#was it necessary? in front of the whole village to be this soft
tinnchan · 2 years
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PHUTIAN underrated moments:
No. 1: Episode 7- Phupha leading a blindfolded Tian to his surprise
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the-ninjago-historian · 2 months
Quick Into The Deep Q and A!
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I got a few questions here to answer about Into The Deep! Thanks to @dexter-the-dog for sending these in! And if anyone reading this has any other questions about this fanseason, feel free to send them! I love to hear them! Now, let's get started!
(Question 1: What is the Insectoid Army?)
Great question! I actually made a post on them not to long ago. But some of that information is outdated now. So I'll make this the new reference for them!
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The Insectoids are a swarm of bug like warriors that hail from the deepest reaches of Primeval's Eye! Their society is formed similar to ants and bees. There are different classes such as soldiers and workers. Soldiers tend to be more heavily armored, and also have different sub classes, depending on what type of armor or defense adaptions the soldier has. Insectoids are based of many insects. Like praying mantises, rhino beetles, and dragonflies! The Insectoids are ruled by a single queen and they all live together in a hive.
Thousands of years ago, the Insectoids were attacking villages and stealing their crops. Wu and Garmadon were called in to help stop them. Somehow, the brothers managed to trap them in The Amber Tree! (This tree is talked about a bit in the official Ninjago short story Amber Spiral.) The Insectoids became frozen in the tree's sap for thousands of years. They are later awakened by Vangelis. They help aid him in his plot to overthrow Shintaro and become King again. Some notable Insectoid characters you can look forward to are listed here;
Queen Ocellex: The leader of the Insectoids and a blood thirsty conqueror. She is the largest Insectoid and most powerful. Her head sports a large pair of horns, and she has praying mantis like front limbs. While she is bloodthirsty, she cares deeply for her hive. Vangelis promises her territory for her people to take control of, in return for her helping him take over Shintaro.
General Torrlax: Ocellex's highest commanding officer. He is distinguishable from the other Soldier Insectoids by a large scar over the right side of his face, along with a blind eye. He takes his job very seriously, and won't let anything stop him from completing his goals. He will use any means necessary to achieve them. He's very close with his younger brother Mandorax, one of the few people he's actually soft and caring towards.
Mandorax: Torrlax's younger brother and his right hand man. He's much shorter and stockier than Torrlax, and he has huge mandibles. Hence his name. (A mixed up version of the word mandible.) Mandorax is heavily armored and can roll into a ball to crush enemies like a pill bug. He's also not very bright, but Torrlax is convinced he's a military genius! Most of his shows of this intelligence are however, just very perfectly timed coincidences. But it's enough to convince Torrlax! Another interesting trait Mandorax has is that he's uncharacteristically gentle for an Insectoid.
(Question 2: What is Cole's Grandpa's role in this story?)
Cole's Grandpa takes on a few roles! He's a teacher, warrior, and guide through Deep Lands for the team! He also serves as a connection to Lilly for Cole. The two bond over missing her, and learn things about each other and the Earth Tribe through it! Although, Cole's Grandpa hasn't quite delt with his grief of losing Lilly in as healthy a way as Cole. This eventually leads to some brief conflict. (Family angst, my beloved.🤣) He's also the very last chief of the Earth Tribe! So he has that role as well!
(Question 3: Where is the Jaya wedding going to be held?)
This question made me think actually! Initially, I was going to have the whole thing held at the Monastery. I felt like the place was special to everyone and it was the place he proposed. So it seems to fit!
But I think the reception party is going to be held at a new location never seen in the show! A really beautiful beach side event hall and ballroom in Ninjago City! I already know how it will look, but I have yet to name the place. Ideas are welcome!
And that's it! Hope you all had fun reading! Bye for now!
(Tag List: @shatteredhope123 @nocturnal-nexu @dexter-the-dog @aroninshonour @piereoglyphics @looonytooons 😁👋)
Want to be added to the tag list? Just ask! That way you can stay updated on Ninjago: Into The Deep all the time!
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mammoneygirl · 9 months
You and I / Albedo Birthday Story
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This story was originally supposed to come out on September 13th, my beloved Albedo's birthday. However, my job only leaves me little time to write and rework my writing, so I have fallen behind...
Besides, I was at work on the 13th, but I have a lovely roommate who logged into my account to get the birthday message.
I found the message so pretty that I had to make a romantic story out of it, and I hope you will enjoy it !
Here is the Ao3 link if you want to leave some kuddos ~
After completing a painting, I like to take it out from time to time to admire the work.
People say that the purpose of a painting is to capture the beauty of a moment for eternity. But even the highest quality paints will crack with time, and that moment's beauty will long have begun to fade.
However, I don't mind this change at all.
When I find that the paint has begun to dry and flake, I will often brush over the fissures with new strokes, and the new piece thus created is one I can continue to cherish.
Just as people enjoy regular gatherings, seeing the wrinkles left by long years of hardships, worries and lament of one another's faces thickens the bonds between friends.
Or perhaps for a painting, time itself is a kind of pigment.
Should you have time to come for one such gathering, we will be able to add a few more brushstrokes to the painting called
" You and I. "
Y/n had received this letter on September 13, while she was having breakfast on the terrace of a Fontaine’s café. This letter was unsigned, as always. This did not prevent her from quickly understanding who was the person who had sent it. A sweet smirk took place on her lips. She called the waiter, paid for her order and was on her way instantly. Her graceful flight amazed the whole place.
Almost as quickly as Aether with his teleportation, she arrived at her destination: The Seaside Village. Once settled, she fixed her hair and looked for the emissary of the letter. Her eyes landed on a blond boy whose grace was matched only by his beauty. Any passerby could have mistaken him for a nobleman or a prince from a distant land. His almost translucent blue eyes were attentively placed on the canvas in front of him. The colorful paint seemed worn by time, but kept a certain magnificence.
Arriving alongside the young man, y/n greeted him in a soft and teasing voice. We travel together. Do you really think it’s still necessary to send me letters on your birthday, Albedo?
Hearing the young woman's voice, a gentle smile appeared on his lips, but he did not take his eyes off his painting. Simply responding in the same tone. I didn't have the heart to let such a beautiful tradition go to waste. Moreover… I know you keep them all in a corner of your office. I love knowing that you cherish them. 
Y/n's cheeks turned a little red when she found out he knew about her secret hiding place. She pretended to be more interested in the painting than by his sentence. Let's just say you know how to write in a pretty way.
A small laugh escaped the blond lips. It was a very dishonest way to respond to his teasing, but it was adorable enough for him to let it pass. How did you find me? I didn't give you any instructions... and, to be honest, I thought I'd have time to finish my painting before your arrival. 
She tilted her head to better observe the brush strokes on the painting. Maybe I found a way to track you wherever you are...
You wouldn't be able to invent such technology on your own. Say Albedo, reproducing the same posture.
They looked like two adorable idiots with their heads tilted like that. y/n let out a soft but honest laugh. That's true, but I still have my powers. She manifested a small breeze which moved the rebellious locks of the alchemist. What did Venti say? May the Wind bless you?
That would be a very poetic explanation… but still a lie.
A silence settled. Silence, during which Albedo added new colors to his old painting, as if he wanted to prolong its life a few more moments. As he rinsed his brush, y/n spoke in a somewhat shy tone.
I saw that you looked at this painting carefully when we were shopping together last time... With the content of your letter, the rest was easy to guess.
This confession admitted that she observed the alchemist attentively. From the corner of her eye, she watched his reaction. His gaze was still focused on his painting, he dipped his brush in a new color and added it to the painting in a precise gesture. His face was unfazed, as always. y/n couldn't guess what he might be thinking.
This explanation also contains… a form of poetry. He turned his attention to the young woman, and when their eyes met, her cheeks grew a little red. Am I wrong if I conclude that you seem to have a special interest in me, Y/n?
For some strange reason, y/n felt that the atmosphere between them today was… special. Was it possible that Albedo was trying...to seduce her? The thought made her already crimson cheeks blush even more. Her heart skipped a beat. What was she supposed to say in response to that? Yes, Albedo interested her. Since the first moment she had seen him in his laboratory at Dragonspine, his face had never left her mind. He represented an inexhaustible source of interest for her. His talent for painting and alchemy, his endless knowledge of the secrets of this world, his unreal beauty... Each of his actions, his words, represented an enigma for her. A mystery she wanted to solve. It was now almost two years since they start traveled together with Aether. They had explored the countless islands of Inazuma, crossed the furthest reaches of Sumeru and discovered Fontaine's technologies. They lived together, shared the same meals, spent whole nights discussing the world and his secrets... However, Albedo was always like a book written in a forbidden language she could not decipher. Predicting his next words, his thoughts, the image he might have of her was completely impossible. So, what she could possibly say to him?
What about you, do you have any interest in me? She asked quietly. She reflected the image of a calm and confident person. In truth, she was just copying the behaviors of her interlocutor.
Albedo turned his attention back to the painting. His clear eyes seemed to be searching for an answer in the lines he had placed on the canvas. After a few moments, he smiled, and that smile amazed the young woman. You are a never-ending source of interest for me. Like a thousand-color painting. If I understood humans better, I could have made a watercolor painting of your emotions. With the whole range of emotions that I had the opportunity to see on your features. It would be a magnificent painting... He turned his attention back to her. But I don't think it would be equal to the reality.
Everything about that moment was magical. The sunlight reflecting on his hair, the colors of nature around them, the softness of the sea breeze... His eyes so blue and piercing. It was like seeing a painting in reality. Albedo had this talent for making everything unreal. Through his words, the tone of his voice, his gestures... As if he was manipulating the world around him to create the perfect atmosphere and timing. Anybody could only be amazed by a man like him. He was perfection brought to life. And this perfection took all the words from her lips. At this moment, y/n understands the true meaning of “being mesmerized by someone”.
I wonder what color I could add in your fissures. He said softly, placing a hand on her cheek.
You already add one… Every time I saw you, it's like I discover a new color of my own emotions. She said with eyes full of love, devotion and fascination.
I’m glad to hear it. He said while bringing her face closer. It’s something really mysterious for me. What I feel for you. I always thought I could not really feel emotions. Only expressing myself through arts… But when I’m with you, I sometimes wonder if I am not, perhaps, a human. He kissed her with a gentle passion. I really like the painting you had done of me… 
A painting I can call You and I.
Happy Birthday, Albedo !
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melodyschaos · 2 years
Hello, you probably get this a lot but I really enjoy reading your Lego Monkie Kid content of Character x reader!
May I have a request of Sun Wukong or Macaque x Reader, Soulmate/ Reincarnation. (Pronouns: They/them)
You have free inspiration in how the soulmate s/o passed when they'll be reincarnated in Mk's time.
Please take your time and hope you are having a great day! Thank you!
It was during meditation. Both monkeys coincidentally had been clearing their minds when it appeared. From the darkness behind their closed eyes came a flutter of red. When they focused, the red became a soft string that danced around them. They both reached out for it, but it began to flutter away. Following it, they left their bodies behind and soared over the city. At one point, they glimpsed each other, gold and purple respectively. When they did the red appeared again, connecting the both of them by the wrists. Still it continued on in front of them. Both of them continued flying after it, until they came to a simple enough home in the city. Flying to the window, what they first saw was Y/N laying in their bed asleep. When the red string curled around their head, it suddenly revealed a very familiar set of robes, flowing black hair. The monkeys felt a warmth begin to growing in their chest, familiarity of something old and forgotten....
With a flash of red, they both were snapped from their respective trances. A name was seared into their minds from centuries past: Hua Jian.
Hua Jian had been a friend of Wukong and Macaque. Often they would visit for games, food, and (to Jian's consternation) loved to mess with the villagers with various pranks. The three had been close, and both monkeys had begun feeling more than platonic about their friend. Sadly, their mischief would come back to haunt them. Sickened of the monkey demons' trickery, the magistrate had tracked down the mischievous duo, who would always return to Jian's home to hide out after they caused their chaos. The magistrate had concluded that Jian must be some sort of dark sorcerer, with no trial or further investigation. When the monkeys next went to visit their friend, they were horrified to see their house aflame with villagers cheering in delight. Wukong had used his Phoenix Eyes to search for Jian, but found that they were too late. In a fit of rage, the two had slaughtered the entire village, young and old. The guilt of Hua's death almost swallowed them whole.
Now it seemed they had a second chance. They'd known the Wheel of Reincarnation would eventually re-birth Hua, but they'd been too absorbed in their own lives to remember.
After this night, the two began seeking out Y/N, spending more time with them with minimal arguments (much to the surprise of any spectators). There was a silent agreement of not fighting over Y/N, no matter what happened. When they were sure their feelings would be reciprocated, they both bought Y/N a ring of promise: Amethyst from Macaque and yellow diamond from Wukong.
They likewise would never mention Y/N's past life. The rings' promise would be that they would never fight over Y/N's affections, and would fight until their last immortal breaths keeping them safe if necessary.
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datauthorress · 7 months
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pairing: alexander anderson / original female character
summary: while on a solo mission to destroy a pack of ghouls and their vampire master, shelby encounters anderson and a whole bunch of feelings come out.
rating: e
warnings: explicit sexual content, smut, MINORS DNI, 18+, religious quotes, tempting a priest, priest kink, size kink, large cock, belly bulge. mention of previous sexual encounters, some degradation.
shelby had been sent on a solo mission to a small village in germany while alucard had been sent off to ireland with seras. shelby had enough experience now to be able to go on solo missions, but was given orders to back out if iscariot arrived. being immune to vampirism had its perks, especially when said perks came in the form of a guardian demon, and the psychic abilities.
         alucard had been the one to guard her and watch her during her first few missions and they had settled into a strange relationship of sex, emotions and feeding. and they had already encountered anderson a handful of times, the priest given orders to bring shelby into iscariot, by forceful means if necessary, due to her immunity to vampirism. according to anderson, they wanted to use her to their advantage. which shelby wasn’t going to let happen and neither would alucard.
         as shelby shot down the vampire in front of her, a ghoul came up from behind and as she turned, grabbed her arm and bit down hard, rotting teeth piercing through her clothing and digging deep into her skin.
         “ow,” she grunted, before shooting the ghoul in the head.
         it turned to ash as its vampire master died, as did the other ghouls in the hallway. she slipped her gun back into its holster and glanced at her arm, as blood dripped down from the wound.
         “that’s looks deep, miss o’viere.”
         shelby recognized the voice quite easily by the scottish accent and glanced down the hallway, seeing the large frame of anderson standing there. “i’ve had worse injuries,” she replied, fishing out a roll of clean bandages so she could wrap her arm up. she used her teeth to tighten the bandages so they could put enough pressure on the wound. “vampire’s already dead, priest. there’s no need for you to be here,”
         “i didn’t come here to kill the vampire,” he answered, beginning to walk towards her.
         “let me guess,” she said, rolling her eyes. “you’re here to take me to iscariot. i’m not going, anderson. i’ve gotta head back to london.”
         “my orders are to bring you in, with force if necessary.” anderson spoke.
         “you can try, father.” she said, hearing the soft hissing sound of her guardian making himself known.
         anderson tossed a bayonet at her and she deflected it easily by moving off to the side and rushing towards him. she dodged another one, landing on the ground once she got close to him to sweep his legs out from underneath him, but he moved out of the way and aimed to grab her arm. shelby used a wave of telekinesis to repel the priest away from her, before she lunged towards him and shifted herself onto her hands to use her legs to kick at him, landing a hard kick at his stomach and pushing him back before jumping back onto her feet. as she pulled out her hunting knife, anderson threw a bayonet at her and due to it being blessed, it caught her in the cheek, slicing through her defense and imbedding itself into the wall behind her.
         her guardian hissed and shelby felt blood trailing in rivulets down her cheek. she glared at the priest and made her way forward once more, aiming to stab him in the neck, but anderson ducked down and shot out his leg. his foot slammed into her stomach, causing bile to rise in her throat. she spat up blood from the sudden, rough hit and it threw her across the hallway, to which she rolled until she was nearly at the end of it.
         damn, that was going to leave a nice-sized bruise.
         shelby coughed, a dribble of blood rolling down her chin. as she struggled to get up, anderson was on her, his large frame pinning hers to the floor. she snarled and rose her left fist to punch him in the face, but before she could, a bayonet impaled her hand to the ground.
         she screamed in agony and struggled for a moment before the pain lanced through her entire arm. she groaned, blood pooling from the wound. she turned her gaze up to anderson, glaring up at him. “bastard,” she hissed.
         “i don’t want to hurt you, but you left me with no choice.” anderson droned.
         “you know what’s going to happen if you take me to iscariot?” shelby asked. “alucard will hunt you down, will hunt iscariot down and slaughter all of you without hesitation. he will burn the vatican to the ground if it meant keeping me safe. do you want to lose everyone you love and care for, priest?”
         “the will of god will not take us where the grace of god cannot sustain us,” anderson quoted.
         “don’t quote that religious bullshit to me, father.” shelby growled. “you know very well i don’t believe in god,”
         “yet you wear a rosary around your arm,” he pointed out.
         “it’s a requirement, for my protection. my guardian may not be affected by it, but it keeps away other vampires.” shelby replied.
         anderson’s green eyes locked with her hazel ones and his hand, which had already been on her shoulder to keep her down, maneuvered across her shoulder and up to her neck, where his powerful fingers slowly closed around her neck. she was so fragile, and one move could snap her neck if he desired.
         shelby’s breath hitched as she felt the priest’s hand closed around her throat, not quite choking, but just applying enough pressure to keep her down. she had a moment of realization and grinned. “is that what this is about, father?”
         “what are you going on about, girl?”
         “don’t deny it, priest. you want to fuck me.” she said, laughing softly.
         his eyes widened slightly. “how dare you-?”
         “don’t act like you don’t know, father.” shelby said. “i see the look in your eyes, especially when its both myself and alucard fighting you. you remember what took place last time, yeah? alucard knew you wanted to fuck me, and you got to and you loved it.”
         “salacious whore, how dare you mock me?” anderson snapped. “my vows were broken because of you.”
         “you broke your own vows, anderson.” shelby grinned. “i didn’t force you to break them.”
         his grip around her neck tightened slightly and shelby inhaled sharply, feeling her air supply sustained. she already felt the warmth pooling in her body and when she realized just how close he was to her, she lifted her knee and pressed it right up against his groin. a strangled gasp left his lips and shelby already felt him becoming hard.
         “see what i mean?” she asked. “you want me, anderson. you didn’t get enough last time.”
         “you enjoyed it far more than i did,” he hissed.
         “temptations and occasions put nothing in a man, but only draw out what was in him before,” she whispered.
         anderson glowered down at her, his free hand reaching up to grasp a handful of her short, dark locks and yanking her head back slightly. shelby hissed at the sensation but didn’t have time to protest as the large man leaned down and pressed his lips to hers in a kiss of pent-up aggression and sexual tension. shelby didn’t push him away and as her eyes closed, she tilted her head to better mold their lips together, returning the kiss with just as much intensity.
         damn, maybe she did have a thing for priests.
         she pressed her knee harder against his groin, his clothed erection growing stiffer inside his trousers. it took little to get him going, seeing that he hadn’t had much sexual activity until the last time they met. her lips parted and he took it as an invitation to deepen the kiss further, tongue slipping in to stroke against hers.
         after a few moments of kissing, shelby was the first to pull away with a soft chuckle. “getting your kicks, father?”
         “shut up,” he said and removed the hand he had in her hair, reaching up to yank the bayonet out of her hand.
         shelby groaned, already feeling nerve damage in her hand. as anderson locked their lips together once more, shelby was able to move her hands and she tangled one in his hair, grip tightening in the blond strands and the other grasping at the shoulder of his cloak. his hand cupped the back of her neck, grasping to keep her close against him. shelby felt the strength in his hands, felt how powerful he was and how much bigger he was than her. alucard was already twice her size, being over a foot taller than her, yet anderson was still a few inches over alucard.
         and damn, she already knew she had a thing for big, powerful men holding her down.
         she released a muffled mewl as she felt his knee press against her, whether it was an accident or not, she was enjoying the contact and feeling heat curl through her body. it wasn’t like she didn’t get sex on the regular. she was getting laid almost every day, sometimes twice or three times a day when it was just her and alucard. but she knew that before their last encounter, anderson had been a virgin.
         and it appeared as though he had been doing some research.
         “mmph, been doin’ research, father?” she teased.
         “shut up,” he said, grasping her hair once more and yanking her head back to expose her neck to him.
         anderson saw various bite marks and bruises along the flesh of her neck, seeing a patch of them focused on her pulse point. it made his stomach curl as he saw those marks, knowing very well who they were from. his eyes narrowed and he leaned down, closing his mouth over a patch of tender flesh in the crook of her neck. shelby sighed softly at the contact, reaching with her free hand to pull apart her tie, loosening it completely and letting it hang from her neck. she went for her button-up shirt next, undoing the first couple of buttons and give anderson a sneak of what he could have.
         “temptress,” he growled.
         “but you’re not stopping,” she said. “you’re allowed to touch.”
         as anderson returned to focus his attention on her neck, shelby reached up to his collar and pulled on the white collar, letting it slip out of one color so she could work on pulling his clothing open. anderson didn’t seem to stop her, so she worked on the first few buttons of his shirt before his hand came up, dwarfing her own and slammed her hand back down onto the floor.
         shelby couldn’t help but smirk. alucard’s teasing attitude was starting to affect her. “don’t want me to touch you, priest?”
         “you ripped my clothes the last time,” he snarked.
         “i wasn’t going to this time,” shelby pouted softly. “but fine,”
         shelby removed her hand from its grip on his hair and slid her other hand out from underneath his so she could unbutton her shirt the rest of the way, all the way down to her waist. the last encounter they had, anderson couldn’t stop roving his hands across her tattoos, the ones that spread over both of her arms and her collarbone. as soon as her flesh was in anderson’s gaze, she heard him swallow thickly.
         “i know you like my tattoos,” she said with a soft grin.
         anderson had to resist the temptation to touch her skin, at least, for now. but the hand that had slid back into his hair and yanked him up into another kiss meant shelby had different ideas. as his lips parted against hers, shelby made quick work of his shirt, pushing them open so she could feel the warm, hard muscle. alucard was cold, lithe and slender, while anderson was warm as any other human and built more muscular.
         shelby’s hand continued further down until she reached his waist. she bit down on his bottom lip and slipped her hand down further, grasping the large bulge. the priest gasped against her mouth, his cheeks tinging pink. she knew he was sensitive, but she was too. even despite having lost her virginity months ago, her body was still not used to sex quite yet.
         “you’ve been wanting this for a while, haven’t you, father?” she asked softly against his lips.
         she unbuckled his belt, pulled apart the button and pulled the zipper down, not surprised to see him fully erect as it flopped out of his trousers. anderson pulled out of the kiss and instead placed his head beside hers, a soft noise leaving him. shelby curled her fingers around the head of his cock, giving a singular stroke, fingers touching the already weeping slit. “that’s it, anderson…” she said against his ear. “poor thing, you’ve been keeping it back for a few weeks now.”
         “mmph…” was all he could say.
         she bit down on her bottom lip, knowing he wasn’t going to be able to get inside her without any sort of prep. alucard was big, if not bigger, and had the ability to shapeshift into any size and form that he wanted. which made for interesting nights.
         “take off your gloves. you’re not fucking me with your fingers with those on,” she said.
         anderson grunted against her and removed the glove off his left hand with his teeth. after a moment, he moved both hands down to get her jeans down, followed by her underwear and moved them out of one thigh. he scoffed when his fingers found her core, already warm and slick with her own arousal.
         “it seems you’ve been wanting this for a while, too.” he pointed out, fingers parting the soft folds of her core.
         shelby’s breath hitched and she felt a soft wave of pleasure course through her. “mmgh, you did such a good job last time that maybe i’ve been wanting a repeat.”
         his eyes narrowed and he slid his fingers down further, finding the entrance of her core already slick and ready. he knew he was large, larger than the average man, but proportionate to his body size. without waiting, he pressed a thick digit inside her, feeling how soft her inner walls were. shelby arched her hips, her eyes fluttering shut at the sensation. his touch felt much better without gloves.
         he slipped in a second not too long afterwards, pressing them in deeper, practically gliding into her due to how wet she was. shelby was letting out soft noises, her cheeks becoming redder with every ministration. he even seemed to remember the most sensitive part of her, her clit, and twisted his fingers – causing her to cry out softly – so he could add his thumb onto the swollen bud above her entrance.
         “mmg….s-stop, stop. i’ll cum too fast,” she said, a bit breathless.
         anderson removed his hand from her and shelby shifted herself so she could lift her legs onto the older man’s hips. “well? come on, show me what you got.” she demanded.
         “ever so demanding,” he snapped, his hands grabbing the underneath of both of her knees and lifting them higher into the air. his cock throbbed, the large vein prominent on the side as he lifted himself and leveled with her soaked core.
         shelby knew it was going to be a bit of a stretch at first. she was about to snap at him to hurry up, but before she could, the head of his cock breached her body. she gasped, back arching and instinctively tightened up before she willed her body to relax. anderson seemed affected as well, his face red as he slipped further into her tight body. he was about halfway in when he paused, his hands trembling.
         “f-fuck,” she moaned, already feeling so full. he was only halfway in and she could nearly feel him in her stomach. “ah….a-anderson, you feel so…ngh…good…”
         anderson turned his eyes down, unable to help but watch as he pulled back a few inches and then pushed back in, punching a moan out of shelby’s throat and his own, as he slid in deeper. damnit, she did feel really good…
         it took a good few more thrusts before he was able to hilt himself right down to the base, his entire cock swallowed by her body. he shuddered at her warmth and repositioned his hands, his right hand molded around her hip and the other, along with his arm, wrapped around her right thigh. when he felt her relax, he pulled back about halfway before thrusting back into her and beginning a bit of a clumsy, but steady pace.
         despite anderson’s inexperience, shelby still felt waves of pleasure coursing through her. he was so large, that when she looked down her body, she could see her belly distending with each thrust of his cock inside her. she knew it would happen, but seeing it made her all the more aroused. she let her head hit the floor, breathing hard as he stroked across her sweet spot. “faster,” she gritted out.
         “i don’t think you’re in any position to make demands of me, girl.” anderson growled, removing his hand from her hip to instead wrap it around her fragile neck.
         shelby choked, her air supply cut off slightly as he squeezed. “this is what you wanted, isn’t it?” he asked, tilting his hips and ramming deep into her, causing her to choke out a cry. “does your vampire lover not give you enough, so you turned to me to fill what he couldn’t?”
         “y-you came here while i was on a mission!” she gasped out, tears welding in the corners of her eyes as she already felt her body on the edge of orgasm.
         “you pathetic whore,” he snarled, voice strained as he felt his orgasm quickly approaching.
         with a hard strike to her sweet spot, shelby released a hoarse cry and came hard, her orgasm crashing over her like a violent tidal wave and causing her to tighten around anderson like a fucking vice.
         the priest gritted his teeth, feeling tears in his own eyes as the ecstasy of his climax overwhelmed him. he spilled into her, thick ropes of cum painting the walls of her core and causing her belly to bulge from his release.
         both of them breathed hard and shaky, taking a few moments to catch their breathing. shelby, once aware of her surroundings, gasped as anderson slipped out of her, still hard despite his orgasm. she could feel cum seeping out of her body and sliding down the cleft of her ass.
         “you better not be done, i-hey!”
         a yelp was startled out of her as anderson pulled on her arm and rolled her onto her stomach, to which she gasped as he grabbed onto her hips and pulled her lower half into the air. she didn’t have time to prepare as anderson placed himself back at her core and pushed in, quickly filling her right to the hilt. shelby moaned, squeezing her eyes shut as pleasure crashed through her.
         hands molded around her biceps, pulling her upper half up and causing the cock inside her to shift, pressing up against her belly. “y-you’re getting – ngh – better at this, anderson.” she panted.
         “you tempt me, girl, with your lewd commentary,” anderson gritted, his hips beginning with a punishing pace that already had her tightening around him. “you’re at fault for making me like this.”
         “it’s not my fault you’ve been wanting to fuck me for over a month now!” she laughed, drool seeping down the side of her mouth as the pleasure increased tenfold. “that sounds like a you problem, father.”
         he snarled and forced her arms behind her back, holding onto both of her wrists with one large hand while the other took a handful of her hair, yanking her head back roughly.
         “f-fuck!” she cried out, unable to do anything but take everything he gave her and more. she never imagined anderson would actually take the initiative and go off on his own. for someone with a newly discovered libido, he was learning quickly. “a-anderson, if you keep that up, i’m….i’m gonna…”
         “go on, let god see how desperate you are for my cock,” he demanded, grinding the head of his cock against her g-spot.
         liquid fire coursed through her veins, igniting them with embers as her orgasm came crashing into her. her cry bordered on a desperate scream, the walls of her tight cunt tightening around anderson once more, wetness gushing and dripping down her shaking legs. anderson released a deep moan, pushing deep into the young woman’s body and met his second orgasm of the night, filling her to the brim until it began to spill out of her and down her thighs onto the floor.
         shelby trembled, tears rolling down her cheeks from the overwhelming sensations. it felt so good, and she didn’t want it to stop.
         anderson pulled back once more and made himself sit down against the wall with a heavy sigh. shelby wasn’t done. not yet. she stood on shaky legs, walking over to the priest and situating herself on his lap, to which he looked at her with slightly wide eyes.
         “i’m not done,” she whispered, reaching behind her to take hold of his slick cock.
         anderson grunted, pressing his head back against the wall as the young woman guided him into her and she moaned at the sensation of being filled once more. he was sensitive, but still so hard. shelby took the initiative this time, beginning to rock her hips as his hands made purchase on her hips. he could see himself disappearing into her body with each thrust. when he turned his gaze to her face, he couldn’t help but think of what a beautiful young woman she was.
         her hands slid up from his bare chest and up to his face, where she cupped his scruffy cheeks and leaned in, molding her lips to his in a deep kiss. he submitted to her, his arms winding up to wrap around her back and keep her close as she worked on achieving both of their orgasms.
         “a….alexander,” she breathed, increasing her pace of fucking herself on his cock.
         “you say my name so beautifully,” he groaned, tightening his grip on her and resuming the kiss.
         it wasn’t long before she was shaking, and her breathing became erratic and she slammed down once more, crying out his name as pleasure crashed through both of them and throwing them into their final climaxes. he spilled into her, groaning into her shoulder, and holding her flush against him as his orgasm coursed through his sensitive body.
         shelby eventually collapsed against him, her face pressed into his broad shoulder, trembling in his hold. his gloveless hand cupped the back of her head, fingers stroking through the soft strands to try and help her through the overstimulation.
         it had to be ten, maybe fifteen minutes before shelby finally gathered the strength to lift herself off of him. cum seeped down her thighs thickly and she pulled her head back, her gaze meeting his. anderson looked soft like this, in the aftermath of his orgasm.
         her gaze softened. he would make a fine lover to the right person.
         shelby pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips before she stood, her legs still trembling. anderson stood up next, fixing his clothing and watching as she cleaned herself to the best of her ability with what she had and pulled her underwear and jeans back on.
         “i’m not going to iscariot.” she said, buttoning her shirt up.
         “i know,” he said, picking his gloves up from the floor and slipping them back on. “this time, i’ll let you go. but when we meet next, i will have no choice but to force you to come back with me.”
         “hmmph, we’ll see, father.” she said, smoothing her hair back away from her face. “you owe me for the nerve damage in my hand,”
         she turned around when she felt his large hand on her shoulder and glanced up at him. anderson leaned down and pressed his lips to hers in a soft, tender kiss that she hadn’t known he could do. she recuperated it before parting from him.
         “until next time, miss o’viere.” anderson spoke and began walking away.
         “til next time, anderson.” she said softly and walked in the opposite direction of him.
         when shelby walked outside, she immediately lit a cigarette and blew smoke out of her mouth, taking in the fresh air. seconds later, she felt gloved hands on her shoulders, the tall frame of alucard appearing behind her.
         “did you have fun, my dear?” he asked, a grin on his features.
         “you saw the whole thing, didn’t you?” shelby asked, looking at him from over her shoulder.
         “of course. seras and i finished early and i came to check up on you.” alucard replied, pressing his nose into her hair, nuzzling into it. “looks like you and anderson had fun,”
         “i don’t know if i would call it fun.” she said, taking another drag of her cigarette.
         alucard walked until he was in front of her, observing the cut on her cheek and then taking her left hand in his so he could observe the wound. “there will be nerve damage,”
         “anderson owes me for that,” shelby said, taking the few steps forwards until alucard was folding her into his coat, pressing her against his chest to keep her arm.
         “let’s go home, my dear.” he said.
         “yeah, let’s.”
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bloodsworn-marshal · 1 year
YOTP February Prompt: Established Relationship/Long Distance
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“I must away for a few days time… potentially longer depending on how tempers currently fare.” An abrupt declaration over linkpearl as the flame marshal was on the way back home to pack a bag for his leave. A swift one it would be at that—the moment he had his belongings ready, he would be out the gates in a flash. Headed straight for his destination without pause or opportunity to turn back.
This mission was urgent.
So sudden was the news did Pipin catch his beloved unawares as she had stepped away from her workspace, finding a quiet corner in the back of her storefront and closing the door behind herself for privacy. Worry exuding as she wondered the need for the rushing off and so quickly.
“What happened, if I may…?” Adede tapped the linkpearl close to her ear, listening intently before she allowed herself to think of it any further. “How far will you be?”
“In deepest depths of Thanalan’s desert… tensions have risen as rival Amalj’aan clans clash between one another. For a multitude of reasons I imagine. And none so easily quelled without my presence.” Pipin sighed into the linkpearl, clearly exasperated already with the situation without giving too much detail. “The southern front Flames have done their best, but tis time for me to step in. For however long necessary.”
Twas a sudden escalation that came from a particular Amalj’aan tribe out in the furthest wilds of Thanalan. Now that Ul’dah and her countrymen were open to peacemaking with the outer tribes such as those of Paglth'an and the Brotherhood of Ash, others who had yet to fully agree to negotiations were slowly festering ill intent.
Accusations that other tribes were favored more than another. Why was this tribe included and not theirs? Or even further, some still yet refused to accept an olive branch back into association with Ul’dah as a whole. Calling their kin betrayers that would turn on their own neighbors, while relations between local tribes was already blood for blood as is.
So little peace between their lots. Their acceptance was not so easily garnered. Not unless the Flame General himself strode up to the field to batter up. For most negotiations went through chieftains around here. Such was his presence necessary…
“I know not exactly when I shall return, but I would apprise you of any updates at every free moment I have.”
And so he would be gone. Not for a long time when compared to the days of war in Ala Mhigan lands or Ghimlyt Dark. But still the longest they’ve had to deal with in awhile after entering so fresh and new an era of peace.
“I shall await your call at any time.” Adede swore with no qualms. Pipin could not ignore his duty after all. As cold and lonely as one’s abode and bed might be for a time. “You need not worry about happenings at home. May your trip be safe and well…”
“I shall let you know once I’ve arrived. Or at worse, call you at moment’s reprieve.” A pause followed… shortly adding in a quiet “I love you. Tell me should anything happen in my absence.
A soft smile graced Adede’s face as she answered with kindest “I love you too.”
The linkpearl clicked off. And so they would part for days to come. Ringing back familiar memories of olden times in the summers they first met. How this wouldn’t be the last of disturbances in their lives, for how oft duty called.
The first call came in late at night right before what would normally be bedtime for the pair.
“I hope I have not disturbed.”
“Never would a call of yours disturb me.”
Pipin explained from the get go the circumstances in further detail. He arrived around sundset upon their station in the Sagolii Desert to a disturbance just outside of the small village. Two different clans of Amalj’aa were face to face, bearing weapons in their hands with threats and swears thrown in the air for all to hear. Just as he feared from reports, they may as well have been at each others throats and were raring to go—the only thing holding them back being the Flame allies keeping things at peace as best they could.
He had jumped in at the right time and managed to part the tribes for the time being. With much convincing and promise for negotiations on his part (as well as a show of strength to force a cease), they would wait on the morrow for further talks.
“They did not wish to back off, but they are prone to accept defeat by my hands and wait a little longer.” As tired as Pipin sounded, he couldn’t help but huff a laugh. Between the rough tribes, so many disputes were solved with shows of strength with a bout of muscle—and the Flame General was always ever pleased to oblige
“You are unhurt then?” Adede sounded relieved, though prayed that Pipin would speak up should anything serious have truly happened.
“Aye. There is peace. For now… I fear my days shall be busy lessening all associated tempers.”
“Take care in remembering to rest here and there…” A statement that all too oft applied to them both. Concern for one another’s health while keeping busy on their own regardless. As was the life of these two workaholics. “I hope they’ll be feeding you plenty during your stay.
“As they did when the both of us were taking refuge here those summers past. Might have even improved since last I’ve been!”
Chuckles and laughter here and there as they situated into smaller talks. Such as how Adede’s day had gone, what she’d had for dinner, if the house felt too dark or open with one last person to occupy it. With promise to talk more as the days go by… for Pipin was exhausted after the rush there and needed for sleep.
“Tomorrow then.” They would swear before following up with ‘goodnights’ and ‘I love yous’.
Such as the days would go by in similar fashion. Pipin would call at convenient opportune times for himself. Typically in early morn or in late evening. Adede would readily answer his call, busy or no. If she happened to be caught at a bad time, she would shuffle away from whatever she was doing before settling into long conversation.
‘How were things going?’
‘Had anything happened?’
‘Any developments?’
‘I miss you…’
The same questions on either end. With not much happening on Adede’s side of the desert whereas Pipin had all the plenty to share given his circumstances.
But when all was said and done business wise, he spoke fondly to Adede as though they were sitting right next to one another. As though they were not malms upon malms apart. Speaking freely about what he wanted to do when he got home, what sort of meal he missed, a particular place he wanted to go, if Adede had plans on a certain day when he returned.
All that and so much more.
“Commander Swift calls in sometimes and while he wishes me well after giving a status report, he also warns me about the number of calls I might be making. Can you believe…”
Adede would laugh and listen intently to each and every word. Just as she had those many years ago when they were ever further apart. To the point that some days the connection could not be made at times, leaving one to wonder the other’s fate. To be able to sit here now, knowing all was well and not so far off should anything happen… lightened the load on her heart and then some.
“Come home soon.” She would say at conversation’s end. “And take care of yourself. I shall ever be waiting… and I miss you.”
“I miss you too. Just wait a little longer.”
At long last did negotiations come to an end. A relative peace to have as clans became allies and treaties were formed.  For every contest thrown the general’s way, no matter how difficult or far-fetched, he met them head on. Succeeding in every task and leaving no room for foul play.
Times were different now and they knew that. No more summonings need be had. No more blood need be shed. Catch up now with the changing times, or risk having the full brunt of the Immortal Flames come down upon their heads now that they were no longer as much of a nuisance.
Begrudging or not, the chieftains agreed to all that transpired. For Pipin’s part, he was mighty tired after being tasked so greatly. In both mental and physical sense. The ride home was a rush, but not nearly so urgent. Taking in the quiet moments of him and nature, the trotting of his chocobo companion, and worries slowly sifting away to the back of his mind.
Another step towards a brighter future.
So fondly did the marshal look upon Ul’dah’s gates as he approached. What once was a cage, dark and binding… now resembling that of which he could call home. Welcoming him in kindly embrace, despite that many daggers that still hid beneath its cover. With each single one disappearing as time went on, one after the other, slowly but surely. Twas not a paradise that had changed overnight… Yet he saw to it to better it one day at a time.
Reports were to be made upon arrival. Catching the captains and commanders up on the ending resolutions that hadn’t already made its way there. Formal writing to make official their actions and all that transpired. As quill finished meeting paper, Pipin awayed for the remainder of the day. After all: He had already let a certain someone know he’d be back today.
“I’m home.” He called upon entering the familiar doorway to their abode, belongings slung over his shoulder in the one or two backpacks he allowed himself on the journey.
What answer there was to be had came in the form of a rushing motion. Arms wrapping swiftly and tightly around one’s frame, just about enough to knock the wind out of any normal person. There Adede was, a bright smile upon her face as she remained close. “Welcome home!”
Pipin couldn’t help but smile in turn, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her close in warmest embrace.
Welcome home indeed…
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writingmaidenwarrior · 2 months
The Cards We Got Dealt - Sin Eaters AU
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After I was debating with myself weather I write this epilogue or not, I decided to do it and take the silly campy path. Bear with me here lol
Have fun @cljordan-imperium @noblebs @jezifster
May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future. Jimi Hendrix
The trading post was nothing like it had been described to Talindra by those who had been here. The bare skeleton of what could become a village made of the warehouse and the huge tavern that was the heart of it that got surrounded by a few small houses clearly got some meat on its metaphorical bones with the base structures of more houses scattered wherever she looked. The first colorful leaves of fall already moved between the building and were a sign to finish those houses soon before the first fall storms would come.
“Feeling better?”
Talindra turned to her mother whose face still showed signs of worry. The urge to roll her eyes was strong but she suppressed it.
“Yeah, it was probably just the lack of sleep.”
“I told you; you need to watch out for you. What shall your dear Wynthan think of you when he arrives today, and you lay ill?”
“Mom, please… I am more worried how worried he might be if you tell him.”
Pleased with everything her mother snickered and patted her head as if Talindra was still a little girl. Hectic she stepped aside.
“New Arrivals!,” the guard from the watchtower yelled over the trading post.
Excited, Talindra jumped aside and ran to the gate that led to the side of the former Earth Seeker clan territory. The crow that arrived two days earlier announced Wynthan’s arrival with his mother and his sister Delythea, who refused to stay home despite being a new mother.
Out of breath and with a broad smile she waited at the gate. Wynthan was easy to spot right in front of the group. A little bundle wrapped around his torso made Talindra wonder until she spotted the woman next to him and the clear familiar similarities between them. It was an easy guess he was either made a babysitter or demanded to be it. His face light up when he spotted her and motioned to the little bundle on his torso as a nonverbal apology he couldn’t ran over to her.
The whole group around him noticed it and laughing Talindra watched how his sister made him stop and took her child back to give him the chance to meet up with Talindra before the others.
Long moments later, she found herself in his arms again, greeted with a soft but greedy kiss.
“I missed you,” he breathed into the kiss, breaking it just long enough to talk.
Talindra chuckled into it while she allowed herself to fall into him once again. Wynthan picked her up as if she weighed nothing. They ignored the snickers and whispered remarks around them until breathing was urgently necessary. She rested her head on his shoulder with a sigh.
“I missed you, too.”
“We could tell.”
Wynthan’s groan made her laugh. Slowly he let her down again but didn’t let go of her before he could steal another short kiss.
His sister had spoken while rocking the baby gently. The warriors and a few others who accompanied them gathered around him and Talindra in a half-circle.
“Delythea, Mom, this is Talindra as you could guess,” he spoke with a small, embarrassed smile.
Just then an older woman appeared from the crowd who still held herself with the air of a clan leader, but her eyes were soft.
“You are the poor one my coal brain of a son kept waiting so long. I am Kimesnin.”
“I wouldn’t say he was a coal brain because of this since…”
The rest of her sentence got suffocated by the tightest hug Talindra ever experienced from another woman.
“Since what?” Kimesnin asked laughing.
“I wasn’t better? In some weird way we both got dealt the same fates.”
“This big ox couldn’t shut up about this,” Delythea teased and tilted her head questioning.
The little one in her arms decided this was a perfect moment to announce her presence as well.
“I guess little Mylthamis wants to say hallo as well.”
Curious, Talindra stretched her neck, only to find herself with the little buddled up girl in her arms a moment later. Looking for help she searched for Wynthan who bit his lip with laughing eyes.
“Now you know how I happen to carry the little cutie.”
“Don’t act like she hasn’t wrapped you around her tiny fingers already,” Delythea joked, followed by a gentle hit against his shoulder.
“I leave you alone for a few moments and you already find the only baby in the camp,” her mother arrived as well.
Talindra could have done without her teasing, especially since it wasn’t her fault children happen to gather around her easily.
���That sounds like there is a story behind it,” Kimesnin chuckled.
“There is. I am Endiphal, the mother of this coal brain. The smarter one is running around somewhere.”
“Meri is here, too?” Wynthan wondered aloud.
Suddenly, Talindra was glad she had the baby in her arms because it kept her from strangling her mother.
“She is. The last days she had been busy organizing the house building with some of the others,” feeling the weird wave of nausea again she had been battling the whole day Talindra carefully handed little Mylthamis back to her mother “Give me a second. I need to sit down.”
Before she could even say one more word Wynthan grabbed her elbow and helped her to the bench close by. Kimesnin ensure the group spread out and found places to stay together with Endiphal while Delythea stayed back with her partner.
“You alright?”
Wynthan’s worried face was exactly what she tried to avoid.
“Yeah, just feeling nauseous a little. I should keep better track of what I eat and how much I sleep. Already got multiple lectures on this.”
She did her best to not roll her eyes as she explained the situation. Delythea took the free space next to her.
“Why are you working yourself to dust like this?”
“There was just so much to do…”
Colorful lights danced in front of Talindra as her body started to feel funny, like it wasn’t hers anymore. Willfully deep and long breaths worsened things instead of being helpful. She let her head drop back with a groan.
“I hate this.”
“You look pale as snow…” Wynthan stated, audibly worried.
“No surprise.”
She felt Delythea next to her move a little.
“Silmkryn, you know you way around here, don’t you? Could you get some water and some fruits?”
“Sure. Nat, I will need your help.”
Talindra felt his hesitation. The slight shuffle to the side, the way his shadow fell on her with her eyes closed, the soft, thoughtful huff were all little signs he didn’t like to leave her.
“I won’t pass out, coal brain,” she teased as good as possible.
“If you do, I will need to carry you.”
“Now you make fainting sound good.”
Delythea giggled next to her.
“Now go, you two. We need her back on her own two feet.”
The sounds of their footsteps sounded off and were gone a few breaths later. Again, Delythea changed her position. The thoughtful sound from her was surely not a good sign.
“Talindra, do you always forget eating and work yourself to dust?”
Having that kind of conversation was nothing Talindra wanted to have right now.
“Have a habit to forget things like sleep and food when I am busy, yeah.”
“Did you react like this before?”
“Nope. It’s new.”
A barely audible snickered waved over to her. Slowly, Talindra opened her eyes and moved her head to Delythea.
“It didn’t start today, did it?”
There was some strangely knowing smile on the other one’s face and Talindra knew where she was going. Deep down she knew what was wrong but refused to see the shaman until Wynthan arrived.
With narrowed eyes, Talindra took a long, deep, and loud breath before she answered to steal herself for what would follow. That was not how she expected everything of this to go. A day or two more time would have been nice.
“No, it didn’t. It started about two weeks, almost three ago. Was never as bad as today. I could deal with the bouts of dizziness in the morning.”  
“You know it, don’t you?”
“I wanted to wait for him.”
“Oh, dear gods, you are as much as a coal brain as him,” Delythea broke out laughing but somehow still managed to give Talindra a dirty look, “You work like possessed because you want it all be done in time.”
“Caught me with the hand in the honey pot.”
“You should see a shaman as soon as possible. They might be able to give you some herbs to ease it.”
“Trying to mother other people again, honey?” Silmkryn almost yelled.
He and Wynthan were still far enough to not overhear anything.
“Trying to talk this coal brain into seeing a shaman,” Delythea replied cheerful.
The wish to keep the people around her from spilling too much information helped Talindra to find back into a proper sitting position even if her stomach rebelled against it immediately and a new wave of nausea hit her.
Wynthan moved to her free side with a small jug of water and some fresh apples. She mused about the apples being probably just picked that morning before she took the jug from him.
“Please take it slower. You don’t need to do it all alone,” Wynthan stated while rubbing her back.
A part of Talindra wanted to snuggle into him right there and not appear again for the next days. Her mind on the other side threw around one idea after the other how fast she should see a shaman and how Wynthan might react and mostly, what she would need to arrange in a short time. Her head a battlefield of its own she bit into one of the apples.
“I will do my best.”
“Good. Now I like to know what your mother meant with already when she saw you with Mylthamis.”
His broad grin melted through any kind of resistance Talindra might had.
“I don’t know why but the little ones love me. Don’t know how many times I found myself surrounded by those miniature nature disasters on two legs, begging me to tell them a story or to teach them the basics of fighting.”
A chuckle escaped her as she talked about it.
“You love it,” Silmkryn snickered with a side-eye to Wynthan.
“It’s a nice change. But what’s that look to Nat?”
“Probably because I keep mom’s tradition alive that the children can always come into the clan’s house for snacks and stories.”
His death glare to Silmkryn was as good as the mental picture to imagine him being surrounded by children of all ages every day who demand a story by their clan leader. At this mental imagine, Talindra started laughing and got a piece of apple in her throat the wrong way. Coughing and laughing at the same time she bent forward, waving him off.
“Damn…,” she continued coughing, “The idea…”
“Soon you will see this every day,” Kimesnin stated.
No one noticed how she and Endiphal came back with some snacks for everyone. Only they knew where they got them.
“I guess. Somehow, it’s cute. I bet this cutie will be the spearhead every time.”
Talindra nodded to Mylthamis who yawned in a cute way that made everyone swoon for a moment. With a knowing smile Silmkryn took his daughter and let Kimesnin help him tie the little girl to his torso again.
“I think this is our call to find a place to stay,” he stated amused, “Especially since this little lovely cutie won’t be so lovely soon.”
“One of the small houses got finished yesterday. There is not much in there, but it should do for today,” Endiphal offered.
Glad her mother took care of some of the guests, Talindra sighed relaxing.
“You start to look better,” Kimesnin stated with a hint of worry in her voice.
“I feel slightly better, but I guess I should really see the shaman. I am sorry, Nat, that wasn’t how I thought your arrival would go.”
Before she could say one more word he got up and held a hand out for her with an encouraging smile. Her eyes narrowed at him she took the hand. His smirk was a telltale sign he was aware of what she thought.
“The shaman should be at the tavern. She usually is during the day to be found faster.”
“That’s smart.”
Wynthan pulled her up with enough strength Talindra ended up in his arms again.
“Trying to seduce me again?”
“Does it work?”
“You have time for this later, coal brain,” Kimesnin playfully scolded him under the chuckles of the others.
With a nod from Talindra they both slowly made their way to the heart of the small settlement to find the shaman. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed how he kept on glancing to her.
“Worried I might faint?”
“Partially, but I am also wondering about something.”
“About what?”
The little tilt of his head warned her Wynthan would either tease her now or spill something important. A serene smile on his face he nudged he softly.
“You got this warmth about you. I noticed it when I embraced you earlier.”
“Bouts of nausea, right?”
The smile grew into something excited and Talindra couldn’t help but smile herself.
“Yeah, just ask.”
“Could it be you didn’t leave alone after our little celebration?”
Wynthan snickered all the way through the sentence. She stopped, shaking her head at him.
“I don’t for sure, yet, but maybe.”
His eyes grew wide as he realized she waited for him to find out. The next moment he pulled her into a soft kiss.
“Gods, you are incredible. Do you know how much I love you?”
“I get an idea,” Talindra laughed into the kiss, “But we should find the shaman.”
“We really should.”
His excited, stupid grin kept on growing the closer they got the tavern, which was a miracle in itself because the way wasn’t long. Talindra stepped in first. Her eyes needed a moment to adjust to the dimmed light before she could glance around to find the shaman.
The long braids with hints of gray in them were easy to spot right at the first table to her right. The smell of the herbs that surrounded the elderly woman send another wave of nausea through Talindra, but she could fight it down.
“Chalindrys, that’s where you went,” Wynthan greeted her with a warmth in his voice that surprised Talindra.
“If this isn’t little Natty, what brings you here? Aren’t you supposed to lead a clan, my boy?”
Chalindrys got up with a motherly smile and hugged him tight. The next moment her gaze fell upon Talindra, and she snickered.
“Ah, I see. I was wondering, when you would come to me, my child.”
“Excuse me, what?”
With a wave of her hand, Chalindrys chuckled and motioned both to sit down.
“I may sit here most of the day but that doesn’t mean, I don’t notice things, and I clearly noticed you having some need for me. Now, I see why.”
The side eye to Wynthan made Talindra chuckle. The few days she had been around she didn’t have the time to get to know Chalindrys beforehand but decided she liked the old lady.
“So, you can help us find out if I am pregnant?”
It felt so surreal to say it out loud. Another dismissive wave of her hand later, Chalindrys started rummaging in her bag she kept beside the table.
“Nothing easier than this, my child.”
Tensed they waited for her to finish her preparations. Multiple herbs laid out on the table, along with a small needle, mortar and pestle, and a small bag.
“I am sorry, but I need some drops of blood.”
“I don’t mind,” Talindra snickered and held out a hand.
Wynthan bent forward, curious about all this. The small side glance of Chalindrys went unnoticed by him to Talindra’s amusement.
The next moment Chalindrys poked the thumb of Talindra with the needle and squeezed out a few drops into the mortar, added a few herbs and some water before she poured it all into a potion no one noticed before.
“Now we wait.”
“How long?” Wynthan asked.
“As long as it takes. I guess you must be already three months along?”
Sheepishly, Talindra bit her lip and nodded.
“That’s good. We will get a clear outcome then.”
A long silence stretched over the table until Chalindrys started to laugh.
“Don’t look like this is a funeral, my lovelies.”
“I just don’t want to get my hope too high,” Talindra admitted in a low voice.
Wynthan’s hand found hers over the table and squeezed hers.
“If this test says no, it doesn’t matter. We are still young. I am just happy to be with you again.”
His puppy look helped her feeling more at ease even if there was still a little ting to it. With so many people already suspecting her to be pregnant it would be a bummer if she wouldn’t.
The potion on the table fizzled out of the sudden, even Chalindrys jumped surprised. In a haste she grabbed the pottle and inspected it from all side.
“That is a curious thing.”
“What is so curious?” Wynthan inquired.
“Does one of you have cases of twins in your family?”
“Yeah…,” Talindra slowly confirmed.
Under amused chuckled Chalindrys put the potion back on the table and had a broad grin on her face.
“That explains a lot. The reaction is too strong that early on for just one little spark.”
Talindra jumped up, staring at Chalindrys in shock.
“Wait… you saying I am pregnant…”
“With twins as it seems. We can’t be sure until birth, but you better prepare yourself.”
Like the wind, Wynthan was by her side and hugged her tight. She got showered in kisses while her head still tried to manage the information of maybe getting twins. Gently he nudged her to move and directed her outside. In front of the tavern, he stopped with a broad smile.
“We will be parents.”
“And twins.”
“You, ok?”
“I consider beating someone up to feel better right now,” Talindra snickered once she said it aloud.
“Maybe we should tell our families first and you beat someone up after this to make it worth it.”
She blinked surprised at him, but Wynthan meant it in all honest. To be fair, that was a good idea, knowing her family it will make her hurt someone even more and his side won’t be any better.
“That is actually a smart idea. And then we sneak away to this hot spring you talked about.”
Laughing he kissed her cheek and placed a hand on her stomach.
“Whatever you wish.”
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atomicwriter · 3 years
my teeth in your heart → xiao
00. An Amputated Soul
DESCRIPTION: in liyue, wuwang hill is spoken of as the place where the dead dwell, and there’s a fable that’s oft–repeated among the youth of qingce village. xiao knows this tale, he witnessed it firsthand, and it is as familiar to him as the wind that he coils between his fingers. he does not speak of it much, for who is he to tell it to? all he knows is that the memory is prevalent as the disembodied whispers of karmic debt that call his name.
DISCLAIMER: gender neutral reader. brief mentions of nudity and death. multi-chapter fic.
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It’s a strange sensation.
There’s no pain, just an all-consuming numbness that spreads throughout your entire body. Your fingers flex, although you’re barely able to make sense of their movements. You can only recognize the metronome of your heartbeat as you float wistfully, the blood in your veins roaring so loud that all other sounds fall deaf to your ears. This serenity, a moment free from shouldering the hardships of the world, seems all too foreign for you, although you can’t pinpoint the exact reason why.
Here, you drift in the endless cosmos, wet and thick. You’re untethered, a lone particle with no sense of gravity in the middle of space. Reality seems discombobulated, and life consists of fractured memories that you’re unable to put together, as if you are missing the puzzle pieces necessary to do so. There’s a heavy pounding in your temples, and the tresses of your hair float around your head like wisps of smoke caught in the moonlight.
It’s when you open your eyes that you realize you can’t breathe. You suddenly become aware that you’re submerged underwater, and the previous tranquility is replaced by a fervent hysteria. Curled up in a fetal position, your bones knock together at the joints, trying for a foothold over the slick crossings of the river floor. Withal, your limbs are constricted by the water reeds, rendering you practically immobile, and your feet sink into the slick, black earthsoup. The surface seems far away from your stricken fingers as you desperately flail them in an attempt to stay afloat.
You can feel your heart pulse sporadically in your teeth, and your spine convulses as you choke on the air that you can’t breathe. In a brief moment of clarity, you retract your arms, beginning to uproot the reeds that confine your body to the riverbed. Determination numbs the burning sensation that coruscates throughout your chest, snuffing out the white-hot sensation that begins to gnaw at your lungs. This newfound electricity swallows you whole, surging through your veins like an incinerator that’s sweltering hot and nuclear-powered. Mud billows up in waves from the floor.
You can taste the acrid tang of death as you bite down on your tongue, and you know it’s coming when your periphery turns white. An abrupt coolness rushes in, igniting a formication along your skin. In mere moments, you realize, you will float like the water reeds, nothing more than flesh and bones ready to decay in the currents. It’s unnerving to realize, it’s unnerving to even think about, and you want to push against the exhaustion that barrels onto your body; to strain for the moonlight that dims above. But your limbs grow heavy, your fingers turn bloated and blue, and your head is spinning, spinning, spinning…
A rough hand clamps down on your shoulders and you’re jerked out of the water before the darkness completely takes over your vision.
You break the surface, coughing and spluttering. Your chest heaves violently, sucking in desperate lungfuls of air that you had previously been so cruelly deprived of. The disturbed water sloshes around as you’re pulled onto the surface of a raft, and you collapse to your knees. Spindly fingers anchor themselves against the dried bamboo stakes, unable to let go until you’re steady once again. Your breath releases in sharp heaves, but it’s there, and that’s all that matters.
When the chill finally seeps into your skin, you see everything in pieces: the shadow of a silhouette in the fading moonlight, dark eyes fraught with concern, and frantic hands thrusting a sheet around your trembling body. Panting hard, you find a certain sense of relief when you cut your eyes to the person who stands by your shivering form. The landscape is blurry before you, and a restless energy hums beneath your skin.
“Are you alright?” the man asks you.
You don’t answer him at first. Instead, you swivel your head around as you take in your surroundings. You’re encircled by calm waters, serene despite their previous menace. Ripples lull the boat, and you follow their path to a shore that doesn’t lie too far from where you are now. You can barely make out the bamboo stalks that extend towards the night sky, framed by the gray cliffs that confine the surrounding land within an alcove of shadows.
“Where are we?” you ask him.
“This is Bishui River.”
The name rings with an unknown sense of familiarity, and you repeat it under your breath.
“If you don’t mind me asking,” the man crouches down beside you, “but, what happened to you?”
You wish you could answer him, and when you look down, you notice your hands are shaking. From the frustration of being unable to recall anything or your apparent weakness, you don’t know. It’s like there’s a roadblock in your mind, a screen that reaches from ground to sky that disconnects you from the world around you. Faint sounds plug your ears, memories float across your eyes, and you’re unaware of what you have forgotten. Your past is something hidden, but in this moment you cannot fathom what it might be.
“I don’t know,” you whisper. You ball your hands into fists, knuckles blanching and fingernails digging deep into your palms as you turn to glower at the waters below. A sharp pain lances through your skin, but you don’t release them. All you can do is tell him your name.
“I see,” he hums, and you look towards him, whose cloak reveals a subtle beard of black hair and callous hands - working hands. There are wicker baskets that lie adjacent to his feet, filled with scavenged fish and herbs, carrots and sunsettias. “I stopped using my real name a long time ago. You can just call me Jiangxue.”
Your eyes narrow, but you don’t lose focus. Your nature is to piece this puzzle together: a fisherman out in the dead of night, an unknown land that is strangely familiar, and you, a person composed of seafoam who was pulled to the surface with nothing but a name. You admit that that’s what bewilders you most, but you suck in a breath and push the thought away.
“There’s a village near here. I can take you there if you’d like,” Jiangxue speaks when your silence persists. His eyes glance towards your figure before quickly looking away. A cough catches somewhere between his lungs and his throat. “It consists of amiable folk. You should be able to persuade them into getting you some clothing.”
You look down at his words, and your throat drops to your stomach when you find your bare skin on display. A hypodermic heat rushes to your face, and you wrap the thin sheet tighter around your naked body.
“I … uh … sorry,” you manage to sputter out, bowing your chin down to your chest as if the simple action alone could erase all traces of embarrassment. “I hadn’t realized.”
“It’s no matter,” he affirms, paddling towards the land.
It begins to rain once the raft reaches the shore, and an argentine fluorescence seeps from the sky. The drops plummet from the sky, rapid and ruthless. As you step onto the bank, you find that the mossy ground is damp and sodden, a deep green pigmentation that indicates the fallen rain as a usual occurrence. Jagged stones press uncomfortably into your heels, and you can feel the way the air stills around you.
You don’t understand why these plains seem so disorienting, why the soft susurration of the leaves feel so heavy in your ears. This stupor comes alongside that previous sense of familiarity - an ambient nostalgia for a native land that you yearn to experience once again. There’s an entwining reassurance, distant childhood memories, and the comforts of home. Perhaps one day you will find out why.
When you see the man step off of his raft in an attempt to follow you, you stop him with the shake of your head.
“I’m fine from here on out,” you say before you can even make sense of the words. “I know my way there.”
Skeptical of your proclamation, he raises an eyebrow.
“Dawn will be here soon, you should return to fishing before the world wakes up.”
“You misunderstand,” he says, walking towards you nonetheless. “I do not fish for a living. Neither the process nor the result means much of anything to me.”
“Oh,” you frown. “Is it just a way to pass time, then?”
“Precisely that.” And then he smiles, reaching out his hand and placing it on yours. When he retracts, you find a sunsettia placed into the cocoon of your palm, accompanied by a glowing ornament composed of Varunada Lazurite. There’s a delicate swirl–like design imprinted in the middle of the gem, and your breath catches in your throat when you realize what it is: a Hydro Vision. It must have resurfaced alongside you.
You wish to thank him, but you can not find the voice to do so.
“Safe travels,” Jiangxue says. He turns away, only walking a few steps before he pauses entirely. He opens his mouth, and a look crosses his face then as if he doesn’t know what to say.
“Yes?” you ask of him. “What is it?”
He still doesn’t speak, and you watch as he unclips the cloak from around his waist, slipping it off his arms and rolling it within itself. He hands you the bundle of cloth.
“O-Oh,” you stutter, waving your hands in front of you. “I couldn’t possibly. You have given me far too much.”
“You are cold,” is all he says. “Take it.”
“Really, I don’t-”
“I implore you. Please take it.”
There’s something in his voice then, a plea that is all too unfitting for the composed man before you. Unable to fight against his wishes, you timidly reach forward and remove the article from his grasp.
“There should be no monsters to block your path,” Jiangxue says. “He has made sure of it.”
There is nothing to stop the bewilderment that illustrates your face.
“He?” you question, but the fisherman’s back is turned to you. Befuddled, you do not say anything more, and the quietude encroaches in.
Somewhere in the near distance, a bird squalls — the only sound to penetrate the silence. Jiangxue moves back onto his raft, situating a paddle between the calloused texture of his hands. You don’t wait to watch him leave, instead bowing your head in a display of gratitude before pivoting on your heel and weaving through the clotted bamboo.
When you are certain that you are adequately hidden, the soaked-through sheet that had previously found home on your shoulders falls to the floor. You cinch the cloak that Jiangxue gifted you around your body, and the linen cocoons your body heat comfortably. Pocketing your Vision and the sunsettia, you pluck the sheet from off the ground, and begin to walk forward once more.
It’s not a long trek, that much you can recall, but when you reach the edge of the village, you find that the world has flung itself over and a new sun breaks the horizon. It’s a nectarine-sweet sky, mingling above the mountain that cradles the abundant crop lands within its embrace. You cross the bridge over the terraced fields of crops and wildflowers, inching closer to the livening village. It remains peaceful and quiet all the same, even as its occupants begin to stir.
This isn’t a place that receives many guests, that much you can affirm, despite the boundless beauty the land withholds. The rising sun embraces your skin, silky and warm, and even the rough texture of the stairs beneath your feet seems to hold a fount of comfort within themselves. You can hear the hummingbirds philandering with the flowers, their birdsong coming in lulls and bursts. The aromatic hints of Jueyun Chili and Violetgrass invade upon the atmosphere, inspiring a warmth to pool within your stomach.
It’s when you near the top of the stone path that you can make sense of a hunched figure beneath the strung lanterns, still lit despite the day’s arrival. She paces from side to side, graceful in her steps regardless of the aged lines that sculpt her face, on display due to her gray hair tucked in a low bun. As if sensing your presence, she stops, the green of her dress swiveling with her movements as she pivots on her heel to face you.
“My dear,” she calls, as if she has known you all this time. “Welcome to Qingce Village. Why don’t you take a walk with me?”
The elderly lady nods her head towards the courtyard, and there you can see a conglomeration of buildings that frame the square, constructed of wood and bamboo stalks. Fruit stands are tucked into corners, and a little ways down, a water mill sits adjacent to a bridge, converging with the path that leads further up the mountain. From nearby, the sound of a waterfall marginally emerges above the noises of early morning, and a rush of wistfulness overwhelms your entire being.
“Have you been aware that I would come?” you ask as you step beside her. She leads you towards the bridge.
A small smile sets apart her lips. “You must know we have quite the accumulation of spies here.”
A look of confoundment overtakes your features, and before you can request her to explain any further, a muffled chorus of giggles is heard from behind you. When you turn around, three pairs of eyes stare curiously at your form, and petite hands latch onto the edges of the cart that the children hide behind.
“I was not aware that I’d been under surveillance.”
“Outsiders are rather rare here,” the elderly woman muses, turning her head to where you gaze. “Of course, they still have a lot to learn.”
A sense of amusement flutters within your chest.
“Might I inquire as to why you have come?” she asks you.
The question momentarily startles you, although you reason that it is not unexpected. Attempting to grasp at your thoughts, you press your teeth down onto your lip, and all answers that are brought to mind prove insufficient to her question.
She must notice your inner turmoil, because she provides a reassuring expression before speaking: “It is fine if you do not wish to indulge me. We all have things we wish to keep to ourselves.”
“It’s not that. It’s just … how do I put this?” you reply, taking a grounding breath before voicing further. “There are many memories before this morning that have escaped me, including the answer to your inquiry. Although, I do suppose I hoped that I might be able to acquire some assistance here.”
She seems to contemplate your words, and stops walking just before your feet make contact with the bridge. A middle-aged woman appears in your periphery then, raising her hand in greeting to the lady beside you, the other arm slung over a wicker basket that rests on her hip. She must be preparing for a day's worth of field work, you presume.
“I see. Let us go somewhere more private. We will converse there,” she says. “And perhaps we might find you some more suitable clothes.”
She leads you to a building that rests on a wedge below the peak of the mountain. It’s certainly the largest structure of the village, composed of wooden posts and joists to encircle the open space. A shallow pond borders the front entrance, lotus heads and lily pads peaking above its glassy surface. The inside is completely exposed to the external environment, and from here, you can make out the entirety of the village. Nonetheless, being under a roof grants you a gratifying sense of privacy.
With a fragile hand on the small of your back, the lady leads you to a painted screen wall that rests off–center of the building, framed by wooden beams. It’s a picture of the mountain, you promptly recognize, with streaks of orange and blue that appear to glow in the morning light. She gently encourages you behind it, and you don’t realize that there is a set of garments in her other hand before she’s pushing them into your own.
“There is no one around to see,” she says, as if sensing your hesitation, and leaves you to your own.
Once the woman rounds the corner, you make haste in removing the cloak, slipping on the pants that tighten at your waist. The silk laced fabric flares out to brush at your ankles, and the cerulean trimmed edges barely graze upon the ground. The main portion is a dark umber, much like the short sleeved shirt given to you, with stitched decals of ochre and blue. It takes you longer than you’d like to admit to bind the fastenings down your chest.
There is no mirror nearby, but you are gently pleased by the choice in fabrics. You run your fingers over the material, feeling the ridges, the needlework, and the cotton–like texture. You know you’re in no position to experience such a luxury at the given moment, but you also have no entitlement to brush off such a thing. Your body hums with gratitude, and you step out from behind the wall.
The elderly lady seems to be equally as pleased, as she sends you a tight–lipped smile. From where her hands are clasped behind your back, she motions towards the chairs that circle the center of the building, fringing on the carmine painted engraving of a flower–like design. You take a seat.
“Might I ask your name?” You are the first to speak.
“You may call me Granny Ruoxin,” she muses. “I do apologize if it isn’t too lively around here, but life is pleasant here, and I hope you find a sense of enjoyment within the village.”
You learn forward, eager. “You mean it? I can stay?”
She nods, and it’s like the Universe has bursted into light. “There is plenty of room. You may stay until you are certain of where your journey will take you.”
A glint from the sun sparks your gaze, and you watch as Granny Ruoxin moves to sit beside you. Her movements are leisurely, hands crossed–hatched with scars reaching down to clasp yours in her own, and you dare to wonder of all the ways in which your life is about to unfold.
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hello! i hope you enjoyed this. it’s my first time posting something genshin related on tumblr, so feedback is greatly appreciated. <3
additionally, i am considering making a tag list for this story, so if you are interested please message me!!
also! you can read it here on a03!
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
The Blade-Technoblade
This is a Technoblade x gn!reader in the dreamsmp! I hope you enjoy!
Prompt 101 from this list!
Masterlist here
Warning: Like a few cuss words. 
Y/N is forced to face their biggest fear when it quite literally comes knocking at their front door. 
I knew who Technoblade was. Of course I knew who Technoblade was. You would be stupid not to. Everyone had heard the rumors about the famous Blood God. The wars he fought in, the lives he’d taken, the blood he’d spilt. And all of it for fun. He did the things because he found it fun. The Blade did things for pleasure and satisfaction, not caring about the wreckage and the consequences left in his wake. He frightened just about everyone around him, no one wanting to be around him longer than necessary. Including me. 
To be honest, The Blade scared the hell out of me. 
And for a while, that was okay. I lived in the DreamSMP and The Blade was always traveling across the world. We would never meet and that was just fine with me. Or so I thought. 
Cut to Wilbur and Tommy losing the election. Schlatt somehow managed to over take the votes and actually win the presidential election of L’Manberg. And his first act? Forcing Wilbur and Tommy into exile from their own nation. 
The whole situation broke my heart. Wilbur and Tommy were my friends but as much as I wanted to stop what was happening, I couldn’t. I’m just one person and besides, Schlatt is rightfully the president, he won… fair and square. What he says, goes. 
I knew about Pogtopia though. Wilbur and Tommy’s secret nation of just the two of them as they planned a way to overthrow Schlatt. I knew Tubbo was helping them and I knew that just about everyone was on their side. I, on the other hand, chose to completely stay out of it. I didn’t want to fight. War scared me, almost as much as The Blade did. I didn’t tell Schlatt about the goings on in his own cabinet and didn’t tell Wilbur about the happenings here in L’Manberg. I completely stayed out of it. 
Well that was until it literally came knocking on my front door one day. 
I was just cleaning up around my house. Putting things away and organizing chests when there was a series of loud knocks on my front door. Furrowing my brow, I quickly shut the chest I was sorting through before making my way to the door to answer it. When I swung it open, I wished immediately that I didn’t. 
My heart stopped in my chest and my breath froze in my throat. There on my front porch, behind my front door, standing directly in front of me was the Blood God himself. Before I could even compose myself enough to speak I was being pushed to the side and the pink headed man was entering my home. “Move,” his gruff voice commanded as he brushed past me. 
I slowly turned myself to follow him as he stalked into my home. “Close the door damn it,” The Blade cursed out as he ducked into my living room. I had no choice, what was I going to do? Say no to a god?
I managed to take a gulp and unfreeze my limbs from their shocked stagnant state. I carefully closed the door before carefully walking toward the same room that the pink headed god had entered just moments ago. 
There he was.
He was still standing. Well he was pacing. Back and forth in front of my fireplace, muttering something under his breath. I had started a small fire this morning to keep me warm while I clean… that’s not important. What’s important is that there is a literal god in my living room. One I am absolutely terrified of at that. 
I carefully crept a little further in the room, trying to get a bit closer so I could hear him. “Stupid Wilbur. Not going to get caught, my ass. Stupid Tommy. You’ll be fine,” his monotone grumbled out. I was confused for a moment but then it hit me. Techno is Tommy and Wilbur’s brother. Of course they would call him for help. 
The Blade’s communicator beeped from his pocket causing him to all but rip it from its place. A loud groan escaped his lips as he angrily typed back before throwing the device against the couch causing me to flinch. The Blade must have seen this because he stopped his pacing and his head turned to me. I once again flinched under his intense stare and kept my eyes focused on the ground. 
I heard a sigh escape the man’s lips. “I’m sorry about barging in here like that. That was rather rude of me,” The Blood God’s voice filled the room. He actually sounded sorry, which was surprising. The man who brought whole villages to their knees for sport is apologizing to little ole me. 
“Why did you?” I managed to croak out shyly, “Barge in here I mean.” The Blade let out a snort of disbelief and I heard him move and sit down on my couch as he let out a deep breath. “Wilbur and Tommy convinced me to sneak into Manberg to spy. They gave me specific instructions to stay hidden and not to kill people. We need the element of surprise that I’m here fighting for Pogtopia. What they failed to mention is that Schlatt, Quackity, and Tubbo like to take walks around for meetings.” I let out a small hum, letting my eyes shift up just a little bit, taking a small step toward the couch. They do like to do that, I’m surprised Tubbo didn’t tell them that.
“So then while I was scouting out the place, I caught sight of them and they were heading straight for me. I remember Wilbur and Tommy telling me about you and your house and so when I recognized your place I figured I would hide out here for a while… Until they stop walking around,” Techno finished, looking over the back of the couch, his red eyes boring into me. 
My heart began to pound loudly in my chest. Had it been anyone else, I would not have minded. But the one person I fear more than anything? That’s a little bit of a different story. But what was I going to say? No? To a god that never hesitates to kill someone if they disrespect him? You’re joking. So I let out a deep breath, tried to relax my shoulders a little bit before nodding. “Yeah,” I squeaked out. I cleared my throat before continuing, “Yeah. That’s fine.” 
The Blood God threw a small thankful smile over his shoulder at me before turning his head back around. “Thanks, I appreciate it,” He hummed, picking up his communicator again before checking it. 
While he was distracted, I took a few more small steps forward and came to stop at the end of my couch. I didn’t want to make him or myself uncomfortable by sitting next to him on the couch, but he was in my house. The Blade must have realized this because his head turned from the small device in his hand to look at me. “You can sit down if you want. It is your house and your couch.” 
I managed to let out a small nervous giggle before carefully moving and sitting myself down on the couch. I sat perfectly straight facing forward, not letting myself relax, still quite scared. Blood God’s eyes were still on me and I heard a small chuckle escape his lips. “I won’t bite you, you know? There is no reason to be that tense. You haven’t done anything to warrant being bitten,” he told me, amusement lacing his voice. 
I cleared my throat and attempted to relax into the couch. “I’m just a little nervous. I’ve heard a lot of things about you and not all of them are good…. I’m a bit scared of you,” I admitted. I really didn’t want to offend the man but he had a right to know. 
The Blade let out a sigh as he set his commutator down before giving me his full attention. “I know that there are a lot of stories that surround my name. I know I’m the Big Bad Scary Blood God. But just like you believe those stories about me, please believe me when I say that is not all I am. The same man that drop kicked that orphan is the same man that loves farming potatoes.” 
His words caused me to freeze for just a moment before I let my head completely turn to him. “You’ve drop kicked an orphan?” I questioned incredulously. His eyes widened in a little bit of panic. “It was in self defense!” He exclaimed. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled out of my throat at his shoddy attempt at defending himself. All of the tension left my body as I keeled over myself in laughter. 
As I was laughing, I heard a deep chuckle join me in my laughter. The soft tones warmed my heart and made my laughter die down and a soft smile formed over my face. “You’re pretty funny Mr. Blood God,” you admit to the pink haired god. A soft smile of his own formed across his face. “Thanks. And please, call me Techno.” “Okay.... Techno.” 
Together on the couch, The Bla-- Techno and I got to know each other. I told him about myself and he told me about him. The real him. I learned that he did in fact love farming potatoes, and he once competed against a child to see who could grow the most potatoes… He won obviously. He also told me about his collection. How his piglin hybrid side of him has forced him to keep a hoard of all things golden and shiny. He even told me about the voices. It helped me understand just a bit more of why he does the things he does. It made me less afraid.
So much so that by the time he was ready to leave, I actually didn’t want him too. The two of us had grown a lot closer. I was no longer scared of who I knew to be The Blood God. I now knew of Techno. I knew the man behind the persona, the sweet, kind, and funny man that had very quickly stolen my heart. 
“I guess this is goodbye,” Techno claimed, scratching the back of his head as the two of us stood near my front door. The sun had finally set and the coast was completely clear, meaning Techno could safely make it out of Manberg. 
“I guess so,” I echoed, reaching up and scratching my shoulder, looking down to the ground trying to avoid his eyes. I really didn’t want him to go. Now that I had learned the Blood God wasn’t what I thought he was, I wanted to know more. I wanted to learn more about Techno. I wanted to know if this feeling that had developed in my chest was real or not. I wanted to know if I had actually fallen in love with the man I had once feared. 
The two of us stood there in uncomfortable silence for a few moments before I finally decided to break it. “I guess I was wrong about you. You’re not so bad after all,” I told him, my gaze moving from the floor to lock eyes with him. 
A warm grin overtook his face at my confession. “Yeah?” I gave him a small nod and he let out a little laugh at that. “That’s great to hear and makes me much less nervous about my next question,” Techno admitted, running his hand through his pink locks. “Hmm?” I hummed softly, trying to prompt him to ask his question. 
Techno let out a deep breath before giving me a nervous smile. “Well, I, uh… I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out again some time. I had a really nice time today and I would love to do it again. And maybe, if you’re up for it, it could be a… a date?” My heart melted at his words. He looked so nervous and so cute as he shyly asked me for another hang out. But maybe the next time, be a date. 
I couldn’t help the soft smile that twitched onto my lips. I took a few steps forward, carefully reaching out, and placing a soft hand against his cheek. Once I was sure that Techno was okay with the gentle contact, I carefully leaned up onto my tiptoes and slowly leaned forward, slow enough to give Techno the opportunity to pull away. He didn’t. 
Our lips met in a soft and gentle kiss, one so on the complete opposite of what I pictured the Blood God to be. It was soft and sweet, it made my eyes flutter closed and my toes curl. One of Techno’s own hands left his side and carefully cupped my own cheek, ever so gently enticing me to get closer to him. And who am I to refuse a god?
The gentle kiss was broken as the two of us parted for air. My eyes fluttered open at the same time Techno’s did. Our eyes met, causing the two of us to grin shyly at each other. The moment was soft and tender. Something I enjoyed a lot, and I could tell it affected Techno the same way.
“In case that didn’t make it obvious,” I whispered gently, not wanting to break the soft tension, “I would love to go on a date with you.” The soft grin on Techno’s face widened immensely at my words. “Yeah?” He asked, trying to get reassurance. “Yeah,” I confirmed with a wide smile painting my lips. “For real, 100%. I want to get to know you more and I would love to see you again.” 
Techno stared at me in awe for a moment before giving me a small nod. “Okay then. I will see you tomorrow then,” he claimed decidedly before carefully pulling his hand away from my face, causing me to follow suit.
“Tomorrow?” I asked, a little surprised at the soonest of it, but it’s not like I minded. “If that works for you.” I gave the man a smile and a confirming nod. “Works just fine with me.” A matching smile painted itself on his lips, mirroring mine. “Alright then. I’ll see you at the same time tomorrow.” 
Reluctantly, he reached out and grabbed the doorknob and opened my front door. Techno moved to walk out the door but just as he was about to be outside, he stopped. He turned on his heel and gave me one final warm smile. “Goodnight Y/N.” Techno stated softly, before leaning forward and pressing a quick but soft peck to my lips. I was surprised at the contact but before I could react, his lips were off mine. So instead, I gave him a warm smile in return, “Goodnight Techno.” Then he was gone. 
I let out a dreamy sigh as I closed the door behind Techno. I turned around and let myself lean backwards against the door and slide to the floor. A dreamy sigh escaped my lips as I let my fingers dance on my lips, the tingles of the sweet kiss still very present. Who knew that I would be in love with The Blade? Yes I said it, I’m in love with The Blade…. No, I'm in love with Techno. And I couldn’t be more happy about it. Gosh I can’t wait until tomorrow. 
There you have it! I hope you enjoyed! If you did, be sure to leave a like and maybe even a reply or a reblog telling me your favorite part!!!
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allthingskakashi · 4 years
• Bells and Balls •
[ Kakashi x Reader ]
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Tags : NSFW, Smut
Words : 4.8k
A/n: I wrote over 4k words just to get some dick.
Okay sbsbajash idk I'd been working on this for like a whole week and i couldn't concentrate on anything unless i finished this lmao so here it is whatever, I can't drag this around anymore. Uhhh hope you like it I'm still not very good at writing smut im sorry. This takes place in the post Anbu and pre team 7 era and Kakashi’s a bit of an asshole but you know you still love him. This is also a little similar to my other fic ‘Yearning’ but here you get the s e x and i’m sorry if the characterization is bad, i put more focus on making it hot i guess ok ill shut up now i hope you like it
You give the sheet of paper in your hand one final glance, and look around the room. There’s a long line behind you and you’re surrounded by your fellow jounins, each here to submit their respective lists.
You were extremely happy with the performance of your team and didn’t have to think twice before passing them. You had no doubt that they would make wonderful shinobi. You looked forward to teaching and guiding them, and judging by the chatter around you, most other jounins had passed their teams too.
The trouble, however, remains with Kakashi Hatake.
A few weeks ago, you had all been named squad leaders and put in charge of a squad, and today was your very first day with your assigned teams. As instructed, each of you conducted a test for the genin and depending upon whether they passed or failed, the final list would be announced.
No one till date had ever passed Kakashi Hatake's infamous test, and everyone was sure that no one would this year either. Most genin trembled in fear of him, being aware of his strict methods.
And as it happens, at this moment, this infamous man is right in front you, standing with his back hunched forward as he hands his paper in to the woman behind the desk.
You wait for your turn, your eyes fixating on the red symbol on his vest as you wonder, ruefully, about the fate of the students he must have failed this time.
You take a step forward as he turns around, having submitted his paper, and the line moves up behind you.
Kakashi peeks briefly at your paper as he passes, letting out an audible scoff at the list in your hand before walking on ahead, hands tucked in his pockets.
You’re momentarily confused by this sudden act, but something is already starting to boil up inside you. You aren’t exactly known for being placid, nor for sitting by and allowing people to give you crap. Your eyebrows furrow as you hastily thrust your sheet onto the desk, before making your way to follow after him.
“Do you have a problem?” you call to his back as a few heads turn towards you.
He stops, taking his time turning back to look at you, half lidded eyes looking as indifferent as always.
His demeanour pushes you further to the edge and you take a few steps closer, craning your neck to meet his eyes, waiting for an answer.
He peers down at you unfazed, completely oblivious to the audience around you, as if they are not even there.
“You’re too soft”, he shrugs. “You don’t know how the shinobi world works” he says bluntly, piercing you with his unwavering gaze.
You glare back at him, your mouth twitching with the sled of retorts forming at the back of your tongue.
“Who gave you the right to—"
But he’s already turning away from you, your eyes meeting with the red symbol of his vest once again.
“Hey don’t you fucking walk away from me!” you yell, going forward to stop him, but he saunters on ahead without turning back; his scent lingering in the air as you stand there, watching his figure disappear slowly along the hallway, your fury seething inside you.
Who the fuck does he think he is?
 “Thank you! This is just what I needed.” you chime, digging into the hot bowl of ramen in front of you, your mouth salivating just at the look of it.
You take a big mouthful, revelling in the immediate burst of flavours on your tongue.
“Mmmm.” You moan, “You’ve outdone yourself, Ayame!”
The young girl smiles at you in delight, proceeding to serve you another helping.
You take another blissful bite, closing your eyes to relish the moment.
The streets are quiet around you except for the faint chirp of crickets, as is expected at this hour of the night. It must be past midnight by now, you’re not exactly sure.
You had been tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep. For some reason, the encounter with Kakashi from earlier today had you feeling bitter and edgy. You hated that he was in your head, you didn’t understand why. It wasn’t like you to be this bothered by some mindless comments from someone. You’d had altercations before, worse ones, but they were never enough to steal away your night’s sleep.
And yet, this time…
You had to do something to take the edge off, ideally punch him in the face, but since that was not the plausible choice, you settled for the next best thing. Going for a run and treating yourself to your favourite comfort food later.  
So here you are now, out at night all by yourself. The Ichiraku shop was still open, bless the lords.
You slurp some of the soup from the bowl and let out a loud smack of your lips.
You can feel your spirits lifting, and you’re glad for it. He wasn’t in your head after all, you were just having a bad day, that’s all.
You shift your focus back to the bowl in front of you, moaning and slurping as you go.
“Whoa there, Get a room.”
The sudden interruption of the familiar voice makes you stop cold.
Are you fucking kidding me?
You look up from your bowl, turning your head around to see none other than Kakashi Hatake, standing smug in all his glory.
The strange pang of bitterness is back in the depths of your stomach and you resist the urge to punch that smug look off his face.
“Ah, if it isn’t Kakashi Hatake, the all-knowing wisenheimer.” you say, your tone snide. “Say, don’t you have somewhere else to be? Some genin to fail?”
He comes around to take a seat on the stool beside you, a smirk evident through his mask, almost as if he’s enjoying this.
“I’ve already failed them” he smiles sweetly at you. “Worked up quite an appetite too.” He says, looking away from you to place his order.
You notice as Ayame notes his order down, the distinct shade of pink that tinges her cheeks as does, before turning away and disappearing into the supplies room at the back of the shop.
Ugh. What is with this guy? Why is it so….
You don’t realise you’re staring at him until he looks back at you, raising a questioning eyebrow. You supress your startlement at being caught, pretending as if you’d meant to be glaring at him.
“What the hell are you even doing out here so late?” you spurt, trying to sound irritated but it comes out sounding almost…concerned?
Thankfully, he doesn’t notice. “I could ask you the same.”
You look away, unwilling to answer. You were out here to get him out of your head, and now here you are, sitting beside him in a ramen shop while the entire village sleeps.
It almost feels like you’re the only two people in the world. The feeling makes something churn inside your stomach.
You dab your mouth with your napkin, before swivelling on the stool to face him. You look at him intently, studying his features. He stares back at you, as if waiting for you to say something.
“Why?” you ask, catching him off guard with it.
“Why what?”
“Why does no one pass your test? What’s so difficult about it?” you ask, gaze fixated on him. You expect him to look uncomfortable but he just shrugs.
“Why do you want to know?”
“I’m curious” you reply truthfully, watching him smirk at your answer.  
You hate it when he smirks, how his face looks when he’s being cocky.
He swivels in his chair now, turning his body towards you. “Is that so?”, he says through the smirk, resting his elbow on the counter and leaning in.
You don’t know why, but something about his tone and the way he leans in makes it difficult for you to breathe all of a sudden.
But you’re not one to be fazed.
“Yes” you reply, refusing to let yourself crumple under his gaze. Your voice comes out sounding hoarse, and you clear your throat.
He smirks wider at your reply and stretches the next words out.
“If you’re so curious…Why don’t you find out for yourself?”
Your heart thuds like clapper clanging against a bell. You resist the urge to gulp.
Was it this hot when I left the house?
You clear your throat again. “I don’t have the time to take part in your stupid games”
The smirk is adamant on his lips, his gaze unnerving.
He breathes, “Do you not have the time…or do you not have the balls?”
His tone is challenging. Or inviting. Or both, you’re not really sure, you’re not thinking straight anymore.
Your jacket is too hot against your skin, you writhe beneath the thick material.
Sliding off the stool, you walk slowly towards him, erasing the space in between you bit by bit with each step, until your bodies are a few inches away from touching. Your eyes bore into each other’s as if in silent battle. It’s your turn to smirk now.
“Training Grounds in 20 mins” you whisper. Despite the hitch in your breath, your voice is clear. “Don’t be late.”
You walk past him without breaking your gaze, brushing your shoulder against his arm as you walk by, perhaps a little harder than necessary, leaving Kakashi to stare after you.
You sit on the damp grass with your back against a tree, waiting. Your jacket lies in a puddle beside you.
You count the weapons in your bag, you hadn’t exactly come out prepared for a fight tonight. Two kunai knives, that’s all.
Would that be enough to take down the copy ninja? You hope so. There’s no way you’re letting him win. It’s time someone taught him a lesson and you would love to be that someone. The nerve of him…to actually challenge you.
He really needs to get a life. But then, here you are too…
Why am I here? What am I even doing?
You close your eyes and tilt your head back against the hard bark, your eyebrows furrowing the way they always do when you’re deep in thought.
Back at the shop… the way he spoke…the look in his eyes— God, Stop. Stop it.
Who the fuck cares about the look in his eyes?
Not me.
It’s okay. I’m good.
We’re here to teach this asshole a lesson. An asshole, that’s what he is. Insufferable and stupid and smug and ridiculously ho— horrible. Ridiculously horrible.
You take a deep breath, opening your eyes and standing up so fast that it makes your head dizzy for a brief second. You start walking around, jerking your arms and legs, stretching your neck, even slapping yourself a few times on the face to make yourself focus.
Yes, I need to focus. The lack of sleep is getting to me.
You crouch down to tighten your shoelaces, before getting up and starting some stretching exercises. Gotta loosen the muscles, make sure you have full flexibility. After all, taking on Kakashi Hatake all by yourself is probably not going to be a piece of cake.
You look down to check your attire: running shorts and a tank top, not fully ideal but it’ll do.
You’re bent over, in the midst of doing rotating toe touches when your eyes fall upon a silhouette far ahead, nearing closer and closer. You pause, standing up straight with your hands on your hips as the figure walks slowly towards you, a faint jingling noise ringing through the air, as Kakashi finally comes near enough for you to make out his face in the dim light.
“Late as always” you say, crossing your arms over your chest.
Kakashi stands a few feet away from you, holding something in one hand, other hand inside his pocket. He’s not wearing his jacket anymore either, you observe.
“Sorry, had to go get this” he says, holding up what looks like two small bells with strings attached.
You squint at it, coming closer to get a better look. “What the hell is that?”
“Bells”, he smiles. “That’s the test. You have to get these bells from me. You can use any attack you want but… since you’re not a genin, I’ll raise the stakes a little higher for you. You cannot use ninjutsu or genjustu. It has to be purely physical attacks. You have till dawn.”
This little fucker. He knows taijutsu is not my strong point.
But fine. If that’s how he wants to play this, so be it. I’m taking him down one way or another.
“Dawn?” you chuckle, fixing him with your gaze. “I don’t need till dawn” you sneer, coming forward with a kick aimed to his head. He blocks it just as you’re about to make contact, grasping your ankle in his strong hold.
“I didn’t say start yet” he says through a smirk, letting go of your foot.
You take a few steps backwards, glowering at him as he ties the bells to a loop on his trousers. They hang over his thighs with a jingle, silver metal glimmering in the moonlight.
He looks back up at you, eyes twinkling with an unusual sparkle.
There’s that look again…
“Go” he commands, his body tensing up into a defensive stance immediately, ready for you.
You fix your gaze on the shiny metal of your goal and hurl yourself forward, your arms meeting each other’s in blows and defences. You throw a few kicks to his stomach, making him tumble but not enough to knock him out.
You shift your stance, before directing another punch to his face; he deflects it, sniggering.
Okay okay okay, I’m not focusing. I need to focus.
You take a deep breath.
Kakashi stands waiting, his features emanating pure amusement.
You feel a restlessness brewing within you, a strange energy buzzing through your veins. You’d been itching to punch him in the face and now’s your chance.
You watch him, mentally calculating all your options. His silver hair shines like moonbeams in the dark.
Drawing a kunai from your bag, you lunge forward, distracting him with a kick to the head as your kunai slashes through the air, just about to cut across the strings when— your hand is caught in his grasp, a ‘slap!’ cutting through the air as his palm clasps around your wrist.
He bores into you, your wrist held firmly in his hand as he turns you around swiftly, gripping both your wrists at the back.
You feel the muscles of his chest against your body as he comes closer, the metal bells hanging over his leg brushing against your fingertips behind you.
You wriggle your hands, trying to break free but it’s in vain. His grip is firm, slender fingers digging into your skin as he leans into your ears, his warm breath tickling your skin.
“Not so fast” he whispers, his lips almost brushing the top of your ears.
The words send a shudder through your spine. You feel the black sky closing in on you, there’s a hum springing through your veins.
He loosens his grip as your hands fall, the kunai held limply in your hand. You turn around, your heart skipping a beat at how close he is to you. You feel your resolve weakening.
Your hand flies to the collar of his shirt, the other hand holding the kunai to his throat as you push him backwards with your body, your eyes blazing into his.  
Keeping the kunai at his throat, you lower your other hand slowly, brushing it down his chest, his muscles taut under your hand. You trail your hand down along the line of his sternum, down the firmness of his stomach and further down, your fingers lightly caressing the bulge of his trousers before they almost make contact with the bells alongside, right there, just a flick away—
so close—
Before your wrist is caught in a sudden, fast clutch again.
His grip is much stronger this time, unyielding, hungry. Your bones ache beneath his hold.  
You watch something ignite in his eyes as his shoulders rise and fall in rhythm to your heaves. You suddenly realise how out of breath you are.
In the flash of a moment, Kakashi grips your kunai holding hand, holding it away from his throat as he pushes you, the weight of his body pressing onto yours as your feet scrape along the ground, stumbling backwards till your back slams against a tree, the force making your body jolt. The kunai slips from your hand.
His arms pin you defenceless against the tree, his gaze holding you hostage, burning through your skin.
The touch of his skin against yours feels alien. When was the last time you felt the warmth of someone’s skin? You cannot recall.
He’s so close to you, you cannot see anything beyond him.
In the dark, under the moonlight, the edges of his face look softened.
A wind passes by, the sound of rustling leaves filling through the silence. A volcano erupts within you.
You gulp. Up this close, you can make out the outline of his mouth.
Your lips press into Kakashi’s in a desperate lurch, your neck straining to meet him as far as his grip on you allows. Your heart explodes like firecrackers inside your chest as your tongue pushes against the cloth of his mask, demanding to be let in.
You feel his grip loosen around your wrists as the mask is off and he reciprocates, his lips on yours, his hand gripping your chin up as his tongue moves in fervent swirls inside your mouth.
A thousand questions swarm inside your head, buzzing but you’re not being controlled by your head anymore. You can feel the thud of his chest against your own.
He trails his hand down to your throat, holding you in place, other hand exploring every edge and curve of your body before it snakes down the waistband of your shorts, down the elastic of your underwear.
You gasp, arching your back as you feel the touch of his long fingers down there, moaning helplessly into his mouth as he rubs along your wet entrance in rapid strokes.
Your head is a dizzy mess of jumbled emotions as yearning overpowers your senses, your previous resolve weakening into a mushy puddle with every stroke and thrum of his fingers inside you.
He pulls away from your mouth to leave sloppy kisses down your neck, his tongue painting patterns along your skin as you catch a glimpse of his face and you see it— his face, glowing under the moonlight. And you realise.
An overwhelming ache breaks through your senses, creating a frenzied whirlwind of passion and agony in your mind. Your detestation for him crumbles into pieces underneath the weight of your desire, as you realise…
You don’t hate him.
You never did.
Not even close.
Not even a little bit.
Not even at all.
You pull his face up to meet your lips again, planting urgent kisses on his mouth as your hands tease the hem of his shirt. His fingers slip out of you and you can feel the wetness of your panties, soaked through with arousal.
“Kakashi…” you whisper in pleasure as he looms over you, your foreheads touching, out of breath and heaving with exhilaration. His eyes burn with the same passion that you feel inside.
“We can’t…shouldn’t…here…people...” you mutter in struggled breaths, as he plants another kiss to your lips, the sparks from it fogging your mind
“Since when do you care about people?” he whispers against your ear, his raspy voice enough to strip you off of all your remaining sense and judgement.
You pull his shirt over his head in one swift motion, throwing it to the ground beside as he follows, taking off your shirt and then unhooking your bra, tossing both away as his hands reach for you in hungry clutches.
His hands caress your breasts, pressing them and pulling on your hardened nipples, his mouth following soon after. His lips lock around them, sucking hard as you bury your face into his broad shoulders, biting lightly to keep yourself from screaming.
You sink your fingers into his hair, tugging softly as his mouth moves in a wet trail further down your body, strands of his hair tickling your stomach as he goes, his hands tugging your panties, sliding them down the curves of your hips.
Your heart thuds in your ears as Kakashi sits crouching in front of you, parting your legs. He looks up at you, as if asking for your permission, and you give it to him by pulling the back of his head closer between your legs.
He puts your right leg over his shoulder, spreading you for him, his other hand clutching the back of your left thigh as his mouth teases you down there.
The tip of his tongue flicks at your entrance, before it finds your weakest spot, and you feel your body shuddering, barely able to keep your balance.
You tug at his hair harder as his tongue moves skilfully inside you, fingers rubbing your swollen clit simultaneously. You feel every nerve ending in your body come alive as you moan out his name “K-Kakashi…” through trembling lips.
Your insides shudder and a deep moan forms at the back of your throat, threatening to escape as Kakashi puts his hand over your mouth, before pulling you down on top of him with a sudden tug.  
You come down with a thud on his thighs, your body jolting with the force as you watch him in front of you, the copy ninja… bare bodied and heaving in front of your eyes.
Who would have thought…
You straddle him, admiring his unclad torso, before pushing his shoulders down with your hands, making him lie back on the grass as you stoop over him. His eyes are fixated on you, pure pleasure making itself known on his face.
He really is beautiful.
You bend forward, your mouth exploring the smoothness of the skin on his chest, as a strange cold feeling down there distracts you.
You look down, squinting in the dark to find yourself sitting on two glimmering metal balls placed over his thigh.
The bells.
A thrill runs through your nerves as you smirk, glancing up at him.
He’s noticed it too.
His eyes return the same sparkle of mischief as yours as he lies still, waiting.
You press your hands down on his chest, locking your gaze with his as you position yourself over the bells, tilting your head back as you move back and forth over them.
The cold metal of the bells rubs against you, sending tremors through your entire body.
Your gaze at Kakashi again, watching him squirm at the sight of you, his hands twitching to feel your skin.
You keep your eyes on him as you slide down slightly on his thigh, tugging his trousers down as you go. Your hands find the base of his cock as you allow yourself to admire his throbbing length.
He leans his head back on the grass and you feel him getting harder in your hands.
Forming your hand into a fist around him, you move it up and down along his shaft in slow steady strokes, leaning down to bring your mouth closer to his tip, before swirling your tongue in circles around his skin.
His hips tremble as he clutches onto the grass, writhing.
Your lips clasp around his cock, mouth slurping up and down his length, taking your time sliding down to the base and back up, your hands following suit.
You tease him, switching between the tip of your tongue and your whole mouth, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through him.
He quivers and you sit back up, bending forward over his face and pressing your lips on his. A groan from his mouth erupts inside yours as he clutches your hips.
His hands guide your hips back and forth over his length, your lips trembling as he slips into you, his cock finally inside you, pushing into you, filling you as deep as you can be filled.
A new rush of pleasure burns through your senses, your insides stretching as you move your hips around him, back and forth and then in circles.
“A-a-ah...mm…yeah…”, your muffled moans cut through the depths of the forest in the silence of the night.
Kakashi breathes your name, the eruption of your name from his lips enough to send you to a frenzy, filling your heart with drunken fervour.
You moan his name back in reply, hopping up and down on him as his arm snakes behind your waist and he flips you over in a sudden, swift movement, the weight of his body falling over you now.
You arch your back, pushing your hips up to meet his, unwilling to break away even for a second.
You want him so, so bad.
The pointy peaks of grass underneath poke your skin, your nails digging into his back as he nibbles on your neck, thrusting deep, deep into you.
You feel the familiar shudder from earlier again, your mind getting clouded with waves of pleasure coursing through you. Kakashi’s grunts quaver in your ear as you feel his hips jerk in tune to yours.
There’s a tantalizing jolt of ecstasy through your body as you scream out, your quivering voice matching his grunts as you both put a hand over the other’s mouth, your muffled moans melting into each other’s skin. He quivers inside you for a final time before you feel him slipping out of you, as hot wet cum trickles along the insides of your thighs, dripping into the dewy grass beneath.
Droplets of sweat from his hair drips down on you, tasting salty in your mouth. You heave together in exhaustion as he plops down on you, before rolling to the side.
You lie on your back panting, your entire body damp with sweat.
Languor threatens to take over you as you struggle to keep your eyes open, looking up into the night sky.
You see a firefly glowing above your head. You lift a lazy hand to reach it, but it flies away far above, becoming one with the twinkling stars in the sky.
Soft sounds of Kakashi’s breath echo beside you, his foot still touching yours lightly as the both of you lie heaving under the stars.
He turns his head to look at you and you can feel his eyes on you as you try, with all the fibres in your body, to not look back at him.
You know you won’t be able to hold yourself together any longer if you do.
He extends a hand towards you. “That was…”
“Sshhh… Shut up” you say in a slumberous whisper, moving closer into his arm, putting your own around him, your head buried into chest as you feel your eyes getting heavy…not able to stay awake anymore. You feel Kakashi envelope you in his arms, the warmth from his skin against the cold air lulling you to sleep, your mind becoming foggy as you close your eyes, slowly drifting off somewhere far, far away…
Your eyes open to the chirping of birds perched on the branches above, rays of morning light casting a rosy glow in the horizon.
You watch the half light in the distance, rubbing your eyes, smiling to yourself.
The night had taken with it the black clouds of denial fogging your mind, your heart is as clear as day now.
You turn your head just in time to see Kakashi opening his eyes, his eyes puffy, imprints of grass marking his soft cheek.
You smile at him as he looks at you, lips curled into a sleepy smile. “Good morning” he yawns, tapping over his mouth with his palm.
“I won.”
“Hmm?” he asks groggily, eyes still adjusting to the light.
You hold up the two small bells in front of him, they jingle over his face.
He chuckles. “I don’t think so. It’s past dawn”
“I took them off before. I won.”
He laughs again, his face lighting up in a way you’d never seen before. He looks even more beautiful in the daylight.
“In all fairness y/n, there are no losers here.”
You laugh along with him now, reaching across and smoothening the imprints on his cheek, keeping your hand there, cupping his cheek.
“So, I passed?” you ask, looking at him, inching closer.
He looks back at you, with the same look from earlier in his eyes.
But you’re not turning yourself blind to it anymore.
“Top of the class” he laughs, pulling you closer, nuzzling your nose with his before pressing his lips into yours.
Notes :-
Did I quote 10 Things I Hate About You on a Kakashi Smut?
Yes, yes i did.
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iambilliejeanok · 3 years
Kakuzu x reader x Hidan
Part One
Summary: You are a respectable shinobi of Konohagakure, known as the red gem of the leaf, a name that sent shivers down the spines of all nations. No one ever lived to tell of how gruesome you were in battle however, you now found yourself in a rather tricky dilemma. You are in debt and Kakuzu, dragging along Hidan are your hungry loan sharks. There are only two ways in which you could clear your debt and finally get rid of those evil bastards . What's your pick?
Warning: 18+ Violence, Language and NSFW 
Minors please do not interact. 
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
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“Ow!”, you yelled out as Kakuzu tightened his grip on your wrist, roughly pulling you along, as you purposefully dragged your feet on the stoney path, annoying him to his core. He would have simply killed you if it wasn't for your status, however, your death would certainly win him a tough time with Pein and the Leaf village, causing him many problems down the line. He had a headache just thinking about it. Damn you.
“Quiet!”, the growl coming out of his mouth threatening enough to force you to bite your lip against the next moan that sped up your throat as he pulled you even harder. You glared at him, angry eyes melting a hole at the back of his head. “Tch”, you irritably grumbled. You had finally reached what you assumed was the akatsuki hideout, your eyes impatiently rolling as you watched Kakuzu weave the necessary signs to undo the seal on the giant metal gate before you.
You caught a sight of his large hands, noticing the brown nail polish decorating his thick, long fingers. A ring wrapped around his middle finger, only further dampening the arousal that slowly built up in your core. You quickly snapped out of the filthy thoughts infiltrating your mind as he returned his rough grasp on your wrist, once again pulling you through a doorway and further down a dimly lit passage.
After a few turns he had finally stopped in front of double doors, the grip on your wrist loosened and he reached behind you to place it on the small of your back, pushing you into the large room. A king sized bed sat right in the middle of the room, draped in cotton grey sheets. A thin, black box sat at the foot of it. You immediately stiffened, feeling Kakuzu’s muscular, hard chest pushing against you. You noticed the warmth that radiated off of his chest, heating you up as he gently placed his large pretty hand on your tummy, pulling you further into him. You didn't even try to pry yourself from him, having long accepted your fate. The cotton fabric of his mask tickled your neck as he lowered his lips to your ear, “Get dressed, then come and meet me in the room down the passage. It will be the last door on your right”. He backed up away from you, a sharp gasp leaving your lips as a hard slap landed right on your full ass, making you stumble forward. You quickly turned around to face him, an annoyed scowl on your face as your dark eyes glared at him. “Do not make me wait, or I will return to dress you myself”, was the last words he uttered before turning on his heels and walking out the room. Leaving you all by yourself.
A deep sigh left your plump lips as he shut the door behind him. The silence triggering you to start evaluating your situation. You would try your best to get this over and done with. Simple right? He would have you as he pleased for one whole night, then you would leave. Debt cleared. How hard could it be to satisfy an old man like him? “Quick, quick, quick”, you absentmindedly mumbled as you turned on your heels to walk to the box on the bed. You impatiently ran your fingers along the sides to make sure it wasn't taped shut, before lifting up the lid, only to reveal black material. “What the fuck?”, you whispered to yourself as you pulled the soft, lacy material out the box, holding it up in the air to fully take in the cloth. “What the fuck!’, you gasped out a little too loud as you took in the very skimpy piece of lingerie between your fingers. “What kinky shit is this old man up to?”, you spoke aloud, a wave of panic rushing through you as you realised the situation you were in. He was actually quite strong and even though you had never personally fought him, you had witnessed him in battle and he looked a little too sexy for your liking, and that's when your deep pretend hatred towards him began. A pathetic way to distract yourself from the undeniable arousal that crept up on you when you took him in. For a moment you considered running out the room to let the old man know you decided to go for option number two. Anything would be better than giving in to this want you had for him. But option two was totally not an option. Your debt was a large one after all. Either you let him ‘have his way with you’ or you joined the akatsuki to go on missions until your debt was paid, which would take long enough for the whole of Konoha to find out and label you a rogue ninja. The thought of experiencing such shame and loss already had you reaching for the button of your pants. 
No ways would you let this man ruin you. At least not your reputation. 
You didn’t even know what you looked like as you stepped out the room, your bare feet padding against the cool tiles of the hideout. The air felt cool against your skin. You weren't that nervous and being a virgin didn't scare you one bit. Nothing really made you nervous. Fuck Kakuzu. You smirked at the pun. You stood in front of the door of the supposed meeting place and quickly placed the ridiculous bunny ears you held in your hand on your head. “Do your thang girl”, you snickered at your little joke, pushing the doors open.
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rosaliepostsstuff · 3 years
Sol et luna — The Sun and the Moon | G.W.
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pairing: George Weasley x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of food and eating, alcohol, vague mention of sex, insecurity
summary: You head out to the countryside with your friends, renting a cabin by the lake for two weeks, during which you notice a correlation between yours and George’s soulmate tattoos, unsure what to do about it.
word count: 9130
tags: @izzyyy-1​ ; @amourtentiaa​ ; @hufflepuffalice​ ; @slytherclawbitch​ ; @famdomhideout​ ; @mollenniumfalcon​ ; @accioweaslcy ; @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts​ ; @justasmolballofstress ; @hufflepuff5972​ ; @calmspencer​ ; @pandaxnienke​ ; @harrysweasleys​ ; @ickle-ronniekins​ ; @4amhotchner​ ; @weasleysprofessionalhoe​ ; @lunarlovegoodx ; @henqtic​ ; 
a/n: This took me so much time and effort, I’d appreciate any kind of feedback, thank you!
masterlist | taglist form
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You gazed out of the car window, sitting in one of the back passenger’s seats. The journey was pleasant, a nice prologue to the vacation you were about to begin – Ginny, Hermione, Angelina and Alicia, your travel companions sharing snacks and blasting muggle pop songs while singing along.
Natural curiosity made you wonder what the atmosphere was like, in the other car – which Fred, George, Lee, Harry and Ron travelled by. They had been driving behind you for some distance, before passing you by and disappearing in the distance – you supposed Fred had a bit too much fun behind the wheel.
It seemed like you’d be lucky with the weather for most of the two weeks of your stay at the cabin – that day was pleasantly warm with just a bit of refreshing wind, and the Sun was shining beautifully in the bright, blue sky.
The whole area around the place you were supposed to be staying at was just stunning. The cabin was by the lake, surrounded by nature, with just a small village nearby – no noise, no pollution – it was really going to be a great vacation.
When you arrived at your destination, the boys’ car was already vacated, parked in the front, some distance from the cabin.
“Took you long enough!” Lee commented, emerging from the front door after hearing the commotion of your group unloading the car. “Why such a hurry?” asked Ginny, pulling her last bag out of the trunk and stepping aside to make room for you. “Yeah, we had a great time..” added Angelina, already carrying her bags inside, and shrugged at him defiantly.
You made it inside with your heavy luggage and did not hesitate to dump it on the floor right after you entered, to have a look around the place. The layout was quite modern – the front door opened into a great open space, which still had a cosy feeling to it. Complete with a lounge area, a dining table to fit all of you, and an open, yet a bit secluded kitchen. Directly opposite the front door, on the far end of the room was a large, glass sliding door, giving you a preview of the back of the house, where you could see a deck, complete with a furniture set. Looking at all the spaces, you couldn’t help but imagine small moments you could have throughout the following fortnight, what sharing a house with your friends would be like.
Most of your friends were downstairs, you heard their bickering in the background as you debated just taking half of your baggage to then come back for the rest, when George approached you, without you noticing. “Want any help?” he asked, with no tease to his tone, nor any exaggerated kindness – merely, as if giving a helping hand was the simplest thing in the world. “Uhm…” you stammered, knowing well you did - but also thinking, you could do this on your own just fine.
George, evidently bored of waiting for your reply for more than two seconds, grabbed the bags with a scoff and a small smile. “Thank you,” you said, genuinely, signalling you had not lost your ability to speak too.
Walking out the back, onto the deck, you could see Fred by the lake. You took a moment, standing by the bannister – listening to the sounds – the very faint sound of water moved by the gentle wind, soft rustle of tree leaves and the birdsongs, undisturbed by anything. You could smell the grass, the trees, the flowers around, as well as the lake water.
You walked down the wooden steps and through the grass field, to the lake, to have a closer look.
Fred was skipping stones, he turned around for a moment when you walked up and smiled, acknowledging your presence – then continued. You watched him closely – there was something satisfying and soothing about skipping rocks, yet you were never able to do that yourself. No matter how many times it was explained to you, you had barely succeeded a couple of times in your life. You’d prefer to avoid sharing that fact about yourself - so for now, you just enjoyed watching Fred do it.
As he threw another rock, it splashed a bit, startling you. You winced a bit at the sudden contact of the cold water against your exposed legs – Fred snickered at you, and you heard George laugh, as he was approaching from behind.
Seeing him once you turned around, you felt the sudden need to explain yourself. “It’s cold,” you said sheepishly, a bit embarrassed, and followed with a chuckle. George scoffed, grinning. “Don’t give us any ideas,” Fred feign-threatened with a mischievous smile, yet you didn’t understand him. “…or you might end up finding yourself in the water,” George followed, looking you straight in the eye with the same expression. You felt a shiver down your spine.
“You wouldn’t…” you pointed out, wanting to believe that and crossed your arms over your chest. Fred and George knew a boundary. Right? George shrugged, continuing his act as he walked up to you. “We’ve got two whole weeks, love,” he said melodically and squeezed you against his side, way tighter than necessary.
When Angelina, Ginny and Harry came back from a grocery run, they gathered the whole house to take a walk around the area together.
Each step you took was as easy as if it was weightless; soaking up the views around you, you breathed in an immense sense of freedom, unobstructed by anything. You had left all worries, responsibilities and expectations at home. The sounds of the surrounding nature paired with the footsteps of the nine people around you were like music to your ears.
“Look, a tree!” Fred gasped in the most obnoxious way, pointing at one, with many other trees around you. Fred Weasley would never admit to be enjoying himself on a simple walk and he evidently found the tranquillity too boring. You could almost feel Angelina’s eye roll to your side before he spoke again.
“Merlin’s beard, a rock!” he exclaimed with another gasp as he looked to the side of the path, keeping his acting level high. “We get it, Weasley, no need to keep going,” Alicia told him. “No, I don’t think you do,” he replied, and the conversation continued.
You smiled to yourself, realising that the two weeks with all of your favourite fools has officially started and you couldn’t wait to see what it would bring.
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The next day you woke up quite early, while your roommate, Alicia was still out in her bed. Walking downstairs, you saw that you weren’t the first one up in the house.
Hermione was strutting around the kitchen in her pyjama and dressing gown, with her hair up a bit messily, most likely making breakfast for herself. Sitting by the kitchen island over a bowl of cereal, was George Weasley.
“Morning,” you said quite cheerfully and Hermione said it back with a smile, while George just lifted the fingers of one of his hands in a lazy greeting. The kitchen was neat, all cleaned up after you all had dinner together last night, in a family-like atmosphere. So you fixed a quick breakfast with a mug of warming tea for yourself, and sat down by the island counter too.
Day two was pretty slow, you could tell everyone was just enjoying being able to do nothing, away from home. After lunch, you sat out on the deck with a coffee, following a game of cards played by the boys. It wasn’t a game you knew before, so you did not join them, but enjoyed watching from the sidelines instead, secretly rooting for whoever was doing the best each round and slowly memorising the rules.
Hermione enjoyed reading outside most of the afternoon, unbothered by anything or anyone – one could feel a bit calmer just by looking at her, in her element. Angelina on the other hand, felt inspired to move her usual workout routine out onto the grass, then hung out inside after a shower. Alicia turned back to her old hobby of drawing – Ginny, energetic by nature, seemed to be everywhere at once.
You had volunteered to prepare dinner for everyone that evening, and so did George Weasley. Happy to not have to do everything by yourself, you wondered how much experience he had in the kitchen, it was something you’ve never talked about – maybe he’d inherited Molly’s skills?
Frankly, you’ve never really had much opportunity to hang out with or even talk to George without anyone else around. It only made you more happy and excited – getting to know your friends more personally being added to the list of this vacation’s benefits.
You found George already in the kitchen, examining the contents of the fridge. During a short conversation to decide what you were going to make, you were able to deduce, he did know his way around the kitchen pretty well - just not Molly’s level quite yet.
It seemed that awkward silence did not exist around George Weasley, though it felt odd having such a simple chat with him – just about what’s been going on recently in your lives, or what you were hoping to do throughout the rest of the stay.
As you finished one step of the recipe, you moved over to stand next to George to help him out. You began to peel some veggies for him to chop, when you noticed the tattoo on the front of his left forearm. It caught your eye because it was similar to yours - well visible on your right forearm, resting next to his above the countertop. You found it quite funny at first.
But then you had a closer look.
Your soulmate tattoo. It had appeared on your 18th birthday, and you were pretty lucky it did. According to folktales, one’s soulmate tattoo would appear on midnight of their birthday – but it was never mentioned which one. Some people found out much later in life, some already married and with kids, having married said soulmate or not, some people would die before theirs would etch into their skin.
Yet yours had appeared. Half a full Moon, cut off with a clean line, facing your palm.
His – half a Sun, cut with a clean line, facing up, towards his elbow.
He noticed that you had stopped working. Out of the corner of his eye, he had noticed the two tattoos as well - and once he followed your gaze, he knew, you’d been staring at them.
Would George Weasley be your soulmate? How could he? - it didn’t make any sense. Sure, you got along fine, but you were both so different. What could he possibly see in a girl like you? Not just appearance-wise, but personality. He was wild, funny, charismatic – a breath of fresh air on a hot, sultry day; a rainbow on the plain sky. In comparison to him, you were boring. You’d never even considered George as anything more than a friend, he was just out of your league.
“…Are they… matching?” he asked very slowly.
It was over now. Once he became aware of the similarity, or rather the correlation, the matter became serious, disallowing you to just put it away, until you’d figured out how you feel about it. Did they?
“I- uh… I dunno…” you muttered, struck dumb. “They have to, they wouldn’t-…” George stammered, thinking way quicker than he was able to speak. “They wouldn’t be that similar if they weren’t supposed to match, would they..?” he noted with some confidence in his voice, only making you all the more nervous.
He took notice of your silence and frown, and waited a few seconds more, hoping to see just a glint of enthusiasm break out on your face - but it didn’t.
“You’re disappointed…” he said quietly, almost as if he was talking to himself. “No,” you denied almost immediately, shocked by his statement. You, disappointed with him? How much you’d give for a guy like George to see you, to really see you. “No, I-… just thought you probably are,” you mumbled quietly, trailing off the sentence, wishing for that conversation to just stop.
George caught on, however, he opened his mouth to speak, to express himself, but he really didn’t know how – your words just puzzled him. Why would you immediately assume he’d be disappointed to have you as his match?
“We should really get on with it, it’s gonna overcook…” you concluded firmly, glancing at the pot on the stove, closing the previous topic. George didn’t feel in place to drag it further since you clearly didn’t wish to talk. But he was really not pleased with how that conversation had gone, and it left him with this uneasy feeling somewhere in his chest, eating away at him.
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It seemed as if your mind was permanently clouded now. You kept shifting between obsessively thinking, about what George being your soulmate would mean, and not believing it was true at all. The Sun and the Moon?
But he was right, the tattoos wouldn’t have that much of a correlation if they weren’t a pair. And as you kept going in circles, each time you came to this conclusion, you felt the nervousness start to take over. How were you supposed to act around him now? Because of that, subconsciously and without thinking, you avoided him – just to not have to wonder about what your interactions should look like.
George gave you space, you were glad he didn’t try to corner you, but during dinners you’d feel his glances on you from time to time - as if he was trying to see through you, to find out what was going through your mind.
It’s been two days, spent awkwardly avoiding George with your eyes every time everyone ate together. Two days of trying to appear busy at all times, so that no one would notice that something’s troubling you, and ask about it.
That night you had trouble falling asleep, your distressed mind wasn’t helping you. The air inside felt stuffy, even with the window open. You gave up, for the time being, kicked off your blanket, put on your slippers. The main room was semi-dark illuminated by strong moonlight coming through the large windows. The Moon was full that night.
Upon opening the glass door you welcomed the slight chill on your skin, taking a deep breath of fresh air. You turned around to close the door behind you when a voice spoke to you.
“Hi,” said George softly, sitting to the side on one of the outside sofas. Your heart almost stopped when you noticed him - the one person you tried to avoid, and you knew it was too late to run away. “Hey,” you replied with a defeated smile, wondering if he was aware. He gestured to the seat next to him, smiling at you, almost shyly.
You were glad the only light came from the Moon in the sky because you could feel yourself shaking slightly, as you walked up to him and took the spot. You sat down and looked ahead, fiddling with your fingers in your lap. You could smell his scent, feel his presence right next to you and it felt like too much to bear, too personal.
“Haven’t seen you around much lately…” he began, vaguely, and you could sense what he was thinking. “I wasn’t avoiding you..!” you blurted without thinking, only realising afterwards, that it made it sound exactly as if you were. He hummed shortly, biting his lip with a small frown.
You sighed deeply and said, “I wasn’t avoiding you,” truthfully, making sure to accentuate the last word. Because you weren’t, you were only avoiding your cluelessness which took over you while you were around him. “Oh,” he replied after a second upon working out what you meant, “…okay,” but did not ask further.
“You know, nothing has to change,” he began, and you turned to him to listen intently. “I mean, don’t force anything. We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” he continued, bringing you some comfort, yet simultaneously a bit of confusion – what was the custom when finding out you were soulmates with someone? Did people usually throw themselves at each other immediately, that’s why he was saying that?
“We can take this slow, alright?.. Figuring out this whole- ‘soulmate’ thing.” You nodded, not sure what to say, crossing your arms over your chest as the slight chill of the night started getting to you. George looked at you for a bit, thinking, then lifted his arm gently, inviting you in. You ignored the small voice in the back of your head and scootched closer, allowing yourself to be embraced. For the first time, somewhere in the back of your mind, you welcomed the thought of having him as a soulmate.
You stared up at the Moon and it seemed to be staring back. You just couldn’t decide if it was taunting you – pointing out your silly overthinking, or rather comforting you in a motherly way, feeling partially responsible for binding your fate with the one of the man next to you. Why was it the Moon? The Sun – it fit George. Blinding you, only allowing to be admired from afar, yet never to be looked at directly.
“I’d like you to feel comfortable with me… so, whatever’s troubling you, I’m here,” George said with such sincerity, it sent shivers down your back. “… but no pressure,” he hasted to add with a chuckle.
“Thanks, uhm-…” You wondered, would he want to confide in you? “...Same to you.”
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The following day, you woke up lighter in spirit. Knowing you could give yourself the time you needed, gradually lifted off the pressure of figuring out where you were standing.
After breakfast, when your friends were occupied inside or still sleeping, you decided to go out into the backyard. As always, welcomed by the birdsongs, you allowed your eyes to feast upon the views for a moment.
Without much thought, you walked up to the lake and as if it were mandatory, crouched to dip the very tips of your fingers in the water.
You saw the rocks by the edge of the water and stared at them for a moment, debating. Fully prepared to fail, you picked a flat-looking one and got up. You took a deep breath, then swinging your wrist – threw it, and with a loud ‘plonk’ it went down.
You heard a muffled snicker behind your back and you turned around instantly, to see George there. “How does this keep happening?!” you exclaimed, as he walked up to you without being able to hold back his grin. “What do you mean?” “You keep walking up behind me without me noticing..!” you explained, beginning to laugh and he chuckled quietly, shaking his head. “I walked out soon after you because I was bored inside, but I couldn’t help myself when I realised you didn’t see me,” George explained, and you accepted it.
“You need to swing it like this,” he instructed with a demonstration. “I know, that’s what I did,” you replied defensively, certain that all the rocks in the world just had a pact against you, not allowing you to skip them.
“Look,” George said, showing you once again how to do it. His rock skipped so many times, you lost count.
“Now you try and let me see,” he told you, watching you closely. You felt a bit of pressure, but even though you knew you’d fail again, you tried. And the rock sunk.
“Is that okay if I show you?” he asked and you didn’t understand at first, before he made a move to stand behind you with one hand on your shoulder and the other over your hand, but waited until you replied.
“O-okay,” you stammered, so he picked out a rock to hand it to you, then moulded your body into the right posture, to then help you throw the rock. You noticed how tiny your hand was in comparison to his. To your amazement, it skipped a solid 4 times.
Both his hands were on your shoulders when you turned around and smiled, beaming at him, and he thought he could get used to it.
“Do you want to try on your own?” he asked, but you couldn’t get a word out, because you didn’t. He nodded, holding back a smirk, then repeated the whole process, and the throw was successful again.
You did try throwing by yourself after that and it was as if the curse has been lifted. Thanks to George you got the swing of it, with each time it seemed easier and easier, and you did better and better.
In a moment of confidence you joked about having a contest – and George, being George, wouldn’t let you back down. But he’d also let his rocks sink right away from time to time on purpose, to then pretend he didn’t know what happened.
“Thank you,” you said sweetly, on your way back towards the entrance. It was amazing how nice it felt to be taught something, by someone, who didn’t make you feel inferior. “Anytime,” he replied. “But tell anyone about this…” you changed your tone, to feign seriousness for that threat.
“What’re you gonna do to me, huh?”
 A certain sense of companionship was formed between you and George from that moment on, some type of feeling, quite hard to describe.
Your relationship was an odd one now. In any other circumstances, the two of you wouldn’t be close enough to really know you could depend on each other, trust each other with anything. But such a simple thing as a possibility, that you could be destined for each other  - by fate, or magic, or whatever it was – changed everything.
You also found yourself paying more attention to him – catching yourself pointing out all the small things you liked about him, in your head. Like his soothing voice, or the facial expressions he’d make.
George sat in a chair next to you during dinner that afternoon. Again – previously, you would’ve seen it as a coincidence, but now you knew it wasn’t. Maybe the fact that you had been the first one to sit down and all the other chairs were empty, contributed.
There were moments where it felt like the two of you were sitting in a separate little room, surrounded by invisible walls. Nobody else noticed when George accidentally made a piece of salad fly right onto his shirt, while you stifled a chuckle – earning a light shove to your legs underneath the table. Throughout the whole meal, from time to time you’d hear him mutter jokes or anecdotes about his brothers when they spoke, while more of your stifled chuckles served as a reward for him.
The next day, Friday, it was very warm right from the morning, and it was only getting warmer as the Sun kept rising. By the time everyone was up and breakfasted, the weather was just perfect to enjoy the lake.
Once you walked out the back door in your swimsuit, you felt a bit more self-conscious about being so exposed – more so than usual, not really understanding the reason behind it.
After setting up your towel next to Angelina, you were content to spend some time just lounging there, maybe reading a bit, while the girl went off into the water.
As you followed her with your eyes, your gaze ended up on George, far away from the shore. His hair soaking wet, water dripping down his face with pure happiness written all over it, with his contagious, soul-lifting smile.
You couldn’t help your eyes wandering down a bit – you’ve had a few opportunities to see George shirtless before, you were perfectly aware of how fit he was. Why was he making such an impression on you now, then?
He turned his head all of a sudden, making you freeze as he caught your eye. He sent a cheeky wink in your direction, with a grin, and you quickly dropped your head. Ugh, why have you done that? It was simply the most awkward thing you could do. But what should you have done? Smile? Wink back? Why did this man have to be so forward, making you flustered?
When you looked back up, he was occupied by something else, once again.
 The next day, a few of your other friends and some people invited by the boys were to come by for a party that evening. There were a few more of them than you had expected, most you haven’t even seen before.
The party wasn’t concentrated in one part of the house, there were people all over – you spent the majority of the evening out on the deck with your closest friends and a light drink in hand.
Music was blasting from the inside, but you enjoyed your time away from the main crowd. Your housemates were scattered all over, you saw most of them at least for brief moments – the deck was where everyone headed to cool down.
Once it was dark and the chill started setting in, you came back inside. Seeing George with a group of people – who you assumed were his friends – felt odd. For a second, a thought crossed your mind, that you should be spending this time with him. Everything indicated that you were his soulmates, so you should be bonding, should you not? Why was he in the presence of some other girls, then?
But you shook that off – it was irrational. George was his own person who could have his own friends. Hell, you couldn’t even be sure if he was single..! You stopped your brain from going down that path too, grabbing something to drink, and approached some of your other mates.
For the rest of the night, however, you couldn’t help but sneak glances at him. It was natural, he looked so good. How could you not have noticed he was that handsome, throughout all those years? And the outfit he had on didn’t help in keeping your eyes away, either.
What you didn’t notice, though, was that his gaze landed on you, from time to time, too. Not once at the same time as you, not once catching your eye, no matter how badly he wanted to. But you just seemed totally uninterested in him.
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The next morning, you left your room in your PJs. You passed by Ginny, sitting in the lounge room with a newspaper, lazily skimming the articles.  Going into the kitchen, you noticed George having breakfast there, with some girl sitting next to him, leaning into his personal space a bit.
You tensed a bit, feeling hot all of a sudden. Did she spend the night with him, then? Why else would she be there right now? Most people have left right after the party.
“Morning,” George greeted you with a small smile. You almost smiled back genuinely, but then the girl greeted you as well. She was very pretty. “Hi,” you replied, forcing a polite smile, before you turned your back to them, to prepare your breakfast.
The girl continued her sweet talk, trying to keep up the conversation by asking about his shop. She flirted without any shyness, not caring that they weren’t alone in the room. You envied her in a way, you could never bring that kind of confidence out of yourself.
George didn’t seem interested, though. You supposed she wasn’t his friend, after all, but someone else’s and just taken a fancy in him. But the way she talked did not strike with much intelligence.
You dragged out making your food, not wanting to sit down with them, making the situation feel even more awkward. Luckily, once George finished eating, they both went away somewhere. And you didn’t want to think about her all throughout your breakfast, but it was very hard not to.
“Too bad I didn’t wait with having my breakfast,” George said sliding into the seat next to you, startling you a bit. “Why?” you asked, with a slight tone of confusion. “So that I could have it with you,” he replied cheerfully.
“Bimbo not entertaining enough?” you said, regretting it instantly. “Ooof,” you practically heard his shit-eating grin, not daring to look at him as you bit your tongue.
“Aww, are you jealous?” he asked merrily, leaning on the counter, trying to get you to look at him. “No, I have no reason to be.” “If you say so,” he almost sang, teasingly.
“How did you sleep?” you tried desperately to change the topic. It was only afterwards that you realised you could’ve made it even more awkward if he had slept with that girl. “Alright. Can’t sleep for too long after having a bit to drink, though. How about you?” “Yeah, alright too,” you replied, and had no more ideas as to what to say.
Once again surprising you by doing things not at all out of the ordinary, George invited you to have some tea with him outside.
You set your mug of tea down on the table out on the deck, but you stood there for a bit, with your arms crossed on your chest.
“What is it?” George asked, having already sat down on the sofa. “It’s a bit colder than I thought, with the wind. I think I’m gonna run up quickly and get something more to wear.” “There’s my jumper laying somewhere in the lounge, you can take it if you want,” he offered, surprising you a bit. But you did want to.
“Okay, thanks,” you said, turning to the door. “You can put it on in front of the bimbo,” he said after you with a sly smile, making you shake your head, holding back a grin.
But you did, feeling a bit guilty about this childish behaviour. Just a bit, though – it was satisfying.
It gave you a bit of a boost in confidence – and since you were wearing his jumper already, why shouldn’t you sit down right next to him? That’s when you realised – you felt comfortable around George, inside and out. None of it was awkward – the silence, all the things you did or didn’t say; your morning hair or your oily face you haven’t washed yet after waking up.
“It’s been a week now,” George conversed.
Since you noticed your tattoos? That’s a bit of an exaggeration…
“Since we’ve come here,” he added, noticing your puzzled expression. “Have you enjoyed your stay so far?” “It’s gone by quickly,” you replied, frankly, frowning a bit. You didn’t know where all the days have gone. “Oh, we’ve still got a week,” he tried comforting you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Yeah, we do…” you replied, deep in thought, leaning more into his side.
The fact that a full week has gone by was worrying you, that the second one would pass just as quickly. What could you do, to use it to its fullest?
 You did not have to wait long for an opportunity to present itself.
Overall, since that conversation on the deck on Sunday morning, George and you would hang out more. Just like the previous day, late in the evening, already in your PJs, you sat with him at the dining table playing various Wizarding games.
You were starting to feel tiredness get to you, everyone else in the house had already gone to their rooms for the night, and your laughs were often followed by yawns you tried hard to suppress.
“Let’s go for a walk,” George suggested out of the blue once you finished a game. “What?” you questioned, wondering if he was just joking. “I don’t wanna go to sleep yet, the night’s warm… let’s go for a walk.”
You studied his face for a moment, but he appeared absolutely serious, looking at you back with a small smile. You glanced outside through the great sliding doors, as if to check if it was really dark, despite knowing the time, then at your attire.
“Go get changed, I’ll wait here,” he convinced you.
Once you were out of his sight you ran up to your room as quick and quiet as possible, then changed, careful not to wake your roommate.
You took the path leading out from the cabin to the forest. You had to admit it was exhilarating. George’s spontaneity awoke something in you, the way he just made up his mind in a second and stuck to it. You’d have never think of taking a nightly stroll through the middle of nowhere, you’d be terrified of doing this alone. But the fact that he was walking next to you, and walking so casually, with his hands in his pockets, made all of that feel just as normal as anything else.
The walk woke you up, the comfortable silence broken from time to time by either one of you.
“Are we going somewhere in particular?” you asked, swaying your hands inside the pockets of your unzipped hoodie. “Nah, not really,” George replied indifferently, shrugging. “But- you’ll remember the way back, right?.. I haven’t been paying attention to where we’re going at all,” you said frankly, as you stepped off the path, walking straight through the forest now
George laughed at this, he found it cute, how you followed him into the forest without any care. “What were you paying attention to, then..?” he asked teasingly, giving you a meaningful smile.
“Nope, not getting dragged into- AAH!!” you screamed, scared by a bird suddenly moving around in leaves on the ground. Instinctively you jumped back and half-hid behind George, grabbing onto his arm. He tried his best to hold in a laugh, as you were coming down from the shock.
“You okay?” he asked, reaching out his other arm to you. You hugged him tightly, hiding your face in his chest. “Now I’m just annoyed I got so startled over some stupid leaves,” you complained after a small groan. You allowed yourself to stay in his arms for a bit longer, feeling those negative emotions leave you as if nothing bad could happen to you there. “That’s alright, happens to the best of us,” he comforted you.
As you pulled away, you made a move to hold onto his arm but he took your hand instead, holding onto it firmly.
“Look,” he said softly after you walked a bit further, pointing with his finger, where between the trees you could see water.
In the opening there was a small lake – it had a mysterious feel about it, seemed long unvisited, the boardwalk a bit old, yet sturdy as ever.
You sat down at the end of it together, above the trees was a perfect view of the sky above the valley, sky littered with stars.
“I should make it a point to stargaze more often,” you admitted, in awe of their beauty. George watched you, face illuminated by the moonlight. “I could remind you from time to time,” he offered.
You dropped your gaze, deep in thought once more. All of that wouldn’t stop once you left the cabin – George would still be in your life, out there, in the real world.
“Mhm… you could,” you agreed, dropping your head to the side, leaning it on his shoulder.
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“Soulmates?” asked Alicia in a tone of surprise. “… the two of you?” added Ron doubtfully. “What’s that supposed to mean?” George snapped at his younger brother.
You and George talked the same morning about how it was probably the best time to just tell your friends everything. You were getting more suspicious looks from them, whenever you’d hang out late with George, whenever the two of you would have tea out on the deck together, or when George would make some kind of teasing remark to make you laugh. The looks kept getting bolder too, though none of your mates dared to suggest there was something going on between you. That’s how you went to share the revelation with them during dinner one evening, showing them your tattoos too.
“Maybe just that you have nothing in common..?” Ginny suggested boldly, clearly unpleased with the idea for a reason unknown to you. You glanced at the rest of the table quickly – no one else spoke up, but their faces appeared to say that they agreed with Ginny.
“That’s not true…” you said, getting a bit more emotional than you would’ve wanted, more emotional, than you would’ve expected.
It made you angry, though you couldn’t understand why. You got along with George just fine, so how dare they think you have nothing in common?! What right did they have to have an opinion on whether or not the two of you were meant to be?
“If you say so…” Hermione said softly with a small smile, then frowned at Ginny, silently reprimanding her.
Meanwhile, George was looking at you, judging your reaction – as if checking whether you meant what you said, if you weren’t about to agree with Ginny with a hearty laugh, having all that’s happened yet between you go to waste. Unknowingly, you glanced at him too – you locked eyes for a moment and you exchanged nervous smiles through the ripple between you.
And the rest of the dinner went on in silence.
Surprisingly, no animosity was left afterwards – you still felt a bit watched while around George, but now for a different reason. He, however, did not seem to care one bit.
George floated in the water peacefully, making all appearances that he’s simply relaxing, as most of the cabin’s inhabitants were doing at that moment.
But he was wracking his brain, glancing at you every once in a while – he told himself it was boredom, and getting your attention would be the best way to relieve it. It was like some force, drilling inside him constantly, the inability to leave you be when he saw you lying on your towel in a bathing suit. So he was thinking, thinking of a way to poke the ants' nest that was you.
You did not expect a thing – all of a sudden George ran up to you and scooped you in his arms. The feeling could be pleasant, were you not worried about what he had in his mind.
You yelped in surprise. “What’re you doing..?!” you asked, more as a formality, not expecting to receive an actual answer. “I promised you something when we arrived here,�� he replied with mischief written all over him.
“No, George..!” you pleaded, hanging onto the back of his neck as he ran in the direction of the lake and onto the boardwalk. “Yes, George..!” he exclaimed, before jumping off, into the water.
Once you surfaced, he was already above the water, along with his shit-eating grin. “Idiot..! What if I drowned?!” you shouted, trying to keep serious, but it was hard to keep yourself from laughing. “Come on, I wouldn’t have let you,” he reassured you, making your heart thump for some reason.
He flashed you another dazzling smile, before swimming off on his back.
“I’m not swimming after you!” you called, before heading out of the lake.
Slight goosebumps appeared on your skin once you were out of the water, but you were not cold. Getting a drink of water, you heard splashing behind your back – signalling someone was coming out of the water.
A pair of footsteps was definitely approaching you, until you felt George’s big hand on your waist, making your skin tingle, as he stood next to you.
“You’re not really upset, are you?” he asked with a small smile, just to make sure, as you took another sip. “No,” you replied, keeping your eyes on the bottle you were closing now.
Then, suddenly, he leaned down and kissed you on the cheek. “Good,” he concluded, before walking off again.
You looked at his back, dumbfounded. He just left you there, puzzled, and weirdly lightheaded.
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 You looked around the room – the room in which you’ve made a bit of your own space, even though you’ve not spent all that much time in there, throughout all of your stay. The inside was brightly lit up by the sunlight pouring in through the open windows, the light wind swaying the curtains, but you didn’t feel like staying there.
Outside the room, there was nobody, you knew your housemates were somewhere else, in one of the rooms.
The downstairs was peaceful, all the windows along with the back sliding doors open, inviting nature in and calling you to go outside. Going down the steps, you judged it must’ve been late afternoon on a sunny day – the kind of sunlight that does not suffocate with heat but allows you to enjoy the outside and somehow makes everything look more beautiful.
Then you noticed George there, standing by the door – he turned around to face you, smiling right away, making your heart swell. You wanted to run up to him, drown in his arms.
He told you there was no time to lose, you should go outside and enjoy the time you have left, so you gave him your hand and allowed yourself to be pulled outside, through the deck and onto the plain grass by the lake.
You regretted not having spent more of your time admiring those views around – the mountains, the trees and various other plants. Everything was blossoming, despite it being the middle of summer – flowers all around you, on the trees and shrubs, flowers in the grass George was now pulling you onto.
You sat side by side on the grass, holding hands still, and his hand in yours felt like nothing else. The warmth of it – entirely non-physical – was so great, so extraordinary, and it seemed to radiate all throughout your body to your very heart.
And your heart, it felt as if it was about to stop and as if this was the only way it could function now, looking at him. His smile, his happiness felt like the sole fuel that could power your being and in a moment, you knew there was nothing you wouldn’t do, to make that man happy.
He looked at you adoringly, how you wished you’d have at least a fraction of the size in his eyes as he has in yours.
Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me. – you repeated, though the words wouldn’t come out of your mouth.
But he’d heard them – shifted closer to you and placing his hands on your waist, rendered you hopeless. With great difficulty, it seemed, you placed yours on his shoulders – and it felt unlike any other similar action, that simple touch made you feel so connected. How you wished to have more, as his lips were coming closer and closer, excruciatingly slow.
Almost there.
“Y/N..” you heard a female voice from behind the same moment as you closed your eyes, but you didn’t pay attention, you were too close now, you had to kiss him.
“Y/N, wake up,” the voice repeated, and everything was gone – the sunshine, the grass, George too.
You groaned in frustration, rolling onto your stomach and hiding your face in your pillow. “What,” you grumbled against the material.
Alicia chuckled, “It’s kinda late, sleepyhead,” she replied, before stepping out of the room.
To say you were confused was an understatement. Frankly, you were annoyed, you just couldn’t be sure at what exactly.
Was it at yourself? At your brain, for making you dream that dream? – Why would you dream about George this way, why would you feel about him that way in a dream, it didn’t make any sense – and it frustrated you, even making you embarrassed a bit. How were you supposed to look him in the eye now? Or was your annoyance the result of the dream ending? Because it felt so wonderful? Because that short, single dream you didn’t even get to experience a kiss in, felt better than any romance you’ve ever had in real life?
Only downstairs, Fred and George were, to avoid boredom, teasing their little brother in a childish game, tossing his wand lazily between themselves. Ron, at first even tried to get it back, but he was losing motivation, thinking they would have to give it back eventually.
“Hey,” you greeted everyone quietly, walking down the steps, headed to the kitchen.
“Aaay, look who’s up!” exclaimed Fred. “Sleeping beauty,” added George, making your cheeks heat up suddenly.
Ron seized his chance, snatching his wand back, to both twins’ dissatisfaction.
It was pretty late, you’ve noticed, glancing at the wall clock – everyone else was already up.
The girls were having coffee at the table. Joining them with your breakfast, you’ve noticed they were chatting about how none of them was ready to leave the vacation to go back to their daily life at home.
“It’s brilliant here,” Ginny admitted with a bit of a pout. “If we could just stay here, life would be great, I mean, look,” she pointed at you with a chuckle, and you showed her your tongue teasingly. “Had such a good sleep?” she asked. “Just great,” you replied with a snort.
Once another slow day was starting for you, you took a bit of time for yourself. After everything that’s been happening those last few days, you needed to let yourself think.
Going over and over your thoughts, as the sun travelled along the sky, you finally allowed yourself to come to conclusions. It was all intense, feeling as if long months have been condensed into a few short days. As if the most important moment got concluded in a single sentence. So what would happen if you’d missed a bit?
At first, George felt a shift. As if something changed in your pace, and now you were always a step ahead of him. Always slipping away.
Until it seemed like a whole earthquake, when he started feeling as if he was a stranger to you. Fully deprived of you.
It was on Friday afternoon, when Fred came up to him outside, wanting to discuss some business matters. Even interaction with Fred seemed unsatisfying to George at that moment, when it felt like a piece of him was missing.
He was humming and nodding in response, tracing fingers over his tattoo absentmindedly.
“Getting the silent treatment, are you?” Fred quipped with a raised brow, giving up his attempts at a serious conversation. “Huh?” George was pulled out of his thoughts. He scoffed, “I guess.” “And what did you do, dear brother of mine?” Fred leaned back in his seat, expecting an amusing confession. Instead, George frowned a bit sadly, “I… I don’t know,” he admitted. “What do you mean ‘you don’t know’,” Fred repeated, “have you tried asking?” he asked dully. “No.” “Why?” he questioned, confused by his brother’s behaviour.
“I don’t… We’re not…” George shook his head. “Do I have any right to? She’s allowed to do what she wants,” he sighed, fiddling with his hands a bit frustratedly. “Soo, what do you have to lose, huh?” Fred asked simply.
George thought for a moment. Reluctantly, he agreed with Fred, admitting to himself that not having asked you sooner was probably stupid of him.
The very same day, before dinner, he tapped you on the shoulder gently. “Can we talk? After dinner, outside?” he asked quietly, not wanting to attract anyone else’s attention. He didn’t fail to notice how you avoided his gaze, hesitating to answer. “Okay,” you finally replied, getting into your seat, disappearing inside your bubble hastily.
It was hard for you to focus on your meal and your appetite was barely there. You pretended to follow everyone’s conversation, sipping from your glass from time to time with a friendly smile.
Your heart was thumping wildly, as you kept glancing at your friends’ plates – judging the time left before the dinner would be considered over.
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The Sun was setting, lighting up the sky with pinks and oranges. You could almost look at it – half of it hidden below the line of the horizon, only half visible. It was soothing.
George walked up to the edge and leaned his elbows on the bannister, looking out at the nature all around.
“Did something happen?” he asked, getting the question out rather quickly. “No,” you answered, feeling deep down that it was a lie, as you walked up to him. “Are you okay?” he continued, looking at you this time, almost frustrated. “Yes,” you lied again, trying to sound persuasive.
He sighed quietly, turning away from you again. “You… you’ve been avoiding me again, haven’t you..?” he said, with hurt in his voice.
You felt so selfish at that point. You were thinking about yourself all this time, seeing George as the one who always initiated things, who always strikes up conversations. You didn’t take any time to consider how your distancing yourself would make him feel.
“You’re right, I’m sorry…” “Why? Have I done something?” he questioned again, with his heart-wrenching sincerity. “No..!” you hasted to let him know. He didn’t interrupt again but just stood there, leaning on the wooden bannister, hoping to get an explanation that would soothe his heart.
“You’ve done nothing wrong. In fact, you’ve been great, this whole time,” you began opening your heart to him. “I’ve noticed myself starting to fall for you. That’s when my doubts started coming back to me.”
George’s facial expression was unreadable, showing his pleasure upon hearing about your feelings for him, along with worry about those doubts you’ve been having.
“It’s just that… I still don’t know if we should be so sure, about us being soulmates? I’d love for it to be you, I really do, but what if it’s not?” you paused, allowing that sickly cold feeling to sink in again. “What if we started going out, maybe we could even be happy - but what if 2 years, 5 or 10 years from now, you find your other half of the Sun? What then?!”
“Who cares about stupid Sun?! What if it’s the Moon I want? It’s the Moon that always draws me in. It’s the Moon’s beauty I’m always admiring. It keeps on changing, and each yet each of its phases is just as mesmerising as the other,” he recited, full of emotion, having your eyes well up with tears.
“I care about the Sun. It’s always there, bringing me warmth, comfort, happiness… It’s got better and worse days, sometimes being dimmed by the clouds, but I’m the happiest-“ you paused, having to take a deep breath to keep your tears from falling. “-when it’s shining bright. And my world would be forever dark without it.”
George turned his head away and looked up into the sky, trying to keep himself together. As the Sun set fully, it magnified the silence around you, despite birds, crickets and cicadas in the distance.  A single tear fell down your cheek and you wiped it with your hand quickly.
“Well, you know there’s a way to find out,” George stated. It confused you, however, there wasn’t a way you knew of – there was barely any information regarding soulmates, circling around, wizard to wizard. Perhaps if you went to the library and browsed some books on that type of magic, you’d find out more. And if he knew of a way, why has he only mentioning it now?
“You don’t…” he noted. “I thought you did, that’s why I-…” “Well, what is it?” you asked impatiently, as everything indicated he was telling the truth.
George got visibly flustered, something unusual for him. He had trouble getting himself to look you in the eye, even. “The tattoos are supposed to… tingle, or something like that, when… the soulmates kiss for the first time.” “Oh,” you managed to get out, hearing a faint ringing in your ears.
Why did he have to say that? – you thought to yourself. Some first kisses happened suddenly, in the moment, some with a bit of nervousness, after chasing around each other for a while – but this felt pressuring – you wished he would’ve just kissed you first.
But then the real fear struck you – with the real possibility of finding out whether or not you were soulmates, you were scared of it. You were scared of it not being George, as he stood, now in front of you, waiting for anything else from you.
“Say something,” he pleaded in a whisper. “I’m scared. I want it to be you,” you replied, barely audibly, not daring to look him in the eye.
That’s when he bent down a bit, cupping your face in his hands to look into your eyes. You surrendered under his gentle gaze, so dear to your heart. He saw that, reading you like an open book, and leaned in quickly to connect your lips. You jerked away, however, after they barely touched, having felt an incomparable to anything else kind of sensation, right where the other half of your Moon’s circle should be.
“What was that?!” George asked between laughs, party out of relief, partly just seeing you jump around as a giggling mess.
You jumped at him, throwing yourself at his neck, pressing your face into his shoulder. He squeezed you back just as tight, picking you up to twirl you around, eliciting more heartfelt laughs of pure joy out of you, reaching right into the depths of his heart. You both knew now.
“So am I gonna get a real one now?” he asked with hope in his voice. “Mhm,” you hummed happily in reply.
Looking into his eyes once you’d finally allowed yourself to open your heart to him, you felt almost dizzy. You couldn’t help the grin on your face, seeing how he looked at you, placing both his hands on your waist, getting used to having you within his reach, to feeling you underneath his fingertips. His lips were slightly chapped but ever so sweet and loving. He wished this kiss could last forever, but your soaring heart said otherwise. You felt a smile creeping onto your face until you could not fight it anymore, beginning to giggle.
George shook his head gently with a charming smile. Glancing at your forearm, however, he could not believe his eyes.
There, instead of a lonely half a Moon, was his part of the Sun attached to it, creating a whole. He lifted his own arm, to reveal the exact same image.
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chayacat · 2 years
Remember, My Love. (14)
Fandom: Resident Evil 8 Village
Lycan Karl Heisenberg x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, language and Smut
He hears the noises. Machines. the few monsters that were in the area. His own breathing. He was alive.  Heisenberg opened his eyes slowly, facing the ceiling of a room he recognized from the ceiling lamp. The bedroom. His bedroom. THEIR bedroom. But how had he come back so far? Then he remembers.  Urias. He had heard him, just like the Värcolac Alpha and they arrived to take care of Redfield. At least the Värcolac. Moving slightly, he felt like cloth on his belly, he put his hand down, a bandage covered the entire surface. He couldn't help but laugh slightly, He knew it was Aria who had done this but she forgot that Karl was regenerating much faster than a normal human. Habit no doubt. As he raised his hand, he faced an obstacle.  Something else was laid, this time on his chest. When he put his hand over it, he could quickly draw his conclusion: thin, feminine fingers, silk-soft skin, which he could touch for hours, and on one of the fingers he felt a ring. He turned his head to the side and smiled when he saw his beautiful sleeping angel next to him.  
Goddamn she was even more beautiful when she slept. He might think he's in a dream, a dream he would never want to wake up from. But she is there, alive and her light breathing is a very real proof of this. He turned completely to her, ran a hand over her soft face to spread the faint strands of hair. He didn't need to get any closer to feel her soft, sweet skin that still intoxicates him as much. He cursed himself for wanting to even try to forget it, it was so captivating, so exciting. He had only one desire, it was to stick his skin against her, to place a kiss on every part of her body, to feel her shudder and shiver under his fingers, to hear her little voice begging him to stop or continue. He had plans, to found a family, a "human" family of which she would be the sail in front of the wind, the guardian of secrets in front of the thief and the curious ... the mother of his children. He knows she will be a good mother, she doubted it when they talked about it years ago but... He was sure of it. It’s with her that he wants to have a child. She and no one else.  
He was so lost in his thoughts that he did not realize that his sleeping beauty woke up gently under his caresses. Those eyes.... God that he would kill the whole world for her beautiful eyes.  
“Hello, my beautiful Buttercup.” he said with a smile.  
“Karl...Oh thank God you’re alive.” she starts before taking him in her arms, which makes him laugh a little. “When Urias brought you back here, in this state... I thought that... that I had lost you forever. I applied all the necessary care to you but... you didn't wake up...”
“Hey. You know I heal faster than a normal human. The wounds are already closed. And you know I'd be able to come back from hell, just for you.”
“You promised me to be careful...”
“Excuse me my angel. I didn't think that this... Redfield was harder to beat than that. I must admit that I found an opponent at my height and that if he was not our enemy, I would have made him integrate our pack. But I'm here now, you don't have to be afraid anymore.”
“What about him? What happened?” replied Aria worried.  
“Oh, don't worry about him. at this time, he must be having his guts eaten by the lycans. Or if he still acted like a coward... it must be hiding somewhere. But he doesn't have much hiding left.” responds Karl smirking.
“Haha...Sorry. But you don't have to worry. He will eventually die sooner or later. He and his lies.”
“What lies?”
“Oh, nothing important. He said that Mother Miranda treated us like vulgar guinea pigs... That she was our enemy from the beginning and not him. And that when she no longer needs us, she will kill us. But this is just bullshit to better coax me... how pathetic it is...”
“Well... I wonder if... well I ask myself some questions...”
“Don't tell me you believe in his bullshits...”
“No! It's just that... Mother Miranda asked me a lot of... strange questions. About my rebirth.”
“What kind of questions?” replied Heisenberg, frowning.
Aria told him about the exchange she had had with Mother Miranda. The questions she had asked her seemed to him... strange indeed. Especially the last one. Why ask if she had any physical side effects to her resurrection? it is a question that, he thinks, if he asks it, risks ending up without answers, or then with a potential lie. Heisenberg stood up, not without grimacing slightly because of the pain. Aria also stood up and joined him, worried about his condition.
“You should avoid making too much effort.”
“Someone has to take care of the factory... and then you know that I don't like to stand by and do nothing.”
“The factory is running very well. You don't have to deal with it right now. And then you are still suffering.”
“Karl Heisenberg...”
“Ok, ok, as you wish my angel. But let me at least wash myself. And you come with me~"  
Aria began to blush further and looked away, which made Heisenberg laugh heartily. Still innocent. How cute. He gently grabbed her face to cross her gaze, and delicately placed a tender kiss on her lips.
“So adorable when you're so embarrassed... Nevertheless... it's not the first time you've seen me naked. And then it will only be a bath... just you and me in a good bath.” said Heisenberg.  
“With you... it won't just be a bath Karl...” responds Aria with an embarrassed smile.  
“hehehe you know me too well. But how to resist a smell too... bewitching.”
He lifted the young woman up like a married woman and took her to the bathroom. He locked the door to make sure he wasn't disturbed and there he put down his adorable buttercup and kissed her passionately. And she gave it back to him. He gently lifted the girl's dress to remove it and unclipped her bra. For her part, she unbuttoned his pants, then dropped it so that he could remove, with an elegant and assured gesture. The kisses became more passionate and soon our two lovers found themselves totally undressed. That's what he wanted, felt Aria's soft skin against his which was more... Rough. He took her to the bathtub and turned on the water. After that, they will need to wash. He resumed the kisses but this time he went down to the level of his neck, and with his hand he came to play with Aria’s breast, who let go of a slight moan under his kiss, trembling a little. Karl laughed slightly and continued his work. He had waited far too long. He couldn't hold back anymore. He felt it getting harder. And she’s feeling too.  
“Damn...you’re so beautiful... You're going to drive me crazy... Even more than now. But that's why I love you.” he said before lifting her by both legs, blocking her between him and the cold wall of the bathtub.
“Karl I... I don’t know...I’m...I’m scared.” she responds, trying to catch her breath. 
“Don't be. I am here. I would do it slowly. I promise. Relax, slowly... You’ll see the pain will quickly give way to pleasure.”
He used his magnetic power to turn off the water tap, to prevent the tub from overflowing, and then he resumed his gestures on the chest, followed by long kisses. Then when he felt that she was more relaxed, he entered her. She tenses up slightly and let go of a small moan of pain, and then looked Heisenberg in the eye, small tears forming at the corner.
He gently stroked her face and whispered a slight "don't be afraid, it's going to be okay" before kissing her again. Then he began his movements smoothly, snatching small moans from the young woman. As she relaxed, he went a little faster and a little further, and when he felt that his moans were only pleasure, he let go while paying attention.
“Oh Aria... You... you drive me completely crazy. Your skin is so... sweet, its smell so intoxicating... you are both my poison and my remedy.” He said growling slightly as he feels the excitement rise in him.
He slightly increased the rhythm of his movements, panting more and more. Aria she only came out of her mouth moaning, putting her arms around Heisenberg's neck and her legs around his back to not fall. The longer it continued, the more he felt it was coming. He licked the breast of his beautiful angel with the tip of his tongue as he picked up the pace.
“Aria... I can no longer restrain myself... I think... I think I'm going to...”
And this was the last sentence he uttered before, after a few strokes again, he came, cumming inside his beautiful lady, both letting go of a groan of unparalleled pleasure. They slowly caught their breath, Heisenberg wedging his head in the hollow of Aria's neck, he himself wondered how his legs could keep him standing after all this. Aria panted while passing a hand through Heisenberg's hair, playing with them. After a few minutes, when they finally felt the strength to do so, Heisenberg and Aria lay down in the bathtub, finally enjoying the bath. The young woman was resting against him, her head on his chest and this time it was up to him to play with the young woman's hair. And to say that they wanted to wait until they were married... He would never have lasted until then.  
However, he had to admit that Mother Miranda's questions to Aria made him feel... perplexed. No matter how hard he tried to look for logical reasons, strangely, he saw none. A resurrection is not common, so it's normal to know how Aria experienced it... But he felt deep down that there was something unhealthy about these questions. He couldn't get that out of his mind.  
* It's not me your enemy from the beginning, it's her! *
This sentence from Redfield... these questions... what if he was right? No, impossible... Heisenberg shook his head to drive this sordid idea out of his mind. He was lying. He wanted to turn everyone against Miranda, so he could kill them better afterwards.  
“Karl...? Everything's fine? you look... lost.” said Aria who was looking at him, worried.  
“Hum? Oh, excuse me my love, I... I was just thinking about something. Nothing too serious. Don't worry.” He responds, smiling at her before kissing her head.
He looked ahead again, enjoying the warm bath water. Aria had again landed against her torso, her eyes closed, completely exhausted. Too many questions ran through Heisenberg's head, and too many inconsistencies interfered with the answers he was trying to get. There is something wrong. And Heisenberg feels it from afar.  
There's another reason Miranda wants him to get rid of Redfield. He has the presentiment. Miranda doesn't say everything, or at least she tells what she wants to tell. Who is right between her and Redfield? Heisenberg was beginning to doubt. For the first time in all his years, he's going to do something he never thought he would do against the one who, in a way, saves him.
For the first time... he's going to have to spy on Miranda. And it's better for Chris that he's right.  
Because if he lies... Heisenberg will make him regret it bitterly.
(Finally, a small scene... more intimate with this dear Heisenberg. I really have to find the courage to do it when I plan this kind of fiction, I am too afraid to do in the ridiculous or too much in the cliché. But in the end, it's there! I'll also be looking back at AFFO on Road 96 and I also have to refine my script for my future fiction on it! and find a title too... the most painful part for a fiction. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Have a great week everyone! See ya!)  
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disasterofastory · 3 years
Join Part 2 (Finan x Reader x Sihtric)
Join Part 2 Warnings: smut Finan and Sihtric have to go on a mission, but when they come back, they are ready to take the next step before somebody gets Y/N’s heart.
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Your days go by uneventfully, but at the back of your mind, you notice the change on Finan and Sihtric. They spend much more time in your company. They come to the alehouse every morning to say hi, and they wait for you every night to accompany you home if you work late. They kiss your cheek, hold your hands and hug you without reason. They become a part of your daily routine, and that is why you feel so lost the day they have to go to King Alfred with their Lord.
It’s still early in the morning when you go to the gate to say goodbye. Your throat is tight, and your stomach is in knots as you walk closer and closer to them. Finan is ready to jump on his horse when he notices your approaching form. He smiles at you, standing back on the ground.
“Y/N,” he greets you, hitting Sihtric’s shoulder, who looks at your way with a matching smile. “I thought I come to say goodbye,” you tell them, a little bit embarrassed. At home, it sounded like a good idea, but now that you are here, you are not sure about it. “We are always happy to see you,” Sihtric reassures you. “When will you come back?” “Hopefully, we will not be away more than two months,” Finan answers, squeezing your upper arm to calm you down. “Take care of yourselves,” you tell them, almost like an order as you step closer to Sihtric to hug him. His arms go around your waist instantly, kissing your temple. “Take this,” he says when you move back from his embrace. You look down to see what he is talking about, and you notice a small dagger in his hands. “I don’t…” you start to argue, but the Dane doesn’t let you. “Please,” he says, and you take the weapon from his fingers to place it in your belt. “Where is my hug?” Finan smiles cheekily to cheer up your sullen mood. You laugh at his trying and walk into his waiting arms. He squeezes you close to himself, kissing your hair. “Don’t be reckless,” you tell him, looking up at him. “Don’t anger anyone if it’s not necessary.” “Aw, it’s like you don’t know me,” he winks at you, and you hit his arm playfully as you step back from him. “Just… be safe,” you tell them at the end when you notice Uhtred and Osferth coming your way in their horses. “You too,” Sihtric says. “We will miss you,” Finan adds more seriously. You watch them outside the gate till they disappear from your sight.
You almost feel pathetic. It’s ridiculous how much pain you feel in your chest, thinking about the long weeks without them. They are your friends and nothing more. You are still a silly little girl if you think otherwise, and your heart will break if you don’t sober up from your pointless dreams. You have to focus on your own life, and before you know, the two men will be at the alehouse every morning as usual.
The two months have become almost a year.
The only reason you can keep your sanity because you always hear about them from travelers. They talk about their mission and the new Dane village they burned down. The months go agonizingly slow, and you never can be sure they are still well and safe. You try to move on with your life. You can’t be worried for the two men who don’t even feel the same as you.
You are at the market when you hear the news and see the gates opening. They come back. At first, you don’t want to go there. They are not your men to wait for, but before you know, your legs take control over your decisions. You watch them hopping off their horses with smiles and happy shouts as the others circle around them until they disappear behind the people. You bite your lip, thinking of your next move. You could go and welcome them, or you could go home and don’t let your hopes up. You have a date tonight. You should concentrate on it. You have a life beside the Lord’s men, and if you want to do something with your life, it has to stay that way.
You go home without welcoming them with a tightened throat to get ready for tonight. You invited over the farmer boy who asked you out a few times till you said yes. You are still unsure if you want something from him, but it’s the first step to move on, and you have to do it. You make chicken with tomatoes and cheese. When you are done, you go back to your room to get dressed. You braid your hair and put on your prettiest blue dress with darker blue motives. You feel pretty and satisfied, but it still feels wrong. Your cleavage feels provocative, but it doesn’t show more of your bosom than usual, and you want to hide under one of your pelts despite the warmth of the house. When the boy arrives, at first, it feels pleasant. He brings you flowers and compliments on your appearance. He talks to you about his day, and he seems respectful and kind, but as the night goes on, the awkwardness becomes too loud between you two. When you are done with eating, he looks around desperately to find some topic you could talk about while you wish he would go home. He is a nice guy and you sure he will find a girl who will be lucky to be with him, but it isn't you. The knock on your door saves the unpleasant silence, and you almost jump up from your seat to answer it. “H-hey,” you murmur, looking up at the two men. They are still in their travel wears, and their face is stoic as they look down at you and over your shoulder. “You didn’t come to see us,” Finan says, offended. He looks like a kid who doesn’t get his favorite toy, while Sihtric looks like a… Dane. His expression is hard and unfriendly, and you sure, a wrong move from the guy behind you, and he is ready to fight with him. “Could we talk to you?” He asks, and without waiting for an answer, he walks in next to you. “Alone,” he adds, staring at your guest. “It’s better if I go.” The boy says, standing up from his seat. “We will talk later. I enjoyed your company,” he continues. He has to squeeze himself out because Finan doesn’t move to let him go so easily. When he is gone, Finan steps in, closing the door behind himself. You feel guilty under their gaze, although you didn’t do anything. You are pathetic. You feel like you cheated on them. You love these guys so much you are want to be loyal in a nonexistent relationship. “You didn’t come to see us,” Finan repeats it again. “I’m sorry,” you answer, still confused. “Who was the boy?” Sihtric asks angrily. You never saw him like this. If you wouldn’t be sure about his relationship with Finan, you would say he is jealous. “Do you love him?” He asks when you don’t answer immediately. “No,” you shake your head. “We are not together. It was our first date.” You don’t know why do you feel the need to explain yourself. They are not yours, and they were away for almost a year. “We need to talk,” he answers. “We should have talked to you before our journey.” He looks over to Finan, who nods and guides you to a chair before he follows Sihtric’s moves and takes a seat in front of you. “Are you okay?” It’s your turn to ask questions. “Something happened?” “Don’t worry, we are alright,” Finan rushes to calm you down, reaching over the table to grab your hand. “We want to talk about us.” “Us?” “We love you,” Sihtric says, plain and simple. Your whole body froze. What does he mean? “Why did you do that?” Finan asks his boyfriend when he sees your reaction. “What he tries to say… We care about you a lot. We wanted to talk about it before we went away.” “I care about you too,” you answer them. “Good job,” Sihtric says sarcastically to Finan. “As I said, we love you. We want to be with you. We want you to join our relationship. I mean, of course, if you feel the same.” Your ears ring as you hear their words. Your whole body is numb, and you can’t move, doesn’t matter how much you want to. You are afraid if you move or say something, you wake up alone in your bed, far away from Finan and Sihtric. It’s not hard to believe them. Seeing their care for you and their touches and kisses with this knowledge, everything seems whole and easy. The only thing you have to do is not wake up from this dream. “Y/N,” Finan says, leaning closer. “Do you hear us?” “I-I...” you stutter. “Do you feel the same?” Sihtric asks you. “Or do you see a chance to feel?” “I-I…” “I think we broke her,” Finan notes with a half-smile. He tries to suppress his nervousness with a joke. “I love you too,” you answer after a while. Your voice is quiet and shaky. “Both of you,” you add, looking between the two men. You don’t care. If it’s a dream, you will enjoy every minute of it. “So the boy…” Sihtric starts, but Finan doesn’t let him continue. “Leave it,” he says. “She loves us. You love us?” He asks, turning to you. “Yes,” you laugh at his expression. “For a while now.” Both of their faces lit up, hearing your answer. The weight they carried during the whole journey leaves their shoulders. The past year was hard on them. There wasn’t a day when they didn’t think about you or the possibility you find someone else, and maybe you got married while they were away. When they didn’t see you in the welcoming crowd, they thought about the worst, and when Gisela told them about your date, they couldn’t run fast enough to stop whatever is going on between you and the stranger. “We missed you,” Finan says much calmer, standing up to pull you in his arms. His palms caress your sides as you stand against his hard body. His breath is warm on your face, and you have to cling to his shoulders because of your weakened knees. He leans closer till his lips touch yours. The kiss is careful and soft. His beard tickles your skin until he deepens his movements. Your breath is stuck in your lungs, and a moan leaves your mouth as you feel Sihtric stepping behind you. His hands grab your hips, kissing your shoulders and neck. Your whole body shakes under their tender touches. Your stomach is in knots, and the warmth between your legs becomes too much. As you decided before, if it’s a dream, you will enjoy every moment of it. “My room…” you sigh breathlessly when you Finan breaks the kiss. “Are you sure?” Sihtric asks behind you. His breath is warm on your ear, and hearing his low voice, you turn around to stand on your tiptoes for another kiss. His kiss is much different than his boyfriend's. He knows what he wants and doesn’t care about tenderness. He grabs your hair at your nape to pull you closer and doesn’t stop till you push him away for breath. Your lips are red and swollen, and before you know, you are in your bedroom still between the two men who you are in love with for so many months. Sihtric stands behind you to untie your dress. His fingers move skillfully as he leans closer to peck your shoulder here and there while Finan starts to undress himself. His clothes fall on the ground at the same time as yours. His skin is hot, pulling you to his embrace. His fingers move up and down on your sides gently till he reaches the skin under your breasts. In the back of your mind, you hear Sihtric shuffling with his own clothes, and not long after the quiet noise, you feel him again behind you. The room is probably cold, but you feel nothing of it. Between the two men, your skin is warm, and your blood pumps your heart like it wants to jump out of your chest. You caress Finan's arms up to his shoulders and down to his hairy chest. There are scars on his sunburned skin from his past, and you lean closer to kiss them. You feel his heartbeat under your lips, and you can’t help but smile at it. Everything feels so real. The Dane grabs your hips to push himself against your backside. You can’t help yourself but moan at the feeling of his leaking length on your skin and the pressure on your breasts as Finan moves closer to you. His hardness is on your stomach, and you reach between you to grab him. He is hard and hot as you move your fingers up and down on him, and he moans in your neck. While you play with Finan, Sihtric reaches over to grab your breasts. Your nipples peak against his warm palm. “Harder,” you pant, pushing yourself more into his hands. “See?” Sihtric says to Finan. “She is not as fragile as you thought,” he chuckles mockingly, and the other just growls in answer. You giggle at the sound, but your voice turns into a squeal as Finan grabs you. He sits down at the head of your bed, pulling you between his spread legs. You back against his chest, and he squeezes your breast before he reaches between your legs to give space to Sihtric. The Dane is skinnier than his boyfriend but not less muscled. While Finan is thick everywhere, Sihtric is lean and long. He kneels on the bed to lean between your thighs till you feel his fanning breath on your pussy. “W-“ You want to ask what is he doing, but your words stuck in your throat when he licks you. His tongue burns your folds as he plays with them, and you moan when Finan pinches your nipples. “Gods, I never want to stop it,” Sihtric says hoarsely between two licks, and Finan's chest vibrates behind you from his laugh. “He is really good, no?” Finan asks you, biting your earlobe. “Yes,” you pant. Your fingers grab the man’s hair between your legs, and you lean more to Finan’s chest to give him more access to your pussy. The Irishman reaches down on you to open you up more to his boyfriend. Your whole body burns and shakes as your back arches from your orgasm. Sihtric waits and plays till you calm down and sits on his heels. Finan's hand doesn’t leave your body, and soon you feel his one and then two fingers in yourself. Sihtric reaches down to his groin, and his breath shudders as his fingers wrap around his cock. His muscles tense from the pleasure and his eyes become hooded, staring between your legs. Finan plays with you for a while until you are almost ready to cum again, but to your greatest displeasure, he pulls out of you before you can reach your high. He licks his fingers and hums, looking up at his boyfriend. “You are right,” he says, pecking your neck before moves out behind you to change position with Sihtric. The Dane hugs you close to himself, one of his hands on your breast, massaging it as he lays down more with you on the pillows. You can feel his hardness on your back, and Finan spreads your legs till he is above you and your legs are around his waist. “Are you still sure?” He asks you, panting. He caresses your cheek while his cock bob at your folds. “Please,” you mewl, reaching up to his neck to pull him down for a kiss. He pushes himself up, reaching down to position himself to your entrance. Your breath shutters, and you would swear you can see stars before your eyes as he fills you slowly and steadily. As you try to grab to the reality, you sense he moves above your shoulder till he reaches his boyfriend. You could cum even just hearing them kissing. You never want to wake up from this. Your heart races and you sure Sihtric can feel it as he still plays with your tits. Your neck is red from his slight beard, and at some point, you can’t tell the difference between his and your rapid breathing. You try to move your hips at Finan's pace, but he gets faster and faster till the only thing you can do is cling to his shoulder. If Sihtric wouldn’t hug you, you couldn’t stay at a place. “Where can I come?” Finan growls into your ears. “Wherever you want,” you pant. Your legs squeeze his waist, and your nails deepen into his skin as your head falls on Sihtric’s shoulder and cum with him at the same time. You can feel his seed inside you as he moves lower on your body. He pecks your chest up to your shoulder and face until he reaches your lips. “I love you,” he tells you, and you want to say the same, but the only voice that leaves your mouth is heavy breathing and mewling. You caress his cheek, and he understands you because he kisses into your palms and lays down next to you on the bed. Sihtric leans over to Finan to kiss him one more time before he straightens and moves out under you. “Can you do one more?” He says, and you are definitely not sure about it, but you nod. “Turn around love,” he says, helping you. Your face on a pillow and your bottom in the air waiting for Sihtric’s next move. Finan moves closer to you. His face lays before you, smiling and whispering sweet nothings. He tells you how beautiful you are and how much he loves every part of your body. The Dane grabs your hips, pulling you to his groin, and it’s enough for you to moan out his name. You need him. You are tired and sensitive, but you still need him inside you. “Please,” you beg him. “Of course,” he pants, still playing with his cock between your folds. You feel Finan’s semen leaking out of you, and soon enough, Sihtric length pushing into you without difficulty. You shut your eyes and squeeze the pillow under you as he starts to move back and forth. “Y/N,” he moans breathlessly. He is much more vocal than the Irishman, and every one of his moans and grunts and growls enough for you to reach higher and higher. You are sensitive and ready, and you are not surprised when you cum before him. Your legs are numb, and every part of you tingles. He has to steady you as he starts to move faster to finish himself. The inside of you almost burns as he cums, still moving. You can barely open your eyes as you feel hands on you moving you to your back. You feel beard and lips on your cheek and neck and something between your legs as they clean you up. You grunt from the pain. “I know, I'm sorry,” Sihtric whispers, dropping the rag he cleaned you off with. After he is done, he lays down next to your other side. Finan pulls you to his chest, and Sihtric hugs you from behind. You feel his warm breath on your nape and the Irishman’s gentle caresses on your arm. “Sleep, Y/N,” he says quietly, kissing your temple. The darkness consumes you between the two warm bodies.
When you wake up the next morning every part of your body is still tired and in pain but in a good way. You need some minute to notice the two men around you and their hugging arms on you. You don’t dare to move from the shock. It wasn’t a dream. They are here, and you are awake. “Good morning,” Sihtric whispers, moving closer to your still-naked form. “How did you sleep?” He asks you. His voice is low from sleep, but his smile is honest and happy as he stares at you. “Good,” you squeal. “Are you okay?” Finan asks from behind you. He kisses your shoulder blade as he moves to look over at your shoulder. “I-I thought it was a dream,” you confess. You really had sex with the two love of your life. “But you didn’t regret it, did you?” Sihtric asks you concerned. “No, no,” you answer immediately. “I love you, I was honest, but I really thought I was dreaming.” “So you dreamed about us before?” Finan asks you cheekily, resting his arm on yours. “Tell us more. Maybe we can make them true.” “Oh, shush,” you hide your face into your pillow. You aren’t awake for a few minutes, and your skin is already hot from shyness. “I will make breakfast,” Finan tells you, giving up on your entertaining torture. “And we can speak about our new relationship.” “Sounds good,” Sihtric nods, petting your back. “Are you really okay with it? We don’t want to pressure you into something you don’t want.” “I want it,” you reply, looking up at his gentle expression. “I want both of you equally.”
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Holiday specials — Felice
Hello! I’m coming back today with Felice’s holiday snippet! Hope you’ll enjoy it and have a nice day! ❤️
The sun is low on the horizon when you and Felice are making your way to the western edge of the island, away from the village where music and laughter can still be heard in abundance. You are still wearing the traditional wine-colored dress Galanians wear for new year’s eve, but you are about done partaking in the numerous social events that peppered the day. Both you and Felice felt the need to end the year in a more quiet setting.
There is an isolated cove on the western side of the island you both enjoy going to. It is a bit removed and difficult to access, but the cover of the white stone cliff and the warm, translucent waters make it worth the effort.
You are almost at the end of the path, the golden light of sundown both bright and soft in front of you. The noises of the festivities have mostly died down behind you and soon it will feel like Felice and you are the only two persons in the entire world.
You squeeze the Mer’s hand, entangling your fingers with theirs. They glance at you, smile softly, and squeeze back. You cannot stop staring at them, even when they look ahead of them again. You think they look beautiful, the warm light of the setting sun giving them a soft glow. Their appearance is quite different than when you first met them. Their chin-length hair is now black, their irises shifted to a dark umber, and their skin has taken on an even light brown hue. Those changes have been necessary to protect their otherwise fragile skin from the harsh surface sun. But their features are the same and you would still recognize them amongst millions. You have looked at them, touched and explored their every angle and curve enough times to know them by heart.
Felice glances again at you. They turn their gaze away almost immediately, their cheeks darkening slightly.
“Please, this is so embarrassing…” They mumble at you.
“Sorry,” you say, averting your eyes. “I was just thinking about how pretty you look.”
They chuckle. “You’re making it even more embarrassing.”
“Sorry…” You apologized again.
You feel the Mer squeeze your hand again.
“It’s okay… Since we’re doing embarrassing, I think the low sunlight sublimates your features. You look gorgeous.”
Your own face heats up. It is embarrassing.
“That was a lot smoother than what I said,” you mumble.
They chuckle again. “I enjoy your compliments better. They are raw, they feel so genuine… Mine…”
You cut them off, pulling on their hand to make them stop: “I know yours are genuine too.”
They look back at you, with some surprise at your vehemence. Then their gaze softens, their thumb giving yours a gentle caress.
“Thank you,” they murmur.
Warmth spreads in your chest during the heavy silence that follows and after a moment, you clear your throat awkwardly.
“Let’s get to the cove and settle down. Then we can keep being embarrassing to each other.”
They laugh and you both start walking again. “Alright.”
You have to climb down part of the cliff to get to the cove’s beach. It was a bit intimidating at first, but after coming here a few times, you figured out the easiest path down. You step down the familiar rocks and soon your feet are on soft sand. Felice follows and you join hands once more as you walk down the beach, getting closer to the water, brilliant under the setting sun. The only noises you hear are those of the gentle waves washing the cream-colored sand — although it looks almost orange in the warm evening light.
You and the Mer drape blankets on the sand and set down the baskets of food you brought for the evening. Once you are done, you stretch and sigh. The long trek and the climb down to the cove are catching up with you, not to mention it was a rather long day. Your whole body is sore and sweat covers your skin, shimmering in the late sun rays.
Well. The sea is right here. You start walking towards it.
“What are you doing?” Felice calls behind you.
“I could use a bath,” you respond as your feet splash in clear water.
“Entirely dressed?”
You shrug and look at them over your shoulder. “Why not?”
They start walking in your direction. “You’ll catch death lounging around in wet clothes all night.”
“We’ll figure something out,”  you simply say, wading through knee-deep water.
It feels nice on your sore feet and legs, the salty water giving weightlessness to your body. It is still pretty warm. Refreshing but not in a way that would make you freeze up. Soon the waves lap at your waist.
You turn around and see Felice standing on the beach, water to their ankles, and grabbing their dress to prevent it from getting wet. They frown at you. You smile at them.
“Come with me, it feels great!”
You keep going further, walking backward and still looking at them. They sigh deeply and finally decide to make their way towards you. They have an easier time than you, of course. When they walk into water, they move almost as smoothly and as gracefully as they do on land. You stop when the water is all the way up to your chest and once again, you find yourself staring.
Felice gives up on saving their clothes and lets the crimson fabric fall in the water. It dances around them slowly like the skirt of a jellyfish. You watch its hypnotizing movements as they walk up to you, deeper into the water. It sticks to their legs but doesn’t seem to impede their progress in any way. They are facing you before you know it.
“Here we are. What do we do now?” They ask a little grumpily.
You smile at them and reach for their hands underwater. “Now, we relax.”
You slide your hands up to their elbows and grab them, guiding them closer to you. You look into their eyes, making sure they are fine with the contact. They close the distance themself, wrapping their arms around your shoulders and pressing their stomach against yours. A sigh of relief escapes your lips as you embrace them in a warm hug.
After a while, it seems neither of you wants to let go. You start mindlessly swaying on your feet. Felice chuckles near your ear.
“What are we doing now?”
“I think we are dancing,” you whisper back to them.
They laugh some more and the vibration warms your chest.
You actually try to reproduce the steps of a dance you learned a long time ago, back in Lagodoro. It is tricky to do it in water, your limbs moving sluggishly and awkwardly in the sea. You do not have Felice’s ease. But they indulge you and follow your lead. You keep them close, with your hand at the small of their back, twisting around, stepping forward and back. You bend them down, dipping their hair in the shimmering water, make them turn on themself and bring them back close.
When you do, they brush their nose against yours, looking into your eyes and then down at your lips. Next thing you know, you are kissing. First, it is just a soft brush of the lips, theirs left ajar and breathing deeply on yours. It is calling to you and you meet them again, tongues intermingling. They pull back again, resting their forehead against yours, rubbing noses with you. And you go back for more, this time deeper, taking a full taste of them, their tongue eagerly pushing back against yours. This kiss lasts longer and Felice involves their whole body in it, arching their back to push themself flush against you. They all but devour you, suckling on your lips, nibbling a little, and pushing back to explore more of you.
You are both completely out of breath once you break the kiss. You are still close and you can barely see it when Felice smiles.
“You were right, it does feel great.”
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valewright67 · 3 years
Melizabeth Week, Day Two: Heaven/Hell - Heaven
Fair warning, this is an old one I wrote but never published. I wasn't sure what else to do for it. Also, I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes.
A bit of OOC with Ludociel
 "So where should we go first? Now that we're free from the curse. We agreed we'd travel, right? Sooo.... Any ideas?" Meliodas asked, leaning back against Elizabeth. His eyes were closed in bliss as he lay cradled in her arms, back to chest. She was leaning against the headboard on their bed. "Hm… Well, we could return to the celestial village? I've got my memories back now, and… well, that's the closest place to the goddess realm I can get. I'd like to visit. Fly around a land above the clouds once more."
He hummed and turned his head, nuzzling into her collarbone gently. "Sounds good to me. Should we invite any of the others?" Her eyes lit up. "That's a splendid idea! I'm sure Mael would like to visit a place like that too! Zeldris and Gelda as well!" She giggled. "We can invite the rest of the sins, but to be honest? I think they're pretty occupied."
True to her prediction, the sins all declined this time round, citing… alone time. (For Merlin and Gowther, that was literal. They just wanted to be left alone for awhile.) Mael was eager to come, for the same reasons Elizabeth had listed. Zeldris was reluctant, but Gelda convinced him, saying it'd be good for him and Meliodas to spend some quality time together, and she wished to discuss more with Elizabeth.  
By the time the group of five had arrived, the sun was almost rising. "Oh, the spring is refilled! Good, that's convenient! We could have flown, but it would’ve been irritating." Meliodas said. He leaned down by the water and tapped it gently, channeling his energy into opening the portal. An extra burst of goddess magic from Elizabeth by his side, and the familiar glow lit up the pool. He grinned and stood, looking to the other couple. "Zeldris, Gelda. After you."
The black haired demon sighed. "Why do I feel like this is a bad idea?" The blonde smirked. "Because it probably is. Have fun!" 
"...why do I ever trust you?" He grumbled, but dove into the pool anyways, quickly followed by Gelda. Elizabeth smiled at Mael. "You next." He nodded and went without complaint. Elizabeth after him, and Meliodas last, closing the portal behind him.
Zeldris blinked, adjusting the sudden darkness of the cave as Gelda broke the surface besides him. He swam out and pulled her with him. "Might as well take a look around. They'll be a minute." She nodded and the two walked out of the cave, into the sunlight. 
He almost gasped. The view was incredible. It was stifled though, when he felt a presence of light flying towards him. He was immediately on the defensive and enabled his hellfire with a snarl, whirling around to face the potential threat. 
Wait… no. These didn't feel like Goddesses. Similar, but off. That's right, they're celestials. Apparently, descended from the heavenly beings who'd once been his mortal enemies. It was hard to remember that now, sometimes. That the war was over, and he had FRIENDS from the other side.
He held his hands up. "Wait, please, I mean you no harm, I swear it!" The bearded man holding a familiar feathered sword scowled. "Like we would believe you, demon! There's only one demon we've ever trusted, and that's not you!" 
Zeldris tried to speak, to explain that he was pretty sure he knew exactly who they were talking about, and that they had nothing to fear from him. “You mean Meliodas, right? I’m-” Before he could complete his sentence, however, the man held the sword up near his throat threateningly. "No lies will spill from your throat before blood, demon scum." Gelda snarled. "How DARE you threaten my husband, you IMPUDENT prick-"
"I am only defending my home from the likes of creatures like you!"
"Remove the sword from my husband's neck!"
"Absolutely not! Either of you make a move, and I slit his throat!"
The man froze and stared at him, before scowling suddenly. "You lying scum-"
"Hey, hey, hey! How about we all calm down, now!" Mael said, emerging from the cave entrance, arms raised placatingly. "There's no need for figh…ting… is that my sword??" He gaped at it. "I haven't seen that thing in 3000 years! This is where it's been the whole time??" 
The Celestials didn't say a word, too stunned at the sudden appearance of a GODDESS, when they were supposed to be wiped out. And not only a goddess, but apparently the first wielder of their most sacred sword. He shook his head. "Um, well anyways. My names Mael, I'm one of the four archangels. That's Zeldris and Gelda. They're not gonna hurt you, the five of us just came for for visit."
"Five? Where's the other two?" By now a small crowd had gathered. The trio blinked as a small blonde man, looking eerily like Meliodas, were it not for the wings on his back, walked forwards. A woman looking near identical to Elizabeth by his side. Mael blinked and smiled. "I'd think they were right in front of me, if I didn't know any better, but they should be here in just a moment. They came through the portal last."
The two exchanged looks. Did he mean…? "Yo, Solaad!" Sure enough, the blonde demon who'd saved them during the time of ruin came up through the cave. "Why are you all terrorizing Zelly?" (A scowl at the nickname was directed at him, but he just smirked at the younger.) "He won't hurt anyone, I promise."
"Hello, Elatte. And everyone else too! It has been quite a long while, hasn't it?" Elizabeth spoke, walking up behind Meliodas with her wings folded neatly against her back.
"Meliodas? E-Elizabeth? Since when did you get WINGS??" Solaad asked. Elatte glanced at the older man. "Sir Zoria, please drop the sword, Meliodas himself said that this man means no harm."
Elizabeth gave a soft smile. "It's complicated. I've always had them, in a way, as I was born a goddess in my first life. But I was cursed by the demon king to reincarnate as a human for the rest of time, and if I should ever get my memories back, I would die in three days." She fluttered her wings gently. "We managed to break the curse, after 3000 years and 107 lifetimes."
"...who's 'we?' And why did the demon king curse you, what did you DO??" Zoria asked. She laughed. "Well. His firstborn son and I fell in love." She gestured to Meliodas, who had drifted over to Zeldris and thrown an arm over his shoulder, apparently teasing him in demon tongue, much to the younger's displeasure. Zeldris was almost visibly bristling, and his face was red.
“Meliodas is the son the demon king??” Solaad almost yelled, gaining the two demons' attention. “I mean, yes?” Meliodas said, arm still around Zeldris’s shoulders. “Though the previous demon king is dead now, we killed pops. I’m not exactly the current demon king's son.”
Mistress Vaness hobbled forwards. “Who could possibly have the power necessary to take the place of a god?” Meliodas and Zeldris blinked, looked at each other and back at her. “We share the burden.” They said together. She gaped. “You mean…?” They smirked. “Yep! Zeldris is my younger brother. We have the same blood, which makes it easier to share the role of demon king.” 
“Meli is, technically, the stronger by default. But we split the demon king's power and influence 50/50. He just had a more powerful base. Not by much though.” Zeldris added on. 
Meliodas ruffled his hair fondly, and Zeldris swatted him off, retreating to Gelda’s side.  The blonde laughed and drifted back over towards Elizabeth. Mael was just. There. He was still looking at the sword. “Where did you all even get that?” He asked, baffled. The Celestials all exchanged looks and Elatte smiled at him. Solaad took the sword. “Come, we will show you.” They took off and flew down towards a temple. The group followed them.
Elatte gestured up at the magnificent murals. "The legend says that 3,000 years ago, a dark haired goddess in flowing robes accompanied the great Oshiro when Sealing away the demons on our island. He gave us the sword right before his body was spent."
She pointed to a section along the side. “All he said was: ‘I cannot bear to look at this blade any longer. Perhaps it will protect you all better than it did my brother.’ And then he was gone, simple as that. We have passed it down, generation to generation. It is because of Solaad figuring out that it could be used to seal away demons that we are all still alive.”
Mael flew up towards the mural, gazing at the depiction of the goddess. “His name was Ludociel. He was my older brother. There was a forbidden spell cast that changed the memories of everyone in the world, including that of the gods. It made it seem as though I had been killed by Estarossa, one of three demon princes. In reality, Estarossa never existed. I was transformed into him, and false memories were implanted in everyone’s head, including mine. I had no idea that I was actually Mael.” He gave a small smile. “The memories are all still there, though. It is strange. I am both Mael of Sunshine, one of the four archangels, younger brother to Ludociel of Flash. And also, I’m Estarossa, second of the three demon princes, Commandment of Love. It is… strange. I don’t fit in anywhere anymore. Not really.”
Meliodas and Zeldris exchanged glances and flew up next to him. “Mael.” Zeldris started, quietly. “For a moment in time, even without the false memories, you were still our brother.” Meliodas grinned. “Yeah! You may not be Estarossa, but, like you said, he never existed in the first place. He was made up. But you are Mael, and we may as well count you as our brother. Even if you did kill me.” He smirked and the goddess gave a strained chuckle. “Thank you.” He murmured, drifting back down to the ground. Meliodas slapped his shoulder, and Zeldris nudged his side in an unspoken display of commadry. 
He turned and looked to Solaad. “The sword belongs to your people now, I accept that. But… Would you permit me to wield it once more?” The blonde nodded and held the sword out to him. He took it gratefully, feeling the familiar weight of it. He twisted it around, reacquainting himself with it.
He walked outside into the clearing and took a deep breath, centering himself. He thrust the sword up towards the sun, channeling its energy, and he spoke. “Huius bring animam suam. Iterum ego volo loqui cum eo.” The sword lit up, and a beam of light shot out of it. He grunted. “Permitte mihi vedere!” He removed a hand and pointed it forward. The beam of light connecting him to the sun moved through him and flowed out of his hand. A silhouette started to form, flickering. He pushed his hand a little bit farther forward, and more light and magic poured out of him. “Emerge.”
The silhouette solidified. A goddess stood there, blinking and looking confusedly at his hands and then around him. His eyes landed on Mael, and then the stream of light that flowed to him and formed his body. A glimmer of understanding crossed his face, and he looked back up, meeting his brother's gaze.
“Mael… Hello, little brother. What are you doing?” He smiled kindly. Mael gave him a slightly strained grin. “Hi Ludociel. I missed you, I wanted to see you again.” The dark haired goddess softened a little and walked forward, caressing the side of his face. “I have missed you too, all these years. You cannot keep this up for long, however. Manifesting a soul takes up a lot of magic, and you’re going to burn yourself out.” Mael leaned into his palm. “I know, but… my sword… I can channel more magic through it, and I just. I needed to talk to you again. I needed to tell you how sorry I was, Luce...” 
He shushed him. “None of that, Mael. There is nothing to forgive. You’re my little brother, and I love you. I understand.” He glanced around again. “So you made your way to the Celestial’s island. I remember giving them your sword. I couldn’t stand seeing it without you there everyday. I just wanted to get rid of it. I’m a little impressed they’ve kept it in such good shape all these years. Heaven knows most of the rest of our weapons were damaged or destroyed over the centuries.”
Mael wobbled a little, and Ludociels image faded. His hand was clasped on his older brother's shoulder, channeling the magic directly into him. He grunted and forced himself to straighten, Ludociel’s body solidifying again. He gave him a sad smile. “You have to let me go, Mael. Before you hurt yourself.” “No! I’m not, I’m not done talking to you yet, there’s so much I need to say!” He grunted again, the magic taxing on him. Ludociel was about to force him to stop, when two beams of pure magical energy hit his back, reinvigorating him. He turned to look, and Zeldris and Meliodas were lending their power to him. 
“He’s our brother too, in a way.” Meliodas said. Zeldris finished the thought. “He deserves to get to talk to you, after everything.” With the extra influx of magic, Ludociels form started to glow. He could almost feel his body again. Elizabeth walked forwards. “Ludociel… I can do this for you, at least.” He blinked, almost surprised to see her here. She pressed one hand over his forehead, and another over his chest. She inhaled deeply, eyes closed. On the exhale, she spoke. “Revertere ad vita.” His eyes widened. Return to life. 
Her hands glowed with a brilliant light, and he could feel a true body forming around him. She groaned, drawing on her reserves. Gelda scowled and whirled around to the celestials. “You all have light magic! Give her some of yours!”
They were frozen, but Elatte stepped forwards and lifted her hands, pointing at Elizabeth’s back. “All of our power into one! Heal!” A beam of green light shot out of her hands and into Elizabeth. The other celestials were quick to follow her example.
She gathered the influx of energy and pushed it into him. A blinding light filled the clearing, and when it faded, Ludociel was actually there, kneeling on the ground, naked as the day he was born. Though, Elizabeth supposed that made sense, considering he had just been reborn, in a way. Mael dropped the sword and stumbled forward, clinging to him tightly. Ludociel hugged him back. 
“...May I please have something to cover up with?” He asked. Mael laughed and took off the topcoat of his robe, wrapping it around him. Ludociel buttoned it up, silently thanking that it was long, and reached to his ankles.
Mael stood, and helped him to his feet, the two leaning on each other for support. Meliodas had already gathered Elizabeth up, and was holding her while she regained her energy. The two murmured gently back and forth. Gelda and Zeldris were doing the same not too far away.
"Mael…" He started. "Thank you, little brother." The light haired goddess grinned and leaned in to hug him once more. "I missed you, big brother." Ludociel smiled and stroked his hair. "We can talk later. For now, let's just enjoy the moment."
"Elizabeth… How did you do that? Even with all of our energy, we cannot bring someone back to life. So how is that with you performing the spell, it was successful?" Solaad asked, picking up the sword. She smiled a little. "I honestly had no idea that would work. I hoped, of course, but I had no way of knowing for sure."
Ludociel barked out a tired laugh. "You are far too modest, Lady Elizabeth." He turned to the gathered celestials. "She is more powerful than even I or Mael are at our strongest, when she wishes to be. Her healing powers far surpass even the best of our other healers. She is able to remove the darkness from even Indura’s, and has done so before, purifying two Indura demons at the same time. Her formal title is Elizabeth Lightbringer." He gave a small smirk as he added on one more tidbit of information. "Daughter of the Supreme Deity."
Gasps echoed through the crowd, and Elizabeth sighed. "Please, it's really not that big of a deal-" "But it is, Elizabeth." Mael said, with a brilliant smile. "Of the goddesses, you are second in power and ability only to your mother. In the rest of the world. Well. You married your equal." He nodded his head at Meliodas, who returned it with a smirk. 
The two brothers walked off, shooting the crowd and, specifically, the demons and Elizabeth, grateful smiles. Meliodas clapped and rubbed his hands, wings taking shape on his back. "I'm hungry. I'll catch a sky fish, and you'll teach me how to cook one. Deal? Deal!" He flung off the ground and Elizabeth bristled, bolting after him. "YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO COOK, YOU'LL POISON US!!" He just cackled. 
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