keep it together but he asked for the truth. So you gave it to him.
Jake definitely noticed the look Heeseung gave him so he took that as the cue to start explaining himself.
Only he didn't explain himself. Instead he shifted the blame again and somehow made Heeseung even more mad at you. "Oh? Was I the one who hit you up on Valentine's day and practically begged you to come over and fuck me?"
"Wait..Valentine's day?" Heeseung turned back to you with his brows furrowed. "Didn't I have to spend Valentine's Day in the ER with my brother?" You seen Heeseung start walking down the steps towards you. "I thought you were sick in bed all day and couldn't come with me to the hospital.
When Heeseung said that Jakes eyes widened and he held a smirk on his face. A smirk that made it obvious that he was trying not to laugh. "So..how is it possible that you were sick at home AND over my house on Valentine's Day?"
More tears found their way in your eyes when Jake fed into the fire that was burning in Heeseung. "I n-never went over Jake's house. Heeseung, I swear. I was at home on Valentine's Day." Your emotions started taking control and you started falling apart inside. The lying was a clear sign of that.
"Heeseung." Jake looked over at his best friend. "Why would I lie about something like this? Shit, I even have pictures in my camera roll that me and her took on Valentine's Day."
When Heeseung got quiet Jake knew it was the perfect time to convince him. "Take a look. They aren’t dirty pictures or anything. Just some pics we took at dinner." Jake pulled out his phone and started tapping and scrolling until he found the picture he was referring to. "Check the date."
Heeseung's face got even more sour when he seen this piece of evidence. "Seriously, Y/n?! While I was at the hospital with my brother?!" You jumped when he got loud. You don't know why. Heeseung never hit you but you were so scared. "To think that my girlfriend would rather fuck my best friend than come with me to the hospital to care for my brother is...a wake up call." He started to walk over to you. "I'm surprised I didn't find out earlier. Love makes you so blind and oblivious sometimes."
When you thought Heeseung would zero in on you some more for the horrible truth he just found out, he turned around. "And you." He looked straight at Jake and shook his head. "I can't even begin to tell you how hurt I am."
Jake put his head down in false shame and nodded at Heeseung's words. "You're right. I'm sorry I let me and y/n's  relationship get this far."
Heeseung waited to hear more from Jake but that was it. Heeseung raised an eyebrow. "So why did you do it?"
"I'm sorry?" Jake was a bit confused by the question.
"You said you knew your relationship with y/n shouldn't have gotten that far. So why did it? Why did you call her back and tell her you needed more."
Jake rubbed his arm. "I honestly couldn't tell you. Heeseung..You know I'm not the best with girls and so when y/n showed me the passion and love that she did I couldn't just let her go. I wanted more of that passion in my life."
"So what.." Heeseung shrugged and tried to hold in the tears that were threatening to fall. He didn't wanna cry. He wanted to be a man and face this situation with a cold attitude but it was too much..even for him. "Are you like..in love with her or something?"
Jake whipped his head up at Heesung and quickly shook his head. "N-No. I don't love her but I-"
Heeseung walked down the steps, walking past you until he reached Jake. "Are you saying you wanna steal her love and passion away from me?"
"Heeseung, I-"
No matter what Jake tried to say, Heeseung wouldn't let him get one word in. "Because that's exactly what you did. You stole her from me and ruined a perfectly good relationship. I can't even live in the same house as her anymore because all I can think about when I look at her is how you defiled and ruined her."
"He didn't ruin me, Heeseung." You tried to speak to him and get him on your side. "I'm still your perfect angel." You couldn't stop sniffling. "I'm still your baby."
Heeseung shook his head. "No. It's not the same anymore. God, I can't believe this is ending like this." You could see a tear fall onto his cheek but before you could wipe it for him, he turned away from you and Jake.
"It doesn't have to end like this!" You followed him into the living room and sat down on the couch in front of him with your hands together. "Please. Please give me another chance. I'll be better to you, I promise."
"No." Heeseung sat down next to you and took one of your hands into his. "I can't do that y/n. If I take you back then I'll have to break it off with Jake." Heeseung said this quietly to you so that Jake wouldn't hear.
I nodded my head and leaned closer to whisper to Heeseung. "Do it. Break it off with Jake and keep me. Jake was the one who started all of this turmoil. You should hear the things Jake used to say about you when we were alone."
"What type of things did he used to say?" Heeseung asked as he looked up at you and held your hand.
Just then Jake slowly stepped into the living room and you could see a scowl creep across his face when he caught glimpse of the hand holding you and Heeseung were doing. "Ask him yourself. Jake tell him about the things you used to say."
Heeseung let go of your hand and stood up to question Jake. "You gonna explain?"
Jake chuckled and wore that stupid smirk again. "Explain what? Explain how y/n used to scream out about how she wanted me and how i fucked her better than you?"
Before Jake could speak anymore a loud smack echoed throughout the room. "Could you have at least some respect. Is this situation not serious to you?"
The slap from Heeseung immediately made Jake go wide eyed. "I was just quoting what your so-called girlfriend said about me."
Heeseung went for another smack but Jake managed to block this one. "Did you just say 'so called' girlfriend? She was my very serious girlfriend who I loved very much.” Hearing Heeseung speak in past tense broke your heart and stunned your hope of a second chance.
"Listen. I'm sorry if you think I'm being disrespectful about this but you need to wake up and realize that she's the problem here." He put his hand on Heeseung's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Our friendship was perfectly fine before she came along."
"Our relationship was perfectly fine before YOU came along!" You stood up behind Heeseung and put your hand on his back.
"Get your hands off of him, slut." Jake pulled him away from you.
"He's my boyfriend."
"Didn't you hear him earlier? He's throwing your ass out."
"No. He said he's reconsidering giving me a second chance." You grabbed Heeseung's hand. "Right?"
"Go on. Tell her no." Jake’s grip on his shoulder tightened.
Heeseung broke away from the both of you and he put his hands up defensively. "Both of you need to back up." He stammered. "I don't even know what to think anymore. All of this is too exhausting."
"It's an easy answer." Jake stood near Heeseung. "She's out of the picture."
"Jesus, Jake. Why are you being so overbearing?"
"Because you are having sympathy for this girl who backstabbed you."
"Oh, that's rich coming from you." You said under your breath.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, Come on Jake. You're not a very innocent soul in this." Heeseung let slip.
"So what? You're on her side now?"
"I'm not on anyone's side! There are no sides in this!"
You sat back down and started to suddenly cry again. Both of the boys stop and looked at you. One of them came to comfort you and the other didn't.
Can you guess which one comforted you.
"Baby.." Heeseung kneeled down and rushed to your side. "Why are crying again?” He brought a hand up to rub your knee.
Of course it was Heeseung. It was always him. How could you not tell that Jake never truly loved you. Jake was only using you for pleasure. If anyone is to blame for this, it’s you for trusting Jake. With his dumb smile and empty words.
"You're gonna leave me Heeseung." You sobbed. "Aren't you?"
"I'm.." He paused and looked away from you. Trying to figure out the answer to that question for himself. He still hasn't decided what he wants to do. "I don't know, Y/n. I just know I love you."
"So you are basically saying you're taking her back?" Jake scoffed. "Gosh, you're so stupid."
That's when Heeseung snapped even more. "Seriously? What is your problem?! Do you have no shame or remorse?!"
"I have remorse but I'm just telling you this girl is not worth fighting for."
"You just stumble in and ruin my relationship. Do you even feel bad about what you did?”
Jake shook his head. “If it means I saved you from wasting your time on her.”
Heeseung stood up again. That was it. He couldn’t do anymore of this back and forth. "Get out. This is our home and I need you to leave right now." Heeseung raised his voice and pointed to the door.
You've never seen Heeseung yell at Jake like that. They are best friends so you have never seen them really argue. Unless it was over the video game. When Jake stood in silence for a while he eyed the two of you and both, you, and Heeseung could tell he had so much more to say. He looked like he wanted to blurt out a thousand things at once. "Do you really want me to leave?"
"Yes. Want me to walk you out?"
Jake widened his eyes and shook his head. "Nah. That's fine." He waved his hand in the air and turned around to walk to the front door.  "I've been here a thousand times. I know my way out."
Heeseung waited until he heard the door open and close. He let out a sigh he never knew he was holding in. "It's just you and me now." Heeseung had a sort of disgusted look on his face as he turned to eye you up and down. "How could you let him do that." He shook his head and walked up to you, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek. "You let him see and touch all of the places that were meant for me." His other hand started to travel up your t-shirt as he wrapped his arm around your waist. "I was your first and I was supposed to be your last."
"I'm s-so sorry." The tears were still running from earlier. You couldn't tell if the mood was more or less tense since Jake left. You looked up at him and leaned into his chest. "Please don't make me leave. I'm sorry I caused this."
He sighed and put the hand that was cupping your face behind your head, holding you close to him. God he wanted to scream and scold you but he just couldn't bring himself to truly kick you out. He loved you and all the chaos that came with you. It's not like you did this on the daily or anything and he knew that. That's why he was seriously considering taking his girl back. He wanted his sweet princess back.
"I'm not gonna kick you out."
You leaned back and looked up at him with wide teary eyes. "Really?"
He nodded.
"Does this mean you are gonna break it off with Jake?"
"You know I can't do that, baby." He kissed your head. "He's my best friend and I can't abandon him. Just like I can't abandon you."
"Oh Heeseung.." you wrapped your arms around his neck and jumped up into his arms. "I'm so sorry. I'll do anything to prove myself to you and show you that I'm gonna be better."
"You keep saying that but you are gonna have to show me now." Heeseung lightly pushed you down on the couch. "How about you take your pants off." With no hesitation you listened to him and took your pajama pants off. You then took your shirt and bra off to get it out of the way.
"You a little excited?"
Nodding, you spread your legs for him.
He chuckled. "Jake's right. You are a fucking slut. I never seen this side of you before." Heeseung leaned in, reached his hand down and started to harshly rub your clit. "You're always so incredibly innocent for me." He swears when he took your virginity and you looked at him with that doe like gaze he fell in love with you and you're pure like aura. He couldn't lie that he sort of liked this side of you too. You were just as submissive as before but a tad bit more straight forward.
Just when he got you wet enough, Heeseung stopped rubbing you and leaned back again. "Turn around for me."
Once again, you did as he said and turned around on your stomach.
"You gotta understand that I can't let you off too easy, baby." Heeseung started rubbing your clothed ass before he landed a hard slap on it. "If I don't show some assertiveness then you're gonna think it's okay to go around whoring yourself out." Another smack landed on one of your cheeks.
You let out a helpless yelp. "I promise. I'm never gonn-"
That landed you another hard smack "Don't speak. I'll tell you when you can talk to me."
He started undoing his belt and he swung it out of the loop holes before folding it. "Get over here and lean over my lap." Before he could say anything else, you bent over his knees. “Should I give you the pleasure or pain first?” He started to rub your ass again where he smacked earlier.
Not wanting to piss him off anymore, you waited a bit to answer because he told you not to speak unless he said so. “You can talk now, honey.”
“Pleasure!” You blurted out. “Give me pleasure. I’m begging you.”
He thought about it and nodded. “Alright baby. Whatever you want.” Heeseung set aside his leather belt for now and quickly pulled your panties down. He grabbed your hair and pulled your head up to whisper in your ear. “I’m gonna finger fuck you until you beg me to lay my cock into you.”
Ughh why was he so irresistible. Every word slipped off his tongue like a symphony and it incited the heat in your lower abdomen. Slowly you felt his hand creep right between your thighs and you opened your legs best you could. Heeseung slipped two wet fingers past your folds. Your man knew exactly what you wanted because he wasted no time pumping and pistoling his fingers in and out of your plush cunt.
Since Heeseung was getting tired of waiting for his turn he decided to speed up the process of you getting yours. The way he decided to do this however was something you were a bit scared for. He let go of your hair and reached over to grab his belt. “I’ll show you what dirty cheaters get.”
A loud wham filled the room, followed by a yelp from you. He continued fingering you roughly as he hit your ass with his belt ever so often. "Did I not fuck you good enough? Or did you just get tired of me? Is that why you went and had Jake take over for a while?"
"No Heeseung. I could never get tired of you."
"Then why did you do it darling?"
You stayed silent and looked down in shame when you had nothing to say. "It's okay. I'll make sure he never gets in your pretty little head again." Heeseung grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you off of his lap as he stood up. "Make sure you stay dumb for me and my cock only."
Heeseung pushed you down by your shoulders and you looked up at him, while getting on your knees. Watching as he pulled his layers of clothes down and let out his unbelievably hard dick. “I gave you pleasure then pain. You put me through so much pain and so now you have to give me my pleasure.”
You moaned as you took him in your mouth. Letting him do as he pleased. You were so pliant for him. The safe feeling you got from Heeseung made you start to think. You couldn’t believe you ever took this for granted. “Your pussy is probably gushing wet while sucking my cock. Isn’t it?” Heeseung kept a fistful of your hair in his hand while he thrusted his hips towards your face. “You wanna touch your pretty pussy, don’t you?”
When he could feel and so he pulled your head back and made sure you looked up at him. “Go on. Play with yourself while I cum on your face, gorgeous.” He took his other hand and started jerking right in front of your face, groaning when he caught a glimpse of you actually moving your hand down to begin playing with yourself.
You whimpered as one of your fingers slipped past your entrance. Heeseung could feel his first orgasm of the night coming and you were trying to finish what Heeseung started earlier.
Your whole body tensed up to give you a warning that your orgasm was here. As if all this wasn’t enough, Heeseung groaned loudly while his cum dripped onto your face and lips.
Heeseung bent down and grabbed your chin roughly. “Look at that face. So cute.” He leaned so close that his lips were almost touching yours. "This is your last chance, you little whore. Don't fuck with me again."
Everything was still so fuzzy but you managed to nod slowly. "Of course. Never again."
He kissed you deeply like he's never kissed you before.
"Never again."
word count - 5.6k
Notes: I’m so happy I am finally in a mood to start writing again. This is not very good for my first work back but it’s something light. Hope it’s okay and please ignore any grammar or English mistakes!
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Award show
A/n: I know I haven't been posting but writers block is a real thing fr, also requests are open
Summary:where the reader is Kylian's plus 1 to the football awards
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I'm nervous, because although Kylian is my Husband we've never actually made a public appearance and people don't know we're married
Which has taken a strain on our marriage because I feel like he's ashamed to be seen with me in public and he says he wants to protect me
As if he can sense my nervousness he walks into the room and wraps his hand around me.
"You smell good" he say planting kisses on my neck
"Thank you"
"You also look very gorgeous"
"Thank you, you look very handsome yourself, seems like I'm gonna be fighting a lot of women tonight"
He laughs and I smile at his laughter
"You don't have to worry about them, I'm all yours"
I smile and he pecks my lips
"C'mon let's go we don't wanna be late"
We walk out the door and into the car where our driver was waiting on us
The ride to the event was very nerve wrecking and my leg keeps bouncing
Kylian must have noticed because he places his hand on my thigh
"Hey don't worry,I'm right here and I'm not leaving your side side at all ok?"
We arrive and the driver opens the door for Kylian to get out and he reaches for my hand and steps out the car
As soon as we step out we're met with flashing lights and cameras
We make our way to the red carpet where we get interviewed by a blonde lady who looks very gorgeous
"Monsieur Kylian, ça va?"
"Merci et toi"
"Bien, I see you have brought a plus one today, who is this stunning lady?" She asks referring to me
"She's a very close friend of mine and I decided to bring her along today, cause I thought why not"
I look at Kylian in almost disbelief, but quickly cover up the face and put a smile on
"Yeah Kylian and I have known eachother for a long time now"
"Oh ok that's very nice and so sweet, so Kylian how are you feeling about tonight?" The interviewer asks putting her had on Kylian's Bicep
He pulls away and answers "really nervous but all I hope for is a smooth evening as well as a relaxed one"
"Well you heard it here folks Kylian is hoping for a smooth and relaxed night"
We walk away from the interviewer and make our way to our seats
I let go of him and he turns to me and asks "are you ok?"
"I don't wanna talk to you"
"Babe, I'm sorry"
"For what? Not claiming me in front of that interviewer or for letting her touch you like that"
"You look so hot when you're Jealous you know that"
"stop, this is very serious Kylian let go of me" I let go of his arm and the award ceremony starts
After a few awards are handed out the category Kylian is nominated for comes up
"Now for the youngest football player award"
The nominees are called out and Kylian grabs my hand
Just because I'm upset with him doesn't mean I don't care
"And the winner is ... Kylian Mbappe"
My heart drops with excitement, and he turns to me and hugs me and walks to the stage to collect his award
"Wow, thank you very much for the award it really means a lot to me, firstly I would like to thank my family for all the support they have given me through out my life, then l'd like to thank my fans all over the world, and thank you for being my support , and lastly, My Wife Y/n, thank you for always being my emotional and physical support, no matter how many times I wanted to give up, you were always pushing me and encouraging me to continue on this path even though it got tough, it was better because you were by my side cheering me on, thank you and I love you je t'aime mon amour"
He walks of the stage and comes back to his seat, he sits next to me again and I kiss him not caring we're in public, I've been wanting to do this ever since we started dating
"I love you too"
After the ceremony, I go online and see people freaking out about the news about Kylian and I's Marriage
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When we got home Kylian couldn't stop smiling at me and neither could I
"Thank you for that" I said
"Don't thank me it was something I should have done a long time ago, and I'm sorry for making you feel like I was ashamed of you, if anything I'm actually very proud to call you my wife and I want the whole world to know that" he says
I smile at him and start kissing him very passionately
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kelcemenow · 2 months
Skipped A Beat - Chapter 1.
Pairing Dr Mike x Reader
Words 1104
Warnings Nothing scary, just some slightly anxious feelings.
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“Honestly, he’s really cute. And smart!” Katie emphasises as she shouts through to your bedroom from her own as you lazily apply some make-up to your tired and stressed skin.
You roll your newly lined eyes, “It sounds to me like you're trying too hard to convince me!”
“Okay, maybe...but I’m just excited for this! He’s had a crush on you for ages!” She appears in your doorway, leaning on the doorframe as you stand up to retrieve an outfit from your wardrobe.
“Relax Katie, I’m not promising anything. I only said yes to get you off my back.” You say with a smile as you run your fingers over the fabric, pausing on a black lace skirt, “I still don’t think I’m ready yet.”
Katie slowly walks across your wooden floorboards, “Y/N. You need to move on. And the only way to do that is-”.
“Is to start dating again...I know, I know.” You interrupt as you hold the skirt against your waist, “Just, don’t pressure me too much today, okay? I’ve got enough on my plate as it is.”
“What? Because you finally got your dream job that you’ve trained years and years for? Oh yeah, sounds awful.” Katie scoffs.
“And I start tomorrow! It’s scary, okay! New job, new colleagues and new hospital to get lost in!” You pick up a yellow cushion from your bed and throw it at Katie, “Now get out or I’ll be late!”
Katie easily catches the cushion with one hand and laughs, “Good one, throw something to the professional goalkeeper!” Her voice trails off as she disappears around the corner and into her own room.
You stared at your glass as a cube of ice floats across the surface of your cocktail. Tapping it with your straw, the cube bounces off the side of the glass and back across.
“Forgive me if I’m jumping to conclusions...”, a voice interrupts your thoughts, “But I’m getting the feeling that you’re not really here.”
Your head snaps up to make eye contact with the curious face in front of you, “What? Oh sorry! No, sorry, I’m just...”
You exhale quickly, “Distracted.” You nod and look back to your drink.
He’s cute, sure. And you’re fairly certain that he’s smart. The handful of words that you’ve occasionally paid attention to certainly seemed to be well spoken and grammatically correct. But he was right, you weren’t really there.
You swallowed hard, “I’ve just got a lot on my plate at the minute. It’s nothing to do with you, really.”
He grins and raises an eyebrow, “Well this sounds like a line.”
You both laugh.
“No, no! Look...” Your eyes widened slowly as you searched for the correct name.
You let your head fall into your hands. “I’m really not doing well here, am I?”
“Hey, don’t worry about it! I can tell you’re not feeling it really.”
Your wavy hair shakes as your head moves from side to side, “It’s just...I’m starting a new job tomorrow that I’m really nervous for. I know I'm completely qualified but it's scary, you know? I'm not the best with change. Plus, I guess I’m a little bit unsure about dating my roommates coach and to top it all off, I’ve just come out of a fairly serious relationship that I guess if I'm being completely honest, I’m not quite over it yet.”
“Ooof.” John sits back in his seat, “That is a lot to be dealing with.”
There’s a short pause as you assess his reaction.
“Forgive me if I'm prying, but how long ago did the relationship end?”
“About 2 years ago.”
John’s eyes narrow as he searches for your gaze, “He must have been pretty amazing for you to be still hung up on him?”
You lift your eyes up and press your lips together.
“Well, when you’re ready to let someone better into your life, you know where I am.” John stands up from the table and leans down, kissing your cheek before disappearing out of the bar.
You feel stuck to your seat as you try to let your head clear. Closing your eyes, you breathe a sigh of guilt and equal relief with the idea that you can finally go home and sleep.
Closing your bedroom door, Katie tries to squeeze any information out of you about the night that she can.
“You can ignore me all you want but he’ll just tell me tomorrow at practice anyway!”
“There’s nothing to tell.” You giggle nervously as you slump onto your bed.
“Fair enough...suit yourself...be like that then...”
You let Katie’s voice fade away out of your mind as you stare up at the ceiling. Your eyes grow heavier until the sound of your phone snaps you out of your daze.
‘Hey. Tonight was weird. But I like you and I meant what I said. Just let me know. John x’
The corners of your mouth rise slightly into a vague smile and you let your arm drop next to you as your eyes slowly close and you drift into a deep sleep.
Downing the last sips of coffee, you look up at the building in front of you. Your first day as an Occupational Therapist for a medical trust. You’d be responsible for patients in three hospitals, but you would be based at the bigger of the three. Which was currently staring you in the face, cowering over you and pushing your nerves to the forefront of your mind.
Clearing your throat and throwing your empty cup into a bin next to you, you tightly grasped the handle of your laptop case and started up the small stone staircase leading to the doorway.
As the glass doors slide open, you stop dead in your tracks.
There he is.
Blue scrubs, dark hair, rounded glasses and strong, large hands carrying a clipboard. He’s stood over a counter, reading something and talking to another doctor.
Your eyes fixate on him as the corners of his mouth curve up as he speaks, his face full of expression.
You can hear your heart beating in your ears, your feet glued rigid to the spot in the hospital doorway. Your head becomes fuzzy and your eyes begin to blur. Swallowing hard, you use all of your energy to turn around on the spot in a quick attempt to hide yourself from him. Suddenly unaware of where to go in such an unfamiliar location, you start to walk straight forward and back out of the building.
You stop. Licking your lips quickly, you turn around, smiling weakly.
This the first part of a new series for Dr Mike. I've never tried to deal with fics for multiple fandoms before but I feel really strongly that there isn't enough fanfiction out there for Dr Mike! I hope people enjoy it!
I'll be starting a new Taglist for Mike so if you want to be on it, just drop me a message!
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hicomsstuff · 4 months
The Hot dealer (part two)
Summary: as Chris leaves my house in the morning, I begged him to stay just a little bit longer but something gladly happens (read part one to understand this part two)
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Warnings: smut, swearing, sex, pet names (good girl, ma/mama etc)
"Hey darling I should leave now.." Chris says whispering in my ear "stay a bit longer?, please Chris." "Alright then, what are you even doing today?" "Well I'm not 100% sure just yet but I know that I'm going to have a shower now" "okay I'll just find a movie to watch and order food or something" I nod my head and grab some fresh clothes and a towel
A couple minutes into my shower, Chris comes knocking on the door "you nearly done in there, I got your favourite treat!" "What is it?" I ask "weed, duhh" I quickly turn off the shower and get changed, I start to open the door and I see Chris just standing there "well come on we don't have all day" "we?" I ask "yep" Chris says while setting up the weed for me
"Here you go", Chris hands me the weed, finally. 5 minutes into being high and talking, Chris says "you know...I like someone" "who is it??" "I'm not saying you'll have to figure out yourself" I wonder who it could be then I think for a moment what if it's me? It's probably not though..
"Well when will you tell me who it is?", I ask Chris "never. I won't say until you find out who it is" I roll my eyes at him "oi you can't be rolling your eyes at me since you begged me to do it for you last night.." "ugh, shut up Chris!!"
As the day goes on it's getting pretty late "well I probably have to go home now so bye I'll see you tomorrow afternoon?" Chris says while smiling at me "oh..do you think maybe you could stay over again I know it's a lot to ask for but I just hate it when I'm alone" I ask him with tears in my eyes
"Hey what's wrong??" He sits down next to me and pulls me into him "I just..I don't know" "everything will be okay, I'll stay over again, my love" I never really heard Chris comfort me before and it's kinda odd he will call me "darling" or "my love" all the time but he never actually confesses any feelings for me
I finally figured out what's wrong...I'm the one falling in love with my dealer. "I can never tell him this" I quietly mumble to myself "I'm just gonna go to lay down" I softly say "alright, wanna cuddle baby?" "Yes please, Chris" I mumbled as my head is curled up against his chest as well as his arms around me comforting me
A few minutes later, I sit up and start to wake Chris up "hmm, what is it?" "I uh..I think I might have feelings for you..", Chris is wide awake now "actually?, how long for?" "Maybe a couple months.., I wasn't going to tell you but I couldn't keep this secret in any longer" "I'm so glad you told me, because you're the person I'm in love with, darling"
As Chris and I finish our conversation we head back to bed to talk more about it tomorrow, *ring* as my alarm goes off I start to get ready for the day, since it's a Friday I don't have work for the rest of the week so I just get into a hoodie and some leggings
"Hey, my love" Chris says while walking up behind me trying to kiss me, of course I kiss him back and he sits down on the couch next to me "so..should we talk about last night?
"Yeah of course we can" "alright, well firstly, I'm in love with you y/n...I think you have the most wonderful personality and you're absolutely so gorgeous and kind to everyone. Will you be my girlfriend?"
Before I answer him I just kiss him harshly "well I'll take that as a yes" Chris wishpers in my ear. I nod my head "I'm so glad you said that, baby. Yes I will be your girlfriend"
"Good. Because you're mine now" I don't know if I should feel nervous or excited, Chris picks me up and takes me to the bedroom
"You trust me?" "Yes I do..why?" "Well you're about to see why" he takes my pants off with no hesitation, he doesn't say what hes going to do with me but I'm sure I know what he's gonna do
He takes my lace underwear off and goes to take my shirt off, but surprisingly he sees me with no bra on "no bra huh? Must have been waiting for me to touch you" I nod my head
He also takes his clothes off, both of us bare naked in bed while kissing non-stop, Chris goes down to my pussy and sees how wet I already am
"Soo wet for me?" "Yes Chris I am, but I need more...please touch me" chris looks at me with a smirk on his face "beg for it." "Please Chris, fuck me till I cum, I beg.", he smiles at me
As his head goes down to my clit he starts to lick it "fuckkk, don't stop" "I won't baby, I promise" "I really want to put my dick in you, sweetheart" "then do it." "Bet" as Chris puts his cock in me, I moan loudly begging for more
He starts to push down on my stomach to see how deep he is, I can't breathe properly because of how much pleasure I'm getting with him pressing down on me as well as is hard dick in me
"Gosh, you feel so fucking good. I can't get enough of you", I moan out as a response back to him, he pulls out as he feels me cumming "love my dick don't you?" "I fucking love it, Chris" I say while he goes down to my pussy to clean me up
Later on, he gets me changed back into my clothes and he puts his clothes back on as well "you okay ma?" "I'm more than okay, baby" me and him lay down on the bed together while cuddling
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justrambles · 1 year
(Beauty and the beast steddie)
No.5 — Door
Eddie hesitates in front of the closed door. With the the hallway lights now turned on he can see that the door is heavily scratched, especially around the doorknob.
Dustin told him that this was Steve's room. He also told Eddie that this mansion was Steve's house originally, so Eddie wonders why he doesn't stay in the master bedroom that Eddie's staying in right now. He gathers up his courage and knocks.
"Hey, um, Steve? This is Eddie, the guy who came to your house last night. Hi, uh- Can I come in?"
He hears someone stumbling behind the door. He waits for a minute, and then asks again.
It's almost a shout, and Eddie is taken aback by the fierceness of the response. The rejection is so different from the welcoming responses of the other kids in this house, it seems a little strange. But hey, everyone's different. Maybe Steve doesn't like people.
"Alright, sorry about that. I just wanted to say thanks for... for the meal. You didn't have to. Didn't have to do anything. I'm only a stranger passing by– and honestly, I would've understood if you just made me stay off your house. But you didn't, so... Thank you, man. You're a really nice person."
There's a silence between them. As Eddie accepts that Steve is not going to answer and is about to go back to his room, Steve's voice comes through the closed door.
"The boys like you. Uh, I mean that I should be thanking you, too. They haven't been this excited for a while. Dustin talked my ears off today about how you seemed like a really cool guy. And it's no trouble. You can... stay as long as you want to."
Steve sounds nervous, and Eddie gives him a sheepish grin even though he knows Steve can't see it.
"Thanks, Steve. Dustin told you I seemed cool?"
Steve chuckles at the smugness in Eddie's response.
"Yeah, the little shit don't usually admit that kind of thing, it's a real compliment."
"That's nice. For the record, I think Dustin's a cool kid, too. Smart kid. You his brother?"
"Brother? No, it does feel like it, though. They're all the kids I babysit. Well, used to, I guess."
Steve's voice sounds a little pensive, so Eddie does what he's good at doing: he spins out a tale to get Steve's mind off whatever he's thinking —it's probably about being cursed and stuck in time— and talks about befriending freshmen who get lost in the social hierarchy of high school and the troubles it caused. He can't see what's going on behind that door but imagines Steve being attentive to his story, hopefully finding it amusing.
After the story, there's another silence, but it's a more comfortable one than from before. Eddie realizes the time is quite late, he didn't notice it getting much darker.
"I'm gonna go back to the room now, it's late and you should rest too."
"Yeah, so... Goodnight, Stevie."
"...Goodnight, Eddie."
What he sees as he enters his room is a black kitten padding on his stuff. It's so much smaller than the other kids that Eddie guesses the kitten is younger than them. And the little kitten looks so fluffy with the softest fur, with bright eyes... Eddie can't help himself but let out an "aww".
"If you 'aww' at me again, I'll bite your ankle off so hard you'll lose your foot."
Okay, he did not expect that.
"The nerds were all acting like you were some kind of a hero, so I came to see what this was about. Turns out, you are a nerd, too. Well, even a bigger nerd. No wonder why they like you, nerd."
He was so not expecting such comments. Eddie gapes, trying to come up with a rebuttal—
At the same moment, Lucas scurries in and shouts, "Erica!"
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Eddie and Mika Pregnancy fluff blurbs
Warnings: 18+, pregnancy (duh), cravings, insecurities, a little angst, Sweet baby boy being an emotional sweetheart
Ship: Forged in Hellfire
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"So how are we feeling today, Mom?" The Obstetrician, Dr. Carrigan asks.
"Kind of, tired," Mika admits, settling back in her chair.
"Well, that's to be expected, you're growing a whole new person in there," she looks over her charts, glancing up at Eddie, "And what about you, dad? You look nervous. You excited to know the sex?"
"He just wants to know if he owes me twenty bucks," Mika teases and he glares at her playfully, "He keeps sayin' it's a boy, but I know it's a girl."
"I see," the doctor chuckles, "You ready to put your money where your mouth is?"
Mika pushes up her shirt and they watch doctor work around the wand. Eddie's face falls slightly when his gaze drifts to the scars littering her abdomen.
The scars slowly starting to stretch as her stomach swells. The scars she got trying to trying to protect him. The same scars marring his body even after all these years. The scars he blames himself f-
"Oh! There she is."
His eyes snap up to the screen showing the ultrasound image.
"Looks like you're gonna have to pay up, dad," Carrigan jokes, but it doesn't even register with him.
He leans closer and he can feel himself going misty eyed.
It's not an uncommon occurrence for him to get emotional during these appointments, which in turn gets Mika crying too.
"Jesus christ..." he feels Mika's wrap one of the curls that fell from his ponytail around her finger, but he can't bring himself to tear his eyes from the screen.
"You okay, bubs?"
"Yeah I just- fuck," he chuckles and a few tears roll down his cheeks, "I'm just so glad I didn't fucking die."
Carrigan is stunned silent for a moment as she watches the two.
"Oh... Bubs," Mika coos. She reaches out for him and he sniffles as he buries his face in her neck.
"Hey, Eds?"
He looks up in time for Mika to plop onto his lap.
"How're my beautiful girls doing tonight, hm?" He smiles against her cheek, holding her close.
She hums, melting at his affection.
"Can you do me a favor, bubs?" She mutters shyly.
"Of course, sweetheart. What d'you need?"
"Can you, um..."
"What's wrong, baby?"
"I know it's late but," she plays with his rings as he looks up at her on curiosity, "Could you maybe go get me those spicy chips I like? We don't have any and 'm really craving heat."
"Course I can," He says. He knows it's long past 10 pm, but he'd do anything she asked to see that smile.
She grins excitedly, cupping his cheeks before planting an extremely loving kiss on his lips.
"I love you," she whimpers, squishing their foreheads together
"Aw, Songbird," his heart melts, kissing her nose, "I love you too."
She squeaks when he dips her back, lips landing softly on her swollen stomach, "Love both my gorgeous girls."
He carefully slides her onto one of the other cushions, stands up, and wraps the throw from the back of the couch around her shoulders.
"And if my girls want snacks, snacks are what they shall get," he kisses her forehead, "I'll be back soon, you want anything else? I could get you some Swedish Fish or hazelnut ice cream? Whatever you want."
"Just drive safe, and don't take too long," She pulls him back down to kiss him again.
"Mika, Baby - heh- Sweetheart... I thought- mmm! I thought you wanted snacks."
"I dooo," she whines, still not letting him go.
"Then you gotta let me go, pretty girl," He laughs, but he let's her continue to love on him.
"Don't wanna," she pouts. She tugs him back down next to her, and he lets her, "Jus' lemme hold you."
He shudders when her nails scratch at his scalp.
"Mmmm... fuck... Sweetheart, c'mon," He pulls away and chuckles as she tries to follow, "Hey now, don't give me the sad eyes, you're the one that asked for snacks."
He sighs when she whines, "I know you want cuddles, Songbird. 'Nd I'll give you all the snuggles you can handle when I get back, I promise. But you gotta let me go get you your goodies."
"All the snuggles I can handle?" She asks.
"And then some," He assures her, "I know it's a lot since you're cuddling for two and all, but I think I can manage."
Eddie can hear grumbling from the bedroom. He turns the stove down and steps towards the noise.
"Mika?... Songbird, you okay?" He asks, pushing the door open.
"It doesn't fit," She huffs.
He watches her slump onto the bed in defeat and throw whatever is in her hand.
"What doesn't fit, sweetheart?" He asks. He kneels down between her legs and leans back to pick up the crumpled white fabric on the floor. He messes with it until he sees what shirt it is, her Hellfire shirt, "Babygirl..."
"It's my favorite," She sniffles, "I wanted to wear it."
"Oh, I know baby but we knew this was gonna happen sooner or later," He runs his hands over her thighs, but it doesn't stop a tear from falling down her cheek and breaking his heart, "Hey, wait here a second."
He gets up and starts digging through the dresser.
"Found it!" He turns around holding up his club shirt, smiling triumphantly. It has a few stains on it and a small hole in the sleeve, but looks well-loved, "Here, try this on."
He helps her pull it over her head. It's bigger than hers and doesn't stretch quite as awkwardly around her stomach.
"'M stretching it out," She mutters.
"No, you're not," He argues, wiping away another stray tear, "And you look beautiful."
"I look like a whale!"
"Hey! That's my wife you're talking about there, Missy," He says, faking sternness, "And I don't much appreciate that tone you're taking while talking about her."
"No but's," He frowns, "I won't listen to that slanderous tone. Not when you're talking about the most beautiful girl to ever exist."
His facade cracks when he sees her start to blush and he reaches up to caress her warming cheek.
"You're too sweet on me," Her face turns into his palm.
"That's not possible."
He leans his forehead against her baby bump and mutters, "Mommy's bein' silly, darlin'. Keeps thinkin' she's not the most gorgeous being on the face of the earth. But we both know she is, don't we?"
"Are you two conspiring against me down there?"
"What? Me? Conspire? Never!" He grins up at her, "But I should probably go check on dinner."
"Alright Mikaela it's time, I need you to push when I say, okay?" The doctor says.
"Eddie?" She whimpers, reaching out for him.
He takes her hand, pushing her already sweat-soaked hair from her face, "I'm here, baby."
"I-I'm scared."
She's shaking and her eyes are so wide.
"I know, Sweetheart. I know you are, but you gotta listen to the doctor, okay?" He gets as close to her as he can, arm around her shoulder as she clings to his hand, "You squeeze me as hard as you need."
"I don't wanna-"
"Don't worry about me, just breathe."
"Holy shit..."
Mika wills her eyes open to see Eddie holding a bundle of white fabric in his arms. Their daughter.
She makes a noise to get his attention.
"She... She's so fucking beautiful," He breathes, cradling her gently against his chest.
"Can I see?" She croaks, "Please? I wanna hold her."
"Of course, you can," he carefully sits on the edge of the bed and sets her in Mika's arms.
She's awake and looking around and Mika immediately starts blubbering.
"Look at you," She coos, hand cupping her tiny cheek, "Eddie, she's got your eyes! Oh my god, she's precious... We never picked a name."
"I did," Eddie says quietly, and Mika chuckles.
"Care to share with the class?"
He almost looks embarrassed, "Vivian..."
She smiles fondly at the baby in her arms, "After your mom."
"Yeah, i-if you don't like it we can-"
"I love it."
He's sure the hearts in his eyes are permanent now.
He watches them for a few minutes until Mika's eyes start drooping again.
"Hey," he says softly, reaching for the baby, but she pulls her closer.
"Don't wanna let her go yet," She whines.
"She's not going anywhere," he promises, "You'll get to hold her as much as want when you're not on the verge of passing out."
She still makes a noise of protest when he takes her from her arms.
It's the first time of many she'll be woken by crying, but not the last time she'll find Eddie cooing softly over their child.
"I know, honey," he says in a hushed tone, "I wanna snuggle with mommy too, but she needs to sleep. You thoroughly exhausted her."
He softly bounces her in his arms and presses a kiss to her forehead, "Shh... It's okay, go back to sleep, sweet girl."
"She wants Mommy time," she smiles sleepily.
"Oh, now you've done it," Eddie teases her, "You woke up the monster."
"Yep, and the monster wants her baby," she says as she makes grabby hands towards him.
It's almost instantaneous, the moment Vivian is in Mika's arms, she stops crying. Eddie stares in bewilderment for a moment before his eyes narrow, "Little traitor."
"I can't believe we made this."
"She looks just like you," he says, but she shakes her head.
"Are you kidding me? She's like a little clone of you!" She exclaims and Viv giggles, "Yes! You look just like daddy. And I bet you're gonna be a little gremlin like him too, huh?"
"Lies and slander!" He laughs before looking at Vivian, "Don't you listen to a single word she's saying! Daddy is a valiant and chivalrous knight."
She reaches over and tugs him to sit next to her and leans back against his shoulder.
"My brave knight," she sighs and he kisses the top of her head, "You're still a pain in my ass, though."
Forged in Hellfire taglist: @pointlesslygay
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moongeonight · 2 years
the mysterious creature
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Summary: Hagrid brings a new magical creature to his class and asks Harry to volunteer to show off his... curious ability.
A/N: Sorry if it's a bit short I wrote This at 2 a.m 💀
They were going to start a new class with Hagrid, everyone was talking about what animal he could bring this time.
Instead, Harry despite the fact that he really likes Hagrid he was no un the mood to deal with dangerous creatures.
"mm I hope that is not like the last time..." Hermione said a bit nervous.
"heh yeah, I hope this time he shows us unicorns or something like that" ron said trying to stay positive.
"As long as it doesn't devour us that would be great..." Harry said in a bad mood.
At that moment Hagrid arrived with a box that clearly contained something inside.
"Well I think you're all here, So today I'm going to introduce an animal that I'm not supposed to show until sixth year but I wanted to make this class special, so I brought it for this class".
Hagrid said excited thinking that the others shared his emotion but the truth is that they looked more worried than excited.
"So... Are you going to show us now?" It wasn't Harry's intention to be rude but he clearly wanted the class end.
"Oh right... I present to you this magnificent creature!" Hagrid said taking the animal that was inside the box.
And it looked like a fox but smaller and more fluffy, also instead of having only one tail it had many.
"wooow!" "How cute!" "We can pet it" "is it dangerous?" the class said in delighted with the creature.
"oh nono he is not dangerous at all and about if you can pet him.. For that I need a volunteer" Hagrid said making an amused expression.
Sudently all the students backed off leaving Harry with his own thoughts in front of everyone, and when he realized it was already too late.
"Eh-? But I don't want to..." They didn't let him finish when Hagrid grabbed his arm to lead him to where the creature was.
"Very good Harry! Thanks for offering, now listen this may seem like a strange question to you but... Are you ticklish?" Hagrid asked quite normally.
"Eh?! Well I'm not sure..." Again Harry couldn't finish his sentence because Hagrid was already speaking to the class.
"Listen everyone, this creature is harmless but it has a particular characteristic, with his tails it tickles people when they gain their trust or in other cases when they feel threatened" Hagrid said placing the creature in Harry's arms.
"Wait! Hagrid don't-" Harry had to shut his mouth as the creature began to gently tickle his ear with its furry tail.
"AaH! Waihit- nohoho hagrid- take it away from me!" Harry squealed, trying to take it off himself but the creature was stubborn and clung to him more which tickled him more.
"ooh excellent Harry! You can tell that she already have confidence with you!" Hagrid said ignoring Harry's giggles.
"i dohohon't cahahare- just take it out!" Harry start to desperated when the creature began to tickle his armpits.
"hahaHAHA NOHOHO!" Harry could only say in response.
"aahh don't worry Harry this is normal though... Normally people don't laugh a lot, you must be very ticklish right?"
Hagrid asked innocently, not knowing that when he said that Harry's face heated up and he blushed more than he already was.
"DAMIHIHIT! HAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO!STOHOHOP IT PLEHEHEHEASE" Harry swear he felt more ticklish with this tickling creature.
To his bad luck, the creature also started tickling his neck and right there he broke completely.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Harry laughed like a crazy, he wondered how long it had been since he'd laughed like that.
He tried to remove the creature again but it kept clinging tighter to him, he reached a point where he fell to the ground laughing with the creature on the top of him.
"oh! ok I guess that was a enough of demonstration" Hagrid said finally taking the creature from him.
"ahaha...ah." Harry didn't know what to say, now he had his classmates and his friends laughing quietly at him, though… he wasn't going to lie, it felt good to laugh after all this time.
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dumbbvnnyboy · 2 years
So this is my first yandere fic so allot of is inspired by the amazing @belovedyandere
Manipulation, dr*gging, smut, also kind of a self insert
Today I was finally gonna execute my plan to get y/n, or at least grow a little closer to him.
I'd been Watching him for a while now, taking notes on his new favorite bands and biases, the games he was talking about and playing, i even hacked into his internet history to see what he was doing lately.
Which gave me some great information.
I knew gaming club was today and I'd seen him go to meet up with a couple friends there while I was having practice back in the fall.
I walked in and saw y/n talking to his friend while they played some Xbox game from their phones.
Deciding to sit somewhat close to them and do the same, making sure to specifically pick his new favorite game.
I'd already beaten it, along with all of his other favorite games, and a few I'd thought he'd like so he wouldn't catch on to my copycat behavior.
That's why it took so long for me to talk to him, I had to plan and research throughly.
As soon as I got to a cut scene I'd noticed y/n lifted his head to look at me and my phone screen.
"You like (f/g)!?"
"Ya, it's really immersing."
"How do you feel about (other fave game)"
"It was great, pretty hard but I really loved the graphics"
"Wow, I didn't know a jock could have such good taste."
"Ya, I don't fall in with stereotypes."
"I was wondering why you haven't called anyone here a slur yet."
I laughed and smiled at him again.
"You know if you like (f/g) and (o/f/g) I'd be happy to show you my collection later today, if you wouldn't mind coming over."
He looked towards his friend as they gave him a glare.
"Oh don't be such a pessimist, of course, I can come over today."
I couldn't help the smirk that formed on my face, I knew he was pretty naive which was what grew my fondness of him, but I didn't actually think just asking him would work.
He was almost in the palm of my hand, and if I played my cards right he'd be mine.
"Well whenever you want to go we can."
"Oh ok, just let me get my stuff together here, I'll text you when I get there ok."
He said the last thing to his friend as he swung his bag over his back.
I smiled as we walked out of the school, feeling the cold stare of y/n's friend.
I'm sure they were just protective of him, but that won't be needed anymore, not when he has me.
"Do you want the aux?"
"Well, I don't know if you'll like my music taste."
"Ah I don't judge, all music is pretty good."
"A-alright, this is probably my fave song atm."
He started to play Polaroid love by enhypen as I pulled out of the school lot and drove to my house.
I could tell he had started to become a bit nervous.
"Is everything alright?"
"Ya I just.."
"Your worried I bite aren't you, well I promise I don't, not to hard at least."
I smirked and the rest of the ride was quiet.
We pulled into my driveway as sugar rush by txt played on the radio.
A fitting song for what would entail.
We headed up the stairs to my room as he followed me shyly.
Once he saw the shelf with all the games on it his eyes lit up.
"Woah! Do you mind if I look through these?"
"Not at all."
He started to flip through the cases, pulling some out to look at them as I sat on my bed watching him.
It was adorable how excited he was, making my mind linger on how amazing it would be for me to finally corrupt him the way I'd been planning too.
"Would you like anything to drink?"
"Um alright, what do you have?"
"I think we have coke and Sprite."
"Cokes fine."
I left the room to grab them, making sure to turn up the heat and add something extra to his drink.
I walked in and handed him the glass which he accepted and started to drink.
"Your room is really nice."
"Oh, thank you, I try to keep it as clean as I can."
"Ya.. me t-to."
"Is something wrong y/n?"
"Ya ya, it's just, is it h-hot in here or."
"I feel fine, maybe try taking off your hoodie."
"Maybe I should just go home."
"Oh no darling, I wouldn't want you to get any worse, I'll get you some medicine and you can stay here til it passes."
I grabbed the hem of his hoodie and helped him take it off.
He was like putty in my hands, the aphrodisiac was making him more and more trusting by the second.
I wrapped an arm around his waist and led him to the bed laying him down.
I leaned down to his ear
"Doesn't that feel much better?"
I could practically see the shiver it sent down his spine as he nodded.
"Just let me take care of you, alright?"
I smirked into his neck starting to kiss and suck at the skin.
He placed his hands on my shoulders, squeezing them every now and then as he whimpered and mewled.
My hands slipped up his shirt, starting to feel around his chest, playing with his nipples.
I started to trail kisses and hickeys further down his body body before I got to the hem of his pants.
I looked up at him waiting for a nod to continue which he did before hiding his face behind his arm embarrassed.
I continued to unbutton his pants and pull them off of him.
I knew he was beautiful, but I never thought he'd look this amazing.
I pulled down his boxers and took him into my mouth making him grab the sheets and moan out.
His body shook, i could tell he'd never experienced this kind of pleasure before.
Sliding my hand back up his body I placed two fingers on his lip.
He opened his mouth quickly starting to suck on them.
After a few seconds I took them out and used my other hand to spread his legs.
I started to stretch him with one finger before adding the second.
He continued to shake and moan as I continued the sensations.
I took my fingers out of him and pulled my mouth off starting to position myself.
"This might hurt a bit, but I promise I'll be gentle."
He looked up at me with glazed eyes and drool spilling from his lips.
I grabbed his chin and rubbed my thumb over his lip.
"My my how pretty."
I leaned down to kiss him as I pushed in.
He moaned into my mouth and I grabbed his hip with my other hand starting with a slow pace.
Y/n grabbed my shoulders again, this time squeezing harder and digging his nails into me.
We disconnected as a Trail of saliva kept us together.
His entire body was flushed, and his face had contorted into one of absolute pleasure and bliss.
He could barely talk or think, all he could do at this point was moan and whimper.
I wrapped my hand around him starting to stroke him with a fast pace and a hard grip making him practically scream and cum all over himself.
"Oh darling, you've made a mess."
I laughed as he whined out, still not letting go or slowing my pace.
"Ah t-too much too-
I grabbed his chin and kissed him again.
He whined into the kiss and his body shook again as I overstimulated it.
Kissing down his chin and sucking more hickeys into his neck I couldn't help the grin on my face.
"You're being such a good boy darling."
I finally had y/n all to myself, and no one would ever get between me and him.
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kenkaodoll · 9 months
Kamiya Dojo Monogatari Tale 72 (JUMP SQ 24/01)
About Kamiya Dojo Monogatari:
Tales of Kamiya dojo is written by Kaoru Kurosaki and published along with the “Rurouni Kenshin Hokkaido” arc in JUMPSQ. The tale involves the Rurouni Kenshin character in daily life that takes time between Kenshin and Kaoru marriage until the epilogue chapter in the original manga before the Hokkaido Arc. Until this month (December 2023) there are a total 72 chapters in Tales of Kamiya dojo. This is an unofficial translation. 
Previous Story: https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/737501523407405056/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tale-71-jump-sq-23
Late at night.
When Kenshin came back home from tailing Mikio, first Kaoru told him everything.
“There's someone who might be able to do something about the rabbits!"
She was so excited and she told him about Usagawa-san, the head of the rabbit club, whom she had heard about from Chief Uramura.
“Is it Usagawa-san, that it is?"
Kenshin looked thoughtful.
“Tomorrow, we are going to visit him with chief Uramura and ask him if he can take the rabbits. Do you want to go too, Kenshin?”
“Um… I…”
Nagaoka Mikio was told by a man named Suwa at a tavern that he should visit the Usagawa residence every day to sell his face.
If he ran into Mikio, who seemed to be afraid of Kenshin, the negotiations that were going well might not go well.
“I will babysit Kenji tomorrow.”
Kenshin decided not to join them to visit Usagawa residence.
“Oh, I see. Too bad. I really enjoyed walking around Asakusa with Kenshin this afternoon.”
“I enjoyed it too, that I did. Let’s go out again when we have time.”
So from Kamiya Dojo there was Kaoru, Megumi, Misao, Yahiko, and Tsubame who would go to the Usagawa residence.
The next day, the group arrived at the Usagawa residence, guided by Chief Uramura.
“I wonder if it’s okay for us to be here in such large numbers.”
As soon as they arrived at the gate of the Usagawa residence, Kaoru, perhaps nervous, began to worry.
“It's too late to worry about that now that you're here,” Yahiko butted in.
“Well, I'm sure they'll be happy to have my special ohagi as a souvenir,” Megumi held a wrapped box in her hand.
“I tasted them and they were delicious.”
“Yes, It was excellent!”
Megumi was smiling after receiving praise from Tsubame and Misao.
“Oh, that's a nice souvenir you brought.”
“Chief Uramura smiled as he knocked on the door of the Usagawa residence.”
“Good afternoon. This is Uramura, I already made a promise yesterday.”
The Usakawa family's apprentice emerged from the small doorway by the gate. The Usakawa residence was a grand house, solidly built in the Japanese style.
“Welcome. We have been waiting for you. There are other customers here today, so please wait in the waiting room.”
He led the group into the waiting room in a nonchalant manner. In those days, when there were few ways to gather information, visitors to famous or important persons often had to wait in such a waiting room. In fact, it was in these waiting rooms that connections were made and businesses blossomed. The waiting room was a tatami room with a carpet and a table and chairs. The interior was designed to make both Japanese and Westerners feel at home.
When Kaoru and the others entered the waiting room, they saw a familiar face.It was Nagaoka Mikio.
As soon as they entered the waiting room, he looked at Kaoru's face and made a surprised face but then he looked at Yahiko and became disgusted. When he saw that Tsubame was also in the waiting room, he became overbearingly aggressive. How could he change his expression so often?
“What’s your business with Usagawa-san? He is an important businessman who is expanding his business all over Japan. He is not someone who can meet lightly with a waitress from a beef hot pot restaurant.”
“That's...Umm…” Tsubame lost words to reply.
“Don't you know about the rabbit incident the other day?” Yahiko stepped in.
“Ra… ra… ra... rabbit? Wh…wha...wha…what are you talking about?” Mikio became plainly suspicious.
“Yesterday, there was an incident in which large numbers of rabbits were thrown into Akabeko. So we looked for a place to put the rabbits, and we heard about Usagawa-san who is the head of the Rabbit club,” he bluntly explained. “You really don’t know?” Yahiko suspicions arose.
“Hey everyone, sorry to keep you waiting.”
The waiting room’s door opened and Usagawa entered.
“Well, which one of my guests wants to talk first?” Usagawa looked at Mikio and Chief Uramura. 
“Eeeh… Umm…”
Mikio hesitated to say. He wanted to say that he came first, but he came to Usagawa because he was only doing what Suwa told him to, actually he had nothing to say to Usagawa. 
“After you.”
Unusually for Mikio, he gave the chance to Chief Uramura.
“Is it alright?”
“Well, I have a lot of spare time.”
Mikio forgot to act tough and tell the truth.
“Please be my guest,” Usagawa asked Chief Uramura.
Chief Uramura told him what had happened so far.
While listening to Chief Uramura’s story, Usagawa pondered and murmured to himself, “Oh, rabbit in a beef hotpot restaurant,” he seemed interested.
“That's why I need your help, Usagawa-san,” Chief Uramura concluded his story.
“It’s not much, but please take this,” Megumi handed the wrapped box with Ohagi inside to Usagawa. 
Kaoru,Yahiko, Misao, and Tsubame bowed their heads and said, “Please take care of it.”
“Well… Well… No need to bow so deeply, I can help you. After all, rabbits are an important matter,” Usagawa said smilingly.
“This is just an idea that came to me while listening to the chief,” Usagawa began.
“Have you ever heard of something called café?”
“Yes, I have. Well…” Kaoru answered with a blank stare. “It's a Western-style store that serves something like coffee, black tea… I've heard that there is a Western-style café in a foreign settlement area.”
“Yes, yes, that café,” Usagawa said happily.
“What if there is a café where you could enjoy a cup of Western tea while admiring an adorable rabbit from the West? Wouldn't it be wonderful? You can hold as many rabbits as you like. If you find one you like, you can take it home with you for a fee.”
“Um.... I don't really understand what you're talking about all of a sudden,” Misao folded her arms and confessed something that was a bit beyond her imagination.
“It's just something that came to me out of the blue,” he said. “A rabbit in a beef hot pot restaurant is just a nuisance, but I thought a nice Western-style café would look good.”
“Hmmm, so you want to start a new business related to rabbits,” Yahiko seemed to understand.
“Yes, yes, that's what I mean. So, you see, Nagaoka-kun,” Mikio was suddenly called by Usagawa.
“Eh, me?” Mikio was taken aback because he was supposed to be talking to Chief Uramura right now.
“Yesterday, you said you need a job because of your wife. Well, let's get right to it and help me with my rabbit café.”
Chief Uramura. Those rabbits are now in the custody of the police department, right?
“Yes, as you say. But we can't keep them at the police station forever.”
“Don't worry! I'll send the manager of the Rabbit Cafe, Nagaoka, to pick up all the rabbits.”
“Rabbit cafe? Manager? Me?” Mikio shouted in a silly voice.
“I have a nice property in the Tsukiji Foreign Settlement that would be a good place to have a café. Well, you and I are both lucky. It's the rabbit's guidance after all.”
“No, uh, I'm…”
“I'm so glad finally the rabbits find a place to go,” Megumi tried to forcefully wrap things up.
“Rabbit cafe is such an unusual job, it’s innovative and wonderful!” Misao also encouraged him.
“And being the manager is amazing. You must be very trusted by Usagawa-san,” Kaoru praised Mikio from the bottom of her heart.
Hearing Kaoru's words, the honest Tsubame's face lit up.
“Mikio-sama, Tae-san said that being a manager is like being a lord of a castle in a country. It is a wonderful role that lives up to the name of the Nagaoka family. Me too, I am glad Mikio-sama is on the right path,” she became unusually talkative.
“Oh… A manager, you know. Of course, it's a job I deserve,” Mikio was so excited that he agreed to be the manager of the rabbit café, which was neither in the sea nor in the mountains.
“Hey, isn't he a little too easy? What if we’re going to get scammed someday…” Yahiko whispered softly to Chief Uramura.
“Yahiko, we're on the verge of a deal, so shhhh!” Chief Uramura put his index finger on his mouth to stop Yahiko from saying unnecessary things.
“Once it’s decided, we can talk fast and move to the next topic,” Usagawa was indeed a businessman. He didn’t waste his time.  
“Go ahead and take the rabbit from the police station. You know how to keep rabbits, don’t you?”
“Uh, yes!” Mikio nooded.
“My apprentice will show you where the café is. Nagaoka-kun, you will take care of the rabbit there from today.”
The rabbit Mikio had thrown was going around in circles and came back to Mikio.
“And, yes. The café needs a waitress. We'll be looking for more people as time goes on, but for the time being, would you guys be willing to be the temporary waitress for the Rabbit Café?
Kaoru, Megumi, Misao, and Tsubame were surprised at his request.
“You want to save that poor rabbit, don't you?”
It was hard to refuse when Usagawa said that.
“I get it. We all have other jobs, but we can manage to take turns, right?” Kaoru was the first to make a decision.
“I'm free, so I'll do it,�� Misao agreed.
“We've gone too far to turn back, so let’s do it,” Megumi accepted.
“I'm used to working as a waitress, too…” Tsubame also agreed to participate, and the Rabbit Café was moving steadily toward realization.
.…..to be continued in chapter 73……https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/739415334563577856/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tale-73-jump-sq-2402 
TLnote(1): translating Japanese is so hard because the sentence structure is very different compared with English. Also the style of writing is different, plus there’s a lot of figurative, poetic language and things that don't make sense if it’s directly translated into english. So forgive me if this is very weird to read, and please tell me if you want to give corrections. 
TLnote(2) I will provide the original Japanese text for correction if any of you who read have better knowledge of the Japanese language. Just dm and I’ll send the file.
TLnote(3) Dtninja had translated some earlier chapters on his website. You can go and check on there
Read the rest of the story here: https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/686193523858538496/rurouni-kenshin-tales-of-kamiya-dojo?source=share
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Soulmate/ 7
Pairing- Hobi x Named Reader
Word count- 3.2k
Includes- Angst, fighting, longing
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Series Masterlist 📝Masterlists
📝BTS Masterlist 📝Hobi Masterlist
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Namjoon kept his word and got an apartment big enough for me, him and the baby
And like he promised, he's with me all the time
At first
He comes with me to the appointments
He's with me when we see the first sonogram
He with me when we find out the baby is a girl
He actually smiles and is excited
He goes shopping with me for baby stuff
He touches my stomach all the time, talking to the baby
Everything is actually great and I'm feeling ok about the whole situation
Then Namjoon tells me that he has to make another album
I tell him its fine, I understand
But then he starts barricading himself in his studio at home
He stays late at the studio at BigHit or doesn't come home at night
Even when Hobi was working on his albums he always wanted me with him
He always made time
But Namjoon doesn't
He's always stressed out
I ask if he needs help but he always says no
I try to make everything ok and relaxing when he comes home so he doesn't have to stress at home
But it doesn't work
He's always irritated, starting arguments for everything
He stops having sex with me, stops touching me
Just comes home to sleep
Then he didn't show up to the sixth month appointment and I'm livid
Hobi POV
I see Joanne
She's walking towards Namjoon's studio
Her stomach is showing now
It looks huge on her small body
She's having a girl
I know because Namjoon came in telling everyone the day they found out
I wanted to punch him in the face
I'm happy for her but I'm so upset he's the father
As I look at her, I notice that she looks exhausted
She opens Namjoon's door and goes inside, but a minute later she comes back out
She starts walking towards Yoongi's studio
I can't help it
I call her name
She turns to me
I just want to hear her voice
I just want her to talk to me
So I get a grip and walk over to her
She stays in her spot, looking nervous
God this is what we come to
Best friends who are now practically strangers
I hate it
"Hi Hobi", she says softly and my heart soars
She called me Hobi
Not J-Hope like the last time I saw her
"Hi Jo. How are you doing?", I ask
"Ah well you know. Pregnant", she smiles
God I miss her smile
It's stunning
"Yeah. Congratulations by the way."
"What are you doing here?", I ask
"Oh I'm looking for Namjoon. He never showed up for the doctor's appointment today.", she says, her hands on her stomach
"Oh he's in a meeting with his manager"
"Oh", she frowns
An awkward silence falls between us and I hate it
"So how's being pregnant? A pain?", I ask, trying to stall her for as long as I can
I just want to talk to her
"Eh well I'm sick all the time. Honestly I don't know why they call it morning sickness when I'm sick all day."
"Wow that sucks."
"Yea", she laughs and I realize how much I miss that sound and how empty my life is without it
"Either I'm starving and craving food or I'm throwing it up."
"Well that doesn't make sense. That baby has to make up her mind", I joke
She giggles and I smile
She's going to say something when instead she goes "Ow", her hand moving to a different spot on her stomach
"What? What happened?", I panic
"I think....ow. Shit", she says again
"Jo?", I ask
"I think she's kicking", she says in awe
"But it hurts", she makes a face
"Wow. She's got strong legs huh?", I comment, smiling
She nods, a huge smile on her face, "She did it again."
She grabs my hand and puts it on her belly where the baby is kicking
She holds my hand there with hers
"Wait for it", she says excitedly
I wait and then I feel a little part of her belly move against my hand
My eyes widen
"Wow that's amazing", I breath
She kicks again, this time a stronger one
"Wow this little girl is feisty like her mom", I joke
She smiles, "Yeah Kiara gets that from me"
"Kiara?", I ask
"Oh yea. That's her name."
"That's a beautiful name", I say, meaning it
"It means light"
"Light?", I repeat
She nods, "Yeah. Like she's the light of my life? It's kinda stupid"
"No Jo it's really not", I answer
It's a beautiful name with a beautiful meaning for her
"Thanks. I picked it and Namjoon agreed to it. He wasn't all that interested in picking a name", she says, looking sad
"Well I think it's perfect", I tell her
She looks up at me, both of us staring at each other
I miss her so much
We just stand like that for I don't know how long, staring at each other, my hand still being held on her belly by her hand, Kiara kicking away
"Hobi..", she whispers still looking at me
"Jo....", I answer, looking at her
"Hobi..I lo..", he starts but is cut off by, "What the fuck is this?"
We both jump and see Namjoon glaring at us
I quickly pulled my hand away.
"I was looking for you Namjoon You never showed up at the doctor for the sixth month appointment.", she says
"That doesn't tell me why Hoseok was touching you."
"Ok well the baby kicked and I got excited and wanted to share it with someone.", she says
"And you decide your ex was the best person?", he questions
"What? No. Hobi was talking to me when it happened and I just grabbed his hand in the moment. That's all", she said
Namjoon glares at me, "Why were you talking to her?"
"Namjoon seriously? I can talk to who I want", she argues
"I saw her coming out of your studio and walking around. So I asked what she was looking for. She was looking for you", I say
He turns back to her, "I'm sorry baby, I forgot the appointment was today. I thought it was tomorrow."
She blinks, "But I told you this morning it was today"
"I guess I just forgot. I'm really sorry. I'll be there for the next one", he apologizes
"Ok", she says
She doesn't sound like she believes him
"C'mon, I gotta get my stuff then we can go home."
She turns to me, "Bye Hobi. It was nice talking to you. I'll see you around."
I smile at her, "Ok. Bye Jo."
She smiles then follows Namjoon back into his studio
I keep replaying our conversation in my head
She took my hand and let me feel the baby kick
I was the first person to feel her baby kick
And then what she said when we were looking at each other
Or what she almost said
Did she almost tell me she loves me?
I don't know but I wish she finished the sentence
All I want is her
I sigh, turning to my studio and walking back
Why does my life suck?
I almost told Hobi I love him
What the fuck is wrong with me?
It must be the hormones
But I know it's not
It's just me being an ass and a terrible person
I'm having a baby with my boyfriend and I almost told another guy who happens to be my ex that I love him
Who does that?
Me apparently
But that doesn't make my feelings any less true
Namjoon is pissed but doesn't say anything else to me
I really was in the moment when I grabbed Hobi's hand
It was the first time she kicked and Namjoon was nowhere to be found.
But Hobi was there and I wanted someone to share it with me
And I always thought it would be Hobi I'm having a baby with
But it's not
When we go back to his studio, Kiara is still kicking
"Joonie", I call, taking his hand and putting it on my stomach
She kicks against his hand but he doesn't really have a reaction
"She's kicking", I tell him, thinking maybe he doesn't know what's happening
She kicks again and he gives a small smile, "Cool"
Then he takes his hand away, gathering up the things he needs to bring home
While I just stand there, upset
Namjoon wasn't awed or anything at his own daughter kicking
Not like I was
Not like Hobi was
Hobi was more excited than her own father
It hurts
It's like he doesn't care and I don't know what to do
After that first appointment Namjoon missed, he started missing others
He started to work all the time
He seemed to be disinterested in the baby
Like he doesn't care
I tried talking to him about Kiara's last name
"I think she should have yours. You're her father.", I was saying
He shrugged, "It doesn't have to be mine. She can have yours if you want."
"You don't want her to have your last name?", I ask incredulously
"I didn't say that", he said
"Then what are you saying?", I asked getting upset
"I'm saying that it doesn't matter whose last name she has. You're still her mom and I'm still her dad. It doesn't matter. Whatever you want is fine with me.", he said
"Whatever!" I said, walking away from him and to our room
If he doesn't care about her last name then I don't know what he'll care about
The bigger I get the harder it is to walk, to get up from sitting and my back kills me
Namjoon is never around so I have to do everything by myself
I have to go to the store, buy some more stuff for the baby, and the worst is I have to go to the appointments alone
I asked him if he wants to break up and he said no, he wants to be with me
I ask him if he doesn't care about his daughter and he says of course he cares
But it's just words, he doesn't show it
I keep reminding him about them constantly and he always says he's going to come but he doesn't
And then he makes up some excuse
So by eight months I stopped asking him
I have to go more often now so they can monitor the baby, so I just go by myself and try not to be upset or sad
But it's hard
"Uh Jo, I have to talk to you.", Namjoon says, seeming nervous
"Sure, Joonie. What's up?"
He just came home from work
I'm nearing the end of eight months of pregnancy and my stomach is huge
I'm always sitting down now and that's where I am now
Sitting on the couch
"Um there's something going on at work and I need to talk to you about it. Please try not to get mad."
Uh oh
What now
I motion for him to continue
"So my manager set up a tour around Korea for me for 6 weeks before another tour next year.", he explains
"Ok...when is the tour? If you're worried about me being alone with the baby it's ok, I can handle it", I say
I'm doing everything by myself anyway
And I don't want to ruin his career either
"Uh no...that's not it. My tour starts next week.", he mumbles
"Next week!", I say surprised
"But.. you're going to be here for when Kiara is born, right?", I ask expectantly
Surely he can come back for a day or two for his child's birth?
He can't leave me to do that alone
Not that
I need him
Honestly I'm terrified of birth and I need him with me
"Um that's the thing. No. I'm not going to be here."
"What?", I shout, panicking, "Are you serious? Please tell me you're not serious?"
"I'm sorry."
"Are you out of your mind Namjoon? You're going to leave me here alone to give birth to our kid while you're traveling around? Do I mean nothing to you? Does this baby mean nothing to you?", I yell
"Of course you and the baby mean something to me! How can you say that?", he asks angrily
He has to be fucking crazy to ask me that
"Oh I don't know Namjoon. You're never here, you're always working, you come home so late or not at all. You stopped coming to the doctor's appointments. And now you're telling me that you're not gonna be here for when your child is born. What the hell am I supposed to think?", I snap
"I have to work Joanne."
"Yeah and so do I. I'm still working and next week I'll be nine months pregnant.", I shoot back
"I'm sorry but I have to do this. For my career.", he explains
"You can't come back for two days for the baby's birth?", I ask, "Please Namjoon, I'm scared and I want you with me"
"I have a show on the day she's due", he answers
I just stare at him
I really don't know what to do
"What the fuck are we doing Namjoon?", I ask tiredly
"What do you mean?"
"What are we doing? With us? Clearly you have no interest in this baby. Or me. Your career matters more. I know this was a surprise and it's one for me too. But if you don't want to do this, if you don't want to raise this baby then tell me. Tell me now. I'll do it by myself. If you want to break up just tell me. But I can't keep being disappointed by you anymore. I can't do this anymore"
"What no! That's not what I want at all!", he says panicking, "I do care about you and the baby. I don't want you to be by yourself. I love you"
"What did you say?", I ask, shocked
What did he say?
Did he say he...?
"I love you. And I love Kiara. I don't want to break up with you. I'm sorry I'm working so much but I'm doing it for us, for the baby, so we can live comfortably. Please, don't leave me. I promise after this tour I'll be here more. I'll talk to my manager and see if they can move that concert so I can come back for Kiara's birth. Please, let me fix this. I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry I made you feel this way.", he apologizes
I think about what he's saying
He's promising to change things
But he's broken promises before
"Don't make promises you can't keep Namjoon", I tell him
"I'm not Jo. I'm going to keep them. I am."
He looks at me pleading
I hesitate, "Ok yea. Fine. As long as you keep your promises."
He visibly relaxes, "I will Jo. I will."
He hugs me tightly, then kisses me
And I'm fully aware and feeling guilty that I didn't say I love you back to him
Hobi POV
Joanne has come to BigHit almost everyday this week
She comes for Namjoon
Her and I are speaking again, just short conversations mostly about her pregnancy and asking about my music
Then she goes to Namjoon's studio
But I live for these small conversations
It feels like I have her back in some sort of way even though I don't
I see Namjoon come out of his studio
He sees me standing close by
I'm waiting for her to come so I can talk to her before she disappears into Namjoon's studio for the rest of the day
"Did you see Joanne yet?", he asks me
"Huh? Me? No?", I say
He rolls his eyes, "Cut the crap Hoseok, I know you've been talking to her everyday. And I don't care. As long as you know whose she's with I don't care if you talk to her."
"How generous of you", I say sarcastically
"Whatever. So she's not here?"
He turns to go when I call his name and he turns back to me
"How come she's coming here everyday? She used to never come here and now she's here all the time.", I ask curiously
"Oh. Well not that it's your business but I want to spend as much time with her as I can. So after she gets out of work I send a car to get her so she can stay with me here. Then we go home.", he explains
"Uh why do you want to spend so much time with her? You live together.", I was confused
"Yeah but I'm going on tour next week and I won't see her for six weeks."
"But...isn't the baby due this month?"
Is he saying what I think he's saying?
"Yea but I won't be here."
"You won't be here for your baby's birth?", I say incredulously
Is her for real?
That's some pure bullshit right there
"What the hell Namjoon? That's like the most important thing in the world. And to be there for her."
"Don't you think I know that? I tried to get my manager to change the day of the concert but he couldn't."
"You're doing a concert on the day the baby's going to be born?"
I don't think I can get anymore shocked
"Yeah I have to."
"Does Joanne know?"
"No I haven't told her yet. I told her I'd try to get it rescheduled but I haven't told her that it can't be."
"Don't you think you should tell her?", I question angrily
"Hey. Don't tell me what to do with my girlfriend"
"How can you do that to her? Leave her alone for her to give birth on her own?", I say angrily
"I have to. I don't have a choice."
"You always have a choice. There would be no way I'd leave her by herself for this. I don't care if the entire tour was cancelled and I lost fans.", I inform him
I'd be there for her, no matter what
She's bringing his baby into this world the least he can do it show up for it
"Well I'm not like you. I'm doing this for her and the baby, so she doesn't have to worry about anything."
"I know her Namjoon. She doesn't care about money. She just wants you. You being there means more to her than you're money.", I say
"Well like I said I have no choice."
"Do you even love her or the baby?", I spit
He glares at me
"I...yea I love her...and I love the baby."
Yeah that sounded convincing
"You don't sound so sure. Are you in love with her?"
"I....yea...I guess...I....yea", he finally gets out
I just shake my head
He doesn't love her
He'd never hesitate if he did
To this day I will never hesitate to say I love her
"When is the baby due?"
"September 15th."
I just nod, having now idea what else to say
I tried to convince him to be here for the birth but he just keeps repeating the same nonsense garbage over and over
He turns and walks back inside his studio, while I keep waiting for her
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chaoticbeanz · 2 years
Time and Place- Bonus Chapter
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Eddie Kaspbrak/Reader Summary- Eddie and Reader finally have their first date. Warnings- Fluff, swearing Word Count- 945
A/N- Hello my beautiful balloons! I know what you’re probably thinking -She's Alive!! I'm not going to bore you with excuses, and explanations because let's be honest…that's not why you are here. Even though it has been a long time I hope you enjoy it.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3a Part 3b Final Bonus
To say you were happy was an understatement, elated was a better word to use for how you were feeling. Cloud nine if you will. You were going to have your very first date with a boy you couldn't stop thinking about. Eddie Kaspbrak. You had gotten home just before your parents would start to worry. With the brightest smile on your face as you open the front door, greeting them as they sat on the couch watching a movie.
“Hey sweetie, did you have a good time today?”, your mother asked.
“The best!”
Your father looks at you, “Uh oh, I know that look.”
At that, your mother looks at you as well, “Oh my, I think you’re right honey.”
You looked at them confused, “What are you guys talking about? What look?”
“The shine in your eyes. It’s the same look I had when your father asked me on a date.”
“Wha- I don’t- no one-”, you couldn't form a single thought let alone a sentence. It caused you to nervous laugh. Rubbing the back of your neck you caved, “Okay yes. A boy I like asked me on a date. There, happy?”
The movie playing in the background is now forgotten, this was more important. You never expressed that you even had a crush on anyone, and now they are hearing that their daughter is going to go on a date. This was exciting and terrifying news for any parent.
“Was it one of the boys you met today?”, your mother asks with a smile. She remembers how she felt in this almost position when she was your age. The butterflies that swarmed in her stomach, the smile that couldn't leave her face, the look in her eyes that never truly left to this day.
You could tell that your parents are still so much in love with each other. Since they were about your age, childhood sweethearts. You had always hoped you could have at least a fraction of what they have. And now, it looks like you might.
Blush crept up on your cheeks as you smiled back, nodding your head.
“His name is Eddie Kaspbrak.”
“Sonia’s boy?”, your father questions. “It's a miracle she even lets him leave that house. That woman is a nutcase, always has been.”
“Anyways, where are you two going?”, your mother slightly changing the subject.
You thought for a second, “Actually uh we didn't say, we kind of forgot.”
Just as you finished speaking the house phone rang. You all looked at each other; who would be calling at this time?
Your father was the first to move, getting up from the couch and answered the phone.
“Hello, Y/L residence.”
It was silent for a moment, you and your mother waiting to find out who is calling. Your father then looks at you, offering the phone. “It’s for you.”
Blush makes an appearance yet again, now figuring out the caller. You reach for the phone and let out an unsure, “Eddie?” You hear a nervous laugh on the other end, “How did you know it was me?”
The smile on your face not leaving as your parents walk toward you and kiss your head as a sign of goodnight. “Lucky guess.”
“Don't stay up too late honey”, your mother whispers to you then they both walk to their bedroom; leaving the tv on as the only source of light.
“Right, well you're probably wondering why I'm calling you considering we just saw each other and spend like the whole day together. Not like together together, you know with the guys and Beverly. Not that I wouldn't want to spend the whole day with just you because I do. Which is why I asked you out, well technically didn't you ask me? Not that it matters.- ”
“Eddie Eddie Eddie, slow down. Breath.”, as much as hearing him ramble makes your heart flutter, you had to stop him before he combusts.
You hear a deep inhale and exhale, “I'm sorry. When I heard your dad's voice answer I panicked.”
“Hey, it's okay. Not that I don't want to talk to you but why are you calling?”
“Oh right! Uh well after you left I realized that we didn't say when or where we should have our uh date.”
Oh my god, he's so shy, it’s so cute!! Butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“How about tomorrow?”, you hope you didn't sound too eager. The last thing you want is to scare him away but something tells you that won't happen so easily.
“We could go to the arcade? Just us, then get ice cream afterward?”, Eddie sounds just as hopeful.
Eddie wishes he could see the smile he knows is on your face because it's on his as well. Sometimes he still thinks this is all an elaborate dream. Afraid he’ll wake up and none of it was real. Oh, it would absolutely crush him if it wasn’t. The number of times he had pinched himself on the way home just to prove he wasn't dreaming. Because to him, you were a dream. Something just out of his reach. But not this time. Even coming home, not even his paranoid mother could bring his mood down. Eddie kept replaying it again and again in his head like a movie.
He kissed you. Well, technically you had kissed him but that's beside the point. There was a kiss and there was a confirmation of a date. He couldn't fuck this up, the guys and Beverly would never let it down.
Especially Richie. Anyone would kill to be in his position. Yet you chose him. Him.
Edward Kaspbrak.
Let me know if you would like to be on the Masterlist or just this fandom
Comments are appreciated
@midnyghtsolstice @jack4xx @chennyetomlinson @lou-la-lou @thescarletknight2014
@cookiemumster1 @black-wing-of-the-devil @i-was-never-glam @lotte142 @wukindly
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