#was gonna tag a ship but this works for multiple of stephs
oifaaa · 2 months
People just be saying a woman's extensive crime list, all im hearing are her green flags
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makeup-wonder-woman · 7 years
A Soulmate to Remember Chapter 15
I made 300 followers! WHHOOOO-HOOOOO. Tomorrow I’ll post the other chapters of Poison and Lies, I’m also taking requests.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14
Tags: @otaku-fangirlse, @lucy-fire20  @purplelily24, @welcometothecity, @miss-nerdalots,@marvelsimaginess, @naturalnation123 , @suavehayes @nervouswastelandvoid, @glrynwor, @miraisnotavailable , @lunar-vulpix (let me know through my askbox if i missed someone or you want to be tag)
Pairing: Jason Todd X Reader
word count: 1,146     
TW: None, unless you need one added.
You opened your eyes with a groan and saw a well-lit tan ceiling. There was a laugh that caused my blood to freeze. Not because it was scary or unfamiliar.
  But because you knew it.
     You turned your head to see Ben sitting opposite me in a train car,"Good evening sleeping beauty! I'm so glad you're awake."
  "B-Ben?" Oh god. What has he done? You took big gulping breath to try and keep calm.
   Ben slid from his cushioned seat and kneeled in front of you,"Yes darling. It's me, you weren't feeling to well, a few of the other passengers were worried. Your mom has been calling you, but I thought it better to wait till you woke up."
  "Are we on a train?"
  Be laughed again,"Yes sweetie. Remember our first trip away together?"
 "Oh... Yeah," You lied, playing along, making Ben beam, and you nodded,"I remember now."
   "Yes, after we had taken out the trash your cold medicine kicked in. I had to hold your arm to get to your car."
     "What happened to yours?"
   Ben smiled,"That's a funny question. But I didn't take it today. I walked."
    "Oh." Damn, there goes someone seeing his car... Then you noticed that he had changed your shirt, but then I shifted and felt the comforting pressure from your cami under it, and you felt better.
   Ben took your hand and squeezed it,"By the time we got to the train station your medicine was in full effect. Some other passengers were so kind to us, they chatted with us while we got to our car."
   "Did I do something funny?"
   "No, no, you were just really out of it. The older couple couldn't believe we were soulmates, they said our babies would be too adorable!"
   He laughed and you forced a giggle out of your throat, sitting up,"You... Said my mom called... Could I call her?"
   "Of course honey," then he leaned forward and his eyes got that scary look in them again,"But nothing funny, cause I can make this train stop in a fun way," he snapped back into his happy-go-lucky self," Here you go!"
   He pressed your cellphone into your hand. You saw from the lit up screen that your mother had called you almost a dozen times, and texted you about a baker's dozen. You flipped down to the last notification. It was Jason. You felt your mouth go dry and dialed your mother, showing it to Ben with a smile. Your mother picked up the phone and shouted like a harpy,"Y/N L/N why have you-"
  "Mom! I'm so sorry, my phone died I’m just getting your texts and calls now. I didn't mean to worry you."
"Yeah, and I didn't check my phone because I ran into Marsha from high school she took me out to lunch and now I think that lunch is turning into an afternoon and evening kinda plan. I didn't even notice my phone was dead till now. I'm so sorry!"
"I...  See..."
  "I know, I'll remember to keep it charged, I promise. Is it okay if I stay? You don't mind do you?"
"No. No. I understand. I'm sorry I overreacted..."
"You didn't overreact Mom, it's fine. I love you!"
" No, I love you more... Good bye sweetie."
  "Goodbye mom!"
   You turned to Ben and handed him the phone. But stopped and smiled,"Should we take a picture to commemorate our trip?"
  Ben smiled and sat next to you and put his arm around you,"Of course!"
  You held the phone out and snapped the picture, then exited out of camera,"Let me just edit it a little."
   You opened the photo folder on your phone, and tapped on the app you hoped You'd never, ever have to use. It started loading, but crashed, you sighed,"I forgot it did that!" The clicked the actual editing app and picked a filter. Ben watching over your shoulder the entire time.
Jason raced down the stair and started frantically typing on the computer. The stamped that sounded above him meaning that the rest of the Batfamily was soon to be down here with him. He pulled up the signal and got the details and GPS signal,"We've got a fucking problem," he yelled over his shoulder as anger boiled up inside of him. Soon he had to move or do something or he would explode. So Jason stood up, knocking the chair over. Dick was the first one down the stairs, his mouth opened in horror when he saw the screen.
    Once everyone else could commute what was happening, Jason went on a tirade. Cussing and pacing. Tim jumped up to the computer and started typing saying,"I'll get keep the signal strong and alive so we'll know the movements."
  "I'm going after her!" Jason roared, stalking over to his suit.
  Bruce grabbed onto his second oldest son,"No! Going in there without a plan will get her, or someone else, killed."
  Jason turned to his father-figure and snapped,"I don't fucking care! "
  Mrs. Wayne strutted up to him,"You most certainly will care Jason Peter Todd Wayne! I won't see Asha, you or anyone else hurt! Not today!"
 "But, Ma-"
 "No buts!"
 Jason let out a yell of rage and smacked Bruce off of him,"Fine!"
  Dick was typing away at the other computer station,"I've got video and records of her at Gotham's train station, it seems that she's traveling to... Metropolis?"
    "Was there anyone with her?" Barbra asked as she came up beside him, Cass, Damian, and Steph went to go suit up. Katie went to call Luke, it would be a hands on deck kinda night.
 Dick pulled up footage and enhanced it,"Yeah, this guy seemed to be helping her onto the train. Other footage shows him driving her car..."
 "Wait, she went willingly?" Barbra asked in surprise.
   "Play that back,"Bruce ordered and Dick did,"See how she's staggering. If I had to guess she was drugged. Maybe a date-rape drug. The kind that put you in a trance."
 Jason analyzed the man's face,"I know him! He works at the church, name's... Ben, I'm pretty sure."
 Tim looked over from his computer, having dug through Ben's financials already,"Yep! And Ben's shelled out some money to a private shipping company, the intern weary says it's heading to a small country on the Russian border. They get that far, they probably won't be coming back..."
 "They're not making that boat,"Jason growled,"Not in this lifetime."
  Dick crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Bruce,"What are we gonna do?"
 "Meet them at the train station in Metropolis. Batwoman, BlackBat, Spoiler, Robin, and Batwing when he gets here. I need you all to patrol Gotham while we're gone. Everyone else, get geared up, That train company takes scenic routes and multiple stops, so it's at the least a six hour ride. It's only a two hour plane ride. Move."
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cupnoodle-queen · 7 years
CHASING SUNS: Chapter 10 Hell Spawn
1,935 words
Tagging my bae’s @blindbae, @nifwrites, @themissimmortal <3
Cindy turned up first thing as promised and had the truck in working condition by ten. The bill was hefty, but she graciously accepted two hundred gil and an I-owe-you. Back in business, the group of four departed Lestallum, en route to HQ.
Greyson had just eased off the gas, heading into the winding turns before the tunnel when they saw it.
Or at least it’s silhouette in the mist, which in comparison seemed all the more frightening.
A colossal, quadruped beast prowled along the outskirts of the forest treeline, two impressive horns protruding from its corrupt, catlike head. Fangs the size of full-grown men glinted in the truck’s headlights. Incandescent yellow eyes glowed faintly in the darkness.
Gladio answered Cam’s question before she asked it. “But that, is not normal sized.”
“W-what the damn hell?!” Prompto cried and whipped his head around the driver’s side headrest, lilac eyes like saucers. “Holy crap, that thing is massive!”
“They aren’t normally that big?” Cam asked, unable to take her eyes off the monster. She’d heard multiple accounts of them before from both Nolan and other hunters, but had never seen a live one before now.
Greyson came to a crawling speed to get a better look. “Fuck...Gotta be what, double-no, triple the size of a normal one?”
“‘Bout that,” Gladio was affixed to it, lips parted in awe. “Get the Marshal on the phone, things close enough to HQ for comfort.”
While Prompto dialed Cor, the truck curved around a turn that brought the vehicle closer to the beast. The ground shook with it’s steps. Cam gulped. Where the hell had it come from?
“Yeah, biggest one we’ve ever seen!” Prompto craned his head to the side to keep an eye on it. “...No even bigger than that one, that was a shrimp compared to-”
In a movement that sent shivers up their spines, the behemoth’s head snapped towards them. It crouched, licked its chops, then leaped in their direction.
“FUCK!” Cam and Gladio said in unison.
“Oh you’ve got to be KIDDING ME,” Greyson cried flooring the accelerator, the tires screeching against the pavement as the truck jarred forward, gaining momentum at a much slower pace than they’d wished for. “She can’t take this kinda stress, full load and all these RPMS? Gonna blow the engine!”
The behemoth was almost in full gallop, eyes locked on it’s target, trees swaying at the tremors, its giant paws raking up patches of dead turf and sod.
“We don’t have a choice!” Cam tried to keep her voice normal but the anxiousness in her tone was apparent. “At least make it to the tunnel, I don’t think it will fit through…”
Gladio grabbed the phone from Prompto, who’d gone silent from shock. “Marshal, we got a problem. Thing’s on our tails,” he paused to grab the frame of the truck, Greyson careening it around a turn so fast the passenger’s side front tire left pavement, “might follow us back to HQ, let the others know we’re gonna need backup and a fuckton of firepower.”
He waited for Cor’s response, gave an “Okay,” and hung up. “They’re readying for a fight. Spearguns are being pulled from storage.”
“Christ,” Greyson coughed. “Okay! There’s the tunnel. Almost there-”
The engine went dead, an empty whirring sound as the rotations slowed.
“NO NO NO NO DAMMIT FUCK-” He cranked the ignition but only the strained torquing sound whined through. The truck was slowing down, the pounding of the ground getting more violent by the second.
Cam had her hand on the door handle, stuck trying to decide whether or not to abandon ship when Gladio grabbed her arm. “Don’t even think about it,” He growled. “You jump out that thing will trample you. At least in here you have a chance.”
Her hand fell from the latch, her savior spoken. Words unsaid seemed to transmit between them, Gladio’s hand still holding onto her arm, his expression a combination of fear and uncertainty. The windshield and windows of the truck vibrated from the behemoth’s canter, the truck coasting along at a gradually reducing speed. The tunnel was straight ahead. They may make it, with a little luck…
Instead of attacking the vehicle, the behemoth did something entirely unexpected. Mere yards from the back hatch, it leaped through the air up and over the truck all together, landing on top of the tunnel above.
The ground shook hard from the impact, the truck still puttering along, Greyson pumping the gas and turning the key over and over. Eventually nothing would give and it rolled to a complete stop, several dozen feet into the tunnel.
The headlights died and the four of them delved into complete darkness.
Above them the tunnel rocked from the behemoth’s footsteps, bits of rock and debris from the walls raining down on the roof of the truck. Everyone exhaled a sigh of relief.
Greyson turned on his phone’s flashlight. “Gonna pop the hood, Cindy said this could happen and showed me a few tricks.”
He got out and rounded the front, the tremors dying down. “That thing’s heading straight for HQ…” Prompto trailed off,
Gladio pulled out his phone and made a call to the Marshal. “Got a problem. Thing’s definitely heading for HQ. It’s jumped the tunnel.”
It was so quiet Cam could hear Cor on the other end: “Where are you?”
“Stuck in the tunnel. Truck’s toast.”
“Let’s not say that just yet,” Greyson had hopped back in the driver’s seat, tried the ignition, nothing. Tried a second time and the truck groaned and heaved, before finally revving up and the engine was back to life. “Alright, good to go,” he announced, flinging his seatbelt on.
“Damn Greyson, got the magic touch man,” Prompto cheered, buckling in as well. The truck took off as fast as Greyson could get the engine to perform, thankfully passing the strongest rumbles from overhead. The behemoth was behind them, and it seemed to have slowed down, perhaps uncertain what to do next. Either that, or it was waiting for them to reappear.
The light at the end of the tunnel started to grey out the darkness, and when they pulled up into the entrance of the headquarters Cam gasped.
Six giant spearguns, each the size of railcars with three on each side of the road were rolled up on carts that looked almost medieval in construction. They were angled up towards the spaces in between the rock shelf above, poised to deal death from below. “Cor doesn’t fuck around when shit hits the fan, does he?” Cam muttered, already unbuckling.
Greyson pulled the truck behind the armory and the four of them got out, joining the group of hunters near the spearguns. Dave was assigning people to man them while another group was getting the rundown on how to reload it. Cor greeted the group as they approached. “One of the snipers spotted it, approximately a mile away give or take.”
“Can we take it out with just these?” Greyson motioned to the weapons craning overhead.
The Marshal frowned. “Hard to say, a behemoth this size hasn’t been on record yet.” He crossed his arms. “Just have to give it what we can, no room for error. If you have the opportunity to strike, seize it.”
“Got it,” Gladio nodded, before turning to Cam. “Let’s keep off-”
Steph slammed into Gladio from behind, her ivory arms attempting to wrap around his bulky form. “Gladdy, where the hell have you been?”
Cam backed away, her soulmate marking almost repelling from the red haired vixen. Steph threw her a look of contempt, her icy eyes narrowing. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
Cam smirked. “Right here.”
Gladio was thankful Steph couldn’t see the massive grin that pulled his lips at her response. “We had to stay at the Leville, truck broke down.”
“You could’ve texted me at least.” Again her eyes shot towards Cam. “I was...worried.”
Gladio shrugged out of her hold, sighing. “Look, we’ll talk about it later, now’s definitely not the time-”
On que, the ground shook below their feet. The hunters manning the spearguns tensed, lining up the weapons in anticipation.
“Fine, whatever.” Steph blew him off, stalking away to some place Cam could care less about. Though it did color her curious that Gladio hadn’t contacted her at all to tell her of their holdup…
Over a hand radio, someone buzzed through to Dave. “In our sights, four-hundred yards.” A pause, then: “It’s sprinting!”
The beast was heading for them, and fast. Cam and Gladio joined the front line, weapons at the ready. The ground made Cam’s knees jut and almost give out from underneath her, but she squatted slightly to counter the shakes. As the earth quaking grew stronger the racks of weapons at the nearby vendor toppled over, clanging loudly as they spilled. Overhead, the nearby rock shelf groaned, dust and pebbles falling free.
“THERE!” one of the gunners up top shouted, and everyone tensed. Then…
It slowed, taking calculated steps towards the edge of the tunnel roof. Cam could see the tips of its horns; goosebumps pocked her skin.
The moment she caught sight of its glowing yellow eyes, the Marshal gave the command; “Fire!”
Six torpedoing spears shot skywards, arcing perfectly over the crest of the tunnel and striking their mark, the behemoth recoiling and letting out a pained roar that popped Cam’s eardrums. The gunners up top fired automatic weapons at it, red dots blossoming on it’s musclebound flesh. The beast swiped at them, trying to reach them from their positions nearby.
The spearguns were locked and loaded for another round and they awaited Cor’s orders. A pause, then “Fire!”
The spears cut through the air with lethal grace, though one of them missed their target and veered off bouncing on the rock wall. The beast was staggering, but there was life still in its fierce eyes...
Cam had to take action; a surge of adrenaline at the sight of the beast’s blood fired her up. She sprinted towards the rock wall, uncertain if her idea would actually bear fruit, but then her hand caught a ledge that held her weight and right above it, another jagged piece for her to pull up onto.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Dave yelled.
Cam pulled up to another edge, her foot finding a landing, one after the other as if she were a born climber though she hadn’t scaled rock walls a moment in her life…
She made it three-quarters the way up when she caught sight of someone below her. Gladio. “You’re fucking insane, I hope you know that!” He yelled up at her, pulling himself up the shelf.
“You’re the one following me!” Cam shouted, just as her hands gripped the upper ledge, hoisting herself up and over.
The beast was at best twenty yards away from her. Cam held her breath, backing away from the ledge so Gladio could climb up. He summoned his greatsword, panting. “What kind of plan do you have in mind exactly?”
Cam unsheathed her swords. “We need to disable it. I’m thinking the eyes. If it can't see us, it’s as good as dead.”
Gladio scoffed at her. “How the hell are we going to pull that off?!”
The behemoth sniffed the air, it’s pained groans like thunder around them. Catching wind of something, it’s head snapped in their direction, the two of them in it’s sights, locked on. They would be an easy kill.
Cam stared back into the eyes of the beast.
“Watch me.”
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