#was supposed to hang out w another friend yesterday but we had to move it to tomorrow
sunuism · 2 years
actually i feel so popular this week…
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gyumibear · 12 days
🧪 accidentally in love! — 13: now you’re a supervillain
synopsis — after a failed chemistry prank, one after class "detention" starts a romance between beloved student body president yang jungwon and l/n y/n, campus celebrity & serial prankster. but with graduation a few months away, will their love stay strong or leave them as jaded strangers?
warnings — swearing, mentions of blackmail, friend group drama! (insults, arguing)
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notes — written part below! (0.8k) + sns!
“Thanks for coming.” Sitting down, staring up at you was the beautiful Shen Quanrui, fellow campus celebrity and your newly-turned supervillain ex. A man that you normally would be avoiding like the plague at this time, like you were avoiding everyone else. The only reason why you hadn't ignored him was because...
“You used our code word.” You shrugged, a tone of nonchalance in your voice, “Regardless of what's going on between us, if someone uses it the other comes. Non-negotiable. Now, what’s so important that you used it? I still don’t want to talk to you, you know.”
“I know you don’t.”
“So then what? Spit it out, Quanrui.”
A beat of silence. Just the two of you looking at each other. One’s face of irritation, the other a face of remorse. Did he really intend to waste your time tonight? Especially when you were so busy ignoring everyone on campus and hiding away in your cousin's house? When it seemed like you were about to get up, Ricky spoke again. Flare for dramatics, you concluded.
“I’m sorry.”
“Is that all?” Now you were about to leave. “You used the code word for that?”
“No, babe, sit down.”
“Stop calling me babe!”
“Then sit down!”
Now passersby were looking at the two of you like you were both committing public indecency, and in a way, you sort of were. Who the hell argues in public? And over such rudimentary shit like nicknames and misuses of special code words. You guessed you and Ricky had always been this way though. Only able to spend a few sweet moments with each other before lunging for each other's throat like a pack of wild hyenas. In your defense, it was always the faux redhead's fault. 
“Look, YN,” Ricky spoke again, lowering his voice back to the normal decibel. “Not only do I want to apologize, but I want to fix… Us?”
“There is no ‘us’, Quanrui. Not anymore.”
“Not in that way!" Ricky had the nerve to look appalled. "I’ve moved on.”
“Congratulations.” You deadpanned.
“What would Yang Jungwon say if he knew this was what you’re actually like?”
“What did you say? How do you even know–”
“Y/N,” Ricky interrupted you, making your eye twitch, “I don’t want us to be at odds. You mean a lot to me, and you have for years. I know we don’t get along the best, but you’re a good person. I’m a mildly good person. And I miss hanging out with you. You’re one of the best friends I’ve ever had, toxic exes aside. I don’t want to keep fighting with you. I want to be real friends.” Okay word vomit...
“You should’ve thought of that before you posted my personal business on your stupid ass tea page.”
“It’s my job!” Ricky threw his hands up, "And my page isn't stupid."
“That’s not an excuse, Quanrui! And you know that shit! There have been so many times you’ve ignored a situation just like mine and not posted about it. So, why the hell would you do that to me? Especially considering our relationship.”
Another beat of silence. The silence was so deafening that it was loud. It made you want to throttle Ricky even more, considering he was wasting your time.
“I was paid to post it.” He spoke after a beat, looking anywhere but at you.
“An anonymous account sent me an outrageous amount of money to post it.”
“So you sold me out for money. How exactly is this supposed to make me forgive you, I’m a bit lost?”
“It’s not supposed to,” He rolled his eyes, “But I want you to know the truth about why I did it. You have the right to know that there’s clearly someone out for you or Yechan.”
“Does he know?”
“He does. We talked yesterday.”
“What did he say?”
“That’s kind of a conversation for you two to have…”
“Wow. Shen Quanrui not spilling private information? That's a first.” You couldn’t help letting a snide comment pass, entirely exhausted from this situation and feeling petty.
“Can you just be cordial for five seconds?”
“Well excuse me for being upset with being stabbed in the back.”
“I had to!” Again, the two of you were raising your voices, alerting passersby.
“No you fucking didn’t!”
“Okay, this isn’t getting us anywhere.”
Ricky stood up, dusting off his designer pants. How was he the one irritated with you? He was the problem! 
“Just think about what I said. Someone’s clearly keeping tabs on you for whatever reason and even though you’re being pissy, I don’t want to see you hurt. Just, look out for yourself, okay? And if you need me to look into something, I will. I don’t want to be your enemy Y/N.”
“Okay. Okay.” You put your hands over your face, completely over him.
“Good.” He walked past you, bumping your shoulder lightly, “Goodnight babe.”
You stuck up a perfectly pointy middle finger at his retreating figure. He chuckled, knowing that you'd do that. He kept walking until he was just a dot on your horizon.
“That was such a fucking waste of our code word.” You walked in the opposite direction, heading back towards the direction of Soobin's home. You needed to make a few texts.
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more notes — we’ve made it to the obligatory gyumibear friend group drama arc!! who are you siding with? also, ricky dropped some bombs!! who do you think is blackmailing him? 👀 so much drama…
taglist — open! send a reply or ask to be added: @sol3chu @haechology @20crowsinahoodie @yongbokified @sirenla @mark-geolli @moond1or @ilovejungwonandhaechan @skzhoes @ahnneyong @xiaoderrrr @jwonistic @allforhee @yvjw @missychief1404 @theothernads @tocupid @angelicyouth @catzisb1og @wonkixo @run2seob @stargirl-library @lixxpix
© GYUMIBEAR. do not repost, modify, or translate my work onto other social media sites.
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quil12 · 1 year
souyo and matchmaking?? interpret this how u wish i would love to see where you take it!!
This one was fun to write! I hope you don't mind, but I included a little bit of Yukichie in this one too
“Yosuke, do you want to come see a movie with me and Yukiko tomorrow? We’re also gonna ask Yu-kun to come too.”
Yosuke tapped his fingers on his desk. He had had just been distracted from doing his homework by a phone call from Chie. Going to a movie sounded kind of fun.
“Sure. What time?”
“We’d be meeting at the station at 1.”
“All right. I’ll be there.”
- - -
When Yosuke arrived at the station, he was surprised to find only Yu there.
“Hey, Partner. Where are Chie and Yukiko?”
Yu looked up from his phone. “Yukiko just texted me saying that she needed to help out at the inn today and that Chie was staying to help her. She said that we could still go though. She actually gave me the tickets yesterday.” He pulled a few slips of paper out of his pocket.
A day spent with just Yu didn’t sound bad at all. “All right. Let’s go.”
They only had to wait a few minutes for the train to arrive. The train going to Okina was never very full and so there were only a handful of other people in the car they were in. 
“So what movie are we going to see?” Yosuke asked.
Yu pulled the tickets out of his pocket, giving them to him. He read the title. “Partner, this is a romance movie.”
He shrugged. “That’s what Chie and Yukiko picked.”
He pursed his lips. It was weird to be going to watch a romance with another guy, wasn’t it? That was something you were supposed to bring a date to. Then again, they already had the tickets, so he supposed that it wasn’t that big of a deal.
It wasn’t long before they were arriving in Okina, getting off at the station, and heading toward the movie theater. There was only about 20 minutes before the movie was to start, so they headed inside, getting some popcorn to share, then going to the correct room. 
The theater was pretty empty - then again, it was a matinee for a movie that had been out for a few weeks, so that was hardly a surprise. 
After a few minutes, the lights dimmed and the previews started playing. He didn’t think that there was anything coming out that he was too interested in, so he just watched them passively, eventually just leaning his head onto Yu’s shoulder, only half paying attention as he ate popcorn.
As the movie itself started up, Yosuke considered moving his head off of him, but it was actually really comfortable like that. 
The movie was about two friends slowly falling for each other as they got snowed in together in a cabin one winter. 
He found himself getting legitimately invested in the story, only coming out of his trance as the credits started to roll. 
He leaned off of Yu, stretching. 
“Did you like it?” Yu asked.
“I mean, it was fine.”
“Just fine?”
“What’re you trying to say?”
“Nothing, you just seemed really into it.”
“Romance movies can be fun, all right?” His face felt hot.
Yu laughed. “Come on, let’s go.”
He followed him out of the theater and into the lobby. 
“I was wondering if you wanted to hang out for a little bit longer,” Yu said.
“Oh yeah, sure.” He definitely didn’t mind spending more time with Yu.
They walked around for a while, just spending time going into various shops and seeing what all they had. He was honestly having a fun time, just hanging out with him. 
Then again, every time their hands would brush against each other as they walked, or he saw him smile as he picked something up in a shop, or as he would call him over to come look at something, it made his heart start to race. 
He didn’t know why he was getting nervous. This was just Yu. It wasn’t like he was on a date or something. It was just a day hanging out with his Partner.
It was around 5:30. They were just exiting a stationary store. “Do you want to go get dinner?” Yu asked.
“Oh, yeah, sure.”
Yu started leading him through the city. “There’s this restaurant that I’ve been wanting to try for a while now.”
They walked for a little bit before coming up to a restaurant. Yu led them inside. Immediately, he felt on edge. This was a pretty fancy place. It was really more like someplace that you would take a date than a best friend. 
If he said something though, wouldn’t that just make it weird?
He swallowed hard, then followed Yu as he got them a table. It was a small one, for just two people. That made sense, but the proximity felt weirdly intimate. 
He wasn’t going to bring it up though. Instead, he just flipped open the menu he had been given, looking at all the options. 
The first thing that he noticed was just how expensive everything was. The cheapest thing that he saw cost 5,000 Yen. 
“Go ahead and get whatever you want. It’ll be my treat,” Yu said from across the table.
He looked up at him, startled. “You don’t have to do that.”
“I was the one who brought you here. I’ll pay for it. I insist.”
Yosuke looked down at the menu, his face hot, his heart beating fast. If he paid for it too, then it really would be like a date. Then again, he wasn’t sure if he could politely refuse him. 
“Okay. Thanks, Partner. I’ll take you out to dinner sometime then.”
He gave him a warm smile. “I’ll look forward to it.”
Why was that smile making his stomach flutter? He quickly looked away. He probably just had romance stuff on the brain after that movie. Why was he being so weird about this? They were just hanging out. If Yu knew what he was feeling, he would be so weirded out. 
He ended up ordering a pasta dish. It was actually really good. It had a white sauce on it that was so creamy and delicious.
As they were finishing up, Yu looked over at him. “Oh, you having something…”
He reached over, wiping something off of the side of his chin with his thumb. He immediately froze. He was touching his face. 
Yu pulled his hand away, giving him a small smile. 
How would he react if he just leaned forward and kissed him? 
He blinked, leaning back in his chair. What was wrong with him? Why was he wondering things like that? He wasn’t…
They paid the bill, then exited the restaurant. It was starting to get dark out.
“We should probably start heading back soon,” Yu said.
“Oh, yeah, right.”
They walked to the station, arriving there at the same time as the train. The car that they got in was completely empty. 
After they sat down together, it was completely quiet between them for a few minutes. Yosuke began toying with the hem of his shirt, wanting to ask him about that night.
“Hey, Partner?”
He let out a nervous laugh. “I was just thinking that today felt kind of like a… like a date.”
Yu hummed. “And would you be freaked out if it was one?”
His breath caught in his throat as he looked up at him. “What…?”
Yu didn’t say anything, reaching over and grasping onto his hand. It was so warm and almost comfortable as he held onto his fingers, lightly squeezing them.
Yosuke stared at it, his mind racing. What was happening.
“Does this freak you out?”
“I… uh… I’m not sure. But, are you saying that… that this was a date?”
Yu hummed. If he was about to say something, it was cut off by the announcement that they were arriving at Yasoinaba Station. 
He didn’t let go of his hand as he stood, pulling him along as they headed out the door. 
He wasn’t sure what to say or do as they started walking through the darkened streets of Inaba. For some reason, he was surprisingly okay with the thought that they had gone on a date. He would have thought that it would have felt weird or bad or make him unbearably uncomfortable. But, it didn’t. He was fine with the idea. 
Did he want to date Yu?
He was cut off from his thoughts by Yu walking off the road and into a small patch of trees. 
“Where are we going?”
Yu stopped, taking a deep breath before turning around and facing him, bringing his hand up to hold his other hand. 
“Yosuke. I like you.”
His mind was going a mile a minute. He liked him? 
He didn’t even think before he spoke. “So it was a date then?”
“I… I wasn’t planning on it, but then the opportunity just presented itself, and I wanted to…”
Yosuke’s breath hitched, once again not thinking as he let go of his hands, moving them instead to wrap his arms tightly around his neck, and then almost forcibly pressing their lips together. 
Yu made a small noise of alarm before placing his hands on his waist, pushing him back, up against a tree, not breaking the kiss. 
Pleasant tingles were radiating out from wherever they were touching, playing across his skin. 
His lips were so warm and soft as they moved against his own. He opened his mouth, pressing his tongue against his lips. Yu opened his mouth as well, letting him slip his tongue inside. 
That was somehow so much better, so many warm and tingly sensations. 
He didn’t want to pull away, but his lungs were starting to protest at the lack of air. Reluctantly, he pulled back from the kiss, breathing hard. Yu was looking at him, face filled with affection. 
“So, I’m guessing that you didn’t mind it was a date then?”
Yosuke laughed, burying his face against the crook of his neck. “No, I don’t mind.”
He still wasn’t entirely sure about what he was feeling. All that he knew was that kissing Yu, holding his hand, just being with him - felt so right. And how could that feeling be bad?
- - -
Chie sighed, stretching her arms, bringing her foot up onto her desk chair, hugging it against her chest.
“Do you think something happened between them?” Yukiko asked from her bed.
“I really hope so. I just don’t think I can take any more of them staring at each other like that.”
“They are being a little obvious with their feelings.”
Chie scoffed. “Yeah, obvious to everyone except for themselves.” 
“Do you want to do something tonight?”
Chie smiled, getting up, and walking over to the bed, wrapping her arms tightly around her waist, and laying down on the bed, bringing her down with her, burying her face against her collar bone.
“Let’s just hang out for a while.”
There was a smile in her voice. “All right.”
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silversatoru · 3 years
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play-thing — part one
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gojo satoru x getou suguru x f!reader
t/w: nsfw 18+, dark content, drugging, manipulation, noncon/dubcon, oral (f!receiving), nipple play, this story contains very dark themes so please do not read it you’re sensitive to any of these topics
synopsis: suguru and satoru are missing something in their lives, and who better to manipulate than an lonely, impressionable girl who just moved to tokyo from another city. they’re willing to take extreme measures to transform you into their perfectly submissive little play-thing. 
wc: 1.9k
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suguru and satoru do everything together; live in the same house, work at the same company, even share a closet of the most expensive clothes, but something was missing. they both felt it, the empty space between them, and they were determined to find the perfect piece to fill the gaping hole in their lives.
and you practically fell right into the palm of their hands, in a local grocery store of all places. a pretty little thing with a freshly broken heart who’d just moved here from a neighboring city. no friends, no family nearby, anxious and impressionable and desperately in need of a couple capable men to show her around. it all started with an innocent question: “hey, sorry to bother you guys, but could you tell me where the baking aisle is?”
how you ended up here you still weren't quite sure. 
“let us take you on a tour of the city tonight,” satoru had cooed at you.
“there’s a few really nice bars, we could grab some drinks,” suguru added, both their voices smooth and terrifyingly persuasive.
but they seemed nice enough, and you weren't in any position to be picky with making friends right now — after all, you’d have to get accustomed to the city somehow, right?
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wear something pretty, satoru had winked at you before you parted ways and continued your shopping, and for some reason you were very inclined to do as he said. they were both intimidatingly attractive and you weren’t exactly sure what their dynamic was yet, but you decided that if you ended up in bed with one of them tonight, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
you’d chosen a short and silky black dress, something elegant but classic that would absolutely catch the eyes of both men. and it did, satoru’s eyes glazing over your body several times before he even bothered to say hello to you. suguru was less obvious, his dark eyes giving you a quick once-over before giving you a warm smile and wrapping his arm around your shoulders as the three of you entered the first bar.
it was small, dimly lit with a few lanterns and packed tight with people. a little too crowded for your level of comfort, so you stuck closely to the sides of suguru and satoru as they led you deeper into the pub. the dark-haired male gestured towards an empty seat at the end of the countertop, the two of them standing on either side of you after you slid into it. satoru spoke with an impressive level of charisma, ordering three of the same drink from the bartender — who he seemed to know quite well.
taking a few sips of the liquor did wonders for you initial anxiety, and the casual conversation with both men was helping you to settle in as well. 
so, where are you from? 
what made you want to move to tokyo?
what do you do for a living? 
you were painfully oblivious to how the conversation stayed entirely centered around you; you still hadn’t learned anything about the two men, but they were learning everything about you. 
an hour or so in, a warm dizziness began to swirl around the inside of your head, slowly exacerbating until you felt like you were about to tumble out of your seat. you’d only had a couple drinks, and you normally handled your alcohol fairly well, so why did you feel absolutely sloshed right now? 
“guys, i think maybe-” you turned towards your two tour guides and crashed forward into suguru’s chest without warning. 
“think you went a little heavy, toru?” he scooped his hands under your plump ass and lifted your unconscious body into his muscularly arms. 
“not my fault she has no tolerance,” satoru shrugged, throwing some cash on the counter, “might be easier with her like this anyway”. 
“i suppose,” suguru clicked his tongue off the roof of his mouth, “stupid girl, didn’t your parents teach you not to trust strangers so easily?”
the two of them casually made their way out of the bar together, making jokes about how poorly you handle your liquor to anyone who gave them a questionable look — but the bar was so loud and jam-packed with people that they made it out without any incident.
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you were slow to come out of your sleepy haze, head nodding up and down as you struggled to maintain consciousness and take in the scenery around you. in a futile attempt to brush some hair out of your face you realized your hands were tightly secured behind your back. panic immediately flooded your system, chest tightening and hot tears brimming at the edges of your eyes. 
“just a precaution, angel,” suguru came walking into your hazy vision, a warm smile on his face as he tucked the loose strands of hair behind your ears, “how are you feeling?” 
“wha-, whaaat happen- ed?” your words were garbled, your brain barely able to form them. 
“don’t worry about it,” satoru appeared next to suguru, “you just drank a little too much, but we’ll take good care of you, won’t we suguru?” 
“of course, no need for you to worry about anything anymore,” he gave an affirmative nod. 
“i don’t think-” you wracked your brain for any recollection of what had happened tonight, but you found nothing, “i don’t th- think i — understand”. 
“you will soon,” satoru flashed a bright smile, but it wasn’t nearly as inviting as the first time you saw it. this time it was eerie, evil, threatening — what exactly was he talking about? 
your brain was quickly turning to absolute mush, your vision getting darker and foggier than it already was as you tried to hang on to the sound of their voices.
just relax
we’re gonna make you feel good, you wanna feel good, princess?
you want us to make you feel better?
“mhm,” you gave them a slow nod. you did want them to make you feel better! you felt groggy and confused and nauseas! so of course you said yes! that is what they were asking? right?
you felt the bed shift around you, several hands tracing over your skin and gently pushing you onto your back. you tried to question them, tried to form the words, but your brain was unable to produce a single word or movement at this point.
a hot tongue connected with the side of your neck, lips latched onto the skin and sucking gently on the sensitive area. another mouth was on your inner thigh, sucking a little harder and undoubtedly leaving a small marking. you subconsciously let out a squeaky, shaky breath, the warmth of their tongues eliciting a response in your doped-up body.
goosebumps raked through your body when you felt a pair of slender fingers slip under your dress and brush over the thin material of your panties. it was satoru, his middle and index fingers prodding at your clothed cunt and sending jolts through your legs. meanwhile suguru continued to cover your neck in sloppy kisses, one of his large hands groping at your covered breasts.
your brain had gone numb, from the drugs, the confusion, the terribly intoxicating pleasure. you hated how clueless you were, how useless your body was right now, but what you hated most of all was that you weren’t even trying to fight back. their touch felt good — too good for you to ask them to stop.
it wasn’t long before satoru’s fingers were replaced with his mouth, his tongue running up and down the fold in your panties and absolutely soaking the material with his saliva. he groaned from the taste, getting just as much pleasure from this as you were. he was quick to push the fabric to the side, sliding his tongue against your sticky folds with hunger and urgency. he lapped at your cunt, flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue and evoking a series of twitches from your lazy body.
“be gentle with her” suguru’s voice sounded far off in the distance as he mumbled into your chest.
satoru heeded to the other man’s instructions, slowing his pace and going more gentle on your sensitive, puffy clit. suguru found your hardened nipples through your thin dress, rolling them in his fingers and enhancing the already blissful feeling you were getting from satoru’s tongue.
the two of them working together was incomprehensibly euphoric, your stomach coiling into tight knots with each swipe of his tongue. without warning he dove even deeper, his tongue shooting into your cunt while his nose rubbed against your throbbing bundle of nerves. between that and suguru giving your nipples a sudden tug, your body was crashing with waves of pleasure — strangled moans and pitiful whimpers the only sounds that your mouth could produce.
it was a near-holy experience, the feeling of the sedatives pumping through your veins as satoru tongued your pussy and suguru massaged your breasts through your heightened orgasm. you felt like you were floating, the room was spinning, and then everything went dark.
a real shame that you wouldn’t be able to remember any of it by the time you woke up.
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bright sunlight pierced through your eyelids the following morning, forcing you awake and causing you to jolt up. you were laying in a large bed that was situated at the back of a rather large room, fitted silk sheets cool under your skin. confused of what happened and where you were, you stood from the bed and made your way to the door, feet patting on the soft carpeted floor. 
when you opened the door you entered a long hallway that led to a wide stairway covered in the same fluffy carpeting. two voices were laughing and talking beneath you, and curiosity fueled your motivation to walk down the stairs and into an open-concept kitchen and living room. 
satoru and suguru, the two men from yesterday were busy at the stove, pancakes and bacon sizzling away on two cast-iron pans. they wore matching aprons, suguru’s reading chef daddy, and satoru’s reading mr. good-lookin’ is cookin’. 
who the fuck were these guys?
“feeling better?” suguru was the first to notice you loitering at the edge of the room. 
“yeah, how are you? didn’t picture you to be such a heavy drinker,” satoru laughed, flipping a pancake with grace. 
you didn’t remember much, nothing past sitting down at the bar with them. you weren’t much for getting wasted but you were plagued with more stress than usual lately — maybe you really let yourself go last night. 
“ah, sorry about that, I don’t even remember what i did, honestly,” you shrugged, “thanks for looking out for me though, where’s my stuff?”
“in a hurry to leave? stay for breakfast,” suguru brushed off your question with a captivating smile, his eyes squinting together in the most adorable way. 
“we insist,” satoru chimed in, humming as he continued to focus on the sweet-smelling food. 
and so you stayed, which was probably the worst mistake that you’d made in the past twenty-four hours of countless terrible mistakes. 
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part one | part two
a/n: im on a yandere/dark content kick today i cant help it. anyway if u wanna be tagged when i post part two lemme know :) and if u want some yandere megumi go read @katslutski​ ‘s tell me 
(ily kat <33 so happy to have someone to get into very specific obsessions with)
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Fives - Anchor
Pairing: Fives x reader
Word Count: 1450 words
CW/ TW: Angst; mourning/loss, death, letter, anniversary, pain, brooding, it’s very heavy and sensitive so please proceed with caution and let me know if I didn’t TW something you deemed necessary; also a bit more hopeful/ light toward the end because my heart couldn’t handle that much sadness tonight
Tags: @chaoticvampirejedi @loth-wolffe @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @tacticalsparkles @imalovernotahater @canwestayinthisdream @wakeupjackthisisntfair @namesmox @badbatch-simp24 @lightning-wolffe @maddieskywalker @for-the-love-of-clones @m-e-w-117 @99squad
@ladykatakuri @firelordillyria @andiebell2023
Notes: I guess I missed him a lot tonight… Sorry for the pain
Some elements included in this fic are inspired from chats I had with @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s ; thank you little moon for being an inspiration to me 🌙
Iridescent - Linkin Park
Happy anniversary Fives.
Though I don’t see how it could be happy, when you’re everywhere but here. I never grew used to your absence, I never could; not when you’re haunting my every move, haunting this place and this world, finding your way back to me through faint memories and thousand of faces walking up to my office every day, asking me about my day and if I feel well.
I have to look at the ghost of you, every single time, and lie.
“I’m fine. What can I do for you?”
And I hear your voice again, and again. It tells me about the pain running through your back, the nightmares hitting harder than usual, and the fear eating you alive every time you get out of your hard, cold bed.
But it’s not you. It never is. I never could be.
I stopped buying your shampoo. I couldn’t even bring myself to finish the bottle we had in the shower. It’s still there, hidden somewhere in the bathroom, waiting to be emptied and thrown away carelessly, in such a mundane way one could so easily forget about it. But I can’t throw it away; it’s not mundane anymore.
I hid the jewels too, except for the bracelet. I hate to wear it, but I hate even more to put it away. I just feel…I feel naked when I don’t have it, and empty when I do. I can’t help but see you – feel you – through the shades of blue and black. What was once the purest blessing turned into the worst curse, and I can’t break it. I almost did – breaking the bracelet. I almost did.
I could if I really wanted to; but then I would lose you again, and I just…
I gave your aprons to the boys. I couldn’t stand to see them, neatly hanging in the kitchen. They were silly anyway, and I had no use for them. I’m a doctor after all, not a cook.
I published my thesis on the clones’ rights, and it is being presented to the Senate by Senator Amidala as we speak. I told her I wouldn’t be able to be there for her discourse, and she simply hugged me. I wish she hadn’t.
It’s been a year, yet it feels like yesterday. Everyone moved on; everyone but me, and I can’t help but be mad. I am mad that they forgot so easily about you, that they brushed you off as “another collateral damage”, another…clone. It’s the way they say it when they try to comfort me.
You were more than a clone. More than a soldier, and more than a man.
You were Fives.
You were my anchor, and I was your ocean.
I miss the way you said it. Coming home to me, tired, features drained and eyes darkened by the horrors of your latest campaign; but always soft and caring through the hoarseness of your voice as you whispered it against my skin. You always found a way to be there for me; for everyone, even when you were losing yourself in your own prison.
I am mad at you because of that. Because you couldn’t stand back for once, be egoistic and think of yourself instead of trying to play the hero in the dark. They killed you because you didn’t wait, not even when I asked you – begged you to. I am so angry because I called you an idiot, and all you could answer me was “I love you too, my ocean. My anchor.”
You didn’t even let me say it back.
I am mad at myself. You trusted me enough to tell me everything, and you knew I would believe you. And when you tried to do something about it, I called you an idiot. I wasn’t even there with you; I should have been there with you. I could have saved you.
I remember the first time you came home. At the time, it was still “my place”, but the moment you stepped in it stopped being mine only. I always told you to come by if you needed; and the one time you did, we ended up laughing so hard the neighbour had to knock at the door. But it felt good. I guess that day I gave you a part of myself, and you carried it with you ever since. I suppose it died with you, too.
I know I shouldn’t be so broody; I can almost hear you, your chuckles filling the room, your hands pressing down my shoulders as you tell me “it’s a celebration, smile for me!”; and the smell of that shampoo tickling my nose as you come close to lay a kiss on my cheek…
But now the only thing I can feel are the tears, and that twisting ache in my chest, burning my skin and ripping my lungs apart. I can’t even breathe correctly anymore, I…
I’m sorry I had you waiting.
I fell asleep on the table, and woke up because of the cold. It’s always cold in here now. I borrowed one of your old sweatshirt - I hope you don’t mind. I kept them. I almost gave them to the boys, along with the aprons; but then I thought they could always come in handy.
They do. When days like today happens; days where I feel too lonely, where I miss you too much and it just feels too cold, I slip into one and hold it so close to me it almost feels like you’re here. My arms become yours, your faint perfume comes back to me fresh and soft, and I sometimes swear I can feel your warmth against my skin. I close my eyes when I do that, and it stops being a dream for a second.
For just a second, you’re back. You never truly left.
And when I open my eyes again; when I realise what it is all about, I still feel you. I see the bracelet, smell the black tissue, watch one of these B movie we used to laugh at and somehow I feel the best and worst I’ve felt in a long time.
I wish you were here. I wish I could tell you how much I missed you and how beautiful you are; if I could hold you tight, one last time... I didn’t even get to hug you one last time. I didn’t know it would be it; else I wouldn’t have let you go.
Echo is supposed to come around today. He told me he would. He didn’t forget about you either, you know. Neither did Rex, or Jesse, or Kix. Your vode didn’t forget about you. They always make sure to keep you alive, tell everyone about you and remember them of who you were.
Echo always says you’re his best friend. He never uses the past tense. I can’t blame him; I still say you’re the love of my life whenever people ask me. I guess we know deep down these things will never change. We don’t want it to change.
Wait, someone knocked.
When was the last time we laughed like that? For once, we turned the tears into something better; lighter. I’m sure you would be proud of us.
Of course, you would be proud of us.
It almost feels good to see you through Echo; to find glimpses of you in his smile, the faint spark in his eyes when he retells your best pranks, and the way he chuckles...I almost feel at home right now. With you. Not quite, but close enough.
Enough to make me smile, for the first time today.
Echo says hi. He’s watching me writing to you. He asked me to tell you that Rex lit a candle for you this morning, and the boys had a little something for you; but I can’t know what; apparently I “wouldn’t understand anyway”. So I hope – we hope – that you liked it.  We’re probably going to watch a bad movie and mock the poor acting until we fall asleep, and tomorrow we will…We’ll probably think of you again, but hopefully there won’t be as much tears as today.
I guess it’s a battle worth fighting. Not for the Republic or the Greater Good; not for the Senate or the Chancellor. Not for the Jedis or the Galaxy.
No, it’s a battle we fight for you, Fives. Let us be your anchor, for once, and rest easy now, because more than anything or anyone else out there… you deserve it.
Happy anniversary Fives.
I love you too, my Anchor.
 - Your Ocean.
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nikki152006 · 3 years
My Man - Shouta Aizawa X Reader (~2~)
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This hot man again. This is a part 2.
It had been two days since Hizashi had told you the truth, and you couldn't help but miss Shirakumo more . Moreover, Aizawa had not even looked you straight in the eye since then which pissed you off. Even though you understood and respected his actions, you were hurt. You just wished that he'd come to talk to you himself. A part of you was also touched by his actions but the other part wanted him to atleast say sorry.
You sighed, laying down on your bed. 'If you were here Shirakumo, things would've been so smooth.'
There was a knock on your door. You got up to open it, hoping it would be Aizawa but a part of you knew that it wouldn't be him. You opened the door, to find Hizashi and Shinsou standing outside.
"Morning." you greeted them. "Woah." Shinsou said, making a weird face, "You look...dead." You inhaled deeply. Your eyes had been so puffy and you had got heavy bags under them, which actually did gave you a dead look.
"Atleast I don't look ugly while looking dead." you said, patting his head harshly, "Might suck." Shinsou stared at you with an impressed expression. "(Name)." Hizashi said, "Uh, we need to talk." You nodded at them, and allowed the two males inside.
"Yes?" you asked, sitting on a chair, opposite to Hizashi.
"Dad died." Shinsou said shrugging. You stared at him with the most disapproving look. "No wonder Shouta's always so tired," you said, sighing, "it's still hard to believe he's not throwing you away."
"Uh...(Name)." Hizashi said, drawing your attention, "Shouta told us to tell you tha-" but you cut him off, "He does know the way to my room, right? Tell him to bring his ass here himself." You stared at Hizashi with an intense gaze, and Hizashi nodded.
"What were you doing?" he asked, turning to look around at the room, which was now full of bags and clothes and stuff spread all across. "Setting up my stuff." you said, shrugging.
"That's some way to do stuff." Shinsou said. You stared at him with a fake sweet smile, "Don't you think you talk alot?" you asked him.
"Shinsou doesn't usually talk to alot of peopl-" Hizashi said but Shinsou cut him off, "What's wrong with talking much with my future mom?"
You felt sudden heat rise to your cheeks, and felt a wild blush settle all across your face. "You're a brat." you said. "I am." Shinsou replied, with a wide smirk. You smirked back. "Start counting your mistakes, I think your future mom needs to discipline you."
"Shinsou," Hizashi said and Shinsou nodded at him. "We'll go now, (Name). I'll tell Shouta to come up here." You nodded at him and the males left. You looked around the room and sighed. 'Fucking cleaning.' you thought, 'I could ask Shouta to do it when he comes. He's good at this stuff.'
You sat on your bed, having cleaned a large portion of the room. It was dark already but Aizawa hadn't come and this pissed you off even more. 'It's not like I'll kill him.' you thought, lying down to rest. You remembered Shinsou calling you his future mom. 'Will Shouta even want something like that?' you thought, rubbing your head. You sighed and got up to do something more productive.
You checked your phone for any updates from your agency for work but there were none yet. You plopped back on bed. 'It's boring here.' you thought, 'Should I go out for a walk?'
You got up, wore your shoes and moved towards the door right before there was a knock on your door. You grunted and flung open the door silently, revealing Aizawa standing there, staring at his feet, his hair tied back. He was dressed in a a tux, with a dark blue tie handing down his neck.
He sighed and looked up slowly, eyes widening his eyes when he realized that the door was open. You both stared at each other for some times, not saying anything, before you exhaled deeply and moved aside to let him in, to use the moment as a chance to compose yourself. 'Why the fuck does this brat look so good in formals!?' you screamed internally, breathing in and out to calm your burning cheeks.
Aizawa walked in slowly and closed the door behind him. Aizawa stared at you while you stared back at him quietly. After a moment, Aizawa's mouth opened, then closed immediately, as he continued to stare at you. You bit your lip nervously, hoping Aizawa would say something before you lost your control and pounced on him.
Aizawa sighed.
"(Name)." Aizawa said, making you jolt and turn to him. "About yesterday...I-" he said, softly, but you cut him off, "It's fine, I understand." He turned to look down at his feet and nodded.
"I'm still sorry." he said. You exhaled deeply, feeling a fire in your chest being put out. There was some silence. "I miss him." Aizawa whispered out, after a few moment, drawing his hand to rub the corner of his eye.
"Me too." you whispered out, sitting on your bed and patting it, indicating Aizawa to sit down. "But if we think about it, Shirakumo would have been so disappointed to know we're sulking so much after his death and for one, I don't want to disappoint him." Aizawa sighed and nodded, taking a seat beside you.
There was some deep silence.
"Are you supposed to go somewhere?" you asked him, "Another interview or something? Did some other kid get kidnapped?"
"No." Aizawa said, "Why, uh...d-do you want me to go?" You hurriedly shook your head. "No..I just..You don't normally, uh, dress up like this."
Aizawa nodded and turned to look at his body. "Do I look good?" he asked softly. You felt heat rise to your cheeks. "Mm..Yeah..n-nice." you mumbled, nervously.
"Just...nice?" Aizawa asked, softly. You felt your cheeks get redder. 'We might have grown up, Shouta,' you thought, 'but I'm still the one who'll get you blushing..'
"What do you want me to say?" you asked him, turning to him and placing one leg over the other. Aizawa turned to look at you while biting his lips. "A-Anything that comes to your mind." he said. You sighed and laid back down on the bed, and Aizawa followed.
"What comes to my mind?" you said, a small grin making it's way to your face, "You look hot." Aizawa looked away, a deep blush spreading across his face.
"Aye, Shouta," you said, rolling over to face him, "You embarrassed that quick?"
"I'm not." he said, hurriedly and turned back with a straight face, but his red cheeks told otherwise. "Little tsundere." you mumbled while chuckling. Aizawa groaned and looked away.
"Are you free?" he asked, getting up to sit and you got up after him. You nodded your head, glancing around to check out your less messier room. "Will you...go out..with me?" Aizawa's nervous voice said from behind you making you freeze, while an weird feeling bubbled up in your body along with the heat which was turning your skin red.
"G-Go out?" you squeaked, "A-As in-" but Aizawa spoke before you could finish, "A date." You felt your heart leap out of your chest while you turned back to look at Aizawa, who was still maintaining a straight face while his cheeks were deep red.
"I-I'll go change." you said, standing up. "No," Aizawa said, as you turned around to get your clothes, "Y-You're fine."
You stared at him and then turned down to check what you were wearing. It was a black crop-top, shamelessly exposing your well-built waist and some short shorts. You bit your lower lip. As much embarrassed you were, you couldn't stop your habit of teasing him whenever you got the chance, you just didn't want to.
"Relax Shouta," you said, "I'll give you a clearer view." Aizawa's cheeks went blotch red as he turned around and mumbled a quick, "No thanks."
"Oh come one," you said grinning through your deep blush, "You know you want me to."
"Th-That's not what I want." he said, sighing, his face still turned away. You smirked. "I know what you want~" you cooed, stepping closer to him and pulling his face closer by pulling his tie, "But you can't get that so quick, can you~" Aizawa's eyes shot wide as he turned to you with a red face.
"I-I d-don't know..w-what you're talking about." he mumbled, biting his lips. You chuckled, "But you're stuttering Shouta, you do know, don't you?" Aizawa pulled away and turned around, his hand moving towards his face, as his hitched breaths were clearly audible. You grinned widely.
"You'll love it." you said, hurrying off to one of your bags and taking out a dress one of your friends in America had bought you. You walked over to the bathroom and changed into the dress, which consisted of a blouse which shamelessly exposed your stomach and the upper part of your chest, hugging your body. The tight body hugging skirt along with it was short and overall, the dress gave a fancy and hot look.
You walked out of the bathroom, seeing Aizawa sitting on your bed scrolling through his phone.
"I'm back." you said, with a wide smile. "You took your time." Aizawa said, looking up at you only to freeze. You grinned widely, while your blush deepened. Aizawa's mouth was hanging as he stared at your body, his eyes travelling up and down, occasionally resting on specific areas.
"Get up, let's go." you said, ignoring the looks he gave you and walking over to get your hair set. You smiled widely, happy that your little show had worked and Aizawa sat frozen, looking at you. You fixed your hair, did some light make up and wore some heels. You grabbed a purse which matched your outfit and turned towards Aizawa, who was now standing up, facing you with a gaze focused into yours and his hands left loosely on his sides.
You walked over upto him. "Let's go, it's getting late." Aizawa groaned as you stepped ahead of him, embarrassed but pleased that it was more embarrassing for him.
"You know what," Aizawa said, right before you were pulled harshly on the bed, with him holding your hands and legs in position by his own while his body hovered above yours.
"Fuck the date." Aizawa breathed out. You froze like a deer in front of headlights, unable to understand what to say or do. "We could have our own little date here." Aizawa said, a wide grin growing on his face.
You felt as if your skin was boiling and realized how much of a bad idea wearing what you were was, because right now, you felt completely powerless and completely exposed to him.
"And you thought you'd win this." Aizawa mumbled, before getting off of you. You felt something knock your brain awake. "What!?" you cried, "Of course I won this!?"
"I'm not the one who's shaking while blushing." Aizawa said, flashing you a big sadist grin. You looked down at your body trembling with embarrassment, while your face felt beetroot red. You bit your lip to calm down.
"What do I do you're so sexy!?" you said, burying your face in your palms. "Won't work." Aizawa called out, while his voice seemed to be walking towards the door. "But I meant that." you mumbled. There was some silence. You peeked up to see Aizawa frozen on his spot, staring at you with wide eyes. "I've always meant what I said about you." you mumbled. Aizawa's face went blood-red.
He walked out of the room leaving you alone. "Did...did I go too far?" you mumbled as your heart clenched in it's spot, "Is he angry with me?"
The door flung open and Aizawa walked in, with a coat in his hands, which he put around you. "No way in hell," he said, "am I going to let other see you in this....shit."
You exhaled deeply, wrapping the jacket around you, enjoying Aizawa's fragrance coming from it. "You love this shit." you said, winking at him, your cheeks still red. Aizawa stared at you for a few moments before grinning widely and saying, "I do." which only flustered you more.
He asked you to hurry up as he walked out of the room and led you outside the U.A. building, into a black car parked outside. He drove you over to some fancy restaurant and took you over to an isolated table in one corner. You both sat down, blushing, looking anywhere but at each other. This was new, and embarrassing. You had never imagined this, yeah yeah okay, you had, you had imagined it so much that you couldn't help the bubbly feeling in your heart. You wanted to hold him and tell him that he was yours, and only yours, but brushed away the thoughts as Aizawa ordered for the both of you.
You unbuttoned his coat and opened it wide, so that only Aizawa could see your dress from inside. "Dammit, not here, (Name)." Aizawa said through gritted teeth. You smirked widely, placing one leg over the other and shifting into a seductive posture. You put your finger on your lips and winked at him seductively. Aizawa relaxed back into his seat and sighed.
"Shouta~" you cooed. "No." Aizawa groaned. You grinned at him, pushing the large coat a little further back, exposing your shoulders and top chest completely. Aizawa at once seemed to get alert and looked around with narrowed eyes. "Put. it. back. on." he ordered. You childishly stuck out your tongue towards him. Aizawa stared a you with twitching eyes while you grinned widely, successfully getting him annoyed and flustered at the same time.
"Just you wait till we get home." Aizawa said, "I'll give you a taste of your own medicine." You chuckled.
Aizawa sighed again, rubbing his temples. "(Name)." he said, angrilily, "Not. Now." You puffed your cheeks and pouted at him angrily. "Great." you said, flipping him off, "I'm angry now."
Aizawa inhaled deeply, as a smile formed on his lips, you hadn't changed at all.
"I'll get you desert." Aizawa said. You snapped your head towards him with a childish excitement. Aizawa had never particularly liked having deserts out in the open. As weird as it sounded, he found it embarrassing, probably since you guys always ordered something sweet and he secretly loved it, but again, he was a tsundere.
"Hows that?" Aizawa asked with a soft smile. "Ice cream." you said, "(Fav. flavor) and, oh..and also (Fav. desset besides ice cream)."
"Needy." Aizawa said, before getting up. "I'll just go place the orders right now. You nodded while blushing and observed his figure go over to the counter to order. You let out a lovesick sigh. This all was finally and actually happening. You saw Aizawa turn back and walk towards you with his hands in his pocket, his attention seeming to be lost somewhere.
"Eraser!" a cheery voice said from somewhere, and suddenly, Aizawa's expressions changed to those of utmost disgust. You watched as a green haired, extra-cheery woman, whom you recognized as pro-hero Ms.Joke hopped over to Aizawa, who tried to hurry towards you. You felt a question mark popping on your head.
"Lets get married!" Ms.Joke said. You felt your expressions match Aizawa's withing a second, only they were worse. Your eyes were narrowed and twitching as nerves in your head throbbed in annoyance. "No." Aizawa growled. Ms.Joke began laughing and began saying that Aizawa was still as funny as he always was.
"C'mon! Let's date! We're at the right place!" Ms. Joke said. Aizawa glanced at you with a pleading gaze, but you had something else on your mind. This woman was pissing you off as hell and you were gonna give her hell.
You turned around, your back facing the both of them and wrapped Aizawa's coat around your shoulders, blocking the view, and then, clutched your purse at your stomach.
Aizawa stiffened as you turned around, hoping that Ms.Joke wasn't making you feel uncomfortable to hurt, because if she was, he was personally going to murder her. He'd had enough of her already.
"Shouta~ Honey~" you called out, loud enough to draw the attention of both, Aizawa and Ms.Joke. Ms.Joke's face grew blank, as she turned to glance at Aizawa with a questioning glare, while Aizawa was busy trying to figure out what you had in mind.
"The baby's kicking again~" you cooed, with a smile, knowing this was enough to piss her off and fluster Aizawa.
Ms.Joke let out a large gasp as she snapped her head towards Aizawa. "No you didn't!" she said, glaring at the man who was looking at you, completely frozen. You glanced at Aizawa, who was staring at you with his hands loosely left at his sides as and his mouth was hanging open.
'Yes.' you thought, sighing, 'I did go too far.' You turned back to glance at Aizawa again but something happened.
The next moment you realized what was going on was when you were pushed against a the wall next to your table, with Aizawa gripping on your body, while he sucked the hell out of your mouth. You stood frozen in shock for a few moments, before joining in for the hungry kiss. You both kissed long, not caring about the ache in your chest due to lack of oxygen.
When you broke apart, you both were panting loudly, staring at each other's beetroot-red faces with pure longingness pouring out of your eyes.
"U-Um...I-I'm sorry to interrupt...but...your order has arrived." the waitress' voice snapped you both out of each other's daze and with quick throat clears, you both composed yourself for dinner. You didn't talk at all during dinner. You just couldn't, but the way Aizawa's hungry eyes bore into yours the entire time made you understand what was coming up when you reached home.
After you were done with the dinner and desert, the both of you walked out, and instead of U.A., Aizawa drove you over to his own house. You stepped inside and looked around at the way he had everything kept clean and organized. Aizawa picked you up bridal style, still not saying a word and took you over to his own room, then threw you on bed.
You composed yourself on bed and took off his coat, exposing your very revealed body and looked back at Aizawa who was half-way through taking off his shirt. You blushed wildly, seeing his hot muscular chest peering out from inside. You let out a hitched breath as Aizawa threw his shirt off and climbed on to bed, on top of you as his face hovered above yours. Your hands subconsciously moved over to his chest and began tracing out his muscles and abs.
"Nice show out there." he growled in your ear, making you blush wildly. "One may think you're bold, but you're such a submissive pussy~"
Your blushed widened as Aizawa pushed his body against your and broke into a deep, hungry, but passionate kiss. You both broke away, panting for air, while you snuggled into each other.
"Go change." Aizawa said, walking over to the closet and throwing a long shirt your way. You grinned widely, taking the shirt and disappearing into the bathroom to change into it. You came back, breathing out in relief to have something comfortable on finally. You laid down beside Aizawa, who was now staring into space, lying shirtless on his bed, with his hair open.
Aizawa pulled you into his lap, and snuggled into the crook of your neck. "I love it." he said, "You, sitting in my house, in my room, in my shirt, in my lap, I love it." You blushed and put your hands into his hair, playing with it.
"Take off your pant, Shouta." you whispered out, into his ear. "You wanna do stuff this quick?" Aizawa asked, with the same tenderness. "No!" you replied, almost immediately, your cheeks getting redder, "Y-You'll probably look hot, that's why."
Aizawa grinned as he moved his hand to his belt and you got up slightly from his lap, but he pulled you back, this time, your face facing his. "I...I've got...something else..to do." he said, with his eyes flickering with an eerie hesitance.
Your heart sank. Until now, everything was going great, so what was the sudden work Aizawa had gotten. Aizawa picked you up bridal style and placed you softly on the bed. He inhaled deeply and bent down in front of you, on one knee, taking out a small box from his pocket. He opened it, revealing a beautiful and sparkling diamond ring.
Your eyes widened and mouth hung open, as tears began forming in your eyes.
"(Name)," Aizawa said, slowly, "Will you marry me?"
Meanwhile outside in the lobby-
Hizashi: God...Being their best friend, it's hard to see all this, and so I came here but looks like they had other intentions
Shinsou: *sighs* Looks like home's not gonna be as pure as it was from now on
Next morning -
Aizawa picks you up and places you on the lobby couch, and leaned in for a morning kiss right before:
Hizashi standing at the kitchen door:  God, I can't see this.
Shinsou: Geez, dad, go get a room.
You and Aizawa get alert and blush wildly.
"You know what," Hizashi says, "I'll just go." and he leaves.
Aizawa: Shinsou, into your room.
Shinsou: *keeps on staring while sipping his coffee*
You: Shinsou, into your room
Shinsou: Sure mom
Aizawa: What the fuck!?
You: I'm literally his mom now, what's wrong with that?
Aizawa: No that! Why did he listen to you and not me
You and Shinsou: Please choose something better to be jealous of.
Aizawa: I'm not jealous
You and Shinsou and Hizashi's voice from outside: Liar
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chasingpj · 3 years
𝐀 𝐒𝐞𝐭-𝐔𝐩
"We should go pick the strawberries over there. Percy and Y/n can work on the ones here."
pairing: percy jackson x child of hecate!reader
words: 3,887
warnings: none?? pls let me know if i missed anything
timeline: post sea of monsters
if you want to be tagged every time I update this story click here
a/n: hi hi! I was supposed to post this yesterday, but oops. I don't have much to say. again, it's a little bit of a slow start just because I want to introduce characters and establish relationship dynamics before getting into the good stuff. anyways, i hope you like it! i love hearing feedback so don't hesitate to reach out to me!
Part One Part Two Part Three
When you were stressed or needed to be alone with your thoughts, you often found yourself in the strawberry fields, either helping collect the harvest or simply sitting on the grass patches nearby. You usually preferred being in the fields alone, peacefully listening to the chirping of the birds and cicadas while inhaling the scent of sun-baked strawberries. However, there were times where you did stumble upon the company of the girls from the Demeter and Aphrodite cabin. You didn't mind hanging out with them, always amused at their banter and choice of conversation. They were always bubbly, taking advantage of the leisure activity to gossip and have girl talk, and it was nice, even if you were just listening.
Today was one of those days where you weren’t alone in the fields. Standing alongside Silena, Katie, and your half-sister, Lou Ellen, you find yourself zoning in and out of their conversation. Their chattering and giggling serve as background noise as you focus on cutting the strawberries from their stems to carefully place them in your basket.
"Who do you think are the cutest boys at camp?" You hear Silena ask when you decide to tune back into their conversation. A silence falls amongst the group; Katie and Lou Ellen were suddenly hesitant to speak. You look up, waiting for one of them to break the silence because it definitely wasn’t going to be you.
"I know what you're doing! You're trying to find out our crushes," Katie points her finger at Silena accusingly. Lou Ellen nods,
“Yeah, we know your tricks, Silena! You’re gonna try and set us up with people.”
"What? No!" Silena denies, but the smirk on her face said otherwise. "I'm just asking in general! You can find someone cute and not have a crush on them,” she points out. The three of you weren’t convinced at Silena’s claims, and the silence returns. You turn back to what you were doing, not really wanting to trap yourself in this conversation, and you decide to leave the pressure of confession to Katie and Lou Ellen.
"Okay.” Katie turns her body to face you. You hesitantly meet her gaze, already knowing what she's going to confess. "... this might be weird, but I think your brother is really cute," she admits, giggling nervously as she looks at both you and Lou Ellen. You scrunch your nose, shaking your head while Lou Ellen joins your reaction as she gags theatrically. The confession didn't surprise you, but it still felt weird to hear it.
"He's ugly!" You exclaim. Silena laughs, her head thrown back as Katie gasps at your insult about Atticus. Even though this wasn't the first time you've heard this from girls at camp, you still found it strange. Even your mortal friends have told you that they think your brother is adorable. You’ll never admit it out loud to anyone, but you were aware that your brother definitely wasn't ugly. Obviously, he wasn't if almost all of your friends had to mention his appearance at least once. Not only was Atticus conventionally attractive, but he was also a natural flirt, so he got attention from girls fairly easily. So much so that before your mother claimed you, Connor and Travis Stoll swore you guys were going to be claimed by Aphrodite.
You've only seen him flirt a handful of times, usually with the wood nymphs and playfully with the girls from the Aphrodite cabin. It was strange seeing girls flirt with him and giggle at all his stupid jokes because that “smooth” Atticus they meet is so different from the Atticus you saw. The Atticus you got to see was a clumsy dork that obsessed over Harry Potter and had a habit of bursting into song whenever he was bored, most often singing his own rendition of a song from a broadway musical or of a rock song from the 90s.
"No, he isn't! His facial structure is amazing!” Katie gushes. “And he's tall and has broad shoulders. He's also really funny!" You and Lou Ellen stare at her with a straight face before simultaneously bursting into laughter.
“He’s a dork!” Lou Ellen chokes through her laughs, and you nod, agreeing with her.
"Hey! I get where Katie is coming from! As his sisters, you guys are biased. Of course, you’re gonna say he's ugly," Silena points out, and you sigh,
“Live with him in the Hermes Cabin for a couple of weeks, and when you see him in his natural state, you won’t find him cute anymore,” you joke. Katie shakes her head,
“I don’t believe you. I bet he’s even cuter! You’re calling him a dork, but jokes on you, I like dorks,” she says playfully, crossing her arms over her chest, and you smile at her.
“To each their own, I guess.”
"What about you? Who do you think is cute?" Silena asks you. You side-eye the other, and you feel your face heat up. You really didn’t want to be the target in this conversation. Turning back to the bushes, you answer her question with a shrug of your shoulders. Silena scoffs, "there has to be someone! We have a good group of guys to choose from at camp."
"I mean, yeah…" you trail off hesitantly, and you feel the stares of the girls as they wait for your answer. You knew they weren't going to let this go, and so, you sigh softly, taking a moment to find the courage to confess. "I guess Percy is cute-"
Your breath hitches in your throat, and your shoulder tenses up at the sound of the familiar voice. It was too much of a coincidence that Percy showed up the exact moment you were speaking about him. The girls laugh at your reaction and your cheeks somehow become hotter as Silena smiles at you knowingly. If she didn't sense your crush before, she definitely sensed it now. Snapping your gaze away from her, you find the courage to turn around.
"Hey, Percy," you say, smiling sheepishly. You fiddle with your fingers as you take in his appearance. Percy was wearing his orange camp half-blood shirt and cargo pants. His cheeks were a little flushed at the summer heat, and you assume he probably came from training. As usual, his dark hair was slightly disheveled, and you couldn’t help your lips curling into a soft smile.
"Hey, I've been looking for you. You left these on the dock," he says, presenting the black pouch filled with your crystals in his hand. You gasp softly as you take it from him.
"Oh! Thank you. I can’t believe I forgot them," You shake your head at yourself as you put them in your strawberry basket in the meantime. You didn’t understand how your forgotten crystals never came to your mind once, especially this late in the day.
"No problem. I think they’re all in there," he smiles at you before acknowledging the girls standing behind you. "Hey, guys.”
He furrowed his eyebrows as they giggle amongst themselves. They murmur a few things to each other before turning their gaze to him again.
"Percy, I wanted to ask who do you think is the prettiest girl at camp?" Silena asks as the girls move to surround him. You're stomach flutters crazily with nerves, and you cringe, feeling embarrassed even though Percy was oblivious to the motive behind the question.
Percy looks around him, shifting his weight from one foot to another,
"This… feels like a trap,” he says slowly, making the girls giggle.
"It's not! We just want to know. Anyone, in particular, stands out to you?" Silena steps closer to him.
"Any crushes?" Katie asks.
"There has to be someone, right?" Lou Ellen smiles.
"Um… I- why are you guys asking so many questions?" He mutters, his shoulders tense up as he avoids the stares of the three girls practically towering over him.
"Guys, leave him alone," you laugh shortly. "You don't have to answer all that," you reassure him, cutting through their little circle as you squeeze between Silena and Katie.
You stand beside Percy, the girls deciding to step down and return to their original places. Silena smiles, and you can't tell what she's thinking, but you knew that the smile playing on her lips made you nervous. You awkwardly exchange a look with Percy, noticing that he was just as flustered as you were.
"You know… I noticed that those bushes over there get a lot of sun," Silena says, breaking her silence as she turns to Katie and Lou Ellen. She points at the bushes about three rows from where you were all standing, and Katie nods,
"We should go pick the strawberries over there. Percy and Y/n can work on the ones here." Silena gives you a smirk, winking at you before turning around and taking the other girls with her.
You resume your strawberry picking, chewing on your button lip. You were hoping that he didn't witness Silena wink at you because if he did, it was then way too obvious that the girls spontaneously set up this. There's a silence for a moment, and you feel your palms start to sweat as you try to figure out what you were going to say to him.
"Where's Ambrose?" Percy asks softly, and you glance over for a second, watching as he picks the strawberries beside you.
"Oh, uh, he ran off a little while ago with my brothers. They're probably playing somewhere." You smile, remembering how Ambrose wasted no time, running over to Alabaster and Ernest the moment they had offered to play with him.
"... how do you play with a ghost dog?" Percy gleams, amused at the idea of playing with Ambrose considering he couldn’t touch many things.
"There's a process where you can offer things to his spirit, so he has a few toys that he can play with," you explain. “He and I play with his toys all the time, but he’s with my brother’s right now, so they're probably wrestling."
"What? Really? I wouldn’t want to wrestle Ambrose,” Percy admits as a short laugh comes from his mouth.
"Yeah, me neither. He would definitely win if we did. Once he was so excited to see me; he jumped on me and knocked me down no problem,” you shake your head. “I think he forgets how big he is, and he ends up getting carried away sometimes.”
You look up from what you were doing, unexpectedly meeting Percy’s green eyes that resemble the color of the Caribbean sea as the sun shines into them. The butterflies in your stomach return, and you’re trying not to focus on the fact that the other was already looking at you. You look elsewhere, suddenly too shy to look at him, but your eyes couldn’t help but flicker back to his face. From this close, you noticed things about him that you didn’t see before, like the scattered freckles on his face, his long eyelashes, and his slightly chapped lips.
“I-” he stops himself suddenly, and your eyebrows furrow. The tension between you both was something you've never felt before. You didn't understand why Percy looked dazed, staring at you as if he found you to be the most captivating person in the world.
You open your mouth, but before you could speak, you see something moving at the end of the bush row. Breaking your gaze with Percy, you notice Silena's focusing intensely on you and him. It suddenly dawns on you that the strange tension was because she was working that love magic that all the Aphrodite children can do. She smirks when she sees that you’ve noticed her, and you swore you saw her mouth a “you’re welcome.” The tension suddenly falls as she hides behind the bushes right as Percy turns around to find out what you were looking at.
You giggle nervously, “um, yeah. Anyways... Ambrose can put up a fight,” you say, trying to revert to the original topic because you really didn’t want to discuss what just happened. You give him a second to get himself together, Percy looking a little disoriented after being under Silena's look magic. He blinks a few times before turning abruptly toward the strawberry bushes. A nervous chuckle leaves his lips, and his hand comes up to rub the back of his neck. He shifts on his feet and nods,
“Yeah, I can imagine.” He clears his throat, his voice coming out a little higher than he had intended it to be. You bite your bottom lip, trying to refrain from laughing, and you hum softly in response.
The two of you sat in silence for a bit before your conversation had picked up again. Surprisingly, even after being unknowingly manipulated by Silena’s magic, Percy moved on quickly from the awkward tension. You found it was easy to talk to him, the two of you chatting as if you didn't just meet yesterday. The two of you talked and laughed a lot, sharing funny stories from quests or about your mortal parents.
You’ve never been a closed-off person, and you were able to share things easily with people, so the conversation flew naturally. You guys talked about the weird perks of your powers. One of the weird perks you shared is your ability to see and communicate with ghosts, and you end up freaking him out with the many stories of your paranormal experiences.
You weren't sure how long you were talking to him, but time felt like it flew by, and eventually, your baskets were filled with strawberries as you finished picking the row. The sun was lower in the sky, and you assume that it was almost time for dinner. You figured you should find your siblings, and Ambrose and Percy had mentioned that he had plans to climb the lava wall with a few of his friends. So you guys placed your baskets in the drop-off section where they package the strawberries, exchanging a short “see you later” before parting ways.
The last thing Annabeth was expecting to see today was an out-of-breath Atticus bursting into her cabin, but there he was. She jumps in her seat at the sudden bang, the sound cutting through the silence. Her gaze snaps from her book to the door, concerned for a second as Atticus looks panicked. He lets himself in, scoping out the room in search of something.
"What are you-?"
"Have you seen Harvey?" Atticus asks, frantically looking for his familiar. Harvey is a black-footed ferret that was given to him by his mother. When you guys found out that Ambrose was for you, Atticus was pretty bummed. He was jealous that your mother had given you such a cool gift, and you had assumed that she had seen how upset he was because a few days after Hecate officially claimed you, Atticus received Harvey as a present. The morning he met Harvey for the first time, Atticus was thrilled to wake up with the ferret casually sitting on his chest.
"I'm sorry, Harvey? I don't know a Harvey?" Annabeth turns in her chair to face him, her arms crossed over her chest.
"My ferret, have you seen him?" Atticus drops to his knees, looking under the beds and the nightstands. He just saw him jump into the back window of the Athena Cabin, so he was sure that Harvey was hiding somewhere.
"Um, no?" Annabeth rolls her eyes, finding it rude that he has barged in as if he lived there. Suddenly, a small animal jumps from the top of the bookcase beside her and right on her desk. Annabeth yelps, getting up from her seat quick as Harvey snorts, and he clumsily runs across her papers before prancing across all the desks that were lined against the wall.
"Harvey, what are you doing?!" Atticus exclaims as he moves to stand up. He attempts to meet Harvey at the last desk, but Harvey jumps out of his reach just as he closes his fist to grab him. Harvey zooms across the room, forcing him to play a one-sided game of tag that Atticus was definitely losing. He occasionally slips and stumbles, the snorts that leave his snout starting to sound like mocking laughter.
"What's wrong with your rat?" Annabeth jokes as her eyes follow Harvey around the room.
"He's a ferret," Atticus corrects her, mumbling under his breath. He sighs as he tries to catch up with the animal, failing miserably as not only was he crazy fast, he was able to find the smallest corners to hide in.
"Similar family," she shrugs, smirking at him. "And you didn't answer my question."
Atticus sighs, getting on the floor to try and grab Harvey, who’s tucked in the corner under one of the beds. He squints at the small animal, not sure why he’s acting this way when Harvey was curled up on his desk, peacefully taking a nap about 20 minutes ago.
"He does this sometimes. I don't know. He wants to play, and then he causes chaos," Atticus grunts, almost grabbing Harvey, but he runs out of his reach once again. Atticus groans as he sits back on his heels, pinching the bridge of his nose. He decides he might as well take a breather since he's been chasing him for the past 10 minutes, and he considers that he should stop entertaining him since Harvey obviously saw this as some game.
He sighs softly, choosing to forget about Harvey as he looks over at Annabeth. Her gray eyes are fixed on him as she leans against the edge of her desk. Her curly blonde locks are pulled back in a messy low ponytail allowing the front strands to frame her face prettily. Atticus smiles as he admires her, taking in her appearance before she starts telling him off.
"You look pretty like that," Atticus compliments, his heart skipping a beat as their eyes meet. He watches as her expression softens for a second, her eyes wide at the random compliment. Atticus smirks softly, not surprised, as her face suddenly darkens into a scowl. If Annabeth felt anything for him, she was good at hiding it.
When Atticus had first arrived at camp last summer, Annabeth and he spoke here and there. Their conversations were brief but pleasant, and Atticus found himself wanting to talk to her more often. As his crush for her grew, he had taken it upon himself to harmlessly flirt with her, hoping she’d get the hint that he was interested.
"Like what?" She asks, her chin up as she moves to stand up straight on her feet.
"With your hair in a ponytail like that. It's cute.”
"Hmm. Thanks for letting me know, so I'll never do it like this again,” she says in such a serious tone that made Atticus laugh. There it is. Annabeth was always quick to shut him down, and she never failed to make witty comebacks. He was pretty certain that it was just banter, but it made it hard to tell if she was maybe into him. But he never failed to notice how occasionally, she’d momentarily be lost for words or have a flustered look on her face before it hardened as it did a moment ago.
"You'd be pretty regardless, Chase.” He feels his knees start to ache, and he sighs as he gets back up on his feet.
"Don't call me that," Annabeth says abruptly.
"What? Chase? What do you prefer? Annie? Beth? Anna?" He teases.
"I prefer Annabeth, thank you." She gives him a tight, sarcastic smile, and a short laugh comes from Atticus’s mouth.
"That's not fun, though…" His hand comes under his chin as he studies her. He ponders for a second, trying to come up with a name that he can personally call her. Annabeth shifts, avoiding his gaze as she looks elsewhere. She was weirded out that the other was looking at her for so long, and she tried not to show how flustered she actually was. She grunts,
"What?! What are you look-"
"Goldilocks," Atticus blurts out, his finger pointing into the air as his face brightens, thinking he’s an absolute genius for coming up with that name. Annabeth shakes her head,
"Don't call me th-"
"It's been decided. I will call you goldilocks. No one else can call you that," Atticus cuts her off, the same proud smile plastered on his face even though Annabeth’s eyes narrow dangerously at him. Atticus takes a step back hesitantly. At first glance, she didn’t come off as intimidating, but Atticus knew better. He was always sure not to push her too far because he was completely aware of her ability to kill him.
Atticus suddenly remembers Harvey, noticing how the sound of his little feet pattering along the wooden floor ceased a while ago. He scans the room finding Harvey standing on his hind legs a couple of feet away, calmly watching them. Atticus still couldn’t understand why he had acted so strangely. Familiars couldn’t talk, obviously because they’re animals but their actions are never out of vain. They’re usually trying to tell you something if they’re acting strange, and it takes a while to put the pieces together since there is only so much they can do. After thinking for a second, it dawns on Atticus that Harvey purposely made him come to the Athena Cabin so that he can talk to Annabeth. He smiles to himself, walking toward Harvey. He didn’t run away this time, allowing Atticus to put him on his shoulder.
"He just stopped,” Annabeth points out, her head tilting to the side.
"Probably got tired?" Atticus makes an excuse for him, not wanting to admit that Harvey had decided to be his wingman today. "Sorry for barging in, by the way," he apologizes. “I saw him jump in from the window, and I was worried he’d break something.”
"Whatever. Don’t do it again.”
"Got it. Well, I'll see you around, Goldilocks. Happy studying.” Atticus turns on his heels, hearing a scoff coming from Annabeth as he walks out of the cabin.
"When did I ask you to be my wingman?" Atticus asks Harvey as he walks off the steps of the Athena Cabin. He reaches up, his index finger petting the top of his head. "You're crazy, bud... But she is cute, isn't she?" Atticus laughs, Harvey snorting as if he agrees with him.
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velveticamoon · 3 years
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these totally weren’t supposed to go up yesterday ahaha- 
P.S: this is my first writing post!! i thought it would be an easier transition by writing hc’s, and i got my friend saniya (@bokesaniyaboke) to help me out with writing them, so i hope y’all enjoy :) (enjoy our 2 am chaos-)
i have more writing planned for the future too, and decided that i’ll be writing for: 
- attack on titan
- bungou stray dogs 
- free!
- fugou keiji: balance unlimited. 
don’t be shy to send in your requests, i’m more than happy to do them ;) 
anyways, i hope you guys enjoy, let me know if you want more! and to those of you that celebrated, hope you had a merry Christmas :) 
Decorating the house with him!! Except he’d be trying to get out of doing it at first lol
He’d be pissed about the mess that would come with decorating the house 
But if you keep pestering him enough he’ll eventually give in lol 
He’d be very meticulous about which decorations go where, but you’re just gonna have to put up with that 
Pls don’t complain too much, he really wouldn’t be doing it with anyone else 
(in the words of saniya: “ur the only exception be happy about that)
Idk why but i feel like he’d be really good at hanging up the lights?? With the placement and whatnot? 
He probably has a very keen aesthetic eye i feel like (saniya: “pinterest but as a person vibes”)  
At the end of it, while y’all are sitting on the couch drinking some tea, he quietly mumbles how he likes the work you two did 
But you felt like teasing him and he got all huffy and said it louder, obviously calling you a brat right after cuz why wouldn’t he 
Ask him to make gingerbread houses!! pls he’d be so excited about it 
He’d even go to the store himself and get all the supplies on his way home and you both wouldn’t waste a minute to start a baby
Look he’d start getting competitive (pls we all know how he is) and would turn it into a competition so be prepared for that lol 
But when his gingerbread house falls over he starts getting angry
Proceeds to drive to the company’s factory to break it down in his titan form (there’s no stopping him now) 
Gets Armin to join him and they smash the houses in their titan forms together LMFAOFNDND PLEASE IM WHEEZING- 
But for real, he’d probably get pouty, and turn into a whiny baby
Don’t call him out on it though he’ll just get even worse lol  
Shower him with kisses right after and he’ll be blushy but he’s fine dw about it 
He’ll get over himself eventually and then proceed to ask with a boyish grin on his face if you wanna give up and just eat the houses as they are 
Y’all end up with stomach aches but it’s fine he makes it a little more bearable :))
Making ornaments (pls it’d be so cutenjdjn)
Saniya: “she would stab me with an ornament and i’d say thank you” 
Comfortable silence with a little chatter here and there
Every now and then she rests her head on your shoulder (softie) 
Just like Armin, getting super flustered and blushy when you compliment her 
She helps hang the ornaments onto the tree and the tree turns out to look so pretty
Would take your hand and sit the two of you on the couch and just admire the tree in silence 
It’s so comforting you slowly feel like you’re about to fall asleep 
Make her some hot chocolate pls all she really wants is to cherish this atmosphere the two of you have created, all huddled up on the couch together 
She’d totally fall asleep cause the girl’s always working in overdrive pls does she even sleep-
Make sure she’s warm alright?? If u don’t i’ll stab you ;)
Watches hallmark movies with you, only to make fun of them (romance at it’s finest amirite) 
Popcorn fights while watching them 
Will get mad when you see a horse and say “look it’s you horse face” 
He says the dumbest pick up lines during the movie as an attempt to impress you 
“hey y/n, can i have your picture so i can show santa what i want for christmas?” 
“jean, we’re literally dating-” 
Something romantic will happen in the movie and Jean will continuously ask you to recreate that scene. “y/n can we-“ “if your about to ask me if you can spin me whilst ice skating, then no” “aw :(“ 
Oh to be spun by jean while ice skating- but that’s not the point 
Wrap him up in a blanket while watching the movies, he’ll melt 
Call him out on it and he’ll turn into ereh 2.0 (aka another whiny baby) 
Jkjk but he’ll definitely try to deny it cuz u know he’s a “biG oL maNLy maN” but he’s a softie ;)
Making holiday cards with him 
When you bring up the idea his face lights up instantly it’s the cutest thing omg
I can see him bringing his own supplies to help with getting started
Envelopes, letter paper, markers. Hell, he’ll show up with glitter markers (those things are god-tier istg-)
he gets super flustered and red when you compliment his card
If you mess up on your card he’s totally gonna be there to cheer you up!!
“Hey don’t worry, you can just start on a new one :D”
He probably won’t ask but he lowkey wants the card you messed up on cuz he thinks it’s cute
Makes cards for everyone and then takes you with him to deliver them
Would be really shy at the post office cuz he’s never done this before 
*cue you falling even more head over heels for him because he’s just so?? endearing?? it’s insane??*
Eventually, he gets the hang of it and ends up having a really fun time :D
Let him be the one to place the stamps on the envelopes, it’s ~therapeutic~ for him 
Overall, he’s probably the best person if you wanna use this as a healing opportunity tbh, the entire day is just filled with the calmest atmosphere one could wish for, and the smiles never leave your faces, even after you’ve finished
Snowball fights w/ our resident baldy jKJKJK
Pls you wouldn’t even plan for it to happen 
It just kinda,, did,, 
Y’all we’re walking through the park, on your way back from lunch or something 
But you decided to make a pit-stop at the park cuz you saw an ice cream truck (do y’all know how rare those are in winter?? I’d be running to get to it pls i have no self-control) 
Anyways, other ppl had the same idea, so now y’all were standing in line waiting 
As he was looking around, his eyes landed on some other kids throwing snowballs at each other, and ideas started forming in his head uh oh-
And there just so happened to be a pile of snow right next to his feet- 
Y’all can probably guess what happened- 
“Hey y/n” “yeah-?” *throws it right at your face* 
And so the war begins 
Two words: S N O W  F O R T S. pls ppl would be concerned as they walked by and saw y’all just trying to fucking PUMMEL each other (sounds like fun tho i wanna do it now :( haven’t done it in years pls-) 
But you have to stop it before one of you gets hypothermia considering how long y’all have been going at it 
Anyways, he’ll buy you a hot chocolate to make up for making you frozen to the bone dw :)
Popcorn and cranberry garland 
Look away for one second and the popcorn is gone but you don’t really mind
Make sure to bring a second batch of the popcorn because the first one WILL be gone 
(maybe even a third stashed away-)
She’s really excited about it tho!! But didn’t expect it to take so long omg 
I imagine her to be really clumsy while making them, so pull a move straight out of a cheesy romance movie and help her out while holding her hands ;) 
She probably won’t notice what’s going on for a good minute tho 
Pls be patient she’s doing her best 😔🤚🏻
But once she does she has the cutest blush on her face pls (i just love her a lot can y’all tell-) 
She’ll eventually get the hang of it and you both make really pretty garlands!!
She suggests hanging it up in the bathroom as a snack pls-
Caroling with them omfg- 
It’s gonna be chaotic
The neighbors hate y’all but its fine 
Look man if ur like me and can’t handle people being loud all the time bring earplugs cuz it’s gonna get L O U D
But if you tell them that their screeching is giving you a headache they’ll absolutely tone it down!!
But don’t be surprised when they inevitably forget about that-
But if you're more energetic than I am then have at it ;) 
Pls me and my lazy ass could never handle that- 
Anyways when y’all reach the houses where they refuse to open the door?? Hanji’s breaking that shit down and hollering into their house at the top of their lungs
Ur literally gonna have to drag them away before someone calls the cops 
Moblit pls get over here and collect them I’m begging u dude-
Don’t be surprised if y’all spend the night in jail that’s just how it’s gonna be oops 
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rocketink · 4 years
In which you lose your stuff all the time but your first-floor neighbour somehow always has it for you. Or, in a soulmate world, your soulmate finds everything you loses and reverse.
pairing: minghao x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, crack + neighbor & soulmate! Au 
wc: 2.2k+
warnings: none I think (this type of soulamte thingy is kinda crazy tho). Btw this is my first au so I’m sorry fpr any mistakes!! + English is not my first language so apologies :)
notes: I migh turn this into a series since I’ve thought about some details here and there as I wrote this au?? What do you think?? 
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The situation inside your apartment has turned unbearable, and you know should have moved with Joshua when you had the chance. He wasn't the closest of your friends, but you're sure it would have been more comfortable with him rather than third-wheeling your roommates.
Now, you don't hate Mingyu and your best friend, you just think they are disgustingly cute. You feel very happy since you've seen them pining after each other for a while now (all the furtive glances they sent to each other when they thought nobody was looking was like being inside a rom-com movie and it was hilarious at first. It eventually became too much to handle). You've never seen two more oblivious people inside a room, it was exasperating. Things began to turn serious when they discovered they were each other's soulmates and they've been seriously dating ever since.
It's great, really, but why do you have to see each of their displays of affection? Or, should we say, why doesn't the time to find your soulmate finally get to you?
Because you know, deep down inside you, that the problem is not that they have a soulmate. The problem is that you don't find it.
"Good morning, love." Mingyu greets your friend with his deep morning voice, and gives them a kiss on their temple. "Good morning, Y/n." He gives you a tiny hug and you growl.
"It's too early for being cute don't you think?" You ask joking-not-so-joking.
"Feeling grumpy at eight in the morning? Woah, breaking your own record." You laugh at what your friend says and they laugh too. You don't mind being like this, just why does it have to get so awkward sometimes?
"Guys another disgrace has happened." You announce solemnly. "I have lost my jacket"
"Again?" Mingyu judges.
"But didn't you wash it yesterday? It must be hanged with the rest of the clothes."
"I checked when I woke up because it's cold and it wasn't there."
"It was pretty windy last night, maybe it fell?" Your friend suggests and they grin. "Maybe Minghao will bring it back to you later?"
Ah, here we have the other reason why you want to move to a lost town somewhere in Australia: Xu Minghao, your first-floor neighbor, the one that has an apartment to envy because of his small, well-decorated courtyard. You don't envy that, though, because your clothesline is right on top of his courtyard, and sometimes he has to bring you all the clothing items that fall into his yard. You don't know how all that ends up there, you've tried everything: from securing your clothes with more pins to tying it to the clothesline. But none of that ever works, and he always goes all up to the third floor -where you live- to give it back to you with a smile and a 'see you soon'. How does he know it's your clothes? You made sure to tell him the first time this happened.
Just like your friend predicted, that afternoon Xu Minghao knocked at your door.
"Hello." He greets with a friendly smile and your heart melts.
He's too adorable to handle.
"Hi, Minghao. Don't bother I think I know why you're here." You joke at your own clumsiness and he laughs with you too.
"You must have been cold without it." He seems worried and you shake your head.
"Don't worry, two layers of blankets made up for it."
He puts his hands into his pockets and smiles shyly and you feel your heart bursting off. When he leaves, you notice your jacket smells like him.
Ah, how you wished Minghao was your soulmate.
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Things get more complicated when the finals approach. You can barely stand even after drinking your daily coffee and you spend day after day coming and going from home to the library. You are so focused and stressed that you barely pay attention to anything else, and you've lost from pens to your entire case. All of them safely brought back home by Minghao. You do not know how or when you threw your case through the window for it to end up at Minghao's yard, but he always brings some hot chocolate and a small talk with him, so you do not complain.
After all, you don't even remember how you wake up every morning by the end of the day. You end up thinking you need to control yourself a little more during finals.
One day it gets out of hand. You've probably had the worst of the days. You woke up late because you didn't hear the alarm clock, your roommates being all lovey-dovey already got you on your nerves, your exam was harder than you expected and you had a bad feeling about your answers. Then, when you finally got home, late and tired, your keys were nowhere to be found. You could feel your eyes getting watery and you knocked at the door. Nobody answers, your friend and Mingyu are celebrating their anniversary and you don't want to bother them even if all you want is a hot shower and watching a romantic without friends to cuddle. You immediately think of Minghao, would it be too much if you asked him to spend some time with you? You answer to yourself that yes, it would be too much, there's no need to bother anyone else. So what do you do now?
"Y/n?" Somebody asks behind you.
"Minghao?" And there you have it, just the one you were thinking of.
"Hi, uhm, are you okay?" You want to cry to that question, but you manage to hold back your tears.
"I'm fine I just- I must have lost my keys because I can't find them and there's no one home and I just want to sleep." You explain briefly.
"Are these your keys?" He holds something in his left hand that looks like your keyring -a framed pink paper with your name on it and a little olaf your sister once bought you-
"How did you find it?"
"I didn't, it appeared in my yard". He is as confused as you are.
"But... I remember I put it inside the pocket of my bag." You explain. "When I arrived it was opened so I just supposed they fell out. And there's no way they fell into your yard because they are always inside my bag, I never threw them... Why would anyone throw a keyring through my window? I-" You try to explain without taking a breath so that Minghao doesn't think you're a weirdo, but now you can't fight back your tears and Minghao looks worried.
"It's okay Y/n, don't worry, I understand. Well, I don't, but I know you didn't do it. Hold on let's get inside I'll make you some hot chocolate and we can watch a movie, okay?"
You nod without thinking, just wanting to be lulled into some peace. He makes you some hot choco as promised and makes some small talk while choosing a movie to watch.
"So where are your roommates?" He asks.
"Celebrating their anniversary."
"Wait, are they dating?"
"Didn't you know?"
"No? I'm so shocked what the hell." You laugh at his astonished face. "But are they...?"
"Soulmates? Yes, they are."
"Woah, lucky."
"I know right." You don't want this topic to surface but you can't help but ask. "Have you met your soulmate?"
"I haven't." After a few seconds, he adds, "have you?"
"No, not a single clue of who they are. I don't have a timer or a tattoo, or see them in my dreams... I'm getting tired of waiting. Overall watching the two lovebirds every day of my life."
"It is the same thing for me. I'd love to meet them or just to know how they are. I know I'm young and all that but I'm just very curious and almost all my friends have met them while I still don’t know how to find them. I feel left out."
You nod, relating to that feeling.
"By the way, if it gets tiring, why don't you just move out?"
"I don't know where to move to be honest. I don't know if I want to go through the 'look for a new apartment' process again, it's too tiring. Besides, I still have fun with them, they're not to blame for my loneliness."
Minghao laughs and looks away.
"Just so you know, I'm moving out next month. I found another apartment for a better price and I'm going to leave the one I have now. If it gets too unbearable, you can just take my place." And you are too focused on yourself to notice the sad look on his face.
Because Minghao and your little encounters made your whole living in a student's apartment life better, and you don't want him to go away. But you are just a neighbor in Minghao's life, so who are you to tell him that?
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Minghao moves the following month just as promised, and you can't remove the moping face you wear.
"Why are you so sad Y/n? I've seen the new neighbor, he is as hot as Minghao." Your friend winks and you roll your eyes.
"I don't care. If he doesn't pick up my stuff then I don't want him."
"I've heard he is all the time arguing with their other roommate. Maybe they leave sooner than expected and Minghao comes back!"
"Don't be mean, Gyu!" You nag and he shrugs.
Somebody's knocking at the door distracts you from your conversation and both of your friends turn to look at you.
"Why do I always have to get the door? There's no Minghao now, I don't want it."
"Maybe is your new blue prince"
"Shut up, Mingyu."
But when you open the door to a frowning Minghao, your heart backflips.
"What are you doing here Hao? Is everything okay?"
"I am a little concerned." He shows you a small necklace you recognize immediately. "What was this doing in my house?"
"I lost it last week at university! I didn't know where it went." You try to answer.
"To my room?"
"Look, I also don't know what was my necklace doing in your house in which I've never stepped a foot in because is like five kilometers away ... Oh my god Hao did you walk here?"
"I took the bus." He looks down and then right at you. "The last time I saw you you were wearing it. I've been thinking for a week how did this get there since I haven't seen you in a month, I never took it and I know for sure you are not a stalker who would leave their necklace inside my room when nobody’s looking."
"Have you reached any conclusion?"
"Absolutely none. Then I talked to Jun and he said some of the romantic trash he usually thinks of, but this made me think."
"What did he say?" You don't know what direction this conversation is taking.
"He's a soulmate expert you know? He told me that maybe it’s because destiny wants us to meet again and I thought that couldn't be because oh god, what have I done to deserve you? Then I decided to make a little experiment and I'm really nervous because if this doesn't work out I might have lost the most important thing to me. Do you mind checking your room?"
You feel everything inside you revolving because of every single one of his words, but still, you do as he requests. You check your room, ignoring the question marks over your roommate's heads, and find nothing different. Except for a new notebook on top of your nightstand you hadn't noticed. It's a sketchbook, and all of the drawings on the inside are signed with Minghao's name.
"Is this yours?" He sighs in relief when he recognizes the sketchbook.
"This is a part of my life, you know?"
"Then how did you lose this?"
"I told June to leave it somewhere I didn't know so that I couldn't even look for it. I wasn't sure if it was going to work."
"I can't believe the universe does works like this."
"Me neither, but I'm glad it did."
"So, you said this friend of yours is an expert in soulmates?" You don't want to ask it directly, but you want to know if he's implying that you two are soulmates.
"Yes, I used the s word." You both laugh.
"Does this mean that you and I... You know."
"Jun told me this type of soulmate is rare, but it has happened under easier circumstances. All I know is that I keep finding you every time and I don't know if I ever want to stop finding you."
"OH COME ON JUST KISS ALREADY." You hear Mingyu shouting from the kitchen. "Babe, now I know how Y/n felt with us."
You want to laugh at Mingyu and tell him 'Ha, suffer you loser', but Minghao has other plans.
When he kisses you everything just seems simple and suddenly everything is fine, and you don't want to stop doing it. It's warm, it feels as if you had lost and found the most important thing in your life.
"Hold on then why did I never find anything yours?"
"Y/n, you break the kiss just to ask this?" You blush and he sighs. "I'm a very organized person, unlike others, so I barely lose things, happy now?"
"No. Does this mean that if I get lost in a crowd would you magically find me? You know, since I got lost."
"I don't know Y/n, and I don't want to find out. Now come here, I want to cuddle."
"Oh, yes. Finally."
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Spite Playlist: Remix CH8
You guys have made it! Starting next chapter this story is going to look much different. This chapter also includes a couple never-read-before scenes, and the end of this one changes the course of this story quite a bit. I hope you’re all ...ready for it?
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Chapter 8: Say Amen (Saturday Night)
“I’m impressed, Adrikins.” Chloe crossed one leg over the other. “It’s not like you to go on the offensive.”
“I don’t like seeing my friends get hurt,” he said while Jean Luke poured their tea. “Lila has gone too far.”
“I’m so glad you’re seeing things my way. With you on my side, I think we can have her running back to Italy in tears by next Tuesday,” Chloe said with a crooked grin.
“Well,” Adrien drawled in his token wishy-washy tone that Chloe hated. “I want to stop her, but I don’t want to humiliate or hurt her.”
She should have known.
“Adrikins, we have got to do something about that moral compass of yours.” Chloe rolled her eyes and took a sip of her tea.
“Just because she’s mean and selfish doesn’t mean she deserves to be completely mortified. There has to be another way.” Adrien chided.
“What if we send her a fake letter saying she won an all-expense-paid trip to Jamaica for two years?” Chloe suggested. “Then we have our pilot strand her in the middle of the jungle.”
Adrien gave her a disapproving frown.
“What? I’m just brainstorming,” she said. “All I’m saying is that I will spare no expense to make her disappear.”
“No harm, Chloe.”
“I liked you better when you were spineless,” she grumbled. “Where has all this new-found courage come from anyway?”
“I just thought about what you said.” He reached for a madeleine. “…And Lila confronted me.”
“I suppose I give you an A for effort.” She applauded him slowly. “If you could convince that bakery brat to join us, then we might get somewhere.” Chloe’s eyes narrowed when Adrien averted his gaze. “I can smell your guilt from here.”
“I don’t want Marinette to know about this,” he said. “I want her to continue to move on and be happy.”
“Why do you care so much about Dupain-Cheng? I’ve known you two were friends, but I didn’t think you were that close.” Chloe eyed him.
“Lila has caused her enough grief, and she’s my friend.” He shrugged. “She’s important to me.”
His newfound protectiveness didn’t sit well with Chloe. She turned her back for a few days, and now Dupain-Cheng had Adrien eating out of her hands. She would have to keep an eye on them.
“So, that’s why you want to do something about Lila now? To help Dupain-Cheng?” She asked, doing her best not to sound offended. “And here I’d thought you couldn’t stand to see me being unjustly ignored.”
“You’ve known Marinette longer than I have. Do you think she deserved to be treated that way by her friends?” Adrien asked.
Chloe shifted her gaze to her cup, taking a long, thoughtful sip. “No,” she said, “as much as I hate her, she didn’t deserve that.”
Adrien’s eyebrows raised in surprise, but a smile curled on his lips. “You’ve changed.”
“Don’t think for a second that I care about her,” she scoffed. Her cheeks burned when Adrien leaned against his fist with a smug grin.
“I like it. It suits you,” he said. She puffed her cheeks out stubbornly, prompting a laugh from Adrien.
“Well, if you’re not going to let me do things my way, and you don’t want Dupain-Cheng to know about this, then I’m going to need some time to think and pull resources together,” she said, getting back to the matter at hand.
“Thanks, Chlo.” He leaned back and took a deep breath. “Although…”
“Don’t ‘although.’” Chloe groaned.
“I just feel kind of bad for yelling at her like that,” Adrien said.
“Why? She deserved it.” She snatched a bonbon from the tray and popped it into her mouth.
“I know, but…” He clasped his hands together between his knees. “It still feels mean.”
“Your passion was short-lived, Adrikins.” Chloe rolled her eyes.
Adrien pursed his lips, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “I’ll talk to her again tomorrow and give her one last chance.” When Chloe shook her head, he added, “If she says no, then we can figure something out. Something safe and not needlessly cruel.”
“You’re such a goody-two-shoes. Always thinking everyone can change and be nice.” She stuck her tongue out with a gag.
“Well, I never gave up on you, and now you’re a superhero,” he said pointedly.
Chloe flipped her ponytail over one shoulder to hide her smile. “Fine. Do whatever you want, but I’m still going to think up plans for revenge for when you inevitably fail.” She waved him away.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He crossed the room to kiss her cheeks in farewell before taking his leave.
Chloe clapped for her butler the moment the door shut behind him. “Jean Rousseau, how quickly can we have a case of live lobsters delivered?”
♪♫♪ Kaleidoscope Eyes ♪♫♪
“Wait, what happened?” Adrien asked that night over video chat. His Chinese notecards were scattered across his desk, abandoned the moment Marinette’s picture flashed on his screen.
“Clara Nightingale wants me to design for her! She came by in person and everything,” Marinette said. She laid prone on her chaise, legs kicking as she chewed her nails. “I’m so nervous, but she thinks I’ve got what it takes.”
“Of course, you do. You’re awesome.” Adrien assured her.
“Thanks.” She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “So, how was school for you today? Anything exciting happen?”
“Uh, just same old, same old. Lila being Lila.” He averted his gaze. “Nothing noteworthy to report.”
“That’s good, I guess,” Marinette said. “I take it Chloe hasn’t made a move?”
“Give her time.” Marinette rolled her eyes. “By the way, my new friends still want to meet you.”
“I’d be happy to,” he said, thankful for the change in subject.
“Macy invited me to hang out at her house on Friday. Maybe you could come along if you aren’t busy,” she suggested.
“I’ll beg my father.”
“Awesome!” Her blue eyes sparkled when she smiled. She seemed so relaxed and carefree. Just as she should be.
He tapped his fingers on his desk, his conscience loud in his ears. “You know I’d do anything to help you, right?”
“What? I, uh, yeah I mean, we’re friends, so I’d do anything to help you too,” she stammered, cheeks pink. “Why?”
“No reason, just if you need anyone to bounce ideas off of for Clara, that’s all…” He cleared his throat. “Anyway, I should get back to studying.”
“Right, I’m sorry for calling and distracting you!” She scrambled to sit up.
“It’s fine. I’m glad you did,” he said. “Talk to you soon.”
“I’ll let you know how designing goes,” she said. “Good night, Adrien.”
“Yeah, good night…”
♪♫♪ Dancing With a Wolf ♪♫♪
“Did you finish filing those papers Mme. Mendeleiev asked you to do?” Alya asked after school the next day.
Lila suppressed an eye roll, cupping her hands to her cheeks. “Oh no, I didn’t, and I totally forgot that my mom set up a meeting for me with some ambassadors about a new idea I have to help special needs kids in third world countries!” She clasped her hands together. “I know you’re busy, but would you mind finishing that up for me? I will totally make it up to you!”
“No worries, girl,” Alya said. “Go save the world.”
Lila smiled triumphantly as she sauntered toward the locker room, looking forward to her afternoon off. The students here were so gullible. She’d never had such an easy time pushing her work off on others, and now that Marinette was gone, she could do whatever she wanted. Rounding the corner, she found Adrien standing by her locker with a solemn expression.
“Hey, Lila,” he said. “Can we talk?”
“Are you going to apologize for how you spoke to me yesterday?” She crossed her arms over her chest with a humph.
“I am.” He nodded.
“Well, go on then,” she said.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you,” he said.
Her shoulders relaxed, and the smug grin returned to her lips. “Apology accepted. I’m so happy that you see things my w-”
“I’m not finished.” He cut her off. “I’m sorry for yelling at you, but I’m not sorry for what I said.” Her eyes narrowed, so he continued, “If you continue lying to everyone and using them, you’re only going to hurt yourself in the end. People are going to figure it out eventually, and they’re going to be angry with you.”
“These people are blind. I’ll get away with it for as long as I want.” She brushed past him to open her locker.
“I know you think that, but you’re wrong,” he said, and Lila could see where this speech was going. “I’m going to give you one last chance, Lila. Tell everyone the truth.”
She rolled her eyes as she shifted her books. “Or what, Adrien?” She turned to him and cocked a brow. “What are you going to do? Tell everyone that I’m lying? Good luck. You see how well that went for Marinette.”
Her name sparked something in his eyes, and Lila smirked when his jaw clenched.
“I’m not going to expose you.” Adrien shook his head. “You’re going to expose yourself, and I won’t help you when you face the consequences.”
“We’ll see about that.” She reapplied her lip gloss before shutting her locker. “Sooner or later, you’ll see things my way, and when you do, I’ll be waiting.” She strutted past him with a wink, hips swaying.
“Is that your choice?”
She turned over her shoulder with an amused grin. “Oh, Adrien. One day you’re going to learn that not everyone in the world wants to be nice,” she cooed.
He nodded thoughtfully. “Suit yourself.”
At that she rolled her eyes and paced from the locker room. Adrien didn’t scare her because he was all talk and no bite—just one thing that she loved about him. Boys like him were easy to manipulate, and it was only a matter of time before she had him under her spell just like everyone else. All she had to do was wait.
♪♫♪ Cinderblock Garden ♪♫♪
Come to my garden.
When Marinette received the invite from Adrien, she swore she was dreaming, but the gates opening before her were the pinch in the side she needed. This wasn’t a dream. Adrien really invited her to his house! She should have changed schools ages ago.
“Marinette! This way,” Adrien called from the front door, a bright smile warming his face.
“This is the first time I’ve been invited to your house. I’m a little nervous…” Marinette admitted as Adrien’s bodyguard shut the door behind them.
“I had to beg Nathalie, but I think I have something that can help you with your designs for Clara.”
Adrien led the way through the large house, and Marinette soaked in as much of it as possible. It was the first opportunity she had to peek into Adrien’s life, and she wasn’t going to waste it.
Colorless walls and floors were sparsely decorated with lavish couches, untouched from the moment they were placed. Towering portraits spanned the walls, watching over each room with their solemn expressions. Goosebumps trailed up Marinette’s arms. Every object was meticulously placed, and each room resembled a museum display more than a home. She half expected an alarm to go off if she touched anything.
They passed enough tall doors to make anyone dizzy, though all of them were closed, barring Marinette off from what lied beyond. The Agreste mansion hid many secrets, some that even Adrien probably didn’t know. Adrien’s house felt more like a fortress than a home, designed not only to keep the rest of the world out, but to keep the family locked in. It was hard to tell from the outside, but moving through one gray room after another, Marinette started to see the house for what it was: a cozy prison built for a boy. No wonder Adrien was always eager to leave—it was easy to feel alone in a house like this.
She’d never considered what other barriers stood between her and Adrien. How many doors were between them? She liked to think she’d made it through a few, but the tall walls of the mansion with its many locked doors reminded her just how little she knew the boy in front of her. Would those doors ever open for her? And was Adrien even capable of opening them? She didn’t know.
“Your house is very…” Marinette searched for a word.
“Depressing?” He turned to her over his shoulder.
“I wouldn’t say that-”
“It’s okay,” he said. “It’s true. My father is a brilliant designer… of clothes, but his interior décor makes funeral homes seem cheerful.”
“Lonely,” she said. “I was going to say I can see now how you get lonely.”
“It’s not all bad,” he said as Gorilla opened the brown double doors, and they stepped out into the backyard.
The dreary aura of the house gave way to warm sunlight, and Marinette welcomed the change, taking a deep breath of fresh air. Rose bushes lined the yard, vines trailing up the house in knotted tendrils while dozens of butterflies fluttered between the flowers. Despite the ever-present roar of the city beyond the walls, the garden was a tranquil place.
“It’s beautiful,” she murmured, dumbstruck.
“My mother loved to spend time out here, and somedays I catch my father sitting on the steps with his tablet. I thought that maybe it could inspire you too.” Adrien rubbed the back of his neck, and when Marinette turned to him with a smile, he gestured to the stairs. “Come on. It’s even better down there.”
Adrien beckoned for her to follow, and she trailed her hand along the smooth stone railing, head leaned back to take in all of the greenery. Sunlight trickled through the trees, casting speckled, glowing patterns on the ground. Birds chirped in the bushes, the occasional tiny head peeking out between the branches. Everything was so lively here, living in perfect harmony—a direct contrast from the dissonance inside the house.
They came to stop in front of the statue at the center—Adrien’s mother immortalized in stone. Much like the rest of the portraits in the house, it was beautiful, but also sad. Marinette couldn’t imagine losing her mom the way Adrien lost his. He put on a cheery face, but Marinette knew that he was still mourning deep down.
“My dad loves having images of my mom around. It’s like she’s still here with us,” he said. “It probably sounds silly, but I like to sit out here and talk to her sometimes. It’s comforting.”
“I don’t think that’s silly.” Marinette shook her head. “You really miss her.”
“Yeah,” he said softly. “But I know she’d want me to be happy, so I try to keep my head up every day.”
Marinette hesitated, her fingers twitching toward his. It wouldn’t be out of line to take his hand. She just wanted to comfort him…as a friend. Despite convincing herself it was an innocent gesture, her heart still skipped when she finally mustered the courage to slip her hand into his. He welcomed it, giving her hand a tight squeeze.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” she said, “and for sticking by me through everything.”
Adrien turned to her, the sunniness returning to his smile as he shot her a wink. “I’ve got your back, Marinette. You’re one of my best friends, and I’ll always be here for you.”
Her cheeks warmed, and she turned back to the statue. It was strange. Normally hearing Adrien say such things would have sent her straight to cloud 9, and she would have spent hours replaying those words in her head. But her heart couldn’t seem to get off the ground. The light fluttery feeling was weighed by a heavy darkness as if it were still trapped in the house, unable to escape into the peace of the garden.
Then I guess we shouldn’t consider ourselves bffs if there’s so much we don’t know about each other.
Maybe we shouldn’t.
She blinked, and something hot slid down her cheek. Adrien stepped closer as she batted at it with a shaking hand, a wet sheen glistening on her fingers.
“It’s okay.” He pulled her into his arms.
She clung to him as more tears spilled over, burying her face in his shoulder. She hadn’t intended to make a habit of crying in the arms of the boy she loved, but given the circumstances, she couldn’t help it. Her tears came when they wanted and refused to surrender once they started. Luckily, Adrien was so perfect and understanding that he always held her close, whispering soft encouragement until her sobs quieted.
Marinette loved him with all of her heart.
“How can anyone live with themselves when they inflict this kind of pain on others?” Adrien murmured into her hair. “Lila Rossi really is evil.”
♪♫♪ …Ready for It? ♪♫♪
Chloe wasn’t surprised to see him that evening—she didn’t even pause her yoga when he entered. It should have bothered him more that she predicted he would cave, but Chloe had known him a long time. She knew better than anyone what his limits were.
“Have you thought about my request?” she asked, shifting into downward facing dog.
Adrien chewed his cheek, Marinette’s tears now dried on his shirt, and steeled his resolve. “If you and I were to plot revenge against Lila…what do you have in mind?”
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iwalc · 3 years
Take me home
Hi people! I hope you are all well! Here is a something I've worked on for a while. Uhm, I realise now that I have never posted anything I've written on here before, so I am a little nervouse, ngl. I've been into a horrible writersblock for over a year now and this is the firt piece I've even been able to finish, which also makes me kind of nervouse. Either way, here it is. I hope you'll like it, and if you do, pls let me know.
Wordcount: around 2500.
I haven't really proofread anything, so if there are anything that's a bit off, then I apologise.
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Damn it. I lost. Again. Here I am pissed drunk in a bar, far away from home. Or... what's supposed to be my home. Anger, love, confusion, roads that lead nowhere. As to lately, I don't know what has gotten into me. We all know life's a rollercoaster, ups and downs, downs and ups. This time I wasn't prepared. I've hit the ground. Hard. Everything happened so fast.
Almost a year ago I moved from home. It was sudden but necessary. I got into college in London and saw my opportunity to leave my abusive household. For years the mental abuse had just gradually gotten worse. Although I love my parents to bits, it was not a healthy surrounding and I needed a new perspective. I moved into a small apartment a few minutes from my college. The apartment wasn't really luxurious. But what could I expect with rent that cheap. It was alright. For me at least. Soon after the move classes started. The first few days were rough. A lot of new things, new people, new surroundings and I was all alone. You see, I am not a fan of new things. I'd rather be stuck with everything the same than have the winds of change knock everything I know to pieces. That's what I soon noticed. I didn't recognise anything anymore. Everything was to pieces. I've never felt so lost or scared.
After a while, these strange feelings of insecurity and fear decreased a bit. I started seeing people from my classes. We went to lunches, studied, went out on the weekends. For the first time in a long while it felt like my life was starting to get better. I felt alive, not only like I was just existing. I felt normal. I lived in a large city, in a tiny apartment, barely being able to pay rent, eating fish sticks and whatever else cheap food that Tesco happened to sell out, spending all money on weekends clubbing, listening to bands, laughing, getting shitfaced, having the time of my life.
On one of these nights, I met someone. Someone that would change my life drastically, and thank god it was for the better. It was an ordinary weekend. Me and the girls got ready for a night out, as usual. Only this time we were to meet Angela's boyfriend and his friends. Everyone was crazy excited. I tried to be, but as we have stated before, I'm not doing very well with breaking routines or new things, hence my increasing anxiety. To cut the chase, Angela's boyfriend had nice friends. Especially one of them. Brian. I don't really know what drew me to him. He just seemed so calm and safe. Somewhat on my level. The others, Angela, Jessica and Amanda, were all outgoing girls, finding it easy to talk and meet new people, having no trouble being in the centre of attention. I did not enjoy those types of things. I enjoyed letting others being in the centre of attention and them leading the way. I thrive in the shadows of other people and Brian seemed to be the same way. He was the quiet one, the one in the shadows. But he didn't seem shy. He sat comfortably in the booth, a beer in his hand, listening in to the conversations, taking part in them whenever it was needed. He seemed so calm, safe, secure. Something I craved. He was tall, green, welcoming eyes. Angela sat down beside her boyfriend, Roger, a blonde, seemingly handsome guy. Jessica was called over to Freddie, a dark-haired man, seemingly not afraid to stand in the centre of attention, he was very authentic and expressive. At first, I'd say he'd be a bitch, but he was so nice and welcoming. Such a sweetheart. Amanda sat down between Jessica and John and they got carried away with their conversation pretty quickly.
Me being me, trying to read the room, the new people, anxiously stood there, at the end of the table. My anxiety started to peak at this uncomfortable social situation. I had no idea what to do. I froze. The others seemed engulfed in their conversations and bonding and hadn't noticed my uncomfortable state. But Brian did. He seemed to understand and saw my anxiety. It was amazing how he just knew how to deal with it without scaring me off more. He redirected his attention towards where I stood. He calmly called my name. His voice. I've never ever felt more secure. After a few calls, and his hand gracing mine, I zoned in again and once again became aware of my surroundings. His touch. Warm. Soft. Peaceful. "Hey" he said softly, "would you like to sit down?" he asked as he carefully for a second took a hold of my hand, with me not showing any sign of uncomfort, he carefully guided me to sit down beside him, a soft smile gracing his lips. "I'm so sorry for zoning out like that, thank you" I quietly whispered. He once again took a soft hold of my hand, smiling, "Don't apologise, I understand". Something told me he did understand.
And ever since we met that night, at a pub in Kensington, he has made me feel at home. Safe. Comfortable. My pieces were glued together again. Brian was my everything. He still is. The last few months with him has been filled with such happiness and security I never ever thought I'd experience. I love him to bits. He understands me and my needs like no other. He knows how to take care of my anxiety attacks. He knows how to help me relax. He is my rock in a stormy ocean.
Until today. Earlier today, the pieces he glued together, fell apart, again. Today we moved in together. We figured it would help with our economic situation since we were both students. I mean, we love each other so why not. Well. This is why. I am once again falling apart. My pieces are flying away. I couldn't handle one more change. I've broken up with my family, moved away from home, started college, all in the period of 6 months. It was too much. And now this. I love him. But my world has been picked apart once more.
The whole day I've been feeling my anxiety increasing. Usually, Brian notices or I feel comfortable telling him, but this time I noticed how excited he was, I didn't want to hurt him with my bullshit. It's horrible feeling yourself falling apart but not be able to do anything about it. It was 7 pm and Brian was unpacking things in the living room while I sat on the sofa trying not to lose it. He kept talking about how happy he was and how this was a dream of his. How excited he was to share his life with me, to love me. All the while he was so happy babbling away, I was freaking out. To say the least.
My anxiety kept increasing and now I couldn't handle it anymore. I felt my breathing quickening, my hands and legs started to shake and tears started to stream down my eyes. I couldn't do this. What have I done? "Love? What do you think hanging this here?" Brian asked excitedly holding up a poster on the wall. I couldn't breathe. "Love?" Brian asked before he turned around. My knees were up to my chin, hands holding them in place, rocking back and forth, tears streaming down my eyes. Brian was shocked to see me in this state of mind but wasted no time. He hurried up to me on the sofa. He sat down on his knees in front of me, his hands on my cheeks. "Love, look at me" he pleaded with a calm voice. "Love" he said, more firmly this time. "Shh you're okay, love, I got you" he said as I lifted my head to look at him. I was frightened. His beautiful, angelic face that earlier always brought me peace and comfort were now triggering my anxiety. I ran. I ran out of the apartment, down the staircase and out of the building. Before leaving the building I heard Brian calling my name, running after me.
That's where I am right now. I ran to a pub, the pub we met at. I'm drunk. Anger, love, confusion, roads that lead nowhere. As to lately, I don't know what has gotten into me. We all know life's a rollercoaster, ups and downs, downs and ups. This time I wasn't prepared. I've hit the ground. Hard. Everything happened so fast. Wrapped up so consumed by all this confusion. With every thought I down a beer. "Could I get another one pls?" I slurred to the bartender. But no. No way I was going to drink more tonight. I don't know if it was intentional or not to go to the only pub in London where I'm recognisable since we go there all the time. Maybe I wanted to be found. The bartender declined and then went through a doorway to the kitchen. I heard him talking on the phone. He was talking about me. More than that I couldn't recognise and soon after my head hit the table and I was out.
I woke up in a bed. It took some time to locate where I was, but soon I noticed I was in our apartment. My head was killing me along with the anxiety and guilt. What the hell happened. I had no idea.
Soon enough Brian entered the room. I couldn't do anything. I barely dared to look at him. He looked exhausted. And there was something else, it shocked me that I couldn't decipher what it was.
"Hi" he calmly said as he strode to my side of the bed and set down a glass of water and aspirin.
"Hi" I vaguely answered.
The silence took over the room. I barely dared to move but did to take my aspirin and drink some well-needed water. Not letting my eyes of Brian, I watched as his tall body sat down on the side of the bed.
"How are you feeling?" he calmly asked as his hand strode closer to me but he didn't dare to touch me, probably confused by my signals yesterday.
I met him halfway and took a hold of his large and warm hand. As soon as he felt my hand on his he held mine tighter and let out a breath I didn't know he was holding.
"I don't know how to answer that" you answered honestly.
Brian hummed and stroked my hand with his thumb, looking at our locked hands.
"You scared me" he whispered. Tears threatening to leave his eyes.
That hurt.
"I'm so sorry" I panicked and sat up, only to regret it as my head almost pounded you dead. "Ow," I winced as my free hand went to hold my forehead.
"Careful" Brian voiced as calmly as ever. His eyes scanned around the room, trying to muster the courage for what he was to say next. He cleared his throat. "Can we talk about what happened?" he almost whispered, taking my hand in both of his, stroking it with his thumbs.
Of course, he wants to talk about it. There is nothing strange about that. However, I rather not. What am I supposed to say? That I panicked, that his face suddenly made me uneasy? That... I don't know. Suddenly I felt his hand upon my cheek. I must've zoned out.
"hey, it's alright"
I let out a loud sigh, catching Brians attention. "Brian, it is not alright. I'm a mess. What I did wasn't alright." Tears were now streaming down my cheeks. Burning like fire. Brians weight shifted as he crawled onto the bed, laying down behind me, embracing me like never before. His arms around my aching stomach and my arms. His leg over mine. His chin in the crook of my neck, whispering calming sentences while my tears shook my body. His body warming mine. It's always so calming.
How can I be so damn lucky? I ran away from home, from my love, I got piss drunk at a pub, and still, he took me home, taking care of me, holding me, loving me like no other. It's suffocating in the best way.
The tears calmed down. "Brian, I want to come home", I sniffed, crampingly grabbing onto his large, warm hand. "I'm hurting. I'm so lost. Confused. Angry." the tears were now rapidly streaming down my face again as I poured my aching heart out. "I really had to get away from home to live my life, to get better. When I first got here I felt cheated. It was so hard and I've never been worse my whole life. I've never felt more alone, left out, beaten up." I kept rambling on. "I know, love, I know." Brian cooed into my neck, stroking my arm. "But you don't Brian. I can't seem to find my way home. I'm so lost." I said as tears wrecked my body. Brian, holding me, securing me, hushing me, whispering sweet things. "I don't even know how you put up with me. I'm so broken. I came to you with a broken faith, and you gave me more than a hand to hold." The first time I voiced my fear and insecurity about how Brian feel about me. I'm so scared he'll leave me. He's all I've got. "Love, shh, It's ok. Hey, listen to me." he started as he turned me so I could look at him. "I understand that you feel like you're lost, I really do. Everything you've ever known has changed in less than a year. Space will eventually make it better, time will make it heal, and soon enough you won't feel like you're haunted. You won't be lost forever!" He praised as his hand stroked my cheek. Emphasizing the last sentence. I won't be lost forever.
"I'm so scared Brian"
"I know baby" he embraced me, "I know."
"I need you, Brian, don't leave me please, you're all I've got." I cried into his chest.
"Baby I won't. I never could. I love you! I will hold you. I will take you home. I'll be here every step of the way. I'll be your home." He said as my body once more broke down in tears.
I know there must be somewhere better because he always takes me there. Maybe I've found my home. I think he's my home.
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halfway-happyyy · 4 years
The Autumn Cottage
Happy Saturday friends! Autumn has arrived in full force where I live and I couldn’t be happier about it. To celebrate, I have written a sappy, smutty piece inspired by the current weather and this ask that I received: Can u give us a oneshot about a snuggle fuck w alex in a cozy cottage in the fall?
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One of the greater joys in her life had to have been waking up to autumn's fickle fingers trying to desperately to reach her from the comfort of her woolen blanket. She watched, sleepy and bleary-eyed as leaves in shades of crimson and burnt umber drifted past her window in no particular direction. Her fingers roamed over the left side of the bed in search of him. Alexander's silhouette was barely visible through the indigo morning light, though she could make out the prominent line of his nose, and the slight curve of his bottom lip. Unmistakable in the minimal glow of dawn was the familiar glitter in his eyes, the glint that said so much about him and then nothing at all in equal measure.
“Good morning.” She whispered, and even that felt like too mighty of a disturbance in the stillness of their bedroom in the cottage. Though if he minded, he never let it show.
“Good morning yourself, kid.”
She reached the tip of a finger towards him wordlessly and brushed a feather-light touch down the bridge of his nose. Moving lower, she outlined his lips and grinned into the air before her as she felt him smile against her touch. She moved around his face with care, tried to memorize each delicate crease and wrinkle in her wake, tried to commit to memory the aspects that he resented about himself, even if she loved them beyond measure.
“Beautiful,” Alexander murmured as he brought the back her wrist to his lips, kissing the soft flesh there passionately. He brushed the pad of a calloused thumb over the rounded curve of her warmed cheek. “Like watching a flower bloom right before my very eyes.” They stayed like that for longer than either of them cared to admit; she could count on one hand in the past year that she had spent a weekend with him like this- alone and entirely undisturbed from anything and everything. He had broached the subject of a rented cottage in passing one morning a few weeks ago. It was one of those mornings where something had gone awry at every turn, and everything had been a blur. He had been late for something important, that much she could remember. He had rushed around the kitchen in a fury, muted Swedish curse words coloured every second sentence. He was out of breath when he reached the front door, weighed down by his leather laptop bag, but before he left, he turned to her and smiled. “Let’s get away together, kid.” She had taken it with a grain of salt until he returned home that evening, tired from a rather long shooting schedule, but in a fantastic mood all the same. “I mean it. It’s about to be a beautiful autumn. Let’s get away, just the two of us.”
“Shall I make you a coffee, or are we just going to lay in bed and stare at each other all day?” She offered him a cheeky smile and an exaggerated eye-wiggle which he simply laughed at.
“I have half a mind to choose the latter option, but I really do need some caffeine this morning.”
She nodded finitely and leaned in for a kiss, the innate push and pull of it caused a fire to ignite deep within her for him. She could easily spend the rest of her life doing this very thing; loving him fiercely and being loved back just as hard in return. “Alright,” She gasped as she pulled away from the allure of his hot, wet mouth. “Meet me in the kitchen.” She rose from the bed silently and padded over to her suitcase that was propped up on a wicker chair in the corner of the room. She noticed Alexander’s cream Sherpa sweater hanging over the arm of it and she ran a fingertip over the unbelievably soft material.
Alexander must have been watching her because when he spoke, his voice still gravelly from recent sleep, he startled her. “I’d be happy if you wore that, today.”
“You would?” She had been eyeing it ever since he’d brought it home from a shoot a month ago. She longed to wrap it around her frame, the sheer feeling of it luxe and utterly comforting on her bare skin. Especially as the months would inevitably grow colder.
“Watching you wear my clothing does something for me, kid. I love seeing how happy it makes you.”
With a small smile, she lifted the sweater over her head and let it fall into place on her body, the hem of it falling just above her knee. She pulled her hair from the confines of it and let it fall in waves down her back. “How do I look?” She asked.
“Beautiful,” Alexander murmured.
Satisfied with his answer, she made her way down the hardwood-floored hallway to the kitchen. She had thought at first that the silence of the cottage would be too loud; that city life had turned her into a creature who thought she craved noise on a near-constant level. But to her pleasant surprise, it had taken less than twenty-four hours to grow accustomed to it, and she knew now that she would miss it dearly when it was their time to go home. Eliciting a yawn, she stood on tiptoes and tried to remember which cupboard Alexander had hidden the coffee beans. Without warning, a large hand reached up above her head with ease and produced the bag for her with a sly smile. “I’d have found them eventually…” She muttered.
“Oh, I have no doubt of that. But- would you have been able to reach them?”
She shook her head and let out a small laugh. “Cheeky, vertically-adept bastard.”
They made their coffee together in silence. It had been one of the many things that drew him to her in the beginning. Where conversation seemed forced with every prospective partner and lover in the past- everything flowed the way it was supposed to with Alexander. There had never been a need to fill the quiet with empty words and small talk. It was a wonderful change of pace. “You hungry yet, kid?”
She remembered the basket of farm-fresh eggs in the fridge, thought of the loaf of homemade bread next to the coffee machine and her mouth watered tantalizingly. “I could definitely eat.” She watched him move around the kitchen with ease; watched the way his worn sweatpants hung low from the edges of his hips. She watched the way his muscles flexed in the light pouring in through the stained-glass window above the sink. She had always been struck silly by the beauty that this man possessed; but the notion that his soul bested his looks would never cease to leave her in utter awe. “What have you got on the go today?” She asked, a fork full of fluffy scrambled eggs rested in her hand.
Alexander passed a napkin over his lips, swallowed the bite of food in his mouth and shrugged. “Thought I might chop some wood for a fire tonight.”
She could hardly contemplate it now; the thought of watching her man hulk through multiple logs of wood caused her to physically clench her thighs together. “You plan on doing that soon?”
“After breakfast.” He confirmed.
True to his word, after the last dish had been washed and dried and properly put away, he stalked over to the coat hook in the front foyer and threw a sweater over his naked chest. Turning to her, he eyed her up and down and cocked his head to the side; a small smirk pulled at the edges of his lips. “Care to keep me company?”
Reaching for a blanket and the book that she had started yesterday morning, she nodded her head. “Lead the way.”
It was warmer outside than she had originally anticipated, though the autumn wind had picked up a little more voraciously, and she marveled at the falling leaves the same way she had earlier that morning. The sky above her was cloudless and a bright azure blue and she found herself thanking a higher being for the blessings in which she had been given. Opening the book to the page she had last left off on, the sound of an axe ripping through the middle of a log rang out through the clearing and she knew then that she would not be getting any further reading done this morning. Instead, she watched in awe as Alexander lifted the axe high above his head and brought it down with a force she had rarely seen before, the log splitting into two pieces and falling away from the stump. It was poetry in motion, really. Alexander’s hair was the longest she had ever seen it; the sandy blonde tresses were grown out and regularly fell over his eyes but she reveled in it. Of the many years that they had known each other, he had always kept a mostly clean-shaven face but quarantine, and the filming of a particularly brutal Viking revenge drama had rendered him more manlier and distinguished than she had ever thought possible. “You are fulfilling lumberjack fantasies for me that I never knew I had!” She called out to him.
Alexander tossed his head back, a hearty laughter bubbled up from the back of his throat and exited his mouth like music from a box. “You can lie to me, but you can’t lie to yourself, kid. I see the way you look at me when I put on my old and holey plaid jacket.” He took a break from chopping wood to wipe the sweat from his brow. “To add to this- you also purchased me a very expensive axe a few years ago for my birthday.”
“Guilty,” She muttered under her breath.
“But rest assured I am elated that this-” He gestured to himself. “Does it for you.” 
The morning continued on in much the same fashion until maybe an hour or two later when Alexander joined her from her perch on the wrap-around porch. Falling into a bench opposite her, he took a few moments to try and regain his breath again. Beads of sweat gathered at the base of his forehead and his broad chest heaved under the weight of recent physical duress. They each viewed each other with a hunger usually only attained after seeing one another for the first time in months. “Come here.” He ordered, softly. She rose from her spot without hesitation and sauntered over to where he sat. He pat the front of his thigh twice, a silent instruction for her to have a seat. She straddled his lap with ease and wrapped her arms around his neck; the heady scent of his perspiration and body wash made her lightheaded with want. It took every ounce of self-control not to grind shamelessly down on his steadily growing erection. As he held her tightly to him, his warm, broad hands rubbed reassuring circles into her back. She shivered into the touch as Alexander kissed his way up the side of her neck, his mouth leaving trails of fire in its wake. “You cold, kid?”
He kissed his way up the base of her throat, past the jutting outline of her jaw, and finally to her lips. His mouth still tasted faintly of the maple syrup he had poured over his pancakes hours earlier and the urge to devour everything he had to give her was overwhelming. “You like me like this, don’t you?” He smirked. “All sweaty and dirty from working hard and chopping wood for us?”
“Yes.” Her eyes slid shut and her head fell back as he continued kissing and sucking at the sensitive skin at the base of her throat. All the while his hands roamed greedily over her sweater-clad body, squeezing, and rubbing as they traversed.
“You want me to take you right here, baby girl?” His voice grew gravelly again, though it had nothing to do with sleep this time. “I don’t even have to touch you to know that you’re already soaked for me.” The wind had picked up again and had begun to blow her hair around her face, the cool breeze a welcome reprieve to her heated body. Alexander was fully erect now, his hard cock throbbed tantalizingly at her thigh. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and lifted the hem of the sweater to reveal her panties, and the wet patch that had grown steadily in the crotch of them. Alexander reached for her and slid two fingers past the flimsy material to her soaking folds. Immediately she leaned towards him to tuck her face into the crook of his neck, but he stopped her with a soft click of his tongue. “I want to see your face when you come for me, baby.” He brought a free hand up to caress her cheek, and as he held her, he brushed a thumb over her bottom lip. She parted for him without thought and began to suckle softly at it as his other hand started to delve deeper inside of her. He had perfected a rhythm with her now; one that no matter how many times he had pleasured her, would always be the fastest way to get her unravelling for him.
“More,” She gasped when two fingers just wasn’t enough anymore. Alexander nodded wordlessly, his gaze searching her own. He added a third finger inside of her, the stretch of it almost too much to bear.
“So fucking wet for me, baby.” He groaned, as he began to pump harder into her. He could feel her clench around him, could feel the soft, wet button of pleasure at the tips of his fingers. She sucked harder at his thumb the closer she neared to her orgasm. “You’re going to come for me soon, I can tell…” He murmured as she started to ride his fingers. “And don’t you dare be quiet about it.” He warned.
These words had helped to spur the wave of pleasure building in her belly and she arched her back against his fingers, her nails digging miniscule crescent shapes into the soft skin of his shoulder blades. “Fucking hell, Alex…”
He nodded up at her. “You look so fucking beautiful like this, my queen. That’s a good girl. Come for me,” He then angled his fingers in such a way that he had her screaming his name into the wind before them, her voice raw with unbridled pleasure. She continued to ride his fingers until she came down from her high, dropping her head to rest in the warm comfort of his neck. She couldn’t be sure how long she had taken solace there, but he eventually patted her bottom. “You came so good for me.” He pressed warm, wet kisses against her temple.
Taking his chin firmly in her grasp, she gazed at him. Unending vast oceans of blue peered back at her and took her breath away. “It’s your turn.” She crashed her lips against his again, the need to have him inside of her entirely all-consuming. He lifted her up in one fell swoop, standing tall from the bench as she wrapped her legs around his waist to keep from falling. He carried her into the warmth of the cottage, stumbling down the length of the hallway to their bedroom where he laid her as gently as he could manage, on the bed. He made impressively quick time of ridding himself of his clothing, and as he stood before her, naked and unbearably erect, she realized that she genuinely loved the man before her. It had occurred to her before that she felt this way, but she could honestly say that no matter what they would go through together, no matter the pain he would put her through in future, she loved him deeper than she had ever loved anyone before. “Come here,” She insisted.
Alexander crawled up the length of the bed, holding her head in his hands as he did so. He entered her all-consuming heat with a loud groan, the feeling of him stretching her to maximum fullness was incomparable to any pleasure she had experienced before. Having him inside of her was a comfort that she never knew she needed until it had happened. As he moved inside of her, his head dropped to her shoulder where he scattered dozens of open-mouthed kisses to the skin there. She held him tightly to her as he bucked his hips against her, his cock managing to hit all of the essential nerves each time he bottomed out. He was muttering nonsensical things now, random pieces of Swedish and English found her ears and she smiled into their embrace. She clenched around him after every other thrust, and soon his movements had grown sloppy. “Fuck,” He growled as her fingernails raked through the soft, firm skin of his broad back.
“You feel so fucking good, Alex.” She gasped against his bearded cheek.
He cried out as his hips stilled against her own and she could feel the familiar throb of his cock as he spilled everything he had to give, inside of her. He allowed himself a few more powerless thrusts, and another low whimper before he pulled out of her completely. She found his sudden absence almost painful. They remained like that for an unknowable amount of time, each just trying to catch the breath that they had lost a while ago. Eventually Alexander turned on his side to view her, bringing the back of her hand to his lips and kissing it gently. “I love you, kid.”
A crimson leaf lay next to his head on the down pillow, and she smiled softly to herself. “I love you too, Alex.”
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fairestwriting · 3 years
title: half doomed and semi-sweet
word count: 5308
summary: Idia's bad luck comes back to haunt him again, being dragged into physically showing up to class and being assigned a group project involving a student from a different year, courtesy of Mr. Trein. His... "best friend", Kero Tricarenia, sees his distress in the situation, and swoops in to save him, though that might be what actually ends him instead of the project...
commissioned by @chibichibisha  , available on ao3 here ! tysm for the commission, i hope you like it! you have no idea how excited i was to write kero asjkdfsf-
my guidelines for commissions are here, in case anyone else is interested !
Of course that in the day Idia is made to actually show up to class, something like this happens.
The fact that it’s Trein’s class just makes it somehow worse. Of course, it’s not all bad, he gets to see Lucius napping on the teacher’s desk—! ...but, he also gets to be pestered by Cater the second he’s walking in, and then the second he’s walking out, plus, just the presence of all these people… Idia shudders just thinking about it.
He pulls his hoodie closer to his face, trying to shield it in vain. He just wanted to go back to his room. Trein was the worst for making him actually show up. He’d been attending classes through the tablet for so long, what was the issue with today specifically? Why couldn’t he just do it the way he always does? He just doesn’t get it—
“Before class is dismissed,” Trein starts in that voice of his, commanding yet with a hint of a drawl that makes Idia want to delve into eternal slumber. “I have an announcement to make. Due to recent events, the headmaster has assigned the teachers the task of building… teamwork, and solidarity, between students, even the ones in different years, and I’ve been chosen to apply that, so your monthly History assignment will work somewhat differently this time.”
Great. Awesome. These were his favorite words in the whole world. As if today couldn’t get any worse.
“I’ll need you to gather a pair or trio with students from different years, to build a mockup representing a historical event of your choosing. You’re supposed to inform me of your groups until tomorrow's class, and the deadline will be held two weeks from now, on February 13th. You’ll be presenting your works the day after.”
Idia feels the clammy hands of dread on both his ankles, threatening to pull him under. Of course this would get worse somehow. He exhales a deep sigh, burying his face on his hands… he’d have to email Mr. Trein about doing the assignment by himself later. And it’d be such an unpleasant conversation, with how he insisted on having students follow all these traditional learning methods.
Really, why the hell were they getting group projects now, out of all things? They had one foot out of school, basically. Fourth year barely had any classes, most of the students’ times filled up with internships and research so what did they get out of trying to “develop teamwork skills” within their students? None of these people would be talking to each other by the time they graduate, anyways… they were wasting resources to max out a stat that didn’t matter.
He tugs the hood of his jacket over his face again as he walks out of the classroom, sneaking outside like he’s avoiding to get scolded — The blue glow of his hair insisting on sticking out, Idia feels his heart race and squeeze while he makes his way across the crowded hallways. He swears he hears Cater’s voice calling for him as he leaves, too… but maybe he’s just making it up, because of how especially cursed he feels today.
What an awful morning, really. At least locking himself up with that MMO he’s gotten hooked on recently would feel even more cathartic.
After the nerve-wracking walk, Trein’s words poking at him like imps with their tridents — Him trying to figure out how to convince that teacher to let him do everything by himself, no presentation included, without having to actually face the guy — Idia finally gets back to his dorm. Finally.
He releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding — Just like in the fanfics, geez — when he steps into the lounge, though even the mostly vacant blue and white space felt a little oppressive now. Sure, he cared about his dormmates, they were fine people, but they were still people, and what he really needed now, was…
...within one second of the click of his door being unlocked, Idia is reminded once again that he never will know peace.
“K-Kero!” He yelps, suddenly overwhelmed by a hug, arms around his entire body squeezing him tight, maybe too tight— It’s a second before he remembers this is in fact supposed to be his room. “W-Wait, what are you doing here? That’s my room!”
Unleashed from the mighty grip, red eyes meet Idia’s as Kero’s head tilts, a smile on his face flashing his sharp teeth.
“I know that! I was looking for you.” He just announces, following right behind with that skip on his step as Idia enters and locks the door behind them. He hadn’t seen Kero in… how long, now? It’d been a while, that much he knew. Idia had been busy lately, with… “You finished that tournament yesterday night, right? How did you do? I got you that cake from the cafeteria you like to celebrate!” His questions are rapid-fire, tail wagging as he rushes towards Idia’s unmade bed to pick up the little packaged treat he’d gotten.
“You don’t even know how it went yet, but you’re already getting your hopes up.” Idia grumbles, but the second the package is placed on his hands, he does gracefully accept it. “Well, my team did win, so…”
“Yes! I knew you would!” Kero cheers, grinning again as he sits on his bed. He’s… so full of energy it’s hard to watch, Idia would say.
But, well, that would kind of be a huge lie.
“Yeah, thanks for leaving me be for a bit so I could practice.” He mutters, moving to sit on his desk chair. The package makes a crinkling plastic noise while he messes with it, opening it to reveal a slice of strawberry shortcake — That has him glancing at Kero for a second, a fuzzy feeling taking over.
...because that’s just what his emotions do now.
It was stupid, Idia’s sighing tiredly just thinking about it — When it started was beyond him, but for some reason or another, something keeps pulling him towards Kero. It’s not exactly a big deal, some sort of soul-binding string of fate or something like that, but even when he’s not there physically, Kero lingers, flashes of sharp teeth and boisterous laughing in Idia’s mind. It’s not a big deal! But it’s like Kero had hanged around him so much he left a mark.
And Idia doesn’t really hate that. He stares at the cake in his hands, and thinks of Kero smiling as he got it for him, without any sort of request, just because he saw the cake and remembered that he liked it, and his mind stresses just how much he doesn’t hate that.
(...well, it was a sort of doomed thing, they would never move on from this strange affectionate friendship, because Idia isn’t going to… tell Kero he’s crushing on him, or anything like that. That’d just screw everything up. And what he has now isn’t actually bad at all. Really, it’s fine if Kero never understands. It’s fine. )
“Are you… good, though? Do you need anything?” Kero asks, snapping him out of the messy daydreams with another good natured tilt of his head — He’s a dog alright. “You… just look kinda gloomy and stuff.”
Idia snickers, shaking his head. “Yeah, like I ever look different.” He mumbles, and takes a bite of cake. It’s sweet, he thinks, making a surprised noise as he wonders when the last time he had it was… he licks some whipped cream off his fingers. “Mm, this time is different though. Something with a group project from Mr. Trein… tires me out just to think about it.” He sighs. But Kero’s ears perk up, pointing straight upwards.
“Oh! That, yeah. He told 2-D about it today too.”
“Yeah. This sucks. I’m just gonna… find a way to work by myself.” Idia shakes his head, sinking on his chair a little further. He bites into the cake again. “You think Mr. Trein knows how to read emails?” He snickers, but the thought of having to meet him face-to-face makes his skin crawl. “...ugh, I d-don’t wanna have to talk to him during office hours…”
Kero hums in slightly concerned acknowledgement, plopping down on his bed with attentive eyes. Idia finds himself in a weird wondering of how it felt like to sit down when you were a beastman. Did it hurt his tail or something? It’s wagging against the mattress, though. His ears point to opposite sides while he looks up vaguely. Idia muses about what he might be thinking about.
“Well, you could always do it with me! They said to get one of your underclassmen, right.” Kero suggests, and… Idia swears he sees his tail wag a little harder, but that could very well just be a trick of the light. “I can do the presentation too, and I’m good with building things, so…” He grins. “Plus, you won’t have to… talk to Mr. Trein.”
Idia hums through a mouthful of cake. Well, doing the project with Kero would certainly be better than with someone he didn’t know. However, it’s…
His eyes linger on Kero’s expectant form on his bed, smiling so cheerfully. He’s very aware of the couple feet of distance between them right now, and even like this, Kero’s presence does things to his heart… that’s bad, so bad, he thinks, it’s hard to ignore how his heartbeat is just a tad faster now, summed with this different flavor of nervousness that just seemed to simmer in his blood now… yeah, it’s no good.
“I m-mean, I guess I wouldn’t mind that.” Is what he stutters out. Kero beams.
Stupid cute Kero. This isn’t helping Idia convince himself none of this is a big deal.
“Yeah! If you’re doin’ a project you might as well do it with your best friend, right?” He says. Here he is again with the best friend talk… oh, if only he knew. “We can have fun with it too. Actually, I can have fun with everything as long as I’m with you, heh.”
Idia feels heat creeping up his neck. Stupid cute Kero! “Ugh, you d-don’t gotta be embarrassing about it.” He mumbles, eyes averted. The cake finished with one last bite, Idia places the empty package on his desk, licking leftover cream off his fingers again. “We’re just putting some annoying mockup together. It’s not a big deal. If we add some simple machines to it to make it cooler it’ll already be higher-res than everyone else’s, it’s just an easy A. Everyone else’s just gonna use magic, I bet.”
“Yeah, obviously. I mean it doesn’t have to be annoying, though.” Kero comments. “We’ve gotta choose a historical event, right? Do you have any ideas?”
“Uhhh. The industrial revolution of the Isle of Lamentation? That’s… pretty much all I paid attention to this year, anyways.” He shrugs. Trein’s classes were boring, naturally. And they were so early in the morning, too… his tablet may have been there most of the time, but Idia himself was passed out on his bed.
“I think that works! We’ll have to make a bunch of stuff for the machines. But that’ll be fun.”
Idia hums. He’s thinking about these machines, actually, the miniature factories they could put together. The blueprints begin to write themselves up rather quickly. “We’d blow their little minds if we just had some… smoke coming out of the chimneys, some gears spinning around. Fuhihi, our mockup might be the best.” With his head in the clouds — Or the laboratory, rather — he finds himself grinning, waving a finger in the air. “Hey, Kero, what do you th… huh?”
And Kero isn’t on his bed anymore. He’s right there, in front of him.
Before Idia can say anything about this (Kero right in front of him, leaning in closer, he feels so cornered, his heart might stop!) Kero leans in even further, a big hand coming up to his face and (He’s going to die, definitely, he’ll die right here.) and he wipes off some whipped cream from near Idia’s lips.
“You had some on your face! Heheh.” He chuckles, licking it off his thumb. Idia feels like his blood pressure has just plummeted, or… or maybe it just did the opposite, how is he supposed to tell? His face feels so hot there’s no way his brain is getting the proper oxygen at all, he can barely think—!
“G-Give me a warning before you do something like this!” Idia wheezes, high pitched like a squeaky toy, and Kero just laughs again, grinning with this hint of mischief. “I didn’t even see you move!”
“Yeah, ‘cause you were distracted? I’m happy you’re excited about the project, though. I think it’s cute.” He says outright, and Idia… Idia just puts his hands on his face, averting his eyes with intent. Why does Kero have to be... so... much? “C’mon, you can sit with me on the bed. We can talk better like this.” A strong hand grabs at his wrist, easily looping around it as he pulls at Idia, making him squeak again as he’s dragged towards the bed.
“This doesn’t even make any sense!” Idia complains, but Kero tugs him towards the bed with no effort at all, and he just accepts his fate, huffing like it’d ease the warmth crawling all over his face. “Ugh, a-anyway, I was talking about the factories we’d put on the mockup… I thought of having some machines with exposed insides, with the spinning gears would be good, and conveyor belts that function…”
As he launches into explanation, Kero nods, making this unbreakable eye contact. Idia has to stop and take a deep breath every couple minutes, the situation somehow overwhelming. It feels like his condition just got a little worse every day, huh.
(Well, it’s fine. He could just avoid him if things got bad. Though… he doesn’t like thinking about this, recalling the week before the game tournament even. It’s kind of stupid, if he’s just making Idia nervous why does he have this need to keep him around? As expected, emotions make little to no sense...)
“...so, basically that’s what I thought.” Idia ends the explanation. Kero still has his attentive look on his face, almost like it froze there. “Did you pay attention?”
“Nah. I was just looking at you while you talked, ‘cause you looked so pretty.” Kero leans in with a smirk (Can he please stop trying to kill Idia, he’s just gotten down to a normal-ish heart rate again!) that then turns into one of his usual friendly smiles. “Kidding! I did, yeah. Do you wanna start it tomorrow?”
“You…! Uh, um, I don’t know. I wanna play my new game.” He stumbles with speaking, but it still comes out. At least. “We could probably finish that in, what, two days at most? If you don’t mind going to the lab late at night.”
“Roger that. For Idia, I’ll go to the ends of Twisted Wonderland!” He declares, fist thumping against his chest with a proud grin. “I’ll get us your snacks too. Can’t have you going hungry. But now I gotta go to track.”
Idia blinks. Already? He remembers that club meetings do in fact exist. He’d been skipping on his lately so he ended up kind of… forgetting them. Seeing Kero go, though, it’s…
“R-Right, I hope you, uh… enjoy yourself.” He stutters. Then he wants to hit himself on the face, really, what kind of stupid farewell was that? Just say bye and go back to your games, idiot. Luckily, Kero doesn’t seem to mind it.
“Yeah, yeah, I will!” He chimes, getting up from the bed — Leaning down a little, he puts a hand over Idia’s flaming hair, ruffling it to his surprise. “I’ll see you, okay? Literally. I’m coming over again later, ‘cause after all this time I’m not leaving my best friend alone!”
Idia feels frozen in place while Kero pets him, eyes zeroed in on that grin — Before he leaves, and he exhales. Again. That breath he didn’t know he had been holding.
He doesn’t play the game yet. Instead, he lays face down on the bed and screams into the pillow, whatever feelings had been simmering while Kero was around just exploding the second he leaves. Great Seven, he was so stupid. Both of them, actually.
Kero was stupid for not seeing how much this crush was clearly consuming him, and Idia… Idia was stupid for getting involved in any of this at all, in so many ways and for so many reasons, but he just can’t bring himself to stop now.
He swears it’s not that big of a deal. But it’s a lie, obviously. Clearly.
. . .
Once he’s back into his room after practice, Kero shuts his door behind him, and he laughs.
He feels the strain on his body from the running, sure, but every bit of it is somehow also filled with so much energy — With his hands on his face like how Idia does when he’s shy, he grins so much his cheeks hurt with the pulling. His heart won’t stop racing.
Who let him be so adorable!
He knew they’d end up doing this project together, of course. When Trein mentioned it’d involve students from different years, Idia was the first person Kero thought of! But the reality still makes him so giddy. To think he’d have a chance to do a project with him! He’s really been too lucky these days. Trein was… something else, to him, but with something like this, he might be willing to overlook the fact that the guy was absolutely terrifying.
Well, what matters is that he gets some more time with Idia — Even better, they’d be alone together! — The tournament week sucked, straight up. Kero ran some errands for him but it just wasn’t the same! Though he didn’t mind this sort of caretaking either, Idia barely took breaks. He didn’t even tell him much about the game he was playing, actually. Kero was basically crawling up the walls with how bored he’d gotten.
But that’s irrelevant now.
Still grinning and laughing to himself with all that burst of energy running through his skin, Kero hops over to his desk — With how he was, Idia would probably have some blueprints for the machines ready soon, but this was a nice chance to impress. He gathers some parts and tools, and gets to work.
...work that takes longer to complete than it usually does for him, but as expected, through the following days, Idia texts him vague guidelines on what their mockup should be like, ideas and half-baked blueprints that they discuss both through the phone and when he shows up at Idia’s place, and when the fated day of getting together at Ignihyde’s laboratory arrives, he has all those trinkets on his desk. He’s so ready.
ill see you there at 2, Idia’s text reads, bring the stuff i told u to make
Yes, yes, right away! Kero smiles bright as he gathers the miniature machines into a shoe box he’d gotten for them. He can feel his tail wag with excitement even as he carries it through the gloomy late-night corridors.
The door opened with a bang — Oops, he definitely handled it too roughly — Kero chimes as soon as he sets foot into the lab. “Idia!” He calls when he arrives. “I’m here!”
“Eek!” Idia, who was already leaned over the table, spreading scratchy blueprints and machine parts on it, is startled in a jolt. “D-Don’t sneak up on me like this! Geez…”
“Heheh, sorry, sorry.” Kero laughs, setting the box near the other items on the table, which Idia eagerly turns to inspect, complaints or not. Well, if that was the case, he’d inspect Idia for a bit too. He was looking unusual today, after all! Without that heavy jacket of his, wearing his lab wear and striped shirt. Kero’s heart leaps. “You’re looking good today, huh! ‘s unusual to see you looking like this, like… one of these R cards from your gacha games, or something.”
Kero feels proud of himself for the comment — Hey, Idia, look at me, I pay attention to your rambling! But Idia makes an offended noise instead.
“T...The R cards are the common ones, stupid.” He scoffs, giving him a narrow eyed look, but there’s still a soft flush of pink over his cheeks. “Ugh, I can’t believe I let you spend time with me when you don’t know that.”
Well. Kero tried, all he can do is laugh about it. At least he didn’t miss the compliment entirely! “Ehh, you do it ‘cause we’re best friends and you love me!” He says. “C’mon, we should get started on this already.”
“...y-yeah, yeah, whatever.” Idia shakes his head, but when he turns his face towards the table to look at their work in progress, there’s a slight smile on his blue lips that Kero couldn’t possibly miss. “Did you make the conveyor belts? I think I forgot to send you anything on these, couldn’t decide what material would be better for them…”
Moments like these are just so… so everything. Kero can’t find the words to describe how happy he is to be around Idia and be able to say things like that! Though, he feels it’s not exactly enough… even if all of this does feel nice, and he’s grateful for it.
(Well, he has a crush on Idia, that much he knows, so he guesses that’s something to be expected, in a way? He’s heard his classmates talking about the being unable to get enough related to someone so it was just part of it, probably. What they have now is good, straight out of his dreams even! Just… feelings are weird, aren’t they? He keeps wanting more, though he doesn’t know exactly what would sate this hunger.)
“Oh, I did rubber on the top and some of that light metal for the parts. I thought it’d be better if we don’t make it too heavy!” Kero replies, digging around for his own lab gear he’d brought. They might have to do some welding today, so it was always good to be careful.
(Plus, they got to match outftits!)
Idia nods, focused gaze on a miniature engine. “Ohh… huh. That’s good, actually. I think this might be easier than I thought.” He mutters. “We have all the parts to build the interior of the factory… I guess we could put that together tonight, and tomorrow we can get the rest? For the outside, I guess. If we just focus on the factory instead of the, uh, social repercussions or something like that, Trein might deduct points.”
He feels his ears deflate just a little at the teacher’s mention. “Tell me about it.” Idia passes him the engine, a silent command for him to get to work linking it with the other right parts. “Do you want me to get the stuff for the scenery from the store?”
“Yeah, sure. Would be helpful.”
Kero smiles at him, and for a single silent moment they’re putting the machine parts together. Engines and gears and a seemingly endless stretch of conveyor belts, wires and such hidden on the inferior part of the styrofoam slab the mockup was being built on.
“...hey, is that the battery?”
“Yup! Just gotta charge with magic whenever you wanna see it working.”
Idia turns it around on his hands, looking at it from every angle, making a humming noise to himself…
Huh, Kero is suddenly very aware that they’re all alone in that laboratory.
Maybe it’s because of how Idia looks at the small object, or how he touches it with this utmost care one wouldn’t think he has. It’s weirdly easy for other people to assume Idia was lazy, Kero recalls, and it was something he never really understood. He was such a diligent person, actually, but people couldn’t see it right because he didn’t put effort into things people commonly worked hard in. That makes him feel sort of bitter inside, he thinks, but also proud in a way.
He’s the only one who knows Idia this closely, it comes into Kero’s mind, and a smile sprawls across his face.
“...w-what? Why are you looking at me like that?” Of course, Idia notices. The pinkish glow on his face before turns into something more like strawberry red, and… agh, what the hell, Kero’s smile gets bigger.
“It’s ‘cause you’re so cute, of course!” He says without missing a beat. How many times has he called Idia cute now? Far too many to count. But he can’t stop, and it never feels like enough to show just how god damn adorable Idia was to him. It was such a crazy feeling, really.
“Gh… and you’re e-embarrassing, as always.” Idia responds as he averts his eyes. “We’ve gotta finish this as soon as possible, y’know, now’s not the time for...t-this.”
“What do you mean with this?” Kero asks amidst a laugh. Idia looks at him with this cranky sort of expression and his heart feels like it’s about to take off and fly, wow. “You asked me a question and I answered it!”
“Yeah, you answered it while being a jerk.” Idia mumbles, getting back to unscrewing something. Kero doesn’t get what he mean with it exactly but, well, he always says stuff like this.
“I mean it, though! I think you’re really cute.” He says, it’s so easy to say things like that, they end up just coming out on their own, even when he’s trying to put his brain cells back into work like Idia wants him to. “I tell you that all the time! D’you not think you’re cute?”
Idia glances at him with wide eyes. “I...n-no? What in the Lord of the Underworld makes you think I’m c-cute?” He asks, voice almost an octave higher.
Something about this strucks Kero differently. Is that a rhetorical question? It doesn’t matter. He wants to answer.
“Well, do you want me to tell you?” He suggests, and his heart is racing. It takes just a little bit of effort to ask something like this, it’s not quite having to hype himself up for it, but… well. What’s with this mood anyways? Idia’s hands are on his flushed cheeks, gloved fingers ready to cover up his eyes, like he usually does when he’s flustered — And here’s something to add to the list already, wow.
“I-I, um.”
“If you don’t say no I’m gonna tell you.” He looks straight into Idia’s eyes… such a nice shade of yellow, an amber-gold. Kero doesn’t always mean to tease, but now he does. He has a strong impulse to do it, a determination like he’s rushing towards the finish line in track — What sort of face would Idia show him if he told him everything? “Three, two, one…you lost your chance to say no! I’m gonna tell you.”
Idia squeaks like he got jumpscared, but he doesn’t object to any of it. Kero’s excited — He takes a step closer, and takes it upon himself to touch Idia’s hair again, because he absolutely couldn’t get enough of how it didn’t burn him.
“First of all, I know you hate it since it sticks out so much, but your hair is really cute.” He says, tucking a lock of hair behind Idia’s ear, feeling him shrink and tense under the light touch — Would he do that if Kero touched him more? If he wrapped his arms around Idia’s waist and held him close? “It’s so bright and pretty, and the bangs look so nice on you, they’re kinda messy and long but in a way that’s adorable.”
Indulging himself a little further, he lets his hand ghost over Idia’s bangs, brushing them to the side and watching them fall back into place. Idia’s face is fully red now. The hair doesn’t feel like much to the touch since it’s fire, actually, but, something about it…
“Second! You have a cute smile!” Kero chimes. He’s supposed to retract his hand now, but — It just stays on Idia’s cheek. And he finds that he really doesn’t want to take it off there. “When you talk about the things you like, and you get all excited about them and start grinning… it’s really cute, actually. I like it when I see you all full of energy.”
Idia’s eyes dart around. Are his hands shaking? Kero eyes at them briefly, before taking one into his — Unable to stop himself again — and the latex of his glove meets Idia’s, watched by wide amber eyes as he laces their fingers together. Shaking, indeed, but he was able to steady them.
“Third… related to that, how your hands move when you’re rambling. I stare at them a lot. That’s how much I love to see you all excited about stuff.”
His voice had fallen softer. The coldness of the laboratory seems to just fade. Kero’s heart feels…
“Fourth...” He starts, but no words come to him. He just stares at Idia’s face, his eyes, the blue tint of his lips. There’s more to say, obviously, but he can’t think of it, and he— “...can I kiss you?”
Somehow there’s no recoil time, no surprised noise on Idia’s part, and though he loves his shyness and how it shows through, he finds that he loves it even more when he’s expecting something like this, when he wants it. The shaky, uncertain nod is all he needs to give a name to that hunger he’d been feeling.
Ah, he was in love, everything be damned.
Kero doesn’t hesitate. One hand on his cheek and the other holding his, his lips meet Idia’s, his heart now soaring completely. If he looked back on it now he’d probably find it sort of awkward, Idia’s lips are chapped and the sharp teeth felt strange against each other, but none of this matters when he feels so euphoric, when Idia just melts into his kiss, eyes fluttering shut.
He doesn’t know how long it lasts. The brief pauses to breathe aren’t enough to actually do so, but neither of them seem to mind. The held hands unlace, Idia’s coming up to Kero’s neck to urge him closer, Kero’s on Idia’s waist like he’s dreamed.
When they pull away, both breathless, Kero is grinning, and Idia looks dazed, his eyes glossy, at least for a moment before he seems to realize what they’ve just done.
“O-Oh my...we.” He squeaks, freezing in Kero’s embrace. “W-We, we just…”
“Hey, it’s cool!” Kero assures, and he pulls him a bit closer, now causing a small shriek. “I love you, you know.”
“Y-You…” Idia stutters. How long would it be until he was able to string sentences together again? Kero doesn’t have an exact estimate, but, well, this was fine too. Especially as his tension drops, and he hides his warm face on Kero’s shoulder. “...you’re the worst? You’re so embarrassing I could die.”
“That’s a quick recovery, huh.”
“S-Shut up!” Idia whines, but he stays. He stays, and Kero holds him so close that his happiness feels like it’s overflowing, and the cravings from before are just slowly satisfied. “I… I, um.”
“Tell me.” A hand on the side of Idia’s face, he pulls his face upwards, making him look into his eyes again — Would he ever get enough of this, though? They’re so close. “Do you love me too, Idia?”
Idia hesitates, an embarrassed noise leaving him.
“I… I do.” He mutters — And he smiles. “You idiot.”
Kero smiles, his feelings actually overflowing in how he hugs Idia even tighter, and he laughs.
The project could be finished tomorrow, anyways.
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dulcechocochips · 4 years
Chapter 1 : ↫↫↫ Group Plans ↬↬↬
There were a complete 10 seconds of silence before all hell broke loose.
"WHAT---??" The class said in complete unison. Y/n gave them a slightly annoyed smile. From what Saiki could tell, she was telling the truth. But he couldn't help but be doubtful, he had impeccable memory, so him not remembering someone at all was a little suspicious.
"You're not a new student here?" Teruhashi asks, completely dumbfounded. There was no way in hell she didn't know someone who went to PK academy! She knew everyone! How did she slip past her?
"No?" Y/n says putting her hands up to the nape of her neck. She was getting a tad bit irritated with all this foolishness. She was about to go sit down at her desk.
"Hey! There's no way that you're not a new kid! None of us remember a thing about you!" Hairo says pointing at her. Y/n raises an eyebrow at him with an irritated smile. Way to be blunt, Hairo. Both Y/n and Saiki thought.
Y/n facepalmed and dragged her hand down her face in an exhausted manner. It is way too early for this. She thought. "I don't know why I have to prove to you that I'm not a new student but since the teacher isn't here yet, I suppose I'll humour you guys." She said crossing her arms over her chest.
"Kaidou Shun? He's got a hero complex." She said pointing at the light blue-haired boy. He started stuttering and blushing. Is he crying? Oh my god, he's baby!
"You can tell that just by looking at him," Takahashi says. But I knew his name? Whatever.
"Right ok, Hairo Kineshi, you're the class rep. You hype people up a lot, maybe a bit too much..." Y/n whispered the last bit to herself.  "You're Kokomi Teruhashi, the school's pretty girl, really pretty..." Y/n clears her throat. "He's Riki Nendou, meathead delinquent, kinda braindead." She gives the tallboy a strange look. "What else can I say to prove it to you people?" Y/n said with an edge to her tone. She was walking around her classroom and gestured at every one of the students mentioned. I am seriously done with these people. No one said anything still. Are you serious?
"I went to middle school with some of you guys! I've been at PK since our first year! I was here for all the class pictures!" Y/n yelled at them. Gah! the day I don't wear my glasses is the day these people decide to notice me and I can barely see their faces! Y/n thought to herself.
"Alright class, sorry I'm late. Let's settle down and start the lesson." The teacher said before her eyes landed on Y/n. "Oh! Miosotisu, what are you doing up here? And you're here today!" The teacher says looking at her surprised.
"Sensei, I was here yesterday too. Just check the roll call. You marked me present," Y/n said.
"Did I?" She asked opening her roll call folder. She slid her finger down to her name. A confused look came up in her eyes. "I guess I did, well sorry about that. Everyone take your seats, we're already falling behind compared to the rest of the classes." The teacher said. Everyone finally settled down and started taking out their note. Before they did Y/n gave everyone a smug yet irritated look. They all looked at her with a slightly embarrassed look.
Well, that was an ordeal. I wonder why no one remembers her. I don't remember her either. Although I do feel a little jealous of her. She probably rarely ever gets any unwanted attention. I wonder how she avoids people without even trying. Saiki thought to himself. They all started taking notes. The teacher writes down a whole bunch of things on the chalkboard and Y/n was barely able to keep up with all the things that were being written down. The teacher noticed this.
"Oh, Saiki, after the class is over, can you lend your notes to Y/n? I know you keep up with your notes and you have fairly neat writing." The teacher said while she stopped writing for a second. Saiki only nodded at her.
It was now lunch and Y/n had copied near to nothing from the chalkboard. Why did we have to be learning something new the day I'm almost completely blind? She let out a sigh and was about to put her head down. She felt a presence beside her desk. She lifted her head up and squinted her eyes a bit to see Saiki's expressionless face. She saw that he was holding a notebook out to her.
"Ah, thanks Saiki, I'll copy it down now and get it back to you before the end of the lunch period." She smiled at him and took the notebook from him.
"Ok." He said with a nod. He started walking back to his desk, sat down, and took out his lunch.
"Hey, buddy!! Did you understand anything of what that lady was talking about?" Nendou asks his beloved friend.
"Heh Saiki! We should go to this abandoned building after school!" Kaidou says covering up half his face.
"Ah, Saiki~! We should go to a nearby cafe after school! A-as friends of course!" Terushashi said. He sure is popular... Y/n thinks. Saiki heard this and he rolls his eyes.
"Hey! We should all go out as a group with Y/n too!" Hairo said, crossing his arms over his chest.
Y/n was just finishing writing up her own notes when her desk was crowded. "Uh, what the hell?" She mutters under the voices of around 4 people. She tried to ask them what they were trying to ask her but to no avail. They were too busy arguing with each other to hear her. What they were arguing about? She couldn't decipher it. She quickly scribbled down the last of the notes and got up from her desk.
She made her way over to Saiki's desk and placed a hand on his shoulder. He flinched as if he had just been punched. Y/n hesitated before speaking after seeing his reaction.
"Uh, thanks for letting me borrow your notes, Saiki. Sorry for startling you so much." She said with an awkward close eyed smile. Saiki stared at her for a couple of seconds too long. She cleared her throat to catch his attention once again. He reaches out and takes his notebook normally as if he hadn't been staring at the e/c-eyed girl for 30 seconds. Before she could get another word in she and Saiki were crowded again.
"Hey Y/n! You should go out with Saiki and the rest of us to the arcade later today!" Kaidou said. Good grief. You say 'we' as if I already don't have a choice. Saiki thought to himself. Y/n looked at him with a confused look. Saiki caught her gaze. Had she heard that?
Y/n turned back to the group of teens. "W-well, I wouldn't want to intrude on your group." She said, putting her hand up to the back of her head. Saiki also seems to not want me around. She said, making a face to herself. You're kinda right, nothing personal. He thought to himself.
"Don't be silly! We wouldn't invite you if we didn't wanna hang out!" Kaidou explains.
"He's right! Come on! Let's hang out! It'll be fun, we promise!" Hairo begs. If I say no they'll be sad, I don't wanna make them sad.
"I mean if you guys insist..." She says, silently hoping they'll change their minds.
"YEAH!!!!" They all yell happily. The teacher tells them to bring down the noise. They all nod and apologize. They all exchange numbers and finish their lunch. Now for another 2 and a half hours of not seeing anything.
Its the end of the day and the bell just rang, signaling all the students to leave. Y/n hangs back waiting for the halls to clear up a bit before heading out to meet the others. She sees Saiki packing up his things almost painfully slowly. He seems to be feeling quite upset about something. She approaches him slowly as to not have a repeat of what happened earlier. "Hey, Saiki? I just wanted to apologize for intruding on your friend group. But you'll just have to deal with it, at least for today." She said to the pink-haired teen. Saiki looked at the girl who had her arms crossed over her chest.
"They're not my friends." He says standing up and heading to the door. She gives him a confused look before following him out of the classroom.
"You hang out with them often though," she said, "they also seem to really enjoy your company too." She said nonchalantly.
"Doesn't mean I enjoy hanging out with them." She doesn't even receive a glance with that response.
"Then why do you hang out with them so much?" She throws him a skeptical look. Saiki moves his gaze to hers for a couple of seconds.
"How would you know I hang out with them so often?" He says looking off to the side. Y/n laughs to herself.
"Hah, you're avoiding the question, Saiki." She said as they reached the lockers. They put their bags down beside them and change their shoes. "Well, are you gonna answer my question?" She says expectantly. What a pain. He thinks before turning to her.
"They won't let me say no to hanging out with them, they wouldn't leave me alone." Partly true, although, Y/n wouldn't know tha-
"Hm, I don't believe you, Saiki. You probably just don't want to hurt their feelings." Y/n says with a shrug before hearing her name being called from outside the school. She squints and sees the bright coloured hair of her classmates. She turns to Saiki with a smile. "Better hurry up, Saiki, you wouldn't wanna be left behind would you?" She throws up a finger gun before running to her classmates, leaving Saiki in her dust.
Oh, good grief, she's gonna be a real pain in the neck, isn't she?
Chapter 0     Chapter 1    Chapter 2
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misscorn · 4 years
Day 5
Favorite Couple
Surprise, surprise my favorite couple is Ritsu and Masamune LMAO so let's keep the nostalgia going @sihjrweek (again if you haven't then read my previous entries for context ❤)
"I won't be able to hang out after school tomorrow." Ritsu said, currently dressing and desperately wishing that his Senpai would STOP staring at him. However, Saga was perfectly content to stay naked under his covers and watch Ritsu put on his clothes. Of course, the older teen would've preferred that Ritsu keep them off and spend the night, but it was a school night and Ritsu's mother wouldn't allow it.
"Why not?" Saga asked, sitting up. It had been almost two weeks since White Day, the jar of stars on Saga's nightstand, some of them obviously unfolded and refolded. Although Saga was still understandably irked about his boyfriend having a literal fiancée (even if Ritsu insisted she wasn't one) he spent as much time with Ritsu as he possibly could. That included hanging out in the library after class every day. Maybe Saga was becoming a little clingy or needy, but he didn't care.
"My parents want to spend the day with me tomorrow since it's my birthday." Ritsu shrugged. He had finished dressing and now he had moved on to trying to fix his hair.
"Tomorrow's your birthday? Why didn't you tell me it was coming up?!" Saga asked. He had no time to plan anything! He had no present, no cake, no way to celebrate!
"Honestly, I sort of forgot my birthday was coming up until my mom said something yesterday. It's not really something I ever think about." Ritsu said, not seeing what the big deal was.
Saga huffed. "Well, start thinking about it, moron. I want to do something with you for your birthday." He said. "Let's celebrate over the weekend."
Ritsu blushed, flattered by the unexpected offer. "W-We don't have to do something, Senpai. I'm happy just seeing you." He said.
Crap, why did he have to say such cute shit like that? It made Saga want to yank him right back into bed and kiss him breathless.
"You see me almost everyday. I wanna do something more special than that." Saga said. He didn't like that it wouldn't be on Ritsu's actual birthday, but at least it gave him a little more time to prepare. He watched as Ritsu opened his mouth to protest. "Please?" Saga spoke softly before the brunette even got the chance.
"O-O-Okay." Ritsu agreed, a little caught off guard by the gentle 'please'.
"Come over on Saturday. You can spend the night."
Ritsu nodded. "I'll see you Saturday then." He said, trying not to think too deeply about what 'spending the night' would hold, otherwise he'd become a flustered mess.
"Wait, c'mere." Saga said after Ritsu grabbed his bag, clearly ready to leave.
Ritsu shuffled closer to the bed and Saga grabbed his hand before pulling him down to give him one last kiss. "Love you."
Ritsu predictably turned cherry red. "Y-you can't just sneak attack me like that!"
"What about that was sneaky?"
"Y-You know what I mean!" Ritsu quickly tried to put distance between them, but Saga held his hand tightly.
"Say it back."
"S-S-Stop teasing me!" Ritsu was not at all used to hearing Saga say the L word yet. It also seemed like every day Saga was becoming more affectionate. Not that Ritsu disliked it! Quite the opposite in fact! His poor heart just couldn't take it.
"Not letting you go till you say it." Saga said, leaving a few kisses on Ritsu's hand. Maybe if he embarrassed Ritsu enough he'd get the response he was looking for.
Ritsu's knees almost gave out from such a simple, but intimate action. "I-I can b-barely talk at all when y-you do things like that!"
'Damn it. I really don't want him to leave.' Saga thought. "You're sure you can't spend the night tonight?" He asked.
"My mother would kill me for even thinking about it." Ritsu said.
Saga sighed and flopped on to his back, still holding Ritsu's hand. "Fiiiiine."
"So...you have to let me go..." Ritsu reminded him, half-trying to wiggle his way out of his grip.
"You have to say it back first." Saga said.
"I-I love you too."
Saga, although he didn't want to, released Ritsu's hand. "See you Saturday. Around 12 sound good? We can have lunch together."
Ritsu nodded in confirmation, deciding to be just a little bold and kiss Saga's cheek before running off quickly.
Shit, that brat! Doing something cute like that and running away before Saga could grab him.
'Saturday.' Saga reminded himself before groaning. 'Fuck, what am I even gonna do for Saturday?'
The next day Saga decided to skip the library at the end of classes since Ritsu wouldn't even be there. Plus, he needed to use his free time to try to find a present for him. He felt like a book was a safe bet, but that was also just way too obvious. Still, the bookstore wasn't a bad place to start.
Saga took his time looking through titles, eventually reaching for a book. His hand ended up meeting another and he pulled away, looking over to see who was trying to get the same novel.
Kohinata An.
Saga couldn't help but to frown. Why, why of all people did it have to be her? Ritsu had told Saga that An knew about them, which didn't bother the upperclassman, but he still didn't want to see her.
"Oh, hello, Saga Senpai." An said before giving a knowing smile. "You're here to shop for Richan too, aren't you?" She had been invited to by Youko Onodera to spend the day with them and Ritsu for his birthday, but she had politely declined. She knew it was just a way for Youko to try to set them up.
Saga tried not to look too terribly annoyed at the question. She was Ritsu's friend, of course she knew when his birthday was and of course she'd be getting him a present, but something about it still bothered him.
"Yeah." He answered.
"Richan's sooooo hard to shop for. Every year I try to keep an eye out for something he might like, but I always end up resorting to books." She laughed, but slowly lost her smile when Saga did not react. "Um, Saga Senpai, I..." She trailed off.
"What?" He asked, hoping she'd leave him alone soon.
An hesitated, wanting apologize for what happened on White Day, but instead she smiled and grabbed the book off the shelf. She held it out to him. "You should get Richan this book. He's been reading a lot more fantasy novels lately and I've heard a lot of good things about this one. He'll love it."
Saga slowly took the book out of her hands. "...thanks."
An nodded. "Oh and, one more thing." She said before making herself look as stern as she possibly could. "If you ever hurt Richan, you'll be sorry. So you better treat him right!"
Saga was a little dumbstruck by that, having expected some declaration of rivalry instead, so he only nodded.
Still, that was enough to satisfy An. "Good. Have a nice day, Senpai." She said before taking her leave.
Maybe this An girl wasn't too terrible...
Saga would still keep an eye on her, but he supposed she wasn't the conniving boyfriend stealing witch he suspected her of being.
He looked down at the book he was holding, deciding to get it along with a new horror novel release. Ritsu didn't seem like the type to like that kind of thing, but Saga had been proven wrong by Ritsu's extensive collection of horror books.
'He reads horror but not shoujo...make it make sense.' Saga shook his head at the thought, leaving the store after making his purchases. He stopped in a bakery, getting a small strawberry cake for the two of them to share before heading home to work on his last gift. He needed as much time as he could possibly get for that one.
Once Saturday came, Saga tried to hide how excited he was to celebrate with Ritsu. He felt like such an idiot being so happy over something like this. He hoped Ritsu was just as happy.
"You're sure this is where you wanna go for lunch? We can go anywhere you want, it'll be my treat." Saga said, the two of them entering Pandaway together.
"Y-You don't have to-"
"I want to." Saga interuppted, not letting Ritsu try to talk him out of here.
"I want to eat here." Ritsu assured him. "I like this place, it reminds me of our first d-date." He admitted before he looked at Saga nervously. "That...was a date, right?"
"What else would you call it?" Saga asked as the two of them got in line.
"I just wanted to make sure." Ritsu said, now embarrassed for asking.
Saga just hummed in response. Ritsu was always asking things like that, but Saga hoped he'd be able to quell these insecurities of his.
"Want me to order for you?" Saga asked.
"That's even more embarrassing than stumbling and stuttering over my order." Ritsu said. "Besides, I'm a little more prepared than I was the first time." He added, determined to redeem himself.
Saga held back a laugh and shrugged. "Alright, if you say so."
The two soon got to the front, Saga ordering first. Ritsu ordered afterward, only panicking one or two times when he hadn't heard the employee correctly, but he actually managed to get through the process without wanting to die. Saga paid for them both before Ritsu could even attempt to pay for himself.
The teens sat across from one another with their food, eating and talking casually.
"What did you end up doing with your parents for your birthday?" Saga asked before taking a bite of his sandwich.
"Oh, it was actually really cool! My dad set up for me to meet the author Sumi Ryouichi. When I stopped completely panicking I got to talk to him about his books, including one that's in the works right now." Ritsu said with a bright smile. "After that we went to some fancy dinner, which was nice, but not really my thing." He added with a laugh.
"How the hell did your dad set that up?" Saga asked. He knew Ritsu's parents were wealthy, but what sort of connections did they have?
"My dad's company publishes Sumi Sensei's novels."
"Your dad's what?"
Ritsu frowned and furrowed his eyebrows a little bit. Had they not talked about this before? "My dad's company, Onodera Publishing."
"Yeah...like...my name?" Ritsu didn't understand what was confusing about this.
"Onodera...not Oda?"
Ritsu paled. No. Nonononono, this wasn't really happening! "Did I not ever properly introduce myself to you?" Ritsu squeaked out.
"No. I knew your name from the library cards. Are you telling me your name isn't Oda Ritsu?" Saga asked. Well, this was probably the most random and creative way to make Saga feel like the worst boyfriend ever. He hadn't even known Ritsu's actual name!
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Ritsu apologized quickly. "I-I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote down that name, I didn't want to seem like a stalker and write my real name, b-but now I realize that doesn't really make any sense." Ritsu put his face in his hands, wanting to hide forever.
"First a fiancée, now a fake name and you're suddenly an heir to a publishing company. You're not gonna tell me you're on the run from the cops next or anything like that, are you?"
"Of course not!" Ritsu hastily denied, not yet realizing that Saga was only teasing him. "I'm sorry, I swear I didn't hide this intentionally, I-"
"I know." Saga assured. He knew his boyfriend flip flopped between laser focused determination and totally scatterbrained, so he wasn't too mad about this. "But it would've been sort of funny if I still didn't know and found out after ten years or something." Saga said. That would've been quite a story.
"That would not be funny, that would be mortifying." Ritsu pouted.
Saga just chuckled and resisted the urge to reach over and ruffle his hair.
Once they finished eating and threw out their trash, Saga spoke up. "I was thinking we could go see the cherry blossom trees. If that's something you'd like."
Ritsu smiled. "I'd love to!" He said. "I love doing anything as long as it's with Senpai."
Saga held back the desire to frown. Why did Ritsu have to say cute things like that when he couldn't kiss him? He settled for reaching out and holding his hand.
"H-Hey!" Ritsu was quick to protest, but Saga held on.
"You can't just say something like that and not expect consequences." Saga said. "Come on, let's go." He walked, still holding Ritsu's hand.
Ritsu attempted to free himself a few more times, but to no avail, especially since him flailing his arm brought more attention than just the two of them holding hands.
Plus, not wanting to lose Ritsu among the other cherry blossom viewers was a good enough excuse to hold on to him. The crowd wasn't incredibly thick, but it was a pretty popular activity and it was a weekend as well, so there was a steady amount of visitors.
The flowers were in full bloom, painting the view a gentle shade of pink.
"I've never been cherry blossom viewing before." Saga admitted.
"Really?" Ritsu looked away from the flora, looking to his Senpai instead in surprise.
"Yeah. I'm glad I'm seeing them for the first time with you."
Ritsu turned as pinker than the petals around them. "W-Why do you always have to tease me?"
"I'm not teasing." Saga frowned a little. "I'm serious."
Ritsu looked away from him, unable to meet his eyes out of embarrassment. "Well...I-I'm glad you're with me too." He said softly, giving Saga's hand a slight squeeze.
Ba dump
Fuck, Saga didn't know if he'd ever be able to admit it out loud, but Ritsu was able to make his heart pound way too easily.
'I want to do this with him every year.' Saga thought. There was so much Saga wanted to do with Ritsu in general. He could only hope that he'd get the opportunity.
"Let's head back." Saga said after the two had been strolling together for a while. "I wanna kiss you and if I try to do that here you'll freak out."
Too late, Ritsu was already freaking out. "Y-Y-You can't just say something like that!"
Saga just shrugged. He was trying to be more open about his feelings, even if those feelings embarrassed the hell out of Ritsu.
"S-Seriously, it's like you're trying to kill me." Ritsu complained with a pout.
"Would love be such a bad way to die?"
Ack! The L word again!
"Yes!" Ritsu huffed.
Saga laughed.
Ritsu felt his entire body heat up. His Senpai...LAUGHED. He couldn't recall a time that he had heard his Senpai laugh before. He wanted to hear it more often, wanted to see him smile like that every day and be the reason for it.
"C-Come on, let's just go." Ritsu said quickly before he became overwhelmed with such thoughts.
Once they arrived back at the older teen's house, Saga took the opportunity to kiss Ritsu, just as he said he would.
"Sit. I'll get the cake and presents." Saga said after he pulled away.
Ritsu went to tell his Senpai that he shouldn't have gone through all that trouble, but he knew Saga would just insist that he had wanted to do this. So, instead Ritsu sat and said hello to Sorata, scratching under his chin. The cat curled up in his lap as Ritsu continued to give him attention.
Saga didn't take long, bringing the cake and presents into the living room. Sorata and Ritsu were definitely a cute sight together, making Saga smile a bit.
"Thank you so much for all this, Senpai." Ritsu said after they had cut the cake and he had opened his gifts. He was admittedly very exciting about his two new reads, even if that made him feel like a nerd. Plus, they were books that Senpai got for him, so that made them even more special.
"There's one more thing." Saga said. "It's in my room." He stood and left, heading up the stairs as Ritsu waited and distracted himself with keeping Sorata from eating the leftover cake.
Saga soon came back down, holding something behind his back. "So, I sort of stole your idea and I didn't have much time to get as good as you with the paper folding, but..." Saga brought a jar full of paper stars forward. They were pink like cherry blossom petals. He sat back down next to Ritsu as he spoke. "I noticed you still look so...shocked whenever I tell you I love you. Even now you're always saying stuff like 'we're dating right?' when I keep telling you how I feel. So, I thought that this might be a nice reminder. If you ever start doubting my feelings for you, you can read as many as it takes for you to stop doubting. This is real, Ritsu. What we have and what I feel for you is real and I don't want you to forget that." Saga said, handing the jar over. "These are only some of the reasons, though." He added, thinking there weren't nearly enough stars.
"Some?" Ritsu stared at the stars. This jar full was only some of the reasons Saga loved him? This couldn't be real.
"Well I couldn't fit all of them. I didn't have enough time." Saga said. "Because someone didn't tell me their birthday was coming up."
Ritsu just smiled. "Thank you." He said, excited to read all the little messages inside the stars, but he'd wait till he was alone so he didn't melt into a puddle right in front of Saga.
"Mm. Happy birthday. I love you."
"I love you too."
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obx-snippets · 4 years
Chapter 2 ∫ ≈ Ocean’s Siren at the Kegger ≈
Summary: Reina goes to her first kegger in the obx and it’s a lot more than she bargained for.
Warning: Cursing, panic attack, mentions of aquaphobia, drowning.                  S L O W B U R N
Word count: 3.2k
Pairing: JJ Maybank x female!oc
a/n: thank you to those who are showing interest in the series so far! Hope you stick around till the end!  
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After long-wearing hours of searching for a suitable outfit, Reina gave herself a pep-talk in the mirror as she sat on the floor, staring deep within herself. If it weren't for Mina and Chris being at work so late, they would diagnose her to be clinically insane.
"It's a party, quit being a pussy."
"It's near water, why the hell would you even go?"
"I mean....you were invited, so it's sort of rude if you don't."
"I don't even drink anymore, so I could bring my own Gatorade."
"Why would you say 'yeah, I know where the boneyard is.' Fucking dumbass, you just moved here yesterday."
"Where are my pills?"
The setting sun was seated on an orange and pink horizon that it claimed as its throne. The breeze carried the ocean's salty scent in the air, tousling Reina's hair that she fought to keep tucked behind her ear. Her flip flops slapped against the hard cement, moving her bike by her side, not yet having the courage to step in the sand as she walked alongside the beach. She could hear the faint sound of pounding music, and as she neared the supposed kegger, the hollering a cheering of teens became clear as day. The lights of burning torches danced across her brown as she stopped just at the beach's edge, her toes only inches from the golden sand. A familiar sensation bloomed in her stomach like a flower that was hidden from the sun for too long. Excitement? Thrill?
A feeling that she hasn't experienced since that night. There was a smaller crowd of teens surrounding a small area of a particular part of the beach, and Reina had to squint her eyes to make out John B holding up a blonde boy by his ankles as he performed the infamous game, the keg stand. Pride tugged at her heart, knowing her past self would have stood up to the challenge of lasting longer. But she stayed put, hugging her body over the soft material of her white oversized sweater that covered a portion of her blue tennis skirt.
Her jaw instantly clenched, and eyes screwed shut upon hearing the water so close. The waves were mocking, tormenting enough to make her breathing ragged and uneven.
A gleeful cheer brought Reina to open her eyes to see John B patting his blonde friend on the back after he successfully lasted thirty seconds on the keg stand. Cheap beer dripped down his contoured chin, his laugh traveling to where Reina stood. She guessed he was one of the other boys in John B's van but wasn't sure what his name was.
Was he Pope or JJ?
His cerulean eyes shimmered under the torch lights, his toothy grin surprisingly contagious. Reina hadn't even noticed she was smiling until a pair of blue eyes latched onto hers, heat quickly radiating up her ivory cheeks. Her lips parted as if to say something but realized how far he was and quickly closed her mouth. It seemed the blonde surfer discerned what she attempted and opted to pass her a nod before stalking away with his arm draped over John B's shoulder.
Reina couldn't comprehend what she felt once she made eye contact with the boy. His ocean eyes. His handsome, chiseled features. That toothy smile that spread to her own lips. That gray muscle tee that made her mind wander. Her bottom lip was tucked between her teeth as she watched Kiara punch another boy on the arm for tossing his red solo cup on the sand.
The one who ordered the sprite.
John B was leaning forward as he sat on a fallen tree trunk, his finger prodding the blonde's side before gesturing toward a gorgeous blonde girl dancing provocatively in a small crowd. It seemed like she was the bait for the night, but Reina wasn't impressed.
"Hot, isn't he?"
Reina let a yelp slip her lip as she jolted away from the smirking girl standing next to her. She was casually drinking her beer; her dyed hair pulled up into a bun with bobby pins holding back stray hairs. She had seen her at the Wreck along with the other rowdy teenagers that occupied too much of her time for just a couple of drinks.
"W-what?" Reina cleared her throat, playing dumb as she wrung her hands to let her sweater's sleeves cover her hands.
The girl glanced at her from the corner of her dark hazel eyes as she gave her a pointed look. "The one you were ogling is JJ." she stated, pointing one of her fingers that held her red solo cup toward the blonde who was currently staying still so Kiara could pluck something out of his eye. "The sweetheart who ordered the sprite is Pope, and you met the rest--oh, and I'm Harlow. Westwick."
Harlow held out a hand, and Reina glanced down at her black painted fingers before shaking it gently.
“Reina Lynch.”
Harlow made a face, “Reina. I like it.”
Reina was surprised when she felt a smile pull at the corner of her mouth. She looked back up at Harlow, a kind expression of her own on her face.
“Thanks,” she replied.
Harlow took a large gulp of her drink, blinking wildly when some of it splashed into her eye, “So,” she started, clearing her throat, “how long you been in the OBX?”
Reina let out a sigh, carding her hand through her hair before tugging her sleeve back over her hand, “not long,” she answered, “definitely still adjusting.”
Harlow nodded her head, shivering from a gust of wind before brushing some of her baby hairs from her eyes, “Yeah, it takes a while,” Harlow laughed, “where are you from?“
Harlow gaped quickly with a laugh, “Oooh! California, I like it. That’s totally rad, dude.”
Reina let out a laugh, a real laugh. “Nobody talks like that in California, you know?”
Harlow’s pink lips parted, ready to reply to her when the song switched, causing a gasp to slip from her mouth, “I love this song!” she exclaimed, turning in small circles to find a place to set her cup down, “dance with me!”
Reina clammed up immediately, the smile slipping from her face as her eyes darted to the crowd of drunk dancing teenagers. “Oh, no, I-“
“Come on!” Harlow cried over the blaring music and shouting, her dainty hand wrapping around her wrist, “please! nobody else likes to dance to this song with me!”
Reina pondered for a moment, letting Harlow shake her limp arm, chewing on her bottom lip. Worry pooled her eyes, wondering how it would feel to jump back into the party life so soon. She hasn't had a drink, so as long she steered clear of any and all alcohol consumption, one dance didn't seem like the worst thing. Besides, her blue Gatorade was tucked safely on her bike, where she had parked it by a palm tree.  
“Okay,” Reina sighed, itching a random spot on her neck before she touched her regrettable scars and coiled her hand away, a smile touching her lips once she met Harlow's eyes, “one dance.”
She didn't seem like it at first, but Harlow Westwick was a firecracker who's adrenaline had boosted to a hundred by the time she started dancing. Reina couldn't help but laugh anytime the girl poorly busted a dance move that, in her opinion, was killer. Instead of trying to mirror anyone else's movent, Reina gradually let her body sway to the heavy pumping music, her eye getting lost in the darkness and focusing on the song's base. Soon enough, the two had been dancing for an hour, disregarding Reina's 'one dance' policy.
Reina followed the tipsy girl around the boneyard, not bothering to tell her to ease up on the drinking as she didn't see it as her place to tell her what to do. She had caught Kira glancing toward her and passed her a small smile before quickly grabbing Harlow's waist when she nearly fell face-first on the sand. Too occupied with keeping Harlow upright as she marched down the beach, Reina overlooked JJ, John B, and Pope staring at her from where they sat around a bomb fire.
“So,” JJ started, downing the last of his beer, “what do we think of the new girl?”
John B casted his eyes over to Reina, who was dancing with their friend, more trying to hold her up than anything, “She seems cool,” he replied with a shrug.
Pope nodded along, his eyes still on Reina and Harlow down the beach, “She sounded nice, and she’s currently babysitting Harlow, so seems like she could hang.”
JJ tapped his ring clad finger against his plastic cup, his eyes dancing side to side, “Think I could bag her?”
His question sent the other two boys into a groan, Pope rolling his head back and John B tossing a nearby empty solo cup at him,
“Jesus, man! Do you think about anything other than sleeping with girls?”
JJ looked up, pondering, “Weed,” he answered, “spend a lot of time thinking about weed.”
“Yeah, we know,” Pope said, rolling his eyes.
“She could be gay,” John B suggested.
“What makes you think she’s gay?” JJ asked, face scrunched in confusion.
“What makes you think she’s straight?” Pope rebutted.
“Touché, Pope,” JJ tipped his empty cup at him, “touché.”
The wind was nipping at Reina's skin once the music suddenly died down. She had been following Harlow for so long that she just realized how different the sand felt under her sandals. The ground was a bit more firm but squishy at the same time, unlike the dry sand she had been wondering just hours prior. Reina stopped dead in her tracks when the sound of waves broke her from her trance. She inhaled sharply, her smile dropping, and her eyes widening in mild horror. The smell of salt became like a toxin in her lungs, and she stumbled back, her hands balling into a fist. If she knew Harlow would lead her this close to the water, she wouldn't have taken up the offer to dance. The dark sky made the water look like a raging god, calling her to step into its deadly grasp.
Despite the influx of cold wind, Reina found herself sweating under her sweater as she created more distance between herself and the ocean. A flash of a flowy green dress came across her eye when she saw Harlow drunken figure dancing toward the water. Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest, seeing her tread dangerously closer to the shallow part of the ocean. The girl couldn't even keep herself balanced on the sand, and the waves would devour her immediately if she got any closer.
"Um, Harlow," Reina's tone was scarcely over a shout, not wanting to scare the girl. "could we maybe head back to the party?"
Harlow flimsily whipped her body around, her pale cheeks flushed with heat as a grin played on her lips. "There's not a pool at the party, Reina!" Harlow stated, her hand's failing to properly set on her hips as they kept slipping off.
"This isn't a fucking pool, it's the ocean. Now could you please--Harlow!
The giggling mess of a teenager took another tantalizing step into the water until she was knee-deep. The waves roughly slapped onto the back of her legs, her body bucking forward, bringing Reina to gasp. Any person with sense would have marched to Harlow and dragged her away from the water to prevent her from drowning. But Reina stayed glued in place, watching the tipsy teen splash water about. Maybe if she called her enough times, Harlow would listen.
Reina bounced on one of her legs, her pleading eyes desperately trying to spot one of her friends in the crowd that seems small considering how far they had traveled. Another loud splash brought Reina to look back at Harlow. Water must have got in her eyes, and she was brutally rubbing her knuckles over her eyelids to cease the burning. Reina's heart stopped upon seeing a wave hurtling toward Harlow, but as her words got stuck in her throat, the water slammed into her back, her body lurching forward face-first into the icy sea.
"Harlow!" Reina cried, taking a hesitant step forward. Her ears keened in on the waves, her eyes adjusting to the darkness to try and spot Harlow but nothing. She prayed that her head would appear above the waves, smiling and breathing. But nothing again. It's as if the ocean had eaten her alive and didn't think twice to bother apologizing.
Reina's breathing became uneven once she realized Harlow wasn't resurfacing as long as she stood there doing nothing. "Fuck me.." she huffed and shook her head.
Without a second thought, Reina was dashing forward down the small hill that led to the water, kicking off her sandals. Her mind was so hellbent on saving Harlow that she didn't focus on how the water felt on her torso, how it tugged on her figure to swim deeper. She knew if she let her mind find out that she was indeed in the ocean, she would surely drown, and both girls would be lost at sea.  
Reina's hair was now wet as she was forced to dive under and let the salt burn her vision as he tried to make out Harlow's silhouette in the darkness. She kicked around, her hands roaming the area until she felt her hand swipe across a clothing material. She instantly heaved the girl's body up until Harlow's face was above water. She was completely unresponsive, and a sting of guilt tugged at her chest. If she hadn't hesitated, Harlow would still be breathing.
She pulled Harlow to the shore with all her strength, letting her body lay on the wet sand. Reina brushed her damp hair from her face and tucked it behind her ears to better examine the girl. "Harlow," Reina called to her urgently, cupping her face in her hand to try and shake her awake.
She had never performed CPR, but this was a life or death situation. Reina pressed both hands on Harlow's chest and began pumping up to thirty. Reina gripped her jaw and plugged her nose to pry her mouth open and started breathing air into her lungs. She repeated the action a couple of times, and just when she lost hope, Harlow's body began jerking violently until she was coughing up water to the side along with some of the cheap beer that she let screw with her mind.
Reina's heartbeat eased as she let out a sigh of relief and sat back on her heels, looking up and letting her eyes flutter shut. Harlow wiped her mouth with the back of her hand before sitting up, her eyes wide with her mouth agape as she stared ahead at the ocean that nearly killed her. Silence loomed over the two girls, both trying to process what had just happened. The only sound was their heaving breathing, the taunting ocean, and the party that was likely to go on until the sun rose.
"We shared our first kiss," Harlow giggled after fleeting silence, resulting in Reina snapping her neck toward the girl.
"W-what?" she muttered, her face reddening as confusion pulled at her brows.
Harlow was beaming, and the wink she sent to Reina made her squirm in place as she stared at the girl stunned.
Both girls looked back to see Kiara, JJ, John B, and Pope rushing toward them.
“Holy shit!” Pope examined the girl's soaked state and shivering bodies, “what happened?”
“Had a near-death experience, P man,” Harlow answered as her feet wiggled in the sand, “but God herself over here saved me.”
“Are you seriously cracking jokes right now?” Kie shouted, her features stitched into an angry frown, “you almost died!”
"That's an exaggeration," Harlow quipped with a quirked brow. With shaky hands, Reina helped Harlow to her feet. She looked among the girl’s group of friends, averting her eyes from the ocean beside them.
"I had to perform CPR," Reina mumbled quietly to her statement. But it seemed Kiara and Pope caught on as they're eyes bulged from their sockets.
“Dude, for real, are you okay?” JJ asked, his eyes bouncing between Harlow and Reina.
“Uh, yeah, I guess,” Harlow sputtered with a shrug as she held her body to find warmth, “never almost drowned before, so I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel.”
“What is wrong with you? You could have died! You can’t just go out into the ocean drunk as shit!” Kie lectured.
“Yeah, Kie, I get it, alright!”
The two girls' voices started to rise as they argued, John B and Pope hurried to step between them, trying to mediate. Reina stood a few steps away from them, biting through the skin of her lip until her mouth filled with the taste of iron. Without knowing what she was doing, her feet started to move her away from the group, unaware JJ had his eyes on her the entire time.
Reina's hands were trembling as she unlocked the door to her house, her face blank when she entered the cold living room. The driveway was vacant of any cars, meaning she was completely alone. Alone with her thoughts.
Her worst enemy.
When she took another step across the cold wood floorboard, she nearly slipped. A gasp sounded through her lungs, and her mind found an opening. A door that had been locked for so long that she never dared be this close. But with her soaked hair making a puddle on her feet and her wet sweater weighing her down, the tears that began streaming down her cheeks were inevitable.
Reina tossed the keys toward a wooden table near the door and fled to her bedroom. She had to use the wall as support as she pressed her hand against her chest, trying to even out her breathing. But it was too ragged, and she felt like collapsing. Though her room was large in width, she could feel the walls closing in on her. Like her nightmares had finally cornered her.
A sob racked her throat, and she began to tear off her skirt along with her underwear. She didn't want to feel anything related to tonight's events. She regretted going at all.
Reina finally stripped out of everything until she was bare. Her legs gave under her, and she fell to her knees and shuffled back until her spine made contact with her bed. If ripping her wet hair out was an option, she would do it immediately. From the air conditioning blowing down on her, she knew a stuffy nose was guaranteed, but she didn't want to feel anything.
With her jaw wobbling uncontrollably and her body shaking, she held her legs close to her chest and rocked back and forth.
You're not in the water anymore.
Reina threw her head back, scraping the side of her neck along the pattern of her scars. The tune of the windchime seemed so distant, but yet it was enough.
"I'm sorry," she sobbed.
Her heart steadied, the warm tears continuing to flow like a blanket trying to comfort her.
"I'm sorry, dad."
@pogueszn @mdlyncline @bricksatanakinswindow @ponyboys-sunsets @kaitieskidmore1 @casper17 @moonshinerbynight @cordeliascrown @acvross-the-universe 
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